
Concept paper on the European strategy to transform Public security
organizations in a Connected World
The classical discussion on the balance between individual liberties and security,
including today the prevention and repression of global terrorism remains actual. In
this context, it is very opportune the proposal by the European Commission to discuss
these issues in the framework of the Future Group.
This balance implies decisions on common policies, security strategies and legal rules
at the European level, taking into account the future Lisbon Treaty, as we already
discussed in the meeting of the Future Group held in Funchal, Madeira. However,
there is an important factor that should not be underestimated, which is the role of
technology. Technology is not neutral; it must be put at the service of security with
respect by the way of life of the citizens in the democratic countries and can have a
decisive contribution towards making a global world more secure. This concept paper
aims at stimulating that reflexion.
I. The subject
1. The work of the Group of the Future will offer a significant contribution for the
elaboration of the planning of an EU home affairs policy towards 2014.
In preparing the meetings of the Future Group during spring 2007, a series of
challenges for the future were identified. The debates that followed, in Eltville,
Brussels and Madeira, confirmed that enhancing the use of information technologies
by law enforcement and judiciary authorities is one of the main challenges we face and
deserves a very high priority.
This paper is a contribution to the discussions on this challenge from the perspective of
crime fighting and crime prevention co-operation in the EU. The aim is in particular to
put some questions for discussion with a view to highlight some possible avenues or
actions for achieving a co-ordinated and coherent implementation of measures of
technological modernization in the area of public security organizations.
2. The modernization of law enforcement structures is occurring at fast pace in all
Member-States. The intensive use of Information and Communication Technologies
(ICT’s) became a crucial part of that process, allowing police forces to improve
efficiency and spare human resources, namely to deliver more effective frontline
service to communities and face new threats.
A key factor in that drive has been the adoption of changes to previous information
technology policies in order to achieve better value and greater efficiency through
measures such as the use of off-the-shelf programs (thus reducing the need for
customized applications), greater compatibility with partner organizations’ ICT
systems, simplification of user interfaces (allowing increased staff satisfaction and
easier training) and quick adoption of products delivered by security research. New
tools (vg. Schengen Information System, Eurodac) made available by European
institutions currently allow the sharing of information under new conditions and the
modernization of police forces has been stimulated (namely as a requisite to the
Schengen enlargement on December 21).
The overall level of technological development already reached and the fast growth of
mobile communications and electronic networks will allow a more efficient adoption
of advanced collaboration tools to be used by police forces in different countries. The
present and future technological environment favours a truly efficient access of
public security organizations to scores of information sources, not only the ones that
are made available by Interpol and Europol but an immensely growing number of
virtual libraries, “document vaults” and news aggregators.
3. Although home affairs are and will be, under the Lisbon Treaty, at the core of each
Member State, the built-in limitations - for instance, as to how far the exchange of
information by means of information technology can be developed at EU-level –
should not be an obstacle to new forms of working together that will require digital
platforms of collaboration, under strict rules that guarantee security and data
There is a consensus on the crucial role that the European Union has to play in the
definition of plans that may strengthen the coordination of efforts to fight against
terrorism, organised crime and other threats to the EU and its citizens. The Union
should therefore be particularly dynamic in demonstrating its capacity to drive forward
policies at EU-level and by working together with law enforcement and judicial
services in the daily efforts to meet the present challenges and the ones ahead.
Crisis management of terrorist incidents is only one of many areas of security which
requires a very significant investment in new technological solutions. It stands to make
tremendous progress through the development and integration of satellite and airborne
monitoring capabilities, the use of GMES technologies, including multilayer mapping
with modelling tools and the development of shared, interactive and secure
information, communication and analysis tools.
The Presidency considers however that similar challenges are to be found across the
whole spectrum of security. In the area of the fight against terrorism it decided to
focus, besides the pursuit of the Check the Web initiative, on furthering work on the
constraints and possibilities of Close Circuit Television (CCTV) technology in
particular and detection technology, more in general, for the deterrence, detection and
disruption of terrorist attacks, the rapid response thereto and the successful
investigation thereof.
