11.30.2012 - Eastern Shore Post
11.30.2012 - Eastern Shore Post
Free November 30, 2012 Circulation 13,000 Efficiency Central to $86 Million Hospital By Linda Cicoira A severe shortage of healthcare workers is forecast based on the age of those in the field and the number of students studying for related jobs, Joe Zager, vice president of Strategic Development for Riverside Shore Memorial Hospital, told Onancock officials Monday. “Maximizing efficiency of providers is the key,” he said, explaining the new hospital coming to Onley “will be a step forward in helping us to do that.” Public Information Officer Peter Glagola of Riverside Health Systems said Tuesday the projected cost of the new hospital is $86 million; it includes the building and equipment. Zager said the current hospital employs about 300 and since the new location will be more centrally located to the population, he expects business to pick up by 10 percent to 20 percent. Still, he added, the Eastern Shore “is a medically understaffed area … we’re moving full speed ahead.” Earlier this month, he reported that groundbreaking is set for May; patients should be admitted about two years later. “We’re really pretty excited about all that,” Zager said. The 78-bed hospital will be about 160,000 square feet, with three operating rooms, a 24-hour Emergency Department, a diagnostic center with fixed MRI and a 40,000-square-foot medical office building including oncology services. According to Zager, friends across (Continued on Page 4) Arsonist Sought Photo courtesy of easternshorefire.com Firefighers were dispatched on Nov. 24 to a fire in a trailer on Gladding Road in Mears. The woods nearby also quickly caught a blaze. This is among the incidents suspected to be arson. (See story on Page 3.) Accomack Officials To ‘Ship Out’ for One Night By Linda Cicoira Accomack officials and high-ranking NASA Wallops Flight Facility (WFF) staff are taking a trip with the Navy next week. They’ve accepted an invitation to spend the night aboard the aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman via a C-2A Greyhound — the same plane the Navy wants to use for touch-and-go missions at the Wallops airstrip. Board of Supervisors Vice Chairwoman Wanda Thornton, Supervisors Ron Wolff, Robert Crockett and Reneta Major and County Administrator Steve Miner have signed up for the Dec. 5-6 journey. Supervisor Jack Gray also wanted to attend but was turned down because he is 81 years old. “We have today been advised that Navy policy limits this invitation to persons 75 and under,” Miner said Tuesday. “I expect that they will provide a separate invitation to those of that (older) age group to a separate event. We have also been told to expect a fee of $60 per person for meals and incidental expenses. … I have advised the members that I believe this to be eligible for county funding. … Nonetheless, I know that some will pay their own way, but have not heard from all those who expect to attend as to their intentions … I am paying my costs personally.” The supervisors unanimously voted in September to ask the Navy to demonstrate the missions proposed at NASA. The action came after John Custis, a lawyer representing David and Phil Hickman of Dublin Farms, complained that the plan would adversely affect the quality of life for area residents, increase safety hazards and offer no benefits to the county. Custis said the plan would involve 45,000 operations a year, with many of the landings being done at night. He wanted the supervisors to oppose the missions because of noise levels. Landings would be 70 decibels and comparable to “running a vacuum in a living room,” he said. The lawyer said not only would the Hickmans suffer, but residents of Corbin Hall, Captain’s Cove and Trails End also would be affected. He referred to a Navy jet that recently crashed into an apartment complex in Virginia Beach. The pilots in (Continued on Page 5) 2 • Eastern Shore Post • November 30, 2012 Onancock Uncovers Unexpected Financial Bounty By Linda Cicoira Onancock Town Council learned Monday of tens of thousands of dollars found recently in its coffers. The panel then quickly allocated the funds to pay for a harbor project and a new police officer. Town Manager Thomas Robinett attributed the newfound funds to various sources. More than $8,700 of the money stolen by former clerk Colleen Patricia Reiber in 2010 and 2011 was recovered through insurance. Reimbursement funds of $24,473 were uncovered in the Onancock Landing project. More than $27,000 was obtained in a settlement for delays with the contractor, who built the town’s wastewater treatment plant. And the town had a reduction in debt service for using less money than anticipated to construct that project, for a savings of $17,758. Council voted to spend $28,478 for expenses of an additional police officer. Onancock plans to take in $5,000 from its Tall Ship Committee and appropriated $45,000 toward erecting a new harbormaster building and re- pairing damage to the dock and finger piers from Hurricane Sandy. Mayor Russell Jones said that within 10 days Robinett would pursue design and engineering plans. Councilman T. Lee Byrd, chairman of the Waterfront Committee, said a grant received for $180,000 includes a 25 percent match by the town. Byrd said volunteer hours given for painting and other work on the building could be included in the town’s share. And it also was reported Monday that the town’s bookkeeping was so lax over the last 10 years that it couldn’t be determined if about 100 taxpayers owed back levies. Resident Charlotte Edmonds said it was the first time in her 81 years that she has received a delinquent notice. It wasn’t valid. She said she went to the bank and got a copy of the check she had written for the tax to prove it. Edmonds called the practice of sending bills to taxpayers who already paid an “unethical way to find money.” I am embarrassed and ashamed.” She said she was concerned for those who paid in cash and couldn’t prove it. The town “is asking residents to pay for mistakes made by town management.” Jones blamed Accomack County for the errors. “None of us were here,” he said, adding that the town plans to get its own tax system. “It is a difficult situation — not a money grab — an attempt to get our records straight.” Edmonds later said she was furious that the mayor blamed the county for the tax errors. She said the money was collected at the town office and should have been recorded there. “We’re trying to improve our bookkeeping,” said Councilman Fletcher Fosque. “You can’t overlook them as a town,” he added of those who were sent the letters. “We haven’t demanded payment of anyone,” said Jones. Robinett said some people admitted they hadn’t paid and came in and did so after receiving the letters. The town also collected money from banks that hadn’t paid from escrow accounts. Shirley Zamora complained that tax bills were sent out late this year so there was less time to pay. The mayor responded that the bills were mailed out as soon as they were received from the county. Zamora also noted that some yard trash had still not been picked up by town workers and “looked terrible for visitors.” She said she hopes the situation will be addressed before the Christmas home tour. “If you want to be a Tree City, you have to pick up the debris,” she said. Jones promised the rest of the tree limbs and leaves would be taken away before the tour. He also reported the town would begin work soon on a septic receiving facility paid for with $370,000 that was left in a grant. The town also will get $104,000 back that it put up for broadband. It was also announced that Onancock’s Christmas Parade would start on College Avenue this year and end at the dock. “We’re trying to leave as much of the town open” as possible, the mayor said. £ÝÄænÓ I ÓÝAÝn nônÏö Please join us at the Book Bin for our Annual Open House December 8, 2012 Featuring: Tastings of Blue Crab Bay snacks & dips Free brewed coffee 20% off select titles for perfect gift-giving Door prizes & raffles 0´āòò ´~ 0A¢ãQ Qāßđ $-" (drawing held Dec. 24 - don’t have to be present to win) Four Corner Plaza Onley, VA (757) 787-7866 Gifts Toys Games Movies Puppets Puzzles Stationery Albums Tervis tumblers Stocking stuffers And more! @ēǨǨǨǨƝŖñƝƝǨ »»ë Ǩ :ne òßā 0Aò » Ǩ 0ā »ėë Ǩ !´eAđ I :nenãeAđ òßā 0AòāßeAđ November 30, 2012 • Eastern Shore Post • 3 Search for Arsonist Continues Student Artists Photo by Linda Cicoira Pungoteague Elementary School students celebrated American Education Week recently with contests and other activities. Essay and poster competitors include (from left): back row - Jayla Tipps, Madison Elliott, Jakeline Rivera and Julie Higgins; front row - Larry Jones and Anna Ardila-McCarter. Interested in a career in health care? Need to get your GED? Then ESCC has a program just for you. Come and join our CareerStart program where you will work towards your GED as well as prepare for a career in health care. You will get a jump start on what it takes to be successful as a health care professional today. Learn about the exci�ng opportuni�es available through the high tech elds of medical assis�ng and nursing. Receive instruc�on and assistance from qualied and experienced instructors. Enroll now in CareerStart and get yourself on the right track for your future career in health care. Contact Chevelle Mason at 757.789.1794. ESCC is an equal opportunity insƟtuƟon. By Linda Cicoira State and county police and fire investigators were continuing at press time Thursday to probe about two dozen fires in Accomack County that they believe were set this month by a serial arsonist or arsonists. The last incident was reported at about 11 p.m. Wednesday in an abandoned structure on Racetrack Road in Melfa. The fires have occurred between New Church and Melfa, all in abandoned buildings, including houses, trailers and barns, the officials continued. The blazes were set between 8:30 p.m. and 4 a.m. There have been no injuries. “The Accomack County Sheriff’s Office (ACSO) and the Virginia State Police have received a significant number of tips related to these arsons,” said Sheriff Todd Godwin. “We want to thank the many residents who have reached out to us in the past week with information. As a result of the public’s overwhelming response and assistance, we have several strong leads we are currently pursuing at this time.” “Based on our ongoing investigation, we feel certain that the person or persons responsible for these fires is a resident of Accomack County and is known to local residents,” said Capt. Tim Reibel, commander of the State Police Bureau of Criminal Investigation’s Chesapeake Field Office. “This individual is going to be coming and going at different hours of the night, may be acting differently in his or her behavior and will probably show an unusual interest in media coverage of the fires and/or consistently steer conversations to talking about the fires.” Investigators are encouraging anyone with information about the fires or about vehicles or people seen in the areas near the destroyed structures to call State Police at 1-800-582-8350 or 757-424-6820, or the ACSO at 7871131. Information that leads to an arrest and conviction could result in a reward of up to $5,000 from the Virginia Chapter of the International Association of Arson Investigators. Jerry’s Coins & Jewelry CASH FOR GOLD is paying Gold & Silver Coins • Sterling • Diamonds Broken Jewelry • Class Rings • Dental Gold CALL: 442-CASH (2274) Located: 10237 Rogers Drive across from Post Office, down the street from Little Italy Restaurant in NASSAWADOX Hours: Wed., Thurs., Fri. 12-5ororby byappointment appointment Hours: Mon-Fri: noon-5, 4 • Eastern Shore Post • November 30, 2012 Federal Disaster Help OK’d Gov. Bob McDonnell has announced that his request for federal disaster assistance to help local and state governments — including Accomack and Northampton counties — recover from the impact of Hurricane Sandy has been approved by President Obama. The Public Assistance Program of FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) makes funding available to reimburse state and local governments for costs associated with response and recovery efforts, such as debris removal and related emergency services, as well as the repair or replacement of disaster-damaged facilities. “I thank President Obama for his prompt decision to grant federal disaster assistance for local and state ~ Hospital ~ the southeast say “rural communities are suffering with no light at the end of that tunnel. This building project … will also provide a tremendous boost to the (local) economy.” He said as much local labor as possible will be utilized. A smaller facility being completed in Williamsburg used between 200 and 300 construction workers. Zager promised to bring updates to Onancock every three or four months. “We don’t really have a place to put 200 laborers,” said Mayor Russell Jones. “Certainly Exmore will do well … a lot of opportunities with the hospital. There should be opportunities for rentals. A third to half the employees will need housing.” governments,” said McDonnell. “This action will go a long way toward reimbursing local governments for their costs.” The governor’s additional request for assistance for individuals in Accomack County is still under consideration. “I encourage FEMA to take a close look at the situation in Accomack County where a disproportionate number of citizens were affected by Hurricane Sandy and to move to approve individual assistance for them as soon as possible,” said McDonnell. In addition, the governor announced that FEMA’s Hazard Mitigation Grant Program was approved for all Virginia localities. This funding source helps local and state governments take actions to reduce the impact of future disasters, such as elevating homes in flood zones and flood-proofing businesses. (Continued From Front Page) Councilman T. Lee Byrd praised and thanked Zager. “We’re so happy to have the hospital coming,” Byrd said. Atlantis Homes would like to wish everyone impacted by superstorm Sandy the very best and a speedy recovery. • $1,000 recovery card with new home purchase for disaster victims • 0% Down and Rate Reduction programs for victims of natural disasters • New Furniture and Appliance packages available with select programs Wednesday - Friday 9am-4pm Saturday 9am-2pm (Lunch) Lunch Specials Daily Custom Built Lot/Home Packages Atlantis Homes :HSDUWLFLSDWHZLWK 3HUGXH7\VRQV· ,QVXUDQFH 410-957-2820 410-957-2820 800-946-2820 800-946-2820 Rt. 13, Delmar, DE Rt. 13, Pocomoke, MD 302-846-9735 888-258-4983 MD-0000646353 www.atlantishomeslllc.com • Serving DE, MD, VA, NJ, PA Customer must provide insurance claim verifying loss of residence or damage due to storm related even on finance programs. No other discounts apply At Least 2 Soups Daily Holidays are coming. Pies, rolls, dessert trays & much more! Becca’s 6” Smith Island Cakes now available at the Wine Rack!! Gift Certificates Available Atlantis Rt. Homes AtlantisMD Homes 13, Pocomoke, Se habla español Parksley, VA Mark Bender, a commercial fisherman from the Eastern Shore, asked the VMRC to consider waiving a two-year must-fish rule on permitted pound nets because of Hurricane Sandy. “Due to the recent storm, I got wiped out again,” Bender said. He also asked the commission to consider changes to welk-pot bait requirements. Commissioners asked staff to bring back recommendations regarding both requests after investigating “industrywide needs.” “My father is 85 years old and holds an unlimited horseshoe crab permit,” Bender continued. “The permit will die with him.” Bender wants the permit to be transferred. “It is an issue we’re taking up,” the officials informally agreed. The commission voted to allow the Army Corps of Engineers to place up to 60,000 cubic yards of dredged material, per dredge cycle, in a 1,000-foot by 1,000-foot overboard placement site in Bradford Bay when Wachapreague and Finney creeks are dredged. Smith Island Cakes Rebuild your home now with the most trusted name in housing on the shore, Atlantis Homes! We accept most PPO insurances and Virginia Medicaid and we provide a full spectrum of services. (757)665-7729 By Linda Cicoira The Virginia Marine Resources Commission (VMRC) voted unanimously last week to continue its crabstock rebuilding program by closing the winter crab dredge fishery for the fifth consecutive year. The panel also authorized staff and the Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS) to conduct a study to better determine the number of crabs that are damaged, unusable and/or unavailable for spawning when dredge gear is used. The VMRC also voted unanimously to extend the fall crab-pot season until Dec. 15 because of the impact of Hurricane Sandy. The same is being done in Maryland. The daily bushel limits for the 2013 crab season will be 27, 32, 38, 45 or 55 bushels a day, depending on the number of crab pots permitted for each of the five classes of commercial crab licenses. The limits are intended to restrain the daily catch to make up for additional crabs that would be caught during the extended fall season. Storm Relief Program Family Dentistry Timothy Fei, DDS Winter Crab Dredging Closed Again MHBR#2465 www.beccascakesandmore.com Now Accepting: Visa, MasterCard, Discover 24399 Lankford Hwy. Tasley 789-3686 November 30, 2012 • Eastern Shore Post • 5 ~ Supervisors ~ LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED 38999 AFTER EXTRA 10% $ SAVINGS WITH SEARS CARD 38999 a. Kenmore 18-cu. ft.† top mount AFTER EXTRA 10% $ FINAL ® refrigerator •Humidity controlled SAVINGS WITH crisper •Gallon doorSEARS storage.CARD ® a. Kenmore 18-cu. ft.†now top 433.32 mount 04668802 Reg. 559.99, refrigerator •Humidity controlled crisper •Gallon storage. $ 99door 04668802 Reg. 559.99, now 433.32 FINAL 899 AFTER EXTRA 10% $ SAVINGS WITH SEARS CARD 89999 b. Kenmore 27-cu. ft.† side-by-side AFTER EXTRA 10% SAVE $1060 SAVE $400 AFTER EXTRA 10% SAVINGS AFTER EXTRA 10% SAVINGS FINAL SAVE $1060 SAVE $400 SAVE $170 AFTER EXTRA 10% SAVINGS OFF OFF AFTER EXTRA 10% SAVINGS 28% 30% 30% OFF 2699 2699 AFTER EXTRA 10% $ 99 SEARS CARD SAVINGS WITH FINAL c. Kenmore Elite® 31-cu. ft.† AFTER EXTRA 10% space refrigerator •Fits same SAVINGS SEARS CARD as standard WITH 36-in. width •Dual 314 314 OFF ALMOST EVERYTHING ALMOST EVERYTHING ON TOTAL PURCHASES1 OVER $299 WITH SEARS CARD (1) Exclusions apply. See PURCHASES below for details. Offer good ON TOTAL thru 12/1/12. Only available at Sears Hometown Stores. 1 STOREWIDE! STOREWIDE! a c. Kenmore •Slim Elite®in-door 31-cu. ice ft.† maker. evaporators refrigerator •Fits same space 04672053 Reg. 3759.99, now 2999.99 as standard 36-in. width •Dual evaporators •Slim in-door ice maker. 04672053 Reg. 3759.99, now 2999.99 $ % % OFF 31 31 OFF refrigerator •Smooth contoured SAVINGS WITH hinges SEARS CARD doors with hidden •Convenient b. Kenmore ft.† side-by-side ice and water27-cu. dispenser •UltraIce refrigerator contoured enhanced ice•Smooth production. 04651029 doors1299.99, with hidden Reg. nowhinges 999.99•Convenient ice and water dispenser •UltraIce enhanced ice production. $ 99 999.9904651029 Reg. 1299.99, now FINAL 10 10 OFF OFF 30% FINAL hometown exclusive 2DAYSONLY! 2DAYSONLY! EXTRA EXTRA 28% 30% SAVE $170 hometown exclusive AFTER EXTRA 10% SAVINGS AFTER EXTRA 10% SAVINGS cu. ft.†cu. ft.