Donpeacorite, (MnrMg)MgSi2O61 r n€\il orthopyroxene and its
Donpeacorite, (MnrMg)MgSi2O61 r n€\il orthopyroxene and its
American Mineralogist, Volume 69, pages 4724E0, 194 Donpeacorite,(MnrMg)MgSi2O61r n€\il orthopyroxeneand its proposedphase relations in the systemMnSiO3r-MgSiO3-FeSiO3' Enrcn U. PBrr,nseN.2LewneNce M. ANovrrz, nNo Enrc J. EsseNn Department of Geological Sciences University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 Abstract occurs in a manganiferouspod in the A Mn-rich orthopyroxene Mgl.alMns.5oCao.orSizOe, marble units near Balmat, N. Y. The pyroxene coexists with triodite, tourmaline, ferrian braunite, manganoandolomite, and hedyphane.Refinementof the crystal structure of the pyroxene (spacegroup Pbca) showsthat as expectedvirtually all of the Mn is located in the M2 site and the generalformula is therefore (Mn,Mg)MgSi2O6.BecauseMn is completely ordered into the M2 site and comprises over 50 percent of that site, the mineral is a new orthopyroxene. It has been named donpeacoriteafter Donald R. Peacor in recognition of his work on pyroxenes and manganeseminerals. The unit cell parameters are a = is biaxial 18.384(ll),b : 8.87E(7), c : 5.226(3),2= 8,D (meas.): 3.36(l).Donpeacorite negativewith 2V* : 88', Alc, a = 1.677(2),B : 1.684(2),y = 1.692(2).It is yellow-orange with a vitreousluster and has an approximatehardnessof5-6 with perfect(ll0) cleavages. The occurrence of donpeacorite and published data for metamorphic pyroxenes and pyroxenoids permit modeling of a phasediagramfor the system MnSiOrMgSiO3-FeSiO3. The diagram is dominated by extensive fields for solid solutions of orthopyroxene and of pyroxmangite, with a small field inferred for kanoite (MnMgSizOo,C2lc clinopyroxene)and a three-phasefield for ferroan kanoite, manganoanhypersthene,and magnesianpyroxmangite. Introduction SeveralMn-bearing minerals have been describedfrom the manganoan pods in the Balmat, New York area including tirodite (Rosset al.,1969), magnesianrhodonite (Peacoret al., 1978),calcian kanoite, braunite,and hollandite(Brown et al., 1979;Gordon et al., l98l). Typically these minerals at Balmat form pink- to buff-colored rocks which contrast strikingly with the enclosing rocks. They may fluorescea deep red when exposedto ultraviolet light and thus have received attention well beyond their abundance. Spectacular yellow-orange rocks containing an unusual Mn-rich pyroxene were collected on the 2500level of the Balmat No. 4 Mine and provided for our study by John T. Johnson and William delorraine of the St. Joe Zinc Company,Balmat, N. Y. X-ray difraction studies and a structure refinement of the pyroxene indicate that it is orthorhombic and completely ordered with over half of the M2 site occupied by Mn. This orthopyroxene therefore qualifies as a new mineral and has been named donpeacoriteafter Dr. Donald R. Peacor t Contribution No. 3E9from the Mineralogical Laboratory of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109. 2 Present address: Department of Geology and Geophysics, The University of Utah, Salr Lake City, Utah 84112. 0003--0Mx84/0506-0472$02. 00 of the University of Michigan Department of Geological Sciences, in recognition of his work with manganese minerals,as well as with pyroxenesand pyroxenoids. The name donpeacoriteapplies to the ordered orthopyroxene of endmembercomposition MnMgSi2O6.Thus the mineral describedherein is DpseEnar.Both the mineral and the name donpeacoritehas been approved by the I.M.A. Commission on New Minerals and Mineral Names (A. Kato, written connunication, 1982). Type material is preserved at the Smithsonian Institution, Washington D. C. Mn-rich pyroxenes and pyroxenoids have recently received much attention (Peterset aL, 1977;Peacoret al', 1978;Albrecht, 1980;Albrecht and Peters, 19E0;Brown et al., 1980:Brown and Huebner, l98l; Gordon et al., l98l). Brown et al. (1980)assembledthe then available compositional data and inferred phaseequilibria at metamorphic temperatures corresponding to the amphibolite facies for three faces of the RSiO3tetrahedron (R = CaMg-Fe-Mn). With the recent discovery of the unusually Mn-rich orthopyroxene donpeacorite at Balmat, N. Y. it is now possible to infer the general topology of a phase diagram for the remaining Mn-Mg-Fe face of the RSiO3 tetrahedron. In this paper we describe this mineral and evaluate the pertinent metamorphic phase equilibria. 