Biometric identification and the detection of false documents are also key areas to
monitor, apprehend and successfully convict terrorist suspects moving through
international transport systems and border posts as are land and maritime border
monitoring technologies to address other movements of persons, and trafficking in
weapons, explosives or other terrorist weapons.
We try to promote, notably in the working of the “future group”, prospective thinking
about tomorrow’s technological security requirements.
It will be in our view very important to provide strategic guidance to the Union’s very
substantial security research programs so that the basic and applied research is directed
towards meeting the real needs of our intelligence and law enforcement officers.
That said, there are in the Presidency’s view very substantial and simple gains to make
by simply knowing and sharing what relevant technology we already have. It is very
probably the case that the Union institutions already have at their disposal tools
developed for different purposes which could be of significant use for the fight against
terrorism in particular and security more in general.
We also believe likely that results of Union financed security research projects may
have not been thoroughly scrutinised by security experts of the member states in terms
of potential practical use.
Finally, we believe that many Member States have developed or acquired over the
years security tools required to meet their individual needs many of which they could
be prepared to share with partners, especially if the costs entailed could be met, at least
partially by the EU budget.
The Presidency considers it would be worth reflecting on establishing a European pool
of security tools. Such “tool pool” would not be a place, a body, or a data-basis but
rather an innovative concept allowing member state and EU institutions to make
available and secure condition tools of proven or potential use in the security field for
appraisal and or testing by authorities of other member states and, where useful,
support its mutual deployment e.g. by meeting related license costs, translation and
Portugal believes technology can make a very significant contribution to help to
prevent and meet tomorrow’s challenges. That can often be done at low financial
costs, in relatively short time and with very significant productivity gains for our
services, allowing our officers to focus on those tasks only they can accomplish. We
believe the Union can and should assist."
If on the short run, a toolbox of resources already existent should be made available to
Member-States and gradually widened, on the long run, measures should be taken to
allow European public security organisations to be on the frontline at a global scale
and cooperate with transatlantic partners in the missions necessary to tackle threats
already identified and the ones the future will bring.
4. The process of change has already begun, as the current "Preparatory Action for
Security Research" programme includes projects on relevant issues such as imaging
for security, crisis early warning situation awareness architecture concepts, testing and
certification of biometric components and systems, people realtime observation in
Buildings or standards for border security enhancement.
On the other hand, positive results of European policy making should be further
expanded and applied. Special attention should be granted to the 2007 communications
“on Public-Private Dialogue in Security Research and Innovation” and “on Promoting
Data Protection by Privacy Enhancing Technologies”. These initiatives were preceded
by the 2006 important communications on “A Strategy for a Secure Information
Society” and “on Fighting spam, spyware and malicious software”. These initiatives
taken by the Commission paved the way to relevant measures to be implemented, both
by the Commission and the Member States, to tackle security challenges in relation to
information systems and networks in the EU, outlined a comprehensive and dynamic
policy framework founded on a holistic and multi-stakeholder approach and correctly
underlined the need to foster international co-operation to secure networks in our
globalized world. As a reaction to these two Communications, a Council Resolution
was approved on a Strategy for a Secure Information Society in Europe (2007/C
Similarly, further action will be taken in order to allow the Council to endorse farreaching policy objectives and priorities discussed on the Brussels Conference on
Public Security, Privacy and Technology (20/11/07).
It should also be taken in consideration that, as a follow-up of the Conference of the
Chief Information Officers of the police forces of EU Member States and of relevant
European and international police (23-25/05/07) dealing with “Interoperability and
data exchange between the European Police Forces”, the European Police Chiefs
Task Force (EPCTF) drafted a document that outlines briefly and on a high level a
vision of the common requirements of the European police on IT support (Common
Requirements Vision). At the expanded Troika meeting of the EPCTF on 10 July
2007, Germany was tasked to prepare the first draft of the Common Requirements
Vision –document which is still under discussion and highlights that
“similar to single enterprises or institutions, the police forces in Europe
require a common basis for their co-operation. This co-operation is largely
dependent on the exchange of information, requiring all participating
countries and institutions to make their national IT systems interoperable with
other national, trans-national or central IT systems such as SIS, VIS, Europol
IS, Interpol, Eurodac, Prüm etc””.
