July - East Pennsboro Township
July - East Pennsboro Township
EAST PENNSBORO TOWNSHIP “A Great Place to Live, Work and Raise a Family” JULY/SEPTEMBER 2015 16th Annual Pumpkin Fest Will Be Held Oct. 10 & 11 National Night Out Planned for Aug. 4 Pumpkin Fest Time is just around the corner! For the 16th straight year, thousands of Township and area residents will be treated to a weekend of games, contests, family entertainment, arts & crafts, vendors, pumpkin-related events, inflatable games, musical performances and great food. The event will be held Oct. 10 and 11 at Adams Ricci Community Park. To obtain vendor information go online at www.pennsboropumpkinfest.com. Following is the current entertainment schedule (updates will be posted on the website): GAZEBO STAGE – SATURDAY, OCT. 10 9:30 a.m...... Studio 91 10:30 a.m.... Evidence Worship Noon .......... West Shore Academy of Martial Art 1 p.m. ......... Stephanie Bell and Little Rock 3 p.m. ......... Pumpkin Whoopee Pie Eating Contest (information/concession stand) 3 p.m. ......... Kilmaine Saints CABOOSE PLAZA STAGE – SATURDAY, OCT. 10 10 a.m. ....... Gold Friends Country Line Dancing 11 a.m. ....... Magic Show Noon .......... The Studio Dancers 1 p.m. ......... Magic Show 2 p.m. ......... She Serpants – Belly Dance Peformance 3 p.m. ........ PA Regional Ballet – Dance Performance The Township Police Department will hold its 2nd Annual National Night Out on Tuesday, Aug. 4 at Adams Ricci Community Park. The event will feature a police K9 demonstration, an appearance by Hershey Medical Center’s Life Lion helicopter, music by HOT 93.5, raffle prizes for children and adults and free food and water, while supplies last. There will also be businesses and community groups present with free giveaways. The event is free and for the entire family. For more information, contact Officer Lynn Richwein at 732-3633 or by e-mail at lmr@eastpennsboropd.com. GAZEBO STAGE – SUNDAY, OCT. 11 1 p.m........... Laredo 1:30 p.m...... Pumpkin Pie Baking Contest (information/concession stand) 2:30 p.m...... Paint a Pumpkin (tent near handicapped parking) 3 p.m........... Funktion IMPORTANT NOTICE The Township will be upgrading its software for sewer and sanitation billing. Because of these upgrades your account number will change. If you have your account set up on auto-pay through your financial institution, please be sure to update your account number. Online payment options will be available soon. From The Treasurer OFFICE HOURS Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Closed Fridays, weekends, holidays Phone: 901-9392 Per Capita Bills As you know, the per capita bills were mailed late this year. The delay was due to East Pennsboro Township’s decision to change printing companies. The change was made by the Township as a cost saving measure. I’d like to thank you for your patience and understanding. To the best of my knowledge, the bills should be mailed as they have in the past, next March 1st. If you still have not received a per capita bill, please call the tax office so that we may make you another copy. All residents 18 years and older should be receiving a $10 per capita bill. If you are not on the tax rolls, please complete the assessment form on the Township website and mail or drop it off to the Township tax office in the Municipal Building. East Pennsboro Area School District All Township property owners should be receiving their East Pennsboro Area School District real estate tax bill in July. However, these bills may be mailed late. The bills are mailed by a vendor contracted by the school district. The bills are at the discount amount through Aug. 31. IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE A BILL, PLEASE CONTACT THE TAX OFFICE SO WE MAY MAKE A COPY FOR YOU. WE HAVE NO WAY OF KNOWING YOU HAVE NOT RECEIVED YOUR BILL UNLESS YOU LET US KNOW. Address Corrections All address corrections must be done in writing. Corrections may be made to your bill by completing the space provided on the back of the tax bill. This may be done for both property and per capita taxes. As always, please don’t hesitate to contact the tax office with any questions or concerns you may have. Debbie Lupold, Treasurer 901-9392 Sewer/Sanitation News In order to reduce errors and process payments in a timely manner, residents are reminded that if they pay their sewer and trash bill automatically through their financial institution to be sure to list the account number and the service address of the account they are paying. Checks can be made payable to East Pennsboro Township. For residents who prefer to bring payments to the Administration office, there is an after-hours drop box at the bottom of the stairs of the Township Building for your convenience. Following is the sewer payment due date schedule for 2015: • Aug. 7 • Nov. 6 T O W N S H I P C A L E N DA R JULY 1 Board of Commissioners Workshop Meeting, Northeast Fire Company, 7 p.m. Board of Commissioners Business Meeting, 7:30 p.m. 9 Planning Commission, 7 p.m. 13 Fire Protection Board, 7 p.m. 16 Zoning Hearing Board, 5:30 p.m. 23 Environmental Advisory Council, 7 p.m. AUGUST 5 10 13 18 20 27 Board of Commissioners Workshop Meeting, Enola Fire Company, 7 p.m. Board of Commissioners Business Meeting, 7:30 p.m. Fire Protection Board, 7 p.m. Planning Commission, 7 p.m. Board of Health, 5:30 p.m. Zoning Hearing Board, 5:30 p.m. Environmental Advisory Council, 7 p.m. SEPTEMBER 2 8 10 14 16 17 24 Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting, 7 p.m. Recreation Board, 7 p.m. Planning Commission 7 p.m. Fire Protection Board, 7 p.m. Board of Commissioners Workshop Meeting, 7 p.m. Zoning Hearing Board, 5:30 p.m. Environmental Advisory Council, 7 p.m. OCTOBER 5 7 8 12 15 20 21 22 Recreation Board, 7 p.m. Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting, 7 p.m. Planning Commission, 7 p.m. Fire Protection Board, 7 p.m. Zoning Hearing Board, 5:30 p.m. Board of Health, 5:30 p.m. Board of Commissioners Workshop Meeting, 7 p.m. Environmental Advisory Council, 7 p.m. Township Commissioners’ meetings are held in Room 107 at the Township Municipal Building, 98 S. Enola Dr. The meetings are open to the public. Meetings during the spring and summer are held once a month, changing locations to each of the fire departments. We request 48-hour notice for handicapped accommodation at any meeting. Contact the Township Manager’s office at 732-0711 if an accommodation is required. TOWNSHIP OFFICES CLOSED Holiday Trash Collection Because July 4 is on a Saturday, trash and recyclables will be collected on the normal schedule Monday through Friday. They will be collected a day late the week of Sept. 7 because of the Labor Day holiday and on the normal schedule the week of Oct. 12. Please consult the Township website www.eastpennsboro.net for more information on recycling. 