2005 Appaloosa Horse Club
2005 Appaloosa Horse Club
2005 B O A R D O F D I R E C T O R S Appaloosa Horse Club E L E C T I O N ALL ZONES As a member of the Appaloosa Horse Club it is your right and privilege to participate in the Board of Directors election. By casting your vote, you help elect a director who best represents your needs. The candidates running in your Territory have stated their stand on pertinent issues to assist you in making this decision. If you have concerns, call the candidates in your territory and ask them questions. As a member, your vote counts, and is important to the future of the Appaloosa Horse Club. VOTING INSTRUCTIONS TERRITORY I Zone A-Washington, Oregon, Alaska, British Columbia and Yukon Territory Zone B-Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Alberta and Northwest Territory Zone C-North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Nunavut TERRITORY II Zone A-California and Hawaii Zone B-Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Mexico and International Affiliates in the Southern Hemisphere Zone C-Colorado and Kansas ATTENTION MEMBERS: TERRITORY III Zone A-Missouri and Nebraska Zone B-Iowa and Wisconsin Zone C-Illinois and Indiana TERRITORY IV Zone A-Texas Zone B-Oklahoma and Louisiana Zone C-Florida and Alabama TERRITORY V Zone A-Arkansas, Tennessee and Mississippi Zone B-Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina Zone C-Kentucky, Virginia, West Virginia, Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland and all International Affiliates not otherwise specifically listed in another zone. TERRITORY VI Zone A-Michigan and Ohio Zone B-Pennsylvania, New York and Ontario Zone C-New Jersey, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Maritime Islands. MEMBERS NOMINATED IN ALL TERRITORIES: TERRITORY I, ZONE A Glenn Popelka, Allyn WA TERRITORY II, ZONE A Kathyrn Cullison, Montaque CA Dennis Dean, Apple Valley, CA TERRITORY II, ZONE B Frank Larrabee, Corrales NM Diana M Olson, Tucson AZ TERRITORY III, ZONE A Sharon Woods-Hopkins, Marble Hill MO Jim Jirkovsky, Kearney NE Robert E Swick, Lebanan MO TERRITORY IV, ZONE A Larry Baker, Sumner TX Mike Howard, McKinney TX TERRITORY IV, ZONE B Debby Letham, Yukon OK TERRITORY V, ZONE A Eric Beené, Nesbit MS TERRITORY V, ZONE B Kenneth L. Austin, Jr., Climax NC Lisa Banks, Trenton NC TERRITORY VI, ZONE A Larry Edwards, Dayton OH Laura Lyon, Howell MI 2005 BOARD OF DIRECTORS ELECTION All Territories, with the exception of Territory I, will be participating in this year’s elections. Each eligible member will receive a ballot(s) for only those persons running in their territory. Statements from the candidate(s) running in your territory can be found inside this newsletter. Please refer to this information prior to voting. Please find the enclosed ballot(s) and return envelope and follow the voting instructions. Inside these pages is your official Appaloosa Horse Club election ballot and return envelope. After reviewing the information on the candidates, making your choice is as simple as: 1 2 CIRCLING THE CANDIDATE OF YOUR CHOICE. MAILING THE BALLOT IN THE RETURN ENVELOPE PROVIDED. In order to be counted, the ballot must arrive at the offices of our Certified Public Accountant, David Strottman by May 31. The return envelope is pre-addressed. However, you do need to attach a stamp to mail it. DO NOT MAIL THE BALLOT TO THE ApHC. TERRITORY I, ZONE A NO BALLOT ENCLOSED GLENN POPELKA PO Box 198 Allyn WA 98524 (360) 275-8558 In all elections for the office of director when at the close of nominations there is only one nominee for said office, upon certification by the executive secretary as to the singular candidate for the office of director, the board has instructed the CEO (executive secretary) to cast a ballot for the sole nominee who will thereby be deemed elected to the position of director of that territory, wherein the election will be conducted without the mail ballot process. Therefore, since Glenn Popelka from Allyn, Washington, is the only candidate running for the position of director in Territory I, Zone A, he is hereby deemed elected to the position of director in this territory. Statement of Qualifications/Purposes: My name is Glenn Popelka. I have been involved with the Appaloosa horse for over a decade. I am presently president of my regional club, co-manager of the Tall Timber Circuit Appaloosa Show and vice-president of Farwest Appaloosa Champions. I own, trail ride, exhibit and breed the Appaloosa horse. I am experienced organizing, planning shows and directing personnel. I have owned and operated my own ranch for nearly ten years, I feel I can bring a well-rounded, fair out look to the Appaloosa Horse Club. As an ApHC director I would serve the regional clubs, meet their membership, exchange ideas, hear their concerns and be their voice. I want to strengthen regional clubs by concentrating on increasing gamily and youth membership with youth as a focus. Without youth membership increasing or at least staying stable, I believe that the future of the club could be jeopardized. I will concentrate the majority of my time as a director to bring in new members and help design youth and family programs that fulfill their goals as a member of the ApHC. Next, obtaining sponsorships could help the youth programs by relieving some of the financial burdens so many of us have experienced. I believe that if we could make youth programs easily obtainable it would perpetuate more and more youth coming in the ApHC. Last, as breeder, I would like to address the current CPO ApHC rules. It is a grave concerns, which when a rule change is made horses and memberships decline amass. The CPO rule changes that forced horses and horse owners out of the ApHC should be amended immediately. When rules are changed, they should be declared as a benefit to all including the breed, not to just a portion of the membership. Remember, what we do today should be remembered as a triumph and not a legacy we would rather forget. Sincerely, Glenn Popelka 2005 BOARD OF DIRECTORS ELECTION TERRITORY II, ZONE A BALLOT ENCLOSED KATHY CULLISON 6038 Frontier Montague CA 96064 (530) 459-1116 • mmappys@inreach.com Statement of Qualifications/Purposes: My name is Kathy Cullison and I am seeking the opportunity to represent the members of Territory II, Zone A on the Board of Directors of the Appaloosa Horse Club. I have loved Appaloosas since I was a child. I have been breeding Appaloosas in Northern California for over 14 years now. My activities with my Appaloosas include showing, team penning, breeding and just plain pleasure trail riding. I have