Internationale Zeitschriftenschau


Internationale Zeitschriftenschau
Medizinhistorisches Journal 47 (2012) 368-373
© Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart
Internationale Zeitschriftenschau
Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte*
Vol. 36 (2013): Christine Hartig, Jörg Janßen, Volker Müller-Benedict und Jan
Weckwerth: Was beeinflusst die Entstehung und Verfestigung einer universitären Fachrichtung? Die Entwicklung der Pharmazie an deutschen Universitäten von 1880 bis
1970, S. 7-28. – Julia Barbara Köhne: Militärpsychiatrisches Theater. Französische
Kinematographie der „Kriegshysterie“, 1915–1918, S. 29-56. – Thomas Kupka: Philosophie der Wissenschaftskunst. Philosophiehistorische Beobachtungen zur Bedeutung
von Regeln des wissenschaftlichen Sprechens, S. 57-82. – Jutta Schickore: Vom Nutzen
der Historie für die Wissenschaftsphilosophie, S. 83-95.
* mit Summary
Bulletin of the History of Medicine
Vol. 87 (2013), No. 1: Jürgen Schlumbohm: Saving mothers’ and children’s lives?: the
performance of German lying-in hospitals in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth
centuries, S. 1-31. – Stephen C. Kenny: The development of medical museums in the
antebellum American South: slave bodies in networks of anatomical exchange, S. 32-62.
– Elliott Bowen: Limits of the lab: diagnosing „latent gonorrhea“, 1872–1910, S. 6385. – Hannah-Louise Clark: Civilization and syphilization: a doctor and his disease in
colonial Morocco, S. 86-114.
Vol. 33 (2013), No. 1: Frida Gorbach: La historia, la ciencia y la nación. Un estudio de
caso en el México decimonónico, S. 119-138. – Sara Fajula Colom: Las ilustraciones
del cuerpo femenino en el tratado de ginecología de Miquel A. Fargas Roca (1910),
S. 139-168. – Pedro Ruiz-Castell, Ignacio Suay-Matallana und Juan Marcos Bonet
Safont: El cometa de Halley y la imagen pública de la astronomía en la prensa diaria
española de principios del siglo XX, S. 169-193. – Annette Mülberger und Mònica
Balltondre: En el umbral de lo desconocido: un caso de visión extraordinaria en la
España de Primo de Rivera, S. 195-216.
Early Science and Medicine
Vol. 17 (2012), No. 4: Alain Touwaide: Printing Greek medicine in the Renaissance.
Scholars, collections, opportunities, and challenges, S. 371-377. – Donald F. Jackson:
Greek medicine in the fifteenth century, S. 378-390. – Stafania Fortuna: The Latin
editions of Galen’s Opera omnia (1490–1625) and their prefaces, S. 391-412. – Chri-
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© Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart 2013
Internationale Zeitschriftenschau
stina Savino: Giovanni Battista Rasario and the 1562–1563 edition of Galen. Research,
exchanges and forgeries, S. 413-445. – Lorenzo Perilli: A risky enterprise: the Aldine
edition of Galen, the failures of the editors, and the shadow of Erasmus of Rotterdam,
S. 446-466.
Vol. 18 (2013), No. 1: Isabelle Pantin: Analogy and difference, S. 9-44. – Jennifer
M. Rampling: Depicting the medieval alchemical cosmos, S. 45-86. – Karin Ekholm:
Anatomy, bloodletting and emblems, S. 87-123. – Samuel Gessner: The use of printed
images for instrument-making
at the Arsenius workshop, S. 124-152. – Hester Higton:
Instruments and illustration, S. 180-200. – Renée Raphael: Teaching through diagrams,
S. 201-230.
Vol. 6 (2012): Florence Bourbon: Extraire, construire, innover: à propos des sections
gynécologiques dans les traités hippocratiques, S. 11-24. – Carmelo Cutolo: Sulla tradizione manoscritta di Areteo di Cappadocia, S. 25-48. – Anargyros Anastassiou: Galen,
de indolentia, § 71, S. 21, 17-19 Boudon-Millot, Jouanna = § 27, S. 79, 321-322 Kotzia,
Sotiroudis = § 71, S. 44 Garofalo, Lami, S. 49-52. – Irene Calà: Il medico Andreas
nei libri medicinales di Aezio Amideno, S. 53-64. – Nicoletta Palmieri: La translatio
antiqua degli aforismi di Ippocrate e la tradizione presalernitana, S. 65-102. – Klaus-Dietrich Fischer: Die spätlateinische Übersetzung von Galen, ad Glauconem (Kühn
111-146), S. 103-116. – Oliver Overwien: Auch Punkte muss man beachten: Wie aus
Galens perì ton aporon kineseon bei Markus von Toledo de motibus liquidis wurde,
S. 117-122. – Ivan Garofalo: Il commento di Galeno al de alimento e gli estratti di Ibn
Ridwan, S. 123-164. – Véronique Boudon-Millot: La vita Galieni de Jean de Procida:
un nouveau jalon dans l’histoire du texte du ne pas se chagriner de Galien, S. 165-172.