472 473 PETERSEN ET AL.: DONPEACORITE Occurrence and associations The manganoanorthopyroxene described in this paper occurs in manganese-richsiliceous marbles. Manganeserich pods are scattered within several of the mappable siliceousmarble units at Balmat, N. Y. (Brown et al., 1980).These marbles, which are common throughout the Adirondack Lowlands (Engel and Engel, 1953) were metamorphosedto the upper amphibolite facies (Buddington, 1939)during the 1.0b.y. old Grenville orogeny. Recent estimates of peak metamorphic conditions at Balmat yield 6.5-rl kbar and 650-+30'C(Brown et al., 1978;Bohlen er al., 1980). Donpeacorite occurs as l-3 mm interlocking grains making up over 50 percent (modal abundance) of a massivecoarse-grainedyellow-orange rock. The groundmass consists mainly of the fibrous Mn-Mg amphibole tirodite (40 percent modal abundance),with minor tourmaline, ferrian braunite, manganoan dolomite, hedyphaneJike apatite and anhydrite. The tirodite, which is closely associatedwith the orthopyroxene, is faint orange in hand specimen and colorless in thin-section. The subhedral orthopyroxene is pale buff in hand specimen and faintly pink in thin section. It shows no evidence of twinning or exsolution. Refractive indices were determined in oil on a crystal grain mount (Table l). The 2V was measured on a universal stage using hemispheres with refractive index equal to 1.65 and making no tilt corr6ctions (Table 1). Chemistry The pyroxene, amphibole, tourmaline, braunite and hedyphanewere analyzed using the University of Michigan ARL-EMXelectron microprobe utilizing wavelength dispersive techiques. The operating conditions were 15 kV, 150 plA emission current and 0.015 pA sample current. The standardsused were Marjalahti olivine for Si Tablel. Opticalandunit cell parameters ofdonpeacorite DonDeacorite B Y Y-q 2Vr(neas.) a(8) b(ff) ctff) v(R3) D(calc) space group *All **All optical Propert'les r.677(2) 1 . 6 8 42() 1.692(2) 0.015 8 8 (s ) Unlt Cell Paramters r 8 . 3 8 41(l ) 8 . 8 7 97( ) 5.226(3') 8 5 3 . 1(27 0 ) 3.403(2) Pbca Enstati te* Table 2. Electron microprobe analysis of donpeacorite and tirodite Fonnulr orld. t|llcht P$c.nt orthoPJ'roranaSr Sl02 AlZ03 l,ln0 il90 Fe04 C!0 ilrA0 Totrl Sl0Z AlA03 iln0 il90 Fe04 Ca0 lla20 Total Sl02 Tl02 41203 reoa tl90 tiln0 Cr0 ilazo Kzo 55.12 0.23 18.f8 26.31 0.14 0.69 0.03 100.00 54.64 0.16 20,22 24,12 nd 0.82 nd 99.96 st AI l,ln il9 Fe Cr l{a 0 riln st AI iln l,tg 1.983 0.010 0.563 1.411 0.004 0.027 0.003 5.989 0.28 2.009 0.007 0.630 t.322 F. Ca lla 0 xiln3 Tlrodlte2 55.20 sr nd TI L.47 A ll v Alvl 0.30 Fe2+ 22.72 Irtg 9.47 tiln 4.77 Ca 1.18 l{a nd K Ba nd L.26 OH 0.69 F 0.01 ct -0. ?9 0 0.032 6.013 0.32 7.9{8 0.052 0.197 0.036 4.876 l.155 0.736 0,330 8a0 1.210 H2Q5 0.314 F 0.003 cl 22.479 0.F' Cl t6.?8 Total nd, not detected: lllorilrllzed to 4 catlons; 2ronnallzedas x+Y+2.15 rlth all l{a ln A sltei 3xm+tn/(ttn++tg);4All Fe assunedas Fe2+; scalculated. 1.649 1.653 1.657 0.008 r25 18.214(4)n 8 . 