Autumn 2011 - Deutsch


Autumn 2011 - Deutsch
Issue 3 • Autumn 2011
The magazine for members of the German-British Chamber of Industry & Commerce
Northern England - "...strategic or
long-term investment in mind."
Mark Green, Northern England Regional
Committee of the German-British Chamber
Legal Comment
See page 11
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Driven by business. Powered by people
Predicting the future is becoming
more and more difficult
2011 is coming to an end and, in terms of the
real economy, it has been a reasonable year
for the UK and a very good year for Germany.
As promised, the UK continued to work on her
budget deficit in order to lay the foundations for
long-term growth. Of course, this has had some
effect on the growth rate in the short term but without solid public finances
the future economic potential of the UK would be far more limited. Germany,
on the other hand, was able to reap some of the benefits of her improved
competitiveness resulting from the sometimes painful structural adjustment
process carried out in the late nineties and in the early years of this millennium.
But predicting what the future will bring is becoming more and more difficult
– a double dip recession, a prolonged stagnation or even further troubles with
the Euro are just a few scenarios for the years to come. One thing has become
clear over the last year or so – all European countries are in the same boat,
independent of whether they are in the Euro zone or outside it. Politicians
all over the continent are slowly realising that we have to find solutions on a
pan-European and sometime even global level. This will involve a far higher
degree of integration, based on trust and honesty and only then will the
EU be able to create further substantial long-term benefits for all. This is a
learning process, especially in terms of how the electorate has to be treated.
Communication will need to be clearer and more open and Europe needs
to work on her democratic deficit. Otherwise, any progress made will not
be sustainable as difficult decisions need proper legitimacy.
Germany and Britain share a number of important values in the economic
area – both nations generally aim to live within their means and we both have a
genuine belief in the market. Of course, there will always be differences on how
certain goals can be achieved but the overall aim is what binds us together.
So I hope that Anglo-German co-operation takes a lead in creating a more
coherent market-based economic philosophy for all the nations of Europe.
We here at the Chamber will continue to do our utmost to support such
an aim on a practical level by bringing together business from the UK and
Germany. Therefore, we are grateful for all the support our members and
others have given us in 2011 and we hope that we will be able to count
on it in the coming year.
Dr Ulrich Hoppe
Director General, German-British Chamber of Industry & Commerce
4 View from the regions – Mark Green, Northern England Regional
Committee of the German-British Chamber
5 Chamber & Members' News
7 Chamber Contacts
8 Events Diary
11 Legal Comment
12 Special – Retirement Planning
14 BUSINESS TO BUSINESS – German businesses seeking representation
15 Statistics & TOOLBOX
Cover photo: Hilton Hotel, Manchester: Samot, Shutterstock
sustaining members
Crisis – What crisis? The
Northern region's response
to challenging times
With all the doom and gloom
emanating from the national and
regional press these days, many
economic and business leaders are
only focusing on the immediate
problems of the Eurozone and
sovereign debt. Whilst these issues
are clearly of fundamental importance
to the future success of the European
Union as a whole, we should not
ignore those business investments
that are quietly being made by
successful German companies in the
region, with strategic or long-term
investment in mind.
The Siemens Group, long established in
the Manchester area as a major regional
employer, is spearheading an international
consortium to develop 4 GW of wind farms
by 2020 as part of the Crown Estate’s Round
Three offshore wind farm programme. One
of the key zones chosen for this project is
4,735 square kilometres off the Yorkshire
coast around Hornsea. Once completed, the
total energy derived from all nine UK zones
are planned to meet 25 per cent of the entire UK
electricity needs, at a total investment of more
than £100 billion. The Hornsea zone itself will
power over 3 million homes in the region.
This project not only creates large numbers of
jobs for the region, but also draws on technical
expertise – water depths are up to 70 metres, the
zone lies up to 190 km off shore, quite apart from
the physical stress requirements of operating
masts in the North Sea.
Not so far away from Hornsea lies Pontefract,
home to Haribo, the gummibear giant based
in Bonn. Having bought out Dunhills in 1994,
Haribo now sells around 250 million bags of
sweets in the UK each year, with a turnover in
excess of £110 million. Building on that success it
is planning to open a new 446,000 sq. ft. factory
and distribution centre in Normanton near Leeds
in late 2013 / early 2014. With support from the
government’s Regional Growth Fund, this project
will create 286 new jobs for the region.
Other German companies in the region that
continue to thrive despite the difficult economic
terrain in the UK include Dr. Oetker, DB Schenker
Rail, LuK, the Thyssen Group and B. Braun,
Europe’s largest privately-owned provider to
Mark Green, Chairman, Northern England
Regional Committee, German-British
Chamber of Industry & Commerce
the healthcare sector. Its UK CEO Hans Hux
says: “There is no doubt we are operating in
highly challenging market conditions, also in
the UK healthcare sector. Through technology,
innovation and service diversification B. Braun
is able to further enhance its UK market
position by working together with the NHS to
meet their efficiency, productivity and clinical
quality targets. To support our UK strategy
we have over the last few years invested
substantially into facilities as well as Human
Resources and expertise.”
So, whilst not wanting to understate the
seriousness of the macro-economic plight
of the EU, the experience of the German
companies mentioned above leads me to
think that we may all be better off if we focus
our minds on our businesses, continue to
plan prudently and wait to see the mid-term
improvement in the market.
