Certified Management Accountant (CMA)
Certified Management Accountant (CMA)
Certified Management Accountant (CMA) International Accreditation The new standard in controlling International recognition More than 40,000 graduates worldwide Certified by the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA) Efficient exam preparation English language Only at Controller Institut Next start: 24.04.2015 | Duration: 8 days Controller Institut Certified Management Accountant (CMA) CMA Certification – the international standard for professionals in Controlling Clemens Nachbauer Program Management, Controller Institut +43/1/368 68 78-210 clemens.nachbauer@ controller-institut.at The Certified Management Accountant (CMA) credential is an advanced professional certification that demonstrates your command of the critical accounting and financial management skills demanded by today’s international businesses. Like the CFA for the banking industry and the CPA for auditing companies, the CMA sets a standard for professionalism in its field management accounting. In the last 40 years more than 40,000 professionals worldwide have earned this essential credential. CMA, IMA and Controller Institut The CMA is offered and developed by the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA), the worldwide association for accountants and financial professionals working in business. IMA has more than 70,000 members worldwide and is committed to expand your professional skills, better manage your organization, and enhance your career. Controller Institut has established an exclusive partnership with IMA to form IMA’s sixth European chapter in Austria. CMA Exam and Preparation Course The CMA exams are computer-based tests that are administered in independent testing facilities in Vienna. The exam has two parts, one focusing on „Financial Planning, Performance and Control“, the other on „Financial Decision Making“. Every part is covered by elaborate study materials. The exam is demanding and challenging: more than half of candidates do not succeed on the first attempt. The preparation course focusses on exam preparation and intensive test training. The experienced trainers give an overview of all relevant exam areas and concentrate on problem solving techniques and test questions. The IMA recommends a minimum of 200 hours of preparation per level. This course does not compensate for this learning investment, but helps you to translate your learning efforts into the best test result. Information and registration: www.controller-institut.at | anmeldung@controller-institut.at | +43/1/368 68 78-242 Service: Eva Sukup | T: +43/1/368 68 78-242 | anmeldung@controller-institut.at General Terms and Conditions: The General Terms and Conditions (GTC) of the Controller Institut are available online: www.controller-institut.at/agb. On request we will send you a written version. Certified Management Accountant “I strongly believe in the formula: degree + work experience + professional certification = great finance professional. The CMA’s exam content is highly relevant to any financial expert and makes you a well rounded professional.” Pascal Peter, CMA, CIA, Commercial Director, Röfix AG, Switzerland Participants The intensive workshop focuses on exam preparation. It addresses all candidates who want to enhance their career by attaining an international certification and complete the CMA exam. To register for the CMA-Exam, an academic degree (Bachelor’s level or above) and specific work experience is required as well as the personal membership at Controller Institut and IMA. CMA preparation package – the fast track to the CMA Controller Institut offers a unique package to enable you to succeed efficiently at your CMA exam. It includes an intensive exam preparation course and all requirements for becoming a CMA: CMA PrEPArAtIOn PACkAgE ADDItIOnAl rEquIrEMEnts ≥ preparation for level 1 and level 2 of the CMA exam ≥ individual coaching and training ≥ experienced trainers holding the CMA credential ≥ extensive exam preparation ≥ materials from Wiley (not covered by this offer) ≥ membership at Controller Institut/ IMA ≥ registration for