Casper Adventure Guide
Casper Adventure Guide
c a s p e r m o u n t a i n TABLE OF CONTENTS 02-03....... 04-07....... 08-11....... 12-15....... 16-19....... 20-23....... 24-33....... 34-35....... WELCOME TO WYOCITY W I L D AT H E A R T B U C K E T L I S T H O O K E D O N F LY F I S H I N G O N Y O U R WAY T O Y E L L O W S T O N E BIKE CASPER TRAVEL WYOCITY BY TRAIL 1 2 M O N T H S F O R T H E W I L D AT H E A R T EXPLORE HISTORY CONTACT s e e i t a l l at visitc 800.852.1889 l at. 42˚28’4.78” lo n g. 10 6 ˚ 5 1 ’ 9 . 6 4 " f r e m o n t c a n y o n n o r t h p l a t t e r i v e r 2016 CASPER, WYOMING COPYRIGHT © 2016 | Casper Area Convention & Vistors Bureau A publication of the Casper Area Convention and Visitors Bureau. All photos, illustrations and text are the property of the CACVB. Unauthorized use prohibited. 36-37....... 38-39....... 40-41....... 42-43....... 44-48....... 49-55....... 56-57....... 139 West 2nd Street, Suite 1B Casper, WY 82601 E X P L O R E WAT E R WAY S E X P L O R E C A S P E R M O U N TA I N EXPLORE ART + MUSEUMS EXPLORE SHOPPING CALENDAR OF EVENTS DIRECTORY MAP 1 (800) 852-1889 1 (307) 234-5362 Chief Executive Officer Director of Sports & Events Brook Kreder John Giantonio, CDME, CSEE Chief Operating Officer Director of Group Services Kathy Henion Darlene Matz Director of Meetings & Conventions Visitor Services Coordinator Daniel Fulton, MBA, CASE Brenna Noble w e lco m e You’ve always known that boundaries don’t apply to you. Even when you’re trapped behind your desk, your heart lies beyond the city limits. You see beauty in two places — outside and within. Your wanderlust cannot be quenched. To you, the outdoors are more than great — they’re everything. You find peace on a still, quiet mountain or in the glow of a campfire, toasting s’mores with rowdy friends. You don’t belong inside. Your spirit can’t be tamed. You are wild at heart. Casper is the mountain town for the wild at heart. With Casper Mountain, the North Platte River, Alcova Reservoir and Pathfinder Reservoir within a few minutes of the urban core, it doesn’t matter how you prefer to experience the outdoors — you’ll find it in Casper. Even in town, you’ll see miles of wide open spaces because we treasure our breathing room. And since traffic jams are sometimes more likely to be caused by wildlife than vehicles, our highways are as uncrowded as our mountain trails. In Casper, recreation is more than a hobby or pastime; it’s the state of being re-created. It’s the refreshment of our strength and essence. We spend our lunch breaks fishing the downtown stretch of the North Platte River. Happy hours happen 2 VISITCASPER.COM // 1-800-852-1889 whenever we’re outside. For us, a night out is snowshoeing by moonlight on Casper Mountain. And when we finally decide to return to town, we beat the cold with the warmth of good company. Casper invites you to ignite the wild within your own heart. To explore our limitless open spaces. To ponder the architecture of a rolling mountain range. To discover the soul of a campfire. To realize your dream of hiking, mountain biking and fishing — all within a single weekend. Using this magazine as your guide, discover how Casper can take your vacation outside expectations, starting with the Wild at Heart Bucket List (pages 4-7). Connect to your inner wanderer with our Travel WyoCity by Trail guide (pages 20-23), rediscover all the reasons you ride in Bike Casper (pages 16-19) or plan the Western adventure of a lifetime with On Your Way to Yellowstone (pages 12-15). Use our 12 Months for the Wild at Heart (pages 24-33) and Calendar of Events (pages 44-48) to decide when you’ll be visiting, but since you can be outdoors year-round, we recommend multiple trips. After all, our skies are as blue in snowy February as they are in sunny July. VISITCASPER.COM // 1-800-852-1889 3 bucket WILD AT HEART BUCKET LIST 2016 NO VISIT TO CASPER WOULD BE COMPLETE WITHOUT EXPERIENCING A FEW OF THE ESSENTIAL ACTIVITIES THAT MAKE US WYOCITY PROUD. #2 T #3 F SIP ON HAND CRAFTED DRINKS #1 FISH THE NORTH PLATTE 4 VISITCASPER.COM N amed the "#1 Big Fish Destination in the World" by American Angler Magazine, the North Platte River is firmly planted on the radar screens and wish lists of anglers all over the world. Whether you’re planning to cast into the waters of the famed Miracle Mile or Grey Reef stretches, or in the heart of Casper’s downtown business // 1-800-852-1889 district (see Urban Fly Fishing page 10), bring your rod when you visit Casper. And if you happen to forget your gear, you’re in good hands. Casper is home to a number of the area’s top fly fishing shops and expert guides. So, if you're in the mood to catch big fish and lots of them, start planning your trip today at TRAIL BLAZING he craft distilling craze has made its way to WyoCity, and Backwards Distilling Company is quickly earning a reputation as one of the region's finest with the release of their Ringleader Vodka. Visit their facility for a tour and a handcrafted libation, like their signature Big Top — a cocktail featuring house-made tarragon atbiking requires power, finesse and the disposition to dust off snow and jump back on your bike after a huge crash (because you will). With more than 3 miles of groomed, marked and well maintained trails near Casper Mountain’s Skunk Hollow, Casper is a premiere destination for plowing VISITCASPER.COM syrup combined with vodka and freshly squeezed grapefruit juice. This familyowned business is regularly adding new spirits and concocting new and delicious drinks, so be sure to stop by Backwards during every visit. Find more information online at bikes through powder. Even in the summer months, you’ll love the extra stability of a fatbike on diverse trail surfaces like sand, exposed roots and rocks. If you left your fatbike in the garage, don’t worry. Just visit one of Casper’s local bike shops for a rental and friendly advice. // 1-800-852-1889 5 bucket #4 I #5 L SKI BY MOONLIGHT EXPERIENCE LIFE ON THE TRAILS 6 VISITCASPER.COM n WyoCity, we take a night out to new heights — and lower temperatures. One of our favorite ways to celebrate friends, nature and our beautiful skyline is cross country skiing near sunset atop Casper Mountain. With 15 miles of groomed trails ranging from beginner to expert levels, this is a truly unique and special experience. ess than 150 years ago, emigrants battled harsh conditions, extreme weather and deadly terrain to get to the “Promised Land” over the Oregon, Mormon and California Trails. You may have seen photos in history books, but to experience what life was like for the pioneers, visit the National Historic // 1-800-852-1889 And while many of the trails are lit, a full moon can bathe the entire area with enough natural glow to safely light your path. You could choose to enjoy the stillness and quiet hush of the mountain, or bring a group of friends for a livelier ski. Don't forget to pack a guitar and firewood for the after party at a nearby campsite! Trails Interpretive Center ( Seven galleries relate stories of life on the trail with an award-winning audio-visual presentation and lifelike displays that help visitors experience first-hand the hardships and tenacious spirit of America’s western settlers. #6 CHASE WATERFALLS #7 SEE CHAMPIONS CROWNED G arden Creek Falls in Rotary Park at the base of Casper Mountain is one of Casper’s most treasured spots. Easily accessible and a starting point for some of the area’s best hiking, watching the clear water cascade into a primal mountain pool is a foolproof way to remind yourself why T he west comes alive for one week every summer during the College National Finals Rodeo. Right out of the chute, bulls rage, ropes fly and competitors fall. Known as the Rose Bowl of College Rodeo, the nation’s top collegiate athletes compete annually in saddle bronc riding, bareback riding, bull VISITCASPER.COM you love nature. For an easy trek, take the trail that winds up to the falls culminating in a breathtaking scene of water and rock. The 4.5 mile Bridle Trail, which begins at the base of the falls, is a vigorous but rewarding hike with spectacular views of the city below. riding, tie-down roping, steer wrestling, team roping, break away roping, goat tying and barrel racing at the Casper Events Center. This year, we'll pull on our jeans, slip into our finest boots and tip our hats to champions June 12-18. // 1-800-852-1889 7 fishing You dream of a place where time floats away. Where the whole world exists between the banks of cool, clear waters. Where the fish outnumber and outweigh even your heaviest obligations. Where a moment lives for eternity. famed Miracle Mile stretch of the North Platte River or among the hustle and bustle of our urban core. And while the North Platte waters are renowned, Casper also offers two nearby reservoirs for year-round fishing opportunities. If you’re looking to find big fish and lots of ‘em, grab your rod and head to Casper for any of these fishing hot spots: o n F LY F I S H I N G 8 VISITCASPER.COM // 1.800-852-1889 MIRACLE MILE: The world-famous Miracle Mile is actually a 5.5-mile stretch of the North Platte River fed by Seminoe Reservoir, just 30 miles southwest of Casper. It is an extremely fertile tailwater that offers anglers a chance to catch enormous trophy trout, and with approximately 4,000 fish per mile, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to catch the fish of a lifetime. This area is floatable but much more effective for wade-fishing. GREY REEF: If size matters, head 25 miles southwest of Casper to the Grey Reef section of the North Platte River. Considered one of the best rainbow trout fisheries in the country, it is known for its impressive number of fish — particularly large ones. The average weight is 3-6 pounds, but fish weighing anywhere from 8-20 pounds have been reported. Open year-round, you’ll find that despite the area’s notoriety, the waters remain uncrowded and the fish are ready to bite. ALCOVA RESERVOIR: This area covers 2,470 surface acres and is arguably one of Casper's best-kept fishing secrets. Alcova has the reputation as a "play lake" for water skiers, jet skiers, and lake campers, so it’s rarely mentioned as a premier fishing destination. But local fishermen will (or won’t) tell you that Alcova supports more walleye and trout per square acre than just about any other waterway in Wyoming. PATHFINDER RESERVOIR: Just 10 miles farther southwest of Alcova lies Pathfinder Reservoir, a 22,000-acre lake known for its massive size and colossal walleye, trout and carp. Pathfinder hosts numerous professional walleye tournaments during the summer months and one of Wyoming's largest ice fishing derbies — the HAWG Ice Fishing Derby — during the winter. Courtesy of Fly Rod Chronicles h oked Courtesy of Fly Rod Chronicles Courtesy of Fly Rod Chronicles If uncrowded waters teeming with blue ribbon trout is the stuff of your dreams, look no further than Casper. Named the “#1 Big Fish Destination” by American Angler Magazine, Casper is widely considered to be Wyoming’s top fishing spot by anglers around the world. It’s the perfect place to find the fishing experience of a lifetime — be it along the VISITCASPER.COM // 1-800-852-1889 9 1. R a i n b o w Tr o u t Courtesy of Fly Rod Chronicles fishing Scientific name: Oncorhynchus Mykiss Nick name: Bow State record: 23 lbs, 35.5" in 1969, Wyoming Game and Fish Average fish on the Platte - 1 6-1 8" 1.5-3lbs and up to 30"+ 2. B r o w n Tr o u t S c i e n t i f i c N a m e : S a l m o Tr u t t a While proximity makes urban fly fishing a lunchtime possibility, it's the quality of the fish that makes the experience exceptional. Longtime resident Dave Castle should know. He’s been fishing Casper’s urban waters for decades. “It’s pretty common to catch a 20plus inch trout in town. I’ve even seen a brown pushing thirty inches.” Local fly fishing guide Ryan Anderson agrees, “You have a real shot at a big brown. They don’t give them away, but you have a good chance at landing a trophy right through town.” In Casper, the outdoors are more than great—they’re everything. Access to uncrowded, remote fishing attracts anglers from all over the world to the famous Miracle Mile and nearby reservoirs. But as many visitors have discovered, some of the best places to fish in the Casper area are just a few steps from their hotel room doors. After all, the North Platte River flows through the heart of the city, which means folks don’t have to travel beyond the city limits to land the catch of a lifetime. With waters so clear that you would see reflections of the downtown skyline if it weren’t for the surrounding trees and wild flowers, the North Platte River is the scenic centerpiece of Casper. Access points through the city’s core provide visitors the opportunity to hike, bike, picnic and play along its banks. Miles of paved pathways run parallel to the Platte, making it a destination for locals and visitors in all seasons. But for area fishermen, the river offers the chance to engage in a pastime that is as convenient as it is unique: Urban Fly Fishing. The fishing in Casper’s urban areas is exceptional. Matt Hahn of the Wyoming Game and Fish reports recent in-town estimates of 2,200 trout per mile or about 2,400 10 VISITCASPER.COM pounds per mile, placing Casper’s downtown area squarely within blue ribbon status. “It’s fairly unique to find such a high quality fishery in what would be considered an urban setting,” says Hahn. “We have this resource that’s just a few minutes drive from almost anywhere in town, and you can be on one of the best trout streams in the country." // 1-800-852-1889 Courtesy of Fly Rod Chronicles T H R E E P I E C E S U I T S A N D T R O P H Y T R O U T I N D O W N T O W N W Y O C I T Y Nickname: Brownies State Record: 25lb 13oz, 34.25", 1982, Wyoming Game and Fish Average size on the Platte: 1 6-1 8", 1.5-3lbs - and up to 30"+ 3. C u t t h r o a t Tr o u t Scientific name: Oncorhynchus Clarkii It doesn’t matter if you’re visiting for a few days or a few hours—urban fly fishing can be squeezed into any itinerary. A quick stop at a local guide shop for a license and some expert advice will have you casting in no time. Begin your exploration of Casper’s urban waters at the Platte River Pumphouse, which is located just west of downtown Casper. There, you’ll find parking, restrooms and plenty of river access. For more information about urban fly fishing in Casper, including a short film documenting this unique activity, visit Courtesy of Fly Rod Chronicles URBAN FLY FISHING Nickname: Cutty State Record: 15lbs, 32" in 1959, Wyoming Game and Fish Average size on the Platte: 1 6-1 8", 1.5-3lbs and up to 25"+ VISITCASPER.COM // 1-800-852-1889 11 y e l low st o n e y e l low st o n e C a s p e r M o u n t a i n B r i d l e Tr a i l ON YOUR WAY North Platte River TO YELLOWSTONE COUNTRY A yoming is famed for its natural landscapes, and you can bet Casper will meet your expectations. Nestled in the North Platte River Valley at the base of iconic Casper Mountain, scenic views greet visitors at every turn. Many of our most prized natural attractions are just a few minutes drive from the center of the city, leaving more time to create some of the most lasting memories of your Wyoming vacation. YELLOWSTONE PHOTO COURTESY DAVID CASTLE 12 VISITCASPER.COM // 1-800-852-1889 EXPERIENCE THE GREAT OUTDOORS W nyone lucky enough to vacation in the pristine natural beauty of Yellowstone country will agree — your journey to the Park is as important as your destination. If you’re planning to travel Wyoming’s scenic highways and byways, you won’t want to miss the opportunity to spend a day or two in Casper, the city that offers unparalleled access to recreation and culture in the heart of the Cowboy State. Casper is accessible from a major interstate and an international airport, making it the perfect place to ease yourself from civilization to Wyoming’s famous wilderness. Muddy Mountain Casper Mountain features dense forests, abundant wildlife and spectacular trails. Recreational opportunities abound with hiking, biking, camping, picnicking, skiing, snowboarding or sledding. Free from crowds, bring your camera for unobstructed landscape photos that will hang on your walls for years to come. Casper is synonymous with mountains, and the freedom to roam on foot, bike or skis is just 15 minutes from your hotel. Alcova Lake and Fremont Canyon are Casper’s summer playgrounds. With boating, tubing, water skiing, fishing, climbing and beach activities across the area, this is where you can soak up Wyoming sun. Jet skis and other personal water crafts are not permitted in Yellowstone, so before you head to their shores, visit the Alcova Lakeside Marina to enjoy a boat or Sea-doo rental. Or spend a day jet skiing and relaxing on the hills of Sandy Beach. You’ll be amazed at how blue the WyoCity sky is. Unlike the Yellowstone River, Casper’s North Platte River is in close proximity to hotels, dining and nightlife. Even if you're spending just one night in the city, downtown Casper is a mandatory stop for extraordinary urban fly fishing. You can also spend hours hiking the 10-mile paved Platte River Parkway trails, or bring your kayak to the Whitewater Park, located at the Tate Pumphouse. VISITCASPER.COM // 1-800-852-1889 13 y e l low st o n e y e l low st o n e Pronghorn at Municipal Golf Course North Platte River N a t i o n a l H i s t o r i c Tr a i l s C e n t e r Sage Grouse Scenic Overlook from North Casper Mule Deer on Casper CRUISE SCENIC CASPER ENCOUNTER WILDLIFE Y I ou’ve dreamed of seeing miles of wide open Wyoming space on a scenic drive across the Cowboy State. With virtually no traffic and the city’s proximity to natural landscapes, one of the best ways to see Casper is with the windows down. Whether you choose to immerse yourself in nature’s greenery on Casper Mountain or drive around Alcova Lake to see the water from hundreds of feet above, a drive through Casper is like sailing through a never-ending sky. Stop by Lookout Point on your way up the mountain to take advantage of Casper’s best spot for a selfie. The prairie vista and city skyline will make this photo a favorite on your Facebook timeline. 