retail commercial land use needs study
retail commercial land use needs study
RETAIL COMMERCIAL LAND USE NEEDS STUDY CITY OF BARRIE PROJECTIONS OF RESIDUAL MARKET DEMANDS 2011, 2016, 2021, 2031, 2036, & 2051 RETAIL & SELECTED COMMERCIAL USES FINAL REPORT OCTOBER 26, 2011 W. SCOTT MORGAN, MCIP, RPP W. SCOTT MORGAN & ASSOCIATES LIMITED 15 Grenadier Heights, Toronto, Ontario M6S 2W5 416-762-6384 TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary (i) Acronyms 1 Introduction Summary of Findings Methodology Assumptions Trade Area Delineation Trade Area Income & Expenditures and Census Population Growth Trade Area Population Projections Barrie Floorspace Inventory Trade Area Expenditure Potentials Market Demands And Residual Space Estimates 1 4 5 7 7 8 8 9 11 11 Table 9: Department Store Residuals Table 10: Other General Merchandise Residuals Table 11: Drug & Personal Care Residuals Table 12: Fashion & Accessories Residuals Table 13: Home Furnishings Residuals Table 14: Other Non-Department Store Residuals Table 15: Home Improvement Residuals Table 16: Supermarket Residuals Table 17: Specialty Food Residuals Table 18: Personal Service Residuals Table 19: Restaurant Residuals Table 20: Liquor/Beer/Wine Residuals Summary of Residual “Retail & Selected Commercial” Space Macro-Level Findings Annexed Area Findings Conclusions 13 13 14 14 14 15 15 16 16 16 17 17 17 18 19 20 TABLES 1 – 25 Figure 1 - City of Barrie Trade Area and Capture Rates Figure 2 - City of Barrie Vacant Commercial Floorspace by Major Node Figure 3 - City of Barrie Developed and Vacant Commercial Lands Figure 4 - City of Barrie Commercial Absorption -- 2000-2009 APPENDIX A-1 APPENDIX A-2 APPENDIX A-3 APPENDIX A-4 Income / Expenditure Indexing Methodology (Regression Analysis) 2009 Estimates of Ontario Retail Sales By Trade Group Trade Area Income and Expenditure Indexes Trade Area FSR, GAFO + Drug, HI, HAAS/TBA, Personal Service, Restaurant, and L/B/W Expenditure Levels APPENDIX A-5 Trade Area Census Populations with Census Undercount Adjustments APPENDIX B-1 Retail and Service Floorspace Inventory APPENDIX B-2 Retail Store and Service Classification by Type (NAICS 2002-Based) RETAIL COMMERCIAL LAND USE NEEDS STUDY CITY OF BARRIE PROJECTIONS OF RESIDUAL MARKET DEMANDS 2011, 2016, 2021, 2031, 2036, & 2051 RETAIL & SELECTED COMMERCIAL USES OCTOBER 26, 2011 Executive Summary: Acronyms: FSR: NFSR: GAFO: HAAS: TBA: HI: FIRE: SBM: Food Store Retail Non-Food Store Retail General Merchandise / Apparel / Furnishings / Other Retail Home and Auto Supply Tires, Batteries & Accessories Home Improvement Finance / Insurance / Real Estate Services to Business Management GLA: UGC: GMS: NAICS: Gross Leasable Area Urban Growth Centre Growth Management Strategy North American Industrial Classification System Planning and Market Study Context: The City of Barrie is preparing a Growth Management Strategy (GMS) -- a policy document to enable the City to achieve sustainable residential growth and economic development in conformity with provincially mandated population and employment targets. These mandated provincial targets would cause current population and employment levels to more than double over 45 years (2006-2051): up from to to 134,000 and 64,000 respectively in 2006, 210,000 and 101,000 respectively by 2031, and 280,000 and 140,000 respectively by 2051 i This market study comprises Phase 2 of a six-phase study that will culminate in the GMS. Taken together, the six phases will provide the guiding principles and policy directions for future population and employment growth within the City. This market study has regard for upper-tier policy documents, including the 2005 Provincial Policy Statement, the 2006 provincial Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, the June 9, 2009 “Simcoe Area: A Strategic Vision for Growth” report, and the June 4, 2009 BarrieInnisfil Boundary Adjustment Act (Bill 196 came into effect on January 1, 2010). This market study makes use of comprehensive empirical data (licence plates surveys and a consumer telephone survey) from the most recent City-commissioned analysis of market conditions in Barrie that justified the large NFSR component (755,000 square feet with phasing) at Park Place‟s mixed use “lifestyle centre” on the former Molson Park lands in south Barrie on the basis of pre-2006 Census population projections (2021 population in Barrie of 210,000 persons): “Retail Market and Impact Analysis, Park Place, City of Barrie”, prepared for the City of Barrie by „urbanMetrics inc.‟ (uMi), March 20, 2005. More recent population projections (post-2006 Census) delay attainment of that population (210,000 persons) until 2031 (not 2021). The 2021 population is now projected at 170,000, which is 40,000 persons less than forecast by uMi. Consequently, this study‟s medium term projections of residual market demand (to 2021) are much more conservative than in uMi‟s study. Barrie’s Retail Commercial Hierarchy: Barrie‟s existing retail commercial hierarchy is well positioned to compete with future new format centres (e.g. in Bradford West Gwillimbury) that will enter the market late in the developmental life cycle of power centres, and benefits from relatively mature retail commercial offerings, including: enclosed and unenclosed shopping facilities and a broad array of department stores, other anchor stores, and big box retailers that collectively attract trade from a large regional Trade Area. an effective distribution of locally-serving shopping centres and nodes with a generally good range of full service and discount supermarket anchors serving established residential areas. Definition of “Retail and Selected Commercial”: This study examines “retail and selected commercial” space demands and supply. This terminology is NAICS-based, and includes uses listed in Appendix B-2: ii retail uses that correspond in Appendix B-2 to Study Codes 1 to 123 (food stores, pharmacies and personal care stores), GAFO stores (General merchandise and department stores, Apparel and accessories stores, Furniture, home furnishings, and electronics stores, and Other retail stores), and Building and Outdoor Home Supply stores; and selected commercial uses that correspond to Study Codes 124 to 130 (financial / banking services); 137 to 143 (professional services); 151 to 155 (doctor / dentist / other health services); 172 to 174 (restaurant / food services); and 184 to 196 (personal services). Technical Note: Selected commercial codes exclude other commercial uses such as Consumer Rental Services 131-136, Administrative Services 144-146, Educational Services 147-150, Social Services 156-159, Arts / Entertainment / Recreational Services 160-171, Automotive Sales and Service, Automotive Repair and Maintenance 175-178, Personal Goods Repair and Maintenance 179-183, and Non-Store Retailers. What This Study Examines: the base year (current/reference) distribution of spending of Trade Area residents based on the local (Barrie) capture rates from uMi‟s consumer telephone survey in Barrie‟s Trade Area, macro-level residual demands for new space in Barrie (where residuals represent “ease of entry” of new space without sales transfers away from existing retail and selected commercial operators) as tested in 2011, 2016, 2021, 2031, 2036, and 2051, within Barrie, the current built supply (inventory) of retail and selected commercial floorspace (FSR + NFSR + HI + Restaurant + Liquor/Beer/Wine + Personal Services + Financial Services + Other Services + Local Office + Vacant space), the differences over time between projected supply (built supply + designated/zoned land supply + vacancy uptake) and macro-level demands that might warrant any future expansions of the retail commercial infrastructure, at the macro-level, Barrie‟s future land requirements and phasing of the warranted square footages, over and above the identified macro-level land requirements, and subject to a separate Secondary Plan process, the additional land requirements and kinds of commercial centres that might best meet the local needs of residents of the Annexed Area. Residuals versus Per Capita Space Planning Ratios: Residual demands are projected for the following retail/commercial categories: iii Supermarket/Grocery portion of FSR Specialty Food portion of FSR Department Store portion of NFSR (= GAFO / DRUG) Non-Department Store portion of NFSR General Merchandise Stores Apparel & Accessories Stores Furniture / Home Furnishings / Electronics Stores Other Retail Stores Pharmacies and Personal Care Stores HAAS/TBA HI Personal Services (e.g. Barber/Beauty, Weight Loss, Shoe & Other Repair Services, Dry Cleaner/Laundromat) Restaurant L/B/W (Liquor/Beer/Wine) Per capita space planning ratios are used to project macro-level space demands for Other Service, Financial Institution, and Local Office space (FIRE and SBM). Per capita space planning ratios are also used to project more localized demands for the Annexed Area. Data Assumptions: 2009 constant dollars 2009 base year 2010 retail commercial floor space inventory - dated June 30, 2010 (existing market supply) 2005 licence plate surveys from uMi‟s study (proxy customer origins and inflow), and 2005 consumer telephone survey from uMi‟s study (current distribution of expenditures) Regional Trade Area Delineation: The Barrie-centered regional Trade Area defined and analyzed in this study has been well established in market studies going back to the early 1980‟s, including the relatively high levels of inflow support attracted from Barrie‟s “tertiary zone” comprising parts of Muskoka and Parry Sound Districts (see Figure 1 - Trade Area Zones - following Tables 1-25). Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5 Zone 6 Zone 7 Zone 8 (City of Barrie) (Innisfil + Essa + Springwater + Oro-Medonte) (Adjala-Tosorontio + New Tecumseth + Bradford West Gwillimbury) (Clearview + Collingwood + Wasaga Beach + Blue Mountains) (Tiny + Tay + Christian Island I.R. + Midland + Penetanguishene) (Orillia + Ramara + Rama I.R. + Severn) (Bracebridge + Georgian Bay + Gravenhurst + Huntsville + Muskoka Lakes) (Parry Sound + Archipelago + Carling + McDougall + McKeller + Parry Is I.R .) iv Outside of Barrie, Zones 2 – 6 and Peripheral Zones 7 - 8 represent a relatively large, growing, and consistent part Barrie‟s trading geography and population base from which Barrie‟s 2010 inventory of retail commercial space is expected to derive consistent market support over the forecast period. The stability of this economic geography is linked to the strengthening of Barrie‟s retail offerings over time to better serve its local and regional markets. Trade Area Incomes: The average per capita household incomes in the various Zones compared to the provincial average (index = 100.0) are as follows: Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5 Zone 6 Zone 7 Zone 8 90.7 100.8 104.8 94.2 85.7 85.1 90.5 100.0 Trade Area Population Projections: Population projections (Table 1) are adjusted for the Census undercount and reflect the allocations in Proposed Amendment 1 to the Places to Grow Growth Plan dated October 2010: Zone 1 grows from 138,000 persons (rounded) in 2009 to reach 280,000 persons by 2051 (for rounded overall growth of 142,000 persons). Zone 2 grows from 94,000 persons (rounded) in 2009 to reach 136,000 persons by 2051 (for rounded overall growth of 43,000 persons). Zone 3 grows from 72,000 persons (rounded) in 2009 to reach 130,000 persons by 2051 (for rounded overall growth of 59,000 persons). Zone 4 grows from 58,000 persons (rounded) in 2009 to reach 86,000 persons by 2051 (for rounded overall growth of 27,000 persons). Zone 5 grows from 49,000 persons (rounded) in 2009 to reach 60,000 persons by 2051 (for rounded overall growth of 10,000 persons). Zone 6 grows from 56,000 persons (rounded) in 2009 to reach 75,000 persons by 2051 (for rounded overall growth of 19,000 persons). Peripheral Zone 7 grows from 58,000 persons (rounded) in 2009 to reach 78,000 persons by 2051 (for rounded overall growth of 20,000 persons). Peripheral Zone 8 grows from 17,000 persons (rounded) in 2009 to reach 20,000 persons by 2051 (for rounded overall growth of 3,400 persons). v Barrie‟s historic Trade Area as a whole (Zones 1-6) is projected to grow by 300,000 persons to raise the 2009 base year population from 468,000 persons (rounded) to 767,000 persons in 2051. Barrie Floorspace Inventory: Barrie‟s inventory of existing occupied retail commercial space and vacant space (dated June 30, 2010) consists of approximately 7.1 million square feet as follows: 2010 Inventory Supermarket/Grocery Specialty Food FSR space: @ @ @ 642,089 sf 142,999 sf 785,088 sf @ 9.0% of total space @ 2.0 % of total space @ 11.0% of total space Dep't Store Non-Dep‟t Store NFSR space: @ 567,855 sf @ 2,639,966 sf @ 3,207,821 sf @ 8.0% of total space @ 37.1% of total space @ 45.1% of total space HI @ 580,781 sf @ 8.2% of total space Personal Services Other Services Services: @ @ @ 196,940 sf 416,606 sf 613,546 sf @ 2.8% of total space @ 5.9% of total space @ 8.7% of total space Local Offices Restaurants Bank/Trust Liquor/Beer/Wine Other Space NEC Vacancy Other Space: @ 180,995 sf @ 690,184 sf @ 170,706 sf @ 90,532 sf @ 317,966 sf @ 475,075 sf @ 1,925,458 sf @ 2.5% of total space @ 9.7% of total space @ 2.4% of total space @ 1.3% of total space @ 4.5% of total space @ 6.7% of total space @ 27.1% of total space TOTAL @ 7,112,694 sf @ 100% of total space The City‟s average vacancy rate of 6.7% in the 2010 inventory is relatively high, and is broken down by nodal vacancy rate as well as square footage vacancy by node as follows (see Figure 2 – Vacant Commercial Floorspace by Major Node - following Tables 1-25) : Node 1: Downtown Barrie Node 2: Bayfield St. North of Hwy. 400 Node 3: Cedar Pt./Dunlop West of Hwy 400 Node 4: Hwy 400 / Mapleview Dr. Area Node 5: West Barrie Other Locations Node 6: Dunlop St. East of Hwy 400 Node 7: Burton Ave./Huronia Rd. Area Node 8: Yonge / Big Bay Pointe Area Node 9: East Barrie Other Locations Total Vacant Space Barrie Nodal Vacancy @ 16.6% @ 4.7% @ 13.9% @ 2.1% @ 9.7% @ 8.3% @ 14.0% @ 1.5% @ 5.7% @ 6.7% vi @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Barrie Vacant sf Per Node 100,800 sf =21.2% 109,644 sf =23.1% 59,249 sf =12.5% 33,966 sf = 7.1% 82,045 sf =17.3% 17,521 sf = 3.7% 36,200 sf = 7.6% 3,300 sf = 0.7% 32,350 sf = 6.8% 475,075 sf =100% The majority of vacant space, totaling just over 60%, is found in Downtown Barrie (21%), Bayfield St. North of Hwy. 400 Area (23%), and West Barrie Other Locations (17%). Implication for Barrie: Larger scale vacancies in Nodes 1-5 and Node 9 (eight uses totaling 153,450 square feet) represent roughly a third of all vacant space, while all other vacancies are much smaller, typically in the 1,000 to 2,000 square feet range. Downtown Barrie and North Bayfield Street both have the greatest square footage vacancies. Intensification will favour the uptake of vacancies, particularly in the Downtown and North Bayfield Strip. For study purposes, it is assumed that about two-thirds of current vacancies can be absorbed to meet projected demands, while still leaving a one-third vacancy for normal turnover of space in a healthy market. Trade Area Expenditure Potentials: Tables 2 to 6 calculate expenditure potentials for the following categories by multiplying the projected population base in Table 1 by corresponding per capita expenditures: Table 2: Table 3: Table 4: Table 5: Table 6: “NFSR” (GAFO / DRUG) + “HI”, “FSR”, Personal Service, Restaurant, and Liquor/Beer/Wine (L/B/W) Per capita space planning ratios are also used to estimate the amount of warranted square footage in the “Other Service”, Financial Institution, and Local Office categories in Table 21. Real growth factors (per annum compounded exclusive of inflation) beyond the 2009 base year are applied to the expenditure potentials as follows: 1.5% to “NFSR” (GAFO / DRUG) + “HI” expenditures to 2016, 0.5% to 2021, and 0% thereafter; 0.5% to FSR and Personal Service expenditures to 2016, 0.25% to 2021, and 0% thereafter; and 0.25% to Restaurant and L/B/W expenditures to 2021, and 0% thereafter. Market Demands And Residual Space Estimates: The base year Trade Area shares and future Trade Area shares of “NFSR” + “HI” and “FSR” spending for each of the eight Trade Area zones are summarized in Table 7 and Table 8 respectively. The Park Place node is expected to attract additional department store space in the medium to longer term. vii The base year and future Trade Area shares of “NFSR” + “HI” spending in Tables 7 - 8 are incorporated into the residual space calculations in Tables 9 - 15. Tables 16 – 20 deal with lower order spending on “FSR”, Personal Service, Restaurant, and Liquor/Beer/Wine. Because urban markets within Barrie‟s extensive regional Trade Area are assumed to be largely served by their own local distribution of stores, Tables 16 – 20 deal only with the spending of Zone 1 residents (unlike Tables 9 – 15 which deal with higher order “NFSR” + “HI” market support attracted from all eight Trade Area zones). Residuals: Department Store Residuals (Table 9): The existing department stores (567,855 square feet combined) are collectively performing at $514 per square foot, with individual performances estimated as follows: Wal-Mart (SmartCentres N.) Sears (Georgian Mall) The Bay (Georgian Mall) Zellers (Kozlov Centre) Wal-Mart (SmartCentres S.) @ 128,340 square feet @ $583 per square foot @ 116,515 square feet @ $677 per square foot @ 90,748 square feet @ $406 per square foot @ 106,092 square feet @ $196 per square foot @ 126,160 square feet @ $641 per square foot Barrie‟s department store share of NFSR spending increases from 17.5% in the base year to 20.0% thereafter to reflect the provision of additional department store space (e.g. at Park Place). No other zones experience any department store share increases. Residual department store square footages are calculated at $500 per square foot: 2016: 2021: 2031: 2036: 2051: 170,000 square feet (rounded) 280,000 square feet (rounded) 420,000 square feet (rounded) 465,000 square feet (rounded) 600,000 square feet (rounded) Other General Merchandise Residuals (Table 10): Existing Other General Merchandise space (559,745 square feet) achieves productive base year sales of $411 per square foot. Residual square footages are calculated at $415 per square foot: 2016: 2021: 2031: 2036: 2051: 85,000 square feet (rounded) 170,000 square feet (rounded) 280,000 square feet (rounded) 310,000 square feet (rounded) 400,000 square feet (rounded) viii Drug & Personal Care Residuals (Table 11): The existing Drug & Personal Care space (225,038 square feet) achieves base year sales of $600 per square foot. Drug & Personal Care residuals are calculated at $850 per square foot: 2016: 2021: 2031: 2036: 2051: 30,000 square feet (rounded) 62,000 square feet (rounded) 105,000 square feet (rounded) 125,000 square feet (rounded) 175,000 square feet (rounded) Fashion & Accessories Residuals Table 12): The existing Fashion & Accessories space (507,731 square feet) achieves base year sales of $459 per square foot. Fashion & Accessories residuals are calculated at $450 per square foot: 2016: 2021: 2031: 2036: 2051: 95,000 square feet (rounded) 180,000 square feet (rounded) 295,000 square feet (rounded) 330,000 square feet (rounded) 435,000 square feet (rounded) Home Furnishings Residuals (Table 13): The existing Home Furnishings space (653,300 square feet) achieves base year sales of $411 per square foot. Home Furnishings residuals are calculated at $400 per square foot: 2016: 2021: 2031: 2036: 2051: 150,000 square feet (rounded) 265,000 square feet (rounded) 425,000 square feet (rounded) 470,000 square feet (rounded) 610,000 square feet (rounded) Other Non-Department Store Residuals (Table 14): The existing Other Non-Department Store / Specialty space (694,154 square feet) achieves base year sales of $321 per square foot. Residuals are calculated at $350 per square foot: 2016: 2021: 2031: 2036: 2051: 120,000 square feet (rounded) 225,000 square feet (rounded) 365,000 square feet (rounded) 405,000 square feet (rounded) 530,000 square feet (rounded) Home Improvement Residuals (Table 15): The existing HI space (580,782 square feet) achieves base year sales of $299 per square foot (including contractor sales at 30%). HI residuals are calculated at $300 per square foot: ix 2016: 2021: 2031: 2036: 2051: 135,000 square feet (rounded) 230,000 square feet (rounded) 360,000 square feet (rounded) 395,000 square feet (rounded) 510,000 square feet (rounded) Supermarket Residuals (Table 16): The existing Supermarket space (642,090 square feet) achieves productive average base year sales of $506 per square foot. Supermarket residuals are calculated at $500 per square foot: 2016: 2021: 2031: 2036: 2051: 75,000 square feet (rounded) 200,000 square feet (rounded) 340,000 square feet (rounded) 395,000 square feet (rounded) 580,000 square feet (rounded) Specialty Food Residuals (Table 17): The existing Specialty Food space (142,999 square feet) achieves average base year sales of $269 per square foot. Specialty Food residuals are calculated at $250 per square foot: 2016: 2021: 2031: 2036: 2051: 12,000 square feet (rounded) 40,000 square feet (rounded) 75,000 square feet (rounded) 90,000 square feet (rounded) 135,000 square feet (rounded) Personal Service Residuals (Table 18): The existing Personal Service space (196,940 square feet) achieves average base year sales of $216 per square foot. Personal Service residuals are calculated at $225 per square foot: 2016: 2021: 2031: 2036: 2051: 20,000 square feet (rounded) 60,000 square feet (rounded) 105,000 square feet (rounded) 120,000 square feet (rounded) 180,000 square feet (rounded) Restaurant Residuals (Table 19): The existing Restaurant space (690,185 square feet) achieves average base year sales of $221 per square foot. Restaurant residuals are calculated at $225 per square foot as follows: 2016: 2021: 2031: 2036: 2051: 55,000 square feet (rounded) 180,000 square feet (rounded) 305,000 square feet (rounded) 355,000 square feet (rounded) 515,000 square feet (rounded) x Liquor/Beer/Wine Residuals (Table 20): The existing Liquor/Beer/Wine space (90,532 square feet) achieves average base year sales of $570 per square foot. L/B/W residuals are calculated at $600 per square foot as follows: 2016: 2021: 2031: 2036: 2051: 7,000 square feet (rounded) 25,000 square feet (rounded) 35,000 square feet (rounded) 45,000 square feet (rounded) 60,000 square feet (rounded) Summary of Residual “Retail & Selected Commercial” + Other Space: Table 21 reproduces from Tables 9 to 20 the estimates of residual space warranted over the projection period. As well, space planning ratios for the “Other Service”, Financial Institution, and Local Office categories are applied to the population growth within Barrie over the forecast period. The total “Retail and Selected Commercial” residual demands plus demands for “Other Space” based on space planning ratios are featured in the lower “box” on Table 21 overleaf. Table 22(a) simply reproduces the demands for total “Retail and Selected Commercial” residual space plus for “Other Space” from the lower box in Table 21 overleaf as follows: o o o o o 2016: 2021: 2031: 2036: 2051: 1,000,000 square feet (rounded) 2,125,000 square feet (rounded) 3,600,000 square feet (rounded) 4,100,000 square feet (rounded) 5,700,000 square feet (rounded) In Table 22(b), the potential supply consists of a vacancy uptake of 320,000 square feet, as well as the absorption of 3,885,000 square feet of “Vacant Designated Commercial Land Supply” (see Figure 3 – Developed and Vacant Commercial Lands - following Tables 1-25) plus “Employment Land Conversion” (11.6 acres as calculated in Table 23). Adding these together, the total potential supply from these two sources would approximate 4,205,000 square feet.. In Table 22(c), the potential Vacant Designated Commercial supply less the Retail and Selected Commercial + Other Space demands (Table 22(b) less Table 22(a)) yields the featured square footage surpluses and/or shortages of supply over demand. Converting these square footages to acreages at 25% coverage, the surplus in supply would persist until 2036 when only a small supply surplus of approximately 10 acres would remain. Macro-Level Findings: By 2036, the market would be in relative equilibrium assuming that all of the potential square footage supply would be absorbed by that time. xi Hence, by 2036, no additional lands would need to be designated to accommodate a balanced provision of new “Retail and Selected Commercial” space to meet growing market demands. By 2051, the “Retail and Selected Commercial” + “Other Space” demands would exceed supply, resulting in a shortage of approximately 1.5 million square feet. At 25% coverage, this shortfall of supply would translate into 137.5 acres. These macro-level findings, which are limited to “retail and selected commercial” space plus “Other Space”, are not adjusted for any supply allocation for the Annexed Area. Annexed Area Findings: This study provides preliminary estimates of the additional supply needed at locations relatively close to home to serve primarily the lower order daily to weekly convenience shopping needs of a future population of approximately 38,600 persons in the Annexed Area. The additional supply needed to service the Annexed Area will be over and above the potential supply of 4,205,000 square feet calculated in Table 22(b) (i.e. representing the uptake of currently vacant space plus vacant designated commercial lands plus conversion of employment land to commercial). Note: The preliminary estimates of the additional supply needed for the Annexed Area will be refined during the preparation of the Secondary Plan for the Annexed Lands. The preliminary estimates of the need for additional square footage and land supply are calculated in Table 24 and Table 25. Table 24 multiplies the 38,600 population base by per capita space ratios for 18 categories of retail and selected commercial space that collectively add up to 30 square feet per capita. Adjustments for inflow and outflow yield an average net outflow of minus 40.0% across all retail and selected commercial categories. In total, the locally serving demands approximate 700,000 square feet of needed supply. At 25% coverage, this translates into a need for an additional land supply allocation of 65.0 acres to service the Annexed Area. Table 25 provides a preliminary distribution of this space amongst six (6) Convenience Commercial Centres, two (2) Community Centre Commercial Nodes, and two (2) other small commercial nodes. As featured in Table 22(c), with 65.0 acres of supply to serve the Annexed Area, the market would have a surplus supply of about 75 acres in 2036. Thereafter, demand would exceed supply, resulting in a shortfall of 72.5 acres by 2051. Market equilibrium would be achieved about 2045. xii Conclusions: This study‟s medium term projections of residual market demand (to 2021) are much more conservative than previously forecast: Barrie‟s population growth has not come on stream as quickly as forecast in previous City-commissioned market investigations (based on pre-2006 Census data); The City‟s population projections (pre-2006 Census) were used in an Ontario Municipal Board hearing that ultimately led to the Park Place approvals (i.e. approved by the Ontario Municipal Board on appeal). By 2021, the City was forecast to reach 210,000 persons. More recent population projections (post-2006 Census) delay attainment of that population (210,000 persons) until 2031. The 2021 population is now projected at 170,000, which is 40,000 persons less than forecast. On the demand side, therefore, growth is delayed by about 10 years. On the supply side, existing approvals are now augmented by the Park Place approvals for a “life-style” centre – a large-scale, higher-order regional shopping destination. As a result of delayed demand, Park Place might proceed in phases more slowly than anticipated in previous supporting market research, and it may differ from the original “lifestyle” concept. None-the-less, existing non-department Store NFSR operations will still need time to adjust to any impacts where any new space at Park Place exceeds the margins of warranted space. Until this new space is absorbed, caution should be used in considering the approval of any new commercial designations beyond those annotated in this study (Tables 22(b) and 23) and those required to service the local needs of the Annexed Area (Tables 24 and 25). Park Place‟s leasing prospects are affected by uncertainties in today‟s market context: Most new format tenancies are already in the Barrie market. There are limited second store options available particularly for regionally serving anchor stores such as department stores and other large-scale general merchandisers. There are also few U.S. entry prospects (e.g. Target stores -- an upscale discounter and close rival of Wal-Mart whose entry strategy for the Ontario market beyond 2011 will probably parallel Wal-Mart‟s entry strategy in 1991). Department store potential might also be pursued as “department store affiliates” with focused offerings. Upscale fashion-oriented outlet malls with supra-regional service areas due to their specialized U.S. and international branding are expected to enter the Ontario market in limited numbers over the next few years primarily in major metropolitan markets. At the macro level, the supply of vacant commercially designated lands plus a reasonable uptake of currently vacant commercial buildings plus a relatively small conversion of xiii employment land to commercial will exceed demands until 2036 when a very small surplus ( 10 acres) would come close to market equilibrium. Longer term macro-level demands by 2051 will exceed supply, resulting in a shortage of approximately 1.5 million square feet. At 25% coverage, this supply shortfall would translate into 137.5 acres. This longer term macro-level supply shortfall needs to be adjusted by the additional supply of commercial lands needed to service future populations in the Annexed Area. This additional supply would meet the lower order daily to weekly convenience shopping needs of approximately 38,600 persons at locations closest to home. Net estimated demands of approximately 700,000 square feet (i.e. 696,900 square feet adjusted for inflow and outflow) translate into a need for an additional land supply allocation of 65.0 acres to service the Annexed Area (at 25% coverage). Adjusting for 65.0 acres of additional supply to serve the Annexed Area, the market would have a surplus supply of about 75 acres in 2036. Market equilibrium would occur about 2045. Thereafter, demand would exceed supply, resulting in a shortfall of 72.5 acres by 2051. In summary, the City of Barrie must contend with three market issues that affect longer term market projections to 2051: delayed population growth in Barrie (in comparison to pre-2006 Census projections); the short to medium term absorption of large-scale retail commercial approvals at Park Place based on pre-2006 Census projections ( 750,000 square feet of NFSR space plus 375,000 square feet of theatre, cinema, “Retail Village Core”, office, hotel, and other space); and the need to designate by secondary plan process 700,000 square feet of retail and selected commercial space + other space (i.e. other service, banking, and local office space) to serve primarily the convenience shopping needs of future residents in the Annexed Area. In view of these market issues, any longer term strategy to achieve the key goals of strengthening the existing retail commercial infrastructure and designations, and of strengthening regional and tourist drawing power, must resist approving any new major designation(s) for large scale retail stores and/or power centres or nodes that run counter to provincial policy encouraging intensification corridors and nodes (i.e. through investments in transit supportive mixed-use / multi storey, higher density intensification, infill, development / redevelopment, and expansion / relocation). Instead, the longer term strategy should seek to achieve a market equilibrium position (neither under-stored nor over-stored) through incremental expansion in line with emerging market opportunities, most notably through the market absorption of Park Place and other vacant commercially designated lands, through intensification, through the approval of new commercial designations to serve the Annexed Area, and through a significant reduction in ground floor commercial vacancies in priority areas (e.g. in Downtown Barrie and Bayfield Street North of Highway 400 where current vacancies exceed 20%). xiv RETAIL COMMERCIAL LAND USE NEEDS STUDY CITY OF BARRIE PROJECTIONS OF RESIDUAL MARKET DEMANDS 2011, 2016, 2021, 2031, 2036, & 2051 RETAIL & SELECTED COMMERCIAL USES OCTOBER 26, 2011 Acronyms: FSR: NFSR: GAFO: HAAS: TBA: HI: FIRE: SBM: Food Store Retail (formerly FCTM or Food & Convenience Type Merchandise) Non-Food Store Retail (formerly DSTM or Department Store Type Merchandise) General Merchandise / Apparel / Furnishings / Other Retail Home and Auto Supply Tires, Batteries & Accessories Home Improvement (formerly HIRM or Home Improvement Related Merchandise) Finance / Insurance / Real Estate Services to Business Management GLA: UGC: GMS: NAICS: Gross Leasable Area Urban Growth Centre Growth Management Strategy North American Industrial Classification System Introduction: The City of Barrie is in the process of preparing a Growth Management Strategy (GMS) -a policy document that in future will enable the City to achieve sustainable residential growth and economic development in conformity with provincially mandated population and employment targets (i.e. population and employment targets of 210,000 and 101,000 respectively by 2031, up from 134,000 and 64,000 respectively in 2006). For infrastructure planning purposes, longer term population and employment levels by 2051 are projected to increase to 280,000 and 140,000 respectively. The projected population and employment levels would thereby more than double current levels over 45 years (2006-2051), giving impetus to the GMS and the market projections in this study. –2– This market study comprises Phase 2 of a six-phase study that will culminate in the GMS. Taken together, the six phases will provide the guiding principles and policy directions for future population and employment growth within the City. This market study responds to four upper-tier policy documents, including: the 2005 PPS (Provincial Policy Statement), the 2006 provincial Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (identifies downtown Barrie as the only Urban Growth Centre in the Simcoe Area), the June 9, 2009 “Simcoe Area: A Strategic Vision for Growth” report, and the June 4, 2009 Barrie-Innisfil Boundary Adjustment Act (Bill 196 came into effect on January 1, 2010). The most recent City-commissioned analysis of market conditions in Barrie was conducted by urbanMetrics inc. (uMi) in 2005. That study included comprehensive empirical research (licence plates surveys, a consumer telephone survey, and a retail commercial floor space inventory) to help gauge the competitive effects of the Park Place mixed use “lifestyle centre” to be developed on the former Molson Park lands in south Barrie. That study is entitled: “Retail Market and Impact Analysis, Park Place, City of Barrie”, prepared for the City of Barrie by „urbanMetrics inc.