the exams at IMA and exam fees ≥ qualification and ethical requirements Date and Place Price Level 1: 24.04. – 25.04. and 08.05. – 09.05.2015 Level 2: 22.08. – 23.08. and 29.08. – 30.08.2015 from 9 AM until 6 PM con.center, Billrothstrasse 4, 1190 Vienna, Austria both exam levels one exam level Trainers Experienced trainers with CMA certification and IMA Association EUR 2.450,EUR 1.450,- The price includes snacks but no lunch. The seminar is being held in English. Please also ask for special company packages. All prices excl. taxes. Controller Institut Expanding Your Career Options Measuring What Matters The CMA program is designed specifically to validate mastery of the advanced skills required to manage finance functions within an organization, enabling you to deliver value in today’s complex business environment. There are two parts to the CMA exam. Each part is four hours, and they can be taken in any order. The exam is structured as follows: Part 1 – Financial Reporting, Planning, Performance and Control Part 2 – Financial Decision Making ≥ External Financial Reporting Decisions ≥ Planning, Budgeting and Forecasting ≥ Performance Management ≥ Cost Management ≥ Internal Controls ≥ Financial Statement Analysis ≥ Corporate Finance ≥ Decision Analysis ≥ Risk Management ≥ Investment Decisions ≥ Professional Ethics By focusing on advanced accounting and financial management skills, the exam is rigorous yet in line with on-the-job practice to help you perform better. Recognized by leading Companies CMA certification can expand your opportunities in your current position and for the long term. Leading employers – from multinational corporations to private firms, academic institutions, and not-for-profit organizations – seek out CMAs to hire and promote in positions requiring critical accounting and financial management skills. Today, CMAs hold key positions in a wide range of companies, including 3M, Alcoa, AT&T, Bank of America, Boeing, Cargill, Caterpillar, Hewlett-Packard, Johnson & Johnson, Procter & Gamble and Verizon. Earn the CMA and join a network of more than 40,000 certified peers worldwide. Controller Institut Praxisseminar Unternehmensbewertung Leitgedanke Unternehmensbewertungen sind in der Vorbereitung zur Transaktion von Unternehmen bzw. Unternehmensteilen ein unerlässliches Instrumentarium zur Chancen-Risiko-Analyse. Innerhalb dieser zwei Tage werden die in der Praxis am häufigsten anzutreffenden Bewertungsverfahren ausführlich dargestellt und anhand von aktuellen Fallbeispielen vertieft. Nutzen Sie den Workshop, um Unternehmensbewertungen selbst durchzuführen und mögliche Unternehmenstransaktionen zu simulieren. Nächster Start: 24. April 2015 | Dauer: 8 Tage Seminarinhalt Exklusiv am Controller Institut Bewertung von Synergien ≥≥ Erfolgsfaktoren und Gefahrenpotenziale bei Akquisitionen Bewertung von Synergien ≥≥ Erfolgsfaktoren und Gefahrenpotenziale bei Akquisitionen Abgrenzung Unternehmenswert und Kaufpreis ≥≥ Umgang mit Interessenskonflikten ≥≥ Kaufpreisgestaltung Abgrenzung Unternehmenswert und Kaufpreis ≥≥ Umgang mit Interessenskonflikten ≥≥ Kaufpreisgestaltung Vergleichswertverfahren ≥≥ Equity vs. Entity Multiples ≥≥ Stärken und Schwächen bei der Bewertung von Multiples Vergleichswertverfahren ≥≥ Equity vs. Entity Multiples ≥≥ Stärken und Schwächen bei der Bewertung von Multiples Wahl der „richtigen“ Bewertungsmethode ≥≥ Discounted Cashflow Methode ≥≥ Marktwertverfahren Wahl der „richtigen“ Bewertungsmethode ≥≥ Discounted Cashflow Methode ≥≥ Marktwertverfahren Prozess der Unternehmensbewertung Prozess der Unternehmensbewertung In englischer Sprache Effiziente Prüfungsvorbereitung Zertifiziert durch das Institute of Management Accountants (IMA) Bereits mehr als 40.000 Absolventen weltweit Workshop zur Unternehmensbewertung ≥≥ Welche Informationen fließen ein? ≥≥ Anwendung unterschiedlicher Bewertungsmethoden ≥≥ Aufzeigen von objektiven und subjektiven Bewertungen ≥≥ Einflussnahme der Finanzierbarkeit Internationale Anerkennung Workshop zur Unternehmensbewertung ≥≥ Welche Informationen fließen ein? ≥≥ Anwendung unterschiedlicher Bewertungsmethoden ≥≥ Aufzeigen von objektiven und