† (Continued From Front Page) touch-and-gos wouldn’t ever exit the planes, so there will be no financial benefit, Custis said. “The field carrier landing practice issue is not a matter for local decision, and will not require any local approvals,” Miner said Tuesday. “I note that Mr. (William) Wrobel, the head administrator for NASA WFF is also invited. The federal government, of course, is not bound by any local rules.” “Guests will fly on board the ship via a C-2A Greyhound and experience an arrested landing,” Deputy Chief of Staff for Shore and Environmental Readiness J.W. Murphy wrote to Miner in a letter dated Nov. 15. “While aboard, guests will have the opportunity to also experience the traditions of Navy life at sea and observe Navy flight operations.” They also will be able to interact “with the more than 5,000 sailors” and talk “with pilots and aircrew about the challenges of flying to and from an aircraft carrier at sea and why we need to conduct extensive training at a shore facility prior to operating at the ship.” When the Navy was interested in using the county airport in Melfa two years ago, an exhibition was planned but never occurred because the Navy began investigating a different site. Local residents were opposed then too because of the anticipated noise. Farmers depend on planes to spray their fields and complained that missing a needed application by one day could wipe out a crop. If the Navy had gone there, it would have paid to lease the airport but it also would have restricted other air traffic during its missions. A Navy spokesman who addressed the Board of Supervisors and the Airport Commission in 2010 said missions could cause dangerous rubber buildup on a portion of the runway, noise levels would be about 91 decibels and the airfield would be closed to civilian traffic for at least 15 hours a week while operations were being performed, probably in three-hour increments. “There is going to be a sound,” the spokesman said. “There’s definitely going to be a sound.” But the noise would not be comparable to jets heard in the Virginia Beach area, he said. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30TH & SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1ST, 2012 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30TH & SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1ST, 2012 b c a b OVER $299 WITH SEARS CARD (1) Exclusions apply. See below for details. Offer good thru 12/1/12. Only available at Sears Hometown Stores. c 99 20 20 % % FINAL, EA. AFTER $ 99 EXTRA 10% FINAL, EA. SAVINGS AFTER WITH SEARS CARD EXTRA 10% Kenmore white SAVINGS WITH 3.4 cu. ft. capacity SEARS top load CARD washer Kenmore white 02620022 3.4 cu. ft. capacity Reg. 529.99 ea., top load washer now 349.99 ea. 02620022 Reg. 529.99 ea., Kenmore white nowcu. 349.99 ea. 6.0 ft. capacity electric dryer Kenmore white 02660022 6.0 dryer cu. priced ft. capacity Gas higher. electric dryer 02660022 62999 629 $ FINAL, EA. SAVE $620 Kenmore 3.6 cu. ft. $ 99load capacity front FINAL, EA. washer 02641172 Kenmore 3.6ea., cu. ft. Reg. 939.99 capacity front now 699.99 ea.load washer 02641172 Reg. 939.99 Kenmore 7.1ea., cu. ft. now 699.99 ea. capacity electric dryer 02681172 Kenmore 7.1higher. cu. ft. Gas dryer priced capacity electric Optional pedestals sold dryer 02681172 separately. Additional SAVE $430 ON THE PAIR AFTER EXTRA 10% SAVINGS SAVE $430 ON THE PAIR AFTER EXTRA 10% SAVINGS ON THE PAIR 2® ALL KENMORE APPLIANCES APPLIANCES2 uy hotb Gas dryer and priced higher. discounts offers do Optional not apply.pedestals sold separately. Additional discounts and offers do not apply. Gas dryer priced higher. UP OFF TO UP OFF® TO ALL KENMORE ON THE PAIR SAVE $620 (2) Savings range 5%-20%. Exclusions apply. See below for details. Offer good thru 12/1/12. tbuy ho (2) Savings range 5%-20%. Exclusions apply. See below for details. Offer good thru 12/1/12. YOUR GIFT HEADQUARTERS THIS HOLIDAY! YOUR GIFT HEADQUARTERS THIS HOLIDAY! SAVE $30 SAVE $5 EA. ® SAVE $30 50% SAVE $30 29 Craftsman 3-drawer 50% $ portable chest 00965337 2999 $ 99 ® SALE Craftsman® 3-drawer portable chest 00965337 19 19 Craftsman figure eight SAVE $30 EA. OFF $ OFF Craftsman figure eight $ 99 wrench 00932761/2 GearWrench® 8-pc. ratcheting $ 99 wrench set 00944001/2 wrench 00932761/2 ® 8-pc. ratcheting wrench set 00944001/2 SALE 99 SALE, EA. SALE, EA. 24999 Toshiba 32-in. $ LCD HDTV 99 class 249measured •31.5-in. Toshiba 32-in. SAVE $30 EA. $ SAVE $5 EA. 39 39 GearWrench $ 99 SALE, EA. SALE, EA. ® SAVE $30 SALE 32-IN. CLASS LCD 720P 32-IN. CLASS LCD 720P SALE diagonally. class LCD HDTV 05771322/32C120U •31.5-in.is measured Reception simulated. diagonally. Availability may vary by store. 05771322/32C120U Reception is simulated. Availability may vary by store. Name Store address Owned and Operated by Name Highway, Onley, VA 23418 25044 Lankford Phone number Store address (757) 787-8801 Mon.-Fri. 9:30am-7:00pm, Sat.-9:00am-6:00pm, Sun. 12:00pm-5pm Store hours Phone number Owned and Operated by Store hours LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED APPLIANCE OFFER: (1) Offer excludes consumer electronics, mattresses under $499, hot buys, Everyday Great Price items and closeouts. Whirlpool® brands, LG® and Samsung® appliances limited to 10% off. Offer good thru 12/1/12. Only available at Sears Hometown Stores. (2) Savings range 5%-20%. Whilrpool® brands, LG®, GE®, GE Profile™, GE Cafe™ and Samsung® appliances limited to 10% off. Offer excludes Jenn-Air®, Dacor, floor care, sewing machines, countertop microwaves, water heaters, water softeners, water filtration, air conditioners, air cleaners, humidifiers, dehumidifiers, accessories, closeouts and Everyday Great Price items. Offer good thru 12/1/12. †Total capacity. For all appliances: Colors, connectors, ice maker APPLIANCE (1) Offer excludes consumer electronics, mattresses under $499, hot buys, Everyday Great Price items and closeouts. Whirlpool® brands, LG® and Samsung® appliances limited to 10% off. Offer good thru 12/1/12. Only available hook-up andOFFER: installation extra. at Sears Hometown Stores. (2) Savings range 5%-20%. Whilrpool® brands, LG®, GE®, GE Profile™, GE Cafe™ and Samsung® appliances limited to 10% off. Offer excludes Jenn-Air®, Dacor, floor care, sewing machines, countertop microwaves, water heaters, water softeners, water filtration, air conditioners, air cleaners, humidifiers, dehumidifiers, accessories, closeouts and Everyday Great Price items. Offer good thru 12/1/12. †Total capacity. For all appliances: Colors, connectors, ice maker hook-up and installation extra. JA#212C009_101 JA#212C009_101 6 • Eastern Shore Post • November 30, 2012 Court Postings By Linda Cicoira Accomack Circuit Court Isaac Javar Scarborough, 28, of Oak Hall was convicted of grand larceny of property belonging to Fred Darby between March 15 and 28. The case was continued pending completion of a presentence report. Sentencing was set for February. Jason Michael Rienerth, 22, of Hill Street in Onancock pleaded guilty to breaking into a town home on July 7. A presentence report was ordered. Sentencing was set for February. Sean Alexander Burton, 24, of Society Drive in Nelsonia was convicted of possession of a firearm by a felon. The incident occurred on July 9. A presentence report was ordered. ……………………… Northampton District Court One count was not prosecuted and the other was reduced in Northampton General District Court last week in the case of an Exmore man charged in connection with an incident in September initially described by officials as mob violence. Keyon Leroy Cherry, 24, no longer faces a count of malicious wounding by a mob. And the charge of malicious wounding was amended to assault and battery, according to court records. The incident occurred at Sage Restaurant in Exmore on Sept. 8. Cherry was found guilty and sentenced to a year in jail, with 10 months suspended. He also was put on three years’ probation and fined $250. Hearings for five others charged in connection with the incident were set for later this month. William Cordal Berryhill, 24, of Exmore was charged with three counts of malicious wounding by a mob and a count of malicious wounding. Purnell Mason Jr., 24, of Exmore and Darion Baines, 23, of Painter each were charged with two counts of malicious wounding by a mob and two counts of malicious wounding. Arkiece “Dyce” Montwelle Davis, 27, of Exmore; Markee Lavell Turner, 23, Exmore; and Keyon Obrion Berryhill, 25, of Belle Haven each were charged with malicious wounding and malicious wounding by a mob. Also according to court records, Rich- ard Michael Kos of Cape Charles was charged with a felony count of property destruction that allegedly occurred on Nov. 12. He was arrested the same day. A January hearing is scheduled. Benjamin Turner, no age available, of Portsmouth, Va., was charged Oct. 25 with forgery and passing a bad check February 2009. A hearing was scheduled for Jan. 3, 2013. Maurice Perry White, age unavailable, of Suffolk was charged with possession of a Schedule I or II drug on Oct. 31. A hearing was set for Jan. 10. Keith Anthony Jubilee, age not available, of Pocomoke, Md., was charged with possession of a Schedule I or II drug with intent to distribute on Nov. 16. A hearing has been set for Jan. 17, 2013. Richard Oscar Holden, no age available, of Temperanceville was charged with possession of a Schedule I or II drug with intent to distribute on Nov. 16. A hearing was set for Jan. 17, 2013. ……………………… Accomack District Court An 85-year-old man was arrested last week and charged with assault and battery of two Accomack deputies, according to Accomack General District Court records. William Griffing Mason of Flag Pond Road in Sanford is accused of the two felony counts that allegedly involved Deputy D.T. Gladding and Deputy Bobby Taylor on Nov. 19. Gladding investigated. A January court date was set. Three Painter men were arrested this week in connection with an armed robbery at Stop-n-Shop Convenience Store in Painter and are being held without bond in Accomack Jail. Accomack Sheriff Todd Godwin said the incident was reported at about 8:20 p.m. Nov. 20. He did not disclose the amount of money that was taken. There were no injuries. Ricky M. Drummond and Antonio L. Brown, both 22, and Jonathan P. Belote, 18, were charged with two counts of robbery. Drummond and Belote also were charged with use of firearm in a felony. Additionally, Drummond was accused of possession of a firearm by a felon. Court records state tobacco products and lottery tickets also were taken. Virginia State Police and the Virginia Marine Police assisted the Sheriff’s Office in the case. November 30, 2012 • Eastern Shore Post • 7 School-Bus Driver Expected To Resume Route Following Suspension By Linda Cicoira Greenbackville area residents are planning to display yellow ribbons in their yards on Dec. 6 to welcome back school-bus driver Leon Harmon. Harmon said Wednesday he is still waiting for a final decision from Accomack Public School Superintendent Dr. Bruce Benson before returning to his former route. After a mother complained recently to school administrators that Harmon threatened her son, the 37-year veteran driver was taken off bus duty. Verification of the incident was not possible because a video camera on the vehicle didn’t work. School activist Connie Burford said she accompanied Harmon to a meeting with Benson Monday. “If all goes well in the next day or so … you should be seeing the sweet smiling face of your beloved bus driver back on his route,” Burford said. “I have more respect for our super- intendent for correcting a wrongful situation in this incident than I have ever had for any of his predecessors,” she added. “We are truly blessed.” Dozens of residents rallied for Harmon at a School Board meeting last week. Some of the parents complained that since Harmon was removed from the bus, it has been several hours late, the new driver has to pull off the road to reprimand students and they fear for the safety of their children. Before that, Burford said Benson suspended Harmon for 10 days, said he would put a note in Harmon’s file and would give Harmon a different route. Initially, Harmon had been fired, Burford said. Then he was called back to work in the school garage, she added. Harmon appealed the decision to the School Board, which took no action. The driver did not attend the board meeting and administrators would not comment on his job status. Different Address. Same Exceptional Care. Monthly Church Bulletin Saturday, Dec. 1 St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church in Onley will present a family Creche/Nativity Scene in the Church Hall from noon to 6 p.m. The event is sponsored by the Ladies’ Auxiliary. = Sunday, Dec. 2 = New Allen Memorial AME Church in Franktown will celebrate its 143rd anniversary at 2 p.m. The guest preacher will be Rev. Billy Ray Hunter of Bethel AME Church in Onancock. = Metompkin Baptist Church in Parksley will celebrate the fifth pastoral anniversary of Rev. Ricardo Poulson Sr. at 3 p.m. The guests will be Rev. Milton P. Bunting and Ebenezer Baptist Church, Exmore. = Emerson Davis and Roland Major will be in concert for a Gospel Songfest at House of Prayer United Methodist Church in Bloxom at 3 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 8 A Turkey Shoot will be held at Hall’s Chapel Church in Sanford be- = ginning at 10 a.m. There is a 30-inch barrel limit; youth shoot with a 4-10 gauge. Refreshments will be served. Sunday, Dec. 9 = Bethel AME Church in Onancock will commemorate Annual Ushers’ Day at 3 p.m. The guests will be Rev. Lewis Brim and the Gospel Temple Church Family of Keller. HERITAGE ACRES VI APARTMENTS 62 & OLDER OR MOBILITY IMPAIRED ONE BEDROOM APARTMENTS AVAILABLE SECTION 8 SUBSIDIZED FEATURING Water, Sewer & Trash • Free Parking Central Heat & Air • Refrigerator & Stove Laundry Room On Site Mini-Blinds in each Apartment Community Room with Computers With Internet Access For More Information Contact Pearline Wynder, 815 Randolph Avenue Cape Charles, VA • 1-757-331-4148 ROGERS GOLD & COIN NEED HOLIDAY CA$H? WE BUY: GOLD; SILVER; PLATINUM DIAMONDS; COINS Dr. Dante Richardson has moved to a new location. Dante Richardson, MD, welcomes his existing patients as well as new patients to his Family Medicine practice now located at the Riverside Shore Medical Center at Metompkin on Route 13 just north of Parksley. To make an appointment please call (757) 665-5996. Shore Medical Center at Metompkin riversideonline.com ROGERSGOLDCOIN.COM 123 Market St. Onancock, VA Phone: 757-709-8369 WE PAY CA$H 8 • Eastern Shore Post • November 30, 2012 Community Notes On Saturday, Dec. 1, at 6:30 p.m., the Town Cape of Cape Charles and Charles Citizens for Central Park will celebrates the annual Holiday Grand Illumination of Cape Charles Central Park. The Northampton High School Band will play holiday music and hundreds of luminaries will lead the way to the gazebo. After the illumination, dancing elves, lighted golf carts and luminaries will lead to the Palace Theater for a special holiday film. Hurricane Sandy recovery efforts continue at Assateague Assateague Island National Seashore. The boathouse dock at the U.S. Coast Guard Station, a National Historic Landmark, received significant damage. The beach parking lots sustained severe damage, and part of the beach road was washed out. A National Park Service Type III incident management team has been supervising the recovery, working with park staff and with assistance from other NPS employees from around the country. The 13th annual Onancock Christmas Onancock Homes Tour and Music Festival will be held Saturday, Dec. 8. The tour will feature six homes filled with history and decorated for the Christmas season — the home of Fitzhugh Lee Godwin Jr. at 23551 North St., Jeff Ward at 1 Kerr St., George and Nell Minton at 18306 Hermitage Rd., Kevin and Teri Daley at 18368 Hermitage Rd., Duke and Joyce Shannahan at 19000 Hermitage Rd., and Gay Baynes at 5 Kerr St. Visitors to Onancock also are invited to enjoy historic Ker Place and the Nativity Scene at Market Street United Methodist Church. The event, which is sponsored by the Onancock Business and Civic Association, benefits a different local charity each year. The 2012 recipient is the Accomack Interfaith Crisis Council, a group facilitating aid to families in crisis. The Homes Tour hours are 2 to 6 pm, and the Music Festival will be held from 3 to 6 p.m. at Historic Cokesbury Church. Tickets are $20 each, with group pricing available. They are available at at Marsh Jewelers and Red Queen Gallery in Onancock, Book Bin in Onley, Thomas Gardens in New Church, and Yellow Duck Café in Exmore. For more information on Onancock’s holiday festivities, call 789-5915 or 7103658. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Northampton County Board of Supervisors will conduct a public hearing on Tuesday, December 11, 2012, at 7:00 p.m. in the Board Room of the County Administration Building, 16404 Courthouse Road, Eastville, Virginia, on the following matter: Consider leasing of the following described property, to-wit: A. All that certain business premises located on the east side of U. S. Route 13 in the Town of Eastville, same being more particularly described as the first office from south to north in the Old Addison Building containing 1,008 square feet. The Board proposes to lease same to Hungar’s Episcopal Parish. B. All that certain parcel of land situated at or near Oyster, located southeast of a parcel owned by Joseph J., III and Claudia D. Restein. The Board proposes to lease same to Joseph J., III and Claudia D. Restein. Handicapped assistance available. Please telephone (757) 678-0440 at least 48 hours in advance. Swine and Wine Tomorrow Night A baseball signed by the New York Yankees’ Alex Rodriquez, a T-shirt from the Woods Brothers NASCAR team, four rounds of golf at Bay Creek, Carole Peirson artwork, carvings by Robbie Lewis and Carl Allums, Christmas baskets of homemade baked items, a walking tour of Accomac or Onancock, a tour of the barrier islands, rods and reels, a Turner sculpture, and an animal spa treatment from Eastern Shore Animal Hospital. These are just some of the items to be auctioned at the Swine and Wine fund-raiser for the Boys and Girls Club on Saturday, Dec. 1, at Central Green in Painter from 6 to 10 p.m. Swine and Wine will feature roast pig and chicken plus Chatham wine and the music of Mr. B and the Boys. It is held at the Central High School gymnasium, which is transformed for the evening. The building is donated for the fund-raiser by Tucker Robbins, owner of Central Green. Swine and Wine is the biggest fundraiser of the year for Boys and Girls Club, Eastern Shore Unit, which has 191 members. Club programs are con- Cape Center 26507 Lankford Hwy. Cape Charles email: capecntr@msn.com 757-331-1541 Dinner Specials Week of Dec. 1 - 7, 2012 ducted after school from 3 to 8 p.m and all day during the summer. The focus of the club is for members to achieve academic success, develop good character and citizenship and maintain healthy lifestyles. Sponsorships are available for Swine and Wine, which will help the club meets its mission. A $1,000 Platinum Sponsor includes eight tickets to the event. A $500 Gold Sponsor receives four tickets. A $250 Silver Sponsor receives two tickets. There is also a $150 Angel Donation. Tickets are $35 in advance and $40 at the door. They are available at the Book Bin in Onley, Rayfield’s Pharmacies in Cape Charles and Nassawadox and the Machipongo Trading Co. For information, call Mary Harris at 442-3379, ext. 113. C.D. Marsh Jewelers Onancock, VA 757-787-3333 Friday, Dec. 14th Open House!! Specials Trunk Show with Kameleon Starting Dec. 13th, open ‘til 8pm Look for specials each week! Saturday Mixed Grill: Shrimp & Chicken Breast Hamburger Steak $1299 $799 Sunday Lunch: 3 PC Fried Chicken $699 Lunch: Backed Chicken $799 Dinner: Prime Rib Queen: $1399 King: $1599 Veal Parmesan Monday Jumbo Chicken Wings Tuesday Hot Turkey Sandwich $899 $.50 each $899 Wednesday All You Can Eat Shrimp w/1 side $1299 (No loyal card. Eat in only) Thursday Hot Roast Beef Sandwich Friday $899 Grilled Marinated Flank Steak $1399 Sunday - Thursday Chicken & Dumplings $899 Full Service Grocery Store 824-3061 Rt. 13 n. Mappsville Prices effective monday, december 3 thru Sunday, december 9, 2012 Value Pack Ground Beef $2.99/lb. Shurfine Butter Quarters 2/$5 Fresh Value Pack Boneless & Skinless Chicken Breast $2.19/lb. 48-oz. Ctn. Asst. Varieties Shurfine Creamery Select Ice Cream 2/$5 Dole Iceberg Lettuce $1.69/each Fresh Value Pack Pork Loin Center Cut Pork Chops $2.79/lb. USDA Choice Boneless Delmonico Ribeye Steaks $8.99/lb. Shurfine Deli Gourmet Turkey Breast $3.99/lb. Swiss Cheese $3.99/lb. American Cheese $2.99/lb. November 30, 2012 • Eastern Shore Post • 9 Mile POSTS Births rds a w A Marriages ents m t n Appoi Five Generations Five generations of the local Wallop family are represented by Beulah Wallop (center), holding her greatgreat-grandson, Devion Wessells Wallop and (from right) her daughter, Eunice Wallop; granddaughter, Marcella Wallop; and great-granddaughter, Makiara Wallop. Amy DiMartino To Wed Royce Stafford Jr. Wayne and Kathy Greene of Onancock have announced the engagment of their daughter, Amy Greene DiMartino, to Royce Franklin Stafford Jr., the son of the late Royce and Rose Marie Stafford from Dover, Del. The wedding is set for April 20, 2013, and invitations will be sent. We have the largest selection of sterling silver jewelry Great Gift Ideas Great Gift Ideas CHAMILIA CHAMILIA Authorized Retailer Authorized Retailer 757-787-2217 757-787-2217 Four Corner Plaza Four Corner 10amPlaza - 5:30pm 10am - 5:30pm 10th ANNUAL SPORTSMAN’S AUCTION Friday Feb. 22 @ 5:10 PM Saturday Feb. 23 @ 10:05 AM Being held at the Zeb B. Barfield, Inc. Auction Facility 12100 Mears Station Rd., Hallwood, VA 23359 Decoys * Firearms Fishing Items Taxidermy Game Mounts Related Artwork Contact us now to consign. We just sold (1) oyster can for $1,100. Yours could be next. Complimentary Pig Roast on Saturday to celebrate our 10th Anniversary Online bidding hosted by Proxibid 757.894.2626 zeb@zebsauctions.com 10 • Eastern Shore Post • November 30, 2012 Obituaries Joseph and Marie Balchunas Mr. Joseph Charles Balchunas, 73, died March 4, 2010, at Treasure Coast Hospice, Stuart, Fla. He was born in Newark, N.J., and lived in Port St. Lucie for 31 years, coming from Toms River, N.J. He served in the Navy as a helicopter maintenance technician at Barber’s Point Naval Air Station. Before retiring, Mr. Balchunas was a specialty mechanic on industrial diesel vehicles. He was a member of St. Lucie Catholic Church in Port St. Lucie, Fla., where he was an usher for 15 years. He was a member of the Model Train Club of the Southeast Conference. Survivors included his wife, Marie Balchunas of Port St. Lucie; sons, Joseph Balchunas Jr. of Oviedo, Fla., and John Balchunas of Port St. Lucie; sister, Helen Young of Naples, Fla.; four grandchildren; and brother-in-law, John “Nick” Nekunas (and wife, Lenora) of Parksley. Memorial contributions may be made to Treasure Coast Hospice, 1201 S.E. Indian St., Stuart, FL 34997. ………………………… Mrs. Marie Balchunas, 68, of Orlando, Fla., passed peacefully in her home on Aug. 26, 2012. Born in Queens, N.Y., she was a resident of Port St. Lucie, Fla., for 32 years, moving from Toms River, N.J., and retiring to Orlando. She was a graduate of State University College at Oneonta, N.Y., earning her Bachelor’s Degree in Education, and of Florida Atlantic University, earning her Master’s Degree in Education. Prior to retirement, Mrs. Balchunas was a science teacher for 47 years. She was a devoted member of St. Lucie Catholic Church in Port St. Lucie, and a member of the National Teachers’ Association. Mrs. Balchunas was predeceased by her husband Joseph in 2010. Survivors include her sons, Joseph Balchunas Jr. and his wife Bree of Orlando and John Balchunas and his wife Jennifer of Port St. Lucie; brother, John “Nick” Nekunas and his wife Lenora of Parksley; grandchild, Elizabeth (Ellie); and step-grandchildren Jansen, Gage, Austin and Shelbymarie. A joint memorial service for Mr. and Mrs. Balchunas will be held from the graveside at Parksley Cemetery Saturday, Dec. 1, 2012, at 2 p.m. Memory tributes may be shared at www.williamsfuneralhomes.com Arrangements were made by Williams-Parksley Funeral Home. Retired Nurse Dies Mrs. Georgia Speliotis Arnold, 85, of Franktown passed away peacefully at her home Tuesday, Nov. 20, 2012. She was a devoted wife and loving mother, grandmother, and greatgrandmother. Mrs. Arnold was born in Ipswich, Mass., to the late Socrates and Evanthia Speliotes. She graduated from the Salem Nursing School in 1947 and went on to serve as a nurse in the U.S. Air Force at Carswell Air Force Base in Ft. Worth, Texas. She married James Arnold on Feb. 16, 1952, in Ft. Worth. They settled in Garland, Texas, and raised their two children. Following her discharge from the Air Force, Mrs. Arnold worked for over 40 years at Baylor Medical Center in Dallas, Texas. She was also an active mem- ber of St. David’s Episcopal Church in Garland. Following her retirement, the Arnolds enjoyed seasonal retirement in Franktown beginning in 1994, before moving permanently to the Eastern Shore in 1998. Mrs. Arnold was an active member of Hungar’s Episcopal Church and volunteered at the Hungar’s Thrift Shop. In addition to her husband, survivors include a daughter and son-inlaw, Joanne and Ray Roberts of Hillsboro, Texas; son and daughter-in-law, Jim and Ellen Arnold of Austin, Texas; sisters, Elaine Moreland of Las Cruces, N.M., and Alice Angel of Ipswich; grandchildren, Jay Arnold (and wife, Sara) of Austin, Blake Roberts (and wife, Mary) of Austin, Kathryn Kyler Arnold of Washington, D.C., Nicole Roberts of Austin, and Kelly Roberts of Washington, D.C.; great-granddaughter, Austin Ainsley Arnold of Austin; and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services were held Saturday, Nov. 24, at Hungars Episcopal Church in Bridgetown, with Rev. Frederick W. Willis Jr. officiating. Memorial donations may be made to The National Kidney Foundation, 30 E. Now you know an investment professional who’s dedicated to getting to know you. G. Adair Tyler, CRPC® Assistant Vice President Financial Advisor SunTrust Investment Services, Inc. 757.789.3755 adair.tyler@suntrust.com Smith & Scott 22421 Lankford Hwy. Accomac, VA 757-787-1069 3204 Main St. Exmore, VA 757-442-4999 Your financial goals are just that – yours. That’s why the experienced investment professionals at SunTrust Investment Services, Inc. focus on understanding your specific wants and needs, and tailoring a plan accordingly. Get to know all the benefits of investing with SunTrust. Contact Adair today. Investment and Insurance Products: Are not FDIC or any other Government Agency Insured • Are not Bank Guaranteed • May Lose Value Securities, insurance (including annuities) and other investment products and services are offered by SunTrust Investment Services, Inc., an SEC registered investment adviser and broker-dealer affiliate of SunTrust Banks, Inc., member FINRA, SIPC, and a licensed insurance agency. © 2012 SunTrust Banks, Inc. SunTrust is a federally registered service mark of SunTrust Banks, Inc. November 30, 2012 • Eastern Shore Post • 11 33rd St., New York, NY 10016; or Women’s Memorial Foundation, c/o Women in Military Service for America, Dept 560, Washington, DC 20042-0560. The guest book may be signed at www.hollandfuneralhome.net Arrangements were made by Holland Funeral Home at Nassawadox. Perdue Retiree Dies Mr. Cecil James East, 77, of Melfa passed away Wednesday, Nov. 21, 2012, at Riverside Shore Memorial Hospital in Nassawadox. Born in Melfa, he was the son of the late Edward East Sr. and Mary Owens East. Mr. East worked at Perdue Farms in the Security and Boxing departments. He is survived by his wife of 49 years, Loretta East; sister, Lucille Crockett; and several nieces and nephews, great-nieces and great-nephews and cousins. He was preceded in death by a sister, Doris Killmon (and husband, Ike) and a brother, Edward East Jr. (and wife, Barbara). Funeral services were conducted Sunday, Nov. 25, at Thornton Funeral Home in Parksley by Rev. Mark Howard. Inter- ment was in Onancock Cemetery. Memorial donations may be made to Hospice and Palliative Care of the Eastern Shore, 165 Market St., Suite 3, Onancock, VA 23417. To express condolences or sign the guestbook, please visit www.thorntonfuneralhome.net Ex-NASA Test Director Dies Mr. Jay Farnum Brown, 65, of Belle Haven passed away Wednesday, Nov. 21, 2012, at home. Born in Wellsville, NY, he was the son of the late Robert Farnum Brown and Gail Elizabeth Richmond. Mr. Brown served in the U.S. Air Force during the Vietnam War. He retired from NASA at Wallops Flight Facility, where he worked as the test director. Mr. Brown’s quick wit and sense of humor left those around him laughing. He was an avid aviation buff, and lifetime parrot head, who spent many years traveling to the waters of the Caribbean in the Virgin Islands. Mr. Brown is survived by his sisters, Alison Beilleci of Long Island, N.Y., and Jan Shampaner of North Hempstead, N.Y.; caretaker, Kenneth Tucker of Belle Haven; and family and friends Firewood Ready for the Cold Days Ahead! Beat the all-time high prices on fuel oil & propane! Get your seasoned wood now! Marshall’s Tree Service 442-7540 or 678-6152 around the country. A private memorial service will be held at a later date. Memorial donations may be made to the Animal Care Center of St. John, P.O. Box 429, St. John, US Virgin Islands 00831. Memory tributes may be shared with the family at www.williamsfuneralhomes.com Arrangements were made by Williams-Parksley Funeral Home. Mrs. Muriel W. Fuller Mrs. Muriel Welch Fuller, 96, of Accomac, wife, mother, and businesswoman, passed away at the Hermitage on the Eastern Shore in Onancock Friday, Nov. 23, 2012. Born in Worcester, Mass., she attended high school in York, Maine, where she met her future husband, Herbert Fuller. At the time of their marriage on Sept. 27, 1941, Mr. Fuller was in the Army, and as an Army wife, Mrs. Fuller made more than 14 moves during her husband’s Army career. She made their residences in York, Maine; Sacramento, Calif.; Clark Air Force Base in the Phillipines; Elizabethtown, and Fort Knox, Ky.; Ama- rillo, Killeen, and Fort Hood, Texas; Stuttgart and Wuerzburg, Germany; and Fort Huachuca, Ariz. Following Mr. Fuller’s retirement from the Army in 1966, she Mrs. Fuller made a further six moves for his civilian work as a communications engineer to Mobile, Ala.; Belleville, Ill.; Lansdale, Pa.; Oslo, Norway; and Snow Hill, Md., before they settled down in 1973 in a home they helped build by a country pond near Greenbush. Mrs. Fuller embarked on her own career as a real estate broker until her own retirement from the Mason-Davis agency. Mrs. Fuller is survived by her husband of 71 years, Herbert William Fuller; son and daughter-in-law, Randall and Jane Fuller of Dallas, Texas; niece, Gabrielle Cote of York; nephew, James Husson-Cote of Provincetown, Mass.; Wendy Cote of Eliot, Maine; the family of Wendy Cote; Mrs. Teresita (Obituaries Cont’d. on Next Page) Damage from Sandy? Call Us!!! 12 • Eastern Shore Post • November 30, 2012 ~ Obituaries ~ (Continued From Previous Page) Askman of Milton Mills, N.H.; and the family of Teresita Askman. Mrs. Fuller was predeceased by two nephews, Matthew Cote and Christopher Cote. There will be a memorial gathering of Mrs. Fuller’s friends and relatives to celebrate her life on Saturday, Dec. 8, at 2 p.m. at the Hermitage. Memorial contributions may be made to the SPCA of the Eastern Shore, P.O. Box 164, Onley, VA 23418. Mrs. Fuller never saw a stray cat or dog that she did not want to adopt, and a lucky few did in fact end up at her home. Memory tributes may be shared with the family at www.williamsfuneralhomes.com. Arrangements by the WilliamsParksley Funeral Home. Retired Accountant Dies Mrs. Gerda Dora Magee, 94, passed away at Riverside Shore Rehabilitation Center in Parksley Saturday, Nov. 24, 2012. She was the daughter of the late Johannes and Minna Brandt Zeiger. Mrs. Magee was a retired accountant and a member of St. Paul’s on the Shore Lutheran Church in Hallwood. She is survived by her daughter, Christine Magee of Modest Town; granddaughters, Meredith Mears (and husband, Jon) of Fruitland, Md., and Dana Bonney of Onancock; and greatgrandchildren, Blake, Erin, and Casey Bonney and Gabriel Mears. Services will be private. The guest book may be signed at www.hollandfuneralhome.net Arrangements were made by Holland Funeral Home at Nassawadox Local Entrepreneur Dies Mr. Nicholas J. Covatta Jr., owner of an Eastern Shore nursery and a Norfolk-based equipment company, died early Sunday, Nov. 25, 2012, at his home on Folly Creek. He was 66 years old and had been battling cancer for the past year. A native of Troy, N.Y., and a graduate of the MassaMr. Covatta chusetts Institute of Technology (SB 1968) and Harvard University (MBA 1972), Mr. Covatta moved to the Eastern Shore in 1980 after purchasing Eastern Shore Nursery of Virginia, a wholesale nursery near Keller. He also co-founded the Atlantis Group in Norfolk, Va., which consists of four Mid-Atlantic operating subsidiaries, including CFE Equipment Corporation. Before moving to the Shore, Mr. Covatta spent more than a decade working in New York, Boston, San Francisco, Pittsburgh and the Middle East as an adviser, strategic consultant, and corporate executive. He served as a senior consultant with Boston Consulting Group, a vice president of Gulf Oil Corporation, a staff executive of General Electric, and an executive vice president of AI International Corporation. When he came to the Shore, Mr. Covatta brought with him not just his business expertise, but a deep personal appreciation and love for higher education and the arts — and above all a devotion to his wife and business partner, Robin Rinaca. Together they raised two daughters, Anna and Danielle, and REMINDER THE SECOND INSTALLMENT OF THE 2012 REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES IS DUE DECEMBER 5, 2012. ENVELOPES MUST BE POSTMARKED ON OR BEFORE DECEMBER 5, 2012 OR 10% PENALTY PLUS 10% INTEREST PER ANNUM MUST BE ADDED. DANA T. BUNDICK, TREASURER ACCOMACK COUNTY, VIRGINIA settled into their new home; they had purchased and meticulously restored one of the Eastern Shore’s grandest old homes, Bowman’s Folly (c. 1815) on Folly Creek. Mr. Covatta’s involvement in his daughters’ activities led him to play a minor role in a local production of “The Nutcracker.” He enjoyed it so much that he became a frequent performer at North Street Playhouse in Onancock. Perhaps his most notable leading role was as Willy Loman in “Death of a Salesman.” Mr. Covatta was appointed to the board of the Virginia Commission for the Arts by Gov. Tim Kaine in 2006 and later was elected its chairman. He served on the boards of Virginians for the Arts, the North Street Playhouse, Riverside Shore Memorial Hospital and Eastern Shore Community College Foundation. Mr. Covatta was also active in the MIT Educational Council, the McGovern Center for Brain Research at MIT, the Parents Committees for St. Paul’s School in Concord, N.H., and Wellesley College in Wellesley, Mass. He also was a member of Grace United Methodist Church in Parksley and served as its treasurer for 10 years. In the last year of his life, Mr. Covatta was steadfastly positive, saying often that he had had “a good life” and no reason to complain. He had a lifelong passion for the New York Yankees and he loved to travel with his family. One might speculate that his greatest regret would be that he was able to collect only two Social Security checks. Mr. Covatta was born Nicholas Joseph Covatta Jr. in Troy, N.Y., the son of Nicholas J. Covatta Sr. and Lillian Graziade Covatta. In addition to his wife and daughters, survivors include Cape Charles Medical Center 216 Mason Ave. Cape Charles 331-1422 his sisters, Mary Beth Ditoro (Michael) of Chester, N.H., Marilyn Christian (Joseph) of Troy, N.Y., and Sister Annette Covatta of Lake Oswego, Oreg. A memorial service celebrating Mr. Covatta’s life was held at his home Thursday, Nov. 29. Memorial contributions can be made to the Eastern Shore Community College (ESCC) Foundation for Project Horizons, 29300 Lankford Hwy., Melfa, VA, 23410; to Grace United Methodist Church, Parksley, VA 23421; or to the charity of your choice. Memory tributes may be shared with the family at www.williamsfuneralhomes.com Arrangements were made by Williams-Parksley Funeral Home. Ex-Body Shop Owner Dies Mr. Orville Bernard “Bandit” Norton Jr., 69, of Parksley passed away Sunday, Nov. 25, 2012, at the home of his daughter, Michelle, in Onley. Born in Newport, Ky., he was a son of the late Orville Bernard Norton and Elsie Mae Flack Norton. Mr. Norton was a previous owner and operator of a body shop and trucking and towing companies, including Bandit Automotive in Nelsonia and Riviera Auto Body in Bricktown, N.J. He was a member of Zion Baptist Church, served in the U.S. Air Force, and was a past commander of American Legion Post 348 in Bricktown. Mr. Norton was predeceased by his wife, Judith Elizabeth Southard; and a brother, Thomas Norton. Survivors include his children, Wayne Orville Norton Sr. of Onancock, Judy Ann Norton of Easton, Pa., Michelle Lee Shumaker Byrd of Onley, and Christine Tina Ritsema of Venice, Fla.; sisters, Sue Norton of Georgia and Nancy Norton of Kentucky; grandchildren, Wayne Orville Norton Jr., Daniel Joseph Norton, Jacqueline Judith Cisco, Thomas Douglas Cisco and Jacob Connor Thornes; a great-grandchild, Kamden Orville Norton; and his companion, Kathleen Graverson. Obituaries can be faxed Dr. Mark Clarke Dr. David Dalessio to the Eastern Shore Post 2012-13 Flu Vaccine Now Available or e-mailed to Now accepting: at 789-7681 editor@easternshorepost.com November 30, 2012 • Eastern Shore Post • 13 Property Transactions •From Gary and Gloria Johnson To Deborah and Edward Sammler Lot A-9 at Kings Meadows near Cheriton For $307,000. •From Joyce Roman To John Windsor Property in Exmore For $82,000 •From Carol Sage To Deborah and Francis Palya Lot 9, Sea Cottage Addition, Cape Charles For $205,000 •From Caroline Serrano and Trust To Cove, LLC Lot 148, Section 10; and Lot 233, Section 7, Captain’s Cove For $500 •From George and Laura Kern To John Twyford and Robin Morgan Lots 35-39, Block 7, Machipongo Shores For $107,000 •From Victor and Susan Dunbar To Lucille Tubandt Lot 2079, Section 4, Captain’s Cove For $205,000 •From Fannie Mae To Paul and Stephanie Johnson 6479 Church St., Chincoteague For $92,000 •From Odelle Morgan & Carson Barnes To Rodrigo Velasquez-Alva and Blanca Perez-Ramierez Bloxom parcel For $8,000 •From Town of Exmore To Waterfront Marketing, Inc. 1 acre near Exmore For $40,000 •From John Rohe To John Campbell Lot 89, Section 9, Captain’s Cove For $8,500 •From Howard Ebbert To Arletta Hinkle Lot 