2012 Annual Report - Parachute Butler County CASA


2012 Annual Report - Parachute Butler County CASA
As we approach 25 years of providing volunteer advocacy service to local abused and
neglected children . . . we ask ourselves . . . Are we effective? Is it worth it to SPEAK UP
FOR AN ABUSED CHILD?? The answer is Y E S!! Read on…
We at PARACHUTE: Butler County CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) are committed to ensuring
children are safe and believe children need nurturing and permanent homes. Unfortunately, many children
are innocent victims and experience pain, trauma and suffering.
• Each day, nationally four children die as a result of parental abuse and neglect.
• More than 200 calls a month were received in Butler County to report abuse and neglect.
• More than 400 Butler County children were removed from their homes and placed in protective
• More than 1,000 court hearings were held to determine the safety and best interest of 685 local
We know abuse and neglect of children continues to happen but we believe people are more informed and
are more determined to be part of the solution. PARACHUTE staff and CASA volunteers were active in
providing input on critical issues regarding children’s need for safety, security and services to promote healing.
People continue to volunteer and speak up for vulnerable children. PARACHUTE trained 14 new CASA
volunteers in 2012 who along with 78 active CASA volunteers provided a voice for 191 children.
And we’re successful. With the support of the PARACHUTE
staff, CASA volunteers investigate the circumstances of
abused and neglected children and their families. They
meet with relatives, foster parents, social workers, teachers,
counselors and others to understand how the child is doing
and determine what needs to happen for the child to move
towards a safe, happy home.
Abused and neglected children face major barriers during
their journey to safe, permanent homes, often changing
schools and placements multiple times. Children can lose
six months of educational attainment each time they switch
schools. A study found that more than one-quarter of
children leaving the child welfare system experienced five or more placements, causing negative and lasting
effects on their emotional, social and educational development. Conversely, numerous evaluation studies by
the U.S. Department of Justice, have validated the work of CASA organizations to help move these children to
a safer environment in a timely manner to reduce the emotional impact of the situation.
284 N. Fair Ave., Hamilton, OH 45011
(513) 867-5010 paracasa@aol.com
CASA means SUCCESS for an
n abused child - A child with a CASA volunteer is:
• More likely to be safe and NOT experience re
• More likely to do better in school, e.g., more likely to pass all courses, less likely to have poor conduct
in school, and less likely to be expelled.
• Half
lf as likely to spend time in long
long-term foster care.
• More likely to have a plan for permanency and end up in a safe, permanent home in a timely manner.
CASA means POSITVE OUTCOMES for an abused child – in 2012:
• 99% of the CASA volunteers had regular and cconsistent
onsistent contact with their CASA child.
• 80% of the children’s cases closed in 2012 ended up in a safe, permanent and nurturing home.
• 99.5%
% of the children who had a CASA volunteer were safe and did NOT experience abuse again while
being monitored by the CASA
ASA volunteer and under the court’s protection.
• 100% of the children with a CASA volunteer had a voice in court. 86% of the court hearings were
attended by CASA volunteers and 100% by PARACHUTE staff
Studies show that having one loving and stable adul
adult in a damaged child’s life can make all the difference. At
PARACHUTE: Butler County CASA, we believe children deserve to have someone on their side.
“One of my passions in life is helping kids.”
I was able to get my CASA children reunited in foster care just by
communicating between the foster moms and the caseworker. By
asking some questions and providing some information to different
people, three siblings were able to live together as they navigated
the new reality of the foster care system.
On a recent visit, the children came running to greet me in the front
yard with huge smiles on their faces. In their hands, they were
waving an envelope full of photos taken of them and their adoptive parents and relatives. The children were
extremely proud as they lined up every photo on the table and reviewed every pose and person. They called
them their first “family” pictures. The impact that this moment had on me, just to see how the smallest act of
a loving adoptive family can mean so much to a child, wil
willl stay with me forever. I am proud to be there for
these children as they are now in a safe, loving HOME.
Kris (CASA volunteer for 2 ½ years)
CASA means dollars of service hours donated
donated. When dollars
need to be stretched, PARACHUTE is the answer. The State of
Ohio recognizes volunteer hours at a value of $20 per hour.
Last year, 78 active CASA volunteers donated a total of 5,343
hours therefore contributing
ntributing approximately $106,860 to Butler
County Children. Since 1988,, our volunteers have donated
close to $3 million dollars for 130,378 hours based on eight
hours per month doing CASA volunteer work. This shows how
our CASA’s make a difference changing
ing the lives of children.
