Barbe - 1 CURRICULUM VITAE Katharina Barbe OFFICE Department of Foreign & Languages and Literatures Northern Illinois University DeKalb, IL 60115 (815) 753-1259 HOME 112 Pooler Avenue DeKalb, IL 60115 (815) 756-8279 Educational Background 1984-1989 1982-1984 1981-1982 1978-1980 Rice University, Houston, Texas Ph.D., Linguistics Dissertation Topic: Irony in Conversational German: A Linguistic Approach (May 1989), Advisor: James Copeland M.A., Linguistics (May 1988) University of Houston, B.A. magna cum laude, English (May 1984) Technische Universität Berlin, Germany Pädagogische Hochschule Berlin, Germany Professional Experience July 2010 - Chair, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Northern Illinois University (NIU) 2008-2010 Assistant Chair, FLAL, NIU 1996-present Associate Professor, FLAL, NIU 1996-2007 Coordinator, Division of German, Classics, Slavic and Asian Languages 1990-1996 Assistant Professor, FLAL, NIU Publications Books (2015) STEM in German: Environmental Science with Langeheine, Nagel, Piwek, Stark and Stuebing to be published by the Goethe-Institut (2013a) Teaching Units for the German Classroom: Integrating German and Environmental Sciences – A STEMarticulation Project with Langeheine, Nagel, Piwek, Stark and Stuebing, 131 pp. (2013b) Deutsch als Fremdsprache – Prüfungstraining - AP® German Language and Culture. With Volker Langeheine, Ninja Nagel, Siggi Piwek, John Stark, and Friedemann Stübing. Cornelsen Verlag. ISBN 978-3-06-020872-2 - reviewed in Unterrichtspraxis Spring 2014 Barbe - 2 (1995) Irony in Context. in the series Pragmatics and Beyond by John Benjamins Publishers (Amsterdam/Philadelphia). 206 pp. + xi - reviewed in: Studies in Language. 1997. Vol. 21:3, pp. 703706; Journal of Pragmatics. 1997. Vol. 27, pp. 247-254; Language. 1997. Vol. 73:3, pp. 675-676, Pragmatics & Cognition. 1997. Vol. 5, Number 2, pp. 371-397 Articles (resubmit) “Confidential Language Instructions for the German Press: Efficient Deterioration Journalism History (32 pp.) (in revision) “German-, Deutsch- / Teutsch- : Issues in the Translation of Klemperer’s LTI into English”, 39 pp, The Translator (refereed) (2009) “Tropos, circunvoluciones e ironía: sobre la tracucción al español de LTI. Notizbuch eines Philologen, de Victor Klemperer” [with Eloy Merino], TRANS. Revista de Traductología 13: 197-214 (refereed) (2008) “Propaganda in the Trivial: Puzzles in the Women’s Section of the Völkischer Beobachter”, Journal of Discourse & Communication 2/2: 115-141 (refereed) (2007) “Victor Klemperer - the accidental sociolinguist”, Journal of Sociolinguistics 11/4: 505-520 (refereed) (2004) “The Role of Anglicisms in the German Language,” Die Unterrichtspraxis: Teaching German 37.1: 26-38 (refereed) (2003a) “Expanding the Field: Current Issues in Business German,” Global Business Language 8: 81-87 (refereed) (2003b) “Mit dem Autoschwimmbad in die Verkehrsmarmelade: Learning to use a bilingual dictionary successfully,” Unterrichtspraxis 34.1, 66-75 (refereed) (2001) “Auf der Bank: Deutsch für den Beruf von Anfang an,” in: Volker Langeheine (ed.). 2001. Deutsch in der beruflichen Kommunikation: Grundlagen, Unterrichtspraxis, Materialien. Göttingen: Cuvillier, 5066. (reviewed in Unterrichtspraxis 35.1 (reprint)) (2000) “The dilemma with dichotomies,” Language and Communication, Vol. 21/1: 89-103. (refereed) (1999a) “Auf der Bank: Deutsch für den Beruf von Anfang an,” Schatzkammer XXV.1&2: 49-65 (refereed) (1999b) “Translation and Text-Analysis” in: Lockwood, D.G., P. Fries, and J.E. Copeland. Functional Approaches to Language, Culture and Cognition. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 243-256. (invited) (1998) “Bewerbung um eine Praktikantenstelle im Ausland,” with C. Becker and H. Ziefle, In: Karottki, Hartmut, ed. Unterrichtsmaterialien zur Vorbereitung auf die Prüfung Zertifikat Deutsch für den Beruf, AATG. 28-62 (1996) “Dubbing in the Translation Classroom,” Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 2: 255-274 (refereed) (1995) “The dichotomy literal and free translation,” META: Translators' Journal XLI/3: 328-337 (refereed) (1994a) “The translation of loans: Anglicisms in German,” Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, November. 