246, Unit 3, Trails End For $2,700 •From Special Commissioner James Elliott and Phyllis Bailey To Winston Custis Lot 14, farm near Painter For $6,000 •From Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. To Alan and Nicole Caraballo Parcel near Chase’s Siding in Lee District For $10,000 •From Alice Scarborough To Lynne Browne Lot 4, Unit 3, Trails End For $4,500 •From Ronald Lyman To Darlene Mceachern 20487 Baldpate Ln., Onancock For $400,000 •From Steven Taylor To Jerry Richardson 16223 Country Club Rd., Melfa For $229,000 •From Lanny and Linda Buck To Pierson Group Inc. Greenbush property For $22,000 •From Briana and David Erb To Dominick Dalterio Lot 1411, SectionVolunteer 3, Captain’s Cove The Atlantic Fire and For $135,000 Rescue Company will host the 7th •From Rockfish Robert and Joy Oakes Annual Derby Dec. 1-2. This To Robert and Sherri O’Connell derby is a fund-raiser for the fire comLot 1381, Section 3, been Captain’s Cove pany. All prizes have doubled this For $239,900 year, with the top cash prize of $1,000 Mersha to•From be awarded forBailey the heaviest rockfish To Cookies Trucking, Inc. Total cash caught in the adult division. Lot near Rue and prizes are valued at over $4,000. For $17,500 is $30 per angler and Registration •From and Doris $15 per George youth angler (12 Pruitt and under). To Cookies Trucking, Inc. Registration deadline is Nov. 30 at the Lot near Rue meeting Nov. 30 at 6:30 anglers’ dinner For $19,500 p.m. at Atlantic Firehouse. The dinner John Williams is•From included with all registrations. Extra To Robert and Andrea Traylor dinner guests are welcome for a cost of Deep Creek lot $8 per guest. Door prizes, 50/50, raffles Fora$30,000 and silent auction will be offered. •From Scotia Fey Anglers may fish any Virginia and To Long Rows, Maryland coastalLLC waters, including the Pungoteague District parcel coastal Chesapeake Bay and Atlantic For $137,500 waters. All fish must be weighed in at •From Secretary HUD Atlantic Firehouseof(Saturday or SunTo Brandi Webster day). Weigh-in times are Saturday Property in Temperanceville Annual Rockfish Derby Dec. 1-2 Marriage Licenses Issued SPORTS S •Jared Rodon Armstrong, 32, of Parksley and Sheena Lavon Tull, 29, of Oak Hall •Stephen Elliott Bowden and 4:30-6 p.m and Sunday 4-5 Jr., p.m.18, Prizes Lauren Eileen Fisher, 20, both of will be awarded after the final weigh in. Chincoteague For additional information, call •Roy Briggs Lockwood, 41, and (757) 824-4844 or (757) 894-2164. Sherry Ann Baker, 44, both of Bloxom •Michael Dion Strand, 64, and Margaret Ann Staub, 45, both of Mappsville •Charles Stanley Schwieder, 57, ofThe Chincoteague and Toni Linda annual meeting of the TournaZabroky, 53, of Austin, Texas ment Committee of the Virginia Saltwa•Calvin Haggins, and ter FishingTheodore Tournament will be55, held at 7 Karen Michelle Williams, 42, both of p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 28, at 2600 WashParksley ington Ave., Newport News, in the Virginia Marine Resources Commission’s For $45,597 Library, located on the fourth floor. •From Janice Bishop The meeting will begin with a public To Harbour Asset Servicing, Inc. an comment period, providing anglers Chincoteague opportunity to parcel address the committee For $153,503 with their suggestions and concerns •From to Patrick and Georgianna Kelly relating the operation and policies of To program. Sheldon and Webbthen will the TheSusan committee Property in Chincoteague proceed with its formal meeting. For $400,000 VSWFT to Hold Public Meeting REMINDER NORTHAMPTON COUNTY TAX YEAR 2012 COUNTY TAXES ARE DUE Full Service Bookkeeping & Tax Preparation Authorized IRS e-file provider Now offering 2 Locations: 11 Kerr Street - Onancock & 33453 Chincoteague Rd - Wallops Island (Chincoteague Resort Realty Office) PLEASE CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT MUST BE RECEIVED OR POSTMARKED ON OR BEFORE DECEMBER 5, 2012 OR 10% Penalty and 10% Interest Per Annum MUST BE ADDED CYNTHIA S. BRADFORD, County Treasurer COUNTY OF NORTHAMPTON, VIRGINIA De for 16 you are bas You beg ava offi to me coa the 14 • Eastern Shore Post • November 30, 2012 g n i t Pos Up By Bill Sterling T Thanks to All Those Who Work Behind the Scenes most rabid of fans. That’s saying a lot in these times. And then there was the youth football I found fascinating to watch this fall. It takes another entire group of volunteers for these pint-sized players to enjoy the game. It will be these players who we will be watching in a few years at the high-school level. The experience and knowledge they gain from their youth coaches and the competition will greatly help the quality of high-school football in the future. To all these people, the high-school players and coaches owe a tremendous debt of gratitude. I tip my hat to you as well. — here is barely time to catch one’s breath between the end of football, volleyball and cross country seasons before boys’ and girls’ basketball and wrestling commence this week. See the early season schedules of the winter sports on Page 18. But first, a few quick comments on the sports that recently concluded. Kudos should go to the countless volunteers who work behind the scenes to make these sports possible. I am talking about people who work in the concession stands, line the fields or mark the courts, hold the first-down markers, operate scoreboards, collect at the admission booths and perform other jobs that garner little attention but are important to the overall success of an event. And then there are the equipment managers, ball boys and trainers who are so vital to the team’s performance. Local EMS workers and police officers bring an element of safety to the games. The local football teams are also fortunate to have entertaining and informative announcers who bring pleasure to the crowd with their updates and play-by-play descriptions. For those who can’t make it to the game, WESR Radio has provided a service for many years now to local football fans with weekly games. In the beginning of the football season, any referee who wasn’t employed by the NFL was getting a bad rep due to the scrutiny placed on the replacement referees. I, for one, was impressed with the quality of the officiating at both football and volleyball games locally. Rarely was there any call that raised objections from the coaches or created any hint of controversy, even from the SPORTS Youth football players line up in recent action in the Accomack County Youth League. Above, a pair of volunteers who held the first-down markers leave the field following a recent game. November 30, 2012 • Eastern Shore Post • 15 ACPR Youth Basketball League The Accomack County Parks and Recreation Department is accepting registration for youth basketball. Youth ages 5 to 16 are eligible to participate. The department also is looking for young ladies, ages 9-12 and 13-16, who are interested in joining Parks and Rec.’s girls’ basketball teams. The last date to register for Youth Basketball is Dec. 15. Games will begin mid-January. Applications are available at the Parks and Recreation office Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. The Parks and Recreation Department also is looking for volunteer coaches. For additional information, contact the Parks and Rec. office at 787-3900 or 824-0314. SPORTS SHORTS Deer Donations Sought by Group The Eastern Shore Chapter of the Hunters for the Hungry announces its 16th season of helping hunters donate deer to local needy individuals though the Food Bank and other organizations. The processors this year are Brent Powell in Wachapreague (787-7107) and Matt Killmon of Bucktrails (787-1351) in Onancock. There will be refrigerated collection trailers at the Foodbank in Tasley and B&B Market on Lankford Highway in Machipongo. All deer must be properly registered and field dressed. For any questions, to volunteer to help or to arrange a speaker for a group, contact the local director, Worth Saunders, at 757-710-0049 or aes3ptocs@yahoo.com. The mailing address is P.O. Box 1702, Parksley, VA 23421 Annual Rockfish Derby Dec. 1-2 The Atlantic Volunteer Fire and Rescue Company will host the 7th Annual Rockfish Derby Dec. 1-2. The top cash prize of $1,000 will Nandua football coaches are holding be awarded for the heaviest rockfish a parent and player interest/informa- caught in the adult division. Total tional meeting on Thursday, Dec. 20, in cash and prizes are valued at over the school cafeteria at 7 p.m. The meet- $4,000. ing is mandatory for all players. CoachRegistration is $30 per angler and es will be discussing off-season activi- $15 per youth angler (12 and under). ties and player responsibilities. The registration deadline is this evening, Nov. 30, at the anglers’ dinner meeting at 6:30 at the Atlantic Firehouse. The dinner is included with registration. Guests are an additionNorthampton Parks and Recreation al $8. All fish must be weighed at the is still accepting registration forms for Atlantic Firehouse. Weigh-in times the youth basketball program scheduled are Saturday from 4:30 to 6 p.m and to begin Saturday, Dec. 1 at NorthampSunday from 4 to 5 p.m. Prizes will be ton Middle School. Registration fees are awarded after the final weigh-in. $35 per player. Registration fees and For additional information, call forms will be accepted up until Dec. 1. (757)824-4844 or (757)894-2164. For more information, call 678-0468. Nandua Football Meeting Dec. 20 NCPR Basketball Registration Set Northampton Wrestlers Top Nandua, Fall to Group AAA Nansemond River Northampton lost to Group AAA Nansemond River 51-29 and then defeated Nandua 60-24 Wednesday night at the Jacket gym. “It was about what I expected,” said Northampton coach Will Leland. “We gave up 18 points in forfeits, but we will fill those positions as the season goes along. We are pointing to the War on the Shore tourney next weekend in Salisbury. That will be a good test for us,” said Leland, referring to a tourney that draws top teams from the East Coast. Northampton’s Charlie DeMarino (113 lbs.), Malik McCaskill (120 lbs.) and Raul Gildo (160 lbs.) all registered two pins on the night. Casey Paglia, state champion for the past two seasons and now wrestling at 145 pounds, scored a technical decision in the first match and a pin in the nightcap against Nandua. Ryan Bono (106 lbs.) scored a pin against Nansemond Suffolk and won in a forfeit against Nandua. For Nandua, Maurice Tolliver won a decision with a pin, and Bryan Wade, Josh Medina and Alex Pruitt won in forfeits in the Northampton match. Nandua was defeated handily by Nansemond Suffolk, a much larger school. In other matches in the Northampton-Nandua contest, the Jackets’ Aiden Ingram (126 lbs.), Justin Elting (132 lbs.), Alan Killebrew (138 lbs.), Hakeem Berry (170 lbs.) and Austin Brady (220 lbs.) won with pins over their opponents. Brady had the quickest pin of the night, in 36 seconds, with DeMarino and McCaskill getting pins in 40 and 41 seconds, respectively. Northampton will compete in an Henrico Quad meet today and will not be at home again until Jan. 11-12. Nandua travels today for a match with Snow Hill, Md. Casey Paglia of Northampton, two time state titleist, records a decision over a Nansemond River wrestler and recorded a pin in his final match of the night in a match against Nandua. November 30, 2012 • Eastern Shore Post • 17 16 • Eastern Shore Post • November 30, 2012 The end of the Year is always the Best Time to Buy a NEW CAR!! USED TRUCKS 2001 NISSAN FRONTIER, Xtra Clean ........$7,995 2003 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER, Local ........$6,995 SOLD FORD 2005 F150 SUPERCAB, Local Truck ............$9,995 2004 HONDA CRV, Great MPG ................$7,995 2005 F150 LARIAT CREWCAB 4x4 .........$16,595 2004 EXPLORER XLT 4X4, Red ...............$9,995 $1 All 2012s under factory invoice, & you keep the rebates. 0% financing available. 2012 FUSION 2012 FOCUS 2012 FIESTA 5 to choose from 4 to choose from 4 to choose from Rebates up to Rebates up to Rebates up to 35+ 35+ 35+ $3,250 MPG $2,500 MPG $2,000 MPG 2012 EXPEDITION 2012 F150 ‘BEST DEAL ON SHORE’ 6 to choose from 2012 F250 3 to choose from Rebates up to Rebates up to Rebates up to $5,000 $4,500 $4,000 *Must Finance at FMCC OAC Come see the new 2013 Escape and Fusion. All 2013s on sale!!! 757-787-1209 SUVs 2006 F150 STX SUPERCAB 4x4 ...............$16,595 2005 EXPLORER XLT 4X4, White ..........$10,995 2006 F150 CREWCAB LARIAT 4x4 .........$16,995 2007 FREESTYLE LTD ............................$11,995 2006 F350 XL, Diesel, Low Miles ................$17,900 2007 MAZDA CX7, Nice ..........................$12,995 2009 F250 Crew, SLariat OLD 4x4, All Options ....$28,695 LINCOLNS FORD FACTORY VEHICLES 2010 MK5 SEDAN, moonroof ....................$23,995 2009 FOCUS SE, 4-door, white .................$10,995 2010 MKT, Every Option ............................$27,980 2011 FIESTA, SEDAN, 5-speed ................$12,995 2011 TOWNCAR, Last of the Breed ...........$27,980 2011 FIESTA SEL SEDAN ........................$13,995 2008 NAVIGATOR L, Loaded, One of a Kind ..$26,995 2011 FUSION SEL, 4 cyl ...........................$15,988 2007 NAVIGATOR, Ultimate, Nice ............$23,995 2010 TRANSIT CONNECT, 1 Owner ......$16,295 2007 MKZ, 85,000 1-Owner Miles ..............$12,995 2010 FUSION SPORT, Loaded ..................$17,995 2005 NAVIGATOR 4X4, Ultimate .............$14,395 2012 MUSTANG CONVERTIBLE, V6.....$20,240 PRICED TO SELL - GUARANTEED CREDIT APPROVAL 2002 SABLE LS WAGON, Nice ........$6,995 2005 CHEVY COBALT, Clean .........$8,995 2003 PT CRUISER, OLDRide in Style .......................$7,995 S 2008 SUZUKI FORENZA, Clean ......................$8,395 2005 MONTEGO, Clean, Local ........$8,995 2006 MONTEGO, Loaded, Clean ......................$9,995 2007 FORD 500 LTD .......................$9,995 2008 FOCUS, Local Owner, Clean .....................$9,995 31066 Lankford Hwy., Keller • www.1koolford.com • koolautomotive.com 2008 SUZUKI RENO, “RED” ..........$8,995 2008 HYUNDAI SONATA, 1 Owner ..............$10,850 18 • Eastern Shore Post • November 30, 2012 Basketball, Wrestling Underway as Winter Sports Commence on Shore Basketball and wrestling get underway this week on the Eastern Shore as local teams begin the winter season. Northampton hosted a wrestling match Wednesday with Nandua and Nansemond River (see results on Page 15). The Jackets will travel to Henrico for a quad meet today and then go to Salisbury, Md., next weekend for the War on the Shore meet, where Northampton will be the only Group A school among 32 teams that include national caliber squads. The Jackets have two-time state champion Casey Paglia returning this season to seek a third title in the 145- pound weight class. Last year, Paglia amassed a 50-3 record and was named All-District and All-Region in the 126-pound class. But Paglia is not the only top wrestler on the Jacket squad. “We have five wrestlers back who placed in states,” said fourth-year head coach Will Leland. “We should be strong.” He named team captains Ryan Bono, Charlie DeMarino, Malik McCaskill and Laquan Hairston and the return of Raul Gildo after a year’s absence as wrestlers who will help Paglia, also a team captain, make a strong showing in region competion and and possibly the state meet. Nandua travels to Snow Hill, Md., today for a match before two road meets next week against Middlesex on Thursday and Lake Taylor on Saturday. Coach Nathan Metzler has a young but deep squad of 32 wrestlers that includes only two seniors, Bryan Wade and Maurice Tolliver, and 11 freshmen. Arcadia, led by first-year head coach Lou Bornes, did not have a wrestling match this week due to early season schedule changes. The Firebirds lost several wrestlers who placed at the state meet last year, in addition to longtime head coach Bill Prince, who retired. Broadwater has started a wrestling program at the club level with plans to eventually field a high-school program with Steve Custis at the helm. Basketball In Full Force While only three schools now field wrestling squads, five Shore schools have both boys’ and girls’ basketball teams. Hours Thurs. & Fri. 11am - 9pm Sat. 7am - 9pm Sun. 7am - 3pm Phone: 757-678-5270 Thursday Lunch: Hot Roast Beef w/mashed pot. & soda $5.99 Fried Fish w/ff & soda $5.99 Dinner: Pot Roast w/2 veg. $8.95 3 pc. Fried Chicken Dinner w/2 veg. $7.95 Friday Lunch: Fried or Grilled Chicken Filet w/ff & soda $5.99 Chicken Wrap w/ff & soda $5.99 Dinner: Seafood Trio (Pick 3: Oysters, Shrimp, Scallops, Crab Cakes, Flounder) $18.99 Chicken Alfredo & Salad $9.95 Saturday Breakfast All Day Stuffed Flounder w/2 veg. $18.95 Hamburger Steak w/2 veg. $7.95 Sunday Chicken & Dumplings $8.95 We cater parties up to 75 people All occasions Reasonable Rates Hoops began last night when Northampton and Arcadia met in Eastville for a boys’ contest and in Oak Hall for a girls’ game. Wayne Bell leads the Jacket boys, while Leo Owens coaches the girls. The Arcadia boys are led by longtime coach Alvin Justice, with the girls coached by Terry Mueller. Tonight, Chincoteague boys and girls travel to Holly Grove for their season openers. The boys are led by Jay Savage, while the girls are coached by Kelly Fox. The Broadwater boys and girls also open their season tonight with at home against Denbigh, beginning at 5:30 with the girls’ game. The boys are coached by Eddie Spencer and Kirk Smith, while Ralph Dodd and Benjy Rew lead the Viking girls. Next week, games begin in earnest, with Monday games involving Broadwater at Northampton (boys only at 5:30 p.m.) and both the Chincoteague boys and girls hosting Worcester Prep. On Tuesday, Northampton boys and girls host Charles City, beginning at 5:30 p.m. Also on Tuesday, the Nandua boys host Arcadia at home at 7 p.m., while the Warrior girls travel to Arcadia for a 7 p.m. start. The Nandua boys are coached by Cedric Cooper, while the girls have Coach Kim Giddens at the helm. Both the Broadwater boys and girls host Stonebridge on Tuesday, with games at 4 and 7 p.m., respectively. Games on Wednesday include the Northampton girls traveling to Broadwater at 5:30 p.m. and the Chinco teague boys at Holly Grove. Thursday’s slate includes Indian River visiting the Arcadia boys for a 6 p.m. start and the Broadwater boys visiting Greenbrier. Next Friday, the Northampton girls host Franklin at 5:30 p.m. The boys’ game with Franklin has been postponed. Arcadia boys will play on back-toback nights, with Mathews visiting for a 7 p.m. start Friday. On Saturday, Dec. 8, Nandua girls will host Northumberland at 1:30 p.m., with the boys starting at 4:30 p.m. November 30, 2012 • Eastern Shore Post • 19 O F F E N S E Travis, Tackle Nandua Geffrard, RB, LB Arcadia Wise, Tackle Nandua James, RB Nandua Grier, End, P Nandua Blake, QB Nandua Wang, End Nandua Hairston, RB Northampton Wright, PK, DB Nandua Bell, Center Nandua D E F E N S E Wade, Guard Nandua Perry-Pruitt, G Nandua Strautz, DE Nandua Burton, DE Arcadia Head Coaches Northampton Charles Kellam Arcadia Tony Nock Warren, DL Nandua Wells, DL Northampton Mackavene, DL Arcadia Pruitt, LB Nandua Holden, LB Arcadia Townsend, DB Arcadia Outten, DB Northampton Nandua Chris Miles Shore All-District Football Team Announced The Eastern Shore All-District football team was named recently by coaches from Nandua, Arcadia and Northampton high schools. Javante James of Nandua was named the Offensive MVP and Mikey Geffrard of Arcadia was selected Defensive MVP. In addition to being named as a linebacker on