– Arsenio Ferraces Rodriguez: Una fuente tardoantigua en el Petroncellus: el capítulo
sobre la epilepsia, S. 173-180.
Vol. 44 (2013), No. 1: Ian Burney, David A. Kirby und Neil Pemberton: Introducing
„forensic cultures“, S. 1-3. − Christopher Hamlin: Forensic cultures in historical perspective: technologies of witness, testimony, judgment (and justice?), S. 4-15. – Alosin
Winter: The rise and fall of forensic hypnosis, S. 26-35. – Simon A. Cole: Forensic
culture as epistemic culture: the sociology of forensic science, S. 36-46. – Paul Roberts: Renegotiating forensic cultures: between law, science and criminal justice, S. 4759. – Michael Lynch: Science, truth, and forensic cultures: the exceptional legal status
of DNA evidence, S. 60-70. – Barbara Prainsack und Victor Toom: Performing the
union: the Prüm decision and the European dream, S. 71-79. – Gary Edmond: Just
truth? Carefully applying history, philosophy and sociology of science to the forensic
use of CCTV images, S. 80-91. – David A. Kirby: Forensic fictions: science, television
production, and modern storytelling, S. 92-102. – Deborah Jermyn: Labs and slabs:
television crime drama and the quest for forensic realism, S. 103-109.
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© Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart 2013
Internationale Zeitschriftenschau
History and Philosophy of the Life Scienes
Vol. 35 (2013), No. 1: María Jesús Santesmases, Edna Suárez Díaz und Ana Barahona: Historical and biological times: a celebration of identity, S. 9-12. – Soraya de
Chadarevian: Epistemology and history, S. 13-18. – Richard M. Burian: Hans-Jörg
Rheinberger on biological time scales, S. 19-26. – Michel Morange: From experimental
systems to evolutionary biology: an impossible journey?, S. 27-32. – Henning Schmidgen: Between the laboratory and the museum: Claude Bernard and the problem of time,
S. 33-38. – Edna Suárez-Díaz: Variation, differential reproduction and oscillation: the
evolution of nucleic acid hybridization, S. 39-44. – Carlos López-Beltrán: Exploring
heredity: diachronic and synchronic connections, S. 45-50. – Ineke Phaf-Rheinberger:
Vision and the representation of Africans: on historical encounters between science and
art, S. 51-60. – Bettina Wahrig: Clocks with hands: instruments, hands and parturients
in a changing horizon of time, S. 61-68. – Ana Barahona: The history of genetics in
Mexico in the light of a cultural history of heredity, S. 69-74. – Christina Brandt: Hybrid times: theses on the temporalities of cloning, S. 75-82. – Angela N. H. Creager:
Timescapes of radioactive tracers in biochemistry and ecology, S. 83-90. – María Jesús
Santesmases: The biological landscape of polyploidy: chromosomes under glass in the
1950s, S. 91-98. – Ilana Löwy: Prenatal diagnosis and the transformation of the epistemic space of human heredity, S. 99-104. – Antje Radeck: Working with Hans-Jörg
Rheinberger, S. 105.
History of Psychiatry
Vol. 24 (2013), No. 1: Margaret Harris, Fiona Farquhar, David Healy, Joanna C.
Le Noury, Stefanie C. Linden, J. Andrew Hughes und Anthony P. Roberts: The
morbidity and mortality linked to melancholia: two cohorts compared, 1875–1924 and
1995–2005, S. 3-14. – Torbjrn Alm und Brita Elvevg: Ergotism in Norway. Part 1:
the symptoms and their interpretation from the late Iron age to the seventeenth century,
S. 15-33. – Katarina Piuva: Revisiting mental hygiene: Josef Lundahl’s interpretation
of modern psychiatry in Sweden at the beginning of the twentieth century, S. 34-45. –
Carlos Altable Rejn und Tom Dening: Psychopathology beyond semiology. An essay
on the inner workings of psychopathology, S. 46-61. – Alexandre Sech Junior, Saulo de Freitas Araujo und Alexander Moreira-Almeida: William James and psychical
research: towards a radical science of mind, S. 62-78. – Jessica Slijkhuis und Harry
Oosterhuis: Paralysed with fears and worries: neurasthenia as a gender-specific disease
of civilization, S. 79-93. – H. R. Guly: Use and abuse of alcohol and other drugs during the heroic age of Antarctic exploration, S. 94-105. – Neil Krishan Aggarwal: On
the diseases of the head in the Scale of medicine by Muhammad Akbar Arzn [d. 1722],