14 VISITCASPER.COM n Yellowstone, the bears, wolves and bison stay in the park, but in WyoCity, the wildlife live among the people. Like running into old friends, bustling about town is one of the best ways to spot Casper’s abundant population of pronghorn, mule deer or the occasional wild turkey. In fact, you’ll find that crossing wildlife is a common source of traffic jams (which isn’t that surprising given that Wyoming’s population of pronghorn exceeds humans). Take your eyes to the sky for birdwatching. Popular spots include Morad Park and Edness Kimball Wilkins State Park. Watch for sage grouse, pheasants and chukar partridges. // 1-800-852-1889 Fort Caspar Mountain Independence Rock CONNECT TO THE PAST N o visit to Wyoming is complete without connecting to the frontier spirit that shapes both the character and geography of our nation. Casper is one of the West’s top destinations for pioneer history with unrivaled museums and sightseeing opportunities. The National Historic Trails Center is the nation’s premiere facility for western trails history and education. Operated by the Federal Bureau of Land Management, this museum provides an expert interpretation of the trails system and its history, offering visitors several interactive opportunities to relate to the experience of pioneers. Cross the North Platte in a miniConestoga wagon with a video filmed in Casper, send mail through the Pony Express or read first-person accounts of life along the trails with extensive diary and letter collections. After you’ve heard the stories, insert yourself into the pioneer narrative. Just 50 miles southwest of Casper stands Independence Rock, 136 feet tall and covering 24.81 acres. Settlers carved their names into the granite as a testament to the hardships and obstacles they overcame to reach this landmark. As you run your fingers along the letters, look closely at the hundreds of names proudly and painstakingly carved; you might find a familiar one. August 25, 2016, the National Park Service turns 100, so there may not be a more special time to visit Yellowstone National Park. As the nation’s first national park, Yellowstone had been welcoming visitors for 44 years when the National Park Service was established, setting important standards for conservation and wilderness exploration. Take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime celebration of the great outdoors. Your vacation may only last days, but you’ll have the memories for a lifetime. Visit Fort Caspar Museum to tour the reconstructed military post and explore exhibits about western emigrant trails, the Frontier Army, prehistoric peoples, Plains Indians, ranching, the energy industry, and the City of Casper. VISITCASPER.COM // 1-800-852-1889 15 b i k e c as p e r fea tured rides TAKE THE ROA DS LESS TRAVELED Bridle Trail For a ride as technical as it gets, head up to Rotary Park to enjoy the Bridle Trail’s 5-mile outer loop. This ride can take anywhere from 60 to 90 minutes depending on your skill level, and you’ll face every surface imaginable including packed dirt, exposed roots, rock and sand. Whether you’re climbing the 1,300 foot vertical rise or bombing down it, your efforts will be rewarded with breathtaking views of Garden Creek Falls and the Casper area. Rating: Surface: Seasons: Trail Type: Trail Marked: Paid Access: Expert Dirt Summer, Fall Single Track Yes Free Find all the reasons you ride in Casper If you're the type of mountain biker who believes the best rides are the ones off the beaten trail, you’ve found your next riding destination — Casper, the mountain town for the wild at heart. Whether you prefer secluded mountain single track, groomed fatbike trails or uncrowded urban paths, Casper’s all season trails are perfect for both beginning and seasoned riders alike. Find out just how far you can push your bike and your limits beneath the wide open Wyoming sky. 16 BIKECASPER.COM // Crossroads Park For an easily accessible in-town trail that is ridable all year long, hop on the Crossroads Trail beginning at Mike Lansing Field. Located among several hotels and downtown attractions, this single track trail is ideal for both beginner and intermediate riders. Smooth, fast and fun, beginners will feel comfortable cruising this scenic area along the North Platte River while more advanced riders can push themselves by speeding through corners and hitting small bumps and jumps along the way. Most riders will complete these 5 miles in 30 minutes or less, but you can venture on to the adjacent paved Platte River Parkway trail for an additional 8 miles of smooth, paved riding. Rating: Surface: Seasons: Trail Type: Trail Marked: Easy Dirt and Paved All Year Single Track, Paved Paved - Yes Single Track - No Paid Access: Free BIKECASPER.COM // 17 b i k e c as p e r TAKE THE ROA DS LESS TRAVELED Courtesy of John Giantonio + Castle Data featured rides fa tbiking PLOW THROUGH THE ELEMENTS Muddy Mountain this is an excellent ride for beginners because these trails cover many different surfaces including dirt, exposed roots and rocks. About halfway through your 5-mile ride, you’ll catch a stunning view of Otter Creek. Keep your eyes open for deer, mountain blue grouse, turkey, elk and other wildlife! For an hour-long ride through dense forests, head over to the Muddy Mountain trail. You’ll begin your ride at the green gate immediately past the Rim Campground, starting down a double-track dirt road that intersects with dozens of smaller single track trails. Even though the trail is unmarked, Rating: Surface: Seasons: Trail Type: Trail Marked: Paid Access: Easy Dirt Summer, Fall Single Track No Free while riders of all skill levels will appreciate this fast course, at 8,000 feet the Eadsville Trail is a serious cardio workout. At this elevation, not only will you be breathing hard, but you’ll also gasp at the incredible views of the mountain below. This area of Casper Mountain is typically 10 degrees cooler and significantly less windy than intown conditions. Expect to finish this course in 30 to 60 minutes. 18 BIKECASPER.COM // If you crave riding on two wheels all year long, grab your fatbike and head to Casper. Fatbikes can overpower snow, ice and the toughest terrain, and Casper is one of the nation’s premiere destinations for this growing sport. Fatbiking requires power, finesse and the ability to shrug off the snow and jump back onto your bike after an epic crash. Eric Aune is a local mountain biker who started riding fatbikes many years ago. For Aune, his fatbike is just one more way to enjoy the area’s extensive trail system. “Fatbiking is great endurance training, and I get to be on a bike all year long. It’s still mountain biking. You’re just using goofy equipment.” The Eadsville Trail on Casper Mountain offers some of the best winter riding in the area. Groomed, marked and well-maintained, this 3-mile trail beckons the adventurous during the cold weather months. Since temperatures and surface conditions can vary drastically in a single day, you may feel like you are riding three different courses all within the same 24 hours. And the fun doesn’t have to stop when the sun goes down. Trail blazes along this stretch are reflective, making this course a fantastic option for a headlamp excursion and a post-ride campfire. Eadsville Whether you bike in sunshine or snow, the Eadsville Trail on Casper Mountain is a perfect mountain bike or fatbike destination. This single track ride is a well-marked path through a wooded area with granite rock features. In the summer, mountain bikers can cruise through 10 fast miles on groomed trails with burned corners that carry smoothly one after the next. When the powder hits, it transforms into Casper Mountain’s premiere fatbiking trail. And HOW TO BIKE CASPER Rating: Surface: Seasons: Trail Type: Trail Marked: Paid Access: Easy to Moderate Dirt and Snow All Year Single Track Yes Varies Fatbiking in the Eadsville Trail area can also be an outstanding group activity. Experienced riders will appreciate the many jumps and corners, while beginners can stick to the wide roads just off of the main Eadsville Trail. Because these trails are just a 20 minute drive from downtown Casper, fatbiking can fit into any vacation’s itinerary — one of the many reasons Casper has become a regional magnet for fatbikers. “There’s no reason for me to fatbike anywhere besides Casper,” says Aune. “Great fatbiking trails aren’t typically so close to civilization, so I can run up there for an afternoon, hit the trails and head home.” For first-time fatbikers, there’s no better place than Casper to take an adventure across snowy trails. Several local bike shops offer fatbike rentals along with friendly advice that will have you plowing through powder in no time. And riders of all abilities should check out for weather conditions, trail maps, event info, expert advice and more. E a d s v i l l e Tr a i l In Casper, the bikers are friendly, the scenery is beautiful and the trails are a blast. Here are a few ways to ensure you get the most from your experience: Always ride with respect and leave the trails the way you found them. Ride within your skill level so you’re not putting yourself or other trail users at risk. Weather can be unpredictable. Afternoon thunderstorms come in quickly and rapid changes in temperature are normal. Pack for anything. Your phone will work almost anywhere there are trails, including Casper Mountain, so keep it handy. There’s nothing cooler than dogs on bike trails, but be sure to follow leash rules. When you’re biking through town, stick to bike trails and avoid public streets. There are tons of trail systems through town including the Platte River Trails, Neighborhood Trails and Rails to Trails. BIKECASPER.COM // 19 trails B r i d g e a t Ta t e P u m p h o u s e Beverly Street Underpass Fort Caspar Pedestrian Underpass Nicolaysen Art Museum TRAILS In the mid-nineteenth century, a great Western migration began as more than half a million settlers took to the Oregon, California and Mormon trails seeking a better life. Though the trails crisscrossed the Western United States, many of the most famous routes converged near present-day Casper. Today, the remnants of these trails are fading, but their legacy survives among the modern trail systems that connect every corner of our community. Paved or rugged, linear or looped, no other Western destination can claim such a unique combination of historic, urban and recreational trails. And while early settlers faced hardship at every turn, today’s visitors will find there’s no better way to explore WyoCity’s finest attractions and recreational opportunities than to travel by trail. 20 VISITCASPER.COM Amoco Park Platte River Parkway Trail Central TRAILHEAD LOCATION: TATE PUMPHOUSE Four miles of paved, linear trail running adjacent to the North Platte River through the heart of Casper. Features multiple boat launches, public restrooms, interpretive signage, wildlife viewing, hotels and public art. Suitable for transit, strolling, hiking, running, biking, dog walking, rollerblading, skateboarding, fishing, paddling or floating. SPANS: North Casper Soccer Fields to the Tate Pumphouse. NOTABLE STOPS: Lake McKenzie Dog Park, North Casper Soccer Complex, North Platte River Scenic Overlook, National Historic Trails Interpretive Center, Casper Events Center, Mike Lansing Field, Casper Planetarium, Old Town Family Fun Center, Amoco Park, Bart Rae Learning Circle, Casper Whitewater Park, Tate Pumphouse COME FOR THE: Scenic journey through Casper’s urban core and recreational facilities. Platte River Parkway Trail West Rails To Trails TRAILHEAD LOCATION: FORT CASPAR (PICTURED) TRAILHEAD LOCATION: NICOLAYSEN ART MUSEUM Six miles of paved, linear trail running adjacent to the North Platte River west of Downtown Casper. Features multiple boat launches, public restrooms, interpretive signage, wildlife viewing, campgrounds and public art. Six miles of paved linear and packed gravel trail running from Hat Six through the downtown corridor. Features interpretive signage, wildlife viewing and public art. Suitable for transit, strolling, jogging, biking, dog walking, rollerblading and skateboarding. SPANS: The Tate Pumphouse to Paradise Valley. NOTABLE STOPS: Three Crowns Golf Course, The Wagon Wheel Roller Skating Rink, The Central Wyoming Fairgrounds, Historic Fort Caspar, Morad Park SUITABLE FOR: Transit, strolling, hiking, running, biking, dog walking, rollerblading, skateboarding, fishing, paddling and floating. COME FOR THE: Morad Park off-leash dog area. BE ON THE LOOKOUT FOR: Wooden foot bridge that connects to the Platte River Commons and home to Three Crowns Golf Club. SPANS: Hat Six Road in east Casper to the Old Yellowstone District in Downtown Casper. NOTABLE STOPS: Natrona County Public Library, Nicolaysen Art Museum, Casper Artists Guild, The Science Zone, numerous downtown boutiques and restaurants COME FOR THE: Bridge to the Future Park near the library. BE ON THE LOOKOUT FOR: The Service Members Tribute Mural below the Beverly Street Underpass. BE ON THE LOOKOUT FOR: A food truck parked at the Tate Pumphouse during the warm summer months. // 1-800-852-1889 VISITCASPER.COM // 1-800-852-1889 21 10 0 20 Minutes 1 Miles 220 7.0 W AVE CY PARADISE VALLEY ELEM Paradise Valley Park 7.75 W BLM Regional Headquarters Morad Park 5.0 W Wolf Creek Park FORT CASPER ELEM Wyoming Game & Fish District Headquarters Audubon Area 6.0 W 3.0 W 4.0 W WESTWOOD ELEM TRANSITION CENTER ROOSEVELT HS/CAPS ark E CREST HILL Yesness Park Mike Sedar Park Nancy English Park SAINT ANTHONY SOUTHRIDGE ELEM V CY A Field of Dreams Boys and Girls Club WILLARD ELEM LINCOLN ELEM E 1ST ST E K ST TO ROTARY PARK & CASPER MOUNTAIN SAGEWOOD EL M E 15TH ST E 21ST ST Sage Park Reshaw Park KELLY WALSH HS WOODS ELEM MANOR HEIGHTS ELEM E 14TH ST PINEVIEW ELEM E 2ND ST UNIVERSITY PARK ELEM Lake McKenzie Dog Park SUMMIT ELEM E 2ND ST Susie McMurry Park CENTENNIAL MID VERDA JAMES ELEM Long Park Eastridge Mall 25 EVANSVILLE ELEM Drinking Fountain trails CASPER TRAILS SE WYOMING BLVD (HWY 258) GRANT ELEM Alta Vista Park E 14TH ST YMCA FARNUM ST E 12TH ST FRONTIER MID 2.0 E BRYAN STOCK TRL North Casper Athletic complex NIC/Transit Plaza Wyoming Medical Center Casper Area Highland Convention & Park Visitor's Bureau Washington Park Downtown CASPER COLLEGE DEAN MORGAN MID 25 Casper Area Chamber of Commerce Visitor Center PARK ELEM City Park NATRONA COUNTY HS Platte River Commons Three Crowns Golf Course W DR INS LL CO Amoco Park 1.0 W 1.0 E Disc Golf Course Riverview Park Adventure Playground 0.0 Kiwanis Overlook Shelter North Platte River