Hamilton Profiles - Advanced Manufacturing
Hamilton Profiles - Advanced Manufacturing
HAMILTON ADVANCED MANUFACTURING Industry Profile Designed by Yfactor Inc. Developed by urbanMetrics inc. Siemens Power Generation Photographs by Palmese Photodesign Group This icon denotes Hamilton's Advanced Manufacturing Industry HAMILTON ADVANCED MANUFACTURING Industry Profile Hamilton Ontario Canada H A M I LT O N ADVANCED MANUFACTURING Table of CONTENTS Hamilton at the Heart of Canada’s and Ontario’s Manufacturing Sector Quick Facts 04 Sector Overview in Ontario Hamilton’s Location Advantages 09 06 Road, Rail and Air Connections Transportation Infrastructure 12 Access to Intermodal Facilities Targeting New Business Future Development Opportunities 13 Industry Resources Innovating Business 16 12 21 Employer Incentives and Wage Subsidy Opportunities 02 11 12 15 Business Profiles Business Directory 03 36 18 ADVANCED MANUFACTURING H A M I LT O N Hamilton at the Heart of Canada’s and Ontario’s Manufacturing SECTOR Industry and manufacturing are synonymous with the City of Hamilton. The City’s location coupled with the presence of Canada’s two largest integrated steel mills, have been the foundation for attracting and expanding the region’s manufacturing sector. Situated at the western end of Ontario’s Golden Horseshoe region, the City of Hamilton is centrally located in Canada and Ontario’s manufacturing heartland. With access to a marketplace of over 130 million people within a day’s drive, businesses benefit from direct connections to major highways and rail networks both in Ontario and the United States. The Port of Hamilton, which is situated at the western end of Lake Ontario, links Ontario’s manufacturing heartland to the St. Lawrence Seaway and has grown to be Canada’s busiest commercial Great Lakes port. The City’s location coupled with the presence of Canada’s two largest integrated steel mills, have been the foundation for attracting and expanding the region’s manufacturing sector. Located in Ancaster, Ontario, the Brown Boggs Foundry and Machine Company Ltd. is one of North America’s leaders in the machine tool builder industry. 03 H A M I LT O N ADVANCED MANUFACTURING Quick FACTS l Hamilton’s population is growing. From 1996 to 2001, the population increased by almost 5% to 490,268 making it the 4th largest of all Ontario communities, preceded only by Toronto, Ottawa and Mississauga. l l l l l During the same time, Hamilton’s employed labour force increased by over 10%. Hamilton’s manufacturing sector contributes an estimated $12 billion dollars to the provincial economy or the equivalent of 4% to Ontario’s GDP. One in three of all jobs in Hamilton or 77% of the City’s Goods Producing sector is in manufacturing. In 2003, an estimated 85,000 direct and indirect jobs were attributed to the City’s manufacturing sector. The major industries that dominate the City’s advanced manufacturing sector include: l l l l l l l steel and steel related operations involved in fabrication and machining general manufacturing operations involved in the production of automotive parts food and beverage products storage, warehousing and distribution building products and aggregates chemicals The Province of Ontario has identified the Hamilton area as one of the Province’s five advanced manufacturing clusters. Percentage of Employees in the Advanced Manufacturing Sector in Hamilton, 2000 metal 41% Primary manufacturing metal product 10% Fabricated manufacturing 7% Machinery manufacturing 7% 4% Transportation equipment manufacturing Electrical equipment, appliance and component manufacturing 10% Food and beverage 04 21% Other Source: urbanMetrics inc. ADVANCED MANUFACTURING H A M I LT O N Percentage of Emloyees in the Manufacturing Sector Percentage of Employees in the Advanced Manufacturing Sector in Hamilton and Ontario, 2000 in Hamilton and Ontario, 2000 50 40 30 20 10 0 Food manufacturing Primary metal manufacturing Ontario Hamilton Source: urbanMetrics inc., based on l 30 l l 25 Fabricated metal product manufacturing Machinery manufacturing Electrical equipment, appliance and component manufacturing Transportation equipment manufacturing Other ... Source: urbanMetrics inc. Percentage of Emloyees in the Food Manufacturing Sector Hamilton is home four post secondary educational institutions, with McMaster in Hamilton andtoOntario, 2000 University being recognized as a world centre of excellence in advanced manufacturing, which positions the City of Hamilton well from a research and development perspective. There are 16 post secondary institutions within an hour’s drive of the City of Hamilton. In a recent local business survey of manufacturing operations more than 55% of the 100 respondents indicated that they expected growth in their operations to exceed 10% over the next 5 years. 20 l 15 10 A significant majority of the business survey respondents expressed a high level of satisfaction with the location advantages offered by the City of Hamilton. 05 H A M I LT O N ADVANCED MANUFACTURING Sector Overview in ONTARIO Employing over 900,000 people in 2000, the manufacturing sector plays a significant role in Ontario’s economy. Most of Canada’s manufacturing exports originate in Ontario. In 2004, 58% of Canada’s manufacturing exports came from Ontario. The export destination for the majority of these goods was the United States. Vehicles and parts comprise the largest base of Ontario exports at 38.2% or $58.3 billion (U.S.). This is followed by general machinery at 11% or $16.8 billion (U.S.). The largest manufacturing industries in Ontario are automotive, primary and fabricated metal products, food and beverage as well as electrical and electronics production. Ontario also leads in the development of advanced manufacturing technologies. 264 Ontario firms are currently at the leading edge in the development of new advanced manufacturing technologies that will enable manufacturers from around the world to meet the productivity, quality, and cost reduction demands of competitive global markets. Composition of Ontario Advanced Manufacturing, 2003 and fabricated metal 12% Primary products 5% Machinery products 34% Automotive (including automotive parts) 1% Other transportation equipment electronic and computer 5% Electrical, equipment 10% Food and beverage petroleum plastic and 17% Chemical, rubber products 16% Other manufacturing Source: Ministry of Economic Development & Trade 06 ADVANCED MANUFACTURING H A M I LT O N Top 5 Export Markets for Ontario Advanced Manufacturing sectors 2004 96% 1% 1% 1% 1% United States (U.S.) Norway Mexico United Kingdom (U.K.) China Source: urbanMetrics inc. based on Strategis Canada Trade Data, 2004 Top 5 Export Markets for Ontario Advanced Manufacturing sectors by US State, 2004 64% 19% 7% 6% 4% Michigan California Ohio Illinois New York Source: urbanMetrics inc. based on Strategis Canada Trade Data, 2004 07 H A M I LT O N ADVANCED MANUFACTURING Ontario-based manufacturers are also spending billions of dollars retooling _ a clear indication of strong confidence in Ontario’s economy. Percentage of Machinery and Equipment Investment 1999-2005 Source: Ministry of Economic Development & Trade, 2005 Growth in Ontario’s manufacturing industries is averaging 3.4% annually which can largely be attributed to the following advantages: l l l l l l l 08 a central geographic location and ideal hub with access to all North American markets a network of highways and railways that is fully integrated with the U.S. a steady supply of well educated, and highly skilled workers low business and operating costs a competitive corporate income tax rate a strong R&D infrastructure a pro-growth government ADVANCED MANUFACTURING Hamilton’s Location ADVANTAGES H A M I LT O N Hamilton’s location at the western end of Ontario’s Golden Horseshoe provides businesses with easy access to a network of highways, international rail lines and the Port of Hamilton. The Queen Elizabeth Way provides ready access to both the Greater Toronto Area, a regional market of over 6 million people, and Highway 401. Highway 401 is the Canadian link to the NAFTA super highway connecting Ontario with the I-75 serving Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia and Florida and the I-90 connections to the eastern seaboard. With the U.S. border only an hour’s drive away, Hamilton is within half a day’s drive of key major urban markets in the United States. Work is nearing completion on the Red Hill Valley Parkway, which will provide a link between the Queen Elizabeth Way, westbound Highway 403, and Canada’s fastest growing air cargo hub at John C. Munro Hamilton International Airport. ROADS AND HIGHWAYS 09 H A M I LT O N ADVANCED MANUFACTURING R A I LWAY S N BORDER LINKAGES BETWEEN USA AND CANADA 10 ADVANCED MANUFACTURING H A M I LT O N PORTS Road, Rail and Air CONNECTIONS Road Connections The convergence of key regional transportation infrastructure along the Detroit - Toronto corridor provides businesses located in Hamilton with ready access to: l l l Detroit, Michigan along highways 401, 403 Greater Toronto Area along highways 401, 403, 407 and the Queen Elizabeth Way Buffalo, New York State along the Queen Elizabeth Way Rail and Air Connections The CN Rail main line travels parallel to the Queen Elizabeth Way providing industry with freight handling capabilities. CN is the only transcontinental railway in North America providing excellent access across Canada and into the United States. Canadian National Railway, the Canadian Pacific Railway and Southern Ontario Railway all provide direct rail access to the Port of Hamilton shipping piers. Local air connections to international destinations are close by with John C. Munro Hamilton International Airport, Canada’s busiest air cargo hub, and Lester B. Pearson International Airport in Toronto. 