Wind Energy - DCTI Deutsches CleanTech Institut


Wind Energy - DCTI Deutsches CleanTech Institut
Wind Energy
Study Series CleanTech
Volume 2 Wind Energy
October 2009
© DCTI 2009
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Wind Energy
p. 7
p. 9
Wind Energy
p. 11
Mode of Operation and Technology
Components of a Wind Turbine
The Conversion of Wind into Energy
Wind Turbine Design
Wind Turbine Size Classification
Technological Developments
p. 12
p. 12
p. 14
p. 16
p. 18
p. 18
Applications and Segments
Small-Scale Wind Turbines
Large-Scale Wind Turbines
Onshore Wind Parks
Offshore Wind Parks
p. 22
p. 22
p. 24
p. 26
p. 28
Value Chain of the Wind Industry
p. 32
Competitiveness of Wind Energy
Cost Structure
Cost Distribution
p. 38
p. 38
p. 39
p. 40
Global Market Overview
Wind Energy by Region
Top 5 Markets
Future Markets
p. 46
p. 46
p. 50
p. 50
p. 52
p. 54
p. 56
p. 58
p. 60
Market Drivers and Hindrances
p. 62
Special Contribution
p. 70
Works Cited
p. 76
Illustrations Cited
p. 82
Glossary of Terms
p. 84
p. 86
CleanTech Driver Interviews & Company Profiles
p. 89
Interviews with CleanTech Drivers
p. 90
p. 120
Dear Readers,
We are proud to present you with the second
The future development of renewable ener-
edition of our CleanTech Study Series, which
gies strongly depends on the surrounding po-
takes a closer look at wind energy and the
litical framework, price development of raw
development of the wind industry. The posi-
materials and public acceptance of alternative
tive response and feedback received from our
energy sources.
first edition on solar energy confirmed strong
interest in the CleanTech sector within the
While the relocation of wind turbines from
economy, politics and society.
onshore to offshore may seem like a viable
The wind industry is one of the leading Clean-
complex installation, electricity transport and
solution, the high costs arising from the
Tech branches. Moreover, the German wind
maintenance slow the development of the
industry is highly export-oriented. With an
offshore sector, which currently only accounts
installed capacity of 24,000 MW by the end of
for one percent of global installed wind
2008, Germany currently ranks in first place
in the wind energy field. In 2008, wind accounted for 35 percent of all newly installed
The CleanTech Study Series is not only
energy capacities across Europe. In the same
available in print, but also free of charge
year, wind energy in the US was marked by
in download form under The
an increase of 42 percent of total installed
study series is only one of many instruments
energy capacity.
DCTI uses to accelerate public awareness and
Technological advancements in the wind
consistently growing market. During the time
satisfy the demand for information in this
industry have taken on an impressive development. While wind turbines in the 1990s
of publication, DCTI also released its annual
“German CleanTech Yearbook 2009.”
could only produce a maximum of two MW,
modern turbines are capable of producing up
to six MW.
Phillipp Wolff, CEO DCTI
© DCTI 2009 | Volume 2 - Wind Energy
For thousands of years, wind energy has
European household), thereby reducing global
played a crucial role in the development of
CO2 emissions by 1,500 million tons per annum
civilization. The ancient Egyptians used wind
[GWEC: 2008a, P.29].
energy as early as 5000 B.C. to navigate their
boats along the Nile River. In 200 B.C. wind-
Reaching this goal is not a farfetched idea
mills were being used in China to pump water,
when one considers that large wind parks are
while at the same time, vertical wind turbines
not only being constructed in Europe. The
were being used to grind wheat in the Middle
US and Asian markets, especially China, play
East. Wind turbines have accompanied the
a crucial role in both the production and
development of civilization until the 20th
installation of wind turbines. This is of utmost
century, where they now play a major role in
importance as the conditions of the Kyoto
the production of electricity [EERE: 2005].
Protocol can only be met through a state-wide
consensus regarding the future role of rene-
It was not until the hike in oil prices in the
wable energies. Ultimately, wind serves as a
1970s and the accident at the nuclear power
strong driver in the renewable energy market.
plant in Chernobyl in the 1980s that attention
was paid to wind energy, thus spurring its
development. Consequently, the following
two decades were dedicated to technological
advancements in the wind energy sector. These developments have led to the construction
of wind parks, which in turn provide electricity to thousands of households. Without a
doubt, wind energy has established itself as
a strong competitor to other conventional
energy sources.
Furthermore, wind energy could contribute
enormously to the reduction of worldwide
CO2 emissions. According to the Global Wind
Energy Council (GWEC), by 2020 the total global capacity of installed wind turbines could
account for 1,000 gigawatts (GW), which
could produce a total of 2,600,000 gigawatt
hours (GWh) of electricity per year. This is
turn would provide enough electricity for
950 million households (calculation based on
the electricity demand for an average
© DCTI 2009 | Volume 2 - Wind Energy
The wind industry is not immune to the challenges of the renewable energies sector. The
production of energy is completely dependent
on weather conditions, as wind turbines can
only produce energy when there is enough wind
available. As wind conditions at sea are stronger
and more stable than those on land, the future
of wind energy, at least in the case of Europe,
lies in offshore wind parks.
However, the offshore wind sector is associated
with higher costs, due to the relocation of grid
connection cables and a more complex installation process. It is not until these challenges
are met and further progress is made that wind
energy’s fullest potential can be exhausted.
Consequently, future development of the wind
industry will depend on political willpower of
individual governments, as well as public awareness and acceptance.
© DCTI 2009 | Volume 2 - Wind Energy
III. Wind Energy
Mode of Operation & Technology
Mode of Operation & Technology
Components of a Wind Turbine
A wind turbine consists of several different components, the most essential of these being the rotor, which is comprised of a hub and rotor blades, and the nacelle, which shelters and protects the
generator and gearbox. The nacelle is situated on the tower, and is able to rotate on a vertical
axis. The tower, on the one hand, provides the turbine with the necessary stability and support,
while on the other hand houses the grid connection and different control systems. Diagram 1
illustrates the components of a horizontal axis wind turbine. As this is the most common type of
wind turbine, this chapter will refrain from focusing on vertical axis wind turbines.
The rotor blades make up the most important component of a wind turbine, as their rotation
produces the energy to be converted into electricity. The blades also receive significant attention from a technical standpoint, as current and future advancements aim to reduce noise levels
which the rotor blades cause [EWEA: 2009a, P.37]. Although fiberglass, carbon fiber and wood are
utilized most, rotor blades can also be produced from materials such as cloth, steel and aluminum
[Gipe: 2009, P.4f.]. The rotor blade diameter of the most widespread wind turbines ranges from 50
to 90 meters.
Since wind turbines need to function properly in various climates, they undergo testing in extThe rotor blade diameter
ranges from 50 to 90
reme weather conditions, such as temperature fluctuations, sandstorms, strong turbulence and
wind impact. This testing is of high economic importance, as the turbines are then type-certified
to meet the weather conditions of a particular environment. The average onshore wind turbine
is type-certified to last 20 years, whereas an offshore wind turbine can last at least 25 years. This
difference results from the less turbulent and more consistent wind conditions at sea [EWEA:
2009a, P.38].
Key Facts and Figures
• According to the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs’ national regulation
for the marking and lighting of obstacles for navigation, wind turbines higher than 150 meters
are required to have warning lights. At least two warning lights must be visible from each direction, and may not be concealed by idling rotor blades.
< Figure 1: Components of a horizontal axis wind turbine >
The diagram illustrates the main
components of a horizontal axis
wind turbine.
© DCTI 2009 | Volume 2 - Wind Energy
Mode of Operation & Technology
Mode of Operation & Technology
The Conversion of Wind into Energy
There are countless regions across the globe with excellent wind conditions, which therefore
have a high potential for wind energy. Especially coastal regions, with wind speeds between four
and five meters/second, have excellent potential for the use of wind energy. Furthermore, wind
speeds at sea are known to exceed eight meters/second. Diagram 2 illustrates how wind speeds
vary across the globe.
The production of wind energy is dependent on the following three factors: the area swept by
the rotor blades, the cube of the wind speed and air density, which varies with altitude [WWEA:
2006]. The formula used for calculating wind power is as follows:
P = 0.5 x rho x A x V³
P= Power in watts (W)
Rho= Air density in kilograms per cubic meter (kg/m3)
A= Area swept by the rotor blades in square meters (m2)
V= Wind speed in meters/second
The wind speed’s cube is especially significant, as its doubling causes the wind power to increase
by a factor of eight. In general terms this simply implies that the stronger the wind speed at a particular location, the more energy can be produced. Thus, the wind turbine’s location is of utmost
importance, as it determines the amount of energy which can be generated.
Although the formula above is used to decipher the power in the wind, it is important to note
that the actual power which can be converted into energy is significantly less. The amount of
power which can be converted into energy is dependent on the actual efficiency of a given wind
turbine. Whereas most wind turbines can extract a maximum of 60 percent of the wind’s power,
in reality this figure is around 45 percent [WWEA: 2006].
Moreover, a wind turbine cannot produce energy at a constant rate, as its level of energy production rests solely on persisting wind conditions. It is therefore advisable to utilize other forms of
power generation, in order to cover base and peak power loads.
Key Facts and Figures
• All forms of energy, whether wind, solar or nuclear power, are integrated into the electricity
network. In practice, one can view the electricity network as a large pool, with a high number of
fountains (power stations) and drainage holes (consumers) [GWEC: 2008a, P.25]. The main task of
the grid operator is to ensure that the water in the pool remains in balance – it should never run
out, nor overflow. Consequently, it is the equilibrium in the electricity network which maintains
the system’s stability and security. Since the electricity network corresponds with the level of
demand, it is common to see the rotor blades of a single wind turbine standing still, while those of
the surrounding turbines are rotating.
< Figure 2: Global wind speeds in meter/second >
Wind speeds:
Global wind speeds vary depending on location. Highest wind
speeds are recorded in coastal
and offshore areas.
© DCTI 2009 | Volume 2 - Wind Energy
Mode of Operation & Technology
Mode of Operation & Technology
Wind Turbine Design
The modern wind turbine comes in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, from a vertical or horizontal axis, to one, two or three rotor blades. Today the wind industry is dominated by the horizontal
axis wind turbine with three rotor blades, which is said to be the most efficient form. Depending
on turbine design, horizontal wind turbines usually have a fantail or built-in rotor-reorientation
device for when there is a change in wind direction [Gipe: 2009, P.3]. This allows the wind turbine
to reach the highest possible energy production level for its given location. Unlike horizontal
axis wind turbines, vertical axis wind turbines are less dependent on wind direction for energy
production, and are therefore especially suitable for locations where the wind direction is known
to change frequently. Nevertheless, vertical axis wind turbines are primarily utilized in the private
and domestic sector, as they are not as suitable for the production of large amounts of energy as
are modern horizontal axis wind turbines.
A wind turbine’s ability to convert energy in the wind stream is not influenced by the number of
rotor blades. While most modern wind turbines have three rotor blades, attempts were made in
the early 1980s and 1990s to market wind turbines with one and two rotor blades [EWEA: 2009e,
P.66]. However, these wind turbines are seldom seen today due to their lack of popularity. Thus,
the standard conventional wind turbine today has three rotor blades. The main difference in the
number of rotor blades lies in the cost–benefit ratio. While one blade is more economical than
three, three blades are more efficient than one. Furthermore, a wind turbine with three rotor
blades runs more smoothly than a turbine with one blade, resulting in a longer lifetime for the
Heavier small wind turbines have proven to be more durable than larger and lighter ones. In
order for a wind turbine to last longer, most conventional wind turbines have a built-in overspeed
control, which protects the turbine from damage in a situation with high wind speeds [Gipe: 2009,
P.5f.]. Depending on design, wind speed measurement devices are often found on top of the
nacelle (see Diagram 1). As soon as the instrument measures wind speeds which are too high, the
rotor blades will either automatically switch off, or the nacelle will rotate away from the wind
direction in order to prevent damage to the wind turbine.
< Figure 3: Examples of horizontal axis wind turbines >
Horizontal axis turbines
Horizontal axis wind turbines
are distinguished by the number
of rotor blades.
< Figure 4: Examples of vertical axis wind turbines >
Vertical axis turbines
Vertical axis wind turbines
are available in a wide range of
designs. Contrary to horizontal
turbines, vertical axis turbines are
not dependent on wind direction;
the turbine generates electricity
regardless from which direction
the wind blows.
© DCTI 2009 | Volume 2 - Wind Energy
Mode of Operation & Technology
Mode of Operation & Technology
Wind Turbine Size Classification
Over the period of the last century, wind turbine technology has taken on a rapid advancement.
This is especially apparent in the large wind turbine class, where commercial turbine size has
not only become higher and larger, but has also increased by a factor of 100 in the past 20 years
[EWEA: 2009b, P.6].
Wind turbine size is heavily dependent on the diameter of the rotor blades. In general, wind turbines can be categorized into three different size classes: small, medium1 and large wind turbines
(see Diagram 5). Small wind turbines can be further categorized into three different subclasses:
small household wind turbines, mini and micro wind turbines.
A wind turbine with a rotor blade diameter of more than 50 meters is considered a large wind turbine. Large commercial turbines encompass a total capacity of at least one megawatt (MW), and
are utilized mostly in offshore and onshore wind parks. Currently, the largest wind turbine has a
total rotor diameter of 127 meters and is rated at a total capacity of six MW [REW: 2009a].
Medium-size wind turbines are primarily found in the agricultural sector, as well as small factories
and wind farms. They have an average rotor diameter of 20 to 50 meters, and are rated at an
average capacity between 100 kilowatts (kW) and one MW [Gipe: 2009, see Overview].
The largest wind turbine has
a capacity of six MW.
Small wind turbines have an average rotor diameter between ten and 20 meters, and a capacity
of 50 to 100 kW. These are intended for use in the agricultural sector, as well as in small businesses and factories [Gipe: 2009, see Overview].
The rotor diameter of small household wind turbines can range anywhere between three and ten
meters, while that of mini wind turbines runs from 1.25 to three meters. Furthermore, micro wind
turbines are the smallest of the small size class, and range from 0.5 to 1.25 meters in diameter.
Each of the three small wind turbine subcategories is intended predominantly for the household
sector [Gipe: 2009, see Overview].
The study will not focus on this size class.
< Figure 5: Size classes of wind turbines >
Size classes:
In general, wind turbines can be
categorized into three different
size categories: small, mediumsized and large-scale turbines.
Technological Developments
The first wind turbines were constructed using components originally intended for ships and
tractors. However, modern wind turbine technology has a wide array of possibilities at its disposal,
such as the use of materials and concepts from the aerospace and aeronautical field. Consequently, in the last 20 years, wind turbines have undergone a rapid transformation with regards to size
and design. One can especially observe this inclination towards the large wind turbine class (at
least 2.5 MW) in the European wind industry. In 2007, the market share of this size class was six
percent, as compared to only 0.3 percent at the end of 2003 [EWEA: 2009a, P.41].
The development and construction of larger wind turbines allows for the production of greater
amounts of electricity. Wind turbines installed in the 1990s were able to produce up to two MW,
generating a maximum annual capacity of five to six million kilowatt hours (kWh). Today, in contrast, wind turbines are able to generate a total capacity of up to six MW, producing an annual 15
– 18 million kWh [KPMG: 2009, P.10].
© DCTI 2009 | Volume 2 - Wind Energy
Mode of Operation & Technology
Mode of Operation & Technology
There is in fact a direct correlation between the efficiency and size class of a wind turbine. The general idea is simple: the higher and bigger the turbine, the more efficient it is. Thus, an additional
elevation of the turbine’s nacelle by one meter, can bring an annual increase of 0.5-1 percent in
output [EWG: 2008, P.114]. The wind turbine industry can therefore expect a gradual increase in
turbine size in future years.
The increase in wind turbine size has led to a higher cost–effectiveness for modern wind turbine
projects. In other words, a higher total capacity can be achieved using a lower number of individual turbines, much unlike wind park projects of the past [EWG: 2008, P.114]. With this in mind,
further development of wind turbine technology is certain.