Park Casper Events Center Crossroads Softball Complex Mike Lansing Field COTTONWOOD ELEM 2.0 W Derrick Historic Trails Center 25 P Water White Cannon Casper Area Innovation Center La Via Linda Trail UW Extension Office CY MID 26 Bart Rea Learning Circle 20 Tate Pumphouse Trail Center (Platte River Trails Office) Central Wyoming Fairgrounds MILLS ELEM Mills 1st Street Park Norene Kilmer Park Fort Caspar Museum and Campground Natrona County Parks Dept US Bureau of Rec Office MOUNTAIN VIEW ELEM White, Blue, Yellow, and Red trails are for Emergency Services to identify your location in case of emergency Walking Distance - Based on walking speed of 3 mph 0.5 0 Street w/ Bike Lane School Mile Marker Gravel Casper Rail Trail 1.0 W Park City Trail Local Street Paved Casper Rail Trail OREGON TRAIL ELEM S ROBERTSON RD Platte River Trails Trail k ree VISITCASPER.COM en C Courtesy of Tim Kupsick SW WYO Ga rd S POPLAR ST ek re S POPL AR ST // 1-800-852-1889 ST CASPER MOUNTA IN RD BE ON THE LOOKOUT FOR: The famous troll stump (you'll know it when you see it). S CENTER ST CASPER MOUNTAIN TRAILS CENTER: Nearly 26 miles of groomed linear, looped and lighted trails ranging from flat runs to steep inclines. Warm up or grab a bite at the main trailhead, located at the Casper Mountain Trail Center Lodge. Suitable for Nordic skiing, snowshoeing, mountain biking, fatbiking, hiking and trail running. S DURBIN ST COME FOR THE: Visibility-obscuring glasses you can use to simulate the experience of being visually impaired. e sp Ca rC S CENTER ST BRAILLE TRAIL: This looped dirt trail is less than a half mile long. Designed to bring the beauty of nature to the visually impaired, the path is level and wide with rope handrails. Features braille interpretive signage and picnic areas. Accesible from Strube Loop Road. Suitable for children, bird watching, biking or photography. S MCKINLEY ST VISITCASPER.COM BE ON THE LOOKOUT FOR: Rewarding view of the city below. S BEVERLY ST Bart Rae Learning Circle BRIDLE TRAIL: Nearly 5 miles long and rising 1,200 feet, this rocky, rugged terrain typically takes 3 hours to complete. Restrooms, picnic tables and grills are available at the trailhead in Rotary Park. Suitable for horseback riding, hiking, cardio or endurance training. CURTIS ST These linear trails span many Casper neighborhoods, parks and schools and can pick up and resume within a few hundred feet virtually anywhere in town. Users travel these trails to connect with the Rails to Trails or Platte River Parkway Trail systems. Check out the map on page 23 for more information. Suitable for transit, strolling, running, biking, dog walking, rollerblading and skateboarding. N POPLAR SE 22 TRAILHEAD LOCATION: VARIES BY TRAIL BL VD TRAILHEAD LOCATION: VARIES BY TRAIL & NEIGHBORHOOD Mountain Trails IN G Neighborhood Trails B r i d l e Tr a i l W YO M Ye s n e s s P o n d VD MING BL // 1-800-852-1889 23 l at. 42°32'16.27" lo n g. 10 6 ° 4 5 ' 1 6. 2 1 " a l c o v a r e s e r v o i r CASPER HAS FAR TOO MUCH HAPPENING TO FIT INSIDE A PRINTED BOOK. TO STAY CURRENT, SUBSCRIBE TO THE CASPER COMPASS AT VISITCASPER.COM, YOUR UP-TO-THE-MINUTE GUIDE TO ALL THINGS CASPER. 24 VISITCASPER.COM // 1-800-852-1889 VISITCASPER.COM // 1-800-852-1889 25 SIP, ROCK & ROLL IDEAL FOR: COUPLES, REVELERS, CRAFT BEER LOVERS LOCATION: MIKE LANSING FIELD Experts on all things brew, rock or outdoors, 307 Magazine hosts the 6th annual Harmony, Hops & Hope event Saturday, May 21. Brewers from across the state including Casper’s Wonder Bar and Snake River out of Jackson Hole bring samples of their finest craft beers to Casper. At this Wyoming-only brewfest for the 21 and over crowd, you’ll sip on the best of the state's up and coming l at. 42°50'39.87" lo n g. 10 6 ° 2 0 ' 2 1 . 7 7 " VISIT THE CROWN JEWEL OF CASPER SWEETEN THE DEAL IDEAL FOR: NATURE LOVERS, FAMILIES, SPORTSMEN IDEAL FOR: THE LOLLIPOP GUILD LOCATION: DONELLS CANDY Once upon a time, there was an oil refinery near the North Platte River just west of downtown Casper that played a major role in the world’s economy. When it closed in 1991, the site was contaminated with nearly a century’s worth of oil spillage, sludge and buried pipeline. BP-Amoco partnered with the Department of Environmental amoco refinery 1920s april Quality and the City of Casper to clean up the property. Today, it stands as a shining example of how recreational development and the ecosystem can work hand in hand. Contaminated soils were removed, engineered wetlands and ponds were installed to remove iron and other contaminants, and over 2,000 trees were planted to return balance to the area. Now known as the Platte River Commons, the site features the Three Crowns Golf Course, the Tate Pumphouse, the Whitewater Kayak Park, the Bart Rae Learning Circle and numerous biking and walking paths. Interpretive signage explains how the rehabilitation occurred but the best way to appreciate the transformation is to experience it for yourself. This year, Donells Candy celebrates 60 years of crafting delicious chocolates and candies that Casper can’t get enough of. On Fridays and Saturdays between Memorial Day and Labor day, you can take a tour to see the chocolate room and watch the experts make homemade popcorn, ice cream and candy. Same day reservations are available, so call (307) 234-6283 to participate in Casper’s sweetest experience! 26 VISITCASPER.COM // 1-800-852-1889 Each June, top college rodeo champions across the United States and Canada converge on Casper to test their mettle in the ultimate contest between man and beast. From June 12 through June 18, the best of the best compete in the College National Finals Rodeo ( at the Casper Events Center june ( Celebrating its 18th year in Casper, more than 400 cowboys and cowgirls will battle in nine events including saddle bronc riding, bull riding and barrel racing. Don’t miss the event Sports Travel Magazine named the “Best Multi-Sport Collegiate Event” in the nation. Don't miss a beat! Go to to subscribe to the Casper Compass for weekly email updates on upcoming events and happenings around Casper. e v e n t s c e n t e r IDEAL FOR: GOLF ADDICTS, FITNESS FANATICS LOCATIONS: THREE CROWNS, CASPER MUNICIPAL, SALT CREEK COUNTRY CLUB june may screened local films and served craft beers and Scarlow’s Gallery held special art sales. Participating businesses and the types of art featured are always growing and evolving, so be sure to check for more information. IDEAL FOR: RODEO FANS, WILD WEST FUN LOCATION: CASPER EVENTS CENTER EXPECT MORE THAN PAR FOR THE COURSE TAKE AN INSPIRATIONAL STROLL Step into Casper’s arts scene each month in downtown Casper. The first Thursday of each month, Casper’s galleries join forces to create an evening filled with art, food and entertainment. Last year, the Yellowstone Garage hosted live music and food vendors, Art 321 showcased art exhibitions, Adbay m i k e l a n s i n g f i e l d c a s p e r Blackmore Collection, Casper College Western History Center IDEAL FOR: ART LOVERS, CREATIVE TYPES LOCATION: DOWNTOWN CASPER brewery scene, listen to tunes from the region’s top musicians, jam in the sunshine and chow down on food from local vendors. And with an entire baseball stadium concourse reserved for this event, there’s plenty of room for dancing with a crowd of your closest friends. Bring your sunscreen and dancing flip-flops to join in the celebration. Proceeds benefit community charities. WATCH TOMORROW’S RODEO STARS TODAY t h r e e c r o w n s g o l f c o u r s e may LOCATION: FORMER BP-AMOCO REFINERY SITE may a r t 3 2 1 If golf is your game, you’ve come to the right place. The Casper area is home to three exceptional public courses. For the ultimate golf experience, head to the award-winning Three Crowns Golf Club (, which sprawls across 100 acres just blocks from downtown. Designed by Robert Trent Jones, Jr., this par-72 course is one of the premier 18-hole courses in the country. The Casper Municipal Golf Course (307-233-6620) opened in 1929, and its three 9-hole courses have challenged golfers ever since. The native rough and green fairways are sure to challenge your short game and putting skills. And the Salt Creek Country Club (307-437-6207) in Midwest offers a unique, grass-roots experience on a pasture-style course with mowed prairie grass fairways and sand greens. Casper also offers two private clubs: the Casper Country Club ( and the Paradise Valley Country Club ( VISITCASPER.COM t h r e e c r o w n s g o l f c o u r s e // 1-800-852-1889 27 PHOTO COURTESY OILCITYWYO.COM l at. 42°49'58.24" lo n g. 10 6 ° 2 1 ' 5 0. 2 2 " b e a r t r a p m e a d o w c a s p e r m o u n t a i n c e n t r a l w y o m i n g f a i r g r o u n d s june GET ARTSY AT NIC FEST IDEAL FOR: ART LOVERS, SUN LOVERS, FUN LOVERS LOCATION: NICOLAYSEN ART MUSEUM One of Casper’s favorite downtown festivals celebrates all things creative and beautiful. At Nic Fest (, more than 60 regional artists showcase their work to the nearly 20,000 visitors who peruse and purchase art ranging from Wyoming landscapes to modern media work. This event continues to grow each year, and while the art is outstanding, you’ll find yourself browsing through much more than art — jewelry, handmade clothing, hand-squeezed lemonade, specialty sweets and new surprises every year. This free, three-day, family-friendly event features live music, food and entertainment, so you don’t have to love art to love Nic Fest. n i c o l a y s e n 28 a r t m u s e u m VISITCASPER.COM SWAY TO THE RHYTHM HIT THE MIDWAY IDEAL FOR: YOUNG COUPLES, FAMILIES LOCATION: CENTRAL WYOMING FAIRGROUNDS Polish your boots, dust off the cowboy hat and wiggle into those Wranglers® because July 8 through 16 is time for the Central Wyoming Fair and Rodeo ( Each summer, the tradition continues with bright lights, carnival rides, cotton candy, funnel cakes, and the scent of buttery popcorn. The fun begins JULY with a carnival, and on Tuesday, July 12 the rodeo parade takes over downtown, but the main event is the nightly PRCA Rodeo, one of the top 35 in the nation. Don’t miss the action with mutton bustin', bareback riding, saddle bronc riding, team roping, tie-down roping, bull riding, steer wrestling and barrel racing. REV UP FOR ADVENTURE IDEAL FOR: FITNESS FANATICS, COMPETITION LOVERS LOCATIONS: CROSSROADS PARK, PLATTE RIVER PARKWAY For those of you whose summer days are anything but lazy, Casper has the event for you. The Rev3 Cowboy Tough ( weekend is full of activities for competitors, participants and cheerleaders alike. The weekend kicks off at dusk on Friday, July 9 with a 5K Glow Run through Crossroads Park. Elite athletes and fitness enthusiasts face the Casper Strong full day adventure race, a demanding seven to // 1-800-852-1889 IDEAL FOR: MUSIC LOVERS, FAMILIES LOCATION: CASPER MOUNTAIN You hardly need an excuse to spend a weekend basking in the sunshine, but what better reason to put the yard work on hold than a ticket to one of the best music events in Wyoming? Each summer on Casper Mountain, bluegrass takes center stage at the Beartrap Summer Festival ( – and what AUGUST a festival it is! Regional favorites, as well as national acts like The Charlie Daniels Band and Los Lobos perform to eager crowds. This two-day celebration is jam-packed with music, food and fun. Bring the family and head to Beartrap Meadow for a one-of-akind experience. There’s so much to see and do, you won’t want to leave! DIVE RIGHT IN JULY twelve hour course that features a 12-mile run up 3,000 vertical feet to the top of Casper Mountain where you’ll compete in archery and shooting challenges. Then, it's on to mountain biking, an inner tube journey down Whitewater Park along the Platte River Parkway and a wet dash to the finish line. If you’re Casper Strong, this is the weekend to prove it. IDEAL FOR: ANGLERS, BOATERS, FAMILIES LOCATIONS: ALCOVA RESERVOIR, PATHFINDER RESERVOIR Travel up the river off Highway 220 to the waters of Alcova Reservoir and Pathfinder Reservoir for rugged beauty and fun in the sun. Sandy Beach is the perfect lakeside destination to catch rays and work on your tan. If building sand castles seems a bit tame, travel to Okie Beach, great for camping and an ideal spot to launch watercraft. Fishing august boats, paddle boats, water skis, wake boards, jet skis and life vests can be rented from Alcova Lakeside Marina (AlcovaMarina. com). When hunger beckons, head back to the Marina restaurant and lounge for dining with full cocktail service, or dine in one of several quiet campsites and picnic areas along Black Beach Road. VISITCASPER.COM a l c o v a r e s e r v o i r // 1-800-852-1889 29 GET LOST AND BE A-MAZED IDEAL FOR: FAMILIES, PUZZLERS, GHOULS, STRATEGISTS LOCATION: WEST OF CASPER OCTOBER l at. 42°44'34.12" lo n g. 10 6 ° 1 9 ' 0. 0 0 " c a s p e r m o u n t a i n TAKE A SCENIC DRIVE IDEAL FOR: PARK VISITORS, FAMILIES LOCATIONS: CASPER MOUNTAIN, ALCOVA, SURROUNDING AREAS Wyoming is synonymous with scenic drives that take visitors along an often surreal view of pristine, untouched landscape. Casper’s central location offers hundreds of driving routes to parks and landmarks throughout the state. Your vacation won’t be complete without a drive up Casper Mountain, a trip around Alcova Reservoir or a ride to Independence Rock. The Black Gold Byway takes travelers along a 42-mile stretch september that follows the history of the Salt Creek Oilfield during its heyday when the area was one of the largest oil producers in the nation. The Byway runs from Casper to Midwest and Edgerton via I-25. Another spectacular countryside drive is the South Big Horn/ Red Wall Back Country Byway, which takes you through an open range that connects to Hell’s Half Acre, the Oregon Trail and the Seminoe-to-Alcova Byway. FRESHEN UP YOUR FALL IDEAL FOR: ASPIRING CHEFS, GARDENERS, FOODIES LOCATIONS: CENTRAL WYOMING FAIRGROUNDS, DOWNTOWN CASPER Skip the grocery store this summer and head to Casper’s local farmer’s markets for fresh produce and delicious goodies. The Master Gardeners Farmer’s Market ( is held each Saturday between August and September at the ARLC Building near the Central Wyoming Fairgrounds. You’ll find heirloom tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, fresh basil and more. Vendors are on hand selling fresh, homemade jellies, jams, honey and grass fed beef. 30 VISITCASPER.COM september For an experience that goes beyond fresh veggies, the Downtown Casper Farmers Market is held every Tuesday outside of the Nicolaysen Art Museum from mid-July though September. This outdoor event features dozens of food vendors with produce and baked goods, live entertainment, kids activities and more. It's the perfect place to pick up fresh produce and friendly advice to create the upcoming week's culinary delights. // 1-800-852-1889 GET YOUR GAME ON october This autumn, wind your way through one of Casper’s thrilling corn mazes, home to more than 10 acres of mazes, pumpkin patches, corn cannons, wagon rides, delicious food and even haunted corn rows. When you've visited them once, the Field of Dreams and Green Acres Corn Mazes are sure to become a family fall tradition. And, as you gear up for Halloween, the Field of Dreams becomes the Field of Screams after dark, where you never know who, or what, will be lurking around the next corner. g r e e n a c r e s c o r n m a z e IDEAL FOR: HUNTERS, SPORTSMEN LOCATIONS: SURROUNDING AREAS Crisp mornings, vibrant sunrises, herds of pronghorn grazing on fall grasses and the ultimate connection between you and nature — there are few experiences quite like hunting in the Casper area. In addition to the large pronghorn population, elk, deer, duck, geese, pheasant and dove are all bountiful in Natrona County, making it one of the top places in the country for game hunting. West of Casper is ideal because of abundant public land. The Bates Hole area, the second range of the Hat Six area, and northeast of Casper in the sand hills are excellent mule deer hunting grounds. To make your excursion successful and stress free, Casper has several supply stores and outfitters, as well as taxidermists and meat processing facilities. So brew up a thermos of hot coffee and put on your orange vest – it’s open season for adventure. Contact the Wyoming Game and Fish Department for more information ( n o r t h p l a t t e r i v e r november WELCOME KRIS KRINGLE IDEAL FOR: FAMILIES LOCATION: DOWNTOWN CASPER i n d e p e n d e n c e r o c k MAKE THE TREK TO INDEPENDENCE ROCK IDEAL FOR: WESTERN CULTURE ENTHUSIASTS LOCATION: 50 MI SW OF CASPER VIA HWY 220 More than 150 years ago, when America was still in its infancy, emigrants forging West toward the promise of a new, brighter future passed through Central Wyoming. Along the way, many stopped at a large granite formation located about 50 miles southwest of Casper. As a testament to their journey, they carved their names into this behemoth rock that stands 136 feet tall and covers an Ready to ring in the holiday season? Bundle up and head downtown for the annual Casper Christmas Parade on November 26. Chase away the shivers with free hot chocolate and cookies. Gaze at the lighted parade entries, sing along with the holiday music and keep an eye out for a visit from Santa himself! After the parade, cruise Casper’s cheerful, decorated neighborhoods to enjoy the twinkling of Christmas lights. Round out your holiday experience by planning an extra day for some yuletide shopping. Get more information about Downtown Casper at or call 307-235-6710. d o w n t o w n c a s p e r october area of 24.81 acres. Today it’s known as Independence Rock (, a poignant reminder of the sacrifice and fortitude of those who knew a better future lay before them. Take an afternoon to visit this national historic landmark where you might just find the names of some of your ancestors. VISITCASPER.COM // 1-800-852-1889 31 WELCOME THE DOG DAYS OF WINTER IDEAL FOR: DOG LOVERS, FAMILIES LOCATION: CASPER MOUNTAIN Race to the next Canines for Charity Sled Dog Race, benefitting the Natrona County 4H. Join participants and spectators from all over the United States at Beartrap Meadow to watch gorgeous canines and fierce competition. Mushers of every age battle in events like sprint (6-10 miles), mid-distance february (22 miles) and skijoring (anywhere from 1-3 dogs pulling a skier). This free event is open to the public, so if you’re a lover of adventure, chilly weather, mountains or pooches, check the events schedule at and then head up to Casper Mountain. HIT THE SLOPES NEVER MISS A CHANCE TO SHRED POWDER. VISITCASPER.COM OFFERS HOURLY FORECASTS IDEAL FOR: SKIERS, SNOWBOARDERS LOCATION: HOGADON SKI AREA l at. 42°44'18.09" lo n g. 10 6 ° 1 9 ' 0. 