The purpose of the present paper is wider, but, not surprisingly, it converges with the
Common Requirements Vision–document in exploring key drivers that influence
organizational and operational needs of European public security organizations.
II. The Digital tsunami and its consequences for public security organizations
5. Put in more detail, the present discussion paper seeks to address the identified
challenge with a view on how public security organisations should change to grasp the
opportunities offered by as increasingly connected world.
The fact that the world is and will become more and more connected and is going
digital as more people, machines, and environments are connected has to be duly
acknowledged. This change vastly increases the amount of potential information for
use in the day-to-day operations of public security organisations.
One obvious illustration is the ability to track the location of any active mobile phone
(and to know where it was last switched off and last switched on). This is just the
beginning. In the next few years billions of items in the physical world will be
connected, using technologies such as radio-frequency identification (RFID),
broadband wireless (WiFi, WiMAX), satellite and small area wireless (Bluetooth,
wireless USB, ZigBee). This means it will be possible to trace more and more objects
in real-time and to analyse their movement and activity retrospectively. We will soon
see this with respect to major consumer items such as cars, but this trend is likely to
spread quickly to most items of any significant value. In the near future most objects
will generate streams of digital data about their location and use – revealing patterns
and social behaviours which public security professionals can use to prevent or
investigate incidents.
The recent Conference on "RFID - The next step to The Internet of Things", (15-16
November 2007) identified
several social contributions of RFID and THE
INTERNET OF THINGS, namely the “potential to benefit people in many ways:
safety (e.g., food traceability, healthcare, anti-counterfeiting of drugs); convenience
(e.g., shorter queues in supermarkets, more accurate and reliable handling of luggage
at airports, automated payment in highway tolls, parking lots, etc.); and accessibility
(e.g., disabled people)”. The Conference concluded that in the future, the Commission
should “stimulate research on security of RFID systems, including light-weight
security protocols and advanced key distribution mechanisms, with a view to
preventing direct attacks on the tag, the reader and the tag-reader communication” and
“support further development of privacy enhancing technologies as one means to
mitigate privacy risks”.
The conclusions of the Presidency on the Outcome of the Conference ( also mentioned that
“accelerating the process for Europe to take full benefit of the opportunities
opened by RFID based applications and THE INTERNET OF THINGS
requires effectively addressing at an early stage privacy, data protection, and
security concerns in order to assure the confidence of consumers and the
industry, and, therefore, it would be desirable to bring as soon as possible
these issues to the considerations of the Justice and Internal Affairs Council”.
Another expanding source of data is digital transactions. All credit or debit-related
purchases already generate monitorable and searchable real-time information; but
more and more transactions will be of this kind as we move towards a cashless society
where mobile phones or other devices (such as London’s Oyster card, Paris’s Velib
card, the Belgian Proton card etc) are used to make minor purchases.
These trends will be reinforced as biometric measurements are used to enhance
security at more and more locations – whether public places such as town halls or train
stations; private locations such as amusement venues; or places of work. Most large
cities have already seen a significant increase in the use of closed circuit television
(CCTV), and usage (by public and private sector organisations) is likely to increase
further and to shift from the current analogue technologies to more easily storable and
searchable digital technologies.
Further accelerating the tsunami of data is online behaviour. Social networks such as
MySpace, FaceBook and SecondLife - and indeed all forms of online activity generate huge amounts of information that can be of use to public security
These trends have huge implications for public security. Citizens already leave many
digital traces as they move around. What is clear, however, is that the number of those
traces (and the detailed information they contain) is likely to increase by several orders
of magnitude in the next ten years.
Every object the individual uses, every transaction they make and almost everywhere
they go will create a detailed digital record. This will generate a wealth of information
for public security organisations, and create huge opportunities for more effective and
productive public security efforts. There will also be significant risks of criticism
where failures occur, since critics will point to the hundreds of ways the authorities
could (or should) have noticed what was happening.
Clearly, these developments raise fundamental issues in relation to privacy and how
much information about the behaviour of citizens should be shared with States and in
what circumstances.
Balancing citizen expectations of privacy against their expectations of proactive
protection is not a new dilemma for public security organisations, but it is taking on an
ever more acute form.
