Curriculum Vitae - Leibniz-Institut für Atmosphärenphysik


Curriculum Vitae - Leibniz-Institut für Atmosphärenphysik
Prof. Dr. Markus Rapp
Leibniz-Institut für Atmosphärenphysik
an der Universität Rostock
Schloss-Str. 6
18225 Kühlungsborn, Deutschland
Telefon:+49 38293 68200
Kühlungsborn, 08.02.2011
Curriculum Vitae
12.05.1970 in Koblenz, Deutschland
Verheiratet mit Dr. Hoang Tu-Rapp (geb. Tu), 2 Kinder
1976 – 1989
1989 – 1991
1991 – 1996
1996 – 1999
Grundschule und Staatl. Gymnasium in Lahnstein, Rheinland-Pfalz
Abitur (Gesamtnote 1,3)
Studium der Physik an der Universität Bonn
Diplom in Physik (“Mit Auszeichnung” )
Promotion im Fach Physik unter Anleitung von Herrn Prof. Dr. F.-J. Lübken am
Physikalischen Institut der Universität Bonn. Dissertationsschrift: „Aerosol layers in
the polar summer mesosphere: Interaction with the plasma of the D-region and
dependence on temperature and dynamics“ (“Mit Auszeichnung” )
Habilitation in Atmosphärenphysik am Leibniz Institut für Atmosphärenphysik,
Kühlungsborn und der Universität Rostock; Habilitationsschrift: ”On the physics of
polar mesosphere summer echoes”
Wissenschaftliche Positionen
01.2000 – 06.2000
07.2000 – 12.2002
Seit 2003
2006 – 2007
Seit 2008
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (Postdoc) am Physikalischen Institut der Universität
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (Postdoc) am Leibniz-Institut für Atmosphärenphysik, Kühlunsgsborn (IAP)
Festangestellter wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Leibniz-Institut für
Atmosphärenphysik, Kühlunsgsborn (IAP)
Ernennung zum Privatdozenten an der Universität Rostock: Lehrerlaubnis für das
Fach „Atmosphärenphysik“
Gastprofessor an der Universität Stockholm (Department of Meteorology),
Schweden, im Rahmen einer Lehrstuhlvertretung für Herrn Prof. Dr. Kevin Noone,
Leiter der Arbeitsgruppe Atmosphärenphysik
Zurück am IAP als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter und Privatdozent an der
Universität Rostock
Professor für Experimentelle Atmosphärenphysik an der Universität Rostock und
Leiter der Abteilung „Radarsondierungen und Höhenforschungsraketen“ am
Leibniz-Institut für Atmosphärenphysik
NASA Group Achievement Award “in recognition of your support for the
EQUatorial Ionospheric Studies (EQUIS) II Sounding Rocket Campaign conducted
from the Kwajalein Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands July- September 2004”
Ruf auf eine Professur für das Fach “Experimentalphysik mit Schwerpunkt Globale
Atmosphärenforschung” (W2) an die Bergische Universität Wuppertal (abgelehnt).
Die Veröffentlichung “Polar mesosphere summer echoes (PMSE): Review of
observations and current understanding (von M. Rapp and F.-J. Lübken, Atmos.
Chem. Phys., 4, 2601-2633, 2004)” wird von Thomson Reuters Science Watch als
eine der am häufigsten zitierten Arbeiten der letzten Jahre in den Geowissenschaften hervorgehoben:
März/April 1999
Okt./Nov. 2000
Forschungsaufenthalt am Tiefdruck-Windtunnel des Centre Nationale de la
Recherche Scientifique in Paris (bei Prof. Dr. J. C. Lengrand): Vermessung
aerodynamischer Effekte auf die Messung der Neutralgasdichte mit Hilfe von
raketengetragenen Ionisationsmanometern.
Forschungsaufenthalt am Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Research
(LASP) in Boulder, Colorado, bei Herrn Prof. Dr. Gary Thomas: Einarbeitung in ein
Modell zur Beschreibung der Mikrophysik von mesosphärischem Aerosol mit
anschließendem Transfer des Modells an das IAP.
Aktive Teilnahme an zwölf internationalen Feldkampagnen zur Erforschung der
mittleren Atmosphäre mit Höhenforschungsraketen, Radars und Lidars (typische
Dauer 4-6 Wochen) in Kiruna (ESRANGE, Schweden), Andoya (Nordnorwegen)
und Ny-Alesund (Spitzbergen). Dabei fungierte ich seit 2001 als Leiter der IAPForschergruppe während dieser Kampagnen, seit 2005 als hauptverantwortlicher
Wissenschaftler (PI).
Gastprofessor an der Universität Stockholm (Meteorologisches Institut),
Schweden, im Rahmen einer Lehrstuhlvertretung für Herrn Prof. Dr. Kevin Noone,
Leiter der Arbeitsgruppe Atmosphärenphysik
Wissenschaftliche Interessensschwerpunkte
Entwicklung und Anwendung von in-situ Messmethoden (zum Einsatz auf Höhenforschungsraketen) zur
Messung atmosphärenphysikalisch relevanter Parameter (dynamische und thermische Struktur,
Radar-Fernerkundung der mittleren Atmosphäre
Mikrophysik atmosphärischer Aerosolpartikel: Nukleation, Wachstum, heterogene Prozesse,
Wechselwirkung mit geladenen Spezies: Feld- und Labormessungen sowie mikrophysikalische
Thermische und dynamische Struktur der mittleren Atmosphäre
Satellitenfernerkundung der mittleren Atmosphäre
Einwerbung von Drittmitteln
a) als hauptverantwortlicher Antragsteller
- “ECOMA” (=Existence and Charge state Of meteoric dust particles in the Middle Atmosphere):
Höhenforschungsraketenprojekt zum Studium von Meteorstaubpartikeln in der mittleren Atmosphäre.
Laufzeit: 2004 – 2008: Drei Feldkampagnen zum Start von acht Höhenforschungsraketen; gefördert
vom Deutschen Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt; Förderkennzeichen 50 OE 0301 (ca 1,8 MEuro).
“Influence of charged aerosol particles on the scattering of radar waves using EISCAT”: DFG-Projekt im
Rahmen des DFG-Schwerpunktprogramms CAWSES. Laufzeit: 2005 – 2007; Förderkennzeichen RA
1400/2-1.(ca. 80 kEuro)
- “MATSH” (=Middle Atmosphere Temperature Sounding at High resolution): Fluggelegenheit für einen
neu entwickelten in-situ Sensor zur Messung von Temperaturprofilen in der mittleren Atmosphäre; im
Rahmen des „eARI“-Programmes der Europäischen Union (eARI = extended Access to Research
Infrastructure). Laufzeit: 2005 – 2006. (ca. 20 kEuro)
- “Influence of charged aerosol particles on the scattering of radar waves using EISCAT – Part 2”: DFGProjekt im Rahmen des DFG-Schwerpunktprogramms CAWSES. Laufzeit: 2007 – 2009,
Förderkennzeichen RA 1400/2-2. (ca. 80 kEuro)
- „Ein leistungsstarkes VHF-Radar in Nordnorwegen: Klimamonitoring in der mittleren Atmosphäre“,
BMBF-Projekt zum Neubau eines VHF-Radars in Nordnorwegen, Laufzeit: 01.05.2008 – 30.09.2009,
Förderkennzeichen: 01LP0802A (ca. 2,3 MEuro)
- ECOMA-Verlängerung: Höhenforschungsraketenprojekt zum Studium von Meteorstaubpartikeln in der
mittleren Atmosphäre. Laufzeit: 2008 – 2010:
Zwei Feldkampagnen zum Start von vier
Höhenforschungsraketen; gefördert vom Deutschen Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt;
Förderkennzeichen 50 OE 0801 (1 MEuro).
- “Influence of charged aerosol particles on the scattering of radar waves using EISCAT – Part 3”: DFGProjekt im Rahmen des DFG-Schwerpunktprogramms CAWSES. Laufzeit: 2009 – 2011;
Förderkennzeichen RA 1400/2-3 (ca. 80 kEuro).
