CV - Sociology - University of Chicago


CV - Sociology - University of Chicago
Karin Knorr Cetina
Curriculum Vitae
O. Borchert Distinguished Service Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology,
University of Chicago
1126 E. 59th Street, Chicago, IL 60637, USA
Member, Bielefeld Institute for Global Society Studies, University of Bielefeld
Habilitation (Sociology), University of Bielefeld, January, 1981
Post-doctoral Diploma (Sociology), Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna 1972
Ph.D. (Cultural Anthropology, minor in Sociology), University of Vienna, July, 1971
Professional Positions
2010 -present Distinguished Service Professor, University of Chicago
2010 -present Principal Investigator, Project “Scopic Media”, University of Konstanz,
2001-present Member Bielefeld Institute for Global Society Studies, University of Bielefeld,
Professor of Sociology, University of Konstanz, Germany
Member, Center for Advanced Studies in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford
Visiting Professor of Sociology and Anthropology (F, W), University of
Professor of Sociology, University of Bielefeld, Germany
Visiting Scholar, Department of Sociology, Princeton University
Member, School of Social Science, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
Professor of Sociology and Science in Society, Wesleyan University
Adjunct Professor (Privatdozent), University of Bielefeld, Germany
Visiting Associate Professor, Center for the Study of Science
and Society, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Research (Max Kade) Fellow and Visiting Scientist, Department of Sociology,
University of Pennsylvania
Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Institute of
Advanced Studies, Vienna
Ford Fellow, Institute for the Study of Social Change,
University of California, Berkeley
Lecturer, Department of Sociology, University of Vienna
Lecturer, Department of Anthropology, University of Vienna
Fields of Interests (in alphabetical order)
Contemporary Social Theory
Economic Sociology and Social and Cultural Studies of Finance
Globalization and Global Society Studies
Qualitative Methods
Sociology of Culture
Sociology of Science, Knowledge and Technology, Knowledge Society
Honors and Awards
Lifetime Achievement Award for Outstanding Scientific Research, awarded by the German
Sociological Association, received at the German Sociological Congress, Bamberg,
September 30, 2016.
Distinguished Lecturer, Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences (BGSS) at HumboldtUniversity and the WZB Berlin Social Science Center, 6th Berlin Summer School in
Social Sciences, July 21-23 2016.
Invited Visiting Lectureship, University of Luzern and University of Bielefeld Graduate
School, University of Luzern, March 13-19, 2016
SKAT 25 “Star” Recognition, received at the occasion of the Mini-Conference “New
Directions after a Quarter-Century of the Sociology of Science, Knowledge and
Technology” of the SKAT Section of the American Sociological Association,
Chicago, August 21, 2015.
Invited Guest Lectureship at the Center for the History of Knowledge, Eidgenössische
Technische Hochschule (ETH) and University of Zurich, March 10-17, 2015.
Otto Borchert Distinguished Service Professorship, The University of Chicago, effective July
1, 2013
Invited Visitor for 2012-13, School of Social Science, Institute for Advanced Study Princeton
(realized fall/winter 2012-13).
Invited Presenter of the 16th Annual Clarendon Lectures in Management Studies in 2012
at the Said Business School, University of Oxford, in conjunction with the publication
of the lectures by Oxford University Press, May 2012.
Presidential nominee to the MIT Corporation Visiting Committee for the Social Sciences,
2009-2011; 2012-2015.
Winner of the 2009 John Desmond Bernal Distinguished Contribution to the Field Award,
Society for Social Studies of Science, October 30, 2009.
Fellow, Center for Advanced Studies for the Behavioral Sciences, invited since 2001,
accepted for 2008-09.
Elected Member of the Sociological Research Association (SRA), May 2008.
Chair, Theory Section, American Sociological Association, August 2006-August 2007.
Winner of the Theory Prize of the Theory Section of the American Sociological Association
for the article Karin Knorr Cetina and Urs Bruegger, “Global Microstructures: The
Virtual Societies of Financial Markets," American Journal of Sociology (awarded
George Wells Beadle Distinguished Service Professorship, The University of Chicago,
effective July 1, 2006.
Honorary Doctorate, Faculty of Letters, University of Luzern, Switzerland, effective
November 3, 2005.
Member, German National Academy of Science, Leopoldina, since 2004.
Winner of the Robert K. Merton Professional Award for the book Epistemic Cultures,
awarded by the American Sociological Association, Section on Science, Knowledge and
Technology, August 2001.
Winner of the Ludwik Fleck Prize for the book Epistemic Cultures as the best book of the
year 2000 in social studies of science, awarded by the Society for Social Studies of
Science, November 2001.
President, Society for Social Studies of Science, 1996-1997.
Chair, Section on Sociology of Science, American Sociological Association, 1995-96.
Member, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, 1992-93.
Max Kade Post-Doctoral Fellow, 1981-82.
Research Fellowship, Austrian Ministry of Science and Research, 1978-79.
Ford Foundation Post-Doctoral Fellow, 1976-77.
International Consortium for Political Research Summer Study Fellowship, University of
Essex, England, 1972.
Research Fellowship, Department of Sociology, University of Vienna, 1968-69.
University of Lausanne Summer Study Fellowship, Switzerland, 1968.
Fellowship for the Gifted (Begabtenstipendium), University of Vienna, 1968-70.
Visiting Professorships and Lectureships at Universities
Distinguished Lecturer, Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences (BGSS) at HumboldtUniversity and the WZB Berlin Social Science Center, 6th Berlin Summer School in
Social Sciences, July 21-23 2016.
Interdisciplinary International Graduate Summer School at the University of the Basque
Country UPV/EHU, Donostia---­‐San Sebastian, Spain, Techno-Science Societies:
Between Myth Formation and Social Structure. July 18 to 22 2016.
Department of Sociology, University of Luzern, March 2016.
Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy, Copenhagen, Denmark, Visiting
Professorship, invitation tentatively accepted for the future.
Department of Sociology, University of Luzern, December 2010.
Business University of St. Gallen, Switzerland, Spring-Summer, 2005-14.
Visiting Professor of Sociology and Anthropology, University of Chicago, 2004-2010.
Department of Sociology, University of Zurich, Switzerland, Winter, 1996-97.
Institute for Advanced Study, Vienna, Visiting Professorship, Spring, 4 times 1994-08.
Center for the Study of Science and Society, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State
University, Visiting Associate Professorship, 1981-82.
Recent Position Offers
University of California, San Diego, 2006: Tenured Full Professorship
The University of Chicago, 2003: Tenured Full Professorship
University of London, Goldsmith College, 2001: Tenured Full Professorship
Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich, Tenured Full Professorship, 1999
Grant-Related Positions
Member of the development group for a “Cluster of Excellence” on “Cultural Foundations of
Integration” and of a Graduate School on “Temporal Cultures,” Konstanz, Fall 2005 and
Winter 2006. Member of the plenum, 2008-today.
Spokesperson and project leader for a Special Research Focus on "Globalization and
Structural Change,” 1996-1999, leading to the Bielefeld Institute for Global Society
Studies, University of Bielefeld (co-director, 1999-2001).
German National Science Foundation Research Grants
2014-2018 "Scopic Media III: Comparative Study of their Use, Constitution and
Consequences in Five Areas." (Euro 325,876)
2012-2014 “Scopic Media II: Comparative Study of their Use, Constitution and
Consequences in Five Areas.” (Euro 301,150)
2010-2012 “Scopic Media: Comparative Study of their Use, Constitution and
Consequences in Five Areas.” (Euro 205,300)
2007-2010 “Postsocial Developments” (German National Science Foundation Cluster of Excellence, University of Constance, Euro 290,000)
2009 (April-September) “Disenchanting the Social” (Leave Replacement Grant)
2006-2008/9 “Economic Calculation: Creating Calculative Realities in Finance” (with
H. Kalthoff, Euro 268,000)
2005-2007 “Financial Technologies” ( Euro 180,000)
2006 (Winter) “Cultures of Finance” (seed grant, Euro 10 000)
2002 (Winter) “Information Knowledge” (seed grant, Euro 14,500)
2000-2003, "Global Microstructures: The Knowledge Constitution and
Interaction Patterns of Financial Markets" ( Euro 160,000)
1992/93 and 1997/98 (Euro 25,000)
1992-95 (Euro 140,000)
1990-91 (Euro 120,000)
1985-87 (Euro 100,000)
University Grants (last grants only)
University of Konstanz 2005 “Financial Innovation” (Euro 3000)
University of Konstanz 2002 “Global Financial Architecture” (Euro 7100)
Fritz Thyssen Foundation
2002 “Constance Conference on Social Studies of Finance: Inside Financial Markets”
(May 16-18, 2003) (Euro 18,000)
The Mellon Foundation Grant
New York, 1992-93 ($ 35,000)
Foundation for the Advancement of Fundamental Research Grant
Philadelphia, 1979-81 ($ 25,000)
National Bank for the Advancement of Science Grant
Vienna and Philadelphia, 1979-80 ($ 20,000)
Austrian Ministry of Science Research Grant
Vienna, 1973-75 ($ 55,000)
Austrian Foundation for the Advancement of Industrial Research Grants
1975-77 ($ 70,000)
1972-75 ($ 50,000)
1971-72 ($ 10,000)
Editorial Positions and Offices in Professional Associations
Advisory Board, Finance and Society, University of Edinburgh, March 2016Editorial Board, International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society, 2015-.
Lewis A. Coser Award Committee, American Sociological Association and Theory Section,
ASA 2010.
Chair, ASA section Sociological Theory, 2006-2007.
Member of the Board, German Sociological Association, 1998-2000.
Section chair, ASA section Science, Knowledge and Technology, 1996-97.
President, Society for Social Studies of Science, 1995-97.
Program Organizer, ASA Section on Science, Knowledge and Technology, 1994-95.
Vice-President, Research Committee on the Sociology of Science, International
Sociological Association, 1986-90.
Council Member, Society for the Social Study of Science, 1982-84.
Editorial Board, European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology, 2013-present
Consulting Editor, American Sociological Review, 2005-present.
Consulting Editor, American Journal of Sociology, 2000-2002.
Advisory Board, Journal of Cultural Economy, 2007-present.
Advisory Board for the Research on the Sociology of Organizations Series, Elsevier
Publishing Company, 2005-present.
Editorial Board, Sociological Theory, 1999-2003.
Editorial Board, International Sociology, 1998-present.
Editorial Board, Journal of Economic Methodology, 1998-2006.
Editorial Board, Social Studies of Science, 1993-present.
Editorial Board, Sociological Forum, 1992-present.
Editorial Board, Knowledge, Society & Human Values, 1991-present.
Managing Editor, Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 1988-92 (Editorial Board, 1988-2006).
Advisory Editor, Knowledge and Society: Studies in the Sociology of Science, 1986-present.
Editorial Board, Pandore, 1982-86.
Editorial Board, Zeitschrift für Wissenschaftsforschung, 1981-1999.
Board of Scientific Advisors, Communication and Cognition, 1981-85.
Editorial Board, Knowledge: Creation, Diffusion, Utilization, 1979-86.
Professional Associations
American Sociological Association, sections on Culture, Economic Sociology,
Science, Knowledge and Technology, Sciological Theory
International Sociological Association
Society for the Social Study of Science (founding member)
Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economic Research
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie
Gesellschaft für Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung
Professional Service
European Research Council, Evaluation Panel SH3 STG, “The Social World, Diversity,
Population: Sociology, social psychology, demography, education, communication,”
March 2017European Resarch Council,Evaluation of 2016 ERC Consolidator Grant Proposals 2016*
Call for Proposals, June 2016-September 2016
The Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics, Election to SASE’ Executive
Council, June 2016-2019
Gutenberg Chair Evaluation, Cercle Gutenberg (Institut de France, the Collège de France, the
Institut Universitaire de France), Region Alsace and Eurometropole de Strassbourg,
June 14, 2016
Reading and Evaluation Committee, Thesis on the History of Experimental Economics,
University of Utrecht, Netherlands, January 30, 2015.
Invited Member of Panel IV of the comprehensive Research Assessment Exercise, University
of Tampere, Finland, assessing four Units of Assessment: 1) History and Philosophy,
2) Psychology and Logopaedics, 3) Social Sciences, and 4) Social Work, October
Selection Committee (Jury) of the President of Humboldt University, Berlin, for the Caroline
von Humboldt-Professorship honoring a distinguished Humanities' or Social Scientist,
September 2014.
Evaluation and Selection Committee, Mercator Stiftungsprofessur ‘Wissenschaftsforschung
und Politik' (Professorship Science Studies and Politics), University of Bonn,
Germany, Spring and November 2014
Cornell University S&TS Review Committee, October 3-5, 2012
German National Science Foundation Nominee for the Membership of the European Research
Council of the European Commission, 2012-16.
MIT Corporation Visiting Committee for the Social Sciences, 2009-15.
ERC (European Research Council) Appointed Evaluator, Panel SH2 (Institutions, Values,
beliefs and Behaviours), Fall 2010.
