Sex, Sand, Sonne und noch mehr Sex. Ist wahre Liebe überhaupt
Sex, Sand, Sonne und noch mehr Sex. Ist wahre Liebe überhaupt
präsentiert Cast: Jonah Blechman Jake Moser Aaron Michael Davies Jimmy Clabots Nico Andy Griff Jarod Co-starring: RuPaul Lady Bunny Wil Wikle Euriamis Losada Tyrelle Tyrelle Sandi Cove Jasper Luis Gastrollen: Brent Corrigan Lypsinka Jim Verraros Colton Ford Amanda Lepore Michael Lucas Stan the Merman Mrs. Wilson Priest Butch Trick Transamerica Stewardess Pizza Boy Mit: Perez Hilton Scott Thompson spielt sich selbst Mr. Wilson Technische Daten: USA/Deutschland 2008 · Länge: ca. 99 Minuten · FSK: 16 Sprachen: deutsche Synchronfassung / englische Originalfassung mit deutschen Untertiteln Formate: HD (24p/2,35:1), Kino-DVD (16:9 anamorph - 2,35:1) KURZINHALT: Sex, Sand, Sonne und noch mehr Sex. Ist wahre Liebe überhaupt möglich? Können (und wollen) schwule Männer jemals treu sein? Wo ANOTHER GAY MOVIE unsere Helden, den arglosen Andy, Überschwuppe Nico und das Vorzeige Pärchen Jarod und Griff auf der Suche nach dem Ende ihrer schwulen Jungfräulichkeit durch die Hallen ihrer High School jagte, lässt es die Fortsetzung im tropischen Fort Lauderdale, Florida so richtig krachen. GAYS GONE WILD heißt das Motto ihrer Semester Ferien oder anders ausgedrückt: Ist der Ruf erst ruiniert, liebt’s sich gänzlich ungeniert! Nur wer die meiste Action im Bett (und am Swimming Pool, am Strand, ja an jeder Ecke!) bekommt, kann den schrill-erotischen Wettbewerb gewinnen... Knappe pralle Badehosen, bösartige Gegenspieler und jede Menge nackte Haut sorgen für höchst unterhaltsame Verwicklungen. Der ungewöhnlichste Lacherfolg des Jahres stellt ohne Tabus die Frage: Geht es für Gays immer nur um das Eine? Langtext: Sex, Sand, Sonne und noch mehr Sex. Wo ANOTHER GAY MOVIE unsere Helden, den arglosen Andy, Überschwuppe Nico und das Vorzeige Pärchen Jarod und Griff auf der Suche nach dem Ende ihrer schwulen Jungfräulichkeit durch die Hallen ihrer High School jagte, lässt es die Fortsetzung im tropischen Fort Lauderdale, Florida so richtig krachen. GAYS GONE WILD heißt das Motto ihrer Semester Ferien oder anders ausgedrückt: Ist der Ruf erst ruiniert, liebt’s sich gänzlich ungeniert! Denn nur wer die meiste Action im Bett (und am Swimming Pool, am Strand, ja an jeder Ecke!) bekommt, kann den schrill-erotischen Wettbewerb gewinnen… Knappe pralle Badehosen, bösartige Gegenspieler und jede Menge nackte Haut sorgen für höchst unterhaltsame Verwicklungen. Die rasant spritzige und stets politisch unkorrekte Komödie des Kult Regisseurs Todd Stephens (GYPSY 83 und Autor von THE EDGE OF SEVENTEEN) stellt tabulos die Fragen: Geht es für Gays immer nur um das Eine? Ist wahre Liebe überhaupt möglich? Können (und wollen) schwule Männer jemals treu sein? Die Antworten gibt’s im ungewöhnlichsten Lacherfolg des Jahres! Todd Stephens begeistert hier nicht nur mit der beeindruckenden Körper Kulisse seiner knackigen Darsteller, sondern er stellt auch sein beachtliches cineastisches Wissen und Gespür für die aktuelle Popkultur der USA unter Beweis. Film Zitate aus den 50er Jahren wie BEACH BLANKET BINGO, Zombie Einflüsse in der schwulen Sauna wie einst bei DAWN OF THE DEAD oder der allerorts schon Routine gewordene WET UNDERWEAR CONTEST werden hier mit Genuss zelebriert. Die Sex Farce hat beim heterosexuellen Publikum schon seit Jahrzehnten einen Stammplatz - vor allem für Hetero Teenager. Angefangen bei der BENNY HILL SHOW oder auch KLIMBIM – bis hin zu PORKY’S oder EIS AM STIEL. Schwule wurden hier höchstens als verachtenswerte Lachnummern vorgeführt. Nun dürfen endlich auch wir uns auf möglichst unbekleidete Männer in eindeutigen Situationen, Fummeleien unter der Bettdecke und ausgefallene Sex Praktiken mit kleinen Unfällen freuen! Dass trotz aller Fröhlichkeit ANOTHER GAY SEQUEL auch aneckt, ist die Stärke dieser Komödie. Ohne erhobenen Zeigefinger hinterfragt Stephens die alltäglich exerzierte Wollust