March Hope Light 2016 - Hope Lutheran Church


March Hope Light 2016 - Hope Lutheran Church
March 1, 2016
Volume 56, Issue 1
A Stephen Ministry Congregation
March 27, 2016
Worship at 8:00, 9:30 & 11:15 am
Holy Communion and Special Music at All Services
Maundy Thursday
Good Friday
Services at Noon & 7:00 pm
Service at 7:00 pm
March 24
Absolution, Holy Communion
March 25
Tenebrae Service of the Word
Easter Vigil Service
March 26, 2016
Saturday Service at 5:30 pm
Salvation Scriptures & Remembrance of Baptism
During this season of Lent, I would love to see
Hope Lutheran Church catch the Spirit’s flame,
setting the church on fire with hospitality.
After worship, I invite you to to:
3 - Take 3 minutes
2 - To find 2 unique things
1 - About 1 new person
The new person doesn’t need to be “new” to Hope, just somebody new to you! My hope is that taking
this short amount of time will make everyone feel welcome here and a part of the body of Christ. We
may need to step out of our comfort zones as Lutherans for a moment, but you just may find a lifelong
friendship in the process.
+ Pastor Derek
With your help, ELCA World Hunger has worked on hunger issues for more than 40 years, and together, we
have made an incredible worldwide impact. However, the rate of global progress against hunger is slowing in
many of the world’s poorest communities. And here in the United States, many Americans have been forced
to choose between paying for food and other basic necessities. We must not lose ground. There is more work
to do here at home and around the world.
This Lenten Season, we have the opportunity to reverse this trend. ELCA World Hunger’s 40 Days of Giving
is our time to give more – spiritually, intellectually and financially – as we live out God’s call to love and serve
our neighbors. With a goal of $2 million by Easter Sunday, March 27, this initiative will enable crucial work to
get underway and kick-start ELCA World Hunger’s year-of-emphasis as part of Always Being Made New:
The Campaign for the ELCA.
Hope Lutheran Church has pledged to join in this churchwide effort. Throughout the season of Lent, our
goal is to raise $10,000 to support the work of ELCA World Hunger. It might be ambitious, but with God
all things are possible!
Always Being Made New: The Campaign for the ELCA is the first-ever comprehensive campaign for our
church. Through the campaign, we will help our church grow our communities of faith, form new leaders,
welcome our neighbors, overcome malaria, confront hunger and poverty, accompany our global companion
churches and so much more.
Lenten Services
Join us on Wednesdays for our Lenten
services at Noon and 7:00 pm
Take 2 Tablets Weekly…
During the season of Lent, we will take 2 tablets weekly to improve our spiritual health! Wednesday, March 2, we will be
doing Commandments 4 & 5. We will explore the 10 Commandments each Wednesday of Lent
March 2, Commandments 4 & 5
March 9, Commandments 6 & 7
March 16, Commandments 8-10
As we explore them, we will discover how they challenge and free us to grow in healthy discipleship.
Midweek Lent services will be held at Noon and 7:00 pm each Wednesday, and intercessory prayer will meet
at 11:00 am. We will use the glorious Holden Evening Prayer liturgy at all services.
Join us in taking 2 tablets weekly and prepare to bolster your spiritual health!
“The Joy of Reading and Writing”
Women of the ELCA’s Spring Gathering
Saturday, April 9 10:00 am to Noon
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to write a children’s book? Or (gasp!) a romance novel? Children’s author
of 29 traditionally-published books and Hope member Margo Sorenson ( will share some of
her experiences and answer your questions on Saturday, April 9 at the Women of Hope gathering. Joining her will be a
mystery guest, her friend Marcie Kremer, the romance author of TORCH IN THE FOREST (Entangled Publishing,
2013), who will also answer questions.
Hope has embraced the Read with Me program at Saul Martinez Elementary School in Mecca. We will be collecting
new and very gently used children’s books for ages five through twelve from now until the middle of May. Our goal is to
donate 1200 books for the children to reinforce the reading skills they have gained from working with our encouraging
volunteers. At this event we will be sorting and organizing the books received for delivery to the school.
