C.V. - University of Vermont
C.V. - University of Vermont
August 2016 SUSANNA B. SCHRAFSTETTER Department of History 312 Wheeler House 133 South Prospect Street University of Vermont Burlington, VT 05405 Phone: 802-656-9842 Fax: 802-656-8794 Email: Susanna.Schrafstetter@uvm.edu EDUCATION Ph.D. Modern and Recent European History, University of Munich, 1998. M.A. Modern and Recent European History, University of Munich, 1994, (distinction). Undergraduate Study in History, Classics, and English, University of Munich, 1988-1994. Gymnasium Vaterstetten, Germany, Abitur 1988. ACADEMIC POSITIONS Oct. – Dec. 2014: Visiting Professor, University of Augsburg, Germany April – Aug. 2011: Visiting Professor, University of Augsburg, Germany Since Jan. 2009: Associate Professor of History, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT 2006-2008: Associate Professor of History (tenured), University of Nebraska-Lincoln. 2005-2006: Assistant Professor of History (tenure-track), University of Nebraska-Lincoln. 2003-05: Visiting Lecturer of History, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. 1999-2005: Lecturer in European History (permanent position), University of Glamorgan, Wales, UK (on leave 2003-5). 1998-99: Lecturer in German History, Department of German Studies, University of Manchester. NON-ACADEMIC EMPLOYMENT Journalist: Süddeutsche Zeitung newspaper (internship). Archivist: Institut für Zeitgeschichte (internship). FELLOWSHIPS and GRANTS 2017: Senior Research Fellowship at the Leibniz-Institute for European History, Mainz 2014: Visiting Professorship at the University of Augsburg, underwritten by the guest scholar program of the Bavarian State Ministry of Research, Science and Art 2006-7: Layman Award, University of Nebraska research grant. 2002-3: One year research leave, British Arts and Humanities Research Board (AHRB). 2002: British Academy research grant (July-August). 2002: German Studies Association (GSA) travel grant . 2001: University of Glamorgan (one month research grant). 2000: Lyndon Baines Johnson Library and Museum, Austin Texas, travel and research grant. 2000: Dwight D. Eisenhower Library, Abilene Kansas, travel and research grant. 1998: German Historical Institute London, post-doctoral research grant (3 months). 2 1996: German Historical Institute Washington, doctoral research grant (1 month). 1995: German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), doctoral research grant (3 months). 1995-7: University of Munich Dissertation Fellowship. BOOKS The Germans and the Holocaust: Popular Responses to the Persecution and Murder of the Jews, coedited volume with Alan Steinweis, New York: Berghahn, 2016. Flucht und Versteck. Untergetauchte Juden in München: Verfolgungserfahrung und Nachkriegsalltag, Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag, 2015. Avoiding Armageddon: The United States, Western Europe and the Struggle for Nuclear NonProliferation, 1945-1970 (co-authored with Stephen Twigge), New York: Praeger, 2004. Die dritte Atommacht. Britische Nichtverbreitungspolitik im Dienst von Statussicherung und Deutschlandpolitik, 1952-1968 (The Third Nuclear Power: British Non-Proliferation Policy, National Status, and the German Question, 1952-1968), Munich: Oldenbourg, 1999 published in a major series of the Institute of Contemporary History (Institut für Zeitgeschichte Schriftenreihe der Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, Band 79). ARTICLES AND BOOK CHAPTERS “‘Life in Illegality Cost an Extortionate Amount of Money.’ Ordinary Germans and German Jews Hiding from Deportation”, in Andrea Löw and Frank Bajohr (eds.), The Holocaust and European Societies (London: forthcoming with Palgrave Macmillan) “Righteous Gentiles in the Collective Memory of the Federal Republic of Germany”, in Ilya Altman, Igor Kotler and Jürgen Zarusky (eds), The Holocaust: 70 Years Later (Moscow: Центр «Холокост»: МИК, 2015) “Siegfried Zoglmann, His Circle of Writers, and the Naumann Affair: A Nazi Propaganda Operation in Postwar Germany”, in: David Messenger and Katrin Paehler (eds), A Nazi Past: Recasting German Identity in Postwar Europe (Lexington: University of Kentucky Press, 2015) “Geltungsjüdische Jugendliche in München, 1938-1945,” Münchner Beiträge zur Jüdischen Geschichte und Kultur 8 (2014) “Von der Soforthilfe zur Wiedergutmachung: die Umsetzung der Zonal Policy Instruction No. 20 in der britischen Besatzungszone“, in: Christiane Fritsche, Johannes Paulmann (eds), “Arisierung” und Wiedergutmachung in deutschen Städten (Cologne: Böhlau, 2014) “A Nazi Diplomat Turned Apologist for Apartheid: Gustav Sonnenhol, Vergangenheitsbewältigung and West German Foreign Policy towards South Africa“, German History, 28/1 (2010) "When Perpetrators Compensate Victims: The Career of Karl Hettlage and the Politics of Indemnification in West Germany," in: Jonathan Petropoulos and John Roth (eds), Lessons and 3 Legacies IX: Memory, History, and Responsibility: Reassessments of the Holocaust, Implications for the Future (Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 2010) “Von der SS in den Apartheidsstaat: Gustav A. Sonnenhol und die deutsche Südafrikapolitik,“ in: Theresia Bauer, Christiane Kuller, Winfried Süβ (eds), Gesichter der Zeitgeschichte: Deutsche Lebensläufe im 20. Jahrhundert (Munich: Oldenbourg, 2009) “Verfolgung und Wiedergutmachung. Karl M. Hettlage: Mitarbeiter von Albert Speer und Staatssekretär im Bundesfinanzministerium”, Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte 56/3 (2008) “‘Gentlemen, the cheese is all gone!’ British POWs, the Great Escape and the Anglo-German Agreement for Compensation to Victims of Nazism”, Contemporary European History 17/1 (2008) “‘What about paying BRITISH victims of Nazi hell camps?’ Die Entschädigungsfrage in den deutsch-britischen Beziehungen”, in: Hans Günter Hockerts, Claudia Moisel, Tobias Winstel (eds), Grenzen der Wiedergutmachung: Die Entschädigung für NS-Verfolgte in West- und Osteuropa 1945 - 2000, (Göttingen: Wallstein, 2006) “Auschwitz and the Nuclear Sonderweg”, in: Philipp Gassert, Alan E. Steinweis (eds), Coping with the Nazi Past: West German Debates on Nazism and Generational Conflict, 1955-1975, (Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2006) “The Long Shadow of the Past: History, Memory and the Debate over West Germany and Nuclear Weapons, (1954-69)”, History & Memory 16/1 (2004) “‘Die einfachen Leute werden für Gerechtigkeit sorgen!’ Die deutsch-britischen Verhandlungen über ein Abkommen zur Entschädigung von Opfern nationalsozialistischer Verfolgung, 195664”, zeitenblicke 3/2 (2004), http://zeitenblicke.historicum.net/2004/02/schrafstetter/index.html. “The Diplomacy of ‘Wiedergutmachung’: Compensation for the Western European victims of Nazism in the context of the Cold War (1956-64)”, Holocaust and Genocide Studies, 17/3 (2003) “Preventing the Smiling Buddha: British-Indian Nuclear Relations and the Commonwealth Nuclear Force 1964-1968”, Journal of Strategic Studies 25/3 (2002) Reprinted in: Scott Gates, Roy Kaushik (eds), The Nuclear Shadow over South Asia, 1947 to the Present, (London: Ashgate, 2011) “‘Loquacious and Pointless as Ever?’ Britain, the US and the UN Negotiations on International Control of Nuclear Energy (1945-48)”, Contemporary British History 16/4 (2002) (with Stephen Twigge), “Spinning into Europe: Britain, West-Germany, the Netherlands and the Uranium Gas-Centrifuge 1964-70”, Contemporary European History, 11/2 (2002) (with Sharif Gemie), “Reassessing Anti-Fascism”, (review article) European History Quarterly 32/3 (2002) 4 ‘The Trauma of a Nuclear Pearl Harbor: Transatlantic Relations, Fortress America and the Loss of Nuclear Invulnerability”, in: Will Kaufmann, Heidi Slettedahl Macpherson (eds), Transatlantic Studies: New Perspectives (Lanham, MD: University of America Press, 2002) (with Stephen Twigge) “Trick or Truth? The British ANF-proposal, the Federal Republic and the Western Alliance. A Study in Nuclear Diplomacy”, Diplomacy and Statecraft 11/2 (2000) “Bridging the Divide: Nuclear Diplomacy, NATO and the Dilemma of Extended Deterrence”, in: Will Kaufmann, Heidi