

Volume 16 Issue 2
August 2011
Don’t forget to visit our website:
The Bond
Connecting Through the Space
Between Us
Lynne McTaggart
HC $45.00
(special price $35.00 till 30th September)
“The world essentially operates, not
through the activity of individual
things, but in the
connection between
l pr
them - in a sense, in
the space between
things. The most essential aspect of
life is not the isolated thing … It is
the relationship itself; the inseparable, irreducible Bond.” In this meticulously researched book, awardwinning journalist, Lyn McTaggart,
who brought us The Field and The
Intention Experiment, once again
draws together all the threads of
the latest scientific research to offer
a breathtaking, visionary plan for a
new way to live in harmony with
our true nature, and with each
other. “The Bond ultimately posits ... a new paradigm for living ... I
hope to offer you an entirely new
vision of yourself and your place in
the world, not as its master or its
competitor, but as its cooperative
Customer Loyalty Programme
Don’t forget to register for our
Customer Loyalty Programme.
Twice a year, you’ll receive a
voucher for 10% of what you’ve
spent during the past six
months - there is no minimum
amount to spend! Once you’ve
become a member, you can look
forward to your first bonus on
1st December, 2011. Check our
website for terms & conditions.
126 - 128 RUSSELL ST
TEL (03) 9650 3955
FAX (03) 9650 4894
9:00 AM - 5:30 PM
9:00 AM - 7:00 PM
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
The Mind That Changes Everything
48 Creative Meditations That Will
Enrich Your Life
Ian Gawler
PB $27.00
Exciting new scientific studies reveal
the brain’s life-long
capacity to change
its structure and
function - depending on how we use
it. Yet similar studies tell us that the mind is more
than the sum of the brain’s physical parts. “The secret lies in understanding … that we think in images. This book then is offered as a
user’s guide to the inner workings
of your mind - the use of imagery.”
Ian Gawler is an authentic authority on the mind and its potential.
Having used meditation and imagery as the basis for his own remarkable cancer recovery several
decades ago, Gawler has pioneered
and remained in the forefront as a
teacher of these techniques. The
Mind That Changes Everything is full
of evocative stories, practical wisdom and 48 techniques that range
from the simple to the profound.
Wired for Joy
A Revolutionary Method for Creating
Happiness from Within
Laurel Mellin
PB $19.95
Laurel Mellin is an
professor of family
comm unit y
medicine and paediatrics at the University of California, San Francisco
School of Medicine, who specializes in emotional brain training
(EBT). In Wired for Joy, she presents a simple yet proven way to
train your brain to move through
stress and back to joy. Her method
T.S. Bookshop
focuses on rewiring the emotional
brain rather than the thinking
brain, which has been the focus of
most other stress-relieving methods. Based on the cutting-edge science of neuroplasticity, Mellin outlines the five emotional states of
the brain, and presents a specific
tool for each that easily and
quickly switches the brain back to
well-being. “Using these tools creates a revolution from within, decreasing stress symptoms and
helping you uncover what lies beneath that stress: joy.”
A Visionary New Understanding of
Happiness and Well-being
Martin Seligman
PB $32.95
Traditionally, the
goal of psychology
has been to relieve
human suffering,
but the goal of the
Positive Psychology
which Dr. Seligman
has led for fifteen years, is different - it’s about actually raising the
bar for the human condition. He
asks “what is it that enables you to
cultivate your talents, to build
deep, lasting relationships with
others, to feel pleasure, and to contribute meaningfully to the world.
In a word, what is it that allows
you to flourish?” While certainly a
part of well-being, happiness alone
doesn’t give life meaning. In this
latest book, well-being takes centre
stage, and Happiness becomes one
of the five pillars of Positive Psychology, along with Engagement,
Relationships, Meaning and Accomplishment. Flourish tells inspiring stories of Positive Psychology
in action, and provides interactive
exercises to help you explore your
own attitudes and aims.
Page 2
August 2011
The Four Purposes of Life
Finding Meaning and Direction
in a Changing World
Dan Millman
HC $24.95
This book is for anyone seeking deeper
insight into themselves and their
lives, but especially
for those at a crossroads, facing a challenge or change,
when past approaches no longer
work. Dan Millman, famous for his
book (and now movie), Way of the
Peaceful Warrior, asks the question,
“What is the purpose of my life?”
