Vita revised latest APA style - Michigan State University Department


Vita revised latest APA style - Michigan State University Department
Alexander von Eye
Michigan State University
Department of Psychology
316 Psychology Building
East Lansing, Michigan 48824-1116
Home (517) 349-5577,
Personal Data:
Date: December 3, 2009
Office (517) 355-3408
Office (517) 432-2476
Birth date: September 16, 1949; Leipzig, Germany
German citizen, US citizen
Married, 3 children
B.A. (Vordiplom)
University of Munich
Human Genetics
M.A. (Diplom)
University of Trier
University of Trier
Habilitation at the University of Trier
Employment and Research Experience:
Assistant Professor and Research Scientist, the University of Trier
Assistant Professor, the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg at the
departments of Education and Psychology
Senior Research Scientist, Max Planck Institute for Human Development
and Education, Berlin
Professor of Human Development and Psychology, The Pennsylvania State
Director, Center for Developmental and Health Research Methodology at
Penn State.
Director, NIA Aging Research Methodology Postdoctoral Training Grant
Associate Director, Institute for Public Policy and Social Research at
Michigan State University
Alexander von Eye
vita, p. 2
1993 - 1995 Director, Research-Outreach Methodology Program at Michigan State
1993 - 1998 Professor of Family and Child Ecology, Michigan State University
Since 1993 Professor of Psychology, Michigan State University
2000 - 2003 Chair, Unit of Developmental Psychology, Michigan State University
Honors and Awards
Scholarship of the University of Trier (Aufbaustipendium)
Summer Scholar at the Summer Institute on Individual Development and
Social Change at the Center for Advanced Studies, Stanford, California
1984 - 1988 Biographee in "Who's Who in the World"
Honorary Professorship for Applied Methodology in Psychology, The
Technical University of Berlin
Biographee in "Kürschners Deutscher Gelehrten-Kalender"
Evan G. and Helen G. Pattishall Outstanding Research Achievement Award
"Meet the Scientist;" Society for Research on Adolescence Meeting, San
Member of Scientific Committee for "Conferencia International Para el
Desarollo," including, among others: IV Simposio de Matématica; VII
Encuentro de Estadística Cuba-Mexico, Simposio de Inteligencia Artificial
Member of Scientific Committee for "Conferencia International Para el
Desarollo," including, among others: VI Simposio de Matématica; IX
Encuentro de Estadística Cuba-Mexico, Simposio de Inteligencia Artificial
Fellow, APA Division 5 (Measurement, Evaluation, and Statistics)
Michigan State University Libraries, Computing, & Technology Award for
book on regression anslysis (with Schuster)
Member of Organizing Committee; X Encuentro de Estadística CubaMexico
Biographee in Directory of American Scholars, 10 th edition
Biographee in 2000 Outstanding Scientists of the 20 th Century
Michigan State University Libraries, Computing, & Technology Award for
book on Configural Frequency Analysis
Michigan State University Libraries, Computing, & Technology Award for
book on Positive Youth Development (with Lerner and Taylor)
Michigan State University Libraries, Computing, & Technology Award for
book on Structural equation modeling. Applications in Ecological and
Evolutionary Biology (with Pugesek and Tomer)
Biographee in Who’s Who in Social Sciences Higher Education
Biographee in Who’s Who in Executives and Professionals
Family Practice Research Conference, MSU: Best Presentation (authors: S.
Dunn, A. von Eye, & M. Holmes-Rovner)
Ignacio de Loyola medal of the Universidad Iberoamericana de Mexico
Michigan State University Libraries, Computing, & Technology Award for
book on Analyzing Rater Agreement (with Mun)
Alexander von Eye
vita, p. 3
Fellow, APS
2008 - 2009 Courtesy Appointment at the Center for Alcohol Studies at Rutgers
Outstanding Paper Award at IADIS International Conference e-society
conference (Jackson, von Eye, Fitzgerald, Witt, & Zhao)
Rainbow Award of the European Association of Research on Adolescence
MSU student recognition as instructor who stimulates them to think, reflect,
connect ideas, explore knowledge, and become excited about learning
2009 - 2010 Courtesy Appointment at the Center for Alcohol Studies at Rutgers
Visiting Professorships
Summer 1989
Summer 1995
Visiting Professor of Human Development, The Pennsylvania State
University, College of Human Development and Center for the Study
of Child and Adolescent Development, Penn State
Visiting Professor of Psychology, University of Trier, Germany
Visiting Professor of Psychological Methodology, University of Jena,
Visiting Professor of Developmental Psychology, University of
Vienna, Austria
Summer 1993 - 2005, 2008
- 2009, Winter
Winter 1997/8
Summer 1993, 1995 Universitätslektor, University of Vienna, Austria
Summer 1997-1999 Visiting Professor of Psychology, University of Graz, Austria
Summer 2005
Visiting Professor of Statistics, University of Vienna, Austria
Winter 2005/6
Visiting Professor of Education, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Summer 2006
Visiting Professor of Psychology and Statistics, University of
Klagenfurt, Austria
Summer 2007
Visiting Professor of Statistics, Economics University, Vienna, Austria
Biometrical Society
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie
American Statistical Association
American Psychological Society
Asociación Mexicana de Estadística
International Association for Development of the Information Society (iadis)
European Association of Methodology
National Committee and Board Memberships
Advisory Board, 4H Smoking Prevention Program for Adolescents Project (Chair;
Alexander von Eye
vita, p. 4
2001 - present)
Vermont Alcohol Research Center, Board of Directors (1999 - 2003)
Decade of Behavior, National Advisory Board (2003 - 2005; Chair 2004 - 2005)
LOGIT Management Consulting GmbH, Advisory Board (2006 - )
Council Representative, Region 2, American Statistical Association, (1989-90)
President, State College Chapter of the American Statistical Association, (1989-91)
Treasurer, State College Chapter of the American Statistical Association, (199192)
Selected consultantships
St. Josephshaus (Germany) (1979 - 1984)
Addiction Research Institute, Vermont (1994 - 2003)
International Graduate College, Europe (2002 - 2003)
Universidad Iberoamericana, Cuidad de Mexico (Consejo Técnico) (2005 - )
Statistical Consultant for the Zentrum für Psychologische Information und
Dokumentation (ZPID; Center for Psychological Information and Documentation)
Ad hoc Reviewer for:
Academic Press, Advances in Data Analysis and Classification, American Journal for
Community Psychology, Applied Developmental Science, Applied Psychological
Measurement, Applied Psychology, Behavior Research Methods, Ben Franklin
Partnership Program, Biometrical Journal, British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical
Psychology, Cambridge University Press, Child Development, Computational Statistics
and Data Analysis, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG; Germany), Development
and Psychopathology, Developmental Psychology, Developmental Review, Duxbury
Press, Erlbaum Publishers, European Psychologist, European Journal of Developmental
Psychology, Experimental Aging Research, Field Methods, W.T. Grant Foundation,
Guilford Press, High Ability Studies, Human Development, International Journal of
Behavioral Development, International Journal of Psychology, Irwin Press, Journal for
Agricultural Economy, Journal for Research on Adolescence, Journal of Adolescence,
Journal of Adolescence Research, Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, Journal
of Classification, Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, Journal of
Experimental Child Psychology, Journal of Family Psychology, The Journals of
Gerontology, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Journal of Statistical
Computation and Simulation, Kluwer Publishers, Learning and Instruction, MAGW
(Innovational Research Incentives Scheme; The Netherlands), McGraw-Hill, Media
Psychology, Methodology, Methods of Psychological Research - Online, Metrika, MSU All
University Research Initiation, Multivariate Behavioral Research, National Science
Alexander von Eye
vita, p. 5
Foundation (NSF), NIMH, Perceptual and Motor Skills, Personality and Individual
Differences, Prentice Hall, Psychological Bulletin, Psychological Methods, Psychological
Reports, Psychologische Rundschau, Psychologie Verlags Union, Psychology and Aging,
Psychology Science, Psychometrika, Sage Publishers, Scientific Programming, Social
Behavior and Personality - an International Journal, Social Sciences and Humanities
Research Council of Canada, Society for Research on Child Development, Sociological
Methodology, Statistics in Medicine, The National Council for Soviet and East European
Research, The Swedish Social Science Research Council, Thomson Publishing, United
States Department of the Interior (National Biological Services), United States
Environmental Protection Agency, Wadsworth Publishing, Westview Press, Zeitschrift für
Evaluation, Zeitschrift für Psychologie, Zeitschrift für Sozialpsychologie
Editorial Board Member
Biometrical Journal (1990 - 1996)
International Journal of Behavioral Development (IJBD)(1992 - 2002; 2008 - present)
Methods of Psychological Research - online (1996 - 2004)
Child Development, Member of Policy and Prevention Peer Review Team (1998 - 2001)
Journal of Adolescent Research (1998 - 2005)
Understanding Statistics (2000 - 2004)
Journal of Early Adolescence (2001 - present)
Applied Developmental Science (2004 - present)
Structural Equation Modeling (2005 - present)
Psychology Science Quarterly (2009 - present)
Associate Editor
Biometrical Journal (1996 - 2004)
Revista Multiciência (1997 - 2004)
International Journal of Behavioral Development (IJBD; consulting editor) (2008 - present)
Advisory panel
NSF panel for the Mathematical Social and Behavioral Sciences (2004)
Guest Editor
Special Section on Measurement of Change; International Journal for the Study of
Behavioral Development, 1998, 22, 3.
Special Issues on Statistical Methods for Research on Adolescence; Journal of
Adolescent Research, 2001, 16, 1 and 2001, 16, 2 (A. von Eye & C. Schuster)
Special Issue on Recent Developments in Configural Frequency Analysis;
Psychologische Beiträge, 2000, 42, 3 (E. Lautsch & A. Von Eye)
Special Section on Methods for Evaluation Research; Applied Developmental Science
(2003, 7, 2; A. von Eye & W.T. Summerfelt)
Alexander von Eye
vita, p. 6
Special Issue on Applications and Developments of Configural Frequency Analysis;
Psychology Science (2003; 45, 2; E. Lautsch & A. von Eye)
Special Issue on Methods of Classification; Psychology Science (2004; 46)
Special Issue on Domestic Violence; American Journal of Community Psychology (2005;
1/2; A.A. Levendosky, G.A. Bogat, & A. von Eye)
Special Issue on Configural Frequency Analysis in comparison with other multivariate
statistical methods; Psychology Science (2005; 47, 3/4; E. Lautsch & A. von Eye)
Special Section on Intimate Partner Violence and Children: International Perspectives of
Domestic Violence; European Psychologist (2007; 12; A.A. Levendosky, G.A.
Bogat, & A. von Eye)
Special Issue on Foundations and Functions of Thriving in Adolescence: Findings from
the 4-H Study of Positive Youth Development. Journal of Applied Developmental
Psychology (2009, 30, R.M. Lerner, A. von Eye, J.V. Lerner, & S. Lewin-Bizan)
Topical Issue on Person-oriented Methodology. Psychological Research (A. von Eye, &
C. Spiel; in preparation)
Special Issue on The Meaning and Measurement of Thriving in Adolescence: Findings
from the 4-H Study of Positive Youth Development. Journal of Youth and
Adolescence (R.M. Lerner, A. von Eye, J.V. Lerner, S.Lewin-Bilzan, & E. Bowers;
in preparation)
Hussy, W., & von Eye, A. (Co-PIs) (1979-1981). Development of information processing
I. Stiftung Volkswagenwerk (DM 210,000.00).
Hussy, W., & von Eye, A. (Co-PIs) (1981-1983). Development of information processing
II. Stiftung Volkswagenwerk (DM 150,000.00).
von Eye, A., & Achterberg, C. (1989). Cognitive bases of changes in attitudes toward
nutrition. Gerontology Center, The Pennsylvania State University. ($1,681.00).
Lerner, R. M. (PI), Lerner, J. V., & von Eye, A. (Co-Investigators) (1989-1993). Early
adolescent school achievement. NIH ($502,955.00).
von Eye, A. (PI), Achterberg, C., Smicilas-Wright, H., & Jensen, G. (Co-Investigators)
(1992-1993). Food choice: Knowledge, cognitions, and behavior of female older
adults in rural America. Center on Aging and Health in Rural America (NIA)
von Eye, A. (PI) (1991-1993). Methodology training in aging research. NIA ($251,000).
von Eye, A. (Director) (1993-1995). MSU research-outreach seed grant initiative.
McAdoo, H.P. (PI), Villaruel, F.A., McAdoo, J.L., von Eye, A., & Lerner, R.M. (Co-
Alexander von Eye
vita, p. 7
Investigators)(1994 -1998). African American and Mexican American families
of retarded children. NIH ($700,086).
von Eye, A. (PI). (1994). Attachment in families with one encarcerated parent. MSU-ADS
grant ($15,000) (Project won American Psychology Foundation’s McNeill Award
Hoerr, S.L.M., Luster, T., & von Eye, A. (Co-PIs)(1994 -1995). Improving nutritional
factors for optimal health in adolescent mothers and their children. Mary Lewis
Foundation ($75,000).
Zucker, R.A., Fitzgerald, H.E. (Co-PIs), & von Eye, A. (Co-Investigator)(1998 - 2001). Risk
and coping in children of alcoholics: Years 11 to 15 of the Michigan State
University - University of Michigan Longitudinal Study. NIAAA grant # 2RO1AA07065 ($4.646.860).
von Eye, A. (PI)(1999). Structural equations modeling in evolutionary Biology. Federal
Fish and Wildlife Service ($5,000).
von Eye, A. (1994, 1995, 1997, 1999) Special Foreign Travel Fund; International Study
programs, MSU travel grants.
Brophy-Herb, H., Lee, R.E., Stollak, G.E., & von Eye, A. (Co-PIs). Social competence:
Contributions of child, family and school characteristics. Total budget: $10,000
(ICYF)(4/99 - 5/00).
Nigg, J.T. (PI), Zucker, R.A., Fitzgerald, H.E., & von Eye, A. (Co-Investigators). Family
study of neuropsychological risk for alcoholism. Total budget: $973,560 (NIAAA)
(12/1/1999 - 11/30/2004).
Jackson, L.A. (PI), Barbatsis, G., Biocca, F.A., Fitzgerald, H.E., & von Eye, A. (Co-PIs).
HomeNetToo: Motivational, affective and cognitive factors and Internet use:
Explaining the digital divide and the Internet paradox. Total budget: $1,770,963
(NSF)(9/1/2000 - 31/8/2004). Project was featured in the Monitor on
Psychology, 38 (10), 2007.
Levendosky, A. (PI), Bogat, A., Davidson, W.S. II, & von Eye, A. (Co-PIs).
Intergenerational transmission of violence. Total budget: $875,811 (CDC)(9/1/00 8/31/2004).
von Eye, A. (PI), Lerner, R.A., & Taylor, C.S. (Co-PIs). Overcoming the odds:
Understanding successful development among African American male
Adolescents. Total budget: $294,000 (W.T. Grant Foundation)(7/2002 - 8/2004).
Alexander von Eye
vita, p. 8
Levendosky, A.A., (PI), Bogat, G.A., Davidson, W.S.II, & von Eye, A. (Co-PIs). Risk and
protection factors for battered women and children. (Pending)
von Eye, A., (PI), Barnes, J.V.(Co-Investigator). The evaluation of Genesee county’s
implementation of a health education program for preschool-aged children and
their families. Total budget: $25,000 (FACT)(4/2004 - 3/2006).
Jackson, L.A. (PI), Fitzgerald, H.E., Harold, R.D., von Eye, A. & Zhao, Y. (co-PIs). An
ecological systems approach to the impact of information technology (IT) use on
children's cognitive, social, psychological and moral development. National
Science Foundation, Human and Social Dynamics (HSD). Project period:
December 1, 2005 to November 30, 2008. Total costs, $748,449.
Bogat, G.A., Levendosky, A.A., Davidson, W.S., & von Eye, A. The Mental and Physical
Health Consequences of Domestic Violence for Women and Children Receiving
Medicaid. Michigan Department of Community Health, Medicaid Grant, November,
2005. $280,096 ($140,061 direct costs). March 1, 2006 - October 1, 2006.
Bogat, G. A., Levendosky, A. A., von Eye, A., & Davidson, W. S. The mental and physical
health consequences of domestic violence for women and children receiving
Medicaid. Medicaid Administrative Services Grant. $397,257 ($193,045 direct
costs). October 1, 2006 – September 30, 2007.
Nigg, J.T., (PI) von Eye, A., & Larson, C.L. (Co-PIs). Heterogeneity of mechanism and
pathway in child ADHD. NIH, $2,552,395.00. May 2007 - April 2012.
Bogat, G.A. (PI), Levendosky, A.A., Lonstein, J., & von Eye, A. (Co-PIs). The effects of
intimate partner violence on the mother-child dyad: neurobiological, health, and
mental health functioning. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Foundation;
$88,285.00. January 2009 - December 2010.
Bogat, G.A. (PI), Levendosky, A.A., Lonstein, J., & von Eye, A. (Co-PIs). The effects of
pre- and postnatal intimate partner violence on infant behavior and physiology.
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development; $100,000.
von Eye, A. (PI). Modeling concepts of development at the level of manifest categorical
variables. (in preparation)
Citation Record
about 300 of my works have been cited for a total of over 1200 times (based on the ISI
index on 11/27/2006)
Alexander von Eye
vita, p. 9
von Eye, A. Ein iteratives Verfahren für die lineare Diskriminanzanalyse [An iterative
procedure for linear discriminant analysis]. Diplomarbeit. Universität Trier, Sektion
Psychologie des FB 1, 1974.
von Eye, A. Die Zirkumskriptanalyse - ein iteratives Klassifikationsverfahren [Circumscript
analysis - an iterative classification procedure]. Dissertation. Universität Trier,
Sektion Psychologie des FB 1, 1976.
Brandtstädter, J., & von Eye, A. (Eds.). (1982). Psychologische Prävention -Grundlagen,
Programme, Methoden. Bern: Huber.
von Eye, A., & Marx, W. (Eds.). (1984). Semantische Dimensionen.
Verhaltenstheoretische Konzepte einer psychologischen Semantik. Göttingen:
Nesselroade, J. R., & von Eye, A. (Eds.). (1985). Individual development and social
change: Explanatory analysis. New York: Academic Press.
von Eye, A. (1990). Introduction to Configural Frequency Analysis: The search for types
and antitypes in cross-classifications. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
von Eye, A. (Ed.). (1990). Statistical methods in longitudinal research, Vol. 1: Principles
and structuring change. New York: Academic Press.
von Eye, A. (Ed.). (1990). Statistical methods in longitudinal research, Vol. 2: Time
series and categorical longitudinal data. New York: Academic Press.
Rovine, M. J., & von Eye, A. (1991). Applied computational statistics in longitudinal
research. New York: Academic Press.
von Eye, A. (Ed.). (1991). Prädiktionsanalyse: Vorhersagen mit kategorialen Variablen.