Come, bring a friend and join in the fun. Sign up at the Women’s Corner to bring a salad or dessert. Drop off books at
your convenience at the Women’s corner too.
Glenn Henriksen
In Concert
March 6, 2016 at 3:00 pm
Glenn Henriksen is an accomplished versatile pianist and organist. He began piano lessons at age seven, and continued
through high school. At thirteen he became the organist at his hometown church. Glenn attended Luther College in
Decorah, Iowa and received further musical instruction. In the years following, he has played for a wide variety of events,
including solo piano and organ concerts, church services, weddings, funerals, receptions and other social activities.
Glenn’s repertoire includes classical, ragtime, blues and jazz, standards pop and rock, country, Latin, gospel, and sacred.
Glenn is also a seasoned accompanist, providing services to many vocalists and instrumentalists. He is a member of the
variety rock band Galaxy. Glenn’s lifetime experience in many musical genres has enabled him to develop a unique
musical style, resulting in one-of-a-kind improvised arrangements. Glenn resides in Spirit Lake, Iowa and
Armstrong, Iowa.
Come and hear this fabulous concert and bring a friend. It will be a free will offering.
As a part of the family of God’s people,
we are a center of hope, a caring community, supporting individuals,
nurturing children, assisting families,
reaching out in the joy, love and fellowship that comes from Christ.
Hope Lutheran Church Staff
Derek Fossey
Senior Pastor
Curtis Pierce
Organist & Coordinator of Music
Nancy Tidd
Church Administrator
Beth Brashear
Associate Pastor
Ron Sims
Associate Organist
Tina Gates
Coordinator of Women’s
Carl R. Witt, Jr.
Pastor Emeritus
Douglas Wilson
The church office is open Monday - Thursday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Closed for lunch from 12:00 - 1:00 pm
Friday, Office Hours are 8:00 am - 2:00 pm
Phone: 760.346.1273
Fax: 760.346.2078
Staff Email
Pastor Derek -
Pastor Beth -
Pastor Carl -
Mary Fay Pinnow
Nancy Tidd -
Tina Gates -
Hope Church Council
Bill Collins
Vice President
Jim McNally
Joan Woehrmann
Horst Engel, Luella Grangaard, Matthew Simonds, Reynold Worch
Read with Me at Saul Martinez Elementary School has begun! With a student body of 1200 children the
need is great. This opportunity is open to Hope members and friends. Volunteers can go by bus or drive on your
own Tuesdays and Thursdays through May. Please arrive at Hope no later than 8:20 am. The bus leaves
promptly at 8:30 am! New volunteers are welcome to join. Sign up at the Information Center and fill in a volunteer form. You are invited to donate new and very gently used children’s books to provide to the 1200 students at
Saul Martinez Elementary School in Mecca. We would like to send a book home with each child by the end of May
2016. Having a book of their own to read will help to reinforce their English language skills over the summer. The
school’s grade levels are kindergarten through sixth. A book collection box is located at the Women’s Corner. For
information contact Tina Gates at tgates@hope-lutheran.
Growing Hope...
Circle Meetings
Esther Circle
Esther Circle will meet Wednesday, March 9 at 9:30 am
at the Church. The Hostess is Marilyn Devalon and the
Bible Study Leader is Evon Swedin. If you are interested in attending contact Evon Swedin at 760.449.1586.
Sarah Circle
We Are Proud To Be a
Stephen Ministry
The Lord Is Our Strength
The Lord himself goes before you and will be with
you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do
not be afraid: do not be discouraged: (Deut 31:8)
A Stephen Minister knows that the Lord is her/his
strength, and through Him, all things are possible.
Please, anyone in need of comfort, strength, or just getting through a difficult time, do not hesitate to call for
the caring touch of a Stephen Minister.