a practical hands-on understanding of the needs of a diverse member population, and I want to represent the wants and needs of all the members in my territory. I am a licensed Marriage and Family Counselor and one of my jobs is to help heal problem areas in relationships and improve communication within groups. To do this requires the ability to be able to see all sides of an issue and bring all of those sides to an agreement. My education and experience as a counselor would bring a unique and valuable perspective to the Board of Directors. As a current appointed member of an ApHC ad hoc committee, I have a working relationship with several Directors and Committee members. I am familiar with how our Club works and believe that I can work well within our committee system. Teamwork between the Board members and communication with the members is essential if we are to help solve any of the problems that the Appaloosa Horse Club and its members are facing. If you choose to elect me as your representative, I will keep those lines of communication open through telephone, mail, email and the Internet. Members would like to see new and innovative approaches to helping the Appaloosa horse regain the popularity that has been lost. This would include improving our Club image in an effort to strengthen Club finances. We need to put an emphasis on increasing our membership and keeping the members that we have. There needs to be more focus and support for our Regional Clubs and showing needs to be made more affordable. I believe we can do more to improve marketing and promotion. Particularly in the areas of outside advertising and raising corporate sponsorships, and this needs to be a number one priority of the Board. If elected I would be strongly in favor of increasing the dollar amount spent towards advertising in other magazines and online venues. If elected to the Board of Directors for Territory II, I would like to be the voice for all the members of my territory. I wish to hear all of your concerns, ideas, wants and needs, as I believe that my job as a Board member would be to bring to the table what YOU want. I am confident that I would be a good representative for the members of Territory II. I would appreciate your consideration of my candidacy to be your Territory II Board of Directors representative. Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you. DENNIS DEAN 23772 Keator Road Apple Valley, CA 92307 (768) 461-0097 Statement of Qualifications I raise Appaloosa horses, I stand an Appaloosa stallion, I show Appal oosa horses exclusively, I am President of a Regional Club, I have been a Board member of Cal Western Appaloosa Show Horse Association, I served as your ApHC Director for Territory II from 1997 to 2001, and I am an Appaloosa judge. I have been on Regional Boards since the late 1970’s, having served as President for over ten years during that time. I want to serve you and the Appaloosa industry by running for the National ApHC Board again. I believe I have much to offer our Territory and the Appaloosa breed as a whole not only from my 30 year relationship with the Appaloosa horse, but also from my professional role in the high tech industry of computers and electronics My job allows me to examine in detail, all of the operational intricacies of a complex multi-billion dollar computer business from its supply chain management to sales. I have been able to improve business systems and save millions of dollars in my job and believe I can offer the same opportunity to the ApHC and the Appaloosa industry. I promise to send regular email newsletters to all who want them and post issues and information via website so that you are as informed as I am. Statement of Purpose I understand how Boards and Committees operate and how decisions are made. I am a realist when it comes to making changes and serving the members of our Territory. I am on the “front lines” with you and share the same experiences you have, and consequently am very willing and capable of taking the message forward to pursue resolution for the betterment of the Appaloosa industry. I have a vision of the ApHC’s future based on actual breed statistics. It isn’t very positive and desperately needs change. While the equine registrations are growing as a whole, the Appaloosa registrations are declining! Our mare population and stallion population are declining. The number of horses entered in activities (which are primarily shows) is declining. The good news is that the Non Pro numbers are increasing, mostly in the 45 and over range. But the youth numbers are declining as well. Much of this is no surprise to most of us. We now have the statistical proof to back this up. We need to use that data to develop a plan to grow the Appaloosa industry instead to waiting and watching it 2005 BOARD OF DIRECTORS ELECTION shrink. At best we are only 3.5% of the entire equine market. Can we afford to become any less significant? If we do we won’t be able to market our Appaloosa’s because we won’t be recognized as a large enough force to sustain product value in the market place. I also believe there is not enough Appaloosa product (horses) in the market place to meet demand. I believe that the Regional Club is the key to the marketplace and that their health and well-being are paramount. Additionally, we need a more efficient method of communicating up and down the Appaloosa industry hierarchy. Cal l me at (760) 961-0097 or ema il me at dennis.dean@tais.toshiba.com if you have a question or just want to discuss some ideas about the breed. Respectfully, Dennis Dean TERRITORY II, ZONE B BALLOT ENCLOSED FRANK LARRABEE PO Box 273 Corrales NM 87048 (505) 897-8121 larrabeeapp@aol.com Statement of Qualifications Frank Larrabee is a life-long horseman, with a 20-year history in the Appaloosa breed. By trade, he is a businessman and owner of Larrabee Construction. Frank grew up on a horse farm in Illinois and went to Marmion Military Academy. At 17, he moved to New Mexico to play college basketball and earned his degree in Biology and Sociology. Later, Frank made his permanent home in Corrales, New Mexico where he started his business and horse farm. Frank balances his horses and construction company with the help of his wife, partner, and avid horsewoman Melanie. The couple stays active in the local community and public building projects. Frank finds time to continue his active interest in basketball by coaching the Navajo Boys Varsity Basketball team at To’hajiilee High School outside of Albuquerque, New Mexico. Frank and Melanie have bred and exhibited many National and World Champion