subjektiven Bewertungen ≥≥ Einflussnahme der Finanzierbarkeit Der neue Standard im Controlling Certified Management Accountant (CMA) Internationaler Abschluss Mag. Robert Ehrenhöfer, CREDIT-SUISSE (LUXEMBOURG) S.A. Zweigniederlassung Österreich Mag. Robert Ehrenhöfer, CREDIT-SUISSE (LUXEMBOURG) S.A. Zweigniederlassung Österreich G0713A 05.10. – 06.10.2012, 09.00 – 17.00 Uhr BNR Termin Ort Teilnahmegebühr EUR 1.150,– (EUR 1.075,– für Firmenmitglieder) Wien Credit Points 16 8 Controller Institut Certified Management Accountant (CMA) CMA-Zertifikat – der internationale Abschluss für Experten im Controlling Mag. Clemens Nachbauer, MBA ProgrammManagement, Controller Institut +43/1/368 68 78-210 clemens.nachbauer@ controller-institut.at Der Certified Management Accountant (CMA) ist eine fortgeschrittene Akkreditierung für Experten in Controlling und Rechnungswesen. Der CMA zeigt Ihre Fähigkeiten in den erfolgskritischen Kompetenzen, die heute international nachgefragt werden. Ähnlich dem CFA für die Finanzindustrie und dem CPA für das Rechnungswesen, legt der CMA einen Standard für Exzellenz im internationalen Controlling. In den letzten 40 Jahren haben mehr als 40.000 Fachleute einen CMA-Abschluss erlangt. CMA, IMA und das Controller Institut Der CMA wird entwickelt und angeboten vom amerikanischen Institute of Management Accountants (IMA), einem der weltweit größten Vereine für Controller und Fachleute aus dem Rechnungswesen. IMA hat mehr als 70.000 Mitglieder weltweit und setzt sich für die Erweiterung Ihrer Kompetenzen, für die Verbesserung Ihrer Karrieremöglichkeiten und den Erfolg Ihrer Organisation ein. Das Controller Institut hat eine exklusive Partnerschaft mit IMA geschlossen und bildet das sechste europäische Chapter. CMA-Prüfung und Vorbereitungskurs CMA-Prüfungen sind computergestützte Tests, die von unabhängigen Testeinrichtungen weltweit – auch in Wien – abgehalten werden. Die Prüfung besteht aus zwei Teilen: „Unternehmensplanung und Steuerung“ und „Entscheidungsrechnung“. Jeder Teil wird durch umfassende Prüfungsmaterialien erläutert. Die Prüfung ist herausfordernd und anspruchsvoll: Mehr als die Hälfte der Kandidaten schafft den ersten Antritt nicht. Der Vorbereitungskurs fokussiert auf eine intensive Prüfungsvorbereitung und Test-Training. Erfahrene Trainer geben einen Überblick über alle Prüfungsgebiete, mögliche Prüfungsfragen und -techniken. Jeder Prüfungsteil erfordert eine Vorbereitung von ca. 200 Lernstunden. Der Vorbereitungskurs ersetzt diese Lernzeit nicht, aber hilft, Ihren Lernaufwand in beste Ergebnisse umzusetzen. Information und Anmeldung: www.controller-institut.at | anmeldung@controller-institut.at | +43/1/368 68 78-242 Service: Eva Sukup | T: +43/1/368 68 78-242 | anmeldung@controller-institut.at Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen: Die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen (AGB) des Controller Instituts stehen online zur Verfügung: www.controller-institut.at/agb. Auf Anfrage senden wir Ihnen gerne eine schriftliche Version zu. Certified Management Accountant “I strongly believe in the formula: degree + work experience + professional certification = great finance professional. The CMA’s exam content is highly relevant to any financial expert and makes you a well rounded professional.” Pascal Peter, CMA, CIA, Commercial Director, Röfix AG, Switzerland Teilnehmer Das Seminar bereitet intensiv auf die Prüfung vor. Es richtet sich an alle Personen, die ihre Karriere durch einen internationalen Abschluss verbessern und den CMA abschließen wollen. Für die Anmeldung ist ein akademischer Abschluss (min. BA), einschlägige Arbeitserfahrung und die Mitgliedschaft beim Controller Institut und dem IMA notwendig. CMA-Vorbereitungspaket – der schnelle Weg zum CMA Das Controller Institut bietet ein einzigartiges Paket an, um bei der CMA-Prüfung effizient erfolgreich zu ein. Das Paket beinhaltet eine intensive Prüfungsvorbereitung und alle Voraussetzungen für den CMA. CMA-Vorbereitungspaket Zusätzliche Anforderungen ≥Vorbereitung für Level 1 und Level 2 der CMA-Prüfung ≥individuelles Coaching und Training ≥erfahrene Trainer mit CMAAbschluss ≥intensive