2 5 " december CHECK OFF YOUR "NICE" LIST IDEAL FOR: SECRET SANTAS LOCATIONS: DOWNTOWN CASPER, SURROUNDING AREAS Your holiday shopping list may be long, but Casper has the big box selection and local flavor that makes it easy to cross every name off your list. With Wyoming’s premiere selection, value and proximity, holiday shopping is a breeze in Casper. Since you’ll never be able to finish all of your shopping in a single day, make it a holiday shopping weekend. Shop big box stores like Macy’s, Best Buy, Target, Kohl's and Dick’s Sporting Goods as well as local treasures like Floral Rhino, Wind City Books, Lou Taubert's Ranch Outfitters, Ugly Bug Fly Shop and Fashion Crossroads. Holiday fanatics will want to visit Sierra West's specialty Christmas Store built inside an authentic old west hotel. You could spend hours wandering through more than 30 different holiday-themed rooms with over 90 Christmas trees and thousands of ornaments. With so many options in Casper, your weekend will feel more like a Christmas memory than a stressful chore. 32 VISITCASPER.COM e a d s v i l l e t r a i l c a s p e r m o u n t a i n SKI BY MOONLIGHT IDEAL FOR: FAMILIES, COUPLES LOCATION: CASPER MOUNTAIN TRAILS CENTER When the sun sets, it’s usually time to pack up the skis and head inside. We say forget about conventional wisdom! If you have never tried cross country night skiing, this is your chance. Casper Mountain boasts 15 miles of groomed and lighted trails, perfect for exploring by the light of the moon. The only sound puncturing the stillness of the crisp evening air will be your skis quietly whooshing across the snow...and maybe your breath as you settle into a brisk rhythm. Afterwards warm up cold fingers and toes in front of a crackling fire inside the Casper Mountain Trails Center (307-259-0958). december The weather outside is frightful, but that doesn’t deter die-hard fishermen of all ages from sliding out on the ice of Alcova and Pathfinder Reservoirs to drill for prize walleye, trout and perch. These two lakes, which lie about 30 miles southwest of Casper, are the ultimate ice fishing destinations during cold winter months. Each licensed // 1-800-852-1889 or take it easy on Morning Dew or Holiday. Snowboarders, get ready to ride Boomerang Terrain Park or hit one of the big-air jumps scattered around the mountain. Unlike other ski areas in Wyoming, lift lines are short – which means more skiing and fewer frozen toes. And for kids and first-timers, Hogadon offers the Magic Carpet Lift, a 310-foot conveyor belt-style lift. p a t h f i n d e r r e s e r v o i r c a s p e r m o u n t a i n h o g a d o n BREAK OUT THE BATHING SUIT BREAK THE ICE IDEAL FOR: HEARTY ANGLERS LOCATION: ALCOVA, PATHFINDER Pack up your gear and head to Hogadon Ski Area (, a top-down style ski area with vertical drops of 600 feet and 60 acres of beginner, intermediate and expert slopes just a few minutes from the city. Nowhere else in Central Wyoming can you polish off brunch in downtown and be on the slopes less than 20 minutes later. If skiing is your game, feel free to rip down favorites like Dreadnaught, JANUARY january fisherman is allowed up to six lines in the water at the same time, so bring your tipups and jigging rods and don’t miss a single catch. If you would like help planning your icy adventure, contact one of the local fishing guides to handle all of the details. You can find a list of local guides on page 54 or at IDEAL FOR: KIDS, FITNESS FANATICS LOCATION: CASPER FAMILY AQUATIC CENTER Baby it’s cold outside, but at the Casper Family Aquatic Center (307-235-8383) the sun is always shining. Bring the towels, snorkel masks and flippers (leave the sunscreen at home) for a beach day during the icy days of spring. The 23,500 square foot march facility has everything but the sun and sand: zero-depth entry, “lazy river,” two water slides, four-lane lap pool, hot water whirlpool, party room and an outdoor deck. Or just kick back and relax in the hot tub while the kids burn off some energy! c a s p e r f a m i l y a q u a t i c c e n t e r VISITCASPER.COM // 1-800-852-1889 33 e x p lo r e GET OUT THERE Casper was a central hub during the great westward migration of the 19th Century. The Oregon, California, Pony Express, Bozeman and Mormon Trails all converged in Casper. More than half a million settlers took the arduous trek on these trails, dreaming of a better life in the Great American West. Some carved their names into Independence Rock, an important historical landmark less than an hour from Casper off Highway 220. Many died along the way. Some of the toughest stayed, put down roots, and what began as a cluster of crude shacks grew into a small town. Casper is ground zero for history buffs who want to immerse themselves in the gritty lore and legends of the Old West. Here are a few of the places where you can experience our rich history: FORT CASPAR HISTORICAL SITE & MUSEUM NATIONAL HISTORIC TRAILS INTERPRETIVE CENTER 4001 FT CASPAR RD • 307-235-8462 1501 N POPLAR ST • 307-261-7700 Casper took its name from Fort Caspar, a fully reconstructed frontier outpost which draws large numbers of visitors every year. It was named after Lieutenant Caspar Collins, who was killed in the 1865 Battle of Platte Bridge Station against the Lakota and Cheyenne. The Fort Caspar Museum features reconstructed buildings, including a stockade and a replica of the Mormon ferry that operated in Casper from 1847-1849. Head inside the Interpretive Center where you can walk through Casper's first 100 years with objects from the museum’s collection and learn about the community’s history through interactive videos. The National Historic Trails Interpretive Center is a great place to start your exploration of our frontier history. Featuring state-of-the-art technology, the interpretive center allows visitors to experience what pioneer life was like for early emigrants. Join the thousands of annual visitors who roam the outdoor kiosks and historical display. This experience is an invaluable one for immersing children in history. The center is a must see for all those interested in pioneer life and our nation’s westward expansion. MORMON HANDCART VISITOR CENTER 47600 W HWY 22, ALCOVA 307-328-2953 EXPLORE HISTORY n a t i o n a l h i s t o r i c t r a i l s l at. 42°51'58.82" lo n g. 10 6 ° 2 0 ' 1 2 . 3 3 " i n t e r p r e t i v e c e n t e r 34 VISITCASPER.COM // 1-800-852-01889 In 1856, Edward Martin left Iowa with a group of Mormon Pioneers bound for Salt Lake City. They were too poor to buy horses and covered wagons, so most brought their belongings in handcarts. They left late in the season, with inadequate provisions, and were trapped in a blizzard 30 miles from present day Alcova, and some 60 miles from Casper. Of the 600 who made the journey, 150 died of starvation and exposure before the rest were rescued by a team from Salt Lake City. Contact Martin’s Cove to schedule your own trek and connect with Wyoming’s rich past. 1862: Platte Bridge Station was established near the site of the first Mormon ferry across the North Platte River. July 26, 1865: Lt. Caspar Collins and 25 other soldiers were killed during an Indian attack. The Fort was renamed Fort Casper in his honor, but his name was mispelled. June 15, 1888: Tracks from Fremont, Elkhorn & Missouri Valley Railroad arrived in the area, and Casper was born. 1910-1920: Casper’s population explodes with the booming oil and refining business, giving the area a ruff and tumble reputation, filled with saloons, brothels and bootlegging. 1920s: The Teapot Dome Scandal involving the Salt Creek Oilfields 40 miles outside of Casper involved national security, bribery and corruption up to the highest levels with President Warren G. Harding. SUN RANCH ABOUT 6 MI (9.7 KM) WEST OF INDEPENDENCE ROCK ON WYOMING HIGHWAY 220 The Sun Ranch, located outside of Casper near the Mormon Handcart Site, is a little-known treasure in the middle of some incredible history. The Oregon, Mormon, California and Pony Express Trails passed directly through this area, which is now a national historic landmark owned by the Church of Latter Day Saints. During your visit, you’ll find Devil’s Gate to your east and Split Rock off to your west in addition to dozens of unmarked trail graves on the ranch property. Make your immersion into pioneer history a weekend by staying in the onsite Jade or Moonstone Suites. 1942: Because of the area’s sunny and windy conditions, the Army built a training base for WWII bomber crews that now stands as the Wyoming Veterans Memorial Museum, near the airport. For more fascinating Casper and Wyoming history, go to, a project of the Wyoming State Historical Society. The North Platte River is a 680 mile river that flows right through the heart of downtown Casper. Along with Alcova Reservoir and Pathfinder Reservoirs, Casper’s waterways provide countless opportunities for recreation (see map page 56). Here are some of the areas you will definitely enjoy: EXPLORE WATERWAYS l at. 42°30'5.82" lo n g. 10 6 ° 47 ' 5. 8 0 " 36 f r e m o n t c a n y o n a l c o v a r e s e r v o i r VISITCASPER.COM // 1-800-852-01889 After Grey Reef, the North Platte River meanders towards Casper and beyond. And all along the way, there are plenty of access points for floating, canoeing, kayaking and fishing. There’s Lusby, Government Bridge/Miles Landing, By the Way Ranch, Sechrist, Speck/Bessemer Bend, Robertson Road and Paradise Valley (see map page 56), all public access points, and all beautiful destinations. Floating the river is a great way to take in Central Wyoming’s beauty at a leisurely pace. PLATTE RIVER PARKWAY Located on the outskirts of Downtown Casper, the Platte River Parkway is an ideal spot for fly fishing. It also features a manmade whitewater park for anyone wanting to spend an afternoon kayaking. Nothing makes for memories of fun and excitement like riding the waves of the river as it crashes over the rocks. It’s a terrific spot to picnic and view Casper’s skyline with Casper Mountain as a backdrop. a l c o v a l a k e Pathfinder Reservoir ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Alcova Reservoir ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ North Platte River Access ✔ ✔ ✔ Grey Reef ✔ ✔ ✔ Fremont Canyon ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Platte River Parkway ✔ ✔ ✔ Goldeneye Reservoir ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Marina Covering nearly 2,500 acres, Alcova Reservoir is one of Casper’s premier destinations for sportsmen, boaters, campers and anyone looking to have fun in the sun. The lake air is filled with a celebratory spirit during the summer holidays, but with a total of six campgrounds, any time is a good time to camp. Sandy, Okie and Black Beaches each merit a full-day visit, but adventurous types can also explore and find their own perfect areas to wile away an afternoon. And the Alcova Lakeside Marina is a full-service restaurant and lounge where you can also rent all types of watercraft and stock up on supplies before hitting the water. NORTH PLATTE RIVER ACCESS POINTS Camping ALCOVA RESERVOIR n o r t h p l a t t e r i v e r Canoe or Kayak FREMONT CANYON About 4 miles southwest of Pathfinder Dam, you will find the entrance to Fremont Canyon. The beautiful rock walls on either side of the river reach high into the air and provide climbing opportunities for novices and experts alike. But even if you are not that adventurous, it’s well worth a visit to explore Wyoming’s exposed history. GREY REEF Sportsmen rejoice! The Grey Reef section of the North Platte River, about 25 miles southwest from Casper, provides some of the best trout fishing in the country. And we’re not just bragging— the Outdoor Channel's Curtis Fleming chose this stretch of the river as the backdrop for two recent episodes of his hit show Fly Rod Chronicles with Curtis Fleming. Amazingly, it remains just as beautiful and uncrowded as ever. This is truly the place to be for sportsmen hoping to catch a 4 pound 20inch rainbow trout! Just 29 miles northwest of Casper, the Goldeneye Reservoir contains 1,153 acres, of which 488 are covered by the reservoir and is another prime destination for trophy trout. Boating This reservoir is fed by the Sweetwater and North Platte Rivers and controlled by Pathfinder Dam. It’s home to various fish species and is a great spot for camping, boating and hiking. Anyone interested in engineering should visit the Pathfinder Interpretive Center and Trail to learn about the hundred year history of this example of American ingenuity. c a n y o n Fishing PATHFINDER RESERVOIR f r e m o n t Climbing e x p lo r e GET OUT THERE At 8,130 feet, Casper Mountain offers so much to do, explore and enjoy. Situated just south of Casper, it’s a 20 minute drive to the top of the mountain from downtown. No matter how you plan to spend the day, the recreational opportunities are only limited by your imagination. EXPLORE CASPER MOUNTAIN l at. 42˚44’36.87” lo n g. 10 6 ˚ 1 8 ’ 5 5. 