German-British Chamber
in Northern England
Mark Green, Cobbetts LLP
3Secretary: Gary Weir, Siemens
Transmission and Distribution Ltd
3Number of Members: 52
3Main Industries: Food, Chemicals,
Manufacturing, Automotive and
Business Services
3Size of region: 9.053 sqm
(9,6 % of UK total)*
3Population: 11,5 million
(18,6 % of UK total)*
3Regional Gross Value Added
(GVA): 198,9 £bn (16,2 % of
UK total)*
3Export Trade to EU: 17,4 £bn
(14,1 % of UK total)*
*Source: Invest in the UK 2010, German-British Chamber
Chamber & Members' News
Business News
Neues Recht für Leiharbeitnehmer seit
1. Oktober 2011
Bonn (gtai) - Am 1.10.2011 sind in Großbritannien die Agency
Workers Regulations 2010 in Kraft getreten. Diese Bestimmungen
wurden in Umsetzung der Richtlinie 2008/104/EG vom 19.11.2008
über Leiharbeit erlassen, deren Ziel es ist, für den Schutz der
Leiharbeitnehmer zu sorgen und die Qualität der Leiharbeit
zu verbessern, indem die Einhaltung des Grundsatzes der
Gleichbehandlung von Leiharbeitnehmern gesichert wird und die
Leiharbeitsunternehmen als Arbeitgeber anerkannt werden.
Britische Regierung will mehr öffentliche
Aufträge an kleine und mittlere Unternehmen
London (gtai) - Mehr als 200 Mrd. £ gibt der britische Staat jedes
Jahr im Rahmen der öffentlichen Beschaffung von Gütern und
Dienstleistungen aus. Zwar will die britische Regierung in den
kommenden Jahren die Ausgaben für öffentliche Beschaffungen
genau kontrollieren und schrittweise zurückfahren, auf der anderen
Seite will sie, dass kleine und mittlere Unternehmen (KMU) bei
öffentlichen Ausschreibungen künftig verstärkt zum Zuge kommen.
Ziel ist es, den Anteil der öffentlichen Aufträge, der an KMU geht, in
den kommenden Jahren auf mindestens 25 Prozent anzuheben.
Weitere Artikel und Branchen-Trends unter
Waste law aims to boost recycling
German households should recycle even more of their waste
following the passage of new regulations on recycling management
and waste by the Bundestag that aim to reduce the country’s
consumption of raw materials. They still have to pass Germany's
upper house of parliament, the Bundesrat, before becoming law.
This will introduce yet another waste bin to German streets, back
yards and municipal recycling depots – an orange one for nonpackaging metals and plastics – to stand next to the multiple glass
bins, as well as those for paper, organic waste, packaging and nonrecyclable waste. Currently 13 percent of Germany’s material use is
covered by recycled rubbish, while 65 percent of household waste is
recycled. (
Daimler, VW stay revved up despite slowdown
German automakers Volkswagen and Daimler shrugged off fears
of a looming economic downturn Thursday, insisting strong global
demand would enable them to sharply increase full-year profits.
VW, Europe's biggest carmaker, boasted a threefold increase in
its bottom-line earnings for the first nine months on booming
worldwide demand for its vehicles. For its part, rival automaker
Daimler unveiled a 16-percent drop in third-quarter profits, but said
that was largely due to a writedowns on its investments in French
and Russian groups Renault and Kamaz, plus start-up costs for new
models. (
More Business News from Germany:
This section is provided in co-operation with
Germany Trade & Invest and
German Packaging Workshop
On 21 October 2011,
the German-British
Chamber held a
workshop on German
packaging legislation,
together with Landbell
AG, one of the leading
compliance schemes in
Bertold Hügling, International Sales Manager
of Landbell AG gave an informative presentation
on the background to the German Packaging Ordinance, ranging from duties
of companies arising from the Ordinance to compliance schemes. Around 20
participants then learned more about registration of packaging and calculation
of fees from Ian Wivell, the Chamber’s environmental specialist. Alastair Campbell
of RSM Tenon then explained to the participants auditing and certification
requirements if a Certificate of Completeness is needed.
As every company exporting consumer products needs to register with one of
the many compliance schemes operating in Germany, the participants were
very keen to discuss their specific needs and experiences not only during the
workshop, but also in between presentations over coffee.
Berufsbegleitender MBA
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Chamber welcomes
new councillors
The German-British Chamber of Industry & Commerce
held its anuual meeting on 30 June 2011 and elected four
new councillors. We would like to take the opportunity to
welcome them to the Chamber.
Marcus W Breitschwerdt is President & CEO
of Mercedes-Benz UK Limited. After graduating
he joined Daimler with the Management
Associate Program (Controlling) as Market
Specialist. He progressed through Corporate
Planning, Marketing Strategy until becoming
President & CEO of Mercedes-Benz Canada in
2003. He is a Member of the York, Franklin, and Magna Clubs and
held the position of Chairman of the Canadian-German Chamber of
Industry and Commerce. He was a Member of the DaimlerChrysler
Canadian Advisory Council and Past Chairman of the Association of
International Automobile Importers of Canada (2003 – 2005).