‟ (uMi), March 20, 2005. Using population projections which preceded the 2006 Census, the uMi study justified the large NFSR (non-food store retail) component at Park Place (755,000 square feet with phasing) on the basis of a 2021 population in Barrie of 210,000 persons. More recent population projections (post-2006 Census) delay attainment of that population (210,000 persons) until 2031 (not 2021). The 2021 population is now projected at 170,000, which is 40,000 persons less than forecast by uMi. Consequently, this study‟s medium term projections of residual market demand (to 2021) will be much more conservative than in uMi‟s study. The Barrie-centered regional Trade Area defined and analyzed in this study has been well established in market studies going back to the early 1980‟s, including the relatively high levels of inflow support attracted from Barrie‟s “tertiary zone” comprising parts of Muskoka and Parry Sound Districts (see Figure 1 - Trade Area Zones - following Tables 1-25). The stability of this economic geography is linked to the strengthening of Barrie‟s retail offerings over time to better serve its local and regional markets. In terms of its existing retail commercial hierarchy, Barrie is well positioned to compete with future new format centres (e.g. in Bradford West Gwillimbury) that will enter the market late in the developmental life cycle of power centres, and benefits from relatively mature retail commercial offerings, including: enclosed and unenclosed shopping facilities and a broad array of department stores, other anchor stores, and big box retailers that collectively attract trade from a large regional Trade Area. –3– an effective distribution of locally-serving shopping centres and nodes with a generally good range of full service and discount supermarket anchors serving established residential areas. This study examines the following: base year (current/reference) market conditions (to set the base year distribution of spending of Trade Area residents), the macro-level need (demand) for any future expansions of the retail commercial infrastructure assuming long term planned growth beyond 2021 as tested in 2031, 2036, and 2051, and within the Annexed Area, what kinds of commercial centres might best accommodate those market needs (assumptions on sizes and types of centres for the Annexed Area will be subject to the Secondary Plan process). This study examines “retail and selected commercial” space demands and supply. This terminology is NAICS-based, and includes uses listed in Appendix B-2: retail uses that correspond in Appendix B-2 to Study Codes 1 to 123, including food stores, pharmacies and personal care stores, GAFO stores (General merchandise and department stores, Apparel and accessories stores, Furniture, home furnishings, and electronics stores, and Other retail stores), and Building and Outdoor Home Supply stores; and selected commercial uses that correspond in Appendix B-2 to Study Codes 124 to 130 (financial / banking services); 137 to 143 (professional services); 151 to 155 (doctor / dentist / other health services); 172 to 174 (restaurant / food services); and 184 to 196 (personal services). Note: Selected commercial codes exclude other commercial uses such as Consumer Rental Services 131-136 (rental of cars, electronics and appliances, furniture, formal wear, costumes, equipment etc.), Administrative Services 144-146 (employment / business / tourism etc.); Educational Services 147-150 (schools for business, computer training, athletic instruction, driver training etc.), Social Services 156-159 (family counselling, food banks, vocational rehabilitation, day care etc.), Arts / Entertainment / Recreational Services 160-171 (movie theatre / cinema, live theatre, sports arena / stadium, amusement arcade, casino, other gambling, marina, fitness and recreational sports centres, bowling alley, billiard hall, amusement rides, miniature golf etc. ), Automotive Sales and Service (new and used cars, recreational vehicles, motorcycles, boats, ATV‟s, snowmobiles, trailers, aircraft etc.), Automotive Repair and Maintenance 175-178 (mechanical and electrical, body and paint, interior, glass, car wash), Personal Goods Repair and Maintenance 179-183(home and garden equipment, appliances, electronics, reupholstery, shoe repair, bike, watches, key cutting) and Non-Store Retailers (mail order houses, vending machine operators, fuel dealers, gas bars, monument dealers, direct selling establishments etc.). –4– Summary of Findings: Macro-Level Findings: Assuming Barrie retailers continue to achieve relatively stable local capture rates (i.e. local market shares captured from all parts of Barrie‟s trading geography), the macro-level demand across all of Barrie for new “retail and selected commercial” plus “other service + bank + local office” space will approximate: 1.0 million square feet by 2016 2.1 million square feet by 2021 3.6 million square feet by 2031 4.1 million square feet by 2036 5.7 million square feet by 2051 To meet this macro-level demand, the potential supply approximates 4.205 million square feet, composed of vacant designated commercial lands (including Park Place) plus conversion of 11.6 acres of employment land to commercial (net developable acreage capable of supporting 3,885,000 square feet), as well as a two-thirds uptake of current vacancies (320,000 square feet of 475,000 square feet). The market would be in relative equilibrium in 2036 assuming that all of the potential supply would be absorbed by that time. Thereafter, demand would exceed supply, resulting in a shortage of approximately 1.5 million square feet by 2051. At 25% coverage, this supply shortfall would translate into 137.5 acres. These macro-level findings do not include any supply allocation for the Annexed Area. Annexed Area Findings: Although a supply allocation for the Annexed Area will be refined during the preparation of the Secondary Plan for the Annexed Lands, this study provides a preliminary estimate of the supply needed to serve a future population of 38,600 persons in the Annexed Area. This preliminary estimate is based on per capita space ratios for retail and selected commercial space categories. Adjustments for inflow and outflow yield a net outflow of minus 40.0% across all retail and selected commercial categories (i.e. 60.0% local capture). The demands approximate 695,000 square feet. At 25% coverage, this translates into a need for an additional land supply allocation of 65.0 acres to service the Annexed Area. Any supply allocation within the Annexed Area will be over and above the potential supply composed of vacant designated commercial lands plus conversion of employment land to commercial (approximately 4.205 million square feet). With 65.0 acres of supply to serve the Annexed Area, the market would have a surplus supply of about 75 acres in 2036. Thereafter, demand would exceed supply, resulting in a shortfall of 72.5 acres by 2051. –5– Methodology: The study methodology is as follows: 1. employ the local capture rates from uMi‟s consumer telephone survey in Barrie‟s Trade Area (thereby permitting relevant longitudinal comparisons to be made between the uMi‟s March 30, 2005 market study and the current study); 2. within Barrie, update the floorspace inventory of existing Food Store Retail (FSR) space plus Non-food Retail (NFSR) space plus Home Improvement (HI) space plus Restaurant plus Liquor/Beer/Wine plus Personal Service plus Other Services plus Financial Services plus Local Office (FIRE or finance/insurance/real estate and SBM or services to business management) plus Vacant space; 3. employ key inputs in the macro-level analysis (such as components of population structure and growth, population forecasts, per capita household income levels, per capita expenditure levels and real expenditure growth, department store and nondepartment store split of NFSR expenditure potential, supermarket/grocery and specialty food split of FSR expenditure potential, current and future local capture rates, current and future inflow levels, and base year sales per square foot by retail and selected commercial category) in order to quantify the macro-level residual square footages by retail and selected commercial category; 4. at the macro-level, examine Barrie‟s future land requirements and phasing of the residual square footages; and 5. at the more localized level, and over and above the identified macro-level land requirements, examine any additional land requirements for the Annexed Area using per capita space planning ratios adjusted for inflow and outflow. All expenditures in this study are NAICS-based and expressed in the estimated 2009 value of the dollar to accord with the 2009 base year and the following empirical research: 2010 retail commercial floor space inventory - dated June 30, 2010 (existing market supply) 2005 licence plate surveys from uMi‟s study (proxy customer origins and inflow), and 2005 consumer telephone survey from uMi‟s study (for current distribution of expenditures) Note: The 2005 consumer survey research by uMi is considered to be applicable to today‟s market because no major infusions of retail commercial space have occurred in Barrie in the intervening years. Moreover, there have been no major infusions of retail space in Barrie‟s secondary zones with the exception of WalMart in Zone 4 (Wasaga Beach) and peripheral Zone 8 (Parry Sound). –6– Macro-level residual market demands, which represent “ease of entry” calculations without sales transfers away from existing retail and selected commercial operators, are then projected for the following retail/commercial categories: Supermarket/Grocery portion of FSR (Food Store Retail) Specialty Food portion of FSR Department Store portion of NFSR (Non-Food Store Retail = GAFO / DRUG) Non-Department Store portion of NFSR (Non-Food Store Retail = GAFO / DRUG) General Merchandise Stores (including Canadian Tire, Home and Auto Supply, and Tire stores) Apparel & Accessories Stores Furniture / Home Furnishings / Electronics Stores Other Retail Stores Pharmacies and Personal Care Stores HAAS/TBA (Home & Auto Supply and Tires/Batteries/Accessories, including Canadian Tire) HI (Home Improvement Stores) Personal Services (e.g. Barber/Beauty, Shoe Repair & Other Repair Services, Dry Cleaner/Laundromat/Laundry, and other services such as such as pet care, tanning salon, linen and uniform supply, party planning, shoe shine, etc.) Restaurant (Fast Food/Sit-down/Licensed/Unlicensed) L/B/W (Liquor/Beer/Wine) Macro-level residual demand side projections beyond the 2009 base year include short to medium term demands in 2011, 2016, and 2021, and longer term demands in 2031, 2036, and 2051 (i.e. over a 42 year projection period from 2009-2051). Quantifying the macro-level residual retail and selected commercial demands involves three steps: assessing supply side amounts and types of existing retail and selected commercial space (per the floorspace inventory in the City of Barrie); assessing future demand side amounts of residual retail and selected commercial space based on current retail expenditure patterns of Trade Area residents (per uMi‟s 2005 licence plate surveys and consumer telephone survey); and comparing future supply and demand square footages to determine the medium to longer term requirements for additional commercial land. Per capita space planning ratios (without corresponding residual calculations) are used to project macro-level space demands for Other Service, Financial Institution, and Local Office space, the latter of which includes: Finance/Insurance/Real Estate (FIRE) Services to Business Management (SBM) Per capita space planning ratios are also used to project more localized demands for the Annexed Area. –7– Assumptions: A basic assumption underlying this study reflects the general marketplace expectation that the per capita income and expenditure levels of Trade Area residents will remain at current levels (i.e. no erosion by economic instability). uMi‟s 2005 licence plate and consumer telephone survey data are assumed to provide representative profiles of the current expenditure patterns of Trade Area residents. All calculations are expressed in terms of the 2009 value of the dollar. Other assumptions or clarifications are made at appropriate points in the text. Any major change affecting the assumptions would warrant a re-visitation of this study‟s findings. Trade Area Delineation: The Trade Area tested in this study is based on uMi‟s licence plate surveys and consumer telephone survey results for the same Trade Area as defined in uMi‟s March 30, 2005 study: Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5 Zone 6 Zone 7 Zone 8 (City of Barrie) (Innisfil + Essa + Springwater + Oro-Medonte) (Adjala-Tosorontio + New Tecumseth + Bradford West Gwillimbury) (Clearview + Collingwood + Wasaga Beach + Blue Mountains) (Tiny + Tay + Christian Island I.R. + Midland + Penetanguishene) (Orillia + Ramara + Rama I.R. + Severn) (Bracebridge + Georgian Bay + Gravenhurst + Huntsville + Muskoka Lakes) (Parry Sound + Archipelago + Carling + McDougall + McKeller + Parry Is I.R.) uMi‟s consumer telephone survey was conducted within these boundaries to yield local capture rates within certain categories of retail commercial space investigated in this study. These market shares are adopted without adjustment for current study purposes since little change in the retail commercial inventory has occurred in the intervening years. The 2010 inventory of retail commercial space is expected to derive consistent market support from within these boundaries over the forecast period. Zones 2 – 6 and Peripheral Zones 7 - 8 represent a relatively large, growing, and consistent part Barrie‟s trading geography and population base. –8– Trade Area Income & Expenditures and Census Population Growth: Appendix A-1 provides regression equations that link per capita household incomes in the Primary and Secondary Zones to per capita FSR, NFSR, HAAS/TBA, HI, Personal Service, Restaurant, and Liquor/Beer/Wine expenditures. Appendix A-2 features preliminary revised 2009 Ontario per capita FSR, NFSR (GAFO Drugs), and HI expenditures. + Appendix A-3 calculates per capita household income indexes (2006 Census data for income earned in 2005) and per capita expenditure indexes for the Trade Area based on the footnoted regression equations and relative to the provincial average. The average per capita household incomes in the various Zones compared to the provincial average (index = 100.0) are as follows: Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5 Zone 6 Zone 7 Zone 8 90.7 100.8 104.8 94.2 85.7 85.1 90.5 100.0 Appendix A-4 calculates the resultant 2009 per capita expenditures by retail commercial space category (FSR, NFSR, HAAS/TBA, HI, Personal Service, Restaurant, and Liquor/Beer/Wine) for Zones 1 - 8. Appendix A-5 provides detailed calculations of the projected population growth unadjusted and adjusted for the Census undercount for Zones 1 – 8 from 2006 to 2031 and 2051. Trade Area Population Projections: Table 1 provides short to medium term population projections to 2011, 2016, and 2021, and longer term projections to 2031, 2036, and 2051. All figures are adjusted for the Census undercount. The projections reflect the population allocations included in Proposed Amendment 1 to the Places to Grow Growth Plan dated October 2010. Growth within the various Trade Area zones is as follows: Zone 1 grows from 138,000 persons (rounded) in 2009 to reach 280,000 persons by 2051 (for rounded overall growth of 142,000 persons). Zone 2 grows from 94,000 persons (rounded) in 2009 to reach 136,000 persons by 2051 (for rounded overall growth of 43,000 persons). –9– Zone 3 grows from 72,000 persons (rounded) in 2009 to reach 130,000 persons by 2051 (for rounded overall growth of 59,000 persons). Zone 4 grows from 58,000 persons (rounded) in 2009 to reach 86,000 persons by 2051 (for rounded overall growth of 27,000 persons). Zone 5 grows from 49,000 persons (rounded) in 2009 to reach 60,000 persons by 2051 (for rounded overall growth of 10,000 persons). Zone 6 grows from 56,000 persons (rounded) in 2009 to reach 75,000 persons by 2051 (for rounded overall growth of 19,000 persons). Zone 7 grows from 58,000 persons (rounded) in 2009 to reach 78,000 persons by 2051 (for rounded overall growth of 20,000 persons). Zone 8 grows from 17,000 persons (rounded) in 2009 to reach 20,000 persons by 2051 (for rounded overall growth of 3,400 persons). Barrie‟s historic Trade Area as a whole (Zones 1-6) is projected to grow by 300,000 persons to raise the 2009 base year population from 468,000 persons (rounded) to 767,000 persons in 2051. Barrie Floorspace Inventory: Appendix B-1 provides a detailed inventory (dated June 30, 2010) of existing FSR, NFSR (GAFO + Drugs), HAAS/TBA, HI, Personal Service, Other Service, Local Office (Finance/Insurance/Real Estate or FIRE and Services to Business Management or SBM), Restaurant, Bank/Trust, Liquor/Beer/Wine, Other Service NEC (not elsewhere classified), and Vacant space within the Zone 1 (Barrie). The 2010 inventory in Barrie consists of approximately 7.1 million square feet of retail commercial space broken down as follows: 2010 Inventory Supermarket/Grocery Specialty Food FSR space: @ @ @ 642,089 sf 142,999 sf 785,088 sf @ 9.0% of total space @ 2.0 % of total space @ 11.0% of total space Dep't Store Non-Dep‟t Store NFSR space: @ 567,855 sf @ 2,639,966 sf @ 3,207,821 sf @ 8.0% of total space @ 37.1% of total space @ 45.1% of total space HI @ 580,781 sf @ 8.2% of total space Personal Services Other Services Services: @ @ @ 196,940 sf 416,606 sf 613,546 sf @ 2.8% of total space @ 5.9% of total space @ 8.7% of total space Local Offices Restaurants Bank/Trust @ @ @ 180,995 sf 690,184 sf 170,706 sf @ 2.5% of total space @ 9.7% of total space @ 2.4% of total space – 10 – Liquor/Beer/Wine Other Space NEC Vacancy Other Space: @ 90,532 sf @ 317,966 sf @ 475,075 sf @ 1,925,458 sf @ 1.3% of total space @ 4.5% of total space @ 6.7% of total space @ 27.1% of total space TOTAL @ 7,112,694 sf @ 100% of total space The City‟s average vacancy rate of 6.7% in the 2010 inventory is relatively high, and is broken down by nodal vacancy rate as well as square footage vacancy by node as follows (see Figure 2 – Vacant Commercial Floorspace by Major Node - following Tables 1-25) : Barrie Nodal Vacancy Node 1: Downtown Barrie Node 2: Bayfield St. North of Hwy. 400 Node 3: Cedar Pt./Dunlop West of Hwy 400 Node 4: Hwy 400 / Mapleview Dr. Area Node 5: West Barrie Other Locations Node 6: Dunlop St. East of Hwy 400 Node 7: Burton Ave./Huronia Rd. Area Node 8: Yonge / Big Bay Pointe Area Node 9: East Barrie Other Locations Total Vacant Space @ 16.6% @ 4.7% @ 13.9% @ 2.1% @ 9.7% @ 8.3% @ 14.0% @ 1.5% @ 5.7% @ 6.7% Barrie Vacant sf Per Node @ 100,800 sf =21.2% @ 109,644 sf =23.1% @ 59,249 sf =12.5% @ 33,966 sf = 7.1% @ 82,045 sf =17.3% @ 17,521 sf = 3.7% @ 36,200 sf = 7.6% @ 3,300 sf = 0.7% @ 32,350 sf = 6.8% @ 475,075 sf =100% The majority of vacant space, totaling just over 60%, is found in Downtown Barrie (21%), Bayfield St. North of Hwy. 400 Area (23%), and West Barrie Other Locations (17%). Larger-scale vacancies are discussed as follows: Node 1 (Downtown Barrie) has 22 vacancies, of which 2 have a combined total of 62,000 square feet (98/110 Dunlop St. W. and 59 Maple Ave.) comprising 61.5% of that node‟s vacancy. Node 2 (Bayfield St. north of Highway 400) has 43 vacancies, of which one (30,600 square feet at 580 Bayfield Street) comprises 28% of that node‟s vacancy. Node 3 (Cedar Pointe Drive and Dunlop Street west of Highway 400) has 21 vacancies of which one facility (16,450 square feet located near Co-operators Insurance on Cedar Pointe Drive) comprises 28% of that node‟s vacancy. Node 4 (Highway 400 and Mapleview Drive Area) has 9 vacancies of which one facility (12,800 square feet = former Marks Work Warehouse) comprises 38% of that node‟s vacancy. Node 5 (West Barrie Other Locations) has 29 vacancies of which 2 units totaling 22,000 square feet (555 Essa Road) comprises 27% of that node‟s vacancy. Node 9 (East Barrie Other Locations) has 15 vacancies of which 1 unit (9,600 square feet at 110 Bradford Street) comprises 30% of that node‟s vacancy. – 11 – Implication for Barrie: Downtown Barrie and North Bayfield Street both have the greatest square footage vacancies. Larger scale vacancies in Nodes 1-5 and Node 9 (eight facilities in total at 153,450 square feet) represent roughly a third (32.3%) of all vacant space. All other vacancies are much smaller, typically in the 1,000 to 2,000 square feet range. Intensification will favour the uptake of vacancies, particularly in the Downtown and North Bayfield Strip. For study purposes, it is estimated that about two-thirds of current vacancies can be absorbed to meet projected residual space demands. This still leaves one-third vacancy for the normal turnover of space in a healthy market. Trade Area Expenditure Potentials: Tables 2 to 6 calculate expenditure potentials for the following categories by multiplying the projected population base in Table 1 by the corresponding per capita expenditures: Table 2: Table 3: Table 4: Table 5: Table 6: “NFSR” (GAFO / DRUG) + “HI”, “FSR”, Personal Service, Restaurant, and Liquor/Beer/Wine (L/B/W) Per capita space planning ratios are also used to estimate the amount of warranted square footage in the “Other Service”, Financial Institution, and Local Office categories in Table 21. The expenditure potentials in Tables 2 to 6 incorporate real growth factors (exclusive of inflation) beyond the 2009 base year. Real growth per annum compounded is applied as follows: 1.5% to “NFSR” (GAFO / DRUG) + “HI” expenditures to 2016, 0.5% to 2021, and 0% thereafter; 0.5% to FSR and Personal Service expenditures to 2016, 0.25% to 2021, and 0% thereafter; and 0.25% to Restaurant and L/B/W expenditures to 2021, and 0% thereafter. Market Demands And Residual Space Estimates: The calculations of residual square footages test the “ease of entry” of new space into the market. The residuals indicate the timing and amount of new space that can enter the market without transferring sales away from existing facilities. Residuals are conservative demand-side benchmarks for providing a balanced commercial supply within Barrie‟s commercial hierarchy. – 12 – The residual calculations are based on base year market shares determined by uMi‟s consumer telephone survey. The base year Trade Area shares of “NFSR” + “HI” and “FSR” spending for each of the eight Trade Area zones are summarized in Table 7. The components of “NFSR” + “HI” spending are broken out into their constituent Department Store, Non-Department Store (composed of GAFO stores = Other General Merchandise, Drug & Personal Care, Fashion & Accessories, Home Furnishings, and Other Non-Department Store NFSR), and HI categories, all adding up to 100%. Shares for department store spending in the eight Trade Area zones are generally higher than the provincial average. The components of “FSR” spending are split between supermarket/grocery stores and specialty food. The split is close to the provincial average. In Table 8, future Trade Area shares of “NFSR” + “HI” and “FSR” spending are estimated for the Department Store, Non-Department Store, and HI categories based on consultant judgment of how the market will perform with the addition of new space, including the expectation for additional department store space in the Park Place node in the medium to longer term. Note: The approved Park Place Site Plan does not specifically include a defined area for department store floor space, although a revised Site Plan submitted to the Planning Department for review identifies a department store use (132,450 square feet / 12,305 square meters). The future Trade Area shares of “NFSR” + “HI” spending in Table 8 are incorporated into the residual space calculations in Tables 9 - 15. For each of the eight zones, the local capture rates in Tables 9 – 15 are derived from uMi‟s consumer survey results for “NFSR” + “HI” spending. For each “NFSR” + “HI” category investigated (i.e. Department Store, Other General Merchandise, Drug & Personal Care, Fashion & Accessories, Home Furnishings, and Other NonDepartment Store NFSR), a sales operating level for new space is applied to the residual dollars available. This generates the estimates of warranted space that appear in the bottom portions of Tables 9 to 15. Tables 16 – 20 deal with lower order “FSR”, Personal Service, Restaurant, and Liquor/Beer/Wine spending. Urban markets within Barrie‟s extensive regional Trade Area are assumed to be largely served by their own local distribution of stores. Consequently, Tables 16 – 20 deal only with the spending of Zone 1 residents (unlike Tables 9 – 15 which deal with higher order “NFSR” + “HI” market support attracted from all eight Trade Area zones). – 13 – For the “FSR”, Personal Service, Restaurant, and Liquor/Beer/Wine categories, a range of sales operating levels for new space (i.e. low, mid and high) is applied to the residual dollars available. These generate the estimates of warranted space that appear in the bottom portions of Tables 16 to 20. Tables 9 to 20 are discussed individually as follows: Table 9: Department Store Residuals: In Table 9, the existing department stores (567,855 square feet combined) are collectively performing at $514 per square foot, with individual performances estimated as follows: Wal-Mart (SmartCentres N.) Sears (Georgian Mall) The Bay (Georgian Mall) Zellers (Kozlov Centre) Wal-Mart (SmartCentres S.) @ 128,340 square feet @ $583 per square foot @ 116,515 square feet @ $677 per square foot @ 90,748 square feet @ $406 per square foot @ 106,092 square feet @ $196 per square foot @ 126,160 square feet @ $641 per square foot In Zone 1 (Barrie), the department store share of NFSR spending is increased from 17.5% in the base year to 20.0% thereafter to reflect the provision of additional department store space (e.g. at Park Place). No other zones experience any department store share increases. Modest increases or rounding of the % local capture rates from residents of Zones 1-7 (and a decrease in Zone 8), combined with modest increases in dollar inflow would generate sufficient market potential to support additional department store space in Barrie. The department store residuals (calculated at $500 per square foot) are as follows: 2011: 2016: 2021: 2031: 2036: 2051: 75,000 square feet (rounded) 170,000 square feet (rounded) 280,000 square feet (rounded) 420,000 square feet (rounded) 465,000 square feet (rounded) 600,000 square feet (rounded) Table 10: Other General Merchandise Residuals: In Table 10, the existing Other General Merchandise space (559,745 square feet) is achieving productive base year sales of $411 per square foot in 2009. Modest rounding of the % local capture rates from Zones 1-8 combined with modest increases in dollar inflow generate residuals (calculated at $415 per square foot) as follows: 2011: 2,000 square feet (rounded) – 14 – 2016: 2021: 2031: 2036: 2051: 85,000 square feet (rounded) 170,000 square feet (rounded) 280,000 square feet (rounded) 310,000 square feet (rounded) 400,000 square feet (rounded) Table 11: Drug & Personal Care Residuals: In Table 11, the existing Drug & Personal Care space (225,038 square feet) is achieving base year sales of $600 per square foot in 2009. With future rounding of the local capture rates, the Drug & Personal Care residuals (calculated at $850 per square foot) are as follows: 2011: 2016: 2021: 2031: 2036: 2051: 8,000 square feet (rounded) 30,000 square feet (rounded) 62,000 square feet (rounded) 105,000 square feet (rounded) 125,000 square feet (rounded) 175,000 square feet (rounded) Table 12: Fashion & Accessories Residuals: In Table 12, the existing Fashion & Accessories space (507,731 square feet) is achieving base year sales of $459 per square foot in 2009. Modest future rounding of the local capture rates yields Fashion & Accessories residuals (calculated at $450 per square foot) as follows: 2011: 2016: 2021: 2031: 2036: 2051: 20,000 square feet (rounded) 95,000 square feet (rounded) 180,000 square feet (rounded) 295,000 square feet (rounded) 330,000 square feet (rounded) 435,000 square feet (rounded) Table 13: Home Furnishings Residuals: In Table 13, the existing Home Furnishings space (653,300 square feet) is achieving base year sales of $411 per square foot in 2009. Higher local capture rates in Zones 1 & 2 and rounded or decreased future in other Zones generates Home Furnishings residuals (calculated at $400 per square foot) as follows: – 15 – 2011: 2016: 2021: 2031: 2036: 2051: 45,000 square feet (rounded) 150,000 square feet (rounded) 265,000 square feet (rounded) 425,000 square feet (rounded) 470,000 square feet (rounded) 610,000 square feet (rounded) Table 14: Other Non-Department Store Residuals: In Table 14, the existing Other Non-Department Store / Specialty space (694,154 square feet) achieves base year sales of $321 per square foot in 2009. Higher future local capture rates in Zones 1 & 2 and rounded future shares in all other Zones generates Other Non-Department Store / Specialty residuals (calculated at $350 per square foot) as follows: 2011: 2016: 2021: 2031: 2036: 2051: 25,000 square feet (rounded) 120,000 square feet (rounded) 225,000 square feet (rounded) 365,000 square feet (rounded) 405,000 square feet (rounded) 530,000 square feet (rounded) Table 15: Home Improvement Residuals: In Table 15, the existing Home Improvement space (580,782 square feet) achieves base year sales of $299 per square foot in 2009. This includes contractor sales which comprise an estimated 30% of the calculated inflow. The HI space includes Home Improvement and Building Supply, Hardware, Paint, Wallpaper, Electrical and Plumbing Supply, and Garden Centre and Nursery Supply. Higher future local capture rates in Zone 1 and rounded future shares in all other Zones generates Home Improvement residuals (calculated at $300 per square foot) as follows: 2011: 2016: 2021: 2031: 2036: 2051: 45,000 square feet (rounded) 135,000 square feet (rounded) 230,000 square feet (rounded) 360,000 square feet (rounded) 395,000 square feet (rounded) 510,000 square feet (rounded) – 16 – Table 16: Supermarket Residuals: In Table 16, the existing Supermarket space (642,090 square feet) achieves productive average base year sales of $506 per square foot in 2009. Constant future local capture rates in Zone 1 yield Supermarket residuals (calculated at $500 per square foot) as follows: 2011: 2016: 2021: 2031: 2036: 2051: 30,000 square feet (rounded) 75,000 square feet (rounded) 200,000 square feet (rounded) 340,000 square feet (rounded) 395,000 square feet (rounded) 580,000 square feet (rounded) Table 17: Specialty Food Residuals: In Table 17, the existing Specialty Food space (142,999 square feet) achieves average base year sales of $269 per square foot in 2009. Higher future local capture rates in Zone 1 yield Specialty Food residuals (calculated at $250 per square foot) as follows: 2011: 2016: 2021: 2031: 2036: 2051: 1,000 square feet (rounded) 12,000 square feet (rounded) 40,000 square feet (rounded) 75,000 square feet (rounded) 90,000 square feet (rounded) 135,000 square feet (rounded) Table 18: Personal Service Residuals: In Table 18, the existing Personal Service space (196,940 square feet) achieves average base year sales of $216 per square foot in 2009. Modestly higher future local capture rates in Zone 1 yield Personal Service residuals (calculated at $225 per square foot) as follows: 2011: 2016: 2021: 2031: 10,000 square feet (rounded) 20,000 square feet (rounded) 60,000 square feet (rounded) 105,000 square feet (rounded) – 17 – 2036: 2051: 120,000 square feet (rounded) 180,000 square feet (rounded) Table 19: Restaurant Residuals: In Table 19, the existing Restaurant space (690,185 square feet) achieves average base year sales of $221 per square foot in 2009. Constant future local capture rates in Zone 1 yield Restaurant residuals (calculated at $225 per square foot) as follows: 2011: 2016: 2021: 2031: 2036: 2051: 20,000 square feet (rounded) 55,000 square feet (rounded) 180,000 square feet (rounded) 305,000 square feet (rounded) 355,000 square feet (rounded) 515,000 square feet (rounded) Table 20: Liquor/Beer/Wine Residuals: In Table 20, the existing Liquor/Beer/Wine space (90,532 square feet) achieves average base year sales of $570 per square foot in 2009. Constant future local capture rates in Zone 1 yield Liquor/Beer/Wine residuals (calculated at $600 per square foot) as follows: 2011: 2016: 2021: 2031: 2036: 2051: 2,000 square feet (rounded) 7,000 square feet (rounded) 25,000 square feet (rounded) 35,000 square feet (rounded) 45,000 square feet (rounded) 60,000 square feet (rounded) Summary of Residual “Retail & Selected Commercial” Space: Table 21 reproduces from Tables 9 to 20 the estimates of residual space warranted over the projection period. The residuals are broken down by space category, and are totaled for each forecast year, excluding any vacancy uptake. The combined “Retail and Selected Commercial” residual demands approximate: 2011: 2016: 2021: 2031: 275,000 square feet (rounded) 960,000 square feet (rounded) 1,915,000 square feet (rounded) 3,110,000 square feet (rounded) – 18 – 2036: 2051: 3,500,000 square feet (rounded) 4,740,000 square feet (rounded) In addition, space planning ratios for the “Other Service”, Financial Institution, and Local Office categories are applied to the population growth within Barrie over the forecast period to yield additional non-retail space “potential”. These are summarized in the upper “box” on the overleaf portion of Table 21. The total “Retail and Selected Commercial” residual demands plus demands for “Other Space” based on space planning ratios are featured in the lower “box” on Table 21 overleaf. Table 22(a) simply reproduces the demands for “Retail and Selected Commercial” residual space plus demands for “Other Space” from the lower box in Table 21 overleaf as follows: o o o o o o 2011: 2016: 2021: 2031: 2036: 2051: 300,000 square feet (rounded) 1,000,000 square feet (rounded) 2,125,000 square feet (rounded) 3,600,000 square feet (rounded) 4,100,000 square feet (rounded) 5,700,000 square feet (rounded) In Table 22(b), the potential supply consists of a vacancy uptake of 320,000 square feet (which represents 67.5% of the 475,075 square feet of currently vacant space), as well as the absorption of 3,885,000 square feet of “Vacant Designated Commercial Land Supply” (see Figure 3 – Developed and Vacant Commercial Lands - following Tables 1-25) plus “Employment Land Conversion” (11.6 acres as calculated in Table 23). Adding these together, the total potential supply from these two sources would approximate 4,205,000 square feet.. In Table 22(c), the potential Vacant Designated Commercial supply less the Retail and Selected Commercial + Other Space demands (Table 22(b) less Table 22(a)) yields the featured square footage surpluses and/or shortages of supply over demand. Converting these square footages to acreages at 25% coverage, the surplus in supply would persist until 2036 when only a small supply surplus of approximately 10 acres would remain. Macro-Level Findings: By 2036, the market would be in relative equilibrium assuming that all of the potential square footage supply would be absorbed by that time. Hence, by 2036, no additional lands would need to be designated to accommodate a balanced provision of new “Retail and Selected Commercial” + “Other Space” to meet growing market demands. – 19 – By 2051, the “Retail and Selected Commercial” + “Other Space” demands would exceed supply, resulting in a shortage of approximately 1.5 million square feet. At 25% coverage, this shortfall of supply would translate into 137.5 acres. These macro-level findings, which are limited to “retail and selected commercial” space plus “Other Space”, are not adjusted for any supply allocation for the Annexed Area. Annexed Area Findings: This study provides preliminary estimates of the additional supply needed at locations relatively close to home to serve primarily the lower order daily to weekly convenience shopping needs of a future population of approximately 38,600 persons in the Annexed Area. The additional supply needed to service the Annexed Area will be over and above the potential supply of 4,205,000 square feet calculated in Table 22(b) (i.e. representing the uptake of currently vacant space plus vacant designated commercial lands plus a relatively small conversion of employment land to commercial). Note: The preliminary estimates of the additional supply needed for the Annexed Area will be refined during the preparation of the Secondary Plan for the Annexed Lands. The preliminary estimates of the need for additional square footage and land supply are calculated in Table 24 and Table 25. Table 24 multiplies the 38,600 population base by per capita space ratios for 18 categories of retail and selected commercial space that collectively add up to 30 square feet per capita. Adjustments for inflow and outflow yield an average net outflow of minus 40.0% across all retail and selected commercial categories. In total, the locally serving demands approximate 700,000 square feet (696,900 square feet) of needed supply. At 25% coverage, this translates into a need for an additional land supply allocation of 65.0 acres to service the Annexed Area. Table 25 provides a preliminary distribution of this space amongst six (6) Convenience Commercial Centres, two (2) Community Centre Commercial Nodes, and two (2) other small commercial nodes. The ultimate scale of development and locational distribution will be refined during the Secondary Plan process. As featured in Table 22(c), with 65.0 acres of supply to serve the Annexed Area, the market would have a surplus supply of about 75 acres in 2036. Thereafter, demand would exceed supply, resulting in a shortfall of 72.5 acres by 2051. Market equilibrium would be achieved by about 2045. – 20 – Conclusions: This study‟s medium term projections of residual market demand (to 2021) are much more conservative than previously forecast: Barrie‟s population growth has not come on stream as quickly as forecast in previous City-commissioned market investigations (based on pre-2006 Census data); The City‟s population projections (pre-2006 Census) were used in an Ontario Municipal Board hearing that ultimately led to the Park Place approvals (i.e. approved by the Ontario Municipal Board on appeal). By 2021, the City was forecast to reach 210,000 persons. More recent population projections (post-2006 Census) delay attainment of that population (210,000 persons) until 2031. The 2021 population is now projected at 170,000, which is 40,000 persons less than forecast. On the demand side, therefore, growth is delayed by about 10 years. On the supply side, existing approvals are now augmented by the Park Place approvals for a “life-style” centre – a large-scale, higher-order regional shopping destination. As a result of delayed demand, Park Place might proceed in phases more slowly than anticipated in previous supporting market research, and it may differ from the original “lifestyle” concept. None-the-less, existing non-department Store NFSR operations will still need time to adjust to any impacts where any new space at Park Place exceeds the margins of warranted space. Until this new space is absorbed, caution should be used in considering the approval of any new commercial designations beyond those annotated in this study (Tables 22(b) and 23) and those required to service the local needs of the Annexed Area (Tables 24 and 25). Park Place‟s leasing prospects are affected by uncertainties in today‟s market context: Most new format tenancies are already in the Barrie market. There are