Member of the Board of Trustees, Center for Cultural and General Studies, University of
Karlsruhe, 2009-12.
Advisor on Expert Panel, NSF-REESE Proposal, Jeff Doolieck and Allan Feldman, Hebrew
University of Jerusalem and University of Southern Florida, 2010-11.
External Examinor, “ETHICS INC. A Sociological Account of the Contemporary Market for
Corporate Social Responsibility,” Dissertation, Goldsmith College, University of
London, May 06, 2010.
Evaluation Committee, School of Social Science and Science of Education, University of
Cyprus, Nicosia, March 28-29, 2010.
Evaluation/Selection Committee, succession of Ulrich Beck, University of Munich, April 30
and June 4, 2010.
External Expert to the London School of Economics, Promotion Committee, Department of
Sociology, since 2009.
Evaluation/Selection Committee, University of Lucerne, Switzerland, Sociology of Science,
August 26-27, 2008.
Volkswagen Foundation review Board, Program Key Topics in the Humanities
(Schlüsselthemen der Geisteswissenschaften), 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010.
National and International Review Board, Evaluation of the Division of the Humanities and
Social Sciences, ETH (Swiss Technical University) Zürich, Fall 2006.
Member of International Review Board, Development of an Austrian and EU Special
Research Focus on Knowledge Cultures, Vienna, April-December 2006.
Advicer in the Research Program: “Kulturen des Wissens im Wandel”, Bundesministerium
für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur, 6. EU Rahmenprogramm, Vienna, April –
September, 2006.
Member of the Board of Trustees, Center for Cultural and General Studies, University of
Karlsruhe, 2003.
Non-UK Adviser of the United Kingdom's Research Assessment Exercise (RAE), 2001.
Member of Founding Committee, Department of Philosophy, University of Leipzig, 1995-96.
Member of State Review Board of Universities, State of Hessen, Germany, 1992-1994
(Report 1995).
Prorector (Vice-Rector), University of Bielefeld, Germany, 1988-92.
Consultant, Schlumberger Doll Research, Ridgefield, CT, 1981-84.
Consultant, Division of Science and Technology Policy, UNESCO, Paris, 1973-78.
Teaching Experiences
(Contemporary) Social Theory
Theories of Social Practice
Sociology of Organizations
Sociology of Science and Technology
Sociology of Knowledge
Knowledge Society
New Economic Sociology, Sociology of Finance
Cultural Dimensions of Markets
Globalization and World Society
Sociology of the Body
Sociology of Culture
Sociology of Objects/Material Life
Basic Concepts in Sociology
Introductory Sociology
Methods of Empirical Social Research (qualitative)
Conferences and Sessions Organized
Co-Organizer (with Werner Reichmann), Conference on „Dimensionen und Dynamiken einer
‘Synthetic Society’” within the DFG Priority Program 1505 „Mediatized Worlds,“ University
of Konstanz, December 17-18, 2015.
Co-Organizer (with Robert Seyfert) International High Frequency Trading Workshop on
“Cultures of High-Frequency Trading and their Regulations,” University of Konstanz, June
22-23, 2015.
Co-Organizer (with Werner Reichmann), Conference on „Anwendungsfälle skopischer
Medien – Variabilität und Typik synthetischer Situationen“ within the DFG Priority Program
1505 „Mediatized Worlds,“ University of Konstanz, December 15-16, 2014.
Co-Organizer (with Stefan Beljean), Conference of the Research Section „Scopic Media: A
Comparative Study of their Constitution, Use and Implications for Theories of Interaction and
Global Society“ within the DFG Priority Program 1505 „Mediatized Worlds,“ University of
Konstanz, December 16-17, 2013.
Co-Organizer (with Alan Kolata), International conference on “Competition,” University of
Chicago Center in Paris, May 30-June 1, 2012.
Co-Organizer (with Vanessa Dirksen), Conference of the Section Handlungs- und
Interaktionsdormen“ within the DFG Priority Program 1505 „Mediatized Worlds,“ University
of Konstanz, December 20-21, 2011.
Co-Organizer (with E. Coslor and S. Bargheer), session on “Market Morals and Economic
Ethics,” American Sociological Association, Atlanta, GA, August 14-17, 2010.
Committee Chair and Co-Organizer (with R. Swedberg, A.Ockenfels, C. Eckel), DFG-NSF
Research Conference: “Contextualizing Economic Behavior,” and organizer of the session on
“Market Microstructures”; “Emotions and Economic Action” , New York City, August 21-23,
2008 (sponsored by the German Natural Science Foundation DFG and NSF).
Organizer, Council for European Studies, Sixteenth International Conference, Session on
“New Perspectives in Economic Culture”, Chicago, March 5-8, 2008.
Organizer, Mini Conference “Extreme Theory”, American Sociological Association Theory
Sections, New York, August 13-14, 2007.
Co-Organizer (with A. Preda), Constance International Conference: Inside Financial Markets:
Financial Knowledge and Interaction Patterns in Global Financial Markets,”
Department of Sociology, University of Konstanz, May 16-18, 2003.
Co-Organizer (with A. Preda), International Workshop on "The Global Culture(s) of Financial
Markets," Bielefeld Institute for Global Society Studies, University of Bielefeld, November
10-11, 2000.
Co-Organizer (with V. Zelizer), session on "The Moral Foundation of Economic Processes,”
Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Chicago, August 1999.
Co-Organizer (with A. Preda), session on "The Market as an Epistemic Institution,” Annual
Meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science, Halifax, October 1998.
Co-Organizer (with A. Preda), session on "Financescapes: The Social Foundation of Finance
Markets,” Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, San Francisco, August
Plenary Session on "Relating Nature, Objects and the Social. Challenges of a Knowledge
Society,” Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science, Bielefeld, October
Co-Organizer (with P. Weingart et al.), Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Studies of
Science and the European Association for Science and Technology Studies, Bielefeld,
October 1996.
Organizer (with Ted Schatzki and Eike Savigny), International Conference on “Practices and
Social Order,” Center for Interdisciplinary Studies, Bielefeld, January 1996.
Organizer of Plenary Session on "Theoretical Foundations and Achievements in Science
Studies,” Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science, Charlottesville,
October 1995.
Program Organizer, Mini Symposion on "Can Social Theory Understand /Explain Scientific
and Technological Societies?,” American Sociological Association, Washington, August
Program Organizer, Mini Symposion on "Feminism confronting Science Studies,” American
Sociological Association, Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, August 1994.
Organizer, Session on "The Social Construction of Scientific and Technological Knowledge,”
Committee on Sociology of Science, International Sociological Association, World Congress
of Sociology, New Delhi, 12-23 August, 1986.
Organizer, Roundtable on "Theoretical Sociology of the Body,” American Sociological
Association, Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, 27-31 August, 1984.
Organizer, Session on "Gender in Science and Engineering,” George Sarton Centennial,
University of Ghent, Belgium, 12-18 November 1984.
Organizer of Plenary on "Micro- vs. Macrosociology of Knowledge,” Society for Social
Studies of Science, Sixth Annual Meeting, Atlanta, November 5-8, 1981.
Organizer, Session on "New Developments in Science Studies: Anthropology of Knowledge,”
Science and Technology Studies, Toronto '80, HSS, PSA, SHT, and SSS Societies, Toronto,
16-19 October, 1980.
Organizer, International Conference on "The Political Realization of Social Science
Knowledge and Research: Toward New Scenarios. Conference in memoriam Paul F.
Lazarsfeld,” Vienna, June 18-20, 1980 (together with Burkart Holzner, University of
Pittsburgh and H. Strasser, University of Duisburg; sponsored by the NSF, the University of
Pittsburgh, and the Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna).
Organizer, International Parex Conference on "The Role of Organizations in Orienting
Scientific Research,” Vienna, 5-6 July, 1976 (sponsored by Parex, Paris, and the Institute for
Advanced Studies, Vienna).
Organizer, 13th Working Conference of the "International Comparative Study on the
Organization and Performance of Research Units,” Vienna, 26-30 April, 1976 (sponsored by
Unesco, Paris, and the Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna).
Organizer (with H. Strasser and H.G. Zilian), International Conference on "Determinants and
Controls of Scientific Development,” Graz, Austria, 13-20, June, 1974 (sponsored by the
Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna).
Interviews Given / Media Coverage:
Knorr Cetina, Karin. Interview given to Drake Hwang, General Manager Innovation Strategy
Group,Money Today Media, South Korea, for the Project "Message from global
innovators."Conducted October 26, 2015, University of Chicago.
Knorr Cetina, Karin. Interview given to Janet Vertesi, for the SKAT Presidential Video
Retrospective on the “History of the Society for Social Studies of Science.”.Conducted online
August 21, 2015, Princeton University.
Knorr Cetina, Karin. Video-Interview (three hours) given to Prof.Stephan Moebius, Institute
for Sociological Theory and History of Ideas, Karl Franzen’s University of Graz, on
„Sociologists as Witnesses of their Time,“ for the German Sociological Association, archived
at the “Sozialwissenschaftliches Archiv,” University of Konstanz and the “Archiv für die
Geschichte der Soziologie in Österreich” (AGSÖ), Graz. Conducted June 19, 2014,
University of Graz, Austria..
Knorr Cetina, Karin. Video-Interview (one hour) given for the Joint Speaker Series,
University of Chicago National Labs, May 21, 2014, on “Science and Serendipity:
Happenstance and Other Factors Underlying Accidental Discoveries.” Produced by Renee L.
(Basick) Foster, Director, Communications and Events, Division of the Social Sciences, The
University of Chicago, May 1, 2014.
Knorr Cetina, Karin. Interview given to ORF (Austrian Radio-Television)-Journalist Robert
Czepel on the “Social Construction of Knowledge” for the Magazine "Update," article on the
Topic of the "Future of Science." Conducted April 22, 2014.
Knorr Cetina, Karin. Interview given to Professor Angelika Poferl,
University of Applied Sciences, Fulda, Department of Social and Cultural Sciences,
Fachbereich Sozial- und Kulturwissenschaften, on “Sociological Knowledge Cultures”.
Conducted December 16, 2013, University of Constance, Germany.
Knorr Cetina, Karin. Interview given to Andrew Deener, ASA Culture Newsletter.
9November 2013
Knorr Cetina, Karin. Interview given to Dr. Andrea Ploder, Institute for the Philosophy,
Sociology and Informatics of Law, Karl-Franzens-University, Graz, Austria, on “The History
of Qualitative Social Science.” Conducted June 10, 2013 Berlin.
Knorr Cetina, Karin. Interview given to daily Newspaper Der Standard, on “Wie frei wir
unser Wissen wissen wollen”, Published in Der Standard, 1. März/ 30. April 2013.
Knorr Cetina, Karin, Interview given to Ina Zwerger, Leader of the Radiocollege Austria 1
(Radiokolleg Oesterreich 1) and Armin Medosch on the Financial Markets and the Financial
Crisis. Conducted 19 March 2012, Vienna. The Interview was broadcast in an hour long
transmission in June 2012.
Knorr Cetina, Karin, Interview given to Andrea Smioski, Vienna Institute for Social Science
Documentation (“WISDOM”), within the framework of a documentation of “Pioneeers of the
Social Sciences,” published under:,
conducted in Vienna, 19 March 2012.
Knorr Cetina, Karin, Interview given to Katlyn Laabs, Medill School of Journalism, on the
“Occupy WallStreet” Movement, Medill Chicago website,, 18 October 2011.
Knorr Cetina, Karin, Interview given to Andrey Kozhanov, University of Constance, on
Second Wave Science Studies, 12 July 2011.
Knorr Cetina, Karin, Interview given to Martin Adel, Vienna, Austrian Radio Kolleg, 90
minutes broadcast on the origin of science, with Manfred Schmutzer, Karin Knorr Cetina,
Jürgen Mittelstraß, Elisabeth List, 7 July 2011.
Knorr Cetina, Karin, Interview. “We Demonstrated the Emergence of a Parallel World, in
which other Criteria are Relevant and where Different Norms Count.” Economic Sociology
Vol.12 (2): 8-17, March 2011.
Knorr Cetina, Karin, Interview given to Gleb Kozyritskiy for Dmitry Krylov, Journal
Economic Sociology, Laboratory for Studies in Economic Sociology at the Higher School of
Economics, Moscow, Russia, on sociology of finance and post-social theory, Chicago,
October 6 2010. Appeared in Economic Sociology. Vol.12. № 2.: 8-16, March 2011.
Knorr Cetina, Karin, Interview given to Bernhard Borgeest, Magazine Focus, on “Fusion der
Forscher” (Fusion of Researchers), appeared in Focus 16, 2011:131-134.
Knorr Cetina, Karin, Interview given to Stefanie Schramm, Die Zeit, on High Energy Physics,
University of Konstanz, 10 September 2010.
Knorr Cetina, Karin, Interview given to Jérôme Fenoglio, Grand reporter, Le Monde, Paris,
on "Collaboration in Science,” appeared in “LeCERN, Labo-Monde,” Le Monde, Series 1-6,
July 27, 28, 29 30 and August 2, Le Monde, July 28, 2010, p.14 (Series 2/6 ), 11 May 2010.
