Komodo Dragon (Varanus komodoensis): A Bibliography.


Komodo Dragon (Varanus komodoensis): A Bibliography.
KOMODO DRAGON (Varanus komodoensis):
Kay A. Kenyon, Librarian
National Zoological Park Branch
Smithsonian Institution Libraries
Washington D.C.
March 1990
September 1995
All references are listed alphabetically by author and divided into the following two sections:
Angel, F. 1943. La Vie des Cameleons et autres Lezards. Gallimard (Paris). (In French)
Anon. 1926. Das drachenparadies von Komodo. Berliner Tageblatt. (In German)
Anon. 1926. Munchhausen am equator. Wild und Hund. Berlin, No. 44. (In German)
Anon. 1927. Berliner Illustrierten Zeitung, No. 7. (In German)
Anon. 1927. The giant monitor lizard. Field (London), 149:115.
Anon. 1928. Die riesenechse von Komodo. Der Naturforscher (Berlin), 5(9):377-380. (In German)
Anon. 1934. Giant komodo dragons come to America. The Literary Digest (New York).
Anon. 1938. Guide to the Zoological Gardens of London Zoological Society of London, p. 36.
Anon. 1942. Guide Book, The Cincinnati Zoo, pp. 91-92.
Anon. 1944. Official Guide Book of the San Diego Zoo, Balboa Park, San Diego. Zoological Society
of San Diego, p. 9.
Anon. 1950. Official Guide Book, Chicago Zoological Park, Brookfield, Ill. Chicago Zoological
Society, p. 87.
Anon. 1950. Official Guide to the Milwaukee County Zoological Park (Washington Park Zoo), p. 87.
Anon. 1955. The great komodo dragon, the world's largest lizard, nine feet long, takes up residence in
the Bronx Zoo. Life (New York), June, pp. 137-140.
Anon. 1955. News item with photograph. The New York Times, 5 May.
Anon. 1959. Official Guide Book, San Diego Zoo, Balboa Park, San Diego. California Zoological
Society of San Diego, p. 15.
Anon. 1962. Guide to the San Diego Zoological Gardens. Zoological Society of San Diego, p. 96.
Anon. 1963. The sciences. Bulletin of the New York Academy of Science (New York), 3(12).
Anon. 1963. San Diego Zoo gives a home to fearsome rarities, living pair of dragons. Life (New
York), Sept. 27, 1963.
Attenborough, D. 1957. Zoo Quest for a Dragon. London: The Lutterworth Press. Republished by
Pan Books Ltd. as a pocket book in 196l.
Ballou, G. 1957. Varanus, the little dragon. Nature Magazine (New York), 50:79-80.
Barrett, C. 1928. Lizards in Australian wilds. Bulletin of the New York Zoological Society,
Barbor, T. 1926. Reptiles and Amphibians, Their Habits and Adaptations. Boston: Houghton Mifflin
and Co., p. 12.
Bergh, W. Van Den. 1959. Notre societe possede a nouveau des varans de komodo. Zoo (Antwerp),
24, Part 3, pp. 75-78. (In Flemish)
Brongersma, L.D. 1932. Uber die eiablage und die eier von varanus komodoensis ouwens. Der
Zoologischer Garten (Leipzig) Neue Folge, 5 (1/3):45-48.
Broughton, Lady. 1936. A modern dragon hunt on Komodo. The National Geographic Magazine,
Brown, H.B. 1938. Komodo dragons. Parks & Recreation, 22(7:368-369.
Burden, W.D. 1927. Dragon Lizards of Komodo: An Expedition to the Lost World of the Dtuch East
Indies. New York:G.P. Putnam Sons, 221 pp.
-----. 1927. The quest for the dragon of Komodo. Natural History (New York), 27:3-18.
-----. 1927. Stalking the dragon lizard on the island of Komodo. National Geographic, 52(2):216-232.
-----. 1928. Results of the Douglas Burden Expedition to the Island of Komodo. 5. Observations on
the habits and distribution of Varanus komodoensis ouwens. American Museum Novitates, pp.
1-10, No. 316.