- „Dynamische Kontrolle der mesosphärischen Eisphase“, Projekt im Rahmen des Wettbewerbsverfahren
der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft (SAW-Verfahren). Laufzeit: 2010 – 2012 (ca. 834 kEuro)
- „WADIS“ (=Wellenausbreitung und Dissipation in der mittleren Atmosphäre: Energiebudget und
Spurenstoffverteilung): Höhenforschungsraketenprojekt zum Studium von Schwerewellen und ihrem
Einfluss auf das Energiebudget und die Verteilung von Spurengasen. Laufzeit: 2010 – 2013: Zwei
Feldkampagnen zum Start von zwei Höhenforschungsraketen und 24 meteorologischen Raketen;
gefördert vom Deutschen Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt; Förderkennzeichen 50 OE 1001 (ca 1,8
b) als Mitantragsteller
- des BMBF-geförderten AFO-2000 Projektes „OPOSSUM“ (Hauptantragsteller Prof. F.-J. Lübken, IAP
- des BMBF-geförderten DEKLIM Projektes „CLIME/RADIMP“ (Hauptantragsteller Prof. F.-J. Lübken,
IAP Kühlungsborn)
- des NASA-gefördertern Projektes „CAPPS” (=The Charging of Aerosols and Particles in the Polar
Summer Mesosphere; Hauptantragsteller Dr. Richard A. Goldberg, Goddard Space Flight Center,
Maryland, USA)
- zur Einrichtung eines „International Teams“ zum Forschungsschwerpunkt „Dust - Plasma Interactions“
gefördert vom „International Space Science Institute“ an der Universität Bern, Schweiz
(Hauptantragstellerin Frau Prof. Dr. Ingrid Mann, Universität Kobe, Japan).
- des von der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft im Rahmen des SAW-Verfahrens finanzierten Projektes
„LOCHMES: Long term changes in the mesosphere (Hauptantragsteller Prof. Dr. Erich Becker, IAP)
Seit dem WS 2001 regelmäßige (2 SWS) Vorlesungen im Hauptstudiengang Physik-Diplom und
Physik-Master an der Universität Rostock mit den Inhalten:
o Atmosphärenphysik I
o Atmosphärenphysik II
o Messmethoden der Atmosphärenphysik
o Physik der Ionosphäre
o Atmosphärische Aerosol- und Wolkenphysik
Im Jahr 2005 an der Universität Stockholm: Vorlesung für Doktoranden zum Thema “Aeronomy” im
Zeitraum Februar – Dezember 2005 und Vorlesung für Studenten im Master-Studiengang Meteorologie
zum Thema “Atmospheric Physics” im November/Dezember 2005
Vorlesung zum Thema “Noctilucent clouds and polar mesosphere summer echoes” während der
“NORFA Graduate school on Middle Atmospheric Aerosol”, finanziert durch das Nordic Research
Board, Stockholm, Schweden, 2-7 Oktober 2005 (Vorlesung für Doktoranden).
Betreuung von Praktikumsversuchen im Physikalischen Praktikum für Nebenfächler, Physikalisches
Institut der Universität Rostock: 5.02. – 22.02.2002 (Blockpraktikum; täglich 2 Doppelstunden)
Mitbetreuung dreier Promotionsprojekte am Meteorologischen Institut der Universität Stockholm (mit
Prof. J. Gumbel und Prof. E. Källen):
o Herr Dr. J. Hedin (seit Februar 2005; promoviert 2009)
o Frau Dr. L. Megner (seit Februar 2005, promoviert 2008)
o Herr Dr. K.-G. Karlsson (seit Februar 2005; promoviert 2006)
Betreuung von Doktoranden am IAP:
o Herr Dr. Arno Müllemann (mit Prof. Lübken, Juli 1999 – April 2004): Raketengetragene
Turbulenz-, Temperatur- und Windmessungen in der polaren Mesopausenregion (Magna cum
o Herr Dr. Boris Strelnikov (Januar 2002 - Dezember 2006): Raketengetragene
Turbulenzmessungen in der polaren Mesosphäre mit Schwerpunkt auf der Entwicklung neuer
Auswertealgorithmen zur höhenaufgelösten Ermittlung turbulenter Aktivität (Magna cum Laude)
o Frau Dr. Irina Strelnikova (Juli 2005 – Mai 2009): Entwicklung eines raketengetragenen
Partikeldetektors zum Nachweis von Meteorstaubpartikeln in der Mesosphäre sowie Nachweis
dieser Partikel mit Radars (Summa cum Laude)
o Herr Qiang Li (seit November 2006): Analyse von Radarmessungen von Polaren Mesosphären
Sommer Echoes (PMSE) mit den EISCAT Radars in Tromso, Nordnorwegen, und
Longyearbyen, Spitzbergen.
o Frau Manja Placke (seit Juli 2008): Klimatolgie von Schwerwellen aus Radar- und
o Herr Toralf Renkwitz (seit Oktober 2008): Kalibrierung eines MST-Radars zur
dreidimensionalen Sondierung der Atmosphäre
o Frau Vivien Matthias (seit Februar 2010): Analyse planetarer Wellen in der mittleren
Atmosphäre aus Radar- und Satellitenmessungen
Betreuung von Diplomarbeiten am IAP:
o Herr S. Lauterbach: Aerodynamische Berechnungen zu raketengestützten in-situ
Neutralgasdichtemessungen in der mittleren Atmosphäre, Fachhochschule Neubrandenburg,
Juni 2008.
o Frau D. Petzsch: Eine neue Methode für raketengetragene Dichtemessungen in der mittleren
Atmosphäre (seit 2010)
o Herr G. Teiser: Radarmessungen von Meteorstaubpartikeln mit den EISCAT-Radars in
Nordnorwegen (seit 2010)
o Herr C. Baumann: Bestimmung des Meteormassenflusses in die mittlere Atmosphäre aus
Meteorradarmessungen (seit 2010)
Fakultätsopponent für die Promotionsverteidigung von Herrn L. I. Naesheim, Universität Tromsö,
Norwegen, 16. Mai 2008.
Organisation von Konferenzen und Mitarbeit in Gremien
Mitglied des wissenschaftlichen Organisationskomitees des „16th ESA Symposium on European Rocket
and Balloon Programmes and Related Research“, 2.-5. Juni 2003, St. Gallen (Schweiz).
Main Scientific Organizer des Symposiums „Structure and Dynamics of the Arctic and Antarctic Middle
Atmosphere “ während der 35ten Versammlung des Committee on Space Research (COSPAR), Paris,
Frankreich, Juli, 2004.
Mitglied des wissenschaftlichen Organisationskomitees des „17th ESA Symposium on European Rocket
and Balloon Programmes and Related Research“,30. Mai-2. June 2005, Sandefjord (Norwegen).
Main Scientific Organizer des Symposiums „Small scale structures in the mesosphere/ lower
thermosphere“ während der 36ten Versammlung des Committee on Space Research (COSPAR),
Bejing, China, Juli 2006 .
Mitglied des wissenschaftlichen Organisationskomitees des „17th ESA Symposium on European Rocket
and Balloon Programmes and Related Research“,03.- 07. June 2007, Visby (Schweden).
Stellvertretender Vorsitzender (Vice Chair) der Komission C2 “Earth's Middle Atmosphere and Lower
Ionosphere”, Committee on Space Research (COSPAR), gewählt während der 36ten Versammlung in
Beijing für den Zeitraum 2006 – 2010; wiedergewählt für zweite Amtsperiode während der 38.
Versammlung in Bremen für den Zeitraum 2010-2014.
Vorsitzender der Kommission 1 (Erdnaher Weltraum) der “Arbeitsgemeinschaft Extraterrestrische
Forschung, AEF” (seit 2009)
Vertreter der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft im „Science Oversight Committee (SOC)“ der
European Incoherent Scatter (EISCAT) Scientific Association (seit 2009)
Eingeladenes Mitglied der „Science Definition Working Group“ zum Projekt EISCAT_3D; im Rahmen
des EU-geförderten ESFRI-Projektes EISCAT_3D (seit 2010)
Panel-Mitglied: NASA review panel for the Geospace Science opportunity in ROSES 2005, Washington
DC, USA, 25.-27. Oktober, 2005 und 28.-30.10.2008
Gutachter für Projektanträge an die NASA, National Science Foundation, Deutsche
Forschungsgemeinschaft, Helmholtzgesellschaft, NWO (Netherlands Organization for Scientific
Research), Norwegian Research Council, Natural Environment Research Council (UK), Dutch
Research Council, Austrian Research Council (FWF)
Gutachter für diverse wissenschaftliche Zeitschriften: Journal of Geophysical Research, Geophysical
Research Letters, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Radio Science, Advances of Space Research,
Annales Geophysicae, New Journal of Physics, IEEE- Transactions on Plasma Science
Herausgabe von Zeitschriften
Editor-in-Chief “Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics”, seit 2010
Gasteditor der Zeitschrift „Advances in Space Research“, für eine thematische Sonderausgabe zum
Thema „Small scale structures in the mesosphere/ lower thermosphere“ (2006 - 2007).
