to View Catalog Online! - Mc Millan Rod and Custom
to View Catalog Online! - Mc Millan Rod and Custom
Fabricators of polished stainless steel components for Hotrods and Customs. CATALOG PAGE 2 TO ORDER CALL: 715-387-6847 TABLE OF CONTENTS MOLDINGS...............................................3 RUNNING BOARD STRIP KITS...........5 AIR CLEANERS........................................6 NERF BARS...............................................8 CHIN BARS AND BUMPERS...........................................................................................12 HOOD SIDE VENTS......................................................14 LIKE US ON FACEBOOK TO WATCH FOR SPECIALS! MCMILLAN ROD & CUSTOM PAGE 3 HALF ROUND SOLID STAINLESS STEEL MOLDINGS HALF ROUND SOLID HALF ROUND SOLID MCMILLAN ROD & CUSTOM MCMILLAN ROD & CUSTOM PAGE PAGE 33 Moldings are available in 1/4”, 3/8”, 1/2”, 5/8” and 3/4” wide. These STAINLESS STEEL STEEL MOLDINGS MOLDINGS STAINLESS moldings have a multitude of possibilities for your vehicle’s interior and/or MoldingsMoldings are available in 1/4”, 3/8”, 1/2”, 5/8” steel and 3/4” sold wide.byThese exterior. are half round solid themoldings linear Moldings are available in 1/4”, 3/8”, 1/2”,stainless 5/8” and 3/4”and wide. These moldings have a multitude of possibilities for your vehicle’s interior and/or foot. aThe moldings machinedfor from solid, typeinterior 304 stainless and have multitude of are possibilities your vehicle’s and/orsteel exterior. exterior. Moldings are half round solid stainless steel and sold by the linear Moldings are half round solid stainless steel and sold by the linear foot. The polished to a mirror finish. foot. The moldings are machined from solid, type 304 stainless steel and moldings are machined from solid, type 304 stainless steel and polished to a mirror finish. polished to a mirror finish. or lay out your pattern full size, mark where you Call for quote 715-387-6847 Call outroll your fullinto size,a shipping mark where wantfor thequote studs,715-387-6847 include shapeoroflay ends, it pattern up, insert tubeyou Call for quote 715-387-6847 or lay out your pattern full size, mark where want the it studs, and mail to us.include shape of ends, roll it up, insert into a shipping tubeyou and to us.include shape of ends, roll it up, insert into a shipping tube wantmail the itstuds, and mail to us. for end configurations. Diagonal Below areitoptions Diagonal isis also alsoavailable. available. Below are options for end configurations. Diagonal is also available. Bullet (pointed) Bullet (Pointed) Rolled Rolled Round Round Straight Straight The studs are either 6-32 (used on the 1/4” molding) or 8-32Straight (used on 3/8” Bullet (pointed) Rolled Round and up). The 8-32 stud is shown below on ½” molding. Studs are 3/4” long The the molding) or (used on Thestuds studsare areeither either6-32 6-32(used (used on onsteel the 1/4” 1/4”installed molding)with or 8-32 8-32 (used on 3/8” 3/8” and a stud and up). The 8-32 studinisstainless shown below on ½” molding. Studs arewelding 3/4” long and up). The 8-32 studprocess. is shownMounting below onstuds ½” molding. Studs are 3/4” door long are recommended in stainless steel and installed with a stud for welding in process. stainless steel and installed a stud welding Mounting studs arewith recommended for door panels and applications outside of your ride. process. Mounting studs are recommended forand door panels and applications outside of your ride are $5 each. panels and applications outside of your ride. www.mcmi l l a n ro d a n d cu s to m LIKE US O N FAC EBO O K TO WAT C H F O R S P E C I A L S ! www.mcmi l l a n ro d a n d cu s to m LIKE USUSOON N FAC EBO O KTO TOWATCH WAT CFOR H F OSPECIALS! R SPECIALS! LIKE FACEBOOK PAGE 4 TO ORDER CALL: 715-387-6847 MOLDINGS 3/4” half round...............................................................................................