According to Frank Nielsen, R&D director of blade manufacturer LM Glasfiber, an improvement in
the aerodynamic performance of the rotor blades by three percent, could finance the whole project over the course of the turbine’s lifetime [EWEA: 2008a, P.23]. Besides improving the performance of wind turbines, reducing costs will also play a key role for the future success of the wind
industry. For example, rising steel prices can be accommodated through the use of concrete-steel
mixtures, as opposed to using pure steel for the construction of turbines.
The development of wind
turbines is making rapid
Another important change to the technological design of wind turbines will make future transport less of a hassle. The rotor blades of the Enercon E – 126, for example, can be split into two
parts, making the delivery process of the turbine much easier [EWG: 2008, P.114]. In addition,
wind turbine design is being adapted to withstand specific local weather conditions, such as sandstorms in the desert, or extreme temperature differences between summer and winter.
Besides improving wind turbine design, technological advancements in the wind industry are leading to completely new innovations. As the illustration shows, one of the most ambitious ideas is
the flying electric generator, originating from the company Sky Wind Power. While it is still undergoing testing, Sky Wind Power plans to have a flying electric generator up and running sometime
in 2010. While the rotation of the rotor blades generates electricity, at the same time it provides
the necessary lift to keep the device airborne. In case the wind speed dwindles, the rotors will act
as a generator, keeping the device in the air [Sky Wind Power: 2009].
Key Facts and Figures
• The flying electric generator is expected to operate in heights of 2,000 to 10,000 meters, and
encompasses a total capacity of ten MW. In contrast to conventional wind turbines, the flying generator in no way interferes with the landscape, and offers a far less complex installation process
[Sky Wind Power: 2009].
© DCTI 2009 | Volume 2 - Wind Energy
Applications & Segments
Applications & Segments
Small-Scale Wind Turbines
Small wind turbines are generally intended for use in the private and domestic sector. Much like
a solar panel, they can be installed on the roof of one’s home, allowing the end consumer to
generate and use his own electricity. Thus, small household wind turbines are ideal for off-grid
applications in rural and less-developed areas. In fact, if installed at a suitable location, these
turbines are capable of producing electricity at competitive prices [Wärmewerk: 2009].
The costs for a small wind turbine vary depending on a number of factors. For example, the costs
of an average small wind turbine on the US Market vary between 3,000 and 5,000 US Dollars/kW
(2,000 and 3,400 Euro/kW) depending on the total capacity of the turbine. This difference in costs
is often dependent on the availability of state incentives, as well as installation and turbine costs
[AWEA: 2009b, P.9f.].
In comparison to 2007, the global turnover of the small wind turbine segment rose by 53 percent
in 2008. In other words, 37 MW of small wind turbine capacity was sold worldwide, accounting for
approximately 19,000 individual turbines. This translates to an average wind turbine capacity of
1.95 kW per turbine sold within this segment in 2008. In monetary terms, the small wind turbine
segment accounted for approximately 156 million US Dollars (105 million Euros) in 2008 [REF:
The US and UK are the most
important markets in the
small turbine segment.
2009a]. While small wind turbines are not of central importance in every regional market, this
sector is especially significant in the US and Great Britain.
In 2008, the small wind turbine sector in the US grew by 78 percent, as compared to the preceding
year. It was also characterized by 17.3 MW worth of newly installed capacity in 2008, although
only accounting for a market share of 0.2 percent of the US’ total newly installed wind turbine
capacity (8,346 MW) in 2008. For the most part, micro wind turbines, intended for private use,
dominate the US market. The trend within the small turbine segment is steadily moving towards
larger commercial turbines (21 to 100 kW), thereby allowing the market share of the total installed wind turbine capacity in this segment to gain in significance. All the same, the small turbine
sector in the US achieved a turnover of 77 million US Dollars (52 million Euros) in 2008, accounting
for 49.4 percent of global turnover [REF: 2009a].
Alongside the US market, the small turbine sector also plays a crucial role in the British market,
especially with regards to production and export. In 2008, British producers dominated the small
turbine market with a global export share of 50 percent (4.7 MW). Furthermore, new installations
are also gaining significance in the British small turbine market. In 2008 alone, 7.24 MW were
newly installed, and the total installed capacity of the small turbine sector exceeded the 20 MW
mark [REF: 2009a].
Small wind turbines are also becoming increasingly popular in China. It has been reported that
roughly 30 manufacturers are selling models ranging from 0.1 to 20 kW in capacity. By the end of
2006, the total output of these turbines is estimated to have reached 51 MW. These small turbines
are mainly installed in rural areas characterized by low electricity demand and poor road access
[EWG: 2008, P.115].
Key Facts and Figures
• By the end of 2008, the total installed small wind turbine capacity accounted for 80 MW. This
calculates to avoiding 76,000 tons of CO2 emissions per year – or taking 13,300 American cars off
the road [AWEA: 2009b, P.10].
© DCTI 2009 | Volume 2 - Wind Energy
Applications & Segments
Applications & Segments
Large-Scale Wind Turbines
Large wind turbines are classified as turbines with a capacity of at least one MW, and whose
rotor diameter encompasses at least 50 meters. According to the German Aerospace Center, the
modern wind industry barely scrapes the actual potential of wind energy. In comparison to other
renewable energy sources, after solar, wind reveals the highest potential to meet global energy
demand. However, this is an underestimated statement; as illustrated in Diagram 6, wind energy
could provide 200 times the globe’s total energy needs [Erste Bank Research: 2009, P.10]. In order
to tap the wind’s fullest potential, the future will see a worldwide increase in the construction of
large-scale wind parks, thereby significantly reducing global CO2 emissions.
Apart from the well-established wind turbine markets in Germany and Spain, the US market has
also revealed an impressive development in the large commercial turbine sector. In the last year, a
mere five states were responsible for 65 percent of US market growth. According to a study by the
Heinrich-Böll-Foundation (HBS), Texas installed a total capacity of 2,671 MW in the form of large
commercial turbines in 2008 alone. This accounts for 32 percent of total newly installed capacity
in the US in 2008. After Texas comes Iowa with 1,600 MW (18.6 percent), and Minnesota with 456
MW (5 percent) of newly installed capacity [HBS: 2009, P.23].
Investment volume of the large commercial turbine sector reflects its growing importance. During
the time period between 2007 and 2010, the 15 largest European energy suppliers and independent grid operators announced plans for the construction of wind parks with a capacity totaling
over 18,000 MW in the near future.
< Figure 6: Potential of wind energy as compared to other renewable energies>
Wind energy potential:
The potential of wind energy
has barely been tapped. Wind
energy has the potential to cover
global energy consumption by a
In monetary terms, this accounts for an investment volume of more than 25 billion Euros. These
plans are becoming increasingly concrete, as the European wind market is expected to grow by
more than 9,000 MW by 2010. If this is to be the case, investments should mount up to between
ten and 16 billion Euros [EWEA: 2009e, P.286].
Key Facts and Figures
• In the US, one MW can provide electricity for about 250 to 300 households on an average day
[SECO: 2008]. In Europe, on the other hand, one MW is enough to provide for approximately
1,080 households on an average day [EWEA: 2009f.]. This large difference is due to higher energy
consumption in the US, predominately a result of the widespread use of air conditioning and poor
building insulation.
• The world’s largest onshore wind park is currently the Roscoe Wind Farm in Roscoe, Texas, in
which 627 wind turbines account for a total capacity of 781.5 MW [E.ON: 2009]. The world’s
largest offshore wind park is located in Denmark, and is called the Horns Rev 2. The park is comprised of 91 wind turbines, towering 115 meters over the North Sea. Horns Rev 2 covers an area
of 35 square kilometers, and totals a capacity of 209 MW [Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Denmark:
© DCTI 2009 | Volume 2 - Wind Energy
Applications & Segments
Applications & Segments
Onshore Wind Parks
Today in Europe, one can spot an onshore wind park during almost every car or train ride. In fact,
they have become so widespread and grown so much in size that one can even see them from the
air during a regional flight. This is largely due to the strong development of wind energy on land
since the start of the 1990s. In the time period from 1992 to 2004, the newly installed onshore
capacity within the EU grew by an average of 32 percent each year [EWEA: 2009d, P.7].
For the most part, the development of onshore wind energy is country-specific. In countries such
as Germany, where onshore wind energy potential has been maximized, repowering will play a
key role in the future of the onshore sector. As seen from a technological standpoint, repowering refers to the replacement of outdated wind turbines with more modern and efficient ones,
which are capable of producing a higher output thereby making the most of the wind potential
at a given location [KPMG: 2009, P.12]. Repowering is a crucial aspect, considering that the typical
wind turbine in 1995 averaged a capacity of only 0.5 MW, whereas in 2007, the standard turbine
averaged a total capacity of approximately 2 MW [KPMG: 2009, P.7]. Consequently, the repowering process will play an important role in the future development of the wind industry.
< Figure 7: Repowering in Germany >
The construction of onshore
turbines will decrease in the
future. Instead, offshore turbines
will multiply considerably. As
offshore technology is still quite
new, offshore repowering will
not take place before 2020.
The development of onshore wind power is heavily based on underlying political frameworks and
conditions. Germany’s leading position in the renewable energy sector is strongly dependent on
the EEG (German renewable energy law), which offers Feed-In Tariffs (FIT) for energy produced
Repowering is the replacement
of outdated turbines with
modern ones.
from renewable sources. Besides general incentives for onshore and offshore wind power, repowering also receives an explicit incentive in the form of a bonus payment. In addition to an onshore
FIT of 9.2 Eurocent/kWh, the 2009 amendment to the EEG established a repowering bonus of 0.5
Eurocent/kWh. In order to qualify for receiving the FIT repowering bonus, the new turbine should
be constructed in the same or surrounding district, and the outdated turbine should be at least
ten years old. Furthermore, the new turbine should have at least double – but not more than five
times – the capacity of the older turbine [VDMA u. BWE: 2009, P.13].
In Germany, the repowering bonus has established an incentive for replacing outdated turbines
with more modern ones. KPMG estimates that without the repowering bonus, approximately
6,000 MW less capacity would be installed in Germany by 2020. However, the success of repowering is not measured by the amount of the incentive. In many German townships, wind turbines
are not to exceed a total height of 100 meters, making it significantly more difficult to replace
older turbines with modern, usually meaning higher, ones. For this reason, the success of repowering in Germany will strongly depend on an annulment to this height constraint [KPMG: 2009, P.5].
Key Facts and Figures
• In the twelve years between 1992 and 2004, newly installed onshore capacity in the EU grew by
approximately 32 percent annually [EWEA: 2009d, P.7].
• The German Wind Energy Association (BWE) estimates that the total capacity of onshore wind
turbines in Germany could reach 45,000 MW by 2020 [BWE: 2008: P.15].
© DCTI 2009 | Volume 2 - Wind Energy
Applications & Segments
Applications & Segments
Offshore Wind Parks
Installed wind energy on the open sea, otherwise known as offshore wind energy, currently
accounts for only one percent of the globe’s total installed wind energy capacity [EWEA: 2009a,
P.61]. Although network expansion presents an especially difficult obstacle for this technology,
offshore wind parks prove to be especially effective due to the stronger and more constant wind
conditions at sea. This makes the offshore sector a crucial step in the wind industry [WWEA: 2006].
Offshore energy is especially suitable for providing energy to nearby coastal regions, as wind conditions at sea can easily exceed eight meters per second at a height of 60 meters. At an offshore
location, this calculates to an additional annual energy output of 40 percent, as compared to an
onshore location [Greenpeace: 2001, P.8]. Consequently, according to forecasts by the European
Wind Energy Association (EWEA), offshore wind power in the EU could reach 40,000 MW of total
installed capacity by 2020 [EWEA: 2008b, P.18].
EWEA reports that in 2008, global installations in the form of offshore capacity exceeded one
MW per day; at the end of 2008, the global installed offshore capacity totaled 1,471 MW. Plans
for offshore projects totaling over 100 GW are currently underway. Should these projects be carried out, wind energy could account for ten percent of Europe’s energy production, simultaneously
avoiding the emission of 200 million tons of CO2 [EWEA: 2009c, P.1]. Unfortunately the financial
crisis has slowed the progress of several projects, possibly resulting in slower growth than expected for the offshore segment.
Since offshore wind parks are located up to 20 kilometers out to sea, they cause no noise polluOffshore technology currently
only accounts for one percent
of total global capacity.
tion, do not impair the natural appearance of the landscape, and do not cast shadows over residential areas. However, in comparison to onshore parks, offshore technology entails much higher
costs. This is a result of the more extreme weather conditions at sea, as well as the more complex
installation and transportation process. EWEA estimates the costs for offshore technology to be
approximately 50 percent higher than the costs for wind energy on land [EWEA: 2009a, P.62f.].
The investment costs for an average offshore wind turbine near the coast run at approximately
2,000 Euro/kW. It is important to note that these costs increase the farther away the turbine is
installed from the coast [EWEA: 2009e, P.15]. Nevertheless, EWEA expects the average costs for
offshore technology to decrease by approximately 15 percent by 2015, [EWEA: 2009e, P.220] due
to the effects of economies of scale. A reduction in offshore costs would be especially beneficial
for the European wind market, as a lack of free area on land has made offshore wind parks a
feasible option for the future.
< Figure 8: Estimated investments in onshore and offshore turbines in the EU >
Onshore investments
Offshore investments
Estimated investments:
Future investments in the
offshore segment will grow
considerably. According to
EWEA, offshore investments will
account for approximately twothirds of total investments made
in the wind industry in 2030.
© DCTI 2009 | Volume 2 - Wind Energy
Applications & Segments
Applications & Segments
Key Facts and Figures
• In Germany, plans are currently underway for 40 offshore wind parks; of these, 30 are to be
installed in the North Sea and ten in the Baltic Sea. The German government has already approved
the construction of 22 of these parks. All projects are to be installed beyond 20 kilometers of the
coast. Once complete, the offshore parks will have a total capacity of 12,000 MW, which will provide for approximately twelve million households [Spiegel Online: 2009].
• In cooperation with Siemens, the Norwegian company Statoil Hydro has designed the world’s
first floating wind turbine. This will allow for the installation of wind parks in water depths of up
to 700 meters. Until now, offshore turbines had to be anchored in the sea bottom near the coast.
In contrast, the Hywind-Prototyp actually swims in the sea, and is anchored to the sea bottom with
three cables [Siemens: 2009].
• Since mid-July 2009, the first German offshore wind park, Alpha Ventus, has been feeding
energy into the grid. The park is a pioneer-project involving E.ON Climate and Renewables, EWE
and Vattenfall. The project illustrates the increasing number of energy producers both willing to
invest in the offshore market, and willing to construct large offshore projects. The park is located
45 kilometers North of the island Borkum, in a water depth of 30 meters. Being the first German
offshore wind park, Alpha Ventus serves to gather experience for the future commercial use of
offshore technology in Germany [Alpha Ventus: 2009].
© DCTI 2009 | Volume 2 - Wind Energy
Value Chain of the Wind Industry
Value Chain of the Wind Industry
In the last few years the wind industry has been characterized by strong excess demand. In
general, a combination of two factors has led to this development. First, a significant number of
component manufacturers were not able to keep up with the speed of technological innovation.
Consequently, these segments of the value chain were confronted with bottlenecks, which then
negatively affected demand. The supply of gearboxes for larger wind turbines was especially
affected. Secondly, while there were strong limitations to the supply side, demand was stimulated
through a number of promotion schemes.
As a means of coping with this situation, a number of turbine manufacturers such as Suzlon or
Gamesa began focusing on a vertical integration of their business strategy by taking over companies from the upstream sector and integrating them into their production processes [EWEA: 2007,
At the same time, an increasing number of turbine manufactures joined in cooperative projects
with downstream market players. Today, there are still a number of reasons why such a long-term
cooperation could be positive for both parties. On the one hand, power plant operators have a
stronger influence on the workflow of the downstream sector, and can gain experience for future
projects as they increasingly cooperate with turbine manufacturers. On the other hand, such
cooperation can increase both the planning horizon of wind manufacturers, and the stability of
service revenues [Erste Bank Research: 2009, P.17].
Turbine manufacturers are
beginning to focus on vertical
integration and cooperative
Since every stage of the value chain is extremely complex, especially when one considers the
strong differences between offshore and onshore technology, it is nearly impossible to depict the
value chain of the wind industry with its most influential factors in full. Nevertheless, Diagram 9
illustrates the value chain’s main tendencies and correlations in a simplified manner.