Gasteditor der Zeitschrift “Annales Geophysicae” für eine Sonderausgabe zum Thema „ECOMA/MASS:
Aerosol particles near the polar summer mesopause“ (2008 - 2009)
Internationale und nationale Partner
Department of Meteorology, Stockholm University, Sweden (Prof. J. Gumbel)
Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Science , Boulder, Colorado, USA (Prof. G. E. Thomas)
Norwegian Defence Research Establishment, Oslo, Norway (Prof. U.-P. Hoppe, Prof. T. Blix)
Arecibo Observatory, Arecibo, Puerto Rico (Drs. S. Raizada and M. Sulzer)
University of Colorado at Boulder, USA (Profs. S. Robertson und Z. Sternovsky)
Naval Research Laboratory, Washington DC, USA (Dr. M. H. Stevens)
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, USA (Dr. R. A. Goldberg, Dr. R. Pfaff)
Pennsylvania State University, Department for Electrical Engineering, USA (Profs. J. Mitchell und C.
Technische Universität Graz, Österreich (Prof. M. Friedrich)
School of Chemistry, University of Leeds, UK (Prof. John Plane)
EISCAT Scientific Association (Director Dr. Esa Turunen)
GATS Inc., Driggs, Idaho, USA (Dr. Mark Hervig)
Colorado Research Associates, Boulder, Co, USA (Dr. David C. Fritts, Dr. Diego Janches, Dr. Jon
Universität Bremen (PD Dr. Christian von Savigny)
Universität Frankfurt (Prof. Ulrich Achatz)
Forschungszentrum Jülich (Dr. Peter Preusse)
Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (DPG)
European Geophysical Union (EGU)
American Geophysical Union (AGU)
(86 in begutachteten Zeitschriften, 33 in Konferenz-Proceedings und andere Manuskripte. 68
Präsentationen auf internationalen Konferenzen und im Rahmen sonstiger auswärtiger Seminare/Kolloquia,
davon 29 eingeladene Vorträge. h-Index = 19; insgesamt 1197 Zitierungen seit 1998).
1. Mit Begutachung (als Erstautor)
1. Rapp, M., and F.-J. Lübken, Modelling of positively charged aerosols in the polar summer
mesopause region, Earth Plan. Space, 51, 799--807, 1999.
2. Rapp, M., Capture rates of electrons and positive ions by mesospheric aerosol particles, J. Aerosol
Sci., 31(11), 1367--1369, 2000.
3. Rapp, M., and F.-J. Lübken, Electron temperature control of PMSE , Geophys. Res. Lett., 27, 3285-3288, 2000.
4. Rapp, M., and F.-J. Lübken, Modelling of particle charging in the polar summer mesosphere: Part 1
-- general results, J. Atmos. Sol. Terr. Phys., 63, 759--770, 2001.
5. Rapp, M., J. Gumbel, and F.-J. Lübken, Absolute density measurements in the middle atmosphere,
Ann. Geophys., 19, 571--580, 2001.
6. Rapp, M., F.-J. Lübken, A. Müllemann, G. E. Thomas, and E. J. Jensen, Small scale temperature
variations in the vicinity of NLC: Experimental and model results, J. Geophys. Res., 107(D19), doi :
10.1029/2001JD001241, 2002.
7. Rapp, M., J. Gumbel, F.-J. Lübken, and R. Latteck, D-region electron number density limits for the
existence of polar mesosphere summer echoes, J. Geophys. Res., 107(D14), doi :
10.1029/2001JD001323, 2002.
8. Rapp, M., F.-J. Lübken, P. Hoffmann, R. Latteck, G. Baumgarten, and T. A. Blix, PMSE
dependence on aerosol charge number density and aerosol size, J. Geophys. Res., 108(D8), 8441,
doi: 10.1029/2002JD002650, 2003.
9. Rapp, M. and F.-J. Lübken, On the nature of PMSE: Electron diffusion in the vicinity of charged
particles revisited, J. Geophys. Res., 108(D8), 8437, doi: 10.1029/ 2002JD002857, 2003.
10. Rapp, M., F.-J. Lübken, and T. Blix, The role of charged ice particles in the creation of PMSE: A
review of recent developments, Adv. Space Res., 31(9), 2033-2043, 2003.
11. Rapp, M., F.-J. Lübken, and T. Blix, Small scale density variations of electrons and charged
particles in the vicinity of polar mesosphere summer echoes, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 3, 1399-1407,
12. Rapp, M., and F.-J. Lübken, Comment on “The response time of PMSE to ionospheric heating ” by
Belova et al., J. Geophys. Res., 108(D23), 4727, doi: 10.1029/ 2003JD003638, 2003.
13. Rapp, M.., B. Strelnikov, F.-J. Lübken, and D. C. Fritts, Turbulence measurements and implications
for gravity wave dissipation during the MaCWAVE/MIDAS rocket program, Geopyhs. Res. Lett., 31,
L24S07, doi:10.1029/2003GL019325, 2004.
14. Rapp, M. and F.-J. Lübken, Polar mesosphere summer echoes (PMSE): Review of observations
and current understanding, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 4, 2601-2633, 2004.
15. Rapp, M., J. Hedin, I. Strelnikova, M. Friedrich, J. Gumbel, and F.-J. Lübken, Observations of
positively charged nanoparticles in the nighttime polar mesosphere, Geophys. Res. Lett., 32,
L23821, doi: 10.1029/2005GL024676, 2005.
16. Rapp, M. and U.-P. Hoppe, A reconsideration of spectral width measurements with EISCAT, 38,
2408-2412, Adv. Space Res., 2006.
17. Rapp, M. and G. E. Thomas, Modeling the microphysics of mesospheric ice particles - Assessment
of current capabilities and basic sensitivities, J. Atmos. Sol. Terr. Phys., 68, 715 – 744, 2006.
18. Rapp, M., G. E. Thomas and G. Baumgarten, Spectral properties of mesospheric ice clouds:
Evidence for non-spherical particles, J. Geophys. Res., 112, D03211, doi: 10.1029/2006JD007322,
19. Rapp, M., I. Strelnikova, and J. Gumbel, Meteoric smoke particles: Evidence from rocket and radar
techniques, Adv. Space Res., 40, 809 – 817, doi: 10.1016/j.asr.2006.11.021, 2007.
20. Rapp, M., I. Strelnikova, R. Latteck, P. Hoffmann, U.-P. Hoppe, I. Häggström, and M.
Rietveld, Polar Mesosphere Summer Echoes (PMSE) studied at Bragg wavelengths of 2.8 m,
67 cm, and 16 cm, J. Atmos. Sol. Terr. Phys., 70 (7), 947-961, 2008.
21. Rapp, M. and I. Strelnikova, Measurements of meteor smoke particles during the ECOMA-2006
campaign: 1. particle detection by active photoionization, J. Atmos. Sol.-Terr. Phys., 477-485,
doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2008.06.002, 2009.
22. Rapp, M., I. Strelnikova, B. Strelnikov, R. Latteck, G. Baumgarten, Q. Li, L. Megner, J. Gumbel, M.
Friedrich, U.-P. Hoppe und S. Robertson, First in situ measurement of the vertical distribution of ice
volume in a mesospheric ice cloud during the ECOMA/MASS rocket-campaign, Ann. Geophys., 27,
755-766, 2009.
23. Rapp, M. and S. Robertson, Preface - ECOMA/MASS: aerosol particles near the polar summer
mesopause, Ann. Geophys., 27, 2009.
24. Rapp, M. und F.-J. Lübken, Comment on " Ice iron/sodium film as cause for high noctilucent cloud
radar reflectivity" by P. M. Bellan, J. Geophys. Res., 114, D11204, doi:10.1029/2008JD011323,
25. Rapp, M., Charging of mesospheric aerosol particles: The role of photodetachment and
photoionization from meteoric smoke and ice particles, Ann. Geophys., 27, 2417-2422, 2009.
26. Rapp,M., I. Strelnikova, B. Strelnikov, P. Hoffmann, M. Friedrich, J. Gumbel, L. Megner, U.-P.
Hoppe, S. Robertson, S. Knappmiller, M. Wolff und D. R. Marsh, Rocket-borne in-situ
measurements of meteor smoke: Charging properties and implications for seasonal variation, J.
Geophys. Res., 115, D00I16, doi:10.1029/2009JD012725, 2010.
27. Rapp, M. and F.-J. Lübken, Reply to comment by P. M. Bellan on “Comment on ‘Ice iron/sodium
film as a cause for high noctilucent cloud radar reflectivity,’” J. Geophys. Res., 115, D13207, doi:
10.1029/2010JD014065, 2010.
28. Rapp,M. I. Strelnikova, B. Strelnikov, M. Friedrich, J. Gumbel, U.-P. Hoppe, T. Blix, O. Havnes, P.
Bracikowski, K. Lynch und S. Knappmiller, Microphysical properties of mesospheric aerosols: An
overview of in situ-results from the ECOMA-project, in Aeronomy of the Earth's Atmosphere and
Ionosphere, Springer-Book, edited by M. A. Abdu and D. Pancheva and A. Bhattacharyya, in press,
29. Rapp, M., L. Leitert, R. Latteck, M. Zecha, P. Hoffmann, J. Höffner, U.-P. Hoppe, C. La Hoz, E.
Thrane, Localized MST-radar echoes from the E-region at 69° N: Properties and physical
mechanisms, J. Geophys. Res., doi: 10.1029/2010JA016167, in press, 2011.