$25/foot 5/8” half round...............................................................................................$23/foot 1/2” half round.................................................................$18-$21/foot (See below) Up to 3 feet is $21/foot 3-10’ is $20/foot 10-20’ is $19/foot Over 20’ is $18/foot 1/2” half round, BALL for a quote 3/8” half round...............................................................................................$24/foot 1/4” half round...............................................................................................$23/foot LOW PROFILE MOLDINGS McMillan Rod and Custom low profile moldings offer a lower height profile than there standard half round moldings. The low profile moldings are solid, type 304 stainless steel and polished to a mirror finish. Options for end configurations include bullet (pointed), rolled, round, diagonal and straight. Mounting studs are recommended for exterior applications. Recommended studs are an 8-32 x ¾” and are $5 each. The cost is by the linear foot: 1/2” (5/32” thick) = $20/foot 3/4” (3/16” thick) = $25/foot 1” (1/4” thick) = $30/foot 1 1/4” (1/4” thick) = $35/foot LIKE US ON FACEBOOK TO WATCH FOR SPECIALS! PAGE 4 PAGE 4 MCMILLAN ROD & CUSTOM TO ORDER CALL: 715-387-6847 TO ORDER CALL: 715-387-6847 PAGE 5 RUNNING STRIP KITS RUNNING BOARD STRIP KITS KITS RUNNING BOARD BOARD STRIP “Standard “Standard Universal Universal Kit” Kit” is is made made from from type type 304 304 stainless stainless steel steel half half round round “Standard Universal Kit” is made from type 304 stainless steel half round strips and polished to a mirror finish. Comes in 1/2” or 5/8” wide and strips and polished to aamirror finish. Comes in 1/2” or 5/8” or wide and strips and polished to mirror finish. Comes in 1/2” ($435) 5/8” ($495) includes (2) 42” and (4) 36”. Three studs are installed on each strip with your includes (2) 42” and (4) 36”. Three studs are installed on each strip with your wide and includes (2) 42” and (4) 36”. Three studs are installed on each strip choice choice of of bullet bullet (pointed) (pointed) or or rounded rounded ends. ends. with your choice of bullet (pointed) or rounded ends. “Short Running Board Kit” comes in 1/2” or 5/8” wide and includes (2) 36” “Short 5/8” or wide includes 36” “Short Running Running Board Board Kit” Kit” comes comes in in 1/2” 1/2” or ($395) 5/8”and ($435) wide(2)and and (4) 32” with 33 studs installed on each strip. (These fit shorter running and (4) 32” with studs installed on each strip. (These fit shorter running includes (2) 36” and (4) 32” with 3 studs installed on each strip. (These fit boards boards including including aa ‘32 ‘32 Ford.) Ford.) shorter running boards including a ‘32 Ford.) *Other lengthsand and widthsare are available. Call pricing. 715-387-6847 *Other lengths Call forfor pricing. 715-387-6847 *Other lengths andwidths widths areavailable. available. Call for pricing. 