Prüfungsvorbereitung ≥Materialien von Wiley (nicht in diesem Angebot eingeschlossen) ≥Mitgliedschaft bei Controller Institut / IMA ≥Registriergebühren für IMA und die Prüfungsantritte ≥Qualifikations- und EthikAnforderungen Ort und Zeit Preis Level 1: 24.04. – 25.04. und 08.05. – 09.05.2015 Level 2: 22.08. – 23.08. und 29.08. – 30.08.2015 von 9:00 bis 18:00 Uhr con.center, Billrothstraße 4, 1190 Wien, Österreich beide Level ein Level Trainer Erfahrene Trainer mit CMA Abschluss EUR 2.450,– EUR 1.450,– Der Preis inkludiert Snacks, aber kein Mittagessen. Das Seminar wird auf Englisch abgehalten. Bitte erkundigen Sie sich nach speziellen Firmenangeboten. Alle Preise exkl. Steuern Controller Institut Erweitern Sie Ihr Karriere-Potenzial Messen, was zählt Das CMA-Programm ist speziell entworfen worden, um Fachkenntnisse zu zertifizieren, die für Führungspositionen im Finanz- und Controllingbereich in internationalen Organisationen notwendig sind. Die CMA-Prüfung hat zwei Teile und wird auf Englisch abgelegt. Jeder Teil umfasst vier Stunden. Die Prüfungsteile können in beliebiger Reihenfolge abgelegt werden. Die Prüfungsinhalte sind die folgenden: Part 1 – Unternehmensplanung und Steuerung Part 2 – Entscheidungsrechnung ≥Externe Finanzentscheidungen ≥Planung, Budgetierung und Forecasting ≥Leistungsmessung ≥Kostenmanagement ≥Interne Kontrollen ≥Bilanzanalyse ≥Corporate Finance ≥Entscheidungsrechnung ≥Risikomanagement ≥Investitionsentscheidungen ≥Wirtschaftsethik Die sehr anspruchsvolle Prüfung fokussiert auf fortgeschrittene Kenntnisse im Rechnungswesen und Finanzmanagement und entspricht damit den Herausforderungen in der Praxis. Anerkannt von führenden Unternehmen Ein CMA-Abschluss erweitert Ihre Karrieremöglichkeiten sowohl in Ihrer gegenwärtigen Position, als auch für die Zukunft. Führende Arbeitgeber – von multinationalen Konzernen über akademische Institutionen bis hin zu Non-Profit Organisationen – fragen für Ihre Führungspositionen vermehrt CMA-Absolventen nach. Heute besetzen CMA-Absolventen Schlüsselpositionen in verschiedenen Branchen und Unternehmen, wie z.B. 3M, Alcoa, AT&T, Bank of America, Boeing, Cargill, Caterpillar, Hewlett-Packard, Johnson & Johnson, Procter & Gamble und Verizon. Schließen auch Sie den CMA ab und werden Sie Mitglied in einem Netzwerk von mehr als 40.000 Fachleuten! Information on the requirements for CMA certification (Eligibility Criteria) Introduction The CMA program is rigorous and relevant. The two-part testing format requires a mastery of the critical skills and knowledge involved in planning, analysis, control and decision support. Candidates for CMA certification must complete the following two examination parts which can be taken in any order: · · Part 1: Financial Planning, Performance and Control (4 hours – 100 multiple-choice questions and two 30minute essay questions) Part 2: Financial Decision Making (4 hours – 100 multiple-choice questions and two 30-minute essay questions)1 The exams can be taken any day from Monday to Saturday during the following three testing windows: · January and February · May and June · September and October It is possible, but not necessary to do all two exams in one testing window. To obtain the CMA certification, you must fulfil all of the following requirements: 1. Become a member of the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA) 2. Enter the CMA-Program 3. Register for the CMA Examinations 4. Register for an exam date, take and pass the exam 5. Satisfy the Education and Experience Qualification (within 7 years of passing the exam) 6. Comply with the IMA Statement of Ethical Professional Practice 1. Become IMA Member You must be a member of IMA to be eligible for the CMA program. The Controller Institut has established an exclusive partnership with IMA and is IMA's chapter in Austria. You therefore have to contact Controller Institut to become an IMA member. Please find more information on our homepage http://www.controller-institut.at/mitgliedschaft/imachapter-austria/ or contact directly Ms. Verena Laber, MA., verena.laber@controller-institut.at, + 43/1/368 68 78 -212. Membership Fee: 150,- EUR 2. Enter the CMA-Program The