2. Mit Begutachtung (als Koautor)
30. Lübken, F.-J., M. Rapp, T. Blix, and E. Thrane, Microphysical and turbulent measurements of the
Schmidt number in the vicinity of polar mesosphere summer echoes, Geophys. Res. Lett., 25, 893-896, 1998.
31. Belova, E., P. Chilson, M. Rapp, and S. Kirkwood, Electron temperature dependence of PMSE
power: experimental and modelling results, Adv. Space Res., 28, 1077--1082, 2001.
32. Lübken, F.-J., and M. Rapp, Modelling of particle charging in the polar summer mesosphere: Part 2
-- application to measurements, J. Atmos. Sol. Terr. Phys., 63 ,771--780, 2001.
33. Lübken , F.-J., M. Rapp, and P. Hoffmann, Neutral air turbulence and temperatures in the vicinity of
polar mesosphere summer echoes, J. Geophys. Res., 107(D15), doi: 10.1029/2002JG000915,
34. Müllemann, A., M. Rapp, F.-J. Lübken, and P. Hoffmann, In situ measurements of mesospheric
turbulence during spring transition of the arctic mesosphere, Geophys. Res. Lett., 29(10), doi:
10.1029/2002GL014841, 2002.
35. Thayer, J., M. Rapp, A. Gerrard, and E. Gudmundsson, Arctic mesospheric cloud observations and
characterization by the Sondrestrom, Greenland, Rayleigh lidar from 1994 through 2000, J.
Geophys. Res., 108(D8), 8449, doi: 10.1029/2002JD002363, 2003.
36. Smiley, B., S. Robertson, M. Horanyi, T. Blix, M. Rapp, R. Latteck, and J. Gumbel, Measurement of
positively and negatively charged particles inside PMSE during Midas Solstice 2001, J. Geophys.
Res., 108(D8), 8444, doi: 10.1029/2002JD002425, 2003.
37. Stevens, M. H., J. Gumbel, C. R. Englert, K. U. Grossmann, M. Rapp and P. Hartogh, Polar
mesospheric clouds formed from space shuttle exhaust, Geophys. Res. Lett, 30(10), 1546, doi:
10.1029/2003GL017249, 2003.
38. Blix, T. A., M. Rapp, and F.-J. Lübken, Relations between small scale electron number density
fluctuations, radar backscatter and charged aerosol particles, J. Geophys. Res., 108(D8), 8450,
10.1029/2002JD002430, 2003.
39. Blix, T. A., J. K. Bekkeng, R. Latteck, F.-J. Lübken, M. Rapp, A. Schöch, W. Singer, B. Smiley, and
B. Strelnikov, Rocket probing of PMSE and NLC – results from the recent MIDAS/MACWAVE
campaign, Adv. Space Res., 31(9), 2003.
40. Lübken, F.-J., M. Rapp, and P. Hoffmann, Reply to J. Klostermeyer’s comment on “Neutral air
turbulence and temperatures in the vicinity of polar mesosphere summer echoes”, J. Geophys.
Res., 108(D11), 4331, doi: 10.1029/2003JD003512, 2003.
41. Müllemann, M. Rapp, and F.-J. Lübken, Morphology of turbulent structures in the polar mesopause
region during the MIDAS/SOLSTICE campaign in 2001, Adv. Space Res., 31(9), 2069-2074, 2003.
42. Strelnikov, B., M. Rapp, and F.-J. Lübken, A new technique for the analysis of neutral air density
fluctuations measured in situ in the middle atmosphere, Geophys. Res. Lett., 30(2), 2052, doi:
10.1029/2003GL018271, 2003
43. Becker, E., A. Müllemann, F.-J. Lübken, H. Körnich, P. Hoffmann, and M. Rapp, High Rossbywave activity in austral winter 2002: Modulation of the general circulation of the MLT during the
MaCWAVE/MIDAS northern summer program, Geopyhs. Res. Lett., 31, L24S03,
doi:10.1029/2004GL019615, 2004
44. Fritts, D. C., B. Williams, J. She, J. Vance, M. Rapp, F.-J. Lübken, and R. A. Goldberg,
Observations and dynamics of extreme temperature and velocity gradients near the summer
mesopause during the summer MaCWAVE/MIDAS rocket program, Geopyhs. Res. Lett., 31,
L24S04, doi:10.1029/2003GL019389, 2004
45. R. Goldberg, D. Fritts, B. Williams, F.-J. Lübken, M. Rapp, W. Singer, R. Latteck, P. Hoffmann, A.
Müllemann, G. Baungarten, F. Schmidlin, C.-Y. She, and D. Krueger, The MaCWAVE/MIDAS
Rocket and Ground-based Measurements of Polar Summer Dynamics: Overview and Mean State
Structure, Geopyhs. Res. Lett., 31, L24S02, doi: 10.1029/2004GL019411,2004.
46. Croskey, C. L., J. D. Mitchell, R. A. Goldberg, T. A. Blix, M. Rapp, R. Latteck, M. Friedrich, and B.
Smiley, Coordinated investigation of plasma and neutral density fluctuations and particles during the
MaCWAVE/MIDAS summer 2002 program, Geophys. Res. Lett., 31, L24S08,
doi:10.1029/2004GL020169, 2004.
47. Hoffmann, P., M. Rapp, A. Serafimovich, and R. Latteck, On the occurrence and formation of polar
mesosphere summer echoes, Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, L05812, doi:10.1029/2004GL021409, 2005.
48. Engler, N., R. Latteck, B. Strelnikov,W. Singer, and M. Rapp, Turbulent energy dissipation
rates observed by MST Radar and by rocket-borne instruments during the MIDAS/MaCWAVE
campaign 2002, Ann. Geophys., 23, 1147 - 1156, 2005.
49. Strelnikov, B., M. Rapp, T. Blix, N. Engler, J. Höffner, J. Lautenbach, F.-J. Lübken, B. Smiley, and
M. Friedrich, In situ observations of small scale neutral and plasma dynamics in the
mesosphere/ lower thermosphere at 79° N, Adv. Space Res.., 38(11), 2388 – 2393, 2006.
50. Lübken, F.-J., B. Strelnikov, M. Rapp, W. Singer, R. Latteck, A. Brattli, U.-P. Hoppe, and M.
Friedrich, The thermal and dynamical state of the atmosphere during polar mesosphere winter
echoes, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 6, 13-24, 2006.
51. Smiley, B., M. Rapp, T. A. Blix, S. Robertson, M. Horányi, R. Latteck, and J. Fiedler, The
charge and size distribution of mesospheric aerosol particles measured inside NLC and PMSE
during MIDAS MaCWAVE 2002, J. Atmos. Sol. Terr. Phys., 68, 114 - 123, 2006.
52. Lehmacher, G., C. Croskey, J. Mitchell, M. Friedrich, F.-J. Lübken, M. Rapp, E. Kudeki, D.
Fritts, Intense turbulence observed above a mesospheric temperature inversion at equatorial
latitude, Geopyhs. Res. Lett.,.33, L08808, doi: 10.1029/2005GL024345, 2006.
53. Karlsson, B. and M. Rapp, Latitudinal dependence of noctilucent cloud growth, Geophys. Res. Lett.,
33, L11812, doi:10.1029/2006GL025805, 2006.
54. Megner, L., M. Rapp, and J. Gumbel, Sensitivity of meteoric smoke distribution to microphysical
properties and atmospheric conditions, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 6, 4415 - 4426, 2006.
55. A. Brattli, T. A. Blix, Ø. Lie-Svendsen, U.-P. Hoppe, F.-J. Lübken, M. Rapp, W. Singer, R.
Latteck, and M. Friedrich, Rocket measurements of positive ions during polar mesosphere
winter echo conditions, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 6, 5515-5524, 2006.
56. Lübken, F.-J., M. Rapp, and I. Strelnikova, The sensitivity of mesospheric ice layers to atmospheric
background temperatures and water vapor, Adv. Space Res., 40, 794-801,
doi:10.1016/j.asr.2007.01.014, 2007.
57. Raizada, S., M. Rapp, F.-J. Lübken, J. Höffner, M. Zecha, J. M. C. Plane, The effect of ice particles
on the mesospheric potassium layer at Spitsbergen (78°N), J. Geophys. Res., 112, D08307,
doi:10.1029/2005JD006938, 2007.
58. Hedin, J., J. Gumbel, and M. Rapp, On the efficiency of rocket-borne particle detection in the
mesosphere, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 7, 3701–3711, 2007
59. von Savigny, C., J. P. Burrows, and M. Rapp, UV limb-scatter spectra of noctilucent clouds
consistent with mono-modal particle size distribution, Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L07802,
doi:10.1029/2006GL028846, 2007.
