Winds of Change Blow Through Oberhausen.


Winds of Change Blow Through Oberhausen.
Winds of Change
Blow Through
By Bobby Duff
Heinz Scheerer and Gunther Schwedes assessing the Progeny Groups in
Gebrauchshundklasse Ruden
(Judge: Heinz Scheerer).
(Entered: 346. VA: 8. V: 138. SG 2. G: 0. A: 0. U: 4. EZ: 24. T1: 6. T2: 20 . T3: 19. T4: 2.
2006 in Oberhausen, always promised to be a Sieger Show of change. It was unlikely
that Larus von Batu, Erasmus van Noort or Quantum von Arminius would return to
compete again. I had heard a rumour during the year that Quantum would return to
challenge for the title, however I thought this was unlikely as the dog would be almost
seven years of age. The rumour, however, did prove to be true. Larus or Erasmus did not
return, nor indeed did they present Progeny Groups, which I found astonishing for two
such highly placed males from 2005. Unlike the previous year there were several
candidates for the 2006 Sieger title. Zamp vom Thermodos (VA5 2005), Pakros d'Ulmental
(VA4 2005) and Orbit vom Huhnegrab (VA4 2004) were all mentioned in despatches. Orbit
had changed ownership during the year and therefore could be shown under Heinz
Scheerer, his breeder.
A rather strange occurrence occurred on Saturday morning during the evaluation of the
Progeny Groups which give me an indication of the final outcome. When Heinz Scheerer
and Gunther Schwedes had finished their report on Quantum von Arminius' progeny they
kept the group in the stadium. Zamp vom Thermodos' group was then presented and
examined. The two groups were then presented together. The judges spoke very highly of
their respective progeny and of the high degree of uniformity between the groups. I have
never seen this happen at a previous Sieger Show.
With Marko della Valcuvia not making an appearance; Karat's Yoker and Nando vom
Gollerweiher failing the courage test we would see some new additions in the Select
Group. Would the two young stars of 2005 Idol vom Holtkamper Hof and Vegas du Haut
Mansard make the jump, or would the top "V" dogs from last year, Bravos vom Steffen
Haus, Ken vom Elzmundungsraum, Janos von der Noriswand or Yimmy v. Contra be
promoted? I only heard at the show that Ken had been injured during the year and would
not be shown.
At lunchtime on Sunday Quantum led the Working Class males into the ring followed by
his son Zamp vom Thermodos. Quantum looked very fit and strong and as we know from
previous years he is a superb mover. I felt that Zamp deserved to be in first place based
purely on his anatomical qualities and an excellent Progeny Group. After several rounds of
moving Zamp went into first place to huge applause from the crowd. Quantum deserved to
be Sieger in either of the two previous shows when Larus undeservedly attained the title
with poor progeny groups. This was evident again in Oberhausen when he presented no
group. Quantum has consistently produced very high quality progeny over the years and
surely this must be the defining factor in electing a Sieger.
Only eight males achieved the Select grading and generally they presented a very
uniform picture. Orbit vom Huhnegrab achieved VA3 with the largest Progeny Group
presented but certainly not the best in terms of overall quality. Nonetheless he is a very
well constructed dog, very big and strong, superbly masculine and very well pigmented.
He performed extremely well throughout the class and deserved his high grading. Pakros
d'Ulmental retained his VA4 position from last year and some felt he should have replaced
Orbit in third place. Pakros is correct in size, strong and substantial and a very good
mover. His Progeny Group was also very impressive. Dux de Cuatro Flores moved up one
place from last year to VA5. Dux is correct size, strong, masculine, well pigmented and an
excellent mover. His first group was very good and some of his offspring achieved very
good places. Quenn vom Loher Weg moved up two places from last year to VA6 and he
well deserved it. This dog really impressed me. Large, powerful and very masculine. He is
a superb moving dog and if the class was judged purely on this he should have went
higher. Possibly a future Sieger. VA7 went to the JHKL Sieger of 2005 Odin vom
Holtkamper Hof, a Hoss vom Larchenhain grandson and very typical of him. Big, strong
and well constructed and a very good performance. Too young to have a Progeny Group
but many believe this dog will be a good producer. Whilst I personally have always had a
big problem with males achieving select without the benefit of a Progeny Group, if ever a
dog deserved it, it would be the last of the select males, Vegas du Haut Mansard. An
absolutely superb male. Correct in every aspect and a superb performer. Arguably the
best dog I have seen in the flesh. He has matured from last year and has to a candidate
for the title. Still only two and half years old. It was evident that Heinz Scheerer really
enjoyed his judging despite the poor conditions on Sunday. We spoke to him in the hotel
on Monday morning and when asked about his top group he said "5-Star".
In my opinion 8 select males was the right decision. The males outside of the top group
were very mixed in terms of quality and type.
It was evident from his judging that Heinz Scheerer has attempted to break the
stranglehold of Ursus and Yasko. It is true that Ursus is still well represented through Orbit
vom Huhnegrab, Quenn vom Loher Weg and Janos von der Noriswand but not to the
saturation point of previous years. Zamp vom Thermodos and Quantum both go back to
Jeck vom Noricum but with no tie in to Ursus. Pakros d'Ulmental also goes back to Odin v.
Tannenmeise through Zamb von der Wienerau; again no tie in to Ursus. Dux de Cuatro
Flores does give good opportunities to outcross through Cello von der Romerau. Odin vom
Holkamper Hof also offers Jeck with no tie in to Ursus and Vegas du Haut Mansard is free
of line-breeding.
It would appear that Heinz Scheerer has also taken into consideration the issue of size.
Quantum von Arminius, Orbit vom Huhnegrab and Odin vom Holtkamper Hof are very big
dogs but the other males in the top group were of a more correct size
I spent most of Friday doing what I normally do; watching the Working Class Male
Courage Tests. There has been much discussion over the last few years regarding the
courage tests. Many have complained about the performances of the dogs and the lack of
standardisation with the helpers and the judges. I think it is fair to say that a noticeable
improvement was evident in Oberhausen. With a gradable entry of 148 (8VA, 138 V, 2
SG), 47 failures is a very high percentage. Even taking into consideration these figures the
general work has improved, with better control, harder bites and good outs. Again many
complained about the standard of the helpers this year and this is an area where there
must be a more standardised formula. Too many times in Oberhausen we saw dogs
missing the sleeve through bad helper work and helpers standing on the dogs. Some of
the top dogs I saw were very lucky to get through. Word has it that the SV are happy with
the test but will look at the helpers and judges.
In my opinion Oberhausen is not a suitable venue for an event of this size. The football
pitch in the main stadium proved to be too small for the adult classes. During the
presentation of the top male group Heinz Scheerer had to stop the class because of
overcrowding. He separated the last twenty five males, assessed them and then sent them
out of the ring. This spoiled the spectacle of the top group. The situation was worse in the
bitch class. Four or five times the judge had to stop the class and instruct the stewards to
extend the ring. This should have happened in the first instance.
Over the last few years the SV has tightened up the regulations for the breeding,
training and exhibition of the breed. Tougher courage tests, DNA testing and elbow
scoring. This year a scheme to test dogs for colour enhancement was introduced.
Samples were taken from all the dogs in the top groups to be analysed. The findings
should make interesting reading. The punishments will be more interesting. It truly is a
dreadful scenario when these measures have to be introduced to beat the cheats.
The absolute quality of the young female classes was excellent. I saw the top groups
from both classes on Sunday morning and they were very impressive, particularly the JKL
Siegerin Viana vom Fichtenschlag, a Nicos vom Leithawald daughter. Slightly out of coat
but superbly constructed and excellently handled by her young handler. Interestingly the
JHKL Siegerin is from the same kennel, Tiana vom Fichtenschlag, a Wilko vom
Fichtenschlag daughter. What an achievement. Generally the young male classes were
disappointing in terms of depth of quality. From an Irish perspective the JHKL males
proved to be of great interest with Irok Karanberg taking the Sieger title. Irok is bred and
owned by our friend Cedric Blackbourne from Northern Ireland. Irok is a very well
constructed medium size, masculine dog with excellent pigmentation and a very good
performance. A very good Zamp vom Thermodos son in third place, Yumbo von der
Barenschlucht should have taken second. The Hannibal vom Stieglerhof son Wilson, von
der Schnuckerweide, took the JKL Sieger title in what I thought was a very disappointing
top group.
Judging of the young classes has now become more of an office procedure than a
judging appointment. Never have I seen judges spending so much time in the tents
studying paperwork and checking computer data with the secretarial staff. Some of the
dogs presented were barely scrutinised in stance or movement, the judges just going on
previous reports from throughout the year. What a waste. To get an opportunity to judge at
the Sieger Show and then spend your weekend camping. Logistically it is virtually
impossible for the judges to get through the number of entries, but too many good dogs
can be seen down in the lower groups who have simply been overlooked. A very good dog
should always be noted whether he has been shown before or not. I would hate to see it
get to the stage where the secretary is the most important person in the ring.