147-160 (refereed) (1994b) “Reading in the intermediate classroom: Der Rattenfänger von Hameln,” Teaching German, June. 2-9 (refereed) (1993) “Isn't it ironic that ...”: Explicit irony,” Journal of Pragmatics 6: 579-590 (refereed) (1991) “Linguistic models of irony,” 17th LACUS Forum: 101-108 (refereed) (1989) “Irony in spontaneous discourse,” 15th LACUS Forum: 271-281 (refereed) (1986) “The history of the morpheme,” 12th LACUS Forum: 121-131 (refereed) Barbe - 3 Reviews (2015) Guenat, G. & Hartmann, P. 2014. Berufspraxis Deutsch B1: Fertigkeitentrainer mit Audio-CD. Stuttgart: Klett. 143 pages. To appear in Unterrichtspraxis (2010a) Hantschel, Hans-Jürgen, Verena Klotz, and Paul Krieger. 2008. Mit Erfolg zu Start Deutsch 1. Prüfungsvorbereitung. Stuttgart: Ernst Klett Sprachen. 80 pages. Unterrichtspraxis 43.1: 80-81 (2010b) Fandrych, Christian and Ulrike Tallowitz. 2008. Klipp und Klar. Übungsgrammatik Grundstufe Deutsch (mit Lösungen). Stuttgart: Ernst Klett Sprachen. 248 pages + index. Unterrichtspraxis. 43.1: 84 (2010c) Breslauer, Christine, Stefanie Dengler, Ilse Sander and Johanna Skrodzki. 2009. Mittelpunkt B2. Grammatiktrainer. Stuttgart: Ernst Klett Sprachen. 112 pages. Unterrichtspraxis. 43.1: 86-87 (2010d) Bolton, Sybille et al. Mündlich. Mündliche Produktion und Interaaktion Deutsch. Illustration der Niveaustufen des Gemeinsamen europäischen Referenzrahmens. Berlin: Langenscheidt. DVD + 62 pages. Unterrichtspraxis. 43.1: 97 (2008) Ammon, Ulrich; Dittmar, Norbert; Mattheier, Klaus J.; Trudgill, Peter. 2006. Sociolinguistics / Soziolinguistik. An International Handbook of the Science of Language and Society / Ein internationales Handbuch zur Wissenschaft von Sprache und Gesellschaft. Walter de Gruyter. Linguist List ( (2006) Manipulation and Ideologies in the Twentieth Century: Discourse, language and mind by de Saussure, Louis; Schulz, Peter, John Benjamins Publishing Company, Linguist List ( (2005) Making Connections: From the Classroom to the World Beyond by Di Donato, Robert and Nancy A. Humbach (eds) Unterrichtspraxis 38/1: 114-116 (2004a) Traditional Values and Contemporary Perspectives in Language Teaching by Cárdenas, Karen Hardy and Marsha Klein (eds) Unterrichtspraxis 37/2: 183-184 (2004b) Sustaining Change: New Directions as Standard Practice by Crouse, Gale et al. (eds.) Unterrichtspraxis 37/2: 181-182 (2004c) Deutsch mit Grips: Lehrwerk für Jugendliche by Szablyár, Anna, et al. forthcoming Unterrichtspraxis 37/2: 176-177 (2004d) Handlungsorientierter Fremdsprachenunterricht: Ein Trainingsprogramm zur Kompetenzentwicklung für den Beruf by Linthout, Gisela. Unterrichtspraxis 37/2: 179 (2004e) Optimal A1: Lehrbuch by Müller, Martin, Paul Rusch, Theo Scherling und Lukas Wertenschlag, Unterrichtspraxis 37/2: 174-175 (1997) Phonothek: Deutsch als Fremdsprache by Eberhard Stock and Ursula Hirschfeld, Unterrichtspraxis 2: 230-231 (1996a) Einführung in die Phonetik des Deutschen by Klaus J. Kohler, Unterrichtspraxis 2: 293-294 (1996b) The World's Writing Systems by Peter T. Daniels and William Bright (eds), Social and Behavioral Science Librarian, 15/1: 65-66 (1994) Deutsche Phonetik für Ausländer by R. Rausch and I. Rausch, Unterrichtspraxis 1: 152/153 (1993a) Lesekurs für Geisteswissenschaftler: Textreihen und Übungen für Fortgeschrittene by M.