Symposium - Institut für komplementäre und integrative Medizin
Symposium - Institut für komplementäre und integrative Medizin
Symposium General Information The Future of Complementary and Integrative Medicine Research – International Perspectives Monday, 1. December 2014, 13.30 – 17.45 h Organization/Information Prof. Dr. Claudia Witt Email: Phone: +41 (0)44 255 3354 Credits AIM/MIG: 2 Venue Symposium UniversityHospital Zurich Lecture Hall East (Grosser Hörsaal OST) Gloriastrasse 29, CH-8091 Zurich Special Announcement: Inauguration Lecture /Antrittsvorlesung Venue Inauguration Lecture / Veranstaltungsort Antrittsvorlesung Universität Zürich Aula (KOL-G-201) Rämistrasse 71, CH-8006 Zurich Public transport/Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel: Tram line no./Tram Nr. 5 via Bellevue to station/bis Haltestelle «Platte» Tram line no./Tram Nr. 9 via Bellevue to station/bis Haltestelle «ETH/Universitätsspital» Prof. Dr. Claudia Witt, MBA Komplementäre und integrative Medizin – Standortbestimmung und Perspektiven Montag, 1. Dezember 2014, 18.15 – 19.00 Uhr Program Speakers 13.30 h Opening Rita Ziegler, Prof. Dr. Daniel Wyler, Prof. Dr. Dr. Klaus Grätz PD Dr. Jürgen Barth Research Director Institute for Complementary and Integrative Medicine UniversityHospital Zurich, Switzerland 13.45 h 20 Years Cochrane Complementary Medicine Field – Where Do We Stand? Prof. Dr. Brian Berman Prof. Dr. Brian Berman Professor of Family Medicine Director Center for Integrative Medicine, Coordinator Cochrane CAM Field University of Maryland, School of Medicine, Baltimore, USA 14.15 h Placebo Effects in Complementary and Conventional Medicine Prof. Dr. Irving Kirsch Prof. Dr. Paul Dieppe Professor of Health and Wellbeing University of Exeter, UK 14.45 h Patient-Doctor-Scientist Interaction: Impact on Treatment Outcome PD Dr. Jürgen Barth 15.15 h Coffee Break 15.45 h Bridging Western and Chinese Medicine with Systems Biology Prof. Dr. Jan van der Greef 16.15 h The Evaluation of Health and Wellbeing Prof. Dr. Paul Dieppe 16.45 h Comparative Effectiveness Research in Complementary and Integrative Medicine Prof. Dr. Claudia Witt, MBA 17.15 h 17.45 h The Impact of Stakeholder Engagement – Lessons Learned from Health Services and Public Health Research Prof. Dr. Steven Woolf, MPH Closing Prof. Dr. Dr. Klaus Grätz Dean Faculty of Medicine University of Zurich, Switzerland Prof. Dr. Jan van der Greef Professor of Analytical Bioscience at Leiden University Principal Scientist at TNO, Zeist, Netherlands Prof. Dr. Irving Kirsch Professor Emeritus of Medicine at the University of Connecticut, University of Hull, and Plymouth University, UK Associate Director of Placebos Studies & Therapeutic Encounter (PiPS), Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA Prof. Dr. Claudia Witt, MBA Professor of Medicine and Chair Institute for Complementary and Integrative Medicine UniversityHospital Zurich and University of Zurich, Switzerland Prof. Dr. Steven Woolf, MPH Professor of Family Medicine Director, VCU Center on Society and Health Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond (Virginia), USA Prof. Dr. Daniel Wyler Vice President for Medicine and Natural Sciences University of Zurich, Switzerland Rita Ziegler, lic.oec. HSG President of the Executive Board UniversityHospital Zurich, Switzerland