Children Served in 2012
(191 Children - by school district)
Our achievements for 2012 include:
Honored ALL 78 active volunteers during “National Volunteer Week” in April and
gave special tribute to long term volunteers
17 Years of Service
Bonnie Tromans
11 Years of Service
Erin Laramore
Gabrielle Strand
Ginger Tannenbaum
5 Years of Service
Julie Adkins
Jill Berry
Carol Swisshelm
Jim Wolterman
4 Years of Service
Chris Hacker
Shelley Walsh
Tracee Leugers
Ben Yoder
NEW CASA volunteers - Trained 14 new advocates,
bringing the total number of trained CASA volunteers
since 1988 to 434 CASA volunteers.
Active CASA volunteers - Supervised 74 active CASA
volunteers serving children.
Voice in court - Attended 227 court hearings to speak up
for children.
Advocacy services for children - Donated 5,343 hours of
advocacy services to children, bringing the total of hours donated by CASA volunteers since 1988 to
130,378 hours.
Children served - 191 abused and neglected children in Butler County. Since 1988 we have helped
1,608 children.
New Website – continued to improve our website thanks to a donation from website designers, Butler
County “Give Camp.” Visit our new site at www.parachutecasa.org
Agency Honored – PARACHUTE received high accolades for receiving continuing accreditation as an
excellent CASA program. Certification signifies from Ohio CASA/GAL National CASA Associations that
we have exceeded the minimum standards of practice, contributing to a higher level of program
management, fiscal management, volunteer training, supervision and support and quality advocacy for
abused and neglected children in the court system.
Volunteer Attorney Honored – Ben Yoder, Managing Associate Attorney, with Frost Brown & Todd Law
firm, was honored as “2012 Attorney Advocate” by the Ohio CASA Association for his charitable work
for PARACHUTE. Ben organizes attorneys to provide pro bono legal assistance for CASA volunteers in
their court cases for the children. Thank you Ben and the Frost Brown Todd attorneys!
• Community Engagement - Worked to keep
child abuse prevention and volunteer advocacy in
the public’s attention at speaking engagements
and events. We provided outreach, trainings and
collaboration for excellent services for children by
working with neighboring CASA programs,
National CASA, legislators and other professionals.
We reached out to community members of all
ages, children and adults, in all types of
environments, at schools, workplaces, churches,
service club meetings and volunteer fairs in
entertaining and fun ways.
Financial information for PARACHUTE: Butler County CASA
for fiscal year July 1, 2011 - June 30, 2012
Financial information for PARACHUTE for fiscal year July 1, 2011 - June 30, 2012
THANK YOU for joining together to care about children!
Since 1988, PARACHUTE: Butler County CASA has met our mission of training community volunteers to act as
advocates for abused and neglected children here in Butler County through the generosity of many
compassionate individuals and groups. Many have been long time friends to children and others are new to
the circle of supporters in the private and public sectors. Friends include individuals, groups, foundations,
government entities, service clubs, civic organizations, businesses, churches and clubs.
Long Time Funders Include:
Hamilton Junior Women’s League – Founded PARACHUTE and has supported the mission since 1988
with funds and volunteer service.
Butler County Juvenile Court – Co-founded the agency and has provided inkind support since 1988.
Ohio Attorney General’s Office of Justice Assistance – VOCA (Victim of Crime Act) and SVAA (State
Victims Assistance Act) funds received since 1990.
United Way Support - Butler County United Way and United Way of Oxford and vicinity.
State of Ohio Office of Criminal Justice - (JAG) Justice Assistance Grant
Ohio CASA Association & Ohio Department of Jobs and Family Services
AK Steel Foundation
American Mortgage Service Co.
Andrew Jergens Foundation
Community Foundation of West Chester
“Power of the Purse”
Give with Liberty
Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Hamilton Community Foundation
Health Foundation of Greater Cincinnati
Miriam G. Knoll Charitable Foundation
Molyneaux Foundation
Oxford Community Foundation
Reynolds & Reynolds Associate Foundation
Art on Symmes Studios
Fairfield Women
Insurance Women of Greater Cincinnati
Kiwanis Club - Lindenwald/Hamilton
Kiwanis Club - Oxford
McCullough-Hyde Hospital Auxiliary
The Welcomers' Club of Northern Cincinnati
Women Teachers Club
Business and Community Groups
All Star Container Co.
