Brightmoor Neighborhood Directory
Brightmoor Neighborhood Directory
Brightmoor Neighborhood Directory September 17, 2012 This community resource directory is up-to-date to the best of our knowledge. However, it is recommended to call the provider to confirm information. Be sure to confirm payment information with the provider, if payment is required. United Way for Southeastern Michigan 2-1-1 does not rate, recommend or endorse any agency. We provide information as a public service. Copyright © 2012 United Way for Southeastern Michigan 2-1-1 Agency Name Index 36TH DISTRICT COURT ....................................... 826 MICHIGAN ...................................................... 9TO5 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF WOMEN ...... AAA MICHIGAN ..................................................... ABAYOMI COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ............................................... ADOPTION ASSOCIATES - EASTERN MICHIGAN DIVISION ......................................................... ADULT WELL-BEING SERVICES ......................... ADVANTAGE HEALTH CENTERS ........................ ADVANTAGE MOBILITY OUTFITTERS ................. AIDS PARTNERSHIP MICHIGAN .......................... AIR CARE ALLIANCE ............................................ AL-ANON FAMILY GROUP HEADQUARTERS ..... ALS OF MICHIGAN ............................................... AMERICAN ARBITRATION ASSOCIATION MICHIGAN REGIONAL OFFICE ...................... AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF RETIRED PERSONS ........................................................ AMERICAN BREAST CANCER FOUNDATION (THE) ............................................................... AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY - GREAT LAKES DIVISION ......................................................... AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION OF MICHIGAN ....................................................... AMERICAN COUNCIL OF THE BLIND .................. AMERICAN DIABETES ASSOCIATION GREATLAND REGION ..................................... AMERICAN FOUNDATION FOR THE BLIND ........ AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION - GREATER MIDWEST AFFILIATE ...................................... AMERICAN LEGION DEPARTMENT OF MICHIGAN (THE) ............................................. AMERICAN LIVER FOUNDATION - GREAT LAKES DIVISION ............................................. AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION OF MICHIGAN AMERICAN MACULAR DEGENERATION FOUNDATION .................................................. ANGEL FLIGHT MID-ATLANTIC ............................ ANGELS OF HOPE ............................................... ANN ARBOR ART CENTER .................................. ANN ARBOR ECYCLE ........................................... ANN ARBOR HANDS ON MUSEUM ...................... ANNUALCREDITREPORT.COM ............................ ARAB COMMUNITY CENTER FOR ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL SERVICES ................................. ARC DETROIT (THE) ............................................ ARC MICHIGAN (THE) .......................................... ARISE DETROIT! .................................................. ARTHRITIS FOUNDATION - MICHIGAN CHAPTER ........................................................ ASSOCIATION OF CHINESE AMERICANS .......... ASTHMA AND ALLERGY FOUNDATION OF AMERICA - MICHIGAN CHAPTER ................... AT&T ..................................................................... AUTISM SOCIETY OF AMERICA .......................... AUTISM SOCIETY OF MICHIGAN ......................... AVALON HOUSING ............................................... BEDFORD PUBLIC SCHOOLS DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY EDUCATION .............................. BEST BUY ............................................................. BETTER LIVING CENTER OF SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH ...................................... BLACK CAUCUS FOUNDATION OF MICHIGAN .......... BLACK FAMILY DEVELOPMENT ................................. BLACK UNITED FUND OF MICHIGAN ......................... BLINDED VETERANS ASSOCIATION ......................... BOYS & GIRLS CLUBS OF SOUTHEASTERN MICHIGAN .............................................................. BRAIN INJURY ASSOCIATION OF MICHIGAN ............ BRIGHTMOOR COMMUNITY CENTER ........................ BUILDINGS, SAFETY ENGINEERING AND ENVIRONMENTAL DEPARTMENT ......................... CALVARY HOUSE ........................................................ CANCER HOPE NETWORK INC. ................................. CAPUCHIN SOUP KITCHEN ........................................ CARE OF SOUTHEASTERN MICHIGAN ...................... CARECONNECTUSA.ORG .......................................... CARING SUPPORT SERVICES ................................... CASS COMMUNITY SOCIAL SERVICES ..................... CENTER FOR CIVIL JUSTICE ..................................... CENTER FOR EATING DISORDERS ........................... CENTER FOR EMPOWERMENT AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ..................................................... CENTRAL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH ................. CHARLES H WRIGHT MUSEUM OF AFRICAN AMERICAN HISTORY ............................................. CHILD AND FAMILY SERVICES OF MICHIGAN .......... CHILD CARE COORDINATING COUNCIL OF DETROIT - WAYNE COUNTY ................................. CHILD FIND OF AMERICA ........................................... CHILDHELP USA ......................................................... CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY ......................................... CHILDREN'S LEUKEMIA FOUNDATION OF MICHIGAN .............................................................. CHRIST CHURCH OF REDFORD ................................ CHRISTIAN FAMILY SERVICES - PROTESTANT YOUTH ORGANIZATION ........................................ CHRYSLER .................................................................. CITY MISSION HARVEST ............................................ CLEARY UNIVERSITY ................................................. CLUTTERERS ANONYMOUS WORLD SERVICE ORGANIZATION ..................................................... COALITION ON TEMPORARY SHELTER .................... CODEPENDENTS ANONYMOUS ................................ COLEMAN A YOUNG FOUNDATION ........................... COMCAST .................................................................... COMMUNITY AND HOME SUPPORTS ........................ COMMUNITY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM ...................... COMMUNITY HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICE CENTER ................................................................. COMMUNITY HEALTH AWARENESS GROUP ............ COMMUNITY HOUSE (THE) ........................................ COMMUNITY LEGAL RESOURCES ............................. COMPASSIONATE FRIENDS (THE) ............................ CONSUMERS ENERGY ............................................... CORNER HEALTH CENTER (THE) .............................. CORPORATE ANGEL NETWORK ............................... CORPORATION FOR NATIONAL AND COMMUNITY SERVICE ................................................................ CORPUS CHRISTI CATHOLIC COMMUNITY .............. COVENANT HOUSE MICHIGAN .................................. 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 18 18 18 19 1 19 19 19 20 20 21 22 22 23 24 25 25 26 26 26 27 28 29 29 30 30 30 31 31 32 32 33 34 34 34 35 35 35 36 37 37 37 38 38 39 39 40 40 41 41 42 43 43 44 44 CRANBROOK EDUCATIONAL COMMUNITY ........ CROHN'S AND COLITIS FOUNDATION OF AMERICA - MICHIGAN CHAPTER ................... CROSSROADS FOR YOUTH ................................ CROSSROADS OF MICHIGAN ............................. CROSSROADS PREGNANCY CENTER ............... CVS CAREMARK .................................................. DAVIS VISION ....................................................... DETROIT AREA AGENCY ON AGING .................. DETROIT AREA PRE-COLLEGE ENGINEERING PROGRAM ....................................................... DETROIT ASSOCIATION OF BLACK AIDS PARTNERSHIP MICHIGAN ORGANIZATIONS ............................................ DETROIT CITY CLERK ......................................... DETROIT CITY COUNCIL - CITY PLANNING COMMISSION .................................................. DETROIT COMMUNITY HEALTH CONNECTION .. DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF ELECTIONS ........... DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROMOTION ............................... DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS .... DETROIT ECONOMIC GROWTH CORPORATION DETROIT FINANCE DEPARTMENT ...................... DETROIT FIRE DEPARTMENT ............................. DETROIT FREE PRESS ........................................ DETROIT GENERAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT .. DETROIT HISPANIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ............................................... DETROIT HISTORICAL SOCIETY ......................... DETROIT HOUSING COMMISSION ...................... DETROIT HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT . DETROIT HUMAN RIGHTS DEPARTMENT .......... DETROIT INSTITUTE OF ARTS ............................ DETROIT MAYOR'S OFFICE ................................. DETROIT METROPOLITAN BAR ASSOCIATION .. DETROIT MUNICIPAL PARKING DEPARTMENT . DETROIT NON PROFIT HOUSING CORPORATION ............................................... DETROIT NORTHWEST SEVEN DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH .......................................................... DETROIT OMBUDSMAN'S OFFICE ...................... DETROIT PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ................................................. DETROIT POLICE DEPARTMENT ........................ DETROIT PUBLIC LIBRARY ................................. DETROIT PUBLIC LIGHTING DEPARTMENT ....... DETROIT PUBLIC SCHOOLS ............................... DETROIT RECOVERY PROJECT ......................... DETROIT RECREATION DEPARTMENT .............. DETROIT RESCUE MISSION MINISTRIES ........... DETROIT SENIOR CITIZENS DEPARTMENT ....... DETROIT UNITY TEMPLE ..................................... DETROIT WATER AND SEWERAGE DEPARTMENT ................................................. DETROIT WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ................................................. DETROIT ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY ....................... DETROIT-WAYNE COUNTY COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH AGENCY ............................ DEVELOPMENT CENTERS .................................. DISABILITY BENEFITS CORPORATION ..................... DISABLED AMERICAN VETERANS - NATIONAL SERVICE OFFICE .................................................. DISABLED VETERANS NATIONAL FOUNDATION ...... DNA DIAGNOSTICS CENTER ...................................... DOMINICAN LITERACY CENTER ................................ DON BOSCO HALL ...................................................... DR ALBERT B CLEAGE SR MEMORIAL HEALTH CENTER ................................................................. DRESS FOR SUCCESS MICHIGAN ............................. DTE ENERGY ............................................................... EAGLE SPORTS CLUB ................................................ EARLY CHILDHOOD INVESTMENT CORPORATION .. EASTER SEALS - MICHIGAN ...................................... EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY ............................. ELDER LAW OF MICHIGAN ......................................... ELDERWISE OF SOUTHEAST MICHIGAN .................. ELE'S PLACE ............................................................... ELMHURST HOME ....................................................... EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING DESIGNS .................. ENNIS CENTER FOR CHILDREN ................................ EPILEPSY FOUNDATION OF MICHIGAN .................... FAIR FOOD NETWORK ............................................... FAIR HOUSING CENTER OF METROPOLITAN DETROIT ................................................................ FAITH IN ACTION ......................................................... FAMILIES ANONYMOUS .............................................. FAMILY SERVICE ........................................................ FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY .... FIBERGLASS ESTATE COMMUNITY HALL ................. FOCUS: HOPE ............................................................. FORD MOTOR COMPANY ........................................... FOUNDATION FOR AQUATIC INJURY PREVENTION FRANKLIN WRIGHT SETTLEMENTS .......................... FREEDOM HOUSE ...................................................... GAMBLERS ANONYMOUS INTERNATIONAL SERVICE OFFICE .................................................. GENERAL MOTORS MOBILITY PROGRAM ................ GIFT OF LIFE MICHIGAN ............................................. GOOD SHEPHERD CATHOLIC CHURCH ................... GOODWILL INDUSTRIES OF GREATER DETROIT .... GRACE TEMPLE CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST ......... GREATER DETROIT RESOURCE RECOVERY AUTHORITY ............................................................ GREENPATH DEBT SOLUTIONS - CONSUMER CREDIT COUNSELING SERVICE OF MICHIGAN .. GRIEFNET .................................................................... GROTTOES OF NORTH AMERICA HUMANITARIAN FOUNDATION (THE) .............................................. HABITAT FOR HUMANITY DETROIT ........................... HANNAN FOUNDATION (THE) .................................... HARTFORD HEAD START AGENCY ........................... HARTFORD MEMORIAL BAPTIST CHURCH ............... HEALTH INSURANCE PROGRAM FOR MICHIGAN .... HEAT AND WARMTH FUND (THE) .............................. HEMOPHILIA FOUNDATION OF MICHIGAN ............... HENRY FORD COMMUNITY COLLEGE ...................... HENRY FORD HEALTH SYSTEM ................................ HOLY CROSS CHILDREN'S SERVICES ...................... HOME OF NEW VISION ............................................... HORIZONS FOR THE BLIND ....................................... 45 46 46 47 47 48 49 49 52 52 52 53 54 55 55 60 61 62 62 63 64 64 65 65 66 68 68 69 69 71 71 71 72 72 72 73 75 79 79 85 85 88 89 90 90 90 91 92 93 2 94 95 95 95 96 96 97 97 98 99 99 99 100 101 101 102 102 102 103 104 104 105 105 106 106 107 107 107 108 108 109 109 109 110 110 110 111 111 112 112 115 115 115 116 117 117 117 118 118 119 120 121 121 122 HOSPICE OF MICHIGAN ...................................... HUB OF DETROIT (THE) ....................................... HUDA CLINIC ........................................................ HUMANE SOCIETY OF HURON VALLEY ............. HUNTINGTON'S DISEASE SOCIETY OF AMERICA ......................................................... INDEPENDENT BUS COMPANY ........................... INFORMATION CENTER (THE) - THE FAMILY RESOURCE PLACE ........................................ INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE ........................... INTERNATIONAL HEARING SOCIETY ................. JACKETS FOR JOBS MICHIGAN ............................................ AIDS PARTNERSHIP JEFFERSON EAST BUSINESS ASSOCIATION .... JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER OF METROPOLITAN DETROIT ............................. JEWISH SENIOR LIFE OF METROPOLITAN DETROIT ......................................................... JOY SOUTHFIELD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT JUNIOR LEAGUE OF DETROIT ............................ JVS ........................................................................ KELLY HEINZ-GRUNDNER BRAIN TUMOR FOUNDATION (THE) ....................................... KIM LOGAN COMMUNICATIONS ......................... KIWANIS CLUB INTERNATIONAL ........................ KRISTIN BROOKS HOPE CENTER ...................... KROGER ............................................................... LADIES AUXILIARY OF THE MILITARY ORDER OF THE PURPLE HEART ................................ LAKESHORE LEGAL AID ...................................... LAKEWOOD MANOR HOUSING ........................... LATIN AMERICANS FOR SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT .......................... LAWRENCE TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY ..... LEADER DOGS FOR THE BLIND ......................... LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS OF MICHIGAN .... LEARNING DISABILITIES ASSOCIATION OF MICHIGAN ....................................................... LESLIE SCIENCE AND NATURE CENTER ........... LEUKEMIA AND LYMPHOMA SOCIETY MICHIGAN CHAPTER ...................................... LIFE ORGANIZATION OF DETROIT ..................... LIFT WOMEN'S RESOURCE CENTER ................. LOCAL INITIATIVES SUPPORT CORPORATION DETROIT AFFILIATE ....................................... LUPUS ALLIANCE OF AMERICA - MICHIGAN INDIANA AFFILIATE ........................................ LUTHERAN ADOPTION SERVICE ........................ LUTHERAN CHILD AND FAMILY SERVICE OF MICHIGAN ....................................................... LUTHERAN SOCIAL SERVICES OF MICHIGAN ... MACOMB COMMUNITY COLLEGE ....................... MADONNA UNIVERSITY ....................................... MAKE-A-WISH FOUNDATION OF MICHIGAN ...... MARCH OF DIMES - MICHIGAN CHAPTER .......... MARIJUANA ANONYMOUS WORLD SERVICES . MARINERS INN ..................................................... MARYGROVE COLLEGE ...................................... MATRIX HUMAN SERVICES ................................. MATRIX HUMAN SERVICES - REUTHER OLDER ADULT AND WELLNESS SERVICES .............. MAXIMUM LIVING CONSULTANTS ...................... MEIJER ........................................................................ MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION IN MICHIGAN ......... MERCK AND COMPANY .............................................. MERCY EDUCATION PROJECT .................................. METHODIST CHILDREN'S HOME SOCIETY ............... MICHIGAN ABILITIES CENTER ................................... MICHIGAN ABILITY PARTNERS .................................. MICHIGAN AIDS COALITION ....................................... MICHIGAN ANGER MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE .......... MICHIGAN ANTI-CRUELTY SOCIETY ......................... MICHIGAN ASSOCIATION FOR CHILDREN WITH EMOTIONAL DISORDERS ..................................... MICHIGAN ASSOCIATION FOR INFANT MENTAL HEALTH .................................................................. MICHIGAN ASSOCIATION OF PHYSICIANS OF INDIAN ORIGIN ...................................................... MICHIGAN ASSOCIATION ON PROBLEM GAMBLING MICHIGAN ATTORNEY GRIEVANCE COMMISSION ... MICHIGAN AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE PLACEMENT FACILITY ................................................................ MICHIGAN BASIC PROPERTY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION ........................................................ MICHIGAN BRAILLE AND TALKING BOOK LIBRARY . MICHIGAN BRAILLE TRANSCRIBING FUND .............. MICHIGAN CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION .................. MICHIGAN COMMISSION FOR DISABILITY CONCERNS - DIVISION ON DEAF AND HARD OF HEARING ................................................................ MICHIGAN COMMISSION FOR THE BLIND ................. MICHIGAN COMMUNITY SERVICE COMMISSION ..... MICHIGAN COUNCIL OF THE BLIND AND VISUALLY IMPAIRED ............................................................... MICHIGAN COUNCIL ON CRIME AND DELINQUENCY MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT ........................................ MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF ATTORNEY GENERAL MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL RIGHTS ............. MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY HEALTH MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS .......... MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION ................ MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ................................................................. MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES ..... MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF LICENSING AND REGULATORY AFFAIRS ........................................ MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES .......................................................... MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION .... MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF TREASURY ................. MICHIGAN DYSLEXIA INSTITUTE ............................... MICHIGAN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ...................................................... MICHIGAN FARM SERVICE AGENCY ......................... MICHIGAN FARMERS MARKET ASSOCIATION .......... MICHIGAN GAMING CONTROL BOARD ..................... MICHIGAN HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES .............. MICHIGAN HUMANE SOCIETY .................................... MICHIGAN LEAGUE FOR CRIPPLED CHILDREN CAMP GRACE BENTLEY ....................................... MICHIGAN NATIONAL GUARD-JOINT FORCES HEADQUARTERS ................................................... 122 123 123 123 124 125 125 125 126 126 127 127 128 129 129 129 130 130 131 131 131 131 132 132 132 134 134 134 135 135 136 136 136 137 137 137 138 138 141 141 142 142 143 143 144 144 145 145 3 146 148 149 149 149 150 150 151 151 151 152 152 152 152 153 153 153 154 154 154 155 156 157 157 157 158 158 160 160 163 163 163 164 170 171 171 171 172 173 174 174 174 174 175 176 176 MICHIGAN NONPROFIT ASSOCIATION ............... MICHIGAN OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR ............ MICHIGAN ORGANIZATION OF MOTHERS OF MULTIPLES ..................................................... MICHIGAN ORGANIZATION OF MOTHERS OF TWINS CLUBS ................................................. MICHIGAN PARKINSON FOUNDATION ............... MICHIGAN PRIMARY CARE ASSOCIATION ......... MICHIGAN PROTECTION AND ADVOCACY SERVICE ......................................................... MICHIGAN PSYCHOANALYTIC INSTITUTE ......... MICHIGAN PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION ....... AIDS PARTNERSHIP MICHIGAN MICHIGAN REHABILITATION SERVICES ............ MICHIGAN SECRETARY OF STATE ..................... MICHIGAN SENATE .............................................. MICHIGAN SERVICE OFFICE OF NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS .................................................. MICHIGAN STATE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ..................................................... MICHIGAN STATE POLICE ................................... MICHIGAN UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE AGENCY .......................................................... MIGRANT HEALTH PROMOTION ......................... MILITARY AVENUE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ... MILITARY ORDER OF THE PURPLE HEART SERVICE FOUNDATION ................................. MISS DIG SYSTEM ............................................... MONROE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE ....... MOTHERS AGAINST DRUNK DRIVING MICHIGAN ....................................................... MOUNT VERNON MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH .......................................................... MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY ASSOCIATION ........... NAR-ANON FAMILY GROUPS .............................. NATIONAL ALLIANCE ON MENTAL ILLNESS ...... NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF COLORED PEOPLE ....... NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR VISUALLY HANDICAPPED ............................................... NATIONAL BONE MARROW TRANSPLANT LINK NATIONAL CAUCUS AND CENTER ON BLACK AGED - DETROIT REGIONAL OFFICE ............ NATIONAL KIDNEY FOUNDATION OF MICHIGAN NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD DETROIT REGIONAL OFFICE ......................... NATIONAL MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS SOCIETY MICHIGAN CHAPTER ...................................... NATIONAL RUNAWAY SWITCHBOARD .............. NATIONAL SUICIDE PREVENTION LIFELINE ...... NEEDYMEDS ........................................................ NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICE ORGANIZATION ..... NEW BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH ........................ NEW DAY MULTI-PURPOSE COMMUNITY CENTER AND SHELTER ................................. NEW SAINT PAUL TABERNACLE CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST HEAD START AGENCY ........ NORTHWEST COMMUNITY PROGRAMS/ NORTHWEST ACTIVITIES CENTER ............... NOVADEBT ........................................................... OAKLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE ...................... OAKLAND UNIVERSITY ........................................ OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY ...................................................... ONE ECONOMY CORPORATION ................................ OPERATION ABLE OF MICHIGAN ............................... OPERATION FIRST RESPONSE ................................. OPERATION GET DOWN COMMUNITY RESOURCE PROJECTS ............................................................. OPERATION HOMEFRONT MICHIGAN ....................... OPTIMIST INTERNATIONAL ........................................ PARALYZED VETERANS OF AMERICA - MICHIGAN CHAPTER ............................................................... PARENTS OF MURDERED CHILDREN ....................... PARENTS WITHOUT PARTNERS ............................... PARTNERSHIP FOR PRESCRIPTION ASSISTANCE MICHIGAN .............................................................. PATIENT ADVOCATE FOUNDATION .......................... PEOPLES COMMUNITY SERVICES OF METROPOLITAN DETROIT .................................... PEOPLE'S MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH .............. PERSONALIZED NURSING LIGHT HOUSE ................. PFIZER ......................................................................... PIX THEATRE .............................................................. PLANNED PARENTHOOD MID AND SOUTH MICHIGAN .............................................................. PLYMOUTH-CANTON COMMUNITY SCHOOLS .......... POSTPARTUM SUPPORT INTERNATIONAL .............. PREGNANCY AID ........................................................ PRESBYTERIAN VILLAGES OF MICHIGAN ................ PRESBYTERY OF DETROIT - BARNABAS YOUTH OPPORTUNITIES CENTER .................................... PROLITERACY DETROIT ............................................ REDFORD UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT ....................... REGGIE MCKENZIE FOUNDATION ............................. ROSEDALE PARK BAPTIST CHURCH ........................ RUTH ELLIS CENTER .................................................. SACRED HEART REHABILITATION CENTER ............. SAINT CATHERINE OF SIENA ..................................... SAINT CHRISTINE CHRISTIAN SERVICES ................. SAINT JOHN PROVIDENCE HEALTH SYSTEM .......... SAINT JOSEPH MERCY BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SERVICES - HURON OAKS ................................... SAINT JOSEPH MERCY SENIOR HEALTH BUILDING SAINT LOUIS CENTER ................................................ SAINT MARY'S RESIDENCE ........................................ SAINT PATRICK SENIOR CENTER ............................. SAINT STEPHEN AME CHURCH ................................. SAINT VINCENT AND SARAH FISHER CENTER ........ SALVATION ARMY (THE) - EASTERN MICHIGAN DIVISION ................................................................ SCHOOLCRAFT COLLEGE ......................................... SCOTT MEMORIAL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH ... SENIORS ACTIVITY CENTER ADULT DAY CARE ...... SER METRO-DETROIT JOBS FOR PROGRESS ......... SERVICES TO ENHANCE POTENTIAL ....................... SEX ADDICTS ANONYMOUS ...................................... SHULMAN CENTER FOR COMPULSIVE THEFT SPENDING AND HOARDING (THE) ....................... SICKLE CELL DISEASE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA - MICHIGAN CHAPTER .......................................... SIENA LITERACY CENTER ......................................... SKILLMAN FOUNDATION (THE) .................................. 176 177 177 178 178 179 179 180 180 181 181 186 186 186 187 188 189 189 189 190 190 191 191 191 192 192 193 194 194 195 195 196 196 197 197 197 198 200 200 200 201 201 202 202 4 203 203 203 204 204 205 206 206 208 208 208 209 209 209 210 210 210 211 211 211 212 212 212 213 213 213 214 214 215 216 216 216 217 217 217 218 218 219 219 219 220 221 222 222 222 224 224 224 225 225 SMILES CHANGE LIVES ....................................... SOCIETY OF SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL IN THE ARCHDIOCESE OF DETROIT ......................... SOUTH REDFORD SCHOOL DISTRICT ............... SOUTHGATE COMMUNITY SCHOOLS ................ SOUTHWEST SOLUTIONS ................................... SPAULDING FOR CHILDREN ............................... SPECIAL OLYMPICS MICHIGAN .......................... SPECTRUM HUMAN SERVICES .......................... SPIRIT OF HOPE .................................................. STARR COMMONWEALTH ................................... STRAIGHT GATE INTERNATIONAL CHURCH ..... AIDS PARTNERSHIP MICHIGAN STROKE OF HOPE ............................................... STUDENT ADVOCACY CENTER OF MICHIGAN .. TARGET STORES ................................................. THERAPEUTIC RIDING, INC ................................ THINK DETROIT PAL ............................................ TODD-PHILLIPS CHILDREN'S HOME ................... TOGETHER RX ACCESS, LLC ............................. TOMORROW'S CHILD/MICHIGAN SIDS ............... TRACFONE WIRELESS ........................................ TRIANGLE FOUNDATION ..................................... TRINITY COMMUNITY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH TRINITY HOME HEALTH SERVICES .................... U SNAP BAC ......................................................... UKRAINIAN CULTURAL CENTER (THE) .............. UNITED CEREBRAL PALSY OF MICHIGAN ......... UNITED COMMUNITY HOUSING COALITION ...... UNITED HOME HEALTH SERVICES .................... UNITED METHODIST RETIREMENT COMMUNITIES ................................................ UNITED NATIONS ................................................. UNITED NEGRO COLLEGE FUND - DETROIT AREA OFFICE ................................................. UNITED STATES BUREAU OF CONSULAR AFFAIRS .......................................................... UNITED STATES CENSUS BUREAU .................... UNITED STATES CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION ........................ UNITED STATES CITIZENSHIP AND IMMIGRATION SERVICES .............................. UNITED STATES CUSTOMS AND BORDER PATROL ........................................................... UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE - MICHIGAN RURAL DEVELOPMENT OFFICE ................................. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT - REGION 5 ..... UNITED STATES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS SECURITY ADMINISTRATION ........................ UNITED STATES EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY COMMISSION ........................ UNITED STATES FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION .................................................. UNITED STATES FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SERVICE ......................................................... UNITED STATES FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION - DETROIT DISTRICT OFFICE ............................................................ UNITED STATES NATIONAL CEMETERY ADMINISTRATION ........................................... UNITED STATES OFFICE OF LABOR-MANAGEMENT STANDARDS - DETROIT DISTRICT OFFICE ... UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE ........................... UNITED STATES SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION - MICHIGAN DISTRICT OFFICE UNITED STATES SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION .................................................. UNITED STATES VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION .................................................. UNITED STATES VETERANS EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING SERVICE ............................................... UNITED STATES WAGE AND HOUR DIVISION DETROIT DISTRICT OFFICE .................................. UNITED WAY WORLDWIDE ........................................ UNIVERSITY CENTER FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF LANGUAGE AND LITERACY .................................. UNIVERSITY OF DETROIT MERCY ............................. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN - ANN ARBOR ................ UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN - DEARBORN ................. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN CENTER FOR THE CHILD AND FAMILY ............................................... UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SCHOOL OF NURSING . UNIVERSITY PHYSICIAN GROUP - UNIVERSITY PSYCHIATRIC CENTERS ....................................... VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS OF THE UNITED STATES - DEPARTMENT OF MICHIGAN SERVICE OFFICE ................................................................... VIRGIN MOBILE ........................................................... VIRGINIA PARK CITIZENS SERVICE CORPORATION VISITING PHYSICIANS ASSOCIATION ....................... VISTA MARIA ............................................................... VOLUNTEERS OF AMERICA MICHIGAN ..................... WAL-MART .................................................................. WALSH COLLEGE OF ACCOUNTANCY AND BUSINESS .............................................................. WASHTENAW COMMUNITY COLLEGE ...................... WAYNE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE ................. WAYNE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH .................................................................. WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITY ...................................... WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITY - DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES INSTITUTE ....................................... WESTMINSTER CHURCH OF DETROIT ..................... WINGS OF HOPE ......................................................... WJBK FOX 2 DETROIT ............................................... WOLVERINE BAR ASSOCIATION ............................... WOLVERINE HUMAN SERVICES ................................ WORLD EDUCATIONAL RELIEF ................................. WORLD MEDICAL RELIEF .......................................... WXYZ TV - CHANNEL 7 ............................................... YOUTH DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION ...................... YOUTH FOR CHRIST OF DETROIT ............................. ZETA STORK'S NEST FOUNDATION .......................... 226 226 227 228 228 230 230 231 231 232 232 232 232 233 235 235 235 235 236 236 236 237 237 237 238 238 238 239 241 241 241 242 242 243 243 244 244 244 245 245 245 246 246 246 5 247 247 251 251 256 257 257 258 258 259 260 261 261 261 262 262 263 263 263 264 264 264 266 268 268 268 269 270 272 272 272 273 273 273 275 275 276 276 276 276 Service Index CVS CAREMARK .................................................... DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ...... DETROIT GENERAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT ... DEVELOPMENT CENTERS .................................... JEWISH SENIOR LIFE OF METROPOLITAN DETROIT ........................................................... KROGER ................................................................. LUTHERAN CHILD AND FAMILY SERVICE OF MICHIGAN ......................................................... MATRIX HUMAN SERVICES .................................. MEIJER ................................................................... MICHIGAN CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION ............ MICHIGAN COMMISSION FOR THE BLIND ........... MICHIGAN COUNCIL ON CRIME AND DELINQUENCY ................................................. MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS ..... MICHIGAN DYSLEXIA INSTITUTE ......................... MICHIGAN FARM SERVICE AGENCY ................... MICHIGAN ORGANIZATION OF MOTHERS OF MULTIPLES ....................................................... MICHIGAN ORGANIZATION OF MOTHERS OF TWINS CLUBS .................................................. MICHIGAN REHABILITATION SERVICES .............. MILITARY ORDER OF THE PURPLE HEART SERVICE FOUNDATION ................................... MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY ASSOCIATION ............. NAR-ANON FAMILY GROUPS ............................... NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF COLORED PEOPLE ........ PARENTS OF MURDERED CHILDREN ................. PARENTS WITHOUT PARTNERS .......................... PEOPLES COMMUNITY SERVICES OF METROPOLITAN DETROIT .............................. POSTPARTUM SUPPORT INTERNATIONAL ......... PRESBYTERIAN VILLAGES OF MICHIGAN ........... TARGET STORES .................................................. TRINITY HOME HEALTH SERVICES ..................... UNITED STATES SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION ............................................ UNITED WAY WORLDWIDE .................................. VISITING PHYSICIANS ASSOCIATION .................. WAL-MART ............................................................. WAYNE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE ........... WOLVERINE HUMAN SERVICES .......................... WORLD EDUCATIONAL RELIEF ........................... Abandoned Building Inspection BUILDINGS, SAFETY ENGINEERING AND ENVIRONMENTAL DEPARTMENT ............ 23 Abandoned Vehicle Reporting/Removal DETROIT POLICE DEPARTMENT ................... 73 Absentee Ballots DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF ELECTIONS ...... 55 Abuse Counseling FAMILY SERVICE ............................................ 106 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN - ANN ARBOR .... 260 Academic Libraries WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITY .......................... 271 Accessibility Information PARALYZED VETERANS OF AMERICA MICHIGAN CHAPTER ................................ 207 Accounting/Reporting Services COMMUNITY LEGAL RESOURCES ................ 41 Activities of Daily Living Assessment DETROIT AREA AGENCY ON AGING ............. 50 ADA Implementation Assistance MICHIGAN COMMISSION FOR DISABILITY CONCERNS - DIVISION ON DEAF AND HARD OF HEARING .................................. 155 Administration Volunteer Opportunities CENTER FOR EMPOWERMENT AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ..................... DRESS FOR SUCCESS MICHIGAN ................ ELE'S PLACE ................................................... FAITH IN ACTION ............................................ KIWANIS CLUB INTERNATIONAL .................. LUTHERAN SOCIAL SERVICES OF MICHIGAN .................................................. MAKE-A-WISH FOUNDATION OF MICHIGAN . MARCH OF DIMES - MICHIGAN CHAPTER .... MICHIGAN ABILITIES CENTER ....................... MICHIGAN ABILITY PARTNERS ..................... MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES ................................................. NATIONAL KIDNEY FOUNDATION OF MICHIGAN .................................................. SAINT LOUIS CENTER .................................... 30 97 102 106 131 141 142 143 150 150 128 131 138 145 148 155 156 158 163 173 174 177 178 181 190 192 192 193 208 208 209 211 212 234 237 254 258 264 268 269 274 275 Adolescent/Adult Immunizations CVS CAREMARK .................................................... 49 DETROIT COMMUNITY HEALTH CONNECTION ... 54 DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROMOTION ................................ 58 HENRY FORD HEALTH SYSTEM ........................... 120 JOY SOUTHFIELD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 129 SAINT JOHN PROVIDENCE HEALTH SYSTEM ..... 217 169 196 218 Adolescent/Youth Counseling Administrative Entities CHRYSLER ...................................................... COMPASSIONATE FRIENDS (THE) ................ CONSUMERS ENERGY .................................. 49 61 64 93 CORNER HEALTH CENTER (THE) ........................ 42 COVENANT HOUSE MICHIGAN ............................. 45 ENNIS CENTER FOR CHILDREN .......................... 104 34 41 41 1 Adoption and Foster/Kinship Care Support Groups Adult Mentoring Programs DRESS FOR SUCCESS MICHIGAN LUTHERAN ADOPTION SERVICE .................. 137 LUTHERAN SOCIAL SERVICES OF MICHIGAN .................................................. 139 SAINT LOUIS CENTER MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES MICHIGAN PROTECTION AND ADVOCACY SERVICE ........................................................... Adoption Evaluation/Placement ADOPTION ASSOCIATES - EASTERN MICHIGAN DIVISION ................................. CHRISTIAN FAMILY SERVICES PROTESTANT YOUTH ORGANIZATION ... LUTHERAN ADOPTION SERVICE .................. LUTHERAN SOCIAL SERVICES OF MICHIGAN .................................................. METHODIST CHILDREN'S HOME SOCIETY ... MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES ................................................. MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY HEALTH ............................................................ 180 162 Adult Residential Care Homes 139 149 SAINT JOSEPH MERCY SENIOR HEALTH BUILDING .......................................................... 164 217 Adult State/Local Health Insurance Programs DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROMOTION ................................ 56 HEALTH INSURANCE PROGRAM FOR MICHIGAN 118 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY HEALTH ............................................................ 162 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES ................................................. 165 Adoption Information CHILD AND FAMILY SERVICES OF MICHIGAN .................................................. 30 SPAULDING FOR CHILDREN ......................... 230 Adult/Child Mentoring Programs COVENANT HOUSE MICHIGAN ............................. 45 MICHIGAN COMMUNITY SERVICE COMMISSION 157 VISTA MARIA .......................................................... 264 Adoptive Home Studies ... 165 Adult Psychiatric Hospitals 3 260 34 137 Adoption Expense Assistance 34 Agency Based Libraries/Resource Centers UNIVERSITY CENTER FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF LANGUAGE AND LITERACY ...................... 258 Adoptive Parent/Child Search CHILD AND FAMILY SERVICES OF MICHIGAN .................................................. 31 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES ................................................. 165 Aging Associations AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF RETIRED PERSONS ......................................................... Adult Basic Education 7 AIDS/HIV Control BEDFORD PUBLIC SCHOOLS DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY EDUCATION .................. 18 MERCY EDUCATION PROJECT ..................... 149 PLYMOUTH-CANTON COMMUNITY SCHOOLS .................................................. 211 SOUTHWEST SOLUTIONS ............................. 229 DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROMOTION ................................ 56 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY HEALTH ............................................................ 161 AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling CORNER HEALTH CENTER (THE) ........................ DETROIT HISPANIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ................................................ DETROIT RECOVERY PROJECT ........................... Adult Day Program Centers JEWISH SENIOR LIFE OF METROPOLITAN DETROIT .................................................... 129 SENIORS ACTIVITY CENTER ADULT DAY CARE ......................................................... 222 VIRGINIA PARK CITIZENS SERVICE CORPORATION ......................................... 263 42 65 85 AIDS/HIV/STD Prevention Kits DETROIT HISPANIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ................................................ Adult In Home Respite Care UNITED HOME HEALTH SERVICES ........................................... 218 Adult Protective Intervention/Investigation .................. 137 CHRISTIAN FAMILY SERVICES PROTESTANT YOUTH ORGANIZATION 97 Adult Out of Home Respite Care Adoption Counseling and Support LUTHERAN ADOPTION SERVICE ....................... ............... 239 2 65 Air Fare Animal Rights Groups OPERATION HOMEFRONT MICHIGAN .......... 206 MICHIGAN ANTI-CRUELTY SOCIETY .................... 151 MICHIGAN HUMANE SOCIETY .............................. 175 Alcohol Abuse Education/Prevention Animal Services Volunteer Opportunities DETROIT RECOVERY PROJECT .................... 85 FAMILY SERVICE ............................................ 107 LIFE ORGANIZATION OF DETROIT ................ 136 HUMANE SOCIETY OF HURON VALLEY ............... 124 MICHIGAN ABILITIES CENTER .............................. 150 MICHIGAN HUMANE SOCIETY .............................. 176 Alcohol Dependency Support Groups BRIGHTMOOR COMMUNITY CENTER ........... CALVARY HOUSE ........................................... MICHIGAN SERVICE OFFICE OF NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS ............................................ NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICE ORGANIZATION SALVATION ARMY (THE) - EASTERN MICHIGAN DIVISION ................................. SPIRIT OF HOPE ............................................. Animal Shelters 23 25 MICHIGAN HUMANE SOCIETY 186 260 200 Antitrust Complaints MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF ATTORNEY GENERAL ......................................................... 220 231 ANN ARBOR ECYCLE ............................................ 12 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES 168 OPERATION HOMEFRONT MICHIGAN ................. 206 MOTHERS AGAINST DRUNK DRIVING MICHIGAN .................................................. 191 Apprenticeship Training GOODWILL INDUSTRIES OF GREATER DETROIT Alternative Schools .......................... 84 AMERICAN ARBITRATION ASSOCIATION MICHIGAN REGIONAL OFFICE ........................ 43 7 Archives DETROIT CITY CLERK Anger Management CALVARY HOUSE ........................................... 24 MICHIGAN ANGER MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE ................................................. 151 ........................................... 53 Area Agencies on Aging DETROIT AREA AGENCY ON AGING .................... 50 Arson Reporting Animal Adoption MICHIGAN STATE POLICE DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROMOTION ......................... 56 HUMANE SOCIETY OF HURON VALLEY ........ 124 MICHIGAN HUMANE SOCIETY ....................... 175 .................................... 187 Art Galleries/Exhibits ANN ARBOR ART CENTER .................................... 12 Art Museums Animal Control DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROMOTION ......................... DETROIT INSTITUTE OF ARTS ............................. 69 56 Artificial Speech/Augmentative Communication Aids Animal Food/Supplies Donation Programs MICHIGAN ABILITIES CENTER 111 Arbitration AmeriCorps CORPORATION FOR NATIONAL AND COMMUNITY SERVICE ............................. 159 Appliances Alcohol/Drug Impaired Driving Prevention DETROIT PUBLIC SCHOOLS .............................. 175 ALS OF MICHIGAN ................................................. 6 ....................... 150 Arts and Crafts Instruction COMMUNITY HOUSE (THE) Animal Licenses DETROIT MAYOR'S OFFICE ........................... 69 MICHIGAN HUMANE SOCIETY ....................... 175 ................................... 40 Arts and Culture Volunteer Opportunities LUTHERAN SOCIAL SERVICES OF MICHIGAN .... 141 Animal Rescue MICHIGAN HUMANE SOCIETY Assisted Living Facilities ....................... 175 LUTHERAN SOCIAL SERVICES OF MICHIGAN 3 .... 140 UNITED METHODIST RETIREMENT COMMUNITIES .......................................... 241 Automobile/Van Adaptations ADVANTAGE MOBILITY OUTFITTERS .................. 5 CHRYSLER ............................................................. 35 FORD MOTOR COMPANY ..................................... 108 GENERAL MOTORS MOBILITY PROGRAM ........... 110 UNITED STATES VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION ............................................ 256 Assistive Technology Equipment Expense Assistance UNITED CEREBRAL PALSY OF MICHIGAN ... 238 Assistive Technology Equipment Loan Automobiles NATIONAL MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS SOCIETY MICHIGAN CHAPTER ................................ 196 PARALYZED VETERANS OF AMERICA MICHIGAN CHAPTER ................................ 207 ........... 74 ANGELS OF HOPE ................................................. 12 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES 169 OPERATION HOMEFRONT MICHIGAN ................. 205 5 Auxiliaries Assistive Technology Information DETROIT HISTORICAL SOCIETY .......................... 66 DETROIT PUBLIC LIBRARY ................................... 77 DETROIT ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY ........................ 92 LADIES AUXILIARY OF THE MILITARY ORDER OF THE PURPLE HEART ....................................... 132 MICHIGAN COMMISSION FOR DISABILITY CONCERNS - DIVISION ON DEAF AND HARD OF HEARING .................................. 155 MICHIGAN PROTECTION AND ADVOCACY SERVICE .................................................... 179 Baby Clothing Assistive Technology Training PREGNANCY AID ................................................... 212 ZETA STORK'S NEST FOUNDATION .................... 277 MICHIGAN COMMISSION FOR DISABILITY CONCERNS - DIVISION ON DEAF AND HARD OF HEARING .................................. 155 MICHIGAN PROTECTION AND ADVOCACY SERVICE .................................................... 179 Baby Furniture ANN ARBOR ECYCLE Attendant Subsidies UNITED STATES FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SERVICE ........................................................... Auctions DETROIT FINANCE DEPARTMENT ................ DETROIT POLICE DEPARTMENT ................... 12 246 Bankruptcy Assistance 62 74 CARECONNECTUSA.ORG ..................................... 26 GREENPATH DEBT SOLUTIONS - CONSUMER CREDIT COUNSELING SERVICE OF MICHIGAN ......................................................... 113 NOVADEBT ............................................................ 201 Autism Therapy .......................... ............................................ Banking Services Information and Support MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES ................................................. 165 EASTER SEALS - MICHIGAN .......................... Automotive Repair 260 Assistive Technology Equipment Sales ADVANTAGE MOBILITY OUTFITTERS DETROIT POLICE DEPARTMENT 99 Basketball Automobile Insurance SPIRIT OF HOPE MICHIGAN AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE PLACEMENT FACILITY ............................. 153 .................................................... 231 Bathing Facilities Automobile Insurance Payment Assistance OPERATION HOMEFRONT MICHIGAN NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICE ORGANIZATION ....... 198 OPERATION GET DOWN COMMUNITY RESOURCE PROJECTS ................................... 204 .......... 205 Bedding/Linen Automobile Payment Assistance SOCIETY OF SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL IN THE ARCHDIOCESE OF DETROIT .......................... 227 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES ................................................. 169 OPERATION FIRST RESPONSE ..................... 204 OPERATION HOMEFRONT MICHIGAN .......... 205 Benefits Screening CENTER FOR CIVIL JUSTICE Automobile Sales Complaints DETROIT SENIOR CITIZENS DEPARTMENT . 89 4 ................................ 28 Bereaved Child Support Groups Braille Materials/Collections ELE'S PLACE ................................................... 102 GRIEFNET ....................................................... 115 DETROIT PUBLIC LIBRARY ................................... HORIZONS FOR THE BLIND .................................. MICHIGAN BRAILLE AND TALKING BOOK LIBRARY ........................................................... MICHIGAN BRAILLE TRANSCRIBING FUND ......... MICHIGAN COMMISSION FOR THE BLIND ........... Bereaved Parent Support Groups GRIEFNET ....................................................... 115 MAXIMUM LIVING CONSULTANTS ................. 146 TOMORROW'S CHILD/MICHIGAN SIDS ......... 236 HORIZONS FOR THE BLIND .................................. 122 MICHIGAN BRAILLE TRANSCRIBING FUND ......... 154 CARING SUPPORT SERVICES ....................... 27 MAXIMUM LIVING CONSULTANTS ................. 146 HUB OF DETROIT (THE) Breast Examinations 260 ADVANTAGE HEALTH CENTERS .......................... 4 AMERICAN BREAST CANCER FOUNDATION (THE) ................................................................. 8 DETROIT COMMUNITY HEALTH CONNECTION ... 54 HUDA CLINIC ......................................................... 123 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY HEALTH ............................................................ 161 ................................. 123 Birth Certificates DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROMOTION ......................... 56 UNITED STATES CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION .................. 243 Building Condemnation/Demolition BUILDINGS, SAFETY ENGINEERING AND ENVIRONMENTAL DEPARTMENT ................... Birth Control Counseling ADVANTAGE HEALTH CENTERS ................... CORNER HEALTH CENTER (THE) ................. DETROIT COMMUNITY HEALTH CONNECTION ............................................ DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROMOTION ......................... 4 42 HABITAT FOR HUMANITY DETROIT 54 HABITAT FOR HUMANITY DETROIT ..................... 116 MICHIGAN ABILITIES CENTER .............................. 150 ASSOCIATION OF CHINESE AMERICANS ..... 15 DETROIT COMMUNITY HEALTH CONNECTION ............................................ 54 DR ALBERT B CLEAGE SR MEMORIAL HEALTH CENTER ...................................... 97 HUDA CLINIC .................................................. 123 SAINT PATRICK SENIOR CENTER ................. 218 Building Permits BUILDINGS, SAFETY ENGINEERING AND ENVIRONMENTAL DEPARTMENT ................... MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY HEALTH ............................................................ MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES .............. 29 ............................ 78 Body Image Education CENTER FOR EATING DISORDERS 23 Burial/Cremation Expense Assistance Boarding Schools 46 ..................... 116 Building Materials/Supplies Donation Programs 58 .. 23 Building Deconstruction Programs Blood Pressure Screening CRANBROOK EDUCATIONAL COMMUNITY 154 154 156 Braille Transcription Bereavement Counseling Bicycle Repair 78 122 161 168 Bus Fare DETROIT PUBLIC SCHOOLS ................................. 82 SAINT CHRISTINE CHRISTIAN SERVICES ........... 216 Book Distribution Programs DETROIT PUBLIC LIBRARY Business Assistance Centers CENTER FOR EMPOWERMENT AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ................................................ 29 DETROIT ECONOMIC GROWTH CORPORATION 62 JEFFERSON EAST BUSINESS ASSOCIATION ..... 127 MICHIGAN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ................................................ 173 OAKLAND UNIVERSITY ......................................... 202 Book/Magazine Donation Programs DETROIT PUBLIC LIBRARY ............................ 77 ............................ 77 BOYS & GIRLS CLUBS OF SOUTHEASTERN MICHIGAN .................................................. 22 Bookmobiles DETROIT PUBLIC LIBRARY Boys/Girls Clubs 5 Business Consulting Services Certificates/Forms Assistance UNITED STATES SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION - MICHIGAN DISTRICT OFFICE ...................................................... ARC DETROIT (THE) .............................................. 13 DISABLED AMERICAN VETERANS - NATIONAL SERVICE OFFICE ............................................. 95 EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY ....................... 100 ELDER LAW OF MICHIGAN ................................... 101 VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS OF THE UNITED STATES - DEPARTMENT OF MICHIGAN SERVICE OFFICE ............................................. 263 251 Business Plan Development CENTER FOR EMPOWERMENT AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ..................... 30 Business Tax Information Charitable Organization Complaints COMMUNITY LEGAL RESOURCES ................ 41 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF TREASURY ..... 172 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF ATTORNEY GENERAL ......................................................... 260 Career Counseling CROSSROADS OF MICHIGAN ........................ DETROIT PUBLIC LIBRARY ............................ OAKLAND UNIVERSITY .................................. OPERATION ABLE OF MICHIGAN .................. VOLUNTEERS OF AMERICA MICHIGAN ........ WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITY .......................... Charitable Organization Registration 47 78 202 204 265 271 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF ATTORNEY GENERAL ......................................................... 159 Charitable Solicitations Permits MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF ATTORNEY GENERAL ......................................................... Career Exploration 159 Child Abuse Hotlines SER METRO-DETROIT JOBS FOR PROGRESS ............................................... 222 CHILDHELP USA Caregiver Training .................................................... 32 Child Abuse Medical Evaluations DETROIT AREA AGENCY ON AGING ............. 50 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN - ANN ARBOR Caregiver/Care Receiver Support Groups CHILDHELP USA .................................................... MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES ADULT WELL-BEING SERVICES .................... AIDS PARTNERSHIP MICHIGAN .................... COMMUNITY AND HOME SUPPORTS ........... DETROIT AREA AGENCY ON AGING ............. DETROIT RECOVERY PROJECT .................... DEVELOPMENT CENTERS ............................. HENRY FORD HEALTH SYSTEM .................... SERVICES TO ENHANCE POTENTIAL ........... SICKLE CELL DISEASE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA - MICHIGAN CHAPTER ............. UNITED COMMUNITY HOUSING COALITION UNITED HOME HEALTH SERVICES ............... 3 5 38 50 85 93 120 223 CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY .................................... 33 COMMUNITY HOUSE (THE) ................................... 40 JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER OF METROPOLITAN DETROIT .............................. 128 PEOPLE'S MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH ........ 209 SPIRIT OF HOPE .................................................... 231 225 239 239 Child Care Provider Referrals 24 Child Care Provider Training EARLY CHILDHOOD INVESTMENT CORPORATION ................................................ SOUTHWEST SOLUTIONS Census Data UNITED STATES CENSUS BUREAU 165 Child Care Centers Cell Phone Donation Programs ........................................... 32 Child Abuse Reporting/Emergency Response Case/Care Management 99 .................................... 229 Child Care Subsidies .............. 242 CHILD CARE COORDINATING COUNCIL OF DETROIT - WAYNE COUNTY ........................... 31 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES 165 OPERATION HOMEFRONT MICHIGAN ................. 205 Central Intake/Assessment for Substance Abuse HOME OF NEW VISION ........... Child Abuse Prevention MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY HEALTH ..................................................... 162 CALVARY HOUSE 159 .................................. 121 6 Child Guidance Chiropractic UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN - ANN ARBOR .... HUDA CLINIC Child Kidnapping Alert Programs CHILD FIND OF AMERICA .............................. 31 ASSOCIATION OF CHINESE AMERICANS ............ 15 HUDA CLINIC ......................................................... 123 Christian Churches 32 SAINT CATHERINE OF SIENA Child Support Assistance/Enforcement DETROIT AREA AGENCY ON AGING Childbirth Education ......... ............................... 216 Christmas Meals MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES ................................................. 165 260 CROSSROADS PREGNANCY CENTER 123 Cholesterol/Triglycerides Tests .............................. Child Kidnapping Prevention CHILD FIND OF AMERICA ......................................................... .................... 50 Chronic Disease Self Management Programs 47 DETROIT AREA AGENCY ON AGING .................... 50 Childhood Immunizations DETROIT COMMUNITY HEALTH CONNECTION ............................................ 54 DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROMOTION ......................... 58 HENRY FORD HEALTH SYSTEM .................... 120 SAINT JOHN PROVIDENCE HEALTH SYSTEM 217 Citizenship Education LATIN AMERICANS FOR SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ............................ 133 City Government Information Lines DETROIT CITY CLERK Children's Clothing DETROIT CITY COUNCIL - CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ................................................... DETROIT PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT .................................................. Children's Library Services ............................ 78 DETROIT CITY CLERK .................................... 218 METHODIST CHILDREN'S HOME SOCIETY ... 150 SPAULDING FOR CHILDREN ......................... 230 ........................................... LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS OF MICHIGAN 53 ..... 135 Civil Marriages Children's State/Local Health Insurance Programs 36TH DISTRICT COURT DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROMOTION ......................... 56 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY HEALTH ..................................................... 161 ......................................... 1 Civil Service Employment DETROIT HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT ... 68 MICHIGAN CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION ............ 155 Civil State Trial Courts Children's/Adolescent Psychiatric Hospitals 36TH DISTRICT COURT MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY HEALTH ..................................................... 162 ......................................... 1 Classroom Training CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY Children's/Adolescent Residential Treatment Facilities .......................... 73 Civic Participation/Political Volunteer Opportunities Children's Rights Groups CROSSROADS FOR YOUTH 54 City/Town Clerk Offices Children's Out of Home Respite Care SAINT LOUIS CENTER 53 City/County Planning Offices SOCIETY OF SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL IN THE ARCHDIOCESE OF DETROIT ........... 227 DETROIT PUBLIC LIBRARY ........................................... .................................... 32 Clinical Psychiatric Evaluation CORNER HEALTH CENTER (THE) 46 ........................ 42 Clothing Donation Programs CHIP Programs FAITH IN ACTION MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY HEALTH ..................................................... 161 7 ................................................... 105 JACKETS FOR JOBS ...................................... 126 MILITARY ORDER OF THE PURPLE HEART SERVICE FOUNDATION ............................ 190 COMMUNITY HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICE CENTER ................................................. 39 CORNER HEALTH CENTER (THE) ........................ 42 DETROIT COMMUNITY HEALTH CONNECTION ... 54 DR ALBERT B CLEAGE SR MEMORIAL HEALTH CENTER ............................................................ 97 HUDA CLINIC ......................................................... 123 JOY SOUTHFIELD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 129 SAINT PATRICK SENIOR CENTER ........................ 218 Clutterer/Hoarder Support Groups CLUTTERERS ANONYMOUS WORLD SERVICE ORGANIZATION ........................ 35 SHULMAN CENTER FOR COMPULSIVE THEFT SPENDING AND HOARDING (THE) 224 Community Colleges Codependents Anonymous Support Groups CODEPENDENTS ANONYMOUS .................... HENRY FORD COMMUNITY COLLEGE ................. MACOMB COMMUNITY COLLEGE ........................ MONROE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE ......... OAKLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE ....................... SCHOOLCRAFT COLLEGE .................................... WASHTENAW COMMUNITY COLLEGE ................ WAYNE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE ........... 37 260 Cold Weather Shelters/Warming Centers OPERATION GET DOWN COMMUNITY RESOURCE PROJECTS ............................ 205 Community Development Block Grant Agencies Collection Complaints CARECONNECTUSA.ORG 120 141 190 202 221 268 269 .............................. 26 DETROIT CITY COUNCIL - CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ................................................... College/University Entrance Examination Preparation Community Development Corporations ABAYOMI COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ................................................ 2 DETROIT PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT .................................................. 72 JOY SOUTHFIELD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 129 MICHIGAN STATE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ...................................................... 186 REGGIE MCKENZIE FOUNDATION ................ 214 SCHOOLCRAFT COLLEGE ............................. 221 Colleges/Universities CLEARY UNIVERSITY ..................................... EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY ................ LAWRENCE TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY MADONNA UNIVERSITY ................................. MARYGROVE COLLEGE ................................. UNIVERSITY OF DETROIT MERCY ................ UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN - ANN ARBOR .... UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN - DEARBORN ..... WALSH COLLEGE OF ACCOUNTANCY AND BUSINESS ................................................. WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITY .......................... 35 101 134 141 144 Community Gardening 261 Community Organizing Assistance CAPUCHIN SOUP KITCHEN 25 Community/Nature Area Cleanup/Enhancement Projects DETROIT MAYOR'S OFFICE 30 97 102 .................................. 70 Comprehensive Immigration/Naturalization Services FREEDOM HOUSE ................................................. 109 LUTHERAN SOCIAL SERVICES OF MICHIGAN .... 140 141 142 143 150 Comprehensive Information and Referral DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROMOTION ................................ 57 DETROIT PUBLIC LIBRARY ................................... 78 NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICE ORGANIZATION ....... 199 196 Community Clinics ADVANTAGE HEALTH CENTERS ................... CASS COMMUNITY SOCIAL SERVICES ........ .................................. DETROIT MAYOR'S OFFICE .................................. 70 LOCAL INITIATIVES SUPPORT CORPORATION DETROIT AFFILIATE ........................................ 137 268 271 Communications/Marketing Volunteer Opportunities CENTER FOR EMPOWERMENT AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ..................... DRESS FOR SUCCESS MICHIGAN ................ ELE'S PLACE ................................................... LUTHERAN SOCIAL SERVICES OF MICHIGAN .................................................. MAKE-A-WISH FOUNDATION OF MICHIGAN . MARCH OF DIMES - MICHIGAN CHAPTER .... MICHIGAN ABILITY PARTNERS ..................... NATIONAL KIDNEY FOUNDATION OF MICHIGAN .................................................. 53 4 27 Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers DETROIT WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT .................................................. 8 91 EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING DESIGNS ...... 103 OPERATION ABLE OF MICHIGAN .................. 204 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF ATTORNEY GENERAL ......................................................... Comprehensive Outpatient Substance Abuse Treatment 159 Consumer Fraud Reporting MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF ATTORNEY GENERAL ......................................................... HOME OF NEW VISION .................................. 121 SACRED HEART REHABILITATION CENTER 215 159 Continuation High Schools DETROIT PUBLIC SCHOOLS Computer and Related Technology Classes COMMUNITY HOUSE (THE) ................................... 40 DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROMOTION ................................ 57 ELDERWISE OF SOUTHEAST MICHIGAN ............ 102 OAKLAND UNIVERSITY ......................................... 203 SCHOOLCRAFT COLLEGE .................................... 221 Computer Donation Programs .................... 275 Contraception Computers ADVANTAGE HEALTH CENTERS .......................... CORNER HEALTH CENTER (THE) ........................ DETROIT COMMUNITY HEALTH CONNECTION ... DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROMOTION ................................ DETROIT RECREATION DEPARTMENT ......... 87 WORLD EDUCATIONAL RELIEF .................... 275 Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites BRIGHTMOOR COMMUNITY CENTER ........... 23 DETROIT AREA AGENCY ON AGING ............. 50 DETROIT RECREATION DEPARTMENT ......... 87 HARTFORD MEMORIAL BAPTIST CHURCH .. 117 JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER OF METROPOLITAN DETROIT ....................... 127 SAINT STEPHEN AME CHURCH .................... 219 COMMUNITY LEGAL RESOURCES 58 ....................... 41 ................................... 40 Cooking Classes COMMUNITY HOUSE (THE) Counseling/Information Support Volunteer Opportunities 8 ELE'S PLACE 105 160 .......................................................... 102 Court Ordered DUI Evaluations HOME OF NEW VISION 193 ......................................... 121 CPR Instruction DETROIT FIRE DEPARTMENT 245 ............................... 63 Credit Counseling Construction Inspection BUILDINGS, SAFETY ENGINEERING AND ENVIRONMENTAL DEPARTMENT ............ 4 42 54 Contract Law Constitutional/Civil Rights Groups AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION OF MICHIGAN .................................................. FAIR HOUSING CENTER OF METROPOLITAN DETROIT .................................................... MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL RIGHTS . NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF COLORED PEOPLE . UNITED STATES EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY COMMISSION .................. 84 Continuing Education DETROIT PUBLIC LIBRARY ............................ 78 DETROIT RECREATION DEPARTMENT ......... 87 OPERATION ABLE OF MICHIGAN .................. 203 260 SAINT PATRICK SENIOR CENTER ................. 219 WORLD EDUCATIONAL RELIEF ................................. ABAYOMI COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ................................................ 2 CARECONNECTUSA.ORG ..................................... 26 GREENPATH DEBT SOLUTIONS - CONSUMER CREDIT COUNSELING SERVICE OF MICHIGAN ......................................................... 114 NOVADEBT ............................................................ 202 U SNAP BAC .......................................................... 237 23 Construction/Home Maintenance Volunteer Opportunities HABITAT FOR HUMANITY DETROIT .............. 116 HUMANE SOCIETY OF HURON VALLEY ........ 124 SAINT LOUIS CENTER .................................... 218 Credit Report Ordering Assistance Consumer Education ANNUALCREDITREPORT.COM FAIR HOUSING CENTER OF METROPOLITAN DETROIT .................................................... 105 GREENPATH DEBT SOLUTIONS CONSUMER CREDIT COUNSELING SERVICE OF MICHIGAN ........................... 113 ............................. 13 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY HEALTH ............................................................ 161 Crime Victim Compensation 9 Crime Victim Support Groups PARENTS OF MURDERED CHILDREN Dementia Management .......... 208 UNITED HOME HEALTH SERVICES Criminal State Trial Courts 36TH DISTRICT COURT Dental Care Expense Assistance .................................. 1 GROTTOES OF NORTH AMERICA HUMANITARIAN FOUNDATION (THE) ............. 115 SMILES CHANGE LIVES ........................................ 226 Cruelty to Animals Investigation MICHIGAN HUMANE SOCIETY ....................... 175 Dental Care Referrals ARC DETROIT (THE) Cultural Awareness/Competencies Training ARAB COMMUNITY CENTER FOR ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL SERVICES SAINT JOHN PROVIDENCE HEALTH SYSTEM 14 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Daily Living Aid Donation Programs 171 Detoxification PARALYZED VETERANS OF AMERICA MICHIGAN CHAPTER ................................ 207 SACRED HEART REHABILITATION CENTER ....... 215 UNIVERSITY PHYSICIAN GROUP - UNIVERSITY PSYCHIATRIC CENTERS ................................. 262 Daily Living Aids Diabetes Management Clinics PARALYZED VETERANS OF AMERICA MICHIGAN CHAPTER ................................ 207 COMMUNITY HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICE CENTER ............................................................ DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROMOTION ................................ Dance Instruction ............................ ..... 217 Departments of Transportation/Special Districts UNITED STATES CUSTOMS AND BORDER PATROL ..................................................... 244 40 39 57 Diabetes Screening Dance Performances WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITY .............................................. Dental Screening ....... 260 13 Customs Assistance COMMUNITY HOUSE (THE) ...................... 240 ASSOCIATION OF CHINESE AMERICANS ............ 15 DR ALBERT B CLEAGE SR MEMORIAL HEALTH CENTER ............................................................ 97 HUDA CLINIC ......................................................... 123 JOY SOUTHFIELD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 129 SAINT PATRICK SENIOR CENTER ........................ 218 .......................... 271 Day Camps JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER OF METROPOLITAN DETROIT ....................... 128 YOUTH FOR CHRIST OF DETROIT ................ 276 Diapers Dead Animal Pickup DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PREGNANCY AID ................................................... 212 ZETA STORK'S NEST FOUNDATION .................... 277 62 Death Certificates Directory/Resource List Publication DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROMOTION ......................... 57 UNITED STATES CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION .................. 243 DETROIT AREA AGENCY ON AGING .................... 50 DETROIT CITY CLERK ........................................... 53 MICHIGAN NONPROFIT ASSOCIATION ................ 177 Disability Parking Permits Debt Consolidation Services MICHIGAN SECRETARY OF STATE GREENPATH DEBT SOLUTIONS CONSUMER CREDIT COUNSELING SERVICE OF MICHIGAN ........................... 114 NOVADEBT ..................................................... 201 Disability Related Center Based Employment SERVICES TO ENHANCE POTENTIAL Debt/Overspending Support Groups SHULMAN CENTER FOR COMPULSIVE THEFT SPENDING AND HOARDING (THE) ...................... 184 .................. 223 Disability Related Libraries MICHIGAN BRAILLE AND TALKING BOOK LIBRARY ........................................................... 224 10 154 AMERICAN MACULAR DEGENERATION FOUNDATION ................................................... ARC DETROIT (THE) .............................................. ARTHRITIS FOUNDATION - MICHIGAN CHAPTER ASTHMA AND ALLERGY FOUNDATION OF AMERICA - MICHIGAN CHAPTER .................... AUTISM SOCIETY OF AMERICA ............................ AUTISM SOCIETY OF MICHIGAN .......................... BRAIN INJURY ASSOCIATION OF MICHIGAN ...... CHILDREN'S LEUKEMIA FOUNDATION OF MICHIGAN ......................................................... CROHN'S AND COLITIS FOUNDATION OF AMERICA - MICHIGAN CHAPTER .................... EPILEPSY FOUNDATION OF MICHIGAN ............... HEMOPHILIA FOUNDATION OF MICHIGAN .......... HUNTINGTON'S DISEASE SOCIETY OF AMERICA KELLY HEINZ-GRUNDNER BRAIN TUMOR FOUNDATION (THE) ......................................... LEARNING DISABILITIES ASSOCIATION OF MICHIGAN ......................................................... LUPUS ALLIANCE OF AMERICA - MICHIGAN INDIANA AFFILIATE .......................................... MARCH OF DIMES - MICHIGAN CHAPTER ........... MICHIGAN PARKINSON FOUNDATION ................. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR VISUALLY HANDICAPPED ................................................. NATIONAL BONE MARROW TRANSPLANT LINK . NATIONAL KIDNEY FOUNDATION OF MICHIGAN NATIONAL MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS SOCIETY MICHIGAN CHAPTER ....................................... SICKLE CELL DISEASE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA - MICHIGAN CHAPTER .................... STROKE OF HOPE ................................................. UNITED CEREBRAL PALSY OF MICHIGAN .......... UNITED HOME HEALTH SERVICES ...................... Disability Related Transportation COMMUNITY HEALTH AWARENESS GROUP 40 Disability Rights Groups ARC DETROIT (THE) ....................................... LEARNING DISABILITIES ASSOCIATION OF MICHIGAN .................................................. MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION IN MICHIGAN .................................................. MICHIGAN ASSOCIATION FOR CHILDREN WITH EMOTIONAL DISORDERS ............... MICHIGAN PROTECTION AND ADVOCACY SERVICE .................................................... PARALYZED VETERANS OF AMERICA MICHIGAN CHAPTER ................................ WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITY DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES INSTITUTE ................................................. 14 135 148 152 179 260 207 272 Disaster Claims Information DETROIT WATER AND SEWERAGE DEPARTMENT ........................................... 90 Disaster Specific Rent Assistance FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY .................................................... 107 Disaster Survivor Inquiries UNITED STATES BUREAU OF CONSULAR AFFAIRS .................................................... 242 Discount Programs DETROIT MAYOR'S OFFICE ........................... 70 16 17 18 22 33 46 104 118 124 130 135 137 143 178 194 194 195 196 225 232 238 240 Divorce Records Discounted Utility Services UNITED STATES CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION ......................... 243 AT&T ................................................................ 17 COMCAST ....................................................... 37 DTE ENERGY .................................................. 98 TRACFONE WIRELESS .................................. 236 VIRGIN MOBILE .............................................. 263 Divorce/Custody Investigation UNIVERSITY PHYSICIAN GROUP - UNIVERSITY PSYCHIATRIC CENTERS ................................. 262 Discrimination Assistance Do Not Call Registries AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION OF MICHIGAN .................................................. 8 DETROIT HUMAN RIGHTS DEPARTMENT ..... 69 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF COLORED PEOPLE . 193 UNITED STATES FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION 245 Document Authentication Services MICHIGAN SECRETARY OF STATE Disease/Disability Information AL-ANON FAMILY GROUP HEADQUARTERS AMERICAN BREAST CANCER FOUNDATION (THE) .......................................................... AMERICAN DIABETES ASSOCIATION GREATLAND REGION ............................... AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION GREATER MIDWEST AFFILIATE .............. AMERICAN LIVER FOUNDATION - GREAT LAKES DIVISION ....................................... 11 14 15 ...................... 184 Donation Drop Off Points 6 HABITAT FOR HUMANITY DETROIT 7 ..................... 116 Donation Pickups HABITAT FOR HUMANITY DETROIT ..................... 116 MILITARY ORDER OF THE PURPLE HEART SERVICE FOUNDATION ................................... 190 9 10 10 11 Driver Licenses Education Volunteer Opportunities AAA MICHIGAN ............................................... 2 MICHIGAN SECRETARY OF STATE ............... 184 GIFT OF LIFE MICHIGAN ....................................... KIWANIS CLUB INTERNATIONAL ......................... LUTHERAN SOCIAL SERVICES OF MICHIGAN .... MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES Driveway/Sidewalk Permits DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 61 Educational Testing DETROIT PUBLIC SCHOOLS ................................. 83 MICHIGAN DYSLEXIA INSTITUTE ......................... 173 Driving Safety Education AAA MICHIGAN ............................................... 2 Educational Therapy Drop In Child Care PEOPLE'S MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH MICHIGAN DYSLEXIA INSTITUTE . 209 260 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF ATTORNEY GENERAL ......................................................... DETROIT RECOVERY PROJECT .................... 85 FAMILY SERVICE ............................................ 107 LIFE ORGANIZATION OF DETROIT ................ 136 ELDER LAW OF MICHIGAN DETROIT POLICE DEPARTMENT ................... 74 MICHIGAN STATE POLICE ............................. 187 DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF ELECTIONS ............. 55 LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS OF MICHIGAN ..... 135 MICHIGAN SECRETARY OF STATE ...................... 185 BRIGHTMOOR COMMUNITY CENTER ........... 23 CALVARY HOUSE ........................................... 25 MARIJUANA ANONYMOUS WORLD SERVICES ................................................. 143 MICHIGAN SERVICE OFFICE OF NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS ............................................ 186 SALVATION ARMY (THE) - EASTERN MICHIGAN DIVISION ................................. 220 Electric Service Connection/Repair DTE ENERGY ANGELS OF HOPE ................................................. COMMUNITY AND HOME SUPPORTS .................. DISABLED VETERANS NATIONAL FOUNDATION DTE ENERGY ......................................................... HEAT AND WARMTH FUND (THE) ........................ MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES OPERATION FIRST RESPONSE ............................ OPERATION HOMEFRONT MICHIGAN ................. SOUTHWEST SOLUTIONS .................................... 200 DUI Offender Programs MARINERS INN ............................................... 144 MOTHERS AGAINST DRUNK DRIVING MICHIGAN .................................................. 191 NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICE ORGANIZATION 198 BUILDINGS, SAFETY ENGINEERING AND ENVIRONMENTAL DEPARTMENT ................... 12 38 95 99 118 169 204 205 229 23 Electronic Transfer Accounts UNITED STATES FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SERVICE ........................................................... 246 UNITED STATES SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION ............................................ 254 57 93 Easter Meals 50 Electronic Waste Recycling BEST BUY Eating Disorders Treatment .............. 98 Electrical Permits Early Intervention for Children with Disabilities/Delays CENTER FOR EATING DISORDERS ......................................................... Electric Service Payment Assistance Drug/Alcohol Testing ............. ................................... 101 Election Information Drug Dependency Support Groups DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROMOTION ......................... DEVELOPMENT CENTERS ............................. 159 Elder Law Drug Crime Reporting NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICE ORGANIZATION ......................... 173 Elder Abuse Prevention Drug Abuse Education/Prevention DETROIT AREA AGENCY ON AGING 110 131 141 166 29 .............................................................. 19 Emergency Dental Care OPERATION HOMEFRONT MICHIGAN Education Advocacy Groups STUDENT ADVOCACY CENTER OF MICHIGAN .................................................. 233 ................. 205 Emergency Medical Transportation DETROIT FIRE DEPARTMENT 12 ............................... 63 Emergency Preparedness and Response Planning Ex-Offender Counseling DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROMOTION ......................... DETROIT HISPANIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ................................................ 65 57 Ex-Offender Halfway Houses LUTHERAN SOCIAL SERVICES OF MICHIGAN Emergency Shelter Clearinghouses NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICE ORGANIZATION 199 SALVATION ARMY (THE) - EASTERN MICHIGAN DIVISION ................................. 220 Ex-Offender Reentry Programs DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROMOTION ................................ Employment Discrimination Assistance 57 Expectant/New Parent Assistance DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROMOTION ................................ 260 9TO5 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF WOMEN 2 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF LICENSING AND REGULATORY AFFAIRS ................... 170 UNITED STATES EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY COMMISSION .................. 245 59 Extension Education WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITY Employment Related Advocacy Groups ................................. 272 Extreme Heat Cooling Programs 9TO5 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF WOMEN 2 PATIENT ADVOCATE FOUNDATION .............. 209 DETROIT FIRE DEPARTMENT ............................... 63 DETROIT PUBLIC LIBRARY ................................... 78 DETROIT PUBLIC SCHOOLS ................................. 82 DETROIT RECREATION DEPARTMENT ................ 87 NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICE ORGANIZATION ....... 198 English as a Second Language COVENANT HOUSE MICHIGAN ...................... 45 DETROIT PUBLIC SCHOOLS .......................... 83 DOMINICAN LITERACY CENTER ................... 96 PROLITERACY DETROIT ................................ 213 SOUTHWEST SOLUTIONS ............................. 229 Eye Care WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITY ................................. 272 Eye Care Expense Assistance Entrepreneurial Training DETROIT RECREATION DEPARTMENT ......... OPERATION HOMEFRONT MICHIGAN 87 HUDA CLINIC ....................... 150 ................ YOUTH FOR CHRIST OF DETROIT 41 123 ....................... 276 Families/Friends of Alcoholics Support Groups Equestrian Therapy MICHIGAN ABILITIES CENTER ....................... 150 THERAPEUTIC RIDING, INC ........................... 235 AL-ANON FAMILY GROUP HEADQUARTERS ....... 6 FAMILIES ANONYMOUS ........................................ 106 Errand Running/Shopping Assistance UNITED HOME HEALTH SERVICES ......................................................... Faith Based Youth Programs Environmental Law COMMUNITY LEGAL RESOURCES ................. 205 Eye Examinations Environment Volunteer Opportunities MICHIGAN ABILITIES CENTER .... 139 Families/Friends of Drug Abusers Support Groups ............... 240 FAMILIES ANONYMOUS ........................................ 106 NAR-ANON FAMILY GROUPS ............................... 192 Ethnic Advocacy Groups LATIN AMERICANS FOR SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ..................... 133 Family and Medical Leave Act Regulation UNITED STATES WAGE AND HOUR DIVISION DETROIT DISTRICT OFFICE ............................ 258 Exercise Classes/Groups DETROIT AREA AGENCY ON AGING ............. 50 JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER OF METROPOLITAN DETROIT ....................... 128 SCOTT MEMORIAL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH .................................................... 221 Family Counseling COMMUNITY HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICE CENTER ............................................................ 13 39 Family Counseling Agencies Fire Hydrant Use Permits ENNIS CENTER FOR CHILDREN ................... 104 DETROIT FIRE DEPARTMENT Family Preservation Programs 64 ............................... 64 ............................... 64 Fire Prevention Information BLACK FAMILY DEVELOPMENT .................... CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY ............................. 19 33 DETROIT FIRE DEPARTMENT Fire Services Family Services Related Volunteer Opportunities DRESS FOR SUCCESS MICHIGAN ................ ELE'S PLACE ................................................... FAITH IN ACTION ............................................ HOME OF NEW VISION .................................. LUTHERAN SOCIAL SERVICES OF MICHIGAN .................................................. MAKE-A-WISH FOUNDATION OF MICHIGAN . MARCH OF DIMES - MICHIGAN CHAPTER .... MICHIGAN ABILITY PARTNERS ..................... MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES ................................................. NATIONAL KIDNEY FOUNDATION OF MICHIGAN .................................................. DETROIT FIRE DEPARTMENT Firearm Permits 97 102 106 121 260 DETROIT POLICE DEPARTMENT .......................... 74 Fitness Equipment and Accessories JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER OF METROPOLITAN DETROIT .............................. 128 141 142 143 150 Flood/Siltation Control MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ........................................................... 169 163 Flu Vaccines 196 ADVANTAGE HEALTH CENTERS .......................... AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION OF MICHIGAN .. CVS CAREMARK .................................................... DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROMOTION ................................ Farmers Markets MICHIGAN FARMERS MARKET ASSOCIATION ........................................... 174 Federal Emergency Management Agency Offices 4 11 49 58 Food Complaints DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROMOTION ................................ 59 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT ........................... 158 UNITED STATES FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION - DETROIT DISTRICT OFFICE ............................................................. 246 FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY .................................................... 107 Federal Tax Collection Agencies INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE ............................... ..................... 126 Federated Giving Programs Food Donation Programs BLACK UNITED FUND OF MICHIGAN ............ 20 UNITED NEGRO COLLEGE FUND - DETROIT AREA OFFICE ............................................ 242 FAITH IN ACTION Food Facility Licensing FEMA Trailers DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROMOTION ................................ FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY .................................................... 107 59 Food Handling Permits Field Trips/Excursions ANN ARBOR HANDS ON MUSEUM ................ DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROMOTION ................................ 13 Filing Procedures for Candidates DETROIT CITY CLERK ................................................... 105 .................................... Food Pantries 53 CHRIST CHURCH OF REDFORD .......................... 34 CITY MISSION HARVEST ....................................... 35 COMMUNITY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM ................ 38 CORPUS CHRISTI CATHOLIC COMMUNITY ......... 44 DETROIT NORTHWEST SEVEN DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH ........................................................... 72 DETROIT RESCUE MISSION MINISTRIES ............ 88 GRACE TEMPLE CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST ... 111 HARTFORD MEMORIAL BAPTIST CHURCH ......... 117 Film Presentations TRIANGLE FOUNDATION 58 ............................... 237 Financial Management Workshops GREENPATH DEBT SOLUTIONS CONSUMER CREDIT COUNSELING SERVICE OF MICHIGAN ........................... 114 14 MILITARY AVENUE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH .................................................... MOUNT VERNON MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH .................................................... NEW BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH .................. OPERATION HOMEFRONT MICHIGAN .......... ROSEDALE PARK BAPTIST CHURCH ............ SAINT CATHERINE OF SIENA ........................ SAINT CHRISTINE CHRISTIAN SERVICES .... SAINT STEPHEN AME CHURCH .................... SPIRIT OF HOPE ............................................. STRAIGHT GATE INTERNATIONAL CHURCH TRINITY COMMUNITY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH .................................................... Foster Grandparent Program 189 CORPORATION FOR NATIONAL AND COMMUNITY SERVICE .................................... 191 200 206 214 216 216 219 231 232 Foster Home Licensing ENNIS CENTER FOR CHILDREN .......................... LUTHERAN CHILD AND FAMILY SERVICE OF MICHIGAN ......................................................... LUTHERAN SOCIAL SERVICES OF MICHIGAN .... WOLVERINE HUMAN SERVICES .......................... 103 138 140 274 Foster Home Placement 237 260 ENNIS CENTER FOR CHILDREN .......................... HOLY CROSS CHILDREN'S SERVICES ................ LUTHERAN CHILD AND FAMILY SERVICE OF MICHIGAN ......................................................... LUTHERAN SOCIAL SERVICES OF MICHIGAN .... METHODIST CHILDREN'S HOME SOCIETY .......... MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES WOLVERINE HUMAN SERVICES .......................... Food Production/Preparation/Delivery Volunteer Opportunities DETROIT AREA AGENCY ON AGING ............. 50 FAITH IN ACTION ............................................ 106 LUTHERAN SOCIAL SERVICES OF MICHIGAN .................................................. 141 103 121 138 140 150 166 274 Franchise Industry Complaints Food Safety Standards MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF ATTORNEY GENERAL ......................................................... MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT .................... 158 UNITED STATES FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION - DETROIT DISTRICT OFFICE ...................................................... 246 159 Franchise Registration MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF ATTORNEY GENERAL ......................................................... Food Stamps/SNAP 159 Friendly Visiting MATRIX HUMAN SERVICES - REUTHER OLDER ADULT AND WELLNESS SERVICES ................................................. 145 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES ................................................. 166 CORPORATION FOR NATIONAL AND COMMUNITY SERVICE .................................... 44 LADIES AUXILIARY OF THE MILITARY ORDER OF THE PURPLE HEART ....................................... 132 Fundraising Campaign Development Food Supplements DETROIT AREA AGENCY ON AGING ............. UNITED WAY WORLDWIDE 51 .................................. 258 Gambling Addiction Prevention Programs Food Vouchers MICHIGAN ASSOCIATION ON PROBLEM GAMBLING ........................................................ ANGELS OF HOPE .......................................... 12 DETROIT AREA AGENCY ON AGING ............. 50 FAIR FOOD NETWORK ................................... 104 MATRIX HUMAN SERVICES - REUTHER OLDER ADULT AND WELLNESS SERVICES ................................................. 145 OPERATION HOMEFRONT MICHIGAN .......... 206 NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICE ORGANIZATION ....... 199 Gambling Establishment Complaints MICHIGAN GAMING CONTROL BOARD .............................. 275 ................ 174 Gambling Support Groups GAMBLERS ANONYMOUS INTERNATIONAL SERVICE OFFICE ............................................. 109 Forensic Mental Health Evaluation UNIVERSITY PHYSICIAN GROUP UNIVERSITY PSYCHIATRIC CENTERS 152 Gambling Counseling/Treatment Foreign Disaster Relief WORLD MEDICAL RELIEF 43 .... 262 Gardening Volunteer Opportunities CAPUCHIN SOUP KITCHEN .................................. 25 MICHIGAN ABILITIES CENTER .............................. 150 MICHIGAN ABILITY PARTNERS ............................ 150 Formula/Baby Food DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROMOTION ......................... 60 15 Gardening/Landscaping Instruction COMMUNITY HOUSE (THE) ............................ General Benefits Assistance 40 DISABILITY BENEFITS CORPORATION ................ 95 ELDER LAW OF MICHIGAN ................................... 101 UNIVERSITY OF DETROIT MERCY ....................... 259 Gas Money ANGELS OF HOPE .......................................... 12 OPERATION HOMEFRONT MICHIGAN .......... 206 General Bereavement Support Groups COMPASSIONATE FRIENDS (THE) ....................... 41 GRIEFNET .............................................................. 115 HOSPICE OF MICHIGAN ........................................ 122 MAXIMUM LIVING CONSULTANTS ........................ 146 Gas Service Payment Assistance ANGELS OF HOPE .......................................... COMMUNITY AND HOME SUPPORTS ........... DISABLED VETERANS NATIONAL FOUNDATION ............................................ DTE ENERGY .................................................. HEAT AND WARMTH FUND (THE) ................. MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES ................................................. OPERATION FIRST RESPONSE ..................... OPERATION HOMEFRONT MICHIGAN .......... SOUTHWEST SOLUTIONS ............................. 12 38 General Clothing Provision 95 99 260 118 BETTER LIVING CENTER OF SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH ...................................... CHRIST CHURCH OF REDFORD .......................... COMMUNITY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM ................ CROSSROADS OF MICHIGAN ............................... DETROIT RESCUE MISSION MINISTRIES ............ GRACE TEMPLE CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST ... NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICE ORGANIZATION ....... SALVATION ARMY (THE) - EASTERN MICHIGAN DIVISION ........................................................... SOCIETY OF SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL IN THE ARCHDIOCESE OF DETROIT .......................... SPIRIT OF HOPE .................................................... TRINITY COMMUNITY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH UNITED STATES VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION ............................................ 169 204 205 229 Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgender Advocacy Groups TRIANGLE FOUNDATION ............................... 237 GED Instruction BEDFORD PUBLIC SCHOOLS DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY EDUCATION .................. DETROIT ASSOCIATION OF BLACK ORGANIZATIONS ...................................... DETROIT HISPANIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ......................................... DETROIT PUBLIC SCHOOLS .......................... DETROIT WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ........................................... DOMINICAN LITERACY CENTER ................... LATIN AMERICANS FOR SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ..................... MERCY EDUCATION PROJECT ..................... SAINT VINCENT AND SARAH FISHER CENTER ..................................................... SER METRO-DETROIT JOBS FOR PROGRESS ............................................... SOUTHGATE COMMUNITY SCHOOLS ........... SOUTHWEST SOLUTIONS ............................. 18 52 220 227 231 237 256 General Consumer Complaints DETROIT SENIOR CITIZENS DEPARTMENT 65 83 ........ 89 CARING SUPPORT SERVICES .............................. DEVELOPMENT CENTERS .................................... EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY ....................... FAMILY SERVICE ................................................... KIM LOGAN COMMUNICATIONS ........................... SALVATION ARMY (THE) - EASTERN MICHIGAN DIVISION ........................................................... 27 94 100 106 131 General Counseling Services 91 96 133 149 219 220 General Crime Prevention Programs 222 228 229 DETROIT POLICE DEPARTMENT .......................... 74 General Crime Reporting GED Test Sites MICHIGAN STATE POLICE BEDFORD PUBLIC SCHOOLS DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY EDUCATION .................. 18 SCHOOLCRAFT COLLEGE ............................. 221 SHULMAN CENTER FOR COMPULSIVE THEFT SPENDING AND HOARDING (THE) .................................... 187 General Crime Victim Assistance MOTHERS AGAINST DRUNK DRIVING MICHIGAN ......................................................... 191 PARENTS OF MURDERED CHILDREN ................. 208 General Addictions/Dependencies Support Groups General Crisis Intervention Hotlines 224 NATIONAL SUICIDE PREVENTION LIFELINE General Assessment for Substance Abuse EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY 19 34 38 47 88 111 199 ....... 197 General Dentistry DETROIT COMMUNITY HEALTH CONNECTION ................ 101 16 ... 54 DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROMOTION .............. 57 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY ............................................... 261 Geriatric Home Nursing UNITED HOME HEALTH SERVICES Geriatric Medicine COMMUNITY HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICE CENTER ............................................................ 39 HENRY FORD HEALTH SYSTEM ........................... 120 General Federal Income Tax Information INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE ..................... 125 Glasses/Contact Lenses General Furniture Provision DETROIT PUBLIC SCHOOLS ................................. 84 OPERATION HOMEFRONT MICHIGAN ................. 205 ANN ARBOR ECYCLE ..................................... 12 OPERATION HOMEFRONT MICHIGAN .......... 206 SOCIETY OF SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL IN 260 THE ARCHDIOCESE OF DETROIT ........... 227 Government Complaints/Government Ombudsman Offices DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ...... DETROIT MAYOR'S OFFICE .................................. DETROIT OMBUDSMAN'S OFFICE ........................ MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY HEALTH ............................................................ MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES MICHIGAN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ................................................ MICHIGAN SECRETARY OF STATE ...................... General Health Education Programs MIGRANT HEALTH PROMOTION ...................... 240 ................... 189 General Laboratory Tests ADVANTAGE HEALTH CENTERS ................... 4 DR ALBERT B CLEAGE SR MEMORIAL HEALTH CENTER ...................................... 97 HUDA CLINIC .................................................. 123 General Legal Aid 161 166 173 185 Government Consumer Protection Agencies MICHIGAN PROTECTION AND ADVOCACY SERVICE .................................................... 180 SOUTHWEST SOLUTIONS ............................. 229 UNIVERSITY OF DETROIT MERCY ................ 259 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF ATTORNEY GENERAL ......................................................... UNITED STATES FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION UNITED STATES FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION - DETROIT DISTRICT OFFICE ............................................................. General Medical Equipment Provision NATIONAL MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS SOCIETY MICHIGAN CHAPTER ................................ 197 WORLD MEDICAL RELIEF .............................. 275 159 245 246 Government Contract Procurement Assistance General Physical Examinations CASS COMMUNITY SOCIAL SERVICES ........ COMMUNITY HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICE CENTER ..................................................... DETROIT COMMUNITY HEALTH CONNECTION ............................................ HENRY FORD HEALTH SYSTEM .................... HUDA CLINIC .................................................. JOY SOUTHFIELD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ......................................... SAINT PATRICK SENIOR CENTER ................. SOCIETY OF SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL IN THE ARCHDIOCESE OF DETROIT ........... 62 70 72 UNITED STATES SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION - MICHIGAN DISTRICT OFFICE ............................................................. 27 39 251 Government Surplus Food Distribution Sites 54 120 123 DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES 129 218 . 60 Governmental Contracts/Grants Offices DETROIT PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT .................................................. 72 UNITED STATES VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION ............................................ 257 227 General Sexuality/Reproductive Health Education Governor Offices PLANNED PARENTHOOD MID AND SOUTH MICHIGAN .................................................. 211 MICHIGAN OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR ............. 177 Group Homes for Children and Youth with Disabilities Genetic Testing and Screening DNA DIAGNOSTICS CENTER ......................... 95 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES ................................................. 167 SAINT LOUIS CENTER 17 ........................................... 217 NATIONAL MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS SOCIETY MICHIGAN CHAPTER ............................ 196 Group Homes for Dependent Children RUTH ELLIS CENTER ..................................... 214 Health/Disability Related Support Groups Group Residences for Adults with Disabilities ALS OF MICHIGAN ................................................. AMERICAN DIABETES ASSOCIATION GREATLAND REGION ...................................... ARTHRITIS FOUNDATION - MICHIGAN CHAPTER BRAIN INJURY ASSOCIATION OF MICHIGAN ...... CENTER FOR EATING DISORDERS ..................... CHILDREN'S LEUKEMIA FOUNDATION OF MICHIGAN ......................................................... COMMUNITY HEALTH AWARENESS GROUP ...... CROHN'S AND COLITIS FOUNDATION OF AMERICA - MICHIGAN CHAPTER .................... EPILEPSY FOUNDATION OF MICHIGAN ............... HEMOPHILIA FOUNDATION OF MICHIGAN .......... HUNTINGTON'S DISEASE SOCIETY OF AMERICA LEUKEMIA AND LYMPHOMA SOCIETY MICHIGAN CHAPTER ....................................... LUPUS ALLIANCE OF AMERICA - MICHIGAN INDIANA AFFILIATE .......................................... MICHIGAN COUNCIL OF THE BLIND AND VISUALLY IMPAIRED ........................................ MICHIGAN PARKINSON FOUNDATION ................. NATIONAL MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS SOCIETY MICHIGAN CHAPTER ....................................... STROKE OF HOPE ................................................. LUTHERAN SOCIAL SERVICES OF MICHIGAN .................................................. 140 SAINT LOUIS CENTER .................................... 218 SAINT MARY'S RESIDENCE ........................... 218 Gynecology Services ADVANTAGE HEALTH CENTERS ................... 4 DETROIT COMMUNITY HEALTH 260 CONNECTION ............................................ 54 Hate Crimes Reporting TRIANGLE FOUNDATION ............................... 237 Hazardous Materials Collection Sites GREATER DETROIT RESOURCE RECOVERY AUTHORITY ............................................... 112 Head Start CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY ............................. 33 DETROIT PUBLIC SCHOOLS .......................... 83 HARTFORD HEAD START AGENCY ............... 117 NEW SAINT PAUL TABERNACLE CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST HEAD START AGENCY .................................................... 200 58 COMMUNITY AND HOME SUPPORTS .................. DISABLED VETERANS NATIONAL FOUNDATION HEAT AND WARMTH FUND (THE) ........................ MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES OPERATION FIRST RESPONSE ............................ OPERATION HOMEFRONT MICHIGAN ................. Health Related Advocacy Groups BRAIN INJURY ASSOCIATION OF MICHIGAN 22 KELLY HEINZ-GRUNDNER BRAIN TUMOR FOUNDATION (THE) .................................. 130 MICHIGAN PARKINSON FOUNDATION .......... 178 UNITED CEREBRAL PALSY OF MICHIGAN ... 238 136 137 157 179 197 232 38 95 118 169 204 205 Helplines/Warmlines HEMOPHILIA FOUNDATION OF MICHIGAN .......... 119 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY HEALTH ............................................................ 162 Health Statistics UNITED STATES CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION .................. 243 Hill Burton Facilities DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROMOTION ................................ Health/Disabilities Related Volunteer Opportunities 58 Historic Places 20 DETROIT HISTORICAL SOCIETY Health/Disability Related Counseling COMMUNITY HEALTH AWARENESS GROUP 46 104 119 124 Heating Fuel Payment Assistance MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES ................................................. 166 ............. 34 40 DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROMOTION ................................ 58 EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY ....................... 100 HENRY FORD HEALTH SYSTEM ........................... 120 SAINT JOHN PROVIDENCE HEALTH SYSTEM ..... 217 Health Insurance Premium Assistance BLINDED VETERANS ASSOCIATION 9 15 22 29 Hearing Screening Health Fairs DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROMOTION ......................... 6 .......................... 66 .......................... 66 Historical Societies 39 DETROIT HISTORICAL SOCIETY 18 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE - MICHIGAN RURAL DEVELOPMENT OFFICE ....................... 244 History Museums ARAB COMMUNITY CENTER FOR ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL SERVICES ....... CHARLES H WRIGHT MUSEUM OF AFRICAN AMERICAN HISTORY ................................ DETROIT HISTORICAL SOCIETY ................... 13 Home Rehabilitation Loans 30 66 ABAYOMI COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ................................................ 2 MICHIGAN STATE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ...................................................... 186 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE - MICHIGAN RURAL DEVELOPMENT OFFICE .................................. 244 UNITED STATES VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION ............................................ 256 HIV Testing ADVANTAGE HEALTH CENTERS ................... 4 AIDS PARTNERSHIP MICHIGAN .................... 5 COMMUNITY HEALTH AWARENESS GROUP 40 CORNER HEALTH CENTER (THE) ................. 42 DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROMOTION ......................... 260 58 DETROIT HISPANIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ......................................... 65 Home Rental Listings MICHIGAN STATE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ...................................................... SALVATION ARMY (THE) - EASTERN MICHIGAN DIVISION ........................................................... Holiday Adoption Programs VOLUNTEERS OF AMERICA MICHIGAN ........ 265 Holiday Donations VOLUNTEERS OF AMERICA MICHIGAN DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROMOTION ................................ Holiday Gifts/Toys CASS COMMUNITY SOCIAL SERVICES JEWISH SENIOR LIFE OF METROPOLITAN DETROIT .................................................... 129 Home Delivered Meals 51 Home Health Aide Services Homeless Drop In Centers ............... 240 NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICE ORGANIZATION ....... 199 RUTH ELLIS CENTER ............................................ 214 Home Insurance MICHIGAN BASIC PROPERTY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION ........................................... 153 Homeless Family Reunification Services NATIONAL RUNAWAY SWITCHBOARD Home Library Services DETROIT PUBLIC LIBRARY 27 ABAYOMI COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ................................................ 2 DETROIT NON PROFIT HOUSING CORPORATION ................................................ 71 GREENPATH DEBT SOLUTIONS - CONSUMER CREDIT COUNSELING SERVICE OF MICHIGAN ......................................................... 114 SOUTHWEST SOLUTIONS .................................... 229 U SNAP BAC .......................................................... 237 UNITED STATES VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION ..................................... 256 UNITED HOME HEALTH SERVICES ............... Homebuyer/Home Purchase Counseling Home Barrier Removal Loans ............. 56 Home/Community Based Developmental Disabilities Programs 31 Holocaust Counseling DETROIT AREA AGENCY ON AGING 220 Home Sanitation ........ 265 CHILD AND FAMILY SERVICES OF MICHIGAN .................................................. 186 ............................ Homeless Permanent Supportive Housing 77 CASS COMMUNITY SOCIAL SERVICES ............... 27 COALITION ON TEMPORARY SHELTER ............... 36 NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICE ORGANIZATION ....... 199 SALVATION ARMY (THE) - EASTERN MICHIGAN DIVISION ........................................................... 220 Home Maintenance and Minor Repair Services OPERATION HOMEFRONT MICHIGAN ................ 197 .......... 206 Home Rehabilitation Grants Homeless Shelter ANGELS OF HOPE .......................................... 12 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES ................................................. 168 CASS COMMUNITY SOCIAL SERVICES COALITION ON TEMPORARY SHELTER 19 ............... ............... 28 36 DETROIT RESCUE MISSION MINISTRIES ..... 89 NEW DAY MULTI-PURPOSE COMMUNITY CENTER AND SHELTER ........................... 200 OPERATION GET DOWN COMMUNITY RESOURCE PROJECTS ............................ 205 Illegal Dumping Reporting DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS FREEDOM HOUSE UNITED STATES CITIZENSHIP AND IMMIGRATION SERVICES ................................ 244 ................................. 122 In Home Hospice Care Household Goods Donation Programs ANN ARBOR ECYCLE ..................................... 260 12 FAITH IN ACTION ............................................ 105 MILITARY ORDER OF THE PURPLE HEART SERVICE FOUNDATION ............................ 190 HOSPICE OF MICHIGAN UNITED HOME HEALTH SERVICES CORNER HEALTH CENTER (THE) ............... 240 42 LUTHERAN SOCIAL SERVICES OF MICHIGAN .... 140 UNITED METHODIST RETIREMENT COMMUNITIES ................................................. 241 Housing Advocacy Groups 239 Independent Living Skills Instruction Housing Authorities ................ MICHIGAN COMMISSION FOR THE BLIND ........... 156 SERVICES TO ENHANCE POTENTIAL .................. 223 68 Housing Discrimination Assistance Individual Advocacy FAIR HOUSING CENTER OF METROPOLITAN DETROIT .................................................... 105 ARC MICHIGAN (THE) ............................................ INFORMATION CENTER (THE) - THE FAMILY RESOURCE PLACE .......................................... MICHIGAN UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE AGENCY ........................................................... STUDENT ADVOCACY CENTER OF MICHIGAN ... UNITED STATES VETERANS EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING SERVICE ......................................... Housing Search Assistance BLACK FAMILY DEVELOPMENT .................... 20 DETROIT AREA AGENCY ON AGING ............. 51 UNITED COMMUNITY HOUSING COALITION 239 HUD Approved Counseling Agencies ABAYOMI COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ......................................... DETROIT NON PROFIT HOUSING CORPORATION ......................................... GREENPATH DEBT SOLUTIONS CONSUMER CREDIT COUNSELING SERVICE OF MICHIGAN ........................... JVS .................................................................. SOUTHWEST SOLUTIONS ............................. U SNAP BAC ................................................... 14 125 188 233 257 Individual Counseling COMMUNITY HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICE CENTER ............................................................ 2 71 39 Individual Development Accounts FOCUS: HOPE ........................................................ GOODWILL INDUSTRIES OF GREATER DETROIT 114 130 229 238 108 111 Infant and Child Safety Education AAA MICHIGAN ...................................................... 2 DEVELOPMENT CENTERS .................................... 93 SOUTHWEST SOLUTIONS .................................... 229 TOMORROW'S CHILD/MICHIGAN SIDS ................ 236 Identification Cards MICHIGAN SECRETARY OF STATE ........................ Independent Living Communities/Complexes for Older Adults Housekeeping Assistance DETROIT HOUSING COMMISSION ...................... 240 In Person Crisis Intervention MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES ................................................. 168 UNITED COMMUNITY HOUSING COALITION ........................................ 122 In Home Meal Preparation Household Goods Vouchers UNITED HOME HEALTH SERVICES ................................................. 109 Immigration/Naturalization Adjudication Services ............... 240 Hospice Facilities HOSPICE OF MICHIGAN 61 Immigrant/Refugee Shelters Homemaker Assistance UNITED HOME HEALTH SERVICES ...... ............... 185 Identity Theft Reporting/Recovery Programs Infant/Child CPR Instruction DEVELOPMENT CENTERS UNITED STATES FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION ............................................ 245 20 .................................... 93 SOUTHWEST SOLUTIONS ............................. 229 WJBK FOX 2 DETROIT Infertility Services Job Development DETROIT COMMUNITY HEALTH CONNECTION ............................................ OPERATION ABLE OF MICHIGAN ......................... 204 PRESBYTERY OF DETROIT - BARNABAS YOUTH OPPORTUNITIES CENTER .............................. 212 54 Influenza Control Job Fairs DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROMOTION ......................... 56 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY HEALTH ..................................................... 161 UNITED STATES CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION .................. 243 260 OPERATION ABLE OF MICHIGAN COMMUNITY LEGAL RESOURCES ................ CROSSROADS OF MICHIGAN ............................... 47 WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITY ................................. 271 Job Readiness 41 LIFT WOMEN'S RESOURCE CENTER International Adoption ADOPTION ASSOCIATES - EASTERN MICHIGAN DIVISION ................................. DETROIT WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT .................................................. 91 SCHOOLCRAFT COLLEGE .................................... 221 3 UNITED STATES BUREAU OF CONSULAR AFFAIRS .................................................... 242 UNITED STATES CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION .................. 243 Job Search Resource Centers CROSSROADS OF MICHIGAN ............................... 47 ................................... 78 CROSSROADS OF MICHIGAN ............................... DETROIT WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT .................................................. OPERATION ABLE OF MICHIGAN ......................... PRESBYTERY OF DETROIT - BARNABAS YOUTH OPPORTUNITIES CENTER .............................. SER METRO-DETROIT JOBS FOR PROGRESS ... SICKLE CELL DISEASE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA - MICHIGAN CHAPTER .................... VOLUNTEERS OF AMERICA MICHIGAN ............... WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITY ................................. 47 Job Search Techniques DETROIT PUBLIC LIBRARY Internet Addiction Support Groups ................................. 106 Job Search/Placement Internet Based Crisis Intervention ......... 197 Internet Crime Reporting MICHIGAN STATE POLICE ............................. 187 Internet Information Resources CENTER FOR CIVIL JUSTICE ......................... 28 EARLY CHILDHOOD INVESTMENT CORPORATION ......................................... 99 ONE ECONOMY CORPORATION ................... 203 UNITED STATES VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION ..................................... 256 91 204 212 222 225 265 271 Juvenile Delinquency Prevention COVENANT HOUSE MICHIGAN ............................. 45 DETROIT HISPANIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ................................................ 65 DETROIT POLICE DEPARTMENT .......................... 74 DETROIT RECREATION DEPARTMENT ................ 86 MICHIGAN COUNCIL ON CRIME AND DELINQUENCY ................................................. 158 Internship Programs DETROIT AREA PRE-COLLEGE ENGINEERING PROGRAM ........................ ................... 136 Job Retraining International Travel Advisories NATIONAL RUNAWAY SWITCHBOARD ......................... 204 Job Interview Training Intellectual Property Law FAMILIES ANONYMOUS ......................................... 273 52 Job Banks CROSSROADS OF MICHIGAN ........................ 47 DETROIT HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT ........................................... 68 DETROIT MAYOR'S OFFICE ........................... 70 MICHIGAN CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION ..... 155 MICHIGAN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ......................................... 173 WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITY .......................... 271 Juvenile Detention Facilities TODD-PHILLIPS CHILDREN'S HOME .................... 235 WOLVERINE HUMAN SERVICES .......................... 274 Juvenile Diversion CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY .................................... 33 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES 167 21 SPECTRUM HUMAN SERVICES ..................... 231 Law Enforcement Complaints DETROIT POLICE DEPARTMENT Kitchenware ANN ARBOR ECYCLE ..................................... 12 SOCIETY OF SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL IN THE ARCHDIOCESE OF DETROIT ........... 227 .......................... Lawn Care Volunteer Opportunities MICHIGAN ABILITIES CENTER .............................. 150 Lawyer Complaints Labor Arbitration/Mediation MICHIGAN ATTORNEY GRIEVANCE COMMISSION ................................................... 153 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF LICENSING AND REGULATORY AFFAIRS ................... 170 Lawyer Referral Services Labor Day Programs DETROIT AREA AGENCY ON AGING ............. WOLVERINE BAR ASSOCIATION 50 260 DETROIT COMMUNITY HEALTH CONNECTION ... DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROMOTION ................................ NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD DETROIT REGIONAL OFFICE ................... 196 UNITED STATES OFFICE OF LABOR-MANAGEMENT STANDARDS DETROIT DISTRICT OFFICE ..................... 247 54 59 Leadership Development THINK DETROIT PAL Land Development Services MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ......................... 273 Lead Poisoning Screening Labor/Management Consultation ............................................. 235 Legal Associations DETROIT METROPOLITAN BAR ASSOCIATION ... 71 WOLVERINE BAR ASSOCIATION ......................... 273 ..................... 163 Land Use Planning and Regulation Services BUILDINGS, SAFETY ENGINEERING AND ENVIRONMENTAL DEPARTMENT ............ DETROIT CITY COUNCIL - CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ............................................ Legal Information Lines ELDER LAW OF MICHIGAN ................................... 101 LAKESHORE LEGAL AID ....................................... 132 24 Legislation Information 54 LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS OF MICHIGAN Landlord Rights Information/Counseling ..... 135 Life Care Planning UNITED COMMUNITY HOUSING COALITION ARC DETROIT (THE) 239 UNITED COMMUNITY HOUSING COALITION 40 Literacy Programs Language Therapy DOMINICAN LITERACY CENTER .......................... 96 MERCY EDUCATION PROJECT ............................ 149 PROLITERACY DETROIT ....................................... 213 SIENA LITERACY CENTER .................................... 225 EASTER SEALS - MICHIGAN .......................... 100 EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY ................ 101 UNIVERSITY CENTER FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF LANGUAGE AND LITERACY .................................................. 259 Living Wills UNIVERSITY OF DETROIT MERCY Language Translation LATIN AMERICANS FOR SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ..................... 133 UKRAINIAN CULTURAL CENTER (THE) ......... 238 ....................... 259 Local Business Licenses/Permits BUILDINGS, SAFETY ENGINEERING AND ENVIRONMENTAL DEPARTMENT ................... DETROIT POLICE DEPARTMENT .......................... Large Item Trash/Garbage Pickup DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 14 CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY .................................... 32 LIFE ORGANIZATION OF DETROIT ....................... 136 LIFT WOMEN'S RESOURCE CENTER ................... 137 WOLVERINE HUMAN SERVICES .......................... 274 239 Language Instruction ............................ .............................................. Life Skills Education Landlord/Tenant Dispute Resolution COMMUNITY HOUSE (THE) 74 62 22 23 74 Local Income Tax Information Marriage Certificates DETROIT FINANCE DEPARTMENT ................ 63 ................ 63 UNITED STATES CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION ......................... 243 Local Tax Collection Agencies DETROIT FINANCE DEPARTMENT Maternity Clothing PREGNANCY AID Local Transit Passes DETROIT MAYOR'S OFFICE ........................... Mattresses 70 ANN ARBOR ECYCLE ............................................ 12 OPERATION HOMEFRONT MICHIGAN ................. 206 SOCIETY OF SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL IN THE ARCHDIOCESE OF DETROIT .......................... 227 Long Distance Bus Services INDEPENDENT BUS COMPANY ..................... 125 260 Long Term Care Insurance Information/Counseling DETROIT AREA AGENCY ON AGING ............. Mayors Offices DETROIT MAYOR'S OFFICE 51 ............. 23 WXYZ TV - CHANNEL 7 ......................................... 276 .............. 116 Mediation AMERICAN ARBITRATION ASSOCIATION MICHIGAN REGIONAL OFFICE ........................ 7 PATIENT ADVOCATE FOUNDATION ..................... 209 MICHIGAN STATE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ............................................... 187 Low Income/Subsidized Private Rental Housing AVALON HOUSING ......................................... LAKEWOOD MANOR HOUSING ..................... LUTHERAN SOCIAL SERVICES OF MICHIGAN .................................................. SOUTHWEST SOLUTIONS ............................. VOLUNTEERS OF AMERICA MICHIGAN ........ Medicaid Appeals/Complaints MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES 18 132 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES 140 229 265 167 Medicaid Card Replacement MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY HEALTH ............................................................ NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR VISUALLY HANDICAPPED .......................................... 194 162 Medicaid Planning DETROIT AREA AGENCY ON AGING Mammograms .................... 51 Medicaid Prior Authorization AMERICAN BREAST CANCER FOUNDATION (THE) .......................................................... 8 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY HEALTH ..................................................... 161 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES 167 Medical Appointments Transportation AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY - GREAT LAKES DIVISION ........................................................... 8 COMMUNITY HEALTH AWARENESS GROUP ...... 40 OPERATION HOMEFRONT MICHIGAN ................. 206 Managed Health Care Information ............. 167 Medicaid Applications Low Vision Aids 51 Manual Wheelchairs Medical Care Expense Assistance PARALYZED VETERANS OF AMERICA MICHIGAN CHAPTER ................................ 207 WORLD MEDICAL RELIEF .............................. 275 CHILDREN'S LEUKEMIA FOUNDATION OF MICHIGAN ......................................................... 33 Medical Information Lines Maps DETROIT CITY CLERK BUILDINGS, SAFETY ENGINEERING AND ENVIRONMENTAL DEPARTMENT ................... Media Consumer Services Low Income Home Loans DETROIT AREA AGENCY ON AGING 70 51 Low Cost Building Materials/Supplies HABITAT FOR HUMANITY DETROIT .................................. Mechanical Permits Long Term Care Ombudsman Programs DETROIT AREA AGENCY ON AGING ................................................... 212 .................................... AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION OF MICHIGAN 53 23 .. 11 Medical Supplies Donation Programs Military Family Service/Support Centers PARALYZED VETERANS OF AMERICA MICHIGAN CHAPTER ................................ 207 MICHIGAN NATIONAL GUARD-JOINT FORCES HEADQUARTERS ............................................. 176 Medicare Military Family Support Groups MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES ................................................. 167 UNITED STATES SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION ..................................... 254 CALVARY HOUSE ............. Meeting Space MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION UNITED STATES SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION - MICHIGAN DISTRICT OFFICE ............................................................. 260 251 Missing Persons Location Assistance UNITED STATES BUREAU OF CONSULAR AFFAIRS ........................................................... Meningitis Control 242 Mobile Health Care DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROMOTION ......................... 56 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY HEALTH ..................................................... 161 HENRY FORD HEALTH SYSTEM ........................... 120 Mortgage Company Complaints FAIR HOUSING CENTER OF METROPOLITAN DETROIT ........................................................... OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY ...................................................... Mental Health Associations . 193 Mental Health Hotlines 105 203 Mortgage Delinquency and Default Counseling DETROIT-WAYNE COUNTY COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH AGENCY ....................... 92 KRISTIN BROOKS HOPE CENTER ................. 131 ABAYOMI COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ................................................ CARECONNECTUSA.ORG ..................................... DETROIT NON PROFIT HOUSING CORPORATION ................................................ GREENPATH DEBT SOLUTIONS - CONSUMER CREDIT COUNSELING SERVICE OF MICHIGAN ......................................................... JVS ......................................................................... MICHIGAN STATE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ...................................................... SOUTHWEST SOLUTIONS .................................... U SNAP BAC .......................................................... UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT - REGION 5 ...... Mental Health Related Support Groups NATIONAL ALLIANCE ON MENTAL ILLNESS .......... 163 Minority Business Development 51 DETROIT PUBLIC LIBRARY ............................ 78 DETROIT RECREATION DEPARTMENT ......... 87 NORTHWEST COMMUNITY PROGRAMS/ NORTHWEST ACTIVITIES CENTER ......... 201 NATIONAL ALLIANCE ON MENTAL ILLNESS 24 Milk Programs Medicare Information/Counseling DETROIT AREA AGENCY ON AGING .................................................. . 193 Mentoring Services Volunteer Opportunities MICHIGAN COMMUNITY SERVICE COMMISSION ............................................ 157 Mentoring Skills Development MICHIGAN COMMUNITY SERVICE COMMISSION ............................................ 157 Mercy Transportation 2 26 71 114 130 187 229 238 244 Mortgage Payment Assistance AIR CARE ALLIANCE ...................................... 