limited second store options available particularly for regionally serving anchor stores such as department stores and other large-scale general merchandisers. There are also few U.S. entry prospects (e.g. Target stores -- an upscale discounter and close rival of Wal-Mart whose entry strategy for the Ontario market beyond 2011 will probably parallel Wal-Mart‟s entry strategy in 1991). Department store potential might also be pursued as “department store affiliates” with focused offerings. – 21 – Upscale fashion-oriented outlet malls with supra-regional service areas due to their specialized U.S. and international branding are expected to enter the Ontario market in limited numbers over the next few years primarily in major metropolitan markets. At the macro level, the supply of vacant commercially designated lands plus a reasonable uptake of currently vacant commercial buildings plus a relatively small conversion of employment land to commercial will exceed demands until 2036 when a very small surplus ( 10 acres) would come close to market equilibrium. Longer term macro-level demands by 2051 will exceed supply, resulting in a shortage of approximately 1.5 million square feet. At 25% coverage, this supply shortfall would translate into 137.5 acres. This longer term macro-level supply shortfall needs to be adjusted by the additional supply of commercial lands needed to service future populations in the Annexed Area. This additional supply would meet the lower order daily to weekly convenience shopping needs of approximately 38,600 persons at locations closest to home. Net estimated demands of approximately 700,000 square feet (i.e. 696,900 square feet adjusted for inflow and outflow) translate into a need for an additional land supply allocation of 65.0 acres to service the Annexed Area (at 25% coverage). Adjusting for 65.0 acres of additional supply to serve the Annexed Area, the market would have a surplus supply of about 75 acres in 2036. Market equilibrium would occur about 2045. Thereafter, demand would exceed supply, resulting in a shortfall of 72.5 acres* by 2051. * 62.5 acres = supply shortfall of the Annexed Area. 137.5 acres LESS 65.0 acres supply to serve In summary, the City of Barrie must contend with three market issues that affect longer term market projections to 2051: delayed population growth in Barrie (in comparison to pre-2006 Census projections); the short to medium term absorption of large-scale retail commercial approvals at Park Place based on pre-2006 Census projections ( 750,000 square feet of NFSR space plus 375,000 square feet of theatre, cinema, “Retail Village Core”, office, hotel, and other space); and the need to designate by secondary plan process 700,000 square feet of retail and selected commercial space + other space to serve primarily the convenience shopping needs of future residents in the Annexed Area. In view of these market issues, any longer term strategy to achieve the key goals of strengthening the existing retail commercial infrastructure and designations, and of strengthening regional and tourist drawing power, must resist approving any new major – 22 – designation(s) for large scale retail stores and/or power centres or nodes * that run counter to provincial policy encouraging intensification corridors and nodes (i.e. through investments in transit supportive mixed-use / multi storey, higher density intensification, infill, development / redevelopment, and expansion / relocation). * Compare to the City of Toronto Planning Division’s recommendation to define a “large scale, stand-alone retail store” as 65,000 square feet or more (6,000 m²), and a “power centre” as one or more retail units that are each 65,000 square feet or more (plus smaller units) based on concerns that previous Ontario Municipal Board decisions interpreting existing polices (Policy 4.6.3 of the City of Toronto Employment Policies) and the term “large scale, stand-alone retail uses” have approved much smaller scale developments of approximately 40,000 square feet (3,700 m²) which the Planning Division suggests is significantly smaller than the intent of the Official Plan to permit major retail uses to locate on large sites fronting major roads at the boundaries of Employment Areas (per May 3, 2010 report to Planning and Growth Management Committee). Instead, the longer term strategy should seek to achieve an equilibrium position whereby the market is neither under-stored nor over-stored, through incremental expansion in line with emerging market opportunities, most notably through the market absorption of Park Place and other vacant commercially designated lands, through intensification, through the approval of new commercial designations to serve the Annexed Area, and through a significant reduction in commercial vacancies. Vacancy uptake is a priority for Downtown Barrie (Node 1) and Bayfield Street North of Highway 400 (Node 2) where current vacancies exceed 20%. Increasing the amount of ground floor retail representation in Downtown Barrie is also a priority for strengthening this node‟s regional and tourist drawing power. FEBRUARY 28, 2011 TABLE 1 TRADE AREA POPULATION PROJECTIONS ADJUSTED FOR CENSUS UNDERCOUNT REFERENCE SCENARIO FOR BARRIE Census Census Base Year 2001 2006 2009 2011 2016 2021 2031 2036 2051 * 138,080 141,000 2,920 1.1% 1,460 146,700 8,620 0.9% 1,230 170,000 31,920 1.9% 2,660 210,000 71,920 2.4% 3,270 226,700 88,620 2.4% 3,280 280,000 141,920 2.4% 3,380 93,650 96,820 3,170 1.7% 1,585 104,740 11,091 1.7% 1,585 112,660 19,010 1.7% 1,585 128,500 34,850 1.7% 1,585 130,480 36,830 1.5% 1,363 136,425 42,775 1.1% 1,018 71,450 75,820 4,370 3.1% 2,185 86,740 15,290 3.1% 2,184 97,660 26,210 3.1% 2,184 119,500 48,050 3.1% 2,184 122,230 50,780 2.6% 1,881 130,425 58,975 2.0% 1,404 58,332 60,355 2,023 1.7% 1,012 65,415 7,083 1.7% 1,012 70,480 12,148 1.7% 1,012 80,600 22,268 1.7% 1,012 81,865 23,533 1.5% 873 85,660 27,328 1.1% 651 Zone 5 - Tay + Tiny + Christian Is. I.R. + Midland + Penetanguishene. Population 43,275 46,800 Adjusted Population Projection * 44,900 48,545 49,673 Cumulative Growth from 2009 Average Annual Growth (%) Average Annual Growth (#) 50,425 752 0.8% 376 52,305 2,632 0.8% 376 54,190 4,517 0.8% 376 57,950 8,277 0.8% 376 58,420 8,747 0.7% 324 59,830 10,157 0.5% 242 Zone 6 - Orillia + Ramara + Rama I.R. + Severn. Population 49,468 Adjusted Population Projection * 51,300 Cumulative Growth from 2009 Average Annual Growth (%) Average Annual Growth (#) 57,785 1,385 1.2% 693 61,250 4,850 1.2% 693 64,720 8,320 1.2% 693 71,650 15,250 1.2% 693 72,515 16,115 1.1% 597 75,115 18,715 0.8% 446 Trade Area: Zone 1 - Barrie Population Adjusted Population Projection * Cumulative Growth from 2009 Average Annual Growth (%) Average Annual Growth (#) 103,710 128,430 107,700 133,700 Zone 2 - Innisfil + Essa + Springwater + Oro-Medonte Population 79,895 85,570 Adjusted Population Projection * 82,900 88,900 Cumulative Growth from 2009 Average Annual Growth (%) Average Annual Growth (#) Zone 3 - Adjala-Tosorontio + New Tecumseth + Bradford W-G Population 58,450 62,430 Adjusted Population Projection * 60,700 64,900 Cumulative Growth from 2009 Average Annual Growth (%) Average Annual Growth (#) Zone 4 - Clearview + Collingwood + Wasaga Beach + Blue Mt. Population 48,375 53,230 Adjusted Population Projection * 50,210 55,295 Cumulative Growth from 2009 Average Annual Growth (%) Average Annual Growth (#) 52,315 54,320 56,400 FEBRUARY 28, 2011 TABLE 1, CONTINUED TRADE AREA POPULATION PROJECTIONS ADJUSTED FOR CENSUS UNDERCOUNT REFERENCE SCENARIO FOR BARRIE Trade Area: Census 2001 Census 2006 Base Year 2009 2011 2016 2021 2031 2036 2051 467,585 482,205 14,620 1.6% 7,310 517,150 49,565 1.5% 7,083 569,710 102,125 1.8% 8,508 668,200 200,615 2.0% 9,117 693,015 225,430 1.8% 8,347 767,455 299,870 1.5% 7,140 Peripheral Zone 7 - Bracebridge + Georgian Bay + Gravenhurst + Huntsville + Muskoka Lakes. Population 50,020 53,785 Adjusted Population Projection * 52,100 55,830 58,080 59,580 63,330 Cumulative Growth from 2009 1,500 5,250 Average Annual Growth (%) 1.3% 1.3% Average Annual Growth (#) 750 750 67,080 9,000 1.3% 750 74,580 16,500 1.3% 750 75,520 17,440 1.1% 646 78,330 20,251 0.8% 482 Peripheral Zone 8 - Parry Sound + Archipelago + Carling + McDougall + McKeller + Parry Is. I.R. Population 15,305 15,925 Adjusted Population Projection * 15,900 16,530 16,905 17,155 17,780 Cumulative Growth from 2009 250 875 Average Annual Growth (%) 0.7% 0.7% Average Annual Growth (#) 125 125 18,405 1,500 0.7% 125 19,655 2,750 0.7% 125 19,810 2,905 0.6% 108 20,280 3,376 0.5% 80 Subtotal Barrie Trade Area + Peripheral Zones Population 448,498 498,485 Adjusted Population Projection * 465,710 518,020 Cumulative Growth Average Annual Growth (%) Average Annual Growth (#) 655,195 112,625 1.7% 9,385 762,435 219,865 1.8% 9,995 788,340 245,769 1.7% 9,105 866,065 323,496 1.4% 7,702 Subtotal Barrie Trade Area Population Adjusted Population Projection * Cumulative Growth Average Annual Growth (%) Average Annual Growth (#) * 383,173 428,775 397,710 445,660 542,570 558,940 16,370 1.5% 8,185 598,260 55,690 1.5% 7,955 Rounded adjustment for census undercount = 1.04 (for Simcoe County, plus Muskoka and Parry Sound Districts per Annual Demographic Statistics, Cat.91-213). Assumptions: Zone 1 projections are based on Reference Scenario (2006 to 2051), including 70,000 additional population growth from 2031 to 2051. Zones 2 to 6 based on October 2010 projections in Proposed Amendment 1 to the Places to Grow Growth Plan (by constituent municipality). Peripheral Zones 7 to 8 based on trend lines to 2031; thereafter from 2031 to 2051 based on 1/4 of the average annual growth from 2009 to 2031. FEBRUARY 28, 2011 TABLE 2 TRADE AREA "NFSR" (GAFO + DRUG) & "HI" COMBINED EXPENDITURE POTENTIAL Base Year Trade Area 2009 2011 2016 2021 2031 2036 2051 Zone 1 - Barrie Population Per Capita Expenditure ($) * Expenditure Potential ($ m's) 138,080 $4,985 $688.3 141,000 $5,136 $724.1 146,700 $5,533 $811.6 170,000 $5,672 $964.3 210,000 $5,672 $1,191.2 226,700 $5,672 $1,285.9 280,000 $5,672 $1,588.2 Zone 2 - Innisfil + Essa + Springwater + Oro-Medonte Population Per Capita Expenditure ($) * Expenditure Potential ($ m's) 93,650 $5,350 $501.0 96,820 $5,512 $533.6 104,740 $5,938 $621.9 112,660 $6,088 $685.8 128,500 $6,088 $782.3 130,480 $6,088 $794.3 136,425 $6,088 $830.5 Zone 3 - Adjala-Tosorontio + New Tecumseth + Bradford W-G Population Per Capita Expenditure ($) * Expenditure Potential ($ m's) 71,450 $5,494 $392.5 75,820 $5,660 $429.1 86,740 $6,097 $528.9 97,660 $6,251 $610.5 119,500 $6,251 $747.0 122,230 $6,251 $764.1 130,425 $6,251 $815.3 Zone 4 - Clearview + Collingwood + Wasaga Beach + Blue Mt. Population Per Capita Expenditure ($) * Expenditure Potential ($ m's) 58,332 $5,112 $298.2 60,355 $5,267 $317.9 65,415 $5,674 $371.1 70,480 $5,817 $410.0 80,600 $5,817 $468.8 81,865 $5,817 $476.2 85,660 $5,817 $498.3 Zone 5 - Tay + Tiny + Christian Is. I.R. + Midland + Penetanguishene. Population 49,673 Per Capita Expenditure ($) * $4,803 Expenditure Potential ($ m's) $238.6 50,425 $4,948 $249.5 52,305 $5,331 $278.8 54,190 $5,465 $296.2 57,950 $5,465 $316.7 58,420 $5,465 $319.3 59,830 $5,465 $327.0 Zone 6 - Orillia + Ramara + Rama I.R. + Severn. Population Per Capita Expenditure ($) * Expenditure Potential ($ m's) 56,400 $4,780 $269.6 57,785 $4,924 $284.6 61,250 $5,305 $324.9 64,720 $5,439 $352.0 71,650 $5,439 $389.7 72,515 $5,439 $394.4 75,115 $5,439 $408.5 $2,388.3 $2,538.9 $2,937.3 $3,318.8 $3,895.7 $4,034.2 $4,467.9 Peripheral Zone 7 - Bracebridge + Georgian Bay + Gravenhurst + Huntsville + Muskoka Lakes. Population 58,080 59,580 63,330 Per Capita Expenditure ($) * $4,976 $5,126 $5,523 Expenditure Potential ($ m's) $289.0 $305.4 $349.7 67,080 $5,662 $379.8 74,580 $5,662 $422.3 75,520 $5,662 $427.6 78,330 $5,662 $443.5 Peripheral Zone 8 - Parry Sound + Archipelago + Carling + McDougall + McKeller + Parry Is. I.R. Population 16,905 17,155 17,780 Per Capita Expenditure ($) * $5,321 $5,482 $5,905 Expenditure Potential ($ m's) $90.0 $94.0 $105.0 18,405 $6,055 $111.4 19,655 $6,055 $119.0 19,810 $6,055 $119.9 20,280 $6,055 $122.8 $3,810.0 $4,437.0 $4,581.8 $5,034.2 Subtotal Barrie Trade Area Expanded Trade Area $2,767.2 $2,938.3 $3,392.1 * Relative to a combined 2009 Ontario average per capita NFSR ( Non Food Store Retail = "GAFO + DRUG") + "HI" (Home Improvement) expenditure of $5,320 per Appendices A-2 to A-4. Assume real growth @ 1.5% per annum compounded to the year 2016 and 0.5% to 2021 and 0% beyond 2031 to 2051). FEBRUARY 28, 2011 TABLE 3 TRADE AREA "FSR" (FOOD STORE RETAIL) EXPENDITURE POTENTIAL Trade Area Zone 1 - Barrie Population Per Capita Expenditure ($) * Expenditure Potential ($ m's) 2009 2011 2016 2021 2031 2036 2051 138,080 $2,090 $288.6 141,000 $2,111 $297.6 146,700 $2,164 $317.5 170,000 $2,191 $372.5 210,000 $2,191 $460.2 226,700 $2,191 $496.8 280,000 $2,191 $613.6 * Relative to the 2009 Ontario average per capita "FSR" (Food Store Retail) expenditure of $2,113 per Appendices A-2 to A-4. Assume real growth @ 0.5% per annum compounded to the year 2016 and 0.25% to 2021 and 0% beyond 2031 to 2051). TABLE 4 TRADE AREA PERSONAL SERVICE EXPENDITURE POTENTIAL Trade Area Zone 1 - Barrie Population Per Capita Expenditure ($) * Expenditure Potential ($ m's) 2009 2011 2016 2021 2031 2036 2051 138,080 $257 $35.5 141,000 $260 $36.6 146,700 $266 $39.0 170,000 $269 $45.8 210,000 $269 $56.6 226,700 $269 $61.1 280,000 $269 $75.5 * Relative to the 2009 Ontario average per capita Personal Service expenditure of $265 per Appendices A-2 to A-4. Assume real growth @ 0.5% per annum compounded to the year 2016 and 0.25% to 2021 and 0% beyond 2031 to 2051). TABLE 5 TRADE AREA RESTAURANT EXPENDITURE POTENTIAL Trade Area Zone 1 - Barrie Population Per Capita Expenditure ($) * Expenditure Potential ($ m's) 2009 2011 2016 2021 2031 2036 2051 138,080 $736 $101.6 141,000 $740 $104.3 146,700 $749 $109.9 170,000 $758 $128.9 210,000 $758 $159.3 226,700 $758 $171.9 280,000 $758 $212.3 * Relative to the 2009 Ontario average per capita Restaurant expenditure of $801 per Appendices A-2 to A-4. Assume real growth @ 0.25% per annum compounded to the year 2021 and 0% beyond 2031 to 2051). TABLE 6 TRADE AREA LIQUOR/BEER/WINE EXPENDITURE POTENTIAL Trade Area Zone 1 - Barrie Population Per Capita Expenditure ($) * Expenditure Potential ($ m's) 2009 2011 2016 2021 2031 2036 2051 138,080 $257 $35.5 141,000 $258 $36.4 146,700 $262 $38.4 170,000 $265 $45.0 210,000 $265 $55.6 226,700 $265 $60.0 280,000 $265 $74.1 * Relative to the 2009 Ontario average per capita Liquor / Beer / Wine expenditure of $539 per Appendices A-2 to A-4. Assume real growth @ 0.25% per annum compounded to the year 2021 and 0% beyond 2031 to 2051). FEBRUARY 28, 2011 TABLE 7 BASE YEAR TRADE AREA SHARES OF "NFSR" + "HI" EXPENDITURE POTENTIAL BY ZONE Ontario 2009 * Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5 Zone 6 Zone 7 Zone 8 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 Department Store 14.6% 17.5% 16.0% 17.5% 20.0% 17.0% 17.0% 16.5% 13.0% Other General Merchandise Drug & Personal Care Fashion & Accessories Home Furnishings Other Non-dep't store NFSR Non-department Store 13.7% 11.5% 14.0% 15.0% 14.0% 14.5% 14.5% 14.0% 16.0% 17.5% 15.0% 15.5% 15.5% 15.5% 15.0% 15.0% 15.0% 16.0% 13.2% 16.0% 14.0% 14.0% 13.5% 15.0% 15.0% 15.0% 14.0% 15.1% 16.5% 13.5% 17.0% 15.5% 16.0% 16.0% 17.0% 16.0% 13.1% 13.5% 15.0% 11.0% 10.0% 11.0% 11.0% 11.0% 11.0% 72.6% 72.5% 72.0% 72.5% 68.5% 71.5% 71.5% 72.0% 73.0% BASE YEAR HI Subtotal NFSR Supermarket & Grocery Specialty Food Subtotal FSR 12.8% 10.0% 12.0% 10.0% 11.5% 11.5% 11.5% 11.5% 14.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 87.9% 87.5% 12.1% 12.5% 100.0% 100.0% * Reference: Appendix A-2 TABLE 8 FUTURE TRADE AREA SHARES OF "NFSR" + "HI" EXPENDITURE POTENTIAL BY ZONE Ontario 2009 * Zone 1 Department Store 14.6% 20.0% 16.0% 17.5% 20.0% Other General Merchandise Drug & Personal Care Fashion & Accessories Home Furnishings Other Non-dep't store NFSR Non-department Store 13.7% 10.0% 14.0% 15.0% 17.5% 15.0% 15.5% 15.5% 13.2% 15.5% 14.0% 15.1% 17.0% 13.1% 72.6% FUTURE YEARS HI Subtotal NFSR Supermarket & Grocery Specialty Food Subtotal FSR Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5 Zone 6 Zone 7 Zone 8 17.0% 17.0% 16.5% 13.0% 14.0% 14.5% 14.5% 14.0% 16.0% 15.5% 15.0% 15.0% 15.0% 16.0% 14.0% 13.5% 15.0% 15.0% 15.0% 14.0% 13.5% 17.0% 15.5% 16.0% 16.0% 17.0% 16.0% 12.5% 15.0% 11.0% 10.0% 11.0% 11.0% 11.0% 11.0% 70.0% 72.0% 72.5% 68.5% 71.5% 71.5% 72.0% 73.0% 2011 - 2051 Projection Period 12.8% 10.0% 12.0% 10.0% 11.5% 11.5% 11.5% 11.5% 14.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 87.9% 87.5% 12.1% 12.5% 100.0% 100.0% * Reference: Appendix A-2 FEBRUARY 28, 2011 TABLE 9 DEPARTMENT STORE SHARE OF "NFSR" (GAFO / DRUG) & "HI" DEMANDS & RESIDUAL SPACE Trade Area Zone 1 - Barrie Expenditure Potential ($ m's) Dep't Store Share of NFSR + HI * @ 17.5% @ 20.0% Local Capture * @ 98.4% @ 98.5% Zone 2 - Innisfil + Essa + Springwater + Oro-Medonte Expenditure Potential ($ m's) Dep't Store Share of NFSR + HI * @ 16.0% @ 16.0% Local Capture * @ 79.2% @ 80.0% Zone 3 - Adjala-Tosorontio + New Tecumseth + Bradford W-G Expenditure Potential ($ m's) Dep't Store Share of NFSR + HI * @ 17.5% @ 17.5% Local Capture * @ 19.2% @ 19.5% Zone 4 - Clearview + Collingwood + Wasaga Beach + Blue Mt. Expenditure Potential ($ m's) Dep't Store Share of NFSR + HI * @ 20.0% @ 20.0% Local Capture * @ 45.0% @ 45.0% 2009 2011 2016 2021 2031 2036 2051 $688.3 $724.1 $811.6 $964.3 $1,191.2 $1,285.9 $1,588.2 $144.8 $162.3 $192.9 $238.2 $257.2 $317.6 $142.7 $159.9 $190.0 $234.7 $253.3 $312.9 $533.6 $621.9 $685.8 $782.3 $794.3 $830.5 $85.4 $99.5 $109.7 $125.2 $127.1 $132.9 $68.3 $79.6 $87.8 $100.1 $101.7 $106.3 $429.1 $528.9 $610.5 $747.0 $764.1 $815.3 $75.1 $92.6 $106.8 $130.7 $133.7 $142.7 $14.6 $18.0 $20.8 $25.5 $26.1 $27.8 $317.9 $371.1 $410.0 $468.8 $476.2 $498.3 $63.6 $74.2 $82.0 $93.8 $95.2 $99.7 $28.6 $33.4 $36.9 $42.2 $42.9 $44.8 $249.5 $278.8 $296.2 $316.7 $319.3 $327.0 $42.4 $47.4 $50.3 $53.8 $54.3 $55.6 $9.8 $10.9 $11.6 $12.4 $12.5 $12.8 $284.6 $324.9 $352.0 $389.7 $394.4 $408.5 $48.4 $55.2 $59.8 $66.2 $67.0 $69.5 $9.7 $11.0 $12.0 $13.2 $13.4 $13.9 $120.5 $118.5 $501.0 $80.2 $63.5 $392.5 $68.7 $13.2 $298.2 $59.6 $26.8 Zone 5 - Tay + Tiny + Christian Is. I.R. + Midland + Penetanguishene. Expenditure Potential ($ m's) $238.6 Dep't Store Share of NFSR + HI * @ 17.0% $40.6 @ 17.0% Local Capture * @ 22.3% $9.0 @ 23.0% Zone 6 - Orillia + Ramara + Rama I.R. + Severn. Expenditure Potential ($ m's) Dep't Store Share of NFSR + HI * @ 17.0% @ 17.0% Local Capture * @ 19.1% @ 20.0% $269.6 $45.8 $8.8 FEBRUARY 28, 2011 TABLE 9, CONTINUED DEPARTMENT STORE SHARE OF "NFSR" (GAFO / DRUG) & "HI" DEMANDS & RESIDUAL SPACE Trade Area 2009 2011 2016 Peripheral Zone 7 - Bracebridge + Georgian Bay + Gravenhurst + Huntsville + Muskoka Lakes. Expenditure Potential ($ m's) $289.0 $305.4 $349.7 Dep't Store Share of NFSR + HI * @ 16.5% $47.7 @ 16.5% $50.4 $57.7 Local Capture * @ 16.7% $8.0 @ 16.0% $8.1 $9.2 Peripheral Zone 8 - Parry Sound + Archipelago + Carling + McDougall + McKeller + Parry Is. I.R. Expenditure Potential ($ m's) $90.0 $94.0 $105.0 Dep't Store Share of NFSR + HI * @ 13.0% $11.7 @ 13.0% $12.2 $13.7 Local Capture * @ 29.3% $3.4 @ 15.0% $1.8 $2.0 Barrie Local Share Without Inflow $251.2 Plus Inflow ** @ @ $40.9 2021 2031 2036 2051 $379.8 $422.3 $427.6 $443.5 $62.7 $69.7 $70.6 $73.2 $10.0 $11.1 $11.3 $11.7 $111.4 $119.0 $119.9 $122.8 $14.5 $15.5 $15.6 $16.0 $2.2 $2.3 $2.3 $2.4 $283.5 $324.2 $371.2 $441.6 $463.4 $532.6 $46.2 $52.8 $60.4 $60.4 $60.4 $60.4 $292.1 $329.7 $376.9 $431.7 $502.0 $523.9 $593.1 $583 /sf GLA $74.8 $74.8 $74.8 $74.8 $74.8 $74.8 $74.8 116,515 sf GLA $677 /sf GLA $78.9 $78.9 $78.9 $78.9 $78.9 $78.9 $78.9 90,748 sf GLA $406 /sf GLA $36.8 $36.8 $36.8 $36.8 $36.8 $36.8 $36.8 106,092 sf GLA $196 /sf GLA $20.7 $20.7 $20.7 $20.7 $20.7 $20.7 $20.7 126,160 sf GLA $641 /sf GLA $80.9 $80.9 $80.9 $80.9 $80.9 $80.9 $80.9 567,855 sf GLA $514 /sf GLA $292.1 $292.1 $292.1 $292.1 $292.1 $292.1 $292.1 $0.0 $37.6 $84.8 $139.5 $209.9 $231.7 $300.9 0 75,129 169,633 279,059 419,761 463,497 601,865 14.0% 14.0% *** Total Potential Barrie Local Capture Less Existing Competition: 128,340 sf GLA Wal-Mart @ (SmartCentres N.) Sears @ (Georgian Mall) The Bay (Georgian Mall) Zellers @ (Kozlov Ctr.) Wal-Mart @ (SmartCentres S.) All Dep't stores Residual Sales Demand Warranted sf GLA: @ $500 /sf GLA * Base year shares from consumer telephone survey ** Base year inflow adjusted from licence plate surveys. *** Assume future inflow @ 14.0% until 2021 and declining in percentage terms thereafter. FEBRUARY 28, 2011 TABLE 10 OTHER GENERAL MERCHANDISE SHARE OF "NFSR" (GAFO / DRUG) & "HI" DEMANDS & RESIDUAL SPACE Trade Area Zone 1 - Barrie Expenditure Potential ($ m's) Other Gen'l Merch. Share of NFSR + HI * @ 11.5% @ 10.0% Local Capture * @ 99.2% @ 98.5% Zone 2 - Innisfil + Essa + Springwater + Oro-Medonte Expenditure Potential ($ m's) Other Gen'l Merch. Share of NFSR + HI * @ 14.0% @ 14.0% Local Capture * @ 86.7% @ 86.5% Zone 3 - Adjala-Tosorontio + New Tecumseth + Bradford W-G Expenditure Potential ($ m's) Other Gen'l Merch. Share of NFSR + HI * @ 15.0% @ 15.0% Local Capture * @ 20.6% @ 20.5% Zone 4 - Clearview + Collingwood + Wasaga Beach + Blue Mt. Expenditure Potential ($ m's) Other Gen'l Merch. Share of NFSR + HI * @ 14.0% @ 14.0% Local Capture * @ 65.4% @ 65.5% 2009 2011 2016 2021 2031 2036 2051 $688.3 $724.1 $811.6 $964.3 $1,191.2 $1,285.9 $1,588.2 $72.4 $81.2 $96.4 $119.1 $128.6 $158.8 $71.3 $79.9 $95.0 $117.3 $126.7 $156.4 $533.6 $621.9 $685.8 $782.3 $794.3 $830.5 $74.7 $87.1 $96.0 $109.5 $111.2 $116.3 $64.6 $75.3 $83.1 $94.7 $96.2 $100.6 $429.1 $528.9 $610.5 $747.0 $764.1 $815.3 $64.4 $79.3 $91.6 $112.1 $114.6 $122.3 $13.2 $16.3 $18.8 $23.0 $23.5 $25.1 $317.9 $371.1 $410.0 $468.8 $476.2 $498.3 $44.5 $52.0 $57.4 $65.6 $66.7 $69.8 $29.1 $34.0 $37.6 $43.0 $43.7 $45.7 $249.5 $278.8 $296.2 $316.7 $319.3 $327.0 $36.2 $40.4 $42.9 $45.9 $46.3 $47.4 $8.9 $9.9 $10.5 $11.3 $11.3 $11.6 $284.6 $324.9 $352.0 $389.7 $394.4 $408.5 $41.3 $47.1 $51.0 $56.5 $57.2 $59.2 $8.5 $9.7 $10.5 $11.6 $11.7 $12.1 $79.2 $78.5 $501.0 $70.1 $60.8 $392.5 $58.9 $12.1 $298.2 $41.7 $27.3 Zone 5 - Tay + Tiny + Christian Is. I.R. + Midland + Penetanguishene. Expenditure Potential ($ m's) $238.6 Other Gen'l Merch. Share of NFSR + HI * @ 14.5% $34.6 @ 14.5% Local Capture * @ 24.6% $8.5 @ 24.5% Zone 6 - Orillia + Ramara + Rama I.R. + Severn. Expenditure Potential ($ m's) Other Gen'l Merch. Share of NFSR + HI * @ 14.5% @ 14.5% Local Capture * @ 20.7% @ 20.5% $269.6 $39.1 $8.1 FEBRUARY 28, 2011 TABLE 10, CONTINUED OTHER GENERAL MERCHANDISE SHARE OF "NFSR" (GAFO / DRUG) & "HI" DEMANDS & RESIDUAL SPACE Trade Area 2009 2011 2016 Peripheral Zone 7 - Bracebridge + Georgian Bay + Gravenhurst + Huntsville + Muskoka Lakes. Expenditure Potential ($ m's) $289.0 $305.4 $349.7 Other Gen'l Merch. Share of NFSR + HI * @ 14.0% $40.5 @ 14.0% $42.8 $49.0 Local Capture * @ 16.5% $6.7 @ 16.5% $7.1 $8.1 Peripheral Zone 8 - Parry Sound + Archipelago + Carling + McDougall + McKeller + Parry Is. I.R. Expenditure Potential ($ m's) $90.0 $94.0 $105.0 Other Gen'l Merch. Share of NFSR + HI * @ 16.0% $14.4 @ 16.0% $15.0 $16.8 Local Capture * @ 11.2% $1.6 @ 11.0% $1.7 $1.8 Barrie Local Share Without Inflow $203.7 Plus Inflow ** @ @ $26.5 11.5% 11.5% *** Total Potential Barrie Local Capture 2021 2031 2051 $379.8 $422.3 $427.6 $443.5 $53.2 $59.1 $59.9 $62.1 $8.8 $9.8 $9.9 $10.2 $111.4 $119.0 $119.9 $122.8 $17.8 $19.0 $19.2 $19.6 $2.0 $2.1 $2.1 $2.2 $204.3 $235.0 $266.1 $312.7 $325.1 $363.9 $26.6 $30.5 $34.6 $34.6 $34.6 $34.6 $230.1 $230.9 $265.6 $300.7 $347.3 $359.7 $398.5 $230.1 $230.1 $230.1 $230.1 $230.1 $230.1 $230.1 $0.0 $0.8 $35.5 $70.6 $117.2 $129.5 $168.4 0 1,817 85,456 170,069 282,328 312,112 405,782 Less Existing Competition: @ 559,745 sf GLA $411 /sf GLA Residual Sales Demand Warranted sf GLA: @ $415 /sf GLA * Base year shares from consumer telephone survey ** Base year inflow adjusted from licence plate surveys. *** Assume future inflow @ 11.5% until 2021 and declining in percentage terms thereafter. FEBRUARY 28, 2011 TABLE 11 DRUG & PERSONAL CARE SHARE OF "NFSR" (GAFO / DRUG) & "HI" DEMANDS & RESIDUAL SPACE Trade Area Zone 1 - Barrie Expenditure Potential ($ m's) Drug & Personal Care Share of NFSR + HI * @ 15.0% @ 15.0% Local Capture * @ 92.6% @ 92.5% Zone 2 - Innisfil + Essa + Springwater + Oro-Medonte Expenditure Potential ($ m's) Drug & Personal Care Share of NFSR + HI * @ 15.5% @ 15.5% Local Capture * @ 35.7% @ 35.5% Zone 3 - Adjala-Tosorontio + New Tecumseth + Bradford W-G Expenditure Potential ($ m's) Drug & Personal Care Share of NFSR + HI * @ 15.5% @ 15.5% Local Capture * @ 2.8% @ 2.5% Zone 4 - Clearview + Collingwood + Wasaga Beach + Blue Mt. Expenditure Potential ($ m's) Drug & Personal Care Share of NFSR + HI * @ 15.5% @ 15.5% Local Capture * @ 3.8% @ 3.5% 2009 2011 2016 2021 2031 2036 2051 $688.3 $724.1 $811.6 $964.3 $1,191.2 $1,285.9 $1,588.2 $108.6 $121.7 $144.6 $178.7 $192.9 $238.2 $100.5 $112.6 $133.8 $165.3 $178.4 $220.4 $533.6 $621.9 $685.8 $782.3 $794.3 $830.5 $82.7 $96.4 $106.3 $121.2 $123.1 $128.7 $29.4 $34.2 $37.7 $43.0 $43.7 $45.7 $429.1 $528.9 $610.5 $747.0 $764.1 $815.3 $66.5 $82.0 $94.6 $115.8 $118.4 $126.4 $1.7 $2.0 $2.4 $2.9 $3.0 $3.2 $317.9 $371.1 $410.0 $468.8 $476.2 $498.3 $49.3 $57.5 $63.5 $72.7 $73.8 $77.2 $1.7 $2.0 $2.2 $2.5 $2.6 $2.7 $249.5 $278.8 $296.2 $316.7 $319.3 $327.0 $37.4 $41.8 $44.4 $47.5 $47.9 $49.0 $0.2 $0.2 $0.2 $0.2 $0.2 $0.2 $284.6 $324.9 $352.0 $389.7 $394.4 $408.5 $42.7 $48.7 $52.8 $58.5 $59.2 $61.3 $0.9 $1.0 $1.1 $1.2 $1.2 $1.2 $103.2 $95.6 $501.0 $77.7 $27.7 $392.5 $60.8 $1.7 $298.2 $46.2 $1.8 Zone 5 - Tay + Tiny + Christian Is. I.R. + Midland + Penetanguishene. Expenditure Potential ($ m's) $238.6 Drug & Personal Care Share of NFSR + HI * @ 15.0% $35.8 @ 15.0% Local Capture * @ 0.3% $0.1 @ 0.5% Zone 6 - Orillia + Ramara + Rama I.R. + Severn. Expenditure Potential ($ m's) Drug & Personal Care Share of NFSR + HI * @ 15.0% @ 15.0% Local Capture * @ 2.0% @ 2.0% $269.6 $40.4 $0.8 FEBRUARY 28, 2011 TABLE 11, CONTINUED DRUG & PERSONAL CARE SHARE OF "NFSR" (GAFO / DRUG) & "HI" DEMANDS & RESIDUAL SPACE Trade Area 2009 2011 2016 Peripheral Zone 7 - Bracebridge + Georgian Bay + Gravenhurst + Huntsville + Muskoka Lakes. Expenditure Potential ($ m's) $289.0 $305.4 $349.7 Drug & Personal Care Share of NFSR + HI * @ 15.0% $43.4 @ 15.0% $45.8 $52.5 Local Capture * @ 1.2% $0.5 @ 1.0% $0.5 $0.5 Peripheral Zone 8 - Parry Sound + Archipelago + Carling + McDougall + McKeller + Parry Is. I.R. Expenditure Potential ($ m's) $90.0 $94.0 $105.0 Drug & Personal Care Share of NFSR + HI * @ 16.0% $14.4 @ 16.0% $15.0 $16.8 Local Capture * @ 0.0% $0.0 @ 0.0% $0.0 $0.0 Barrie Local Share Without Inflow Plus Inflow ** @ @ 5.0% 5.0% *** Total Potential Barrie Local Capture $128.2 2021 2031 2036 2051 $379.8 $422.3 $427.6 $443.5 $57.0 $63.3 $64.1 $66.5 $0.6 $0.6 $0.6 $0.7 $111.4 $119.0 $119.9 $122.8 $17.8 $19.0 $19.2 $19.6 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $134.7 $152.6 $178.0 $215.8 $229.7 $274.1 $7.1 $8.0 $9.4 $9.4 $9.4 $9.4 $135.0 $141.8 $160.6 $187.3 $225.2 $239.1 $283.4 $135.0 $135.0 $135.0 $135.0 $135.0 $135.0 $135.0 $0.0 $6.8 $25.7 $52.4 $90.2 $104.1 $148.5 0 8,042 30,187 61,599 106,102 122,498 174,651 $6.7 Less Existing Competition: @ 225,038 sf GLA $600 /sf GLA Residual Sales Demand Warranted sf GLA: @ $850 /sf GLA * Base year shares from consumer telephone survey ** Base year inflow adjusted from licence plate surveys. *** Assume future inflow @ 5% until 2021 and declining in percentage terms thereafter. FEBRUARY 28, 2011 TABLE 12 FASHION & ACCESSORIES SHARE OF "NFSR" (GAFO / DRUG) & "HI" DEMANDS & RESIDUAL SPACE Trade Area Zone 1 - Barrie Expenditure Potential ($ m's) Fashion & Accessories Share of NFSR + HI * @ 16.0% @ 15.5% Local Capture * @ 87.4% @ 87.5% Zone 2 - Innisfil + Essa + Springwater + Oro-Medonte Expenditure Potential ($ m's) Fashion & Accessories Share of NFSR + HI * @ 14.0% @ 14.0% Local Capture * @ 74.7% @ 75.0% Zone 3 - Adjala-Tosorontio + New Tecumseth + Bradford W-G Expenditure Potential ($ m's) Drug & Personal Care Share of NFSR + HI * @ 14.0% @ 14.0% Local Capture * @ 8.6% @ 8.5% Zone 4 - Clearview + Collingwood + Wasaga Beach + Blue Mt. Expenditure Potential ($ m's) Fashion & Accessories Share of NFSR + HI * @ 13.5% @ 13.5% Local Capture * @ 41.9% @ 42.0% 2009 2011 2016 2021 2031 2036 2051 $688.3 $724.1 $811.6 $964.3 $1,191.2 $1,285.9 $1,588.2 $112.2 $125.8 $149.5 $184.6 $199.3 $246.2 $98.2 $110.1 $130.8 $161.6 $174.4 $215.4 $533.6 $621.9 $685.8 $782.3 $794.3 $830.5 $74.7 $87.1 $96.0 $109.5 $111.2 $116.3 $56.0 $65.3 $72.0 $82.1 $83.4 $87.2 $429.1 $528.9 $610.5 $747.0 $764.1 $815.3 $60.1 $74.0 $85.5 $104.6 $107.0 $114.1 $5.1 $6.3 $7.3 $8.9 $9.1 $9.7 $317.9 $371.1 $410.0 $468.8 $476.2 $498.3 $42.9 $50.1 $55.3 $63.3 $64.3 $67.3 $18.0 $21.0 $23.2 $26.6 $27.0 $28.3 $249.5 $278.8 $296.2 $316.7 $319.3 $327.0 $37.4 $41.8 $44.4 $47.5 $47.9 $49.0 $11.8 $13.2 $14.0 $15.0 $15.1 $15.4 $284.6 $324.9 $352.0 $389.7 $394.4 $408.5 $42.7 $48.7 $52.8 $58.5 $59.2 $61.3 $12.0 $13.6 $14.8 $16.4 $16.6 $17.2 $110.1 $96.3 $501.0 $70.1 $52.4 $392.5 $55.0 $4.7 $298.2 $40.3 $16.9 Zone 5 - Tay + Tiny + Christian Is. I.R. + Midland + Penetanguishene. Expenditure Potential ($ m's) $238.6 Fashion & Accessories Share of NFSR + HI * @ 15.0% $35.8 @ 15.0% Local Capture * @ 31.6% $11.3 @ 31.5% Zone 6 - Orillia + Ramara + Rama I.R. + Severn. Expenditure Potential ($ m's) Fashion & Accessories Share of NFSR + HI * @ 15.0% @ 15.0% Local Capture * @ 27.9% @ 28.0% $269.6 $40.4 $11.3 FEBRUARY 28, 2011 TABLE 12, CONTINUED FASHION & ACCESSORIES SHARE OF "NFSR" (GAFO / DRUG) & "HI" DEMANDS & RESIDUAL SPACE Trade Area 2009 2011 2016 Peripheral Zone 7 - Bracebridge + Georgian Bay + Gravenhurst + Huntsville + Muskoka Lakes. Expenditure Potential ($ m's) $289.0 $305.4 $349.7 Fashion & Accessories Share of NFSR + HI * @ 15.0% $43.4 @ 15.0% $45.8 $52.5 Local Capture * @ 49.1% $21.3 @ 46.5% $21.3 $24.4 Peripheral Zone 8 - Parry Sound + Archipelago + Carling + McDougall + McKeller + Parry Is. I.R. Expenditure Potential ($ m's) $90.0 $94.0 $105.0 Fashion & Accessories Share of NFSR + HI * @ 14.0% $12.6 @ 14.0% $13.2 $14.7 Local Capture * @ 10.1% $1.3 @ 10.0% $1.3 $1.5 Barrie Local Share Without Inflow $215.4 Plus Inflow ** @ @ $17.5 7.5% 7.5% *** Total Potential Barrie Local Capture 2021 2031 2036 2051 $379.8 $422.3 $427.6 $443.5 $57.0 $63.3 $64.1 $66.5 $26.5 $29.5 $29.8 $30.9 $111.4 $119.0 $119.9 $122.8 $15.6 $16.7 $16.8 $17.2 $1.6 $1.7 $1.7 $1.7 $223.7 $255.4 $290.1 $341.6 $357.1 $405.8 $18.1 $20.7 $23.5 $23.5 $23.5 $23.5 $232.9 $241.9 $276.1 $313.7 $365.1 $380.6 $429.3 $232.9 $232.9 $232.9 $232.9 $232.9 $232.9 $232.9 $0.0 $9.0 $43.3 $80.8 $132.3 $147.7 $196.5 0 20,033 96,112 179,553 293,957 328,260 436,643 Less Existing Competition: @ 507,731 sf GLA $459 /sf GLA Residual Sales Demand Warranted sf GLA: @ $450 /sf GLA * Base year shares from consumer telephone survey ** Base year inflow adjusted from licence plate surveys. *** Assume future inflow @ 5% until 2021 and declining in percentage terms thereafter. FEBRUARY 28, 2011 TABLE 13 HOME FURNISHINGS SHARE OF "NFSR" (GAFO / DRUG) & "HI" DEMANDS & RESIDUAL SPACE Trade Area Zone 1 - Barrie Expenditure Potential ($ m's) Home Furnishings Share of NFSR + HI * @ 16.5% @ 17.0% Local Capture * @ 82.5% @ 85.0% Zone 2 - Innisfil + Essa + Springwater + Oro-Medonte Expenditure Potential ($ m's) Home Furnishings Share of NFSR + HI * @ 13.5% @ 13.5% Local Capture * @ 79.8% @ 82.5% Zone 3 - Adjala-Tosorontio + New Tecumseth + Bradford W-G Expenditure Potential ($ m's) Home Furnishings Share of NFSR + HI * @ 17.0% @ 17.0% Local Capture * @ 43.1% @ 42.5% Zone 4 - Clearview + Collingwood + Wasaga Beach + Blue Mt. Expenditure Potential ($ m's) Home Furnishings Share of NFSR + HI * @ 15.5% @ 15.5% Local Capture * @ 66.1% @ 65.0% 2009 2011 2016 2021 2031 2036 2051 $688.3 $724.1 $811.6 $964.3 $1,191.2 $1,285.9 $1,588.2 $123.1 $138.0 $163.9 $202.5 $218.6 $270.0 $104.6 $117.3 $139.3 $172.1 $185.8 $229.5 $533.6 $621.9 $685.8 $782.3 $794.3 $830.5 $72.0 $84.0 $92.6 $105.6 $107.2 $112.1 $59.4 $69.3 $76.4 $87.1 $88.5 $92.5 $429.1 $528.9 $610.5 $747.0 $764.1 $815.3 $73.0 $89.9 $103.8 $127.0 $129.9 $138.6 $31.0 $38.2 $44.1 $54.0 $55.2 $58.9 $317.9 $371.1 $410.0 $468.8 $476.2 $498.3 $49.3 $57.5 $63.5 $72.7 $73.8 $77.2 $32.0 $37.4 $41.3 $47.2 $48.0 $50.2 $249.5 $278.8 $296.2 $316.7 $319.3 $327.0 $39.9 $44.6 $47.4 $50.7 $51.1 $52.3 $19.0 $21.2 $22.5 $24.1 $24.3 $24.9 $284.6 $324.9 $352.0 $389.7 $394.4 $408.5 $45.5 $52.0 $56.3 $62.4 $63.1 $65.4 $12.7 $14.6 $15.8 $17.5 $17.7 $18.3 $113.6 $93.7 $501.0 $67.6 $54.0 $392.5 $66.7 $28.8 $298.2 $46.2 $30.6 Zone 5 - Tay + Tiny + Christian Is. I.R. + Midland + Penetanguishene. Expenditure Potential ($ m's) $238.6 Home Furnishings Share of NFSR + HI * @ 16.0% $38.2 @ 16.0% Local Capture * @ 47.5% $18.1 @ 47.5% Zone 6 - Orillia + Ramara + Rama I.R. + Severn. Expenditure Potential ($ m's) Home Furnishings Share of NFSR + HI * @ 16.0% @ 16.0% Local Capture * @ 42.3% @ 28.0% $269.6 $43.1 $18.2 FEBRUARY 28, 2011 TABLE 13, CONTINUED HOME FURNISHINGS SHARE OF "NFSR" (GAFO / DRUG) & "HI" DEMANDS & RESIDUAL SPACE Trade Area 2009 2011 2016 Peripheral Zone 7 - Bracebridge + Georgian Bay + Gravenhurst + Huntsville + Muskoka Lakes. Expenditure Potential ($ m's) $289.0 $305.4 $349.7 Home Furnishings Share of NFSR + HI * @ 17.0% $49.1 @ 17.0% $51.9 $59.5 Local Capture * @ 24.1% $11.8 @ 25.0% $13.0 $14.9 Peripheral Zone 8 - Parry Sound + Archipelago + Carling + McDougall + McKeller + Parry Is. I.R. Expenditure Potential ($ m's) $90.0 $94.0 $105.0 Home Furnishings Share of NFSR + HI * @ 16.0% $14.4 @ 16.0% $15.0 $16.8 Local Capture * @ 0.5% $0.1 @ 0.5% $0.1 $0.1 Barrie Local Share Without Inflow $255.3 Plus Inflow ** @ @ $13.4 5.0% 5.0% *** Total Potential Barrie Local Capture 2021 2031 2036 2051 $379.8 $422.3 $427.6 $443.5 $64.6 $71.8 $72.7 $75.4 $16.1 $17.9 $18.2 $18.8 $111.4 $119.0 $119.9 $122.8 $17.8 $19.0 $19.2 $19.6 $0.1 $0.1 $0.1 $0.1 $271.9 $312.8 $355.6 $420.0 $437.7 $493.2 $14.3 $16.5 $18.7 $18.7 $18.7 $18.7 $268.7 $286.2 $329.3 $374.4 $438.7 $456.4 $511.9 $268.7 $268.7 $268.7 $268.7 $268.7 $268.7 $268.7 $0.0 $17.5 $60.6 $105.7 $170.0 $187.7 $243.2 0 43,661 151,496 264,130 425,085 469,180 608,031 Less Existing Competition: @ 653,300 sf GLA $411 /sf GLA Residual Sales Demand Warranted sf GLA: @ $400 /sf GLA * Base year shares from consumer telephone survey ** Base year inflow adjusted from licence plate surveys. *** Assume future inflow @ 5% until 2021 and declining in percentage terms thereafter. FEBRUARY 28, 2011 TABLE 14 OTHER NON-DEPARTMENT STORE SHARE OF "NFSR" (GAFO / DRUG) & "HI" DEMANDS & RESIDUAL SPACE Trade Area Zone 1 - Barrie Expenditure Potential ($ m's) Other Non-Dep't Store Share of NFSR + HI * @ 13.5% @ 12.5% Local Capture * @ 91.5% @ 92.5% Zone 2 - Innisfil + Essa + Springwater + Oro-Medonte Expenditure Potential ($ m's) Other Non-Dep't Store Share of NFSR + HI * @ 15.0% @ 15.0% Local Capture * @ 81.8% @ 82.5% Zone 3 - Adjala-Tosorontio + New Tecumseth + Bradford W-G Expenditure Potential ($ m's) Other Non-Dep't Store Share of NFSR + HI * @ 11.0% @ 11.0% Local Capture * @ 34.5% @ 35.0% Zone 4 - Clearview + Collingwood + Wasaga Beach + Blue Mt. Expenditure Potential ($ m's) Other Non-Dep't Store Share of NFSR + HI * @ 10.0% @ 10.0% Local Capture * @ 44.1% @ 45.0% 2009 2011 2016 2021 2031 2036 2051 $688.3 $724.1 $811.6 $964.3 $1,191.2 $1,285.9 $1,588.2 $90.5 $101.5 $120.5 $148.9 $160.7 $198.5 $83.7 $93.8 $111.5 $137.7 $148.7 $183.6 $533.6 $621.9 $685.8 $782.3 $794.3 $830.5 $80.0 $93.3 $102.9 $117.3 $119.1 $124.6 $66.0 $77.0 $84.9 $96.8 $98.3 $102.8 $429.1 $528.9 $610.5 $747.0 $764.1 $815.3 $47.2 $58.2 $67.2 $82.2 $84.1 $89.7 $16.5 $20.4 $23.5 $28.8 $29.4 $31.4 $317.9 $371.1 $410.0 $468.8 $476.2 $498.3 $31.8 $37.1 $41.0 $46.9 $47.6 $49.8 $14.3 $16.7 $18.4 $21.1 $21.4 $22.4 $249.5 $278.8 $296.2 $316.7 $319.3 $327.0 $27.4 $30.7 $32.6 $34.8 $35.1 $36.0 $11.8 $13.2 $14.0 $15.0 $15.1 $15.5 $284.6 $324.9 $352.0 $389.7 $394.4 $408.5 $31.3 $35.7 $38.7 $42.9 $43.4 $44.9 $7.0 $8.0 $8.7 $9.6 $9.8 $10.1 $92.9 $85.0 $501.0 $75.2 $61.5 $392.5 $43.2 $14.9 $298.2 $29.8 $13.2 Zone 5 - Tay + Tiny + Christian Is. I.R. + Midland + Penetanguishene. Expenditure Potential ($ m's) $238.6 Other Non-Dep't Store Share of NFSR + HI * @ 11.0% $26.2 @ 11.0% Local Capture * @ 42.8% $11.2 @ 43.0% Zone 6 - Orillia + Ramara + Rama I.R. + Severn. Expenditure Potential ($ m's) Other Non-Dep't Store Share of NFSR + HI * @ 11.0% @ 11.0% Local Capture * @ 22.2% @ 22.5% $269.6 $29.7 $6.6 FEBRUARY 28, 2011 TABLE 14, CONTINUED OTHER NON-DEPARTMENT STORE SHARE OF "NFSR" (GAFO / DRUG) & "HI" DEMANDS & RESIDUAL SPACE Trade Area 2009 2011 2016 Peripheral Zone 7 - Bracebridge + Georgian Bay + Gravenhurst + Huntsville + Muskoka Lakes. Expenditure Potential ($ m's) $289.0 $305.4 $349.7 Other Non-Dep't Store Share of NFSR + HI * @ 11.0% $31.8 @ 11.0% $33.6 $38.5 Local Capture * @ 14.4% $4.6 @ 14.5% $4.9 $5.6 Peripheral Zone 8 - Parry Sound + Archipelago + Carling + McDougall + McKeller + Parry Is. I.R. Expenditure Potential ($ m's) $90.0 $94.0 $105.0 Other Non-Dep't Store Share of NFSR + HI * @ 11.0% $9.9 @ 11.0% $10.3 $11.6 Local Capture * @ 27.2% $2.7 @ 27.0% $2.8 $3.1 Barrie Local Share Without Inflow $199.6 Plus Inflow ** @ @ $23.4 10.5% 10.5% *** Total Potential Barrie Local Capture 2021 2031 2036 2051 $379.8 $422.3 $427.6 $443.5 $41.8 $46.5 $47.0 $48.8 $6.1 $6.7 $6.8 $7.1 $111.4 $119.0 $119.9 $122.8 $12.3 $13.1 $13.2 $13.5 $3.3 $3.5 $3.6 $3.6 $207.1 $237.8 $270.4 $319.3 $333.1 $376.5 $24.3 $27.9 $31.7 $31.7 $31.7 $31.7 $223.1 $231.4 $265.7 $302.1 $351.0 $364.8 $408.2 $223.1 $223.1 $223.1 $223.1 $223.1 $223.1 $223.1 $0.0 $8.3 $42.6 $79.1 $128.0 $141.7 $185.2 0 23,838 121,830 225,937 365,594 404,975 529,129 Less Existing Competition: 694,154 sf GLA @ $321 /sf GLA Residual Sales Demand Warranted sf GLA: @ $350 /sf GLA * Base year shares from consumer telephone survey ** Base year inflow adjusted from licence plate surveys. *** Assume future inflow @ 10.5% until 2021 and declining in percentage terms thereafter. FEBRUARY 28, 2011 TABLE 15 HOME IMPROVEMENT ("HI") SHARE OF "NFSR" (GAFO / DRUG) & "HI" DEMANDS & RESIDUAL SPACE Trade Area Zone 1 - Barrie Expenditure Potential ($ m's) Home Improvement Share of NFSR + HI * @ 10.0% @ 10.0% Local Capture * @ 90.7% @ 92.5% Zone 2 - Innisfil + Essa + Springwater + Oro-Medonte Expenditure Potential ($ m's) Home Improvement Share of NFSR + HI * @ 12.0% @ 12.0% Local Capture * @ 79.3% @ 80.0% Zone 3 - Adjala-Tosorontio + New Tecumseth + Bradford W-G Expenditure Potential ($ m's) Home Improvement Share of NFSR + HI * @ 10.0% @ 10.0% Local Capture * @ 9.6% @ 10.0% Zone 4 - Clearview + Collingwood + Wasaga Beach + Blue Mt. Expenditure Potential ($ m's) Home Improvement Share of NFSR + HI * @ 11.5% @ 11.5% Local Capture * @ 77.9% @ 78.0% 2009 2011 2016 2021 2031 2036 2051 $688.3 $724.1 $811.6 $964.3 $1,191.2 $1,285.9 $1,588.2 $72.4 $81.2 $96.4 $119.1 $128.6 $158.8 $67.0 $75.1 $89.2 $110.2 $118.9 $146.9 $533.6 $621.9 $685.8 $782.3 $794.3 $830.5 $64.0 $74.6 $82.3 $93.9 $95.3 $99.7 $51.2 $59.7 $65.8 $75.1 $76.3 $79.7 $429.1 $528.9 $610.5 $747.0 $764.1 $815.3 $42.9 $52.9 $61.1 $74.7 $76.4 $81.5 $4.3 $5.3 $6.1 $7.5 $7.6 $8.2 $317.9 $371.1 $410.0 $468.8 $476.2 $498.3 $36.6 $42.7 $47.1 $53.9 $54.8 $57.3 $28.5 $33.3 $36.8 $42.1 $42.7 $44.7 $249.5 $278.8 $296.2 $316.7 $319.3 $327.0 $28.7 $32.1 $34.1 $36.4 $36.7 $37.6 $3.2 $3.5 $3.7 $4.0 $4.0 $4.1 $284.6 $324.9 $352.0 $389.7 $394.4 $408.5 $32.7 $37.4 $40.5 $44.8 $45.4 $47.0 $10.5 $12.0 $13.0 $14.3 $14.5 $15.0 $68.8 $62.4 $501.0 $60.1 $47.7 $392.5 $39.3 $3.8 $298.2 $34.3 $26.7 Zone 5 - Tay + Tiny + Christian Is. I.R. + Midland + Penetanguishene. Expenditure Potential ($ m's) $238.6 Home Improvement Share of NFSR + HI * @ 11.0% $26.2 @ 11.5% Local Capture * @ 11.1% $2.9 @ 11.0% Zone 6 - Orillia + Ramara + Rama I.R. + Severn. Expenditure Potential ($ m's) Home Improvement Share of NFSR + HI * @ 11.5% @ 11.5% Local Capture * @ 31.8% @ 32.0% $269.6 $31.0 $9.9 FEBRUARY 28, 2011 TABLE 15, CONTINUED HOME IMPROVEMENT ("HI") SHARE OF "NFSR" (GAFO / DRUG) & "HI" DEMANDS & RESIDUAL SPACE Trade Area 2009 2011 2016 Peripheral Zone 7 - Bracebridge + Georgian Bay + Gravenhurst + Huntsville + Muskoka Lakes. Expenditure Potential ($ m's) $289.0 $305.4 $349.7 Home Improvement Share of NFSR + HI * @ 11.5% $33.2 @ 11.5% $35.1 $40.2 Local Capture * @ 2.9% $1.0 @ 3.0% $1.1 $1.2 Peripheral Zone 8 - Parry Sound + Archipelago + Carling + McDougall + McKeller + Parry Is. I.R. Expenditure Potential ($ m's) $90.0 $94.0 $105.0 Home Improvement Share of NFSR + HI * @ 14.0% $12.6 @ 14.0% $13.2 $14.7 Local Capture * @ 0.9% $0.1 @ 1.0% $0.1 $0.1 Barrie Local Share Without Inflow $154.4 Plus Inflow ** @ @ $19.1 11.0% 11.0% *** Total Potential Barrie Local Capture 2021 2031 2036 2051 $379.8 $422.3 $427.6 $443.5 $43.7 $48.6 $49.2 $51.0 $1.3 $1.5 $1.5 $1.5 $111.4 $119.0 $119.9 $122.8 $15.6 $16.7 $16.8 $17.2 $0.2 $0.2 $0.2 $0.2 $165.8 $190.2 $216.1 $254.8 $265.8 $300.4 $20.5 $23.5 $26.7 $26.7 $26.7 $26.7 $173.5 $186.3 $213.7 $242.8 $281.5 $292.5 $327.1 $173.5 $173.5 $173.5 $173.5 $173.5 $173.5 $173.5 $0.0 $12.8 $40.2 $69.3 $108.0 $118.9 $153.5 0 42,655 133,923 230,870 359,851 396,436 511,798 Less Existing Competition: 580,782 sf GLA @ $299 /sf GLA Residual Sales Demand Warranted sf GLA: @ $300 /sf GLA * Base year shares from consumer telephone survey ** Base year inflow adjusted from licence plate surveys. *** Assume future inflow @ 11.0% until 2021 and declining in percentage terms thereafter. FEBRUARY 28, 2011 TABLE 16 ZONE 1 SUPERMARKET / GROCERY DEMANDS & RESIDUAL SPACE Trade Area Zone 1 - Barrie Expenditure Potential ($ m's) Supermarket Share @ 87.5% @ 88.5% Local Capture * @ 90.0% @ 90.0% 2009 2011 2016 2021 2031 2036 2051 $288.6 $297.6 $317.5 $372.5 $460.2 $496.8 $613.6 $263.4 $281.0 $329.7 $407.3 $439.7 $543.0 $237.1 $252.9 $296.7 $366.6 $395.7 $488.7 $237.1 $252.9 $296.7 $366.6 $395.7 $488.7 $101.6 $108.4 $127.2 $127.2 $127.2 $127.2 $252.5 $227.3 Barrie Local Share Without Inflow $227.3 Plus Inflow ** @ @ $97.4 30.0% 30.0% *** Total Potential Barrie Local Capture $324.7 $338.7 $361.3 $423.9 $493.7 $522.9 $615.9 Less Existing Competition @ 642,090 sf GLA $506 /sf GLA $324.7 $324.7 $324.7 $324.7 $324.7 $324.7 $324.7 $0.0 $14.0 $36.6 $99.2 $169.1 $198.2 $291.2 0 0 0 29,508 28,033 26,698 77,064 73,211 69,724 208,934 198,487 189,035 355,922 338,126 322,025 417,290 396,425 377,548 613,152 582,494 554,756 Residual Sales Demand Warranted sf GLA: @ $475 per sf GLA @ $500 per sf GLA @ $525 per sf GLA * ** *** Base year estimate from consumer telephone survey. Estimated from licence plate surveys and floorspace inventory. Assume inflow @ 30.0% until 2021 and declining in percentage terms thereafter. FEBRUARY 28, 2011 TABLE 17 ZONE 1 SPECIALTY FOOD DEMANDS & RESIDUAL SPACE Trade Area Zone 1 - Barrie Expenditure Potential ($ m's) Specialty Food Share @ 12.5% @ 11.5% Local Specialty Food Capture * @ 80.0% @ 85.0% 2009 2011 2016 2021 2031 2036 2051 $288.6 $297.6 $317.5 $372.5 $460.2 $496.8 $613.6 $34.2 $36.5 $42.8 $52.9 $57.1 $70.6 $29.1 $31.0 $36.4 $45.0 $48.6 $60.0 $29.1 $31.0 $36.4 $45.0 $48.6 $60.0 $9.7 $10.3 $12.1 $12.1 $12.1 $12.1 $36.1 $28.9 Barrie Local Share Without Inflow $28.9 Plus Inflow ** @ @ $9.6 25.0% 25.0% *** Total Potential Barrie Local Capture $38.5 $38.8 $41.4 $48.6 $57.1 $60.7 $72.1 Less Existing Competition @ 142,999 sf GLA @ $269 /sf GLA $38.5 $38.5 $38.5 $38.5 $38.5 $38.5 $38.5 Residual Sales Demand $0.0 $0.31 $2.90 $10.1 $18.6 $22.2 $33.6 0 0 0 1,399 1,259 1,144 12,898 11,608 10,553 44,786 40,307 36,643 82,869 74,582 67,802 98,768 88,891 80,810 149,513 134,562 122,329 Warranted sf GLA: @ $225 per sf GLA @ $250 per sf GLA @ $275 per sf GLA * From consumer telephone survey. ** Base year inflow = consultant judgment. *** Assume inflow @ 25% until 2021 and declining in percentage terms thereafter. FEBRUARY 28, 2011 TABLE 18 ZONE 1 PERSONAL SERVICE DEMANDS & RESIDUAL SPACE Trade Area Zone 1 - Barrie Expenditure Potential ($ m's) Local Capture @ 90.0% * @ 91.5% * Barrie Local Share Without Inflow 2009 2011 2016 2021 2031 2036 2051 $35.5 $36.6 $39.0 $45.8 $56.6 $61.1 $75.5 $33.5 $35.7 $41.9 $51.8 $55.9 $69.0 $33.5 $35.7 $41.9 $51.8 $55.9 $69.0 $11.2 $11.9 $14.0 $14.0 $14.0 $14.0 $31.9 $31.9 Plus Inflow @ @ 25.0% * 25.0% ** $10.6 Total Potential Barrie Local Capture $42.6 $44.7 $47.6 $55.9 $65.8 $69.9 $83.0 Less Existing Competition @ 196,940 sf GLA @ $216 /sf GLA $42.6 $42.6 $42.6 $42.6 $42.6 $42.6 $42.6 Residual Sales Demand $0.0 $2.1 $5.0 $13.3 $23.2 $27.3 $40.4 0 0 0 10,343 9,193 8,274 25,234 22,430 20,187 66,526 59,134 53,221 115,840 102,969 92,672 136,428 121,269 109,142 202,139 179,679 161,711 Warranted sf GLA: @ $200 per sf GLA @ $225 per sf GLA @ $250 per sf GLA * Consultant estimate. ** Assume inflow @ 25% until 2sf per capita FEBRUARY 28, 2011 TABLE 19 ZONE 1 RESTAURANT DEMANDS & RESIDUAL SPACE Trade Area Zone 1 - Barrie Expenditure Potential ($ m's) Local Capture @ 90.0% * @ 90.0% * Barrie Local Share Without Inflow 2009 2011 2016 2021 2031 2036 2051 $101.6 $104.3 $109.9 $128.9 $159.3 $171.9 $212.3 $93.9 $98.9 $116.0 $143.3 $154.7 $191.1 $93.9 $98.9 $116.0 $143.3 $154.7 $191.1 $62.6 $65.9 $77.4 $77.4 $77.4 $77.4 $91.5 $91.5 Plus Inflow @ @ 40.0% * 40.0% ** $61.0 Total Potential Barrie Local Capture $152.4 $156.4 $164.8 $193.4 $220.7 $232.1 $268.5 Less Existing Competition @ 690,185 sf GLA @ $221 /sf GLA $152.4 $152.4 $152.4 $152.4 $152.4 $152.4 $152.4 $0.0 $4.0 $12.4 $40.9 $68.3 $79.6 $116.0 0 0 0 20,016 17,792 16,013 61,861 54,988 49,489 204,742 181,992 163,793 341,251 303,334 273,001 398,244 353,994 318,595 580,143 515,682 464,114 Residual Sales Demand Warranted sf GLA: @ $200 per sf GLA @ $225 per sf GLA @ $250 per sf GLA * Consultant estimate. ** Assume inflow @ 40% until 2011 and declining in percentage terms thereafter. FEBRUARY 28, 2011 TABLE 20 ZONE 1 LIQUOR/BEER/WINE DEMANDS & RESIDUAL SPACE Trade Area Zone 1 - Barrie Expenditure Potential ($ m's) Local Capture @ 80.0% * @ 80.0% * Barrie Local Share Without Inflow 2009 2011 2016 2021 2031 2036 2051 $35.5 $36.4 $38.4 $45.0 $55.6 $60.0 $74.1 $29.1 $30.7 $36.0 $44.5 $48.0 $59.3 $29.1 $30.7 $36.0 $44.5 $48.0 $59.3 $23.8 $25.1 $29.5 $29.5 $29.5 $29.5 $28.4 $28.4 Plus Inflow @ @ 45.0% * 45.0% ** $23.2 Total Potential Barrie Local Capture $51.6 $53.0 $55.8 $65.5 $74.0 $77.5 $88.8 Less Existing Competition @ 90,532 sf GLA @ $570 /sf GLA $51.6 $51.6 $51.6 $51.6 $51.6 $51.6 $51.6 Residual Sales Demand $0.0 $1.4 $4.2 $13.9 $22.3 $25.9 $37.2 0 0 0 2,465 2,259 2,085 7,617 6,982 6,445 25,210 23,109 21,331 40,617 37,232 34,368 47,050 43,129 39,811 67,580 61,949 57,183 Warranted sf GLA: @ $550 per sf GLA @ $600 per sf GLA @ $650 per sf GLA * Consultant estimate. ** Assume inflow @ 25% until 2021 and declining in percentage terms thereafter. FEBRUARY 28, 2011 TABLE 21 ZONE 1 (BARRIE) SUMMARY DEMANDS & RESIDUAL SPACE Sq. Ft. 2009 Sq. Ft. 2011 Sq. Ft. 2016 Sq. Ft. 2021 Sq. Ft. 2031 Sq. Ft. 2036 Sq. Ft. 2051 Department Store Space @ $500 /sf GLA 0 75,129 169,633 279,059 419,761 463,497 601,865 Other General Merchandise NFSR Space @ $415 /sf GLA 0 1,817 85,456 170,069 282,328 312,112 405,782 Drug & Personal Care NFSR Space @ $850 /sf GLA 0 8,042 30,187 61,599 106,102 122,498 174,651 Fashion & Accessories NFSR Space @ $450 /sf GLA 0 20,033 96,112 179,553 293,957 328,260 436,643 Home Furnishings NFSR Space @ $400 /sf GLA 0 43,661 151,496 264,130 425,085 469,180 608,031 Other Non-Dep't Store NFSR Space @ $350 /sf GLA 0 23,838 121,830 225,937 365,594 404,975 529,129 Home Improvement NFSR Space @ $300 /sf GLA 0 42,655 133,923 230,870 359,851 396,436 511,798 Supermarket FSR Space @ $500 /sf GLA 0 28,033 73,211 198,487 338,126 396,425 582,494 Specialty Food FSR Space @ $250 /sf GLA 0 1,259 11,608 40,307 74,582 88,891 134,562 Personal Service Space @ $225 /sf GLA 0 9,193 22,430 59,134 102,969 121,269 179,679 Restaurant Space @ $225 /sf GLA 0 17,792 54,988 181,992 303,334 353,994 515,682 Liquor / Beer / Wine Space @ $600 /sf GLA 0 2,259 6,982 23,109 37,232 43,129 61,949 TOTAL RETAIL & SELECTED COMMERCIAL Mid Range 0 273,709 957,855 1,914,247 3,108,920 3,500,667 4,742,264 Trade Area FEBRUARY 28, 2011 TABLE 21, CONTINUED ZONE 1 (BARRIE) SUMMARY DEMANDS & RESIDUAL SPACE PER CAPITA SPACE RATIOS AND WARRANTED SPACE BASED ON CUMULATIVE POPULATION GROWTH Pop'n 2009 138,080 Zone 1 - Barrie Population Projection Cumulative Growth Other Service Space @ 0.9 sf per capita Financial Institution Space @ 1.0 sf per capita Local Office Space @ 5.0 sf per capita * Total Warranted Space Based on Per Capita Ratios * Sq. Ft. 2009 0 0 0 0 Pop'n 2011 141,000 2,920 Pop'n 2016 146,700 8,620 Pop'n 2021 170,000 31,920 Pop'n 2031 210,000 71,920 Pop'n 2036 226,700 88,620 Pop'n 2051 280,000 141,920 Warranted Space Based on Per Capita Space Ratios Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. 2011 2016 2021 2031 2036 2,628 7,758 28,728 64,728 79,758 2,920 8,620 31,920 71,920 88,620 14,601 43,101 159,601 359,601 443,101 20,149 59,479 220,249 496,249 611,479 Sq. Ft. 2051 127,728 141,920 709,601 979,249 Includes Finance/Insurance/Real Estate (FIRE) + Services to Business Management (SBM) + Medical/Dental/Veterinary + Misc. Office. TOTAL RETAIL & SELECTED COMMERCIAL RESIDUALS PLUS WARRANTED OTHER SPACE BASED ON PER CAPITA SPACE RATIOS Mid Range 0 293,858 1,017,334 2,134,497 3,605,169 4,112,146 5,721,513 FEBRUARY 28, 2011 TABLE 22 COMPARISON OF SQUARE FOOTAGE DEMANDS AND POTENTIAL SUPPLY TABLE 22(a) "RETAIL & SELECTED COMMERCIAL" RESIDUAL DEMANDS + OTHER SPACE DEMANDS 2009 2011 2016 2021 2031 2036 2051 Total "Retail / Selected Commercial" Demands (Sq. Ft.) 0 293,858 1,017,334 2,134,497 3,605,169 4,112,146 5,721,513 Rounded "Retail / Selected Com'l" Demands (Sq. Ft.) 0 300,000 1,000,000 2,125,000 3,600,000 4,100,000 5,700,000 TABLE 22(b) VACANT DESIGNATED "COMMERCIAL" SQUARE FOOTAGE SUPPLY Square Footage Supply 2011 2016 2021 2031 2036 2051 67.5% Vacancy Uptake against 475,000 sf (rounded ) Vacant Designated Commercial Land Supply plus Employment Land Conversion (Ref: Table 23): 320,000 320,000 320,000 320,000 320,000 320,000 3,885,000 3,885,000 3,885,000 3,885,000 3,885,000 3,885,000 Subtotal Square Footage Supply 4,205,000 4,205,000 4,205,000 4,205,000 4,205,000 4,205,000 TABLE 22(c) VACANT DESIGNATED COMMERCIAL SUPPLY LESS RETAIL & SELECTED COMMERCIAL + OTHER DEMANDS Surplus (+) / Shortfall (-) of Supply Over Demand (Sq. Ft.) Additional Land Requirement (acres): @ 25.0% coverage (acres) Plus assumed 65.0 acres in Annexed Area (acres) (Ref: Table 25) 2011 2016 2021 2031 2036 2051 3,905,000 3,205,000 2,080,000 605,000 105,000 -1,495,000 Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres 358.6 294.3 191.0 55.6 9.6 -137.3 Surplus Surplus Surplus Surplus Equilibrium Required 423.6 359.3 256.0 120.6 74.6 -72.3 Surplus Surplus Surplus Surplus Surplus Required TABLE 23 VACANT DESIGNATED COMMERCIAL SUPPLY (GFA) PLUS EMPLOYMENT LAND CONVERSION GFA (sq ft) Commercial Designated GFA (based on site plans) - including Park Place Mixed Use Retail GFA (in UGC based on site plans) Other vacant designated commercial lands (net acres) GFA equivalent @25% coverage Employ't land conversion to com'l (316 Bryne Dr. @ 1.58 ha + 268 Essa Rd. @ 3.13 ha = 4.71 ha total = 11.64 acres ) GFA equivalent @25% coverage 1,940,117 33,293 164.0 1,786,002 11.6 126,745 Total Supply (GFA) 3,886,157 Rounded Total Supply (GFA) 3,885,000 FEBRUARY 28, 2011 TABLE 24 RETAIL & SELECTED COMMERCIAL SPACE REQUIREMENTS: CITY OF BARRIE ANNEXED LANDS TEST SCENARIO: SIX (6) CONVENIENCE COMMERCIAL CENTRES PLUS Columns 1 To 8 3 TWO (2) COMMUNITY CENTRE COMMERCIAL NODES 1 2 4 5 Selected Space Ratios in Sq. Ft. Per Capita 2009-2031 Demand @ 38,600 Unserved Population 3.0 1.3 4.3 115,800 50,180 165,980 -15.0% -10.0% -13.5% -17,370 -5,018 -22,388 25.0% 10.0% 20.5% 1.3 2.2 0.8 0.65 1.15 2.25 2.1 1.5 11.95 50,180 84,920 30,880 25,090 44,390 86,850 81,060 57,900 461,270 -100.0% -100.0% -15.0% -60.0% -30.0% -60.0% -70.0% -75.0% -69.5% -50,180 -84,920 -4,632 -15,054 -13,317 -52,110 -56,742 -43,425 -320,380 2.2 84,920 -60.0% 18.45 712,170 Restaurant Personal Services Other Services (e.g. pet grooming) Bank/Trust/Credit Union FIRE & SBM; Misc. Office Medical Dental (Health Care) Liquor/Beer/Wine Subtotal Selected Commercial 3.15 1.15 0.9 1.0 3.8 1.2 0.37 11.57 GRAND TOTAL Vacant 30.0 na 6 7 8 Net Inflow/ Outflow (%) Annexed Lands 28,950 5,018 33,968 10.0% 0.0% 7.0% 127,380 50,180 177,560 0.0% 0.0% 25.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 20.0% 15.0% 10.5% 0 0 7,720 2,509 4,439 8,685 16,212 8,685 48,250 -100.0% -100.0% 10.0% -50.0% -20.0% -50.0% -50.0% -60.0% -59.0% 0 0 33,970 12,545 35,515 43,425 40,530 23,160 189,145 -50,952 10.0% 8,492 -50.0% 42,460 -55.3% -393,720 12.7% 90,710 -42.5% 409,165 121,590 44,390 34,740 38,600 146,680 46,320 14,282 446,602 -70.0% -25.0% -25.0% -40.0% -55.0% -75.0% -20.0% -53.4% -85,113 -11,098 -8,685 -15,440 -80,674 -34,740 -2,856 -238,606 25.0% 10.0% 10.0% 15.0% 16.0% 20.0% 20.0% 17.9% 30,398 4,439 3,474 5,790 23,528 9,264 2,856 79,749 -45.0% -15.0% -15.0% -25.0% -39.0% -55.0% 0.0% -35.6% 66,875 37,730 29,530 28,950 89,530 20,840 14,280 287,735 1,158,772 na -54.6% -632,326 na 14.7% 170,459 na -40.0% 696,900 na City of Barrie Less Outflow (%) Sq. Ft. Plus Inflow (%) Sq. Ft. Warranted Space Sq. Ft. RETAIL & SELECTED COMMERCIAL SPACE Retail: FSR (Food Store Retail) Supermarket/Grocery Specialty Food Subtotal FSR NFSR (Non Food Store Retail) Major Department Store Promotional Department Store Pharmacies & Personal Care Stores Gen'l Merch. Incl. Sears CSO, Excl. HAAS Gen'l Merch. - Home & Auto Supply (HAAS) Apparel & Accessories Home Furnishings Other Specialty NFSR Subtotal NFSR Other Retail: Building / Hardware / Home Supply Subtotal Retail Selected Commercial: FEBRUARY 28, 2011 TABLE 25 RETAIL & SELECTED COMMERCIAL SPACE REQUIREMENTS: CITY OF BARRIE ANNEXED LANDS TEST SCENARIO: SIX (6) CONVENIENCE COMMERCIAL CENTRES PLUS Columns 1 To 6 TWO (2) COMMUNITY CENTRE COMMERCIAL NODES 1 2 3 4 5 6 Warranted Space Sq. Ft. GLA Convenience Commercial Centres (CCC's) Sq. Ft. GLA Community Centre Commercial Nodes Sq. Ft. GLA Special Commercial Node Sq. Ft. GLA Employment/ Other Commercial Node Sq. Ft. GLA TOTAL Sq. Ft. GLA Retail: FSR Supermarket / Grocery Specialty Food Subtotal FSR 127,380 50,180 177,560 17,380 28,180 45,560 110,000 15,000 125,000 0 5,000 5,000 0 2,000 2,000 127,380 50,180 177,560 NFSR Major Department Store Promotional Department Store Non-department Store NFSR Subtotal NFSR 0 0 189,145 189,145 0 0 74,145 74,145 0 0 110,000 110,000 0 0 5,000 5,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 189,145 189,145 Other Retail (Building / Hardware / Home Supply): Subtotal Other Retail 42,460 2,460 40,000 0 0 42,460 Subtotal Retail 409,165 122,165 275,000 0 0 409,165 Selected Commercial: Restaurant Personal and Other Services Bank/Trust/Credit Union FIRE & SBM; Misc. Office Medical Dental (Health Care) Liquor/Beer/Wine Subtotal Selected Commercial 66,875 67,260 28,950 89,530 20,840 14,280 287,735 32,875 40,760 13,450 70,530 10,840 1,280 169,735 26,000 26,000 15,000 10,000 10,000 13,000 100,000 4,000 500 500 0 0 0 5,000 4,000 0 0 9,000 0 0 13,000 66,875 67,260 28,950 89,530 20,840 14,280 287,735 GRAND TOTAL 696,900 291,900 375,000 15,000 15,000 696,900 6 2 1 1 10 26.8 34.4 1.4 1.4 64.0 RETAIL & SELECTED COMMERCIAL SPACE CATEGORY NUMBER OF CENTRES ACRES REQUIRED * Rounded * Assumes Retail Space at 25% coverage ±65.0 acres CAPTURE RATES: DEPARTMENT STORES CAPTURE RATES: HOME IMPROVEMENT 29 % 1% 0% 17 % 3% 22 % 1% 11 % 1% 19 % 32 % 79 % 45 % CAPTURE RATES: DRUG & PERSONAL CARE 2% 79 % 78 % 98 % 36 % 4% 91 % 19 % 10 % CAPTURE RATES: GENERAL MERCHANDISE 3% CAPTURE RATES: HOME FURNISHINGS TRADE AREA ZONES 11 % 1% MCKELLAR CARLING 17 % 93 % MCDOUGALL 8 ¬ « PARRY SOUND 24 % HUNTSVILLE SEGUIN ARCHIPELAGO 25 % 21 % Georgian Bay 7 ¬ « 87 % 65 % 48 % MUSKOKA LAKES 42 % 80 % BRACEBRIDGE GEORGIAN BAY 66 % 99 % GRAVENHURST 5 ¬ « 21 % PENETANGUISHENE 6 ¬ « SEVERN MIDLAND TINY TAY CAPTURE RATES: FASHION & ACCESSORIES 83 % ¬ « 43 % RAMARA ORILLIA 2 COLLINGWOODWASAGA BEACHSPRINGWATER BLUE MOUNTAINS 4 ¬ « CAPTURE RATES: OTHER SPECIALTY ORO-MEDONTE Lake Simcoe 1 ¬ « BARRIE CLEARVIEW 10 % ESSA 27 % INNISFIL ADJALA-TOSORONTIO NEW TECUMSETH 49 % Trade Area Zone Local & Regional 3 ¬ « BRADFORD WEST GWILLIMBURY 14 % Peripheral 32 % 43 % 28 % 75 % 42 % 87 % 9% Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5 Zone 6 Zone 7 Zone 8 Barrie. Innisfil + Essa + Springwater + Oro-Medonte. Adjala-Tosorontio + New Tecumseth + Bradford West Gwillimbury. Clearview + Collingwood + Wasaga Beach + Blue Mountain. Tay + Tiny + Christian Is. I.R. + Midland + Penetanguishene. Orillia + Ramara + Rama I.R. + Severn. Bracebridge + Georgian Bay + Gravenhurst + Huntsville + Muskoka Lakes. Parry Sound + Archipelago + Carling + McDougall + McKeller + Parry Is. I.R. 22 % 82 % 44 % 92 % 35 % FIGURE 1 CITY OF BARRIE TRADE AREA AND CAPTURE RATES IN ASSOCIATION WITH: W. Scott Morgan & Associates Limited Growth Management Strategy Phase 2 - Retail Commercial Study S NE TO GS LIV TE IN IE YF BA LD E DUCKWO RTH T ST RD S NT CE IN ES V ST S NE TO GS IN L ND CU PENETAN GUISHEN E RD ST LIV 2 ¬ 23.1% TW NE AN ST N L ND CU ES RD W A BL L WE L WE LIN ON GT ST Kempenfelt Bay BRADFORD ST ST S AVE BURTON N 7 ¬ ILL RD HU RS T PO BAY RD INT DR BIG E NG PO BAY RD INT ST 9 ¬ DR E OAD SIDER 6.8% EW LEVI MAP 20TH S IEW RD FAIRV DR DALE FERN 7.1% RD 4 ¬ ESS AR D IE HARV BIG 8 ¬ 0.7% H RD 17.3% LE ND AL M YO NIA RD HURO E LE AV LITT 5 ¬ TO L 7.6% IN ST TIFF G ARDA ST E LAKESH ORE 400 V U DR 12.5% LE DA RN FE 3 ¬ OP NL DU NE AN 6 ¬ 3.7% TW KE E ST 21.2% 1 ¬ W ST S OP NL DU ON GT LIN EW LEVI MAP DR 6.8% W Major Commercial Nodes and Share of Total City-Wide Vacancy VETE RAN'S TOWN LINE DR Developed Commercial Lands AD 27 TY RO COUN Node 1: Node 2: Node 3: Node 4: Node 5: Node 6: Node 7: Node 8: Node 9: 400 V U D EROA 5TH SID AD 27 TY RO COUN 10TH LINE 0 ¹ 0.5 km IN ASSOCIATION WITH: W. Scott Morgan & Associates Limited Downtown Barrie Bayfield St North of Highway 400 Cedar Pointe Dr/Dunlop St West of Highway 400 Highway 400 & Mapleview Dr Area West Barrie Other Locations Dunlop St & Area East of Highway 400 Burton Ave & Huronia Rd Area Yonge St & Big Bay Pointe Rd Area East Barrie Other Locations Vacant Space (Sq. Ft.) 100,800 109,644 59,249 33,966 82,045 17,521 36,200 3,300 32,350 City of Barrie Total 1 475,076 FIGURE 2 CITY OF BARRIE VACANT COMMERCIAL FLOOR SPACE BY MAJOR NODE Growth Management Strategy Phase 2 - Retail Commercial Study LIV S NE TO GS IN TE IE YF BA LD E DUCKWO RTH T ST S NT CE IN G IN RD V ST LIV ES PENETAN GUISHEN E RD ST L ND CU ES ON ST TW NE AN ST N L ND CU ES RD W A BL L WE L WE LIN ON GT LIN ON GT KE ST E ST W ST DUNLOP ST E H HIG SIM E CO ST S OP NL DU BRADFORD ST D O N AL D ST Kempenfelt Bay TW NE AN ST S LE DA RN FE DR N LAKESH ORE 400 V U TOLLENDAL MILL RD AVE BURTON BIG PO BAY RD INT IN ST TIFF NIA RD HURO HU RS T DR BIG PO BAY RD INT E LE AV LITT H RD YO NG ES T EW LEVI MAP DR E OAD SIDER IEW RD FAIRV S RD ESS AR D IE HARV EW LEVI MAP DR W VETE RAN'S TOWN DR LINE Vacant Designated Commercial Lands Developed Commercial Lands AD 27 TY RO COUN 400 V U D EROA 5TH SID AD 27 TY RO COUN 10TH City of Barrie Municipal Boundary LINE 0 ¹ 0.5 km IN ASSOCIATION WITH: W. Scott Morgan & Associates Limited 20TH DR DALE FERN G ARDA 1 FIGURE 3 CITY OF BARRIE DEVELOPED AND VACANT COMMERCIAL LANDS Growth Management Strategy Phase 2 - Retail Commercial Study TOWNSHIP OF SPRINGWATER PENETAN GUISHEN E NT CE IN LD WE O GT IN LL DUCKWO RTH V ST IE YF BA LIV E ON ST G IN S LE ND U C N A BL NE AN LE DA RN FE V U 400 KE Kempenfelt Bay BRADFORD OP NL DU TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE LAKESH ORE BURTON IN TIFF TOL L END AL M IL L PO BAY BIG HU RS T LE LITT INT I FA W P BAY BIG T O IN YO NG E L MAP E EVI W 20TH IE RV AG H ARD TOWN V IE HAR ESS A NIA HURO RAN'S VETE TOWN OF INNISFIL V U 400 5TH D2 ROA NTY COU H 10T 7 TOWNSHIP OF ESSA Commercial Absorption 2000-2009 IN ASSOCIATION WITH: W. Scott Morgan & Associates Limited 0 ¹ 1 2 km FIGURE 4 CITY OF BARRIE COMMERCIAL ABSORPTION 2000-2009 City of Barrie Growth Management Strategy Phase 2 - Retail Commercial Study APPENDIX A INCOME & EXPENDITURE DATA & TETRAD ANALYSES APPENDIX A–1 INCOME/EXPENDITURE INDEXING METHODOLOGY (REGRESSION ANALYSIS) (n) 1 2 3 4 5 All Classes Av. Per Capita Income of Income Quintile $10,749 $17,896 $21,019 $27,117 $45,699 $27,291 (x) Income 39.4 65.6 77.0 99.4 167.4 Per Capita Indexes (y1) NFSR 60.4 75.1 81.9 98.6 146.3 (y2) FSR 94.4 97.2 93.0 100.8 109.1 100 100 100 Source: Statistics Canada Survey of Household Spending, 2004 for NFSR & FSR. REGRESSION EQUATION y = a + bx where n = number of income classes where x = independent variable or Income Index where y = dependent variable or Expenditure Index b = n(∑xy) – (∑x) (∑y) n(∑x2) – (∑x)2 and a = ∑y – b(∑x) n INCOME/EXPENDITURE REGRESSION EQUATIONS NFSR Expenditure Index: FSR Expenditure Index: y1 = 32 + .68 (x) y2 = 88 + .12 (x) APPENDIX A-2 2009 ESTIMATES OF ONTARIO RETAIL SALES BY TRADE GROUP NAICS FSR (Food Store Retail) D 090 Supermarket & Grocery Stores Convenience & Specialty Food Stores TOTAL FSR Per Capita * Add back WMC food sales Per Capita * D 100 2009 Q.4 2009 Q.3 2009 Q.2 2009 Q.1 TOTAL 6,137.7 860.0 6,997.7 6,024.2 862.2 6,886.4 6,242.0 858.8 7,100.8 5,873.7 759.7 6,633.4 24,277.6 3,340.7 27,618.3 2009 Per Capita * = = = % % $1,858 $256 87.9% 87.9% 12.1% 12.1% $2,113 $130 $2,243 100.0% 100.0% % % NFSR (Non-Food Store Retail) "GAFO + DRUGS " (Formerly Department Store Type Merchandise) Furniture Stores 943.9 Home Furnishings Stores 658.0 Computer and software stores 103.6 Home electronics and appliance stores 1,525.5 Subtotal 3,231.0 934.1 569.6 87.7 1,136.3 2,727.7 802.5 512.2 94.8 961.4 2,370.9 731.6 436.3 101.6 932.1 2,201.6 3,412.1 2,176.1 387.7 4,555.3 10,531.2 $261 $167 $30 $349 $806 17.4% 15.1% E 120 Pharmacies and personal care stores 3,256.9 3,037.7 2,983.1 2,867.4 12,145.1 $929 20.0% 17.5% F 140 Clothing stores Shoe, clothing accessories, and jewellery stores Subtotal 2,234.6 717.2 2,951.8 1,690.9 538.9 2,229.8 1,709.1 533.2 2,242.3 1,330.6 409.8 1,740.4 6,965.2 2,199.1 9,164.3 $533 $168 $701 15.1% 13.2% Department stores (excluding concessions) ** Other general merchandise stores (incl. Can. Tire) Subtotal 3,391.1 2,618.9 6,010.0 2,390.5 2,445.3 4,835.8 2,434.6 2,525.3 4,959.9 1,931.0 1,954.1 3,885.1 10,147.2 9,543.6 19,690.8 $776 $730 $1,507 16.7% 14.6% Sporting goods, hobby, music and book stores Miscellaneious store retail (90%) Subtotal 1,177.1 1,103.9 2,281.0 929.3 950.9 1,880.2 834.3 910.8 1,745.1 809.3 803.2 1,612.5 3,750.0 3,768.8 7,518.8 $287 $288 $575 849.7 743.9 1,593.5 $65 $57 $122 7,156.3 1,733.0 8,889.3 $548 $133 $680 B 030 B 040 B 050 B 060 F 150 G 170 G 180 H 160 H 190 Tires 44131 Auto Parts & Accessories Subtotal 44132 "HI" Home Centres and hardware stores C 080 Specialized building materials and garden stores Subtotal C 070 1,825.4 413.6 2,239.0 2,057.5 498.0 2,555.5 1,220.2 310.1 1,530.3 TOTAL NFSR = "GAFO + DRUG" Per Capita (Subtract est'd WMC food sales) ** Per Capita * 60,643.8 TOTAL NFSR + HI = "GAFO + DRUG" + "HI" Per Capita (Subtract est'd WMC food sales) ** Per Capita * 69,533.1 Dep't. Store Share of "GAFO + DRUG" Dep't. Store Share of "GAFO + DRUG" less WMC @ $130 per capita Dep't. Store Share of NFSR + HI Dep't. Store Share of NFSR + HI less WMC @ $130 per capita * 2,053.2 511.3 2,564.5 = = = = = $4,640 $130 $4,510 = $5,320 $130 $5,190 $776/$4640 = $776/$4510 = $776/$5320 = $776/$5190 = 13.7% 32.5% 28.3% 12.4% 10.8% 1.4% 1.2% 1.2% 1.1% 2.6% 2.3% 10.3% 2.5% 12.8% 100.0% 16.7% 17.2% 14.6% 15.0% Per Capita @ 13,069,182 persons (per July - September 2009 estimate from Statistics Canada Quarterly Demographic Statistics, including net undercoverage of non-permanent residents and returning Canadians (July to September, 2009, Cat. # 91-002-X, Table 1). Source: Retail Trade, Statistics Canada Cat. # 63-005, Table 3-7, December, 2009, with preliminary 4th quarter estimates. ** 15.7% Morgan estimate. 100.0% APPENDIX A-3 TRADE AREA INCOME AND EXPENDITURE INDEXES Trade Area Ontario 2001 2006 Pop'n Number HH's HH Income ($) Total HH Income ($ m's) Per Cap HH Income ($) Per Cap HH Income Index FSR Index Index Per. Serv. Index Rest. Index L/B/W Index 282,008 355,081 $24,716 $29,200 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 11,410,046 4,219,410 $66,836 12,160,280 4,554,250 $77,967 Zone 1 - Barrie 2001 2006 103,710 128,435 NFSR GAFO + Drug & HI 36,855 46,536 $63,151 $73,134 2,327.4 3,403.4 $22,442 $26,499 90.8 90.7 98.9 98.9 93.7 93.7 96.8 96.8 91.9 91.9 93.4 93.4 27,700 30,355 $68,796 $83,006 1,905.6 2,519.6 $23,855 $29,445 96.5 100.8 99.6 100.1 97.6 100.6 99.7 101.8 96.8 100.6 97.2 100.0 19,715 21,525 $72,832 $88,773 1,435.9 1,910.8 $24,566 $30,608 99.4 104.8 99.9 100.6 99.6 103.3 101.1 103.8 99.3 104.0 99.0 102.6 19,165 21,505 $56,622 $68,114 1,085.2 1,464.8 $22,432 $27,518 90.8 94.2 98.9 99.3 93.7 96.1 96.8 98.5 91.9 94.9 93.4 95.7 Zone 2 Innisfil + Essa + Springwater + Oro-Medonte: 2001 2006 79,885 85,570 Zone 3 Adjala-Tosorontio + New Tecumseth + Bradford-WG: 2001 2006 58,450 62,430 Zone 4 Clearview + Collingwood + Wasaga Beach + Blue Mt.: 2001 2006 48,375 53,230 Zone 5 Tay + Tiny + Christian Is. + Midland + Penatanguishene 2001 2006 43,250 46,775 16,865 18,750 $51,438 $62,425 867.5 1,170.5 $20,058 $25,023 81.2 85.7 97.7 98.3 87.2 90.3 92.0 94.3 83.5 87.5 87.1 90.1 2001 2006 48,870 51,710 19,215 20,650 $53,571 $62,196 1,029.4 1,284.3 $21,063 $24,838 85.2 85.1 98.2 98.2 90.0 89.8 94.0 93.9 87.1 86.9 89.8 89.7 Trade Area 2001 2006 382,540 428,150 139,515 $62,008 159,321 $73,772 8,651 11,753 $22,615 $27,452 91.5 94.0 99.0 99.3 94.2 95.9 97.1 98.4 92.5 94.7 93.9 95.5 1,020.2 1,421.0 $20,396 $26,420 82.5 90.5 97.9 98.9 88.1 93.5 92.7 96.6 84.7 91.6 88.0 93.2 311.7 464.8 $20,363 $29,212 82.4 100.0 97.9 100.0 88.0 100.0 92.6 101.4 84.6 99.9 87.9 99.5 9,982.9 13,639.2 $22,290 $27,397 90.2 93.8 98.8 99.3 93.3 95.8 96.5 98.3 91.4 94.5 93.0 95.4 Zone 6 Orillia + Rama I.R. + Severn + Ramara Peripheral Zone 7 Bracebridge + Georgian Bay + Gravenhurst + Huntsville + Muskoka Lakes 2001 2006 50,020 53,785 19,375 21,545 $52,657 $65,956 Peripheral Zone 8 Parry Sound + Archipelago + Carling + McDougall + McKeller + Parry Is. I.R. 2001 2006 Trade Area + 2001 2006 15,305 15,910 447,865 497,845 6,345 6,610 $49,118 $70,311 165,235 $60,416 187,476 $72,752 Regression equations applied to 2009 per capita expenditures: NFSR +HI Expenditure Index = 32.0 + .68 (Income Index) FSR Expenditure Index = 88.0 + .12 (Income Index) Restaurant Expenditure Index = 13.256 + .8661 (Income Index) Personal Service Expenditure Index = 51.48 + .4991 (Income Index) Liquor/Beer/Wine Expenditure Index = 34.19 + .6524 (Income Index) APPENDIX A-4 TRADE AREA FSR, GAFO + DRUG, HI, HAAS/TBA, PERSONAL SERVICE, RESTAURANT AND L/B/W EXPENDITURE LEVELS Trade Area 2005 Per Cap 2005 HH Income Income ($) Index 2009 FSR Per Cap Exp. 2009 2009 NFSR 2009 NFSR less Per Cap Exp. Per Cap Exp. Per Cap Exp. 2009 HI Per Cap Exp. NFSR + HI (GAFO + Drug) HAAS/TBA 2009 Per Cap Exp. * 2009 Per. Serv. Per Cap Exp. 2009 Rest. Per Cap Exp. 2009 L/B/W Per Cap Exp. HAAS/TBA Ontario $29,200 100.0 $2,113 $5,320 $4,640 $4,315 $675 $325 $265 $801 $539 Zone 1 - Barrie Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5 Zone 6 $26,499 $29,445 $30,608 $27,518 $25,023 $24,838 90.7 100.8 104.8 94.2 85.7 85.1 $2,090 $2,115 $2,125 $2,098 $2,077 $2,075 $4,985 $5,350 $5,494 $5,112 $4,803 $4,780 $4,348 $4,667 $4,792 $4,458 $4,189 $4,169 $4,044 $4,340 $4,457 $4,146 $3,896 $3,877 $633 $679 $697 $649 $609 $606 $304 $326 $335 $312 $293 $292 $257 $270 $275 $261 $250 $249 $736 $806 $833 $760 $701 $696 $503 $539 $553 $516 $486 $483 $2,089 $2,113 $4,976 $5,321 $4,340 $4,641 $4,041 $4,322 $631 $675 $299 $319 $256 $269 $734 $800 $502 $536 Trade Area Income Index Peripheral Zone 7 Peripheral Zone 8 Expanded Trade Area Income Index 94.0 $26,420 $29,212 90.5 100.0 93.8 The estimated 2009 Ontario per capita Personal Service expenditure assumes 1.75% real and inflationary annual growth from 2004 to 2009 against the = 6 years times 1.75% = 10.5% = $265 2003 estimate of $240 per capita. The estimated 2009 Ontario per capita Restaurant expenditure assumes 1.75% real and inflationary annual growth from 2004 to 2009 against the = 6 years times 1.75% = 10.5% = $801 2003 estimate of $725 per capita. The estimated 2009 Ontario per capita L/B/W (liquor/beer/wine) expenditure assumes 2.0% real and inflationary annual growth to 2009 against the 2005 = 4 years times 2.0% = 8% = $539 estimate of $499 per capita. * The estimated 2009 HAAS/TBA shares of "NFSR" + "HI" = Ontario @ 6.1% of $5,320 per capita = $325 APPENDIX A-5 TRADE AREA CENSUS POPULATIONS WITH CENSUS UNDERCOUNT ADJUSTMENTS 2006 2006 Ontario Community Community Places to Grow Profiles Profiles Census Census Subdivision Subdivision Unadjusted Trade Area Pop'n 2001 Adjusted Unadjusted (%) Pop'n 2001 Pop'n 2006 3.85% 107,700 Adjust't Unadjusted 2001-2006 Av. Annual Rounded Unadjusted 2001-2006 Av. Annual Adjust't June 2009 Rounded Simcoe Area Unadjusted Strategic Vision for Growth 2001-2006 Adjusted Population 2006 2031 Av. Annual Growth Growth Growth (%) 128,430 4,944 4,945 3.95% 133,500 210,000 3,050 270,000 502 3.93% 19 4.14% 270 3.69% 82,900 31,175 16,901 17,456 20,031 85,563 32,400 17,600 18,100 20,800 88,900 56,000 21,500 24,000 27,000 128,500 1,570 159,900 60,700 10,695 27,701 24,039 62,435 11,100 28,800 25,000 64,900 13,000 56,000 50,500 119,500 2,180 163,100 50,200 14,088 17,290 15,029 6,825 53,232 14,600 18,000 15,600 7,095 55,295 19,700 33,400 27,500 0 80,600 1,009 99,100 117 3.61% 350 3.86% 15 3.86% 17 3.68% 44,900 9,748 10,784 621 16,300 9,354 46,807 10,100 11,200 645 16,900 9,700 48,545 11,400 12,500 550 22,500 11,000 57,950 376 61,150 228 3.77% 162 3.96% 1 3.33% 570 570 3.83% 31,400 9,800 620 12,500 54,320 41,000 13,000 650 17,000 71,650 690 85,450 668,200 8,825 844,700 2006-2031 2051 Zone 1 - Barrie 103,710 Innisfil Essa Springwater Oro-Medonte Zone 2 28,666 16,808 16,104 18,315 79,893 Adjala-Tosorontio New Tecumseth Zone 3 10,082 26,141 22,228 58,451 Clearview Collingwood WasagaBeach Blue Mountains Zone 4 13,796 16,039 12,419 6,116 48,370 Tay Tiny Christian Is. IR 30 + 30A Midland Penetanguishene Zone 5 9,162 9,035 547 16,214 8,316 43,274 Orillia Ramara Rama IR Severn Zone 6 29,121 8,615 597 11,135 49,468 3.70% 51,300 30,259 9,427 600 12,030 52,316 Trade Area 383,166 3.79% 397,700 428,783 9,123 9,125 3.89% 445,460 Bracebridge Georgian Bay Gravenhurst Huntsville Muskoka Lakes Peripheral Zone 7 13,751 1,991 10,899 17,338 6,042 50,021 52,100 15,652 2,340 11,046 18,280 6,467 53,785 753 750 3.80% 55,830 74,580 @ 750/yr. 89,580 Parry Sound The Archipelego Carling McDougall McKeller Parry Island IR Seguin Peripheral Zone 8 6,124 505 1,063 2,608 933 375 3,698 15,306 3.88% 15,900 5,818 576 1,123 2,704 1,080 350 4,276 15,927 124 125 3.79% 16,530 19,655 @ 125/yr. 22,155 Expanded Trade Area 448,493 3.84% 465,700 498,495 10,000 10,000 3.88% 517,820 762,435 Bradford-West Gwillimbury 3.76% 3.85% 3.78% 3.76% 4.16% 343 1,134 3.84% 1,135 3.90% 123 3.79% 312 3.97% 362 797 4.00% 800 3.95% 58 3.63% 250 4.11% 522 3.80% 142 972 3.96% 975 208 707 3.88% 3.70% 700 179 3.71% 3.91% 956,435 APPENDIX B (RETAIL COMMERCIAL FLOORSPACE INVENTORY) APPENDIX B-1 RETAIL AND SERVICE FLOORPSPACE INVENTORY 1-2 3-16 Super- Barrie Retail and Service Inventory Corey Doyle - June 30, 2010 # Street Store Name NAICS Study Store Type Code Code Total Space GLA Market Spec. 27 Drug 17 25-26 31-34 Cosmetic 18 Major 25 Other Optician 19 Gen'l Pers'l Care & Subtotal Discount 26 58-83 35-57 Home 84-113 28-30 Sport/Hobby Can Tire 114-123 Subtotal Fashion Furnishings Music/Bk/Art + TSC 28 Non-Dep't & Grocery Food FSR Dep't Store Merch. 