In the “digital tsunami” environment – which is here to stay and grow– the traditional
measures to protect privacy will become less and less effective unless appropriate
technological measures are used as an essential complement to legal means.
In order to achieve a sufficient level of protection “privacy enhancing technologies”
are – presently and in the foreseeable future- absolutely essential to guarantee civil and
political rights in the age of cyberspace.
Paradoxically, those same tools can also be used by terrorists and other criminals.
Thus, if data are automatically anonymised, after a certain lapse of time, that
procedure may erase evidence of crimes; encryption tools prevent hacking when
information is transmitted over the Internet
and protect personal data against
unlawful processing but may also help conceal criminal plans; cookie-cutters enhance
compliance with the principle that data must be processed fairly and that the data
subject must be informed about the processing going on, but may also make
ineffective police efforts to gather information on illegal activities.
The complex challenge we face is to keep high levels of protection for common
citizens and allow the fair use of effective tools against criminals, thus protecting
public security.
6. Many signs show that three principles will define the emerging model for policy and
public services:
• Use the networks as a platform for collaboration, communication and creativity;
• Empower the edge, that is, give those closest to a problem the power to make
more decisions;
• Harness the “power of us” by linking together all relevant stakeholders so that
they jointly resolve the problems they face.
How should public security organisations be transformed in order to tackle the
challenges and opportunities of the digital tsunami? What are the challenges to
enhance the security tools that may defend the EU and the Member-States and millions
of citizens?
Challenge 1 – Automate and master data analysis
7. One implication of the digital tsunami is that data monitoring and analysis will
become much more automated.
This trend is starting to be seen in public security , but in areas such as financial
services automated data analysis and pattern recognition are already well entrenched.
By 2010, in many countries a high percentage of all equities trading is likely to be
done using algorithmic trading.
Algorithmic trading uses mathematical models as a means of trading large blocks of
shares quickly. The rules built into the model determine the optimal time for an order
to be placed that will cause the least amount of impact on a security’s price. In
addition to trading, large-scale brokers use algorithms internally to support statistical
arbitrage trading, event arbitrage, and hedging against risk. Similarly, credit card
companies rely on sophisticated programmes that use the purchasing patterns of
individual customers to detect and flag up any purchases that are unusual and therefore
potentially fraudulent.
Increasingly machines are able not just to analyse records of transactions, but also to
analyse visual information as well. Current systems can already identify individuals by
their gait or flag up particular types of image, e.g. unattended luggage or a person
lying on the ground, apparently injured. Next generation systems are likely to be able
to watch for, find and follow even more tightly defined objects, behaviour patterns or
These developments mean routine data monitoring and analysis will increasingly be
handled by machines; the system will then flag up exceptions (unusual behaviour and
anomalies) for human investigation. Some law enforcement agencies are already
familiar with this approach in their suspicious transaction monitoring activities carried
out by specialised agencies tasked with anti-money laundering activity. But this
approach will need to be much more widely understood.
Emerging technologies are likely to push this trend forward in three main areas.
First, rather than just monitoring a given data stream, these networked systems
will start to respond to it intelligently. For example, if a suspicious object is
detected on one video feed, the system will examine the object by zooming in on it
with other nearby cameras or it might search for images of that object captured
earlier on other cameras.
Second, these systems will work across multiple data streams and multiple types
of data stream. For example, if someone in an airport starts making a series of
unusual mobile phone calls, the system might monitor the video streams of the
areas where that person is more sensitively than it would normally. Or it might
check passenger travel information to see if that person or someone related to them
is due to arrive or depart in the next couple of hours.
Finally, the interaction between these systems and humans will become more
sophisticated. The system will know the current physical location of the staff it
could alert and whether they are available. It will also have automated escalation
procedures if alerts are not acted on or if their volume or type is likely to exceed
the capacity of the staff to whom they would normally be directed.
Challenge 2 – Making Decision-making more distributed
8. Automation will help turn data into potentially useful information, but the most
dramatic improvements in effectiveness will occur as public security organisations get
better at using data.
Faced with the need for real-time decision-making in increasingly complicated
situations, public sector organisations will look to empower frontline decision-makers.