-L. Brandi and B. Momenteau, Unterrichtspraxis 2: 271 (1993b) Im Spiegel der Literatur by Brigitte M. Turneaure, Unterrichtspraxis 1: 117-118 Barbe - 4 Presentations Papers (2015a) “Integrating German and Environmental Science; Sample Teaching Units”, with John Stark, Siggi Piwek, and Ninja Nagel, ACTFL 2015, San Diego (2015b) “Literatur und Film als Medium zum Sprachenlernen in der Grundschule”, with Siggi Piwek, invited session, ACTFL 2015, San Diego (2014) “Grow your German Program with STEM”, session organizer and presenter, ACTFL 2014, San Antonio (2014) “MINT – Mathematik, Ingenieurwesen, Naturwissenschaft, Technik – STEM auf Deutsch”, with John Stark, ICTFL 2014 (2-hour session incorporating the Danielson Domains) (2013a) “The EU in French, Italian and Spanish“ with John Stark, ICTFL 2013 (2013b) “EU in dEUtsch und dEUtsch in der EU“, with John Stark, ICTFL 2013 (2013c) “Deutsch für den Beruf: Auch für Anfänger geeignet ...“, ACTFL 2013 (2013d) “Lieder, die Geschichte beschreiben“, ACTFL 2013 (2013e) “Deutsch für den Beruf von Anfang an” XV. Internationale Tagung der Deutschlehrerinnen und Deutschlehrer 2013, Bozen, Italy (2013f) “Preparing Students for the AP German Exam”, Columbus, OH, Central States for the Teaching of Foreign Languages Conference, March 16, 2013, with Siggi Piwek and John Stark (2012a) “Language Instructions for the German Press: Lexical Items”, Berlin, Germany, Sociolinguistics Symposium 19, August 21 (2012b) “Slow on the Outbound and Stau in Richtung Wedding: Construing Metropolitan Traffic Reports”, Berlin, Germany, Sociolinguistics Symposium 19, August 24, with D. Macdonald (2012c) “Preparing Students for the German AP Exam through all levels”, AATG-ACTFL, Philadelphia, November 18, with Ninja Nagel, Siggi Piwek, and John Stark (2011a) “Integrating German Grammar and Culture Learning”, Central States Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, Indianapolis, IN, March 4, with V. Langeheine (2011b) “Language Instructions for the German Press 1933-1939: A preliminary assessment”, American Association of Applied Linguistics Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, March 26 (2011c) “Jugendliche Sprach- und Lebenswelten im DaF-Unterricht”, AATG-ACTFL, Denver, CO, November 19, with V. Langeheine (2010a) “Puzzles as Text and Discourse”, Conference on English and German Nationalist and AntiSemitic Discourse (1871-1945), Queen Mary, University of London, November 10-11, November 11 (2010b) “Confidential Language Instructions for the German Press 1933-1939: An Introduction and Evaluation”, Germanic Linguistics Annual Conference 16 (GLAC), Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 5/1 (2010c) “Puzzles as text: Propaganda in the trivial“, GLAC 16, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 4/30 (2009) “Grammatikwerkstatt - Ideas for Creative German Grammar Teaching”, with Volker Langeheine, AATG-ACTFL, San Diego, CA, November (2008) “Landeskunde multimedial”, with Volker Langeheine and John Stark, AATG-ACTFL, Orlando, FL, November 23 (2007a) “Berliner, Braunschweiger und ein Halver Hahn – Städte im DaF-Unterricht”, with Volker Langeheine and John Stark, AATG-ACTFL, San Antonio, TX, November 16 (2207b) Session organizer: “Fokus Gegenwartssprache: The mission of the Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache (GfdS)”, with G. Lischke and H. Hoberg, AATG-ACTFL, San Antonio, TX, November 16 (2006a) “Whorf and Klemperer: The Relativity Principle and Propaganda”, poster session, Sociolinguistics Symposium 16, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland, July 6-9 Barbe - 5 (2006b) “Linguistics and translation: Why does every language look like English in analysis?” SLT congress - The Study of Language and Translation, Ghent, Belgium, January 12-14 (2005a) “Teaching business language/language in professional situations in the beginning classroom,” Center for Business Education and Research (CIBER) annual conference, Park City, Utah, April 8 (2005b) “Wirtschaftsdeutsch im Anfangsunterricht,” Werbeseminar Pro-Deutsch! Goethe-Institut / NIU, March 6 (2005c) “Lost in Translation? Issues in Translating American, German and French Films,” College of Liberal Arts & Sciences (CLAS) Life Long Learning Institute, NIU, January 19 (2004a) “Deutsch für berufliche