Distilling decades of exploration
and experience into a concise map
of what we’re here to accomplish
on our life’s journey, Millman outlines four major purposes: learning
life’s lessons, finding your career
and calling, discovering your life
path, and attending to this arising
moment. “The four purposes not
only lend meaning to our lives but
also provide the foundation for this
great spiritual purpose: the quest
for illumination.”
Inside-Out Healing
Transforming Your Life Through
the Power of Presence
Richard Moss
PB $19.95
(more stock due September)
“I know that much
is written about living in the Now, but
there is frustratingly little about
how to actually arrive there: how to
become and remain
fully present. In this book, you
will be given an effective practice
and a map of real value in this
journey into presence.” Richard
Moss, an internationally respected
“soul teacher” in the field of con-
scious living and inner transformation, presents powerful principles,
tools, and practices for transforming sel f-lim iti ng pat ter ns of
thought and behaviour, and for
staying in the present, even in the
midst of very difficult feelings.
Presence is associated with feelings
of aliveness, connection, creativity,
satisfaction and flow. “As you become more present, you will not
only become more truly healthy,
but you will also be serving the
transfo rmat ion of the world
around you.”
Active Dreaming
Journeying Beyond Self-Limitation
to a Life of Wild Freedom
Robert Moss
PB $22.95
Active Dreaming is
a way of being fully
of this world, while
maintaining constant
contact with another
world - the “worldbehind-the-world” where the deeper
logic and purpose of our lives are
to be found. “Active dreamers are
choosers. We learn to recognise
that, whatever situation we are in,
we always have a choice.” Robert
Moss’s extraordinary dreamwork
comes from the fact that he is not
confined to scientific rationale, methods, and explanations. Instead, his
background in journalism has
opened his mind as a storyteller. Active Dreaming offers three core areas
of practice: talking and walking our
dreams to bring energy and guidance from the dreamworld into everyday life; shamanic lucid dreaming;
and conscious living. “This approach includes paying attention to
night dreams, but it is not only, or
even essentially, about what happens
at night. It is a method for conscious
T.S. Bookshop News
August 2011
The T.S. Bookshop is pleased to be hosting
the first in an occasional series of events
“Conversations with the Author”
on Thursday 11th August at 6:00 pm.
The evening will begin with a talk by Amit Goswami,
Ph.D., in the Theosophical Society Auditorium on the
ground floor, followed by an opportunity for booksigning in the T.S. Bookshop.
Goswami is a pioneer in using quantum physics to articulate the paradigm shift from a materialist to a consciousness-based worldview. Reared in the sacred
Hindu tradition, he integrates Western science with
Eastern mysticism to show that consciousness is the
ground of all being.
The event is free, and there is no need to book, but because of
his popularity, we recommend that you arrive early.
The Auditorium will be open from 5:30 pm.
Healing through
the Akashic Records
A free talk & book signing at the
Theosophical Society Auditorium
& T.S. Bookshop
Thursday 11th August
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
dozens of reflection exercises and
practices, Healing through the Akashic Records will help you discover
your soul’s immutable perfection.
She includes questions for you to
ponder and explore, and daily
Using the Power of Your Sacred Wounds
practices to help you embrace what
to Discover Your Soul’s Perfection
you’ve learned. “We can’t control
Linda Howe
HC $32.95
the outside world, but with the
The Power of Your Spirit
power of Spirit, we can create a
“ ... We work in the A Guide to Joyful Living
sense of purpose within that brings
Akashic Records, Sonia Choquette
PB $17.95 about deep satisfaction and perusing the wounds
sonal peace - regardless of what is
we have suffered
Sonia Choquette, going on around us.”
during our lives as
six -sen sor y
the means to come
spiritual teacher, The Map of the Soul
to know our true
believes that, de- Discovering Your True Purpose
selves, to discover
spite the fact we Tricia Brennan
PB $32.95
our soul’s perfection.” With her
long to know our
book How to Read the Akashic ReDivine selves, we What
cords, Linda Howe helped readers
aren’t committed Soul’s
to access valuable information in to engaging in the practical work Does your life
the Akashic Records - an energetic necessary to achieve this. “I be- have a higher
archive of every individual’s soul lieve the reason for this frustration meaning, or is it
and its journey. In this latest book, and spiritual impasse is that way merely a series of
Howe shares her expert insights on too many of us are trying to make random
how we can all use this powerful a transformational, energetic shift Do unseen forces
resource to help heal our sacred through intellectual means alone.” influence the course of your fate?