11 H A M I LT O N ADVANCED MANUFACTURING Transportation INFRASTRUCTURE Hamilton’s Red Hill Valley Parkway Construction of the six-lane Red Hill Valley Parkway is nearing completion. It will provide the City of Hamilton with an important connection between the Queen Elizabeth Way, Lincoln Alexander Parkway and Highway 403, dramatically improving transportation options for Stoney Creek and East Hamilton manufacturers. Links to the John C. Munro Hamilton International Airport are planned, as is improved access to the U.S. border crossing at Buffalo. Highway 6 Expansion In 2004, the Province of Ontario completed the $40 million new Highway 6 which provides a direct link to the John C. Munro Hamilton International Airport. The City of Hamilton views this 9-kilometre, two-lane highway as having an important role in the continued growth and expansion of the airport. Access to Intermodal FACILITIES The Port of Hamilton offers a full suite of state-of-the-art facilities to shippers, including terminals for dry and liquid bulk cargos, inside and outside warehousing, heavy lift cargo cranes, ro-ro berths, and container handling. Businesses in Hamilton also have access to CN’s Intermodal Terminal, one of Canada's largest intermodal facilities. This facility, which is a 45 minute drive away, occupies 195 acres or 79 hectares and includes 12 storage tracks and operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Targeting New BUSINESS Hamilton’s Goods Movement Study The City of Hamilton recently completed a Goods Movement Study that confirmed the City’s potential to become an integrated and sustainable regional intermodal transportation centre within the Greater Toronto Area - Windsor - Sarnia Trade Corridor. Hamilton’s location at the centre of this major transportation corridor, which includes direct air, rail and marine connections, is seen as a significant advantage upon which to build strategies that will accommodate the changing needs of business and industry. For a copy of the report go to: www.hamilton.ca 12 or contact: economicdevelopment@hamilton.ca ADVANCED MANUFACTURING Future Development OPPORTUNITIES H A M I LT O N Glanbrook Industrial Business Park The City of Hamilton is currently investigating the extension of services to the North Glanbrook Industrial Business Park (NGIBP) situated at the south end of the city. This 680 acre park, zoned industrial, resides within the urban boundary and is strategically located at the junction of the Lincoln Alexander Parkway and the soon to be completed (spring 2007) Red Hill Valley Parkway. The business park’s location will be exactly five minutes from the Queen Elizabeth Way, near the Burlington Skyway and 7 minutes from Highway 403 in Ancaster. John C. Munro Hamilton International Airport Employment Lands With its ability to handle intercontinental traffic, a 24/7 operation and access to road, rail and port, the John C. Munro Hamilton International Airport is a strategic priority for both the City of Hamilton and the Province of Ontario. To maximize the business and development potential of the employment lands surrounding the Hamilton International Airport, the City of Hamilton has recently begun efforts to expand the urban boundary to accommodate and plan for future growth. For a status update on these future development opportunities please contact: economicdevelopment@hamilton.ca The City of Hamilton is committed to servicing its business parks to attract new industry. Stackpole Limited officially opened the new home of two of its automotive parts manufacturing divisions in the City's Ancaster Industrial Business Park in 2004. 13 H A M I LT O N ADVANCED MANUFACTURING Future Development OPPORTUNITIES McMaster Innovation Park Hamilton’s McMaster University has announced plans to develop a research and innovation park designed to foster exploration and partnerships, and capitalize on the economic value associated with research through collaboration with industry and government. When completed, the 38 acre business park, located in the west end of the city, will house more than one million sq ft of laboratories, offices, teaching, training and conference facilities. The success of this venture has been assured through a $5 million financial contribution by the City of Hamilton, as well as the efforts of the provincial and federal levels of government. The spring 2005 provincial budget announced that the Province of Ontario would contribute a further $10 million to accelerate the development of the park. In addition, the federal government’s CANMET Materials Technology Laboratory (CANMET-MTL) is relocating to McMaster Innovation Park, the first major lab facility to be located in southern Ontario. The CANMET–MTL, a research centre dedicated to metals and materials fabrication, processing and evaluation, brings with it new opportunities for collaboration with industry and will make Hamilton and Ontario a global centre for materials research. McMaster University has also announced it is partnering with General Motors of Canada to establish two new automotive engineering centres – the GM of Canada Centre for Engineering Design and the GM of Canada Centre for Corrosion Engineering Research. The GM of Canada Centre Corrosion Engineering Research will be located in the McMaster Innovation Park and is scheduled to open in 2006. The GM of Canada Centre for Engineering Design will be housed in the new McMaster School of Engineering, which is scheduled to open in 2007. GM’s commitment to McMaster University is valued at $60 million and includes computer based design tools to help train a new generation of Canadian engineering students. It also acknowledges McMaster’s leadership in the field of automotive R&D. For a status update on the McMaster Innovation Park please contact: http:/www.mcmaster.ca/research/mip.htm 14 Industry RESOURCES ADVANCED MANUFACTURING H A M I LT O N City of Hamilton, Economic Development Division www.hamilton.ca Telephone: 905-546-4222 Toll Free Telephone: 800-868-1329 City of Hamilton, Economic Development Division The City of Hamilton’s Economic Development Division assists businesses interested in Hamilton whether it is expanding an existing operation, developing a new location, relocating or redeveloping. Services provided include assistance with site selection and acting as a liaison as businesses move through the various municipal approval processes. Hamilton Chamber of Commerce www.hamiltonchamber.on.ca Telephone: 905-522-1151 Hamilton Chamber of Commerce The Hamilton Chamber of Commerce supports the business community of Hamilton and promotes economic development. font :: Trebuchet MS Hamilton Port Authority www.hamiltonport.ca Telephone: 905-525-4330 Toll Free Telephone: 800-263-2131 Hamilton Port Authority The Hamilton Port Authority is a commercial enterprise supporting the transportation business with a marine shipping focus. It develops opportunities including industrial parks, recreational facilities and commercial development on the harbour. The Hamilton Port Authority plays an important role in promoting a strong local economy and a healthy local environment. John C. Munro Hamilton International Airport www.hamiltonairport.com Telephone: 905-679-1999 John C. Munro Hamilton International Airport John C. Munro Hamilton International Airport is Canada's largest dedicated courier/cargo airport and one of Canada's ten largest passenger airports. McMaster University www.mcmaster.ca Telephone: 905-525-9140 McMaster University McMaster is a full-service university with a long-standing reputation as Canada's “most innovative” university. McMaster has pioneered a number of programs that have changed how professors teach and students learn. Mohawk College www.mohawkcollege.ca Telephone: 905-575-1212 Mohawk College Mohawk College is one of the largest provincially funded colleges in the province offering certificates, diplomas, applied bachelor degrees and post graduate study programs. It is rated by students and employers as one of the top technical schools in the country. 