Even when we consider the shortcomings of the venue and the dreadful weather on
Sunday, Oberhausen 2006 was still a very enjoyable Sieger Show. Unfortunately the days
of big venues for the show are a thing of the past. Financially it is not possible for the SV to
pay for these venues. Over the weekend I spoke to some of the organisers of the show
and they explained that it was costing the SV over one hundred thousand euros to
organise the show. What a dreadful amount of money. Word has it that we will be back
here in 2008.
VA1 Zamp vom
(Quantum von
Arminius - Ute vom
Linebreeding: 5-4 Jeck Noricum,
5-5 Zamb/Zigo Wienerau.
Without doubt a worthy
Sieger. He totally convinced
with his excellent
construction and
performance and the best
progeny group at the Show.
Big, medium strong and
substantial. Very good
pigmentation. Good head
and expression. Excellent
over line. Correct underline.
Correctly angled in front and
behind. Very good
proportions. Firm and dry
and a very good performance
both on and off the lead in
the gaiting examinations.
HD normal. ED normal.
VA2 Quantum
von Arminius
(Dux della Valcuvia
- Only vom
Linebreeding: 5-5,4 Uran
Wildsteiger Land, 5-4 Fedor
5-5 Reza Haus Beck, 5-5 Afra
Haus Reiterland, 4-4 Ica Haus
Such an unlucky dog. He
deserved to be Sieger in
either of the two previous
shows. I suppose the next
best thing is to be beaten
by your son. Very big,
strong and substantial.
Good pigmentation. Good
general proportions but a
little long in the middle
piece. Very good head
and expression. Good
over line. Correct under
line. Well angled in front
and behind. Firm and dry
and an outstanding
performance in the gaiting
examinations for a dog
nearly 7 years old. Again
this year he produced a
very good progeny group.
HD fast normal. ED
VA3 Orbit vom
(Yasko vom
Farbenspiel - Pirie
vom Haus Dexel).
Linebreeding: 4-4 Zamb
Wienerau, 5-5 Ica Wienerau,
4-4 Jeck Noricum, 5,5,5-5
Odin Tannenmeise.
Very big, powerful and
substantial. Superbly
masculine. Very typical of
his bloodlines. Excellent
pigmentation. Correct
proportions. Very good
over line. Correct under
line. Correctly angled in
front and behind. Firm and
dry. Orbit really impressed
for the duration of the
class, showing a great
fitness and endurance.
The talk is that he will be
Sieger next year. Not if
Zamp returns. The largest
progeny group of the day.
His mother is a Timo
Berrekasten daughter.
HD normal. ED normal.
VA4 Pakros
(Bax von der
Luisenstrasse Karma vom
Linebreeding: 4-5 Cello
Romerau, 4,5-4 Zamb
Wiererau, 5-5 Ussi Wienerau,
5-5 Ica Wienerau, 5-4 Xandra
Wienerau, 5-5 Odin
4-5 Ica Haus Reiterland.
This dog has always been
a favourite of mine. He is
very typical of his superb
Siegerin mother. Over
medium size, strong and
substantial. Very good
pigmentation. Strongly
masculine and expressive.
Very good type. Correct
proportions. Excellent over
line. Correct under line.
Correctly angled in front
and behind. Firm and dry
and a very good gaiting
performance throughout
the day.
HD normal. ED noch
VA5 Dux de
Cuatro Flores
(Hill vom Farbenspiel Lina von Arminius).
Linebreeding: 5-5 Zamb
Wienerau, 5-5 Fedor Arminius.
5-5 Q-litter Arminius,
Considered to be outcross
breeding partner. Very
typical of his sire. Over
medium size, strong and
substantial. Good head and
expression. Very good
pigmentation. Correct
proportions. Good over line
but the croup is a little short.
Correctly angled
hindquarters but the upperarm is short and steep.
Correct under line. Firm and
dry and an excellent
performance in all stages of
the gaiting examinations.
HD fast normal. ED normal.
VA6 Quenn
vom Loher Weg
(Uran vom Moorbeck Elsa vom Kuckucksland).
Linebreeding: 5-5,5 Cello
Romerau, 4-5,4 Zamb Wienerau,
5-5 Ica Wienerau,
4-5 Jeck Noricum, 5,5-5 Odin
An over medium size,
powerful and substantial
male. Very good head and
expression. Very good type.
Very good pigmentation.
Correct proportions. Very
good over line. Correct
under line. Correctly angled
in front and behind. Firm and
dry. Quenn gave a superb
performance in all phases of
the gaiting examination. His
first progeny group
contained some good quality
HD normal. ED normal.
VA7 Odin vom
Holtkamper Hof
(Yak vom Frankengold Riska vom Holtkamper
Linebreeding: 5-5 Odin
Tannenmeise, 5-5 Mark Haus
Beck,5-5,5 Jeck Noricum)
(SG! JHKL 2005) Odin
certainly did not look out of
place in the select group.
Very big, strong and
substantial. Correct
proportions. Strong head
and good expression. Very
good pigmentation. Very
good over line. Correct
under line. Correctly
angled in front and behind.
Firm and dry. Very good
moving dog.
HD fast normal. ED
VA8 Vegas du
Haut Mansard
(Pakros d'Ulmental Rangoon du Haut
Linebreeding: (No
(SG1 JKL 2005). I my
opinion Vegas and Zamp
were the two best
constructed dogs in the
select group. Large, strong
and substantial. Very
masculine and expressive.
Correct proportions. Very
well pigmented. Excellent
over line. Correct under
line. Correctly angled in
front and deeply angled in
the hindquarters. Firm and
dry and performed very
well in all stages of gaiting.
HD fast normal. ED
VA1 Zamp vom Thermodos (Quantum von Arminius - Ute vom Thermodos)
VA2 Quantum von Arminius (Dux della Valcuvia - Only della Valcuvia)
VA3 Orbit vom Huhnegrab (Yasko vom Farbenspiel - Pirie vom Haus Dexel)
VA4 Pakros d'Ulmental (Bax von der Luisenstrasse - Karma von Ochsentor)
VA5 Dux de Cuatro Flores (Hill vom Farbenspiel - Lina von Arminius)
VA6 Quenn vom Loher Weg (Uran vom Moorbeck - Elsa vom Kuckucksland)
VA7 Odin vom Holtkamper Hof (Yak vom Frankengold - Riska vom Holtkamper See)
VA8 Vegas du Haut Mansard (Pakros d'Ulmental - Rangoon du Haut Mansard)
V1 Bravos vom Steffen Haus (Esko vom Danischen Hof - Holly von der Maleiche)
V2 Janos von der Noriswand (Yasko vom Farbenspiel - Rimona von der Noriswand)
V3 Quantum vom Fiemereck (Rocky vom Haus Tepferd - Rabea vom Fiemereck)
V4 Lorenzo von Isidoro (Drago von Pallas Athene - Dorina von Isidora)
V5 Yimmy v. Contra (Larus von Batu - Leah v. Contra)
V6 Idol vom Holtkamper Hof (Yak vom Frankengold - Ginga vom Kristallee)
V7 Nando della Valcuvia (Wallace aus Agrigento - Raissa degli Arvali)
V8 Dux v. Jabora (Maffay von Arminius - Kelsey v. Jabora)
V9 Winner von Assaut (Quantum von Arminius - Pat von Assaut)
V10 Yanox von Bad-Boll (Larus von Batu - Eska von der Bildeiche)
V11 Bob von der Grafenburg (Dux della Valcuvia - Conda vom Wolkenstein)
V12 Kalli von der Werther-Muhle (Erasmus van Noort - Dolli von der Werther-Muhle)
V13 Xaro d'Ulmental (Whisky vom Bierstadter Hof - Raya d'Ulmental)
V14 Ingodds Agassi (Ghandhi von Arlett - Ingodds Nodessa)
V15 Negus vom Holtkamper See (Zamp vom Thermodos - Raica vom Holtkamper See)
V16 Attila von der Piste Trophe (Yasko vom Farbenspiel - Akira von Sensei)
V17 Bazi von der Urbecke (Quando vom sofienwald - Ertha von der Urbecke)
V18 Karat's Ulk (Ghandhi von Arlett - Lilskan Never Give Up)
V19 Tor di Casa Nobili (Marko della Valcuvia - Dea di Casa Nobili)
V20 Tabo vom Zellwaldrand (Hill vom farbenspiel - Olivia von der Wilhelmswarte)
V21 Baran von Bad-Boll (Zamp Thermodos - Sindi von Furstenstein)
V22 Tiras vom Roten Feld (Yello vom St.-Michaels-Berg - Sindy vom Roten Feld)
V23 Waiko di Casa Massarelli (Zycco von Arminius - Oxa di Casa Massarelli)
