September. - The South Leeds Academy


September. - The South Leeds Academy
Communication Matters
Issue 33
Friday 17 July 2015
Growth Mindset. Quote for discussion:
“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but
people will never forget how you made them feel.” Maya Angelou.
Principal’s Message
Welcome to our final newsletter of the year – a year that has seen lots of improvements at
The South Leeds Academy. We are really proud of the way the students have responded to
what Ofsted described as a ‘collective ambition’ to improve the Academy and we feel that
we are making lots of progress. The newsletter gives lots of information that you will need
for a positive start in September and is a celebration of the excellent achievements of our
students. I thank you for all of your support this year and hope you have a safe and
enjoyable summer. We look forward to seeing you in September.
TSLA Vision:
Know our learners,
plan for our learners,
engage our learners,
support our learners,
reward our learners.
Coaching at TSLA:
Vision for coaching:
Visitors will see, hear and feel:
 a pride and confidence
from all,
 a shared language of all,
 creativity that leads to
innovation and is clearly
built on a strong ethos of
clarity of expectation,
resilience and trust.
Training Days:
Students are not
to attend.
Mon 7th September
Mon 2nd November
Mon 4th January
Mon 18th April
Mon 25th July
Tue 26th July
Wed 27th July
Inside this issue
1. Principal’s Message and vision. 2-4. Key Dates 2015/16.
5. TSLA Values. 6. Student Vision. 7-11. Celebrating Student Success.
12-15. Academy Expectations. 15/16. Website and Twitter. 17. Literacy Challenge.
-118-21. Faculty Information. 22. Accelerated
Reader. 23. Building Community.
24. TSLA Interact Club. 25/26. Bus Service Timings.
Key Dates for 2015/16
Year 6
Summer School
20th July - 31st July.
We are running a transition summer school for 120 Year 6
students who will be coming to the Academy in Sept 2015.
Parents’ Evenings
Year 7 Form Tutor consultation evening
Year 9 Options Evening
Year 8 Parents' Evening
Year 10 Subject Surgery Evening
Year 11 Parents' Evening
Year 9 Marketplace Evening
Year 9 Parents' Evening
Year 12 and 13 Parents' Evening
Year7 Parents’ Evening
Year 11 Subject Surgery Parents' Evening
Year 10 Parents' Evening
Further information to follow prior to each event.
Exam Results
GCE/Level 3
Thursday 13 August – 10:00a.m.
GCSE/Level 2
Thursday 20 August – 10:00a.m.
Reading or writing is an outlet to an untouchable world – our imagination. Literacy
is a crucial building block for learning and enables social and global progress.
International Literacy Day is about celebrating the importance of literacy in raising
awareness for those who cannot read or write.
During summer school, Year 6 students will be involved in looking at literacy across
different countries. Look out for their work which will be displayed in our next
Coaching Matters and within the Academy.
‘Take your mind to the gym’ over the summer by reading (books, comics,
magazines, articles), ready for a head start to the new Academic year in September.
SPT Uniform
Pop-up Shop
27th August – 11th September.
Need to get your uniform? Not a problem. Visit the Academy on
the following dates to be ready for September:
Thursday 27th August 10am-3pm.
Friday 28th August 10am-3pm.
Thursday 3rd September 10am-3pm.
Friday 4th September 10am-3pm.
Friday 11th September 8am-10am and 2pm – 5pm.
Friday 18th September 8am-10am and 2pm – 5pm.
Year 7
First Day - Induction Day
Tuesday 8th September. 8:15a.m. – 2:30p.m.
Year 11
First Day
Tuesday 8th September. 8:15a.m. – 2:30p.m.
Years 8, 9 and 10
First Day
Wednesday 9th September. 8:15a.m. – 2:30p.m.
Open Event
An opportunity for all parents to come and see the Academy
in action
Wednesday 30th September.
World Book Day
Thursday 3rd March.
Summer Examination Dates
Monday 16th May – Wednesday 29th June.
Celebrating Student success
Principal Award Nominees – Summer Term
For outstanding achievement, progress and effort in your studies. To be judged every
half term. Teachers nominate one student per faculty who they feel has worked extra
hard. Nominations are put to Mr Doyle who decides which student deserves the award.