5 ANGEL FLIGHT MID-ATLANTIC ...................... 11 CORPORATE ANGEL NETWORK ................... 43 WINGS OF HOPE ............................................ 273 ANGELS OF HOPE ................................................. 12 DISABLED VETERANS NATIONAL FOUNDATION 95 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES 168 MICHIGAN STATE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ...................................................... 187 OPERATION HOMEFRONT MICHIGAN ................. 205 Methadone Maintenance SACRED HEART REHABILITATION CENTER 215 UNIVERSITY PHYSICIAN GROUP UNIVERSITY PSYCHIATRIC CENTERS .... 262 Motor Vehicle Registration MICHIGAN SECRETARY OF STATE ...................... 185 OPERATION HOMEFRONT MICHIGAN ................. 205 24 Motor Vehicle Titles MICHIGAN SECRETARY OF STATE Nondelinquent Juvenile Detention Facilities ............... 185 WOLVERINE HUMAN SERVICES .......................... 274 Moving Expense Assistance ADULT WELL-BEING SERVICES .................... 4 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES ................................................. 168 OPERATION HOMEFRONT MICHIGAN .......... 205 Non-Emergency Crime Reporting DETROIT POLICE DEPARTMENT ................... COMMUNITY LEGAL RESOURCES ....................... 41 MICHIGAN NONPROFIT ASSOCIATION ................ 177 74 Notary Public Services Music Performances FOCUS: HOPE 260 ................................................. 108 DETROIT MAYOR'S OFFICE .................................................. CVS CAREMARK 98 70 .................................................... 49 Nursing Facility Complaints Nature Centers/Walks MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF LICENSING AND REGULATORY AFFAIRS .................................. 170 DETROIT ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY ................. 92 LESLIE SCIENCE AND NATURE CENTER ..... 136 Nutrition Education Neighborhood Improvement Groups COMMUNITY HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICE CENTER ............................................................ DETROIT COMMUNITY HEALTH CONNECTION ... DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROMOTION ................................ DETROIT PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ........................................... 73 OPERATION GET DOWN COMMUNITY RESOURCE PROJECTS ............................ 205 Neighborhood Multipurpose Centers DETROIT PUBLIC LIBRARY ................... 72 78 Occupancy Inspection BUILDINGS, SAFETY ENGINEERING AND ENVIRONMENTAL DEPARTMENT ................... 74 Neonatal Care DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROMOTION ......................... ................................... PARALYZED VETERANS OF AMERICA MICHIGAN CHAPTER ....................................... 207 WORLD MEDICAL RELIEF ..................................... 275 Neighborhood Watch Programs DETROIT POLICE DEPARTMENT 59 Occasional Medical Equipment/Supplies Neighborhood Revitalization DETROIT PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ........................................... 39 54 Obituary/Death Notices DON BOSCO HALL .......................................... 97 NORTHWEST COMMUNITY PROGRAMS/ NORTHWEST ACTIVITIES CENTER ......... 201 23 Occupation Specific Job Training CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY 59 .................................... 32 Occupational Therapy Neuter/Spay Services MICHIGAN HUMANE SOCIETY UNITED HOME HEALTH SERVICES ....................... 176 FAMILIES ANONYMOUS ................................. 106 MICHIGAN COUNCIL OF THE BLIND AND VISUALLY IMPAIRED ................................. 157 MICHIGAN PARKINSON FOUNDATION .......... 178 MICHIGAN SECRETARY OF STATE ...................... 185 Online Tax Preparation/E-Filing Sites INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE ............................ 126 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF TREASURY ............ 172 Newspaper Publishing/Distribution .................................. ...................... 240 Occupational/Professional Licensing and Certification Newsletters DETROIT FREE PRESS .................................. Nurse Practitioner Clinics Natural Gas Service Connection/Repair DTE ENERGY 74 Nonprofit Corporation Development Municipal Police DETROIT POLICE DEPARTMENT .......................... 64 Organ/Tissue Transplant Education Programs GIFT OF LIFE MICHIGAN 25 ....................................... 110 CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY .................................... 33 DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROMOTION ................................ 59 DEVELOPMENT CENTERS .................................... 93 LIFT WOMEN'S RESOURCE CENTER ................... 137 SOUTHWEST SOLUTIONS .................................... 229 Organizational Consultation/Technical Assistance SPAULDING FOR CHILDREN ......................... 230 Orientation and Mobility Training LEADER DOGS FOR THE BLIND .................... 134 MICHIGAN COMMISSION FOR THE BLIND .... 156 Parking Facilities DETROIT MUNICIPAL PARKING DEPARTMENT ... 71 ... 71 Orthodontics SMILES CHANGE LIVES Parking Regulations Enforcement ................................. 226 DETROIT MUNICIPAL PARKING DEPARTMENT Outreach Programs 260 DETROIT HISPANIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ......................................... 65 MICHIGAN HUMANE SOCIETY ....................... 176 MICHIGAN PRIMARY CARE ASSOCIATION ... 179 Passports UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE Pastoral Counseling CALVARY HOUSE Overspender Counseling SHULMAN CENTER FOR COMPULSIVE THEFT SPENDING AND HOARDING (THE) ..................... 250 .................................................. 24 Paternity Suits 224 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES Pap Tests 165 Patient Rights Assistance ADVANTAGE HEALTH CENTERS ................... 4 DETROIT COMMUNITY HEALTH CONNECTION ............................................ 55 DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROMOTION ......................... 58 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY HEALTH ..................................................... 161 SAINT JOHN PROVIDENCE HEALTH SYSTEM 217 MICHIGAN PROTECTION AND ADVOCACY SERVICE ........................................................... 180 Patient/Family Morale Boosting Programs ANGELS OF HOPE ................................................. 12 Pawnbroker Complaints DETROIT SENIOR CITIZENS DEPARTMENT ........ 89 Parent Support Groups CROSSROADS PREGNANCY CENTER ......... 48 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY HEALTH ..................................................... 162 MICHIGAN ORGANIZATION OF MOTHERS OF MULTIPLES .......................................... 177 MICHIGAN ORGANIZATION OF MOTHERS OF TWINS CLUBS ..................................... 178 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN - ANN ARBOR .... Pediatrics COMMUNITY HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICE CENTER ............................................................ Peer Counseling MICHIGAN COUNCIL OF THE BLIND AND VISUALLY IMPAIRED ........................................ 157 NATIONAL KIDNEY FOUNDATION OF MICHIGAN 195 Parent/Child Instruction SCHOOLCRAFT COLLEGE Peer to Peer Networking ............................. 221 CANCER HOPE NETWORK INC. ........................... 25 NATIONAL BONE MARROW TRANSPLANT LINK . 194 Parenting Helplines CHILD FIND OF AMERICA .............................. DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROMOTION ......................... 32 Pension Benefits Assistance ELDER LAW OF MICHIGAN ................................... 101 UNITED STATES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS SECURITY ADMINISTRATION .......................... 245 60 Parenting Materials DEVELOPMENT CENTERS ............................. 93 MICHIGAN ASSOCIATION FOR INFANT MENTAL HEALTH ...................................... 152 SOUTHWEST SOLUTIONS ............................. 229 Personal Care UNITED HOME HEALTH SERVICES CARECONNECTUSA.ORG ......... ...................... 240 Personal Financial Counseling Parenting Skills Classes CARE OF SOUTHEASTERN MICHIGAN 39 26 26 ..................................... 26 GREENPATH DEBT SOLUTIONS CONSUMER CREDIT COUNSELING SERVICE OF MICHIGAN ...................................... 114 NOVADEBT ..................................................... 202 Postabortion Support Groups CROSSROADS PREGNANCY CENTER UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE PARALYZED VETERANS OF AMERICA MICHIGAN CHAPTER ....................................... 207 OPERATION HOMEFRONT MICHIGAN .......... 206 Predatory Lending Assistance MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF ATTORNEY GENERAL ......................................................... Pest Control Services 260 BUILDINGS, SAFETY ENGINEERING AND ENVIRONMENTAL DEPARTMENT ............ 24 DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROMOTION ......................... 56 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT .................... 158 ........................................... CHRISTIAN FAMILY SERVICES - PROTESTANT YOUTH ORGANIZATION .................................. DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROMOTION ................................ Physician/Surgeon Associations MICHIGAN ASSOCIATION OF PHYSICIANS OF INDIAN ORIGIN .................................... 152 Planning/Coordinating/Advisory Groups Prenatal Care COMMUNITY HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICE CENTER ............................................................ 39 CORNER HEALTH CENTER (THE) ........................ 42 DETROIT COMMUNITY HEALTH CONNECTION ... 55 DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROMOTION ................................ 59 WAYNE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH ............................................................ 270 DETROIT HOUSING COMMISSION ................ 68 UNITED STATES VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION ..................................... 257 Plant/Gardening Materials Donation Programs ....................... 150 Prenatal Evaluation Political Action/Lobbying Groups LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS OF MICHIGAN COMMUNITY HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICE CENTER ............................................................ 39 PREGNANCY AID ................................................... 212 135 Polling Places DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF ELECTIONS ...... 55 MICHIGAN SECRETARY OF STATE ............... 185 Preschools JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER OF METROPOLITAN DETROIT .............................. 128 SPIRIT OF HOPE .................................................... 231 Post Disaster Rebuilding Assistance FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY .................................................... 107 Prescription Drug Discount Cards CARECONNECTUSA.ORG ..................................... 26 CVS CAREMARK .................................................... 49 TOGETHER RX ACCESS, LLC ............................... 236 Post Offices .............. 250 Prescription Drug Patient Assistance Programs Postabortion Counseling CROSSROADS PREGNANCY CENTER 58 ADVANTAGE HEALTH CENTERS .......................... 4 CORNER HEALTH CENTER (THE) ........................ 42 CROSSROADS PREGNANCY CENTER ................ 48 CVS CAREMARK .................................................... 49 DETROIT COMMUNITY HEALTH CONNECTION ... 55 DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROMOTION ................................ 58 PREGNANCY AID ................................................... 212 ............... 240 UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE 34 Pregnancy Testing 24 Physical Therapy UNITED HOME HEALTH SERVICES 160 Pregnancy Counseling Pet Assisted Therapy MICHIGAN ABILITIES CENTER ..................... 250 Powered Wheelchairs 22 Personal/Grooming Supplies CALVARY HOUSE 48 Postal Service Complaints Personal Safety Education BRAIN INJURY ASSOCIATION OF MICHIGAN ................ ......... 48 MEIJER 27 ................................................................... 148 MERCK AND COMPANY ................................. NEEDYMEDS ................................................... PARTNERSHIP FOR PRESCRIPTION ASSISTANCE MICHIGAN ........................... PFIZER ............................................................ TARGET STORES ........................................... WAL-MART ...................................................... WORLD MEDICAL RELIEF .............................. 149 198 Property Tax Exemption Information 208 210 234 268 275 Property Tax Payment Assistance DETROIT FINANCE DEPARTMENT ....................... 63 GOOD SHEPHERD CATHOLIC CHURCH .............. 111 OPERATION HOMEFRONT MICHIGAN ................. 205 Property Tax Postponement Information Prescription Drugs for Specific Health Conditions CASS COMMUNITY SOCIAL SERVICES ........ MEIJER ............................................................ NATIONAL KIDNEY FOUNDATION OF MICHIGAN .................................................. WORLD MEDICAL RELIEF .............................. DETROIT FINANCE DEPARTMENT 63 Proposal/Grant Writing Services 27 148 260 195 275 DETROIT CITY COUNCIL - CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ................................................... 53 MICHIGAN NONPROFIT ASSOCIATION ................ 177 YOUTH DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION ................ 276 Prostatic Specific Antigen Blood Tests Prescription Expense Assistance HUDA CLINIC ADULT WELL-BEING SERVICES .................... 4 CHILDREN'S LEUKEMIA FOUNDATION OF MICHIGAN .................................................. 33 CROSSROADS OF MICHIGAN ........................ 47 MICHIGAN PARKINSON FOUNDATION .......... 178 PATIENT ADVOCATE FOUNDATION .............. 209 SAINT CHRISTINE CHRISTIAN SERVICES .... 216 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF RETIRED PERSONS .................................................. FAMILIES ANONYMOUS ................................. MICHIGAN AIDS COALITION .......................... MICHIGAN ASSOCIATION ON PROBLEM GAMBLING ................................................. TOMORROW'S CHILD/MICHIGAN SIDS ......... ......................................................... 123 Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Disabilities AMERICAN COUNCIL OF THE BLIND ................... 9 AMERICAN FOUNDATION FOR THE BLIND .......... 9 AUTISM SOCIETY OF MICHIGAN .......................... 18 BLINDED VETERANS ASSOCIATION .................... 20 MICHIGAN PROTECTION AND ADVOCACY SERVICE ........................................................... 180 Printed Materials 7 106 151 Psychiatric Case Management 152 236 Psychiatric Day Treatment SOUTHWEST SOLUTIONS .................................... 229 SAINT JOSEPH MERCY BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SERVICES - HURON OAKS .............................. 217 Private Duty Nursing UNITED HOME HEALTH SERVICES ............... 240 Psychiatric Disorder Counseling DEVELOPMENT CENTERS .................................... 94 EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY ....................... 100 ENNIS CENTER FOR CHILDREN .......................... 104 SOUTHWEST SOLUTIONS .................................... 230 Private Foundations SKILLMAN FOUNDATION (THE) ....................... ..................... 225 Professional Schools CRANBROOK EDUCATIONAL COMMUNITY .. 46 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SCHOOL OF NURSING ................................................... 262 Psychiatric Rehabilitation DEVELOPMENT CENTERS BLACK UNITED FUND OF MICHIGAN ............ CORPORATION FOR NATIONAL AND COMMUNITY SERVICE ............................. MICHIGAN PSYCHOANALYTIC INSTITUTE 20 DETROIT PUBLIC SCHOOLS ................... ................................. 83 Psychological Testing 75 EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY Property Tax Assessment Appeals Boards ................ ........... 180 Psychological Assessment 44 Property Identification Equipment DETROIT FINANCE DEPARTMENT 94 Psychodynamic Therapy Program Development Funds DETROIT POLICE DEPARTMENT .................................... ....................... 100 Psychosocial Evaluation CORNER HEALTH CENTER (THE) 63 28 ........................ 42 Public Facility Health Inspection Recovery Homes/Halfway Houses DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROMOTION ......................... CASS COMMUNITY SOCIAL SERVICES ............... 28 MARINERS INN ...................................................... 144 59 Public Foundations Recreation Centers MICHIGAN COMMUNITY SERVICE COMMISSION ............................................ 157 DETROIT RECREATION DEPARTMENT ................ 87 JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER OF METROPOLITAN DETROIT .............................. 128 NORTHWEST COMMUNITY PROGRAMS/ NORTHWEST ACTIVITIES CENTER ................ 201 PRESBYTERY OF DETROIT - BARNABAS YOUTH OPPORTUNITIES CENTER .............................. 212 Public Guardianship/Conservatorship Programs MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES ................................................. 165 260 Recreational Activities/Sports Volunteer Opportunities Public Health Advisories DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROMOTION ......................... LUTHERAN SOCIAL SERVICES OF MICHIGAN .... 141 MICHIGAN ABILITIES CENTER .............................. 150 59 Public Health Permits DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROMOTION ......................... Recycling Centers GREATER DETROIT RESOURCE RECOVERY AUTHORITY ...................................................... 59 Public Housing DETROIT HOUSING COMMISSION ................ 68 ............................ 79 Refugee Resettlement Services FREEDOM HOUSE ................................................. 109 LUTHERAN SOCIAL SERVICES OF MICHIGAN .... 140 Public Internet Access Sites DETROIT PUBLIC LIBRARY Refugee/Entrant Cash Assistance MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES Public Lectures/Discussions UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN CENTER FOR THE CHILD AND FAMILY ........................... 261 ............................ UNITED HOME HEALTH SERVICES 79 Relationship Workshops 61 Relocation Assistance 2 Remedial Mathematics DETROIT UNITY TEMPLE Public Nuisance Reporting DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ....................... 176 56 Remedial Spelling DOMINICAN LITERACY CENTER ................ ....... 239 DOMINICAN LITERACY CENTER .......................... 96 SAINT VINCENT AND SARAH FISHER CENTER ... 219 Real Estate Law COMMUNITY LEGAL RESOURCES 90 Remedial Reading Radon Testing DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROMOTION ......................... ...................................... DOMINICAN LITERACY CENTER .......................... 96 SAINT VINCENT AND SARAH FISHER CENTER ... 219 Rabies Vaccinations MICHIGAN HUMANE SOCIETY ...................... 240 UNITED COMMUNITY HOUSING COALITION Public Policy Development Assistance 9TO5 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF WOMEN 167 Rehabilitation/Restorative Home Nursing Public Libraries DETROIT PUBLIC LIBRARY 112 41 .......................... 96 Rent Payment Assistance ANGELS OF HOPE ................................................. 12 COMMUNITY AND HOME SUPPORTS .................. 38 DISABLED VETERANS NATIONAL FOUNDATION 95 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES 168 OPERATION FIRST RESPONSE ............................ 204 OPERATION HOMEFRONT MICHIGAN ................. 205 Recordings for the Blind and Dyslexic DETROIT PUBLIC LIBRARY ............................ 78 MICHIGAN BRAILLE AND TALKING BOOK LIBRARY .................................................... 154 29 SOUTHWEST SOLUTIONS ............................. 229 Runaway/Homeless Youth Hotlines COVENANT HOUSE MICHIGAN ............................. 45 NATIONAL RUNAWAY SWITCHBOARD ................ 197 Rent Rebate/Tax Credit Information DETROIT MAYOR'S OFFICE ........................... 70 Sack Lunches/Dinners Rental Deposit Assistance CENTRAL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH COMMUNITY AND HOME SUPPORTS ........... 38 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES ................................................. 168 SOUTHWEST SOLUTIONS ............................. 229 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES MICHIGAN AIDS COALITION .......................................... BLINDED VETERANS ASSOCIATION .................... 21 HEMOPHILIA FOUNDATION OF MICHIGAN .......... 119 PARALYZED VETERANS OF AMERICA MICHIGAN CHAPTER ....................................... 207 UNITED NEGRO COLLEGE FUND - DETROIT AREA OFFICE ................................................... 242 6 Restaurant Complaints DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROMOTION ......................... DETROIT SENIOR CITIZENS DEPARTMENT . ................................. 151 Scholarships Respite Care Subsidies School Based Teen Parent/Pregnant Teen Programs 59 89 DETROIT PUBLIC SCHOOLS ................................. 84 School Breakfasts Restaurant/Food Sanitation DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROMOTION ......................... DETROIT PUBLIC SCHOOLS ................................. 83 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION .......... 163 REDFORD UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT ................. 213 SOUTH REDFORD SCHOOL DISTRICT ................ 227 59 Resume Preparation Assistance CROSSROADS OF MICHIGAN ........................ 47 VOLUNTEERS OF AMERICA MICHIGAN ........ 265 WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITY .......................... 271 School Complaints DETROIT PUBLIC SCHOOLS ................................. 84 School Districts Return to Education Support DETROIT PUBLIC SCHOOLS ................................. 83 REDFORD UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT ................. 213 SOUTH REDFORD SCHOOL DISTRICT ................ 228 ............................. 221 Reverse Mortgage Programs DETROIT NON PROFIT HOUSING CORPORATION ......................................... 71 GREENPATH DEBT SOLUTIONS CONSUMER CREDIT COUNSELING SERVICE OF MICHIGAN ........................... 114 School Health Programs HENRY FORD HEALTH SYSTEM DETROIT GENERAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT ........................................... ........................... 120 School Lunches DETROIT PUBLIC SCHOOLS ................................. 83 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION .......... 163 REDFORD UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT ................. 213 SOUTH REDFORD SCHOOL DISTRICT ................ 227 Roadside Landscape Maintenance 65 School Readiness Programs RSVP Program CORPORATION FOR NATIONAL AND COMMUNITY SERVICE ............................. NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICE ORGANIZATION 44 ....... 199 School Related Crime Reporting MICHIGAN STATE POLICE Runaway Prevention Programs NATIONAL RUNAWAY SWITCHBOARD 167 Safer Sex Education 260 ELMHURST HOME .......................................... 102 MARINERS INN ............................................... 144 SACRED HEART REHABILITATION CENTER 215 TODD-PHILLIPS CHILDREN'S HOME ............. 235 SCHOOLCRAFT COLLEGE 30 Safe Havens for Abandoned Newborns Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Facilities ALS OF MICHIGAN ............ ......... 197 30 .................................... 187 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES School Supplies DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROMOTION ......................... 58 DETROIT PUBLIC SCHOOLS .......................... 82 VOLUNTEERS OF AMERICA MICHIGAN ........ 266 Senior Ride Programs VIRGINIA PARK CITIZENS SERVICE CORPORATION ................................................ 263 Service Animals School Supplies Donation Programs VOLUNTEERS OF AMERICA MICHIGAN LEADER DOGS FOR THE BLIND ........ 266 ........................... 134 Service Clubs School Transcripts DETROIT PUBLIC SCHOOLS .......................... Schools of the Arts JUNIOR LEAGUE OF DETROIT ............................. 129 OPTIMIST INTERNATIONAL .................................. 206 84 .. 260 46 ................ 13 .......................... 83 CRANBROOK EDUCATIONAL COMMUNITY Service Cost Payment Assistance MICHIGAN PARKINSON FOUNDATION Science and Technology Museums ANN ARBOR HANDS ON MUSEUM DETROIT PUBLIC SCHOOLS ................. 178 Service Station Complaints DETROIT SENIOR CITIZENS DEPARTMENT ........ 89 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT ........................... 158 Secondary/High Schools ................ 68 Sex Offender Registration/Community Notification ............................... 90 Sexual Assault Counseling Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers DETROIT HOUSING COMMISSION MICHIGAN STATE POLICE Self Esteem Workshops DETROIT UNITY TEMPLE 167 DETROIT POLICE DEPARTMENT .......................... UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN - ANN ARBOR ........... Semi-Independent Living Residences for Adults with Disabilities 75 Sexual Assault Hotlines LUTHERAN SOCIAL SERVICES OF MICHIGAN .................................................. 140 DETROIT POLICE DEPARTMENT .......................... 75 Sexual/Love Addiction Support Groups Senior Advocacy Groups SEX ADDICTS ANONYMOUS DETROIT AREA AGENCY ON AGING ............. 51 DETROIT SENIOR CITIZENS DEPARTMENT . 90 NATIONAL CAUCUS AND CENTER ON BLACK AGED - DETROIT REGIONAL OFFICE ...................................................... 195 ASSOCIATION OF CHINESE AMERICANS ..... BRIGHTMOOR COMMUNITY CENTER ........... DETROIT RECREATION DEPARTMENT ......... FRANKLIN WRIGHT SETTLEMENTS .............. GOOD SHEPHERD CATHOLIC CHURCH ....... HANNAN FOUNDATION (THE) ........................ HARTFORD MEMORIAL BAPTIST CHURCH .. ................................. 224 Sexually Transmitted Disease Control DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROMOTION ................................ 56 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY HEALTH ............................................................ 161 Senior Centers 15 23 87 109 110 117 117 Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening CORNER HEALTH CENTER (THE) ........................ 42 DETROIT COMMUNITY HEALTH CONNECTION ... 55 DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROMOTION ................................ 58 SAINT JOHN PROVIDENCE HEALTH SYSTEM ..... 217 Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment Senior Community Service Employment Programs CORNER HEALTH CENTER (THE) ........................ DETROIT COMMUNITY HEALTH CONNECTION ... DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROMOTION ................................ DETROIT AREA AGENCY ON AGING ............. 51 NATIONAL CAUCUS AND CENTER ON BLACK AGED - DETROIT REGIONAL OFFICE ...................................................... 195 42 55 58 Shoes SOCIETY OF SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL IN THE ARCHDIOCESE OF DETROIT .......................... 227 Senior Housing Information and Referral DETROIT AREA AGENCY ON AGING .................................... 188 ............. 51 31 UNITED STATES SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION ................................. 255 Sick Animal Care MICHIGAN HUMANE SOCIETY ....................... 176 Social Security Numbers Sickle Cell Screening UNITED STATES SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION ............................................ 255 SICKLE CELL DISEASE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA - MICHIGAN CHAPTER ............. 225 Social Security Retirement Benefits Sidewalk/Road Corridor Use Permits BUILDINGS, SAFETY ENGINEERING AND ENVIRONMENTAL DEPARTMENT ............ UNITED STATES SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION ............................................ 256 24 Social Skills Training Single Room Occupancy Housing COALITION ON TEMPORARY SHELTER DETROIT RECREATION DEPARTMENT ........ 260 36 UNITED METHODIST RETIREMENT COMMUNITIES .......................................... 241 Small Business Development MICHIGAN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ......................................... 173 UNITED STATES SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION - MICHIGAN DISTRICT OFFICE ...................................................... 251 DETROIT RESCUE MISSION MINISTRIES ............ FIBERGLASS ESTATE COMMUNITY HALL ........... MOUNT VERNON MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH ........................................................... NEW DAY MULTI-PURPOSE COMMUNITY CENTER AND SHELTER .................................. PEOPLE'S MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH ........ SPIRIT OF HOPE .................................................... WESTMINSTER CHURCH OF DETROIT ................ 89 107 191 200 209 232 272 Speakers/Speakers Bureaus Small Business Financing UNITED STATES SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION - MICHIGAN DISTRICT OFFICE ...................................................... DETROIT HISPANIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ................................................ HOSPICE OF MICHIGAN ........................................ MICHIGAN AIDS COALITION ................................. STARR COMMONWEALTH .................................... UNITED COMMUNITY HOUSING COALITION ....... WOLVERINE BAR ASSOCIATION ......................... 251 Small Claims Courts .................................. 1 65 123 151 232 239 273 Special Education Advocacy Smoke Alarms DETROIT FIRE DEPARTMENT 87 Soup Kitchens Skilled Nursing Facilities 36TH DISTRICT COURT ................ ........................ ARC MICHIGAN (THE) ............................................ 14 LEARNING DISABILITIES ASSOCIATION OF MICHIGAN ......................................................... 135 64 Smoking Cessation AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION OF MICHIGAN .................................................. 11 DR ALBERT B CLEAGE SR MEMORIAL HEALTH CENTER ...................................... 97 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY HEALTH ..................................................... 162 UNIVERSITY PHYSICIAN GROUP UNIVERSITY PSYCHIATRIC CENTERS .... 262 Special Event Support Volunteer Opportunities CENTER FOR EATING DISORDERS ..................... CENTER FOR EMPOWERMENT AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ................................................ DRESS FOR SUCCESS MICHIGAN ....................... ELE'S PLACE .......................................................... FAITH IN ACTION ................................................... HUMANE SOCIETY OF HURON VALLEY ............... MAKE-A-WISH FOUNDATION OF MICHIGAN ........ MICHIGAN ABILITIES CENTER .............................. MICHIGAN ABILITY PARTNERS ............................ NATIONAL KIDNEY FOUNDATION OF MICHIGAN SAINT LOUIS CENTER ........................................... Snow Clearance/Street Salting DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 62 Social Security Burial Benefits UNITED STATES SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION ..................................... 255 29 30 97 102 106 124 142 150 150 196 218 Special Interest Camps Social Security Disability Insurance COMMUNITY HOUSE (THE) ................................... DETROIT AREA PRE-COLLEGE ENGINEERING PROGRAM ........................................................ MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES ................................................. 168 32 40 52 DETROIT ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY ................. 92 HEMOPHILIA FOUNDATION OF MICHIGAN ... 119 State Disability Insurance MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES Special Olympics SPECIAL OLYMPICS MICHIGAN State Government Information Lines ..................... 230 CENTER FOR CIVIL JUSTICE Specialized Information and Referral ADULT WELL-BEING SERVICES .................... AIDS PARTNERSHIP MICHIGAN .................... AMERICAN COUNCIL OF THE BLIND ............ AMERICAN FOUNDATION FOR THE BLIND ... ARC DETROIT (THE) ....................................... ARC MICHIGAN (THE) ..................................... AUTISM SOCIETY OF AMERICA ..................... COVENANT HOUSE MICHIGAN ...................... DETROIT AREA AGENCY ON AGING ............. DETROIT SENIOR CITIZENS DEPARTMENT . EPILEPSY FOUNDATION OF MICHIGAN ........ HANNAN FOUNDATION (THE) ........................ HEMOPHILIA FOUNDATION OF MICHIGAN ... HUNTINGTON'S DISEASE SOCIETY OF AMERICA ................................................... INTERNATIONAL HEARING SOCIETY ............ MICHIGAN COMMISSION FOR DISABILITY CONCERNS - DIVISION ON DEAF AND HARD OF HEARING .................................. MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES ................................................. NATIONAL ALLIANCE ON MENTAL ILLNESS . NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICE ORGANIZATION 168 ................................ 28 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY HEALTH ............................................................ 162 State Hospitals 3 5 9 9 14 14 17 260 45 51 90 104 117 119 State Income Tax Information MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF TREASURY ............ 172 State Legislature Offices MICHIGAN HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ........ 174 MICHIGAN SENATE ............................................... 186 State Medicaid Managed Care Enrollment Programs MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY HEALTH ............................................................ 124 126 162 State Medicaid Waiver Programs 155 DETROIT AREA AGENCY ON AGING 167 193 199 .................... 50 State Police MICHIGAN STATE POLICE .................................... 188 State Refugee Coordinators Speech and Language Evaluations MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES ALS OF MICHIGAN .......................................... 6 EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY ................ 101 UNIVERSITY CENTER FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF LANGUAGE AND LITERACY .................................................. 259 167 State Tax Collection Agencies MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF TREASURY ............ 172 State Treasurer Offices Speech Therapy EASTER SEALS - MICHIGAN .......................... EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY ................ UNITED HOME HEALTH SERVICES ............... UNIVERSITY CENTER FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF LANGUAGE AND LITERACY .................................................. MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF TREASURY 100 101 240 ............ 172 Stolen Automobile Reporting MICHIGAN AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE PLACEMENT FACILITY .................................... 153 259 Street Cleaning DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Sports Equipment Donation Programs HUB OF DETROIT (THE) ................................. 123 PARALYZED VETERANS OF AMERICA MICHIGAN CHAPTER ................................ 207 ...... 62 ...... 61 ........ 79 Street Construction/Repair DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Street Lights SSI DETROIT PUBLIC LIGHTING DEPARTMENT MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES ................................................. 168 UNITED STATES SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION ..................................... 256 Street Outreach Programs COMMUNITY HEALTH AWARENESS GROUP ...... 40 COVENANT HOUSE MICHIGAN ............................. 45 MATRIX HUMAN SERVICES .................................. 145 NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICE ORGANIZATION ....... 199 State Attorneys General MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF ATTORNEY GENERAL .................................................. 160 33 RUTH ELLIS CENTER ..................................... 214 Survivors Insurance UNITED STATES SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION ............................................ 256 Street Signs DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 62 Sweat Equity Programs Student Counseling Services DETROIT PUBLIC SCHOOLS .......................... HABITAT FOR HUMANITY DETROIT 83 Swimming Facilities Student Financial Aid DETROIT RECREATION DEPARTMENT ................ 87 NORTHWEST COMMUNITY PROGRAMS/ NORTHWEST ACTIVITIES CENTER ................ 201 COLEMAN A YOUNG FOUNDATION .............. 37 UNITED STATES VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION ..................................... 257 WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITY .......................... 271 260 Swimming Safety Education FOUNDATION FOR AQUATIC INJURY PREVENTION ................................................... 108 Subject Specific Public Awareness/Education ARC DETROIT (THE) ....................................... 14 EPILEPSY FOUNDATION OF MICHIGAN ........ 104 MICHIGAN HUMANE SOCIETY ....................... 176 System Advocacy FAIR FOOD NETWORK MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES UNIVERSITY PHYSICIAN GROUP UNIVERSITY PSYCHIATRIC CENTERS 169 Tax Appeals Filing Assistance .... 262 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE Substance Abuse Counseling ............................ 126 Tax Audit Preparation Assistance COMMUNITY HEALTH AWARENESS GROUP 40 EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY ................ 101 NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICE ORGANIZATION 200 PERSONALIZED NURSING LIGHT HOUSE .... 210 CARECONNECTUSA.ORG ..................................... 26 Tax Forms DETROIT FINANCE DEPARTMENT ....................... 63 DETROIT PUBLIC LIBRARY ................................... 79 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE ............................ 125 Suicide Prevention Hotlines KRISTIN BROOKS HOPE CENTER ................. 131 NATIONAL SUICIDE PREVENTION LIFELINE 197 NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICE ORGANIZATION 199 Taxpayer Information Lines INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE Summer Employment ............................ 125 Team Sports/Leagues DETROIT HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT ........................................... 68 SER METRO-DETROIT JOBS FOR PROGRESS ............................................... 222 THINK DETROIT PAL ............................................. 235 Technical/Trade Schools DETROIT PUBLIC SCHOOLS ................................. 82 FOCUS: HOPE ........................................................ 108 Summer Youth Employment Programs DETROIT HISPANIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ......................................... 65 LATIN AMERICANS FOR SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ..................... 133 Teen Pregnancy Prevention PLANNED PARENTHOOD MID AND SOUTH MICHIGAN ......................................................... Supported Employment 211 Telecommunication Relay Services ........... 223 AT&T Supported Living Services for Adults with Disabilities COALITION ON TEMPORARY SHELTER .......................................... 104 TANF Suboxone/Subutex Maintenance Treatment SERVICES TO ENHANCE POTENTIAL ..................... 116 ........ ....................................................................... 17 Telephone Service Providers AT&T ....................................................................... 17 36 Temporary Employment DETROIT HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT 34 ... 68 Tenant Associations Transitional Housing/Shelter UNITED COMMUNITY HOUSING COALITION 239 CASS COMMUNITY SOCIAL SERVICES ............... COALITION ON TEMPORARY SHELTER ............... COVENANT HOUSE MICHIGAN ............................. DETROIT RESCUE MISSION MINISTRIES ............ DEVELOPMENT CENTERS .................................... HOME OF NEW VISION ......................................... LUTHERAN SOCIAL SERVICES OF MICHIGAN .... RUTH ELLIS CENTER ............................................ VOLUNTEERS OF AMERICA MICHIGAN ............... Tenant Rights Information/Counseling UNITED COMMUNITY HOUSING COALITION 239 Thanksgiving Meals DETROIT AREA AGENCY ON AGING ............. 50 Theater Performances PIX THEATRE .................................................. 210 Transportation Volunteer Opportunities FAITH IN ACTION 260 Therapeutic Camps ASTHMA AND ALLERGY FOUNDATION OF AMERICA - MICHIGAN CHAPTER ............. DETROIT RECREATION DEPARTMENT ......... EPILEPSY FOUNDATION OF MICHIGAN ........ LEADER DOGS FOR THE BLIND .................... MICHIGAN LEAGUE FOR CRIPPLED CHILDREN - CAMP GRACE BENTLEY ...... NATIONAL KIDNEY FOUNDATION OF MICHIGAN .................................................. ................................................... 106 Trash/Garbage Pickup 16 87 104 134 DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ...... 62 ... 65 ... 65 Tree Maintenance DETROIT GENERAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT 176 Tree Removal DETROIT GENERAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT 195 Therapeutic Exercise Truth in Labeling/Packaging ARTHRITIS FOUNDATION - MICHIGAN CHAPTER .................................................. MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT ........................... 158 15 Thrift Shops Tuberculosis Control HABITAT FOR HUMANITY DETROIT .............. 116 MATRIX HUMAN SERVICES ........................... 145 DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROMOTION ................................ 56 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY HEALTH ............................................................ 161 Tools/Equipment Donation Programs MICHIGAN ABILITIES CENTER ....................... 150 Tuberculosis Screening ADVANTAGE HEALTH CENTERS .......................... DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROMOTION ................................ Toy/Game Donation Programs MILITARY ORDER OF THE PURPLE HEART SERVICE FOUNDATION ............................ 190 4 60 Tutoring Services Toys/Toy Loan DEVELOPMENT CENTERS SOUTHWEST SOLUTIONS 826 MICHIGAN ....................................................... BOYS & GIRLS CLUBS OF SOUTHEASTERN MICHIGAN ......................................................... COVENANT HOUSE MICHIGAN ............................. DETROIT PUBLIC LIBRARY ................................... DETROIT RECREATION DEPARTMENT ................ EAGLE SPORTS CLUB .......................................... HARTFORD MEMORIAL BAPTIST CHURCH ......... LATIN AMERICANS FOR SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ............................ LIFE ORGANIZATION OF DETROIT ....................... PRESBYTERY OF DETROIT - BARNABAS YOUTH OPPORTUNITIES CENTER .............................. REGGIE MCKENZIE FOUNDATION ....................... SICKLE CELL DISEASE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA - MICHIGAN CHAPTER .................... ............................. 93 ............................. 229 Traffic Control DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 62 Traffic Signals DETROIT PUBLIC LIGHTING DEPARTMENT . 79 Traffic/Parking Ticket Information/Advice 36TH DISTRICT COURT 28 36 45 89 94 121 140 214 266 .................................. 1 Transfer Devices ADVANTAGE MOBILITY OUTFITTERS ........... 1 22 45 78 87 99 117 133 136 212 214 225 5 Undesignated Temporary Financial Assistance ADULT WELL-BEING SERVICES 35 ........................... 4 ANGELS OF HOPE .......................................... CHILDREN'S LEUKEMIA FOUNDATION OF MICHIGAN .................................................. CROSSROADS OF MICHIGAN ........................ HEMOPHILIA FOUNDATION OF MICHIGAN ... LEUKEMIA AND LYMPHOMA SOCIETY MICHIGAN CHAPTER ................................ MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES ................................................. NATIONAL KIDNEY FOUNDATION OF MICHIGAN .................................................. NATIONAL MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS SOCIETY MICHIGAN CHAPTER ................................ OPERATION FIRST RESPONSE ..................... OPERATION HOMEFRONT MICHIGAN .......... 12 DTE ENERGY 33 47 119 MISS DIG SYSTEM 136 DETROIT MAYOR'S OFFICE .................................. 70 DTE ENERGY ......................................................... 99 GOOD SHEPHERD CATHOLIC CHURCH .............. 111 195 197 204 260 205 Vehicle Donation Programs MILITARY ORDER OF THE PURPLE HEART SERVICE FOUNDATION ................................... 190 VOLUNTEERS OF AMERICA MICHIGAN ............... 266 Veteran Benefits Assistance AMERICAN LEGION DEPARTMENT OF MICHIGAN (THE) ................................................................. 10 BLINDED VETERANS ASSOCIATION .................... 21 DISABLED AMERICAN VETERANS - NATIONAL SERVICE OFFICE ............................................. 95 PARALYZED VETERANS OF AMERICA MICHIGAN CHAPTER ....................................... 207 VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS OF THE UNITED STATES - DEPARTMENT OF MICHIGAN SERVICE OFFICE ............................................. 263 Unemployment Insurance MICHIGAN UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE AGENCY .................................................... 188 Unemployment Insurance Benefits Assistance MICHIGAN UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE AGENCY .................................................... 188 Veteran Burial Benefits UNITED STATES NATIONAL CEMETERY ADMINISTRATION ............................................ 246 UNITED STATES VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION ............................................ 257 Unfair Labor Practices MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF LICENSING AND REGULATORY AFFAIRS ................... 170 NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD DETROIT REGIONAL OFFICE ................... 196 Veteran Compensation and Pension Benefits Union Elections UNITED STATES VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION ............................................ 256 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF LICENSING AND REGULATORY AFFAIRS ................... 170 NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD DETROIT REGIONAL OFFICE ................... 196 UNITED STATES OFFICE OF LABOR-MANAGEMENT STANDARDS DETROIT DISTRICT OFFICE ..................... 247 Veteran Home Loans UNITED STATES VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION ............................................ 256 Veteran Reintegration Counseling CALVARY HOUSE United Nations Associations ........................................... 241 .................................................. BLINDED VETERANS ASSOCIATION .. 180 .................... 21 Veteran/Military Health Insurance UNITED STATES VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION ............................................ 257 Utility Deposit Assistance COMMUNITY AND HOME SUPPORTS ........... 38 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES ................................................. 168 Vision Screening DAVIS VISION ........................................................ DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROMOTION ................................ Utility Disconnection Protection .................................. 25 Veteran Support Groups Utility Company Complaints CONSUMERS ENERGY ................................................. 190 Utility Tax Exemption Information 169 MICHIGAN UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE AGENCY .................................................... 188 MICHIGAN PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION 98 Utility Line Location Information/811 Services Unemployment Benefits Fraud Reporting UNITED NATIONS ......................................................... 41 36 49 58 DETROIT PUBLIC SCHOOLS .......................... HENRY FORD HEALTH SYSTEM .................... HUDA CLINIC .................................................. SAINT JOHN PROVIDENCE HEALTH SYSTEM WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITY .......................... 84 120 123 217 272 Water Quality Assurance MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ........................................................... Water Service Payment Assistance MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES 169 OPERATION FIRST RESPONSE ............................ 204 OPERATION HOMEFRONT MICHIGAN ................. 205 Vocational Assessment MADONNA UNIVERSITY ................................. OPERATION ABLE OF MICHIGAN .................. PRESBYTERY OF DETROIT - BARNABAS YOUTH OPPORTUNITIES CENTER .......... SICKLE CELL DISEASE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA - MICHIGAN CHAPTER ............. WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITY .......................... 142 204 Weatherization Programs 212 DETROIT AREA AGENCY ON AGING 225 271 260 DR ALBERT B CLEAGE SR MEMORIAL HEALTH CENTER ............................................................ 52 84 JVS .................................................................. MICHIGAN COMMISSION FOR THE BLIND .... MICHIGAN REHABILITATION SERVICES ....... UNITED STATES VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION ..................................... 51 97 Welfare Fraud Reporting MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES Vocational Rehabilitation 169 Welfare Rights Assistance 130 156 181 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY HEALTH ............................................................ MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES MICHIGAN PROTECTION AND ADVOCACY SERVICE ........................................................... 257 Voluntary Health Organizations 162 166 179 Welfare to Work Programs ARTHRITIS FOUNDATION - MICHIGAN CHAPTER .................................................. 15 NATIONAL KIDNEY FOUNDATION OF MICHIGAN .................................................. 196 DEVELOPMENT CENTERS .................................... 94 SER METRO-DETROIT JOBS FOR PROGRESS ... 222 Wellness Programs VIRGINIA PARK CITIZENS SERVICE CORPORATION ................................................ 264 Volunteer Development ARISE DETROIT! ............................................. 15 CORPORATION FOR NATIONAL AND COMMUNITY SERVICE ............................. 44 JUNIOR LEAGUE OF DETROIT ...................... 129 PROLITERACY DETROIT ................................ 213 West Nile Virus Control DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROMOTION ................................ 56 Wheelchair Donation Programs Voter Registration Offices PARALYZED VETERANS OF AMERICA MICHIGAN CHAPTER ....................................... 207 DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF ELECTIONS ...... 55 DETROIT MAYOR'S OFFICE ........................... 70 MICHIGAN SECRETARY OF STATE ............... 185 WIA Programs DETROIT WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT .................................................. 91 SER METRO-DETROIT JOBS FOR PROGRESS ... 222 Wage Garnishment Assistance UNITED STATES WAGE AND HOUR DIVISION - DETROIT DISTRICT OFFICE .................... Weight Management Vocational Education DETROIT ASSOCIATION OF BLACK ORGANIZATIONS ...................................... DETROIT PUBLIC SCHOOLS .......................... 163 .. 258 WIC Walking Aid Donation Programs DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROMOTION ................................ PARALYZED VETERANS OF AMERICA MICHIGAN CHAPTER ................................ 207 60 Wildlife Conservation Walking Aids MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES .................................................... 171 PARALYZED VETERANS OF AMERICA MICHIGAN CHAPTER ................................ 207 WORLD MEDICAL RELIEF .............................. 275 Will Preparation Assistance UNIVERSITY OF DETROIT MERCY 37 ....................... 259 Wish Foundations MAKE-A-WISH FOUNDATION OF MICHIGAN . 142 Women's Centers SCHOOLCRAFT COLLEGE ............................. 221 Work Clothing CROSSROADS OF MICHIGAN ........................ 47 DRESS FOR SUCCESS MICHIGAN ................ 97 JACKETS FOR JOBS ...................................... 127 Work Permits DETROIT PUBLIC SCHOOLS .......................... 260 84 Workers Compensation MICHIGAN UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE AGENCY .................................................... 189 Workshops/Symposiums ARAB COMMUNITY CENTER FOR ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL SERVICES ....... ARTHRITIS FOUNDATION - MICHIGAN CHAPTER .................................................. AUTISM SOCIETY OF AMERICA ..................... AUTISM SOCIETY OF MICHIGAN ................... BRAIN INJURY ASSOCIATION OF MICHIGAN DRESS FOR SUCCESS MICHIGAN ................ EPILEPSY FOUNDATION OF MICHIGAN ........ FAMILIES ANONYMOUS ................................. JACKETS FOR JOBS ...................................... MICHIGAN AIDS COALITION .......................... MICHIGAN ASSOCIATION ON PROBLEM GAMBLING ................................................. 13 15 17 18 22 97 104 106 127 151 152 Writing Instruction 826 MICHIGAN ................................................ 1 Youth Enrichment Programs BRIGHTMOOR COMMUNITY CENTER ........... 23 CAPUCHIN SOUP KITCHEN ........................... 25 CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY ............................. 33 COVENANT HOUSE MICHIGAN ...................... 45 DETROIT RECREATION DEPARTMENT ......... 88 LATIN AMERICANS FOR SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ..................... 133 SCHOOLCRAFT COLLEGE ............................. 221 Youth Violence Prevention BLACK CAUCUS FOUNDATION OF MICHIGAN .................................................. COVENANT HOUSE MICHIGAN ...................... 19 45 Zoos/Wildlife Parks DETROIT ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY ................. 92 38 TRAFFIC TICKET PAYMENT INFORMATION Traffic/Parking Ticket Information/Advice SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides information to people who have been cited for state motor vehicle code violations or local parking or traffic ordinances and have questions about paying their ticket, requirements regarding an appearance in court and their rights and alternatives concerning the ticket. ELIGIBILITY: Violations within the city of Detroit. 36TH DISTRICT COURT Madison Center Building 421 Madison Ave. Detroit, MI 48226 (313) 965-2200 Main (313) 965-3951 Fax (313) 965-4158 TDD/TTY Marylin E Atkins, Chief Judge Monica Lyght, Court Administrator OTHER NAMES: MICHIGAN THIRTY SIXTH DISTRICT COURT; MICHIGAN THIRTY-SIXTH DISTRICT COURT 826 MICHIGAN 115 E Liberty St. Ann Arbor, MI 48104 (734) 761-3463 Main SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-4:30pm. Services Amanda Uhle, Executive Director Amy Sumerton, Program Director Public transportation accessible. DISTRICT COURT Civil Marriages Civil State Trial Courts Criminal State Trial Courts SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 10am-6pm. SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Maintains jurisdiction of all civil litigation up to $25,000. Handles the arraignment, setting of bail, and preliminary examination of all criminal felony cases. Provide judgment on all criminal misdemeanor violations of state statutes where the penalty does not exceed one year in jail and provides rulings on all city ordinance violations. Also handles marriages, landlord-tenant litigation, evictions, and land contract forfeitures. Garnishments and other creditor collection procedures also originate in District Court. ELIGIBILITY: Actions occuring within the city of Detroit. FEES: Fees vary with the amount of the claim. Services TUTORING SERVICES FOR CHILDREN Tutoring Services Writing Instruction SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers one-on-one tutoring with writing assignments, homework, English language learning, creative writing, and publishing projects. Also offers workshops that foster creativity, strengthen writing skills, and provide students with a supportive forum for executing projects. ELIGIBILITY: Children and youth age 8-18. FEES: None. WRITING INSTRUCTION FOR ADULTS Writing Instruction SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers workshops and seminars for adults who want to develop or perfect their writing skills. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 19 and older. FEES: $60 for one workshop/seminar; $50 per workshop/seminar if more than one. SMALL CLAIMS COURT Small Claims Courts SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides judicial decisions over small claims not exceeding $3,000. Small Claims courts are designed to operate informally and without attorneys present. Individuals represent themselves, speak directly to the judge or attorney magistrate, and provide their own evidence and witnesses. By having a case tried in Small Claims, an individual gives up the right to have attorney representation, the right to a jury trial, and the right to appeal to a higher court. Claims are decided and judgments are entered for monetary damages only. ELIGIBILITY: Action must have occurred in Detroit or the individual or business must be located in Detroit. FEES: Filing fees vary based on claim amount. Service fees may also apply. 9TO5 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF WOMEN 207 E Buffalo St. Suite 211 Milwaukee, WI 53202 (414) 274-0925 Administrative - National Office (800) 522-0925 Toll Free - Job Survival Helpline Linda Meric, Executive Director Cindia Cameron, Organizing Director OTHER NAMES: 9 TO 5 <continued...> 1 9TO5 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF WOMEN... SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. INTERNATIONAL DRIVER LICENSES Driver Licenses SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides permits for driving outside the United States. Permit shows name, photo and driver information translated into ten languages. Valid in over 150 countries. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals with a US driver's license. FEES: $15. LANGUAGES: Spanish may be available. Services JOB SURVIVAL HELPLINE Employment Discrimination Assistance Employment Related Advocacy Groups Public Policy Development Assistance SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Advocates for or opposes measures that affect the terms or conditions of employment or the workplace environment. Offers a phone helpline service for women's employment issues, including sexual harassment, family leave, pregnancy discrimination and other issues. ELIGIBILITY: Women. FEES: None. ABAYOMI COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION New Saint Mark Baptist Church 24331 W Eight Mile Rd. Detroit, MI 48219 (313) 541-9828 Main (313) 541-9828 Ext. 224 Service/Intake Property Improvement Program (313) 541-3820 Fax AAA MICHIGAN 1 Auto Club Dr. Dearborn, 48126 (313) 336-1234 Main (800) 222-6424 Toll Free - 800-AAA-MICH Tawnya Morris, President/CEO Laura Woods, Program Coordinator, Village Teen Counse Steve Wagner, President Gwen Coleman-Mabry, Project Manager, Community Relations OTHER NAMES: ACG; AUTO CLUB GROUP; AUTOMOBILE CLUB OF MICHIGAN SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Tue-Fri 9am-4pm. Services COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Community Development Corporations SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers programs that improve the quality of life in neighborhoods and surrounding areas. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-6pm. SITE NOTES: No direct services are available at this site. Call for information and referral to closest AAA site that offers service. Operator answers main phone Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm. PROPERTY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (PIP) Home Rehabilitation Loans SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides low interest (6-8%) loans to homeowners who would like to make upgrades or improvements to their homes such as painting, new siding, roofing, new windows or remodeling the kitchen or bathroom. ELIGIBILITY: Low-income individuals and families in Detroit; priority given to homes with evidence of lead based paint hazards. Services DRIVING SAFETY EDUCATION Driving Safety Education SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers printed materials about traffic safety topics including distracted driving, wet weather driving, defensive driving and teen driving. Other safety topics covered are bicycle and pedestrian safety, child passender safety, school bus safety and home fire prevention and safety. Materials are available in large quantities. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. HOUSING AND MORTGAGE DELINQUENCY COUNSELING Credit Counseling Homebuyer/Home Purchase Counseling HUD Approved Counseling Agencies Mortgage Delinquency and Default Counseling SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers certified HUD and MSHDA housing counseling that includes education regarding the purchase of a first home, foreclosure intervention and credit repair counseling. FEES: None. INFANT AND CHILD SAFETY INFORMATION Infant and Child Safety Education SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides printed/digital information about child safety seats. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. 2 Sites ADOPTION ASSOCIATES - EASTERN MICHIGAN DIVISION 1. DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITY SERVICES ROMULUS 6700 Middlebelt Rd. Romulus, MI 48174 26105 Orchard Lake Rd. Suite 301 Farmington Hills, MI 48334 (248) 474-0990 Main (877) 257-3591 Toll Free (248) 474-5566 Fax (734) 595-3640 Main (734) 629-5000 Main Mental Health & Substance Abuse Services (734) 722-8390 Fax Andrea DeShields-Thomas, Director Developmental Svcs/Guardianship Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Wayne County. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm. Paula Springer, Director Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. Summer Hours: Mon-Thu 8am-5pm, Fri 8am-12noon. 2. HEALTHY AGING SERVICES - CHRYSLER 4535 Chrysler Dr. Detroit, MI 48201 Services ADOPTION SERVICES Adoption Evaluation/Placement International Adoption SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides domestic and international adoption services. Assesses the needs and capabilities of children who have been relinquished for adoption, compiles the children's social and medical histories, makes arrangements for care and supervision of the children prior to placement, evaluates prospective adoptive applicants, and selects and approves prospective adoptive homes. ELIGIBILITY: Varies by country. For domestic adoptions, individuals age 21 and older who have been married for one year. FEES: Varies by program. (313) 736-5541 Service/Intake SITE AREA SERVED: Counties. Macomb, Oakland and Wayne 3. HEALTHY AGING SERVICES - KERCHEVAL 7737 Kercheval St. Detroit, MI 48214 (313) 925-1135 Service/Intake - Healthy Aging Services (313) 925-2508 Fax (313) 924-7860 Alternate Adult Well-Being Services Main Office Sandra Cummings, Supervisor SITE AREA SERVED: Serves the cities of Detroit, Highland Park and Hamtramck. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm. ADULT WELL-BEING SERVICES Services 1423 Field St. Detroit, MI 48214 CASE/CARE MANAGEMENT FOR OLDER ADULTS Case/Care Management * Older Adults Specialized Information and Referral * Older Adults SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides case management and referrals to needed health, education, social services, and natural supports for older adults, including those with chronic mental illness, developmental disabilities or co-occurring substance abuse disorders. Referrals include Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, housing, housekeeping, chore services, transportation and any other unmet need. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 55 and older who live in Macomb, Oakland or Wayne counties. The Butzel Family Center provides assistance for those in Detroit, Hamtramck or Highland Park only. FEES: None. Sites: 3 (313) 924-7860 Administrative (877) 337-6162 Toll Free (313) 924-0350 Fax (313) 921-9474 TDD/TTY Karen Schrock, President/CEO Janice Newsome, Executive Assistant to the President/CEO OTHER NAMES: ADULT WELL BEING SERVICES; AWBS <continued...> 3 ADULT WELL-BEING SERVICES... NEIGHBORHOOD OPPORTUNITY FUND Moving Expense Assistance Prescription Expense Assistance Undesignated Temporary Financial Assistance SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Assists low income individuals and families who are normally able to meet their needs but occasionally need help when unexpected or emergency situations arise. Assists in obtaining emergency food and transportation, letter writing and other paperwork, housing and home repair referrals, and moving and prescription expense assistance. Does NOT provide funds for discretionary debt or spending, such as credit card bills or private loans. Does NOT assist with utility bill payments, rent or mortgage payments. Availability is limited. ELIGIBILITY: Adults age 55 years and older who reside in the City of Detroit and have a short-term emergency situation that will be resolved in full by the assistance, if granted. Sites: 1 2 3 SITE HOURS: 11am-7pm. Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 8am-5:30pm; Wed 3. J WALLER HEALTH CARE FOR THE HOMELESS 60 E Warren Detroit, MI 48201 (313) 416-6261 Main (313) 833-4397 Fax Patricia Soaves, Clinical Director SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 8am-5:30pm; Wed 11am-7pm. Services COMMUNITY CLINIC Birth Control Counseling Breast Examinations Community Clinics Contraception Flu Vaccines General Laboratory Tests Gynecology Services HIV Testing Pap Tests Pregnancy Testing Tuberculosis Screening ADVANTAGE HEALTH CENTERS 15400 W McNichols Detroit, MI 48235 (313) 835-5990 Main (313) 221-8217 Fax SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides medical care for adults and children including laboratory services, flu shots, gynecology, screening for HIV, breast and cervical cancer, family planning, social work, TB skin tests, linkage to substance abuse and mental health treatment and physicals. Advantage Family Health center also has a specialty clinic for Internal Medicine. ELIGIBILITY: Insured and uninsured individuals. FEES: Most insurances accepted, including Medicare. For underinsured individuals, services may be discounted on a sliding scale basis. Debit cards accepted, credit cards accepted for payment of $25.00 or more. No one turned away for inability to pay. LANGUAGES: Spanish. Sites: 1 2 3 Joseph Ferguson, Executive Director Patricia Flum, Executive Assistant Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: DETROIT HEALTH CARE FOR THE HOMELESS; DHCH; THEA BOWMAN COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER Sites 1. ADVANTAGE FAMILY HEALTH CENTER 4777 E Outer Dr. Detroit, MI 48234 (313) 416-6200 Main (313) 221-9799 Fax MOBILE COMMUNITY CLINIC Community Clinics SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides medical care for adults and children including laboratory services, flu shots, gynecology, screening for HIV, breast and cervical cancer, family planning, social work, TB skin tests, linkage to substance abuse and mental health treatment and physicals. Clinic travels to homeless shelters in Detroit and the surrounding areas. Individuals do not have to be staying at the shelter to receive care. ELIGIBILITY: Insured or uninsured homeless individuals and families. FEES: Most insurances accepted including Medicare. For underinsured individuals, services may be discounted on a sliding scale basis. Debit cards accepted, credit cards accepted for payments of $25.00 or more. Sites: 2 Patricia Soaves, Clinical Director Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 8am-5:30pm; Wed 11am-7pm. 2. ADVANTAGE HEALTH CENTERS 15400 W McNichols Detroit, MI 48235 (313) 835-5990 Main (313) 221-8217 Fax Edna Jackson, Clinical Manager Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. 4 CASE/CARE MANAGEMENT FOR PEOPLE WITH HIV/AIDS Case/Care Management * AIDS/HIV SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Develops plans for the evaluation, treatment and/or care of individuals who, because of HIV/AIDS, need assistance in planning and arranging for human services. Monitors progress to ensure that services are having a beneficial impact on the individual. All information, including HIV status, is considered confidential and is not released or shared without written consent. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals who are HIV positive. FEES: None. LANGUAGES: Spanish. ADVANTAGE MOBILITY OUTFITTERS 3990 Second St. Wayne, MI 48184 PO Box 188 South Lyon, MI 48178 (734) 595-4400 Main (800) 990-8267 Toll Free (734) 595-4520 Fax Jeff Stys, General Manager Jeff Stys, General Manager OTHER NAMES: AMO HIV TESTING HIV Testing SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides on-site HIV testing. May also offer testing by case managers for family or significant others at the client's home. Testing is anonymous and confidential. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. May also offer testing for client's family or significant others. FEES: None. Services ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY Assistive Technology Equipment Sales Automobile/Van Adaptations Transfer Devices SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a variety of adaptive technology solutions to improve the driving mobility of persons with disabilities. Products include adapted vans and minivans, lifts for scooters and wheelchairs, van and portable ramps and driving aids. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: Vary by product. Offers pre-owned inventory when available. MICHIGAN AIDS HOTLINE Specialized Information and Referral * AIDS/HIV Issues SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers information and referral services to residents of Michigan regarding AIDS/HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases. The main focus of the line is to provide information about free testing locations throughout the state. The hotline is staffed primarily by volunteers. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. AIDS PARTNERSHIP MICHIGAN 2751 E Jefferson Suite 301 Detroit, MI 48207 AIR CARE ALLIANCE 2060 State Hwy. 595 Lindrith, NM 87029 (800) 515-3434 Main (800) 872-2437 Toll Free - (800) 872-AIDS (313) 446-9839 Fax (800) 649-3777 TDD/TTY (313) 446-9800 Alternate (575) 774-0029 Administrative (888) 260-9707 Main (815) 572-9192 Fax Barbara Murray, Executive Director Christopher Prince, Hotline Coordinator OTHER NAMES: AIDS CARE CONNECTION; AIDS INTERFAITH NETWORK; APM; WELLNESS NETWORKS Rol Murrow, Chairman Rol Murrow, Chairman OTHER NAMES: ACA SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Accepts messages 24 hours. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-4:30pm. Services MERCY FLIGHTS Mercy Transportation Services SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Maintains a list of programs, usually staffed by volunteer private pilots, that provide air transportation services for individuals in need of medical transportation, medical missions, or to assist during disasters, emergency rescue or other public missions. <continued...> 5 AIR CARE ALLIANCE... ELIGIBILITY: Individuals without insurance or funds or under other special circumstances. FEES: None. OTHER NAMES: AMYOTROHPIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS OF MICHIGAN; LOU GERHIG'S DISEASE SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm. AL-ANON FAMILY GROUP HEADQUARTERS Services HEALTH RELATED SUPPORT GROUPS FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH ALS Health/Disability Related Support Groups * Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides support groups for individuals and families affected by ALS that offer an opportunity for participants to share information, practical tips for daily living and encouragement about issues related to ALS. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals with ALS and their families and friends. FEES: None. 1600 Corporate Landing Pkwy. Virginia Beach, VA 23454 (757) 563-1600 Main (888) 425-2666 Service/Intake Meeting Locator (888-4AL ANON) (757) 563-1655 Fax Rick Buchanan, Executive Director OTHER NAMES: AL ANON; ALANON; ALATEEN SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-6pm. RESPITE CARE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM Respite Care Subsidies SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides financial assistance for respite care up to 13 hours per month at a rate not to exceed $15 per hour. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals with ALS and their primary caregiver. FEES: None. Services DISEASE/DISABILITY INFORMATION FOR FAMILIES AND FRIENDS OF INDIVIDUALS WITH ALCOHOL DEPENDENCY Disease/Disability Information * Families/Friends of Alcoholics SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides literature about the impact of alcoholism on families and friends and how to get assistance. Literature includes books, pamphlets, service materials, and a monthly magazine. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: Vary by item. Some literature is free. AUGMENTATIVE AND ALTERNATIVE COMMUNICATION CENTER (AAC CENTER) Artificial Speech/Augmentative Communication Aids Speech and Language Evaluations SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides an augmentative and alternative communication center for individuals with ALS. Showcases many of the most commonly used augmentative communication devices, both low and high tech. Also has a speech pathologist on staff who specializes in communication evaluations and equipment. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals with ALS. FEES: None. FAMILIES AND FRIENDS OF ALCOHOLICS SUPPORT GROUPS Families/Friends of Alcoholics Support Groups SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides referrals to Al Anon support groups, which offer emotional support to individuals and families affected by the alcohol dependency of another. ELIGIBILITY: Friends and family members of individuals who have alcohol dependency. FEES: None. AMERICAN ARBITRATION ASSOCIATION MICHIGAN REGIONAL OFFICE 39555 Orchard Hill Place Suite 600 Novi, MI 48375 ALS OF MICHIGAN 24359 Northwestern Hwy. Suite 100 Southfield, MI 48075 (248) 352-5500 Main (248) 348-5760 Fax (800) 778-7879 Alternate - National Office (248) 354-6100 Main (800) 882-5764 Toll Free (248) 354-6440 Fax Kathy McKendry, Regional Liason Jan Holdinski, Vice President SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-5pm. Sue Burstein-Kahn, Executive Director Simone Bradford, Director of Program Services Public transportation accessible. <continued...> 6 AMERICAN ARBITRATION ASSOCIATION -... Services 2. DETROIT INFORMATION CENTER 4750 Woodward Ave. Room 404 (313) 832-6846 Main (866) 227-7448 Toll Free AAA Arbitration Mediation SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides arbitration and mediation as cost-effective alternatives to litigation. Arbitration is the submission of a dispute to one or more impartial persons for a final and binding decision. Mediation is a process in which an impartial third party facilitates communication and negotiation and promotes voluntary decision making by the parties to the dispute. Services include access to its case management services, trained arbitrators and mediators, and the AAA's Rules and Procedures that govern the various ADR processes. These rules and procedures detail the steps in the resolution process and cover arbitrations and mediations across a wide variety of industries and case types, including commercial, consumer, employment and labor rules, as well as the rules for state programs. ELIGIBILITY: American Arbitration Association has the authority to administer a case that is referenced in the contract, stipulated by the parties or a court order. FEES: Vary by case. LANGUAGES: Panel consists of arbitrators who speak multiple languages. Rules are available in various languages. Visit the web site at for more information. Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 10am-3pm. Services AGING ASSOCIATIONS Aging Associations SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Organizations whose members are individuals who work in the aging field who have affiliated for the purpose of promoting mutual interests, participating in education and training conferences, interacting with other professionals and taking advantage of other opportunities for personal and professional development. Sites: 1 PRINTED MATERIALS FOR SENIORS Printed Materials * Older Adults SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Distributes pamphlets, brochures, booklets or other literature to increase the public's awareness of the need for or availability of services for older adults. Provides information through downloadable publications directly from the website and those that are distributed in printed format. ELIGIBILITY: Anyone can request information, most programs/services are only available to adults ages 55 and older. FEES: None. Sites: 2 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF RETIRED PERSONS 309 N Washington Sq. Suite 110 Lansing, MI 48933 (866) 227-7448 Toll Free (517) 482-2794 TDD/TTY AMERICAN BREAST CANCER FOUNDATION (THE) OTHER NAMES: 1220 B East Joppa Rd. Suite 332 Towson, MD 21286 AARP Sites (410) 825-9388 Main (877) 539-2543 Toll Free - Enrollment Hotline (410) 825-4395 Fax 1. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF RETIRED PERSONS 309 N Washington Sq. Suite 110 Lansing, MI 48933 Janet Rosen, CEO Lisa Wiederlight, Director of Development (866) 227-7448 Toll Free (517) 482-2794 TDD/TTY SITE AREA SERVED: SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. Serves All Areas. Services DISEASE/DISABILITY INFORMATION FOR CANCER Disease/Disability Information * Cancer SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Distributes breast cancer information to everyone. Also provides support kits to those diagnosed with breast cancer. Information is available upon request in both English and Spanish. <continued...> 7 AMERICAN BREAST CANCER FOUNDATION (THE)... walking aid (walker or wheelchair), and is unable to operate the aid by themselves, must be accompanied by someone who can provide assistance. Patients under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a legally responsible adult. Prior notice of 3 business days required for transportation. FEES: None. Sites: 1 ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions for individuals interested in breast cancer information. Support kits are available to individuals who have a diagnosis of breast cancer. FEES: None. KEY TO LIFE PROGRAM GRANTS Breast Examinations Mammograms SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides direct financial assistance to uninsured and underserved women and men of all ages for breast cancer screening and diagnostic tests. Includes annual screenings for women over 40. Financial assistance grants are available to assist with clinical breast exams, screening and diagnostic mammograms, breast ultrasounds, surgical consultations, emergency biopsies, emergency treatment assistance and various other support services. ELIGIBILITY: Uninsured and underserved women and men of all ages diagnosed with breast cancer. FEES: Donations accepted. AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION OF MICHIGAN 2966 Woodward Ave. Detroit, MI 48201 (313) 578-6800 Service/Intake (313) 578-6811 Fax Heather Bendure, President Brenda Bove, Paralegal Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: ACLU AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY - GREAT LAKES DIVISION SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. 1755 Abbey Rd. East Lansing, MI 48823 Services (517) 332-2222 Service/Intake (877) 499-4673 Toll Free - Patient Resource Center (800) 227-2345 24-Hour Line (517) 333-4656 Fax CONSTITUTIONAL/CIVIL RIGHTS GROUP Constitutional/Civil Rights Groups SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Defends the Bill of Rights -litigating, legislating, and educating the public on a broad array of issues affecting freedom in the United States. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. Karen Lowry, Manager, PRC Mary Tyler, Database Coordinator of Resources Public transportation accessible. DISCRIMINATION ASSISTANCE Discrimination Assistance SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides assistance for individuals who believe that they have been treated unfairly or denied normal privileges based on their age, gender, race or ethnic origin, nationality, religion, disability, sexual orientation or marital status. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. Sites 1. SOUTHEAST MICHIGAN OFFICE 20450 Civic Center Dr. Southfield, MI 48076 (248) 663-3400 Service/Intake (248) 663-3409 Fax Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Macomb, Monroe, Oakland, Washtenaw and Wayne. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-5pm. AMERICAN COUNCIL OF THE BLIND 2200 Wilson Blvd. Suite 650 Arlington, VA 22201 Services (202) 467-5081 Main (800) 424-8666 Toll Free (703) 465-5085 Fax ROAD TO RECOVERY Medical Appointments Transportation SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides ground transportation to and from cancer treatment for patients who do not have a ride or are unable to drive themselves. ELIGIBILITY: Cancer patients should be ambulatory, able to walk unassisted to and from the vehicle, their residence, and the treatment facility. Patients needing assistance walking or requiring a Melanie Brunson, Executive Director Sharon Lovering, Editor Public transportation accessible. <continued...> 8 AMERICAN COUNCIL OF THE BLIND... OTHER NAMES: referrals to support groups in the community for persons affected by diabetes. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. LANGUAGES: Spanish. ACB SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. Services ADVOCACY SERVICES FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH BLINDNESS OR VISUAL IMPAIRMENTS Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Disabilities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides advocacy services for individuals with blindness or visual impairments, including legislative initiatives, public education and awareness training, assistance with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) implementation, and class action litigation. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals with blindness or visual impairments and their families. FEES: None. AMERICAN FOUNDATION FOR THE BLIND 11 Penn Plaza Suite 300 New York, NY 10001 (212) 502-7600 Administrative (800) 232-5463 Service/Intake - Information Center (212) 502-7777 Fax Carl R Augusto, President/CEO OTHER NAMES: AFB SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm. INFORMATION AND REFERRAL FOR PERSONS WITH BLINDNESS OR VISUAL IMPAIRMENTS Specialized Information and Referral * Blindness Specialized Information and Referral * Visual Impairments SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Connects those with severe vision loss to a wide variety of community and national resources dealing with blindness issues. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals with blindness or visual impairments and their families. FEES: None. Services ADVOCACY SERVICES FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH BLINDNESS OR VISUAL IMPAIRMENTS Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Disabilities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides advocacy services for individuals with blindness or visual impairments through legislative initiatives, with special emphasis on access to technology like phones and ATMs. Also promotes self advocacy. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals with blindness or visual impairments and their families. FEES: None. AMERICAN DIABETES ASSOCIATION GREATLAND REGION 30200 Telegraph Rd. Suite 105 Franklin, MI 48025 INFORMATION AND REFERRAL FOR PERSONS WITH BLINDNESS OR VISUAL IMPAIRMENTS Specialized Information and Referral * Blindness Specialized Information and Referral * Visual Impairments SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides information and referral on national and local community resources on all aspects of blindness and visual impairment. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals with blindness or visual impairments and their families. FEES: None. (248) 433-3830 Main (800) 342-2383 Toll Free National Office; 800-DIABETES (248) 433-1095 Fax Debra O'Leary, Senior Executive Director Ronnell Carr, Programs Coordinator SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-5pm. Services DISEASE/DISABILITY INFORMATION FOR DIABETES Disease/Disability Information * Diabetes Health/Disability Related Support Groups * Diabetes SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides information about the etiology, symptoms, preventive measures, screening/diagnostic procedures, and/or methods of treatment or management for diabetes. Also offers 9 AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION GREATER MIDWEST AFFILIATE 2. VETERANS AFFAIRS AND REHABILITATION OFFICE 477 Michigan Ave. Room 1210 Detroit, MI 48226 40 Oak Hollow Suite 220 Southfield, MI 48033 (248) 827-4214 Main (248) 936-5784 Fax (313) 964-6641 Main (313) 964-6640 Main (313) 964-5697 Fax Kathy Kauffman, Executive Director Anne Rzadca, Executive Assistant James Topps, Director SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-4pm. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-5pm. Services Services VETERANS BENEFITS ASSISTANCE Veteran Benefits Assistance SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides assistance to veterans and their families having difficulty understanding and/or obtaining the full benefits and services to which they are entitled by law based on service to their country. Explains eligibility criteria for benefits, the benefits provided by the program, the payment process and the rights of beneficiaries; provides consultation and advice; offers assistance with completion of benefits application forms; negotiates on their behalf with Veteran's Administration staff; and/or provides representation in administrative processes or judicial litigation. ELIGIBILITY: Wartime veterans who served honorably during one or more periods of hostilities as designated by the Department of Defense. FEES: None. Sites: 1 2 DISEASE/DISABILITY INFORMATION FOR HEART DISEASE Disease/Disability Information * Heart Disease SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides information about the etiology, symptoms, preventive measures, screening/diagnostic procedures, and/or methods of treatment or management for heart disease. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. AMERICAN LEGION DEPARTMENT OF MICHIGAN (THE) 212 N Verlinden Ave. Suite A Lansing, MI 48915 (517) 371-4720 Main (517) 317-2401 Fax AMERICAN LIVER FOUNDATION - GREAT LAKES DIVISION Patrick Lafferty, State Adjutunt 67 E Madison Suite 1614 Chicago, IL 60603 Sites (312) 377-9030 Main (888) 465-4837 Toll Free - 888-GO-LIVER (312) 377-9035 Fax 1. AMERICAN LEGION DEPARTMENT OF MICHIGAN (THE) 212 N Verlinden Ave. Suite A Lansing, MI 48915 (517) 371-4720 Main (517) 317-2401 Fax Newton Guerin, Interim CEO Jodie Lawton, Division Vice President SITE AREA SERVED: Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin. SITE HOURS: Mon-Thu 8am-2pm. Patrick Lafferty, State Adjutunt SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-4pm. Services DISEASE/DISABILITY INFORMATION FOR LIVER DISEASE Disease/Disability Information * Liver Disease SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides information about the etiology, symptoms, preventive measures, screening/diagnostic procedures, and methods of treatment or management for liver disease. <continued...> 10 AMERICAN LIVER FOUNDATION - GREAT LAKES... ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. AMERICAN MACULAR DEGENERATION FOUNDATION PO Box 515 Northampton, MA 01061 AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION OF MICHIGAN (413) 268-7660 Main (888) 622-8527 Toll Free 25900 Greenfield Rd. Suite 610 Oak Park, MI 48237 (248) 784-2000 Service/Intake (800) 543-5864 Toll Free - 800-543-LUNG (248) 784-2008 Fax Chip Goehring, President Karen J Westergaard, Administrative Assistant OTHER NAMES: AMDF SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-4pm. Robert Singletary, Vice President, Finance Patty Inman, Program Director OTHER NAMES: ALAM Services DISEASE/DISABILITY INFORMATION FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH MACULAR DEGENERATION Disease/Disability Information * Macular Degeneration SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides information about macular degeneration. Offers listings for support groups, retinal specialists, low vision centers and state agencies. Provides "help-kits", a DVD "Hope and Cope - Living with Macular Degeneration," and a newsletter "In the Spotlight." ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm. Services FLU CLINIC LOCATOR Flu Vaccines SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Maintains a list of seasonal flu vaccine providers to assist individuals with locating a pharmacy or clinic in their area that is offering the shot. Search results provide dates, times, addresses, and phone numbers of the location offering flu shots, as well as a map showing where the clinic is located. FEES: None for locating clinic; cost of the vaccines vary with individual clinics which may charge an administration fee ($24 to $30 in most cases). Most clinics accept Medicaid and Medicare and third party insurances. ANGEL FLIGHT MID-ATLANTIC 4620 Haygood Rd. Suite 1 Virginia Beach, VA 23455 (757) 318-9174 Administrative (800) 296-3797 Toll Free (757) 318-9107 Fax 800-LUNG-USA FOR LUNG DISEASE Medical Information Lines SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides detailed information about lung cancer, asthma, allergies, emphysema, smoking cessation and environmental health through the Lung Helpline. Phone lines are staffed by Registered Nurses. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. Dannie Ducksworth, Director of Program Operations Joanie Corkrum, Assistant Secretary OTHER NAMES: AFMA; ANGEL FLIGHT AMERICA; ANGEL FLIGHT OF MICHIGAN; MERCY MEDICAL AIRLIFT SITE AREA SERVED: District of Columbia, Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. SMOKING CESSATION Smoking Cessation SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides free assistance through the American Lung Association's Lung helpline and self-help Freedom from Smoking program to help individuals quit smoking. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals who wish to quit smoking. FEES: None. Services MERCY FLIGHTS Mercy Transportation SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides air transportation by volunteer pilots for individual patients who require services from health care facilities that they would be unable to access without assistance. Pilots are licensed by the FAA and are instrument rated. Every plane is subject to an Annual Inspection as required by the FAA. <continued...> 11 ANGEL FLIGHT MID-ATLANTIC... ELIGIBILITY: Patients and an escort needing transportation for medical evaluation, diagnosis or treatment. There must be a financial or compelling need for the flight. Patients must be ambulatory, which means they must be able to walk, enter and exit the plane with little or no assistance, and require no medical care (i.e., doctor or nurse) en route. Destination must be within 1,000 miles. FEES: None. Marsha Chamberlin, President/CEO Josie Bockelman, Director of Programs SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-6pm (Administration). Mon-Sat 10am-6pm, Sun 12noon-5:30pm (Art Gallery). Services ART GALLERIES/EXHIBITS Art Galleries/Exhibits ANGELS OF HOPE (586) 226-3146 Main (586) 569-2511 Fax SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Showcases recent works by well-known and emerging artists. Features small group and juried exhibitions that change monthly. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. ANN ARBOR ECYCLE 47496 Greenbriar Ln. Macomb, MI 48044 Robin Sanderson, Board Director Michigan. SITE AREA SERVED: OTHER NAMES: ANN ARBOR E-CYCLE; ANN ARBOR_ECYCLE; ANNARBOR_ECYCLE Services KIDS FIRST Automotive Repair Electric Service Payment Assistance Food Vouchers Gas Money Gas Service Payment Assistance Home Rehabilitation Grants Mortgage Payment Assistance Rent Payment Assistance Undesignated Temporary Financial Assistance SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides cash grants to children with cancer and their families. Grants are tailored to the specific needs of the family but often include rent or mortgage assistance, auto or home repair, utility payments, groceries, and fuel gift cards. ELIGIBILITY: Children diagnosed with cancer and their families. FEES: None. SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Website is available 24 hours. Services HOUSEHOLD GOODS Appliances Baby Furniture General Furniture Provision Household Goods Donation Programs Kitchenware Mattresses SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides an online meeting place for recycling used household items. Members post messages to donate or express need for items and make arrangements for pickup or delivery. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: All items are free. LASTING MEMORIES Patient/Family Morale Boosting Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides complimentary portrait sessions for families with children diagnosed with cancer. ELIGIBILITY: Children diagnosed with cancer and their families. FEES: None. ANN ARBOR HANDS ON MUSEUM 220 E Ann St. Ann Arbor, MI 48104 (734) 995-5439 Main (734) 995-1188 Fax Mel Drumm, Executive Director Public transportation accessible. ANN ARBOR ART CENTER SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5:30pm (Administration). Walker Building 117 W Liberty St. Ann Arbor, MI 48104 (734) 994-8004 Main (734) 994-3610 Fax <continued...> 12 ANN ARBOR HANDS ON MUSEUM... Services Sites FIELD TRIP/EXCURSION Field Trips/Excursions 1. ARAB AMERICAN NATIONAL MUSEUM 13624 Michigan Ave. Dearborn, MI 48126 SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides opportunities for educators to supplement classroom instruction during a two hour field trip to the Museum. ELIGIBILITY: Students in grades K-8. Special exhibit for preschoolers. FEES: $5 per student for groups of twenty or more; teacher is free. An additional $3 per student for use of the ScienceWorks Lab. Groups of less than twenty pay regular admission fees. (313) 582-2266 Main (313) 582-1086 Fax Anan Ameri, Director SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Wed-Sat 10am-6pm; Sun 12noon- 5pm. Services HISTORY MUSEUM Cultural Awareness/Competencies Training History Museums Workshops/Symposiums * Middle East Community SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides the opportunity for a better understanding and appreciation for Arab and Arab American culture through education and presentation of the arts. Offers museum tours as well as a wide variety of workshops, seminars, and cultural events that showcase the diversity of Arab civilization and acknowledge the contributions Arab Americans have made. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: General Admission -- Adults - $6.00. Students, Seniors and Children (6-12) - $3.00. Children five years of age and under are free. Guided Tours -- Adults - $8.00. Student Tour with Craft Activity - $7.00. Students and Seniors - $4.00. LANGUAGES: Arabic and English. Sites: 1 SCIENCE/TECHNOLOGY MUSEUM Science and Technology Museums SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Develops and maintains permanent and traveling educational exhibits which illustrate principles from mathematics and the physical sciences including physics, chemistry, astronomy, telecommunications and related fields. Provides interactive learning exhibits and activities. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: $10 per person (age 2 and up). Annual memberships are available ($75 or $100 per family). ANNUALCREDITREPORT.COM PO Box 105281 Atlanta, GA 30348 (877) 322-8228 Toll Free SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. ARC DETROIT (THE) Services 51 Hancock St. Detroit, MI 48202 CREDIT REPORT ORDERING ASSISTANCE Credit Report Ordering Assistance SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Allows consumers to request a free credit report once every twelve months. Reports available from each of the Nationwide consumer credit reporting companies, Equifax, Experian and TransUnion. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. (313) 831-0202 Main (313) 831-3693 Fax Henry Johnson, Executive Director Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: ADVOCACY RESOURCE CENTER OF DETROIT SITE AREA SERVED: Serves the cities of Detroit, Highland Park and Hamtramck. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. ARAB COMMUNITY CENTER FOR ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL SERVICES 2651 Saulino Ct. Dearborn, MI 48120 Services CERTIFICATES/FORMS ASSISTANCE Certificates/Forms Assistance SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Helps those with developmental disabilities fill out forms and paperwork. These include forms for healthcare, social security, disability benefits, school, Medicaid and Medicare. ELIGIBILITY: Developmentally disabled residents of Detroit, Highland Park and Hamtramck. FEES: None. (313) 842-7010 Main (313) 551-0226 Fax Hassan Jaber, Executive Director Brigitte Fawaz-Anouti, Director, Social Services Main and Special OTHER NAMES: ACCESS <continued...> 13 ARC DETROIT (THE)... Hamtramck. FEES: None. LANGUAGES: Interpretation services are available; requires two weeks advance notice. DENTAL REFERRALS FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES Dental Care Referrals SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides referrals to area dentists specializing in the care of individuals with developmental disabilities. ELIGIBILITY: Developmentally disabled residents of Detroit, Highland Park and Hamtramck. FEES: None. ARC MICHIGAN (THE) 1325 S Washington Ave. Lansing, MI 48910 (517) 487-5426 Administrative (800) 292-7851 Toll Free (517) 487-0303 Fax DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES INFORMATION AND REFERRAL Specialized Information and Referral * Developmental Disabilities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Maintains a referral list of programs and services available to individuals with developmentally disablities to assist with meeting their needs for services in the community. ELIGIBILITY: Developmentally disabled residents of Detroit, Highland Park and Hamtramck. FEES: None. Dohn Hoyle, Interim Director Judy Cerano, Associate Director SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Thu 8:30am-5pm, Fri 8:30am-4pm. Services ADVOCACY FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES Individual Advocacy Special Education Advocacy SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Engages in personal and system advocacy in regards to special education and offers support services for individuals with mental or developmental disabilities. ELIGIBILITY: Residents of Michigan with a developmental disability. FEES: None. DISABILITY RIGHTS GROUP Disability Rights Groups SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Supports governmental advocacy at the local, state, and national level. Coordinates local advocacy efforts. Influences governmental agencies and policymakers in Michigan and at the national level. Promotes autonomy and self-determination. Advocates for inclusion of and participation by individuals with disabilities in their communities. Advocates for the closure of Michigan institutions that house individuals with developmental disabilities. ELIGIBILITY: Developmentally disabled residents of Detroit, Highland Park and Hamtramck. FEES: None. SPECIALIZED INFORMATION AND REFERRAL FOR FAMILIES INVOLVED WITH SPECIAL EDUCATION Specialized Information and Referral * Special Education Issues SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides information and referrals for famlies involved in special education including navigating the special education system and news and updates relating to special education. ELIGIBILITY: Families with children involved in special education. FEES: None. DISEASE/DISABILITY INFORMATION FOR DEVELOMENTAL DISABILITIES Disease/Disability Information * Developmental Disabilities Subject Specific Public Awareness/Education * Developmental Disabilities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides public presentations about developmental disabilities on a variety of topics including advocacy, education programs, housing, and guardianships. ELIGIBILITY: Schools, churches and other community groups in Detroit, Highland Park and Hamtramck. FEES: None. ARISE DETROIT! 5830 Field St. Suite 103 Detroit, MI 48213 (313) 921-1955 Main (866) 942-7473 Toll Free (313) 921-1996 Fax AFTER I'M GONE PROJECT Life Care Planning SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides parents and families of individuals with developmental disabilities information about housing, special need wills and trusts, advance funeral planning, guardianship alternatives, writing a letter of intent, and other topics. ELIGIBILITY: Families with developmentally disabled residents of Detroit, Highland Park and Luther Keith, Executive Director OTHER NAMES: ACTIVATING RESOURCES AND INSPIRING SERVICE AND EMPOWERMENT SITE AREA SERVED: City of Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. <continued...> 14 ARISE DETROIT!... diseases come together to share information and provide mutual support. Meetings are held at various locations throughout Michigan. ELIGIBILITY: Residents of Michigan with arthritis or other rheumatic diseases and their families. FEES: None. Services VOLUNTEER DEVELOPMENT Volunteer Development SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Recruits volunteers and matches them to social service needs, including literacy instruction, computer instruction, anti-violence programs, mentoring, and tutoring. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. VOLUNTARY HEALTH ORGANIZATION Voluntary Health Organizations SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Promotes programming, advocacy and research for individuals with arthritis. Helps raise funds for arthritis research. ARTHRITIS FOUNDATION - MICHIGAN CHAPTER ASSOCIATION OF CHINESE AMERICANS 1050 Wilishire Dr. Suite 302 Troy, MI 48084 32585 Concord Dr. Madison Heights, MI 48071 (248) 649-2891 Main (800) 968-3030 Toll Free (248) 649-2895 Fax (248) 585-9343 Main Ronald Wong, President Shenling Chen, Executive Director OTHER NAMES: ACA; CCC; CHINESE COMMUNITY CENTER Michelle Glazier, President Kara Dorda, Manager of Community Education SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm. Sites 1. ACA DROP-IN SERVICE CENTER 420 Peterboro Detroit, MI 48201 Services ARTHRITIS INFORMATION Disease/Disability Information * Arthritis Workshops/Symposiums * Arthritis SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides general information about arthritis and other rheumatic diseases, including care techniques and support services. Information is available via telephone, printed materials (including a list of physicians who specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of arthritis and a newsletter for parents of children with juvenile arthritis), speakers, videos and workshops. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. (313) 831-1790 Main SITE AREA SERVED: City of Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Thu 9am-5pm; Sun 10am-4pm. Services HEALTH SCREENING FOR OLDER ADULTS Blood Pressure Screening Cholesterol/Triglycerides Tests Diabetes Screening SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides periodic blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar health screenings. ELIGIBILITY: Seniors age 60 or older. FEES: None. LANGUAGES: Chinese. Sites: 1 ARTHRITIS FOUNDATION AQUATIC PROGRAM Therapeutic Exercise SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers several exercise programs for individuals with arthritis or other rheumatic diseases designed to increase range of motion, flexiblity and muscle strength. ELIGIBILITY: Residents of Michigan with arthritis or other rheumatic diseases. FEES: Vary. SENIOR CENTER Senior Centers SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers health screening once a month, computer training programs and community education/training classes including Tai Chi, Chinese cultural history and English as a Second Language (ESL). ELIGIBILITY: Chinese American seniors age 60 or older. FEES: Association memberships -- $20.00 for seniors. Membership is not required for services. LANGUAGES: Chinese. Sites: 1 HEALTH RELATED SUPPORT GROUPS FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH ARTHRITIS Health/Disability Related Support Groups * Arthritis SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Coordinates and facilitates regularly scheduled meetings at which people who are affected by arthritis or other rheumatic 15 ELIGIBILITY: Children with significant asthma or allergies entering grades 3-10 and living in Michigan. Applicants are accepted based on severity of illness, past participation and available funding. Preference is given to those who have not attended Camp Michi-MAC in the past. FEES: $500 per child (full cost); $100 (minimum contribution). Financial assistance may be available to those who cannot pay minimum amount. Sites: 2 ASTHMA AND ALLERGY FOUNDATION OF AMERICA - MICHIGAN CHAPTER 2075 Walnut Lake Rd. West Bloomfield, MI 48323 (248) 406-4254 Main (888) 444-0333 Toll Free (248) 757-2102 Fax Kathleen Slonager, Executive Director AT&T 208 S Akard St. Dallas, TX 75202 Sites 1. ASTHMA AND ALLERGY FOUNDATION OF AMERICA - MICHIGAN CHAPTER 2075 Walnut Lake Rd. West Bloomfield, MI 48323 PO Box 4600 Waterloo, IA 50704 (800) 621-8650 Main (800) 295-7495 Fax (800) 980-4889 TDD/TTY (248) 406-4254 Main (888) 444-0333 Toll Free (248) 757-2102 Fax Randall Stephenson, President/CEO Nancy McCready, Account Executive OTHER NAMES: AT & T; AT and T; AT&T; ATandT Kathleen Slonager, Executive Director SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm. Sites 2. CAMP MICHI-MAC 39694 Suzan Ct. Plymouth, MI 48170 1. AT&T 208 S Akard St. Dallas, TX 75202 (734) 259-8108 Main/Fax (800) 621-8650 Main (800) 295-7495 Fax (800) 980-4889 TDD/TTY Tracey Garza, Executive Director SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Vary. SITE NOTES: Camp is conducted at the YMCA Storer Camp, located in the Irish Hills, which covers 1200 acres surrounding Stony Lake, near Jackson, Michigan. Randall Stephenson, President/CEO SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 7am-5pm, Sat 7am-4pm. Services 2. ATT - MICHIGAN 1365 Cass Ave. Detroit, MI 48226 DISEASE/DISABILITY INFORMATION FOR ASTHMA AND ALLERGIES Disease/Disability Information * Asthma SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides information and programs to assist individuals to better understand the nature, scope, treatment, and course of asthma and allergies. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. Sites: 1 (800) 417-1588 Service/Intake - Polish (800) 621-4533 Service/Intake - Spanish (800) 244-4444 Toll Free - Customer Service SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. 3. ATT LIFELINE-LINK UP 1215 W Cherry St. Vermillion, SD 57069 CAMP MICHI-MAC Therapeutic Camps (800) 377-9450 Toll Free - Lifeline Customer Service SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a one week residential camp facility for children with asthma to enjoy a cooperative indoor and/or outdoor living experience. Offers swimming, boating, riding horses and other "regular" camp activities. Provides a medical team of physicians, nurses, pharmacists, and respiratory therapists who are on-call 24 hours. SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. <continued...> 16 AT&T... TELEPHONE SERVICE PROVIDER Telephone Service Providers SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides local and long distance telephone communications services. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: Varies according to services selected. Call for information. LANGUAGES: Arabic, Armenian, Chinese, Farsi, Hmong, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Punjabi, Russian, Spanish and Vietnamese. Sites: 1 2 Services LIFELINE AND LINK UP Discounted Utility Services SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers discounted telephone service plans to make basic phone service more affordable for qualified customers. Lifeline Michigan - provides qualified customers with discounted phone service and the ability to add additional services and features. Tribal Lands Lifeline - additional discounts are available to qualified customers who live on current or former tribal lands. ELIGIBILITY: Must participate in one of the following programs or household income must be at or below 150% of the federal poverty level: Food Stamps, Medicaid, Federal Public Housing/Section 8, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), National School Lunch - Free Lunch Program, Family Independence Program (FIP, formerly TANF) AUTISM SOCIETY OF AMERICA 4340 East-West Hwy. Suite 350 Bethesda, MD 20814 (301) 657-0881 Main (800) 328-8476 Toll Free (301) 657-0869 Fax Requirements for Tribal Lands Lifeline services include: Must live on a federally recognized Tribal Land and participate in one of the following programs - Bureau of Indian Affairs General Assistance Program, Tribally Administered Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, Head Start (income-qualified customer only), National School Lunch Program (free lunch program) or household income must be at or below 150% of the federal poverty level. FEES: Varies - dependent on eligibility level, and additional services. LANGUAGES: Spanish. Sites: 3 Scott Badesch, Interim President/CEO Robin Gurley, Associate Director OTHER NAMES: AUTISM SOCIETY OF AMERICA, INC; AUTISM SOCIETY OF AMERICA, INC. Services DISEASE/DISABILITY INFORMATION FOR AUTISM Disease/Disability Information * Autism SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides educational information, advocacy services, research and support to the autism community. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders and their families. FEES: $40 Membership fee. AT&T RELAY SERVICES Telecommunication Relay Services SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers hard-of-hearing, deaf, or individuals with a speech disability various communication options including TTY Relay Service, Video Relay Service (VRS) and IM Relay Service. TTY Relay Service works on a standard phone line that has a TTY, teletypewriter or text telephone connected to it. Video Relay Service (VRS) allows deaf and hard-of-hearing people to sign rather than type. A computer, a high-speed Internet connection, and a webcam or videophone is required for this service. IM Relay service enables communications through AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) on a computer or with most mobile devices. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. LANGUAGES: Spanish relay calls are only available in Spanish-to-Spanish. Sites: 2 SPECIALIZED INFORMATION AND REFERRAL FOR AUTISM Specialized Information and Referral * Autism SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides information and referral on national and local community resources for all aspects of autism via phone and online. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders and their families. FEES: $40 Membership fee. WORKSHOPS/SYMPOSIUMS ON AUTISM Workshops/Symposiums * Autism SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Sponsors workshops and conferences in which one or a variety of speakers are brought together to make presentations regarding the full spectrum of autism disorders with the objective of increasing participant awareness of the issues, problems and potential solutions that are facing residents of the community. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: Vary by workshop or conference. Discounts available for chapter members. 17 AUTISM SOCIETY OF MICHIGAN AVALON HOUSING 2178 Commons Parkway Okemos, MI 48864 1327 Jones Dr. Suite 102 Ann Arbor, MI 48105 (517) 882-2800 Main (800) 223-6722 Toll Free (517) 882-2816 Fax (734) 663-5858 Main (734) 663-4857 Fax Carole McCabe, Executive Director Michael Appel, Associate Director Kathy Johnson, President, Board Of Directors Candice Ferris, Office Coordinator OTHER NAMES: ASM SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm. Services LOW INCOME/SUBSIDIZED PRIVATE RENTAL HOUSING Low Income/Subsidized Private Rental Housing SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides low cost housing for the benefit of low-income individuals and families. Housing consists of multiple unit apartments or houses with several bedrooms and shared facilities. Fully accessible units are available. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals and families with incomes at or below 30% of the area median income. FEES: Rent varies by type of unit. Accepts Section 8 vouchers. LANGUAGES: Spanish. Services DISEASE/DISABILITY INFORMATION FOR AUTISM Disease/Disability Information * Autism SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides information about the etiology, symptoms, preventive measures, diagnostic procedures, and methods of treatment or management for autism. Disseminates information to schools and libraries and other organizations. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. PROTECTION AND ADVOCACY FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Disabilities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides advocacy services for individuals with autism and their families. Offers support for parents and guardians to advocate for their child. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders and their families. FEES: National membership dues ($30 for individuals and $40 for families). Additional local chapter membership fees vary. Local newsletter fees may apply. BEDFORD PUBLIC SCHOOLS DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY EDUCATION 1623 W Sterns Rd. Temperance, MI 48182 (734) 850-6000 Main (734) 850-6099 Fax Ted Magrum, Superintendent Cherie Reed, Director, Adult Education And Enrichment Public transportation accessible. WORKSHOPS/SYMPOSIUMS ON AUTISM Workshops/Symposiums * Autism SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Sponsors workshops and conferences in which one or a variety of speakers are brought together to make presentations regarding the full spectrum of autism disorders with the objective of increasing participant awareness of the issues, problems and potential solutions that are facing residents of the community. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: Vary by workshop or conference. Discounts available for chapter members. SITE AREA SERVED: Serves primarily Monroe County. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-4pm. Services ADULT EDUCATION Adult Basic Education GED Instruction GED Test Sites SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides instruction and testing focus on writing, social studies, science, reading and mathematics for individuals who did not compete high school and want a general equivalency degree (GED). Provides a site for the GED testing. Also instruction in fundamental learning skills for adults who have never attended school or have interrupted formal schooling. Emphasis is placed on basic reading, language and mathematics. <continued...> 18 BEDFORD PUBLIC SCHOOLS DEPARTMENT OF... ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 18 and older whose senior class has graduated. Must be MIchigan resident. FEES: $25 registration fee. No fee for classes. GED testing is free for Department of Community Education students; otherwise $199. BLACK CAUCUS FOUNDATION OF MICHIGAN 1001 Woodward Ave. Suite 1110 Detroit, MI 48226 (313) 285-9234 Main (313) 285-9231 Fax BEST BUY 7601 S Penn Ave. Minneapolis, MN 55423 PO Box 9312 Minneapolis, MN 55440 Alma G. Stallworth, Executive Director SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-4:30pm. (612) 291-1000 Administrative (888) 237-8289 Toll Free - Customer Care Services Brian J Dunn, CEO THE POWER OF CHOICE Youth Violence Prevention SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers a six week paid summer program for youth ages 14-18. The program equips them with tools and methods of managing anger, resolving conflicts and controlling emotions to decrease involvement in violent behavior. Parents are expected to attend weekly meetings. ELIGIBILITY: Youth ages 14-18. FEES: None. Services ELECTRONIC WASTE RECYCLING Electronic Waste Recycling SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Accepts and recycles TVs, DVD players, computer monitors, cell phones and other electronic equipment and accessories such as keyboards, mice and remotes. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals may bring in up to two items a day, per household. Unable to accept TV's larger than 32", internal and external hard drives, items containing Freon (such as air conditioners) appliances and microwaves. FEES: Most items are free; $10 charge for TVs 32" and under, CRTs, monitors and laptops but household receive a $10 Best Buy gift card to offset the cost. BLACK FAMILY DEVELOPMENT 2995 E Grand Blvd. Detroit, MI 48202 (313) 758-0150 Main (313) 758-0262 Fax Alice G. Thompson, CEO Kenyatta Stephens, COO Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: BFDI BETTER LIVING CENTER OF SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH SITE AREA SERVED: Wayne County. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. SITE NOTES: Free parking is available on the west side of the building. 3240 Puritan St. Detroit, MI 48238 (313) 341-8609 Main SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Thu 10am-3pm. Services FAMILY CONNECTIONS PROGRAM Family Preservation Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Promotes family resiliency through programs lasting three and six months with the goal of preventing child physical abuse and neglect. Services include counseling, case management, advocacy and parenting classes using the Effective Black Parenting Model. ELIGIBILITY: Must be residents of Detroit or Highland Park, have a child between the ages of 5 and 11, and have no current or open Child Protective Service case. FEES: None. Services GENERAL CLOTHING PROVISION General Clothing Provision SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers free used clothing, some outerwear and shoes to individuals and families. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. <continued...> 19 BLACK FAMILY DEVELOPMENT... HOUSING SEARCH ASSISTANCE Housing Search Assistance SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Helps individuals who are facing homelessness to locate permanent housing. ELIGIBILITY: Low-income residents of the City of Detroit. FEES: None. Sites 1. BLINDED VETERANS ASSOCIATION 477 H St. NW Washington, DC 20001 (202) 371-8880 Main (800) 669-7079 Toll Free (202) 371-8258 Fax BLACK UNITED FUND OF MICHIGAN Roy Kekahuna, President SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm. 2187 W Grand Blvd. Detroit, MI 48208 (313) 894-2200 Main (313) 894-7562 Fax 2. REGION 4 OFFICE 5000 W National Ave. Room 70-D-20 Milwaukee, WI 53295 Brenda Rayford, Executive Director Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: BUF (414) 382-5123 Main (800) 669-7079 Ext. 6006 Toll Free (414) 382-5124 Fax SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. Robert Malak, Field Service Representative SITE AREA SERVED: Serves the states of Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio and Wisconsin. Services FEDERATED GIVING PROGRAM Federated Giving Programs Program Development Funds SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides monetary support to programs and organizations that focus on positive social and economic changes in the African American community. Funds are given to small and start-up organizations that may not qualify for funding through other organizations. ELIGIBILITY: Non-profit organziations in Michigan. FEES: None. Services VOLUNTEER SERVICE PROGRAM Health/Disabilities Related Volunteer Opportunities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers volunteer opportunities at local Veterans Administration (VA) hospitals to provide veterans who are blind or visually impaired with information on programs and services and offer emotional support. Volunteers also demonstrate adaptive equipment and aids. ELIGIBILITY: Veterans who are blind or have visual impairments, family members or other interested individuals. Requires background check. FEES: None. Sites: 1 BLINDED VETERANS ASSOCIATION 477 H St. NW Washington, DC 20001 PROTECTION AND ADVOCACY FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Disabilities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides advocacy for veterans who are blind to ensure full access to inclusive educational programs, financial entitlements, health care, accessible housing and productive employment opportunities. Offers individual advocacy as well as advocacy at state and national governmental levels. ELIGIBILITY: Veterans who are legally blind and their families. FEES: $8 annual membership fees. Membership not required to receive services. Sites: 1 (202) 371-8880 Main (800) 669-7079 Toll Free (202) 371-8258 Fax Roy Kekahuna, President <continued...> 20 BLINDED VETERANS ASSOCIATION... KATHERN F GRUBER SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM Scholarships SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a $2000 scholarship for family members of veterans who are blind or visually impaired. Scholarship is for higher education tuition. ELIGIBILITY: Spouses and dependent children of veterans who are blind or visually impaired. FEES: None. Sites: 1 Sites 1. DICK & SANDY DAUCH CAMPUS - NFL/YET CLUB 16500 Tireman St. Detroit, MI 48228-3629 (313) 523-4540 Main (313) 523-4545 Fax Jackie Banks Butts, Club Director SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Club Hours: School year program (Sept.through May): Tue-Fri 12:30pm-8pm, Sat 10am-6pm. Summer program (June through August): Mon-Fri 10am-6pm. Additional hours: Youth Enrichment Activities (summer only): Mon 7:30am-10am (requires additional fee). FIELD SERVICE PROGRAM Veteran Benefits Assistance SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Links veterans who are blind with local services including VA Blind Rehabilitation Services. Assists them with VA claims when necessary. Assists them with employment training and placement if and when they are ready to return to the workforce. ELIGIBILITY: Veterans who are legally blind and their families. FEES: None. Sites: 2 2. HOWARD B BLOOMER CLUB 3910 Livernois Ave. Detroit, MI 48210 (313) 894-3320 Main Gerald Lyon, Club Director Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Club Hours: School year program (Sept.through May): Mon-Fri 2:30pm-7pm, Sat 10am-6pm. Summer program (June through August): Mon-Fri 10am-6pm. Additional hours: Youth Enrichment Activities (summer only): Mon 7:30am-10am (requires additional fee). OPERATION PEER SUPPORT Veteran Support Groups SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Connects combat blinded veterans of World War II, Korea, and Vietnam with newly blinded veterans who have been wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan. Also provides financial support to newly blinded service members and veterans who wish to attend a national convention. ELIGIBILITY: Blinded veterans injured in Iraq or Afghanistan or in training and their families. FEES: None. Sites: 1 3. JAMES & LYNELLE HOLDEN CLUB 20100 Schoenherr Rd. Detroit, MI 48205-1168 (313) 372-9550 Main (313) 372-1596 Fax Chris Kyles, Club Director SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Club Hours: School year program (Sept.through May): Tue-Fri 12:30pm-8pm, Sat 10am-6pm. Summer program (June through August): Mon-Fri 10am-6pm. Additional hours: Youth Enrichment Activities (summer only): Mon 7:30am-10am (requires additional fee). BOYS & GIRLS CLUBS OF SOUTHEASTERN MICHIGAN 26777 Halsted Rd. Suite 100 Farmington Hills, MI 48331-3560 (248) 522-4416 Main (248) 473-1450 Fax 4. LLOYD H DIEHL CLUB 4242 Collingwood St. Detroit, MI 48204-1614 (313) 931-7190 Main (313) 931-3098 Fax Len Krichko, President/CEO Sandra Nathan, Executive Assistant OTHER NAMES: BOYS & GIRLS CLUBS OF SOUTHEASTERN MICHIGAN; BOYS AND GIRLS CLUBS OF SOUTHEASTERN MICHIGAN Patrice Dickens, Club Director SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Club Hours: School year program (Sept.through May): Tue-Fri 12:30pm-8pm, Sat 10am-6pm. Summer program (June through August): Mon-Fri 10am-6pm. Additional hours: Youth Enrichment Activities (summer only): Mon 7:30am-10am (requires additional fee). <continued...> 21 BOYS & GIRLS CLUBS OF SOUTHEASTERN... about the physiology of brain injury, rehabilitation services, and legal and medical resources. Maintains a comprehensive resource library and will provide an individualized information packet. Offers education to increase public awareness of the measures that people can take to ensure their personal safety while engaging in specific activities that may put them at risk of brain injury. Also provides an annual convention for individuals with brain injuries and health professionals about brain injury treatment and therapies. In addition, offers brain injury presentations to returning soldiers and their families. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None for information. Conference fees vary by type of applicant; scholarships available. Services BOYS/GIRLS CLUBS Boys/Girls Clubs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a wide range of supervised educational, life skills, character and leadership, sports, fitness, recreation, art programs and activities for children and youth of all ages and backgrounds, but particularly for disadvantaged youth, through membership in a Boys & Girls Clubs. Club members are entitled to use recreational facilities and may have access to mentoring, tutorial services, employment assistance, gang prevention programs, drug abuse and alcoholism prevention programming and other activities and services that direct their energies toward positive social goals and facilitate healthy personality development. ELIGIBILITY: Children and adolescents in grades 1-12 (age 6-18). FEES: Annual membership is $50 per child. No child is turned away due to an inability to pay. Sites: 1 2 3 4 HEALTH RELATED ADVOCACY GROUP FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH BRAIN INJURIES Health Related Advocacy Groups * Brain Injuries SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Protects and improves the quality and affordability of health and long term care for all individuals with brain injuries and advocates for changes in the health care system that will achieve these goals. Also advocates more broadly for legislation and other measures that have a positive impact on brain injury treatment and prevention. In addition, offers limited individual advocacy. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals with brain injury and their families. FEES: None. POWER HOUR Tutoring Services SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides homework help for Club members who are in elementary, middle school and high school. Also offers tutoring if needed. ELIGIBILITY: Membership; Students in elementary school; Students in middle and high school can also receive homework help if needed. FEES: Annual membership is $50 per child. No child is turned away due to an inability to pay. Sites: 1 2 3 4 HEALTH RELATED SUPPORT GROUPS FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH BRAIN INJURIES Health/Disability Related Support Groups * Brain Injuries SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides referrals to support groups for persons impacted by brain injury. Groups offer an opportunity for participants to share information, practical tips for daily living and encouragement about issues related to the problem. Local chapters may also offer recreational activities. In addition, sponsors a Spring Fling which provides individuals with brain injuries and their family an opportunity to gather and socialize with other members from around the state. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals with brain injuries and their families and friends. FEES: Donations accepted. Michael F Dabbs, President Katie Duey, Development Coordinator BRIGHTMOOR COMMUNITY CENTER BRAIN INJURY ASSOCIATION OF MICHIGAN 7305 Grand River Ave. Suite 100 Brighton, MI 48114 (810) 229-5880 Main (800) 444-6443 Toll Free (810) 229-8947 Fax 14451 Burt Rd. Detroit, MI 48223 SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-5pm. (313) 531-0305 Main (313) 531-7336 Fax Services DISEASE/DISABILITY INFORMATION FOR BRAIN INJURIES Disease/Disability Information * Brain Injuries Disease/Disability Information * Veterans Personal Safety Education Workshops/Symposiums * Brain Injuries Causandra R. Gaines, President/CEO <continued...> 22 BRIGHTMOOR COMMUNITY CENTER... Nathan Ford, Director Michael Taylor, Deputy Director OTHER NAMES: BSE&ED; BSED; BSEED; DETROIT BUILDINGS AND SAFETY ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Services ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Alcohol Dependency Support Groups SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Hosts regular meetings of a mutual support group whose members are individuals who abuse alcohol. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals who abuse alcohol FEES: None. SITE AREA SERVED: City of Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-4pm. Services ABANDONED BUILDING INSPECTION Abandoned Building Inspection Building Condemnation/Demolition SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Inspects abandoned buildings and eliminates non-conforming buildings, structures and uses of property. ELIGIBILITY: Buildings located in the city of Detroit. FEES: None. NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS Drug Dependency Support Groups SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Hosts regular meetings of a mutual support group whose members are individuals who abuse drugs including prescription and over-the-counter medication. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals who abuse drugs including prescription and over-the-counter medication. FEES: None. BUSINESS LICENSES/PERMITS Local Business Licenses/Permits SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Issues licenses, permits or other authorizations which enable businesses to operate legally within the City of Detroit. ELIGIBILITY: Owners of businesses which are located in the City of Detroit. FEES: Varies by type of license/permit requested. SENIOR WELLNESS CENTER Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites Senior Centers SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Serves as a focal point for older adults in the community and offers a wide variety of services and activities to older adults, including a congregate meal program, social work services, and activities like arts and crafts, bingo, movies, and special events. ELIGIBILITY: Adults age 60 and older. FEES: $2.00 membership fee. CONSTRUCTION AND OCCUPANCY INSPECTION Construction Inspection Occupancy Inspection SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Inspects buildings that are under construction and issues occupancy permits when it is determined that all building plans and codes are met. ELIGIBILITY: Owner of building/property. FEES: Inspection fees vary according to size/use of building and type of inspection. There are no fees associated with Certificates of Occupancy other than any outstanding inspection fees that must be paid before a Certificate of Occupancy is issued. DETROIT YOUNG CITIZENS Youth Enrichment Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers a wide variety of activities including arts and crafts, academic programs, sports, reading clubs, workshops and other recreational, leisure, cultural, social and civic activities for school-age children, youth and teens in out-of-school hours. Programs include karate, scouting, tutoring, leadership development, and community service projects. ELIGIBILITY: School-aged children, youth and teens who reside in Brightmoor. FEES: $2.00 membership fee. CONSTRUCTION AND RELATED PERMITS Building Permits Electrical Permits Mechanical Permits SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Issues permits authorizing new construction or major alterations or expansions of existing buildings that affect the structural integrity of the building or the public safety, or which are done to bring a structure into compliance with building codes or occupancy requirements in conjunction with an approved building plan. Issues permits authorizing the installation, alteration, reconstruction or repair of electrical wiring and/or heating, ventilating or air conditioning equipment in accordance with approved plans. ELIGIBILITY: Owner of building/property. FEES: Varies by project. BUILDINGS, SAFETY ENGINEERING AND ENVIRONMENTAL DEPARTMENT Coleman A Young Municipal Center 2 Woodward Ave. Suite 401 Detroit, MI 48202 (313) 224-3251 Administrative (313) 224-2733 Main (313) 224-3178 Service/Intake Business Licenses and Information (313) 224-1467 Fax <continued...> 23 BUILDINGS, SAFETY ENGINEERING AND... SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Thu 11am-6pm, Sun 11:30am for Sunday Service. RESIDENTIAL BUILDING INSPECTION Occupancy Inspection Pest Control Services SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Inspects homes, apartments, commercial structures and/or other buildings for compliance with structural building code requirements and issues Certificates of Occupancy for those structures that meet the standards. Investigates established infestations of rodents and other pests. Citations are issued by and resolved at the Department of Administrative Hearings Facility at 561 E. Jefferson in downtown Detroit. ELIGIBILITY: Owner or lessee of building or structure or an agent of either. FEES: There are no fees associated with Certificates of Occupancy other than any outstanding inspection fees that must be paid before a Certificate of Occupancy is issued. Services ANGER MANAGEMENT Anger Management SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers educational and therapeutic support to individuals who are interested in or who need to learn how to deal with their anger in a positive, functional way. The Anger Management Curriculum Includes: Understanding Anger; Developing an Anger Management Plan; How to Change the Aggression Cycle; Cognitive Restructuring; and Conflict Resolution. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. CELL PHONES FOR SOLDIERS Cell Phone Donation Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Serves as an official drop off point for Cell Phones for Soldiers, a non-profit organization that turns old cell phones into minutes of prepaid calling cards for U.S. troops stationed overseas. Donated phones are sent to ReCellular, which pays Cell Phones for Soldiers for each donated phone – enough to provide an hour of talk time to soldiers abroad. SIDEWALK/ROAD CORRIDOR USE PERMITS Sidewalk/Road Corridor Use Permits SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Issues permits which authorize businesses and other organizations to use a portion of the sidewalk or road corridor for daily operations; or to attach or place on the sidewalk objects that could obstruct pedestrian walkways, vehicular or pedestrian sight paths; or access to fire hydrants, traffic control devices or other street fixtures such as canopies, bike racks, benches, planters, newspaper vending boxes or other. ELIGIBILITY: Owner of building/property. May require the resolution/approval of City Council and separate encroachment permits. FEES: Varies by project. MILITARY LOVED ONES SUPPORT GROUP Military Family Support Groups SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers a support group for wives, husbands, girlfriends, boyfriends, parents and caregivers of formerly deployed military men and women. Support group members help and support each other as each works to adjust to the transition of having the service member back home, understand the potential conflicts that may occur and and build a healthy family system. ELIGIBILITY: Family members of veterans. FEES: None. LANGUAGES: Spanish. ZONING INFORMATION AND VIOLATION INVESTIGATION Land Use Planning and Regulation Services SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides zoning information to individuals involved in a construction project to ensure the project is compatible with the zoning requirements of the property involved. This is a separate issue from the permit process, but can be accomplished at the same time and place. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. PASTORAL COUNSELING Pastoral Counseling SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers pastoral counseling in the following areas: Premarital Counseling, Marriage and Family Counseling, Depression and Anxiety, Stress Management, Spiritual Counseling and Seekers, Grief or Loss, Youth Mentoring, Separation and Divorce, Sexual Addictions, Blended Family, Women's Issues, Abuse, Transition and Crisis Intervention. Counseling if provided from a Christian perspective. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. CALVARY HOUSE Manhattan Office Plaza 17320 W 12 Mile Rd. Suite 100 Southfield, MI 48076 VETPETS Pet Assisted Therapy (248) 281-1735 Main (248) 416-6122 Fax (248) 284-5024 Crisis SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Partners with the Humane Society of Michigan to provide veterans with an opportunity to adopt a pet. The program saves animals from euthanasia by placing them with a forever home, and provides an alteranative rehabilitation through animal companionship to Veterans who are suffering the effects of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), traumatic brain D.L. Teamor, Executive Director Kelly Wilson, Executive Assistant to the Director 24 <continued...> CALVARY HOUSE... injury (TBI) and other psychological stresses. ELIGIBILITY: Veterans and their families. FEES: None. CANCER SUPPORT SERVICES Peer to Peer Networking SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides confidential one-on-one emotional support and encouragement to adult cancer patients and their families via telephone. Trained volunteers who have been through a similar cancer experience, have recovered and are leading productive lives provide hope to recently diagnosed patients regarding their cancer and treatment. ELIGIBILITY: Recently diagnosed adult cancer patients. FEES: None. Call toll free and a Support Volunteer will call customer back to avoid long distance phone charges. CHRISTIAN 12 STEP RECOVERY PROGRAM Alcohol Dependency Support Groups Drug Dependency Support Groups SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers a 12-Step Program from a Christian perspective, specifically as the steps relate to the person who is chemically addicted and emotionally wounded. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. VETERAN REINTEGRATION COUNSELING Veteran Reintegration Counseling SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers individual therapy for issues related to reintegration into civilian life, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Military Sexual Trauma (MST), relationship, family, substance abuse, or employment issues. Also offers individual therapy for family members of deployed military men and women. ELIGIBILITY: Veterans and families of veterans. FEES: None. CAPUCHIN SOUP KITCHEN 1820 Mt. Elliott Detroit, MI 48207 (313) 579-2100 Main Jerry Smith, Executive Director Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: CSK CANCER HOPE NETWORK INC. Sites 2 North Rd. Chester, NJ 07930 1. MELDRUM SOUP KITCHEN 1264 Meldrum Detroit, MI 48207 (908) 879-4039 Main (800) 552-4366 Toll Free (908) 879-6518 Fax (313) 579-2100 Ext. 218 Service/Intake Alison Costello, Site Director SITE AREA SERVED: Macomb, Oakland and Wayne Counties. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-9:30am; 11am-1pm. Wanda Diak, Managing Director & COO Joseph M Wojtowica, Outreach Director Services SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-5:30pm. EARTHWORKS URBAN FARM Community Gardening Gardening Volunteer Opportunities Youth Enrichment Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Maintains a 1.5 acre farm and apiary that produces honey and grows food to support the Soup Kitchen in a variety of ways, including direct provision of food as well as raising funds from the sale of produce at local farmers markets. Earthworks Urban Farm also has a variety of classes and volunteer opportunities available to members of the community, both children and adults. ELIGIBILITY: Earthworks Urban Farm supports the communities of Detroit, Hamtramck, and Highland Park, but is happy to consult with other communities about starting local programs. Call for more information. FEES: None. Sites: 1 Services TACT - TALKING ABOUT CLINICAL TRIALS Peer to Peer Networking SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides one-on-one emotional support and encouragement via telephone to cancer patients considering participation in a clinical trial. Patient will be matched with a cancer survivor who has participated in a clinical trial and is available to answer questions the patient may have. Support is provided by 350+ survivors representing over 50 types of cancer. ELIGIBILITY: Recently diagnosed adult cancer patients. FEES: None. Call toll free and a TACT volunteer will call customer back to avoid long distance phone charges. 25 Services CARE OF SOUTHEASTERN MICHIGAN 31900 Utica Rd. Fraser, MI 48026 COLLECTION COMPLAINTS HOTLINE Collection Complaints SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Accepts and, where possible, attempts to resolve complaints regarding debt collection practices, misrepresentation, fraud, impersonation of government or law enforcement officials, unethical or improper conduct of personnel or other inappropriate business practices of collection agencies or repossessors. Offers information about The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. Violators of acceptable collection behaviors may be liable to consumer for $1000-$1500 compensation fees. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. (586) 541-2273 Main (586) 541-0033 Service/Intake (586) 541-0034 Fax Monique Stanton, President and CEO Paul Dailey, Deputy Director OTHER NAMES: C.A.R.E; CARE; CARE; COMMUNITY ASSESSMENT, REFERRAL AND EDUCATION; REAL SOLUTIONS FOR REAL LIFE; REAL SOLUTIONS FOR REAL LIFE SITE AREA SERVED: Macomb County. SITE HOURS: Mon, Tue, Thu 8:30am-9pm; Wed, Fri 8:30am-5pm. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT AND CREDIT COUNSELING Bankruptcy Assistance Credit Counseling Mortgage Delinquency and Default Counseling Personal Financial Counseling Tax Audit Preparation Assistance SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides information and guidance for individuals who are having difficulty meeting their financial obligations and, as a result, are faced with a loss of their credit rating, foreclosure and loss of their home or property, IRS tax audit or bankruptcy. Offers a Debt Relief Hotline to discuss credit card debt, a Mortgage Relief Hotline to discuss issues about home mortgages, a Tax Relief Hotline to discuss federal income tax audits, and a Bankruptcy Advice Hotline to discuss legal issues regarding bankruptcy. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: Initial call is free. Some providers may offer fee based programs. Services PARENTING SKILLS CLASS FOR CHILDREN WITH FETAL ALCOHOL SPECTRUM DISORDER Parenting Skills Classes SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers an eight session parenting education program for parents,caregivers, and/or professionals diagnosed with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder or other brain based disability. Offers an understanding of associated behaviors and develops effective parenting strategies. Program is based on the curriculum, TRIUMPH Through the Challenges of FASD, developed by Double Arc, Toledo. ELIGIBILITY: Parents and other caregivers of individuals diagnosed with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder or other brain based disability. FEES: None for class. Parent Handbook is $25. LANGUAGES: Parent Handbook is available in English and Spanish. PRESCRIPTION DRUG DISCOUNT CARD Prescription Drug Discount Cards SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Issues cards that offer discounts on prescription medications at participating network pharmacies including chain and independent retail outlets. Participating pharmacies include the following: Rite Aid, Walgreens, Kroger, Eckerd Drugs, and Publix, as well as thousands of independent pharmacies. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals who are uninsured or who have no prescription coverage. FEES: None. CARECONNECTUSA.ORG 2019 Sandy Pond Ln. Waxhaw, NC 28173 (800) 291-1068 Main (877) 283-8580 Service/Intake - Tax Relief Hotline (800) 379-0688 Service/Intake Collection Complaints Hotline (888) 574-2360 Service/Intake - Mortgage Relief Hotline (800) 453-1738 Service/Intake - Debt Relief Hotline (800) 379-0985 Service/Intake Bankruptcy Advice Hotline CARING SUPPORT SERVICES 3747 Tyler St. Detroit, MI 48238 (248) 796-1351 Main David Markler, Director SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. Vera Jones, Social Worker SITE AREA SERVED: City of Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. <continued...> 26 CARING SUPPORT SERVICES... Services 3. MOM'S PLACE I 1534 Webb St. Detroit, MI 48206-1348 IN HOME COUNSELING SERVICES Bereavement Counseling General Counseling Services SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides in-home counseling services primarily for adults age 18 years and older. Counseling services include emotional support, problem-solving assistance, information and guidance for people who have recently lost a loved one. Case management may also be provided for those clients who need assistance connecting to other services. ELIGIBILITY: Adult residents of Detroit. FEES: Accepts Medicare and other third party payments; Does not accept Medicaid. Sliding fee scale based on income. (313) 865-0475 Main SITE AREA SERVED: Wayne County. SITE HOURS: 24 hours. 4. MOM'S PLACE II 1464 Webb St. Detroit, MI 48206-1383 (313) 865-4022 Main SITE AREA SERVED: Wayne County. SITE HOURS: 24 hours. Services CASS COMMUNITY SOCIAL SERVICES COMMUNITY BASED DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES PROGRAM Home/Community Based Developmental Disabilities Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a social recreation program that focuses on adults who are mild to moderately diagnosed with developmental disabilities, with a host of community interaction activities in preparation for employment and or volunteer services. An occupational therapist is on staff to assess abilities and assist in the creation of individual goals for each participant. Transportation is available within limits. Lunch is provided. ELIGIBILITY: Adults that have been diagnosed with mild to moderate developmental disabilities. Residents of Detroit, Hamtramck and Highland Park. FEES: None. Sites: 1 11850 Woodrow Wilson Detroit, MI 48206 (313) 883-2277 Main (313) 826-1391 Fax Faith Fowler, Executive Director Pat Mccaffrey-green, Director Of Government And Community Affairs Public transportation accessible. Sites 1. ACTIVITY CENTER 3745 Cass Ave. Detroit, MI 48201 SATURDAY FREE MEDICAL CLINIC Community Clinics General Physical Examinations Prescription Drugs for Specific Health Conditions SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides outpatient health services to 40-60 patients each week. Clinic is staffed by medical doctors and supervised students from the Wayne State University School of Medicine. Offers medical tests and free prescription medications, and treats conditions such as malnutrition, diabetes, hypertension, cirrhosis of the liver, AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases and injuries related to violence and the exposure to the elements. ELIGIBILITY: Low-income families and individuals age 18 and older, homeless individuals and older adults. FEES: None. Sites: 1 (313) 883-2277 Main Pat DeCarlo Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Serves the cities of Detroit, Highland Park and Hamtramck. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-4pm. 2. CASS COMMUNITY SOCIAL SERVICES 11850 Woodrow Wilson Detroit, MI 48206 (313) 883-2277 Main (313) 826-1391 Fax Faith Fowler, Executive Director Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Serves all areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. HOMELESS PERMANENT SUPPORTIVE HOUSING FOR MEN WITH AIDS/HIV Homeless Permanent Supportive Housing SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers permanent supportive housing for up to 14 men living with AIDS. ELIGIBILITY: Men ages 18 and older who are living with AIDS. <continued...> 27 CASS COMMUNITY SOCIAL SERVICES... FEES: 30% of income. Sites: 2 their children who are up to age 18. Length of stay is up to two years. ELIGIBILITY: Women age 18 and older who are dually diagnosed with mental illness and substance abuse, and their children. FEES: 30% of income. Sites: 3 HOMELESS SHELTER FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN Homeless Shelter SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides an on-site emergency shelter for women and their children; length of stay is up to 90 days. ELIGIBILITY: Women who are 18 and over and who have children. FEES: None. Sites: 2 CENTER FOR CIVIL JUSTICE 320 S Washington Saginaw, MI 48607 (810) 244-8044 Administrative (800) 481-4989 Toll Free RECOVERY HOME/HALFWAY HOUSE Recovery Homes/Halfway Houses SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a stable and secure residential setting for 21 adult men who are in recovery from substance abuse. Case managers evaluate each individual to determine ongoing and unmet needs to support recovery. Length of stay is up to two years; residents are required to attend recovery support meetings and classes. ELIGIBILITY: Men age 18 and older who are in recovery from substance abuse. Must have completed treatment. FEES: 30% of income. Sites: 2 Terri L Stangl, Executive Director Dawn Scheibner, Food and Nutrition Program Coordinator OTHER NAMES: GENESEE COUNTY LEGAL AID SOCIETY SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. Services FOOD AND NUTRITION PROGRAM HELPLINE Benefits Screening State Government Information Lines SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides free, confidential food assistance screening information. Staff estimate the amount of monthly benefits one could receive if applying for assistance and makes sure individuals are receiving all the help for which they are eligible. A food assistance calculator is available on the web site as well. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. LANGUAGES: Spanish. SAFE HAVEN FOR MEN Transitional Housing/Shelter SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides transitional housing for homeless men with serious mental illness with the goal of introducing them back into independent living. The program houses 21 men and length of stay is up to two years. Participants are required to be actively involved in rehabiliation programs or employed if they are able to work. ELIGIBILITY: Men age 18 and older who are homeless and have a serious mental illness that is currently being treated. FEES: 30% of income. Sites: 2 MICHIGAN STATE ID CARD RESOURCE CENTER Internet Information Resources SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Maintains a web site resource that offers information on how to address issues that may be encountered while establishing legal identity. The web site contains a list of required documents, the steps involved and offers suggestions for solving some of the more common obstacles. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. The site is for use by social service providers, community organizations, and individuals seeking Michigan State Identification cards. Those who will most benefit from the information provided on the web site include those who have recently been released from incarceration, immigrants, homeless, and domestic violence victims, and organizations helping people obtain State Identification cards. FEES: None. TRANSITIONAL HOUSING FOR WOMEN Transitional Housing/Shelter SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides transitional housing program for single women without children, who are dually diagnosed with mental illness and substance abuse. Length of stay is up to two years. ELIGIBILITY: Women age 18 and older without children; Dually diagnosed with mental illness and substance abuse. FEES: 30% of income. Sites: 4 TRANSITIONAL HOUSING FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN Transitional Housing/Shelter SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides transitional housing, intensive case management, and housing placement assistance for dually diagnosed women and 28 Both have a therapist guided discussion format. ELIGIBILITY: Anorexia/Bulimia Recovery Support Group – For older teens and for adults age 16 and older recovering from anorexia, bulimia, and related disorders. Bodywise Recovery Support Group - For individuals age 18 and older recovering from compulsive or emotional eating, binge eating disorder, yo yo dieting and related issues. FEES: Anorexia/Bulimia Recovery Support Group Suggested donation is $5 per meeting. Bodywise Recovery Support Group - Suggested donation is $10 per meeting. CENTER FOR EATING DISORDERS 111 N First St. Suite 2 Ann Arbor, MI 48104 (734) 668-8585 Main (734) 996-0998 Fax Judith Banker, Executive Director Amy Pershing, Clinical Director Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: CED SPECIAL EVENT SUPPORT VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Special Event Support Volunteer Opportunities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides volunteer opportunities at special events held throughout the year including public awareness and fundraising events. Volunteers may be asked to greet, register and orient the event guests; hand out programs; and take on other tasks to help ensure that the event runs smoothly. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 16 and older. FEES: None. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-6pm. Services BODY IMAGE EDUCATION Body Image Education SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides two interactive workshops about rejecting harmful dieting and developing positive body images. Also offers classes that incorporates mindfulness techniques and experiential, expressive movement focusing on internal guidance to change and develop self awareness and enhance body image. ELIGIBILITY: My Body Myself Body Image Workshop -- Women age 18 and older in recovery from compulsive or emotional eating, binge eating disorder, yo yo dieting and related disorders. Reflections Body Image Workshop -- Older teens and adults age 16 and older recovering from anorexia, bulimia, and related disorders. Movement and Body Image Class -- Individuals age 18 and older. FEES: $125 (Workshops); $12-$35 (Classes). CENTER FOR EMPOWERMENT AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 2002 Hogback Rd. Suite 17-18 Ann Arbor, MI 48105 (734) 677-1400 Main (734) 677-1465 Fax Michelle Richards, Executive Director Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: CEED EATING DISORDERS TREATMENT Eating Disorders Treatment SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides comprehensive diagnostic and outpatient treatment services for individuals who have an eating disorder. Treatment is individualized and involves a combination of techniques including individual psychotherapy, mutual support groups, medication, nutritional counseling, behavior modification and group or family therapy. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 10 and older who have anorexia nervosa, bulimarexia, bulimia or a related eating disorder. FEES: Based on ability to pay; minimum $70 per session. Accepts some private insurances. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. Services MICHIGAN WOMENS BUSINESS COUNCIL CERTIFICATION PROGRAM Business Assistance Centers SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Certifies businesses for viability that are owned and controlled by women. Certification qualifies businesses for corporate, government and private procurement opportunities. Certification lasts one year. ELIGIBILITY: Businesses at least 51% owned, operated and controlled by women who are US citizens or legal resident aliens. FEES: Nonrefundable processing fee based on annual sales; fees range from $350-$1000. LANGUAGES: Spanish. HEALTH RELATED SUPPORT GROUPS FOR EATING DISORDERS Health/Disability Related Support Groups * Eating Disorders SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides two support groups for eating disorders, Anorexia and Bulimia Recovery Support Group and Bodywise Recovery Support Group, depending on type of eating disorder. <continued...> 29 CENTER FOR EMPOWERMENT AND ECONOMIC... BUSINESS PLAN DEVELOPMENT Business Plan Development SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides classroom training to entrepreneurs who have started a business without a plan, or those who are beginning the decision making process. Offers a four week business planning class which covers the topics of industry analysis, management, marketing, and financials. Also offers an in depth three week financial planning class which covers the topics of cash flow statement, income statement, balance sheet and critical business ratios. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: $99 (Business Planning class), $75 (Financial Planning class). CHARLES H WRIGHT MUSEUM OF AFRICAN AMERICAN HISTORY 315 E Warren Ave. Detroit, MI 48201 (313) 494-5800 Main (313) 494-5855 Fax (313) 494-5808 Alternate - Tours and Reservations Juanita Moore, President/CEO Tyrone Davenport, Chief Operating Officer Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: MAAH SITE HOURS: Tue-Sat 9am-5pm; Sun 1pm-5pm. SITE NOTES: Buses may drop off students at the Warren entrance, park along Warren Ave., John R St., or Farnsworth Ave. Affordable and secure parking is available behind the museum at the Cultural Center parking lot. Enter from John R St., a one-way street heading south. VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Administration Volunteer Opportunities Communications/Marketing Volunteer Opportunities Special Event Support Volunteer Opportunities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides volunteer opportunities for office administrative work and assisting with special events including the annual awards celebration and the annual conference. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 18 and older. FEES: None. Services HISTORY MUSEUM History Museums SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Presents collections and research that explore the diverse history and culture of African Americans and their African origins. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: $8 (ages 13 to 61); $5 (ages 3 to 12 and 62+); free for members and children age 3 and under. CENTRAL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 23 E Adams Ave. Detroit, MI 48226 (313) 965-5422 Main (313) 965-4328 Fax CHILD AND FAMILY SERVICES OF MICHIGAN 2157 University Park Dr. Okemos, MI 48864 John Barnett, Program Coordinator SITE AREA SERVED: City of Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5:30pm. (517) 349-6226 Main (517) 349-0969 Fax Services NOAH PROJECT Sack Lunches/Dinners Sharon Vichcales, Executive Director SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a nutritional bag lunch on Mondays and Thursdays between 10:30am-12 noon each week. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals and families who are homeless. FEES: None. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. Services ADOPTION INFORMATION Adoption Information SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provide information and referral about the different types of adoption that are available as options and the requirements and procedures for relinquishing or adopting another individual. Also offers information about children who are available for adoption. Information provided through a network of nine member agencies. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. <continued...> 30 CHILD AND FAMILY SERVICES OF MICHIGAN... ADOPTIVE PARENT/CHILD SEARCH Adoptive Parent/Child Search SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Maintains repository of individual records that document adoptions performed by member agencies. In accordance with the Michigan Adoption Code, responds to requests for identifying and nonidentifying information from adoptees and former family members. The release of identifying information is determined by the date parental rights were terminated as well as the presence of a statement of consent or denial in the Central Adoption Registry, court, or agency file. Nonidentifying information may be released regardless of whether a consent or denial is on file. ELIGIBILITY: Adoptees and former biological family members. FEES: $60 per request. Sites 1. SUPPORT CENTER 8726 Woodward Ave. Detroit, MI 48202 (313) 664-0700 Main (313) 664-0719 Fax Denise Wellons-Glover, Project Director SITE AREA SERVED: Wayne County. SITE HOURS: Mon-Thu 8am-8pm, Fri 8am-6pm. Services HOME STABILITY PROGRAM Child Care Subsidies SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers the Home Stability Program which pays all or part of the cost of child care in public and licensed private child care centers or private family child care homes for residents of Detroit who meet the established eligibility criteria. ELIGIBILITY: Low income families who reside in Detroit and Detroit families which include children with disabilities. Families must meet income guidelines (200% of Federal Poverty Guidelines). Parents must be working and must have received a DHS denial letter for child care subsidies. Must be willing to take financial literacy classes. FEES: None. Sites: 1 OPERATION GOOD CHEER Holiday Gifts/Toys SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Sponsors and coordinates a statewide volunteer Christmas gift giving program to provide Christmas gifts to children who are in foster, residential care, or group homes. Donor groups and individuals purchase and wrap gifts from a child's wish list. Participating agencies deliver gifts to sponsored child. CFSM does not distribute directly to families and individuals. ELIGIBILITY: Recipients are infants, children, youth and teens age 0-17 and adults with disabilities. Must be currently in an authorized out of home (residential, group or foster care placement). FEES: None. CHILD FIND OF AMERICA New Paltz, NY 12561 PO Box 277 New Paltz, NY 12561 CHILD CARE COORDINATING COUNCIL OF DETROIT - WAYNE COUNTY (845) 883-6060 Administrative (800) 292-9688 Service/Intake Child Abduction Prevention and Support Services (800) 716-3468 Service/Intake - Parent Help (800) 426-5678 Service/Intake - 800-I-AM-LOST (845) 883-6614 Fax 8726 Woodward Ave. Second Fl. Detroit, MI 48207 (313) 664-0700 Main (313) 664-0719 Fax (313) 259-4502 TDD/TTY Donna Linder, Executive Director SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. Donna Snowden, Executive Director Peggy Graham, Assistant Director of Family and Community Programming OTHER NAMES: 4 C; 4 Cs; 4 C's; 4Cs; CCCC; FOUR C's Services CHILD KIDNAPPING ALERT PROGRAM Child Kidnapping Alert Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Investigates each case of a missing child using computer technology, the Internet and a massive national network of partners, including local law enforcement agencies, the FBI, state missing children clearinghouses, schools and other non-profit organizations. Photos of missing children are disseminated nationwide through the support of hundreds of media outlets, other businesses and volunteers who post, circulate, print or air Child Find missing children posters. <continued...> 31 CHILD FIND OF AMERICA... resources. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. LANGUAGES: 24 hours. ELIGIBILITY: Parents, guardians or family members with lost children. FEES: None. LANGUAGES: Spanish. CHILDREN ABDUCTION PREVENTION SUPPORT SERVICES (CAPSS) Child Kidnapping Prevention SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Connects families with child custody issues to a wide array of services including prevention action, conflict resolution and mediation, coparenting planning, legal advocacy, comprehensive case management, educational resources and more. ELIGIBILITY: Families impacted by a child custody crisis, parental abduction or denied visitation. FEES: None. LANGUAGES: Spanish. CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY 2151 E Jefferson Ave. Suite 250 Detroit, MI 48207 (313) 961-8100 Main (313) 961-8103 Fax Billie Christian, Executive Director Faustina Green, Destination: Success! Program Manager OTHER NAMES: CAS PARENT HELP Parenting Helplines Sites SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides confidential telephone assistance for parents dealing with the problems of sharing kids, visitation, custody and child support. Offers parenting and fatherhood education, anger management, crisis intervention and relationship coaching. ELIGIBILITY: Parents or guardians. FEES: None. LANGUAGES: Spanish. 1. CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY 2151 E Jefferson Ave. Suite 250 Detroit, MI 48207 (313) 961-8100 Main (313) 961-8103 Fax Billie Christian, Executive Director SITE AREA SERVED: Metropolitan Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-5pm. CHILDHELP USA 2. HEAD START PRESCHOOL DEVELOPMENT CENTER 8726 Woodward Ave. Detroit, MI 48202 15757 N Seventy-Eighth St. Scottsdale, AZ 85260 30680 Montpelier Ste. 250 Madison Heights, MI 48071 (313) 664-0700 Ext. 249 Service/Intake (800) 422-4453 Toll Free - Child Abuse Hotline (248) 353-0921 Main - Local Office (480) 922-8212 Main (248) 307-9595 Fax - Local Office (480) 922-7061 Fax Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Metropolitan Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Thu 8am-8pm; Fri 8am-6pm DESTINATION: SUCCESS! Classroom Training Life Skills Education Occupation Specific Job Training SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a certified nursing assistant training program for eligible grant recipients. Services include life skills training (two weeks), nursing assistant training (three weeks, in partnership with the American Red Cross), and employability skills training (one week). Also offers family stabilization resources during the training program. ELIGIBILITY: Low-income City of Detroit residents age 18 and older; without felony criminal record. Income guidelines vary depending on agency grant requirements. FEES: None. Sites: 1 Services Ann Marie Lesniak, Director Angela Barney, Adoption Supervisor Public transportation accessible. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. Services CHILD ABUSE HOTLINE Child Abuse Hotlines Child Abuse Prevention SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers a hotline staffed by professional crisis intervention counselors. The confidential and anonymous Hotline offers crisis intervention, information, literature, and referrals to thousands of emergency, social service, and support <continued...> 32 CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY... LOVING CHILDREN PROJECT Family Preservation Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers families the opportunity to receive immediate access to services by on-site social workers. Services are provided to prevent further neglect and/or perpetuation of parental/caregiver frustration, which can lead to abuse and/or abandonment. Social workers complete a thorough assessment to determine the unique problem areas of each at-risk child and family. The program is a partnership between Children's Aid Socity and the Detroit Police Department’s (DPD) Child Abuse Unit. ELIGIBILITY: Detroit residents. FEES: None. Sites: 1 LEGACY LEARNERS Youth Enrichment Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides activities to students before and after regular school hours four days a week during the school year at fifteen middle schools in the Detroit Public School system. The focus is to increase and expand students' knowledge and education by taking part in a variety of fun activities related to classroom learning through “hands-on” experiences rather than direct instruction. A daily healthy snack is provided to participants. There is also a six-week summer component. ELIGIBILITY: Youth in Grades 6 to 8 of Detroit Public School System. FEES: None. Sites: 1 HEAD START Child Care Centers Head Start CHILDREN'S LEUKEMIA FOUNDATION OF MICHIGAN SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers Head Start (mornings) as well as a supervised child care program (afternoons). Accepts children with special needs. Headstart is a federally-funded child development program that provides educational experiences, counseling and opportunities for parental involvement to help prepare low-income children and children with disabilities age three to five to enter and succeed in school. ELIGIBILITY: Headstart: children 3 to 5 years of age; Daycare: children 3 to 10 years of age. Sites: 2 5455 Corporate Dr. Suite 306 Troy, MI 48098 (248) 530-3000 Service/Intake (800) 825-2536 Toll Free (248) 530-3042 Fax William D. Seklar, President/CEO Kristen West, VP, Patient Services OTHER NAMES: CHILDRENS LEUKEMIA FOUNDATION OF MICHIGAN MOVING FAMILIES IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION Juvenile Diversion SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers a juvenile diversion program with comprehensive social services for first offenders or those who have had contact with the Juvenile Justice system. Program includes case management, individual and family counseling, behavioral alternatives, employability skills training, and guidance to families and their pre-delinquent youths. ELIGIBILITY: Families of pre-delinquent youths 12 to 17 years of age. Sites: 1 SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm. Services DISEASE/DISABILITY INFORMATION FOR LEUKEMIA Disease/Disability Information * Leukemia SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a Resource Room that offers print, audio, video and electronic information to help families learn more about leukemia and surrounding issues. Newly registered families receive Stepping Stones, a resource kit filled with facts, interactive exercises and referrals that empower families with the information they need to gain answers to their questions about leukemia. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. PURPOSEFUL PARENTING PROGRAM (P3) Parenting Skills Classes SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a nine week parenting class to improve parenting skills, to develop a customized parenting “life plan,” and teach parents the appropriate ways to assist and communicate with their children and other family members. ELIGIBILITY: Birth parents who have children in foster care. FEES: None. Sites: 1 FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FOR LEUKEMIA PATIENTS Medical Care Expense Assistance Prescription Expense Assistance Undesignated Temporary Financial Assistance SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers financial assistance towards medical treatment costs and prescription assistance for patients with little or no insurance; travel costs to and from medical appointments; wigs and head coverings. Program has a Special Needs Fund to help with other expenses such as lodging, rent/mortgage assistance, auto repairs, child care, and other miscellaneous expenses for individuals that have applied for other resources and <continued...> 33 CHILDREN'S LEUKEMIA FOUNDATION OF... appointment. have been denied. Funding subject to availability. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals with leukemia who have no insurance or are underinsured. FEES: None. Services ADOPTION SERVICES Adoption Evaluation/Placement Adoptive Home Studies SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Places newborns (primarily) that are voluntarily released by their biological families who choose, through a review of profiles, an adoptive family. FEES: $11,000 for completed adoption. $1,650 -- Home Study, Supervision after placement -- $250 plus mileage. SUPPORT GROUPS FOR CANCER Health/Disability Related Support Groups * Cancer SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Partners with area agencies to offer support to those living with cancer and their families. Maintains a state wide list of mutual support groups. CHRIST CHURCH OF REDFORD PREGNANCY COUNSELING Pregnancy Counseling SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers support from for any woman who is experiencing an unplanned pregnancy to consider the options of parenting or placing for adoption. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. Mark Einem, Pastor Dick Christopherson, Outreach Ministry Director CHRYSLER 14350 Wormer Redford, MI 48239 (313) 534-3462 Main (313) 534-0455 Fax SITE AREA SERVED: neighborhood of Detroit. City of Redford, Brightmoor 1000 Chrysler Dr. Auburn Hills, MI 48326 PO Box 21-8004 Auburn Hills, MI 48321 Services FOOD PANTRY Food Pantries (800) 992-1997 Main SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides food pantry for individuals and families in need. Food packages are based on family size. Typically contains frozen meats, canned goods, staple items, pastas/sauces and fresh fruits and vegetables when available. ELIGIBILITY: Low-income individuals and families. FEES: None. Sergio Marchionne, CEO Daphne Harris, Manager Civic Community Relations Sites 1. AUTOMOBILITY PROGRAM HEADQUARTERS Troy, MI 48007 GENERAL CLOTHING PROVISION General Clothing Provision SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides clothing to individuals and families in need. ELIGIBILITY: Low-income individuals and families. FEES: None. (800) 255-9877 Toll Free SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-8pm. 2. CHRYSLER 1000 Chrysler Dr. Auburn Hills, MI 48326 CHRISTIAN FAMILY SERVICES PROTESTANT YOUTH ORGANIZATION (800) 992-1997 Main 17105 W Twelve Mile Rd. Southfield, MI 48076 Sergio Marchionne, CEO SITE AREA SERVED: National. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. (248) 557-8390 Main (248) 557-6427 Fax Services ADMINISTRATIVE ENTITY Administrative Entities Audrey Brown, Executive Director Allison Berens, Administrative Assistant Public transportation accessible. SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Chrysler. Sites: 2 SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Thu 9am-5pm. Evenings by Serves as headquarters for <continued...> 34 CHRYSLER... CHRYSLER AUTOMOBILITY PROGRAM Automobile/Van Adaptations SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers a cash reimbursement of up to $1000 to help reduce the cost of installing adaptive driver or passenger equipment on a newly purchased or leased Chrysler Group vehicle. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals who have purchased or leased a new 2010, 2011 or 2012 model Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge, Ram or Fiat vehicle which requires adaptive equipment to allow customers with permanent disabilities to enter, exit and/or operate a new vehicle. FEES: None. Sites: 1 Services COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY Colleges/Universities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides classroom and online instruction for curriculums that lead to degrees in business administration and applied science. Offers associate, bachelor and master level degrees. Day programs for full time students and evening programs for working part time students are available. Bachelor and masters degree programs in business administration are available online. ELIGIBILITY: High school or GED graduates with a grade point average of 2.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale (Undergraduate applicants). College graduates with a grade point average of 2.5 or higher on a 4.0 scale (Graduate applicants). FEES: $25 application fee, $325 tuition per credit hour (Undergraduate); $50 application fee, $495 tuition per credit hour (Graduate). Financial assistance is available. CITY MISSION HARVEST 20405 Schoolcraft Rd. Detroit, MI 48223 (313) 541-3531 Main (313) 541-0242 Fax CLUTTERERS ANONYMOUS WORLD SERVICE ORGANIZATION Nicole Aikens, Executive Director Kim Hayward, Administrative Assistant Public transportation accessible. PO Box 91413 Los Angeles, CA 90009 SITE AREA SERVED: Zip code 48223. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-4pm. (310) 281-6064 24-Hour Line - Recorded Meeting List Services OTHER NAMES: CLA; CLA WSO FOOD PANTRY Food Pantries Sites SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides food packages to low income individuals and families. Packages are based on family size. ELIGIBILITY: Low income residents of 48223, within the boundaries of Westwwod St. to Burt Rd. and I-96 to Linden. Must bring a container to carry the food. FEES: None. 1. CLUTTERERS ANONYMOUS WORLD SERVICE ORGANIZATION PO Box 91413 Los Angeles, CA 90009 (310) 281-6064 24-Hour Line - Recorded Meeting List SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. 2. PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH 17029 W Thirteen Mile Rd. Southfield, MI 48076 CLEARY UNIVERSITY 3601 Plymouth Rd. Ann Arbor, MI 48105 (248) 642-7047 Administrative (734) 416-6231 Service/Intake (734) 332-4477 Main (888) 525-3279 Toll Free (734) 332-4646 Fax SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. Services CLUTTERER/HOARDER SUPPORT GROUPS Clutterer/Hoarder Support Groups SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers support to individuals who have difficulty controlling compulsions to amass possessions which clutter living spaces, create hazards and put them at risk for eviction. Twelve-step groups meet in-person, by telephone or via the Internet; and provide emotional support, information and resources to help participants discard property they do not need and restore order. Thomas Sullivan, President David Bowers, Executive Director/CIO SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Thu 8am-8pm (8am-7pm when classes are not in session); Fri 8am-5pm. <continued...> 35 CLUTTERERS ANONYMOUS WORLD... HIV/AIDS, and those with a history of substance abuse. Places eligible tenants in rental units owned by area landlords, provides a rent subsidy based on tenant income, provides case management and support services to meet each tenants specific needs, and monitors landlord compliance with housing quality standards. Supportive services accompany this program by means of in-home visits and property management. Life skills and case management are also supplied. ELIGIBILITY: Homeless individuals with developmental disabilties, mental illness, HIV/ADIS or a history of substance abuse. Must have some form of income. Homeless individuals with developmental disabilties, mental illness, HIV/ADIS or a history of substance abuse. FEES: Rent is based on a low-income tax basis or 30% of average median income. Based on ability to pay. Sites: 1 2 FEES: Donations accepted. Sites: 1 2 COALITION ON TEMPORARY SHELTER 26 Peterboro Detroit, MI 48201 (313) 831-3777 Main (313) 831-5199 Fax Cheryl P Johnson, CEO Sharyn W Johnson, COO OTHER NAMES: COTS Sites 1. BUERSMEYER'S MANOR 8520 Wyoming Detroit, MI 48204 (313) 935-9363 Main SITE AREA SERVED: HOMELESS SHELTER Homeless Shelter Detroit. SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides shelter on a first come first served basis for men, women and families. There are a total of 140 beds for men, women and children. Case planners are assigned to every guest to ensure that their needs are being met as well as to address the issues that brought them into the shelter. Family workers assist with school registration, transportation and obtaining housing. Outreach is provided up to twelve months after families have been discharged to make certain that housing is maintained. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals or families who are homeless. FEES: None. Sites: 2 2. COALITION ON TEMPORARY SHELTER 26 Peterboro Detroit, MI 48201 (313) 831-3777 Main (313) 831-5199 Fax Cheryl P Johnson, CEO SITE AREA SERVED: City of Detroit. SITE HOURS: 24 hours. 3. TRANSITIONAL HOUSING - FAMILIES 16630 Wyoming Ave. Detroit, MI 48221 PERMANENT SUPPORTIVE HOUSING Single Room Occupancy Housing Supported Living Services for Adults with Disabilities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides 23 Single Occupancy units for men and women who are elderly, mentally challenged and /or physically disabled who need limited support services to remain independent. FEES: Rent is 10% of income. Sites: 2 (313) 862-3234 Main Sandra Eberhardt, Program Manager SITE AREA SERVED: City of Detroit. 4. TRANSITIONAL HOUSING - WOMEN AND CHILDREN 1887 W Grand Blvd. Detroit, MI 48208 (313) 361-1300 Main TRANSITIONAL SERVICES PROGRAM Transitional Housing/Shelter SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides residents with housing up to an additional twenty-four months while they work toward economic stability. Under the guidance of a case planner, eligible residents work and pay modest, income-appropriate fees for housing and support services, including drug and alcohol recovery programs, parenting and child care services, education, job search and placement programs and assistance with independent living arrangements. ELIGIBILITY: Single adults who are homeless and have some form of income or are receiving SSI. FEES: Based on ability to pay. Sandra Eberhardt, Program Manager SITE AREA SERVED: City of Detroit. SITE NOTES: Not wheelchair accessible. Services HOMELESS PERMANENT SUPPORTIVE HOUSING Homeless Permanent Supportive Housing SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides supportive housing for homeless individuals who are income eligible. Provides housing for the homeless who are mentally ill, developmentally disabled, homeless individuals with <continued...> 36 COALITION ON TEMPORARY SHELTER... Sites: 2 3 4 Services NEW BEGINNINGS Transitional Housing/Shelter SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides transitional housing for women who are victims of domestic violence and their dependent children for up to 24 months. ELIGIBILITY: Women who are victims of domestic violence and up to three dependent children. FEES: None. Sites: 3 STUDENT FINANCIAL AID Student Financial Aid SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Awards scholarships of up to $5,000 annually for a maximum of $20,000 over four or five years to eligible graduating high school seniors. Funds must be used to pay for expenses related to attending college including tuition, fees, room and board, books, and transportation. During undergraduate years, scholars receive support and guidance from staff members who assist with school and life challenges. Staff members work with financial aid officers and academic advisers on behalf of scholars who need assistance. During the summer before the freshman year, scholars attend the Summer Enrichment Program. This program is designed to ease the transition from home to college life. In return, scholars are expected to give back to the Foundation by helping in the office and with CAYF events, and by improving their own community through volunteer and mentorship activities. ELIGIBILITY: Residents of the City of Detroit who will graduate from a Detroit high school; plan to attend any historically black college or university or any accredited four-year college or university in Michigan; demonstrate financial need and a 2.5 or better grade point average. FEES: None. CODEPENDENTS ANONYMOUS Fellowship Services Office PO Box 33577 Phoenix, AZ 85067 (602) 277-7991 Service/Intake - Meeting Information (888) 444-2359 Toll Free OTHER NAMES: CODA SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Website information available 24 hours. COMCAST Services One Comcast Center Philadelphia, PA 19103 CODEPENDENTS ANONYMOUS SUPPORT GROUPS Codependents Anonymous Support Groups SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides mutual support groups for individuals who have been in relationships, as children or as adults, with individuals who are involved in addictive, compulsive or other dysfunctional behavior with regard to any of a wide variety of problems including gambling, overspending, sex/love, relationships and overeating. Allows participants to share their experience, strengths and hopes to solve the problems they have in common, and to support the recovery of their loved one. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 13 and older who are or have been in codependent relationships. FEES: Donations accepted. (215) 286-1700 Main Brian Roberts, Chairman and CEO Charlie Douglas, Corporate Communications OTHER NAMES: COMCAST CABLE; COMCAST CABLE CORP SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Sun 8am-11pm. Services INTERNET ESSENTIALS Discounted Utility Services SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers a discounted Internet service plan to make basic home Internet service more affordable. Also offers a low-cost computer and free online, in print and in person Internet training for qualified customers. ELIGIBILITY: Must have at least one child receiving free or reduced price school lunch through the National School Lunch Program; be located where Comcast offers Internet service; must not have subscribed to Comcast Internet service within the last (90) days and must not have an overdue Comcast bill or unreturned equipment. FEES: $9.95 a month plus tax for basic home Internet Service. A low-cost computer is available at initial enrollment for $149.99 plus tax. COLEMAN A YOUNG FOUNDATION 2111 Woodward Ave. Suite 600 Detroit, MI 48201 (313) 962-2200 Main (313) 962-2208 Fax Claudette Y Smith, Executive Director OTHER NAMES: CAYF SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. 37 publicly or privately operated shelter designed to provide temporary living accommodations (including welfare hotels, congregate shelters, and transitional housing), an institution that provides a temporary residence for individuals intended to be institutionalized, or a public or private place not designed for, or ordinarily used as, a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings. Individuals who are residing in a doubled-up household may be eligible, but ONLY if they are within seven days of being evicted or asked to leave, and they must provide documentation from the host household that proves this. COMMUNITY AND HOME SUPPORTS The Palms Building 2111 Woodward Ave. Suite 608 Detroit, MI 48201 (313) 964-2566 Main (313) 964-2371 Fax Sharon Lapides, President/CEO Wanda Merriweather, Supervisor of Housing OTHER NAMES: CHS; COMMUNITY & HOME SUPPORTS; COMMUNITY HOME SUPPORTS To be eligible for homelessness prevention assistance applicants must have received an eviction notice and/or utility shut off notice; be unable to make the required payments due to a sudden reduction in income; and be able to resume payments within a reasonable period of time. The applicant must be able to demonstrate that the assistance is necessary to avoid eviction or termination of utility services. SITE AREA SERVED: Macomb, Oakland and Wayne Counties. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-5:00pm. Services HOUSING INTERVENTION SERVICES Case/Care Management * Homeless People SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers intensive case management to homeless families. Program services include intensive case management, job development, life skills training, and personal financial counseling. ELIGIBILITY: Residents of Detroit who are currently homeless or facing eviction due to rental or utility arrearages. FEES: None. COMMUNITY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM 5027 W Boston Blvd. Detroit, MI 48204 (313) 834-6633 Main OTHER NAMES: C.A.P.; CAP SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri 7:30am-2:30pm. EMERGENCY SOLUTIONS GRANT (ESG) Electric Service Payment Assistance Gas Service Payment Assistance Heating Fuel Payment Assistance Rent Payment Assistance Rental Deposit Assistance Utility Deposit Assistance SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers limited short term financial assistance of up to $1500 for leasing of rental units, rental arrearages, rental and utility deposits, utility arrearages, and utility payments to prevent homelessness and to assist those who are currently homeless. Services FOOD PANTRY FOR FOOD STAMP RECIPIENTS Food Pantries SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Distributes food to individuals in emergency situations only. Provides mostly canned goods but also also offers cereal and other boxed items. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals receiving food stamps. FEES: None. GENERAL CLOTHING PROVISION General Clothing Provision SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers clothing to individuals in need. Individuals may only receive service once every three months. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals living in the area of Detroit south of Seven Mile Rd., north of Fort St., west of Woodward Ave., and east of Evergreen Rd. FEES: None. NOTE: This program is jointly administered by United Community Housing Coalition (UCHC), Coalition on Temporary Shelter (COTS), and Community and Home Supports (CHS). Requests for assistance through this program should be made to only ONE of these three agencies, not a combination of them. ELIGIBILITY: Must meet the following minimum criteria: Be a resident of Detroit, Hamtramck, or Highland Park; have applied for State Emergency Relief with DHS; and have household income that is at or below 40% of Area Median Income (AMI). To be eligible for re-housing assistance applicants must lack a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence; and have a primary residence that is a supervised 38 dental care services, and transportation services are available to existing CHASS patients. When speciality care referrals are required all referrals are made to Henry Ford Health System speciality providers. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals and families who reside in Detroit. Services target African Americans and Latinos, but are not restricted to these populations. FEES: Accepts some Medicaid insurances, Medicare, and some private insurance. Individuals without medical coverage may receive services on a sliding fee scale based on household income and family size. A minimum payment of $10 is required at the time of services. COMMUNITY HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICE CENTER 5635 W Fort St. Detroit, MI 48209 (313) 849-3920 Main (313) 849-0824 Fax J. Ricardo Guzman, CEO Erminia Ramirez, COO Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: CHASS Note: Medicaid recipients covered by Molina Healthcare of Michigan or Midwest Health Plan must have have identified CHASS as their primary care provider to use services. Call for more information and assistance. LANGUAGES: Spanish. Sites: 1 2 Sites 1. CHASS MIDTOWN CENTER 7436 Woodward Ave. Detroit, MI 48202 (313) 556-9907 Main (313) 557-9711 Fax 2. COMMUNITY HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICE CENTER 5635 W Fort St. Detroit, MI 48209 RACIAL AND ETHNIC APPROACHES TO COMMUNITY HEALTH (REACH) Diabetes Management Clinics SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides training and support to individuals with Type 2 Diabetes to learn control and management of their chronic illness. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals with Type 2 Diabetes who live in Detroit. FEES: None. LANGUAGES: Spanish. Sites: 1 2 (313) 849-3920 Main (313) 849-0824 Fax COMMUNITY HEALTH AWARENESS GROUP Sherry Lawrence, Clinic Manager Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Wayne County. SITE HOURS: Mon, Tue, Thu 12noon-8pm; Wed, Fri 8:30am-5pm. 1300 W Fort St. Detroit, MI 48226 Marylu Villarreal, Clinic Manager Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Wayne County. SITE HOURS: Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri 8am-5pm; Tue 8am-8pm. (313) 963-3434 Main (313) 963-1832 Fax Cindy Bolden Calhoun, Executive Director OTHER NAMES: CHAG Services COMMUNITY CLINIC Community Clinics Family Counseling General Physical Examinations Geriatric Medicine Individual Counseling Nutrition Education Pediatrics Prenatal Care Prenatal Evaluation SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides primary health care services to community members. CHASS clinics do not provide emergency or urgent care, and focus on primary, preventative care and support services, including pediatric/adolescent medical care, prenatal care, family planning, geriatric care, behavioral health services, individual and family counseling, nutrition counseling and group education. Pharmacy services, SITE AREA SERVED: City of Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-5pm. Services IMANI FELLOWSHIP FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH AIDS/HIV Health/Disability Related Counseling SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides emotional support, information and guidance to individuals with AIDS or who are HIV-positive. Offers individual and group therapy to help deal with the realities of AIDS/HIV and the life adjustents required by the illness. Assesses the emotional and social functioning of individuals with AIDS or who are HIV-positive in order to develop a plan that will support identified strengths and minimize difficulties. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals with AIDS or who are HIV-positive and their families. FEES: None. <continued...> 39 COMMUNITY HEALTH AWARENESS GROUP... HIV TESTING HIV Testing Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5:30pm. SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides anonymous and confidential HIV testing and referral services. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. Services CHILD CARE CENTER Child Care Centers STREET OUTREACH PROGRAM Street Outreach Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a street outreach program to high risk areas of Detroit that offers health education, risk reduction counseling and HIV testing. Mobile vans visit drug treatment facilities, soup kitchens, and homeless shelters to offer services. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides licensed child care for children ages 6 weeks through 5 years. Emphasizes learning through play, realizing the importance of discovery, creativity and exploration. Full and part-time year round child care available. Program is accredited by the National Academy of Education for Young Children. ELIGIBILITY: Children age 6 weeks to 5 years. FEES: Infant: $1375/month; Infant/toddler: $1370/month; Full time preschool: $1100/month; Three day preschool: $765/month; Two day preschool: $595/month. Ten percent sibling discount. Financial assistance available. SUBSTANCE ABUSE COUNSELING Substance Abuse Counseling SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides individual, group or family therapy for individuals who abuse alcohol or drugs of any kind to help them better understand the nature of their physical and/or psychological dependency or impairment and to support their efforts to recover. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. RECREATIONAL AND LEISURE INSTRUCTION Arts and Crafts Instruction Continuing Education Cooking Classes Dance Instruction Gardening/Landscaping Instruction Language Instruction SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers a variety of classes for children and adults. Classes include cooking, languages, art, gardening, fitness, politics and the economy, acting, fencing, and dance classes. Classes are offered throughout the year on a quarterly basis and are open to everyone. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: Varies by class. Accepts Visa and Mastercard. SUPPORT GROUPS FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH AIDS/HIV Health/Disability Related Support Groups * AIDS/HIV SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers support group for individuals infected with HIV and friends and family members affected by HIV. Children's activities are available during meeting. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. SPECIAL INTEREST CAMPS Special Interest Camps SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers a variety of special day camps for youth. Camps include cabaret, ballet, theater, and fencing. ELIGIBILITY: Ages 5 to 18. FEES: Varies by camp; Fifty percent deposit due at registration; Accepts Visa and Mastercard. TRANSPORTATION TO HIV/AIDS RELATED SERVICES Disability Related Transportation Medical Appointments Transportation SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Transports HIV positive individuals to and from medical appointments. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals with HIV/AIDS in Metropolitan Detroit. Individuals will be screened for eligibility. FEES: None. COMMUNITY LEGAL RESOURCES 615 Griswold Suite 1805 Detroit, MI 48226 (313) 962-3171 Main (313) 962-0797 Fax COMMUNITY HOUSE (THE) 380 S Bates St. Birmingham, MI 48009 Maya Cadwell Stovall, Chief Operating Officer (248) 644-5832 Main (248) 644-5476 Fax SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. <continued...> Debbie Schrot, Executive Director Gigi Nichols, Communications Director 40 COMMUNITY LEGAL RESOURCES... Services Services LEGAL AID FOR COMMUNITY-BASED ORGANIZATIONS Accounting/Reporting Services Business Tax Information Contract Law Environmental Law Intellectual Property Law Nonprofit Corporation Development Real Estate Law SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides pro bono legal representation to nonprofit organizations engaged in efforts to rebuild low-income communities such as constructing affordable housing, attracting new businesses, feeding and sheltering the homeless, and mentoring youth. Helps nonprofits in the community that are engaged in building their neighborhoods by providing them access to business lawyers who volunteer to review contracts, negotiate real estate sales and structure partnerships. ELIGIBILITY: Nonprofit organizations must meet one of the following criteria: fifty-one (51) percent of the organization's membership is comprised of low-income persons (defined as persons whose income does not exceed 125% of the Federal Poverty Income Guidelines) or organizations that serve low-income individuals or communities; the organization's statement of purpose includes activities to benefit low-income, disadvantaged and/or distressed communities; or the matter on which legal assistance is sought raises issues of significant legal consequence to low-income, disadvantaged and/or distressed communities. FEES: None. ADMINISTRATIVE ENTITY Administrative Entities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Serves as national headquarters for local chapters and provides services that plan, organize and control the activities of the organization but which offer no direct services to the public except peripheral administrative services like community awareness programs or materials. GENERAL BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP General Bereavement Support Groups SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides support groups for bereaved family members after a loss of a child. Assists participants with acceptance of loss, expression of grief and movement through the bereavement process. ELIGIBILITY: Parents, grandparents and siblings after the death of a child of any age. FEES: None. CONSUMERS ENERGY 1 Energy Plz. Jackson, MI 49201 (517) 373-6100 Administrative (800) 477-5050 Toll Free - Customer Service (800) 363-4806 Fax David W Joos, President/CEO SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Customer Service: Mon-Fri 7am- 9pm, Sat 7am- 7pm. COMPASSIONATE FRIENDS (THE) Services 900 Jorie Blvd. Suite 78 Oak Brook, IL 60523 ADMINISTRATIVE ENTITY Administrative Entities PO Box 3696 Oak Brook, IL 60523 SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Serves as the headquarters for Consumers Energy. Plans, organizes and controls the activities of the organization. (630) 990-0010 Main (877) 969-0010 Toll Free (630) 990-0246 Fax SHUT-OFF PROTECTION PLAN (SPP) Utility Disconnection Protection SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides year-round protection from shut-off to customers willing to participate in a budget plan that spreads annual energy costs into equal payments plus equal monthly payments on past-due balances. ELIGIBILITY: Consumers Energy gas or electric customers with household income at or below 200 percent of the federal income eligibility guidelines. FEES: Requires an initial down payment of 10 percent of the total bill. Patricia Loder, Executive Director Darlene, Receptionist SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm (Central Standard Time). <continued...> 41 CONSUMERS ENERGY... tract infection or asthma. Affiliated with the University of Michigan and Saint Joseph Mercy Health Systems. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 12-21 and their children. FEES: Based on ability to pay. Accepts Medicaid and other third party payments. LANGUAGES: Interpretation services are available. WINTER PROTECTION PLAN (WWP) Utility Disconnection Protection SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Protects low-income customers and seniors age 65 and older from service shut-off and high payments during the winter (December 1 to March 31). Customers are responsible for electricity and natural gas used, but some of the costs can be deferred. Participation does not relieve customers from the responsibility for paying for electricity and natural gas usage, but may prevent shut-off during the winter months. Customers may sign up for the WPP beginning November 15 by paying their current bill, plus 1/12 of any past-due amount and agreeing to the terms of the WPP for the upcoming heating season. If they qualify, the customer pays 7% of their estimated annual bill, along with a portion of any past-due amount. ELIGIBILITY: Gas or Electric customers of Consumers Energy who meet one of the following requirements: *Household income at or below 150 percent of the federal income eligibility guidelines *Age 65 or older *Receiving Michigan Department of Human Services cash assistance (including State Supplemental Security Income) *Receiving food stamps *Receiving Medicaid FEES: New enrollees: Current bill plus down payment fees 1/12 of any past due amount. At the end of the protection period, both low-income and senior citizens participating in the plan must make arrangements with their utility company to pay any money owed before the start of the next protection period. HIV TESTING AND COUNSELING FOR YOUTH AND YOUNG ADULTS AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling HIV Testing SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides counseling and testing services for individuals at risk for contracting the HIV virus with the objective of supporting their ability to make behavior changes that will reduce their risk of acquiring or transmitting HIV. HIV testing is anonymous and confidential. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 12-21. FEES: Anonymous testing is free. Confidential test fees are based on ability to pay. Accepts Medicaid and other third party payments. LANGUAGES: Interpretation services are available. MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES FOR YOUTH AND YOUNG ADULTS Adolescent/Youth Counseling Clinical Psychiatric Evaluation In Person Crisis Intervention Psychosocial Evaluation SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provide crisis intervention, mental health assessments and short term counseling in association with psychiatrists from the University of Michigan Health System. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 12-21 and their children. FEES: Based on ability to pay. Accepts Medicaid and other third party payments. LANGUAGES: Interpretation services are available. CORNER HEALTH CENTER (THE) 47 N Huron St. Ypsilanti, MI 48197 REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH SERVICES FOR YOUTH AND YOUNG ADULTS Birth Control Counseling Contraception Pregnancy Testing Prenatal Care Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a range of reproductive health services including birth control counseling and contraception, sexually transmitted disease diagnosis and treatment, pregnancy testing and prenatal care. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 12-21. FEES: Based on ability to pay. Accepts Medicaid and other third party payments. LANGUAGES: Interpretation services are available. (734) 484-3600 Main (734) 484-3100 Fax Ellen Clement, Executive Director Kate Guzman, Clinic Director Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: THE CORNER SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Thu 9am-6pm, Fri 9am-5pm. SITE NOTES: Located in the building with the big painting on the wall next to the city parking lot. Services COMMUNITY CLINIC FOR YOUTH AND YOUNG ADULTS Community Clinics SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides general medical services such as wellness care, physical examinations, and immunizations; diagnosis and treatment of common health problems such as a sore throat, urinary 42 Sites CORPORATE ANGEL NETWORK Westchester County Airport One Loop Rd. West Harrison, NY 10604 1. CORPORATION FOR NATIONAL AND COMMUNITY SERVICE 1201 New York Ave. NW Washington, DC 20525 (914) 328-1313 Main (866) 328-1313 Toll Free (914) 328-3938 Fax (202) 606-5000 Main (202) 606-3472 TDD/TTY David Eisner, CEO Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: United States. Peter Fleiss, Executive Director Amanda Askew, Office Manager 2. LEARN AND SERVE AMERICA - MICHIGAN 608 W Allegan St. Lansing, MI 48933-1524 SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. Services (517) 373-1376 Main (517) 335-4565 Fax (517) 335-4295 Alternate Michigan Community Service Commission MERCY FLIGHTS Mercy Transportation SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Arranges air travel to treatment centers for cancer patients. Uses the empty seats on corporate aircraft flying on routine business. The cancer patient can be traveling for treatment, consultation, or check-up reasons. ELIGIBILITY: Cancer patients, bone marrow donors, stem cell donors and bone marrow recipients who are ambulatory and not in need of medical support while traveling. Eligibility is NOT based on financial need, and patients may travel as often as necessary. Cancer treatment center must be listed with the American College of Surgeons and/or the National Institutes of Health. Adult patients may bring one adult companion. Child patients may bring two adult companions. FEES: None. Paula L Kaiser Vandam, Program Director SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. 3. MICHIGAN COMMUNITY SERVICE COMMISSION MICHIGAN STATE OFFICE 211 West Fort St. Ste. 1408 Detroit, MI 48226 (313) 226-7848 Main Evan Albert, Director Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. Services CORPORATION FOR NATIONAL AND COMMUNITY SERVICE AMERICORPS AmeriCorps 1201 New York Ave. NW Washington, DC 20525 SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Administers a national service program designed to strengthen citizenship and the ethic of service by engaging thousands of Americans on a full-time or part-time basis to help communities to address their toughest challenges. ELIGIBILITY: Must be at least 17 years of age, be a U.S. citizen, have a high school diploma (or be willing to work toward one), and be able to commit to up to one year of service. FEES: None. Sites: 1 (202) 606-5000 Main (202) 606-3472 TDD/TTY David Eisner, CEO Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: ACTION FOSTER GRANDPARENT PROGRAM Foster Grandparent Program SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides part time opportunities for low income seniors to serve as mentors, tutors and caregivers for abused or neglected children, troubled youth, or youngsters with disabilities or other special needs in schools, hospitals, child care programs, Head Start programs and residential settings. Foster grandparents receive a modest tax free stipend ($2.65 per hour) for their work as well as one free meal a day, <continued...> 43 CORPORATION FOR NATIONAL AND COMMUNITY... reimbursements for their travel expenses and an annual physical examination. ELIGIBILITY: Seniors age 55 or older who pass background check and physical examination and meet income guidelines. Must be willing to work twenty hours per week. FEES: None. Sites: 3 Sites 1. IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY CENTER 16000 Pembroke Ave. Detroit, MI 48235 (313) 272-0990 Main (313) 272-9772 Fax SITE AREA SERVED: Wayne County. SITE HOURS: Varies according to programs and services. LEARN AND SERVE AMERICA Program Development Funds Volunteer Development SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides direct and indirect support to K-12 schools, community groups and higher education institutions to facilitate service-learning projects and engage students in community service. Offers grants and technical assistance. Grants are awarded by the Michigan Community Service Commission. ELIGIBILITY: K-12 schools and community service groups. FEES: None. Sites: 2 Services FOOD PANTRY Food Pantries SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides year-round emergency food assistance to individuals within the community of Northwestern Detroit. Special assistance is available during Thanksgiving and Christmas. ELIGIBILITY: Must live within the service area boundaries which are Hubbell on the East, Telegraph on the West, Seven Mile on the South, and Eight Mile Road on the North. FEES: None. Food and monetary donations are welcomed. Sites: 1 SENIOR CORPS Foster Grandparent Program Friendly Visiting RSVP Program SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Connects seniors with organizations that need volunteers and helps them become mentors, coaches or companions to people in need, or contribute their job skills and expertise to community projects. Provides opportunities in one of three Senior Corps programs: Foster Grandparents serving as tutors and mentors to young people who have special needs; Senior Companions helping homebound seniors and other adults maintain independence in their own homes; and RSVP Volunteers conducting safety patrols for local police departments. ELIGIBILITY: Seniors age 55 or older. FEES: None. Sites: 3 COVENANT HOUSE MICHIGAN 2959 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd. Detroit, MI 48208 (313) 463-2000 Administrative (313) 463-2001 Fax Sam Joseph, Executive Director Cynthia Adams, Associate Executive Director Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: CHM Sites 1. COMMUNITY SERVICE CENTER - EAST 7600 Goethe Street Detroit, MI 48214 CORPUS CHRISTI CATHOLIC COMMUNITY (313) 267-4315 Service/Intake (313) 267-4320 Fax 19800 Pembroke Ave. Detroit, MI 48219 Fannie Owens, Coordinator Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-6pm. (313) 537-5770 Main (313) 537-5773 Fax 2. COMMUNITY SERVICE CENTER - SOUTHWEST 5668 Baker Detroit, MI 48209 Donald Archambault, Pastor OTHER NAMES: CORPUS CHRISTI CATHOLIC CHURCH; SAINT GERARD CENTER; ST. GERARD CENTER (313) 927-8720 Service/Intake (313) 927-8730 Fax Teresa Rodriguez, Manager Public transportation accessible. <continued...> 44 COVENANT HOUSE MICHIGAN... SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 10am-6pm. SITE NOTES: This location is on campus with the Covenant House Academy high school. prevention and enrichment program for at-risk youth and young adults from the surrounding neighborhoods. Services include counseling, crisis intervention, life skills workshops, violence and substance abuse prevention, computer classes, mentoring, parenting workshops, and arts and crafts. ESL instruction is additionally offered on an "AS NEEDED" basis at the Community Service Center -- West location. ELIGIBILITY: Youth and young adults ages 13-22 (younger siblings if with parent). FEES: None. LANGUAGES: Spanish only at the Community Service Center -- West location. Sites: 1 2 3. COVENANT HOUSE MICHIGAN 2959 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd. Detroit, MI 48208 (313) 463-2000 Administrative (313) 463-2001 Fax Sam Joseph, Executive Director Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Office hours: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. Crisis Shelter: 24 hours. STREET OUTREACH PROGRAM FOR YOUTH Street Outreach Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Identifies and reaches out to at-risk and homeless youth living on the streets in Metro Detroit to provide prevention services, assistance, referrals to Covenant House crisis and residential programs, education and job programs, counseling, food and clean clothes. ELIGIBILITY: At-risk youth ages 13-22. FEES: None. LANGUAGES: Spanish. Sites: 3 4. NINELINE SERVICE CENTER 460 West 41st St. New York, NY 10036-6801 (212) 613-0300 Administrative (800) 999-9999 24-Hour Line - Nineline (800) 999-9915 TDD/TTY - Crisis Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: 24 hours. SITE NOTES: This location operates a call center for the Nineline telephone crisis line providing nationwide coverage for crisis intervention and referrals to Covenant House locations and other services. RIGHTS OF PASSAGE Transitional Housing/Shelter SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a two year transitional living program to youth who live in the Crisis Center and need long-term assistance. Clients pursue their education and find a job while learning independent living skills. Every resident is assigned a counselor and mentor and receives individual and group counseling and medical care. Has available, 26 beds for young men and women needing long term assistance to become independent. ELIGIBILITY: Men and women, ages 18-22. Current clients of the Crisis Center. LANGUAGES: Spanish. Sites: 3 Services NINELINE Runaway/Homeless Youth Hotlines Specialized Information and Referral * At Risk Youth SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers a nationwide telephone hotline for confidential crisis intervention, counseling and referrals to Covenant House crisis shelter and other community services for at risk and troubled youth. The Nineline web site also offers an online discussion and question forum for topics including family, relationships, feelings, suicide, basic needs, abuse, health, sex, drugs and alcohol, runaways, and more. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. LANGUAGES: Spanish. Sites: 4 CRANBROOK EDUCATIONAL COMMUNITY 39221 Woodward Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304 PO Box 801 Bloomfield Hills, MI 48303-0801 (248) 645-3000 Main PREVENTION/SUPPORT SERVICES FOR AT-RISK YOUTH Adolescent/Youth Counseling Adult/Child Mentoring Programs English as a Second Language Juvenile Delinquency Prevention Tutoring Services Youth Enrichment Programs Youth Violence Prevention Clayton Mathews, Director of Communications Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: CEC; CRANBROOK SCHOOLS SITE AREA SERVED: Oakland County. SITE HOURS: M-F 8am-5pm. <continued...> 45 CRANBROOK EDUCATIONAL COMMUNITY... Services Services BOARDING SCHOOL Boarding Schools DISEASE/DISABILITY INFORMATION FOR COLITIS AND CROHN'S DISEASE Disease/Disability Information * Crohn's Disease Disease/Disability Information * Ulcerative Colitis Health/Disability Related Support Groups * Crohn's Disease Health/Disability Related Support Groups * Ulcerative Colitis SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides information about the etiology, symptoms, preventive measures, screening/diagnostic procedures, and methods of treatment or management for Crohn's Disease and ulcerative colitis. Includes information regarding current support groups, the annual conference, and available printed materials. ELIGIBILITY: Residents of Michigan. FEES: None. SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a comprehensive high school education at a private boarding school. Students live in dorms and attend classes on campus. ELIGIBILITY: Students in grades 9-12. FEES: Application fee is $25 for applicants within the United States, $100 for international applicants. Tuition is $35,450 per year. Scholarships and financial aid available. FINE ART AND ARCHITECHTURE SCHOOL Professional Schools Schools of the Arts SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers graduate level programs in the fine arts and architecture. Offers students Master of Architecture and Master of Fine Art degrees. School does not offer any undergraduate or continuing education programs. ELIGIBILITY: Applicants to Master of Fine Arts program must have a degree of Bachelor of Fine Arts, Bachelor of Arts, or Bachelor of Science from an accredited educational institution. Applicants to the Master of Architecture program must hold the degree of Bachelor of Architecture or its equivalent. Applicants holding a Bachelor's degree in a field other than the arts may be considered on an individual basis, if their experience and portfolio so warrant. FEES: $60 application fee. Tuition is $25,958 per year not including costs for room and board, supplies, or other fees. School does not accept credit cards for tuition payments. Fees may be paid by check, money order or wire transfer. Financial aid available. CROSSROADS FOR YOUTH 930 E Drahner Rd. Oxford, MI 48371 PO Box 9 Oxford, MI 48371 (248) 628-2561 Main (248) 628-3080 Fax Janet McPeek, President Susan Ramage, Admissions Coordinator SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. Services CROHN'S AND COLITIS FOUNDATION OF AMERICA - MICHIGAN CHAPTER ADOLESCENT RESIDENTIAL TREATMENT FACILITY Children's/Adolescent Residential Treatment Facilities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides residential programs with a strong therapeutic and educational model. Emphasizes individual, group and family therapy as well as the integration of adventure therapy. Residential programs include Girls Center, Boys Center, Life Preparation Center and the Achievement Center. ELIGIBILITY: At risk youth age 11-17. Targets adjudicated youth (court or DHS referred), but accepts private pay applicants. FEES: Vary; call for information. NO financial assistance available. LANGUAGES: Interpretation services available. 31313 Northwestern Hwy. Suite 204 Farmington Hills, MI 48334 (248) 737-0900 Administrative (888) 694-8872 Toll Free 888-MY-GUT-PAIN Information Resource Center (888) 737-2232 Toll Free - 888-737-CCFA (248) 737-0904 Fax Anthonie Burke, Community Development Director Dawn Aubrey, Administrative Assistant SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. 46 FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Undesignated Temporary Financial Assistance SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides financial assistance for individuals in emergency situations based on evaluation of the individual's or family's need. May provide bus fare for transportation to doctor's appointments, money to obtain a state identification card, Driver's License or birth certificate (including out of state birth certificate). Does NOT assist with rent or utility bills. ELIGIBILITY: Low-income individuals and families. FEES: None. Sites: 1 2 CROSSROADS OF MICHIGAN 2424 W Grand Blvd. Detroit, MI 48208 (313) 831-0213 Main (313) 831-2000 Service/Intake Mary McLaren Honsel, Executive Director Janice Van De Putte, Assistance Director Public transportation accessible. Sites GENERAL CLOTHING PROVISION General Clothing Provision SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides donated clothing which may include children's, work, maternity clothing, and shoes. ELIGIBILITY: Low-income individuals and families. FEES: None. Sites: 1 2 1. CROSSROADS EAST AT SALEM 21230 Moross Detroit, MI 48236-2966 (313) 822-3930 Main (313) 822-5200 Service/Intake Janice Coleman, Supervisor Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 9am-12noon, 1:15pm-4pm; Wed 1:15pm-4pm. PRESCRIPTION EXPENSE ASSISTANCE Prescription Expense Assistance SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides emergency financial assistance on a one time basis to help individuals pay for their prescription medication and offers support to clients for long-term help. ELIGIBILITY: Uninsured low-income individuals and families. FEES: None. Sites: 1 2 2. CROSSROADS OF MICHIGAN 2424 W Grand Blvd. Detroit, MI 48208 (313) 831-0213 Main (313) 831-2000 Service/Intake Mary McLaren Honsel, Executive Director Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Social Service Unit: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 9am-4pm; Wed 1pm-4pm; Sat 9am-12noon. CROSSROADS PREGNANCY CENTER 3205 E South Blvd. Auburn Hills, MI 48326 (248) 293-0070 Main (248) 293-0089 Fax Services EMPLOYMENT SERVICES Career Counseling Job Banks Job Interview Training Job Search Resource Centers Job Search/Placement Resume Preparation Assistance Work Clothing SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides job readiness preparation and job search assistance including resume writing, job interview training, access to computers and the Internet. Offers work clothing for job interview or job start. Also maintains and provides access to computerized and other lists of current job postings. ELIGIBILITY: Low-income individuals needing job search assistance. FEES: None. Sites: 1 2 Tim Stickel, Director Tinker Johnston, RN Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Pontiac, Auburn Hills, Troy, Rochester, Sterling Heights, Detroit, Waterford, Clarkston and Holly. SITE HOURS: Mon-Wed 11am-5pm; Th 11am-8pm. Interpreter services provided for the Hispanic community. Call for appointment. Services CHILDBIRTH EDUCATION Childbirth Education SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides classes, taught by a registered nurse, for expectant parents on the childbirth process and infant care. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. <continued...> 47 CROSSROADS PREGNANCY CENTER... MOM'S SUPPORT GROUP Parent Support Groups 2. CLINIC - FARMINGTON HILLS 39350 Nine Mile Rd. Northville, MI 48167 SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides parenting instruction, discussion, and support for young mothers in a group setting and from a Christian perspective. The group aids new mothers in the daily care of their children through instruction on parenting techniques, nutrition, safety and medical issues, and financial matters. Childcare is provided. ELIGIBILITY: Moms with young children. FEES: None. (248) 735-6081 Ext. 5 Main (866) 387-2727 Toll Free Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-7:30pm, Sat 9am-5:30pm, Sun 10am-5:30pm. Practitioners are on break Mon-Fri 1:30-2:30pm and Sat-Sun 1-1:30pm. POST ABORTION COUNSELING AND EDUCATION (PACE) Postabortion Counseling Postabortion Support Groups SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides support from a Christian perspective for women who are experiencing unresolved feelings as a result of having an abortion and who want to talk with others who have dealt with similiar issues. Emotional and spiritual concerns are discussed in a small group setting. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. 3. CLINIC - MACOMB TOWNSHIP 21777 21 Mile Rd. Macomb, MI 48044 (586) 949-2082 Ext. 5 Main SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri, 8:30am-7:30pm, Sat 9am-5:30 pm, Sun 10am-5:30pm. Practitioners are on break Mon-Fri 1:30-2:30pm and Sat-Sun 1-1:30pm. 4. CLINIC - MILFORD 720 General Motors Rd. Milford, MI 48381 PREGNANCY TESTING Pregnancy Testing (248) 684-1775 Ext. 5 Main (866) 387-2727 Toll Free SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers free, confidential pregnancy testing. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. LANGUAGES: Spanish. Call for an appointment. Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-7:30pm, Sat 9am-5:30pm, Sun 10am-5:30pm. Practitioners are on break Mon-Fri 1:30-2:30pm and Sat-Sun 1-1:30pm. CVS CAREMARK 5. CLINIC - SOUTHFIELD 30920 Southfield Rd. Southfield, MI 48076 One CVS Dr. Woonsocket, RI 02895 (800) 746-7287 Toll Free (248) 647-7472 Ext. 5 Main (866) 387-2727 Toll Free OTHER NAMES: Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-7:30pm, Sat 9am-5:30pm, Sun 10am-5:30pm. Practitioners are on break Mon-Fri 1:30-2:30pm and Sat-Sun 1-1:30pm. CVS PHARMACY Sites 1. CLINIC - CLINTON TOWNSHIP 33021 Garfield Rd. Fraser, MI 48026 6. CVS CAREMARK One CVS Dr. Woonsocket, RI 02895 (586) 293-5012 Ext. 5 Main (866) 387-2727 Toll Free (866) 389-2727 Toll Free (800) 746-7287 Toll Free Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-7:30pm, Sat 9am-5:30pm, Sun 10am-5:30pm. Practitioners are on break Mon-Fri 1:30-2:30pm and Sat-Sun 1-1:30pm. SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. <continued...> 48 CVS CAREMARK... Services DAVIS VISION First National Building 660 Woodward Ave. Suite 1525 Detroit, MI 48226 ADMINISTRATIVE ENTITY Administrative Entities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Serves as the headquarters for CVS Caremark. Plans, organizes and controls the activities of the organization. Sites: 6 (313) 963-5605 Administrative (313) 963-5992 Fax MINUTE CLINIC Adolescent/Adult Immunizations Nurse Practitioner Clinics Pregnancy Testing SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides nurse practitioners and physician assistants who offer treatment for a limited number of common ailments and skin conditions, routine vaccinations, disease screening and diagnosis, pregnancy testing, suture removal, and ear care. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals 18 months and older. For pregnancy testing individuals must be 18 years or older; if under 18 years old must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. FEES: Accepts Medicare and other third party payments. Does not accept Medicaid. For uninsured or out-of-pocket payment, MinuteClinic accepts cash, checks and credit cards. Sites: 1 2 3 4 5 Public transportation accessible. Sites 1. PRINCE HALL MASONIC TEMPLE 3500 McDougall St. Detroit, MI 48207 (313) 579-3341 Administrative Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Wayne County. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. Services VISION SCREENING Vision Screening SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Hosts an annual vision screening fair in partnership with the United Auto Workers (UAW) where school age children in the City of Detroit are able to receive a free vision screening. Discounts on frames and/or lenses may be available to those whose vision screenings indicate that they need them. ELIGIBILITY: School age children who are residents of the City of Detroit. FEES: None. Sites: 1 FLU VACCINES (2012-2013) Flu Vaccines SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers seasonal influenza vaccinations throughout the flu season. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 18 months and older. FEES: $30.00. May be billed to Medicare Part B (or a Medicare alternate health plan) or Medicaid program (if eligible). Sites: 1 2 3 4 5 DETROIT AREA AGENCY ON AGING NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES PRESCRIPTION DISCOUNT CARD Prescription Drug Discount Cards SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers a free prescription discount card to residents of the City of Detroit. The card is accepted at participating pharmacies across the country and enables individuals to save up to 20% off the retail price of prescription drugs which are not covered by insurance. ELIGIBILITY: Residents of Detroit. FEES: None. Sites: 6 1333 Brewery Park Blvd. Suite 200 Detroit, MI 48207 (313) 446-4444 Main (313) 446-4445 Fax Paul Bridgewater, President/CEO Adrienne Warren, Manager, Communication/Marketing OTHER NAMES: AAA; AREA AGENCY ON AGING 1-A; DAAA SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit, Grosse Pointe, Grosse Pointe Farms, Grosse Pointe Park, Grosse Pointe Shores, Grosse Pointe Woods, Hamtramck, Harper Woods and Highland Park. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-5pm. <continued...> 49 DETROIT AREA AGENCY ON AGING... ELDERCARE DIRECTORY Directory/Resource List Publication SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Publishes a directory of social and community services available to seniors living in Detroit, the Grosse Pointes, Hamtramck, Harper Woods, or Highland Park areas. ELIGIBILITY: Seniors age 60 or older and adults with disabilities 18 years of age or older. FEES: None. Services AREA AGENCY ON AGING Area Agencies on Aging SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a developed, comprehensive and coordinated system of community-based services for older adults within the planning and service area. Public and private sector representatives form the Detroit Area Agency Advisory Council. The council meets monthly to discuss various issues, policies and plans which affect older persons. This body advises the Board of Directors and acts as an advocate for older adults in Region 1-A. HEALTHY AGING Chronic Disease Self Management Programs Exercise Classes/Groups SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a variety of workshops and exercise classes designed for the older adult. The fitness program (EnhanceFitness) combines strength training, flexibility, and cardiovascular conditioning. Personal Action Towards Health (PATH) is a self-management workshop designed to have participants self-monitor and change behaviors related to a chronic health condition. Also offers a workshop called A Matter of Balance, which is designed to reduce the fear of falling. ELIGIBILITY: Must be 60 years of age or older and a resident of Detroit, Grosse Pointe, Grosse Pointe Farms, Grosse Pointe Park, Grosse Pointe Shores, Grosse Pointe Woods, Hamtramck, Harper Woods or Highland Park. FEES: None. CREATING CONFIDENT CAREGIVERS Caregiver Training SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides training for family members and other home-based caregivers of individuals with dementia and/or memory loss which focuses on care-related activities such as medication management, personal care and making the home environment safe and barrier-free as well as on stress management and other techniques to help the caregiver take care of him or herself. ELIGIBILITY: Family members caring for a person with dementia and/or memory loss. CASE/CARE MANAGEMENT TO PREVENT OR DELAY NURSING HOME PLACEMENT Activities of Daily Living Assessment Case/Care Management * Older Adults State Medicaid Waiver Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Locates, mobilizes and manages a variety of home-care and other services needed by frail older adults age 60 years and older who are at risk of nursing home placement. After a person is determined eligible for the program, based on a standardized and scored prescreening process, a comprehensive assessment is conducted by a registered nurse to identify needs, existing supports and resources. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 60 and older that are at high risk for nursing home placement. Must be a resident of Detroit, Grosse Pointe, Grosse Pointe Farms, Grosse Pointe Park, Grosse Pointe Shores, Grosse Pointe Woods, Hamtramck, Harper Woods or Highland Park. HOLIDAY MEALS ON WHEELS VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Food Production/Preparation/Delivery Volunteer Opportunities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides various volunteer opportunities to pack and deliver food items to homebound older adults, age 60 and older for Easter, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: Donations accepted. PROJECT FRESH Food Vouchers SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers coupons that can be used to purchase Michigan grown produce, herbs and honey at participating farmers' markets. ELIGIBILITY: Wayne County residents who are at least 60 years old and income-qualified (185% of poverty or less). FEES: None. CONGREGATE MEALS/NUTRITION SITES Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Sponsors sites that provide hot meals on a regular basis for older adults. Program provides the opportunity for individuals to socialize with others at various locations. ELIGIBILITY: Adults age 60 years and older, residing in Detroit, the Grosse Pointes, Hamtramck, Harper Woods, or Highland Park areas. FEES: Donations of $2 - $3 per meal are accepted. HOLIDAY MEALS ON WHEELS Christmas Meals Easter Meals Labor Day Programs Thanksgiving Meals SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Delivers holiday meals on Easter, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas to homebound older adults who would otherwise have no means of preparing a meal, shopping for groceries or traveling to a meal in a congregate setting. ELIGIBILITY: Homebound older adults, age 60 and older. Residents of Detroit, Grosse Pointe, Grosse Pointe Farms, Grosse Pointe Park, Grosse Pointe Shores, Grosse <continued...> 50 DETROIT AREA AGENCY ON AGING... in resolving concerns, providing community education and promoting the use of best practices throughout the long term care system. ELIGIBILITY: Residents of long term care facilities. Pointe Woods, Hamtramck, Harper Woods and Highland Park. FEES: Donations accepted. MEALS ON WHEELS Food Supplements Home Delivered Meals MEDICARE/MEDICAID ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (MMAP) Long Term Care Insurance Information/Counseling Managed Health Care Information Medicaid Planning Medicare Information/Counseling SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides MMAP (Medicare/Medicaid Assistance Program) counselors who are trained in Medicare and Medicaid law and regulations, health insurance counseling and relevant insurance products. Counselors assist individuals by providing personalized Medicare Part D Drug Plan options; explaining doctor bills, hospital bills and Medicare Summary notices; explaining Medicare/Medicaid eligibility, enrollment, coverage, claims and appeals; reviewing Medicare supplemental insurance needs; exploring long term care options; and identifying and reporting Medicare/Medicaid fraud and abuse. Counselors also conduct public presentations on Medicare, Medicaid, and Medicare supplemental insurance. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals and caregivers seeking assistance with Medicare/Medicaid issues. FEES: None. SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Delivers meals to homebound older adults that would otherwise have no means of preparing a meal, shopping for groceries or traveling to a meal in a congregate setting. Deliveries available up to five days per week. ELIGIBILITY: Homebound older adults age 60 and older. Residents of Detroit, Grosse Pointe, Grosse Pointe Farms, Grosse Pointe Park, Grosse Pointe Shores, Grosse Pointe Woods, Hamtramck, Harper Woods and Highland Park. Liquid nutrition requires a prescription from a physician. FEES: Donations accepted. HOUSING COUNSELING SERVICE FOR SENIORS Housing Search Assistance Senior Housing Information and Referral Weatherization Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Assists older adults with housing-related needs. Shelter advisors provide information on the availability of home heating assistance, suitable housing, low-cost energy conservation, home repairs and alternative housing. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals 60 and older that are residents of Detroit, Grosse Pointe, Grosse Pointe Farms, Grosse Pointe Park, Grosse Pointe Shores, Grosse Pointe Woods, Hamtramck, Harper Woods and Highland Park. FEES: None. COMMUNITY ADVOCACY NETWORK (CAN) Senior Advocacy Groups SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Advocates for and supports the passage and enforcement of laws and other social measures that protect and promote the rights and interests of older adults. INFORMATION AND REFERRAL FOR SENIORS Specialized Information and Referral * Older Adult/Aging Issues SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Assists older adults, their caregivers and individuals with disabilities to locate community resources utilizing a computerized database of over 2,000 community agencies. Referral information can be given over the telephone and/or a list of caller's specific needs may be mailed, faxed or e-mailed. ELIGIBILITY: Older adults and individuals with disabilities ages 18 to 64, their family members and caregivers residing in Detroit, the Grosse Pointes, Hamtramck, Harper Woods, or Highland Park areas. FEES: None. SENIOR COMMUNITY SERVICE EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM Senior Community Service Employment Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides an on the job training/work experience program for low-income adults who are 55 years or older. The program helps to enhance or develop skills that enable workers to return to gainful employment. ELIGIBILITY: Must be able to participate in 15-20 hours of training per week, be 55 years or older, unemployed and meet income guidelines. Residents of Detroit, Grosse Pointe, Grosse Pointe Farms, Grosse Pointe Park, Grosse Pointe Shores, Grosse Pointe Woods, Hamtramck, Harper Woods and Highland Park. FEES: None. LONG TERM CARE OMBUDSMAN PROGRAM Long Term Care Ombudsman Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides advocacy services to residents of long-term care licensed facilities such as nursing homes, homes for the aged, and adult foster care homes. Also aims to improve the long term care system by speaking for the passages of laws, regulations and policies benefiting residents. Services include explaining resident rights, empowering residents to communicate concerns, assisting residents 51 Services DETROIT AREA PRE-COLLEGE ENGINEERING PROGRAM DETROIT CARES ALTERNATIVE HIGH SCHOOL GED Instruction Vocational Education SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides vocational training in the areas of building trades, music production and promotion, computers and careers in hospitality. Also offers GED instruction. Students spend half of their day learning a trade and the other half of the day preparing for the GED exam. ELIGIBILITY: Students age 16-19 who live in Detroit. Must be willing to take high school completion classes (GED). FEES: None. 100 Farnsworth Suite 249 Detroit, MI 48202 (313) 831-3050 Main (313) 831-5633 Fax Jason D Lee, Executive Director LoriGoe Perez-Nowak, Development Associate Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: DAPCEP SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. Services DETROIT CITY CLERK 200 Coleman A. Young Municipal Center 2 Woodward Ave. Detroit, MI 48226 INTERNSHIP PROGRAM FOR ENGINEERING STUDENTS Internship Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides internships to students preparing them for careers in engineering, science, technology and math. ELIGIBILITY: Students in grades 4-12. FEES: None. (313) 224-3260 Main (313) 224-2075 Fax - City Council Committee Clerks (313) 224-1466 Fax (313) 224-3266 Alternate - City Council Committee Clerks (313) 224-3270 Alternate - Citizens Information Section aspx SPECIAL INTEREST CAMP FOR ENGINEERING STUDENTS Special Interest Camps SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers campus-based enrichment programs during the fall, spring and summer. Courses follow schedules similar to other college and university classes. Classes focus on computer, technology, science, math, and engineering training from experienced professionals and instructors in their respective fields. Students receive hands-on opportunities in work environments in addition to classroom-based curriculum activities. ELIGIBILITY: Students in grades K-12. FEES: None. Janice M Winfrey, City Clerk Vivian A Hudson, Deputy City Clerk Public transportation accessible. Sites 1. ARCHIVES AND RECORD MANAGEMENT DIVISION 65 Cadillac Square Suite 1600 Detroit, MI 48226 (313) 628-2055 Main (313) 628-2057 Fax Christina Thompson SITE AREA SERVED: City of Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-4:30pm. SITE NOTES: Due to the nature of the historical documents, no food, beverages, candy or gum is allowed inside the archive. DETROIT ASSOCIATION OF BLACK ORGANIZATIONS Horace Sheffield Jr Center 12048 Grand River Ave. Detroit, MI 48204 2. DETROIT CITY CLERK 2 Woodward Ave. Detroit, MI 48226 (313) 491-0003 Main (313) 491-0616 Fax (313) 224-3260 Main (313) 224-1466 Fax (313) 224-2075 Fax - City Council Committee Clerks (313) 224-3270 Alternate - Citizens Information Section (313) 224-3266 Alternate - City Council Committee Clerks Horace L Sheffield III, Executive Director Kimber Betty, Director of Agency/Public Relations Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: DABO SITE AREA SERVED: Macomb, Oakland, and Wayne counties. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. Janice M Winfrey, City Clerk Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. <continued...> 52 DETROIT CITY CLERK... SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. PUBLICATIONS ON DETROIT CITY GOVERNMENT Directory/Resource List Publication Maps SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers publications and directories to the public pertaining to Detroit city government. Publications include: Detroit City Code, Detroit City Charter, Journal of the City Council, district and precinct maps, directories of streets, districts, voting precincts and polling places, Directory of Officials and the Municipal Manual. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: Fees apply for some publications. Some publications available online at Sites: 2 Services CITY CLERK ARCHIVES Archives SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Is responsible for identifying, appraising, accessioning, preserving, arranging, describing and providing reference services to the records of the Detroit City Clerk's office. The archive includes the following: appropriations, budget, casino information, charter amendments (1954 edition), city charter, city council minutes, dangerous building letters, departmental files, Detroit City code (including loose leaf supplements numbers 1-23, excluding number 8), journal of City Council, Neighborhood Empowerment Zone applications, Neighborhood Opportunity Fund (NOF)/block grant applications, nuisance abatements, oaths of office, ordinances, petitions (City council hearing requests), special subject files, subdivision plats, and tax abatements. DETROIT CITY COUNCIL - CITY PLANNING COMMISSION Coleman A Young Municipal Center 2 Woodward Ave. Suite 202 Detroit, MI 48226 *NOTE: The City of Detroit City Clerk Archives and Records Management Division does not have birth, death, divorce, or marriage certificates. FEES: All copies are $.25 per page. Sites: 1 (313) 224-6225 Main (313) 224-4336 Fax CityPlanningCommission/tabid/2557/Default.aspx CITY/TOWN CLERK OFFICE City/Town Clerk Offices SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Maintains all records relating to activities and transactions in the city of Detroit. Prepares and publishes official notices, maintains the city code, coordinates and prepares an agenda for city council meetings. Supervises the election process, voter registrations and administers oaths and take affidavits. Sites: 2 Marcell R Todd Jr, Director JoAnn J Jeromin, Administrative Assistant SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm. Services NEIGHBORHOOD OPPORTUNITY FUND (NOF) Community Development Block Grant Agencies Proposal/Grant Writing Services SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides grants for non-comprehensive neighborhood improvement projects proposed by neighborhood organizations and neighborhood service organizations through the Neighborhood Opportunity Fund (NOF) program. This program, which is a part of the City's Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program, provides funding for decent housing, economic opportunities, needed services and suitable living environments, primarily for persons of low and moderate income. Offers assistance and recommendations to those organizations preparing NOF proposals and reviews proposals through a citizen participation process. ELIGIBILITY: Community-based organizations that are involved in neighborhood and community development in Detroit applying to the Neighborhood Opportunity Fund and those organizations requiring NOF proposal preparation assistance. FEES: None. FILING PROCEDURES FOR CANDIDATES FOR CITY OFFICE Filing Procedures for Candidates SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides information about the procedures individuals must follow in order to apply as a candidate for city office. ELIGIBILITY: Residents of Detroit age 18 and older. FEES: None. Sites: 2 CITIZENS INFORMATION LINE City Government Information Lines SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides telephone information about city government offices and services, and assists callers in locating the requested office or service. ELIGIBILITY: Residents of the City of Detroit. Sites: 2 <continued...> 53 DETROIT CITY COUNCIL - CITY PLANNING... URBAN PLANNING AND ZONING City/County Planning Offices Land Use Planning and Regulation Services SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides opportunities for input at public hearings; information on zoning of particular parcels and on the process of rezoning parcels or otherwise amending the Zoning Ordinance, information on uses permitted in zoning districts and other zoning requirements, general information on development projects, specific information on projects pending or acted on by the City Council. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. Anyone requesting a zoning/rezoning application. FEES: Varies depending on the type of zoning/rezoning requested. 4. NOLAN FAMILY HEALTH CENTER 111 W Seven Mile Rd. Highland Park, MI 48203-1968 (313) 369-2600 Main Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-5pm. 5. WOODWARD CORRIDOR FAMILY MEDICAL CENTER 611 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd. Detroit, MI 48201 (313) 832-6300 Main (313) 832-8060 Service/Intake Healthy Teens Community Care Center DETROIT COMMUNITY HEALTH CONNECTION Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. 13901 E Jefferson Ave. Detroit, MI 48215 (313) 822-0900 Main (313) 822-0950 Fax Services COMMUNITY CLINIC Adolescent/Adult Immunizations Blood Pressure Screening Childhood Immunizations Community Clinics General Physical Examinations Lead Poisoning Screening Nutrition Education SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides basic health care services including physical examinations, immunizations, nutrition assistance and diagnosis and treatment of common ailments. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: Based on ability to pay; accepts Medicaid, Medicare and some other insurances. Sites: 1 2 3 4 5 Wayne W Bradley, President & CEO Sites 1. BRUCE DOUGLAS HEALTH CENTER 6550 E Warren Ave. Detroit, MI 48215 (313) 897-7700 Main Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-5pm. 2. DETROIT COMMUNITY HEALTH CONNECTION 13901 E Jefferson Ave. Detroit, MI 48215 DENTAL CARE General Dentistry (313) 822-0900 Main (313) 822-0950 Fax SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides full range of dental services, including cleanings, extractions, and dentures. Accepts a limited number of emergency cases at the Kerchevel and Seven Mile locations on specific days. ELIGIBILITY: An appointment is required. FEES: Based on federal poverty guidelines; sliding fee scale is applied to households earning below 200 percent of federal poverty guidelines. Households earning above 200 percent of the federal poverty guidelines must make full payment for services. Accepts Medicaid and other insurances. Sites: 1 3 4 Wayne W Bradley, President & CEO Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon, Wed-Fri 8:30am-5pm; Tue 10am-6pm. 3. EASTSIDE HEALTH CENTER 7900 Kercheval St. Detroit, MI 48215 (313) 921-5500 Main REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH SERVICES Birth Control Counseling Breast Examinations Contraception Gynecology Services Infertility Services Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-5pm. <continued...> 54 DETROIT COMMUNITY HEALTH CONNECTION... Pap Tests Pregnancy Testing Prenatal Care Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides free counseling and contraceptives to adult men and women seeking reproductive health services. Also offers gynecological services, including pap smears, breast examinations, pregnancy testing, and sexually transmitted disease screenings and treatment. Also provides infertility services and prenatal care for pregnancy women. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: Based on ability to pay; accepts Medicaid, Medicare and some other insurances. Sites: 1 2 3 4 5 DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROMOTION Herman Keifer Health Complex 1151 Taylor St. Detroit, MI 48202 (866) 630-1694 Toll free - Healthy Living For Kids Hotline (313) 876-4300 Main (313) 876-4334 Service/Intake - Immunizations (800) 874-9426 Toll Free - Translation Line (800) 879-7979 Toll Free - Customer Service (313) 876-0475 Fax (800) 649-3777 TDD/TTY HealthWellnessPromotionDepartment/tabid/113/Default.aspx Loretta Davis, Director and Public Health Officer Tracy Davis, Executive Secretary Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: DDHWP DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF ELECTIONS 2978 W Grand Blvd. Detroit, MI 48202 (313) 876-0227 Administrative (313) 876-0190 Main (313) 876-0053 Fax Sites 1. ANIMAL CONTROL AND CARE CENTER 3511 W Jefferson Ave. Detroit, MI 48216 (313) 224-6356 Main (313) 224-6323 Service/Intake Veterinarian Services/Animal Adoption (313) 224-7131 Fax Daniel A Baxter, Director SITE AREA SERVED: City of Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. Services Harry Ward, Manager SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-2:30pm. ABSENTEE BALLOTS Absentee Ballots SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides absentee ballots for voters who are unable to appear at the polls in person on election day. ELIGIBILITY: Registered voters unable to appear at polling places in person. FEES: None. 2. DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROMOTION 1151 Taylor St. Detroit, MI 48202 (866) 630-1694 Toll free - Healthy Living For Kids Hotline (313) 876-4300 Main (313) 876-4503 Service/Intake - Temporary Food Permits (313) 876-4504 Service/Intake Consumer and Food Borne Illness Complaints (313) 876-4503 Service/Intake - Restaurant Inspections (313) 876-4550 Service/Intake - Nutrition Division (313) 876-4334 Service/Intake - Immunizations (800) 874-9426 Toll Free - Translation Line (313) 876-0475 Fax (800) 649-3777 TDD/TTY ELECTION/POLLING PLACE INFORMATION Election Information Polling Places SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides information about elections, voter registration and polling places. FEES: None. VOTER REGISTRATION OFFICE Voter Registration Offices SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Conducts and maintains voter registration for all eligible residents of the city of Detroit. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 18 and older. Must be U.S. citizen and a resident of Detroit for 30 days. Must not be serving a sentence in jail or prison. FEES: None. Loretta Davis, Director and Public Health Officer Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-4pm. <continued...> 55 DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND... FEES: $20.00 for first copy, $5.00 per each additional copy of the same record purchased at the same time. $5.00 Senior Citizen price (65 and older) for that individuals birth record only. Sites: 2 3. GRACE ROSS HEALTH CENTER 14585 Greenfield Rd. Detroit, MI 48227 (313) 870-0036 Main ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND SAFETY Home Sanitation Pest Control Services Radon Testing SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Investigates conditions that may be detrimental to public health and safety, provides public health education and initiation of enforcement actions to eliminate potential health hazards. ELIGIBILITY: City of Detroit residents, visitors, business owners and international business owners. FEES: Set fees for testing kits, there is no fee for Detroit residents for tap water testing. Sites: 2 Audrey Smith, General Manager Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 8:30am-4:30pm; Wed 10am-6:30pm. 4. NORTHEAST HEALTH CENTER 5400 E Seven Mile Rd. Detroit, MI 48234 (313) 870-0036 Main Audrey Smith, General Manager SITE AREA SERVED: Serves the cities of Detroit, Highland Park and Hamtramck. SITE HOURS: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 8am-4:30pm; Wed 10am-6:30pm. CHILDREN'S SPECIAL HEALTH CARE SERVICES Adult State/Local Health Insurance Programs Children's State/Local Health Insurance Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides health insurance coverage for children and some adults with special health care needs and/or chronic illness including Multiple Sclerosis, Sickle Cell Anemia, Leukemia, Cancer, Asthma etc. Program covers more than 2,500 diagnoses. ELIGIBILITY: Children must have a qualifying medical condition and be 20 years old or under. Individuals ages 21 and older with cystic fibrosis or certain blood coagulation disorders may also qualify for services. Must be a Michigan resident. Must be a US Citizen, or documented non-citizen admitted for permanent residence or a non-citizen legally admitted migrant farm worker (i.e. seasonal agricultural worker). FEES: Based on income and ability to pay. The fee is waived if child is on Medicaid, MiChild or WIC. Sites: 2 5. NORTHWESTERN HIGH SCHOOL HEALTH CENTER 2200 W Grand Blvd. Rm 8300 Detroit, MI 48208 (313) 596-0700 Ext. 388 Service/Intake Randon SITE AREA SERVED: Wayne County. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-4pm. Closed 12noon-1pm for lunch. Services ANIMAL SERVICES Animal Adoption Animal Control COMMUNICABLE DISEASE CONTROL AIDS/HIV Control Influenza Control Meningitis Control Sexually Transmitted Disease Control Tuberculosis Control West Nile Virus Control SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Protects the public health through comprehensive efforts to track the incidence and distribution of disease in the population and prevent, control and eradicate vaccine-preventable diseases, vector and food-borne illnesses, diseases that are transmitted person-to-person and other diseases that are spread by direct or indirect contact, including various strains of influenza, meningitis, hepatitis, tuberculosis, AIDS/HIV, and sexually transmitted diseases. Activities include routine surveillance of communicable disease activity, assessment of the community immunization level through school records and immunization studies, investigation of epidemic outbreaks, reporting of cases of infectious diseases to the proper authorities and taking appropriate measures such as isolation and contact tracing/notification to prevent SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Enforces animal city codes in residential and business areas, responds to stray, injured, vicious and dangerous animal complaints. Provides support to police, fire, health and related agencies. FEES: Live animal trap rental $25.00; There is also a set fee to release dogs that have been sheltered. Sites: 1 VITAL RECORDS Birth Certificates SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Maintains complete and accurate records of all births within the city of Detroit. ELIGIBILITY: The Detroit vital records division has all wedded births for the City of Detroit and all unwed births after October 1, 1978. All unwed births and adoptions before October 1, 1978 are only available from the State of Michigan Vital Records Office. The State of Michigan Vital Records Office can be reached at 517-335-8666. Records are only released to individuals listed on documents, parents, legal guardians or individuals with a court order. <continued...> 56 DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND... disease transmission. Sites: 2 DIETETIC INTERNSHIP PROGRAM Continuing Education SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers priority internship opportunities for qualified local and state nutrition students. The intent of this program is to produce professional dietitians who serve the public by providing comprehensive nutrition services and nutrition education. ELIGIBILITY: Program is open to anyone who has completed ADA's minimum academic requirements. The program lasts 45 weeks and offers learning experiences in medical nutrition therapy, food service systems management and community nutrition. Interns work 40 hours each week, Monday through Friday, and are required to complete assignments and attend professional meetings during their off-duty time. Reliable transportation is required. Six interns are appointed annually in April of each year and begin in September. FEES: Non-refundable application fee is $50.00, tuition fee $1000.00, liability insurance (required) $50.00, health insurance (recommended) $1000.00, educational supplies $100.00, transportation/parking/month $50-$100, lab coats $100.00, room/board $450-$600/month, miscellaneous expenses $400-$500. Total for program is $3,200 up to $3,500.There are no funds available for stipends. Employment during the internship is strongly discouraged. Room and board is not provided by DHWP. Sites: 2 SOCIAL WORK Comprehensive Information and Referral SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides referrals for community services such as: housing, clothing, financial assistance, legal services, prescription assistance and health insurance. Also offers help with parenting, stress and family violence. ELIGIBILITY: Low income residents of Detroit. FEES: None. Sites: 2 VITAL RECORDS Death Certificates SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Issues, maintains and, where appropriate, provides access to copies of the official documents that certify that an individual has died. Death certificates specify the cause of death and are generally signed by an attending or examining physician. Only individuals designated by law are able to obtain death certificates. Provides only copies of records of deaths occurring within the city of Detroit from 1893 to present time. FEES: Certified copy is $20.00, each additional copy requested at the same time is $5.00/copy. Express delivery and Fed Ex delivery will have charges associated. Checks should be made payable to City of Detroit, cash is accepted for walk-in requests only. Sites: 2 EARLY ON Early Intervention for Children with Disabilities/Delays SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides screening, evaluation and coordination of services for infants and toddlers with a possible developmental delay or documented disability. ELIGIBILITY: Infants and toddlers under the age of three with a possible developmental delay or documented disability, residing in Detroit. FEES: None. Sites: 2 PEDIATRIC DENTAL General Dentistry SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides primary and comprehensive oral care treatment that is therapeutic and preventative. Includes exams, cleanings and fluoride treatments. Does not provide Orthodontic work. ELIGIBILITY: Infants, children and teens aged 2 1/2 and older that attend Detroit Public Schools. Cancer screening is available for adults and children. FEES: None. Sites: 2 OFFICE OF PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS (OPHEP) Emergency Preparedness and Response Planning SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Coordinates emergency preparedness efforts in the event of a public health emergency including natural, technological and terrorist events. Provides public health preparedness awareness, training and exercises, and ensures that first responders have the ability and means to respond to a public health threat or emergency. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals who live, work or do business in Detroit. Sites: 2 DIABETES MANAGEMENT Diabetes Management Clinics SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides management techniques for individuals with Diabetes. Services include: education, nutritional management, meal planning, cooking demos, supermarket tours, exercise strategies, blood glucose monitoring and behavior modification strategies. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals who have been diagnosed with pre-diabetes/type 2 diabetes, family members/caregivers and those who are interested in learning about diabetes care, prevention of complications and management. FEES: None. Sites: 2 RETURNING CITIZENS Ex-Offender Reentry Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Assists individuals that have been released from a correctional facility in making a successful transition to community life. Services generally include an assessment of the individual's needs, discussion of options and short-term case management involving coordination of needed services which may include housing <continued...> 57 DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND... supplies will also be given away to school age children. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions to attend health fair. Immunizations: Eligible children age 3 months or older. FEES: None. Sites: 2 location assistance, job training, job placement and retention services, legal assistance, literacy skills development, GED courses, parenting classes, life skills training, access to food and shelter resources, and other sources of support. ELIGIBILITY: Ex-offenders and families, must reside in Detroit. FEES: None. Sites: 2 HEARING AND VISION SCREENING Hearing Screening Vision Screening SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides vision and hearing screenings to children who attend schools and day care centers that are within the City of Detroit. ELIGIBILITY: Preschool and school-age children enrolled in public, private, parochial and charter schools and day care centers in the City of Detroit. FEES: None. Sites: 2 FAMILY PLANNING SERVICES Birth Control Counseling Contraception Pap Tests Pregnancy Counseling Pregnancy Testing Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides preventive and reproductive health care services for men and women, including contraceptive devices and medication, sexually transmitted disease screening and treatment, pap smears, pregnancy testing and birth control/pregnancy counseling for women. ELIGIBILITY: Low-income individuals, with or without insurance. FEES: Accepts Plan First!, Medicaid, Medicare and other third party payments. Sites: 2 3 4 HILL BURTON FACILITY Hill Burton Facilities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Health care facilities that have agreed to furnish a designated amount of free service for low income individuals and to accept Medicaid recipients and Medicare beneficiaries in exchange for federal support during construction. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals who are low income or have Medicaid or Medicare. FEES: Accepts Medicaid and Medicare. Sites: 4 FLU VACCINES (2011-2012) Flu Vaccines SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides flu shots through provision of seasonal flu clinics. H1N1 Flu strain is included in the 2011 Seasonal Flu Vaccine. ELIGIBILITY: Detroit residents. FEES: A $10.00 charge for the seasonal vaccination is payable with cash (exact bills or change requested) or may be billed to Medicare Part B (or a Medicare alternate health plan) or Medicaid program (if eligible). Sites: 2 HIV TESTING AND COUNSELING AIDS/HIV Control HIV Testing SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a continuum of prevention, early intervention and care services aimed at educating populations engaging in high-risk behaviors, assisting them in learning their status and referring them to needed services. ELIGIBILITY: Residents of Detroit. FEES: None. Sites: 2 FOOD SANITATION Food Handling Permits IMMUNIZATIONS Adolescent/Adult Immunizations Childhood Immunizations SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Hosts walk-in immunization clinics, provides vaccines for child provider enrollment, MCIR data entry support for VFC providers, reminder/recalls for upcoming and/or overdue shots, shot records and community outreach and health education. ELIGIBILITY: Residents of Detroit, Hamtramck and Highland Park that are either uninsured or whose insurance does not cover the cost of immunizations; American Indians and native Alaskans; individuals with Medicaid. FEES: None. Sites: 2 3 4 SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides permits which authorize the holder to work in the kitchens of food establishments, such as restaurants and cafeterias, preparing and serving food. FEES: $10 food service worker permit; $5 food service volunteer permit (religious, charitable, non-profits); $5 duplicate card. Sites: 2 HEALTHY LIVING FOR KIDS IMMUNIZATION FAIR Health Fairs School Supplies SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Participates with Detroit area organizations to offer an annual health fair that provides free immunizations to eligible children. Also provides free lead poisoning testing and enrollment for insurance and WIC. Donated backpacks and school <continued...> 58 DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND... LEAD POISONING SCREENING Lead Poisoning Screening SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Prevents childhood lead poisoning through education, identifies and treats lead poisoned children and facilitates the reduction of environmental hazards in the home. ELIGIBILITY: For lead testing - families with children under age 6. Any one is welcome to call for Lead Prevention information and planning or abatement. FEES: None. Sites: 2 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND SAFETY Food Facility Licensing Pest Control Services Public Facility Health Inspection Public Health Permits SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Investigates conditions that may be detrimental to public health and safety including unsanitary conditions, pest control/vermin problems, housing code violations, deficient lighting/ventilation systems, water sanitation problems, hazardous materials incidents and exposure to toxic or hazardous substances. Issues public health licenses and permits which certify that homeless shelters, domestic violence shelters, hotels, motels, boarding homes, private schools, parochial schools, child care facilities, adult and juvenile detention facilities and other transient housing facilities/institutions are in conformance with public health laws and ordinances. ELIGIBILITY: City of Detroit residents, visitors, business owners and international business owners. FEES: Fees may be associated depending on the type of inspection being requested. Sites: 2 MATERNAL INFANT HEALTH PROGRAM (MIHP) Expectant/New Parent Assistance Neonatal Care Prenatal Care SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a full range of medical services including obstetrical care, gynecological, and family practice care for pregnant women and their infants. Also assists pregnant women and new parents connect with the information and support they need to have a healthy pregnancy and baby. Offers home visits by nurses, nutritionists, and social workers. ELIGIBILITY: Pregnant women or women with infants age birth to twelve months in high risk situations. Clients must be on Medicaid or MOMS (Maternity Outpatient Medical Services--DHS program). FEES: Accepts Medicaid, MOMS (Maternity Outpatient Medical Services--DHS program). Sites: 2 PUBLIC HEALTH ADVISORIES Public Health Advisories SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Issues bulletins or otherwise informs the public of occurrences that may constitute a public health emergency such as food safety warnings or disease control advisories. Sites: 2 RESTAURANT/FOOD SANITATION AND COMPLAINTS Food Complaints Restaurant Complaints Restaurant/Food Sanitation SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Attempts to resolve complaints regarding the purity, safety, wholesomeness, packaging, weighing, labeling or other problems with meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products, produce, packaged foodstuffs or other food products. Included are complaints regarding food contamination, discoloration or adulteration, pesticide residues, false grading or marking, misbranding, content or quantity labeling errors or other deceptive packaging or labeling practices. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. Sites: 2 NUTRITION EDUCATION Nutrition Education SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a health educator that will assess the needs and educate individuals and families of all socioeconomic levels, public and private agencies and institutions on the importance of the prevention and treatment of nutrition problems. ELIGIBILITY: Detroit, Hamtramck or Highland Park. Contact office serving individuals city of residence. FEES: None. Sites: 2 4 SCHOOL BASED HEALTH CENTERS Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides health education and services including: hearing/vision screening, immunizations, treatment for minor illnesses and injuries, physical exams, pap smears and sexually transmitted disease screening and treatment. Also provides referrals for counseling and prenatal care. ELIGIBILITY: Students of Northern High School, Northwestern High School, Western International High School and Detroit residents ages 10-21. FEES: $10.00 fee. Sites: 5 PARENTING SKILLS CLASSES Parenting Skills Classes SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers parenting skills classes that provide information and resources on counseling, nutrition, family planning, financial planning, coping, legal issues, stress, consequences and family violence. Classes are held one day/week for 14 weeks. ELIGIBILITY: Must have a court order to attend classes. FEES: None. Sites: 2 <continued...