20-21 Access. GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA Home Ctr. Hardware Liquor 24 Rest. & Bldg. Sply. Beer 22 Fast Food Personal Store NFSR Electronics Used/Misc. A/P/A 29 NFSR Space Nursery GLA GLA GLA 10,000 10,000 GLA Forist/Gift GLA GLA 131-136 137-143 144-159 FIRE & 175-183 200 Other Bank Prof'l Other Vacant Space Trust Services Services Space NEC GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA 184-196 124-126 Wine 23 Drinking Services GLA 127-130 172-174 Total Tires 30 Computers 22-24 GLA GLA 160-171 201-203 NODE 1 - DOWNTOWN BARRIE Elite Hair Salon Bayside Mission Centre Beauty Salon 812115 185 Used Clothing 45331 97 Dixie Doodles Pet Boutique Bayfield Spa Simcoe Hotel Restaurant Pet Grooming 81291 194 Beauty Salon 812115 185 Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 Royal Thai Cuisine Candyland Express Café Fast Food 7222 173 Restaurant 7222 173 Restaurant 7222 173 Bayfield Street Boardwalk Café Boardwalk Gaming Centre 71312 163 52 Bayfield St. Unit B Oscar's Restaurant Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 56 Bayfield Street Altima Barrie Dental Centre Dentist 6212 152 56 Bayfield Street Drugstore 44311 17 56 Bayfield Street Entertainment 7224 174 94 Bayfield Street Women's Clothing 44812 36 94 Bayfield Street Miscellaneous 453999 113 98 Bayfield Street Rexall Pharmacy The Ranch Andria's Bridal Sixpence Kareoke Des Bayfield Convenience Magicuts Rental Service 53221 132 Convenience 44512 3 Barber Shop 812114 184 Subway Adult Movies Wright's Cleaners Locksmith Legal Service (upper) Crazy Fox Bistro Rocky Mountain Bikes Mac's Barrie BBQ Chicken Kempenfelt Flowers Fast Food 7222 173 Video Rental 53223 134 Dry Cleaner 81232 192 Hardware 44413 115 Legal 5411 140 Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 Bicycles 45111 84 Convenience 44512 3 Fast Food 7222 173 Florist 45311 93 Hui Shi Centre Cash Store Bake n Take Dino's Pizza Extreme Tannung Miscellaneous 453999 113 Cheque Cashing 52239 130 Fast Food 7222 173 6 Bayfield Street 16 Bayfield Street 17 Bayfield Street 21 Bayfield Street 31 Bayfield Street 33 Bayfield Street 40 Bayfield Street 52 Bayfield Street 52 102/104 Bayfield Street 102/104 Bayfield Street 102/104 Bayfield Street 102/104 Bayfield Street 103 Bayfield Street 109 Bayfield Street 109 Bayfield Street 135 Bayfield Street 149 Bayfield Street 157 Bayfield Street 157 Bayfield Street 157 Bayfield Street 157 Bayfield Street 157 Bayfield Street 157 Bayfield Street 157 Bayfield Street 157 Bayfield Street 3 Clapperton Street 5 Clapperton Street 7 Clapperton Street Fast Food 7222 173 8/1219 189 The Adult Myth Miscellaneous Vacant Vacant Avalon Antique Watch Repairs Watch Repairs Deluxe Taxi (Barrie) Ltd Other Service Golds Shoe Service Shoe Repair Vacant Vacant BJ Records & Nostalgia Discs / Tapes Painters Hall Bistro Licensed Restaurant 453999 113 Tattoos Optician 44613 19 Tanning Salon 200 200 81149 183 81299 196 81143 182 200 200 45122 92 7221 172 81219 189 9 Clapperton Street 11 Clapperton Street 11 Clapperton Street 13 Clapperton Street 17 Clapperton Street 18 Clapperton Street 23 Clapperton Street 31 Clapperton Street Lucky Devil Tattoos Elegant Touch Optical Practice Legal 5411 140 Vacant 200 200 18 Collier Street Vacant Meridian Credit Union Bank 52211 124 24 Collier Street 6241 156 Collier St. 1st Fl. Bank 52211 124 48 Collier Street David Busby Street Centre Scotia Bank Financial Centre Barrie Career Centre Social Service 44 5613 144 58 Collier Street Rinaldi Salon & Spa (2 flrs) Beauty Salon 812115 185 60 Collier Street Stevenson Insurance Ltd. Insurance Agent 52421 138 100 Collier Street Stewart Esten (2 flrs) Legal 5411 140 4to10 Employment Service 1,200 10,000 2,000 1,000 3,300 4,100 1,900 1,500 14,200 2,000 300 4,000 15,000 600 600 1,600 840 840 900 900 3,700 1,500 3,000 1,600 2,400 1,800 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1000 1700 800 800 500 700 1,050 850 2,000 2,400 1,200 2,000 1,600 1,200 10,000 2,000 1,000 3,300 4,100 1,900 1,500 14,200 2,000 300 4,000 4,000 4,000 600 600 600 600 15,000 600 600 1,600 840 840 840 900 900 3,700 1,500 3,000 1,600 1,800 2,400 2,400 2,400 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,800 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,700 800 800 800 800 500 700 1,050 850 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,400 1,200 2,000 2,000 2,000 1,600 4,300 4,300 4,000 11,500 5,600 3,600 3,600 4,400 4,300 4,300 4,000 11,500 5,600 3,600 3,600 4,400 Page 1 of 34 APPENDIX B-1 RETAIL AND SERVICE FLOORPSPACE INVENTORY 1-2 3-16 Super- Barrie Retail and Service Inventory Corey Doyle - June 30, 2010 # Street Store Name NAICS Study Store Type Code Code 52211 124 na 202 Insurance Agent 52421 138 Bank 52211 124 5 Collier Street Royal Bank of Canada Bank 15 Collier Street Collier Street 33 Collier Street (2flrs) flrs) TD Canada Trust General Office Space 19 39 Collier Street Dusome Insurance Group General Office Space na 202 45 Collier Street Insurance Agent 52421 138 47 Collier Street flrs) Services (2 flrs) Financial Planning 52393 137 49 Collier Street Employment Service 5613 144 51 Collier Street Inc. Salon 51 812115 185 53 Collier Street In N Out Pita Fast Food 7222 173 53 Collier Street 7222 173 55 Collier Street Sammy's Middle Eastern Grill Restaurant Telus Wise Advantage Inc. Telephones 57 Collier Street 59 Collier Street 61 Collier Street 63 Collier Street 1400 Collier Street 69 Collier Street 73 Collier Street 75 Collier Street 91 Collier Street 1 Dunlop Street E. 10 Dunlop Street E. 16 Dunlop Street E. 20 Dunlop Street E. 22 Dunlop Street E. 24 Dunlop Street E. 24 Dunlop Street E. 34 Dunlop Street E. 40 Dunlop Street E. 42 Dunlop Street E. 44 Dunlop Street E. 46 Dunlop Street E. 50 Dunlop Street E. 56 Dunlop Street E. 58 Dunlop Street E. 60 Dunlop Street E. 64 Dunlop Street E. 66 Dunlop Street E. 72 Dunlop Street E. 74 Dunlop Street E. 76 Dunlop Street E. 80 Dunlop Street E. 82 Dunlop Street E. 84 Dunlop Street E. 84 Dunlop Street E. 88 Dunlop Street E. Beauty Salon 44311 78 Manulife Securities Peter D. Archibald Formworks Architects Financial Planning 52393 137 Legal 5411 140 General Office Space 202 202 OSSTF District 17 (Simcoe) Collier Café Salon I.D. Groovy Tuesday's Bistro Eyepeek Eyewear Real E Save Realty Inc (2 flrs). General Office Space 202 202 Restaurant 7222 173 812115 185 Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 Optician 44613 19 Real Estate 53121 139 Tim Hortons At the Five Nawab Fine Indian Cuisine Players Card Shop Wear Fast Food 7222 173 Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 Greeting Cards 45322 96 Bridal 448199 42 Club Ash Bar & Lounge YMCA Youth Services The Mansion Kenzington Tropical North Samson's Salon & Spa Commerce Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 Social Service 6241 156 Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 Women's Clothing 44812 36 Beauty Salon 812115 185 Bank 52211 124 Barrie Dental Running Room Coco Burger Dollarama National Bank of Canada Dentist 6212 152 Shoes 44821 53 The Bank Lounge (2 flrs) Seven Seas Music Second Cup Beauty Salon Fast Food 7222 173 General Merchandise 452999 32 Bank 52211 124 Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 Musical Instruments 45114 90 Fast Food 7222 173 Swoon Clothing Co. Angie's Outdoor McReilly's Pub Bravo Fine Lingerie Fisher's Barber Shop Trek Bicycle Store Women's Clothing 44812 36 Women's Clothing 44812 36 Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 Women's Clothing 44812 36 Barber Shop 812114 184 Bicycles 45111 84 The Queen's Hotel The Kabob House Janet Kemp Ladies Fashion Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 Women's Clothing 44812 36 Total Space GLA Market Spec. 27 Drug 17 25-26 31-34 Cosmetic 18 Major 25 Other Optician 19 Gen'l Pers'l Care & Subtotal Discount 26 Home 84-113 28-30 Sport/Hobby Can Tire 114-123 Subtotal Fashion Furnishings Music/Bk/Art + TSC 28 Non-Dep't & Grocery Food FSR Dep't Store Merch. 20-21 Access. GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA 10,800 3,400 4,200 10,000 6,600 750 2,600 600 450 300 1,600 2,250 2,250 1,900 1,700 1,700 1,400 2,100 1,600 1,600 2,200 600 4,000 1,800 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,600 1,400 1,350 2,000 4,600 1,250 1,400 1,200 7,900 2,400 6,700 1,600 1,600 1,400 1,600 1,600 600 600 1,500 58-83 35-57 Home Ctr. Hardware Liquor 24 Rest. & Bldg. Sply. Beer 22 Fast Food Personal Store NFSR Electronics Used/Misc. A/P/A 29 NFSR Space Nursery GLA GLA GLA GLA Forist/Gift GLA GLA 131-136 137-143 144-159 FIRE & 175-183 200 Other Bank Prof'l Other Vacant Space Trust Services Services Space NEC GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA 184-196 124-126 Wine 23 Drinking Services GLA 127-130 172-174 Total Tires 30 Computers 22-24 GLA GLA 160-171 201-203 10,800 3,400 4,200 10,000 6,600 750 2,600 600 450 300 1,600 2,250 2,250 2,250 2,250 1,900 1,700 1,700 1,400 2,100 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 2,200 600 4,000 1,800 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,600 1,400 1,350 1,350 1,350 2,000 4,600 1,250 1,400 1,400 1,400 7,900 7,900 1,200 7,900 2,400 6,700 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,400 1,600 1,400 1,600 1,400 1,600 600 600 600 1,500 1,500 1,600 1,600 600 1,500 Retail - Type Uses Only 94 Dunlop Street E. 98 Dunlop Street E. 102 Dunlop Street E. 106 Dunlop Street E. 200 200 Dunlop Street E. Vacant Grand & Toy Vacant 114 Office Supplies 45321 94 114a Dunlop Street E. The Gingham Door Women's Clothing 44812 36 118 Dunlop Street E. Lotus Natural Living Boutique Home Furniture 44211 58 6,200 1,500 1,000 2,200 6,000 800 1,450 6,200 1,500 1,000 1,000 1,000 6,000 800 6,000 800 1,450 1,450 2,200 6,000 800 1,450 Page 2 of 34 APPENDIX B-1 RETAIL AND SERVICE FLOORPSPACE INVENTORY 1-2 3-16 Super- Barrie Retail and Service Inventory Corey Doyle - June 30, 2010 # Street Store Name NAICS Study Store Type Code Code Home Furniture 44211 58 Family Clothing 44814 38 Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 812115 185 7221 172 53121 139 120 Dunlop Street E. 124 Dunlop Street E. 128 Dunlop Street E. 130 Dunlop Street E. The Cottage Co. Extreme Rockstar Clothing Tara Indian Cuisine Tiff's Restaurant & Bar 140 Dunlop Street E. Monsoon Lounge & Sushi 140 Dunlop Street E. 150 Dunlop Street E. 162 Dunlop Street E. 5 Dunlop Street E. Pro Image Hair Academy Inc. Beauty Salon Shirley's Bayside Grille Licensed Restaurant MinCom Pro Realty Inc. Real Estate Zombie Tattoo Studio 7 Dunlop Street E. Tiffins- Curry in a Hurray! Fast Food 7222 173 9 Dunlop Street E. 9 Dunlop Street E. Bayfield News Gemmologists Jewellery 44831 56 11 Dunlop Street E. 453999 113 Dunlop Street E. Women's Clothing 44812 36 15 Dunlop Street E. Liquid Chrome Fashion Loves You Momentum Cycle Miscellaneous 15 25 Dunlop Street E. Kitchenwares 29 Dunlop Street E. 29 Dunlop Street E. 31 Dunlop Street E. 31 Dunlop Street E. 35 Dunlop Street E. 39 Dunlop Street E. 45 Dunlop Street E. 45 Dunlop Street E. Housewares Ascent Lounge British Arms Pub Il Buco Ristorante Vacant Joshua's Greenery Beckers Shoes In-Law Paralegal Simmons & Co. 49 Dunlop Street E. 53 Dunlop Street E. 55 Dunlop Street E. 59 Dunlop Street E. 91 Dunlop Street E. 99 Dunlop Street E. 107 Dunlop Street E. 111 Dunlop Street E. 117 Dunlop Street E. 119 Dunlop Street E. 123 Dunlop Street E. 125 Dunlop Street E. 129 Dunlop Street E. 133 Dunlop Street E. 137 Dunlop Street E. 139 Dunlop Street E. 143 Dunlop Street E. 147 Dunlop Street E. 149 Dunlop Street E. 153 Dunlop Street E. 1 Dunlop Street West 9 Dunlop Street West 13 Dunlop Street West 15 Dunlop Street West 25 Dunlop Street West Restaurant 7222 173 442298 67 Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 Vacant 200 200 Florist 45311 93 Family Shoes 44821 52 Legal 5411 140 Miscellaneous 453999 113 Revival Clothing Mexicano's Our House Dunlop Convenience Centre Used Clothing 44814 38 Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 Women's Clothing 44812 36 Convenience 44512 3 Casa Cappuccino Metzgers Fine Jewellery Flying Monkey Brewery Saturday Afternoons Janet Kemp Ladies Fashion Michael Smiley Fine Jewellery Page & Turners Bookstore Bohemia Café Mortgage Funding Bell Book & Candle Restaurant 7222 173 Jewellery 44831 56 Beer & Wine Making 453992 104 Home Furniture 44211 58 Women's Clothing 44812 36 Jewellery 44831 56 Books & News 45121 91 Restaurant 7222 173 Mortgage Broker 52231 129 Books & News 45121 91 Vacant Vacant Robert Stephens Clothier Mens Clothing Fitzy's Crab Shack Licensed Restaurant Manhattans Licensed Restaurant Mac's Milk Convenience Vacant Vacant Downtown Community Theatre Theatre National Money Mart Cheque Cashing The Paper Merchant Miscellaneous John McNabb Clothier Mens Clothing Kerrys Bookstore Books & News 200 200 44811 35 7221 172 7221 172 44512 3 200 200 711311 161 52239 130 453999 113 44811 35 45121 91 27 Dunlop Street West 200 200 Dunlop Street West Vacant H & R Block Canada Inc. Vacant 28 Accounting 5412 141 29 Dunlop Street West The Pita Pit Fast Food 7222 173 30 Dunlop Street West Optician 44613 19 32 Dunlop Street West Other Health 6213 153 Accounting 5412 141 Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 33 Better Vision Optical Barrie Healing Rooms Dunlop Street West Liberty Tax Service 37 Dunlop Street West The Local Gastro Pub Total Space GLA 1,900 750 1,800 1,600 1,000 2,000 3,000 2,000 650 650 650 650 970 1,200 1,200 1,400 1,500 1,500 3,000 1,000 1,500 1,400 900 900 1,000 1,000 1,300 1,200 2,000 800 4,000 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 4,000 1,400 2,000 1,440 1,440 3,400 2050 3200 3,350 1,250 1,200 2,400 650 650 1,800 1,400 1,500 1,600 850 900 Market Spec. 27 Drug 17 25-26 31-34 Cosmetic 18 Major 25 Other Optician 19 Gen'l Pers'l Care & Subtotal Discount 26 58-83 35-57 Home 84-113 28-30 Sport/Hobby Can Tire 114-123 Subtotal Fashion Furnishings Music/Bk/Art + TSC 28 Non-Dep't & Grocery Food FSR Dep't Store Merch. 20-21 Access. GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA Home Ctr. Hardware Liquor 24 Rest. & Bldg. Sply. Beer 22 Fast Food Personal Store NFSR Electronics Used/Misc. A/P/A 29 NFSR Space Nursery GLA GLA GLA 1,900 1,900 750 750 GLA Forist/Gift GLA 1,900 750 GLA 131-136 137-143 144-159 FIRE & 175-183 200 Other Bank Prof'l Other Vacant Space Trust Services Services Space NEC GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA 184-196 124-126 Wine 23 Drinking Services GLA 127-130 172-174 Total Tires 30 Computers 22-24 GLA GLA 160-171 201-203 1,800 1,600 1,000 2,000 3,000 2,000 650 650 650 650 970 1,200 650 970 1,200 650 970 1,200 1,400 1,400 1,200 1,400 1,500 1,500 3,000 1,000 1,500 1,500 1,400 1,500 1,400 900 1,000 900 1,000 900 1,000 1,300 1,300 1,300 800 800 800 4,000 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 4,000 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,400 900 1,000 1,200 1,200 2,000 4,000 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 4,000 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,440 1,440 2,000 1,440 1,440 3,400 2,050 2,050 3,200 3,350 1,250 1,200 1,200 2,400 1,200 2,400 650 650 650 2,400 650 1,800 1,400 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,600 850 900 Page 3 of 34 APPENDIX B-1 RETAIL AND SERVICE FLOORPSPACE INVENTORY 1-2 3-16 Super- Barrie Retail and Service Inventory Corey Doyle - June 30, 2010 # Street Store Name 41 Vacant Maple Convenience Dunlop Street West Downtown 2 for 1 Pizza Dunlop Street West The Bike Zone 42 Dunlop Street West 43 Dunlop Street West NAICS Study Store Type 39 Dunlop Street West Vacant 38 Dunlop Street West Convenience 40 Garner's Training Centre Code Code 200 200 44512 3 Fast Food 7222 173 Bicycles 45111 84 Education 61169 150 200 200 Mens Clothing 44811 35 45 Vacant Dunlop Street West Cary Grant Clothing 46 Dunlop Street West 7224 174 Dunlop Street West The Roxx Pharaoh's Pita Night Club 47 Fast Food 7222 173 49 Dunlop Street West Mike's Barber Shop 52 Dunlop Street West Vacant Barber Shop 812114 184 Bill LeBoeuf Jewellers Dunlop Street West Vacant Jewellery 44831 56 Vacant 200 200 Vacant 200 200 62 Vacant Dunlop Street West Garner's Source for Sports Dunlop Street West Vacant 64 Dunlop Street West 66 Dunlop Street West 68 Dunlop Street West 69 Dunlop Street West 69 Dunlop Street West 71 Dunlop Street West 73 Dunlop Street West 70 Dunlop Street West 74 Dunlop Street West 76 Dunlop Street West 79 Dunlop Street West 81 Dunlop Street West 54 55/67 56 Dunlop Street West 83 Dunlop Street West 85 Dunlop Street West 88 94 98/110 Vacant Dining North of The Core Anne's Variety Roti Jerk Caribbean Restaurant Hip Hop Nails Vacant Inked You Hay's Travel Service Inc. Vacant Town & Country Steak House Cheques-4-Cash Happy Dayz Vacant McDonald Restaurants Dunlop Street West Casa-Mia Dunlop Street West Liaison College Dunlop Street West Vacant Sporting Goods / Apparel 45111 87 Vacant 200 200 Vacant 200 200 Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 Convenience 44512 3 Fast Food 7222 173 812115 185 Vacant 200 200 Tatoos 81219 189 Travel Agent 5615 146 Vacant 200 200 Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 Cheque Cashing 52239 130 Miscellaneous 453999 113 Vacant 200 200 Fast Food 7222 173 Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 Education 61169 150 200 200 Beauty Salon Vacant Dunlop Street West Master Convenience/Mr Sub Convenience 44512 3 6 Fred Grant Street Bank of Montreal Bank 52211 124 8 Fred Grant Street Ten Star Financial Services Financial Planning 52393 137 Performance Orthtics Inc Pizza Pizza High Street Chiropractic Daycare Other Health 6213 153 Fast Food 7222 173 Other Health 6213 153 Day Care Service 6244 159 Clothing Le Petit Chapeau Family Clothing 44814 38 Clothing Accessories 44815 55 Burger King Hair By The Bay Just Like Nonna's Marlow Framing Studio Fast Food 101 49 High Street 49 High Street 79 High Street 79 High Street Lakeshore Mews Lakeshore Mews 24 Maple Avenue 27 Maple Avenue 29 Maple Avenue 31 Maple Avenue 37 Maple Avenue Maple Avenue Vacant Vacant Vacant 41 43 Maple Avenue Arabesque Restaurant 45 Maple Avenue Oxygen Salon & Day Spa 59 Maple Avenue 59 Maple Avenue 42 Maple Avenue Maple Avenue Youth Centre Large Vacancy Gouda For You 7222 173 812115 185 Restaurant 7222 173 Art & Frames 45392 103 200 200 Vacant 200 200 Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 Beauty Salon 812115 185 Social Service 6241 156 Vacant 200 200 Cheese 445299 10 Beauty Salon Total Space GLA 1,200 1,200 1,200 4,000 1,200 950 1,500 7,800 1,500 400 2,100 1,800 8,000 2,200 1,600 900 1,400 1,600 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 800 2,000 2,000 1,800 1,800 1,800 3,200 4,200 4,000 38,000 1,300 Market Spec. 27 Drug 17 25-26 31-34 Cosmetic 18 Major 25 Other Optician 19 Gen'l Pers'l Care & Subtotal Discount 26 58-83 35-57 Home 84-113 28-30 Sport/Hobby Can Tire 114-123 Subtotal Fashion Furnishings Music/Bk/Art + TSC 28 Non-Dep't & Grocery Food FSR Dep't Store Merch. 20-21 Access. GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA 1,200 1,200 Home Ctr. Hardware Liquor 24 Rest. & Bldg. Sply. Beer 22 Fast Food Personal Store NFSR Electronics Used/Misc. A/P/A 29 NFSR Space Nursery GLA GLA GLA GLA Forist/Gift GLA GLA GLA GLA 144-159 160-171 FIRE & 175-183 200 Other Bank Prof'l Other Vacant Space Trust Services Services Space NEC GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA 201-203 1,200 1,200 4,000 4,000 4,000 1,200 950 1,500 1,500 1,500 7,800 1,500 400 2,100 2,100 2,100 1,800 8,000 2,200 2,200 2,200 1,600 900 1,400 1,600 1,600 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 800 2,000 2,000 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 3,200 4,200 4,000 38,000 1,300 1,300 11,000 2,000 11,000 2,000 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,500 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,500 1,000 1,000 2,600 600 600 800 2,000 1,000 1,200 1,200 5,000 24,000 800 131-136 137-143 184-196 124-126 Wine 23 Drinking Services GLA 127-130 172-174 Total Tires 30 Computers 22-24 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 2,600 600 600 800 800 800 2,000 1,000 1,200 1,200 5,000 24,000 800 800 Page 4 of 34 APPENDIX B-1 RETAIL AND SERVICE FLOORPSPACE INVENTORY 1-2 3-16 Super- Barrie Retail and Service Inventory Corey Doyle - June 30, 2010 # Street Store Name NAICS Study Store Type Code Code Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 Health Supplements 446191 20 Cheque Cashing 52239 130 Maple Avenue Casa Del Sol Nutrition Plus Supplements Direct North Financial Jerry's Fries Fast Food 7222 173 Maple Avenue Vacant Vacant 200 200 54 Maple Avenue Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 54 Maple Avenue Restaurant The Stitch Haus Alteration Service 5412 141 62 Maple Avenue Sporting Goods & Apparel 45111 87 66 Maple Avenue Surf Paradise Hock Shop Canada Used Goods 45331 97 68 Maple Ave. Unit A Barrie Blue Printing Business Service 56143 145 68 Maple Ave. Unit B Beauty Salon 812115 185 68 Maple Ave. Unit C Mane Zone Salon Ray's Driving School Inc. Education 61169 150 68 Maple Ave. Unit D Retech Electronics Dr. C Corlis McMaster Simcoe Country Repair Shop 811412 180 Doctor 6211 151 Social Service 6241 156 609 Novelty Shops Inc Harkel Office Furniture Ltd. LCBO Gift, Novelty and Souviner 45322 95 Office Furniture 45321 94 Liquor 44531 24 Akira Japeanese Cuisine Mullies MacLaren Art Centre Radio Cafe Barrie Foodland Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 Art Dealer 45392 103 Restaurant 7222 173 Supermarket 44511 1 Hooters Barrie Pizzeria Italia Vacant Museum Jewellers Bench Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 41 Maple Avenue 42 Maple Avenue 46 Maple Avenue 46 54 80 Maple Avenue 102 Maple Avenue 37 Mary Street 49 Mary Street 55 Mary Street 17 Mulcaster Street 17 Mulcaster Street 37 Mulcaster Street 37 Mulcaster Street 55 Mulcaster Street 5 Mulcaster Street 18 Mulcaster Street 20 Mulcaster Street 36 Mulcaster Street 4 Simcoe Street East Vacant 200 200 Other Service 71399 171 Jewellery 44831 56 SUBTOTAL NODE 1 Total Space GLA Market Spec. 27 Drug 17 25-26 31-34 Cosmetic 18 Major 25 Other Optician 19 Gen'l Pers'l Care & Subtotal Discount 26 58-83 35-57 Food FSR Dep't Store Merch. 20-21 Access. GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA 608,470 28-30 114-123 Subtotal Home Ctr. Bldg. Sply. Beer 22 Fast Food Personal NFSR Electronics Used/Misc. A/P/A 29 NFSR Space Nursery GLA GLA GLA 1,440 1,440 GLA GLA GLA 131-136 137-143 144-159 FIRE & 175-183 200 Other Bank Prof'l Other Vacant Space Trust Services Services Space NEC GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA 184-196 124-126 Wine 23 Drinking Services GLA 127-130 172-174 Hardware Liquor 24 Rest. & Store Forist/Gift 22-24 Total Tires 30 Computers GLA GLA 160-171 201-203 1,200 1,440 1,400 1,400 1,150 1,150 1,150 2,000 1,800 2,000 1,800 2,000 1,800 1,050 1,050 1,050 1,050 900 2,800 1,000 1,400 5,000 5,500 2,500 10,000 1,200 16,200 6,400 1,000 1,000 2,000 500 84-113 Sport/Hobby Can Tire Fashion Furnishings Music/Bk/Art + TSC 28 Non-Dep't & Grocery 1,200 1,440 1,400 1,400 1,150 1,150 1,150 2,000 1,800 1,050 1,050 1,050 1,050 900 2,800 Home 1,000 1,000 1,400 1,400 1,000 1,400 5,000 5,500 2,500 10,000 10,000 10,000 1,200 16,200 16,200 6,400 1,000 1,000 2,000 500 16,200 10,790 26,990 0 7,900 10,540 40,190 10,200 53,720 0 500 500 122,550 122,550 1,500 5,000 147,040 29,390 54,600 44,650 44,350 100,800 31,600 NODE 2 - BAYFIELD STREET NORTH OF HWY. 400 E/S Bayfield Street North from Hwy 400 309 Bayfield Street 311 Bayfield Street 315 Bayfield Street 319 Bayfield Street 325 Bayfield Street Flashback Diner KFC / Taco Bell Red Lobster Crock & Block Vacant (x restaurant) Fast Food 7222 173 Fast Food 7222 173 Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 Vacant 200 200 Baskin Robbins Bay City Convenience Gilbert Guitars Ice Cream 445299 10 Convenience 44512 3 Musical Instruments 45114 90 Collins Formal Wear Dominion Lending Centre Subway Men's Clothing 44811 35 Mortgage Broker 52231 129 Fast Food 7222 173 Cotty's Cleaners Edward Jones Dry Cleaner 81232 192 Financial Planning 52393 137 Oxford Learning Centre Education 61169 150 Jeff Walters Diamonds Bayfield Dental Jewellery 44831 56 Dentist 6212 152 1,960 2,777 7,600 4,930 2,800 1,960 2,777 7,600 4,930 2,800 Baylane Plaza 331 Bayfield Street Strip Plaza Upper 620 1,400 1,650 1,650 1,650 800 600 600 800 1,500 1,500 620 1,400 620 1,400 1,650 1,650 1,650 1,650 1,650 1,650 1,650 800 600 600 800 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 Page 5 of 34 APPENDIX B-1 RETAIL AND SERVICE FLOORPSPACE INVENTORY 1-2 3-16 Super- Barrie Retail and Service Inventory Corey Doyle - June 30, 2010 # Street Store Name 347 351 Bayfield Street - f/s 355 Bayfield Street Strip Plaza Code Bolland Accounting Edward Jones Accounting 5412 141 Financial Planning 52393 137 Jeff Walters Diamonds Jewellery 44831 56 Northern Protocol Computers Computers CBI Physiotherapy Other Health 44312 73 6213 153 Once Upon A Child Cash Money Used Clothing 45331 97 Cheque Cashing 52239 130 Lick's Fast Food 7222 173 National Sports Sporting Goods & Apparel 45111 87 Century 21 Realty Golden Mile Restaurant 4 Seasons Nails Real Estate 53121 139 Restaurant 7222 173 Beauty Salon 812115 185 HSBC Finance Aji Sai Sushi Claudio & Crew Salon Pizzaville Ultimate Drivers Lin Nails Bank 52211 124 Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 812115 185 7222 173 Education 61169 150 Beauty Salon 812115 185 Vacant Office CIBC Vacant 200 200 Bank 52211 124 Mac's Academy of Learning Marvel Hairstyling School Barrie Family Medical Centre Cundles Pharmacy Convenience 44512 3 Education 61169 150 Education 61169 150 Doctor 6211 151 Drugstore 44311 17 Extreme Tanning Wendy's Tanning Salon 8/1219 189 7222 173 Swiss Chalet Collins Formal Wear The Gown Gallery Harvey's Restaurant 7222 173 Men's Clothing 44811 35 Women's Clothing 44812 36 Fast Food 7222 173 Royal Bank Moose Winooski's Sleep Country Fran's Bank 52211 124 Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 Mattresses 44211 62 Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 Sobey's New Balance Paulmac's Pet Foods Northern Maternity Supermarket 44511 1 Family Shoes 44821 52 Pet & Pet Supply 45391 102 Women's Clothing 44812 36 Great Canadian Bagel Marks Work Wearhouse Bakery 52211 124 Family Clothing 44814 38 Sony Style TV / Stereo 44311 75 Future Shop Home Electronics 44311 75 Moore's Need Energy Hakim Optical Men's Clothing 44811 35 Health Supplements 446191 20 Optician 44613 19 Spec. Cosmetic 18 Major 25 Other Optician 19 Gen'l Pers'l Care & Subtotal Discount 26 58-83 35-57 84-113 28-30 Sport/Hobby Can Tire 114-123 Subtotal Fashion Furnishings Music/Bk/Art + TSC 28 Non-Dep't & Grocery Food FSR Dep't Store Merch. 20-21 Access. GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA 750 750 1,500 1,500 1,500 Home Home Ctr. Hardware Liquor 24 Rest. & Bldg. Sply. Beer 22 Fast Food Personal Store NFSR Electronics Used/Misc. A/P/A 29 NFSR Space Nursery GLA GLA GLA GLA Forist/Gift GLA GLA 131-136 137-143 144-159 FIRE & 175-183 200 Other Bank Prof'l Other Vacant Space Trust Services Services Space NEC GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA 184-196 124-126 Wine 23 Drinking Services GLA 127-130 172-174 Total Tires 30 Computers 22-24 GLA GLA Upper 201-203 750 750 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 3,400 2,400 1,070 1,055 3,400 3,400 3,400 2,400 1,070 1,055 1,055 1,055 7,200 1,800 1,800 7,200 1,800 1,800 Bayfield Street f/s Beauty Salon Fast Food 2,400 3,200 800 800 3,000 2,200 1,500 7,440 2,400 3,200 800 800 3,000 2,200 1,500 7,440 n/s Cundles Rd. just east of Bayfield 18 160-171 Bayfield Street Strip Plaza 363 Code Market Drug 17 31-34 Bayfield Street Strip Plaza 359 NAICS Study Store Type Total Space GLA 27 25-26 Cundles Road Strip Plaza 389 Bayfield Street f/s 393 Bayfield Street f/s Fast Food 4,050 2,300 1,920 2,100 1,800 4,050 4,050 2,300 1,920 2,100 1,800 1,800 1,800 2,000 3,000 2,000 3,000 397-401 Bayfield Street Strip Plaza 8,600 600 1,000 2,800 8,600 600 1,000 600 1,000 600 1,000 2,800 Springwater Marketplace 405-411 Bayfield Street f/s f/s f/s f/s Strip Plaza 4,693 7,108 5,220 7,212 46,000 4,400 4,000 1,800 1,800 14,440 3,675 23,000 5,000 1,600 3,200 4,693 7,108 5,220 5,220 5,220 7,212 46,000 46,000 4,400 4,000 1,800 1,800 4,400 4,000 4,400 4,000 1,800 1,800 14,440 14,440 1,800 14,440 3,675 3,675 3,675 23,000 1,600 23,000 5,000 1,600 23,000 5,000 1,600 3,200 3,200 3,200 5,000 Page 6 of 34 APPENDIX B-1 RETAIL AND SERVICE FLOORPSPACE INVENTORY 1-2 3-16 Super- Barrie Retail and Service Inventory Corey Doyle - June 30, 2010 # Street Store Name NAICS Study Store Type Code Code Beauty Supply Outlet Jenny Craig Cosmetics / Beauty Supply 44612 18 Weight Loss Centre 81219 187 Supercuts Barber Shop 812114 184 Popeye's Supplements Rogers Plus Health Supplements 446191 20 Vacuum Cleaners 44311 81 The Bay Sears Department Store 45211 25 2 Department Store 45211 25 Y007 Sportchek Sporting Goods / Apparel 45111 87 Y008 Homesense Stitch It Home Décor / Housewares 442298 68 Alteration Service 81149 183 Go Games H&M Electronic Games 45112 88 Family Clothing 44814 38 Balta General Nutrition Gentlemen's Choice Sophia Jewellers Home Furniture / Décor 44211 58 Health Supplements 446191 20 Miscellaneous 453999 113 Jewellery 44831 56 Walking On A Cloud L'Attitudes Bank Of Montreal Guest Services Flight Centre Melonhead Alia / Tan Jay Game Stop The Gap Gap Kids Moxie's Classic Grill The Bombay Company Alia / Tan Jay Tip Top Fairweather Family Shoes 44821 52 Salon & Spa 812115 185 Bank 52211 124 Other Service 81299 196 Hallmark Coles Showcase Lenscrafters Lower Level Champs Cassis Bootlegger Ricki's International Clothiers Total Space GLA Market Spec. 27 Drug 17 25-26 31-34 Cosmetic 18 Major 25 Other Optician 19 Gen'l Pers'l Care & Subtotal Discount 26 58-83 35-57 84-113 28-30 Sport/Hobby Can Tire 114-123 Subtotal Fashion Furnishings Music/Bk/Art + TSC 28 Non-Dep't & Grocery Food FSR Dep't Store Merch. 20-21 Access. GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 5,200 Home Home Ctr. Hardware Liquor 24 Rest. & Bldg. Sply. Beer 22 Fast Food Personal Store NFSR Electronics Used/Misc. A/P/A 29 NFSR Space Nursery GLA GLA GLA 1,600 1,600 GLA Forist/Gift GLA 1,600 GLA 131-136 137-143 144-159 FIRE & 175-183 200 Other Bank Prof'l Other Vacant Space Trust Services Services Space NEC GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA 184-196 124-126 Wine 23 Drinking Services GLA 127-130 172-174 Total Tires 30 Computers 22-24 GLA GLA 160-171 201-203 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 5,200 5,200 0 0 90,748 116,515 40,734 40,734 24,822 24,822 2,447 18,169 2,447 18,169 1,466 1,234 942 1,203 1,466 1,234 942 1,203 1,466 1,834 1,834 1,834 5,200 Georgian Mall 509 Bayfield 1 K001a K003 D018aa J001 J002a J003a J004 J005 J006a J016 J017 J018 5615 146 Children's Barber Shop 812114 184 Women's Clothing 44812 36 Hobby, Toy & Games 45112 88 Family Clothing 44814 38 Children's Clothing 44813 37 Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 Home Furniture / Décor 44211 58 Women's Clothing 44812 36 Men's Clothing 44811 35 Women's Clothing 44812 36 Greeting Cards 45322 96 Books & News 45121 91 Miscellaneous 453999 113 Optician 44613 19 Sporting Goods / Apparel 45111 87 Women's Clothing 44812 36 Family Clothing 44814 38 Women's Clothing 44812 36 Men's Clothing 44811 35 Benix La Senza Sunglass Hut Black's Kitchenwares 442298 67 Women's Clothing 44812 36 Miscellaneous 453999 113 Camera & Photo Supply 44313 83 Stitches Zacks Family Clothing 44814 38 A012 Women's Clothing 44812 36 A013a Northern Reflections Women's Clothing 44812 36 A015a Candy & Nut 445292 8 Alteration Service 81149 183 Children's Clothing 44813 37 D001d Laura Secord Stitch It The Children's Place Vacant 200 200 D004 Bikini Village Women's Clothing 44812 36 J019 J020 J009 H008 H010a N051 N051a G013 G007a G005 G003c G001e G001f K002a A001a A002a A004a A004 A006a A007a A008 A009a A010a A011 A016 D001c Travel Agent Vacant 90,748 116,515 40,734 24,822 618 2,447 18,169 1,234 942 1,203 1,466 1,834 3,809 5,118 688 683 663 1,320 3,640 6,732 4,228 7,018 5,284 7,838 4,071 4,058 3,024 3,020 1,500 3,383 4,148 3,118 4,906 3,312 2,085 2,041 3,057 1,046 1,055 2,600 2,067 2,079 664 360 4,196 5,059 1,300 90,748 116,515 40,734 24,822 618 2,447 18,169 1,234 942 1,203 3,809 5,118 688 683 663 1,320 1,320 3,640 6,732 4,228 1,320 3,640 6,732 4,228 5,284 7,838 4,071 4,058 5,284 7,838 4,071 4,058 3,024 3,020 1,500 3,024 3,020 1,500 3,383 3,024 3,020 1,500 3,383 4,148 4,148 3,118 4,906 3,312 2,085 4,148 3,118 4,906 3,312 2,085 2,041 3,057 1,046 1,055 2,041 3,057 1,046 1,055 2,600 2,067 2,600 2,067 2,600 2,067 2,079 2,079 2,079 4,196 4,196 4,196 1,300 1,300 1,300 3,640 6,732 4,228 7,018 5,284 7,838 4,071 4,058 3,383 3,118 4,906 3,312 2,085 2,041 3,057 1,046 1,055 664 664 360 5,059 Page 7 of 34 APPENDIX B-1 RETAIL AND SERVICE FLOORPSPACE INVENTORY 1-2 3-16 Super- Barrie Retail and Service Inventory Corey Doyle - June 30, 2010 # Street Store Name NAICS Study Store Type Code Code D005 West 49 Family Clothing 44814 38 D006a Sterling Shoes Family Shoes 44821 52 D007 Spring Danier Leather Family Shoes 44821 52 Leather Apparel 448199 41 La Senza Express Tabi Roots Women's Clothing 44812 36 Women's Clothing 44812 36 Family Clothing 44814 38 Jean Machine Stance Family Clothing 44814 38 Family Shoes 44821 52 BlueNotes Aeropostale Family Clothing 44814 38 Family Clothing 44814 38 Shoppers H&M Charm Diamond Centre Drugstore 44311 17 Family Clothing 44814 38 Jewellery 44831 56 La Vie En Rose Aqua Garage Clothing Co. Suzy Shier American Eagle Outfitters Ben Moss Jewellers Timothy's Coffee Women's Clothing 44812 36 Women's Clothing 44812 36 Women's Clothing 44812 36 Family Clothing 44814 38 Jewellery 44831 56 Other Specialty Food 445299 11 Kernels Personally Yours Jugo Juice Aldo HMV The Source Off The Wall Gymboree Aldo Accessories Cresent Gold & Diamonds Fast Food 7222 173 Engraving Service 81299 196 Fast Food 7222 173 Family Shoes 44821 52 Tapes / Discs / Records 45122 92 Consumer Electronics 44311 75 Women's Clothing 44812 36 Children's Clothing 44813 37 Clothing Accessories 44815 55 Jewellery 44831 56 Soft Moc The Body Shop Randy River Ardene Foot Locker S & H Health Foods Naturalizer Access Icing By Claire's Clair de Lune Peoples Jewellers Internatinal News Focus Art Gallery Stars Men's Shop Bell World Family Shoes 44821 52 Cosmetics / Beauty Supply 44612 18 Men's Clothing 44811 35 Clothing Accessories 44815 55 Sporting Goods / Apparel 45111 87 Health Food 445299 13 Women's Shoes 44821 50 Clothing Accessories 44815 55 Clothing Accessories D008 D009 D010 D011 D012 D013 D014a D016a D017a D018a E014a E013a E011b E009a E007a E005a E004 E003 E002 E001a N014 N015 N016 N011 N012 N013 B012b B011a B101b B101a B009b B009a B008a B007 B006 B005 44815 55 Gift, Novelty and Souviner 45322 95 Jewellery 44831 56 Books & News 45121 91 Art Dealer 45392 103 Men's Clothing 44811 35 Telephones 44311 78 Dairy Queen Teaopia Laura Plus Fast Food 7222 173 Other Specialty Food 445299 11 Women,s Clothing 44812 36 Women's Clothing 44812 36 N004 Jacob Lingerie Mappins Jewellery 44831 56 N005 Laura Petites Women's Clothing 44812 36 N006 Meoanie Lyne Women's Clothing 44812 36 N008 Children's Clothing N010 The Disney Store Fruits & Passion Compound Ride Shop N010a Anna Bella B004a B001b B015c B016 B017 C001a C003b C003a N001 N003 N009 44813 37 Cosmetics / Beauty Supply 44612 18 Family Clothing 44814 38 Women's Clothing 44812 36 Total Space GLA 3,075 1,182 1,499 1,868 1,882 2,162 1,599 1,882 1,882 3,536 3,384 10,000 18,169 1,161 1,009 3,754 3,187 4,239 1,061 540 436 435 270 1,833 3,583 2,403 4,044 1,604 635 1,124 936 1,251 1,200 1,878 2,082 786 1,037 1,152 1,151 1,253 1,199 361 1,726 1,492 1,491 580 859 2,783 1,612 1,488 3,736 3,582 3,800 899 1,999 928 Market Spec. 27 Drug 17 25-26 31-34 Cosmetic 18 Major 25 Other Optician 19 Gen'l Pers'l Care & Subtotal Discount 26 58-83 35-57 Home 84-113 114-123 Subtotal Fashion Furnishings Music/Bk/Art + TSC 28 Non-Dep't Home Ctr. Bldg. Sply. Beer 22 Fast Food Personal NFSR Electronics Used/Misc. A/P/A 29 NFSR Space Nursery GLA GLA GLA 3,075 3,075 3,075 1,182 1,182 1,182 1,499 1,868 1,499 1,868 1,499 1,868 1,882 2,162 1,599 1,882 2,162 1,599 1,882 2,162 1,599 1,882 1,882 1,882 1,882 1,882 1,882 3,536 3,384 3,536 3,384 3,536 3,384 18,169 1,161 10,000 18,169 1,161 10,000 18,169 1,161 1,009 3,754 3,187 4,239 1,061 1,009 3,754 3,187 4,239 1,061 1,009 3,754 3,187 4,239 1,061 Food FSR Dep't Store Merch. 20-21 Access. GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA Forist/Gift GLA 10,000 GLA GLA GLA 540 436 435 270 1,833 3,583 2,403 4,044 1,604 635 1,124 936 1,251 1,200 1,878 2,082 786 1,833 3,583 2,403 4,044 1,604 635 1,124 1,833 3,583 2,403 4,044 1,604 635 1,124 936 1,251 1,200 1,878 2,082 936 1,251 1,200 1,878 2,082 1,037 1,152 1,151 1,253 1,199 361 1,726 1,492 1,491 1,037 1,152 1,151 1,253 1,199 361 1,726 1,492 1,491 786 1,037 1,152 1,151 1,253 1,199 361 1,726 1,492 1,491 580 859 859 2,783 2,783 2,783 1,612 1,488 1,612 1,488 1,612 1,488 3,736 3,736 3,736 3,582 3,582 3,582 3,800 1,999 3,800 899 1,999 3,800 899 1,999 928 928 928 899 Page 8 of 34 131-136 137-143 144-159 FIRE & 175-183 200 Other Bank Prof'l Other Vacant Space Trust Services Services Space NEC GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA 184-196 124-126 Wine 23 Drinking Services GLA 127-130 172-174 Hardware Liquor 24 Rest. & Store Computers 22-24 Total Tires 30 & Grocery 540 28-30 Sport/Hobby Can Tire 160-171 201-203 APPENDIX B-1 RETAIL AND SERVICE FLOORPSPACE INVENTORY 1-2 3-16 Super- Barrie Retail and Service Inventory Corey Doyle - June 30, 2010 # Street Store Name NAICS Study Store Type Code Code N017 Trade Secrets Cosmetics / Beauty Supply 44612 18 N018 Telus Mobility Telephones 44311 78 N019 Rocky Mountain Chocolate Bath & Body Works Candy & Nut 445292 8 Cosmetics / Beauty Supply 44612 18 Cleo Vacant Quilts Etc. Women's Clothing 44812 36 200 200 Bedding / Linen / Bath 442298 66 Carlton Cards Green Earth Greeting Cards 45322 96 Gift, Novelty and Souviner 45322 95 Caryl Baker Visage Personal Edge Cosmetics / Beauty Supply 44612 18 Beauty Salon 812115 185 Lids Rogers Plus Claire's Boutique Clothing Accessories 44815 55 Telephones 44311 78 Clothing Accessories 44815 55 EB Games Japan Camera Shefield Express Mexx / Mexx Kids Dynamite Bentley Electronic Games 45112 88 Camera & Photo Supply 44313 83 Tabacconist 453999 111 Family Clothing 44814 38 Family Clothing 44814 38 Luggage & Leather Goods 44832 57 Vacant Guess La Vie En Rose Aqua Smart Set Jacob Lingerie RW & Co. Boathouse Please Mom Le Chateau Feet First Vacant 200 200 Family Clothing 44814 38 Women's Clothing 44812 36 Women's Clothing 44812 36 Women's Clothing 44812 36 Men's Clothing 44811 35 Family Clothing 44814 38 Children's Clothing 44813 37 Family Clothing 44814 38 Family Shoes 44821 52 Vacant Yogen Fruz Second Cup Ron Jon Surf Shop Town Shoes Tristan Vacant Pearle Vision Natural Solutions KFC New York Fries A&W Manchu Wok Pizza Nova Made In Japan Vacant 200 200 445299 10 Fast Food 7222 173 Family Clothing 44814 38 Family Shoes 44821 52 Family Clothing 44814 38 200 200 44613 19 N020 N021 N022 N023 N024 N025 N025a N026 N026a N027 N028 N029 N030 N031 N032 N033 N0364 N035 N036 N037 N038 N039 N040 N041 N042 N043 N044 N044c N044b N044a N045 N046 N047 N048 N049 N050 Vacant Other Food Vacant Optician Cosmetics / Beauty Supply 44612 18 Fast Food 7222 173 Fast Food 7222 173 Fast Food 7222 173 Fast Food 7222 173 Fast Food 7222 173 Fast Food 7222 173 Subway Greek Kitchen Thai Express Fast Food 7222 173 Fast Food 7222 173 Fast Food 7222 173 Telephones 44311 78 Z009 Fido Koodo Telephones 44311 78 Z013 Golden Valley Jewellery 44831 56 Z017 Virgin Mobile Telephones 44311 78 Z016 Clothing Accessories 44815 55 Telephones 44311 78 Z015 Access Planet Wireless Wave Solo Telephones 44311 78 f/s National Bank Bank 52211 124 F003 F004 F005 F006 F007 F008 F009 F010 F012 Z014 Z002 Total Space GLA 1,233 1,454 324 3,742 2,907 1,827 2,022 2,020 1,305 541 523 798 610 874 1,058 720 428 4,349 3,891 1,744 3,695 3,339 2,207 3,695 3,694 3,630 3,617 1,619 5,345 1,160 583 322 1,023 3,181 1,686 5,214 1,201 2,388 1,335 508 375 375 375 380 375 368 375 411 200 200 207 150 206 200 80 4,200 Market Spec. 27 Drug 17 25-26 31-34 Cosmetic 18 Major 25 Other Optician 19 Gen'l Pers'l Care & Subtotal Discount 26 58-83 35-57 Home 84-113 114-123 Subtotal Fashion Furnishings Music/Bk/Art + TSC 28 Non-Dep't & Grocery Food FSR Dep't Store Merch. 