Belcan Corporation
Butler Rural Community Connection
Casper & Casper
DATO Enterprises
Dentistry at University Pointe
Fey Insurance Services
Frost Brown Todd LLC
Knolls of Oxford
Lebanon Citizens National
Lyons & Lyons
McCracken & Martin, LLC
Miller Valentine Group
Pater, Pater & Halverson Co.
Pease Warehouse
Robert M. Brown
Standard Insurance Company
Symmes Auto Sales
Takeda Pharmaceuticals
United Heartland Insurance Agency
Religious Groups
Amanda United Methodist Women
Breiel Blvd. First Church of God
Darrtown United Methodist Women
First Baptist Church of Middletown
First Presbyterian Church
Lindenwald United Methodist Men
Oxford Presbyterian Women
Presbyterian Church
Summary of Financial Activities
For the year ended June 30, 2012
In Kind
Interest Income & Other
Program Services
$ 3,335
Volunteer Recruitment & fundraising
$ 2,815
Management & General
$ 57,261
net assets / unrealized gain (loss)
PARACHUTE fund at the
Hamilton Community Foundation
Other Assets (grants receivable, property &
equipment, deposits)
$ 22,111
Ending Unrestricted Net Assets
The recession has been a struggle for
many non-profits and 2012 was a very lean
year. In the past we have relied on the
PARACHUTE fund/our savings account, set
up at the Hamilton Community
Foundation, to make ends meet when
federal grants and donations fluctuate and
drop without notice. The PARACHUTE
Board of Trustee members have
determined that to be fiscally responsible
to our clients, the children, it is necessary
to have one year’s operating expenses in
savings. These funds are now very low. We
have taken steps to decrease spending but
as a lean, efficient agency with four staff (3
full and 1 part time) there is little to cut
and still remain viable to provide needed
quality advocacy services to abused
children. We hope to rely on more active
fundraising, charitable donations and
events to replenish this account.
As a volunteer driven agency, we are
efficient and effective supporting 78 active
CASA volunteers and 20 volunteer Board
of Trustees and Advisory Board members.
The work is difficult and challenging but
tremendously rewarding especially when
we see a CASA child end up in safe,
permanent home, out of danger and
happy, that is a positive result!
All gifts, large and small, are genuinely appreciated. We pledge to be fiscally responsible to the
stakeholders, transparent in our operations and do our best to serve those children so
desperately in need. Your donation ensures that a helpless child will have a CASA volunteer, a
strong voice and hopefully a better future. Thank you for joining us and being a voice for a
PARACHUTE’s mission is to speak for the best interest of abused and neglected children in court. We promote and
support quality volunteer representation for children to provide each child a safe, permanent and nurturing home.
Individual Donors from January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2012
Thank you to all of the generous donors who have become a hero for abused and neglected children. By
supporting PARACHUTE you have given the gift of a bright future to a child.
John Cumming
Brenda Daniels
Edward & Elizabeth Demske
Barbara Diehl
Eric & Kathy Dinan
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Dingeldein
I am for the child . . .
Because of your support.
Dick & Patti Alderson
Debra Allison
Roger & Paula Atkin
Allan & Dorothy Bailey
Richard & Donna Barasch
Jeanne Barrett
Carol Becker
Dick & Karen Bell
David J. & Cecilia Berg
Ms. Doris Bergen
Ricardo & Paula Bethart
Mr. & Mrs. Marc Biales
Marilyn Boggess
Larry & Marilyn Bowling
Ronald & Kimberly Bowman
Sam & Rachel Boymel
Dorothy Braun
Ronald & Diana Bridge
Steve & Kathie Brinkman
Marion & Jerry Brockfield
Tom & Rhonda Brown
Steven Brown
Judge & Mrs. Henry Bruewer
JoAnne Buschelmann
Matthew & Julie Byrne
Dr. & Mrs. Kevin Campbell
Ellen Campbell
Kathy Carter
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Catalanotto
Dennis & Elizabeth Claussen
John Clemmons
Nelly Bly Cogan
Loretta & Jeff Compton
Jack & Carolyn Cook
Mary Cracraft
Judge Ronald Craft
Mr. & Mrs. Don Crain
Wilma Cress
Anthony & Cynthia Dowrey
Howard DuBois
Dr. David Eifert
John Ellis
Mary Rae Enderle
David & Judith Evans
Jennifer & Bill Fenton
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Fleetwood
Susan Fleisher
Mr. & Mrs. Chuck Fraunfelter
Brian & Kim Fritsch
Thomas & Shirley Fugate
Vicente & Florence Gallardo
Carolyn & Thomas Gard
Andrew Garrison &
Cecilia Shore
Richard & Virginia Getter
Kenneth & Judy Gibbons
Joseph & Linda Gibson
John & Roslyn Ginter
Angela Glaab
Raymond Gorman
Vivian Gould
Lester & Narka Gray, Jr.