V24 Naxos vom Holtkamper See (Zamp vom Thermodos - Raica vom Holtkamper See)
V25 Maestro vom Osterberger-Land (Nero vom Nobachtal - Minka vom Osterberger-Land)
V26 Teejay von Wilhendorf (Nero von Nobachtal - Isys von Wilhendorf)
V27 Ugo v. Haus thaile (Flipp von Arlett - Roxane du Val D'Anzin)
V28 Teo della Valcuvia (Mack von Aducht - Simba della Valcuvia)
V29 Yappo von der Kahler Heide (Mischale von der Kahler Heide - Shanda von der Kahler Heide)
V30 Karas Crveni Mayestoso (Mirco von der Blautalhalle - Pam von der Liebeswarte)
V31Gold Szenberg (Zeppo vom Klebinger Schloss - Diuna Szenberg)
V32 Ilbo vom Holtkamper See (Yak vom Frankengold - Edna vom Holtkamper See)
V33 Yambo von der Radsieksbeeke (Nero vom Nobachtal - Molly von Wolfrautshausen)
V34 Jalu degli Achei (Alex - Miky degle Achei)
V35 Limbo von Bad-Boll (Quantum von Arminius - Cesna vom Bad-Waldle)
V36 Losso vom Schloss Weitmar (Quantum von Arminius - Jacci vom Schloss Weitmar)
V37 Fest Kiefer Hasper (Endrefalva Michigan - Eike vom Schlossgasschen)
V38 mischale von der Kahler Heide (Dux della valcuvia - Sezana von der Kahler Heide)
V39 Ebro von der Piste Trophe (Xadro von Bad-Boll - Lussi von der Piste Trophe)
V40 Hoss vom Hirmer Teich (Solo von Frutteto - karla vom Spitalfeld)
V41 Baron di Poggio Morello (Wallace aus Agrigento - Celly di Ca'San Marco)
V42 Mentos vom Huhnegrab (Erasmus van Noort - Betty vom Huhnegrab)
V43 Vito vom Farbenspiel (Zamp Thermodos - Boogie von Tronje)
V44 Handy von Media (Nero vom Nobachtal - Ascona von Media)
V45 Ulk du Fils de la montagne (Nils vom Wildsteiger Land - Sendy de la Ferme Malgre L'eau)
V46 Shulo du Cellier de Lalande (Ghandhi von Arlett - Nikita des Hauts de Fontaines)
V47 Bred delle Terre Matildiche (Elliot van Noort - Ulme del Giarizzo)
V48 Lyshoj's Rattana (Vantor von Batu - Lyshoj's Xasca)
V49 Benny vom Haus Pe-Ja (Metin vom Stadtfeld - Trixi vom Haus Pe-Ja)
V50 Sven vom Zellergrund (Stenley vom Lehnhof - Nancy vom Zellergrund)
Gebrauchhundklase Hundinnen
(Judge: Gunther Schwedes)
(Entered: 333. VA: 9. V: 125. SG 1. G: 0. A: 0. U: 2. EZ: 6. T1: 3. T2: 8. T3: 25. T4: 2).
If the top placed Working Class Males can be considered to be well above average I did
not feel that the same could be said of the female class. A very ordinary group; certainly in
terms of the quality of the previous years. Of the twelve females from the Select Group last
year only three returned. This was further compounded by the fact that none of the topwinning young females from 2005 were considered for selection. V1 Yonna vom
Huhnegrab (SG2 JHKL 2005), V2 Chiara vom Steffen Haus (SG2 JKL 2005) were the
highest placed females rom the young classes in 2005. To the best of my knowledge the
Young Siegerins of last year, Ania vom Agilolfinger and Vanta vom Hochstadter Wappen
did not appear. This certainly limited Gunther Schwedes in his selection, but he could only
judge what he had in front of him and in my opinion he did an excellent job. Rarely have I
seen a judge enjoy his appointment so much. Despite the poor weather conditions and the
limitations of the small ring he strode tirelessly around the ring fine-tuning his line-up. His
dissertation on the Working Class Females to the WUSV Delegate Meeting on Monday
was widely acclaimed. Hopefully he will get another chance next year. He has judged in
Ireland and I found him a very warm, passionate judge .
The same comparisons can be made of the Working Class Female in relation to the
Courage Tests as the male class. From a gradable entry of 137 females, 38 failed the
Courage Test. Again, too many failures.
VA1 Xara vom
(Larus von Batu - Karma vom
Linebreeding: 5-5 Cello
Romerau, 5,5-4 Zamb Wienerau,
5,5-5 Jeck Noricum.
(VA7 2005). A very well
constructed female with an
excellent performance
throughout the class. A well
deserved Siegerin. Xara is
over medium size, medium
strong with very good
proportions. Lovely head and
expression. Very well angled
in front and behind. Very
good over and underline.
Well pigmented. Dry and
firm. Her performance in the
walking and gaiting
examination was superb.
She simply ran away from
those behind her. The judge
commented that even
though she was in poor coat
condition the title could not
be taken away from her.
As she is correct in size she
looked like a puppy in
comparison to the very big
females behind her.
HD fast normal. ED normal
VA2 Chakira vom
(Esko vom Danischen Hof Saskia vom Osterberger-Land)
Linebreeding: 4-4 Kimon v. Dan
Alhedy's Hoeve,
5,5-5,5 Mark Haus Beck, 5-5
Candy v. Dan Alhedy's Hoeve,
5-5 Gina Fichtenschlag, 3-4
Wobo Larchenhain,
4-5 Chico Lohner Heide, 4-5
Gina Nieuwlandshof.
(VA12 2005) A very big,
strong and substantial
female. Good head and
expression. Good
pigmentation. Good over
line but the croup is a little
short and steep. Very good
proportions. Correctly
angled in front and behind.
Correct under chest. Firm
and dry. Very good moving
female but she had no
answer to the winner.
HD normal. ED normal.
VA3 Yasmin v.
(Erik von der Ehrenfeste Yelena di Fossombrone)
Linebreeding: 5-5 Enzo
von der Burg Aliso).
(SG11 JHKL 2005). A
big, strong and
substantial female.
Strong head with good
expression. Correct
proportions. Good
pigmentation. Good
over line but the croup
is short and steep. The
upper arm is a little
short but very good hind
angles. The under chest
should be longer. On
the borderline for depth.
Firm and dry. Although
the movement is good I
thought she flattened
noticeably at the wither.
HD fast normal. ED fast
VA4 Wafa di
Casa Cacozza
(Marko della Valcuvia - Xonda
della Loggia dei Mercanti)
Linebreeding: 5-4 Mark Haus
Beck, 5,5-3 Jeck Noricum,
5,5-3 Ratta Arminius, 4,5,4-2
Visum vom Arminius,
5-3 Gilda della Isola dei
(VA6 2005). This female
impressed me very much
last year and I thought she
deserved second place
this year. Big, very strong
and substantial. Strong
head and very expressive.
Very well pigmented.
Correct proportions.
Correctly angled in front
and behind. Very good
overline and underline.
Firm and dry. Very good
movement with very good
reach and drive.
HD a Italy. ED normal.
VA5 Boa von
Arline SchH3
(Yasko vom Farbenspiel Angie vom Dusrani)
Linebreeding: 5-5 Anett
Noricum. 5-5 Mark Haus
4-4 Jeck Noricum. 5,5,5-5
Odin Tannenmeise.
(V8 2006). Large, medium
strong and substantial.
Very good head and
expression. Good
pigmentation. Very good
proportions. Very good
over line bit the croup is
noticeably steep. The long
upper-arm is steep, very
good hindquarters. Firm
and dry and a very good
performance in the
walking and gaiting tests.
Yet another from Yasko
vom Farbenspiel getting
top grades.
HD fast normal.
VA6 Frenzi
vom PhonixSee SchH3
(Lauser vom Emkendorfer
Park - Queen vom PhonixSee)
Linebreeding: 4-4 Nutz
Monchberg. 5,5-5,5 Mark
Haus Beck.
5-5 Goldi Trollbachtal. 4-4
Jeck Noricum. 5-5 Odin
(V3 2005). A large,
medium strong and
substantial female. Very
well pigmented. Very good
head and expression.
Correct body proportions.
Good fore and very deeply
angulated hindquarters.
Very good over line and
under line. Firm and dry,
Very good outreaching
HD normal. ED normal.
VA7 Gina vom
SchH3 IP3FH1
(Fedor . Gelingenstrasse Hanka vom Turkenkopf)
Linebreeding: 4-4 Nutz vom
Monchberg. 3-4 Natz
4-5,5 Kimon dan Alhedy's
Hoeve. 4-4 Paola Murrenhutte.
