English Cocker Spaniel Club of America Breed Education Committee
English Cocker Spaniel Club of America Breed Education Committee
English Cocker Spaniel Club of America Breed Education Committee Thank you for your interest in becoming a Mentor and/or Presenter for the ECSCA Judges Education. It is expected that all Mentors and Presenters be more than comfortable with the standard and knowledge of dog terms in general; not only knowing and understanding the breed specific details of type and function, but being able to articulately elaborate upon them to future English Cocker judges. These judges can run the gamut from a first breed judge through to someone who has judged multiple groups for many decades and is well versed in all things dog. Judges spend time and significant money to attend Parent Club seminars as part of AKC requirements and rightfully expect to be mentored by qualified, knowledgeable individuals who can effectively communicate on the same level. Mentors and Presenters must be not only be thoroughly knowledgeable of the English Cocker standard, but also of general dog structure and movement. Knowledge of correct canine terminology is a must. The ECSCA Breed Education Committee requires that a current, approved Mentor sponsor any application for becoming a Mentor, and that a current, approved Presenter sponsor all applications for Presenters. The packet attached to this letter contains: Mentor/Presenter Application Mentor/Presenter Description Mentor/Presenter Consent Form ECSCA Mentor/Presenter Notes Complete Updated Approved Mentor/Presenter List AKC Anatomy Test AKC English Cocker Spaniel Breed Test Please thoroughly read and complete all forms, and return to the Committee Chair. Thank you for your willingness to share your knowledge and educate others about our breed. English Cocker Spaniel Club of America’s Breed Education Committee Genelle Joseph, Chair Galliardecs@comcast.net 9429 East McGill Ct. Parker, CO 80134 (303) 805-1617 Terri Burrows Marlin Kvamme Doug McFarlane Bonnie Threlfall Patricia Janzen Sandy LaFlamme Kathy Moore Karen Whitfield ENGLISH COCKER SPANIEL CLUB OF AMERICA Breed Education Committee Presenter/Mentor Application Name: Date: Last First M.I. Address: Street Address Apartment/Unit # City State Phone: ZIP Code Email Breed Participation Years in Breed: AKC Licensed Judge? Have you judged at sweepstakes level? Applying for Mentor, Presenter or Both? Explain Why You Feel You Are Qualified to Be A Mentor and/or Presenter Breed Education Approved Mentor/ Presenter Sponsor Information Sponsor of Applicant: Date: Years you’ve known applicant: Comments: Disclaimer and Signature I certify that my answers and the information I have provided are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I have read all the requirements and guidelines for the ECSCA Breed Education Mentors and Presenters and I am willing to adhere and abide by the rules. Signature: Date: 1 ENGLISH COCKER SPANIEL CLUB OF AMERICA BREED EDUCATION COMMITTEE (BEC) Presenter/Mentor Program Purpose To provide knowledgeable and capable Presenters and Mentors to execute the BEC education programs. Presenters To give BEC presentation at ECSCA National and Regional specialties, Member Club specialties and meeting programs, and seminars/workshops by independent judges organizations. Mentors To act as ringside mentors for conformation judges and aspiring judges. Description Number - There will be an indefinite number of presenters and Mentors. It is strongly recommended that representation be as broad as possible in order to meet the need for ECSCA education seminars across the country. Resources and materials – Presenters and mentors need to be thoroughly familiar with the BEC resources and materials available to them, and agree to use the applicable materials as to meet the needs of their audience. Applications – Interested parties should submit an application to the BEC Chair who will review them and forward them to the rest of the BEC for review and approval. Presenter applications will require sponsorship by a current, BEC Approved Presenter, Mentor applications require sponsorship by a BEC Approved Mentor. It will be the responsibility of that committee to verify that the presenters and mentors meet the minimum criteria for participation, are trained in the use of materials available through the BEC, receive regular assignments or continuing