S. 106-117.
History of Science
Vol. 51 (2013), No. 1: S. Catherine Abou-Nemeh: The natural philosopher and the
microscope: Nicolas Hartsoeker unravels nature’s admirable economy, S. 1-32. – Oded
Rabinovitch: Chameleons between science and literature: observation, writing, and the
early Parisian academy of sciences in the literary field, S. 33-62. – John Agar: Sacrificial
experts? Science, senescence and saving the British nuclear project, S. 63-84. – David
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© Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart 2013
Internationale Zeitschriftenschau
Alvargonzález: Is the history of science essentially whiggish?, S. 85-99. – Timothy
McEvoy: Finding a teacher of navigation abroad in eighteenth-century Venice: a study
of the circulation of useful knowledge, S. 100-123.
Journal of the History of Dentistry
Vol. 60 (2012), No. 3: Dimitrios C. Koutroumpas und Ioannis A. Vrotsos: Dental
terms in Julius Pollux’s The Onomasticon, S. 120-132. – J. A. Donaldson: The use of
gold in dentistry: an historical overview, S. 134-147. – Na’eel A. Cajee: Oral hygiene in
the Shari’ah: a thousand-year-old conversation between Islam’s schools of legal thought,
S. 148-157. – Simran Parwani und Rajkumar N. Parwani: History of techniques for
increasing the zone of attached gingiva and deepening the vestibular depth, S. 158-168.
Journal of the History of Biology
Vol. 46 (2013), No. 1: Jay Joseph und Norbert A. Wetzel: Ernst Rüdin: Hitler’s racial
hygiene mastermind, S. 1-30. – Garland E. Allen: „Culling the herd“: eugenics and the
conservation movement in the United States, 1900–1940, S. 31-72. – Kim Kleinman:
Systematics and the origin of species from the viewpoint of a botanist: Edgar Anderson prepares the 1941 Jesup lectures with Ernst Mayr, S. 73-101. – Radim Kočandrle
und Karel Kleisner: Evolution born of moisture: analogies and parallels between
Anaximander’s ideas on origin of life and man and later pre-Darwinian and Darwinian
evolutionary concepts, S. 103-124. – Andrea Civello: On the genesis of the idiotypic
network theory, S. 125-158.
Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
Vol. 68 (2013), No. 2: Andrew T. Simpson: Transporting Lazarus: physicians, the state,
and the creation of the modern paramedic and ambulance, 1955–73, S. 163-197. – Norman Gevitz: Practical divinity and medical ethics: lawful versus unlawful medicine in
the writings of William Perkins (1558–1602), S. 198-226. – Stephen Woolworth: A radical proposition: the brief but exceptional history of the Seattle School Clinic, 1914–21,
S. 227-265. – Emine Ö. Evered und Kyle T. Evered: Sex and the capital city: the political framing of syphilis and prostitution in early republican Ankara, S. 266-299.
Journal of the History of the Neurosciences
Vol. 22 (2013), No. 2: Nicole Wilson: The semantics of pain in Greco-Roman antiquity,
S. 129-143. – Julien Bogousslavsky und Laurent Tatu: French neuropsychiatry in the
great war: between moral support and electricity, S. 144-154. – Eliezer Schnall, Yair Saperstein und Yona Saperstein: The first case of drug-dependent memory: the biblical lot
in talmudic and midrashic exegesis, S. 155-159. – Lawrence A. Zeidman: Dr. Haakon
Sæthre: a norwegian neuroscientist and his resistance against Nazi Germany, S. 160-173.
– Lampros Perogamvros, Stephen Perrig, Julien Bogousslavsky und Panteleimon
Giannakopoulos: Friedrich Nietzsche and his illness: a neurophilosophical approach to
introspection, S. 174-182. – Georg A. Petroianu: Treatment of singultus by traction on
the tongue: an eponym revised, S. 183-190. – Richard P. Tucker: Elisabeth H. Winterhalter (1856–1952): the pioneer and her eponymous ovarian ganglion, S. 191-197.
