Script - Telus
Script - Telus
CAL GAR The Script Y SCMAFC MODEL A FORD CLUB March 2013 Some of the participants at the ‘ World of Wheels’ show in Calgary, February 2013. l to r - Sam Squire, Chris Brancaccio, Barry Osborne, Wayne Anderson and Keith Robinson Featured in this issue: Membership Pins The 2013 World of Wheels Display Update on the Club’s AA Truck project Ethylene Glycol Antifreeze Chart Page 5 Page 6 Page 10 Page 12 The March 2013 Script Page 2 President’s Message To begin, in view of our March meeting being the last at Woodridge for the season I must once again thank Woodridge, specifically Gerry and Travis for the use of their boardroom. As of April the Snowbirds will have generally returned and it's back home to the Clubhouse for us all. Spring will also see us looking forward to June 1st when Keith and Christine Robinson have once again offered to host our 'Spring 'Safety Check, Tune-up Session, and Barbecue'. In the meantime, for those members who may be unable to participate please remember that it is relatively easy to conduct your own safety check. Simply print off a copy of the check sheet from our website, complete your inspection and any repairs required, sign the sheet, and mail it to Dianna our Club Secretary who will respond by sending you a current edition of the Provincial SVAA safety sticker to place on your windshield. Other Club Members would be pleased to clarify any details for which you may desire some advice plus the Club Library is at your disposal and contains a wealth of technical information. With respect to pending and in-progress activities, I offer a thank you to Chris Brancaccio for leading this year's joint A's and T's Club display at the World of Wheels, to Dave Basaraba for donating the stanchions to the club which we have been borrowing from him for various display purposes in recent years, to Glenn Smith for continuing to act as our interface precedent to the Olds College Collector Car Auction scheduled for June 23rd, and for the additional progress made on our AA project during the course of the winter. Next it will be Dean Potter's turn in the spotlight as he works to organize our touring activities for the 2013 season! Ron Rigby Stampede City Model A Ford Club Mission Statement CALG ARY The SCMAFC is devoted to the restoration and preservation of Model A Ford vehicles to protect our automotive heritage for future generations. Membership initiatives and objectives are demonstrated through workshops, tours and participation in community events. General Information Meetings will normally be held on the second Wednesday of each month (SeptJune) at the Club Garage at 7:30 PM. Mailing Address: Stampede City Model A Ford Club 1411 Southdale Place S.W. Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2W 0X8 For updated club information call the Announcement Line at 403-670-9119 SCMAFC MODEL A FORD CLUB 2013 Executive President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ron Rigby Past President . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chris Brancaccio Vice President . . . . . . . . . . . . .Troy Dillabough Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dianna Adams Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dave Dodd Membership Director . . . . . . .JR Smith Publications Director . . . . . . .Al Friesen Editor/Publisher . . . . .. . . Al Friesen Printer . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .Troy Dillabough Technical Editor . . . . . . . .Sid Gough Capital Assets Director . . . . . Paul Chudek Clubhouse Custodian . . . . Paul Chudek Tours & Events Director. . . . .Dean Potter Christmas Function . . . . . . Irene Rigby Technical Projects Mgr. . . . . .Paul Chudek Technical Talks . . . . . . . . .Murray Walkemeyer Librarian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Irene Rigby Revenue Advertising Mgr's. . Norm Devitt & Keith Robinson SVAA Liaison . . . . . . . . . . . . Glenn Smith Web Site Manager . . . . . . . . .Al Friesen Web Site: Email: Membership fees are $35 per family per calendar year. The Stampede City Model A Ford Club Publishes the “Ford Script” monthly (except July and August). Articles appearing in the “Ford Script” may be reprinted provided credit is given. All Information in the “Ford Script” is provided for your enjoyment and edification only. No one associated with the “Ford Script” can be held responsible for errors, omissions, or misinterpreted information even though all efforts will be made to ensure correctness of the content. March 2013 The SCMAFC GENERAL