defense, Geffrard was selected as a first-team running back. Other players appearing on both the first-team offense and defense were Nandua’s David Wright, who was named as placekicker on offense and defensive back, and Will Grier, also of Nandua, an offensive end and punter on defense. Nandua, which won the Eastern Shore District title with a 4-0 record, dominated the team, with 13 players selected to the first-team offensive and defensive squads. Arcadia, 2-2 on the season in the district, had five players chosen. Northampton, winless on the season, had three players selected. Geffrard, selected as a running back and linebacker, was “the heart and soul of our defense,” said Arcadia coach Tony Nock. Geffrard recorded 37 tackles in four district games and 98 tackles for the season. “His presence was all over the football field and gave us the big plays when we really needed it,” said Nock, who added that Geffrard worked extremely hard in the weight room during the off-season. “He was a team captain and he took that role seriously, leading by example on and off the football field,” said Nock. Javante James of Nandua, select- ed as a running back, racked up over 1,000 yards this season. A focused and determined runner, James refused to be tackled, according to Nandua coach Chris Miles, who added, “It was a pleasure to have coached Javonte, and he will be missed.” Tyreim Blake of Nandua, quarterback, led the district in passing, rushing for over 500 yards as well and 12 touchdowns. “Tyreim is a competitor, and the single-wing offense works for him because he can use his athleticism in many ways,” said Coach Miles, who added that he is very happy that Tyreim is a sophomore and will have two more seasons to grow in the singlewing system. Laquan Hairston of Northampton, first-team running back, did almost ev- erything for Northampton, from running the ball to playing solid defense at linebacker to punting and kicking off. Listed at 315 pounds, Hairston was difficult for defenders to bring down and made numerous first downs this season from punt formation. A senior and captain, Hairston will be missed next year by the Jacket coaching staff. Tyler Bell of Nandua, center, was the key to the Nandua offensive success, said Coach Miles. “His attention to detail and work ethic at the center position was outstanding.” A junior, Bell will anchor the Warrior offensive line again next season Bryan Wade of Nandua, a first-team All-District and second-team All-Region selection as guard, worked very (Continued on Next Page) 20 • Eastern Shore Post • November 30, 2012 ~ All-District Football ~ hard all year and gave 110 percent on the field, according to Coach Miles. “He was the pulling guard in Nandua’s single-wing offense. Since Bryan did his job the team was successful. It will be a challenge to find another guard with Bryan’s abilities,” said Miles. Austin Perry-Pruitt, a guard, was one of seven offensive linemen from Nandua to make the All-District team. “Austin’s blocking and trapping ability were keys to the success of the offensive unit this season,” said Coach Miles, who added, “He will be missed next year.” Zach Travis of Nandua, a senior tackle, is one of five players graduating from the Warrior offensive line this year. “Zach’s ability to pull and lead block gave the Warrior running backs the holes to lead the district in rushing this season,” said Coach Miles. Malachi Wise of Nandua, a junior tackle, was a pivotal player in the Warrior rushing game, according to Coach Miles. “Malachi showed much improvement each week of the season and with a solid off-season in the weight room, he will be a force to be reckoned with on the Warrior offensive line next year,” said Coach Miles. Will Grier of Nandua, a first-team senior end and punter, stayed on the field the entire game, playing offense, defense and special teams. “Will’s two receptions in the playoff game gave the offense momentum,” said Coach Miles, who also cited Grier’s blocking skills. As a punter, Grier averaged 48 yards a punt. Mike Wang of Nandua, a senior end, was a team player and showed much improvement as the season progressed, according to Coach Miles. “Playing the strong end position on the dominant Warrior offensive line, Mike spent more time blocking than catching passes in the Warriors’ run-based offense, but was a fine target when needed,” the coach noted. David Wright of Nandua, a firstteam All-District selection as both a placekicker and defensive back, and a first-team All-Region pick as a placekicker, was “automatic,” according to Coach Miles, making 33 of 34 PATs and six of seven field goals, including a school record 41-yarder. As a defensive back, Wright, a junior, recorded 37 tackles, three fumble recoveries, a sack and a punt return for a touchdown. David Strautz of Nandua, a firstteam defensive end, was a “tenacious hitter with a desire to find the football as well as a very aggressive and quick player,” according to Coach Miles, who said Strautz finished the season with 46 tackles, two fumble recoveries, one blocked punt and two sacks. Chris Burton of Arcadia was named first-team defensive end for the second consecutive year. “Chris’ speed helped control anything on the outside run and he was constantly in the backfield disrupting the opposing team’s offense,” said Coach Nock. A senior, Chris recorded 22 tackles in four district games. Osie Warren of Nandua, a senior defensive lineman, was an aggressive player who could be outweighed by his opponent by 50 or more pounds, according to Coach Miles, but Warren still managed 46 tackles, two fumble recoveries and four sacks for the year. Jacob Wells of Northampton, a 6-0, 290 pounder who was selected to the first-team All-District squad as a defensive lineman, was a mainstay on the young Jacket squad. A senior, Wells also anchored the team at center on the offense and will be missed next year. Todd Mackavene of Arcadia, a defensive lineman, is only a sophomore. “Todd is a very strong athlete and can read the gaps and control the line of scrimmage,” noted Nock. “He was a big part of our defensive line in our 5-3 and 4-4 set.” Mackavene recorded 18 tackles in four district games. Alex Pruitt of Nandua, a first-team All-District selection as linebacker and second-team All-Region choice, was a hard-hitting linebacker who led the team in tackles this year with 96 in addition to three sacks. “Alex was moved from defensive end to linebacker in the middle of the year, and this allowed him to excel on defense,” said Coach Miles, who looks forward to Alex leading the Warrior defense next year. Tony Holden, an Arcadia senior, was named to the defensive team as a linebacker. “Tony is a very physical player (Continued From Previous Page) who controlled the middle of line with his punishing tackles and hard blitzes,” said Coach Nock. Holden recorded 30 tackles in district play. Bryant Townsend of Arcadia was named as a defensive back. “Bryant was our anchor in the secondary for pass coverage and run support. He was always assigned the opposing team’s best receiver and was extremely good at stopping the run with his open-field tackles,” said Coach Nock. Townsend, a senior, recorded 12 tackles in four district games. Ryan Outten of Northampton, a first team defensive back, returned two kickoffs for touchdowns this season in addition to playing defensive back and running back for the Jackets. A junior, Outten will be counted on heavily next season. Second Team All-District Football Squad Named Selected to the second-team offense were quarterback Taylor Major of Arcadia; running backs Montrae Armstrong of Nandua, Tony Holden of Arcadia and Ryan Outten of Northampton; offensive linemen Zack Sepelack, Acey Mapp and Cody Anderson of Arcadia and Keshante Williams and Aubrey Rowley of Northampton; wide receivers Josh Sanns of Arcadia and Solomon Owens of Northampton; and kicker Alex Pruitt of Nandua. Selected to the second-team defense were defensive ends Eddie Cazzanz of Northampton and Curtis Ornsby of Nandua; defensive linemen Quantez Baines of Nandua, Andrew Colona and Devin Wilson of Arcadia; linebackers Jha’Tavius Poulson and Devin Splawn of Nandua and Laquan Hairston of Northampton; defensive backs Anthony Smith and Will Grier of Nandua and Keith Savage of Northampton; and punter Devin Wilson of Arcadia. Wright Wright Named All-Region Placekicker David Wright of Nandua was named first-team All-Region placekicker by coaches this week. Wright was the only Shore player selected to the first team. A junior, Wright Wade made 33 of 34 PAT attempts and six of seven field goal attempts, including a school record 41-yarder. Wright also made the first-team AllDistrict squad as a defensive back. Pruitt Making the second-team All-Region team were offensive guard Bryan Wade, linebacker Alex Pruitt and punter Will Grier. Wade was a key lineman in the successful Warrior running attack, Grier Pruitt led the team with 96 tackles, and Grier averaged 48 yards per punt this season. Wade and Grier are seniors. Pruitt, a junior, returns next season. November 23, 2012 • Eastern Shore Post • 21 Capitals, Predators Atop Street Hockey Standings Big Rocks Brandon Brown (left) and Adam Beatty show off large rock caught Wednesday at Plantation Light. The fish weighed between 36 and 42 pounds. The photograph was taken by Jim Beatty, and the three anglers had their limit in less than an hour after starting to fish at 7 a.m. Bill at Chris’ Bait and Tackle says big fish have shown up in the lower bay, with eeling working best at Plantation Light and trolling the ticket off Cape Charles. Smaller rock are being taken at the mouths of creeks up and down bayside. WE PUT HIGH-SPEED INTERNET WHERE YOU LIVE Through six weeks of the Eastern Shore Street Hockey League season, the Capitals and Predators continue to dominate in their respective conferences with identical 10-2-0 records. The Whalers are beginning to make a run on the Caps, just five points back. Whalers 5, Redwings 4 Scoring for the Whalers were Jon Daughton, Jim Rodgers and Duane Reed, with Jen Reed and Brad Nicholson earning assists. Guy Shover, Brandon Stapleton, David Henderson and Josh Lofason scored the goals for the Wings. Bruins 6, Blues 5 Chris Pascal led the Bruins with four goals, while T.R. Hoyt added two on assists from Gory Chance and Michael Garbacz. James Haley netted three Blues gold for a hat trick. Red Wings 7, Capitals 6 Scoring for the Wings were Josh Lafaso, Ross Underwood, Brandon $ When bundled with qualifying DISH TV packages dS S pe e 3x o t p U r e t S fa ACT NOW AND ALSO ACT NOW AND ALSO GET:GET: PREMIUM CHANNELS FREE FREE PREMIUM MOVIEMOVIE CHANNELS For 3 months AND WE DON’T th a n BLOCKBUSTER @Home For 3 months BLOCKBUSTER @Home Over 100,000 movies, shows and games by mail Over 30 Channels Over 100,000 movies, shows and games by mail Over 30 Channels Offer subject to change based on premium channel availability. plus thousands of movies streamed to your TV Offer subject to change based on premium channel availability. plus thousands of streamed your TV subscription or movies PC. Included with to your DISH or PC. Included for with3 your DISH subscription months. ACT NOW AND ALSO GET: for 3 months. 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Stapleton and Guy Shover, with Zach Hail and David Henderson earning assists. Zach Mills and Heather Coniglio combined for the Caps scoring. Whales 6, Blues 1 Jim Rodgers, Brad Nicholson, Jen Reed and Jon Daughton all scored for the Whalers, with Coach Wes Stapleton getting an assist. Lane Spangler netted the lone goal of the Blues in the loss. Hurricanes 9, Coyotes 2 Donnie Williams Jr. led the Canes with four goals, whole Brooks Marshall, Robbie Parker and Jacob Wilson added markers on assists from Jesse Hammond and Zach Underwood. Chris Love and Keith Hagler got the goals for the Coyotes in the loss. Predators 5, Bruins 3 Scoring for the Preds were Josh Fishman, Derek Hal and Cody Williams on assists from Rick Weber and Eric Hart. Cory Chance and Chris Pascal netted the goals for the B’s in the loss. Capitals 4, Hurricanes 3 Heather Coniglio, Danny Muller and Zach Mills got the goals for the Caps, with Evan Dize earning an assist. Jacob Wilson earned the threegoal hat trick for the Canes in the loss. Predators 5, Coyotes 2 Scoring for the Preds in the win were Cody Williams, Josh Fishman and Derek Hail on assists from Dean Dedicatoria, Rick Weber and Eric Hart. Michael Vargas and Michael Pryor got the goals for the Coyotes. ® FREE In upHD to 6 DVR rooms & HD FREE FOR LIFE ® HD DVR is leased ($6/mo DVR Service fee applies) with qualifying packages. In up Available to 6 rooms requires 24-month agreement and $10/mo. equipment lease fee. FREE Comparison based on DSL speeds INSTALLATION of 3Mbps; comparison will vary based on actual speed. In up to 6 rooms SLICKS1964 Blockbuster @Home (1 disc at a time): Only available with new qualifying DISH Network service activated between 2/01/12 and 5/20/12. For the first 3 months of your subscription, you receive a bundle of Blockbuster @Home for $5/mo (regularly $10/mo) and your programming package at a promotional bundle price. Promotional prices continue for 3 months provided you subscribe to $99 Activation fee will beofwaived when bundle with After qualifying DISH TV service. Agreement, fee ofprice $17.50/month will apply if service is terminated before end of Agreement. Equipment must both components the bundle and you do not downgrade. 3 months, then-current prices For apply24-month to each component (unlessaa cancellation separate promotional still applies to remaining your programming Requires online Network account for discs by mail; broadband Internet to stream content; HD DVR available to stream towith TV. Exchange online for freeTop in-store rentals at be returnedpackage). upon cancellation ofDISH service, otherwise unreturned equipment fees apply. Bundle discount a minimum of rentals America’s 120,movie DishLATINO Clásico, or DISH America. You will forfeit your bundle discount if you participating Blockbuster stores. Offer not available in Puerto Rico or U.S. Virgin Islands. Streaming to TV and some channels not available with select packages. Digital Home Advantage plan downgraderequires from qualifying programming or qualification. service disconnection. 24-month agreement and credit Cancellation fee of $17.50/month remaining applies if service is terminated before end of agreement. Online Bonus credit requires online redemption no later than 45 days from service activation. After promotional period, then-current price will apply. $10/mo HD add-on fee waived for life of current account; requires 24-month @Home (1 disc at a time): Only available with new qualifying DISH Network service between 5/20/12.price Forapplies theand firstunless 3 months of your fees subscription, you receive a ServiceBlockbuster is not available in Puerto Rico, and is limited in areas of Alaska. Non-standard installations result in32/01/12 additional charge. Taxes monthly service packages, and offers valid for a limited time and subject to agreement, continuous enrollment in AutoPay with Paperless Billing. 3-month premium movie offer valueactivated is upmay to $132; after months and then-current you downgrade. Freeapply. Prices, Standard Professional Installation All equipment is$10/mo) leased and beprogramming to DISH Network at upon cancellation orbundle unreturned equipment apply. 6 leased per account; of notice. Blockbuster @Home foronly. $5/mo (regularly andmust your package aInternet promotional price. Promotional pricesLimit continue fortuners 3 months provided you and subscribe to Management Policies. changebundle without Requires a clear view of the southern sky. Use ofreturned dishNET High-Speed service is subject to Fairfees Access Policies, Acceptable Use Policies Network upfront and monthly fees may apply based on type and number of receivers. HD programming requires HD television. Prices, packages, programming and offers subject to change without notice. bothOffer components ofnew theand bundle andformer do not downgrade. Afterto3terms months, then-current pricesandapply to each component (unless a separate promotional price available for qualified customers, and subject of applicable Promotional Residential Customer agreements. Additional restrictions may apply. Offerstill endsapplies 5/20/12.to your programming Blockbuster @Home (1 disc at a time): Only available with new qualifying DISH Network service activated between 2/01/12 and 5/20/12. For the first 3 months of your subscription, you receive a HBO®, Cinemax® and related channels and service marks are the property of Home Box Office, Inc. SHOWTIME and related marks are registered trademarks of Showtime Networks Inc., a CBS package). Requires online DISH Network account for discs by mail;of broadband InternetLLC. to stream content; HD DVR to stream to TV. Exchange online rentals for free in-store movie rentals at Company. related channels service are property package Starz Entertainment, bundle of Blockbuster @Home for STARZ $5/mo and (regularly $10/mo)andand yourmarks programming at a promotional bundle price. Promotional prices continue for 3 months provided you subscribe to participating Blockbuster stores. Offer not available in Puerto Rico or U.S. Virgin Islands. Streaming to TV and some channels not available with select packages. Digital Home Advantage plan both components of the bundle and doagreement not downgrade. After 3 months,Cancellation then-currentfeeprices apply to each component a separate promotional price still appliesOnline to your programming requires 24-month and credit qualification. of $17.50/month remaining applies(unless if service is terminated before end of agreement. Bonus credit requires online package). Requires online DISH Network account for discs by mail; broadband Internet to stream content; HD stream TV. Exchange online rentals for for life freeofin-store rentals at 24-month redemption no later than 45 days from service activation. After promotional period, then-currentDVR pricetowill apply.to$10/mo HD add-on fee waived current movie account; requires If you would like your ad to run in the Post’s Sports Section, call 789-7678 22 • Eastern Shore Post • November 30, 2012 T A B L E S Friday, Tuesday, Wednesday, H 10:45 a.m. L 5:28 p.m. H 11:28 a.m. L 6:13 p.m. H 12:14 p.m. L 6:18 a.m. H 1:06 p.m. L 7:15 a.m. H 10:15 a.m. L 4:47 p.m. H 10:56 a.m. L 5:30 p.m. H 11:39 a.m. L 6:15 p.m. H 12:25 p.m. L 6:20 a.m. H 1:17 p.m. L 7:17 a.m. H 10:23 a.m. L 4:33 p.m. H 11:03 a.m. L 5:15 p.m. H 11:44 a.m. L 5:58 p.m. H 12:27 p.m. L 6:43 p.m. H 1:13 p.m. L 6:48 a.m. H 2:05 p.m. L 7:45 a.m. H 10:16 a.m. L 4:28 p.m. H 10:56 a.m. L 5:10 p.m. H 11:37 a.m. L 5:53 p.m. H 12:20 p.m. L 6:38 p.m. H 1:06 p.m. L 6:43 a.m. H 1:58 p.m. L 7:40 a.m. H 8:46 a.m. Wachapreague Inlet L 3:08 p.m. H 9:26 a.m. L 3:47 p.m. H 10:06 a.m. L 4:29 p.m. H 10:47 a.m. L 5:12 p.m. H 11:30 a.m. L 5:57 p.m. H 12:16 p.m. L 6:02 a.m. H 1:08 p.m. L 6:59 a.m. Quinby Inlet H 8:41 a.m. L 2:53 p.m. H 9:21 a.m. L 3:32 p.m. H 10:01 a.m. L 4:14 p.m. H 10:42 a.m. L 4:57 p.m. H 11:25 a.m. L 5:42 p.m. H 12:11 p.m. L 6:30 p.m. H 1:03 p.m. L 6:44 a.m. Machipongo H 9:13 a.m. L 3:28 p.m. H 9:53 a.m. L 4:07 p.m. H 10:33 a.m. L 4:49 p.m. H 11:14 a.m. L 5:32 p.m. H 11:57 a.m. L 6:17 p.m. H 12:43 p.m. L 6:22 a.m. H 1:35 p.m. L 7:19 a.m. H 1:25 p.m. L 7:01 a.m. H 2:02 p.m. L 7:40 a.m. H 2:40 p.m. L 8:21 a.m. H 3:21 p.m. L 9:07 a.m. H 4:07 p.m. L 10:00 a.m. H 4:59 p.m. L 10:58 a.m. November 30 Saturday, Sunday, Monday, December 1 December 2 December 3 H 9:124 a.m. L 4:03 p.m. H 10:04 a.m. L 4:45 p.m. H 8:55 a.m. Chinco. Channel L 3:26 p.m. H 9:35 a.m. L 4:05 p.m. H 9:43 a.m. Gargathy Neck L 3:54 p.m. Seaside Assateague Beach Folly Creek H 8:44 a.m L 3:24 p.m H 9:36 a.m. L 3:49 p.m. H 12:49 p.m. Tangier Sound Light L 6:23 a.m. December 4 Thursday, December 5 December 6 Muddy Creek H 1:12 p.m. L 7:18 a.m. H 1:48 p.m. L 7:56 a.m. H 2:25 p.m. L 8:35 a.m. H 3:03 p.m. L 9:16 a.m. H 3:44 p.m. L 10:02 p.m. H 4:30 p.m. L 10:55 a.m. H 5:22 p.m. L 11:53 a.m. Guard Shore H 1:01 p.m. L 7:12 a.m. H 1:37 p.m. L 7:50 a.m. H 2:14 p.m. L 8:29 a.m. H 2:52 p.m. L 9:10 a.m. H 3:33 p.m. L 9:56 a.m. H 4:19 p.m. L 10:49 a.m. H 5:11 p.m. L 11:47 a.m. Chescon. Creek H 12:39 p.m. L 6:27 a.m. H 1:15 p.m. L 7:05 a.m. H 1:52 p.m. L 7:44 a.m. H 2:30 p.m. L 8:25 a.m. H 3:11 p.m. L 9:11 a.m. H 3:57 p.m. L 10:04 a.m. H 4:49 p.m. L 11:02 a.m. Onancock Creek H 12:50 p.m. L 6:43 a.m. H 1:26 p.m. L 7:21 a.m. H 2:03 p.m. L 8:00 a.m. H 2:41 p.m. L 8:41 a.m. H 3:22 p.m. L 9:27 a.m. H 4:08 p.m. L 10:20 a.m. H 5:00 p.m. L 11:18 a.m. H 12:09 p.m. Pungoteague Creek L 6:01 a.m. H 12:45 p.m. L 6:39 a.m. H 1:22 p.m. L 7:18 a.m. H 2:00 p.m. L 7:59 a.m. H 2:41 p.m. L 8:45 a.m. H 3:27 p.m. L 9:38 a.m. H 4:19 p.m. L 10:36 a.m. H 11:30 a.m. L 6:26 p.m. H 12:06 p.m. L 6:16 a.m. H 12:43 p.m. L 6:55 a.m. H 1:21 p.m. L 7:36 a.m. H 2:02 p.m. L 8:22 a.m. H 2:48 p.m. L 9:15 a.m. H 3:40 p.m. L 10:13 a.m. H 10:54 a.m. Nassawadox Creek L 5:11 p.m. H 11:30 a.m. L 5:46 p.m. H 12:07 p.m. L 6:24 p.m. H 12:45 p.m. L 6:21 a.m. H 1:26 p.m. L 7:07 a.m. H 2:12 p.m. L 8:00 a.m. H 3:04 p.m. L 8:58 a.m. Bayside T I D E Occohan. Creek Cape Charles H 9:43 a.m. L 4:19 p.m. H 10:19 a.m. L 4:54 p.m. H 10:56 a.m. L 5:32 p.m. H 11:34 a.m. L 6:12 p.m. H 12:15 p.m. L 6:15 a.m. H 1:01 p.m. L 7:08 a.m. H 1:53 p.m. L 8:06 a.m. Kiptopeke Beach H 9:21 a.m. L 3:48 p.m. H 9:57 a.m. L 4:23 p.m. H 10:34 a.m. L 5:01 p.m. H 11:12 a.m. L 5:41 p.m. H 11:53 a.m. L 6:25 p.m. H 12:39 p.m. L 6:37 a.m. H 1:31 p.m. L 7:35 a.m. 3URYLGLQJ:DVWH 'LVSRVDO 6ROXWLRQVIRUWKH (DVWHUQ6KRUH :H&DUHIRUWKH6KRUH 2IÀFH )D[ %,&,1& 0$5,1(&216758&7,21 'RFNV3LHUV %XONKHDGV 3LOH'ULYLQJ <($562)(;3(5,(1&( 6(59,1*$&&20$&. 