Knorr Cetina, Karin. Video Interview "The Market as an Objekt of Attachment," Goldsmith
College, University London, (, radared May 07, 2010 til May 21,
2010), 6 May 2010.
Knorr Cetina, Karin. „The Large Human Collider,” Nature 464(7288): 482-484, 25 March
Knorr Cetina, Karin. “Erforschte Forschung”, HEUREKA! Die Wissenschaftsmagazin im
Falter. 2009 © Falter Verlagsgesellschaft.
Knorr Cetina, Karin. „CERN-Störfall doch gravierender“ Rentenblog, Donnerstag, 29. Januar
Knorr Cetina, Karin. “Digital Brainstorming. Das Cern-Experiment: Die Welt blickt nach
Genf”,, 5. September
Knorr Cetina, Karin. „Kollektive Intelligenz oder Genie“.
text/ kollektiv/, 15. Juli 2008.
Knorr Cetina, Karin. „Urknall auf Erden“, Spiegel, 30. Juni 2008.
Knorr Cetina, Karin. „In die Zukunft; In Berlin tanzte der Kongress "Prognosen über
Bewegungen".Zwischen Performance und Ökonomie sollten neue Denkfreiräume entstehen“,
TAZ, die Tageszeitung, 10. Juni 2008.
Knorr Cetina, Karin. „Das größte Experiment aller Zeiten soll die letzten Geheimnisse der
Physik entschlüsseln“, Welt am Sonntag, 18. Mai 2008.
Knorr Cetina, Karin. “Content-centered Conversations: The Pew Internet Report on Teens and
Social Media,” Gumption, 9 January 2008.
Knorr Cetina, Karin. „Urknall im Beschleuniger“, Pharmazeutische Zeitung Online 34/2008.
Knorr Cetina, Karin. “Continuities in markets as definitional practices a response to Aspers,
Knorr Cetina, and Prus.” Canadian Journal of Sociology 32(4): 503(8), December 2007.
Knorr Cetina, Karin, Interview given to Thomas Mündle, Die Furche, Austria, on Epistemic
Cultures and Sociology of Science, 2007.
Knorr Cetina, Karin. „Wissenschaftstag 2007: Sehnsucht nach einer Glühbirne“. Die Presse,
27. October 2007.
Knorr Cetina, Karin. “The Public Clock: Temporal Ordering and Policy”, Futures, February
Knorr Cetina, Karin. “Mensch Professor”. Konstanz: Campuls Verlag, 27. Juni 2006.
Knorr Cetina, Karin. „Nicht ernst genommen“, Die Wochenzeitung, 1. Juni 2006.
Knorr Cetina, Karin. „Mit einem Hammer in einem dunklen Raum“, Die Wochenzeitung Nr.
36, 8. September 2005.
Knorr Cetina, Karin. “Wissenskulturen”. DieDenke, Juli 2005.
Knorr Cetina, Karin. „Sternenjäger“.
2005_03.html, 23 März 2005.
Knorr Cetina, Karin. “ Karin Knorr Cetina answers ten questions about economic sociology”
ECONOMIC SOCIOLOGY European Electronic Newsletter Vol. 6, No. 2, February 2005.
Knorr Cetina, Karin. „Teilchenphysiker sind bescheiden gemachte Besessene“,
Sonntagszeitung, 19. September 2004.
Knorr Cetina, Karin. “Science needs public involvement”, The Irish Times, March 23, 2004.
Knorr Cetina, Karin. “Gottes Gehilfen”, /04211801.php
Knorr Cetina, Karin. „Die Gefahren des Wissens“, TAZ, die Tageszeitung, 8. Oktober 2003.
Knorr Cetina, Karin. „SNF-Seminar: Das Forschen erforschen“,, SNF-Seminar, 2002.
Knorr Cetina, Karin. „Die Wissensgesellschaft“, In welcher Gesellschaft leben wir eigentlich?
Gesellschaftskonzepte im Vergleich. Dilemma Verlag, 2000.
Knorr Cetina, Karin. “Die Taliban und ihr Phallus als Wurzel. Wahrheit ist gut, aber viele
Metaphern sind schlechter: Alan Sokal und Jean Bricmont verteidigen ihre Kritik an der
Postmoderne”. Die Welt, 20. Oktober 1999.
Knorr Cetina, Karin. „Mensch und Maschine im Einklang“. Computerwoche, 31. Juli 1998.
Knorr Cetina, Karin. „Konstruktivismus als ‚Strategie der Weltentfaltung‘“. Ein Gespräch mit
Karin Knorr Cetina , in: Theodor M. Bardmann (Hrsg.): Zirkuläre Positionen.
Konstruktivismus als praktische Theorie, Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag: 1997, pp. 19-38.
Knorr Cetina, Karin. „Sociology Of Science - Should Scientists Care? On Knorr Cetina's
Work On High Energy Physics.” EASST Review: Volume 15(3), September 1996.
Knorr Cetina, Karin. “Forschung beforschen. Laborstudien in der Wissenschaftssoziologie”.
Forschung an der Universität Bielefeld 4/1991.
List of Publications Karin Knorr Cetina
In progress:
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
Synthetic Society (preliminary title; book contract with Oxford
University Press, to be delivered August 2017)
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
Maverick Markets: The Virtual Societies of Financial Markets
(manuscript nearly finished;
Publishers: Princeton University Press or University of Chicago Press).
Knorr Cetina, Karin D. and Alex Preda (eds.)
Paperback edition, Handbook of the Sociology of Finance. Oxford:
Oxford University Press.
Handbook of the Sociology of Finance. Oxford: Oxford University
Knorr Cetina, Karin D. and Alex Preda (eds.)
The Sociology of Financial Markets. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Theodore Schatzki, Karin Knorr Cetina and Eike von Savigny (eds.)
The Practice Turn in Contemporary Theory. London:
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
1999 (2003) Epistemic Cultures. How the Sciences Make Knowledge.
Cambridge: Harvard University Press (3rd printing 2003)
(Winner of the 2000 Ludwik Fleck Prize for the best book of the
year in social studies of science, Society for Social Studies of Science)
(Winner of the Robert K Merton professional award,
American Sociological Association, Section on Science,
Knowledge and Technology, 2001).
Spanish translation by Mariano Bargero, Argentina.
Wissenskulturen: Ein Vergleich naturwissenschaftlicher
Wissensformen. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
Chinese translation by Wang Shanbo. Beijing: Renmin Publishing
Knorr Cetina, Karin D. and Michael Mulkay (eds.)
Science Observed: New Perspectives on the Social Study
of Science. London: Sage Publ. Co.
Translation into Korean. Dangdae.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D. and M. Brenner
The Naturalistic / Ethnographic Analysis of Social Life.
London: Academic Press.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D. and Aaron V. Cicourel (eds.)
Advances in Social Theory and Methodology: Toward an
Integration of Micro- and Macrosociologies. London:
Routledge & Kegan Paul.
Re-issued by Routledge Library Edition; hardback and e-book.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
The Manufacture of Knowledge: An Essay on the Constructivist
and Contextual Nature of Science. Oxford: Pergamon Press.
Translation into German (revised and extended edition): Die
Fabrikation von Erkenntnis. Zur Anthropologie der Naturwissenschaft.
Frankfurt/M.: Suhrkamp Verlag.
Chinese translation by WANG Shanbo and ZHOU Liyun. Beijing,
China: People’s Publishing House & Oriental Press.
Republication in English, Beijing, China: Oriental Press.
Republication in German with a new introduction, Frankfurt/M.:
Suhrkamp Verlag.
Spanish translation, La fabricación del conocimiento. Un ensayo sobre
el carácter constructivista y contextual de la ciencia. Sr.Rector Dr.
Daniel Gomez (ed.), Buenos Aires, Argentina: Unversidad Nacional de
Knorr, Karin D., Max Haller and Hans Georg Zilian
Sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung in Österreich. Wien: Jugend und
Volk Publ. Co. ("Conditions of Knowledge Production and Knowledge
Utilization in Social Science Research").
Knorr, Karin D., Roger Krohn and Richard Whitley (eds.)
The Social Process of Scientific Investigation, Sociology
of the Sciences Yearbook, Vol. 4, Boston-Dordrecht: D. Reidel
Publ. Co.
Strasser, Hermann, and Knorr, Karin D. (eds.)
Wissenschaftssteuerung. Soziale Prozesse der Wissenschaftsentwicklung, Frankfurt/M.: Campus ("Orienting Science.
Social Processes of Scientific Developments").
Knorr, Karin D., Strasser, Hermann, and Hans Georg Zilian (eds.)
Determinants and Controls of Scientific Development.
Boston-Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publ. Co.
Articles in reviewed Journals
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
“The Epistemics of Information: A Logic of Knowledge Consumption”
Journal of Consumer Culture 10(2): 1–31.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
“What is a Financial Market?” Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und
Sozialpsychologie, Sonderband Wirtschaftssoziologie 49(2009): 326343.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
“The Synthetic Situation: Interactionism for a Global World.” Symbolic
Interaction 32(1): 61-87.
Knorr Cetina; Karin D.
“What is a Pipe? Obama and the Sociological Imagination.” Theory,
Culture and Society 26(5): 129-140.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
“Culture in Global Knowledge Societies: Knowledge Cultures and
Epistemic Cultures.” Interdisciplinary Science Reviews 32(4): 361-375.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
“Global Markets as Global Conversations.” Special Issue in honour of
Aaron Cicourel, Text and Talk 27(5): 689-718.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D. and Alexandru Preda
“The Temporalization of Financial Markets: From Network Markets
to Flow Markets.” Theory, Culture and Society 24(7-8): 123–145.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
“Complex Global Microstructures: The New Terrorist Societies.”
Theory, Culture and Society, Special Issue on Complexity 22(5): 213234.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
“The Market. Global Knowledge: the New Encyclopedia Project.”
Theory, Culture and Society 23(2-3): 531-536.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
“The Rise of a Culture of Life,” EMBO Reports, Special Issue on
Science and Society 6(2005): 76-80.
German translation: “Jenseits der Aufklärung. Die Entstehung des
Kultur des Lebens” Pp. 55-71 in Bios und Zoë. Die menschliche Natur
im Zeitalter ihrer technischen Reproduzierbarkeit.“ Frankfurt:
Knorr Cetina, Karin D. and Urs Bruegger
„Globale Mikrostrukturen der Weltgesellschaft: Die virtuellen
Gesellschaften von Finanzmärkten.“ Special Issue
Finanzmarktkapitalismus. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und
Sozialpsychologie 45: 145-171. (Revised and translated version of
„Global Microstructures: The Interaction Practices of Financial
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
“Capturing Markets? A Review Essay on Harrison White on Producer
Markets.” Socio-Economic Review 2(2004): 137-147.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
“From Pipes to Scopes. The Flow Architecture of Financial Markets.”
Journal Distinktion. Special Issue on Economic Sociology 7(2003): 723.
Republished in: Barry, Andrew and Don Slater. The Technological
Economy. London: Routledge.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D. and Urs Bruegger
„Inhabiting Technology: Features of a Global Lifeform.“
Current Sociology 50(3): 389-405.
“La technologie habitée.” Journal Reseaux 21(122): 111-135.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D. and Urs Bruegger
“Global Microstructures: The Virtual Societies of Financial Markets.“
American Journal of Sociology 107(4): 905-995.
Republished in Mitchel Abolafia (ed.), pp. 259-304, Markets,
Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
Republished in Richard Swedberg (ed.). New Developments in
Economic Sociology. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
Republished in Paul James (ed.), Globalization and Economy. New
Delhi, India: Sage Publication India.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D. and Urs Bruegger
"Traders' Engagement with Markets: A Postsocial
Relationship." Theory, Culture and Society 19(5/6): 161-185.
Republished in: Ash Amin and Nigel Thrift (eds.), Pp.121-142, The
Blackwell Cultural Economy Reader. Oxford: Blackwell.
Republished in: David Oswell (ed.), Cultural Theory.
London and Los Angeles: Sage.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D. and Urs Bruegger
"Transparency Regimes and Management by Content in Global
Organizations. The Case of Institutional Currency Trading."
Journal of Knowledge Management 5(2): 180-194.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D. and Alexandru Preda
"The Epistemization of Economic Transactions." Current Sociology
49(4): 27-44.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D. and Urs Bruegger
"The Market as an Object of Attachment: Exploring Postsocial
Relations in Financial Markets." Canadian Journal of Sociology
25(2): 141-168.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
“Citation for M.H. Collins.” Science, Technology and Human 23(4):
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
"Sociality with Objects. Social Relations in Postsocial Knowledge
Societies." Theory, Culture and Society 14(4): 1-30.
German translation (see articles in books and handbooks).
Russian translation in Russian Journal of Sociology and Anthropology
1(17): 101-124.