education opportunities to keep up their skills, and are evaluated in the presentation of their assigned projects. Presenters and Mentors who repeatedly fail to meet the expectations set forth by the BEC are subject to removal from the program by a majority vote of the BEC. Presenters – ECSCA member in good standing for 15 years, with advanced knowledge of the subject, and who meets the requirements for a Presenter. Presenters are required for any program dealing directly with the Breed Standard or any “parent club approved” judges’ education presentation, regardless of the sponsoring organization. Mentors – ECSCA member in good standing for 10 years, with significant knowledge of the subject, and who meets most of the requirements for a Presenter. C:\USERS\GENELLE\DESKTOP\SEMINARS-PRESNETER ADN MENTORS\BEC PRESENTER_MENTOR DESCRIPTION.DOC DUTIES AND QUALIFICATIONS All Presenters and Mentors: Presenters need to feel comfortable speaking before an audience and must be familiar enough with the breed, its history and the AKC breed standard to speak about it for two hours or more as may be required in some programs. Mentors need to feel comfortable with one-on-one discussions and dealing with the individual’s needs. Must agree to use only ECSCA programs, outlines, and handout material as approved by the BEC and the Board of Directors at any ECSCA approved presentation. Must be able to speak coherently and describe characteristics in specific terms using a positive style using correct canine terminology. Must agree to conduct oneself ethically. Must follow up on all questions from any participant who needs more specific information either by referring him/her to other people or researching the information requested. Must obtain the names and addresses of attendees at presentations or individuals tutored. Must be willing to travel when needed to assist in mentoring when called upon to do so. Must be familiar enough with basic canine anatomy to discuss details such as point of shoulder, overreaching, foot-timing, etc. and to discuss how various faults contribute to specific problems. Must have significant depth of knowledge regarding structure, type, and function. This can be demonstrated through extensive study of the breed standard by attendance at multiple seminars of study groups, or membership on educational programs/committees. Must be able to pass a basic test on the English Cocker Spaniel breed standard and canine anatomy, and accurately discuss and describe these topics if requested. Must be able to set aside personal preferences such as color and size, etc. from others that are well within the parameters of the breed standard. Must be willing to sign a Program Presenter/Mentor Consent Form. Must be able to assemble a small group of English Cocker Spaniels, both dogs and bitches that represent a variety of acceptable styles, ages, and colors. These dogs should come from a variety of breeders to represent a broad picture of the breed as a whole. Except in the case of visits to breeders with tutors, the identity of all dogs, owners, and handlers will remain anonymous, including any information on the wins or accomplishments. Presenter Qualifications Presenters of judges’ education programs, or any presenter who uses the breed standard as the basis of a presentation, must be eligible as a Presenter by meeting the minimum requirements as follows: Have a minimum of 15 years of active participation in English Cocker Spaniel events and 15 years membership in the ECSCA Have bred five (5) litters of English Cocker Spaniels and produced four (4) AKC champions of record from those litters C:\USERS\GENELLE\DESKTOP\SEMINARS-PRESNETER ADN MENTORS\BEC PRESENTER_MENTOR DESCRIPTION.DOC Preferably have judging experience minimally at the sweepstakes level Have attended at least six (6) National specialties, three (3) of them within the past six (6) years in order to have seen dogs from all over the country, and to have observed them from the puppy through veteran classes. This ratio of 3 of 6 National specialties must be maintained to remain on the list. Must attend a seminar presented by an approved BEC presenter prior to application. Application must be sponsored by a current, BEC approved Presenter. Have completed a training session with the BEC New Presenter / Mentor Subcommittee members. Mentor Qualifications ECSCA member in good standing for 10 