Slettedahl Macpherson (eds), Transatlantic Studies (Lanham, MD: University of America Press, 2000) PRESENTATIONS “Flucht und Versteck: Untergetauchte Juden in München“, Public Lecture, National Socialist Documentation Center, Munich, June 2016. “Ordinary Germans and Fugitive Jews During the Holocaust”, Holocaust Symposium: The German People and the Holocaust: Between Complicity, Resistance, and Accountability, University of Nebraska-Kearney, Kearney, NE, April 2016. “Flucht vor dem Holocaust. Untergetauchte Juden in Deutschland, 1941-1945”, invited presentation as part of the lecture series Flüchtlinge im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert (Refugees in the 20th and 21st century)”, University of Erfurt, January 2016. Invited book presentation: “Flucht und Versteck. Untergetauchte Juden in München: Verfolgungserfahrung und Nachkriegsalltag”, Jewish Community Center Munich, December 2015. “Ordinary Germans and German Jews Hiding from Deportation”, Survival Underground: Jews in Hiding in Poland and Germany during the Holocaust, Symposium, Center for Holocaust Studies, University of Vermont, November 2015. “Righteous Gentiles in the Collective Memory of the Federal Republic of Germany”, Ninth International Conference, Lessons of the Holocaust and Contemporary Russia, International Forum, “The Holocaust: 70 Years On”, Moscow, June 2015. “Hidden Jews as a Subgroup of German Holocaust Survivors,” Survivors: Politics and Semantics of a Concept, Conference, Center for Jewish Studies Berlin-Brandenburg and Center for Research on Antisemitism, Berlin, November 2014. “Flucht in den Untergrund. Juden in München und ihre Helfer”, Presentation, Lehrstuhl für jüdische Geschichte und Kultur, University of Munich, November 2014. “Flight Underground: Jews in Hiding in Munich and Upper Bavaria,” The Holocaust after 70 Years: New Perspectives on Persecution, Resistance, and Survival, Lessons and Legacies XIII, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, November 2014. 5 “Jews on the Run: Ordinary Germans and Jewish Flights from Deportation,” Conference: The Holocaust and the European Societies. Social Process and Social Dynamics, Institut für Zeitgeschichte, Munich, October 2014. “Zwischen Versteck und Verrat: Untergetauchte Juden in Deutschland”, Presentation at the University of Erfurt, February 2014. “Flucht in die Illegalität: Juden in München, 1941-1945” (Flight into Illegality: Jews in Munich, 1941-1945), The Jewish Resistance to the Nazi Policy of Extermination in Europe 1933-1945, International Conference on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising organized by the Moses Mendelssohn Zentrum Potsdam, Berlin, April 2013. “Von der Soforthilfe zur Wiedergutmachung. Die Umsetzung der Zonal Policy Instruction No. 20 in der britischen Besatzungszone”, ‘Arisierung‘, Restitution und Wiedergutmachung in Deutschen Städten, Conference at the University of Mannheim, April 2012. “Holocaust Survivors, War Heroes, and Competing Memories: Britain, the Second World War and the Memory of the Holocaust”, Global Holocaust? Memories of the Destruction of European Jews in Global Context, Conference at the University of Haifa (in conjunction with the Universities of Augsburg and Vermont), January 2012. “The Question of Compensation for Victims of Nazism in Anglo-German Relations, 19452000”, Public Lecture Series, Department of History, University of Augsburg, June 2011. “’We learn about the Holocaust so that we can become […] more compassionate …’: Holocaust Memory in South Africa”, Global Holocaust? Memories of the Destruction of European Jews in Global Context, Conference at the University of Augsburg, June 2011. “Competing Memories, Competing Victims: British War Heroes, Holocaust Survivors and the Question of Compensation for Victims of Nazi Persecution”, German Studies Association, Thirty-Fourth Annual Conference, Oakland, California, October 2010. “The UN High Commissioner for Refugees and the Victims of Nazism”, The Forty Years’ Crisis: Refugees in Europe, 1919-1959, Birkbeck