Finding Geopathic Stress lines


Finding Geopathic Stress lines
Geopathic Stress
Line LOCATIO pack
Produced by
Geopathic Care, Limerick, Ireland
Topics Covered
Basic Divining
Finding Geopathic Stress lines
Testing your work
Coonnddiittiioonnss ooff U
The Geopathic Stress Line LOCATION pack is for your guidance only and does not include any guarantee of how
effective the user will be. Full conditions of purchase of this pack can be viewed on the web site where this pack was
purchased at This document is for your personal use only and you agree not to copy,
share or make public any of the content herein, or to use part or whole of this document for any other purposes.
Geopathic Care ©
About Self Help
This booklet is designed to help you to identify if there are Geopathic Stress Lines running
through your home, place of work, or farm buildings. Many people have an ability to sense
Geopathic Stress lines and with a little practice should be able to succeed.
But we need to be cautions
Not everyone can locate Geopathic Stress lines and we do not want you to think that you
do not have any problems with Geopathic Stress when in fact you are living on one or
perhaps a few.
A note on Divining and Dowsing
Both of these terms can be used for the process that we are describing for the location of
Geopathic Stress lines. A Diviner uses more intuition and has the ability to pick up memory
imprint, where as a Dowser traditionally operates on a less intellectual level. It is a little like
the difference between a Chief and a Cook. My experience is that more people relate to
the word Diviner than the word Dowser, so I am going to refer to this skill as Divining in this
How to make a simple Divining rod
I make my dowsing rods from Copper or Brass, but you can make a simple home dowsing
rod from a wire hanger. Simply cut a section
of hanger
roughly 18 inches (46cm) and bend a 90
degree angle with the shorter end around 5
inches (13cm) long. There is no need to be
too concerned if the rods are a little longer or
shorter. The images give you a sense of
You need to make TWO rods.
How to Divine
How it works
Divining is a skill that our ancestors have practiced over thousands of years. What you are
doing is giving your body a means to let you know what your subconscious knows.
We only use a small portion of our brains, but we have a lot of information locked away
from memories, feelings and other senses. What we are interested in is your body’s ability
to recognize the earths natural electromagnetic fields (Geopathic Stress lines).
Like most animals, we can also sense changes in the earth’s electromagnetic field and as
it changes from a normal frequency of around 7.8Htz frequencies above c.20Hz our body
can sense it. We communicate this through a dowsing rod, and when you become
experienced you will be able to find them easily.
Divining also relies on your intuition and is used by many people for healing and other
purposes. This is a fantastic skill to have, but is not always accurate. For the purposes of
identifying Geopathic Stress, we are relying on your ability to sense a physical
electromagnetic field and with a little practice the results are very accurate.
Holding your rods
We are going to use a divining method using two
divining rods. Hold the rods in your hands as in the
diagram. They need to be held so as you can feel the
rod in your hand, but lightly enough so as it can move
I normally hold them a little more tightly with my little
finger for stability as in the second image
Hold the rods parallel each other and to the
ground so as they can move freely from right to left. The grip
from your hand should be enough to prevent them from
Preparing to Divine
You need to clear your mind and allow it to concentrate on what you are doing. Pause for a
few seconds and focus. Anyone that has taken a penalty shot, or prepared for a high jump
will be familiar with this. I have found that two deep breaths into your stomach while
focusing on your breathing, works well. This is called ‘centering’ yourself
Then think about what you want to achieve i.e. find a geopathic line. And walk over the
area of ground that you want to check. When you cross a Geopathic Stress line the rods
will cross. For some people they will point in opposite
directions or make other movements that are equally as
Making the rods cross in the conventional ‘yes’ signal and
you can train the rods to cross. Find a Geopathic Stress
Line, then go over it a second time and think of what you
want a ‘yes’ signal to be(crossing rods), and slightly force it.
You may need to do this a few times to train the ‘yes’ signal.
Take a break for a few minutes, then try again and see if they cross naturally. You may
need to go through this process a few times. If you cannot train them to cross, but you are
picking up the signal by another movement that no less valid a result.
N.B. you need to be relaxed and able to concentrate. If you are distracted or highly
stresses you are less likely to be successful
Testing your Divining ability
We have added this section so as you can test you ability. This will allow you to divine with
confidence, and also allow you to identify if you have a little practicing to do before you
check your home.
For this all you need is a TV. It must be a conventional TV with a tube (and not a flat
screen) The tubes give out a lot of electromagnetic radiation and we are going to practice
on this. Importantly, you need to be about 20 foot (6 meters) away from any other TV so as
you are not picking up mixed signals.
1. Turn on the TV
2. Stand about 20 feet away from the TV and centre
3. Think about finding the electromagnetic field around the
4. Walk towards the TV
5. You should find it about 4 to 6 feet out
6. Now turn off the TV and repeat the process. There should be no magnetic field
If this works for you; Well done. You have just completed your first dowsing challenge.
Try it a few times to build up your confidence, and remember to centre yourself and think
about what you are looking for.
If it ‘sort of’ works for you; you need to practice a little more to make your body more
sensitive to your dowsing rods. Practice for no more than 20 minutes per day, in a place
that is as peaceful as possible, and at a time when you are feeling relaxed. Do this for
three or four days and you should get results
If it does not work; You need a calm environment and a clear mind. Work on your
breathing and concentration as in the section above. There is however a proportion of
people who will have difficulty dowsing. Just as some people cannot write with their left
hand, and others cannot see well without glasses, some will find dowsing a challenge. We
all have different degrees of ability and some people are simply not naturally strong with
diving rods.