wounds - transforming our rela- In The Power of Your Spirit she in- Can you trust your intuition? The
tionship with the limiting patterns troduces four stages you must pass Map of the Soul answers these and
and behaviours that interfere with through on the way to reconnect- many other questions - allowing
our ability to experience our true ing with your Spirit: Awakening, you to discover for yourself the anpotential and divine nature. With Discovery, Surrender, and Flow. swer to the most important quesPage 3
T.S. Bookshop News
tion of all - Why are you here? Tricia
Brennan is an internationally acclaimed intuitive counsellor, author and spiritual teacher who has
helped transform the lives of thousands of people. In The Map of the
Soul she combines her unique wisdom with practical, informative
exercises and insights to help you
discover your own True Purpose.
“This will allow you to gather
clues that ultimately reveal your
Soul’s Purpose and help you discover your true Destiny.”
August 2011
The Intuitive Advisor
A Psychic Doctor Teaches You How to
Solve Your Most Pressing Health Problems
Mona Lisa Schulz, M.D.,Ph.D.
PB $29.95
Common Wealth
Our Legacy of Places of Power and the
Transfiguration of the Human Soul
Freddy Silva
PB $45.00
Fol low ing
In this enlightenglobal catastroing book, Mona
phe in 9703 BC,
Lisa Schulz shows
groups of Sages
you how to comembarked on a
bine intuition with
mission to reintelligence, to solve
build a worldyour most pressing
wide network
problems. of temples that would maintain inBut she’s not your run-of-the-mill definitely a society in balance with
intuitive. Described as a psychic itself and the cosmos. These places
doctor with humour, solutions, and of power were constructed at magUncovering the Secrets
credentials, Dr. Schulz gives you no- netically sensitive locations and
of Life After Death
Barry Eaton
PB $25.00 nonsense, grounded, practical, in- according to prescribed laws that
your-face advice on how to fix are capable of altering states of
What does happen yo ur re la ti on sh ip /j ob /f am il y/ consciousness. The aim of the temwhen
som eone physical/emotional problems. She ple-builders was to preserve and
dies? What does it also explains how to deal with transmit a body of spiritual knowlfeel like? Why do many ailments that affect your edge capable of transfiguring the
some people find it well-being, including fatigue, aller- soul. But can temples really transhard
leave gies, skin problems, weight issues, form ordinary people into extraorplaces and loved depression, anxiety, and much dinary beings? Bestselling author
ones behind? How much more. By mastering the Freddy Silva, respected for his
do people who die in accidents and “Seven Rules for Intuitive Health”, writings on Crop Circles, examines
other sudden deaths fare? How you can learn to intuitively con- the origins of sacred places, and
does our grief affect those who quer pain and suffering, and create what makes them so. “The archihave passed on? What is the tunnel a life filled with health and happi- tects designed these heirlooms for
experience all about? Is there any ness. “When we … look at the di- our common wealth … They built
such thing as a life review? Do vine purpose behind the event, these places of power so we’d alpeople reincarnate? If so, what do with the help of friends, family, ways remember who we really
they have in their life to come? and a higher power, we inevitably are.” Ranging all around the globe,
Based on his own amazing experi- learn that what doesn’t kill us will this is a fascinating study of the
ences of life between lives, and his always make us stronger.”
world’s greatest sacred spaces.
numerous communications with
those who have passed over, psy- Oracle of the Shapeshifters
Lucy Cavendish with artwork by
chic intuitive Barry Eaton answers
Jasmine Becket-Griffith Guidebook & 45 cards $34.95
many questions about the spirit
The Oracle of the Shapeshifters Deck contains mesworld. “Ezio De Angelis, one of
sages from magickal familiars. These trustworthy
the best mediums I have ever
mystical companions of the wise ones share their
known, maintains that as there is
honest and instinctual guidance for times of perno such thing as death, then life acsonal and planetary transition. They will lend you
tually continues in another domain.
their courage, point out new paths, help you make
This means there is not really an fresh discoveries, spark your creativity and inspire
afterlife as such, but merely another you with encouragement. Stunningly illustrated by the popular Jasmine
sphere of existence.”