Appaloosas including their stallions Mr. Cool Hand Luke and Choc Full of Chips. Statement of Purpose As a horseman, I believe the Appaloosa Horse Club’s best days are in front of us. As a businessman, I believe in a professional approach to growth in our association. As President of the ApHC and your director, I have worked with the BOD to set these goals for our success: Increase exposure of the Appaloosa Horse through innovative, modern and aggressive marketing strategies. “The Appaloosa Horse” monthly television show premiered in 2004 on RFD-TV, which airs in 23 million homes throughout America. Increase the value and marketability of our horses. The ApHC Board of Directors took over the management of the 2004 World Appaloosa Horse Sale. The average price increased from $2,600 in 2003 to $3,400 per head in 2004. We are currently working on a 40+ head yearling sale at the World Show for 2005. These yearlings will be eligible to return as two year olds to the 2006 World Show and compete for $30,000 in futurity money. Secure major corporate sponsors. Nutrena Feeds will award a $10,000 check to the winner of the “Iron Horse Competition” at the 2005 World Show. Nutrena will issue coupons valuing $20 for each ApHC member. Our ApHC logo will appear on millions of Nutrena feedbags distributed throughout the World. Increase membership, registrations and participation at ApHC events. Registrations and memberships have waned in the past several years. We need aggressive strategies to register our horses and to increase our membership. There are, however, bright spots in the show arena. Regional show participation was up significantly last year and our National/Youth World Show saw a 10% increase. The addition of many Youth Walk/Trot classes has helped with this trend. Also, we would like to target our Masters programs for growth. We can increase participation in our trail rides and endurance trail by providing more advertising and incentives such as saddles and buckles. I would appreciate the opportunity to continue these programs and institute new ones for the benefit of the Appaloosa Horse and you the members of our Association whether your interest is in show, breeding, trail, racing or simply the enjoyment of owning an Appaloosa. Thank you, Frank Larrabee DIANA M. OLSON Program Manager - 2105 Support 9000 S Rita Rd - Blvd 9032/Off 2251 Tucson, AZ 85744 (520) 799-5527 Cell (520) 661-6464 Tie - 321 olsondm@us.ibm.com My name is Diana Olson; I have been a lifetime member of the Appaloosa Horse Club since 1988. I have owned and stood several stallions since that time and have been showing regionally since 1989. Currently I own and operate Omega Appaloosas where I stood Macadoo. I am a Non-Pro and do all my own training, fitting and showing. I am currently president of the Arizona Appaloosa Association and on the board 2005 BOARD OF DIRECTORS ELECTION of the Southern Arizona Appaloosa Promoters regional club. I am also a lifetime member of the National Reining Horse Association, the Cowboy Mounted Shooters and Mounted Shooters of America. I moved 4 years ago from Central NY were I showed throughout the east coast. I have extensive experience on county boards for family and youth development and personal committees and have held the position of Chairman for the NY State 4-H horse judging competition. I have been in Management from 1st line to Regional manager with the IBM Corporation since 1991. I was also past president of the NY PENN Stallion, which held one of the largest all breed futurity shows on the east coast. I strongly feel that the Appaloosa breed can be more competitive in all aspects of the equine athletics, from open jumping to reining to dressage to cow competitions. I also believe that our breed can grow to be consistently in the top 3 in terms of membership and animal registration. I think our board should be made up of individuals from all aspects of our breed, showing, judging, trainers, non-pros and the recreational horse owners. Each has a vested interest in insuring the longevity and popularity of our breed. I believe we need to move forward in the issues of color and out crossing. We have taken steps to do this and they need to be continued. I believe our club is far behind other breeds in marketing the value of our animals. We need to be more visible in all breed competitions and at major horse expositions. I feel the input from our members is the most important tool to get the job done. The opinions of our membership are varied and I see this as a good thing. Not everyone will be pleased with decisions made by the board but if their input is heard and taken into consideration then we all win in the end. I feel the general membership’s faith in the club has improved over the last couple of years. This momentum needs to be used to continue to improve that working relationship. Several events over the last few months may have put the club back a step or two, but has not damaged the leaps the club has achieved. We must continue to look to the future, learn from the past and do what is in the best interest of the club as a whole. I would bring to the board my vast experience with not only the ApHC but from working with and networking with the other various breeds, breed owners and multiple non-breed specific clubs. I work to keep current on their issues by frequenting their chat rooms, attending their breed shows and subscribing to their breed magazines. I feel we can all learn from each other and use that knowledge to better our own breed associations. The Appaloosa horse is again starting to grow in popularity and through careful management and marketing we will regain our status as one of the top breeds in the US and across the world. International recognition of our breed is growing and this too needs to be addressed by the board so as to not lose the momentum achieved so far. Our open show program continues to grow and is another area of focus that needs to be encouraged. Many a convert to our breed comes from the open arena competition. I not only show regionally, but also attend the Nationals and World shows. My current gelding not only has placed in the top 10 at worlds in halter, but is also a winner at open gymkhana’s and mounted shooters. This broad perspective of what we can do with our great breed helps me in weighing the needs of our national club from all aspects. I’m a firm believer that if you want to make something better then you need to get into a position that can make a difference. I see this opportunity to represent the Appaloosa on the Board of Directors as my way to make that difference. Diana M. Olson 