The Kerr Center Arts - Annapolis Area Christian School


The Kerr Center Arts - Annapolis Area Christian School
The Ker r
7:00 pm
March 2013
1st | 2nd | 8th | 9th
United Methodist Church
731 Benfield Road ● Severna Park, MD ● Phone 410 987-4700
The place where people come to faith,
grow in faith and go out in faith.
Contemporary & Traditional
Sunday Worship Services
8 :0 0 a m I n f o r ma l
9 :3 0 a m Co n te mp o r ar y
1 1 :0 0 a m T rad it io nal
Nursery Care during all services
Sunday School for children and adults
United Methodist Youth Fellowship
Every Sunday Night 7:00 - 8:30pm
For youth in grades 7 - 12
Games, discussions, devotions, studies, fun
Bring your friends, all welcomed
Youth Retreats
Youth Mission Projects
based upon the New Line Cinema film
written and directed by John Waters
Presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre International (MTI).
All authorized performace materials are also supplied by MTI.
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Phone: 212.541.4684 Fax: 212.397.4684
Super Sixth
Sunday evenings 5 - 6:30pm twice a month
S p e c i a l p ro g r a m f o r 6 t h g r a d e r s
Bring your friends, all welcomed
Nursery School
F o r 3 a n d 4 y e a r o l d c h i l d re n
Please note that the stage and backstage areas are closed to the public.
You may meet and congratulate members of the cast and crew in the
Kerr Center lobby.
We are excited to present to you Hairspray: The Broadway Musical.
As directors, we were drawn to this musical by the themes, the upbeat
music, the cheeky humor, the ebullient character of Tracy Turnblad,
and the opportunity to fully explore with the students the Lord’s imperative to "act justly, love kindness, and walk humbly with your God."
Artistically, Hairspray uses humor and upbeat music to capture the
audience’s attention and to invite them to consider some very serious questions. Essential to this humor is the Turnblad family. Because
they are extreme characters—Wilbur is the fun-loving owner of the
Har-Dee-Har Hut (joke shop), and Edna is the overweight operator
of "Edna’s Occidental Laundry"—they have been marginalized and
dismissed by their contemporaries and are therefore able to empathize
with others who are stereotyped. In order to develop this vital humor, we followed the tradition of casting a man in the role of Edna.
Nick Cherone, AACS faculty member (and husband of AACS alumna,
Shannon (Smith) Cherone), captures Edna’s larger-than-life personality and flair. Faculty member Isaac Vineyard plays Edna’s kind and
generous husband. Together, Edna and Wilbur provide Tracy with the
secure and loving home life she needs to lead the struggle to integrate
the Corny Collins TV show.
Musically, Hairspray develops its most powerful ideas within the lyrics. The issue of racial identity and pride is explored in the song "Run
and Tell That." Motormouth Maybelle, in her song "Big, Blond, and
Beautiful," shares the truth she has discovered about body image and
beauty with Edna and encourages her to see herself as the valuable
woman she was made to be. The finale, "You Can’t Stop the Beat,"
celebrates the power of art (in this case music and dance) to build
community and to help the show’s antagonists, Velma and Amber, take
their first steps toward reconciliation. The cast has discussed these issues with the help of seniors Jessica Bamgbade, Taryn Timko, and
Sarah Lyons, all of whom are working on Senior Practicum projects
related to these issues. (Be sure to read their articles in your program.)
Morally, Hairspray presents the audience with a challenge. When
presented with an opportunity to correct injustice, will we be like Tracy and say, "I want to do this, and so should you. It’s what’s right,"
or will choose apathy and inaction? In the lobby you will find AACS
students who have chosen to respond to this moral imperative, and our
Lord’s command, to "act justly, love kindness, and walk humbly with
our God." We hope you will stop by and talk with them.
He has told you, O man, what is good;
and what does the Lord require of you
but to do justice, and to love kindness,
and to walk humbly with your God?
Micah 6:8 (ESV)
Grace and Peace,
Erin Kauffman, director & music director
Diane Smith, director & producer
What is the show saying about the value and dignity of human
With which characters did you most identify and why?
Where have you seen instances of injustice?