Sarah Circle will meet Monday, March 21 at 6:00 pm in
the Library. We will be discussing Chapter 4 of our
book, “Parables From the Backside.” Study Leader will
be Carole Olson. If you plan to attend, please let the
church office know, 760.346.1273.
Quilters of Hope
The Quilters of Hope will meet on Wednesday, March
16 at 9:30 am. Please consider being a part of this fun
and rewarding ministry. If you would like information
or have any questions, please call Anita Holden at
You can call Pastor Beth (760.346.1273) or Stephen
Leaders Marilyn Devalon (760.360.9880), Donna Matter (760.347.9571), or Sandy McGinnis (760.568.0121)
to talk with confidentially about a Stephen Minister for
you or someone you care about.
The Eighteen Holers!
The Hope Eighteen Holers will be playing Tuesday,
March 15 & 22 at Palm Valley Country Club,
located one and 1 1/2 miles east of Cook on Country
Club Drive.
The Eighteen Holers will meet on the dates listed below. It will be a shotgun start at 1:00 pm.
The fee is $35, which includes 18 holes and cart rental.
The Club has limited us to 72 players. You will
need to sign up at the Information Center either
Saturday Night or on Sunday. Please remember to
be generous with the staff. For further
information contact Dr. Bruce Hagen at 760.360.3564.
Tuesday, March 15 & 22
Tuesday, April 5
“Share the Gift of God”
Average Weekly Attendance
$ 60,081.00
Miscellaneous Income
$ 1,581.00
A Bold New Hope Building Fund
$ 38,490.77
Average Weekly Income
$ 20,030.56
“A Bold New Hope”
As of February 22, 2016
Hope Center Construction Update
The new construction site will be available for viewing on Sunday,
March 6! Here’s your chance to see the new Hope Center up front and
first hand! Take a look and see how large the social hall, classrooms,
kitchen and restrooms are. Take a look over the fence and see how the new
30 space parking addition is coming along. Don’t miss the excitment.!
Now is the time to help us lower our financial liability by buying a Hope
Note. Invest in Hope Lutheran Church and everyone wins! With a $5,000
minimum investment and a one-to three-year term, interest rates are 2%2.25%-2.5%. Interest is paid annually. Stop by the Information Center and
pick up brochure.
Every member and friend needs to make an investment in a Hope Note in
order for us to reach our goal of $1,500,000. Pray about your participation.
Your investment will make a difference!
Thrivent Choice
Hope Lutheran thanks the following members who have
chosen the church to receive Thrivent Choice Dollars last
month: Carl Caddies, Judy Caddies, Marilyn Devalon,
Bill Gates, Christina Gates, Candace Gruman,
Bobby Hendrix, Miriam Hendrix, Richard Holden,
James Krupp, Diann Lane, Jerome Lane, Carol Olson,
Susan Ruud, James Sorenson, Marguerite Sorenson.
Thrivent allows eligible members to recommend where Thrivent Financial distributes some of its charitable
outreach grant dollars.
Thrivent members: remember you must go to and check to see if you have any charitable funds for
Hope Notes
Construction has Started
Over $870,000 in Hope Notes have been subscribed.
Now is the time to participate. Help us lower our interest cost for
the new Hope Center. Buy a one year Hope Note at 2% interest—
2 year Hope Note 2.25%—3 year Hope Note 2.5%
The notes are sold in $5,000 increments. Interest paid annually.
For more information call Bill Collins 760.541.9200
Pick up a brochure at the Information Center today!
Make a difference, buy a Hope Note today!
We’re having a great time with our Confirmation Angels!
Here are two ways that you can minister to our youth:
1) Confirmation Care Pouches: bring a small item – perhaps a written prayer, a piece of candy,
or some other treat for each of our confirmands, and put one in each of our 5 Confirmands’ care
pouches. (The Care Pouch tree is in the narthex: in the summer it holds the children’s activity
bags). Confirmands will get their treats when they come to worship on Saturday or Sunday.
2) Be a Confirmation Angel!!! Sign up and bring supplies and snack for a
Confirmation class on a Wednesday evening. Arrive at the library at 4:45 pm with snacks, and
be on your way by 5:15 pm. A small investment of time can feed the faith (and stomachs) of our
Hope Youth News – At a Glance
We now have sign-up sheets at the Information Center. In order for us to do the best youth ministry possible, please
sign up for events by the posted sign-up date!
All Ages
Party to Dye For – Easter Egg-dying party – Sunday, March 20, 2-4 pm
Middle & High School Youth:
Faith Walk – Sunday, March 13, 2-4 pm. ***This counts for a Confirmation Elective in Bible Study!***
Confirmation Elective Opportunities in March
Elective Opportunities in March:
1) Knowledge of the Bible – Faith Walk at Shield’s Date Garden
2) Service – help kids dye eggs at “A Party to Dye For” Easter Egg-dying party
3) Leadership – assist with worship as a Communion Assistant, Usher, Reader, or Choir member
(Please let Pr. Beth know at least 2 weeks in advance of the date you’d like to help lead.)
4) Leadership – help teach Sunday School
A Party to Dye For!!!
Bring empty or hard-boiled eggs, a white tee-shirt or handkerchief, and a friend and join us for a color party from
2-4 pm on Sunday, Mar. 20! We will paint & decorate eggs for the annual Easter Egg hunt – and giving YOU a sneak
preview of some of the prizes. We will also tie-dye shirts and handkerchiefs.
Middle School Youth & High School Youth
Faith Walk –Why just read the Bible when you can walk it? Walk with us on Sunday, March 13 from 2-4 to
experience the stories of Jesus of Nazareth. Then stay tuned for the Challenge. Afterward, join in a delicious Date
Shake. (We meet and are picked up at Shield’s Date Gardens, 80-225 Hwy 111, Indio.)
Looking Ahead:
Animal Samaritans Day – date TBD
Afternoon at the Park – April
Mission Trip planning – April
Animal Samaritans
Animal Samaritans is looking for
used, “ready to throw out” towels
and blanketst to use for surgery
and cages. Please mark them for
Animal Samaritans.
2016 Needy Persons Fund
The 2016 Needy Persons Fund Chart
is now available at the Information
Center. The cost is $50.
Name Badges
Please remember to wear your
name badges to worship.
at Hope: Lenten Taizé
Individual Prayer for Healing!
In need of healing? New to our Taizé service of chant and quiet meditation is the rite of laying on of hands and anointing
with oil for healing. Meet with a minister at the baptismal font during the chant that follows our meditative reading, and
experience the power of prayer in your life.
Taizé is a contemplative and simple service of prayer designed for people of all Christian traditions. Taizé prayer emerged
from an ecumenical community of monks in Taizé, France, whose focus is reconciliation and community. The meditative
candlelit services include simple, repeated chants, rich silence, scripture reading and prayers of thanksgiving and intercession.
Our next Taizé service is Sunday, March 6 at 6:30 pm. Come and join us for quiet, candlelit prayer and for simple, meditative chants to center your spirit and soothe your soul. Feel the healing presence of God.
Teach Sunday School – Change a Life
Love children? Want to share your faith – but can’t commit to a
whole school year of teaching? This is your year!
You have the opportunity to sign up to teach or help with Sunday
School for a month at a time!
Here’s what Sunday School morning looks like:
· 9:00 am – Prepare for individual class times.
· 9:15 am – join kids and Pr. Beth for the
Sunday School opening.
· 9:30-10:15 am – individual classes until you bring
the children to worship (usually around 10:15).
This is your time to teach!
· 10:15 am – Bring children to their families and
join the congregation for worship.
· 10:30 am – clean up from your individual class time after worship.
A lesson plan and other activities are provided.
Men of Hope Bible Study
Men’s Bible Study // Tuesday, March 1 & 15 at 7:30 am // Hope Library // Join Pastor Derek and the
Men of Hope for this twice -a-month Bible Study through the book of Acts. Then join us for a great
breakfast and fellowship at the Palms Café (next to Trader Joe’s in Palm Desert).
Women of Hope Bible Study
Sisters in Christ Bible Study // Tuesday, March 1 & 15 at 9:30 am //
Hope Library // Study leader, Julie Fremstad will guide us through a study that you can
start anywhere with any level of Bible knowledge. Sign up at the Women’s Corner or
call Tina at 760.346.1273.
Saturday Night Lutherans
Saturday Night Lutherans (SNL) will be having an event on March 19 at 6:00 pm. at the home of Bonnie & Bill
Riesen, 21 Corte Del Sol (La Terraza) Gate Code Key, key, 2468. Rancho Mirage. Please bring an appetizer to share
and a drink of your choice. If you have any questions, please give Bonnie a call at 760.636.0622. Be sure to sign up
at the Information Center.
Serving with the Altar Guild
Altar Guild Assistants Needed //
One weekend every 6 weeks //
An important service that helps prepare for the
Sacrament of Holy Communion. Snowbirds and year
around residents are welcome to serve! //
Sign-up at the Information Center or call
Alvera Gaeta at 760.340.5836
Messengers of Hope!
If you have a gift of conversation and a heart for ministry,
consider becoming a Messenger of Hope.
Messengers of Hope are people willing to visit shut-ins
and others in order to create a relationship in Christ. For more
information contact Pastor Beth at
Thank You
My Family and I would like to thank our Hope Family for all the love, support
and beautiful cards we received on the death of my mother, Jane Walker. Mom
loved Hope Lutheran but unfortunately the last several years she was unable to
Thank you to Pastor Derek, Pastor Beth and Pastor Carl for all their love and
support through this time.
Nancy Tidd; Stephanie, Joe and Lucy Lilly; Rob, Sara and Emma Tidd;
Mary Houston
Mar. 6
8:00 am.
9:30 am
Al Recher
Jack & Susan Youmans, Wyonna Long
Frank & Alvera Gaeta
Jan Barnes & Dick Wolsky, Wyonna Long
Mar. 20. Tom Becker & Cheryl Hart
Dick Wolsky & Jan Barnes, Lou & Jeanne Mace
Mar. 27 Donna McQuillan
Mar. 6
Richard & Debera Ellingboe, Lou & Jeanne Mace
Lois Baumann
Reynold Worch
Priscilla Lawson
Mar. 20. Kathleen Herring
Mar. 6
Lois Baumann
Reynold Worch
Mar. 20
Lois Baumann
Reynold Worch
Mar. 27
Lois Baumann
Reynold Worch
Lee Ruud
Jerry Beers
9:30 am.
Lois Baumann
Reynold Worch
Mar. 13
Jerry Beers
8:00 am.
Reynold Worch
John Strom
Jan Barnes
Mar. 27 Mary Fay Pinnow
John & Shannon Bondehagen
David & Joyce Rollo
Ioan Oschner, Caryl Williams
Reynold Worch
Reynold Worch
Reynold Worch
David & Joyce Rollo
Jack & Susan Youmans
Ioan Ochsner, Caryl Williams
Reynold Worch
Jerry Beers
David & Joyce Rollo
John & Shannon Bondehagen
Paul & Vida Besel
Ioan Ochsner, Caryl Williams
Jerry Beers
Reynold Worch
David & Joyce Rollo
John & Shannon Bondehagen
Ioan Ochsner, Caryl Williams
Reynold Worch
Reynold Worch
Communion Assistants
Table Communion
Mar. 6
Mar 13
Pastors, Wyonna Long
Mar. 20
Pastors, Patty Cramer
Mar. 27
EASTER –8:00 am
Kathleen Herring, Mary Fay Pinnow, Kay Bledsoe,
Priscilla Lawson, Alvera Gaeta, Kate DiMeno, Barb Oeding,
Bonnie Riesen, Susan Sommerfeld, Helen Pingel,
Cristie Bateman, Jan Stovks, Val Donahue
Kate DiMeno, Bonnie Riesen, Sue Ruud, Susan Sommerfeld,
Cristie Bateman, Helen Pingel, Val Donahue, Jan Stocks
Pastors, Karen Dostal, 2 Acolytes
Dick Mueller, Tina Gates, Cristie Bateman, Karl Knudsen,
Charlotte Larsen, Wendy Clark, Jim Brokaw, Bonnie Riesen,
Carole Boe, Kate DiMeno, Helen Pingel