Jean-Louis Evans is Managing Director of
TÜV SÜD Product Services Ltd. After graduating
from Cambridge University with a degree
in Engineering, he worked for 25 years in
various business fields for a range of UK
industrial companies, covering sectors such as
automotive, construction and medical devices,
before joining TÜV SÜD in 1999. He is chairman of the South
Hampshire Aerospace Networking Forum and also Chairman of the
Chamber’s Committee for South East England.
Marc Starzmann is Country Manager UK
at Commerzbank AG in London. Whilst
studying Business Administration he set up
his own travel company specialising in sports
events. In 1998 he sold his business and joined
Dresdner Bank AG as a client relationship
manager. Having held various management
positions within Dresdner including assignments in London and
Hong Kong, in 2006 he was appointed Managing Director and
German Sector Head, based in Frankfurt. Subsequently, he led
Commerzbank’s large corporate business in Northern Germany
and the Nordic region.
Holger Wessling is General Manager of DZ
Bank AG London Branch since 2006. He holds
an M.Sc. in Industrial Engineering, an MBA and
is guest lecturer at the Hong Kong Polytechnic
University. After some years as entrepreneur in
the sports industry, he joined the International
Division of DZ Bank AG, the apex institute
of the German Volks- und Raiffeisenbanken in 1994. Prior to his
assignment in London, he was General Manager and CEO of North
Asia for DZ Bank in Hong Kong. In the late 1990s he had a posting
in Shanghai.
To mark the third anniversary
of their London branch and
bring together its UK clients
and German partners, Chamber
member KfW-IPEX Bank hosted
a reception and dinner. The
London operation is focused
on infrastructure projects,
in particular in the area of
renewable energies. Head of
London Branch Armin Brestrich
(centre) in conversation with
Andrea Sowa of Celesio AG
and Frank Klingenhöfer of
DB Arriva UK.
Training companies join forces
Chamber member companies “m-reindl Human
Capital Ltd” and “Change Training Ltd” have teamed
up to offer specialist services to London’s international
business community. Leading international teams is a challenge
many companies encounter in an increasingly connected
world. Furthermore, teams work across borders via email
and video links and become a virtual community themselves.
Matthias Reindl and Ortrud Hillmer are experienced trainers
who have worked with a number of companies all over the
world and have specialised in developing skills for a virtual work
environment. Their training courses and coaching sessions are
tailored towards the needs of virtual teams – helping them to
master leadership and communication despite team
members not physically being in the same office.,
Wilhelm cooperates worldwide
with Clausen Miller
The insurance and
liability experts
of Düsseldorfbased Wilhelm has
joined forces with
Clausen Miller on an international level. As a result of this
collaboration, the member law firm is able to offer support
and guidance on major losses and liability issues throughout
the world as well as advice and representation in cross-border
insurance and reinsurance matters. The association with
London lawyers specialising in the international insurance
and reinsurance markets provides a valuable extension to the
service that Wilhelm offers its clients.
Smith & Williamson
conducts 17th annual
survey of law firms
Smith & Williamson’s Professional Practices group
provides a wide range of financial advice and guidance
to professional practices such as law firms, barristers, surveyors,
engineers, architects, actuaries, patent agents, trade mark
attorneys and other professionals in the UK with overseas offices
and branches. The 17th annual survey of the legal sector explores
issues and trends affecting law firms and the legal market in the
UK. According to this year’s results, firms appear to have turned a
corner, with business confidence returning to the sector. A summary
of the survey report will be published on Smith & Williamson’s
website in January and you can request a copy of the full report.
More information on the Professional Practices group is available on
German Shows taking
exhibition buyers to Germany
Chamber member company German Shows Ltd will be
hosting a Business Development Trip to Stuttgart in June 2012.
Companies exhibiting in 2012 may qualify for this opportunity to
learn how to impress prospective clients with architectural design
systems for their trade fair stand by Burkhard Leitner constructiv.
German Shows is the UK distributor for their products and will
demonstrate display solutions to senior decision makers and
key exhibition managers in venues such as the Mercedes-Benz
museum. British companies wishing to participate should send
their brief for any exhibition or display project scheduled for 2012
to German Shows Ltd by 30 April 2012.
Honorary Officers /
Präsidium und Vorstand
Patron / Schirmherr
HE Georg Boomgaarden
Ambassador of the Federal
Republic of Germany
President / Präsident
Sir Nigel Broomfield, KCMG
Vice-Presidents / Vizepräsidenten
George W von Mallinckrodt, KBE
Schroders plc
Professor Barry Stickings, CBE
Gerhard Storch
Councillors / Vorstandsmitglieder
Chairman / Vorsitzender
Alan Wood, CBE
Siemens Holdings plc
Vice-Chairperson / Stellv. Vorsitzende
Dr Klaus Peter Fouquet
Robert Bosch Ltd
Karolin Witter
Finance & Organisation /
Finanzen und Organisation
Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4187
Marketing Services
Ian Wivell
Deputy Director General / stellv.