60. Strelnikova, I., M. Rapp, S. Raizada, and M Sulzer, Meteor smoke particle properties derived from
Arecibo incoherent scatter radar observations, Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L15815,
doi:10.1029/2007GL030635, 2007.
61. Megner, L., J. Gumbel, M. Rapp, and D. E. Siskind, Reduced meteoric smoke abundance at the
summer pole: Implication for mesospheric ice particle nucleation, Adv. Space Res., 41, 41–49.
62. Megner, L., D. E. Siskind, M. Rapp, and J. Gumbel, Global and temporal distribution of
meteoric smoke: A 2D simulation study, J. Geophys. Res., 113, D03202,
doi:10.1029/2007JD009054, 2008.
63. P. Hoffmann, M. Rapp, J. Fiedler und R. Latteck, Influence of tides and gravity waves on layering
processes in the polar summer mesopause region, Ann. Geophys., 26, 4013-4022, 2008.
64. B. Strelnikov, M. Rapp, M. Zecha, T. A. Blix, M. Friedrich und T. K. Yeoman, PMSE and E-region
plasma instability: In situ observations, J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., 71, 143-157,
doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2008.10.003, 2009.
65. I. Strelnikova, M. Rapp, B. Strelnikov, G. Baumgarten, A. Brattli, K. Svenes, U.-P. Hoppe, M.
Friedrich, J. Gumbel and B. P. Williams, Measurements of meteor smoke particles during the
doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2008.07.011, 2009.
66. G. Baumgarten, J. Fiedler, K. H. Fricke, M. Gerding, M. Hervig, P. Hoffmann, N. Müller, P.-D.
Pautet, M. Rapp, C. Robert, D. Rusch, C. von Savigny und W. Singer, The noctilucent cloud (NLC)
display during the ECOMA/MASS sounding rocket flights on August 3, 2007: Morphology on global
to local scales, Ann. Geophys., 27, 953-965, 2009..
67. A. Brattli, O. Lie-Svendsen, K. Svenes, U.-P. Hoppe, I. Strelnikova, M. Rapp, R. Latteck und M.
Friedrich, The ECOMA 2007 campaign: Rocket observations and numerical modelling of aerosol
partricle charging and plasma depletion in a PMSE/NLC layer, Ann. Geophys., 27, 781-796, 2009.
68. M. Friedrich, K. M. Torkar, W. Singer, I. Strelnikova, M. Rapp und S. Robertson, Signatures of
Mesospheric Particles in Ionospheric data, Ann. Geophys., 27, 823-829, 2009.
69. B. Strelnikov, M. Rapp, I. Strelnikova, E. Engler und R. Latteck, Small-scale structures in neutrals
and charged aerosol particles as observed during the ECOMA/MASS rocket ampaign, Ann.
Geophys., 27, 1449-1456, 2009.
70. Robertson, S., Horanyi, M., Knappmiller, S., Sternovsky, Z., Holzworth, R., Shimogawa, M.,
Friedrich, M., Torkar, K., Gumbel, J., Megner, L., Baumgarten, G., Latteck, R., Rapp, M., and
Hoppe, U.-P.: Mass analysis of charged aerosol particles in NLC and PMSE during the
ECOMA/MASS campaign, Ann. Geophys., 27, 1213-1232, 2009.
71. F.-J. Lübken, J. Lautenbach, J. Höffner, M. Rapp und M. Zecha, First continuous temperature
measurements within polar mesosphere summer echoes, J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., 453-463,
doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2008.06.001, 2009.
72. M. Friedrich and M. Rapp, News from the lower ionosphere: A review of recent developments,
Surv. Geophys.. 30, 525 - 559, doi: 10.1007/s10712-009-9074-2, 2009.
73. Fentzke, J. T., D. Janches, I. Strelnikova, and M. Rapp, Meteoric smoke particles derived using
dual beam Arecibo UHF observations of D-region spectra during different seasons, J. Atmos. Sol.Terr. Phys., 71, 1982-1991, 2009.
74. I. Strelnikova and M. Rapp, Studies of polar mesosphere summer echoes with the EISCAT VHF
and UHF radars: information contained in the spectral shape, Adv. Space Res., 45, 247-259, 2010.
75. Q. Li, M. Rapp, J. Röttger, R. Latteck, M. Zecha, M. Hervig, C. Hall und M. Tsutsumi,
Microphysical parameters of mesospheric ice clouds derived from calibrated observations of
polar mesosphere summer echoes at Bragg wavelengths of 2.8 m and 30 cm, J. Geophys.
Res., 115, D00I13, doi: 10.1029/2009JD012271, 2010.
76. R. Latteck, W. Singer, M. Rapp und T. Renkwitz, MAARSY - the new MST Radar on Andøya/
Norway, Adv. Radio Sci., 8, 219-224, doi: 10.5194/ars-8-219-2010, 2010.
77. M.-H. Stevens, D. E. Siskind, S. D. Eckermann, L. Coy, J. P. McCormack, C. R. Englert, K. W.
Hoppel, K. Nielsen, A. J. Kochenash, M. E. Hervig, C. E. Randall, J. Lumpe, S. M. Bailey, M. Rapp,
und P. Hoffmann, Tidally induced variations of PMC altitudes and ice water content using a data
assimilation system, J. Geophys. Res., 115, D18209, doi:10.1029/2009JD013225, 2010.
78. G. Baumgarten, J. Fiedler und M. Rapp, On microphysical processes of noctilucent clouds (NLC):
Observations and modeling of mean and width of the particle size-distribution, Atmos. Chem. Phys.,
10, 6661–6668, 2010.
79. M. Placke, P. Hoffmann, E. Becker, Ch. Jacobi, W. Singer und M. Rapp, Gravity wave momentum
fluxes in the MLT-Part II: Meteor Radar investigations at high and mid latitudes in comparison with
modeling studies, J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2010.05.007, in press, 2011.
80. B. Strelnikov and M. Rapp, In-situ measurements of small scale structures in neutrals and charged
aerosols, in Aeronomy of the Earth's Atmosphere and Ionosphere, Springer-Book, edited by M. A.
Abdu and D. Pancheva and A. Bhattacharyya, in press, 2011.
81. Q. Li und M. Rapp, PMSE-observations with the EISCAT VHF and UHF-Radars: Statistical
properties, J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2010.05.015, in press, 2011.
82. M. Hervig, M. Rapp, R. Latteck, and L. Gordley, Observations of mesospheric ice particles
from the ALWIN radar and SOFIE, J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., doi: 10.1016/j.jastp.2010.08.002,
in press, 2011.
83. M. Friedrich, M. Rapp, J. M. C. Plane, K. M. Torkar, Bite-outs and other depletions of
mesospheric electrons, J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2010.10.018, in press,
84. W. Singer, R. Latteck, M. Friedrich, M. Wakabayashi und M. Rapp, Seasonal and solar activity
variability of D-region electron density at 69° N, J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., doi:
10.1016/j.jastp.2010.09.012, 2011.
85. I. Strelnikova and M. Rapp, Majority of PMSE spectral widths at UHF and VHF are compatible
with a single scattering mechanism, J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., doi:
10.1016/j.jastp.2010.11.025, in press, 2011.
86. S. Knappmiller, M. Rapp, S. Robertson, and J. Gumbel, Charging of meteoric smoke and ice
particles in the mesosphere including photoemission and photodetachment rates, J. Atmos.
Solar-Terr. Phys., accepted, 2011.
4. Konferenz-Proceedings und sonstige Manuskripte
1. Rapp, M. Kalibrierung des raketengetragenen Diodenlaser-Absorptionsspektrometers MASERATI,
Diplomarbeit, Universität Bonn, BONN-IB-96-30, 1996.
2. F.-J. Lübken and M. Rapp, Polar mesosphere summer echoes and their relationship to
turbulence, charged aerosols, and the thermal structure near the mesopause. In Proceedings
of the 13th ESA Symposium on European Rocket and Balloon Programmes and Related
Research, Oeland, Sweden (ESA SP-397), pages 463-470, Eur. Space Agency, Neuilly,
France, 1997.
3. H. von Lucke, F. Dingler, M. Rapp, F.-J. Lübken, W.J. Riedel, and H. Wolf, The rocket-borne
laser absorption spectrometer MASERATI: Scientific aims, experimental method, technical
design, and laboratory tests. In Proceedings of the 13th ESA Symposium on European Rocket
and Balloon Programmes and Related Research, Oeland, Sweden (ESA SP-397), pages 305310, Eur. Space Agency, Neuilly, France, 1997.
4. Rapp, M., Aerosol layers in the polar summer mesosphere: Interaction with the plasma of the Dregion and dependence on temperature and dynamics, Dissertation, Universität Bonn, BONN-IR2000-02, 1999.