Situationen von Anfang an,” AATG-ACTFL, Chicago, IL, November 20 (2004b) “New Literacies: How Instructional Technologies can Help with L2 Reading Comprehension,” with Jessamine Cooke-Plagwitz, , Language Symposium 2004: The Place of Reading in the Foreign Language Curriculum, Northwestern University , Evanston, IL May 22 (2004c) “The Linearity of Language and Speech,” International Linguistics Association Annual Meeting, Hunter College, New York, NY, March 19 (2003) “The Dilemma with Dichotomies: From MALE / FEMALE to SKILLED / UNSKILLED to COMPETENCE / PERFORMANCE,” Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, Germany, June 5 (2001a) “German Business Practices." The Kishwaukee College International Education Committee, Malta, IL, October 26 (2001b) “Deutsch als Fremdsprache in den USA,” Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache, Studienkolleg Potsdam, Germany, July 5 (2001c) “Pedagogy and Foreign Language Learning: Small Group Activities” for NIU Continuing Education, February (2000a) “Einführung Deutsch: German Outreach Program,” Goethe-Institut Chicago, March 12 (2000b) “The German Social Security System,” Keynote Address, NIU International Women’s Day, March 8 (1999a) “Teaching Popular Culture through Video,” AATG-ACTFL, Dallas, TX, November 21 (1999b) “The Dilemma with Dichotomies,” Linguistics Colloquium Rice University, Houston, TX, November 18 (1999c) “Was nutzt mir Deutsch in den USA? Tendenzen im Bereich Deutsch als Fremdsprache,” Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache e.V., Technische Universität Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany, June 15 (1999d) “German ist easy oder nicht? Tendenzen im Bereich Deutsch als Fremdsprache in den USA,” Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache e.V., Berliner Stadtbibliothek, Berlin, Germany, May 17 (1998) “Assessing Intercultural Issues through Contemporary TV-Shows,” AATG-ACTFL, Chicago, IL, November (1997a) “Unterrichtseinheit: Praktikum in Deutschland,” AATG-ACTFL, Nashville, TN, November (1997b) “The Internet in the Foreign Language Classroom,” with Dennis Brain, ICTFL, Chicago, IL, October 25 (1997c) “Phonetic, Semantic, and Syntactic Aspects of Misunderstandings,” Universität Augsburg, Germany, Institute of Linguistics, June 10 (1995a) “Irony in contrast,” Germanisches and Anglistisches Seminar, Universität Augsburg, Germany, June 9 (1995b) “Aspects of translation,” Linguistics Colloquium, NIU, March (1994a) “Designing a curriculum: Ausländerproblematik,” with Claudia Becker and Christine Cronjäger, AATG-ACTFL, Atlanta, GA, November 21 Barbe - 6 (1994b) “Irony as interruption or the difficulty of telling an anecdote,” Conference on Pragmatics and Language Learning, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, April 1 (1993a) “Contextual guessing: Retention of vocabulary,” AATG-ACTFL, San Antonio, TX, November 22 (1993b) “On translation,” Rice University Linguistics Colloquium, Houston, TX, November 20 (1993c) “Linguistic theories of irony,” Conference on Pragmatics and Language Learning, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, April 3 (1992a) “The intermediate classroom: A case for older texts,” AATG, Baden-Baden, Germany, July 20 (1992b) “Translation as a tool of text-interpretation,” Conference on Pragmatics and Language Learning, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, April 4 (1992c) “In defense of the notion pre-sequence,” with Neal Norrick, Linguistic Society of America (LSA), Philadelphia, PA, January 7 (1991a) “Literature in the intermediate classroom,” ICTFL, St. Charles, IL, October 26 (1991b) “'Isn't it ironic?' The use of irony in discourse,” Conference on Pragmatics and Language Learning, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, April 5 (1990a) “The function of irony in contemporary German culture,” AATG-ACTFL, Nashville, TN, November 17 (1990b) “Cartoons in the German classroom,” ICTFL, Chicago, October 