Becket-Griffith, this is a truly unique and empowering deck.
Page 4
Did you know that the T.S. Bookshop carries the gorgeous colour
healing system called Aura-Soma?
In this system, colour is used as a
medium to connect with the soul.
It is a non-intrusive self-selective
therapy - the basis being that “you
are the colours you choose”, and
this reflects who you are and what
you need at this point in time.
Aura-Soma was created by an inspirational woman named Vicky
Wall, who’s father was a master in
Kabbalah, Zohar and plant medicine, which he passed onto her.
Throughout her life, Vicky was
gifted with auric sight, clairvoyance and the ability to perform
spontaneous healings. As a young
woman she worked in a pharmacy,
learning the art of apothecary,
which she combined with the
knowledge she had learned from
her father. She then trained as a
podiatrist, and set up a clinic with
her friend Margaret Cockbain.
During her life, Vicky had three
Near-Death Experiences and suffered ill health, including the loss
of her eyesight due to diabetes but at this time her auric sight increased. On her retirement, having
lost all her savings, she began making creams and lotions, and it was
then, during three consecutive
nights in her meditation, waves of
colour came to her, with the message “divide the waters”. In 1983
Aura-soma was born. In 1991
Vicky passed away leaving AuraSoma to Mike Booth. The range
has continued to
expand, with the
latest bottle, 109,
Archangel Zachari el,
Mag enta
ove r
Mid -ton e
birthed on Tuesday 26th July,
Equilibrium Bottles
At the heart of the Aura-Soma colour care system are the Equilibrium bottles, with 109 different
ones to choose from. These are
dual-coloured bottles that contain a
layer of oil sitting on top of a layer
of water. Within each bottle there
are two colours which have vibrational wavelengths, and living energies of crystals, gems, herbs and
essential oils.
Once a bottle is chosen it is shaken
and applied to the body. Colour,
crystals, herbs and essential oils
are absorbed into the skin and then
radiate out into the energy field,
restoring clarity in the related
chakras, bringing about balance.
The dynamic living energies contained in the Equilibrium bottles
can benefit you in many ways:
In a state of balance you become
more relaxed, self esteem improves, mood lightens and you become more confident. Once harmony is regained, it allows you to
become clearer about who you are
and what you want from life.
The Rescue Set
Within the range of equilibrium
bottles is the “Rescue set”. These
bottles are fantastic to have on
hand or in the first aid kit. They
can be used any time for immediate support. The Rescue bottles
*Physical rescue – for peaceful,
clear communication.
*Heart rescue – for decision making and communicating feelings in
a peaceful way.
*Sunshine rescue – for rediscovering joy when the light within feels
Helps connect the inner
knowledge and wisdom.
*Love rescue – for warmth, caring,
self acceptance and unconditional
love of self and others.
*Star child – for inner child work.
*Etheric rescue – for shock and
trauma. Helpful in letting go of the
*Coral rescue – for shock, abuse
and unrequited love.
*Energy rescue – for renewal of energy levels and passion for life.
*Archangel Metatron – for the exploration of shadow work.
*they restore the light body and
balance the chakras
*support the soul’s journey as we
reconnect to spirit and our life purpose
*help access and enhance intuition
*enhance self-awareness through
the colours you choose
*enable you to feel more relaxed
and at peace, becoming a beneficial
tool in the management of stress
*overcome fears and blocks, release
old patterns and restore synchronicity in your life
*promote wellbeing
*provide new tools to meet life’s The Equilibrium Bottles are supported by the Pomanders and
Quintessences, which we will discuss in the next Newsletter.
Page 5
T.S. Bookshop News
Into the Heart of Life
Buddhist Teachings on Wisdom
and Compassion
Tenzin Palmo
PB $25.00
showing us how the insights of the
enli ghte ned teac her of India
known as the Buddha can help
make us happy, healed, and whole
again ...” Bien provides exercises,
Hidden from the meditati ons and concrete aprest of the world, proaches to practicing happiness
high in the Himala- and well-being, drawn from mindyan mountains, the fulness and other ancient Buddhist
people of Tibet de- insights.
veloped a science
of the mind over Falling Into Grace
the centuries it Insights on the End of Suffering
took the West to build cars and Adyashanti
HC $37.95
planes. Forty years ago, Tenzin
Palmo was one of the first Western
Adyashanti’s teachwomen to be ordained as a Budings have been
dhist nun in the Tibetan tradition.