Weinheim: Psychologie Verlagsunion.
Lienert, G. A., & von Eye, A. (1994). Erziehungswissenschaftliche Statistik. Eine
elementare Einführung für pädagogische Berufe. Weinheim: Beltz.
von Eye, A., & Clogg, C.C. (Eds.). (1994). Latent variables analysis - Applications for
developmental research. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
von Eye, A., & Clogg, C.C. (Eds.)(1996). Analysis of categorical variables in
developmental research. San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
Alexander von Eye
vita, p. 10
von Eye, A., & Schuster, C. (1998). Regression analysis for social sciences - models and
applications. San Diego: Academic Press.
Silbereisen, R.K., & von Eye, A. (Eds.)(1999). Growing up in times of social change.
Berlin: De Gruyter.
von Eye, A., & Niedermeier, K.E. (1999). Statistical analysis of longitudinal categorical
data - An introduction with computer illustrations. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
von Eye, A. (2002). Configural Frequency Analysis - Methods, Models, and Applications.
Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Lerner, R.M., Taylor, C.S., & von Eye, A. (Eds.)(2002). Pathways to positive youth
development among diverse Youth. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Pugesek, B., Tomer, A. & von Eye, A. (Eds.)(2003). Structural equation modeling.
Applications in Ecological and Evolutionary Biology. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge
University Press.
von Eye, A., & Mun, E.Y. (2005). Modeling rater agreement - manifest variable
approaches. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
von Eye, A. (Section Editor)(2005). Categorical data analysis. In Everitt, B.S., & Howell,
D.C. (Editors-in-chief), Encyclopedia of statistics in behavioral science, Vol. 1 - 4.
Chichester, UK: Wiley.
von Eye, A., Mair, P., & Mun, E.Y. (in preparation). Advanced Configural Frequency
Analysis. Guilford Press.
von Eye, A., Mun, E.Y., & Mair, P. (in preparation). What is going on in this table? An
introduction to log-linear modeling.
Chapters and Articles
Hussy, W., & von Eye, A. (1976). Der Einfluß des Zeitpunkts des Lernens und der
Qualität von interferierendem Material sowie des Reproduktionszeitpunkts auf die
Ausprägung der ekphorischen und der retroaktiven Hemmung. Psychologische
Beiträge, 18, 491-504.
Hussy, W., & von Eye, A. (1976). Zur theoretischen und experimentellen Analyse der
retroaktiven und ekphorischen Hemmung. Zeitschrift für experimentelle und
angewandte Psychologie, 23, 441-465.
von Eye, A. (1976). Ein iteratives Verfahren zur Lösung des linearen
Diskriminanzproblems. Psychologische Beiträge, 18, 190-207.
Alexander von Eye
vita, p. 11
von Eye, A., & Schneewind, K. A. (1976). MACS: Mehrdimensionale automatische
Clustersuche. Eine Strategie für die Suche von Clustern im Testraum und ihre
exemplarische Anwendung auf ein Problem der psychologischen
Erziehungsstilforschung. Trierer Psychologische Berichte, 3(2).
Brandtstädter, J., & von Eye, A. (1977). Konfigurale Ähnlichkeit und faktorielle Äquivalenz
von Testprofilen. Ein Beitrag zum Problem der konfigurationszentrierten
Profilanalyse. Diagnostica, 23, 119-126.
von Eye, A. (1977). Die Zirkumskriptanalyse - zur Konzeption eines
Klassifikationsverfahrens. In W. H. Tack (Ed.), Bericht über den 30. Kongreß der
Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie in Regensburg (pp. 454-456). Göttingen:
von Eye, A. (1977). Über die Verwendung von Quadriken zur einbeschreibenden
Klassifikation. Biometrical Journal, 19, 283-290.
von Eye, A. (1977). Zum Vergleich zwischen der hierarchischen Clusteranalyse nach
WARD und MACS, einer mehrdimensionalen automatischen Clustersuchstrategie.
Psychologische Beiträge, 19, 201-217.
von Eye, A., & Brandtstädter, J. (1977). Zum Problem der Fundierung pädagogischpsychologischer Intervention. Trierer Psychologische Berichte, 4(6).
von Eye, A., & Schneewind, K. A. (1977). Mitteilung über die Entwicklung von MACS,
einem Verfahren zur mehrdimensionalen automatischen Clustersuche.
Diagnostica, 23, 84-85.
von Eye, A., & Wiedl, K. H. (1977). Zur Identifikation und Prädiktion von Personentypen
ästhetischer Präferenz. Trierer Psychologische Berichte, 4(4).
Funke, J., Hussy, W., & von Eye, A. (1978). Mitteilung über die Entwicklung eines
Rechnerprogramms zur Berechnung von fünf Maßen kognitiver Komplexität.
Diagnostica, 24, 371-372.
von Eye, A. (1978). Clusteranalyse durch Umhüllung lokaler Dichtezentren. In L. H.
Eckensberger (Ed.), Bericht über den 31. Kongreß der Deutschen Gesellschaft für
Psychologie in Mannheim (pp. 506-508). Göttingen: Hogrefe.
von Eye, A., Hussy, W., & Funke, J. (1978). Über die Struktur des Straßenverkehrsverhaltens. Trierer Psychologische Berichte, 5(4).
von Eye, A., & Wiedl, K. H. (1978). Personentypen ästhetischer Präferenz und ihre
Klassifikationseigenschaften. Zeitschrift für experimentelle und angewandte
Psychologie, 25, 349-366.
Alexander von Eye
vita, p. 12
von Eye, A., & Wirsing, M. (1978). An attempt for a mathematical foundation and
evaluation of MACS, a method for multidimensional automatical cluster detection.
Biometrical Journal, 20, 655-666.
Brandtstädter, J., & von Eye, A. (1979). Pädagogisch-psychologische Praxis zwischen
Prävention und Korrektur. In J. Brandtstädter, G. Reinert, & K. A. Schneewind
(Eds.), Probleme und Perspektiven der pädagogischen Psychologie (pp. 355-379).
Stuttgart: Klett.
Hussy, W., von Eye, A., & Funke, J. (1979). Gedächtnishemmungen, kognitiver
Entwicklungsstand und Lernmaterial. Zeitschrift für erziehungswissenschaftliche
Forschung, 13, 9-33.
Hussy, W., von Eye, A., & Funke, J. (1979). Lern- und Reproduktionshemmungen bei
Wiedererkennungsprozessen. Zeitschrift für erziehungswissenschaftliche
Forschung, 13, 230-249.
Krampen, G., & von Eye, A. (1979). Zur Strukturanalyse der Wert- und Zielvorstellungen
von Alkoholikern. Zeitschrift für klinische Psychologie, 8, 91-102.
Krueger, H.-P., Lienert, G. A., Gebert, A., & von Eye, A. (1979). Eine inferentielle
Clusteranalyse für Alternativdaten. Psychologische Beiträge, 21, 540-553.
von Eye, A. (1979). The cluster concept of relative space density maxima. In J. F.
Gentleman (Ed.), Proceedings of the Computer Science and Statistics 12th Annual
Symposium on the Interface (pp. 318-322). Waterloo, Canada: University of
Waterloo Press.
von Eye, A. (1979). Koeffizienten konfiguraler Ähnlichkeit. Diagnostica, 25, 219-233.
von Eye, A., & Hussy, W. (1979). Zum Beitrag von Variablen der kognitiven Komplexität
für die Identifikation verkehrspsychologischer Risikogruppen. Schweizerische
Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 38, 58-70.
von Eye, A., & Krampen, G. (1979). Zu den teststatistischen Eigenschaften der
deutschsprachigen Version des Eysenck-Persönlichkeitsinventars EPI.
Diagnostica, 25, 327-328.
von Eye, A., & Hussy, W. (1980). Zur Verwendung der polynomialen Approximation in
der Psychologie. Psychologische Beiträge, 22, 163-181.
von Eye, A., & Lienert, G. A. (1980). Nonparametric evaluation of heritability by intra-twin
differences of mono- and dizygotic twins. Biometrical Journal, 22, 505-511.
Alexander von Eye
vita, p. 13
von Eye, A., & Wirsing, M. (1980). Cluster search by enveloping space density maxima.
In M. M. Barritt & D. Wishart (Eds.), Compstat 1980, Proceedings in Computational
Statistics (pp. 447-453). Wien: Physica.
von Eye, D., von Eye, A., & Hussy, W. (1980). Zur Bedeutung der kognitiven Komplexität
für die Einschätzung von semantischen Eigenschaften von Substantiven.
Zeitschrift für experimentelle und angewandte Psychologie, 27, 534-552.
Brandtstädter, J., & von Eye, A. (1981). Optimierung von Klassifikationsentscheidungen
unter Nutzen-Kosten-Gesichtspunkten. In W. Janke (Ed.), Methodik in der
differentiellen, diagnostischen und klinischen Psychologie. Festschrift zum 60.
Geburtstag von G. A. Lienert (pp. 233-244). Königstein/Ts.: Hain.
Brandtstädter, J., von Eye, A., & Müller, J. (1981). Zuschreibung delinquenter
Verhaltenstendenzen aufgrund von Informationen über Persönlichkeitsmerkmale
und Sozialschichtzugehörigkeit. Psychologische Beiträge, 23, 171-180.
von Eye, A. (1981). Die Assoziationsstrukturanalyse auf informationstheoretischer Basis.
Zeitschrift für klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie, 29, 216-227.
von Eye, A., & Brandtstädter, J. (1981). Lebensbäume als entwicklungspsychologische
Modelle: Ansätze zur Analyse von Lebensereignissequenzen. Trierer
Psychologische Berichte, 8(2).
von Eye, A., Gebert, A., & Lienert, G. A. (1981). Testskalenbeurteilung nach multivariater
Punktsymmetrie. Psychologische Beiträge, 23, 208-225.
von Eye, A., & Hussy, W. (1981). Informationstheoretische Analyse der
Bearbeitungszeiten bei der Beschäftigung mit dem "Superhirn"-Problem Theoretische und empirische Beiträge. Trierer Psychologische Berichte, 8(11).
von Eye, A., & Krampen, G. (1981). Zum Lernen verbalen Materials unterschiedlicher
semantischer Eigenschaften. Zeitschrift für experimentelle und angewandte
Psychologie, 28, 527-540.
von Eye, D., & von Eye, A. (1981). On the influence of simple contexts on ratings of
semantic features of nouns. The Italian Journal of Psychology, 8, 35-55.
von Eye, D., & von Eye, A. (1981). Zum Einfluß des Kontexts auf die Einschätzung
semantischer Eigenschaften. In W. Michaelis (Ed.), Bericht über den 32. Kongreß
der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie in Zürich (pp. 239-242). Göttingen:
Brandtstädter, J., & von Eye, A. (1982). Aussagenlogische Analyse von Kontingenztafeln:
I. Methodologische Vorüberlegungen. Trierer Psychologische Berichte, 9(6).
Alexander von Eye
vita, p. 14
Kinzinger, S., Ach, P., Dörnfeld, G., Knab, E., & von Eye, A. (1982). Psychodiagnostische
Daten. Indikatoren für Auswirkungen von Heimerziehung? In E. Knab (Ed.),
Heimerziehung - ein differenziertes Leistungsangebot. Beiträge zur Theorie und
Praxis öffentlicher Erziehung im Heim für Verhaltensgestörte (pp. 139-152).
Frankfurt am Main: Lang.
Krampen, G., & von Eye, A. (1982). Informationstheoretische Modelle kausaler
Attributionen. Trierer Psychologische Berichte, 9(5).
von Eye, A. (1982). On the equivalence of the information theoretic transmission
measure to the common ÷²-statistic. Biometrical Journal, 24, 391-398.
von Eye, A. (1982). Statistische und methodologische Problemstellungen
psychologischer Präventionsforschung. In J. Brandtstädter & A. von Eye (Eds.),
Psychologische Prävention: Grundlagen, Programme, Methoden (pp. 305-439).
Bern: Huber.
von Eye, A., & Brandtstädter, J. (1982). Systematization of results of configuration
frequency analysis by minimizing Boolean functions. In H. Caussinus, P. Ettinger,
& J. R. Mathieu (Eds.), Compstat 1982, part II: Short communications, summaries
of posters (pp. 91-92). Wien: Physica.
von Eye, A., & Krampen, G. (1982). Zur Einschätzung des semantischen Gehalts von
Texten und ihren Bestandteilen. Zeitschrift für experimentelle und angewandte
Psychologie, 29, 582-597.
von Eye, A. (1983). t-tests for single means of autocorrelated data - a simulation study.
Biometrical Journal, 25, 801-805.
von Eye, A., & Brandtstädter, J. (1983). Aussagenlogische Analyse von Kontingenztafeln:
II. Statistische Evaluation. Trierer Psychologische Berichte, 10(2).
von Eye, A., & Krampen, G. (1983). Zur Interaktion semantischer Eigenschaften beim
Lernen verbalen Materials. Zeitschrift für experimentelle und angewandte
Psychologie, 30, 202-214.
Dixon, R. A., Hultsch, D. F., Simon, E. W., & von Eye, A. (1984). Verbal ability and text
structure effects on adult age differences in text recall. Journal of Verbal Learning
and Verbal Behavior, 23, 569-578.
Dixon, R. A., & von Eye, A. (1984). Depth of processing and text recall in adulthood.
Journal of Reading Behavior, 16, 109-117.
Alexander von Eye
vita, p. 15
Lienert, G. A., & von Eye, A. (1984). Multivariate Änderungsbeurteilung mittels
Inkrementen-Konfigurationsclusteranalyse. Psychologische Beiträge, 26, 363-371.
Lienert, G. A., & von Eye, A. (1984). Testing for stability and change in multivariate t-point
observations by longitudinal configural frequency analysis. Psychologische
Beiträge, 26, 298-308.
von Eye, A. (1984). Konfigurationsanalytische Typisierung multivariater Verlaufskurven.
Psychologische Beiträge, 26, 37-51.
von Eye, A. (1984). Verlaufsdiagnostik in der Heimerziehung - Möglichkeiten und
Schwierigkeiten. In E. Knab (Ed.), Motopädagogik in der Heimerziehung (pp. 6574). Frankfurt/M.: Lang.
von Eye, A., & Brandtstädter, J. (1984). Aussagenlogische Analyse von Kontingenztafeln:
III. Multivariate Designs. Trierer Psychologische Berichte, 11(6).
von Eye, A., & Dixon, R. A. (1984). Zur Entwicklung semantischer Dimensionen theoretische Annahmen und empirische Befunde am Beipiel der dual-code
Theorie. In A. von Eye & W. Marx (Eds.), Semantische Dimensionen (pp. 161185). Göttingen: Hogrefe.
von Eye, A., & Lienert, G. A. (1984). Die Konfigurationsfrequenzanalyse XX. Typen und
Syndrome zweiter Ordnung (Komplextypen). Zeitschrift für klinische Psychologie
und Psychotherapie, 32, 345-355.
Berger-Zenk, H., von Eye, A., Dixon, R. A., & Lortz, E. (1985). Zum Geltungsbereich des
levels-of-processing Ansatzes - Textlernen bei einem Altersquerschnitt von
Psychotikern und Normalen. Zeitschrift für experimentelle und angewandte
Psychologie, 32, 3-20.
Krampen, G., & von Eye, A. (1985). Generalized expectations of drug-delinquents, other
delinquents, and a control sample. Addictive Behaviors, 9, 421-423.
Lienert, G. A., & von Eye, A. (1985). Die Konfigurationsclusteranalyse (KCA) und ihre
Anwendung in der klinischen Psychologie. In D. Albert (Ed.), Bericht über den 34.
Kongreß der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie 1984 in Wien (pp. 167-169).
Göttingen: Hogrefe.
von Eye, A. (1985). Konfigurationsfrequenzanalyse bei gerichteten
Variablenbeziehungen (GKFA). EDV in Medizin und Biologie, 16, 37-40.
Alexander von Eye
vita, p. 16
von Eye, A. (1985). Längsschnitt - und Querschnittforschung. In W. D. Oswald, W. M.
Herrmann, S. Kanowski, U. M. Lehr, & H. Thomae (Eds.), Gerontologie (pp. 255260). Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
von Eye, A. (1985). Longitudinal research methods. In T. Husén & T. N. Postlethwaite
(Eds.), International encyclopedia of education: Research and studies (Vol. 5, pp.
3740-3752). Oxford: Pergamon Press.
von Eye, A. (1985). Structure identification using nonparametric models. In J. R.
Nesselroade & A. von Eye (Eds.), Individual development and social change:
Explanatory analysis (pp. 125-154). New York: Academic Press.
von Eye, A., & Brandtstädter, J. (1985). Aussagenlogische Analyse von Kontingenztafeln. In D. Albert (Ed.), Bericht über den 34. Kongreß der Deutschen
Gesellschaft für Psychologie in Wien 1984 (pp. 173-176). Göttingen: Hogrefe.
von Eye, A., & Brandtstädter, J. (1985). Aussagenlogische Analyse von Kontingenztafeln: IV. Die Beurteilung der statistischen Relevanz von Einzelprädiktoren in
multivariaten Pradiktionen. Trierer Psychologische Berichte, 12(10).
von Eye, A., & Lienert, G. A. (1985). Die Konfigurationsfrequenzanalyse XXIIa. Typen
normativer Skalenmuster. Zeitschrift für klinische Psychologie und
Psychotherapie, 33, 173-181.
Brandtstädter, J., & von Eye, A. (1986). Hypothesenevaluation in der multivariaten
Prädiktionsanalyse. Methodische Erweiterungen für multivariate Anwendungen.
Psychologische Beiträge, 28, 400-424.
Lienert, G. A., & von Eye, A. (1986). Nonparametric two-sample CFA of incomplete
learning curves. In F. Klix & H. Hagendorf (Eds.), Human memory and cognitive
capabilities (pp. 123-138). New York: Elsevier.
Thiel, T., & von Eye, A. (1986). Zum Einfluß von Bildhaftigkeit und Verarbeitungstiefe auf
das Behalten von Texten. Zeitschrift für experimentelle und angewandte
Psychologie, 33, 500-518.
von Eye, A. (1986). Strategien der Typen- und Syndromaufklärung mit der Interaktionsstrukturanalyse. Zeitschrift für Klinische Psychologie, Psychopathologie, und
Psychotherapie, 34, 54-68.
von Eye, A., & Brandtstädter, J. (1986). Zur Auswertung multivariater Prädiktionshypothesen: Methodologische Kautelen. Trierer Psychologische Berichte, 13(4).
Bergman, L. R., & von Eye, A. (1987). Normal approximations of exact tests in configural
frequency analysis. Biometrical Journal, 29, 849-855.
Alexander von Eye
vita, p. 17
Krampen, G., von Eye, A., & Brandtstädter, J. (1987). Konfigurationstypen generalisierter
Kontrollüberzeugungen. Zeitschrift für differentielle und diagnostische
Psychologie, 8, 111-119.