Head of Marketing Services /
Leiter Marketing Services
Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4150
Sven Riemann
Manager Marketing Services
Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4185
Patricia Godfrey
Marguerite McCaughan
Marketing Services
Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4183
Councillors / Vorstandsmitglieder
Andreas Berger
Allianz Global
Corporate & Specialty
Jana Lindner
Press & Public Relations /
Presse- & Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4188
Marcus Breitschwerdt
Mercedes-Benz UK Ltd
Robert A Bischof
SCCO International Ltd
Martin Dawkins
Bayer plc
Jean-Louis Evans
TÜV Süd Product Service Ltd
Dr Stefan Georg
Bayern LB, London Branch
Andreas Goss
Siemens plc
Dr Ulrich Hoppe
German-British Chamber of
Industry & Commerce
Chris J Maidment
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Franz W Smet
ACI Group Ltd
Marc Starzmann
Commerzbank AG, London
Holger Wessling
DZ Bank AG, London
Nigel R Wood
The Wilkes Partnership
Marcus Wuest
Deutsche Bank AG, London
Company Secretary
Chris Putt
Speechly Bircham LLP
Honorary Auditors
Management / Geschäftsführung
Dr Ulrich Hoppe
Director General /
Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4110
Modular exhibition spaces by Burkhard Leitner constructiv
Finance & Organisation
Sabine Marland
Manager Finance & Organisation /
Finanzen und Organisation
Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4120
Thesy Lobitzer
PA to Director General / Assistentin
des Hauptgeschäftsführers
Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4112
Members’ Services
Evelyn Mensah
Manager Membership & Events /
Mitgliedschaft & Veranstaltungen
Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4145
Katja Ludwigs
Membership & Events /
Mitgliedschaft & Veranstaltungen
Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4146
Legal & Tax Services / Rechtsund Steuerabteilung
Angelika Baumgarte
Deputy Director General / stellv.
Head of Legal & Tax Services / Leiterin
der Rechts- und Steuerabteilung
Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4140
Martin Fischer
Manager Legal Services /
Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4141
Alexander Altmann
Head of Tax Services / Leiter der
Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4166
Anja Reeves
Manager Tax Services / Steuerabteilung
Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4161
Michael Dickert
Manager Tax Services / Steuerabteilung
Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4168
Michaela Böttcher
Verena Gronewold
Christopher Otto
Katrin Voran
Tax Services / Steuerabteilung
Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4160
For details of the Chamber’s
regional committees please email
8 events diary
annual dinner
The Annual Dinner of the German-British Chamber was held on
Thursday, 30 June 2011 at the Landmark Hotel, London.
Some 150 guests attended the event. As ever a summer
highlight in the Chamber’s events diary, members of the
German-British business community welcomed the
opportunity to network at the Drinks Reception followed
by a three-course meal in the Drawing Room.
Guest of Honour at this year’s dinner was Dr Thomas
Mirow, President of the European Bank for Reconstruction
and Development. Dr Mirow spoke about the on-going
engagement of EBRD in Central and Eastern Europe and
economic developments in the Southern Mediterranean.
Mr Colm Kelly and Ms Martyna Halgas of K+K Hotel George
The Annual Dinner was kindly sponsored by London & Partners.
Mr Alan Wood CBE, Chairman of the Council of the German-British
Chamber of Industry & Commerce; Her Honour Judge (Hazel) Marshall
QC, Deputy Lord Mayor’s Consort and Councillor Dr Harvey Marshall,
Deputy Lord Mayor of Westminster
Ms Brigitte Stepputtis of Vivienne Westwood and Mr James Gillespie
of The Winehaus Ltd
Mr Malcolm Scott, British ConsulateGeneral Düsseldorf and Mr HansPeter Ickemeyer of Teknolergy Ltd
Mr Heimold Nemec of Vodafone Ltd and
Mr Jean-Louis Evans of TÜV Product Service Ltd
events diary
Mr Neil Wharton of BMW Group, Mr Andy Argyle of KPMG LLP, Ms Talita Ferreira of BMW Group, Mr Alan Pentland of BMW Group, Mr Matthew Todd of
BMW Group and Ms Carolina Arriagada Peters of London & Partners
Mr Phil Sampson of Chadwell Accounting Services, Mr Andrew Castle of Robert Bosch Ltd and
Mr Simon Jonsson of KPMG LLP
Dr Thomas Mirow, Guest of Honour
and Speaker, President of the
European Bank for Reconstruction
and Development.
Autumn Reception
On Thursday, 29 September 2011, around 130 members
and guests enjoyed the German-British Chamber’s Autumn
Reception on a rather summery evening. New and old
acquaintances used the opportunity to refresh contacts after
the summer break over a selection of German beers and wines.