1257+$03721&2817,(6 s(AUL/UT3TORAGEs"OAT2AMP s3HIPS3TORE#HANDLERY s4ON4RAVEL,IFT/PEN%ND s#OMPLETE-ARINE3ERVICE2EPAIR s-AST3TEPPINGAND&UEL 3AFE3ECURE&ACILITY DCMARINA VERIZONNET .DUODQG$QGUHD:HQGOH\ 20104 Deep Creek Road, Onancock Phone: (757) 787-4565 .OWACCEPTING We are here for all of your farm & waterman fuel needs!! Call us today to discuss a flexible payment plan for your upcoming heating needs Belle Haven 442-2444 or 1-800-532-5325 November 30, 2012 • Eastern Shore Post • 23 P A S T I M E S Last Week’s Answers 24 • Eastern Shore Post • November 30, 2012 FRIDAY NOV. 30 H10 a.m. - Duplicate Bridge - Sage Restaurant, Onley - 442-2474 H12:30 p.m. - Science & Philosophy Seminar: Bats - ESCC, lecture hall, Melfa H6 p.m. - Celebrate Recovery Group mtg. - Family Life Center, Onancock - Meal/$6 or $10/family H7:30 p.m. - Madrigal Singers’ Christmas Production - Nandua High School, Onley H7:30 p.m. - AA mtg. - Town Hall, Exmore H7 p.m. - Life Teach Series - Rachel/ Leah Covenant Ministries Center - 787-2486 H7:30 p.m. - Bingo (doors open at 6:30 p.m.) Exmore Moose Lodge, Belle Haven H9 a.m. - Zumba Class - Chincoteague YMCA - $5 - 336-3535 H9:30 a.m. - E.S. Women’s Cancer Support Group mtg. - Hermitage F Lounge, Onancock - 787-2834 or 678-5040 H7 p.m. - Old Fashioned Christmas Parade Chincoteague H7:30 p.m. - FREE Viewing of “It’s A Wonderful Life” - Historic Palace Theatre, Cape Charles H7:30 p.m. - Bingo - Eastville Vol. Fire Co. H7:30 p.m. - AA mtg. - Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, 66 Market St., Onancock Monday dec. 3 H10 a.m. - TOPS mtg. - Market Street UMC, Onancock - 787-3635 H11 a.m. - Northampton Chapter AARP mtg. - Cheriton Firehouse H1-2:30 p.m. - Hospice Grief Support Prgm. - 509 Randolph Ave., Cape Charles - 787-3310 H5-6 p.m. - Al-Anon mtg. - Market St. UMC, Onancock H6 p.m. - Bingo - Elks Lodge, Tasley H6:30 p.m. - Cub Scout Pack 300 mtg. - Grace UMC, Parksley H7 p.m. - AA mtg. - Christ Episcopal Church, 16304 Courthouse Rd., Eastville TUESDAY dec. 4 POST TIMES SATURDAY dec. 1 H9 a.m. - Al-Anon mtg. - St. Andrew's Catholic Church, 6288 Church St., Chincoteague H9:30 a.m. - Mom’s In Prayer Int’l mtg. - Cape Charles Baptist Church, 501 Randolph Ave. H9:30 a.m.-noon - Scott Rigell’s Office Hours - Social Services Bldg., 5265 The Hornes, Eastville - 789-5172 H10 a.m. - Bingo - Accomack Sr. Village, Onancock - 7873900 H2:30-4 p.m. - Caregiver Connection - Downings UMC, 7291 Lankford Hwy., Oak Hall - 787-3310 H3-6 p.m. - FREE Flu Vaccination Clinics - Accomack County Health Dept., 23191 Front St., Accomac - first come, first serve H4:15 p.m. - TOPS weigh-in (prgm. @ 5) - Belle Haven Presbyterian Church H5-6:30 p.m. - The Lyme Connection - Hospice Bldg., 165 Market St., Suite #3, Onancock - 787-3310 H6 p.m. - Rachel Leah Ministries - 787-2486 H6 p.m. - Bingo - Pocomoke Elks, next to YMCA H6:30 p.m. - AA mtg. - Trinity UMC, 109 Plum St., Cape Charles H6:30-8:30 p.m. - GED Class - Classroom A-51, ESCC, Melfa H7 p.m. - Onancock Business & Civic Assn. mtg. Naomi Makemie Presbyterian Church, Onancock H7 p.m. - Vietnam Veterans’ E.S. Chapter 614 mtg. Chapter Bldg., 25534 Main St., Onley H7 p.m. - NA mtg. - Jerusalem Baptist, Temperanceville H7:30 p.m. - Bingo - smoke free - Cheriton VFC H7:30 p.m. - Al-Anon mtg. - Atlantic UMC - 824-5386 H7:30 p.m. - Central Masonic Lodge mtg. NOV. 30 - DEC. 6 Sunday dec. 2 H9:30 a.m. - AA mtg. - Old Onancock School, 6 College Ave. H2 p.m. - Bingo - VFW Post 2296, Tasley H2:30 p.m. - Madrigal Singers’ Christmas Production - Nandua High School, Onley H7:45 a.m. - Kiwanis Club of Accomack mtg. - Sage Diner, Onley mtg. - NASA/ WEDNESDAY H11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. - Debedeavon Toastmasters’ dec. 5 Wallops Base - Call Terry at 824-1133 for base access. H1-2:30 p.m. - Caregiver Connection - Hospice Bldg., 165 Market St., Suite #3, Onancock - 787-3310 H2 p.m. - Children’s Story Hour - E.S. Public Library, Accomac H2 p.m. - E.S. Brain Injury Survivors Exercise & Support Group mtg. - No Limits, Belle Haven - 442-9334 H3-4:30 p.m. - Hospice Grief Support Prgm. - Hospice Bldg., 165 Market St., Suite #3, Onancock - 787-3310 H4 p.m. - Arts & Crafts Time - Cape Charles Library H7:30 p.m. - Bingo - Painter Vol. Fire Co. THURSDAY dec. 6 H10:30 a.m. - Story Time - Cape Charles Memorial Library H11 a.m. - Children’s Story Hour - E.S. Public Library, Accomac H2 p.m. - Children’s Story Hour - public library, Nassawadox H2-3:30 p.m. - Caregiver Connection - 509 Randolph Ave., Cape Charles - 787-3310 H6 p.m. - TOPS mtg. - Zion Baptist Church, Social Hall, Parksley - 787-2903 H6:30 p.m. - American Legion Post 101 mtg. - Chapter Bldg., 25534 Main St., Onley H6:30 p.m. - Kiwanis’ Club of Chincoteague mtg. - St. Andrew’s Catholic Church H6:30 - 8:30 p.m. - GED Class - Classroom A-51, ESCC, Melfa H7 p.m. - E.S. Shooting Club mtg. - Exmore Fire Dept. Hall - 678-9038 H7 p.m. - NA mtg. - Painter Garrisons UMC Hurricane Sandy Fundraisers Planned WVES 99.3 will hold a radio-thon Friday, Nov. 30 from 5 to 9 p.m. to support those in need after Hurricane Sandy. There will be local guest speakers and musical guests including Johnny Mo, Dee Irvin, and John Heinz. During the radio-thon people can call the station at 757-665-6500 to make financial pledges to help those right here on the Shore. People can also go to the Facebook page “S.O.S. (Surviving On the Shore)” and check out items being auctioned online and make a bid. The Exmore Moose Lodge is collecting items to take to the victims of Hurricane Sandy in the New York area. Please bring non-perishable food, clothes, water, blankets, sheets, pillows, matches, lighters, toiletries (new, still in package), dog/cat food & medical supplies. For more information call Sarah at 757-710-2871. Santa Train Pulls Into Station Santa Claus, Mrs. Claus and the elves will visit children of all ages (naughty or nice) at scheduled stops up and down the Shore on Saturday, Dec. 1. Cape Charles 9:00 AM Cheriton9:50 AM Eastville 10:30 AM Nassawadox11:25 AM Exmore12:05 PM Painter1:20 PM Melfa2:25 PM Onley3:20 PM Parksley4:30 PM YOU SHOULD NEVER PAY FOR YOUR LOCAL NEWS November 30, 2012 • Eastern Shore Post • 25 Classified Ads, Real Estate Ads, Auctions & Legal Notices Eastern Shore Trading POST Help Wanted Eastern Shore Rural Health System, Inc. is currently recruiting CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Riverside Shore Rehabilitation Center (Skilled Nursing) Certified Nursing Assistant (FT, PT, LP) Food Service Person (LP) Licensed Practical Nurse (FT) Nurse Manager-RN (FT) Registered Nurse (FT) Riverside Shore Health Care at Home Physical Therapist Assistant (LP) Licensed Practical Nurse (FT) Occupation Therapist (FT) Physical Therapist (LP) Riverside Shore Memorial Hospital Certified Nursing Assistant (LP) Patient Registration Clerk (PT) Registered Nurse (FT & LP) RN Extern II (LP) Nursing Supervisor-RN (PT) ICU Support Tech (FT & PT) Physical Therapist (FT) Clinical Educator (FT) Development Associate- Riverside Foundation (FT) Riverside Medical Group Licensed Practical Nurse- Eastern Shore Physician & Surgeons (FT) To apply: www.riversideonline.com/careers Riverside Talent Recruitment Center (757)534-5627 HELP WANTED part-time driver ($7.78/hr) up to 30 hrs/wk Position provides transportation for individuals receiving developmental disability services at the Eastern Shore Community Services Board’s Exmore facility. Relevant job-related experience is required, and applicants must have a valid driver’s license with a satisfactory driving record that meets all ESCSB established criteria. Individuals with out-of-state licenses must submit a copy of their driving record or the application will not be considered. Individuals selected for the position will be subject to a pre-employment drug test and a nationwide criminal background check via fingerprinting. The ESCSB participates in E-Verify for employment eligibility. Open until filled. ESCSB is an EOE Go online to www.eastern shorepost.com to submit your classified ad to run in the Eastern Shore Post Valley Proteins is an industry leader in the recovery and recycling of fats, food oils, and proteins and has the following opportunities: MAINTENANCE MECHANIC – 3+ years industrial experience; experience with hydraulics and pneumatics; ability to repair pumps, gearboxes, etc; knowledge of bearing types and replacements and ability to correctly align shafts, couplings and pulleys; and knowledge of preventive maintenance. Center Nurse Manager for the Franktown Community Health Center This position requires a LPN or RN with previous office nurse experience of at least 1 year. Skilled in procedures such as phlebotomy, ECG’s, handling of urgent care and assisting with emergencies, preparing patients for exam, assisting with physical exams, preparation of specimens for lab, administration of injections & immunizations, patient care instructions to patients & family members, knowledge of or experience with telephone triage. INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICIAN – 5+ years industrial experience; able to read schematics, blueprints and troubleshoot control circuits; familiar with 480v 3 phase electricity; able to run conduit and install wiring in accordance with the NEC; PLC knowledge is a plus. Requires a person with strong clinical skills, assessment and communication skills. Computer knowledge and typing skills required. Bi-lingual skills are a plus. WAREHOUSE / SUPPLY CLERK – 3+ years warehouse experience; basic computer knowledge, MS Word and Excel a must; perform daily inventories; receive deliveries; able to operate a forklift and become certified. If you are a mission driven person looking to make a difference, email dhr@esrh.org before Noon on December 7, 2012. GENERAL PRODUCTION POSITIONS – Lab Technician, will test finished materials, load finished meals, process paper work associated with the loading of finished materials. Trailer Washer, will sanitize raw material trailers and finished fat tankers before trailers can be returned to service. Grinding Room Operator will inspect equipment, run quality test to ensure that finished material meets the standards of Valley Proteins. Expeller Press Operator will inspect equipment, run quality test on materials being processed. Front End Loader Operator will be certified to operate loader, will do daily inspection of equipment, and maintain the flow of raw materials being processed. These positions can include cross training in other areas associated with plant operations. All Valley Proteins associates are required to keep work areas safe and clean at all times. We offer a professional work environment with the opportunity to grow, a competitive base rate, bonus, and an excellent benefits package. Interested candidates should apply in person at: The Virginia Employment Commission 25036 Lankford Hwy. Onley, Va. 23418 Valley Proteins is an EEO and Drug Free Company POSITION VACANCY The County of Northampton is accepting full-time and part-time employment applications for: Emergency Medical Technician or Above Applicant must possess at a minimum the following: Commonwealth of Virginia – Department of Health Emergency Medical Technician – Basic (Intermediate or Paramedic certification preferred), Basic Life Support Provider/CPR, valid VA driver’s license with good driving record, Emergency Vehicle Operators Course, Hazardous Materials Awareness. Job descriptions and applications are available online at www.co.northampton.va.us or at Northampton County Human Resources, P. O. Box 66, Eastville, Virginia 23347 (phone: 757/678-0440x 551). Deadline: 5:00 p.m., December 7, 2012. EOE. This is a 40 hour per week position with benefits. Eastern Shore Rural Health campuses are Tobacco-Free Workplaces. Resumes will not be considered alone and must be accompanied by an application. Applications are available at www.esrh.org and must be submitted by email. Paper copies will not be accepted. EOE. Help Wanted Boats, Etc. full-time grounds/ maintenance position for Northern Northampton County Property: landscaping and maintenance experience preferred. 40+ hours a week. Part-time Office Assistant for Northern Northampton County Property: 20 hours a week. Send resumes to A.B.C., P.O. Box 517, Onley, VA 23418 Roofing repair Must have own truck. $20/ hour. West Roofing. Call 442-6966. Part-time/prn cna positions - All Shifts. Apply in Person. Contact: Amita Drummond to set up interview (757)665-5555. 19 ft. carolina skiff (V) Center Console & Load Rite trailer, galvanized. $3,500 OBO. Call Charlie at 757-336-3558. 17 ft. center console pro-line - w/ 115 h.p. Johnson. Great shape! 757-710-6459 1999 JOHNSON OUTBOARD - 115 h.p. $1800. Can be demoed. Good condition. 757-442-1345 ’92 – 19 ft. tracker 90 H.P. Johnson outboard motor. Center Console. With trailer. Runs great. $2,000. 787-8363. 1989 atlantic 16 ft. center console w/ year 2000 Load Rite trailer, no motor. $1,500. Call 757-824-9852 ’02 catamaran - 18’, 75 h.p. Mercury eng. & trailer. Bought new in 2002. Low engine hours & exc. cond. $8,000 OBO. 331-1319 ’98 sunbird cuttycab - 130 h.p. Evinrude, 222 hours, w/trailer. $5,000. 757-709-2123, leave msg. Aquaculture GROW YOUR OWN OYSTERS Capt. Tom’s Oyster Floats custom made on the Eastern Shore. Spat/Supplies/ Instructions (757)710-0279 bill@oystergardening.com 26 • Eastern Shore Post • November 30, 2012 28’ fiberglass boat Powered by 351 diesel. For crab scraping. Water tight seal. Drafts 14” of water. 757-891-2352. ’89 - 25 ft. wellcraft sports man - I/O 350 eng. - full canvas “like new” windless remote spot light, ’97 trailer rebuilt, exc. cond. $8,500. 757-710-0275 ’83 CHRIS-CRAFT - 31’ Commander, flying bridge, twin Tamd 41 Volvo diesel, low hours, all new electronics, off shore fishing gear available. $17,000. 757-999-0002 28’ carver mariner - Two 305 Mercruiser engines (low hrs.), sleeps 4, fridge, microwave, compass. Recently hulled & painted. $20K OBO. 757-619-8841 ’91 SeaRay Sundancer - 28’, 10’6” Beam, Twin Mercruiser I/O 5.0LX Engines; A/C w/reverse cycle heat, nice galley, head w/ shower, sleeps 6, 2 custom canvases, much more. 787-3454 24 ft. privateer w/130 H.P. Yamaha 2-stroke Boat, motor, & trailer: asking $8,000 OBO. Pot puller included. 757-678-6226. ’77 20’ Penn yan Boat. Hard top. Tunnel drive. No trailer. Needs motor repair. Transmission OK. $1,295 or trade. 787-4136 2005 22 ft. trophy pro - W/A, 150 h.p. Mercury Saltwater, color d.f./ g.p.s., Bimini cover & full cockpit enclosure. 1 new batt., seat covers, exc. cond., $19, 500. 304-671-1879. 30’ sportscraft 300 Sea Eagle. Updated 350 Vortex 315 h.p. Low hrs. At Summer’s Cove Marina, Crisfield. Reduced to $10,000 OBO. Selling due to illness. 854-1834. 19’ CRUISE CRAFT - Call 757-787-3870. Christmas Trees christmas trees You choose, we cut-- $10 each. Live Doug (balled & burlapped) trees--$6 per foot. Five Deer Farm 410-957-2105 Commercial Bldgs. - Rent or Purchase locate your business near Wallops Island. Completely furnished bldg. near T’s Corner for lease or sale. Over 1,000 sq. ft. ideal for gov’t contractor, insurance co., flower shop, UPS store, & more. Call 757-824-5750. 3008 sq. ft. bldg. 16,580 sq. ft. bldg. exmore, va - Sturdy well-built buildings. Good for church/bingo parlor; veterinarian clinic/grooming facility; senior citizen activity center; church hall; child care; dance studio; gym; woodworking shop; artisan/craft guild; call center; Internet business; bar & dance hall; mail-order shipping business; offices. Put your business here! CALL 757-678-7630. pocomoke, md. - 5,500 sq. ft. bldg. Newly renovated, secure– one of two best built bldgs. in town. Perfect for offices or one user, w/ parking. $6.50/ sq. ft. CALL 757-678-7630 Feed/Seed horse hay - $5 per bale. straw - $3.50 per bale. Call 757-824-3930. Insurance Medicare cancelled? We have an answer. Call McCaleb-Metzler 800-442-6187 Lawn & Garden 2010 john deere riding mower model la175 – 54” cut, 26 h.p. motor, 40 hrs., exc. cond., $2,150. 757-710-4069 Misc. - For Sale walk-in cooler coils - 4,000 BTU, 115 volt, 6,500 BTU, 115 volt. $150 each. 757-336-3558. 20” chrome rims w/ tires – Six lug rims for Chevy, $1,250 or best offer. Call 757-789-3037. bath tub lift chair Operated by water pressure. Almost brand new--only used twice. $500. Call 665-5040 or 894-0669 China Closet w/3 doors. $200. 1900s blanket chest, floral carved top made from old pump organ. $500 - Antique chairs & tables. Also glassware & milk glass. 787-3635 Pride Legend 4-wheel electric scooter. Fully equipped. Exc. cond. w/ ramps. 442-2450 or 710-7582. simplicity basinet - Like brand new with music and vibrations. $75. Call 757-854-1637. Contractors’ SPECIAL - New pre-hung solid two-panel int. doors 3 @ 3/0 x 6/8 & 1 @ 2/6 x 6/8 - All R/H. List price $255 - $500 takes all 4. 302-1325 NEW VOGUE PRIMA: Above-ground pool. 24’ round with auto cleaner. Must be moved. $2,950 OBO. 757-709-0409 4 sunny tires, 225/30 zr20 85w xl 4 GWG Assassin Chrome Rims. Exc. cond. $400. 757-787-7307. we pay top dollar for used homes - Call 302-846-9100 for details. LOOK!!! - Do you have a work permit? You can buy a house. Call 302-846-9100 for details. Mobile Homes onancock - Unfurnished apt. for rent with large rooms. Easy to hear. $450/mo. 710-9411. 