715-387-6847 w ww.mcmi l l a n ro d a n d cu s to m w ww.mcmi l aK n ro d a WAT n d cu C s to LIKE US ON FAC EBOl O TO F O RmSPE C I A L S ! LIKE US ON FAC EBO O K TO WAT C H F O R SPE C I A L S ! LIKE US ON FACEBOOK TO WATCH FOR SPECIALS! PAGE 6 TO ORDER CALL: 715-387-6847 AIR CLEANERS Our air cleaners are carefully formed from type 304 stainless steel, TIG welded, then polished to a mirror finish. These are our most popular designs, but we are happy to custom build to your specifications. LOW PROFILE, INJECTION LOOK “STRAIGHT STYLE” $190 Built off our standard 14” long base, this unit features 8-2” flared stacks cut at a 45 degree angle to allow them to extend out parallel with the top of air cleaner. Comes complete with filter, filter base, & mounting screw. LOW PROFILE, INJECTION LOOK “STREAMLINE STYLE” $190 Also built off our standard 14” long base, this unit features 8-2” flared stacks cut at a 45 degree angle then evenly spaced and rotated to angle back giving the unit a “streamlined” look. Comes complete with filter, filter base, & mounting screw. LIKE US ON FACEBOOK TO WATCH FOR SPECIALS! MCMILLAN ROD & CUSTOM 8 STACK INJECTION STYLE PAGE 7 $395 This is a multi-stack injection looking air cleaner complete with filter element, mounting screw and base. Stacks are available in 6” or custom lengths for an additional fee. 8 STACK INJECTION STYLE “STAGGERED” $410 The 8-stack injection air cleaner is available with 8” tall staggered stacks also. If you want something different, this one is for you. LIKE US ON FACEBOOK TO WATCH FOR SPECIALS! 47 47 8 ror al 8 or al PAGE 8 TO ORDER CALL: 715-387-6847 NERF BARS MCMILLAN ROD & CUSTOM PAGE 7 All of our nerf bars are made from 3/4” solid stainless. The mounting bracket is 2”x10”x 3/16” stainless. The entire piece is ground and polished to a mirror NERF BARS finish and sold as a set of two. PAGE 7 MCMILLAN ROD & CUSTOM All of our nerf bars are made from 3/4” solid stainless. The mounting bracket is 2”x10”x 3/16” stainless. The entire piece is ground and polished to a mirror NERF BARS finish and sold as a set of two. All of our nerf bars are NERF made fromBARS 3/4” solid stainless. The mounting bracket 8” DOUBLE BEND Double bend The nerf bars is8”2”x10”x 3/16” stainless. entire piece is ground and polished to a mirror These arebest ouras best sellers. The verticalbar barisis 8” 8” tall. These finish are our sellers. vertical tall. and sold a set ofThe two. $150 8” Double bend nerf bars These are our best sellers. The vertical bar is 8” tall. 10” Double bend nerf bars Same as the above only the vertical bar is 10” tall. 10” DOUBLE BEND NERF BARS 10” Double bend nerf bars Same as theasabove onlyonly the the vertical barbarisis10” Same the above vertical 10”tall. tall. r r www.mcmillan ro d an d cu sto m LI KE US ON FACE B OOK TO WATCH F OR SPECI ALS! www.mcmillan ro d an d cu sto m LI K E US ON FACE B OOK TO WATCH F OR SPECI ALS! LIKE US ON FACEBOOK TO WATCH FOR SPECIALS! $160 MCMILLAN ROD & CUSTOM PAGE 9 8” OR 10” DOUBLE BEND NERF BARS WITH 20 DEGREE BRACKETS$165/$175 While built specifically for Ford Model A’s, 32’s, and 33/34 Fords, these nerfs can be used on the front of many streetrods having frame horns that curve down. The mounting brackets have a 20 degree bend in them to keep the vertical bar square to the ground. LIKE US ON FACEBOOK TO WATCH FOR SPECIALS! no extra MCMILLAN ROD & CUSTOM PAGE 10 PAGE 9 TO ORDER CALL: 715-387-6847 Gullwing nerfs V-NERF BARS 10” tall $140 V-nerfs vertical bar. Vertical bar is 8” tall and bent to a V shape. Vertical bar is 8” tall and bent to a V shape. BUMP Bumper straight 1933/1934 ford FLAT and drilled nerf bars www.m cm i l l a nroda ndcustom .com Built from 3/8” type steel, nerf LIK E US O304 N FACstainless E B O O K TO WATC H FOthese R SPE C IA L S ! bars are contoured PAGE 9 MCMILLAN ROD thick & CUSTOM to fit the downward arc of the front frame horns. Each nerf bar is precision GULLWING NERF BARS $160 cut with a water nerfs jet and then polished by hand to a mirror