20-21 Access. GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA Home Ctr. Bldg. Sply. Beer 22 Fast Food Personal NFSR Electronics Used/Misc. A/P/A 29 NFSR Space Nursery GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA 1,454 GLA 1,233 1,233 1,454 1,454 131-136 137-143 144-159 FIRE & 175-183 200 Other Bank Prof'l Other Vacant Space Trust Services Services Space NEC GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA 184-196 124-126 Wine 23 Drinking Services GLA 127-130 172-174 Hardware Liquor 24 Rest. & Store Forist/Gift 22-24 Total Tires 30 Computers 1,233 324 28-30 Sport/Hobby Can Tire GLA GLA 160-171 201-203 324 3,742 3,742 3,742 2,907 2,907 2,022 2,022 2,020 1,305 2,020 1,305 541 541 798 610 874 798 610 874 4,349 3,891 1,744 1,058 720 428 4,349 3,891 1,744 1,058 720 428 4,349 3,891 1,744 3,339 2,207 3,695 3,694 3,630 3,617 1,619 5,345 1,160 3,339 2,207 3,695 3,694 3,630 3,617 1,619 5,345 1,160 3,339 2,207 3,695 3,694 3,630 3,617 1,619 5,345 1,160 2,907 1,827 2,022 2,020 1,305 541 523 798 610 874 1,058 720 428 3,695 583 322 322 1,023 3,181 1,686 5,214 3,181 1,686 5,214 3,181 1,686 5,214 2,388 1,335 2,388 1,335 1,201 2,388 1,335 508 375 375 375 380 375 368 375 411 200 200 207 200 200 200 200 207 207 150 150 150 200 80 206 200 80 206 200 80 206 4,200 Page 9 of 34 APPENDIX B-1 RETAIL AND SERVICE FLOORPSPACE INVENTORY 1-2 3-16 Super- Barrie Retail and Service Inventory Corey Doyle - June 30, 2010 # Street Store Name NAICS Study Store Type Code Code Total Space GLA Market Spec. 27 Drug 17 25-26 31-34 Cosmetic 18 Major 25 Other Optician 19 Gen'l Pers'l Care & Subtotal Discount 26 58-83 35-57 Home 84-113 28-30 Sport/Hobby Can Tire 114-123 Subtotal Fashion Furnishings Music/Bk/Art + TSC 28 Non-Dep't & Grocery Food FSR Dep't Store Merch. 20-21 Access. GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA Home Ctr. Hardware Liquor 24 Rest. & Bldg. Sply. Beer 22 Fast Food Personal Store NFSR Electronics Used/Misc. A/P/A 29 NFSR Space Nursery GLA GLA GLA 1,000 1,000 2,000 2,000 GLA Forist/Gift GLA GLA 131-136 137-143 144-159 FIRE & 175-183 200 Other Bank Prof'l Other Vacant Space Trust Services Services Space NEC GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA 184-196 124-126 Wine 23 Drinking Services GLA 127-130 172-174 Total Tires 30 Computers 22-24 GLA GLA 160-171 201-203 Priority Plaza 531 Bayfield Street Strip Plaza Kiddie Kobbler Children's Shoes Coming Attractions Hairstyling Beauty Salon Pet Valu Priority Chiropractic Little Caesar's Pizza Grape & Hop Winemaking 44821 51 812115 185 Pet & Pet Supply 45391 102 Other Health 6213 153 Fast Food 7222 173 Beer & Wine Making Suppl 453992 104 533 Bayfield Street f/s Centennial Windows & Doors Home Improvement Vacant Vacant The Beer Store Beer Tim Horton's Fast Food 7222 173 535 Bayfield Street f/s LW Everybody's Outlet Store General Merchandise 452999 32 545 Bayfield Street f/s 44221 63 Bayfield Street f/s 200 200 555 Bayfield Street f/s End of The Roll Carpet Vacant Toys R Us Floor Coverings 547 Toy / Hobby 45112 88 561 Bayfield Street f/s Staples - Business Depot Office Supply 45321 94 Vacant 44411 114 200 200 44531 22 1,000 1,000 2,000 2,000 1,000 1,000 2,000 3,000 5,600 3,025 30,108 10,398 10,108 41,840 22,766 1,000 1,000 2,000 2,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 2,000 3,000 5,600 3,025 30,108 10,398 30,108 30,108 10,398 10,398 41,840 41,840 41,840 22,766 22,766 22,766 2,400 2,400 2,400 1,200 2,400 2,400 1,200 10,108 w/s Bayfield Street South from Hanmer Drive North Barrie Plaza 580 Bayfield Street Strip Plaza Vacant G&B Gates & Boards Vacant Sporting Goods & Apparel Home & Garden Décor & Gifts Home Furnishings Beam Vacuums Vacuum Cleaners Vacant Vacant 544 Bayfield Street 524 Bayfield Street f/s 520 Bayfield Street f/s 514 Bayfield Street f/s 506 Bayfield Street 502 Bayfield Street f/s 490 Bayfield Street 488 200 87 44211 58 44311 81 200 200 4,800 2,400 2,400 1,200 30,600 4,800 2,400 1,200 30,600 Bayfield Street Strip Plaza 534 200 45111 Bayfield Street f/s Goodwill Store Used Goods 45331 Aaron's Furniture & Appliances Home Furnishings / Applian 44211 Bank 52211 Scotiabank L.C.B.O. Liquor 44531 The Dollar Party Store Party Supplies 453999 Vacant Vacant 200 Bank 52211 T-D Canada Trust Shoppers Drug Mart Drugstore 44311 Home Hardware Building C. Home Improvement 44411 Carpet One Floor Coverings 44221 97 59 124 24 110 200 124 17 114 63 Telus Mobility Mr. Sub East Side Mario's Blockbuster Video A&W Bulk Barn Telephones 44311 78 Fast Food 7222 173 Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 Video Rental 53223 134 Fast Food 7222 173 Bulk Food 445299 15 22,000 4,000 7,998 19,200 4,500 4,500 9,000 22,670 29,700 34,585 1,900 1,900 5,167 4,800 3,200 5,113 22,000 4,000 22,000 4,000 22,000 4,000 7,998 19,200 4,500 4,500 4,500 22,670 22,670 34,585 34,585 34,585 1,900 1,900 1,900 4,500 9,000 22,670 29,700 1,900 5,167 4,800 3,200 5,113 5,113 Smart Centre North Barrie 498 Bayfield Street f/s Reitman's Women's Clothing 44812 36 472 Bayfield Street Sobey's Supermarket 44511 1 468 Bayfield Street Old Navy Addition Elle Bonnie Togs Family Clothing 44814 38 Women's Clothing 44812 36 Children's Clothing 44813 37 PJ's Pet Express First Choice Haircutters Payless Shoe Source Kelsey's Quizno's Pet & Pet Supply 45391 102 Barber Shop 812114 184 Family Shoes 44821 52 Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 Fast Food 7222 173 462 Bayfield Street 458 Bayfield Street 454 Bayfield Street 5,898 91,389 22,560 6,900 8,000 4,000 1,300 2,800 4,995 1,400 91,389 5,898 5,898 5,898 22,560 6,900 22,560 6,900 22,560 6,900 91,389 8,000 4,000 8,000 8,000 4,000 4,000 2,800 2,800 1,300 2,800 4,995 1,400 Page 10 of 34 APPENDIX B-1 RETAIL AND SERVICE FLOORPSPACE INVENTORY 1-2 3-16 Super- Barrie Retail and Service Inventory Corey Doyle - June 30, 2010 # Street Store Name NAICS Study Store Type Baystone Dental Chatters Dentist Beauty Salon Code Code 6212 152 812115 185 450 Bayfield Street f/s 26 Bayfield Street f/s Wal-Mart McDonald's Discount Department Store 45211 446 Fast Food 7222 173 37 Bayfield Street f/s Dentistry 37 (2 Flrs.) Dentist 6212 152 A Metro Supermarket 44511 1 B Zellers Belly Dance Supply Discount Dept. Store 45211 26 Miscellaneous 453999 113 Dia Vita Jewellery Leather City Anna's Nails & Spa Jewellery 44831 56 Luggage & Leather Goods 44832 57 Beauty Salon 812115 185 Gift, Novelty and Souviner 45322 95 Pawnbroker 522299 128 Jewellery 44831 56 Shoe Repair 81143 182 18 Kupo Gift Gallery Hock Shop Karat Jewellery Fixem Up Shoe Repair Royal Bank (bank machine) Bank 52211 124 19 Victoria's Daily Perk Fast Food 7222 173 21 Shear Illusions Hair Design Beauty Salon Vacant Vacant Murdock Travel Travel Agent Public Optical Optician La Sewing Group Sewing / Needlework Red Beard Sports Sporting Goods / Apparel Without a Paddle Miscellaneous Fashion Max Family Clothing TD Canada Trust (bank machBank Golden Griddle Licensed Restaurant 812115 185 200 200 5615 146 44613 19 45113 89 Voldi's Time Centre Vacant Party Packagers Rogers Plus Doogan's Pet Shop Video Time M & M Meat Shop Moon and Back Beads Unique Bridal Shop Dollar Giant Supreme Vacuum Nevada Bob's Golf Gold Art Jewellery Supreme Vacuum Vacant Jewellery 44831 56 200 200 Party Supply 453999 110 Telephones 44311 78 Pet & Pet Supply 45391 102 Video Rental 53223 134 Meat 44521 4 Hobby, Toy & Games 45112 88 Bridal 448199 42 Dollar Store 452999 32 Vacuum Cleaners 44311 81 Sporting Goods / Apparel 45111 87 Jewellery 44831 56 Vacuum Cleaners 44311 81 200 200 Bath Fitters Advance Cleaners Century 21 Realty Home Improvement 44411 114 Dry Cleaner 81232 192 Real Estate 53121 139 F1/2 Doctor's Office Doctor 6211 151 F3/4 Greek Corner Fast Food 7222 173 F5 Vacant Vacant 200 200 F6 Fast Food 7222 173 Fast Food 7222 173 F8 Golden Wok Plus Home Sakura Japanese Vacant 200 200 F9 U-Haul Truck Rental Truck Rental 53211 131 Total Space GLA Market Spec. 27 Drug 17 25-26 31-34 Cosmetic 18 Major 25 Other Optician 19 Gen'l Pers'l Care & Subtotal Discount 26 58-83 35-57 84-113 28-30 Sport/Hobby Can Tire 114-123 Subtotal Fashion Furnishings Music/Bk/Art + TSC 28 Non-Dep't & Grocery Food FSR Dep't Store Merch. 20-21 Access. GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA 2,550 2,550 128,340 6,792 2,400 Home Home Ctr. Hardware Liquor 24 Rest. & Bldg. Sply. Beer 22 Fast Food Personal Store NFSR Electronics Used/Misc. A/P/A 29 NFSR Space Nursery GLA GLA GLA GLA Forist/Gift GLA GLA 131-136 137-143 144-159 FIRE & 175-183 200 Other Bank Prof'l Other Vacant Space Trust Services Services Space NEC GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA 184-196 124-126 Wine 23 Drinking Services GLA 127-130 172-174 Total Tires 30 Computers 22-24 GLA GLA 160-171 201-203 2,550 2,550 128,340 0 128,340 6,792 2,400 Kozlov Shopping Centre 400 Bayfield 1 2 3 5 7 12 15 17 23 25 27 29 35 37 39 42 45 49 51 53 55 57 59 60 61 62 65 71 77 79 K1 K5 K6 K7 K8 Vacant Vacant 45111 87 453999 113 44814 38 52211 124 7221 172 48,000 106,092 2,200 450 2,150 1,200 2,200 6,115 1,236 1,333 139 1,400 1,500 1,300 800 3,000 2,500 3,633 1,400 5,800 430 5,300 625 975 14,000 700 1,850 2,150 1,400 1,000 800 8,223 500 5,100 1,075 100 100 100 500 100 48,000 48,000 106,092 2,200 450 2,150 0 2,200 106,092 2,200 450 2,150 450 2,150 2,200 2,200 1,236 1,236 1,200 2,200 6,115 1,236 1,333 139 1,400 1,500 1,300 800 3,000 2,500 3,633 1,400 5,800 3,000 2,500 3,633 1,400 5,800 3,000 2,500 3,633 1,400 5,800 430 5,300 625 625 625 14,000 700 1,850 14,000 700 1,850 975 14,000 700 1,850 2,150 1,400 1,400 1,000 800 8,223 500 5,100 1,075 100 1,000 800 8,223 500 5,100 1,075 100 1,000 800 8,223 500 5,100 1,075 100 100 100 500 100 Lower Level F7 Vacant 1,100 750 400 400 400 650 675 1,100 750 400 400 400 650 675 Page 11 of 34 APPENDIX B-1 RETAIL AND SERVICE FLOORPSPACE INVENTORY 1-2 3-16 Super- Barrie Retail and Service Inventory Corey Doyle - June 30, 2010 # Street Store Name NAICS Study Store Type Code Code 7222 173 71399 171 Vacant Ministry of Youth Services Vacant Vacant 200 200 Social Service 6241 156 Vacant 200 200 Dental Office Ultimate Cut Dentist 6212 152 812114 184 540 504 650 2,225 1,585 4,985 3,600 1,283 1,050 Law Office Lawyer 5411 140 1,995 Abstract - The Salon Doctor's Office Beauty Salon 812115 185 Doctor 6211 151 Vacant Barrie College of Aesthetics Optometrist Stark Insurance Dunbrook & Associates Doctor's Office Vacant 200 200 61169 150 Other Health 6213 153 Insurance Agent 52421 138 Financial Planning 52393 137 Doctor 6211 151 Doctor's Office Doctor's Office Huronia Denture Clinic Financial Horizons Group Doctor's Office Financial Horizons Group H & R Block Radio Station Ruby Sky Event Planning Phychotherapist Doctor 6211 151 Doctor 6211 151 Other Health 6213 153 Financial Planning 52393 137 Doctor 6211 151 Financial Planning 52393 137 Accounting 955 680 1,195 4,450 1,050 504 700 610 350 350 700 400 1,400 800 1,200 420 690 190 1,125 450 F10 Wizard's Castle Arcade Arcade 71312 163 F11 Captain Al's Fish & Chips Fast Food 7222 173 F12/13 Shefield Gourmet Fast Food Kozlov Ctr. Community Room Other Service C1/3 C17 C19 C21 C43 C45 Total Space GLA Barber Shop Market Spec. 27 Drug 17 25-26 31-34 Cosmetic 18 Major 25 Other Optician 19 Gen'l Pers'l Care & Subtotal Discount 26 58-83 35-57 Home 84-113 28-30 Sport/Hobby Can Tire 114-123 Subtotal Fashion Furnishings Music/Bk/Art + TSC 28 Non-Dep't & Grocery Food FSR Dep't Store Merch. 20-21 Access. GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA Home Ctr. Hardware Liquor 24 Rest. & Bldg. Sply. Beer 22 Fast Food Personal Store NFSR Electronics Used/Misc. A/P/A 29 NFSR Space Nursery GLA GLA GLA GLA Forist/Gift GLA GLA 131-136 137-143 144-159 FIRE & 175-183 200 Other Bank Prof'l Other Vacant Space Trust Services Services Space NEC GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA 184-196 124-126 Wine 23 Drinking Services GLA 127-130 172-174 Total Tires 30 Computers 22-24 GLA GLA 160-171 201-203 540 504 650 2,225 1,585 4,985 3,600 1,283 1,050 Upper Level 200 1,995 Offices 202 205 206 207/218 223 225 230 235 240 242 243 244 245 246 250 251 252 253 255 260 11 5412 141 Other Service na 201 Other Service 81299 196 Other Health 6213 153 6241 156 61169 150 Salvation Army Correctional Sr Social Service CTC Computer Training Education 1,195 4,450 1,050 504 700 610 350 350 700 400 1,400 800 1,200 420 690 190 1,125 450 Wash & Fold Coin Laundry European Deli Mac's Laundry 81231 191 Delicatessen 445299 14 Convenience 44512 3 Vacant 1,000 1,000 2,500 1,000 1,000 2,500 1,000 2,500 Bayfield Street 1,800 1,350 450 960 2,400 1,920 3,035 12,712 354 Bayfield Street f/s Vacant Ardent Heating & Cooling Timpano Bridal Shop First Choice Haircutters Pizza Pizza Money Mart Tim Horton's 348 Bayfield Street f/s Fabricland Fabrics 45113 89 346 Bayfield Street Strip Plaza Stag Shop Adult Store Miscellaneous 453999 113 344 Bayfield Street Jade Garden The Beat Goes On The Pita Pit Fast Food 7222 173 Used CD"s 45331 101 Fast Food 7222 173 Pizza Hut Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 5,360 1,200 1,200 1,600 3,175 Giovani & Perri Hairstylists Beauty Salon 812115 185 1,320 Strip Plaza 342 680 Cundles Rd. @ Bayfield Strip Plaza 362 Education 955 Bayfield Street 200 200 Home Improvement 44411 114 Bridal 448199 42 Barber Shop 812114 184 Fast Food 7222 173 Cheque Cashing 52239 130 Fast Food 7222 173 1,800 1,350 450 450 450 960 2,400 1,920 3,035 12,712 12,712 12,712 5,360 5,360 5,360 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,600 3,175 Glenwood Plaza 7 Glenwood Ave. Strip Plaza 1,320 Page 12 of 34 APPENDIX B-1 RETAIL AND SERVICE FLOORPSPACE INVENTORY 1-2 3-16 Super- Barrie Retail and Service Inventory Corey Doyle - June 30, 2010 # Street Store Name NAICS Study Store Type Code Code C & K Chinese Food Nature's Best Natural Food Fast Food 7222 173 Health Food 445299 13 The Flower Place Florist 45311 93 Canadian Tire CT Garden Centre Home & Auto Supply 452991 28 Garden Centre 44422 123 M104 Price Chopper Supermarket 44511 1 M102 Bowlarama Winners Bowlong Alley 71395 169 Family Clothing 44814 38 The Source As Seen on TV Vacant Consumer Electronics 44311 75 Miscellaneous 453999 113 Vacant 200 200 Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant Dia Amore Jewellers Extreme Imaging Vacant 200 200 Vacant 200 200 Vacant 200 200 Vacant 200 200 Total Space GLA Market Spec. 27 Drug 17 25-26 31-34 Cosmetic 18 Major 25 Other Optician 19 Gen'l Pers'l Care & Subtotal Discount 26 58-83 35-57 84-113 28-30 Sport/Hobby Can Tire 114-123 Subtotal Fashion Furnishings Music/Bk/Art + TSC 28 Non-Dep't & Grocery Food FSR Dep't Store Merch. 20-21 Access. GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA 2,640 2,640 1,320 2,640 2,640 Home Home Ctr. Hardware Liquor 24 Rest. & Bldg. Sply. Beer 22 Fast Food Personal Store NFSR Electronics Used/Misc. A/P/A 29 NFSR Space Nursery GLA GLA GLA GLA Forist/Gift GLA GLA 131-136 137-143 144-159 FIRE & 175-183 200 Other Bank Prof'l Other Vacant Space Trust Services Services Space NEC GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA 184-196 124-126 Wine 23 Drinking Services GLA 127-130 172-174 Total Tires 30 Computers 22-24 GLA GLA 160-171 201-203 1,320 2,640 2,640 2,640 104,840 104,840 104,840 4,494 4,494 4,494 27,123 27,123 2,335 1,221 2,335 1,221 Bayfield Mall 320 Bayfield Street M103 M101 1 3 4 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 17a 18 19 19a 20 25a 25b 25c 29 30 31 32 33 35 36a 37 Jewellery 44831 56 Printing Service 56143 145 Sunrise Records Home Essence Color Your World Island Inkjet Vacant Public Optical Slickers Hair Salon Easy Home Vacant Henry's Photo Tapes / Discs / Records 45122 92 Home Furniture / Décor 44211 58 Paint & Wallpaper 44412 116 Other Service 56143 145 200 200 Optician 44613 19 Beauty Salon 812115 185 Home Furniture / Décor 44211 58 200 200 Camera & Photo Supply 44313 83 Society Pharma Plus Kelyta Creations Maxwell Shop Gold Plaza Carlton Cards Scotiabank Our Dry Cleaner Coffee Time Best Nails Bayfield Smoke & Gift Dollarama Half Price Books Astro Mechanics (telescopes) A&W Women's Clothing 44812 36 Drugstore 44311 17 Bridal 448199 42 Consumer Electronics 44311 75 Jewellery 44831 56 Greeting Cards 45322 96 Bank 52211 124 Dry Cleaner 81232 192 Vacant Vacant 7222 173 Beauty Salon 812115 185 Convenience 44512 3 General Merchandise 452999 32 Books & News 45121 91 Toy / Hobby 45112 88 Fast Food 7222 173 Vacant The Flower Place Vacant Vacant 200 200 Florist 45311 93 Vacant 200 200 Vacant 200 200 53 Vacant Top Drawer Lingerie Women's Clothing 44812 36 54 Fix Alterations Alteration Service 81149 183 55 H & R Block Accounting 5412 141 56a Boreal College La Cle d'la Baie The Career Centre Education 61169 150 Education 61169 150 57 Education 61169 150 61 Direct Buy of Barrie Miscellaneous 453999 113 38 39 41 46 49c 49b 49a 50 51 51a 56b Fast Food 104,840 4,494 27,843 36,153 27,123 2,335 1,221 3,500 2,050 4,817 1,308 700 830 821 1,614 2,039 4,805 464 3,426 1,008 997 3,505 1,492 3,406 1,569 8,682 986 516 509 2,105 2,637 732 1,500 473 501 9,440 6,270 670 991 332 1,614 305 1,400 630 252 1,305 2,005 3,336 7,961 6,814 27,843 27,843 36,153 27,123 2,335 1,221 3,500 2,050 4,817 1,308 700 830 830 830 1,614 2,039 1,614 2,039 821 1,614 2,039 4,805 464 3,426 1,008 1,008 1,008 3,505 3,505 3,505 3,406 3,406 3,406 1,569 8,682 986 516 509 2,105 1,569 8,682 986 516 509 2,105 997 1,492 1,569 8,682 986 516 509 2,105 2,637 732 1,500 473 501 501 9,440 6,270 670 9,440 6,270 670 9,440 6,270 670 991 332 1,614 1,614 1,614 305 1,400 630 630 630 252 1,305 2,005 3,336 7,961 6,814 Page 13 of 34 6,814 6,814 APPENDIX B-1 RETAIL AND SERVICE FLOORPSPACE INVENTORY 1-2 3-16 Super- Barrie Retail and Service Inventory Corey Doyle - June 30, 2010 # Street Store Name NAICS Study Store Type Code Code Captain's Fish & Chips Vacant Vacant Fast Food 7222 173 Vacant 200 200 Vacant 200 200 The Career Centre Service Ontario Mortgage Renewal Ctr. Sir Games A Lot Commodius House CDN Food Inspection Agency Education 61169 150 Social Service 6241 156 Mortgage Broker 52231 129 Toy / Hobby 45112 88 Fast Food 7222 173 General Office Space 202 202 Vacant Vacant Dairy Queen Vacant Treasures of China Buffet Vacant Bayfield Dental Ctr. Elite Nails & Spa Vacant Vacant 200 200 Vacant 200 200 Fast Food 7222 173 Vacant 200 200 Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 Vacant 200 200 Dentist 6212 152 812115 185 Vacant 200 200 1,882 7,813 21,281 1,248 3,772 411 17,821 667 1,045 731 595 381 525 580 829 1,204 500 2,660 431 2,858 1,717 2,400 1,061 1,445 9,048 545 1,200 722 1,022 Telus Call Centre General Office Space 202 202 39,961 Everest College Burger King Applebee's Grill The Fishbowl B's Café BNS Bank Machine BNS Bank Machine Vacant Vacant Touchtel Wiireless BNS Bank Machine Dia Amore Jewellers Bayfield Lottery Education 61169 150 Fast Food 7222 173 Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 Fast Food 7222 173 Bank 52211 124 Bank 52211 124 Vacant 200 200 Vacant 200 200 Gold Plaza II Vacant 14,280 4,137 4,300 6,000 150 16 16 75 160 100 16 171 50 120 156 61a Kumon Learning Centre Education 61169 150 63 Direct Buy of Barrie Miscellaneous 453999 113 65 The Learning Centre YMCA of Simcoe Education 61169 150 Social Service 6241 156 Simcoe Community Services Vacant Bayfield Cinemas Social Service 6241 156 Vacant 200 200 Cinema 51213 160 Scrubs n Stuff Matrix Uniforms 448199 47 71 71a 80 83 84 85 86 87 87a 88 88a 93 104 106a 107a 109a 110 113 114 115 121 139 143 143a 146 147 Total Space GLA Women's Clothing Blood Brothers Paintball Supp. Miscellaneous Subway Fast Food Beauty Salon 44812 36 453999 113 7222 173 Market Spec. 27 Drug 17 25-26 31-34 Cosmetic 18 Major 25 Other Optician 19 Gen'l Pers'l Care & Subtotal Discount 26 58-83 35-57 Home 84-113 28-30 Sport/Hobby Can Tire 114-123 Subtotal Fashion Furnishings Music/Bk/Art + TSC 28 Non-Dep't & Grocery Food FSR Dep't Store Merch. 20-21 Access. GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA Home Ctr. Hardware Liquor 24 Rest. & Bldg. Sply. Beer 22 Fast Food Personal Store NFSR Electronics Used/Misc. A/P/A 29 NFSR Space Nursery GLA GLA GLA 7,813 7,813 GLA Forist/Gift GLA GLA 131-136 137-143 144-159 FIRE & 175-183 200 Other Bank Prof'l Other Vacant Space Trust Services Services Space NEC GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA 184-196 124-126 Wine 23 Drinking Services GLA 127-130 172-174 Total Tires 30 Computers 22-24 GLA GLA 160-171 201-203 1,882 7,813 21,281 1,248 3,772 411 17,821 667 1,045 731 667 1,045 667 1,045 731 731 595 381 525 580 829 1,204 500 2,660 2,660 2,660 431 2,858 1,717 2,400 1,061 1,445 9,048 545 1,200 722 1,022 Upper Level 201 39,961 Lower Level B100 Pad1 Pad3 Pad4 Kiosk1 Kiosk10 Kiosk17 Kiosk18 Kiosk2 Kiosk23 Kiosk24 Kiosk4 Kiosk6 Kiosk8 Kiosk9 Telephones 44311 78 Bank 52211 124 Jewellery 44831 56 Ticket Vendor 713291 165 Jewellery 44831 56 200 200 Vacant SUBTOTAL NODE 2 2,317,559 213,232 24,519 237,751 14,280 4,137 4,300 6,000 150 16 16 75 160 100 100 171 171 171 120 120 120 16 50 156 441,695 47,771 70,874 NODE 3 - CEDAR POINTE DRIVE AND DUNLOP STREET WEST OF HWY 400 Cedar Pointe Business Park 15 100 Cedar Pointe Dr Page 14 of 34 352,827 150,245 272,496 109,334 1,003,547 1,445,242 37,955 24,800 144,733 33,667 44,103 28,889 108,714 109,644 102,061 APPENDIX B-1 RETAIL AND SERVICE FLOORPSPACE INVENTORY 1-2 3-16 Super- Barrie Retail and Service Inventory Corey Doyle - June 30, 2010 # Street Store Name Mack Concept Kitchens Kitchen Cabinets 44419 117 Georgian Vacuums Vacuum Cleaners 44311 81 104 Plug & Play The Sewing House Electronic Games 45112 Sewing / Needlework 45113 89 Vin Bon Wine Making Splashpools Stewart Travel Beer & Wine Making Suppl 453992 104 Hot Tubs/Swimming Pools 453999 107 Travel Agent 5615 146 Michael Dove Dentistry Vacant Dentist 6212 152 Vacant 200 200 Capilia Hair Replacement Stantec Consulting Hair Reolacement 81219 188 General Office Space 202 202 Vacant 200 200 Vacant 200 200 123 Vacant Vacant Peoplesource Staffing Employment Service 5613 144 124 Vacant Vacant 200 200 Vacant Sleepers VON Xcopper Legal Vacant 107/108 110 112 16 117 119 120 122 88 Market Spec. Drug 17 31-34 Cosmetic 18 Major 25 Other Optician 19 Gen'l Pers'l Care & Subtotal Discount 26 58-83 35-57 Home 84-113 28-30 Sport/Hobby Can Tire 114-123 Subtotal Fashion Furnishings Music/Bk/Art + TSC 28 Non-Dep't & Grocery Food FSR Dep't Store Merch. 20-21 Access. GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA 2,431 1,154 1,165 640 1,760 1,489 1,981 4,080 5,849 1,636 3,173 2,344 2,422 1,559 1,576 Home Ctr. Hardware Liquor 24 Rest. & Bldg. Sply. Beer 22 Fast Food Personal Store NFSR Electronics Used/Misc. A/P/A 29 NFSR Space Nursery GLA GLA GLA 1,154 1,154 1,165 640 1,165 640 1,165 640 1,760 1,489 1,760 1,489 1,760 1,489 GLA Forist/Gift GLA GLA 131-136 137-143 144-159 FIRE & 175-183 200 Other Bank Prof'l Other Vacant Space Trust Services Services Space NEC GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA 184-196 124-126 Wine 23 Drinking Services GLA 127-130 172-174 Total Tires 30 Computers 22-24 GLA GLA 160-171 201-203 2,431 1,154 1,981 4,080 5,849 1,636 3,173 2,344 2,422 1,559 1,576 Cedar Pointe Dr 225 200 200 Mattresses 44211 62 Out-Patient Care 6214 154 Legal 5411 140 Designers Plus(kitchen design) Jerry's Radio & TV Coconut Beach Tanning Swimwear Beach Resort Doctor Lawyer Accounting Enterprise Rent a Car Aerus Electrolux (vacuums) Kitchen Cabinets 44419 117 Consumer Electronics 44311 75 Beauty Salon 812115 185 Swimwear 448199 46 Doctor 6211 151 Legal 5411 140 Accounting 5412 141 Car Rental 53211 131 Vacuum Cleaners 44311 81 Cedar Pointe Convenience Assante Wealth Management Vacant Vacant Spherion Staffing Vacant Vacant Credit Counselling Service Credit Counselling Service Flat Fee Realty Law Office Morgan Holdings Richardson Foster Engineering Vacant Richardson Foster Convenience 44512 3 Financial Planning 52393 137 Vacant 200 200 Vacant 200 200 Employment Service 5613 144 Vacant 200 200 Vacant 200 200 Social Service 6241 156 Social Service 6241 156 Real Estate 53121 139 Legal 5411 140 Legal 5411 140 General Office Space 202 202 Vacant 200 200 General Office Space 202 202 Richardson Foster Weight Watchers Bird House Nature Store General Office Space 202 202 Weight Loss Centre 81219 187 Miscellaneous 453999 113 Business Service 56143 145 R Iboza.Com Web Design Anita Bol & Assoc. Employment Service 5613 144 S Aloette Cosmetics Cosmetics / Beauty Supply 44612 18 Statistics Canada Designers Plus Georgian Hot Tubs General Office Space 202 202 44419 117 502 Hot Tubs/Swimming Pools 453999 107 00503B Morguard Office General Office Space 202 227 231 232 234 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 1,917 3,606 1,160 562 2,083 3,277 1,761 1,561 2,294 1,075 1,682 1,410 896 1,917 3,606 3,606 3,606 1,160 562 2,083 3,277 3,277 3,277 1,561 1,561 1,761 1,561 2,294 1,075 1,682 1,410 896 896 896 Cedar Pointe Dr A B1 B2 C D E1 E2 F G I J1 J2 K1 K2 L M N P Q 34 Code 103 106 4 Code 101 105 35 NAICS Study Store Type Total Space GLA 27 25-26 2,000 875 638 1,568 1,874 1,917 781 1,250 886 2,662 437 1,819 750 878 3,448 1,635 3,450 1,327 1,191 1,141 1,063 2,000 2,000 875 638 1,568 1,874 1,917 781 1,250 886 2,662 437 1,819 750 878 3,448 1,635 3,450 1,327 1,327 1,327 1,191 1,141 1,063 1,063 1,063 3,648 3,648 Cedar Pointe Dr 500 00500B Kitchen Cabinets 202 8,943 4,164 3,648 695 8,943 4,164 3,648 695 Page 15 of 34 APPENDIX B-1 RETAIL AND SERVICE FLOORPSPACE INVENTORY 1-2 3-16 Super- Barrie Retail and Service Inventory Corey Doyle - June 30, 2010 # Street Store Name Quinn Rehab Services Other Health 6213 153 Salnek Window Fashions Window Treatments 442291 64 509 Flooring By Design Mellun Denture Therapist Flooring 44221 63 Other Health 6213 153 Back On The Rack Simcoe Dance Academy Deerbourne Insurance Used Clothing 45331 97 Education 61169 150 Insurance Agent 52421 138 Signature Hair Design TD Canada Trust Beauty Salon 812115 185 Bank 52211 124 602/603 55 Special Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 604 Barrie Chiropractic Ctr. Other Health Lifemates Relationship Service Other Service Ultimate Staffing Employment Service 6213 153 81299 196 513 514 515 520 606 5613 144 Upper Canada Stone Co. Ultimate Staffing Ontario Realty State Farm Insurance Vacant Vacant General Office Space 202 202 Employment Service 5613 144 Real Estate 53121 139 Insurance Agent 52421 138 Vacant 200 200 Vacant 200 200 MPAC Skinsational Headlines By Pat Hake Jewellers Armstrong Insurance Manower Vacant Meul[er & Bradley H.M. Dignam Corp. General Office Space 202 202 Other Health 6213 153 Beauty Salon 812115 185 Jewellery 44831 56 Insurance Agent 52421 138 Employment Service 5613 144 Vacant 200 200 Legal 5411 140 202 202 Career Esentials Edward Jones Achimota Ctr. For Autism The UPS Store Vacant Education 61169 150 Financial Planning 52393 137 Social Service 6241 156 Business Service 56143 145 Vacant 200 200 Bull & Barrell Pub Cedar Pointe Optometry H & R Block Vacant The Wawanesa Insurance Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 Other Health 6213 153 Accounting 5412 141 Cunningham Lindsay T. Carlton Walking Mobility Clinic Spa Lumina Sandpiper Bridal Dr. Bernstein Diet Clinic Vacant 1009 Vacant Canadian Hearing Society 1010 1011 1013 00606A 00606B 609 00610A 00610F 700 Spec. Cosmetic 18 Major 25 Other Optician 19 Gen'l Pers'l Care & Subtotal Discount 26 58-83 35-57 Home 84-113 28-30 Sport/Hobby Can Tire 114-123 Subtotal Fashion Furnishings Music/Bk/Art + TSC 28 Non-Dep't & Grocery Food FSR Dep't Store Merch. 20-21 Access. GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA 2,729 2,931 2,619 1,354 1,301 2,709 1,125 1,149 100 Home Ctr. Hardware Liquor 24 Rest. & Bldg. Sply. Beer 22 Fast Food Personal Store NFSR Electronics Used/Misc. A/P/A 29 NFSR Space Nursery GLA GLA GLA 2,931 2,931 GLA Forist/Gift GLA GLA 131-136 137-143 144-159 FIRE & 175-183 200 Other Bank Prof'l Other Vacant Space Trust Services Services Space NEC GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA 184-196 124-126 Wine 23 Drinking Services GLA 127-130 172-174 Total Tires 30 Computers 22-24 GLA GLA 160-171 201-203 2,729 2,931 2,619 2,619 2,619 1,301 1,301 1,354 1,301 2,709 1,125 1,149 100 8,430 2,107 2,199 1,082 1,753 1,327 642 8,886 762 2,067 8,430 2,107 2,199 1,082 1,753 1,327 642 8,886 762 2,067 Cedar Pointe Dr 800 801 00802A 803 00803A 805 806 00807A 00807B 00808A 00808B 809a&b 810 00811A General Office Space 11,665 2,914 511 1,000 1,004 3,444 1,389 1,326 1,681 1,713 797 8,085 1,088 840 11,665 2,914 511 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,004 3,444 1,389 1,326 1,681 1,713 797 8,085 1,088 840 Cedar Pointe Dr 901 902 904/905 907 200 200 52421 138 Insurance Agent 52421 138 Beauty Salon 812115 185 Health Aids 446199 21 Beauty Salon 812115 185 Bridal 448199 42 Weight Loss Centre 81219 187 200 200 Social Service 6241 156 Young Drivers Of Canada Education 61169 150 North Star Computer Computers 44312 73 Alph Roof Trusses Mattresses World Union Ergonomics Miscellaneous 453999 113 Mattresses 44211 62 1016 Business Service 56143 145 1017 Macdonald Nayduk Legal 5411 140 908 74 Market Drug 17 31-34 Cedar Pointe Dr 605 75 Code 506 511 65 Code 505 510 55 NAICS Study Store Type Total Space GLA 27 25-26 Vacant Insurance Agent 2,555 3,778 3,031 771 1,421 2,555 3,778 3,031 771 1,421 Cedar Pointe Dr 1001 1002 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1015 1,630 1,617 3,003 1,615 1,644 1,615 1,647 1,747 1,709 1,237 2,749 2,809 1,273 969 1,630 1,617 3,003 3,003 3,003 1,644 1,644 1,615 1,644 1,615 1,647 1,747 1,709 1,237 2,749 2,809 1,237 1,237 2,749 2,809 2,749 2,809 1,273 969 Page 16 of 34 APPENDIX B-1 RETAIL AND SERVICE FLOORPSPACE INVENTORY 1-2 3-16 Super- Barrie Retail and Service Inventory Corey Doyle - June 30, 2010 # Street Store Name 44 Dorvict Home Health Care Health Aids 446199 21 1104 Simcoe Assoc. for Disabled Addmore Office Design Social Service 6241 156 Office Furniture 45321 94 Bell Mobility Technosave Telephones 44311 78 Telephones 44311 78 Ministry of The Environment Music Pro General Office Space 202 202 Musical Instruments 45114 90 1401 Premier Health Products Health Aids 446199 21 1403 Vacant Barrie Area Native Advisory Canadian Cancer Society Vacant 200 200 General Office Space 202 202 General Office Space 202 202 1111/12 1207 Major 25 Other Optician 19 Gen'l Pers'l Care & Subtotal Discount 26 58-83 35-57 Home 84-113 28-30 Sport/Hobby Can Tire 114-123 Subtotal Fashion Furnishings Music/Bk/Art + TSC 28 Non-Dep't & Grocery Food FSR Dep't Store Merch. 20-21 Access. GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA Home Ctr. Hardware Liquor 24 Rest. & Bldg. Sply. Beer 22 Fast Food Personal Store NFSR Electronics Used/Misc. A/P/A 29 NFSR Space Nursery GLA GLA GLA 776 776 4,890 4,890 2,712 4,570 2,712 4,570 5,682 5,682 3,313 3,313 GLA Forist/Gift GLA GLA 131-136 137-143 144-159 FIRE & 175-183 200 Other Bank Prof'l Other Vacant Space Trust Services Services Space NEC GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA 184-196 124-126 Wine 23 Drinking Services GLA 127-130 172-174 Total Tires 30 Computers 22-24 GLA GLA 160-171 201-203 776 4,578 4,890 2,712 4,570 776 4,578 4,890 2,712 4,570 10,116 5,682 10,116 5,682 Cedar Pointe Dr 1404 1406 1407 Cdn. Union of Public EmployeeGeneral Office Space Kinnell Insurance Insurance Agent Kinnell Travel Travel Agent Morguard Office General Office Space Ministry of Transportation General Office Space We Care Health Services Other Health 202 202 52421 138 5615 146 202 202 202 202 6213 153 1501 200 200 1504 52421 138 200 200 7221 172 200 200 453992 104 1409 1410 1411 1412 1413 3,313 3,254 5,820 2,003 2,896 1,260 907 896 921 1,225 3,313 3,254 5,820 2,003 2,896 1,260 907 896 921 1,225 Cedar Pointe Dr Vacant Vacant The Co-Operators Insurance Agent 1509 Vacant Vacant Dunlop Street West of Hwy. 400 404-408 Dunlop Street St.Louis Bar & Grill Licenced Restaurant Vacant Vacant Wine Making Wines U Make f/s Barrie Burger Fast Food 422 Dunlop Street Black Tooth Bike Shop Bicycles The Original Mondo's RestauranRestaurant Performance Improvements Tom's Car Radio 140 Ferdale Drive N. f/s Simcoe Building Centre 521 Dunlop Street VSA Auto Parts 461 Dunlop Street Westside Furniture Warehouse Supreme Vacuum Minuteman Press Total Battery Cedar Hill Plaza 453 Dunlop Street Dunlop Convenience Vacant Country Kettle 449 Dunlop Street f/s General Offices 445 Dunlop Street Dakota Sports Club United Furniture 443 Dunlop Street f/s Wimpy's Diner 411 Dunlop Street f/s Tim Horton's Dunlop Street f/s 391 Spec. Cosmetic 18 Cedar Pointe Dr 1202-06 14 Code 01103B 1108/09 64 Code Market Drug 17 31-34 Cedar Pointe Dr 1107 54 NAICS Study Store Type Total Space GLA 27 25-26 Dunlop Street f/s Wendy's The Keg SUBTOTAL NODE 3 7222 173 45111 84 7222 173 Auto Parts 44131 29 Auto Parts 44131 29 Home Improvement 44411 114 Auto Parts 44131 29 Home Furniture 44211 58 Vacuums 44311 81 Business Service 56143 145 Auto Parts 44131 29 Convenience 44512 3 Vacant 200 200 Restaurant 7222 173 General Office Space 202 202 Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 Home Furniture 44211 58 Fast Food 7222 173 Fast Food 7222 173 Fast Food 7222 173 Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 3,959 6,754 16,450 3,959 6,754 16,450 2,240 7,340 1,900 1,980 2,400 1,200 2,400 2,400 32,000 2,400 7,600 1,200 1,200 2,400 2,240 7,340 1,900 1,900 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 7,600 1,200 2,400 7,600 1,200 2,400 2,400 1,980 1,200 2,400 2,400 32,000 2,400 7,600 1,200 1,200 2,400 1,760 880 2,640 8,000 6,000 15,500 2,400 2,600 3,200 8,000 427,754 1,900 1,760 1,760 880 2,640 8,000 6,000 15,500 15,500 15,500 2,400 2,600 3,200 8,000 0 3,760 3,760 0 2,400 8,155 NODE 4 - HWY. 400 & MAPLEVIEW DR. AREA Page 17 of 34 4,205 50,111 28,951 7,200 101,022 101,022 40,678 0 41,245 15,553 100 37,957 63,795 59,249 64,395 APPENDIX B-1 RETAIL AND SERVICE FLOORPSPACE INVENTORY 1-2 3-16 Super- Barrie Retail and Service Inventory Corey Doyle - June 30, 2010 # Street Store Name NAICS Study Store Type Code Code Harvey's Swish Chalet Fast Food 7222 173 Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 Vacant Vacant Total Space GLA Market Spec. 27 Drug 17 25-26 31-34 Cosmetic 18 Major 25 Other Optician 19 Gen'l Pers'l Care & Subtotal Discount 26 58-83 35-57 Home 84-113 28-30 Sport/Hobby Can Tire 114-123 Subtotal Fashion Furnishings Music/Bk/Art + TSC 28 Non-Dep't & Grocery Food FSR Dep't Store Merch. 20-21 Access. GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA Home Ctr. Hardware Liquor 24 Rest. & Bldg. Sply. Beer 22 Fast Food Personal Store NFSR Electronics Used/Misc. A/P/A 29 NFSR Space Nursery GLA GLA GLA GLA Forist/Gift GLA GLA 131-136 137-143 144-159 FIRE & 175-183 200 Other Bank Prof'l Other Vacant Space Trust Services Services Space NEC GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA 184-196 124-126 Wine 23 Drinking Services GLA 127-130 172-174 Total Tires 30 Computers 22-24 GLA GLA 160-171 201-203 Barrieview Dr. North of Mapleview 85 75 Barrieview Drive Barrieview Drive Tim Horton's Fast Food Green Mango Tree Thai Fusion Restaurant The Sweet Oven Bakery Bakery M&M Meats Meat Market 200 200 7222 173 7222 173 52211 124 44521 4 Pizza Roma Jay's Convenience Fast Food 7222 173 Convenience 44512 3 Pearle Vision Joey's Restaurant Optician 44613 19 Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 3,400 6,200 3,000 2,000 1,600 700 1,200 1,200 1,200 3,500 1,600 3,400 6,200 3,000 2,000 1,600 700 700 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 3,500 3,500 3,500 1,600 Summit Centre 80 Barrieview Dr. f/s McDonalds Fast Food 7222 173 76 Barrieview Dr. f/s Books 45121 91 70 Barrieview Drive Chapters Pier 1 Imports Sport Mart Montana's Home Furniture 44211 58 Sporting Goods & Apparel 45111 87 Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 Bouclair Home Music Pro Home Furniture 44211 58 Musical Instruments 45114 90 2001 Audio Video Staples-Business Depot Home Depot TV, Stereo 44311 75 Office Supplies 45321 94 Home Improvement 44411 114 Home Furniture/Appliances 44211 59 Appliances 44211 59 Light Fixtures 442298 71 Floor Coverings 44221 63 BBQ's / Appliances 44211 59 Liquor / Beer /Wine 44531 24 Family Clothing 44814 38 Home Furniture/Appliances 44211 59 66 Barrieview Dr. f/s 3,961 22,303 9,550 8,200 5,221 3,961 22,303 9,550 8,200 22,303 9,550 8,200 22,303 9,550 8,200 5,221 Strip 56 Barrieview Drive 36 Barrieview Dr. f/s 10 Barrieview Dr. f/s 12,640 9,800 4,000 23,972 118,611 12,640 37,500 20,300 9,260 10,540 8,960 12,788 33,213 32,104 37,500 20,300 9,260 37,500 20,300 9,260 37,500 20,300 9,260 10,540 8,960 10,540 8,960 10,540 8,960 32,104 33,213 32,104 33,213 32,104 2,400 6,960 41,722 2,400 6,960 41,722 2,400 6,960 41,722 9,800 4,000 23,972 12,640 12,640 9,800 4,000 23,972 9,800 4,000 23,972 118,611 Caplan Avenue West of Barrieview Dr. Barrieview Home & Design Centre 42 Caplan Avenue Sears Home Lastman's Bad Boy Living Lighting Giant Carpet 37 Caplan Ave. f/s 27 Caplan Ave. f/s 52 Caplan Ave. f/s T.A Appliances LCBO Marks Work Wearhouse The Brick 12,788 33,213 Bryne Drive South of Caplan Ave. to Mapleview Dr. 406 Bryne Drive - strip 436 Bryne Drive f/s 450 Bryne Drive f/s 421 Bryne Drive 451 Bryne Drive f/s HSBC Bank North Country Hardwood Floor Floor Coverings The Maytag Store Appliances Home Outfitters Home Furniture / Appliance Wendy's Fast Food South St. Burger Co. Fast Food Allstate Insurance Insurance East Side Mario's Licensed Restaurant 52211 124 44221 63 44211 59 44211 59 7222 173 7222 173 52421 138 7221 172 3,800 2,400 6,960 41,722 3,520 2,500 2,500 4,980 3,800 3,520 2,500 2,500 4,980 n/s Mapleview Dr. West of Hwy.400 Bank 52211 124 Cheque Cashing 52239 130 50 Bank of Montreal Cash Money Mapleview Drive f/s Mucho Barito Fast Food 7222 173 60 Mapleview Drive f/s T-D Canada Trust Bank 52211 124 70 Mapleview Drive f/s Jack Astor's Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 na 201 44 Mapleview Drive 6,200 1,700 1,994 3,700 6,680 6,200 1,700 1,994 3,700 6,680 s/s Mapleview Dr. East of Hwy.400 21 Mapleview Drive f/s Tourist Information Other Service 41 Mapleview Drive f/s Costco Warehouse Membership Clu 45291 27 61 Mapleview Drive f/s Rona Home Improvement 114 44411 5,000 144,660 120,440 5,000 144,660 144,660 144,660 120,440 s/s Mapleview Dr. West of Hwy.400 Page 18 of 34 APPENDIX B-1 RETAIL AND SERVICE FLOORPSPACE INVENTORY 1-2 3-16 Super- Barrie Retail and Service Inventory Corey Doyle - June 30, 2010 # Street Store Name NAICS Study Store Type Code Code Total Space GLA Market Spec. 27 Drug 17 25-26 31-34 Cosmetic 18 Major 25 Other Optician 19 Gen'l Pers'l Care & Subtotal Discount 26 58-83 35-57 Home 84-113 28-30 Sport/Hobby Can Tire 114-123 Subtotal Fashion Furnishings Music/Bk/Art + TSC 28 Non-Dep't & Grocery Food FSR Dep't Store Merch. 