> 59 DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND... SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASE SCREENING AND TREATMENT FOR TEENS Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides education, diagnostic and treatment services for sexually transmitted infections. No routine pap-smears or pregnancy testing provided. Controls the occurrence of gonorrhea, syphilis, genital herpes and other diseases that are transmitted by sexual contact by monitoring the incidence of the disease in the general population, investigating individual outbreaks and identifying and screening recent contacts of individuals who are infected to stop the spread of the disease. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals ages 14 and older. FEES: None. Sites: 2 DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES 5031 Grandy Detroit, MI 48211 (313) 852-5609 Main (313) 852-5628 Service/Intake (313) 852-4837 Fax Ursula Holland, Interim Director Constance M. Phillips, General Manager OTHER NAMES: DDHS Sites 1. AREA A CENTER Northwest Activities Center 18100 Meyers Detroit, MI 48235 TELEPHONE HELPLINES FOR PRENATAL AND PARENTING SUPPORT Parenting Helplines SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers information and referrals to agencies that provide assistance in applying for insurance programs, prenatal care, clothing, baby needs and parenting skills resources. ELIGIBILITY: Residents of Detroit, Hamtramck and Highland Park. FEES: None. Sites: 2 (313) 887-6656 Main (313) 852-5634 Service/Intake Temporary primary contact phone number as of 5/20/2011. (313) 578-7638 Fax Anita Mitchell, Administrator SITE AREA SERVED: City of Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. 2. AREA D CENTER Butzel Family Center 7737 Kercheval Detroit, MI 48214 TUBERCULOSIS SCREENING Tuberculosis Screening SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Assists in controlling the occurrence of tuberculosis by monitoring the incidence of the disease in the general population, investigating individual outbreaks and identifying and screening recent contacts of individuals that are infected to stop the spread of the disease. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals who live, work, or do business in Detroit. Sites: 2 (313) 852-4786 Main (313) 852-5634 Service/Intake Temporary primary contact phone number as of 5/20/2011. (313) 852-4775 Fax Lynn Miller, Administrator SITE AREA SERVED: City of Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. WOMEN, INFANTS, AND CHILDREN (WIC) Formula/Baby Food WIC SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a federally funded health and nutrition program for women and children. Services include nutrition education, supplemental food, breastfeeding support and referrals to health care resources. ELIGIBILITY: Low and moderate income families including pregnant, breastfeeding and postpartum women, infants, and children up to age 5 are eligible. FEES: None. Sites: 2 3 4 Services COMMODITY FOOD DISTRIBUTION Government Surplus Food Distribution Sites SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Acquires targeted surplus commodities stockpiled by the federal government and distributes them to income eligible households once a month at the four community service centers. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals must be at or below 130% to 160% of federal income guidelines depending on age. FEES: None. Sites: 1 2 60 DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 5. TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DIVISION 2633 Michigan Ave. Detroit, MI 48216 Coleman A Young Municipal Center 2 Woodward Ave. Suite 513 Detroit, MI 48226 (313) 224-1610 Main (313) 224-1304 Fax (313) 224-3901 Main (313) 224-1464 Fax Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: City of Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-4pm. Services Ron Brundidge, Director Ladiva Holman, Executive Secretary ADMINISTRATIVE ENTITY Administrative Entities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Plans, organizes and controls the activities the Department of Public Works. FEES: None. LANGUAGES: Interpretation services available through the City of Detroit Call Center. Sites: 2 Sites 1. CITY ENGINEERING DIVISION 65 Cadillac Sq. Nineth Floor Detroit, MI 48226 (313) 224-3949 Main (313) 224-3935 Service/Intake - Permits CITY ENGINEERING Driveway/Sidewalk Permits Street Construction/Repair Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: City of Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-4pm; closed for lunch 12:30pm-1:30pm. SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Issues permits to perform work in public rights-of-ways: curb cuts, excavations, utility cuts, sidewalk & driveway approach construction/reconstruction or street and alley construction/reconstruction. Construction work must comply with the specifications described in a manual of Standard Plans and Specifications for Paving and Related Construction. Use of a contractor is not required by a homeowner for sidewalk or driveway work unless it is a new driveway or in some way affects the street curb. However, the City Engineering division advises homeowners to use a contractor in all cases. ELIGIBILITY: Homeowners; licensed contractors bonded to the City of Detroit. FEES: The cost of the sidewalk permit is 50 cents per square foot. A minimum fee of $50 is charged for permits if the area is between 73-100 square feet. No fees for less than 72 square feet. The cost of the manual of Standard Plans and Specifications for Paving and Related Construction is $25. Sites: 1 2. DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 2 Woodward Ave. Suite 513 Detroit, MI 48226 (313) 224-3901 Main (313) 224-1464 Fax Ron Brundidge, Director Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: City of Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. 3. SOLID WASTE DIVISION 5800 Russell St. Detroit, MI 48211 (313) 224-2215 Main Charles Harmon, Assistant Superintendent SITE AREA SERVED: City of Detroit CODE ENFORCEMENT Illegal Dumping Reporting Public Nuisance Reporting 4. STREET MAINTENANCE AND CONSTRUCTION DIVISION 2633 Michigan Ave. Detroit, MI 48216 SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Enforces both Chapter 9 (property maintenance) and Chapter 22 (solid waste) of the City of Detroit Municipal Code through blight violations. Failure to follow the stated guidelines may result in a blight violation. Penalties range from a minimum of $100 to $2,500 per day. (313) 224-0030 Main Automatically forwards calls to City of Detroit Call Center To report illegal dumping in progress call the police. To report an illegal dump site call 313-224-4636. ELIGIBILITY: Residents of the City of Detroit. FEES: None. Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: City of Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-4pm. <continued...> 61 DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS... Sites: 3 DETROIT ECONOMIC GROWTH CORPORATION COMPLAINTS ABOUT DPW SERVICES Government Complaints/Government Ombudsman Offices SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Accepts complaints about the Department of Public Works. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 18 and older who are residents of the City of Detroit. FEES: None. LANGUAGES: Interpretation services are available through Language Line. Sites: 2 500 Griswold St. Suite 2200 Detroit, MI 48226 (313) 963-2940 Main (313) 963-8839 Fax George W. Jackson Jr., President/CEO Diane Stafford, Executive Assistant OTHER NAMES: DEGC DEAD ANIMAL AND GARBAGE PICKUP Dead Animal Pickup Large Item Trash/Garbage Pickup Trash/Garbage Pickup SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides garbage and yard waste collection services for the City of Detroit. The division will collect dead animals from residential households but does not collect dead animals from commercial locations. This division also collects bulk items four times a year. Place bulk items at the curb in front of your home. Bulk items cannot weigh more than 1000 pounds and cannot exceed 1 cubic yard in volume. ELIGIBILITY: Residents living on accessible public and private roads in the City of Detroit. FEES: None. Sites: 3 SITE AREA SERVED: City of Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-5pm. Services BUSINESS ASSISTANCE CENTER Business Assistance Centers SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides technical, financial and development assistance to new and existing businesses looking to expand or relocate to Detroit. Offers maps of downtown Detroit and the surrounding region, new project RFPs, information about available financing and incentives, and a listing of currently available sites and buildings. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. STREET MAINTENANCE Snow Clearance/Street Salting Street Cleaning Street Construction/Repair SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Removes snow from public streets with snow plows after signficant snowfalls; and/or salts the roads to keep ice from forming when weather forecasts indicate that road temperatures are likely to fall below freezing. Provides street sweeping to clean public streets. Responsible for the repair and maintenance of city streets, alleys and sidewalks. ELIGIBILITY: Public streets within the City of Detroit. FEES: None. LANGUAGES: Interpretation services are available from Language Line. Sites: 4 DETROIT FINANCE DEPARTMENT Coleman A Young Municipal Center 2 Woodward Ave. Suite 1200 Detroit, MI 48226 (313) 224-2937 Main (313) 224-3011 Service/Intake - Assessment Division (313) 224-4466 Fax aspx Joseph Harris, Chief Financial Officer/Finance Director Linda M. Bade, Chief Assessor Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: City of Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-4pm. TRAFFIC ENGINEERING Street Signs Traffic Control Services AUCTIONS FOR CITY-OWNED PROPERTIES Auctions SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Conducts sales during which participants bid on city-owned properties that have been repossessed, confiscated or donated. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Accepts requests for adding, replacing, or changing mislabeled street signs. Also accepts reports regarding the safety or efficiency of roads and waterways. ELIGIBILITY: City of Detroit residents. FEES: None. Sites: 5 <continued...> 62 DETROIT FINANCE DEPARTMENT... BOARD OF ASSESSORS Local Tax Collection Agencies Property Tax Assessment Appeals Boards SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Administers and enforces tax laws and related statutes at the local level. Activities include assessing and collecting local tax payments; pursuing unpaid local taxes; and responding to local taxpayer complaints. Holds hearings to determine the market value of property when property owners appeal the value placed on the assessment rolls for their property. ELIGIBILITY: Detroit property owners. TAX PREPARATION FORMS AND ASSISTANCE Local Income Tax Information Tax Forms SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides information and guidance for individuals who need to understand the local tax laws as they apply to individuals in their situation and provides locations of libraries, post offices and other organizations that maintain supplies of blank tax forms for individuals who need them. Also included are organizations that maintain Internet websites that have copies of tax forms that can be downloaded. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. PROPERTY TAX EXEMPTION INFORMATION Property Tax Exemption Information SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides information and guidance regarding property tax relief programs that grant partial or complete exemptions from property taxes for homeowners who are experiencing severe financial hardship. Exemptions are a reduction in the assessed value of a home by a specified amount and corresponding reductions in property taxes. Some forms of relief, known as "circuit-breaker" programs, offer exemptions that phase out as income increases. Many exemption programs have specified eligibility criteria, e.g., older adults, individuals with disabilities, widows, veterans and disabled veterans who have a permanent service-connected disability of a specified percent. In some cases, individuals who qualify must also meet income guidelines. In others, income is not a factor. ELIGIBILITY: Residents of city of Detroit. FEES: None. DETROIT FIRE DEPARTMENT 250 W Larned St. Detroit, MI 48226 (313) 596-2900 Main (313) 596-5180 Service/Intake - Emergency Medical Services (313) 596-2959 Service/Intake - Community Relations Division (313) 596-2975 Service/Intake - Fire Marshall (313) 596-2915 Fax Call 9-1-1 Emergency Tyrone C Scott, Executive Fire Commissioner SITE AREA SERVED: City of Detroit SITE HOURS: 24 hours. Services MAKE IT RAIN Extreme Heat Cooling Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Authorizes fire hydrant use in order to provide street showers that provide relief for neighborhoods during periods of extreme heat. ELIGIBILITY: Residents of the City of Detroit. PROPERTY TAX EXEMPTIONS FOR NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS Property Tax Exemption Information SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides information and guidance regarding property tax relief programs that grant partial or complete exemptions from property taxes for non-profit organizations. ELIGIBILITY: Organizations that have applied for and/or have been granted non-profit status. FEES: None. CPR INSTRUCTION CPR Instruction SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides CPR instruction to individuals and community groups as requested. ELIGIBILITY: City of Detroit residents age 18 and older. Group classes require at least 10 individuals. FEES: $35-$45 per person depending on class needs. PROPERTY TAX POSTPONEMENT INFORMATION Property Tax Postponement Information SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides information and guidance for eligible individuals (usually individuals age 62 and older who meet established household income guidelines and people who are blind or totally disabled) who may qualify for the property tax postponement program. Eligible individuals may defer payment of all or a portion of their property taxes until they move, sell their homes or pass away, but create a lien on their property in doing so. ELIGIBILITY: Seniors age 60 or older. FEES: None. EMERGENCY MEDICAL TRANSPORTATION Emergency Medical Transportation SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides emergency medical response (paramedics) for the city of Detroit. Does NOT include ambulatory services, although the Fire Department may dispatch those services. ELIGIBILITY: Incident must occur within the City of Detroit. FEES: None. Ambulatory services have separate fees. <continued...> 63 DETROIT FIRE DEPARTMENT... FIRE HYDRANT USE PERMITS Fire Hydrant Use Permits SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Issues permits providing written authorization for the use of fire hydrants to obtain water for street cleaning operations, controlling dust created during demolition activities and other purposes. ELIGIBILITY: Businesses or organizations who have already made contact with and paid fee to Water Dept. FEES: There is a hydrant tap fee of $40 charged by the Water Dept, and then a refundable $200 deposit check, made out to the City of Detroit, must be submitted to the Fire Marshall at the time of application. A $40/day fee is charged for hydrant use. DETROIT FREE PRESS 615 W Lafayette Blvd. Detroit, MI 48226 (313) 222-6400 Main (313) 222-5981 Fax (313) 222-6500 Alternate - Customer Service (800) 395-3300 Alternate - Subscriber Service Paul Anger, Editor and Publisher Deb Scola, Community Affairs Director Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: FIRE PROTECTION Fire Services Serves all areas. Services SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides fire services which includes preventing, investigating, controlling and extinguishing fires. Activities include fire safety education, firefighting, investigating the causes of suspicious fires, maintaining equipment and trained firefighters necessary for a quick and efficient response to fires when they occur, and enforcing fire codes. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. NEWSPAPER PUBLISHING/DISTRIBUTION Newspaper Publishing/Distribution SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Publishes the largest daily newspaper in the city of Detroit, offering information about local, national, and international events; sports; entertainment; business, particular as relates to the automotive industry; travel; and obituaries. FEES: Subscription fees vary, call for more information. FIRE SERVICES Fire Services DETROIT GENERAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Accepts and investigates complaints of fire hazards. Also enforces fire codes regarding the storage, handling and use of hazardous substances, materials and devices, or from conditions hazardous to life and property in the use or occupancy of buildings or other premises. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. 65 Cadillac Square Suite 3200 Detroit, MI 48226 (313) 628-0900 Main Terry King, Director OTHER NAMES: GSD HOME FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION/SMOKE DETECTORS Fire Prevention Information Smoke Alarms SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides free smoke alarms. Provides installation of smoke alarms in residential houses, but does NOT install them in apartment buildings or complexes. Also distributes nine-volt batteries (up to two per household as supplies last) and fire safety literature in exchange for old smoke detector batteries. Additional information about fire prevention and home safety is available. ELIGIBILITY: Families with children and/or seniors who are low-income and reside in single dwellings may apply for smoke alarms. No restrictions on fire prevention information. FEES: None. SITE AREA SERVED: City of Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. Services ADMINISTRATIVE ENTITY Administrative Entities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Improves City services and achieves operational efficiencies by consolidating support functions. These include grounds maintenance, vehicle/equipment and fleet mantenance/management, inventory/stores management, building operations/maintenance, security/janitorial services and city-owned property management. ELIGIBILITY: City owned property/maintenance services. FEES: None. <continued...> 64 DETROIT GENERAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT... schedules speakers to present at local agencies and schools to educate the community on the impact of gangs, violence, HIV/AIDS, and substance abuse on both the community and individuals. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. LANGUAGES: Spanish. PARKS/ROADSIDE MAINTENANCE Roadside Landscape Maintenance Tree Maintenance Tree Removal SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides all landscape activities including forestry, parks, street islands and boulevards, freeway entrance berms, vacant lots and snow removal. ELIGIBILITY: Public property in the city of Detroit. FEES: None. MICHIGAN PRISON REENTRY INITIATIVE (MPRI) Ex-Offender Counseling SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides pre-employment services for ex-offenders including vocational assessment, resume preparation assistance, GED instruction, and English as a Second Language instruction. ELIGIBILITY: Recently released offenders from Michigan prisons. FEES: None. LANGUAGES: Spanish. DETROIT HISPANIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 1211 Trumbull St. Detroit, MI 48216 (313) 967-4880 Main (313) 967-4884 Fax (800) 649-3777 TDD/TTY REMEDIAL EDUCATION GED Instruction SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides 10-week GED and English as a second language (ESOL) instruction. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 16 and older (GED); no restrictions (ESOL). FEES: $30 (10-week course). LANGUAGES: Spanish. Angela G Reyes, Executive Director SITE AREA SERVED: Southwest Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Thu 8:30am-8:30pm, Fri 9am-5pm. Services SUMMER YOUTH EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM Summer Youth Employment Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a summer program that offers older youth the opportunity to gain work experience and training, and earn minimum wage. Program also includes substance abuse and violence prevention workshops, field trips, and community service projects. A snack and lunch are provided. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 14-18. FEES: None. LANGUAGES: Spanish. HIV TESTING AND COUNSELING AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling AIDS/HIV/STD Prevention Kits HIV Testing SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers free, anonymous and confidential HIV testing by state-certified HIV counselors. Counselors and clients work together to establish an individualized risk-reduction plan. Collaborates with area agencies to ensure that those who test positive are connected with necessary resources. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 12 and older. FEES: None. Donations accepted. LANGUAGES: Spanish. DETROIT HISTORICAL SOCIETY 5401 Woodward Ave. Detroit, MI 48202 JUVENILE DELINQUENCY PREVENTION Juvenile Delinquency Prevention SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides in-school, after-school and summer programs that focus on prevention of substance abuse, violence, truancy, and gang involvement. Programs promote academic success and awareness of at-risk behaviors. ELIGIBILITY: Youth ages 11-18. FEES: None. LANGUAGES: Spanish. (313) 833-7935 Main (313) 833-5538 Service/Intake - Dossin Great Lakes Museum (313) 833-1805 Service/Intake - Detroit Historical Museum (313) 833-5342 Fax Robert A Bury, Executive Director / CEO Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm (Office Hours). OUTREACH PROGRAM Outreach Programs Speakers/Speakers Bureaus * AIDS/HIV Issues Speakers/Speakers Bureaus * Anger/Violence Issues Speakers/Speakers Bureaus * Substance Abuse Issues <continued...> 65 DETROIT HISTORICAL SOCIETY... Services Sites HISTORICAL SOCIETY Auxiliaries Historical Societies 1. ASSISTED HOUSING CUSTOMER SERVICE CENTER 2211 Orleans St. Detroit, MI 48207 SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Raises funds and recruits volunteers to aid the work of the Detroit Historical Museum and the Dossin Great Lakes Historical Museum. Also researches, collects and preserves artifacts of the region's history, as well as operating the museums. (313) 877-8807 Main (313) 393-3229 Fax (800) 222-3679 TDD/TTY Michael Allen, Director of Assisted Housing SITE AREA SERVED: Serves Lapeer, Macomb, Oakland, Saint Clair, and Wayne counties. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-4pm. HISTORY MUSEUM History Museums 2. BREWSTER HOMES 3526 Saint Antoine Detroit, MI 48201 SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Acquires, preserves, and exhibits permanent and touring collections of objects including documents, tools, implements and furnishings that represent significant periods in the history of the Detroit area. Operates two museums: the Detroit Historical Museum focuses on metropolitan history; and, the Dossin Great Lakes Historical Museum focuses on the region's maritime history. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: $6 (adults); $4 (seniors 60 and older, students, youth 5-17); free for children age 4 and under. (313) 833-6924 Main Shanika Morgan, Property Manager SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm (Answering Service). 3. CHARLES TERRACE 4801 E Nevada St. Detroit, MI 48234 TOURS OF HISTORIC SITES Historic Places SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides tours of metro Detroit's historic sites and buildings, including the Behind the Scenes tours of important historic sites and the Historic Houses of Worship tour of religious institutions. Tours are given by expert tour guides. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: Behind the Scenes: usually $20 for members, $30 for non-members. Historic Houses of Worship: $30 for members, $40 for non-members. (313) 852-5655 Main (313) 852-4315 Fax Sabrina Gaddy, Regional Property Supervisor Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm. 4. DETROIT HOUSING COMMISSION 1301 E Jefferson Ave. Detroit, MI 48207 (313) 877-8000 Main (313) 877-8769 Fax (313) 877-8663 Alternate - Public Housing (800) 222-3679 TDD/TTY DETROIT HOUSING COMMISSION 1301 E Jefferson Ave. Detroit, MI 48207 Eugene E Jones Jr, Executive Director Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas (Public Housing); serves Lapeer, Macomb, Oakland, Saint Clair, and Wayne counties (Section 8 Vouchers). SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-4pm (closed for lunch 12noon-1pm). (313) 877-8000 Main (313) 877-8769 Fax (313) 877-8663 Alternate - Public Housing (800) 222-3679 TDD/TTY Eugene E Jones Jr, Executive Director Tamela McClinton, Executive Assistant 5. FOREST PARK 1331 E Canfield St. Detroit, MI 48207 (313) 833-3590 Main (313) 833-3743 Fax Patrice Jennings, Asset Manager Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 10am-3pm. <continued...> 66 DETROIT HOUSING COMMISSION... 6. HARRIET TUBMAN PLACE 2450 W Grand Blvd. Detroit, MI 48208 11. SOJOURNER TRUTH HOMES 4801 E Nevada St. Detroit, MI 48234 (313) 361-4290 Main (313) 895-2537 Fax (313) 852-5655 Main Sabrina Gaddy, Regional Property Supervisor SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm. Juanita Hunt, Residential Manager Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-4:30pm. 12. STATE FAIR APARTMENTS 1231 W State Fair Ave. Highland Park, MI 48203 7. JOHN W SMITH HOMES 14313 Crescent Dr. Detroit, MI 48223 (313) 852-4276 Main (313) 592-4440 Main Gladys Neal, Residential Manager SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9:30am-5pm. Toniica Allen, Property Manager III SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-4:30pm. 13. VILLAGES AT PARKSIDE, VILLAGE II 5000 Conner St. Detroit, MI 48213-3402 8. RIVERBEND TOWERS 4386 Conner Ave. Detroit, MI 48215 (313) 822-1477 Main (313) 926-8501 Main (313) 926-8704 Fax Sabrina Gaddy, Regional Property Supervisor SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. Patrice Jennings, Asset Manager SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. 14. VILLAGES AT PARKSIDE, VILLAGE IV 5000 Conner Detroit, MI 48213 9. SHERIDAN PLACE I 7501 E Jefferson Ave. Detroit, MI 48214 (313) 822-1477 Main (313) 822-2703 Fax (313) 823-7927 Main (313) 823-7929 Fax Sabrina Gaddy, Regional property Supervisor SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. Jacqueline Conley, Asset Manager Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-4:30pm. 15. WARREN WEST APARTMENTS 4100 W Warren Ave. Detroit, MI 48210-1483 (313) 224-4292 Main (313) 894-2819 Fax 10. SHERIDAN PLACE II 7601 E Jefferson Ave. Detroit, MI 48214 Tamica Sutton, Property Manager III SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm. (313) 823-7921 Main (313) 823-7933 Fax 16. WOODBRIDGE FARMS SENIOR VILLAGE 3521 John C Lodge Fwy. Detroit, MI 48201 Jacqueline Conley, Asset Manager Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 10am-3pm. (313) 831-4906 Main Louise Dorsey, Regional Manager Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. <continued...> 67 DETROIT HOUSING COMMISSION... Services DETROIT HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT ADVISORY GROUP Planning/Coordinating/Advisory Groups SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Hosts a group of residents that meet monthly to discuss and provide input into the Detroit Housing Commission's annual planning process. ELIGIBILITY: Residents of Detroit Public Housing. FEES: None. Sites: 16 Coleman A Young Municipal Center 2 Woodward Ave. Suite 316 Detroit, MI 48226 (313) 224-3710 Main (313) 224-5609 Fax HumanResourcesDepartment/tabid/118/Default.aspx HOUSING AUTHORITY Housing Authorities Patrick A Aquart, Human Resources Director Crystal Perkins, Executive Secretary Public transportation accessible. SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides information about public housing and subsidized housing properties that are under its jurisdiction. ELIGIBILITY: Restrictions vary by program. FEES: Fees vary by program; no application fees. Sites: 4 SITE AREA SERVED: City of Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. Services CITY OF DETROIT JOB INFORMATION Civil Service Employment Job Banks SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a listing of, and accepts applications for job openings within the city of Detroit government. Administers the hiring process. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 18 and older for most jobs. Specific requirements of education, training, certification, licensing, etc., vary by job. FEES: None. PUBLIC HOUSING Public Housing SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides public housing units to eligible applicants. ELIGIBILITY: Low-income individuals and families. At least one member of the household must be either a citizen or eligible non-citizen. Must have no convictions of drug-related or violent crimes. Some housing is restricted to elderly and near-elderly age 50 and older (Forest Park, Riverbend, Sheridan Place I, Sheridan Place II, and Warren West Apartments). FEES: Eligible households can elect to pay approximately 30% of their adjusted gross income for rent. Sites: 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 SUMMER EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Summer Employment Temporary Employment SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides summer employment jobs for students within the city of Detroit government. ELIGIBILITY: Students age 16 and older. FEES: None. SECTION 8 HOUSING AUTHORITY Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides vouchers for rent payments to approved privately owned housing. Makes a rental payment to the landlord on behalf of the participating family which is responsible for payment of the balance, if any, of the rental amount due the landlord. The vouchers provided to participating families are portable from landlord to landlord. Waiting list may be closed. ELIGIBILITY: US citizens and non-citizens with eligible immigration status. Family income may not exceed 50% of the median income for the county or area in which the family chooses to live. (Median income levels are published by HUD and vary by location.) All adults in the household must pass a criminal screening. Sites: 1 DETROIT HUMAN RIGHTS DEPARTMENT 2 Woodward Ave. Suite 1240 Detroit, MI 48226 (313) 224-3434 FAX (313) 224-4950 Main (313) 224-4960 TDD/TTY Kimberly Hall-Wagner, Director Tashawna Parker, Executive Secretary II Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: City of Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. <continued...> 68 DETROIT HUMAN RIGHTS DEPARTMENT... Services Sites DISCRIMINATION ASSISTANCE Discrimination Assistance SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides assistance for individuals who believe that they have been treated unfairly or denied normal privileges based on their age, gender, race or ethnic origin, nationality, religion, disability, sexual orientation or marital status. ELIGIBILITY: Discrimination must have happened within city of Detroit within the last twelve months. FEES: None. LANGUAGES: Interpretation services are available. 1. COMMUNITY ACCESS CENTER - CENTRAL DISTRICT 8431 Rosa Parks Detroit, MI 48226 (313) 224-2989 Service/Intake (313) 224-4334 Fax Chauncey Samuel, Manager Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. 2. COMMUNITY ACCESS CENTER - EAST DISTRICT 7737 Kercheval Detroit, MI 48214 DETROIT INSTITUTE OF ARTS 5200 Woodward Ave. Detroit, MI 48202 (313) 628-2170 Service/Intake (313) 579-7135 Fax (313) 833-7900 Main (313) 833-1454 TDD/TTY (313) 833-7530 Alternate - Weekend Hotline Raymond Solomon II, Manager SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. Graham W J Beal, Director Tim Burns, Assistant to the Director Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: DIA 3. COMMUNITY ACCESS CENTER - SOUTHWEST DISTRICT 2301 Woodmere Detroit, MI 48209 SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Wed, Thu 10am-4pm; Fri 10am-10pm; Sat, Sun 10am-5pm. (313) 628-2180 Service/Intake (313) 842-0993 Fax Ninfa Cancel, Manager SITE AREA SERVED: Southwest Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. Services ART MUSEUM Art Museums 4. DETROIT MAYOR'S OFFICE 2 Woodward Ave. Suite 1126 Detroit, MI 48226 SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Acquires, preserves and exhibits permanent and traveling collections of art objects including fine art, decorative art, folk/ethnic art and textiles. Includes American, European, modern and contemporary, and graphic art, as well as African, Asian, Native American, Oceanic, Islamic, and ancient art. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: $8 (adults), $6 (seniors age 62 and older), $4 (youth age 6-17). Free for children age 5 and under. (313) 224-3400 Service/Intake David Bing, Mayor Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-5pm. Services DETROIT MAYOR'S OFFICE ANIMAL LICENSES Animal Licenses Coleman A Young Municipal Center 2 Woodward Ave. Suite 1126 Detroit, MI 48226 SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Issues licensing for all dogs in the City of Detroit over the age of six months. ELIGIBILITY: Detroit city code states that all dogs over the age of six months must be licensed. FEES: $10.00 for neutered dogs; $15.00 for non-neutered dogs. Sites: 1 2 3 (313) 224-3400 Service/Intake David Bing, Mayor Public transportation accessible. <continued...> 69 DETROIT MAYOR'S OFFICE... for first card and $10.00 for second card. Above cardholders can purchase an additional monthly pass for $17.00 with a current bus card and proper ID. Sites: 1 2 3 CITY GOVERNMENT COMPLAINTS Government Complaints/Government Ombudsman Offices SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides assistance for individuals that want to register complaints about or have other issues which relate to the activities, actions or lack of action by public officials or civil service employees. Handles complaints about the availability and quality of services provided by the City of Detroit and offers reasonable remedies when complaints are substantiated. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals residing in the City of Detroit. FEES: None. Sites: 1 2 3 MAYORS OFFICE Mayors Offices SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Houses the office of the government official who is generally the principal executive officer of a city or other municipal area as prescribed by statute or the municipal charter. Sites: 4 NOTARY PUBLIC SERVICES Notary Public Services SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides public officials that are authorized by the state to administer oaths and affirmations, take affidavits and depositions, attest to the authenticity of signatures and take acknowledgement of and certify deeds and other conveyances. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: $5.00 fee for notary services, limit of ten documents. Services are free for individuals ages 65 and older and hardship cases for which proof can be provided. Sites: 1 2 3 DETROIT'S SPRING CLEANUP Community Organizing Assistance Community/Nature Area Cleanup/Enhancement Projects SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Organizes a volunteer event to clean up the city, remove graffiti, clean up dump sites, demolish abandoned homes, clean up parks and recreation areas and plant trees/flowers. Program starts in March and ends in June. ELIGIBILITY: Must be part of a community group, church, block club, school, business owner or a resident of the City of Detroit. FEES: None. Sites: 1 2 3 TAX CREDIT INFORMATION Rent Rebate/Tax Credit Information Utility Tax Exemption Information SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides information and filing assistance to Detroit homeowners and renters who may be eligible to receive credit for property taxes and heating bills paid throughout the year. ELIGIBILITY: Must bring required documents to local Neighborhood City Hall to determine eligibility. FEES: None. Sites: 1 2 3 JOB BANK Job Banks SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Maintains a current listing of available employment opportunities within the City of Detroit that is available for job seekers to review. ELIGIBILITY: Must meet the education, training, experience and any applicable license or certificate requirements for the job classification. The minimum age for most jobs is 18. Interested applicants may apply for a job if they will be the minimum age within six months of the application but cannot be hired until they reach the minimum age. FEES: None. Sites: 1 2 3 VOTER REGISTRATION OFFICES Voter Registration Offices SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides copies of voter registration applications and maintains official records of individuals who have exercised their right to participate in the election process by registering to vote. Individuals are required to re-register if they change their names, their addresses or their party affiliations. ELIGIBILITY: Must be a US citizen and a resident of the City of Detroit for 30 days. Must be 18 years of age by election day. Must not be confined in jail, convicted, or sentenced. FEES: None. Sites: 1 2 3 LOCAL TRANSIT PASSES FOR SENIORS AND INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES Local Transit Passes SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides new and replacement bus cards for seniors, Medicare cardholders and individuals with disabilities. ELIGIBILITY: Must be at least 65 years of age and have a Medicare card or have a disability. FEES: DDOT weekly passes are $14.40, biweekly $27.50, monthly $47.00 and regional $49.50. A fee of $1.00 is charged to process bus cards for seniors (age 65 and older) and Medicare cardholders with valid Michigan driver's license, Michigan State ID and/or Medicare card. Replacement bus cards for seniors, Medicare cardholders and disabled individuals is $5.00 ZOO PASSES Discount Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers zoo passes to low income Detroit residents and groups which provide entrance to the Detroit Zoological Institute (and the Belle Isle Zoo, when open to the public). Passes are limited, distribution is on a first come/first served basis. ELIGIBILITY: Low income Detroit residents and groups. <continued...> 70 DETROIT MAYOR'S OFFICE... FEES: Free to eligible individuals. Sites: 2 Services DETROIT PARKING FACILITY OPERATIONS/MAINTENANCE Parking Facilities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Operates and maintains public parking facilities in Detroit. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: Fees vary by facility. DETROIT METROPOLITAN BAR ASSOCIATION Penobscot Building 645 Griswold St. Suite 1356 Detroit, MI 48226 PARKING REGULATIONS ENFORCEMENT Parking Regulations Enforcement SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Enforces on-street parking ordinances within the city of Detroit and processes and collects parking violation notices and fines. FEES: Vary. (313) 961-6120 Ext. 300 Main (313) 961-3545 Service/Intake - LRIS Referral Line (313) 965-0842 Fax Douglas D Hampton, President OTHER NAMES: DMBA SITE AREA SERVED: Wayne counties. DETROIT NON PROFIT HOUSING CORPORATION Serves Macomb, Oakland, and Considine Center 8904 Woodward Ave. Suite 279 Detroit, MI 48202-1821 Services BAR ASSOCIATION Legal Associations (313) 972-1111 Main (313) 972-1125 Fax SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers a members association which offers services, products, and information to lawyers and judges relating to the practice of law. ELIGIBILITY: Membership is available to legal students and professionals. FEES: Free - Attorney 70 years and retired from practicing law. $250 - Attorney in practice 10 years or more. $220 - Attorney in practice 5 - 9 years. $150 Attorney in practice 2 - 4 years. $100 - Judge, Government Attorney, Public Service, Academic, Non-Profit. Free - Attorney in practice 1 year or less. $75 - Paralegal, Legal Administrator, Legal Assistant or Librarian. $25 - Law School, Paralegal or Legal Assistant Student. Avis E Holmes, Director Doris Wells SITE AREA SERVED: City of Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. Services HOUSING AND MORTGAGE DELINQUENCY COUNSELING Homebuyer/Home Purchase Counseling HUD Approved Counseling Agencies Mortgage Delinquency and Default Counseling SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides HUD-approved counseling services that include homebuyer pre-purchase counseling, default mortgage counseling, foreclosure prevention and assistance locating suitable housing. ELIGIBILITY: Low-income individuals and families. FEES: Free or low cost. DETROIT MUNICIPAL PARKING DEPARTMENT 1600 W Lafayette Detroit, MI 48216 (313) 221-2500 Main (313) 221-2501 Fax HOME EQUITY CONVERSION MORTGAGE (HECM) Reverse Mortgage Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers counseling for the the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM). Counselors discuss program eligibility requirements, financial implications and alternatives to obtaining a HECM. They will also discuss provisions for the mortgage becoming due and payable. ELIGIBILITY: HUD’s Federal Housing Administration (FHA) requires that the borrower is a homeowner, 62 years of age or older; owns their home outright, or has a low mortgage balance that can be paid off at the closing with proceeds from the reverse loan; and must live in the home. MunicipalParkingDepartment/tabid/128/Default.aspx Shawny DeBerry, Director Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: PARKING VIOLATIONS BUREAU SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. SITE NOTES: Bus stop lets out at Lafayette and Tenth. <continued...> 71 DETROIT NON PROFIT HOUSING CORPORATION... DETROIT NORTHWEST SEVEN DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH DETROIT PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 14301 Burt St. Detroit, MI 48223 65 Cadillac Sq. Suite 2300 Detroit, MI 48226 (313) 538-5755 Main (313) 224-6380 Main (313) 224-1629 Fax PlanningDevelopmentDepartment/tabid/134/Default.aspx Diamond Smith, Program Coordinator Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: 48223. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 10am-3pm. Sites 1. DETROIT PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 65 Cadillac Sq. Suite 2300 Detroit, MI 48226 Services FOOD PANTRY Food Pantries SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides emergency food packages to low income individuals and families in the Brightmoor area. Packages include: Breads, meats, canned goods, peanut butter/Jelly, macaroni/cheese and fresh fruits and vegetables when available. ELIGIBILITY: Low-income individuals and families in the Brightmoor area. FEES: None. (313) 224-6380 Main (313) 224-1629 Fax SITE AREA SERVED: City of Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm. 2. NEIGHBORHOOD SUPPORT SERVICES DIVISION 65 Cadillac Sq. Suite 1400 Detroit, MI 48226 DETROIT OMBUDSMAN'S OFFICE Coleman A. Young Municipal Center 2 Woodward Ave. Room 114 Detroit, MI 48226 (313) 224-9974 Main (313) 224-2321 Fax (313) 224-6380 Alternate - Main Site Constance Bell, Executive Manager Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm. (313) 224-6000 Main (313) 224-1911 Fax Ombudsman/ Services COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Community Development Corporations SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers programs that improve the quality of life in neighborhoods and surrounding areas. Sites: 1 Durene L. Brown, City Ombudsman Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: The city of Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm. SITE NOTES: Nearest bus stop is located at Woodward and Congress, approximately one block away. COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Governmental Contracts/Grants Offices Neighborhood Revitalization SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Supports the growth of small business through grants and other programs. Provides supportive relationships with community-based organizations to structure divisional programs and to reflect City strategies and target community needs through the Neighborhood Support Services Division. ELIGIBILITY: Small business owners in Detroit. Sites: 1 Services CITY OMBUDSMAN Government Complaints/Government Ombudsman Offices SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Receives and investigates complaints against any city department or agency from residents, property owners, businesses and visitors. Complaints can be made anonymously. FEES: None. <continued...> 72 DETROIT PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT... NEIGHBORHOOD IMPROVEMENT GROUP Neighborhood Improvement Groups SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers citizens an opportunity to participate in planning and development issues for designated redevelopment and district areas. Also offers contract preparation for funded Citizen District Councils (CDCs) and administrative support for unfunded CDCs. ELIGIBILITY: Detroit residents. Sites: 2 3. DETROIT POLICE DEPARTMENT 1300 Beaubien Detroit, MI 48226 (313) 596-2200 Main (313) 596-1984 Service/Intake - Gun Permits/Registration (313) 659-3376 Service/Intake - The Auction Block (313) 267-4600 24-Hour Line Non-Emergency Crime Reporting (313) 224-3673 24-Hour Line Drug Crime Reporting (313-224-DOPE) (313) 596-1450 Fax RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT City/County Planning Offices SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Gathers information on existing physical, social and economic conditions and develops long and short-term land use plans to guide the growth and revitalization of the city of Detroit. Sites: 1 Ralph L Godbee, Jr., Police Chief SITE AREA SERVED: City of Detroit. SITE HOURS: 24 hours. DETROIT POLICE DEPARTMENT (313) 596-5600 Main 4. NORTHWESTERN DISTRICT 11450 Warwick St. Detroit, MI 48228 1300 Beaubien Detroit, MI 48226 Brian Davis, Commander Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Zip codes: 48219, 48223, 48227, 48228, 48235, 48239. SITE HOURS: 24 hours. SITE NOTES: Bus stop lets out nearby on Plymouth Road close to Piedmont Street. (313) 596-2200 Main Call 9-1-1 Emergency (313) 596-1450 Fax 141/Default.aspx 5. RAPE AND HOMICIDE COUNSELING CENTER 4707 Saint Antoine St. Suite M-167 Detroit, MI 48201 Ralph L Godbee, Jr., Police Chief Eren L Stephens, Sargent Sites (313) 833-1660 Main (313) 237-2840 Fax 1. CENTRAL DISTRICT 7310 Woodward Detroit, MI 48201 Joanne Cooper-Reid, Director Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Seven Days 8am-12:30am. (313) 596-1300 Main (313) 596-1954 Service/Intake Business Licenses and Permits Services Kenneth Williams, Commander Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Zip codes: 48201, 48202, 48208, 48211, 48226. SITE HOURS: 24 hours. SITE NOTES: Bus stop lets out nearby on Woodward Ave. close to West Grand Blvd. ABANDONED VEHICLE REPORTING/REMOVAL Abandoned Vehicle Reporting/Removal SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Removes abandoned vehicles from public streets and public and private property. A vehicle is considered abandoned if it has remained in place for 48 or more continuous hours; and, if on public streets or property, appears discarded; or, if on private property, is there without the consent of the owner of the property. ELIGIBILITY: Abandoned vehicles in the City of Detroit. FEES: No fees to report abandoned vehicle. Owners wishing to reclaim towed vehicles pay all towing and impound fees. Sites: 4 2. DETROIT AUTO POUND 6311 Caniff Ave. Hamtramck, MI 48212-2531 (313) 267-4639 Main Eric Ewing, Commander SITE AREA SERVED: City of Detroit. SITE HOURS: 24 hours. <continued...> 73 DETROIT POLICE DEPARTMENT... AUTOMOBILE AUCTION Auctions Automobiles FIREARM PERMITS Firearm Permits SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Issues permits which provide written authorization for individuals to purchase rifles, automatic revolvers, shotguns and other portable firearms. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 21 and older who reside in Detroit. Must be without felony convictions; driver license cannot be revoked or suspended; and, must not owe City of Detroit fines. FEES: None. Sites: 3 SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers a variety of vehicles for public auction. The majority of vehicles auctioned are in driving condition but may require minor repairs. All vehicles are sold as is. FEES: Bidding starts at $150 and cash on delivery is the only accepted payment option. Sites: 2 BUSINESS LICENSES/PERMITS Local Business Licenses/Permits SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Issues licenses, permits or other authorizations which enable businesses to operate legally within the City of Detroit. Includes licenses for selling liquor, driving a cab, operating a parking lot, or providing exotic dancing. ELIGIBILITY: Businesses wishing to obtain the appropriate permits or licenses required for operation within Detroit. FEES: Vary by license. Sites: 1 LAW ENFORCEMENT COMPLAINTS Law Enforcement Complaints SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Accepts and, where possible, attempts to resolve complaints regarding the quality of service, incompetence, availability, unethical or improper conduct of peace officers or other law enforcement officials, or other problems with Detroit Police Department. Accepts anonymous complaints. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. LANGUAGES: Interpretation services available. Sites: 4 POLICE COMMUNITY SERVICES General Crime Prevention Programs Juvenile Delinquency Prevention SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers crime prevention programs and presentations which target vulnerable populations such as youth and seniors. Assigns police officers to the Think Detroit Police Atheletic League (PAL) which offers a variety of sports programs. Also offers GREAT (Gang Resistence Education And Training) which educates children at risk for joining gangs. GREAT teaches social and life skills during the school year and provides recreational activities during the summer. In addition, makes presentations to schools, senior centers, and other community groups about crime prevention, substance abuse education and conflict resolution. Also offers referrals to other crime prevention programs in the community. ELIGIBILITY: Varies by program. Serves residents and organizations within the City of Detroit. FEES: None. LANGUAGES: Interpretation services may be available for Spanish. Sites: 4 MUNICIPAL POLICE Municipal Police SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides law enforcement services for the city of Detroit including the following; enforcing all laws and ordinances; preventing crime; investigating criminal activity; apprehending, arresting and detaining suspects; presenting evidence; regulating traffic; investigating traffic accidents and engaging in other activities that protect lives and property and preserve peace in the community. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. Sites: 3 4 NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH PROGRAM Neighborhood Watch Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Establishes a formal network of communication between neighborhoods and police regarding crime-related problems. Accepts reports of suspicious activity. ELIGIBILITY: Neighborhoods in the City of Detroit. FEES: None. Sites: 4 DRUG CRIMES REPORTING Drug Crime Reporting SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a hotline that the public can anonymously report information about the activities of individuals who are dealing in narcotics which might facilitate their arrest and conviction. ELIGIBILITY: Serves the City of Detroit. FEES: None. Sites: 3 NON-EMERGENCY CRIME REPORTING Non-Emergency Crime Reporting SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Accepts reports of crimes that do not warrant an immediate response because the individual in question is not in immediate danger. Crime reports can be made anonymously. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. LANGUAGES: Interpretation services available. Sites: 3 <continued...> 74 DETROIT POLICE DEPARTMENT... PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION EQUIPMENT Property Identification Equipment SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Loans engraving equipment to individuals who want to etch their driver's license or other easily traceable identity card number onto their television sets, video and stereo equipment, tools and other portable valuables in order to discourage theft or burglary, to assist in the identification and recovery of these items in case of loss and to aid in the conviction of criminals who are caught with identifiable stolen property in their possession. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 18 and older who reside in Detroit. FEES: None. Sites: 4 2. CAMPBELL BRANCH 8733 W Vernor Rd. Detroit, MI 48209 (313) 481-1550 Main Laurie Townsend Stuart, Branch Manager Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon, Wed 12noon-8pm; Tue, Thu 10am-6pm; Sat 10am-6pm. 3. CHANDLER PARK BRANCH 12800 Harper St. Detroit, MI 48213 (313) 481-1570 Main (313) 852-4347 Fax SEXUAL ASSAULT COUNSELING Sexual Assault Counseling Sexual Assault Hotlines SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides confidential individual counseling for individuals who are coping with the emotional trauma that is the result of sexual assault. Staffed by licensed social workers. Also offers telephone crisis counseling. ELIGIBILITY: Victims of sexual assault age 12 and older who reside in Detroit or incident occurred in Detroit. FEES: None. Sites: 5 Stacy Brooks, Site Manager Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit and Highland Park. SITE HOURS: Mon, Wed, Fri 10am-6pm; Tue, Thu 12noon-8pm. 4. CHANEY BRANCH 16101 Grand River Detroit, MI 48227 (313) 481-1570 Main (313) 852-4545 Fax DETROIT PUBLIC LIBRARY Gail Gilman, Branch Manager SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon, Wed, Fri 10am-6pm; Tue, Thu 12noon-8pm. 5201 Woodward Ave. Detroit, MI 48202 (313) 481-4300 Main 5. CHASE BRANCH 17731 W Seven Mile Rd. Detroit, MI 48235 JoAnne Mondowney, Director Juliet Machie, Deputy Director Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: DPL (313) 481-1580 Main (313) 578-8002 Fax Sites Kenneth Wyatt, Branch Manager SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon, Wed, Fri 10am-6pm; Tue, Thu 12noon-8pm. 1. BOWEN BRANCH 3648 W Vernor Detroit, MI 48216 (313) 481-1540 Main (313) 297-9358 Fax 6. CONELY BRANCH 4600 Martin St. Detroit, MI 48210 Robbie Flowers, Branch Manager Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon, Wed, Fri 10am-6pm, Tue, Thu 12noon-8pm. (313) 481-1590 Main (313) 224-6461 Fax Jackie Sullen, Branch Manager SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon, Wed, Fri 10am-6pm, Tue, Thu 12noon-6pm. <continued...> 75 DETROIT PUBLIC LIBRARY... 7. DETROIT PUBLIC LIBRARY 5201 Woodward Ave. Detroit, MI 48202 12. FRANKLIN BRANCH 13651 E McNichols Detroit, MI 48205 (313) 481-4300 Main (313) 481-1740 Main (313) 852-4797 Fax JoAnne Mondowney, Director Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Tue-Wed 12noon-8pm, Thu-Sat 10am-6pm. Mary Jo Vortkamp, Branch Manager SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon, Wed, Fri 10am-6pm; Tue, Thu 12noon-8pm. 8. DOUGLASS BRANCH 3666 Grand River Ave. Detroit, MI 48208 13. HUBBARD BRANCH 12929 W McNichols Detroit, MI 48235 (313) 481-1700 Main (313) 833-5688 Fax (313) 481-1750 Main (313) 243-0433 Fax Carolyn McCormick, Branch Manager Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon, Wed, Fri 10am-6pm; Tue, Thu 12noon-8pm. Mary Masasabi, Site Director Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon, Wed 12noon-8pm, Tue, Thu, Fri 10am-6pm. 9. DUFFIELD BRANCH 2507 W Grand Blvd. Detroit, MI 48206 14. JEFFERSON BRANCH 12350 E Outer Dr. Detroit, MI 48224 (313) 481-1710 Main (313) 226-6460 Fax (313) 481-1760 Main (313) 308-0281 Fax Christine Stewart-Peele, Site Manager SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit and Highland Park. SITE HOURS: Mon, Wed, Fri 10am-6pm; Tue, Thu 12noon-8pm. Maria Bryson, Branch Manager Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon, Wed 12noon-8pm, Tue, Thu, Fri 10am-6pm. 10. EDISON BRANCH 18400 Joy Rd. Detroit, MI 48228 15. KNAPP BRANCH 13330 Conant Hamtramck, MI 48212-2338 (313) 481-1720 Service/Intake (313) 243-0419 Fax (313) 481-1770 Main Teresa Tower Thompson, Branch Manager SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon, Wed 12noon-8pm; Tue, Thu, Fri 10am-6pm. James Hoogstra, Branch Manager Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit and Highland Park. SITE HOURS: Mon, Wed 12noon-8pm; Tue, Thu, Fri 10am-6pm. 11. ELMWOOD PARK BRANCH 550 Chene Detroit, MI 48207 16. LINCOLN BRANCH (313) 481-1780 Main (313) 305-0106 Fax (313) 481-1730 Main (313) 394-0215 Fax Cally Kypros, Branch Manager Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon, Wed, Fri 10am-6pm, Tue, Thu 12noon-8pm. Karen Bolling, Branch Manager Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon, Wed 12noon-8pm, Tue, Thu, Fri 10am-6pm. <continued...> 76 DETROIT PUBLIC LIBRARY... 17. MARK TWAIN ANNEX 4741 Iroquois Detroit, MI 48214 22. SHERWOOD FOREST BRANCH 7117 W Seven Mile Rd. Detroit, MI 48221 (313) 481-1790 Service/Intake (313) 481-1840 Service/Intake Regina B Smith, Branch Manager SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon, Wed, Fri 10am-6pm; Tue, Thu 12noon-8pm. Annette Stocks, Branch Manager Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon, Wed, Fri 10am-6pm, Tue, Thu 12noon-8pm. 18. MONTEITH BRANCH 14100 Kercheval St. Detroit, MI 48215 23. SKILLMAN BRANCH 121 Gratiot Ave. Detroit, MI 48226 (313) 481-1800 Main/Fax (313) 481-1850 Main (313) 628-2732 Fax Sherry Sellers Ngom, Branch Manager Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon, Wed, Fri 10am-6pm; Tue, Thu 12noon-8pm. Joel Anyim, Branch Manager Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Sat 10am-6pm. 19. PARKMAN BRANCH 1766 Oakman Blvd. Detroit, MI 48238 24. WILDER BRANCH 7140 E Seven Mile Rd. Detroit, MI 48234 (313) 481-1810 Main (313) 852-4090 Fax (313) 481-1870 Service/Intake (313) 305-0178 Fax Paula Beaudoin, Branch Manager Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon, Wed 12noon-8pm, Tue, Thu, Fri 10am-6pm. Patricia Petrone, Branch Manager Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon, Wed 12noon-8pm; Tue, Thu, Fri 10am-6pm. 20. REDFORD BRANCH 21200 Grand River Ave. Detroit, MI 48219 Services FRIENDS OF THE DETROIT PUBLIC LIBRARY Auxiliaries Book/Magazine Donation Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Allows participation in special programs, services and activities of the library including meetings with authors at reduced or no cost with tax deductible membership. Membership dues provide critical funding and support to the daily operation of the library. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals that do not reside in Detroit or Highland Park will have to pay a minimum of $150.00 for membership. (Memberships vary in price and level of benefactor). FEES: Levels of memberships range from $30.00-$1,000. Sites: 7 (313) 481-1820 Service/Intake (313) 578-0148 Fax Ina Sue Mairn, Branch Manager SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon, Wed 12noon-8pm; Tue, Thu, Fri 10am-6pm. 21. RICHARD BRANCH 9876 Grand River Detroit, MI 48204 (313) 481-1830 Main (313) 870-5155 Fax LIBRARY ON WHEELS (LOW) Bookmobiles Home Library Services SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Brings books, audiocassettes and other reading materials to Detroit's seniors and schools. The LOW Bookmobile makes many stops a month Kelly Kencik, Branch Manager Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon, Wed 12noon-8pm, Tue, Thu, Fri 10am-6pm. <continued...> 77 DETROIT PUBLIC LIBRARY... at two-week intervals to senior citizen buildings, drop-in centers and other places where older or retired individuals live or congregate and the Detroit Public School locations. ELIGIBILITY: Older adults in Detroit that can not otherwise get to the library and Detroit Public School locations. FEES: None. Sites: 8 Sites: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 Sites: 23 24 COOLING CENTERS Extreme Heat Cooling Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides an air conditioned room during dangerously hot weather for individuals who need to avoid an elevated core body temperature. FEES: None. Sites: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Sites: 22 23 24 TECHNOLOGY LITERACY AND CAREER CENTER (TLC) Career Counseling Job Search Techniques SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers a program that consults Career Center resources and staff for help in making career decisions, strategizing job searches and uncovering job listings. ELIGIBILITY: Borrowing and other services are available to library card holders. Residents of Detroit and Highland Park may apply for a library card with photo ID and proof of residence at their local branch. Michicard is also accepted. FEES: Library card for non-residents is $100.00/household annualy. Sites: 7 HOMEWORK HELP PROGRAM Tutoring Services SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers on-line assistance in various school subjects that assists with questions, provide pictures, maps and other information. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals residing in Detroit and Highland Park. FEES: None. Sites: 3 5 7 17 18 20 LIBRARY SERVICES FOR THE BLIND AND PHYSICALLY DISABLED Braille Materials/Collections Recordings for the Blind and Dyslexic SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides services in accordance with the guidelines established by the U.S. Library of Congress National Library Service (NLS), to individuals that can not read conventional print material, including individuals that are blind, visually handicapped, physically handicapped, or reading disabled. Collection includes resources in Braille and recorded materials. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals in the Detroit area that are blind, visually handicapped, physically handicapped, or reading disabled. FEES: None. Sites: 8 CHILDREN'S LIBRARY SERVICES Book Distribution Programs Children's Library Services SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides various programs for children in the Detroit area. Programs include book clubs, accelerated reading clubs, online computer workshops and web based story time. ELIGIBILITY: Book club program is for students in first through twelfth grades. No restrictions for other programs. FEES: None. Sites: 1 3 5 8 20 TIP (THE INFORMATION PLACE) Comprehensive Information and Referral SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a free community information and referral service that helps individuals find answers to the problems of everyday living. Librarians link individuals to agencies and local nonprofit organizations that offer services such as emergency food, health care, support groups, and parenting education. FEES: None. Sites: 7 SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides conference rooms or other space available to individuals or groups who want to hold meetings or sponsor other public or private gatherings. FEES: Fees vary. Sites: 8 COMPUTER CLASSES Computer and Related Technology Classes SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers single session workshops to teach individuals basic computer use and software programs. ELIGIBILITY: Library customers can attend the workshops a maximum of two times. All workshops begin on time. Individuals not seated at the start of the class forfeit that space. FEES: None. SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Maintains and provides access to copies of newspaper accounts of the significant aspects or accomplishments of an individual's life and dates of birth/death. For searches submitted without an exact death date, Library staff search Detroit newspaper indexes (which go back to 1976), the Detroit Death Index (records deaths in Detroit from 1920 to the present), and the Michigan and Detroit Biography Index (covers 1701-1995 but is not comprehensive) to determine the date of death. Staff also search the obituary and death notice sections of the Detroit News and Detroit Free Press Internet editions. MEETING SPACE Meeting Space OBITUARY/DEATH NOTICE Obituary/Death Notices <continued...> 78 DETROIT PUBLIC LIBRARY... FEES: $15.00 per name for death notice/obituary request submitted with an exact death date, $25.00 per hour per name for death notice/obituary request submitted without an exact death date, with a minimum prepayment of $25.00 (1 hour) per search. Fees include postage, photocopying and handling. All obituary search fees must be prepaid. Payment in U.S. funds only. Make check or money order payable to Detroit Public Library Commission. Sites: 7 SITE NOTES: Bus stops let out within a block at Grinnel and Raymon, Woodward and Larned and Woodward and Congress. Services STREET LIGHT MAINTENANCE Street Lights SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Maintains and repairs burned out and/or broken street lights within the city of Detroit. ELIGIBILITY: Lighting must be within Detroit city limits. PUBLIC INTERNET ACCESS SITE Public Internet Access Sites SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers internet access to all patrons that have a valid Detroit Public Library card. ELIGIBILITY: Residents of Detroit that possess a valid Detroit Public Library card. FEES: None. Sites: 1 4 5 6 7 8 22 TRAFFIC SIGNAL INSTALLATION/MAINTENANCE Traffic Signals SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Accepts reports of downed wires, poles or non-functioning traffic lights. ELIGIBILITY: Traffic lights within Detroit city limits. PUBLIC LIBRARY Public Libraries DETROIT PUBLIC SCHOOLS SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides general library services without charge to all residents of Detroit. The Detroit Public Library consists of a main library with ten subject collections and 23 branch libraries. The library is supported by public and private funds. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals must obtain a Detroit Public Library card to borrow any materials. FEES: Residents of Detroit and students attending Detroit Public Schools can apply for a library card at no cost, non-residents can apply with a $100.00 annual fee per person or household. Sites: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Sites: 23 24 TAX FORMS Tax Forms Fisher Bldg. 3031 W Grand Blvd. Detroit, MI 48202 (313) 873-7450 Administrative Teresa Gueyser, Esq., Acting Superintendent Valerie Mitchell Sites 1. ANN ARBOR TRAIL MAGNET MIDDLE SCHOOL 7635 Chatham Redford, MI 48239 (313) 274-8560 Main (313) 274-8074 Fax SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Maintains supplies of blank tax forms for individuals who need them and/or maintain archives from the past four years of versions of tax forms for reference purposes. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. Sites: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Sites: 20 21 22 23 24 Deborah Ferguson, Principal SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit Public School District. 2. BARSAMIAN PREPARATORY CENTER 7650 Second Ave. Detroit, MI 48202 (313) 873-1288 Main (313) 873-1857 Fax DETROIT PUBLIC LIGHTING DEPARTMENT Dennis Veita, Principal SITE AREA SERVED: 9449 Grinnell Ave. Detroit, MI 48213 Detroit Public School District. (313) 267-7202 Main (313) 267-5118 Fax 3. BENNETT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 2111 Mullane St. Detroit, MI 48209 (313) 849-3585 Main Stanley Topolewski, Interim Director Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-4pm. Wayne County. <continued...> 79 DETROIT PUBLIC SCHOOLS... 4. BREITHAUPT VOC-TECH CENTER 9300 Hubbell St. Detroit, MI 48228 10. CROCKETT CAREER AND TECHNICAL CENTER 571 Mack Ave. Detroit, MI 48201 (313) 866-9550 Main (313) 866-9605 Fax (313) 494-1805 Main (313) 494-0992 Fax Vanessa Spencer, Principal SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit Public School District. Brenda Belcher, Principal SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit Public School District. 5. BRENDA SCOTT ACADEMY FOR THEATRE ARTS 18400 Hoover Detroit, MI 48205 11. DAVIS AEROSPACE HIGH SCHOOL 10200 Erwin St. Detroit, MI 48234 (313) 866-5401 Main (313) 866-5408 Fax (313) 866-6700 Main SITE AREA SERVED: Wayne County. Nina Graves-hicks, Principal SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit Public School District. 6. CASS TECHNICAL HIGH SCHOOL 2501 Second Ave. Detroit, MI 48201 12. DETROIT PUBLIC SCHOOLS 3031 W Grand Blvd. Detroit, MI 48202 (313) 263-2000 Main (313) 263-2001 Fax (313) 873-7450 Administrative Lenora Ashford, Principal SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit Public School District. Teresa Gueyser, Esq., Acting Superintendent SITE AREA SERVED: City of Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:15am-4:30pm (school year), Mon-Fri 8:30am-4pm (summer). 7. CATHERINE FERGUSON ACADEMY 3031 W Grand Blvd. Suite 485 Detroit, MI 48202 13. DETROIT SCHOOL OF ARTS 123 Selden Detroit, MI 48201 (313) 873-7805 Main (313) 873-8609 Fax SITE AREA SERVED: (313) 494-6000 Main (313) 494-2129 Fax Detroit Public School District. Rita Davis, Principal SITE AREA SERVED: 8. CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL 2425 Tuxedo St. Detroit, MI 48206 Detroit Public School District. 14. DOUGLAS ACADEMY FOR YOUNG MEN 2001 W Warren Detroit, MI 48202 (313) 252-3000 Main (313) 852-1445 Fax (313) 596-3555 Main (313) 596-3552 Fax Steven McGhee, Principal SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. Sean Vann, Principal SITE AREA SERVED: 9. CHARLES WRIGHT SCHOOL 19299 Berg Rd. Detroit, MI 48219 Detroit Public School District. 15. DREW ATTENDANCE OFFICE 8770 W Chicago Detroit, MI 48204 (313) 538-3024 Main (313) 538-3049 Fax (313) 873-5940 Main Kimberly Davis, Principal SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit Public School District. Lindasusan Softley, Supervisor SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit Public School District. <continued...> 80 DETROIT PUBLIC SCHOOLS... 16. EAST ATTENDANCE OFFICE 12300 Linnhurst St. Detroit, MI 48205 22. LAW ACADEMY 19411 Cliff Ave. Detroit, MI 48234 (313) 252-3093 Main (313) 866-3400 Main (313) 866-6200 Fax Costella Winbush, Superisor SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit Public School District. Jeffery Nelson, Principal SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit Public School District. 17. FISHER MAGNET UPPER ACADEMY 15491 Maddelein St. Detroit, MI 48205 23. MUMFORD HIGH SCHOOL 17525 Wyoming St. Detroit, MI 48221 (313) 866-7233 Main (313) 866-7329 Fax (313) 416-7064 Main (313) 651-0836 Fax Linda McIntosh, Principal SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit Public School District. Linda Spight, Principal SITE AREA SERVED: 18. FOOD SERVICE OFFICE 1425 E Warren Ave. Detroit, MI 48207 Detroit Public School District. 24. OFFICE OF PRIMARY EDUCATION New Center One, Suite 450 7320 Second Ave. Detroit, MI 48202 (313) 578-7220 Service/Intake - Food Service Office (313) 578-7493 Fax Janet Tisdale, Interim Exec Director of Food Service SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit Public School District. Wilma Taylor-costen, Assistant Superintendent SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit Public School District. 19. FORD HIGH SCHOOL 20000 Evergreen Rd. Detroit, MI 48219 25. OFFICE OF PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES Longfellow Annex - Room 251 13141 Rosa Parks Detroit, MI 48238 (313) 494-7567 Main (313) 494-7565 Fax (313) 866-0859 Main (313) 252-9992 Fax Sharon Dennis, Principal SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit Public School District. Sheilah Wright, Director SITE AREA SERVED: 20. GOLIGHTLY CAREER AND TECHNICAL CENTER 900 Dickerson Ave. Detroit, MI 48215 Detroit Public School District. 26. OFFICE OF SCHOOL SOCIAL WORK SERVICES 13121 Rosa Parks Rm 247 Detroit, MI 48238 (313) 822-8820 Main (313) 866-3131 Fax (313) 866-0483 Main (313) 252-9995 Fax Betty Edwards, Principal SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit Public School District. Arezell Brown, Director SITE AREA SERVED: 21. KING HIGH SCHOOL 3200 E Lafayette St. Detroit, MI 48207 Detroit Public School District. 27. OFFICE OF STUDENT RECORDS AND TRANSCRIPTS 3031 W Grand Blvd. Suite 136 Detroit, MI 48202 (313) 494-7373 Main (313) 494-7359 Fax (313) 873-7120 Main (313) 873-9975 Fax Sharon Robinson, Principal SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit Public School District. Roland Moore, Chief Technology And Information Officer SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit Public School District. <continued...> 81 DETROIT PUBLIC SCHOOLS... 28. RANDOLPH CAREER AND TECHNICAL CENTER 17101 Hubbell St. Detroit, MI 48235-3942 34. SOUTHWESTERN HIGH SCHOOL 6921 W Fort St. Detroit, MI 48209 (313) 849-4521 Main (313) 849-4734 Fax (313) 494-7100 Main (313) 494-7114 Fax Garnet Green, Principal SITE AREA SERVED: Gwendolyn Miller, Principal Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Thu 4pm-7pm. SITE NOTES: Bus stop lets out nearby on West McNichols Rd. close to Hubbell St. 35. WESTERN INTERNATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL 1500 Scotten St. Detroit, MI 48209 (313) 849-4758 Main (313) 849-4695 Fax 29. RENAISSANCE HIGH SCHOOL 6565 W Outer Dr. Detroit, MI 48235 Rebecca Luna, Principal SITE AREA SERVED: (313) 416-4600 Main (313) 416-4620 Fax (313) 852-8500 Main (313) 852-8511 Fax 30. ROBERTO CLEMENTE ACADEMY 1551 Beard Detroit, MI 48209 Yoland Herbert, Principal SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit Public School District. (313) 849-3489 Main (313) 849-6304 Fax Services COOLING CENTERS Extreme Heat Cooling Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides air conditioned facilities which are open to the public during dangerously hot weather. Bottled water and fruit are provided. Security personnel will be on site. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. Sites: 3 5 9 13 14 17 22 29 30 31 32 33 36 Melissa Villarreal, Pricipal SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit Public School District. 31. RONALD BROWN ACADEMY 11530 E Outer Dr. Detroit, MI 48224 (313) 886-2611 Main Wayne County. COSMETOLOGY SCHOOL Technical/Trade Schools 32. SCHULZE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 10700 Santa Maria St. Detroit, MI 48221 SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Educates students in the science and art of beauty culture. Students learn practical techniques and manipulative skills utilized in the care and styling of hair. Prepares students for the State of Michigan licensing examination in Cosmetology. ELIGIBILITY: High school students in the Detroit Public School District. FEES: None. Sites: 10 (313) 340-4400 Main (313) 340-4401 Fax Brenda Lyons, Principal SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit Public School District. 36. WILLIAM J BECKHAM ACADEMY 9860 Park Dr. Detroit, MI 48213 Gail Russell-jones, Principal SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit Public School District. SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit Public School District. Detroit Public School District. 33. SOUTHEASTERN HIGH SCHOOL 3030 Fairview St. Detroit, MI 48214 EDUCATION OF HOMELESS CHILDREN AND YOUTH PROGRAM Bus Fare School Supplies SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides supportive services such as enrollment assistance, transportation assistance (bus fare to and from school),school supplies and advocacy for children and youth who are homeless and attend Detroit Public Schools. (313) 866-4500 Main (313) 866-5555 Fax Brenda Gatlin, Principal SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit Public School District. <continued...> 82 DETROIT PUBLIC SCHOOLS... ELIGIBILITY: Children who are homeless and attend Detroit Public Schools. FEES: None. Sites: 26 HIGH SCHOOL Secondary/High Schools SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a graded system of learning in a formal school setting from grades nine through 12 for adolescents who usually range in age from 13 or 14 to 18. Provides formal instruction for students who want to prepare themselves for further education at the college/university level as well as those who prefer to seek employment immediately after high school graduation. The curriculum for students who are planning to end their formal education focuses on vocational preparation whereas that for college/university-bound students focuses on providing the required number of hours of instruction in targeted subjects to enable them to meet college/university entrance requirements. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals 13-18 years of age residing in the Detroit Public School District. FEES: None. Sites: 6 7 8 11 19 21 23 28 29 33 34 ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE English as a Second Language SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides opportunities to speak, read and write in English in order to develop English language proficiency. Encourages deeper knowledge, understanding and use of the English language through interactive sessions. Instruction focuses on language skills for survival that are connected to accomplishing everyday tasks. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals seeking instruction in the English language. FEES: None. Sites: 35 GED INSTRUCTION GED Instruction LOCAL SCHOOL DISTRICT School Districts SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides instruction that prepares students to take the five parts of the General Educational Development (GED) test. Instruction is aligned with the GED Official Practice Tests. All students receive ongoing assessment to determine when they are ready to take the Official GED. Instruction is focused on the academic outcomes of a four year high school program with an increased emphasis on workplace and higher education needs. The GED is the certification of foundation skills for problem solving, communication, and computation that allows the GED graduate to advance to postsecondary education and to career training. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals at least 20 years of age or older on September 1 of the current school year who have not earned a high school diploma or GED certificate. Individuals at least 16 years of age or older on September 1 of the current school year who have been permanently expelled from school and have no appropriate alternative education program available through their district or residence. FEES: None. Sites: 28 SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Serves as the central administrative unit for Detroit Public Schools. ELIGIBILITY: City of Detroit residents. FEES: None. Sites: 12 PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES Educational Testing Psychological Assessment Student Counseling Services SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Administers a variety of tests and evaluations to help diagnose learning styles and problems in learning. Test results assist in developing a plan of individualized instruction to help students who have exceptional needs overcome their learning problems. Also provides counseling to students and families who are experiencing personal, interpersonal or family problems; or problems that arise as a part of school such as test-taking anxiety, fear of speaking or procrastination in studying. ELIGIBILITY: Detroit Public School students as well as non-enrolled children, and private/parochial school students within the City of Detroit, ages birth through 26 years of age. FEES: None. Sites: 25 HEAD START Head Start SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Administers a federally-funded child development program that provides educational experiences, medical and dental services, nutritional meals, counseling and opportunities for parental involvement to help prepare low-income children and children with disabilities to enter and succeed in school. ELIGIBILITY: Children who will be 4 years old on or before December 1 of the current school year. Must meet family income guidelines or have a diagnosed disability. FEES: None. Sites: 24 REDUCED SCHOOL LUNCH/BREAKFAST School Breakfasts School Lunches SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides free and/or reduced price meals for school students. Meals include protein, fruits, vegetables, grains/breads and milk. Meals must meet established nutrition standards. The program is federally-funded and is available to income-eligible students who are unable to pay the full cost. Public and private, nonprofit schools participating in the program are reimbursed for the lunches and breakfasts served. ELIGIBILITY: Attendance at participating school district. Must meet federal income guidelines. <continued...> 83 DETROIT PUBLIC SCHOOLS... FEES: Reduced Breakfast $.30 Reduced Lunch $.40. Parents may register to prepay for meals online. Visit web site or school office for more information. Sites: 18 SCHOOLS OF CHOICE Alternative Schools SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers basic elementary and middle-school curriculum plus creative electives in an informal instructional setting which features an approach to teaching and learning which emphasizes the students' right to make decisions and is designed to fit the developmental needs of each child. ELIGIBILITY: Detroit Public School District children. FEES: None. Sites: 1 SCHOOL BASED TEEN PARENT/PREGNANT TEEN PROGRAM School Based Teen Parent/Pregnant Teen Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Educates young mothers in English, math, science and social studies in a family-like, accepting environment. Also provides "real life" learning about raising a child and how to function as a knowledgeable, independent and productive adult. Offers early education classes for infants and toddlers and provides access to community partners who can help students in need with food, clothing and medical care. ELIGIBILITY: Young mothers in grades 7 - 12. FEES: None. Sites: 7 STUDENT WORK PERMITS Work Permits SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Issues work permits to individuals 11 through 18 years of age which certify for employers that the youngsters are authorized to work. The permit certifies the age and compliance with labor laws prior to the minor starting work. Work permits are valid until a minor turns 18 or graduates from high school as long as the minor remains continuously employed by the same employer. ELIGIBILITY: Detroit Public School students. The minimum age for employment is 14 years, except that a minor 11 years or older may be employed as a golf or bridge caddy. A minor 13 years of age or older may be employed in certain farm operations or setting traps for trap skeet or sporting clays. Additionally, a minor, at least 11 years of age, may be employed as a youth athletic performance referee. Sites: 15 16 SCHOOL COMPLAINTS School Complaints SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Accepts and, where possible, attempts to resolve complaints regarding staff, teachers, buildings, school policy and other school-related issues. ELIGIBILITY: Residents of Detroit Public School District. FEES: None. Sites: 15 SEE TO ACHIEVE Glasses/Contact Lenses Vision Screening SCHOOL FOR EXPELLED STUDENTS Continuation High Schools SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides education for students who have been expelled from a Detroit Public School and have been placed on the Expulsion Track for certain offenses in compliance with the State of Michigan Mandate. Teaches students in grades 9-12, with the majority being in the 9th grade. Includes mandatory counseling sessions that stress the development of coping and social skills, attendance improvement and behavior modification. After serving the duration of their expulsion, students are returned to traditional school to complete their education. ELIGIBILITY: Detroit Public School students who have been expelled from school. FEES: None. Sites: 2 SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides free eye exams and glasses to students. Students are pre-screened by school social workers, then picked up at their schools and bussed to a project site where eye exams are administered and glasses provided in an effort to improve academic achievement and behavior. Project is a two week annual event sponsored by several corporate partners, the Office of School Social Work Services, local vendors and local Lions Clubs. ELIGIBILITY: Students of Detroit Public Schools. FEES: None. Sites: 26 VOCATIONAL EDUCATION Vocational Education SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers specialized education and training related to a variety of occupational areas such as Automotive, Computer Aided Drafting, Culinary Arts, Electronics Communications, Cosmetology, Welding and more. Encourages all students who successfully complete their program to participate in state and national certification examinations relative to their chosen program. ELIGIBILITY: Students in grades 10 through 12 from Detroit Public Schools, Chartered Schools, surrounding school districts, and students who are home-schooled. FEES: None. SCHOOL TRANSCRIPTS School Transcripts SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Maintains and provides official records of student academic achievement while attending school. Also provide graduation affirmation letters, birth verification and immunization records. ELIGIBILITY: Current and past students of Detroit Public Schools. FEES: None. Sites: 27 <continued...> 84 DETROIT PUBLIC SCHOOLS... Sites: 4 10 11 20 Sites 1. ADAMS/BUTZEL RECREATION COMPLEX 10500 Lyndon Detroit, MI 48235 DETROIT RECOVERY PROJECT 1121 E McNichols Rd. Detroit, MI 48203 (313) 628-0990 Main (313) 365-3100 Main (313) 365-3102 Fax Kathy Bridge, Recreation Center Supervisor SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 6am-9pm. SITE NOTES: Bus stop lets out at Schoolcraft St. close to Mendota St. Andre Johnson, President/CEO Anglea Burton, Director Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: DETROIT RECOVERY PROJECT COALITION; DRP RECOVERY RESOURCE CENTER 2. BELLE ISLE PARK Belle Isle Park Detroit, MI 48207 (313) 628-2081 Service/Intake SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. SITE NOTES: Bus stop lets out nearby at J.C. Lodge and Clairmount. Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE NOTES: Located close to the hub of downtown Detroit, travel time to Belle Isle by car or bus is about five minutes. Services PREVENTION IN ACTIVE COMMUNITY TRANSITIONS (PACT) AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling Alcohol Abuse Education/Prevention Case/Care Management * People at Risk for AIDS/HIV Drug Abuse Education/Prevention SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers HIV and substance abuse prevention education and case management to eligible clients. ELIGIBILITY: African American males who reside in the city of Detroit and have been incarcerated during the past 24 months and believe they may be at risk for HIV infection or substance abuse. FEES: None. 3. BUTZEL FAMILY CENTER/SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER 7737 Kercheval Detroit, MI 48214 (313) 628-2100 Service/Intake Cecilia Walker, Executive Director Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-7pm. 4. CLEMENTE CENTER 2631 Bagley Detroit, MI 48216 (313) 224-0228 Service/Intake DETROIT RECREATION DEPARTMENT Karen Johnson, Supervisor SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon, Fri 2pm-8:30pm, Tue-Thu 10am-8:30pm. 18100 Meyers Detroit, MI 48235 (313) 224-1100 Main (313) 224-1734 Fax 5. COLEMAN A YOUNG COMMUNITY CENTER 2751 Robert Bradby Dr. Detroit, MI 48207 tabid/144/Default.aspx (313) 628-0995 Service/Intake Alicia C. Minter, Deputy Director Donna Miller Morae Cochran, Supervisor SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-6pm., Sat 9am-5pm. Weight room and pool hours vary. <continued...> 85 DETROIT RECREATION DEPARTMENT... 6. CROWELL COMMUNITY CENTER 16630 Lahser Rd. Detroit, MI 48219 11. KEMENY COMMUNITY CENTER 2260 S Fort St. Detroit, MI 48217 (313) 628-2047 Service/Intake (313) 628-0956 Service/Intake Archie Woods, Supervisor Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-9pm. Robert Donaldson, Supervisor Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 10am-8pm. 7. DETROIT RECREATION DEPARTMENT 18100 Meyers Detroit, MI 48235 12. LASKY RECREATION CENTER 13200 Fenelon Hamtramck, MI 48212 (313) 224-1100 Main (313) 224-1734 Fax (313) 628-2030 Service/Intake Rose Guess, Supervisor SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 1:30pm-7:30pm. Alicia C. Minter, Deputy Director SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-4:30pm. 13. LENOX RECREATION CENTER 100 Lenox Detroit, MI 48215 8. FARWELL RECREATION CENTER 2781 E Outer Drive Detroit, MI 48234 (313) 628-2036 Service/Intake (313) 628-2028 Service/Intake Sally Sabatowich, Supervisor SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-4pm. Timothy Kenney, Supervisor Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. 14. PATTON RECREATION CENTER 2301 Woodmere Detroit, MI 48209 9. HEILMANN COMMUNITY CENTER 19601 Crusade Detroit, MI 48205 (313) 628-2000 Service/Intake (313) 224-9334 Main Suzanne Caprathe, Supervisor SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-9pm. Byron Spivey, Recreation Center Supervisor SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 12pm-8pm. SITE NOTES: Bustop lets out on Morang Ave. close to East Seven Mile Rd. 15. RIVER ROUGE PARK/BRENNAN POOL Dearborn Heights, MI 48127 (313) 224-1100 Service/Intake 10. JOSEPH WALKER WILLIAMS CENTER 8431 Rosa Parks Blvd. Detroit, MI 48206 SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. Services (313) 628-2039 Main SUCCESSFUL ALLIANCE FOR EDUCATING TALENTED YOUTH (S.A.F.E.T.Y.) Juvenile Delinquency Prevention SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers a variety of activities for youth that are at risk for behavior which is likely to involve them in the juvenile justice system with the objective of assisting them to improve self-esteem, to become aware of alternative ways of dealing with feelings and leisure time and to take responsibility for the consequences of their actions. ELIGIBILITY: Youth ages 10-17 residing in Detroit and having chronic truancy violations and meeting at least one of the following criteria: Pre-adudicated youth, adjudicated youth, youth with Detroit Public School code of conduct violations, youth suspected of sunstance abuse or youth and family identified Robert Auston, Recreation Center Supervisor SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 6am-9pm, Sat 9am-5pm. SITE NOTES: Bustop lets out on 14th St. close to West Philadelphia St. <continued...> 86 DETROIT RECREATION DEPARTMENT... as needing support and/or intervention services. FEES: None. Sites: 7 RECREATION CENTERS Computer and Related Technology Classes Recreation Centers Tutoring Services SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers a variety of recreational facilities including swimming pools, basketball courts, art/craft areas and gymnasiums. Tutoring services are available at the Heilmann and Williams Centers and the Williams Center offers computer classes. ELIGIBILITY: Residents of Detroit. FEES: Varies with activity. Some centers charge a nominal fee for membership cards. Individuals and families outside of the Detroit area may have additional fees for some services. Sites: 1 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 AFTERSCHOOL PROGRAM Computers Entrepreneurial Training Social Skills Training SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides after school services to young adults in Detroit including, academic enrichment, college preparatory services, social skills workshops, homework assistance techniques, entrepreneurship training and computer instruction. ELIGIBILITY: Youth ages 14-18 residing in Detroit. FEES: None. Sites: 7 SENIOR CENTERS Senior Centers COMPUTERS Computers SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides recreation centers that serve as focal points for older adults in the community and which offer at a single location, a wide variety of services and activities that are needed by and of interest to older adults. ELIGIBILITY: Older adult activities are reserved for individuals ages 55 and older that reside in the Detroit area. FEES: Memberships are free, weight room and pools are free to individuals ages 55 and older on specified days and times only, contact local center, or go to web site at SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides access to personal computers, computer software and necessary peripherals. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals and families in the Detroit area, must have a membership card to use computer lab. FEES: Individuals ages 5 to 49 pays a membership fee of $7.00, individuals ages 50 and older may recieve a free membership card. Sites: 1 3 for schedule information. Sites: 1 3 5 6 8 10 11 FOOD AND FRIENDSHIP Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides congregate lunches for seniors. Offers an opportunity to socialize with others. ELIGIBILITY: Seniors age 55 or older. FEES: $2.00 donation requested. Sites: 8 10 SWIMMING FACILITIES Swimming Facilities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides and maintains public swimming pools for community residents for recreation and/or leisure activities. ELIGIBILITY: Must have a membership card. All children must be accompanied by an adult, must bring a swim suit, towel, soap and a lock. Swim suits can not be worn into the facilities, all swimmers must take a shower using soap before entering the pool and all visitors must bring a lock for a locker. FEES: Membership card for the Adams/Butzel recreation center is $7.00, membership cards for all other pool sites are free. Sites: 1 9 10 11 14 15 COOLING CENTERS Extreme Heat Cooling Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides air conditioned facilities which are open to the public during dangerously hot weather. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. Sites: 5 6 8 MEETING ROOMS Meeting Space THERAPEUTIC CAMP FOR SPECIAL NEEDS CHILDREN Therapeutic Camps SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides an opportunity for children that have developmental disabilities, emotional disturbances or health impairments, or that have other limitations or problems which require special facilities or programming, to enjoy a cooperative indoor and/or outdoor living experience. ELIGIBILITY: Children residing in Detroit with developmental, emotional or health disabilities or any other limitations that would require use of a special needs facility. FEES: May require a nominal membership fee. SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides conference room space to individuals or groups who want to hold meetings or sponsor other public or private gatherings. ELIGIBILITY: Anyone that holds a membership card can reserve a conference room. FEES: Fees vary, depending on room capacity needed. Sites: 1 2 4 <continued...> 87 DETROIT RECREATION DEPARTMENT... Sites: 13 4. GENESIS HOUSE III 3840 Fairview Detroit, MI 48214 STRONG TEENS EXCELLING IN PREVENTION SERVICES (S.T.E.P.S.) Youth Enrichment Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides education on the dangers of alcohol, tobacco, violence and sexually transmitted diseases. Basic class consists of peer mediation, life skills training, conflict resolutions and mentoring. ELIGIBILITY: Youth ages 13-17 residing in Detroit. FEES: None. Sites: 7 (313) 331-8990 Main SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: 24 hours. 5. HUB (THE) 5225 E Davison Hamtramck, MI 48212 (313) 366-3409 Main (313) 366-3421 Fax DETROIT RESCUE MISSION MINISTRIES SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: 24 hours. 150 Stimson Detroit, MI 48201 (313) 993-4700 Administrative (313) 831-2299 Fax 6. OASIS 13220 Woodward Ave. Highland Park, MI 48203 (313) 868-1946 Main Chad Audi, President Barbara Willis, Chief Operating Officer OTHER NAMES: DRMM SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: 24 hours. 7. SHELTER SITE 3535 Third St. Detroit, MI 48201 Sites 1. CHRISTIAN GUIDANCE CENTER 91 Glendale Highland Park, MI 48203 (313) 993-6703 Main (313) 993-6628 Fax (313) 869-8569 Main (313) 263-0077 Service/Intake Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Chad Audi, President SITE AREA SERVED: SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: 24 hours. FOOD PANTRY Food Pantries 2. GENESIS HOUSE I 131 Stimson St. Detroit, MI 48231 SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides emergency food packages to low-income individuals and families. Program provides a 2-3 day supply of staple items and canned goods based upon availability. Program serves up to 300 packages per month. ELIGIBILITY: Low-income individuals and families. FEES: None. Sites: 7 Detroit. Services (313) 993-4700 Main Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: 24 hours. SITE NOTES: Bus stop lets out nearby at Woodward and Mack. GENERAL CLOTHING PROVISION General Clothing Provision SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers used clothing for men, women and children. ELIGIBILITY: Low-income families and individuals. FEES: None. Sites: 5 3. GENESIS HOUSE II 2015 Webb St. Detroit, MI 48206 (313) 883-5614 Main SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: 24 hours. <continued...> 88 DETROIT RESCUE MISSION MINISTRIES... HOMELESS SHELTER FOR MEN Homeless Shelter SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides temporary shelter for men. Program provides meals, the opportunity to shower and receive new clothing items. Shelter counselors do an assessment with each resident, encourage and help residents to apply for services and take steps to help them meet long term needs including job search/placement assistance and assure that clients receive emergency medical or counseling needs. ELIGIBILITY: Men age 18 and older. FEES: None. Sites: 7 TRANSITIONAL HOUSING FOR WOMEN/CHILDREN Transitional Housing/Shelter SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Operates a transitional shelter for women and children. Program includes: ID procurement assistance, parenting skills classes, housing search/placement assistance, job search/placement assistance, nutritional information and referals to other community resources as needed. ELIGIBILITY: Single women age 18 or older with children. Does not accept boys over age 11. FEES: None. Sites: 3 TRANSITIONAL SHELTER FOR TEEN MOTHERS Transitional Housing/Shelter SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides housing for up to two years while residents address issues that contributed to their homelessness and work towards stability, education and training, and find employment to meet their needs. A wide range of supportive services, including case management, education, mental health, employment and substance abuse aftercare services are available to help residents succeed. Follow-up is provided for up to six months after they leave. ELIGIBILITY: Homeless female adolescents age 14-18 who are pregnant or have children. Must NOT be designated for foster care or protective services by DHS. Must be working or in school. FEES: Residents pay 25% of their income if employed. LANGUAGES: Interpretation services are available. Sites: 2 HOMELESS SHELTER FOR WOMEN/CHILDREN Homeless Shelter Transitional Housing/Shelter SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides temporary shelter for women and children. Program provides meals and the opportunity to shower and receive new clothing items. Shelter counselors do an assessment with each resident, encourage and help residents apply for services and take steps to help them meet long term needs, and assure that clients receive emergency medical or counseling needs. ELIGIBILITY: Women ages 18 and older that are single or with children. FEES: None. Sites: 4 SOUP KITCHEN Soup Kitchens SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides hot meals in a community setting every day. ELIGIBILITY: Program targets low-income and homeless individuals and families, however no one is turned away. FEES: None. Sites: 7 DETROIT SENIOR CITIZENS DEPARTMENT 18100 Meyers Rd. Suite 105 Detroit, MI 48235 (313) 224-1000 Main (313) 224-5444 Service/Intake (313) 224-1476 Fax TRANSITIONAL HOUSING FOR MEN Transitional Housing/Shelter SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides transitional housing for men. Individuals may stay up to two years while they address issues that contributed to their homelessness and work towards stability, pursue education and training, and find substantial employment. A wide range of supportive services including case management, education, mental health, employment and substance abuse aftercare services are available to help residents succeed. Follow-up is provided for up to six months after exiting the program. ELIGIBILITY: Men with disabilities or veterans age 18 and older. FEES: Fee for housing is based on a percentage of income. Sites: 1 6 Tene-sandra Ramsey, Director SITE AREA SERVED: City of Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. Services CONSUMER COMPLAINTS Automobile Sales Complaints General Consumer Complaints Pawnbroker Complaints Restaurant Complaints Service Station Complaints SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Reviews, evaluates and resolves complaints and provides assistance regarding the purchase of any goods or services sold in an unfair, deceptive or unconscionable manner. ELIGIBILITY: Complaints are accepted from any Detroit resident or any non-resident who has made the purchase from a Detroit merchant. <continued...> 89 DETROIT SENIOR CITIZENS DEPARTMENT... INFORMATION AND REFERRAL FOR OLDER ADULTS Specialized Information and Referral * Older Adults SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides residents with information about government benefits and other essential services through the Outreach and Assistance Unit. ELIGIBILITY: Seniors age 60 or older. Mary E. Blackmon, BOWC Chairperson Tashia Kelly Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Genesee, Lapeer, Macomb, Monroe, Oakland, Saint Clair, Washtenaw and Wayne counties. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm, Sat 8:30am-12pm, 1pm-4:30pm. SITE NOTES: Local bus stop at the corner of Woodward Ave. and State St. SENIOR ADVOCACY GROUP Senior Advocacy Groups SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Serves as advocates for seniors during the drafting of local, state, and federal legislation that will bring additional services to the community. Services SEWER SYSTEM MAINTENANCE AND CLAIMS INFORMATION Disaster Claims Information SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Programs that are responsible for the operation, inspection, maintenance and repair of the pipes, drains and manholes that constitute the sewage collection system which transports liquid waste to treatment facilities. Provides information on how to file a claim regarding household damage or physical injury from a sewage disposal system backup. ELIGIBILITY: State law requires that a written claim form be filed with DWSD within 45 days of the discovery of an overflow or backup. FEES: None. DETROIT UNITY TEMPLE 17505 Second Blvd. Highland Park, MI 48203 (313) 345-4848 Main (313) 345-8222 Fax Emmalisa Hill, Temporary Senior Minister Public transportation accessible. DETROIT WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Thu 9am-5pm, Sun 9:30am-12pm. SITE NOTES: Bus stop lets out nearby at Woodward and Cedarhurst. 707 W Milwaukee Ave. Detroit, MI 48202 (313) 876-0674 Main (313) 876-0686 Fax (800) 649-3777 TDD/TTY Services PERSONAL GROWTH AND RELATIONSHIP WORKSHOPS Relationship Workshops Self Esteem Workshops SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers a variety of workshops and support groups designed to promote personal growth by focusing on health, relationships, self-esteem and spirituality. Schedules are subject to change. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: Most programs are free, but some require a cost or a donation request primarily for those programs requiring supplies or equipment usage. Call for more information. Melvin Gupton, Interim Director Public transportation accessible. DETROIT WATER AND SEWERAGE DEPARTMENT (313) 876-0674 Main (313) 876-0686 Fax (800) 649-3777 TDD/TTY DetroitWorkforceDevelopmentDepartment/tabid/81/Default.aspx Sites 1. DETROIT WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 707 W Milwaukee Ave. Detroit, MI 48202 735 Randolph St. Detroit, MI 48226 Melvin Gupton, Interim Director Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. (313) 961-9380 Main (313) 267-8000 Service/Intake (313) 267-7401 Emergency - 24 Hours <continued...> 90 DETROIT WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT... from self-service job search activities to more intensive assessment, training and job placement services. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals and employers are eligible for basic labor exchange, job search and placement assistance and economic development, respectively. There are strict eligibility guidelines for intensive services and training under WIA, Work First, and Welfare to Work.To participate in the WIA (Workforce Investment Act) program, an individual may be eligible if unemployed due to plant closure, underemployed or economically disadvantaged. Eligibility determination for intensive services and training are made at the One Stop Career Service Centers. FEES: None. Sites: 1 2 3 4 2. MICHIGAN WORKS! - FORT STREET ONE STOP CENTER 455 W Fort St. Detroit, MI 48226 (313) 962-9675 Service/Intake Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Serves all areas. SITE HOURS: Mon, Wed-Fri 8am-5pm; Tue 8am-7pm. 3. MICHIGAN WORKS! - MICHIGAN AVENUE ONE STOP CENTER 9301 Michigan Ave. Detroit, MI 48210 (313) 846-2240 Main (313) 846-2247 Fax (800) 649-3777 TDD/TTY DETROIT ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY 8450 W Ten Mile Rd. Royal Oak, MI 48067 Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-6pm. (248) 541-5717 Main (248) 398-0504 Fax 4. MICHIGAN WORKS! - SAMARITAN CENTER ONE STOP 5555 Conner St. Detroit, MI 48213 Ron Kagan, Executive Director / Ceo Paul Good, Community and Government Relations Director Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: DETROIT ZOO (313) 579-4925 Service/Intake (313) 579-4903 Fax Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. Sites 1. BELLE ISLAND NATURE ZOO 1928 E Lakeside Drive Detroit, MI 48207 Services (313) 852-4056 Main CLASSROOM RETRAINING FOR DISLOCATED WORKERS Job Retraining WIA Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Explains and offers available programs and training for individuals who have been or are about to be laid off. The centers work to help design a program specific to individual needs. ELIGIBILITY: To participate in the WIA (Workforce Investment Act) program, an individual may be eligible if unemployed due to plant closure, underemployed or economically disadvantaged. Eligibility determination for intensive services and training are made at the One Stop Career Service Centers. Sites: 1 3 4 Mike Reed, Manager SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Seven Days 10am-5pm. Closed Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's Day. SITE NOTES: Located at the eastern end of Belle Isle just northwest of Blue Heron Lagoon. 2. DETROIT ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY 8450 W Ten Mile Rd. Royal Oak, MI 48067 (248) 541-5717 Main (248) 398-0504 Fax Ron Kagan, Executive Director / Ceo Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Open every day year round except Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's Day; 10am-4pm November 1 - March 31; 9am-5pm April 1 - Labor Day (except Wed July - August 9am-8pm); 10am-5pm after Labor Day October 31. COMPREHENSIVE JOB ASSISTANCE CENTERS Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers GED Instruction Job Search/Placement WIA Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Meets the employment and training needs of employers and job seekers. Employers can access qualified workers to meet hiring needs and job seekers can access services that range <continued...> 91 DETROIT ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY... ZOOLOGICAL EDUCATION PROGRAMS Zoos/Wildlife Parks SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Teaches about animal welfare and conservation through tours and hands-on activities in the Ford Education Center's Interpretive Studios. Also provides family nature programs and nature-based (Michigan flora and fauna) education programs to schools and community groups at Belle Isle Nature Zoo. ELIGIBILITY: Youth groups and families. Some programs are age specific and all programs require a minimum group size of twenty individuals (adults and children). FEES: Schools in Macomb, Oakland and Wayne counties ($3.50 per person if pre-paid); schools outside tri-county or non-prepaid ($5 per person). Non-school groups: age 15 and older ($9.50), $6 age 2-14 ($6), under 2 (free), seniors 62 and older ($8). None for programs at Belle Isle Nature Zoo. Sites: 1 2 Services NATURE CENTER Nature Centers/Walks SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides guided and un-guided walks in a natural setting to acquaint participants with particular aspects of their environment and to increase their understanding of and appreciation for ecological balance. Offers turtle, deer, and beehive exhibits. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. Sites: 1 SUMMER SAFARI Special Interest Camps SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides half-day camps, single-day camps, and five day weeklong camps. Combines tours, songs, games and crafts with an opportunity to learn about wildlife, wild places, and the ways that individuals can help animals. Offers tour of animal exhibits during each day of camp. Includes crafts for younger campers such as coloring and animal masks. Offers older campers more complex crafts such as animal stamp bandannas, miniature biomes or musical didgeridoos. Does NOT serve lunch, but offers snacks. In addition, provides an overnight program which allows participates to stay overnight and experience animal behavior during the night. Offers talks, tours, and crafts with the assistance of zoo staff and volunteers. Participants and staff sleep in the Ford Education Center. Offers an evening snack and breakfast. ELIGIBILITY: Children and youth age 4-14. Age 6-14 for overnight program. FEES: $30 members, $35 non-members (single half-day); $75 members, $85 non-members (single full day); $105 members, $115 non-members (weeklong half-days); $225 member, $235 non-members (weeklong full days). $5 extra for before or after child care. Overnight program: $75 members, $85 non-members (age 6-9); $115 members, $125 non-members (age 10-14). Sites: 2 DETROIT-WAYNE COUNTY COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH AGENCY 640 Temple 8th Floor Detroit, MI 48201 (313) 833-2500 Main (800) 241-4949 Toll Free - 24-Hour Helpline (313) 224-7000 24-Hour Line - Helpline (313) 833-2156 Fax (866) 870-2599 TDD/TTY - 24-Hour Helpline (800) 630-1044 TDD/TTY Veda Sharp, Acting Executive Director Peggy English Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: DETROIT WAYNE COUNTY COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH AGENCY; DWCCMHA SITE AREA SERVED: Wayne County for most services; telephone counseling serves all of Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. SITE NOTES: Bus stop at Second andTemple. DETROIT ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY Auxiliaries SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Raises funds and recruits volunteers to aid the work of the Detroit Zoo and Belle Isle Nature Zoo. Offers the Wildlife Preserver program which allows individuals or groups to "adopt" an animal at the Detroit Zoo. Also offers the In Step With Nature Paver Program to commemorate special events through an inscription in a paved area. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: Donors can choose among different levels of support. Sites: 2 Services MENTAL HEALTH HOTLINE Mental Health Hotlines SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides emergency telephone counseling services and links residents to mental health and substance abuse treatment services available through the Detroit-Wayne County Community Mental Health system and other mental health/substance abuse agencies in the community. Also offers eligibility and enrollment information about programs. Services are part of the Mental Health Access Center Program. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. Referred services are primarily located in Wayne County. <continued...> 92 DETROIT-WAYNE COUNTY COMMUNITY MENTAL... FEES: None. LANGUAGES: Spanish may be available. Garden City, Livonia, Redford, and Westland. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. Services DEVELOPMENT CENTERS ADMINISTRATIVE ENTITY Administrative Entities 17421 Telegraph Rd. Detroit, MI 48219 SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Serves as the administrative office for Development Centers. Sites: 3 (313) 531-2500 Main (313) 255-3465 Fax (888) 711-5465 Emergency CASE/CARE MANAGEMENT FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH MENTAL ILLNESS Case/Care Management * Chronic/Severe Mental Illness SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides community based home visits and community outreach to assist individuals with mental illness to obtain benefits, insurance, transportation, medical care, housing, food, and vocational/recreational services according to each individual’s needs and preferences. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 5 and older with severe and persistent mental illness who reside in west and northwest Detroit (zip codes areas: 48203, 48204, 48206, 48219, 48221, 48223, 48227, 48228, 48235, and 48238), Canton, Dearborn Heights, Garden City, Livonia, Redford, and Westland. FEES: Based on ability to pay. Accepts Medicaid, Medicare and other third party payments. LANGUAGES: Interpretation services available. Sites: 1 2 Robert Shaw, Executive Director Cathy Liesman, Deputy Director Public transportation accessible. Sites 1. ADULT BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SERVICES 24424 W McNichols Rd. Detroit, MI 48219 (313) 531-2500 Main (313) 255-1795 Fax Nanette Wade, Adult Services Director SITE AREA SERVED: Northwest Detroit (zip codes areas: 48203, 48204, 48206, 48219, 48221, 48223, 48227, 48228, 48235, and 48238), Canton, Dearborn Heights, Garden City, Livonia, Redford, and Westland. SITE HOURS: Mon, Wed, Fri 8am-5pm, Tue, Thu 8am-7pm. EARLY LEARNING CENTER COMMUNITY HUB Infant and Child Safety Education Infant/Child CPR Instruction Parenting Materials Parenting Skills Classes Toys/Toy Loan SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides training, support, incentives and mentoring to child care providers with the specific focus on family members, friends, and neighbors who provide care, including the mandatory Great Start to Quality training, as well as first aid, CPR and other health and safety trainings. Also offers a lending library with a variety of materials including books, toys, and parenting and child care publications. Sponsors parent/caregiver-child interactive playgroups. Provides technical assistance and support for licensing and other child care provider concerns, including I-billing. ELIGIBILITY: Parents and caregivers of children ages 0-5 years. FEES: None. Sites: 3 2. CHILD AND FAMILY SERVICES BUILDING 17321 Telegraph Rd. Detroit, MI 48219 (313) 531-2500 Main (313) 255-3594 Fax Chris Danna, Director of Child and Adolescent Service SITE AREA SERVED: Northwest Detroit (zip codes areas: 48203, 48204, 48206, 48219, 48221, 48223, 48227, 48228, 48235, and 48238), Canton, Dearborn Heights, Garden City, Livonia, Redford, and Westland. SITE HOURS: Mon, Wed, Fri 8am-5pm, Tue, Thu 8am-7pm. 3. DEVELOPMENT CENTERS 17421 Telegraph Rd. Detroit, MI 48219 (313) 531-2500 Main (313) 531-2500 Ext. 2118 Service/Intake Early Learning Center Community Hub (313) 255-3465 Fax (888) 711-5465 Emergency EARLY ON Early Intervention for Children with Disabilities/Delays SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides developmental assessments and guidance, parent support, home visits, service coordination and linking to community resources. A family service coordinator will help put together an individualized family service plan that best suits the needs of the child and family. Robert Shaw, Executive Director Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Northwest Detroit (zip codes areas: 48203, 48204, 48206, 48219, 48221, 48223, 48227, 48228, 48235, and 48238), Canton, Dearborn Heights, <continued...> 93 DEVELOPMENT CENTERS... ELIGIBILITY: Infants and toddlers under the age of 3 who have a developmental delay in any area including motor development, language, social-emotional, cognitive or self-help skills, vision or hearing difficulties OR children who have a medical condition that most likely will impact their development. Must reside in west and northwest Detroit (zip codes areas: 48203, 48204, 48206, 48219, 48221, 48223, 48227, 48228, 48235, and 48238), Canton, Dearborn Heights, Garden City, Livonia, Redford, and Westland. FEES: None. LANGUAGES: Interpretation services available. Sites: 2 JOBS, EDUCATION AND TRAINING (JET) Welfare to Work Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides comprehensive job search and job readiness skills curriculum that will be used to enhance participants job seeking skills and job retention. Four week curriculum includes client expectations, values assessment, external barriers to success, setting goals, social skills, decision making skills, employability skills, resume development, appropriate attire, interviewing techniques, effective communication, job survival and success assessment, and setting career goals. Assigns a case manager who provides employment supported case management services until case closure. ELIGIBILITY: Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) recipients referred by the Michigan Department of Human Services. Must reside in west and northwest Detroit (zip codes areas: 48203, 48204, 48206, 48219, 48221, 48223, 48227, 48228, 48235, and 48238), Canton, Dearborn Heights, Garden City, Livonia, Redford, and Westland. FEES: None. LANGUAGES: Interpretation services available. Sites: 1 to help them achieve and maintain independent living. Also provides a low-income tax credit project called Hope Park Homes that affords large homeless families the chance to live in new housing at affordable rates. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals with a mental illness. Sites: 1 PSYCHIATRIC DISORDER COUNSELING Psychiatric Disorder Counseling SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides individual, group and family counseling to eliminate or reduce the severity of symptoms, to mediate disturbed patterns of behavior, to promote positive personality growth and development, and to maximize the individual's ability to function as independently as possible. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 5 and older and their families who reside in west and northwest Detroit (zip codes areas: 48203, 48204, 48206, 48219, 48221, 48223, 48227, 48228, 48235, and 48238), Canton, Dearborn Heights, Garden City, Livonia, Redford, and Westland. FEES: Based on ability to pay. Accepts Medicaid, Medicare and other third party payments. Sites: 1 2 NEW DIRECTIONS Psychiatric Rehabilitation SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a normative work environment where members have the opportunity to have meaningful work in the clubhouse and community. Offers social activities after the "work ordered day." Clubhouse staff and members work side-by-side to accomplish individual or team tasks necessary for the development and maintenance of the program. Members are involved in all aspects of the decision-making and operations of the club. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 18 and older with severe and persistent mental illness. Must reside in west and northwest Detroit (zip codes areas: 48203, 48204, 48206, 48219, 48221, 48223, 48227, 48228, 48235, and 48238), Canton, Dearborn Heights, Garden City, Livonia, Redford, and Westland. FEES: Based on ability to pay. Accepts Medicaid, Medicare and other third party payments. Sites: 1 GENERAL COUNSELING SERVICES General Counseling Services SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers individual, group, conjoint and family counseling, therapy groups, and other mental health services for community residents. ELIGIBILITY: Serves children, adolescents and their families, age 5 to 18. No restrictions on general counseling. FEES: Most insurances are accepted including Medicaid and MI-Child. Assistance is provided to those who are uninsured to obtain coverage when eligible. Sites: 1 2 DISABILITY BENEFITS CORPORATION 29610 Southfield Rd. Southfield, MI 48076 (248) 559-7170 Main (800) 336-4322 Toll Free (248) 559-7466 Fax HOUSING FOR MENTALLY ILL INDIVIDUALS Transitional Housing/Shelter SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides safe, affordable housing in the northwest Detroit community through the Development Centers Shelter Plus Care program. This program helps low-income, homeless individuals with mental illness to access quality housing by providing rental subsidy and ongoing long-term follow up support. Participants in this program are linked to a variety of community-based services including: local food banks and vocational/recreational opportunities Karl Brown, President SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-4:30pm. <continued...> 94 DISABILITY BENEFITS CORPORATION... Services DISABLED VETERANS NATIONAL FOUNDATION SSA DISABILITY BENEFITS ASSISTANCE General Benefits Assistance SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides assistance with Social Security Administration (SSA) disability claims and appeals. Offers representation services on behalf of individuals with SSA and Department of Human Services (DHS) administration staff; in regards to administrative processes or judicial litigation. ELIGIBILITY: Must be under the age of 65, have a medical condition expected to last at least 12 months, be off work for at least 5 months, have medical documentation to substantiate medical condition, must have worked 5 out of the last 10 years and paid Social Security FICA taxes. FEES: None for DHS representation. SSA regulates fees and they are contingent on an individual receiving retroactive benefits. 1634 Eye St. Washington, DC 20006 (202) 737-0522 Main (202) 737-0214 Fax Reagan Rivers, Chief Administrative Officer Chad Rummel, Communications Manager SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9:30am-5pm. Services GPS HOME PROGRAM Electric Service Payment Assistance Gas Service Payment Assistance Heating Fuel Payment Assistance Mortgage Payment Assistance Rent Payment Assistance SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides individual grants for eligible Veterans to prevent homelessness. Eligible expenses include rent/mortgage payments and utilities essential to maintaining a home, such as electric, gas, water and waste. Maximum grant amount is $1,000. Checks are made payable and mailed directly to landlord, mortgage company or utility provider and not payable to the Veteran. ELIGIBILITY: Veterans must have served in active military, or military auxiliaries, have a discharge with conditions other than dishonorable. FEES: None. Donations accepted. DISABLED AMERICAN VETERANS NATIONAL SERVICE OFFICE Patrick V. McNamara Federal Building 477 Michigan Ave. Room 1200 Detroit, MI 48226 (313) 964-6595 Main Thomas E. Wendel, Supervisor Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Tue 9:30am-4pm, Wed 12pm-4pm, Thu-Fri 9:30am-4pm. SITE NOTES: Bus stop lets out within a 10 minute walk at Woodward and State. DNA DIAGNOSTICS CENTER (800) 618-8433 Toll Free - Spanish (800) 281-1907 Toll Free (800) 825-3084 Fax Services FILING AND APPEALS ASSISTANCE FOR VETERANS Certificates/Forms Assistance Veteran Benefits Assistance SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides assistance for veterans who are having difficulty understanding and/or obtaining the full benefits and services to which they are entitled by law based on service to their country. Assists veterans and their families in filing claims for Veteran's Administration disability compensation and pension; vocational rehabilitation and employment; education; home loan guaranty; life insurance; death and health care benefits. ELIGIBILITY: Honorably discharged veterans with one day or more active duty service. FEES: None. Jim Hanigan, Marketing/Communications Molly Mellott, Paternity Outreach Coordinator OTHER NAMES: DDC; DDC RESOURCES SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-8pm, Sat-Sun 11am-6pm. Services GENETIC TESTING AND SCREENING Genetic Testing and Screening SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Conducts DNA tests to help identify or exonerate individuals involved in criminal matters based on DNA evidence, or to establish paternity or maternity for legal or immigration purposes. Most test results are available within five days of DNA collection sample. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: Vary by type of test. Standard Case costs $475 and includes testing one child, one alleged father, and the mother. Results are available in five business days. Other <continued...> 95 DNA DIAGNOSTICS CENTER... test options are available, call for a full list of services and fees. Accepts check, money order, VISA, Discover, MasterCard, and Western Union Quick Collect. LANGUAGES: Chinese, Spanish. LITERACY PROGRAM Literacy Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Teaches adult learners the basics of reading, writing, math, comprehension and computer skills in a one-to-one learning environment. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 18 and older. Students are expected to attend regularly and punctually for their scheduled sessions and should remain with the program for at least twelve months, or until goals are achieved. FEES: None for the tutoring sessions. A small yearly registration fee is suggested but not required. Students are required to purchase their own books. DOMINICAN LITERACY CENTER 11148 Harper Detroit, MI 48213 (313) 267-1000 Main (313) 918-1539 Fax ADULT BASIC EDUCATION Remedial Mathematics Remedial Reading Remedial Spelling Janice Brown, Director Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Serves the cities of Detroit, Hamtramck and Highland Park. SITE HOURS: Mon-Thu 8am-8pm; Fri, Sat 9am-4pm. SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides diagnostic testing and individual instruction for adults who are having difficulty with arithmetic, geometry, algebra or other mathematical skills; phonics, dictionary skills, vocabulary development, spelling and study skills, comprehension and memory skills. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 18 and older. Students are expected to attend regularly and punctually for their scheduled sessions and should remain with the program for at least twelve months, or until goals are achieved. FEES: None for the tutoring sessions. A small yearly registration fee is suggested but not required. Students are required to purchase their own books. Services ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE English as a Second Language SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers opportunities for non-English-speaking and limited-English-speaking adults to learn listening, speaking, reading and writing skills with an emphasis on developing the level of communication competence that is essential for adults who are living in a setting in which English is the primary language. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 18 and older. Students are expected to attend regularly and punctually for their scheduled sessions and should remain with the program for at least twelve months, or until goals are achieved. FEES: None for the tutoring sessions. A small yearly registration fee is suggested but not required. Students are required to purchase their own books. DON BOSCO HALL 2340 Calvert Detroit, MI 48206 (313) 869-2200 Main (313) 869-8220 Fax GED INSTRUCTION GED Instruction Charles D. Small, President/CEO Jo-Anne S. Woodward, Chief Operating Officer SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides instruction for adults who have elected to take a series of tests which measure the extent to which they have gained the knowledge, skills and understanding ordinarily acquired through a high school education. Instruction and testing focus on writing, social studies, science, reading and mathematics. Individuals who pass the tests receive a high school equivalency certificate. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 18 and older. Students are expected to attend regularly and punctually for their scheduled sessions and should remain with the program for at least twelve months, or until goals are achieved. FEES: None for the tutoring sessions. A small yearly registration fee is suggested but not required. Students are required to purchase their own books. Sites 1. COMMUNITY RESOURCE CENTER 19321 W Chicago Detroit, MI 48228 (313) 493-9129 Main (313) 493-9264 Fax Bernard McCoy, Program Director SITE AREA SERVED: Macomb, Oakland and Wayne Counties. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-7pm; Sat 9am-12noon. <continued...> 96 DON BOSCO HALL... Services DRESS FOR SUCCESS MICHIGAN 5361 McAuley Dr. Suite 1125 Ypsilanti, MI 48198 NEIGHBORHOOD MULTIPURPOSE CENTER Neighborhood Multipurpose Centers SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers access to a neighborhood multipurpose center that features more than twenty meeting rooms, classrooms, and offices; a full gymnasium; an auditorium; a full cafeteria with a kitchen; a large outdoor activity area; and an outdoor parking area. Activities include a variety of social, educational, recreational, cultural arts, and family support programs, including counseling services. ELIGIBILITY: Residents of the Cody/Rouge community. FEES: None. Sites: 1 PO Box 980138 Ypsilanti, MI 48198 (734) 712-0517 Main (734) 712-1265 Fax Brenda Byrd, Executive Director SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Tue 10am-2pm, Thu 11am-3pm, Fri 11am-6pm. SITE NOTES: Enter the Saint Joseph Hospital Campus, turn right at the Catherine's House sign, yield right to the lower level, parking available, ring door bell for building entry. DR ALBERT B CLEAGE SR MEMORIAL HEALTH CENTER 700 Seward St. Detroit, MI 48202-2427 Services ADULT MENTORING PROGRAM Adult Mentoring Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides volunteers who serve as job coaches and mentors to assist women with job search and career development. ELIGIBILITY: Unemployed and underemployed women. FEES: None. (313) 874-1300 Main (313) 874-3140 Fax Melanie Roby, CEO Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: ABCMHC VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Administration Volunteer Opportunities Communications/Marketing Volunteer Opportunities Family Services Related Volunteer Opportunities Special Event Support Volunteer Opportunities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a variety of volunteer opportunities including job coaches and mentors, grant writers, marketing assistants, fundraisers, program coordinators, and individuals to serve on advisory committee. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 18 and older. FEES: None. SITE AREA SERVED: Wayne County. SITE HOURS: Tue, Thu 10am-2pm. Fri 10am-12noon. Sat 10am-4pm. Services COMMUNITY CLINIC Blood Pressure Screening Community Clinics Diabetes Screening General Laboratory Tests Smoking Cessation Weight Management WORK CLOTHING FOR WOMEN Work Clothing SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides interview suits and other professional attire, including accessories, for women who need this type of wardrobe to secure or retain gainful employment. ELIGIBILITY: Unemployed or underemployed women. FEES: None. SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides outpatient primary and preventive healthcare to the uninsured by volunteer healthcare professionals and physicians, including blood pressure, diabetes and lead screenings; smoking cessation services; weight management programs; and HIV testing. Also offers discounted or free prescriptions for specific health conditions to some clients, and can perform general laboratory tests. ELIGIBILITY: Adults age 18 years and older who reside in Detroit and do not have health insurance. FEES: Free medical doctor appointments for the uninsured; free health screening for diabetes and blood pressure. Discounted laboratory and prescription services may be available. Donations accepted. WORKSHOPS/SYMPOSIUMS FOR WOMEN Workshops/Symposiums * Employment Issues SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides employment seminars for women which focus on job retention and career development. ELIGIBILITY: Unemployed or underemployed women. FEES: None. 97 DTE ENERGY 5. MEXICANTOWN CUSTOMER OFFICE 2835 Bagley St. Detroit, MI 48216 One Energy Plaza 2000 Second Ave. Detroit, MI 48226-1203 (800) 477-4747 Toll Free - Customer Service One Energy Plaza Detroit, MI 48226 Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Macomb, Oakland and Wayne counties. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-4:30pm. (800) 477-4747 Toll Free - Customer Service (313) 235-6743 Fax (800) 888-6886 TDD/TTY Services Gerard M Anderson, President/CEO RESIDENTIAL INCOME ASSISTANCE (RIA) CREDIT Discounted Utility Services SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers discounted utility service to residential customers whose total household income does not exceed 150% of the Federal poverty level. Households may be eligible for a $6.00 per month bill credit ($12.00 per month if served by both Detroit Edison and MichCon). ELIGIBILITY: Residential customers whose total household income does not exceed 150% of the Federal poverty level. Sites: 3 Sites 1. DETROIT EIGHT MILE CUSTOMER OFFICE 9600 E Eight Mile Rd. Detroit, MI 48205 (800) 477-4747 Toll Free - Customer Service SITE AREA SERVED: Macomb, Oakland and Wayne counties. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-4:30pm. 2. DETROIT SEVEN MILE CUSTOMER OFFICE 17227 W Seven Mile Rd. Detroit, MI 48235 ELECTRICITY AND GAS SERVICE CONNECTION/REPAIR Electric Service Connection/Repair Natural Gas Service Connection/Repair SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Processes service connection orders; installs, maintains and repairs equipment; accepts and responds to reports of downed power lines, power blackouts, gas leaks or other problems. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 18 and older. FEES: $5 New Service Charge fee. Sites: 1 2 3 4 5 (800) 477-4747 Toll Free - Customer Service SITE AREA SERVED: Macomb, Oakland and Wayne counties. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-4:30pm. 3. DTE ENERGY 2000 Second Ave. Detroit, MI 48226-1203 SEASONAL/YEAR ROUND UTILITY DISCONNECTION PROTECTION Utility Disconnection Protection SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers seasonal and year-round protection plans to prevent utilities from being shut off, including the Winter Protection plan which protects seniors and low-income customers from shutoff between November 1 and March 31. During this period, customers pay a portion of their estimated annual bill plus regular payments on any past-due bills. After March 31, the required bill payment increases to cover winter bills. Also provides postponement of shut off due to medical emergencies and 90-day shut-off protection for active duty military personnel. ELIGIBILITY: Winter Protection Plan -- Age 62 or older or household with an active food, cash assistance or Medicaid case with Michigan Department of Human services, or have a household income at or below 150% of the poverty level. (800) 477-4747 Toll Free - Customer Service (313) 235-6743 Fax (800) 888-6886 TDD/TTY Gerard M Anderson, President/CEO SITE AREA SERVED: Southeast Michigan including Macomb, Oakland and Wayne counties. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-4:30pm. 4. EASTERN MARKET CUSTOMER OFFICE 3000 Gratiot Detroit, MI 48207 (800) 477-4747 Service/Intake - Customer Service SITE AREA SERVED: Macomb, Oakland, and Wayne counties. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-4:30pm. SITE NOTES: From Woodward and Grand River FAR, take bus 031 to Mack and McDougall, a four-minute walk from destination. Active Military -- Must be called to full-time active military service during a time of declared national or state emergency or war; proof of active status. <continued...> 98 DTE ENERGY... Medical Emergency -- Individuals who have a medical condition that will be aggravated by a utility shutoff may be able to postpone shutoff for 21 days at a time, not to exceed 63 continuous days in any 12-month period per household member or 126 days per household. FEES: Set fees, remaining balance is due after postponement or budgeted period. Sites: 3 FEES: $25 per child per month for materials. EARLY CHILDHOOD INVESTMENT CORPORATION 112 E Allegan St. Suite 800 Lansing, MI 48933 UTILITY BILL PAYMENT ASSISTANCE Electric Service Payment Assistance Gas Service Payment Assistance SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a team of specialists available to help low-income customers reduce unpaid balances by offering a personal payment plan, agency referrals and follow-up. Individuals with both electric and gas services with DTE have the option to designate how partial payment will be applied to their account. ELIGIBILITY: Low-income individuals and families with an unpaid balance greater than $750. FEES: None. Sites: 3 Judy Samelson, Executive Director Jessica Gillard, Specialist in Early Education OTHER NAMES: ECIC; MICHIGAN GREAT START COLLABORATIVE SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. Services GREAT START CONNECT Child Care Provider Referrals Internet Information Resources * Child Care Issues SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Hosts and maintains an online database of licensed, registered child care providers in the state of Michigan that can be accessed by residents of Michigan who are seeking child care for their children. Licensing information is managed by the Michigan Department of Human Services. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. UTILITY TAX EXEMPTION PROGRAM Utility Tax Exemption Information SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers utility tax exemptions to customers 65 and older and to individuals with disabilities. ELIGIBILITY: Seniors age 65 and older or individuals with disabilities. Must meet income guidelines. Sites: 1 2 3 4 5 EASTER SEALS - MICHIGAN EAGLE SPORTS CLUB 2387 E Walton Blvd. Auburn Hills, MI 48326 Grace Community Church 21001 Moross Rd. Grosse Pointe, MI 48236 (248) 475-6400 Administrative (800) 757-3257 Toll Free (248) 475-6402 Fax (313) 402-4575 Main (313) 882-3987 Fax Brent Wirth, President/CEO Kimberly Fornwall, Executive Assistant Doug Kempton, Director SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-5pm. SITE AREA SERVED: Primarily Detroit; some programs serve all areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-4pm. SITE NOTES: Public transportation available - Bus 031 Mack Eastbound. Services PLAY AND LANGUAGE FOR AUTISTIC YOUNGSTERS (PLAY) PROJECT Autism Therapy SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides an intensive, early intervention program for children with autism. Therapists work with the child and family in the home to enhance engagement according to the principles of the P.L.A.Y. Project. Videotaping is used as a tool to further coach parents and document their children's growth. ELIGIBILITY: Children age 18 months to 8 years who are on the Autism Spectrum and live in Michigan. FEES: $350 per consultation, which includes mileage up to 60 miles from an Easter Seals office that offers The Services SOAR Tutoring Services SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers an after-school literacy program for students in the Metro-Detroit area. Children are matched with a mentor who guides them through a personalized lesson that covers literature, vocabulary and reading skills. ELIGIBILITY: Students 1st grade through high school. <continued...> 99 EASTER SEALS - MICHIGAN... nearby. P.L.A.Y. Project. Families living outside of the 60 miles will be charged the federal mileage rate per mile from the nearest Easter Seals office offering The P.L.A.Y. Project. This contract is for ten home consultations at $350 per consultation, totaling $3,500. 4. LEGAL RESOURCE CENTER - ANN ARBOR 101 E Huron St. First Floor Ann Arbor, MI 48107 (734) 994-0160 Main (734) 663-2430 Fax (734) 994-0515 Alternate SPEECH AND LANGUAGE THERAPY Language Therapy Speech Therapy SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers individual and group speech therapy sessions on location. ELIGIBILITY: Children who are having difficulty with language skills and those diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders. FEES: $45 (45 minute Individual Therapy Session); $30 (45 minute Group Therapy Session). Nancy Caine Harbour, Director Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Washtenaw County. SITE HOURS: Mon, Tue,Thu 8:30am-4:30pm. Services CERTIFICATES/FORMS ASSISTANCE Certificates/Forms Assistance SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Helps individuals obtain, complete and/or file official forms, certificates, documents, applications or other paperwork that is required to initiate or respond to legal action. Utilizes paralegal students from the Eastern Michigan University program under the supervision of a faculty member to provide and complete the correct forms and navigate the court system. Does not provide legal advice. The legal areas addressed include: domestic and family law (divorce, child support, etc.), landlord/tenant, small claims (civil cases under $3000), and probate (wills and estates). ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. Sites: 4 EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY 1215 Huron River Dr. Ypsilanti, MI 48197 (734) 487-1849 Administrative Susan W Martin, President Linda McGill, Special Assistant to the President OTHER NAMES: EMU Sites 1. COLLEGE OF EDUCATION W Circle Dr. Suite 135 Ypsilanti, MI 48197 HEARING SCREENING Hearing Screening (734) 487-4410 Service/Intake (734) 487-0028 Fax SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides hearing evaluations including assessment of middle ear functioning and hearing aid evaluation and fitting. Most services are provided by graduate students in the Speech and Language Pathology program under the direct supervision of certified faculty and staff. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: $70. Sites: 1 Jon Margerum-Leys, Associate Dean SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Thu 8:30am-5pm, Fri 8:30am-4pm. 2. EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY 1215 Huron River Dr. Ypsilanti, MI 48197 MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES General Counseling Services Psychiatric Disorder Counseling Psychological Testing SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a variety of standardized tests including personality inventories, intelligence tests, projective measures and diagnostic tests to evaluate the psychosocial functioning of individuals who may be experiencing mental, emotional or social difficulties. Also offers psychotherapy for individuals who have identified mental or emotional disorders with the objective of helping them to eliminate or reduce the severity of their symptoms, to mediate disturbed patterns of behavior, to promote positive personality growth and development and to maximize the individual's ability to function as independently as possible. Services are provided by clinical psychology graduate students under the supervision of licensed EMU clinical psychology faculty. (734) 487-1849 Administrative Susan W Martin, President SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. 3. EMU PSYCHOLOGY CLINIC 611 W Cross St. Ypsilanti, MI 48197 (734) 487-4987 Main Karen Saules, Director Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Thu 8:30am-7pm, Fri 8:30am-4pm. SITE NOTES: Free parking is available to clinic clients. Ann Arbor bus routes 4, 5, and 33 (EMU Shuttle) stop 100 <continued...> EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY... (517) 372-0792 Fax ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: Psychological assessment $200 for full battery of tests; psychotherapy $10 per session. LANGUAGES: American Sign Language. Sites: 3 Kate White, Executive Director Doreen Lawrence, Program Coordinator SPEECH/LANGUAGE PATHOLOGY Language Therapy Speech and Language Evaluations Speech Therapy SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Establishes the nature and extent of an individual's language and speech deficits in order to devise an appropriate treatment plan. Provides individual or group therapy sessions which focus on the remediation of specific articulation problems. Also offers individual or group therapy sessions to assist people who have receptive or expressive language difficulties. Most services are provided by graduate students in the Speech and Language Pathology program under the direct supervision of certified faculty and staff. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: $60 for evaluation. $100 per semester for therapy Sites: 1 SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-3pm. Services BENEFITS ENROLLMENT CENTER Certificates/Forms Assistance General Benefits Assistance SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Screens for a variety of programs, including: help paying medical premiums and prescription drugs, utility payment programs, home improvement services, tax credit assistance and food assistance. ELIGIBILITY: Adults age 60 or older and individuals with disabilities. FEES: None. LEGAL INFORMATION LINE FOR OLDER ADULTS Elder Law Legal Information Lines SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Operates a special telephone hotline that the public can use to speak with an attorney about issues affecting older adults. Typical topics include: wills, probate, Medicare/Medicaid, social security, consumer fraud, pension rights, kinship care, and medical rights/billing. Attornies provide information and advice but not legal representation. Referrals are made to other legal resources when appropriate. ELIGIBILITY: Michigan resident, age 60 or older, or their authorized representative. FEES: None. SUBSTANCE ABUSE COUNSELING General Assessment for Substance Abuse Substance Abuse Counseling SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Conducts an evaluation of individuals who abuse drugs or alcohol to determine the nature and extent of the problem and makes a recommendation regarding treatment. Provides individual or family therapy for individuals who abuse substances of any kind to help them better understand the nature of their physical or psychological dependency and to support their efforts to recover. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals struggling with substance use disorders. Can be effectively treated on an outpatient basis. FEES: $10 per session. Sites: 3 MICHIGAN PENSION RIGHTS PROJECT Pension Benefits Assistance SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides legal information and advice regarding pension laws and rights and assistance in resolving pension-related problems. Does not provide legal representation. Makes referrals to other legal resources when appropriate. ELIGIBILITY: Retirees of any age with a Michigan pension issue. FEES: None. UNIVERSITY Colleges/Universities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides undergraduate, masters, and doctoral programs in architechture, business, engineering, mathematics and science. Sites: 2 ELDERWISE OF SOUTHEAST MICHIGAN ELDER LAW OF MICHIGAN 3601 Plymouth Rd. Ann Arbor, MI 48105 3815 W St Joseph St. Suite C-200 Lansing, MI 48917 (734) 332-4477 Ext. 3354 Main (734) 332-8694 Fax (517) 485-9164 Administrative (517) 372-5959 Main (877) 664-2233 Toll Free - MiCAFE Program (800) 347-5297 Toll Free Legal Hotline and Benefits Enrollment Center (866) 400-9164 Toll Free Annette Peel, Council Chair Pat Butler, Administrator OTHER NAMES: ELDER WISE <continued...> 101 ELDERWISE OF SOUTHEAST MICHIGAN... SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Tue-Thu 9am-4pm. Family Services Related Volunteer Opportunities Special Event Support Volunteer Opportunities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a variety of volunteer opportunities including administration, facilitating support group, fundraising, speaker's bureau and other special events and projects. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 18 and older who pass background check. To facilitate support group, must commit to one year service and attend weekly. FEES: None. Services CONTINUING EDUCATION Continuing Education SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides noncredit courses for adults who are seeking specific learning experiences on a part time or short term basis for personal, academic or occupational development. Offers a broad spectrum of classes and a significant range of topics to meet the needs and interests of a wide variety of individuals. ELIGIBILITY: Targets seniors age 50 and older but open to all adults age 18 and over. FEES: $25 annual membership fee, which allows 50% discount off class tuition fees. ELMHURST HOME 12017 Linwood St. Detroit, MI 48206 (313) 867-1090 Main John C. Coden, Executive Director ELE'S PLACE SITE AREA SERVED: Wayne County. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-4:30pm. SITE NOTES: DOT Bus 029 (Linwood) to Linwood & Monterey St. United Bank and Trust 355 S Zeeb Rd. Suite E Ann Arbor, MI 48103 Services (734) 929-6640 Main (734) 926-0985 Fax RESIDENTIAL SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Facilities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides treatment services in a 24-hour, supervised drug and alcohol-free environment for people who have problems related to substance abuse. Includes counseling, support groups, GED preparation, employment services, and other supportive services. Program duration is 30, 60, or 90 days. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 18 and older who abuse substances and live in Detroit. FEES: None. LANGUAGES: Interpretation services available. Wendy Brightman, Managing Director Jeanne Cooper, Program Director OTHER NAMES: ELES PLACE SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. Services BEREAVED CHILD SUPPORT GROUP Bereaved Child Support Groups SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a mutual support group whose members are children and youth who have experienced the loss of a parent, sibling or other relative and need the emotional support of the group to alleviate feelings of isolation and a sense of responsibility for the loss. Offers utilization of music, art, story telling, writing and play to promote the healing process. Clinicians and trained volunteers, supervised by professional clinical staff, facilitate the group. Parents or guardians of the participating children are encouraged to attend separate groups concurrently. Meetings begin with a pot luck dinner. ELIGIBILITY: Children age 3-18 and their parents or guardians. FEES: None. EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING DESIGNS 35731 W Michigan Ave. Wayne, MI 48184 (734) 858-4284 Main (888) 652-8444 Toll Free (734) 729-2059 Fax (888) 605-6722 TDD/TTY Antoinette Wirth, Vice President Cora Gregory, Service Center Manager Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: MICHIGAN WORKS! VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Administration Volunteer Opportunities Communications/Marketing Volunteer Opportunities Counseling/Information Support Volunteer Opportunities <continued...> 102 EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING DESIGNS... Sites Sites 1. EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING DESIGNS 35731 W Michigan Ave. Wayne, MI 48184 1. DOWNTOWN DETROIT OFFICE 1959 E Jefferson Ave. Suite 100 Detroit, MI 48207 (734) 858-4284 Main (888) 652-8444 Toll Free (734) 729-2059 Fax (888) 605-6722 TDD/TTY (313) 396-1800 Main (313) 396-7770 Fax Gary Wend, Vice President Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. Antoinette Wirth, Vice President Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 8am-5pm, Wed 8am-6pm. SITE NOTES: Please use the main lobby entrance located on the west side of the building. 2. ENNIS CENTER FOR CHILDREN 20100 Greenfield Rd. Detroit, MI 48235 (313) 342-2699 Main (313) 342-2180 Fax 2. MICHIGAN WORKS! HIGHLAND PARK SERVICE CENTER 144 Manchester St. Highland Park, MI 48203 Robert E Ennis, President Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. (313) 826-0299 Main (313) 867-4176 Fax 3. PONTIAC OFFICE 91 S Telegraph Rd. Pontiac, MI 48341 Lisa Carter, Site Coordinator Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. SITE NOTES: There is a bus stop a few blocks south of the office. (248) 334-2715 Main (248) 334-2720 Fax Mary Johnson, Vice President Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. Services COMPREHENSIVE JOB ASSISTANCE CENTERS Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides job seekers with a number of employment opportunities through centers including career counseling, career planning, resume assistance, direct job placement, access to Michigan Talent Bank, information about local and national labor markets, unemployment compensation information and more. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 18 and older who are currently unemployed or who have received a termination or layoff notice. Individuals who are employed but have a family income of $40,000 or less. Sites: 1 2 4. PORT HURON OFFICE 222 Huron Ave. Port Huron, MI 48060 (810) 990-1424 Main (810) 966-8670 Fax Ursula Ahart, Program Director Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. Services FOSTER HOME LICENSING AND PLACEMENT Foster Home Licensing Foster Home Placement SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Establishes and enforces health, safety and program standards for foster homes, reviews applications for licenses, issues or denies licenses, inspects facilities for compliance with requirements, and revokes licenses or brings disciplinary action for noncompliance. Also provides training to become a foster parent. In addition, links individuals who are in need of alternative living arrangements with appropriate private family homes that are licensed to provide foster care. ENNIS CENTER FOR CHILDREN 20100 Greenfield Rd. Detroit, MI 48235 (313) 342-2699 Main (313) 342-2180 Fax Robert E Ennis, President Ursula Ahart, Program Director Public transportation accessible. <continued...> 103 ENNIS CENTER FOR CHILDREN... ELIGIBILITY: Foster Parents: Individuals age 18 and older with adequate income for basic needs and a safe home environment. Foster Children: Abused or neglected children age 18 and under referred by DHS. FEES: None. Sites: 1 2 3 4 include but are not limited to the following: Toll-free personalized education and consultation information, referrals, video lending library, conferences, living well workshops, support groups, and family activity days. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: Some services free. Minimal fee for others. CAMP DISCOVERY Therapeutic Camps BEHAVIORAL HEALTH Adolescent/Youth Counseling Family Counseling Agencies Psychiatric Disorder Counseling SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides intensive outpatient services to children ages 7-17, and their families who have multiple needs that require access to various mental health, clinical and community services. The primary goals are to focus on promoting normal developmental milestones, supporting and promoting healthy family functioning, and preserving and reuniting families while reducing the need for institutional care ELIGIBILITY: Severely emotionally disabled children ages 7-17 and their families. FEES: Sliding scale fees. Sites: 1 SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a summer camp where children with epilepsy learn about their condition, make new friends, and participate in recreational activities. ELIGIBILITY: Youth with epilepsy, ages 8-17. FEES: $970 per child, financial assistance available. FAIR FOOD NETWORK 205 E Washington St. Suite B Ann Arbor, MI 48104 (734) 213-3999 Main Oran B. Hesterman, President/CEO Jean Chorazyczewski, Director of Operations SITE AREA SERVED: EPILEPSY FOUNDATION OF MICHIGAN Serves All Areas. Services 20300 Civic Center Dr. Suite 250 Southfield, MI 48076 DOUBLE UP FOOD BUCKS Food Vouchers (248) 351-7979 Main (800) 377-6226 Toll Free (248) 351-2101 Fax SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers food tokens that can be exchanged for Michigan grown fruits and vegetables. Food tokens are provided to shoppers using their Bridge Cards to purchase fresh food at participating farmers' markets. For every $2 spent, eligible shoppers receive $2 worth of bonus tokens up to $20 to purchase fruits and vegetables at participating markets. ELIGIBILITY: Program is available to families with active Bridge Card at participating farmers' markets. FEES: None. Arlene S Gorelick, President Russell Derry, Director of Education Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. SYSTEM ADVOCACY System Advocacy Services PUBLIC AWARENESS Subject Specific Public Awareness/Education * Epilepsy Workshops/Symposiums * Epilepsy SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides services which include but are not limited to the following: Seizure Smart Workshops for schools, law enforcement officers, businesses, health and human service professionals, displays and educational conferences. FEES: Some services free. Minimal fee for others. SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Works at the intersection of food systems and social equity to guarantee access to healthy, fresh and sustainably grown food, especially in underserved communities. Implements model programs and brings the right people together to generate ideas, share resources and promote policy changes to repair the current food system. EDUCATION AND CONSULTATION Disease/Disability Information * Epilepsy Health/Disability Related Support Groups * Epilepsy Specialized Information and Referral * Epilepsy Workshops/Symposiums * Epilepsy 104 FAIR HOUSING CENTER OF METROPOLITAN DETROIT FAITH IN ACTION 603 S Main St. Chelsea, MI 48118 220 Bagley St. Detroit, MI 48226 (734) 475-3305 Main (734) 475-3136 Fax (313) 963-1274 Main (313) 963-4817 Fax Nancy S Paul, Director Doug Smith, Program Coordinator OTHER NAMES: FIA Cliff Schrupp, Executive Director Public transportation accessible. Sites SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. 1. DEXTER FOOD PANTRY 2822 Baker Rd. Dexter, MI 48130 Services CONSTITUTIONAL/CIVIL RIGHTS GROUP Constitutional/Civil Rights Groups SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Promotes the passage and enforcement of laws and other social measures that extend individual civil rights or more effectively protects them from discrimination based on race, color, religion, gender or national origin in the area of housing. (734) 426-7002 Main SITE AREA SERVED: Dexter School District. SITE HOURS: Wed 12noon-7pm. 2. FAITH IN ACTION 603 S Main St. Chelsea, MI 48118 (734) 475-3305 Main (734) 475-0160 Service/Intake - Senior Nutrition Program (734) 475-3136 Fax FAIR HOUSING INFORMATION Consumer Education SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides training for housing consumers and providers about fair housing laws. Teaches consumers about their rights under fair housing laws and awareness of housing discrimination practices by providers. Teaches providers about fair housing laws compliance. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None for consumers. Fees for providers are negotiable. Nancy S Paul, Director SITE AREA SERVED: Serves primarily Dexter and Chelsea school districts. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-4pm, except Wed 9am-7pm. HOUSING DISCRIMINATION ASSISTANCE Housing Discrimination Assistance Mortgage Company Complaints SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides assistance for individuals who believe that they have been treated unfairly or denied normal privileges regarding housing issues based on their age, gender, race or ethnic origin, nationality, religion, disability, sexual orientation or marital status. Accepts and, where possible, attempts to resolve complaints regarding excessive charges, violations of truth in lending or truth in real estate laws, deceptive advertising, unethical or improper conduct of personnel or other inappropriate business practices of mortgage companies. May offer legal assistance if necessary. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 18 and older residing in Michigan who believe they are victims of housing discrimination. FEES: None. LANGUAGES: Interpretation services available. FOOD PANTRY Food Donation Programs Services CLOTHING AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS Clothing Donation Programs Household Goods Donation Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides donated clothing and household goods to individuals and families in need. Availability of items based on donations. ELIGIBILITY: Services limited to every two weeks up to twelve times each year. FEES: None. Sites: 2 SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Acquires food products through donations and food bank and distributes the food to people who are in emergency situations. Provides enough food to last three to five days. Items include cannced goods, dry goods, produce, meat and dairy. Accepts donations of frozen items. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals must meet income guidelines. FEES: None. Sites: 1 2 <continued...> 105 FAITH IN ACTION... VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Administration Volunteer Opportunities Family Services Related Volunteer Opportunities Food Production/Preparation/Delivery Volunteer Opportunities Special Event Support Volunteer Opportunities Transportation Volunteer Opportunities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a variety of volunteer opportunities including administrative tasks, fundraising, transportation, donating Thanksgiving baskets, and other opportunities. ELIGIBILITY: Varies by volunteer opportunity. FEES: None. Sites: 2 WORKSHOPS/SYMPOSIUMS FOR FAMILIES/FRIENDS OF ALCOHOLICS AND DRUG ABUSERS Workshops/Symposiums * Families/Friends of Alcoholics Workshops/Symposiums * Families/Friends of Drug Abusers SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides an annual convention for family members and friends impacted by substance abuse. Convention acts both as a source of information and as a retreat. Local groups may also offer workshops and retreats. ELIGIBILITY: Family members and friends of individuals who abuse alcohol or drugs. FEES: Vary by convention. For 2010, annual world convention is $460-$490. FAMILIES ANONYMOUS FAMILY SERVICE 701 Lee St. Suite 670 Des Plaines, IL 60016 10900 Harper Ave. Detroit, MI 48213 (847) 294-5877 Main (800) 736-9805 Toll Free (310) 815-9682 Fax Suite 700 Detroit, MI 48226 (313) 579-5989 Administrative George Rosko, Chair FA PI Committee Arnaldo Solis, Executive Director/CEO Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-3:30pm (Central Time). Sites Services 1. DOWNTOWN DETROIT OFFICE 220 Bagley St. Detroit, MI 48226 FAMILIES/FRIENDS OF ALCOHOLICS AND DRUG ABUSERS SUPPORT GROUPS Families/Friends of Alcoholics Support Groups Families/Friends of Drug Abusers Support Groups Internet Addiction Support Groups SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides twelve step mutual support groups for family members and friends impacted by substance abuse and related behavioral problems. Participants share their experiences, strengths and hopes to solve the problems they have in common, and to support the recovery of their loved one. Offers in person and internet meetings. ELIGIBILITY: Family members and friends of individuals who abuse drugs or alcochol. FEES: Donations accepted from members only. No outside donations. (313) 965-2141 Main (313) 961-0346 Service/Intake - Program Division Virdell P Thomas, Director of Operations Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Wayne County. 2. EAST DISTRICT OFFICE 14200 Kercheval Ave. Detroit, MI 48215 (313) 822-7867 Main (313) 961-0346 Service/Intake - Program Division (313) 821-0472 Fax PUBLIC AWARENESS/EDUCATION Newsletters Printed Materials * Substance Abuse Issues SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Publishes articles, newsletters and a book about substance abuse and its impact on families and friends. Included are downloadable publications and those that are distributed in printed format. ELIGIBILITY: Age 16 and older. FEES: Vary by material. Downloadable articles are free. Virdell P Thomas, Director of Operations SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-5pm and by appointment, appointment hours can be very flexible. Services GENERAL COUNSELING SERVICES Abuse Counseling General Counseling Services SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers mental health counseling services for children, adolescents, adults, families, and couples. Uniquely qualified in the area of <continued...> 106 FAMILY SERVICE... domestic violence services. Offers the comprehensive program, Strategies Against Violence Encounters (SAVE), for children and adult victims of domestic violence. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: Based on ability to pay; Accepts some Medicaid, Medicare and other third party payments. Sites: 2 POST DISASTER HOUSING ASSISTANCE Disaster Specific Rent Assistance FEMA Trailers Post Disaster Rebuilding Assistance SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides temporary housing for displaced disaster victims in the form of mobile homes or travel trailers that can be placed on their property and occupied while their primary residence is being repaired or rebuilt. For use up to eighteen months from the date of the emergency Presidential Declaration. Also offers post disaster rent payment assistance and home repair assistance. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals and families whose homes or apartments have become uninhabitable due to a major disaster or large scale emergency involving a Presidential declaration. Based on individual case assessment. LANGUAGES: Interpretation services available. INNOVATIVE METHODS FOR PREVENTION AND COMPREHENSIVE TREATMENT (IMPACT) Alcohol Abuse Education/Prevention Drug Abuse Education/Prevention SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides information about alcohol and drug abuse (including the symptoms of abuse/addiction, screening and diagnostic procedures and methods of treatment) and offers services that focus on substance abuse prevention for family members who are at risk. Includes eight weekly group meetings for children with concurrent meetings for parents. ELIGIBILITY: Children and youth age 5-17 and their parents who reside in Detroit. FEES: None. May be a fee for snacks. Sites: 1 2 FIBERGLASS ESTATE COMMUNITY HALL 16515 Plymouth Rd. Detroit, MI 48227-1034 (313) 838-1170 Main FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY Louis Vinson, Director OTHER NAMES: CORVETTE CLUB; V-EIGHT ESTATE SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon, Thu 11am-1pm. 500 C St. SW Washington, DC 20472 PO Box 10055 Hyattsville, MD 20782 Services SOUP KITCHEN Soup Kitchens (202) 646-2500 Administrative (800) 621-3362 Main - 1-800-621-FEMA (800) 827-8112 Fax (800) 462-7585 TDD/TTY SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides meals for people in need and who lack the resources to buy and prepare food. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. W Craig Fugate, Administrator Mark Peterson OTHER NAMES: FEMA FOCUS: HOPE SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Seven Days 5:30am-12midnight (Information Line). (313) 494-5500 Main 1400 Oakman Blvd. Detroit, MI 48238 Services William F Jones, CEO Raylaunda Pouncy, Manager of Development Services OTHER NAMES: FOCUS HOPE; FOCUS:HOPE FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY OFFICE Federal Emergency Management Agency Offices SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Responsible for federal efforts to reduce the loss of life through a comprehensive emergency management program of emergency planning, preparedness, mitigation, response and recovery. Working closely with state and local governments, FEMA funds emergency programs, offers technical guidance and training and deploys federal resources in times of disaster. LANGUAGES: Interpretation services available. <continued...> 107 FOCUS: HOPE... FEES: Free to individuals 18-24 years of age. Scholarships may be available for older students. Sites: 2 Sites 1. FOCUS: HOPE 1355 Oakman Blvd. Detroit, MI 48238 FORD MOTOR COMPANY (313) 494-5500 Main 777 Woodward Ave. Suite 500 Detroit, MI 48226 William F Jones, CEO SITE AREA SERVED: Macomb, Oakland, Washtenaw and Wayne counties. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-5pm. (800) 952-2248 Main (800) 292-7842 Fax 2. MACHINIST TRAINING INSTITUTE 1200 Oakman Blvd. Detroit, MI 48238 Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: FORD PROGRAM HEADQUARTERS (313) 494-4300 Service/Intake - Admissions Office (313) 494-4200 Main (313) 494-4208 Fax SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-7pm. Mildred Morton-Cross, Manager Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-5pm. Services FORD MOBILITY MOTORING PROGRAM Automobile/Van Adaptations SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides up to $1,200 reimbursement towards the cost of installed adaptive equipment on any new Ford, Lincoln or Mercury vehicle and up to $200 on after–market alert hearing devices, lumbar seats and running boards (when not available as factory options). Total reimbursement may not exceed $1200. ELIGIBILITY: Initiation of the adaptation and request for reimbursement must take place within twelve months of the dealer reported date of sale or lease. FEES: None. Services HOLIDAY MUSIC FESTIVAL Music Performances SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers a yearly music festival to raise money for agency expenses. Recruits musical groups who volunteer their time. Offers primarily folk and blues music, but also includes other types of music. Held annually at North Rosedale Park Community Center. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: $25 per ticket (subject to change). Sites: 1 FOUNDATION FOR AQUATIC INJURY PREVENTION INDIVIDUAL DEVELOPMENT ACCOUNTS Individual Development Accounts SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers a savings program that allows individuals to save a set amount for a home or education purposes. The individuals savings is then matched at a 3:1 ratio for education or homeownership. ELIGIBILITY: Students enrolled in technical programs at Focus: HOPE. FEES: No fee to apply. Individuals will be required to deposit a set amount into the IDA savings account set up upon program entry. 13246 Golden Cir. Fenton, MI 48430 (800) 342-0330 Main (810) 714-0354 Fax Ronald R. Gilbert, Chairman OTHER NAMES: FAIP SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Sun 9am-5pm. Sites: 1 Services MACHINIST TRAINING INSTITUTE Technical/Trade Schools SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers a 12 week training course in machine operation. Individuals learn how to read blueprints, operate lathes, mills and CNC equipment. ELIGIBILITY: Must have high school diploma or GED and demonstrate basic math and reading skills. SWIMMING SAFETY EDUCATION Swimming Safety Education SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides educational programs and information to increase public awareness of the measures that people can take to ensure their safety when swimming in the ocean, a lake, a river, a pond or a public or private swimming pool; engaging in water sports such as surfing or water skiing; or when using a spa, hot tub or whirlpool. <continued...> 108 FOUNDATION FOR AQUATIC INJURY PREVENTION... ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. Services COMPREHENSIVE IMMIGRATION AND NATURALIZATION SERVICES Comprehensive Immigration/Naturalization Services SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides legal assistance for asylum seekers: prepares and files an application for asylum; represents individuals at their initial interview with an asylum officer; and, represents individuals in court at their asylum hearing. Also assists individuals applying for relief under VAWA, U-visas, or T-visas. ELIGIBILITY: Indigent asylum seekers in US for less than twelve months. Priority given to residents of Freedom House. Also assists individuals seeking Canadian refugee status. FEES: Donations accepted. LANGUAGES: French, Hindi, Spanish, and Urdu. Arranges interpretation services for other languages. FRANKLIN WRIGHT SETTLEMENTS 3360 Charlevoix St. Detroit, MI 48207 (313) 579-1000 Service/Intake (313) 579-0001 Fax Monique Marks, Director Raymond Brown, Deputy Director Public transportation accessible. Sites 1. SOPHIE WRIGHT BRANCH 4141 Mitchell St. Detroit, MI 48207 REFUGEE SHELTER AND RESETTLEMENT SERVICES Immigrant/Refugee Shelters Refugee Resettlement Services SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a comprehensive approach to assisting those who seek asylum in the United States. Offers legal services, food and shelter, referrals for medical and mental health care, recreational activities, educational and job training coordination, and transitional housing services. ELIGIBILITY: International refugees seeking asylum in the U.S. and Canada. (313) 923-2300 Main SITE AREA SERVED: Primarily Wayne County. SITE HOURS: Mon-Thu 9am-1pm. Services SENIOR CENTER Senior Centers SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides recreational, educational, physical fitness, and social activities for seniors. ELIGIBILITY: Seniors age 60 or older. FEES: None for most services. Field trips may cost extra. Sites: 1 GAMBLERS ANONYMOUS INTERNATIONAL SERVICE OFFICE Los Angeles, CA 90017 (231) 386-8789 Main (800) 270-7117 Toll Free - Michigan Gambling Help Line (231) 386-0030 Fax FREEDOM HOUSE 2630 W Lafayette Detroit, MI 48216-2019 SITE AREA SERVED: (313) 964-4320 Main (313) 963-1077 Fax Serves All Areas. Services GAMBLING SUPPORT GROUPS Gambling Support Groups SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Organizes mutual support groups whose members are people who are having difficulty controlling their compulsion to gamble. Families and friends may also be welcome. The groups meet in-person, by telephone or via the Internet; provide emotional support, information and resources to help participants come to terms with their addiction; and may include faith-based and secular 12-step groups as well as non-12 step groups. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. Deborah A. Drennan, Interim Administrator Nusrat Ventimiglia, Staff Attorney OTHER NAMES: DETROIT/WINDSOR REFUGEE COALITION SITE AREA SERVED: Serves all areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. 109 awareness of donation and encourage the public to sign up on the Michigan Organ Donor Registry. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals who have had an experience with donation and/or transplantation, and/or have demonstrated a wish to educate the public regarding the importance of organ and tissue donation. FEES: None. GENERAL MOTORS MOBILITY PROGRAM PO Box 5053 Troy, MI 48007 (800) 323-9935 Main - GM Mobility (800) 833-9935 TDD/TTY - GM Mobility ORGAN/TISSUE TRANSPLANT EDUCATION PROGRAMS Organ/Tissue Transplant Education Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides information that improves the public's understanding of organ and tissue transplantation, its history, current legislation pertaining to donation, the behaviors and diseases that lead to organ failure and the need for a transplant, the types of organs/tissue that can be donated, the organ donation process, the impact of organ and tissue donation on the lives of those who receive these gifts and the consequences of organ and tissue shortages. The purpose of the program is to increase the number of people who actually become donors, answer frequently asked questions and provide basic information about how to obtain a donor card and become a part of the program. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. Ray Bush, Program Manager SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-8pm (GM Mobility Customer Service). Services GM MOBILITY Automobile/Van Adaptations SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides financial assistance to individuals and organizations who need to upfit new vehicles with aftermarket mobility equipment such as seats or steering, signaling, gear shift and braking controls that have been modified for use by people with disabilities. Provides a cash reimbursement up to $1000 ($1200 on Chevy Express/GMC Savana vans) plus two extra years of OnStar safety and security services (on OnStar-equipped vehicles) when qualified mobility equipment is installed on eligible, new Chevrolet, Buick or GMC vehicles. ELIGIBILITY: Equipment must be permanently installed in the vehicle; installed for a driver or passenger with a permanent disability; and, purchased from and installed by a licensed equipment installer. Vehicles must be adapted and a claim must be submitted within six months of the date of purchase or lease. FEES: None. LANGUAGES: Spanish. GOOD SHEPHERD CATHOLIC CHURCH 1265 Parkview St. Detroit, MI 48214 (313) 822-1262 Main (313) 822-8988 Fax Michael Nkachukwu, Pastor OTHER NAMES: ANNUNCIATION OUR LADY OF SORROWS CATHOLIC CHURCH; ANNUNCIATION/OUR LADY OF SORROWS CATHOLIC CHURCH Sites GIFT OF LIFE MICHIGAN 3861 Research Park Dr. Ann Arbor, MI 48108 1. SAINT ROSE SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER 5555 Conner Suite 1052 Detroit, MI 48213 (800) 482-4881 Toll Free (734) 973-3133 Fax (313) 921-9277 Main (313) 921-9145 Fax Rich Pietroski, CEO Dana Hopkins, administrative Coordinator Mike Byzewski, Director SITE AREA SERVED: Serves the Eastside of Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-4pm. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-5pm. Services Services SENIOR CENTER Senior Centers EDUCATION VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Education Volunteer Opportunities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides volunteer opportunities for individuals who have had an experience with organ and tissue donation and/or transplantation. Volunteers work to promote SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers recreational enrichment and social services in order to meet the needs and interests of the senior population. ELIGIBILITY: Seniors age 60 or older residing in Detroit's eastside. <continued...> 110 GOOD SHEPHERD CATHOLIC CHURCH... FEES: Donations accepted. Sites: 1 Services FLIP THE SCRIPT Apprenticeship Training TAX INFORMATION Property Tax Exemption Information Utility Tax Exemption Information SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides information regarding eligiblity for property and utility tax exemption. ELIGIBILITY: Seniors age 60 or older. FEES: Donations accepted. Sites: 1 SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers training to prepare minority men for non-traditional career tracks in the Skills/Building/Construction trades industry. Includes training in mathematics, reading, life skills and workplace ethics. ELIGIBILITY: Low-income minority men ages 16-30 residing in the city of Detroit. High school diploma or GED preferred. FEES: None. Sites: 1 GOODWILL INDUSTRIES OF GREATER DETROIT INDIVIDUAL DEVELOPMENT ACCOUNTS Individual Development Accounts SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers a savings program that allows individuals to save a set amount for education purposes. The individual's savings is then matched at a 3:1 ratio. ELIGIBILITY: Residents of the City of Detroit. Must have a savings account or be willing to open one. FEES: No fee to apply. Individuals will be required to deposit a set amount into the IDA savings account upon program entry. Sites: 2 3111 Grand River Ave. Detroit, MI 48208 (313) 964-3900 Main (313) 557-4848 Service/Intake - IDA Accounts (313) 964-3909 Fax Lorna G Utley, President/CEO Felicia R Hunter, Executive Vice President Public transportation accessible. GRACE TEMPLE CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST Sites 1. GOODWILL DETROIT FLIP THE SCRIPT 7700 Second Ave. Detroit, MI 48202 12521 Dexter Ave. Detroit, MI 48206 (313) 931-6095 Service/Intake (313) 557-4848 Main (313) 557-4820 Fax Franklin Garrison, Pastor Willene Abbott, Executive Director OTHER NAMES: GRACE TEMPLE COGIC Keith Bennett, Program Director Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: City of Detroit residents. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. SITE AREA SERVED: Macomb, Oakland and Wayne counties. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm. 2. GOODWILL INDUSTRIES OF GREATER DETROIT 3111 Grand River Ave. Detroit, MI 48208 Services FOOD PANTRY Food Pantries (313) 964-3900 Main (313) 557-4848 Service/Intake - IDA Accounts (313) 964-3909 Fax SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides emergency food to individuals and families. ELIGIBILITY: Low-income individuals and families. FEES: None. Lorna G Utley, President/CEO Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Livingston, Macomb, Oakland, Washtenaw and Wayne counties. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. GOD'S STOREHOUSE General Clothing Provision SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides used and new clothing for men, women and children. ELIGIBILITY: Low-income individuals and families. FEES: None. Donations accepted. 111 GREATER DETROIT RESOURCE RECOVERY AUTHORITY 2. DETROIT OFFICE 2111 Woodward Ave. Detroit, MI 48201 5700 Russell St. Detroit, MI 48211 (800) 550-1961 Service/Intake - First Contact Center (313) 876-0449 Main (313) 876-0457 Fax (313) 876-0148 Alternate - Recycling Information Hotline Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon 10am-7pm, Tue 8am-7pm, Wed-Fri 8am-5pm. John Prymack, Director OTHER NAMES: GDRRA 3. FARMINGTON HILLS OFFICE 38505 Country Club Dr. Suite 120 Farmington Hills, MI 48331 SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. Services (800) 550-1961 Service/Intake - First Contact Center RECYCLING CENTER Hazardous Materials Collection Sites Recycling Centers SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides recycling services for the city of Detroit. Offers drop off sites and mobile facilities for collecting recyclables including glass, plastics, tin cans and paper. Also provides collection program for household hazardous waste. ELIGIBILITY: Residents of Detroit. FEES: None. Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Thu 8:30am-5:30pm, Fri 8am-5pm. 4. FLINT OFFICE 2222 S Linden Rd. Suite D Flint, MI 48532-5413 (800) 550-1961 Service/Intake - First Contact Center (810) 230-6820 Fax Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Thu 8:am-5pm, Fri 9am-5pm. GREENPATH DEBT SOLUTIONS CONSUMER CREDIT COUNSELING SERVICE OF MICHIGAN 5. GREENPATH DEBT SOLUTIONS - CONSUMER CREDIT COUNSELING SERVICE OF MICHIGAN 38505 Country Club Dr. Suite 210 Farmington Hills, MI 48331 38505 Country Club Dr. Suite 210 Farmington Hills, MI 48331 (248) 553-5400 Administrative (800) 550-1961 Service/Intake - First Contact Center (248) 553-8970 Fax (248) 553-5400 Administrative (800) 550-1961 Service/Intake - First Contact Center (248) 553-8970 Fax Jane McNamera, President/CEO Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Nationwide. SITE HOURS: Mon-Thu 7am-9pm, Fri 7am-5pm, Sat 7am-4pm. Jane McNamera, President/CEO Jennie Shanburn, Business Development Public transportation accessible. Sites 6. MONROE OFFICE 826 S Monroe St. Monroe, MI 48161 1. ANN ARBOR OFFICE 315 E Eisenhower Pkwy Suite 206 Ann Arbor, MI 48108 (800) 550-1961 Service/Intake - First Contact Center (800) 550-1961 Service/Intake - First Contact Center SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 8am-5pm; Wed 11am-7pm. Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-5pm. <continued...> 112 GREENPATH DEBT SOLUTIONS - CONSUMER... 7. PORT HURON OFFICE 3051 Commerce Dr. Suite 3 Fort Gratiot, MI 48059-3866 12. UTICA OFFICE 11111 Hall Rd. Suite 422 Utica, MI 48317 (800) 550-1961 Service/Intake - First Contact Center (800) 550-1961 Service/Intake - First Contact Center Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon and Tue 11am-7pm, Wed-Fri 8am-5pm. Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon and Tue 10am-7pm, Wed-Fri 8am-5pm. 8. ROSEVILLE OFFICE 27085 Gratiot Ave. Roseville, MI 48066 13. WESTLAND OFFICE 38545 Ford Rd. Suite 202 Westland, MI 48185 (800) 550-1961 Service/Intake - First Contact Center (800) 550-1961 Service/Intake - First Contact Center SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon and Tue 10am-7pm, Wed-Fri 8am-5pm. Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-5:30pm. 9. SOUTHFIELD OFFICE 26555 Evergreen Rd. Suite 1060 Southfield, MI 48076 Services BANKRUPTCY COUNSELING AND EDUCATION Bankruptcy Assistance SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides the pre-filing counseling and pre-discharge education that is required by law for consumers filing bankruptcy. The pre-filing counseling includes a full review of the client's financial situation, including the development of a personal budget. Clients are provided with education on their options to bankruptcy as well as the pros and cons. Pre-discharge education includes a self-study book or online course that covers major aspects of financial management including budgeting, saving and credit. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: $50. LANGUAGES: Provides phone bankruptcy counselors who speak Spanish, Portuguese, Albanian, Czech/Slovak, Dutch, Polish, Romanian and Russian. Also offers interpretation services in over 150 languages, free of charge. Sites: 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 (800) 550-1961 Service/Intake - First Contact Center Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon and Tue 10am-7pm, Wed-Fri 8am-5pm. 10. TAYLOR OFFICE 8750 S. Telegraph Rd. Suite 100 Taylor, MI 48180 (800) 550-1961 Service/Intake - First Contact Center Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon Wed Fri 8am-5pm. Tue 10am-7pm. 11. TROY OFFICE 5700 Crooks Rd. Suite 202 Troy, MI 48098 CONSUMER EDUCATION Consumer Education SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a wide variety of information and educational materials including online study courses, web site videos, books, software, articles, calculators, tips/tools, DVD's and other resources that help consumers make informed decisions regarding financial management, credit, home ownership, debt and saving/investing. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: Educational material on web site is free (online courses, videos, articles, calculators, tips/tools). Books, CD's and DVD's may have a fee. LANGUAGES: Some materials are available in Spanish. Sites: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 (800) 550-1961 Service/Intake - First Contact Center Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon and Tue 10am-7pm, Wed-Fri 8am-5pm. <continued...> 113 GREENPATH DEBT SOLUTIONS - CONSUMER... CREDIT COUNSELING Credit Counseling HOMEBUYER/HOME PURCHASE COUNSELING Homebuyer/Home Purchase Counseling SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers free counseling and education on the entire home buying process and helps prepare consumers for the requirements and responsibilities of home ownership. Consumer can receive a certificate of completion when required. Includes the development of a budget and action plan, review of options available and referrals to appropriate resources. ELIGIBILITY: First time home buyers. FEES: None. LANGUAGES: Interpretation services offered in over 150 languages, free of charge. Sites: 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers confidential credit counseling in which a qualified counselor reviews individual's credit report, provides education on how to read the report, reasons for pulling a credit report, ways to improve credit scores and the process for disputing. Participants receive a credit report and score, an action plan and an educational booklet "Understanding Your Credit Report". ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: $30. LANGUAGES: Interpretation services offered in over 150 languages, free of charge. Sites: 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 HOUSING COUNSELING HUD Approved Counseling Agencies Mortgage Delinquency and Default Counseling SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers counseling for homebuyers, homeowners who are considering borrowing against their home's equity, older adults who are considering a reverse mortgage program, and homeowners who are at risk of or experiencing foreclosure. In cases of imminent foreclosure or eviction, counsels individuals on transitioning to more affordable housing. In cases of homelessness, provides options for emergency services, shelters and other needed services. All counselors are HUD certified and housing counseling is free and confidential. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. LANGUAGES: Interpretation services offered in over 150 languages, free of charge. Sites: 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 DEBT MANAGEMENT SERVICES Debt Consolidation Services SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers a debt management program which enables individuals to pay off debt more quickly by bringing past due accounts cuurent, lowering interest rates and waiving late and over-the-limit fees. Clients make one periodic consolidated payment to GreenPath and GreenPath makes the payments to creditors. Greenpath does not loan money; the payments are made from client's own funds. The amount paid is based on the individual's financial situation. GreenPath creates a customized deposit schedule to ensure that all payments are received by creditors prior to the due dates. Clients receive ongoing counseling and education throughout participation in the program. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals with debt who have completed a free debt counseling session with a GreenPath counselor. FEES: Initial financial assessment is free. Once enrolled in dept management program, there is a one time set up fee of $25 and a monthly administrative fee that is based on ability to pay and will never exceed $50 per month. LANGUAGES: Interpretation services offered in over 150 languages, free of charge. Sites: 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 PERSONAL FINANCES/BUDGET COUNSELING Personal Financial Counseling SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a free 60-90 minute counseling session with a professional credit counselor in person or over the phone. Counselor will assess household income, expenses, credit card and other debt; identify opportunities to save; and develop a customized budget and action plan to help individuals meet their financial goals. Education is provided on how to create, maintain and follow a budget and practical solutions are offered to help resolve immediate financial crises (like shut-offs) and long term debt. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: Counseling session is free. GreenPath credit report is $15. Individuals may obtain a free copy of their credit report once annually from Sites: 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT WORKSHOPS Financial Management Workshops SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers local community financial education presentations and workshops on a variety of topics, upon request. Partners with schools, churches, businesses, non-profits, government and other civic organizations. Topics include budgeting, saving, credit reports and scores, surviving a job loss, kids and money, home buying and homeownership, the psychology of spending, identity theft and preparing financially for college. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: Usually free, but determined upon request. LANGUAGES: Workshops may be provided in Spanish. Sites: 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 HOME EQUITY CONVERSION MORTGAGE (HECM) Reverse Mortgage Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides counseling services about reverse mortgages to homeowners over the age of 62. Reverse mortgages use a home's equity to increase monthly income. Program counselors will analyze individual scenarios to help determine if this is an option, or the best option. Counseling includes the development of a budget and action plan, review of options available and referrals to appropriate resources. <continued...> 114 GREENPATH DEBT SOLUTIONS - CONSUMER... ELIGIBILITY: Homeowners age 62 or older and spouses/financial partners/children of homeowners age 62 and older. FEES: None. Consumer receives a budget and action plan at no cost. LANGUAGES: Interpretation services offered in over 150 languages, free of charge. Sites: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 GENERAL BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP General Bereavement Support Groups SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides online mutual support groups whose members are people who have experienced the loss of a loved one. The groups are open to anyone who has had a loss rather than structured for people with particular types of losses; and focus on helping participants accept their loss, express their grief, move through the bereavement process and put their lives back together. All groups are monitored by trained volunteers. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: $10/month membership fee; but no one is turned away for financial reasons. GRIEFNET PO Box 3272 Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (734) 761-1960 Main GROTTOES OF NORTH AMERICA HUMANITARIAN FOUNDATION (THE) Cendra Lynn, Director OTHER NAMES: RIVENDELL RESOURCES 430 Beecher Rd. Columbus, OH 43230 SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Website availalbe 24 hours. Office hours Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. (614) 933-0711 Main (614) 933-0481 Fax Services Aquinas Moe David Rebmann BEREAVED CHILD SUPPORT GROUP Bereaved Child Support Groups SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers online bereavement groups that provide support to children and youth who have experienced the loss of a parent, sibling or other relative and need the emotional support of the group to alleviate feelings of isolation and a sense of responsibility for the loss. Groups are facilitated by trained volunteers. ELIGIBILITY: Children and youth, age 18 and under, who have experienced the loss of a parent, sibling or other relative. FEES: $10/month membership fee; but no one is turned away for financial reasons. SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. Services DENTAL CARE FOR CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS Dental Care Expense Assistance SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Works with local dentists to provide low cost or free dental care for children with special needs. ELIGIBILITY: Children under 18 diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy, Muscular Dystrophy, Developmental Delays, Organ Transplant Recipients and Mental Retardation (covers profound to 2 years developmentally overall delayed). FEES: Vary. Based on current dental coverage for child. Medicaid patients not covered. The Dental Care Program is the secondary carrier when insurance is involved and acts as the primary carrier if no insurance is available. Covers the maximum allowable fees as determined by the Humanitarian Foundation. BEREAVED PARENT SUPPORT GROUP Bereaved Parent Support Groups SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides an online support group whose members are parents who have experienced the loss of a child due to a miscarriage or stillbirth, or through illness or accident in infancy, during childhood or later in life. The groups focus on helping participants accept their loss, express their grief, move through the bereavement process and put their lives back together. Included are groups for parents who have lost a child to sudden infant death syndrome, or whose children have been murdered. Groups are facilitated by trained volunteers. HABITAT FOR HUMANITY DETROIT 14325 Jane St. Detroit, MI 48205 (313) 521-6691 Main (313) 371-3400 Fax ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: $10/month membership fee; but no one is turned away for financial reasons. Vincent Tilford, Executive Director Tara Franey, Director of Development <continued...> 115 HABITAT FOR HUMANITY DETROIT... ELIGIBILITY: The following items are NOT accepted for donation: Built-in ovens, microwaves, double ovens, vintage appliances, clothing, jewelry, bedding, towels, dishes, flatware, glasses, curtains, drapes and vertical blinds, glass or mirrors, trash compactors, household chemicals, opened paint cans, industrial/commercial paint/epoxies/stains, loose shingles, toys, books, magazines, office cubicles and dividers. Sites: 2 Sites 1. HABITAT FOR HUMANITY DETROIT 14325 Jane St. Detroit, MI 48205 (313) 521-6691 Main (313) 371-3400 Fax Vincent Tilford, Executive Director SITE AREA SERVED: Cities of Allen Park, Dearborn, Dearbon Heights, Detroit, Ecorse, Grosse Ile, the Grosse Pointes, Hamtramck, Harper Woods, Highland Park, Lincoln Park, Melvindale, Redford Township, River Rouge, Southgate and Wyandotte. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. SWEAT EQUITY HOME PURCHASE PROGRAM Construction/Home Maintenance Volunteer Opportunities Sweat Equity Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers partner families an opportunity to help themselves, to own a decent, affordable home of their own, which they pay for and maintain. Partner families invest hundreds of "sweat equity" hours building their homes and the homes of others. Houses are sold at no profit and with no interest charged. Mortgage payments are placed in a fund used to finance additional houses. 2. RESTORE 12630 Greenfield Rd. Detroit, MI 48227 (313) 384-2176 Main - Deconstruction Services (313) 653-4890 Main SITE AREA SERVED: Cities of Allen Park, Dearborn, Dearbon Heights, Detroit, Ecorse, Grosse Ile, the Grosse Pointes, Hamtramck, Harper Woods, Highland Park, Lincoln Park, Melvindale, Redford Township, River Rouge, Southgate and Wyandotte. Deconstruction services available for all of Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Sat 9am-5pm. Alsos recruits, manages, and supervises groups of volunteers who help to construct Habitat homes. Tool and height restrictions for volunteers ages 16 and 17 years old apply on the construction site. Adult supervisors accompanying 16 and 17 year old persons assume responsibility of compliance. ELIGIBILITY: Families must be in need of simple, decent and affordable housing; Must be able to pay the no-interest mortgage; Must be willing to develop a partnership with Habitat and complete 250-400 hours of sweat equity which includes homeowner training classes; All prospective home buyers must attend an orientation meeting. Services BUILDING DECONSTRUCTION AND SALVAGE Building Deconstruction Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides partial dismantling of buildings slated for demolition and salvages building materials which are suitable for reuse in construction or rehabilitation projects. Sells salvaged materials to the general public. Chooses only select materials based on inspection; does NOT provide full dismantling and demolition. ELIGIBILITY: Homeowners or other building owners in Michigan; selection based on inspection by Habitat for Humanity. FEES: Vary; often none. Sites: 2 Volunteers are at least 18 years old, although 16 and 17-year-old youth volunteers may come if accompanied by one adult supervisor for every four youths. FEES: Families hold no-interest mortgages. Sites: 1 HANNAN FOUNDATION (THE) 4750 Woodward Ave. Detroit, MI 48201 RESTORE Building Materials/Supplies Donation Programs Donation Drop Off Points Donation Pickups Low Cost Building Materials/Supplies Thrift Shops SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a thrift shop offering low cost new and used building supplies, appliances and furniture. Accepts donations of the same for resale to the public at nominal prices.All donated items must be in good, saleable condition. Donations can be dropped off or picked up; if a donation is not deemed saleable, staff will reject the donation. All proceeds from the ReStore are used to support Habitat Detroit's home building projects. (313) 833-1300 Main (313) 833-1710 Fax Tim Wintermute, Executive Director Pat Baldwin, Program Coordinator Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: HANNAN HOUSE; LUELLA HANNAN MEMORIAL FOUNDATION SITE AREA SERVED: Serves Macomb, Oakland and Wayne Counties. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. SITE NOTES: Hannan House has limited parking behind the building for visitors to organizations and programs located at <continued...> 116 HANNAN FOUNDATION (THE)... Hannan House. Priority is given to those 60 years of age and older or those with disablity parking stickers. If attending a meeting at Hannan House, check with the host organization to see if parking is available at Hannan House for the meeting or if one of the nearby parking lots should be used. Patrons of the Hannan Cafe who under age 60 are not allowed to park in the Hannan lot. Other inexpensive parking is available within easy walking distance of Hannan House. Services ZENA BAUM SENIOR SERVICE CENTER Senior Centers Specialized Information and Referral * Older Adults SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Links seniors to services, resources and information. Provides courses, activities and events to enrich the lives of seniors as well as promote physical, mental and social well being. ELIGIBILITY: Seniors age 60 or older. FEES: Small fee for class registration and activities. HARTFORD MEMORIAL BAPTIST CHURCH 18700 James Couzens Fwy. Detroit, MI 48235 (313) 861-1202 Service/Intake - Hunger Task Food Pantry (313) 861-1300 Main Charles Gilchrist Adams, Pastor Virgil J. Young, Treasurer Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: AGAPE HOUSE; HARTFORD HUNGER TASK FORCE SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon, Wed, Fri, 11am-3pm. Services CONGREGATE MEALS/NUTRITION SITE Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Serves as a host site for the Detroit Area Agency on Aging's Senior Nutrition program. Offers a hot noon meal on weekdays. ELIGIBILITY: Seniors age 60 or older and their spouses. FEES: $2 donation. HARTFORD HEAD START AGENCY 14000 W Seven Mile Rd. Detroit, MI 48235 HUNGER TASK PANTRY Food Pantries (313) 861-1400 Main (313) 861-7095 Fax SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides fresh, boxed and canned emergency food items including meat when available. ELIGIBILITY: Must have a referral from Michigan Department of Human Services caseworker. FEES: None. Gloria Lewis, Program Director Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Thu 7am-5pm, Fri 8am-12noon. SENIOR CENTER Senior Centers Services HEAD START Head Start SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers recreational, leisure and enrichment activities for older adults residing in Detroit. ELIGIBILITY: Seniors age 60 or older. FEES: None. SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides educational experiences, medical and dental services, nutritional meals, counseling and opportunities for parental involvement to help prepare children to enter and succeed in school. Offers full-day or half-day programs. ELIGIBILITY: Children age three or four by December 1st from income eligible families (at or below 135% of federal income guidelines) or child has a disability or child is in foster care. Must reside in Detroit. To qualify for full-day program, parents must work or be enrolled as a full-time student. FEES: None. TUTORING SERVICES Tutoring Services SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers afterschool tutoring for children in grades K-12. ELIGIBILITY: Children in grades K-12. FEES: None. HEALTH INSURANCE PROGRAM FOR MICHIGAN 1400 E Michigan Ave. Physicians Health Plan Lansing, MI 48912 PO Box 30377 Lansing, MI 48909 (517) 364-8400 Main (877) 459-3113 Toll Free - Customer Service <continued...> 117 HEALTH INSURANCE PROGRAM FOR MICHIGAN... (517) 364-8416 Fax required. Priority will be given to households with children under the age of 18, households with a senior age 65 and older, or households that include an individual who is physically disabled. ELIGIBILITY: Households with income at or below 60% of the current State Median Level, or approximately: Mary Anne Sesti, PHP Government Programs OTHER NAMES: HEALTH INSURANCE PLAN FOR MICHIGAN; HIP MICHIGAN; HIP-MI SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. 1 person family - $22,911 2 person family - $29,961 3 person family - $37,010 4 person family - $44,060 5 person family - $51,109 6 person family - $58,159 Services ADULT STATE/LOCAL HEALTH INSURANCE PROGRAM Adult State/Local Health Insurance Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides affordable health coverage for people who are otherwise unable to purchase health coverage due to pre-existing conditions. Program established by the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) in response to the Affordable Care Act. ELIGIBILITY: Must be a Michigan resident and U.S. citizen or lawfully present in the U.S.; must have been uninsured for six months; must have been denied health insurance coverage due to a health condition or; must have a provider certified medical condition. FEES: Monthly Premiums. Households with zero annual income are NOT eligible. Total amount owed cannot exceed $4000 for combined accounts or $2000 for single accounts. Must be a residential account, commercial accounts are ineligible. If the account is in the spouse's name, the spouse must be present at the time of appointment. The applicant must pay any applicable illegal or unauthorized usage charges and security fees before THAW commitment or payment can be made. If service is not restored within 30 days of THAW commitment, THAW funds will be removed from the account. FEES: Co-pays are generally required in the following amounts: HEAT AND WARMTH FUND (THE) 607 Shelby Suite 400 Detroit, MI 48226 (313) 226-9465 Main (800) 866-8429 Toll Free - 800-866-THAW (313) 963-2777 Fax For utility bills up to $2500 - $450 combined/$225 single For utility bills over $2500 - 20% of the total amount owing HEMOPHILIA FOUNDATION OF MICHIGAN Henry Tokarz, Vice President Finance and Operations Bill Sullivan, Vice President OTHER NAMES: THAW 1921 W Michigan Ave. Ypsilanti, MI 48197 (734) 544-0015 Main (800) 482-3041 Toll Free (734) 544-0095 Fax SITE AREA SERVED: Serves all of Michigan excluding Alcona, Alger, Alpena, Arenac, Bay, Berrien, Cass, Cheboygan, Clare, Clinton, Crawford, Eaton, Genesee, Gladwin, Gratiot, Ingham, Ionia, Iosco, Lake, Manistee, Marquette, Mason, Midland, Montcalm, Montmorency, Newaygo, Ogemaw, Oscoda, Presque Isle, Saginaw, Shiawasee, and Van Buren counties. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. Ivan C. Harner, Executive Director OTHER NAMES: HFM; HFMICH SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. Services Services VULNERABLE HOUSEHOLD WARMTH FUND (VHWF) Electric Service Payment Assistance Gas Service Payment Assistance Heating Fuel Payment Assistance SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides financial assistance for payment of past due utility bills to vulnerable individuals and families who are at risk of having their utility services shut off. Co-pays may be DISEASE/DISABILITY INFORMATION FOR HEMOPHILIA Disease/Disability Information * Hemophilia SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides information about the etiology, symptoms, preventive measures, screening/diagnostic procedures, and methods of treatment or management for Hemophilia. <continued...> 118 HEMOPHILIA FOUNDATION OF MICHIGAN... ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. SPECIALIZED INFORMATION AND REFERRAL FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH HEMOPHILIA Specialized Information and Referral * Hemophilia SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Maintains information about community resources that are appropriate for individuals with Hemophilia and bleeding disorders. Keeps a library of resources on a variety of bleeding disorder topics. Maintains a library of local agencies and resources. These may include the need for basic assistance such as food and clothing, work advocacy, legal referrals, vocational training, medication assistance, and counseling. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH HEMOPHILIA Undesignated Temporary Financial Assistance SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides emergency financial assistance to consumers of HFM who find themselves in a temporary financial emergency. The funds can be accessed for such items as food, utility bills, rent, and car repair for individuals whose bleeding disorder impacts their income. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals with a bleeding disorder who reside in Michigan; indivduals must be consumers of Hemophilia Foundation of Michigan. Assistance is dependant on: severity of the need, the ability of applicant to change his or her financial standing, and the status of the Financial Aid Fund. Applicants must not have received financial aid from HFM in the past twelve months. FEES: None. SUPPORT GROUPS FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH HEMOPHILIA Health/Disability Related Support Groups * Hemophilia SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides mutual support groups for individuals affected by hemophilia to share information, practical tips for daily living and encouragement about issues related to the disease. Meetings are offered throughout the state. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals with Hemophilia and their friends and family. FEES: None. HELPLINE COUNSELING FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH HEMOPHILIA Helplines/Warmlines SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers confidential and anonymous counseling via a 24 hour crisis and resource hotline. Problem areas may include adjustment to illness, grief, or life's daily stressors. Individuals requiring in depth counseling will be referred to an appropriate clinician in their location. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. HENRY FORD COMMUNITY COLLEGE 5101 Evergreen Rd. Dearborn, MI 48128 (313) 845-9600 Main (313) 317-6527 Service/Intake - Child Activity Center (800) 585-4322 Toll Free SCHOLARSHIPS Scholarships Gail Mee, President Janice Cataldo, Early Childhood Director Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: HFCC SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Administers academic scholarships to individuals in the bleeding disorder community and their families to help defray the cost of higher education. Each program has its own eligibility criteria, open/close dates and required documents. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals within the bleeding disorder community who reside in the state of Michigan and who are seeking a higher education through a college, university, or trade school. FEES: None. Sites 1. DEARBORN HEIGHTS CENTER 22586 Ann Arbor Trl. Dearborn Heights, MI 48127 (313) 317-1500 Main SPECIAL INTEREST CAMPS FOR ADOLESCENTS WITH HEMOPHILIA Special Interest Camps SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers a specialized camp for children with hereditary bleeding disorders. Offers a variety of camp activities, including archery, arts and crafts, fishing, swimming, boating, nature exploration, and bleeding disorders education. ELIGIBILITY: Children age 6-16 with hereditary bleeding disorders. FEES: $500/week long camp session, includes room, board and activities. SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Thu 8am-7pm, Fri 8am-4:30pm. 2. HENRY FORD COMMUNITY COLLEGE 5101 Evergreen Rd. Dearborn, MI 48128 (313) 845-9600 Main (313) 317-1500 Service/Intake - Center for Lifelong Learning (313) 317-6527 Service/Intake - Child Activity Center (800) 585-4322 Toll Free Gail Mee, President Public transportation accessible. <continued...> 119 HENRY FORD COMMUNITY COLLEGE... SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-5pm 3. HUTCHINS MCMICHAELS MIDDLE SCHOOL TEEN HEALTH CENTER 6050 Linwood St. Detroit, MI 48208 Services COMMUNITY COLLEGE Community Colleges (313) 896-0268 Main (313) 896-0285 Fax SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a comprehensive curriculum which includes basic liberal arts and sciences or business with occupational, general education and adult education components. Awards an Associate in Arts (AA), Associate in Applied Science (AAS) or Associate in Business (AB) certificate to those who successfully complete the requirements. ELIGIBILITY: High school or GED graduates. FEES: $70 per credit hour (Dearborn School District); $130 (Out of District); other fees apply. Sites: 1 2 Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-4pm. Services CASE/CARE MANAGEMENT FOR OLDER ADULTS Case/Care Management * Older Adults Geriatric Medicine SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Develops a care plan for each client and provides medical and personal care. Offers recreational and therapeutic activities as well as routine specialty care such as foot care, dentistry and hearing services. Also provides prescription drugs, home delivered meals and transportation to and from the center and to specialized appointments. ELIGIBILITY: Seniors age 55 or older who reside in Detroit, Highland Park, Hamtramck, Redford, Harper Woods and the Grosse Pointes and require long-term medical and supportive services. FEES: Accepts Medicaid, Medicare and other third party payments. LANGUAGES: Interpretation services available. Sites: 1 HENRY FORD HEALTH SYSTEM One Ford Pl. Detroit, MI 48202 (800) 436-7936 Toll Free - 1-800-HENRYFORD Nancy Schlichting, President/CEO Public transportation accessible. Sites 1. CENTER FOR SENIOR INDEPENDENCE 7800 W Outer Dr. Suite 240 Detroit, MI 48235 HEALTH ALLIANCE FOR NEIGHBORHOOD KIDS (HANK) Adolescent/Adult Immunizations Childhood Immunizations General Physical Examinations Hearing Screening Mobile Health Care Vision Screening SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides mobile clinic services for children on a scheduled basis in Detroit neighborhoods. Offers health assessments, sports physicals, management of acute and chronic health conditions, immunizations, laboratory and diagnostic testing, vision and hearing screenings and referrals for individual and group counseling. ELIGIBILITY: Children birth through 18 years of age. FEES: Accepts all insurances. Children without insurance are provided with assistance in completing an online application to determine eligibility for Medicaid. No child is turned away for inability to pay. Sites: 2 (313) 653-2020 Main (800) 272-3900 Toll Free (800) 436-7936 Alternate Customer Service 1-800-HENRYFORD Laurie Crow, Executive Director SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. 2. HENRY FORD HEALTH SYSTEM One Ford Pl. Detroit, MI 48202 (313) 874-6881 Service/Intake - Sandcastles Program (800) 436-7936 Toll Free - 1-800-HENRYFORD Nancy Schlichting, President/CEO Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: 24 hours. SCHOOL HEALTH PROGRAMS School Health Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers physical examinations, medical referrals, social work services and health information. ELIGIBILITY: Middle and high school students who are uninsured or have Medicaid and live in Detroit. <continued...> 120 HENRY FORD HEALTH SYSTEM... FEES: Accepts Medicaid. None for uninsured. Sites: 3 Services CENTRAL INTAKE/ASSESSMENT FOR SUBSTANCE ABUSE Central Intake/Assessment for Substance Abuse SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Evaluates individuals who are in need of substance abuse services and provides an individulized assessment with referrals to programs that address the dependency as welll as medical concerns; housing; education; mental health; and, family and social relationships. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 13 and older. FEES: $95.00/CPS referrals; $85.00/all other assessments. Prices include a $20.00 charge for drug/alcohol screens. HOLY CROSS CHILDREN'S SERVICES 8759 Clinton-Macon Rd. Clinton, MI 49236 (517) 423-7455 Administrative (877) 424-6825 Toll Free - (877) HC-INTAKE (517) 423-2598 Fax Francis Boylan, Executive Director Paul Neitman, Director of Programs OTHER NAMES: BOYSVILLE; HCCS; HOLY CROSS CHILDRENS SERVICES COMPREHENSIVE OUTPATIENT SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT Comprehensive Outpatient Substance Abuse Treatment SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers a substance abuse education, treatment and support program for adults who are chemically dependent. Specializes in providing substance abuse services that are respectful of the ethnic, cultural and spiritual needs of the person served. Offers individual and group counseling, family and couples counseling. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 18 and older. A referral from Health Services Access is required for individuals who are uninsured. For self pay clients no referral is necessary. FEES: Accepts Medicaid. Self pay clients will be assessed on a sliding fee basis. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-4pm. Services FOSTER HOME PLACEMENT Foster Home Placement SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides foster home placement services to children who are abused and/or neglected, wards of the state and delinquent youth. Offers orientation and training for adults who wish to become foster parents. ELIGIBILITY: Children and adolescents age 0-17 referred by a county court or the Michigan Department of Youth Services. Private referrals may be considered. Foster parents must be 18 and older, be able to sustain themselves financially and pass a background check. FEES: Fees for children are paid through the Department of Youth Services or individual counties. COURT ORDERED DUI EVALUATIONS Court Ordered DUI Evaluations SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a court ordered assessment of individuals who have been convicted of driving under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol to evaluate the severity of their problem and make a recommendation to the court regarding appropriate treatment. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 16 and older. FEES: $145.00/assessment. HOME OF NEW VISION 3800 Packard Rd. Ann Arbor, MI 48108 (734) 975-1602 Main (800) 440-7548 Service/Intake - Health Services Access (734) 975-1604 Fax FAMILY SERVICES RELATED VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Family Services Related Volunteer Opportunities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers opportunities for volunteers to provide supervision for young children while their mothers or other caregivers are attending workshops, receiving counseling or participating in other agency programs. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 18 and older. FEES: None. Glynis Anderson, CEO Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: HNV SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan; some programs restricted to specific counties. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. Evenings and weekends by appointment. TRANSITIONAL HOUSING FOR WOMEN Transitional Housing/Shelter SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a six to twelve month live in program for chemically dependent women. Offers a safe and structured home style living environment for women that are committed to personal, spiritual and emotional growth. Offers relapse prevention, goal setting, spirituality and other groups that offer a wide variety of <continued...> 121 HOME OF NEW VISION... life skills education, along with weekly outpatient counseling. Emphasizes the utilization of abstinence based support groups such as Alcoholics and Narcotics Anonymous. ELIGIBILITY: Women age 18 and older with a primary diagnosis of substance abuse/dependency who have been free of substance use for three days and no currently taking any anti-psychotic medication. FEES: $350 entry fee; $130/week program fee. Lynne M Geller, Corporate Director of Government and Foundation Relations Sites 1. HOSPICE OF MICHIGAN 400 Mack Ave. Detroit, MI 48201 (313) 578-5000 Administrative (888) 247-5181 24-Hour Line - Admissions and Referral (313) 578-6388 Fax HORIZONS FOR THE BLIND 2 N Williams St. Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Dottie E Deremo, President/CEO Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm (Office Hours); 24 hours (Customer Service). (815) 444-8800 Main (800) 318-2000 Toll Free (815) 444-8830 Fax 2. SOUTHFIELD OFFICE 26957 Northwestern Hwy. Suite 120 Southfield, MI 48033 Camille Caffarelli, CEO SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-4:30pm. (248) 353-2070 Main (888) 247-5701 Toll Free - Admissions and Referrals (888) 466-7578 Fax Services BRAILLE MATERIALS/COLLECTIONS Braille Materials/Collections SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Publishes books and other reading materials in Braille, a system that uses raised dots to represent numerals and letters of the alphabet which can be identified by the fingers. Books are available for purchase. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: Prices vary for books and materials; call for more information. Renee Ruhl, Director SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-4:30pm (Office Hours); 24 hours (Customer Service). Services BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUPS General Bereavement Support Groups SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides support groups for individuals who have experienced the loss of a loved one in a safe and supportive environment while increasing their awareness of the grief process. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals who have lost a loved one. FEES: Donations accepted. Sites: 1 2 BRAILLE TRANSCRIPTION Braille Transcription SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Transfers materials that were originally written in English or another language into Braille, a system that uses raised dots to represent numerals and letters of the alphabet which can be identified by the fingers. Offers transcription services to a variety of agencies, including hotels, restaurants, large corporations and manufacturers. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: Fees vary based on material to be transcribed; call for more information. HOSPICE CARE Hospice Facilities In Home Hospice Care SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a full range of in-home and facility based supportive services for terminally ill individuals and their families. Services may include medical care, pain and symptom management, home nurse visitation, case management, emotional and spiritual support and bereavement services for the patient and members of the family. Offers services in hospital, nursing home and other institutional settings as well as residential. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals with a terminal illness in the final stages and their families. FEES: Accepts Medicaid, Medicare and other third party payments. Payment plans are available for uninsured. LANGUAGES: Interpretation services may be available. Sites: 1 2 HOSPICE OF MICHIGAN 400 Mack Ave. Detroit, MI 48201 (313) 578-5000 Administrative (888) 247-5181 24-Hour Line - Admissions and Referral (313) 578-6388 Fax Dottie E Deremo, President/CEO <continued...> 122 HOSPICE OF MICHIGAN... SPEAKERS/SPEAKERS BUREAU FOR DEATH AND DYING ISSUES Speakers/Speakers Bureaus * Death and Dying Issues SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides speakers for commercial and non-commerical organizations to talk to staff members about bereavement issues. Topics focus on different aspects of the grieving process. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: Donations accepted. Sites: 1 HUDA CLINIC HUB OF DETROIT (THE) SITE AREA SERVED: City of Detroit. SITE HOURS: Wed and Sat 9am-5pm. Thu 10am-2pm. SITE NOTES: Located within the Muslim Center of Detroit. 13240 Woodrow Wilson Detroit, MI 48238 (313) 865-8446 Main (313) 447-2627 Fax Mitchel Shamsud-Din, Chairman Zahid Sheikh, Medical Director OTHER NAMES: HEALTH UNIT ON DAVISON AVENUE; HUDA COMMUNITY CLINIC CCNDC Building 3611 Cass Ave. Detroit, MI 48201 Services (313) 879-5073 Main (313) 879-5072 Service/Intake - Programming COMMUNITY CLINIC Blood Pressure Screening Breast Examinations Chiropractic Cholesterol/Triglycerides Tests Community Clinics Diabetes Screening Eye Examinations General Laboratory Tests General Physical Examinations Prostatic Specific Antigen Blood Tests Vision Screening SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides comprehensive outpatient medical services, including general physical examinations, blood pressure screening, chiropractic services, cholesterol monitoring, diabetes screening, general eye exams, prostate cancer screening and breast exams to uninsured individuals. Provides free eye exams for uninsured individuals who are determined to be at risk for diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, and other eye diseases (by age, race and family history) and have not had an eye exam in 12 months or more. Lab services include glucose testing, occult blood, TB testing, urine dipstick, hemoglobin, beta-hCG and microscopic services. Also offers health education for disease prevention and social workers are available for consultation. ELIGIBILITY: Uninsured individuals. FEES: None. LANGUAGES: Arabic. Jason Fielder Darrin Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: BACK ALLEY BIKES SITE AREA SERVED: City of Detroit. SITE HOURS: Tue-Sat 10am-6pm; Sun Noon-2pm; Volunteer Wed-Thu 6pm-8pm. Services BICYCLE REPAIR Bicycle Repair Sports Equipment Donation Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides several programs for different age groups for learning to build and repair bicycles. The "Earn a Bike" program teaches youth (aged 8-16) about all the components of a bicycles. Upon completion of the program, the participants have built their own bike, which they keep. The "Mechanics in Training" program offers a limited number of internships for adolescents (aged 14-18) to learn about bicycle repair. The "Adult Mechanics Class" program provides adult classes in bicycle repair. In addition, all age groups can attend bike art workshops in which participants learn to decorate their bicycles. Also repairs and donates bikes to local organizations. Accepts used bikes, parts, and accessories. ELIGIBILITY: "Earn a Bike" program: individuals age 8-16. "Mechanics in Training" program: individuals age 14-18. "Learn a Bike" program: individuals age 18 and older. FEES: None. HUMANE SOCIETY OF HURON VALLEY 3100 Cherry Hill Rd. Ann Arbor, MI 48105 (734) 662-5585 Main (734) 662-0749 Fax Tanya Hilgendorf, Executive Director Jenny Paillon, Director of Operations OTHER NAMES: HSHV <continued...> 123 HUMANE SOCIETY OF HURON VALLEY... SITE AREA SERVED: Washtenaw County, Plymouth and Canton. SITE HOURS: Shelter: Mon-Fri 12noon-6pm; Intake: Mon-Fri 9am-11am and 12noon-5:30pm. Sites 1. HUNTINGTON'S DISEASE SOCIETY OF AMERICA 505 Eighth Ave. Suite 902 New York, NY 10018 Services (212) 242-1968 Main (800) 325-4372 Toll Free (212) 239-3430 Fax ANIMAL ADOPTION Animal Adoption SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Places stray and homeless domestic pets with people who are willing to provide for their care. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 21 and older. FEES: Adoption fees range from $35-$100/cat, $100-$225/dog, and $10-$50/smaller animals. Call for more information. Senior citizens are eligible for a discount or eligible for free adoption if adopting a senior animal. Louise Vetter, CEO SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. 2. HUNTINGTON'S DISEASE SOCIETY OF AMERICA MICHIGAN CHAPTER 1174 James Savage Rd. Midland, MI 48640 (989) 832-4170 Main (800) 909-0073 Toll Free - Help Line (989) 832-4171 Fax VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Animal Services Volunteer Opportunities Construction/Home Maintenance Volunteer Opportunities Special Event Support Volunteer Opportunities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers a variety of volunteer opportunities to aid the mission of agency. Includes activities like dog walking, cat cuddling, shelter cleaning, assistance with special events, landscaping and lawn maintenance, and animal fostering. Accepts some types of court-ordered community service volunteers. ELIGIBILITY: Volunteers must be 18 years of age or older for volunteer positions requiring direct contact with the animals. Youth ages 16-17 years old may volunteer for other activities. Youth ages 12-15 years old may volunteer working directly with a parent. Court-ordered community service volunteers must be at least 18 years or older. FEES: None. David Stickles, President SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. Services DISEASE/DISABILITY INFORMATION FOR HUNTINGTON'S DISEASE Disease/Disability Information * Huntington's Disease SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides information about the etiology, symptoms, preventive measures, screening/diagnostic procedures, and methods of treatment or management for Huntington's Disease. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. Sites: 1 2 HEALTH RELATED SUPPORT GROUPS FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH HUNTINGTON'S DISEASE Health/Disability Related Support Groups * Huntington's Disease SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers affiliated support groups across the state of Michigan. These groups generally meet on a monthly basis and provide individuals with Huntington's Disease and their families the opportunity to learn more about this condition and its management. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. Sites: 2 HUNTINGTON'S DISEASE SOCIETY OF AMERICA 505 Eighth Ave. Suite 902 New York, NY 10018 (212) 242-1968 Main (800) 325-4372 Toll Free (212) 239-3430 Fax Louise Vetter, CEO OTHER NAMES: SPECIALIZED INFORMATION AND REFERRAL FOR PERSONS WITH HUNTINGTON'S DISEASE Specialized Information and Referral * Huntington's Disease SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Maintains information about community resources that are appropriate for individuals with Huntington's Disease. Provides help finding experienced doctors and neurologists, resources for in-home help, placement, or respite care, and state and nationwide resources for individuals with Huntington's Disease and their families. HDSA <continued...> 124 HUNTINGTON'S DISEASE SOCIETY OF AMERICA... ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. Sites: 2 SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. Services DISABILITY ADVOCACY Individual Advocacy INDEPENDENT BUS COMPANY SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers referrals and access to an advocate who will provide free representation to assist individuals in obtaining disability benefits. ELIGIBILITY: Resident of the State of Michigan with a medical condition that prevents them from work in some form. FEES: None. OTHER NAMES: COACH USA; MEGABUS.COM; STAGECOACH GROUP INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 349 First St. Elizabeth, NJ 07206 (908) 354-3330 Administrative (877) 462-6342 Service/Intake - 1-877-GO2-MEGA SITE AREA SERVED: Parts of midwestern United States. SITE HOURS: Seven Days 7am-11pm. SITE NOTES: Bus stops in Ann Arbor and Detroit. Chicago is the hub to all other cities in the midwestern United States. 1111 Constitution Ave. NW Washington, DC 20024-8008 (800) 829-1040 Main Toll Free - Questions During Tax Season (800) 829-4477 Toll Free - Income Tax Refund Status Services OTHER NAMES: LONG DISTANCE BUS SERVICES Long Distance Bus Services SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides daily transit services at reduced rates for bus travel in the midwestern United States. Accepts up to one piece of standard size luggage per passenger and one small piece of luggage that fits in overhead storage compartment. Chicago is the connecting hub for all travel originating in Ann Arbor or Detroit. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 18 and older must make reservations. All children under age 17 must be accompanied by an individual age 17 or older. FEES: Fares vary by reservation date, day of travel and demand for seats. Some one-way fares start as low as $1.00. One child under the age of two years may be carried free (per reservation). Accepts ONLY credit cards as method of payment. LANGUAGES: Spanish. IRS Sites 1. INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE - MICHIGAN DISTRICT OFFICE 500 Woodward Ave. Detroit, MI 48226 (877) 777-4778 Toll Free - Taxpayer Advocate Line (800) 829-4477 Toll Free - For income tax refund status (800) 829-1040 Toll Free - For questions during tax season SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. Closed major holidays. Services FEDERAL TAX INFORMATION/FORMS General Federal Income Tax Information Tax Forms Taxpayer Information Lines SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides general information about the federal tax obligations of individuals and telephone information for taxpayers that want to listen to prerecorded information about any of a variety of tax type information including how to order tax forms, check the status of their refund, establish a monthly payment plan for outstanding tax liabilities, get information about available tax assistance programs, obtain assistance in completing their tax forms or request information or assistance on other related issues. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: Information and telephone help line are free. Sites: 1 INFORMATION CENTER (THE) - THE FAMILY RESOURCE PLACE 20500 Eureka Rd. Suite 110 Taylor, MI 48180 (734) 282-7171 Main (734) 282-7105 Fax Edward D'Angelo, Executive Director SITE AREA SERVED: Serves Monroe County and all of Wayne County, excluding the cities of Detroit, Grosse Pointe, Grosse Pointe Farms, Grosse Pointe Park, Grosse Pointe Shores and Grosse Pointe Woods, Hamtramack and Highland Park. <continued...> 125 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE... apply for previous years tax statements if lost due to a disaster. ELIGIBILITY: Businesses and individuals that have been victim of a federally declared disaster or emergency that have lost all of their possessions and can not pay their taxes. FEES: None. Sites: 1 FREEFILE Online Tax Preparation/E-Filing Sites SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides free federal income tax preparation and electronic filing for eligible taxpayers through a partnership between the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the Free File Alliance LLC, a group of private sector tax software companies. Individuals choose a company with which to file and submit income tax information online. ELIGIBILITY: Must have an Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) of $57,000 or less. Some companies have additional AGI, age and state restrictions. Be sure to check for all eligibility restrictions or fees may apply. FEES: No fees for federal tax filing for eligible individuals; some state filing fees may apply. A link to each company's website allows individuals to check for state fees. LANGUAGES: Spanish. Sites: 1 INTERNATIONAL HEARING SOCIETY 16880 Middlebelt Rd. Suite 4 Livonia, MI 48154 (734) 522-7200 Main (800) 521-5247 Toll Free - Hearing Aid Helpline (734) 522-0200 Fax Kathleen Mennillo, Executive Director Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: IHS; NATIONAL HEARING AID SOCIETY TAX APPEALS FILING ASSISTANCE Tax Appeals Filing Assistance SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Assists individuals with filing appeals with the IRS and/or represents them in appeals hearings in situations where they disagree with a decision by a tax examiner regarding the assessment of business taxes, personal income taxes, bank and corporate taxes, sales taxes, property taxes or other taxes, their eligibility for special tax credits or exemptions, or the administration of tax rebate programs. Program will also assist those facing a hardship when taxes are involved. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals and/or businesses that need assistance with resolving tax problems with the IRS. FEES: None. Sites: 1 SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. Services SPECIALIZED INFORMATION AND REFERRAL FOR PERSONS WITH HEARING LOSS Specialized Information and Referral * Hearing Loss SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides information and referrals on national and local community resources related to all aspects of hearing loss. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. TAX COLLECTION AGENCY Federal Tax Collection Agencies SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Assures that taxpayers, organizations of taxpayers and organizations which serve taxpayers receive the most current information regarding their tax obligations and rights as established by the federal tax system. Duties include informing the public of its rights and responsibilities, communicating requirements of the law to the public, assisting taxpayers in complying with the laws and regulations, and taking those enforcement actions necessary for fair, effective and impartial tax administration. FEES: None. Sites: 1 JACKETS FOR JOBS 5555 Conner St. Suite 2097 Detroit, MI 48213 (313) 579-9160 Main (313) 579-9180 Fax Alison Vaughn, CEO SITE AREA SERVED: City of Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm; Sat by appointment. Services PROFESSIONAL BUSINESS CLOTHING DONATIONS Clothing Donation Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Accepts donations of suits, shirts, blouses, shoes, jewelry, scarves, purses, and unopened panty hose. Clothing should be clean and on hangers. May offer pick-up service depending on geographical area. FEES: Monetary donations also accepted. TAX RELIEF IN DISASTER SITUATIONS General Federal Income Tax Information SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides information and guidance for individuals who need to understand the federal tax laws as they apply to individuals in emergency situations. Individuals can apply for advanced tax refunds, or program can reduce penalties on outstanding taxes. Individuals and businesses can <continued...> 126 JACKETS FOR JOBS... attend workshop before becoming eligible for one-on-one business consultation. FEES: Workshop fees: No fees for JEBA service area, $10 for Detroit residents, $35 for outside Detroit. No charge for consultation after workshop attendance. WORK CLOTHING FOR WOMEN Work Clothing SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides interview-quality business clothing for economically disadvantaged women, as well as training seminars to build self-confidence and prepare them to successfully enter the work force. Volunteers act as personal shoppers to help each client select the most appropriate clothing and accessories available. All clients receive one free, fully accessorized business outfit for job interviews, plus two outfits when a job is secured. ELIGIBILITY: Low-income female residents of Detroit. FEES: None. JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER OF METROPOLITAN DETROIT Dan and Betty Kahn Building Applebaum Jewish Community Campus 6600 W Maple Rd. West Bloomfield, MI 48322 (248) 661-1000 Main (248) 432-5540 Fax WORKSHOPS FOR WOMEN ON JOB RELATED TOPICS Workshops/Symposiums * Employment Issues SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers workshops and lectures to women who are seeking employment. Workshops and lectures focus on how to obtain employment, interviewing skills, proper business attire, and self esteem. ELIGIBILITY: Women seeking employment. FEES: Most events are free; call for more information. Mark A Lit, Executive Director Tal Siegmann, Director, Center Day Camps OTHER NAMES: JCC Sites 1. JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER OF METROPOLITAN DETROIT Applebaum Jewish Community Campus 6600 W Maple Rd. West Bloomfield, MI 48322 JEFFERSON EAST BUSINESS ASSOCIATION (248) 661-1000 Main (248) 432-5540 Fax 14628 E Jefferson Ave. Detroit, MI 48215 Mark A Lit, Executive Director SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Thu 5:30am-9pm, Fri 5:30am-6pm, Sat-Sun 6am-6pm. (313) 331-7939 Main (313) 331-0311 Fax Joshua R. Elling, Executive Director Sheila Jackson OTHER NAMES: JEBA 2. JIMMY PRENTIS MORRIS BUILDING 15110 W Ten Mile Rd. Oak Park, MI 48237 SITE AREA SERVED: Primarily the Jefferson East area which is St. Jean to the west, Alter and the Detroit border to the east, Charlevoix to the north, and the Detroit River to the South. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. (248) 967-4030 Main (248) 967-0060 Fax Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Thu, 5:30am-10pm, Fri 5:30am-4:30pm, Sat 1pm-7pm and Sun 7am-6pm. Services BUSINESS ASSISTANCE CENTER Business Assistance Centers SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides services, including counseling, training, research, and advocacy, to start-up and existing businesses in the Detroit Metro area. Partners with The Michigan Small Business & Technology Development Center Region 9 to offer small business development workshops such as Fundamentals of Starting a Business and provides one-on-one counseling by appointment after completion of workshop. ELIGIBILITY: Owners/operators of businesses in the Jefferson East Area primarily, but open to business owners in Detroit area or Michigan in general. Must Services CONGREGATE MEALS/NUTRITION SITE FOR OLDER ADULTS Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides seniors with a hot, Kosher lunch and a chance to socialize with others. Several times a month a concert is given during lunch. ELIGIBILITY: Seniors age 60 or older. FEES: $2.75/meal for members of the Jewish Community Center. $3.75/meal for non-members. Sites: 2 <continued...> 127 JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER OF METROPOLITAN... DAY CAMPS Day Camps JEWISH SENIOR LIFE OF METROPOLITAN DETROIT SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers a variety of day camp sessions in a Jewish setting to young children, youth and teens including those with special needs. Provides creative experiences through both indoor and/or outdoor recreational activities such as swimming, travel, sports and arts and crafts. Transportation to and from camp is provided within Oakland County. ELIGIBILITY: Children ages 2-1/2 to 14 years. FEES: Varies by program selected. Scholarships available. Sites: 1 15000 W Ten Mile Rd. Oak Park, MI 48237 (248) 661-1836 Main (248) 967-6857 Fax Rochelle Upfal, CEO Beth Tryon, Executive Assistant Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: JAS; JEWISH APARTMENTS AND SERVICES; JEWISH HOME AND AGING SERVICES; JEWISH HOME FOR THE AGED; JHAS EXERCISE CLASSES/GROUPS Exercise Classes/Groups Fitness Equipment and Accessories SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a variety of exercise classes for children and adults at all levels. Classes include aerobics, strength training, yoga, spinning, and water classes. Offers access to fitness equipment including: exercise bikes, step machines, treadmills, weight benches, weight equipment, and other gear used to improve physical fitness. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: Fees vary by class. Sites: 1 2 Sites 1. EUGENE AND MARCIA APPLEBAUM JEWISH COMMUNITY CAMPUS 6710 W Maple Rd. West Bloomfield, MI 48322 (248) 661-2999 Main (248) 661-1628 Fax Barbara Giles, Administrator SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. 2. JEWISH SENIOR LIFE OF METROPOLITAN DETROIT 15000 W Ten Mile Rd. Oak Park, MI 48237 PRESCHOOL AND CHILD CARE CENTER Child Care Centers Preschools SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers fully licensed and accredited child care programs for infants, toddlers, and preschool aged children. Curriculum includes music, movement, swimming, cooking, science, art, computers and age-appropriate gross motor areas. ELIGIBILITY: Children age 2 months to 5 years. Children in preschool program must be potty trained. A select number of openings available for special needs children. FEES: Fees vary based on program, number of days and length of day. Sites: 1 (248) 661-1836 Main (248) 967-6857 Fax Rochelle Upfal, CEO Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. 3. THE DOROTHY AND PETER BROWN CENTER 6720 W Maple Rd. West Bloomfield, MI 48322 (248) 661-2999 Main (248) 661-3214 Fax RECREATION CENTER Recreation Centers Barbra Giles, Administrator SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers a variety of recreational facilities including an aerobics studio; aquatic center; fitness center; gymnasium; meeting rooms; sauna and steam room; and whirlpool. Offers an organized program of activities for community residents of all ages and provides all necessary equipment. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: Membership fees apply based on age. Call for more information. Sites: 1 2 Services ADMINISTRATIVE ENTITY Administrative Entities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Serves as the headquarters for Jewish Senior Life of Metropolitan Detroit and provides services that plan, organize and control the activities of the organization but which offer no direct services to the public except peripheral administrative services like training, community awareness programs or materials and research. Sites: 2 <continued...> 128 JEWISH SENIOR LIFE OF METROPOLITAN... DOROTHY AND PETER BROWN ADULT DAY CARE PROGRAM Adult Day Program Centers SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a day program for seniors who have Alzheimer's disease. Program includes: health monitoring, kosher meals and snacks, religious and cultural support, socialization and recreation, and therapeutic activities. ELIGIBILITY: Seniors who have Alzheimer's disease and other dementia related disorders. FEES: Fees apply; call for more information. Sites: 3 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Community Development Corporations SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers programs that improve the quality of life in neighborhoods and surrounding areas. HOLOCAUST SURVIVORS AND FAMILIES Holocaust Counseling SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides counseling to meet the psychosocial and emotional needs of aging Jewish Holocaust survivors and their families. Provides individual, family and group counseling. ELIGIBILITY: Jewish Holocaust survivors and their families. Sites: 1 JUNIOR LEAGUE OF DETROIT 32 Lake Shore Rd. Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 48236 (313) 881-0040 Main (313) 881-9813 Fax Ann Turnbull, President OTHER NAMES: JLD SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon 10am-4pm, Wed 10am-6pm, Fri 10am-4pm. Services SERVICE CLUB Service Clubs Volunteer Development JOY SOUTHFIELD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 18917 Joy Rd. Detroit, MI 48228 SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Seeks to maximize the effective utilization of volunteer resources in the community and encourage the participation of individuals who want to offer their services. Focus is on elevating the lives of children in the Detroit community. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 21 and older. FEES: Annual membership dues are $150 plus a one time Provisional Course fee. (313) 581-7773 Main (313) 966-0626 Service/Intake David Law, Executive Director Barbara Sledge, Operations Manager OTHER NAMES: JOY SOUTHFIELD CDC JVS SITE AREA SERVED: Cody-Rouge areas of Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. 29699 Southfield Rd. Southfield, MI 48076 Services (248) 559-5000 Main (248) 559-0773 Fax (248) 559-5145 TDD/TTY JOY SOUTHFIELD HEALTH AND EDUCATION CENTER Adolescent/Adult Immunizations Community Clinics Diabetes Screening General Physical Examinations SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers primary care, screening, prevention, education and chronic disease management programs. Must sign in 30 minutes before closing to be seen same day. No STD, mental health or substance abuse testing or treatment offered. ELIGIBILITY: Low-income residents of Cody-Rouge areas of Detroit. FEES: None. Barbara Nurenberg, President and CEO Kim Graziosi, Communications Director OTHER NAMES: JEWISH VOCATIONAL SERVICES <continued...> 129 JVS... compensated employment. ELIGIBILITY: Residents of Detroit age 18 and older who are homeless or living in a shelter, who are single, and who do not have dependent children. FEES: None. Sites: 1 Sites 1. DETROIT OFFICE 4250 Woodward Ave. Detroit, MI 48201 (313) 833-8100 Main (313) 833-3393 Fax (313) 833-8321 TDD/TTY KELLY HEINZ-GRUNDNER BRAIN TUMOR FOUNDATION (THE) Barbara Nurenberg, President and CEO SITE AREA SERVED: Macomb, Oakland and Wayne counties. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-4:30pm. 300 Water St. Wilmington, DE 19801-3024 (302) 427-2280 Main (302) 427-2256 Fax 2. JVS 29699 Southfield Rd. Southfield, MI 48076 Chris Grunder, President (248) 559-5000 Main (248) 559-0773 Fax (248) 559-5145 TDD/TTY SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. Services Barbara Nurenberg, President and CEO SITE AREA SERVED: Macomb, Oakland and Wayne counties. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. DISEASE/DISABILITY INFORMATION FOR BRAIN TUMORS Disease/Disability Information * Brain Tumors SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides information and emotional support to individuals and families of individuals with brain tumors. Also provides support through raising national awareness of brain tumors and advanced research, targeted at preventative measures and increased potential for patient treatment options. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. Services JVS FORECLOSURE PREVENTION EDUCATION PROGRAM HUD Approved Counseling Agencies Mortgage Delinquency and Default Counseling SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers a foreclosure prevention education program to help individuals explore options who are unable to pay their mortgage, have received a foreclosure letter or need information about Federal and State assistance programs. Program is offered by MSHDA and HUD certified counselors. ELIGIBILITY: State of Michigan residents. FEES: None. Sites: 2 HEALTH RELATED ADVOCACY GROUP FOR BRAIN TUMORS Health Related Advocacy Groups * Brain Tumors SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Advocates for advanced brain tumor research, targeted at determining the causes, possible preventative measures and the potential for patient specific treatment options. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. CAREER INITIATIVE CENTER (CIC) Vocational Rehabilitation SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a "one-stop" vocational center for single men and women who are homeless with the goal of removing barriers that prevent participants from becoming self-sufficient and employed. Programs include Job Placement Services, a four phase program that teaches basic computer skills, Internet navigation, resume and cover letter writing, job application completion, interviewing skills and job search techniques. Also offers Fast Track Employment for individuals with less than six months of unemployment; Transitional Job Placement which provides participants with entry level on-the-job training lasting from six months to a year; an Internship Program that provides workplace exposure to entry-level employment for unemployed, never employed, and/or disadvantaged participants; and Janitorial Training, which provides participants with a curriculum based training program and on-the-job KIM LOGAN COMMUNICATIONS 8313 Grand River Detroit, MI 48204 (313) 898-8200 Main (313) 898-2232 Fax Kim Logan-Nowlin, President OTHER NAMES: Christian Family Counseling Clinic SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. Or by appointment. <continued...> 130 KIM LOGAN COMMUNICATIONS... Services Services GENERAL COUNSELING SERVICES General Counseling Services SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides emotional support, information and guidance to help people resolve whatever personal or interpersonal difficulties they are experiencing. The counselors utilize biblical principles to provide one-on-one and group counseling sessions and can address any issue that is troubling the individual, but does not specialize in the treatment of any particular problem area. FEES: Sliding fee scale based on income and other factors. Private health insurance. SUICIDE PREVENTION HOTLINE Suicide Prevention Hotlines SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides telephone crisis intervention services for individuals who are having suicidal feelings with the objective of exploring alternatives to self harm or self destruction. Individuals who call the hotline are immediately connected to a certified crisis center nearest to their calling location. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. LANGUAGES: Spanish. VET2VET CRISIS HOTLINE Mental Health Hotlines Suicide Prevention Hotlines SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides telephone crisis intervention services for returning armed forces men and women from previous conflicts and wars. Callers will be connected to a peer and provided immediate help and access to local health and welfare resources. Assistance also available to help callers navigate the VA system to access additional mental health resources. ELIGIBILITY: Military personnel and veterans returning home from previous conflicts and wars. FEES: None. KIWANIS CLUB INTERNATIONAL 3636 Woodview Trace Indianapolis, IN 46268 (317) 875-8755 Main (800) 549-2647 Toll Free (317) 879-0204 Fax Don Canaday, President SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:45pm. KROGER Services 1014 Vine St. Cincinnati, OH 45202 VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Administration Volunteer Opportunities Education Volunteer Opportunities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides volunteer opportunities working with children, promoting literacy, and working in the organization's thrift stores. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 18 and older. FEES: None. David Dillon, CEO KRISTIN BROOKS HOPE CENTER ADMINISTRATIVE ENTITY Administrative Entities (513) 762-4000 Main - Corporate Headquarters SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. Services SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Serves as the headquarters for Kroger stores. Plans, organizes and controls the activities of the organization. 1250 Twenty-Fourth St. NW Suite 300 Washington, DC 20037 (202) 536-3200 Administrative (800) 784-2432 Service/Intake Spanish Speaking Suicide Hotline (800) 442-4673 Service/Intake Suicide Hotline 1-800-SUICIDE (877) 838-2838 Toll Free - VET2VET Crisis Hotline LADIES AUXILIARY OF THE MILITARY ORDER OF THE PURPLE HEART 477 Michigan Ave. Suite 1400 Detroit, MI 48226 (800) 827-1000 Main (313) 382-2597 Service/Intake Reese Butler, President/CEO OTHER NAMES: KBHC default.aspx SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: 24 hours. Jane Stoel, National Ladies Auxiliary President Noreen Barnard, LAMOPH Department Secretary OTHER NAMES: LADIES AUXILIARY, MILITARY <continued...> 131 LADIES AUXILIARY OF THE MILITARY ORDER... benefits; and guide pro per litigants through domestic, housing and other civil actions. Unable to assist with criminal matters and cases involving traffic violations. ELIGIBILITY: Low-income individuals and families, seniors age 60 or older. Eligible callers may receive immediate legal advice; ineligible callers may be referred to private bar attorneys. FEES: None. LANGUAGES: French, German and Spanish. Offers an interpreter service for many other languages. Sites: 1 ORDER OF THE PURPLE HEART; LAMOPH; LAMOPH SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. Services AUXILIARY Auxiliaries SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides assistance, usually in the form of donations or volunteer services, to the military, veterans and their families. ELIGIBILITY: Lineal descendents of a Purple Heart recipient, even if they are not members themselves. FEES: None. LAKEWOOD MANOR HOUSING 14200 Kercheval St. Detroit, MI 48215 FRIENDLY VISITING Friendly Visiting SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides volunteers to visit members of the military, veterans or their families who are hospitalized or in another institutional setting or who are socially isolated due to disability or age. ELIGIBILITY: Active duty military, veterans and their family members. FEES: None. (313) 821-0469 Main (800) 274-3583 Crisis (313) 963-7829 After Hours Transportation between 8pm-10pm inside City of Detroit. SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. Services LAKESHORE LEGAL AID 21885 Dunham Rd. Suite 4 Clinton Township, MI 48036 LOW INCOME/SUBSIDIZED PRIVATE RENTAL HOUSING Low Income/Subsidized Private Rental Housing SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Manages privately owned rental housing that is made available to low-income families who are homeless at reduced rates based on a contract with MSHDA. Subsidies are paid directly to the owner of the property who rents units to income-eligible families who are homeless. ELIGIBILITY: Homeless families with children. Must obtain referral from Family Service. FEES: 30% of income. (586) 469-5185 Main (888) 783-8190 Toll Free William R Knight, Jr, Executive Director Teresa Henson Fiehn, Comptroller OTHER NAMES: LAKESHORE LEGAL AID OMBUDSMAN PROGRAM Sites LATIN AMERICANS FOR SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 1. COUNSEL AND ADVOCACY LAW LINE OFFICE 16130 Northland Dr. Southfield, MI 48075 4138 W Vernor Hwy. Detroit, MI 48209 (248) 443-8068 Administrative (888) 783-8190 Toll Free (313) 554-2025 Main (313) 554-2242 Fax (800) 649-3777 TDD/TTY Kari Deming, Director SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Thu 9am-3pm. Horacio Vargas, Jr., Director Ruben Acosta, President Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: LA SED Services COUNCIL AND ADVOCACY LAW LINE (CALL) Legal Information Lines SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers an attorney-staffed telephone advice and brief legal services system serving low income and senior people throughout much of Michigan. CALL attorneys help to resolve consumer, education, employment, health and housing disputes; secure and protect public <continued...> 132 LATIN AMERICANS FOR SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC... LANGUAGES: Spanish. Sites: 2 Sites 1. LATIN AMERICANS FOR SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 4138 W Vernor Hwy. Detroit, MI 48209 HISPANIC ADVOCACY GROUP Ethnic Advocacy Groups SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers advocacy support services to the Latino community. Sponsors neighborhood development projects and works within the community to promote and support Latino businesses. Recently, co-sponsored the The Family Unity Tour in Detroit where testimonies were provided from ICE raid victims and their families, which generated renewed commitment from congressmen present to immigration reform. In the Detroit school system, works to ensure proportionate hiring of Latino administrators and advocates on behalf of students. Finally, advocates for employees who have been taken advantage of by their employers because of their immigrant status. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. LANGUAGES: Spanish. Sites: 1 (313) 554-2025 Main (313) 554-2242 Fax (800) 649-3777 TDD/TTY Horacio Vargas, Jr., Director Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Southwest Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. SITE NOTES: Public transportation available by bus 49. 2. YOUTH CENTER 7150 W Vernor Hwy. Detroit, MI 48209 (313) 841-1430 Main (313) 554-3246 Fax LANGUAGE TRANSLATION Language Translation SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers Spanish translation of documents and explanation of the meaning of documents written in English to individuals whose reading proficiency in English is inadequate. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 18 and older. FEES: $15/page. LANGUAGES: Spanish. Sites: 1 Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Southwest Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-6pm; gym open Tues-Fri 3pm-7pm. SITE NOTES: Public transportation available on Crosstown, Dexter and Woodward bus routes. Services AFTERSCHOOL TUTORING Tutoring Services SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides one-on-one academic tutoring services to children in the areas of language arts, math, science and social studies. ELIGIBILITY: Children from low-income families age 13-18 who reside in Detroit. FEES: None. LANGUAGES: Spanish. Sites: 2 SUMMER LEADERSHIP PROGRAM Summer Youth Employment Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers weekly training and support services to students ages 14-17 who seek to apply and participate in the City of Detroit's Summer Employment Youth Training Program. Funding is provided through the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) of the United States Department of Labor. ELIGIBILITY: Low-income youth ages 14-17 who are residents of Detroit. FEES: None. LANGUAGES: Spanish. Sites: 2 CITIZENSHIP EDUCATION Citizenship Education SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Prepares individuals to take the oath of U.S. citizenship and to exercise the attendant rights and responsibilities of citizenship. FEES: Citizenship classes are $50 for the full course and payment may be made in installments. LANGUAGES: Spanish. Sites: 1 YOUTH ENRICHMENT PROGRAM Youth Enrichment Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides an after school enrichment program for students. Provides educational enrichment instruction and activities in computer skills, language arts, life skills, math and cultural studies. ELIGIBILITY: Children from low-income families age 13-18 who reside in Detroit. FEES: None. LANGUAGES: Spanish. Sites: 2 GED INSTRUCTION GED Instruction SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers GED preparation classes to eligible adults in the Latino community. Instruction and testing focus on writing, social studies, science, reading and mathematics. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 18 and older who have not completed high school. FEES: $70. 133 Services LAWRENCE TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY ORIENTATION AND MOBILITY TRAINING Orientation and Mobility Training SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides an accelerated mobility program, a seven day residential course designed to accelerate the learning process of cane travel with one-on-one instruction. Assists clients in obtaining the basic skills needed to receive a guide dog. Some of the techniques taught include using a cane in a sweeping or tapping motion, proper curb alignment and numerous safety skills. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals who are blind or visually impaired. FEES: Program is free of charge and includes expenses for public transportation to clients traveling within North America, and room and board. 21000 W Ten Mile Rd. Southfield, MI 48075-1058 (248) 204-4000 Main (800) 225-5588 Toll Free (248) 204-3727 Fax (248) 204-2222 Alternate Campus Emergency Status Hotline Lewis Walker, President Bruce J. Annett, Executive Director of Marketing and Public Affairs Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: LAWRENCE TECH; LTU SERVICE ANIMALS Service Animals SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Sun 7am-10pm. SITE NOTES: Southfield campus is on 102 acres and provides academic, residential, and recreational opportunities. Learning centers are also located in Lansing, Traverse City and Petoskey. SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides guide dogs to individuals who are blind, visually impaired or Deaf-blind to enhance mobility, independence and quality of life. Also provides a variety of programs to assist individuals in adjusting to their guide dog. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 16 and older who are blind, visually impaired or Deaf-blind. FEES: None. LANGUAGES: Spanish. Services PRIVATE UNIVERSITY Colleges/Universities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides over 100 undergraduate, masters, and doctoral programs in architecture, management, engineering, mathematics and science. Also offers select non-credit classes, programs and camps to the community and children in grades K-12. ELIGIBILITY: Students applying to the undergraduate, masters and doctoral programs must meet academic eligibility requirements. Community classes may or may not have restrictions. FEES: Financial aid available. Tuition varies by program. More information available online at YOUTH SUMMER EXPERIENCE Therapeutic Camps SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers a seven day residential camp for 16 and 17 year old youth who are blind or visually impaired. Participants receive a free pedestrian GPS unit and training on how to utilize the equipment. Campers also experience life with a guide dog and have the opportunity for social interaction and physical activities such as tandem biking and kayaking. ELIGIBILITY: Youth age 16 and 17 who are blind or visually impaired. FEES: Free of charge. Includes transportation (within the United States) to the Leader Dogs for the Blind campus in Rochester Hills, Michigan. LEADER DOGS FOR THE BLIND 1039 S Rochester Rd. Rochester Hills, MI 48307 LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS OF MICHIGAN PO Box 5000 Rochester, MI 48308 200 Museum Dr. Suite 104 Lansing, MI 48933 (248) 651-9011 Main (888) 777-5332 Toll Free (248) 651-5812 Fax (248) 651-3713 TDD/TTY (517) 484-5383 Main (517) 484-3086 Fax Judy Culham, Office Manager Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: LWVMI Susan M Daniels, President/CEO Rod Haneline, Chief Programs and Services Officer SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-5:30pm. <continued...> 134 LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS OF MICHIGAN... annually. Call for more information. Sites: 1 2 Sites 1. DETROIT LEAGUE 1420 Washington Blvd. Detroit, MI 48226 LEARNING DISABILITIES ASSOCIATION OF MICHIGAN (313) 962-0905 Main (313) 963-4290 Fax 200 Museum Dr. Suite 101 Lansing, MI 48933 Mildred R Madison, President SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. (517) 485-8160 Main (888) 597-7809 Toll Free 2. LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS OF MICHIGAN 200 Museum Dr. Suite 104 Lansing, MI 48933 Lori Parks, President Edna M Felmlee, Board Member Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: LDA (517) 484-5383 Main (517) 484-3086 Fax Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon, Wed, Fri 10am-2pm. Tue, Thu 12:30pm-4pm. Services Services CIVIC PARTICIPATION/POLITICAL VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Civic Participation/Political Volunteer Opportunities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides volunteer opportunities through a nonpartisan political organization encouraging informed and active participation in government. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 18 and older. FEES: Membership fees vary from $20-$75/year. Sites: 1 2 DISABILITY RIGHTS GROUP Disability Rights Groups Special Education Advocacy SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides supportive and advisory services to individuals with learning disabilities and their families to ensure that they receive the educational benefits to which they are entitled. Supports the passage and enforcement of laws or other social measures that protect the rights of persons with learning disabilities and maximize their ability to enjoy the same opportunities, resources and privileges as the mainstream population. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: Annual membership dues $35/year. ELECTION AND LEGISLATION INFORMATION Election Information Legislation Information SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides information, such as polling locations and hours of operation and voter guides for upcoming elections. Also provides information about proposed legislation. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. Sites: 1 2 DISEASE/DISABILITY INFORMATION FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH LEARNING DISABILITIES Disease/Disability Information * Learning Disabilities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides information about the etiology, symptoms, preventive measures, screening/diagnostic procedures, and/or methods of treatment or management for learning disabilities. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. NON-PARTISAN POLITICAL ACTION ORGANIZATION Political Action/Lobbying Groups SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Administers a non-partisan membership organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues and influences public policy through education and advocacy. ELIGIBILITY: Voting members are U.S. citizens who are at least 18 years of age; associate members are noncitizens and those under 18 years of age. FEES: Membership fees range from $40-$90 LESLIE SCIENCE AND NATURE CENTER 1831 Traver Rd. Ann Arbor, MI 48105 (734) 997-1553 Main (734) 997-1072 Fax Susan Westhoff, Executive Director Amanda Lodge, Education Director <continued...