5. Rapp, M., C. Unckell, F.-J. Lübken, and J. Gumbel. Absolute density measurements in the
middle atmosphere - a calibration of rocket-borne ionization gauges in a wind tunnel. In
Proceedings of the 14th ESA Symposium on European Rocket and Balloon Programmes and
Related Research, Potsdam, Germany (ESA SP-437), pages 465-470, 1999.
6. F.-J. Lübken, M. Rapp, J. Siebert, and K.-H. Fricke. The thermal and dynamical state of the
upper atmosphere during the first flight of the NLTE campaign. In Proceedings of the 14th
ESA Symposium on European Rocket and Balloon Programmes and Related Research,
Potsdam, Germany (ESA SP-437), pages 363-368, 1999.
7. J. Gumbel, M. Khaplanov, C. Unckell, and M. Rapp. Wind tunnel studies and simulations of
rarefied aerodynamics. Proceedings of the 14th ESA Symposium on European Rocket and
Balloon Programmes and Related Research, Potsdam, Germany (ESA SP-437), pages 471476, 1999.
8. J. Gumbel, M. Rapp, and C. Unckell. Aerodynamic aspects of rocket-borne in situ studies.
Proceedings of the 14th ESA Symposium on European Rocket and Balloon Programmes and
Related Research, Potsdam, Germany (ESA SP-437), pages 459-464, 1999.
9. Rapp, M. and F.-J. Lübken. Recent model results on NLC and PMSE formation. Proceedings
of the 15th ESA Symposium on European Rocket and Balloon Programmes and Related
Research, Biarritz, France (ESA SP-471), pages 195-200, 2001.
10. F.-J. Lübken, M. Rapp, and P. Hoffmann. Turbulence and temperatures in the upper summer
mesosphere related to polar mesosphere summer echoes. Proceedings of the 15th ESA
Symposium on European Rocket and Balloon Programmes and Related Research, Biarritz,
France (ESA SP-471), pages 171-176, 2001.
11. Müllemann, M. Rapp, and F.-J. Lübken. Insitu measurements of mesospheric turbulence
during spring. Proceedings of the 15th ESA Symposium on European Rocket and Balloon
Programmes and Related Research, Biarritz, France (ESA SP-471), pages 121-126, 2001.
12. L. Gordley, M. Hervig, B. Marshall, J. Russell III, J. Kemp, and M. Rapp, Mapping the earth’s
cosmic dust layer by differential solar occultation, Spie proceedings, vol. 4818 Infrared
Spaceborne Remote Sensing X, edited by Marija Strojnik and Bjorn F. Andresen, (SPIE,
Bellingham, WA, 2002), 209-212, 2002.
13. P.Hoffmann, M. Rapp, R. Latteck, A. Serafimovich, W. Singer, Multiple layer PMSE
structures: Statistical results from six years of PMSE observations and possible physical
explanations of their observed properties, Proceedings of the 16th ESA Symposium on
European Rocket and Balloon Programmes and Related Research, St. Gallen, Switzerland
(ESA SP-530), pages 315-320, 2003.
14. M. Rapp, B. Strelnikov, S. Wilms, F.-J. Lübken, J. Gumbel and H. Henkel, A new detector for the in
situ measurement of meteoric dust particles in the middle atmosphere, Proceedings of the 16th
ESA Symposium on European Rocket and Balloon Programmes and Related Research, St. Gallen,
Switzerland (ESA SP-530), pages 379-384, 2003.
15. B. Strelnikov, M. Rapp, F.-J. Lübken, Wavelet analysis appled to neutral density fluctuations
measured in situ in the middle atmosphere, Proceedings of the 16th ESA Symposium on European
Rocket and Balloon Programmes and Related Research, St. Gallen, Switzerland (ESA SP-530),
pages 321-326, 2003
16. R. A. Goldberg, D. C. Fritts, B. P. Williams, F. J. Schmidlin, C. L. Croskey, J. D. Mitchell, F.J.
Lübken, M. Rapp, W. Singer, R. Latteck, T. A. Blix, M. Friedrich, S. Kirkwood, N. Mitchell, and K.
Fricke, The MacWave program to study gravity wave forcing of the polar mesosphere during
summer and winter, Proceedings of the 16th ESA Symposium on European Rocket and Balloon
Programmes and Related Research, St. Gallen, Switzerland (ESA SP-530), pages 345-350, 2003.
17. B. Smiley, M. Rapp, T. Blix, S. Robertson, M. Horányi, R. Latteck, Measuring the charge and size
distribution of charged particles inside PMSE and NLC, Proceedings of the 16th ESA Symposium
on European Rocket and Balloon Programmes and Related Research, St. Gallen, Switzerland
(ESA SP-530), pages 537-542, 2003.
18. T. Blix, O. Lie-Svendsen, U. Hoppe and M. Rapp, In situ observations of small scale structure in
electrons, positive ions and charged aerosols in the presence of noctilucent clouds and polar
mesosphere summer echoes, Proceedings of the 16th ESA Symposium on European Rocket and
Balloon Programmes and Related Research, St. Gallen, Switzerland (ESA SP-530), pages 527532, 2003.
19. G. E. Thomas, M. Rapp, J. J. Olivero, E. P. Shettle, M. DeLand, Long-term variability in the
brightness and occurrence frequency of mesospheric clouds explained by water vapor changes,
Proceedings of the Mesospheric Cloud Meeting 2003, Galway, Ireland, 2003.
20. Rapp, M., On the physics of polar mesosphere summer echoes, Habilitationsschrift, Universität
Rostock, IAP-Nr. 08/2004, ISSN 1615-8083, 2004.
21. Hedin, J., J. Gumbel, and M. Rapp, The aerodynamics of smoke particle sampling, Proceedings of
the 17th ESA Symposium on European Rocket and Balloon Programmes and Related Research,
Sandefjord, Norway (ESA SP-590), 145 - 150, 2005.
22. B. Strelnikov, M. Rapp, T. A. Blix, and M.Friedrich, In situ observations of small scale plasma
processes in the lower E-region at 79°N, Proceedings of the 17th ESA Symposium on European
Rocket and Balloon Programmes and Related Research, Sandefjord, Norway (ESA SP-590), 595 –
600, 2005.
23. Rapp, M., E. Becker, B. Strelnikov, and F.-J. Lübken, The latitude dependence and probability
distribution of polar mesospheric turbulence, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 6, 12199-12216, 2006.
24. Strelnikova, I. and M. Rapp, Meteor smoke particle signatures in D-region incoherent scatter radar
spectra, Proceedings of the 18th ESA Symposium on European Rocket and Balloon Programmes
and Related Research, Visby, Sweden (ESA SP-647), 629 – 634, 2007.
25. N. Engler, W. Singer, R. Latteck, M. Rapp und B. Strelnikov, A case study of extrem aspect
sensitive VHF radar backscatter in the vicinity of PMSE during the ECOMA 2008 rocket campaign,
in Proceedings of the 19th ESA Symposium on European Rocket and Balloon Programmes and
Related Research, 7-11 June 2009, Bad Reichenhall, Germany (ESA SP-671), 2009.
26. G. A. Lehmacher, M. F. Larsen, S. Bilén, C. L. Croskey, J. D. Mitchell, F.-J. Lübken, M. Rapp und
R. Collins, "Where is the Turbopause?" Rocket Campaign: Overview and first Results, in
Proceedings of the 19th ESA Symposium on European Rocket and Balloon Programmes and
Related Research, 7-11 June 2009, Bad Reichenhall, Germany (ESA SP-671), 2009.
B. Strelnikov, M. Rapp, I. Strelnikova, R. Latteck, N. Engler, T. A. Blix, U.-P. Hoppe und M.
Friedrich, Small-scale structures in neutral and plasma species in the middle atmosphere as
observed during the ECOMA rocket campaigns, in Proceedings of the 19th ESA Symposium on
European Rocket and Balloon Programmes and Related Research, 7-11 June 2009, Bad
Reichenhall, Germany (ESA SP-671), 2009.
I. Strelnikova, M. Rapp, B. Strelnikov, G. Baumgarten, R. Latteck, M. Friedrich, U.-P. Hoppe und J.
Gumbel, In situ studies of meteor smoke particles in the middle atmosphere during the ECOMArocket campaigns, in Proceedings of the 19th ESA Symposium on European Rocket and Balloon
Programmes and Related Research, 7-11 June 2009, Bad Reichenhall, Germany (ESA SP-671),
D. Petzsch, R. Barth, R. Matschos, R. Steinwehr, R. Püstow, B. Strelnikov und M. Rapp, Mondaro
student experiment on the REXUS sounding rocket, 473-8210, in Proceedings of the 19th ESA
Symposium on European Rocket and Balloon Programmes and Related Research, 7-11 June
2009, Bad Reichenhall, Germany (ESA SP-671), 2009.