The winner is presented with a certificate from Mr Doyle, a £10 voucher and a letter is
also sent home to make parents/guardians aware. Go that extra mile to impress your
teachers and you may be nominated and go on to win!
Technology – Cameron Medley
in Year 10 - whilst he does not always get it right, in
the 3 months I have been here, I have noticed a visible difference in his performance and his attitude
to learning (Mr Podlewski).
World Studies – Ruslan Mihailovs
in Year 7 – Ruslan is the most
dedicated, motivated, enthusiastic determined student we have ever met! He is the best!
English – Amina Begum
in Year 9 –
consistently puts 100% effort into everything that she does.
She is also really happy all the time and puts a smile on my
face. A quiet girl who deserves recognition.
Chloe Hopper
in Year 9 – all around brilliance. Chloe is a role model to younger
students and often helps staff out in the faculty. She has sat her GCSE this year and achieved a B – a
pleasure to have in the Academy.
Maciej Gajda
in Year 10 – Maciej has made outstanding
progress all year and always gets on with his work without any fuss. Maciej
deserves recognition for his brilliance and growth mind set.
PE – Sebastian Jara
Year 10 – Sebastian joined us only in November from
Spain. Since joining, he has contributed tremendously to the sports teams. He is achieving an A in
GCSE, always has a positive attitude, is always in the correct kit and always puts 100% effort into
every lesson.
Andzelika Duda
in Year 10– has been nominated by Science every term for her
relentless hard work and outstanding attainment.
Charlotte Nutter
in Year 10– continuing to strive to get A* at
Deborah Gode
in Year 10 – for turning it around massively in the short stay school. Her
attitude to learning has improved greatly.
Lukas Vasiliauskas
– Lukas has really turned it around this year and his
change in behaviour is incredible. He now comes up to me talking of his successes rather than
his downfalls. Lukas has made me proud! (Mrs Sadler)
Associate – Eduards Rokols
– he is always polite, does what you ask of him every
time and tries hard in everything that he does.
Library – Maimuna Drammeh
– her dedication to the library is
phenomenal. She is reliable and embodies the spirit of the Academy fantastically.
The winner is….
Ruslan miHAilovs
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Enterprise Day Winners’
Trip to Price-WaterhouseCooper (PWC)
July 2015
Due to their outstanding performance
and valuable contributions during the
Enterprise Day on Thursday 9th July, 14 students gained a day out at the PWC offices in the
centre of Leeds.
The day began with a short tour of
the building where the students
learned all about the world of
After some fun warm up activities
and becoming bankrupt due to a
game of who wants to be a
millionaire, the students were
tasked to create a sweet shop
The teams stopped for lunch half
way through and then planned
their presentation for delivery to
some PWC employees.
Winners: Team Sweet
Treat with their business ‘Sweetflix’.
Each team did remarkably well
and came up with some
imaginative sweet shop ideas!
Definitely some food for thought
when they grow up!
The students represented the
academy brilliantly and should be
proud of themselves!
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Academy Expectations
Student Planner
Our Academy planner has been redesigned this year and from September 2015 it is an
expectation that students will have their planner when then they enter the Academy. It will
be asked for in all lessons and used as a tool for learning and progress. Each year group will
have a different colour and students will need their planners to gain access to lunchtime
clubs, social spaces and enrichment activities. There is a diary section which should be used
mainly for recording extended learning projects (Homework) and period 6 enrichment
activities (After school clubs) Form tutors will monitor the use of the planner daily to ensure
that students are aware of their behaviour and attendance data.
Staff may occasionally write a message to parents in the planner and it is appreciated when
parents / carers communicate to staff using the planner. We will value any feedback
(positive or negative) on this new system and we hope you appreciate; there will be
consequences if a student does not have a planner.
Looking Professional
Firstly may we thank you for your continued support regarding the Academy uniform. We
are continuing to monitor students on entry to the academy to ensure that standards are
upheld. We would like our students to look professional at all times and wear the uniform
with pride. If students are wearing non-uniform items, they will be asked to remove them
and collect them from staff at the end of the day.