ohne Liebe unter Männern. Wo endet der Spass und wann droht der andauernde Kampf um den nächsten gottgleichen Bettpartner zum Krampf zu werden? Nicht jeder wird sich über Sekundenkleber im Gleitgel, eine Musicalnummer in einem Schauer von Natursekt oder katzengroße Filzläuse freuen… Und so bleibt einem der eine oder andere Lacher schon einmal im Rachen stecken. Für all diejenigen, die nach ANOTHER GAY MOVIE schon sehnsüchtig auf eine Fortsetzung mit mehr Sex, mehr Sünde und vor allen Dingen jeder Menge mehr kleinen Sauereien gehofft haben – das Warten hat ein Ende. Für alle Jungs und Junggebliebenen, die gerne laut lachen oder vor Entsetzen genüsslich die Hände vors Gesicht halten wollen, ist ANOTHER GAY SEQUEL genau das richtige. Wir wünschen viel Vergnügen! TODD STEPHENS / Drehbuchautor, Produzent, Regisseur Todd wuchs im Städtchen Sandusky, Ohio, mitten in der Urlaubsregion Eriesee praktisch zwischen Achterbahnen, Ketchup und Bologna Sandwiches auf. 1998 schrieb und produzierte Todd EDGE OF SEVENTEEN (erschienen bei PRO-FUN MEDIA), basierend auf seinen eigenen Coming Out Erfahrungen und verfilmt in seinem Heimatort in Ohio. EDGE OF SEVENTEEN wurde mit zahlreichen Festivalpreisen ausgezeichnet, u. a. als „Bester Spielfilm“ auf dem „San Francisco Gay Film Festival“ und dem „Outfest“, wo EDGE OF SEVENTEEN auch den Preis für das „Beste Drehbuch“ erhielt. EDGE OF SEVENTEEN lief 1999 auf dem “Sundance Film Festival” und startete, von den Kritikern hoch gelobt, in den Kinos. EDGE OF SEVENTEEN wurde zudem für den „Independent Spirit Award” und einen „GLAAD Media Award“ nominiert. Todds nächste Regiearbeit, zu der er auch das Drehbuch schrieb und die er ebenfalls selbst produzierte, war der Spielfilm GYPSY 83 mit Sara Rue (LESS THAN PERFECT, POPULAR), Kett Turton und seinem Idol Karen Black. Ebenfalls mit mehreren Festivalpreisen ausgezeichnet und von der Kritik einhellig gefeiert, kam GYPSY 83 im April 2004 in die Kinos und wurde später sogar zu einem nennenswerten Erfolg auf DVD. Im Zusammenhang mit seinem Werk GYPSY 83 wurde Todd vom „Filmmaker Magazine“ zu einem der „25 beachtenswertesten, neuen Filmemacher“ gekürt. Im März 2005 konnte Todd den grell bunten Spielfilm ANOTHER GAY MOVIE präsentieren, für den er erneut als Drehbuchautor, Produzent und Regisseur verantwortlich zeichnete. ANOTHER GAY MOVIE (erschienen bei PRO-FUN MEDIA) bot neben einer bislang nicht da gewesenen schwulen Starbesetzung mit Graham Norton, Scott Thompson and Richard Hatch auch noch einen von Nancy Sinatra gesungenen Original-Titelsong. ANOTHER GAY MOVIE feierte 2006 sein Kinodebüt und avancierte in der Folge zum erfolgreichsten schwulen Independent-Film der letzten Jahre. Pressestimmen: „The most hilarious gay film spoof ever made.“ „The gay teenage sex comedy of your dreams!“ Time Out New York „Jonah Blechman‘s dancing is actually pretty awesome, with perfect fouettés in his bright yellow jazz shoes as fountains spew yellow-tinted water behind him. A fun and uproarious way to spend 95 minutes „ „90 minutes of sex, sex and sex.“ Philadelphia Inquirer „SUPER-FABULOUS! Filthy-dirty-funny.“ Instinct Magazine „Nonstop, over-the-top lewd innuendo!“ New York Magazine „The Gay Porky’s of 2008! You will laugh, giggle, and snort!“ „Raunchy, politically incorrect fun!“ Oasis Magazine „A blast! Lotsa hot guys, making out, promiscuous sex, backstabbing, drinking, projectile vomiting, etc.” „Intentionally ridiculous! Enough sunshine, sweetness, and bravely go-for-broke showmanship to keep things moving.“ The Movieboy „Totally worth seeing and maybe my favorite movie ever!