26 (1990c) “Dubbing of motion pictures: Analysis and discussion of a translation genre,” Rice University, Houston, TX, October 23 (1990d) “Languages in contact: Assigning gender to English nouns in German,” Linguistic Association of the Southwest (LASSO), University of Texas, El Paso, October 19 (1990e) “Linguistic models of irony,” Linguistic Association of Canada and the United States (LACUS), California State University Fullerton, Fullerton, August 9 (1988a) “Irony in the context of culture,” LASSO, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, October (1988b) “Irony in spontaneous conversation,” LACUS, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, August (1985a) “Talk about talking,” LASSO, Houston, TX, October (1985b) “The history of the morpheme,” LACUS, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, August Workshops presented (2015) “Rot, grün, Schwarz: Wie wählen die Deutschen?”Third Northern Illinois College German Immersion Day, College of DuPage, April 18, with Jessamine Cooke-Plagwitz and John Stark (2014a) “AP and STEM”, 16th Annual German Immersion Weekend, New Glarus, Wisconsin, Feb. 14-16, with Ninja Nagel, Siggi Piwek and John Stark (2014b) “Deutschsprachiges Europa: Nicht nur für Touristen”, Second Northern Illinois College German Immersion Day, Northwestern University, April 12, with Ingrid Zeller, Kimberly Jaeger, Christine Summers and Friedemann Stuebing (2014c) “STEM / MINT - Was ist das? Warum soll ich mich damit beschäftigen?“ Goethe-Institut San Francisco, Dec. 5-7, with Siggi Piwek (2013) “Multi-ethnisches Deutschland: Von der Immigration zur Integration”, First Northern Illinois College German Immersion Day, Elmhurst College, April 27, 8:30 AM -9:30 PM; with Ingrid Zeller, Les Caltvedt, Kimberly Jaeger, Christine Summers, and Mohamed Esa (2012) “Deutsch für den Beruf von Anfang an”, Immersion Weekend, McDaniel College, Westminster, MD, February 24-26 Barbe - 7 (2011) “The new German AP Exam”, Northern IL AATG, College of DuPage, September 24, with N. Nagel, J. Stark, F. Stuebing (2008a) “Lebendiges Museum Online im Unterricht”, workshop, AATG Omaha, NE, October 10 (2006b) ,,Spiel mit, Spiel nach, Spiel besser” – Spiele im Unterricht? Ja - denn wer wagt, gewinnt!” immersion workshop with Dan Stoyak, Goethe-Institut Chicago, March 9, 9:00-17:00 (2006c) „Berlin - Einmal Anders“, AATG Immersion Workshop, Aurora University at Lake Geneva, WI, February 3-5 (2005a) “Learning through Games,” mini-workshop, Illinois Council of the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ICTFL) Annual Meeting, Lisle, IL, Oct. 21 (2005b) “Spielend lernen” with John Paluch and John Stark, Goethe-Institut Chicago, April 16 (2003) “The World’s Classroom: Creating Web-Based Materials for the Foreign Language Classroom,” with Jessamine Cooke-Plagwitz, ICTFL, Lisle, IL, November 8 (2002a) “Deutsch für den Beruf von Anfang an,” AATG Nebraska, Educational Service Unit 3, Omaha, NE, December 6 (2002b) “Wirtschaftsdeutsch North America – High School / College Materials,” with Reinhard Taylor, AATG-ACTFL, Salt Lake City, November 24 (2001) “Small Group Activities in Second Language Instruction,” with John Stark, ICTFL, October 20 (2000) “Germany Since Unification,” with Friedemann Stübing, Illinois Council for the Social Studies Conference, Peoria, IL, September 22 (1995) “Bewerbung um eine Praktikantenstelle in Deutschland”, Workshop “Materialien zur Vorbereitung auf die Prüfung 'Deutsch für den Beruf'”, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, November 2 (1994) “The use of dictionaries in the foreign language classroom”, ICTFL, Rockford, IL, October 22 (mini-workshop) Workshops attended Netzwerkseminare 1/23-1/25/2015 6/22-6/28/2014 3/29-3/31/2013 4/27-4/29/2012 2/26-2/28/2010 1/30-1/31/2010 2/27-3/1/2009 9/21-9/23/2007 12/8-12/10/2006 9/22-9/24/2006 10/14-16/2005 9/9-9/11/2005 9/24-9/26/2004 3/5-3/7/2004 9/26-9/28/2003 3/1–3/3/2002 “Developing