compared to some
Now, in her characteristically clear
of the early Ch’an
and insightful style, she delivers
(Zen) masters of
Dharma talks, introducing us to the
China, as well as
essential teachings on impermateachers of Advaita
nence, happiness and compassion,
Vedanta in India.
and showing us how we can use In this latest book, he shares funthem to enha nce our live s. damental insights that will “spark
Whether or not you are a Buddhist, a revolution in the way we perInto the Heart of Life can help you ceive life”. Adyashanti asks us to
develop more sanity, wisdom, com- let go of our struggles with life and
passion and fulfilment in your life.
open to the full promise of spiritual awakening: the end of deluThe Buddha’s Way of Happiness
sion and the discovery of our esHealing Sorrow, Transforming Nega- sential being. Falling Into Grace is a
tive Emotion, and Finding Well-Being book that gets to the core of why
we suffer. “The teachings in this
in the Present Moment
Thomas Bien, Ph.D.
PB $25.95 book are simply ways to open ourselves to grace, to open ourselves
The Buddha’s Way to that mysterious element of light
of Happiness is a that enters in the hidden and quiet
guide to putting moments.”
aside your anxieties about the fu- Realizing God
ture, regrets about Lectures on Vedanta by
the past, and con- Swami Prabhavananda
stant longing to Edith Dickinson Tipple (ed)
change your life for the better, and
HC $16.95
awakening to the joy of living.
“This is precisely where Thomas Swami Prabhavananda (1893-1976)
Bien comes in, with his humanistic, contributed a great deal to the unempirical, and non-dogmatic new derstanding of Vedanta in the
contribution to the emerging field West. He was a teacher with an
of what I call positive Buddhism, extraordinary ability to make even
Page 6
August 2011
the most subtle or
enigm atic
exciting and comprehensible. Realizing God has been
edited from transcripts of Swami
Pr ab hava na nd a’ s
lectures and talks contained in the
Archives of the Vedanta Society of
California, spanning the years
1935-1976. From year to year, even
from month to month, he changed
content when speaking on the
same topic, illustrating his multifaceted thinking on any given subject. “Swami Prabhavananda’s only
aim was to point the student toward realization of God - as he
used to say, ‘by hook or by crook’!”
The Quotable Krishnamurti
Compiled by Robert Epstein
PB $18.95
Jidd u
Kris hn amurti
groomed by Theosophists to become the next
Yet later he broke
away, declaring that “truth is a
pathless land”, and urging his vast
following to pursue freedom from
any doctrine. Here for the first
time, is an alphabetized collection
of his brilliant insights, offered in
compassion to jolt us into awareness. Topics range from anger and
belief, to courage, forgiveness,
love, nonviolence, relationship,
truth and vision. “There was one
thing, and one thing only, that
Krishnamurti was interested in:
what is.” The transformation of a
single psyche, Krishnamurti said,
affects everyone’s consciousness.
May his profound understanding
inspire change within you.
Ralph Zurmühle
CD $24.95
In the tradition of George Winston,
Michael Jones and other solo pianists, Swiss composer Ralph has
produced an album of self-penned
and traditional tunes. Always maintaining an air of
calm, Ralph’s playing is engaging and often displays
an emotive poignancy that sets it apart from many
other recordings in this genre. Songs like Mediterranean Suite contain rich, passionate passages and moments of reflective calm, while traditional standards
Auld Lang Syne and Shenandoah are welcome musical
touchstones that receive sensitive interpretations.
Personally, Epitaph is the standout track for me, containing a degree of impressionistic playing that
evokes the spirit of Eric Satie.
I Vinens Speil
(In the Mirror of Wine)
SKRUK & Mahsa Vahda
CD $28.95
Norwegian choir SKRUK and Iranian vocalist Mahsa Vahdat lend
their sublime harmonies to the Persian poems of Hafez
and Rumi. Led by choir director Per Oddvar Hildre,
SKRUK have been creating unique combinations of
western choral music and other music forms for nearly
thirty years now. In the Mirror of Wine continues this
musical exploration further still with the addition of
jazz pianist Tord Gustavsen’s musical arrangements.