Divining for Geopathic Stress Lines
You need to dowse in small sections typically not more than the area of an average house.
If you are doing a greater area like a farm yard or stable block, break it into smaller
sections. You must complete a ring around the area with
no gaps, or as few gaps as possible.
1. Centre yourself and think about looking for
Geopathic Stress lines
2. Walk a path around the building typically 5 to 20
foot (4 to 6 meters) outside the building. If you need
to move in or out around obstacles that is OK. We
simply want to walk a ring around the building to
see if we can find
any Geopathic
Stress lines.
3. If you cannot get access outside the building or
outside parts of the building, continuer the ring
inside. You need to go right around the area in
4. If you find a line the rods will swing or will cross.
Mark the point. Continue around the building to
find the other side there will always be another
matching entry/exit point.
5. It is good practice to do a second walk around your building to make sure that you
have picked up all lines
Test your results
If you have identified a line test this by looking for the line at a mid point. Is it where you
think it should be? This is important as it confirms your result
Multiple lines.
If there are a number of points you need to find out which connect to which. This is very
important, as you DO NOT want lines going through where you or your family sleeps. This
requires a more advanced skill.
Repeat the dowsing process over the lines and in your
mind ask which direction the line is are going in. The rods
will point in the direction of the flow of the line (the
direction of the underground river that is causing the
Geopathic Stress line). This will allow you to connect up
the lines and see where the lines are.
Check the mid points of the lines within your building to
make sure that the lines are where you expect them to be.
If you are not confident with this you may need to call a professional
Changes to your environment
If there is building work, or any other heavy maintenance like erecting a fence or paddock
has been carried out, you should check again. This is a simple process and will take far
less time the next time around.
Dowsing is a tiring thing to do, you should not do it for more than 20 minutes per day.
When you get tired your body will get less focused and the results will be less accurate. If
you need to come back to it the next day that is OK. The important thing is to be accurate.
Animals such as dogs, horses, sheep, pigs, and cattle are also effected by Geopathic
Stress lines and you need to follow this process around their pens or sheds. If they are
forced to bed in an effected area they will be more unsettled and just like us, are more
likely to be unhealthy.
Your results
If you have not found no Geopathic Stress lines that is a great result
Note; it is important to confirm that you have done the ‘testing you dowsing ability’ test
above. You need to be sure that you have found any lines that are there
If you have found Geopathic lines, particularly lines that are passing through areas
where people or animals sleep, you need to take action. There are two options;
Consult a professional in your area and have the lines removed.
If you found Divining came naturally, you could consider the ‘ultimate Geopathic
Stress REMOVAL pack’ and remove your Geopathic Stress yourself. This pack
includes detailed instructions on three methods that professionals use to removing
Geopathic Stress lines, and comes with solid Copper Divining rods, brass earthing
staples and copper coils. This is a great pack for the enthusiast.
Our Top Tips
Obstacles in the way; if you are checking around the
outside of a building and you come across obstacles,
take an curved route around them rather that taking
90 degree angles. That way you are less likely to
miss out on anything.
Pace; most beginners walk very slowly and take time to get the work done. There is
no need to edge along, walk at a slow walking pace and then retrace your steps if
you suspect that you felt something. If you spend too long working on this you will
become less accurate after about 20 minutes.
Confusing signals; sometimes you will get confusing
signals and pick up geopathic stress at many points.
This is often because there are a number of lines
around the same location. Move out about 5 meters
and divine in a circle around this point. This will help
you to find other points and to figure out where the
lines are.
Spending too much time; around 20 minutes is your
max. After this amount of time stop and start again
later or the next day.
Wide lines; Geopathic Stress lines can be any size, it depends on the flow of the
underground river beneath you. The norm is that they are around 2 to 15 foot, and
you need to bare this in mind at all times. While most lines are only a few feet wide,
you need to make sure that you are not mistaking the edge of a line for the full line.
Make sure that you have got both sides.
Keeping Geopathic Stress in context; There is no need to become over conscious
about Geopathic Stress lines. Just as we understand that too much direct sunlight is
not good for us, that exposure to car fumes is not good for us, and that exposure to
too much stress is bad for our health, these are part of the world that we live in and
we need to accept a certain amount. Similarly, Geopathic Stress lines are not
always harmful.
We need to be concerned about sleeping on Geopathic Stress lines, but other than
that, there is little evidence of a significant problem. Once you have checked and
cleared your home, there is no need to be anxious about Geopathic Stress.
Thank you for using this Geopathic Stress LOCATIONL pack. I hope that you found it
both informative and useful. If you have followed the instruction precisely, you will have
identified any Geopathic Stress lines in your home.
You are now in a position to take any action required to protect your home.
It would also be great if you could tell others of the importance of taking this simple action
to identify Geopathic Stress. And for those that you care about, Self-Help packs from
Geopathic Care make a great Gift or House Warming present.
If you have any comments on how we can improve this pack I would appreciate if you
could e-mail me on with your comments.
Wishing you and your family a stress free life.
Paul Griffin
Geopathic Care
T 087 7787606,