Lautsch, E., Lienert, G. A., & von Eye, A. (1987). Zur Anwendung der KüchenhoffStetigkeitskorrektur des Lehmacher KFA-Tests in der Suche nach Typen
soziogener Neuropathologie. Zeitschrift für Klinische Psychologie,
Psychopathologie, und Psychotherapie, 35, 134-140.
Lienert, G. A., Netter, P., & von Eye, A. (1987). Die Konfigurationsfrequenzanalyse XXV.
Typen und Syndrome höherer Ordnung. Zeitschrift für Klinische Psychologie,
Psychopathologie, und Psychotherapie, 35, 344-352.
Lienert, G. A., & von Eye, A. (1987). Nonparametric comparison of longitudinal response
patterns from unpaired samples using configural frequency analysis. Biometrical
Journal, 29, 675-688.
Lienert, G. A., & von Eye, A. (1987). Nonparametric identification of multivariate
improvement effects using configural analysis of complementary increments
(CACI) from pre-post treatment designs. Biometrical Journal, 29, 429-437.
Lienert, G. A., von Eye, A., & Rovine, M. J. (1987). Factor analysis: Difficulty adjustment
of item-intercorrelations using symmetry transformations. EDP in Medicine and
Biology, 18, 118-124.
von Eye, A., & Bergman, L. R. (1987). A note on numerical approximations of the
binomial test in Configural Frequency Analysis. EDP in Medicine and Biology, 17,
von Eye, A., & Krampen, G. (1987). BASIC programs for prediction analysis of crossclassifications. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 47, 141-143.
Program is also published in Silver, N.C., & Hittner, J.B. (1998), A guidebook of
statistical software for the social and behavioral sciences (p. 311). Boston: Allyn
and Bacon.
von Eye, A., & Lienert, G. A. (1987). Nonparametric comparison of longitudinal response
patterns from paired samples using configural frequency analysis. Biometrical
Journal, 29, 615-624.
von Eye, A., Rovine, M. J., & Cannon, C. J. (1987). On the reliability of random number
generator results. In R. M. Heiberger (Ed.), Proceedings of the Computer Science
and Statistics 19th Symposium on the Interface (pp. 326-330). Alexandria, VA:
American Statistical Association.
Alexander von Eye
vita, p. 18
Hussy, W., & von Eye, A. (1988). On cognitive operators in information processing and
their effects on memory in different age groups. In F. E. Weinert & M. Perlmutter
(Eds.), Memory development: Universal changes and individual differences (pp.
275-291). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Lautsch, E., Lienert, G. A., & von Eye, A. (1988). Strategische Überlegungen zur
Anwendung der Konfigurationsfrequenzanalyse. EDP in Medicine and Biology, 19,
Lienert, G. A., & von Eye, A. (1988). A nonparametric law-of-initial-values (LIV) test for
comparing spreads in two paired samples. Methods of Information in Medicine,
27, 34-36.
Lienert, G. A., & von Eye, A. (1988). Syndromaufklärung mittels generalisierter ISA.
Zeitschrift für Klinische Psychologie, Psychopathologie, und Psychotherapie, 36,
von Eye, A. (1988). The General Linear Model as a framework for models in Configural
Frequency Analysis. Biometrical Journal, 30, 59-67.
von Eye, A. (1988). Some multivariate developments in nonparametric statistics. In J. R.
Nesselroade & R. B. Cattell (Eds.), Handbook of multivariate experimental
psychology (pp. 367-398). New York: Plenum Press.
von Eye, A., & Brandtstädter, J. (1988). Application of prediction analysis to crossclassifications of ordinal data. Biometrical Journal, 30, 651-655.
von Eye, A., & Brandtstädter, J. (1988). Formulating and testing developmental
hypotheses using statement calculus and non-parametric statistics. In P. B.
Baltes, D. Featherman, & R. M. Lerner (Eds.), Life-span development and behavior
(Vol. 8, pp. 61-97). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
von Eye, A., & Rovine, M. J. (1988). A comparison of significance tests for Configural
Frequency Analysis. EDP in Medicine and Biology, 19, 6-13.
Chipuer, H. M., & von Eye, A. (1989). Suicide trends in Canada and Germany: An
application of Configural Frequency Analysis. Suicide and Life-Threatening
Behavior, 19, 264-276.
Dunkl, E., von Eye, A., & Lienert, G. A. (1989). Quasi-Unabängigkeit als Grundlage des
Victorschen Typenkonzepts der Konfigurationsfrequenzanalyse. Psychologische
Beiträge, 31, 341-358.
Alexander von Eye
vita, p. 19
Isabella, R. A., Belsky, J., & von Eye, A. (1989). The origins of infant-mother attachment:
an examination of interactional synchrony during the infant's first year.
Developmental Psychology, 25, 12-21.
Lienert, G. A., & von Eye, A. (1989). Die Konfigurationsclusteranalyse als Alternative zur
KFA. Zeitschrift für Klinische Psychologie, Psychopathologie, und Psychotherapie,
37, 451-457.
Rovine, M. J., von Eye, A., & Wood, P. K. (1989). The effect of low covariate-criterion
correlations on the analysis of covariance. In E. J. Wegman, D. T. Gantz, & J. T.
Miller (Eds.), Computer science and statistics: Proceedings of the 20 th Symposium
on the Interface (pp. 500-504). Alexandria, VA: The American Statistical
von Eye, A. (1989). Zero-missing-non existing: A conceptualization of the missing data
problem in longitudinal research with categorical data solutions. In M. Brambring,
F. Lösel, & H. Skowronek (Eds.), Children at risk: Assessment and longitudinal
research (pp. 336-355). New York: De Gruyter.
von Eye, A. (1989). Zur Lokalisation des Bildhaftigkeitseffekts beim Lernen verbalen
Materials. Zeitschrift für Experimentelle und Angewandte Psychologie, 36, 368385.
von Eye, A., Dixon, R. A., & Krampen, G. (1989). Text recall in adulthood: The roles of
text imagery and orienting tasks. Psychological Research, 51, 136-146.
von Eye, A., & Kreppner, K. (1989). Family systems and family development: The
selection of analytical units. In K. Kreppner & R. M. Lerner (Eds.), Family systems
and life-span development (pp. 247-269). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Chipuer, H. M., & von Eye, A. (1990). Reply to Cantor: Availability of firearms and
suicide. Journal of Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 20, 362-363.
Dunkl, E., & von Eye, A. (1990). Kleingruppentests gegen Victor-Typen und Syndrome.
Zeitschrift für Klinische Psychologie, Psychopathologie, und Psychotherapie, 44,
Finkelstein, J. W., & von Eye, A. (1990). Sanitary product use by white, black, and
Mexican-American women. Public Health Reports, 105, 491-496.
Lerner, R. M., Delaney, M., Hess, L. E., Jovanovic, J., & von Eye, A. (1990). Early
adolescent physical attractiveness and academic competence. Journal of Early
Adolescence, 10, 4-20.
Alexander von Eye
vita, p. 20
Rehn, E., Lienert, G. A., & von Eye, A. (1990). Geschwister zerebralparetischer Kinder:
eine Parallelstichproben - KFA ihrer Befindlichkeit. Zeitschrift für Klinische
Psychologie, Psychopathologie, und Psychotherapie, 38, 245-252.
Rovine, M. J., & von Eye, A. (1990). A reinterpretation of the correlation coefficient:
Correlation as a count of matches. In K. Berk & L. Malone (Eds.), Computer
science and statistics: Proceedings of the 21st Symposium on the Interface (pp.
287-291). Alexandria, VA: The American Statistical Association.
Tubman, J. T., Vicary, J. R., von Eye, A., & Lerner, J. V. (1990). Longitudinal substance
use and adult adjustment. Journal of Substance Abuse, 2, 317-334.
von Eye, A. (1990). Configural frequency analysis of longitudinal multivariate responses.
In A. von Eye (Ed.), Statistical methods in longitudinal research (Vol. 2, pp. 545570). New York: Academic Press.
von Eye, A., Rovine, M. J., & Wood, P. K. (1990). A comparison of tests for residual
analysis. In K. Berk, & L. Malone (Eds.), Computer science and statistics:
Proceedings of the 21st Symposium on the Interface (pp. 355-358). Alexandria,
VA: American Statistical Association.
Lienert, G. A., Netter, P., & von Eye, A. (1991). Perspektiven der Konfigurationsfrequenzanalyse als Methode der Persönlichkeitspsychologie. Zeitschrift für
Psychologie, Suppl. 11 (F. Klix & E. van der Meer [Eds.], Experimentalpsychologie
heute. 100 Zahre Zeitschrift für Psychologie).
Tubman, J. G., Vicary, J. R., von Eye, A., & Lerner, J. V. (1991). Qualitative changes in
substance use-adjustment relations in adolescence. Journal of Substance Abuse,
3, 405-414.
von Eye, A. (1991). Einführung in die Prädiktionsanalyse. In A. von Eye (Ed.),
Prädiktionsanalyse. Vorhersagen mit kategorialen Variablen (pp. 45-155).
Weinheim: Psychologie Verlags Union.
von Eye, A. (1991). Längsschnitt- und Querschnittforschung – Methodische Aspekte. In
W. D. Oswald, W. M. Herrmann, S. Kanowski, U. M. Lehr, & H. Thomae (Eds.),
Gerontologie, (2nd ed., pp. 305-310). Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
von Eye, A., & Hussy, W. (1991). Zur Interaktion von Material- und Personeneigenschaften beim Lernen verbalen Materials: eine Querschnittsuntersuchung. Zeitschrift für experimentelle und angewandte Psychologie, 38, 1-25.
von Eye, A., & Rovine, M. J. (1991). Robust symmetrical regression in astronomy. The
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Bulletin, 20, 277.
Alexander von Eye
vita, p. 21
von Eye, A., & Sörensen, S. (1991). Models of chance when measuring interrater
agreement with kappa. Biometrical Journal, 33, 781-787.
von Eye, A., Lienert, G. A., & Wertheimer, M. (1991). Syndromkombinationen als
Metasyndrome der KFA. Zeitschrift für Klinische Psychologie, Psychopathologie,
and Psychotherapie, 39, 254-260.
Whitlatch, C. J., Zarit, S. H., & von Eye, A. (1991). Efficiency of interventions with
caregivers: A reanalysis. The Gerontologist, 31, 9-14.
Lautsch, E., Lienert, G. A., & von Eye, A. (1992). Orthogonal prediction configural
frequency analysis by chi-square partitioning. Biometrical Journal, 34, 657-668.
Lerner, R. M., & von Eye, A. (1992). Sociobiology and human behavior: Arguments and
evidence. Human Development, 35, 12-33.
Rovine, M. J., von Eye, A. (1992). Patterns of data yielding significant regression
interaction terms. In C. Page & R. LePage (Eds.), Computing Science and
Statistics. Proceedings of the 22nd Symposium on the Interface (pp. 504-508).
New York: Springer.
Rovine, M. J., von Eye, A., & Cannon, C. J. (1992). A test of the equivalence of four
random number generators--a simulation study. Biometrical Journal, 34, 111-116.
Silbereisen, R. K., Noack, P., & von Eye, A. (1992). Adolescents' development of
romantic friendship and change in favorite leisure contexts. Journal of Adolescent
Research, 7, 80-93.
Tubman, J. T., Lerner, R. M., Lerner, J. V., & von Eye, A. (1992). Temperament and
adjustment in young adulthood: A fifteen-year longitudinal analysis. American
Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 62, 564-574.
von Eye, A. (1992). Chance models and types of hypotheses in evidential statistics
(commentary). In J. Asendorpf & J. Valsiner (Eds.), Framing stability and change:
A study of methodological reasoning (pp. 84-87). Beverly Hills: Sage.
von Eye, A. (1992). Going beyond correlations: Parameter specificity of stability and
change (commentary). In J. Asendorpf & J. Valsiner (Eds.), Framing stability and
change: A study of methodological reasoning (pp. 150-154). Beverly Hills: Sage.
von Eye, A., & Hussy, W. (1992). Informationspsychologie und Pädagogik. In B. Möller
(Ed.), Logik der Pädagogik. Pädagogik als interfakultäres Aufgabengebiet, Vol 1
(pp. 271 - 287). Oldenburg: BIS.
Alexander von Eye
vita, p. 22
von Eye, A., Kreppner, K., & Weßels, H. (1992). Differential change in systems of
categorical variables. In J. Asendorpf, J. Valsiner (Eds.), Framing stability and
change: A study of methodological reasoning (pp. 21-53). Beverly Hills: Sage.
von Eye, A., & Nesselroade, J. R. (1992). Types of change: Application of Configural
Frequency Analysis to repeated observations in developmental research.
Experimental Aging Research, 18(4), 169-183.
von Eye, A., & Stemmler, M. (1992). Die Konfigurationsfrequenzanalyse: Kieser's Test
gegen Victor's Typen und Syndrome. Zeitschrift für Klinische Psychologie,
Psychopathologie, und Psychoterapie, 40, 174-178.
Lerner, R. M., & von Eye, A. (1993). Why Burgess and Molenaar just don't get it: A reply.
Human Development, 36, 55-66.
Lienert, G. A., Ploog, D. W., & von Eye, A. (1993). Configural types derived from
incomplete contingency tables. Biometrical Journal, 35, 259-266.
Spiel, C., & von Eye, A. (1993). Configural frequency analysis as a parametric method for
the search for types and antitypes. Biometrical Journal, 35, 151-164.
von Eye A., & Rovine, R.J. (1993). Robust symmetrical autoregression in observational
astronomy. In O. Lesso (Ed.), Applications of time series analysis in Astronomy
and Meteorology (pp. 267-272). Padova (Italy): Università di Padova, Dipartimento
di Science Statistiche.
Raymore, l., Godbey, G., Crawford, D., & von Eye, A. (1993). The nature and process of
leisure constraints: An empirical test. Leisure Sciences, 15, 99-113.
von Eye, A., Brandtstädter, J., & Rovine, M. J. (1993). Models for prediction analysis.
Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 18, 65-80.
von Eye, A., & Rovine, M. J. (1993). Die Zielfunktion in der Regressionsanalyse: Haben
wir schon immer alles falsch gemacht? in L. Montada (Ed.), Bericht über den 38.
Kongreß der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie in Trier 1992 (pp. 522 - 532).
Göttingen: Hogrefe.
von Eye, A., Kreppner, K., & Weßels, H. (1994). Log-linear modeling of categorical data
in developmental research. In D.L. Featherman, R. M. Lerner, & M. Perlmutter
(Eds.), Life-span development and behavior, Vol. 12 (pp. 225 - 248). Hillsdale, NJ:
Lawrence Erlbaum.
von Eye, A., & Rovine, M. J. (1994). Non-standard log-linear models for orthogonal
prediction Configural Frequency Analysis. Biometrical Journal, 36, 177 - 184.
Alexander von Eye
vita, p. 23
Wood, P. K., Sher, K., & von Eye, A. (1994). Conjugate methods in Configural Frequency
Analysis. Biometrical Journal, 36, 387 - 410.
Ohannessian, C.M., Lerner, R. M., Lerner, J. V., & von Eye, A. (1994). A longitudinal
study of perceived family adjustment and emotional adjustment in early
adolescence. Journal of Early Adolescence, 14, 371 - 390.
Finkelstein, J. W., von Eye, A., & Preece, M. A. (1994). The relationship between
aggressive behavior and puberty in normal adolescents: A longitudinal study.
Journal of Adolescent Health, 15, 319 - 326.
Molenaar, P.C. M., & von Eye, A. (1994). On the arbitrary nature of latent variables. In A.
von Eye & C. C. Clogg (Eds.), Latent variables analysis - Applications for
developmental research (pp. 226 - 242). Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
von Eye, A. (1994). Zum Verhältnis zwischen qualitativen und quantitativen Methoden in
der empirisch-pädagogischen Forschung. In R. Olechowski & B. Rollett (Eds.),
Theorie und Praxis - Aspekte empirisch-pädagogischer Forschung - quantitative
und qualitative Methoden (pp. 24 - 45). Frankfurt/M: Peter Lang.
Spiel, C., von Eye A. (1994). Textverständnis bei Schülern-Ergebnisse einer
Untersuchungsreihe. In: Olechowski, R. & B. Rollett (Hrsg.). Theorie und Praxis.
Aspekte empirisch-pädagogischer Forschung - quantitative und qualitative
Methoden (pp. 118 - 125). Frankfurt/M. Lang.
Silbereisen, R. K., Schwarz, B., Rinker, B., & von Eye, A. (1995). Familiäre Belastungen
in der Kindheit und Zeitpunkt jugendtypischer Übergänge. In B. Nauck, N.
Schneider, & A. Tölke (Eds.), Familie und Lebensverlauf im gesellschaftlichen
Umbruch (pp. 204 - 224). Stuttgart: Enke.
von Eye, A., Spiel, C. (1994). Die Konfigurationsfrequenzanalyse als idiographische
Methode zur Identifikation von Typen und Antitypen. Zeitschrift für Differentielle
und Diagnostische Psychologie, 15, 201 - 210.
von Eye, A., Spiel, C., & Rovine, M. J. (1995). Concepts of nonindependence in
Configural Frequency Analysis. Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 20, 41 - 54.
von Eye, A., Kreppner, K., Spiel, C., & Weßels, H. (1995). Life events' spacing and order
in individual development. In T. A. Kindermann, & J. Valsiner (Eds.), Construction
of self and social relationships (pp. 147 - 164). Hilldsale, NY: Erlbaum.
Ohannessian, C.M., Lerner, R.M., Lerner, J.V., von Eye, A. (1995). Discrepancies in
adolescents' and parents' perceptions of family functioning and adolescent
emotional adjustment. The Journal of Early Adolescence, 15, 490 - 516.
Alexander von Eye
vita, p. 24
von Eye, A., & Spiel, C. (1995). Human developmental research: methodology (pp. 2673
- 2677). In F. E. Weinert (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of Education, Vol. V,
Section Human Development. Oxford: Pergamon.
Whitlatch, C. J., Zarit, S. H., Goodwin, P. E., & von Eye, A. (1995). Influence of the
success of psychoeducational interventions on the course of family care. Clinical
Gerontologist, 16, 17 - 30.
Spiel, C., Kreppner, K., & von Eye, A. (1995). Die Familien-Beziehungs-Skalen, FBS:
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Intrieri, R.C., von Eye, A., & Kelly, J.A. (1995). The aging semantic differential:
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The Gerontologist, 35, 616 - 621.
Rovine, M.J., & von Eye, A. (1996). Correlation and categorization under a matching
hypothesis. In A. von Eye & C.C. Clogg (Eds.), Analysis of categorical variables in
developmental research (pp. 233 - 248). San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
von Eye, A., & Spiel, C. (1996). Nonstandard log-linear models for measuring change in
categorical variables. In A. von Eye & C.C. Clogg (Eds.), Categorical variables in
developmental research (pp. 203 - 214). San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
von Eye, A., & Spiel, C. (1996). Research methodology: Human development. In A.