In order to achieve this emerging technologies have to be used to ensure that the
frontline has the same access to information as the centre and that ,as far as possible,
co-ordination is achieved automatically and in real-time.
This will be made possible by the creation of communication and collaboration
platforms that make the right information visible to the right person at the right time
and the right place.
These new platforms will be enabled by
• Maximising the extent and quality of connectivity;
• Unifying communications;
• Automating communications.
9. Public security officers are likely to continue to use a wide range of different
devices (radios, mobile phones, landlines, pagers, PCs, laptops, PDAs etc) but, unlike
today, all these devices will interoperate seamlessly with each other.
The underlying network (or networks) that enable this will be secure, robust and able
to handle large amounts of data with more and more of that data being video- and
sensor-related. In the near future all key assets will be connected to the network so
their location and operational status can be determined in real-time.
Similarly, CCTV cameras may be connected to the network so their output can be
viewed from any other device on the network. For example, in an emergency situation
a head of police, who may be at home or on the road, will be able to see a live video
feed of the situation after a terrorist attack. The content will then follow him from
device to device; so he will be able to monitor the same video stream on a screen in his
car as he travels and on a mobile device when he leaves the car.
The rich array of communication possibilities that public security officials will be
using in the near future will be presence-enabled. When an officer in the field needs to
communicate urgently with a particular type of expert, the communications device he
is using will show him all the potential channels he could use to contact an expert of
this type and whether those particular experts are available at that moment and on
which channel.
This “presence” information speeds decision-making and means that the best available
people can be brought together quickly to analyse a problem or make a decision. The
lengthy process of checking multiple channels in an often fruitless attempt to involve a
particular individual will be replaced by instant awareness of who is available and
which channel is the most appropriate to contact them on.
This critical and little understood benefit of the trend towards unified communications
is already having significant productivity effects for its advanced users in the private
10. Collaboration itself is also likely to become automated with one-click collaboration
opportunities built into work flows and event management. For example, if
information about a new type of terrorist threat is entered into a database, this entry
will automatically generate communications to a pre-defined list of stakeholders.
Those stakeholders will then have one-click options to further distribute the
notification or to link up on the most convenient channel with the person who made
the original entry. Similarly, they will have access to click-to-collaborate options,
which will enable them to set up instant audio or video conferences for group
discussion of the notification if necessary.
These technologies are currently all available – all that remains is the more difficult set
of tasks involved in deciding how to use them and manage them effectively and safely.
Challenge 3 – Transform Decision-support
11. Automation will increase the effectiveness of public security organisations by
releasing people from mundane data-related tasks; but emerging technologies will also
play a key role in transforming information into improved decision-making.
Emerging technologies are transforming our ability to pull together disparate sources
of data and analysis and integrate them in a virtual, logical and meaningful way for
users and systems. For example, open-standard data formats such as XML enable data
and maps to be merged, so that information can be visually represented on a map and
made available via multi-modal platforms to the desktop or to the mobile handheld
Such services are becoming increasingly commonplace within distributed
infrastructures and result in lower administrative cost, higher usability, and greater
situational awareness.
These technologies allow all data streams (whether proprietary or open standardsbased) to be transformed into one ubiquitous and common representation. This means
that a mass of information can be pulled together and presented in whatever format is
most useful to the decision-maker who needs that information.
Furthermore, the systems providing decision-support are also likely to become more
intelligent, e.g. if an audio feed or an email mentions a particular type of explosive, the
system might automatically offer information on the ten last times that explosive was
used or on the location of the ten individuals who have a record of using such an
12.The increasing power of technology to pull together information in the era of Web
2.0 is already visible today in what are called “Mashups” - hybrid Web applications
that combine data from two or more sources into a single tool.
Several websites “mash” publicly available online crime data with cartographic data
from digital Maps. The interactive sites allows users to construct maps that display
crimes by location, date, and type of crime.
These first-generation mash-ups are relatively simple, but in the near future public
security organisations will be building portals that aggregate a huge range of data
sources into personalized cockpits for different decision-makers.
The translation and transformation services that enable these mash-ups will
increasingly be performed by the network itself rather than on a traditional clientserver basis or as part of a specific application or application process.