20-21 Access. GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA Home Ctr. Hardware Liquor 24 Rest. & Bldg. Sply. Beer 22 Fast Food Personal Store NFSR Electronics Used/Misc. A/P/A 29 NFSR Space Nursery GLA GLA GLA GLA Forist/Gift GLA GLA 131-136 137-143 144-159 FIRE & 175-183 200 Other Bank Prof'l Other Vacant Space Trust Services Services Space NEC GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA 184-196 124-126 Wine 23 Drinking Services GLA 127-130 172-174 Total Tires 30 Computers 22-24 GLA GLA 160-171 201-203 Smart Centre South Barrie 19 21 Mapleview Dr. - strip Scotiabank Bank 52211 124 Subway Fast Food 7222 173 EB Games Starbuck's Electronic Games 45112 88 Fast Food 7222 173 Telephones 44311 78 First Choice Haircutters Blinds to Go Barber Shop 812114 184 Window Fashions 442291 64 Mapleview Dr. - strip Bell Mobility 27 Mapleview Dr. f/s Kelsey's Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 29 Mapleview Drive Bulk Barn Hallmark Bulk Food 445299 15 Greeting Cards 45322 96 33 Mapleview Dr. - strip West Marine Boating Equipment 44122 n/a Molson Park Dental CIBC The Shoe Company Dentist 6212 152 Bank 52211 124 Family Shoes 44821 52 Vacant (x Marks WW) Petsmart Michael's Wal-Mart Sobey's Winners Vacant 200 200 Pet & Pet Supply 45391 102 Art & Craft Supply Stiches Outlet Store The Beer Store Canadian Tire Royal Bank Mr. Sub Tim Horton's 35 Mapleview Dr. f/s 37 Mapleview Drive 71 Mapleview Dr. f/s 75 Mapleview Dr. f/s 99 Mapleview Dr. f/s 103 Mapleview Dr. f/s 109 Mapleview Dr. f/s 45112 88 Discount Department Store 45211 26 Supermarket 44511 1 Family Clothing 44814 38 Family Clothing 44814 38 Beer 44531 22 Home & Auto Supply 452991 28 Bank 52211 124 Fast Food 7222 173 Fast Food 7222 173 5,000 900 2,580 1,080 1,600 1,000 2,600 5,468 5,000 5,000 4,400 2,650 2,650 6,500 12,800 21,000 18,800 126,160 58,562 31,515 19,000 7,152 105,900 4,959 1,360 3,000 5,000 900 2,580 2,580 1,600 2,580 1,600 1,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 1,080 1,000 5,468 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 4,400 4,400 4,400 2,650 2,650 6,500 6,500 6,500 21,000 18,800 0 21,000 18,800 126,160 31,515 19,000 31,515 19,000 105,900 105,900 12,800 21,000 18,800 126,160 58,562 58,562 31,515 19,000 7,152 105,900 4,959 1,360 3,000 Bryne Drive South of Mapleview Dr. 481 Bryne Drive f/s 491 Bryne Drive f/s 495 Bryne Drive f/s 501 Bryne Drive f/s 511 Bryne Drive f/s 508 Bryne Drive f/s 521 Bryne Drive f/s 525 Bryne Drive f/s 510 Bryne Dr. - strip 505 515 516 Bryne Dr. - strip Bryne Drive Bryne Drive Boston Pizza LA Z Boy Furniture Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 Home Furniture 44211 58 Simmons Mattress Gallery Williams Coffee Pub Fritzy's Southside Hot Tub Haven Big Al's Aquarium Goodwill Store Sherwin Williams Metro Beauty Supply Country Pine BP Gift Warehouse Outlet Corner Store Toppers Pizza Drycleaner Solace Salon Treasure House Pro Tea Health Water Depot Archer Optical CTI Financial Mattress 44211 62 Restaurant 7222 173 Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 Hot Tubs 453999 107 Pet & Pet Supply 45391 102 Used Goods 45331 97 Paint & Wallpaper 44412 116 Cosmetics 44612 18 Home Furniture 44211 58 Gift, Novelty & Souviner 45322 95 Convenience 44512 3 Fast Food 7222 173 Dry Cleaner 81232 192 Beauty Salon 812115 185 Home Furniture 44211 58 Other Health 6213 153 Vacant Bio Ped Footwear Vacant Truck Driver Training Education Physio Therapy Other Health Fantacy Island Simply Hers Miscellaneous Beauty Salon 812115 185 Bubble Tea Café Fast Food 7222 173 201 Optician 44613 19 Financial Planning 52393 137 200 200 446199 21 61169 150 6213 153 453999 113 Health Aids 5,620 10,180 7,142 4,004 3,000 3,961 6,243 12,300 3,600 1,800 1,800 4,800 1,900 2,240 2,240 3,500 8,500 4,600 2,100 2,240 2,240 2,350 1,800 1,800 2,400 2,700 2,600 2,200 5,620 10,180 10,180 10,180 7,142 7,142 7,142 4,004 3,000 3,961 6,243 12,300 3,961 6,243 12,300 3,961 6,243 12,300 4,800 1,800 1,800 4,800 1,800 1,800 4,800 3,600 1,800 1,800 1,900 1,900 2,240 2,240 3,500 8,500 8,500 8,500 4,600 2,100 2,240 2,240 2,240 2,240 2,350 1,800 1,800 1,800 2,700 2,700 1,800 2,400 2,700 2,600 2,200 Page 19 of 34 APPENDIX B-1 RETAIL AND SERVICE FLOORPSPACE INVENTORY 1-2 3-16 Super- Barrie Retail and Service Inventory Corey Doyle - June 30, 2010 # Street Store Name 520 Bryne Drive NAICS Study Store Type Code Code H & R Block Johnny's Seafood Accounting 5412 141 Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 The Beauty Supply Outlet Cosmetics 44612 18 State Farm Insurance Nutrition RC Insurance 52421 138 Health Supplements 446191 20 Bathworks Futons, Beanbags & More Home Improvement 44411 114 Home Furniture 44211 58 Budget Car Rental Running Free Beauty System Car Rental 53211 131 Sporting Goods & Apparel 45111 87 Cosmetics 44612 18 Ministry of Transportation Compu Solve Internet General Office Space 202 202 Computers 44312 73 Curry's Art Store Mitchell's Maytag Dooly's Art & Craft Supply 45112 88 Appliances 44211 59 Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 Vacant 200 200 Jewellery 44831 56 Telephones 44311 78 Family Clothing 44814 38 11 Vacant P.D. Murphy Jewellers Bryne Drive Rogers Fashion Max Commerce Pk Dr. f/s Princess Auto Home & Auto Supply 452991 28 12 Commerce Pk Dr. stri Cartridge World Miscellaneous 453999 113 Beauty Salon 812115 185 Sporting Goods & Apparel 45111 87 Window Fashions 442291 64 200 200 45391 102 531 535 Bryne Drive E-Nails Soccer & Rugby World Window City Vacant Reptile Wrangler Scholar's Choice Serenity Birth Studio Vacant Ideal Hobbies Holly's Sweets & Eats 21 22 28 Vacant Pet & Pet Supply Toys, Games 45112 88 Miscellaneous 453999 113 Vacant 200 200 Toys, Games 45112 88 Bakery 445291 7 The Beauty Supply Co. Commerce Pk Dr. stri Shoeless Joe's Apple One Bed Discounters The Source Color Your World Applegrove Gallery Busy Bee Tools Saunders Pro Shop Jumbo Furniture Commerce Pk Dr. stri XS Cargo Gorilla Golf UPS Vacant Vacant Cosmetics 44612 18 Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 Computers 44312 73 Home Furniture 44211 58 Consumer Electronics 44311 75 Paint & Wallpaper 44412 116 Art Dealer 45392 103 Hardware 44413 115 Sporting Goods & Apparel 45111 87 Home Furniture 44211 58 General Merchandise 452999 32 Sporting Goods & Apparel 45111 87 Business Service 56143 145 Vacant 200 200 Vacant 200 200 Sleep Country Commerce Pk Dr. stri George Richards Inside Out Furnishings Mattress 44211 62 Men's Clothing 44811 35 Home Furniture 44211 58 6244 159 442291 64 Day Care Service Koalaroo Preschool Covers Blinds, Drapes & Linen Window Fashions 32 Commerce Park Dr. Mini Putt Hut Recreation 71399 171 34 Commerce Park Dr. Putting Edge Recreation 71399 171 Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 Home Furniture 44211 58 Lucy's Seafood Kitchen 31 Commerce Pk Dr. stri Pho Vietnamese Restaurant Aboda Décor Total Space GLA 2,400 2,200 2,200 2,400 2,200 6,000 1,980 1,600 2,300 2,500 2,400 2,400 2,500 4,000 9,300 2,160 2,160 1,800 2,750 18,180 1,100 1,400 1,400 1,400 1388 1,550 3,200 1,600 1,668 1,800 1,800 4,850 5,400 2,000 4,000 3,000 3,300 1,700 5,500 5,100 5,100 6,500 3,700 700 1,400 5,200 4,200 4,375 5,680 2,466 3,348 300 5,000 4,000 3,600 5,000 Market Spec. 27 Drug 17 25-26 31-34 Cosmetic 18 Major 25 Other Optician 19 Gen'l Pers'l Care & Subtotal Discount 26 58-83 35-57 Home 84-113 28-30 Sport/Hobby Can Tire 114-123 Subtotal Fashion Furnishings Music/Bk/Art + TSC 28 Non-Dep't & Grocery Food FSR Dep't Store Merch. 20-21 Access. GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA Home Ctr. Hardware Liquor 24 Rest. & Bldg. Sply. Beer 22 Fast Food Personal Store NFSR Electronics Used/Misc. A/P/A 29 NFSR Space Nursery GLA GLA GLA GLA Forist/Gift GLA GLA 131-136 137-143 144-159 FIRE & 175-183 200 Other Bank Prof'l Other Vacant Space Trust Services Services Space NEC GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA 184-196 124-126 Wine 23 Drinking Services GLA 127-130 172-174 Total Tires 30 Computers 22-24 GLA GLA 160-171 201-203 2,400 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,400 6,000 1,980 1,980 1,980 2,300 2,300 2,500 2,500 2,400 2,500 4,000 2,400 2,500 4,000 1,600 2,300 2,500 2,400 2,400 2,500 4,000 9,300 2,160 2,160 18,180 2,160 1,800 2,750 18,180 2,160 1,800 2,750 18,180 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,550 3,200 1,600 1,550 3,200 1,600 1,550 3,200 1,600 1,800 1,800 1,800 4,850 4,850 2,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 4,000 3,000 1,700 1,700 1,700 5,100 5,100 5,100 6,500 3,700 5,100 5,100 6,500 3,700 1,800 2,750 1,400 1,400 1,388 1,668 1,800 1,800 4,850 5,400 2,000 4,000 3,000 3,300 5,500 5,100 6,500 3,700 700 1,400 5,200 4,200 4,200 4,375 4,200 4,375 5,680 5,680 5,680 3,348 3,348 3,348 4,375 2,466 300 5,000 4,000 3,600 5,000 Page 20 of 34 5,000 5,000 APPENDIX B-1 RETAIL AND SERVICE FLOORPSPACE INVENTORY 1-2 3-16 Super- Barrie Retail and Service Inventory Corey Doyle - June 30, 2010 # Street Store Name Sportsmen's Dream Vacant Commerce Park Dr. Bin Management 41 45 Code Sporting Goods & Apparel Code 45111 87 Vacant 200 200 General Office Space 202 202 Dance Studio Martial Arts Studio Education 61169 150 Education 61169 150 Commerce Park Dr. Montessori School Education 61169 150 Mattress 44211 62 Cinemas 51213 160 Beverly Hills Tanning Law Office Ultimate Gym Furry Friends Tanning Salon Tae Kwon Do Mattress World Commerce Pk Dr. f/s Cineplex 42 NAICS Study Store Type Total Space GLA Market Spec. 27 Drug 17 25-26 31-34 Cosmetic 18 Major 25 Other Optician 19 Gen'l Pers'l Care & Subtotal Discount 26 58-83 35-57 Home 84-113 28-30 Sport/Hobby Can Tire 114-123 Subtotal Fashion Furnishings Music/Bk/Art + TSC 28 Non-Dep't & Grocery Food FSR Dep't Store Merch. 20-21 Access. GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA 4,000 4,000 7,600 3,000 4,600 10,750 4,600 46,900 Home Ctr. Hardware Liquor 24 Rest. & Bldg. Sply. Beer 22 Fast Food Personal Store NFSR Electronics Used/Misc. A/P/A 29 NFSR Space Nursery GLA GLA GLA 4,000 4,000 GLA Forist/Gift GLA GLA 4,000 131-136 137-143 144-159 FIRE & 175-183 200 Other Bank Prof'l Other Vacant Space Trust Services Services Space NEC GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA 184-196 124-126 Wine 23 Drinking Services GLA 127-130 172-174 Total Tires 30 Computers 22-24 GLA GLA 160-171 201-203 4,000 7,600 3,000 4,600 10,750 4,600 4,600 4,600 46,900 Industrial Buildings - Bryne Dr.& Commerce Park Dr. 546 Bryne Drive 556 Bryne Drive Chiropractor Bryne Drive Angel Tours Doctor's Office Driving School Bryne Drive Deluxe Windows Bryne Drive Computers 4 U Bryne Drive All State Insurance Bryne Drive Co-Operators Travel 3000 Bryne Drive Sleep Inovations Sherwin Williams Harper Tire Commerce Park Dr. Gamer's Lair Commerce Park Dr. Hitch City Glass & Mirror 560 566 Bryne Drive 570 576 580 561 551 92 102 8/1219 189 Legal 5411 140 Fitness Gym 71394 168 Pet & Pet Supply 45391 102 Education 61169 150 Other Health 6213 153 Travel Agent 5615 146 Doctor 6211 151 Education 61169 150 Home Improvement 44411 114 Computers 44312 73 Insurance 52421 138 Insurance 52421 138 Travel Agent 5615 146 Mattresses 44211 62 Paint & Wallpaper 44412 116 Auto Parts 44131 29 Electronic Games 45112 88 Auto Parts 44131 29 Home Improvement 44411 114 SUBTOTAL NODE 4 2,400 2,400 6,050 2,400 2,400 1,400 2,500 1,800 1,800 1,800 2,160 1,000 1,400 1,400 2,922 2,376 2,480 2,400 2,400 1,400 1,651,268 2,400 2,400 6,050 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 1,400 2,500 1,800 1,800 1,800 2,160 2,160 2,160 1,000 1,400 1,400 2,922 2,922 2,922 2,400 2,480 2,400 2,400 2,480 2,400 2,400 110,780 862,880 989,040 2,447 2,447 2,376 2,480 2,400 1,400 58,562 11,800 70,362 126,160 151,160 21,090 99,513 275,348 204,989 263,027 19,940 98,228 10,540 26,309 18,640 45,866 NODE 5 - WEST BARRIE OTHER LOCATIONS & MISCELLANEOUS Sperling Square 221 Cundles Rd @ Sperling Dr. 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 Barrie Vision Centre Matt's Coffee Bistro Tracy Datona's Trim & Detail Wright Cleaners The Butcher Shop Optician 44613 19 Fast Food 7222 173 Barber Shop 812114 184 Dry Cleaner 81232 192 Butcher 44521 4 B&M Thrift Shop Chirpractor's Office Ital Pizza Avante One Hair Studio Com Pho Asia 2 Nail Pro Subway Used Goods 45331 97 Other Health 6213 153 Fast Food 7222 173 812115 185 7222 173 812115 185 7222 173 Supermarket Beauty Salon Restaurant Beauty Salon Fast Food 2,447 1,165 1,313 1,313 1,313 5,633 1,276 984 1,300 1,430 950 1,300 2,447 1,165 1,313 1,313 1,313 1,313 5,633 5,633 5,633 1,276 984 1,300 1,430 950 1,300 Strip Plaza Cundles Rd @ St. Vincent 211 Cundles Rd. Zehrs 201 Cundles Rd. NRG Cuts & Gear Beauty Salon Lockeroom Sports Bar & Grill Licensed Restaurant Jimmy's Fish & Chips Fast Food 44511 1 812115 185 7221 172 7222 173 48,800 800 3,600 2,400 48,800 48,800 800 3,600 2,400 Page 21 of 34 33,966 75,350 APPENDIX B-1 RETAIL AND SERVICE FLOORPSPACE INVENTORY 1-2 3-16 Super- Barrie Retail and Service Inventory Corey Doyle - June 30, 2010 # Street Store Name 185 NAICS Study Store Type Code Code Dental Office Vacant Dentist 6212 152 Vacant 200 200 Alfie's Variety Convenience 44512 3 Cundles Rd. f/s T-D Canada Trust Bank 52211 124 Cundles Rd. f/s Petro Can / Neighbors Convenience 44512 3 Total Space GLA 3,600 1,200 3,600 2,400 3,600 Market Spec. 27 Drug 17 25-26 31-34 Cosmetic 18 Major 25 Other Optician 19 Gen'l Pers'l Care & Subtotal Discount 26 58-83 35-57 Home 84-113 28-30 Sport/Hobby Can Tire 114-123 Subtotal Fashion Furnishings Music/Bk/Art + TSC 28 Non-Dep't & Grocery Food FSR Dep't Store Merch. 20-21 Access. GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA Home Ctr. Hardware Liquor 24 Rest. & Bldg. Sply. Beer 22 Fast Food Personal Store NFSR Electronics Used/Misc. A/P/A 29 NFSR Space Nursery GLA GLA GLA GLA Forist/Gift GLA GLA 131-136 137-143 144-159 FIRE & 175-183 200 Other Bank Prof'l Other Vacant Space Trust Services Services Space NEC GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA 184-196 124-126 Wine 23 Drinking Services GLA 127-130 172-174 Total Tires 30 Computers 22-24 GLA GLA 160-171 201-203 3,600 1,200 3,600 3,600 3,600 3,600 2,400 Medical Office Building 190 Fast Food 7222 173 Rexall Pharmacy Drugstore 44311 17 1,200 1,500 Mac's Convenience 44512 3 2,585 2,585 2,585 The Lemon Tree Bakery True Colors Hair Salon Bakery 52211 124 997 812115 185 Snelgrove Chiropractic Papa Joe's Pizza Dental Office Beverly Hills Tanning Herbal Magic Graceful Sue Nails Other Health 6213 153 Fast Food 7222 173 Global Pet Foods Cottage Rose Hovey's Gourmet Meats Edward Jones Water Depot Tim Horton's 997 996 1,160 11,140 1,660 1,697 1,105 814 1,428 1,000 1,481 874 1,375 2,200 997 Beauty Salon Cundles Rd @ St. VinParadise Café 1,200 1,500 1,500 1,500 Trillium Place Plaza 181 Livingstone Street 2 @ St.Vincent 3 4 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 21 22 23 24 f/s Dentist 6212 152 8/1219 189 Weight Loss 81219 187 Beauty Salon 812115 185 Pet & Pet Supply 45391 102 Florist 45311 93 Meat 44521 4 Financial Planning 52393 137 Bottled Water 453999 113 Fast Food 7222 173 Mac's Vacant The Co-Operators Convenience 44512 3 200 200 Insurance 52421 138 CW Coops Optometrist's Office Simcoe Chiropractic Scissors Touch Hair Design Dental Office Restaurant 7222 173 Other Health 6213 153 Other Health 6213 153 Beauty Salon Tanning Salon 996 1,160 11,140 1,660 1,697 1,105 814 1,481 1,428 1,000 1,428 1,000 1,428 1,000 1,375 1,375 1,375 1,481 874 2,200 Janice Drive Plaza 353 Ann St. N. @ Janice Dr. Vacant 812115 185 Dentist 6212 152 Paesano's Pizza Vacant Westowne Dental Leacock Chiropractic Groomer Has It O'sullivan Animal Hospital Vacant Fast Food 7222 173 Vacant 200 200 Dentist 6212 152 Other Health 6213 153 Pet Grooming 81291 194 Veterinary 54194 143 Vacant 200 200 Mr. Chips Vacant Active Video Fast Food 7222 173 200 200 Video Rental 53223 134 J & B Dollar Store Mac's General Merchandise 452999 32 n Convenience 44512 3 o Vacant Vacant o1 Nails Passion Beauty Salon p Koffee With Karen The Pub 1,850 1,760 2,040 2,040 880 880 880 880 1,850 1,850 1,760 2,040 2,040 880 880 880 880 Letitia Heights Plaza 420 Leacock Dr.@ Lampman Ln. a b/c/d e f g h j k l1 l2 m q Vacant 200 200 812115 185 Fast Food 7222 173 Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 1,514 4,955 1,943 880 1,135 2,570 1,100 1,100 1,250 1,250 1,500 2,400 1,850 450 750 2,484 1,514 4,955 1,943 880 1,135 2,570 1,100 1,100 1,250 1,250 1,500 2,400 1,500 1,850 450 750 2,484 Ferndale Proffessional Centre 211 1,500 2,400 Ferndale Dr.@ Ardah Rd. n/e Page 22 of 34 APPENDIX B-1 RETAIL AND SERVICE FLOORPSPACE INVENTORY 1-2 3-16 Super- Barrie Retail and Service Inventory Corey Doyle - June 30, 2010 # Street Store Name NAICS Study Store Type Code Code 01' West Wing Vacant Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 Vacant 200 200 Spyce Spa & Hair Studio Beauty Salon 812115 185 Sweetnam Family Dental Dentist 6212 152 Mac's Snap Fitness Ardah Family Dentistry Convenience 44512 3 Fitness Gym 71394 168 Dentist 6212 152 Optometrist's Office Sicilian Gourmet Pizza Other Health 6213 153 Fast Food 7222 173 Kohler Chiropractic Canadian Music Academy Other Health 6213 153 Education 61169 150 Vacant Vacant 200 200 Total Space GLA Market Spec. 27 Drug 17 25-26 31-34 Cosmetic 18 Major 25 Other Optician 19 Gen'l Pers'l Care & Subtotal Discount 26 58-83 35-57 Home 84-113 28-30 Sport/Hobby Can Tire 114-123 Subtotal Fashion Furnishings Music/Bk/Art + TSC 28 Non-Dep't & Grocery Food FSR Dep't Store Merch. 20-21 Access. GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA Home Ctr. Hardware Liquor 24 Rest. & Bldg. Sply. Beer 22 Fast Food Personal Store NFSR Electronics Used/Misc. A/P/A 29 NFSR Space Nursery GLA GLA GLA GLA Forist/Gift GLA GLA 2,400 2,800 3,200 1,600 131-136 137-143 144-159 FIRE & 175-183 200 Other Bank Prof'l Other Vacant Space Trust Services Services Space NEC GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA 184-196 124-126 Wine 23 Drinking Services GLA 127-130 172-174 Total Tires 30 Computers 22-24 GLA GLA 160-171 201-203 2,400 2,800 3,200 1,600 Strip Plaza - s/e Ferndale Dr. @ Ardah Rd. 221 Ferndale Dr. f/s 229 Ferndale Dr. 2,400 1,400 1,400 2,800 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,400 2,400 1,680 750 945 945 945 1,050 1,000 1,680 2,000 1,000 1,000 5,400 800 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,400 1,400 1,400 2,800 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,400 Strip Plaza (new) - s/e Ardah Rd.@ MapletonAve. 480 Mapleton Ave. Hasty Market Vacant Edward Jones Tip & Sip Café Jess's Nails Vacant Papa John's Pizza Convenience Vacant Financial Planning Fast Food 44512 3 200 200 52393 137 7222 173 812115 185 Vacant 200 200 Fast Food 7222 173 Convenience 44512 3 Fitness Gym 71394 168 Dentist 6212 152 Beauty Salon 1,680 750 945 945 945 1,050 1,000 Sil-Dom Centre - s/w Mapleton Ave. & Marsellus Dr. 2 Marsellus Dr. Mac's Workout Express First Impression Dental Vacant (6 units) Chiggy's Touch Salon Vacant Grayson's Pub & Grill Vacant 200 200 812115 185 Vacant 200 200 Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 Food Basics Vacant Pet Valu The Cash Atore Palm Beach Mega Tan Herbal Magic Vacant (8 units) Smoke & Gift Magicuts Vacant (9units) Walk in Clinic Vacant (4units) Dollarama Herb & Sage Grill Tracy Datona's Trim & Detail Flight Centre Supermarket 44511 1 200 200 45391 102 Cheque Cashing 52239 130 Tanning Salon 8/1219 189 Weight Loss Centre 81219 187 200 200 Convenience 44512 3 Barber Shop Beauty Ssalon 2,000 1,000 1,000 5,400 800 2,000 2,000 New Plaza - s/w Essa Rd. & Mapleton Ave. 555 559 Essa Rd. Essa Rd. 563 Essa Rd. 567 Essa Rd. f/s Vacant Pet & Pet Supply Vacant 812114 184 Vacant 200 200 Doctor 6211 151 Vacant General Merchandise Restaurant 200 200 452999 32 7222 173 Barber Shop 812114 184 Travel Agent 5615 146 Dental Office Pizzaville Vacant Tim Horton's Mary Brown's Chicken Dentist 6212 152 Fast Food 7222 173 Vacant 200 200 Fast Food 7222 173 Fast Food 7222 173 Pharma Plus Drugstore 44311 17 Supermarket 44511 1 34,320 1,200 2,400 1,200 2,400 1,400 11,200 1,200 1,200 10,800 1,400 5,600 2,800 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,930 2,560 1,280 9,600 34,320 34,320 1,200 2,400 Bryne Dr. f/s Zehr's 126,570 126,570 2,400 1,200 2,400 1,400 11,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 10,800 1,400 5,600 2,800 2,800 2,800 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,930 2,560 1,280 9,600 Essa Rd. South from Hwy.400 Bryne Dr. East of Essa Rd. 11 2,400 126,570 Page 23 of 34 9,600 9,600 APPENDIX B-1 RETAIL AND SERVICE FLOORPSPACE INVENTORY 1-2 3-16 Super- Barrie Retail and Service Inventory Corey Doyle - June 30, 2010 # Street Store Name NAICS Study Store Type Code Code 55 Bryne Dr. f/s Royal Bank Bank 52211 124 7/ Bryne Dr. f/s Lowe's Home Improvement 44411 114 81 Bryne Dr. f/s 44211 Bryne Dr. f/s Leon's Esso Convenience Home Furniture 2 Convenience 44512 3 226 Essa Rd. f/s Tim Horton's Fast Food 7222 173 58 Total Space GLA 5,753 151,435 73,930 2,623 2,500 Market Spec. 27 Drug 17 25-26 31-34 Cosmetic 18 Major 25 Other Optician 19 Gen'l Pers'l Care & Subtotal Discount 26 58-83 35-57 Home 84-113 28-30 Sport/Hobby Can Tire 114-123 Subtotal Fashion Furnishings Music/Bk/Art + TSC 28 Non-Dep't & Grocery Food FSR Dep't Store Merch. 20-21 Access. GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA Home Ctr. Hardware Liquor 24 Rest. & Bldg. Sply. Beer 22 Fast Food Personal Store NFSR Electronics Used/Misc. A/P/A 29 NFSR Space Nursery GLA GLA GLA GLA Forist/Gift GLA GLA 131-136 137-143 144-159 FIRE & 175-183 200 Other Bank Prof'l Other Vacant Space Trust Services Services Space NEC GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA 184-196 124-126 Wine 23 Drinking Services GLA 127-130 172-174 Total Tires 30 Computers 22-24 GLA GLA 160-171 201-203 5,753 151,435 73,930 2,623 73,930 73,930 2,623 2,500 Strip Plaza - s/w Essa Rd. & Ardah 231 Essa Rd. f/s D.O.T. Home & Patio Home Furniture 44211 58 241 Essa Rd. - strip Vacant Vacant Money Mart Vacant 200 200 Vacant 200 200 Cheque Cashing 52239 130 Rogers Mobility Vacant Telephones 44311 78 200 200 Cadet Cleaners Envy Hair Salon Blue Beetle Comics Dry Cleaner 81232 192 Beauty Salon 812115 185 Books 45121 91 T-D Canada Trust Bank 52211 124 Video Rental 53223 134 Barber Shop 812114 184 Fast Food 7222 173 Fast Food 7222 173 Drugstore 44311 17 Dentist 6212 152 Pet & Pet Supply 45391 102 Financial Planning 52393 137 Other Health 6213 153 Dry Cleaner 81232 192 Fast Food 7222 173 Convenience 44512 3 Restaurant 7222 173 Convenience 44512 3 Fast Food 7222 173 Vacant 200 200 445299 14 Beer & Wine Making Suppl 453992 104 Doctor 6211 151 Beauty Salon 812115 185 Books 45121 91 Vacant 200 200 Vacant 200 200 Dentist 6212 152 Vacant 200 200 53 Ardah Rd. f/s Vacant 4,926 1,760 1,760 1,650 1,580 1,580 1,580 1,540 1,540 4,700 4,926 4,926 4,926 1,760 1,760 1,650 1,580 1,580 1,580 1,580 1,580 1,540 1,540 1,540 1,540 4,700 Barrie View Plaza - n/e Essa Rd. & Veteran's Dr. 410 420 440 Essa Rd. - strip Essa Rd. - strip Essa Rd. f/s Blockbuster Video First Choice Haircutters Subway Pizza Pizza Shoppers Drug Mart Dental Office Global Pet Foods Edward Jones Chiropractic Clinic Cotty's Cleaners Starbuck's Jug City Country Kettle 5,200 1,400 1,400 2,600 14,200 1,480 1,480 1,480 1,280 1,280 1,280 1,760 1,730 5,200 1,400 1,400 2,600 14,200 14,200 14,200 1,480 1,480 1,480 1,480 1,480 1,280 1,280 1,280 1,760 1,760 1,730 Strip Plaza - s/e Mapleview Dr. & Lougheed Rd. 555 Mapleview Drive upper Mac's Hollywood Pizza Vacant Polski Deli Winer's Wine Making Doctor's Office Pure Bliss Salon David's Books Vacant Vacant Dental Office Vacant Delicatessen 3,600 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,800 4,800 2,700 2,100 3,600 3,600 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,800 4,800 2,700 2,100 Strip Plaza - n/w Mapleview Dr. & Marsellus Dr. 490 Mapleview Dr. Sunrise Caribbean Restaurant Fast Food Electronic Games Gamer's Lair Vacant (3units) Vacant 7222 173 45112 88 200 200 7222 173 Vacant 200 200 Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 Vacant 200 200 Fast Food 7222 173 Convenience 44512 3 Domino's Pizza Vacant Fast Food Wild Wing Vacant Sammy's Charbroil Hasty Market 1,440 1,200 3,600 1,440 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,440 1,440 1,200 1,200 1,200 3,600 1,440 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,440 1,440 n/w Mapleview Dr. & Essa Rd. Page 24 of 34 APPENDIX B-1 RETAIL AND SERVICE FLOORPSPACE INVENTORY 1-2 3-16 Super- Barrie Retail and Service Inventory Corey Doyle - June 30, 2010 # Street Store Name Shoppers Drug Mart NAICS Study Store Type Code Code 380 Mapleview Dr. f/s Drugstore 44311 17 717 Essa Rd.- SW MaplevPioneer Gas Convenience Convenience 44512 3 371 Mappleview - SE EssaMeat Market Meat Market 44521 4 Florist 45311 93 A&W Cora's Restaurant Fast Food 7222 173 Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 Fendley's Flowers Total Space GLA 17,033 1,400 600 1,400 Market Spec. 27 Drug 17 25-26 31-34 Cosmetic 18 Major 25 Other Optician 19 Gen'l Pers'l Care & Subtotal Discount 26 58-83 35-57 Home 84-113 28-30 Sport/Hobby Can Tire 114-123 Subtotal Fashion Furnishings Music/Bk/Art + TSC 28 Non-Dep't & Grocery Food FSR Dep't Store Merch. 20-21 Access. GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA 1,400 1,400 600 600 Home Ctr. Hardware Liquor 24 Rest. & Bldg. Sply. Beer 22 Fast Food Personal Store NFSR Electronics Used/Misc. A/P/A 29 NFSR Space Nursery GLA GLA GLA 17,033 17,033 1,400 1,400 GLA Forist/Gift GLA GLA 17,033 1,400 131-136 137-143 144-159 FIRE & 175-183 200 Other Bank Prof'l Other Vacant Space Trust Services Services Space NEC GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA 184-196 124-126 Wine 23 Drinking Services GLA 127-130 172-174 Total Tires 30 Computers 22-24 GLA GLA 160-171 201-203 Industrial Plaza - s/e Mapleview @ Veteran's Dr. 143 Mapleview Dr. f/s 135 Mapleview Dr. f/s 145 Mapleview Dr. f/s 7221 172 Mapleview Dr. Ling's Quisine Bel Air Travel Licensed Restaurant 145 Travel Agent 5615 146 147 Mapleview Dr. f/s Market Bar & Grill Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 141 Mapleview Dr. f/s Recreation / Lic. Restaurant 7221 172 Other Service 6244 159 Vacant 200 200 61169 150 na 201 44411 114 133 Retro Plantation Mapleview Dr. - strip Peekaboo Child Care Vacant Sport Tae Kwon Do Barrie Gospel Hall The Countertop Store Education Other Service Home Improvement SUBTOTAL NODE 5 1,750 4,000 2,200 2,300 10,000 17,800 5,900 4,800 4,800 2,400 2,300 1,750 4,000 2,200 2,300 10,000 17,800 5,900 4,800 4,800 2,400 2,300 845,582 209,690 37,729 247,419 0 4,300 44,780 0 78,856 21,436 0 149,372 149,372 153,735 0 99,832 31,298 12,853 10,759 53,469 82,045 NODE 6 - DUNLOP STREET & AREA EAST OF HWY. 400 Dunlop Village Plaza 304 Dunlop Street 290 Dunlop Street f/s 284 Dunlop Street f/s 280 Dunlop Street strip Vacant Mr. Sub Kutz n More Hair Design Vacant Willy's Jerk Vacant Vacant Vacant 200 200 Fast Food 7222 173 Beauty Salon 812115 185 Vacant 200 200 Fast Food 7222 173 Vacant 200 200 Vacant 200 200 Wok Inn Vacant Doggie Wash York Simcoe Accounting Dunlop Holistic Toppers Pizza Barrie Art Club Beverly Hills Tanning Garage Door Store Hiltop Bridal Pennington's X-Copper Legal Barrie Kitchen & Bath Scraps of Joy Airone Heating & AC Fast Food 7222 173 Vacant Jasmine Spa Rick Jackson's Buy & Sell Homelife Realty Vacant Vacant 200 200 Pet Grooming 81291 194 Accounting 5412 141 Other Health 6213 153 Fast Food 7222 173 Arts & Crafts 45112 88 Tanning Salon 8/1219 189 Home Improvement 44411 114 Women's Clothing 44812 36 Women's Clothing 44812 36 Legal 5411 140 Home Improvement 44411 114 Arts & Crafts 45112 88 Home Improvement 44411 114 200 200 Beauty Salon 812115 185 Used Goods 45331 97 Real Estate 53121 139 Mac's Rick's Barber Shop Convenience 44512 3 Barber Shop 812114 184 Beauty Salon 812115 185 Convenience 44512 3 Office Furniture 45321 94 Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 274 Dunlop Street f/s 202 Dunlop Street f/s Carol's Salon Esso On The Run Dunlop Office Furniture 150 Dunlop Street Oriental Express Buffet 1,232 1,230 1,230 1,038 1,038 1,847 1,322 912 912 912 2,000 1,800 1,847 1,600 1,621 1,621 3,240 6,456 1,200 2,400 1,200 1,165 1,200 1,200 1,400 3,000 1,400 800 800 1,000 4,500 8,300 1,232 1,230 1,230 1,038 1,038 1,847 1,322 912 912 912 2,000 1,800 1,847 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,621 1,621 3,240 6,456 3,240 6,456 3,240 6,456 1,200 2,400 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,165 1,200 1,200 1,400 1,400 1,400 3,000 1,400 1,400 800 800 1,000 1,000 4,500 4,500 4,500 8,300 Page 25 of 34 4,800 APPENDIX B-1 RETAIL AND SERVICE FLOORPSPACE INVENTORY 1-2 3-16 Super- Barrie Retail and Service Inventory Corey Doyle - June 30, 2010 # Street Store Name 285 281 NAICS Study Store Type Code Code Subway Pizza Nova Fast Food 7222 173 Fast Food 7222 173 Adult Video Video Rental 53223 134 Part Source Auto Parts 44131 29 Blockbuster Video Barrie Convenience Video Rental 53223 134 Convenience 44512 3 Vacant Vacant Vacant 200 200 Vacant 200 200 Winexpert Oriental Spa Professional Touch Beer & WineMaking Supply 453992 104 Beauty Salon 812115 185 Dry Cleaner 81232 192 Papa Joe's Pizza Appliance Shack Edible Arrangements Fast Food 7222 173 Appliances 44211 59 Miscellaneous 453999 113 Wellington Street f/s Value Village Used Goods 45331 97 Wellington Street stripShoppers drug Mart Drugstore 44311 17 Dentist 6212 152 Books 45121 91 Pet & Pet Supply 45391 102 Video Rental 53223 134 Restaurant 7222 173 Home Furniture 44211 58 Travel Agent 5615 146 Vacant 200 200 81231 191 Dunlop Street strip Dunlop Street f/s Total Space GLA Market Spec. 27 Drug 17 25-26 31-34 Cosmetic 18 Major 25 Other Optician 19 Gen'l Pers'l Care & Subtotal Discount 26 58-83 35-57 Home 84-113 28-30 Sport/Hobby Can Tire 114-123 Subtotal Fashion Furnishings Music/Bk/Art + TSC 28 Non-Dep't & Grocery Food FSR Dep't Store Merch. 20-21 Access. GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA Home Ctr. Hardware Liquor 24 Rest. & Bldg. Sply. Beer 22 Fast Food Personal Store NFSR Electronics Used/Misc. A/P/A 29 NFSR Space Nursery GLA GLA GLA GLA Forist/Gift GLA 1,200 1,200 2,400 7,800 GLA 131-136 137-143 144-159 FIRE & 175-183 200 Other Bank Prof'l Other Vacant Space Trust Services Services Space NEC GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA 184-196 124-126 Wine 23 Drinking Services GLA 127-130 172-174 Total Tires 30 Computers 22-24 GLA GLA 160-171 201-203 1,200 1,200 2,400 7,800 7,800 7,800 Blockbuster Plaza 7 Anne St. / SW Dunlop St. 6,000 1,391 1,950 720 1,741 740 1,741 1,400 1,400 1,400 6,000 1,391 1,391 1,950 720 1,741 1,741 1,741 740 1,741 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,400 23,500 23,500 1,080 23,500 1,080 1,900 2,500 1,900 2,500 1,900 2,500 1,400 Wellington Plaza 165 Dentistry on Wellington Rivendell Books Pet Valu Bandito Video Little D's Restaurant Easy Home CAA Travel 200 Vacant J & C Coin Laundry Hi-Land News Dynamic Deals Vacant Joe Galle's Barber Shop Vacant Central Tax Service Vacant Wellness Centre Wellington Street f/s No Frills Wellington Street stripRent to Own The Italian Bakery On-Stage Art Gallery & Gifts Laundry Convenience 44512 3 General Merchandise 452999 32 200 200 812114 184 Vacant 200 200 Accounting 5412 141 Vacant 200 200 Other Health 6213 153 Supermarket 44511 1 Home Furniture 44211 58 Bakery 52211 124 Art Gallery 45392 103 Vacant Barber Shop SUBTOTAL NODE 6 23,500 1,080 1,900 1,900 2,500 8,362 2,000 3,289 2,600 2,000 2,500 2,500 4,000 3,500 900 900 900 900 900 37,000 8,600 3,100 4,200 211,537 1,080 1,900 8,362 2,000 3,289 3,289 3,289 2,600 2,000 2,500 2,500 2,500 4,000 4,000 4,000 3,500 900 900 900 900 900 37,000 37,000 8,600 3,100 3,100 9,391 46,391 8,600 4,200 37,000 0 4,000 1,080 9,696 13,289 43,941 7,800 8,600 4,200 4,200 79,806 79,806 5,186 0 19,127 12,444 0 7,100 23,962 NODE 7 - BURTON AVE. & HURONIA RD. AREA 144 170 Burton Ave. 189 1,200 44512 3 53223 134 Used Goods 45331 97 2,400 1,200 2,600 Travel Agent 5615 146 1,100 strip Bronze Sensations Tanning Tanning Salon 8/1219 Jean's Variety Convenience Video Rental f/s Jean's Video Thrift Shop Garner Travel 1,200 2,400 2,400 1,200 2,600 2,600 2,600 Barriegate Plaza 274 Yonge Street strip 1,100 Page 26 of 34 17,521 0 APPENDIX B-1 RETAIL AND SERVICE FLOORPSPACE INVENTORY 1-2 3-16 Super- Barrie Retail and Service Inventory Corey Doyle - June 30, 2010 # Street Store Name upper f/s strip upper 244 Yonge Street f/s 300 Yonge Street f/s 320 Yonge Street - strip 336 Code Zona's Childrens Shoes Vacant Children's Shoes 44821 51 Vacant 200 200 City Florist Florist 45311 93 Vacant Wickie's Pub & Restaaurant Vacant 200 200 Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 Ledgers Prime Care Rehab Centre Accounting 5412 141 Other Health 6213 153 Campbell's Restaurant Allandale Dental State Farm Insurance Restaurant 7222 173 Dentist 6212 152 Insurance 52421 138 Vacant Vacant Kumon Learning Centre Vacant Building Barrie Pool & Spa Education Dollar Giant Giant Tiger T-D Canada Trust Absolute Mindy Nails Pizzaville Yonge Street - strip Firestone Pakmail 350 Yonge Street f/s 352 Yonge Street f/s NAICS Study Store Type Vacant Variety & More Tim Horton's Dental Office Vacant Code 200 200 61169 150 200 200 Hot Tubs, Pools & Spas 453999 107 General Merchandise 452999 32 General Merchandise 452999 32 Bank 52211 124 Beauty Salon 812115 185 Fast Food 7222 173 Auto Parts 44131 29 Business Service 56143 145 200 200 Convenience 44512 3 Fast Food 7222 173 Dentist 6212 152 Vacant Total Space GLA 1,300 4,840 880 880 2,500 2,500 4,200 1,800 1,500 900 2,000 2,000 4,600 3,000 10,000 26,700 5,000 800 800 4,100 1,440 1,440 1,440 3,050 1,600 Market Spec. 27 Drug 17 25-26 31-34 Cosmetic 18 Major 25 Other Optician 19 Gen'l Pers'l Care & Subtotal Discount 26 58-83 35-57 Home 84-113 28-30 Sport/Hobby Can Tire 114-123 Subtotal Fashion Furnishings Music/Bk/Art + TSC 28 Non-Dep't & Grocery Food FSR Dep't Store Merch. 20-21 Access. GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA Home Ctr. Hardware Liquor 24 Rest. & Bldg. Sply. Beer 22 Fast Food Personal Store NFSR Electronics Used/Misc. A/P/A 29 NFSR Space Nursery GLA GLA GLA 1,300 1,300 880 880 GLA Forist/Gift GLA GLA 1,300 131-136 137-143 144-159 FIRE & 175-183 200 Other Bank Prof'l Other Vacant Space Trust Services Services Space NEC GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA 184-196 124-126 Wine 23 Drinking Services GLA 127-130 172-174 Total Tires 30 Computers 22-24 GLA GLA 160-171 201-203 4,840 880 880 2,500 2,500 4,200 1,800 1,500 900 2,000 2,000 4,600 3,000 10,000 26,700 3,000 3,000 10,000 26,700 10,000 26,700 5,000 800 800 4,100 4,100 4,100 1,440 1,440 1,440 1,440 3,050 1,600 Barrie Heights Plaza 384 Yonge Street / SW Little Ave. strip 409 Coin Laundry Superior Tire Eclipse Tanning C&V Appliances Laundry 200 200 Dog Grooming 81291 194 Miscellaneous 453999 113 200 200 81231 191 Vacant Autu Parts 44131 29 Tanning Salon 8/1219 189 Appliances 44211 59 Fast Food 7222 173 Convenience 44512 3 Video Rental 53223 134 Paint & Wallpaper 44412 116 Window Coverings 442291 64 Kitchen Cabinets 44419 117 200 200 812115 185 Fast Food 7222 173 Fast Food 7222 173 Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 Fast Food 7222 173 Home Improvement 44411 114 Bank 2,600 900 1,800 4,460 1,620 4,800 900 1,800 2,600 900 1,800 1,800 1,800 4,460 1,620 4,800 4,800 4,800 1,800 1,800 900 1,800 Barrie Burger Little - Eleven Convenience Video Time 2 3,000 1,800 1,800 3,000 1,800 1,800 1,800 Yonge St. / NE Little Ave. strip 389 Yonge Street f/s 371 Yonge Street f/s 367 Yonge Street f/s 347 Yonge Street f/s 200 Vacant Yonge St. / SE Little Ave. strip 393 Vacant Head to Tail Dog Grooming The Adult Myth Vacant (3 units) Sue Kay Designs Complete Blinds Allandale Kitchens Vacant Salon Artistic Mr. Sub Dairy Queen Urban Dish McDonald's Minet's Point Rd. f/s Home Building Centre Vacant Beauty Salon 1,200 1,200 1,700 1,100 1,200 1,800 2,000 2,200 4,000 24,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,700 1,100 1,200 1,800 2,000 2,200 4,000 24,200 Whisky Greek Square 190 Minet's Point Rd. f/s Scotiabank strip Mr. Sub Young Convenience Michi Sushi Chef Chan Chinese Food 52211 124 Fast Food 7222 173 Convenience 44512 3 Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 Fast Food 7222 173 4,000 1,700 1,200 1,440 1,200 4,000 1,700 1,200 1,200 1,440 1,200 Page 27 of 34 APPENDIX B-1 RETAIL AND SERVICE FLOORPSPACE INVENTORY 1-2 3-16 Super- Barrie Retail and Service Inventory Corey Doyle - June 30, 2010 # Street Store Name NAICS Study Store Type Code Code The UPS Store Vacant Business Service 56143 145 200 200 Hodge Podge Home & Party Party Supplies 453999 110 Barrie South Chiropractic Hamley's Tea & Coffee Other Health 6213 153 Spec. Food 445299 11 M & M Meats Picture of Health Meat Market 44521 4 Health Food 445299 13 Real Canadian Wholesale Bank of Montreal Warehouse Membership Clu 45291 27 Bank 52211 124 Vacant Carafe Winemakers Vacant 200 200 Beer & Wine Making Suppl 453992 104 Vacant First Choice Haircutters Pizza Pizza Vacant Shoppers Drug Mart Vacant Wimpy's Diner Vacant Restored Sports Shapes Hair Studio Draper Coin Laundry Vacant Total Space GLA Market Spec. 27 Drug 17 25-26 31-34 Cosmetic 18 Major 25 Other Optician 19 Gen'l Pers'l Care & Subtotal Discount 26 58-83 35-57 84-113 28-30 Sport/Hobby Can Tire 114-123 Subtotal Fashion Furnishings Music/Bk/Art + TSC 28 Non-Dep't & Grocery Food FSR Dep't Store Merch. 