Evaporated milk was flrst
Evaporated milk was flrst
Evaporated milk was flrst conven ience food product As lar back as thc Old Tcstamcnt's rcfcrcncc to "thc land of milk and honey", milk has bcen celebrated as plc took a honeymoon trip lCayman Islands, British $, and will live ar 910 Bur rse h. we win some." 'not reading and not an- ads, Fairstein says there iinss that can be done ta xelf from a stranger. "lt is 'the first meeting to occur - Ite place," she says. public. Don't immediately tur last name or your home Ince you have established t, continue to play the e suspicious if he says you r him a[ work," Fairstein Ling that a lot of planning le any errcounter. :xample in the magazine, attack didn't occur until in the woman's asacker told his victim he I his ad under an assumed -. rrresponded with her answering service and an cured for the purpose and p ad with a money order r n't be traced. porated Cooperolive Exlension milk, brimming with nutri- a rich her- involved with the undrstein says serial killen Sundy generally strike at ther than after meticulous vailable rly Cottage Housing OpIhesc sel fcontained units r an elderly parcnt on your lou Manv of these dwell- was introduced with tempcrature in this system destroys porated milk were donated to victims of a tragic f,re in Galveston, Tex., signaling the future role evaporated milk would play in teeding war-torn Europe. The firstad forevaporated milk, in renaissance. The evaporated milk industry has its roos in the early 1880s in England, and the idea of preserving and concenrating milk by heating it in sealed cans was fint developcd in Switzerland. Nevertheless, it was the success of the United States 1893, called it "'a perfect instant food" and in 1894, the fint recpe booklet appeared. By 1895, evaporated milk was popular both in western mining areas where fresh milk was scarce and in the South were sweetened condensed around the time of the there was little refrigerarion. Consumers quickly recognized its value industrv. as a safe, wholesome and convenient baby food, as well as a nutritional in- milk business Civil War that really launched the evaporated milk At the end of &e Civil War in 1956, Charles to A. Page, U.S. Consul Switzerland, persuaded his brothers to join him in the rich dairyland region around Cham. There they built Europe's lust sweetened condensed milk plant. Between 1880 and 1883. the Swiss plant manager, John Meyenberg, experimented with evaporating and sterilizing milk witlout sugar and in- vented the technology that would lead to evaporated milk production. Ironically, however, Meyenberg couldn't interest the Cham plant owners in using his process, so he moved to the United Sutes. In 1884, for "an apparatus for preserving milk", and in 1885 he and l.ouis latzer, a farmer, founded tlre Helvetia Milk Condensing Company ("Helvetia" is Latin for Swizerland) in an old wool factory in Highland ru. On June 14, 1885, just four montls after opening their doon,the two were delivering one of the hrst mod- ern convenience foods, "Highland Evaporated Cream". The ncw product was a rapid success. In its lust year, I 0 cascs of eva- Ihe Eride hos conlided in ur, let ur help you rclecl her mort wontod gifts ond rrop lhem tntt 0f CHARGt. 12 Shetlv Parkhursr evaporated miilq The careful control of time and a culinary 8eginnirp... UGUST federal sundards. In 1909, the hrst applicarion of homogenization in the dairy indusrry quality convenience food is enjoying he received U.S. patent No. 308421 ;ht note on tlre dark side of rrefabricaied. Ann Hlnrdale itage, this world-acknowledged, )rosecute, only by trying Though form of t"his nutritious foif, has been evaporafcd milk. In tunc with today's pcnchant for healfrful eating, eva- modcrn cuisines. Boasting evidence. Food fo For more than a centurv. a favorite hes, from traditional favoriles to p says, the crimes should [. "Al0rough they are dif- , ture's most nearly pcrfect foods. ents, proteins and vitamin D, is making its way into a widc varicty o[ dis- t risk date onc of lhe esscntials of life and dc, scrvcs its rcpuration as onc of na- and Drug Law in 1906, manufacturers designated thck product as cvaporatcd milk instead of "evaporarcd creafil". Since 1923, evaporatcd milk has been produced under uniform gredient for cooking that had the added benefit of sorage stability. Upon enacunent of the Pure Food any bacteria which may be present and makes it possiblc to control color. flavor and consistcncv. / -'-j/r Y /n(' o //. ' ;,A ballroitn --j BEGINNER STAINED I l'-'r: GLASS CLASS |---.()'--<k Startlng SepL l2tir 1 We€ks, 1 Niglfi por W€€k 7 - 9:30 p.rn Jasper, lll . (514 43G3110 Custon Desigss, Sandasting lor Eusin€ss or llome NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON INCREASING PROPERTY TAXES The Township of Palmyra will hold a public hearing on a proposed increase of .0918 mills in the operating tax millage rate to be levied in 1 989. The hearing will be held on Thursday, August 1 0, 1989 at 7:30 P.M. o'clock in the p.m. at Palmyra Township Office, Fire Hall. lf adopted, the proposed additional millage will increase operating revenues from ad valorem property taxes 4.85% over such revenues generated by levies permitted without holding a hearing " The taxinq unit publishinq this