P. Hoffmann, W. Singer, J. Bremer, E. Becker, D. Keuer, R. Latteck, N. Engler, M. Rapp, O. Zeller
und M. Placke, Langjährige Radarbeobachtungen dynamischer Prozesse in der Mesosphäre in
mittleren und hohen Breiten, 2, 7-8, in Mitteilungen der Deutschen Meteorologischen Gesellschaft,
R. Latteck, W. Singer, M. Rapp und T. Renkwitz, The new MST Radar on Andøya/ Norway, in
Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Technical and Scientific Aspects of MST Radar
(MST12), 17-23 May 2009, London/Ontario, Canada, 2009.
Q. Li, M. Rapp, J. Röttger, R. Latteck, M. Zecha und C. Hall, Frequency dependence of PMSE:
Results from simultaneous and common volume measurements with EISCAT Radars, in
Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Technical and Scientific Aspects of MST Radar
(MST12), 17-23 May 2009, London/Ontario, Canada, 2009.
M. Placke, Ch. Jacobi, P. Hoffmann, W. Singer, E. Becker, M. Rapp und G. Stober, Gravity wave
momentum fluxes in the mesosphere/ lower thermosphere at high- and mid- latitudes, in
Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Technical and Scientific Aspects of MST Radar
(MST12), 17-23 May 2009, London/Ontario, Canada, 2009.
6. Präsentationen auf internationalen Konferenzen und im Rahmen sonstiger auswärtiger Seminare.
1. M. Rapp, C. Unckell, F.-J. Lübken, and J. Gumbel, Absolute density measurements in the middle
atmosphere – a calibration of rocket borne ionisation gauges in a wind tunnel, 14th ESA Symposium
on European Rocket and Ballon Programmes and Related Research, Potsdam, Germany 31 May –
3 June, 1999
2. M. Rapp and F.-J. Lübken, Modelling of particle charging: On the fingerprints of NLC and PMSE
particles in the ambient plasma, 14th ESA Symposium on European Rocket and Ballon
Programmes and Related Research, Potsdam, Germany 31 May – 3 June, 1999
3. M. Rapp, Turbulence measurements during the MIDAS/DROPPS program (July 1999),
MIDAS/DROPPS workshop, Oslo, Norway, 12 June – 14 June 2000.
4. M. Rapp and F.-J. Lübken, Small scale temperature variations in the vicinity of NLC, 33rd COSPAR
Scientific Assembly, Warsaw, Poland, 19 July 2000
5. M. Rapp and F.-J. Lübken, Charging of aerosol particles in the polar summer mesosphere: model
and application, 33rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Warsaw, Poland, 19 July 2000
6. M. Rapp and F.-J. Lübken, Leuchtende Nachtwolken: Abbild der thermischen und dynamischen
Struktur der polaren Mesopause im Sommer, Frühjahrstagung des Fachverbandes Umweltphysik
der DPG, Hamburg, Germany, 20 March 2001
7. M. Rapp and F.-J. Lübken, OPOSSUM: Physik der kleinskaligen Schichten der oberen
Mesosphäre, Kickoff Meeting des BMBF-Forschungsprogramms AFO-2000, Jena, Germany, 23.
April 2001
8. M. Rapp and F.-J. Lübken, ECOMA: Existence and charge state of meteoric dust grains in the
middle atmosphere, Präsentation vor dem Gutachterausschuss “Extraterrestrik” des DLR, Bonn,
Germany, 8 May 2001
9. M. Rapp, F.-J. Lübken, A. Müllemann, G. E. Thomas, and E. Jensen, Small scale temperature
variations in the vicinity of NLC: Experimental and model results (Eingeladen), Spring meeting of
the American Geophysical Union, Boston, USA, 30 May 2001
10. M. Rapp, F.-J. Lübken, A. Müllemann, R. Latteck, and G. E. Thomas, NLC and PMSE: Rocket
borne observations and microphysical modelling (Eingeladen), International workshop on layered
phenomena in the mesopause region, Monterey, USA, 10 October 2001
11. M. Rapp, J. Gumbel, F.-J. Lübken, and R. Latteck, D-region electron number density limits for the
existence of polar mesosphere summer echoes, (poster), 27th European Geophysical Society
General Assembly, Nice, France, 21-26 April 2002
12. M. Rapp, F.-J. Lübken, and T. A. Blix, The role of charged ice particles for the creation of PMSE: a
Review (Eingeladen), 34th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Houston, USA, 16 October 2002
13. M. Rapp, Charged ice particles and the physics of PMSE (Eingeladen), Seminar given at the Naval
Research Laboratory, Washington DC, USA, 22 October 2002
14. M. Rapp, F.-J. Lübken, and W. Singer, Electron diffusion in the vicinity of charged aerosol particles
revisited: Do we finally understand PMSE? (Eingeladen), MST 10 workshop, Piura, Peru, 3 May
15. M. Rapp and F.-J. Lübken, Polar Mesosphere Summer Echoes: A long standing scientific problem
finally resolved?, 16th ESA Symposium on European Rocket and Ballon Programmes and Related
Research, St. Gallen, Switzerland, 3 June 2003
16. M. Rapp, B. Strelnikov, S. Wilms, F.-J. Lübken, J. Gumbel, and H. Henkel, A new detector for the in
situ measurement of meteoric dust particles in the middle atmosphere, 16th ESA Symposium on
European Rocket and Ballon Programmes and Related Research, St. Gallen, Switzerland, 5 June
17. M. Rapp and F.-J. Lübken, In situ measurements of upper atmospheric turbulence (Eingeladen),
Warnemünde turbulence days, Institut für Ostseeforschung Warnemünde, Germany, 17 September
18. M. Rapp, Ice- and meteoric dust particles in the polar mesopause region, Planetologisches
Kolloquium (Eingeladen), Institut für Planetologie, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, 12.
November 2003.
19. M. Rapp and F.-J. Lübken, Understanding of polar mesosphere summer echoes: Where do we
stand?, Fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, USA, December 2003.
20. M. Rapp, A review and critical assessment of the hydrodynamic theory of PMSE (Eingeladen), 35th
COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Paris, France, 14-18 July 2004.
21. M. Rapp and U.-P. Hoppe, A reconsideration of spectral width measurements in PMSE with
EISCAT, 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Paris, France, 14-18 July 2004.
22. M. Rapp, J. Gumbel and U.-P. Hoppe, Is there evidence for meteoric dust particles in the
observational data set?, Workshop on Layered Phenomena in the Mesopause Region, Cambridge,
UK , 14 September 2004.
23. M. Rapp et al., The large and small scale dynamical state of the summer mesosphere during the
MIDAS/MaCWAVE campaign: Evidence for interhemispheric coupling, Workshop on Layered
Phenomena in the Mesopause Region, Cambridge, UK , 14 September 2004.
24. M. Rapp et al., In situ observations of charged particles in the polar winter mesosphere: first
results (Eingeladen), EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 24 – 29 April 2005.
25. M. Rapp, Ice and meteor smoke particles in the polar mesosphere (Eingeladen), Seminar given at
the School for Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK, 5 April 2005.
26. M. Rapp et al., In situ evidence for charged particles in the winter mesosphere, 17th ESA
Symposium on European Rocket and Ballon Programmes and Related Research, Sandefjord,
Norway, 3 June 2005
27. M. Rapp, Polar mesospheric clouds: Current understanding of microphysical processes and
interpretation of observations (Eingeladen), Seminar given at the Laboratory for Atmospheric and
Space Physics, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA, 31 October 2005.
28. M. Rapp, I. Strelnikova, and J. Röttger, Mesospheric aerosol particles studied with the European
Incoherent Scatter radars (EISCAT), EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 2. – 7. April 2006.
29. M. Rapp, Meteor smoke particles in the middle atmosphere (Eingeladen), Seminar given at the
Norwegian Defence Research Establishment, Oslo, Norway, 5 May 2006.
30. M. Rapp, G. E. Thomas, and G. Baumgarten, Spectral properties of mesospheric ice particles
require a scattering theory for non-spherical particles, Workshop on ice layers in the summer
mesosphere, Kühlungsborn, Germany, 15.-16. May 2006.
31. M. Rapp and I. Strelnikova, Meteor smoke particles in the middle atmosphere – can they be
measured with EISCAT?, Yearly meeting of the CAWSES research focus funded by the German
Science Foundation (DFG), Kühlungsborn, Germany, 17.-19. May 2006.
32. M. Rapp, G. E. Thomas, and G. Baumgarten, Spectral properties of mesospheric ice particles
require a scattering theory for non-spherical particles, 36th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Beijing,
China, 15-23 July 2006.
33. M. Rapp, I. Strelnikova, and Jörg Gumbel, Meteoric smoke particles studied by rocket and radar
techniques, 36th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Beijing, China, 15-23 July 2006.