8 1 8 (2 ) 5 . t t 1( ? \ 831.483 3.21 Pbca optlcal drta fron Deer, Howlernd Zussman(1978). unlt cell paramters from Hawthorneand lto (1977) and Mg, Ingamells almandinefor Al, synthetic rhodonite for Mn, ANU wollastonite for Ca, Irving kaersutitefor Fe and plagioclase (Anaj for Na. Corrections for ZAF effects were made using the program EMrADRvII (Rucklidge and Gasparrini, 1969).Two chemical analysesare given in Table 2. The orthopyroxene is rich in manganese, sample I having composition Mg1.a1Mnn.56Cao.orAlo.or and sample 2 Mg1.32Mns.63Caa.s3Alo.e1Si2.s O6.s1(Fig. 1). The tirodite has significant Ca replacing Mn like those describedby Ross et al. (1969).The tourmaline is intermediate between uvite and dravite (Uva6Dr5a)and is much like the specimenwhose structure was refined by Buerger et al. (1962).Semiquantitativeanalysesof braun- PETERSENET AL.: DONPEACORITE 474 MgMnSirO6 FeMnSi205 Table 3. Principal diffraction lines for donpeacorite Fe2Si205 lMg2Si2 06 Fig. l. Orthopyroxenequadrilateralillustratingthe donpeacoritecompositional field andplot of donpeacorite analyses. ite and hedyphane show that the braunite is ferrian and the hedyphaneis phosphorian. X-ray crystallography Donpeacorite and tirodite crystals were studied using single-crystalX-ray techniques. Weissenbergand precission photographs indicated that donpeacorite is orthorhombic. The pattern of extinctions is consistent with space group Pbca, the most commonly reported space group for orthopyroxenes (Cameron and Papike, 1980, l98l), and thus it is isostructural with enstatite and hypersthene. Lattice parameters for donpeacorite, refined by least-squaresutilizing data from a lolmin. powder diffractometer pattern internally standardized with quartz, are given in Table 1 and the diffraction data in Table 3. Some of the tirodite displays a faint, light-blue schiller of the kind commonly causedby submicroscopic exsolution lamellae. Exsolution relations have been described in the manganoanamphiboles from the Balmat areaby Rosset al. (1969).The presenceof submicroscopic exsolution lamellae in our samples was confirmed by Weissenbergphotographs which showed a predominant phase having space group P2lm intergrown with a much less abundant amphibole, presumably with space group Alm. Since the standard chemical analysis does not permit an unambiguous structural formula to be calculated, a complete pyroxene structure refinement was undertaken to determine if Mn is ordered into the M2 site. Intensity data were obtained from a cleavagefragment measuring approximately 0.08 x 0.09 x 0.19 mm mounted for rotation about the c-axis on a Weissenberg-geometry difiractometer. A Super-Paceautomated diffractometer system was used with MoKa radiation monochromated by a flat graphite crystal and measuredwith a scintillation counter. A scan was made across each reflection and backgroundwere measuredon each side. The intensities of 1096 reflections were measured, of which 295 had intensitiesbelow the minimum observablevalues, up to a sine theta limit of 0.461, for /r = 0-24, k : 0-12 and / = 05. All intensities were corrected for Lorenz-polarization and absorption efects (p(Moka) : 28.810 cm-r). A modified version of the program ABSRrwritten by C. W. Burnham was used for the absorption corrections. The structure refinement was initiated using parameters for the structure of orthoenstatite eiven bv Haw- lllo d ( o b s .) 10 100 l0 10 4.03 3.24 3.18 3.09 2.96L 4.01,4.05 3,22 3.19 3.060 2.962 DU 9 9 9 4 2.896 2.847 2.724 2.551 2.531 2.896 2.848 2.725 2.551 2,533 10 8 J 2 5 5 9 6 11 1l d ( c a l c .) hkl 220, 2ll* 411 420, 221 500' 3?t* 510* 511* 42L* 131* 6ll* 2.510 2.516 202* 2 . 4 8 7 , 2 . 