Daniel Köhn – Curriculum Vitae
Daniel Köhn – Curriculum Vitae
Daniel Köhn Curriculum Vitae Í Otto-Hahn-Platz 1 24118 Kiel, Germany T +49 431 880 4566 B dkoehn@geophysik.uni-kiel.de www.geophysik.uni-kiel.de/∼dkoehn Personal Information Nationality Birth date Birth place Marital status German October 18, 1977 Preetz, Germany Single Scientific interests Topics High resolution imaging of the subsurface at ultrasonic, near surface and reservoir scale using full waveform inversion, applications in non-destructive testing, geophysical engineering and archeogeophysics Physics (Visco-)elastic media with different degrees of anisotropy and poroelastic media, P-/SH-body waves and interface waves (Rayleigh-, Love-, Stoneley- and Scholtewaves) Methods Full waveform inversion, seismic modeling using finite-difference and finite-element methods, non-linear multiparameter inversion in time-, frequency- and Laplacedomain, local and (semi-)global optimization methods, high performance computing on massive CPU- and GPU-clusters Google http://scholar.google.de/citations?user=2VTv7lMAAAAJ Scholar ResearchGate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Daniel_Koehn2 Github https://github.com/daniel-koehn Education since 2011 Post-Doc at the Institute of Geophysics, Kiel University, Germany 2011 Graduation (PhD) at Kiel University with a thesis on "Time Domain 2D Elastic Full Waveform Tomography" under supervision of Wolfgang Rabbel and Thomas Bohlen 2009–2011 PhD student at the Institute of Geophysics, Kiel University, Germany 2006–2009 PhD student at the Institute of Geophysics, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany 2006 PhD student at the Institute of Geophysics, Kiel University, Germany 1/9 2005 Graduation (diploma) at the Institute of Geophysics, Kiel University with a thesis entitled ”On the numerical stability of spatial variable finite-difference grids in seismic modelling” under supervision of Thomas Bohlen 1997–2005 Study of physics and geophysics at Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel, Germany 1984–1997 Elementary school (Raisdorf) and Gymnasium (Preetz) Positions since 2012 Post-Doc at the University of Kiel, Institute of Geophysics. Work on monitoring of gas storage sites using elastic time-lapse waveform inversion within the ”ANGUS+”(Auswirkungen der Nutzung des geologischen Untergrundes als thermischer, elektrischer oder stofflicher Speicher im Kontext der Energiewende - Dimensionierung, Risikoanalysen und Auswirkungsprognosen als Grundlagen einer zukünftigen Raumplanung des Untergrundes) project (BMBF grant) 2009-2012 PhD student at the University of Kiel, Institute of Geophysics. Work on modeling and inversion of Stoneley-waves within the ”FINO3” project (BMU (Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktortechnik) grant, KERN Regionalprogramm 2000, Land Schleswig Holstein) 2006–2009 PhD student at the Institute of Geophysics, TU Bergakademie Freiberg. Work on time domain full waveform inversion and numerical modelling of seismic waves, partly funded by WesternGeco. 2006 PhD student at the University of Kiel, Institute of Geophysics within the ”Scherseis 3D project” (DFG grant (BO 1727/2-1)). 2003–2006 Student assistent at the Institute of Geophysics (Kiel University) working with T.Bohlen; Seismic Finite-Difference modeling of wave propagation in model dikes to characterize moisture penetration; 3D finite- difference modeling for seismic prediction ahead of tunnel constructions; development of a spatial variable FD code for the modelling of waves in 2D isotropic elastic media. 