< Figure 9: Value Chain of the Wind Industry >
Value chain:
The wind industry’s value chain
can be divided into the upstream
and downstream sector. German
companies are represented in
all phases of the upstream and
downstream sector of the value
While raw material suppliers as well as component and turbine manufacturers represent the
upstream sector, engineers, project developers and energy utilities represent the downstream sector. The following section will focus on turbine manufacturers and energy suppliers.
Turbine Manufacturers
As Diagram 10 illustrates, European manufacturers accounted for the largest market share of the
global wind turbine market in 2008. In 2007, approximately 65 percent of global turbine production originated in Europe. Nevertheless, Chinese and Indian market players are also becoming
increasingly important (see Top 5 Markets) [Erste Bank Research: 2009, P.17]. The most significant
market players in Asia are Suzlon, Goldwind and Sinovel [Emerging Energy Research: 2009]. The
following section will take a closer look at the world’s five most significant wind turbine manufacturers.
< Figure 10: Market share of the largest turbine manufacturers in 2008 >
Turbine manufacturers
Nearly 60 percent of the global
turbine market is allotted to
European manufacturers (Vestas,
Gamesa, Enercon, Siemens, Acciona, Nordex).
© DCTI 2009 | Volume 2 - Wind Energy
Value Chain of the Wind Industry
Value Chain of the Wind Industry
Vestas is the leading company for the production and installation of wind turbines across the globe. In fact, wind energy has been the firm’s most important business division since 1983 [VDMA
u. BWE: 2009, P.43]. With headquarters in Denmark, Vestas is active in more than 26 countries,
and employs more than 20,000 people worldwide. In 2008, the company acquired a total revenue
of 6.3 billion Euros – an increase of approximately 25 percent in comparison to the previous year.
Although Vestas is well-positioned in the US and Asia, the strong increase in revenues was mainly
a result of the European sales market [Erste Bank Research: 2009, P.18]. According to the American
Wind Energy Association (AWEA), the firm has a market share of 13 percent in newly installed
capacity in the US [AWEA: 2008b, P.10]. In China, on the other hand, Vestas accounts for eleven
percent of new installations [Reuters: 2009a].
GE Energy
Following Vestas, GE Energy is the second most important turbine manufacturer. The company
is headquartered in Atlanta, USA, and has installed over 10,000 wind turbines across the world
[VDMA u. BWE: 2009, p.35]. In 2007, GE Energy made a total turnover of more than four billion
Euros [Eclareon: 2008, P.71]. The firm’s domestic US market is its most important sales market; in
2008 it dominated the US market with a share of 43.8 percent in newly installed capacity. However, GE Energy’s market share is much lower in other markets. In China, for example, the company
accounts for only three percent of the market [Reuters: 2009a].
The Spanish firm Gamesa is the second largest European supplier of wind turbines, and was
ranked third in total newly installed capacity in 2007. In 2008, the firm’s turnover totaled 3.6
billion Euros, a 27 percent increase in comparison to 2007 [Gamesa: 2009]. Spain accounted for
the most important sales market in 2007, with a market share of 33 percent [Erste Bank Research:
2009, P.18]. Gamesa’s position in the Spanish market is supported by a cooperative agreement
with the Spanish energy utility Iberdrola Renovables. In 2008, both companies signed a large-scale contract for wind projects totaling 4,500 MW in capacity. The contract, amounting to 6.3 billion
Euros, not only provides for the construction of wind turbines in Europe, but also in the US and
Mexico. Both firms entered into a joint venture for European projects [IWR: 2008].
Enercon, founded in 1984, is headquartered in Germany. Until now, the company has installed
more than 14,500 wind turbines mostly in Europe, India and the Pacific Region [Eclareon: 2008,
P.71f.], with a capacity totaling over 17,000 MW [Enercon: 2009]. In 2008, the Lower-Saxony-based
company generated revenues worth 3.15 billion Euros [Neue Energie: 2009]. The product portfolio
of Germany’s most important international turbine manufacturer ranges from middle-sized turbines (333 kW) to large-scale turbines (6 MW) [VDMA u. BWE: 2009, P.28]. According to the German
Wind Energy Institute (DEWI), in 2008, Enercon accounted for a total market share of 51.6 percent
in the German market, and was the German market leader in terms of total installations.
The Indian turbine manufacturer Suzlon is the Asian market leader. In 2008/2009, the company
made a turnover of approximately 3.8 billion Euros, thereby clearly dominating the domestic
market with a share of more than 50 percent. According to BTM Consult Aps, Suzlon accounted for nine percent of global installed capacity. The company is setting increased focus on the
integration of further processes and expansions: This year, the Indian company increased its share
in REpower, a German turbine manufacturer, to 73.7 percent. Moreover, the company holds 61.3
percent of the Belgian gearbox manufacturer Hansen [Welt Online: 2009].
© DCTI 2009 | Volume 2 - Wind Energy
Value Chain of the Wind Industry
Value Chain of the Wind Industry
Wind Park Operators
Diagram 11 illustrates the total installed capacity of the world’s most important wind park
operators in 2007. The graph clearly depicts the leading position of Iberdrola and Acciona, which
totaled more than 14,000 MW in joint operation in 2007. Besides these two Spanish companies,
Florida Power & Light Corporation and the Portuguese EDP Renovables are also important operators [Erste Bank Research: 2009, P.29]. The German energy utilities E.ON and RWE will most likely
play a more important role in the future: In 2007, RWE announced plans to expand its division for
renewable energies, thereby further developing wind energy. By 2020, renewable energies will
constitute 20 percent of RWE’s portfolio. In order to reach this goal, the company plans to invest
at least one billion Euros into renewable energies per annum [Tagesspiegel: 2007]. Furthermore,
E.ON is also pursuing similar ambitious goals; in the past few years, Germany’s biggest energy
utility invested four billion Euros in renewable energies, and plans to invest another four billion
Euros by 2012. Renewable energies will constitute up to 36 percent of E.ON’s electricity portfolio
by 2030, the largest percentage of which will derive from wind energy [Handelsblatt: 2009].
German energy providers
could take on a more significant role in the future.
< Figure 11: Estimated installed wind capacity of the most important wind operators by the end of 2007
Wind operators:
In 2007, the Spanish energy
utilities Iberdrola and Acciona
had more than 14,000 MW of
wind energy in operation. German energy utilities such as E.ON
and RWE will most likely become
more significant in the future.
© DCTI 2009 | Volume 2 - Wind Energy
Competitiveness of Wind Energy
Competitiveness of Wind Energy
Cost Structure
First and foremost it is important to note, that it is not possible to generalize the cost structure
of wind turbines. Several factors play a role in the dispersion of turbine costs, such as the type of
wind turbine (onshore or offshore), accessibility to the turbine’s location, soil conditions, complex
grid connection, etc. [EWEA: 2009a, P.8]. As a general guideline, the investment costs for a wind
turbine, including rotor blades, tower and components account for approximately 70 percent of
total costs. In general, the investment costs for a wind turbine are relatively high, although costs
for the turbine’s operation are very low and independent of fuel costs [EWEA: 2009a, P.8]. In addition, the wind park operator saves costs for CO2 emission permits [EWEA: 2009e, P.16].
Diagram 12 illustrates the percentage share of each wind turbine-related cost. According to
several different studies, the costs of an average onshore wind turbine in Europe, with a capacity
of two MW, lie at an estimated 1,200 Euro/kW. The costs for an average offshore wind turbine,
in contrast, range anywhere between 1,200 and 2,200 Euro/kW [EWEA: 2009a, P.9; EEA: 2009,
P.35f.]. The percentage distribution shows that the wind turbine accounts for the largest share of
investment costs in onshore technology, whereas the costs are much more evenly distributed in
offshore technology. This results in the fact that the costs for the foundation, installation and grid
connection of offshore wind turbines, are much higher than those of onshore turbines.
< Figure 12: Cost structure of an average onshore and offshore wind turbine >
Cost Structure:
An onshore turbine accounts for
the largest share of investment
costs. The cost structure of
offshore technology is much
more balanced due to higher
foundation, installation and
grid-connection costs.
Furthermore, it becomes clear that cumulated initial investments for offshore wind power can be
nearly twice as high as those of onshore. Besides high steel prices, excess demand has also led to
high offshore prices, as compared to onshore. However, as of 2010 the entrance of more producers in the offshore industry will result in a price decline [EEA: 2009, P.35]. In addition, higher
investment expenses for offshore turbines also result in higher and more consistent revenues, as
compared to onshore projects.
Cost Distribution
As Diagram 12 depicts, the turbine accounts for the largest share of expenses. Around 50 percent
of these expenses are incurred through the costs for raw materials (steel, copper, etc.). The tower,
especially, accounts for the largest share of turbine costs, due to the large amount of steel used
for its production. Labor costs are also not to be ignored: these account for approximately 30
percent of turbine costs [Erste Bank Research: 2009, P.8].
The high costs of offshore technology in the foundation and installation sector are largely a result
of special underground cables and transportation costs. As Diagram 12 illustrates, costs for an
offshore turbine’s foundation and installation are clearly higher than those of an onshore turbine.
Wind turbines are either connected to a high or medium voltage grid system, depending on their
total output capability. The condition and accessibility of the grid is of central importance. The
grid connection costs strongly depend on the local network infrastructure and the capacity of the
respective network. In case of a high network load, network expansion costs need to be taken
into account. Furthermore, depending on the location of an onshore wind turbine, property
and infrastructure costs also play an important role. In this context, costs for the extension of
infrastructure, such as the construction of a road for example, account for significant additional
expenses. Depending on accessibility, infrastructure costs for onshore turbines lie between one
and five percent.
Variable costs for replacement parts, repairs and maintenance, have until now only accounted
for a relatively small share of expenses. However, due to the lack of experience, especially with
regards to large wind turbines, this share of variable costs is still relatively uncertain over the
long-term [EWEA: 2009a, P.44ff.].
© DCTI 2009 | Volume 2 - Wind Energy
Competitiveness of Wind Energy
Competitiveness of Wind Energy
As mentioned earlier, a general price decline is expected from 2010 and onwards [GWEC: 2008a,
P.37]. According to assessments by turbine manufacturers, an annual price reduction of one to
five percent is to be anticipated [EEA: 2009, P.35f.]. The GWEC assumes that the price of onshore
turbines will settle around 1,050 Euro/kW in the long-term, [GWEC: 2008a, P.37] representing a
price reduction of 12.5 percent of actual average costs.
The demand for energy will continue to escalate in the future. Even today, important political
decisions need to be made, as the energy mix in 2030 will be determined predominately by the
current newly installed capacity [Goldman Sachs: 2009, P.1]. Several important questions now
arise: According to what criteria is the decision to invest in wind energy made? How competitive
is wind energy in reality, and which factors influence the competitiveness of wind turbines?
The future competitiveness of wind energy will strongly depend on the price development of
raw materials, which comprise a fundamental part of turbine manufacturing.
< Figure 13: Share of various energy forms in the global energy mix >
Global energy mix:
Power plants utilizing fossil fuels
account for approximately 66
percent of current global installed
capacity. Wind energy onlyaccounts for approximately two
Technological advancements and the implementation of new energies will also be decisive factors,
as well as the achievement of economies of scale in the production of offshore wind turbines.
Furthermore, governmental incentives such as FITs, as well as the development of fuel prices for
gas and coal will also play an important role.
Diagram 13 demonstrates that energy plants, which generate electricity by burning fossil fuels,
account for approximately 66 percent of today’s installed capacity, while wind energy plants
account for only two percent [Goldman Sachs: 2009, P.14]. However, the proportion of currently
installed capacity could shift in favor of wind energy in the future. In 2008, the share of wind
energy amongst newly installed energy plants rose significantly in both the US and the EU.
According to EWEA, wind energy accounted for approximately 35 percent of newly installed
European capacity in 2008 [EWEA: 2008b; P.13], while at the same time in the US, wind capacity
expanded by 42 percent [AWEA: 2008b, P.5]. Furthermore, in the next decade, the share of wind
energy on the Asian continent will grow at a constant rate, making the share of wind energy, in
relation to global energy plant capacity, significant. Diagram 14 illustrates the estimated investment costs for wind energy and conventional energy forms – clearly, onshore wind parks are able
to compete with coal and nuclear plants [Erste Bank Research: 2009; P.5].
< Figure 14: Investment costs of various energy forms >
Investment costs:
Considering the investment costs
of onshore turbines, the installations can compete with nearly
all other types of power plants,
except for gas. However, offshore
investment costs are much higher.
© DCTI 2009 | Volume 2 - Wind Energy
Competitiveness of Wind Energy
Competitiveness of Wind Energy
Diagram 15 and 16 show the competitiveness of the estimated electricity production costs of wind
energy in the year 2007 and 2020 in Europe, as expected by the European Commission. The bars
symbolize the margin between the lowest and highest electricity production costs for each type
of electricity generation. While in 2007 both onshore and offshore wind parks could not yet compete with conventional energy plants, by 2020, only nuclear energy will be less expensive than
wind energy [European Commission: 2008, P.4ff.].
< Figure 15: Estimated electricity production costs in 2007 >
Estimated electricity production
costs in 2007:
While wind energy was not able to
compete with conventional energy
sources in terms of electricity
production costs in 2007…
This is due to the fact that electricity production costs of conventional energy will increasingly
depend on fuel prices, which are deemed to rise even further in the future. If costs for society
(resulting from CO2 emissions and the disposal of nuclear waste) were internalized, wind energy
would already serve as strong competition to other forms of energy.
< Figure 16: Estimated electricity production costs in 2020 >
Estimated electricity
production costs in 2020:
...the competitiveness of wind
energy will be much higher in
© DCTI 2009 | Volume 2 - Wind Energy
Competitiveness of Wind Energy
Competitiveness of Wind Energy
The future competitiveness of wind energy will strongly depend on political willpower. In correlation with this, the role of newly installed nuclear energy capacity will be of central importance, as
the electricity production costs of nuclear plants will become less expensive in the future, as compared to wind parks. In several countries, such as Great Britain for example, there is clear evidence
of a renaissance of nuclear energy plants.
In line with the debate, advocates of atomic energy argue that nuclear energy serves is an essential backup technology until renewable energy is made widely available [Hamburger Abendblatt:
2009]. However, a stronger implementation of nuclear energy could impede the competitiveness
of renewable energies and slow their development, in turn serving as a strong endorsement
for atomic energy. Furthermore, the climate protection debate often views nuclear energy as
“environmentally friendly,” as it is a possible prospect for the reduction of CO2 emissions [Handelsblatt: 2007]. Unfortunately, the risks associated with atomic energy, as well as the costs for the
disposal of atomic waste are often ignored; when the risks and expenses related to atomic energy
are considered, the competitiveness of nuclear energy, despite lower electricity production costs,
becomes relative.
Key Facts and Figures: Eco-Balance of a Wind Turbine
• The manufacturing of a wind turbine, with a total capacity of 1.8 MW and a full-time efficiency of 25 percent, emits a total of 906 tons of CO2 [Das Grüne Emissionshaus: 2009]. However, a
turbine emits little or no CO2 during the course of its lifespan [Junghans: 2004, P.8]. This means
that the turbine, with an average lifespan of 20 years, will make up for the CO2 produced during
its production in only 4.4 months. In addition, it is estimated [Das Grüne Emissionshaus: 2009]
that by 2020, the rising efficiency and optimization of the manufacturing process will lead to a
reduction of CO2 emissions by 20 to 30 percent, as compared to now [Junghans: 2004, P.8].
© DCTI 2009 | Volume 2 - Wind Energy
Market Overview – Wind Energy
Market Overview – Wind Energy
Wind Energy by Region
The global wind industry is growing rapidly in monetary terms and in terms of cumulated capacity.
According to DEWI, revenue of the global wind industry totaled 22.1 billion Euros in 2007, and
grew by 40 percent as compared to 2006 [VDMA a. BWE: 2009, P.10]. This growth trend continued in 2008, as the World Wind Energy Association (WWEA) estimated the global wind industry’s
revenue to have been 40 billion Euros. As compared to 2007, this is an increase of 81 percent
[WWEA: 2009, P.4]. With regards to newly installed capacity, the market’s focus is taking on a
strong shift towards Asia. Diagram 17 depicts this development for the time period between 2004
and 2008. While the majority of wind turbines in 2004 were predominantly installed in Europe (70
percent market share), distribution of the market share was more balanced in 2008 [WWEA: 2009,
< Figure 17: Estimated percentage of newly installed capacity in world regions >
Source: EuPD Research 2009
Percent of newly installed
In 2004, Europe was home to 70
percent of global installed capacity. In 2008, on the other hand,
the share balanced itself out
across Europe, North America
and Asia.