4 9 0 2.488,2.490,2.493 Ltz, 23t, szl 2.404 2.406 302 2.022 2,025 422 2.04L 2,040,2.041 141,820 2.071 7.9947 1.7420 1.4950 1.4794 1.4019 2.073,2.076 sr?, 721 C u K ar a d i a t j o n ; * P e a k su s e d i n r e f i n e m n t . thorne and lto (1977).The program RFrNE2 (Finger and Prince, 1975)was employed using the scatteringfactors of Doyle and Turner (1968),and the weighting schemeof Cruickshank(1965).During the early stagesofthe refinement the scalefactor and atom coordinates were refined, while the occupanciesof Ml and M2 were held constant with 100%Mg. In later cycles, refinement of occupancy factors for Ml and M2 was alternated with cycles in which coordinatesand/or anisotropic temperaturefactors were refined. The final unweighted R-value was 5.6 percent for all reflections, and 5.0 percent for all unrejected reflections. Reflections with intensities below the minimum observablevalue, and those with large individual R-values(R > 0.5) were rejected.Final atom positions and temperature factors are listed in Table 4; selected interatomic distancesand anglesare listed in Table 5; and magnitudesand orientations of the thermal ellipsoids are given in Table 6. The calculated and observed structure factors are listed in Table 7.3 The final refinement showed an Ml site occupancy of 1.02(l) Mg (and -0.02(l) Mn) and an M2 site occupancy of 0.47(l) Mg and 0.53(l) Mn. Thus the manganese appearsto be completely ordered into the M2 site within the sensitivity of the method. Comparisonof the suggested composition with that obtained by electron microprobe analysis (first analysis in Table 2) shows that this result is in very good agreement.Analysis 2, which contains slightly more Mn, was obtained on another samplefrom the same locality. Small amounts of Ca and Fe in the structure are approximately accounted for by the Mn form factor and Al is accounted for by the Mg form factor. The differencesfrom the actual analysesare 3 To receivea copy of Table7 order DocumentAM-84-241 from the businessoffice,Mineralogical Societyof America,200 Florida Avenue,NW, WashingtonD. C. 20009.Pleaseremit $1.00in advancefor the microfiche. 475 PETERSENET AL.: DONPEACORITE Table 4. Final atom positions and anisotropic temperaturefactors (x l0-5) Bzz Btt Bgs \z Bta Bzs l(s) -11(4) -7(4) -10(4) -10(10) -rs(7) -16(e) -13(e) 3 (1 3 ) 10(l0) 4(14) 20(20) l0( 20) 40(2) -30(20) -30(10) 30(20) 20(20) -80(40) -10(50) -30(s0) M1 n2 siA siB 0 . 3 7 s 11( 0 . 3 7 7 61( 0.27L?(L 0.4749( 1 ( 2) 0.6543 ( 1) 0.4801 0 . 3 4 1 31() 0 . 3 3 8 21() 0.872r(3) 0.3684( 2) 0.0484( 3) 0.7e4e( 3) sl(5) 66(3) s6(4) 4 5 3( ) 2s0(20) 340(10) 220(l0) 220(r0) 550(70) 630(50) 520(60) 600(60) 0rA 02A 034 0.1833(2) ( 2) 0.309e 0 . 3 0 1 72() 0.3379(3) 0 .s 0 2 2 ( 3 ) 0.22s2(4) 0.0407( 7) ( 6) 0.0467 0.822?(7) 68(e) 48(8) 72(8) 300(40) 280(30) 4r0(40) 610(r40) 870(140) 7r0(140) 01B 028 038 0. s632( 2) 0.4349( 2) o.447s(z',) ( 3) 0.3402 0.4872(4) ( 4) 0.2050 0 . 7 9 8(r7 ) 0.7028(7') 0.s902(7) s8(8) 77(sl 64(8) 360(40) 330(40) 430(40) 4r0(140) 1190( rs0) 820( r30) probably somewhat greater than the occupancy factors suggest,but therefore well within the reasonablerangeof compositional variation in this sample. Comparison of the detailed structure data obtained for donpeacorite with that for other (Mn,Mg) pyroxenes Table5. Selectedinteratomicdistancesandanqles siA-01A siA-02A siA-03A si A-034' (siA-o) 1.516(4) 1 . 5 0 0 3( ) l . 6 4 2( 4 ) 1.5se4 () L.629 srB-olB siB-028 srB-038 stB-038' (sia-o) t.624(4) 1.s86(4) 1.670(4) 1.671(4) r.638' r,t1-0lA r,r1-0lA' titl-02A ]it1-0lB itl-0lB' !,t1-028 (lr-o) 2.036( 4) 2.r41(4) 2.202(4) 2.068( 4) 2.L87(41 2.049( 4) 2.114 it2-0lA j42-02A r42-034 itz-03A, it2-0lB ]42-028 ti'|2-038 r,r2-038, 2 . 1 5 63() 2.r04(4) 2.33714) 3.s42( 3) 2 .l l e (3 ) 2.044(4) 2.540( 4) 2.se4(4) 2,278 0lB-028 0lB-038 0lB-038, 028-038 028-038, 038-038, 2.740(5) 0lB-si B-028 0lB-si B-038 0 l B - s i8 - 0 3 8 , 028-StB-038 028-St8-038' 038-Si8-038, r17.2(2) 1 0 7 .(32 ) 108.2( 2) (2) 10e.3 r04.s(2) 1 0 9 . 71() 109.4 01A-0lA 0lA-02A 01A-0lB 01A-028 018-0lA 018-02A 018-18 018-028 01A-02A 02A-025 02B-0lB 018-01A (3) 3.041 2.e78(5) 2.828( 6) (5) 2.806 2.839(5 ) 2 . 8 4(1s ) 3.061(3) 3.030( 5) ( s) 3.001 ( 2.e21s) 3 . 2 3 2s() 2.828(6) 2.95L 01A-Ml-01A 01A-Ml-02A 01A-Ml-018 01A-Ml-028 018-M1-0lA 018-M1-02A 018-Ml-018 018-Ml-028 01A-il1-02A 02A-l,ll-028 028-M1-018 018-r.,rl0lA e 3 . 