Cochran, D.M. Dangerous reptiles. Report of the Smithsonian Institution 1943-44, pp. 275-325.
Cogger, H.G. 1959. Australian goannas. Australian Museum Magazine (Natural History) (Sydney),
Collins, P. 1956. My "Komodo Dragon" circus. Animal Kingdom, Bulletin of the New York
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Conant, R. 1937. The komodo dragons, world's largest lizards. The Philadelphia Zoo. Bulletin of the
Zoological Society of Philadelplhia, 1(1):1-2.
-----. 1938. Official Illustrated Guide Book to the Philadelphia Zoological Gardens. Zoological
Society of Philadelphia, p. 84.
-----. 1946. Official Illustrated Guide Book, Philadelphia Zoological Garden. Zoological Society of
Philadelphia, 6th edition, p. 72.
Dittmars, R.L. 1928. The lizards. Bulletin of the New York Zoological Society, 31(4):136.
-----. 1934. The giant monitors of Komodo. Bulletin of the New York Zoological Society, 37:67-68.
Dunn, E.R. 1927. Results of the Douglas Burden Expedition to the Island of Komodo. 1. Notes on
Varanus komodoensis. American Museum Novitates, No. 286:1-10.
-----. 1927. A trip to the Dutch East Indies. The Smith Alumnae Quarterly, pp. 157-160.
Dunton, S. and Anon. 1955. Komodo monitors. Animal Kingdom, Bulletin of the New York
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Amphibians and Fishes, p. 146.
-----. 1937. The duration of life in animals, further notes, III - Reptiles. Proceedings of the
Zoological Society of London, p. 74.
Fox, H.M. 1940. Report of the Penrose Research Laboratory of the Zoological Society of
Philadelphia, p. 17.
Fukuda, S. 1963. Reminiscences of the komodo dragon. Animals and Zoo (Tokyo), 15:7. (In
Gillespie, T.H. 1938. Annual Report of the Zoological Society of Scotland for Year ending March 31,
1938 (Edinburgh), p. 14.
Gillsater, S. 1961. We Ended in Bali. London: George Allen and Co.
Gilmore, C.W. and D. Cochran. 1930. Cold blooded vertebrates. Smithsonian Scientific Series
(Washington), 8, Parts II and III, p. 336.
Giltay, L. 1931. Observations teratologiques sur deux squelettes de Varanus komodoensis ouwens.
Bulletin du Musee Royal d'Histoire Naturelle de Belgique or Mededeelingen van het Koninklijk
Natuurhistorisch Museum van Belgie Bruxelles (Brussels), 7(29):1-7. (In Flemish)
Goin, C.J. and L.B. Goin. 1962. Introduction to Herpetology, W.H.Freeman & Co., San Francisco, pp.
264 and 282.
Gregory, W.K. 1934. Whence came the "dragons of Komodo." Bulletin of the New York Zoological
Society, 37:68-74.
Hegner, R. and J.Z. Hegner. 1935. Parade of the Animal Kingdom. New York:McMillan Company, p.
Heuvelmans, B. 1959. On the Track of Unknown Animals. New York: Hill Wang and Company.
Hoogerwerf, A. 1948. Enkele waarenemingen bij jonge Komodo- Varanen (Varanus komodoensis
Ouwens) in den zevangen staat en een beschouwing over den duur van het ei-stadium bij deze
reptielen. Chronica Naturae (Batavia), 104(2):33-41. (In Danish)
-----. 1954. Nature protection in Indonesia. Oryx (London), 2:221-227.
-----. 1955. Le lezard geant de Komodo. Science et Nature (Paris), No. 9, May-June. (In French)
-----. 1956. Ietsover de vogels van de eilanden Komodo, padar en rintja, het land van Varanus
komodoensis. Limosa, 28:96-112.
-----. 1958. The Indonesian giant (Varanus komodoensis). Natural History (New York), 67:136-141.
Horst, O. 1926. Varanus komodoensis. De Tropische Natuur, Buitenzorg, 15:118-121. (In Dutch)
Huut, M.A. Van. 1937. Capturing giant dragon lizards for the world's zoos: A new dutch expedition to
Komodo Island. Illustrated London News, 53:174-175.