Europe remains a strong leader in terms of total installed capacity (see Diagram 29). Although
newly installed capacity has been declining at a constant rate since 2004, Europe is still expected
The Asian market is expected
to grow significantly.
to remain an important wind energy market in the future – Germany and Spain being the strongest. Furthermore, Italy, France and Great Britain are also gaining in significance, due to their
growing installation numbers [GWEC: 2008b, P.30]. According to information by the GWEC, wind
energy already plays a decisive role in the expansion of power plants: With a 35 percent share of
all newly installed power plants in Europe, wind energy is the strongest energy form, exceeding
other conventional energies such as coal, gas and atomic energy [GWEC: 2008b, P.11].
China and India already belong to the world’s top five wind energy markets. In the future, these
two Asian markets are expected to grow significantly. Exorbitant growth rates are expected especially in China, having installed a remarkable 6,300 MW in 2008. GWEC expects this sum to double
once again in 2009. On account of these rapid growth rates, the newly installed capacity in China
is expected to surpass that of the most important European markets – Germany and Spain – in the
next few years [GWEC: 2008b, P.9]. However, China is not only promising in terms of total installed
capacity; according to the Chinese Renewable Energy Industry Association, numerous companies
including Goldwind and Sinovel, have begun exporting their products, since domestic demand
has long been met. India has similar, yet more moderate potential than China. Other markets such
as South Korea, which is home to several companies along the value chain, shows strong potential
as well [WWEA: 2009, P.9f.].
North America
Despite the ongoing economic crisis, the North American wind industry is growing rapidly. In
2008, newly installed capacity in the US amounted to 8,350 MW, making the US leader in terms of
newly and total installed capacity [GWEC: 2008b, P.8ff.]. The growth rate for 2009 is expected to
be more moderate due to lower levels of project financing [GWEC: 2008b, P.56f.]. However, measures introduced by the Obama administration in 2010 could make a strong impact. Canada is also
an interesting growth market, with newly installed capacity totaling 526 MW in 2008. However,
Canada currently lacks political support for wind energy on a national level [REW: 2008].
© DCTI 2009 | Volume 2 - Wind Energy
Market Overview – Wind Energy
Market Overview – Wind Energy
Latin America
Latin America has high levels of potential for wind energy, which has hardly been tapped until
now. In 2008, Brazil was the only country with an installed capacity worth mentioning (94 MW).
As Diagram 18 shows, the region’s total installed capacity only accounts for 0.5 percent of total
installed capacity across the globe [GWEC: 2008b, P.12]. Nevertheless, wind energy could make a
major contribution to the electricity supply in rural areas [WWEA: 2009, P.11].
< Figure 18: Estimated percentage share of total global capacity >
Percent of total capacity
by region:
Over 50 percent of global installed
wind capacity is located in Europe.
On the other hand, Africa, Latin
America and the Pacific Region
account for less than three percent
of installations.
Africa and MENA (Middle East and North Africa)
Similar to Latin America, the wind energy potential in Africa and the MENA region has scarcely
been tapped. At the end of 2008, the cumulated capacity in these regions only added up to 669
MW. The most important markets in this region include Egypt (365 MW), Morocco (134 MW) and
Iran (85 MW), as ranked by installed capacity in 2008 [GWEC: 2008b, P.13]. Although total installed
capacity is relatively low as compared to other continents, promotion schemes and incentives
could heavily contribute to the expansion of wind energy in individual African countries. South
Africa, for example, implemented a FIT for wind energy in April 2009 [REW: 2009b]. Similarly to
Latin America, small decentralized wind turbines could supply energy to the many remote areas.
Australia and Oceania
With approximately 80 percent of total installed capacity, Australia is the largest wind market in
this region [GWEC: 2008b, P.13]. By the end of 2008, the wind energy capacity installed in Australia cumulated to 1,306 MW. At first, only a constant growth rate was expected in this region.
However, in August 2009, the Australian government established clear framework conditions and
set goals for the promotion of renewable energies, which are likely to further stimulate the wind
industry (see Future Markets).
© DCTI 2009 | Volume 2 - Wind Energy
Market Overview – Wind Energy
Market Overview – Wind Energy
Top 5 Markets
USA – 1st Place
In 2008, the US wind market took on a rapid growth rate. Subsequently, the US overtook Germany as world market leader in terms of newly and total installed capacity; in total, 8,358 MW were
newly installed in 2008 – a 50 percent increase as compared to 2007. In 2008, a total of 25,170 MW
of wind capacity were installed across the US. Moreover, wind turbines increasingly compete with
other kinds of power plants: In 2008, the newly installed wind capacity represented 42 percent of
all newly installed power plants in the US. By the end of 2008, wind energy covered one percent
of US electricity supply [GWEC: 2008b, P.56]. However, due to the continuing economic crisis,
growth rates will be much more moderate in 2009, as compared to the past few years. According
to DEWI, the market is expected to decline by up to 30 percent in comparison to 2008 [DEWI:
2009]. Nevertheless, the wind industry may be able to continue its course of growth in 2010 due
to renewable energy subsidies from the US government, which were implemented in 2009.
A moderate growth rate is
expected for 2009.
< Figure 19: Development of total installed capacity in the US >
Total capacity:
By the end of 2008, the US had
installed wind energy worth
25,170 MW of total capacity. The
US therefore leads in terms of
total installed capacity, and has
replaced Germany in first place.
Rapid growth rates of the past year have stimulated production within the US. Due to a rise in domestic demand in 2008, 55 out of 70 companies were established within the wind energy branch
[GWEC: 2008b, P.57]. This positive development led to the creation of more than 85,000 jobs
[REF: 2009b]. The use and expansion of wind energy strongly differentiates from state to state.
According to the GWEC, 34 states have installed wind turbines, of which Texas, Iowa, California,
Minnesota and Washington have installed the highest capacity [GWEC: 2008b, P.56].
In order to prevent a downturn of the wind industry in the course of the economic crisis, the US
government implemented several short-term incentives in 2009. In the US, investments in wind
energy projects are supported by Production Tax Credits (PTC). PTCs are tax exemptions amounting to 2.1 US dollar Cent/kWh (1.43 Eurocent/kWh) that are available until the end of 2012. Alternatively, turbines that begin operation in 2009 or 2010 can take advantage of the Investment Tax
Credit (ITC). The ITC is a 30 percent tax exemption of the amount to be invested [AWEA: 2009a].
Moreover, three states have implemented a FIT for wind energy that is either paid by utilities or
the state [NREL: 2009, P.7].
< Figure 20: Feed-in tariffs in the US >
Incentive Type
Feed-in tariff (FIT) provided either on a state or utility level
FIT Eurocent/kWh
Until July 2014, max.
8,25- 12,38
annual sum of 1375 €
Duration: 10, 15 or 20
PG&E, 6.75-10.48
years, Project size not
to exceed 1.5 MW*
Duration: 10 years,
Xcel Energy, 4.54
Project size between
20 kW and 1 MW
A nation-wide FIT has not yet been implemented
* Incentive
ends as soon as California reaches a renewable
energy capacity of 500 MW.
Sources: NREL 2009, Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E)
© DCTI 2009 | Volume 2 - Wind Energy
Market Overview – Wind Energy
Market Overview – Wind Energy
Germany- 2nd Place
Germany is a well-established wind location with regards to the volume of installations and local
industrial production. By the end of 2008, Germany installed a total capacity of 23,903 MW [BWE:
2009, P.10]. At the same time, domestic wind energy generated approximately 40.43 billion kWh
[Germany Trade & Invest: 2009, P.3]. Moreover, the added value of German wind turbine and component manufacturers accounted for 7.9 billion Euros in 2008, a 30 percent increase as compared
to the previous year. With regards to the service sector, the added value increased to 9.7 billion
Euros. The German wind industry represents 25 percent of the global wind market [Germany Trade & Invest: 2009, P.3]. The export sector especially grew in significance: According to DEWI, the
export ratio of companies producing in Germany accounted for 81 percent in 2008 [DEWI: 2009].
Furthermore, Germany leads in the field of technological innovations. In the year 2008 alone,
40 billion Euros worth of public funds were invested in R&D for wind energy [Germany Trade &
Invest: 2009, P.3].
The strength of the German wind industry is reflected in the number of jobs: According to EWEA,
the German wind industry has already created a total of 84,000 jobs, of which 38,000 were established within the production segment [Germany Trade & Invest: 2009, P.3].
< Figure 21: Development of total installed capacity in Germany >
Total capacity:
By the end of 2008, Germany had
installed a total of 23,903 MW in
wind energy. Germany therefore
ranks in second place in terms of
total installed capacity.
The continual success of the German wind industry is strongly linked to the framework of the
Renewable Energy Act, which offers FITs for energy generated from wind.
Until now, 84,000 wind-related
jobs have been created in
The FIT differentiates between onshore and offshore turbines as well as for the repowering of
outdated turbines (see Onshore Wind Energy). Diagram 22 depicts the tariffs and particularities
that are currently in force:
As far as onshore wind turbines are concerned, the act provides between 5.02 Eurocents/kWh
and 9.2 Eurocents/kWh depending on location. However, the FIT is 0.5 Eurocents/kWh higher for
repowered turbines. Energy originating from offshore turbines receives a higher FIT: 13 Eurocent/
kWh, with an annual degression of five percent from 2015 onwards [BWE: 2009, P.28].
< Figure 22: Feed-in tariffs in Germany >
© DCTI 2009 | Volume 2 - Wind Energy
Market Overview – Wind Energy
Market Overview – Wind Energy
Spain – 3rd Place
After the US and Germany, Spain is the world’s third largest wind energy market with a cumulated
capacity of 16,754 MW. The Spanish market is characterized by stable growth rates, and will most
likely reach its target of 20 GW of installed capacity by 2010. The importance of the wind sector
also becomes apparent when considering the following figures: As early as 2008, Spanish wind
turbines produced 31 terrawatt hours (TWh) of electricity, and covered 11 percent of domestic
electricity supply [GWEC: 2008b, P.48].
Spain is also an important site for the production of wind turbines and components: Each year
Spanish wind manufacturers export wind products worth 2.5 billion Euros. This success is also
reflected in employment figures: In 2008, the wind industry created more than 40,000 jobs
[IEA: 2009].
< Figure 23: Development of total installed capacity in Spain >
Total capacity:
The capacity installed in Spain in
2008 totaled 16,754 MW, making
Spain the second most important
European, and third most important global wind market.
Besides the obligation of Spanish energy utilities to cover parts of their portfolio by means of
renewable energies, the growth of the Spanish wind energy market is guaranteed by the FIT
program. As the graph illustrates, electricity producers may choose between two options: They
Wind energy provides
for eleven percent of Spain’s
electricity demand.
can either receive a fixed sum or sell the electricity at market price plus an additional predefined
bonus. The current tariffs are depicted in Diagram 23. The tariffs are due for an amendment in
2010 [BWE: 2009, P.28ff.].
< Figure 24: Feed-in tariffs in Spain >
© DCTI 2009 | Volume 2 - Wind Energy
Market Overview – Wind Energy
Market Overview – Wind Energy
China –4th Place
China is the most important market for wind energy in Asia. With a total installed capacity of
12,210 MW in 2008, the People’s Republic ranks in fourth place with regards to total installed
wind capacity in the world. In the mid-term, China will surpass Germany and Spain. The rapid
growth of the Chinese wind energy market is substantiated by the commitment of Chinese energy
policy: By 2020, electricity generated by means of renewable energies should cover three percent
of domestic demand. Wind energy is crucial in fulfilling this objective [GWEC: 2008b, P.24] and several wind-specific incentive programs such as the “10 GW Size Wind Base Programme” have been
established. In line with this program, the Chinese government defined five regions that have
great potential for wind parks. In total, 100 GW shall be installed in the Inner Mongolian region,
specifically Xinjiang, Gansu, Hebei and Jiangsu by 2020.
Moreover, Bejing is increasing its efforts to promote companies along the wind value chain. For
example, Chinese turbine manufacturers receive approximately 60 Euros/kW for the first 50
turbines (with a capacity over one MW) they produce and connect to the grid. Consequently, the
By 2020, three percent of
China´s generated electricity
is to come from renewable
incentive adds up to three million Euros for 50 turbines at one MW each. The payment is subject
to a few conditions; turbines must be tested by the China General Certification, the components
must be made in China and the funds must be shared with component manufacturers.
< Figure 25: Development of total installed capacity in China >
Total capacity:
As compared to 2007, China doubled its total installed wind capacity
to 12,210 MW in 2008, making
it the wind leader in the Asian
market. On a global level, China
ranks in fourth place.
On the one hand, these conditions lead to bureaucratic processes and reduce the promotion that
turbine manufacturers may receive, but on the other hand they guarantee quality standards and
the promotion of the entire value chain [GWEC: 2008b, P.26].
Due to the increasing number of Chinese manufacturers, foreign market players may find it increasingly difficult to enter this market.
The Chinese incentive program results in a rapid growing number of Chinese turbine manufacturers [Erste Bank Research: 2009, P.17]. According to information by the GWEC, there are currently 70 manufacturers across China. Momentarily, there are indications that both wind turbine
demand and competitive pressure will increase in the future. Even today, Chinese companies
export their products to foreign markets, as domestic demand has already been met.
Besides promoting the domestic industry, China also introduced a FIT in July 2009 as a means of
supporting the installation of onshore wind turbines. Diagram 26 offers an overview of the four
feed-in tariffs that have been implemented according to the wind conditions of a given region:
the worse the wind conditions, the higher the tariff. A tariff has yet to be implemented for offshore turbines [Business Green: 2009].
Utilizing the wind’s fullest potential brings many challenges, since China’s windiest regions are
mainly located in the sparsely populated northwest. A comprehensive extension of the electricity
grid will be necessary in order to take advantage of the region’s wind potential, and to transport
electricity to areas with a high population density in Eastern China.
< Figure 26: Feed-in tariffs in China >
© DCTI 2009 | Volume 2 - Wind Energy
Market Overview – Wind Energy
Market Overview – Wind Energy
India – 5th Place
Alongside China, India is another important wind energy market in Asia. By the end of 2008, the
Indian wind market totaled a capacity of 9,645 MW, and therefore ranks in fifth place in terms
of global installations [GWEC: 2009, P.8ff.]. So far, India’s wind potential has barely been tapped:
According to estimations by the Centre for Wind Energy, India’s total wind energy potential cumulates to at least 48,500 MW. The Centre for Wind Energy also points out that in reality, India’s
actual potential could be twice as high, since estimations do not take technological progress into
Wind turbine installations are only concentrated in a few regions in India. Most installed wind turbines are located in Tamil Nadu, with a total installed capacity of 4,160 MW. Tamil Nadu accounts
for 44 percent of India’s total installed capacity. However, other regions such as Maharashtra,
accounting for 20 percent of all Indian wind installations, are also gaining in importance.
Similar to China, India is currently strengthening its position as a production hub. Domestic turbine manufacturers such as Suzlon are among the industry’s most important market players.
Turbine installations are
concentrated only in a
few regions.
< Figure 27: Development of total installed capacity in India >
Total capacity:
By the end of 2008, India installed
a total of 9,645MW. It is the
second most important Asian
market, and fifth most important
global wind market.
This development is also reflected in the current production capacity of manufacturers headquartered in India; the domestic industry currently produces between 3,000 and 3,500 MW per
year – more than the domestic market absorbed in 2008 (1,800 MW were newly installed in India
in 2008).
Until now, India has not yet implemented a nationwide FIT for renewable energies. However, in
September 2009, the Indian Regulatory Authority for Electricity announced a concept for the promotion of wind and solar energy [REW: 2009c]. So far, the construction of wind energy has only
been promoted on a regional level. Diagram 28 depicts the regions which promote wind energy
more than other forms of energy. Besides FITs, preferential network grid connection and tax exemptions are further incentives implemented by the Indian government [GWEC: 2009, P.12].
