R eligion in Pas Winte st and Presen er term 2014 / MPI, nt
R eligion in Pas Winte st and Presen er term 2014 / MPI, nt
Religion in Passt and Presen nt: Conceptuaalisations, theeories, methoods Winteer term 2014 / 2015, Mondaays 6:00 – 7:330 p.m. MPI, small seminarr room Introducttion 13.10.20144 Chris Han nn, Andreas Peččar, François Bertemes B IMPRS AN NARCHIE: Relligion and Rituaal – The generaal approach History 20.10.20144 27.10.20144 3.11.2014 10.11.20144 Michael Müller M Reading: MacIntyre, M Alistair. 1983. Afteer virtue: A Stud dy in Moral Thheory (extracts).. In: Kelvin Night (ed.)). 1998. The MaacIntyre Readerr. Cambridge: Polity P Press, ppp. 69–101. Stefan Pfeeiffer Reading: Trampedach, T K 2013. Betw Kai. ween Hellenistiic Monarchy an nd Jewish Theoocracy: the contested llegitimacy of Hasmonean H rulee. In: Nino Luraaghi (ed.). The Splendors S and Miseries M of Ruling Aloone: encounterss with monarchyy from archaic Greece to the hellenistic h medditerranean, Stuttgart: Steiner, S pp. 231–259. Chris Han nn Who are thhe Greek Catholics? Reading: Hann, H Chris. 20 005. The Limiits of Galician Syncretism: plluralism, multiculturalism and the tw wo Catholicism ms. In: Chris Hann and Paaul Robert Maagocsi (eds.), Galicia: a multiculturred land, Toron nto: University of o Toronto Presss, pp. 210–37. Peter Bursschel Humboldt University Berllin The Inventtion of Purity Anthropoology 17.11.20144 24.11.20144 01.12.20144 08.12.20144 Andreas Pečar P Reading: Zemon Z Davies,, Natalie. 1973. The Rites of Violence: relig gious riot in 166th century France, Past and Present 59, 5 pp. 151–1911. Kirsten En ndres Approaching Research onn Ritual N Malory. 20003. Religion. The T basics. Lon ndon: Routledgee, pp. 125–148 ; Kapferer, Reading: Nye, Bruce. 20006. Dynamics. In: I Jens Kreinatth, Jan Snoek annd Michael Strausberg (eds.), Theorizing Rituals: isssues, topics, appproaches, conceepts, Leiden/ Booston: Brill, pp. 507–522. Lale Yalçın n-Heckmann Religion annd Materiality Readings: Ortner, Sherryy B. 1973. On Key Symbols,, American Antthropologist, New N Series, N 5. pp. 13388–1346; Miller,, Daniel. 2005. Materiality: an n introduction. In: Daniel Vol. 75, No. Miller (ed.), Materiality, Durham: D Duke University Presss, 1–50. h to Materiality.. In: Daniel Further sugggestion: Rowllands, Michael.22005. A Materiialist Approach Miller (ed.), Materiality. Durham: D Duke University Presss, 72–87. Ursula Raao, University of Leipzig R Ursula. 200 02. How to Proove Divinities? Experiencing E annd Defending D Divine Reading: Rao, Agency in a Modern Indiaan Space, Religgion, Volume 322, Issue 1, Janu uary 2002, pp. 3–11. 3 Archaeology 15.12.2014 12.01.2015 19.01.2015 26.01.2015 François Bertemes Reading: Verhoeven, Marc. 2011 The Many Dimensions of Ritual. In: Timothy Insoll (ed.), The Archaeology of Ritual and Religion, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 115–132; Colin Renfrew/ Paul Bahn. 62012. Archaeology: theories, methods and practice. London: Thames and Hudson, pp. 388–394. Jan Breder Reading: Burkert, Walter. 2011. The Meaning and Function of the Temple in Classical Greece. In: Eveline Krummen (ed.), Walter Burkert. Kleine Schriften VI. Mythica, Ritualia, Religiosa 3. Kulte und Feste, Göttingen: Vandehoeck und Ruprecht, pp. 177–195. Gundula Mehnert Reading: Burkert, Walter. 2011. The Problem of Ritual Killing. In: Fritz Graf (ed.), Walter Burkert. Kleine Schriften VI. Mythica, Ritualia, Religiosa 2, Göttingen: Vandehoeck und Ruprecht, pp. 23–49. Timothy Darvill University of Bournemouth Beyond Stonehenge: prehistoric ceremonial centres in the Old and New worlds Reading suggestion: Timothy Darvill. 2006. Stonehenge: the bibliography of a landscape. Stroud: Tempus. 02.02.2015 Final discussion and conclusions