> 135 LESLIE SCIENCE AND NATURE CENTER... non-Hodgkin lymphoma and myeloma, as well as other blood cancer diagnoses. FEES: None. OTHER NAMES: LESLIE; LESLIE SCIENCE AND NATURE CENTER; LESLIE SCIENCE CENTER; LSNC SITE AREA SERVED: Washtenaw County. SITE HOURS: Park is open Mon-Sun from sunrise to sunset. The Critter House is open Sun 12noon-3pm. Raptor hours are Sat 4pm-6pm. LIFE ORGANIZATION OF DETROIT 8046 Woodward St. Detroit, MI 48202 Services 1214 Griswold St. Detroit, MI 48226 NATURE CENTER Nature Centers/Walks (313) 965-7862 Main SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides natural science and environmental education programs for youth and their families. Site features 50 acres of fields, prairies, forest and a pond. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None; Donations accepted. Jim McNeal, Executive Director Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit, Hamtramck and Highland Park. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 3:30pm-7:30pm, Sat 10am-2pm. Summer hours Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. LEUKEMIA AND LYMPHOMA SOCIETY MICHIGAN CHAPTER Services Peggy Shriver, Executive Director Norb Promo, Deputy Executive Director OTHER NAMES: LLS TUTORING AND LIFE SKILLS EDUCATION Alcohol Abuse Education/Prevention Drug Abuse Education/Prevention Life Skills Education Tutoring Services SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides tutoring, drug and alcohol abuse prevention and life skills education to low-income youth. ELIGIBILITY: Low-income youth age 6-17. FEES: None. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. LIFT WOMEN'S RESOURCE CENTER 1471 E Twelve Mile Rd. Madison Heights, MI 48071 (248) 581-3900 Main (800) 456-5413 Toll Free (248) 581-3901 Fax 16180 Meyers Rd. Detroit, MI 48235 Services PATIENT FINANCIAL AID Undesignated Temporary Financial Assistance SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides supplementary financial assistance in the form of a $100 yearly stipend to blood cancer patients in significant financial need. Patient Aid Funds are subject to availability. ELIGIBILITY: Residents of Michigan diagnosed with leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma, myelodysplastic syndromes or another blood cancer. LANGUAGES: Spanish. (313) 345-9065 Main (313) 345-1314 Fax Rudene Glass, Executive Director Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: L.I.F.T. WOMENS RESOURCE CENTER; LIFT WOMENS RESOURCE CENTER; LIVING IN FAITH TOGETHER SITE AREA SERVED: City of Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-3pm. SUPPORT GROUPS FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH LEUKEMIA AND LYMPHOMA Health/Disability Related Support Groups * Leukemia SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Partners with a number of non-profit agencies throughout Michigan to provide a variety of support groups for individuals and family members affected by leukemia, Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphoma and myeloma. Provides education and support for current patients, parents of children with cancer, men and women, families, transplant patients, and more. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals, family members and caregivers affected by Leukemia, Hodgkin and Services CAREER IMPACT INSTITUTE Job Readiness SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides women with employability skills, job training, computer literact, and reading/writing assessments. ELIGIBILITY: Low-income women. FEES: $25.00/session. 5 sessions available. <continued...> 136 LIFT WOMEN'S RESOURCE CENTER... LIFE SKILLS EDUCATION Job Readiness Life Skills Education Parenting Skills Classes Frank Mortl III, Executive Director Valaria Harris Carter, Public Relations/Member Services Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Indiana and Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides assistance to women in substance abuse recovery programs, living in domestic violence shelters and/or living in homeless shelters or who simply choose on their own to participate. Offers parenting skills classes, pre-employment guidance and life skills workshops. Women are provided transportation to and from their shelter or treatment center and given breakfast and lunch. ELIGIBILITY: Low-income women. FEES: None. Services DISEASE/DISABILITY INFORMATION FOR LUPUS Disease/Disability Information * Lupus Erythematosus SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides information about the etiology, symptoms, preventive measures, screening/diagnostic procedures and/or methods of treatment or management for lupus. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. LOCAL INITIATIVES SUPPORT CORPORATION - DETROIT AFFILIATE HEALTH RELATED SUPPORT GROUPS FOR INDIVIDUALS AFFECTED BY LUPUS Health/Disability Related Support Groups * Lupus Erythematosus SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides mutual support groups for individuals affected by lupus to share information, practical tips for daily living and encouragement about issues related to the disease. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals affected by lupus and family members. FEES: None. 660 Woodward Ave. Suite 1111 Detroit, MI 48226 (313) 596-8222 Main (313) 596-8237 Fax Tahirih Ziegler, Executive Director OTHER NAMES: LISC SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. LUTHERAN ADOPTION SERVICE 21700 Northwestern Hwy. Suite 1490 Southfield, MI 48075 Services NEIGHBORHOOD ORGANIZATION DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE Community Organizing Assistance SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides technical and financial resources to community development organizations; offers partnerships with nonprofit and for-profit organizations so that they can become strong and stable neighborhood institutions with effective and responsible fiscal management. Pioneers professional networking conferences designed exclusively for the needs, issues and interests of community development corporation (CDC) professionals. ELIGIBILITY: Community development organizations, both nonprofits and for-profit institutions. (248) 423-2770 Main (248) 423-2783 Fax Susanna Heuermann, Director Barbara Lewis, Director of Communications Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: LAS SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-5pm. Services ADOPTION SERVICES Adoption and Foster/Kinship Care Support Groups Adoption Counseling and Support Adoption Evaluation/Placement SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a variety of adoption services, including adoptive family assessments ("home study"), training for adoptive parents, counseling and support groups. Also offers post-adoption services. ELIGIBILITY: Single, divorced or married individuals age 21 and older in good health and financially stable. FEES: Court filing fees, which may be reimbursable by state. LUPUS ALLIANCE OF AMERICA MICHIGAN INDIANA AFFILIATE 26507 Harper Ave. Saint Clair Shores, MI 48081 (586) 775-8310 Main (800) 705-6677 Toll Free (586) 775-8494 Fax 137 and issues or denies licenses. Also provides mandatory state foster home training (PRIDE). ELIGIBILITY: Foster parents must be age 21 and older, single or married, have a stable source of income (no minimum income level required), reside in a home or rental property that meets state licensing requirements and in good health. FEES: None. Sites: 2 LUTHERAN CHILD AND FAMILY SERVICE OF MICHIGAN 6019 W Side Saginaw Rd. Bay City, MI 48706 PO Box 48 Bay City, MI 48707 (989) 686-7650 Main (800) 686-7650 Toll Free (989) 686-7683 Fax LUTHERAN SOCIAL SERVICES OF MICHIGAN 8131 E Jefferson Ave. Detroit, MI 48214 Robert G Miles, President/CEO Ellen Britton, HR/Office Manager (313) 823-7700 Main (313) 823-9604 Fax Sites 1. LUTHERAN CHILD AND FAMILY SERVICE OF MICHIGAN 6019 W Side Saginaw Rd. Bay City, MI 48706 Mark Stutrud, President/CEO Judy Couzens, Executive Administrative Assistant Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: LSSM (989) 686-7650 Main (800) 686-7650 Toll Free (989) 686-7683 Fax Sites Robert G Miles, President/CEO SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon, Thu 9am-8:30pm; Tue, Wed, Fri 9am-5pm. 1. ALISON HOUSE 943 Alison House Lane Lansing, MI 48917 (517) 323-4222 Service/Intake (517) 323-4001 Fax 2. METROPOLITAN DETROIT OFFICE 15160 W Eight Mile Rd. Oak Park, MI 48237 Jessica Cage, Manager Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Administrative hours: Mon-Fri 8:30am-5pm. (248) 968-0100 Main (248) 968-7163 Fax (248) 968-6058 Alternate - Voicemail 2. ANN ARBOR OFFICE 2770 Carpenter Rd. Suite 200 Ann Arbor, MI 48108 Steve Zwart, Regional Director Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon, Tue, Fri 8:30am-5pm. Tue, Thu 8:30am-7pm. (734) 971-1944 Main (877) 971-5776 Toll Free (734) 971-2137 Fax Services ADMINISTRATIVE ENTITY Administrative Entities Diana Ripley, Director Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-5pm. SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Serves as the headquarters for the Lutheran Child and Family Services. Plans, organizes and controls the activities of the organization. Sites: 1 3. DANISH VILLAGE 2566 Walton Blvd. Rochester Hills, MI 48309 FOSTER HOME LICENSING AND PLACEMENT Foster Home Licensing Foster Home Placement SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Matches individuals who are in need of alternative living arrangements with appropriate private family homes that are licensed to provide foster care. Reviews applications for licenses (248) 375-1810 Service/Intake (248) 375-1864 Fax Mary Ware-Kempa, Administrator Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. <continued...> 138 LUTHERAN SOCIAL SERVICES OF MICHIGAN... SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. 9. VILLAGE PINES 1600 Park Ct. Monroe, MI 48162 4. HEARTLINE RESIDENCE FOR WOMEN 8201 Sylvester St. Detroit, MI 48214 (734) 243-5500 Main (734) 243-5128 Fax (313) 923-4200 Main Mary Ellen White Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: 24 hours. Patricia Foland, Manager SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm. Services 5. LUTHERAN ADOPTION SERVICE 21700 Northwestern Hwy. Suite 1490 Southfield, MI 48075 ADOPTION EVALUATION/PLACEMENT Adoption Evaluation/Placement SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Assesses the needs and capabilities of children who have been relinquished for adoption, compiles the children's social and medical histories, makes arrangements for care and supervision of the children prior to placement, evaluates prospective adoptive applicants including a review of adoptive home studies, if available, and selects and approves prospective adoptive homes. ELIGIBILITY: Families looking to adopt. Pregnant women wishing to place their child up for adoption. Children who have been placed for adoption. FEES: Some fees may apply for adoptive parents for court filing fees. Sites: 2 5 (248) 423-2770 Service/Intake (248) 423-2783 Fax Lena Wilson, Director SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm. 6. LUTHERAN SOCIAL SERVICES OF MICHIGAN 8131 E Jefferson Ave. Detroit, MI 48214 (313) 823-7700 Main (313) 823-9604 Fax Mark Stutrud, President/CEO Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. ADOPTION/FOSTER CARE SUPPORT GROUPS Adoption and Foster/Kinship Care Support Groups SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides support groups for adopted children and families and a library of resources including books and audio/video tapes and referrals for confidential intermediary services as needed. ELIGIBILITY: Families in Michigan with adopted children. FEES: Support groups are paid for by the State of Michigan medical subsidy or through private pay. No private insurances can be billed. Sites: 5 7. MAPLE VILLAGE 6257 Telegraph Rd. Bloomfield Hills, MI 48301 (248) 723-6275 Service/Intake Suzanne Brasseur, Administrator Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-4pm. EX-OFFENDER HALFWAY HOUSE Ex-Offender Halfway Houses SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a 33 bed congregate living environment, counseling and supportive services for women on probation or that recently have been released from a correctional facility but require a gradual transition from that highly structured and supervised way of a life to a relatively free and normal existence in the community. ELIGIBILITY: Women ages 18 and older on probation or transitioning from the prison system. Program will take applications from women that are homeless, but not part of the correctional system. Residents are required to actively seek employment and save a portion of their income in a savings account to assist with the future transition to independence. FEES: None. Sites: 4 8. SEQUOIA PLACE 1131 N Maple Rd. Suite 125 Ann Arbor, MI 48103 (734) 669-8840 Main (734) 669-8903 Fax Faith Barr, Director Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-4pm. <continued...> 139 LUTHERAN SOCIAL SERVICES OF MICHIGAN... FEES: Accepts Medicaid, Medicare and other third party payments. Private pay arrangements can be made through the Lutheran Social Services regional office. Sites: 6 FOSTER HOME LICENSING AND PLACEMENT Foster Home Licensing Foster Home Placement SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Assists individuals in obtaining foster care licenses to bring children into the home to be cared for temporarily due to abuse, neglect and/or separation from the birth family. Counseling services are offered to children in the foster care program. Once the license is obtained the program will assist in placing a child or children in the home of the individual. ELIGIBILITY: Must meet criteria to obtain a lisence to be a foster care home. Individuals will be required to attend ongoing training and support classes while the child(ren) are still in the care of the individual, foster parent(s) will be required to transport the child(ren) to and from all appointments that meet the child(ren)s needs. Must be able to provide food, shelter, clothing, emotional support and offer social and recreational activities to the child(ren). Foster parent(s) are required to meet monthly with a case worker. FEES: Obtaining a Foster care lisence may have a fee, individuals that have a child(ren) placed with them will reimbursements each year including food, clothing and other items that the chil(ren) needs. The amount depends on the needs of the child(ren) placed. There is a clothing allowance twice/year. Sites: 2 5 6 INDEPENDENT AND ASSISTED LIVING COMMUNITIES FOR OLDER ADULTS Assisted Living Facilities Independent Living Communities/Complexes for Older Adults SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides independent living/retirement community for older adults with independent and assisted living apartments. Offers daily breakfast/dinner, library, exercise rooms, game room, barber/beauty salon, cafe, transportation to nearby stores, churches and entertainment. Also provides a 24-hour medical monitoring program for all residents and in-home physician services and therapy for assisted living residents. ELIGIBILITY: Seniors age 60 or older (Maple Village). Seniors 62 or older (Sequoia Place). FEES: Fees will vary based on living arrangements needed, size of room and number of residents/room. Sites: 7 8 RESETTLEMENT AND IMMIGRATION ASSISTANCE Comprehensive Immigration/Naturalization Services Refugee Resettlement Services SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides sponsorship, immigration assistance, legal services and assistance with resettlement and acculturation. Program offers job development and placement, vocational English language training and citizenship services. ELIGIBILITY: Refugees. FEES: None. Sites: 6 GOVERNMENT SUBSIDIZED PRIVATE RENTAL HOUSING Independent Living Communities/Complexes for Older Adults Low Income/Subsidized Private Rental Housing SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Rents privately owned rental housing to low income individuals and families at reduced rates. Subsidized by Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Offers units with up to three bedrooms. ELIGIBILITY: Seniors age 62 and older -- Danish Village. Low income individuals and families -- Village Pines. Must meet HUD low income qualifications and pass credit and criminal background checks. FEES: Housing Choice (Section 8) residents pay 30 percent of adjusted monthly income as rent, which includes utilities. Fixed rate rent (varies by number of bedrooms) for residents without Housing Choice vouchers. Sites: 3 9 SEMI-INDEPENDENT LIVING FOR DISABLED ADULTS Semi-Independent Living Residences for Adults with Disabilities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Operates an apartment complex for adults with physical disabilities that are able to live independently. Apartment complex offers one or two bedroom apartments that are barrier free. ELIGIBILITY: Adults ages 18 and older with physical disabilities that are able to live independently. Applicants must meet HUD income eligibility requirements. FEES: Fees are based on income and size of apartment needed. Sites: 1 GROUP HOMES FOR ADULTS WITH DISABILITIES Group Residences for Adults with Disabilities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Manages 15 group homes for adults with developmental disabilities. Each home has three to 16 residents and 24-hour staffing. Services provided include: medication monitoring, personal care, light housekeeping, assistance with meals, transportation to appointments/shopping/errands and social/recreational activities in a variety of settings. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 18 and older with developmental disabilties. TRANSITIONAL SHELTER FOR WOMEN Transitional Housing/Shelter SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides transitional housing and shelter for women. Program includes: case management, substance abuse counseling, individual counseling, job search assistance, financial literacy classes, meals and clothing. Length of stay is 6 months. ELIGIBILITY: Women ages 18 and older. Residents are required to actively seek employment and save a portion of their income in a savings account to assist with the future transition to independence. <continued...> 140 LUTHERAN SOCIAL SERVICES OF MICHIGAN... FEES: None. Sites: 4 8am-4:30pm. 3. MACOMB COMMUNITY COLLEGE 14500 E Twelve Mile Rd. H-305 Warren, MI 48088 VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Administration Volunteer Opportunities Arts and Culture Volunteer Opportunities Communications/Marketing Volunteer Opportunities Education Volunteer Opportunities Family Services Related Volunteer Opportunities Food Production/Preparation/Delivery Volunteer Opportunities Recreational Activities/Sports Volunteer Opportunities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a variety of volunteer opportunities in the areas of administrative services, child care, education, fitness and recreation, and food collection and preparation. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. Sites: 2 (586) 445-7999 Main (586) 445-7432 Service/Intake - Speaker's Bureau (866) 622-6621 Toll Free - 866.MACOMB1 James Jacobs, President Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Tue 8am-7pm. Wed-Fri 8am-4:30pm. Services COMMUNITY COLLEGE Community Colleges SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers a comprehensive curriculum which includes basic liberal arts and sciences with transfer, occupational, general education and adult education components. Awards an Associate of Arts (AA), Associate of Science (AS) or Associate of Business Administration (ABA) degree and other certificates to those who successfully complete the requirements. ELIGIBILITY: Varies by course of study. FEES: Varies by course of study. Tuition per credit hour for degree programs: $84 (Macomb residents); $128 (non-Macomb residents). $40 registration fee. $10 student service fee. Other fees may apply. Sites: 1 2 3 MACOMB COMMUNITY COLLEGE 14500 E Twelve Mile Rd. Warren, MI 48088 (586) 445-7999 Main (866) 622-6621 Toll Free - 866.MACOMB1 James Jacobs, President Barb Felczak, Special Populations Program Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: SOUTH CAMPUS MADONNA UNIVERSITY 36600 Schoolcraft Rd. Livonia, MI 48150 Sites (800) 852-4951 Toll Free 1. CENTER CAMPUS 44575 Garfield Rd. G-106 Clinton Township, MI 48038 Rose Marie Kujawa, President Cheryll A. Johnson, Administrative Assistant to the President (586) 445-7999 Main (586) 286-2141 Service/Intake Macomb Center for the Performing Arts (866) 622-6621 Toll Free - 1-866-MACOMB1 SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon, Thu 8am-7pm; Tue, Wed, Fri 8am-5pm. Services Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Tue 8am-7pm. Wed-Thu 8am-4:30pm. Closed Fridays. PRIVATE UNIVERSITY Colleges/Universities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides postsecondary education which includes undergraduate, graduate, and continuing professional study. ELIGIBILITY: Varies by level of education. FEES: Tuition and fees vary by course of study. Financial aid is available. 2. EAST CAMPUS 21901 Dunham Rd. Clinton Township, MI 48036 (586) 445-7999 Main (866) 622-6621 Toll Free - 1-866-MACOMB1 SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon, Tue 8am-7pm; Wed-Fri <continued...> 141 MADONNA UNIVERSITY... DISCOVER Vocational Assessment Services VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Administration Volunteer Opportunities Communications/Marketing Volunteer Opportunities Family Services Related Volunteer Opportunities Special Event Support Volunteer Opportunities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a variety of volunteer opportunities including administrative work, marketing communications, assisting with fundraisers and other special events, grant writing and volunteer coordination. Also offers volunteer opportunities to assist with wish granting, in which volunteers work in teams of two to meet with wish kids and their families and conduct the wish interview that helps to determine the child’s wish. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 18 and older who pass background check. Wish volunteers must be at least 21 years of age, attend a one day wish granting training, must be willing to travel at least one hour to meet with a child if necessary, and must also be willing to solicit donations from businesses or individuals in order to help make the wish come true. FEES: None. Sites: 2 SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Administers tests which measure an individual's skills, abilities, interests, personality traits and other qualifications for success in different occupational areas or specific positions. Offers career counseling to discuss results of testing. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: $5 (test only) or $25 (test and career counseling). MAKE-A-WISH FOUNDATION OF MICHIGAN 2300 Genoa Business Park Dr Suite C Brighton, MI 48114 (734) 994-8620 Main (800) 622-9474 Toll Free (734) 994-8025 Fax Karen Davis, President/CEO Jennifer Connery, VP of Philanthropy OTHER NAMES: MAKE A WISH FOUNDATION WISH FOUNDATION Wish Foundations SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides support for children who are terminally or gravely ill by granting a wish which might be a trip to Disneyland, an opportunity to meet a movie star or sports personality, a reunion with family members or other similar desire. Volunteers discuss wish options with child and family members to help child make a decision. ELIGIBILITY: Children and youth age 30 months to 18 years who have life threatening medical conditions. FEES: None. Sites: 1 2 Sites 1. DETROIT OFFICE 4707 Saint Antoine St. Ground Floor, G67 Detroit, MI 48201 (313) 833-9100 Main (888) 857-9474 Toll Free (313) 833-9103 Fax Laura Brown, Communications Director Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm. MARCH OF DIMES - MICHIGAN CHAPTER 2. MAKE-A-WISH FOUNDATION OF MICHIGAN 2300 Genoa Business Park Dr Suite C Brighton, MI 48114 (248) 359-1550 Main (248) 213-4923 Fax 27600 Northwestern Hwy. Suite 150 Southfield, MI 48034 (734) 994-8620 Main (800) 622-9474 Toll Free (734) 994-8025 Fax Laura Loughridge, State Director Sharon Gordon, Bookkeeper Karen Davis, President/CEO Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. <continued...> 142 MARCH OF DIMES - MICHIGAN CHAPTER... for Babies, Jail and Bail, Signature Chefs Auction, and golf tournaments. Also offers opportunities for assistance with community programs sponsored by the March of Dimes. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. Children must be accompanied by an adult. FEES: None. Sites: 2 Sites 1. ANN ARBOR DIVISION 455 E Eisenhower Pkwy. Suite 75 Ann Arbor, MI 48108 (734) 761-6331 Main (734) 231-2313 Fax Enna Whitted, Division Director Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. Summer Hours: Mon-Thu 8:30am-5:30pm; Fri 9am-12noon. MARIJUANA ANONYMOUS WORLD SERVICES 2. FLINT DIVISION 536 Perry Rd. Suite 5 Grand Blanc, MI 48439 (800) 766-6779 Toll Free PO Box 7807 Torrance, CA 90504 Duncan Moore, President Tom White, Office Manager OTHER NAMES: MA; MARIJUANA ANONYMOUS (810) 606-8014 Main (800) 244-9255 Toll Free (810) 606-8017 Fax SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. Services Darlene Chivinsky, Division Director SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. Summer Hours Mon-Thu 8:30am-5:30pm, Fri 9am-12noon. SUBSTANCE ABUSE SUPPORT GROUP Drug Dependency Support Groups SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides support using the basic 12-steps of recovery founded by Alcoholics Anonymous to aid with the recovery from marijuana addiction. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. 3. MARCH OF DIMES - MICHIGAN CHAPTER 27600 Northwestern Hwy. Suite 150 Southfield, MI 48034 (248) 359-1550 Main (248) 213-4923 Fax MARINERS INN Laura Loughridge, State Director SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. 8:30-4:30pm, 8:30-12pm (Summer Months). 445 Ledyard St. Detroit, MI 48201 (313) 962-9446 Main (313) 962-6395 Fax Services DISEASE/DISABILITY INFORMATION FOR BIRTH DEFECTS Disease/Disability Information * Congenital Conditions/Anomalies SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Publishes printed and audiovisual materials about causes of birth defects, premature birth and infant mortality, and preventive measures that promote the health of infants. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. LANGUAGES: Spanish website Sites: 1 2 3 David Sampson, CEO Carina Yanish, COO Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: MARINERS' INN Sites 1. HOUSING PROGRAM 457 Ledyard St. Detroit, MI 48201 (313) 962-9446 Main VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Administration Volunteer Opportunities Communications/Marketing Volunteer Opportunities Family Services Related Volunteer Opportunities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides volunteer opportunities for fundraising events including March Wendy Cromwell, Housing Director Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. <continued...> 143 MARINERS INN... Program, able to become self-sufficient, and employment ready. FEES: None. Accepts Medicaid. LANGUAGES: Spanish. Sites: 2 2. MARINERS INN 445 Ledyard St. Detroit, MI 48201 (313) 962-9446 Main (313) 962-6395 Fax MARYGROVE COLLEGE David Sampson, CEO Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: City of Detroit. SITE HOURS: 24 hours. 8425 W McNichols Rd. Detroit, MI 48221 (313) 927-1200 Main (313) 927-1513 Service/Intake Graduate Admissions (toll free: 866-903-3033 ext 1513) (313) 927-1240 Service/Intake Undergraduate Admissions (toll free: 866-313-1927) (313) 927-1350 Alternate - Continuing Education Services ALCOHOL AND HIGHWAY SAFETY DUI Offender Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides educational classes about the impact of alcohol and drugs on highway safety. Offers a four hour class (Level 1) in basic awareness of consequences of driving intoxicated – legal, personal, physical and societal. Also offers a six hour class (Level 2) about alcoholism and highway safety with additional opportunities to explore individual drinking behaviors and patterns. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals convicted of operating a vehicle under the influence of liquor and mandated by the court to receive alcohol-related education. FEES: Fixed fee: $55 (Level 1), $90 (Level 2). Sites: 2 David Fike, President Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-6pm. Services PRIVATE COLLEGE Colleges/Universities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a four year postsecondary (undergraduate) course of study, which awards a Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Bachelor of Science (BS) degree to successful graduates. Also offers postgraduate study at masters level which awards a Master of Arts (MA) degree to successful graduates. In addition, provides certifications and continuing education in select fields. ELIGIBILITY: High school graduates for undergraduate degrees; college graduates for postgraduate degrees. Other requirements vary by course of study. FEES: Vary by course of study. MARINERS INN TRANSITIONAL HOUSING Recovery Homes/Halfway Houses SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers a supportive semi-independent living experience in a recovering community of sober men for a period of usually six months and up to two years. Supportive services include support groups, group counseling, and vocational classes. The housing unit has 36 beds. ELIGIBILITY: Men age 18 and over who have successfully completed the Mariner's Inn Residential Treatment Program, able to become self-sufficient and employment ready. FEES: Based on income. Sites: 1 MATRIX HUMAN SERVICES 120 Parsons St. Detroit, MI 48201 RESIDENTIAL SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Facilities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides 90 day treatment services in the context of a 24-hour, supervised drug and alcohol-free environment for people who have problems related to substance abuse. Individuals who complete the residential program qualify for an additional six months of transitional housing which provides supportive services to encourage self-sufficiency. Supportive services include support groups, group counseling, and vocational classes. The residential facility has 80 beds and the transitional housing has 36 beds. ELIGIBILITY: Residential Treatment Program: men age 18 and over who are homeless within the City of Detroit and chemically dependent. Transitional Housing Program: men who have successfully completed the Mariner's Inn Residential Treatment (313) 831-1000 Main (313) 831-4634 Fax Marcella Wilson, President/CEO LaTrice V. Jordan, Director of Marketing Public transportation accessible. <continued...> 144 MATRIX HUMAN SERVICES... THRIFT SHOPS Thrift Shops Sites 1. CENTER (THE) 13560 E McNichols Rd. Detroit, MI 48205 SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Operates Bargain Counter North and Unique Boutique thrift shops which sell new and used clothing and household items at below market prices to benefit Matrix programs. FEES: Varies with item. Sites: 1 (313) 526-4000 Main (313) 839-5111 Service/Intake United Children and Family Head Start; alt.313-432-1000 (313) 526-6319 Fax MATRIX HUMAN SERVICES - REUTHER OLDER ADULT AND WELLNESS SERVICES Sandra Ramocan, Program Director SITE AREA SERVED: Varies by program. Serves primarily northeast Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon, Fri 7:30am-7:30pm; Tue-Thur 7:30am-10pm; Sat 8am-5pm; Sun 9am-5pm. 450 Eliot St. Detroit, MI 48201 (313) 831-8650 Main (313) 831-3611 Fax 2. MATRIX HUMAN SERVICES 120 Parsons St. Detroit, MI 48201 Karen Bisdorf, Vice President of Adult Programming Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: MATRIX HUMAN SERVICES REUTHER OLDER ADULT & WELLNESS SERVICES; ROAWS; RSS; WALTER AND MAY REUTHER SENIOR SERVICES (313) 831-1000 Main (313) 831-4634 Fax Marcella Wilson, President/CEO Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Metropolitan Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. SITE HOURS: 3. OFF THE STREETS 680 Virginia Park St. Detroit, MI 48202 Mon-Fri 8:30am-5pm. Services FOOD SERVICES FOR SENIORS Food Stamps/SNAP Food Vouchers SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Serves as an application site for the Bridge Card (formerly Food Stamps) which can be exchanged in designated grocery stores, supermarkets and/or farmer's markets for food products. Also offers $30 "Supplemental Food Certificates" which can also be used to purchase food. ELIGIBILITY: Bridge Card/Food Stamps: low income seniors age 60 and older who are residents of Wayne County. Supplemental Food Certificates: low income seniors age 55 and older who reside in the City of Detroit. LANGUAGES: Spanish. (313) 873-0678 Main - 24 Hour Crisis Hotline (313) 873-9598 Fax Celia Thomas, Program Manager SITE AREA SERVED: Wayne County. SITE HOURS: 24 hours. Services ADMINISTRATIVE ENTITY Administrative Entities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Plans, organizes and controls the activities of the organization but offers no direct services to the public. Sites: 2 MAXIMUM LIVING CONSULTANTS STREET OUTREACH PROGRAM FOR YOUTH Street Outreach Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Identifies and reaches out to at-risk and homeless youth living on the streets in Metro Detroit to provide prevention services, assistance, referrals to crisis and residential programs, education and job programs, counseling, food and clean clothes. ELIGIBILITY: Homeless youth ages 12-17. FEES: None. Sites: 3 3604 Clarkston Rd. Suite 102 Clarkston, MI 48348 (248) 814-0706 Main (866) 540-0047 Toll Free John D Canine, President Shirley Brogan, Counselor SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. <continued...> 145 MAXIMUM LIVING CONSULTANTS... Services 3. BELLEVILLE 9701 Belleville Rd. Belleville, MI 48111 BEREAVEMENT COUNSELING Bereavement Counseling SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides emotional support, problem solving assistance, information and guidance for individuals who have recently lost a loved one. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: Based on ability to pay. (734) 697-1500 Main (734) 699-0464 Service/Intake - Pharmacy SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: 24 hours. Pharmacy Hours -- Mon-Fri 8am-9pm; Sat 8am-6pm; Sun 9am-5pm. BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUPS Bereaved Parent Support Groups General Bereavement Support Groups SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers support groups that focus on helping participants accept their loss, express their grief, move through the bereavement process and put their lives back together. Facilitated by licensed mental health counselors. Offers support group for parents who have lost an infant. ELIGIBILITY: Varies by support group. Contracts with local funeral homes to provide grief support services, but support groups are open to individuals not using the services of the funeral home. FEES: None. 4. CANTON 45001 Ford Rd. Canton, MI 48187 MEIJER SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: 24 hours. Pharmacy Hours -- Mon-Fri 8am-9pm; Sat 8am-6pm; Sun 9am-5pm. (734) 844-2764 Main - Pharmacy (734) 981-2600 Main SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: 24 hours. Pharmacy Hours -- Mon-Fri 8am-9pm; Sat 8am-6pm; Sun 9am-5pm. 5. COMMERCE 1703 Haggerty Rd. Walled Lake, MI 48390 (248) 926-3164 Main - Pharmacy (248) 960-7000 Main 2929 Walker Ave., NW Grand Rapids, MI 49544 (877) 363-4537 Toll Free 6. FRASER 34835 Utica Rd. Fraser, MI 48026 Mark Murray, President (586) 415-6464 Main - Pharmacy (586) 415-6400 Main Sites 1. ANN ARBOR 3145 Ann Arbor-Saline Rd. Ann Arbor, MI 48103 SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: 24 hours. Pharmacy Hours -- Mon-Fri 8am-9pm; Sat 8am-6pm; Sun 9am-5pm. (734) 769-7800 Main (734) 997-3964 Service/Intake - Pharmacy 7. LAPEER 1555 Demille Lapeer, MI 48446 SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: 24 hours. Pharmacy Hours -- Mon-Fri 8am-9pm; Sat 8am-6pm; Sun 9am-5pm. (810) 667-8164 Main - Pharmacy (810) 667-8100 Main 2. AUBURN HILLS 800 Brown Rd. Auburn Hills, MI 48326 SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: 24 hours. Pharmacy: Mon-Fri 9am-9pm; Sat 9am-7pm; Sun 10am-6pm. (248) 393-5164 Main - Pharmacy (248) 393-5100 Main 8. LINCOLN PARK 3710 Dix Hwy. Lincoln Park, MI 48146 SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: 24 hours. Pharmacy Hours -- Mon-Fri 8am-9pm; Sat 8am-6pm; Sun 9am-5pm. (313) 294-1764 Main - Pharmacy (313) 294-1700 Main SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: 24 hours. Pharmacy Hours -- Mon-Fri 8am-9pm; Sat 8am-6pm; Sun 9am-5pm. <continued...> 146 MEIJER... 9. MADISON HEIGHTS 1005 E Thirteen Mile Rd. Madison Heights, MI 48071 15. SCIO TOWNSHIP 5645 Jackson Rd. Ann Arbor, MI 48103 (248) 307-4964 Main - Pharmacy (248) 307-4900 Main (734) 222-0300 Main (734) 222-0310 Service/Intake - Pharmacy SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: 24 hours. Pharmacy Hours -- Mon-Fri 8am-9pm; Sat 8am-6pm; Sun 9am-5pm. SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: 24 hours. Pharmacy Hours -- Mon-Fri 8am-9pm; Sat 8am-6pm; Sun 9am-5pm. 10. MEIJER 2929 Walker Ave., NW Grand Rapids, MI 49544 16. SHELBY TOWNSHIP 15055 Hall Rd. Utica, MI 48315 (877) 363-4537 Toll Free (586) 566-4164 Main - Pharmacy (586) 566-0400 Main Mark Murray, President SITE AREA SERVED: Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan and Ohio. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: 24 hours. Pharmacy Hours -- Mon-Fri 8am-9pm; Sat 8am-6pm; Sun 9am-5pm. 11. MONROE 1700 Telegraph Rd. Monroe, MI 48162 17. SOUTHFIELD 28800 Telegraph Rd. Southfield, MI 48034 (734) 457-1900 Main (734) 384-8064 Service/Intake - Pharmacy (248) 304-9510 Main - Pharmacy (248) 304-9500 Main SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: 24 hours. Pharmacy Hours -- Mon-Fri 8am-9pm; Sat 8am-6pm; Sun 9am-5pm. SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: 24 hours. Pharmacy Hours -- Mon-Fri 8am-9pm; Sat 8am-6pm; Sun 9am-5pm. 12. NORTHVILLE 20401 Haggerty Rd. Northville, MI 48167 18. SOUTHGATE 16300 Fort St. Southgate, MI 48195 (248) 449-5764 Main - Pharmacy (248) 349-2700 Main (734) 284-4764 Main - Pharmacy (734) 284-5300 Main SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: 24 hours. Pharmacy Hours -- Mon-Fri 8am-9pm; Sat 8am-6pm; Sun 9am-5pm. SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: 24 hours. Pharmacy Hours -- Mon-Fri 8am-9pm; Sat 8am-6pm; Sun 9am-5pm. 13. ROSEVILLE 30800 Little Mack Roseville, MI 48066 19. STERLING HEIGHTS 36600 VanDyke Ave. Sterling Heights, MI 48312 (586) 415-6164 Main - Pharmacy (586) 296-6900 Main (586) 274-1664 Main - Pharmacy (586) 978-2650 Main SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: 24 hours. Pharmacy Hours -- Mon-Fri 8am-9pm; Sat 8am-6pm; Sun 9am-5pm. SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: 24 hours. Pharmacy Hours -- Mon-Fri 8am-9pm; Sat 8am-6pm; Sun 9am-5pm. 14. ROYAL OAK 5150 Coolidge Hwy. Royal Oak, MI 48073 20. TAYLOR 14640 Pardee Rd. Taylor, MI 48180 (248) 280-5064 Main - Pharmacy (248) 280-1800 Main (734) 374-4264 Main - Pharmacy (734) 287-3300 Main SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: 24 hours. Pharmacy Hours -- Mon-Fri 8am-9pm; Sat 8am-6pm; Sun 9am-5pm. SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: 24 hours. Pharmacy Hours -- Mon-Fri 8am-9pm; Sat 8am-6pm; Sun 9am-5pm. <continued...> 147 MEIJER... PRESCRIPTION DRUG PATIENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM Prescription Drug Patient Assistance Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides certain generic oral antibiotics for free. Covered antibiotics include Amoxicillin, Cephalexin, SMZ-TMP, Ciprofloxacin, Ampicillin, Penicillin VK and Erythromycin. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. Sites: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Sites: 23 24 25 21. WARREN 29505 Mound Rd. Warren, MI 48092 (586) 573-2920 Main - Pharmacy (586) 573-2900 Main SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: 24 hours. Pharmacy Hours -- Mon-Fri 8am-9pm; Sat 8am-6pm; Sun 9am-5pm. 22. WATERFORD 4200 Highland Rd. Waterford, MI 48328 PRESCRIPTION DRUGS FOR DIABETES Prescription Drugs for Specific Health Conditions SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers Metformin, a drug for the management of diabetes, in 500 mg, 850 mg, and 1000 mg strengths to individuals with a valid prescription from a physician. Up to 100 tablets are available per fill, and refills are also free. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. Sites: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Sites: 22 23 24 25 (248) 738-7864 Main - Pharmacy (248) 682-7200 Main SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: 24 hours. Pharmacy Hours -- Mon-Fri 8am-9pm; Sat 8am-6pm; Sun 9am-5pm. 23. WESTLAND 37201 Warren Rd. Westland, MI 48185 (734) 641-0364 Main - Pharmacy (734) 728-1800 Main MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION IN MICHIGAN 30233 Southfield Rd. Suite 220 Southfield, MI 48076 SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: 24 hours. Pharmacy Hours -- Mon-Fri 8am-9pm; Sat 8am-6pm; Sun 9am-5pm. 24. WOODHAVEN 22600 Allen Rd. Woodhaven, MI 48183 (248) 647-1711 Main (248) 647-1732 Fax (734) 362-8964 Main - Pharmacy (734) 692-8100 Main Mark Reinstein, President and CEO Bill Tennant, Assistant Executive Director Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: 24 hours. Pharmacy Hours -- Mon-Fri 8am-9pm; Sat 8am-6pm; Sun 9am-5pm. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-4:30pm. Services 25. YPSILANTI 3825 Carpenter Rd. Ypsilanti, MI 48197 DISABILITY RIGHTS GROUP Disability Rights Groups SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Supports the passage and enforcement of laws or other social measures that protect the rights of individuals that have mental illness and maximize their ability to enjoy the same opportunities, resources and privileges as the mainstream population. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. (734) 973-1200 Main (734) 677-7164 Service/Intake - Pharmacy SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: 24 hours. Pharmacy Hours -- Mon-Fri 8am-9pm; Sat 8am-6pm; Sun 9am-5pm. Services ADMINISTRATIVE ENTITY Administrative Entities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Serves as the headquarters for Meijer. Plans, organizes and controls the activities of the organization. Sites: 10 148 fundamental learning skills for women which includes GED test preparation, adult basic education, and adult literacy education. Students attend classes, work in small groups, receive individual instruction, and perform independent study. Women may also participate in employability and life skills classes and workshops. Mercy Education Project does not offer GED testing, but is sometimes able to pay exam fees for its students. ELIGIBILITY: Women age 18 and older who do not have a high school diploma or GED, or who are functioning below the 9th grade reading level. Transportation and child care provided only for residents of southwest Detroit (zip codes: 48208, 48209, 48210, 48216 and 48217); others must provide transportation and child care. Low income families are given priority. Students must commit to attend classes for four hours per day, four days per week, until program is complete. FEES: $25. Optional: Class material taken home must be purchased. LANGUAGES: Instruction is in English; instructor is bilingual in French and Spanish. MERCK AND COMPANY One Merck Dr. Whitehouse Station, NJ 08889 PO Box 100 Whitehouse Station, NJ 08889 (908) 423-1000 Administrative (800) 727-5400 Toll Free - Service/Intake Kenneth Frazier, President/CEO Marilyn Mainardi, Access Manager OTHER NAMES: SCHERING PLOUGH; SCHERING-PLOUGH SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-5:30pm. Services MERCK PATIENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM INC. Prescription Drug Patient Assistance Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides up to one year of Merck medications free of charge to eligible individuals. ELIGIBILITY: Uninsured individuals who meet income guidelines: household income of $43,560 or less for individuals, $58,840 or less for couples, or $89,400 or less for a family of four. Some exceptions to uninsured requirement are made for hardship cases. FEES: None. LANGUAGES: Spanish. METHODIST CHILDREN'S HOME SOCIETY 26645 W Six Mile Rd. Redford, MI 48240 (313) 531-4060 Main (313) 531-6190 Service/Intake Adoption/Foster Care Placement (313) 531-9464 Service/Intake - Child Advocacy (313) 531-1040 Fax MERCY EDUCATION PROJECT 1450 Howard St. Detroit, MI 48216 Beth Tarquinio, Executive Director Shai James-Boyd, Director of Development and Marketing OTHER NAMES: MCHS (313) 963-5881 Main (313) 963-0209 Fax SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-5pm. Services Amy Amador, Executive Director Toni Bunton, Administrative and Program Support Assistant Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: MEP ADOPTION EVALUATION/PLACEMENT Adoption Evaluation/Placement SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Evaluates prospective adoptive applicants and assesses prospective adoptive homes. Matches adoptive children with adoptive applicants. Offers state mandated PRIDE (Parent Resources for Information, Development, and Education) training. ELIGIBILITY: Single individuals or married couples age 21 and older who are in good health, employed and/or financially stable, own or rent a home or an apartment, and able to demonstrate good parenting skills and a solid support system. Married applicants must adopt together. FEES: County court filing fees which should not exceed $250 and may be reimbursable by the state. SITE AREA SERVED: Southwest Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. SITE NOTES: Parking on Howard St. or in fenced lot behind the building (entrance on Abbott St., one block north of Howard). Look for the Mercy Education Project signs on both the front and rear of the building. Services BASIC EDUCATION AND GED INSTRUCTION FOR WOMEN Adult Basic Education GED Instruction Literacy Programs <continued...> 149 METHODIST CHILDREN'S HOME SOCIETY... CHILD ADVOCACY Children's Rights Groups EQUESTRIAN THERAPY Equestrian Therapy SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Supports the passage and enforcement of laws that protect children from arbitrary treatment, abuse, neglect, exploitation and other forms of maltreatment; and which promote social measures that are designed to enhance the well-being of children. Does NOT accept complaints of child abuse. ELIGIBILITY: Residents of Michigan. FEES: None. SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides opportunities for individuals with disabilities to learn to relate to and ride horses as a part of their habilitation or therapy program. Offers hippotherapy, therapeutic riding, equine facilitated learning, and other therapeutic and recreational activities. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals with physical, mental, emotional and learning disabilities. FEES: Vary by service. Accepts private insurance for no-fault auto accidents. FOSTER HOME PLACEMENT Foster Home Placement SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Places children and adolescents who are in need of alternative living arrangements in appropriate private family homes that are licensed to provide foster care. The placement is often quite sudden and may be for a short or an extended period of time. All foster homes are approved and licensed by the State of Michigan. Offers state mandated PRIDE (Parent Resources for Information, Development, and Education) training. ELIGIBILITY: Foster parents must be age 21 and older, single or married, have a stable source of income (no minimum income level required), reside in a home or rental property that meets state licensing requirements, and in good health. FEES: None. VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Administration Volunteer Opportunities Animal Services Volunteer Opportunities Environment Volunteer Opportunities Gardening Volunteer Opportunities Lawn Care Volunteer Opportunities Recreational Activities/Sports Volunteer Opportunities Special Event Support Volunteer Opportunities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a variety of volunteer opportunities, including clerical work, assistance with equine therapy, animal care, facility and riding trail maintenance, landscaping and gardening, and assistance with fundraising and other special events. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 12 and older. FEES: None. MICHIGAN ABILITY PARTNERS MICHIGAN ABILITIES CENTER 3810 Packard Rd. Suite 200 Ann Arbor, MI 48108 7286 W Ellsworth Rd. Ann Arbor, MI 48103 (734) 622-9500 Main (734) 622-9555 Fax (734) 975-6880 Main (734) 975-2956 Fax Kathleen A Hinderer, Executive Director Jennifer England, Program Director OTHER NAMES: MAC Susan Hornfeld, CEO Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: MAP SITE AREA SERVED: SITE HOURS: Vary. Michigan. SITE AREA SERVED: Washtenaw County. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. Services Services DONATION PROGRAM Animal Food/Supplies Donation Programs Building Materials/Supplies Donation Programs Plant/Gardening Materials Donation Programs Tools/Equipment Donation Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Accepts donations of gentle horses and ponies, heaters for arena, solar powered lights, equine supplies and equipment, fencing materials, wheelchair accessible self composting toilet, driving carts including a wheelchair accessible cart, and building materials. VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Administration Volunteer Opportunities Communications/Marketing Volunteer Opportunities Family Services Related Volunteer Opportunities Gardening Volunteer Opportunities Special Event Support Volunteer Opportunities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a variety of volunteer opportunities including administration, gardening, fundraising, website development and mentoring. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 18 and older. May require passing criminal background check. FEES: None. 150 MICHIGAN AIDS COALITION 2. MICHIGAN ANGER MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE 514 Main St. Suite 4 Belleville, MI 48111 429 Livernois St. Ferndale, MI 48220 (248) 545-1435 Main (888) 226-6366 Toll Free (248) 545-3313 Fax (734) 340-4994 Main (734) 557-3965 Fax Marie McDade, Owner/CEO SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Vary. Helen Hicks, CEO OTHER NAMES: MAC; MAF; MAPP; MICHIGAN AIDS FUND; MIDWEST AIDS PREVENTION PROJECT Services SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 10am-5pm. ANGER MANAGEMENT Anger Management SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides educational classes for individuals who are interested in or who need to learn how to deal with their anger in a positive, functional way. Classes generally last 12-26 weeks. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 12 and older. FEES: $100 for initial assessment. $30 per class. Sites: 1 2 Services AIDS AWARENESS/PREVENTION Printed Materials * AIDS/HIV Issues Safer Sex Education Speakers/Speakers Bureaus * AIDS/HIV Issues Workshops/Symposiums * AIDS/HIV SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides HIV/AIDS education programs for the community. Hosts workshops, performs outreach, and distributes printed materials to the public to raise awareness about HIV/AIDS. Also offers safer sex workshops and the VOICES Project which promotes sensitivity training to educators and schools. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. MICHIGAN ANTI-CRUELTY SOCIETY 13569 Joseph Campau St. Hamtramck, MI 48212 (313) 891-7188 Main (313) 891-1088 Service/Intake - Animal Shelter (313) 891-8704 Fax MICHIGAN ANGER MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE Linda Tuttle, President Public transportation accessible. 514 Main St. Suite 4 Belleville, MI 48111 SITE AREA SERVED: Macomb, Oakland, and Wayne counties. SITE HOURS: Tue-Sat 8am-4pm. (734) 340-4994 Main (734) 557-3965 Fax Services ANIMAL RIGHTS GROUP Animal Rights Groups Marie McDade, Owner/CEO SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Supports the passage and enforcement of laws and other social measures that protect domestic and wild animals from cruelty or neglect; and/or which seek to limit or prevent the use of animals for experimental or entertainment purposes. Also provides public education about the humane treatment of animals. ELIGIBILITY: Advocacy is at the state level and public education is limited to Wayne County. FEES: Donations accepted. Sites 1. DETROIT OFFICE 2711 E Jefferson Ave. Detroit, MI 48207 (734) 340-4994 Main SITE AREA SERVED: SITE HOURS: Vary. Serves All Areas. 151 MICHIGAN ASSOCIATION FOR CHILDREN WITH EMOTIONAL DISORDERS MICHIGAN ASSOCIATION OF PHYSICIANS OF INDIAN ORIGIN 28230 Orchard Lake Rd. Suite 203 Farmington Hills, MI 48334 30233 Southfield Rd. Suite 219 Southfield, MI 48076 (248) 539-3604 Main (248) 539-3638 Fax (248) 433-2200 Main (248) 433-2299 Fax VJ Desai, President Kim Tackett, Administrative Assistant OTHER NAMES: MAPI Susan McParland, Executive Director OTHER NAMES: M.A.C.E.D.; MACED SITE AREA SERVED: SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-5pm. Services Services PHYSICIAN/SURGEON ASSOCIATION Physician/Surgeon Associations SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Advocates for physicians and patients through legislative, public health and business initiatives. Also provides human services which include Teenage Pregnancy Task Force and Violence Reduction Task Force. DISABILITY RIGHTS GROUP Disability Rights Groups SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Works to ensure that children and youth with disabilities receive a free, appropriate, public education often by providing assistance for parents who need support in seeking and obtaining needed early intervention, educational, medical or therapeutic services for their children. ELIGIBILITY: Children and youth diagnosed with a mental illness. FEES: None. MICHIGAN ASSOCIATION ON PROBLEM GAMBLING 5651 Bunker Rd. Eaton Rapids, MI 48827 (517) 242-0655 Administrative (888) 270-7117 Toll Free - Michigan Gambling Help Line (800) 522-4700 Toll Free - National Gambling Help Line MICHIGAN ASSOCIATION FOR INFANT MENTAL HEALTH 13010 Allen Rd. Southgate, MI 48195 (734) 785-7705 Main (734) 287-1680 Fax Judith J. Herriff, Executive Director Patrick Witri, President SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Hours vary. Deborah Weatherston, Executive Director Nichole Paradis, Associate Director OTHER NAMES: MI-AMH SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. Services Michigan. GAMBLING ADDICTION PREVENTION PROGRAM Gambling Addiction Prevention Programs Printed Materials * Gambling Issues Workshops/Symposiums * Gambling Issues SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Attempts to reduce the incidence of problem gambling through a variety of educational interventions which help people understand the nature of problem gambling (gambling that causes psychological, physical, social or vocational disruptions in the lives of people for whom gambling is an issue); the risk factors and warning signs; and sources for treatment and support. Offers workshops, presentations, a variety of printed materials, and a list of online resources. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. Services PARENTING MATERIALS Parenting Materials SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers an array of publications and developmental tools for parents and caregivers. These items are for sale or available through a lending library. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: Publications vary in cost. 152 ELIGIBILITY: Individuals unable to obtain automobile insurance and (a) own a motor vehicle registered or to be registered in Michigan, or (b) have a valid driver’s license, or (c) are eligible for the restoration of their Michigan driver’s license upon the filing of proof of financial responsibility. FEES: Varies by coverage; based on market rates. MICHIGAN ATTORNEY GRIEVANCE COMMISSION Marquette Building 243 W Congress St. Suite 256 Detroit, MI 48226 (313) 961-6585 Main (313) 961-5819 Fax HELP ELIMINATE AUTO THEFT (HEAT) Stolen Automobile Reporting SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Coordinates citizen action with law enforcement agencies through a confidential toll-free tip line for reporting information on stolen vehicles, chop shops, and suspected auto theft activities including insurance fraud, identity theft and carjackings. Tipsters are rewarded with up to $1,000 for the arrest and warrant of individuals suspected of auto theft, auto theft related insurance fraud and/or auto theft related identity theft; up to $10,000 for the arrest and binding over for trial of suspected theft ring members and/or chop shop operators; $2,000 for the arrest and warrant of a carjacking suspect. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. Robert Agacinski, Grievance Administrator Nancy Miller, Office Manager SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. Services ATTORNEY COMPLAINTS Lawyer Complaints SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Investigates allegations of attorney misconduct. Serves to maintain and promote the integrity of the Bar and to protect the public, the courts, and the legal profession. Has jurisdiction over all attorneys licensed to practice law by the State Bar of Michigan and attorneys otherwise permitted to practice law in the State of Michigan. ELIGIBILITY: Anyone may file a request. FEES: None. MICHIGAN BASIC PROPERTY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION 3245 E Jefferson Ave. Detroit, MI 48207 PO Box 86 Detroit, MI 48231 MICHIGAN AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE PLACEMENT FACILITY (313) 877-7400 Main (313) 568-4773 Fax 17456 N Laurel Park Dr. Suite 130E Livonia, MI 48152-3981 PO Box 33617 Detroit, MI 48232-5617 Richard Robertson, General Manager Public transportation accessible. (734) 464-1100 Main (734) 464-0009 Fax SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-4pm. Services Terri A Miller, General Manager Nina Hier, Processing Manager OTHER NAMES: MICHIGAN AUTOMOBILE ASSIGNED RISK PLAN HOME INSURANCE Home Insurance SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides residential property insurance at standard rates for homeowners unable to obtain insurance in the regular market. ELIGIBILITY: Michigan homeowners unable to get insurance in the regular insurance market. Property must meet building code standards. FEES: No fees for inspection. Insurance costs are based on coverage using standard rates. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-4:20pm. Services AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Automobile Insurance SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides automobile insurance to individuals unable to obtain it in the competitive market. Buying coverage through the Facility should be the last resort. Most people can obtain coverage through insurance companies in the voluntary market. 153 MICHIGAN BRAILLE AND TALKING BOOK LIBRARY MICHIGAN BRAILLE TRANSCRIBING FUND Cotton Regional Corrections Facility 3500 N Elm Rd. Jackson, MI 49201 PO Box 30007 Lansing, MI 48909 (517) 373-5614 Main (800) 992-9012 Toll Free (800) 726-7323 Fax - In-State Fax (517) 373-5865 Fax - Out-of-State Fax (517) 780-5096 Main (517) 745-1629 Service/Intake - Emergency Orders after 3pm (517) 780-5448 Fax Tyler Colton, President/CEO OTHER NAMES: MBTF Sue Chinault, Librarian Manager OTHER NAMES: BTBL; MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF LICENSING AND REGULATORY AFFAIRS BRAILLE AND TALKING BOOK LIBRARY; MICHIGAN TALKING BOOK LIBRARY SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 6am-2:30pm. Services BRAILLE MATERIALS/COLLECTIONS Braille Materials/Collections SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Maintains a collection of textbooks and other reading materials in Braille, a system that uses raised dots to represent numerals and letters of the alphabet which can be identified by the fingers, and sells them to individuals with visual impairments. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: Vary by material. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan, except for Wayne County. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm by phone. Mon-Fri 10am-5pm for walk-ins. Services DISABILITY RELATED LIBRARY Disability Related Libraries SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Maintains a collections of books on digital cartridge and braille books that are accessible to people who are unable to use regular printed materials because of a visual, physical or other disability. Materials are generally circulated by US Post . ELIGIBILITY: Serves individuals with visual and physical disabilities. FEES: None. BRAILLE TRANSCRIPTION Braille Transcription SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Transcribes printed materials such as contracts, legal documents, tests, exams, manuals, restaurant menus, election ballots, etc., into Braille, a system that uses raised dots to represent numerals and letters of the alphabet which can be identified by the fingers. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: Vary by material. Documents using Quick Braille are $2.75 per page and $.60 per page for a copy. Textbooks are $.33 to $.37 per page. RECORDINGS AND BRAILLE MATERIALS FOR THE BLIND AND VISUALLY IMPAIRED Braille Materials/Collections Recordings for the Blind and Dyslexic SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers best-sellers, mysteries, westerns, biographies and how-to books and other types of materials recorded on digital cartridge or printed in Braille. Materials are delivered to an individual's door through the United States postal service. Publications are unabridged (not condensed) and contain all of the information found in the print version. ELIGIBILITY: Michigan State residents who are unable to read due to a visual or physical impairment. FEES: None. MICHIGAN CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Capital Commons Center 400 S Pine St. Lansing, MI 48913 (517) 373-3048 Main (800) 788-1766 Toll Free (517) 373-7690 Fax (517) 335-0191 TDD/TTY Jeremy Stephens, State Personnel Director Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL SERVICE <continued...> 154 MICHIGAN CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION... Sites MICHIGAN COMMISSION FOR DISABILITY CONCERNS - DIVISION ON DEAF AND HARD OF HEARING 1. DETROIT REGIONAL OFFICE 3042 W Grand Blvd. Suite 4-400 Detroit, MI 48202 201 N Washington Sq. Suite 150 Lansing, MI 48913 (313) 456-4400 Main (313) 456-4411 Fax (313) 456-4409 TDD/TTY (517) 335-6004 Main (866) 939-3853 Toll Free - Video Phone (877) 499-6232 Toll Free (517) 335-7773 Fax (877) 499-6232 TDD/TTY SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. 2. MICHIGAN CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 400 S Pine St. Lansing, MI 48913 Sheryl Emery, Director OTHER NAMES: DODHH (517) 373-3048 Main (800) 788-1766 Toll Free (517) 373-7690 Fax (517) 335-0191 TDD/TTY SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. Services Jeremy Stephens, State Personnel Director Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. ADA IMPLEMENTATION ASSISTANCE ADA Implementation Assistance SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Assist employers, educational institutions, service agencies, and businesses with suggestions to make their programs and services accessible to deaf and hard of hearing persons in compliance with state and federal laws. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. Services ADMINISTRATIVE ENTITY Administrative Entities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Serves as the headquarters for the Michigan Civil Service Commission. Plans, organizes and controls the activities of the organization. Sites: 2 ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY INFORMATION AND TRAINING Assistive Technology Information Assistive Technology Training SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Consults on communication barriers or access as related to individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing. Provide information and training on TTYs, signalling devices and assistive listening devices (ALDs). Maintains a list of trainers for hearing and service dogs. Maintains a list of assistive devices and providers or dealers. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. STATE GOVERNMENT JOB INFORMATION Civil Service Employment Job Banks SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides information and assists individuals to obtain positions in federal, state, city or town government which are filled on the basis of merit and the results of a competitive examination. Check website for current available positions and how to apply at ELIGIBILITY: State employees and individuals wishing to apply for a position. FEES: None. Sites: 1 INFORMATION AND REFERRAL FOR PERSONS WITH HEARING IMPAIRMENTS Specialized Information and Referral * Acquired Deafness Specialized Information and Referral * Congenital Deafness Specialized Information and Referral * Hard of Hearing SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides information about deafness and hard of hearing issues. Maintains and distributes statistical data related to individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing. Offers referrals to social and health services. Publishes a listing of interpreter providers. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. 155 Services MICHIGAN COMMISSION FOR THE BLIND ADMINISTRATIVE ENTITY Administrative Entities 201 N Washington Sq. 2nd Floor Lansing, MI 48909 SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Serves as the headquarters for the Michigan Commission for the Blind, which is part of the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs. Plans, organizes and manages the activities of the organization. ELIGIBILITY: Varies with individual programs and services. FEES: None. Sites: 2 PO Box 30652 Lansing, MI 48909 (517) 373-2062 Main (800) 992-9012 Toll Free MCB Braille and Talking Book Library (800) 292-4200 Toll Free (517) 335-5140 Fax (888) 864-1212 TDD/TTY MICHIGAN COMMISSION FOR THE BLIND BRAILLE AND TALKING BOOK LIBRARY Braille Materials/Collections SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides audio and Braille books. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals who are unable to use standard print material due to a visual or physical disability, not limited to blindness. FEES: None. Sites: 1 2 0,1607,7-154-28077_28313---,00.html Susan Turney, Communications & Outreach Coordinator Leamon Jones, Consumer Services Direct Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: BLIND COMMISSION; MICHIGAN BLIND COMMISSION; MICHIGAN COMMISSION FOR THE BLIND; MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF LICENSING AND REGULATORY AFFAIRS; SENIOR BLIND PROGRAM INDEPENDENT LIVING PROGRAM Independent Living Skills Instruction Orientation and Mobility Training SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides services to older individuals who are visually impaired so they can be independent in their daily lives. Includes Information and referral, rehabilitation teaching services, orientation and mobility training, low-vision services, low-vision aids, daily living skills, leisure activities, counseling, instruction for Braille and other communication methods, and peer support groups. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 55 and older whose severe visual impairment makes competitive employment extremely difficult to attain but for whom goals related to more independent living are feasible. FEES: None. Sites: 2 Sites 1. DETROIT OFFICE 3038 W. Grand Blvd. Suite 4-450 Detroit, MI 48202 (313) 456-1646 Main (313) 456-1645 Fax (888) 864-1212 TDD/TTY Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Macomb, Oakland and Wayne counties. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. 2. MICHIGAN COMMISSION FOR THE BLIND 201 N Washington Sq. 2nd Floor Lansing, MI 48909 VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION FOR INDIVIDUALS WHO ARE BOTH DEAF AND BLIND Vocational Rehabilitation SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides training and employment experiences for individuals who are both deaf and blind to assist them in achieve economic self-sufficiency. Includes consultation, training, job placement and transition services. ELIGIBILITY: High school students and adults who are legally blind and have moderate to profound hearing loss. FEES: None. Sites: 2 (517) 373-2062 Main (517) 373-9424 Service/Intake - DeafBlind Services (800) 292-4200 Toll Free (800) 992-9012 Toll Free MCB Braille and Talking Book Library (517) 335-5140 Fax (888) 864-1212 TDD/TTY Susan Turney, Communications & Outreach Coordinator Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. 156 Services MICHIGAN COMMUNITY SERVICE COMMISSION DISABILITY RELATED SUPPORT GROUP FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH VISUAL IMPAIRMENTS Health/Disability Related Support Groups * Visual Impairments SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a support group for individuals with vision loss. Offers an opportunity for participants to share information, practical tips for daily living and encouragement about issues related to the disability. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 18 and older who are blind or visually impaired. Some support groups may allow family members. FEES: None. 1048 Pierpont Suite 4 Lansing, MI 48913 (517) 335-4295 Main (517) 373-4977 Fax Paula Kaiser VanDam, Executive Director Janice Harvey, Executive Assistant SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm. Services NEWSLETTER Newsletters MENTOR MICHIGAN Adult/Child Mentoring Programs Mentoring Services Volunteer Opportunities Mentoring Skills Development SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides an online resource and comprehensive list of mentoring programs in Michigan. Potential mentors, businesses, youth, parents, guardians, teachers, faith leaders, and others can find mentoring program information. Interested individuals may apply for mentoring volunteer opportunities. Mentor Michigan elevates public awareness of the positive impact of mentoring and the need for more quality mentors and offers workshops and other online support which helps participants develop personal mentoring skills and/or learn the steps involved in planning and implementing a successful workplace mentoring program. ELIGIBILITY: None for accessing directory. However, upon application to volunteer as a mentor, most programs require an interview, training and/or background check prior to acceptance into program. FEES: None. SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a quaterly newletter and monthly magazine with articles of concern to individuals who are blind or visually impaired or to their family and friends. Offered in various formats, including on cassette, Braille, large print, or computer text. ELIGIBILITY: Members of Michigan Council of the Blind and Visually Impaired. FEES: No charge with $10 annual membership fee. PEER COUNSELING FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH VISUAL IMPAIRMENTS Peer Counseling SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides one on one counseling sessions with an individual who has experienced vision loss. Offers emotional support, information and guidance to help individuals resolve whatever personal or interpersonal difficulties they are experiencing. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 18 and older who are blind or visually impaired. FEES: None. MICHIGAN COUNCIL ON CRIME AND DELINQUENCY PUBLIC FOUNDATION Public Foundations SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Supports volunteerism through grant programs like AmeriCorps, Citizen Corps, Learn and Serve, and the Volunteer Investment Grants as well as other initiatives including the Governor's Service Awards and Mentor Michigan. 1000 W St. Joseph Suite 400 Lansing, MI 48912 (517) 482-4161 Main (517) 482-0020 Fax MICHIGAN COUNCIL OF THE BLIND AND VISUALLY IMPAIRED (888) 956-2284 Service/Intake Harry Wilson, Executive Director Robert Burroughs, Associate Director Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: MCCD SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. 3564 Goodman Ave. SW Wyoming, MI 49519 Joe Sibley, President SITE AREA SERVED: SITE HOURS: Vary. <continued...> Michigan. 157 MICHIGAN COUNCIL ON CRIME AND... FOOD SAFETY STANDARDS Food Safety Standards SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Enforces the laws that establish standards and policies regarding the production, processing, composition, quality, nutrition and safety of foods, food additives, colors and cosmetics. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. Services ADMINISTRATIVE ENTITY Administrative Entities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Serves as the headquarters for the Michigan Council on Crime and Delinquency. Plans, organizes and controls the activities of the organization. PEST AND PESTICIDE CONTROL Pest Control Services SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Investigates established infestations of insects, rodents and other pests which may endanger the health of the community or cause damage to homes and other structures, crops and gardens; and, offers advice and guidance regarding steps individual property owners can take to eradicate infestations. Also provides referrals to pest control companies. ELIGIBILITY: Residents of Michigan. FEES: None. MICHIGAN JUVENILE JUSTICE COLLABORATIVE Juvenile Delinquency Prevention SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Advocates for policies and practices that prevent delinquency, promote rehabilitation, and support transitional services for youth involved in the juvenile justice system and to raise awareness about the need for best practices that are equitable and just. Provides alternatives to the increased use of zero tolerance discipline, school based arrests, disciplinary alternative schools, and secured detention. Promotes conflict resolution and violence prevention in schools. FEES: None. SERVICE STATION COMPLAINTS Service Station Complaints SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Tests the gasoline quality at thousands of the state’s service stations. Resolves complaints regarding short measures, gasoline contamination, octane ratings, failure to display prices, price gouging, unethical or improper conduct of personnel or other inappropriate business practices of service stations. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT 525 W Allegan St. Lansing, MI 48933 PO Box 30017 Lansing, MI 48909 TRUTH IN LABELING/PACKAGING Truth in Labeling/Packaging SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Responsible for assuring that food and other consumer packages are properly labeled. Protects consumers of goods from fraudulent, deceitful and unfair labeling and packaging practices through enforcement of regulations which require that manufacturers adequately and truthfully label their goods and package them in a way that does not misrepresent the value of their contents. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. (517) 373-1052 Administrative - Office of the Director (517) 373-1087 Main Pesticide and Plant Pest Management Division (800) 292-3939 Toll Free - Consumer Information Line (517) 335-4540 Fax Pesticide and Plant Pest Management Division Keith Creagh, Director Brenda Smith Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF ATTORNEY GENERAL G Mennen Williams Building 525 W Ottawa St. 7th Floor Lansing, MI 48909 Services FOOD COMPLAINTS Food Complaints SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Accepts and attempts to resolve complaints regarding the purity, safety, wholesomeness, packaging, weighing, labeling or other problems with meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products, produce, packaged foodstuffs or other food products. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. PO Box 30212 Lansing, MI 48909 (517) 373-1110 Main (877) 765-8388 Toll Free (517) 373-3042 Fax Bill Schuette, Attorney General <continued...> 158 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF ATTORNEY GENERAL... fee.) ELIGIBILITY: Michigan residents. FEES: None. Sites: 1 Katharyn A Barron, Division Chief Sites 1. CONSUMER PROTECTION DIVISION 525 W Ottawa St. 1st Floor Lansing, MI 48909 CHARITABLE TRUST COMPLAINTS AND REGULATION Charitable Organization Complaints Charitable Organization Registration Charitable Solicitations Permits SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Manages the registration of charitable organizations, professional fundraisers and solicitors; monitors registration renewals; accepts required financial documents relating to their activities, fund-raising contracts and reports; and reviews submitted documentation to ensure that charities are in compliance with the law. Issues permits which provide written authorization for charitable institutions to conduct public solicitation campaigns or to hold dances, shows, sales, concerts, lectures or other special events for the purpose of collecting money for charity. Also accepts and, where possible, attempts to resolve complaints regarding charitable organizations. ELIGIBILITY: Michigan residents. FEES: Vary. Sites: 1 (517) 335-0855 Main (517) 241-7074 Fax (517) 373-1140 Alternate - Complaints Bill Schuette, Attorney General SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. 2. DETROIT OFFICE Cadillac Place, 10th Floor 3030 W Grand Blvd., Suite 10-200 Detroit, MI 48202 (313) 456-0240 Main (313) 456-0061 Fax Ron Robinson, Division Chief SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. CONSUMER PROTECTION AND EDUCATION Consumer Education Consumer Fraud Reporting Government Consumer Protection Agencies SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a complaint hotline and website where consumers can report the activities of telephone scammers and other con artists who attempt to persuade people to part with their assets, financial or otherwise. Also receives, investigates and resolves through direct action or referral to law enforcement or regulatory agencies, consumer complaints that are a result of transactions in the marketplace. Publishes and disseminates a large selection of consumer education materials, initiates studies to improve standards of conduct for businesses and consumers, and analyzes and recommends changes in consumer protection legislation. ELIGIBILITY: Michigan residents. FEES: None. Sites: 1 3. MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF ATTORNEY GENERAL 525 W Ottawa St. 7th Floor Lansing, MI 48909 (517) 373-1110 Main (877) 765-8388 Toll Free (517) 373-3042 Fax Bill Schuette, Attorney General SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. Services ANTITRUST AND FRANCHISE COMPLAINTS AND REGULATION Antitrust Complaints Franchise Industry Complaints Franchise Registration SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Accepts and, where possible, attempts to resolve complaints regarding price fixing, monopolies, price discrimination, and other illegal practices; as well as complaints regarding misrepresentation of potential sales income or profits, failure to disclose facts about business and franchise relationships, failure to make promised refunds or other unethical franchise business practices. Also makes an official record of businesses that offer franchises. (A franchise is a contract or agreement that allows an individual or group of individuals to offer, sell or distribute goods and services utilizing the marketing plan, operational structure and trademark, service mark, trade name, advertising or other commercial symbol of an established business for a SENIOR PROTECTION BRIGADE Elder Abuse Prevention SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides online consumer protection information to Michigan's senior population. Also offers 30 minute presentations at senior centers, libraries and other gathering points for seniors. Presentation topics include home repair and equity scams, identity theft, investment fraud, phone and mail scams, and residential care facility issues. ELIGIBILITY: Seniors and senior groups. FEES: None. Sites: 1 <continued...> 159 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF ATTORNEY GENERAL... FIGHTING MORTGAGE FRAUD Predatory Lending Assistance SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Protects consumers in regards to mortgage "rescue" scams, predatory lending and criminal mortgage fraud. Investigates individuals and organizations that prey on vulnerable homeowners through mortgage fraud schemes, foreclosure rescue scams and predatory lending. Accepts complaints from consumers and mediates a number of those complaints that fall within its jurisdiction, including some foreclosure rescue complaints and inquiries. FEES: None. Sites: 1 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY HEALTH STATE ATTORNEY GENERAL State Attorneys General SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Supervises the legal affairs of the state, provides legal counsel to the administrators of state government and county legal officers, supervises the activities of law enforcement agencies, has supervisory authority over county district attorneys and serves as the chief legal counsel in all litigation involving the state. ELIGIBILITY: Residents of the State of Michigan. FEES: None. Sites: 2 3 Sites Lonnie Barnett, Site Director SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL RIGHTS 2. HAWTHORN CENTER 18471 Haggerty Rd. Northville, MI 48167 Capitol View Building 201 Townsend St. Lansing, MI 48913 (517) 373-3740 Main Olga Dazzo, Director Rose Moye OTHER NAMES: DCH; DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HEALTH; DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH; MDCH 1. CHILDREN'S SPECIAL HEALTH CARE SERVICES 320 S Walnut St. 6th Floor Lansing, MI 48913 (800) 359-3722 Main - Information line (517) 335-8055 Fax Capitol Tower Building 110 W Michigan Ave. Suite 800 Lansing, MI 48933 (248) 349-3000 Service/Intake (248) 349-9552 Fax Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: 24 hours. (517) 335-3165 Main (517) 241-0546 Fax (517) 241-1965 TDD/TTY - Lansing Statewide Office 3. MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY HEALTH 201 Townsend St. Lansing, MI 48913 Daniel H Knichbaum, Executive Director Public transportation accessible. (517) 373-3740 Main SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. Olga Dazzo, Director SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. Services 4. WALTER REUTHER PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL 30901 Palmer Rd. Westland, MI 48186 CONSTITUTIONAL/CIVIL RIGHTS GROUP Constitutional/Civil Rights Groups SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Works to protect the rights of people guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution, and promotes the passage and enforcement of laws and other social measures that extend individual rights or more effectively protects them. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. (734) 367-8400 Service/Intake (734) 722-5562 Fax Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. <continued...> 160 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY HEALTH... diseases. Activities include routine surveillance of communicable disease activity, assessment of the community immunization level through school records and immunization studies, investigation of epidemic outbreaks, reporting of cases of infectious diseases to the proper authorities and taking appropriate measures such as isolation and contact tracing/notification to prevent disease transmission. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. Sites: 3 Services BREAST AND CERVICAL CANCER CONTROL Breast Examinations Mammograms Pap Tests SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides cancer screening and follow up treatment services to uninsured and underinsured women. Services include a clinical breast exam, pelvic exam, pap test and mammogram. The goal of the program is to identify breast and cervical cancer at earlier stages of the disease when treatment is less expensive and the survival rate is more favorable. ELIGIBILITY: Women, ages 40 - 64, who have an income below 250% of the federal poverty level and are underinsured or uninsured for female cancer diagnostic tests or who need follow up of breast and cervical abnormalities. FEES: None. Sites: 3 COMPLAINTS ABOUT STATE-FUNDED CHILDREN'S SPECIAL SERVICES Government Complaints/Government Ombudsman Offices SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Monitors programs, placements, and departments responsible for providing children's services. Addresses and investigates complaints related to government services for children and youth to provide a system accountability mechanism and to protect the interests and legal rights of children and their families who are parties in the child welfare and juvenile justice arenas. FEES: None. Sites: 1 CHILDREN'S SPECIAL HEALTH CARE SERVICES Children's State/Local Health Insurance Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides healthcare insurance coverage for children and some adults who have special needs. ELIGIBILITY: Residency: Must be a Michigan resident Citizenship: Must be a US citizen or documented non-citizen admitted for permanent residence or a non-citizen legally admitted migrant farm worker (i.e. seasonal agricultural worker). Age: Children must have a qualifying medical condition and be 20 years old or under. Individuals 21 and older with cystic fibrosis or certain hereditary blood coagulation disorders commonly known as hemophilia may also qualify. Qualifying Medical condition: A MDCH medical consultant reviews each case to determine eligibility. Severity and chronicity of the individual's condition as well as the need for treatment by a specialist are factors considered. FEES: There is a fee to join CSHCS. The fee is waived if child is on Medicaid, MIChild or WIC. The fee is based upon income. Sites: 1 CRIME VICTIM SERVICES Burial/Cremation Expense Assistance Crime Victim Compensation SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides limited financial assistance to innocent individuals that receive bodily injury from the commission of a crime in Michigan and who incur un-reimbursable financial losses as a result of the injury. ELIGIBILITY: The victim must not be responsible for the crime or an accomplice, did not contribute to the injury by doing something dangerous or illegal to cause the injury to happen, and must cooperate with the reasonable requests of law enforcement and prosecution. A person must have at least $200 in out-of pocket expenses or two continuous weeks loss of earnings or support. These limits are excused for retired or disabled persons and for emergency room medical exams for rape victims. FEES: None. Sites: 3 MICHILD CHIP Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Health and dental insurance for children ages eighteen and under from low-income working families. Program covers: regular checkups, shots, emergency care, dental care, pharmacy, hospital care, prenatal care and delivery, vision and hearing and mental health/substance abuse services. ELIGIBILITY: Uninsured children ages 18 and under from working families that are US Citizens and Michigan residents. Families must meet income guidelines and have no other health insurance plans. FEES: $10.00/month/family. Sites: 3 COMMUNICABLE DISEASE CONTROL AIDS/HIV Control Influenza Control Meningitis Control Sexually Transmitted Disease Control Tuberculosis Control SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Protects the public health through comprehensive efforts to track the incidence and distribution of disease in the population and prevent, control and eradicate vaccine-preventable diseases, vector and food-borne illnesses, diseases that are transmitted person-to-person and other diseases that are spread by direct or indirect contact, including various strains of influenza, meningitis, hepatitis, tuberculosis, AIDS/HIV, and sexually transmitted <continued...> 161 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY HEALTH... MiHealth card, or if their card is lost, stolen or damaged. The Medicaid Beneficiary Help Line does NOT assist with determining Medicaid eligibility. Individuals seeking a dentist must check their local phone books as the help line does NOT keep a list of dentists who accept Medicaid. ELIGIBILITY: Medicaid recipients living in Michigan. FEES: None. Sites: 3 HEALTHY KIDS CHIP Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a wide range of health care coverage and support services for qualifying babies and children under the age of 19 and pregnant women (during pregnancy and the first two months post pregnancy) including: prenatal care, lab/x-ray tests, prenatal vitamins, delivery of baby, hospital care and care for the baby after birth. Healthy Kids covers most medically necessary needs for children including transportation if no other means are available. ELIGIBILITY: Pregnant women, babies and children under age 19. Must be a US Citizen, a resident of Michigan and must be able to declare all income (including child support), social security benefits, unemployment benefits and provide information on current health insurance if any. Sites: 3 MICHIGAN TOBACCO QUIT LINE Helplines/Warmlines Smoking Cessation SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers a telephone service for individuals that want to quit using tobacco. The Quit Line offers a personal health coach and participant toolkits to help tobacco users gain confidence and motivation they need to quit for good. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. LANGUAGES: Spanish. Sites: 3 PLAN FIRST Adult State/Local Health Insurance Programs * Family Planning Issues SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides coverage for family planning services to women in Michigan who otherwise would not have medical coverage. Services include an initial physical exam and health history, including patient education and counseling related to reproductive health and family planning options; annual physical examination, including a pap smear and testing for sexually transmitted diseases; diagnostic tests related to reproductive health needs and associated laboratory work; contraceptive management, including medication and supplies; sterilization services; and prescription medications required as incidental to or as part of a procedure done for reproductive health/family planning purposes. Does not include coverage of abortions or treatment of infertility. Participants must obtain services from a Medicaid approved provider, including Medicaid enrolled pharmacies, laboratories, and outpatient hospitals. ELIGIBILITY: Women ages 19-44 who reside in Michigan and are not currently Medicaid eligibile, who have family income at or below 185% of the federal poverty level, and who meet Medicaid citizenship requirements. FEES: None. Sites: 3 STATE PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL FOR ADULTS Adult Psychiatric Hospitals State Hospitals SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Operates a 210 bed facility that serves adult patients ages 43 and older. A broad range of treatment services are offered including psychology, nursing, social work, general medicine, education, activity therapy (music therapy, recreation therapy and occupational therapy) and pastoral care. ELIGIBILITY: Adults ages 43 and older with a need for psychiatric care. FEES: Accepts Medicaid, Medicare and other third party payments. Sites: 4 STATE PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL FOR CHILDREN Children's/Adolescent Psychiatric Hospitals State Hospitals SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Operates a 118 bed facility that serves children between the ages of five to seventeen. A broad range of treatment services are offered including psychology, nursing, social work, general medicine, education, activity therapy (music therapy, recreation therapy and occupational therapy) and pastoral care. ELIGIBILITY: Youth ages five to seventeen that have been referred to the facility. FEES: Accepts Medicaid, Medicare and other third party payments. Sites: 2 MEDICAID BENEFICIARY HELP LINE Medicaid Card Replacement State Medicaid Managed Care Enrollment Programs Welfare Rights Assistance SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a help line for Medicaid recipients with questions or concerns about their benefits. Medicaid recipients may inquire about current eligibility, health plan enrollment or changes (Michigan Enrolls), services covered, or questions concerning primary care providers. Individuals should also contact the help line if they have not received their SUPPORT GROUPS FOR FAMILIES OF SPECIAL NEEDS CHILDREN Caregiver/Care Receiver Support Groups Parent Support Groups SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides support groups for parents/caregivers of special needs children. <continued...> 162 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY HEALTH... is federally-funded and is available to income-eligible students who are unable to pay the full cost. Public and private, nonprofit schools participating in the program are reimbursed for the lunches served. ELIGIBILITY: *Children in households receiving Food Stamps or DHS cash assistance (FIP). *Children may qualify for free or reduced price meals if the household income falls within the limits specified on the application. *Most foster children can receive free meals regardless of income. FEES: School lunches may be free or low cost. Accepts cash for reduced meal costs. Some schools districts provide online payment option. ELIGIBILITY: Parents/caregivers of children with any chronic or special needs health condition. FEES: None. Sites: 1 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS Grandview Plaza 206 E Michigan Ave. Lansing, MI 48909 PO Box 30003 Lansing, MI 48909 (517) 335-1426 Main MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Daniel H Heyns, Director Sandra C Simon, Executive Assistant OTHER NAMES: MDOC 525 W Allegan St. Lansing, MI 48933 PO Box 30473 Lansing, MI 48909 SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. Closed for lunch 12noon-1pm. (517) 373-7660 Main (800) 292-4706 Toll Free - After Hours/Weekends Services Dan Wyant, Director Rosemarie Olszewski, General Office Assistant/Receptionist OTHER NAMES: DEQ ADMINISTRATIVE ENTITY Administrative Entities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Serves as the headquarters for the Michigan Department of Corrections. Plans, organizes and controls the activities of the organization. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. Services WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT Flood/Siltation Control Land Development Services Water Quality Assurance SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Establishes water quality standards; assesses water quality; provides regulatory oversight for all public water supplies; issues permits to regulate the discharge of industrial and municipal wastewaters; and monitors state water resources for water quality, the quantity and quality of aquatic habitat, the health of aquatic communities, and compliance with state laws. Responsible for plan review and approval for public water supplies, wastewater collection and treatment facilities; campground construction; and public swimming pool construction. Assists local health departments with public education, site condominiums, land division and subdivision on-site water supply, sewage disposal issues, and accreditation of local health departments. Also provides oversight to local soil erosion and sedimentation control programs. Provides well driller/pump installer registration, licenses for transporting septic tank waste, and certificates for registration of water haulers and water hauling containment. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 608 W Allegan St. Lansing, MI 48909 PO Box 30008 Lansing, MI 48909 (517) 373-3324 Administrative Michael P Flanagan, Superintendent Of Public Instruction OTHER NAMES: MDE SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. Services FREE AND REDUCED COST SCHOOL MEALS Milk Programs School Breakfasts School Lunches SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides free and reduced price school meals for low income families during the school year. Meal programs include National School Lunch Program (NSLP), School Breakfast Program, Special Milk Program (free milk option) and After School Snack Program. The program 163 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES 4. OFFICE OF HIV/AIDS ADVOCACY SERVICES 3038 W Grand Blvd. Suite 4-550 Detroit, MI 48202 235 S Grand Ave. Lansing, MI 48909 PO Box 30037 Lansing, MI 48909 (313) 456-1678 Main (517) 373-0707 Ext. 2 Service/Intake - Client Complaints (877) 342-2437 Toll Free (313) 456-1680 Fax (517) 373-2035 Main (517) 373-0707 Service/Intake (517) 373-0707 Ext. 2 Service/Intake - Client Complaints (517) 335-6236 Fax (517) 373-8071 TDD/TTY Kenneth Pape, HIV/AIDS Services Coordinator SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. 5. WAYNE COUNTY - NORTH CENTRAL CHILD AND FAMILY SERVICES OFFICE 13233 Hamilton Highland Park, MI 48203 Maura Corrigan, Director Duane Berger, Chief Deputy Director OTHER NAMES: ADCD; DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES; DHS; DSS; FAMILY INDEPENDENCE AGENCY; FIA; MICASE WEB SITE; SOCIAL SERVICES; TANF; WELFARE OFFICE (313) 852-1700 Main (517) 373-0707 Ext. 2 Service/Intake - Client Complaints (313) 852-1891 Fax Michael Patterson, District Manager SITE AREA SERVED: Zip Codes 48203, 48205, 48211, 48212, 48221, 48223, 48224, 48225, 48227, 48234, 48235, and 48238. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm excluding state holidays. Sites 1. CENTRALIZED INTAKE FOR ABUSE AND NEGLECT 5321 Twenty-Eighth Street Ct. SE Grand Rapids, MI 49546 6. WAYNE COUNTY - REDFORD SERVICE CENTER 27260 Plymouth Rd. Redford, MI 48239 (517) 373-0707 Ext. 2 Service/Intake - Client Complaints (855) 444-3911 Toll Free (616) 977-1158 Fax (616) 977-1154 Fax Carol Kehoe, Director SITE AREA SERVED: (313) 937-4200 Main (517) 373-0707 Ext. 2 Service/Intake - Client Complaints (313) 937-4326 Fax SITE AREA SERVED: Zip Codes 48135, 48150, 48151, 48152, 48154, 48167, 48168, 48170, 48185, 48187, 48223, 48239 and 48240. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm excluding state holidays. Michigan 2. DISABILITY DETERMINATION SERVICE DETROIT AREA PO Box 345 Detroit, MI 48231 Services MICHIGAN'S ADOPTION SERVICES Adoption Evaluation/Placement SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Finds permanent adoptive placements for foster children as soon as possible following termination of parental rights. When possible, these placements are with families that have existing relationships or attachments to the children. When possible, attempts are made to keep siblings together. The Department of Human Services delivers adoption services directly through its own staff and also through other licensed private child care agencies. ELIGIBILITY: Children whose parental rights are terminated and are committed by the court to the State of Michigan. Most children fall into the following groups: Minority children, Older children, Children with physical, emotional or mental impairments and Family groups of two or more children. Adoptive parents must be adults. Both single and married individuals are eligible. FEES: None. Sites: 6 (800) 383-7155 Toll Free Otis Kern, Area Administrator SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:00am-4:30pm. 3. MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES 235 S Grand Ave. Lansing, MI 48909 (517) 373-2035 Main (517) 373-0707 Ext. 2 Service/Intake - Client Complaints (517) 373-0707 Service/Intake (517) 335-6236 Fax (517) 373-8071 TDD/TTY Maura Corrigan, Director SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. <continued...> 164 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES... FEES: None. Sites: 6 ADOPTION SUBSIDY PROGRAM Adoption Expense Assistance SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides financial assistance and/or medical subsidy to adoptive families to support the placement of children in Michigan's foster care program who have special needs. Support subsidy assists with the payment of expenses related to caring for and raising the child. Medical subsidy assist with the costs of necessary treatment for a physical, mental or emotional condition which existed or the cause of which existed prior to the adoption. ELIGIBILITY: Adoptive families that receive a special needs child. Child may be eligible for support subsidy, medical subsidy or both. FEES: None. Sites: 6 CHILDREN'S PROTECTIVE SERVICES Child Abuse Reporting/Emergency Response SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Receives and investigates allegations of child abuse or neglect by a parent, legal guardian or adult who lives in the same home as the child. Also assesses the safety and risk to the child and intervenes appropriately. The identity of the individual making the report is confidential. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. Reports may be anonymous. FEES: None. Sites: 1 CHILD CARE SUBSIDIES Child Care Subsidies CENTRAL ADOPTION REGISTRY Adoptive Parent/Child Search SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Maintains statements from birth parents consenting to or denying access to identifying information in adoption records. ELIGIBILITY: Information may be accessed by the court or agency, but not by adopted individuals. FEES: None. Sites: 6 SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides payment for child care services to qualifying families when the parent, legal guardian or substitute parent is unavailable to provide the child care because of employment, education and/or because of a health/social condition for which treatment is being received. Child care must be provided by a DHS approved provider. DHS can pay between 70%-100% of DHS established rates for child care costs. Family is expected to pay the difference. ELIGIBILITY: Families must need child care in order to work, attend school or training, or participate in treatment for a health, social, or substance abuse condition. Families who have recently reached their 48 month limit for cash assistance may be eligible if they are actively working with Michigan Works! FEES: For most families, DHS pays less than the full cost of child care. Families are expected to pay the difference between the DHS payment and the provider's actual charge. Sites: 6 ADULT PROTECTIVE SERVICES Adult Protective Intervention/Investigation Public Guardianship/Conservatorship Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Receives and investigates cases of abuse, neglect or exploitation of vulnerable adults. Policy requires that investigations begin within 24 hours after the complaint is received, or immediately if client is possibly in physical danger. Also investigates the need for a guardian or conservator for all people who have been referred as allegedly incompetent or gravely disabled by mental illness or incapacity. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. Reports may be anonymous. FEES: None. Sites: 1 CHILD SUPPORT ASSISTANCE Child Support Assistance/Enforcement Paternity Suits SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides assistance to ensure that parents fulfill their mutual obligation to financially support and provide health care for their children. Includes services for people who want to locate an absent parent; establish paternity; establish a child support order; request that the non-custodial parent provide health insurance for a child in conjunction with a child support order; change the amount of a child support award; dispute a child support award; or enforce payment of child support monies in cases where the supporting parent is delinquent in paying or refuses to pay or make health insurance arrangements. Also maintains the MiCase web site where parents are able to view online payment summaries, amounts owed, child support case information, scheduled hearing dates and Friend of the Court contact information. ELIGIBILITY: Parent of minor children when one parent does not live with the child. Parents who pay court-ordered child support. Individuals who have physical custody of a minor child. Individuals who receive public assistance for a minor child living in their home. HOME HELP AND INDEPENDENT LIVING SERVICES Attendant Subsidies SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Gives support to individuals who are unable to care for themselves adequately at home by providing funds to hire helpers to assist with activities of daily living (ADL) and instrumental activities of daily living (IADL). Activities of daily living include eating, toileting, bathing, dressing, grooming, transferring and mobility. Instrumental activities of daily living include medication, meal preparation, shopping, laundry and housework. Providers may be friends, neighbors, or employees of home help agencies. A client's spouse or a parent caring for a children under 18 years of age cannot be paid by DHS. ELIGIBILITY: Medicaid recipient with documented need for service from doctor and caseworker. <continued...> 165 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES... FEES: None. Sites: 6 FOSTER HOME PLACEMENT FOR ADULTS Foster Home Placement SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides assistance to individuals and families in locating and selecting licensed community care facilities for individuals who can no longer live independently. Licensed care settings include Adult Foster Care facilities and Homes for the Aged. Ensures the placement of an individual in a safe and sanitary setting with access to meaningful activities and where the individual is treated with dignity and respect. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals and families seeking an alternative living arrangement for an adult who can no longer live independently. FEES: None. Sites: 6 JOB NAVIGATOR VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY Education Volunteer Opportunities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Seeks volunteers to assist Department of Human Services (DHS) clients who have recently been terminated from DHS benefits in finding and retaining employment. Volunteers will be expected to meet with clients within three working days of a referral to establish rapport, complete an informal employability assessment, and develop a strategy for removing barriers to employment and job searching. Volunteers will also teach and discuss how the job market works, how to develop an effective and professional looking resume, how to fill out applications and how to interview successfully. Volunteers should be knowledgeable about the local job market and community resources. Volunteers will continue as a job coach and provide support after the client is hired. ELIGIBILITY: Volunteers must have a valid, current driver's license and good driving record. Must have access to a vehicle in good working condition and insurance. Must pass a background check. Must have at least five years of successful employment experience with demonstrated increase in responsibilities. Must comply with agency confidentiality policy. Computer skills and experience is desirable. Volunteer should be a dependable, task-oriented, mature adult with perseverance and excellent follow-through who relates well to people. FEES: No fees. Volunteers will be reimbursed for out-of-pocket expenses such as mileage, child care and meals. Sites: 3 FOSTER HOME PLACEMENT FOR CHILDREN Foster Home Placement SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides placement, supervision and permanency planning for children who are temporary or permanent state wards. Ensures the safety of children in the foster care system by working with families and community partners in a team approach to make every effort to keep the child with relatives or those who have existing relationships with the child. Foster care services are provided through a partnership between DHS and private nonprofit licensed child placing agencies. ELIGIBILITY: Children who are temporary or permanent court or state wards. Foster families other than relatives must be licensed by the State of Michigan. FEES: None. Sites: 5 6 GOVERNMENT COMPLAINTS/GOVERNMENT OMBUDSMAN OFFICE Government Complaints/Government Ombudsman Offices SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a process in which DHS clients may express feedback or complaints regarding general concerns or disagreement with a DHS decision. Clients should first discuss the problem with their DHS specialist so the specialist has the opportunity to explain the case action. ELIGIBILITY: DHS clients who wish to discuss their case or make a complaint regarding general services. FEES: None. Sites: 2 4 5 6 FOOD ASSISTANCE Food Stamps/SNAP SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides benefits that can be used to purchase food or seed and plants to grow food for low-income households. Individuals receive benefits on an EBT (Electronic Benefits Transfer) or Bridge card. ELIGIBILITY: Households with no or low income. Eligibility benefits are based on household income and size. Must not have assets of more than $5,000 in bank accounts. To check eligibility, visit Michigan Assistance and Referral Service, MARS, ( or call the Michigan Food Stamp Helpline at 1-855-275-6424 (1-855-ASK-MICH). FEES: Clients are allowed one initial card and one replacement card at no cost. All replacement cards after that will cause benefits to be reduced by $3.03 for a card ordered through the DHS Customer Service number. Replacement cards issued through the local DHS office will cause benefits to be reduced by $3.72. Sites: 6 INSURANCE AND BENEFITS ASSISTANCE FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH HIV/AIDS Health Insurance Premium Assistance Welfare Rights Assistance SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides state and federal program eligibility and benefit information for people living with HIV/AIDS. Helps clients and case managers makes sense of what benefits are available, determines if a client meets the state and federal eligibility requirements and sorts out the application procedures. Also pays health insurance premiums for individuals living with HIV/AIDS who have private health insurance and are currently too ill to work in a current job or there is a substantial likelihood that the individual will be too ill to work within the next <continued...> 166 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES... three months. ELIGIBILITY: Residents of Michigan living with HIV/AIDS. FEES: None. Sites: 4 PATERNITY ESTABLISHMENT Genetic Testing and Screening SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Assists either parent in establishing paternity for a child who does not have a legal father. Paternity must be established before the court can order child support. Paternity can be established in the following ways: The mother and the alleged father can sign an Affidavit of Parentage form to legally establish the father's legal rights or the mother and the alleged father can ask the court to determine the legal father of the child. The prosecuting attorney's office in each county is responsible for filing and prosecuting actions to establish paternity. Either parent may request genetic testing for proof that the man is the biological father of the child. ELIGIBILITY: Parents seeking to establish paternity for a child who does not have a legal father. FEES: Fees vary for genetic testing. A court decides who pays for the genetic testing. A court usually orders the alleged father to pay the cost of genetic testing if he is found to be the father. Sites: 3 JUVENILE JUSTICE SERVICES Juvenile Diversion SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides comprehensive social services for youth 12-21 years of age who have committed violations of juvenile code and are committed or referred to DHS for care and supervision. Based on an assessment of the offense, the risk presented by the youth, and the strengths and needs of youth and their family, the youth is provided community services in a private residential facility or a DHS operated residential treatment facility. ELIGIBILITY: Youth 12-21 years of age who have violated the law and are committed or referred to DHS by the Court. FEES: None. Sites: 6 REFUGEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM Refugee/Entrant Cash Assistance State Refugee Coordinators SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Coordinates a variety of services for eligible refugees. Services include reception and placement, short-term cash and medical assistance, comprehensive employment services, foster care for unaccompanied minors, and initial health screenings. ELIGIBILITY: Must meet refugee status as determined by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). Must be within the first eight months following entry into the United States. Must not be eligible for the Family Independence Program (FIP). Must be low-income with cash assets less than $3,000. FEES: None. Sites: 6 MEDICAID Medicaid Appeals/Complaints Medicaid Applications Medicaid Prior Authorization SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides medical assistance to individuals and families who meet the required financial and non-financial eligibility factors. The goal of the program is to ensure essential health care services for those who otherwise could not afford them and is comprised of several sub-programs within two main categories: FIP recipients (Family Independence Program) and SSI (Supplemental Security Income.). DHS determines eligibility and implements the program and the Department of Community Health administers the program. ELIGIBILITY: To receive Medicaid under SSI related category an individuals must be disabled, blind, age 65 or older, entitled to Medicare or be formerly blind or disabled. To receive Medicaid under FIP category a family must have children under 21 years of age or be pregnant. FEES: None. Sites: 6 SAFE DELIVERY Safe Havens for Abandoned Newborns SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers parents the option of anonymously surrendering an infant, from birth to 72 hours of age to an emergency service provider (ESP). An ESP is a uniformed or otherwise identified, employee of a fire department, hospital, or police station that is inside a building and on duty or on duty EMS personnel. A toll-free, 24-hour telephone line provides information on services available to prospective parents. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. Sites: 3 MEDICARE PAYMENT ASSISTANCE Health Insurance Premium Assistance Medicare SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides financial assistance to pay for Medicare Parts A (hospital) and B (medical) premiums, deductibles, and co-pay amounts. ELIGIBILITY: Client must have, or have applied for, Medicare Part A, also known as hospital insurance. Must have monthly income below $1,036 and assets worth less than $4,000 as a single person. Must have monthly income below $1,390 and assets worth less than $6,000 as a married couple. FEES: None. Sites: 6 SENIOR HOUSING INFORMATION AND REFERRAL Senior Housing Information and Referral Specialized Information and Referral * Adult Foster Homes SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Maintains a list of licensed Adult Foster Care, Homes for the Aged and Assisted Living facilities. Does not include unlicensed facilities. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. <continued...> 167 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES... FEES: None. Sites: 3 STATE EMERGENCY RELIEF (SER) Burial/Cremation Expense Assistance Household Goods Vouchers SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides financial assistance for burial or cremation and household goods on a case by case basis. ELIGIBILITY: Low income individuals with limited assets. FEES: None. Sites: 6 SSD/SSI ELIGIBILITY DETERMINATION Social Security Disability Insurance SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Determines eligibility for Social Security Disability benefits including Supplemental Security Income (SSI). The Disability Determination Services Office is responsible for developing medical evidence and rendering the initial determination on whether or not a claimant is disabled or blind under the law. Also determines continuing disability/blindness when a medical review is required. May also render judgment on appeals. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals seeking Social Security Disability benefits or Supplemental Security Income (SSI). FEES: None. Sites: 2 STATE EMERGENCY RELIEF (SER) Appliances Home Rehabilitation Grants SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Assists with home repairs to correct unsafe conditions and restore essential services. Eligible home repairs may include repair or replacement of a non-functioning furnace, hot water heater or septic system. The lifetime maximum for energy-related home repairs (furnaces) is $1,500 per SER group. All energy-related repairs approved since 1/1/1978 count toward this maximum. Home repair payments are made only if the repair is essential to remove a direct threat to health or safety or is required by law or a mobile home park regulation. The repair(s) must restore the home to a safe, livable condition. SER does not pay for improvements or nonessential repairs. ELIGIBILITY: Low income households with limited assets. Applicant must own the home or hold life estate/lease and be responsible for home repairs. Home must be the permanent residence, not listed for sale or in jeopardy of loss (mortgage or property tax arrearage). Ongoing housing costs must be affordable (total housing costs must not exceed 75% of group's net income). FEES: Client co-pay may be required. Sites: 6 SSI SUPPLEMENTARY ASSISTANCE SSI SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides basic financial assistance in the form of monthly checks for individuals who are age 65 and older, blind or have a disability and who have little or no income and resources. In Michigan, SSI benefits include a basic federal benefit and an additional amount paid with State funds. The amount of the state benefit varies by living arrangement. SSI recipients are automatically eligible for Medicaid benefits. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals who are 65 years of age and older, blind or disabled and meet income eligibility requirements. FEES: None. Sites: 6 STATE DISABILITY ASSISTANCE (SDA) State Disability Insurance SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides cash assistance to disabled individuals who are not eligible for the Family Independence Program (FIP), i.e. single adults and childless couples. Funds can be used for living expenses such as rent, heat, utilities, clothing, food, personal care items, etc. ELIGIBILITY: Low-income disabled individuals with limited assets who are not eligible for the Family Independence Program (FIP). Included are individuals 65 years of age or older; individuals unable to work for the past 90 days due to a medical condition; individuals receiving SSI or Social Security Disability; individuals receiving medical assistance based on disability or blindness; individuals receiving special education services or services through Michigan Rehabilitation Services; individuals diagnosed with AIDS; or individuals residing in Adult Foster Care, a home for the aged, hospital, or substance abuse treatment facility. FEES: None. Sites: 6 STATE EMERGENCY RELIEF (SER) Mortgage Payment Assistance Moving Expense Assistance Rent Payment Assistance Rental Deposit Assistance Utility Deposit Assistance SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides housing assistance which may include money for rent, rent arrearage, security deposits, and moving expenses for individuals and families. Individuals who have reached the 48 month limit for cash assistance may be eligible for up to three months of temporary rent assistance. ELIGIBILITY: Low income households with limited assets and one of the following circumstances: Household is homeless, living in a shelter, car or on the street; Household is living temporarily with other individuals following a fire or natural disaster that occurred within 60 days of application; Household is living with other individuals to escape domestic violence; Court summons, order or judgment was issued which will result in household becoming homeless (this may be waived if family has recently reached their 48 month limit for cash assistance); Final written notice to vacate condemned housing from an authorized local public agency is received; Household needs adequate housing to avoid a foster care <continued...> 168 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES... placement or before child(ren) can return home from foster care; DHS specialist/service worker, with supervisory approval, determines the family must be relocated from unsafe housing for the protection of child(ren). FEES: None. Sites: 6 ELIGIBILITY: Foster care youth or youth exiting the foster care system who were in foster care at least one day after their 14th birthday. Funding support ends at 21 years of age. FEES: None. Sites: 6 STATE EMERGENCY RELIEF (SER) Electric Service Payment Assistance Gas Service Payment Assistance Heating Fuel Payment Assistance Water Service Payment Assistance SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides financial assistance to low-income households who meet eligibility requirements when heating, electric or water service has been or will be shut off. Required payments are established amounts that DHS expects families to spend on their energy bill. Households are expected to make required payments for heat and electric, other utilities and shelter expenses before receiving SER assistance. Payments may include the amount needed to restore or continue the service for at least 30 days. Services may also include payment of necessary charges to deliver a 30 day supply of a deliverable fuel. ELIGIBILITY: Low income households with limited assets. Household must make all energy required payments for six months prior to the application for both primary and secondary fuel sources. FEES: Client co-pay may be required. Sites: 6 VEHICLE REPAIR/PURCHASE ASSISTANCE Automobile Payment Assistance Automotive Repair SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides financial assistance to DHS clients needing car repairs or help purchasing a vehicle when necessary to maintain employment. ELIGIBILITY: Must be a current DHS client with an active FIP, CDC, MA or FAP case who needs a vehicle to maintain employment. Vehicle repair must make the car safe and roadworthy. Client must have the ability to afford any payments, insurance and other expenses related to owning a vehicle. FEES: Client must be able to pay remaining amount after DHS assistance for vehicle repairs. Client must be able to afford payments and other expenses related to owning a vehicle. Sites: 6 VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Administration Volunteer Opportunities Family Services Related Volunteer Opportunities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Recruits, trains, and places volunteers for direct or indirect services for DHS clients or as administrative support for the department. Provides a stipend for meals and mileage and child day care costs are reimbursed. ELIGIBILITY: Call for more information. FEES: None. Sites: 6 FAMILY INDEPENDENCE PROGRAM (FIP) TANF SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides cash assistance to families who meet income and eligibility requirements. The program encompasses the work requirements required by federal welfare reform. DHS works closely with the Department of Career Development (Michigan Works!) as to which clients are referred for employment services. ELIGIBILITY: Low-income households with limited assets. Households must have children 0-18 years of age or 18-19 years of age who are attending high school full time and are expected to graduate before age 20. Eligibility also includes pregnant women and families whose child(ren) are in foster care but are expected to return home within one year. FEES: None. Sites: 6 WELFARE FRAUD REPORTING Welfare Fraud Reporting SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a hotline that the public can use to anonymously report suspected cases of fraud involving TANF, Food Stamps, General Relief or other public assistance programs. Some examples of fraud include, but are not limited to, trading or selling a FAP benefits or Bridge card; using FAP benefits or Bridge cards that belong to another household other than one the benefits are issued to; failure to report income in a timely fashion; or making false or misleading statements ELIGIBILITY: Anyone who has information about potential welfare fraud may call to make a report. FEES: None. Sites: 3 YOUTH IN TRANSITION Undesignated Temporary Financial Assistance SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides funds for eligible foster youth or youth exiting the foster care system. Funds may be used to pay for vocational, employment and educational services; independent living skills training; counseling and mentoring; housing; transportation; health needs; parenting and other supports to equip current and former foster youth with the skills necessary to function as successful adults. FIP INFORMATION LINE Welfare Rights Assistance SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a toll free information line, staffed by Department of Human Service caseworkers, for Family Independence Program (FIP) beneficiaries whose benefits are coming to an end. Provides information on individual cases and assistance finding other state programs or employment resources. Information includes when an individual's benefits are <continued...> 169 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES... ending, other programs for which the individual may be eligible, and how an individual should apply. ELIGIBILITY: Family Independence Program (FIP) beneficiaries who have reached the 48 month lifetime limit for benefits. Do NOT give this number for general benefit assistance inquiries. FEES: None. Sites: 3 3. BUREAU OF HEALTH SYSTEMS 1808 W Saginaw St. Lansing, MI 48915 (517) 241-4712 Main (800) 882-6006 Toll Free - Complaint Hotline (517) 241-0093 Fax SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF LICENSING AND REGULATORY AFFAIRS 4. MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF LICENSING AND REGULATORY AFFAIRS 611 W Ottawa St. 4th Floor Lansing, MI 48909 Ottawa Building 611 W Ottawa St. 4th Floor Lansing, MI 48909 (517) 373-3034 Main (517) 373-2129 Fax (517) 373-3034 Main (517) 373-2129 Fax Steve Hilfinger, Director Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. Steve Hilfinger, Director Ruthanne Okun, Director, Burreau of Employment Relations Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: DELEG; DLEG; LARA; MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, LABOR ECONOMIC GROWTH; MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND ECONOMIC GROWTH Services EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION ASSISTANCE Employment Discrimination Assistance SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides assistance for individuals who believe that they have been denied equal access to employment or that they have been treated unfairly as employees. Also included are programs that provide assistance for job applicants who feel they have been denied employment because of a military service obligation or help restore job seniority and pension rights which have been withheld from military service personnel because of an absence from work due to a service obligation. ELIGIBILITY: Michigan residents who believe they have been discriminated against due to Union activity. FEES: None. Sites: 1 4 Sites 1. BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT RELATIONS DETROIT OFFICE 3026 W Grand Blvd. Cadillac Place - Rm. 2-750 Detroit, MI 48202 (313) 456-3510 Main (313) 456-3511 Fax Ruthanne Okun, Director Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. LABOR RELATIONS ASSISTANCE Labor Arbitration/Mediation Unfair Labor Practices Union Elections SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Resolves labor disputes involving public and private sector employees by appointing mediators, arbitrators and fact finders, conducting union representation elections, determining appropriate bargaining units, and adjudicating unfair labor practice cases. FEES: None. Sites: 1 2 2. BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT RELATIONS LANSING OFFICE 1375 S Washington Suite 200 Lansing, MI 48909 (517) 373-3580 Main (517) 334-9716 Fax Milli Kennedy, Mediation Secretary NURSING FACILITY COMPLAINTS Nursing Facility Complaints SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Receives and processes consumer complaints against nursing homes. Also receives and processes nursing home reported incidents submitted by nursing home facilities. Both complaints and incidents <continued...> 170 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF LICENSING AND... are tracked, allegations of non-compliance with state and federal regulations are identified and assigned for investigation. Services WILDLIFE CONSERVATION Wildlife Conservation SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Serves to protect, care and manage fish and wildlife resources and their habitats. Maintains a list of wildlife rehabiliators who have been licensed by the DNR. Also offers information about several exotic and nuisance wildlife species in Michigan and what is being done to stop their spread. Sites: 1 2 ELIGIBILITY: Nursing home residents, their families and nursing home facilities. FEES: None. Sites: 3 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES Mason Building Sixth Floor Lansing, MI 48909 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION State Transportation Building 425 W Ottawa St. Lansing, MI 48909 PO Box 30028 Lansing, MI 48909 (517) 373-2329 Administrative (517) 335-1880 Fax (517) 373-1263 Alternate - Wildlfie (517) 335-3014 Alternate - Press Office (517) 373-9900 Alternate - Parks and Recreation (517) 373-1230 Alternate - Law Enforcement (517) 241-4370 Alternate - Land and Facilities (517) 373-1207 Alternate - Human Resources (517) 373-1275 Alternate Forest, Mineral and Fire Management (517) 373-1280 Alternate - Fisheries (517) 373-2090 Service/Intake,1607,7-151-9623---,00.html Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: MDOT SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-4pm. Services DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Departments of Transportation/Special Districts SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Responsible for transportation planning and administration within the state of Michigan. Rebecca A Humphries, Director OTHER NAMES: DNR Sites 1. MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES Mason Building Sixth Floor Lansing, MI 48909 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF TREASURY Lansing, MI 48922 (517) 373-3200 Main (517) 636-4999 TDD/TTY - Deaf or Hearing Impaired Only (517) 373-2329 Administrative (517) 335-1880 Fax Rebecca A Humphries, Director SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. Andy Dillon, State Treasurer 2. SOUTHFIELD SERVICE CENTER 26000 W Eight Mile Rd. Southfield, MI 48034 1. DETROIT FIELD OFFICE 3060 W Grand Blvd. Suite 2-200 Detroit, MI 48202 Sites (248) 359-9040 Main (313) 456-4340 Main (313) 456-4272 Fax - Collection Division (313) 456-4311 Fax - Audit Division SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-4:30pm. <continued...> 171 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF TREASURY... HOME HEATING CREDIT (HHC) State Income Tax Information * Utility Issues SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides information about the Home Heating Credit. The credit is available to low income families to assist with the cost of heating their homes and is based on income, exemptions claimed and annual heating costs. Payment is made directly to the filer's heat provider. ELIGIBILITY: Michigan residents whose annual income is less than $33,014 may qualify, depending on the number of exemptions claimed. Cannot be a full time student or be claimed as a dependent on another person's income tax return. FEES: No fee to file. Most claimants receive an energy draft to use as payment toward current and future heating bills which must be given to the energy provider before the expiration date on the draft. The energy draft can only be used to pay heating bills in the claimant's name and may not be cashed. Claimants who are enrolled with the Department of Human Services will typically have their credit sent directly to their heat provider. Sites: 2 2. MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF TREASURY Lansing, MI 48922 (517) 373-3200 Main (517) 636-4999 TDD/TTY Deaf or Hearing Impaired Only Andy Dillon, State Treasurer SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:00am-4:45pm excluding state holidays. Services BUSINESS TAX INFORMATION Business Tax Information SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides information and guidance for proprietors of small businesses who need to understand the tax laws as they apply to individuals in their situation. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals who own or operate a business in the state of Michigan. FEES: None. Sites: 2 STATE TREASURER OFFICE State Treasurer Offices SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Oversees the collection, investment and disbursement of all state monies. Also administers major tax laws, safeguards the credit of the state, and also distributes revenue sharing monies to local units of government. ELIGIBILITY: Michigan residents. Sites: 2 MICHIGAN I-CAN! E-FILE Online Tax Preparation/E-Filing Sites SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers online filing services to qualified Michigan taxpayers through the I-CAN! E-FILE program which allows tax payers to file their federal and state tax return electronically and for free. E-file returns are usually processed faster than paper returns. ELIGIBILITY: There are no income guidelines, however those that own a business, are a church employee or clergy member, are in the military, sold real estate in 2011, or have a non-US address may not use I-CAN E-file. Taxpayers who apply for the First Time Home Buyer's Credit will not be able to e-file their tax returns and will be instructed to mail. FEES: None LANGUAGES: English, Spanish. Sites: 2 TAX COLLECTION AGENCY State Tax Collection Agencies SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Administers and enforces tax laws and related statutes established by the state. Activities include advising taxpayers of their rights and responsibilities under state law; determining, assessing and collecting state tax payments; pursuing unpaid state taxes; and responding to taxpayer complaints. ELIGIBILITY: Michigan residents. FEES: None for general information. Sites: 1 STATE INCOME TAX INFORMATION State Income Tax Information SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides information and guidance for individuals who need to understand the Michigan tax laws as they apply to people in their situation. In addition to providing general income tax information, taxpayers can also access tax forms, check the status of their income tax refund, and e-file their taxes on the Treasury Department's website. ELIGIBILITY: Taxpayers in the state of Michigan. FEES: None. Sites: 2 MICHIGAN DYSLEXIA INSTITUTE 532 E Shiawassee St. Lansing, MI 48912 (517) 485-4000 Main (517) 485-4076 Fax OTHER NAMES: AMERICA DYSLEXIA ASSOCIATION OF <continued...