4 (l ) e l . 3 (l ) 8 4 . 8 (I ) 176.9(2) 8 4 . 4 (l ) 172.e(r) e 2 . 0 (1) (o-n-o) e s . 32() e 5 . 4l() e l . 8 (2) 94.8(2) 8 1 . 62() 104.6 01A-018 01A-028 01A-02A 01A-03A 018-028 0lB-02A 018-038 028-03A 028-038, 02A-03A 02A-038 02A-038 03A-038, 03A-038 03A-038, 2 . 8 2 8 6( 2 . 8 0 65 ( 2.952(5 3 . 6 7 05( 3 . 0 3 5s( (o-o) 2.733(3 2.997 01A-fil2-018 01A-r.,r2-028 01A-M2-02A 01A-M2-03A 018-M2-028 0lB-M2-02A 0lB-it2-038' 028-M2-03A 028-til2-038' 028-t42-038 02A-M2-03A 02A-142-038' 02A-r,r2-038 02A-li|2-038' 03A-lil2-038 8 2 . 61() 83.s(1) 87.s(1) roe.1(1) s 3 . 61() 8 4 . 51() 123.7(I ) r 1 4 . 9I() 58.1(1) r04.4(l ) 5 8 . 8r() 12e. e(r ) 84.s(l) 69.4(l) 7 4 . 3l() 03A-03A-03A r 6 3 . 81() (r'rz-o) (o-o) (o-o) 2 . 6 s 4s() 2.670( s) 2.6s7(s) 2.s83(s) 2 . 7 3(35 ) 2.673 2.841(s 3.032(s 3 . 6 9 7s( 2 . 5 8 35( 2.52s(s 3.084( s 3.r38(5 3.084( 5 2.9s0( s (o-siB-o) (o-r'rz-o) 038-038-038 01 2 1 4 5 . 0 3( ) s(12) -20(20't 3(4s) ls0(50) 20(10) lo(30) -20(10) -7(24') -2r0(60) (Hawthorneand Ito, 1977;Gordonet al.,l98l) allows the effects of this ordering to be observed. The (Ml-O) bond length of orthoenstatite is 2.076A, while that for donpeacorite is 2.0844. If Mn is indeed completely ordered into M2 (and therefore Mg in Ml), the (Ml-O) distancesof donpeacorite and orthoenstatite should be quite similar, as indeedthey are. As severalauthors (Hawthorn and lto, 1977; Cameron and Papike, 1980) have noted that the (Ml-O) bond lengXhis strongly a function of the cation radius, this comparison suggestsstrongly that Mg is the dominant cation in the Ml site. The slightly larger (Ml-O) distance may, however, indicate that some Mn or Fe is presentin this site. Comparisonof the (M2-O) distancesshows significant differences between donpeacorite and other pyroxenes. Table6. Magnitudeandorientationof the principalaxesof the thermalelipsoids Angle to: RilS Dlsplacilent siA stB A axls B axls C axls 0.084(6) 0.0e3(4) 0.0ee(4) 76120) 162(221 7e(22, 7r(r2l 7s(24) 2s(1e) 24(14) 81(m) u1(13) 0.089(3) 0.107(2) 0,117(2) 72(61 154(7) 108(8) 7714) 104(8) 19(7) 2r(6) 69(6) e6(4) 0.082(4) 0.093(3) 0 . 1 0 23( ) 7e(9) L22lr4l 1o7lr2l 146(13) 117(14) 108(8) 0.085( 3) 0.090(3) 0.099(3) 32(15) 101(27) 60(10) 74(r7l 12e(r6) 136(16) 63(24) 42(19) lr8(r5) o.oe8(lo) 0.r08(7) 0.113(7) 103(18) 163(3e) 7e(s8) 6e(14) 84(57) 22(2ol 25(17') 106(25) ro9(22) 0.086(8) 0.107(7) 0.111(8) 2r(14) L07l22l 7e(271 r1l(15) 146(60) 65(70) e2(15) 62(75) 28176) 0.100(8) 0.116(7) 0.129(6) 51122) l3e(23) 78(l7l 86(12) 72(2rl le(2r) 3e(2r) 54122) 104(16) 34(14) 2r(8) ee(13) I 2 3 0.074(12) 72114) 0.103(7) 162(ls) 86(16) 0.120(7) 89(7) 85(r6) 5(r6) 18(14) t 2 3 0.104(7) 0.116(7) 0.141(7) lr3(2s) r54(e3) 77(Lrl 32(r4l ro5(24) 6 2 (e ) r12(13) 68(14) I 2 0.09s(8) 0.10s(7) 0.140(6) 68(34) 157(33) e5(8) ? 60(8) 83(19) 31(7) 72(r4) 92(8) 3r(rr) 3e(221 68(2e) r20(7) 476 PETERSEN ET AL.: DONPEACORITE In order to limit problems due to variable M2 coordination, only average values for the six closest oxygens (OlA, O2A, O3A, OlB, O2B, O3B) will be compared. The (M2-O) distancefor orthoenstatiteis 2.1494, thar for donpeacorite is 2.2lEA, and kanoite and manganoan diopside yield 2.2994 and 2.495A, respectively. The value for kanoite has been re-averaged from that in Gordon et al. (1981)to account for only the six closest oxygens. As these last two pyroxenes differ structurally from donpeacorite (space groups P2lc and CZc, respectively), they are not strictly comparable,but should show a similar trend. Comparison of the (M2-O) bond length of orthoenstatite with that for clinoenstatite (2.1424, space group P21lc, Ohashi and Finger, 1976) suggests that kanoite is a reasonable analog for a more manganoan donpeacoritein this respect. The occupancy reported for the M2 site in a sample of clinopyroxene with exsolved kanoite by Gordon et al. (1981)is 