2 Independence Day – July 3 Labor Day – Sept. 7 Columbus Day – Oct. 12 www.eastpennsboro.net Hazardous Waste Collection Scheduled for Aug. 22 Cumberland County will collect household hazardous waste from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 22, at the County Service Center, 310 Allen Road, Carlisle. The program allows homeowners the opportunity to dispose of hazardous wastes instead of placing them in the regular trash. A list of acceptable and unacceptable items is listed on the County’s website, www. ccpa.net/3376/household-hazardous-waste. Trim Limbs, Branches Tree limbs and branches must be at least nine feet above a sidewalk and 12 feet above any Township roadway to ensure the safety of walkers, motorists, emergency vehicles and Township snow plow equipment. Property owners or occupants must also remove trees, shrubs and plant growth that interfere with safe pedestrian or vehicle passage on sidewalks and streets or obstruct any public street sign or traffic control device. The Township also prohibits all outdoor and open burning. NEW FIRE POLICE – Three new officers are sworn into the Township’s Special Fire Police unit. From left are Angela West-Bogins, Christian Boffins and Donald Koch. Fire Police have full power to regulate traffic and keep crowds under control at or in the vicinity of any fire, roadway incident, motor vehicle accident, disaster or public event. Keep Grass Clippings Out of the Street When mowing your lawn, make certain that you do not blow grass clippings into the street and do not use a hose to wash them into the street or storm drains. Grass clippings that are blown into the street can block storm drains or flow down to the Susquehanna River. Grass clippings contain nitrogen and phosphorous, which cause unwanted and uncontrolled growth of algae and aquatic weeds in waterways. If you bag your grass clippings you’re not doing the environment or your back any favors. Leave the grass clippings on the ground for a greener, healthier yard, especially if your mower has a mulching blade. Grass clippings are a natural fertilizer. Don’t waste money on expensive lawn fertilizers. You can reduce yard work and yard waste while saving water (grass clippings are 85 percent water). It is best to mow frequently so that large amounts of leaf and grass residue don’t remain on the surface of the turf. Township Police Accepting Unused Prescription Drugs The Township Police Department has installed a permanent Med-Return Drug Collection Unit in its first floor reception area at 98 S. Enola Dr. Residents can dispose of excess and expired prescription drugs and over-the-counter medications in the special container. Liquids, needles and aerosol cans are not accepted. Labels can be removed from the prescription containers. The collection area is open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Drugs can be dropped off with no questions asked. The Department said disposing of excess drugs is everyone’s responsibility, citing the fact that 70 percent of young people abusing prescription pain relievers get them from the family medicine cabinet. EAST PENNSBORO TOWNSHIP 98 S. Enola Drive, Enola, PA 17025 • 717-732-0711 www.eastpennsboro.net Commissioners John Kuntzelman Charley Gelb Paul Hartman Kristy Magaro George Tyson Page one masthead photo: by Michael E. Donovan BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - Standing, from left, are George Tyson, Paul Hartman and John Kuntzelman. Seated are Charley Gelb and Kristy Magaro. www.eastpennsboro.net Manager A. John Pietropaoli Treasurer/Tax Collector Debbie Lupold Police Chief Todd Bashore Solicitor Henry Coyne Published Quarterly 3 Recreation... PROGRAM REGISTRATION INFORMATION Registration is on a first-come, first-paid basis. PRE-REGISTRATION is required for all programs except special events. Register early because if there are not enough participants the program or trip could be cancelled. WAYS TO REGISTER Mail – East Pennsboro Twp.Recreation Department, 98 S. Enola Dr., Room 101, Enola, PA 17025-2796 Come In – Township Building, 98 S. Enola Dr. Hours: 8 a.m.-4 p.m., Monday through Friday After Hours Drop Box – Back entrance to Township Building Address Envelope to Recreation Department Phone – 732-0711, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday Online or e-mail – www.eastpennsboro.net or recreation@eastpennsboro.net. YOUTH PROGRAMS Wushu Youth Classes Beginners Mondays Sept. 14 – Dec. 21 • 6 pm – 7 pm Township Annex Building Residents $95, Non-residents $100 Intermediate Wednesdays Sept. 9 – Dec. 16 • 6 pm -7:30 pm Township Annex Building Residents $140, Non-residents $145 Looking for more than just exercise? This class, which is for all levels of ability, balances self-discipline and hard work with fun and friendship. Students, ages 8 to 18, will receive instruction and encouragement towards better flexibility, physical conditioning, morality and practical application through Chinese martial arts. Wear comfortable clothes and bring a water bottle. Instructed by Andres Gutierrez. Field Hockey Camp July 6-9 • 5:30 -8:00 pm Girls entering 1st – 8th grades East Pennsboro School Field Cost: $35.00 This camp is for all levels and will go over basic skills and drills. Please bring a bagged dinner to eat. Field Hockey Fall League September 6 – October 25 Age groups are: U13, U 11 and U8 Games are held at various locations Cost: $100 per player Register by July 31. 4 ADULT PROGRAMS Kickboxing Monday and Wednesday - 6-7 p.m. Sept. 14-Oct. 28 (14 classes) Cost: $54 residents, $58 non-residents Nov. 2-Dec. 16 (no class Nov. 25 and 30) (12 classes) Cost: $50 residents, $54 non-residents West Creek Elementary Gym Join us for a great cardio workout and challenge yourself this high impact class. Bring a set of free weights (up to five pounds) and an exercise mat or towel for body sculpting and toning. The class is for all fitness levels. Pilates/Yoga Thursday, 7-8 p.m. Sept. 10-Oct. 22 Oct. 29-Dec. 17 (no class Nov. 26) West Creek Elementary School LGI Cost: $35 residents, $40 non-residents Instructor: Ashley Edmondson This isn’t the normal class – it uses mat science pilates and yoga sequences. Bring a yoga sticky mat or fitness mat. Swimnastics Tuesday and Thursday – 8-9 p.m. Middle School Pool Sept. 8-Oct. 22 Oct. 27-Dec. 17 (no class Oct. 29, Nov. 26) Cost: $54 residents, $58 non-residents (We offer half sessions for this class only) An exercise in deep and shallow water to increase body flexibility, strength and circulatory endurance