CMA-Program starts with paying the entrance fee. The fee must be paid before taking the examinations and after becoming member of IMA. The CMA program must be completed within three years from entry into the program. You can enter the program by filling out an on-line registration form at IMA’s online store (http://tinyurl.com/cmaentrance) or calling +1 (201) 573-9000. You must be a member of IMA to enter the program. The Entrance Fee also includes: · Six month’s access to the CMA Support Package (sample questions and answers, CMA Assessment Tool) · Performance feedback reports for the multiple choice questions · Review of educational and experience credentials · Electronic access to the CMA Resource Guide · Access to peer-to-peer networking · Final score report upon completion of the exams · Personalized, numbered certificate upon completion of all requirements´ · Employer notification of achievement if desired Entrance Fee: 240,- USD 1 An overview of the exam areas can be found in the attachment. 3. Register for the CMA Examinations Candidates must register for an exam part within the first 12 months of entering the program. If a candidate does not register for an exam part within the first 12 months of entering the program, they will have to repay the entrance fee. If both exam parts are not successfully completed within three years of entering the certification program, the passed part will expire and the entrance fee will have to be repaid. If a candidate registers to test during a specific testing window and fails to take the exam, the candidate must register again and repay the full registration fee. You can register for an exam by filling an on-line registration form at IMA’s online store (http://tinyurl.com/cma-exams) or calling +1 (201) 573-9000, please have your credit card available. You must be a member of IMA and have paid the entrance fee to register for a CMA exam part. Exam Fee: 380,- USD per part2 4. Register for an exam date, take and pass the exam The exams are offered at an extensive network of Prometric Testing Centers located throughout the U.S. and Internationally. There are testing centres in Vienna, Munich, Prague, Bratislava and Budapest. An up-to-date listing of all Prometric Testing Centers can be found at Prometric’s website www.prometric.com/ICMA. You need to register for a specific date at the Prometric website. Make sure you do this at least one month before taking the exam, as places can be limited! There is no fee for taking the test. You will be informed by IMA directly if you have passed the test. You can also check on the IMA website with your login. It can take a couple of weeks for the results to be published. 5. Education and Experience Qualification You must have at least a Bachelors Degree, in any area, from an accredited college or University, or the equivalent (e.g. ACCA certification, B-Comm, etc.). A listing of International and US institutions accepted without evaluation is available at http://univ.cc/world.php. Degrees not from accredited institutions must be evaluated by an independent agency listed at www.aice-eval.org or www.naces.org. All transcripts must be submitted in English. You should have the college or university forward an official copy of your transcripts to IMA. Where that is not possible you may mail a notarized copy. Please include your IMA member number with these documents. Candidates for the CMA Certification must complete two continuous years of professional experience in management accounting and/or financial management. You may take the exam before meeting these two requirements and will need to complete these requirements within seven years of passing the exam. 6. Compliance with the IMA Statement of Ethical Professional Practice The IMA Statement on Ethical Professional Practice communicates the values and ethical standards that guide each member's conduct in the workplace and throughout the examination process. The principles of the Statement are tested on the CMA exams, and candidates are responsible for learning the Statement contents. Please find the pdf here: http://tinyurl.com/cma-ethics 2 $330 per part if a candidate