Newsletter #27a


Newsletter #27a
. . . feeding your soul
Soul Food Books Etc.
Metaphysical Books
Crystal Jewellery
F all Into
Incense and Sage Spray
ow October is almost over already! We are
gearing up for the Christmas season, new crystals, jewellery, books,
tarot cards, statues and many other goodies are already starting to
arrive and will continue to come in over the next while.
Tibetan Singing Bowls
Our new Angel statue welcoming you into the store is:
Tarot Cards
Sage and Smudge
Tibetan and Buddhist Statuary
Angels and Angel Products
. . . and much, much more!
Store Hours
Mon. to Fri. - 10 am to 6 pm
Sat. - 10 am to 5 pm
Store Location
3, 213 - 19th St. N.W.
Calgary, AB, T2N 2H9
Tel. - (403) 270-0410
This newsletter is published 4-5 times
a year, should you want to receive it in
email, call, email or come in and put
your email address on our list.
Archangel Michael
Archangel Michael is the Angel of protection, strength, courage and hope. He is
called upon to protect against negativity
and will help with cord cutting to ensure
the cords are permanently cut and healed
quickly. Archangel Michael can be called
upon for protection in any area of your
life including business and career. How
about a huge statue of Archangel Michael (49” tall) standing in your garden or
home as a big reminder that you are protected. Come in and see this beautiful
statue of Archangel Michael.
We specialize in Crystals and more!
available in the marketplace, many in
fact are not. The author, who has a
long history of working with subtle energies, and in particular the power
of flowers and gemstones, has
provided simple and easy-to-apply
instructions in the introduction to
ome new product that has arrived recently:
this book so that you can make
your own flower and gemstone
Smoky Citrine Cathedral Lamp - a large
essences if you so choose. She has
dark Smoky Citrine Cathedral point that sits in a
also provided information on the
wooden base with a light.which shines up through
compatible gemstones to enhance
the bottom of the point. See article page three.
the action of the flower essences, as well as backFaden Quartz - can be identified by two distinct
ground in the chakras.
features. The points are very
Mermaids 101 - by Doreen Virtue. Mermaids
flat, flatter than Tabby Quartz
are powerful and graceful inhabitants of the waand they have an opaque fuzzy
ters who can teach us about harnessing the unconwhite line that runs up the
scious mind's ability to attract, create,
center of the crystal. These
and manifest ... while having a fun
are very powerful healing crysand playful life! In this latest entry
tals, they have been broken and rehealed as they
into her best-selling 101 book series
were growing. They help in healing relationships
(which include Angels 101, Archanfrom past lives to the present, attracts one's true
gels 101, and Fairies 101), Doreen
mate and are very programmable to make them
Virtue gives you the fascinating hiseven more dynamic. If you find one that you resotory of mermaids and mermen from
nate with it can really pump up your own inner
healing capacity.
Tarot/Oracle Decks - Some new
Cathedral Lightbrary Point - these are crystals
decks we have received are:
of reverence and wisdom, very similar to an ElesAnimistic Yoga Deck is brand
tial, they are distinguished by several
new on the market and Canapoints laying on or penetrating the
dian! This deck is intended to
side of a crystal and are clear. Where
explore together each of the
Elestials are about going inward, Capostures one by one; their spirithedral Lightbraries are about going
tual meaning; their animistic
out and connecting with Universal
wisdom; the symbols behind the
physical alignment. Wisdom of the Golden Path
Lemurian Golden Healers- Golden Healers
by Toni Carmine Salerno; Crystal Oversoul Athelp to heal on all levels.
tunement by Michael Eastwood....and more!
Silk Brocade Lotus Lamps - come as
floor, table and hanging styles and are
Gratitude Corner
available in many different colours.
Healing Flowers A-Z and Healing
Gratitude is an opener of lockedWith Flowers and Gemstone Esup blessings.
sences- two new books by Diane Stein.