2br & 3br mobile homes for rent Northern Accomack County. Sec. 8 approved. Call 757-710-8894. 3 bed/2 bath home $250 deposit!!! Call for details: 302-846-9100. NEW CHURCH - 2&3BR mobile homes for rent. $500-550/mo. Sec. dep. required. Vouchers accepted. No pets. 757-824-0315 Mobile Home Parts for sale. We also move mobile homes. Dreamland Homes, Rt. 13, Accomac, VA. 787-2823 Rent - lots and mobile homes at Modestown Pioneer Court. Newly renovated, W/D hookup. Clean, quiet area. Call Carl at 410-262-3070. 3 bed/2 bath lot model must go!! - Includes furniture and decore. Call 302-846-9100. mira!! tienes permiso de trabajo puedes comprarte una casa de 3 recamaras, 2 baños llama 302-846-9100 para los requesitos. do you own land? you can buy a new home & use your land as a down payment. 302-846-9100. why rent when you can buy for as little as $250 down? Call 302-846-9100 for more details. why wait for tax time? You Layaway your home today! We will assist you with your tax returns. Call 302-846-9100. Arriving on our lot: used homes under $16,000. First come, first serve!! Call 302-846-9100. Rentals - Apts. Peter Cartwright Manor Apts., located in Exmore, Va., is taking applications for seniors 62 or older. No application fee. Electric is included in your rent. Call 414-0020. exmore - 2BR, Central Heat & Air. $600 a month. M & M Property Management. 787-7052 crispus attucks apts. 3208 Thurgood Marshall Rd. Exmore, VA 23350 (757)442-4173 3-Bedroom Handicap Unit Available for immediate occupancy by qualified applicant. Applications may be requested by calling the Crispus Attucks office number. Housing Choice Vouchers accepted!!! EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY Exmore village I & II apartments looking for a cool new home? Check us out!!! (757)442-9471 1br apt on chincoteague - Completely furnished. Light & bright. Off-street parking. Access to screened-in porch & deck. Convenient to NASA. $650/mo. includes all utilities including cable & WiFi. For an interview call 757-894-0470. accomack manor apartments for seniors (55 & over) fitness, computer, & community rooms Planned activities & pet friendly 757-665-5848 eho newtowne apartments EFFICIENCIES APTS. AVAILABLE AGE 62+ Apply at Newtowne Apartments, Pocomoke Rent based on income Call: (410) 957-1562 Hartley Hall Senior Housing in Pocomoke City, Md., is accepting applications for 1-bedroom and efficiency apartments in an elderly housing subsidized apartment complex. Contact 410957-2252 for application or visit office at 1006 Market Street in Pocomoke City. Equal Housing Opportunity Rentals - Houses birdsnest area 3BR, 2BA house for rent. Avail. Jan. 1. Section 8 welcome to apply. Quiet, peaceful neighborhood. Call & leave msg. 789-7654 painter - 3BR with garage. $775 a month. M & M Property Management. 787-7052 painter - All electric 3BR. $775 a month. M & M Property Management. 787-7052 pungoteague - 31070 Boston Rd. 3BR, 2BA, new carpet, freshly painted, 2 new storm doors, util. shed. 1.5 acre lot w/room for garden. $900/mo. 757-449-9131. November Is The Month To Make Some Changes... With Your Driveway (It’s The American Way!) onancock - 2BR, 1BA, furnished, handicapped accessible, non-smoking, $800/ mo. + utilities. 757-710-0070 belle haven - 2BR, 1BA - Electric heat, renovated, $650/mo. plus sec. dep. 442-6372. Bayview neighborhood in cheriton - 2BR, 1BA - $550 per mo. Deposit required, no pets allowed. Section 8 vouchers welcome. Call 757-787-2936 for more information. craddockville 3BR, 1BA. Single family, No Sec. 8, No pets. $750/mo. + sec. dep. Call for an appt. 787-3129. VA Ave., exmore - 2BR house. $500/month. Section 8 OK. Call or text 757-787-3317. exmore - Updated 2BR home with new bath, lge. kitchen, laundry room, living room at end of cul de sac street, treed lot, near hospital, shopping center, & school. Perfect for teacher. $650/mo. CALL 757-678-7630 accomac - 2BR, 1.5BA, Central heat & air & all appliances. $650 a mo. Lease & references. Call 710-2192. Room for Rent 3 room Suite for rent with separate entrance in onancock - $450/mo., $100 deposit. Call 757-710-0171. onley - Quiet location near Walmart. $350 (includes utilities & Wi-Fi.) 757-710-8526. Services MARSHALL MARSHALL TREESERVICE SERVICE TREE Capable, Capable, Affordable, Affordable, Dependable Dependable ISA Certified Arborist ISA Certified Arborist (#MA-3138A) (#MA-3138A) Licensed & insured Licensed & estimates. Insured Free Free estimates.442-7540 442-7540 Now accepting Now accepting Garage Doors Automatic Openers Installation, Sales & Service Demolition, Stone, Fill Dirt, Sand, Dry Shells, Crush & Run, & Backhoe Work All materials delivered & spread Just Call Site Work Specialist John C. Miller at 757-665-4026 millerhauling@msn.com Affordable Rates Call 894-3151 septic pumping Shore Septic. Starting at $175. Call 757-710-1040. custom saw milling - Affordable rates, kiln dried, Birdsnest. Call 757-678-2837. paRKS paving - 23 years experience – Paving, seal coating, hot tar crack filling, patch work, & all repair work, turn-arounds, curbs, etc. 757-710-9600. home repair/handyman - Small jobs welcome. Windows, doors, floors, decks. Matthew Baines. Call 757-710-7356. greg cox construction - Licensed in MD, DE, & VA. Insured & bonded. Home remodeling–insurance approved. 410-968-0014. www.greg@gregcoxco.com Custom sewing & alterations, clothes, miscellaneous items - Judie Gibbs - 442-6836. Simpson Tree & BOBCAT Service - Tree trimming, removal and stump grinding. 787-2100 or 710-8477. FREE ESTIMATES. Storage NANDUA MINI STORAGE Rt. 650, Taylor Rd., Tasley. 757-787-3059. $10 off 1st month’s rent Trailer for Sale 2009 Pace American – 7’x16’ enclosed cargo trailer. Silver, tandem axle, adjustable shelves on 1 side. Very clean. $4,200. 710-0438. Vehicles - Cars, Trucks, SUVS, Etc. 1951 ford garage kept show car – $10,000. 757-442-7507. ’77 lincoln towncar - 55K miles, garage kept, show car. $10,000. Call 757-442-7507. pick up truck rack for 8-ft. bed, Heavy Duty, Exc. Cond., $275. 710-0070 ’81 Cadillac El Dorado Diesel. Very good cond. Low mileage. $4,850. Call Rodney 665-4639 ’04 Chrysler Town & Country 144,100 miles. 1 dent in tailgate/fact. installed child seat. Power locks/windows. Heat/AC. Very dependable. Dk. Blue/gray int. $4500.757-665-5138. ’79 corvette - L82, 87,800 mi., high output 350, auto trans., midnight blue w/ mirrored & factor T-tops. Will accept any reasonable offer. 757-709-9502. ’76 Chevy Impala 2-dr. sedan. $1,800 firm. 442-2263 after 5. ’96 dodge ram 2500 4x4 club cab. 176K miles. $4,000. 757-442-3956. 2006 ford 500 - PW, PL, AM/FM, CD Player, 27-30 m.p.g., 137K miles, good condition. $6,500. Call 757-787-7969. ’84 Monte Carlo Classic. 45,000 actual miles, AM/FM cassette, power brakes & steering. $8,800. 442-5009. ’87 winnebago motor home - 32’, sleeps 5, 62K miles. Good cond., runs well. $4,900. Please call 757-665-4902 for more info. ’04 F-350 Supercrew diesel, 4x4, long bed, lift kit, off-road tires, tinted windows, billet grille. $17,500. Call 757-710-4144 ’86 Harley low-rider - 30K miles. Great running cond. $6,500. OBO. 710-9224. ’88 BMW motorcycle - K100RS, 52K miles. Has bags, fairing, & windshield. $3,000 OBO. 50 m.p.g. Call 757-694-5332. ‘04 Harley fat boy Apehangers, Triple Exhaust, 6,773 miles. Asking $9,500. Call 757-7099112 or 757-709-4963. 2007 Harley davidson- Super Glide Custom. 2100 miles. Garage kept. $16,000. Now Only $13,000. 710-8676 (After 4 p.m. only, please) ’98 moto-guzzi 1100V motorcycle - Low miles. Exc. cond. 757-710-0359. Wanted PAYING CASH FOR JUNK CARS QUICK REMOVAL 665-5000 Yard/Estate Sales onancock – Estate sale Saturday, Dec. 1. 9 a.m.-3 p.m. 76 Market St. Look for pink & black signs. For pictures & information go to www.rare-fine.com Vehicles Motorcycles ’05 SPORTSTER HARLEY, 2,000 miles, blue, $7,500 negotiable, Excellent cond. 757-710-9107 NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SALE 20109 Metompkin Road Parksley, VA, 23421 By virtue of the power and authority contained in a By virtue of the power and authority contained in a Deed of Trust dated November 22, 2006, and recorded in Deed Book 200607567, Page 0 in the Clerk’s Office for the Circuit Court for Accomack County, VA, securing a loan which was originally $63,250.00. The appointed SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE, Commonwealth Trustees, LLC will offer for sale at public auction at main entrance of the Accomack County Circuit Court, located at 23316 Courthouse Avenue on December 6, 2012 at 2:30 PM improved real property, ALL THAT CERTAIN LOT OR PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED NEAR METOMPKIN, METOMPKIN MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, ACCOMACK COUNTY, VIRGINIA, DESCRIBED BY METES AND BOUNDS AS FOLLOWS, and as more fully described in November 30, 2012 • Eastern Shore Post • 27 real estate AUCTION auction Saturday, December 1, 2012 @ 9 AM Location: Accomac, VA Selling 45.2 Acre Farm Rain or Shine • Farm consists of 20.75 acres of cleared farm land & 24.27 acres of uncut woods land. The farm has a 695.58’ frontage on Rt. 13. • Auction will be conducted from Casa del Canon at 23463 Front St., Accomac, VA. • Terms of sale: Cash or Certified Check with Bank Approval with $15,000 Down Day of Sale and the Balance Due in 30 Days. • All terms stated the day of sale will take precedence over ad. 5% Buyer’s Premium Auctioneers: Chester Jackson, VAAR #377 Henry Nicholson, Jr., VAAR #2596 Parksley, VA 23421 (757)665-5672 • (757)710-2318 • (757)710-5185 Bank Owned On Site Real estate auction Hallwood Single Family Home 27507 Main St. 3BR, 3.5BA, 2,544 sq. ft. Sale Date Sat., December 22, 2012 at 1 p.m. FARM & EQUIPMENT AUCTION Sat., December 8th – 10:30 a.m. 5254 Newman Lane Eastville, VA 23347 2002 JD Combine 4x4, 1991 New Holland Combine, 1993 & 1984 JD Diesel Tractors, 1990 & 1981 International Tractors, Farmall & Massey Ferguson Tractors, 1993 JCB 1700 Backhoe, 1998 Chevrolet 3500 Service Truck, 1991 Ford Diesel Pickup, 1987 Mack Road Tractor, 1979 International S1800 Truck w/Water Tank Body, Trailers, New & Used Equipment... accepting items from local consignors–please call office to set up. See detailed list & photos at www.PeoplesAuctionCo.com FREE COLOR BROCHURE 800-260-5846 auctionservicesintl.com 5% Buyer’s Premium Clyde F. Wilson, Jr., Lic. #VA-1024 ASI–FM.29080000855 Pay in full on auction day Viewing: Friday, 12/7 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Auction conducted by: Peoples Auction Co., Inc. (757)421-2525 NCF #8366 - VAF #527 Eastern Shore Mini Storage, Inc. - Auction Saturday, December 8, 2012 33229 Railroad Ave., Painter, VA location at 9 A.M. #P0023 in the name of Gwen Reid 21012 Fairgrounds Rd., Onancock, VA location at 10 A.M. #O062J in the name of Calvin Nock #O025 in the name of Thomas Mears #O090 in the name of Monique C. Gunter #O0132 in the name of Lenell Reid Cash & Carry Only Town of painter P.O. Box 176 painter, va 23420-0176 Exequator Notice To Print Precatory res cestui qui logos as by amanuensis prescribed lexiconigraphicals Clerk of Court, Samuel Head Lee Cooper, Accomacke County, Virginia corporation clerk. Language being syntonic by ideation, this writ serves notice as to the articulature and architecticature of the ictus procurtor litis clarificationals of the monument of the record and doctrine of estoppel to deny the issues in the instruments and engrossments of the jot and tittle of the prescribed record. Notice of exequator--corrum ipsa rega termes de la ley print. Ictus Pleniopotentiarian minister ideation syntonics ictus semis demacate, Daniel Joseph Thoren Ictus Pleniopotentiary the aforesaid Deed of Trust. TERMS OF SALE: The property will be sold “AS IS,” WITHOUT REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY OF ANY KIND AND SUBJECT TO conditions, restrictions, reservations, easements, rights of way, and all other matters of record taking priority over the Deed of Trust to be announced at the time of sale. A deposit of $5,000.00, or 10% of the sale price, whichever is lower, in cash or cashier’s check payable to the SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE will be required at the time of sale. The balance of the purchase price, with interest at the rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note from the date of sale to the date said funds are received in the office of the SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE, will be due within fifteen (15) days of sale. In the event of default by the successful bidder, the entire deposit shall be forfeited and applied to the costs and expenses of sale and Trustee’s fee. All other public charges or assessments, including real property taxes, water/sewer charges, ground rent, condo/HOA dues or assessments, whether incurred Town clerk will be in the town office on saturday, december 1, 2012 and december 8, 2012. She will be collecting taxes from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Louise Lanman Town Clerk (757)710-8120 Sell your car or boat for only $25!!! 789-POST prior to or after the sale, and all other costs incident to settlement to be paid by the purchaser. In the event taxes, any other public charges or condo/HOA fees have been advanced, a credit will be due to the seller, to be adjusted from the date of sale at the time of settlement. Purchaser agrees to pay the Seller’s attorneys at settlement, a fee of $295.00 for review of the settlement documents. Additional terms will be announced at the time of sale and the successful bidder will be required to execute and deliver to the Substitute Trustees a memorandum or contract of the sale at the conclusion of bidding. FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: Rosenberg & Associates, LLC (Attorney for Commonwealth Trustees, LLC) 7910 Woodmont Avenue, Suite 750 Bethesda, Maryland 20814 301-907-8000 www.rosenberg-assoc.com 28 • Eastern Shore Post • November 30, 2012 VIRGINIA: IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF ACCOMACK VIRGINIA: IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF ACCOMACK THE COUNTY OF ACCOMACK, VIRGINIA THE COUNTY OF ACCOMACK, VIRGINIA Plaintiff CIVIL CASE NO. 12-376 Plaintiff CIVIL CASE NO. 12-374 vs. vs. ROBERT MALONE JOHN M. BOWDEN, INC. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE PENINSULA REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER ROBERT MALONE JOHN M. BOWDEN, INC. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE PRMC, INCORPORATED Defendants Defendants ORDER OF PUBLICATION ORDER OF PUBLICATION The object of this suit is to enforce the lien of the Plaintiff for delinquent taxes against certain real estate described as follows: The object of this suit is to enforce the lien of the Plaintiff for delinquent taxes against certain real estate described as follows: All that parcel of land situate in Pungoteague District, Accomack County, Virginia, and designated as tax map number 11700A000004500. standing in the name of Robert Malone, pursuant to Section 58.1-3965 et seq. of the Code of Virginia. And an affidavit having been filed that due diligence has been used to ascertain the location of Robert Malone whose last known post office address is 30501 Boston Road, Painter, VA 23420. It is ORDERED that this Order be published once a week for two successive weeks in the Eastern Shore Post and that the parties named herein appear on or before January 2, 2013 at 10:00 a.m. in the Clerk’s Office of the Circuit Court for the County of Accomack, Virginia, and do what may be necessary to protect their interests in this suit. All that parcel of land situate in Pungoteague District, Accomack County, Virginia, and designated as tax map number 110A0A000001400. standing in the name of Robert Malone, pursuant to Section 58.1-3965 et seq. of the Code of Virginia. And an affidavit having been filed that due diligence has been used to ascertain the location of Robert Malone whose last known post office address is 30501 Boston Road, Painter, VA 23420. It is ORDERED that this Order be published once a week for two successive weeks in the Eastern Shore Post and that the parties named herein appear on or before January 2, 2013 at 10:00 a.m. in the Clerk’s Office of the Circuit Court for the County of Accomack, Virginia, and do what may be necessary to protect their interests in this suit. ENTER: This 26th day of November, 2012 Nancy-Jo Revell, Deputy Clerk I ask for this: JAMES W. ELLIOTT, p.q. Attorney at Law P.O. Box 1410 7100 U.S. Route 17 Yorktown, VA 23692 (757)898-7000 PUBLIC AUCTION OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE The undersigned, Craig Zuidema, Trustee, will, at the request of the Wilson’s Building Condominium Association, Inc., sell at Public Auction to the highest bidder IN FRONT OF THE NORTHAMPTON COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT, 5229 THE HORNES, EASTVILLE, VA 23347 ON DECEMBER 10th, 2012 AT 9:00 A.M. the following real estate: Units 101, 102, 103, and 104 of Wilson Building Condominiums located at 245 Mason Ave., Cape Charles, Virginia 23310. This property is also known as Wilson’s Building Condominiums, 245 Mason Ave., Cape Charles, Virginia 23310. Tax Map reference (for id purposes only): 083A3-01BLK-00-618 TERMS OF SALE Purchaser will be required to pay ten percent (l0%) of the purchase price in cash on the day of sale, with the privilege to the purchaser to pay as much more on that day as he may desire. The balance of the purchase price not so paid in cash will be due within thirty (30) days from the day of sale to be evidenced by the note of purchaser, with personal security as required by the PUBLIC NOTICE The Board of Zoning Appeals of the Town of Chincoteague will hold a public hearing on December 13, 2012 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers located at 6150 Community Drive to receive public comments and views on the following zoning matter: Appeal 12-12-1 A request from Peter Bidoglio, 5309 Oak Drive, for a variance from Article 3, section 3.3.3 (2) of the zoning ordinance of the Town of Chincoteague. The applicant wishes to construct a screen porch to the rear of his residence. The screen porch will be 29’ from the rear lot line. Current zoning requires a minimum 35’ rear yard setback. This property is located in R-1 Single Family Residential. Kenny L. Lewis Zoning Administrator VIRGINIA: IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF ACCOMACK THE COUNTY OF ACCOMACK, VIRGINIA vs. ROBERT MALONE JOHN M. BOWDEN, INC. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE PENINSULA REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Defendants ENTER: This 26th day of November, 2012 Nancy-Jo Revell, Deputy Clerk I ask for this: JAMES W. ELLIOTT, p.q. Attorney at Law P.O. Box 1410 7100 U.S. Route 17 Yorktown, VA 23692 (757)898-7000 undersigned. The premises will be at the risk of the purchaser from the time bid off by him; and the purchaser will be given the right of possession on the day of sale, provided the terms of sale have been complied with. Upon payment in full of the purchase price, purchaser will be entitled to a deed with Special Warranty of title, upon said deed properly prepared at the expense of the purchaser, including additional State recordation tax, being tendered to the undersigned for execution. For further information, contact the undersigned. This sale shall be subject to the right of redemption granted to the Secretary of the Treasury under 26 U.S.C. § 7425(d) and subject to all restrictions, rights of way, conditions, easements, and mechanics’ and materialmen’s liens, if any, whether of record or not of record, to the extent any of the foregoing apply and take priority over the lien of the Deed of Trust. Given under my hand this 13th day of November, 2012. Craig Zuidema, Trustee ABNB Federal Credit Union 830 Greenbrier Circle Chesapeake, VA 23220 (914) 772-6242 Plaintiff CIVIL CASE NO. 12-377 ORDER OF PUBLICATION The object of this suit is to enforce the lien of the Plaintiff for delinquent taxes against certain real estate described as follows: All that parcel of land situate in Pungoteague District, Accomack County, Virginia, containing 9.80 acres, shown as Lot “B” on survey entitled, “Survey of Property of William S. Prettyman & Virgil E. Watson, III, D.B. 611, P. 328, Near Pungoteague, Pungoteague District, Accomack County, Virginia”, recorded in Plat Book 92, a page 69, and designated as tax map number 11000A000002800. standing in the name of Robert Malone, pursuant to Section 58.1-3965 et seq. of the Code of Virginia. And an affidavit having been filed that due diligence has been used to ascertain the location of Robert Malone whose last known post office address is 30501 Boston Road, Painter, VA 23420. It is ORDERED that this Order be published once a week for two successive weeks in the Eastern Shore Post and that the parties named herein appear on or before January 2, 2013 at 10:00 a.m. in the Clerk’s Office of the Circuit Court for the County of Accomack, Virginia, and do what may be necessary to protect their interests in this suit. ENTER: This 26th day of November, 2012 Nancy-Jo Revell, Deputy Clerk I ask for this: JAMES W. ELLIOTT, p.q. Attorney at Law P.O. Box 1410 7100 U.S. Route 17 Yorktown, VA 23692 (757)898-7000 November 30, 2012 • Eastern Shore Post • 29 NOTICE JUDICIAL SALE OF REAL ESTATE CHESAPEAKE ANTIQUES 4298 Lankford Hwy., New Church, VA (South Side Beside the Truck Scales) On January 04, 2013, proceedings will be commenced under authority of Section 58.1-3965 et seq. of the Code of Virginia to sell the following parcels located in the County of Accomack, Virginia for payment of delinquent taxes. Arias, Hermenegildo Rodriguez 078A10100021000 Beach, Rufus T.113A0A000001600 Beach, Rufus T.999999999029000 Chandler, Doretha 085A30800001600 Chandler, Doretha 085A308000017A0 Custis, Alfonso102A0A0000003A0 Drummond, Robert L. 092A0A000005100 Fosque, Warren Thomas, Jr. & Betty Ann 01300A0000020M0 Iseman, Bruce A. & Rebecca S. 083B002D0000500 Iseman, Bruce A. & Rebecca S. 083B002D0000600 Jackson, Eddie L. 085A30701000400 Lenigan, Kelly L. 05400A0000002B0 Lewis, Gregory George 030A41800000500 Parker, Theresa085A308000009A0 Parker, Theresa085A30800000100 Sample, Roosevelt T. & Rosa 109B00100000500 Sledge, Tonika069A0A0000149A0 The owner of any property listed may redeem it at any time before the date of sale by paying accumulated taxes, penalties, interest and costs thereon at the law office listed below. The pro rata costs of publication hereunder shall become a part of the tax and together with all other costs, including reasonable attorney’s fees set by the court, shall be collected when payment is made whether or not court proceedings have been initiated. DANA T. BUNDICK TREASURER ACCOMACK COUNTY, VIRGINIA •Decoys •Silver •Coins •Carpets •Lamps •Stoneware •Furniture •Quilts •Advertising Buy Local...Do Your Shopping With Us. Fri. & Sat. 10-5 • Sun. 12-5 757.824.6016 ShenValley Floors LLC the Boardwalk The Sales are On! 3 1 6 M a s o n Av Ca p e Ch a rl e s 757-331-2424 openings hours we d / t h u 1 1 - 4 fri/sat 11-5 Seafood Subs Pizza JAMES W. ELLIOTT Attorney at Law 7100 Route 17 Yorktown, VA 23692 (757) 898-7000 www.vataxsale.com Pool Tables Government Mortgage Programs First-Time Home Buyer Programs 15617 Courthouse Rd. Eastville 757-678-7870 www.yukyukandjoes.com BREEZES Day Spa & Boutique December special every Tue/Wed Therapeutic Massage (50 min) $49 321 Mason Av, Cape Charles Call for appointment: 757-331-3108 A/C HEATING & REFRIGERATION INC. Daily Lunch & Dinner Specials Kitchen Opens 11 a.m. daily Call Clayton Homes 302-934-6322 or toll-free 877-680-8796 THAI RADA RESTAURANT 10% OFF (With This Coupon. Thru 11/30/12) Now Serving Beer & Wine 4 CORNER PLAZA 757-787-2469 NEED A ROOF? Free Estimates ~ Lisc. & Insured Old Roofs Removed - No Nail Overs WEST ROOFING www.airconditioningVaBeach.com NO MONEY DOWN! Exmore BUDDY WEST westroofing.net 442-6966 FREE ESTIMATES Construction Co. 757-710-4145 30 • Eastern Shore Post • November 30, 2012 Posted at Sea Level By Linda Cicoira There are fewer shopping days left during which to get that perfect gift. You can fret over that fact, go out and spend your hard-earned cash or be like me and take this opportunity to relish in December trivia. Yippee! Tomorrow is the 134th anniversary of the day the first telephone was installed in the White House. President Rutherford B. Hayes made the first call to Alexander Graham Bell, who was 13 miles away. Can you believe people back then actually survived without cell phones? President Richard Nixon created the Environmental Protection Agency on Dec. 2, 1970. On Dec. 3, 1967, the first heart transplant was performed. I remember that. Let’s give a birthday shout to Keller Mayor Ginny Mueller on Dec. 4. I’m not going to tell her age. Let’s just say she is wiser than I am. On Dec. 5, 1933, prohibition was repealed. The 13th Amendment abolishing slavery was ratified on Dec. 6, 1865. Japan launched a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor Dec. 7, 1941. Beatle John Lennon was murdered on Dec. 8, 1980. “A Charlie Brown Christmas” premiered on Dec 9, 1965. On Dec. 10, 1901, the first Nobel Prizes were awarded. Indiana became the 19th state on Dec. 11, 1816. Legendary singer and actor Frank Sinatra was born on Dec. 12, 1915. Jimi Hendrix recorded “Foxy Lady” on Dec. 13, 1966. Three Post Office Mail Salvation Army Could Use Help Dear Editor: The Accomack and Northampton County Salvation Army chapters are ringing bells at locations throughout the Shore — at Food Lions, Walmart, and Roses, thanks to many volunteers. We really appreciate our volunteers’ time and the generosity of our community. It is these donations to the kettles that are used by the local Salvation Army Chapter. If you would like to ring bells for the Salvation Army in Accomack, call 757-387-2338; in Northampton, call 442-4606. Nationally, the Salvation Army offers help and hope to thousands of people — from the victims of disaster, addiction and homelessness to youth, families and senior citizens. The local chapters work with local churches, Northampton Social Ministries, the Accomack Interfaith Council and community organizations and agencies to identify residents who need short-term assistance. During the Christmas season, both chapters work with many others to open a community Toy Closet. Donations to the Kettle Fund are used to assist individuals from the two counties during times of need with utility, rent, bus tickets, prescriptions and food. To donate to the 2012 Kettle Fund, send a check payable to the SA Kettle Fund to Edward Stetar, Treasurer, P.O. Box 1274, Exmore, VA 23350; or Mary Waldren, Accomack County Salvation Army Unit P.O. Box 342, Onley, VA 23418. Or place it in one of our kettles. Richard Sterrett, Chairman, Northampton Chapter Mary Waldren, Chairman, Accomack Chapter years and one day later, the Jackson Five were on the “Ed Sullivan Show” for the first time. Yeah, I was watching. On Dec. 15, 1891, basketball was invented. The Boston Tea Party was on Dec. 16, 1771. That was exactly a year after Ludwig van Beethoven was born. Brothers Wilbur and Orville Wright made the first airplane flight on Dec. 17, 1903. Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones was born Dec. 18, 1943, which would make him 69 years old. Unbelievable. My husband was born on Dec. 19, 1961. Happy birthday, Lloyd! On the same day in 1843, “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens was published. The Louisiana Purchase was made on Dec. 20, 1803, for $15 million. The crossword puzzle will be 99 years old on Dec. 21, 2012. “ ’Twas the Night Before Christmas” was published on Dec. 23, 1823. Happy birthday, Susan Willett Beasley of Painter, on the same day. No she wasn’t born in the same year. It was a Tax Credit Request for Former Cape Charles School Has Errors Dear Editor: Many people think that the sale of the old school in Cape Charles is a done deal and nothing can stop it. That is far from true. Old School Cape Charles is still working on several fronts to stop the sale of our school to a private developer for $10. We have sent a rebuttal of the application for tax credits to the Department of Historic Resources, listing the ways that the school does not conform to the secretary of the interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation. We questioned why the town should be trying to get tax credits for a private developer when it would not do that for itself. The application was sent in the name of Cape Charles and signed by the town manager. Yet, it was not completed by the town staff and is filled with inaccuracies and misrepresentations. We have asked who will be held responsible for the misinformation provided. The application starts out, “Sometime after the 1950s, the former auditorium was modified significantly to create a gym.” Later in the application the dates change to, “Sometime after 1940 (and likely c1980), the auditorium was converted to a gymnasium.” It also states, “The school is situated on a small parcel with a basketball court (c2006) and parking area.” When in fact the school was part of Central Park from the day it was built until the town rezoned on Aug. 23, 2012. The town then granted a conditional-use permit to allow a multi-unit apartment building in a single- few decades later. Smile, Susan. My favorite song, “Silent Night,” was written on Dec. 24, 1818, and my favorite father-in-law will be 85 years old on Dec. 24, 2012. Yippee for J.K. Smith. The birth of Christ is celebrated on Dec. 25. Yes, I think everyone is aware of that. The first Kwanza was celebrated on Dec. 26, 1966. That was years before Angie Crutchley of the Eastern Shore Post was born on that day. Happy Birthday, Angie! “Howdy Doody” made its debut on Dec. 27, 1947. Galileo observed Neptune on Dec. 28, 1612. President James Polk turned on the first gas light at the White House on Dec. 29, 1848. The only total eclipse of a blue moon in a century occurred on Dec. 30, 1982. Guy Lombardo and his Royal Canadians played “Auld Lang Syne” as a New Year’s Eve song for the first time on Dec. 31, 1929. OK, you’re smarter and ready to shop. Get to it. family residential zone. This spot zoning is under appeal in Northampton County Circuit Court. Page 1 of the application states that the building will contain 4 “low-moderate income housing units.” But the contract with Echelon Resources states, “To the extent permitted by law, Purchaser shall not operate the Project as a low-income housing facility under any state or federal program.” Here government tax credits are sought to construct low-moderate income housing units while explicitly excluding anyone who relies on government assistance. The mayor and Cape Charles Town Council are trying to shut down anyone who questions their actions. But they have made so many bad decisions it is getting more and more difficult for them to quiet those of us who are pointing it out. Deborah Bender, Old School Cape Charles Chincoteague Appreciates Help During Storm Dear Editor: On behalf of the officers and membership of Chincoteague Volunteer Fire Company, I would like to thank our many partners who came to our aid during Hurricane Sandy. It was a very scary couple of days for our island, but through our strong partnerships with many of our local, county, and state partners, we were able to continue responding to the emergency needs of our citizens and visitors. While it is difficult to mention every single agency, a few are worthy of special recognition. Much of the success of our storm operations was November 30, 2012 • Eastern Shore Post • 31 due to the outstanding work of A&N Electric Cooperative. With several crews on the road, outages and electrical hazards were quickly addressed. We are thankful for the work of these men and women under difficult and dangerous conditions. We would also like to thank Dr. Glen Wolffe for assisting with the medical needs of our residents, as well as Bill’s Restaurant for staying open to feed our tired and weary troops. The Virginia State Police played an instrumental role in aiding the National Guard troops assigned to the island. During the peak of the storm, fast action by John Henry Howard and Jimmy Adams helped to avert disaster at our Carnival Grounds, where downed trees threatened many of our carnival rides. And last, but not least, we would like to thank the Town of Chincoteague for the work of its staff in Emergency Management, Police, 911 Dispatch, and Public Works departments for working with us to help keep our residents safe and damage to a minimum. Although our island did sustain damage from the storm, we were fortunate that no lives were lost or significant injuries were reported. We are proud of how all of these various entities came together to keep our residents and visitors safe. Again, thank you! Kevin T. Holloway, Secretary, Chincoteague VFC Habitat Grateful for Fishing Tournament Support Dear Editor: The final count on the Hooked on Habitat fishing tournament is in, and community businesses and anglers contributed enough to provide kitchen cabinets for a house for a deserving Shore family. On behalf of the Planning Committee of Harry Mears, Karen Splawn, and HFH Board President Stan Plowden, we would like to thank all the businesses that supported our effort. Our longtime sponsors, Associated Insurance Centers and Little Italy Ristorante, anchor the event and were joined by BB&T and Shore Bank, as well as Hall-Richardson and J.T. Holland’s State Farm Insurance companies. The Island House and Capt Zed’s provided a comfortable weigh-in area and capable weigh-in master. Our appreciation also extends to the Eastern Shore Post, Eastern Shore News and WESR and WCTG radio stations, our sources of news on the Shore. Thank you also to all who participated in the fishing tournament. Jeff Mears and Betty Mariner Co-chairs, E.S. of Virginia Habitat for Humanity Post OpEd Pages Walmart Raises Funds for Variety of Causes Dear Editor: October was Breast Cancer Awareness Month and Walmart raised funds for the American Cancer Society for its research. Walmart made up the ribbon symbolizing Breast Cancer Awareness to get donations in a beautiful glass jar designed for that purpose. Greeters and cashiers made up lovely pink ribbons. The Walmart greeters asked customers for a donation for these ribbons and our customers were only too happy to help. The ribbons couldn’t be made fast enough because of our customers’ generosity. The greeters and cashiers also helped with bake sales. Store Manager Marty Reighard oversaw the effort and was happy to announce that Walmart had raised $1,400 for the American Cancer Society. Also, $400 in pet food was raised for the Eastern Shore SPCA shelter by way of a large collection box by Walmart’s front door. The box was decorated with cats and dogs and again, our customers cared and dropped in food and litter. Thank you to our Eastern Shore for its generosity and caring. Elizabeth Langlois, Walmart greeter Letters to the Editor may be sent by fax, email or U.S. mail using the addresses in the Publisher’s Circle below. While the Post will withhold a writer’s name with just cause, all letters must be signed and include a phone number for verification. “They’re at the Post …” Editor: Cheryl Nowak Advertising Manager: Troy Justis Sports Editor: Bill Sterling Staff Writer: Linda Cicoira Display/Classified Advertising Rep.: Angie H. Crutchley Graphic Designer: Joshua Nowak Regular Contributor: Ron West Four Corner Plaza • P.O. Box 517 Onley, VA 23418 e-mail: editor@easternshorepost.com Phone: 757-789-POST (7678) Fax: 757-789-7681 Scratching Post I ’m not normally a good loser. But the editor at the Eastern Shore Post says I’m taking this one very well. Yes, I’m talking about my recent race for president of the United States. I want to know what By Snoop happened to all you Eastern Shore voters. Why did you fail to cast your ballots for the Kitty Party in the November General Election? Was it because I’m not a fast-talking politician? Or could it be because I ran a clean campaign? I’m a feline after all. Was I too old? Or was my vice-presidential running mate too young? Did you think we were too beautiful? Perhaps we didn’t get your votes because we are female. Are their some prejudice humans out there? I personally think those other candidates were dogs. But obviously the country is full of … canine lovers. I think there were some fellow workers who were among those. They are always trying to give Coconut and me away. I think our ability to let humans stare at us, pet us and adore us should have put us at the top of the polls. Aren’t those the things that make for good foreign policy? And we’re frugal. We bathe ourselves. You wouldn’t see a member of our party paying $125 for a hammer or $400 for a haircut or buying a golden toilet seat. Yuck, that last one is disgusting. And we don’t beg like dogs do. With all these cat attributes in mind, we have to wonder just what the public wants and how much of an attention span humans have. Life has gone back to normal for most and they are busy buying each other presents and glorifying a strange man in a red suit and his reindeer. We can’t figure them out. Be Sure To Visit the Eastern Shore Post on Facebook and drop us a comment to let us know you’ve been there. 32 • Eastern Shore Post • November 30, 2012 US 13 South, Pocomoke City, MD 2000 1998 Stk# 812094A Affordable Low Mileage Car! Ford Taurus SES $5,994 2005 “We Make The Difference!” $17,499 SOLD 2010 $18,987 2008 Stk# 812096 Ext Cab 1500 4x4! Z-71! Chevy Silverado 1500 $19,979 2010 $8,799 $8,899 $9,990 $10,994 $12,573 Mustang Convertible 2010 Dodge Grand Caravan 2010 Pontiac Grand Prix Dodge Ram 1500 Honda Civic LX 2009 Stk# 113015A Chevy Certified! 1 Owner! Chevy Malibu LS 2008 TEST DRIVE! SOLD SOLD Stk# 712137A Luxury Crossover! Sharp! Stk# 712194C Low Low Miles! Luxury! $16,993 $17,498 Ford Edge Limited 2012 Chevy Malibu LTZ 2012 Stk# 712261A Leather! Moon Roof! Nice! Stk# 812115 Certified Rates as low as 1.9% Stk# 812127 Leather! Chrome Wheels! $17,598 $17,977 $18,977 Honda Accord EX-L Chevy Impala LT 2012 Chevy Malibu 2LT $19,497 2011 Now through December 10th TOYS FOR TOTS gets a new toy with every test drive! Stk# 812102 Autobahn Ready! Buick Regal CXL $20,799 2010 2010 Stk# 611015A Cadillac Certified! Stk# 412023B 4x4! Crew Cab! 35,000 Miles! $22,498 $24,500 $24,987 MD-0000639315 Chrysler PT Cruiser TOYS FOR TOTS Stk# 812100 Certified! Low Miles! Toyota Venza $13,499 SOLD Stk# 712228A Only 32,000 miles! 1 Owner! Stk# 812113 Stk# 812087B Prem Pkg! Moon Roof! AWD! White Diamond! Only 13K MIles! Subaru Outback 2008 Stk# 712262B Quad Cab! Lots of Room! $16,598 Chevy Cruze 2LT 2006 Stk# 712262B Affordable Little Run About! $14,594 Stk# 812111 Leather! Chevy Certified! 2004 Stk# 812111A Roomy! Sporty! Good MPG! Stk# 812072 SXT Low Miles, Family Friendly! 2012 2009 Stk# 712167A Only 85000 Miles! Nice! Stk# 812064B Low Miles! Moon Roof! 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