4-5 Xena Wildsteiger Land. 23 Baru Haus Yu.
Making a huge jump from
JKL23 last year. A big,
strong and substantial
female. Good
pigmentation. Very good
proportions. Very god
head and expression.
Good over line but the
croup should be longer.
Good under line. Well
angled behind but the
upper-arm should be
longer and better angled.
Firm and dry. Very good
moving bitch.
HD normal. ED normal.
VA 8 Oduscha
(Kliff vom Trollbachtal Magda vom Fiemereck)
Linebreeding: 5-5 Fanto vom
(V1 2005). Large, strong
and substantial. Very good
head and expression.
Correct proportions. Very
good over line and under
line. Well angled in front
and on the limit of hind
angulations. Firm and dry.
The movement is very
outreaching with very
good drive.
HD normal. ED fast
VA 9 Pania
dell' Alto Pino
(Zamp vom Thermodos - Sally
dell' Alto Pina)
Linebreeding: 5-4 Jeck
(SG6 JKL 2005). Very
typical of much of the
progeny in Zamp's group.
Very good head and
expression. Big, medium
strong and substantial.
Very good type. Very good
proportions. Good
pigmentation. Very good
over line. Correct under
line. Good angulations in
front and behind. Firm and
dry. Very outreaching gait.
Given the limitations of
those in front of her she
should have gained a
couple of places. Her
mother is an Ursus von
Batu daughter.
HD normal. ED normal.
VA1 Xara vom Agilolfinger (Larus von Batu - Karma vom Ochsentor)
VA2 Chakira vom Osterberger-Land (Esko vom Danischen Hof - Saskia vom Osterberger-Land)
VA3 Yasmin v. Nieuwlandshof (Erik von der Ehrenfeste - Yelena di Fossombrone)
VA4 Wafa di Casa Cacozza (Marko della Valcuvia - Xonda della Loggia dei Mercanti)
VA5 Boa von Arline (Yasko vom Farbenspiel - Angie vom Dusrani)
VA6 Frenzi vom Phonix-See (Lauser vom Emkendorfer Park - Queen von der Phonix-See)
VA7 Gina vom Aquamarin (Fedor vom Gelingenstrasse - Hanka vom turkenkopf)
VA8 Oduscha vom Team Fiemereck (Kliff vom Trollbachtal - Magda vom Fiemereck)
VA9 Pania dell' Alto Pino (Zamp vom Thermodos - Sally dell' Alto Pino)
V1 Yonna von Huhnegrab (Larus von Batu - Betty vom Huhnegrab)
V2 Chiara vom Steffen Haus (Zamp vom Thermodos - Holly von der Maleiche)
V3 Boogie vom Ochsentor (Yak vom Frankengold - Feli vom Ochsentor)
V4 Lana von der Zenteiche (Stano vom Hasenborn- Xana von der Zenteiche)
V5 Quanta v.b. Harten Bax von der Luisenstrasse - Anta v.b. Harten)
V6 Ladriel von Aducht (Stano vom Hasenborn - Orka vom Haus Fahrig)
V7 Fanny di Val del Lambro (Ikarus vom Bad Waldle - Margot di Casa Beggiato)
V8 Benny d'Ulmental (Ghandhi von Arlett - Sissi della Real Favorita)
V9 Anna vom Lehnhof (Esko vom Danischen Hof - Evita vom Leinder Land)
V10 Delma vom Trompetersprung (Uno vom Trompetersprung - Ronja von der Bottroper Grenze)
V11 Trixi vom Schacher (Koran von Aurelius - Elsa von Ornella)
V12 Viske vom Klostermoor (Dux della Valcuvia - Dora von der Rheder Ems)
V13 Exi av Thorarinn (Raven von der Noriswand - Anna-Donna vom Alten Rittergut)
V14 Ulli von Aurelius (Nero vom Nobachtal - Prisca del Lagorai)
V15 Flamme von der Ehrenfeste (Wallace aus Agrigento - Nowena vom Debenttal)
V16 Anika van de Herdersfarm (Euro von Media - Nina van de Herdersfarm)
V17 Isa dei Profeti (Ansel di San Pierino - Quera di Fossombrone)
V18 Vana du Val D'Anzin (Flipp von Arlett - Tabata du Val D'Anzin)
V19 Iva vom Starkenburg-Blick (Uran vom Moorbeck - Xitta von Blue-Rose)
V20 Demi v. Santamar (Hill vom Farbenspiel - Nordblick's Lycka)
V21 Fiby vom Thermodos (Zamp vom Thermodos - Xiva von der Teufelskanzel)
V22 Una vom Winnloh (Ghandhi von Arlett - Britt vom Winnloh)
V23 Ivett vom Hawelkaweg (Benno vom Hohen-Haus - Olivia vom Hawelkaweg)
V24 Zelly von den zwei Steinen (Larus von Batu - Linda von den zwei Steinen)
V25 Fatima vom Sonnenhaus (Rasko d'Ulmental - Yipsi vom Sonnenhaus)
V26 Tendrina de la Ferme Maigre L'eau (Erasmus van Noort - Wendrina von der Kahler Heide)
V27 Cina della Loggia dei Mercanti (Quantum von Arminius - Asya di Val Calore)
V28 Romina von der Sandkautschneise (Xavier von der Kahler Heide - Ursa von der Sandkautschneise)
V29 Ule von der Radsieksbeeke (Cherry vom Bergmannshof - Molly von Wolfratshausen)
V30 Gina vom Kleinen Holzweg (Erasmus van Noort - Vroni vom Schloss Regendorf)
V31 Rowienna vom Christinen Brunnen (Quando vom Sofienwald - Alessandra vom Christinen Brunnen)
V32 Werra v.d. Zomerdijkslanden (Ando vom Altenberger Land - Esmee v. Aphrodite Kennel)
V33 Vari aus Agrigento (Hulk von der Rohburg - Nenni aus Agrigento)
V34 Ghina vom Moorbeck (Hill vom Farbenspiel - Lee vom Moorbeck)
V35 Tina di CAsa Nobili (Marko della Valcuvia - Dea di Casa Nobili)
V36 Uana vom Eckkopf (Zello von Arkanum - Bengie vom Eckkopf)
V37 Quenda vom Elzmundungsraum (gigolo vom Elzmundungsraum - Nancy vom Elzmundungsraum)
V38 Waikiki von Arlett (Ghandhi von Arlett - Anabel v.d. Dolomiten)
V39 Meggi vom Messina (Esko vom Danischen - Fritzi vom Messina)
V40 Xenia vom Angelbaum (Eiko v. Haus Hazelda - Ondra vom Angelbaum)
V41 Udine vom Heerbusch (Baru von Haus Yu - isi von Benz)
V42 Svaezekoks Cindy (Svarzekoks Jack Elbe vom Schlossgasschen)
V43 Wendy vom Haus Charly (Ghandhi von Arlett - Tina von Haus Charly)
V44 Aura von der Lahnhohen (Karat's Ulk - Hedyna vom Huhnegrab)
V45 Lambada von Arlett (Flipp von Arlett - Rena vom Reuschenberger)
V46 Svenja von Tronje (Quentin Karenburg - Floppi von Tronje)
V47Una du Val D'Anzin (Hill vom Farbenspiel - Ophelie de la Vallee des Mustangs)
V48 Yomi von Haus Yu (Stano vom Hasenborn - Hisky von Haus Yu)
V49 Aydin di Casa Ines (Ulisse di Casa Mondelaco - Anja di Casa Ines)
V50 Gina vom Zisawinkel (Hill vom Farbenspiel - Susi vom Zisawinkel)
Progeny Groups
(Judges: Heinz Scheerer and Gunther Schwedes).
Twenty five Progeny groups were presented for examination on Saturday morning. This
is always the absolute highlight of the show. This year proved to be no different. Several
newcomers presented groups for the first and I thought that there would be more groups
presented than the 25 groups of 2005. This, however, did not prove to be the case. It is
quite understandable that older dogs such as Esko vom Danischen Hof, Wallace aus
Agrigento, Orbit von Tronje and Yasko vom Farbenspiel did not produce groups but the
same allowance should not be made for highly graded males from the previous two years;
Ando vom Altenberger Land, Larus von Batu and Erasmus van Noort. To be eligible to
parade a group only fifteen progeny must be exhibited at the Sieger Show. The 2005 Stud
Book produced by the SV might give us some insight into this problem. No VA dog
produced the maximum amount of litters allowed by the SV. The top producing sire of
2005 was Karat's Ulk with 51 litters, Orbit vom Huhnegrab 49, Pakros d'Ulmental 48, Zamp
vom Thermodos 44, Quantum von Arminius 43, Dux de Cuatro Flores 42, Erasmus van
Noort 42, Hannibal vom Stieglerhof 41, Karat's Yoker 40, Larus von Batu and Ghandhi
Arlett 23 and Nando vom Gollerweiher 22 litters. The numbers are down significantly from
previous years as are registrations. Whilst the decline has been gradual it is nonetheless
It is far too early to make an assessment on any of the young sire's potential, but the
one group that did impress was that of VA5 Dux de Cuatro Flores. The group was very
typical of the sire and grandsire, Hill vom Farbenspiel, with several progeny making good
places in the top groups. Without a doubt the group from Sieger Zamp vom Thermodos
was the best presented with superb quality throughout. Whilst the males were very good,
the females were superb. The dog gives his own excellent construction, type and very
good movement. There was a rumour during the year that he was passing on weak male
heads and some pigmentation problems and because of this he would not make Sieger.