What, if anything, do you feel God leading you to do about this
What do you think it means to be made in the image of God?
If you believe that all people are made in God's image, how
does that inform the way that you think about yourself ? How
does it shape the ways that you treat others?
Good Morning Baltimore.............................................Tracy & Company
The Big Doll House.........................................................................Women
The Nicest Kids in Town................................................ Corny & Council
Dollhouse Playoff ..........................................................Matron & Women
Mama, I'm a Big Girl Now
..................... Tracy, Edna, Penny, Velma, Amber & Company
Good Morning Baltimore (reprise)....................................................Tracy
I Can Hear the Bells......................................................Tracy & Company
Miss Baltimore Crabs..........................................................................Velma
The Nicest Kids in Town (reprise)................................ Corny & Council
It Takes Two............................................................................Link & Tracy
Velma's Revenge...................................................................................Velma
Welcome to the '60s.......................Tracy, Edna, Dynamites & Company
Hear the Bells (reprise).......................................................................... Link
Run and Tell That................................ Seaweed, Little Inez & Company
Big, Blonde & Beautiful
......................Motormouth, Tracy, Edna, Wilbur & Company
You're Timeless To Me...................................................... Edna & Wilbur
Timeless (reprise).................................................................Edna & Wilber
Without Love.......................... Tracy, Link, Penny, Seaweed & Company
Without Love Playoff ................................................................... Company
I Know Where I've Been.................................Motormouth & Company
(It's) Hairspray.................................................................. Corny & Council
Cooties..............................................................................Amber & Council
You Can't Stop the Beat (part 1)................................................. Company
You Can't Stop the Beat (part 2)................................................. Company
Tracy Turnblad......................................................................Taylor Mercier
Corny Collins............................................................................... *Paul Ford
Edna Turnblad........................................................................Nick Cherone
Penny Pingleton.........................................................................Sarah Lyons
Velma Von Tussle.................................................................*Jodi Hoffman
Amber Von Tussle.....................................................*Brooke Bloomquist
Link Larkin............................................................................. *Reed Sigmon
Seaweed J. Stubbs..................................................................Adonis Powell
Little Inez...................................................................................Katie Iszard
Motormouth Maybelle......................................................... *Taryn Timko
Wilbur Turnblad....................................................................Isaac Vineyard
Prudy Pingleton..................................................................*Megan Griffith
Mr. Pinky.................................................................................... Ben Harlow
Mr. Harriman F. Spritzer...............................................Michael Streetman
Cindy Watkins............................................................. *Dominique Hinton
Duane........................................................................................*JP Patterson
Stooie...................................................................................Micah Meadows
Lorraine............................................................................ Jessica Bamgbade
Gym Teacher/Newscaster......................................................*Kayla Waits
Guard..............................................................................Gwendolyn Hodge
Matron...............................................................................*Eva Gurganious
Principal.......................................................................... *Autumn Simpson
The Dynamites
Judine...........................................................................................Layne Price
Kamilah...................................................................................Regina Daniel
Shayna....................................................................................... Elise Pyfrom
The Corny Collins Show Council Members
IQ.........................................................................................*Roman Mykyta
LouAnn............................................................................*Virginia Hagerott
Tammy.................................................................................Hannah Holden
Kitty........................................................................................... Elyse Jenkins
Carla.................................................................................... Amanda Fusting
Brenda.......................................................................................... Shelby Hall
Shelley..............................................................................*Maddie Ouellette
Sandy.....................................................................................Maddie Boerste
Record Shop Dance Ensemble
De'zjea Allen
Jasmine Dyson
Loretta Grant
DaShari Gray
Elana Pyfrom
Laurel Anderson
Naomi Ashworth
Samuel Chase
Amanda Densmoor
*Nicole Densmoor
*Danielle Dishop
Sydney Glenn
Meghan Hughes
Austin Jones
Chloe Kotch
*Bethany Laible
Madison Little
Sarah Little
*Rebecca Nieman
Erica Ridge
Kaitlyn Schoff
Elizabeth Sheffield
Alison Watkins
Mandy Weng
*Serina Wilson
Kelly Young