College, London, September 2010. “Karl Hettlage: Finanzchef unter Speer und Adenauer”, Dora nach 1945. Wirkungs- und Präsentationsgeschichte eines Konzentrationslagers, Tagung der KZ-Gedenkstätte MittelbauDora in Kooperation mit der Association Française Buchenwald Dora et Kommandos, der Commission Dora-Ellrich und der Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Déportation, Nordhausen, April 2010. "Sending Ex-Nazis to the Apartheid State: West German Ambassadors in South Africa," Lessons and Legacies X, Northwestern University, November 2008. “From Persecution to Compensation: The Career of Karl Hettlage, State Secretary in the West German Ministry of Finance”, Lessons and Legacies IX, Claremont McKenna College, November 2006. 6 “Survivors and the Struggle for Compensation: The Case of Britain”, Beyond Camps and Forced Labour Current International Research on Survivors of Nazi Persecution – 60 Years On, Second Multidisciplinary Conference at the Imperial War Museum, London, January 2006. “A Prolonged Power Struggle: Auswärtiges Amt, Ministry of Finance, and the Question of Compensation for Victims of NS-Persecution“, (panel on the politics of the past in West Germany), German Studies Association, Twenty-Ninth Annual Conference, Milwaukee, September 2005. “‘Wenn die Polen nicht wären, könnten wir morgen unterzeichnen!’ Britische Entschädigungspolitik und das deutsch-britische Globalabkommen von 1964”, IntegrationExklusion: Die deutsche Entschädigung für NS-Opfer in West- und Osteuropa, Bilanztagung, (final conference on research project compensation for victims of Nazism) University of Munich, September 2004. “Entschädigungspolitik in den deutsch-britischen Beziehungen, 1956-64”, IntegrationExklusion: Die deutsche Entschädigung für NS-Opfer in West- und Osteuropa, Auftakttagung (conference to launch research project on compensation for victims of Nazism), University of Munich, April 2004. “‘The Ordinary People Will Ensure that Justice Be Done’, Anglo-German Negotiations for the Compensation of Victims of Nazi Persecution 1956-64”, panel on Germany’s efforts to cope with the past, German Studies Association, Twenty-Seventh Annual Conference, New Orleans, September 2003. “The Diplomacy of ‘Wiedergutmachung’”, panel on coping with the Nazi Past in post-war Germany, Lessons and Legacies VII, The Holocaust in International Perspective, University of Minnesota, November 2002. “Auschwitz and the Nuclear Sonderweg: The Debate over Nuclear Weapons and the Shadow of the Nazi Past”, panel on the foundations of West Germany, German Studies Association, TwentySixth Annual Conference, San Diego, October 2002. “History as Argument: The Federal Republic, ‘Vergangenheitsbewältigung’ and the Nuclear Question (1954-1969)”, Coming to Terms with the Past in West Germany: The 1960s, an international conference organized by German Historical Institute Washington and the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska, April 2001. “The Trauma of a Nuclear Pearl Harbor: Transatlantic Relations, Fortress America and the Loss of Nuclear Invulnerability”, Transatlantic Studies: New Perspectives, Maastricht Centre for Transatlantic Studies, Maastricht, October 2000. “The Reluctant Ally: The FRG and US-Non-Proliferation Policy 1945-1968”, (panel on nuclear non-proliferation), Annual Conference of the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations (SHAFR), Princeton, N.J., June 1999. 7 “The United Kingdom and the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (1968)”, (panel on the NonProliferation Treaty), Bi-annual Review Conference of the Nuclear History Program (NHP), San Diego, July 1995. MANUSCRIPT REVIEWING Reviewer of grant applications for the ESRC (Economic and Social Research Council) and article manuscript reviewer for Holocaust & Genocide Studies, German History, The Journal of Transatlantic Studies, Contemporary European History and Contemporary British History. Book proposals reviewed for Longman, Continuum Books, Northern Illinois University Press, and Sage Publications. COURSES TAUGHT Undergraduate