In order to stimulate future investments in the wind energy sector, the Indian government must
implement clear political framework conditions. In this context, India is currently in the process of
assessing the introduction of a nationwide Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS). An RPS requires
energy utilities to cover a certain percentage of electricity by means of renewable energies. As
Diagram 28 illustrates, some Indian states have already implemented an RPS policy.
< Figure 28: Feed-in tariffs in India >
© DCTI 2009 | Volume 2 - Wind Energy
Market Overview – Wind Energy
Market Overview – Wind Energy
Future Markets
In the next few years, it will be interesting to see which new markets emerge, and the extent to
which the different regions tap their wind potential.
In fact, many regions offer excellent conditions for the utilization of wind energy, but the actual
development of a location significantly depends on national incentive programs. For this reason,
countries which offer, or plan to offer incentives for wind energy can be seen as promising future
Ultimately, Australia is one of the most promising future markets. Until recently, market experts
expected the Australian market to grow at a constant rate. However, in August 2009, the Australian government enacted a new law requiring Australian utilities to pull 20 percent of their electricity supply from renewable sources by 2020. The act will be implemented in 2010 [GWEC: 2008b,
P.19]. It is expected that the law will lead to investments worth approximately 15 billion Euros and
that the wind industry will benefit the most [Reuters: 2009b].
South Korea is also implementing incentives for the promotion of wind energy. In September
2009, the South Korean government announced that it would decrease import duties for technical components of the renewable energy sector by 50 percent. In doing so, the government makes
an effort to stimulate both the installation of renewable energies and the country’s competitiveness [Ecoseed: 2009]. South Africa is considered to be one of the most promising markets since
the country has already implemented a FIT for wind energy of 10.4 Euro cents/kWh in April 2009
[REW: 2009b].
In established wind markets such as Germany, the future potential mainly lies within the offshore
sector. From 2013 and onwards, the construction of huge offshore wind parks in the North and
Baltic Sea will make a considerable contribution to the growth of the German wind energy market. In contrast, onshore wind parks will become less significant.
Diagram 29 summarizes the development of the global wind energy market between 2008
and 2013 as expected by the GWEC. Accordingly, Asia is assumed to pass Europe with regards
to total installed capacity. Despite the fact that there are several potential wind markets
across the globe, this rapid growth rate indicates that the lion’s share is expected in the Chinese and Indian markets.
< Figure 29: Estimated development of total installed capacity by world region in 2008 - 2013 >
Future development by region:
In 2013, approximately 96 percent
of installed capacity will be
located in Europe, Asia or North
America. According to the GWEC,
Asian markets will overtake
Europe in terms of total installed
© DCTI 2009 | Volume 2 - Wind Energy
Market Drivers & Hindrances
Market Drivers & Hindrances
Future development of the wind industry will be determined by the interaction of different market drivers and hindrances. Depending on the strength of these hindrances or drivers, the wind
industry will be able to establish itself as the leading renewable energy source and as a competitive alternative to conventional energy.
In general, there are two main factors which influence the success of wind energy. First of all, national environmental policies are of superior importance, i.e. mandatory targets and framework
conditions. For example, consistent FITs are an important instrument in reducing investment risks,
as a wind turbine’s profit can be better calculated. Risk can be reduced even further if energy utilities are bound by law to cover parts of their portfolio by renewable energies. This guarantees investors a certain sales potential and encourages possible investors to invest in this industry [EWG:
2008, P.146f.]. Until now, FITs have proven to be the most effective promotion instrument: In 2008,
approximately 52 percent of all newly installed wind turbines across the globe were supported by
a FIT [Santander: 2008, P.6]. However, further methods such as tax exemptions are also efficient in
attracting investments in the wind industry.
The speed of technological progress also plays an important role in the success of implementing
wind energy. In turn, this progress is directly linked to the amount of money available for windrelated R&D. New technologies are able to improve both the cost and efficiency of wind turbines,
and thus increase a park’s profitability and competitiveness [EWG: 2008, P.146f.].
There are also a number of hindrances that impede the increased implementation of wind energy.
Financial and technical hindrances are particularly strong in developing countries. Furthermore,
environmental regulations also prevent investments in technology.
For example, poor infrastructure can be seen as a technical hindrance, as it makes the transportation of turbines to their final destination more difficult. Such deficiencies raise upfront costs
considerably. Further hindrances which decrease a turbine’s profitability include poor grid quality,
voltage fluctuations and difficulties in the grid connection process.
In addition, developing countries have seldom recorded wind conditions, thereby making it nearly
impossible to reliably calculate turnover. As a result, a country’s efforts in promoting wind energy
may be futile, since technical and economic concerns prevent investments from being made.
Moreover, rigorous environmental regulations and drawn out bureaucratic processes can have
a negative impact on the rate of return, thereby discouraging investments [World Bank: 2009,
P.13f.]. Last but not least, public dismay of wind turbines being placed in close proximity to
residential areas can be a problem. In the past, there have been several campaigns and initiatives
protesting the disruption of the natural landscape and feared noise pollution.
Strengths and Weaknesses – SWOT Analysis
Diagram 30 integrates each of the above-mentioned aspects into a SWOT Analysis, and compares
the strengths and weaknesses of the wind industry. In this context, the industry’s future opportunities and risks are deduced.
< Figure 30: SWOT Analysis>
No CO2 emissions
Job creation
High availability of wind
High growth market
Strong dynamic of technological advancements
Low external costs
(Still) independent of incentive programs
Directly dependent on wind conditions
Partly complex grid connection and
installation process
High expenses for energy transportation
Disrupts the natural landscape
Noise pollution
Achievement of climate goals through
increasing efficiency and competitiveness
More balanced energy mix
Decreasing dependency on fossil fuels
Sinking turbine costs
Sinking electricity production costs
Strong cutback on incentive payments
Created jobs will be lost
Dependency on fossil fuels
Limited number of suitable locations
Public concern
Source : EuPD Research 2009
© DCTI 2009 | Volume 2 - Wind Energy
Market Drivers & Hindrances
Market Drivers & Hindrances
Strengths and Opportunities
Wind energy has the potential to make a considerable contribution to the reduction of CO2
emissions and to the achievement of climate protection targets. Moreover, the wind industry has
played an important role in the direct and indirect creation of jobs along the entire value chain.
The industry is marked by consistent growth and continues to do so even in times of economic crisis. In addition, the industry is dynamic in terms of technological progress. Technological innovations increase both the efficiency of turbines, and the competitiveness of wind energy in comparison to conventional energy sources. The optimized performance of wind turbines will also bring
about a reduction in turbine and electricity production costs. Moreover, the installation of wind
energy will result in a more balanced energy mix, which will not only help reduce CO2 emissions,
but will also reduce the dependency on rare fossil fuels.
Weaknesses and Risks
Strong growth of the wind industry is directly linked to governmental incentives that stimulate
the construction of new wind turbines. Should subsidies be withheld, the industry will be negatively affected. Technological progress is often accompanied by higher expenses, making newly
developed advantages in efficiency relative. The installation of offshore turbines on the open sea
is quite complex, and the grid connection is very costly. Furthermore, public concern is also rising.
Should these weaknesses be used as arguments against wind energy, the related job loss, higher
dependence on fossil fuels and escalated costs of electricity should not be ignored.
© DCTI 2009 | Volume 2 - Wind Energy
Outlook & Conclusion
Outlook & Conclusion
Outlook & Conclusion
When examining global wind markets, one can clearly see the expansion of the Asian market,
especially China and India. At this growth rate, they will not only catch up to, but pass the
European and North American markets with regards to total installed capacity in the next few
years. The GWEC estimates that the Asian continent will account for a higher cumulated capacity
than the North American continent this year, and will have caught up to Europe by the year 2013
[GWEC: 2008b, P.17]. However, this scenario strongly depends on the development of offshore
wind parks in Europe, as EWEA affirms that offshore parks worth 100 GW are currently being
planned in Europe, a few of which are already under construction [EWEA: 2009d, P.8]. A strong
and rapid growth of Europe’s offshore segment could prevent Asia from catching up to Europe
for another several years.
A similar development is to be expected with regards to the wind industry’s value chain, as an
increasing number of Asian companies are establishing themselves in the production of wind
turbines and their components. With this in mind, competitive pressures within the value chain
differentiate, and entrance barriers will influence the success of start-up companies, depending
on which particular stage of the value chain they find themselves. While the production of rotor
blades and gearboxes requires many years of experience and significant know-how, the production of towers is characterized by low entrance barriers [Emerging Energy Research: 2009]. Besides
rising competitive pressures, the value chain’s upstream sector will continue to move towards
vertical integration, whereas the downstream sector will move towards cooperative agreements
[Erste Bank Research: 2009, P.17].
Due to rising fuel prices in 2020, the electricity production costs of wind energy will be able to
compete with those of nearly all conventional energy forms. In fact, only the electricity production costs of nuclear energy will be lower. Consequently, the future of wind energy indirectly
correlates with a potential renaissance of atomic energy. For the most part, low electricity production costs, availability and security of supply, high plant capacity and low levels of CO2 emissions
are viewed as advantages of nuclear energy. However, the risk of an atomic accident and the
unsettled dispute over the disposal of nuclear waste make up the flipside of the coin.
From past and present experience, one may be certain that wind energy has a strong foothold in
the future of global energy generation. The industry’s consistent development is supported by
steady growth rates in the wind turbine share of newly installed capacity, as well as the escalating
number of investments in the branch, as seen in the ambitious plans to construct 40 offshore
wind parks in German waters.
© DCTI 2009 | Volume 2 - Wind Energy
Interview with
Johannes Dimas, Senior Manager
at Germany Trade & Invest
© DCTI 2009 | Volume 2 - Wind Energy
Special Contribution
Special Contribution
Interview with Johannes Dimas, Senior Manager at Germany
Trade & Invest
Germany Trade & Invest is the foreign trade and inward investment promotion agency of
the Federal Republic of Germany. The organization advises foreign companies looking to
expand their business activities in the German market. It provides information on foreign
trade to German companies that seek to enter foreign markets.
Johannes Dimas is Senior Manager at Germany Trade & Invest and responsible for the
wind energy industry. With a ten-year career in this field, he has acquired extensive
experience in the onshore and offshore sectors.
1. What are the characteristics of the German wind energy market?
Germany is Europe’s primary wind energy market and has just surpassed 25,000 MW of
installed capacity. The springboard for the positive German market development has
been the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG). According to the EEG, Germany will boost
its share of renewable energy sources in the electricity supply from its current 15 percent
level to at least 30 percent by the year 2020.
Market surveys, like those of the German Wind Energy Institute (DEWI), show that international companies currently consider Germany to be the most important wind energy
market worldwide and - alongside China and the USA – believe this will continue in the
2. What are the prospects of the offshore segment?
Offshore wind energy plays a major role in achieving the goals of the EEG but also in
securing Germany’s position as one of the world’s leading wind energy investment
locations. The amendment to the EEG in 2009 has jump-started construction activities
with its increased feed-in tariff guaranteed for 20 years and the obligation for transmission system operators to provide ready offshore grid connections. There are a number
of activities that signal the continuing progress in the industry. This can be witnessed by
the increase of investments in production facilities, the construction of new dedicated
installation vessels, and major offshore turbine orders worth billions of Euros.
Offshore wind farms open up a vista of possibilities for new investors. A number of offshore industry and service centers have already emerged in locations including Bremerhaven, Cuxhaven, and Rostock to supply German and European demand.
Due to the nature of the prospective large-scale investments, the players involved are
also changing. For instance, three of the biggest German energy suppliers are currently
constructing the first German offshore wind farm, alpha ventus, as part of a joint project.
At the same time, a new power producer market is emerging, backed by the EEG. Allocated grid connection and fixed tariffs are limiting the price risk of the sales market
allowing companies to focus on component purchasing and operational costs.
3. What international market perspectives open up for the industry?
Both domestic and foreign markets offer a number of opportunities to wind industry
companies producing in Germany.
The global wind energy market continued to grow at an increased rate of 29 percent
in 2008, according to the World Wind Energy Association (WWEA). Global wind sector
turnover reached EUR 40 billion in 2008. Thus, and based on accelerated development
and further improved policies, global capacity of more than 1,500,000 MW – equivalent
to 12 percent of global electricity consumption - should be possible by the year 2020. In
2008, Europe dominated the global energy market with a share of 54.6 percent of total
installed capacity. Thanks to its excellent export conditions, Germany will play a decisive
role in meeting the demand for global wind-based power generation. Germany’s geographic location in the center of Europe, and its well rehearsed global export infrastructure, led to a 2008 export quota which represents more than 80 percent of German wind
industry output, as reported by the German Wind Energy Association (BWE).
Moreover, Germany presents itself as a base for supplying northern European offshore
markets due to its central position in Europe with competitive site options and well-established export infrastructure, in particular its harbors and navigable waterways.
Companies established in Germany profit from several export-related services like the
“Exportinitiative Erneuerbare Energien” (Export Initiative Renewable Energies) as well as
our own foreign trade services.
4. What are the characteristics of Germany as a business location for the wind energy industry?
The world’s leading wind industry is situated in Germany. Manufacturers and suppliers
located in Germany dominate one quarter of the global market for wind power generating equipment. In addition to the top-selling manufacturers, the supplier industry also
makes a significant contribution to wind market turnover. Germany’s industry structure
offers a number of wind industry market openings for participation in the value chain.
Germany’s overall attractiveness as a business location is also documented by its improved ranking in the latest Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) statistics.
© DCTI 2009 | Volume 2 - Wind Energy
Special Contribution
Special Contribution
5. Are foreign companies able to actually break into such a well developed market?
Germany’s strong R&D and engineering environment notwithstanding, the country’s
particular market infrastructure - with its dynamic and diversified local supply industry recommends Germany as a location for product realization and rollout. This is because
companies located in Germany are able to scale their share of in-house production very
flexibly – i.e. to “make or buy” product components. The manufacturer can adjust its
production strategy at will from comprehensive manufacturing to assembling in a lean
production line in order to achieve process advantages and cost reductions. Conversely,
there are also opportunities to play a part as a supplier within this dynamic market.
All investors, regardless of whether they are from Germany or abroad, have access to
attractive incentives. While the EEG simultaneously supports energy production and provides investment security, there is a large selection of programs available that are designed to support a wide variety of business activities at different stages of the investment
process. These programs range from cash incentives for the reimbursement of direct
investment costs to incentives for labor and R&D (see Fig. 1). Some of the most requested
services from foreign investors are our services related to incentive programs (see Fig. 2).
6. How should foreign enterprises enter Germany and how do you support them?
Germany Trade & Invest supports foreign investors with its free of charge consulting
services, helping them to enter the German market and thereby strengthening the entire
There are particular steps to take in order to enter the German market through foreign
direct investment. All steps are covered by our comprehensive service packages
(see Fig. 3). For customer-tailored support at the highest level of quality possible, we are
organized in industry divisions with highly experienced professionals for each segment.
Our services start at the earliest, strategic stage of business development. In the course
of the investment process we assist with location consultancy services, for example, by
identifying project-specific location requirements and offering customized site proposals.
Because of their local network and regional expertise, the regional development agencies are incorporated into this process.
These confidential services, along with all required economic data, information about
the labor market, incentives programs, the tax & legal framework and related consulting
services are provided free of charge.
Continental Zone/EEZ
Territorial Sea/12 nm Zone
Offshore Wind Farms
In Use
Not Approved
Cable Connections
Under Construction
Types of Incentives in Germany
Investment Incentives
Operational Incentives
InterestReduced Loans
R&D Incentives
KfW Loans
(National Level)
Allowance 1
Bank Loans
Combined State/
only in Eastern Germany
Fig. 1: Types of Incentives in Germany (Germany Trade & Invest 2009)
Germany Trade & Invest’s Incentives Information and Consulting Services
Month (est.):
Strategic Phase
Decision Phase
Implementation Phase
General Incentives Information
Individual Incentives Check
Individual Incentives Application
Negotiation of
of Investment
Approval of
and Operating
¹ This is an average time frame only. An additional six months should be added in cases where EU Commission incentives approval is required.