20-21 Access. GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA 1,800 1,800 600 900 1,000 1,000 1,000 Home Home Ctr. Hardware Liquor 24 Rest. & Bldg. Sply. Beer 22 Fast Food Personal Store NFSR Electronics Used/Misc. A/P/A 29 NFSR Space Nursery GLA GLA GLA GLA Forist/Gift GLA GLA 131-136 137-143 144-159 FIRE & 175-183 200 Other Bank Prof'l Other Vacant Space Trust Services Services Space NEC GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA 184-196 124-126 Wine 23 Drinking Services GLA 127-130 172-174 Total Tires 30 Computers 22-24 GLA GLA 160-171 201-203 1,800 1,800 600 600 600 900 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Allandale Marketplace 279 - 299 Yonge Street - strip 199 Yonge Street f/s 189 Yonge Street f/s 200 200 812114 184 Fast Food 7222 173 Drugstore 44311 17 Vacant 200 200 Fast Food 7222 173 Barber Shop Vacant 200 200 Used Sporting Goods 45331 97 Beauty Salon 812115 185 Laundry 81231 191 SUBTOTAL NODE 7 41,000 4,000 3,840 1,280 640 1,020 2,040 7,660 4,400 1,800 3,600 3,600 1,900 1,200 259,470 41,000 41,000 41,000 4,000 3,840 1,280 1,280 1,280 640 1,020 2,040 7,660 7,660 7,660 4,400 1,800 3,600 3,600 3,600 3,600 1,900 1,200 0 9,840 9,840 0 77,700 7,660 1,300 3,000 13,760 8,900 112,320 112,320 27,100 0 29,330 10,740 13,000 3,400 17,540 36,200 0 NODE 8 - YONGE ST. & BIG BAY POINTE RD. AREA 600 Yonge Street f/s 461 Yonge Street f/s CIBC LCBO Bank 52211 124 Liquor, Beer, Wine 44531 24 6,130 12,992 6,130 12,992 Heritage Square Zehrs T-D Canada Trust 644 Yonge Street f/s KFC - Taca Bell 628 Yonge Street f/s Wendy's 640 Yonge Street f/s The Beer Store 632/632 Yonge Street - strip Hakim Optical Dollarama Pet Valu South Barrie Dental 620 Yonge Street f/s Supermarket 44511 1 640 Yonge Street f/s Bank 52211 124 Fast Food 7222 173 Fast Food 7222 173 Beer 44531 22 Optician 44613 19 General Merchandise 452999 32 Pet& Pet Supply 45391 102 Dentist 6212 152 Bell Mobility Cascada Salon & Spa Body Systems Nutrition Marble Slab Creamery Magicuts Pizza Nova Subway Telephones 44311 78 Beauty Salon 812115 185 Health Supplements 446191 20 Ice Cream 445299 10 Barber Shop 812114 184 7222 173 Fast Food 7222 173 Snap Fitness Dragon Wok Chinese Food Vacant Fitness Gym 71394 168 Fast Food 7222 173 Rogers Plus Vacant Video Rental H & R Block Scotty's Restaurant 470 Big Bay Point Rd. f/s Chiropractor Fast Food Vacant 200 200 53223 134 Vacant 200 200 Accounting 5412 141 Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 Other Health 6213 153 91,905 4,811 3,400 3,250 8,000 2,800 8,400 2,800 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,200 1,200 12,500 1,400 1,000 3,600 1,200 1,200 2,400 1,200 1,200 3,600 1,500 91,905 91,905 4,811 3,400 3,250 8,000 2,800 8,400 2,800 2,800 8,400 2,800 2,800 8,400 2,800 1,400 1,400 1,200 1,200 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,200 1,200 1,200 12,500 1,400 1,000 3,600 1,200 1,200 2,400 1,200 1,200 3,600 1,500 Page 28 of 34 APPENDIX B-1 RETAIL AND SERVICE FLOORPSPACE INVENTORY 1-2 3-16 Super- Barrie Retail and Service Inventory Corey Doyle - June 30, 2010 # Street Store Name NAICS Study Store Type Code Code Total Space GLA Market Spec. 27 Drug 17 25-26 31-34 Cosmetic 18 Major 25 Other Optician 19 Gen'l Pers'l Care & Subtotal Discount 26 58-83 35-57 Home 84-113 28-30 Sport/Hobby Can Tire 114-123 Subtotal Fashion Furnishings Music/Bk/Art + TSC 28 Non-Dep't & Grocery Food FSR Dep't Store Merch. 20-21 Access. GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA Home Ctr. Hardware Liquor 24 Rest. & Bldg. Sply. Beer 22 Fast Food Personal Store NFSR Electronics Used/Misc. A/P/A 29 NFSR Space Nursery GLA GLA GLA GLA Forist/Gift GLA GLA 131-136 137-143 144-159 FIRE & 175-183 200 Other Bank Prof'l Other Vacant Space Trust Services Services Space NEC GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA 184-196 124-126 Wine 23 Drinking Services GLA 127-130 172-174 Total Tires 30 Computers 22-24 GLA GLA 160-171 201-203 Big Bay Plaza 649 Yonge Street f/s A&W Fast Food 7222 173 Yonge Street - strip Quiznos Royal Bank Barrie Flowers & Gifts Fast Food 7222 173 Bank 52211 124 Florist 45311 93 Cadet Cleaners The Mens Zone Family Dentistry Dry Cleaner 81232 192 Barber Shop 812114 184 Dentist 6212 152 Big Bay Pointe Variety Shoppers Drug Mart Convenience 44512 3 Drugstore 44311 17 Blockbuster Video Provision Optical Video Rental 53223 134 Optician 44613 19 Petro Can Convenience Shell Convenience Convenience 44512 3 Convenience 44512 3 Pioneer Snack Express Vacant The Co-Operators Elegant Nails Cotty's Cleaners Medical Office Pharmacy Convenience 44512 3 200 200 Insurance 52421 138 Beauty Salon 812115 185 Dry Cleaner 81232 192 Drugstore 44311 17 623 Yonge Street f/s 601 Yonge Street f/s 1,600 1,400 6,400 1,200 800 800 800 2,000 14,200 5,200 1,800 1,600 1,400 1,600 1,400 6,400 1,200 1,200 1,200 800 800 800 2,000 2,000 14,200 14,200 14,200 1,800 1,800 1,800 5,200 1,600 1,400 1,600 1,400 900 900 Yonge Coxmill Plaza 565 505 Yonge Street - strip Yonge Street Vacant SUBTOTAL NODE 8 900 900 520 520 520 1,500 225,948 900 520 520 520 1,500 91,905 7,100 99,005 0 8,400 21,500 0 1,400 4,000 0 1,500 1,500 35,300 35,300 0 20,992 16,850 16,540 17,341 1,720 11,300 3,300 3,600 NODE 9 - EAST BARRIE OTHER LOCATIONS & MISCELLANEOUS 130 59 65 Bell Farm Rd. strip Bell Farm Rd. strip Bell Farm Rd. f/s North barrie Alternative School Education General Office Space Regal Gifts Corp. Busy Bee Convenience Convemience Orthotics Health Aids Insurance The Co-Operators Feet For Life Other Health Hairscape Salon Beauty Salon Business Service Georgian Copy & Printers OMG Games & Collectibles Miscellaneous Bell Farm Coin Laundry Laundry Pizza Hut Licensed Restaurant Licensed Restaurant Salt & Pepper Restaurant Medi Chair Health Aids Antrim Carpet & Flooring Floor Coverings Tony's Appliance & Vacuum SeAppliances M.E. Audio & Visual Service Other Service Other Health Bell Farm Chiropractic The Original Mom's Restaurant Licensed Restaurant 61169 150 202 202 44512 3 446199 21 52421 138 6213 153 812115 185 56143 145 453999 113 81231 191 7221 172 7221 172 446199 21 44221 63 44211 59 81299 196 6213 153 7221 172 2,160 3,660 1,200 1,000 1,200 2,400 1,200 1,200 1,200 2,400 2,400 2,400 6,000 4,500 1,800 3,600 1,100 2,550 2,160 3,660 1,200 1,200 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,200 2,400 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 2,400 2,400 2,400 6,000 4,500 1,800 6,000 4,500 1,800 6,000 4,500 1,800 3,600 1,100 2,550 Duckworth Plaza - n/e @ Grove St. 353 Duckworth Street f/s Tim Horton's Fast Food 7222 173 Duckworth Street stri Bank of Montreal Bank 52211 124 Mac's Convemience 44512 3 Vacant Jay's Variety Vacant Vacant Vacant Pizza People Vacant 200 200 44512 3 Vacant 200 200 Vacant 200 200 Fast Food 7222 173 Vacant 200 200 Convemience 2,800 2,400 1,920 1,400 2,000 1,440 1,000 1,000 1,000 2,800 2,400 1,920 1,920 2,000 2,000 1,400 1,440 1,000 1,000 1,000 Page 29 of 34 APPENDIX B-1 RETAIL AND SERVICE FLOORPSPACE INVENTORY 1-2 3-16 Super- Barrie Retail and Service Inventory Corey Doyle - June 30, 2010 # Street Store Name NAICS Study Store Type Code Code Subway The Simcoe Clinic Fast Food 7222 173 Doctor 6211 151 Pharma Plus Drugstore 44311 17 KFC Fil's Café Fast Food 7222 173 Restaurant 7222 173 The Chocolate Swirl Pizza Plus Ice Cream 445299 10 Fast Food 7222 173 Colcsal Video First Choice Chicken & Fish Video Rental 53223 134 Fast Food 7222 173 Fabutan Ink Soul Tatoos Tanning Salon 8/1219 189 Tatoos 81219 189 Animal Hospital Curves Mon Cheri Hair Studio Veterinery 54194 143 Fitness Gym 71394 168 Beauty Salon 812115 185 Mac's Rooster's Bar & Grill Tim Horton's Home Hardware Vacant Sophia's Restaurant Lion's Gate Banquet Centre Kempview Bowl Country Style Donuts Nano's Italian Restaurant Convemience 44512 3 Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 Fast Food 7222 173 Hardware No Frills Giovani & Perri Hairstylists Flowers And Sense Supermarket 44511 1 Beauty Salon 812115 185 Florist 45311 93 Frernando's Restaurant Luck'y Smoke & Cigar Vacant Pharmasave The Beer Store Law Office OK Tire Royal Image Salon East End Restaurant Mac's Coin Laundry Cy Liv Used Treasures Shoppers Drug Mart Restaurant 7222 173 Convemience 44512 3 Total Space GLA Market Spec. 27 Drug 17 25-26 31-34 Cosmetic 18 Major 25 Other Optician 19 Gen'l Pers'l Care & Subtotal Discount 26 58-83 35-57 84-113 28-30 Sport/Hobby Can Tire 114-123 Subtotal Fashion Furnishings Music/Bk/Art + TSC 28 Non-Dep't & Grocery Food FSR Dep't Store Merch. 20-21 Access. GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA 1,000 1,200 6,800 1,400 1,400 Home Home Ctr. Hardware Liquor 24 Rest. & Bldg. Sply. Beer 22 Fast Food Personal Store NFSR Electronics Used/Misc. A/P/A 29 NFSR Space Nursery GLA GLA GLA GLA Forist/Gift GLA GLA 131-136 137-143 144-159 FIRE & 175-183 200 Other Bank Prof'l Other Vacant Space Trust Services Services Space NEC GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA 184-196 124-126 Wine 23 Drinking Services GLA 127-130 172-174 Total Tires 30 Computers 22-24 GLA GLA 160-171 201-203 1,000 1,200 6,800 6,800 6,800 1,400 1,400 Grove Street Plaza 477 Grove Street strip 2 Quarry Ridge f/s 138 Penetang Rd. strip 428 Blake Street f/s 386 Blake Street f/s 376 Blake Street f/s 320 Blake Street f/s 298 Blake Street f/s 44413 115 Vacant 200 200 Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 Banquet Hall 71399 171 Bowling Alley 71395 169 Fast Food 7222 173 Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 1,170 1,170 1,170 975 1,250 1,250 2,500 2,500 778 2,200 3,184 3,000 9,400 1,100 2,200 7,200 14,400 2,400 1,500 1,170 1,170 1,170 1,170 975 1,250 1,250 2,500 2,500 778 2,200 2,200 3,184 3,000 9,400 1,100 2,200 7,200 14,400 2,400 1,500 Simcoe Plaza 319 Blake Street - strip 204 Blake Street f/s 202 Blake Street f/s 196 Blake Street f/s 191 Blake Street f/s 149 St. Vincent St. f/s 150 St. Vincent St. f/s 132 Penetang St. f/s 138 Penetang St. f/s Vacant 200 200 Drugstore 44311 17 Beer 44531 22 Legal 5411 140 Auto Parts 44131 29 Beauty Salon 812115 185 Restaurant 7222 173 Convemience 44512 3 Laundry 81231 191 Antiques 45331 98 Drugstore 44311 17 15,500 1,600 1,440 1,440 1,440 1,440 5,760 3,500 2,000 1,600 700 1,600 2,000 950 1,500 8,200 15,500 15,500 1,600 1,440 1,440 1,440 1,440 1,440 1,440 1,440 5,760 5,760 5,760 3,500 2,000 1,600 1,600 1,600 700 1,600 2,000 2,000 950 1,500 8,200 1,500 8,200 1,500 8,200 Bradford St. South of Simcoe St. 29 Bradford St. strip 110 Bradford St. f/s 114 Bradford St. f/s 151 Bradford St. f/s 218 Bradford St. f/s Labour Ready Pawn Smart Vacant Employment Service Bayside Chiropractic Midway Diner Chiropractor 5613 144 522299 128 Vacant 200 200 Other Health 6213 153 Fast Food 7222 173 Other Health 6213 153 Jug City Pharmasave Tim Horton's Simcoe Brain Injury Convenience 44512 Drug Store 44311 17 Fast Food 7222 173 Social Service 6241 156 Salvation Army Thrift Store Used Goods 45331 97 Pawn Shop 2,000 2,900 9,600 1,000 1,400 1,200 2,000 2,900 9,600 1,000 1,400 1,200 Allandale Centre - s/w Essa Rd. & Tiffin St. 21 to 25 Essa Rd. - Strip 11 Essa Rd. f/s 3 1,080 2,700 1,080 3,240 5,000 1,080 1,080 2,700 2,700 2,700 1,080 3,240 5,000 Page 30 of 34 5,000 5,000 APPENDIX B-1 RETAIL AND SERVICE FLOORPSPACE INVENTORY 1-2 3-16 Super- Barrie Retail and Service Inventory Corey Doyle - June 30, 2010 # Street Store Name NAICS Study Store Type Code Code 4 Essa Rd. f/s Passion Décor Florist Florist 45311 93 8 Essa Rd. f/s La Moquette Home Décor Home Furniture 44211 58 268 Bradford St. f/s Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 30 Tiffin St. f/s Shutters Restaurant Studio Thirty Salon Beauty Salon 812115 185 40 Essa Rd. f/s Used Goods 45331 97 44 Essa Rd. f/s Other Service 81299 196 41 Essa Rd. f/s Second Hand Store H. Money Records C'est La Vie Banquet Facility Other Service na 201 48 Essa Rd. f/s 200 200 Essa Rd. f/s Vacant Building Vacant Building Vacant 45 Vacant 200 200 50 Essa Rd. f/s 5411 140 Essa Rd. f/s Traffic Ticket Experts Mac's Legal 62 Convenience 44512 3 82 Essa Rd. f/s 52421 138 Essa Rd. - strip Marshall Insurance The Dragon Restaurant Century 21 Realty Insurance 80 Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 Real Estate 53121 139 104 Essa Rd. f/s Dentist 6212 152 157 Essa Rd. f/s Fast Food 7222 173 199 Essa Rd. - strip Essa Dental Centre Barrie Burger Vacant Gary's Barber Shop Vacant Sticky Fingers Bar & Grill Barrie Agricultural Society Vacant 200 200 Barber 812114 184 Vacant 200 200 Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 General Office Space 202 202 Vacant Vacant 200 200 Total Space GLA 2,500 1,800 6,000 1,100 5,000 800 4,800 2,000 2,300 1,400 2,400 3,400 3,200 3,200 1,400 1,300 1,800 1,000 1,100 4,000 2,000 2,900 Market Spec. 27 Drug 17 25-26 31-34 Cosmetic 18 Major 25 Other Optician 19 Gen'l Pers'l Care & Subtotal Discount 26 58-83 35-57 Home 84-113 28-30 Sport/Hobby Can Tire 114-123 Subtotal Fashion Furnishings Music/Bk/Art + TSC 28 Non-Dep't & Grocery Food FSR Dep't Store Merch. 20-21 Access. GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA Home Ctr. Hardware Liquor 24 Rest. & Bldg. Sply. Beer 22 Fast Food Personal Store NFSR Electronics Used/Misc. A/P/A 29 NFSR Space Nursery GLA GLA GLA 2,500 2,500 1,800 1,800 5,000 5,000 GLA Forist/Gift GLA GLA 2,500 1,800 131-136 137-143 144-159 FIRE & 175-183 200 Other Bank Prof'l Other Vacant Space Trust Services Services Space NEC GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA 184-196 124-126 Wine 23 Drinking Services GLA 127-130 172-174 Total Tires 30 Computers 22-24 GLA GLA 160-171 201-203 6,000 1,100 5,000 800 4,800 2,000 2,300 1,400 2,400 2,400 3,400 3,200 3,200 1,400 1,300 1,800 1,000 1,100 4,000 2,000 2,900 Fairview Rd. East of Essa Rd. Tim Horton's Wendy's Fairview Rd. f/s Pizza Hut Fairview Rd. f/s Sushi Restaurant Fairview Rd. f/s The Mandarin Fairview Rd. - strip Nevada Bob's Golf Terry' Golden Comb Immuno Health & Spa 4 Fairview Rd. f/s Fast Food 7222 173 6 Fairview Rd. f/s Fast Food 7222 173 Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 Sporting Goods & Apparel 45111 87 Beauty Salon 812115 185 Beauty Salon 812115 185 TSC Store Women's Fitness Centre The Tile Gallery Barrie Antiques Shelley B's Fashions Rack & Reel Designer Glass Vacant Hardware 452991 28 Fitness Gym 71394 168 Home Improvement 44411 114 Antiques 45331 98 Gifts / Home Décor 45322 95 Thrift Store Selectone Paints Used Goods 45331 97 Paint & Wallpaper 44412 116 Factory Direct Furniture Brews Plus Huronia Dance Centre Aquamart Water Softeners Home Furniture Kwick Copy Printing Glo Day Spa 8 10 28 50 2,400 3,200 3,200 3,400 14,000 2,900 600 600 2,400 3,200 3,200 3,400 14,000 2,900 2,900 2,900 600 600 Innisfil St. West of Essa Rd. 259 Innisfil St. - strip 272 Innisfil Rd. 250 Innisfil St. - strip Sporting Goods & Apparel 45111 87 Miscellaneous 453999 113 200 200 Vacant 15,300 4,600 20,000 7,000 2,500 2,500 1,250 1,250 15,300 4,600 20,000 7,000 2,500 2,500 1,250 7,000 2,500 2,500 1,250 7,000 2,500 2,500 1,250 1,250 Tiffin St. @ Innisfil Rd. 90 Tiffin St. f/s 94 Tiffin St. f/s 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 Anne St. North of Tiffin Rd. 110 Anne St. Plaza 44211 58 Beer & Wine Making Suppl 453992 104 Education 61169 150 Miscellaneous 453999 113 Business Service 56143 145 Beauty Salon 812115 185 Chasing Petals Flowers Florist 45311 93 Shelly's Nail Centre Beauty Salon 812115 185 7222 173 96 Anne St. f/s Big Chris BBQ Smokehouse Bayfield Carpet Fast Food Floor Coverings 44221 63 111 Brock St. f/s Carquest Auto Parts 44131 29 18,800 1,920 1,920 2,000 2,400 3,600 2,000 1,200 2,000 15,800 10,500 18,800 1,920 18,800 1,920 18,800 1,920 2,000 2,000 2,000 1,920 2,400 3,600 2,000 2,000 2,000 15,800 15,800 10,500 10,500 1,200 2,000 15,800 10,500 Page 31 of 34 APPENDIX B-1 RETAIL AND SERVICE FLOORPSPACE INVENTORY 1-2 3-16 Super- Barrie Retail and Service Inventory Corey Doyle - June 30, 2010 # Street Store Name 79 Anne St. - strip 30 Anne St. f/s 29 Anne St. - strip 49 Anne St. f/s NAICS Study Store Type Code Code Tilemaster Knit & Quilt Floor Coverings 44221 63 Atr & Craft Supply 45112 88 The Beer Store Rush Hair Studio Olympus Spa Beer 44531 22 Beauty Salon 812115 185 Beauty Salon 812115 185 Kanoe Sushi 1 Hr. Signs Anne Street Variety Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 Business Service 56143 145 Convenience 44512 3 Players Cookhouse Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 Bikeland Bicycles 45111 84 Beauty Salon 812115 185 200 200 Convenience 44512 3 Pawn Shop 522299 128 Convenience 44512 3 Fast Food 7222 173 Total Space GLA 11,000 4,000 16,300 1,400 1,400 2,100 2,100 2,100 2,800 3,000 Market Spec. 27 Drug 17 25-26 31-34 Cosmetic 18 Major 25 Other Optician 19 Gen'l Pers'l Care & Subtotal Discount 26 58-83 35-57 Home 84-113 28-30 Sport/Hobby Can Tire 114-123 Subtotal Fashion Furnishings Music/Bk/Art + TSC 28 Non-Dep't & Grocery Food FSR Dep't Store Merch. 20-21 Access. GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA Home Ctr. Hardware Liquor 24 Rest. & Bldg. Sply. Beer 22 Fast Food Personal Store NFSR Electronics Used/Misc. A/P/A 29 NFSR Space Nursery GLA GLA GLA 11,000 11,000 4,000 4,000 GLA Forist/Gift GLA 11,000 4,000 GLA 131-136 137-143 144-159 FIRE & 175-183 200 Other Bank Prof'l Other Vacant Space Trust Services Services Space NEC GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA 184-196 124-126 Wine 23 Drinking Services GLA 127-130 172-174 Total Tires 30 Computers 22-24 GLA GLA 160-171 201-203 16,300 1,400 1,400 2,100 2,100 2,100 2,100 2,800 3,000 3,000 3,000 Allandale Village Plaza - n/e Bayview Dr. & Little Ave. 110 Little Ave. strip f/s 250 200 200 Cosmetics K's Hair Supplies Treasure Chest Nursery School Day Care 44612 18 6244 159 Barrie Tile Elite Martial Arts JJL Beauty Supply Spirals Floor Coverings 44221 63 Education 61169 150 Cosmetics 44612 18 Vacant Figure Skating Supply 45111 87 Computers 44312 73 Optician 44613 19 Education 61169 150 Hardware 44413 115 Insurance 52421 138 Fast Food 7222 173 Convenience 44512 3 1,020 3,000 1,200 1,200 2,040 1,020 1,020 1,020 3,600 1,020 3,000 1,200 1,200 2,040 2,040 1,200 1,020 1,020 1,020 1,020 1,020 3,600 1,700 2,490 1,929 1,750 1,700 1,700 1,700 1,929 1,750 1,929 1,750 2,450 2,450 2,450 2,450 2,490 1,929 1,750 Bayview Ave. Micro Works Computers South Barrie Eye Clinic Excellence In Training Fastenal JC Mitchell Insurance f/s Tim Horton's Big Bay Pointe Rd. f/Esso On the Go Ind. Plaza 99 Vacant Bayview Ave. Ind. Plaza 431 Aureate Spa Vacant (3units) Mac's The Money Machine Enterprise Variety 241 Pizza Vacant 2,450 2,450 2,450 4,900 4,900 3,000 3,000 2,450 2,450 2,450 4,900 4,900 3,000 3,000 3,000 2,400 2,400 Bay Point Village Plaza 350 411 Big Bay Pointe Rd. strip Mac's Extreme Tanning Curves Oxford Learning Centre Salon FX Dentist Office Iris Optician Big Bay Animal Hospital Orthodontist Convenience 44512 3 Tanning Salon 8/1219 189 Fitness Gym 71394 168 Education 61169 150 Beauty Salon St. Louis Bar & Grill 812115 185 Dentist 6212 152 Optician 44613 19 Veterinery 54194 143 Other Health 6213 153 Licensed Restaurant 7221 172 Dentist Office ESS Employment Flower Shop Edward Jones Dentist 6212 152 Employment Service 5613 144 Florist 45311 93 Financial Planning 52393 137 Domino's Pizza Fast Food 7222 173 Barrie Music Tim Horton's Education 61169 150 Fast Food 7222 173 2,400 2,400 1,800 1,800 1,200 3,500 3,500 2,400 1,200 2,400 2,400 1,800 1,800 1,200 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 2,400 1,200 2,400 Huronia Rd. @ BBPR Ind. Plaza f/s 1,200 1,200 1,400 1,500 1,200 1,400 2,400 1,200 1,200 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,500 1,200 1,400 2,400 Page 32 of 34 APPENDIX B-1 RETAIL AND SERVICE FLOORPSPACE INVENTORY 1-2 3-16 Super- Drug 17 31-34 Cosmetic 18 58-83 Major 25 Other Optician 19 Gen'l Pers'l Care & 35-57 Home 84-113 28-30 Sport/Hobby Can Tire 114-123 Subtotal Fashion Furnishings Music/Bk/Art + TSC 28 Non-Dep't Home Ctr. 22-24 127-130 131-136 137-143 144-159 FIRE & 175-183 200 Other Bank Prof'l Other Vacant Space Trust Services Services Space NEC GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA 36,160 172-174 Total Hardware Liquor 24 Rest. & 184-196 124-126 Bldg. Sply. Beer 22 Fast Food Personal 160-171 201-203 Store Type Code Code Total Space GLA Barrie Carpet Centre Floor Coverings 44221 63 13,000 Mac's Cat Hospital Convenience 44512 3 Veterinery 54194 143 Family Dentistry Tuff Stuff Martial Arts Paisano's Pizza Dentist 6212 152 Education 61169 150 7222 173 Michael's Salon Beauty Salon 812115 185 1,920 1,280 1,280 3,000 1,280 1,920 565,106 15,500 28,070 43,570 0 0 39,359 0 70,850 50,860 12,100 173,169 173,169 51,600 19,800 93,799 36,768 2,400 27,880 47,610 32,350 608,470 16,200 10,790 26,990 0 7,900 10,540 40,190 10,200 53,720 0 122,550 122,550 1,500 5,000 147,040 29,390 54,600 44,650 44,350 100,800 31,600 100% 8.6% 2.7% 1.8% 4.4% 0.0% 1.3% 1.7% 6.6% 1.7% 8.8% 0.0% 20.1% 20.1% 0.2% 0.8% 24.2% 4.8% 9.0% 7.3% 7.3% 16.6% 5.2% 2.5% 7.5% 3.4% 0.0% 2.6% 4.7% 7.9% 1.6% 7.7% 0.0% 4.6% 3.8% 0.3% 5.5% 21.3% 14.9% 32.0% 24.7% 10.6% 21.2% 9.9% 441,695 47,771 70,874 352,827 150,245 272,496 24,800 144,733 33,667 44,103 28,889 19.1% 77.8% 2.1% 15.7% 3.1% 31.5% 15.2% 69.5% 6.5% 23.0% 11.8% 39.3% 1.1% 27.4% 1.9% 25.8% 1.2% 16.0% Barrie Retail and Service Inventory Corey Doyle - June 30, 2010 # Street Store Name 421 27 25-26 NAICS Study Market Spec. Subtotal Discount 26 & Grocery Food FSR Dep't Store Merch. 20-21 Access. GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA Tires 30 Store NFSR Electronics Used/Misc. A/P/A 29 NFSR Space Nursery GLA GLA GLA 13,000 13,000 Computers GLA Forist/Gift GLA GLA Wine 23 Drinking Services GLA GLA GLA Huronia Rd. @ BBPR f/s 13,000 Kingswood Plaza 201 Hurst Drive - strip Fast Food SUBTOTAL NODE 9 1,920 1,920 1,280 1,280 3,000 1,280 1,920 SUMMARY BY NODE: SUBTOTAL NODE 1: DOWNTOWN BARRIE (Sq. Ft.) Row (%) Column (%) SUBTOTAL NODE 2: BAYFIELD STREET NORTH OF HWY. 400 (Sq. Ft.) Row (%) Column (%) 2,317,559 213,232 24,519 237,751 100% 32.6% 9.2% 33.2% 1.1% 17.1% 10.3% 30.3% Page 33 of 34 109,334 1,003,547 1,445,242 4.7% 42.7% 43.3% 38.0% 62.4% 45.1% 37,955 1.6% 6.5% 6.2% 21.0% 1.5% 17.1% 108,714 109,644 102,061 4.7% 26.1% 4.7% 23.1% 4.4% 32.1% APPENDIX B-1 RETAIL AND SERVICE FLOORPSPACE INVENTORY 1-2 3-16 Super- Barrie Retail and Service Inventory Corey Doyle - June 30, 2010 # Street Store Name NAICS Study Store Type Code SUBTOTAL NODE 3: CEDAR POINTE DR. / DUNLOP ST. W. OF HWY. 400 (Sq. Ft.) Row (%) Column (%) SUBTOTAL NODE 4 - HWY. 400 & MAPLEVIEW DR. AREA (Sq. Ft.) Row (%) Column (%) SUBTOTAL NODE 5 - WEST BARRIE OTHER LOCATIONS & MISC. (Sq. Ft.) Row (%) Column (%) NODE 6 - DUNLOP STREET & AREA EAST OF HWY. 400 (Sq. Ft.) Row (%) Column (%) SUBTOTAL NODE 7 - BURTON AVE. & HURONIA RD. AREA (Sq. Ft.) Row (%) Column (%) SUBTOTAL NODE 8 - YONGE ST. & BIG BAY POINTE RD. AREA (Sq. Ft.) Row (%) Column (%) SUBTOTAL NODE 9 - EAST BARRIE OTHER LOCATIONS & MISC. (Sq. Ft.) Row (%) Column (%) GRAND TOTAL - ALL LOCATIONS (Sq. Ft.) Row (%) Column (%) Code Total Space GLA Market Spec. 27 Drug 17 25-26 31-34 Cosmetic 18 Major 25 Other Optician 19 Gen'l Pers'l Care & Subtotal Discount 26 58-83 35-57 Home 84-113 28-30 Sport/Hobby Can Tire 114-123 Subtotal Fashion Furnishings Music/Bk/Art + TSC 28 Non-Dep't Home Ctr. Hardware Liquor 24 Rest. & Bldg. Sply. Beer 22 Fast Food Personal Store NFSR Electronics Used/Misc. A/P/A 29 Forist/Gift & Grocery Food FSR Dep't Store Merch. 20-21 Access. NFSR Space Nursery GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA 427,754 0 3,760 3,760 0 2,400 8,155 4,205 50,111 28,951 7,200 101,022 101,022 100% 6.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.9% 2.6% 0.9% 0.5% 0.0% 0.0% 0.6% 0.8% 1.9% 3.6% 1.0% 0.8% 11.7% 7.7% 6.8% 4.2% 1.7% 2.8% 23.6% 3.8% 23.6% 3.1% 1,651,268 58,562 11,800 70,362 126,160 151,160 21,090 99,513 275,348 204,989 110,780 862,880 100% 23.2% 3.5% 0.7% 4.3% 7.6% 9.2% 1.3% 6.0% 16.7% 12.4% 6.7% 52.3% 9.1% 8.3% 9.0% 22.2% 49.8% 9.4% 19.6% 42.1% 29.5% 43.3% 0 4,300 44,780 0 78,856 21,436 845,582 209,690 37,729 247,419 127-130 131-136 137-143 144-159 FIRE & 175-183 200 Other Bank Prof'l Other Vacant Space Trust Services Services Space NEC GLA GLA GLA GLA GLA 172-174 Total Tires 30 Computers 22-24 184-196 124-126 Wine 23 Drinking Services 160-171 201-203 GLA GLA GLA 40,678 0 41,245 15,553 100 37,957 63,795 59,249 64,395 9.5% 7.0% 0.0% 0.0% 9.6% 6.0% 3.6% 7.9% 0.0% 0.1% 8.9% 21.0% 14.9% 15.3% 13.9% 12.5% 15.1% 20.3% 989,040 263,027 19,940 98,228 10,540 26,309 18,640 45,866 33,966 75,350 59.9% 15.9% 1.2% 5.9% 0.6% 1.6% 1.1% 2.8% 2.1% 4.6% 32.7% 30.8% 45.3% 22.0% 14.2% 5.4% 15.4% 10.3% 11.0% 7.1% 23.7% 0 149,372 149,372 153,735 0 99,832 31,298 12,853 10,759 53,469 82,045 4,800 100% 11.9% 24.8% 4.5% 29.3% 0.0% 0.5% 5.3% 0.0% 9.3% 2.5% 0.0% 17.7% 17.7% 18.2% 0.0% 11.8% 3.7% 1.5% 1.3% 6.3% 9.7% 0.6% 32.7% 26.4% 31.5% 0.0% 1.4% 19.9% 0.0% 12.1% 3.1% 0.0% 5.7% 4.7% 26.5% 0.0% 14.5% 15.9% 7.5% 5.9% 12.8% 17.3% 1.5% 211,537 37,000 9,391 46,391 0 4,000 1,080 9,696 13,289 43,941 7,800 79,806 79,806 5,186 0 19,127 12,444 0 7,100 23,962 17,521 0 100% 3.0% 17.5% 5.8% 4.4% 6.6% 21.9% 5.9% 0.0% 0.0% 1.9% 1.3% 0.5% 0.5% 4.6% 1.9% 6.3% 2.0% 20.8% 6.3% 3.7% 3.0% 37.7% 3.0% 37.7% 2.5% 2.5% 0.9% 0.0% 0.0% 9.0% 2.8% 5.9% 6.3% 0.0% 0.0% 3.4% 3.9% 11.3% 5.8% 8.3% 3.7% 0.0% 0.0% 259,470 0 9,840 9,840 0 77,700 7,660 1,300 3,000 13,760 8,900 112,320 112,320 27,100 0 29,330 10,740 13,000 3,400 17,540 36,200 0 100% 3.6% 0.0% 0.0% 3.8% 6.9% 3.8% 1.3% 0.0% 0.0% 29.9% 25.6% 3.0% 3.4% 0.5% 0.3% 1.2% 0.5% 5.3% 2.0% 3.4% 3.5% 43.3% 4.3% 43.3% 3.5% 10.4% 4.7% 0.0% 0.0% 11.3% 4.2% 4.1% 5.5% 5.0% 7.6% 1.3% 1.9% 6.8% 4.2% 14.0% 7.6% 0.0% 0.0% 225,948 91,905 7,100 99,005 0 8,400 21,500 0 1,400 4,000 0 35,300 35,300 0 20,992 16,850 16,540 17,341 1,720 11,300 3,300 3,600 100% 3.2% 40.7% 14.3% 3.1% 5.0% 43.8% 12.6% 0.0% 0.0% 3.7% 2.8% 9.5% 9.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.6% 0.2% 1.8% 0.6% 0.0% 0.0% 15.6% 1.3% 15.6% 1.1% 0.0% 0.0% 9.3% 23.2% 7.5% 2.4% 7.3% 8.4% 7.7% 10.2% 0.8% 1.0% 5.0% 2.7% 1.5% 0.7% 1.6% 1.1% 565,106 15,500 28,070 43,570 0 0 39,359 0 70,850 50,860 12,100 173,169 173,169 51,600 19,800 93,799 36,768 2,400 27,880 47,610 32,350 36,160 100% 7.9% 2.7% 2.4% 5.0% 19.6% 7.7% 5.5% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 7.0% 17.5% 0.0% 0.0% 12.5% 10.8% 9.0% 7.3% 2.1% 4.7% 30.6% 6.6% 30.6% 5.4% 9.1% 8.9% 3.5% 21.9% 16.6% 13.6% 6.5% 18.7% 0.4% 1.4% 4.9% 15.4% 8.4% 11.4% 5.7% 6.8% 6.4% 11.4% 567,855 303,631 225,038 507,731 653,299 694,153 8.0% 100% 4.3% 100% 3.2% 100% 7.1% 100% 9.2% 100% 9.8% 100% 7,112,694 642,089 142,999 785,088 100% 100% 9.0% 100% 2.0% 100% 11.0% 100% Page 34 of 34 256,114 2,639,966 3,207,821 580,781 3.6% 100% 37.1% 100% 45.1% 100% 8.2% 100% 90,532 690,184 196,940 170,706 180,995 1.3% 100% 9.7% 100% 2.8% 100% 2.4% 100% 2.5% 100% 416,606 475,075 317,966 5.9% 100% 6.7% 100% 4.5% 100% APPENDIX B-2 RETAIL STORE AND SERVICE CLASSIFICATION BY TYPE (NAICS 2002-BASED) INVENTORY CLASSIFICATION CITY OF BARRIE MARKET STUDY Retail Store Store Sector Category Type FOOD STORES Supermarkets and Grocery Stores Supermarket Grocery Store Convenience and Specialty Food Stores Convenience Store Meat Fish and Seafood Fruits and Vegetables Bakery Candy and Nut Herbs and Spices Milk / Cheese / Ice Cream / Dairy Products Coffee and Tea Soft Drinks Health Food (not supplements) (e.g. Noah's Natural Foods) Delicatessen Bulk Food Other Specialty Food NAICS Code STUDY Code 44511 44511 1 2 44512 44521 44522 44523 445291 445292 445299 445299 445299 445299 445299 445299 445299 445299 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 PHARMACIES AND PERSONAL CARE STORES Pharmacies Pharmacy / Drug Store Cosmetics / Beauty Supply / Perfume Personal Care Stores Optician Health Supplements (not food) (e.g. General Nutrition Centre, Nutrition House) Medical Aids and Equipment (e.g. hearing aids, orthopaedic aids, oxygen) 44611 44612 17 18 44613 446191 446199 19 20 21 BEER, WINE AND LIQUOR STORES Beer Wine Liquor 44531 44531 44531 22 23 24 45211 45211 25 26 45291 27 452991 44131 44132 28 29 30 452999 452999 452999 452999 31 32 33 34 GAFO: GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORES Department Stores Traditional Department Store Discount Department Store Warehouse Membership Clubs Warehouse Membership Club Home and Auto Supply Stores Home and Auto Supply (e.g. Canadian Tire, TSC Stores) Automotive Parts and Accessories Tires Other General Merchandise Stores Catalogue Sales Showroom (e.g. Sears Catalogue and Sears Dealer stores) Dollar Store (e.g. Dollarama, Buck or Two) Variety Store (e.g. Bargain Shop, Giant Tiger, Liquidation World) General Store (e.g. Co-Op, Country Depot, "farmer's supply" stores) APPENDIX B-2 (Continued) RETAIL STORE AND SERVICE CLASSIFICATION BY TYPE (NAICS 2002-BASED) Retail Sector Store Category Store Type GAFO: APPAREL AND ACCESSORIES STORES Clothing Stores Men's Clothing Women's Clothing Children's and Infants' Clothing Family Clothing Athletic Clothing (not uniforms) Fur Leather Apparel Bridal Lingerie Maternity Outerwear Swimwear Uniforms and Work Clothing Other Clothing Shoe Stores Men's Shoes Women's Shoes Children's Shoes Family Shoes Athletic Shoes Clothing Accessories and Jewellery Stores Costume Jewellery Clothing Accessories (e.g. handbags, hosiery, hats, scarves, ties, gloves, umbrellas) Jewellery Luggage and Leather Goods GAFO: FURNITURE, HOME FURNISHINGS AND ELECTRONICS STORES Furniture Stores Household Furniture Household Furniture and Appliance Office Furniture (if it sells to consumers) Outdoor Furniture Mattress Home Furnishings Stores Floor Coverings (e.g. carpet, tile, wood, linoleum) Window Treatments (e.g. drapery, curtain, blinds) Print and Picture Frame Bedding / Linen / Bath China / Glassware / Cutlery / Kitchenware Housewares Mirrors Pottery Lamps and Lighting Fixtures Fireplace Accessories Computer and Software Stores Computer Hardware and Software (e.g. CompuSmart) NAICS Code STUDY Code 44811 44812 44813 44814 448199 448191 448199 448199 448199 44812 448199 448199 448199 448199 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 44821 44821 44821 44821 44821 49 50 51 52 53 44815 44815 44831 44832 54 55 56 57 44211 44211 44211 44211 44211 58 59 60 61 62 44221 442291 442292 442298 442298 442298 442298 442298 442298 442298 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 44312 73 APPENDIX B-2 (Continued) RETAIL STORE AND SERVICE CLASSIFICATION BY TYPE (NAICS 2002-BASED) Retail Sector Store Category Store Type Home Electronics and Appliance Stores Household Appliance Consumer Electronics (e.g. TV, radio, stereo) Household Appliance and Electronics Satellite Receivers Telephone (including cellular phone) Personal Care Appliance Sewing Machines Vacuum Cleaners Room Air Conditioners Camera and Photography Supply NAICS Code STUDY Code 44311 44311 44311 44311 44311 44311 44311 44311 44311 44313 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 GAFO: OTHER RETAILERS Sporting Goods, Hobby, Music and Book Stores Bicycles 45111 Fitness Equipment 45111 Bait and Tackle / Firearms 45111 Other Sporting Goods (including uniforms) 45111 Hobby, Toy and Game (including arts and crafts, console game stores) (e.g. EB Games, MicroPlay) 45112 Sewing, Needlework and Piece Goods (including yarn and fabric) 45113 Musical Instruments and Supplies 45114 Books and News 45121 Pre-Recorded Tapes, Compact Discs and Records 45122 Miscellaneous Store Retailers Florist 45311 Office Supply and Stationery (including office furniture if not selling to consumers) 45321 Gift, Novelty and Souvenir 45322 Greeting Cards 45322 Used Clothing 45331 Used Furniture / Antiques 45331 Used Appliances 45331 Used Books 45331 Other Used Merchandise (not pawnshops) 45331 Pet and Pet Supply 45391 Art Dealer 45392 Beer and Wine-Making Supply 453992 Art Supply 453999 Auctioneering 453999 Hot Tubs / Whirlpools / Swimming Pools 453999 Coins and Stamps 453999 Autographs, Cards and Collectibles 453999 Party Supply 453999 Tobacco 453999 Tombstones 453999 Other Miscellaneous Retailer (including water systems) 453999 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 APPENDIX B-2 (Continued) RETAIL STORE AND SERVICE CLASSIFICATION BY TYPE (NAICS 2002-BASED) Retail Sector Store Category Store Type BUILDING AND OUTDOOR HOME SUPPLIES STORES Home Centres and Hardware Stores Home Improvement Centre Hardware Store Specialized Building Materials and Garden Stores Paint and Wallpaper Kitchen Cabinets / Doors and Windows Electrical Supply Plumbing Lumber Other Building Materials (e.g. brick and tile, fencing, glass, roofing) Outdoor Power Equipment (e.g. lawnmowers) Nursery / Garden Centre (including lawn ornaments) SERVICES Financial Institutions Bank Credit Union Other Depository Institution (e.g. provincial savings and loans) Other Lending Services Consumer Lending (e.g. personal credit and loan companies) Pawnbroker Mortgage and Loan Broker Cheque Cashing Service Consumer Rental Services Car Rental Electronics and Appliance Rental Formal Wear and Costume Rental Video Tape and Disc Rental Other Consumer Goods Rental (e.g. furniture, sports equipment, party supply) General Rental Centre Professional Services Investment Advice / Financial Planning Insurance Agent / Broker Real Estate Agent / Broker Legal (e.g. lawyer, notary, paralegal) Accounting (e.g. accountant, tax preparer, bookkeeper, payroll service) Photographer Veterinarian Administrative Services Employment Service Business Service Centre (e.g. photocopying service, private mail centre) Travel Service (e.g. travel agent, tour operator, auto club, ticket agent, tourist bureau) Educational Services Business and Secretarial School Computer Training Athletic Instruction (e.g. gymnastics club, martial arts club) Other School (e.g. driver training, tutoring) Health Care Services Physician (including psychiatrist) Dentist Other Health Practitioner (e.g. chiropractor, optometrist, psychologist, other therapist) Out-Patient Care Centre (e.g. family planning,, substance abuse, community health) Medical and Diagnostic Laboratory NAICS Code STUDY Code 44411 44413 114 115 44412 44419 44419 44419 44419 44419 44421 44422 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 52211 52213 52219 124 125 126 522291 522299 52231 52239 127 128 129 130 53211 53221 53222 53223 53229 53231 131 132 133 134 135 136 52393 52421 53121 5411 5412 54192 54194 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 5613 56143 5615 144 145 146 61141 61142 61162 61169 147 148 149 150 6211 6212 6213 6214 6215 151 152 153 154 155 APPENDIX B-2 (Continued) RETAIL STORE AND SERVICE CLASSIFICATION BY TYPE (NAICS 2002-BASED) Retail Sector Store Category Store Type NAICS Code Social Services Individual and Family Service (e.g. family counselling, big brothers and sisters) 6241 Community Food, Housing, Emergency Relief Service (e.g. food bank, meals on wheels) 6242 Vocational Rehabilitation Service 6243 Child Day-Care Service 6244 Arts, Entertainment and Recreation Facilities Movie Theatre / Cinema 51213 Live Theatre 711311 Sports Arena / Stadium 711319 Amusement Arcade 71312 Casino 71321 Lottery Ticket Vendor 713291 Other Gambling Facility (e.g. bingo parlour, off-track betting) 713299 Marina 71393 Fitness and Recreational Sports Centre 71394 Bowling Alley 71395 Billiard Hall 71399 Other Amusement and Recreation Facility (e.g. amusement rides, miniature golf) 71399 Food Services Full-Service Restaurant 7221 Limited-Service Eating Place (e.g. fast food, take-out, doughnut shop, cafeteria) 7222 Drinking Places (e.g. bars, pubs, lounges, night clubs, taverns) 7224 Automotive Repair and Maintenance Mechanical and Electrical (e.g. general repair, specialty repair of muffler, brake, transmission) 81111 Body, Paint, Interior and Glass 81112 Car Wash 811192 Other Automotive Repair and Maintenance (e.g. lubrication, emission testing, undercoating) 811199 Personal Goods Repair and Maintenance Home and Garden Equipment 811411 Appliance (including consumer electronics) 811412 Reupholstery and Furniture Repair (including furniture refinishing) 81142 Footwear and Leather Goods Repair 81143 Other Personal and Household Goods (e.g. garments, bicycles, jewellery, watches, key duplication) 81149 Personal and Laundry Services Barber Shop (i.e. men only) 812114 Beauty Salon (i.e. women only; includes nail salons, manicures, pedicures) 812115 Unisex Hair Salon (i.e. men and women) 812116 Weight Loss Centre (e.g. Jenny Craig, Herbal Magic) 81219 Hair Removal / Hair Replacement 81219 Ear Piercing / Tattooing / Tanning Salon 81219 Other Personal Care Service (e.g. bath house, massage parlour) 81219 Coin-Operated Laundry 81231 Dry Cleaning 81232 Linen and Uniform Supply 81233 Pet Care (e.g. animal shelter, boarding kennel, pet grooming) 81291 Photo Finishing Service (e.g. one hour photo finishing services, not camera shops) 81292 All Other Personal Service (e.g. party planning, personal shopping, psychic, shoe shine, escorts)81299 STUDY Code 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 VACANT SPACE NA 200 OTHER NON-RETAIL SPACE NA 201 GENERAL OFFICE SPACE NA 202 45393 NA GAFO: OTHER RETAILERS [EXCLUDED] Miscellaneous Store Retailers [EXCLUDED] Mobile Homes APPENDIX B-2 (Continued) RETAIL STORE AND SERVICE CLASSIFICATION BY TYPE (NAICS 2002-BASED) Retail Sector Store Category Store Type NAICS Code STUDY Code AUTOMOTIVE [EXCLUDING AUTOMOTIVE PARTS AND ACCESSORIES STORES AND TIRE DEALERS] Vehicle Dealers [EXCLUDING AUTOMOTIVE PARTS AND ACCESSORIES STORES AND TIRE DEALERS] New Cars 44111 Used Cars 44112 Recreational Vehicles 44121 Motorcycles 44122 Boats 44122 Other Motor Vehicles (e.g. ATVs, snowmobiles, trailers, aircraft) 44122 Gasoline Stations Gasoline Station with Convenience Store 44711 Gasoline Station without Convenience Store 44719 203 NA NON-STORE RETAILERS Electronic Shopping and Mail-Order Houses Vending Machine Operators Fuel Dealer Other Direct Selling Establishments NA NA NA NA 45411 45421 45431 45439 SOURCE: STUDY based on Statistics Canada, North American Industry Classification System 2002 (Catalogue #12-501). NA NA NA NA NA NA
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