HNV Farmland Indicator - Bundesamt für Naturschutz


HNV Farmland Indicator - Bundesamt für Naturschutz
High Nature Value Farmland
- assessment of the baseline indicator Armin Benzler
Division II 1.3 Monitoring
High Nature Value Farmland Indicator
General Approach
stratified random sample
field mapping within the sample plots
evaluation of all HNV elements within 3 quality levels
agricultural landscape as reference area
extrapolation to obtain proportion of HNV to reference area
on Länder level and Federal level
High Nature Value Farmland Indicator
2 stratification features:
• land classes derived from a cluster analysis including abiotic
and biotic information (21 land classes all over Germany)
land cover classes derived from the nationally standardised
Authorative Topographic-Cartographic Information System
Random distribution of the sample plots within each strata
combination between land classes and land cover classes
High Nature Value Farmland Indicator
Sampling Plots
1.000 sample plots with
a size of 1km²
about 900 of 1.000
sample plots comprising
at least 5% of
agricultural area are
sampled (for data on
national level)
supplementary plots for
detailed studies on
Länder level
High Nature Value Farmland Indicator
Field Mapping
On-site assessment of nature value ranging from 1
(extraordinarily high nature value) to 5 (no nature value)
Only values 1 to 3 are taken into consideration for the
further analysis
Evaluation criteria depending on features:
• Grassland, arable land, fallow land, orchards and vineyards are
assessed by a given set of indicator plant species within a
Specific keys for the evaluation of other landscape features
(e.g. hedgerows, dykes)
Nationwide pilot survey in 2009; annual mapping of ¼ of the
sample set is intended
High Nature Value Farmland Indicator
HNV farmland features
(dykes, groves, species
rich grassland) in green
landscape (e.g.urban,
forest) in red color
Data Sources:
Digital Aerial Orthophotograph 1:10.000 of © LGL
Landesamt für Geoinformation und Landentwicklung
Baden-Württemberg, Az.: 2851.9-1/19 ( )
Transferred from "Räumliches Informations- und
Planungssystem (RIPS) der Landesanstalt für Umwelt,
Messungen und Naturschutz Baden-Württemberg
HNV Farmland mapping by Institut für
Landschaftsökologie und Naturschutz (ILS) Singen
(hier: Siedlung, Wald;
20 %)
HNV farmland
(hier: Gräben, Feldgehölze,
eine artenreiche Wiese;
7,4 % des Offenlandes - 5,9 ha)
Implementation of the High Nature Value
Farmland Indicator
1. Summation of all mapped HNV area within each stratum on all
sample plots
2. Summation of stratum areas on all sample plots
3. Summation of the total stratum area within the reference area
(agricultural landscape on national or Länder level)
4. Extrapolation step for each stratum: relation of total HNV area to
HNV area on sample plots is the same as relation of total stratum
area to stratum area on all sample plots.
5. Summation of HNV area proportions of all strata is equal to the
total HNV proportion of the reference area
In principle the calculation could also be undertaken separately
for the 3 quality levels of HNV farmland or for certain HNV types
Implementation of the High Nature Value
Farmland Indicator
Coming demands
Calculating trends after time series data are available
Consolidation of the mapping method
Automation of data input, data control and analysis
For any Questions:
Armin Benzler