There was absolutely no evidence of this in Oberhausen. The dog achieved the title based
on his own quality and that of his progeny, unlike the previous two years. For 2007 I am
looking forward to seeing the young progeny from Vegas du Haut Mansard and Odin vom
Holtkamper Hof. These two young dogs impressed with their performances this year.
Lorenzo von
Isidora IP3
(Dingo von Pallas Athene Dorina von Pallas Athene)
18 (6/12). Generally the
progeny are big, strong and
substantial. Very good heads.
Good pigmentation. Generally
good proportions but some
chest depth is evident. Good
angles of the forehand and
hindquarters. Problems with
short, steep croups. Generally
firm and dry with good
movement. Lorenzo himself is
a very impressive dog.
Janos von der
Noriswand SchH3
(Yasko vom Farbenspiel Rimona von der Noriswand).
17 (6/11). Big, strong and
substantial progeny. Good
proportions. Strong male
heads with good expression.
Very good pigmentation.
Problems with some short,
steep upper-arms and croups.
Some good animals but a
distinctly varied group. Firm
and dry and good movers.
Problems with ears.
JKL R: SG21, 23.
JKL H: SG36.
Dux v. Jabora
SchH3 IP3 FH2
(Maffay von Arminius - Kelsey
v. Jabora).
19 (8/11). Big, strong and
substantial progeny. Very good
pigmentation. Sire typical.
Good heads. Generally of very
good construction. Some
animals on the border for
depth. Generally good over
lines but some problems with
the croup length. Some short
steep upper arms. Some
lengthy animals.
Generally very good movers
but a problem with looseness.
Very variable.
Waiko di Casa
Massarelli SchH3
(Zycco von Arminius - Oxa di
Casa Massarelli).
16 (6/10). Over medium size to
large progeny. Medium strong.
Good pigmentation. Some
weak male heads. Females
better than males. Generally
good proportions. Problems
with upper-arms and croups.
Generally the group lacked
uniformity. Good moving
JHKL R: SG13, SG38.
JKL H: SG23.
Xaro d'Ulmental
(Whisky vom Bierstadter Hof Raya d'Ulmental).
18 (8/10). Xaro is a dog who
has always impressed me.
Generally the progeny are big,
strong and substantial with
very good pigmentation. A
uniform group and very sire
typical. Strong male heads.
Good males and females.
Generally very good
construction, but a problem
with the length and angle of
croups. Firm and dry and very
good movement.
Lauser vom
Emkendorfer Park
SchH3 FH1
(Wallace aus Agrigento Heilei's True Love).
15 (6/9). The progeny are
generally over medium size to
large, medium strong and
substantial. Very good
pigmentation. A good type
group. Sire typical. Very good
proportions. Generally a well
constructed group with good
angulations, but a problem
with the length and angle of the
croup. Firm and dry and very
good movers.
JHKL H: SG27, SG31.
Marko della
Valcuvia SchH3
(Dux della Valcuvia - Simba
della Valcuvia).
15 (4/11). A considerably
smaller group than last year.
Not enough adult progeny
coming into the group.
Generally the progeny are
large, medium strong and
substantial. Very good
pigmentation. Correct
proportions. Generally the
progeny are of very good
construction. Females are
better than the males. Some
short croups. Firm and dry and
very good movers.
GHKL R: V19.
GHKL H: VA4, V35.
JHKL H: SG15, SG49.
JKL H: SG32.
Karanberg SchH3
(Yasko vom Farbenspiel - Mary
von Tronje)
20 (11/9). Generally the
progeny are above medium
size and medium strength.
Very good pigmentation.
Correct proportions. Very sire
typical. Good heads and
expression. Females better
than the males. Generally very
good construction. some
problems with upper-arms and
croups. Noticeably firm and dry
and very good movement.
GHKL H: V46.
Nicos vom
Leithawald SchH3
(Yasko vom Farbenspiel - Rita
vom Leithawald)
17 (4/13). A very good first
group from this sire. All from
the young classes. Very
uniform and typical of the sire.
Big, strong and substantial.
Very good pigmentation.
Generally of very good
construction, but some
problems with croups and
ears. Some problems with
short under chests. Females
better than the males. Some
raised backs. Firm and dry and
very good movement.
JKL R: SG4, SG 26.
JKL H: SG1, SG14, SG27,
SG38, SG48.
Flipp von Arlett
(Ghandhi von Arlett - Vienchen
von Arlett)
17 (11/6). Generally the
progeny are over medium size
and medium strong. Sire
typical. Very good
pigmentation. Some problems
with the length of the upperarm, croups, length, depth of
chest and short forelegs.
Females are better than the
males. Very firm and dry and
excellent movers.
Unfortunately the dog died
during the year.
GHKL R: V27.
GHKL H: V18, V45.
JHKL R: SG2, SG49.
Ken vom
(Solo von Frutteto - Zora vom
20 (8/12). Generally the
progeny are big, strong and
substantial. Some pale colours
evident. Very good
proportions. Very good heads.
Good angles in front and
behind. Problems with croups,
firmness and raised backs.
Some short under chests. In
my opinion only an average
JKL R: SG7, SG20, SG37,
Nando vom
Gollerweiher SchH3
(Yello vom St.-Michael's-Berg Zindy vom Bierstadter Hof)
23 (7/16). Generally the
progeny are over medium size
to large, medium strong and
substantial. Some pale
pigmentation. Very typical of
the sire. Some very good
young females. Very good
heads. Correct proportions.
Problems with upper-arms,
croups and loose ligaments.
The movement in the group
was good.
JKL H: SG46.
Idol vom
Holtkamper Hof
(Yak vom Frankengold - Ginga
vom Kristallsee).
23 (10/13). The progeny are big,
strong and substantial. Very
good pigmentation. Very good
heads. Correct proportions.
Correctly angled in front, but
some over angulated behind.
Correct under chests. Some
problems with croups, ears
and length. Dry and firm and
very good movers.
JKL R: SG30, 38, 50.
JKL H: SG43.
Karat's Yoker
BHP2 SchH3 IP3
(Ursus von Batu - Karat's Olly)
A considerably smaller group
than last year but still of good
quality. Not enough progeny
presented in the adult classes.
Typical of the sire. Very good
males and females. The
progeny generally are very big,
strong and substantial. Very
good proportions. Good
pigmentation. Very good
heads. Very good angulations.
Problems with short croups,
looseness and stand in front.
Very good movers.
JHKL R: SG8, SG9, SG45
JKL R: SG2, SG12, SG13,
JKL H: SG4, SG17.
Quenn vom Loher
Weg SchH3 IP3
(Uran vom moorbeck - Elsa
vom kuckucksland)
26 (10/16). The first group
presented by this sire and a
noticeably variable one.
Nothing of the sire's quality.
Over medium size to large.
Strong and substantial. Sire
typical. Good pigmentation.
Correct proportions. Very good
heads. Problems with upperarms, croups and looseness. I
was not impressed with the
JHKL H: SG6, SG50.
Ghandhi von
Arlett SchH3
(Ursus von Batu - Wendrina
von der Kahler Heide).
22 (13/9). The fifth progeny
group presented by Ghandhi.
He looked very fit leading his
group for a dog now almost
eight years old. Over medium
size and medium strong.
Typical of the sire. Very good
pigmentation. Some short
upper-arms and croups. Very
good hind angulations.
Generally correct proportions.
Good males and very good
females. Firm and dry. Very
good movers. 12 dogs in the
adult classes.
GHKL R: V14, V18, V46.
GHKL H: V8, V22, V38, V43.
JHKL H: 22.
JKL R: SG11, SG46.
JKL H: SG26.
Hannibal vom
Stieglerhof SchH3
(Hill vom Farbenspiel - Xena
vom Stieglerhof).
26 (10/16). All from the young
classes. With some notable
exceptions a rather mixed
group. Over medium size to
large progeny. Medium strong
and substantial. Very good
pigmentation. Problems with
depth, length, short upperarms and croups. Good heads.