Surveys: German History since 1800 Western Civilization 1715 - present 20th Century Europe Advanced Undergraduate Courses: Germany History, 1815-1919 German History, 1914-1990 Imperial Germany The Weimar Republic: Art and Politics The Second World War Resistance in Nazi Germany Germany in International Relations, 1945-1990 The Soviet Empire, 1945-1991 The Cold War Cold War Europe Soviet Russia, 1917-45 Global Reparations Politics (Hauptseminar, taught in German at the University of Augsburg) Compensation for Victims of Nazi Persecution (Übung, taught in German at the University of Munich) The Deportation of the German Jews (Übung, taught in German at the University of Augsburg) Graduate Course: German History, 1945-1990 Faculty member: Munich International Summer University: German Sources and the Archives of the Holocaust, Aug. 3-17, 2013, seminar for graduate students working in the field of Holocaust Studies PUBLISHED TEACHING MATERIALS Unterrichtsmaterialien Geschichte. Wiedergutmachung nationalsozialistischen Unrechts, Munich: Stark Verlag, 2009. Unterichtsmaterialien Geschichte. Widerstand gegen den Nationalsozialismus, Munich: Stark Verlag, 2011. 8 TEACHING AWARDS Certificate of Recognition for Contributions to Students, awarded by the Parents' Association and the Teaching Council of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2004, 2007. MENTORING OF GRADUATE STUDENTS Supervision of MA theses: Paul Birch: British Reactions to Anti-Semitic Legislation in Nazi Germany, 1933-38 (2002). James Merrifield: Anti-Americanism in the British Labor Party (2003). Michelle Magin: The Holocaust in West German School Textbooks (2012) PhD Committees: Roy Koepp (2010). External member: Jennifer Rodgers, University of Pennsylvania (2014) MA Committees: Melissa Marsh (2005), Shayla Swift (2007), Jacob Eder (2007), Dana Smith (2011), Alex Lehning (2012), Michelle Siegel (2013). PROFESSIONAL SERVICE AND SERVICE ON UNIVERSITY COMMITTEES Consultant, NS-Dokumentationszentrum, Munich, 2014 Interim Director, European Studies Program, University of Vermont 2012-2013 and spring 2015 Organizer: Fall 2012 Burack Lecture: Professor Lloyd Ambrosius, “Presidential Choices in a Divided America” Executive Committee, Graduate College, University of Vermont (2015-2016) Graduate Committee, Department of History, University of Vermont (2015-2016) Undergraduate Committee, Department of History, University of Vermont (2010-2013) Convener of the History Department’s research seminar, University of Vermont (spring 2013) Chair of the Outreach Committee, Department of History, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Advisory Committee, Department of History, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Grading Appeals Committee, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Graduate Committee Department of History, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Undergraduate Committee, Department of History, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Committee for Faculty Development, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Glamorgan. Committee for Health and Safety, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Glamorgan. Co-organizer of the security and intelligence section (four panels) of the conference launching the Transatlantic Studies Association, hosted by the University of Dundee, July 2002. Organizer and host of the research seminars, School of Humanities, University of Glamorgan Temporary Award Tutor for the BA History Degree, School of Humanities, University of Glamorgan. Award Tutor for the part-time evening degree, BA Humanities, University of Glamorgan. COMMUNITY SERVICE Addressed German high school students on Holocaust Memory, January 2007. Addressed Community at Saint Paul’s United Methodist Church, Lincoln on European Integration, E.N. Thompson Follow-up Discussion, 2006. Addressed high school students in South Wales on the Cold War and the Second World War, 2001. Advisor for franchise college instructors, Bridgend College, Bridgend, Wales, 2000-2001.