2002–2003 Student assistent at the Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics (Kiel University) in H.G. Schuster’s group; Supervisor of the exercises for the lectures Theoretical Physics II: ”Electrodynamics” and Theoretical Physics IV: ”Statistical Mechanics”; numerical modeling of crystal growth using simulated annealing. 1999–2000 Student assistant at the Institute of Mineralogy (Kiel University) in C.H. Geiger’s group; Investigation of the Cordierite phase transition; X-Ray Diffraction- and Mössbauerspectroscopy. Teaching since 2011 ”Introduction to seismic full waveform inversion” as part of the lecture ”Inverse Theory” by Wolfgang Rabbel, Kiel University (Germany): http://www.geophysik.unikiel.de/∼dkoehn/FWT.htm 2006-2009 Magnetic survey field exercise, TU Bergakademie Freiberg (Germany) 2006-2007 Exercises for the lecture ”Seismic”, TU Bergakademie Freiberg (Germany) 2006-2010 Lecture with exercises ”Theory of seismic waves”, TU Bergakademie Freiberg (Germany) 2/9 2006 ”Introduction to the theory of seismic waves” as part of the lecture ”Seismik I” by Wolfgang Rabbel, Kiel University (Germany) Diploma and Master student supervision 2015-2016 Co-supervisor with T. Meier of Tim Steinkraus, Master thesis Kiel University. ”Untersuchung der Verwitterung von Natursteinen mittels Inversion von Ultraschallwellenformen” 2014–2015 Co-supervisor with W. Rabbel of Daniel Wehner, Master thesis Kiel University. ”A combined elastic waveform and gravity inversion for improved density model resolution applied to the Marmousi-II model” 2013–2015 Co-supervisor with W. Rabbel of Eva Dokter, Diploma thesis Kiel University. ”Nearsurface 2D SH-waveform inversion - A Case Study from Slovakia” 2013 Co-supervisor with T. Meier of Moritz Raimund Phillip Fehr, Master thesis Kiel University. ”Wellenforminversion von Ultraschalloberflächenmessungen und Anwendung auf Asphaltstraßenbelag” 2010 Co-supervisor with S. Buske and J. Mispel of Ina Storch, Diploma thesis TU Bergakademie Freiberg. ”2D Joint Full Waveform Inversion of elastic surface and VSP seismic data in time domain” 2009 Co-supervisor with T. Meier of David Rose, Diploma thesis Kiel University. ”Untersuchung der Geschwindigkeit und Dämpfung von Rayleighwellen in wassergesättigten Sandsteinen” Editorial activities since 2009 Reviewer for journals Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Geophysics, Geophysical Journal International, Computers & Geosciences, Nature Geoscience and Journal of Applied Geophysics Honors and Awards 2009 DGG-award ”One of the three best oral presentations of young scientists” at the 69th annual meeting of the Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft in Kiel (Germany) for the talk: Daniel Köhn, André Kurzmann, Anna Przebindowska, Denise De Nil, Nhi Nguyen and Thomas Bohlen: Elastische Full Waveform Tomographie synthetischer seismischer Mehrkomponenten Reflexionsdaten. Computer skills Operating Linux (Unix), DOS, Windows Systems Programming C, CUDA, MPI, Fortran 77/90, Matlab, Mathematica, shell-scripts, C++, Numpy/SciPy/SymPy/Matplotlib 3/9 Developed Codes { DENISE - 2D time-domain isotropic (visco-)elastic finite-difference modeling and waveform inversion code for P/SV and SH-waves, developed together with Andre Kurzmann and Denise De Nil. Further contributions by Lisa Groos, Martin Schäfer, Sven Heider and Linbin Zhang { SAVA - 3D time-domain elastic finite-difference modeling and waveform inversion code for general anisotropic media with up to 21 elastic constants, developed together with Olaf Hellwig and Denise De Nil { GERMAINE - 2D frequency-domain acoustic finite-difference modeling and inversion code, developed together with Denise De Nil { RAJZEL - 2D parallel first-arrival traveltime modelling and inversion code using an Eikonal solver and the adjoint state method, developed together with Denise De Nil { BIRGIT - 2D time-domain