Fig. 2: Schedule for Incentives Application (Germany Trade & Invest 2009)
© DCTI 2009 | Volume 2 - Wind Energy
Project Management Assistance
Decision & Investment
Germany Trade &
Invest Helps You
Germany Trade & Invest’s teams of
industry experts will assist you in
setting up your operations in Germany. We support your project management activities from the earliest
stages of your expansion strategy.
perience in identifying the business
locations which best meet their
specific investment criteria. We help
turn your requirements into concrete
investment site proposals; providing
consulting services to ensure you
make the right location decision. We
coordinate site visits, meetings with
potential partners, universities, and
other institutes active in the industry.
Special Contribution
We provide you with all of the industry
information you need – covering
everything from key markets and
related supply and application sectors to the R&D landscape. Foreign
companies profit from our rich ex-
you create the appropriate financial
package for your investment and put
you in contact with suitable financial
partners. Incentives specialists provide you with detailed information
about available incentives, support
you with the application process, and
arrange contacts with local economic
development corporations.
Special Contribution
Our team of consultants is at hand
to provide you with the relevant background information on Germany’s tax
and legal system, industry regulations, and the domestic labor market.
Germany Trade & Invest’s experts help
All of our investor-related services
are treated with the utmost confidentiality and provided free of charge.
Decision & Investment
Project Management Assistance
Business opportunity analysis and
market research
Project partner
and contact
Joint project
management with
regional development agency
Coordination and
support of negotiations with local
Cost factor
Site preselection
of site visits
Final site
decision support
financing and incentives consultancy
Organization of
meetings with
legal advisors and
financial partners
affairs support
Assistance with
incentive applications and establishment procedures
Market entry
strategy support
Location Consulting /Site Evaluation
Identification of
location factors
Support Services
Identification of
relevant tax and
legal issues
Fig. 3: Consultancy for Direct Investment (Germany Trade & Invest 2009)
10 Industry Overview 2009
© DCTI 2009 | Volume 2 - Wind Energy
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© DCTI 2009 | Volume 2 - Wind Energy
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Gipe, Paul: „Wind Energy Basics: A Guide to Home- and Community-Scale Wind Energy Systems.“,
Vermont, 2009.
Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC): „Global Wind Energy Outlook 2008.“, Brüssel, 2008a.
Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC): „Global Wind 2008 Report.“, Brüssel, 2008b.
Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC): „Indian Wind Energy Outlook 2009.“, Brüssel, 09.2009.
Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research: „GS Sustain: Low-Carbon Energy – May the Wind
Blow for Carbon Capture and Storage.“, New York, 02.06.2009.
Greenpeace: „Zukunft Windkraft: Die Energie aus dem Meer – Technische Möglichkeiten und
ökologische Rahmenbedingungen, Studie/Kurzfassung.“, Hamburg, 2001.
Hamburger Abendblatt: Preuß, Olaf, „Börse feiert schon jetzt eine schwarz-gelbe Energiewende.“,
in:, Hamburg, 29.09.2009.
Handelsblatt: Flauger, Jürgen, „Klimawandel gibt Befürwortern Auftrieb.“, in: www.handelsblatt.
com, Düsseldorf, 29.05.2007.
Handelsblatt: „E.on baut erneuerbare Energien aus.“, in:, 28.06.2009.
Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung (HBS): „USA Energie- und Klimapolitik: Akteure und Trends im August
2009.“, Berlin, 15.09.2009.
International Energy Agency (IEA): „IEA Wind – Spain.“, in:, Paris, 2009.
Internationales Wirtschaftsforum Regenerative Energien (IWR): „Windenergie: Gamesa und Iberdrola unterzeichnen Rekordvertrag über 4.500 MW.“, in:, 13.06.2008.
Junghans, Ines: „Ökobilanzen erneuerbarer Energiesysteme.“, in:, Freiburg, 2004.
KPMG: „Onshore-Windenergie Repowering-Potenziale in Deutschland, Marktstudie.“, in: www., 2009.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Denmark: „World’s Largest Offshore Windfarm Takes Shape.“,
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL): „State Clean Energy Policies Analysis (SCEPA) Project: An Analysis of Renewable Energy Feed-in Tariffs in the United States.“, Golden, CO, 06.2009.
Neue Energie: „Schöner, größer, besser.“, in:, Berlin, 2009.
Patel, Mukund R.: „Wind and Solar Power Systems: Design, Analysis and Operation.“, Boca Raton,
FL, 2006.
Renewable Energy Focus (REF): „Global Small Wind Market Grew 53% in 2008.“, in:, 13.05.2009a.
Renewable Energy Focus (REF): „USA and China Experience Wind Power Boom.“, in:, 25.02.2009b.
Renewable Energy World (REW): Runyon, Jennifer, „CanWEA Releases Wind Vision 2025 Plus Results of Important Wind Power Survey.“, in:, 30.10.2008.
Renewable Energy World (REW): de Vries, Eize, „E-126 in Action. Enercon’s Next Generation Power
Plant.“, in, 16.09.2009a.
Renewable Energy World (REW): Gipe, Paul, „South Africa Introduces Aggressive Feed-in Tariffs.“,
in, 10.04.2009b.
Renewable Energy World (REW): Gipe, Paul, „India’s 1.1 Billion Move to Feed-in Tariffs.“, in www., 01.10.2009c.
Reuters: Walet, Leonora u. Stanway, David, „China Wind Companies Poised for Green Policy
Boost.“, in:, Hong Kong, 03.07.2009a.
Reuters: Fogarty, David, „Factbox – Key Facts About Australia’s Renewable Energy Law.“, in: www., 20.08.2009b.
Santander: „Wind Finance – March 2008.“, 03.2008.
Siemens: „Hywind: Siemens und StatoilHydro installieren erste schwimmende Windenergieanlage.“, in:, 10.06.2009.
Sky Wind Power Corporation: in:, Oroville, CA, 2009.
Spiegel Online: „Regierung plant 40 Hochsee-Windparks.“, in:, 14.09.09.
© DCTI 2009 | Volume 2 - Wind Energy
State Energy Conservation Office (SECO): „Texas Wind Energy.“, in:,
Texas, 2008.
Der Tagesspiegel: „RWE investiert Milliarden in den Wind.“, in:, Essen,
VDMA Power Systems (VDMA) und Bundesverband Windenergie (BWE): „Die Windindustrie in
Deutschland – Wirtschaftsreport 2009.“, Berlin, 2009.
Wärmewerk, in:, Solingen, 2009.
Welt Online: „Suzlon sammelt weiter Geld für Repower-Übernahme ein.“, in:,
The World Bank: „Policy Research Working Paper 4868 – Wind Power Development: Economics
and Policies.“, in:, Washington, DC, 03.2009.
World Wind Energy Association (WWEA): „Wind Energy – Technology and Planning.“, in: www., Bonn, 2006.
World Wind Energy Association (WWEA): „World Wind Energy Report 2008.“, Bonn, 02.2009.
© DCTI 2009 | Volume 2 - Wind Energy
Quelle: Offshorepark© Rebel
p. 1 Himmel und Felder © beatuerk
p. 6/7
Photo: Philipp Wolff © Falko Wenzel
p. 7 Windkraftrad © Friedberg
p. 8/9 Windkraft © Stephan Leyk
p. 10/11 WK2 © DeVIce
p. 12
Photo: Solar: bewegtes windrad © amridesign
p. 14
Photo: UGE-4K Vertical Axis Wind Turbine © Urban Green Energy p. 16 Natur und Technik © Wolfgang Jargstorff
p. 18
Photo: Flying Electric Generator © Ben Shepard
p. 20/21 Alternative energy © manfredxy
p. 22 windenergie © Reinhard Marscha
p. 24 Windpark am Rapsfeld © Wolfgang Jargstorff
p. 26 Offshore-Energie-2 © Wolfgang Reiss
p. 28
Photo: Offshore-Windpark Lillgrund im Öresund zwischen
Malmö und Kopenhagen © Siemens AG
p. 30/31 Energie © John
p. 32 Windrad © Simon Kraus
p. 34
Photo: Strom vom weißen Riesen © Siemens AG
p. 36/37 Rotor © Martina Berg
p. 38 développement durable © pat31
p. 40 Wind energy plant © Reinhard Marscha
p. 42 Windrad-Fluegel © Günter Menzl
p. 44/45 europa flaggen © emmi
p. 46 Christ Redeemer © Celso Diniz
p. 48 Golden Gate Bridge © oscity
p. 50 brandenburger tor © Stephen Ruebsam
p. 52
Photo: Barcelona © iris mediadesign
p. 54 sommerpalast5 © Bithja Isabel Gehrke
p. 56 Taj Mahal © Sushi King
p. 58 Windkraftrad © Friedberg
p. 60 Steine im Weg © digital-fineart
p. 62 wind turbines farm © Rafa Irusta
p. 64/65 Windrad 454 © Wolfgang Jargstorff
p. 66/67 WK2 © DeVIce
p. 68/69
© DCTI 2009 | Volume 2 - Wind Energy
Feed-in Tariff (FIT):
Electricity suppliers are required to have a certain share of renewable energies in
their portfolio. Since the costs of electricity from renewable sources are higher than
those of conventional sources, operators (private, public and industrial customers) of
renewable energies receive money for feeding renewable electricity into the public
grid network.
Network Connection / Grid Connection:
A network or grid connection allows end consumers to receive electricity, both
renewable and conventional. It also allows consumers to feed their own generated
electricity into the grid network.
Offgrid wind turbines are not connected to the grid. The owner of the turbine uses
the generated electricity for his own personal use, and does not feed into the grid.
Offshore Wind Park:
Offshore wind parks are installed on high seas, up to 20 kilometers from the coast.
Ongrid wind turbines are connected to the grid. The owner of the turbine uses the
generated electricity for his own personal use, and is able to feed energy into the
Onshore Wind Park:
Onshore wind parks are installed on land.
Renewable Portfolio Standard:
A renewable portfolio standard requires electricity suppliers to produce a certain
share of their electricity from renewable energy sources.
Repowering refers to the replacement of outdated turbines with newer and more efficient ones.
This process is most common amongst onshore turbines, as they were installed during the 1980s.
Peak Load:
Peak load is a term used to describe the amount of power needed to supply consumers at a time
when demand is the greatest. When energy demand reaches a spike, peak load stations are operated, in order to produce sufficient amounts of electricity at rapid speed. Examples of peak load
stations are pumped storage hydro power plants and gas turbine power stations.
Electricity Production Costs:
The total costs that an energy producer must spend in order to generate electricity.
Overspeed Control:
Each wind turbine has some sort of overspeed control, which causes the turbine to automatically
shut itself down in a situation with high wind speeds, protecting the turbine from damage.
The terms upstream and downstream suggest the direction of the flow of goods. In this context,
upstream activities refer to those activities in the value chain which are most distant from the end
customer, such as the manufacturing of raw materials, for example. On the contrary, downstream
activities refer to those activities in the value chain which are closer to the end consumer, such as
the supply of service, for example.
© DCTI 2009 | Volume 2 - Wind Energy
American Wind Energy Association
German Wind Energy Association
German Wind Energy Institution
Energy Watch Group
European Environment Agency
Erneuerbare Energien-Gesetz (German renewable energy law)
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Program
European Wind Energy Association
Feed-in Tariff
Global Primary Energy Consumption
Gigawatt hour
Global Wind Energy Council
Heinrich-Böll Foundation
International Energy Agency
German Renewable Energy Industry Institute
Investment Tax Credit
Kilowatt hour
Middle East and North Africa
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Renewable Energy Focus
Renewable Energy World
Renewable Portfolio Standard
State Energy Conservation Office
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats
Terawatt hour
WWEA: World Wind Energy Association
© DCTI 2009 | Volume 2 - Wind Energy
CleanTech Driver - Wind Energy 2009
© DCTI 2009 | Volume 2 - Wind Energy
Interview with Niels Stolberg, President and CEO of
Beluga Shipping GmbH
1. What, in your view, distinguishes your company as a driver of CleanTech?
CleanTech is an integral part of our Corporate Philosophy. The core goal of our – and by
the way in Germany within a shipping company unique – in-house department Research
& Innovation is to make the transport of project and heavy-lift cargo at sea more efficient and, thus, environment-friendlier. Therefore, we are working closely with the Centre
for Maritime Research in Elsfleth which concentrates companies, science and education
on a single site. Concrete results of these efforts are low-resistance surfaces for hulls, cleaner sources of energy on board or the development of alternative routes for our vessels.
In summer 2009 as the first international shipping company we succeeded in transiting
the Northeast Passage along the Russian coast from Asia to Europe. By that we could
save about 3000 miles and accordingly also a significant amount of fuel and, in consequence, emissions per voyage.
Also in the use of wind power we consequently step on new paths: Not only that the
transport of wind turbines is a well-sought service on the market and ranks among the
fields with the highest volume of orders, we are even using the wind itself as additional
environment-friendly form of propulsion. Since January 2008 the world’s first merchant
vessel new building equipped with a towing kite is sailing on the High Seas. While
applied the MV “Beluga SkySails” saves between 15 and 20 percent of fuel and thus
harmful emissions, depending on wind conditions.
2. Many view CleanTech as a growth market. Do you share this opinion and what role does wind energy play?
CleanTech is a sustainable trend and a call for innovation which we have been following
for a long time already. Meanwhile, the consequences of the climate change are perceptible for everybody in our society. Now it is important to act determinedly and to limit
the effects as the initiative “2° - German CEOs for Climate Protection” intends to and
in which we cooperate. I clearly see a lot of potential especially for the development of
wind power. The new five megawatt installations geared for offshore service are powerful and technically mature generators which efficiently transform wind into electricity.
We transported wind turbines for a number of manufacturers for the first time in 2000,
since then we are co-experiencing the continuous boom in the market by an ever-rising
volume of cargo. Currently, the share of wind turbines among all our shipments is at
about ten to 15 percent. We assume that this share will continue to increase during a
further recovery of the world economy. In future, the growth is going to take place
mainly offshore, an area for which Beluga cooperates with Hochtief Construction AG in
a joint venture to develop own vessels which enable the loading, transport and
installation of wind turbines with a single ship. At
you might obtain more information about these maritime all-rounders from BELUGA
HOCHTIEF Offshore.
3. Where do you see synergies in the various areas of CleanTech?
The shipping business is ideally suited for the use of different kinds of environment-friendly sources of energy. Currently, we are intensively working on a prototype of such an
“environment vessel” which combines preferably as many sources of alternative energy as
possible. Perspectively, the application of different forms of propulsion on next generation hybrid vessels may contribute to the promotion and further development of progresses achieved in the automotive sector and to integrate them respectively. As examples I
would like to name here only the so-called Flettner rotors, SkySails, photovoltaics or fuel
cells technology. The aim of these efforts is the construction of a commercially operating
vessel using 50 percent less fossil fuels by 2015 which, as a pioneer at sea, will then stand
for effective climate protection.
4. What is your growth strategy for the field of CleanTech?
We focus on a holistic approach and gather – for example in the Maritime Research Centre Elsfleth – the right people from science and economy on one table. Such a bundling
of competencies and resources from the maritime sector aims for an effective promotion
of technology and knowledge transfer and, thus, the expansion of our worldwide lead in
the niche market project and heavy-lift cargo. With our support for research and development we belong to the pioneers of “green shipping”. We will continue to concentrate
our core competencies in sea logistics and generate further growth in this area.
5. How do you rate the political support for the CleanTech industry to date, both within Germany and at European level? What could be optimised in future?
The public backing of CleanTech has a long tradition in Germany. We have established a
technological lead which, however, might drop away quickly again. Particularly the USA
and also China significantly diminished the gap – partly by massive public support – in
the area of CleanTech during the last years. Here, we have to keep up in Germany to
prevent falling behind. Private engagement for more innovation deserves fast and unbureaucratic help, either project-bound or, for example, in form of favourable tax models.
Of course, in Germany we have many reasons to be glad that about two-thirds of the
expenditures for research and innovation originate from the economic sector.
© DCTI 2009 | Volume 2 - Wind Energy
Now, we have to do the next steps to – in addition to enhancing the public funds for
education, research and innovation – further increase the readiness within the economic
sector for investing resources in research and development and, hence, reach common
goals for innovation more efficiently.
6. Do you think that the issue of CleanTech has entered into our social, political and economic consciousness?
I think so, yes. On the political agenda in Germany and other countries CleanTech occupies a top rank for a long time already. Also in the economic sector the understanding
of CleanTech as not obligatorily “expensive” but most of all “efficient” is prevailing. The
issue bears a lot of potential as well on the operational side. Numerous studies document
that CleanTech enjoys a positive image and is widely accepted also among the people.