*member of the International Thespian Honor Society
Cast biographies can be found in the
lobby, by scanning the QR code to the right,
or by visitng the following url:
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Director/Music Director................................................... Erin Kauffman
Art Team
Director/Producer................................................................... Diane Smith
Dave Ellwood
Hannah Knapp
Jacob Poindexter
Brock Wintersteen
Choreographer..................................................................... Kadi McKinley
Band Leader/Accompanist...............................................Bill Bloomquist
Technical Director..................................................................... Mike Lentz
Art Director....................................................................... Andrea Ellwood
Costume Crew
Stage Manager.................................................................................Lisa Boss
Carole Baldwin
Mary Ann Bloomquist
Priscilla Hodge
Andrea Lyons
Sally Wood
Costume Director.............................................................. Kathy Ouellette
Set Construction......................................................................Mark Sigmon
...........................................................................................Cliff Laible
....................................................Jim Griffith & JGM Construction
Publications.............................................................................Nick Cherone
Stage Crew
Graphic Design.................................................................... Sarah Kosmerl
Allie Battan
Justin Hargadon
Ben Harlow
Sam Heller
Andrew Johnson
Clara Lamberti
Sarah Raspberry
.................................................................................. Andrea Ellwood
.......................................................................................Nick Cherone
Production Assistant........................................................... Lynette Wayne
Student Stage Manager.....................................................Rebecca Nieman
Thespian Captain................................................................. Bethany Laible
Dance Captains..........................................................................Katie Iszard
.....................................................................................Roman Mykyta
Props.........................................................................................Mary Griffith
Meal Coordinators....................................................................Anne Laible
....................................................................................... Missy Mykyta
Editors.............................................................................................Niki Ellis
Tech Team
Andrew Cogliano
Campbell Ong
Nathan Van Bourgondien
Whitney Vandenheuvel
Kimberly Wilson
.......................................................................................Andrea Lyons
You may ask this question at intermission, but we encourage you to
ask a different question: Where does my favorite chocolate bar come
from? What you may not know is that cacao beans used in the production of chocolate bars by major manufacturers like M&M/Mars,
Nestle, and Hershey, are often harvested by child slaves in West Africa.
One of the major themes of Hairspray is that all people are
made in the image of God, and in light of that should be treated
with respect and dignity. This is a proposition
we take very seriously as a cast, and it is with this
in mind that we have decided to only sell snacks
made with fair trade principles. This doesn’t
mean you can’t buy delicious chocolate at intermission, but it does mean that all the chocolate
sold will have been made without the use of
slave labor. I find it makes it taste a bit better
as well.
One of the themes you will see is that doing what is right is always more important than
just doing what is easy or familiar. We encounter this in our own lives all the time. We understand that when it comes to the chocolate we
purchase, name brands are more familiar, easier
to find, and cheaper to purchase; however, our
belief that all people are made in the image of
God should compel us to put in the extra effort,
and even some money, to preserve the value of
If you believe that all humans are created in
the image of God, we pray that you will let this
belief inform your actions as you go forward
from this day. We also hope that you will only
buy fair trade chocolate. How can you tell? Look
for the symbols on the left.
As a senior at AACS, I am required to do a Senior Practicum. I
decided to do my practicum on the problem of racial stereotypes and
cultural insensitivity in private schools.
Throughout my experience in Hairspray, I have seen so many connections between the message of the play and the argument of my Senior Practicum. The particular song in Hairspray - "Run and Tell That,"
articulates the pain of racial discrimination and its various forms. The
song opens with the following lyrics:
Isaac Vineyard, AACS faculty member
Jessica Bamgbade, AACS Senior
I can’t see, how people look at me,
and only see the color of my face.
People have a tendency to look at another’s appearance and come
to a conclusion (or several conclusions) about that person just by that
first sighting of the physical appearance. Many of us have heard things
such as "black people don’t swim" or "white people can’t stay on beat;"
however, when statements like that are made, one completely disregards the accomplishments of black swimmers (like Cullen Jones) and
white drummers (like Chad Smith – drummer of the Red Hot Chili
As Christians, we must work hard to look at people not as black or
white, or as male or female. Paul writes to the church at Galatia:
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free,
there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
Galatians 3:28 (ESV)
As Christians we must look at each individual as a human being, a
human being with a past, a story. It’s up to you to decide whether or
not you want to take the time to get to know the story behind the individual. Please keep this in mind while you watch the show (and even
afterwards)! Enjoy the show!