2005 BOARD OF DIRECTORS ELECTION TERRITORY III, ZONE A BALLOT ENCLOSED SHARON WOODS-HOPKINS P.O. Box 1010 Marble Hill MO 63764 (573) 238-3005 Cell (573) 238-5054 sharon@regionaltitle.com I have many years experience in most aspects of our Club, as a trainer, exhibitor, breeder, judge, and CPO inspector. I feel that my successful business background will enable me to make the decisions needed to improve the Club for all the members. I will bring experience and strong work ethic to make this a Club for all its members. If you put your confidence in me by your vote, I will work hard for everyone. I want anyone with any ideas, opinions and input to feel free to contact me any time. Sincerely, Sharon Woods- Hopkins Statement of Qualifications: • I have been a member of the ApHC since 1978 and a Judge for 25 years. • I have judged all over the US, Canada, Mexico and Europe. • I was a breeder for 15 years, and have trained and shown for over 20 years. • I have been an ApHC inspector for 20 years. • I have been past President and Board member of Big River ApHC and Broken Arrow ApHC. • I currently own and am President of Regional Title & Land Services, Inc. • I am married, and my husband Bill and I have four grown children and four grandchildren. Statement of Purpose: I believe that the Appaloosa is the best Breed in the world. There is no other breed that offers the beauty, good disposition, keen sense, and all around versatility of our Appaloosa horse. I want to work to help promote and grow our breed all over the world. Our foreign affiliates need more cooperation and help. I feel that to truly welcome the foreign affiliates, we need to make their Director a voting Director. Further we should make our documents available in the languages of our affiliates. I would like to see us work to unify the ApHC and the Appaloosa Horse Club of Canada. We need to be the leaders in carefully examining all the evidence concerning HYPP, HERDA and SCID. We must not rush to judgment especially with HERDA, but rather look at all the science, and how it will truly impact our bloodlines. We need to preserve the gains we have made in our breeding programs, while continuing to look at the overall best for our Breed. I believe the strength of an organization is in the Membership. I want to help Regional Clubs have better and more successful shows. I want our breeders encouraged by strong promotion of the Breed. The rewards for which will bring a higher demand for the Appaloosa. I would like to see more Corporate sponsors sign on to our Breed. I want to see our Youth Program excel so that we become the standard that all breeds look up to. I would like for all members to feel that they have easy access to their Directors and that they have a real voice in the operation of the Club. If I am elected, I will welcome input from everyone with easy access by phone fax or email. JIM JIRKOVSKY 2446 Cottonmill Ave. Kearney, NE 68845 (308) 237-3390 jbarstraining@charter.net Statement of Qualifications and Purpose: Dear Appaloosa members: It has been an honor and a privilege to serve as your director for the past six years. I’ve enjoyed talking with many of you and listening to your ideas and suggestions. I think we all agree that the Appaloosa is a great horse, and we’re striving for progress in many different areas of the industry. I feel the Board of Directors has made some very positive changes but I also realize how long it takes to see the benefits of change. There are times when it feels like we’re taking three steps forward and two steps back. Once again, I’m asking for your support as I’m running for Director in Territory III Zone A. Many of you know me personally but I’ll give you a brief biography. I’ve been involved in the Appaloosa business for over 30 years and my children grew up in the Appaloosa youth program. My son, Jeff Jirkovsky, is an active non-pro exhibitor, and my wife and I own and operate J/S Training in Kearney, Nebraska. We were honored to be named ApHC Trainers of the Year in 1997 and have been fortunate to have trained and shown seven World’s Best Appaloosas. I’ve enjoyed being an Appaloosa judge since 1987 and have judged the National Appaloosa Show twice as well as judging major shows throughout the United States, Australia, New Zealand, France, Germany, Canada, and Italy. Decisions made by the Board of Directors affect my livelihood as well as yours. I show, judge and own and stand Appaloosa stallions and breed Appaloosa and AQHA mares. I’ve seen the impact rule changes have had on our breeding industry and want to remain on the board to help rectify this situation. As a breeder, I feel that we need to establish and maintain standards for outcrossing and registration that will improve and stabilize the breed’s marketability. Our breed has made tremendous strides over the years and I strongly feel we need to continue striving for excellence. 2005 BOARD OF DIRECTORS ELECTION Another issue I’m concerned with is the general membership and the international affiliates. I feel our members deserve the best customer service and every member should receive 12 issues of Appaloosa Journal. I feel regional clubs need more support from the ApHC, as the regional club is the backbone of our industry. I’m currently chairman of the Judges Committee and feel we have an outstanding group of judges. We’re excited about our new judges and had a great group of applicants at the 2005 Color Breed Council. We’re working on judges’ accountability and education. The Executive Secretary position is the main concern of the Board of Directors. The Board has some very good people in mind and we’re open to your suggestions as well. We’re proud of the Nutrena Iron Horse Award that will be implemented this year at the World Championship Appaloosa Show. This award will reward the versatility of the Appaloosa horse, and our partnership with Nutrena is very exciting. Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. I’m asking for your support and I promise to do the best I can for the Appaloosa horse. I’m very willing to visit with you and listen to your suggestions regarding improving the Appaloosa Horse Club. All ApHC members are important to me. Please feel free to call any time at 308-237-3390. ROBERT SWICK 26346 HWY N Lebanon MO 65536 (417) 532-3689 Statement of Qualifications and Purpose: I would like to briefly describe myself and why I feel qualified to serve you. I am a 63-year old retired public school educator. Having spent 36 years in the trade of which 27 years were in administration, I feel the ability to meet and work with people to be a strong asset. The final 7 years I was responsible for a building of 600 students, 60 staff and a budget in excess of 3 million dollars. Personnel evaluations and budgetary processes are two areas of strength and confidence. I have worked with at-risk students and 4-H kids in equine projects and am a strong supporter of the Youth Program. In my 42 years as a member of the Appaloosa Horse Club, I have belonged to many regional clubs and held several offices. I have shown open and non-pro competitions and without the use of a professional trainer, have been very successful. One of my geldings went from the pasture to Supreme Champion with the help of my rider Patricia Dunham and a lot of work. This proves the “small man” can compete and be successful in the “big game.” I currently am preparing for my 28th Chief Joseph Trail Ride and participating in others. When I decided to run for the office of National Director, my thoughts were how could I help the members and the Appaloosa breed return to the former position of popularity and respect in the equine world. I realized it was not something that I could do alone. I should be the voice of the members from my territory. Too often, we as members sit back and allow someone to act for us, then later complain that it’s not in our best interest. I believe that all Directors should communicate to those represented and receive communication from them. Members and regional clubs should speak out to their Directors. I do not represent any special interest groups such as judges, trainers, or horse breeders. I represent a person with a life-long interest in the breed and all those with a similar interest. It is my hope that we can interest more youth in showing, as they are the adult riders, breeders, and owners of tomorrow. Some Regionals are trying to get more youth to participate by waiving the class entry and charging only national point fees, stalls, etc. Hopefully more parents can afford to get involved. Regional clubs may try to encourage individuals to get back into showing by making the shows more affordable and fun. One way would be to have each territory, or maybe each regional club, return to a one day, single or double judge show early in the season. This allows people to try and compete on a level basis. People would like to see some form of tangible reward for their efforts rather than just a print of points. It seems there are many people who have expressed similar concerns in the Journal. Financial accountability would be one of my primary concerns. I feel there is too much financial waste for lack of accountability. Our problems cannot be solved by constant fee increases. Eliminating waste and bringing our finances into line should be our goal. Members need to be made more aware of club activities and the inner circle operations should not be kept secret from the members. The National Club has been cloaked in a veil of rumors and half-truths for several decades. 2005 BOARD OF DIRECTORS ELECTION TERRITORY IV, ZONE A BALLOT ENCLOSED LARRY BAKER Heart’s Desire Appaloosas 599 CR 33100 Sumner, TX 75486 (903) 782-9110 lbaker@bluebonnet.net always agree with your opinion, but I will listen to you and take it to the B.O.D. Last, but not least, I will always be honest and upfront. Feel free to call or e-mail me at anytime. Thank you for reading this and considering me as your national director. Cordially, Larry Baker MIKE HOWARD Statement of Qualifications and Purpose: TO: Appaloosas Horse Club Members of Territory IV Many of you know me, but for those who do not, my name is Larry Baker. My wife, Delita, and I live in Sumner, TX along with twenty-two horses. I am writing this letter to ask for your support and vote for me as the ApHC Director for Territory IV Zone A. I do not take it lightly running for this office. Only after being asked by many people did I finally decide to run for director. I always thought that someone else would be better qualified or could do a better job. So the question is, what would Larry Baker bring to the table? I believe I bring a vision and desire to see the appaloosa and ApHC members promoted and represented. I feel I can be fair and look at issues from all points of view. I have only been raising appaloosas since 1997, but have had horses all my life. Not only am I an owner, I am also a breeder, and competitor. I understand the person who goes to shows and works to earn points, yet I also understand the trials of a breeder. I understand the person who owns one or two horses and wants to trail ride or just have them as a companion. I have experience in each of these areas. Delita and I own and manage Heart’s Desire Appaloosas. We have the privilege of owning a National Champion mare, Bar Pat Nell, and a two-time Reserve World Champion/ApHC Champion stallion, Special Report. Special Report was also the 1999 high point S/B Working Cow horse. We also stand our junior stallion, Natural Vision (Vision Maker x Bar Pat Nell). As you can see, we are not only involved in halter horses, but performance horses as well. I want you to have a voice in the ApHC and I want to be the extension of your voice to the B.O.D. I feel the job of a director should be to represent the people of his or her territory and their views. God has blessed me with the ability to speak to people. I do that everyday as the national field manager for a major school curriculum company. I spent 27 years in the U. S. Army as a logistics officer. I am used to writing, reviewing, and approving contracts as well as dealing with a diversity of people. I know how to take charge and I know how to take orders. I promise, if elected, to promote at a national level the wishes of Territory IV. What I will take to the B.O.D. is the wishes of the people. I realize I do not know everything, so I must depend on your input. I will listen and seek advice and be a STRONG voice for the people. I may not 8881 Twin Mallets Lane McKinney, TX 75071 (972) 542-1381 Statement of Qualifications and Purpose: It was 1970 when I bought my first Appaloosa. Since then, Martha and I have bred, raised and shown Appaloosa horses in Western Pleasure, halter and barrel racing. We have ridden ApHC trail rides for 29 years — all on Appaloosa horses. We live on and manage a ranch north of Dallas, were we raise Appaloosa horses and cattle. We are members of the Dal-Worth And Texas Appaloosa Horse Clubs. I have worked in the World and National shows promoting the Appaloosa horses, escorting judges and assisting members and visitors. I have helped to organize and have led trail rides since 1976. I have served on national committees and attended directors’ meetings for 27 years. During that time I have worked very closely with ApHC directors. I have given various Appaloosa horse lectures at conventions, shown films, and helped organize and run ApHC museum auctions. My business background is wide spread. I have degrees from Decatur Baptist College and North Texas University. I am retired from the United States Secret Service, having served under three presidents. While assigned to the White House, along with the responsibilities of protecting the president and first family, it was my duty to work with people at all levels. I have planned budget and financial studies. One important thing overall, people are all alike. We want to be respected, listened to and we expect honesty. We still want to be treated with integrity. I am presently chairman of the board of Co-Op Water Co. At this time I am also serving as chairman of the deacons at Rhea’s Mill Baptist church, where I have attended for over 27 years. I am presently vice-president of the Dal-Worth Appaloosa Horse Club. I believe in helping people that need help. I will do the same thing for the members of the ApHC. WE members have experienced many ups and down in the past 35 years. We’ve made great strides and we’ve made a few mistakes. My main purpose in being your director is to serve you, the members, the horse owner, trainer and horse lover— to help push the Appaloosa and this organization forward into the 21st century. To do that, we must hear our members’ voices and have strong leadership! 2005 BOARD OF DIRECTORS ELECTION As your director, I will listen to your concerns, your ideas and your feelings as to how you would like for our club to be represented. We may not agree on everything, but you will be heard and informed on any and all issues. As your director, I will be an active and available representative. I have three main objectives: 1. I want the very best horse the Appaloosa can produce, second to none, that can stand and excel with the very best. 2. I want the very best service possible from our national headquarters for everyone. 3. I want the will of the membership to have a higher priority in the decision made by our directors. Ask yourself one question. “Have I been getting good representation or have I been wasting my vote?” Bottom line? If you want honesty and integrity — vote for Mike Howard. Thank you for your consideration, and God Bless America! TERRITORY IV, ZONE B NO BALLOT ENCLOSED DEBBY LETHAM 13420 N. Frisco Rd Yukon OK 73099 (405) 373-1133 lethampony@aol.com In all elections for the office of director when at the close of nominations there is only one nominee for said office, upon certification by the executive secretary as to the singular candidate for the office of director, the board has instructed the CEO (executive secretary) to cast a ballot for the sole nominee who will thereby be deemed elected to the position of director of that territory, wherein the election will be conducted without the mail ballot process. Therefore, since Debby Letham from Yukon, Oklahoma, is the only candidate running for the position of director in Territory IV, Zone B, she is hereby deemed re-elected to the position of director in this territory. 2005 BOARD OF DIRECTORS ELECTION TERRITORY V, ZONE A NO BALLOT ENCLOSED ERIC BEENÉ 2020 Aspen Dr. Nesbit MS 38651 (662) 429-5793 swindsranch@hotmail.com In all elections for the office of director when at the close of nominations there is only one nominee for said office, upon certification by the executive secretary as to the singular candidate for the office of director, the board has instructed the CEO (executive secretary) to cast a ballot for the sole nominee who will thereby be deemed elected to the position of director of that territory, wherein the election will be conducted without the mail ballot process. Therefore, since Eric Beené from Nesbit, Mississippi, is the only candidate running for the position of director in Territory V, Zone A, he is hereby deemed re-elected to the position of director in this territory. Statement of Qualifications and Purpose: The election of 2005 is upon us and I would appreciate your vote of confidence as I seek another term on the board of directors. I have the business skills, experience and leadership ability to help move the club into a positive future. I am currently the ApHC Vice President and marketing committee chairman. At a regional level, I am President of the West Tennessee club and a director with the Mississippi club. Having a herd of over 30 Appaloosas, I am committed and passionate about the breed. My horses are shown in ApHC breed and NRHA shows. If elected for another term, I would like to assist the ApHC in becoming more aggressive when it comes to marketing. I am on the TV committee that helped to launch the Appaloosa Horse show that airs on television and believe this is a very important marketing venue that we should continue. I was instrumental in getting the ApHC to have a booth at the FFA convention. It was a great venue as over 50,000 youth could see our live exhibit. In the future, to be successful, I believe it is vital that we work on the breeders trust, extending it to the life of the horse. Also, it should be expanded into a program that rewards all segments of our membership rather they show, race or compete in distance events. More incentives should be given to encourage our members to compete on the open circuits. The Appaloosa is the most versatile of all breeds, yet for the most part, we stay within our own little ApHC circle. When the club was at its strongest, we were out competing and winning against other breeds. Our registrations are now comprised of a significant number of international registrations and our marketing plan should reflect this. We recently attended Equitana in Germany with money secured from a government grant and it was a huge success. We should continue to secure more grants to expand our reach into other areas of the World. The regional clubs are vital to our marketing goals and it is time the ApHC works and builds relations with the regionals because they are the lifelines of the club. In the show arena we have been very successful with our youth and should continue to build upon that. At the same time we should continue to grow our masters division and create more opportunities for the non-pro as well. However, we need to also remember that less than 15 % of our membership shows horses. Knowing this, our largest potential area for growth is with our trail and distance programs and it is extremely important that we build upon and improve this area within the club. If elected, I