3 6 ” h o g a d o n c a s p e r m o u n t a i n mountain maps As you wander across Casper Mountain, you’ll find more trails than you could ever hike, bike or run. Here are a few places to find maps that will help you navigate our beloved mountain: Casper Chamber of Commerce Mountain Sports Bureau of Land Management - Casper Office Platte River Trails 38 VISITCASPER.COM // 1-800-852-1889 HOGADON SKI AREA Just atop Casper Mountain, about 11 miles from Casper, lies Hogadon Ski Area with 24 trails and three chair lifts. Downhill courses range from beginner (Morning Dew; Park Avenue) to intermediate (Holiday; Zig Zag) to expert (Bone Yard; Nasty Gash); there is also a snowboard terrain park covering 600 vertical feet. Typically open from mid-December to early April, the area offers residents and visitors the opportunity to hit the trails for a fun way to get some fresh air and appreciate the wonders of winter. LEE MCCUNE BRAILLE TRAIL It’s true the absence of sight heightens the other senses, and if you don’t believe it, visit the Lee McCune Braille Trail located on Strube Loop. Even if you follow the trail without wearing the visibility-obscuring glasses, you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how attuned you are to the sounds of flowing water and tweeting birds, the smell of wildflowers and pine needles, and the feel of mossy rocks and knotty tree trunks. Interpretive plaques with Braille imprints make this trail a truly unique experience. City of Casper Natrona County Government Wyoming State Parks Nordic Skiing c a s p e r m o u n t a i n t r a i l s c e n t e r Horseback Trails With 42 kilometers of groomed trails, the Nordic Trails Center provides opportunities for both day and night cross-country skiing. The beautiful terrain and variety of challenges for different skill levels make this a popular destination. In fact, prior to the Salt Lake City Olympics, two teams trained here. Night skiing is a particularly unique experience, with the lighted loop providing enough visibility to avoid accidents, but not so much as to wash out the beauty of a star-filled night sky. A visit to the trails center is more than just fun – it’s good exercise and will sharpen your senses. h o g a d o n Picnic Areas CASPER MOUNTAIN TRAILS CENTER If you happen to be in Casper during the summer solstice, plan to visit this park and folksy museum. Named an “Editor’s Pick” by, this attraction draws hundreds of visitors every summer to hear about the friendly elves, witches and forest spirits that call Casper Mountain home. ✔ ✔ ✔ Hiking Grab your bow and arrows and hone your archery skills at this practice range. Located just a short jaunt west of Beartrap Meadow, the area is also near camping and RV sites, as well as a number of public access roads and trails for those who might want to cruise around on an ATV. CRIMSON DAWN PARK & MUSEUM Biking ADAMS MEMORIAL ARCHERY RANGE p a r k Camping ROTARY PARK Situated near the base of the mountain, this park is home to Garden Creek Falls and the 4.5 mile Bridle Trail that offers spectacular views of the city below, beautiful scenery and even a waterfall. The park is equipped with grills and fire pits, so plan on a picnic once you have finished hiking or biking. r o t a r y Target Practice e x p lo r e GET OUT THERE Beartrap Meadow ✔ ✔ ✔ AdamsMemorial Archery Range ✔ ✔ ✔ Muddy Mountain ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Rotary Park ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Coal Mountain ✔ ✔ Casper Mountain Trail Center ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Lee McCune Braille Trail ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ e x p lo r e GET OUT THERE History and culture are alive and well in Casper! From our rich geological and cultural history to displays of nature and the arts, there’s something for every age and interest. These outstanding museums offer an engaging look at what makes our city such a fascinating place to visit. SALT CREEK MUSEUM EXPLORE ART + MUSEUMS t a t e g e o l o g i c a l l at. 42°49'30.79" lo n g. 10 6 ° 1 9 ' 4 4 . 5 4 " m u s e u m 40 VISITCASPER.COM // 1-800-852-01889 531 Peake St in Midwest • 307-437-6513 Exhibits chronicle the Salt Creek Oilfields from 1889 to the present, oilfield workers and their families, and a history of the area, including the Teapot Dome scandal of the early 1920s. Take a peek inside a furnished doctor’s office that was in use from 1937 to 1993, a school room, kitchen, dining room and barber shop. THE SCIENCE ZONE 111 W Midwest Ave • 307-473-9663 Kids learn science and math through fun, interactive programs and exhibits. Education, activities and live demonstrations for kids of all ages! 3740 Jourgensen Ave • 307-472-1857 This patriotic museum memorializes all veterans from the Indian Wars of the 1850s up to the Global War on Terrorism. The Spotlight Case singles out specific Wyoming veterans and their amazing stories and displays them in an intimate setting. WAR BIRDS MUSEUM 8220 Fuller St • 307-259-5910 Feed your inner aviator with a visit to the War Birds Museum (by appointment only). Veteran Jim Good will guide you through the museum, which boasts a collection of World War II vintage planes including two rare MIG fighters. Call to set up a tour. WERNER WILDLIFE MUSEUM 405 E 15th St • 307-235-2108 Located just a short walk from the Casper College campus, the Werner Wildlife Museum focuses on wildlife indigenous to Wyoming, but the displays also include specimens from North America, Asia, Africa, Europe and other locations around the world. Come visit the Werner's newest residents, baby pronghorns Sage and Cedar; it's one of WyoCity's many essential experiences! Bishop House ✔ ✔ Casper Planetarium ✔ ✔ Fort Caspar Historical Site ✔ ✔ ✔ National Historic Trails Interpretive Center ✔ ✔ ✔ Nicolaysen Art Museum & Discovery Center ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Salt Creek Museum ✔ ✔ ✔ Tate Geological Museum ✔ Veterans Memorial Museum ✔ ✔ ✔ War Birds Museum ✔ ✔ ✔ Werner Wildlife Museum ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Wild West Lore 400 E Collins Dr • 307-235-5247 The “NIC” features contemporary art of the central Rockies and high plains. With more than 25,000 square feet of galleries, classrooms and the Discovery Center (a hands-on art studio), the NIC celebrates the visual arts and learning. Plan ahead to catch an auction, show or festival, or simply wander through the current awe-inspiring display! WYOMING VETERANS MEMORIAL MUSEUM a r t Historic/ Prehistoric Interest NICOLAYSEN ART MUSEUM & DISCOVERY CENTER n i c o l a y s e n m u s e u m Nature Lovers 904 N Poplar St • 307-577-0310 Love to spend hours staring at the night skies? Learn about our solar system through programs and displays at the Planetarium. Featuring the cuttingedge Mediaglobe-II system, this facility allows for a full-dome presentation similar to an IMAX theatre. 125 College Dr • 307-268-2447 One of a small number of geology and paleontology museums in Wyoming, the Tate houses a collection of over 3,000 fossil and mineral specimens - including dinosaurs and Dee the Mammoth, an 11,600 year old Columbian Mammoth who lived in the American West during the Pleistocene, or Ice Age. Museum staff are always on hand to answer questions and help identify items folks might bring in. You'll even find a life-sized bronze of a juvenille T. rex right outside the museum. Make your visit not only enjoyable, but educational as well! Educational CASPER PLANETARIUM TATE GEOLOGICAL MUSEUM Art Lovers 818 E 2nd St • 307-235-5277 The M.L. Bishop House was placed on the National Register of Historic Places because of its association with the development of Casper and the surrounding area from a small village to a livestock center, and eventually, to an oil town. Kid Friendly BISHOP HOUSE w y o m i n g v e t e r a n s m e m o r i a l m u s e u m ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ e x p lo r e GET OUT THERE With Wyoming’s widest selection of big box stores, local shops and boutiques, Casper is a year-round shopping destination. Visit one of these shopping areas to discover the best that Casper has to offer. DOWNTOWN CASPER b l a c k m o r e m a r k e t p l a c e l at. lo n g. 42°50'55.03" 106˚18’55.36” d o w n t o w n c a s p e r E 2nd Street • 307-234-3170 For a unique and local experience, try the Hilltop Shopping Center. With a wide variety of specialty shops, this won’t be your everyday shopping trip. Kim’s Closet is the perfect destination for thrifty fashionistas, and the Hilltop Shopping Center is a destination for brides-to-be with Christina’s Prom and Bridal. Budding and seasoned muscians will be right at home at Hill Music. Grab a sandwich at Blimpie Sub or dine on fine Asian cuisine at Wonderful House for a break. Eastridge Mall 42 VISITCASPER.COM // 1-800-852-01889 c a s p e r ✔ ✔ Sunrise Shopping Center ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Hilltop Shopping Center ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Blackmore Marketplace d o w n t o w n ✔ m a l l Downtown Casper Western Gifts e a s t r i d g e Resturaunts 307-235-6710 Historic Downtown Casper is the heart of the city’s shopping scene. The area’s old buildings evoke our history as a frontier town. Lou Taubert Ranch Outfitters is a staple in western fashion. With nine floors and over 10,000 pairs of boots, you’ll find just the outfit for your stay in the Cowboy State. Looking for something to read? Wind City Books carries bestsellers, and local authors, as well as indie options. Sierra West and Wolcott Galleria carry elegant and unique home accent pieces and gifts. Downtown is the place to go for the most memorable Casper souvenirs. HILLTOP SHOPPING CENTER EXPLORE SHOPPING c a s p e r Craft Stores 4000 S Poplar St • 307-234-5886 The Sunrise Shopping Center in south Casper offers great shopping and dining all in one convenient location. Zeelo’s Cranks and Planks is Casper’s newest bike shop with equipment, gear and rentals as well as some of the best bike chatter you’ll find in town. Live It Clothing features dance, gymnastics and fitness apparel for the stylish fitness enthusiast. Try out some of your new finds at Healthy Life Studio, a yoga and tai chi training facility. Grab a sub with freshly sliced deli meats from Blimpie, or a charming bistro lunch from the Sunrise Coffee Cafe. For a night out, grab burgers and wings from Prime Time Pub & Grill, then bowl at Sunrise Lanes. d o w n t o w n Boutiques SUNRISE SHOPPING CENTER Newport Rd in East Casper The Blackmore Marketplace is the center of Casper’s ever-expanding east side. Kohl’s, Marshalls, Dressbarn, Shoe Carnival, Pier 1 Imports and a Gap Factory Store can all be found in this area. New restaurants and businesses are always moving in, so be sure to stop by to see what’s popping up at the Blackmore Marketplace. Local Stores 601 SE Wyoming Blvd • 307-265-9362 Home to over 60 stores, the Eastridge Mall is Wyoming’s largest shopping mall. With this kind of selection, everyone is guaranteed to find at least a few things they can’t leave Casper without. Anchor chains include Macy’s, JCPenney, Sears, Target, Best Buy and Dick’s Sporting Goods. There are also dozens of specialty stores like Bed Bath & Beyond, Gymboree, Famous Footwear and Christopher & Banks. BLACKMORE MARKETPLACE Big Box Stores EASTRIDGE MALL ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ events EVENTS As Wyoming’s hub of commerce, culture, creativity and competition, there’s something exciting happening in Casper all year long. And while this list is by no means exhaustive, we’ve compiled a calendar of some of our favorite events in 2016. To make sure you’re always in the know, subscribe to the Casper Compass, Wyoming’s most comprehensive events guide, at MAY 10 CARRIE UNDERWOOD The seven-time Grammy Award winner and country superstar has released five albums in her career, which has garnered her 17 Billboard Music Awards, 11 Academy of Country Music JAN 2017 JAN 2017 FEB 20 FEB 10-14 FEB 26-27 HAWG ICE FISHING DERBY EACH JANUARY PATHFINDER RESERVOIR HAWGDERBY.COM With $57,000 in cash and prizes available, you won't want to miss this Pathfinder tradition! Official rules and more information available at (See page 9) BRIDAL EXTRAVAGANZA EACH JANUARY CASPER EVENTS CENTER CASPEREVENTSCENTER.COM API CHILI COOKOFF FEBRUARY 20, 2016 CASPER EVENTS CENTER CASPERAPI.COM STATE DARTS TOURNAMENT FEBRUARY 10–14, 2016 PARKWAY PLAZA WYOMINGDARTS.COM STATE WRESTLING TOURNAMENT FEBRUARY 26–27, 2016 CASPER EVENTS CENTER WHSAA.ORG FEB 19-21 MAR 3-5 MAR 8 MAR 9 MAR 10-12 SLED DOG RACES FEBRUARY 19–21, 2016 CASPER MOUNTAIN CANINESFORCHARITY.ORG Canines for Charity presents the Casper Mountain Sled Dog Races Banquet and Auction. (See page 33) STATE 1A/2A BASKETBALL MAR 16-20 MAR 18-20 MARCH 3–5, 2016 CASPER EVENTS CENTER WHSAA.ORG HARLEM GLOBETROTTERS MARCH 8, 2016 CASPER EVENTS CENTER CASPEREVENTSCENTER.COM WHSAA SPIRIT COMPETITION MARCH 9, 2016 CASPER EVENTS CENTER WHSAA.ORG STATE 3A/4A BASKETBALL MARCH 10-12, 2016 CASPER EVENTS CENTER WHSAA.ORG MAR 19-20 MAY 27-29 MAY 10 CASPER EVENTS CENTER CASPEREVENTSCENTER.COM Awards, an induction into the Grand Ole Opry and many other achievements. For her third trip to Casper, Underwood will be accompanied by Easton Corbin and the Swon Brothers. STATE TEAM POOL TOURNAMENT MARCH 16-20, 2016 PARKWAY PLAZA WYOMINGAMUSEMENT.COM HOME & GARDEN SHOW MARCH 18–20, 2016 CASPER EVENTS CENTER CASPEREVENTSCENTER.COM Admission is FREE to this annual home and garden show, presented by the Central Wyoming Homebuilders Association. CASPER YOUTH BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT MAMMA MIA APR 15-17 APR 15-17 APRIL 15-17, 2016 CASPER EVENTS CENTER WAWAWRESTLING.ORG VISITCASPER.COM // 1-800-852-1889 SPRING SOCCER JAMBOREE APRIL 15-17, 2016 NORTH CASPER SOCCER COMPLEX CASPERSOCCERCLUB.COM STATE HIGH SCHOOL ART SYMPOSIUM APR 22-23 CASPER IRON POWERSPORTS EXPO APRIL 21-23, 2016 CASPER EVENTS CENTER WHSAA.ORG APRIL 22-23, 2016 CENTRAL WYOMING FAIRGROUNDS MOTORCYCLEEVENTS.COM APR 25-26 CASPER COED VOLLEYBALL TOURNAMENT APRIL 25-26, 2016 ACROSS CASPER CRLASPORTS.COM APR 29-30 APR 30 44 most famous vintage auto event with custom and antique cars and trucks. APR 21-23 MARCH 21, 2016 CASPER EVENTS CENTER BROADWAYINCASPER.COM WY AMATEUR WRESTLING MAY 27-29 DOWNTOWN CASPER CRUIZINWITHTHEOLDIES.COM Blast into the past in high gear during the Cruizin’ With the Oldies classic car show in downtown Casper, Wyoming’s MARCH 19-20, 2016 ACROSS CASPER CRLASPORTS.COM MAR 21 CRUZIN' WITH THE OLDIES CARSHOW THE JOE EXPO APRIL 29-30, 2016 CASPER EVENTS CENTER CASPEREVENTSCENTER.COM 2016 COWBOY STATE FEIS APRIL 30, 2016 CY MIDDLE SCHOOL FEISWORX.COM VISITCASPER.COM // 1-800-852-1889 45 events MAY 14 MAY 19-21 MAY 21 MAY 26 JUNE 5 JUNE 2016 JUNE 12-18 P.O.W.W.O.W MAY 14, 2016 CASPER EVENTS CENTER WYPOWWOW.COM The 2016 Promoting our Women Warriors of Wyoming conference connects and empowers female veterans. JUNE 24-26 STATE TRACK AND FIELD CHAMPIONSHIPS MAY 19-21, 2016 KELLY WALSH HIGH SCHOOL WHSAA.ORG HARMONY, HOPS & HOPE MAY 21, 2016 MIKE LANSING FIELD 307MAGONLINE.COM This annual brew fest and concert will be held at Mike Lansing Field for the second year, and every year, the bands get bigger, the crowds dance longer and the beers get tastier. (See page 27) JULY 4 JULY 8-16 CELTIC WOMAN MAY 26, 2016 CASPER EVENTS CENTER BROADWAYINCASPER.COM CASPER MARATHON JUNE 5, 2016 ACROSS CASPER RUNWYOMING.COM Runners from across the country compete in full, half and relay marathons during the Casper Marathon along the scenic North Platte River. Described by past participants as a “first class event with small town charm,” the annual race is hailed as a picturesque, quiet and uncrowded 26.2 miles. JULY 9 WYOMING STATE GAMES JUNE 2016 ACROSS CASPER WYOMINGSTATEGAMES.COM COLLEGE NATIONAL FINALS RODEO JUNE 12-18, 2016 CASPER EVENTS CENTER CNFR.COM The west comes alive for one week this summer in Casper during the College National Finals Rodeo. Join competitors and spectators from across the nation as we come together to tip our hats to champions. (See page 7, 27) JUNE 20, 2016 CRIMSON DAWN ON CASPER MOUNTAIN CRIMSONDAWNPARK.ORG The folklore and legend behind the annual Midsummer’s Eve Celebration is as intricate and complex as the forest on Casper Mountain. Visit the historic Crimson Dawn Museum for a primitive and folksy celebration of summer. VISITCASPER.COM AUG 6-7 FIREWORKS FESTIVAL JULY 4 CASPER EVENTS CENTER CASPEREVENTSCENTER.COM CENTRAL WYOMING FAIR & PRCA RODEO JULY 8–16, 2016 CENTRAL WYOMING FAIRGROUNDS CENTRALWYOMINGFAIR.COM While the CWFR’s PRCA Rodeo is one of the top 35 in the nation, this week is jam-packed with events including a Demolition Derby, Pancake Breakfast, Mutton Bustin’ with local 5-7 year-olds, Matched Horse Races and much more. Every year, more events get added to the schedule, so check out so you don’t miss any of the action. (See page 28) JULY 9, 2016 NORTH PLATTE RIVER K2RADIO.COM Teams construct homemade rafts and race down a section of the North Platte River. With kayaks, canoes, inflatables, prizes for most dressed and most creative floats, and an after party with beer, music and food at Paradise Valley Park, this summer bash is a blast. // 1-800-852-1889 JULY 9-17, 2016 ACROSS CASPER COWBOYTOUGHWY.COM With a medley of events for adventure-seekers and fitness enthusiasts alike, this week features the conclusion of the 360-430 mile Cowboy Tough Expedition Race, the Casper Strong Race and Casper Glow Run 5K. (See page 28) JULY 23-24 AUG 12-14 STUDEBAKER’S DRIVER’S CLUB CAR SHOW JULY 15-16, 2016 PARKWAY PLAZA STUDEBAKERDRIVERSCLUB.COM WORLD RECORD CAMPS JULY 20-21 AUGUST 6-7,2016 BEARTRAP MEADOW ON CASPER MOUNTAIN BEARTRAPFESTIVAL.COM The greatest stories of summer are told with fiddles, banjos and lyrical poetry at the Beartrap Summer Festival. Hosted in picturesque Beartrap Meadow on Casper Mountain, some of the biggest names in bluegrass as well as local favorites perform during this premiere music festival. Wyoming has come together to dance for this celebrated event since 1994. Past headliners have included the Charlie Daniels Band, Los Lobos and the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band. Join us as we revere summer with music, sunshine and friends during the Beartrap Summer Festival. (See page 29) REV3 ADVENTURE RACE WEEK JULY 9-17 MIDSUMMER'S EVE CELEBRATION 46 BEARTRAP FESTIVAL JUNE 24-26, 2016 NICOLAYSEN ART MUSEUM THENIC.ORG This summer celebration of art, music, food and sunshine is a Casper favorite. Browse booths from artists across the region ranging from acrylics and photography to jewelry and postcards. The food should be considered a work of art as well, with freshly prepared chocolate and designer candies, fresh squeezed lemonade and all of your fried favorites like elephant ears and corn dogs. (See page 28) GREAT RIVER RAFT RACE JULY 15-16 JUNE 20 NIC FEST JULY 20-21, 2016 KELLY WALSH HIGH SCHOOL WORLDRECORDCAMPS.COM AUG 12-14 CASPER BALLOON ROUNDUP JULY 23-24, 2016 CENTRAL WYOMING FAIRGROUNDS CASPERBALLOONROUNDUP.COM Casper’s skyline will be spotted with color during the Casper Balloon Roundup. In what is easily one of the most photographic events of the summer, more than two dozen vibrant, richly-hued hot air balloons will be floating over Casper. The weekend kicks off Saturday morning with a 6:00 a.m. mass launch at the Central Wyoming Fairgrounds. Chase a few of your favorites across town or pick a spot on Casper Mountain or near the Casper Events Center for a dazzling view of the whole fleet. AUG 19-21 AUG 20 SALT CREEK DAYS AUGUST 12-14,2016 MIDWEST MIDWEST.GOVOFFICE.COM This annual event is a great way to explore central Wyoming's history and frontier spirit. There will be a parade, a community picnic, fun for the kids and even a golf tournament on a course made of mowed prairie grass and sand greens. ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGIONAL FIDDLE CHAMPIONSHIPS AUGUST 19-21, 2016 RAMADA PLAZA CASPERWYOFIDDLECLUB.COM RIVERFEST & GREAT DUCK DERBY AUGUST 20, 2016 NORTH PLATTE RIVER PLATTERIVERTRAILS.COM Wave goodbye to summer with a rubber ducky in one hand and a micro-brew in the other during Riverfest & the Great Duck Derby. This community celebration of summer is an end-of-August staple in Casper. Crossroads Park fills up with locals, visitors, live bands, food vendors and micro-brew tastings as hundreds of rubber duckies race down the North Platte River to benefit the Platte River Trails and the Casper Rotary Club. WILD WEST PHOTO FEST SEPT 2016 SEPTEMBER 2016 WYOMINGCAMERAOUTFITTERS.COM STAGE III RENAISSANCE FAIRE AUGUST 12-14, 2016 CENTRAL WYOMING FAIRGROUNDS STAGEIIITHEATRE.ORG SEPT 10-11 CASPER CLASSIC FALL SOCCER TOURNAMENT SEPTEMBER 10-11, 2016 NORTH CASPER SOCCER COMPLEX CASPERSOCCERCLUB.COM VISITCASPER.COM // 1-800-852-1889 47 events SEPT 13-15 SEPT 18 SEPT 2016 MAR 2017 SEPT 17-18 SEPT 30 OCT 1 OCT 15 OCT 27-29 NOV 5 WYOMING OIL & GAS FAIR SEPTEMBER 13-15, 2016 CASPER EVENTS CENTER WYOGASFAIR.ORG NOV 12-13 CASPER OPEN VOLLEYBALL TOURNAMENT NOVEMBER 12-13, 2016 ACROSS CASPER CRLASPORTS.COM DIRECTORY HOTELS / MOTELS ·································································· T-BIRD TREK SEPTEMBER 18, 2016 CASPER COLLEGE CASPERCOLLEGE.EDU/TBIRD_TREK NOV 17-19 CASPER COYOTES HOCKEY SEPTEMBER 2016 - MARCH 2017 CASPER EVENTS CENTER CASPERCOYOTES.COM Join Casper's very own Western States Hockey League (WSHL) team for another fast-dashed paced, hard hitting season. MISS WYO USA PAGEANT SEPTEMBER 17-18, 2016 CASPER EVENTS CENTER MISSWYOMINGUSA.COM WYOMING WOMEN'S EXPO NOV 28 NOV 2016 OCTOBER 15, 2016 CASPER EVENTS CENTER WHSAA.ORG OCTOBER 27-29, 2016 CASPER EVENTS CENTER WHSAA.COM TRIBUTE TO THE GREAT AMERICAN COWBOY PRCA RODEO 480 E LATHROP RD (I-25 EXIT 185) • EVANSVILLE (307) 235-3038 Pool, Handicap Accessible, Pets Allowed, Breakfast, Internet, Refrigerator + Microwave DOWNTOWN CHRISTMAS PARADE NOVEMBER 28, 2016 DOWNTOWN CASPER DOWNTOWNCASPER.COM The holiday season begins with the joy and cheer of the Downtown Christmas Parade. Find the spirit as you watch twinkling floats glide through Casper, warm up with hot cocoa and feast on free cookies. Santa himself has been known to make an appearance, so the finale is well worth braving the temperatures. (See page 31) BEST WESTERN PLUS 651 GRANITE PEAK DR • CASPER (307) 472-1120 Refrigerator + Microwave, Pool, Handicap Accessible, Fitness Center, Breakfast, Internet, Meeting Rooms NOVEMBER 2016 PARKWAY PLAZA PARKWAYCASPER.COM DEC 2-3 ANNUAL LEGO LEAGUE ROBOTICS COMPETITION DECEMBER 2-3, 2016 CASPER EVENTS CENTER NCSDATHLETICS.COM DAYS INN ·································································· ·································································· COMFORT INN FIRST INTERSTATE MOTEL 301 E LATHROP RD (I-25 EXIT 185) • EVANSVILLE (307) 472-6300 Kitchenettes, Refrigerator + Microwave, Pool, Handicap Accessible, Fitness Center, Breakfast, Internet, Meeting Rooms 269 MIRACLE RD (I-25 EXIT 185) • EVANSVILLE/CASPER (307) 237-8100 Kitchenettes, Pool, Handicap Accessible, Pets Allowed, Fitness Center, Breakfast, Internet, Meeting Room 301 E “E” ST (I-25 EXIT 188A) • CASPER (307) 234-1159 Outdoor Pool, Refrigerator + Microwave, Pets Allowed, Fitness Center, Hot Breakfast, Internet, Laundry 20 SE WYOMING BLVD (I-25 EXIT 185) • CASPER (307) 234-9128 Kitchenettes, Handicap Accessible, Pets Allowed, Internet Dining and shopping nearby. Weekly, daily and monthly rates available. Truck parking. ·································································· HAMPTON INN & SUITES 1100 N POPLAR ST (I-25 EXIT 188B) • CASPER (307) 235-6668 Pool, Handicap Accessible, Fitness Center, Airport Shuttle, Breakfast, Internet, Meeting Room, Business Center ·································································· STATE 9 BALL POOL TOURNAMENT ·································································· CANDLEWOOD SUITES DEC 2-3 STATE VOLLEYBALL CHAMPIONSHIPS NOVEMBER 17-19, 2016 CASPER EVENTS CENTER NJCAACASPER.NET Witness the crowning of a champion during the 2016 National Junior College Volleyball Championships. The nation’s top junior collegiate athletes come to Casper to battle for the ultimate title. The best 16 teams from across the country will bump, set and spike their way through a grueling tournament. This event is a can’t-miss for volleyball fans, sports enthusiasts and competitors alike, so visit Casper to find out whether the favorite or underdog will remain standing on championship Saturday. BAYMONT INN & SUITES ·································································· SEPTEMBER 30-OCTOBER 1, 2016 CASPER EVENTS CENTER WYOMINGWOMENSEXPO.COM The Wyoming Women’s Expo works to make a difference for women by presenting resources to help them flourish and succeed in their personal and professional lives by providing opportunities to network, have fun, visit exhibits and explore products and services. STATE MARCHING BAND COMPETITION NJCAA VOLLEYBALL CHAMPIONSHIPS C’MON INN 4210 HOSPITALITY LN • CASPER (307) 234-4200 Kitchenettes, Refrigerator + Microwave, Handicap Accessible, Fitness Center, Internet, Meeting Rooms, Pets Allowed COURTYARD BY MARRIOTT CASPER 4260 HOSPITALITY LN (I-25 EXIT 185) • CASPER cprcy-courtyard-casper/ (307) 473-2600 Pool, Refrigerator + Microwave, Handicap Accessible, Fitness Center, Internet, Meeting Room ·································································· HILTON GARDEN INN 1150 N POPLAR ST (I-25 EXIT 188B) • CASPER (307) 266-1300 Restaurant, Pool, Refrigerator + Microwave, Handicap Accessible, Fitness Center, Airport Shuttle, Internet, Meeting/Convention Facilities WYOMING SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA'S HOLIDAY CONCERT DECEMBER 2016 JOHN F. WELSH AUDITORIUM AT NCHS WYOMINGSYMPHONY.ORG NOVEMBER 5, 2016 CENTRAL WYOMING FAIRGROUNDS TRIBUTETOGAC.COM ·································································· ·································································· CASPER LODGE NOV 5 48 CASPER RECREATION FOUNDATION CRAFT FAIR NOVEMBER 11-12, 2016 CASPER EVENTS CENTER CASPEREVENTSCENTER.COM VISITCASPER.COM // 1-800-852-1889 Don't miss a beat! Go to to subscribe to the Casper Compass for weekly email updates on upcoming events and happenings around Casper. 739 LUKER LN. (I-25 EXIT 185) EVANSVILLE/CASPER (307) 237-1335 Kitchenettes, Refrigerator + Microwave, Pool, Handicap Accessible, Fitness Center, Breakfast, Internet, Meeting Rooms ·································································· ·································································· HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS 4250 LEGION LN (I-25 EXIT 185) • CASPER (307) 237-4200 Kitchenettes, Pool, Refrigerator + Microwave, Handicap Accessible, Fitness Center, Breakfast, Internet, Meeting Room, Business Center and complimentary high-speed, wireless Internet access. 990-sq-ft meeting room. MAINSTAY SUITES 551 GRANITE PEAK DR (I-25 EXIT 182) • CASPER (307) 472-7829 Kitchenettes, Pool, Handicap Accessible, Fitness Center, Breakfast, Internet QUALITY INN & SUITES 821 N POPLAR ST (I-25 EXIT 188B) • CASPER (307) 266-2400 Refrigerator + Microwave, Handicap Accessible, Dogs Allowed, Fitness Center, Breakfast, Internet, Meeting Room RIVERVIEW INN 22258 W HIGHWAY 220 • ALCOVA (307) 473-5829 Restaurant, Handicap Accessible, Pets Allowed. Located across from Grey Reef. 8 Rooms, some kitchenettes, RV parking and guest laundry. ·································································· ROYAL INN 440 E “A” ST (I-25 EXIT 188A) • CASPER (307) 234-3501 Refrigerator + Microwave, Handicap Accessible, Pets Allowed, Internet, 40 Rooms ·································································· THE STERLING HOTEL ·································································· ·································································· HOLIDAY INN-MCMURRY PARK 721 GRANITE PEAK DR (I-25 EXIT 182) • CASPER (307) 577-5000 Restaurant, Kitchenettes, Pool, Handicap Accessible, Fitness Center, Internet, Meeting/Convention Facilities, Airport Shuttle (by appt. only), ATM MOTEL 6 1150 WILKINS CIR (I-25 EXIT 188B) • CASPER (307) 212-3031 Kitchenettes, Outdoor Pool, Handicap Accessible, Pets Allowed, Internet ·································································· ·································································· RAMADA PLAZA CASPER HOTEL & CONFERENCE CENTER 300 W “F” ST (I-25 EXIT 188A or 188B) • CASPER (307) 235-2531 Restaurant, Kitchenettes, Pool, Handicap Accessible, Pets Allowed, Fitness Center, Airport Shuttle, Breakfast, Internet, Meeting/ Convention Facilities 111 S WILSON ST (I-25 EXIT 186B) • CASPER (307) 237-3955 Kitchenettes, Handicap Accessible, Small Dogs Allowed, Internet, Close to Hospital 21405 ALCOVA RD • ALCOVA (307) 232-1300 ·································································· LA QUINTA INN CASPER RAMKOTA HOTEL & CONFERENCE CENTER 400 W “F” ST (I-25 EXIT 188A or 188B) • CASPER (307) 265-1200 Pool, Refrigerator + Microwave, Handicap Accessible, Pets Allowed, Airport Shuttle, Fitness Center, Hot Breakfast, Internet, Meeting Room PARKWAY PLAZA HOTEL & CONVENTION CENTRE PATHFINDER RESERVOIR CAMPGROUNDS 32 MI SW OF CASPER ON HWY 220 (307) 235-9311 Tent & RV Sites, Picnic Facilities, Handicap Facilities, Drinking Water, Toilets, Pets Allowed VIRGINIAN MOTEL 830 E “A” ST (I-25 EXIT 188A) • CASPER (307) 266-3959 Refrigerator + Microwave, Weekly Rates Available Only ·································································· YELLOWSTONE MOTEL 1610 E YELLOWSTONE HWY (I-25 EXIT 186B) • CASPER (307) 234-9174 Kitchenettes, Some Refrigerator + Microwave, Small Dogs Under 20 lb. Allowed, Internet, One Level 6733 BONANZA RD (I-25 EXIT 182) • EVANSVILLE (307) 235-3100 Pool, Handicap Accessible, Pets Allowed, Fitness Center, Breakfast, Internet, 100% Non-Smoking CAMPGROUNDS + RV PARKS ······························································ ALCOVA LAKE CAMPGROUND COUNTY RD 407 • WEST OF CASPER (307) 235-9311 Tent & RV Sites, Picnic Facilities, Handicap Facilities, Drinking Water, Toilets, Hook Ups, Pets On Leashes Allowed BLM CAMPGROUNDS: LODGEPOLE & RIM 9 MI S ON CASPER MTN. RD, 6 MI TO MUDDY MTN. • CASPER (307) 261-7600 Tent & RV Sites, Picnic Facilities, Handicap Facilities, Toilets, Hook Ups, Pets Allowed ·································································· ·································································· ·································································· SLEEP INN & SUITES 100 W “F” ST (I-25 EXIT 188A) • CASPER (307) 235-2711 Pets Allowed, Refrigerator + Microwave, Breakfast, Internet THE INN AT ALCOVA GREY REEF RESERVOIR CAMPGROUND 30 Mi SW of Casper on Hwy 220 via County Rd 412 • ALCOVA (307) 235-9311 Tent & RV Sites, Picnic Facilities, Handicap Facilities, Toilets, Pets Allowed 727 HWY 387 • EDGERTON (307) 437-6541 Refrigerator + Microwave, Handicap Accessible, Internet ·································································· NATIONAL 9-SHOWBOAT ·································································· TEAPOT MOTOR LODGE 800 N POPLAR ST (I-25 EXIT 188B) • CASPER (307) 266-6000 Refrigerator + Microwave, Restaurant, Pool, Handicap Accessible, Pets Allowed, Fitness Center, Airport Shuttle, Internet, Meeting/ Convention Facilities, Lounge + Business Center ·································································· SUPER 8 MOTEL - CASPER WEST 3838 CY AVE (I-25 EXIT 188B-S ON POPLAR) • CASPER (307) 266-3480 Kitchenettes, Handicap Accessible, Pets Allowed, Fitness Center, Breakfast, Internet, Business Center CASPER EAST RV PARK & CAMPGROUND 2800 E YELLOWSTONE HWY • CASPER (307) 237-5155 Tent & RV Sites, Picnic Facilities, Handicap Facilities, Drinking Water, Showers, Toilets, Hook Ups, Pets Allowed, Dump Station, Wi-fi, Pool, Mini Golf CASPER KOA 1101 PRAIRIE LN • BAR NUNN (307) 577-1664 Tent & RV Sites, Picnic Facilities, Drinking Water, Showers, Toilets, Hook Ups, Pets Allowed, Dump Station, Internet, Mini Golf, Pool, Hot Tub, Bike Rentals CASPER MOUNTAIN CAMPGROUNDS CASPER MOUNTAIN RD • CASPER (307) 235-9311 Tent & RV Sites, Picnic Facilities, Handicap Facilities, Drinking Water, Pets Allowed, Fees and Rules Apply. 123 W “E” ST (I-25 EXIT 188A) • CASPER (307) 235-1777 Restaurants, Pool, Refrigerator + Microwave, Handicap Accessible, Pets Allowed, Fitness Center, Airport Shuttle, Internet, Meeting/ Convention Facilities, Newly Remodeled Rooms FORT CASPAR CAMPGROUND 4205 FORT CASPAR RD • CASPER (307) 234-3260 Tent & RV Sites, Picnic Facilities, Handicap Facilities, Drinking Water, Showers, Toilets, Hook Ups, Pets Allowed, Internet, Fishing Ponds, Playground ·································································· RIVER’S EDGE RV & CABIN RESORT 6820 SANTA FE CIRCLE • EVANSVILLE (307) 234-0042 50 RV Sites, Free Wireless Internet, Lodge and Rec Room, Exercise Room, Coin Laundry, Bath House, Direct TV RONE RV PARK 5080 E Yellowstone HWY • Evansville (307) 267-1745 or (307) 237-5000 Conveniently located just off I-25, one mile east of Casper, next to Sonny’s RV. Full hook ups, propane available, Wi-fi available, weekly, and monthly rates available. Route 66 Network discounts. 