Very good hindquarters.
Correct under lines. Firm and
dry. Very good movers.
JKL R: SG1, SG31.
JKL H: SG19, SG37.
Karat's Ulk
(Ghandhi von Arlett - Lilskan
Never Give Up).
24 (7/17). Generally the
progeny are big strong and
substantial. Very good
proportions. Very good heads.
Good pigmentation. Sire
typical. Very good over lines,
but croups are a problems.
Some very big females. Good
angulations. Correct under
lines. Firm and dry with very
good movement.
8 dogs in the adult classes.
GHKL H: V44.
JHKL H: SG36, SG39, SG46.
JKL R: SG28.
Bravos vom
Steffen Haus
(Esko vom Danischen Hof Holly von der Maleiche).
28 (11/17). Big, strong and
substantial progeny. Very good
proportions. Good
pigmentation. Strong heads.
Good uniformity and type.
Good angles in front, very
good behind. Generally good
over lines, but some short
croups. Correct under lines.
Dry and firm. Good movers.
JKL R: SG18.
JKL H: SG13, SG24.
Hill vom
Farbensiel SchH3
(Huppy von Arlett - Dasti vom
19 (9/10). A very impressive
group. Large, strong and
substantial progeny. Good
heads. Very good proportions.
Very good pigmentation. Very
sire typical. Good angles. Very
good over lines but some
short croups. Correct under
lines. Some lengthy animals.
Firm and dry. Very good
GHKL R: VA5, V20.
GHKL H: V20, V47, V50.
JHKLH: SG8, SG41, SG47.
d'Ulmental SchH3
(Bax von der Luisenstrasse Karma vom Ochsentor)
28 (12/16). One of the best
groups presented on the day.
Large, strong and substantial
progeny. Very good
proportions. Strong heads.
Very good pigmentation.
Uniform and typical of the sire.
Good males and females. Good
over lines. Correct under lines.
Some length evident. Firm, dry
and very good movers.
JHKL R: SG42, SG43.
JHKL H: SG9, SG14, SG17,
SG19, SG28, SG40.
JKL R: SG16, SG49.
JKL H: SG44.
Dux de Cuatro
Flores SchH3
(Hill vom Farbenspiel - Lina
von Arminius)
37 (13/24). A very impressive
group for his first attempt.
Generally the progeny are
large, strong and substantial.
Very good proportions. Very
good pigmentation. Uniform
and father typical. Generally
very good construction, but
some problems with upperarms and croups. Females
better than males. Firm and
dry. Very good movers.
JHKL R: SG12, SG25, SG46.
JHKL H: SG4, SG5, SG16,
JKL R: SG15.
JKL H: SG10, SG39, SG42.
Quantum von
Arminius SchH3
(Dux della Valcuvia - Only vom
32 (17/15). Another quality
group from Quantum. Down in
terms of numbers from last,
but that is to be expected as a
dog ages. Very big, strong and
substantial progeny. Good
pigmentation. Strong heads.
Generally the proportions are
good, but some length is
evident. Very good males and
females. Very good over lines,
but some croup problems.
Correct under lines. Firm and
dry. The best moving group
presented. 9 dogs in the adult
GHKL R: VA1, V9, V35, V36.
GHKL H: V27.
JKL R: SG13.
Zamp vom
(Quantum von Arminius - Ute
vom Thermodos)
55 (23/32). The best progeny
group of the day. Generally the
progeny are large, strong and
substantial. Very good
proportions. Good
pigmentation. Very good
heads. Very uniform and sire
typical. Excellent over lines
with correct croups. Correct
under lines. Very good angles
in front and behind. Very good
males and excellent females.
Firm and dry. Very good
movers. 8 dogs in the adult
GHKL R: V15, V21, V24, V43.
GHKL H: VA9, V2, V21.
JHKL R: SG5, SG6, SG14,
SG28, SG30, SG40.
JHKL H: SG11, SG12, SG13,
SG21, SG29, SG42.
JKL R: SG19.
JKL H: SG18, SG21, SG25,
Orbit vom
Huhnegrab SchH3
(Yasko vom Farbenspiel - Pirie
vom Haus Dexel)
58 (25/33). All from the young
classes. Generally the progeny
are very big, strong and
substantial. Correct
proportions. Excellent heads.
Very good pigmentation. Sire
typical. A distinctly variable
group in terms of quality.
Problems with length and
angle of upper-arms and short
croups. Correct under lines.
Very good hind angles. Some
lengthy animals. Firm and dry.
Good movers.
JHKL R: SG4, SG19, SG35,
SG37, SG44, SG50.
JHKL H: SG35, SG38, SG50.
JKL R: SG9, SG10, SG43.
JKL H: SG9, SG12, SG29,
SG1 Irok Karanberg (Baru von Haus Yu - Rosel Karanberg)
SG2 Flipp vom Butjenter Land (Flipp von Arlett - Rieke vom Rutjenter Land)
SG3 Yumbo von der Barenschlucht (Zamp vom thermodos - Nancy vom Zellergrund)
SG4 Greif von der Karl-May Hohle (Orbit vom Huhnegrab - Trixi vom Schacher)
SG5 Sirio della Real Favorita (Zamp vom Thermodos - Roma vom Holtkamper See)
SG6 Cito vom Haus Portofino (Zamp vom Thermodos - Carina vom Wildsteiger Land)
SG7Cody vom Angelbaum (Hannibal vom stieglerhof - Xenia vom Angelbaum)
SG8 Lennox vom Heinrichplatz (Karat's Yoker - Kascha vom Ochsentor)
SG9 Xano vom Fichtenschlag (Karat's Yoker - Eischa vom Fichtenschlag)
SG10 Wox von Lentulo (Tim vom Frankengold - Cosma von Lentulo)
SG11 Vimo von der Hopfenhalle (Zeppo vom Klebinger Schloss - Chandra von arline)
SG12 Uran von der Wilhelmswartr (Dux de Cuatro Flores - Luci vom Feuermelder)
SG13 Chuck del Criale (Waiko di Casa Massarelli - Xena del Criale)
SG14 Eloy vom St.-Michaels-Berg (Zamp vom Thermodos - Zora vom St.-Michaels-Berg)
SG15 Hawel vom Hawelkaweg (Armin aus Agrigento - Ivett vom Hawelkaweg)
SG16 Karat's fedor (Aiko vom Goldenen Zweig - Karat's Olly)
SG17 Aro di Cariddi (Dux della Valcuvia - Asia dell Ambra Selvaggia)
SG18 Valdo von den Hugenotten (Arak vom Frankengold - Tami von den Hugenotten)
SG19 Matz vom Huhnegrab (Orbit vom Huhnegrab - Tamara vom Huhnegrab)
SG20 Hutch von der Noriswand (Janos von der Noriswand - Osaka von der Noriswand)
SG21 Joker von Alcudia (Rocco van de Herdersfarm - Ziena vom Hasenborn)
SG22 Nebus vom Schloss Weitmar (Quantum von Arminius - Jara vom Schloss Weitmar)
SG23 Zamp vom Abtei-Eck (Yasko vom Farbenspiel - Vina vom Abtei-Eck)
SG24 Matscho vom Hasenborn (Marko della Valcuvia - Cessna vom Hasenborn)
SG25 Fausto von der Jahnhohe (Dux de Cuatro Flores - Peerle von der Jahnhohe)
SG26 Nesch von der Grafenburg (Esko vom Danischen Hof - Barma von der Grafenburg)
SG27 Yukon von der Bastillie (Hill vom Farbenspiel - Merrya von der Vallerdarer Hohe)
SG28 Balou von der kleinen Ranch (Zamp vom Thermodos - Yanara von der kleinen Ranch)
SG29 Darcus aus der Brunnenstrasse (Zeppo vom Klebinger Schloss - Cita vom Holtkamper See)
SG30 Quattrogardens Jello (Zamp vom Thermodos - Uschigardens Yessi)
SG31 Rondo vom Ziegelhof (Erasmus van Noort - Selly vom Schacher)