15 H A M I LT O N ADVANCED MANUFACTURING Innovating BUSINESS McMaster University The McMaster Manufacturing Research Institute (MMRI) is a partnership in manufacturing engineering among university researchers, industry and government, intended to develop new products and technologies and bring them to market. The institute operates laboratories for machining, metal forming, polymer processing, robotics and manufacturing automation. The MMRI is one of the largest university manufacturing research institutes in the country. It promotes, encourages and performs fundamental applied research in cooperation with industry and provides systematic mechanisms for technology transfer and diffusion of knowledge and research results. In partnership with Alcan Aluminum, General Motors, Dofasco Inc. and Stelco Inc., McMaster’s Centre for Automotive Research is examining new uses for aluminum and high strength steel for auto body parts. The purpose of the research is to identify and produce materials that are strong and lightweight, allowing for a decrease in the weight of the body frame and all other component parts of the vehicle. McMaster’s Steel Research Centre has a solid track record of partnerships with the steel industry, conducting research in steel making, process control and steel product application. The MMRI is one of the largest university manufacturing research institutes in the country. 16 Research Engineer prepares one of the machining lab's state-of-the-art CNC machines for a prototyping run. ADVANCED MANUFACTURING H A M I LT O N Mohawk College Mohawk College is one of nine colleges in Ontario recently chosen by the provincial government to offer applied degree programs. The new college applied degree programs meet extremely rigorous Ontario Ministry standards and opens doors to better learning and career opportunities. Employers have said this is the type of program they have been waiting for. Mohawk’s Bachelor of Applied Technology (Process Automation) combines a unique multi-disciplinary focus which includes chemical, mechanical, electrical, electronics and computer engineering concepts with an emphasis on the integration of hardware and software components in process automation. Mohawk’s new Bachelor of Applied Technology (Technology Management) integrates comprehensive theoretical and practical training in industrial and mechanical engineering principles and design, with exposure to modern approaches to effective management of physical, financial and human resources. In addition to its degree programs, Mohawk also provides employers with graduates trained in building and construction sciences, chemical and environmental technology, computer science and information technology, electrotechnology and mechanical and industrial technology. Mohawk College is one of nine colleges in Ontario recently chosen by the provincial government to offer applied degree programs. Mohawk College... fulfilling industry’s training and education needs. 17 H A M I LT O N ADVANCED MANUFACTURING Business PROFILES The City of Hamilton’s Economic Development Division is actively focused on retaining and attracting advanced manufacturing operations. Hamilton's location advantages have enabled the development of a diverse manufacturing base with an appeal to a wide range of businesses, including: Amcan Consolidated Technologies Corp. Amcan Consolidated Technologies Corp. is a division of the Dutch company, Honsel International Technologies, an international group operating in the light-metal processing industry, specifically focused on the automotive sector. Their operations include the manufacturing of oil pans, transmission cases, differential cases, four-wheel-drive transfer cases and gear housings. Brown Boggs Foundry and Machine Company Ltd. Brown Boggs Foundry and Machine Company Ltd. is one of North America’s leaders in the machine tool builder industry. The company has an excellent reputation as being a manufacturer of reliable, high-quality metal forming machinery. Consistently deploying the latest in technological advancements, they continue to maintain their leadership position as a manufacturer of mechanical and hydraulic presses. Dofasco Inc. Dofasco Inc. Established in 1912, Dofasco Inc. is one of Canada’s largest steel producers serving customers throughout North America with high-quality flat rolled and tubular steel and laser-welded blanks from facilities in Canada, the United States and Mexico. Their operations hub is a 730 acre steel making facility in Hamilton, one of the most efficient, flexible and technologically advanced steel plants in North America. 18 ADVANCED MANUFACTURING H A M I LT O N FELLFAB FELLFAB FELLFAB is a privately held Canadian company which engineers and manufactures innovative products from technical and specialized textiles. Established in 1952, they are a leader in many demanding markets including industrial, aerospace, aviation, military handling and transportation. National Steel Car Limited National Steel Car Limited has designed and manufactured reliable freight equipment since 1912. Their Hamilton location is a modern design and production facility encompassing all aspects of the most up-to-date manufacturing processes, robotics and automatic welding systems. New efficient car types are designed, engineered and manufactured to meet today’s rail-industry need for higher utilization, reduced life cycle costs and reliability. Regional Die Casting Limited Regional Die Casting Limited specializes in the development and manufacture of pressure zinc based die cast products for the automotive industry. The company also manufactures products for other major industries including office furniture, plumbing, hardware, telecommunications, electrical and defense. Stackpole Limited Stackpole Limited is a premier manufacturer of highly engineered, technologically differentiated power train components, systems and assemblies such as planetary gears, oil pumping systems, synchronizer assemblies and shaft gears. Customers include General Motors, New Venture Gear, Daimler Chrysler, Ford, Borg Warner, Peugeot, Getrag and ZF. 19 H A M I LT O N ADVANCED MANUFACTURING Siemens Power Generation Siemens Power Generation Siemens Power Generation is one of the world’s largest electrical engineering and electronics companies providing innovative technologies to customers in 190 countries. The company is active in information technology, automation and control, power, transportation, medical and lighting. The 550,000 sq ft (46,000 m2) Siemens Power Generation facility in Hamilton, manufactures and provides components and services for large gas turbines used for producing electricity in power generating stations around the world. Stelco Inc. Stelco Inc. Stelco Inc. is one of Canada’s largest and most diversified steel producers. Stelco Inc. is involved in all of the major segments of the steel industry through its integrated steel business, mini-mills and manufactured products businesses. Steel products supplied by Stelco Inc. include hot rolled, cold rolled and coated sheet, bars and manufactured products, such as wire and wire products and pipe and tabular products. 20 D I R E C TO R Y Business DIRECTORY ADVANCED MANUFACTURING H A M I LT O N For the most current business listings please visit www.hamiltonbusinessdirectory.ca A & M Machine Shop and Mfg Limited Machine shop 580 Arvin Avenue Stoney Creek ON L8E 5P1 President: Mr. Albert Teabeschi Tel: 905-643-7829 Fax: 905-643-7863 AEC Manufacturing Inc Conveyor systems 131 Brockley Drive Hamilton ON L8E 3C4 President: Mr. Reiner Hill Tel: 905-561-0045 Fax: 905-561-3381 Always Plastic Inc Injection moulding 331B Arvin Avenue Stoney Creek ON L8E 2M6 President: Mr. Steve Craig Tel: 905-664-4500 Fax: 905-664-8817 Abarth Machining Inc Machine shop 428 Millen Road Unit 8 Stoney Creek ON L8E 3N9 President: Mr. Ivan Knezovic Tel: 905-662-6960 Fax: 905-662-7216 Alchemy Products Non-ferrous metals 563 Kenilworth Avenue N. Unit A Hamilton ON L8H 4T8 President: Mr. Darren Andrews Tel: 905-312-9084 Fax: 905-312-9085 Amcan Consolidated Technologies Corp. Aluminum castings 9 Hillyard Street Hamilton ON L8L 6B2 Officer: Mr. Manuel Santos Tel: 905-527-9178 Fax: 905-308-9196 Accutool Manufacturing Machine shop 45 Lancing Drive Hamilton ON L8W 2Z9 Owner: Mr. Dave Canton Tel: 905-387-5730 Fax: 905-387-7339 All Tool Automation Inc Custom machinery 143 Brockley Drive Hamilton ON L8E 3C4 President: Mr. Gordon Viles Tel: 905-578-2752 Fax: 905-561-0699 Anderson Water Systems Water purification equipment 44 Head Street Dundas ON L9H 3H3 President: Mr. Michael Durling Tel: 905-627-9233 Fax: 905-628-6623 Adanac Welding & Fabricating Inc Fabricated structural steel 1224 Stone Church Rd. E Hamilton ON L8W 2C7 President: Mr. Alexander Boateng Tel: 905-318-8846 Fax: 905-318-0327 