will continue to work diligently for the members and the Appaloosa. Please feel free to contact me by phone or email to discuss my views. Thank you, Eric Beené TERRITORY V, ZONE B BALLOT ENCLOSED KEN AUSTIN 3458 New Salem Road Climax NC 27233 (336) 685-0070 Statement of Qualifications and Purpose: I am currently semi-retired from a career in Mortgage Banking. Highlights include starting a company with 2 employees and growing to 250 employees with a portfolio in excess of one billion dollars. In addition to being half owner of the business, I held the position of Chief Operating Officer. My wife, Dawn and I bought our first Appaloosa in 1989 and began showing that same year. Since that time our son, Jason and daughter, Kasey have all enjoyed showing our Appaloosa horses. WE have been very fortunate to have raised and shown our horses to World and National titles in youth, nonpro and open classes. I have been a member of the North Carolina Appaloosa Horse Association since 1989. Over the years I have served as president twice, director, breeders futurity chairman and show chairman. I have been a member of numerous clubs on the East coast. I have been a member and supported the Appaloosa Game Horse Association and the Appaloosa Pleasure Horse Association. Our farm has advertised in the Appaloosa Journal for many years. My family and I have made a significant investment in the Appaloosa horse and the Appaloosa Horse Club. As with any 2005 BOARD OF DIRECTORS ELECTION investment attention and involvement are keys to success. Our investment includes ownership of 20 Appaloosas including broodmares, numerous show horses, and a loud colored stallion, by Chips Hot Chocolate. We raise around 3 foals each year. As all of you know this is just the beginning, barn, arenas, trucks, trailers, and etc., all figure into the investment. We attend 8 to 10 shows a year, as well as the National and World show. The Appaloosa Horse Club has proven to be successful over the years, having grown to the third largest registry in the world. In recent years our club has experienced a backslide, which can be attributed to many things. I believe we can once again attain success and growth by focusing on six major areas. History Organization Marketing Registry Youth Program Non-pro Program Some of the most important issues to me are: Protecting and promoting the history and heritage of our horse while breeding for the best possible Appaloosa. Improving our organization by expanding our board and making us an “association” that is truly member friendly and totally accountable to its members. WE must improve the marketing of our horse by making each member proud of our accomplishments. Every member is a sales representative, but we must have strong leadership in this area. Our registry has undergone significant change and change is good. We must continue to examine our CPO program and make changes that best serve our members. I am in favor of the pending appendix program. The last time I ran for this position only a third of the eligible voters voted. I urge all members to take part in the process and vote. The most important objective for me is to be a passionate participant. Good decisions cannot be made without good information. I promise to be a good listener and available for your input. LISA BANKS 203 West Trent Street Trenton NC 28585 (252) 448-1345 lottaspots@hotmail.com Statement of Qualifications and Purpose: This spring, Territory V will again choose a voice that will listen to and serve your needs on the ApHC Board of Directors. I would appreciate your support and confidence to elect me again to this position on the board. Some may wonder why anyone would want to be an ApHC Director, considering the challenges we all know the club is facing. For me it is simple. I am confident that I can continue to be an effective voice for Territory V as we move into the future. I ask only for the opportunity to demonstrate that. Representing all members is not something that I take lightly, and I strive to provide information on key issues that affect the Appaloosa, the ApHC, and its people. Seeking new and innovative methods for marketing and promotion such as the new television show featuring the Appaloosa is a positive step in marketing, and of which I am proud to be a part. Our new marketing director, Bill Scebbi, will be bringing even more positive promotional changes to our club. More timely communication with the membership has been another positive change, as more timely articles appear in the Journal and the ApHC newsletter goes out on a regular basis. I still feel that the board of directors should be a balance of all aspects of our club, and since I am not a judge or a trainer, but a breeder and regional exhibitor, I can effectively represent and serve that segment of our club. Our club faces many challenges in the near future, one of which will be finding another CEO to lead us. Registration issues and possible rule changes are being discussed, as well as the impact that the CPO 2002 rule change has had on our club. GBED and HERDA are paramount in many breeders and owner’s minds, and the ApHC is actively pursuing new information about these genetic tendencies with which to keep you, the members, informed. And our club is moving forward with requiring DNA on a sliding scale, so that in the near future, all Appaloosas will have DNA on file to alleviate “ringers” or questions as to correct parenthood of our Appaloosas. I invite you to utilize the training and experience I have gained in serving the members of Territory V and the ApHC. With your support, we can continue to smoothly work together on the many tough issues facing our industry and our horse. The knowledge and insight I have gained as a member of the Appaloosa Horse Club and the board of directors has prepared me to continue to serve you in an intelligent and informed way. I understand the absolute necessity for teamwork and for extraordinary attention to detail, how to manage large complex amounts of information, and how to look past ego and self-interest, to clearly focus on the needs of the many and not the few. I have learned the hard way, the real meaning of self-discipline, and keeping one’s cool under pressure. I would like to continue to utilize these experiences in service to Territory V and the ApHC membership, as together we face tough issues and world-wide growth. I invite you to utilize the training and insight that I have gained in serving the members of Territory V and the ApHC. With your support, we can continue to smoothly work together on the many tough issues facing our industry