0.86 Mn, 0.14 Mg. Extrapolating linearly from orthoenstatite and this kanoite to a stoichiometric-(1:l) Mn-Mg end-memberyields (M2-O) equal to 2.3234. For the structural effects, we predict a (M2-O) value for donpeacoriteof 2.239A, which is only slightly larger than that actually observed. If the kanoite value is corrected downward approximately 0.014 to correct for the structural differences, the predicted (M2-O) for donpeacoriteis 2.n44, which is still larger than the measuredvalue. Hawthorne and lto (1977) show that the relationship between (M2-O) and composition may not be exactly linear, and suggesta conection basedon the degree of bond-length distortion A: l6 a:r) t(n,-R)1R1, 6 ,:, where R is the mean bond length and R; is the individual bond length. The value calculatedfor donpeacoriteis 5.86 x l0-3 which would-give an approximate correction (their Fig. 5) of -0.08A. Using the above approximation corrected for spacegroup structural effects, we predict a (M2-O) bond length ot 2.2264 for donpeacorite, within error of the measuredvalue. A commonly discussedfeature of the pyroxene structure (Papikeetal.,1973; Hawthorn and lto, 1977;Cameron and Papike,1980,t98l; Gordonet al., 19El)is the 03O3-O3 angle, which describes the degree of rotation of the tetrahedralchains from the ideal 180'conformation of a straight chain. As the two tetrahedral chains in Pbca pyroxenes are not symmetrically related, there are two such angles in donpeacorite, 163.8ofor the A-chain and 146,0'for the B-chain.Comparisonwith other pyroxenes (Cameron and Papike, l9E0) shows that the A-chain rotation falls near the averagerotation reported, but the B-chain angle is at the extreme upper end of the reported range. The averagecation radius in the Ml and M2 sites (Shannon and Prewitt, 1969) is approximatelv 0.75A. Comparing this with the plot of average cation ionic radius versus chain angle given by Cameron and Papike (19E0,Fig. 28) the A-chain angle agreeswell while the Bchain is nearly 2o higher than the trend shown by other orthopyroxenes.The scatter in the data suggeststhat 03O3-O3 angles are not a simple function of cation ionic radius. A similar approach cannot be used to study the relationship between cation ordering and the O3-O3-O3 angles. These angles are quite different in ortho- and clinoenstatite and thus kanoite cannot be used to predict the values for donpeacorite. In addition, as the tetrahedral chainscoordinateboth octahedralsites, their orientations should reflect an average cation property rather than properties of the individual octahedra. The (Mg,Fe) orthopyroxenesmay be used to model the effect of cation ordering on the O3-O3-O3 angle. Burns (1970)has noted that Fe should order into the M2 site in orthopyroxene due to Jahn-Teller efects. The O3-O303 angle for the A and B chains may be plotted against Fe/(Fe + Mg) or averageoctahedral cation radius for the seriesorthoenstatite-orthoferrosilite(Fie. 2). The A-chain angle increasescontinuously over this range, but the Bchain angle reaches a peak at about 50VoFe, and then levels out and may even decreasetowards orthoferrosilite. This suggeststhat the B-chain angle is more sensitive to the cation in M2 than the cation in Ml, and will therefore reflect ordering into the M2 site. The O3-O3-O3 angles of donpeacorite and a manganoan orthoenstatite synthesized by Hawthorne and Ito (1977) are shown as a function of average octahedral cation radius in Figure 2. While there are insufficient data to be sure whether the (Mn,Mg) orthopyroxenes follow a trend similar to that shown by the (Mg,Fe) orthopyroxenes,the trend suggestedby the three availablepoints on this join at least suggeststhat more than average cation radius affects the O3-O3-O3 angles. Discussion Donpeacorite at Balmat occurs in the amphibolite facies, well down-gradefrom the orthopyroxene isograd Mcon 0ctohadrol Colion Rolio o72 oto o.6e o66 074 t7o r o 165 a n o rov I r+s I n B- Choin t40 t35 oo o2 o6 o4 o8 to T#fr. Fig. 2. O3-O3-O3 angle for (Fe,Mg) orthopyroxenes. Sourcesof data: solid circles-Burnham et al. (1971);Dodd et al. (1975);Ghose(1965);Ghoseand Wan (1973);Kosoi et al. (1974); Miyamoto et al. (1975); Smyth (1973); Sueno et al. (1976); Takeda (1972); Takeda and Ridley (1972). Open squareHawthorne and Ito (1977).Open circle-This paper. 