Allen-Vanguard Lab chemicals 921 Barton Street Stoney Creek ON L8E 5P5 General Manager: Timothy Leach Tel: 905-643-8801 Fax: 905-643-8824 Arnold Die Casting Co Ltd Zinc, die-casting 354 MacNab Street Hamilton ON L9H 2L2 President: Mr. Arnold Steinke Tel: 905-627-3509 Fax: 905-628-5545 AlphaGary (Canada) Limited Synthetic rubber 5 Pinelands Avenue Stoney Creek ON L8E 3A4 President: Mr. Ariff Wakani Tel: 905-662-5735 Fax: 905-664-3599 Arrow Tool Die Mould Making & Stamp Manufacturing Co Metal forms 27 Greenaway Avenue Hamilton ON L8L 6C3 Owner: Mr. Andrew Lorincz Tel: 905-549-6925 Alumabrite Anodizing Limited Pressed metal products 20 Milburn Road Hamilton ON L8E 3L9 Director: Mr. Tom Mantini Tel: 905-561-7773 Fax: 905-561-7774 Arzon Limited Motor vehicle parts 85 Burford Road Hamilton ON L8E 3C6 Chairman of the Board: Mr. Leigh Hammond Tel: 905-561-2424 Fax: 905-561-2362 Advance Welding & Manufacturing (1992) Inc. Fabricated metal products 95 Cascade St. Unit 2 Hamilton ON L8E 3B7 President: Mr. Manfred Stach Tel: 905-560-3030 Fax: 905-560-7070 Adventec Manufacturing Inc Injection moulding 1444 Sandhill Drive Hamilton ON L9G 4V5 President: Mr. James Campbell Tel: 905-648-3345 Fax: 905-648-9093 21 H A M I LT O N ADVANCED MANUFACTURING Associated Combustion Inc Control instruments 1347 Osprey Drive Hamilton ON L9G 4V5 President: Mr. Greg Wilson Tel: 905-648-4755 Fax: 905-648-6006 Atlantic Machining Inc Machine shop 152 South Service Road Stoney Creek ON L8E 3H6 Vice President: Mr. Dan Fridrich Tel: 905-664-8466 Fax: 905-664-8866 B & T STEEL A Division of Russel Metals Inc Steel service centre 1052 South Service Road Stoney Creek ON L8E 6G3 Manager: Randy Rigby Tel: 905-643-3008 Fax: 905-643-5976 B.N.W. Valve Manufacturing Limited Stainless steel 524 6th Concession Road W. Millgrove ON L0R 1V0 President: Mr. Harry Rodzoniak Tel: 905-689-4713 Fax: 905-689-7402 B.S.B. Mfg. Limited Manufacture custom machine parts for CNC precision machines 610 Arvin Avenue Stoney Creek ON L8E 5P1 President: Mr. Bill Bhogal Tel: 905-643-0101 Fax: 905-643-0110 22 Baffin Inc Rubber footwear 346 Arvin Avenue Stoney Creek ON L8E 2M4 President: Mr. Paul Hubner CMA Tel: 905-664-3930 Fax: 905-664-0824 D I R E C TO R Y Bajic Machine Shop Ltd Machine shop 263 Barton Street Stoney Creek ON L8E 2K4 President: Mr. Zivota Bajic Tel: 905-664-1856 Barlow Tool & Machine Limited Conveyor system 238 Arvin Avenue Stoney Creek ON L8E 2L8 President: Mr. William J Barlow Tel: 905-561-2440 Fax: 905-561-3854 Barry Metal Products Ltd Fabricated metal products 179 Hendershot Road N. Binbrook ON L0R 1C0 President: Mr. Barry Fletcher Tel: 905-692-3660 Fax: 905-692-3232 Barton Alloy Fabricators Ltd Fabricated metal products 2693 Barton Street E. Hamilton ON L8E 2J5 President: Ms. Vesna Slavina Tel: 905-561-2805 Fax: 905-561-0717 Bearings & Oil Seals Specialists Inc Gaskets 1890 Brampton Street Hamilton ON L8H 3S5 President: Mr. Timothy Whittington Tel: 905-545-2677 Fax: 905-545-2839 Bochek Fabricating Limited Custom metal fabrication centre 380 Grays Road Hamilton ON L8E 4H6 President: Mr. Bruce Bochek Tel: 905-578-6400 Fax: 905-578-0267 Boothe, William R (Canada) Limited Pneumatic conveying systems 735 Trinity Road Hamilton ON L0R 1R0 President: Mr. William Boothe Tel:905-648-1816 Fax: 905-648-6755 Bouling Metals Limited Industrial custom metal fabrication 1856 Brampton Street Hamilton ON L8H 3S3 President: Mr. Peter Ingram Tel: 905-545-7840 Fax: 905-545-0911 Brown Boggs Foundry And Machine Company Ltd. Presses 1362 Osprey Drive Hamilton ON L9G 4V5 Chairman of the Board: Mr. Mars Brown Tel: 905-304-4400 Fax: 905-304-0044 Butty Manufacturing Custom machinery 609 Trinity Road Jerseyville ON L0R 1R0 President: Mr. George Butty Tel: 905-304-1770 Fax: 905-304-1774 C. F. F. Processing Inc Stainless steel 1840 Burlington Street E. Hamilton ON L8H 3L4 General Manager: Ms. Harriet Thomas Tel: 905-549-2603 Fax: 905-549-2994 C. F. F. Stainless Steel Inc Stainless steel 1840 Burlington Street E. Hamilton ON L8H 3L4 President: Mr. Brian McComb Tel: 905-549-2603 Fax: 905-549-2994 D I R E C TO R Y Cambridge Metalsmiths Steel foundry General Delivery Lynden ON L0R 1T0 President: Mr. Stephen Palmer Tel: 519-647-3326 Campli Metals Inc. Machine shop 733 Barton Street E. Stoney Creek ON L8E 5L7 President: Mr. Rocco Campli Tel: 905-643-7110 Fax: 905-643-7350 Canadian Curtis Refrigeration Inc Refrigeration equipment 881 Arvin Avenue Stoney Creek ON L8E 5N8 President: Mr. Tom Clarke Tel: 905-643-1977 Fax: 905-643-7018 Canadian Ferro Refractories Inc Refractory shapes 345 Arvin Avenue Stoney Creek ON L8E 2M6 President: Mr. Tom Moore Tel: 905-662-8381 Fax: 905-662-1240 Canadian Safe Manufacturing Inc Steel safes 170 Chatham Street Hamilton ON L8P 2B6 President: Mr. Robert Schofield Tel: 905-528-7233 Fax: 905-528-7728 Canbear Equipment Inc Pulleys 95 Covington Street Hamilton ON L8E 2Y4 President: Mr. Barry Zaitchik Tel: 905-561-9440 Fax: 905-561-8932 Cancore Industries Inc. Heat exchangers 624 Parkdale Avenue N. Hamilton ON L8H 5Z3 Director: Mr. Leigh M. Hammond Tel: 905-549-4181 Fax: 905-549-4254 Carpenter Die Casting Co. Ltd Machinery castings 540 Queen Elizabeth Way Stoney Creek ON L8E 2R3 President: Mr. Norman Carpenter Tel: 905-664-4474 Fax: 905-664-4017 CCR Technologies Incorporated Roll mill machine 208A Arvin Avenue Stoney Creek ON L8E 2L8 President: Carl Ricciuti Tel: 905-662-5999 Fax: 905-662-2633 Ceda-Reactor Ltd Inorganic industrial chemicals 390 Dewitt Road Unit 2 Stoney Creek ON L8E 4P6 Engineer: Mr. Bernard Amyot Tel: 905-662-7921 Central Welding Co Ltd The machine knife company Steel industrial knives and shearing blades 240 Beach Road Hamilton ON L8L 4B2 President: Mr. Roger Hieise Tel: 905-545-5818 Clearspan Inc Fabricated structural steel 540 Seaman Street Stoney Creek ON L8E 3X7 Manager: Ms. Monika Stone Tel: 905-643-8043 ADVANCED MANUFACTURING H A M I LT O N Columbian Chemicals Canada Ltd Engineered carbon blacks 755 Parkdale Avenue N. Hamilton ON L8H 7N5 General Manager: Mr. William C Stafford Tel: 905-544-3343 Fax: 905-544-8641 Computer Integrated Manufacturing Inc. (CIM) Machined parts 1411 Osprey Drive SS 71 Hamilton ON L9G 4V5 President: Mr. David Lane Tel: 905-648-5011 Fax: 905-648-5566 Coppley Apparel Group Men's clothing 56 York Boulevard Hamilton ON L8N 3S6 HR Manager: Louise Bom Tel: 905-529-1112 Fax: 905-529-2101 Coreslab Structures (Ont) Inc Precast concrete products 91 Highway 5 W. Hamilton ON L9H 7L6 President: Mr. Lou Franciosa Tel: 905-689-3993 Fax: 905-689-0708 Cosmos Pattern Company Ltd Industrial machinery 326 Hilton Drive Stoney Creek ON L8E 2N3 President: Mr. Eugene Zadlo Tel: 905-664-4633 Fax: 905-664-4353 Crane, John Canada Inc Mechanical seals 423 Green Road Stoney Creek ON L8E 3A1 President: Mr. John Putnins Tel: 800-267-6871 Fax: 905-662-1564 23 H A M I LT O N ADVANCED MANUFACTURING Crown Automated Feeders Inc Agricultural implement manufacturing 601 Tradewind Drive Unit 6, 7 & 8A Hamilton ON L9G 4V5 President: Mr. Ed O'Neill Tel: 905-648-8975 Fax: 905-648-8744 Cylinder Head Supply Inc Cylinder heads 62 Head Street Unit C Hamilton ON L9H 3H7 President: Mr. Chris Howes Tel: 905-627-7333 Fax: 905-627-7633 D & D Custom Steel Products Ltd Machine shop 428 Seaman Street Stoney Creek ON L8E 3P3 President: Mr. Joseph De Tina Tel: 905-664-4245 Fax: 905-664-6705 D S M Engineering Plastics Ltd Plastics materials 233 Arvin Avenue Stoney Creek ON L8E 2L9 President: Mr. John Wilkie Tel: 905-662-1866 Fax: 905-662-3493 D. C. Technique Inc Chrome plating 348 Dewitt Road Stoney Creek ON L8E 2T2 Manager: Mr. Mark Walker Tel: 905-662-5283 Fax: 905-662-8762 24 Decor Precast Company Limited Precast concrete product 682 Arvin Avenue Stoney Creek ON L8E 5R4 Manager: Ms. Shirley Hawkins Tel: 905-643-1277 Fax: 905-643-1515 D I R E C TO R Y Deltrex Machining Ltd. Machine shop 200 Nebo Road Unit 1 Hamilton ON L8W 2E4 President: Mr. Michael Sorman Tel: 905-388-8626 Fax: 905-388-8736 Die-Metric Tool Inc. Fabricated metal products 10 Brockley Drive Hamilton ON L8E 3P1 President: Mr. Harry Pohl Tel: 905-561-1101 Fax: 905-561-1576 Diemx Automation Ltd Automation machinery manufacturer 70 Innovation Drive Hamilton ON L9H 7P3 President: Mr. Gord Hall Tel: 905-690-7170 Fax: 905-690-7173 Dofasco Inc. Steel manufacturer 1330 Burlington Street E. Hamilton ON L8N 3J5 President: Mr. Donald A Pether Tel: 905-544-3761 Fax: 905-548-4350 Doidge Controls & Automation Automation controls 166 Orchard Drive Ancaster ON L9G 1Z9 Owner: Mr. Bill Doidge Tel: 905-648-5037 Fax: 905-648-2037 Dominion Pattern Works Foundry patternmaking 178 Princess Street Hamilton ON L8L 3L3 President: Mr. Dan Peace Tel: 905-544-2505 Fax: 905-544-3400 Doyle, Philip Manufacturing Inc Engineered cooling systems and enclosures 75 Covington Street Hamilton ON L8E 2Y4 President: Mr. Bill Mercuri Tel: 905-561-0545 Fax: 905-561-5858 Dunbar Machine Shop Ltd Machine shop 45 Dunbar