and our horse. Please feel free to contact me by phone, e-mail or mail to discuss my views and other topics. Thank you, Lisa Banks 2005 BOARD OF DIRECTORS ELECTION TERRITORY VI, ZONE A BALLOT ENLCOSED LARRY EDWARDS 9388 South Palmer Road Dayton OH 45424 (937) 845-8644 Statement of Qualifications and Purpose: The Appaloosa horse and ApHC have dominated my life for over 40 years. I’ve been a breeder, trainer, farrier, judge, show manager, regional club President, served two terms on the ApHC National Board, and was twice elected Board President. As owner of Edwards Training Center, I’ve exhibited horses to World and National championships and presented clinics in Europe, South America and Canada. Through my long association with the ApHC, and especially as a Board member, I’ve done my homework, worked hard, listened to the needs of our members, kept communication channels open, and learned our strengths and weaknesses as an organization. Why do I again seek to represent you? Because I care about the future of the horse and our organization, both of which are facing increasingly troubled times. I offer you my experience, which has taught what doesn’t work, and what has yet to be considered. Experience also advises against quick fixes that might look good on paper but which require careful and thorough study. It also reveals our strengths — diversity and inclusiveness — but which can sometimes result in trying to be all things to all people, which doesn’t work. Let’s be realistic and not fool ourselves into being overly optimistic about our future. The ApHC is at a crossroads unlike any faced in recent memory; registrations, breedings and transfers are the lowest in over 20 years; membership, once growing, is starting to decline; after only a year and amidst controversy, we’re looking for a new CEO; financially, we’re not facing bankruptcy but must address serious short and long-term financial issues; API (new registration proposal), touted as part of a short and long-range recovery plan, has already divided the membership and may create more problems than it might solve; regional shows are fewer, smaller and more expensive; we’re hearing about renewed efforts to close the books; fairness and consistency in applying drug rules have once again become an issue; the purebred proposal coming before the BOD sounds appealing but having both its supporters and detractors, deserves close study; we will vote on a controversial proposal to change the name of our organization; we’re still an organization with an image problem in the larger equine world because of the constant public bickering over solutions to many of our problems; we must increase our marketing efforts but cannot do so effectively so long as the hot issues produce divisiveness. To say we face challenging times doesn’t begin to paint an accurate picture. Rather, the ApHC is at a serious crossroads where easy and popular solutions are few and far between. As a candidate to represent you, I offer you my experience in nearly every phase of the Appaloosa industry. My years off the Board have been good teachers. I’ve kept current and know solutions to issues cannot be achieved with old ideas, but know also that new and fresh ideas are best weighed against the background of experience. I’m proud to have served you in the past and ask again to be your representative to help face the difficult times ahead. Please contact me for more details. Thank you, Larry Edwards LAURA LYON 2675 Spring Hill Drive Howell MI 48843 (517) 545-1776 Lyon@getspotted.com Fellow Appaloosa enthusiasts; I am offering to represent you on the Appaloosa Horse Club Board of Directors in Territory VI Zone A. My name is Laura Lyon. I was raised on a farm here in Michigan. I have been a horse owner since 1972, have owned and bred stock type horses since 1987, and have been an ApHC member and an active Appaloosa breeder since 1995. I spent several years in the western states pursuing my education and career. In 1987 I married my sweetheart Mike and we have two wonderful children. We have recently returned “home” to Michigan where I assist in managing a successful family business. In addition to educational and professional management skills, I have experience as a breeding manager and trainers’ assistant for a large multi-breed show and breeding barn. I am proud that I have bred, raised and shown an ApHC World Show Qualifier and a Register of Merit award earner. However I am not a professional trainer nor am I a professional judge. I enjoy showing, but like the majority of ApHC members, I also use my Appaloosas in a variety of activities outside of the ApHC show ring. I have a deep interest in the history of our breed and in industry trends affecting the Appaloosa today. I participate in many phases of “Appaloosa activism” — promotion and advertising, online and group discussions, writing and contributing to Appaloosa articles, and getting Appaloosas out in the public eye in many positive ways. My goal as a Director, if elected, is simple — I want to represent you. I will communicate with the members in my area through telephone, email, regional club meetings and newsletters, and hold periodic Zone/Territory meetings to share information and gather member ideas, concerns, and feedback. 2005 BOARD OF DIRECTORS ELECTION I have heard feedback from members already the ApHC membership needs online access to pedigrees and show records. Our regional clubs want help to make showing more affordable for the average family. Members who show on the regional, National and World levels are asking for more judges’ accountability. Exhibitors are demanding tougher drug rules and penalties. Our members who participate outside of the ApHC in growing areas such as Trail and Distance, Dressage, and Combined Driving deserve recognition for their horses’ achievements and their promotion of the breed. I believe the ApHC can become an industry leader by working productively with the different facets within our breed. I believe in keeping a balance between developing and maintaining the programs, rules, and structure of the club, and getting and keeping people interested and excited about owning and participating with their Appaloosas — We need ALL of our membership for our breed to grow and remain strong, because our Appaloosas cannot raise and promote themselves. Without ALL of us, the Appaloosa suffers. I can offer balanced representation for our diverse ApHC members and our diverse Appaloosa horses. I urge you to vote in this upcoming election, and please consider me as your representative. Thank you, Laura Lyon 2005 BOARD OF DIRECTORS ELECTION