SG32 Olk von der Hohen Erle (Salo vom Steigerhof - Daggi von der Hohen Erle)
SG33 Zar del Murnighello (Zeno del Murnighello - Cris degle Azzoni)
SG34 Dustin vom Lehnhof (Xaro d'Ulmental - Evita vom Leinder Land)
SG35 Gido vom Klostermoor (Orbit vom Huhnegrab - Felia vom Klostermoor)
SG36 Shirkan vom Schloss Rugland (Leon vom Schloss Rugland - Alexa vom Moorbeck)
SG37 Ex vom Leithawald (Orbit vom Huhnegrab - Rita vom Leithawald)
SG38 Ajax di casa Massarelli (Waiko vdi Casa Massarelli - Mischa di Casa Massarelli)
SG39 Castor vom Emkendorfer Park (Aiko vom Goldenen Zweig - Laura vom Emkendorfer Park)
SG40 Rambo von Regina Pacis (Zamp vom Thermodos - Atrice von Regina Pacis)
SG41 Gino vom Klostermoor (Orbit vom Klostermoor - Felia vom Klostermoor)
SG42 Zapp vom Eichenplatz (Pakros d'Ulmental - Flora zu den drei Wieken)
SG43 Carat aus der Brunnenstrasse (Pakros d'Ulmental - Inga aus der Brunnenstrasse)
SG44 Memphis vom Huhnegrab (Orbit vom Huhnegrab - Tamara vom Huhnegrab)
SG45 Karat's Erasmus (Karat's Yoker - Irina vom Wildsteiger Land)
SG46 Ray vom Fichtenschlag (Dux de Cuatro Flores - Carolin vom Fichtenschlag)
SG47 Visum de Parilly (Quentin Karanberg - Talia de Parilly)
SG48 Quai von der Rauentalshohe (Zeppo vom Klebinger Schloss - Gwendy von der Vallendarer
SG49 Zafer vom Fredebach (Flipp von Arlett - Vicky vom Klebinger Schloss)
SG50 Kendo vom Grafenbrunn (Orbit vom Huhnegrab - Intessa vom Huhnegrab)
SG1 Tiana vom Fichtenschlag (Wilko vom Fichtenschlag - Lufti vom Fichtenschlag)
SG2 Ronda vom Faustbrunnen (Rocco de Herdersfarm - Benja vom Silberhals)
SG3 Qenni vom Osterberger-Land (Nicos vom Leithawald - Uschka vom Osterberger-Land)
SG4 Yelly vom Dreisbachtal (Dux de Cuatro Flores - Tambka vom Dreisbachtal)
SG5 Finny von der Jahnhohe (Dux de Cuatro Flores - Perle von der Jahnhohe)
SG6 Mandy vom Haus Schwerzel (Levis di Fossombrone - Aila vom Haus Schwerzel)
SG7 Urma vom Pendler (Idol vom Holtkamper Hof - Yasmin vom Butjenter Land)
SG8 Andra aus Wattenscheid (Hill vom Farbenspiel - Aika vom Sachsenwappen)
SG9 Sarah vom Kottersbusch (Pakros d'Ulmental - Romina vom Kottersbusch)
SG10 Viva von der Hopfenhalle (Zeppo vom Klebinger Schloss - Chandra von Arline)
SG11 Chanel degli Achei (Zamp vom Thermodos - Fenia degli Achei)
SG12 Conny vom Haus Portofino (Zamp vom Thermodos - Carina vom Wildsteiger Landhaus)
SG13 Espe vom St.-Michaels-Berg (Zamp vom Thermodos - Zora vom St.-Michaels-Berg)
SG14 Nannila von der freiheit Westerholt (Pakros d'Ulmental - Fritzi von der Freiheit Westerholt)
SG15 Hexe von Dakota (Marko della Valcuvia - Diva vom Saarner Hof)
SG16 Elfi vom Wildsteiger Landhaus (Dux de Cuatro Flores - Carin vom Wildsteiger Landhaus)
SG17 Juma vom Ochsentor (Pakros d'Ulmental - Ultri vom Ochsentor)
SG18 Jojo vom Zellwaldrand (Iso vom Zellwaldrand - Orla vom Feuermelder)
SG19 Jazmin Wustenberger-Land (Pakros d'Ulmental - Jenny vom Laacher-Haus)
SG20 Illu vom Emkendorfer Park (Richy vom Westervenn - Moni vom Klostermoor)
SG21 Kurina von der Urbecke (Zamp vom Thermodos - Ertha von der Urbecke)
SG22 Bluebell vom Larchenhain (Ghandhi von Arlett - Quana vom Larchenhain)
SG23 Tarah von der Wilhelmswarte (Dux v. Jabora - Dunja von Babylon)
SG24 Ornella von Satyr (Opal Karenberg - Madonna von Satyr)
SG25 Zora vom Holtkamper Hof (Carlo vom Holtkamper Hof - Ella vom Meierhof)
SG26 Nadja von der Zenteiche (Basko vom Deininghauser Park - Wildmarkens Go Va)
SG27 Skeidar's J'Adore (Lauser vom Emkendorfer Park - Skeidar's Daju)
SG28 Fanta vom Hochstadter Wehr (Pakros d'Ulmental - Nellie von Batu)
SG29 Rajali vom Hamburger Land (Zamp vom Thermodos - Ina vom Frankengold)
SG30 Froni von der Jahnhohe (Dux de Cuatro Flores - Perle von der Jahnhohe)
SG31 Sharon di Val del Lambro (Lauser vom Emkendorfer Park - margot di Casa Beggiato)
SG32 Barbel aus Agrigento (Timo von der Jahnhohe - Uganda aus Agrigento)
SG33 Chantal vom Emkendorfer Park (Aiko vom Goldenen Zweig - Laura vom Emkendorfer Park)
SG34 Anaya vom amur (Nado van Noort - Winona vom Amur)
SG35 Ottia vom Huhnegrab (Orbit vom Huhnegrab - Pamela vom Huhnegrab)
SG36 Baffie v.d. Falkenau (Karat's Ulk - Zina vom Baronenwald)
SG37 Gazelle van Noort (Dux v. Haus Kalbach - Teba de la Ferme Malgre L'eau)
SG38 Hazel vom Winnloh (Orbit vom Huhnegrab - Lana vom Winnloh)
SG39 Cati von Ducati (Karat's Ulk - Ophelie von Ducati)
SG40 Riva vom Haus-Farrenkopf (Pakros d'Ulmental - Debby vom Sonnenhaus)
SG41 Gina von der Rieser Perle (Hill vom Farbenspiel - Enschy vom Leinder Land)
SG42 Lil'Kim zum Kolbenguss (Zamp vom Thermodos - Helen zum Kolgenguss)
SG43Xtra von Tronje (Flipp von Arlett - Rimini von Tronje)
SG44 Kessi von der Rieser Perle (Quentin Karenberg - Ola vom Reststrauch)
SG45 Hussa von der Noriswand (Janos von der Noriswand - Osaka von der Noriswand)
SG46 Ute v. Estherlager (Karat's Ulk - Maruz v. Estherlager)
SG47 Brisca vom Roten Acker (Hill vom Farbenspiel - Fanny von der Luisenstrasse)
SG48 Lilly vom Koriser See (Canto vom Frankengold - Finnie von Batu)
SG49 Onja von der Zenteiche (Marko della Valcuvia - Donna von der Zenteiche)
SG50 Conni von Willendorf (Orbit vom huhnegrab - Tyra von Willendorf)
SG1 Wilson von der Schnuckenweide (Hannibal vom Stiegerlerhof - Ornella von der
SG2 Sam von der Grafenburg (Karat's Yoker - Bama von der Grafenburg)
SG3 Yeron vom Haus Salihin (Mark vom Schwalmbergtal - Heksa von der Werther-Muhle)
SG4 Look vom Hawelkaweg (Nicos vom Leithawald - Wanda vom Haus Stoppacher)
SG5 Ober von Bad-Boll (Giovanni vom Kapellenberg - Aike zum Gigelsfelsen)
SG6 Eskan vom Finkenschlag (Nando vom Gollenweiher - Melli vom Ariovist)
SG7 Puma vom Baiselsberg (Ken vom Elzmundungsraum - Biene vom Haus Dupont)
SG8 Vito von der Piste Trophe (Campino von der Piste Trophe - Copie von der Piste Trophe)
SG9 Lasso von der Rieser Perle (Orbit vom Huhnegrab - Enschy vom Leinder Land)
SG10 Xadro vom Streek (Orbit von Tronje - Palme vom Streek)
SG11 Ritmo von Arlett (Ghandhi von Arlett - Wonija von Arlett)
SG12 Xenon vom Quartier Latin (Karat's Yoker - Germany vom Bierstadter Hof)
SG13 Xitus vom Murrtal (Karat's Yoker - Ruma del Serpio)
SG14 Astana Alfons (Mentos vom Huhnegrab - Fina vom Langenbungert)
SG15 Robuk dei Monti della Laga (Dux de Cuatro Flores - Barbie di Ca'San Marco)