years with significant knowledge of the subject, and who meets or nearly meets most of the requirements for a Presenter as described above as well as: Application must be sponsored by a current, BEC approved Mentor Have completed a training session with the BEC New Presenter / Mentor Subcommittee members C:\USERS\GENELLE\DESKTOP\SEMINARS-PRESNETER ADN MENTORS\BEC PRESENTER_MENTOR DESCRIPTION.DOC ENGLISH COCKER SPANIEL CLUB OF AMERICA BREED EDUCATION COMMITTEE (BEC) Program Presenter/Mentor Consent Form When representing the English Cocker Spaniel Club of America as a Program Presenter and/or Mentor at ECSCA approved events, I agree to the following stipulations: 1. I acknowledge that as a “parent club approved” speaker or Mentor, I represent the English Cocker Spaniel Club of America providing programs for the purpose of educating judges, breeder and/or fanciers of the English Cocker Spaniel under AKC guidelines. 2. I agree to use any or all visual aids in the exact form in which I receive them from the committee. 3. I agree to follow the written outline, based on the AKC breed standard and supplied by the Breed Education Committee during any such presentations or seminars. 4. I agree to adhere to the use of the English Cocker Spaniel breed standard as the basis for any and all educational information I, or my co-speakers, provide during such programs. 5. I will distribute only those written materials approved and supplied by the English Cocker Spaniel Club of America. 6. If I utilize my own dog(s) during a presentation, either for demonstration purposes or as part of a hands-on discussion, the participants are not to know that they are my dogs 7. Except in the case of visits to breeders with tutors, all dogs that are used for any purpose during a presentation will remain anonymous. I will not acknowledge their owners or handlers by name, registered names of dogs, titles, show wins, or accomplishments. 8. Following the presentation or mentoring experience, I will promptly submit to the appropriate chairman, an itemization of reimbursable expenses with receipts for same, and will immediately return leftover handouts, booklets, drawings, and any monies collected from the sale of Club items, if applicable. 9. I will obtain a list of names and addresses of attendees or persons mentored at the presentation and will forward it to the chairman of the BEC with any items noted in #8 above. Signature: Date: C:\USERS\GENELLE\DESKTOP\SEMINARS-PRESNETER ADN MENTORS\ECSCA BEC PRESENTER-MENTOR CONSENT FORM.DOC ECSCA MENTOR NOTES Thank you for mentoring for your breed. Your willingness to mentor is indicative of your desire and determination to assist others in understanding the English Cocker. Please remember when mentoring that you are to remain absolutely unbiased in your observations of individual dogs. Breeders, owners, handlers, are not to be discussed. The students will come from various dog backgrounds. Ours may be the first or second breed that they are working towards judging, or the student could be a long time judge who knows more about dogs than you do. You are there to help them learn correct breed type. You must know proper canine terminology in order to effectively communicate. A good book to own and study is Harold Spira's "Canine Terminology", for example. The ECSCA Presenter/Mentor program is overseen by the AKC which has established the requirements for judging qualifications. Most, if not all, of your students have been to other breed club educational experiences. They have invested time and money to attend ours and have been known to complain not only to a club's education committee but to the AKC itself, should the educational experience be less than satisfactory. Finally, breed health issues, personal comments, etc., are not appropriate discussions during mentoring. AKC’s rules regarding Mentors: Formal observations (Ringside Observation Form) will be allowed with parent club approved mentors at National or Regional Specialties where formal ringside mentoring is organized by the host club. (Mentors will be permitted to participate on days they are exhibiting up to the class in which they have an entry. They will be allowed to participate thereafter as this has always been at National or Regional Specialties where formal ringside mentoring is organized by the host club. Mentors will be asked to document their own experience on the