Tuijnman (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of Adult Education, Sec. Ed. (pp. 194 198). Oxford: Elsevier. (Also printed in A. DeCorte, & F.E. Weinert (Eds.),
International Encyclopedia of Developmental and Instructional Psychology. Oxford:
Elsevier; and in J. Keeves (Ed.), Research, methodology, and measurement: An
international Handbook, second edition. Oxford: Elsevier.
Lerner, R.M., Ostrom, C.W., Miller, J.R., Votruba, J.C., von Eye, A., Hoopfer, L.C., Terry,
P.A., Taylor, C.S., Villaruel, F.A., & McKinney, M.H. (1996). Training applied
developmental scientists for community outreach: The Michigan State University
Model of integrating science and outreach for children, youth, and families. In C.B.
Fisher, J. Murray, & I. Sigel (Eds.). Applied developmental science: Graduate
training for diverse disciplines and educational settings (pp. 163 - 188). Norwood,
NJ: Ablex.
Krebs, H., Ising, M., Janke, W., Macht, M., von Eye, A., Weijers, H.-G., & Weyers, P.
(1996). Response curve comparison by pseudo-multivariate two-sample configural
frequency analysis. Biometrical Journal, 38, 195 - 201.
von Eye, A., & Thiele, G. (1996). Qualitative kontra quantitative Methoden in den
Sozialwissenschaften. Theorie und Praxis der sozialen Arbeit, 5, 15 - 19.
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Dorn, L.D., Burgess, E.S., Susman, E.J., von Eye, A., DeBellis, M.D., Gold, P.W., &
Chrousos, G.P. (1996). Response to oCRN in depressed and non-depressed
adolescents: Does gender make a difference? Journal of the American Academy
of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 35, 764 - 773.
Lerner, R.M., Lerner, J.V., von Eye, A., Ostrom, C.W., Nitz, K., Talwar-Soni, R., &
Tubman, J. (1996). Continuity and discontinuity across the transition of early
adolescence: A developmental contextual perspective. In J.A. Graber, J. BrooksGunn, & A.C. Petersen (Eds.), Transitions through adolescence: Interpersonal
domains and context (pp. 3 - 22). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
von Eye, A., Neubauer, A., & Stemmler, M. (1996). The median quartiles test revisited.
Studia Psychologica, 38, 79 - 84.
AbuShaba, R.H, Smiciklas-Wright, H., Harkness, W.L., von Eye, A., Achterberg, C., &
Jensen, G. (1994). Cognitive complexity, dietary complexity and the reliability of a
food frequency questionnaire. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 94,
von Eye, A., Spiel, C., & Wood, P.K. (1996). Configural Frequency Analysis in Applied
Psychological Research. Lead Article in Applied Psychology: An International
Review, 45, 301 - 327.
von Eye, A., Spiel, C., & Wood, P.K. (1996). CFA models, tests, interpretation, and
alternatives - A rejoinder. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 45, 345 352.
Ohannessian, C.M., Lerner, R.M., Lerner, J.V., & von Eye, A. (1996). Direct and indirect
relations between perceived parental acceptance, perceptions of the self, and
emotional adjustment during early adolescence. Family and Consumer Sciences
Research Journal, 25, 159 - 183.
von Eye, A., & Spiel, C. (1996). Standard and non-standard log-linear symmetry models
for measuring change in categorical variables. The American Statistician, 50, 300 305.
von Eye, A. (1996). Analyzing longitudinal categorical data: Sources of uncertainty and
sample methods. In P. Gustafson & P.-A. Rydelius (Guest Eds.), European Child
& Adolescent Psychiatry, 5, 23 - 27.
Keenan, D.P., Achterberg, C., AbuShaba, R., Kris-Etherton, P.M., & von Eye, A. (1996).
Use of qualitative and quantitative methods to define behavioral fat reduction
strategies and their relationship to dietary fat reduction in the Patterns of Dietary
Change. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 96, 1245 - 1253.
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von Eye, A., Rovine, M.J., & Spiel, C. (1997). Patterns of school performance and
cognitive development in early adolescents. In J. Rost & R. Langeheine (Eds.),
Applications of latent trait and latent class models in the social sciences (pp. 118 126). Münster: Waxmann.
von Eye, A., Sörensen, S., & Wills, S.D. (1996). Kohortenspezifisches Wissen als
Ursache für Altersunterschiede im Gedächtnis für Texte und Sätze. In C. Spiel, U.
Kastner-Koller, & P. Deimann (Eds.), Motivation und Lernen aus der Perspektive
lebenslanger Entwicklung (pp. 103 - 119). Münster: Waxmann.
Rovine, M.J., & von Eye, A. (1997). A 14th way to look at a correlation coefficient:
Correlation as the proportion of matches. The American Statistician, 51, 42 - 46.
Thayer, J., von Eye, A., & Rovine, M.J. (1995). Assessment of neural network models
using prediction analysis. Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation, 31, 25 - 28.
Weßels, H., & von Eye, A. (1996). Using Latent Class Analysis to detect behavioral
patterns in systems of observational variables. Evaluation and Program Planning,
19, 321 - 331.
Müller, M.J., Netter, P., & von Eye, A. (1997). Catecholamine response curves of male
hypertensives identified by Lehmacher’s two sample Configural Frequency
Analysis. Biometrical Journal, 39, 29 - 38.
AbuSabha, R., Smiciklas-Wright, H., Jensen, G., Achterberg, C., Harkness, W. & von Eye,
A. (1997). Factors associated with diet and weight in rural older women. Journal of
Nutrition for the Elderly, 16, 1 - 16.
Meiser, T., von Eye, A., & Spiel, C. (1997). Log-linear symmetry and quasi-symmetry
models for the analysis of change. Biometrical Journal, 39, 351 - 368.
von Eye, A. (1997). Prediction analysis program for 32 bit operation systems. Methods for
Psychological Research - online, 2, 1, 1 - 3.
von Eye, A., Brandtstädter, J., & Rovine, M.J. (1997). Models for prediction analysis in
longitudinal research. Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 22, 355 - 371.
von Eye, A., & Spiel, C. (1997). Zur Messung und Valdierung der kognitiven Komplexität.
In H. Mandl (Ed.), Bericht über den 40. Kongreß der Deutschen Gesellschaft für
Psychologie in München, 1996) (pp. 591 - 597). Göttingen: Hogrefe.
von Eye, A., & Brandtstädter, J. (1997). Configural Frequency Analysis as a searching
device for possible causal relationships. Methods of Psychological Research Online, 2, 2, 1 - 23.
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Straube, E., von Eye, A. & Müller, M.J. (1998). The symmetry of symptom patterns in prepost treatment designs. Pharmacopsychiatry, 31, 83 - 88.
von Eye, A. (1998). Configural Frequency Analysis - A Program for 32 Bit Windows
Operating Systems. East Lansing: Michigan State University, Department of
Psychology, Program Manual.
Lerner, R.M., & von Eye, A. (1998). Integrating youth- and context-focused research and
outreach: A developmental contextual model. In D. Görlitz, H.J. Harloff, G. Mey, &
J. Valsiner (Eds.), Children, cities, and psychological theories - Developing
relationships (pp. 573 - 597). Berlin: de Gruyter.
von Eye, A., & Brandtstädter, J. (1998). The Wedge, the Fork, and the Chain - Modeling
dependency concepts using manifest categorical variables. Psychological
Methods, 3, 169 - 185.
von Eye, A., & DeShon, R.P. (1998). The highly gifted: definitions and methodological
implications. High Ability Studies, 9, 23 - 41.
von Eye, A., Sörensen, S., Lerner, J.V., & Lerner, R.M. (1998). On the nature and
development of cognitive complexity. Revista Multiciência, 2, 7 - 20.
Schuster, C., & von Eye, A. (1998). Determining the meaning of parameters in multilevel
models for longitudinal data. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 22,
475 - 491.
von Eye, A. (1998). Statistical analysis of longitudinal data - the benefit of progress.
International Journal of Behavioral Development, 22, 447 - 451.
von Eye, A., Schuster, C., & Rogers, W.M. (1998). Modeling synergy using manifest
categorical variables. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 22, 537 557.
von Eye, A. (1998). CFA program for 32 bit operation systems. Methods of Psychological
Research - online, 3, 1 - 3.
von Eye, A., Sörensen, S., Lerner, J.V., & Lerner, R.M. (1998). Die kognitive Komplexität
und ihre Entwicklung: Querschnittliche und längsschnittliche Befunde. Zeitschrift
für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie, 30, 139 - 148.
Ohannessian, C.M., Lerner, R.M., Lerner, J.V., & von Eye, A. (1998). Perceived parental
acceptance and early adolescent self-competence. American Journal of
Orthopsychiatry, 68, 621 - 629.
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Lautsch, E., & von Eye, A. (1998). Using Configural Cluster Analysis to analyze change in
multiscale profiles. Zeitschrift für Differentielle Psychologie und Diagnostische
Psychologie, 19, 200 - 203.
Schuster, C., & von Eye, A. (1998). Modeling turn-over tables using the GSK approach.
Methods of Psychological Research - Online, 3, 39 - 53.
von Eye, A., & Schuster, C. (1998). On the specification of models for Configural
Frequency Analysis - Sampling schemes in Prediction CFA. Methods of
Psychological Research - online, 3, 55 - 73.
Hoerr, S.L., Dersch, H., Vandenbelt, M., Luster, T., von Eye, A. (1998). Fruit and
vegetable consumption predicts nutrient adequacy for limited income young
mothers and their preschool children. Federation of the American Society of
Experimental Biology, 12, 4878 (abstract).
AbuSabha, R., Smiciklas-Wright, H., Harkness, W., von Eye, A., Achterberg, C., &
Jensen, G. (1997). Reproducibility of food frequency questionnaire: diet and
cognition. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 65, 1315 (abstract).
von Eye, A. (1999). Kognitive Komplexität - Messung und Validität. Zeitschrift für
differentielle und diagnostische Psychologie, 20, 81-96.
von Eye, A. (1999). Standard and non-standard log-linear models for analyzing change in
categorical variables. In R.K. Silbereisen & A. von Eye (Eds.), Growing up in times
of social change (pp. 225 - 244). Berlin: de Gruyter.
Juang, L.P., Lerner, J.P., McKinney, J.P., & von Eye, A. (1999). The goodness-of-fit in
autonomy timetable expectations between Asian-American late adolescents and
their immigrant parents. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 23, 1023
- 1048.
Castellino, D.R., Lerner, J.V., Lerner, R.M., & von Eye, A. (1999). Maternal employment
and education: Predictors of young adolescent career trajectories. Applied
Developmental Science, 2, 114 - 126.
von Eye, A., Lerner, J.V., & Lerner, R.M. (1999). Modeling reciprocal relations at the level
of manifest categorical variables. Revista Multiciência, 3, 22 - 51.
Ohannessian, C.M., Lerner, R.M., Lerner, J.V., & von Eye, A. (1999). Does selfcompetence predict gender differences in adolescent depression and anxiety?
Journal of Adolescence, 22, 379 - 411.
von Eye, A. (1999). Mit 65 in den Ruhestand? Junge Gemeinde, 151, 6 - 7.
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Clark, K.L., AbuShaba, R., von Eye, A. & Achterberg, C. (1999). Text and graphics:
Manipulating nutrition brochures to maximize recall. Health Education Research:
Theory and Practice, 14, 555 - 564.
Gutiérrez-Peña, E., & von Eye, A. (2000). A Bayesian approach to Configural Frequency
Analysis. Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 24, 151 - 174.
Spiel, C., Böhm, G., & von Eye, A. (1999). Content analysis of an object sorting test of
cognitive complexity. International Journal of Educational Research, 31, 687 - 698.
Mun, E., Fitzgerald, H.E., Puttler, L.I., & von Eye, A. (1999). Paternal alcoholism subtype
and maternal depression as predictors of child temperament and behavior
problems. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 23, 188 (abstract).
von Eye, A. & Schuster, C. (2000). The road to freedom - Developmental methodology in
the third millennium. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 24, 35 - 43.
von Eye, A., & Schuster, C. (1999). Modeling the direction of causal effects using manifest
categorical variables. Revista Multiciência, 3, 14 - 40.
Ohannessian, C.M., Lerner, R.M., Lerner, J.V., & von Eye, A. (2000). Adolescent-parent
discrepancies in perceptions of family functioning and early adolescent selfcompetence. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 24, 362 - 372.
von Eye, A., & Schuster, C. (2000). The odds of resilience. Child Development, 71, 563 566.
von Eye, A., & Schuster, C. (2000). Assessing and modeling rater agreement. In J.M.
Gonzales Barrios, A. Molino Escobar, & S. Ruiz-Velasco (eds.), Memorias. XIV
Foro Nacional de Estadistica (pp. 119 - 124). Aguascalientes, Mexico: Instituto
Nacional de Estadística, Geografía e Informática.
Perrine, M.W., Naud, S., & von Eye, A. (2000). Intoxication while driving: Two years of
daily self-rating, relative to reported alcohol consumption. Alcoholism – Clinical and
Experimental Research, 24, 135A (Abstract 771).
Perrine, M.W., Naud, S., von Eye, A. (2000). Intoxication while driving: Two years of daily
self-rating, relative to reported quantity and location of alcohol consumption. In: H.
Laurell (Ed.), T2000 – Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety (pp. 7-20). Stockholm:
von Eye, A., & Lautsch, E. (2000). A brief history of Configural Frequency Analysis.
Psychologische Beiträge, 42, 241 - 249.
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Schuster, C., & von Eye, A. (2000). Using log-linear modeling to increase power in twosample Configural Frequency Analysis. Psychologische Beiträge, 42, 273 - 284.
Indurkhya, A., & von Eye, A. (2000). The power of tests in Configural Frequency Analysis.
Psychologische Beiträge, 42, 301 - 308.
von Eye, A., Indurkhya, A., & Kreppner, K. (2000). CFA as a tool for person-oriented
research - Unidimensional and within-individual analyses of nominal level and
ordinal data. Psychologische Beiträge, 42, 383 - 401.
Glück, J., & von Eye, A. (2000). Including covariates in Configural Frequency Analysis.
Psychologische Beiträge, 42, 405 - 417.
von Eye, A., Schuster, C., & Gutiérrez-Peña, E. (2000). Configural Frequency Analysis
under retrospective and prospective sampling schemes - frequentist and Bayesian
approaches. Psychologische Beiträge, 42, 428 - 447.
Spiel, C., & von Eye, A. (2000). Application of Configural Frequency Analysis in
educational research. Psychologische Beiträge, 42, 515 - 525.
von Eye, A. (2000). G.A. Lienert und ich. In M. Tilley (ed.), Unterwegs mit Lienert, 2 nd ed
(p. 105) Lengerich: Pabst.
von Eye, A. (2000). G.A. Lienert - ein solcher Erfolg ist offenbar nicht erlaubt. In M. Tilley
(ed.), Unterwegs mit Lienert, 2 nd ed (pp. 181 - 183). Lengerich: Pabst.
von Eye, A., & Schuster, C. (2001). Methodology for research on adolescence - the need
for innovation. Journal of Adolescent Research, 16, 4 - 8.
Loukas, A., Fitzgerald, H.E., Zucker, R.A., & von Eye, A. (2001). Parent alcohol problems
and co-occurring antisocial behavior: Prospective relationships to externalizing
behavior problems in their young sons. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 29,
91 - 106.
von Eye, A., & Indurkhya, A. (2000). Log-linear Representations of the Mantel-Haenszel
and the Breslow Day Tests. Methods of Psychological Research - online, 5, 13 30.
Schuster, C., & von Eye, A. (2001). The relationship between mixed models and repeated
measurement designs in ANOVA. Journal of Adolescent Research, 16, 205 - 220.
von Eye, A., Schuster, C., & Kreppner, K. (2001). Sampling schemes and the selection of
log-linear models for longitudinal data. Journal of Adolescent Research, 16, 221 234.
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Brophy-Herb, H., Lee, R.E., Stollak, G., von Eye, A., & Barratt, M. (2001). Preschoolers’
social skills: contributions of school, family, and child characteristics. In F. LambParker, J. Hagem, & R. Robinson (eds.), Developmental and contextual transitions
of children and families (pp. 723 - 724). Ann Arbor: Society for Research in Child
von Eye, A., & Schuster, C. (2000). Log-linear models for rater agreement. Revista
Multiciência, 4, 38 - 56.
Mun, E.Y., Fitzgerald, H.E., Puttler, L.I., Zucker, R.A., & von Eye, A. (2001).
Temperamental characteristics as predictors of externalizing and internalizing child
behavior problems in the contexts of low and high parental psychopathology. Infant
Mental Health Journal, 22, 393 - 415.
von Eye, A. (2001). Configural Frequency Analysis - Version 2000 program for 32 bit
operating systems. Methods of Psychological Research - Online, 6, 129 - 139.
von Eye, A. (2001). Configural Frequency Analysis - A program for 32 bit Windows
operating systems. Manual for program Version 2000. Methods of Psychological
Research - Online, 6, 140.
von Eye, A., & Sarris, V. (2001). Gustav A. Lienert - a Pioneer in the History of Social
Science Methodology. Methods of Psychological Research - online, 6, 1 - 4.
von Eye, A. (2001). Zur Analyse von Urteilerübereinstimmung. In R.K. Silbereisen, & M.
Reitzle (eds.), Bericht über den 42. Kongreß der Deutschen Gesellschaft für
Psychologie in Jena, 2000 (pp. 250 - 264). Lengerich: Pabst.
von Eye, A. (2001). In memoriam Gustav A. Lienert. Psychologische Rundschau, 52, 225
- 226.
Mun, E.-Y., von Eye, A., Fitzgerald, H.E., & Zucker, R.A. (2001). Using Mosaic Displays in
Configural Frequency Analysis (CFA). Methods of Psychological Research online, 6, 164 - 196.
Schuster, C., & von Eye, A. (2001). Models for ordinal agreement data. Biometrical
Journal, 43, 795 - 808.
von Eye, A., & Schuster, C. (2002). Log-linear models for change in categorical variables.
Applied Developmental Science, 6, 12 - 23.
McKelvey, L.M., Fitzgerald, H.E., Schiffmann, R.F., & von Eye, A. (2002). Family stress
and parent-infant interaction: The mediating role of coping. Infant Mental Health
Journal, 23, 164 - 181.
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von Eye, A. (2002). Exploring cross-classifications using Configural Frequency Analysis.
Datos. Boletín de la Asociación Mexicana de Estadística, 10, 8 - 10.
von Eye, A. (2002). Configurational Analysis. In T. Cook, & C. Ragin (Eds.), Logic and
inquiry and research design. Vol. 8 of the International Encyclopedia of the Social
and Behavioral Sciences (pp. 2525 - 2531). Amsterdam: Pergamon.