for men and women. Aqua belts are available for use during class. Snorkeling/Discover Scuba Class Aug. 31, 7-9:30 p.m. East Pennsboro Middle School Pool Cost: $25 resident, $30 non-resident Beginners learn how to use snorkeling equipment and what to expect when snorkeling. This is a great preparation class for traveling in the tropics. PADI Open Water Scuba Diving Certification Mondays, Sept. 7-28 East Pennsboro Middle School Pool 7-8 p.m.. - Classroom instruction 8-10 p.m. - Pool skills Cost: $130 resident, $140 non-resident Certification courses are taught by P.A.D.I. instructors from Harrisburg’s West Shore Scuba Center. Participant must be in good health, at least 12 years old, able to swim 200 yards. Students must supply their own mask, fins, snorkel and booties. This is considered personal gear and can be obtained at the scuba shop. All additional scuba equipment will be provided. Textbooks cost are not included in the class cost and are $80 and also obtained at the scuba shop. Open water dives and additional costs to the class fee are involved to become certified and due the date of checkout. Registration is required by calling the Recreation Department at 732-0711 one week prior to the start date of class. All questions should be directed to Harrisburg’s West Shore Scuba Center at 836-7699. You can also email the scuba shop at westshoredivers@gmail.com for more information. www.eastpennsboro.net Volleyball Pick-Up Games Through Aug. 31 Mondays, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Adams Ricci Park Volleyball Courts (Join our Facebook group for updates: http://on.fb.me/MTX59G) Country Line Dancing Township Annex Building (440 Chestnut St.) Tuesdays, 7-8 p.m. All dancing levels Sept. 15-Oct. 20 Cost: $30 resident, $35 non-resident Learn the newest line dances with some of the great classic dances. The program is designed with the beginner in mind. You will need boots or shoes that slide. Partners are not required and students must be 15 years of age or older to participate. Belly Dance Thursdays, 7-8 p.m. Township Annex Building (440 Chestnut St.) Summer Session – July 9-Aug. 20 (no class July 30) Fall Session: Sept. 10-Oct. 15 Cost: $40 resident, $45 non-resident Instructor: Tina Berrier This is a mixed level belly dance for beginners and advanced. Share a fun upbeat class and learn techniques of Egyptian dance. Bring something to tie around your hips and a floor mat or towel for warm up and cool down. Zumba Gold Tuesdays, 9:45-10:30 a.m. Township Annex Building Session I – July 14-Aug. 11 (5-week session) Cost: $30 resident, $35 non-resident Session II – Sept. 1-Oct. 6 (6-week session) Cost: $35 resident; $40 non-resident Instructor: Lisa Lynch Zumba Gold is a Latin-inspired dance fitness program designed for older adults, inactive adults and adults with some slight physical restrictions. This fun workout uses international music to energize you and put a smile on your face. Yoga at the Park Tuesday and Thursday, 7-8 p.m. July 7-30 Adams Ricci Park Citizens Pavilion Cost: $40 resident, $45 non-resident Instructor: Ashley Edmondson If inclement weather, the session will be in the pavilion using yoga blocks for strength training and support. Bring a mat or beach towel or blanket for comfort under your mat. Tai Chi Sept. 14-Dec. 7 (no class Oct. 12, Nov. 23) Mondays – 7-8 p.m. All Levels and Ages Township Annex Building (440 Chestnut St.) Instructor: Andrew Baker, Movement Arts Institute Cost: $70 resident, $75 non-resident Tai Chi is a way of moving based on how the body is built. (It is relaxing, rejuvenating, an exercise, a martial art and a moving meditation.) It helps you become stronger, healthier and better balanced. Stay with the program and you will learn several bare hand forms, sword, spear, fan, tai chi ball, and more. Class size is limited to five new registrants per session. Register early. www.eastpennsboro.net This is an all-age class, persons 25 to 55 and young seniors will enjoy the class. Older seniors might prefer the seniors program, also held at this facility at 10 a.m. on Mondays and 11 a.m. on Wednesdays. More information is at www.TC4ALL.com. Adult Wushu Fridays August 28 – Dec. 18 (no class Nov. 27) • 5:30-6:30 pm Township Annex Building Residents $150, Non-residents $155 Wushu is a term that encompasses all Chinese martial arts. This course focuses on Baji, which means “Eight Extremes.” Students will receive insight and encouragement towards better flexibility, physical conditioning and practical application. American Heart Association HeartSaver First Aid Nov. 21 8-11 a.m., Township Building Instructor: Allen Urich Cost: $70 resident, $75 non-resident Pre-registration is required This program teaches how to manage illness and injuries in the first few minutes until professional help arrives. Course content includes general principles, medical emergencies, environmental and injury prevention. American Heart Association BLS for Healthcare Providers Sept. 19 or Nov. 7 8 a.m.-1 p.m., Township Building Instructor: Allen Urich Cost: $80 resident, $85 non resident Pre-registration is required The BLS course is for individuals in the healthcare field and covers core material such as adult and pediatric CPR, foreign body airway obstruction and automated external defibrillation. The course includes a 25-question multiple choice exam. RECREATIONAL SWIM Mondays Only, 7-8:30 p.m. Starting Sept. 14 East Pennsboro Middle School Pool Cost: $3 adults, $2 students The program is open to all Township residents and no pre-registration is needed. One lane is open for adult lap swimming. Lifeguards are on duty at all times. Parental supervision must be provided for anyone under 12 years of age or NO ADMITTANCE. Senior Aerobics Tuesday and Thursdays 11:00 am -12:00 pm Township Annex Building Free to Residents of East Pennsboro Township Join us for a great cardiovascular workout with our instructor, Mary Stine. She will give you a great workout and stretch to keep your week going! 