isotropic acoustic/elastic nodal discontinous Galerkin FE modeling and inversion code for P/SV and SH-waves, developed together with Denise De Nil Visualization VisIt, Paraview, VTK, IDL Software Seismic Unix, LATEX, ... Languages German native language English fluent Interests - Astronomy - Photography (https://www.flickr.com/photos/daniel_koehn/) Publications in peer-reviewed international journals [4] D. Köhn, O. Hellwig, D. De Nil, and W. Rabbel. “Waveform inversion in triclinic anisotropic media – a resolution study.” In: Geophysical Journal International 201.3 (2015), pp. 1642– 1656. [3] S.A. al Hagrey, D. Köhn, and W. Rabbel. “Geophysical assessments of renewable gas energy compressed in geologic pore storage reservoirs.” In: SpringerPlus 3.1 (2014), pp. 1–16. [2] A. Kurzmann, A. Przebindowska, D. Köhn, and T. Bohlen. “Acoustic full waveform tomography in the presence of attenuation: a sensitivity analysis.” In: Geophysical Journal International 195.2 (2013), pp. 985–1000. [1] D. Köhn, D. De Nil, A. Kurzmann, A. Przebindowska, and T. Bohlen. “On the influence of model parametrization in elastic full waveform tomography.” In: Geophysical Journal International 191.1 (2012), pp. 325–345. 4/9 Thesis [2] D. Köhn. “Time Domain 2D Elastic Full Waveform Tomography.” available at http://nbnresolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:8-diss-67866. PhD thesis. Kiel University, 2011. [1] D. Köhn. “Modellierung elastischer Wellen auf einem variablen Finite-Differenzen-Gitter.” available at http://www.geophysik.uni-kiel.de/∼dkoehn/publications/diplomarbeit_dkoehn.pdf. Diploma thesis. Kiel University, 2005. Patents [1] H. Mathiszik, T.W. Geerits, T. Bohlen, D. De Nil, D. Köhn, O. Hellwig, and S. Jetschny. “Imaging of formation structure ahead of the drill-bit.” Patent US 8055448 B2 (US). Nov. 2011. url: http://www.google.com/patents/US8055448. Proceedings of international conferences with peer-review [15] D. Köhn, E. Dokter, D. Wilken, D. De Nil, and W. Rabbel. “Near-surface 2D SH-waveform inversion - A Case Study from Slovakia.” In: 77th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2015. Madrid, 2015, WS10–C01. [14] D. Köhn, T. Meier, M. Auras, D. De Nil, and M. Fehr. “Application of 2D (visco)-elastic Rayleigh Waveform Inversion to Ultrasonic Data from the Porta Nigra in Trier (Germany).” In: 77th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2015. Madrid, 2015, WS10–C04. [13] D. Wehner, D. Köhn, D. De Nil, S. Schmidt, S.A. al Hagrey, H.-J. Götze, and W. Rabbel. “A combined elastic waveform and gravity inversion for improved density model resolution applied to the Marmousi-II model.” In: 77th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2015. Madrid, 2015, Th P5 10. [12] E. Dokter, D. Köhn, D. Wilken, and W. Rabbel. “Application of Elastic 2D Waveform Inversion to a Near Surface SH-wave Dataset.” In: 76th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2014. Amsterdam, 2014, WE P01 12. [11] D. Köhn, S.A. al Hagrey, K. Benisch, W. Rabbel, and S. Bauer. “Combined Seismic Waveform Inversion and Geoelectrical Monitoring for CO2 Storage Using a Synthetic Field Site.” In: 76th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2014. Amsterdam, 2014, We ELI1 14. [10] D. Köhn, S.A. al Hagrey, and W. Rabbel. “Monitoring of elastic and petrophysical material parameters of a synthetic CAES storage site by 2D waveform inversion.” In: 76th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2014. Amsterdam, 2014, We P01 11. [9] K. Benisch, D. Köhn, S. al Hagrey, W. Rabbel, and S. Bauer. “Comparative Study of CO2 Mass Quantification Using Process Modelling and Geophysical Techniques.” In: Sustainable Earth Sciences 2013. Pau, 2013, A017. [8] S.A. al Hagrey, D. Köhn, and W. Rabbel. “Feasibility Study of Applying Geoelectric and Gravity Techniques for CAES Reservoir Monitoring.” In: Sustainable Earth Sciences 2013. Pau, 2013, G010. [7] D. Köhn, S.A. al Hagrey, and W. Rabbel. “Monitoring of Underground Gas Storage Sites by Elastic 2D Time-lapse Waveform Inversion.” In: Sustainable Earth Sciences 2013. Pau, 2013, G009. 