MEETING Script Page 3 Feb. 13th, 2013 The February meeting began at 7:40PM with President Ron Rigby welcoming the 13 Members and 1 Guest in attendance and thanking Woodridge Ford for the use of their boardroom. Secretarial: In Dianna's absence Ron also acted as Secretary for the evening which began with Glenn Smith moving the minutes from January meeting be accepted as read. Keith Robinson seconded the motion. All were in favor. Correspondence: Letters were received from the SVAA confirming our renewed membership for 2013 and our continued liability and Executive team insurance coverage; from MAFCA advising that liability coverage can also be obtained via their organization; from the Central Alberta Vintage Club promoting participation in the 2013 International Meet to be based in Olds this year but also advising that their registration deadline was to be Feb. 28th, 2013, and a brochure from the 'Nifty Fiftys Club' advising this year's 'Spring Thaw' is on Apr. 21st. Treasurer: Treasurer Dave Dodd reported that our current account continues at it's usual seasonal peak due to the curent cycle of Membership renewals. He also relayed the Club's 2012 financial records to Mike Hill and Dean Potter for review and thanked them for their effort in that regard. Dave also advised that he would be conducting the evening's draw for the “mystery door prize” contributed by Glenn and supplemented by the unclaimed towel and plate that had been left at the Lakeview Hall at the conclusion of our 2012 Christmas party. Membership: Director JR Smith advised that 82 of an anticipated 95 potential members have now paid to date. Publications: Once again Director Al Friesen assembled and Troy Dillabough printed the hard copies of another excellent edition of the Script. In response to a query about a potential publication date for the new Roster Ron indicated he would check with Troy in that regard. (Post Meeting notation: Troy has subsequently advised that although he was scheduled to be out-of-Province for the balance of February he anticipated being able to complete the Roster project in March.) Capital Assets: Ron advised that work is continuing on the AA. As of this date Serge has the end-gate, Ron has the fenders, etc., in readiness to relay to Serge as Serge becomes ready for them, and that the box itself is now at Brian Muise's in readiness to be painted. (Post Meeting notation: It appears the previous quote Brian gave Paul may have been just for “fine-tuning and painting the box only” and that an additional cost might be incurred relative to painting the rear fenders, splash pans, and running boards. Yet to be clarified!)) Tours & Activities: Director Dean Potter and Lyle Ford led a discussion relative to the merits of scheduling a two or three day tour involving Stettler, Big Valley, and Drumheller on July 19th, 20th, and 21st. This was well received and further details will be made available in due course. There were additional discussions re: other potential overnight tours involving BC highway #93 and Alberta's Crowsnest area, plus the pro's and con's involved. - pending. In addition June 8th was set as this year's “Spring Safety Check-Tune-upand Barbecue” day at Keith & Christine Robinson's with a potential brunch excursion to follow on June 9th. (Post Meeting Notation: Due to a schedule conflict these two activities have been moved to the June 1st & 2nd weekend). Dean's proposal to have one or two of the mobile food vendors currently operating in the city core meet us mid-day during the course of one of our day tours this summer, was also well received by the group. Lastly, Bruce Brander provided an update re: the status of the motor he is re-building relative to a potential March date for our impending 'babbett pour viewing session'. Librarian: On Irene's behalf Ron advised that the two books which had been signed out since mid-2012 had now been returned and they would be back on the library shelves when we return to the Clubhouse in April. OLD BUSINESS: “World of Wheels”: Keith Robinson on Chris's behalf provided a progress briefing re: our impending World-of-Wheels display. He has the forms required by the car owners and Chris will be in-touch with those listed to staff the display. Due to his potential absence Dean may need someone to haul his coupe unless an alternate car can be arranged. In view of there being Flames games on each of the nights involved this year, there was some discussion re: the complexities associated with delivering and retrieving the cars involved. “Olds College Auction”: Once again Glenn Smith provided a situational update inclusive of noting that our Club is the only one to receive the publicity associated with being formally recognized as an Olds College Sponsor. Attention was also drawn to the Script article he had written. NEW BUSINESS: SVAA Meeting: Glenn Smith as our liaison with the SVAA distributed copies of their current magazine and provided a briefing re: the primary topics discussed at the SVAA business meeting in Lethbridge. Key topics included “Safety Inspections, Insurances, and their magazine now being available on the SVAA website”. Of specific interest was a presentation relative to zinc content oils by Bob Zubkowski of the Cam-Oil organization. It was agreed that Glenn should also invite Bob to speak at our March meeting if he is available to do so. Thank you's were again extended to Gerry Wood for the use the Woodridge boardroom for the winter; and to JR Smith for bringing the doughnuts. _____________________________________________________ RWR _____________ The March 2013 Script Page 4 Editor’s Notes Mid March brings a few warmer days and thoughts of getting our cars back out on the road soon. As snowbirds we are finding the days warming a tad too much sometimes and realize that we will begin our journey home in a few weeks. Sheila and I will actually be enroute at the time of the April club meeting so I would appreciate those that contribute items to the Script to do so as early as you can, many thanks! This issue contains info on the successful 2013 World of Wheels display and some excellent photos taken by some of the participants. Thank you Chris Brancaccio, Ron Rigby and JR Smith. With not too much else new to report I’ll share with you a desert sunset from Arizona. Al Friesen March 2013 The Script Page 5 “ Membership Pins “ One function of our multi-faceted “Memberships Portfolio” which receives little publicity and which excepting for an occasional glitch, operates so effectively we tend to take it for granted, is the management of our “Membership Pins Program”. During its first decade the club had fewer members than in recent years and membership had been relatively constant with few if any members having dropped out and then rejoined. During that period the Club had acquired both five and ten year membership pins and was attempting to present them progressively as individual anniversary dates arrived. By 1984 however, the lack of either a pins presentation policy or formal records for guidance, coupled with increased membership, ever increasing five year presentation cycles to deal with, and some members having withdrawn and then rejoined, - - resulted in the program becoming increasingly cumbersome and error prone. As a result, at the Club's April 11th 1984 meeting, Stub Stafford briefed the group on what policy other clubs such as APAC had adopted, Harry Clark moved that our club's membership credits consist of cumulative rather than consecutive years of membership, the proposal was seconded by Paul Chudek, and it was passed. The net result was a need to not only identify historical years of membership whenever a previous member rejoined the club, but to also know when each member last joined, in order to properly calculate when any given member would complete a five year membership cycle and thereby qualify for an anniversary pin. The task of manually tracking the details involved eventually resulted in a decision being made to only analyze the data involved once a year and thusly to present all membership awards on a given date annually. On behalf of our Memberships Portfolio Kathy Chudek has for many years now, volunteered to complete the award calculations and assemble the pins for presentation annually at the club's Christmas functions. Pins are thus presented immediately precedent to the start of a member's anniversary year, a process which allows for recipients to wear their pins with pride during the entire course of that year. Lastly, with our membership records now being tracked with the aid of Microsoft Excel, we are currently refining our process in order to not only make Kathy's annual task a bit easier, but to assure an even greater degree of record accuracy in the future. March 2013 The Script Page 6 The 2013 SCMAFC World of Wheels Display In view of this year's display having been a joint effort between the 'Stampede City Model A Ford Club' and the 'Foothills Model T Ford Club', both Clubs can be proud of the effort expended by those involved, for the promotional opportunities they seized. Good response