Merz, Martina und Karin D. Knorr Cetina
"Deconstruction in a 'Thinking' Science: Theoretical Physicists
at Work." Social Studies of Science 27(1997): 73-111.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
"Epistemics in Society. On the Nesting of Knowledge Structures
into Social Structures." Pp. 55-73 in Rural Reconstruction in a Market
Economy. Mansholt Studies 5, edited by W. Hijman, H. Hetsen and J.
Frouws. Wageningen: Mansholt Institute.
"Les Epistemes de la societe: lenclavement du savoir dans les structures
socials." Sociologie et Sociétés: Sociology's Second Wind
30(1): 39-54.
Dutch translation by Hans Harbers (ed.), Kennis en Methode
21(1): 5-28.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
"How Superorganisms Change: Consensus Formation and the
Social Ontology of High-Energy Physics Experiments."
Social Studies of Science 25(1995): 119-147.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
"Primitive Classifications and Postmodernity." Theory
Culture and Society 11(1994): 1-22.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
"Laboratory Studies and the Constructivist Approach in the Study of
Science and Technology.” Japan Journal for Science, Technology &
Society 2(1993): 115-150.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
"Strong Constructivism - From a Sociologist's Point of View."
Social Studies of Science 23(1993): 555-569.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
"Liminal and Referent Epistemologies in Contemporary Science:
An Ethnography of the Empirical in Two Sciences." Teoria
Sociologica 2: 259-282.
France Translation"Le ‘souci de soi’ ou les ‘tatonnements’:
ethnographie de l'empirie dans deux disciplines scientifiques."
Sociologie du Travail 3(1996): 311-330.
Italian Translation: "Episteminologie liminali e referenziali nella
scienza contemporanea: un’etnografia dell’empirico in due scienze" Pp.
283-308 en Teoria Sociologica. Milano: FrancoAngeli.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
"Construction and Fiction: The Prospect of Constructionism in
Study of Science and Beyond." Danish Yearbook of
Philosophy 28: 80-98.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
"Zur Unterkomplexität der Differenzierungstheorie."
Zeitschrift für Soziologie 21(6): 406-419.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
"Merton's Sociology of Science: The First and the Last Sociology of
Science?" Contemporary Sociology 20(4): 522-526.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
"Epistemic Cultures: Forms of Reason in Science."
History of Political Economy 23(1): 105-122.
Translated in Bulgarian “Epistemichnite kulturi: formi na razum v
naukata” Sociologicheski problemi 27(2): 54-68.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
"The Dual Articulation of Social Forms and the New
Sociology of Science." Critique and Humanism, Special Issue
on Phenomenology as a Dialogue, Spescial Issue 1990: 102-128.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D. and Amann, Klaus
"Image Dissection in Natural Scientific Inquiry."
Science, Technology and Human Values 15(3): 259-283.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
"Zur Doppelproduktion sozialer Realität: Der konstruktivistische Ansatz und seine Konsequenzen."
Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie.
Mikrosoziologie 3: 6-20.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
"Spielarten des Konstruktivismus." Soziale Welt,
40(1/2): 86-96.
Amann, Klaus and Karin D. Knorr Cetina
"Thinking Through Talk: An Ethnographic Study of a
Molecular Biology Laboratory." Knowledge and Society
8: 3-26.
Grathoff, Richard and Karin D. Knorr Cetina
"Was ist und was soll kultursoziologische Forschung?"
Soziale Welt 6: 21-36.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
"Das naturwissenschaftliche Labor als Ort der "Verdichtung"
von Gesellschaft." Zeitschrift für Soziologie 17(2): 85-101.
Amann, Klaus and Karin D. Knorr Cetina
"The Fixation of (Visual) Evidence." Human Studies 11: 133-169.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
"The Internal Environment of Knowledge Claims. One
Aspect of the Knowledge-Society Connection."
Argumentation 2: 369-389.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
“Germ Warfare.” Social Studies of Science 15: 577-585.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
"New Developments in Science Studies: The Ethnographic
Challenge." Canadian Journal of Sociology 8(2): 153-177.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
"Relativism – What Now?" Social Studies of Science 12(1982): 133135.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
"Scientific Communities or Transepistemic Arenas of
Research." Social Studies of Science 12(1982): 101-130.
Translation into Spanish: “Scientific communities or
transepistemic arena of research? REDES 7: September.
Knorr, Karin D.
"Time and Context in Practical Action: Underdetermination
and Knowledge Use." Knowledge: Creation, Diffusion,
Utilization 3(2): 143-166.
Knorr, Karin D.
"Die Fabrikation von Wissen: Versuch zu einem gesellschaftlich relativierten Wissensbegriff." Kölner Zeitschrift für
Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, WissensSoziologie 22(1980): 226-245.
translated into English in Society and Knowledge: Contemporary Perspectives on the Sociology of Knowledge, edited by N. Stehr
and V. Meja. Oxford: Transaction Books.
"The Fabrication of Facts: Toward a Microsociology of Scientific
Knowledge." Pp. 223-244 Translation of "Die Fabrikation
von Wissen", in The Sociology of Knowledge, edited by N. Stehr and
V. Meja. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Books.
Knorr, Karin D.
"Social and Scientific Method or What Do We Make of the
Distinction Between the Natural and the Social Sciences?"
Philosophy of the Social Sciences 11(1981): 335-359.
„Soziale und wissenschaftliche Methode oder: Wie halten wir es mit der
Unterscheidung zwischen Natur- und Sozialwissenschaften?“ Soziale
Welt 3: 275-298.
republished in: Social Method and Social Life, Pp.27-52.
London:Academic Press.
Knorr, Karin D.
"The Ethnography of Laboratory Life: Empirical Results and theoretical
Challenges,” Pp. 4-9 in: S. Restivo (ed.), International Society for the
Sociology of Knowledge Newsletter 7(1-2): 4-9.
Knorr, Karin D.
"Knowledge and Policy" Knowledge. Creation. Diffusion. Utilization,
1(4): 627-631.
Knorr, Karin D., Burkart Holzner and Hermann Strasser
"The Political Realization of Social Science Knowledge
and Research." Journal für Angewandte Sozialforschung,
20(3/4): 104-110.
Knorr, Karin D.
"The Scientist as an Analogical Reasoner: A Critique of
the Metaphor Theory of Innovation." Cognition and
Communication 13(2/3): 183-208.
Knorr, Karin D. and Roland Mittermeir
"Publication Productivity and Professional Position:
Cross National Evidence on the Role of Organizations."
Scientometrics 2(2): 95-120.
Mittermeir, Roland and Knorr, Karin D.
"Scientific Productivity and Accumulative Advantage: A
Thesis Reassessed." R&D Management 9: 135-139.
Knorr, Karin D.
"Contextuality and indexicality of organizational action:
Toward a transorganizational theory of organizations."
Social Science Information 18(1): 79-101.
Knorr, Karin D.
"Tinkering toward Success: Prelude to a Theory of
Scientific Practice." Theory and Society 8: 347-376.
Knorr, Karin D.
"Ein 'Impliziter Pakt' zwischen Sozialwissenschaft und
Politik? Einige Daten und Anmerkungen." Österreichische
Zeitschrift für Soziologie 3/4(78): 122-126 ("An 'Implicit
Pact' between Social Science and Politics? Some Notes and
Knorr, Karin D.
"Zur Realisierung von Wissenschaft: Einige konzeptuelle
Fragen und Anmerkungen." Österreichische Zeitschrift für
Soziologie 1(78): 56-68 ("On the Applicability of Science:
Some Notes and Queries").
Knorr, Karin D.
"Producing and Reproducing Knowledge: Descriptive or
Constructive? Towards a Model of Research Production"
Social Science Information 16(6): 669-696.
translated into German in Soziale Welt 3:151-178.
reprinted in Derek Robbins (ed.), Masters of Sociological
Theory: Pierre Bourdieu. London: Sage.
Knorr, Karin D.
"Konsens, Methodologische Verfahrensweisen und die Trivialisierbarkeit von Entscheidungen im Forschungsprozess."
Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie
18(75): 325-348.
translated into English in International Social Science
Journal 8(1-2): 113-45.
Knorr, Karin D.
"The Structural Study of Oral Literature: Preliminary
Survey II." Review of Ethnology 3(14): 105-108.
Knorr, Karin D.
"The Structural Study of Oral Literature: Preliminary
Survey 1." Review of Ethnology 3(13): 97-103.
Knorr, Karin D.
"Just a Passing Fashion..." Review of Ethnology 11(1): 1-2.
Knorr, Karin D.
"Morphology of Folktales." Review of Ethnology 3(2): 9-12.
Articles in Books and Handbooks (reviewed)
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.,Werner Reichmann and Niklas Woermann (forthcoming)
"Dimensionen und Dynamiken synthetischer Gesellschaften“
(Dimensions and Dynamics of synthetic societies). In Mediatisierung
als Metaprozess: Transformationen, Formen der Entwicklung und die
Generierung von Neuem,“ edited by Friedrich Krotz, Cathrin
Despotovic, und Merle-Marie Kruse. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D. and Werner Reichmann (in print)
"Wissenskulturen - Wissenschaftliche Praxis und gesellschaftliche
Ordnung" (Scientific cultures—Scientific practice and social order). In
Wissen – Organisation – Forschungspraxis. Der Makro-Meso-Mikro-
Link in der Wissenschaft, edited by Nina Baur, Cristina Besio, Maria
Norkus und Grit Petschick. Weinheim: Beltz Juventa.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D. (in press)
„(Sound) Wissenskulturen: Was ist das und was wissen wir über sie?“
In Auditive Wissenskulturen. Das Wissen klanglicher Praxis (Auditive
scientific cultures. The knowledge of sound practice), edited by Bernd
Brabec de Mori and Martin Winter. Wiesbaden: Springer SV Verlag für
Knorr Cetina, Karin D. and Werner Reichmann
"Living Data in Financial Markets – Concepts and Concequences.” In
Die Gesellschaft der Daten - Über die digitale Transformation der
sozialen Ordnung, edited by Florian Süssenguth. Bielefeld: transcript.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
“What is a Financial Market? Global Markets as Media-Institutional
Forms.” In Re-Imaging Economic Sociology, edited by Patrick Apers
and Nigel Dodd. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D. and Werner Reichmann
“Professional Epistemic Cultures.” In Epistemic and Learning Cultures
– Woher und wohin sich Universitäten entwickeln, edited by Ines
Langemeyer, Martin Fischer and Michaela Pfadenhauer. Weinheim:
Beltz Juventa.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D. and Werner Reichmann
“Epistemic Cultures.” Entry in Elsevier International Encyclopedia of
the Social and Behavioral Sciences. 2nd edition. Oxford: Elsevier Ltd.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
“What if the Screens Went Black? The Coming of Software Agents.“ In
Volatile Smile, edited by Beate Geissler and Oliver Sann. Nürnberg:
Verlag für Moderne Kunst
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
“ Finance/Financial Markets." Entry in The Wiley-Blackwell
Encyclopedia of Consumption and Consumer Studies, edited by Daniel
T. Cook. and J. Michael Ryan.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
“Scopic Media and Global Coordination: The Meditization of Face-to
Face Encounters.” In Mediatization of Communication. (Handbooks of
Communication Science 21), edited by Knut Lundby. Berlin/Boston:
De Gruyter Mouton.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
“Intuitionist Theorizing.” In Theorizing in the Social Sciences: Turning
to the Context of Discovery, edited by Richard Swedberg. Stanford:
Stanford University Press.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
“Skopische Medien: Am Beispiel der Architektur von Finanzmärkten“
(Scopic Media: The Architecture of Financial Markets). In
Mediatisierte Welten: Beschreibungsansätze und Forschungsfelder,
edited by Friedrich Krotz and Andreas Hepp. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag
für Sozialwissenschaften, S. 167-195.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
„Von Netzwerken zu skopischen Medien: Die Flußarchitektur von
Finanzmärkten“ (From networks to scopic media: the flow architecture
of financial markets). In Soziologie der Finanzmärkte: Praktiken,
Diskurse, Repräsentationen, edited by Herbert Kalthoff and Uwe
Vormbusch. Berlin: Sigma Publishing Company. (German translation
and revision of „From Pipes to Scopes.“
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
„Die synthetische Situation“. In Sozialität in Slow Motion Theoretische und empirische Perspektiven. Festschrift für Jörg
Bergmann, edited by Ruth Ayaß and Christian Meyer. Wiesbaden: VS
Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. (German translation and revision of
„The Synthetic Situation“)
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
“What is a Financial Market? Global Markets as Microinstitutional and
Post-Traditional Social Forms.” Pp. 115-133in Handbook of the
Sociology of Finance, edited by Karin Knorr Cetina and Alex Preda.
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D. and Alex Preda
“Introduction.” In Handbook of the Sociology of Finance edited by ebd.