Avenue Hamilton ON L8H 3E3 President: Mr. Steve Stefanovic Tel: 905-545-9888 Fax: 905-544-1484 Durisol Materials Limited Precast products 67 Frid Street Hamilton ON L8P 4M3 President: Mr. Hans Rerup Tel: 905-521-0999 Fax: 905-521-8658 Dynamic & Proto Circuits Inc Circuit boards 869 Barton Street Stoney Creek ON L8E 5G6 Director: Mr. Vince Valeri Tel: 905-643-9900 Fax: 905-643-9911 Dynasty Technical Service Inc Machine shop 323 Hilton Drive Stoney Creek ON L8E 2N4 President: Mr. George Rakic Tel: 905-662-1727 Fax: 905-662-1072 E & V Precision Grinding Limited Machine shop 889 Barton Street Suite 10 Stoney Creek ON L8E 5V1 President: Mr. Vince Maifrini Tel: 905-643-6575 Fax: 905-643-1868 D I R E C TO R Y EA Engineered Abrasives Canada Inc. Abrasive products 862 Arvin Avenue Unit 9 Stoney Creek ON L8E 5P2 President: Mr. Michael J Loncarich Tel: 905-643-0770 Fax: 905-643-6042 East End Welding Limited Fabricated metal products 1086 Cannon Street E. Hamilton ON L8L 2J1 President: Mr. John Trathen Tel: 905-544-4314 Fax: 905-544-6455 Edson Packaging Machinery Ltd Packaging machinery 215 Hempstead Drive Hamilton ON L8W 2E6 President: Mr. Rob Hattin Tel: 905-385-3201 Fax: 905-385-8775 Elettra Technology Inc. Electric motors 647 Parkdale Avenue N. Hamilton ON L8H 5Z1 President: Mr. Carlo DiPietro Tel: 905-549-4754 Fax: 905-549-6750 El-Met-Parts Inc Laminations for small electrical motors 47 Head Street Dundas Hamilton ON L9H 3H6 President: Mr. John Papakyriakou Tel: 905-628-6366 Fax: 905-628-4762 Embree Industries Limited Machine shop 151 Birge Street Hamilton ON L8L 7V4 General Manager: Mr. Michael Sinclair Tel: 905-529-7187 Fax: 905-528-6747 Energy Vent Corporation Factory built chimney systems 241 Arvin Avenue Stoney Creek ON L8E 2L9 Manager: Mr. Bruno Bieri Tel: 905-662-1701 Fax: 905-664-3616 Eureka Tool Steel Welding Products Ltd Precision grinding 745 Woodward Avenue Hamilton ON L8H 6P5 President: Mr. Al Novak Tel: 905-545-3006 Fax: 905-545-8954 Eveley International Alignment & spring service 2814 Barton Street E. Hamilton ON L8E 2J9 President: Mr. Nicholas Eveley Tel: 905-561-3244 Fax: 905-560-2285 Fabris Inc Machine shop 1216 South Service Road Stoney Creek ON L8E 5C4 Director: Mr. Mario Fabris Tel: 905-643-4111 Fax: 905-643-3355 Fabris PG Machine shop 1230 South Service Road Stoney Creek ON L8E 5C4 Tel: 905-643-4111 Fax: 905-643-3355 Fallon Ultrasonics Inc Ultrasonic equipment 3 Benemar Court Hamilton ON L8W 2R1 President: Mr. Narendra Patel Tel: 905-388-7853 Fax: 905-387-5897 ADVANCED MANUFACTURING H A M I LT O N FELLFAB Technical and specialized textiles 2343 Barton Street E. Hamilton ON L8E 5V8 President: Mr. Glen Fell Tel: 905-560-9230 Fax: 905- 560-9846 Fibre Glass Evercoat Company Of Canada Fibreglass products 41 Brockley Drive Unit 4 Hamilton ON L8E 3C3 President: Mr. Ronald E Stibich Tel: 905-560-1060 Fax: 905-560-4009 Fibre Laminations Ltd. Fibreglass production parts 651 Burlington Street E. Hamilton ON L8L 4J5 President: Mr. John Hall Tel: 905-312-9152 Fax: 905-312-9572 Fine Cancro Machining Co Ltd Machine shop 45 Lancing Drive Unit 9 Hamilton ON L8W 2Z9 Vice President: Mr. Joseph Jadi Tel: 905-318-5382 Fax: 905-318-5271 Flamborough Tool & Mould Ltd Machine shop 383 6th Concession E. Units 2-4 Millgrove ON L0R 1V0 General Manager: Mr. Dan Robson Tel: 905-689-3280 Fax: 905-689-9899 Forsythe Holdings Limited Industrial lubricants 120 Chatham Street Hamilton ON L8P 2B5 President: Mr. Robert Forsythe Tel: 905-525-7192 Fax: 905-525-7024 25 H A M I LT O N ADVANCED MANUFACTURING Fox - Tech Custom machinery 232 South Service Road Stoney Creek ON L8E 2N9 President: Ms. Franca Bonomo Tel: 905-664-4074 Fax: 905-664-4890 GMV Industries Inc Fabricated metal products 427 Millen Road Stoney Creek ON L8E 2P6 President: Mr. Les Veber Tel: 905-664-6155 Fax: 905-664-6909 Fruitland Tool & Manufacturing Vacuum pumps 324 Leaside Avenue Stoney Creek ON L8E 2N7 President: Mr. Rodney Bader Tel: 905-662-6552 Fax: 905-662-5412 Greif Bros. Canada Inc Industrial packaging 370 Millen Road Stoney Creek ON L8E 2H5 Branch Manager: Mr. Ross Tweedle Tel: 905-664-4433 Fax: 905-664-4491 Fuel Applications Limited Control instruments 104 Robert Street Hamilton ON L8L 2P5 President: Mr. Frans Osterman Tel: 905-525-9700 Fax: 905-525-9704 Futuristic Custom Machining Machine shop 618 Wentworth Street N. Hamilton ON L8L 5X6 President: Mr. Alex Lentz Tel: 905-522-8055 Fax: 905-279-0297 G F Machine Shop Limited Machine shop 716 Arvin Avenue Stoney Creek ON L8E 5R4 President: Mr. Fiore (Fred) Sozio Tel: 905-643-7710 Fax: 905-643-7720 Garrtech Inc Blow mould 910 Arvin Avenue Stoney Creek ON L8E 5Y8 President: Mr. Anthony Paget Tel: 905-643-6414 Fax: 905-643-6422 26 D I R E C TO R Y Gudgeon Cabinets Limited Elevator cars 345 Dosco Drive Stoney Creek ON L8E 2N6 President: Mr. Harry Gudgeon Tel: 905-662-2292 Fax: 905-662-2299 Gypsum Technologies Inc Custom machinery 338 Dewitt Road Stoney Creek ON L8E 2T2 Controller: Ms. Kathryn Taylor Tel: 905-664-4188 Fax: 905-664-8332 H & M Machining Inc Machine shop 200 Hempstead Drive Unit 1 Hamilton ON L8W 2E8 President: Mr. Grant McCabe Tel: 905-574-1301 Fax: 905-574-1301 Hall, Fred & Son Limited Machine shop 35 Glow Avenue Hamilton ON L8H 3V7 President: Mr. Michael Hall Tel: 905-547-1286 Fax: 905-545-8088 Hamilton Air Conveyors Co Inc Conveyor systems 31 Bigwin Road Hamilton ON L8W 3R3 President: Mr. Valdimir Ruskai Tel: 905-387-5671 Fax: 905-387-9504 Hamilton Drills Metal work drill bits 243 Edgemont Street S. Hamilton ON L8K 2J3 Partner: Mr. Stan Pawlak Tel: 905-545-9460 Fax: 905-544-3194 Hamilton Machine Parts Limited Machine shop 802 Rennie Street Hamilton ON L8H 3R2 President: Mr. Andrew Hegedus Tel: 905-549-5545 Fax: 905-547-4790 Hamilton Manufacturing Company Ltd Heat riser valves 312 Cumberland Avenue Hamilton ON L8M 2A1 President: Ms. Carrie Renalli Tel: 905-545-4888 Fax: 905-544-8202 Hamilton Match Plate Company Limited Aluminum castings 265 Lottridge Street Hamilton ON L8L 6W1 President: Mr. Dave Green Tel: 905 545-7684 Fax: 905-545-6351 Hamilton Metal Fabricators & Machine Builders Inc Industrial machinery 340 Dewitt Road Stoney Creek ON L8E 2T2 President: Mr. Eckhard Kries Tel: 905-664-7444 Fax: 905-664-3323 D I R E C TO R Y Hamilton Metal Works Inc Fabricated structural steel 243 Queen Street N. Hamilton ON L8R 3N6 President: Mr. Vince DiCristofaro Tel: 905-524-3943 Fax: 905-524-5378 Hamilton Plastic Fabricators (1997) Ltd. Plastic fabrication 347 Dosco Drive Stoney Creek ON L8E 2N6 President: Mr. Paul Bailey Tel: 905-662-4788 Fax: 905-662-1700 Hamilton Specialty Bar Corporation Carbon and alloy bar 319 Sherman Avenue N. Hamilton ON L8N 3R5 Officer: Mr. Peter Melnick Tel: 905-549-4774 Fax: 905-549-3593 Hamilton Stamping Custom Stamping 101 Morley Street Hamilton ON L8H 3R8 Manager: Josheph Tilemans Tel: 905-544-5231 Fax: 905-544-2645 Harris Rebar Re-enforcing steel products 318 Arvin Avenue Stoney Creek ON L8E 2M2 Branch Manager: Mr. Brad McFadden Tel: 905-662-5700 Fax: 905-573-5261 Hay Industrial Battery Truck controls 1 Dunbar Avenue Hamilton ON L8H 3E3 President: Mr. John Hammond Tel: 905-544-5596 Fax: 905-544-5596 ADVANCED MANUFACTURING Henderson Valve & Specialties Ltd Metal valves 22 Flanders Drive S. S. 5 Waterdown ON L0R 2H7 President: Mr. Paul Henderson Tel: 905-690-0425 Fax: 905-690-0426 ILR Industries Inc Plastic products 1 Head Street Unit 5E Dundas ON L9H 3H5 President: Mr. Fred Mastroianni Tel: 905-628-4391 Fax: 905-628-8147 Hess Machinery (Canada) Ltd Steel moulds 1262 Stone Church Road E. Hamilton ON L8W 2C8 President: Ms. Gudrun Hess Tel: 905-575-4440 Fax: 905-575-9466 Imperial Precast Corp Concrete products 294 Fifty Road Stoney Creek ON L8E 5L1 President: Mr. Emilio Sciullo Tel: 905-643-4777 Fax: 905-643-4778 Hi Bek Precision Spring Co Limited Wire springs 741 Woodward Avenue Hamilton ON L8H 6P3 President: Mr. Raymond Hick Tel: 905-547-2511 Fax: 905-547-1504 Holtrop Steel & Iron Works Limited Structural steel 3234 Homestead Drive Mount Hope ON L0R 1W0 President: Mr. Henry Holtrop Tel: 905-679-4285 Fax: 905-679-6071 Homer & Wilson Litho Spool Ltd Custom metal stampings 1 Lancaster Street Hamilton ON L8L 6X1 President: Mr. Tom Skinner Tel: 905-544-0250 Fax: 905-544-8500 Hydraco (Wentworth) Limited Fluid power cylinders 1444 Sandhill Drive Unit 1 Hamilton ON L9G 4V5 President: Mr. Paul George Tel: 905-304-5391 Fax: 905-304-0607 H A M I LT O N Industrial Tooling & Mfg Machine shop 420 Glover Road Stoney Creek ON L8E 5M4 President: Mr. George Yanakovic Tel: 905-643-2937 Fax: 905-643-3636 Inter-Net Specialties Inc. Custom steel fabricators 865 Woodward Avenue Hamilton ON L8H 6P5 President: Mr. Peter Tam Tel: 905-547-9498 Fax: 905-547-3155 Iron Star Machine Shop Limited Custom machinry 63 Strathcona Avenue S. Hamilton ON L8P 4J1 President: Mr. Lazo Crnobrnja Tel: 905-523-5720 Fax: 905-523-5720 J L Metals Inc Metal products 565 Seaman Street Stoney Creek