34. M. Rapp, Polar Mesosphere Summer Echoes: Benchmark for our understanding of the polar
summer mesopause region (Eingeladen), Seminar given at the Chinese Institute of Radiowave
Propagation, Beijing, China, 18 July 2006.
35. M. Rapp, I. Strelnikova, B. Strelnikov, G. Baumgarten, R. Latteck, F.-J. Lübken, U.-P. Hoppe, A.
Brattli, K. Svenes, M. Friedrich, J. Gumbel, J. Stegman, T. Waldemarsson, Frank Giovane, Bifford
P. Williams, ECOMA: Project overview and initial results, 17th ESA Symposium on European
Rocket and Ballon Programmes and Related Research, Visby, Sweden, 3-7 June 2007.
36. M. Rapp and I. Strelnikova, Meteor smoke particles studied with rocket and radar techniques
(Eingeladen), 24th IUUG General Assembly, Perugia, Italy, 2-13 July, 2007.
37. M. Rapp, Mikrophysik mesosphärischer Aerosolpartikel: Neue Ergebnisse und offene Fragen,
Seminar über aktuelle Forschungsthemen der Meteorologie (Eingeladen), Institut für
Meteorologie und Klimaforschung, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, 03.07.2007.
38. M. Rapp, I. Strelnikova, B. Strelnikov, R. Latteck, and G. Baumgarten, U.-P. Hoppe and A.
Brattli, M. Friedrich, J. Gumbel, L. Megner, K.-H. Fricke, S. Robertson and Z. Sternovsky, R.
Holzworth, Measurements of Meteor Smoke and Ice Particles during the ECOMA-2006 and
ECOMA/MASS-2007 Rocket Campaigns, Poster presented at the Fall AGU meeting, San
Francisco, Dezember 2007.
39. M. Rapp, EISCAT-Messungen zur Physik mesosphärischer Aerosolschichten im Rahmen von
CAWSES, DPG Frühjahrstagung (Eingeladen, Hauptvortrag), Freiburg, 03.03.2008.
40. M. Rapp, Die mittleren Atmosphäre: Ein groß(artig)es Physiklabor, Antrittsvorlesung im
Rahmen des Fakultätskolloquiums der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der
Universität Rostock, Rostock, 06.03.2008.
41. M. Rapp, Dünne Eiswolken an der polaren Sommermesopause: mikrophysikalisches Verständnis
und Zukunftsperspektiven, Gemeinsames Meteorologisches Kolloquium der Universität Frankfurt
und Universität Mainz (Eingeladen), Institut für Atmosphäre und Umwelt der Universität Frankfurt,
42. M. Rapp, I. Strelnikova and Q. Li, Mesospheric aerosol particles: New results from radar
soundings and rocket borne in situ measurements (Eingeladen), 37th COSPAR Scientific
Assembly, Montreal, Kanada, 13 - 20 July 2008.
43. M. Rapp and the ECOMA-Team, An overview of results from the ECOMA-project: in situ
studies of meteor smoke particles in the middle atmosphere (Eingeladen), 37th COSPAR
Scientific Assembly, Montreal, Kanada, 13 - 20 July 2008.
44. M. Rapp and the ECOMA Team, In-situ evidence for a strong seasonal variability of meteor
smoke at high northern latitudes? Implications for mesospheric ice nucleation, Fall AGU
meeting, San Francisco, December 2008.
45. M. Rapp, Mesospheric Aerosol Particles: New Results from Radar and Lidar Remote Sensing
and Rocket Borne in situ Measurements (Eingeladen), Seminar given at the Laboratory for
Atmospheric and Space Physics, University of Colorado, Boulder, 11. December 2008.
46. M. Rapp, ECOMA-Existence and Charge State of meteoric dust in the middle Atmosphere,
ECOMA workshop, Oslo, 21.01.2009.
47. M. Rapp, In-situ evidence for a strong seasonal variability of meteoric smoke at high northern
latitudes, ECOMA workshop, Oslo, 21.01.2009.
48. M. Rapp, Investigation of the influence of charged aerosol particles on the scattering of radar
waves using EISCAT, CAWSES review colloquium, Bonn, 29.01.2009.
49. M. Rapp and Q. Li, Deriving ice particle properties from radar PMSE measurements, Meeting
of the ALOMAR Science and Advisory Committee (ASAC), Norderstedt, 01.04.2009.
50. M. Rapp and L. Leitert, Unexpected coherent radar echoes from the polar E-region, Meeting
of the ALOMAR Science and Advisory Committee (ASAC), Norderstedt, 01.04.2009.
51. M. Rapp, Geladene Nanopartikel in der mittleren Atmosphäre: Experimentelle Evidenz und
derzeitiges Verständnis, Seminar given at the Physics Department oft he University of
Greifswald (Eingeladen), Greifswald, Germany, 20.04.2009.
52. M. Rapp, The importance of aerosol particles for the physics of the mesosphere, Symposium
lecture given at the 18th ESA Symposium on European Rocket and Ballon Programmes and
Related Research (Eingeladen), Bad Reichenhall, Germany, 9 June 2009.
53. M. Rapp, Mesospheric aerosol particles: New results from radar and lidar remote sounding
and rocket borne in-situ measurements, Colloquium of the Physics Department of the
University of Kiel (Eingeladen), Germany, 07.07.2009.
54. M. Rapp, Mesospheric aerosol particles studied with in-situ techniques: an overview from the
ECOMA project, IAGA 11th Scientific Assembly (Eingeladen), Sopron, Hungary, 27.08.09.
55. M. Rapp, Present state Present state and future directions of research with radars and rockets
at IAP, Workshop at the Department of Physics, University of Oslo, Norway, 17.09.2009.
56. M. Rapp. Are PMSE uselful for estimating trends, Trend workshop at the Laboratory for
Atmospheric and Space Physics, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA, 10.12.2009.
57. M. Rapp, Polar mesosphere summer echoes and their relation to noctilucent clouds - towards
a quantitative understanding (Eingeladen), Fall AGU meeting, San Francisco, December
58. M. Rapp, Unresolved issues in the mesosphere/D-region and CARE-2 (Eingeladen), CARE-2
workshop organized by the Andoya Rocket Range, Berlin, 09.03.2010.
59. M. Rapp, Current and future sounding rocket projects at IAP, Berlin Symposium on GermanNorwegian Atmosphere and Space Collaboration, Norwegian Embassy in Berlin, 10.03.2010
60. M. Rapp, IAP-Radar- and Rocket-related science highlights 2010, Meeting of the ALOMAR
Science and Advisory Committee (ASAC), Norderstedt, 23.03.2009.
61. M. Rapp, The new Middle Atmosphere ALOMAR Radar System (MAARSY), 6th meeting of the
EISCAT Science Oversight Committee, Nagoya, Japan, 26.03.2010.
62. M. Rapp, Beobachtungen der vertikalen und horizontalen Struktur von Schwerewellen von der
Troposphäre bis in die untere Thermosphäre, Workshop zur Initiierung einer DFGForschergruppe zum Thema Schwerewellen, Universität Frankfurt am Main, 19.04.2010.
63. M. Rapp, Radarmessungen am IAP: Relevanz für ROMIC, Fachgespräch zur Einrichtung
eines BMBF-Programmes mit dem Titel ROMIC: Role of the Middle Atmsophere in Climate,
Kühlungsborn, 9.6.2010.
64. M. Rapp, The role of meteoric smoke particles in the middle atmosphere (Eingeladen),
SCOSTEP Symposium 2010, Berlin, 16.07.2010.
65. M. Rapp, Meteoric smoke and mesospheric ice particles studied with in-situ techniques:
Science highlights from the ECOMA-project, 38th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Bremen,18. –
66. M. Rapp, L. Leitert, R. Latteck, M. Zecha, P. Hoffmann, J. Höffner, U.-P. Hoppe, C. La Hoz, E.
Thrane, Observation of strong VHF-radar echoes from the E-region at 69°N and 54°N: Echo
properties, relation to sporadic layers, and physical mechanisms, 38th COSPAR Scientific
Assembly, Bremen,18. – 25.7.2010.
67. M. Rapp, F.-J. Lübken, and S. Fasoulas, WADIS: Wellenausbreitung und Dissipation in der
mittleren Atmosphäre: Energiebudget und Spurenstoffverteilung (Eingeladen), Kickoff
Meeting zum Start des DLR-geförderten Projektes WADIS, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und
Raumfahrt – Agentur, Oberkassel, 27.8.2010.
68. M. Rapp, NLC-research in the 1950s and 60s and today - Walking in the footsteps of Georg
Witt (Eingeladen), Festvortrag zum 80. Geburtstag von Prof. Georg Witt, Universität
Stockholm, 17.09.2010.