5/9 [6] A. Przebindowska, A. Kurzmann, D. Köhn, and T. Bohlen. “The Role of Density in Acoustic Full Waveform Inversion of Marine Reflection Seismics.” In: 74th EAGE Conference & Exhibition. Copenhagen, 2012, W027. [5] A. Przebindowska, A. Kurzmann, T. Bohlen, and D. Köhn. “2D Acoustic Full Waveform Tomography of Marine Streamer Data-Problems and Data Preprocessing.” In: 73rd EAGE Conference & Exhibition. Vienna, 2011, P026. [4] I. Wenske, J. Mispel, and D. Köhn. “2D Joint Full Waveform Inversion of Elastic Surface and VSP Seismic Data in Time Domain.” In: 73rd EAGE Conference & Exhibition. Vienna, 2011, SP09. [3] D. Köhn, D. De Nil, A. Przebindowska, A. Kurzmann, and T. Bohlen. “2D elastic full waveform tomography of synthetic marine reflection seismic data.” In: 72nd EAGE Conference & Exhibition. Barcelona, 2010, P385. [2] T. Bohlen, A. Kurzmann, D. Koehn, A. Przebindowska, and N. Nguyen. “2D Acoustic Full Waveform Tomography–Performance and Optimization.” In: 71st EAGE Conference & Exhibition. Amsterdam, 2009, P006. [1] A. Kurzmann, D. Köhn, and T. Bohlen. “Comparison of acoustic full waveform tomography in the time-and frequency-domain.” In: 70th EAGE Conference & Exhibition-Workshops and Fieldtrips. Rome, 2008, W078. Conference participation without peer-reviewed abstracts [34] D. Köhn, D. De Nil, and W. Rabbel. “Bestimmung von langwelligen Startmodellen für die seismische Wellenforminversion – Teil 1 Ersteinsatztomographie basierend auf der AdjointState Methode.” In: Abstracts of the 76th annual meeting of the Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft. Münster, Germany: DGG, 2016. [33] D. Köhn, D. De Nil, and W. Rabbel. “Bestimmung von langwelligen Startmodellen für die seismische Wellenforminversion – Teil 2 CRS-Stack und NIP-Wellentomographie.” In: Abstracts of the 76th annual meeting of the Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft. Münster, Germany: DGG, 2016. [32] D. Köhn, D. De Nil, and W. Rabbel. “Time-domain full waveform inversion adjoint state gradients for the stress-velocity formulation of the visco-elastic problem based on a decomposed impedance matrix.” In: Abstracts of the 76th annual meeting of the Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft. Münster, Germany: DGG, 2016. [31] D. Köhn, D. Wilken, T. Wunderlich, D. De Nil, and W. Rabbel. “Abbildung einer oberflächennahen 2D Struktur in der thrakischen Hafenstadt Ainos mit einer 2D-Rayleighwellenforminversion.” In: Abstracts of the 75th annual meeting of the Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft. Hannover, Germany: DGG, 2015. [30] D. Wehner, D. Köhn, D. De Nil, S. Schmidt, S.A. al Hagrey, H.-J. Götze, and W. Rabbel. “A combined elastic waveform and gravity inversion for improved density model resolution applied to the Marmousi-II model.” In: Abstracts of the 75th annual meeting of the Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft. Hannover, Germany: DGG, 2015. [29] E. Dokter, D. Köhn, D. Wilken, and W. Rabbel. “Anwendung einer elastischen 2D Wellenformtomographie auf oberflächennahe SH-Wellendaten.” In: Abstracts of the 74th annual meeting of the Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft. Karlsruhe, Germany: DGG, 2014. 