Jong, J.K. de. 1927. Varanus komodoensis ouwens. Annals and Magazine of Natural History
(London), 9th series, 19: 589-591.
----- and L. D. Brongersma. 1927. Anatomische notizen uber Varanus ouwens. 1. Die bewegungen im
schadel von Varanus komodoensis. Zoologischer Anzeiger (Leipzig), 70:65-69 (In German).
-----. 1946. Newly hatched Varanus komodoensis. Treubia, Buitenzorg (hors-series) 1944, pp. 143145.
Lallement, G.F.A. 1929. De reuzenleguan (Varanus komodoensis) op de eilanden komodo en rindja.
De Tropische Natuur, (Buitenzorg), 18(8):125-128.
Lederer, G. 1933. Beobachtungen an waranen im Frankfurter Zoo. Der Zoologischer Garten (Leipzig)
Neue Folge, 6:ll8-126.
-----. 1942. Der Drachenwaran (Varanus komodoensis ouwens). Der Zoologische Garten (Leipzig)
Neue Folge), 14(5/6):227-244.
Lonnberg. E. 1928. Notes on Varanus komodoensis ouwens and its affinities. Arkiv foer Zoologi
(Uppsala), 19A(27):1-11.
Loveridge, A. 1945. Reptiles of the Pacific World. New York: Macmillan Company, pp. 59-61.
Maleyev, Y. 1962. The komodo dragon. Bulletin of the Philadelphia Herpetological Society,
Meinertz, T. 1952. Das herz und die grossen blutgefasse bei der Komodoeidechae, placovaranus
komodoensis (Ouwens). Zeitschrift fur Anatomie und Entwicklungsgesiche (Berlin), 116:315319.
Mertens, R. 1929. Uber einige neu oder selten eingefuhrte Amphibien und Reptilien aus Sudost-Asien,
III. Eidechsen-Varanus komodoensis Ouwens. Blatter fur Aquarien und Terrarienkunde
(Stuttgart), 40(23):410-412. (In German)
-----. 1930. Die Amphibien und Reptilien der Insel Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa und Flores.
Abhandlungen der Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft, Frankfurt, 42(3):115344. (In German)
-----. 1948. Uber den komod-waran des Berliner "Aquariums," besonders seinen schadel.
Senckenbergiana (Frankfurt au Main), 28, Part 4/6, pp. 153-157. (In German)
-----. 1952. Die riesenechse von Komodo. Orion, 7, Part 2, pp. 50-53. (In German)
-----. 1959. Liste der warane asiens under der Indo-australischer inselwelt mit systematischen
bemerkungen. Senkenbergiana Biologica (Frankfurt a/m), 40:221-240. (In German)
-----. 1960. The World of Amphibians and Reptiles. New York: McGraw Hill pp. 16, 200 and 154 on
Varanus komodoensis.
Mitchell, P.C. 1928. Official Guide to the Gardens-Regents Park. Zoological Society of London, 25th
ed., p. 26.
Oliver, J.A. 1955. 60th Annual Report, New York Zoological Society, Department of Reptiles, p. 16.
-----. 1956. 61st Annual Report, New York Zoological Society, Department of Reptiles, pp. 17-18.
-----. 1959. 64th Annual Report, New York Zoological Society, Department of Reptiles, p. 21.
Ouwens, P.A. 1912. On a large Varanus species from the Island of Komodo. Bulletin, Jardin
Botanique Buitenzorg, 6:1-3.
Parker, H.W. 1946. The dragons of Komodo. Zoo Life (London), 1(3):85-87.
Pfeffer, P. 1959. Observations sur le varan de Komodo. (Varanus komodoensis Ouwens, 1912). Terre
et la Vie (Paris), 106(2/3):195-243. (In French)
Piazzini, G. 1960. The Children of Lilith. New York:E.P. Dutton, 192pp. Translated from the French
by Peter Green. (The Piazzini Expedition to Komodo of which Pfeffer was a member.)
Pope, C.H. 1955. The Reptile World, A Natural History of the Snakes, Lizards, Turtles and
Crocodilians. New York:Alfred Knopf, 325pp.