25 spaces. Long Term Rentals Available GUEST RANCHES + LODGES ······························································ CASPER MOUNTAIN BED & BREAKFAST 4471 S CENTER ST • CASPER (307) 237-6712 2 rooms, view of Casper Mountain, close to dining, shopping, and attractions, no pets, non-smoking. NORTH PLATTE LODGE 20400 GREY REEF RD • ALCOVA (307) 237-1182 Original lodge on the Grey Reef section of the North Platte River. Over 17 miles of private access and professional guides. The Reef Fly Shop, located on the property, offers up-to-date fishing conditions and extensive selection of fly fishing gear. RED BUTTE RANCH 8550 S BESSEMER BEND • CASPER (307) 472-3784 Each river cottage sleeps six, has a full kitchen and is furnished throughout with rustic log furniture. Red Butte Ranch welcomes outdoor pets and horses. REEF FLY SHOP COTTAGES + RV 22222 GREY REEF RD, ALCOVA (307) 232-9128 Guest Cottages, tent sites, RV sites, full service fly shop, full hook ups, river shuttle service, drift boat rentals, guided fishing + hunting SUNBURST LODGE 2700 MICRO RD • CASPER MOUNTAIN (307) 235-9086 Handicap Accessible, Hot Tub, Breakfast, Internet. Conveniently located on Casper Mountain, next door to Hogadon Ski Area. Large private acreage with hiking trails, picnic areas, and scenic views await in summer, or choose to explore on snowshoes, skis, or by snowmobile in winter. Primitive camp sites available. WYOMING ANGLER LODGE + CABINS 20 MILES SOUTHWEST OF CASPER (307) 267-5161 Cabins have Direct TV, Full Kitchen, Wi-fi, Fishing Access + A Great View of the River on a world class Fishery. (20 min. away) Lodge has a kitchen where guests can cook meals if not fishing with us. Direct TV, Wi-fi, Hot Tub, Sun Room, Workout Room ·································································· RANCH HOUSE MOTEL ·································································· ·································································· 1130 E “F” ST (I-25 EXIT 187)• CASPER (307) 266-4044 11 Rooms, Cable TV, Wi-Fi Available, Microwave & Refrigerator in Rooms ·································································· 50 VISITCASPER.COM // 1-800-852-1889 B = BREAKFAST | L = LUNCH | D = DINNER | * = SMOKING | å= ALCOHOL DINING HARDEES 900 PRONGHORN RD • (307) 237-5544 150 SE WYOMING BLVD • (307) 234-0859 B|L|D AMERICAN ·············································· ALCOVA LAKESIDE MARINA 24025 LAKESHORE DR • ALCOVA (307) 472-6666 B|L|D (SEASONAL) å APPLEBEE’S 359 MIRACLE RD • EVANSVILLE (307) 472-6555 L|D å ARBY’S RESTAURANTS 80 SE WYOMING BLVD • (307) 237-8040 2607 CY AVE • (307) 577-5905 BLACK & GOLD GRILLE 1650 ENGLISH AVE • CASPER 307) 472-4653 L|D å BUFFALO WILD WINGS 5071 E 2ND ST • CASPER (307) 265-9453 L|D BURGER KING (307) 239-8300 596 N. POPLAR (307) 235-6090 4051 CY AVE. (307) 265-0995 81 SOUTHEAST WYOMING BLVD. B|L|D CADDIE SHACK RESTAURANT 2120 ALLENDALE BLVD (MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE) • CASPER (307) 233-6619 L|D (Open Year Round) CASPER’S GOOD COOKING 581 N POPLAR ST • CASPER (307) 237-3033 B|L|D * (Open 24 hours) THE CHEESE BARREL 544 S CENTER • CASPER (307) 235-5202 B|L COLE CREEK BAR & GRILL HOLIDAY INN - CASPER EAST 721 GRANITE PEAK DR • CASPER (307) 577-5000 B|D å THE COTTAGE CAFE & CATERING 116 S LINCOLN ST • CASPER (307) 234-1157 L DENNY'S 4220 HOSPITALITY LN • CASPER (307) 472-2911 B|L|D å EDGERTON CAFE 335 HWY 387 • EDGERTON (307) 437-6233 B|L|D Closed Sunday EGGINGTON’S RESTAURANT 229 E 2ND ST • CASPER (307) 265-8700 B|L FIVE GUYS BURGERS & FRIES 5060 E 2ND ST • CASPER (307) 472-0102 L|D THE FORT SALOON & EATERY 500 W “F” ST • CASPER (307) 577-0538 L|D å G’MA’S DINER 4755 W YELLOWSTONE • MILLS (307) 265-0070 B|L GHOST TOWN RESTAURANT & TRUCK STOP 6680 W YELLOWSTONE HWY • CASPER (307) 472-0200 B|L|D * THE GRILLE AT THREE CROWNS 1601 KING BLVD • CASPER (307) 472-7694 L|D (D - seasonal) THE GRILL AT THE MOONLIGHT 2305 E 12TH ST • CASPER (307) 234-7787 L|D 52 HAYDEN’S PLACE 5038 W LAFAYETTE ST. • MILLS (307) 266-4110 B|L|D HILTON GARDEN INN 1150 NORTH POPLAR ST • CASPER (307) 266-1300 B|D å IHOP 510 E LATHROP RD • EVANSVILLE (307) 235-0111 B|L|D JACQUIE’S BISTRO 124 E 2ND ST • DOWNTOWN CASPER (307) 333-6282 B|L JC BURGERS & PRAIRIE DINER CATERING 711 E COLLINS ST, CASPER (307) 472-5978 L J’S PUB & GRILL 3201 SW WYOMING BLVD (307) 472-3100 L|Då JOHNNY J’S DINER 1705 E 2ND ST • CASPER (307) 234-4204 B|L|D KAREN & JIM’S RESTAURANT 520 S ASH ST • CASPER (307) 266-4976 L|D å KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN & LONG JOHN SILVER’S 4100 E 2ND ST • CASPER (307) 234-0713 L|D McDONALDS 4010 PLAZA DR • CASPER • (307) 265-5121 40 SE WYOMING BLVD, (307) 237-8320 600 W “F” ST, (307) 265-2263 B|L|D THE ORIGINAL HAMBURGER STAND 3930 E 2ND ST • CASPER (307) 234-8604 L|D PARKWAY CAFE 123 W “E” ST (PARKWAY PLAZA) • CASPER (307) 235-1777 B|L|D å PEACHES FAMILY RESTAURANT 711 E 2ND ST • CASPER (307) 234-0951 L|D PERKINS FAMILY RESTAURANT 4710 E 2ND ST • CASPER (307) 265-7339 B|L|D PLOW’S DINER 2150 E YELLOWSTONE HWY • CASPER (307) 577-1504 B|L PRETZELMAKER 601 SE WYOMING BLVD (EASTRIDGE MALL) • CASPER (307) 234-8326 L|D RED & WHITE CAFE 1620 E YELLOWSTONE HWY • CASPER (307) 234-6962 B|L DUKE’S EATERY RAMADA PLAZA RIVERSIDE 300 W “F” ST • CASPER (307) 235-2531 B|L|D SANFORD’S GRUB & PUB 61 SE WYOMING BLVD • (307) 315-6040 L|D SHERRIE’S PLACE 310 W YELLOWSTONE HWY • CASPER (307) 235-3513 B|L SHIFTERS 1850 CY AVE • CASPER (307) 237-4126 L|D SISSY’S CAFE 1433 E 2ND ST • CASPER (307) 337-7419 B|L VISITCASPER.COM SONIC 6793 BONANZA, EVANSVILLE (307)333-4959 TUMBLEWEED CAFE 267 LEWIS ST • MIDWEST (307) 437-6266 L VILLAGE INN 350 SE WYOMING BLVD • (307) 234-1485 325 S DURBIN • (307) 472-0361 B|L|D WENDY’S 1111 CY AVE • (307) 235-4578 4281 E 2ND ST • (307) 237-9378 L|D WESTERN GRILL RESTAURANT 2333 E YELLOWSTONE • CASPER (307) 234-7061 B|L|D WYOMING HOT WINGS 1821 E 12TH ST • CASPER (307) 237-5924 L|D ASIAN ·············································· CHOPSTIX ASIAN BISTRO 1937 E 2ND STREET • CASPER (307) 265-2891 L|D DSASUMO 320 W 1ST ST. • CASPER (307) 237-7874 L|D FLAMING WOK 601 SE WYOMING BLVD (EASTRIDGE MALL) • CASPER (307) 232-9211 L|D FULL HOUSE CHINESE RESTAURANT 3550 W YELLOWSTONE HWY • MILLS (307) 265-0550 L|D GUILIN GARDEN ASIAN BISTRO 770 CY AVE • CASPER (307) 265-3988 L|D HIBACHI SUPREME BUFFET 601 SE WYOMING BLVD. • CASPER (307) 265-3888 L|D HOUSE OF SUSHI 260 S CENTER ST • CASPER (307) 234-1818 L|D J.S. CHINESE RESTAURANT 116 W 2ND ST • CASPER (307) 577-0618 L|D LIME LEAF ASIAN BISTRO 845 E 2ND ST • CASPER (307) 315-6888 L|D MING HOUSE CHINESE RESTAURANT 233 E 2ND ST • CASPER (307) 265-1838 D MONGOLIAN GRILL 4801 E 2ND ST • CASPER (Triangle Plaza) (307) 473-1033 L|D NEW MOON CHINESE CAFE 832 CY AVE • CASPER (307) 234-2915 L|D PARADISE VALLEY ASIAN CUISINE 5795 CY AVE (307) 222-6648 PHO SAIGON 2145 E 12TH ST • CASPER (307) 472-5695 L|D SHOGUN JAPANESE STEAKHOUSE 3095 TALON DR (307) 266-6888 SZECHUAN CHINESE RESTAURANT 1151 CY AVE • CASPER (307) 265-8881 L|D WONDERFUL HOUSE RESTAURANT 221 S MONTANA AVE (HILLTOP SHOPPING CTR)• CASPER (307) 315-6832 L|D // 1-800-852-1889 BAKERIES + PASTRY ·············································· DAYLIGHT DONUTS 939 E 2ND ST. • CASPER • (307) 472-0626 4693 W YELLOWSTONE • MILLS •(307) 472-0662 B EILEEN’S COLOSSAL COOKIES 4801 E 2ND ST, TRIANGLE PLAZA (307) 333-4525 FLOUR BIN 260 W 1ST • CASPER (307) 258-2876 B|L FROSTED TOPS 123 W E ST (307) 251-7467 GREAT HARVEST BREAD CO. 428 S DURBIN, STE 101 • CASPER • 307) 337-4286 B|L SUNRISE COFFEE CAFE 4360 S POPLAR ST • CASPER (307) 265-1595 B|L BARBECUE ·············································· FAMOUS DAVE’S BBQ 5900 E 2ND ST• CASPER (307) 472-5900 L|D HQ BBQ 70 S CURTIS ST • EVANSVILLE (307) 315-6947 L|D COFFEE ·············································· A CUPPA JOE 4801 E 2ND ST (TRIANGLE PLAZA) • CASPER (307) 237-0601 ART OF COFFEE 1973 E ‘A’ ST • CASPER (307) 234-2326 CITY BREW 3200 TALON DR • CASPER COFFEE WORKS 123 W ‘E’ ST (Parkway Plaza) • CASPER (307) 259-6729 DONELL'S CANDIES 201 E 2ND ST (ATRIUM PLAZA) • CASPER (307) 234-6283 ELECTRIC BEACH BEVERAGES 1220 W COLLINS DR (LOCATED IN SUNSATIONS TANNING SALON) • CASPER (307) 234-4748 JAVA JITTERS ESPRESSO 601 SE WYOMING BLVD • CASPER (307) 472-0702 MELROSE COFFEE HOUSE 1511 SOUTH MELROSE ST (CASPER UCC) • CASPER (307) 472-0702 METRO COFFEE COMPANY 241 S DAVID ST • CASPER (307) 472-5042 STARBUCKS COFFEE 4585 E 2ND ST • (307) 234-9470 4003 CY AVE • (307) 234-6550 300 E WYOMING BLVD (SAFEWAY EAST) 5 60 N CENTER ST. • (307) 265-4476 WIND CITY BOOKS 152 S CENTER ST (307) 315-6003 DELI ·············································· BLIMPIES 4160 S POPLAR ST • (307) 235-4755 207 S MONTANA AVE (HILLTOP) (307) 237-1656 L|D GRANT STREET GROCERY & MARKET 815 S GRANT ST • CASPER (307) 237-2539 L SANDWICH BAR 200 E 2ND ST • CASPER (307) 266-1527 B|L SUBWAY 234 N CENTER ST • (307) 266-3100 601 SE WYOMING BLVD (EASTRIDGE MALL) • (307) 237-7001 4400 E 2ND ST • (307) 235-6662 2711 CY AVE • (307) 234-9650 4255 CY AVE • (307) 472-1224 1905 E 2ND ST • (307) 266-1841 516 SW WYOMING BLVD • (307) 473-1113 41 SE WYOMING BLVD • (307) 265-6662 B|L|D ICE CREAM + DESSERT ·············································· BLISS YOGURT 5030 E 2ND ST (307) 333-6853 COLD STONE CREAMERY 939 E 2ND ST, STE 700 • CASPER (307) 237-3960 DEB'S FUDGE KITCHEN 152 UNIVERSITY CT. • CASPER (307) 472-4500 DAIRY QUEEN 603 N POPLAR ST • (307) 266-2450 3845 E 2ND ST • (307) 473-5360 L|D DONELL'S CANDIES 201 E 2ND ST (ATRIUM PLAZA) • CASPER (307) 234-6283 KEN & BETTY’S 4801 E 2ND ST • CASPER (307) 234-0040 TCBY 516 SW WYO BLVD • MILLS • (307) 473-1113 ITALIAN ·············································· BOSCO’S ITALIAN RESTAURANT 847 E “A” ST • CASPER (307) 265-9658 L|D BOTTICELLI RISTORANTE ITALIANO 129 W 2ND ST • CASPER (307) 266-2700 L|D LA COSTA 1600 E 2ND ST • CASPER (307) 235-6599 L|D ON THE BORDER 71 SE WYOMING BLVD • CASPER (307) 315-6822 L|D PANCHO’S 3700 CY AVE • CASPER Open 24-hours B|L|D QDOBA 5030 E 2nd ST • CASPER (307) 473-1100 4009 CY AVE. • CASPER (307) 472-0892 L|D TACO BELL 86 SE WYOMING BLVD • (307) 266-0056 3340 CY AVE • (307) 266-4769 L|D TACO JOHN’S 4031 E 2ND ST • (307) 235-4016 766 CY AVE • (307) 265-6805 601 SE WYOMING BLVD (EASTRIDGE MALL) • (307) 237-8968 80 W “F” ST • (307) 235-0297 3533 W YELLOWSTONE • (307) 235-8102 B|L|D TACOS MEXICO 2117 E 12TH ST SUITE A • CASPER (307) 472-5606 L|D TACOTIME 1215 S BEVERLY ST • CASPER (307) 237-9891 B|L|D PIZZA ·············································· BOB’S PIZZA PLUS 601 SE WYOMING BLVD (EASTRIDGE MALL) • CASPER (307) 472-0213 L|D CHARLIE T’S PIZZERIA 112 E 2ND ST • CASPER (307) 237-0022 L|D DOMINOS 813 E 1ST ST • (307) 234-4455 3141 SW WYOMING BLVD • (307) 265-2900 1540 CENTENNIAL CT • (307) 237-6100 2145 E 12TH ST • (307) 237-6100 (Delivery Only) L|D LITTLE CAESERS 939 E 2ND ST • CASPER • (307) 266-1040 3320 CY AVE • CASPER • (307) 577-0000 Carry out only. RACCA’S PIZZERIA NAPOLETANA 319 W MIDWEST • CASPER OLD CHICAGO 3580 E 2ND ST • CASPER (307) 473-1900 L|D PAPA JOHN’S PIZZA 1501 E 2ND ST • CASPER (307) 234-2121 L|D OLIVE GARDEN 5070 E 2ND ST • CASPER (307) 234-6105 L|D PIZZA HUT 3741 E 2ND ST • CASPER • (307) 577-9112 3738 CY AVE • CASPER • (307) 265-0804 1300 S POPLAR • CASPER • (307) 577-0511 L|D MEXICAN PIZZA RANCH 5011 E 2ND ST • CASPER (307) 577-9112 L|D ·············································· DON JUAN 144 S CENTER ST • CASPER (307) 234-0903 L|D GUADALAJARA 3350 CY AVE • CASPER (307) 234-4699 L|D LA COCINA 321 E “E” ST • CASPER (307) 266-1414 L|D PUBS + CLUBS ·············································· ALL THAT JAZZ 123 W “E” ST (PARKWAY PLAZA) • CASPER (307) 577-1777 BAR MENU, BACK DOOR LOUNGE 840 CY AVE • CASPER (307) 265-5080 BAR MENU, SPECIALTY BACKWARDS DISTILLING COMPANY 158 PROGRESS CIR. • MILLS (307) 472-1275 BAR MENU, BAJA BEACH COMPANY BAR & GRILL 525 SW WYOMING BLVD • MILLS (307) 235-2252 * BEACON CLUB 4100 W YELLOWSTONE HWY • MILLS (307) 577-1503 L|D * RED LOBSTER 5010 E 2ND ST • CASPER (307) 266-0070 L|D STUFT GOURMET POTATOES 4801 E 2ND ST, 108 • CASPER 201 E 2ND ST, ATRIUM PLAZA • DOWNTOWN CASPER (307) 237-0002 L|D ·············································· BUTCH’S HAPPY DAYS 1180 OILDALE • EVANSVILLE (307) 577-5031 * CHATTERS BAR & GRILL 1324 PRAIRIE LN • BAR NUNN (307) 234-5329 B|L|D * DUKE’S LOUNGE 300 W “F” ST (RAMADA PLAZA) • CASPER (307) 235-2531 L|D DORN’S FIRESIDE 1745 CY AVE • CASPER (307) 235-6831 L|D FROSTY’S LOUNGE & LIQUOR STORE 520 S CENTER ST • CASPER (307) 234-3827 BAR MENU L|D * GALLOWAYS PUB 2800 CY AVE • CASPER (307) 237-9558 L|D HORSESHOE BAR & GRILL 7515 W YELLOWSTONE HWY • CASPER (307) 472-5770 L|D * KEG & CORK 5371 BLACKMORE ROAD • CASPER (307) 337-4083 L|D LAZY 8 SALOON 13720 E 20-26-87 • EVANSVILLE (307) 237-0032 * MOONLIGHT LIQUORS & LOUNGE 2305 E 12TH ST • CASPER (307) 234-7787 BAR MENU L|D * MOVIE STAR LOUNGE 520 S ASH ST • CASPER (307) 473-7465 L|D PRIME TIME RESTAURANT + CAPUTA'S 4370 S POPLAR ST • CASPER (307) 235-6395 L|D THE PUMP ROOM 739 N CENTER ST • CASPER (307) 237-8325 L|D SPIRITS 800 N POPLAR (Ramkota Hotel & Conference Center) • CASPER (307) 266-6000 L|D SUNSET GRILL 22250 W HWY 220 • ALCOVA (307) 472-3200 L|D * TAYLORS SPORTS BAR & SPIRITS 37 CURTIS ST • EVANSVILLE (307) 266-0941 * TJ’S BAR & GRILL 2024 CY AVE • CASPER (307) 473-7526 L|D * VINTAGE 1016 S POPLAR • CASPER (307) 473-9463 WONDER BAR 256 S CENTER ST • CASPER (307) 234-4110 L|D B = BREAKFAST | L = LUNCH | D = DINNER | * = SMOKING | STEAKHOUSE ·············································· FIRE ROCK STEAKHOUSE & GRILL 6100 E 2ND ST • CASPER (307) 234-2333 L|D OUTBACK STEAKHOUSE 229 MIRACLE RD • EVANSVILLE (307) 235-0391 L|D POOR BOY’S STEAKHOUSE 739 N CENTER ST • CASPER (307) 237-8325 L|D REMINGTON’S AT THE RAMKOTA 800 N POPLAR ST • CASPER (307) 266-6000 B|L|D TEXAS ROADHOUSE 210 MIRACLE ST, EVANSVILLE (307) 265-0801 L|D SILVER FOX STEAKHOUSE 3422 ENERGY LN • CASPER (307) 235-3000 L|D ATTRACTIONS GALLERIES ·············································· ANTLER TAXIDERMY & ART 2590 PALAMINO AVE • BAR NUNN Western wildlife and art by local artists. (307) 258-6529 ART 321 321 W MIDWEST AVE • CASPER Casper Artists Guild gallery and gift shop. (307)-265-2655 FINISHING TOUCH 4010 S POPLAR Local art in all mediums. Located at the Sunrise Shopping Center. (307) 577-1440 GOODSTEIN ART GALLERY 125 COLLEGE DR • CASPER The gallery exhibits works by both regional and national professional artists as well as works by graduating art students. (307) 258-6529 HAVEN GALLERY 316 W YELLOWSTONE • DOWNTOWN CASPER Features emerging and established Wyoming, regional, national and international artists. (307) 258-6529 SCARLOW’S GALLERY 120 W 2ND ST (307) 237-8390 VIVI’S ARTIST’S CHOICE GALLERY 647 W YELLOWSTONE Source for Vivi K. Crandall wildlife art. (307) 234-7000 å= ALCOHOL WEST WIND ART GALLERY 1040 W 15TH Casper Artists Guild gallery (307) 265-2655 HISTORICAL + TOURS ·············································· DINOSAUR NATURE TRAIL ON COUNTY ROAD 407 BETWEEN “BLACK BEACH” AND “COTTONWOOD BEACH” ROADS AT ALCOVA LAKE HISTORIC DOWNTOWN CASPER 109 W 2ND ST Self guided walking tour brochures available at the Chamber of Commerce Visitors Center and CACVB offices. HELL’S HALF ACRE HWY 20/26; 40 MILES NW OF CASPER Historic site of unique natural rock and land formations and filming location for Starship Troopers (1997). HISTORIC TRAILS WEST MILLS Conestoga wagon treks and horseback rides on the trails pioneers once traveled. (307) 266-4868 INDEPENDENCE ROCK HWY 220; 20 MILES NE OF MUDDY GAP Natural landmark along Oregon Trail. Numerous travelers painted, carved or wrote their names on its surface over the years. PAINTED PAST PRODUCTIONS 330 S CENTER ST, STE 414 Historic downtown walking tours. (307) 267-7243 YOUR RIDE/ADVENTURES WEST Narrated van tours of historic trails & shuttle services. (307) 277-0480 INDOOR ACTIVITIES ·············································· 5150 ROCK GYM 408 N BEVERLY Indoor rock climbing facility. (307) 337-2166 ACES & EIGHTS 128 S CENTER Pool hall and poker. (307)-797-9362 KIDS WORKS 2500 CY AVE Indoor playground, childcare. (307) 234-4386 LIFETIME HEALTH & FITNESS 300 LANDMARK DR • CASPER Full gym, indoor driving range, racquetball, swimming, sauna, steam, hot tub. (307) 473-2582 NATRONA COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY 307 E 2ND ST (MAIN BRANCH) • CASPER Maps of Casper, bus schedules, and information about local attractions make this a helpful stop while you’re visiting the downtown area. (307) 237-4935 OLD TOWN ARCADE 123 W ‘E’ ST • CASPER Redemption Arcade & 24’ climbing wall. (307) 266-4653 SANDTRAP INDOOR GOLF 523 S CENTER WWW.THESANDTRAPIGC.COM (307)333.1464 SCIENCE ZONE 111 W MIDWEST AVE A hands-on exploratory center where children and families can learn together. (307) 473-9663 STUCKENHOFF SHOOTERS COMPLEX 2330 N STATION RD Indoor archery and air rifle range. (307) 265-2535 STUDIO CITY MESA THEATRE 3150 TALON DR Featuring eleven screens including large format ARQ™ auditorium and reclining leather lounge chairs. (307) 472-7469 CASPER FAMILY AQUATIC CENTER 1801 E 4TH ST Lazy river, two slides, family friendly. (307) 235-8383 CASPER ICE