Dr Klothilde Ganzer of Goodwille Ltd, Mr Ian Thomson of Geldards
LLP and Ms Petra Williams-Lescht of Klein Solicitors
Ms Cristina Darias Mendoza and Mr Marc Schulz of 2MS Construction
Ltd, Ms Isabel Singer and Mr Uwe Gerlinger of Vector GB Ltd
10 EVENTS diary / Events Calendar
Friday 18 November 2011
Nutcracker Ball
Venue: The Institute of Directors, 116 Pall Mall, London SW1Y 5ED
Time: 7.00pm – 1.00am
Cost: Individual tickets £95 per person, corporate tickets £170 per person
Further information and registration:
Thursday 24 November 2011
Ms Christine Horler of English in Business, Mr Kevin Merrill of Deutsche
Leasing UK Ltd, Ms Ingrid Uhlig of BTS London Relocation and Mr John
Phillipou of Deutsche Leasing UK Ltd
PAYE and income tax risks and opportunities
for German owned businesses in the UK
A Members’s Seminar with Blick Rothenberg
Chartered Accountants
Venue: Blick Rothenberg Chartered Accountants, 12 York Gate,
London NW1 4QS
Time: 5.30pm for 6.00pm
Cost: Complimentary – For members and their guests only
Further information and registration:
Thursday 8 December 2011
Members’ Christmas Party
Venue: German-British Chamber of Industry & Commerce,
16 Buckingham Gate, London SW1E 6LB
Time: 6.00pm – 8.30pm
Cost: Complimentary – For members and their guests only
Further information and registration:
Thursday 5 January 2012
Members’ New Year’s Reception
Venue: German-British Chamber of Industry & Commerce,
16 Buckingham Gate, London SW1E 6LB
Time: 11.00am – 1.00pm
Cost: Complimentary – For members and their guests only
Further information and registration:
Mr Philip Edwards of Everett Group, Mr Tim Millward of Cheyne
Consulting Ltd and Mr Howard Greening of Haysden Compliance Ltd
Ms Manuela Perrotta and Mr Mic Choudry
of Moving Home Company Ltd
Thursday 26 January 2012
‘Retirement Planning: Things are changing’
A Member’s Seminar with St James’s Place
Wealth Management
Venue: St James’s Place Wealth Management, 11 Hamilton Place,
London W1J 7DA
Time: 6.30pm – 9.00pm
Cost: Complimentary
Further information and registration:
Tuesday 28 February 2012
Virtual teams don’t come out of the blue – but what if…
A Member’s Seminar with m-reindl Human Capital
Ltd & Change Training Ltd
Venue: German-British Chamber of Industry & Commerce,
16 Buckingham Gate, London SW1E 6LB
Time: 3.00pm – 6.00pm, followed by refreshments
Cost: Complimentary
Further information and registration:
Please see our website for registrations
and updates on events:
legal comment
in initiative
Initiative magazine is the perfect
vehicle to reach decision makers
connected to the German-British
Chamber both here in the UK and
in Germany.
Britische Umsatzsteuer
Britische Regierung streicht umsatzsteuerliche Kleinunternehmerregelung
für nicht im Vereinigten Königreich ansässige Unternehmen
Die britische Regierung plant, die umsatzsteuerliche Registrierungsgrenze für
nicht im Vereinigten Königreich (UK) ansässige Unternehmen ab April 2012
abzuschaffen. Bislang konnten auch nicht im UK ansässige Unternehmen eine
umsatzsteuerliche Registrierung vermeiden, wenn die im UK ausgeführten
Umsätze innerhalb von zwölf Monaten weniger als 73.000 Pfund Sterling betrugen.
As well as reaching clients and
partners of the Chamber, the
magazine is read by key people in
government departments, associations and other companies within the
German-British business community.
Published three times a year with a targeted circulation of
1,500 you can be sure that your advert will be highly visible
as we restrict advertising space.
You can buy half, quarter and whole pages… or for maximum
exposure, exclusive sponsorship of one issue (members only),
which includes two one-page adverts and a one-page article
(page 11) plus a suitable ‘company picture’ (1/2 page) on the
front cover.
To discuss your advertising needs in detail, please contact:
Jana Lindner
German-British Chamber of Industry
& Commerce
16 Buckingham Gate
London SW1E 6LB
Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4188
Fax: +44 (0)20 7976 4101
Was bedeutet dies für im Vereinigten Königreich tätige deutsche
Wird die Registrierungsgrenze abgeschafft, muss ab April 2012 britische
Umsatzsteuer erhoben werden. Dies gilt für Umsätze, die ein deutsches
Unternehmen z.B. durch Warenverkäufe oder sonstige Dienstleistungen
im UK ausführt.
Hierfür ist grundsätzlich eine umsatzsteuerliche Registrierung erforderlich.
Die in Rechnung gestellte britische Umsatzsteuer muss im Rahmen einer
vierteljährlichen Umsatzsteuerveranlagung an die britische Finanzverwaltung
abgeführt werden.
Ausnahmen für die Registrierungspflicht gelten nur für so genannte
Regeldienstleistungen, bei denen der Leistungsempfänger aufgrund des
Reverse-Charge-Verfahrens die Umsatzsteuer schuldet. Hierbei wird der
Leistende aber nur in Ausnahmefällen selbst im UK tätig.
Achtung in der Baubranche!
Die britische Finanzverwaltung hat in Vorbereitung des Wegfalls der
umsatzsteuerlichen Registrierungsgrenze für nicht im UK ansässige
Unternehmen auch die Regelungen zur Anwendung des ReverseCharge-Verfahrens für bestimmte Bauleistungen geändert.
initiative is the official membership magazine of the German-British Chamber
and is published three times a year.
German-British Chamber
of Industry & Commerce
16 Buckingham Gate, London SW1E 6LB
Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4100
Fax: +44 (0)20 7976 4101
Editorial & Advertising
Jana Lindner
Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4188
The reproduction in whole or in part of any material published in initiative
requires the prior written consent of the publisher. The publisher cannot accept
any liability for the accuracy or the completeness of any material published in
initiative. Opinions expressed in initiative do not necessarily reflect the views
of the German-British Chamber.