was received from viewers in response to the concept of comparing Model T's with Model A's of the same body style with this year's exhibitors being: Chris Brancaccio who displayed his and Rose's 1909 Roadster as the foundation of the entire Model T's and Model A's era. Sam Squire and Dean Potter who displayed their 1923 and 1931 Coupes for comparison. Keith Robinson and Wayne Anderson who contributed their 1929 and 1926 Phaeton/Touring entries; and, JR Smith (1930 Tudor) and Chris Brancaccio (1926 Tudor) who displayed their closed cars. In spite of having not received a Club display award this year it is notable that each of the seven cars displayed did win awards in their vintage category with Chris and Rose's 1909 Roadster receiving the best in category award. Once again both Clubs must congratulate Chris Brancaccio for having done such a great job as the Committee Leader, as did each of the Club's Members who, cleaned, contributed, delivered, and retrieved their cars, and who spent time staffing the exhibit! _________________________________________________________ RWR _____________ March 2013 The Script Page 7 March 2013 The Script Page 8 March 2013 The Script Page 9 March 2013 The Script Page 10 A March 2013 Update re: the Club's AA Truck Project" At last report Glenn Smith had been instrumental in our acquiring a pair of 'express box style rear fenders', and the tapered long running boards required had been fabricated by combining a '28-'29 style set contributed by John Tupper and a short '30-'31 style set; all in readiness to eventually mate with the box and the splash pans. In addition, Paul Chudek's perseverance had resulted in our acquiring an original 'AA spare wheel side-mount bracket', and the generosity of Bodyman/Welder Serge Rousseau had resulted in progress being made on the fender modifications, welding, and body work required. Currently, Serge's work has been both meticulous and sporadic but generously contributed on a volunteer basis with a view to helping the Club minimize its expenditures. At this time only a few days of work will be required to finish the areas where the rear fenders and splash pans meet following which all items will be ready to have their surfaces finished, - - and then primed, painted, and clear-coated. In the meantime the painting process involves two phases, first the red components, - - the box and its various components such as the floor boards, end gate, etc., all of which have now been painted, and secondly, once they are ready the fenders, splash pans, and running boards will be done in black. Next, will be to re-assemble all of the 'box components in readiness for whenever the black components also become available so we can do the final assembly, the first phase of which will be to install the splash pans on the frame but under the box and the cab. As I write everything is once again at a standstill, this time because of a fresh foot or more of snow. With luck however, this summer might still see the completion of yet another great Club project! Ron Rigby March 2013 The Script Page 11 The March 2013 Script Page12 I Tech Talk Over the years the techniques used in body work have changed.Years ago dents were hammered out and filled with lead. Patch panels,when required were often welded in with coat hanger wire. Today, modern body shops just want to replace entire sections of the car. A while ago someone backed into the left rear quarter of my Taurus. It was a smooth dent, no sharp creases. The estimate from the shop was more than the value of the car. The insurance company was going to write it off!. It took a lot of convincing to get them to agree to just hitting the dent in just the right place to correct the problem. The result, it cost about one third the original estimate. With a little practice and some careful study of the dent you should be able to straighten most dents at home. A few years ago several members took a course at SAIT. It was "An Introduction to Body Work". We learned to shape metal with a hammer and dolly, weld, heat shrink and fill. We also learned how to weld plastic. I don't know if such a course is still available. If it is, it would be well worth looking into organizing. Ask anyone who took part. I am sure they would all agree that it was a very worthwhile experience. Sid Gough - Technical Editor Ethylene Glycol Antifreeze Protection Chart Protection Level +20 F +5 F -10 F -25 F -40 F Boiling Point +215 F +218 F +222 F +225 F +228 F Further Information (for pressurized systems ) 1. Make sure your thermostat is functioning properly, to avoid overheating and damage to the cooling system. 