registers for both parts at the same time in the same testing window Institute of Certified Management Accountants CMA CURRICULUM AND FORMAT CONTENT SPECIFICATION OVERVIEW (Effective January 1, 2015) The percentages below show the relative weight range given to each topic in each part. The level designations indicate the depth and breadth of topic coverage in each part. A detailed content specification outline can be downloaded from our website in the certification section. Part 1 Financial Reporting, Planning, Performance, and Control A. External Financial Reporting Decisions (15%) (Level C) Preparation of financial statements: balance sheet, income statement, statement of changes in equity, statement of cash flows; valuation of assets and liabilities; operating and capital leases; impact of equity transactions; revenue recognition; income measurement; major differences between U.S. GAAP and IFRS. B. Planning, Budgeting and Forecasting (30%) (Level C) Strategic planning process; budgeting concepts; annual profit plans and supporting schedules; types of budgets, including activity-based budgeting, project budgeting, flexible budgeting; top-level planning and analysis; and forecasting, including quantitative methods such as regression and learning curve analysis. C. Performance Management (20%) (Level C) Factors to be analyzed for control and performance evaluation including revenues, costs, profits, and investment in assets; variance analysis based on flexible budgets and standard costs; responsibility accounting for revenue, cost, contribution and profit centers; key performance indicators; and balanced scorecard. D. Cost Management (20%) (Level C) Cost concepts, flows and terminology; alternative cost objectives; cost measurement concepts; cost accumulation systems including job order costing, process costing, and activity-based costing; overhead cost allocation; supply chain management and business process performance topics such as lean manufacturing, ERP, theory of constraints, value chain analysis, ABM, continuous improvement and efficient accounting processes. E. Internal Controls (15%) (Level C) Corporate governance; internal control risk; internal control environment, procedures, and standards; responsibility and authority for internal auditing; types of audits; assessing the adequacy of the accounting information system controls; and business continuity planning. Part 2 Financial Decision Making A. Financial Statement Analysis (25%) (Level C) Calculation and interpretation of financial ratios; evaluate performance utilizing multiple ratios; market value vs. book value; profitability analysis; analytical issues including impact of foreign operations, effects of changing prices and inflation, off-balance sheet financing, and earnings quality. B. Corporate Finance (20%) (Level C) Types of risk; including credit, foreign exchange, interest rate, market, and political risk; capital instruments for long-term financing; initial and secondary public offerings; dividend policy; cost of capital; working capital management; raising capital; managing and financing working capital; mergers and acquisitions; and international finance. C. Decision Analysis (20%) (Level C) Relevant data concepts; cost-volume-profit analysis; marginal analysis; make vs. buy decisions; income tax implications for operational decision analysis; pricing methodologies including market comparables, cost-based and value-based approaches. D. Risk Management (10%) (Level C) Types of risk including business, hazard, financial, operational, strategic, legal compliance and political risk; risk mitigation; risk management; risk analysis; and ERM. E. Investment Decisions (15%) (Level C) Cash flow estimates; discounted cash flow concepts; net present value; internal rate of return, discounted payback; payback; income tax implications for investment decisions; risk analysis; and real options. F. Professional Ethics (10%) (Level C) Ethical considerations for management accounting professionals and for the organization. A detailed content spec is available from the ICMA or it can be downloaded from on our website www.imanet.org/certification.