From September 2015 students will wear the blue striped KS3 tie, with the exception of Y11
who will wear the black striped tie worn in Y10. Ties can be purchased from Student
Services at a cost of £4.50. Alternatively, SPT uniform pop up shops will be in the Academy
Reception on Thursday 28th August 2015 and Friday 29th August 2015 between 10am-3pm
and again on 3rd and 4th September. Further dates include Friday 11th and 18th September
2015 between 8am-10am and 2pm-5pm.
Not allowed
Jewellery, facial piercing, jeans, leggings, hooded tops.
Long sleeved tops worn underneath a white short-sleeved shirt.
Please could you ensure that your child’s uniform meets the Academy expectation, if you
have any questions or need further advice contact your child’s Form Tutor via their Head of
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PE Kit
Reversible Rugby Top (provided by SPT or can be ordered by the PE
Dept for £14-19)
Navy Polo Shirt
Navy Shorts
Navy Football Socks
Football boots and suitable trainers
1/4 Zip Sweatshirt (provided by or can be ordered by the
PE Dept for £14-£19)
Navy Polo Shirt
Navy Shorts
Navy/Black Leggings
Football boots and suitable trainers
Our PE kit is part of the TSLA uniform and should be worn with pride in every PE lesson.
Students will not have PE every day and it is important that they are organised and bring their
‘kit’ on the correct days. Should you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact Mr
Waide on 0113 2127147.
Student Safety
In order to make the Academy grounds safer for our students from Monday 7th September
2015 the Academy will be closing the main gates from 7.45am – 3pm each day. This will
mean that parents/guardians dropping off or collecting their child by car will not be able to
park within the Academy grounds. If you wish to drop off or collect your child you will be
required to park on the roads approaching the Academy.
This decision has been made to reduce the risk to students when entering and exiting the
Academy grounds. If you feel that this decision will have an impact on your child’s safety,
you will need to write to the Academy detailing the reasons why. The Academy will review
your specific request and if it is felt that access to the Academy is required, you will be
issued with a permit. All correspondence should be addressed to Mr J Askham.
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The Academy is encouraging our students to be more active by walking or cycling, we have
secure facilities where students can lock their bikes for the day. There are also two buses
that run to the Academy SL1 and SL2 which students can use – see the timings at the end of
this bulletin.
Teaching Staff Update
As the year reaches its conclusion, we will be saying a fond farewell to the following
Miss Quinn (English), Mr Kirk (Science), Miss Cobb (English),
Miss Bevan (Music), Mr Donaldson (Maths), Mr Brown (English),
Mr Windley (PE), Miss Towers (English), Miss Giraude (MFL), Mr Bredikis (Maths).
Miss Gribbon (MFL) will be taking a career break and returning to the Academy in
September 2016.
Miss Emmerson will be returning from maternity leave in September 2015.
For the new academic year, we will be welcoming:
Mr Crawford (PE), Mr Heald (PE), Mrs McIntosh (MFL), Mr Peel (English)
Mr Mulcahy (Faculty Leader Performing Arts) and Mr Tales (English).
We have also recently appointed the following teachers:
Mrs Browning (Intervention - English), Mr Acheampong (Maths) and
Miss Newton (MFL).
Check out our website:
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Follow us on Twitter - @T_S_L_A
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Literacy Challenge
Suggested summer reading for each year group, by Miss Lake-Grange:
Year 7: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, and The Chamber of
Secrets, by JK Rowling.
Year 8: Oliver Twist or A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens.
Year 9: Dracula by Bram Stoker.
Year 10: The Regeneration Trilogy by Pat Barker.
Year 11: The Great Gatsby by F Scott Fitzgerald.
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Faculty Information
Child Development – Extended Learning Task
The Year 10 Child Development class have been set a mini-project to complete over the
summer holidays. This project will help form the base for their controlled assessment that
they will start on the first week back in September. It is important that they complete all
three tasks set in this project, as it will contribute to their final grade in Year 11.
Thank you for your support. Mrs Paterson and Ms McShane.