Nguyen, H.H., & von Eye, A. (2002). Validating an acculturation scale for Vietnamese
adolescents: A bidimensional perspective. International Journal for Behavioral
Development, 26, 202 - 213.
von Eye, A. (2002). The odds favor antitypes - A comparison of tests for the identification
of configural types and antitypes. Methods of Psychological Research - online, 7,
Spiel, C., von Eye, A., Spiel, G., Resch, G., & Sampl, B. (2002). Here it works - there it
doesn’t. Argumente für die differentielle Betrachtung familiärer Interaktionsmuster.
In B. Rollett, & H. Werneck (Eds.), Klinische Entwicklungspsychologie der Familie
(pp. 167 - 184). Göttingen: Hogrefe.
Taylor, C.S., Lerner, R.M., von Eye, A., Bilalbegoviè Balsano, A., Dowling, E.M.,
Anderson, P.M., Bobek, D.L., & Bjelobrk, D. (2002). Stability of attributes of
positive functioning and of developmental assets among African American
adolescent male gang and community-based organization members. New
Directions for Youth Development, 95, 35 - 55.
Taylor, C.S., Lerner, R.M., von Eye, A., Bilalbegoviè Balsano, Dowling, E.M., Anderson,
P.M., Bobek, D.L., Bjelobrk, D. (2002). Individual and ecological assets and
positive developmental trajectories among gang and community-based
organization youth. New Directions for Youth Development, 95, 57 - 72.
von Eye, A., Spiel, C., & Rovine, M.J. (2003). What goes together and what does not go
together - Configural Frequency Analysis in the practice of Neuropsychology. In
R.D. Franklin (Ed.), Prediction in Forensic and Neuropsychology - sound statistical
practices (pp. 149 - 169). Mahwah: Erlbaum.
von Eye, A., & Fuller, B.E. (2003). A comparison of the SEM software packages LISREL,
EQS, and Amos. In B. Pugesek, A. Tomer, & A. von Eye (Eds.), Structural
equation modeling: applications in ecological and evolutionary biology (pp. 355 391). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Fuller, B.E., von Eye, A., Wood, P.K., & Keeland, B. (2003). Modeling manifest variables
in longitudinal designs - a two-stage approach. In B. Pugesek, A. Tomer, & A. von
Eye (Eds.), Structural equation modeling: applications in ecological and
evolutionary biology (pp. 312 - 351). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
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Schuster, C., & von Eye, A. (2003). The dilution effect of unreliable outcome variables and
its relation to kappa. Applied Developmental Science, 7, 87 - 93.
Summerfelt, W.T., & von Eye, A. (2003). Methods of evaluation research for applied
developmental science (editor’s introduction). Applied Developmental Science, 7,
Dowling, S.E., Gestsdottir, S., Anderson, P.M., von Eye, A., & Lerner, R.M. (2003).
Spirituality, religiosity, and thriving among adolescents: identification and
confirmation of factor structures. Applied Developmental Science, 7, 253 - 260.
Jackson, L.A., von Eye, A., Biocca, F.A., Barbatsis, G., & Fitzgerald, H.E. (2003).
Personality, cognitive style, demographic characteristics, and Internet use:
Findings from the HomeNetToo project. Swiss Journal of Psychology, 62, 79 - 90.
Jackson, L.A., Barbatsis, G., von Eye, A., Biocca, F., Zhao, Y., & Fitzgerald, H.E. (2003).
Implications for the digital divide of Internet use in low-income families. IT&Society,
1, 219 - 244. Http://
von Eye, A., & Bergman, L.R. (2003). Research strategies in developmental
psychopathology: Dimensional identity and the person-oriented approach.
Development and Psychopathology, 15, 553 - 580.
Bogat, G.A., Levendosky, A.A., Theran, S., von Eye, A., & Davidson, W.S.II (2003).
Predicting the psychosocial effects of interpersonal partner violence (IPV): How
much does a woman’s history of IPV matter? Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 18,
1271 - 1291.
Jackson, L. A., von Eye, A., Biocca, F., Barbatsis, G., Fitzgerald, H. E., & Zhao, Y. (2003).
Internet attitudes and Internet use: Some surprising findings from the HomeNetToo
project. International Journal of Human Computer Studies, 59, 355-382.
Jackson, L. A., von Eye, A., Biocca, F., Barbatsis, G., Fitzgerald, H. E., & Zhao, Y. (2003).
The social impact of Internet Use: Findings from the other side of the digital divide.
Proceedings of the Twelfth International World Wide Web Conference, Budapest,
Hungary, May 20-24.
von Eye, A. (2003). The role of control groups and temporal order in the investigation of
causality assumptions - categorical data applications. Revista Multiciência, 4, 39 66.
Taylor, C.S., Lerner, R.M., von Eye, A., Bobek, D., Balsano, A.B., Dowling, E. &
Anderson, P.M. (2003). Positive individual and social behavior among gang and
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non-gang African American male adolescents. Journal of Adolescent Research,
18, 548 - 574.
von Eye, A., & Mun, E.-Y. (2003). Methods and Criteria in the Study of Human Ecology. In
J.R. Miller, R.M. Lerner, & L.B. Schiamberg (eds.), Human Ecology: An
Encyclopedia of Children, Families, Communities, and Environments (pp. 495 498). Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-Clio.
Nguyen, H.H., & von Eye, A. (2003). Acculturation. In J.R. Miller, R.M. Lerner, & L.B.
Schiamberg (eds.), Human Ecology: An Encyclopedia of Children, Families,
Communities, and Environments (pp. 3 - 8). Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-Clio.
von Eye, A., Spiel, C., & Wagner, P. (2003). Structural equations modeling in
developmental research - concepts and applications. Methods of Psychological
Research - online, 8, 75 - 112.
von Eye, A., & Mun, E.Y. (2003). Characteristics of measures for 2 x 2 tables.
Understanding Statistics, 2, 243 - 266.
von Eye, A. (2003). A comparison of residual measures under Configural Frequency
Analysis conditions. In A. González Fragoso, R. Perera Salazar, & K. Anaya
Izquierdo (Eds.), Memorias del XVII Foro Nacional de Estadística (pp. 143 - 150).
Aguascalientes, Mexico: Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Geografía e Informática.
von Eye, A., & Lautsch, E. (2003). Charting the future of Configural Frequency Analysis.
Psychology Science, 45, 217 - 222.
von Weber, S., Lautsch, E., & von Eye, A. (2003). On the limits of Configural Frequency
Analysis: Analyzing small tables. Psychology Science, 45, 339 - 354.
von Weber, S., Lautsch, E., & von Eye, A. (2003). Table-specific continuity corrections for
Configural Frequency Analysis. Psychology Science, 45, 355 - 368.
von Eye, A. (2003). A comparison of tests used in 2 x 2 tables and in two-sample CFA.
Psychology Science, 45, 369 - 388.
Stemmler, M., & von Eye, A. (2003). The analysis of change with Configural Frequency
Analysis using different base models. Psychology Science, 45, 430 - 436.
Lautsch, E., von Eye, A., & von Weber, S. (2003). An overview of CFA software.
Psychology Science, 45, 437 - 441.
Taylor, C.S., Lerner, R.M., von Eye, A., Bobek, D.L., Bilalbegoviè Balsano, A., Dowling,
E.M., & Anderson, P.M. (2004). Internal and external developmental assets among
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African American male gang members. Journal of Adolescent Research, 19, 303 322.
Dowling, E.M., Gestsdottir, S., Anderson, P.M., von Eye, A., Almerigi, J., & Lerner, R.M.
(2004). Structural relations among spirituality, religiosity, and thriving in
adolescence. Applied Developmental Science, 7, 253 - 260.
Huth-Bocks, A.C., Levendosky, A.A., Bogat, G.A., & von Eye, A. (2004). The impact of
maternal characteristics and contextual variables on infant-mother attachment.
Child Development, 75, 480 - 496.
Jackson, L.A., Biocca, F., von Eye, A., Zhao, Y., & Fitzgerald, H.E. (2004). Cognitive style
and interface design: findings from the HomeNet Too project. In K. Morgan, & M.J.
Spector (eds.), The Internet society: Advances in learning, commerce, and security
(pp. 195 - 203). Southampton, UK: WIT Press.
Weatherill, R.P., Almerigi, J.B., Levendosky, A.A., Bogat, G.A., von Eye, A., & Harris, L.J.
(2004). Is maternal depression related to side of infant holding? International
Journal of Behavioral Development, 28, 421 - 427.
von Eye, A., & Bogat, G.A. (2004). Testing the assumption of multivariate normality.
Psychology Science, 46, 243 - 258.
Levendosky, A.A., Bogat, G.A., Theran, S.A., Trotter, J.S., von Eye, A., & Davidson,
W.S.II. (2004). The social networks of women experiencing domestic violence.
American Journal of Community Psychology, 34, 95 - 109.
Bogat, G.A., Levendosky, A.A., De Jonghe, E., Davidson, W.S., & von Eye, A. (2004).
Pathways of suffering: The temporal effects of domestic violence on women’s
mental health. Maltrattamento e abuso all’infanzia, 6, 97 - 112.
Levendosky, A.A., DeJonghe, E., Jones, S., Dayton, C.J., Mourad, M., & von Eye, A.
(2004). Domestic violence: Impact on women’s and children’s mental health
functioning. In C.B. Fisher, & R.M. Lerner, Applied Developmental Science: An
encyclopedia of research, policies, and programs (pp. 372 - 376). Thousand Oaks:
Jackson, L. A., von Eye, A., Biocca, F. (2003). Children and Internet Use: Social,
psychological and academic consequences for low-income children. Psychological
Science Agenda (December Issue, pp. 4 - 7). Science Directorate of the American
Psychological Association, Science Briefs.
von Eye, A., Lösel, F., & Mayzer, R. (2003). Is it all written in the stars? A methodological
commentary on Sachs’ astrology monograph and re-analyses of his data on crime
statistics. Psychology Science, 45, 78 - 91.
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von Eye, A. (2004). The treasures of Pandora’s box. Measurement: Interdisciplinary
Research and Perspectives, 2, 244 - 247.
von Eye, A. (2004). Methods of classification. Psychology Science, 46, 3 - 6.
von Eye, A. (2004). Base models for Configural Frequency Analysis. Psychology Science,
46, 150 - 170.
von Eye, A., Mun, E.Y., & Indurkhya, A. (2004). Classifying developmental trajectories - a
decision making perspective. Psychology Science, 46, 65 - 98.
von Eye, A., & Gutiérrez Peña, E. (2004). Configural Frequency Analysis - the search for
extreme cells. Journal of Applied Statistics, 31, 981 - 997.
Bogat, G.A., Leahy, K.L., Demarte, J.A., & von Eye, A. (2004). The effects of community
violence on infants, children, and adolescents. In C.B. Fisher, & R.M. Lerner (eds.),
Applied developmental science: An encyclopedia of research, policies, and
programs (pp. 1120 - 1123). Thousand Oaks: Sage.
von Eye, A., & Mair, P. (2004). Research designs in developmental research. In C.B.
Fisher, & R.M. Lerner, Applied Developmental Science: An encyclopedia of
research, policies, and programs (pp. 927 - 931). Thousand Oaks: Sage.
von Weber, S., von Eye, A., & Lautsch, E. (2004). The Type II error of measures for the
analysis of 2 x 2 tables. Understanding Statistics, 3, 259 - 282.
von Eye, A., & Gardiner, J.C. (2004). Locating deviations from multivariate normality.
Understanding Statistics, 3, 313 - 331.
Theokas, C., Almerigi, J., Lerner, R.M., Dowling, E.M., Benson, P., Scales, P. & von Eye,
A. (2005). Conceptualizing and modeling individual and ecological asset
components of thriving in early adolescence. Journal of Early Adolescence, 25,
113 - 143.
Lerner, R.M., Lerner, J.V., Almerigi, J., Theokas, C., Naudeau, S., Gestsdottir, S., Jelièiè,
H., Alberts, A., Ma, L., Smith, L., Simpson, I., DiDenti Christiansen, E., & von Eye,
A. (2005). Positive youth development, participation in community youth
development programs, and community contributions of fifth grade adolescents:
Findings from the first wave of the 4-H study of positive youth development.
Journal of Early Adolescence, 25, 17 - 71.
Taylor, C.S., Smith, P.R., Taylor, V.A., von Eye, A., Lerner, R.A., Bilalbegovic Balsano, A.,
Anderson, P.M., Banik, R., & Almerigi, J.B. (2005). Individual and ecological assets
and thriving among African American adolescent male gang and community-based
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organization members. A report from Wave 3 of the “Overcoming the Odds” study.
Journal of Early Adolescence, 25, 72 - 93.
Sherwood, P.R., Given, C.W., Given, B.A., & von Eye, A. (2005). Caregiver burden and
depression: analysis of common caregiver outcomes. Journal of Aging and Health,
17, 125 - 147.
von Eye, A. (2005). Configural Frequency Analysis. In B.S. Everitt, & D. Howell (eds.),
Encyclopedia of Statistics in Behavioral Science, pp. 381 - 388. Chichester, UK:
Mair, P., & von Eye, A. (2005). Information theory. In B.S. Everitt, & D. Howell (eds.),
Encyclopedia of Behavioral Statistics, pp. 924 - 927. Chichester, UK: Wiley.
von Weber, S., & von Eye, A. (2005). Simulation methods for categorical variables. In B.S.
Everitt, & D. Howell (eds.), Encyclopedia of Behavioral Statistics, pp. 1843 - 1849.
Chichester, UK: Wiley.
von Eye, A., Bogat, G.A., & von Weber, S. (2005). Goodness-of-fit in categorical variable
models. In B.S. Everitt, & D. Howell (eds.), Encyclopedia of Behavioral Statistics,
pp. 749 - 753. Chichester, UK: Wiley.
Mair, P., & von Eye, A. (2005). Cochran’s C test. In B.S. Everitt, & D. Howell (eds.),
Encyclopedia of Statistics in Behavioral Science, pp. 316 - 317. Chichester, UK:
von Eye, A. (2005). Robustness is parameter-specific. A comment on Rasch and Guiard’s
robustness study. Psychology Science, 46, 544 - 548.
DeJonghe, E.S., Bogat, G.A., Levendosky, A.A., von Eye, A., & Davidson, W.S.II (2005).
Infant exposure to domestic violence predicts heightened sensitivity to adult verbal
conflict. Infant Mental Health Journal, 26, 268 - 281.
von Eye, A., & Schuster, C. (2005). Forschungsstrategien [research strategies]. In P.F.
Schlottke, R.K. Silbereisen, S. Schneider,& G.W. Lauth (Eds.), Enzyklopädie der
Psychologie, Bd. 5, Störungen im Kindes- und Jugendalter, pp. 247 - 281.
Göttingen: Hogrefe.
von Eye, A. (2005). The odds of prediction success. In W. Greve, K. Rothermund, & D.
Wentura (eds.), The adaptive self: personal continuity and intentional selfdevelopment (pp. 71 - 93). Göttingen: Hogrefe.
Counts, C.A., Nigg, J.T., Stawicki, J.A., Rappley, M.D., & von Eye, A. (2005). Family
adversity in DSM-IV ADHD: Combined and inattentive subtypes and associated
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disruptive behavior problems. Journal of the American Academy of Child and
Adolescent Psychiatry, 44, 690 - 698.
Jackson, L.A., von Eye, A., Biocca, F., Zhao, Y., Barbatsis, G., & Fitzgerald, H.E. (2005).
Personality and use of the Internet’s information and communication tools:
Findings from the HomeNetToo project. In K-H. Renner, A. Schütz & F. Machilek
(Eds.), Internet and Personality (pp. 93-105). Göttingen, Germany: Hogrefe.
von Eye, A. (2005). Group differences in developmental functions. In B. Hopkins, R.G.
Barr, & G.F. Michel (eds.), The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Child Development
(pp. 137 - 142. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Bogat, G. A., Levendosky, A. A., & von Eye, A. (2005). The future of research on
intimate partner violence (IPV): person-oriented and variable-oriented
perspectives. American Journal of Community Psychology, 36, 49-70.
Bogat, G. A., Leahy, K. L., von Eye, A., Maxwell, C., Levendosky, A. A., & Davidson, W.
S. (2005). The influence of community violence on the functioning of battered
women. American Journal of Community Psychology, 36, 123-132.
Jones, S. M., Bogat, G. A., von Eye, A., Davidson, W. S., & Levendosky, A. A. (2005).
Family support and mental health in abused pregnant women: An analysis of
ethnic differences. American Journal of Community Psychology, 36, 97-108.
Jones, S.M., Davidson, W. S., Bogat, G. A., von Eye, A., & Levendosky, A. A. (2005).
Validation of the Subtle and Overt Psychological Abuse Scale: an examination of
construct validity. Violence and Victims, 20, 407-414.
von Eye, A. (2005). Comparing tests of multinormality - A Monte Carlo study. InterStat, (October, 2005).
von Eye, A., & von Eye, M.J.E. (2005). Can one use Cohen’s kappa to examine
disagreement? Methodology, 1, 129 - 142.
Jackson, L.A., von Eye, A., Biocca, F., Barbatsis, G., Zhao, Y., & Fitzgerald, H.E. (2005).
How low-income children use the Internet at home. Journal of Interactive Learning
Research, 16, 259 - 272.
Jackson, L. A., von Eye, A., Biocca, F., Zhao, Y., Barbatsis, G., & Fitzgerald, H. E. (2005).
Instructional set and Internet use. Cyberpsychology and Behavior, 8, 465 - 472.
Jackson, L.A., von Eye, A., Barbatsis, G., Biocca, F., Fitzgerald, H.E., & Zhao, Y. (2005).
The social impact of Internet use on the other side of the digital divide.
Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery, 47, 43 - 47.
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von Eye, A., & Bogat, G.A. (2005). Logistic regression and Prediction Configural
Frequency Analysis - A comparison. Psychology Science, 47, 407 - 414.
von Eye, A., Mair, P., & Bogat, G.A. (2005). Prediction models for Configural Frequency
Analysis. Psychology Science, 47, 342 - 355.
von Eye, A. (2005). A comparison of measures used for Configural Frequency Analysis of
large, sparse cross-classifications. Psychology Science, 47, 377 - 390.
Jackson, L. A., von Eye, A., Biocca, F., Barbatsis, G., Zhao, Y. & Fitzgerald, H. E. (2006)
Does home Internet use influence the academic performance of low-income
children? Findings from the HomeNetToo project. Developmental Psychology, 42,
429 - 435.
Jackson, L.A., Zhao, Y., Fitzgerald, H.E., von Eye, A., & Harold, R. (2006). The impact of
information technology (IT) use on children’s cognitive, social, psychological, and
moral development. In K. Morgan, C.A. Brebbia, & J.M. Spector (eds.), WWW: The
Internet Society II: Advances in Education, Commerce, & Governance, Internet and
Society 2006 (pp. 23 - 32). Southamption, UK: WIT Press.