5 TRIPS Rules and policies are available online at www.eastpennsboro.net July 18 – Ellis Island/911 Memorial Museum Start the day with a visit to Liberty Park to see the Statue of Liberty, then off to historic Ellis Island. We will return to Battery Park and visit the 911 Memorial site and Museum to remember the terror attacks and the people who died at the Trade Center, Pentagon and in Shanksville, PA. (Note: the Statue of Liberty may be closed at any time by the Park Service.) The trip includes the ferry, monument pass, Ellis Island and the 911 Memorial and Museum. Cost per person: $119. Aug. 16-20 – Ocean City, MD, Beach Getaway Join us for a long weekend of fun in the sun! Enjoy five days of leisure at the Days Inn Oceanfront and Boardwalk. Trip includes transportation, four nights lodging, taxes, baggage handling and luggage tags. Cost per person: single $759, double $449, triple $375 and quad $355. Sept. 19-20 – Finger Lakes Winery Tour This can only be described as an “ultra fabulous” time in the Finger Lakes, NY. You will have brunch in the beautiful Belhurst Castle. Trip includes eight tastings and meal accommodations. Cost per person: single $351, double $278, triple $267 and quad $257 Oct. 17 – Fall Foliage Mohonk Mt. House Family owned and operated since 1869, Mohonk Mountain House is an award-winning resort near the Catskill Mountains. The fall foliage at this resort is unbelievable. The trip includes buffet lunch, chef demonstration, admission, departure reception and a departure gift. Cost per person: $167. Oct. 31 – Cobwebs & Cobblestones Story Stroll/Eastern State Penitentiary Join us on an evening stroll through historic Philadelphia’s Old City and a once upon a nation storyteller shares true stories from Philadelphia’s past. On this one-hour adventure, you will visit the Free Quaker Meeting House, Christ Church Burial Ground, Arch Street Meeting House and the Betsy Ross House and historic Christ Church. Next, we are off to the penitentiary, where our hosts do their absolute best to terrify you. Imagine being inside an 11-acre abandoned prison at night. This is the nation’s premier haunted attraction! Our goal is to make you really scared. And, yes, it’s possible that someone, or something, might be lurking in one of those empty dark cells you keep walking past. Cost per person: $139. Nov. 26 – Macy’s Day Parade – New York City For 89 years, the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade has been the kickoff for the holiday season. Millions watch this on television and in person. Get into the holiday spirit and see the parade live! Cost per person: $80. Dec. 5 – New York City – A Day on Your Own This is a day for you to enjoy New York City at your leisure. Shopping, world class museums, 35 Broadway theaters, restaurants – there is something for everyone! Cost per person: $65. Dec. 12 - Brooklyn Christmas Enjoy time on your own at the beginning of this New York City trip and then meet up with your guide to tour Brooklyn. You will stop at the famous Junior’s Restaurant for dinner, then off to Brooklyn’s famous Dyer Heights to enjoy the many over-the-top Christmas light displays. The cost per person: $149. Reserving a Pavilion Has Never Been Easier! FOR AVAILABILITY GO ONLINE AT WWW.EASTPENNSBORO.NET Pavilion Locations Adams Ricci Park, Acri Meadow Park, Ridley Park West Fairview Park, Summerdale Centennial Park All pavilions equipped with picnic tables and charcoal grills. NEW: Please follow Township Residential Recycling Rules at all parksl! Rental Fee: $35 resident, $70 non-resident $125 company/organizations • $175 non-Township company/organizations 6 www.eastpennsboro.net Community News... Concerts in the Park ADMISSION IS FREE The summer concerts are sponsored by the Township Board of Recreation and are held at Adams Ricci Park Gazebo Keystone Concert Band Sunday, July 12, 7 p.m. EPPU Soccer Club Academy The Panther Cub Academy is a skills and drills clinic for youngsters 5 to 8 years old and is conducted by the East Pennsboro Panther United Premier League coaches from the EPPU Knights. The Academy is held at Adams Ricci Park East fields. The fee is $25 a player. Register online at www.eppusoccer.com. EPPU, EPLW Soccer Clubs The EPPU and EPLW Soccer Clubs will hold a summer camp with the City Islanders for boys and girls between 5 and 14 years old. The New Cumberland Town Band camp will be held from July 27 to 31 at Adams Ricci Park. Sunday, Aug. 16, 6:30 p.m. There will be two camps to choose from: 9 a.m. to noon ($120) and 6 to 8 p.m. ($85). Participants will receive instruction on foot skills, passing, crossing, finishing and defending from City Islanders pro team players and Academy TH MORE 200 ANNIVERSARY EVENTS coaches. SCHEDULED IN WEST FAIRVIEW Register online at www.cityislanders.com/ th West Fairview is celebrating its 200 birthday this year and has campsclinics/summer-camps/ . scheduled a series of events to commemorate the historic event. On July 4, $1 hot dogs (extra with sauerkraut), cold drinks and EPPU TOURNAMENT TEAM MEMchips will be sold at the Point, starting at 7:30 p.m. A ham dinner will be held on Sept. 25 at the United Methodist BERS Church, with take-out orders ready at 4:30 p.m. The sit-down dinner is Congratulations to the following East Penn Panther United socat 5:30. cer club players for making the City Islanders Academy tournament The dinner , including dessert, is $8 for adults and $4 for children team for the 2015 season. The players are Connor Walk, Union; Colin 12 and under. It is free for children three and under. Quigley and Dominic Rissinger, Dragons; Jocelyn Stiffler, Lady Jaguars; The Grand Parade, ending the 200th celebration, is scheduled for Kilian Cunningham, Xplosion; and Patrick Algatt, Kali/the middle 2 p.m. on Oct. 11. Alice Beers, 903-7399, is the event chairperson. school team. And don’t forget the Dropping of the Nail on New Year’s Eve! Gardening With Nature Workshops District Enrolling New Students The East Pennsboro Area School District is enrolling new students for the 2015-2016 school year. Parents can go online at www.epasd.org/studentregistration for information or to begin pre-registration for your child. If you are a district resident but have moved to another residence in the Township you must update your child’s information with the school district. Contact the Student Accounting Office at 732-3601, ext. 332 to schedule an appointment or to change an address. Penn State Master Gardeners will conduct a season-long series of informal workshop sessions at Fredricksen Library in Camp Hill on creating a beautiful garden while preserving a healthy environment. The programs will be held until October. To register or learn more about the programs visit www.extension.psu.edu/plants/master-gardeners/counties/cumberland/events or call Penn State Extension at 240-6500. Class of ’70 Bash The East Pennsboro Class of 1970 will hold a Friday night bash on Friday, Sept. 18, at the Enola Sportsman Club. Call Luelyn Egan, 7325269, or Donna Ansesll Elena Egret at 834-0161 for more information Summer Baseball Camp (Ages 7-12) or e-mail rosze7421@aol.com. All proceeds will be donated to the The East Pennsboro High School baseball team will hold its sum- Historical Society of East Pennsboro. mer baseball camp from 9 a.m. to noon July 20-22 at Adams Ricci Park. Rain dates are July 23 and 24. The