“ spotlight How Queer it is An Interview with by david vera Jonah Blechman Even in the emotionally secure confines of Hillcrest, feeling like a mismatched outsider is as common an occurrence as catching a cold in the swift chill of autumn. The trouble is, there’s no magical serum that will relieve our symptoms of uniqueness. All we can do is wear our originality as an asset and push anyone out of our way who dares to tell us otherwise. After speaking with Jonah Blechman who played the vibrant vacationer Nico in this year’s Another Gay Sequel, I can say that few people own their exceptional virtues as proudly as him. The average queer-role savant will recognize Blechman from many provocative films throughout the past two decades, but few know about his summer of tutelage with Mikhail Baryshnikov. “Well, I started dancing when I was 4 years old— everything from ballet, jazz and tap to Russian character,” said Blechman. “I got to be a part of the San Francisco Ballet when I was 6. When I was 14, I got this great opportunity to study under Baryshnikov for the summer. That was sort of my peak of my dancing history. At age 11, I started training for film and television and my focus really started to shift.” Since his first film credit in the 1993 movie This Boy’s Life, Blechman’s approach to certain roles has changed. “In This Boy’s Life, the role that I played was a queer character,” explained Blechman. “At that time, I got a lot of offers for other kinds of queer characters. My agent, my managers and everyone was very much against me putting myself out there that way—or in any way that would get me typecast. So I ended up saying no to a lot of roles. I was able to still work throughout the years, but in many instances it got to be fewer and farther between. By the time I read the first script of Another Gay Movie—which was the first comedy I’d ever done, and something I never thought I would do—it really was about embracing so many aspects of myself and just accepting the kind of characters that I can play. I had just done Hedwig prior to the film and the doors were pretty wide open for me. I just stepped into it and that’s been the sequence of things since. It’s been really freeing. It’s an experience 46 RAGE monthly of Another Gay Sequel that the boys from Another Gay Movie are now going through in their worlds right now—three of the boys said no [to reprising their roles] because of their agents and their own fears around typecasting and/ or sexuality.” Viewers of the new film will definitely pick up on that idea via dialogue early in the film. I’ve seen some pretty slick methods of explaining cast changes, but Another Gay Sequel beats them all. But Blechman did more than play the biggest character in recent history, he even executive produced Another Gay Movie and its sequel. “When I first came onboard it was just as an actor but I had a fashion company that was taking off and I really couldn’t be auditioning for things,” elaborated Blechman. “I needed something that I could invest myself in as a producer that would actually present me as an actor more so than just as a guest star. It seemed well worth it for me.” Blechman’s aforementioned fashion company is none other than U-Wear, which can currently be found at North Park’s own Rubber Rose. “I started off making underwear out of vintage t-shirts—all one-of-a-kind,” described Blechman. “Then we became kind of a reconstruction house where we made bags, shirts, sweaters and dresses out of recycled material. We also had a service called U-Turn where people would send in their old t-shirts and we would turn them into underwear or whatever design they wanted.” When asked whether we can shop for these fabulous services online, Blechman explained that The Rubber Rose is the only place in San Diego where his line is available. In dealing with Another Gay Sequel, U-Wear has become a dormant company for now. It is, nevertheless, something that he will likely pick up after the new year. Much like the uniqueness of his clothing line, the script for Another Gay Sequel is wild and groundbreaking. Blechman reveals his first reaction upon reading the first script for Another Gay Movie. “Initially it totally repelled me! [Laughter] I though I would never be a part of something so crude,” admit- scenes from Another Gay Sequel | OCTOBER 2008 ted Blechman. “What did appeal to me was how it stuck with me—how bold, brash and innovative it was in the queer genre. At one point I thought, ‘You know what, I’ve got issues with this, and I’m the kind of actor who likes to work where I get to learn something myself.’ [Nico] is such a queen character, so effeminate. That was also something for me to personally get over and embrace. That was a big part of stepping through any issues I had about sexuality.” Brave expressions of self have always made the most impact. In my circle of friends, Nico is the unanimously favorite character. We have to wonder where Jonah found inspiration for the adorable Nico. “It’s so great to hear that. I appreciate it. Todd [Stephens] was really the one who ‘calibrated’ me,” clarified Blechman. “Nico’s voice is higher than mine, his energy level…he’s got this sort of innocence that I don’t have. [Laughter] We weren’t trying to do something stereotypical, but make him humanize the queen and also sexualize the queen. That’s usually the character that isn’t sexual. He can be the best friend, but it’s very rare that you get to sexualize that character. The inspiration was just, ‘how ever big I can possibly be!’[Laughter] At first it really was a scary role to step into, but it became incredibly liberating. It’s inevitably so much fun, and so freeing. It makes me feel so much more comfortable with my masculinity, having been able to blow out my femininity. I’m grateful.” By the looks of the finished product, it is safe to assume that “the guys” had the time of their lives making this film—especially toward the end during the “water-sports dream-sequence dance-number.” “[Laughter] When Todd started working with the concept for the sequel, I told him, ‘I really want to do a musical number! Please!’ So he wrote it in,” said Blechman. “What was really special about that for me was that I got to co-direct and co-choreograph the whole thing. That specific scene marks a lot of work for me that was beyond just an actor or producer. I got to show a bunch of skills that I love to share. It was so much fun. We were shooting at Club Fort Lauderdale—in their pool area and their showers— during the hours of operation of a bathhouse. The guys in our crew were such good troopers. Some of them were queer but some weren’t. We had people just standing around in their bath towels and watching. In the locker room, I think people were actually getting dressed and didn’t even know we were shooting. It was all actively going on during our shots—we were lucky that we got what we got.” So, why Fort Lauderdale? It seems that modern movies in tropical settings gravitate toward the more typical Miami backdrop. But not this sequel. Director Todd Stephens had something special in mind when OCTOBER 2008 | RAGE monthly 47 and wanted to honor it. Perez was like, ‘I just want to be a part of history this way.’ I know Ru just loved the first film. When you ask me what initially drew me to this, it inevitably was how innovative and unexpected this is. It’s sort of my own protest in life, to be able to do this kind of work that’s candy-colored but also reveals whether about—all still in development,” said Blechman. “I have a film I’ll be doing in the new year that will be a sort of Misery/Single White Female film. It shows some fun colors, I’m excited about that.” Until then, it’s all board shorts and woodies for Jonah Blechman. formulating this latest trip to taboo-ville. “Todd loves the old Where the Boys Are beach-blanket-bingo-period,” divulged Blechman. “It’s such a throwback. And because spring break is so quintessentially connected to Fort Lauderdale, it just seemed appropriate. And the community out there was extraordinary. We all stayed at the men’s resort where the film takes place. We were actually shooting in the same place where we stayed! It became a gay summer camp where we all got to be in a bubble of supportive people to make this film in 17 days—it was a quick shoot.” Thinking back to a certain scene in the film involving a merman with a poofy wig—under which was the aesthetically pleasant Brent Corrigan—I had to remark as to the mythical creature’s resemblance to Zac Efron. “I know!” laughed Blechman. “People are like, ‘that was Zac Efron!’ Brent is a great energy and attribute to the film. He’s just a really smart, on-the-ball kid who has had a lot of interesting experiences, and who will continue to have interesting experiences. He just seems to gravitate and bring those kinds of things into his life. We’re glad he got to ‘orbit’ around our production and got to be a part of it.” Working with so many famous personalities was no doubt a blast to experience. Blechman discloses what it was like to work so closely to the likes of RuPaul and Perez Hilton. “Oh, Ru is fantastic! She is so professional—a sober human being. She has been for many years. No attitude, just a complete pleasure. We were really lucky because everyone who came to the shoot were people who really appreciated the first film and wanted to honor it. Perez was like, ‘I just want to be a part of history this way.’ I know Ru just loved the first film. When you ask me what initially drew me to this, it inevitably was how innovative and unexpected this is. It’s sort of my own protest in life, to be able to do this kind of work that’s candy-colored but also reveals whether you’re able to laugh at yourself or not—what you find funny or sexy.” One of the most memorable scenes that will trigger introspection in all audiences regardless of sexual preference is Nico’s ‘I am what I am’ monologue toward the end of the film. Blechman pulled it off perfectly. “Oh, thank you! That was probably the last thing that was written in the script,” mentioned Blechman. “Todd and I weren’t sure what was going to be said in that monologue. We knew it was going to be some point, but we didn’t know how it would be formed. So I was grateful it came together and I was able to say something like that. I feel like I’m on the fringe of the fringe in queer culture anyway. So it’s nice to have a community acknowledge that.” Of course, no trip to Queertopia would be complete without an outrageous cameo appearance by Amanda Lepore. “Yeah! Isn’t she cool? Aren’t her tits awesome? [Laughter] That’s such a classic moment—seeing her ‘flotation devices,’” quipped Blechman. “She’s a pretty shy human being. As much of a visual entity as she is, she’s not necessarily a personality out there. To tell you the truth, I don’t know a lot about her. We spent the day together shooting the plane scene. She was a total pleasure, she was very sweet, but she seemed pretty shy to me. She’s probably her own enigma of sorts.” Now that Another Gay Sequel is sweeping the nation and sneaking its way into the iPods of closeted young men around the rest of the world, Jonah’s time will be filled with other projects. “I’ve got some other things in the pipeline that I’m producing which I’m excited about—all still in development,” said Blechman. “I have a film I’ll be doing in the new year that will be a sort of Misery/Single White Female film. It shows some fun colors, I’m excited about that.” Until then, it’s all board shorts and woodies for Jonah Blechman. spotlight 48 RAGE monthly | OCTOBER 2008 Kinodisposition: PRO-FUN MEDIA GmbH - Filmverleih Hr. Michael Höfner Postfach 64 01 34 - D - 10047 Berlin Tel.: 030 - 850 786 38, Fax: 030 - 859 34 23 e-mail: Pressebetreuung: PRO-FUN MEDIA GmbH - Zentrale Hr. Tobias Horn Rödelheimer Landstr. 13 A - D - 60487 Frankfurt/M. Tel.: 069 - 70 76 77 - 55, Fax: 069 - 70 76 77 - 11 e-mail: 48 RAGE monthly | OCTOBER 2008 Werbematerialien: PRO-FUN MEDIA GmbH - Zentrale Abt. DTP - Hr. George Dare Rödelheimer Landstr. 13 A - D - 60487 Frankfurt/M. Tel.: 069 - 70 76 77 - 40, Fax: 069 - 70 76 77 - 12 e-mail: