wiki:sc name="FRGenre" - Serviceseiten der Verlagsgruppe


wiki:sc name="FRGenre" - Serviceseiten der Verlagsgruppe
Wolfgang Hohlbein
The Return of the
Woman Templar
[Die Rückkehr der Templerin]
Heyne Taschenbuch
528 pages
Format 11,8 x 18,7 cm
September 2006
Wolfgang Hohlbein, born
in 1953 in Weimar, has
merited a large readership
through the most varied
genres – thriller, horror,
science fiction, and
historical novel – and is one
of the most successful
German authors overall.
The third volume of the great Knights Templar tetralogy from
Wolfgang Hohlbein
The year 1179 in the Holy Land. In order to save her own life,
Robin is once again compelled to take to the sword and fight
for the cause of the Templars. With the army of the Crusaders
in the process of disintegrating, she saves the life of Balduin,
King of Jerusalem, and is the witness of a sinister murder.
Suddenly she finds herself in the midst of a deadly intrigue.
Also available:
Die Templerin [The Woman Templar], 2000
Sold to: Spain
Der Ring des Sarazenen [The Ring of the Saracen], 2003
For more information please visit

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