finish. Nerfs come Gullwing Vertical bar 10” tall. holes drilled but if you would like, we can drill them at without the is mounting 10” tall vertical bar. no extra charge. Comes as a set of two. 1933/1934 ford FLAT and drilled nerf bars Built from 3/8” thick type 304 stainless steel, these nerf bars are contoured BUMPERETTES$215/$230 BUMPERETTES to fit the downward arc of the front frame horns. Each nerf bar is precision widethen and made our available in Bumperettes are 12” andpolished madefrom from our¾” ¾” andareare available cut with a water jet and by hand to moldings amoldings mirror and finish. Nerfs come in straight degree brackets. straight or or 20 20 degree brackets. without the mounting holes drilled but if you would like, we can drill them at no extra charge. Comes as a set of two. www.mcmi l l a n ro d a n d cu s to m LIKE US O N FAC EBO O K TO WAT C H F O R S P E C I A L S ! LIKE US ON FACEBOOK TO WATCH FOR SPECIALS! MCMILLAN ROD & CUSTOM 1933/1934 FORDFLAT FLATand AND drilled DRILLED nerf NERF bars BARS 1933/1934 ford PAGE 11 $225 thick type type 304 304stainless stainlesssteel, steel,these thesenerf nerfbars barsare arecontoured contoured Built from 3/8” 3/8” thick downward arc of of the the front front frame frame horns. Each nerf bar is precision to fit the downward precision cut with a water jet and by hand handto to aamirror mirror finish. finish. Nerfs Nerfs come come and then polished polished by without the mounting holes drilled but if you would like, we can drill them at without the mounting holes drilled but if you would like, we can drill them at no extra charge. Comes as a set of two. no extra charge. Comes as a set of two. BUMPERETTES Bumperettes are 12” wide and made from our ¾” moldings and are available in straight 20 CHEVROLET degree brackets. NERF BARS $185/$195 8” OR or 10” These are built specifically for early Chevrolets. They are available in 8” or 10” double bend versions with 9/16” threads, allowing them to be threaded into the frame rails. Built from solid type 304 stainless steel and polished to a mirror finish. They come as a set of two complete with jam nuts. While originally designed for early Chevy’s they also work well in other applications like the 36 Ford pictured below. www.mcmi l l a n ro d a n d cu s to m LIKE US O N FAC EBO O K TO WAT C H F O R S P E C I A L S ! LIKE US ON FACEBOOK TO WATCH FOR SPECIALS! PAGE 12 PAGE 10 PAGE 10 PAGE 10 TO ORDER CALL: 715-387-6847 TO ORDER CALL: 715-387-6847 TO TO ORDER ORDER CALL: CALL: 715-387-6847 715-387-6847 CHIN CHIN BARS BARS AND AND BUMPERS BUMPERS CHIN CHIN BARS BARS AND AND BUMPERS BUMPERS 1932 FORD DOUBLE CHIN BAR 1932 Ford Double Chin Bar WITH with OR or WITHOUT without V8 V8 1932 Ford Double Chin Bar with or without V8 1932 Ford Double Chin Bar with or without V8 $330/$310 Built from solid 3/4” diameter, type 304 stainless steel and polished to a mirror Built from solid 3/4” diameter, type 304 stainless steel and polished to a mirror Builtfinish. from solid solid 3/4” diameter, stainless and totoaamirror Built from 3/4” bar diameter, type 304 stainless steel and polished polished like This chin offers atype new304 look, and an steel alternative to the traditional like finish. This chin bar offers a new look, and an alternative to the traditional like finish. chin barchin offers a offers new look, and an alternative to thelook traditional mirror like finish. This bar a maintaining new look, and alternative to of thea straight or VThis shaped spreader bar while thean traditional straight or V shaped spreader bar while maintaining the traditional look of aa straight or V shaped spreader bar while maintaining the traditional look of traditional straight or shaped spreader bar while maintaining the traditional ‘32. Also available for model A’s and pinched frames by special order. ‘32. available for A’s and by look of a ‘32. Also available A’s andframes pinched frames order. by special order. ‘32. Also Also available for model modelfor A’smodel and pinched pinched frames by special special order. 