This will mean that more of the processing will be done in the hardware at machine
speed processing levels rather than by a software application. It will also be done in a
distributed manner rather than at one central (potential choke) point within a data
center. This network services approach increase the speed at which such operations
can be performed and allows for the services to occur in a more distributed and
efficient manner than centralized approaches.
The sophistication of these services will continue to evolve and additional services will
be performed simultaneously with other processes. For example, in the financial
services industry brokerage companies are analysing different types of transactions as
they are occurring and re-prioritizing the transactions to ensure the highest priority and
most important customers receive immediate attention. For example, in the past if an
important customer called their broker out of hours and left a voicemail after other
voicemails had been left by less important customers, then when the broker looked at
his voicemails either the more important customer would not be dealt with first or the
broker would have to waste time going through all voicemails to find the most
important one. Today, however, the best systems will assess incoming voicemails and
emails and reprioritize the broker’s inbox (crossing systems and translating as
appropriate) so that the more important customer is at the front of the queue when the
broker starts his workday. It is this mid-stream analytics and distributed network
mining that allows for new services that traditional, more heavily siloed client-server
approaches cannot offer.
13.These developments mean that IT systems will increasingly have automated
policies that perform actions on decisions and/or destinations.
This will dramatically speed up decision-making and improve its quality. Compliance
rule engines will aggregate many disparate policies into a virtual analysis capability
that will allow the public security community to increase productivity and
effectiveness. For example, if a police request for information after an incident triggers
a massive response from the public, the response will be analysed and automatically
prioritised or sorted by key word, type, or origin etc. The systems will also be able to
highlight interesting patterns, e.g. repeated mentions of the same name or a large
number of calls from a particular geographical area etc.
These application network services combined with mash-ups will be all the more
important because the amount of potentially useful information generated by nonpublic security sources will accelerate dramatically in coming years. The implication is
that safety and security professionals will have numerous sources of data, information,
and analytics that they will need to integrate with their own internal data sources to
increase their ability to monitor trends, prevent incidents, conduct investigations,
organize responses, solicit assistance, and take action. Recent conflicts have shown
that the media (and emerging unofficial information sources such as blogs) can
sometimes post information faster than official organizations. It is, therefore, critical
for public security organisations also to be able to tap into these sources of
14. In the near future second-generation mash-ups that integrate disparate and
decentralized sources of data and analysis will form an integral part of day-to-day
operations within public security organisations.
They will also seamlessly integrate communications and collaboration. Effectively
mash-ups will create user-centric command centers, accessible via multiple modes of
connectivity and devices. These user-centric command centers will provide services
that reflect the operational needs and preferences of the user, replacing services that
are constrained by the siloed nature of most existing application solutions.
One way of getting a glimpse of the potential of these multi-service and multi-use
environments is to look at what MySpace, FaceBook, and other social network sites
are offering consumers today. This type of personalised, real-time information cockpit
is what public security officials can expect to see in the not too distant future if the
appropriate measures are adopted.
III – Implications for the European Union and its Member-States
15. Information is the key to protecting the public and in an increasingly connected
world, public security organisations will have access to almost limitless amounts of
potentially useful information.
This is a challenge as well as an opportunity – public security organisations will need
to transform the way they work if they are to master this data tsunami and turn it into
intelligence that delivers safe, open and resilient communities.
Transformation will focus on a number of key dimensions. Public security
organisations will need to automate more of their data monitoring and analysis; and
they will need to build vastly more effective communication and collaboration
platforms. Grasping the opportunities of a connected world will involve empowering
local units and frontline staff to make more decisions. It will also involve automating
the interaction between the increasing number of stakeholders (public and private) that
have a role to play in protecting citizens from the many threats to public security we
now face.
Within these new organisational models, the power of information will be unleashed in
dramatic new ways. Decision-makers at the frontline and at the centre will be
supported by tools that pull together the most relevant real-time information from a
huge range of sources and present the results in the most appropriate, user-friendly
way. The key to effectiveness will be using technology to connect the capabilities of a
multitude of stakeholders and ensure the right information gets to the right person in
the form they are best able to use.