early entree fee is $50, if received by July 4. The fee after July Meals on Wheels Seeks Aid 4 will be $75. Each camper will get a free t-shirt. Meals on Wheels delivers meals once or twice a month, to vol The camp instructors will be the high school unteer to deliver the meals, call Terry Magaro at 350-6285. To order coaching staff and team players. More informeals, call Karen Stine at 697-5011. mation is available by calling 712 Homemade hot and cold meals are delivered Monday, Wednes4453 or 585-8523. day and Friday between 11:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. The cost is $7. www.eastpennsboro.net 7 FIRE DEPARTMENT NEWS FIRE POLICE VOLUNTEERS NEEDED The Township Fire Police continues to look for volunteers who can help the Township a few hours a week. Fire Police volunteers must be at least 18 years old and have a clean police record. They will be required to complete a training program. Special Fire Police have full power to regulate traffic and keep crowds under control at or in the vicinity of any fire, roadway incident, motor vehicle accident, disaster or public event to prevent any interference with firefighters and emergency responders. A person failing to obey a Special Police Officer is committing a summary offense and can be subject to a fine and the suspension of driving privileges. For more information contact Capt. Brian Fenerty at eptsfp@gmail.com. VOLUNTEERS All Fire Companies are in need of volunteers to assist in many functions including fundraising, fire fighting and water rescues. For more information or to get an application stop by any of the fire houses. Enola Fire Company - Station 3 (118 Chester Road, Enola) The West Enola and Midway Fire Companies have merged and are officially now Enola Fire Company #3. The address for the new company is 118 Chester Road. Upcoming events: • July 11 – Chicken BBQ, 10 a.m. until sold out, Adams Ricci Park • Aug. 8 – Chicken BBQ, 10 a.m. until sold out, Adams Ricci Park • Sept. 12 – Chicken BBQ, 10 a.m. until sold out, Adams Ricci Park Looking to rent a hall? Enola Fire Company offers two social hall options. One facility has a seating capacity of 250, the other seats up to 100. Both facilities have a kitchen and are smoke-free. For more information call 732-1919. Bingo is held every Monday night at Station 1. Doors open at 5 p.m. Bingo begins at 6. For up-to-date information on the Company and its activities, go online at www.efc17.com or check out Facebook at Enola Fire Company #3. The Company would like to thank residents and patrons for their continued support! Creekside Fire Company - Station 21 party events. We can provide catering. Call 732-0121 and leave a message or drop us a line at catering@creeksidefire.com. Northeast Fire & Rescue Company - Station 20 (202 3rd St., Summerdale) Upcoming Events: • An Open House will be held at 2 p.m. on Aug. 15 at the newly remodeled Station 1 (formerly Citizen’s Fire Company) at 230 N. Enola Dr. At the same time, the Special Fire Police will hold an apparatus housing for the new Fire Police traffic vehicle. For more information, visit www.nefr20.com or www.epfirepolice.com/. • The annual Open House and chicken BBQ will be held Saturday, Oct. 3 at Station 2, 202 Third St., Summerdale. Chicken will be available from 10 a.m. until it is sold out. More information is at www. nefr20.com. • The company hosts a weekly bingo every Friday at Station 2. Doors and kitchen open at 5 p.m.; bingo begins at 6:30 p.m. Small games of chance are also available for purchase. For more information, visit our website, www.nefr20.com. The Company would like to thank residents for their continued support. Please know that we conduct our fund drive in house and do not sell, share, rent, or distribute our mailing list of addresses. (13 W. Dulles Dr., Camp Hill) Goodwill Fire Company - Station 16 Meat Raffle – We will resume our monthly meat raffle in September. The raffle will be held on the fourth Friday of each month, with a free (1400 3rd St., West Fairview) Social Hall rentals are available by calling Bertie Stewart at 732meal and drink provided for all players. Check our website, www. 1263 or the firehouse at 732-1854. creeksidefire.com, for specific menus. Doors open at 6 p.m. and the raffle begins at 7. Normal rounds are $1, two special rounds are $2 (bigger prizes). Raffle tickets to our butcher and game-of-chance will Your Assistance is Needed! also be available. The Township continues to update contact information for propSmoke Detectors are one of the best things you can have to protect erty owners and tenants who wish to be included in our emergency your home. If your family or someone you know notification system. needs a smoke detector, let us know and we can Officials can generate precise alert lists and use the Rapid Reprovide them free of charge, on a first-come, sponse system to send an automated phone, email or text message first-served basis. Leave us a message at 732to Township residents, employers, and business owners during snow 0121 or e-mail us your request at creekemergencies, police events, streets closures, floods or fires, or when sidevfc@gmail.com. unexpected delays occur in the normal trash/recycle pick up schedule. Hall Rental Available — Don’t forget to Be aware that the system cannot be used to contact your relatives or neighbors in case of your personal health emergencies; consider book us for your next party. Our social providing those numbers to a trusted friend. All information will be hall is smoke-free and available for all confidential and will be used only for notifications sent by the East Pennsboro Township officials. 8 www.eastpennsboro.net Yard Waste Guidelines East Pennsboro Branch Library 98 S. Enola Drive, Enola • 732-4274 EVENTS & PROGRAMS JULY • • • • • • • Drop-In Story Times, Wednesdays, 11 a.m. Pop-in Family Movie Time, Thursdays, 1 p.m. Summer Reading Program, Tuesdays, 1:30-2:30 p.m. Chix with Stix, July 13, 6-8 p.m. Free Blood Pressure Screening, July 14 and 28, 10 a.m.-noon Mobile Device Basics, July 14, 5:30 p.m. Potboilers and Blockbusters, July 16, 6 p.m. AUGUST • • • • • • • Drop-in Weekly Wednesday Story Times, 11 a.m. Pop-In Family Movie Time, Thursdays, 1 p.m. Summer Reading Program Finale, Aug. 4, noon-2 p.m. Chix with Stix, Aug. 10, 6-8 p.m. Free Blood Pressure Screening, Aug. 11 and 25, 10 a.m.