John & Julia Green
Lawrence & Betty Jean Green
David & Louise Griffing
Saul & Christine Hacker
Richard & June Haller
Jack T. & Norma Hand
Flo Harbin
Paul & Debra Hardix
Ron & Carol Harp
Sherry Ann Hasselfeld
Norman & Pat Hayes
Steve Hessler
Steven & Catherine Hester
Dr. & Mrs. Clayton Hock
Chris Homan
Douglas Hoover
Randy & Kathleen Horne
Christina Hurr
Jolynn Hurwitz
Roy & Pat Ickes
Charles & Barbara Isaacs II
Eugene & Frances Jacoby
JD Roberts Family Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Jeffers
Clifford & Phyllis Johnson
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Kane
William & Barbara Keck
Donald Keck
Michael & Judith Kelley
Mrs. E. Jean Kelly
Dr. Richard Kennedy
Kathleen Kirkendall
John & Kimberly Kirsch
Michael & Pamela Kopp
Mrs. Rita Kornau
Richard & Alice Laatsch
Mr. & Mrs. Pat Landi
Doug & Carrie Ledford
Kevin & Donna Lenhoff
Jerry Leshner &
Elizabeth Leslie Leshner
Doug & Renee Leuthold
Joseph Levay
Frank & Jeanne Long
Sharon Long
Larry & Kathea Lykins
Joseph Magdich
Frederick & Deanna Martin
Katie Martin
Ann Mayers
James & Trish McCall
Margery McIntosh
Beverly McNabb
Connie Mehlman
Fred & Robin Miller
Geneva Molinsky
Stephen Moore
Jana Morse
Phil & Pam Mortensen
Judge & Mrs. John Moser
R. H. Mosteller
Timothy & Melinda Motley
Darvin & Kay Mueller
Elizabeth Jane Mullen
Jim & Pam Murphy
Ruby Neeley
Jerry & Lisa Newell
Dr. Gayle Niehaus
Thomas & Susan Niehaus
Desiree Ochs
JoAnn Olson
Rodney & Patricia Oney
Larry & Marsha Orcutt
John Osso
Marilyn Z. Ott
John & Toni Pagano
Barbara Paine
Dr. Albert Palatchi
Joseph & Deborah Parker
Lois Protzman
Tom & Gayle Reichert
John & Ellen Reister
John Reller
Dr. Jennifer Ridge
Barney & Bonnie Riesbeck
Dr. & Mrs. Erich Ringel
Dr. Elizabeth S. Rogers
Judge Kathleen Romans
Barbara J. Roof
Scott Rosensweig
Debra Rothstein
Dr. Ann Rypstra
Dan Sack
Mark & Mary Ann Sanders
Mary Clare Schellenbach
Judith Schiller
Marianne Schmitt
David D. & Carolyn Schul
Chris Schultz
Wallace & Bobbie Schulze
Michael & Susan
David Scotford
William & Virginia Scott
Julie Smith
Jack & Sally Southard
Sheldon A. & Gabrielle Strand
Richard & Melanie Stupak
Ginger Tannenbaum
Patricia Tanner
Ms. K. B. Taylor
Dr. & Mrs. Charles Teckman
Tom & Bev Theobald
Beverly H. Thomas
Dr. Robert Thurston &
Dr. Margaret Ziolkowski
Rudolph & Diane Tisdale
Venis Torge
Howard L. Torstveit
Dr. & Mrs. John Tromans
Harold & Jane Vaughn
Dennis Vitori
Cindy Wallace
Shelley Walsh
Charles & Jo Lynn Wanstrath
Dr. & Mrs. David Weaver
Robert & Rebecca Weigel
Howard & Nancy Weinberg
Lancer R. Weinrich, Jr.