Intercultural Competence”, Goethe-Institut, Chicago, IL Workshop “Umbau Trainernetzwerk USA”, Catholic University, Washington, DC (results: “Der deutsche Wald”, Goethe-Institut, Chicago, IL “Märchen medial übersetzen” Goethe-Institut, Chicago, IL “Moodle”, Goethe-Institut Chicago “Kreative Unterrichtsarbeit mit Todo Alemán”, Goethe-Institut Chicago “Goethe, Schiller & Co.”, Goethe-Institut Chicago “Competence Speaking“, Madison, WI “Werbung in Deutschland,“ Goethe-Institut Chicago "Wortschatzarbeit," St. Louis, MI Bestandsaufnahme Wirtschaftsdeutsch, Greenville, SC “Spiele im Deutschunterricht,” Ann Arbor, MI “Vom lernerorientierten Deutschunterricht zum autonomen Lernen”, Goethe-Institut (GI) Chicago “Das ABC der Sprachen -- europäischer Referenzrahmen,” GI Chicago “Das alte Weimar neu lesen... (Texte-Genres-Landeskunde),” GI Chicago “Autorenprogramme für den Deutschunterricht -- Redaktion D: Ein Barbe - 8 3/9-3/11/ 2001 9/22- 9/24/2000 3/10–3/12/2000 2/4–2/5/2000 12/14-16/2001 multimedialer Sprachkurs,” GI Chicago/University of IL Chicago “Seminardidaktik: Tips für interessanten Unterricht, anregende Präsentationen und Workshops” GI Chicago “Teamwork in the German Classroom,” GI Chicago “Cross Cultural Learning in the German Language Classroom,” GI Chicago Training for Zertifikat Deutsch, GI Chicago Workshop Wirtschaftsdeutsch (informational and brainstorming session about the situation of Business German and the exams Zertifikat Deutsch für den Beruf, Prüfung Wirtschaftsdeutsch International) Goethe-Institut Chicago: Business German Seminars Vorbereitungsmaterialien für das Zertifikat Deutsch für den Beruf - three meetings: 10/17-10/19/1997 Doane College, Lincoln, NE - Zertifikat Deutsch für den Beruf training 11/1-11/3/1996 Michigan State University 5/3-5/5/1996 Goethe-Institut Chicago, IL Work in Progress Book-length monographs Language Instruction for the German Press working title Unsere Meinung: Analyse: Language-related editorials in the DAZ (1933-1945) Textbook for German B1/B2 including linguistic genre analysis (Textsorten) Professional Activities Regular reviewer for NCATE/CAEP (trained during 2013 ACTFL) Reviewer for articles in: Journal of Pragmatics, International Journal of Sociology and Anthropology, Intercultural Pragmatics, Unterrichtspraxis: Teaching German Reviewer for book manuscripts for: Yale University Press, John Benjamins, Prentice Hall, DC Heath, Heinle Grant Reviewer for the Israel Science Foundation (ISF) “Negotiating irony through follow-ups: Readers’ comments on ironic opinion-columns in on-line newspapers in the Israeli context” (2015) Barbe - 9 Memberships AATG American Association of Teachers of German ATA American Translators Association GfdS Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache ICTFL Illinois Council for the Teaching of Foreign Languages Professional Service 2013 – present Professional Development Consultant, American Association of Teachers of German ( 2006 - present Local Chair, Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache, Chicago Chapter 2000 - present Member of the Goethe-Institut Trainernetzwerk ( Grants and Honors 4/29/2015 2014 2013a 2013b 2013c Innovation Certificate of Recognition, NIU (not funded) “National Resource Centers and Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowships Program”, Co-PI, ($476,471.00) Recipient of the Goethe-Institut/AATG Certificate of Merit Travel Grant to the IDT in Bozen from the AATG ($1,000) “Teaching Units for the German Classroom: Integrating German and Environmental Sciences” with Volker Langeheine, Ninja Nagel, Siggi Piwek, John Stark and Friedemann Stuebing; STEM Articulation Grant from the German government’s Netzwerk Deutsch program ($2,500) NEH Summer Stipend - not funded Recipient of Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award DAAD Faculty Research Visit Grant (€ 2.000) - not funded 2007 Spring 2006 2006, 2011 Spring 1999 & Spring 2008 Sabbatical