-noon Mobile Device Basics, Aug. 11, 5:30 p.m. Potboilers and Blockbusters, Aug. 20, 6 p.m. Penn Waste, the Township’s trash/recyclables collector, will collect yard waste through October. The Township Yard Waste Facility on South Humer Street is open from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Friday, and from 7 to 10 a.m. the third Saturday, through October for residential drop-off items. It is closed November to March. Residents must show a valid driver’s license for proof of Township residency. The facility is for yard waste only. Please go to the County’s website, www.ccpa.net for disposal of household hazardous waste. Yard waste includes tree trimmings, shrubbery and any other organic landscape vegetation, except grass clippings and tree stumps. Fruits and vegetables and dirt and stones will also not be collected. The yard waste should be placed in a biodegradable brown paper bag or be tied with twine in easy-to-handle bundles. Bundles may be no longer than four feet and not weigh more than 30 pounds each. Branches may not exceed six inches in diameter. An unlimited number of bags or bundles may be placed at the curb before 6 a.m. on the scheduled pick-up day. For more information, call Penn Waste at 1-866-575-8720, or email it at www.pennwaste.com. SEPTEMBER Township Web Address: www.eastpennsboro.net • Drop-in Weekly Wednesday Story Times, 11 a.m. • Pop-In Mommy and Me MovieTime, Thursdays, 11 a.m. • Autumn Story Time with Mrs. B, Tuesdays (through October), Pre-Schoolers, 10 a.m., Toddlers, 11 a.m. • Free Blood Pressure Screening, Sept. 8 and 22, 10 a.m. to noon • Chix with Stix, Sept. 14, 6-8 p.m. • Mobile Device Basics, Sept. 8, 5:30 p.m. • Potboilers and Blockbusters, Sept. 17, 6 p.m. • Memoir Writing Workshop, Sept. 22 and 29, 6:30 p.m. The Township has upgraded its web site, with a whole array of Township features. The site posts agendas and minutes of meetings, an application and permit section where residents can download forms for housing and community development, employment applications, recreation registrations, an events calendar and tax forms. Township officials said the aim is to make the site easy to use for all residents. BI G, BAG SA L E! Stop by the Friends of East Pennsboro Library book space, located on the ground floor of the Municipal Building, and see Ed for the Friend’s BIG BAG SALE, which will be held Thursday and Friday, Aug. 20 and 21. Fill one of our bags full of books for only $5. NATIONAL NIGHT OUT Be sure to look for the Friends of the East Pennsboro Library and library staff at the 2nd Annual National Night Out, which is scheduled from 6 to 9 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 4 at Adams Ricci Park. Lots of fun for everyone! BOOK DONATIONS Gently used book donations are welcome Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., and may be placed in the shopping cart in Room 101. All proceeds from the sale of donated books help support the East Pennsboro Branch Library. Would you like to join the Friends? Stop by the Branch Library and pick up a brochure. Dues are only $5. Help support the library. All proceeds benefit the East Pennsboro Branch Library. www.eastpennsboro.net 9 Discount Amusement Park Tickets The Recreation Department sells discount amusement park tickets to the following parks. Please call the Recreation Office or check pricing at www.eastpennsboro.net. Adventure Aquarium, Baltimore Aquarium, Busch Gardens/ Water Country, Cedar Point, Clementon Park, Crayola Factory Experience, Delgrosso’s, Dorney Park, Dutch Wonderland, Hershey Park (Regular & Special Days), Idlewild, Kennywood, Knobel’s, Maryland Zoo, Morey’s Piers, Pittsburgh Zoo, PA Renaissance Faire, Sandcastle Park, Six Flags (MD & NJ), Splash Zone, Waldameer Park. Check, cash or credit card payment accepted. All sales are final. West Nile Virus Mosquito Control Beginning this spring, Cumberland County Vector Control inspectors will map stormwater inlets and facilities to look for areas with pooling and stagnant water in an effort to minimize the threat of the West Nile Virus. Once “hot spots” are found, a second team will place a charcoal-like substance at each location to disrupt the mosquito growth cycle. The prevention program is the result of a grant received by the State Department of Environmental Control to find and eliminate mosquito populations throughout the state. More information is available at www.ccpa.net/westnile or by calling Vector Control at 240-6539. House Numbers Must Be Visible East Pennsboro’s police, fire and ambulance services say they are concerned that house address numbers are not readily visible on a large number of the more than 8,000 homes in the Township. The lack of visible numbers, officials said, can cause delays during an emergency response. They ask that residents attach large numbers to the house. Numbers painted on curbs can be obscured. 1st Bocce Tournament Winners Announced Ron Blauch’s idea to start a Bocce Ball Tournament in the Township was realized on May 30 when the first such tournament was held at the new bocce ball courts in Adams Ricci Park. Blauch, a board member of FOR EP Parks, organized the tournament and reported it made a profit of $120, which was donated to FOR. Winners of the tournament were Guido Eramo, Diane Pierson, first place Raymond Pierson, Gary Collier, second place Julie Browell, Diane Collier, third place Residents can play on the bocce ball courts every Friday at 9 a.m., weather permitting, FOR EP Parks said. Names left to right: Julie Browell, Diane Collier, Raymon Pierson, Gary Collier, Ron Blauch, Guido Eramo and Diane Pierson. 10 Benefits For EP Parks www.eastpennsboro.net SCHANER ADULT CENTER Located in East Pennsboro Municipal Building • Ground Floor Hours of Operation: 8 – 3 p.m. Monday – Friday Nutritious, Hot Meal served daily at 11:30 a.m. Phone Number: 732-3915 Residents 60 years old and over are invited to visit the center and see what we have to offer The Schaner Adult Center is pleased to announce that it is participating in the “Adopt a Park Flower Garden” program, in conjunction with the Township’s Parks and Recreation Department. The Center participants are enthusiastic about volunteering, maintaining and beautifying two areas at Adams Ricci Park. Center volunteers have planned the plantings, shopped for the particular plants and spent a sunny breezy afternoon planting and mulching. As a Center, we are quite pleased with the results of our efforts. We are excited to continue caring for these areas throughout the next year and look forward to enhancing the beauty of our community park. The Center’s walking group especially enjoys its walks at the park, and we feel it is an honor to help maintain this great facility. Once again, the State Department of Agriculture is conducting the Senior Farmers Market Nutrition program. Seniors have until Nov. 30 to redeem FMNP vouchers. The last day vouchers will be issued will be Sept. 30. Seniors who are 60 years old and over and meet the income