The artist who is a Christian, like any other Christian, is required to
be in this world, but not of it. We are to be in this world
as healers, as listeners, and as servants.
Madeleine L’Engle (Walking on Water)
Every day we encounter and interact with music through various
media. And in every song, a message is presented for the listener to either take hold of or reject. Music is constantly shaping your beliefs and
the beliefs of those around you. Musicals have the unique opportunity
to present a message not only through this music, but also through the
dialogue and the characters. As Christians, we must sift through these
messages to seek and identify truth.
Hairspray is no exception to this rule. It presents several messages
regarding important truths. Tracy makes the argument for social justice. She recognizes the evil of racism, and throughout the musical she
works to desegregate the Corny Collins Show. As Christians, we recognize an even deeper truth: this rejection of racism and discrimination
is consistent with a Biblical worldview. Micah 6:8 not only tells us that
we should seek and do justice, but that we do so because our God is
Christians are called to be agents of redemption and to be "healers, listeners, and servants" of humanity through art. Whether we are
creating art or participating in it, we must recognize the value it possesses. Art is a powerful medium through which truth, beauty, and
goodness can be portrayed. God’s redemption for the world encapsulates these qualities, and, in portraying art like this, we are bringing
glimpses of God’s redemption into the conversation. In this specific
production, the cast has explored the idea of loving God and loving
others well by doing justice, loving kindness, and walking humbly with
our God. I pray that we may be listeners to and seekers of truth, in
order that God may freely use us as healers and servants to humanity,
to bring redemption to the fallen world around us. And it is our prayer
that you, as an audience member and a participant in this art, will embrace this truth and enact it in your life.
Sarah Lyons, AACS Senior
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Bratty, blonde, and "beautiful" girl, Amber, mocks Tracy with these
words during the dodgeball scene. Amber claims that Tracy is too big,
too fat to be on TV. Edna, older (and bigger) than Tracy, is too afraid
to even leave the confines of her house because of what people will
say about her weight. Tracy and Edna are afraid of themselves and
they "let weight restrict their fate." On the other hand, my character,
Miss Motormouth Maybelle, is BIG! BLONDE! and BEAUTIFUL!
and doesn’t let other people use that against her.
I have used my own personal journey to help create the Motormouth character. As a plus sized individual, everyday I am told that I
should be prettier, thinner, and fitter. It is hard to radiate confidence
in the face of these societal demands without God’s help. To do so,
we must speak truth against these untruths, rejecting the word's definitions of beauty and pursuing what God tells us. In Psalm 139:14,
David declares, "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully
made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." We are made in
the image of God. Isn’t that crazy to think about? We were made to be
exactly who we were meant to be. Yes, we have our flaws. Yes, we have
those little quirks we wish we could rid of ourselves. But remember,
God made you that way for a reason. And remember that God made
EVERYONE the way they are for a reason.
I know it sounds "Corny," but when life gives you lemons, make
chicken and waffles because you got whatcha got. God made you who
you are:
For I know the plans I have for you . . . plans to prosper
you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Jeremiah 29:11 (ESV)
Taryn Timko, AACS Senior
De’zjea, our pooh bear, dad and I are
so proud of you! You are doing what
you love and giving it your all.
Continue to do this throughout your life,
and it will take you far. Enjoy these
times while in high school and make
them memorable. We love you dearly.
Hey Naomi! We can't wait to see you
sing and dance with your big hair!
We are proud of you for trying something new. Go Bawlmer!
Love, Mom, Dad, and Nick
Love, Mom and Dad
“Big Brava!” to Naomi Ashworth!
I know how hard you have worked
on this show -- you will have lived and
breathed the Broadway performance
until you know every nuance -- and
then practiced your performance until it
shines like gold. You go my favorite girl!
Cannot wait!
We are so excited to be there to see
your play.