Today, they face CleanTech almost permanently, from an eco-tax for environmentally
harmful technologies to the politically directed “scrapping” of light bulbs.
7. What are important innovations with respect to the compatibility of technical
advances and sustainability as well as the growing energy demands of the world population? Where do you see meaningful extensions?
Securing energy also for the next generations belongs to the most important issues
of mankind. What comes next after we have run out of fossil fuels? Many alternatives
might be taken into consideration. However, I am sure that wind power will provide a
large part within the energy mix for us also in future. It is now important to consequently develop one of the areas with the highest potential for wind – the open sea – and to
fulfil the preconditions to effectively exploit this constantly and vigorously “occurring”
resource. Particularly the North Sea offers many chances. Beluga is going to make its
contribution by developing new vessels for this purpose.
8. What distinguishes Germany as a location for CleanTech?
Germany along with the USA, Denmark or Spain belongs to the strongest users of wind
energy. Based on a widely spread acceptance and support for CleanTech in society and
the political sector, Germany has developed to a technology leader in reference to Renewable Energy. Here, the respective infrastructure of highly qualified engineers, modern
production sites as well as the necessary research and educational institutions exists.
As a logistics service provider with a special fleet of currently 66 multipurpose heavy-lift
project carriers being able to call almost every port in the world and through our international network of own offices we also provide the necessary channels of distribution
to all continents.
9. Which additional country markets do you regard as the „CleanTech drivers“ of the future?
Likely these countries which are decisive for the economic development already today.
The member states of the European Union rank among them but also the USA or China
stand in the same line. Particularly in Asia the change process to environment-friendly
technologies goes on.
10. Subject climate protection: Where do you see the challenges for global shipping in the next years?
Commercial shipping is an international business, climate change and climate protection
as well are international issues. The worldwide merchant fleet belongs to the largest
emitters of harmful climate gases, we have to take action on that fact. We need innovative concepts and solutions to face the challenge of reducing the output of CO2 and other
harmful emissions within this sector and in the niche market project and heavy-lift shipping in order to reduce the dramatic effects of the global warming process. What can the
shipping sector in general, what can ship owners in particular do to improve the global
CO2 balance? Measures reducing fuel consumption at sea almost suggest themselves.
11. As a ship owner, what can you do precisely to further improve the climate
balance of transports at sea?
What we need is a holistic strategy which combines different measures. A minor decrease of the service speed for example may save a relatively high amount of fuel. This
effect is known to every driver of a car who cares for moderate average speeds and an
adjusted way of driving. The efficiency of the car will increase and fuel consumption
goes down. Moreover, as ship builders we can reduce the flow resistance of cargo vessels
only by improving the form of the hull and the implementation of a “natural” design.
Hence, the vessels need less energy and, thus, are more efficient. An innovative concept
titled HAI-TECH, which may improve this result even further, is currently a part of discussions within the shipping sector. “Hai” is the German word for “shark” and refers to the
special skin structure of these animals. Used as a surface on the vessel’s hull it prevents
the growth of algae and reduces the flow resistance.
© DCTI 2009 | Volume 2 - Wind Energy
12. A major part of additional capacities for the production of energy will be created
in the next years in offshore wind parks away from the coast.
How can the logistics sector contribute to benefit from this development?
By taking advantage of its core competency and providing a proper infrastructure. As
world leading heavy-lift shipping company we have significant know-how in ship-building and the transport of cargo weighing partly more than 1000 tons. In cooperation
with our partner HOCHTIEF Beluga develops within a joint venture under the name
BELUGA HOCHTIEF Offshore a fleet of new special vessels for the transport, mounting
and running of offshore wind turbines. The initially planned four next generation vessels
will be able to load, transport and install the generators all in one – a novelty in the sector. The type of vessel we are going to develop and manage enables the installation of
the future offshore generators with a height of more than 100 metres and an output of
more than five megawatts. Our special vessels are at the same time platforms which can
raise their bodies above sea level by the means of extendable legs and can therefore also
be used at water depths of more than 50 metres. That will make the installation safer,
more efficient and more cost effective. The first special next generation vessel is planned
to be ready for use in 2012.
* Data based on statements of the companies
© DCTI 2009 | Volume 2 - Wind Energy
Interview with Jochen Sanguinette, Chairman of Trelleborg
Sealing Solutions Germany GmbH
1. What, in your view, distinguishes your company as a driver of CleanTech?
By definition, our innovative sealing solutions for machines used in forestry and agricultural already help protect the environment because they ensure that no harmful
materials from inside the machines, such as oil or grease, get into the soil. We‘ve been
doing this for more than 50 years! Trelleborg has supplied parts for wind energy plants
ever since this technology was first launched. Seals provided by Trelleborg Sealing
Solutions contribute to the efficient operation of hydraulic and other systems where all
components need to withstand tough conditions.
2. Many view CleanTech as a growth market. Do you share this opinion and what role does wind energy play?
I am convinced that renewable energy already offers the world‘s population more
opportunities than risks in the medium term. This justifies investment in new technologies. With renewable energy accounting for an increasing market share, it is necessary
to reduce maintenance requirements associated with wind turbines, for example, and to
increase service life. As a manufacturer of seals we see this as a challenge, especially as
many seals are used at decentralised locations, often high up, where maintenance tasks
are difficult and costly to carry out. The number of wind turbines will potentially depend
on public opinion. Offshore solutions may help remedy this situation. Many cooperation
ventures concerning this have been initiated in the last few months. The German Federal
Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) recently announced that 21 wind farm projects
comprising a total of 1,497 wind turbines have been approved to date off the North and
Baltic Sea coasts. The first wind farm projects to incorporate our sealing solutions have
already been completed.
3. Where do you see synergies in the various areas of CleanTech?
It‘s all about the energy mix! From mobile biomass power plants to electricity from the
desert, wind energy or solar power – we need to leverage every option available to us.
Ultimately, marketable solutions will prevail although there is obviously a danger that
competition will not really come about due to subsidies.
4. What is your growth strategy for the field of CleanTech?
The challenges associated with new energy sources also extend to adapting sealing
materials to biological substances which can sometimes be aggressive. Our ability to
fulfil these requirements is connected to the fact that Trelleborg Sealing Solutions has
consolidated its materials expertise over a number of years now.
We have no fewer than eight R&D centres around the globe as well as materials laboratories for virtually all sealing materials.
5. How do you rate the political support for the CleanTech industry to date, both within Germany and at European level? What could be optimised in future?
The German federal government‘s objectives at both national and European level are to
increase efficiency by 20 percent, reduce CO2 emissions by 20 percent and to achieve a 20
percent share of renewable energy use by 2020. The amendment of the Renewable Energy Act (EEG) has given manufacturers in the mechanical and plant engineering sector
a reliable basis on which to plan and has paved the way for further innovation. However, where there is light, there is also shadow: the back and forth regarding the quota
system for biofuels and shelving the Energy Efficiency Act (EnEfG) slow down or make it
impossible for companies to reach decisions. Planning security, reliability and consistency
within the political framework are the top priority so that the mechanical and plant engineering sector can play its role fully as a driver of innovation.
6. Do you think that the issue of CleanTech has entered into our social, political and economic consciousness?
Yes, consumer demand for renewable energy is rising – not least due to subsidies. However, the prospect of double-digit growth in the CleanTech industry over the next ten years is motivating companies to invest in renewable energy sources, particularly in tough
economic times. Politicians need to make sure that renewable energy continues to be
encouraged, alongside the possible extension of the lifetime of nuclear power stations. If
not, we are possibly discarding an opportunity for change that will be difficult to reverse.
7. What distinguishes Germany as a location for CleanTech?
Our high-tech setup! This includes high-performing, highly trained staff as well as
advanced research and development centres.
© DCTI 2009 | Volume 2 - Wind Energy
* Data based on statements of the companies
© DCTI 2009 | Volume 2 - Wind Energy
Interview with Hornung Pedersen,
CEO of REpower Systems AG
1. In your view, what distinguishes your company as a CleanTech driver?
Wind energy itself is a CleanTech driver and already represents the lion‘s share of renewable energy in Germany. As the technological leader among the system manufacturers
– especially in the offshore segment – REpower is pursuing the vision of contributing to
a reduction of the worldwide price for wind energy to the price level of fossil-fueled
power plants by 2012. As early as 2020, electricity from wind energy is slated to be the
„price reducer“ in the energy equation. To accomplish this, we are focusing on the quality,
innovation and earning power of our wind turbines.
2. CleanTech is regarded as a growing market. Do you share this view and in your
opinon, what role does wind energy play?
According to industry associations, approximately 280,000 people currently work in the
area of renewable energy in Germany and the sector continues to possess enormous
growth potential. As I mentioned, wind energy is the most developed form of renewable
energy and the one that will be most competitive in the near term. Wind is a domestic energy source, in contrast to solar energy, for example, which is still too expensive
and should be meaningfully developed – that is, not in Northern Europe, but rather, in
Southern Europe or North Africa, where far more hours of sunshine are available.
Offshore wind energy has especially great potential. Just consider the large offshore
wind farms planned along the coast and the new production and logistics centers that
have now emerged in harbor cities such as Bremerhaven. A completely new industry
is being formed, here – as is also shown by the numerous new university courses and
further education programs in the area of wind energy. Just an example: In the last
three years, our company has grown from just over 800 employees at the end of 2006 to
more than 1,800 employees at present. These numbers illustrate the enormous momentum and potential of our sector. And not only is the number of employees increasing.
Recent contracts show that trust is growing in the industry, permitting the announcement of increasingly larger projects. At the beginning of the year, for example, REpower
concluded an agreement with RWE Innogy – the largest master agreement to date in the
offshore wind industry – which foresees the delivery of up to 250 wind turbines by 2015.
Our powerful turbines are power plants that will make considerable contributions to the
CO2-free supply of energy in Germany and throughout Europe.
3. Where do you see synergies in the various CleanTech fields?
In order to guarantee a secure energy supply with regenerative technologies, future
systems will rely increasingly on the intelligent networking of wind, solar or biomass
power plants. New, partly decentralized storage technologies are also needed in order
to provide overall coverage for power generated from renewable energy. Not only the
various CleanTech fields, but also vastly different sectors will work together – look at the
current example of an energy provider that has formed a technology partnership with a
large automobile concern. Energy providers also are placing increasing emphasis on power from renewable sources and are making efforts to reduce CO2 emissions considerably
with the construction of CO2-free power plants, for example. Research in this area must
be stepped up, however.
4. What is your growth strategy in the area of CleanTech?
Our company is pursuing the goal of further establishing ourselves as a manufacturer
of premium products among the providers of wind turbines. With our products, we see
ourselves as a global solution provider which develops trend-setting technologies for the
market. With the introduction of two new turbine types in the last fiscal year – the REpower 3.XM and the offshore turbine REpower 6M – REpower has proven once again its
ability to innovate. Several prototypes of both wind turbines have already been erected
for testing purposes in Schleswig-Holstein. An increase in worldwide market share and
selective expansion into new markets are further goals. In what is now our third German
production facility in Bremerhaven, we have increased our production capacity since
2008. In a joint venture for rotor blade production with PowerBlades GmbH last year,
REpower has entered the market as a component manufacturer as well.
5. How do you assess the political support for the CleanTech sector up to now – at
national and international level – with respect to the EU, the USA and the rest of
the world? What can be optimized in the future?
Politics has recognized that renewable energy is an important economic driver. Here
in Germany, the Renewable Energy Sources Act has provided well-established support
since 2000, which can and should serve as an example for other countries such as the USA
and China. In the meantime, however, support systems for regenerative power production have also been established in these countries. Recently, China has offered feed-in
compensation for energy supplied by wind power. Hopefully, the Renewable Portfolio
© DCTI 2009 | Volume 2 - Wind Energy
Standard will be established in the USA as an increasing number of states are now adopting mandatory targets for the percentage of power obtained from renewable sources.
US President Obama has been pushing for the expansion of renewable energy since
he first took office. Naturally, regenerative energy production must be self-sufficient
in the long-term. But these examples show that politics can significantly contribute to
providing start-up assistance, simplifying the approval procedures and pushing forward
with the development of CleanTech to the point that it becomes competitive. We are
convinced that the support for expansion of the CleanTech sector will also continue with
the new administration. CleanTech can no longer be ignored. Not only is it meanwhile
an important economic factor, it also contributes to achieving climate objectives, to
reducing CO2 emissions significantly and last but not least, to decreasing the imminent
dependence on energy imports from foreign countries. And finally, there are politically
agreed upon objectives in Germany and in the European Union: renewable energy comprising a 20 percent share of all energy sources by 2020.
6. Do you believe that the subject of CleanTech has entered into the consciousness of society, politics and business?
I believe that meanwhile, it has become clear to people all over the world that we need
to find solutions in order to combat the threatening consequences of climate change.
Specifically for Germany, it certainly can be said that the acceptance of our industry has
not only grown in politics and business, but above all, has also grown with the people.
This is shown by the increasing number of public wind farms and interest groups that
are focused on the expansion of wind energy, for example. In Schleswig-Holstein, many
people are already supporting the proposal that community land should be extended for
wind farms. Not only have they recognized the ecological potential, but the economic
potential of wind energy as well. For a long time now, it has ceased to be a niche technology, but rather, has become an important industry in which companies such as REpower
contribute to an environmentally friendly, worldwide supply of energy through technologically advanced and powerful products.
7. What are important innovations with respect to the compatibility of technical
advances and sustainability as well as the growing energy demands of the world population? Where do you see meaningful extensions?
We have sufficient renewable energy sources; now it makes sense to consider the
networking of technology and storage of the collected energy. Only if we succeed in
finding intelligent solutions for the transport of energy – in Europe, for example, from
the windswept coasts in the North and sunny locations in the South, connected to the
countries‘ business centers; in North America from the high wind areas of the West and
Midwest to the heavy-populated areas of the Atlantic and Pacific coasts – can we meet
the increasing demand for energy.
8. What distinguishes Germany as a CleanTech location?
In Germany, regenerative energy has developed to become a significant sector of the
economy. With the Renewable Energy Act (EEG 2009), reliable, economic general conditions were established which, meanwhile, serve as an example system for many countries.
In addition, Germany is a driver of innovation. Our numerous universities and technical
institutions and as a result, our exceptionally qualified engineers, distinguish this location as well.
9. Which additional country markets do you regard as the „CleanTech drivers“ of the future?
For the wind energy sector, there are many promising markets. North and South America
have vast areas of land that would be suitable for use by onshore wind energy. Additional potential also remains in Europe. The neighboring states of the North and Baltic Seas
are also interesting locations for the construction of offshore wind energy, since both
seas have comparatively shallow water depths, weak currents and reduced tidal ranges.
But also in North America, consideration is being given to the flat coastlines near the populated areas of New Jersey / New York and New England states as well as to the Great
Lakes, on which the harbors of large cities such as Chicago and Toronto lie.
10. How will REpower further develop in the growing market of wind energy?
The pending projects of our company in Europe, the USA, Canada or China illustrate our
growing international involvement. We also want to expand our market share significantly in the area of offshore wind energy. With the production-ready REpower 5M
and, after completion of testing, also the REpower 6M – one of the most powerful wind
turbines in the world – we have two strong products in our portfolio.
11. In your opinion, what role does offshore wind energy play in achieving the energy and climate objectives in Germany?
Offshore wind energy will contribute significantly in achieving these objectives. The high
and predominantly constant wind speeds on the open seas contain enormous energy
potential which we must utilize. REpower recognized this early on and has focused on
the matter of offshore wind energy since being founded in 2001. We are the only company that has already installed multi-megawatt-class wind turbines in deep waters and
at greater distances from the coast. Recently, REpower has delivered six 5M turbines for
Germany‘s first offshore wind farm, alpha ventus. The test field is located 45 kilometers
from Borkum in water depths of around 30 meters. The experience gained from this
project is very significant for the development of offshore wind energy and will continue
to become an important component of the energy mix in Germany.