ARENA 1801 E 4TH ST Indoor ice rink, snack bar, skate rentals. (307) 235-8484 CASPER PLANETARIUM 904 N POPLAR ST (307) 577-0310 CASPER RECREATION CENTER 1801 E 4TH ST Drop-in courts, football and pool, aquatics. (307) 235-8383 CENTRAL WYOMING MODEL RAILROAD ASSOCIATION 1356 N CENTER ST Variety of track layouts available for train enthusiasts, including a new HO Scale layout. (307) 259-1785 54 DOWNTOWN MOVIE PALACES DOWNTOWN CASPER Stadium seating & Dolby digital cinema. (307) 472-4747 EL MARKO LANES 2800 CY AVE Call for hours. Cafe and lounge. (307) 237-9558 JUMP CRAZE 4720 LATHROP RD (307)337-3671 STUDIO CITY STADIUM 10 THEATRE 5020 E 2ND ST Featuring all digital projection and sound. (307) 472-7469 SUNRISE LANES 4370 S POPLAR ( IN SUNRISE SHOPPING CENTER) Dining, lounge and 24 lanes of bowling. (307) 234-9141 WAGON WHEEL ROLLER RINK 305 VAN HORN AVE, MILLS Indoor roller skating rink, arcade & snack bar. (307) 265-4214 WYOMING ATHLETIC CLUB 455 THELMA DR (307) 265-6928 3920 S POPLAR ST (307) 234-4241 Indoor tennis courts, racquetball courts, swimming, full gym. YMCA 315 E 15TH ST $5/day pass, out of state memberships honored, full use. (307) 234-9187 VISITCASPER.COM MUSIC + THEATRE ·············································· ARTCORE Live performance/arts series; call or visit website for schedule of performances. (307) 265-1564 CASPER THEATER COMPANY 735 CY AVENUE Call or visit website for schedule of performances. (307) 267-7243 CONCERTS IN THE PARK 12TH & MCKINLEY (WASHINGTON PARK) City Band performances weekly on Thursdays; June through August at 7:30pm. GERTRUDE KRAMPERT THEATRE CASPER COLLEGE CAMPUS Casper College theatrical performances. (307) 268-2500 STAGE III 900 N CENTER Community theatre. Call or visit website for schedule. (307) 234-0946 WEDNESDAY NIGHT LIVE COLLINS & BEECH STREETS Free outdoor summer concerts July-Aug. at The Nic. (307) 235-5247 WYOMING BLUES & JAZZ SOCIETY 123 W “E” ST, PARKWAY PLAZA Jam sessions 3rd Sunday of each month. WYOMING SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA 225 S DAVID, STE 1B Live symphony performances October-May. (307) 266-1478 OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES ·············································· ALCOVA MARINA ALCOVA LAKE/HWY 220 24025 LAKE SHORE DRIVE Watercraft rentals, fishing licenses (307) 472-6666 ATV TRACK POISON SPIDER RD 200 acres. Open year round to all off road vehicles, no fee. (307) 261-7600 BMX TRACK 25TH & POPLAR, MIKE SEDAR PARK (307) 235-4168 CASPER COUNTRY CLUB 4149 COUNTRY CLUB Private golf course, 18 holes. Contact club for out-oftown reciprocal memberships. (307) 235-5777 CASPER MUNICIPAL GOLF 2120 ALLENDALE BLVD Public golf course, 27 holes. (307) 234-1037 CITY TENNIS COURTS (307) 235-8383 CITY OF CASPER POOLS Pools at several locations around the city; June-Aug. (307) 235-8383 // 1-800-852-1889 CASPER DISC GOLF N OF SOCCER & SOFTBALL COMPLEX ON BRYAN STOCK TR. 18 holes, bring your own disc. (307) 472-5245 CASPER MOUNTAIN TRAILS CENTER CASPER MOUNTAIN Summer: hiking/biking. Winter: ski trails lit until 9:30 PM. (307) 235-9200 CASPER SPEEDWAY 2201 EAST RD Open Friday evenings mid-May thru early September. (307) 259-3848 EDNESS KIMBALL WILKINS STATE PARK EVANSVILLE / HWY 20/26 Popular picnic area and bird watching habitat, walking, biking trails, horse trails. Swimming, Handicap accessible fishing pier. Daily use fees. (307) 577-5150 HOGADON SKI AREA 2500 HOGADON RD 60 acres of groomed slopes; ski school, rentals, concessions, snowboarders welcome. (307) 235-8499 HOT AIR BALLOON RIDES 1-800-611-1298 JESSICA’S POND 10 miles west of Casper, next to Speas Fish Hatchery. OLD TOWN MINI GOLF 123 W “E” ST Outdoor miniature golf course, modeled after historic Casper. (307) 266-4653 PATHFINDER RESERVOIR US 220 VIA COUNTY ROADS 406 OR 407 PARADISE VALLEY COUNTRY CLUB 70 MAGNOLIA Private golf course, 18 holes. Out of town guests welcome. (307) 237-3673 PLATTE RIVER PARKWAY Bike, walk, skate alongside the North Platte River. (307) 577-1206 PLATTE RIVER WHITEWATER PARK AMOCO PARK/1ST ST Water sports, kayaking, ½ mile with 4 man made rock structures creating turbulent water recreation. (307) 577-1206 SALT CREEK COUNTRY CLUB Midwest/Edgerton “Sand Packed” greens, 9 holes. (307) 437-6229 SKATEBOARD PARKS 315 E 15TH ST & 1701 E “K” ST SNOWMOBILE TRAILS CASPER MOUNTAIN 49 miles total, 46 groomed, 3 non-groomed. STUCKENHOFF SHOOTERS COMPLEX 2330 N STATION RD 100 and 300 yard rifle ranges, shotgun range and cannon range. Muzzle loading range, action pistol/ cowboy action shooting range (307) 265-2535 WYOMING GAME & FISH 3030 ENERGY LN Hunting and fishing orders on line, landowner list. (307) 473-3400 YESNESS POND POPLAR & WYOMING BLVD Stocked pond for children’s fishing experience. OUTFITTERS + GUIDES ·············································· CHARLIE'S GUIDE SERVICE Fish for walleye and trout at Pathfinder and Alcova. (307) 235-1125 COLE CREEK OUTFITTERS PO BOX 797 EVANSVILLE Antelope, mule deer and elk archery and rifle hunt guides. (307)234-8940 COWBOY DRIFTERS Year-round fly fishing guides. Public lodging and cabins. (307) 331-2031 CRAZY RAINBOW FLY FISHING & WINGSHOOTING 240 S CENTER ST Year-round fly fishing & hunting guides. (307) 234-6905 DEEP CREEK FISHING RANCH 307.266.4229 FISH TALES GUIDE SERVICE (307) 262-5173 GREY REEF ANGLERS 3780 E 20TH ST (307) 267-2559 NORTH PLATTE LODGE 20400 W GREY REEF Full service hunting, fishing, wingshooting. (307) 237-1182 PLATTE RIVER FLY SHOP 7400 W HWY 220 Guided fishing trips, rentals, fly fishing gear. (307) 237-5997 PLATTE RIVER OUTFITTERS 3400 S POPLAR ST (307) 265-2843 PLATTE RIVER RAFT N’ REEL 1775 W 1ST ST Guided & non-guided rafting & fly fishing trips. (307) 267-0170 RED BUTTE RANCH 8550 S BESSEMER BEND Access North Platte River on private lands (307)472-3784 THE REEF FLY SHOP GREY REEF RD, ALCOVA Guided fishing services on the banks of the Grey Reef (307)232-9128 S-N-S OUTFITTER & GUIDE SERVICE PO BO 2827 CASPER Big game hunting across 750,000 acres of land (307)266-4229 (307)266-4229 TROPHY CREEK OUTFITTERS 2721 SAGEWOOD AVE CASPER Guided hunts of mule deer, whitetail, antelope, elk and moose (307)577-5820 UGLY BUG FLY SHOP 240 S CENTER ST (307) 234-6905 WOODEN RIFLE OUTFITTERS Private access to North Platte (307) 325-6491 WYOMING ANGLERS 5625 CY AVE Guided fly fishing trips. Private trophy pond, private access and lodging. (307) 267-9722 LOCAL SPORTS TEAMS ·············································· A'SALT CREEK ROLLER GIRLS Women’s flat track roller derby team. (307) 277-2958 CASPER COYOTES CASPER ICE ARENA (307)235-8484 Junior A ice hockey team in the Western States Hockey League RENTALS + GEAR REEF FLY SHOP 22222 GREY REEF RD (307) 232-9128 ROCKY MOUNTAIN DISCOUNT SPORTS 1351 CY AVE (307) 265-6974 SLOANE’S GENERAL STORE HWY 220 ALCOVA Food, supplies, boat & cabin rentals. Fishing and hunting licenses, diesel gas. Year round shuttles for floating the river. (307) 232-1300 SPORTSMAN’S WAREHOUSE 1420 E 2ND ST (307) 233-3700 UGLY BUG FLY SHOP 240 S CENTER ST Fishing and camping gear. (307) 234-6905 WYOMING CAMERA OUTFITTERS 128 WEST SECOND ST. (307) 237-1223 ZEELO'S CRANKS AND PLANKS 5230 S POPLAR ST Ski and snowboard rentals, bicycles in summer. (307) 233-4058 TRANSPORT AIRPORT ·············································· ·············································· DICK'S SPORTING GOODS 601 SE WYOMING BLVD (EASTRIDGE MALL) (307) 265-4266 DRIVEN POWERSPORTS /DRIVEN MARINE 1021 ENGLISH AVE ATV rentals. (307) 237-7680 GEAR UP AND GET OUT THERE 254 W 1ST ST • CASPER (307) 235-6353 MOUNTAIN SPORTS 543 S CENTER ST Ski and snowboard rentals. (307) 266-1136 307 RIVER SPORTS 1775 W 1ST ST (307) 267-0170 CASPER / NATRONA COUNTY INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT HWY 20/26, APPROX. 9 MILES WEST OF CASPER (307) 472-6688 TAXI ·············································· BLUE CAB (307) 337-7303 CASPER CABS 1724 E 2nd St (307) 234-8294 DAD’S YELLOW CAB 309 Midwest Ave (307) 237-8294 EAGLE CAB (307) 797-3818 LYNN'S LIMOS (307) 251-2128 PLUSH LIMOS (307) 262-1086 MEETING SPACE If you are hosting a meeting or convention, you’ll find everything you need right here. We offer over 180,000 square feet of meeting and convention space and over 2,700 rooms and suites as well as outstanding amenities in our five full-service hotels and many select service hotels. We, along with the properties we promote, offer professional expertise to assist you with every phase of your meeting, convention and event planning. Please visit us online at to learn about our hotels and meeting facilities. • 5 FULL SERVICE HOTELS • 14 SELECT SERVICE HOTELS BUS SERVICE ·············································· ARROW / BLACK HILLS STAGE LINE 601 N Center (307) 265-2353 THE BUS: CASPER AREA TRANSPORTATION COALITION (CATC) Daily Schedules Except Sundays (307) 265-1313 CAR RENTALS ·············································· AVIS RENT-A-CAR 8500 Airport Parkway (307) 237-2634, (800) 831-2847 THE CAGES 1961 FETTERMAN Batting cages open April-September. (307) 577-7431 THREE CROWNS GOLF CLUB PLATTE RIVER COMMONS Robert Trent Jones, Jr. public course, 18 holes. (307) 472-7696 B = BREAKFAST | L = LUNCH | D = DINNER | * = SMOKING | BUDGET 8500 Airport Parkway (307) 266-1122 ENTERPRISE 2200 E 2nd st (307) 234-8122 HERTZ 8500 Airport Parkway, #102 (307) 265-1355 å= ALCOHOL • ADDITIONAL MEETING FACILITIES • 180,000+ SQ. FT. OF MEETING SPACE • OVER 2,700 ROOMS Gray Reef Access Area ee Sw 9 .8 miles Independence Rock va co Al Pa thfi nde s. Re ALCOVA rR es. PATHFINDER Cardwell Alcova-Seminoe Back Country Byway 220 4 LEGEND 12TH ST. Parks & Recreation OR-CA-Mormon-BozemanPony Express Trails Platte River Parkway Trail City Street Major Thoroughfare Interstate COUNTRY CLUB RD. 21 14 E. 2ND ST. 25 16 North Platte CC // 1-800-852-1889 258 21ST ST. 7 25 252 24 25TH E. AV CY 258 ENERGY LANE N INDIA SH T BRU IN A P R. YD LE L VA 2 11 17 FT. CAS 15 AV RN HO VAN . PAR RD 220 iver Platte R North . D V L B G 26 KIN MILLS STON E WYOMING BLVD. 8 3 13TH ST. 220 1ST ST. AMOCO PARK 22 13TH ST. 27 19 LINS COL M 9TH 1 LOW YEL 220 CASPER 251 12TH ST. 5TH ST. 2ND ST. 20 NE STO 23 EST IDW 13 “B” ST. 12 4 Exit 188B Exit 189 20 26 SKY VIEW DR. REVENUE BLVD. 15TH ST. 10 4TH ST. “A” ST. 1ST ST. “E” ST. ONE E. YELLOWST “C” ST. Exit 187 “F” ST. E. “K” ST. Exit 188A North Platte River 5 18 N Exit 186 METRO RD. 9 To Miracle Mile Kortes, Seminoe VISITCASPER.COM SE ADI PAR RIVE D RD END 6. 4m ile s tw ate rR ive r Gray Reef Reservoir M R. AD OLI N AG METRO CASPER LC Bishop Stake iles 3m 56 BILLINGS & BAR NUNN Yellowstone...................................267 Miles NW Denver....................................... 277 Miles South Rapid City....................................... 254 Miles NE Devil’s Tower.................................. 187 Miles NE Billings....................................... 280 Miles North Salt Lake City................................ 412 Miles SW Lusby Public Access Area 319 Devil’s Gate & Mormon Handcart Visitor Center 25 ile s 487 VE. O 9.2 m Govt. Bridge/ Miles Landing Access Area CY A 220 es mil 10 THE PERFECT HUB FOR YOUR VACATION! PARADISE VALLEY es mil .5 BLM Interpretive Site LLOW m Sechrist Public Access Area Willow Springs RB By The Way Ranch Public Access Area 308 Hartnett RIVE ny -Po s . on reg li Ca orm -M 2.3 miles R RD. on nia for il Tra Speck/Bessemer Bend Public Access Area 4 SPIDE ss re Exp Robertson Rd. Public Access Area N POISO INSET MAP 2 220 BLM Bessemer Interpretive Site 20 26 2 m i le Wyoming Blvd. Poplar St. Yesness Pond DR. 1.8 1 CR 3 Game & Fish Office Energy Ln. CASPER 25 LEAR NUC 2 Rock Avenue Fort Caspar Morad Park Amoco Park W. YE s CasperAlcova Canal es mil 3 .8 mi INSET MAP 1 .5 Muddy Mountain 7.6 miles le s 308 7 To Medicine Bow es mil 306 319 12 Mile Rd. 487 3 i mil e Lodgepole Circle Dr. Campground 5.3 8.6 Poison Spider School 1.5 miles Spider Rd. Poison 1.8 miles Pla tte Riv er Paradise Valley Access Area Edness Kimball Wilkins State Park 20 26 20 26 WYOMING BLVD. Nature Trail CR 201 Bryan Stock Trail Pond K RD. Archery Range les Bryan Stock Trail Mills Bridge E. Rim Campground 18 Zero Rd. .5 miles CR 202 Rober tson Rd Dawn Beartrap Meadow North Casper Park 20 26 NORTH PLATTE RIVER ACCESS POINTS Ponderosa Crimson Park EK H W Y . 8 Natrona County International Airport East End Rd. Braille Nature Trail easo nal) 25 Golden Eye Reservoir Tower Hill Campground Hogadon Ski Area 6 20 26 SQUAW CREE ······························································ Mountain Rd. N. POPLAR ST. 18. National Historic Trails Center 1501 North Poplar Street CASPER MOUNTAIN AREA Cross Country Ski & Cycling Trail ose Egg Rd. 27. Werner Wildlife Museum 405 East 15th Street ······························································ Wyoming Blvd. Garden Creek CENTER ST. 17. Mountain Plaza Shopping Center CY Avenue / Wyoming Boulevard KIMBALL 8. Casper Municipal Golf Course 2120 Allendale Boulevard BEECH ST. ······························································ ······························································ 220 26. Three Crowns Golf Club 1601 King Boulevard 16. Hilltop Shopping Center 2614 East 2nd Street ······························································ 258 BRYAN STOCK TRAIL ······························································ A D. BLV FAIRGROUNDS RD. ······························································ SALT CRE · · · · · ·25 ························································ Kimball Wilkins 7. Casper Nordic Ski &Edness Biathalon State ParkArea ALE ND LLE COFFMAN AVE. 15.Fort Caspar 4001 Fort Caspar Road 25. Tate Geological Museum 125 College Drive SOUTH POPLAR ST. 6. Casper Mountain & Hogadon Ski Area 8700 Hogadon Trail (see inset Map 1) ······························································ CASPER MTN. RD. ······························································ DAVID ······························································ 24. Sunrise Shopping Center 4000 South Poplar Street ASH 14.Eastridge Mall 601 Southeast Wyoming Boulevard COLLE GE DR . 5. Casper Events Center One Events Drive ······························································ CENTER ST. WOLCOTT DURBIN ······························································ S. OAKCREST AVE. ······························································ 23. The Science Zone 111 West Midwest Avenue JACKSON 13.Downtown Casper 2nd Street / Center Street MCKINLEY ST. 4. Mike Lansing Field North Poplar Street ······························································ MCKINLEY ······························································ MCKINLEY ······························································ 22. Platte River Whitewater Park Amoco Park / 1st Street CONWELL ST. 12.Chamber of Commerce Visitors Center 500 North Center BEVERLY ST. 3. Casper College 125 College Drive COUNTRY CLUB RD. ······························································ Paradise Valley Exit 185 ······························································ ······························································ CASPER CHEYENNE & DENVER 20 26 ······························································ EVANSVILLE 21. Blackmore Shopping Center Blackmore Road & East 2nd Street RICHARD’S BRIDGE ······························································ FOREST DR. 20. Nicolaysen Art Museum 400 East Collins Drive WALSH DR. ······························································ 10. Casper Recreation Center, Ice Arena, & Family Aquatic Center 1801 East 4th Street 11. Central Wyoming Fairgrounds 1700 Fairgrounds Road 2026Casper Mountain Road (see inset Map 1) 25 agle Habitat ewing Area ······························································ ST. 2. Alcova Reservoir, Fremont Canyon, Cottonwood Creek Dinosaur Trail, Independence Rock, & Mormon Handcart Visitor Center Highway 220 Southwest (see inset Map 2) 19. Natrona County High School Auditorium 930 South Elm CURTIS ······························································ 9. Casper/Natrona County Int’l Airport 8500 Airport Parkway WYOMING BLVD. 1. Casper Area Convention & Visitors Bureau 139 W 2nd Street KINGSBURY NAVIGATION Casper Area Convention & Visitors Bureau 139 West 2nd Street, Suite 1B Casper, WY 82601 Pre-Sorted Standard U.S. POSTAGE PAID Casper, WY Permit No. 165 | 1-800-852-1889
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