Fritzi Wellman
Chris Welte
Stephen & Donna Williams
William & Susan Wortman
Martha Wright
Nick & Mary Yates
Harry & Terry Zornow
CASA Volunteers Active in 2012
Michelle Abraham
Julie Adkins
Linda Amspaugh
Sherry Bannon
Kris Barren
Jane Behler
Karen Bell
Jill Berry
Lee Bock
KaTina Cannon
Sean Casler
Brenda Cline
Nadja Crawford
Brenda Daniels
Mark Daudistel
Pam Daudistel
Darlene Davidson
Jennifer Esselman
Ernie Filippini
Mary Beth Grollmus
Chris Hacker
Tia Hale
Ryan Hammon
Betty Haven
Deanna Henderson
Peggy Hill
Diana Honerlaw
Pam Hurley
Luisa Hurtado
Janice Jones
Kelly Kadle
Celeste Kinsey
Brenda Kuhnel Milburn
Erin Laramore
Carrie Ledford
Tracee Leugers
Renee Leuthold
Sharon Long
Laura Lucarello
Rebekah Lyons
Andrea Marcum
Fred Marcum
Lee Marcussen
Gail Martin
Denise Mattingly
Sheila Maxwell
SuzAnne McMillian
Amy Mikeworth
Rhonda Minnick
Pat Moeggenberg
Desiree Ochs
Amy Oney
Kristin Poirier
Linda Reynolds
Harry Samol
Lynn Shank
Brenda Sietsema
Katie Smidy
Joe Statt
Gabrielle Strand
Yolanda Swank
Carol Swisshelm
Ginger Tannenbaum
Kathy Taylor
Bonnie Tromans
Mary Turner
Traci VanOss
Heather Wagner
John Wallace
Shelley Walsh
Jon Watson
Chris Welte
Sarah Wernke
Susan Wilson
David Wilson
Jim Wolterman
Nancy Wolterman
Bob Woodford
Jamie Woodford
Nancy Young
denotes new CASA volunteer trained in 2012 and assigned a child’s case.
denotes new CASA volunteer trained in 2012 and not yet assigned a child’s case by 12/31/12.
Board of Trustees
Dorothy Blake
Kathie Brinkman
Rhonda Brown
Feedback from PARACHUTE Satisfaction
Surveys received in 2012
Our CASA volunteer was excellent and did an outstanding job for our family. She was very
supportive and guided us through the entire (court/foster care) process. We know the
children were hurt and scared and now that the adoption has become final, the children
are blossoming. Thank you.
Jan 24, 2012
Steven Brown
Julie Byrne
Alex Ewing
Kim Fritsch
Julie Joyce Smith
Susan Lipnickey
Chris Xeil Lyons
Ann Niehaus
Julie Smith
The CASA was GREAT!!! That help made the children feel safe and
more secure. March 2012
Our CASA volunteers were
very nice. They seemed to
really care about our kids and
became friends with them.
They didn’t seem to judge us
and were not biased in any
information that they shared
with us and we worked hard and are better and happy now. Thank
you very much.
December 17, 2012
2012 was a busy year. At PARACHUTE, we often see a child go from an abusive, dangerous setting to a place
where the child feels safe and loved and can achieve their dreams. CASA volunteers worked hard for the best
interests of abused and neglected children, one child at a time. Thank you all for your donation of time,
talent, money and support for PARACHUTE: Butler County CASA. THANK YOU and we pledge to keep working
hard. There are hundreds of children waiting for a better future . . . . don’t they deserve it?
2012 Park Run for PARACHUTE
More than 100 people ran, walked and volunteered Sunday October 7, 2012 at the “6th Annual Lyons & Lyons
Park Run for PARACHUTE” event held at VOA (Voice of America) Butler County Metro Parks. The 5K event
served as a tribute honoring the legacy of late Judge David Niehaus and raised nearly $8,000 which will be
used for training and supervising community CASA volunteers. We believe these community partnerships help
others join in the important work of speaking up for abused and neglected children.
2012 Park Run Sponsors
Lyons & Lyons Attorneys At Law
Hamilton Junior Women’s League
Frost Brown Todd Attorneys
Panera Bread
Robert M. Brown Construction
Symmes Auto Sales
Robinson, Lipnickey & Jones, LPA Attorneys
The Knolls of Oxford
McCullough Hyde Memorial Hospital
Dentistry at University Point
Butler County Metro Parks
City of Hamilton
Fruition Salon
Fitness 19
“The first CASA case leaves an indelible mark on your heart.
My first case came out happily ever after but not without a lot of
stress and uncertainties that lasted for four years. I recently saw the
adopted parents and two children at a coffee shop – the case closed
many years ago- the girl (now a teenager) is a straight A student and
the boy (age 10) is making strides. It was wonderful to see the
happiness and love in their family.”
“I think the CASA program is a very noble one. Children have always
been in my life and they are the most vulnerable in our society today.
My first thought is helping the kids.”
Gabrielle (CASA Volunteer 11 years)