ON L8E 5Z5 President: Mr. Leonard Chaisson Tel: 905-643-0016 Fax: 905-643-0046 27 H A M I LT O N ADVANCED MANUFACTURING Jade Tool Inc Cutting tools 328 Hilton Drive Stoney Creek ON L8E 2N3 President: Mr. James McDermid Tel: 905-664-3463 Fax: 905-664-6137 Jayne Industries Inc Refractory anchoring 550 Seaman Street Stoney Creek ON L8E 3X7 President: Mr. Duncan Robson Tel: 905-643-9200 Fax: 905-662-1478 JLB Fabricating Ltd Custom steel fabricating 11 Brockley Drive Stoney Creek ON L8E 3C3 President: Mr. John Bosma Tel: 905-560-2344 Fax: 905-560-4744 K S R Machine & Tools Ltd Machine shop 42 Keefer Court Unit 5 Hamilton ON L8E 4V4 President: Mr. Sam Rehsi Tel: 905-578-2080 Kodarin Industries Limited Custom machinery 211 Lanark Street Hamilton ON L8E 2Z9 President: Mr. Ed Kodarin Tel: 905-560-4964 Fax: 905-560-7776 Kubes Steel Ltd. Custom steel fabrication 930 Arvin Avenue Stoney Creek ON L8E 5Y8 President: Mr. John kubes Tel: 905-643-1229 Fax: 905-643-4003 28 D I R E C TO R Y L. P. Custom Machining Ltd Machine shop 211 Barton Street Stoney Creek ON L8E 2K3 President: Mr. David Singh Tel: 905-664-9445 Fax: 905-664-8341 Lafarge Canada Inc Cement 360 Jones Road Stoney Creek ON L8E 5N2 Manager: Mr. Steve Wright Tel: 905-643-4101 Fax: 905-643-2099 Larco Industrial Services Ltd Crane and material handling equipment 863 Arvin Avenue Stoney Creek ON L8E 5N8 General Manager: Mr. Frank Ellis Tel: 905-643-1296 Fax: 905-643-3432 Liburdi Engineering Robotic welding/turbine repairs 400 Highway 6 Dundas ON L9H 7K4 Contact: Mr. Joe Liburdi Tel: 905-689-0734 Fax: 905-689-0739 LS Mechanical Power Steering Exchange Steer mechanism 1265 Guyatt Road R. R. 1 Binbrook ON L0R 1C0 President: Mr. Lorne Gieb Tel: 905-692-4316 Fax: 905-692-4316 M. J. Tool Works Ltd. Plastic injection tooling and moulding 598 Ofield Road N. R. R. 2 Flamborough ON L9H 5E2 President: Mr. John Mazak Tel: 905-628-3191 Fax: 905-628-3191 Maddocks Engineered Machinery Inc Industrial filters 663 Woodward Avenue Hamilton ON L8H 6P3 President: Mr. Jonathan Maddocks Tel: 905-549-9626 Fax: 905-547-7660 Magna-Tech Canada Vacuum Impregnation Services 921 Barton Street Stoney Creek ON L8E 5P5 President: Darren Smith Tel: 905-643-2990 Fax: 905-643-2825 Maljohn Company Limited Plastic products 183 Hendershot Road Hannon ON L0R 1P0 President: Mr. Malcolm Johnson Tel: 905-523-1954 Fax: 905-692-3349 McCabe Steel Fabricated metal products 687 Arvin Avenue Stoney Creek ON L8E 5R2 Branch Manager: Mr. Manny Pereira Tel: 905-643-4271 Fax: 905-643-4407 McCoy, Archie (Hamilton) Limited Gray iron foundry 1890 Highway 5 W. Troy ON L0R 2B0 President: Mr. Harry McCoy Tel: 519-647-3411 Fax: 519-647-3740 D I R E C TO R Y Meyer Dies 1976 Limited Cutting dies 485 Grays Road Hamilton ON L8E 2Z5 President: Mr. Dan Scarciglia Tel: 905-578-2444 Fax: 905-578-2227 Mold-Spec Inc Blow molds 429 Dewitt Road Unit 8 Stoney Creek ON L8E 4C3 President: Mr. Kelven Durbin Tel: 905-664-2776 Fax: 905-664-8163 Micro Automation Inc Industrial controls 1451 Sandhill Drive Hamilton ON L9G 4V5 President: Mr. Victor Bucek Tel: 905-304-5267 Fax: 905-304-5269 Montford Manufacturing Inc Fabricated metal products 1624 Claybar Road Ancaster ON L9G 4X1 President: Mr. Gordon Montford Tel: 905-648-5055 Fax: 905-648-0026 Micro Numerics Metal cut tools 39 Bond Street S. Hamilton ON L8S 1S8 Owner: Mr. Peter Smid Tel: 905-546-1875 Fax: 905-546-5231 Micron Machining Service Machine shop 1576 Stone Church Road E. Hamilton ON L8W 3P9 Owner: Mr. Bob Beric Tel: 905-574-3770 Fax: 905-574-3770 Millen Manufacturing Inc Machine shop 400 Millen Road Stoney Creek ON L8E 2P7 Director: Mr. Josip Vragovic Tel: 905-664-5756 Fax: 905-664-1013 Modern Elevator Innovations Inc Elevators 400 Wentworth Street N. Hamilton ON L8L 5W3 President: Mr. Jeff Brown Tel: 905-523-0040 Fax: 905-523-0096 Motivation Industrial Equipment Limited Cranes 172 -178 South Service Rd. Stoney Creek ON L8E 3H6 President: Mr. Michael Slater Tel: 905-664-4040 Fax: 905-664-4044 Munck Cranes Inc Cranes 403 Dewitt Road Stoney Creek ON L8E 4B9 President: Mr. Michael Mikoda Tel: 905-561-2100 Fax: 905-561-1238 Narroflex Fabric elastic bands 590 South Service Road Stoney Creek ON L8E 2W1 Controller: Ms. Lynn Wick Tel: 905-643-6066 Fax: 905-643-6950 National Steel Car Limited Train cars 602 Kenilworth Avenue N. Hamilton ON L8N 3J4 Chairman of the Board: Mr. Gregory Aziz Tel: 905-544-3311 Fax: 905-544-7614 ADVANCED MANUFACTURING H A M I LT O N NELSON STEEL CO, Processing Operations, A Division of Samuel Manu-tech Pickle steel 400 Glover Road Stoney Creek ON L8E 5X1 General Manager: Bill McDonald Tel: 905-662-1404 Fax: 905-643-4660 NELSON STEEL, Consulting & Technology Group A Division of Samuel Manu-tech inc Pickling process technology 199 Arvin Avenue Stoney Creek ON L8E 2L9 Branch Manager: Mr. Dan Robinson Tel: 905-662-1408 Fax: 905-662-5385 North American Tillage Tools Company Industrial machinery 460 Sherman Avenue N. Hamilton ON L8L 8J6 President: Mr. Alain Grenier Tel: 905-549-7433 Fax: 905-549-9002 North Port Valves Metal valves 35 Teal Avenue Stoney Creek ON L8E 3B1 Owner: Mr. Dave Turcic Tel: 905-662-7711 Fax: 905-662-8825 North Star Technical Inc Fabricated metal products 459 Burlington Street E. Hamilton ON L8L 4H8 President: Mr. Tony Pinelli P. Eng. Tel: 905-521-9996 Fax: 905-521-9926 29 H A M I LT O N ADVANCED MANUFACTURING Northflex Manufacturing Inc Flexible metal tubing 428 Millen Road Unit 5 Stoney Creek ON L8E 3N9 President: Mr. Mario Pinelli Tel: 905-664-1063 Fax: 905-664-1644 Nova Analytical Systems Inc Gas analysis equipment 270 Sherman Avenue N. Hamilton ON L8L 6N5 President: Mr. James McPherson Tel: 905-545-2003 Fax: 905-545-4248 Nova Steel Processing Ltd Steel service centre 830 South Service Road Stoney Creek ON L8E 5M7 General Manager: Gerry B. Hudson Tel: 905-643-3300 Fax: 905-643-0337 Novacro Machining Inc Machine shop 380 Dewitt Road Stoney Creek ON L8E 2T2 President: Mr. Peter Pavone Tel: 905-664-2721 Fax: 905-664-1628 NU-LINE Products Inc Tractor trailer accessories 140 Brockley Drive Hamilton ON L8E 3C5 President: Mr. Larry Birch Tel: 905-560-6064 Fax: 905-578-4487 O'Brien Installations Limited Overhead cranes 14 Garden Avenue Stoney Creek ON L8E 2Y9 President: Mr. Hubert O'Brien Tel: 905-662-4979 Fax: 905-662-3214 30 D I R E C TO R Y Orlick Industries Limited Auto body parts 441 Seaman Street Stoney Creek ON L8E 2R2 Branch Manager: Mr. Peter Pavski Tel: 905-662-3836 Fax: 905-662-3535 Pensafe Inc High strength forgings 563 Barton Street Stoney Creek ON L8E 5S1 Director: Mr. Keith Smith Tel: 905-643-7188 Fax: 905-643-5088 Orlick Industries Limited Auto body parts 20 Teal Avenue Stoney Creek ON L8E 3Y5 President: Mr. David Braley Tel: 905-664-7665 Fax :905-664-9880 Pierce-Pacific Manufacturing Inc Construction machinery 1880 Brampton Street Hamilton ON L8H 3S3 General Manager: Mr. John Evans Tel: 905-312-0922 Fax: 905-312-0944 Orlick Industries Limited Aluminum castings 411 Parkdale Avenue N. Hamilton ON L8H 5Y4 President: Mr. David Braley Tel: 905-544-1997 Fax: 905-544-5058 Orlick Industries Limited Aluminum castings 500 Seaman Street Stoney Creek ON L8L 8J6 Principal: Mr. Peter Pavski Tel: 905 662-5954 Fax: 905-662-0054 Orlick Industries Limited Aluminum castings 359 Millen Road Stoney Creek ON L8E 2H4 Branch Manager: Mr. Robin Porter Tel: 905 664-3990 Fax: 905-664-6303 P & A Tool & Die Co Ltd Machine shop 265 Barton Street E. Unit 38 Stoney Creek ON L8E 2K4 President: Mr. Paul Milikowich Tel: 905-664-2334 Fax: 905-664-3540 PKS Equipment & Engineering Inc Industrial machinery 1240 Osprey Drive Hamilton ON L9G 4V5 President: Mr. Stanley Poweska Tel: 905-648-7797 Fax: 905-648-7186 Plastics Plus Injection moulding plastic 469 Woodward Avenue Hamilton ON L8H 6N6 President: Mr. Laurent Mermuys Tel: 905-549-4572 Fax: 905-549-4580 Pneu-Hyd Industries Limited Fluid power cylinders 375 Green Road Unit 1 Stoney Creek ON L8E 4A5 President: Mr. Douglas Rogers Tel: 905-664-5540 Fax: 905-664-4334 Precision Sharpening Limited Custom screw machine 220 Pritchard Road Hamilton ON L8W 3P7 President: Mr. Stephen Koziski Tel: 905-385-8231 Fax: 905-385-9917 D I R E C TO R Y Process Pipe Support Systems Inc Industrial pipework applications 345 Dewitt Road Unit 2 Stoney Creek ON L8E 2T1 President: Mr. Rod Roberts Tel: 905-664-3023 Fax: 905-664-1379 Procter Precision Limited Steel tools 101 Morley Street Hamilton ON L8H 3R8 President: Mr. Christopher Procter Tel: 905-312-1318 Fax: 905-312-4598 Pro-Spec Inc Machine shop 9 Pinelands Avenue Stoney Creek ON L8E 3A4 President: Mr. Geoff Whitehead Tel: 905-664-8280 Fax: 905-664-8310 Purity Zinc Metals Zinc processing 290 Arvin Avenue Stoney Creek ON L8E 2M1 President: Mr. Walter Faggion Tel: 905-662-4802 Fax: 905-664-3944 Q - Air Environmental Controls Pollution control eqipment 319 Arvin Avenue Stoney Creek ON L8E 2M3 President: Mr. Tony Quirk Tel: 905-662-6831 Fax: 905-662-8983 Quality Custom