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© Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart 2013
Internationale Zeitschriftenschau
Medical History
Vol. 57 (2013), No. 1: Andrew Scull: Professor William Bynum: academic pioneer, role
model and dear friend, S. 3-5. – Marjorie O’Rourke Boyle: Harvey, by Hercules! The
hero of the blood’s circulation, S. 6-27. – Ashley Mathisen: Mineral waters, electricity,
and hemlock: devising therapeutics for children in eighteenth-century institutions, S. 2844. – Janet Greenlees: „For the convenience and comfort of the persons employed by
them“: the Lowell Corporation Hospital, 1840–1930, S. 45-64. – Stephanie J. Snow:
„I’ve never found doctors to be a difficult bunch“: doctors, managers and NHS reorganisations in Manchester and Salford, 1948–2007, S. 65-86. – Martin Gorsky: „Searching for the people in charge“: appraising the 1983 Griffiths NHS management inquiry,
S. 87-107.
No. 2: Mark Honigsbaum: Regulating the 1918–19 pandemic: flu, stoicism and the
Northcliffe press, S. 165-185. − Gabriela Ramos: Indian hospitals and government in
the colonial Andes, S. 186-205. − Laura L. Dawes: „Just a quack who can cure cancer“:
John Braund, and regulating cancer treatment in New South Wales, Australia, S. 206225. − Jeong-Ran Kim: The borderline of „empire“: Japanese maritime quarantine in
Busan c. 1876–1910, S. 226-248. − Hoi-eun Kim: Cure for Empire: the „conquer-Russia-pill“, pharmaceutical manufactures, and the making of patriotic Japanese, 1904–45,
S. 249-268. − Anne Digby: Black doctors and discrimination unter South Africa’s apartheid regime, S. 269-290.
Vol. 20 (2012), No. 4: Peter Schöttler: Szientismus. Zur Geschichte eines schwierigen
Begriffs, S. 245-269. – Sebastian Korff: Das Geiger-Müller-Zählrohr. Eine wissenschaftshistorische Analyse mit der Replikationsmethode, S. 271-308.
* mit Summary
Science in Context
Vol. 26 (2013), No. 1: Leo Corry, Moritz Epple, Orna Harari, Alexandre Métraux
und Jürgen Renn: Yehuda Elkana (1934–2012), S. 1-2. – Gábor Almási: Tycho Brahe
and the separation of astronomy from astrology: the making of a new scientific discourse, S. 3-30. – Teresa Tomás Rangil: Citizen, academic, expert, or international
worker? Juggling with identities at UNESCO’s social science department, 1946–1955,
S. 61-91. – Koray Karaca: The strong and weak senses of theory-ladenness of experimentation: theory-driven versus exploratory experiments in the history of high-energy
particle physics, S. 93-136. – Sophia Roosth: Biobricks and crocheted coral: dispatches
from the life sciences in the age of fabrication, S. 153-171. – Charlotte Weissman: On
the legitimacy of the Darwinian theory – August Weismann’s first creed, S. 173-179. –
August Weismann: On the legitimacy of the Darwinian theory, S. 181-201.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science.
Vol. 44 (2013), No. 2: Darrell P. Rowbottom: Kuhn vs. Popper on criticism and dogmatism in science, part II: how to strike the balance, S. 161-168. – Helen De Cruz und
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© Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart 2013
Internationale Zeitschriftenschau
Johan De Smedt: The value of epistemic disagreement in scientific practice. The case of
homo floresiensis, S. 169-177. – Douglas Bertrand Marshall: Galileo’s defense of the
application of geometry to physics in the dialogue, S. 178-187.
Sudhoffs Archiv*
Vol. 96 (2012), H. 2: Paul D. Buell: Qubilai and the rats, S. 127-144. – Sabine Herrmann: Tomaso Rangone (1493–1577): Ein italienischer Arzt und seine Bibliothek,
S. 145-158. – Susan Splinter: Das Verhältnis von Wissensgenerierung und ärztlichem
Praxisalltag am Beispiel des Nürnberger Arztes Johann Christoph Götz (1688–1733),
S. 159-169. – Erika Eikermann: Johann von Beethoven (1776–1848), S. 170-196. –
Nils Lenke und Nicolas Roudet: „Nicolaus Ficke … der sich mit Physiognomie, Astrologie etc. abgab, übrigens ein schlechter Mann war“ – Biographische Notizen zum
Kepler-Briefpartner Nicolaus von Vicken, S. 197-230.
* mit Summary
Dr. phil. Monika Reininger
Ann-Kathrin Brunotte
Institut für Geschichte der Medizin der
Universität Würzburg
Oberer Neubergweg 10a
D-97074 Würzburg
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© Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart 2013