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
“Financial Markets.” In Encyclopedia of Globalization, edited by
Georges Ritzer. Oxford: Blackwell.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
“Financial Analysis: Epistemic Profile of an Evaluative Science.” In
Knowledge Making, Use and Evaluation in the Social Sciences, edited
by Charles Camic, Neil Gross and Michele Lamont. Chicago:
University of Chicago Press.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
“Marktprognose: Unsere postsoziale Zukunft.” Pp. 300-322 in
Prognosen über Bewegungen. Berlin: B-Books.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D. and Barbara Grimpe
“Global Financial Technology: Scoping Systems that Raise the World.”
Pp. 162-189 in Living in a Material World, edited by Trevor Pinch and
Richard Swedberg. Cambridge: MIT Press.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
“Die eine Vernunft und die vielen Rationalitäten. Der gemeinsame
Boden der Wissenschaften?“, Pp. 47-62 in Wissenschaft. Bildung.
Politik. Band 11. Köln: Böhlau.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
"Theoretischer Konstruktivismus" Pp. 35-78 in Theoretische Empirie.
Zur Relevanz qualitativer Forschung, edited by H. Kalthoff, S.
Hirschhauer und G. Lindemann. Frankfurt/Main: Suhrkamp.
2. edition by Suhrkamp.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
“Going Global.” Pp. 29-49 in Sociologists in a Global Age:
Biographical Perspectives, edited by Mathieu Deflem. Aldershot,
Hampshire, UK: Ashgate Publishing Comp.
Chinese Translation: 社会学家何为?(社会科学译丛·培文书系
)(Sociologists in A Global Age Biographical Perspectives. Peking University
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
“Microglobalization.” Pp. 233-245 in Frontiers of Globalization
Research: Theoretical and Methodological Approaches, edited by Ino
Rossi. New York: Springer.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
“Posthumanist Challenges to the Social and Human Sciences.” Pp. 233245 in Management Education and Humanities, edited by Pasquale
Gagliardi and Barbara Czarniawska. London, UK: Edward Elgar.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
“Microsociology of Markets.” Pp.449-451 in Encyclopedia of
Economic Sociology, edited by Jens Beckert. London et al.: Routledge.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
“How Are Global Markets Global? The Architecture of a Flow World.”
Pp. 38-61 in The Sociology of Financial Markets, edited by Karin
Knorr Cetina and Alex Preda. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
“Culture of Life.” Pp. 176-195 in A Disobedient Generation, edited by
S. Turner and A. Sica. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
“Postsocial.” Pp. 81-108 in Encyclopedia of Social Theory, edited by
George Ritzer. London and Beverly Hills: Sage.
German translation: "Umrisse einer Soziologie des Postsozialen."
Translation by Alexandra Hessling and Hanno Pahl, In: Lars Meyer
and Hanno Pahl, Kognitiver Kapitalismus. Soziologische Beiträge zur
Theorie der Wissensökonomie. Marburg: Metropolis Verlag.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
“Science, Technology and Their Implications” Pp. 546-560 in
International Handbook of Sociology, edited by Craig Calhoun, Chris
Rojek and Bryan S. Turner. London and Beverly Hills: Sage.
German Translation in Rainer Schützeichel (ed.), Handbuch
Wissenschaftsoziologie und Wissensforschung. Konstanz:
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
„Knowledge Cultures,” in The Blackwell Companion to the Sociology
of Culture, edited by M. Jacobs and N. Weiss Hanrahan. Oxford:
Blackwell Publ. (published also in Interdisciplinary Science Review
32(4): 361-375).
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
“Au-delà des Lumières: l'essor d'une culture de la vie” Pp.31-46 in
Biologie & Moderne, edited by A.Kahn, K.K.Cetina u.a. Bruxelles: De
Knorr Cetina, Karin D. and Urs Bruegger
„Global Microstructures: The Interaction Practices of Financial
Markets.” Pp.157-189 in The Sociological View of the Economy,
edited by Frank Dobbin. New York: Russell Sage.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
"Science at the Interface" Pp. 95-98 in Dealing with Interests, Values
and Knowledge in Managing Risk, Workshop Procceedings. Brussels,
Belium: Nuclear Energy Agency.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
"Laboratory Studies." Pp. 140-166 in International
Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, edited by S.
Jasanoff. Oxford: Elsevier Publ. Comp.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
"Whatever is a Laboratory?" Pp. 1-12 in Preface for the Chinese
translation of The Manufacture of Knowledge. An Essay on the
Constructivist and Contextual Nature of Science. Beijing: Renmin
Publishing House.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
“"Viskurse" der Physik“ Pp. 305-320 in Strategien der
Sichtbarmachung in wissenschaftlichen und virtuellen Welten, edited
by B.Heintz and J. Huber. Zürich: Voldemeer.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
“Objectual practice.“ Pp. 175-188 in The Practice Turn in
Contemporary Theory, edited by Theodore R. Schatzki. London:
Republished in: Knowledge as Social Order: rethinking the Sociology
of Barry Barnes, edited by Massimo Mazzotti and Annalisa McNamara,
Pp. 83-98. Aldershot: Ashgate.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
"Postsocial Relations: Theorizing Sociality in a Postsocial
Environment." Pp. 520-537 in Handbook of Social Theory, edited by G.
Ritzer and B. Smart. London: Sage.
Republication and translation into German: „Postsoziale Beziehungen:
Theorie der Gesellschaft in einem postsozialen Kontext.“ Pp. 267-300
in Kulturen der Moderne. Soziologische Perspektiven der Gegenwart,
edited by Thorsten Bonacker and Andreas Reckwitz. Konstanz:
Campus Verlag.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
“Transitions in Post-Social Knowledge Societies." 611-628 in
Identity, Culture and Globalization, edited by E. Ben-Rafael and Y.
Sternberg. Leiden/Boston/Köln: Brill.
Republication in Karin Jensen and Leif Christian Lahn (eds.),
Knowledge, Work and Society. Special Issue on Professional Learning
and the Sociology of Knowledge Work 4(3): 23-42.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
"Wissenschaft als Maschenwerk. Einblick in die immensen
Kollaboratorien der Hochenergiephysik" Pp. 24-31 in
Get Together. Kunst als Teamwork, edited by Kunsthalle Wien. Wien:
Folio Verlag.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
"A comunicaçăo na ciência." Pp. 375-393 in Ministerio da Ciência e da
Technologia: A ciência tal qual se faz, edited by F. Gil. Lisboa: Edições
João Sá da Costa.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
"Viskurse in der Physik: Wie visuelle Darstellungen ein
Wissenschaftsgebiet ordnen." Pp. 245-264 in Konstruktionen,
Sichtbarkeiten, Interventionen, edited by J. Huber and
M. Heller. Zürich: Voldemeer.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
"Sozialität mit Objekten. Soziale Beziehungen in posttraditionalen
Gesellschaften." Pp. 83-120 in Technik und Sozialtheorie, edited by W.
Rammert. Frankfurt/M.: Campus.
Republished in: Dirk Tänzler, Hubert Knoblauch, Hans-Georg Soeffner
(Eds.): Zur Kritik der Wissensgesellschaft. Konstanz, Pp.101-138.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
"Constructivism." Pp. 75-78 in Handbook of Economic Methodology,
edited by J.B. Davis, D. W. Hands and U. Mäki. Cheltenham: E. Elgar
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
"Temporalität versus Sozialität." Pp. 58-72 in Zeichen und Zeit, edited
by E.W.B. Hess-Lüttich and B. Schlieben-Lange. Tübingen: Narr.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
“Konstruktivismus in der Soziologie.” Pp. 125-149 in Konstruktivismus
und Kognitionswissenschaft, edited by A. Müller, K.H. Müller und F.
Stadler. Wien, New York: Springer.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
"What Scientists Do." Pp. 260-272 in Critical Social Psychology, edited
by T. Ibanez and L. Iniquez. London: Sage.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
"The Care of the Self and Blind Variation: An Ethnography of
the Empirical in Two Sciences." Pp. 1-16 in The Disunity of Science.
Boundaries, Contexts, and Power, edited by P. Galison and D. Stump.
Stanford: Stanford University Press.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
"Laborstudien. Der kultursoziologische Ansatz in der
Wissenschaftsforschung." Pp. 101-135 in Das Auge
der Wissenschaft, edited by R. Martinsen. Baden-Baden: Nomos.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
"Laboratory Studies: The Cultural Approach to the Study
of Science." Pp. 140-166 in Handbook of Science and technology
Studies, edited by S. Jasanoff, G.E. Markle, J.C. Petersen
and T.J. Pinch. Los Angeles: Sage.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
"Metaphors in the Scientific Laboratory: Why are they there
and what do they do?" Pp. 329-349 in From the
Metaphorical Point of View, edited by Z. Radman. Berlin/New York:
de Gruyter.
Translation into French: "Les métaphores dans les laboratoires
scientifiques." Pp. 47-64 in Cognition et information en société, edited
by B. Conein and L. Thévenot. Paris: Ed. de l'EHESS
(Raisons Pratiques 8).
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
"Die Manufaktur der Natur oder: Die alterierten Naturen der
Naturwissenschaft." Pp. 95-114 in Zum Naturbegriff der Gegenwart.
Stuttgart: Frommann-Holzboog.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
"Zeichenprozesse im naturwissenschaftlichen Laboratorium.
Signifikationsumwelten und Erfahrungsumwelten in der
Wissenschaft." Pp. 175-185 in Zeichen(theorie) in der Praxis, edited by
M. Titzmann. Passau: Wissenschaftsverlag R. Rothe.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
"The Couch, the Cathedral and the Lab: On the Relationship
between Experiment and Laboratory Science." Pp. 113-138 in Science
as Practice and Culture, edited by A. Pickering. Chicago: Chicago
University Press.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D. and Klaus Amann
"Konsensprozesse in der Wissenschaft." Pp. 215-235 in
Kommunikation und Konsens in modernen Gesellschaften, edited by
H.-J. Giegel. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp.
Amann, Klaus and Karin D. Knorr Cetina
"Qualitative Wissenschaftssoziologie." Pp. 419-423 in Handbuch
Qualitativer Sozialforschung, edited by U. Flick, E.v. Kardorff, H.
Keupp, L.v. Rosenstiel, S. Wolff. München: Psychologie Verlags
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
“Wissenssoziologie.” Pp. 706-711 in Wörterbuch der Soziologie, edited
by G. Endruweit and G. Trommsdorff. Stuttgart: Lucius & Lucius
(“Sociology of Knowledge”).
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
"Laboratorien: Instrumente der Weltkonstruktion." S. 315-344 in
Wozu Wissenschaftsphilosophie, edited by P. Hoyningen-Hoene und T.
Hirsch. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
"The micro-social Order: Toward a Reconception.” Pp. 21-53
in Actions and Structure: Research Methods and Social Theory, edited
by N. Fielding et al. London: Sage.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
"Evolutionary Epistemology and Sociology of Science." Pp.179-201
Evolutionary Epistemology: A Multiparadigm Program. Dordrecht:
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
"The Reappropriation of Technology." Pp. 223-237 in Alterations in
Food Production, edited by D. Knorr and T. Watkins. Newark, NJ:
University of Delaware Press.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D. and M. Mulkay
"Introduction: Emerging Principles in Social Studies of Science."
Pp.1-17 in Science Observed, edited by K. Knorr Cetina and M.
Mulkay. London: Sage.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
"The Ethnographic Study of Scientific Work: Toward a
Constructivist Interpretation of Science." Pp. 115-177 in Science
Observed, edited by K. Knorr Cetina and M. Mulkay. London and
Beverly Hills: Sage.
Translation into Spanish: "Los estudios etnográficos del trabajo
cientifico: hacia una interpretatión constructivista de la ciencia." Pp.
187-204 in Sociologia de la Ciencia y la Tecnologia, edited by J. M.
Iranzo et al. Madrid: CSIC
Translation into Polish in Science and Technology Studies. A Reader,
edited by Ewa Bińczyk and Aleksandra Derra. Toruń: Wydawnictwo
Naukowe UMK (The Nicolaus Copernicus University Press).
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
"The micro-sociological Challenge of Macrosociology:
Towards a Reconstruction of Social Theory and Methodology."
Pp.1-47 in Advances in Social Theory and Methodology: Toward an
Integration of Micro- and Macrosociologies, edited by K. Knorr Cetina
and A.V. Cicourel. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
Knorr, Karin D.
"Social and Scientific Method, or What Do We Make of the
Distinction between the Natural and the Social Sciences?" Pp. 27-52 in
Social Method and Social Life, edited by M. Brenner. London:
Academic Press.
translation into German: in Sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung als
Soziales Handeln, edited by M. Brenner and W. Bungard. Köln: Huber
Publ. Comp. ("Zur Äquivalenz der Handlungsproblematik in
sozialwissenschaftlicher und Naturwissenschaftlicher Forschung").
Knorr, Karin D.
"Anthropologie und Ethnomethodologie: eine theoretische
und methodische Herausforderung." Pp. 107-123 in Theorie der
Ethnologie und Kulturanthropologie, edited by W. Schmied-Kowarzik
und J. Stagl. Berlin: D. Reimer Publ. Comp. ("Anthropology and
Ethnomethodology: A Theoretical and Methodological Challenge,” in
"Theory of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology").
reprinted in Grundfragen der Ethnologie, Pp.167-182. Berlin: Dietrich
Reimer Verlag.