Machining Inc Machine shop 1576 Stone Church Road E. Hamilton ON L8W 3P9 Partner: Mr. Kaz Chowaniec Tel: 905-318-7095 R & S Tech Services Ltd Machine shop 340 Dosco Drive Stoney Creek ON L8E 2N5 President: Mr. Thomas Wachner Tel: 905-662-3353 Fax: 905-662-3244 Rangeview Fabricating Inc Fabricated metal products 60 Head Street Hamilton ON L9H 3H7 President: Mr. John Luison Tel: 905-628-3435 Fax: 905-387-6923 Regional Die Casting Limited Zinc die-cast products 695 Arvin Avenue Stoney Creek ON L8E 5R2 President: Mr. Anthony S J Corso Sr. Tel: 905-643-4184 Fax: 905-643-1538 Republic Canadian Drawn, Inc. Cold drawn steel bars 155 Chatham Street Hamilton ON L8P 2B7 Controller: Mr. Bob Boylan Tel: 905-546-5656 Fax: 905-645-3952 ADVANCED MANUFACTURING H A M I LT O N \ Robertson Inc Drill bits 66 Innovation Drive Hamilton ON L9H 7P3 Principal: Mr. Mark Walton Tel: 905-690-4931 Rockwell Automation Canada Inc Industrial controls 903 Barton Street E. Stoney Creek ON L8L 3B8 Branch Manager: Mr. Will Tudoroff Tel: 905-643-4284 Fax: 905-643-1143 Romco Industries Inc Steel fabrication 1384 Osprey Drive Hamilton ON L9G 4V5 President: Mr. Ron Sommer Tel: 905-648-0800 Fax: 905-648-8737 RTICA Corp Insulation 999 Barton Street Stoney Creek ON L8E 5H4 President: Mr. Warren Arseneau Tel: 905-643-8669 Fax: 905-643-1442 Roberts, Gary Limited Fabricated metal products 1021 Barton Street E. Hamilton ON L8L 3E2 President: Mr. Gary Roberts Tel: 905-544-9722 Rumix Machining & Fabrication Inc Fabricated metal products 100 Lancing Drive Hamilton ON L8W 3L6 President: Ms. Ljubica Vorkapic Tel: 905-388-7377 Fax: 905-388-1829 Robertson Building Systems Limited Prefabricated metal buildings 61 Burford Road Hamilton ON L8E 3C6 President: Ms. Marion Alley Tel: 905-561-7000 Fax: 905-561-6966 Saint Gobain Abrasive of Canada Inc Abrasives 3 Beach Road Hamilton ON L8L 7Y5 President: Mr. Benoit Bazin Tel: 905-547-2551 Fax: 905-547-2173 31 H A M I LT O N ADVANCED MANUFACTURING Saltfleet Machining Inc Machine shop 470 Grays Road Unit 1 Hamilton ON L8E 2Z4 President: Mr. Michael Hamilton Tel: 905-560-7901 Fax: 905-560-1642 ShawCor Ltd Protective coatings 385 Nebo Road Hamilton ON L8W 3P4 Superintendant: Mr. Mearl Lockhart Tel: 905-385-2873 Fax: 905-575-2922 Spear CNC Machining Inc Machine shop 43 Bigwin Road Hamilton ON L8W 3R3 President: Mr. Steve Petrina Tel: 905-318-9303 Fax: 905-318-1891 Sandco Automotive Ltd Automobile products 1064 6 Highway N. Hamilton ON L8N 2Z7 Manager: Mr. Phil Moruzi Tel: 905-689-7961 Fax: 905-689-5611 Siemens Power Generation Turbines 30 Milton Avenue Hamilton ON L8L 6E6 President: Mr. Blair Youmans Tel: 905-972-6962 Fax: 905-972-6964 Spectrum Tool and Die Corporation Tool and die shop 425 Wilson Street E. Hamilton ON L9G 2C4 President: Mr. Antonius Verbruggen Tel: 905-304-5678 Fax: 905-304-0266 Sanford Battery Manufacturing Limited Batteries 470 Beach Road Hamilton ON L8H 3K7 President: Mr. Kenneth Beatty Tel: 905-544-4220 Fax: 905-544-4225 Silicon Technology Canada Inc. Pollution control 26 Lloyd Street Hamilton ON L8L 3H4 President: Mr. John Standidge Tel: 905-549-6255 Fax: 905-549-6255 SDA Technologies Air filters PO Box 7149 Stn. Ancaster ON L9G 3L4 President: Mr. Tony Brown Tel: 905-304-4466 Fax: 905-304-4776 Sling-Choker Mfg. (Hamilton) Ltd Lifting devices 15 Mead Avenue Hamilton ON L8H 3T6 President: Mr. Paul Villgren Tel: 905-545-5025 Fax: 905-545-9789 Stackpole Limited Engineered Products Division Auto parts 1310 Cormorant Road Ancaster ON L9G 4V5 Director of Operations: Mr. Stefan Ionut Tel: 905-304-8533 Fax: 905-304-6314 Selkirk Canada Corporation Chimney products 375 Green Road Stoney Creek ON L8E 4A5 General Manager: Mr. Tim Valters Tel: 905-662-6600 Fax: 905-662-5352 Sertech Industrial Inc Cranes 238 Gage Avenue N. Unit 3 Hamilton ON L8L 7A7 President: Mr. Steve Di Stefano Tel: 905-544-5085 Fax: 905-544-5115 32 D I R E C TO R Y Sobotec Ltd Architectural wall panels 67 Burford Road Hamilton ON L8E 3C6 President: Vladimar Sobot Tel: 905-578-1278 Fax: 905-578-1446 Solid Machine Co Inc Fluid power cylinders 220 Hempstead Drive Hamilton ON L8W 2E8 President: Mr. Gino Polo Tel: 905-385-4562 Fax: 905-385-1791 Stackpole Limited Precision Metal Components Division Auto parts 1325 Cormorant Road Ancaster ON L9G 4V5 Director of Operations: Mr. Nick Parry Tel: 905-304-9455 Fax: 905-304-8972 Standard Machine & Manufacturing Machine shop 342 Dosco Drive Stoney Creek ON L8E 2N5 President: Mr. Brian Dorr Tel: 905-664-9393 Fax: 905-664-9394 D I R E C TO R Y Starlight Automation Systems Inc Industrial controls 55 Lancing Drive Unit 3 Hamilton ON L8W 2Z9 President: Mr. Al Szorenyi Tel: 905-385-5825 Fax: 905-385-1466 ADVANCED MANUFACTURING Stoney Creek Precision Parts Inc Precision tools 25 Sawyer Road Hamilton ON L8L 3R7 President: Mr. Robert Rawson Tel: 905-528-4226 Fax: 905-528-0523 Taalman Engineered Products Ltd Steel fabrication 351 Leaside Avenue Stoney Creek ON L8E 2N8 President: Mr. Martin Taal Tel: 905-664-2193 Fax: 905-664-6051 Stelco Inc. Steel manufacturer 386 Wilcox Street Hamilton ON L8L 8K5 General Manager: Mr. Bill Misson Tel: 905-528-2511 Fax: 905-308-7007 Superior Radiant Products Ltd Industrial heat units 428 Millen Road Stoney Creek ON L8E 3N9 President: Mr. Eric Willms Tel: 905-664-8274 Fax: 905-664-8846 Taylor Steel Steel Service Centre 477 Arvin Avenue Stoney Creek ON L8E 2N1 Vice President: Mike Coughlan Tel: 905-662-4925 Fax: 905-662-4928 Stelwire Ltd Steel wire products 670 Strathearne Ave. Hamilton ON L8H 7N7 Director: Mr. Michael A McQuade Tel: 905-528-9473 Fax: 905-577-4409 Surface Metallurgical Inc Heat treating 295 Arvin Avenue Stoney Creek ON L8E 2M3 President: Mr. John Abrahamse Tel: 905 664-1996 Fax: 905-662-2907 Sterling Power Systems Electric motors 799 Rennie Street Hamilton ON L8H 3R5 President: Mr. Ray Helton Tel: 905-547-2345 Fax: 905-547-2381 Szabo Carbide Tooling Ltd Tooling dies and punchers 88 Sherman Avenue N. Hamilton ON L8L 6N7 President: Joe Szabo Tel: 905-545-3494 Stolk Machine Shop Limited Machine shop 1100 Burlington Street E. Hamilton ON L8L 8J7 President: Mr. Jan Stolk Tel: 905-545-6222 Fax: 905-545-6995 Stoney Creek Mould Inc Plastic injection moulding 400 Wentworth Street N. Hamilton ON L8L 5W3 President: Mr. Werner Kruger Tel: 905-523-4606 Fax: 905-643-8719 T M Steel Fabrication & Installations Inc Steel fabrication 3 Hillyard Street Hamilton ON L8L 6A9 President: Mr. Tom McSevney Tel: 905-540-3833 Fax: 905-540-3633 T S W Machine Ltd Machine shop 19 Pinelands Avenue Stoney Creek ON L8E 3A4 President: Mr. John Whitehouse Tel: 905-664-2662 H A M I LT O N Techniversal Automation Inc Custom machinery 710 South Service Road Unit 6 Stoney Creek ON L8E 5S7 President: Mr. Gino Yachetti Tel: 905-643-7190 Fax: 905-643-1252 Tec-Scrn International Ltd Screen and separators 90 Milburn Road Unit 3 Hamilton ON L8E 3L9 President: Mr. Joe Boccabella Tel: 905-578-1668 Fax: 905-578-0742 The Partners Machine Shop Limited Machine shop 234 Arvin Avenue Stoney Creek ON L8E 2L8 President: Mr. Egan Claus Tel: 905-578-0035 Fax: 905-664-3121 Tiercon Coatings Robotic painting applications for plastic auto-parts 591 Arvin Avenue Stoney Creek ON L8E 5N7 CEO: Rick Legita Tel: 905-643-1399 Fax: 905-643-4616 33 H A M I LT O N ADVANCED MANUFACTURING Timarac Industrial Mfg Ltd Machine shop 69 Bigwin Road Ste. 2 Hannon ON L8W 3R3 President: Mr. Mike Timarac Tel: 905-574-9488 Fax: 905-574-9488 True Cut Steel Service Ltd Profile burning of steel plate 150 Chatham Street Unit 13 Hamilton ON L8P 2B6 President: Mr. Don Peebles Tel: 905-529-5255 Fax: 905-522-5931 Tinnerman Palnut Engineered Products (Canada) Corporation Industrial fasteners 686 Parkdale Avenue N. Hamilton ON L8H 5Z4 President: Mr. Mike Sheehy Tel: 905-549-4661 Fax: 905-549-9960 TS Fabrication Custom fabrication 328 Glover Road Stoney Creek ON L8E 5M3 Bookkeeper: Ms. Sandi Sowtus Tel: 905-643-7881 Fax: 905-643-7209 Tomco Steel Metal stampings 576 Arvin Avenue Stoney Creek ON L8E 5P1 President: Mr. Thomas Saab Tel: 905-643-1166 Fax: 905-643-1695 Totally Integrated Feeders Inc. Assembly machinery 10 Hempstead Drive Unit 5 Hamilton ON L8W 2E7 Owner: Mr. Jeff Davies Tel: 905-318-6566 Fax: 905-318-0349 Townsend Tool & Machine Ltd Machine shop 40 Warrington Street Hamilton ON L8E 3V1 President: Mr. Enzo Delrosso Tel: 905-560-6810 Fax: 905-578-7677 34 D I R E C TO R Y Tri-Mount Systems Inc. Paper mill machinery 1890 Brampton Street Hamilton ON L8H 3S5 President: Mr. Joseph D. Kurpe Jr. Tel: 905-544-4047 Fax: 905-547-6930 Tydan Specialty Blades Inc Heavy equipment blades 314 Hatt Street Hamilton ON L9H 2H5 President: Mr. James D. Usselman Tel: 905-627-8995 Fax: 905-627-8744 Unimatix Control & Automation Inc Custom automation machinery 171 Niagara Street Hamilton ON L8L 6A8 President: Ms. Anna Veckie Tel: 905-572-1077 Fax: 905-572-9700 Union Drawn Steel II Limited Carbon and alloy cold drawn bars 1350 Burlington Street