2. Have your radiator cap checked for any pressure leaks. 3. When having cooling system flushed, make sure block is drained to fully purge the cooling system. *Engine may be hot or cold Information provided by: CHASLYN Co. Springfield MO. 65804 - Manufacturers of Hydrometers Glenn C. Smith March 2013 The Script Page 13 March Birthdays Lisa Campbell 3 Lois Craig 9 Emma Campbell 13 Lillian Myram 13 Dianna Adams 15 Michaela Quan 16 Russell Moore 21 Norm Devitt 22 George Edworthy 24 Dave Dodd 26 Dave Basaraba 27 Victor Rogalsky 30 Jacqueline Price 31 March Anniversaries Wendy and Doug Knutson 2 Merlyn and Dave Basaraba 20 Megan and Al Myram 23 Classified Ads email to Parts for sale: Owner is no longer restoring Model A’s and now has a large number of parts for sale. For details please call Bruce Von Zuben in Lethbridge at 403-394-2504. Mar. 9/13 For Sale: 1931 Ford Roadster Body, in primer. Includes all interior body wood, floor panels, doors, upper and lower w/s stanchions and rumble-trunk lid. Needs new lower patch panels (included) installed for restoration or rodding. A decent body. Offers on $5900. 1928-31 Ford rolling chassis has been rebuilt from front to back (no motor) including rebuilt tranny, front and rear end and Frame Front brakes are 1935 Ford style that stop on a dime! It is rolling on 19” rims. Offers on $2395. Miscellaneous Ford parts:- Three sets of wire wheels (4 rims each) · 1932 - 18” with w/w tires - $865. · 1933-34 - 17” rims only $395 · 1935 - 16” with B/W tires and beauty rings - $695. New sheet metal for 1928-29 Fords · Front Fenders - $865 pair · Running Boards - $165 pair · Splash Aprons - $135 pair · Original pair Rear Fenders will fit Tudor Sedan and Phaeton, nice condition - $385 pair · 1928-29 Repro. Rad - $450 · Chrome Rad Shell - $185 · Very nice 1930 S/S Rad Shell - $295 · Rebuilt Transmission - $485 · Rebuilt transmission with Bell Housing and pedals - $695 · 1930-31 Coupe Doors – Driver - $385; Passenger - $265 · 1928-29 Roadster W/S Stanchions - $125 pair · 1931 Running Boards - $165 · 1931 Running Board Splash Aprons original in decent condition - $99 pair. · 1930 Running Board Splash Aprons with running boards attached - $245 pair · Two original 1930 steel plain Front Fenders - $295 each · One very nice 19” rim - $100 Other parts are available. To inquire, contact: Terry Wilson, Qualicum Beach, BC – Tel. 1-250-738-0465 or e-mail: Dec. 21/12 For Sale - 1930 Ford Model A Chromed Front Bumper in like Brand New condition. Hate to cut and chop this one to suit my project, - $175.00 firm. Contact 519 874 - 4662 Ontario Colekraft Antique - Classic - and Airshow Aircraft Rebuilding & Restorations Oct. 3/12 For sale: 1929 flat deck AA truck with original running gear. It runs but needs a total restoration. If interested contact Rick Boisselle in Balzac at 403-226-9186, 403 540-6080, or Feb. 19/12 March 2013 The Script For Sale: 1928 Model A Tudor. Excellent Driver. Less than 200 miles on New engine. Float-a-motor, plated grill guard, dual side mirrors, step plates, trunk, dual stop lights with turn signals, side mount spare. Included in package: Spare engine (needs rebuild) with fly wheel and housing, water pump, early '28 oil pan and pump, powerhouse generator. Also, seven 21 inch wheels, head light shells, single and double bulb reflectors, 30's steering column, wire harness/ignition harness, and assorted rear end parts. Complete set of new Gaskets. Prefer to sell as a complete package. $12700.00 OBO. Contact David Hart at 403-285-0019, or updated Sept 6/12 For Sale: Restored Powerhouse Generators – Original 1928 powerhouse restored generators for sale. Various P1, P2 & P3 models subject to availability. Cdn. & US Mfg. Price vary w/ exchange and core trade-in availability. For further details or inquiry Contact – Dan Adams (403) 238-9616 or Murray Walkemeyer (403) 809-5277. E-mail contact - Location – Calgary , Alberta. April 19/12 Wanted: 31 Deluxe Roadster. Prefer car with tan top and no major work to be done. Rene DeCae email: Saskatoon, Sask. Mar. 30/12 Wanted: Original Canadian made Model A shock arms with a Dominion Forge trademark (D with an F as part of the D). I will pay up to $100.00 each depending on condition. Also, looking for an original Canadian made Model Tool bag with strap. Willing to pay up to $500.00 depending on condition. I pay top dollar for original Canadian literature, magazine ads, brochures, dealer sales literature, etc. Contact: Carl Becker, Email:, Phone: (250) 655-1276 Feb. 9/12 Wanted: An unrestored closed cab pickup, phone Leo at 403-271-7289 Mar. 17/12 Wanted: I'm looking for original Champion 3X Canada Spark plugs ,wheel stem hardware (Dill or Schrader) and other rare CDN parts, will pay top dollar, these are so hard to find. Can also trade a few goodies. Thank you Kevin. Email or phone 403-248-8575 collect. July 17/12 The following ads are reprinted from the ‘Totem Times’, Delta, BC: For Sale: 1931 Model A Coupe with matching trailer. Erik Laursen @ 604-803-1795 For Sale: 1930 MODEL A FORD rumble seat coupe new tires and 16" rims. $15000 call Moe Johnson @ 604-886-8700 or email For Sale: 1928 Ford Roadster. $24 000 Rene Doyharcabal @ 604-514-9145 or e-mail: Parts Wanted: For 1928 Model A Ford roadster pickup - need complete top assembly, or parts you may have. I'm worried it may rain! Dave Waters @ 604-931-5774 or Page 14 Contact Keith Robinson at 403-242-9260 or Norm Devitt at 403-242-9260 For Advertising in the ‘Script’ PRO-BUILT Alternator & Starter Rebuilt, Remanufactured & New Automotive Commercial Industrial Agricultural Marine & Power Sports Hot Rod & Classic Car Race Cars New & Reconditioned Interstate Batteries 4093 Ogden Road S. E. Phone: 403-266-6114 Calgary, Alberta Fax: 403-261-9750 E-mail: Website: T2G 4P9 PRECISE ENGINE REBUILDERS (403) 287-1655 1321 Hastings Crescent SE Calgary, Alberta Murray Walkemeyer General restoration services to all models of antique and classic automobiles. Twenty five years experience Mobile Repair Services Complete restorations to maintenance Distributor rebuilding for early V8's on Original 'Stroboscope” 403-809-5277 We offer UPS, Fedex, and P.O. Box small parcel receiving. Have your US parcels sent to our storage facility. We will receive and safely store them for you until you can pick them up and transport them across the border. Avoid expensive courier company brokerage fees. Can’t get your car, truck, boat, bike, or RV across the border? Need a safe place to store it while it clears customs? Sweet Grass, Montana 406-335-4040 Email: Welcome to Carstairs Ford Sales Ltd wiki image We are located 30 minutes north of Calgary on Highway 2A in Carstairs, Alberta. We are committed to our community and the customers we serve. From this site you can view our great selection of used inventory or browse our online showrooms. We appreciate your business whether it is via the internet or in person at our dealership. Stop by and visit. Call us toll free at 1-800-229-8671 SALES HOURS: Monday To Friday 8:30AM TO 6:00PM Saturday 9:00AM TO 5:30PM 1 Champion Road Carstairs, Alberta T0M 0N0 Phone Number: (403) 337-3393 Fax Number: (403) 337-3104 Toll-Free Number: 1-800-229-8671 CITY WIDE RADIATOR LTD. Canada's Largest Cooling System Specialists ! New Complete Radiators ! A\C Condenser ! Heaters ! Charger Air Cooler Oil Coolers & Gas Tanks ! Repairs to All Industrial Radiators ! Repairs to All Automotive Radiators ! Repairs to All Plastic Tank Radiators ! Complete Air Conditioning Service & Retrofitting ! Aluminum Welding & Repairs to Commercial Heating & Cooling Units ! Repairs to All Gas & Fuel Tanks ! Custom Built Radiators Designed & Manufactured ! L & M Radiator Repair Specialist When Workmanship and Dependability make the difference, CITY WIDE RADIATOR leads the way. Proudly serving Central Alberta for over 20 years, our qualified staff are sure to give you the service and dependability you require. All repairs come fully warranteed, including our exclusive "LIFETIME WARRANTY" on new complete radiators. Set your mind at ease that when we fix your heating and cooling systems, nothing but the best is what we offer and deliver . 4420 Blackfoot Trail S.E. Calgary Alberta T2G 4E9 Phone:(403) 243-5100 Fax:(403) 227-7243 Toll Free: 1-800-661-8620 Email: CUSTOM BALANCING & BLUEPRINTING Hines State of the Art Computerized Engine Balancing Internal Balancing Shot Peening to Almen Specs Precision Machining / Blueprinting Meta-Lax Vibrational Stress Relieving E.D.M. H&H Auto Service Bay 101, 4711 - 13th Street NE Calgary, Alberta Phone: 274-2669 Larry Lee Bruce Christie Qualified Toolmaker Ron Derry Repair Shop (403) 277-0505 Balzac, Alberta Model A Out Of Province Inspections Metro Ford Sales This space is available! Calgary's Largest Ford Dealership specializing in Internet Service and Sales, SVT Products and Ford Racing Performance Products Contact Keith Robinson at 403-242-9260 or Downtown 1111 - 9th Avenue SW Calgary, Alberta (403) 263-4530 Norm Devitt at 403-242-9260 For Advertising in the ‘Script’