Holzner, B., Karin Knorr and H. Strasser
"In Memoriam Paul F. Lazarsfeld. Introduction." Pp. 104-110 in
The Political Realization of Social Science Knowledge and
Research: Toward New Scenarios, edited by B. Holzner, Knorr Cetina
and H. Strasser. Würzburg: Physica Pub.
Knorr, Karin D.
"The Scientist as an Analogical Reasoner: A Critique of
the Metaphor Theory of Innovation." Pp. 25-52 in The Social Process
of Scientific Investigation, edited by K. Knorr, R. Krohn
and R. Whitely. Sociology of Sciences Yearbook, Vol. 4,
Boston-Dordrecht: D. Reidel.
Knorr, Karin D.
"Wissenschaftsforschung/Wissenschaftssoziologie." Pp. 767-771 in
Handbuch wissenschaftstheoretischer Begriffe, edited by J.
Speck. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Bd. 3 ("Science of
Science/Sociology of Science,” in "Handbook of Epistemological Concepts").
Knorr, Karin D.
"The Gap between Knowledge and Policy: Discrepant Attitudes
and Subversive Action." Pp. 219-234 in Improving Policy
Analysis, edited by S. Nagel. Beverly Hills: Sage.
Knorr, Karin D., Roland Mittermeir, Georg Aichholzer, and Georg Waller
"Leadership and Group Performance: A Positive Relationship
in Academic Research Units." Pp. 95-120 in Scientific Productivity.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Knorr, Karin D., Roland Mittermeir, Georg Aichholzer, and Georg Waller
"Individual Publication Productivity: A Social Position
Effect,” Pp. 55-91 in Scientific Productivity:
The Effectiveness of Research Groups in Six Countries, edited by F.
Andrews. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Knorr, Karin D.
“Policymakers' Use of Social Science Knowledge : symbolic or
Instrumental?“ Pp. 165-182 in Using Social Research in Public Policy
Making / ed. by Carol H. Weiss. Lexington/Toronto: Lexington Books.
also published in: G. Weiss (ed.), Using Social Research in Public
Policy Making, pp. 165-182. Lexington, MA: D.C. Heath and
Andrews, Frank M. and Karin D. Knorr
"The International Comparative Study on the Organization and
Performance of Research Units” in Proceedings of the
Society for the Social Study of Science, First Annual
Meeting, Ithaca, NY: Cornell University.
Knorr, Karin D.
„Soziale Mechanismen der Wissenschaftssteuerung:
Politische Instrumentalisierung der Wissenschaft und ihre
Organisatorischen Voraussetzungen." Pp. 71-80 Zuerst ersch. in:
Wissenschaftssteuerung - soziale Prozesse der
Wissenschaftsentwicklung / Hermann Strasser, Karin D. Knorr (Hg.),
Frankfurt: Campus-Verl.
Knorr, Karin D.
"Politisches System und Sozialwissenschaften: zur Plausibilität der Legitimationshypothese." Pp. 81-108 in
Wissenschaftssteuerung: Soziale Prozesse der
Wissenschaftsentwicklung, edited by H. Strasser and
K. Knorr. Frankfurt/Main: Campus,
English Translation: "Social Science and Politics: The Plausibility
of the Thesis of Legitimation,” in Orienting Science:
Social Processes of Scientific Development.
Knorr, Karin D.
"Die Verwertungsbedingungen sozialwissenschaftlicher Forschungsergebnisse im politischen System: Vorläufige Ergebnisse." Pp. 96-116 in , edited by A. Holl and O. Saipt. Wien: Boehlau.
("Conditions of Social Science Research Utilization in Politics" in
Yearbook of Sociology 1975).
Knorr, Karin D.
"The Nature of Scientific Consensus and the Case of the
Social Sciences." Pp. 227-256 in Determinants and Controls of
Scientific Development, edited by K. Knorr, H. Strasser, and H.G.
Zilian. Boston-Dordrecht: D. Reidel.
Nowotny, Helga and Karin D. Knorr
"Die Feldforschung." Pp. 82-112 in Techniken der
Empirischen Sozialforschung. München: R. Oldenburg Publ.
Comp. ("Field Research,” in Techniques of
Empirical Social Research).
Knorr, Karin D.
"Methodik der Völkerkunde." Pp. 295-345 in Enzyklopädie Geisteswissenschaftlicher Arbeitsmethoden, Bd. IX, München:
R. Oldenburg Publ. Comp.("Anthropological Method,” in
Encyclopedia of Methods in the Humanities).
Publications in Newsletters
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
“Economic Sociology and the Sociology of Finance—Four
Distinctions, Two Developments, One Field?” European Economic
Sociology Newsletter 8.3 (July 2007): 4-10.
Other Publications (Reviews/Comments/Research reports)
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
“Living in a Post-Social Society. A Comment on CzarniawskaJoerges.” Pp. 385-387 in Theorien der Organisation: Die Rückkehr der
Gesellschaft, edited by G. Ortmann, J. Sydow, K. Türk. Opladen:
Westdeutscher Verlag.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D.
“The Dynamics of Science and Technology: Social Values, Technical
Norms and Scientific Criteria in the Development of Knowledge, by
Wolfgang Krohn; Edwin T. Layton, Jr.; Peter Weingart. Isis Vol. 72,
No. 2 (Jun., 1981), pp. 298-299.”
Knorr Cetina, Karin D. and Dietrich Knorr
“From scenes to scripts: On the relationship between laboratory
research and published paper in science.” Institute for Advanced
Studies, Vienna.
Invited Papers/ Lectures , Invited and Accepted only
Invited Speaker at Presidential Panel, “Exclusion as an unintended consequences.”American
Sociological Association, Montreal Presidential Panel, American Sociological Association.
August 12-15, 2017.
Keynote speaker, Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences (BGSS) at Humboldt-University
and the WZB Berlin Social Science Center, "6th Berlin Summer School in Social Sciences,"
"Methodological approaches to studying the global economy: the microglobal approach to
financial markets." July 22, 2016.
Invited Plenary Speaker, Conference on “What is Historical Change?” University of Bielefeld
July 27-30, 2016. „Disruptive Transformations: Three Historical Transitions in Financial
Markets, 1886-2020,“ Bielefeld, July 27, 2016.
Invited Plenary Speaker, Interdisciplinary International Graduate Summer School at the
University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, “The Technosphere of Finance: Three
Transitions and the Flash Crash.” Donostia-­‐San Sebastián, Spain, July 19, 2016.
Invited Speaker, Conference of the Anthropocene Campus: The Technosphere Issue, on
Governing the Technolosphere, „Technospheres in Financial Markets: Three Transitions and
the Flash Crash.“ Haus der Kulturen der Welt and Max Planck Insitute,for the History of
Science, Berlin, April 14-22, 2016, (presented April 18, 2016)
Invited Speaker, University of Luzern, Department of Sociology, „Finanzmarktzeiten:
Synchronisierung und Entsynchronisierung“ (Financial Market Times: synchronization and
Desynchronization), Luzern, March 15, 2016
Invited Speaker, Conference De/Synchronisierung? Leben m Plural (De/Synchronization?
Multiple modes of life), „Finanzmarktzeiten: Synchronisierung und Entsynchronisierung“
(Financial Market Times: synchornization and desyncrhonization). Institute for Cultural
Inquiry, Berlin, February 4-6, 2016
Invited Keynote Speaker, 10th Anniversary Meeting of the Italian Society of Science and
Technology Studies, on La Societa degli Algoritmi (Society of Algorithms), “Culture of
Algorithms,” Rome, Italy, January 29, 2016.
Invited Opening and Keynote Speaker at the Austrian Sociology Congress on Sociology of
“International Connections” October 1-3, 2015, "Österreichische Soziologie im globalen
Wettbewerb - ein transatlantischer Blick zurück und in die Zukunft" (Austrian sociology and
global competition: a transatlantic perspective). Innsbruck, Austria, University of Innsbruck,
October 1, 2015.
Invited Panelist at the 110th Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association (ASA)
August 22-25, 2015, Culture Section Invited Panel on Cultural Sociology and its
Intersections, "What has Cultural Sociology (not) Learned from the Sciences?" Chicago,
August 25, 2015.
Invited Critic in Author Meets Critics Session on Jerry Jacobs’ at the 110th Annual Meeting of
the American Sociological Association (ASA) August 22-25, 2015, "In Defense of
Disciplines," Chicago, August 22, 2015.
Invited Plenary Speaker at the 5th Chinese Political Sociology Workshop on "The Market as a
Weird Social Form." Chicago Center in Beijing, July 2015.
Invited Speaker at the International conference "The Good Years! Historical
Trajectories, 1980--­‐2010' on "Our Algorithmic Future," Monte Verità, Switzerland, June 29 -­‐
July 3, 2015.
Invited Plenary Talk at the Symposium "Financial Crisis," June 24-27, 2015 on
"Eigensinnige Märkte: Phantastische Finanzmärkte, ihre eigentümlichen Charakteristika und
ihre Krisen" ("Maverick Markets, their Weird Characeristics and their Crises") and Impulse
Presentation, Closing Session: Financial Crisis: Lessons Learned', Hannover, Germany, June
25, 2015.
Invited Speaker at the International High Frequency Trading Workshop “Cultures of HighFrequency Trading and their Regulations,” June 22-23, 2015, on "The Interaction Order of
Algorithms: the Case of the Flash Crash," University of Konstanz, Germany, June 22, 2015.
Invited Speaker at the International Conference on Disciplines, Technologies and Algorithms,
on "Sociality with Algorithms?" Franke Institute, University of Chicago, May 8-9, 2015.
Workshop "Das Wissen der Finanzmaerkte" (The Knowledge of Financial Markets) Invited
Commentator and Discussant, Center for the History of Knowledge, ETH Zurich and
University Zurich, March 16, 2015.
Invited Plenary Lecture, "Wissensgesellschaft und Wissenschaftsforschung: Genealogie,
Dekonstruktion, Brüche" (Knowledge Society and Knowledge Research: Genealogy,
Ruptures, Deconstruction), Center for the History of Knowledge, ETH Zurich and University
Zurich, March 11, 2015.
Invited Panelist and Presenter, International Workshop on the History of Experimental
Economics, University of Utrecht, Netherlands January 30, 2015.
Invited Keynote Speaker, Interdisciplinary Conference on Auditory Knowledge Cultures--the
Knowledge of Musical Practice. Center for Musicology, Karl Franzen's University Graz and
Institute for Ethnomusicology, School of Music and Performing Arts, Graz, Austria,
June 18-21, 2014.
Invited Panelist, Conference on "Interfaces of Science and Policy and the Role of
Foundations," Stiftung Mercator, Mercator Centre Berlin, June16-17 2014.
Invited Mellichamp Global Studies Lecture, Unversity of Santa Barbara, CA, June 5, 2014
Invited Keynote Speaker, Conference “Epistemic and Learning Cultures at the University of
the 21st Century” Karlsruhe, Germany, December 6, 2013: Trading Cultures
Invited Speaker, Conference on Economic Sociology and New Theoretical Directions,
September 12-15, Noors Slott, Stockholm, Sweden: “Financial Markets as Weird Social
108th Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, August 10-13, 2013, New
York City; Invited Speaker at the Thematic Session “The Social Organization of Financial
Markets,” August 12, 2013: “The Media-Institutional Market.”
108th Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, August 10-13, 2013, New
York City, Invited Panelist at the Panel "Theorizing Numbers,” August 10, 2013: “Theorizing
Invited “Master” at the Konstanzer Meisterklasse on "Konstanzer Meisterklasse 2013 - Crisis
and Collapse", Cluster of Excellence “Cultural Foundations of Social Integration",University
of Konstanz, July 22-30, 2013: Financial Crisis: Origins and Dynamics.”
Invited Dialogue with Martina Löw, "Science & Technology Studies meet the Sociology of
Architecture -- A Critical Dialogue About Societies and Their Objects, University of
Bielefeld, June 6, 2013
Invited Plenary Speaker at the Joint Conference of the ISA RC02 “Economy and Society”
and the ESA Economic Sociology Research Network, National Research University - Higher
School of Economics, Moscow, Russia, October 25-28, 2012. Plenary Session plenary
session "Knowledge, Technology, and Markets, "October 28, 2012 : "What is a financial
market? Architecture and Sociology."
107th Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, August 17-20, 2012,
Denver, CO, USA, Invited Presenter at the Session, Cultures of Technology, Section on
Communication and Information Technology: “Scopic Media”
107th Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, August 17-20, 2012,
Denver, CO, USA, Invited Panelist at Thematic Session “Real Utopian Sociology: Internal
Structure, External Connections.”
International Conference on Emotions and Capitalism, June 28-29, 2012, Berlin, Max Planck
Institute for Human Development Center for the History of Emotions, Invited Opening
Plenary Talk: “The Emotional Market.”
Clarendon Lectures in Management Studies, May 22.-24, 2012, Said Business School,
University of Oxford: “Scopic Media and Synthetic Markets.”