E. Hamilton ON L8H 3L3 Vice President: Mr. Larry Ecker Tel: 905-547-4480 Fax: 905-544-3852 Universal Handling Equipment Company Limited Industrial waste handling equipment 100 Burland Crescent Hamilton ON L8H 7L5 Chairman of the Board: Mr. Mason Gerard Tel: 905-547-0161 Fax: 905-547-3364 Universal Mould & Die Co Ltd. Injection moulds, extrution blow moulds 420 Millen Road Stoney Creek ON L8E 3N9 President: Mr. Tom Roselli Tel: 905-662-7211 Fax: 905-662-6596 VIP Industries Tool & die shop 999 Barton Street Stoney Creek ON L8E 5H4 President: Vladimir Ivosevic Tel: 905-643-1500 Fax: 905-643-1106 VTR Automated machinery 745 South Service Road N. Unit 4 Stoney Creek ON President: Mr. Tom Davies Tel: 905-643-7300 Fax: 905-643-7708 Wabco Freight Car Products Ltd Railway brakes 475 Seaman Street Stoney Creek ON L8E 2R2 Chairman of the Board: Mr. William E Cassling Tel: 905-561-8700 Fax: 905-662-6616 Walker Magnetics National Limited Magnet based products 901 Arvin Avenue Stoney Creek ON L8E 5N9 Chairman of the Board: Mr. Eric Engelsteed Tel: 905-643-3338 Fax: 905-643-6111 Walter's Inc. Fabricated metal products 1318 Rymal Road E. Hamilton ON L8W 3N1 President: Mr. Walter Koppelaar Tel: 905-388-7111 Fax: 905-575-7747 D I R E C TO R Y ADVANCED MANUFACTURING Webb, Jervis B. Company Of Canada Ltd Conveyor systems 1647 Burlington Street E. Hamilton ON L8H 7M5 Exec Vice President: Mr. Richard Burnham Tel: 905-547-0411 Fax: 905-549-3798 Welsh Industrial Manufacturing Inc Machine shop 286 Arvin Avenue Stoney Creek ON L8E 2M1 President: Mr. Duncan Robson Tel: 905-662-1475 Fax: 905-662-2146 Wilkinson Heavy Precast Limited Precast concrete products 588 Highway 5 Hamilton ON L9H 5E2 President: Mr. Jim Wilkinson Tel: 905-628-5611 Fax: 905-628-9292 Welcan Machine Shop Machine shop 9 Meadow Lane Dundas ON L9H 1L1 Vice President: Mr. Bill Balco Tel: 905-628-3853 Fax: 905-628-2559 Wercholoz Canada Inc Expansion joints 95 Cascade Street Unit 2 Hamilton ON L8E 3B7 President: Mr. Manfred Stach Tel: 905-560-5064 Fax: 905-560-7070 Winona Tool & Mfg. Ltd Machine shop 35 Teal Avenue Stoney Creek ON L8E 3B1 President: Mr. Ivan Turcic Tel: 905-662-5494 Fax: 905-662-8825 Weld-O-Matic Machines Company Limited Welding and cutting machinery 144 Burland Crescent Hamilton ON L8H 7N3 President: Mr. Mason Gerrard Tel: 905-549-6579 Fax: 905-549-6570 H A M I LT O N 35 H A M I LT O N ADVANCED MANUFACTURING Employer Incentives and Wage Subsidy OPPORTUNITIES Apprenticeship Training Tax Credit A 25% refundable tax credit up to $5,000 maximum per year, per eligible apprentice, on eligible expenditures incurred with respect to eligible apprentices. Contact: The Ministry of Finance Corporations Tax Branch Tax Advisory Telephone: 905-433-6513 Web: www.trd.fin.gov.on.ca Career Focus Biotechnology Wage Subsidy Program Provides cash incentives to industries that create employment opportunities for new graduates in biotechnology. Contact: Biotechnology Human Resources Council Telephone: 613-235-1402 Web: www.bhrc.ca/career/careerFocus/index.cfm Career Focus Program Provides financial assistance to employers and organizations to deliver projects that will provide post-secondary graduate youth with work experiences within Canada and abroad. Contact: Hamilton Human Resource Centre of Canada Telephone: 905-572-2211 Collaborative Research Internships Provides financial assistance and hiring support to innovative Canadian SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) to hire post-secondary graduates. The employer must be collaborating in the development of products and processes with commercial potential in conjunction with the National Research Council (NRC) and/or the Communications Research Centre (CRC) of Industry Canada. Contact: Regional Offices and Industrial Technology Advisors Toll Free Telephone: 877-994-4727 Telephone: 416-973-4484 Co-operative Education Tax Credit Provides employers operating unincorporated businesses with a refundable tax credit for hiring post-secondary education students enrolled in a recognized co-operative education program. Contact: Ontario Ministry of Finance Toll Free Telephone: 800-263-7965 Telephone: 905-433-6000 Employment Incentive Program The Workplace Safety & Insurance Board's Job Incentive Program provides financial incentives to employers who hire rehabilitated workers. 36 Contact: Workplace Safety and Insurance Board Toll Free Telephone: 800-663-6639 ADVANCED MANUFACTURING H A M I LT O N Industrial Building Incentive Program (IBIP) Incentives up to $80,000 for applicants who demonstrate that a proposed design is expected to consume at least 15% less energy than a standard or reference building based on the Model National Energy Code for Buildings (MNECB) and at least 10% less energy due to specific process improvements. Overall, the building should be at least 25% more efficient than other similar facilities. Contact: Office of Energy Efficiency, Natural Resources Canada Toll Free Telephone: 800-387-2000 Ontario Innovation Tax Credit (OITC) A 10% refundable tax credit for corporations that make expenditures on scientific research and experimental development (SR&ED) carried on in Ontario. The Maximum claim is $200,000 per taxation year. Contact: Corporations Tax Branch, Ministry of Finance, Specialty Assessments Unit Telephone: 905-433-5450 Web: www.trd.fin.gov.on.ca Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) Tax Incentive Program A federal tax incentive program to encourage Canadian businesses of all sizes and in all sectors to conduct research and development that will lead to new, improved, or technologically advanced products or processes. Claimants can apply for SR&ED investment tax credits for expenditures such as wages, materials, machinery, equipment, some overhead and SR&ED contracts. Contact: Canadian Revenue Agency Toll Free Telephone: 800-959-5525 Web: www.cra-arc.gc.ca Contact: Hamilton Tax Services Office Telephone: 905-572-2650 Targeted Wage Subsidy Enables employers to hire individuals who face barriers to employment by offering temporary wage subsidies. Contact: Hamilton Human Resource Centre of Canada Telephone: 905-572-2211 Technology Partnerships Canada Provides funding support for strategic research and development and demonstration projects that produce economic, social and environmental benefits to Canadians. Contact: Canadian Ontario Business Service Centre Toll Free Telephone: 800-567-2345 37 H A M I LT O N ADVANCED MANUFACTURING Workplace Accessibility Tax Credit Provides a refundable tax credit of 15% of the total amount of expenditures incurred after July 1, 1998, for employers who hire a new employee with a disability. Contact: Ministry of Finance Toll Free Telephone: 800-263-7965 Web: www.trd.fin.gov.on.ca Programs for Youth Environmental Youth Corp. (EYC) Internship Program Provides environmental businesses with up to $12,000 in wage subsidies to support an intern position in their company. Contact: Environmental Careers Organization Canada - EYC Project Coordinator Telephone: 403-233-0748 Job Opportunities For Youth Provides employers and organizations with financial assistance to hire youth they might not otherwise hire due to an individual’s lack of work experience. Allows participants to gain work experience and on the job training that will lead to full time employment. Contact: Hamilton Mountain Human Resource Centre of Canada Telephone: 905-572-2211 Summer Career Placements Provide wage subsidies to non-profit, private and public sector employers to hire students aged 15-30. Preference will be given to small and medium size employers. Contact: Hamilton Human Resource Centre of Canada Telephone: 905-572-2211 Summer Job Service Provides businesses, farms and other non-profit and community organizations a $2 per hour wage subsidy to hire students. Contact: JobGrow Hotline Telephone: 888-JOB-GROW Contact: Mohawk College Summer Job Service Telephone: 905-575-1212 x 2368 Youth Hires Program An initiative designed to help young people enter the workforce by providing employers Employment Insurance (EI) premium relief for hiring youth aged 18 to 24. Contact: Canadian Revenue Agency Web: www.cra-arc.gc.ca Toll Free Telephone: 800-959-5525 38 Key Contact Information City of Hamilton Neil Everson Executive Director Economic Development Division Planning & Economic Development Department 1 James Street South, 8th Floor Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8P 4R5 Telephone: 905-546-2424 ext. 2359, 800-868-1329 Fax: 905-546-4107 Email: neverson@hamilton.ca www.hamilton.ca Partners Commerce International International Trade Canada Canada font :: Trebuchet MS HAMILTON ADVANCED MANUFACTURING Industry Profile Economic Development Division 1 James Street South, 8th Floor, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8P 4R5 Telephone: 905-546-4222, 800-868-1329 Fax: 905-546-4107 www.hamilton.ca Published by the City of Hamilton, 2006