requirements are eligible for the program. Income includes interest, Social Security, wages, etc. The program does not include seniors who are in nursing homes or residential facilities where meals are provided. The 2015 household income eligibility is one person, $21,775; two people, $29,471; three people, $37,167; and four people, $44,863. Each senior may receive four $5 vouchers for a total benefit of $20 one time during the program year. The Schaner Center will distribute vouchers from 9 to 11:30 a.m. on Fridays. Please bring a photo ID/proof of residence and Social Security card. Recycling…Calling All Cartons! Penn Waste, the Township’s waste and recycling carrier, is now collecting food cartons as part of its recycling program. Milk, orange juice, soup and broth and egg substitute cartons and juice boxes are now recyclable. Please remove caps and straws and rinse out the containers, if possible, before placing in the recycling bin. For more information on recycling go to pennwaste.com or call 767-4456. Keep Ground Water From Entering Sewer Lines Township officials are reminding residents that Township regulations prohibit the discharge of any roof, ground or surface water into any sanitary sewer, directly or indirectly. The regulations also prohibit the connection of a pipe into a sewer line carrying excessively hot water, which may be detrimental to a sewer or to operation of the sewer system. When a basement floor drain is connected to the sanitary sewer system, there is a potential for a backup of raw sewage into the home if sewer lines become clogged. Any such connection of a drain to the sewer system violates regulations and must be disconnected. Water from sump pumps or rain gutters that goes into the sewer system causes increased flows to the wastewater treatment plant, especially during heavy storms. The water must be chemically treated, the same as raw sewage, resulting in an increase in the amount of chemicals used and ultimately an increase in cost. If you have questions, please call the Township engineer or the staff at the wastewater treatment plant, 732-3621 WHAT NOT TO FLUSH! Township officials are reminding residents that many materials flushed or poured down a drain can harm the pipes that connect to the sewer system and cause sewer backups in your home and sewer releases to the environment. Basically, the only thing you should ever flush down a toilet is human waste and toilet paper. Keep the following out of the toilet: disposable diapers, tampons and tampon applicators, sanitary napkins, cotton balls and swabs, mini or maxi pads, condoms, cleaning wipes of any kinds, facial tissue, bandages and bandage wrappings, automotive fluids, paint, solvents, sealants and thinners and poisons and hazardous waste. Do not flush medications down the toilet. Take the medications to an approved prescription drug take-back site or event. Never pour grease in your sink drain and try to reduce the use of your garbage disposal. Grease in sewer pipes causes maintenance problems for property owners and the Township. ADOPT A GARDEN! Members of the Schaner Adult Center complete their Adopt a Flower Garden planting at Adams Ricci Park, as part of the Recreation Department’s new program to help beautify the park. The park has about 20 flower gardens, more than half of which have been “adopted” by various groups. Persons or groups interesting in adopting a garden can call the Recreation Department. The Department praised the current participating groups for their dedication to the park project. The groups are, besides the Schaner Adult Center, Girl Scout Troop 10628, Boy Scout Troop 51 and River of God youth group. The gardens are overseen by volunteer Stewards of the Park. www.eastpennsboro.net 11 12 www.eastpennsboro.net American Legion Post 751 295 West Shady Lane, Enola Welcomes the Public To FIRST RESPONDERS WEEKEND September 11th, 12th & 13th Friday, Sept. 11th - 5 to 10 pm Cookout & Live Band Saturday, Sept. 12th - 10 am to 10 pm Kids games, refreshments Cookout & music/entertainment Sunday, Sept. 13th - 10 am to 5 pm Cookout and music/entertainment Food prepared by the Sons of the American Legion All First Responders Eat FREE ALL PROCEEDS GO TO EAST PENNSBORO EMERGENCY RESPONSE DEPARTMENTS www.eastpennsboro.net 13 no church politics no church politics Friends | Family | Faith Friends | Family | Faith gather with us 10am sundays GHAR building 424 north enola drive, enola, pa 17025 eastpennbelievers.org 717.683.7275 lead pastor: keith hartlaub Selling Houses & Creating Homes casual atmosphere great music practical messages no church politics casual atmosphere 123 N. Enola Drive, Suitegreat 2, Enola, musicPA 17025 717-763-7991 practical messages JohnHWalak@gmail.com • www.johnhwalakrealestate.com no church politics Over 30 years of real estate experience in Central PA Family owned and operated |forFamily 3 generations Friends | Faith we live here, we work here, we treat our clients like family Friends | Family | Faith gather with us 10am sundays GHAR building 424 north enola drive, enola, pa 17025 eastpennbelievers.org 717.683.7275 lead pastor: keith hartlaub gather with us 10am sundays GHAR building 424 north enola drive, enola, pa 17025 eastpennbelievers.org 717.683.7275 lead pastor: keith hartlaub gather with us 10am sundays GHAR building 424 north enola drive, enola, pa 17025 eastpennbelievers.org 717.683.7275 lead pastor: keith hartlaub casual atmosphere great music practical messages no church politics Friends | Family | Faith casual atmosphere great music practical messages no church politics CPC East Penn newsletter ad v2.indd 1 gather with us 10am sundays GHAR building 424 north enola drive, enola, pa 17025 eastpennbelievers.org 717.683.7275 lead pastor: keith hartlaub 315 N. ENOLA RD (RTS 11/15) eastpennbelievers.org 732-3365 Friends | Family | Faith gather with us 10am sundays GHAR building 424 north enola drive, enola, pa 17025 gather with us 10am sundays Attended laundromat with free GHAR building change machine & WiFi for customers! casual atmosphere great music practical messages no church politics George N. Toyas eastpennbelievers.org 717.683.7275 lead pastor: keith hartlaub 11:01 AM enola, pa 17025 casual atmosphere great music GNT ELECTRICAL INC. practical messages Fully Insured “Quality Workmanship Performed at It’s Best” no church politics 717-602-7280 Late & Sunday Hours • Drive-Thru 12/3/14 On-Site Tailor •| 10% Prepay| Discount Friends Family Faith FREE Starbucks Coffee 717.683.7275 424 north enola drive, FREE & DELIVERY SERVICE lead pastor: keith PICKUP hartlaub Interior & Exterior Lighting 150 amp - 200 amp Service PA 084726 SM Friends | Family | Faith