SG16 Noori von Arminius (Pakros d'Ulmental - Dana von Arminius)
SG17 Tex del Murnighello (Quantum von Arminius - Litz di Murnighello)
SG18 Devil vom Angelbaum (Bravos vom Steffen Haus - Ondra vom Angelbaum)
SG19 Flash v.d. Zomerdijkslanden (Zamp vom Thermodos - Jacky v.d. Zomerdijkslanden)
SG20 Ballou von der romerau (Ken vom Elzmundungsraum - Anni von der Romerau)
SG21 Jumbo di Zenevredo (Janos von der Noriswand - Gilda di Casa Mary)
SG22 Lauser vom Schlossgasschen (Leo aus Agrigento - Fely vom Schlossgasschen)
SG23 Bond von Heraldi (Janos von der Noriswand - Tracy vom Hochstadter Wappen)
SG24 Fello v.d. Zomerdijkslanden (Zamp vom Thermodos - Jacky v.d. Zomerdijkslanden)
SG25 Wirgo von Baccara (Lorenzo von Isidora - Brenda vom Hawelkaweg)
SG26 Solo v. Saxterhaus (Nicos vom Leithawald - Lara vom Chattenberg)
SG27 Xanto vom Hochstadter Wappen (Rocky vom Zellergrund - Bea von Arline)
SG28 Thor vom Friedenspark (Karat's Ulk - Kitty vom Friedenspark)
SG29 Shotaan Fabius (Ex von Arline - Sezana von der Kahler Heide)
SG30 Taboo vom Nordteich (Idol vom Holtkamper See - Kelli vom Overledingerland)
SG31 Nando vom Haus Ola (Hannibal vom Stieglerhof - Jasmin vom Haus Ola)
SG32 Boris di Val Sant' Anna (Cello Alfavik - Laska della Vecchia Torre)
SG33 Truck v. Liedehof (Ex von Arline - Endra v. Liedehof)
SG34 Zapp od Kovacica (Zambo vom Aspenhaus - Isis od Kovacica)
SG35 Fello von den Hohenloher Bergen (Hannibal vom Stieglerhof - Chiwa von den Hohenloher
SG36 Idefix von der Steinhagerquelle (Karat's Yoker - Cleo vom Steinhagerquelle)
SG37 Figaro aus Agrigento (Ken Elzmundungsraum - Quera aus Agrigento)
SG38 Turan vom Nordteich (Idol vom Holtkamper Hof - Kelli vom Overledingerland)
SG39 Rick vom Frankengold (Erasmus van Noort - Fanny vom Frankengold)
SG40 Yacco von der Vallendarer Hohe (Hannibal vom Stieglerhof - Hexe v. Steffen Haus)
SG41 Oberst von Bad-Boll (Giovanni vom Kapellenberg - Aike zum Gigelsfelsen)
SG42 Entzo Blue-Iris (Ken vom Elzmundungsraum - Zala vom Blue-Iris)
SG43 Veemtroppens Qrt (Orbit vom huhnegrab - Vindelbroen's Jorunn Joblin)
SG44 Franjo vom Lehnhof (Stenley vom Lehnhof - Orla vom Feuermelder)
SG45 Echo v. Haus Santo (Ex von Arline - Ypsi v. Haus Santo)
SG46 Benhur del Reventino (Ghandhi von Arlett - Ussy del Reventino)
SG47 Scotti von der Piste Trophe (Quenn vom Loher Weg - Onara von der Piste Trophe)
SG48 Quark di Casa Beggiato (Dux della Valcuvia - Frilli di Casa Beggiato)
SG49 Ingo vom sonnenhaus (Pakros d'Ulmental - Yipsi vom Sonnenhaus)
SG50 Sirk vom Weber Platz (Idol vom Holtkamper Hof - Mirka von arlett)
SG1 Viana vom Fichtenschlag (Nicos vom Leithawald - Zaskia vom Fichtenschlag)
SG2 Romina von der Piste Trophe (Attila von der Piste Trophe - Pam von der Piste Trophe)
SG3 Vaxi de Intercanina (Timo von der Jahnhohe - Pischa vom Larchenhain)
SG4 Nadia della Loggia dei Mercanti (Karat's Yoker - Laika della Bella Galiana)
SG5 Loga Feedback (Yalk vom Sendling - Manta Nivalda)
SG6 Despina vom Weinbacher Land (Quenn vom Loher Weg - Brenda vom Weinbacher Land)
SG7 Tessa vom Bergmannsland (Campino von der Piste Trophe - Dolce-Vita Veracruz)
SG8 Perle vom Baiselsberg (Ken vom Elzmundungsraum - Biene vom Haus Dupont)
SG9 Necke von Bad-Boll (Orbit vom Huhnegrab - Cesna vom Bad Waldle)
SG10 Orka von der Freiheit Westerholt (Dux de Cuato Flores - Greta von der Freiheit Westerholt)
SG11 Gwendy aus Agrigento (Leo aus Agrigento - Gwendy von der Vallendarer Hohe)
SG12 Lana v. Bellissimo (Orbit vom Huhnegrab - Randa vom Oxsalis)
SG13 Karma von der Noriswand (Bravos vom Steffen Haus - Carina vom Wildsteiger Landhaus)
SG14 Celin vom Suentelstein (Nicos vom Leithawald - Rimini vom Suentelstein)
SG15 Quena vom Haus Malle (Larus von Batu - Osanna von der Ehrenfeste)
SG16 Biene vom Valtenberg (Orpheus von der Krauterwiese - Abby vom Schmetterholz)
SG17 Yola de al Malaki (Karat's Yoker - Pepsi de al Malaki)
SG18 Daphne vom Elzmundungsraum (Zamp vom Thermodos - Xantia vom Elzmundungsraum)
SG19 Pola von der Zenteiche (Hannibal vom Stiegerlehof - Donna von der Zenteiche)
SG20 Sissy von der Schanzlache (Arro Delori - Mascha Karenberg)
SG21 Alisha vom Eichenplatz (Zamp vom Thermodos - Daggi de Cuatro Flores)
SG22 Lea d'Ulmental (Parko d'Ulmental - Benny d'Ulmental)
SG23 Dixi di Casa Massarelli (Waiko di Casa Massarelli - Alke)
SG24 Annabell zur Medbacher Muhle (Bravos vom Steffen Haus - Pamy vom Otterius)
SG25 Zarali vom Ritterberg (Zamp vom Thermodos - Blana vom Hasenborn)
SG26 Rani von Arlett (Ghandhi von Arlett - Wonjia von Aducht)
SG27 Nicki v. Aphrodite Kennel (Nicos vom Leithawald - Otilie vom Wildsteiger Land)
SG28 Honey vom Finkenschlag (Yello vom St.-Michaels-Berg - Zindy vom Bierstadter Hof)
SG29 Pirka vom Huhnegrab (Orbit vom Huhnegrab - Fena vom Huhnegrab)
SG30 Daira vom Elzmundungsraum (Zamp vom Thermodos - Xantia vom Elzmundungsraum)
SG31 Tahra von der Brettchau (Lutz von Bad-Boll - Quanda von der Brettachau)
SG32 Ingodds Molliss (Marko della Valcuvia - Ingodds Nodessa)
SG33 karat's Gina (Richy vom Westervenn - Karat's Binka)
SG34 Ferina aus Wattenscheid (Olly vom Grauen - Scala aus Wattenscheid)
SG35 Zaskia vom Schacher (Xaro d'Ulmental - Xara vom Agilolfinger)
SG36 Janda di Zenevredo (Janos von der Noriswand - Gilda di Casa Mary)
SG37 Kana zum Gigelsfelsen (Hannibal vom Stieglerhof - Helga vom Gigelsfelsen)
SG38 Nika dell Alpe Adria (Nicos vom Leithawald - Ulme di Ca' Paris)
SG39 Willow vom Christinen Brunnen (Dux de Cuatro Flores - Havanna vom Christinen Brunnen)
SG40 Heidi von der Pfalzperle (Orbit vom Huhnegran - Ulme von der Baiertalerstrasse)
SG41 Zena della Valle dei Rovi (Merlin von Aurelius - Nera della Valle dei Rovi)
SG42 Yanka vom Langenbungert (Dux de Cuatro Flores - Feli vom Hutberg)
SG43 Wibka vom Holtkamper See (Idol vom Holtkamper Hof - Roma vom Holtkamper See)
SG44 Evita od svete Klare (Pakros d'Ulmental - Uschy vom Danischen Hof)
SG45 Nizza vom Zellwaldrand (Packo vom Feuermelder Shakisa vom Zellwaldrand)
SG46 Debora vom Finkenschlag (Nando vom Gollenweiher - Dura vom Finkenschlag)
SG47 Helge v.d. Zomerdijkslanden (Orbit von Tronje - Quana v.d. Zomerdijkslanden)
SG48 Liesi vom Hawelkaweg (Nicos vom Leithawald - Wanda vom Haus Stoppacher)
SG49 Yolly de Intercanina (Irsus Veracruz - Dixi Veracruz)
SG50 Tami zur Wolfskammer (Quenn vom Loher Weg - Xila zur Wolfskammer)