Jackson, L. A., von Eye, A., Biocca, F. A., Barbatsis, G., Zhao, Y., & Fitzgerald, H. E.
(2006). Children's home Internet use: Predictors and psychological, social and
academic consequences. In R. Kraut, M. Brynin, & S. Kielser (eds.), Computers,
Phones, and the Internet: Domesticating Information Technology (pp. 145 - 167).
New York: Oxford University Press.
von Weber, S., von Eye, A., & Lautsch, E. (2005). Combinatoric search for types and
antitypes. Psychology Science, 47, 401 - 423.
Krampen, G., & von Eye, A. (2006). Treatment motives as predictors of acquisition and
transfer of relaxation methods to everyday life. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 62,
83 - 96,
von Eye, A., & Gutiérrez-Peña, E. (2005). Configural Frequency Analysis of Large Sparse
Cross-Classifications. Psychology Science, 47, 356 - 376.
von Eye, A., & Lautsch, E. (2005). Charting the future of Configural Frequency Analysis II:
Developments and application. Psychology Science, 47, 301 - 303.
von Eye, A., & Bogat, G.A. (2005). Identifying sectors of deviations from multinormality. In
K. Anaya Izquierdo, A. Contreras Cristán, A. Domínguez Molina, & E. Estrada
Barragán (eds.), Memorias del XIX Foro Nacional de Estadística (pp. 201 - 207).
Aguascalientes, MX: Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Geografía e Informática.
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Bogat, G.A., DeJonghe, E., Levendosky, A.A., Davidson, W.S.II, & von Eye, A. (2006).
Trauma symptoms among infants who witness domestic violence toward their
mothers. Child Abuse and Neglect: The International Journal, 30, 109 - 125.
von Eye, A., & Spiel, C. (2006). Auswertungsperspektiven der Entwicklungspsychologie
[Perspectives of data analysis in developmental psychology]. In W. Schneider, & F.
Wilkening (Hrsg.), Theorien, Modelle und Methoden der Entwicklungspsychologie
[Theories, models, and methods of developmental psychology](pp. 831 - 870).
Göttingen: Hogrefe.
von Eye, A., & Mun, E.Y. (2006). Exploring rater agreement: Configurations of agreement
and disagreement. Psychology Science, 48, 69 - 84.
von Eye, A. (2006). An alternative to Cohen’s ê. European Psychologist, 11, 12 - 24.
Abstract also printed in ASSIA: Applied Social Science Index and Abstracts
Larson, E., & von Eye, A. (2006). Predicting the perceived flow of time from qualities of
activity and depth of engagement. Ecological Psychology, 18, 113 - 130.
Bergman, L.R., von Eye, A., & Magnusson, D. (2006). Person-oriented research
strategies in developmental psychopathology. In D. Cicchetti , & Cohen, D.J.
(eds.), Developmental Psychopathology, 2 nd ed. (pp. 850 - 888). London, UK:
von Eye, A. (2006). Forschungsmethoden. In W.D. Oswald, U. Lehr, C. Sieber, & J.
Kornhuber (eds.), Gerontologie, 3 rd ed (pp. 171 - 177). Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
von Eye, A., & Bogat, G.A. (2006). Mental health in women experiencing intimate partner
violence as the efficiency goal of social welfare functions. International Journal of
Social Welfare, 15, 31 - 40.
Stawicki, J., Nigg, J., & von Eye, A. (2006). Family psychiatric history evidence on the
nosological relations of DSM-IV ADHD combined and inattentive subtypes: New
data and meta-analysis. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 47, 935 945.
von Eye, A., & Bogat, G.A. (2006). Person orientation - concepts, results, and
development. Merrill Palmer Quarterly, 52, 390 - 420.
von Eye, A. (2006). Comparing Tests of Multinormality under Sparse Data Conditions - a
Monte Carlo Study. InterStat, (May, 2006)
von Eye, A. (2006). Comparing tests of multinormality - A Monte Carlo study. In A.
Contreras Cristán, J. A. Domínguez Molina, E. Estrada Barragán, & R. H. Mena
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Chávez (eds.), Memorias del XX Foro Nacional de Estadistica (pp. 145 - 152).
Aquascalientes, Ags., Mexico: Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Geografía e
Lerner, R.M., Lerner, J.V, Almerigi, J., Theokas, C., Phelps, E., Naudeau, S., Gestsdottir,
S., Ma, L., Jelièiè, H., Alberts, A., Smith, L., Simpson, I., Christiansen, E., Warren,
D., & von Eye, A. (2006). Towards a new vision and vocabulary about
adolescence: theoretical, empirical, and applied bases of a “positive youth
development” perspective. In L. Balter, & C.S. Tamis-LeMonda, (Eds.). Child
Psychology: A handbook of contemporary issues (pp. 445 - 469). New York:
Psychology Press/Taylor & Francis.
von Eye, A., Bogat, G.A., & Rhodes, J.E. (2006). Variable-oriented and person-oriented
perspectives of analysis: The example of alcohol consumption in adolescence.
Journal of Adolescent Research, 29, 981 - 1004.
von Eye, A. (2006). Variablen- und personenorientierte Forschung. In A. Ittel., & H.
Merkens (eds.), Veränderungsmessung und Längsschnittstudien in der
Erziehungswissenschaft (pp. 9 - 26). Wiesbaden: Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
Levendosky, A.A., Leahy, K.L., Bogat, G.A., Davidson, W.S., & von Eye, A. (2006). The
impact of domestic violence on maternal parenting, mental health and infant
externalizing behavior. Journal of Family Psychology, 20, 544 - 552.
von Eye, A., Schauerhuber, M., & Mair, P. (2007). Significance tests for the measure of
raw agreement. InterStat, (January 2007).
Also reproduced in
von Eye, A., von Eye, M.J.E.., & Bogat, G.A. (2006). Multinormality and symmetry: A
comparison of two statistical tests. Psychology Science, 48, 419 - 435.
von Eye, A., & Bogat, G.A. (2007). Methods of data analysis in person-oriented research.
The sample case of ANOVA. In A. Ittel, L. Stecher, H. Merkens, & J. Zinnecker
(Eds.), Jahrbuch Jugendforschung 2006 (pp. 161 - 182). Wiesbaden: Verlag für
Sherwood, P.R., Given, B.A., Given, C.W., Schiffman, R.F., Murman, D.L., Lovely, M.,
von Eye, A., Rogers, L., & Remer, S. (2006). Predictors of distress in caregivers of
persons with a primary malignant brain tumor. Research in Nursing & Health, 105120.
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Montañez, M., Fitzgerald, H.E., Villaruel, F.A., & von Eye, A. (2007). Cumulative risk and
protective factors: a person-centered approach in the prediction of adolescent
drinking. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 27, 109A (Supplement
von Eye, A., & Mair, P. (2008). A functional approach to Configural Frequency Analysis.
Levendosky, A.A., Bogat, G.A., & von Eye, A. (2007). New directions for research on
intimate partner violence and children: Introduction to special section. European
Psychologist, 11, 1 - 5.
Tun, S.-M., Murman, D.L., Long, H.L., Colenda, C.C., & von Eye, A. (2007). Predictive
validity of neuropsychiatric subgroups on nursing home placement and survival in
Alzheimer’s disease patients. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 15, 314 327.
von Eye, A., & Mun, E.-Y. (2007). A note on the analysis of difference patterns - structural
zeros by design. Psychology Science, 49, 14 - 25.
Hoffmann, A., Given, B.A., Given, C.W., von Eye, A., & Gift, A.G. (2007). Relationships
among pain, fatigue, insomnia, and gender in patients with lung cancer. Onkology
Nursing Forum, 34, 785 - 792.
Funke, S., Mair, P., & von Eye, A. (2007). The CFA package. Program module in R.
Mair, P., & von Eye, A. (2007). Application Scenarios for Nonstandard Log-Linear Models.
Psychological Methods, 12, 139 - 156.
Sherwood, P.R., Given, B.A., Given, C.W., Schiffman, R.F., Murman, D.L., von Eye, A.,
Lovely, M., Rogers, L.R., & Remer, S. (2007). Identifying caregivers in need of
intervention: The role of caregiver mastery in neuro-oncology. Journal of Nursing
Scholarship, 39, 249 - 255.
von Eye, A. (2007). Spezielle Auswertungsmethoden der Entwicklungspsychologie
[methods of analysis in developmental psychology] (pp. 658 - 670). In M.
Hasselhorn, & W. Schneider (eds.), Handbuch der Entwicklungspsychologie
[handbook of developmental psychology]. Göttingen: Hogrefe.
von Eye, A. (2007). Configural Frequency Analysis. Methodology, 3, 170 - 172.
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von Eye, A., & Mun, E.-Y. (2008). Configural Frequency Analysis of longitudinal data. In
S. Menard (ed.), Handbook of longitudinal research. Design, measurement, and
analysis (pp. 313 - 332). Amsterdam: Elsevier.
von Eye, A., & Mair, P. (2007). Examining distributional characteristics of clusters. In J.A.
Domínguez Molina, A.V. González Fragoso, & J.H. Sierra Cavazos,(eds.),
Memorias del XXI Foro Nacional de Estadistica (pp. 1 - 6). Aguascalientes, Ags.,
Mexico: Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Geographía e Informatica.
von Eye, A., & DeShon, R.P. (2008). Characteristics of measures of directional
dependence - A Monte Carlo study.
von Eye, A., Mun, E.Y., & Bogat, G.A. (2008). Temporal patterns of variable relationships
in person-oriented research - Longitudinal models of Configural Frequency
Analysis. Developmental Psychology, 44, 437 - 445.
Mun, E.-Y., von Eye, A., Bates, M.E., & Vaschillo, E. (2008). Finding groups using modelbased cluster analysis: Heterogenous emotional self-regulatory processes and
heavy alcohol use risk. Developmental Psychology, 44, 481 - 495.
von Eye, A., & Mair, P. (2008). Functional Configural Frequency Analysis: Explaining
types and antitypes. Bulletin de la Société des Sciences Médicales, Luxembourg,
144, 35 - 52.
von Eye, A. (2008). Fractional factorial designs in the analysis of categorical data.
Murman, D.L., von Eye, A., Sherwood, P., Liang, J., & Colenda, C.C. (2007). The
relationship between evaluated need and costs of care from multiple payer
perspectives in degenerative dementia patients. Alzheimer Disease and
Associated Disorders, 21, 39 - 48.
von Eye, A., & Mair, P. (2008). A functional approach to Configural Frequency Analysis.
Austrian Journal of Statistics, 37, 161 - 173.
von Eye, A. (2008). Configural analysis of mediation. In M. Stemmler, E. Lautsch, & D.
Martinke (eds.), Configural Frequency analysis (CFA) and other nonparametric
statistical methods: Gustav A. Lienert Memorial Issue (pp. 1 - 18). Lengerich:
von Eye, A. (2008). What do we know about Cohen’s kappa? A review and discussion. In
M. Stemmler, E. Lautsch, & D. Martinke (eds.), Configural Frequency analysis
(CFA) and other nonparametric statistical methods: Gustav A. Lienert Memorial
Issue (pp. 29 - 39). Lengerich: Pabst.
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von Eye, A., & Mair, P. (2008). A functional approach to Configural Frequency Analysis Computational Issues. In M. Stemmler, E. Lautsch, & D. Martinke (eds.),
Configural Frequency analysis (CFA) and other nonparametric statistical methods:
Gustav A. Lienert Memorial Issue (pp. 84 - 94). Lengerich: Pabst.
von Weber, S., & von Eye, A. (2008). Clusters in contingency tables - A contribution to
data mining. In M. Stemmler, E. Lautsch, & D. Martinke (eds.), Configural
Frequency analysis (CFA) and other nonparametric statistical methods: Gustav A.
Lienert Memorial Issue (pp. 95 - 118). Lengerich: Pabst.
Spiel, C., Gradinger, P., Lapka, D., Zodlhofer, E.M., Reimann, R. Schober, B., Wagner,
P., & von Eye, A. (2008). An Euclidean distance score matching procedure for
nonrandomized comparison studies. European Psychologist, 13, 180 - 187.
von Eye, A., Mair, P. (2008). Evaluating Cluster Solutions with Reference to Data
Generation Processes - A Simulation Study. In E. Estrada Barragán, A.F. Martínez
Martínez, R.H., Mena Chávez, & L.E. Nieto Barajas (eds.), Memoria del XII Foro
Nacional de Estadistica (pp. 123 - 131). Aguascalientes, Ags. (Mexico): Instituto
Nacional de Estadística, Geographía y Informática.
Jackson, L.A., Zhao, Y., Qiu, W., Kolenic, A.III, Fitzgerald, H.E., Harold, R.D., & von Eye,
A. (2008). Culture, gender and information technology use: A comparison of
Chinese and US youth. Computers in Human Behavior, 24., 2817 - 2829.
Jackson, L. A., Zhao, Y., Kolenic, A., Fitzgerald, H. E., von Eye, A., & Harold, R. (2008)
Information technology use and children’s psychological well-being,”
Cyberpsychology and Behavior, 11, 1-3.
Mourad, M.R., Levendosky, A.A., Bogat, G.A., & von Eye, A. (2008). Family
psychopathology and perceived stress of both domestic violence and negative life
events as predictors of women’s mental health symptoms. Journal of Family
Violence, 23, 661 - 670.
DeJonghe, E.S., Bogat, G.A., Levendosky, A.A., & von Eye, A. (2008). Woman survivors
of violence and post-traumatic stress disorder: Prediction and prevention. Journal
of Postgraduate Medicine, 54., 294 - 300.
von Eye, A., & von Eye, M.J.E.. (2008). On the marginal dependency of Cohen’s kappa.
European Psychologist, 13, 305 - 315.
Hoffman, A.J., von Eye, A., Gift, A.G., Given, B.A., Given, C.W., & Rothert, M. (2009).
Testing a theoretical model of perceived self-efficacy for cancer-related fatigue
management and optimal physical functional status. Nursing Research, 58, 32 41.
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von Eye, A. (2009). Universals and individuals - is this the end of the discussion?
Measurement: Interdisciplinary Research & Perspective, 7, 3 - 7.
Martel, M.M., Nigg, J.T., & von Eye, A. (2009). How do trait dimensions map onto ADHD
symptom domains? Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 337 - 348.
Mun, E.Y., von Eye, A., & White, H.R. (2009). An SEM approach for the evaluation of
intervention effects using pre-post-post designs. Structural Equation Modeling, 16,
315 - 337.
von Eye, A., & Bergman, L.R. (2009). Person - orientation in person - situation research.
Journal of Research in Personality, 43, 276 - 277.
Martinez-Torteya, C., Bogat, G.A., von Eye, A., & Levendosky, A.A. (2009). Resilience
among children exposed to domestic violence: the role of protective and
vulnerability factors. Child Development, 80, 562 - 577.
Beneš, H., von Eye, A., & Kohnen, R. (2009). Empirical evaluation of the accuracy of
diagnostic criteria for Restless Legs Syndrome. Sleep Medicine, 10, 524 - 530.
von Eye, M., von Eye, A., & Rodrigues, J. (2009). Global warming and changes in sea ice
in the Greenland sea: 1979 - 2007. InterStat,
von Eye, A., Mun, E.Y., & Mair, P. (2009). What carries a mediation process? Configural
analysis of mediation. Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science, March 18,
2009; Also printed in
Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science, 43, 228 - 247.
von Eye, A., & Bogat, G.A. (2009). Analysis of intensive categorical longitudinal data. In J.
Valsiner, P.C.M. Molenaar, M.C.D.P Lyra, & N. Chaudhary (eds.), Dynamic
Process Methodology in the Social and Developmental Sciences (pp. 241 - 153).
New York: Springer.
Nigg, J.T., Nikolas, M., Miller, T., Burt, S.A., Klump, K.L., & von Eye, A. (2009). Factor
Structure of the Child Perception of Marital Conflict Scale for Studies of Youth with
Externalizing Behavior Problems. Psychological Assessment, 21, 450 - 456.
Getsdóttir, S., Lewin-Bizan, S., von Eye, A., Lerner, J.V., & Lerner, R.M. (2009). The
structure and function of selection, optimization, and compensation in middle
adolescence: Theoretical and applied implications. Journal of Applied
Developmental Psychology, 30, 585 - 600.
Alexander von Eye
vita, p. 46
Lerner, R.M., von Eye, A., Lerner, J.V., & Lewin-Bizan, S. (2009). Exploring the
foundations and functions of adolescent thriving within the 3-H study of positive
youth development: A view of the issues. Journal of Applied Developmental
Psychology, 30, 567 - 584.
Phelps, E., Zimmerman, S., Warren, A.E.A., Jelièiè, H, von Eye, A., & Lerner, R.M.
(2009). The structure and developmental course of positive youth development
(PYD) in early adolescence: Implications for theory and practice. Journal of Applied
Developmental Psychology, 30, 571 - 584.
von Eye, A., & Mair, P. (2009). Fractional factorial designs: Categorical variable
applications. In E.Estrada Barragán, A.F. Martínez Martínez, L.E. Nieto Barajas, &
C. Cuevas Covarrubias (eds.), Memoria del XXIII Foro Nacional de Estadística (pp.
193 - 201). Aguascalientes (Mexico): Instituto de Estadística y Geografía.
von Eye, A., Mun, E.Y., & Bogat, G.A. (2009). Temporal Patterns of Variable
Relationships in Person-Oriented Research - Prediction and Auto-Association
Models of Configural Frequency Analysis. Applied Developmental Science, 13, 172
- 187.
In Press
Jackson, L.A. Barbatsis, G., Biocca, F., Zhao, Y., von Eye, A., & Fitzgerald, H.E. (in
press). The HomeNetToo Project: Home Internet use in low-income families: Is
access enough to eliminate the digital divide? In E.P. Bucy, & J.E. Newhagen
(eds.). Media access: social and psychological dimensions of new technology use.
Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Jackson, L.A., Barbatsis, G., von Eye, A., Biocca, F., & Fitzgerald, H.E. (in press). Trust
and the Internet: Some surprising findings from the HomeNetToo project.
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies.
Jackson, L.A., Zhao, Y., Qiu, W., Kolenic, A.III, Fitzgerald, H.E., Harold, R.D., & von Eye,
A. (in press). Cultural differences in the real and the virtual worlds: A comparison of
Chinese and US youth. Computers in Human Behavior.
Larson, E., & von Eye, A. (in press). Describing variations in subjective time: The
contributions of novelty, complexity, engagement, attentional focus, and skill. The
American Journal of Occupational Therapy.
Jackson, L.A., Zhao, Y., Kolenic, A. III, Fitzgerald, H.E., Harold, R., & von Eye, A. (in
press). Race, gender and Information Technology (IT) use: The new digital divide.