Swedish Sociological Association, March 15-17, 2012, Stockholm, Sociologidagarna 2012,
Invited Plenary Speaker: “The Synthetic Situation. Interactionism for a Global World.”
Exhibition "Candylab" March 18, 2012, Vienna, Austria: “Human Derivatives and Situational
Annual Conference of Eikones „Welterzeugung durch Bilder“ November 17-19, 2011, Basel,
Switzerland, Featured Plenary Speaker: „Skopische Medien“.
Conference „Ko-Evolution”, September 14-16, 2011, Frankfurt/Main, Featured Plenary
Speaker: “KoEvolution der Aufmerksamkeit”.
106th Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, August 20.-23, 2011, Las
Vegas, USA. “Theorizing the Market as an Organization outside Organizations“.
Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE), June 23-25, 2011, Madrid, Spain,
Featured Plenary Speaker: “Maverick Markets”.
Conference "Material World" May 12-14, 2011, San Diego, USA, Featured Plenary Speaker:
“Flow and the Temporalization of Complexity”.
Conference on Rethinking Capitalism, University of Santa Cruz, April 7-9, 2011, Invited
Panelist on “Valuation, Measurement and Knowledge” and on “Affective, Spatial and
Material Flows of Value.”
10th Anniversary Conference of the Institute for World Society Studies on WorldComparisons, University of Bielefeld, December 16-17, 2010, “Interactionism for a Global
Copenhagen Business School, Public Lecture, December 6-7, 2010: “The Market as an Object
of Attachment.”
American Anthropological Association, Invited Discussant, Panel on Uncertain Paradigms:
Ethnography and Theory, New Orleans, November 19, 2010.
Project Science Workshop 2010, Fort Lauderdale, FL, November 7 - 11, 2010, Plenary
Speaker: Big Science Collaborations.
35th Anniversary Congress of the German Sociological Association, Plenary on Transnational
Social Microstructures, Frankfurt, Germany, October 13, 2010 , Plenary Speaker, “Synthetic
World Society: Global Microstructures as a Theoretical Challenge” (Synthetische
Weltgesellschaft? Globale Mikrostrukturen als Herausforderung).
American Sociological Association, Annual Meeting, Theory Section Mini-Conference on the
Craft of Theorizing, Atlanta, GA, August 13-17, 2010: Invited Panelist, “The Craft of
International Sociological Association, Symposion on Action and Imagination, Goetheborg,
Sweden, July 12, 2010: Plenary Speaker, “The Synthetic Situation,”
Conference “Stoerfaelle,” Humbold University Berlin, “Greed as Passion,” Berlin, May 13,
European ESHET Conference, Amsterdam, March 26-28, 2010: Plenary Speaker, “Maverick
University of Cardiff, Cardiff School of Social Sciences Lecture Series on “The New
Sociology of Risk,” Cardiff, December 15, 2009: ”Maverick Markets: The Issue of Risks.”
First Johann Georg Adam Forster Lecture, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, SOCUM
Research Center Social and Cultural Sciences, December 10, 2009: “Disenchantment of the
Social” (“Entzauberung des Sozialen. Eine theoretische Prognose”).
Distinguished Lecture, Society for Symbolic Interaction, Boston, John Hancock Conference
Center, August 2, 2008: "Interactionism for a Gobal World."
Colloquium in Honor of Bernd Giesen, Konstanz Kulturzentrum, Juli 5, 2008: „Giesen Live.”
Plenary Speaker, Prognoses of Change: Ten Scenarios for the Future (Prognosen über
Bewegungen), Hebbel Theder Berlin, 5-8 June 2008: “Our Postsocial Future.”
„Master“ of the Konstanzer Meisterklasse, Cultural Sociology and the Iconic Turn,
Constance, Germany, July 1-2, 2007: “Cultures that Flow.”
Colloquium on the Institut für Weltgesellschaft, LFecture: “Flow Structures of the Global”,
Bielefeld, June 10, 2008
Russell Sage Foundation, New York, Making, Evaluating and Using Social Scientific
Knowledge. The Underground of Practice, December 7-8, 2007: “Financial Analysis:
Epistemic Profile of an Evaluating Science.”
Plenary Speaker, Center for Research on Socio-Cultural Change (SRESC), Annual
Conference 2007, The University of Manchaster, UK, September 5-7, 2007: “Flow Cultures:
The Temporalization of Financial Markets.”
Ethnografeast III – Ethnography and the Public Shere. Lisabon, June 20-23, 2007:
“Frontrunning Ethnography.”
Academia Sinicia, Institute of Sociology. Lecture on “The Information Architecture of
Financial Market”, Taipei (Taiwan), June 1, 2007.
National Tsing-hua University, Department of Sociology. Lecture on “STS related,” Taipei
(Taiwan), May 31, 2007.
National Cheng-Chi University, Department of Sociology. Lecture on “Microstructure of
Financial Market”, Taipei (Taiwan), May 30, 2007.
Goffman Memorial Lecture, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, April 25, 2007: “The
Neglected Time Transaction."
Tuebingen Lectures on the Challenges of Globalization, University of Tuebingen, Germany,
December 14, 2006: “Microglobalization.”
Society for Advancement of Socio-Economics, University of Trier, Germany, June 30 – July
2, 2006. Featured Speaker: “Microglobalization”
21st EGOS (European Group for Organizational Studies) Conference, Berlin, June 1-2, 2005.
Keynote speaker: “Global Microstructures: Organisational Forms of a World Society.”
Workshop “Financial Innovation: Markets, Cultures and Politics,” London School of
Economics, June 16-17, 2005: “Trading Floors, Screens and Scopes.”
Conference on The Social Studies of Social Science and the Humanities, Radcliffe Institute
for Anvanced Study, Harvard University, April 8-9, 2005: “The Model of Science Studies. Is
Time Ripe for Social Studies of the Social Sciences and the Humanities?”
ARCO 05 – Third International Contemporary Art Experts Forum, Madrid, February 10-13,
2005: “The New Global Terrorism and Global Financial Markets.”
Keynote Speaker, Conference on The Role of Knowledge in Contemporary Society, Oslo
University, November 25-27, 2005: “Postsocial Knowledge Societies.”
5th European Conference on Organizational Knowledge, Learning and Capabilities,
Innsbruck, Austria, April 2-3, 2004. Key Note Speaker: “Epistemic Cultures”
NEA Forum Stakeholder Confidence: “Dealing with Interests, Values and Knowledge in
Managingn Risk,” Brussels, Belgium, November 2003, “Science at the Interface.”
Symposion on “The Politics of Expertise,” Berlin Wissenschaftszentrum, October 2002, Key
Note Lecture: ‘”Knowledge and Information.”
Symposion on “New Perspectives in the Sociology of Knowledge. In Honour of Thomas
Luckmann.” Konstanz Cultural Center, June 2002: “Postsocial Theory.”
Symposion on “Virtuality: Information-Matter-Property.” Novartis Foundation, London, June
2002: “Markets as Time Machines.”
Princeton Economic Sociology Conference, Princeton University, Department of Sociology,
February 2002: “Global Financial Markets.”
Symposion on "Forms of Exchange, Forms of Value." University of Chicago, Department of
Anthropology, November 2001: "Global Microstructures: The Virtual Societies of Financial
Author Meets Critics, Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science,
Cambridge, MA, October 2001: Session on the Book "Epistemic Cultures."
Plenary Speaker, Canadian Conference on Graduate Education, Montreal, Canada, October
2001, „Knowledge Transitions in a Knowledge Society.“
Conference on „Ethnographies of the Centre,” Lancaster, England, September 2001, Plenary
Speaker: „The 21st Century Centre: Features of a Global Lifeform.“
Conference on "Epistemic Cultures and the Practice of Interdisciplinarity,” Trondheim,
Norway, June 2001, Plenary Speaker: "Macroepistemics."
Workshop on "Heterarchies: Distributed Intelligence and the Organization of Diversity,”
Santa Fe, New Mexico, October 2000: "Global Organization: The Case of Institutional
Currency Trading."
Conference on "European Voices in Economic Sociology,” Stockholm, June 2000: "Cambiste
University of Maryland, Collegetown, MD, George Ritzer Theory Speaker Series, May 2000:
„Postsocial Theory.“
Conference on "Inhabiting Technologies: One Hundred Experts,” Panelist in six Panels,
London, Institute for Contemporary Arts, March 2000.
Colloquium "Gesellschaft X – Gesellschaftskonzepte im Vergleich" (und Teleakademie),
Freiburg, December 1999: "Die Postsoziale Gesellschaft."
Einstein Forum, Staatsbibliothek Berlin (und ZDF Nachtstudio), Oktober 1999: Diskussion
mit A. Sokal, New York, und J. Bricmont, Paris: "Beredter Unsinn."
Conference on "Sociality/Materiality. The Status of the Object in Social Science,” Brunel
University, September 1999, Plenary Speaker: "Sociality with Objects."
Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, August 1999: "Financial Markets
and the Culture of Transparency."
World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology, Tel Aviv, July 1999, Plenary
Speaker: "The Transition to a Knowledge Millenium."
Spring School on "Science and Technology Studies in Switzerland,” Zurich, March 1999:
"Epistemic Cultures."
Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science, Halifax, October 1998:
"The Market as an Epistemic Institution."
Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, San Francisco, August 1998: "The
Epistemic Embeddedness of Economic Action."
International Conference on Socio-Economics (SASE 98), Vienna, July 1998:
"Toward a Perfectly Transparent Society: the World According to Financial Markets.
Conference on "Targeted Intelligence Networks,” Institute for Prospective Technological
Studies, Sevilla, July 1998: "Global Post-traditional Communities."
Annual Meeting of the Eastern Sociological Society, Philadelphia, March 1998:
“The Market as an Epistemic Institution.“
Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science, Tucson, October 1997, Plenary
Speaker: "Knowledge Societies and their Global Microstructures" (with U. Brügger).
Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Toronto, August 1997:
"Postsocial Knowledge Societies."
Nordic Conference on Business Studies, Bodo, August 1997: "The Transition to a Knowledge
Society: Managing Organizations by Content."
International Conference on Socio-Economics (SASE 97), Montreal, July 1997:
"The Governance of Knowledge and Economic World Construction: The Case of Financial
International Conference on "Postmodern Culture, Global Capitalism and Democratic
Action,” University of Maryland, College Park, April 1997: "Postsocial Knowledge
Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science, Bielefeld, October 1996:
"What Makes a Program Strong? Sociality finitism and ist consequences for SSK."
Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, New York, August 1996:
"Postsocial (Knowledge) Societies."
Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Washington, August 1995:
"Theoretical Constructionism. The Nesting of Knowledge Structures into Social Structures."
Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science, New Orleans, October 1994:
“Theoretical Constructionism.“
Conference on "Visual Representations in Scientific Practice and Technology,” The
University of Texas at Galveston, Galveston, Texas, April 1994: "Collective Visuals."
Minnesota Center for Philosophy of Science, University of Minnesota, Science Studies
Colloquium, Minneapolis, April 1994: "Liminal and Referent Epistemologies."
The British Psychological Society, History and Philosophy of Psychology Section, 8th
Annual Conference, Symposion on "Realism and Constructivism,” College of Ripon and St.
John, York, April 1994: "Theoretical Constructionism."
"Science Day" session of the Shelby Cullom Davis Center for Historical Studies, Princeton
University, Princeton, April 1993: "What Scientists Do."
10th Anniversary Conference of Theory, Culture and Society, Seven Springs Mountain
Resort, August 1992: "Primitive Classifications and Postmodernity."
Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Pittsburgh, August 1992: "The
Care of Self and Blind Variation: An Ethnography of the Empirical in Two Sciences."
Program for the History of Science, Stanford, November 1991: "Primitive Classifications.
Regimes of Subjects and Objects in High Energy Physics."
Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science, Cambridge, November 1991,
Plenary Speaker: "Fifteen years of social studies of science: Where do we come from and
where might we go?"
Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Cincinnati, August 1991:
"Epistemic Cultures."
Second National Conference of Sociology in Norway, May 1991: "The Undercomplexity of
Differentiation Theory: Constructivism and the Empirical."
Annual Meeting of the German Sociological Association, Frankfurt, October 1990, Plenary
Speaker: "Die Unterkomplexität von Differenzierungstheorien."
Annual Meeting of the German Society for Semiotics, Passau, October 1990:
"Signifikationsumwelten und Erfahrungsumwelten in der Wissenschaft."
Annual Meeting, Society for Social Studies of Science, Minneapolis, October 1990:
"The Nature of Things: On the Organization of Openness in two Epistemic Cultures."
Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Washington, August 1990: "The
Spaces of Science."
Society for Social Studies of Science, Annual Meeting, November 1989: "The Couch, the
Cathedral and the Lab: On the relationship between laboratory and experiment in science."
International Conference on "Transitions in Recent Economics: Studies in Alternative
Research Programs,” October 1989: "Epistemic Cultures."
Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, San Francisco, August 1989: "The
Organization of Embeddedness: A Constructivist Approach to Micro Macro Relations."
International Congress of the International Institute of Sociology, Rom, June 1989:
"Structures of Embeddedness."
Joint Meeting of the German, Swiss and Austrian Sociological Association, Zurich, October
4-7, 1988, Session "Sociological Theory,” R. Münch Organizer, "The Social Production of
Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Atlanta, August 1988, Section on
"Science, Knowledge and Technology,” James Beniger Organizer, "Science Cultures."
Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Atlanta, August 1988, Session on
"Micro-Macro Linkages,” George Ritzer Organizer, "Toward a Theory of the Mundane."
Annual Meeting of the British History of Science Association, Session on Scientific
Controversies, July 1988, Trevor Pinch, Organizer, "Consensus Formation in the Laboratory."
Annual Meeting of the German Society for Semiotics, Essen, Oct. 4-8, 1987: "The Semiotic
Construction of Visual Objects in Science."
Second Kirkland Historical Studies of Science and Technology Conference, Havenford,
Pennsylvania, September 11-12, 1987, "The Gender Laboratory."
Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Chicago, August 17-21, 1987,
Session on Sociology of Science: "Laboratories"; Roundtable on Social Theory: "The Dual
Articulation of Social Forms."
Seminar "Philosophy of Science - What For?" ETH Zurich, June 25, 1987, "Laboratories:
Instruments of World Construction."
Department of Sociology Jour fixe, University of Vienna, January 20, 1987: "Scientists at
Society for Social Studies of Science, Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, Oct. 23-26, 1986, Session
"Theories of Language and Science": "The Fixation of (Visual) Evidence."
Annual Meeting of the German Sociological Association, Hamburg, Sept. 29 - Oct. 3, 1986,
Section Sociolinguistics: "Das Wissenschaftlergespräch". Symposium on "Microsociological
Revolution?": "Zur Doppelproduktion sozialer Realität: Der konstruktivistische Ansatz und
seine Konsequenzen."
European Association for the Study of Science and Technology, Annual Meeting, Strasbourg,
September 29 - Oct. 1, 1986: "The Sensory Side of Science."
World Congress of Sociology, International Sociological Association, Session on Linking
Actors and Structures; New Delhi, India, August 12-23, 1986: "Interaction and Structure."
International Visual Sociology Association, Fourth Annual Conference, ZiF, Bielefeld, FRG,
June 19-22, 1986: "Visual Work."
Maison de Sciences de l'Homme, Symposium Communication in Social Networks, Bad
Homburg, FRG, June 4-6, 1986: "Shop Talk in Scientific Work."
Symposium on Macro-Theory and Micro-Research, University of Surrey, England, March 1920, 1986: "The Double Production of Social Reality."
Annual Meeting of the German Society for Social Studies of Science, University of Bielefeld,
FRG, November 15-16, 1985: "The Constructivist Program in Sociology of Science."
First Kirkland Historical Studies of Science and Technology Conference, Clinton, New York,
September 12-14, 1985: "The Social Structure of Scientific Thinking."
Conference on Pensee Scientifique et Technique et Savoirs Naturels, Paris, Maison des
Sciences de l'Homme, June 17-20, 1985: "How Scientists Think."
Colloquium Sociology of Techniques, Max Planck Institute for Societal Research, Cologne,
FRG, May 22, 1985: "On the Relevance of the Constructivist Program in Sociology of
Science for the Sociology of Techniques."
Department of History, Seminar Series, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, February 26,
1985: Life in the Laboratory."
International Conference on Evolutionary Epistemology, University of Ghent, Belgium,
November, 1984: "Evolutionary Epistemology and Sociology of Science."
International Meeting on Visual Representations, Centre National des Arts et Metiers, Paris,
December, 1983: "Toward a Theory of Visual Representation."
National Museum of American History Colloquium, Washington, DC, October, 1983:
"Laboratory Life or Scientific Work. A Review of Current Ethnographic Studies of the Doing
of Science and of the Construction of Scientific Knowledge."
International Roundtable on Representations, Universite du Quebec a Montreal, Montreal,
Canada, October, 1983: "Order and Representation."
11th International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Symposion on
Scientific Culture, Quebec, Canada, August 1983: "Anthropology of Knowledge."
Boston Colloquium for the Philosophy of Science, Boston University, December, 1982: "The
Manufacture of Knowledge: Descriptive Epistemology of Scientific Work."
Society for the Social Study of Science, Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, October, 1982:
"Xeno's Paradox and the Sociology of Scientific Discovery."
American Sociological Association, Annual Meeting, Session on Contemporary Issues in
Theory, September, 1982: "Toward a Reconception of Macrosocial Order" and Panel on
Action Theory (invited panel discussant).
Distinguished Lecture Series in Organizational Science, Georgia Institute of Technology,
Atlanta, GA, July, 1982: "Toward a Transorganizational Theory of Organization."
Eriss Conference, Lake Cazenovia, NJ, June, 1981: "Ethnography of Scientific Work:
Theoretical Challenges and Empirical Results."
Conference on Knowledge Use, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, March, 1981: "Time
and Context in Practical Action" (Invited paper) and "Post Positivist Epistemology and
Knowledge Use." (Invited luncheon address discussant).
Conference on Discovery Strategies in the Psychology of Action, Reimers Foundation, Bad
Homburg, Germany, January, 1981: "Comments on the Analysis of Situated Social Action."
Habilitation Lecture, University of Bielefeld, Department of Sociology, Bielefeld, Germany,
January, 1981: "Diskursanalyse als Soziale Theorie und Soziologische Methode."
The University of Michigan, Institute for Social Research Lectures, November, 1980: "The
Temporality and Contextuality of Knowledge Use: Some Fundamental Questions."
Symposium on Social Studies of Laboratory Life, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY,
November, 1980: "The Problem of Micro- and Macro-relations in Social Practice."
Conference on Science and Technology Studies: Toronto 80, 4S Society, Toronto, Canada,
October, 1980: "Theoretical Challenges Posed by the Anthropological Perspective" and PSA
Society: "The Analysis of Discourse and Text."
University of Delaware Luncheon Seminar Series, Newark, DE, September, 1980: "The
Political Utilization of Social Science Knowledge and Research: Discrepant Attitudes and
Subversive Action."
Seminar on Societal Utilization of Scientific and Technological Research, Unesco and
research Committee on Science and Politics, Castle du Pont d'Oye, Belgium, April, 1980.
Invited author of the theme paper of the meeting.
Seminar Series, Department of Sociology, University of Columbia, January, 1980, "Discourse
Symposium Theory of Knowledge and Science Policy, University of Ghent, Belgium,
December, 1979: same paper as before.
Conference on the Social Process of Scientific Investigation, McGill University, Montreal,
Canada, October, 1979: "The Scientist as an Analogical Reasoner: A Critique of the Metaphor
Theory of Innovation."
Conference on the Social Process of Scientific Investigation, University of Bielefeld,
Germany, June, 1979: "The Structure of Research Process: Method Reconsidered."
Department of History and Sociology of Science Colloquia, University of Pennsylvania,
March, 1979: "The Scientific Construction of Reality: Some Notes on a Research Program."
Fury Conference, Reimers Foundation, Bad Homburg, Germany, January, 1979: Sociology of
Knowledge or Political Economy of Truth?"
Conference on Nouvelles methodes d'analyse des contenues scientifiques, Maison des
Sciences de l'Homme, Paris, May, 1978: "Contextuality and Indexicality of Organizational
Action: Toward a Contextual Theory of Organization."
Science Studies Unit, University of Bielefeld, Bielefeld, Germany, February, 1978:
"Erkenntnis- und Verwertungsbedingungen Sozialwissenschaftlicher Forschung im
Politischen System" and "Wissenschaftliches Feld und Forschungsprozeß: Vorbemerkungen
zu einer Theorie der Produktion und Reproduktion von Erkenntnis.
Institute d'histoire et de sociopolitique des sciences, Universite de Montreal, Montreal, June,
1977: "The Organization and Performance of Research Units."
Herbert M. Evans History of Science Lectures, University of California, Berkeley, CA, June,
1977: "Scientific Method: A Constructivist and Instrumentalist Interpretation."
Symposium on the Analysis of Scientific Discourse, The Salk Institute, San Diego, CA, April,
1977: "The Fabric of Scientific Discourse: Prelude to a Positive Epistemology."
Western Regional Research Center Seminar Series, Berkeley, CA, March, 1977: "Scientific
Productivity: What it Relates to and What We Can and Cannot Measure."
Annual Meeting, Society for Social Studies of Science, Ithaca, New York, Nov. 4-6, 1976,
Sessions: " Policymakers' Use of Social Science Knowledge : symbolic or Instrumental?”,
“The Comparative Study on the Organization and Performance of Research Units.”
13th Working Conference of the International Comparative Study on the Organization and
Performance of Research Units, Vienna, April, 1976: same paper as before, and "Leadership
and Group Performance: A Positive Relationship in Academic Research Units."
European Parex Conference on the Role of Organizations in Orienting Scientific Research,
Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna, July, 1976: "Individual Publication Productivity: A
Social Position Effect."
The Polish Academy of Science, Warsaw, Poland, June, 1976: "The Nature of Scientific
Consensus and the Case of the Social Sciences."
Austrian Day of Sociology 1975. Section: Professionalization and Research. Austria, 1975:
“Die politische Instrumentalisierung der Sozialwissenschaft.”
Symposium on the Forms of Institutionalization of Science, Köln, Germany, December, 1975:
"Institutionelle Bedingungen Sozialwissenschaftlicher Forschung in Österreich."
12th Working Conference of the International Comparative Study on the Organization and
Performance of Research Units, Szeged, Hungary, December 1975: "Models of
Administrative Effectiveness in Organizations."
Vienna Roundtable on the Market for Policy Research, Vienna, September-October, 1975:
"The Political Utilization of the Social Sciences and the Research Institute."
Conference on Determinants and Controls of Scientific Development, Graz, Austria, June,
1974: "On the Concept of Progress and the Growth of Knowledge."
University of Chicago, Recent Doctoral Dissertation supervised
Yan, Jin. In Progress. “Alchemy of Information: The Rise of Financial News in Reform
China.” Department of Sociology.
Chad Borkenhagen. In Progress. “The Rationalization of Creativity.” Department of
David Lubin. In Progress. “Systems of Finance: Local Markets and Global Networks.”
Department of Sociology.
Chen Chen. In Progress. “Making Couples: Intimacy and Materiality in Contemporary China”
Department of Anthropology.
Teplitzkiy, Misha. March 2016. “Judgments of Scientific Quality and their Effects on
Published Knowledge and its Diffusion.”
Zoe Nyssa. Completed 2015. “Studying Biodiversity, Saving Biodiversity "Mission-Based"
Research in Conservation Science.” Conceptual and Historical Studies of Science.
Steve Rosenberg. Completed 2015. “Buying Time: A Theory of Mass Consumption as Wage
Labor Commensuration” Department of Sociology.
Michael Di Giovine. April 2012. “ Making Saints, (Re-)Making Lives: Pilgrimage and
Revitalization in the Land of St. Padre Pio of Pietrelcina” Department of Anthropology.
Eitan Wilf. May 2011. “Swinging within the Iron Cage. The Institutionalization of Creative
Practice in Postsecondary Jazz Education.” Dept. of Anthropology
Vanessa Arena. 2010. “ETHICS INC. A Sociological Account of the Contemporary Market
for Corporate Social Responsibility.”
Erica Coslor. August 2010. “The Exchange Biography of Art: Value Construction, Rules of
Exchange and Financial Investment Logics in the Market for Contemporary Art.”
Zack Kertcher. April 2010. “Collective Innovation: Changing Technology, Practice and
Organization across Fields.”
Rachel Harvey. August 2008. “Duty to Firm and Market: The Subsectional and
sociocultureal constitution of the London Gold Fixing on Golbal Financial Market.”
Phaedra Daipha. August 2007. “Masters of Uncertainty: Weather Forecasters and the Quest
for Ground Truth.”
Dissertations (co)supervised in other universities and countries
Sophia Li. In Progress. „Accounting and Accountability: Regulating Value Across Financial
Crises.” (Paul DiMaggio, Adam Goldstein, Miguel Centeno, Karin Knorr Cetina)
Nicolai Ruh. In Progress. „The Universe Believes in Encryption – Netzaktivismus und
postsoziale Imaginationen in den USA und Deutschland.“ University of Konstanz (Chair
Karin Knorr Cetina).
Alexander Dobeson. Completed and Published, January 2016. “Being and Fishing. The
Digitalization of Fishing Industries in Sweden.” Unversity of Uppsala, Sweden (Chair
Professor Patrik Aspers).
Andrej Svorenčík. Completed January 2015. “History of Experimental Economics.” Utrecht
School of Economics (Chair Professor Harro Maas).
University of Konstanz, M.A. Thesis – Reviewer
2001- 2010: 22 Theses
University of Konstanz, B.A. Thesis – Reviewer
2001- 2010: 60 Theses