organisation details invitation place of event / directions
organisation details invitation place of event / directions
PLACE OF EVENT / DIRECTIONS ORGANISATION DETAILS Contact: Mrs. Bettina Forschner Department of Radiation Oncology University Medical Centre Mannheim, Heidelberg University Tel: 0621 / 383 – 2780 Fax: 0621 / 383 – 1400 E-mail: Certification: Accredited at the state medical association Baden-Württemberg with four continuous medical education training credits. For support we thank the following sponsors: Carl Zeiss Meditec AG, Oberkochen OPASCA GmbH, Mannheim INVITATION DEPARTMENT OF RADIATION ONCOLOG Y Universitätsmedizin Mannheim Medical Faculty Mannheim Heidelberg University 13th Summer Workshop Image Guided and Robotic Radiotherapy Saturday, 27. August 2016 9:00 – 14:00 Alte Brauerei, Röntgenstrasse 7 Lecture Room H02, EG 68167 Mannheim opposite to University Medical Centre Mannheim ELEKTA GmbH, Hamburg Admission is free: We ask for a brief informal registration via E-mail. AGENDA PREAMBLE Dear Colleagues, Lecture times include 3 min discussion! we would like to invite you to our 13th Summer Workshop on Image Guided and Robotic Radiotherapy. 08:30 Registration 09:00 Welcome Moderation 09:05 Topological x-ray detectors Radiotherapy, driven by new technologies, is developing at a fast pace. Recent results on a new class of radiation detectors, based on iondisequilibrium are presented. To achieve a maximum conformity in treatment planning, especially the registration of different image modalities is one of the cornerstones in modern radiation therapy. Mannheim has an established group of engineers and researchers from natural sciences to drive medical technology, in particular for radiation treatment. This group now amount to more than 100 scientists and covers a large area of research, from robotics, miniaturized instruments, radiochemistry, molecular radiotherapy, over dedicated MRI sequences to real-time treatment planning, tracking and image processing. Recent results in this field will be presented. The symposium and the workshop address physicians, physicists in radiation oncology and neighbouring disciplines as well as students in medical physics or biomedical engineering. Certification will be requested from the Landesärztekammer. It is a pleasure for us to welcome you in Mannheim. Prof. Dr. F. Wenz MODERATORS & SPEAKERS Prof. Dr. Frederik Wenz Dept. of Radiation Oncology University Medical Centre Mannheim F. Wenz G. Glatting Prof. Dr. Jürgen Hesser Experimental Radiation Oncology University Medical Centre Mannheim E. Sajo Prof. Dr. Gerhard Glatting Medical Radiation Physics/Radiation Protection University Medical Centre Mannheim 09:25 Utilization of interface effects in radiotherapy P. Zygmanski 09:45 Multi-modal image registration G. Sharp 10:05 Ultrasound-based liver tracking J. Boda-Heggemann 10:20-10:50 10:50 Coffee Break Moderation Introduction J. Hesser J. Hesser Prof. Dr. G. Glatting Prof. Dr. Piotr Zygmanski Harvard Medical School and Brigham & Women’s Hospital Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, MA, USA Dr. Gregory Sharp Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital Department of Radiation Oncology, Boston, MA, USA 10:55 Quantification of cerebral tissue oxygenation for MRI-guided radiotherapy S. Hubertus PD Dr. Judit Boda-Heggemann Dept. of Radiation Oncology University Medical Centre Mannheim 11:10 Radiopharmaceutical Development of new Theragnostics B. Wängler Simon Hubertus Computer Assisted Clinical Medicine University Medical Centre Mannheim 11:25 PBPK Modelling for Individualized Molecular Radiotherapy G. Glatting 11:40 Recent Advances in Brachytherapy L. Polster 11:55 Human vs. Machine – Who is more precise? A. Rothfuss 12:10 Conclusion 12:15 Ceremony, Award of master Certification “Medical Physics” and “Biomedical Engineering” Prof. Dr. Björn Wängler Molecular Imaging & Radiochemistry Institute for Clinical Radiology and Nuclear Medicine University Medical Centre Mannheim M. Sc. Lisa Polster Experimental Radiation Oncology University Medical Centre Mannheim F. Wenz 12:45 Lunch and Poster Session Prof. Dr. J. Hesser Prof. Dr. Erno Sajo Dept. of Physics and Applied Physics University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA Andreas Rothfuß Fraunhofer IPA Projektgruppe für Automatisierung in der Medizin und Biotechnologie, Mannheim