CyberPsychology and Behavior.
Alexander von Eye
vita, p. 47
Jackson, L. A., Zhao, Y., Kolenic, A., Fitzgerald, H. E., von Eye, A., & Harold, R. (in
press). Information technology (IT) use and children’s psychological well-being,
Cyberpsychology and Behavior.
Jackson, L.A., Fitzgerald, H.E., von Eye, A., Zhao, Y, & Witt, E.A. (in press). The digital
divide in the US: Access, broadband, and nature of Internet use. In E. Ferro, Y.K.
Dwidvedi, J.R. Gil-Garcia, & M.D. Williams (eds.), Overcoming digital divides:
Constructing an equitable and competitive information society. IGI Global.
Jackson, L.A., Zhao, Y., Kolenic, A., Fitzgerald, H.E., & von Eye, A. (in press). Gender,
Race and Morality in the Virtual World and its Relationship to Morality in the Real
World. Sex Roles: A Journal of Research.
Martinez-Torteya, C., Bogat, G.A., von Eye, A., Levendosky, A.A., & Davidson, W.S. II (in
press). Women appraisal’s of intimate partner violence stressfulness and their
relationship to depressive and post traumatic stress disorder symptoms. Violence
and Victims.
Jackson, L. A., Zhao, Y., Witt, E.A., Fitzgerald, H. E., von Eye, A., & Harold, R. (in press).
Self-concept, self-esteem, gender, race and information technology use.
Cyberpsychology & Behavior.
Hsieh, C., & von Eye, A. (in press). The best of two worlds: A joint modeling approach for
the assessment of change across repeated measurements. International Journal of
Psychological Research.
Spoelstra, S., Given, B., von Eye, A., & Given, C. (in press). Falls in the communitydwelling elderly with a history of cancer. Journal of Gerontological Cancer Nursing.
Jackson, L.A., Fitzgerald, H.E., Zhao, Y., von Eye, A., Harold, R., & Witt, E.A. (in press).
Self-concept, self-esteem, gender, race, and information technology use.
Computers in Human Behavior.
In Preparation
Spiel, C, & von Eye, A. (in preparation). Wen bilden wir aus--Oder stammen Österreichs
Psychologiestudenten aus dieser Welt?--eine Anwendung der parametrischen
Molenaar, P.C.M., & von Eye, A. (in preparation). Continuous factors versus discrete
Schwab, J.E., Molenaar, P.C.M., Lerner, R.M., & von Eye, A. (in preparation). The stability
of coping in early adolescence.
Alexander von Eye
vita, p. 48
von Eye, A., & Ising, M. (in preparation). Das Meehlsche Paradox und die
Konfigurationsfrequenzanalyse - Generalisierungen.
Castellino, D.R., Lerner, R.M., Lerner, J.V., & von Eye, A. (in preparation). Maternal wellbeing and adolescent behavior and development: a longitudinal study.
von Eye, A., & Schuster, C. (in preparation). Testing causality assumptions under
multinomial and product multinomial sampling schemes.
Gutiérrez-Peña, E., & von Eye, A. (in preparation). The use of prior information in
Configural Frequency Analysis - Frequentist and Bayesian approaches.
Piejak, L.,A., Fitzgerald, H.E., Zucker, R.A., & von Eye, A. (in preparation). Predictors of
academic functioning of sons of male antisocial and nonantisocial alcoholics during
the early elementary school years.
Townsend, M.Z., Fitzgerald, H.E., Zucker, R.A., & von Eye, A. (in preparation). Influences
of maternal drug involvement, psychopathology, and parenting on preschoolers’
developmental status, IQ and behavior problems.
Jackson, L.A., Biocca, F., Barbatsis, G., von Eye, A., Fitzgerald, H.E., Zhao, Y., & Ware,
D. (in preparation). HomeNetToo: Motivational, affective and cognitive factors and
Internet use: A model to explain the racial digital divide and the Internet paradox.
Proceedings of the 10 th International World Wide Web Conference.
Jackson, L.A., Biocca, F., Barbatsis, G., von Eye, A., Fitzgerald, H.E., Zhao, Y., & Ware,
D. (in preparation). HomeNetToo: A model to explain the racial digital divide and
the Internet paradox. Proceedings of WebNet 2000-World Conference on the
WWW and Internet.
Barton, L.R., Roman, L.A., Fitzgerald, H.E., von Eye, A., Lindsay, J.K., & Moore, J.S. (in
preparation). Reported needs of low-income pregnant women: Predictors of
subsequent use of home-visiting services?
Barton, L.R., Roman, L.A., Fitzgerald, H.E., & von Eye, A. (in preparation). Differences
between inferred and reported needs among low-income women: Implications for
service delivery and evaluation.
Jablonski, A., Gift, A., von Eye, A., Given, C.W., & Given, B. (in preparation). A test of the
Theory of Unpleasant Symptoms.
Jackson, L.A., Barbatsis, G, Biocca, F., von Eye, A., Zhao, Y., & Fitzgerald, H.E. (in
preparation). Troubles with the Internet at home: technical problems and
persistence in Internet use.
Alexander von Eye
vita, p. 49
Dowling, E.M., Theokas, C., Almerigi, J., Lerner, R.M., & von Eye, A. (in preparation).
Towards a consensual definition of thriving in adolescence.
Barton, L.R., Roman, L.A., Fitzgerald, H.E., von Eye, A., Lindsay, J.K., & Moore, J.S. (in
preparation). Predicting use of home visiting services from reported needs of lowincome women.
Jackson, L.A., von Eye, A., Biocca, F., Zhao, Y., Barbatsis, G., & Fitzgerald, H.E. (in
preparation). Communication, information, consumption, and Internet use in lowincome families.
Sherwood, P., Given, C.W., Given, B.A, von Eye, A., & Murman, D.L. (in preparation). The
effect of Medicaid enrollment on survival following the diagnosis of a primary
malignant brain tumor.
Jackson, L. A., von Eye, A., Biocca, F., Barbatsis, G., Zhao, Y. & Fitzgerald, H. E. (in
preparation). The nature of low-income children's Internet use. Journal of
Interactive Learning Research. Manuscript submitted August 25, 2004.
Jackson, L. A., von Eye, A., Biocca, F., Barbatsis, G., Zhao, Y. & Fitzgerald, H. Social
support and Internet use: The relationship between family support for Internet use
and actual Internet use by low-income adults. IT and Society, June 21, 2004.
von Eye, A., Noack, P., & Bogat, G.A. (in preparation). Person-oriented research
strategies - Applications in the study of social change.
DeMarte, J.A., Bogat, G.A., Levendosky, A.A., & von Eye, A. (in preparation). Empathy
and disregard for others in children exposed to intimate partner violence.
von Eye, A. (in preparation). Did you expect this cluster here? - Distributional
characteristics of clusters.
Levendosky, A.A., Bogat, G.A., Huth-Bocks, A., Rosenblum, K., & von Eye, A. (in
preparation). Contextual factors related to stability of attachment from infancy to
von Eye, A., Bogat, G.A., Levendosky, A.A., & Donnellan, M.B. (in preparation). Planning
longitudinal research in developmental psychopathology.
DeJonghe, E.S., von Eye, A., Bogat, G.A., & Levendosky, A.A. (in preparation). Exploring
gender differences in early childhood witnessing of intimate partner violence.
Basu, A., Bogat, G.A., von Eye, A., & Levendosky, A.A. (in preparation). Developmental
pathways to internalizing and externalizing outcomes in early childhood as a
function of domestic violence and harsh parenting.
Alexander von Eye
vita, p. 50
Barnes, J.V., von Eye, A., & Fitzgerald, H.E. (in preparation). An empirical test of the
theoretical construct of Emotional Competence.
Jackson, L. A., Zhao, Y., Kolenic, A., Fitzgerald, H. E., von Eye, A., & Harold, R.
(submitted, November 2007). Gender, race, self-concept and IT use. Journal of
Applied Developmental Psychology
Jackson, L. A., Zhao, Y., Kolenic, A., Fitzgerald, H. E., von Eye, A., & Harold, R.
(submitted, March 8, 2008). Gender, race and morality in the virtual world and its
relationship to morality in the real world. Journal of Applied Social Psychology.
von Eye, A., & DeShon, R.P. (in preparation). Moment approaches to directional
von Eye, A., & DeShon, R.P. (in preparation). On direction of effects in latent variable
Jackson, L.A., von Eye, A., Fitzgerald, H.E., Witt, E.D., & Zhao, Y. (in preparation).
Information technology (IT) use and academic performance: A longitudinal study of
the relationship between IT use and academic performance and the roles of
gender, race, and income in these relationships.
Lobato-Calleros, O., Serrato-González, H., Martínez, J.,Brun-Battistini, D, Rivera, H.,
Méndez Ramírez, I., von Eye, A., Ramírez, A., & González, G. (in preparation).
Construcción y aplicación del Índice Mexicano de Satisfacción del Usario (IMSU)
en el contexto de los programas sociales gubernamentales.
von Eye, A., & Mun, E.Y., (in preparation). Developments in methods of cluster analysis.
Martel, M.M., von Eye, A., & Nigg, J.T. (in preparation). Revisiting the latent structure of
ADHD: A “G”-factor ADHD with “S”-factors inattention and hyperactivity-impulsivity.
Zarrett, N., Peck, S.C., von Eye, A., & Eccles, J.S. (in preparation). Do extracurricular
activities matter? Addressing the endogeneity problem.
Spoelstra, S.L., Given, B., Given, C., & von Eye, A. (in preparation). Fall risk in community
dwelling elderly cancer survivors - A predictive model for gerontological nurses.
Gerontological Nursing.
Hsieh, C., & von Eye, A. (in preparation). A unified model for the analysis of change:
Using a multivariate multilevel polytomous item response theory model to study the
parallel process of change.
Alexander von Eye
vita, p. 51
von Eye, A. (in preparation). Developing the person-oriented approach - Theory and
methods of analysis. Development and Psychopathology.
Jackson, L.A., von Eye, A., Fitzgerald, H.E., Zhao, Y., & Witt, E.A. (in preparation).
Information technology (IT) use and academic performance.
Huston, P.L., Bogat, G.A., Levendosky, A.A., & von Eye, A. (in preparation). Domestic
violence exposure and early behavior problems predict aggression subtypes in
boys and girls.
Bogat, G.A., Levendosky, A.A., von Eye, A., & Davidson, W.S.II (in preparation). Prenatal
intimate partner violence affects child attachment.
Levendosky, A.A., Bogat, G.A., von Eye, A., & Davidson, W.S.II (in preparation). Effects
of domestic violence on the attachment relationship between mother and child:
Data from a longitudinal study beginning during pregnancy.
von Weber, S., von Eye, M., & von Eye, A. (in preparation). Multiple weighted regression
analysis and the curvature of a 3D brane in a 4D space under a homogeneous
vector field.
Technical Reports, Press Releases, Contributions to Newsletters, and In-house
von Eye, A., Wills, S. D., & Butler, J. (1987). The standardization of concrete and abstract
texts for testing the prose memory of persons from 20 to 60 years. The
Pennsylvania State University: Center for the Study of Child and Adolescent
Development (Technical Report No. 1).
Miller, J.R., Wickliffe, V.P., von Eye, A., & Lerner, R.M. (1995). Report of a faculty survey.
College of Human Ecology: Faculty collaborative initiatives,1994 - 1995. Michigan
State University, College of Human Ecology, Office of the Dean.
von Eye, A., Spiel, C., & Wood, P.K. (1996). Did you ever expect them to be there - did
you ever expect them not to be there? A discussion of Configural Frequency
Analysis. Press Release.
von Eye, A., & Rovine, M. J. (1995). Symmetrical regression. The Methodology Center
Technical Report Series, #95-1. The Pennsylvania State University.
Rovine, M. J., & von Eye, A. (1995). Regression interaction with continuous variables:
Difficulties and computational suggestions. The Methodology Center Technical
Report Series, #95-2. The Pennsylvania State University.
Alexander von Eye
vita, p. 52
von Eye, A., & Schuster, C. (1998). Methodenausbildung in der Entwicklungspsychologie
- Gedanken zur Entwicklung des Fachs. Newsletter of the Developmental Division
of the German Psychological Association, 1, 14 - 17.
von Eye, A. (1999). The tread of the speed. Unpublished paper.
Taylor, C.S., Lerner, R.M., Villaruel, F.A., & von Eye, A. (2000). Annual report for phase II
of overcoming the odds: Understanding successful development among African
American and Latino male adolescents. William T. Grant Foundation.
Taylor, C.S., Lerner, R.M., & von Eye, A. (2004). Annual report for the “Overcoming the
Odds Project”: Understanding successful development among African American
male adolescents. William T. Grant Foundation.
von Eye, A. Just a few waves more ... Jacket text for Walls, T.A., & Schafer, J.L. (2005).
Models for intensive longitudinal data. New York: Oxford University Press.
Book Reviews:
von Eye, A. (1979). [Book review: E. Kleiter & F. Petermann. Abbildung von Lernwegen,
1977]. Zeitschrift für erziehungswissenschaftliche Forschung, 13, 118-124.
von Eye, A. (1980). [Book review: D. H. Rost (Ed.), Entwicklungspsychologie für die
Grundschule, 1980]. Zeitschrift für erziehungswissenschaftliche Forschung, 14,
von Eye, A. (1980). [Book review: G. A. Lienert, Verteilungsfreie Methoden in der
Biostatistik (Vol. 2), 1978]. Psychologie und Praxis, 24, 87-88.
Dittmann-Kohli, F., & von Eye, A. (1983). [Book review: G. Krampen,
Differentialpsychologie der Kontrollüberzeugungen, 1982]. Psychologische
Beiträge, 25, 292-293.
von Eye, A., & Berger-Zenk, H. (1984). [Book review: B. Krause & P. Metzler.
Angewandte Statistik, 1984]. Psychologische Beiträge, 27, 427-428.
von Eye, A. (1987). [Book review: P. Metzler & B. Nickel, Zeitreihen- und
Verlaufsanalyse, 1986]. Psychologische Beiträge, 29, 714-716.
von Eye, A. (1988). [Book review: G. Lüer (Ed.), Allgemeine Experimentelle Psychologie,
1987]. Zeitschrift für experimentelle und angewandte Psychologie, 35, 689-691.
von Eye, A. (1989). [Book review: G. A. Lienert, Schulnotenevaluation, 1987].
Contemporary Psychology, 34, 274.
Alexander von Eye
vita, p. 53
von Eye, A. (1991). [Book review: E. Lautsch & S. von Weber, Konfigurationsfrequenzanalyse (KFA), 1990], Biometrie und Informatik in Medizin und Biologie.
von Eye, A., & Spiel, C. (1995). [Book review: Bortz, J., Lienert, G. A., & Boehnke, K.,
Verteilungsfreie Methoden in der Biostatistik. Berlin: Springer, 1990], Journal of
Psychophysiology, 9, 76 - 77.
Lautsch, E., & von Eye, A. (1994). [Book review: Krauth, J., Einführung in die
Konfigurationsfrequenzanalyse (KFA). Weinheim: Beltz, 1993].
von Eye, A. (1996). [Book review: F. Sixtl (1996). Einführung in die exakte Psychologie.
München: Oldenbourg], Psychologische Beiträge.
von Eye, A. (2002). [Book review: Sirsch, U., Probleme beim Schulwechsel. Münster:
Waxmann, 2000]. German Journal of Educational Psychology, 16, 129 - 131.
von Eye, A. (2003). Book review: Marcoulides, G.A., & Schumacker, R.E. (Eds.), New
developments and techniques in structural equation modeling. Mahwah, NJ:
Lawrence Erlbaum, 2001. Contemporary Psychology, 48, 680 - 683.
von Eye, A. (2004). Book review: Marcoulides, G.A., & Moustaki, I. (Eds.), Latent variable
and latent structure models. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 2002. Contemporary
Psychology, 49, 204.
von Eye, A. (2005). Book review: Cliff, N., & Keats, J.A. (2003). Ordinal measurement in
the behavioral sciences. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. Applied Psychological
Measurement, 29, 401 - 403.
von Eye, A. (2005). Book review: Dunbar, G. (2005). Evaluating research methods in
psychology. A case study approach. Madden, MA: Blackwell. European
Psychologist, 10, 345 - 346.
von Eye, A. (2006). Book review: Skrondal, A., & Rabe-Hesketh, S. (2004). Generalized
latent variable modeling. Multilevel, longitudinal, and structural equation models.
Baton Roca, FL: Chapman & Hall. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary
Journal, 13, 322 - 324.
von Eye, A. (2007). Book review: Walls, T.A., & Schafer, J.L. (Eds.)(2006). Models for
intensive longitudinal data. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. Structural
Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 14, 357 - 359.
Selected Invited Presentations:
Alexander von Eye
vita, p. 54
von Eye, A. Structure identification using nonparametric models. Conference on
Individual Development and Social Change: Explanatory Analysis. Berlin, 1982.
(invited paper)
Hussy, W., & von Eye, A. On cognitive operators in information processing and their
effects on memory in different age groups. Conference on "Memory development:
Universal changes and individual differences," Max Planck Institute for Psychology
at Schloß Ringberg, 1984. (invited paper)
Lienert, G. A., & von Eye, A. Nonparametric two-sample CFA of incomplete learning
curves. Conference on the "150. Geburtstag von H. Ebbinghaus" in East Berlin,
1985. (invited paper)
von Eye, A. Family systems and life span development: Methodological prospects.
Conference on "Family Systems and Life Span Development." Max Planck
Institute for Human Development and Education, Berlin, 1986. (invited paper)
von Eye, A. Zero-missing-nonexisting: A conceptualization of the missing data problem
in longitudinal research with categorical data solutions. Conference on "Prevention
and Intervention in Childhood and Youth: Conceptual and Methodological Issues"
in Bielefeld, 1987. (invited paper)
Noack, P., Silbereisen, R. K., & von Eye, A. Promoting own development: Personal
goals and leisure contexts in adolescence. Conference on "Risk and Resiliency
Across the Transitions of Adolescence Among American and European Samples:
Perspectives from five Longitudinal Studies," in Arlington, 1988. (invited paper)
von Eye, A. Differential change. Workshop on "Differential Stability and Change in
Development," Max Planck Institute for Psychology at Bernried, 1989. (invited
von Eye, A. Log-linear models for the analysis of patterns of development. Fourth
International Summer School in Developmental Psychology in Europe, Leipzig,
1989. (invited paper)
von Eye, A. Problems of choosing between categories and dimensions in longitudinal
research: Some investigations. 2nd workshop on Methodological Issues in
Longitudinal Research "Stability and Change: Methods and Models for Data
Treatment," Oslo, Norway, 1989. (invited paper)
von Eye, A., & Wills, S. The effects of age and concreteness on memory for prose. Seed
Research Initiative (SRI) Poster session of the CSCAD, State College, PA, 1989.