© DCTI 2009 | Volume 2 - Wind Energy
* Data based on statements of the companies
© DCTI 2009 | Volume 2 - Wind Energy
Interview with Prof. Dr. Fritz Vahrenholt, Chairman of the
Board of RWE Innogy GmbH
1. What in your opinion marks your company out as a CleanTech pioneer?
RWE Innogy bundles the RWE Group’s expertise in renewables and its renewables-based
power plants. We plan, construct and run plants that produce regenerative electricity
and energy. Our aim is the rapid expansion of renewables-based power generation
capacity throughout Europe. Our activities particularly focus on wind power projects
in on- and off-shore locations. RWE Innogy is however also looking to expand in the
hydroelectric and biomass sectors. At the same time we are promoting the development
of future technologies. For instance we plan and operate biogas plants, wave and tidal
power plants. We provide support for innovative companies in the start-up or growth
phases and offer limited start-up funding. With this broad portfolio focused on the
renewables sector and our activities in the field of new technologies we certainly regard
ourselves as a CleanTech pioneer.
2. CleanTech is regarded as a growth market. Do you share this opinion and what role do you feel will be played by wind energy?
Clean Tech and Green Tech are certainly growth markets. In this instance wind energy
is a technology that has already seen considerable development and is well-established.
At the same time there remains significant potential for the future, especially in terms
of technological development. We are on the brink of being able to exploit off-shore
technology commercially, with further advances also being made on-shore with regard
to efficiency and scale. By building wind parks RWE Innogy is also making a major contribution to this development.
3. Where do you see synergies in the various CleanTech sectors?
A certain element of competition in the renewables sector is giving rise to synergies. This
is encouraging more efficient production methods and thus the further development
of technologies and the heightening of their performance. If we are able as a result to
find the optimum means of linking the advantages of the individual technologies, we
will have boosted the potential for synergy enormously. I am particularly thinking in this
respect of the challenge of steadying fluctuating feed-ins and/or integrating them into
the overall energy network.
4. What’s your growth strategy for the CleanTech sector?
We intend to expand our existing portfolio in core areas from its current level of approx.
2050 MW to 4500 MW by 2012.
Simultaneously we are looking to gain additional experience with new technologies such
as solar thermal power plants, e.g. in Andalusia, marine technologies or geothermics,
and in future we will concentrate on those CleanTech areas with the most potential. To
this end we invest some 1 billion euros every year.
5. How do you rate political support for the CleanTech sector to date – at both a
national and international level, i.e. with reference to the EU, USA and the rest of
the world? Where is there still room for improvement?
Thanks to broad political support concerning the reduction of CO2 emissions and the
expansion of renewables, Europe and Germany are certainly at the forefront when it
comes to supporting CleanTech. Regardless of the level of political support, however, a
global CleanTech market is bound to emerge, which will promote both the production
and application of these technologies. Especially in the USA we are currently witnessing
much greater political support for CleanTech development.
6. Do you think Clean Tech is now firmly anchored as an issue in the consciousness of the public, politicians and industry?
I think many people realise that we need a change in technology to face the challenges of the future. An increase in demand for energy as our natural resources dwindle
and the need for climate protection are the main forces driving CleanTech. Among the
population as a whole, personal use still needs to be more strongly focused on CleanTech
options and energy-efficient behaviour.
7. What are the major innovations when it comes to combining technical advance and sustainability with the growing demand for energy among the world’s population? Where do you see potential for beneficial additions?
Crucial is the ongoing development of different technologies. At the same time however
it is absolutely vital that we handle existing solutions intelligently and implement the
various technologies according to their strengths and weaknesses in those areas where
they can achieve optimum results relating to energy yields and sustainability. Sensible
and intelligent further development of a balanced energy mix is the solution to this problem. This also includes the current and future use of nuclear energy.
© DCTI 2009 | Volume 2 - Wind Energy
8. What makes Germany a suitable CleanTech location?
Germany remains an industrial location with excellent primary industry and infrastructure. These are precisely the criteria required for the development of CleanTech. Unfortunately people all too often forget that “old” and “new” industry does not represent a
contradiction in terms, but that the one naturally follows on from the other.
9. What other national markets do you believe will drive the CleanTech industry in
On the one hand this will be the job of the conventional industrial nations, which owing
to dwindling natural resources and rising energy costs will be forced to modify their
production portfolio. The developing countries and emerging markets will also be forced
down the same path owing to environmental and resource considerations.
* Data based on statements of the companies
© DCTI 2009 | Volume 2 - Wind Energy
Interview with Thomas Richterich, CEO Nordex AG
1. What aspects do you see as defining your company’s status as a clean tech driver?
As a developer and producer of wind power systems, Nordex is at the forefront in efforts
to address one of the most pressing problems of the 21st century. The global increase in
demand for energy cannot go on being satisfied at the expense of ecological and social
interests. Economically, sustainability is also playing an increasingly important role. Wind
energy already constitutes a clean and competitive alternative to conventional power
generation. Nordex is one of the pioneers in wind power and, as one of the top ten
producers in this industry, is actively driving the development of the high-growth clean
tech market.
2. Clean tech is a growth market. Would you agree and what role do you see wind power as playing?
Absolutely; over the past few years, the regenerative energies market has been expanding swiftly. Between 2004 and 2008, Nordex grew by around 50 percent per year.
Looking forward, clean tech will continue to achieve significant growth rates. Wind
power is particularly inexpensive and already playing a crucial role in the production
of clean energy. It figures very predominantly in the balance of regenerative energies
and, moving forward over the next few years, will widen its share substantially relative
to other forms of regenerative energy such as hydro-electricity as its potential has still
hardly been harnessed.
3. In what areas do you think the various clean tech segments can share synergistic benefits?
Clean tech covers such aspects as alternative energy, improved energy efficiency, almost
completely emission-free mobility and the environmentally sustainable production of
goods and services. As these individual areas are directly related to differing degrees, it
make sense to engage in concerted efforts to spur their development. One example is
the synergistic potential which could be harnessed by means of an intelligent network
and the intermeshing of the different sources of energy. A further good example illustrating how the different clean tech approaches can work together is the automobile
industry, which is currently undergoing radical change. Moving forward, automobiles
as a mass product are not only to be produced more efficiently in terms of energy input
and environmental sustainability but are also to be operated with minimum emissions,
for example by using electricity generated from wind power.
4. What is your growth strategy for CleanTech?
We are operating in a very dynamic market, which is why above-average growth constitutes a firm part of our corporate strategy. Strong growth will be achieved via an internal
sourcing ratio of around 20 percent. In addition, we have our own structures in nearly
all main markets around the world and also have independent subsidiaries in our core
regions, namely Europe, Asia and North America. On the product side, we are devoting
our efforts to optimizing and enhancing our proven 2.5 megawatt turbines and also
developing a wind turbine with a nominal output of around four megawatts.
5. How would you rate the political commitment to the clean tech sector to date - both nationally and at an international level in the EU, the United States and the rest of the world? Where do you see room for improvement in the future?
There has been a steady rise in political support for clean tech over the past few years.
This is also urgently required as governments in Europe, the United States and China
have set decidedly ambitious targets for the future share of regenerative energies in
total electricity production and emission reductions. If these targets are to be achieved,
steps must be taken to expand the clean tech industry at a swift pace over the coming
decade. Strictly regimented emission trading, reliable long-term feed-in rates for electricity produced from regenerative sources of energy and extensive clean tech research are
important steps which are necessary to ensure a clean future.
6. Do you think that there is sufficient awareness of clean tech in society as a whole, in the political arena and in the business community?
Yes, there is. That said, however, I think that it is crucial to make sure that this subject is
not neglected in the face of the current general economic conditions. Otherwise, we will
be faced in the near future with the consequences of our failure to focus on this subject
and costs which will dwarf those arising from efforts to overcome the current economic
crisis. On a positive note, the clean tech industry is increasingly being viewed as a profitable growth driver and creator of new jobs in the future.
7. What are important innovations with respect to the compatibility of technical pro-
gress, sustainability and growing global demand for energy? In what ways do you think these aspects complement each other?
As far as climate protection is concerned, the core task is to substantially reduce emissions. Growing mobility can no longer be automatically accompanied by heightened pollu-
© DCTI 2009 | Volume 2 - Wind Energy
tion of the environment. In addition, it is particularly important to cover the rising global
demand for energy via regenerative sources of energy to a greater extent and to reduce
industrial nations’ dependence on conventional forms of energy such as oil and gas at
competitive prices. The challenge facing us in the future is to “achieve more with less”.
8. What role does Germany play in CleanTech?
Germany can justifiably look back on a long engineering tradition and to this very day
sets the standards in technical innovation. We are second to no one in the clean tech
segment in particular. At the same time, both the corporate sector and government have
realized that, rather than impeding growth and prosperity, clean tech does in fact offer
exciting new opportunities. This is reflected in the Renewable Energies Act, for example, which is considered to be a major success and on which many other countries have
modeled their own feed-in remuneration systems.
9. What other countries do you see as being future clean tech drivers?
Obviously, the two most important markets are the United States and China. Under the
new Obama administration, the United States is paying substantially more attention to
environmental protection and sustainability and has already taken initial steps to address
the failures of the past few decades. The Chinese economy is expanding at a dynamic
rate and, looking ahead over the next few years, will require considerably more commodities, energy and goods. At the same time, the population is growing quickly and their
needs are increasingly following Western consumer standards. However, the change in
the global climate affects all countries. Accordingly, the clean tech efforts of individual
countries must be supported at the political level by a “supranational declaration of
undertaking” such as the Kyoto Protocol, which expires in 2012. In this connection, it will
be particularly interesting to see the outcome of the follow-up protocol in Copenhagen,
particularly the extent to which the major powers, namely the United States and China,
are willing to agree on binding targets.
* Data based on statements of the companies
© DCTI 2009 | Volume 2 - Wind Energy
Interview with Dr. Jens Müller, CEO at Zenergy Power plc.
1. In your view, what distinguishes your company as a CleanTech driver?
Zenergy Power is a superconductor energy technology company. Superconductors are
near perfect conductors of electricity. Having no electrical resistance they experience
nearly no electrical losses. Therefore superconductors are a key technology for the
renewable power generation. Superconductor generators are much more efficient while
at the same time they are lighter and smaller than copper based generators. Regarding
offshore wind power, the reduction of weight and size is a very important competitive
edge. Furthermore superconductors enable technical solutions to reduce energy consumption significantly. Superconductor technology can, for example, halve the energy
for heating metals for extrusion.
2. CleanTech is regarded as a growing market. Do you share this view and in your
opinon, what role does wind energy play?
Given the global warming and the realisation of the economic damages resulting out
of it, technologies which are combining the challenges of ecology and economy offer
many opportunities. Technical solutions which are not polluting our environment imply
long-term investment protection for the companies. Carbon trading is just the first step
towards paying for the waste and pollution of natural resources. Research studies, for
example the study of McKinsey “Competitive factor Energy,” reveal this; likewise the
head of Siemens, Löscher, and the BDI (Voice of the German Industry) warn that Copenhagen has to be a success. According to Löscher, CleanTech has the potential to be the
key technology of the 21st century.
It is essential to reduce carbon dioxide emissions sustainably. Wind power is presently
– together with solar energy – one of the energy sources enabling prompt “future-proofed” power generation because it is technically mature and accepted worldwide.
3. Where do you see synergies in the various CleanTech fields?
Increasing renewable power generation facilitates the replacement of fossil fuels with
electrical solutions in numerous industrial applications, thereby reducing carbon dioxide
emissions significantly. This applies especially to industrial heating which consumes ca.
25% of the primary energy consumption (BWK v. 61 (2009), no. 6).
Superconductors will be very important in this context because on the one hand they
improve the economics of renewable power generation considerably and on the other
hand superconductor fault current limiters stabilise the power grids. Superconducting
grid devices, to which also superconducting cables belong, enable modernizing electricity systems with regards to trends such as massive renewables and smart grids with
optimized adjustment of production and consumption.
4. What is your growth strategy in the area of CleanTech?
Beside of the commercialisation of our magnetic billet heater – awarded with the
German Environmental Award 2009 – Zenergy Power focuses on energy technology. We
are developing devices for the stabilisation of power grids, such as fault current limiters
for medium and high voltage power grids, as well as – together with our technology
partners – generators for wind and hydro power. Concerning hydro energy we focus on
the repowering and increasing the efficiency of run-of-river plants with superconductor
generators. Concerning wind energy we are developing the superconductor components
for an 8-10MW offshore wind turbine. In both fields we are cooperating with the international well known generator company, Converteam. As the Zenergy Group has subsidiaries in Europe, the U.S., and Australia we can easily contact our clients all over the world.
5. How do you assess the political support for the CleanTech sector up to now – at
national and international level – with respect to the EU, the USA and the rest of
the world? What can be optimized in the future?
The awareness of a lack of alternatives for fighting climate change is wide-spread in Germany. Therefore Germany plays a major role in the international context.
The EEG, a law to support the renewable energy generation with feed-in tariffs, has
boosted the renewable energy generation in Germany. But there is a disparity concerning the support of highly energy-efficient technologies. As well the legislation on the
emission limits and the energy consumption (Eco design for Energy using products in the
EU) has to be further extended similar to the laws concerning catalytic converter and
particulate filter for cars.
6. Do you believe that the subject of CleanTech has entered into the consciousness of society, politics and business?
The environmental consciousness in society is much more developed than in the economy
and politics. However one has to notice that in the last two years a rethinking in the economy took place because of the development of new technologies combining economic
and ecologic advantages. For the politics it is sometimes difficult to reasonably model
appropriate instruments connecting different points of view. On the international level
this is even more complicated.
© DCTI 2009 | Volume 2 - Wind Energy
7. What are important innovations with respect to the compatibility of technical
advances and sustainability as well as the growing energy demands of the world population? Where do you see meaningful extensions?
The increase of energy efficiency and the decrease of energy consumption in the world
as well as the move towards power generation without carbon dioxide emissions are
the challenges of the 21st century. There is no alternative to the technology transfer to
cover the increasing energy demand of the newly industrialized and developing countries. There has to be compensation for companies transferring technology as well as a
safeguard against the reproduction without authorisation. Especially small and medium
sized companies lack the financial resources to legally pursue such malpractice on an
international level.
8. What distinguishes Germany as a CleanTech location?
German companies belong among the innovation leaders developing and commercialising environmental technologies, especially concerning renewable power generation.
Small and medium sized German companies have proven their ability for innovation
especially with their developments concerning solar power and wind energy. As in Germany the complete supply chain exists, German companies always could offer integrated
9. Which additional country markets do you regard as the „CleanTech drivers“ of the future?
In the future the U.S. will intensify their activities concerning environmental technologies. The new program of the Department of Energy funding investments into energy
saving technology is proving that, as well as the new willingness of the U.S. government
concerning activities against climate change. As well China focuses increasingly on green
technology – not only to sell them on international markets but as well to accommodate
the own energy demands (Renewables).
10. How will REpower further develop in the growing market of wind energy?
Why are superconductors a key driver for the clean technology sector?
Superconductors are nearly perfect electrical conductors as they have no electrical
resistance. Furthermore they have a ca. 100x higher current density than copper. So they
enable highly efficient as well as small and compact industrial devices. Superconductor
applications facilitate reducing use of energy and resources. Superconductor technology
enables companies to meet economic and ecologic demands.
11. In your opinion, what role does offshore wind energy play in achieving the energy and climate objectives in Germany?
What are the effects of superconductor technologies on renewable power generation?
Due to the physical properties of superconductors it is possible to build the generators
for wind and hydro power much smaller and lighter.
A conventional 6 MW wind turbine has a diameter of 9 m and a weight of 450 t whereas
a superconductor 6 MW generator only has a diameter of 3 m and a weight of 80t. The
economic advantage of superconductor generators is evident because size and weight
have a direct impact on the costs of building and installation of offshore wind turbines.
For example, a conventional 10 MW direct drive wind turbine would have a weight of
700t. It is not possible to transport such a device on normal roads. So wind turbines in
such generator power class are only manageable with a gearbox. In offshore wind power
a gearbox is undesirable because it also needs maintenance. A 10 MW superconductor
generator has a weight of 120t. Therefore the costs for the foundation are significantly lower and there are also fewer expenses for the logistics. That is the way to make
wind power profitable without subsidies. The repowering of hydro plants – particularly
landmarked run-of-river plants – is much easier with superconductor generators and
increases the efficiency considerably.
© DCTI 2009 | Volume 2 - Wind Energy
* Data based on statements of the companies
© DCTI 2009 | Volume 2 - Wind Energy
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