The German-British Chamber of Industry & Commerce is supported by the
Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology in accordance with a Resolution
of the German Parliament.
So konnten im UK tätige deutsche Bauunternehmen in der Vergangenheit
bei der Ausführung von (grundstücksbezogenen) Werkleistungen im UK
grundsätzlich das Reverse-Charge-Verfahren anwenden. Dies ist nun nicht
mehr möglich, wenn der Empfänger dieser Werkleistungen ebenfalls
ein nicht im UK ansässiges Unternehmen ist. Durch den Wegfall der
Kleinunternehmerregelung wird hierbei für deutsche Bauunternehmen
mit Aufnahme der Tätigkeiten in vielen Fällen eine umsatzsteuerliche
Registrierungspflicht ausgelöst.
Dies gilt allerdings nur bei der Ausführung von Werkleistungen. Bei im UK
ausgeführten Werklieferungen, wie z.B. bei der Lieferung und Installation
einer Maschine durch ein nicht im UK ansässiges Unternehmen, sieht das
britische Umsatzsteuerrecht an Stelle des Reverse-Charge-Verfahrens ein anderes
Verfahren zur Übertragung der Umsatzsteuer-schuld vor: das so geannte
Simplified Procedure. Optional kann bei der Ausführung einer Werklieferung
aber auch immer eine umsatzsteuerliche Registrierung beantragt werden.
Steuerliche Planung auch schon vor April 2012 erforderlich
In Zeiten knapper Staatskassen ist damit zu rechnen, dass die britische
Finanzverwaltung bei Nichteinhaltung der umsatzsteuerlichen
Registrierungspflicht rigide vorgehen wird. Empfindliche Geldstrafen und
Zinsen können die Folge sein. Es ist deshalb ratsam, sich rechtzeitig vor
Inkrafttreten mit dieser Neuregelung auseinander zu setzen und eine
umsatzsteuerliche Registrierung zu planen.
Alexander Altmann
Head of Tax Services, German-British Chamber of Industry & Commerce
The German-British Chamber
of Industry & Commerce has
launched a new online construction
directory. “GermanContractors” (www. is an easy to use
database designed for British construction
companies and developers, architects,
project planners and specifiers.
The online directory encompasses companies
working in a variety of industries from general
construction and building installation to
specialised architectural services, machinery
installation and fixtures & fittings. Information
about the companies also includes company
size and references, where available. British
companies can search for a partner that best
fulfils their requirements and contact
them directly.
“German contractors are highly skilled and
have undergone extensive practical and
theoretical training over a number of years”,
says Dr Ulrich Hoppe, Director General of the
German-British Chamber. “Our new online
directory aims to gather German companies,
making it easier to choose an ideal partner.”
“GermanContractors” is administered by
the German-British Chamber of Industry
& Commerce as part of our mission of
promoting German-British business relations
and free to use. For more information, please
contact Michaela Böttcher on 020 7976 4165
or email,
Andreas Goss awarded Cross of
the Order of Merit of the Federal
Republic of Germany
Andreas Goss has led the
Siemens UK and North
West Europe business as Chief
Executive, Siemens UK & Cluster
North West Europe, since his
appointment in June 2008.
Mr Goss has displayed an
outstanding concern for cultural
and sociopolitical themes from the
beginning. Despite heavy business
commitments, he has supported
Andreas Goss and Georg Boomgaarden,
the Embassy time and time again
Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany
in its efforts to present a modern
image of Germany and to promote German-British relations. He has always taken
the time to participate as a keynote speaker or panellist at events held at the
Embassy or other organisations.
The various voluntary consultancy roles Mr Goss holds are proof of the high
esteem he is held in. Not only is he a member of the CBI’s climate change board,
he is also an honorary officer of the German-British Chamber of Industry and
Commerce. Enthusiastically pro-Europe, Mr Goss takes every opportunity to
convince his EU-sceptic discussion partners, with patience and wit.
An excellent knowledge of the region, paired with interest and respect of others
are the ideal characteristics for a mediator between different economic orders and
social structures. Andreas Goss fulfils these requirements, and takes a personal
stand for the strengthening of bilateral German-British relations.
German-British Chamber offers
specialist online seminars
The Chamber’s Tax Services department has
teamed up with member company UK Training
and designed unique live online seminars about
specific tax matters British companies might
encounter when doing business in Germany.
As the webinars encourage a high degree of
interaction, participants will be able to easily
follow the sometimes very complex issues
when it comes to VAT treatment of services.
The first live online seminar was held on 18
October 2011 and explained how the German
Tax Authority has interpreted the new rules
regarding the supply of exhibition, conference
and seminar services. Around 20 participants
learned about differences between ‘letting of
space’, ‘the supply of ancillary services' and ‘the
supply of admission'. In the context of exhibitions,
it is vitally important to recognise when there is
a land related supply and German VAT has to be
charged and when there is a supply to which
the reverse charge has to be applied.