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Food Technology
Food Technology is one of the specialisms studied at Key Stage 3 in the Visual Design
Faculty and we are looking forward to working with you and the students, particularly given
the importance of making good and healthy food choices throughout life. At TSLA, we
develop the skills and knowledge needed through a combination of theory and practical
work, our aim being to foster a life-long enthusiasm for good food.
Over the next academic year, your child will study Food Technology for approximately 32
lessons, each one with focus on different aspects of food preparation and service.
As an effort to ensure that students can get the best out of their Food Technology lessons,
from September the Academy will provide the majority of the basic ingredients needed for
practical lessons. Students may be given the choice to bring in extra ingredients if they wish
to make amendments to recipes such as adding chocolate chips in a cookie or chicken in a
stir fry.
In order for the Academy to be able to purchase all the necessary ingredients, all we ask of
you is a £20 donation per child to cover the cost of their ingredients for all 32 lessons. This
payment can be made on a week-by-week basis if preferred.
We feel that this approach to Food Technology lessons will enable all students to access the
learning of crucial life skills and further academic progression.
Your continued support of Food Technology is greatly appreciated. Should you have any
questions please do not hesitate to contact Head of Visual Design, Mr Podlewski via the
main Academy number.
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Sixth Form
AS & A Level Results Day - Thursday 13th August
Transport will be provided, if required, from TSLA to Garforth Academy (GA) at 9.00 am (the results will be
at GA). Mrs Norton will be available for careers support if needed.
GCSE Results Day - Thursday 20th August 10.00 am
Mrs Norton will be available to discuss your results and your applications with you by appointment on
 Thursday 20th August
1.00pm – 3.00pm
 Friday 21 August
10.00 am – 3.00 pm
 Monday 24th August
10.00 am - 3.00 pm
 Tuesday 25 August
10.00 am – 3.00 pm
 Wednesday 26 August 10.00 am - 2.00 pm
Year 12 TSLA based students - Induction Day - Tuesday 8th September 12.00 pm–2.00 pm
This is an opportunity for you to meet your subject tutors, see your timetable and settle in!
Year 12 TSLA based students – lessons start on Wednesday 9th September
Year 12 Garforth Academy based students’ induction day - Thursday 10th September 12.00 – 3.00 pm
Transport provided from TSLA.
There will be a mandatory assembly and your timetable will be issued.
Year 12 Garforth Academy based students - lessons start on Friday 11th September
Transport is provided in line with timetabled lessons.
Year 13 TSLA based students – back on timetable Tuesday 8th September
Year 13 students – Garforth based – assembly and lessons start - Thursday 10th September – 8.00 am
Mini bus for all from TSLA.
Any questions please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Norton:
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What a year we have had in Art!! We have seen some amazing work produced this year and
the efforts you have all put in have been extraordinary! Well done.
The Photography/Art/Textiles Exhibition.
The Sellotape People.
The Planner Competition.
However, we want more highlights in 2015/16 and this is where we need YOU to make your
Over the summer, there are many fantastic places to see art for yourself. Yorkshire
Sculpture Park, Leeds Art Gallery and the Hepworth (Wakefield) are all free of charge. Why
not get your creative juices flowing by visiting them?
Too old for colouring books? Nah they are in fashion now! Pop into Waterstones/WHSmiths
(or go online) have a go and see what you can do. Practising your colouring is a brilliant way
of improving your skills.
Look at Pinterest for inspiration. Create boards of ideas you want to have a go at next year,
you never know what we can do for you in 0D2/3 and 1D5.
If you doodle at home why not follow us on Twitter? Post some of the amazing work you
do over the holidays. We know you draw at home, so why not share it? You never know
who might see it too.
KS4 Art
If you have chosen art as an option for Year 10, you should come prepared. (If you have this
ready, then doing work at home additional to lessons will benefit you)
*Good quality sketching pencils
*Watercolour paint tin
*Paint brushes
*Colouring pencils
*Oil Pastels (if Possible)
KS3 – You will be required to have a pencil, rubber and sharpener for all of your KS3 lessons
Enjoy the Summer Holidays and we’ll see you back in September!