(invited paper)
Alexander von Eye
vita, p. 55
von Eye, A., Jacobson, L. P., & Wills, S. D. Proverbs: Imagery, Interpretation, and
Memory. 12th West Virginia University Conference on Life-Span Developmental
Psychology, 1990. (invited paper).
Rovine, M. J., & von Eye, A. Graphics and statistics: A user's perspective.
February Meeting of the State College Chapter of the American Statistical
Association, State College, 1991. (Invited paper).
von Eye, A., & Rovine, M. J. Robust symmetrical regression in astronomy. 220th IMS
meeting on “Statistical Challenges in Modern Astronomy”, University Park, 1991.
(Invited paper).
von Eye, A., & Rovine, M. J. Perspectives of time series analysis in developmental
psychology: An overview and selected analytical strategies. Annual Conference
of the Harrisburg Chapter of the American Statistical Association on Comparative
Uses of Time Series, Harrisburg, 1991. (Invited paper).
Molenaar, P.C. M., & von Eye, A. On the arbitrary nature of latent variables. Conference
on Analysis of Latent Variables in Developmental Research, University Park, PA,
1992. (invited paper)
von Eye, A. Zum Verhältnis zwischen qualitativen und quantitativen Methoden in der
empirisch-pädagogischen Forschung. AEPF Herbsttagung, Vienna, 1993. (invited
von Eye, A. Concepts of change in categorical variables. 101st Annual Convention of the
APA, Toronto, Canada, 1993. (invited paper)
von Eye, A. Models for analyzing change in categorical variables. XIIIth Biennial Meetings
of the ISSBD, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1994. (invited paper)
von Eye, A., Rovine, M.J., & Spiel, C. Prediction analysis as a latent variable model.
Conference on "Applications of Latent Trait and Latent Class Models in the Social
Sciences." Institut für Pädagogik der Naturwissenschaften, Kiel, Germany, 1994.
(invited paper)
von Eye, A., Sörensen, S., & Wills, S.W. Altersunterschiede im Gedächtnis: Ein
Kohorteneffekt? Symposium "Motivation und Lernen" zum 60. Geburtstag von Prof.
Dr. B. Rollett, Wien, Austria, 1994. (invited paper).
von Eye, A. Non-standard Log-Linear Models for Axial Symmetry and Quasi-Symmetry.
Conference on "Ciencia y Tecnologia para el Desarollo," La Habana, Cuba, 1995
(invited paper).
Alexander von Eye
vita, p. 56
von Eye, A. Prädiktionsmodelle für Daten aus longitudinalen Patientendatenbanken als
Ergänzung oder sogar Alternative zu kontrollierten klinischen Studien. Conference
on "Immunmodulation mit Naturheilverfahren," München, Germany, 1995 (invited
von Eye, A. Recent developments in Configural Frequency Analysis. Conference on
"Ciencia y Tecnologia para el Desarollo," La Habana, Cuba, 1995 (invited paper).
von Eye, A. Log-linear Models for Analysis of Change. Conference on "Growing up in
Times of Social Change," Jena, Germany, 1995 (invited paper).
von Eye, A. The highly gifted: Definitions and Implications for Data Collection and
Analysis. Fifth ECHA Conference on "Creativity and Culture - Talent Development
in the Arts and Sciences," Vienna, Austria, 1996 (invited paper).
von Eye, A. Symmetry and Measuring Change in Categorical Variables. 6th Mexico-Cuba
Statistics Meeting, La Habana, Cuba, 1996 (invited paper).
von Eye, A. Modeling Concepts of Development at the Level of Manifest Categorical
Variables. Conference on "Statistics on the Interface between Theory and
Application", Austrian Statistical Society, Vienna, Austria, 1996 (invited paper).
von Eye, A., & Schuster, C. Modeling causal effects at the level of manifest categorical
variables. NSF/CBMS Regional Conference on “Longitudinal Data Analysis”,
Department of Statistics, University of Missouri-Columbia, 1997 (invited paper).
von Eye, A., & Schuster, C. Modeling Synergy at the level of manifest categorical
variables. Conference on “Evaluation of Change in Longitudinal Data.” University
of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Department of Psychology, 1997 (invited paper).
Schuster, C., & von Eye, A. The relationship between mixed models and repeated
measurement designs. Conference on “Evaluation of Change in Longitudinal
Data.” University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Department of Psychology, 1997 (invited
von Eye, A., & Spiel, C. Person-centered and variable-centered approaches to studying
change. XVth Biennial Meetings of the ISSBD, Berne, Switzerland, 1998 (invited
von Eye, A., & Schuster, C. Modeling the direction of causal effects. 8 th Mexico-Cuban
Statistical Meetings, La Habana, Cuba, 1998 (invited paper).
von Eye, A., & Schuster, C. Studying risk longitudinally - Issues of design and analysis.
Conference on “Longitudinal Studies in Children at Risk. Satellite Meeting of the 8 th
International Neurology congress in Ljubljana, 1998 (invited paper).
Alexander von Eye
vita, p. 57
von Eye, A. Roundtable Discussion on Configural Frequency Analysis. Midwestern
Educational Research Association Meeting 1998, Chicago (invited discussant).
von Eye, A., Schuster, C., & Gutiérrez-Peña, E. Configural Frequency Analysis under
retrospective and prospective sampling schemes - Frequentist and Bayesian
approaches. Conference on “Konfigurationsfrequenzanalyse (KFA) - neue
Entwicklungen und Perspektiven.” Kassel, Germany, 1998 (invited paper).
Schuster, C., & von Eye, A. Die Verwendung von log-linearen Modellen zur Erhöhung der
Power in der Zweistichproben-Konfigurationsfrequenzanalyse. Conference on
“Konfigurationsfrequenzanalyse (KFA) - neue Entwicklungen und Perspektiven.”
Kassel, Germany, 1998 (invited paper).
Indurkhya, A., & von Eye, A. The power of CFA tests. Conference on “Konfigurationsfrequenzanalyse (KFA) - neue Entwicklungen und Perspektiven.” Kassel,
Germany, 1998 (invited paper).
Spiel, C., & von Eye, A. Zum Anwendungsspektrum der KFA: Ergebnisse aus
pädagogischer Psychologie und Bildungsforschung. Conference on
“Konfigurationsfrequenzanalyse (KFA) - neue Entwicklungen und Perspektiven.”
Kassel, Germany, 1998 (invited paper).
Glück, J., & von Eye, A. CFA including covariates. Conference on “Konfigurationsfrequenzanalyse (KFA) - neue Entwicklungen und Perspektiven.” Kassel,
Germany, 1998 (invited paper).
von Eye, A., & Schuster, C. The latent class transition model for the analysis of
intraindividual change. 1999 Biennial Meetings of the SRCD, Albuquerque, 1999
(in preparation)(invited paper).
von Eye, A., Gutiérrez-Peña, E., & Schuster, C. Sampling schemes and the selection of
base models for Configural Frequency Analysis. 9 th Mexico-Cuban Statistical
Meetings, La Habana, Cuba, 1999 (invited paper).
Schuster, C., & von Eye, A. Determining the meaning of parameters in multilevel models
for longitudinal data. 9th Mexico-Cuban Statistical Meetings, La Habana, Cuba,
1999 (invited paper).
von Eye, A., Schuster, C., & Kreppner, K. Sampling schemes and the selection of loglinear models for longitudinal data. 1999 Biennial Meetings of the SRCD,
Albuquerque, 1999 (invited paper).
Schuster, C., & von Eye, A. Measuring intraindividual variability for categorical variables.
1999 Biennial Meetings of the SRCD, Albuquerque, 1999 (invited paper).
Alexander von Eye
vita, p. 58
von Eye, A. Methodological challenges in urban longitudinal research: Multiculturalism,
developmental variation, and multiple informants. 1999 Biennial Meetings of the
SRCD, Albuquerque, 1999 (invited discussant).
von Eye, A. Log-lineare Modelle zur Messung von Beurteilerübereinstimmung (Log-linear
models for inter-rater agreement). Biometrical Colloquium, Magdeburg, Germany,
1999 (invited paper).
von Eye, A., & Schuster, C. Latent class models for the analysis of intraindividual change.
Autonomous University of Mexico, Department of Probability and Statistics, 1999
(invited colloquium).
von Eye, A., & Schuster, C. Log-linear models of rater agreement. Meeting of the
Asociación Mexicana de Estadística, Xalapa, Mexico, 1999 (invited address).
von Eye, A. Configural Frequency Analysis - an assumption-free way of exploring a
multivariate reality. Symposium on “Matching problems, assumptions and
statistical methods in psychology” at the XXVII International Congress in
Psychology in Stockholm, Sweden, 2000 (invited paper).
von Eye, A., & Schuster, C. Die Analyse von Beurteilerübereinstimmung - Testen versus
Modellieren. 42nd Biennial Congress of the German Psychological Society, Jena,
Germany, 2000 (invited paper).
von Eye, A. Methods of categorical data analysis. 10 th Mexico-Cuban Statistical Meetings,
La Habana, Cuba, 2000 (invited paper).
von Eye, A. Konkurrierende Bildungsorte - welche Parameter können verglichen werden?
International meetings on “Konkurrierende Schulorte - Schule im Spannungsfeld
von Familie, Jugendkulturen und Neuen Medien. Wittenberg, Germany, 2001
(invited paper).
von Eye, A. Configural Frequency Analysis of long time series of individuals. Symposium
on “The intra-individual analysis of long time series.” Xth European Conference on
Developmental Psychology, Uppsala, Sweden, 2001 (invited paper).
von Eye, A. Multilevel modeling - the spider. OASIS workshop on “Analysis of
comparative data,” Oslo, Norway, 2001 (invited paper).
von Eye, A. Person-centered and variable-centered approaches to data analysis - an
introduction. 2002 Biennial meetings of the ISSBD, Ottawa, 2002 (invited paper).
von Eye, A. In memoriam Gustav A Lienert. Tagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für
Psychologie, Wien, 2002 (invited keynote address).
Alexander von Eye
vita, p. 59
von Eye, A., Jackson, L.A., Biocca, F., Barbatsis, G., Zhao, Y., & Fitzgerald, H.E. Das
HomeNetToo Projekt: Vertrauen als Prädiktor der Verwendung des Internet. 8.
Kongreß der IuK-Initiative der Wissenschaftlichen Fachgesellschaften in
Deutschland in Ulm, 2002 (invited keynote address).
von Eye, A. Locating deviations from multivariate normality. Invited keynote address, 6 th
meeting of the methodology group of the German Psychological Association,
Vienna, 2003.
von Eye, A. Variablen- und Personenorientierte Forschung. Invited keynote address, 66.
Tagung der Arbeitsgruppe für Empirische Pädagogische Forschung, Berlin, 2005.
von Eye, A., Noack, P., & Bogat, G. A. Person-oriented research strategies -applications
in the study of social change. Invited paper presented at the conference on
Agency and Human Development under Conditions of Social Change, Friedrich
Schiller University of Jena, Germany, 2005.
von Eye, A. Person-oriented developmental research. Concepts and methodological
implications. Invited keynote address at the Biennial Meetings of the ISSBD,
Melbourne, Australia, 2006.
von Eye, A. Configural Frequency Analysis - Data analysis for person-oriented research.
Invited paper presented at the APS Meetings, Washington DC, 2007.
von Eye, A. Configural Frequency Analysis. Invited paper presented at the Third Statistics
Days, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, 2007.
von Eye, A. Pattern-oriented analysis of development. Invited paper presented at the
Biennial Meetings of the ISSBD, Würzburg, Germany, 2008.
von Eye, A. Configural Frequency Analysis of Continuous Variables: Considering Data
Generation Processes. Invited paper presented at the Fourth Statistics Days,
University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, 2009.
von Eye, A. Developments in methods of cluster analysis. Invited paper resented at the
2da. Semana Internacional de la Estadística y la Probabilidad, Puebla, Mexico,
von Eye, A. Questions that can be answered with Configural Frequwncy Analysis. Invited
keynote address, 9 th meeting of the methodology group of the German
Psychological Association, Bielefeld, 2009.
Conferences, Symposia, and Workshops
Alexander von Eye
vita, p. 60
Nesselroade, J. R., & von Eye, A. Conference on "Individual Development and Social
Change: Explanatory Analysis." Max Planck Institute for Human Development
and Education, Berlin, Germany,1982.
von Eye, A. Workshop on "The Use of Microprocessors in Developmental Research" at
the 7th biennial meeting of the ISSBD in Munich, Germany, 1983.
von Eye, A., & Brandtstädter, J. Symposium on "Aussagenlogische Analyse von
Kontingenztafeln" at the 34th Kongreß der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie
in Wien, Austria, 1984.
von Eye, A. Workshop on "SAS-Graphics." Max Planck Institute for Human Development
and Education, Berlin, Germany, 1986.
Rudinger, G., & von Eye, A. Workshop on "Sequences, Patterns, Stages, and
Transitions." The Fourth biennial meeting of the ISSBD in Jyväskylä, Finland,
von Eye, A. "SYSTAT and SYGRAPH." The Annual Meeting of the Harrisburg Chapter of
the American Statistical Association, 1989.
Benson, M. S., & von Eye, A. Symposium on "Prediction analysis as a methodological
tool in the study of development," at the meeting of the Society for Research in
Child Development, Seattle, 1991.
von Eye, A. Symposium on "Graphics and Statistics." February meeting of the State
College Chapter of the American Statistical Association, State College, PA, 1991.
von Eye, A., & Clogg, C. C. Conference on "Analysis of Latent Variables in
Developmental Research." Center for Developmental and Health Research
Methodology, University Park, PA, 1992.
von Eye, A. Symposium and workshop on "Analyse kategorialer (qualitativer) Daten in
der Psychologie mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Entwicklungsforschung."
University of Vienna, Austria, 1992.
von Eye, A., & Clogg, C. C. Conference on "Analysis of Categorical Variables in
Developmental Research." Center for Develomental and Health Research
Methodology, University Park, PA, 1993.
Silbereisen, R.K., & von Eye, A. Conference on "Growing up in Times of Social Change."
Friedrich Schiller University of Jena, Germany,1995.
von Eye, A. Workshop on "Prädiktionsanalyse." University of Potsdam, Germany;
Interdisciplinary Center for Research on Learning and Instruction, 1995.
Alexander von Eye
vita, p. 61
Pugesek, B., Tomer, A., & von Eye, A. Workshop on "Structural Equations Modeling."
United States Department of the Interior, National Wetlands Research Center,
Lafayette, LA, 1996.
von Eye, A., & Spiel, C. Symposium on "Measurement of Change in Categorical
Variables." XIVth Meetings of the ISSBD, Québec City, Canada, 1996.
von Eye, A. Workshop on "Problems of Methodology in Talent Research." Conference of
the European Council for High Ability on “Creativity & Culture,” Vienna, Austria,
von Eye, A. Workshop on "Configural Frequency Analysis." Conference on "Ciencia y
Tecnologia para el Desarollo," La Habana, Cuba, 1997.
Spiel, C., & von Eye, A. Symposium on “Measuring change in the course of
development.” VIIIth European Conference on Developmental Psychology,
Rennes, France, 1997.
Spiel, C., & von Eye, A. Symposium on “Approaches to the analysis of change in
developmental research.” XVth Meetings of the ISSBD, Bern, Switzerland, 1998.
von Eye, A. Workshop on “Spaß mit Statistik” [“Fun with Statistics”]. Department of Child
Psychiatry, Klagenfurt, Austria, 1998.
von Eye, A. Symposium on “Statistical Methods for Psychological Research.” 9 th MexicoCuban Statistical Meetings, La Habana, Cuba, 1999.
von Eye, A., & Schuster, C. Symposium on “The Analysis of Categorical Data in
Developmental Research.” 1999 Biennial Meetings of the SRCD, Albuquerque,
NM, 1999.
Lautsch, E., & von Eye, A. Conference on “Configural Frequency Analysis - Models and
applications.” Kassel, Germany, 1999.
Stemmler, M., & von Eye, A. Symposium on “Modeling Change in Categorical Variables.”
11 th European Meeting of the Psychometric Society, Lüneburg, Germany, 1999.
von Eye, A., & Schuster, C. Workshop on “Assessing and Modeling Rater Agreement.” 7 th
Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence,
Jena, Germany, 2000.
Bergman, L.R., & von Eye, A. Symposium on “The intra-individual analysis of long time
series.” Xth European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Uppsala,
Sweden, 2001.
Alexander von Eye
vita, p. 62
von Eye, A. Workshop on “Structural Equations Modeling for the Educational Sciences with special emphasis on hierarchical linear hypotheses.” Biennial Meeting of the
European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, Fribourg,
Switzerland, 2001.
Lantermann, E.-D., Lautsch, E., & von Eye, A. Conference on “Recent Developments of
Configural Frequency Analysis.” Kassel, Germany, 2002.
Spiel, C., & von Eye, A. Symposium on “Variable-centered and person-centered
approaches to the analysis of aggressive behavior.” 2002 Biennial meetings of the
ISSBD, Ottawa.
Lautsch, E., & von Eye, A. Conference on “Configural Frequency Analysis as a Method of
Multivariate Analysis.” Kassel, Germany, 2004.
von Eye, A. Workshop on “The person-oriented approach.” XII European Conference on
Developmental Psychology, La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain, 2005.
von Eye, A. Workshop on “Structural Equation Modeling.” Universidad Iberoamericana de
Mexico, Mexico, 2005.
von Eye, A. Workshop on “Categorical data analysis.” Free University of Berlin, Germany,
Department of Education, 2005.
von Eye, A. Workshop on “Configural Frequency Analysis in developmental research.”
Biennial Meetings of the ISSBD in Melbourne, Australia, 2006.
von Eye, A. Workshop on “Analyzing Rater Agreement.” The University of Kansas,
Lawrence, Kansas, 2006.
von Eye, A. Workshop on “Methods for the Analysis of Rater Agreement.” European
Congress of Psychology, Prague, 2007.
von Eye, A. Workshop on “New developments in Configural Frequency Analysis.” XIII
European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Jena, Germany, 2007.
von Eye, A. Workshop on “Structural Equation Modeling.” Universidad Iberoamericana de
Mexico, Mexico, 2007.
von Eye, A. Workshop on “Structural Equation Modeling: Longitudinal Models.”
Universidad Iberoamericana de Mexico, Mexico, 2008.
von Eye, A. Workshop on “Statistical Methods in Person-oriented Developmental
Research.” Methodology Workshop of the European Association of Research on
Adolescence, Antalya, Turkey, 2009.
Alexander von Eye
vita, p. 63
von Eye, A. Workshop on “Configural Frequency Analysis.” Segunda Semana
Internacional de Estadística y Probabilidad, Puebla, Mexico, 2009.
von Eye, A. Workshop on “Configural Frequency Analysis.” 9 th meeting of the
methodology group of the German Psychological Association, Bielefeld, Germany,