Following the
from the
first seminar,
there will be
another online
seminar on
22 November
2011 which will focus on the new rules regarding
the supply of events in the UK and Germany. At
the beginning of this year, there were important
changes to the VAT treatment when organising
events such as seminars, conferences and
exhibitions. It could be very easy for organisers
to apply the wrong VAT treatment if they do not
understand the critical differences between ‘the
supply of hosting of an event’, ‘the supply
of an admission to an event’ and ‘the supply
of an activity’. For more information
about the seminar and registration please visit
Photo: German Embassy London
German-British Chamber
launches new online
construction directory
Special – Retirement Planning
Did you know that things are changing regarding
Retirement Planning?
For many in the UK, the word ‘pension’ is associated
with high levels of legislative change and as a result,
inevitable complication under the banner of ‘pension simplification’.
A landscape has evolved which makes saving for retirement
appearing an unattractive and confusing proposition at the very
best of times, but despite these challenges, there are a number of
simple facts that make retirement planning more important an
issue than ever before.
Due to improving lifestyles and medical innovations, life expectancy
is increasing dramatically. In a recent Department of Work Pension
Report (August 2011), it stated that women born today
have a one in three chance of living to 100, where men
have a one in four chance. It also went on to say that by
2066 there will be 500,000 people over the age of 100.
This comes at a time when governments are moving towards
an extended period of austerity and the likely outcome is that
governments will not have the ability to provide for this ageing
population. The UK government has already decided that State
Pension Age should be moved to 66 and has indicated that this
may have to change to 70 at a later date. Clearly, the
responsibility is on the individual to provide for themselves.
Work placed pension scheme
The good news is that after years of changing legislation, this
government has finally made saving for retirement a more straight
forward affair, which is important as the average pension fund
according to the ABI is only £30,000. Realising the scale of this
problem, the government has also introduced The National
Employment Savings Trust (NEST) which will be phased in from
October 2012. Essentially, this means that all employers will have to
set up a ‘work placed pension scheme’ and make contributions on
behalf of their staff. If employers already have a scheme in place they
will have to make sure that all employees are automatically enrolled
into the scheme and they will also have to make sure that the
scheme complies with various rules.
Whilst governments have been developing this legislation, we have
been experiencing some of the most volatile investment markets in
living memory and clearly, this can also be a disincentive for individuals
to invest in their long term future i.e. their retirement. However,
macroeconomic concerns, sovereign debt speculation and a general
feeling of uncertainty, have brought about not only market volatility,
but also some interesting opportunities. Those who have the ability
to invest during these times and focus on long term growth,
have a remarkable chance to build capital for the future.
This is a view shared by many professional investors, including Cato
Stonex of fund managers Taube Hodson Stonex Partners who recently
stated, “It remains the case that equities are extremely cheap. We
believe that this value is exceptional and provides a rare opportunity for
investments in very solid companies, which offer significant upside once
sentiment improves”. This was echoed by Neil Woodford of INVESCO
Perpetual who made the point, “We believe the current returns on offer
from UK equities look very attractive. In our view, there currently exists
an unusual opportunity to invest in such companies, representing some
of the biggest and best businesses, at valuations which do not appear
to reflect the quality characteristics that they offer”.
Regular savings by way of investment into tax efficient vehicles like
pensions, can also benefit from ‘pound cost averaging’, whereby
savers take advantage of falling prices in periods of volatility and
build larger funds by acquiring
assets at lower prices.
If these topics are of interest,
please do join us on Thursday 26
January from 6.30pm, when we
are holding a presentation hosted
by Ian Price, Divisional Director
of Pensions at St. James’s Place
Wealth Management, exclusively
for members of the German-British
Chamber of Industry & Commerce.
Please register your interest by
contacting Mathias Nessim on
020 7744 0261, email
Mathias Nessim, Partner,
St. James’s Place Wealth
14 business to business
initiative provides a regular listing of companies in both the UK
and Germany who are seeking B2B partners and representatives
Business Partners from Germany / Geschäftspartner aus Deutschland
Power distribution panels & socket blocks
Bachmann is a leading manufacturer of high quality power distribution
panels & socket blocks with a wide and innovative range. Bachmann's
customers are electrical wholesalers, panel-builders and companies
in the furniture industry with a total turnover of more than €80m and
increasing export shares. Bachmann is interested in establishing an
exclusive agency for its products in the UK and is ready to invest in
all the necessary marketing. For further information, please contact:
Mr Peter Speidel, Bachmann GmbH & Co KG, Ernsthaldenstr.
33, 70565 Stuttgart, Germany. Tel: +49 (0) 711 866 02 71;
Fax: +49 (0) 711 866 02 34; Email:;
Storage & Ventilation Technology
We are German manufacturers of storage and ventilation technology
for grain. In order to expand our business abroad, we are looking for
a sales representative in Great Britain to market our goods "Made in
Germany". We would be ideally interested in a business associate who
has some experience in the field of storage and ventilation technology
for grain, and who can offer our products to wholesalers and farmers. For
further information, please contact: Mr Gerhard Schmelzer, Ambrose
Schmelzer & Sohn GmbH & Co. KG, Dr.-Zimmer-Str. 28, 95679
Waldershof, Germany. Tel: +49 (0) 9231 97 92 0; Fax: +49 (0) 9231 7
22 96; Email:; Web:
Jewellery Boxes & Display Stands
We are looking for a sales agent (commission basis) in the area of Great
Britain and Ireland. Our customers are retailers in the jewellery and
watch industries. We manufacture boxes, cases and displays with plants
located in Germany and China. The ideal candidate is a sales agent for
jewellery or watches, who is looking for an additional business and who
will visit jewellery and watch retailers. For further information please
contact: Mr Guido Strobel, E. Wilhelm GmbH, Fabrikstrasse 25,
77966 Kappel-Grafenhausen, Germany. Tel: +49782 27690; Fax:
+49782 2769550; Email:;
Perfect Milling, Turning & Drilling:
For more than 125 years the name Monforts is synonymous for
machine tools on the highest standard of performance. The
tradition of the company, founded in 1884 secures a high degree
of continuity, flexibility, innovation and new impulses. A. Monforts
Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH & Co. KG manufactures an extensive range
of CNC-controlled turning-lathes – flexible turning centers and twinspindle-lathes, all with a ten year warranty for the wear-free hydrostatic
Z-guide. For further information, please contact: A. Montforts
Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH & Co. KG, Schwalmstraße 301, 41238
Mönchengladbach, Germany. Mr Wolfgang Müller, Tel: +49 2161
9461 448; Fax: +49 2161 9461 490; Email: Mueller@monforts-wzm.