Proctor, J.B. 1929. On a living komodo dragon (Varanus komodoenis Ouwens) exhibited at the
Scientific Meeting, October 23, 1928. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, pp.
Ratcliffe, H.L. 1941. Report of the Penrose Research Laboratory of the Zoological Society of
Philadelphia, p. 34.
-----. 1942. Report of the Penrose Research Laboratory of the Zoological Society of Philadelphia, p.
Rettich, M. 1949. Wie der drache von Komod entdeckt wurde. Arch Noah (Hamburg), l:188. (In
Reuther, R.T. and L.J. Goss. 1961. Official Guide Book, Cleveland Zoological Park, p. 21.
Rothschild, The Lord. 1927. Exhibition of a mounted specimen of Varanus komodoensis. Proceedings
of the Zoological Society of London, p. 256.
Sachs, W.B. 1927. Neues und zusammengefasstes von riesenwaran der Komodo-Inseln, Varanus
komodoensis Ouwens. Blatter fur Aquarien und Terrarienkunde (Stuttgart), 38(22):450-456.
(In German)
Schmidt, K.P. and R.F. Inger. 1957. Living Reptiles of the World. Garden City, New York: Hanover
House, 287pp.
Shaw, C.E. 1963. Dragons big and bold. Zoonooz (San Diego), 36(10):3-7.
Tanzer, E.L. and JHR. W.C. Van Heurn. 1938. Observations made by E.L. Tanzer and Jhr. W.C. van
Heurn with Reference to the propagation of the Varanus komodoensis Ouwens. Treubia, 16
Vierheller, G.P. 1937. Official Guide Book, St. Louis Zoological Gardens, Issued by the Zoological
Board of Control, St. Louis, p. 64.
Vorstman, A.G. 1928. Varanen en pythons. De Tropsche Natuur, (Buitenzorg), 17:30. (In Dutch)
-----. 1933. The Septa in the ventricle of the heart of Varanus komodoensis. Proceedings of the
Section of Science, Koninklijke Academie van Wetenschapen, te Amsterdam, 36(10):911-913.
Wendt, H. 1959. Varanus komodoensis In: Out of Noah's Ark. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, pp. 366372.
Anon. 1992. (Komodo dragons). Dieren, 9(2):34. (In Danish).
Auffenberg, W. 1972. Komodo dragons. Natural History, 81(4):52-59.
-----. 1978. Social and feeding behavior in Varanus komodoensis. In: N. Greenberg and P.D.
McLean, eds., Behavior and Neurology of Lizards: An Interdisciplinary Colloquium, National
Institute of Mental Health (Rockville, Md.), pp. 301-336.
-----. 1981. The Behavioral Ecology of the Komodo Monitor. Gainesville, FL: University of Presses
of Florida, 406 pp.
Bacon, J.P. 1975-76. Thermoregulation in Varanus komodoensis in captivity-- a preliminary report.
American Association of Zoological Parks and Aquariums Regional Conference Proceedings,
pp. 211-214.
Bacon, J.P., J.L. Behler, J. Groves, and W. Zeigler. 1983. The Komodo Monitor Consortium.
American Association of Zoological Parks and Aquariums Annual Conference Proceedings, pp.
Behler, J.L. 1986. The komodo monitor consortium - 1986. American Association of Zoological Parks
and Aquariums Annual Conference Proceedings, pp. 159-161.
Benirschke, K. 1986. Vanishing Animals. New York: Springer-Verlag.
Benirschke, K. and A. Kumamoto. 1981. At last - the chromosomes of the komodo dragon. Zoonooz,
Brouwer, K. 1993. Unique births of Varanus komodoensis. Lacerta, 51(5):152-154.
Forcelli, D.A. 1987. Dragon de komodo. En Peligro Extincion, 1(2):2pp.
Farlow, J.O. 1983. Dragons and dinosaurs. Paleobiology, 9(3):207-210.
Green, B., D. King, M. Braysher, and A. Saim. 1991. Thermoregulation water turnover and energetics
of free-living komodo dragons Varanus komodoensis. Comparative Biochemistry and
Physiology A: Comparative Physiology, 99(1-2):97-102.
Gunther, A. 1992. Auf den inseln der komodo-drachen. Datz, 45(3):194-197.
Horn, H.G. 1985. Contributions to the behavior of monitor lizards the ritual fights of Varanus
komodoensis and Varanus semiremex as well as the display phases of the ritual fights of
Varanus timorensis timorensis and Varanus timorensis similis. Salamandra, 21(2-3):169-179.
(In German)
Hansen, K. 1984. (A dead goat is the prize for the komodo dragon. The world's largest reptile can
mean a very dangerous encounter.) Kaskelot, No. 61:18-24.
Judd, H.L., J.P. Bacon, D. Rueedi, J. Girard, K. Benirschke,and P.J.S. Olnrey (Ed.). 1977.
Dermination of sex in the komodo dragon Varanus komodoensis. International Zoo Yearbook,
Lange, J. 1989. Observations on the komodo monitors Varanus komodoensis in the zoo aquarium
Berlin West Germany. International Zoo Yearbook, 28:151-153.
Lange, J. 1991. Drei komodowarane im zoo-aquarium Berlin. Datz, 44(10):656-659.
Lutz, D. and J.M. Lutz. 1991. Komodo: the Living Dragon. Salem, OR: Dimi Press, 174pp.
McNabb, B.K. and W. Auffenberg. 1976. The effect of large body size on the temperature regulation
of the komodo dragon Varanus-komodoensis. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A.
Comparative Physiology, 55(4):345-350.
Padian, K. 1981. Komodo dragons fit Triassic trackways. Zoonooz, 54(12):16-17.
Padian, K. and P.E. Olson. 1984. Footprints of the komodo monitor and the trackways of fossil
reptiles. Copeia, 1984(3):662-671.
Pecenko, N. 1989. Dragons from the island of Komodo. Proteus, 52(7):243-250.
Piropato, C. 1995. Komodo: A modern dragon. Zootails (Fort Wayne Zoo), May/June:1-3. (Also
found as a supplement in Wildlife Conservation, 98(3):F1-F3.
Preston, D.J. 1982. Komodo dragon. Natural History, 91(3):72.
Rese, R. 1988. Contribution to the longevity of large monitor lizards in captivity. Sauria, 10(1):25-26.
(In German with English summary).
Roberson, M.-R. 1988. And here be dragons...of a different sort. Zoogoer, 17(4):10,11.
Rookmaaker, L.C. 1975. The history of some komodo dragons Varanus-komodoensis captured on
Rintja Indonesia in 1927. Zoologische Mededelingen (Leiden), 49(6):65-71.
Ruempler, G. 1992. Auf den supren der letzten drachen - zu bezuch bei den riesenwaranen der insel
komodo. Zeitschrift des Koelner Zoo, 35(4): 139-150.
Stevens, J. 1993. Facing the dragons. International Wildlife, 23(3):30-34.
Studer, P. 1971. Experiences in rearing komodo dragons. Herpetological Review, 3(2): 32.
Surahya, S. 1989. Komodo: Studi Anatomi dan Kedudukannya Dalam Sistematik Hewan.
Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press, 324pp. (Anatomy and classification).
Suzuki, N. and T. Hamada. 1992. Quadruped function of the komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis)
in a wild habitat. Scientific Papers of the College of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo,
Suzuki, N., K. Igarashi, and T. Hamada. 1991. Bipedal standing facility of Varanus komodoensis
reptilia in a wild habitat. Scientific Papers of the College of Arts and Sciences, 41(2):95-105.
Verbiest, G. 1992. Draken op komodo (Dragons on Komodo). Dieren, 9(4):113-116. (In Danish).
Verbiest, G. 1992. Komodovaranen in dierentuinen (Komodo dragons in zoos). Dieren, 9(4): 117118. (In Danish).
Walsh, T. and R. Rosscoe. 1993. Komodo monitors hatch at the National Zoo. Vivarium (Lakeside),
Walsh, T., R. Rosscoe, and G.F. Birchard. 1993. Dragon tales. The history, husbandry, and breeding
of komodo monitors at the National Zoological Park. Vivarium (Lakeside), 4(6):23-26.

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