Observation Form when they sign it.) Individuals engaged in Parent Club mentoring may not exhibit to the judge/applicant for a period of four months after and the mentor may not show to the judge following approval of the breeds for four months after. During the judging, ask students to find the correct English Cocker type outline both standing and moving. Emphasize the importance of judging the dog as one piece being careful not to single out and isolate or place undue emphasis on any one feature to the exclusion of the others. Help them identify the English Cockers which most closely represent the ideal English Cocker. There will always be a range of acceptability since perfect does not exist. Let the students do the talking. They will have read the standard and other materials on the breed before the mentoring process. You are there to guide them, not lecture to them. For example, if they are missing something that they should have noticed, ask them to tell you what they think of that dog's proportions, or that dog's croup, or whatever. To learn type, they have to be able to recognize what is good about a dog. All the negatives in the world won't teach type. For Discussion: Select some dogs to go over after the judging to demonstrate how important the hands on is. Was their observation at a distance accurate? 1. Front: Is there generous bone from elbow to heel and are feet proportionate in size to the legs. Feel for forechest, elbow directly under withers, equal length of upper arm and shoulder blade. Well sprung ribs should be of good depth and extend well back. 2. Rear: Broad, “hammy” rear with significant muscling on outside and inside of rear legs continuing down through second thigh. Short hocks. Balanced angulation with rear not extending way out. 3. Have them view the dogs from above to confirm that the well-sprung ribcage is the widest part of the dog and that the rear is broad as well as the loin short. 4. Have them feel a variety of coats to determine which are correct in silky texture – not cottony. 5. Heads: Point out and explain parallel head planes when viewed from above. Feel the grooved stop. Show them a dog with one pigmented and one unpigmented haw. 6. Croups/tail carriage: Discuss gently rounded croup. Tails may be carried somewhat higher when excited but not cocked up. 7. Ask your students to enumerate the distinctive traits of type for the English Cocker and to list 8 important adjectives from the standard. Committee Members Burrows, Terri (BJ) Janzen, Patty Joseph, Genelle - Chair Kvamme, Marlin (BJ) Laflamme, Sandy McFarlane, Doug (BJ) Moore, Kathy (BJ) Threlfall, Bonnie (BJ) Whitfield, Karen (BJ) Tomball, TX Florissant, CO Parker, CO Rogue River, OR Newcastle, CA Gig Harbor, WA Albuquerque, NM Cary, NC Salisbury, MA idyllecs@sbcglobal.net ebonwoodart@gmail.com galliardecs@comcast.net suntrading@earthlink.net dawnglow@sbcglobal.net mcfarldp1@aol.com kabreefarms@gmail.com BThrelfall@aol.com ecsast@verizon.net ECSCA Approved Seminar Presenters/Mentors Clark, Marissa (BJ) Flanagan, David (BJ) Heckerman, Barbara Helbig, Maureen Kvamme, Lorrie (BJ) Mason, Deborah O'Neill, Mari-Beth Neff, Elizabeth Rose, Sue Sellers (BJ) Roth, Karen (BJ) Gig Harbor, WA Millbrook, NY Swanton, OH Croton on Hudson, NY Rogue River, OR Duxbury, MA Cary, NC Sinking Springs, PA Mason, MI Sharpsburg, GA Marissaecs@aol.com (845) 677-9700 Wyncrest1@aol.com MaureenBH@aol.com suntrading@earthlink.net BraesideEC@aol.com MBO@akc.org dragonstarehn@gmail.com roses@msu.edu KRoth@aol.com Garland, TX Ontario, Canada Spartanburg, SC Battle Creek, MI Ft. Collins, CO Verona, KY Sterling , VA Florissant, CO British Columbia, Canada East Bangor, PA Monument, CO Agua Dulce, CA Oklahoma City, OK Oklahoma City, OK San Dimas, CA velkaecs@aol.com ECSCA Approved Mentors Boylan, Virginia (BJ) Brangers, Kerri Dwelly, Sue Gallant, Nancy (BJ) Hartshorn, Sharon Hasler, Cindy Hendrick, Beth Kaul, Jean Lyne, Virginia (BJ) Nawrocki, Chereen Praiswater, Nancy Rosenthal, Sally VanMeter, Brent VanMeter, Trish Weston, Eileen (BJ) (BJ) signifies breeder judge carnaby@sympatico.ca sdwelly@aol.com nancyjgallant@aol.com sharon@hartsongecs.net CHasler992@aol.com bhendrick@verizon.net KVJean@aol.com vlyne@shaw.ca nawrocki5@rcn.com npraiswater@gmail.com barristerec@att.net bvanmeter1421@aol.com queezyvm@aol.com bobwhite71@verizon.net
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