6/9 [28] S.A. al Hagrey, D. Köhn, C.E. Wiegers, D. Schäfer, and W. Rabbel. “Geophysical monitoring of CAES leakages in shallow groundwater from deep compressed air energy storage.” In: Abstracts of the 74th annual meeting of the Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft. Karlsruhe, Germany: DGG, 2014. [27] D. Köhn, S.A. al Hagrey, D. De Nil, and W. Rabbel. “Monitoring von Gaskavernen mit elastischer Wellenforminversion, mikroseismischen, elektrischen und gravimetrischen Verfahren.” In: Abstracts of the 74th annual meeting of the Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft. Karlsruhe, Germany: DGG, 2014. [26] D. Köhn, S.A. al Hagrey, and W. Rabbel. “Monitoring von elastischen und petrophysikalischen Materialparametern eines porösen Gas-Speichers mit einer 2D-Wellenformtomographie.” In: Abstracts of the 74th annual meeting of the Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft. Karlsruhe, Germany: DGG, 2014. [25] D. Köhn, O. Hellwig, D. De Nil, and W. Rabbel. “Seismische 3D Wellenformtomographie in triklin anisotropen Medien.” In: Abstracts of the 74th annual meeting of the Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft. Karlsruhe, Germany: DGG, 2014. [24] D. Köhn and T. Meier. “Anwendung einer (visko)elastischen 2D Rayleighwellenforminversion auf Ultraschalldaten.” In: Abstracts of the 74th annual meeting of the Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft. Karlsruhe, Germany: DGG, 2014. [23] N. Böttcher, T. Nagel, U. Goerke, K. Khaledi, Y. Lins, D. König, T. Schanz, D. Köhn, S. Attia, W. Rabbel, et al. “Modeling deformation processes of salt caverns for gas storage due to fluctuating operation pressures.” In: AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. AGU, 2013, p. 0839. [22] D. Köhn, D. Wilken, D. De Nil, and W. Rabbel. “Offshore building foundation analysis by a combined Scholte-wave dispersion analysis and 2D elastic waveform inversion.” In: Abstracts of the 73rd annual meeting of the Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft. Leipzig, Germany: DGG, 2013. [21] M. Riedel, O. Hellwig, and D. Buske S. Köhn. “Laufzeitberechnung in VTI-Medien mittels Wellenfrontkonstruktions- und FD Eikonal-Verfahren.” In: Abstracts of the 73rd annual meeting of the Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft. Leipzig, Germany: DGG, 2013. [20] D. Köhn, O. Hellwig, D. De Nil, and W. Rabbel. “3D Wellenformtomographie für den allgemeinen anisotropen Fall - eine Machbarkeitsstudie.” In: Abstracts of the 72nd annual meeting of the Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft. Hamburg, Germany: DGG, 2012. [19] D. Köhn, A. Kurzmann, D. De Nil, and W. Rabbel. “2D Oberflächenwellenform Tomographie mit dem Quasi-Newton L-BFGS Algorithmus.” In: Abstracts of the 72nd annual meeting of the Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft. Hamburg, Germany: DGG, 2012. [18] D. Köhn, D. Wilken, and W. Rabbel. “Anwendung einer elastischen 2D Tube-Wellenformtomographie zur Bestimmung des Schermoduls in der Umgebung des FINO3-Monopiles.” In: Abstracts of the 72nd annual meeting of the Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft. Hamburg, Germany: DGG, 2012. [17] D. Köhn, D. Wilken, and W. Rabbel. “Application of an elastic 2D tube-waveform tomography to estimate the shear modulus in the vicinity of the FINO3 offshore platform.” In: EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts. EGU, 2012, p. 10060. 