Susan Youmans, Karen Anschell, Monika Hoover, Joan Woehrmann,
Debra Ellingboe, Cal Heptinstall, Barbara Savery, Bob Matter,
Mary Fay Pinnow, Martha Osborne, Donna Matter, Barb Oeding
EASTER—9:30 am
Donna Matter, Cal Heptinstall, Hal Hopp, Bob Matter, Karen Dostal,
Paul Muckenfuss, Carole Boe, Susan Youmans, Barbara Savery, Sue Ruud,
Debera Ellingboe, Wendy Clark, Monika Hoover, Tina Gates
Mar. 6
Mar. 13
Mar. 20
Mar. 24
Mar. 27
Grace & Jack Bjerke
Needy Person’s Fund
Mar. 6
Sandra Kalas
Mar. 20
Jerrry & Lucy Bloomquist
Mar. 13
Mas. 27
Lynn Sabin
Jan & Brian Harnik
Altar Guild
Wendy Clark, Emily Johns, Patty Cramer, Bob Matter, Barbara Savery
Donna Jones, Kay Bledsoe, Judy Giese, Diann Lane
Anita Bohning, Dee Pratt, Priscilla Lawson, Alvera Gaeta
Paul & Jana Meinhold
Kathleen Herring, Bernice Muller, Susan Sommerfeld, Alvera Gaeta
Altar Flowers
Ron & Bernice Muller in Memory of Verna Muller
In Honor of our granddaughter Rachel’s 16th Birthday
In Memory of our son, Jeffery
Don & Marcia McAfee in Memory of parents Virg & Bette Austreng
Norm & Charlotte Larsen in Honor of their 60th Anniversary
Attention Ralphs Shoppers!!!
All Hope members who are currently enrolled in the Ralphs Community Contribution Program should
re-register for the new term, which began September 1, 2015. You can register or re-register online at or by using the scanbar letter (available at the Information Center).
Anyone can enroll in this program, no matter where you live or what Ralphs you shop at. All you need
is a Ralphs rewards card. Sign up online or at your local store today, marking Hope Lutheran as your
charity. In the past year, we have received nearly $400 from Ralphs as a result of our members who
shop there.
Taste the Difference Fair Trade Coffee can Make
Fair Trade coffee is available for purchase at the Information Center! Hope orders from Equal Exchange, the
fair trade company affiliated for 10 years with Lutheran World Relief. Coffee Selections include:
Sisters Blend, Breakfast Blend and Breakfast Blend DeCaf at $8.00 and assorted Tea at $3.00
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
February 14 was a wonderful day for me and one that I will certainly remember forever. Everyone at Hope made
celebrating my retirement so special. The cakes, the cards and gifts, especially the beautiful Kosta Boda plate, and
all the personal well wishes are all so much appreciated. A very special thank you to Julie Fremstad and her crew
for organizing and serving the refreshments. My ten years as Coordinator of Volunteers was a great experience,
especially because of all the help whenever I asked. (I’ve passed all your names on to Raul!) Many, many thanks
from the bottom of my heart!
Blessings and love,
Lucile Cutlar
45900 Portola Avenue
Palm Desert, CA 92260
Mailed February 26, 2016
Money Counters Needed
We have been blessed with a dedicated and trustworthy group of
people who have taken time on Monday mornings to count the
offering and credit the sources. We are now looking for more people
to help in this very important process. If you are interested in joining
our Money Counting Team, please sign up at the Information Center.
Special thanks our current team of counters Dean and Vivian Whitesell, Marion Jones, Richard Botz, Chuck Lumia, and Bob Bateman for
their faithful work.