477 PETERSEN ET AL.: DONPEACORITE ---:l:---fa\ --_"€;r___ \i\ \\ \ -mss \ \'r | \ \'\r' ', \. . | \ ,, \,| r \ . \ \ 'r, .... r'\, \t\ t. ',. tt psss \ \\ \\ \ oens - \\ \ \\ \ \\ \ \ \ \ rzTr ' '.... tt. rr , t{n)r t..ta '.\.. !tza!\. 'tr.t.. '\'\ \\ . \. L--------\ i !\, \)..i,",i\ \ \ Rhs" \ r..x.). t.. \ Itr. ta \ \\ ''",. r \\ \\ \'"ll .\ r ', Xunsioo Fig. 3. Two possible configurations of phase equilibria in the system MnSiO3-MgSiO3 consistent with lto's (1972) hightemperature phase equilibria and with our observations at metamorphic temperatures. Fig. 3a assumes that lto's manganoan clinopyroxene shows complete solid solution to kanoite. Fig. 3b is drawn assumingthat Ito's clinopyroxene disproportionatesto orthopyroxene and kanoite similar to pigeonite equilibria in the system CaSiQ-MgSiO3-FeSi03. The effect of Mn on the orthopyroxene polymorphs is hypothetical but is chosen to avoid interfering with the data of Ito and ours at metamorphic temperatures. that marks the transition from the amphibolite facies to the granulite facies (Engel and Engel, 1955).The presence of donpeacorite in a marble, however, should not be expectedto correspondto the appearanceof hypersthene in a metabasite;the substitution of manganesein enstatite or dilution of the fluid phase by CO2 in the marble may well have locally extendedthe stability of the orthopyroxene * fluid assemblageat Balmat. Even there the occurrences of manganoanpyroxenes are extremely rare and localities for tirodite (and "hexagonite") are widespread, suggestingthat only locally were bulk rock and fluid compositions compatible with the generation of these pyroxenes. The distribution of MnlN4g between pyroxene and amphibole is of interest for reactions involving these phases. Ignoring for the present intracrystalline cation distributions, one may calculate the butk Kp: KoGulk) = (Mn/Mg)opx 0.630/1.320 = 2.015. 1.15514.876 Mr). Thus one would predict a Ki of 2.5 for a coexisting tirodite. MnMgSi2O6pyroxene and Mn2Mg5SiEO22(OH)2 At Balmat, Ca is also involved in these minerals' and while the manganoanorthopyroxene takes little Ca, the tirodite contains some 37%oCa in M4 (Table l). Thus Ca displaces Mn in the M4 site of amphiboles while hardly afecting the orthopyroxene and this increases the bulk Ke in Mn:Mg. It therefore appears that the Kp of (Mn/ Mg) for pyroxene compared to amphibole is strongly dependent on the availability of calcium for the amphibole. The distribution coefficient of (Mn/I\dg)betweenthe M2 site of pyroxene and the M4 site of amphibole is also instructive. Assuming all Mn in M4 of amphibole and M2 of pyroxene, as shown by the structural refinement, (Mr/Me)S3. 0.63t0.32= K^(lareesite): += (Mr/Mg)f;fr6 0.58i0.054 0.lE This calculation suggeststhat the M4 site of amphibole prefers Mn over Mg compared to M2 of pyroxene but the The partitioning of Mn vs. Mg between orthopyroxene significant Ca in the amphibole will probably also affect and amphibole may be rationalized in terms of their this Kp (large site). crystal structures. In the MrrMg system, Mn clearly No experimentaldata are yet available on the MgSiO3prefers the larger M2 site in pyroxene and the M4 site in MnSiO3 binary at metamorphic temperatures, but Ito amphibole, while Mg is partitioned into Ml in pyroxene (1972)has reported on experiments at 13fi)-1500'C. His and Ml, M2, and M3 in amphibole.Thus the approximate experiments