16. The vision set out in this paper has many implications for European Union
countries individually and for the Union as a group.
Firstly, it highlights a number of areas that should be seen as priority areas for
investment and experimentation. Member States should prioritize investment in
innovative technologies that enable automated data analysis and improve real-time
Research in these areas should be encouraged, ensuring that ideas can move quickly
from a research context to practical implementation.
Secondly, the European Union should ensure that these activities are co-ordinated as
efficiently as possible. Member States should be aware of any significant research
activities or pilot programmes being undertaken in other Member States and the teams
involved in these activities should be given opportunities to share information and
Thirdly, Member States individually and collectively should take a “platform”
approach to delivering public security. This involves moving beyond interoperability
and focussing on a services-oriented approach, so that the outputs from different parts
of the system can be shared (within and across organisations) and elements of the
system can be easily and quickly reused.
Fourthly, Members States need to focus on building converged platforms – they need
to move towards converged networks (or, where necessary, solutions that ensure all
their networks can “talk” to each other) and they need to ensure all data streams are
digital and capable of being mashed together.
More generally, a focus on building a platform means recognising that public security
(particularly in Europe) will always involve a multiplicity of players and therefore the
key issues are building systems that enable flexible, real-time collaboration between
different organisations. Within this context, it also makes sense to encourage
specialisation and sharing rather than an “I-must-have-my-own” mentality.
17. One way that European countries can ensure they grasp the opportunities described
in this white paper is by embracing the Web 2.0 tools that support collaboration and
The aim should be to encourage virtual communities that enable innovators to network
with each other and determine on a peer-to-peer basis the most promising options to
explore. That was the methodology that allowed the European network of experts from
the countries that took part in the «SISone4ALL» Project to achieve, on a very tight
schedule, successful results that made the enlargement of the Schengen space possible.
They widely used the new digital environment to set a virtual help desk 24/7, early
warning systems and a team of first-responders to critical situations.
Using Web 2.0 tools to create closed online communities is easy and will become
easier and more effective. Another way collaborative innovation could be encouraged
would be to use the new collaborative tools in the workings of the European Security
Research and Innovation Forum to have a wide and deep discussion amongst experts
of the projects that should win support and funding. New approaches of this kind are
necessary (in this area as in others) if Europe is to lead the way. Fundamentally, Web
2.0 is about bringing together individuals across organisational and geographical
boundaries, making the diversity of Europe an asset rather than a handicap.
18. Efforts should be made to launch an “European Security Tool-Pool” Initiative. In
fact, some security capabilities require decades to be established and they will have a
life cycle of twenty of thirty years. Maybe that is why when one discusses security
capabilities there is a general tendency to consider big budgets.
Of course, expensive solutions will always be available in the market. But, a new
environment is developing, in which we can act with technology and even tools we
already have and at extremely low marginal costs. The whole cost of making the
SISone4ALL clone available to the nine new Schengen members is not in the order of
hundreds of millions of Euros – rather that of hundreds of thousands. It is up to us
public authorities to ensure that we don’t spend more than we absolutely have too in
acquiring the tools we need or even that we don’t spend money buying what we
already have.
On the other hand, many European Countries are spending tax payer’s money
developing security tools which already were developed elsewhere in the EU and
could be adapted at a fraction of the price of building new ones. It is very likely that
there are tools already developed for and by European Union institutions – e.g. for
monitoring the media or fighting fraud – which could be of great assistance for our
security needs if only we knew we already have them. There are definitely huge
budgetary gains to be made if public sector players pool together to negotiate the
acquisition of software and content licences for our services.
It is time Europe considers the creation of a “pool of security tools”, so that we may
use resources wisely – both human and financial ones; that our security professionals
are equipped as soon as possible with the best possible means at the best possible price
– preferably zero.
Under this vision, any Member State or Institution could place tools of potential value
for others in this “European Security Tool-Pool”. We would jointly audit them and, if
their broader usefulness was confirmed, then we should seek the fastest, cheapest way
to ensure their dissemination – e.g. through linguistic adaptation or block licence
acquisition. This kind of solutions would offer the additional advantage of easier
interoperability of our security systems.

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