Enjoy every minute.
We love you!
Grandpa and Grandma
Love, Your GM-Tracey
(okay and Nick and Nate too!)
Jessica, I know you are a beautiful
child of God and a very talented
young lady. This is just the beginning
and a taste of what is to come.
You have done a great job!
I am very proud of you.
Mama says:
Love, Your Mom
Hey Brookie, Hey Brookie!!
You're a Big Girl now!!
(shout outs! continued)
We are so proud of you and your hard
work on the production of Hairspray!
You are such a talented performer!
The sky is the limit sweetheart!!
GO GO! We love you very much!!
Love, Daddy, Chioma, and Baby
Brother, El Senior!
aka "Corny"
We can't believe that this is your last
AACS production. Where did the time
go? We are proud of all that you have
accomplished in the Fine Arts program.
You are gifted and talented in so many
ways. WE LOVE YOU!
Mom and Dad
Love recognizes no barriers.
It jumps hurdles, leaps fences,
penetrates walls to arrive at its
destination full of hope. my beautiful granddaughter.
You go girl!
Love, MaMa
- Maya Angelou
Love, Mommy
We are so proud of you…
Love you lots!
We are so proud of all of your
accomplishments in drama through the years.
Your enthusiasm for making your characters
come alive on stage has been shown in your
performances. God has truly given you many
talents in acting, directing, and leading.
Over the years you have glorified Him with
all your work on stage and off. We are
praying your portrayal of Prudy in Hairspray
will display His glory!
Uncle John, Aunt Rhonda
& Your Girl Syd
Love, Mom & Dad
(shout outs! continued)
Whether Maria or Peggy or Louann,
we are so very proud of you!
Let your light shine!!
I am looking forward to seeing this production of Hairspray. Knowing that if it’s
as good as your last production, this will
be a blast! Enjoy the experience,
have fun, and keep it "real."
Love, Mom, Dad, Jill, and James
Grandpa, Debra, and Jacob
Your love for the stage started with
German and Irish folk dancing, spread
to the Variety Show, and has now
blossomed into dramatic roles in plays
and musicals. We are so proud of you
and have been blessed to watch you
develop your talents over the years.
Break a leg Chloe!
Love, Mom and Dad
You are so talented and a very
special gift from God.
We love you!
Mom And Dad
Bethany, enjoy your first musical!
I am really looking forward to the
show. Well done on your student
leadership for this performance.
You have been a great help to all.
Good Luck Sarah! Break-a-Leg!
Love, Mom, Dad, and Carl
We all agree…
“You Can’t Stop the Beat”
of this amazing life of yours — so many
Go Girl! Have Fun!
Love, Mom, Dad, Jamie,
Angel, Snickers, and Tabby
(shout outs! continued)
Keep up the energy,
have fun, and break a leg!
Amanda Bynes has nothin’ on you,
Darlin’. Look out Broadway!
Love You, Mom & Dad
Katie & Tim
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Taylor, my little gingersnap. Mere words
Micah Meadows and the entire cast of
Hairspray rocks!!! We are SO proud could never adequately express the love and
of you for sharing your time, talent and joy you have brought to my life. From that
sweet little girl who hummed herself to sleep
energy to bless us all!
The Meadows Family
at the age of two to this bright, beautiful, and
talented young lady you have grown into,
I give God the glory! Relish every moment
of this, your senior year, and every year
to come. I have been truly blessed by your
presence. Have a blast portraying Tracy and
Never stop the beat! Love you to pieces!!
Good luck, Adonis!
Congrats on your role in Hairspray –
and on your senior year! You have a
beautiful, caring, loving, adventurous,
and fun spirit, and you’re a blessing to
our family. God knew we needed an
extrovert, so he sent us you!!
You make us proud!
Mom & Dad
Love, Mom and Dad
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Bring your Hairspray ticket stub and receive 20% off your total purchase! Offer ends April 15, 2013
(shout outs! continued)
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After all these rehearsals, you'll find
yourselves asking,
"What is a weekend?"
Congratulations on a job well done!
Welcome to the 60’s! We are so proud
of you! Have fun as you perform in
Hairspray, and as Penny Pingleton
would say, “Get out there and show
them!” We love you!
Mom, Dad, Rachel, Samara, Roger,
Chandra, and Grandma
Mom and Dad
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"All The World's a Stage."
Celebrating you and all your
school performances!
Break a leg.
Love, Dad & Mom
Love, Mom, Ryan, and Dad
Congratulations to our superstar
granddaughter. We always look
forward to your outstanding
performances. Wishing you great
success in the future!
Great job, Mandy!
You are a brave and talented student
having an excellent first year in an
American high school. Enjoy your
Hairspray experience!
Love, Myah & Grandma
With love from the Wileys
(shout outs! continued)
Best of Wishes to Our Wonderful
We are extremely proud of you and
happy for You. It is a Blessing when we
get to watch you do what you love.
Congratulations to the Cast & Crew of
Hairspray for another job well done!!
Randy & Sally Wood
Love, Dad, Mom, Buddy, and Nanny
Wow, what a great show!
What a rock star!
We are so grateful for the hours you
spent with us plunking out are parts on
the piano, playing along while we
stumbled through rehearsals, and
leading our amazing pit orchestra.
We truly consider it a gift from God
that you have been willing to work with
us as our accompanist and pit leader for
You are absolutely THE BEST.
The Fords
Love, the Hairspray Cast
Kadi, the beautiful choreographic work
you have put into our production is
outstanding. We know it was quite a
job for you (especially with that
commute!), and we're sorry for all the
panic attacks we probably caused by
not knowing our dances!
We wish you a safe and healthy birth
of your twin girls!
Mrs. Smith and Miss Kauffman,
we cannot begin to thank you enough
for all of the hard work and dedication
you have put into making this show
an amazing success. We are blessed
to have been led by such amazing
artists, teachers, and women of God.
Thank you so much!
Now get some rest!
Love, the Hairspray Cast
Love, Your Cast
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All the Parents of the Cast and Crew
Rick Kempton, AACS Superintendant
Jane Brown, Upper School Principal
Carolyn Stone, AACS Admissions Director
The Holden Family
Robin Sigmon
Dave & Jennifer Ford
Ed & Linda Ridge
Children's Theatre of Annapolis
The Severn School
Severna Park High School
The Drama Learning Center
Panera Bread
The Drama Club is an extra-curricular organization that supports
and promotes the dramatic arts at Annapolis Area Christian
School. Membership in the Drama Club is open to all AACS Upper School students. All Drama Club members are “apprentice”
members of the International Thespian Honor Society, the only
organization to honor high school students for outstanding work
in theatre. Full Thespian Society induction is granted to students
who demonstrate “meritorious work in theatre arts.” Thespians
participate in a variety of productions, service opportunities, and
state and national Thespian festivals.
The Kerr Center for the Arts was established as the home for the
Fine Arts programs at Annapolis Area Christian School’s Upper
School campus. It is the area’s premiere performing arts center
for student, local, and international performers and speakers. The
Kerr Center was designed to host various performing arts events
and conferences and to expose audiences to various art forms.
The Center offers excellent acoustics, sleek aesthetics, a spacious
stage area and performance balcony, seating for more than 650
audience members, two large rehearsal spaces, and numerous
amenities for performing artists, orchestras, bands, dance studios,
conferences, and theatre groups. The Kerr Center for the Arts
also boasts a Visual Art Gallery, which displays original 2D, 3D,
and digital artwork created by AACS’s talented student-artists.
The Kerr Center for the Arts was named in memory of
Congressman and Mrs. Winfield Scott Kerr.
For rental inquiries and rates, please call 410.846.3535
or email
PHONE: 301-318-4044
FAX: 301-262-1995
coming up at
Choral Tour Send-off Concert
Upper School Choral Program
april 8th | 7:30 pm
Lower & Middle School Variety Show
april 26th • 27th | 7:00 pm
Upper School Instrumental Ensembles
Spring Concert
may 1st | 7:30 pm
Upper School Choral Program
Spring Concert
may 10th • 11th | 7:30 pm
Middle School Spring Concert
may 13th | 7:00 pm
109 Burns Crossing Road
Severn, MD 21144