1933/1934 Ford Single Chin Bar 1933/1934 Ford Single Chin Bar 1933/1934 FORD SINGLE CHIN BAR 1933/1934 Ford Single Chin Bar Built specifically for a 1933/34 Ford, it utilizes our 10” nerf bars with 20 $305 Built specifically for aa 1933/34 Ford, utilizes our 10” 10” nerf 20 Built specifically specifically 1933/34 Ford, it utilizes utilizes nerf bars bars with 20 Built for itit our bars with withcontour 20 degree brackets and joined by a Ford, horizontal stainless bar following the degree brackets and joined by a horizontal stainless bar following the contour degree brackets joined byaahorizontal horizontal stainless barfollowing following contour degree brackets joined by stainless of the body. TIGand welded, ground, and polished to a bar mirror finish.thethecontour of the body. TIG welded, ground, ground, and polished of polishedto toaaamirror mirrorfinish. finish. of the the body. body. TIG TIG welded, ground, and polished to mirror finish. 1933/1934 Ford 1933/1934 FORD Rear REAR Bumper BUMPER 1933/1934 Ford Rear Bumper $425 1933/1934 Ford Rear Bumper Built from high solid a amirror Built from high quality, solidtype type304 304 stainless stainlesssteel steeland andpolished polishedto mirror Built from quality, solid type 304 stainless steel and polished to mirror Builtfinish. from The high horizontal quality, solid type 304 stainless steel and polished totoaa are mirror like bar is built from 3/4” solid round. Brackets our like finish. The horizontal bar is built from 3/4” solid round. Brackets are our like finish. The horizontal bar is built from 3/4” solid round. Brackets are our like finish. The horizontal bar is built from 3/4” solid round. Brackets are our popular sleeve style that allows 2 way adjustments for a better fit. popular style that that allows allows 22 way way adjustments adjustmentsfor fora abetter betterfit. fit. popular sleeve sleeve style popular sleeve style that allows 2 way adjustments for a better fit. www.mcmi l l a n ro d a n d cu s to m LIKE www.mcmi US ON FACEBOOK SPECIALS! ll aaKnn ro ddTO aaWAT nn ddWATCH cu LIKE US Owww.mcmi N FAC EBOllO TO H FFOR O Rm ro cuCss to to mSP E C I A L S ! LIKE US O N FAC EBO O K TO WAT C H F O R LIKE US O N FAC EBO O K TO WAT C H F O R SP SP E EC C II A A LL SS !! MCMILLAN ROD & CUSTOM MCMILLAN ROD & CUSTOM MCMILLAN ROD & CUSTOM MCMILLAN ROD & CUSTOM ‘35 - ‘40 Ford Single Chin Bar PAGE 11 PAGE1311 PAGE PAGE 11 ‘35 -- ‘40 ‘40FORD FordSINGLE SingleCHIN ChinBAR Bar ‘35 ‘35 - ‘40 Ford Single Chin Bar $290 ’35 – ’40 Ford Double Chin Bar ’35 ’35 –– ’40 ’40FORD FordDOUBLE DoubleCHIN ChinBAR Bar $365 Built from high quality, solid type 304 stainless steel and polished to a mirror Built from from high quality, solid Built solid type type 304 304 stainless stainless steel steel and andpolished polishedto toaaamirror mirror Built from high quality, solid type 304 polished tobar mirror like finish. We use our 10” double bendstainless nerf barssteel withand a horizontal built like finish. finish. We Weuse use our our 10” 10” double double bend like bend nerf nerf bars barswith withaahorizontal horizontalbar barbuilt built like finish. We use our 10” double bend nerf bars with a horizontal bar built