de; Web: www.monforts-wzm-de
statistics & toolbox
New Virtual Channel Marketing
Traditionally, consumer products have been sold by the
manufacturer to agents, distributors and wholesalers before
they reached the shelves of a bricks and mortar retailer. Likewise,
business-to-business products are often sold via corporate account
resellers, value added resellers and dealers. In the past decade or so,
the rise of the internet has led to new opportunities for companies:
using virtual channels to communicate and sell their products
directly to end consumers.
price comparison websites to find the lowest price. New internet marketing
strategies are therefore being constantly developed to keep shoppers loyal.
Search Engine Optimisation, establishing an online community in order to
obtain feedback from regular customers and measuring site traffic variables
are a few methods that can be chosen.
In the last five years a third virtual channel has evolved. The use of social
networking sites has increased dramatically, with over 750 million users
worldwide. Consequently, two-fifths of British companies (41%) are now
using social networks to gain new business. Although only four per cent
of active users actually purchase products via social networking sites
(according to a study by eDigitalResearch), the majority of manufacturers
and retailers are currently developing strategies to turn more fans into
customers. However, consumer blogs and tweets should be monitored by
companies, as users describe their experiences, both good and bad, with
specific products and services. Such feedback can prove invaluable for
product development as well as customer service management.
With social media taking over entertainment sites as the most popular
online activity in the UK, marketing strategies have to be updated.
However, the time invested in developing these strategies will benefit
sellers as they receive primary information on the consumer – ideal for
product development and market research.
First came the development of company websites. Today, many
companies use their website for brand positioning and product
information. An internet presence has replaced printed catalogues
and other corporate literature. As a website offers manufacturers the
opportunity to directly communicate with their customers, many offer
special discounts or pre-launch information about new products. More
and more companies offer an online store on their website in order to
increase their sales.
Retailers have also developed online stores. As well as traditional retailers,
who see the internet as an additional point of sale, many small online
retailers have appeared over the past decade only selling their stock via
the internet without any physical presence. Naturally, fixed costs are very
low compared to high street retailers and small retailers can be very price
competitive. However, in a further development, consumers often use
Sven Riemann, Marketing Manager, German-British Chamber of Industry and Commerce
Breakdown of enterprises by industry
in the UK and Germany
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Source: Office for National Statistics 2011
1% 1%
om Wh
t, I
tio le a
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'Mittelstand' in the UK and Germany
We speak your language Wir sprechen Ihre Sprache Blick Rothenberg is a leading, London based accounting, audit and tax practice. Together with our outsourced accounting company BRAL Limited, we have a substantial German speaking team that specialises in assisting German companies entering and operating within the UK market.
Blick Rothenberg ist eine führende Buchhaltungs-, Wirtschaftsprüfungs- und Steuerberatungsfi rma mit Sitz in London. Gemeinsam mit unserer Tochterfi rma BRAL, die eine ausgelagerte Buchhaltung anbietet, haben wir ein großes deutschsprachiges Team, das darauf spezialisiert ist, deutschen Firmen zu assistieren, die auf den britischen Markt wollen oder dort bereits tätig sind.
With 26 partners and directors and 150 staff, we have exceptional experience and expertise in all the major fi nancial disciplines. We offer a comprehensive service to aid early stage set-up or large scale expansion, supported by a range of outsourced accounting and administration services.
Mit 26 Teilhabern und Direktoren und 150 Mitarbeitern haben wir außergewöhnliche Erfahrung und Kompetenz in allen wichtigen Steuer- und Wirtschaftsfragen. Wir bieten einen umfangreichen Service, von ausgelagerter Buchhaltung bis hin zur Verwaltung, der der Unterstützung bei Ersteinrichtung oder weit reichender Expansion dienlich ist. For further information, or to receive our English or German ‘Establishing a Business in the UK’ guide, please contact:
Wenn Sie unseren Leitfaden „Geschäftsgründung in GB“ erhalten wollen, oder weitere Informationen benötigen, wenden Sie sich bitte an:
Steven Bruck
T: +44 (0)20 7544 8970
Steven Bruck
T: +44 (0)20 7544 8970
E: Blick Rothenberg is authorised & regulated by the Financial Services Authority to carry on investment business