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Strawberry Tearoom/ Staff room Launch
Breast Cancer UK
9th July 2015
On Thursday 9th July, The Interact Club linked with Staff
Voice to organise an event
with a dual purpose. The
Interact Club had chosen to raise money for Breast Cancer
UK, whilst Staff Voice had chosen to host a launch of the
new staff room. The theme
was ‘Strawberry Tea Rooms’
and everything involved was
First of all the event was ticket only or pay on the door. The
entry fee of 50p bought a cake and a glass of strawberry
lemonade, made by our very own Vice President Chloe Whittaker – it tasted absolutely
During the event, Staff Voice team discussed the new notice boards and
what they entailed and The Interact Club
held a strawberry lace race. As you can see
from the pictures, this was hilarious and it is
safe to say that Mr Brown ‘does do this at
Donations amounted to £59.66. Well done
team and thank you everybody for your donations.
We would like to make a special mention to Mr Caddick for his very
generous donation – thank you .
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In September, we would like some students to
join the Interact Club and become a fellow
Rotarian. Boys and girls welcome!
The Interact Club is proud to be sponsored by
The Rotary club, Leeds.
As the current members are all Year 10, we are conscious that next
year we will have to focus more on our studies and obtaining the
best GCSE results that we possibly can. We will however, put in as
much effort as we can to help the rest of the club.
If you wish to follow in our footsteps and have lots of fun then join the team
Please visit our blog on the TSLA website to learn about everything that we have
been up to this year.
For further information, please speak to any of the members or Miss Coleman in
office 17.
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Daily Bus Service
Service SL1
Domestic Street – The South Leeds Academy
Towards The South Leeds Academy
From Domestic Street, Top Moor Side, Cemetery Road, Beeston Road, Malvern Road, Lady Pit Lane, Hunslet Hall
Road, Dewsbury Road, Middleton Grove, John Charles Way.
From The South Leeds Academy
From John Charles Way, Middleton Grove, Dewsbury Road, Hunslet Hall Road, Lady Pit Lane, Malvern Road, Beeston
Road, Cemetery Road, Top Moor Side, Domestic Street.
Monday to Friday
Domestic Street
Cemetery Road at Fairfax Road
Lady Pit Lane at Coupland Road
The South Leeds Academy
Monday to Friday
The South Leeds Academy
Lady Pit Lane at Coupland Road
Cemetery Road at Fairfax Road
Pleasant Street at Domestic Street
Service SL2
Cottingley – The South Leeds Academy
Towards The South Leeds Academy
From Cottingley Vale, Cottingley Drive, Ring Road Beeston, Elland Road, Wesley Street, Town Street, Old Lane, Ring
Road (Middleton), Belle Isle Road, Moor Road, Old Run Road.
From The South Leeds Academy
From Old Run Road, Moor Road, Belle Isle Road, Ring Road (Middleton), Old Lane, Town Street, Wesley Street, Elland
Road, Ring Road Beeston, Cottingley Drive, Cottingley Vale.
Monday to Friday
Wesley Street at Sunnyview Gardens
Tommy Wass
Middleton Park Circus
Belle Isle Circus
The South Leeds Academy
Monday to Friday
The South Leeds Academy
Belle Isle Circus
Middleton Park Circus
Tommy Wass
Wesley Street at Sunnyview Gardens
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The South Leeds Academy - Cottingley
From South Leeds Academy
From Old Run Road, Moor Road, Belle Isle Road, Ring Road (Middleton), Dewsbury Road, Hunslet Hall
Road, Lady Pit Lane, Malvern Road, Beeston Road, Cemetery Road, Top Moor Side, Domestic Street, Top
Moor Side, Cemetery Road, Beeston Road, Town Street, Wesley Street, Elland Road, Ring Road Beeston,
Cottingley Drive, Cottingley Approach.
The South Leeds Academy
Belle Isle Circus
Middleton Park Circus
Tommy Wass
Lady Pitt Lane at Coupland Road
Cemetery Road at Fairfax Road
Depart bottom of Domestic Street
Beeston Road
Elland Road
Cottingley Approach
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