eastpennbelievers.org 717.683.7275 lead pastor: keith hartlaub gather with us 10am sundays GHAR building 424 north enola drive, enola, pa 17025 Cindi Ward REALTOR® cward@Homesale.com Homesale Realty Adult Ballet Office 717-761-7900 Cell 717-903-5068 3435 Market St., Camp Hill, PA 17011 www.homesale.com “I’m never too busy for your referrals” Rev. Dr. Charles D. Hiller, Pastor Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors The People of the United Methodist Church 717-732-6280 Summerdale Plaza 409 N. Enola Rd. Check out our website for our Daily Food & Beer Specials! www.alspizzaenola.com David Edmiston, DVM 90 E. Shady Lane • Enola, PA 17025 14 Our bar is still new & improving. We are here to serve you and make an enjoyably environment for you & your family! We have OVER 300 varieties of beer, 43 draft beers, & much more! www.eastpennsboro.net (Jan. , Feb., March ad) Enola First Church of God LAW OFFICES OF COYNE & COYNE, P.C. Attorneysand andCounselors Counselors at Law Attorneys at Law 3901 Market Street 8:00 am Worship Service 9:00 am Sunday School Classes for all ages 10:15 am Adult and Youth Worship Services Y Kids’ Worship 2-6th grade I ou’ Nursery Service is provided at 9:00 am and 10:15am Wednesday Services (Sept. - May) nvi re ted 7:00 pm Faith Weaver Friends for Children (ages 2-6th grade) Youth i.P.a.d. (interaction, Prayer, acceptance and devotion) Adult Bible Studies and Small Groups Hill, PA 17011 3901 MarketCamp Street, Camp Hill, PA 17011 (717) 737-0464 737-0464 (717) www.coyneandcoyne.com www.coyneandcoyne.com Henry F. Coyne, Esquire Henry F. Coyne, Esquire LisaEsquire Marie Coyne, Esquire Lisa Marie•Coyne, Serving the Residents, Fire Fighters, Ambulance Company, and Businesses of ServingEast thePennsboro Residents, Fire Fighters, since 1968. Ambulance Company, and Businesses of East Pennsboro since 1968. 9 Sherwood Drive Enola, PA 17025 (717) 732-4253 www.enolacog.com MJF MARTIN FLANNERY & ASSOCIATES Martin J. Flannery Accountant In our 34th year of serving businesses and Individuals in Central Pennsylvania 424 N. Enola Dr., Ste. 2 • Enola, PA New Location - across from EP football field Accounting • Payroll Services • Check Writing Small Business Consulting • Income Tax Planning & Preparation (717) 732-2331 FAX (717) 732-3943 E-Mail mjf@mjflannery.com 430 North Enola Drive Enola, PA 17025 W.E.B. CONTRACTING, INC. Late & Sunday hours • Drive-Thru Park Avenue On-Site TailorVillas • 10% Prepay Discount 315 N. Enola Rd FREE Starbucks Coffee & Newspapers (Rts. 11&15) Customer Program 732-3365 Distinguished Duplex HomesRewards with First Floor Master Suites in the Village of Summerdale. Newly Remodeled Laundromat with FREE Change Machine New Home Design & Construction General Contracting Services including: Remodeling, Restorations and Additions Only 12 Homesites Available! Tour the model home today! Adult Ballet Backhoe and Skid Loader Excavation Water/Sewer Lines & Underground Utilities Free Estimates Fully Insured William E. Brougher, Sr. W.E.B. Contracting, Inc. 717-732-4665 SummerdaleDance.com www.alphacei.com t, Tap, & Jazz A new local dentist is now in your neighborhood! Sarah Lorei, D.M.D. 2220 Millennium Way • Enola, PA 17025 (717) 614-1942 Acce Most In pting suran Plans ce Hairstyling Salon Affordable hairstyling for all ages Trendy or Barber cuts Monday- Saturday Call for appointment or walk-in availability 732-2174 70 East Shady Lane, Enola Real. Authentic. Imperfect rotceriD 717.510.6989 mwdentalstudio.com Sheri Kulp Brougher RE/MAX Realty Professionals 717-443-9101 or 717-652-4700 The New You Ballet, Pointe, Tap, Jazz, Modern, Contemporary, & Hip Hop Ages 2 - Adult special coupons ...Ft, classicdrycleaner.com Features 2,140 at Sq. Walk-Out Basements, Garage, and SO MUCH MORE! ,wolliB .A oiraM rosivrepuS 0045-237 )717( :xaF moc.loa@DFoiraM :liamE moc.secivreslarenufnavillus.www ,navilluS .C nhoJ .rD alonE .N 15 52071 AP ,alonE 0045-237 )717( CHRIS’S SHURFINE MARKET Shurfine Market Coupon www.eastpennsboro.net Shurfine Market - $2.00 off www.thenarrowroadchurch.com 15 East Pennsboro Township 717-732-0711 98 S. Enola Drive Enola, PA 17025-2796 www.eastpennsboro.net PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE P A I D Permit No. 762 Harrisburg, PA Printed on Recycled Paper ECRWSS POSTAL CUSTOMER Farmers Market Is Open At Adams Ricci Park The Adams Ricci Farmers Market will run from 3 to 7 p.m. every Thursday through Oct. 22, providing access to fresh, local food choices. The market, held at Adams Ricci Park East, has a mission of providing access to fresh local food choices and to support local farmers. It also helps improve health and nutrition education, serves as a community gathering place and furthers the economic development of the Township. In addition to featuring meat, cheese, dairy, fruit, vegetables, bread and other items, the market has cooking demonstrations, provides recipe cards and holds collaborative educational events with other local non-profits. Non-profits are encouraged to contact the market if they are interested in participating in a market date or event. Individuals interested in volunteering at the market, go to www.adamsriccimarket.org or e-mail adamsriccifarmersmarket@gmail.com. HALLOWEEN PARADE ON OCT. 28 The annual Township Halloween Parade will be held at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 28, starting at the East Pennsboro High School front parking lot and ending at the Township Building. Call the Recreation Department at 732-0711 and pre-register by Oct. 23. The parade is free, so get your costume and join the fun. TRICK OR TREAT OCT. 29 The Township’s annual trick-or-treat night will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 29. Tanbark Still Available to Residents Township residents can still order tanbark, as long as supplies last. The supply of compost has been depleted. Residents can order the tanbark by completing an order form/release agreement and making a payment of $60 at the Township Municipal Building before delivery. The order form and release agreement are available online at www.eastpennsboro.net. Orders will be accepted Monday through Thursday of each week, with a Friday delivery. If the Friday falls on a holiday, delivery will be on Thursday of that week. Delivery will be scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis, with a total of a 10 orders per week. The tanbark will only be placed on the driveway of the property. Because of liability concerns, the Township no longer loads tanbark at the yard waste facility for residents. Tanbark is still available free of charge for self loading. www.eastpennsboro.net
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