~Marianne Williamson
While a large number of these essences are
We have a selection of Children’s Books
Crystal Reviews
moky Citrine Elestial/Cathedral Lamp
A large, mysterious, deep
Smoky Citrine Elestial/
Cathedral point resting in a
wooden base with a light shining upward illuminating its
depth. Sound intriguing? This
beautiful lamp now makes its
temporary home in the store
waiting for the right person to
take it home. The point can
be removed to be used in
meditation or worked with.
Just putting your hands
around this beautiful piece you
know you are tapping into ancient universal wisdom. It
brings a feeling of calmness and inner peace so
you can connect with your own inner wisdom.
Working with this crystal protects and supports
while you dig down inside yourself, allowing you to
be clear about who you are and what you want,
then bring it out and make it manifest. When finished working with it, put it back on the lamp
stand and have it shine out your intentions. This is
a very powerful crystal!
rystal Essences
We are continuing to experiment with different
crystal essences, gathering information, having fun
with it and learning a lot! Watch for our Crystal
Essence class in 2013.
You Know....
Orange Calcite, Amethyst & Lapis help
with headaches
rystal Bits
Soul Food Books has evolved over the years from
mainly a book store to mainly a crystal store. We
are very grateful to be able to offer such special
and unique pieces.
Did you know we smudge the store with sage, calling in Angels to help clear energies each night?
Each morning we smudge with sweetgrass to bring
good energy in for the day for every person that
walks though our door. By smudging on a continuous basis for the highest of intentions we are continually clearing the crystals in the store.
All of us at the store work with crystals in our daily
lives with crystal healing, crystal essences, crystal
grids, etc. and have been doing so for many years.
Collectively we bring a wealth of wisdom, practical experience and information about crystals. We
believe in integrity and making sure any information we impart is right, helpful, healing and safe.
We have recently found out that Shungite can contain silver which makes it a toxic crystal. If you are
using Shungite directly in your drinking water or
crystal essence, you may want to consider not using it with the direct method. We have heard of
people becoming ill from using it this way.
Have you ever wondered why some crystals cost so
much? Besides the obvious costs incurred by people who mine, find, travel the world looking for
these beauties, other things are taken into consideration. Things such as rarity, size, weight, colour,
quality, where they are from, etc. Some crystals
come only from one place in the world such as Larimar from the Dominican Republic. Afghanistan
Lapis is hard to get to and there is a lot of red tape
to get it out of the country. Others, like Alexandrite, have depleting resources and still others that
can only be accessed at certain times of the year.
Next time you are buying a crystal think of the
journey it took and the people who helped it find
it’s way to you.
We carry a large selection of Crystal Jewellery
Upcoming Classes
We are adding a couple of new classes to our program for 2013. The dates for all classes will be
published sometime in early February.
• Beginner Crystal
• Advanced Crystal
• Crystal Essences
Crystal Classes
Beginner Crystal Class
Tuesday Oct 23, 6:30-9:30 pm
This fun workshop gives you hands on time and
exercises to provide information on how to choose,
use, cleanse, program crystals, learn about the
different Quartz points and what they mean, learn
how to feel their energy, use a pendulum and more!
Instructors: Linda Perry and Rebecca Fuller
Cost $65 + GST
Advanced Crystal Class
Thursday Nov 1, 6:30-9:30 pm
• Crystal Grids
• Smudging and Clearing
• Palmistry
• Intuitive Tarot
2013 Calendars and
Datebooks are in!
Get yours before they are gone!
This informative class will provide information and
exercises on how to feel crystal energy, use wands
and different crystals, laying on of stones, chakra
layout, crystal grids/mandalas and crystal sphere
massage. Lots of hands on experience!
Instructors: Linda Perry and Rebecca Fuller
Cost $75 + GST
To register call 403-270-0410. Sign up for both classes
together and get a 10% discount.
Classes fill fast so call early!
Soul Food Books
3, 213-19 St NW, Calgary, AB
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Many Blessings from the Staff at Soul Food Books
Keep it Simple, Keep it Sacred