7/9 [16] A. Przebindowska, A. Kurzmann, D. Köhn, and T. Bohlen. “Full waveform tomography strategies for marine seismic streamer data.” In: Abstracts of the 71st annual meeting of the Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft. Cologne, Germany: DGG, 2011. [15] L. Rehor, T. Forbriger, D. Köhn, and T. Bohlen. “Anwendung einer elastischen 2D-Wellenforminversion auf modellierte Oberflächenwellen.” In: Abstracts of the 71st annual meeting of the Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft. Cologne, Germany: DGG, 2011. [14] I. Wenske, J. Mispel, and D. Köhn. “2D elastische Full Waveform Inversion synthetischer seismischer Reflexionsdaten zusammen mit VSP Daten.” In: Abstracts of the 71st annual meeting of the Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft. Cologne, Germany: DGG, 2011. [13] D. Köhn, D. De Nil, A. Przebindowska, A. Kurzmann, and T. Bohlen. “Application of 2-D elastic full waveform tomography to 3-D synthetic wavefield for a 1-D medium.” In: Abstracts of the 70th annual meeting of the Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft. Bochum, Germany: DGG, 2010. [12] D. Köhn, D. De Nil, A. Przebindowska, A. Kurzmann, and T. Bohlen. “On the influence of model parametrization in elastic full waveform tomography.” In: Abstracts of the 70th annual meeting of the Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft. Bochum, Germany: DGG, 2010. [11] A. Kurzmann, D. Köhn, A. Przebindowska, and T. Bohlen. “Increasing robustness and convergence of FWT by time windowing.” In: Abstracts of the 70th annual meeting of the Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft. Bochum, Germany: DGG, 2010. [10] A. Przebindowska, D. Köhn, A. Kurzmann, and T. Bohlen. “Preprocessing of reflection seismic data for acoustic full waveform tomography.” In: Abstracts of the 70th annual meeting of the Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft. Bochum, Germany: DGG, 2010. [9] L. Rehor, T. Forbriger, D. Köhn, and T. Bohlen. “2D/3D-Ausbreitungskorrektur fr flachseismische Oberflächenwellen.” In: Abstracts of the 70th annual meeting of the Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft. Bochum, Germany: DGG, 2010. [8] T. Bohlen, D. De Nil, S. Jetschny, and D. Köhn. “Seismic prediction ahead of tunnel construction sites using tunnel surface waves.” In: Abstracts of the 69th annual meeting of the Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft. Kiel, Germany: DGG, 2009. [7] D. Köhn, A. Kurzmann, A. Przebindowska, D. De Nil, N. Nguyen, and T. Bohlen. “Elastische Full Waveform Tomographie synthetischer seismischer Mehrkomponenten Reflexionsdaten.” In: Abstracts of the 69th annual meeting of the Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft. Kiel, Germany: DGG, 2009. [6] D. De Nil, D. Köhn, S. Jetschny, and T. Bohlen. “Beamforming with RSSR-waves for imaging structures ahead of a tunnel face.” In: Abstracts of the 68th annual meeting of the Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft. Freiberg, Germany: DGG, 2008. [5] T. Bohlen and D. Köhn. “Parallel 3-D viscoelastic Finite Difference simulation of seismic waves - a snapshot of recent optimizations.” In: Abstracts of the 67th annual meeting of the Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft. Aachen, Germany: DGG, 2007. [4] D. Köhn and T. Bohlen. “Elastische Full-Waveform-Inversion im Zeitbereich.” In: Abstracts of the 67th annual meeting of the Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft. Aachen, Germany: DGG, 2007. 8/9 [3] A. Kurzmann, D. Köhn, and T. Bohlen. “Comparison of Acoustic Full Waveform Tomography in the Time and Frequency Domain.” In: Abstracts of the Fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union. San Francisco, USA: AGU, 2007. [2] D. Köhn and T. Bohlen. “Lösung der elastischen Wellengleichung auf einem variablen FDGitter: Anwendungsbeispiele.” In: Abstracts of the 66th annual meeting of the Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft. Bremen, Germany: DGG, 2006. [1] D. Köhn and T. Bohlen. “Lösung der elastischen Wellengleichung auf einem variablen FDGitter.” In: Abstracts of the 65th annual meeting of the Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft. Graz, Austria: DGG, 2005. 9/9