from 3/4” solid round. from from 3/4” 3/4” solid solid round. from 3/4” solid round. ’35 two – ’40 Fordbars Double Chin The horizontal are made from 3/4”Bar solid round with our V nerf bars. Thetwo twohorizontal horizontal bars are made made from The from 3/4” 3/4” solid solidround roundwith withour ourVVnerf nerfbars. bars. The bars are made from 3/4” solid round with our V nerf bars. This two mayhorizontal fit other makes of cars. This Thismay may fit fit other other makes of cars. This may fit other makes of cars. ‘36-‘40FORD Ford Single CHIN Chin BarWITHOUT WITHOUT NerfBARS Bars ‘36-‘40 ‘36-‘40 FordSINGLE Single ChinBAR Bar WITHOUTNERF Nerf Bars ‘36-‘40 Single Chin WITHOUT Nerf Bars This bar isFord made from 3/4” solid roundBar stainless steel and designed to fit This bar is made from 3/4” solid round stainless steel and designed to fit $325 This bar isfilled madebumper from 3/4” solidholes. roundOur stainless designed to for fit cars with bracket sleevesteel typeand brackets allow cars bar withisfilled bracket sleevesteel typeand brackets allow This madebumper from 3/4” solidholes. roundOur stainless designed tofor fit cars with filled bumper bracket holes. Our sleeve type brackets allow for maximum adjustability. cars with filled bumper bracket holes. Our sleeve type brackets allow for maximum adjustability. maximum adjustability. adjustability. maximum www.mcmi l l a n ro d a n d cu s to m l aK n ro d a WAT n d cu C s to LIKE US Owww.mcmi FAC EBOl O TO F O Rm SPECIALS! l aK n ro d a WAT n d cu C s to LIKE US Owww.mcmi N FAC EBOl O TO F O RmS P E C I A L S ! LIKE US ON FACEBOOK TO WATCH FOR SPECIALS! LIKE US O N FAC EBO O K TO WAT C H F O R SPECIALS! PAGE 14 TO ORDER CALL: 715-387-6847 PAGE 14 PAGE 12 TO ORDER CALL: 715-387-6847 CUSTOM BUMPERS TO ORDER CALL: 715-387-6847 Be it our designMOTORCYCLE or yours, we will work with you to give your project a look ACCENTS you want while staying within your budget. CUSTOM BUMPERS We offer a line of saddlebag trim products all from polished stainless steel. Be it our design or yours, we will work The trim is built from our 1/2” solid stainless steel molding stock, polished with you to give your project the look you to a mirror finish, complete with studswant installed. The set comes (2) 16” while staying within yourwith budget. and (4) 12” strips. 715-387-6847 NOTES HOOD SIDE VENTS HOOD SIDE VENTS www.mcmilla www.mcmilla nn ro ro dd aa nn dd cu cu sto sto LL II KE KE US US O ON N FACEBOOK FACEBOOK TO TO WAT WAT CH CH FF O O Precision cut from 16 gauge stainless steel, these are fully functional vents and are designed on. stainless Sold in pairs available in functional single, double, Precision cut fromto16bolt gauge steel,and these are fully ventsor and are designed to bolt on. Sold in pairs and available in single ($99/pair), triple designs. These also work well for interior accents and saddle bag trim. double ($149/pair), or triple ($249/pair) designs. These also work well for interior accents and saddle bag trim. www. m c m i llanrodandc us t om . c om LIKE US O N FAC E B O O K TO WATC H FO R SP ECI AL S! LIKE US ON FACEBOOK TO WATCH FOR SPECIALS! MCMILLAN ROD & CUSTOM For more pictures, go to LIKE US ON FACEBOOK TO WATCH FOR SPECIALS! PAGE 15 DECIMAL EQUIVALENTS COURTESY OF M C MILLAN ROD & CUSTOM Jim && Carol Carol Stauner Stauner Jim McMillan Rod & Custom McMillan M243 Highway TT • Marshfield, WIWI 54449 M243 County Road • Marshfield, 54449 Phone: 715-387-6847 • Cell: 715-305-1069 Phone: 715-387-6847 Email: Email: w w. m c m i l l a n ro d a n d c u s t o m .c o m
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