Leave 1991, 1996, & 2006 Summer Research Grant, Northern Illinois University 1993 National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Summer Institute: Translation Theory from the Bible to Benjamin and Beyond: Translation in Humanities Instruction. June 28 – July 30, SUNY Binghamton 1984-1989 Academic Fellowship and Tuition Scholarship, Rice University 1980-1981 “Anglistenstipendium” for University of Houston, Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) Direction of Theses Joanna Mankowski, Foreigners in Germany, M.A. (graduated Fall 1995) Barbe - 10 Membership on Thesis Committees Nathan Pontus (French, M.A., 2014) Cody Happ (Spanish, M.A., 2013) Tim Draper (History, Ph.D., 18 October 2007) Erika Hawkinson (Spanish, M.A., March 2007) Jessica Rojas. (Spanish, M.A. October 2003) Andrea Metzinger (French, M.A., October 2001) Frieda Gretchen Schulz (German, M.A., March 1997) Marianne Zemil (French, M.A. Spring 1997, November 1996) Stacey Hendron (German, M.A., Fall 1996) Ron Suitts (German, M.A. Summer 1995) Dean's Designee Deborah Reyes (Psychology, Ph.D., October 8, 2004) Debra L. Van Maldegiam (Curriculum and Instruction: Curriculum Leadership, Ed.D, October 8, 2003) Virginia E. Ross (English, Ph.D., November 19, 1999) University Service 2013-2014 Summer 2009 – Summer 2015 Spring 2009 2008 - 2009 8/21/2008 20088/2007 - 8/2008 8/23/2007 Fall 2007 Fall 2007Fall 2006-Fall 2007 Spring 2006-Fall 2006 Fall 2005-Spring 2006 Fall 2005-Spring 2008 Provost Search Committee NIU’s Institutional Review Board II (IRB) Foundations of Excellence Faculty Dimension Forward Together Forward Scholarship selection committee New Faculty Orientation, Host Strategic Planning Committee - Ph.D. in Linguistics Graduate Council Appeal Committee, Chair: Bradley G. Bond Host, New Faculty Forum Search Committee Foreign Language Technology Staff Committee Departmental Personnel Committee Departmental AdHoc Committee University Council Hearing Panel Graduate Council - subcommittees Research and Artistry Committee Graduate Colloquium Committee Graduate Faculty Membership Committee Committee to organize the Outstanding Graduate Student Recognition Ceremony Fall 2004- Spring 2007 College Council Secretary of the College Council (Fall 2005-Spring2006) Associate Deans’ Review Committee (Spring 2007) Spring 2003-2006 Search Committee Fulbright teachers in Indonesian and Arabic Summer 2002-present Departmental Assessment Committee Fall 2001-Spring 2004 Member of Graduate Council - subcommittees Barbe - 11 Fall 2001-Spring 2003 Fall 2001/Spring 2002 Fall 2001-Spring 2003 Fall 2000-present Spring 2000 Spring 1999 Fall 1997-Spring 2000 Fall 1997-Spring 1999 Fall 1997-present Spring 1997-present Fall 1995/Spring 1996 Fall 1995-2003 Fall 1993 1991-1993 1989-1992 1990-present Curriculum Committee (2001-2003) Fellowship Committee (2001-2003) GC representative to the University Assessment Panel Member of search committee for a foreign language technology position Member of search committee for German Departmental Personnel Committee, Chair Fall 2002/Spring 2003 Member of NIU-Linguistics/Cognitive Science Group Member of Japanese Search Committee Member of the Assistant Language Learning Center Coordinator search committee Consulting member of the Spanish Linguistics search committee University Council / Faculty Senate Departmental Personnel Committee Undergraduate Advising Committee LA&S Departmental Technology Committee Member of Spanish Applied Linguistics Search Committee Presenter at the Fall Teaching Assistant Orientation Committee for Initial Teacher Certification (CITC) Departmental Steering Committee Faculty Advisor to the German group of the Foreign Language Residence Program Development and evaluation of graduate foreign language translation exams Numerous other search committees (departmental, college / university level) Teaching Obligations All German language acquisition, translation and linguistics classes