show successive fields of orthopyroxene, upper limit of Mn:Mg expected in pyroxene is 1:l = clinopyroxene, pyroxmangite and rhodonite from MgSiO3 M2:Ml and in amphiboleit is 2:5 = 2M+:(2Mr + 2M2 + to MnSiOr, but the positionsof gapsbetweenthesefields (Mn/Mg)amph 478 PETERSEN ET AL.: DONPEACORITE present, and a three-phase field orthopyroxeness-pyroxmangitess-kanoitess must be located somewhere inside the diagram. Only two or three kanoite occurrences are known, and kanoite-donpeacorite pairs have not yet been TP reported but the manganese-rich pods of the Balmat area Pyumongite ss may yet yield this assemblage. The discovery of donpeacorite at Balmat requires some minor revisions of the Brown et al. (1980) phase diagram for the subsystem MnSiO3-MgSiO3-CaSiO3 (their Figs. 2 Pyqfer@il,E and 4) with respect to their inferred MnSiO3 solution of orthopyroxene. The field for orthopyroxene along the join should be extended towards the MgSiOrMnSiO3 OrthopyrcxeE ss clinopyroxene field such that the separation between the o oo two fields is reduced to less than 20 mole Vo. Untike the 3 o-9$ -q.&:o'8-$----s-:J CaMgSi2O6-Mg2Si2O6 system, the MnMgSi2O6-Mg2Si2O6 oo.--"FeSiOs Enslolite binary must show extensive solution in the orthopyroxFig. 4. Compilationof publishedanalysesfor the MnSiO3- ene and Mn must be much more easily accommodated FeSiO3-MgSiO3 face of the RSiO3 pyroxene-pyroxenoid than Ca in the M2 site of the orthopyroxene structure at tetrahedron. P : 4-8kbar,T = 500-700'C for mostof thepoints. metamorphic temperatures. Pyrcxrcngil,o (Rhodoitel Sources of data:FordandBradley(1913); Henry(1935); Tilley (1937);Heitanen(193E);Yosimura(1939);Kuno (1947);Lee (1955);Howie (1964);Momoi (t96a); Ewart (1967);Mason (1973);Peterset al. (1973);Marek er al. (1975);Kobayashi (1977); Krogh(1977); Petersetal.(1977); €hopin(197E); Deeret al. (197E); Murthy (1978);Schreyeret aI. (197E); Jolnso-nand Knedler(i979);Pavelescu (1980);$ivaprakash and Pavelescu (1980);Fukuoka(1981).The solid circlesare rhe analyses reportedin this paper.At the MnSiO3apexhalf shadedsquares (!).represent rhodoniteanalysesin which Xsusio.< 0.07; opensquares(-) representpyroxmangite analyses.Coexisting mineralsare connectedby solid lines and those inferred as coexistingare connected by dashedlines. Acknowledgments We would like to thank the geologicalstaff of St. Joe Minerals Corporation Balmat-EdwardsDivision for collecting and providing the samplesexamined in this study. Microprobe funds were provided by the University of Michigan. Thanks are due to the statr of the University of Michigan Microbeam Laboratory for maintenanceof the electron microprobe facility. We gratefully acknowledge the help of A. Kato in critically reviewing our submissionof donpeacoriteas a new mineralto the I.M.A. S. J. Huebner and J. M. Rice are thankedfor their thoughtful reviews. References Albrecht, J. (1980) Stability relations in the system CaSiOr CaMnSi2O6-CaFeSi2O6. Contributions to Mineralogy and Peare considerably diferent from those inferred from natutrology, 74,251-2ffi. ral assemblagesat much lower temperatures (Figs. 3a, Albrecht, J. and Peters, T. (1980)The miscibility gap between 3b). One may speculatethat Ito's (1972)clinopyroxene rhodonite and bustamite along the join MnSiO3-Casa6 (En67Rh13) is a Cllc type continuously changingcomposiMn66eSiO3.Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 74, tion with decreasing temperature to C2lc kanoite 261-269. (En5sRh5s)as shown in Figure 3a. Alternatively, Ito's Bohlen, S.R., Essene,E.J., and Hofman, K.S. (1980)Feldspar and oxide thermometry in the Adirondacks: an update. Geoclinopyroxene might be a pigeonite-typestructure disprological Societyof America Bulletin,9l, ll0-113. portionating to manganoanenstatite and kanoite at lower temperatures(Fig.3b). 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