This is a beautifully realised project that manages to
bring three differing musical legacies together as a harmonious and complementary musical vision. From the
yearning intonations of Mahsa, blending into the heavenly choral voices of SKRUK and further again into
poignant jazz improvisation, this is Sufi poetry given a
reverent and contemporary interpretation.
Yoga Meditation
Journeys Through the East
CD $26.95
Pravana is a musical project of Melbourne composer/musician Simon
Lewis. Readers may know him also
through his world-fusion ensemble – Amanaska. Yoga
Meditation is a meditative series of musical compositions played on acoustic instruments such as the Indian
bansuri flute, didjeridu, sarangi, tabla and other worldwide instruments. Many of the aforementioned instruments are played by guest musicians from the local
world music community – testament to a diverse and
thriving scene. The music here is perfectly suited to
yoga classes, relaxation and quiet listening. It may interest readers to know that music from Pravana’s previous release Yoga Mystique were featured in the recent
SBS documentary Go Back to Where You Came From.
Climate of Change
Brian Hill
DVD $31.95
From the producers of An Inconvenient Truth comes a documentary on
how ‘ordinary’ people are addressing
the issues we all face with climate
change. Applying the principle of
“think globally act locally”, we are shown how individuals and groups of people on different continents
are contributing towards a grass roots movement of
direct action. A nascent group of children at two
schools in India come together to address the issue of
plastics overuse; an environmental educator/activist
in Africa addresses a school and playfully engages
their attention; and in the depths of the Norwegian
permafrost we are shown the global seed-vault.
These and other examples serve to inspire and remind us that it may not be prudent to wait for governments and their authorities to act.
Epic of Gilgamesh
Abed Azrie
CD/DVD $34.00
Gilgamesh was an historical king who existed around 2700 BC. Tablets dating from 2000BC
exist in the Sumerian language that tell the tale of this king’s exploits as myths and stories.
These Sumerian stories were all collected and later compiled into a long form poem in the
Akkadian language, dating from around 700BC. As one can imagine, to attempt to place
these compositions in a musical context is an undertaking to be treated with great respect. It is a project that has
been close to Abed Azrie for thirty years now, and the results are a fitting tribute to what stands as mankind’s
oldest written story (stories in Gilgamesh later appear as Old Testament tales!). Supported by a chamber ensemble of western & middle eastern instruments, Abed’s warm, intimate voice croons and narrates the epic in Arabic as a storyteller might relate the tale to a rapt audience. The disc comes with an accompanying booklet and
DVD that you can follow the story with, shedding light and emotional nuance on the narrative. This production
is a deeply satisfying experience by one of the Arabic world’s most sublime musical interpreters.
T.S. Bookshop News
T.S. Bookshop News
More Fabulous Bargains - Limited Stocks!
Holy Smoke
Incense & Scent in the Home
Raje Airey & Charlotte
Melling HC $15.50
Best-Ever Book of
Organic Cooking
Ysanne Spevack
HC $17.50
Sage-ing While Age-ing
Shirley MacLaine
PB $10.00
Energy Medicine for Women
The Other Islam
Sufism and the Road
to Global Harmony
Stephen Schwartz
HC $19.95
The Kindness Handbook
A Practical Companion
Sharon Salzberg
HC $11.95
Zen in Plain English
Experience the Essence of Zen
Stephen Schuhmacher
PB $12.50
Tao Te Ching
Lao Tzu
John H. McDonald (trans)
PB $15.00
The Mythology of
the Secret Societies
J.M. Roberts
PB $19.95
Happy for No Good Reason
7 Steps to Being Happy
from the Inside Out
Marci Shimoff
PB $9.95
De-Stress Your Life
In 7 Easy Steps
Glenn Harrold
PB $14.95
Beginner’s Tarot
Kathleen McCormack
Book & Tarot Deck
Portraits: Edward S. Curtis
The Many Faces
of the Native American
Wayne L. Youngblood
HC $30.00
The Green Man Tree Oracle
Ancient Wisdom from
the Spirit of Nature
John Matthews & Will
Worthington Kit $24.95
Gods, Myths and Religion
Lucia Gahlin
HC $34.95
Partnering with Nature
The Wild Path to
Reconnecting with the Earth
Catriona MacGregor
PB $10.00
Aligning Your Body’s Energies
to Boost Your Health & Vitality
Donna Eden & David
Feinstein PB $14.95