> 172 MICHIGAN DYSLEXIA INSTITUTE... Sites MICHIGAN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 1. DETROIT METRO CENTER 3384 W Twelve Mile Rd. Berkley, MI 48072 300 N Washington Sq. Lansing, MI 48913 (248) 658-0777 Main (248) 658-0779 Fax (517) 373-9808 Main (877) 766-1779 Toll Free - Customer Assistance Center (888) 522-0103 Toll Free - Customer Contact Center SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. Michael A Finney, President/CEO OTHER NAMES: MEDC 2. MICHIGAN DYSLEXIA INSTITUTE 532 E Shiawassee St. Lansing, MI 48912 SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. (517) 485-4000 Main (517) 485-4076 Fax Services MICHIGAN BUSINESS ONE STOP Business Assistance Centers Small Business Development SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides an online resource that offers information on starting and operating a business in Michigan. Offers opportunities to create scenarios for starting different types of businesses and learn the state requirements for getting started, including costs and time frames. Tools include; tips on writing a business plan and how to obtain financing; marketing plans and business plans; and other support services for business owners and employers. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. Services ADMINISTRATIVE ENTITY Administrative Entities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Serves as the headquarters for the Michigan Dyslexia Institute. Plans, organizes and controls the activities of the organization. Sites: 2 EDUCATIONAL TESTING FOR DYSLEXIA Educational Testing SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers language evaluations at all centers. Language evaluations will determine whether there are indications of dyslexia and whether specialized remedial reading instruction is appropriate. Also provides comprehensive neuropsychological evaluations for dyslexia, ADHD, and other learning disorders at the Detroit Metro Center in Berkley. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: $650. Sites: 1 MICHIGAN BUSINESS OMBUDSMAN FOR EXISTING BUSINESSES Government Complaints/Government Ombudsman Offices SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides impartial, independent and confidential assistance in resolving disputes and investigating complaints against state government agencies. Ombudsman investigate inquiries from businesses and organizations, acting as a reliable and credible source of information for all parties. Serves as an advocate for businesses within the structure of state government to solve problems. Services include guidance to Michigan businesses on State of Michigan regulations, procedures and processes for state departments. ELIGIBILITY: Any business needing assistance dealing with a state regulatory agency. FEES: None. EDUCATIONAL THERAPY FOR DYSLEXIC INDIVIDUALS Educational Therapy SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides instruction in reading, spelling, writing, and math that is specifically tailored to fit the individual's way of learning. Offers instruction using an adapted form of the internationally known Orton-Gillingham Approach. All instruction is direct, structured, and delivered with multisensory teaching techniques. Most instruction is presented in a one-on-one situation; occasionally group instruction is appropriate. The goal is to enable students to develop independent skills. Generally, sessions are twice a week, one hour per session. FEES: $57 per hour. Sites: 1 PURE MICHIGAN TALENT CONNECT Job Banks SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Maintains an online searchable database of current employment opportunities submitted by employers which are available for review by people who are searching for a position. The website offers Michigan workers and employers information on career events, job openings and education and training. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. 173 MICHIGAN FARM SERVICE AGENCY MICHIGAN GAMING CONTROL BOARD 3001 Coolidge Rd. Suite 350 East Lansing, MI 48823 Cadillac Place 3062 W Grand Blvd. L-700 Detroit, MI 48202 (517) 324-5100 Main (517) 324-5168 Fax (313) 456-4100 Main (313) 456-4200 Fax Christine White, Executive Director OTHER NAMES: FSA; FSA; UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Richard S Kalm, Executive Director OTHER NAMES: M.G.C.B.; MGCB SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-4:30pm. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. Services Services ADMINISTRATIVE ENTITY Administrative Entities CASINO COMPLAINTS Gambling Establishment Complaints SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Accepts and investigates gambling establishment complaints from the public and renders initial decisions in all patron disputes. A dispute is defined as any complaint that a patron has regarding winnings, and losses or the conduct of gambling at a casino. A patron dispute does not include a claim for payment of a gaming debt evidenced by a credit instrument. ELIGIBILITY: Patrons of Michigan casinos. FEES: None. SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Serves as state office for Farm Service Agency, providing services that plan, organize and control the activities of the organization but which offer no direct services to the public except peripheral administrative services like community awareness programs or materials and research. MICHIGAN FARMERS MARKET ASSOCIATION 172 Natural Resources Building East Lansing, MI 48824 MICHIGAN HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES (517) 432-3381 Main 124 N Capitol Lansing, MI 48933 PO Box 30014 Lansing, MI 48909 Dru Montri, Director Maggie Smith, Administrative Assistant OTHER NAMES: MIFMA SITE AREA SERVED: (517) 373-6339 Administrative - Business Office Michigan. Services Jase Bolger, Speaker of the House OTHER NAMES: MICHIGAN HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES FARMERS MARKETS Farmers Markets SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Maintains a listing of farmers markets in Michigan including those that accept food stamps (MiBridges) and MarketFresh vouchers to assist with the purchase of freshly picked produce. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Check the website to determine if the House is in session. Services STATE LEGISLATURE OFFICE State Legislature Offices SERVICE DESCRIPTION: The offices of elected members of the Michigan State House of Representatives. Together with the Michigan State Senate, the legislature is responsible for making statutory laws for the state. 174 Services MICHIGAN HUMANE SOCIETY 30300 Telegraph Rd. Suite 220 Bingham Farms, MI 48025 ANIMAL ADOPTION Animal Adoption SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Places stray and homeless domestic pets with people who are willing to provide for their care. Offers a comprehensive dog and cat adoption package. Adoption fees include sterilization (spay or neuter) surgery, age-appropriate vaccinations, basic medical exam, behavior assessment, fecal test, heartworm test (dogs), one free office visit within 10 days post adoption if required (cost of treatment not included), $10 discount on dog or cat microchipping (at time of adoption), and trained adoption counselors to help match companion animals with families. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 18 and older. FEES: Fees vary. Sites: 1 2 4 (248) 283-1000 Administrative (248) 283-5700 Fax Cal Morgan, President/CEO Marta Diffen, VP of Development Sites 1. BERMAN CENTER FOR ANIMAL CARE 900 N Newburgh Rd. Westland, MI 48185 (734) 721-7300 Main (734) 721-4195 Service/Intake - Veterinary Services ANIMAL LICENSES Animal Licenses SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri, Sat 10am-5pm; Wed 10am-7pm. SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Issues pet licenses. ELIGIBILITY: The Detroit Center offers licenses for Detroit residents only. The Berman Center offers licenses to Livonia and Westland residents. FEES: Detroit: $10 for sterilized animals; $15 for un-sterilized animals. Berman Center: cost is dependent on a number of factors, including sterilization status, timing of purchase, etc. Sites: 2 2. DETROIT CENTER FOR ANIMAL CARE 7401 Chrysler Dr. Detroit, MI 48211 (313) 872-3400 Main (313) 872-0026 Emergency (313) 872-3401 Alternate - Cruelty Investigation ANIMAL RIGHTS GROUP Animal Rights Groups SITE AREA SERVED: City of Detroit. SITE HOURS: Emergency Rescue: Mon-Thu 8am-7pm; Fri-Sun 8am-5pm. Animal Shelter: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri, Sat 10am-5pm; Wed 10am-7pm; Animal surrenders and stray reclaiming services open 8am to close. SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Educates the public on proper pet care and strives to eliminate pet over-population. Supports the passage and enforcement of laws and other social measures that protect domestic and wild animals from cruelty or neglect; and/or which seek to limit or prevent the use of animals for experimental or entertainment purposes. FEES: Donations accepted. Sites: 3 4 3. MICHIGAN HUMANE SOCIETY 30300 Telegraph Rd. Suite 220 Bingham Farms, MI 48025 (248) 283-1000 Administrative (248) 283-5700 Fax ANIMAL SHELTER Animal Rescue Animal Shelters Cal Morgan, President/CEO SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides temporary shelter and care for unwanted pets or stray animals. Keeps lost or homeless animals for a specified period of time to provide an opportunity for owners to claim them prior to offering them for purchase or adoption. Also rescues animals who are in hazardous situations within the service area. FEES: Animals returned to owners must have current vaccinations and license prior to release. Sites: 2 4 4. ROCHESTER HILLS CENTER FOR ANIMAL CARE 3600 W Auburn Rd. Rochester Hills, MI 48309 (248) 852-7424 Service/Intake - Veterinary Services (248) 852-7420 Service/Intake - Adoption Center CRUELTY TO ANIMALS INVESTIGATION Cruelty to Animals Investigation SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Investigates animal cruelty complaints in Detroit, Hamtramck and Highland Park, intervenes in abuse situations and, when warranted, removes animals who have been abused or neglected and SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri, Sat 10am-5pm; Wed 10am-7pm. <continued...> 175 MICHIGAN HUMANE SOCIETY... initiates legal proceedings against abusive owners. ELIGIBILITY: Residents of Detroit, Hamtramck, and Highland Park. Sites: 2 SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Seasonal. OUTREACH PROGRAM Outreach Programs Subject Specific Public Awareness/Education * Animal/Pet Issues SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides hundreds of educational tours and presentations for metro Detroit area youth each year. Offers a formal Humane Education program, which currently reaches approximately 16,000 children each year. The program seeks to develop in young people an awareness of the needs of animals and the responsibility that humans have in providing appropriate care, along with safety around animals. Also gives presentations to adult groups and organizations. FEES: None. Sites: 3 CAMP GRACE BENTLEY Therapeutic Camps Services SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Hosts campers with a range of physical and mental challenges. Campers are invited to sign up for a nine day session beginning late June and running through mid-August. Children may sign up for up to two sessions. ELIGIBILITY: Children ages 7 to 16 with physical and/or mental challenges. FEES: $400 per session. MICHIGAN NATIONAL GUARD-JOINT FORCES HEADQUARTERS 3411 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd Lansing, MI 48906 (517) 481-8362 Main (517) 481-8150 Fax VETERINARY SERVICES Neuter/Spay Services Rabies Vaccinations Sick Animal Care SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a full range of services for companion animals already living in homes as well as for the animals at the adoption centers. Services include spay/neuter, vaccinations, physical exams and treatment services. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: Fees vary. Sites: 1 2 4 Jean Isaac Odell, State Family Programs Director SGT Jamie Harkins, Family Programs Assistant SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. Services FAMILY ASSISTANCE CENTERS Military Family Service/Support Centers SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides information and assistance for military families for a large scope of issues, including questions about financial debt, local resources, and general questions that relate to military deployment. ELIGIBILITY: Military families of deployed troops. FEES: None. VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Animal Services Volunteer Opportunities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: General volunteer positions, fostering positions and urgent volunteer positions are available at the Michigan Humane Society. Interested individuals must sign up for and attend orientation training before beginning to volunteer. ELIGIBILITY: Youths age 14-17 can volunteer but a parent or guardian must accompany them at all times. Individuals age 18 and older. Sites: 3 MICHIGAN NONPROFIT ASSOCIATION 1048 Pierpont Dr. Suite 3 Lansing, MI 48911 (517) 492-2400 Main (877) 777-7126 Service/Intake (888) 242-7075 Toll Free (517) 492-2410 Fax MICHIGAN LEAGUE FOR CRIPPLED CHILDREN - CAMP GRACE BENTLEY 8250 Lakeshore Rd. Burtchville, MI 48059 Birmingham, MI 48009 Kyle Caldwell, President/CEO Ashley Branoff, Communications Coordinator OTHER NAMES: MICHIGAN NON-PROFIT ASSOCIATON; MNA (313) 962-8242 Main Nancy Perri, Director OTHER NAMES: CAMP GRACE BENTLEY <continued...> 176 MICHIGAN NONPROFIT ASSOCIATION... Sites MICHIGAN OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR George W Romney Building 111 S Capitol Ave. Lansing, MI 48933 1. METRO DETROIT OFFICE 7375 Woodward Ave. Suite 2730 Detroit, MI 48202 PO Box 30013 Lansing, MI 48909 (313) 309-1650 Main (877) 777-7126 Service/Intake (313) 309-1667 Service/Intake (313) 309-1651 Fax (517) 373-3400 Main (517) 335-7858 Service/Intake - Constituent Relations (517) 335-6863 Fax SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-5pm. SITE NOTES: Guests receive free parking in the (Henry Ford Hospital/Lothrop Garage) with validated ticket (tickets validated at YouthVille front desk). Rick Snyder, Governor Marsha Quebbeman, Director of Administration SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:00am-5pm. 2. MICHIGAN NONPROFIT ASSOCIATION 1048 Pierpont Dr. Suite 3 Lansing, MI 48911 Services GOVERNOR OFFICE Governor Offices (517) 492-2400 Main (877) 777-7126 Toll Free - Help Line (888) 242-7075 Toll Free (517) 492-2410 Fax SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Serves as the office of the individual who has been elected as the chief executive official of Michigan. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. Kyle Caldwell, President/CEO SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-5pm. MICHIGAN ORGANIZATION OF MOTHERS OF MULTIPLES Services 9150 Highland View Dr. Kalamazoo, MI 49009 ASSISTANCE FOR NON-PROFIT AGENCIES Directory/Resource List Publication Nonprofit Corporation Development Proposal/Grant Writing Services SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers a Nonprofit Service Directory created to help nonprofit organizations locate resources and support. The directory is a searchable database of consultants, management support organizations and businesses that serve nonprofit organizations. Also provides technical assistance and information on start-up grants or other forms of management or financial support for individuals or groups who want to establish a nonprofit agency or expand their services. ELIGIBILITY: Nonprofit organizations. For-profit businesses and governmental entities may join as affiliate members. FEES: Based on applicant's annual operating budget; ranges from $75 to $1000. Sites: 1 2 (269) 375-7831 Main Holly Scheuer, President OTHER NAMES: MOMOM SITE AREA SERVED: SITE HOURS: Vary. Michigan. Services ADMINISTRATIVE ENTITY Administrative Entities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Serves as a state organization for the National Organization of Mothers of Twins Clubs. Publishes local club activities. Offers no direct services to the public except peripheral administrative services like community awareness programs. PARENT SUPPORT GROUPS FOR MULTIPLE BIRTH PARENTS Parent Support Groups SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers mutual support groups for multiple birth parents, who come together for educational and social purposes as well as for mutual support. ELIGIBILITY: Parents of multiple births. Targets mothers of infants through school age children. <continued...> 177 MICHIGAN ORGANIZATION OF MOTHERS OF... FEES: Annual membership dues vary by local club ($20-$25). Services DAY CARE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM Service Cost Payment Assistance SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides financial assistance of up to $360 per year for adult day care facilities for individuals with Parkinson's disease. Does NOT offer assistance for in home care. ELIGIBILITY: Michigan residents with Parkinson's disease who meet income eligibility requirements and attend a day care program in Michigan. FEES: None. MICHIGAN ORGANIZATION OF MOTHERS OF TWINS CLUBS (517) 782-6806 Service/Intake Bridget Holder, Corresponding Secretary OTHER NAMES: MOMOTC; NATIONAL ORGANIZATION OF MOTHERS OF TWINS CLUBS SITE AREA SERVED: SITE HOURS: Vary. DISEASE/DISABILITY INFORMATION FOR PARKINSON'S DISEASE Disease/Disability Information * Parkinson's Disease SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides information about the etiology, symptoms, preventive measures, diagnostic procedures, and methods of treatment for Parkinson's disease. Also offers referrals to neurologists and other community resources. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. Michigan. Services ADMINISTRATIVE ENTITY Administrative Entities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Serves as a state organization for the National Organization of Mothers of Twins Clubs. Publishes local club activities. Offers no direct services to the public except peripheral administrative services like community awareness programs. HEALTH RELATED ADVOCACY GROUP FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH PARKINSON'S DISEASE Health Related Advocacy Groups * Parkinson's Disease SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Advocates for improving the quality and affordability of health and long term care for all individuals with Parkinson's disease and advocating for changes in the health care system that will achieve these goals. Supports legislation which provides the latest in clinical and education programs, maintains funding for information and referral services and education programs, preserves home and community based care options, increases Parkinson's specific training and education for service providers in all aspects of Michigan's health care and long term care systems, and promotes affordable medication coverage for individuals with Parkinson's, including access to Parkinson's specific medications. PARENT SUPPORT GROUPS FOR MULTIPLE BIRTH PARENTS Parent Support Groups SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers listings of local mutual support groups for multiple birth parents, who come together for educational and social purposes as well as for mutual support. Also hosts two annual state wide meetings. ELIGIBILITY: Parents of multiple births, including mothers of adult multiple births. FEES: Annual membership dues vary by local club ($5-$25). Fees for annual meetings vary. MICHIGAN PARKINSON FOUNDATION THE MESSENGER Newsletters 30400 Telegraph Rd. Suite 150 Franklin, MI 48025 SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a quarterly newsletter about issues of concern to individuals with Parkinson's Disease and their families. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. (248) 433-1011 Main (800) 852-9781 Toll Free (248) 433-1150 Fax PRESCRIPTION EXPENSE ASSISTANCE FOR PARKINSON'S DISEASE PATIENTS Prescription Expense Assistance SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Assists people with Parkinson’s disease who meet financial criteria with medication costs. Upon qualification medications are mailed directly to the individual. ELIGIBILITY: Michigan residents with Parkinson's disease who meet income eligibility requirements. Deborah M Orloff, CEO SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-5pm. <continued...> 178 MICHIGAN PARKINSON FOUNDATION... SUPPORT GROUPS FOR PARKINSON'S DISEASE PATIENTS Health/Disability Related Support Groups * Parkinson's Disease SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers affiliated support groups across the state of Michigan. These groups generally meet on a monthly basis and provide individuals with Parkinson Disease and their families the opportunity to learn more about this condition and its management. Support groups are informal and will on occassion enlist a speaker such as a doctor, pharmacist, therapist, counselor, humorist, lawyer, or other professional. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. MICHIGAN PROTECTION AND ADVOCACY SERVICE 4095 Legacy Pkwy. Suite 500 Lansing, MI 48911 (517) 487-1755 Main (800) 288-5923 Toll Free (517) 487-0827 Fax Elmer Cerano, Executive Director Mark McWilliams, Information and Referral Director Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: MPAS SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-5pm. MICHIGAN PRIMARY CARE ASSOCIATION Services 7215 Westshire Dr. Lansing, MI 48917 PROTECTION AND ADVOCACY FOR ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY (PAAT) Assistive Technology Information Assistive Technology Training SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides information and referral, technical assistance, and advocacy for individual cases. Helps individuals obtain an AT-related device and/or service by assisting with locating appropriate evaluators and locating proper funding sources. PAAT staff also provide training and outreach related to Assistive Technology. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals with disabilities residing in the State of Michigan. FEES: None. (517) 381-8000 Administrative (800) 752-7268 Toll Free (517) 381-8008 Fax Kim Sibilsky, Director OTHER NAMES: MPCA SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-5pm. Services MPCA OUTREACH ACTIVITIES Outreach Programs * People Without Health Insurance SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Conducts numerous events throughout Michigan to enroll all eligible children in free and low-cost health insurance programs (MIChild or HealthyKids). ELIGIBILITY: No eligibility to attend enrollment events. Below is general eligibility for MIChild and Healthy Kids * Children under age 18 * Have a social security number (for child) * US Citizen or qualified immigrant * Michigan resident * Income under 200% of Federal Poverty Guidelines (many income deductions are available to help families qualify - no one should be discouraged to apply unless income is drastically over limit) FEES: No fee for enrollment. HealthyKids is free, MIChild is $10 per month per family regardless of number of participating children. LANGUAGES: Primarily English, Spanish may be available at certain events. PROTECTION AND ADVOCACY FOR BENEFICIARIES OF SOCIAL SECURITY (PABSS) Welfare Rights Assistance SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides information and advocacy for individuals with disabilities that receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). ELIGIBILITY: Individuals with disabilities in Michigan, or those assisting individuals on disability issues. FEES: No fee for consultation, may be set fees for specific assistance needed. DISABILITY RIGHTS GROUP Disability Rights Groups SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Supports the passage and enforcement of laws or other social measures that protect the rights of individuals that have physical, mental, developmental or learning disabilities and maximize their ability to enjoy the same opportunities, resources and privileges as the mainstream population. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. <continued...> 179 MICHIGAN PROTECTION AND ADVOCACY SERVICE... LEGAL AID FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH HIV/AIDS General Legal Aid SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides limited legal representation to individuals who are living with HIV/AIDS. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals residing in the state of Michigan that have been diagnosed with HIV/AIDS. FEES: None. 2. MICHIGAN PSYCHOANALYTIC INSTITUTE 32841 Middlebelt Rd. Suite 411 Farmington Hills, MI 48334 (248) 851-3380 Administrative - Educational Administration (248) 851-7739 Service/Intake Farmington Hills Treatment Clinic (248) 851-1806 Fax PROTECTION AND ADVOCACY FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES Adult Protective Intervention/Investigation Patient Rights Assistance Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Disabilities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Investigates allegations of abuse or neglect and pursues legal, administrative and other appropriate remedies to assure protection of rights and access to services, benefits and education for individuals that have developmental disabilities, mental illness and physical disabilities. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals in the state of Michigan that believe they have been discriminated against because of a disability. FEES: None. Kathleen Kunkel, Administrative Director SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm (Educational Administration). Administrative hours for Treatment Center vary. Services PSYCHODYNAMIC THERAPY Psychodynamic Therapy SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides psychoanalysis and psychotherapy which is based on understanding unconscious motivation. Analysis and therapy provided by doctoral students in Institute's educational program. FEES: Based on ability to pay. Sites: 1 2 MICHIGAN PSYCHOANALYTIC INSTITUTE MICHIGAN PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION 6545 Mercantile Way Suite 7 Lansing, MI 48911 32841 Middlebelt Rd. Suite 411 Farmington Hills, MI 48334 (517) 241-6180 Main (800) 292-9555 Toll Free - Information Line (248) 851-3380 Administrative Educational Administration (248) 851-7739 Service/Intake Farmington Hills Treatment Clinic (248) 851-1806 Fax Christina Forist, Manager OTHER NAMES: MPSC SITE AREA SERVED: Services Kathleen Kunkel, Administrative Director OTHER NAMES: MICHIGAN PSYCHOANALYTIC SOCIETY; MPI; MPS UTILITY COMPANY COMPLAINTS Utility Company Complaints SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Accepts and investigates informal and formal complaints regarding Michigan utility service providers. MPSC encourages individuals to first contact their gas, electric, telephone company or cable provider to discuss billing or service issues. If a resolution cannot be reached, contact the MPSC for help in dealing with utility concerns. Sites 1. ANN ARBOR TREATMENT CLINIC 204 E Washington St. Ann Arbor, MI 48104 (734) 761-2727 Main - Ann Arbor Treatment Clinic SITE AREA SERVED: SITE HOURS: Vary. Michigan. Michigan. 180 the organization. FEES: None. Sites: 3 MICHIGAN REHABILITATION SERVICES 201 N Washington Square Lansing, MI 48913 VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION Vocational Rehabilitation SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Enables individuals with disabilities, who abuse drugs or alcohol or individuals that have emotional problems to obtain the training and employment experiences needed to achieve economic self-sufficiency. Services may include vocational evaluation, work adjustment, work experience, training in marketable skills and placement in competitive employment or a sheltered work environment. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals of working age with a physical and/or mental disability. FEES: Client may be required to assist partially with services received. Individuals must apply for any assistance that may be available including Medicaid or grants if applicable. Sites: 1 2 PO Box 30010 Lansing, MI 48909 (800) 605-6722 Toll Free,1607,7-154-25392---,00. html Jaye N Porter, Director Lou Adams, Deputy Director Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: MRS Sites 1. DETROIT EAST DISTRICT/DETROIT SCHOOLS OFFICE 1661 Porter Detroit, MI 48216 (313) 596-7260 Service/Intake (877) 619-6656 Toll Free MICHIGAN SECRETARY OF STATE 7064 Crowner Dr. Lansing, MI 48918 Wendy Williams, Acting Site Manager Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit, Hamtramck and Highland Park school districts. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. (888) 767-6424 Service/Intake - Information Center Terri Lynn Land, Secretary Of State Douglas J. Len, Central Administration Section Superviso OTHER NAMES: MICHIGAN SECRETARY OF STATE; SECRETARY OF STATE 2. DETROIT WEST DISTRICT/GRAND RIVER OFFICE 17411 Grand River Ave. Detroit, MI 48227 Sites (313) 270-2200 Service/Intake (877) 619-6653 Toll Free 1. CENTRAL WAYNE COUNTY PLUS OFFICE 6090 N Wayne Rd. Westland, MI 48185 Thelma Clark, Site Manager Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Cities of Detroit, Hamtramck, Highland Park and Redford. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. (888) 767-6424 Service/Intake - Information Center (734) 721-7317 Fax SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Tue, Thu-Fri 9am-5pm; Wed 9am-7pm excluding state holidays. 3. MICHIGAN REHABILITATION SERVICES 201 N Washington Square Lansing, MI 48913 2. CHELSEA BRANCH OFFICE 1113 S Main St. Chelsea, MI 48118 (800) 605-6722 Toll Free Jaye N Porter, Director Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. (888) 767-6424 Service/Intake - Information Center (734) 475-6383 Fax SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Tue, Thu-Fri 9am-5pm; Wed 11am-7pm excluding state holidays. Services ADMINISTRATIVE ENTITY Administrative Entities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Serves as the headquarters for the Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Growth -- Michigan Rehabilitation Services. Plans, organizes and controls the activities of <continued...> 181 MICHIGAN SECRETARY OF STATE... 3. CLINTON TOWNSHIP SUPER CENTER 37015 S Gratiot Ave. Clinton Township, MI 48036 9. DETROIT SUPER CENTER 3046 W Grand Blvd. Detroit, MI 48202 (888) 767-6424 Service/Intake - Information Center (586) 465-8141 Fax (888) 767-6424 Service/Intake - Information Center (313) 456-0503 Fax SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Tue, Thu-Fri 9am-5pm; Wed 9am-7pm; Sat 9am-12noon excluding state holidays. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Tue, Thu-Fri 9am-5pm; Wed 9am-7pm; Sat 9am-12noon excluding state holidays. 4. DEARBORN BRANCH OFFICE 5094 Schaefer Rd. Dearborn, MI 48126 10. DETROIT VERNOR BRANCH OFFICE 7760 W Vernor Hwy. Detroit, MI 48209 (888) 767-6424 Service/Intake - Information Center (313) 846-4986 Fax (888) 767-6424 Service/Intake - Information Center (313) 843-5165 Fax SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Tue, Thu-Fri 9am-5pm; Wed 11am-7pm excluding state holidays. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm excluding state holidays. 11. FARMINGTON HILLS BRANCH OFFICE 35572 Grand River Ave. Farmington Hills, MI 48335 5. DETROIT DOWNTOWN BRANCH OFFICE 550 Washington Blvd. Detroit, MI 48226 (888) 767-6424 Service/Intake - Information Center (248) 477-3178 Fax (888) 767-6424 Service/Intake - Information Center (313) 961-5186 Fax SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Tue, Thu-Fri 9am-5pm; Wed 11am-7pm excluding state holidays. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm excluding state holidays. 12. HAMTRAMCK BRANCH OFFICE 8717 Joseph Campau St. Hamtramck, MI 48212 6. DETROIT E EIGHT MILE BRANCH OFFICE 9560 E Eight Mile Rd. Detroit, MI 48234 (888) 767-6424 Service/Intake - Information Center (313) 872-4401 Fax (888) 767-6242 Service/Intake - Information Center (313) 891-0270 Fax SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Tue, Thu-Fri 9am-5pm; Wed 11am-7pm excluding state holidays. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Tue, Thu-Fri 9am-5pm; Wed 11am-7pm excluding state holidays. 13. INKSTER BRANCH OFFICE 27165 Cherry Hill Rd. Inkster, MI 48141 7. DETROIT EAST PLUS OFFICE 14634 Mack Ave. Detroit, MI 48215 (888) 767-6424 Service/Intake - Information Center (313) 565-9776 Fax (888) 767-6424 Service/Intake - Information Center (313) 822-9328 Fax SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Tue, Thu-Fri 9am-5pm; Wed 11am-7pm excluding state holidays. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Tue, Thu-Fri 9am-5pm; Wed 9am-7pm excluding state holidays. 14. LAPEER COUNTY PLUS OFFICE 700 S Main St. Lapeer, MI 48446 8. DETROIT LIVERNOIS BRANCH OFFICE 18409 Livernois Ave. Detroit, MI 48221 (888) 767-6424 Toll Free (810) 664-1762 Fax (888) 767-6424 Service/Intake - Information Center (313) 862-4595 Fax SITE AREA SERVED: Lapeer County. SITE HOURS: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 9am-5pm; Wed 9am-7pm. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Tue, Thu-Fri 9am-5pm; Wed 9am-7pm excluding state holidays. <continued...> 182 MICHIGAN SECRETARY OF STATE... 15. LIVONIA AREA SUPER CENTER 17176 Farmington Rd. Livonia, MI 48152 21. OAKLAND COUNTY SUPER CENTER 1608 N Perry St. Pontiac, MI 48340 (888) 767-6424 Service/Intake - Information Center (734) 466-9381 Fax (888) 767-6424 Service/Intake - Information Center (248) 373-9468 Fax SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Tue, Thu-Fri 9am-5pm; Wed 9am-7pm; Sat 9am-12noon excluding state holidays. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Tue, Thu-Fri 9am-5pm; Wed 9am-7pm; Sat 9am-12noon excluding state holidays. 16. MICHIGAN SECRETARY OF STATE 7064 Crowner Dr. Lansing, MI 48918 22. SOUTHEAST OAKLAND COUNTY PLUS OFFICE 26196 Greenfield Rd. Oak Park, MI 48237 (888) 767-6424 Service/Intake - Information Center (888) 767-6424 Service/Intake - Information Center (248) 968-0620 Fax Terri Lynn Land, Secretary Of State SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm excluding state holidays. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Tue, Thu-Fri, 9am-5pm; Wed 9am-7pm excluding state holidays. 17. MONROE BRANCH OFFICE 1107 S Telegraph Rd. Monroe, MI 48161 23. SOUTHFIELD BRANCH OFFICE 25263 Telegraph Rd. Southfield, MI 48033 (888) 767-6424 Service/Intake - Information Center (734) 241-8694 Fax (888) 767-6424 Service/Intake - Information Center (248) 356-7803 Fax SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Tue, Thu-Fri 9am-5pm; Wed 11am-7pm excluding state holidays. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Tue, Thu-Fri 9am-5pm; Wed 11am-7pm excluding state holidays. 18. NORTH OAKLAND PLUS OFFICE 7090 Sashabaw Rd. Clarkston, MI 48348 24. SOUTHWEST MACOMB COUNTY PLUS OFFICE 28220 Dequindre Rd. Warren, MI 48092 (888) 767-6424 Service/Intake - Information Center (248) 625-0744 Fax (888) 767-6424 Service/Intake - Information Center (586) 575-9023 Fax SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Tue, Thu-Fri 9am-5pm; Wed 9am-7pm excluding state holidays. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Tue, Thu-Fri 9am-5pm; Wed 9am-7pm excluding state holidays. 19. NORTHEAST WAYNE COUNTY PLUS OFFICE 25700 Joy Rd. Redford, MI 48239 25. STERLING HEIGHTS BRANCH OFFICE 34208 Van Dyke Ave. Sterling Heights, MI 48312 (888) 767-6424 Service/Intake - Information Center (313) 937-0768 Fax (888) 767-6424 Service/Intake - Information Center (586) 264-5636 Fax SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Tue, Thu-Fri 9am-5pm; Wed 9am-7pm excluding state holidays. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Tue, Thu-Fri 9am-5pm; Wed 11am-7pm excluding state holidays. 20. NORTHWEST DETROIT PLUS OFFICE 20210 W 7 Mile Rd. Detroit, MI 48219 26. TEMPERANCE BRANCH OFFICE 7200 Lewis Ave. Temperance, MI 48182 (888) 767-6424 Service/Intake - Information Center (313) 541-2103 Fax (888) 767-6424 Service/Intake - Information Center (734) 847-3981 Fax SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Tue, Thu-Fri 9am-5pm; Wed 9am-7pm excluding state holidays. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Tue, Thu-Fri 9am-5pm; Wed 11am-7pm excluding state holidays. <continued...> 183 MICHIGAN SECRETARY OF STATE... 11am-7pm excluding state holidays. 27. TRENTON BRANCH OFFICE 3040 Vanhorn Rd. Trenton, MI 48183 Services DISABILITY PARKING PERMITS Disability Parking Permits SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Issues disability license plates or parking placards to individuals with disabilities. A vehicle must have a disability license plate or placard to legally park in a disability parking space. Disability parking placards are limited to one per person and are valid for four years to individuals whose condition is not expected to improve. Temporary disability placards are valid from one to six months and are issued to individuals whose condition is expected to improve. A disability license plate is issued to individuals with a permanent disability or to a family member or caretaker living with an individual with a disability or to a facility that serves and transports individuals with disabilities. ELIGIBILITY: Michigan residents who are blind or have any condition that significantly limits their ability to walk or who require a wheelchair, walker, crutch or other assistive device. Caretakers and facilities that transport individuals with disabilities may also be eligible. FEES: Standard vehicle registration fees apply for disability plates. There is no fee for original or renewed placards. There is a $10 fee to replace a lost or stolen placard. Sites: 2 7 8 9 10 14 17 26 29 32 (888) 767-6424 Service/Intake - Information Center (734) 675-3216 Fax SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Tue, Thu-Fri 9am-5pm; Wed 11am-7pm excluding state holidays. 28. WARREN TWELVE MILE ROAD BRANCH OFFICE 13780 E Twelve Mile Rd. Warren, MI 48088 (888) 767-6424 Service/Intake - Information Center (586) 775-1236 Fax SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Tue, Thu-Fri 9am-5pm; Wed 11am-7pm excluding state holidays. 29. WASHTENAW COUNTY PLUS OFFICE 295 N Maple Rd. Ann Arbor, MI 48103 (888) 767-6424 Service/Intake - Information Center (734) 665-9491 Fax SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Tue, Thu-Fri 9am-5pm; Wed 9am-7pm excluding state holidays. DOCUMENTATION AUTHENTICATION SERVICE Document Authentication Services SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Authenticates a variety of documents, licenses, certifications and registrations (including birth, adoption, marriage or divorce certificates) that citizens and foreign nationals need to use in a foreign country. May also authenticate documents for submission and acceptance by a foreign government under the terms of the Hague Convention #12 and documents for use in non-member nations. The Secretary of State may affix an apostille (certificate of authenticity) to a document which can be sent directly to a Hague member nation. Documents that will be used in non-member nations must be certified by the Secretary of State in the state in which the document is executed, authenticated by the U.S. Department of State and legalized by the embassy or consulate of that nation. All documents submitted for authentication must be signed in front of a notary public and must contain original signatures. ELIGIBILITY: United States citizens and foreign nationals. FEES: $1.00 per document. Sites: 9 30. WEST OAKLAND COUNTY PLUS OFFICE 672 N Milford Rd. Highland, MI 48357 (888) 767-6424 Service/Intake - Information Center (248) 887-9750 Fax SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Tue, Thu-Fri 9am-5pm; Thu 9am-7pm excluding state holidays. 31. WYANDOTTE BRANCH OFFICE 2942 Van Alstyne St. Wyandotte, MI 48192 (888) 767-6424 Service/Intake - Information Center (734) 282-8667 Fax SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Tue, Thu-Fri, 9am-5pm; Wed 11am-7pm excluding state holidays. 32. YPSILANTI BRANCH OFFICE 2720 Washtenaw Rd. Ypsilanti, MI 48197 DRIVER LICENSES Driver Licenses SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Issues original driver's licenses to individuals who successfully complete a written examination, driving test, and vision exam. Also renews driver licenses that are about to expire, replaces driver licenses that are lost or stolen, and processes name and address changes. Offers an Enhanced driver's license (EDL) which serves as a driver's license and (888) 757-6424 Service/Intake - Information Center (734) 528-0925 Fax SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Tue, Thu-Fri 9am-5pm; Wed <continued...> 184 MICHIGAN SECRETARY OF STATE... border-crossing card. SECRETATY OF STATE BRANCH OFFICE ELIGIBILITY: Residents of Michigan who have COMPLAINTS successfully completed all driver's examinations and have Government Complaints/Government Ombudsman proof of proper residency documentation. Offices FEES: Original Operator's Licence -- $25. Renewal of SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Accepts and investigates Operator's License-- $18. Duplicate license or correction -complaints individuals may have regarding a Secretary of $9. Enhanced Driver's License -- $45. Renewal of State Branch Office. Enhanced Driver's License -- $38. Duplicate Enhanced ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. License or correction -- $38. FEES: None. Sites: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 20 21 22 26 27 28 29 30 Sites: 16 Sites: 31 32 STATE IDENTIFICATION CARDS VOTER INFORMATION CENTER Identification Cards Election Information SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Issues and renews state Polling Places documentation that is designed to prove the identity of the SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers a searchable person carrying it. Offers the state identification card in database of polling places, as well as general the standard and enhanced version. The enhanced version information about voting, including absentee voting, allows an individual to re-enter the United States by land or military and overseas voters, working at the polls, etc. sea from Canada, Mexico, Bermuda or the Caribbean ELIGIBILITY: Michigan registered voters. without the need to show additional identity or citizenship FEES: None. documents at the border. Identification cards are valid for Sites: 16 four years from issuance. ELIGIBILITY: Must be a United States citizen and a MOTOR VEHICLE REGISTRATION AND TITLE Michigan resident. There is no minimum age requirement. Motor Vehicle Registration Individuals may not have a state ID card and a Michigan's Motor Vehicle Titles driver's license at the same time unless the individual's SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Issues license plates for license has been restricted, suspended or revoked. automobiles and other motor vehicles as evidence that FEES: Standard State ID card: $10.00. Enhanced State the vehicles have been registered with the proper ID card: $30.00. Standard state ID cards are free to authorities and are authorized to be parked or driven applicants age 65 or older, who are legally blind, whose on public roads and highways. Also issues, transfers, license has been revoked, suspended or denied or who are maintains on file and, where appropriate, provides unable to drive due to physical or mental disabilities. access to titles for motor vehicles. Includes titles for Enhanced state ID cards are offered for a reduced fee only new vehicles, used vehicles that are being sold and/or to residents age 65 or older and to those who are legally vehicles whose owners have moved from another state. blind. ELIGIBILITY: Michigan vehicle owners. FEES: Vehicle Title: $15.00. Vehicle registration fees MDOS will waive the $10 fee for individuals who provide are based on the manufacturer's suggested retail price documentary evidence demonstrating eligibility to receive for models 1984 and newer. License plate fees vary benefits from the Family Independence Program (FIP), the based on style. Individuals may transfer a license plate State Disability Assistance (SDA) program and/or Food from a vehicle already owned to the new one. Assistance Program or other proof of no income (such as a However, individuals should never use a plate from letter from a social service agency). another vehicle as a substitute. Sites: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Sites: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Sites: 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Sites: 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 VOTER REGISTRATION OFFICES MOTOR VEHICLE MECHANIC LICENSING AND Voter Registration Offices CERTIFICATION SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides voter registration Occupational/Professional Licensing and applications and maintains official records of individuals Certification who have exercised their right to participate in the election SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Responsible for process by registering to vote. licensing, registering, certifying, and regulating motor ELIGIBILITY: United States citizen at least 18 years of vehicle mechanics. Mechanics must pass a test for each age by election day. Must be a resident of Michigan and repair category in which they want certification. the city or township in which the individual is registering to FEES: $6 fee for each test; $25 application fee for vote. certification. FEES: None. Sites: 3 9 10 12 15 21 23 24 29 30 32 Sites: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 Sites: 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 185 MICHIGAN SENATE MICHIGAN STATE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Lansing, MI 48909 735 E Michigan Ave. Lansing, MI 48909 Lansing, MI 48909 (517) 373-2400 Main PO Box 30044 Lansing, MI 48909 OTHER NAMES: (517) 373-8370 Main (517) 335-4797 Fax (517) 373-9344 Alternate - Office of Housing Voucher Program (800) 382-4568 TDD/TTY MICHIGAN SENATE SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Check the website to determine when the legislature is in session. Michael DeVos, Executive Director Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: MSHDA Services STATE LEGISLATURE OFFICE State Legislature Offices SERVICE DESCRIPTION: The offices of elected members of the Michigan State Senate. Together with the Michigan House of Representatives, the legislature is responsible for making statutory laws for the state. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-4:30pm. Closed for lunch 12noon-12:30pm. Services COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Community Development Corporations SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers programs that improve the quality of life in neighborhoods and surrounding areas. MICHIGAN SERVICE OFFICE OF NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS 726 Livernois Ferndale, MI 48220 (877) 338-1188 Toll Free 24-Hour Helpline and meeting information (248) 543-7200 24-Hour Line Local Helpline and meeting information PROPERTY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (PIP) Home Rehabilitation Loans SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers low interest home improvement loans to single-family homeowners with low to moderate income, and to landlords renting to low to moderate income tenants. Eligible home improvements include windows, furnaces (including geothermal), insulation, roof repair or replacement, solar water heating systems, siding, kitchen and bath remodeling, foundation repair, garage or carport addition or repair, and other permanent improvements or repairs. ELIGIBILITY: Single-family homeowners with incomes up to $65,000 ($74,750 in certain areas), and landlords renting to tenants with incomes of up to $65,00 ($74,750). Landlords with multi-family properties may be eligible, as long as the multi-family property does not have more than eleven units. FEES: Eligibile homeowners may borrow up to $50,000 for a single family site-built home, lower limits apply to manufactured homes. The interest rate varies between 4-8%, depending on income. Sharon Konop, Administrator OTHER NAMES: METRO DETROIT REGION OF NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS; MICHIGAN NA; NA SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Tue-Fri 10am-6pm, Sat 11am-4pm, closed Sun-Mon. Services SUBSTANCE ABUSE SUPPORT GROUPS Alcohol Dependency Support Groups Drug Dependency Support Groups SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides information about twelve step alcohol and drug dependency support groups. Individuals who believe they may have a problem with drugs, legal or illegal, including alcohol, are welcome in Narcotics Anonymous. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals with a narcotics addiction, and/or family members/friends seeking information. FEES: None. Eligible landlords can borrow up to $25,000 per single-family rental unitl, and an average of $12,000 per unit for multi-family properties, up to a maximum of $60,000 per property. The interest rate is fixed at 8%. MICHIGAN HOUSING LOCATOR Home Rental Listings SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Maintains a list of available rental housing for review by indivdiduals who are in search of housing. Allows landlords and property managers who offer affordable market rate rents, participate in affordable housing programs, and/or offer barrier free housing to <continued...> 186 MICHIGAN STATE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT... 20% per year. Loan will be due on sale or transfer of the property, or when the property ceases to be the principal residence of the homeowner, or if the mortgagor repays in full any mortgage loan encumbering the property. ELIGIBILITY: Determined by household income and affordability of mortgage payments, there are no specific household income limits. Only mortgage loans with unpaid principal balances equal to or less than $729,750 will potentially qualify. The borrower must occupy the property as his/her primary residence, located within the state of Michigan, and be obligated on the original mortgage note. Borrower must submit loan intake application to determine eligibility for the program. Eligible Servicer's must have a valid Help for Hardest Hit Lender Agreement on file with MSHDA to participate in this program. FEES: None. clients, to list their vacancies at no cost. FEES: None. SAVE THE DREAM Low Income Home Loans Mortgage Delinquency and Default Counseling SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides comprehensive mortgage foreclosure assistance to Michigan homeowners who are experiencing financial hardship or are facing foreclosure, including counseling through a statewide network of homeownership counselors and several rescue refinance programs to assist homeowners with an adjustable rate mortgage or a higher interest fixed loan. ELIGIBILITY: Michigan homeowners who are at risk of or are experiencing foreclosure. To qualify for one of the refinance programs the maximum mortgage amount/appraisal value cannot exceed $224,500; borrowers must occupy the home as their primary residence and have no second homes or investment properties; annual household income cannot exceed $108,000; property must be a single-family home or freestanding condominium (no manufactured housing or attached condominiums); have a qualifying credit score; and must participate in homeowner education classes. FEES: No fees for counseling and general information. Interest rates and loan amounts for refinance programs vary. MICHIGAN STATE POLICE 714 S Harrison Rd. East Lansing, MI 48823 (517) 332-2521 Main (800) 815-8477 Service/Intake School Crime Tip Line 1-800-815-TIPS (866) 638-4847 Service/Intake Meth Lab Tip Line 1-866-METH-TIP (800) 773-2587 Service/Intake General Crime Tip Line 1-800-SPEAK-UP (800) 235-4367 Service/Intake Marijuana Planting Tip Line 1-800-235-HEMP (800) 442-7766 Service/Intake Arson Tip Line 1-800-44-ARSON (877) 529-2373 Service/Intake Internet Safety Tip Line 1-877-5CYBER3 HARDEST HIT FUND Mortgage Payment Assistance SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides mortgage payment assistance (up to $20,000) for homeowners currently receiving unemployment compensation. The program may provide up to the lesser of $1,000 or 50 percent of a homeowner's monthly mortgage payment for a maximum of 12 months for unemployed homeowners who have fallen behind in their mortgage payments due to no fault of their own and who have overcome this obstacle. Also helps homeowners that have fallen behind on their mortgage and need help catching up. Eligible homeowners can get help with funds of up to $20,000, which can be applied toward delinquent first mortgage payments, delinquent property taxes and any accrued escrow shortages. These funds can also be used toward second mortgage loan payments with documentation that the first mortgage payment is current and that you can continue to keep it current. In addition, the Principal Curtailment Program provides help for homeowners who are in mortgages they are struggling to pay because they have recently re-entered the job market at a reduced income level. The maximum program reservation is $10,000 and requires a one-to-one match from the lender to equal a total amount of assistance of $20,000 to homeowners seeking to modify their mortgage loans. The lender/servicer must agree to provide a matching forgiveness of principal reduction and modify the reduced loan balance. For all programs, borrowers will execute a secured subordinate lien mortgage and note. Loan will be a 0% non-amortizing loan, forgivable over a 5 year term at Peter C Munoz, Director SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm (Administration). Services CRIME REPORTING HOTLINES Arson Reporting Drug Crime Reporting General Crime Reporting Internet Crime Reporting School Related Crime Reporting SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a variety of crime reporting hotlines including general crime, arson, school related violence and crime, marijuana planting, methamphetamine labs and internet crime. All calls are confidential and may be made anonymously. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. <continued...> 187 MICHIGAN STATE POLICE... PUBLIC SEX OFFENDER REGISTRY (PSOR) Sex Offender Registration/Community Notification SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Registers and maintains a database of released sex offenders. Authorizes probation and parole departments, law enforcement agencies, or prosecutor offices to disseminate information about released offenders to the community at large, generally via flyers, community meetings or posting lists of offender names and photographs on the Internet. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. 2. MICHIGAN UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE AGENCY 3024 W Grand Blvd. Detroit, MI 48202 (866) 500-0017 Main (888) 396-5041 Service/Intake - Workers Compensation (866) 638-3993 Service/Intake - MARVIN (517) 636-0427 Fax (800) 638-3994 Alternate - Advocacy and Employer Services (800) 822-1122 Alternate - Fraud Hotline (800) 638-3995 Alternate Claimant Customer Relations Hotline STATE POLICE State Police Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-4:30pm. Closed for lunch 12noon-12:30pm. SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Enforces Michigan state laws, investigates crimes, provides laboratory analysis of criminal evidence, gathers and shares criminal intelligence and provides expertise and resources to other law enforcement agencies throughout the state. FEES: None. Services UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS FRAUD REPORTING Unemployment Benefits Fraud Reporting SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a hotline that the public can use to anonymously report information about the activities of individuals who have applied for or are collecting unemployment benefits for which they are not eligible. ELIGIBILITY: Anyone may call with legitimate information on all cases of potential fraud. FEES: None. Sites: 2 MICHIGAN UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE AGENCY Cadillac Place 9th floor 3024 W Grand Blvd. Detroit, MI 48202 PO Box 169 Grand Rapids, MI 48501-0169 (866) 500-0017 Main (866) 638-3993 Service/Intake - MARVIN (888) 396-5041 Service/Intake - Workers Compensation (517) 636-0427 Fax (800) 822-1122 Alternate - Fraud Hotline (800) 638-3995 Alternate Claimant Customer Relations Hotline (800) 638-3994 Alternate Advocacy and Employer Services UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE Unemployment Insurance SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides partial income replacement for a limited period of time for eligible individuals who become unemployed. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals must meet qualifying earnings requirements; be unemployed and able to, available for, and actively seeking suitable full-time work. FEES: None. Sites: 2,1607,7-118----key,00.html Public transportation accessible. UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE BENEFITS ASSISTANCE Individual Advocacy Unemployment Insurance Benefits Assistance SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers assistance at no cost to unemployed workers who seek assistance at hearings with the State Office of Administrative Hearings and Rules (SOAHR) and/or Board of Review. The same services are available to employers. ELIGIBILITY: Unemployed workers that are seeking unemployment compensation. FEES: None. Sites: 2 Sites 1. BUREAU OF WORKERS' DISABILITY COMPENSATION - DETROIT OFFICE 3030 W Grand Blvd. Suite 10-150 Detroit, MI 48202 (313) 456-0080 Service/Intake (313) 456-0081 Fax Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-4:30pm. Closed for lunch 12noon-12:30pm. <continued...> 188 MICHIGAN UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE AGENCY... WORKERS' COMPENSATION Workers Compensation SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a disability insurance program mandated by the state and funded by employer contributions which provides compensation to covered employees for loss of their earnings as a result of an accidental injury or occupational disease sustained during employment, or which compensates dependents in case of a work-related death. The program provides for income replacement and supplement, scheduled awards for loss of sight or hearing, dismemberment or disfigurement, medical expenses (including hospital care), vocational rehabilitation, occupational therapy and retraining to enable a possible return to the workforce and funeral expenses. ELIGIBILITY: Worker's that have been injured on the job. FEES: None. Sites: 1 MILITARY AVENUE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1002 Military Ave. Detroit, MI 48209 (313) 407-2093 Main Randall Brown, Reverend SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Varies by program. Services FOOD PANTRY Food Pantries SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Distributes boxed and canned foods to individuals who are in emergency situations. Food pantry opens the fourth Saturday of the month at 10am. Each family receives a numbered ticket which later fixes their place in line when they are dismissed to get their groceries. A short worship service is held before the food is distributed. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. MIGRANT HEALTH PROMOTION 2111 Golfside Dr. Suite 2B Ypsilanti, MI 48197 MILITARY ORDER OF THE PURPLE HEART SERVICE FOUNDATION (800) 461-8394 Main (956) 968-3737 Fax PO Box 49 Annandale, VA (703) 256-6139 Administrative (703) 256-6142 Fax Gayle Lawn-Day, Executive Director SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. Services James M Blaylock, President OTHER NAMES: MOPHSF GENERAL HEALTH EDUCATION PROGRAM FOR MIGRANT WORKERS General Health Education Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Trains farmworkers and community members to share what they have learned about general good health practices with their families and peers. Offers information that helps migrant families make choices which promote personal health, prevent illness and disability, take advantage of opportunities for early detection, and support their ability to deal effectively with health problems when they arise. ELIGIBILITY: Migrant workers and their families who work in Michigan. FEES: None. Sites 1. MILITARY ORDER OF THE PURPLE HEART SERVICE FOUNDATION PO Box 49 Annandale, VA (703) 256-6139 Administrative (703) 256-6142 Fax James M Blaylock, Board President SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. 2. TROY OFFICE 1250 Stephenson Hwy. Troy, MI 48083 (248) 597-1000 Main (800) 792-5943 Toll Free SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. <continued...> 189 MILITARY ORDER OF THE PURPLE HEART... SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 7am-4pm (Administration), 24 hours (Call Center). 3. WESTLAND OFFICE 987 Manufacturers Dr. Westland, MI 48186 Services (734) 728-4560 Main (734) 728-4562 Service/Intake - Donation Pick Up UTILITY LINE LOCATION INFORMATION Utility Line Location Information/811 Services SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a statewide one call excavation safety and utility damage prevention service. Notifies the public utilities of excavation so that they can locate and mark the approximate location of underground lines within the proposed work area. Utility personnel or their contracted locators will arrive on site and mark the approximate location of underground wires. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. Services ADMINISTRATIVE ENTITY Administrative Entities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Plans, organizes and controls the activities of the organization but offers no direct services to the public except peripheral administrative services like community awareness programs. Sites: 1 MONROE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE 1555 S Raisinville Rd. Monroe, MI 48161 HOUSEHOLD DISCARD PROGRAM Clothing Donation Programs Donation Pickups Household Goods Donation Programs Toy/Game Donation Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Accepts donations of clothing, household items and toys. Provides receipt to donor for tax deduction purposes. Does NOT accept donations of large furniture, major applicances, or baby car seats. Proceeds from the bulk sale of donated items funds the Military Order of the Purple Heart programs. ELIGIBILITY: Donors with accepted items. FEES: None. Sites: 3 (734) 242-7300 Main (734) 384-4104 Service/Intake - Admissions/Counseling (734) 384-4135 Service/Intake - Financial Aid Office David E Nixon, President OTHER NAMES: MCCC Sites 1. MONROE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE 1555 S Raisinville Rd. Monroe, MI 48161 (734) 242-7300 Main (734) 384-4135 Service/Intake - Financial Aid Office (734) 384-4104 Service/Intake - Admissions/Counseling VEHICLE DONATION PROGRAM Vehicle Donation Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Accepts vehicles of any kind (cars, trucks, motorcycles, boats on trailers, RVs, Campers) as donations from individuals who want a tax write off. Sells donated vehicles to raise funds for the Military Order of the Purple Heart's programs. ELIGIBILITY: Vehicle owners. FEES: None. Sites: 2 David E Nixon, President SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. 2. WHITMAN CENTER CAMPUS 7777 Lewis Ave. Temperance, MI 48182 (734) 847-0559 Main (734) 847-4107 Fax MISS DIG SYSTEM SITE AREA SERVED: 3285 Lapeer Rd. Auburn Hills, MI 48326 Serves All Areas. Services COMMUNITY COLLEGE Community Colleges (248) 370-6400 Administrative Call 8-1-1 Service/Intake (800) 482-7171 Service/Intake (248) 370-6410 Fax SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers a comprehensive curriculum which includes basic liberal arts and sciences with transfer, occupational, general education and adult education components. Awards an Associate of Arts (AA), Associate of Science (AS) or Associate of Business Administration (ABA) degree and other certificates to those who successfully complete the requirements. Bruce Campbell, CEO OTHER NAMES: MISS DIG <continued...> 190 MONROE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE... assistance wtih applying for Crime Victim Compensation benefits to cover expenses related to the crash, referral to Victim Support Groups and professional counselors who work with victims of crashes. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals who are victims of a drunk driving related crime. FEES: Varies by course of study. Tuition per billable hour for degree programs: $83 (Monroe residents); $138 (non-Monroe residents). $30 registration fee. Other fees may apply. Financial aid is available for accepted applicants who demonstrate financial need. Sites: 1 2 MOTHERS AGAINST DRUNK DRIVING MICHIGAN MOUNT VERNON MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH Salvation Army Building 701 W Jolly Rd. Lansing, MI 48909 15125 Burt Rd. Detroit, MI 48223 PO Box 21157 Lansing, MI 48909 (313) 538-1355 Main (517) 487-6233 Main (800) 323-6233 Service/Intake - Victim Services (517) 702-0185 Fax Jerome L Warfield Sr, Pastor Dawna L Benson, Administrative Secretary OTHER NAMES: MT VERNON MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH; TRINITY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CENTER; TRINITY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Homer Smith, Executive Director SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. SITE AREA SERVED: Primarily the Detroit neighborhood of Brightmoor bounded by Puritan to the north, Schoolcraft to the south, Evergreen to the east and Telegraph to the west. Includes ZIP Codes 48223 and 48227. SITE HOURS: Mon, Wed, Thu 9am-1pm. Services ALCOHOL/DRUG IMPAIRED DRIVING PREVENTION Alcohol/Drug Impaired Driving Prevention SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Sponsors a variety of legislative efforts to discourage adolescents and adults from driving a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs that have an impact on their reflexes or judgment. The objective of the program is to reduce the incidence of accidents caused by drinking/drug-impaired drivers. Advocates for strategies that include mandatory ignition locks for all convicted drunk drivers, increased law enforcement and technology that would make it impossible for a person who is drunk to start a vehicle. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. Services FOOD PANTRY Food Pantries SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Distributes bags of food to individuals and families in need. Bags contain some staple items, some canned foods, fresh meat and potatoes when available. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals and families residing in Brightmoor neighborhood. FEES: None. SOUP KITCHEN Soup Kitchens SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Serves dinner once a week to the community on Thursdays. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals and families residing in Brightmoor neighborhood. VICTIM IMPACT PANELS DUI Offender Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides an opportunity for recent DUI and reckless driving offenders to listen to the victims of drunk driving accidents. Fulfills court order requirement. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 16 and older who are DUI or reckless driving offenders. FEES: Vary by location: $20-$35 (accepts only money orders). MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY ASSOCIATION 3300 E Sunrise Dr. Tucson, AZ 85718 (800) 572-1717 Toll Free GENERAL CRIME VICTIM ASSISTANCE General Crime Victim Assistance SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers victims of drunk driving crimes assistance in navigating through the criminal justice system by providing court-accompaniment and assistance in preparing Victim Impact Statements for court. Also provides Gerald C Weinberg, President OTHER NAMES: MDA SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. <continued...> 191 MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY ASSOCIATION... FAMILIES/FRIENDS OF DRUG ABUSERS SUPPORT GROUP Families/Friends of Drug Abusers Support Groups SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers a support group for families and friends of drug addicts. Members share their experience, strength, and hope in order to solve their common problems. There are no dues for membership. The group practices the Twelve Steps by welcoming and giving comfort to families of addicts and by giving understanding and encouragement to the addict. ELIGIBILITY: Family and friends of drug addicts. FEES: Donations accepted. Sites: 1 Services ADMINISTRATIVE ENTITY Administrative Entities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Serves as the headquarters for the Muscular Dystrophy Association. Plans, organizes and controls the activities of the organization. Funds world-wide research and also provides comprehensive health care and support services, advocacy and education. NAR-ANON FAMILY GROUPS 22527 Crenshaw Blvd. Suite 200B Torrance, CA 90505 NATIONAL ALLIANCE ON MENTAL ILLNESS (310) 534-8188 Administrative (800) 477-6291 Toll Free (310) 534-8688 Fax 3803 N Fairfax Dr. Suite 100 Arlington, VA 22203 (703) 524-7600 Main (888) 999-6264 Toll Free (800) 950-6264 Toll Free - Information Helpline (703) 524-9094 Fax OTHER NAMES: NARANON; NAR-ANON FAMILY GROUPS HEADQUARTERS; NAR-ANON FAMILY GROUPS WORLD SERVICES; NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS Sites Michael Fitzpatrick, President Ann Wroth, HelpLine Associate 1. METRO DETROIT CHAPTER Saint John's Hospital Main 22101 Moross Rd. Grosse Pointe, MI 48236 Sites 1. NAMI - DOWNTOWN DETROIT Detroit, MI 48207 (313) 343-4000 Main (313) 867-6233 Main SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Sun 6:30pm. Neina Abner, Program Coordinator SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Monthly meetings are held on the second Saturday of every month at 1pm. 2. NAR-ANON FAMILY GROUPS 22527 Crenshaw Blvd. Suite 200B Torrance, CA 90505 2. NAMI - MICHIGAN 921 N Washington Ave. Lansing, MI 48906 (310) 534-8188 Administrative (800) 477-6291 Toll Free (310) 534-8688 Fax SITE AREA SERVED: (517) 485-4049 Main (800) 331-4264 Toll Free (517) 485-2333 Fax Michigan. Services David Ballenberger, President Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-5pm. ADMINISTRATIVE ENTITY Administrative Entities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Serves as the headquarters for the Nar-anon Family Groups. Plans, organizes and controls the activities of the organization. Sites: 2 <continued...> 192 NATIONAL ALLIANCE ON MENTAL ILLNESS... NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF COLORED PEOPLE 3. NATIONAL ALLIANCE ON MENTAL ILLNESS 3803 N Fairfax Dr. Suite 100 Arlington, VA 22203 4805 Mt Hope Dr. Baltimore, MD 21215 (877) 622-2798 Main (410) 580-5777 Fax (703) 524-7600 Main (800) 950-6264 Toll Free - Information Helpline (888) 999-6264 Toll Free (703) 524-9094 Fax Benjamin T Jealous, President/CEO OTHER NAMES: NAACP Michael Fitzpatrick, President Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 10am-6pm. Sites 1. DETROIT BRANCH OFFICE 8220 Second Ave. Detroit, MI 48202 Services MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION Mental Health Associations SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers various programs with the purpose of improving mental health services, preventing mental illness and promoting social conditions. Provides information to the public and local public health departments regarding mental illness and advocacy. Sites: 3 (313) 871-2087 Main (313) 871-7745 Fax Rev. Wendell Anthony, Branch President SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-5:30pm. 2. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF COLORED PEOPLE 4805 Mt Hope Dr. Baltimore, MD 21215 MENTAL HEALTH RELATED SUPPORT GROUPS Mental Health Related Support Groups SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers a 90 minute/week support group run by individuals living with a mental illness for other individuals diagnosed with any form of mental illness. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. Sites: 1 2 (877) 622-2798 Main (410) 580-5777 Fax Benjamin T Jealous, President/CEO SITE AREA SERVED: United States. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5:30pm. Services SPECIALIZED INFORMATION AND REFERRAL FOR MENTAL ILLNESS Specialized Information and Referral * Mental Health Issues SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides general information on illnesses such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression and mental health issues affecting children, adolescents and young families. Provides referrals to local NAMI offices, affiliates and support groups as needed. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. Sites: 3 ADMINISTRATIVE ENTITY Administrative Entities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Serves as headquarters for the organization and provides services that plan, organize and control the activities of the organization. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. Sites: 2 CIVIL RIGHTS GROUP Constitutional/Civil Rights Groups SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Works to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate racial hatred and racial discrimination. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. Sites: 1 DISCRIMINATION ASSISTANCE Discrimination Assistance SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Hosts representatives from the Michigan Department of Civil Rights who meet with individuals regarding civil rights complaints. Representatives offer assistance to ethnic minorities who believe that they have been treated unfairly or denied <continued...> 193 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE... normal privileges. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. Sites: 1 NATIONAL BONE MARROW TRANSPLANT LINK 20411 W Twelve Mile Rd. Suite 108 Southfield, MI 48076 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR VISUALLY HANDICAPPED (248) 358-1886 Main (800) 546-5268 Toll Free - (800)LINK-BMT (248) 358-1889 Fax 22 W Twenty-First St. 6th Floor New York, NY 10010 (212) 889-3141 Main (212) 727-2931 Fax Myra Jacobs, Founding Director Cindy Goldman, Patient and Caregiver Support Coordinator Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: NBMTLINK SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. SITE NOTES: Use the east entrance to the building. Miriam Rosen, Executive Director OTHER NAMES: NAVH SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. Services Services CLIENT TO CLIENT NETWORKING FOR BONE MARROW AND STEM CELL TRANSPLANT PATIENTS Peer to Peer Networking SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Links individuals who are bone marrow or stem cell transplant survivors, caregivers, or donors to trained peer support volunteers who have also been through a transplant experience for the purpose of sharing information and providing support. Service is telephone based. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. DISEASE/DISABILITY INFORMATION FOR VISUALLY IMPAIRED Disease/Disability Information * Cataracts Disease/Disability Information * Diabetic Retinopathy Disease/Disability Information * Glaucoma Disease/Disability Information * Macular Degeneration Disease/Disability Information * Partial Sightedness Disease/Disability Information * Visual Impairments SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides information about the etiology, symptoms, preventive measures, diagnostic procedures, and methods of treatment or management for eye diseases, including cataracts, macular degeneration, glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy. FEES: None. DISEASE/DISABILITY INFORMATION FOR BONE MARROW/STEM CELL TRANSPLANT PATIENTS Disease/Disability Information * Organ/Tissue Transplant Issues SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides information relating to bone marrow and stem cell transplant issues to individuals, families, caregivers and health care professionals. The organization's original publications may be viewed online for free; hard copies are available for a small fee. Website contains comprehensive links to additional online information. Information is also available via phone and e-mail. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: Hard copies of publications are available for a small fee. LANGUAGES: Some documents are available in French or Spanish. VISUAL AIDS Low Vision Aids SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Sells magnifiers, magnification equipment, light intensification equipment, night vision equipment, clocks and watches, writing aids, sun protection glasses and other products which help individuals who have visual impairments use their remaining vision to greater advantage. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals with visual impairments. FEES: Suggested donations vary by item. Discounts for members ($50 membership fee). 194 Services NATIONAL CAUCUS AND CENTER ON BLACK AGED - DETROIT REGIONAL OFFICE DISEASE/DISABILITY INFORMATION FOR KIDNEY DISEASE Disease/Disability Information * Kidney Disease SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides information to the public about kidney and urological diseases through research and education, increases awareness of the critical need for organ and tissue donations. Information is provided on website or with brochures that can be mailed to individuals. FEES: None. 220 Bagley Suite 326 Detroit, MI 48226 (313) 964-4821 Main (313) 964-4841 Fax SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Wed 8am-6pm, Thu 8am-5:30pm LUANN SCHEPPELMANN-EIB EMERGENCY FUND Undesignated Temporary Financial Assistance SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a one time grant of up to up to $100 for emergency needs of individuals with kidney disease. Payments are made directly to vendors, not individuals. ELIGIBILITY: Low income individuals with kidney disease per a case by case assessment. FEES: None. Services SENIOR ADVOCACY GROUP Senior Advocacy Groups SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Supports the passage and enforcement of laws and other social measures that protect and promote the rights and interests of older adults. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. PEER MENTOR PROGRAM Peer Counseling SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers peer counseling for individuals with kidney disease by linking with a volunteer who also has kidney disease. Offers an opportunity to share information, discuss practical tips for daily living, and encouragement about issues related to kidney disease. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals with kidney disease. FEES: None. SENIOR COMMUNITY SERVICE EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM Senior Community Service Employment Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides part-time work experience training in community service for low-income seniors. This program also provides work and income to participants who, through their work assignments with community agencies, make valuable contributions to hundreds of communities. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals 55 years of age or older who have family income of no more than 25% over the federal poverty level. FEES: None. DRUG BANK FOR KIDNEY PATIENTS Prescription Drugs for Specific Health Conditions SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides select prescription medications (mostly high blood pressure medications) to individuals with kidney disease. Offers up to $750 of medications per year. The medications are delivered through a pharmacy directly to the individual's home. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals with kidney disease who are uninsured or underinsured. Individuals must meet income guidelines per a case by case basis. FEES: None. NATIONAL KIDNEY FOUNDATION OF MICHIGAN 1169 Oak Valley Dr. Ann Arbor, MI 48108 KIDS CAMP Therapeutic Camps (734) 222-9800 Service/Intake (800) 482-1455 Toll Free (734) 222-9801 Fax SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a one week residential summer camp for children with kidney disease. Activities include swimming, horseback riding, high ropes, archery, boating, arts and crafts and general camp activities. Campers interact with children without diseases. Staffed with nephrologists, nurses and dieticians, who supervise ongoing medical needs 24/7. Offers dialysis in a sterile environment at the camp lodge. In the case of peritoneal dialysis, or, in the case of hemodialysis, kids are transported to a dialysis facility twice during the week. Kids who have kidney transplants receive their anti-rejection drugs daily by the nursing staff. Transportation between the camp and home is available. ELIGIBILITY: Children age 8-16 with kidney disease. Daniel M Carney, President/CEO Lindsay White, Communications Coordinator OTHER NAMES: NKF; NKFM SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-5pm. <continued...> 195 NATIONAL KIDNEY FOUNDATION OF... FEES: $395 per child. $25 registration deposit. Financial assistance is available. NATIONAL MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS SOCIETY - MICHIGAN CHAPTER 21311 Civic Center Dr. Southfield, MI 48076 VOLUNTARY HEALTH ORGANIZATION Voluntary Health Organizations SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a program of service, education and research that relates to a particular disease, condition or disability. The primary activity is to raise funds for health related research. (248) 351-2190 Administrative (800) 344-4867 Service/Intake (248) 350-0029 Fax VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Administration Volunteer Opportunities Communications/Marketing Volunteer Opportunities Family Services Related Volunteer Opportunities Special Event Support Volunteer Opportunities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a variety of volunteer opportunities including assistance with local programs, writing articles, reviewing brochures, fundraising, assisting with legislative efforts, and participating in national surveys regarding issues affecting individuals with kidney disease. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 16 and older. FEES: None. Elana Sullivan, Chapter President Sue Arnot, Senior Programs Manager SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. SITE NOTES: Public transportation available through SMART only in Oakland County. Services LOAN CLOSET Assistive Technology Equipment Loan SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a variety of assistive technology for persons with multiple sclerosis (MS). Includes bath and shower chairs, bathtub transfer seats, batteries for scooters or wheelchairs, bed rails, canes, walkers, crutches, hospital beds, hoyer lifts (bed to chair lifts), overbed tables, power and manual wheelchairs, scooters, sliding boards, toilet safety rails, wheelchair cushions, and other items. Availability of items varies. Loans equipment up to 90 days, although extensions may be available. ELIGIBILITY: Members of Michigan Chapter of National Multiple Sclerosis Society. Must meet income guidelines--case by case assessment. FEES: None for members. $25 annual membership fee; waivers available for individuals with MS. NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD DETROIT REGIONAL OFFICE Patrick V McNamara Federal Building 477 Michigan Ave. Suite 300 Detroit, MI 48226 (313) 226-3200 Main (866) 667-6572 Toll Free - National Helpline (313) 226-2090 Fax (866) 315-6572 TDD/TTY - National Helpline COUNSELING FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Health/Disability Related Counseling SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides short term counseling for individuals with Multiple Sclerosis. Counseling is available in-person and by telephone through the financial assistance program. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals with Multiple Sclerosis and their families. FEES: None. Stephen M Glasser, Regional Director Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:15am-4:45pm. Services LABOR RELATIONS ASSISTANCE Labor/Management Consultation Unfair Labor Practices Union Elections SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Protects the employees' right to organize, and revents and remedies unfair labor practices, whether committed by labor organizations or employers. Conducts elections to determin whether or not certain groups of employees desire union representation for collective-bargaining purposes. ELIGIBILITY: Most employers involved in interstate commerce and their employees. FEES: None. LANGUAGES: Spanish speaking callers are referred to national helpline. DISEASE/DISABILITY INFORMATION FOR MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Disease/Disability Information * Multiple Sclerosis SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides information about the etiology, symptoms, screening/diagnostic procedures, and/or methods of treatment or management for Multiple Sclerosis. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. <continued...> 196 NATIONAL MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS SOCIETY -... FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Undesignated Temporary Financial Assistance SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides limited financial assistance to individuals with Multiple Sclerosis for a variety of needs, such as utility bills, rent/morgage payments and medical bills. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals with Multiple Sclerosis and their families. FEES: None. Services RUNAWAY HOTLINE Homeless Family Reunification Services Internet Based Crisis Intervention Runaway Prevention Programs Runaway/Homeless Youth Hotlines SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides hotline and online crisis intervention, referrals to local resources, and education and prevention services to youth, families and community members 24 hours a day. Offers confidential, non-sectarian, non-judgmental support. ELIGIBILITY: Youth, ages 12-21 and their families. FEES: None. HEALTH RELATED SUPPORT GROUP FOR INDIVIDUALS AFFECTED BY MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Health/Disability Related Support Groups * Multiple Sclerosis SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Links individuals who have Multiple Sclerosis or friends and family of individuals with Multiple Sclerosis with others who have similar conditions or experiences for the purpose of information sharing and support. Groups are facilitated by trained volunteer peer leaders. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals who have Multiple Sclerosis. Friends and family of individuals with Multiple Sclerosis. FEES: None. NATIONAL SUICIDE PREVENTION LIFELINE 50 Broadway New York, NY 10004 (800) 273-8255 Toll Free (800) 799-4889 TDD/TTY John Draper, Project Director Karen Carlucci, Standards Training & Practices Manager MEDICAL EQUIPMENT PROVISION FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS General Medical Equipment Provision SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Allows people with Multiple Sclerosis to borrow equipment they may need for short and long-term use. Some financial assistance may be provided with purchasing and repairing equipment. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals with Multiple Sclerosis and their families. Must meet financial assistance eligiblity requirements. FEES: None. SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE NOTES: 24 hours, 365 days per year. Services SUICIDE PREVENTION HOTLINE General Crisis Intervention Hotlines Suicide Prevention Hotlines SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides free confidential telephone intervention services for individuals and veterans experiencing a suicidal crisis or emotional distress. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. NATIONAL RUNAWAY SWITCHBOARD NEEDYMEDS 3080 N Lincoln Ave. Chicago, IL 60657 PO Box 219 Gloucester, MA 01931 (773) 880-9860 Main (800) 344-2785 Toll Free (773) 929-5150 Fax (978) 281-6666 Main (978) 865-4115 Service/Intake - Helpline (206) 260-8850 Fax Richard Sagall, President Elizabeth Messenger, Outreach & Education Manager Maureen Blaha, Executive Director Larry Bechdol, Data and Technology Coordinator OTHER NAMES: 1-800-RUNAWAY SITE AREA SERVED: SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: 24 hours. Serves All Areas. Services <continued...> 197 NEEDYMEDS... PRESCRIPTION DRUG PATIENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS Prescription Drug Patient Assistance Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides online or helpline information regarding programs available to help individuals afford the cost of medication and health care. Website includes information regarding pharmaceutical patient assistance programs.disease-based assistance programs and free/low cost clinics. ELIGIBILITY: Programs target primarily uninsured and underinsured individuals. FEES: None. LANGUAGES: English, Spanish. 3. HARPER-GRATIOT MULTI-SERVICE CENTER 9641 Harper Ave. Detroit, MI 48213 (313) 923-5050 Main (313) 571-9866 Fax Crystal White, Unit Director SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-5pm. 4. TUMAINI CENTER 3430 Third Ave. Detroit, MI 48201 (313) 832-3100 Main (313) 832-5271 Fax NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICE ORGANIZATION Risarg Huff, Director of Homeless Services Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Summer: Mon-Fri - 24hours, Sat and Sun center opens at 8pm. Winter: 24 hours, 7 days per week. 220 Bagley St. Suite 1200 Detroit, MI 48226 (313) 961-4890 Main (313) 961-5120 Fax Services Sheilah P Clay, President/CEO William Weld-Wallis, Chief Operating Officer Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: NSO BATHING FACILITIES Bathing Facilities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides showers, baths or other facilities where homeless individuals, travelers and others who do not have access to private bathing facilities can wash. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals in the Detroit area that are homeless or have no access to private shower facilities. FEES: None. Sites: 4 Sites 1. ADDICTION TREATMENT SERVICES 3430 Third Ave. Detroit, MI 48201 (313) 832-5271 Service/Intake COOLING CENTER FOR HOMELESS INDIVIDUALS Extreme Heat Cooling Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides air conditioned facilities which are open during dangerously hot weather to help prevent heat-related illnesses. ELIGIBILITY: Homeless adults age 18 years and older without minor children. Sites: 4 Risarg Huff, Director of Homeless Services Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit, Highland Park and Hamtramck. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. 2. EMERGENCY TELEPHONE SERVICE/SUICIDE PREVENTION CENTER (313) 961-1060 Administrative (800) 241-4949 24-Hour Line - Crisis (313) 963-3108 Fax (313) 224-7000 Crisis DUI OFFENDER PROGRAMS DUI Offender Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides mandated drug and alcohol evaluation and assessment, education, treatment and/or other services for individuals who have been convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol or other drugs including prescription drugs and ordered by the court to seek assistance as part of state efforts to enforce DUI laws. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals residing in Detroit that have been convicted of a driving offense using alcohol and/or substances and ordered by a judge to seek DUI/DWI programs. FEES: $150 for one time assessment/substance abuse evaluation. $50 per weekly individual session. $200 for 10 week relapse prevention class. All payments are due at LaNeice Jones, Vice President of Programs SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-5pm. <continued...> 198 NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICE ORGANIZATION... time of service. Exact cash or check only. Sites: 1 Sites: 2 MENTAL HEALTH AND SUICIDE PREVENTION HOTLINE Suicide Prevention Hotlines SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides emergency telephone crisis intervention, suicide prevention and information and referral services. Also provides referrals to Survivors of Suicide support groups when necessary. FEES: None. Sites: 2 GAMBLING COUNSELING Gambling Counseling/Treatment SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Operates the statewide Problem Gambling Help-Line and provides therapeutic services to compulsive gamblers and their families. Through the Help-Line a consumer may receive a referral to a trained treatment provider. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals and/or family members in need of assistance with problem/compulsive gambling. FEES: None. Sites: 2 HOME INSTRUCTION FOR PARENTS OF PRESCHOOL YOUNGSTERS (HIPPY) School Readiness Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Helps parents empower themselves as their children's first teachers by giving them the tools, skills and confidence they need to work with their preschool children at home. Activities include weekly home visits, advocacy, monthly group meetings, outside activities and field trips, childcare, transportation, individual service plans and a lending library. ELIGIBILITY: Children ages 3 to 5 born on or before December 1st residing in Detroit. FEES: None. Sites: 3 GENERAL CLOTHING PROVISION General Clothing Provision SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides used clothing to homeless individuals in Detroit. Item availability depends on donations. ELIGIBILITY: Homeless individuals in Detroit. FEES: None. Sites: 4 HOMELESS DROP IN AND REFERRAL CENTER Comprehensive Information and Referral Homeless Drop In Centers SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers referrals to substance abuse prevention services, mental health services, education, crisis intervention and other social services available to homeless individuals. Center has chairs but does not offer cots or rooms. ELIGIBILITY: Homeless individuals in Detroit. FEES: None. Sites: 4 SPECIALIZED INFORMATION AND REFERRAL FOR PREGNANT WOMEN Specialized Information and Referral * Pregnant Women SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides free telephone assistance to pregnant women that includes education, information and referrals to other resources if necessary for baby clothing, furniture and formula. Also provides information and assistance applying for health insurance. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. Sites: 2 BRIDGES Homeless Permanent Supportive Housing SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides intensive case management and treatment to chronically homeless individuals with co-occurring disorders while simultaneously working to find appropriate permanent supportive housing. Bridges uses a Housing First model and provides a comprehensive program offering supportive drug, alcohol and mental health services to chronically homeless individuals placed in supportive housing. ELIGIBILITY: Detroit residents who are homeless. FEES: None. Sites: 1 THE ROAD HOME PROGRAM Street Outreach Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a mobile outreach program that makes direct contact with homeless individuals living on the streets of Detroit. The outreach team is comprised of dedicated mental health and substance abuse professionals, case managers, and para-professionals who respond to calls from individuals, companies, and law enforcement officials from the central business district of Detroit. After the team provides an initial assessment, individuals are transported to an appropriate facility to receive proper care, support and housing. ELIGIBILITY: Homeless individuals from the Central Business District (Mid-Town) in Detroit. FEES: None. Sites: 4 HOMELESS SHELTER HOTLINE Emergency Shelter Clearinghouses SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides telephone support and referrals for homeless families and individuals. Hotline provides information on shelter locations, eligibility to obtain services and if there is current availibility. ELIGIBILITY: Homeless families and individuals in need of shelter information. FEES: None. <continued...> 199 NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICE ORGANIZATION... SUBSTANCE ABUSE OUTPATIENT TREATMENT Alcohol Dependency Support Groups Drug/Alcohol Testing Substance Abuse Counseling SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides individual therapy and relapse prevention classes for individuals diagnosed with substance abuse or a substance use and mental health diagnosis. Random drug testing is required throughout care. ELIGIBILITY: Residents of Detroit, Highland Park and Hamtramck 18 years of age or older. FEES: Accepts Medicaid or payment through authorization with the Detroit Department of Health and Wellness Promotion's Bureau of Substance Abuse Prevention, Treatment and Recovery. Detroit residents should call 1-800-467-2452 for authorization; Highland Park and Hamtramck residents should contact SEMCA at 1-800-686-6543 for authorization. Private Pay is accepted at the following rates: $50 per weekly individual session; $200 for 10 week relapse prevention class. All payments are due at time of service. Exact cash or check only. Sites: 1 NEW DAY MULTI-PURPOSE COMMUNITY CENTER AND SHELTER 511 S Post St. Detroit, MI 48209 (313) 842-2420 Main (800) 274-3583 Service/Intake - Referral Agency Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Serves Delray community which is bordered by the cities of Dearborn, Melvindale, and River Rouge to its south, Fort Street to its west, and Clark Street and the Detroit River to its east. Services HOMELESS SHELTER Homeless Shelter SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides emergency shelter. ELIGIBILITY: Homeless men ages 18 and older. FEES: None. SOUP KITCHEN Soup Kitchens SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides weekday noon meals to individuals who lack the resources needed to buy and prepare food. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: Donation. NEW BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH 8430 C L Franklin Blvd. Detroit, MI 48206 (313) 894-5788 Main (313) 894-2929 Fax NEW SAINT PAUL TABERNACLE CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST HEAD START AGENCY Rev. Robert Smith, Senior Pastor/CEO Gloria and Gabriel Garrett, Ministry Leaders Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: NEW BETHEL MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH 15362 Southfield Fwy. Detroit, MI 48223 (313) 835-4400 Main (313) 835-4422 Fax SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit and the Linwood community. SITE HOURS: Tue 9am-3pm, Wed 9am-12noon. SITE NOTES: Food pantry entrance is located directly across the street at 8401 Linwood. Willie Singleton, Director Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: NEW ST PAUL TABERNACLE CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST HEAD START AGENCY; NEW ST. PAUL TABERNACLE CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST HEAD START AGENCY Services SAMARITAN MINISTRY Food Pantries SITE AREA SERVED: Serves the following zip codes: 48204, 48223, 48227, 48228, 48238, 48239. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-4:30pm. SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a food pantry that offers boxed and canned foods; produce and meat when available. ELIGIBILITY: Low-income seniors and families. FEES: None. Services HEAD START Head Start SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides educational experiences, medical and dental services, nutritional meals, counseling and opportunities for parental involvement to help prepare low-income children and children with disabilities age three to five to enter and succeed in school through the Head Start Program. Services provided directly or through referral may include parenting classes; child development information; speech and language services; and parent/child activities. 200 <continued...> NEW SAINT PAUL TABERNACLE CHURCH OF GOD... ELIGIBILITY: Children age 3-5 years old (must be 3 by December) and from income eligible families (at or below 100% of federal income guidelines) or child has a disability or child is in foster care. FEES: None. NOVADEBT 28124 Orchard Lake Rd. Suite 102 Farmington, MI 48334 (800) 992-4557 Toll Free - 800-99-BILLS NORTHWEST COMMUNITY PROGRAMS/ NORTHWEST ACTIVITIES CENTER Jill Feldman, Executive VP of Administration Becky Winters, Education Developer OTHER NAMES: CCM; CONSUMER CREDIT MANAGEMENT; GARDEN STATE CONSUMER CREDIT COUNSELING 18100 Meyers St. Detroit, MI 48235 (313) 578-7500 Main (313) 578-7543 Fax SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm Telephone Counseling: Mon-Thu 7am-12midnight, Fri 7:30am-11pm, Sat 9am-7pm and Sun 11am-8pm EST. David M. Green, Managing Executive/CFO Lurecie Stokes, Community Programs Director Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-5pm. Wed 5pm-7pm. Closed Sat and Sun. SITE NOTES: Health club hours of operation differ from office hours. Services BANKRUPTCY ASSISTANCE Bankruptcy Assistance SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides individuals with required pre-filing bankruptcy counseling and issues certificates showing completion of counseling and/or personal financial management instruction in compliance with the Consumer Protection Act of 2005. The program helps to make sure that individuals are aware of the different options that may be available other than bankruptcy. Counseling is available by phone or online. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: $50.00 pre-filing bankruptcy counseling fee per household. If receiving pro-bono legal services, or if the only source of income is disability the fee may be waived. LANGUAGES: Spanish. Services MEETING SPACE Meeting Space SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers 10 meeting spaces which can host small groups of 15 people to larger conferences of up to 100 people. Ballroom accommodates up to 250 people. Theater seats 488 people and is available for performances or corporate presentations. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: Fees range from $20/hour to $160/hour for meeting rooms. Ballroom and theater range from $500-$3000 per event depending on size and dates rented. DEBT CONSOLIDATION SERVICES Debt Consolidation Services SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers a program that consolidates all of a consumer's credit cards, personal loans and medical bills into one, lower monthly payment to Novadebt. Creditor interest charges, late fees and penalties may be reduced. Deals directly with creditors to arrange for an affordable payment plan. There is no additional borrowing or bankruptcy. Ongoing counseling is provided at no cost. Follows completion of a counseling and budgeting session. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: Counseling services are provide free of charge. There is a $50 fee for enrollment into the Debt Management Program. The fee may be reduced or waived for significant financial hardship. A monthly administrative fee, not to exceed $50, unless otherwise specificed will begin once enrollment paperwork has been accepted by creditors. LANGUAGES: Spanish. NEIGHBORHOOD MULTIPURPOSE CENTER Neighborhood Multipurpose Centers SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides multipurpose rooms and a gym for activities and neighborhood events. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: Gym rental ranges from $100/hour to $200/hour. Multipurpose spaces range from $35/hour to $400/hour depending on size of room rented. RECREATION CENTER AND SWIMMING FACILITY Recreation Centers Swimming Facilities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides access to swimming pool, weight room, cardiovascular equipment, gymnasium, racquetball and squash courts, steam and sauna rooms, and group exercise classes. ELIGIBILITY: Residents of Detroit. FEES: Ages 6-17 free. Various membership fees apply, call for more information. <continued...> 201 NOVADEBT... MONEY MANAGEMENT Credit Counseling Personal Financial Counseling SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers counseling sessions and budget analyses to individuals to assess their monthly situation. May offer suggestions on ways to cut expenses and increase income. Also offers a Personal Financial Program to provide tools and guidance in the area of finances as well as workshops and educational materials. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: No fees for credit counseling, budgeting or educational services. LANGUAGES: Spanish. 5. SOUTHFIELD CAMPUS 22322 Rutland Dr. Southfield, MI 48075 (248) 233-2700 Main SITE AREA SERVED: Services COMMUNITY COLLEGE Community Colleges SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers two-year degree and one-year certification programs which include basic liberal arts and sciences with transfer, occupational, general education and adult education components. ELIGIBILITY: Admission to OCC is open to all students who are high school graduates, GED recipients, college transfer students, or persons 18 years of age or older. FEES: There are no fees for processing application. Sites: 1 2 3 4 5 OAKLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE Bee Administration Center 2480 Opdyke Rd. Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304 (248) 341-2000 Main Niko Dawson OTHER NAMES: Serves All Areas. OAKLAND UNIVERSITY 2200 N Squirrel Rd. Rochester, MI 48309 OCC (248) 370-2100 Main Sites 1. AUBURN HILLS CAMPUS 2900 Featherstone Rd. Auburn Hills, MI 48326 Gary D Russi, President SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. (248) 232-4100 Main SITE AREA SERVED: Services Serves All Areas. BUSINESS ASSISTANCE CENTER Business Assistance Centers SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides entrepreneurs with an environment to start-up, establish, and grow successful businesses. Provides office space, professional business services, access to capital, and business development programs and resources. Program fosters skills to identify, assess, and implement business opportunities, and aims to reduce business failure by assisting business in the critical early stages. ELIGIBILITY: Companies in the early stages of development. FEES: Some fees apply for services; call for more information. 2. HIGHLAND LAKES CAMPUS 7350 Cooley Lake Rd. Waterford, MI 48327 (248) 942-3100 Main SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. 3. ORCHARD RIDGE CAMPUS 27055 Orchard Lake Rd. Farmington Hills, MI 48334 (248) 522-3400 Main SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. 4. ROYAL OAK CAMPUS 739 S Washington Royal Oak, MI 48067 CAREER COUNSELING Career Counseling SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers free career guidance services to members of the community. Serves adults who are considering career changes, are interested in assessing their strengths and potentials, or are simply reviewing possible career options. Provides self assessment, career search, decision-making, identifying life-roles, computerized career guidance, gathering career information, educational planning, and resume writing. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 18 and older. FEES: None. (248) 246-2400 Main Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. <continued...> 202 OAKLAND UNIVERSITY... CONTINUING EDUCATION Continuing Education ONE ECONOMY CORPORATION 1220 Nineteenth St. NW Suite 610 Washington, DC 20036 SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers programs which provide both credit and noncredit courses for adults who are seeking specific learning experiences on a part-time or short-term basis for personal, academic or occupational development. Offers certification programs in appraisals, financial planning and paralegal education. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: Financial aid may be available. Call for more information. (202) 393-0051 Administrative P. Kelley Dunne, President/CEO OTHER NAMES: MY FREE TAXES SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. Services OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY THE BEEHIVE Internet Information Resources SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers web-based tools and information about financial services, education, jobs, health care, and family. The website features topics that raise awareness and help individuals to learn how to take action on issues that impact their lives. ELIGIBILITY: Targets low income households but information is available to all interested individuals. FEES: None. LANGUAGES: Multilingual website content available. Administrator of National Banks Washington, DC 20219 (202) 874-5000 Main (888) 952-9105 Toll Free Independent Foreclosure Review (800) 613-6743 Toll Free - Customer Assistance Group (713) 658-3400 TDD/TTY OPERATION ABLE OF MICHIGAN John G. Walsh, Acting Comptroller of the Currency Bryan Hubbard Hannan House 4750 Woodward Ave. Suite 201 Detroit, MI 48201 SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 7am-7pm. Services (313) 832-0922 Main (800) 922-4473 Toll Free (313) 832-4925 Fax MORTGAGE COMPANY COMPLAINTS Mortgage Company Complaints SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Allows eligible borrowers to request a review of their case if they believe they suffered financial injury as a result of errors, misrepresentation, or other deficiencies in foreclosure proceedings related to their primary residence. ELIGIBILITY: Homeowners whose primary residence was part of a foreclosure action between January 1, 2009 and December 31, 2010, and whose home loan was serviced by a participating servicer. Eligible customers will receive a letter by December 31, 2011 explaining the Independent Foreclosure Review process and a Request for Review Form. FEES: None. LANGUAGES: Spanish. Mary McDougal, Director Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: City of Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. SITE NOTES: Located in the Hannan House at Woodward and Warren Avenues in the heart of Detroit's University Cultural Center Area. Services COMPUTER CLASSES Computer and Related Technology Classes SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides computer and job training classes to the mature worker. Offers a range of computer and skill-building workshops that will help adult learners improve their skills in using Microsoft Office products and brush up on reading and math skills that many employers test at the time of application. Three certificate programs are offered (Office Professional I, Office Professional II, and Computer Savvy Manager/Professional). Each course of study is 240 hours. A certificate is awarded at the successful completion of the program. Also offers up to 8 weeks of free computer and job search help to individuals who have been laid off or are <continued...> 203 OPERATION ABLE OF MICHIGAN... vendors/service providers. Financial assistance varies, based on individual needs ranging from rent, utilities, vehicle payments, groceries, clothing, and travel expenses. ELIGIBILITY: Serves all branches of the military; must be Military Personnel or Veterans (and their families) that have been wounded, injured or are critically ill. FEES: None. Donations accepted. eligible for or have received unemployment benefits or have been out of work for 6 months. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 40 and older. FEES: $3,500 for certificate program. EMPLOYMENT SERVICES Career Counseling Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers Job Development Job Search/Placement Vocational Assessment SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides job preparation and development including individual counseling, career assessment, job search seminars, computer training, occupational skills training, job placement assistance, annual job fair, career development workshops. ELIGIBILITY: Services are aimed at helping mid-career and older job seekers - adults who are 55 years and older. FEES: None. OPERATION GET DOWN COMMUNITY RESOURCE PROJECTS 10100 Harper St. Detroit, MI 48213 (313) 921-9422 Main (313) 571-9022 Fax Sandra Bomar Parker, Executive Director Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: OGD JOB FAIR Job Fairs Sites SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers an annual job fair in the Spring which is aimed at job seekers. The fair brings together mature job seekers and employers who are increasingly turning to these workers to fill positions. Features a combination of recruiting companies and educational and training institutions that are specifically looking for experienced employees and students. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 40 and older. FEES: None. 1. BAD WEATHER SHELTER FOR MEN 6821 MEDBURY Detroit, MI 48211 SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Sun 7pm-7am, including holidays. 2. OPERATION GET DOWN COMMUNITY RESOURCE PROJECTS 10100 Harper St. Detroit, MI 48213 OPERATION FIRST RESPONSE (313) 921-9422 Main (313) 571-9022 Fax 20037 Dove Hill Rd. Culpeper, VA 22701 Sandra Bomar Parker, Executive Director Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: City of Detroit. SITE HOURS: 24 hours. (888) 289-0280 Toll Free - Customer Service (888) 505-2795 Fax Services Peggy Baker, President SITE AREA SERVED: COLD WEATHER SHELTER/WARMING CENTER FOR MEN (2012) Bathing Facilities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Serves the homeless seeking shelter during the winter months, November to March, and offers meals, showers, and overnight shelter. The warming center is operated in collaboration with the City of Detroit. ELIGIBILITY: Males age 18 and older. FEES: None. Sites: 1 Serves All Areas. Services WOUNDED WARRIOR ASSISTANCE PROGRAM Automobile Payment Assistance Electric Service Payment Assistance Gas Service Payment Assistance Heating Fuel Payment Assistance Rent Payment Assistance Undesignated Temporary Financial Assistance Water Service Payment Assistance SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides emergency financial assistance to wounded military personnel, Veterans and their families, from the onset of injury or illness throughout their recovery period. Assistance is provided in the form of checks paid directly to <continued...> 204 OPERATION GET DOWN COMMUNITY RESOURCE... and experiencing a financial harpship resulting in the need of auto repairs for towing services, diagnostic services and/or general repair services. In all cases, emergency assistance is limited to those families who experience a proven financial hardship. FEES: None. COLD WEATHER SHELTERS/WARMING CENTERS (2012) Cold Weather Shelters/Warming Centers SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Serves the homeless seeking shelter during the winter months, November to March, and offers meals, showers, and overnight shelter. ELIGIBILITY: Homeless men, women and children. FEES: None. Sites: 1 CHILD CARE SUBSIDIES FOR MILITARY PERSONNEL FAMILIES/VETERANS Child Care Subsidies SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers military family members in financial need child and dependent care support in times of emergency medical care. ELIGIBILITY: Immediate families of service members who are wounded, ill, injured or deployed and experiencing a financial hardship due to emergency medical situations. In all cases, emergency assistance is limited to those families who experience a proven financial hardship. FEES: None. HOMELESS SHELTER FOR MEN Homeless Shelter SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides year round overnight shelter for men. Services include meals, a hot shower and bedding for the night. ELIGIBILITY: Males 18 and older. FEES: None. Sites: 2 NEIGHBORHOOD IMPROVEMENT GROUP Neighborhood Improvement Groups SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Identifies and responds to current, emerging community needs. Focuses on improving the quality of life for all people in the Detroit community, with particular emphasis on the African American community. Provides programs that advocate for positive change, educate to up lift, empower to improve economic conditions and use methods for self-determination. ELIGIBILITY: Detroit residents. FEES: None. Sites: 2 EYE CARE EXPENSE ASSISTANCE FOR MILITARY PERSONNEL FAMILIES/VETERANS Eye Care Expense Assistance Glasses/Contact Lenses SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers military family members in financial need new glasses for those that cannot otherwise afford to replace them. Covers one pair of eyeglasses as needed for family members. ELIGIBILITY: Immediate families of service members who are wounded, ill, injured or deployed and experiencing a financial hardship. In all cases, emergency assistance is limited to those families who experience a proven financial hardship. FEES: None. OPERATION HOMEFRONT MICHIGAN FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FOR MILITARY PERSONNEL FAMILIES/VETERANS Automobile Insurance Payment Assistance Automobile Payment Assistance Electric Service Payment Assistance Emergency Dental Care Gas Service Payment Assistance Heating Fuel Payment Assistance Mortgage Payment Assistance Motor Vehicle Registration Moving Expense Assistance Property Tax Payment Assistance Rent Payment Assistance Undesignated Temporary Financial Assistance Water Service Payment Assistance SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides emergency financial assistance to the families of our service members and wounded warriors in the form of checks paid directly to mortgage lenders, contractors, hospitals, doctors, dentists and other providers. ELIGIBILITY: Military families of deployed service members in the ranks of E-1 to E-6 and wounded warriors and families of wounded warriors. For families of wounded warriors, there are no rank restrictions. Emergency assistance is limited to those families who experience a proven financial hardship. FEES: None. 904 W Jefferson Grand Ledge, MI 48837 Grand Ledge, MI 48837 (800) 692-0956 Toll Free (877) 691-9861 Fax Sarah Davis, President Mary Lou Hensen, Family Readiness Support Assistant SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. Services AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR FOR MILITARY PERSONNEL FAMILIES/VETERANS Automotive Repair SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides emergency financial assistance to the families of service members and wounded warriors. Emergency financial assistance is in the form of checks paid directly to authorized service centers for the vehicle that serves as the primary means of transportation. ELIGIBILITY: Immediate families of service members who are wounded, ill, injured or deployed <continued...> 205 OPERATION HOMEFRONT MICHIGAN... FOOD PANTRY FOR MILITARY PERSONNEL FAMILIES/VETERANS Food Pantries Food Vouchers Personal/Grooming Supplies SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides emergency food assistance to the families of service members and wounded warriors during difficult financial times. Assistance provided in the form of food boxes, gift certificates to grocery stores, or food vouchers to the commissary for one week of food per client family. Also provides assistance with personal grooming items. ELIGIBILITY: Immediate families of service members who are wounded, ill, injured or deployed and experiencing a financial hardship resulting in the need of food assistance. In all cases, emergency assistance is limited to those families who experience a proven financial hardship. FEES: None. MEDICAL APPOINTMENTS TRANSPORTATION FOR MILITARY PERSONNEL FAMILIES/VETERANS Air Fare Gas Money Medical Appointments Transportation SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers support to help the families of service members and wounded warriors commute to medical appointments and funerals. ELIGIBILITY: Immediate families of service members who are wounded, ill, injured or deployed and experiencing a financial harpship resulting in the need for travel and transportation.In all cases, assistance is limited to those families who experience a proven financial hardship. OPTIMIST INTERNATIONAL 4494 Lindell Blvd. Saint Louis, MO 63108 (314) 371-6000 Ext. 200 Main (800) 500-8130 Toll Free (314) 371-6006 Fax HOME MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR SERVICES FOR MILITARY PERSONNEL FAMILIES/VETERANS Home Maintenance and Minor Repair Services SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides emergency financial assistance to the families of service members and wounded warriors. Emergency financial assistance provided for unexpected, routine home repair in partnership with community members willing to donate materials and services. Also provides home modifications as needed by our injured service members. ELIGIBILITY: Immediate families of service members who are wounded, ill, injured or deployed and experiencing a financial harpship resulting in the need for routine home repairs.In all cases, emergency assistance is limited to those families who experience a proven financial hardship. FEES: None. Benny Ellerbe, Executive Director Dennis Osterwisch, Deputy Executive Director SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. Services SERVICE CLUB FOR ADULTS ASSISTING YOUTH Service Clubs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Recruits adult volunteers who conduct positive service projects in their communities aimed at offering assistance to youth. Includes fundraising projects for children's programs or projects that offer direct service to children. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 18 and older. FEES: $60 annual national membership dues. Local clubs annual membership dues vary. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR MILITARY PERSONNEL FAMILIES/VETERANS Appliances General Furniture Provision Mattresses SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides assistance to the families of service members and wounded warriors through coordinated donations of gently used furniture and appliances, household necessities and baby items as they are donated. Some requested items may involve a waiting list and may not be available in all areas. Availability of items based on donated items. ELIGIBILITY: Immediate families of service members who are wounded, ill, injured or deployed and experiencing a financial harpship resulting in the need for household goods. In all cases, assistance is limited to those families who experience a proven financial hardship. FEES: None. PARALYZED VETERANS OF AMERICA MICHIGAN CHAPTER 40550 Grand River Ave. Novi, MI 48375 (248) 476-9000 Main (800) 638-6782 Toll Free (248) 476-9545 Fax Michael F. Harris, Executive Director Brenda Wheater, Administrative Assistant/Bookkeeper Public transportation accessible. <continued...> 206 PARALYZED VETERANS OF AMERICA... Sites: 2 Sites GOVERNMENT RELATIONS AND ADVOCACY PROGRAM Disability Rights Groups SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Supports the passage and enforcement of laws or other social measures that protect the rights of veterans who have physical, mental, developmental or learning disabilities and maximize their ability to enjoy the same opportunities, resources and privileges as the mainstream population. Sites: 2 1. BENEFITS SERVICE OFFICE 477 Michigan Ave. Rm 1233 Detroit, MI 48226 (313) 471-3996 Main (800) 795-3608 Toll Free Charles Henning, Service Office Supervisor SITE AREA SERVED: Macomb, Oakland and Wayne Counties. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. EQUIPMENT DONATION PROGRAM Daily Living Aid Donation Programs Medical Supplies Donation Programs Sports Equipment Donation Programs Walking Aid Donation Programs Wheelchair Donation Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Accepts donated items that help individuals with mobility issues, including wheelchairs, power chairs, adaptive sports equipment, hoists, lifts, and other items that help people who cannot easily move. Also accepts medical supplies (not medicine) such as catheters when they are in original, unopened sterile packaging. ELIGIBILITY: Requires items to be in clean, working condition. FEES: None. Sites: 2 2. PARALYZED VETERANS OF AMERICA MICHIGAN CHAPTER 40550 Grand River Ave. Novi, MI 48375 (248) 476-9000 Main (800) 638-6782 Toll Free (248) 476-9545 Fax Michael F. Harris, Executive Director Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm. Services THE PUMP GUIDE Accessibility Information SCHOLARSHIPS Scholarships SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a listing of gas stations in MIchigan that offer full service at self serve prices. Includes over 1000 gas stations in Michigan by city or county. The listings are provided voluntarily by gas stations and often include the station's hours of service, any special instructions, and other available amenities allowing drivers who are disabled to refuel vehicles with full service assistance. ELIGIBILITY: Drivers who display a state issued license plate or window placard identifying themselves as having disabilities. FEES: None. Sites: 2 SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides scholarships for Michigan students who are working to obtain degrees in select heathcare fields. Offers up to four $500 scholarships each year. ELIGIBILITY: Michigan students who are working to obtain degrees in nursing, occupational therapy, and physical therapy. Must be a member of Paralyzed Veterans of America or relative of member. FEES: $50 membership fee. Sites: 2 VETERAN BENEFITS ASSISTANCE Veteran Benefits Assistance SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides assistance to veterans and their families with processing claims related to compensation, aid and attendance, adaptive equipment, auto grants, household benefits, non service-connected pension, educational benefits, government insurance and home loans. ELIGIBILITY: Paralyzed and non-paralyzed veterans. FEES: None. Sites: 1 2 EQUIPMENT LOAN CLOSET FOR VETERANS Assistive Technology Equipment Loan Daily Living Aids Manual Wheelchairs Occasional Medical Equipment/Supplies Powered Wheelchairs Walking Aids SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides equipment to veterans with mobility disabilities, including wheelchairs, lifts, daily living aids and other assistive technology. Also offers medical supplies like catheters. Availability of equipment and supplies based on donations received. ELIGIBILITY: Must be a veteran with a mobility disability. FEES: Donations accepted. 207 PARENTS OF MURDERED CHILDREN PARENTS WITHOUT PARTNERS 100 E Eighth St. Suite 202 Cincinnati, OH 45202 1100-H Brandywine Blvd. Zanesville, OH 43701 (740) 450-1332 Main (800) 637-7974 Toll Free (740) 452-2552 Fax (513) 721-5683 Main (888) 818-7662 Toll Free - 888-818-POMC (513) 345-4489 Fax Garland Harris, President Harriet West, Zone President Dan Levey, President OTHER NAMES: PMOC SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. Sites Services 1. METRO DETROIT CHAPTER 16200 W Twelve Mile Rd. Royal Oak, MI 48068 ADMINISTRATIVE ENTITY Administrative Entities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Serves as headquarters and provides services that plan, organize and control the activities of the organization but which offer no direct services to the public except peripheral administrative services like community awareness programs or materials. (248) 360-9692 Service/Intake Silvia Banks, Chapter Leader SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. 2. PARENTS OF MURDERED CHILDREN 100 E Eighth St. Suite 202 Cincinnati, OH 45202 PARTNERSHIP FOR PRESCRIPTION ASSISTANCE MICHIGAN 1100 Fifteenth St. NW Suite 900 Washington, DC 20005 (513) 721-5683 Main (888) 818-7662 Toll Free - 888-818-POMC (513) 345-4489 Fax (888) 477-2669 Toll Free - 888-4PPA-NOW Dan Levey, President SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. OTHER NAMES: Services PFPA; PPARXMI SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri, 8am-8pm. ADMINISTRATIVE ENTITY Administrative Entities Services SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Serves as national headquarters and provides services that plan, organize and control the activities of the organization but which offer no direct services to the public except peripheral administrative services like community awareness programs or materials Sites: 2 PRESCRIPTION DRUG PATIENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM Prescription Drug Patient Assistance Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Connects qualified, low income individuals with free or discount prescription drugs, direct from the pharmaceutical manufacturer. Provides information on over 275 prescription assistance programs collectively covering over 2000 medications and sends application forms to inquirers. ELIGIBILITY: Varies among programs; primarily targets low income, unisured Michigan residents. FEES: None. LANGUAGES: Interpretation services available for over 150 languages. CRIME VICTIM SUPPORT GROUPS Crime Victim Support Groups General Crime Victim Assistance SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Supports survivors of homicide victims. Holds monthly meetings, provides a telephone network of support, supplies information about the grief process, organizes a speakers bureau and provides accompaniment for survivors who must attend court proceedings. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. Sites: 1 208 PATIENT ADVOCATE FOUNDATION PEOPLES COMMUNITY SERVICES OF METROPOLITAN DETROIT 421 Butler Farm Rd. Hampton, VA 23666 416 W Grand Blvd. Detroit, MI 48216 (800) 532-5274 Toll Free (757) 873-8999 Fax (313) 554-3111 Main (313) 554-3114 Fax Alan Richardson, Chief Development Operations Officer Nancy Davenport-Ennis, CEO SITE AREA SERVED: Thomas Cervenak, Executive Director Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: PEOPLE'S COMMUNITY SERVICES OF METROPOLITAN DETROIT Serves All Areas. Services SITE AREA SERVED: Hamtramck, Highland Park and Southwest Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. EMPLOYMENT RELATED ADVOCACY GROUPS Employment Related Advocacy Groups SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides employment related patient advocacy through arbitration, mediation and negotiation to settle issues with access to care, medical debt, and job retention related to chronic, debilitating and life-threatening illnesses. ELIGIBILITY: Patients with chronic, debilitating and life-threatening illnesses in need of advocacy for employment related issues. FEES: None. Services ADMINISTRATIVE ENTITY Administrative Entities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Serves as the headquarters for Peoples Community Services of Metropolitan Detroit. Plans, organizes and controls the activities of the organization. MEDIATION Mediation PEOPLE'S MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH 3000 McDougall Detroit, MI 48207 SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides mediation and arbitration services for patients with chronic, debilitating and life-threatening illnesses. Acts as liaison between the patient and their insurer, employer and/or creditors to resolve insurance, job retention and/or debt crisis matters, relative to their diagnosis. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. (313) 579-2034 Main John Devar Tolbert Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: PEOPLES MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH PATIENT ADVOCATE FOUNDATION CO-PAY RELIEF PROGRAM Prescription Expense Assistance SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides direct financial assistance that pays for prescription co-payments for insured patients, including Medicare Part D beneficiaries, who financially and medically qualify. ELIGIBILITY: Insured patients, including Medicare Part D beneficiaries who meet both the financial and medical qualification to access prescription co-payment assistance and are being treated for specific medical conditions including breast, lung, prostate, kidney, colon, non muscle invasive bladder and non squamous non-small cell lung cancers, hormone suppression therapy, malignant brain tumor, sarcoma, cutaneous t-cell lymphoma, multiple myeloma, myelodysplastic syndrome (and other pre-leukemia diseases), osteoporosis, pain, hepatitis C, rheumatoid arthritis, selected autoimmune disorders and CIA/CIN. FEES: None. SITE AREA SERVED: City of Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-6pm. Services CHILDREN'S DAY CARE Child Care Centers Drop In Child Care SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides supervised care for infants, toddlers, and children. Also offers drop-in child-care services and after school programs for school-age children. ELIGIBILITY: Age six weeks to 12 years. FEES: Infants $137/week, toddlers $120/week, pre-school ages two to five $99/week. SOUP KITCHEN Soup Kitchens SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Prepares and serves hot meals for underprivileged individuals in a congregate setting. ELIGIBILITY: Low-income residents of Detroit. FEES: None. <continued...> 209 PEOPLE'S MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH... Services PERSONALIZED NURSING LIGHT HOUSE 575 S Main St. Suite 6 Plymouth, MI 48170 MAINTAIN Prescription Drug Patient Assistance Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Assists individuals in financial need to continue to get their Pfizer medicines if they have recently become unemployed and do not have prescription coverage. Beneficiaries of the program will get their Pfizer medicines for free for up to a year or until they become re-insured (whichever comes first). ELIGIBILITY: Individuals and their immediate family members are eligible for this program if they have become unemployed since January 1, 2009, were prescribed and taking a Pfizer medicine for at least 3 months prior to becoming unemployed and enrolling in the program, lack prescription drug coverage and can attest to financial hardship. (734) 451-7800 Main (800) 467-7654 Toll Free (734) 451-5410 Fax Joseph Paliwoda, CEO Jacqueline Anderson, Office Manager OTHER NAMES: PERSONALIZED NURSING LIGHTHOUSE; PNLH Sites 1. DETROIT LIGHT HOUSE 3800 Woodward Ave. Suite 400 Detroit, MI 48201 PIX THEATRE 172 W Nepessing St. Lapeer, MI 48446 (313) 832-1300 Main (313) 832-6518 Fax (810) 664-4811 Service/Intake - General Information (810) 664-4824 Service/Intake - Box Office (810) 538-0514 Fax Carlton Harris, Therapist Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-5pm. Craig Martin, Executive Director Services SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Box Office Hours: Tue-Sat 12noon-6pm. Times of performances vary. SUBSTANCE ABUSE COUNSELING Substance Abuse Counseling SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides outpatient individual and group therapy for individuals who abuse substances of any kind in order to help them better understand the nature of their physical and/or psychological dependency or impairment and to support their efforts to recover. Detroit location provides specialized counseling for individuals with HIV. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 18 and older. FEES: Based on ability to pay. Accepts Medicaid, Medicare and other third party payments. LANGUAGES: Spanish. Sites: 1 Services THEATER PERFORMANCES Theater Performances SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers plays and stage productions including Broadway shows, drama, comedy and musicals as well as mime, performance art and other theater forms. Offers approximately 50 live performances per season. Managed by the PIX Arts Council for Greater Lapeer. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: Fees vary according to performance. Special rates are offered for children 12 years of age and under, students 13 - 22 years of age, and individuals 60 years of age and older. Groups of 10 or more may also receive a discount. Accepts cash, personal check, money orders, Visa, or Mastercard. PFIZER 235 E 42nd St. New York, NY 10017 (212) 573-2323 Administrative (866) 706-2400 Service/Intake - Pfizer Helpful Answers Jeffrey B. Kindler, Chairman and CEO SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. 210 Sites PLANNED PARENTHOOD MID AND SOUTH MICHIGAN 3100 Professional Dr. Ann Arbor, MI 48104 1. STARKWEATHER CENTER 550 N Holbrook St. Plymouth, MI 48170 PO Box 3673 Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (734) 416-4903 Main (734) 416-4925 Fax (734) 926-4800 Service/Intake (734) 973-0710 Service/Intake (734) 973-0595 Fax (855) 926-4800 TDD/TTY Kevin Lane, Principal SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-3:50pm. Services ADULT BASIC EDUCATION Adult Basic Education Lori Lamerand, President/CEO Marisa Richard, Medical Administrative Assistant Public transportation accessible. SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides instruction in fundamental learning skills for adults who want to complete their high school education. Emphasis is placed on basic reading, language and mathematics to strengthen functional skills in communication, computation and personal-social interaction. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 18 and older. FEES: $200/credit for in-district students. $225/credit for students who are not in-district. Sites: 1 SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon 9am-5pm; Tue-Thu 9am-8pm; Fri 9:30am-5pm; Sat 9:30am-4pm. Services REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH EDUCATION General Sexuality/Reproductive Health Education Teen Pregnancy Prevention SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides information on healthy sexuality and responsible choices. The Peer Education program provides 40 hours of training to high school teens, who then become peer educators in their schools, offering information on sexual health topics and other teen issues as well as presentations on abstinence, contraception, and HIV. In addition, Planned Parenthood's website provides sexual health information for teens, so that they may use the information to reduce the risk of unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: Call for more information. POSTPARTUM SUPPORT INTERNATIONAL 6706 SW 54th Ave. Portland, OR 97219 PO Box 60931 Santa Barbara, CA 93160 (503) 894-9453 Administrative (800) 944-4773 Service/Intake - 1-800.944.4PPD (503) 894-9452 Fax Lucy Puryear, President Wendy N Davis, Executive Director OTHER NAMES: PSI PLYMOUTH-CANTON COMMUNITY SCHOOLS SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-3pm (PST). E J McClendon Educational Center 454 S Harvey St. Plymouth, MI 48170 Services ADMINISTRATIVE ENTITY Administrative Entities (734) 416-2700 Main (734) 416-7702 Service/Intake - Food Service Office SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Serves as headquarters for Postpartum Support International and provide services that plan, organize and control the activities of the organization but which offer no direct services to the public except peripheral administrative services like community awareness programs or materials. Craig Fiegel, Superintendent Kathy Chesney, Food Service Director 211 Services PREGNANCY AID 17325 Mack Ave. Detroit, MI 48224 ADMINISTRATIVE ENTITY Administrative Entities (313) 882-1000 Main SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Serves as the headquarters for Presbyterian Villages of Michigan. Plans, organizes and controls the activities of the organization. SITE AREA SERVED: City of Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Thu, Sat 11am-2pm. PRESBYTERY OF DETROIT - BARNABAS YOUTH OPPORTUNITIES CENTER Services 3530 Grand River Ave. Detroit, MI 48208 MATERIAL SUPPORT FOR CRISIS PREGNANCIES Baby Clothing Diapers Maternity Clothing SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides material support to pregnant women in need. Materials provided depend on donations, but generally include maternity clothing, baby clothing, and other baby equipment such as diapers, strollers, and etc. Other resource information, pregnancy and parenting literature, and books are also available. ELIGIBILITY: Pregnant women in need who reside in Detroit. Women MUST be currently pregnant in order to sign up for material assistance services. FEES: None. (313) 831-4488 Main (313) 831-4703 Fax Stanley Edwards, Executive Director SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 10am-6pm, except Summer: 8am-4pm. Services EMPLOYMENT SERVICES Job Development Job Search/Placement Vocational Assessment PREGNANCY TESTING Pregnancy Testing SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers individual skill assessments, networking opportunities, resume writing, self-directed job search and educational counseling to individuals in need of jobs. ELIGIBILITY: Primarily youth ages 14 to 18 but will assist individuals of all ages in need of job search assistance. FEES: None. SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers free pregnancy testing to women. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. PRENATAL EVALUATION Prenatal Evaluation SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides fetal ultrasounds to pregnant women in need. ELIGIBILITY: Low income pregnant women who live in Detroit. FEES: None. RECREATION CENTER Recreation Centers SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a facility for playing basketball and softball. Also offers exercise classes. ELIGIBILITY: Youth age 10-24. FEES: None. PRESBYTERIAN VILLAGES OF MICHIGAN TUTORING SERVICES Tutoring Services 26200 Lahser Rd. Suite 300 Southfield, MI 48033 SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides supplemental instruction for students who are having difficulty with their coursework or who want to get more out of their regular educational program. ELIGIBILITY: Youth age 10-24. FEES: None. (248) 281-2060 Main (800) 649-3777 TDD/TTY Roger Myers, President/CEO SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. 212 PROLITERACY DETROIT 2. REDFORD UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT 18499 Beech Daly Rd. Redford, MI 48240 The Palms Bldg. 2111 Woodward Ave. Suite 410 Detroit, MI 48210 (313) 242-6000 Main (313) 872-7720 Main (313) 965-8441 Fax Donna Rhodes, Superintendent SITE AREA SERVED: Redford Union School District (zip codes 48239 and 48240). SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-4pm. Margaret Williamson, Executive Director OTHER NAMES: PRO-LITERACY DETROIT Services REDUCED SCHOOL LUNCH/BREAKFAST School Breakfasts School Lunches SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides free and/or reduced price meals for school students. Meals include protein, fruits, vegetable, grains/breads and milk. Meals must meet established nutrition standards. The program is federally-funded and is available to income-eligible students who are unable to pay the full cost. Public and private, nonprofit schools participating in the program are reimbursed for the lunches and breakfasts served. ELIGIBILITY: Attendance at Redford Union School District. Must meet federal income guidelines. FEES: Reduced Breakfast $.30 Reduced Lunch $.40. Parents may register to prepay for meals online. Visit web site or school office for more information. Sites: 1 SITE AREA SERVED: Serves the cities of Detroit, Hamtramck and Highland Park. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. Services LITERACY PROGRAM English as a Second Language Literacy Programs Volunteer Development SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides tutorial services to adults to improve basic literacy skills. Sessions are held individually or in a small group setting. Recruits and trains volunteers interested in tutoring individuals in basic literacy skills. Also trains individuals interested in tutoring non-English speaking students. Volunteers are required to attend a 21-hour Basic Literacy Tutor Training Workshop and Orientation and will receive a certificate upon completion. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 16 and older. FEES: None. SCHOOL DISTRICT School Districts SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Local public school district serving north-central Wayne County that operates elementary, middle and high schools as well as an Early Childhood Center, an Elementary Day Treatment Center, an Adolescent Day Treatment Center, a Hearing Impaired program, and a multi-faceted Education Center. Sites: 2 REDFORD UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT 18499 Beech Daly Rd. Redford, MI 48240 (313) 242-6000 Main REGGIE MCKENZIE FOUNDATION 13853 Trumbull St. Highland Park, MI 48203 Donna Rhodes, Superintendent (313) 869-8081 Main (313) 869-8082 Fax Sites 1. PEARSON EDUCATION CENTER 19990 Beech Daly Rd. Redford, MI 48240 Eleanor D. Blackwell, Director Public transportation accessible. (313) 242-6100 Main (313) 242-6133 Service/Intake - Food Service Office SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. Robert Sowden, Principal SITE AREA SERVED: Redford Union School District (zip codes 48239 and 48240). SITE HOURS: Mon-Thu 6:30am-9pm, Fri 6:30am-4pm. Services <continued...> 213 REGGIE MCKENZIE FOUNDATION... COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY ENTRANCE EXAMINATION PREPARATION College/University Entrance Examination Preparation SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers classes that prepare students to take the SAT, ACT or other aptitude and/or achievement tests used by colleges and universities to screen and select students for admission to their undergraduate programs. Classes take place on Saturdays at Highland Park Community High School, 15900 Woodward Ave., Highland Park, MI, 48203. ELIGIBILITY: Detroit high school students. FEES: None. RUTH ELLIS CENTER 77 Victor St. Highland Park, MI 48203 (313) 252-1950 Main (313) 865-3372 Fax (313) 867-6936 Alternate - Drop In Center Laura Hughes, Executive Director SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. Services TUTORING SERVICES Tutoring Services GROUP HOME FOR LESBIAN AND GAY YOUTH Group Homes for Dependent Children SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides residential group home for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender youth who are permanent court wards (PCW) or temporary court wards (TCW). Program can accommodate five youth. ELIGIBILITY: Gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender youth ages 12-17. FEES: None. SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides tutoring and homework help for students who are having difficulty with their coursework or who want to get more out of their regular educational program. Certified teachers and college students provide one-on-one and group instruction. Tutoring takes place on Saturdays at Highland Park Community High School, 15900 Woodward Ave., Highland Park, MI, 48203. ELIGIBILITY: Students in grades one through high school. FEES: None. STREET OUTREACH AND DROP IN CENTER FOR LESBIAN AND GAY YOUTH Homeless Drop In Centers Street Outreach Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides street outreach and a drop in center for youth who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, or questioning. Outreach workers provide food, clothing, blankets, coats and safer sex kits to youth on the streets, and encourage them to come to the drop in center for assessment and linkage to housing and other needed services. ELIGIBILITY: Youth ages12-24 who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, or questioning. FEES: None. ROSEDALE PARK BAPTIST CHURCH 14179 Evergreen Rd. Detroit, MI 48223 (313) 538-1180 Main (313) 538-0002 Fax Lutricia Valentine, Program Coordinator SITE AREA SERVED: City of Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-3pm. TRANSITIONAL HOUSING FOR LESBIAN AND GAY YOUTH Transitional Housing/Shelter SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides an 18 month independent living program for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and questioning youth. Program includes housing, basic life skills education, interpersonal skill building, educational advancement, employment preparation, mental and physical health care, and aftercare planning. Program can accommodate ten youth. ELIGIBILITY: Youth ages 16-21 youth who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, or questioning; 16 and 17 year olds must have parental or legal guardianship permission. FEES: None. Services FOOD PANTRY Food Pantries SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides emergency food packages typically containing breads, frozen meats, canned goods and staple items. Fruits and vegetables are included when available. Packages are based on family size. ELIGIBILITY: Low-income individuals and families in 48223. FEES: None. 214 self-pay clients. Sites: 1 SACRED HEART REHABILITATION CENTER 400 Stoddard Rd. Richmond, MI 48062 RESIDENTIAL SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT Detoxification Methadone Maintenance Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Facilities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a residential program which is individually tailored to each client in order to break the chemical dependency cycle, develop the awareness of the need for total abstinence and initiate an individual into a program of recovery. This program may include lectures, interactive educational groups, group therapy, individual therapy, self-help groups, didactics groups, specialty groups and recreational activities. Also offers on site detoxification services which can be a stand alone service or the beginning process to residential treatment. Clients in detoxification are medically monitored by a physician and nursing staff. Residential clients have access to the medical wing and services. Clients on medication assisted recovery programs but actively abusing illicit substances are welcomed into this residential program. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 18 and older including adult men, women, women with children and pregnant women. Residential program is open to individuals who are not using any medications, as well as to those who are engaged in a medication assisted recovery plan. FEES: Medicaid/State/County Funding: Clients can contact their local health department to pursue county funded treatment providing they meet certain financial and situational criteria. If the client meets criteria, a case worker will be assigned by the funding county to act as an intermediary in arranging treatment for the client. PO Box 41038 Memphis, MI 48041 (810) 392-2167 Main (888) 802-7472 Toll Free (810) 392-3530 Fax Grady Wilkinson, President/CEO Estee Weber, Marketing Services Coordinator Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: ADULT RESIDENTIAL & CLEARVIEW WOMEN & CHILDREN SPECIALY; ADULT RESIDENTIAL AND CLEARVIEW WOMEN AND CHILDREN SPECIALY Sites 1. PORT HURON OUTPATIENT SERVICES 1406 Eighth St. Port Huron, MI 48060 (810) 987-1258 Main (810) 987-3505 Fax SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Thu 9am-9pm; Fri-Sat 8am-5pm. 2. SACRED HEART REHABILITATION CENTER 400 Stoddard Rd. Richmond, MI 48062 Most major insurances (that have a substance abuse coverage clause) are accepted for payment. If a client does not have any other source of payment for their treatment, they have the option of paying personally. The intake/assessment team will calculate the estimated payment amount in advance of treatment. Sites: 2 (810) 392-2167 Main (888) 802-7472 Toll Free (810) 392-3530 Fax Grady Wilkinson, President/CEO Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: 24 hours. RESIDENTIAL SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT FACILITIES FOR WOMEN Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Facilities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a residential program specifically for women which is individually tailored to each client in order to break the chemical dependency cycle, develop the awareness of the need for total abstinence and initiate an individual into a program of recovery. Program provides an environment that allows women who are the sole source of parenting for their children the opportunity to bring their children into the residential treatment center and be assured of their safety and well being. Also specializes in the treatment needs of women who are pregnant and addicted to opiates. ELIGIBILITY: Women 18 and older with or without children and pregnant women. FEES: Accepts Medicaid, Medicare and other insurance/third party payments. Sliding fee for self-pay clients. Services COMPREHENSIVE OUTPATIENT SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT Comprehensive Outpatient Substance Abuse Treatment SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers a course of treatment as an alternative to residential care or continuing treatment for individuals who have completed residential care. These services are specifically tailored to promote the recovery of each individual client. Course of treatment may include a blend of group therapy, interactive group didactics, specialty groups, 12-step groups and individual therapy. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 13 and older. FEES: Accepts Medicaid, Medicare and other insurance/third party payments. Sliding fee for <continued...> 215 SACRED HEART REHABILITATION CENTER... Sites: 2 SAINT CHRISTINE CHRISTIAN SERVICES 15317 Dacosta St. Detroit, MI 48223 SAINT CATHERINE OF SIENA 23450 W Davison St. Detroit, MI 48223 (313) 535-7272 Main (313) 535-3439 Fax Detroit, MI 48223 (313) 535-7272 Main (313) 537-0598 Fax Larry Robertson, Director OTHER NAMES: SCCS; ST CHRISTINE CHRISTIAN SERVICES; ST. CHRISTINE CHRISTIAN SERVICES Dariusz Z Strzalkowski, Pastor OTHER NAMES: SAINT CHRISTINE OUTREACH SERVICES; ST CATHERINE OF SIENA; ST CHRISTINE OUTREACH SERVICES; ST. CATHERINE OF SIENA SITE AREA SERVED: 48223. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-4:30pm. Services Sites FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Bus Fare Prescription Expense Assistance SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides emergency financial assistance to residents of the Brightmoor area for prescription medication and bus fare. ELIGIBILITY: Low-income individuals and families in the Brightmoor area. FEES: None. 1. SAINT CATHERINE OF SIENA 23450 W Davison St. Detroit, MI 48223 (313) 535-7272 Main (313) 537-0598 Fax Dariusz Z Strzalkowski, Pastor SITE AREA SERVED: Brightmoor community of northwest Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-4pm FOOD PANTRY Food Pantries SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides emergency food for low income individuals and families. Packages are based on family size and typically contain canned goods, vegetables, fruit, peanut butter/jelly and donated breads and pastas. When available, personal hygeine items are included in the packages. ELIGIBILITY: Low-income individuals and families in 48223. FEES: None. 2. SAINT CHRISTINE CHRISTIAN SERVICES 15317 Dacosta St. Detroit, MI 48223 (313) 535-7272 Administrative (313) 535-3439 Fax Larry R Robertson, Director SITE AREA SERVED: Brightmoor. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-4:30pm. SAINT JOHN PROVIDENCE HEALTH SYSTEM Services CHRISTIAN CHURCH Christian Churches 28000 Dequindre Rd. Warren, MI 48092 SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers a place where Catholic individuals and families gather to attend religious services. Sites: 1 (866) 501-3627 Service/Intake Customer Service 1-866-501-DOCS FOOD PANTRY Food Pantries Patricia Maryland, President/CEO Daniela Scholl, Public Relations Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: PROVIDENCE HEALTH SYSTEM; ST JOHN HEALTH SYSTEM; ST. JOHN HEALTH SYSTEM SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a grocery bag full of emergency food and hygiene items including canned goods (vegetables, fruit, peanut butter, jelly), donated breads and pasta, paper products, hygiene products (soap, toothpaste/brush, toilet paper, washcloths) and diapers. ELIGIBILITY: Low-income residents of Zip Code 48223 only. Sites: 2 <continued...> 216 SAINT JOHN PROVIDENCE HEALTH SYSTEM... ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 18 and older. FEES: Accepts Medicaid, Medicare and other third party payments. Sites 1. COVENANT HOUSE 2959 Martin Luther King Boulevard Detroit, MI 48208 SAINT JOSEPH MERCY SENIOR HEALTH BUILDING (248) 849-5692 Main SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-4:30pm. 5361 McAuley Dr. Ypsilanti Township, MI 48197 (734) 712-5189 Main (734) 712-5302 Fax Services SCHOOL BASED HEALTH CENTERS Adolescent/Adult Immunizations Childhood Immunizations Dental Screening Hearing Screening Pap Tests Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening Vision Screening SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides general health assessments; immunizations; gynecological exams, sexually transmitted disease screening and Pap smears for children and youth. ELIGIBILITY: Children and youth up to age 21. FEES: Based on ability to pay; Accepts Medicaid and other third party payments. Sites: 1 Susan Pettis, Administrator Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: ST JOSEPH MERCY SENIOR HEALTH BUILDING; ST. JOSEPH MERCY SENIOR HEALTH BUILDING SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. Services HURON WOODS Adult Residential Care Homes SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a residential facility for older adults with severe memory loss or Alzheimer's disease. The facility is divided into five individual homes. Each home has one kitchen, living and dining area and 14 private "bedrooms". Residents of each home share meals, gardening, household chores etc. Staff is on site 24 hours. ELIGIBILITY: Older adults with severe memory loss or Alzheimer's disease. FEES: Accepts Medicaid, Medicare and other third party payments. SAINT JOSEPH MERCY BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SERVICES - HURON OAKS 5401 McAuley Dr. Ypsilanti, MI 48197 (734) 712-5750 Main (734) 786-2301 Service/Intake (800) 289-0014 Toll Free - Behavioral Health Access Line SAINT LOUIS CENTER 16195 Old US 12 Chelsea, MI 48118 Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Intake hours: Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm. (734) 475-8430 Main (734) 475-0310 Fax Services PSYCHIATRIC DAY TREATMENT FOR ADOLESCENTS Psychiatric Day Treatment SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers partial hospitalization programs for adolescents who have mental health problems or who are dually diagnosed with mental illness ELIGIBILITY: Individuals ages 12-18. FEES: Accepts Medicaid, Medicare and other third party payments. Enzo Addari, Director OTHER NAMES: ST LOUIS CENTER; ST. LOUIS CENTER SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Office Hours: Mon-Fri 7:30am-3:30pm; residential facility Mon-Sun 24 hours. Services GROUP HOME FOR MALE CHILDREN AND YOUTH WITH DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES Group Homes for Children and Youth with Disabilities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides an alternative living environment for male children and youth with developmental disabilities, sensory impairments, physical disabilities or multiple disabilities who are unable to live with their own or a foster family. Residents receive services PSYCHIATRIC DAY TREATMENT FOR ADULTS Psychiatric Day Treatment SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers partial hospitalization programs for adults who have mental health problems or who are dually diagnosed with mental illness. <continued...> 217 SAINT LOUIS CENTER... that focus on the development of self-help, self-care, socialization, prevocational and independent living skills. ELIGIBILITY: Boys age 6-17 who have substantial limitations in three or more of the following areas: self care; receptive and expressive language; learning; mobility; self-direction; capacity for independent living; and economic self sufficiency. FEES: Accepts SSI and Social Security payments; financial assistance for a private placement is evaluated on a case-by-case basis. SAINT MARY'S RESIDENCE 2120 Orleans St. Detroit, MI 48207 (313) 259-0459 Main (313) 259-2001 Fax Sister Hyacinthe, Administrator OTHER NAMES: ST MARY'S RESIDENCE; ST. MARY'S RESIDENCE SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: 24 hours. GROUP RESIDENCE FOR ADULTS WITH DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES Group Residences for Adults with Disabilities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides an alternative living environment for adults with developmental disabilities, sensory impairments or physical disabilities who are unable to live with their own or foster care family. Service levels depend on the self-care skills residents possess, their limitations in the areas of physical coordination and mobility, and the presence and extent of behavior problems including disruptive or self-injurious behavior. ELIGIBILITY: Men and women age 18 and older who have substantial limitations in three or more of the following areas: self care; receptive and expressive language; learning; mobility; self-direction; capacity for independent living; and economic self sufficiency. FEES: Accepts SSI and Social Security payments; financial support for a private placement is evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Services GROUP RESIDENCE FOR WOMEN WITH DISABILITIES Group Residences for Adults with Disabilities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides an alternative living environment for women with mental or developmental disabilities. Offers personal services, supervision and assistance essential for self-protection or sustaining the activities of daily living and private rooms. ELIGIBILITY: Women with mental or developmental disabilities who are unable to live with their own families or in a more independent setting. FEES: $900-$925/month. Accepts SSI and Social Security. SAINT PATRICK SENIOR CENTER 58 Parsons St. Detroit, MI 48201 (313) 833-7080 Main (313) 833-0128 Fax RESPITE CARE FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES Adult Out of Home Respite Care Children's Out of Home Respite Care SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a brief period of rest or relief for family members, guardians or others who are regular caregivers for dependent adults by offering temporary or intermittent care for the adult in a community setting/facility. Respite services are offered for up to one week. ELIGIBILITY: Boys age 6-17 and men and women over the age of 18 who have substantial limitations in three or more of the following areas: self care; receptive and expressive language; learning; mobility; self-direction; capacity for independent living; and economic self sufficiency. FEES: $175/day. SaTrice Coleman-Betts Joann Youngblood OTHER NAMES: ST PATRICK SENIOR CENTER; ST. PATRICK SENIOR CENTER SITE AREA SERVED: Serves the cities of Detroit, Highland Park and Hamtramck. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-4pm. Services COMMUNITY CLINIC FOR SENIORS Blood Pressure Screening Community Clinics Diabetes Screening General Physical Examinations SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Operates a community based health care clinic for seniors with services that include physicals, blood pressure and sugar readings. Provides educational workshops and seminars on preventing disease and injury. Also provides information on accessing programs such as Medicare, Medicaid and Michigan's prescription assistance program (EPIC). ELIGIBILITY: Seniors members age 55 or older. FEES: Membership fees; ages 55-59 -- $35 per calendar year; ages 60 and over -- $5 per calendar year. VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Administration Volunteer Opportunities Construction/Home Maintenance Volunteer Opportunities Special Event Support Volunteer Opportunities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides volunteer opportunities including helping with special events, fundraising, maintenance such as cleaning and painting, and clerical work such as sorting, filing, and helping with mailings. Volunteer opportunities are based on availability. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 18 and older. FEES: None. <continued...> 218 SAINT PATRICK SENIOR CENTER... OTHER NAMES: EDUCATION EXPERIENCE (THE); ST VINCENT AND SARAH FISHER CENTER; ST. VINCENT AND SARAH FISHER CENTER COMPUTER CLASSES FOR SENIORS Computer and Related Technology Classes SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides multiple-level instruction and unlimited Internet access to all members. Computer classes are offered daily with an open lab session available one day weekly. All classes are taught by trained staff or volunteers in self-paced, small group settings. ELIGIBILITY: Senior members age 55 and above. FEES: Membership fees; ages 55-59 -- $35 per calendar year; ages 60 and over -- $5 per calendar year. Extra fee for advanced computer classes. SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon,Wed 8:30am-5pm; Tue, Thu 8:30am-5pm; Fri 9am-3pm. Services ADULT LEARNING EXPERIENCE/FIRST STEPS GED Instruction Remedial Mathematics Remedial Reading SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides individual tutoring as preparation to take the GED exam. Children's Summer Education Experience helps children build their reading and math skills through education experiences. Children's Afterschool Education Experience offers year round help with reading and math skills. ELIGIBILITY: Adults age 18 and older. Youth grades 1-3. FEES: None. SAINT STEPHEN AME CHURCH 6000 John E. Hunter Dr. Detroit, MI 48210 (313) 895-4800 Main (313) 895-4812 Fax Michael A. Cousin, Pastor Alberta Williams, Office Manager OTHER NAMES: ST STEPHEN AME CHURCH; ST. STEPHEN AME CHURCH SALVATION ARMY (THE) - EASTERN MICHIGAN DIVISION SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Thu10am-3pm, Fri 10am-12noon. 16130 Northland Dr. Southfield, MI 48075 Services (248) 443-5500 Service/Intake (800) 274-3583 Toll Free Statewide Shelter Line (800) A SHELTER (248) 443-5516 Fax FOOD AND FRIENDSHIP Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides hot meals on a regular basis for people may be at risk for nutritional deficits without assistance and who can profit from an opportunity to socialize with others. ELIGIBILITY: Seniors age 60 or older. FEES: $2 donation. Dennis Strissel, Colonel Donald, Divisional Social Services Director Sites FOOD PANTRY Food Pantries 1. BOOTH SERVICES 3737 Humboldt Detroit, MI 48208 SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers one-time assistance to anyone in need of food. Food box consists of non-perishable items. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions; however, assistance is one-time only. FEES: None. (313) 361-6136 Service/Intake (800) 274-3583 Toll Free Statewide Shelter Line 1-800-A-SHELTER Barbara McCauley, Corps Officer SITE AREA SERVED: Wayne County. SITE HOURS: 24 hours. SAINT VINCENT AND SARAH FISHER CENTER 2. DETROIT - DENBY CENTER 20775 Pembroke Detroit, MI 48219 16800 Trinity St. Detroit, MI 48219-3968 (313) 535-9200 Main (313) 537-2130 Service/Intake (313) 537-3395 Fax Barbara McCauley, Pastoral Care Administrator SITE AREA SERVED: Zip Codes 48219, 48223, and 48235. SITE HOURS: 24 hours. Diane Renaud, Executive Director/CEO Nicole Copes, Information Manager Public transportation accessible. <continued...> 219 SALVATION ARMY (THE) - EASTERN MICHIGAN... ELIGIBILITY: Homeless individuals and families in Michigan. FEES: None. Sites: 1 3. DETROIT - HARBOR LIGHT CENTER 3737 Lawton Detroit, MI 48201 (313) 361-6136 Service/Intake (313) 361-6210 Fax SUBSTANCE ABUSE SUPPORT GROUP Alcohol Dependency Support Groups Drug Dependency Support Groups SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides in-person, by telephone or via the Internet support, information and resources to help individuals overcome their dependency of alcohol and/or substances. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals dealing with substance abuse issues. FEES: None. Sites: 3 Artee Lewis, Corps Officer Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Zip Codes: 48201, 48202, 48207, 48208, 48209, 48210, 48211, 48216 and 48226. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm. Services GENERAL CLOTHING PROVISION General Clothing Provision SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides used clothing to individuals and families with emergency needs. Available items depend on what has been donated and is on hand at any given time. The collection may include but does not specialize in children's clothes, work clothes, maternity clothes and shoes. FEES: None. Sites: 2 SCHOOLCRAFT COLLEGE 18600 Haggerty Rd. Livonia, MI 48152 (734) 462-4400 Main (734) 462-4448 Service/Intake - Continuing Education Center (734) 462-4806 Service/Intake - Testing Center (734) 462-4426 Service/Intake Admissions and Enrollment Center (734) 462-4553 Fax GENERAL COUNSELING SERVICES General Counseling Services SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides emotional support, information and guidance to help individuals resolve whatever personal or interpersonal difficulties they may be experiencing. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: Based on ability to pay. Sites: 2 Conway Jeffress, President Sites 1. RADCLIFF CENTER 1751 Radcliff St. Garden City, MI 48135 TARGET HOME Home Rental Listings Homeless Permanent Supportive Housing SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides case management services to homeless families in finding and securing permanent housing. May also provide one time, limited financial assistance up to $500 for relocation costs for families that have saved $500 toward the cost of new housing. Does NOT provide assistance for rent arrearage. ELIGIBILITY: Detroit homeless families who have been evicted, are staying in a shelter, or are temporarily residing with relatives. Does not accept single individuals. Families must have an SER Determination letter from DHS. Must have $500 saved towards the cost of housing. FEES: $500 saved towards the cost of housing. Sites: 2 (734) 462-4770 Main (734) 462-4741 Fax SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Thu 8:30am-9pm. Fri and Sat 9am-1pm. Closed Sun. 2. SCHOOLCRAFT COLLEGE 18600 Haggerty Rd. Livonia, MI 48152 (734) 462-4400 Main (734) 462-4426 Service/Intake Admissions and Enrollment Center (734) 462-4806 Service/Intake - Testing Center (734) 462-4448 Service/Intake - Continuing Education Center (734) 462-4553 Fax 1-800-A-SHELTER Emergency Shelter Clearinghouses SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Coordinates requests for emergency shelter by screening homeless individuals. Maintains listing of and makes referrals to homeless shelters in Michigan. Conway Jeffress, President SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Hours for office of admissions: Mon and Thu 8am-7:30pm, Tue, Wed, Fri 8am-4:30pm. <continued...> 220 SCHOOLCRAFT COLLEGE... FEES: Fees vary by program; call for more information. Sites: 1 2 Services COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY ENTRANCE EXAMINATION PREPARATION College/University Entrance Examination Preparation SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Helps students prepare to take the SAT, ACT, or PSAT by providing review sessions and practice tests. ELIGIBILITY: High school or GED students. FEES: $175 for four workshop sessions. Sites: 2 WOMEN'S CENTER Return to Education Support Women's Centers SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a women's resource center that offers a wide variety of services, classes, and activities to women. Also provides special support services for women who are initiating or resuming a postsecondary course of study, including assistance with admission and registration procedures, financial aid, referral services, support groups and workshops. ELIGIBILITY: Women age 18 and older. FEES: Fees may apply for some programs; call for more information. Sites: 1 2 COMMUNITY COLLEGE Community Colleges SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers traditional credit and non-credit classes in the areas of career education, general education and continuing education to students and members of the community. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: Tuition may be paid for with a credit card or check. Financial aid is available. Sites: 2 KIDS ON CAMPUS Parent/Child Instruction Youth Enrichment Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a variety of enrichment classes, workshops and day camps for children and teenagers. Programs focus on several different subject areas including math, science, the arts, computers and career-oriented learning opportunities such as culinary skills and forensics. Also offers parent-child swim classes. ELIGIBILITY: Children in grades 1-12. Swim classes are for children 6 months to 6 yrs. FEES: Fees apply for all camps, children's classes, parent-child swim classes and workshops. Credit cards and checks accepted. Financial aid is available for children for camps and workshops. Sites: 2 CONTINUING EDUCATION Continuing Education SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides non-credit courses for adults and children who are seeking specific learning experiences on a short-term basis for personal, academic, or occupational development. Offers classes in academic subjects, art, culinary studies, dance, business and finance, music, and sports. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: Fees vary by class; call for more information. Sites: 1 2 GED TEST SITE GED Test Sites SCOTT MEMORIAL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Administers GED examinations to individuals who have not completed their formal education to obtain a high school equivalency certificate. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals must be 18 years old and their high school class must have graduated. FEES: Registration fee is $150 for all five exams. Retake fee is $30/exam. Sites: 2 15361 Plymouth Rd. Detroit, MI 48227 (313) 836-6301 Main (313) 836-6309 Fax Anthony R Hood, Pastor Phyllis I Anderson, Office Administrator Public transportation accessible. RETRAINING Job Retraining SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Thu 10am-3 pm, Fri 10am-2 pm. SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers programs that provide training or retraining in skill areas for individuals who have recently been laid off, are re-entering the workforce, are looking to transition into a new career, or want to continue their professional development and increase their skill set. Offers training and certificate programs in becoming a personal fitness trainer, professional pharmacy technician and a conflict resolution specialist. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 18 and older. Services HEALTH MINISTRY CHAIR EXERCISE Exercise Classes/Groups SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides individuals with an exercise program that allows them to exercise while seated in a chair. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. 221 ELIGIBILITY: Detroit residents ages 19-21. Income guidelines apply, call for screening. FEES: None. SENIORS ACTIVITY CENTER ADULT DAY CARE 14200 Puritan St. Detroit, MI 48227 JOBS, EDUCATION AND TRAINING (JET) Job Search/Placement Welfare to Work Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides job search assistance for Detroit job seekers, including access to resource facilities, resume writing assistance, web-based job search, job fairs, job readiness workshops, interview preparation assistance, and referral to jobs. Also offers Jobs, Education and Training (JET), a program for welfare-eligible participants that includes career exploration, job search, job club, job matching and job placement assistance, work experience, community service opportunities, on-the-job training (OJT), vocational ESL, basic skills learning, GED, and vocational education. ELIGIBILITY: Residents of Detroit; JET program is for TANF recipients. FEES: None. (313) 270-2896 Fax (313) 270-2773 Main Flo Parker, Director Fred Parker, Vice President & Operations Manager Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: SAC SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 7:30am-6pm. Services ADULT DAY PROGRAM CENTER Adult Day Program Centers SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides non-residential daytime care of seniors and adults who are developmentally disabled. Offers daily activities including arts and crafts, exercise, games, bible study, group outings, music and group discussions. Provides lunch and two snacks. ELIGIBILITY: Healthy seniors and adults with developmental disabilities. FEES: $10-$15/hour depending on the amount of mobility and bathroom assistance required. YOUTH OF PROMISE LEADERSHIP PROGRAM FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS WIA Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides comprehensive year round services for youth ages 14-18 who are currently enrolled in high school. Focuses on academic enrichment, tutoring and mentoring activities, leadership training and career guidance and counseling. Students are paid a stipend for their achievements. The program is funded by the Detroit Workforce Development Department, through the Workforce Investment Act (WIA). ELIGIBILITY: Detroit high school students ages 14-18. FEES: None. SER METRO-DETROIT JOBS FOR PROGRESS 9301 Michigan Ave. Detroit, MI 48210 SERVICES TO ENHANCE POTENTIAL (313) 846-2240 Main (313) 846-2247 Fax 2941 S Gulley Rd. Dearborn, MI 48124 (313) 278-3040 Main (313) 278-8671 Fax (800) 649-3777 TDD/TTY (734) 722-1000 Ext. 203 Alternate Limited English Proficiency Assistance Eva Garza Dewaelsche, President Carolyn Miller, Supervisor Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: SERVICE, EMPLOYMENT AND REDEVELOPMENT SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. James E Grice, President/CEO Susan Valasco, Chief Financial Officer Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: STEP Services YOUTH OF PROMISE LEADERSHIP PROGRAM FOR OLDER YOUTH Career Exploration GED Instruction Summer Employment SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides GED Instruction, leadership development and community service opportunities to older youth ages 19-21. Also offers summer employment opportunities and career exploration services. <continued...> 222 SERVICES TO ENHANCE POTENTIAL... LANGUAGES: For limited English proficiency assistance call 734-722-1000 ext 203. Sites: 1 2 3 Sites 1. DETROIT RESOURCE CENTER 4700 Beaufait St. Detroit, MI 48207 ORGANIZATIONAL EMPLOYMENT SERVICES Disability Related Center Based Employment SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides opportunities for individuals with developmental disabilities to learn work, social and community living skills in a simulated work environment in order to facilitate transition into community integrated employment. Job tasks and skills covered include packaging, sorting, inspection, material handling, light machine work and assembling. Partners with area businesses to provide employment and volunteer opportunities for developmentally disabled individuals. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 18 and older who are enrolled in a Michigan Comprehensive Provider Network. FEES: Based on ability to pay. Accepts Medicaid, Medicare and other third party payments. LANGUAGES: For limited English proficiency assistance call 734-722-1000 ext 203. Sites: 1 2 3 (313) 267-9777 Main (313) 921-9131 Fax (734) 722-1000 Ext. 203 Alternate Limited English Proficiency Assistance Jan Wagner, Director Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit, Hamtramck and Highland Park. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-4pm. 2. EASTERN RESOURCE CENTER 17910 Van Dyke St. Detroit, MI 48234 (313) 368-5200 Main (313) 368-0992 Fax (734) 722-1000 Ext. 203 Alternate Limited English Proficiency Assistance COMMUNITY INTEGRATION SERVICE Independent Living Skills Instruction SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Assists individuals who have developmental or mental health disabilities to learn the basic skills of daily living through individual and group counseling and instruction, and experience and practice in coping with real or simulated life situational demands, gain knowledge of community resources and prepare for employment through volunteer experiences in a variety of community settings. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 18 and older with developmental disabilities or mental health diagnosis who are enrolled in a Michigan Comprehensive Provider Network. FEES: Reimbursed from the Michigan Comprehensive Provider Network. LANGUAGES: For limited English proficiency assistance call 734-722-1000 ext 203. Sites: 1 2 3 Tamaria Morris, Director Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit, Grosse Pointe, Grosse Pointe Farms, Grosse Pointe Park, Grosse Pointe Shores, Grosse Pointe Woods, and Harper Woods. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-4pm. 3. NORTHWEST RESOURCE CENTER 32229 Schoolcraft Rd. Livonia, MI 48150 (734) 261-7530 Main (734) 261-4192 Fax Mary Agusti, Resource Center Director SITE AREA SERVED: Serves the cities of Dearborn, Detroit, Livonia, Wayne and Wyandotte. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-4pm. Services INTEGRATED EMPLOYMENT Supported Employment SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Finds paid, meaningful work in a variety of community-based settings for individuals who have developmental or mental health disabilities and which assigns a "job coach" to work side-by-side with each client to interface with the employer and other employees. Provides training in basic job skills and work-related behaviors, assistance with specific tasks as needed and whatever other initial or ongoing support is required to ensure that the individual retains competitive employment. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 18 and older with developmental disabilities or mental health diagnosis who are enrolled in a Michigan Comprehensive Provider Network. FEES: Reimbursed from the Michigan Comprehensive Provider Network. LANGUAGES: For limited English proficiency assistance SUPPORTS COORDINATION Case/Care Management * Developmental Disabilities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Develops case plans for the evaluation, treatment and/or care of individuals who have developmental disabilities and need assistance in arranging for services; coordinates the delivery of needed services; and follows up and monitors progress to ensure that services are having a beneficial impact on the problem. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 18 and older who are enrolled in a Managed Comprehensive Provider Network. FEES: Accepts Medicaid, Medicare and other third party payments and private pay. Based on ability to pay. <continued...> 223 SERVICES TO ENHANCE POTENTIAL... call 734-722-1000 ext 203. Sites: 1 2 3 Services HOARDERS ANONYMOUS Clutterer/Hoarder Support Groups SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides weekly local online and telephone support groups for persons with chronic problems with hoarding and/or cluttering. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals seeking assistance with hoarding/cluttering. FEES: None. SEX ADDICTS ANONYMOUS PO Box 70949 Houston, TX 77270 (800) 477-8191 Main (713) 869-4902 Alternate SHOPAHOLICS ANONYMOUS Debt/Overspending Support Groups SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers a network of support for individuals who have difficulty controlling their compulsion to shop. The groups meet via the Internet or in person; provide emotional support, information and resources to help participants overcome their addiction to shopping. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. Joe H., Director of Operations Tim Davinroy, Administrative Assistant OTHER NAMES: ISO OF SAA; SAA SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 10am-6pm. Services SEXUAL/LOVE ADDICTION SUPPORT GROUP Sexual/Love Addiction Support Groups SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers support groups to individuals who are having difficulty controlling compulsive sexual behavior and/or emotional attachments, and spouses, partners or other family members who are involved in relationships with individuals exhibiting this type of behavior. The groups provide emotional support, information and resources to help participants avoid destructive sexual behavior, and achieve sexual sobriety as they work toward recovery; and include faith-based and secular 12-step groups. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: Some groups accept donations for materials. CASA - CLEPTOMANIACS AND SHOPLIFTERS ANONYMOUS General Addictions/Dependencies Support Groups SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides online and telephone support groups for persons with chronic problems with stealing, kleptomania, employee theft or theft from others. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals seeking assistance to stop stealing. FEES: None. OVERSPENDER COUNSELING Overspender Counseling SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides emotional support, information and guidance for individuals who are having difficulty controlling their compulsion to spend money. SHULMAN CENTER FOR COMPULSIVE THEFT SPENDING AND HOARDING (THE) PO Box 250008 Franklin, MI 48025 ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions for treatment; in-person counseling sessions are available for individuals in the Detroit area and telephone and Internet/video counseling is available for individuals throughout the United States. FEES: Accepts private pay for counseling sessions; does not accept insurance but may assist with reimbursement. (248) 358-8508 Main Terrence Shulman, Founder/Director OTHER NAMES: CLEPTOMANIACS AND SHOPLIFTERS ANONYMOUS; HOARDERS ANONYMOUS; SHOPAHOLICS ANONYMOUS; SHULMAN CENTER; SHULMAN CENTER FOR COMPULSIVE THEFT & SPENDING (THE); SHULMAN CENTER FOR COMPULSIVE THEFT AND SPENDING (THE); SPENDING AND HOARDING SICKLE CELL DISEASE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA - MICHIGAN CHAPTER 18516 James Couzens St. Detroit, MI 48235 (313) 864-4406 Main (800) 842-0973 Toll Free (313) 864-9980 Fax SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. Wanda Whitten-Shurney, CEO/Medical Director Tracie L Conic, Deputy Director OTHER NAMES: SCDAA <continued...> 224 SICKLE CELL DISEASE ASSOCIATION OF... SITE AREA SERVED: Serves the cities of Detroit, Highland Park and Hamtramck. SITE HOURS: Mon, Thu 9am-9pm; Tue, Wed, Fri 9am-5pm. ELIGIBILITY: Children and teens with sickle cell disease in grades K-12. FEES: None. SIENA LITERACY CENTER Services 16888 Trinity St. Detroit, MI 48219 CASE/CARE MANAGEMENT FOR SICKLE CELL PATIENTS Case/Care Management * Sickle Cell Anemia SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Develops plans for the evaluation, treatment and/or care of individuals who, because of sickle cell disease, need assistance in planning and arranging for human services. Monitors progress to ensure that services are having a beneficial impact on the individual. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals with sickle cell disease. FEES: None. (313) 532-8404 Main Donna McRae Nesbitt, Executive Director Keah Archie-King, Office Manager Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Thu 9am-8pm. DISEASE/DISABILITY INFORMATION FOR SICKLE CELL ANEMIA Disease/Disability Information * Sickle Cell Anemia SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides information about the etiology, symptoms, screening/diagnostic procedures, and methods of treatment or management for sickle cell disease. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. Services LITERACY PROGRAM Literacy Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Teaches adult learners the basics of reading, writing, math, comprehension and computer skills one-to-one with a tutor and within a group setting. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 18 and older not currently enrolled in school. FEES: $10 registration fee. $12 book fee. EMPLOYMENT SERVICES FOR SICKLE CELL PATIENTS Job Search/Placement Vocational Assessment SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides services to individuals with sickle cell diesase that lead to employment and economic self-sufficiency. Includes basic skills and vocational assessment; career exploration; assessment and resolution of job readiness barriers; decision making and goal setting; job search preparation and job retention skills; interpersonal communication skills; resume preparation; interviewing skills and short term and long term career counseling. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 18 and older who have sickle cell disease. FEES: None. SKILLMAN FOUNDATION (THE) 100 Talon Centre Dr. Suite 100 Detroit, MI 48207 (313) 393-1187 Fax (313) 393-1185 Main Carol Goss, President/CEO Dorrian L McGhee, Communications Manager Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: The following Detroit neighborhoods: Brightmoor, Cody/Rouge, the Northend, Osborn, and Southwest Detroit (Vernor neighborhood and Chadsey/Condon neighborhood). SITE HOURS: Mon-Thu 8:30am-6:30pm, Fri 8:30am-12noon. SICKLE CELL SCREENING Sickle Cell Screening SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides testing to identify individuals who have sickle cell disease or who are carriers of that disease through laboratory analysis of their blood. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. Services PRIVATE FOUNDATION Private Foundations SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides grants to help develop and improve schools and neighborhoods in metropolitan Detroit. Also offers grant programs, including scholarships, that provide opportunities for underprivileged children to enhance their education and potential. TUTORING SERVICES FOR CHILDREN WITH SICKLE CELL DISEASE Tutoring Services SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides after school academic tutoring services for children and teens with sickle cell disease. Volunteer tutors help students with homework and other school related projects. <continued...> 225 SKILLMAN FOUNDATION (THE)... ELIGIBILITY: Must be a non-profit organizations in the following Detroit neighborhoods: Brightmoor, Cody/Rouge, the Northend, Osborn, and Southwest Detroit (Vernor neighborhood and Chadsey/Condon neighborhood that implements programs for children, youth and families in the Foundation’s three program areas: Good Schools, Good Neighborhoods and Good Opportunities. Scholarships available to students throughout the city of Detroit. FEES: None. OTHER NAMES: SOCIETY OF ST VINCENT DE PAUL IN THE ARCHDIOCESE OF DETROIT; SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT DE PAUL IN THE ARCHDIOCESE OF DETROIT; ST VINCENT DE PAUL IN THE ARCHDIOCESE OF DETROIT; ST. VINCENT DE PAUL IN THE ARCHDIOCESE OF DETROIT Sites 1. RESALE SHOP - CLINTON TOWNSHIP 35192 Gratiot Ave. Clinton Township, MI 48035 SMILES CHANGE LIVES 2405 Grand Ave. Kansas City, MO 64108 (586) 792-3500 Main (816) 421-4919 Main (888) 900-3554 Toll Free (816) 421-3008 Fax Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Sat 9am-8pm; Sun 12noon-5pm. 2. RESALE SHOP - GRAND RIVER 15725 Grand River Ave. Detroit, MI 48227 LeAnn Smith, Chief Operating Officer Rachel Coleman, Program Coordinator SITE AREA SERVED: (313) 836-2878 Main Michigan. Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Sat 9am-5pm. Services ORTHODONTICS EXPENSE ASSISTANCE FOR CHILDREN Dental Care Expense Assistance Orthodontics SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides and promotes access to essential orthodontic treatment for children from low-income families ELIGIBILITY: Ages 10-18; not currently wearing braces; has a dental referral form confirming applicant’s good oral hygiene (including regular dental visits and cleanings); must be in need of orthodontic treatment that can be delivered as a one-stage process; upon acceptance, must be at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Guideline. FEES: $25 non-refundable application fee. Must also be willing to pay $500 toward orthodontic treatment. A limited number of partially subsidized placements may be available in some areas. See website for current information. 3. RESALE SHOP - INKSTER 27114 Michigan Ave. Inkster, MI 48141 (313) 277-4617 Main Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Sat 9am-5pm. 4. RESALE SHOP - KERCHEVAL AVE 14922 Kercheval Ave. Detroit, MI 48215 (313) 331-6992 Main Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Sat 9am-5pm. 5. RESALE SHOP - LINCOLN PARK 3760 Fort St. Lincoln Park, MI 48146 SOCIETY OF SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL IN THE ARCHDIOCESE OF DETROIT (313) 382-3100 Main Van Eslander Family Center 3000 Gratiot Ave. Detroit, MI 48207 SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Sat 9am-8pm; Sun 12noon-5pm. (313) 393-2930 Main (877) 788-4623 Toll Free (313) 393-3015 Fax <continued...> William Brazier, Executive Director Public transportation accessible. 226 SOCIETY OF SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL IN THE... disability follow-up, mental health care or children/infant services. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 18 and older who lack medical insurance or access to routine health care. FEES: Based on ability to pay. Sites: 9 6. RESALE SHOP - SAINT CLAIR SHORES 23746 Greater Mack Ave. Saint Clair Shores, MI 48080 (586) 773-0190 Main SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Sat 10am-6pm. SOUTH REDFORD SCHOOL DISTRICT 7. RESALE SHOP - WATERFORD 2235 Elizabeth Lake Rd. Waterford, MI 48328 26141 Schoolcraft Redford, MI 48239 (313) 535-4000 Main (313) 535-1059 Fax (248) 681-6760 Main SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Sat 9am-8pm; Sun 12noon-5pm. Brian Galdes, Superintendent Jan Carrier, Secretary to Superintendent 8. RESALE SHOP - WESTLAND 6613 N Wayne Rd. Westland, MI 48185 Sites 1. FOOD SERVICE OFFICE 26255 Schoolcraft Redford, MI 48239 (734) 729-3088 Main SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Sat 9am-8pm; Sunday 12noon-5pm. (313) 535-4000 Ext. 1183 Service/Intake - Food Service Office 9. SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL HEALTH CENTER 22255 Greenfield Suite 349 Detroit, MI 48227 Carrie Morfino, Food Service Director SITE AREA SERVED: South Redford School District. 2. SOUTH REDFORD SCHOOL DISTRICT 26141 Schoolcraft Redford, MI 48239 (313) 837-5078 Main (248) 849-5008 Fax (313) 837-5082 Fax (313) 535-4000 Main (313) 535-1059 Fax Tammi Pullum, Director SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: 1st and 2nd Thu 9am-4:30pm Brian Galdes, Superintendent SITE AREA SERVED: South Redford School District. Services Services CLOTHING AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS Bedding/Linen Children's Clothing General Clothing Provision General Furniture Provision Kitchenware Mattresses Shoes SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Sells used clothing, furniture, small appliances and toys at a lower cost than regular retail stores. Does not supply major appliances. FEES: Fees vary by item. All clothing items cost between $1.00 to $5.00. Sites: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 REDUCED SCHOOL LUNCH/BREAKFAST School Breakfasts School Lunches SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides free and/or reduced price meals for school students. Meals include protein, fruits, vegetable, grains/breads and milk. Meals must meet established nutrition standards. The program is federally-funded and is available to income-eligible students who are unable to pay the full cost. Public and private, nonprofit schools participating in the program are reimbursed for the lunches and breakfasts served. ELIGIBILITY: Attendance at South Redford Schools. Must meet federal income guidelines. FEES: Reduced Breakfast $.30 Reduced Lunch $.40. Parents may register to prepay for meals online. Visit web site or school office for more information. Sites: 1 GENERAL PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS General Physical Examinations SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides adult health services for the treatment of common medical concerns such as high blood pressure, diabetes, asthma, arthritis and physicals. Does not provide emergency or urgent care, immunizations, pregnancy care, acute heart care, <continued...> 227 SOUTH REDFORD SCHOOL DISTRICT... SCHOOL DISTRICT School Districts Sites 1. ADULT LEARNING LAB 4214 W Vernor Hwy. Detroit, MI 48209 SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Administers and operates public schools in South Redford School District. Sites: 2 (313) 451-8057 Fax (313) 451-8055 Main SOUTHGATE COMMUNITY SCHOOLS Tim Mcgorey, Director SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon 12noon-8pm, Tue-Thu 9am-8pm, Fri 9am-4pm. 13305 Reeck Rd. Suite 100 Southgate, MI 48195 (734) 246-4600 Main (734) 283-6791 Service/Intake - Food Service Office (734) 283-6791 Fax 2. CLARA BARTON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 8530 Joy Rd. Detroit, MI 48204 (313) 285-9323 Main David Peden, Superintendent Jennifer A. Yee, Food Service Director SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. 3. HOUSING OPPORTUNITY CENTER 1920 25th St. Detroit, MI 48216 Sites 1. ADULT/COMMUNITY EDUCATION CENTER 14101 Leroy St. Southgate, MI 48195 (313) 841-9641 Main SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-5pm. (734) 246-4633 Main Judith Cock, Director SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 7:30am-3:30pm. 4. SOUTHWEST EARLY LEARNING COMMUNITY CENTER 7060 McGraw Detroit, MI 48210 Services (313) 285-9323 Main GED INSTRUCTION GED Instruction Lynn McGregor, Early Childhood Specialist SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm. SITE NOTES: Parking is available behind the building. SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides instruction for adults and eligible minors who have elected to take a series of tests which measure the extent to which they have gained the knowledge, skills and understanding ordinarily acquired through a high school education. Instruction and testing focus on writing, social studies, science, reading and mathematics. Individuals who pass the tests receive a high school equivalency certificate. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals 16 years or older, resident or non-resident, who would like to earn a diploma. FEES: Class dues of $30. Sites: 1 5. SOUTHWEST HOUSING SOLUTIONS 1920 Twenty-Fifth St. Detroit, MI 48216 (313) 841-3727 Main SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-5pm. 6. SOUTHWEST SOLUTIONS 1700 Waterman St. Detroit, MI 48209 SOUTHWEST SOLUTIONS (313) 841-8905 Main (313) 841-7474 Service/Intake - Access Center 1700 Waterman St. Detroit, MI 48209 Joseph Tardella, Executive Director SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-5pm. (313) 841-8905 Main (313) 841-7474 Service/Intake - Access Center <continued...> Joseph Tardella, Executive Director OTHER NAMES: SWSOL 228 SOUTHWEST SOLUTIONS... HOMEBUYER/HOME PURCHASE COUNSELING Homebuyer/Home Purchase Counseling SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers pre-purchase education and counseling through one-on-one sessions, group workshops, and community events. The program covers many topics, including: financial literacy, budget analysis, home affordability, credit report review, mortgage qualifying, understanding the role of lenders and realtors, and creating a step-by-step action plan. Counselors help homebuyers qualify for loans, avoid predatory lending, prepare documentation, organize their financial planning, and make good decisions for the future. Also discusses different options for down payment assistance from various government sources. ELIGIBILITY: Low-income individuals and families. FEES: None. LANGUAGES: Spanish. Sites: 3 Services ADULT LEARNING LAB Adult Basic Education English as a Second Language GED Instruction SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides GED preparation, English as Second Language, basic math tutoring, computer literacy, employment readiness including resume writing and job search, referral to support services, and job training programs in weatherization and landscaping to low income adults in southwest Detroit. ELIGIBILITY: Low income adults age 19 and older. FEES: None. LANGUAGES: Spanish Sites: 1 EARLY LEARNING CENTER COMMUNITY HUB Child Care Provider Training Infant and Child Safety Education Infant/Child CPR Instruction Parenting Materials Parenting Skills Classes Toys/Toy Loan SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides training, support, incentives and mentoring to child care providers with the specific focus on family members, friends, and neighbors who provide care, including the mandatory Great Start to Quality training, as well as first aid, CPR and other health and safety trainings. Also offers a lending library with a variety of materials including books, toys, and parenting and child care publications. Sponsors parent/caregiver-child interactive playgroups. Provides technical assistance and support for licensing and other child care provider concerns, including I-billing. ELIGIBILITY: Parents and caregivers of children ages 0-5 years who reside in Detroit. FEES: None. LANGUAGES: Spanish. Sites: 2 4 LOW INCOME/SUBSIDIZED PRIVATE RENTAL HOUSING Low Income/Subsidized Private Rental Housing SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Renovates and manages more than 400 apartment units for rent to low and moderate income families and individuals. Offers housing and support services for the homeless and persons with special needs. ELIGIBILITY: Households must meet the minimum annual income requirement. All applicants will be placed onto a housing waiting list, unless there is an immediate vacancy for which they appear to be eligible and there are no other applicants on that waiting list. FEES: Vary with size and type of unit. LANGUAGES: Spanish. Sites: 5 MORTGAGE DELINQUENCY AND DEFAULT COUNSELING HUD Approved Counseling Agencies Mortgage Delinquency and Default Counseling SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Works with homeowners and lenders to renegotiate mortgages into more manageable rates, fees and terms. Foreclosure prevention counseling services are available to low-income homeowners. The services are free. Counselors are certified and bilingual, and experts on the loan products and relief programs available to homeowners. ELIGIBILITY: Low-income homeowners. FEES: None. LANGUAGES: Spanish. Sites: 5 SUPPORTIVE SERVICES FOR VETERAN FAMILIES (SSVF) Electric Service Payment Assistance Gas Service Payment Assistance General Legal Aid Rent Payment Assistance Rental Deposit Assistance SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides services for low income Veterans and their families to help reduce homelessness and promote housing stability. ELIGIBILITY: Must have discharge type other than Dishonorable, must reside in Detroit, Highland Park or Hamtramck, househols income must meet program requirements. FEES: None. Sites: 6 PSYCHIATRIC CASE MANAGEMENT Psychiatric Case Management SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Develops case plans for the evaluation, treatment and/or care of individuals who have mental, emotional or social problems and need assistance in arranging for services; assesses the individual's needs; coordinates the delivery of needed services; ensures that services are obtained in accordance with the case plan; and follow up and monitor progress to ensure that services are having a beneficial impact on the problem. <continued...> 229 SOUTHWEST SOLUTIONS... ELIGIBILITY: Adults with mental illness. FEES: Accepts Medicaid, self payment and other third party payments. LANGUAGES: Spanish. Sites: 6 NATIONAL CHILD WELFARE RESOURCE CENTER FOR ADOPTION Adoption Information Organizational Consultation/Technical Assistance SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides technical assistance, with a focus on program planning, policy development and practice through consultation, training, information/research and resource materials aimed at supporting organizations in their efforts for continuous program improvement. Offers resources to assist with every phase of the Federal Child and Family Services Reviews. ELIGIBILITY: States, Tribes. FEES: Technical assistance/training is available to States/Tribes at no charge if approved. PSYCHIATRIC DISORDER COUNSELING Psychiatric Disorder Counseling SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides clinical and outpatient services for adults with severe and persistent mental illness who are at risk of hospitalization and who require ongoing care, medication and monitoring; serious mental illness whose symptoms are in remission but who require ongoing support and medication; and/or mild to moderate mental health issues in need of short-term counseling. Also offers individual and family services for children and youth with serious emotional disorders who are at risk of hospitalization or who are in need of treatment services. ELIGIBILITY: Adults, youth and children with mental illness. FEES: Accepts Medicaid, self payment and other third party payments. LANGUAGES: Spanish. Sites: 6 SPECIAL OLYMPICS MICHIGAN Central Michigan University Mount Pleasant, MI 48859 (989) 774-3911 Main (800) 644-6404 Toll Free (989) 774-3034 Fax SPAULDING FOR CHILDREN Lois Arnold, President/CEO Stephanie Graham, Secretary OTHER NAMES: SOMI 16250 Northland Dr. Suite 100 Southfield, MI 48075 Sites (248) 443-7080 Main (248) 443-7099 Fax 1. DETROIT OFFICE 3501 Hannan Rd. Wayne, MI 48184 Addie Williams, President/CEO Cheryl Gist, Administrative Assistant Public transportation accessible. Steve Czapski, Director Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. 2. SPECIAL OLYMPICS MICHIGAN Central Michigan University Mount Pleasant, MI 48859 Services NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF STATE ADOPTION PROGRAMS Children's Rights Groups SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a forum in which State Adoption Program Managers can pool their expertise and promotes networking activities as an association with other direct child welfare entities and individual professionals so that each state can develop and maintain an efficient, state-of-the-art adoption program. ELIGIBILITY: State Adoption Program Managers. FEES: None. (989) 774-3911 Main (800) 644-6404 Toll Free (989) 774-3034 Fax Lois Arnold, President/CEO SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. Services SPECIAL OLYMPICS Special Olympics SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides sports training and athletic competition for children and adults with intellectual disabilities which features a variety of sports and games. Special Olympics events include alpine skiing, aquatics, athletics, basketball, bocce, bowling, <continued...> 230 SPECIAL OLYMPICS MICHIGAN... cross-country skiing, figure skating, gymnastics, handball, horseshoes, poly hockey, power lifting, snowboarding, snowshoe, soccer, softball, track and field, volleyball, and weightlifting. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals 2 or older with intellectual disabilities. FEES: None. Sites: 1 2 SPIRIT OF HOPE 1519 Martin Luther King Blvd. Detroit, MI 48208 (313) 964-3113 Main Matthew Bode, Pastor OTHER NAMES: FAITH MEMORIAL LUTHERAN CHURCH; TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH SPECTRUM HUMAN SERVICES 28303 Joy Rd. Westland, MI 48185 SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. Services (734) 458-8736 Main (734) 458-8836 Fax DOWNTOWN FELLOWSHIP GROUP Alcohol Dependency Support Groups SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Hosts the Downtown Fellowship Group of Alcoholics Anonymous, a twelve-step recovery group. The group meets Monday through Friday from 10-11 a.m. and participants are welcome to park in the lot located on Trumbull and enter through the door nearest the lot. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. Roger Swaninger, President/CEO George, Divisional Director OTHER NAMES: SPECTRUM CHILD AND FAMILY SERVICES Sites (248) 552-8020 Main (248) 552-1135 Fax PRAY AND PLAY YOUTH BASKETBALL Basketball SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a church youth basketball league with mentoring. ELIGIBILITY: Youth in grades 5-12. FEES: $35. Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Oakland County. HOPE TO COPE Food Pantries 2. SPECTRUM HUMAN SERVICES 28303 Joy Rd. Westland, MI 48185 SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a grocery bag full of items including non-perishables, meats, vegetables, fruits, deserts and bread. Guests may visit the pantry two times per month. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. 1. SOUTHFIELD OFFICE 23077 Greenfield Rd. Suite 500 Southfield, MI 48075 (734) 458-8736 Main (734) 458-8836 Fax Roger Swaninger, President/CEO SITE AREA SERVED: Wayne County. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. GENERAL CLOTHING PROVISION General Clothing Provision SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides clothing for people who need it. Available items depend on what has been donated and is on hand at any given time. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. Services JUVENILE DIVERSION Juvenile Diversion SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a juvenile diversion and substance abuse prevention program for youth. Program includes drug-free social and recreational activities and education through “male and female responsibility” groups on subjects such as: conflict resolution, how to avoid drugs and alcohol, the negative consequences of drugs and alcohol, and social living skills. ELIGIBILITY: Youth age 7-17 who reside in Detroit. FEES: None. Sites: 1 2 SUNSHINE COMMUNITY PRESCHOOL Child Care Centers Preschools SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers a fully licensed preschool. Curriculum revolves around practical life, sensory motor skills, math, language, geography, music, movement and art. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: $300 per month. Accepts FIA and other childcare payments. <continued...> 231 SPIRIT OF HOPE... COMMUNITY KITCHEN Soup Kitchens Services FOOD PANTRY Food Pantries SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Operates the Community Kitchen on Saturdays and the last Wednesday of the month. Meals are served each week by congregations or other types of service groups on a rotating basis. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides emergency food to individuals and families in need. Packages are based on family size and typically include non-perishable items. Recipients may receive food from the pantry no more than twice per year. FEES: None. STARR COMMONWEALTH STROKE OF HOPE 13725 Starr Commonwealth Rd. Albion, MI 49224 30 S Broadway Third Floor Yonkers, NY 10701 (517) 629-5591 Main (800) 837-5591 Toll Free (517) 630-2400 Fax (914) 965-3613 Main (914) 965-3629 Fax Martin L. Mitchell, President/CEO David Gamble, Director Hazella Rollins-LaVar, Executive Director SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. Services Services DISEASE/DISABILITY INFORMATION FOR STROKE Disease/Disability Information * Stroke SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides information about the etiology, symptoms, preventive measures, screening/diagnostic procedures, and methods of treatment or management for strokes. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. SPEAKERS/SPEAKERS BUREAU FOR CHILD CARE AND YOUTH DEVELOPMENT Speakers/Speakers Bureaus * At Risk Youth Speakers/Speakers Bureaus * Child Care Issues SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides licensed and experienced professionals to speak about issues related to child care and youth development. Speakers talk about a variety of issues, including, but not limited to: abuse and neglect, adoption, at-risk teens, autism, bullying, foster care, gangs, juvenile delinquency, parenting, self esteem and school violence. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. HEALTH RELATED SUPPORT GROUPS FOR STROKE SURVIVORS Health/Disability Related Support Groups * Stroke SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides support groups for individuals who have had a stroke and their loved ones. The groups meet in-person and online and offer an opportunity for participants to share information, practical tips for daily living and encouragement about relates issues. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. STRAIGHT GATE INTERNATIONAL CHURCH 10100 Grand River Detroit, MI 48204 (313) 491-8430 Main (313) 491-2323 Alternate - Prayer Line STUDENT ADVOCACY CENTER OF MICHIGAN 1921 W Michigan Ave. Ypsilanti, MI 48197 Andrew Merritt, Bishop Stephen Bonner, Minister of Convalescent Ministry Public transportation accessible. (734) 482-0489 Main (734) 482-0737 Fax SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm. Leslie Harrington, Executive Director Margaret Harner, Program Coordinator OTHER NAMES: SAC <continued...> 232 STUDENT ADVOCACY CENTER OF MICHIGAN... SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. Virtual School Mon-Thu 3pm-7pm. Sites 1. ALLEN PARK STORE 3100 Fairlane Dr. Allen Park, MI 48101 Services (313) 768-0064 Main EDUCATION ADVOCACY GROUP Education Advocacy Groups SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Promotes long term systemic change in the state's education system to ensure that state policies serve children well for the benefit of the entire school and society. Supports the passage and enforcement of laws and other social measures that will result in specific types of educational reform or other improvements in the educational system. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Sat 8am-10pm; Sun 8am-9pm. 2. CANTON STORE 43670 Ford Rd. Canton, MI 48187 (734) 454-1133 Main SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Sat 8am-10pm; Sun 8am-9pm. 3. CHESTERFIELD STORE 51400 Gratiot Ave. Chesterfield, MI 48051 STUDENT ADVOCACY Individual Advocacy SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Intercedes on behalf of students and their families to help them obtain needed educational services when they have been denied services for which they are eligible, when they need assistance to communicate their needs to the public schools, or to otherwise effectively represent themselves, or when they have a complaint about a service. Trained educational advocates give nonlegal advice and "next step" directives to questions parents and care givers have regarding student rights in Michigan public schools. Services include attending school meetings, advocating for services that promote academic success, helping schools and families develop short and longer term educational plans, individual and family counseling around issues impacting academic performance, and a virtual credit recovery program with a certified teacher. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. Washtenaw County residents receive in-person assistance, all other counties may only receive assistance via telephone. FEES: None. LANGUAGES: French, Spanish. (586) 598-8100 Main SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Sat 8am-10pm; Sun 8am-9pm. 4. CLINTON TOWNSHIP STORE 33860 S Gratiot Ave. Clinton Township, MI 48035 (586) 791-9900 Main SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Sat 8am-10pm; Sun 8am-9pm. 5. DEARBORN STORE 15901 Ford Rd. Dearborn, MI 48126 (313) 336-5000 Main SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Sat 8am-10pm; Sun 8am-9pm. 6. EAST FLINT STORE 3701 Lapeer Rd. Flint, MI 48503 TARGET STORES 1000 Nicollet Mall Minneapolis, MN 55403 (810) 743-6380 Main - Pharmacy (810) 744-4040 Main (612) 304-6073 Administrative SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Store Hours: Mon-Sat 8am-11pm; Sun 8am-10pm. Pharmacy Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-7pm; Sat 9am-5pm; Sun 11am-5pm. <continued...> 233 TARGET STORES... 7. FARMINGTON HILLS STORE 30020 Grand River Ave. Farmington Hills, MI 48336 14. WARREN STORE 27300 Dequindre Rd. Warren, MI 48092 (248) 476-1808 Main (586) 573-4200 Main SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Sat 8am-10pm; Sun 8am-9pm. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Sat 8am-10pm; Sun 8am-9pm. 8. MADISON HEIGHTS STORE 32001 John R Rd. Madison Heights, MI 48071 15. WEST LIVONIA STORE 20100 Haggerty Rd. Livonia, MI 48152 (248) 585-9000 Main (734) 953-6620 Main SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Sat 8am-10pm; Sun 8am-9pm. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Sat 8am-10pm; Sun 8am-9pm. 9. SOUTHFIELD STORE 30333 Southfield Rd. Southfield, MI 48076 16. WONDERLAND MALL STORE 29451 Plymouth Rd. Livonia, MI 48150 (248) 430-0062 Main (734) 793-0637 Main SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Sat 8am-10pm; Sun 8am-9pm. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Sat 8am-10pm; Sun 8am-9pm. 10. SOUTHLAND MALL STORE 14099 Pardee Rd. Taylor, MI 48180 17. WOODHAVEN STORE 23555 Allen Rd. Trenton, MI 48183 (734) 374-0303 Main (734) 692-7200 Main SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Sat 8am-10pm; Sun 8am-9pm. SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Sat 8am-10pm; Sun 8am-9pm. 11. STERLING HEIGHTS STORE 35700 Van Dyke Ave. Sterling Heights, MI 48312 Services ADMINISTRATIVE ENTITY Administrative Entities (586) 795-9960 Main SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Serves as the headquarters for Target stores. Plans, organizes and controls the activities of the organization. Sites: 12 SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Sat 8am-10pm; Sun 8am-9pm. 12. TARGET STORES 1000 Nicollet Mall Minneapolis, MN 55403 PRESCRIPTION GENERIC DRUG PROGRAM Prescription Drug Patient Assistance Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers a prescription drug program that provides low cost generic prescription drugs including those that treat a variety of conditions and diseases. Call or check website for list of included medications. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: $4.00 for a 30 day supply; $10.00 for a 90 day supply. Sites: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 (612) 304-6073 Administrative SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. 13. TROY STORE 1301 Coolidge Hwy. Troy, MI 48084 (248) 614-9792 Main SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Sat 8am-10pm; Sun 8am-9pm. 234 TEAM SPORTS/LEAGUES FOR YOUTH Team Sports/Leagues SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers a variety of seasonal athletic programs in 11 different sports. Those sports include baseball, basketball, cheerleading, flag football, golf, volleyball, soccer, softball, tennis, track and field and tackle football. ELIGIBILITY: Youth ages 4-19. FEES: Fees vary by sport. Discount available to those with Medicaid cards. THERAPEUTIC RIDING, INC 3425 E Morgan Rd. Ann Arbor, MI 48108 (734) 677-0303 Main (734) 677-0306 Fax Jan Vescelius, Director OTHER NAMES: TRI SITE AREA SERVED: Macomb, Monroe, Oakland, Wahstenaw and Wayne Counties. SITE HOURS: Vary. TODD-PHILLIPS CHILDREN'S HOME 1151 Taylor Suite 3A, 4A Detroit, MI 48202 Services (313) 556-8030 Main (313) 556-8036 Fax THERAPEUTIC HORSEBACK RIDING Equestrian Therapy SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides opportunities for individuals with a wide range of disabilities such as: autistic spectrum disorder, cerebral palsy, traumatic brain injury, multiple sclerosis, hearing and visual impairments, Down Syndrome, and many other physical, cognitive, and emotional challenges, to learn to ride horses. Classes are conducted by instructors who are thoroughly trained in horsemanship and who have been certified as therapeutic riding instructors by the Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship (PATH Intl). ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 3 and older who have physical, cognitive, and emotional disabilities. FEES: Varies by session. Call for more information. Zelda Williams, Executive Director Armand Williams, Quality Assurance Coordinator OTHER NAMES: T.P.C.H.; TODD PHILLIPS CHILDREN'S HOME; TPCH SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. Services JUVENILE DETENTION FACILITY Juvenile Detention Facilities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Operates a detention facility for juvenile offenders. Provides educational services and on site medical clinic services to residents. ELIGIBILITY: Males ages 11 to 17 referred through the court system. THINK DETROIT PAL 111 W Willis Ave. Detroit, MI 48201 STEPS II Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Facilities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides in-patient residential substance abuse services for 30 adolescent males identified as needing assistance in living productively in the community substance free. ELIGIBILITY: Adolescent males ages 11-17. (313) 833-1600 Main (313) 833-1616 Fax OTHER NAMES: LEAGUE DETROIT POLICE ATHLETIC SITE AREA SERVED: Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 10am-6pm. TOGETHER RX ACCESS, LLC PO Box 9426 Wilmington, DE 19809 Services (800) 444-4106 Toll Free LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT FOR YOUTH Leadership Development SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers programs that provide opportunities for youth to develop their leadership and teamwork skills through participation in group activities. Programs offer students resources to help plan their future, establish goals, enhance self esteem, promote positive character traits and improve academics. ELIGIBILITY: Students in grades 6-12 residing in Detroit. FEES: None. Steven Cooper Edelman SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-8pm. <continued...> 235 TOGETHER RX ACCESS, LLC... Services TRACFONE WIRELESS 9700 NW One Hundred Twelfth Ave. Miami, FL 33178 PRESCRIPTION DRUG DISCOUNT CARD Prescription Drug Discount Cards SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Issues cards that offer discounts on prescription medications at participating pharmacies. Prescription card offers 25-40% discounts on prescription medicines and products for diabetes, high blood pressure, ADHD, depression, allergies, and other conditions. ELIGIBILITY: Legal residents of the United States or Puerto Rico who are not eligible for Medicare, have no prescription drug coverage of any kind, and have a household income equal to or less than: $45,000 for a single person, $60,000 for a family of two, $75,000 for a family of three, $90,000 for a family of four, or $105,000 for a family of five. FEES: None. LANGUAGES: Spanish. (800) 977-3768 Toll Free - SafeLink Wireless Hotline (800) 867-7183 Toll Free - Tracfone (800) 834-7713 Fax - SafeLink SITE AREA SERVED: SafeLink Wireless is available in Michigan, and many other states. Check website for most recent state availability. SITE HOURS: Mon-Sat 8am-10pm, Sun 8am-7pm. Services SAFELINK WIRELESS Discounted Utility Services SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers discounted or free telephone service to income eligible households. Service provides free cell phone and 68 minutes per month. Unused minutes roll over; call waiting and voicemail are included. Safelink Wireless is a US government supported program through Lifeline Assistance. ELIGIBILITY: Households must have income at or below 150% of Federal Poverty Guidelines or participate in one of the following programs: *Medicaid *Food Stamps *SSI *Federal Public Housing Assistance (Section 8) *Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) *Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) *National School Lunch Program's Free Lunch TOMORROW'S CHILD/MICHIGAN SIDS 112 E Allegan St. Suite 500 Lansing, MI 48933 (517) 485-7437 Main (800) 331-7437 Toll Free - (800) 311-SIDS (517) 485-0163 Fax Sandra Frank, Executive Director OTHER NAMES: MICHIGAN SIDS; TOMORROWS CHILD; TOMORROWS CHILD/MICHIGAN SIDS SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. Households must also have a valid USPS address (no PO Boxes) and no one in the household may be receiving Lifeline Assistance through another phone carrier. FEES: None for free phone and first 68 minutes per month. Additional minutes may be purchased at any TracFone retailer. Services BEREAVED PARENT SUPPORT GROUPS Bereaved Parent Support Groups SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides grief support services such as bereavement support groups and online resource library to individuals and families affected by an infant death. FEES: None. TRIANGLE FOUNDATION 19641 W Seven Mile Rd. Detroit, MI 48219 SAFE SLEEP Infant and Child Safety Education Printed Materials * Sudden Infant Death Syndrome SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides educational information on safe sleep practices, especially for children under one year of age, to families and health care professionals through publications and videos. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. (313) 537-7000 Main (877) 787-4264 Toll Free - Hate Crime Reporting Line (313) 537-3379 Fax Alicia Skillman, Executive Director Georgia Carpenter, Victim Advocate SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. <continued...> 236 TRIANGLE FOUNDATION... Services TRINITY HOME HEALTH SERVICES REEL PRIDE MICHIGAN Film Presentations 17410 College Pkwy. Livonia, MI 48152 SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Hosts a film festival featuring LGBT themed films. Selections include shorts, feature-length films, fiction, and documentaries. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: Ticket prices vary. PO Box 9185 Farmington Hills, MI 48333 (734) 542-8200 Main GAY/LESBIAN/BISEXUAL/TRANSGENDER ADVOCACY GROUP Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgender Advocacy Groups SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Supports the passage and enforcement of laws and other social measures that protect and promote the rights and interests of the LGBT community. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. LANGUAGES: French and Spanish. OTHER NAMES: HOSPICE; THHS MERCY HOME CARE; MERCY SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. Services ADMINISTRATIVE ENTITY Administrative Entities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Plans, organizes and controls the activities of the organization but offers no direct services to the public except peripheral administrative services like training, community awareness programs or materials. HATE CRIMES REPORTING Hate Crimes Reporting SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a telephone hotline that the public can use to anonymously report information about the activities of individuals who have planned or committed acts of violence or intimidation against people on the basis of their sexual orientation. Issues an annual statistical report of hate/bias crimes based on calls received, as well as a report of intimate partner violence in the LGBT community. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. LANGUAGES: French and Spanish. U SNAP BAC 14901 E Warren Ave. Detroit, MI 48224 (313) 640-1100 Main (313) 640-1112 Fax Linda Smith, Executive Director Denise Williams, Housing Counselor Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: YOU SNAP BACK TRINITY COMMUNITY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 4849 W Outer Dr. Detroit, MI 48235 SITE AREA SERVED: City of Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. (313) 342-2288 Main (313) 864-4296 Fax Services HOME PURCHASE ASSISTANCE Credit Counseling Homebuyer/Home Purchase Counseling SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides training for potential homeowners to prepare for their first home buying experience. Training addresses how to qualify for a mortgage, what is predatory lending, how to read a credit report, how to combat identity theft, what it means to be financially fit, and how to prevent foreclosure once the home has been purchased. Also conducts home repair/maintenance workshops for potential and existing homeowners and offers financial literacy workshops for credit counseling and foreclosure prevention. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. Olen V Bruner, Pastor SITE AREA SERVED: City of Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 10am-2pm. Services FOOD AND CLOTHING PANTRY Food Pantries General Clothing Provision SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Distributes donated food and clothing to individuals who are in emergency situations. Does not provide financial assistance of any kind. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. <continued...> 237 U SNAP BAC... Maximum repayment period is seven years. Allowable equipment includes but is not limited to, hearing aids, wheelchairs, motorized scooters, voice simulation systems, Braille equipment, telecommunications equipment, environmental control units, computers, adapted recreational equipment, accessible home modifications, and modified vehicles. Training to use the equipment can also be included with the loan. ELIGIBILITY: Michigan residents with disabilities, seniors, and their family members or guardians. FEES: Loan amount as determined by lender. If loan is approved, a check or money order in the amount of $5.00 made payable to approved lender will be required and be placed into a permanent share account in applicant's name and returned at fullfillment of loan terms. MORTGAGE DELINQUENCY AND DEFAULT COUNSELING HUD Approved Counseling Agencies Mortgage Delinquency and Default Counseling SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers credit counseling sessions and foreclosure prevention workshops. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals age 18 and older. FEES: None. UKRAINIAN CULTURAL CENTER (THE) 26601 Ryan Rd. Warren, MI 48091 (586) 757-8130 Main (586) 757-1022 Fax DISEASE/DISABILITY INFORMATION FOR CEREBRAL PALSY Disease/Disability Information * Cerebral Palsy SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides information about the etiology, symptoms, preventive measures, screening/diagnostic procedures, and/or methods of treatment or management for cerebral palsy and other disabilities. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. Lydia Wroblewski, Director SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. Services LANGUAGE TRANSLATION Language Translation SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides translation services for Ukrainian and Russian to English and English to Ukrainian or Russian. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: Nominal fees apply based on type of translation service provided. HEALTH RELATED ADVOCACY GROUP FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH CEREBRAL PALSY Health Related Advocacy Groups * Cerebral Palsy SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Protects and improves the quality and affordability of health and long term care for individuals with Cerebral Palsy and their caregivers. Promotes federal and state legislation and initiatives that promote the independence, productivity and full citizenship of people with cerebral palsy and other disabilities. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. UNITED CEREBRAL PALSY OF MICHIGAN 4970 Northwind Dr. Suite 102 East Lansing, MI 48823 (517) 203-1200 Main (800) 828-2714 Toll Free (517) 203-1203 Fax UNITED COMMUNITY HOUSING COALITION 220 Bagley St. Suite 224 Detroit, MI 48226 Linda Potter, Executive Director OTHER NAMES: UCP MICHIGAN; UNITED CEREBRAL PALSY ASSOCIATION OF MICHIGAN (313) 963-3310 Main (313) 964-1192 Fax SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-5pm. Services Ted Philips, Director Robbie Walker Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: UCHC MICHIGAN ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY LOAN FUND (MATLF) Assistive Technology Equipment Expense Assistance SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Supports the purchase of needed technology equipment through low interest rates and loan guarantees. Provides a lower-interest option than the unsecured loans or credit card purchases. Maximum loan amount is $30,000. SITE AREA SERVED: City of Detroit. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm. <continued...> 238 UNITED COMMUNITY HOUSING COALITION... TENANT ASSOCIATION Tenant Associations Services CASE/CARE MANAGEMENT FOR HOMELESS INDIVIDUALS Case/Care Management * Homeless People SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers case management to individuals who are homeless and in need of housing. ELIGIBILITY: Must be homeless within the City of Detroit. FEES: None. SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Works with groups of low-income residents in multi-family apartment buildings to obtain repairs and improve housing conditions in these communities. Typical issues include threatened or actual utility shut-offs, repairs, building security, rental rates, lease terms, demolition or conversion of affordable housing units and other subsidized housing rights. Assists with the development of a comprehensive strategy to resolve problems, including negotiating disputes with building owners and governmental agencies as well as providing support for court action to obtain repairs. ELIGIBILITY: Low-income individuals and families in multi-family apartment buildings in the City of Detroit. FEES: None. LANGUAGES: Spanish may be available. HOUSING ACTION GROUP Housing Advocacy Groups Speakers/Speakers Bureaus * Housing Issues SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Works with tenants, homesteaders, homeowners, the homeless, community organizations rebuilding neighborhoods, and also religious, civil rights, labor and housing advocacy organizations to improve, preserve and expand affordable housing opportunities. Also provides advice to other organizations in communities across southeast Michigan about affordable housing issues. ELIGIBILITY: Low-income individuals and families in the City of Detroit; service organizations. FEES: None. UNITED HOME HEALTH SERVICES 2200 Canton Center Rd. Suite 250 Canton, MI 48187 (734) 981-8820 Main (800) 968-8447 Toll Free (734) 981-8828 Fax HOUSING SEARCH AND RELOCATION ASSISTANCE Housing Search Assistance Relocation Assistance SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Works with homeless families in shelters, on the streets and in substandard or overcrowded housing, to identify decent and affordable housing opportunities and help the families relocate. Interviews the family to determine needs, locates potential affordable housing units, inspects the housing to assure that it meets basic housing quality standards, negotiates rental agreements and move-in costs, and assists the families in identifying and obtaining resources to enable them to move in. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals and families who are homeless or are in immediate jeopardy of homelessness (facing evictions, utility shut-offs, or living in substandard housing). FEES: None. Penny Rhein, President Mary Jane Swanson, Community Liaison OTHER NAMES: UHHS SITE AREA SERVED: Cities of Allen Park, Ann Arbor, Belleville, Canton, Dearborn, Dearborn Heights, Farmington, Farmington Hills, Garden City, Inkster, Lathrup Village, Lincoln Park, Livonia, Melvindale, Northville, Novi, Plymouth, Redford, Romulus, Southfield, Southgate, Taylor, Wayne, Westland, and Ypsilanti. City of Detroit Zip codes: 48219, 48223, 48228, and 48240. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-5pm. Supervisor is on-call after hours and on weekends. Services ADULT IN HOME RESPITE CARE Adult In Home Respite Care SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a brief period of rest or relief for family members, guardians or others who are regular caregivers for dependent adults by offering temporary or intermittent care for the adult in their own home. Available for a minimum of two hours a day up to twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. LANDLORD/TENANT ASSISTANCE Landlord Rights Information/Counseling Landlord/Tenant Dispute Resolution Tenant Rights Information/Counseling SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Assists low-income families facing rental evictions, mortgage foreclosures, or land contract forfeitures to stay in their homes. Also assists families facing homelessness as a result of lock-outs, illegal utility shut-offs or major repair problems. Represents families in court and in administrative hearings with governmental agencies providing housing subsidies. ELIGIBILITY: Low-income individuals and families. FEES: None. CASE/CARE MANAGEMENT FOR OLDER ADULTS Case/Care Management * Older Adults SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Assists older adults and their families with elder care arrangements including comprehensive plan of care, arranging in-home help and other services like legal and financial professionals, alternative housing arrangements, counseling and support, crisis intervention, and liaison to families out of town. 239 <continued...> UNITED HOME HEALTH SERVICES... Southfield, Southgate, Taylor, Wayne, Westland, and Ypsilanti; or residents of the City of Detroit who live in the following Zip codes: 48219, 48223, 48228, and 48240. FEES: Accepts Medicaid, Medicare and other third party payments. LANGUAGES: Arabic, Filipino (Tagalog and Ilocano), German, Italian, Lithuanian, and Maltese. Sign Language Interpreters are available. FEES: Private pay. ALZHEIMER'S/DEMENTIA PROGRAM Adult In Home Respite Care Case/Care Management * Alzheimer's Disease Dementia Management Disease/Disability Information * Alzheimer's Disease SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides two hours (minimum) to twenty-fours hours of care with a specialized program that includes personal care, individualized memory care and brain stimulating activities, on-going family education, resource information and assistance, respite, nutritional counseling, and a home safety assessment. FEES: Private pay. Accepts long term care insurance, VA benefits. IN HOME ASSISTANCE Errand Running/Shopping Assistance Homemaker Assistance Housekeeping Assistance In Home Meal Preparation Personal Care SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers a variety of in home assistance to senior citizens to enable them to remain in their homes safely. Services include assistance with light housekeeping chores, such as washing dishes and doing laundry; assistance running errands and making short trips to purchase groceries, pick up prescriptions, or other small tasks; help preparing and serving meals; and personal care assistance, including bathing, grooming and mouth care. ELIGIBILITY: Residents of Allen Park, Ann Arbor, Belleville, Canton, Dearborn, Dearborn Heights, Farmington, Farmington Hills, Garden City, Inkster, Lathrup Village, Lincoln Park, Livonia, Melvindale, Northville, Novi, Plymouth, Redford, Romulus, Southfield, Southgate, Taylor, Wayne, Westland, and Ypsilanti; or senior residents of the City of Detroit who live in the following Zip codes: 48219, 48223, 48228, and 48240. FEES: Companion rate is $19/hour, Home Health Aide rate is $20/hr. LANGUAGES: Arabic, Filipino (Tagalog and Ilocano), German, Italian, Lithuanian, and Maltese. Sign Language Interpreters are available. HOME HEALTH AIDE SERVICES Home Health Aide Services SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers the services of paraprofessional aides who provide personal health care services which do not require special technical training, in the homes of recently discharged hospital patients, elderly individuals and people with disabilities. Services are provided in accordance with a written home health care plan and may include feeding, bathing and grooming patients; changing their beds; taking their temperature, pulse or respiration; helping them to the toilet or to use a bedpan; and other types of assistance that enhance their physical and emotional comfort. ELIGIBILITY: Residents of Allen Park, Ann Arbor, Belleville, Canton, Dearborn, Dearborn Heights, Farmington, Farmington Hills, Garden City, Inkster, Lathrup Village, Lincoln Park, Livonia, Melvindale, Northville, Novi, Plymouth, Redford, Romulus, Southfield, Southgate, Taylor, Wayne, Westland, and Ypsilanti; or residents of the City of Detroit who live in the following Zip codes: 48219, 48223, 48228, and 48240. FEES: Accepts Medicaid, Medicare and other third party payments. LANGUAGES: Arabic, Filipino (Tagalog and Ilocano), German, Italian, Lithuanian, and Maltese. Sign Language Interpreters are available. REHABILITATION/HABILITATIVE SERVICES Occupational Therapy Physical Therapy Speech Therapy SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers a variety of rehabilitative services in an in-home setting from licensed occupational, physical and speech therapists. Services include orthopedic rehabilitation; joint replacement therapy; back treatment, including functional massage, manual traction, and mobilization; pain control; fall prevention and home safety instruction; balance rehabilitation; neurological rehabilitation; cognitive rehabilitation; pulmonary and cardiac rehabilitation; and more. ELIGIBILITY: Residents of Allen Park, Ann Arbor, Belleville, Canton, Dearborn, Dearborn Heights, Farmington, Farmington Hills, Garden City, Inkster, Lathrup Village, Lincoln Park, Livonia, Melvindale, Northville, Novi, Plymouth, Redford, Romulus, Southfield, Southgate, Taylor, Wayne, Westland, and Ypsilanti; or residents of the City of Detroit who live in the following Zip codes: 48219, 48223, 48228, and 48240. FEES: Accepts Medicaid, Medicare and other third party payments. HOME NURSING Geriatric Home Nursing Private Duty Nursing Rehabilitation/Restorative Home Nursing SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers private duty, skilled home health services provided by registered nurses or licensed vocational nurses. In addition to general services, also offers nurses who have advanced training and specialize in working with people who are elderly, and who have specialized training in the rehabilitative and restorative aspects of patient care. ELIGIBILITY: Residents of Allen Park, Ann Arbor, Belleville, Canton, Dearborn, Dearborn Heights, Farmington, Farmington Hills, Garden City, Inkster, Lathrup Village, Lincoln Park, Livonia, Melvindale, Northville, Novi, Plymouth, Redford, Romulus, <continued...> 240 UNITED HOME HEALTH SERVICES... LANGUAGES: Arabic, Filipino (Tagalog and Ilocano), German, Italian, Lithuanian, and Maltese. Sign Language Interpreters are available. SKILLED NURSING FACILITY Skilled Nursing Facilities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a residential nursing facility for seniors. Services include rehabilitation for individuals recently hospitalized for strokes, fractures or joint replacements, and intensive, short-term treatment for chronic medical conditions such as diabetes or congestive heart failure. Medical team consists of licensed therapists, nurses, social workers, and dietitians. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: Accepts Medicaid, Medicare and other third party payments. UNITED METHODIST RETIREMENT COMMUNITIES 805 W Middle St. Chelsea, MI 48118 (734) 433-1000 Main (734) 475-4421 Fax John Thorhauer, President/CEO OTHER NAMES: CHELSEA RETIREMENT COMMUNITIES; UMRC UNITED NATIONS First Ave. at Forty-Sixth St. New York, NY 10017 SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-4:30pm. (212) 963-4475 Main Services ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH ALZHEIMERS DISEASE Assisted Living Facilities SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides assisted living community for individuals with Alzheimer's, dementia and memory loss. Residential facility offers recreational activities including day trips. Also provides full-spectrum medical care and rehabilitation services for all residents. ELIGIBILITY: Seniors with Alzheimer's, dementia or memory loss. FEES: Fees vary based on type of care provided; accepts private pay. Ban Ki-moon, Secretary General Asha-Rose Migiro, Deputy Secretary-General OTHER NAMES: UN SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. Services UNITED NATIONS ASSOCIATION United Nations Associations SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Maintains international peace and security, develops friendly relations among nations and promotes social progress, better living standards and human rights. Uses its authority to take action on a wide range of issues and provides a forum for its 192 member states to express their views. Works on a broad range of fundamental issues including sustainable development, environment and refugee protection, disaster relief, counter-terrorism and disarmament. Promotes democracy, human rights, governance, economic and social development, international health, clearing land mines and expanding food production. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. INDEPENDENT AND ASSISTED LIVING COMMUNITIES FOR OLDER ADULTS Assisted Living Facilities Independent Living Communities/Complexes for Older Adults SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides independent living/retirement community for older adults with independent and assisted living apartments. Community offers daily meals, cafe, ice cream parlor, library and media center, movie theater, transportation to nearby stores, churches and entertainment, exercise programs, field trips and shopping excursions, musical performances, arts and crafts, book clubs and reading groups, and religious studies groups. Also provides a 24-hour medical monitoring program for all residents and in-home physician services and therapy for assisted living residents. ELIGIBILITY: Seniors. FEES: Fees vary; accepts private pay. UNITED NEGRO COLLEGE FUND DETROIT AREA OFFICE 3031 W Grand Blvd. Suite 531 Detroit, MI 48202 (313) 873-1500 Service/Intake (313) 874-1539 Fax Leslie Andrews, Area Development Director OTHER NAMES: U.N.C.F.; UNCF SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. <continued...> 241 UNITED NEGRO COLLEGE FUND -... SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. UNITED STATES CENSUS BUREAU 4600 Silver Hill Rd. Suitland, MD 20746 Services FEDERATED GIVING PROGRAM Federated Giving Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Raises money and then distributes to member colleges. Funds are applied towards operating costs and technology enhancement services for 39 member historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs), scholarships and internships for students at about 900 institutions, and faculty and administrative professional training. 4600 Silver Hill Rd. Washington, DC 20233 (800) 923-8282 Toll Free - Customer Service (800) 877-8339 TDD/TTY Robert Groves, Director Tonya Barbour, Program Analyst Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: U.S. CENSUS BUREAU; US CENSUS BUREAU SCHOLARSHIPS Scholarships SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Administers more than 400 scholarships, fellowships and institutional grants that support students at the undergraduate, graduate and doctoral levels. Each program has its own eligibility criteria, open/close dates and required documents. Sites 1. DETROIT REGIONAL OFFICE 1395 Brewery Park Blvd. Suite 100 Detroit, MI 48207 UNITED STATES BUREAU OF CONSULAR AFFAIRS (313) 259-0056 Main (800) 432-1495 Toll Free (313) 259-5045 Fax Harry S Truman Building 2201 C St. NW Washington, DC 20520 Jeff T Behler, Regional Director SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan, Ohio and West Virginia and certain counties in Kentucky and Indiana. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-4pm (Reference Center). (202) 647-4000 Administrative - Switchboard (888) 407-4747 Toll Free - Overseas Citizens Services 2. UNITED STATES CENSUS BUREAU 4600 Silver Hill Rd. Suitland, MD 20746 Janice L Jacobs, Assistant Secretary of State SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. (800) 923-8282 Toll Free - Customer Service (800) 877-8339 TDD/TTY Services DISASTER SURVIVOR INQUIRIES Disaster Survivor Inquiries Missing Persons Location Assistance SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers assistance to individuals attempting to locate missing family members in regards to a recent disaster abroad, the death or arrest of an American citizen abroad, or any crisis such as abduction or robbery affecting an American citizen abroad. Robert Groves, Director Public transportation accessible. SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Census Bureau Call Center: (Mon-Thu 8:30am- 5:30pm ET, Fri 8:30am-4:30pm ET). INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL ADVISORIES International Travel Advisories SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides information to the public regarding political instability and other conditions abroad which may affect an individual's decision to travel. SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Conducts numerous surveys to collect statistics about the population of the United States and the economy. Distributes information to public and other interested parties through web site and various publications. FEES: Vary by publication. Sites: 1 2 Services CENSUS DATA Census Data 242 HEALTH STATISTICS Health Statistics UNITED STATES CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides data and statistics for a variety of public health and workplace topics including an annual report on trends in health statistics. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. Sites: 1 1600 Clifton Rd. Atlanta, GA 30333 (404) 639-3311 Administrative (800) 232-4636 Toll Free - (800)CDC-INFO (888) 232-6348 TDD/TTY INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL ADVISORIES International Travel Advisories SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides information to the public regarding health risks abroad which may affect an individual's decision to travel, offers recommendations to prevent risk of infection and outlines how to prepare for essential travel to areas that may be experiencing an outbreak of infectious disease. LANGUAGES: Spanish. Sites: 2 Thomas R Frieden, Director Cassandra Newton, Program Analyst OTHER NAMES: CDC; CENTER FOR DISEASE CONTROL Sites 1. NATIONAL CENTER FOR HEALTH STATISTICS 3311 Toledo Rd. Hyattsville, MD 20782 NATIONAL VITAL STATISTICS SYSTEM Birth Certificates Death Certificates Divorce Records Marriage Certificates SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Maintains online information for where to write to request copies of vital records (death certificates, birth certificates, marriages certificates and divorce records) in individual States. FEES: Vary by state and record request. Sites: 1 (800) 232-4636 Toll Free SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Wed, Fri 9am-5pm and Thu 9am-7pm. 2. UNITED STATES CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION 1600 Clifton Rd. Atlanta, GA 30333 (404) 639-3311 Administrative (800) 232-4636 Toll Free - (800)CDC-INFO (888) 232-6348 TDD/TTY UNITED STATES CITIZENSHIP AND IMMIGRATION SERVICES 11411 E Jefferson Ave. Detroit, MI 48214 Thomas R Frieden, Director SITE AREA SERVED: United States. (313) 926-4202 Main (800) 375-5283 Service/Intake U.S. Citizenship and Immigration (USCIS) Customer Service (313) 568-6028 Fax (800) 767-1833 TDD/TTY - National Customer Service Center Services COMMUNICABLE DISEASE CONTROL Influenza Control SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Administers programs that protect the public health through comprehensive efforts to track the incidence and distribution of disease in the population and prevent, control and eradicate vaccine-preventable diseases, vector and food-borne illnesses, diseases that are transmitted person-to-person and other diseases that are spread by direct or indirect contact. Activities include routine surveillance of communicable disease activity, assessment of the community immunization level through school records and immunization studies, investigation of epidemic outbreaks, reporting of cases of infectious diseases to the proper authorities and taking appropriate measures such as isolation and contact tracing/notification to prevent disease transmission. LANGUAGES: Spanish. Sites: 2 Mick Dedvukaj, District Director Hiwatha Greene-Janvier, Community Relations Officer Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY; USCIS; USCIS; USCIS SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 7:30am-3:30pm. Closed the first Wed of each month. Mon-Fri 8am-6pm USCIS Customer Services (telephone contact). Services <continued...> 243 UNITED STATES CITIZENSHIP AND... IMMIGRATION AND NATURALIZATION Immigration/Naturalization Adjudication Services SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Adjudication of all applications and petitions for immigration benefits requiring face-to-face interviews, timely action on related applications and other assigned product lines, provision of direct customer service, immigration information, ensuring the integrity of the immigration system, and assistance to applicants, petitioners, and beneficiaries. ELIGIBILITY: Immigrants, nonimmigrant applicant, petitioner and beneficiary. FEES: Varies by case. OTHER NAMES: USDA RURAL DEVELOPMENT SITE AREA SERVED: Serves all areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. Services HOME REHABILITATION GRANTS AND LOANS Home Rehabilitation Grants Home Rehabilitation Loans SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a variety of loans and grants to low income households for home purchase and repair. ELIGIBILITY: Must live in a rural area. Income, age, and residency requirements apply. Eligibility requirements vary depending on loan or grant program. FEES: None. LANGUAGES: Translation and interpretation services by prior arrangement. UNITED STATES CUSTOMS AND BORDER PATROL 477 Michigan Ave. Room 210 Detroit, MI 48226 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT REGION 5 (313) 442-0368 Main (877) 227-5511 Service/Intake - National Customer Service (313) 226-3179 Fax McNamara Federal Building 477 Michigan Ave. Floors 16, 17 Detroit, MI 48226-2592 Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: CBP; UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (313) 226-7900 Main (800) 685-8470 Toll Free - Low Cost Rental Listing (800) 955-2232 Toll Free Public Housing/Section 8 Voucher Info (800) 225-5342 Toll Free - Homeownership Assistance (800) 569-4287 Toll Free Referrals for Housing Counseling Agencies (313) 226-5611 Fax (313) 226-6899 TDD/TTY SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-4:30pm. Services CUSTOMS ASSISTANCE Customs Assistance SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides information and assistance regarding the duty that people are required to pay on merchandise that has been brought into the country from abroad. Also offers information about restricted or prohibited goods. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. LANGUAGES: Spanish. Interpretation services available. Lana J Vacha, Field Office Director Stephanie Carroll, Customer Service Representative Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: HUD; HUD; UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT - REGION V SITE AREA SERVED: Lenawee, Livingston, Macomb, Monroe, Oakland, Saint Clair, Washtenaw and Wayne counties. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-4:30pm. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE - MICHIGAN RURAL DEVELOPMENT OFFICE Services 3001 Coolidge R. Suite 200 East Lansing, MI 48823 HOMEOWNER'S HOPE HOTLINE Mortgage Delinquency and Default Counseling SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides free, comprehensive foreclosure assistance and housing counseling services. Also offers assistance with questions regarding eligibility for the Making Home Affordable Program. FEES: None. (517) 324-5190 Main (800) 944-8119 Toll Free (517) 324-5225 Fax James Turner, State Director Cristina Stanley, Assistant to the State Director 244 EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION ASSISTANCE Employment Discrimination Assistance SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides assistance to individuals who believe that they have been treated unfairly or denied normal privileges in employment based on age, disability, equal pay for equal work, national origin, pregnancy, race, religion, retaliation, sex (gender), and sexual harassment. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals who believe that their employment rights have been violated. FEES: None. UNITED STATES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS SECURITY ADMINISTRATION 211 W Fort St. Ste 1310 Detroit, MI 48226 (313) 226-7450 Main (866) 444-3272 Toll Free - National Helpline (313) 226-4257 Fax Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: EBSA; EBSA; UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR UNITED STATES FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. 600 Pennsylvania NW Washington, DC 20580 Services (202) 326-2222 Main PENSION BENEFITS ASSISTANCE Pension Benefits Assistance SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides information, education, advocacy for individuals who are experiencing difficulties understanding or collecting their retirement benefits or who have other complaints about the terms or administration of their public or private pension plan or fund. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. LANGUAGES: Interpretation services available. Jon Leibowitz, Chairman OTHER NAMES: FTC SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. Services NATIONAL DO NOT CALL REGISTRY Do Not Call Registries SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Manages the national do not call registry which gives consumers a choice about whether to receive telemarketing calls at home. Consumers may register up to three phone numbers. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. UNITED STATES EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY COMMISSION Patrick V McNamara Building 477 Michigan Ave. Room 865 Detroit, MI 48226 GOVERNMENT CONSUMER PROTECTION AGENCIES Government Consumer Protection Agencies SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Collects complaints about companies, organizations and business practices under the FTC Act and other laws in order to detect patterns of wrong-doing, and lead to investigations and prosecutions. The FTC enters all complaints it receives into Consumer Sentinel, a secure online database that is used by thousands of civil and criminal law enforcement authorities worldwide. The FTC does not resolve individual consumer complaints. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. (800) 669-4000 Main (313) 226-4610 Fax (800) 669-6820 TDD/TTY Gail Cober, Director Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: EEOC SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan and parts of Ohio. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-4:30pm. IDENTITY THEFT HELPLINE Identity Theft Reporting/Recovery Programs SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Accepts reports of identity theft, such as credit card fraud, bank fraud, fraudulant loans, utility account fraud, etc. and counsels victims on how to check with credit reporting agencies to protect credit histories and finances.. ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. FEES: None. Services CONSTITUTIONAL/CIVIL RIGHTS GROUP Constitutional/Civil Rights Groups SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Protects the civil rights of all citizens from discrimination based on race, color, religion, gender or national origin in the areas of voting, education, employment and housing; in the use of facilities and public accommodations; and in the administration of federally assisted or other public programs. 245 SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-4:30pm. UNITED STATES FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SERVICE Liberty Center Building 401 Fourteenth St. SW Washington, DC 20227 Services FOOD SAFETY STANDARDS Food Complaints Food Safety Standards SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Accepts and investigates complaints about the safety of food. Enforces the laws that establish standards and policies regarding the production, processing, composition, quality, nutrition and safety of foods, food additives, colors and cosmetics. (202) 874-6950 Administrative (888) 741-1115 Toll Free - DIRECT EXPRESS (800) 333-1792 Toll Free - GO DIRECT (Spanish) (800) 333-1795 Toll Free - GO DIRECT (English) SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. GOVERNMENT CONSUMER PROTECTION AGENCY Government Consumer Protection Agencies SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Protects the public health by assuring the safety, efficacy, and security of human and veterinary drugs, biological products, medical devices, the nation’s food supply, cosmetics, and products that emit radiation. Services GO DIRECT Banking Services Information and Support SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides an opportunity for individuals who rely on Social Security, Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and VA Compensation and Pension payments to sign up for direct deposit service. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals receiving federal benefits. LANGUAGES: Spanish. UNITED STATES NATIONAL CEMETERY ADMINISTRATION 810 Vermont Ave. NW Washington, DC 20420 DIRECT EXPRESS Electronic Transfer Accounts SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Offers a debit card for those receiving federal benefits, including Social Security and SSI. Benefits are posted automatically each month. Cardholders may make purchases, obtain cash and pay bills. No bank account, credit check or minimum balance is required. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals receiving federal benefits. FEES: No fee to enroll, most services are free. Fee services include; more than one ATM withdrawal per deposit -- $.90 per withdrawal, card replacement after one free replacement card per year -- $4.00 per card, monthly paper statements mailed to cardholder -- $.75 per month, Direct Express card Bill Pay -- $.50 each time, Funds transfer to personal US bank account -$1.50 each time. There are also fees for withdrawals and purchases outside the US. LANGUAGES: Spanish. (800) 697-6947 Toll Free - Headstones and Markers (800) 535-1117 Toll Free - Burial Arrangements (866) 900-6417 Fax - Military Discharge Documents Steve L Muro, Deputy Under Secretary, Memorial Affairs SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-4:30pm, except for federal holidays. Services VETERAN BURIAL BENEFITS Veteran Burial Benefits SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides a variety of burial benefits for eligible deceased veterans of peacetime or wartime service who have been discharged under conditions other than dishonorable and, in the case of some benefits, for their dependents. Included are burial in a national cemetery (opening and closing the grave, headstones and markers and perpetual care); headstones and markers for graves of veterans that are located anywhere in the world as well as niche markers for urns; headstones or markers for memorial plots in situations where the veteran's remains are not available for burial; Presidential Memorial Certificates; and burial flags which drape the veteran's coffin and are given to the next of kin or close associate following the funeral. Burial and funeral allowances are also available to certain veterans under specified conditions. ELIGIBILITY: Members of the United States armed forces and veterans who have met minimum active duty service requirements and been honorably discharged. FEES: None. UNITED STATES FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION - DETROIT DISTRICT OFFICE 300 River Pl. Suite 5900 Detroit, MI 48207 (313) 393-8100 Main (313) 393-8139 Fax (313) 343-5120 After Hours Glenn Bass, District Director OTHER NAMES: F.D.A.; FDA 246 SITE HOURS: UNITED STATES OFFICE OF LABOR-MANAGEMENT STANDARDS DETROIT DISTRICT OFFICE 2. ALMONT POST OFFICE 116 N Main St. Almont, MI 48003 211 W Fort St. Room 1313 Detroit, MI 48226 (810) 798-8839 Main (800) 275-8777 Toll Free - (800) ASK-USPS (313) 226-6200 Main (313) 226-4391 Fax SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm; Sat 10am-12:30pm. 3. BELLEVILLE POST OFFICE 45601 S Interstate 94 Service Dr. Belleville, MI 48111 Ian Burg, District Director Public transportation accessible. OTHER NAMES: EMPLOYMENT STANDARDS ADMINISTRATION; OLMS; OLMS; UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR (734) 697-0047 Main (800) 275-8777 Toll Free (734) 697-8428 Fax (877) 889-2457 TDD/TTY SITE AREA SERVED: Michigan. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-4:30pm. SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5:30pm; Sat 9:30am-1pm. Services 4. DEARBORN - MAIN POST OFFICE 3800 Greenfield Rd. Dearborn, MI 48120 LABOR RELATIONS AND REGULATIONS Labor/Management Consultation Union Elections SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Provides assistance to employer and employee groups who are in the process of negotiating, fixing, maintaining, changing or arranging the terms, tenure, hours, wages, fringe benefits or conditions of employment. Includes programs that protect the employee's right to organize, oversee the union election process, and settle disputes between labor and management groups, with special emphasis on basic standards of democracy and fiscal responsibility. ELIGIBILITY: Employers and employee groups. FEES: None. LANGUAGES: Spanish. (313) 337-4700 Main (800) 275-8777 Toll Free (313) 337-4770 Fax (877) 889-2457 TDD/TTY SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-6pm; Sat 9am-2pm. 5. DEARBORN - MAIN POST OFFICE 3800 Greenfield Rd. Dearborn, MI 48120 (313) 337-4700 Main (800) 275-8777 Toll Free (313) 337-4770 Fax (877) 889-2457 TDD/TTY UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE 475 L'Enfant Plz. SW Washington, DC 20260 SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-6pm; Sat 9am-2pm. (800) 275-8777 Toll Free 6. DETROIT - BRIGHTMOOR POST OFFICE 20615 Fenkell St. Detroit, MI 48223 OTHER NAMES: Mon-Fri 9am-6pm; Sat 9am-2pm. (800) 275-8777 Toll Free (313) 532-0527 Fax (877) 889-2457 TDD/TTY USPS Sites SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 10am-5pm; Sat 10am-2pm. 1. ALLEN PARK POST OFFICE 6800 Roosevelt Ave. Allen Park, MI 48101 (313) 381-9788 Main (800) 275-8777 Toll Free - (800) ASK-USPS (313) 381-5414 Fax (877) 889-2457 TDD/TTY SITE AREA SERVED: <continued...> Serves All Areas. 247 UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE... 7. DETROIT - COLLEGE PARK POST OFFICE 20501 Livernois Ave. Detroit, MI 48221 12. DETROIT - JOYFIELD POST OFFICE 16500 Joy Rd. Detroit, MI 48228 (800) 275-8777 Toll Free (313) 863-8890 Fax (877) 889-2457 TDD/TTY (313) 272-5107 Main (800) 275-8777 Toll Free (313) 272-8590 Fax (877) 889-2457 TDD/TTY SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-7pm; Sat 8am-2pm. SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9:30am-5pm; Sat 10am-2pm. 8. DETROIT - FENKELL POST OFFICE 2720 Fenkell St. Detroit, MI 48238 13. DETROIT - KENSINGTON POST OFFICE 17375 Harper Ave. Detroit, MI 48224 (313) 861-5432 Main (800) 275-8777 Toll Free (313) 861-9649 Fax (877) 889-2457 TDD/TTY (313) 884-4342 Main (800) 275-8777 Toll Free (313) 884-2885 Fax (877) 889-2457 TDD/TTY SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm.; Sat 10am-12pm. SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm; Sat 10am-2pm. 9. DETROIT - FISHER BUILDING POST OFFICE 3011 W Grand Blvd. Suite C30 Detroit, MI 48202 14. DETROIT - MAIN POST OFFICE 1401 W Fort St. Room 1006 Detroit, MI 48233 (313) 873-5532 Main (800) 275-8777 Toll Free (313) 873-4431 Fax (877) 889-2457 TDD/TTY (313) 226-8075 Main (800) 275-8777 Toll Free (877) 889-2457 TDD/TTY SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon 7am-11am; Tue-Sun 7am-11pm. 10. DETROIT - HARPER POST OFFICE 10254 Gratiot Ave. Detroit, MI 48213 15. DETROIT - NORTH END POST OFFICE 60 E Milwaukee St. Detroit, MI 48202 (313) 923-8249 Main (800) 275-8777 Toll Free (313) 923-0787 Fax (877) 889-2457 TDD/TTY (313) 873-5402 Main (800) 275-8777 Toll Free (313) 873-4431 Fax (877) 889-2457 TDD/TTY SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm; Sat 10am-2pm. SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm; Sat 10am-2pm. 11. DETROIT - JEFFERSON POST OFFICE 10721 E Jefferson Ave. Detroit, MI 48214 16. DETROIT - NORTHWESTERN POST OFFICE 9650 Grand River Ave. Detroit, MI 48204 (313) 331-4914 Main (800) 275-8777 Toll Free (313) 331-9581 Fax (877) 889-2457 TDD/TTY (313) 933-1680 Main (800) 275-8777 Toll Free (313) 933-1108 Fax (877) 889-2457 TDD/TTY SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm; Sat 10am-2pm. SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 10am-3pm; Sat 10am-2pm. <continued...> 248 UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE... 17. DETROIT - OLD REDFORD POST OFFICE 22503 Grand River Ave. Detroit, MI 48219 22. DRYDEN POST OFFICE 5580 Main St. Dryden, MI 48428 (313) 532-3579 Main (800) 275-8777 Toll Free (313) 532-0589 Fax (877) 889-2457 TDD/TTY (810) 796-3760 Main (800) 275-8777 Toll Free - (800) ASK-USPS SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm; Sat 9am-12noon. SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 7am-7pm; Sat 8am-2pm. 23. EASTPOINTE POST OFFICE 22430 Gratiot Ave. Eastpointe, MI 48021 18. DETROIT - PARK GROVE POST OFFICE 14461 E Seven Mile Rd. Detroit, MI 48205 (586) 777-8107 Main (800) 275-8777 Toll Free (586) 775-3341 Fax (877) 889-2457 TDD/TTY (313) 526-2436 Main (800) 275-8777 Toll Free (313) 526-9540 Fax (877) 889-2457 TDD/TTY SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-5pm; Sat 10am-2pm. SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9:30am-5pm; Sat 10am-2pm. 24. HAMTRAMCK POST OFFICE 2933 Caniff St. Hamtramck, MI 48212 19. DETROIT - PENOBSCOT BUILDING POST OFFICE 645 Griswold St. Suite 100 Detroit, MI 48226 (313) 891-9819 Main (800) 275-8777 Toll Free (313) 891-3154 Fax (877) 889-2457 TDD/TTY (313) 965-5812 Main (800) 275-8777 Toll Free (313) 965-4668 Fax (877) 889-2457 TDD/TTY SITE AREA SERVED: Serves All Areas. SITE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm