dld chronicle


dld chronicle
Europe’s Digital Life Design Conference
January 22 - 24, Munich | dld-conference.com
Press Information
Hubert Burda Media | Corporate Communications | burda-news.de
Hotline: +49 172-775 93 48 | dldpress@burda.com
Die Medienmarke DLD
DLD as a media brand
DLD Connect
DLD Connect
DLD Edition
DLD Edition
DLD Campus
DLD Campus
DLD Research
DLD Research
DLD Night & DLD FOCUS Nightcap
DLD Night & DLD FOCUS Nightcap
Aenne Burda Award
Aenne Burda Award
DLD Chronik
DLD Chronicle
Alle Speaker
All Speakers
DLD Conference 2012
Wie verändert die Digitalität unsere Gesellschaft?
DLD bringt Unternehmer, Politiker, Wissenschaftler
und Kulturschaffende zusammen, um Antworten auf
diese Frage zu finden. Die digitale Revolution wirkt
sich tiefgreifend auf die herkömmliche Ordnung von
Märkten aus, bringt neue Geschäftsmodelle und
junge Global Player hervor, insbesondere aus den
Bereichen Konsum und Medien. Zugleich entsteht
eine neue globale Wirtschaftsgeographie und es
etabliert sich ein neues Denken und Handeln, auch
im Hinblick auf einen nachhaltigen Umgang mit
endlichen Ressourcen. DLD ist eine journalistische
Plattform und Netzwerk dieser neuen Welt und
bildet in verschiedenen Ressorts die neuen
Realitäten sowie ihre treibenden Akteure ab – als
kollektiver Think Tank und kuratierte Medienmarke
grundsätzlich technologie-optimistisch, aber auch
kritisch hinterfragend.
How is the digital world changing our society?
DLD brings together entrepreneurs, politicians,
scientists and artists to find answers to this
question. The digital revolution has an extensive
impact on the conventional structure of the
markets, promoting new business models and
younger global players, particularly in the areas
of consumption and media. Simultaneously a
new economic geography emerges and
establishes new ways of thinking and acting,
including with regard to the sustainable use of
finite resources. DLD is a journalistic platform
and network for this new world and it represents
the new realities and their main drivers from a
variety of perspectives – as a collective Think
Tank and curative media brand fundamentally
optimistic about technology, but also asking
critical questions.
Seit 2005 ist DLD von einer Konferenz zu einer
internationalen Medienmarke und einem weit
gespannten Netzwerk gewachsen, das als
politischer Agenda Setter funktioniert und für die
Identifikation von Innovatoren und Geschäftsmodellen sowie die Beschreibung gesellschaftlichen
Wandels steht. Zahlreiche Unternehmen nutzen die
Plattform für ihre Marken und deren Innovationskraft, ein internationales Journalisten-Aufgebot
berichtet live aus München. Die DLD Conference
setzt drei Tage lang Themen und endet mit dem
DLD FOCUS Nightcap beim World Economic Forum
in Davos.
Auch Lifestyle, Design, Musik und Kunst sind als
zeitgenössische Kultur fester Bestandteil von DLD,
sie sind Seismographen für bevorstehende
Veränderungen. DLD nähert sich Zukunftsfragen
aus internationaler Perspektive und im cross-over
Dialog. Dafür veranstaltet DLD während des
Jahres weltweit Satelliten-Events (2011 zum
Beispiel in Palo Alto, New York, Beijing, Rio de
Janeiro, London, Paris) – zudem wurde DLD 2011
um die jährlichen Konferenzen DLD Tel Aviv und
die Frauenkonferenz DLDwomen (seit 2010)
erweitert. Dieser Idee folgen die Labels DLD
Campus und DLD Editionen, die für den offenen
Dialog mit Hochschulen und die Kooperation mit
Buchverlagen stehen (s. S. 21). DLD Media
DLD Conference 2012
Marcel Reichart, Steffi Czerny
Since 2005, DLD has developed from a
conference into an international media brand
with a wide-reaching network, acting as a
political agenda setter and helping to identify
innovators and business models as well as
describing the social changes. Numerous
companies use this platform for their brands and
their innovative energy, an international
journalists’ group reports live from Munich. DLD
conference presents topics for three days,
culminating with the DLD FOCUS Nightcap at
the World Economic Forum in Davos.
Lifestyle, design, music and arts are, as
contemporary culture, also a constant element of
DLD; they are seismographs to reflect imminent
changes. DLD investigates upcoming issues
from an international perspective and within a
betreibt Online- und Mobile-Plattformen, produziert
Bewegtbildformate und publiziert Bücher und
Die DLD Conference ist eine Plattform für
grenzübergreifenden Wissenstransfer. Ebenso wie
die herausragenden Speaker – in diesem Jahr sind
es mehr als 150 – tragen auch alle Gäste ihren Teil
zum Erfolg der gemeinsamen Sternfahrt bei. Nur bei
wenigen Veranstaltungen in Deutschland kommen
Innovationstreiber aus Technologie- und
Wachstumsstandorten wie den USA, Israel, Indien,
Türkei, Russland oder Deutschland so zahlreich
zusammen. Dialog ist ein konstituierendes Merkmal
der Konferenz und ein zentraler Leitgedanke lautet:
„Connect the Unexpected“. Erfolgreiche Investoren
und Inkubatoren suchen bei DLD nach neuen
Geschäftspartnern, hochrangige Politiker und
Künstler befinden sich genauso unter den Gästen
wie etablierte Manager und Start-up-Gründer,
Wissenschaftler und Studenten, Verleger und
Journalisten. Bei den zahlreichen Veranstaltungen
rund um die Konferenz entsteht so ein
internationaler Diskurs zwischen den Disziplinen,
zwischen Generationen und zwischen
hierarchischen Ebenen. DLD ist ein soziales
Netzwerk, das von allen Beteiligten mitgestaltet wird
– und die so wiederum einen Teil zum Verständnis
eines neuen digitalen Weltbildes beitragen.
cross-over dialogue. To this end, DLD also
hosts satellite events during the year (in 2011,
for example, there were events in Palo Alto, New
York, Beijing, Rio de Janeiro, London and Paris)
– in addition, DLD was expanded to include two
more annual conferences: DLD Tel Aviv (since
2011) and the womenconference DLDwomen
(since 2010). This idea is also reinforced by the
labels DLD Campus and DLD Editionen, which
stand for an open dialogue with colleges and
partnerships with book publishers (see p. 21).
DLD Media operates online and mobile
platforms, produces moving-image formats and
publishes books and magazines.
The DLD Conference is a platform for crossborder knowledge transfer. Just like the
outstanding speakers – this year there will be
more than 150 – all of the guests will also play a
role in the success of our joint intellectual rally.
There are not many events in Germany where so
many innovation drivers from technology and
growth locations come together like the United
States, Israel, India, Turkey, Russia or Germany.
Dialogue is an essential feature of the
conference, and a central motto is “Connect the
Unexpected.” Successful investors and
incubators come to DLD in search of new
business partners; the guests include highranking politicians and artists as well as
established managers and startup founders,
scientists and students, publishers and
journalists. The numerous events of the
conference will thus create an international
conversation between disciplines, between
generations and between hierarchical levels.
DLD is a social network that is shaped by all of
the participants – thereby in turn contributing to
our understanding of the new digital worldview.
Hubert Burda, Yossi Vardi
DLD gehört zur Dachmarke Hubert Burda Media
und findet 2012 zum achten Mal statt. Sie wird von
Steffi Czerny und Marcel Reichart, den zwei DLDGründern inhaltlich geführt und zur internationalen
Medienmarke aufgebaut und ständig erweitert.
Schirmherren der DLD Conference sind der
Verleger Hubert Burda und der Investor Joseph
‚Yossi‘ Vardi sowie Maria Furtwängler-Burda
DLD Conference 2012
DLD is part of the Hubert Burda Media umbrella
brand and will be taking place for the eighth time
in 2012.Steffi Czerny and Marcel Reichart, the
two DLD founders, are constantly working to
expand the conference and develop it into an
international media brand, as well as in terms of
content. DLD conference is sponsored by
publisher Hubert Burda, investor Joseph ‘Yossi’
Vardi as well as Maria Furtwängler-Burda
Sonntag | Sunday
DLD Conference
Uhrzeit: 14:00 Uhr – 20:00 Uhr | Time: 02:00 pm – 08:00 pm
Ort/Location: HVB-Forum, Kardinal-Faulhaber-Straße 1, München
Montag | Monday
DLD Conference
Uhrzeit: 8:30 Uhr – 20:00 Uhr | Time: 08:30 am – 08:00 pm
Arts and Sustainable Development Sessions (open)
Uhrzeit: 17:00 – 19:00 Uhr | Time: 05:00 pm – 07:00 pm
Ort/Location: HVB-Forum, Kardinal-Faulhaber-Straße 1, München
DLD Campus (open)
Uhrzeit: ab 18:00 Uhr | Time: 06:00 pm
Ort/Location: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Raum W101, Lehrturm, Professor-Huber-Platz 2
DLD Press Dinner
Uhrzeit: ab 20:00 Uhr | Time: 08:00 pm
Ort/Location: Im Augustiner am Platzl, Spitzwegzimmer Münzstraße 8, München
DLD Night
Uhrzeit: ab 21:30 Uhr | Time: 09:30 pm
Ort/Location: Haus der Kunst, Prinzregentenstr. 1, München
Dienstag | Tuesday
DLD Conference
Uhrzeit: 9:30 Uhr – 14:00 Uhr | Time: 09:30 am – 02:00 pm
TES (Technology Enabled Success)
Uhrzeit: 14:00 – 17:00 Uhr | Time: 02:00 pm – 05:00 pm
Ort/Location: HVB-Forum, Kardinal-Faulhaber-Straße 1, München
Kostenfreies Pressematerial
Free press material
Wir stellen Informationen, Bilder und Videos über
verschiedene Kanäle zur Verfügung:
We provide press releases, information, pictures
and videos through various channels:
Gesammeltes Material (Informationen und Bilder):
Kostenfreie Fotos:
Bitte jeweiligen Fotocredit beachten!
Lizenz CC BY-NC-ND 3.0
Whole press material (information and pictures):
Free Photos:
Please note the specific photo credit!
License CC BY-NC-ND 3.0
DLD Conference 2012
„Be part of it“ heißt es in diesem Jahr bei DLD.
Alle folgenden Links sind auch hier gebündelt:
“Be part of it” is the theme of this year’s DLD.
All of the following Links in a bundle:
Über die DLD-Website und das DLD FacebookProfil gibt der Live-Stream Einblick in alle Panels
der Konferenz (bit.ly/DLD_Livestream). Zusätzlich
werden alle Sessions komplett aufgezeichnet und
aktuell auf dem DLD YouTube-Kanal zum Abruf
zur Verfügung stehen:
Via the DLD website and the Facebook profil, a
Live-Stream provides insight into all the panels at
the conference (bit.ly/DLD_Livestream). All
sessions will also be recorded in full and be
available for viewing at any time on the DLD
YouTube channel:
Im Tumblr Blog (bit.ly/DLD_Liveblog) werden
aktuelle Berichte, Meinungen und Hintergrundinfos
zur Konferenz gebloggt. Erstmals beantworten
ausgewählte Speaker im Anschluss an ihre
Vorträge Fragen interessierter User im Google
Tumblr Blog (bit.ly/DLD_Liveblog) is home to
blogs with up-to-date reports, opinions and
background information on the conference. And for
the first time, selected speakers will respond to
questions from interested users about their
presentations at Google Hangout.
Die kostenlose DLD Conference App, entwickelt
von Mobile Roadie, gibt es zum Download im
iTunes-Store (http://bit.ly/DLD_itunes) und im
Android-Store (http://bit.ly/DLD_Android).
The free DLD Conference App, developed by
Mobile Roadie and available for download at:
iTunes (http://bit.ly/DLD_itunes) and the Android
Store (http://bit.ly/DLD_Android).
Die kostenlose DLD Magazine App
(http://bit.ly/DLD_Mag) von Adaptive Press bietet
allen iPad Usern News und Infos aus der
Community im Magazinformat.
The free DLD Magazine App
(http://bit.ly/DLD_Mag) from Adaptive Press offers
iPad users news and infos from the community in
magazine format.
Daneben gibt es eine für mobile Endgeräte
optimierte Web App (m.dld-conference.com) von
There is also a web app (m.dld-conference.com)
optimized for mobile end devices from Yasssu.
Mit dem Online Networking Tool „Presdo Match“,
verfügbar in den mobilen Apps, kann sich die DLD
Community vor Ort vernetzen, Meetings anfragen
sowie Interessen und Themenschwerpunkte
anderer Teilnehmer einsehen.
The “Presdo Match” online networking tool
available in the mobile apps, enables the DLD
community to network, arrange meetings and view
the interests and focal points of other participants
on location.
DLD hat Accounts auf Facebook, Google+,
YouTube und Twitter. Das Hashtag ist #DLD12
Follow DLD at Facebook, Google+, YouTube and
Twitter. The Hashtag is #DLD12
DLD Conference 2012
Sunday, January 22
DLD Conference 2012
Monday, January 23
DLD Conference 2012
DLD Conference 2012
DLD Conference 2012
Tuesday, January 24
DLD Conference 2012
Die journalistische Plattform DLD
DLD rally:
Wie verändert die digitale Welt unsere
Gesellschaften? Hier ist eine Auswahl von Zielen
der DLD-Sternfahrt 2012:
How is the digital world changing our societies?
Here are some of the thematic destinations for
Wirtschaft / Digitales
Business / Digital
Big Picture: Wohin führt der Weg des globalen
Digital Business? Welche neuen Geschäftsmodelle
werden sich durchsetzen? Darüber diskutiert Autor
David Kirkpatrick mit Arkady Volozh, CEO von
Yandex, der größten Suchmaschine nach Google,
Investor und Skype-Gründer Niklas Zennström,
Google-CBO Nikesh Arora und Paul-Bernhard
Kallen, CEO von Hubert Burda Media.
Big picture: Where does the path of global digital
business lead? What new business models will be
implemented? Author David Kirkpatrick will
discuss these questions with Arkady Volozh, the
CEO of Yandex, the largest search engine after
Google; investor and Skype founder Niklas
Zennström; Google CBO Nikesh Arora; and PaulBernhard Kallen, CEO of Hubert Burda Media.
E-Commerce: Mit Hiroshi Mikitani (CEO Rakuten)
und John Donahoe (CEO Ebay) sprechen bei DLD
zwei Vertreter der weltweit erfolgreichsten digitalen
Marktplätze über die Perspektiven digitalen
Handels. Brian Chesky und Airbnb steht für ein
neues kollaboratives Konsumverständnis, „share
economy“, nach dem Menschen ihre privaten
Ressourcen monetarisieren, zum Beispiel mit der
Untervermietung von Zimmern.
E-commerce: With Hiroshi Mikitani (Rakuten CEO)
and John Donahoe (eBay CEO), DLD will have two
representatives of the world’s most successful
digital marketplaces present to talk about the
prospects for digital trade. Brian Chesky and
Airbnb stand for a new collaborative understanding
of consumption, a “share economy” according to
which people monetize their private resources, for
instance by subletting rooms.
Big Data: Die riesigen von Internet-Nutzern
erzeugten Datenmengen eröffnen Unternehmen
neue Möglichkeiten der gezielten
Kundenansprache und der Markforschung.
Darüber diskutieren Heidi Messer (Collective[i]),
Stefan Olander (CDO Nike), Dave Goldberg (CEO
Surveymonkey) und David Sable (Y&R). Wie
Daten genutzt werden können, um die
Kreditwürdigkeit von Gläubigern zu prüfen – eine
Revolution des Kreditwesens – darüber sprechen
Erol Damelin (CEO Wonga), Sebastian
Simiatowski (CEO Klarna) und Drew Houston
(CEO Dropbox), dessen Unternehmen einen
wichtigen Beitrag zur Daten-Verwaltung in der
Consumer Cloud leistet.
Big data: The huge volumes of data left behind by
internet users provide companies with new
opportunities for targeted sales approaches and
market research. This topic will be discussed by
Heidi Messer (Collective[i]),Stefan Olander (Nike
CDO), Dave Goldberg (Surveymonkey CEO) and
David Sable (Y&R). Using this data to review the
creditworthiness of creditors could revolutionize the
credit industry, as Erol Damelin (Wonga CEO) and
Sebastian Simiatowski (Klarna CEO) will explain.
And Drew Houston (Dropbox CEO) has provided
an important contribution to the field of data
administration in the consumer cloud.
New Media: Jack Dorsey (Gründer von Twitter) und
David Karp (Gründer von Tumblr) haben mit ihren
Microblogging-Diensten das Kommunikationsverhalten der digitalisierten Gesellschaft nachhaltig
verändert. Sie werden bei DLD einen Einblick in die
nächsten strategischen Ziele ihrer rasant
wachsenden Medienunternehmen geben.
New media: Jack Dorsey (Twitter founder) and
David Karp (Tumblr founder) have permanently
altered the landscape of communication behavior
with their microblogging services. At DLD, they will
provide insight into the upcoming strategic goals
for their rapidly growing media companies.
DLD Conference 2012
Mobile: René Schuster (CEO Telefonica), Linda
Abraham (Co-Founder, CEO & Vice President
Global Development, comScore) und Veit
Siegenheim (Managing Director, Strategy Facts)
stellen exklusiv bei DLD Studien vor, die
Nutzungsmuster mobiler Endgeräte und die
Möglichkeiten kontaktlosen Bezahlens genauer
untersucht haben.
Mobile: René Schuster (Telefonica CEO), Linda
Abraham (Co-Founder, CEO & Vice President
Global Development, comScore) and Veit
Siegenheim (Managing Director, Strategy Facts)
will present exclusive studies at DLD that more
closely investigate usage patterns for mobile end
devices and the possibilities of contactless
IPOs: Der bevorstehende Facebook-IPO wird
historisch für das Digital-Business. Bei DLD vertritt
Sheryl Sandberg (COO) das Top-Management des
sozialen Netzwerks. Und Groupon-Gründer
Andrew Mason wird im Gespräch mit Journalist
und Autor David Kirkpatrick auch über seine
Erfahrungen beim Börsengang seines
Unternehmens sprechen.
IPOs: The upcoming Facebook IPO will be
historic for digital business. Sheryl Sandberg
(COO) will represent the social network’s top
management at DLD, and Groupon founder
Andrew Mason will also talk with journalist and
author David Kirkpatrick about his experiences
with his own company’s IPO.
Digitale Weltstars: Musik-Manager Troy Carter
hat Weltstars wie Lady Gaga herausgebracht.
Derzeit entwickelt er mit „The Backplane“ ein
Social-Media-Projekt für Celebrities, das er bei
DLD vorstellen wird. Lady Gaga und Eric Schmidt
(über Tomorrow Ventures) haben bereits investiert.
Form & Function: Hosain Rahman und Jawbone
verbinden Design und Technologie mit dem Alltag.
Das „Jambox Smartspeaker“ gilt als
avantgardistisches Soundsystem. Das Armband
„Up“ folgt dem Ansatz „Quantified Self“, registriert
die Aktivitäten des Trägers, wertet Daten aus und
erstellt individuelle Pläne für Ernährung und
Stars of the digital world: Music manager Troy
Carter has launched world stars like Lady Gaga.
He is currently developing “The Backplane,” a
social media project for celebrities, which he will
introduce at DLD. Lady Gaga and Eric Schmidt
(via Tomorrow Ventures) have already invested in
the project.
Form & function: Hosain Rahman and Jawbone
combine design and technology with everyday
life. The “Jambox Smartspeaker” is considered an
avant-garde sound system. The “Up” armband
follows the principle of the “quantified self”; it
records the wearer’s activities, evaluates the data
and creates individual diet and exercise plans.
Nachhaltig: Barbara Kux von Siemens wird von
„Fortune“ als viertmächtigste Business-Frau
außerhalb der USA geführt. Sie ist eine der
wenigen Frauen in den Vorständen der DAXUnternehmen und spricht bei DLD über ChangeManagement sowie Nachhaltigkeit.
Sustainable: Barbara Kux of Siemens was
named the fourth most powerful businesswoman
outside the United States by “Fortune.” She is one
of the few women to serve on the Executive
Board of a DAX corporation, and she will be
discussing change management and
sustainability at DLD.
Publizistisches Genie: Arianna Huffington hat mit
der Huffington Post ein Lehrstück für hochwertigen
digitalen Journalismus geschrieben. Nach dem
Start in England geht am Montag, 23. Januar, auch
die französische Version online. Und alle warten
gespannt, wann und mit welchem Partner sie in
Deutschland startet.
Publishing genius: With the Huffington Post,
Arianna Huffington created an object lesson in
high-quality digital journalism. Following its launch
in England, the French version will also go online
on Monday, January 23. Everyone is waiting with
bated breath to see when and with which partner
it will be launched in Germany.
Digitale Dates: Andrey Andreev ist Gründer von
Badoo, einem schnell wachsenden Dating-Portal,
das mittlerweile ca. 140 Millionen Mitglieder zählt.
Digital dates: Andrey Andreev is the founder of
Badoo, a fast-growing dating portal that now has
about 140 million members.
DLD Conference 2012
Politik / Gesellschaft
Politics / Social
Privacy: Die digitale Gesellschaft wirft neue
Fragen zum Umgang mit persönlichen Daten auf.
Die Vizepräsidentin der EU-Kommission Viviane
Reding präsentiert bereits bei DLD ihre Agenda,
die sie in Brüssel am 25. Januar mit einer
Datenschutznovelle vorstellt und diskutiert sie mit
der DLD-Community.
Privacy: Our digital society raises new questions
about handling personal data. The Vice President
of the European Commission Viviane Reding
introduces and discusses her digital agenda in
advance at DLD, before presenting it in Brussels
on January 25.
Copyright: Was für die einen notwendige Schritte
zur Bekämpfung der Online-Piraterie sind, sind für
andere unverhältnismäßige politische Eingriffe in
das offene Internet. Der Wikipedia-Gründer Jimmy
Wales wird erläutern, warum die englische Seite
der Enzyklopädie aus Protest gegen den geplanten
„Stop Online Piracy Act“ einen Tag lang offline
ging. Und der Chairman der amerikanischen
Regulierungsbehörde (Federal Communications
Commission) Julius Genachowski wird die Debatte
aus politischer Sicht nachzeichnen.
Copyright: Some think they are the necessary
steps to combat online-piracy, some others think
it is a disproportionate, political intrusion to the
open Internet. Jimmy Wales, founder of
Wikipedia, explains why the English
encyclopedia went offline for one day in protest
against the planned “Stop Online Piracy Act”.
Julius Genachowski, chairman of the USAmerican Federal Communications Commission,
will also portray the debate from a political point
of view.
Digital Diplomacy: Mit Nicolas Princen, Alec Ross
und Rohan Silva werden die Digitalberater von
Nicolas Sarkozy, Hillary Clinton und David
Cameron bei DLD vertreten sein. Sie stehen für ein
neues Politik-Konzept des digitalen Zeitalters und
wachsende Anforderungen an politische
Entscheider im Diskurs mit der (digitalen)
Digital diplomacy: With Nicolas Princen, Alec
Ross and Rohan Silva, the digital consultants for
Nicolas Sarkozy, Hillary Clinton and David
Cameron will be present at DLD. They will
describe the new political concept for the digital
era, as well as the growing requirements for
political decision-makers in the conversation with
the (digital) public.
Hypersocial Society: Massenbewegungen wie
der Arabische Frühling oder Occupy Wall Street
hatten 2011 eines gemeinsam: Sie waren sehr
stark durch die Kommunikation über soziale
Medien gekennzeichnet. Sheryl Sandberg (COO
Facebook) zeichnet in ihrer Keynote nach, wie
soziale Netzwerke und soziale Realität heute
Hypersocial society: Mass movements like the
Arab Spring and Occupy Wall Street had one
thing in common in 2011: they were very strongly
shaped by communications via social media. In
her keynote speech, Sheryl Sandberg (Facebook
COO) will investigate how social networks and
social realities interact today.
Turkey: DLD richtet den Scheinwerfer auf das
aufstrebende Nachbarland der EU: Auf der Brücke
zwischen Orient und Okzident entstehen viele
neue Ideen. Alemsah Öztük (Founder 41 29), Cenk
Bayrakdar (SVP Turkcell), Sina Afra (CEO
Makrofoni), Nevzat Aydin (CEO yemeksepeti.com)
und Sinar Sahin (Peakgames) geben einen
Überblick über die “digitale” Türkei. Als Höhepunkt
wird der türkische Europaminister Egeman Bagis
eine Keynote halten.
Turkey: DLD is putting a spotlight on this
emerging EU neighbor: many new ideas are being
born on the bridge between the Orient and the
Occident,. Alemsah Öztük (41? 29! Founder),
Cenk Bayrakdar (Turkcell SVP), Sina Afra
(Makrofoni CEO), Nevzat Aydin
(yemeksepeti.com CEO) and Sinar Sahin
(Peakgames) will provide an overview of “digital”
Turkey. The highlight will be a keynote speech by
Turkish EU Minister Egeman Bagis.
DLD Conference 2012
Kultur / Wissenschaft
Culture / Science
Arts: Serpentine-Kurator Hans Ulrich Obrist
moderiert drei Panels, bei denen er dem
interdisziplinären Leitgedanken von DLD folgt:
„Connect the Unexpected“. Er interviewt Yoko Ono
und den Astrophysiker Dimitar Sasselov, er
diskutiert mit Künstlern und Unternehmern über
Nachhaltigkeit in Afrika. Und schließlich erörtert er
in einer hochkarätig besetzten Art Session neue
Formen der bildenden Kunst in der digitalen Welt
(s. Kultur).
Arts: Serpentine curator Hans-Ulrich Obrist will
moderate three panels, following the
interdisciplinary motto of DLD: “Connect the
Unexpected.” He will interview Yoko Ono and
astrophysicist Dimitar Sasselov, and he will
discuss the issue of sustainability in Africa with
artists and entrepreneurs. Finally, in a starstudded Arts Session, he will explore new forms
of visual art in the digital world (see Culture).
Infrastruktur: Über die rasante Urbanisierung, die
ökologisch, sozial und logistisch intelligente
Lösungen fordert, werden Rupert Stadler (CEO
Audi), Pedro Miranda (VP Siemens) und Architekt
Carlo Ratti (MIT SensAble Lab) sprechen.
Infrastructure: Rupert Stadler (Audi CEO), Pedro
Miranda (Siemens VP) and architect Carlo Ratti
(MIT SensAble Lab) will discuss the trend of rapid
urbanization, which requires ecologically, socially
and logistically intelligent solutions.
Feedback: Thomas Goetz von „Wired“ schrieb ein
Buch über Feedback Loops. Seine Überzeugung:
Der rasant wachsende Datenbestand unserer
Gesellschaften wird Menschen künftig helfen, das
eigene Handeln besser analysieren und hinterfragen zu können – zum Beispiel im Hinblick auf
Fragen der Gesundheit, des Energieverbrauchs
oder der wirtschaftlichen Produktivität.
Feedback: Thomas Goetz of “Wired” has written
a book about feedback loops. He believes that
the rapidly growing data pool in our societies will
help people analyze and question their own
behaviors in the future – for instance with regard
to issues of health, energy usage and economic
Family-Talk: Herausragende Errungenschaften in
Quantenphysik, Wissenschaftsgeschichte,
Entrepreneurship – kurz: die Dysons. Vater
Freeman spricht mit seinen Kindern Esther und
George gemeinsam über Erziehung zu Kreativität
und wissenschaftlichem Denken. Moderator
Andrian Kreye wird versuchen, der
Zusammensetzung von Genie nachzuspüren.
Family talk: Outstanding achievements in
quantum physics, scientific history and
entrepreneurship – in short, the Dysons. The
father of the family, Freeman Dyson, will talk with
his children Esther and George about
encouraging creativity and scientific thought.
Moderator Andrian Kreye will investigate what
makes up a genius.
Free Education: Sebastian Thrun hat 2011 den
Max-Planck-Forscherpreis gewonnen. Der GoogleIngenieur ist Professor in Stanford für künstliche
Intelligenz. Bei DLD spricht er erstmals über seine
Idee der Universität 2.0 - er bietet im Netz
kostenlose Seminarreihen an. An seinem ersten
Kurs nahmen 160.000 Internet-Nutzer aus 190
Ländern teil.
Free education: Sebastian Thrun won the Max
Planck Research Prize in 2011. The Google
engineer is a professor of Artificial Intelligence at
Stanford. At DLD, he will speak about his
University 2.0 idea for the first time – he offers
free seminars online for the general public.
160,000 internet users from 190 countries took
part in his first course.
Web-Pessimismus: Andrew Keen ist Autor von
„Digital Vertigo“. Er begegnet dem Web 2.0
pessimistisch, vergleicht es mit einer utopischen
Bewegung wie sie Marx vorschwebte. Er warnt
davor, dass das Internet kulturzerstörend wirkt und
Expertentum gefährdet.
Web pessimism: Andrew Keen is the author of
“Digital Vertigo.” He views Web 2.0
pessimistically, comparing it with a utopian
movement like the one Marx had in mind. He
warns that the internet destroys culture and
threatens expertise.
DLD Conference 2012
Health: David Agus stellt mit seinem Buch “The
End Of Illness” und seinem Ansatz einer
personalisierten Medizin das ursprüngliche
Gesundheits-Verständnis auf den Kopf.
Health: In his book “The End Of Illness,” with his
concept of personalized medicine, David Agus
turns our conventional understanding of health on
its head.
Virenforschung: Nathan Wolfe wurde von „Times“
2011 unter die hundert einflussreichsten Personen
gewählt. Er ist der Gründer der Global Viral
Forecasting Initiative (GVFI) und forscht, um neue
Viruserkrankungen zu erkennen, bevor sie zu
Epidemien werden – dafür geht er dorthin, wo sich
Mensch und Tier besonders nah kommen, zum
Beispiel in die Tropen.
Viral research: Nathan Wolfe was named one of
the hundred most influential people by the
“Times” in 2011. He is the founder of the Global
Viral Forecasting Initiative (GVFI) and carries out
research to discover new viral illnesses before
they become epidemics. To do so, he travels to
places where people and animals live in very
close proximity, often in the tropics.
Citizen Science: Was früher die Garagenfirmen
der IT-Unternehmen waren, sind heute die
Hinterhof-Labore der Biotech-Industrie. Eines
davon ist Genspace in Brooklyn. Mit kleinem
Budget bauten Oliver Medvedik und Ellen
Jorgensen eine “Bürogemeinschaft für BioHacking” auf. Jeder kann sich in die Forschergemeinschaft einmieten und das Labor nutzen.
Citizen science: What the garage-based
business used to be for the IT industry, backyard
labs are for the biotech industry today. One of
these is Genspace in Brooklyn. Oliver Medvedik
and Ellen Jorgensen created an “office
community for biohacking” on a limited budget.
Anyone can rent a space in the research
community and use the lab.
Next Fashion: DLD versammelt die digitale
Modeszene. Diesel-Gründer Renzo Rosso, Bernd
Beetz, (CEO von Coty) und die Mode-Expertin
Sasha Wilkins sprechen über die großen Labels im
Zeitalter des Internets. Bollywood-Model Lisa
Haydon und Sonny Caberwal, Gründer des
weltweit führenden Händlers indischer Mode
Exclusively.in, stellen den gigantischen Marktplatz
Indien vor und besprechen wie indischer Style
internationalisiert werden kann.
Next fashion: DLD brings the digital fashion
scene together. Diesel founder Renzo Rosso,
Bernd Beetz, (CEO of Coty) and fashion expert
Sasha Wilkins will be talking about major fashion
labels in the age of the internet. Bollywood model
Lisa Haydon and Sonny Caberwal, founder of the
world’s leading Indian fashion retailer
Exclusively.in, will introduce the gigantic
marketplace that is India and discuss how Indian
style can be made international.
Städteplanung: Mark Wigley, Architektur-Dekan
an der Columbia University, wirft gemeinsam mit
den Architekten Jürgen Meyer und Edwin Chan
einen Blick auf Designfragen und nachhaltige
Urban planning: Mark Wigley, Dean of
Architecture at Columbia, will look at design
issues and sustainable urban planning issues with
Super-Erden: Dimitar Sasselov ist Harvard
Professor der Astrophysik und Gründer der
„Origins Of Life“- Initiative. Als Mitglied der Kepler
Mission entdeckte er den Planeten Kepler 22b.
Der ist zweieinhalb Mal so groß wie die Erde und
liegt innerhalb der bewohnbaren Zone seines
Sterns. Dieser Fund ist ein Meilenstein für die
Menschheit, weil er beweist, dass unsere Erde
nur eine unter vielen ist.
Super Earths: Dimitar Sasselov is a professor of
Astrophysics at Harvard and founder of the
“Origins of Life” initiative. As a member of the
Kepler Mission, he discovered the planet Kepler
22b. This planet is two-and-a-half times larger
than the Earth and lies within the habitable zone
of its star. This find is a milestone for humanity
because it proves that our Earth is only one of
DLD Conference 2012
Agenda Setting 2012
Agenda Setting for 2012
DLD ist ein Umschlagplatz unternehmerischer
Ideen und Visionen. Drei Tage vor dem
Weltwirtschaftsgipfel in Davos (WEF) beginnen
führende Vertreter internationaler Unternehmen
hier, die Agenda für das aus ökonomischer Sicht
herausfordernde Jahr 2012 mitzugestalten. Dafür
versammelt DLD in München Querdenker aus den
unterschiedlichsten Wirtschaftssektoren und
beleuchtet insbesondere kommende
Entwicklungen der digitalisierten Welt.
DLD is a hub for entrepreneurial ideas and
visions. Three days before the World Economic
Forum in Davos (WEF), leading representatives of
international companies will meet here to start
shaping the agenda for what looks to be an
economically challenging year in 2012. In Munich,
DLD will bring together lateral thinkers from a
wide array of business sectors, with a special
emphasis on upcoming developments in the
digital world.
Das Internet hat viele herkömmliche
Geschäftsmodelle infrage gestellt und neue
Spielregeln geschaffen. Verantwortlich dafür sind
oft einzelne Unternehmer, die sich mit klaren
Visionen technologische Möglichkeiten bedient
haben. Zu dieser Garde von “Störern” der alten
Ordnung zählen auch die Gründer Andrey
Andreev (Badoo), Niklas Zennström (Skype), Jack
Dorsey (Twitter) und Arkady Volozh (Yandex). Sie
sind „Agenten des Wandels“ und haben die
Geschichte digitalen Unternehmertums
The internet has called many conventional
business models into question and created new
playing rules. The instigators of this movement
are often individual entrepreneurs who have
implemented clear visions to take advantage of
the technological possibilities. This guard of
“disrupters” of the old order includes company
founders Andrey Andreev (Badoo), Niklas
Zennström (Skype), Jack Dorsey (Twitter), and
Arkady Volozh (Yandex). They are “agents of
change” who have already rewritten the history of
digital entrepreneurship.
Erfolgreiche Investoren und Inkubatoren nutzen
DLD als Börse für die Akquise von Neugeschäften,
suchen hier nach neuen Geschäftspartnern.
Hochkarätige Manager unterschiedlicher Bereiche
komplettieren das weite Panorama der
Wirtschaftswelt, zum Beispiel: Nikesh Arora (CBO
Google), John Donahoe (CEO eBay), Hiroshi
Mikitani (CEO Rakuten), Rupert Stadler (CEO
Audi), Christoph Franz (CEO Lufthansa), Sheryl
Sandberg (COO Facebook), Robert Stevens (CEO
Best Buy) und René Schuster (CEO Téléfonica
Successful investors and incubators use DLD as
a marketplace for acquiring new business and
search for new business partners. Top-class
managers from various sectors will complete the
wide panorama of the business world, for
example: Nikesh Arora (Google CBO), John
Donahoe (eBay CEO), Hiroshi Mikitani (Rakuten
CEO), Rupert Stadler (Audi CEO), Christoph
Franz (Lufthansa CEO), Sheryl Sandberg
(Facebook COO), Robert Stevens (Best Buy
CEO) and René Schuster (Téléfonica
Deutschland CEO).
DLD Conference 2012
Digitalpolitische Fragestellungen sind längst keine
Nischenthemen mehr. Mittlerweile finden sie die
breite Aufmerksamkeit der politischen Institutionen
und der medialen Öffentlichkeit und ragen in diverse
traditionelle Politikfelder hinein, u. a. in die
Wirtschafts-, die Gesellschafts- und die
Außenpolitik. Bei DLD werden Politiker, Regulierer
und politische Ideengeber Position beziehen.
Digital politics is no longer a niche area. It is now
gaining widespread interest among political
institutions and the media and extends into many
different traditional areas of politics, such as
economic, social and foreign policy. At DLD,
politicians, regulators and political opinion formers
will be stating their positions and discussing their
views with the DLD community.
Zu Beginn der DLD Conference wird die Vizepräsidentin der Europäischen Kommission Viviane
Reding eine Grundsatzrede zur Zukunft der
Internetregulierung halten und damit den Themenblock „Online Identity/Privacy“ eröffnen. Dabei wird
sie u. a. ihre Pläne für den Datenschutz im digitalen
Zeitalter vorstellen. Mit Nicolas Princen, Alec Ross
und Rohan Silva werden die Digitalberater von
Nicolas Sarkozy, Hillary Clinton und David Cameron
bei DLD sein über „Digital Diplomacy“, Außen- und
Standortpolitik im digitalen Zeitalter und die Märkte
von morgen sprechen. Welche Bedeutung die
Netzinfrastruktur und ihre Regulierung für
Innovationen hat und wie eng Netzpolitik und
Wirtschaftspolitik mittlerweile verzahnt sind, wird
Julius Genachowski, ehemaliger Barack-ObamaBerater und heutiger Chairman der US-Spitzenbehörde Federal Communications Commission,
exklusiv bei DLD erläutern. Und der Bundesvorsitzende der Piratenpartei, Sebastian Nerz, wird
eine neue politische Perspektive anbieten.
At the start of the DLD Conference, Viviane
Reding will present a keynote speech on the
future of Internet regulation, introducing the topic
of “Online Identity/Privacy”. She will also discuss
her plans for data protection in the digital age.
Nicolas Princen, Alec Ross and Rohan Silva,
digital advisors to Nicolas Sarkozy, Hillary Clinton
and David Cameron, will also be at DLD to talk
about “Digital Diplomacy”, foreign and regional
politics in the digital age and future markets. The
impact of Internet infrastructure and its regulation
on innovation and how close the link is between
Internet policy and economic policy will be
explained exclusively at DLD by Julius
Genachowski, former advisor to Barack Obama
and current Chairman of the US Federal
Communications Commission. The Chairman of
Germany’s Pirate Party, Sebastian Nerz, will also
be there to offer a new political perspective.
Außerdem werden zahlreiche Vertreter aus
Regierungen, Parlamenten, Parteien und politischen
Organisationen zu Gast sein, u. a. Martin Zeil (FDP),
Christian Ude (SPD), Philipp Missfelder (CDU),
Dorothee Bär (CSU), Joachim Pfeiffer (CDU),
Jimmy Schulz (FDP), Silvana Koch-Mehrin (FDP),
Nadja Hirsch (FDP), Malte Spitz (Bündnis 90/Die
Grünen) und Egemen Bagis (EU-Minister der
Türkei). Gemeinsam mit den Vertretern der
Digitalwirtschaft und der Netzcommunity werden sie
den Resonanzboden für die politischen Debatten bei
DLD bilden.
DLD Conference 2012
Other guests will include numerous
representatives of governments, parliaments,
parties and political organisations, including
Martin Zeil (FDP), Christian Ude (SPD), Philipp
Missfelder (CDU), Dorothee Bär (CSU), Joachim
Pfeiffer (CDU), Jimmy Schulz (FDP), Silvana
Koch-Mehrin (FDP), Nadja Hirsch (FDP), Malte
Spitz (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen) and Egemen
Bagis (Turkey’s EU Minister). Along with
representatives of the digital economy and the
Internet community, they will form the sounding
board for the political debates at DLD.
Der digitale Wandel wird von der Wissenschaft
gleichermaßen beschleunigt und genutzt. In der
Medizin und Biotech spielen digital erhobene
persönliche Daten eine wachsende Rolle bei der
Therapie von Patienten. DLD widmet sich diesen
Themen, betritt neue Felder bei der Erforschung
künstlicher Intelligenz, fragt aber auch nach der
grundsätzlichen Bedeutung von Wissenschaft für
die Menschen.
Science is both accelerating and making use of
the digital shift. In medicine and biotech, digitally
compiled personal data are playing an increasing
role in treating patients. DLD is dedicated to these
issues, entering new fields in artificial intelligence
research, while at the same time exploring the
fundamental implications of science for human
Bei den „Family Talks“ wird der weltberühmte
Physiker Freeman Dyson mit seinen Kindern
George Dyson (Technologiehistoriker) und Esther
Dyson (Vorsitzende von EDventure) diskutieren.
Andrian Kreye (Süddeutsche Zeitung) wird das
Panel moderieren und nichts Geringeres
versuchen, als der Zusammensetzung von Genie
With “Family Talks”, the world-renowned physicist
Freeman Dyson will discuss with his children,
George Dyson, historian of technology, and
Esther Dyson, Chairwoman EDventure. Andrian
Kreye (Süddeustche Zeitung) will moderate the
panel and will attempt nothing less than to trace
the composition of genius.
Lisa Randall (Professorin für theoretische Physik,
Harvard University), Jure Leskovec
(Assistenzprofessor Informatik, Stanford
University), Hilary Mason (Wissenschaftliche
Leiterin bit.ly) und Tan Le (Gründerin und CEO
Emotiv Lifesciences) werden über ihre
Erkenntnisse diskutieren. Der bulgarische
Wissenschaftler Dimitar Sasselov, (Professor für
Astrophysik, Harvard University) hat als Mitglied
der Kepler Mission den Planeten Kepler 22b
Lisa Randall (Professor for theoretical physics,
Harvard University), Jure Leskovec (Assistant
Professor, Computer Science, Sanford
University), Hilary Mason (Scientific leader, bit.ly)
and Tan Le (Founder and CEO, Emotiv
Lifesciences) will discuss their insights on various
panels. The Bulgarian scientist Dimitar Sasselov
(Professor of Astrophysics, Harvard University)
and member of the Kepler Mission, discovered
the planet Kepler 22b.
Über die rasante Urbanisierung, die ökologisch,
sozial und logistisch smarte Lösungen fordert,
werden Rupert Stadler (CEO Audi), Pedro
Miranda (Siemens) und Architekt Carlo Ratti (MIT
SensAble Lab) sprechen.
Rupert Stadler (CEO, Audi), Pedro Miranda
(Siemens) and Architect Carlo Ratti (MIT
SensAble Lab) will speak about the rapid
urbanization that demands ecologically, socially
and logistically smart solutions.
DLD Conference 2012
Der kulturelle Diskurs ist fester Teil des
interdisziplinären Austauschs bei DLD, bildende
Künste sind Seismograph für bevorstehende
Veränderungen in der Welt. Mit diesem Anspruch
präsentiert DLD eine eigene Diskussionsreihe,
organisiert und moderiert vom Co-Direktor der
Serpentine Gallery London, Hans-Ulrich Obrist.
Den Auftakt macht am Sonntag ein Gespräch mit
der Künstlerin, Musikerin und Filmemacherin Yoko
Ono. „Imagine Peace“ ist das Credo dieser
Ausnahmepersönlichkeit und Ikone der
Friedensbewegung, deren „Bed-in für den
Weltfrieden“-Happening 1969 mit John Lennon im
Amsterdamer Hilton Hotel legendär wurde.
Cultural discourse is a permanent part of the
interdisciplinary exchange at DLD; the visual arts
provide a seismograph of upcoming changes in
the world. With this in mind, DLD is presenting its
own discussion series, organized and moderated
by Hans-Ulrich Obrist, Co-Director of the
Serpentine Gallery London. The event will kick off
on Sunday during a conversation with artist,
musician and filmmaker Yoko Ono. “Imagine
Peace” is the credo of this exceptional personality
and icon of the peace movement, whose 1969
“bed-in” for world peace with John Lennon at the
Hilton Hotel in Amsterdam was a legendary
Das kreative Potenzial interdisziplinären Dialogs
wird auch die hochkarätige Runde „Lights of Africa“
zum Thema „Ecopreneurship“ am Montagnachmittag zeigen: Jamie Drummond, Executive
Director der von Bono gegründeten Organisation
ONE.org, Künstler Olafur Eliasson, der für seine
Inszenierungen mit Licht und Elektrizität bekannt
wurde. Wie kann der Zugang zu Elektrizität in
Afrika erleichtert werden? Welcher
Unternehmergeist ist dafür notwendig, welche
alternativen Energiegewinnungsmethoden
kommen in Frage und welchen Beitrag kann die
bildende Kunst leisten?
The creative potential for interdisciplinary
dialogue will also be highlighted on Monday
afternoon by the top-class “Lights of Africa”
session on the topic of ecopreneurship, with
Jamie Drummond, Executive Director of ONE.org,
the organization founded by Bono; artist Olafur
Eliasson, who is known for his stagings with light
and electricity. How can access to electricity be
facilitated in Africa? What kind of entrepreneurial
spirit is required to do so, what alternative energy
sources are available, and how can the field of
visual arts contribute?
In der anschließenden Art Session „Ways Beyond
the Internet“ stehen neue digitale Kunstformen im
Fokus: Wie und wo verschmilzt Kunst mit der
Logik des Internets, der zunehmenden
Digitalisierung und neuen Formen der
Bildproduktion in der Informationsgesellschaft und
wie bildet sich das in der nicht-digitalen Realität
ab? Über ihre Arbeit und „Post-Internet“- Projekte
sprechen die Künstler und „Digital Natives“ Cory
Arcangel (New York), Karen Archey (New York),
Ed Fornieles (London), Keller/Kosmas (Berlin),
Oliver Laric (Berlin), John Nash (London), Rafael
Rozendaal (Amsterdam/ Rio). Gemeinsam mit
Ryan Trecartin, Helen Marten und Timur Si-Qin
präsentieren sie parallel Werke in der DLD12Ausstellung „Ways Beyond The Internet“,
realisiert von Hans-Ulrich Obrist und Johannes
Fricke Waldthausen.
The subsequent Arts Session “Ways Beyond the
Internet” will focus on new digital art forms: how
and where does art merge with the logic of the
internet, with increasing digitization and new
forms of image production in today’s information
society, and how is this reflected in our nondigital reality? Artists and “digital natives” Cory
Arcangel (New York), Karen Archey (New York),
Ed Fornieles (London), Keller/Kosmas (Berlin),
Oliver Laric (Berlin), John Nash (London) and
Rafael Rozendaal (Amsterdam/ Rio) will talk
about their work and their “post-internet”
projects. Together with Ryan Trecartin, Helen
Marten and Timur Si-Qin, they will also present
works at the DLD 12 exhibition “Ways Beyond
The Internet,” realized by Hans-Ulrich Obrist and
Johannes Fricke Waldthausen.
DLD Conference 2012
DLD Edition präsentiert die deutsche Übersetzung
des international erfolgreichen Buches „Start-up
Nation Israel“ von Saul Singer und Dan Senor.
DLD Edition presents the German edition of the
internationally successful book “Start-up Nation
Israel” by Saul Singer and Dan Senor.
DLD ist über das persönliche und unternehmerische
Engagement Hubert Burdas und seinem Partner in
der DLD-Schirmherrschaft, Yossi Vardi, seit seinem
Bestehen eng mit der „Digital Nation“ Israel verknüpft.
Die erste DLD Tel Aviv hat diese Verbindung im vergangenen Jahr bestärkt. Die amerikanischen Autoren
Saul Singer und Dan Senor erklären, warum Israel
weltweit die meisten Start-up-Gründungen verzeichnet. Das Vorwort schreibt der israelische
Staatspräsiden-ten und Friedensnobelpreisträger
Schimon Peres. Eine Auswahl aktueller
Publikationen der DLD Gäste:
Since its inception, DLD has been closely linked
with the “digital nation” of Israel thanks to the
personal and corporate dedication of Hubert
Burda and his fellow DLD patron Yossi Vardi. The
first DLD Tel Aviv strengthened this connection
last year. The American authors Saul Singer and
Dan Senor explain why Israel is home to the
greatest number of startups. Israeli President and
Nobel Peace Prize winner Schimon Peres wrote
the foreword. Many DLD speakers and guests this
year have published books, such as:
Dimitar Sasselov: „Life on Super-Earths”
David Agus: „The End of Illness“
Lisa Randall: „Knocking on Heaven's Door: How
Physics and Scientific Thinking Illuminate the
Universe and the Modern World”
Peter H. Diamandis: „Abundance: The Future Is
Better Than You Think”
Renzo Rosso: „Be Stupid: For Successful Living”
Freeman Dyson: „Disturbing the Universe”
George Dyson: „Turing's Cathedral: The Origins
of the Digital Universe”
Hans Ulrich Obrist / Rem Koolhaas: „Project
Japan: An Oral History of Metabolism”
Andrew Keen: „Digital Vertigo: How Today's
Online Social Revolution Is Dividing, Diminishing,
and Disorienting Us”
Vijay V. Vaitheeswaran: „Need, Speed, and
Greed: How the New Rules of Innovation Can
Transform Businesses, Propel Nations to
Greatness, and Tame the World's Most Wicked
Thomas Goetz: „The Decision Tree: Taking
Control of Your Health in the New Era of
Personalized Medicine”
Paul Miller: „Green Patriot Posters”
Jenn Lim: „Delivering Happiness: A Path to
Profits, Passion, and Purpose”
Dimitar Sasselov: “The Life of Super-Earths”
David Agus: “The End of Illness”
Lisa Randall: “Knocking on Heaven's Door: How
Physics and Scientific Thinking Illuminate the
Universe and the Modern World”
Peter H. Diamandis: “Abundance: the Future Is
Better Than You Think”
Renzo Rosso: “Be Stupid: for Successful Living”
Freeman Dyson: “Disturbing the Universe”
George Dyson: “Turing's Cathedral: the Origins of
the Digital Universe”
Hans Ulrich Obrist / Rem Koolhaas: “Project
Japan: an Oral History of Metabolism”
Andrew Keen: “Digital Vertigo: How Today's
Online Social Revolution Is Dividing, Diminishing,
and Disorienting Us”
Vijay V. Vaitheeswaran: “Need, Speed, and
Greed: How the New Rules of Innovation Can
Transform Businesses, Propel Nations to
Greatness, and Tame the World's Most Wicked
Thomas Goetz: “The Decision Tree: Taking
Control of Your Health in the New Era of
Personalized Medicine”
Paul Miller: “Green Patriot Posters”
Jenn Lim: “Delivering Happiness: a Path to Profits,
Passion, and Purpose”
In der DLD-Tasche findet jeder, der noch eine
kulturelle Sightseeing-Tour durch München plant,
den zweisprachigen Pocket-Cityguide „Cool
Munich - Art Architecture Design“ von teNeues
in der aktuellen DLD Edition. Mit dabei ist auch
ein Gutschein für einen zweiten Cool Cityguide –
die Stadt kann frei gewählt werden.
Anyone planning a cultural sightseeing tour of
Munich will be pleased to find the current DLD
edition of the dual-language “Cool Munich - Art
Architecture Design” Pocket Cityguide from
teNeues in the DLD bag. It also includes a
voucher for a second Cool Cityguide for a city of
your choice.
DLD Conference 2012
Die neu initiierte DLD-Initiative soll Wissenschaft,
Wirtschaft und Praxis verbinden und Vordenker der
Digital-Welt mit jungen Talenten vernetzen. DLD
Campus wird in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Internet
Business Cluster (IBC) und der LMU München
Linking science, industry and practice and making
trailblazers in the digital world accessible to
talented newcomers for networking purposes – that
is the goal of the first-ever DLD Campus, held
jointly with the Internet Business Cluster (IBC) at
LMU Munich.
Erster Speaker von DLD Campus ist SkypeGründer und Investor Niklas Zennström, der an
der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in München
Einblicke in die Themen „Entrepreneurship,
Technology und Venture Capital“ gibt. Zennström
erklärt die Bedeutung neuer Märkte für
Internetunternehmen und Investoren, welche
Chancen sich aus den sinkenden Kosten für Startups ergeben, warum das Silicon Valley mehr
Konkurrenz bekommt und wie europäische Städte
mit der High-Tech Metropolregion konkurrieren
können. Nach seinem Vortrag stellt sich Niklas
Zennström den Fragen des Publikums.
The first speaker of DLD Campus will be Niklas
Zennström who will provide insights into the
issues of “Entrepreneurship, Technology und
Venture Capital” at the Ludwig-MaximiliansUniversity in Munich. Zennström will explain the
significance of new markets for online companies
and investors, the new opportunities for startups
due to sinking costs, why Silicon Valley is seeing
more and more competition, and why the time is
ripe for European cities to compete with the hightech metropolis in California. At the end of the talk,
Niklas Zennström will take questions from the
Stefan Winners, Vorstandsvorsitzender der
Tomorrow Focus AG und Moderator der
Veranstaltung, erklärt: „Wir wollen in Deutschland
weiter ein starkes digitales Cluster aufbauen.
Formate wie DLD Lectures sind wichtig, um High
Potentials mit digitalen Größen wie Zennström zu
vernetzen und den Austausch zwischen Wirtschaft,
Wissenschaft und Praxis zu fördern.“
Stefan Winners, CEO of Tomorrow Focus AG and
moderator of the event, explains: “We want to
continue building a strong digital cluster in
Germany. Formats like the DLD lectures are
important in order to network High Potentials with
digital greats like Zennström, and to promote the
exchange between science, industry and practice.”
Das Internet Business Cluster wurde im August
2011 von den Internet- und Medienunternehmen
Burda Digital, ProSiebenSat.1 Digital und Tomorrow
Focus gegründet. Ein wichtiger Aspekt der
Zusammenarbeit ist es, mit hochkarätig besetzten
Lectures wie dem Fireside Talk mit Niklas
Zennström gemeinsam motivierte High Potentials zu
fördern, Erfahrungen zwischen Unternehmen und
Studierenden auszutauschen und ein starkes
Cluster in Deutschland aufzubauen.
The Internet Business Cluster was founded in
August 2011 by the internet and media companies
Burda Digital, ProSiebenSat.1 Digital and
Tomorrow Focus. An important element of this
collaboration is offering top-class lectures like the
Fireside Talk with Niklas Zennström in order to
support High Potentials, allow companies and
students to exchange experiences, and to create a
strong cluster in Germany.
Die Public Lecture wird in Zusammenarbeit mit dem
Moving Image Lab des Innovations-Inkubators live
an die Leuphana Universität Lüneburg übertragen.
The lecture will be broadcast to Leuphana
University Lüneburg in collaboration with the
Moving Image Lab at the Innovation Incubator.
Montag, 23. Januar 2012
Einlass: 17.45 Uhr, Beginn: 18 Uhr
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU)
W101, „Lehrturm“
Professor-Huber-Platz 2, München
Monday, January 23, 2012
Doors: 5:45 pm, start: 6 pm
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU)
W101, „Lehrturm“
Professor-Huber-Platz 2, Munich
DLD Conference 2012
Marktforschungsergebnisse, die bei der DLD
Conference 2012 erstmals präsentiert werden:
Market research results presented for the first
time at the DLD Conference 2012:
Mobile Payment & Marketing:
Zusammen mit dem Beratungs- und Investmentunternehmen StrategyFacts und dem Survey Centre
Bonn führt DLD eine „Future Payment“- Studie
durch. Thematische Schwerpunkte sind die
aktuellen Entwicklungen im Bereich kontaktloses
Bezahlen, Wertschöpfung, Produkte, Geschäftsmodelle, Marktteilnehmer, Geschäftsmodelle für
Unternehmen aus dem Bereich Marketing und
Sales sowie lokale Angebote, Kundenbindung,
Events und Ticketverkauf.
Mobile Payment & Marketing:
Together with the StrategyFacts consulting and
investment firm and the Survey Centre Bonn, DLD
is conducting a “future payment” study. It will
focus on current developments in the areas of
contactless payment, value creation, products,
business models, market actors, and business
models for companies from marketing and sales
along with local offers, customer loyalty, events
and ticket sales.
Connected Europe:
„How Smartphones and Tablets are Shifting Media
Consumption”. Die Marktforscher von comSore
stellen gemeinsam mit Telefonica Germany eine
Studie zum europäischen Mobile, Smartphone und
Tablet Markt vor, die exklusive Einblicke in das
veränderte Nutzungsverhalten von Konsumenten
bietet. Vorbild ist eine comScore-Studie, die
interessante Ergebnisse für den US-Markt
hervorgebracht hat.
Connected Europe:
“How Smartphones and Tablets are Shifting
Media Consumption”: The comSore market
researchers in cooperation with Telefonica
Germany present a study on the European
mobile, smartphone and tablet market that offers
exclusive insight into the changing user behavior
of consumers. It is modeled on a comScore study
that yielded interesting results about the US
Soziale Netze und Kaufverhalten:
ComScore und Buddy Media (Social Enterprise
Software) werden auf der DLD eine exklusive,
gemeinsame Untersuchung vorstellen. Zum ersten
Mal werden darin mögliche Zusammenhänge
untersucht, die das Verhalten in Sozialen Netzen
auf das Konsumverhalten im Internet hat.
Social Networks and Buyer Behavior:
ComScore and Buddy Media (social enterprise
software) will present an exclusive collaborative
study at the DLD. It is the first exploration of the
possible links that behavior on social networks
has to buyer’s behavior in the internet.
DLD Expertenbefragung:
In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Online-UmfrageUnternehmen Survey Monkey wird im Vorfeld von
DLD12 eine Befragung der Konferenzteilnehmer
durchgeführt. Das Ziel ist es, das Expertenwissen
der Teilnehmer zu bündeln. Thematische Schwerpunkte sind Talente und Zukunftsaussichten.
DLD Expert Survey:
Together with the online survey firm Survey
Monkey, a survey of conference participants will
be undertaken in the lead up time to the DLD12. It
is designed to pool the expert knowledge of
participants and focuses on talents and
DLD Conference 2012
Bereits zum vierten Mal findet am 24. Januar 2012
das Technologiesymposium TES (Technology
Enabled Success) im Rahmen von DLD statt.
Veranstalter ist Burda Direkt Services. Vertreter
namhafter internationaler Unternehmen werden in
zwei moderierten Einzelgesprächen und einer
Paneldiskussion in München über erfolgreiche
Lösungsansätze und Erfahrungen zu den Themen
Multichannel Commerce, Big Data und Data-Driven
Commerce sprechen.
Already in its fourth year, the TES (Technology
Enabled Success) Symposium will take place on
January 24, 2012 as part of DLD. It is presented by
Burda Direkt Services. Representatives from major
international companies will discuss successful
approaches and experiences on the topics of multichannel commerce, big data and data-driven
commerce in two moderated interviews and one
panel discussion in Munich.
Multichannel Commerce ist in aller Munde. Eine
integrierte Multichannel Strategie stellt Firmen
insbesondere hinsichtlich ihrer Unternehmenskultur,
der IT-Architektur und der Logistik vor
Herausforderungen. Hierüber tauschen sich Dr.
Klaus Driever, Geschäftsführer Weltbild, und
Moderator Maks Giordano, Managing Partner The
Nunatak Group, im Gespräch aus.
Everyone is talking about multi-channel commerce.
An integrated multi-channel strategy is a challenge
to companies, especially when it comes to their
corporate culture, IT architecture and logistics. Dr.
Klaus Driever, managing director of Weltbild, and
moderator Maks Giordano, managing partner of
The Nunatak Group, will discuss this.
Unternehmen, die Big Data wirkungsvoll
analysieren, erzielen Wettbewerbsvorteile und
schaffen neue Geschäftsfelder. Klassische
Datenbanksysteme und Analysetools sind oft nicht
in der Lage, die stets ansteigenden Datenmengen
und Typen zu verarbeiten. Im Gespräch mit Dr.
Werner Vogels, CTO Amazon, wird Gerhard
Thomas, Geschäftsführer Burda Direkt Services,
entscheidende Aspekte zu Big Data beleuchten.
Companies which analyse big data efficiently can
achieve competitive advantages and create new
business areas. Traditional database systems and
analytic tools are often not able to process
increasing data volumes and types consistently. In
an interview with Dr. Werner Vogels, CTO of
Amazon, Burda Direkt Services managing director
Gerhard Thomas will highlight important aspects of
big data.
In der abschließenden Paneldiskussion zu DataDriven Commerce wird Moderator René Seifert,
CEO Level 360, mit Robert Stephens, CTO Best
Buy und weiteren Experten über die Verknüpfung
der beiden Themenkomplexe und das sich daraus
ergebende Potential sprechen.
In the final panel discussion on data-driven
commerce, moderator René Seifert, CEO of Level
360, along with Best Buy CTO Robert Stephens
and other experts will discuss the link between
both topic areas and the resulting potential.
TES ist eine „by invitation only“ Konferenz und findet
am 24. Januar 2012 - im Anschluss der DLD
Konferenz - in München, Prannerstraße 2, statt.
TES is a "by invitation only" conference and takes
place on January 24, 2012 (following the DLD
conference) at Prannerstraße 2, Munich.
Über Burda Direkt Services: Das Tochterunternehmen des international tätigen Medien-konzerns
Hubert Burda Media unterstützt seine Kunden bei
den strategischen, prozessualen und technologischen Herausforderungen ihrer On- und Offline
Geschäftsmodelle. Burda Direkt Services
ermöglicht es seinen Kunden, neue Erlösquellen
im Kundenmanagement und E-Commerce zu
About Burda Direkt Services: The subsidiary of
the Hubert Burda Media international media
company helps its customers with strategic,
procedural and technological challenges to their
online and offline business models. Burda Direkt
Services enables its customers to develop new
revenue sources in customer management and
DLD Conference 2012
Die DLD Night am Montag ist einer der
gesellschaftlichen Höhepunkte der Konferenz. Als
Stargast im Haus der Kunst wird Taio Cruz
auftreten, der mit seinem aktuellen Hit „Hangover“
die deutschen Singlecharts stürmte. Der britische
Sänger, Songwriter und Produzent Taio Cruz
erlangte 2010 mit seinem selbst produzierten
Studioalbum „Rokstarr“ den internationalen
Durchbruch. Er reiht sich damit in die Liste von
Weltstars wie Lady Gaga, Duffy, Cheryl Cole,
Gabriella Cilmi oder Amy MacDonald ein, die bereits
Stargäste im Rahmen von DLD waren. DJ Reme
aus Mumbai bringt mit “Authentic Desi Electro
House”-Music etwas „Bollywood-Feeling“ zur DLD
Night. Und auch das Münchner DJ Duo „Kill the
Tills“ der beiden Brüder Amédée and Milen wird für
Stimmung sorgen. Partner der Veranstaltung sind
Universal Music, XING und Yahoo.
The DLD Night on Monday is one of the social
highlights of the DLD. Taio Cruz, whose most
recent hit “Hangover” climbed the German singles
charts, will perform as a star guest at the Haus
der Kunst. In 2010, British singer, songwriter and
producer Taio Cruz achieved international
recognition with his self-produced studio album
“Rokstarr”. He now joins the list of global stars
like Lady Gaga, Duffy, Cheryl Cole, Gabriella
Cilmi and Amy MacDonald who have all
performed as the star guest at the DLD. DJ Reme
from Mumbai will inject some “Bollywood feeling”
into the DLD Night with his “authentic Desi Electro
House” music. And the Munich DJ duo “Kill the
Tills” with brothers Amédée and Milen will ensure
a party mood. Universal Music, XING and Yahoo
are event partners.
Der Abschluss der DLD Conference
beim World Economic Forum in Davos
DLD Conference concludes
at the World Economic Forum in Davos
Mit dem DLD FOCUS Nightcap während des
Weltwirtschaftsgipfels in Davos findet die DLD
Konferenz 2012 am Mittwochabend traditionell
ihren Abschluss. Der Empfang in dem Schweizer
Kurort hat mittlerweile Tradition und vernetzt zum
Abschluss der Digitalkonferenz hochkarätige
Entscheider aus Politik, Wirtschaft und Kultur mit
der internationalen digitalen Elite. Der DLD
FOCUS Nightcap findet am ersten Abend des
World Economic Forum (WEF) im Hotel
Belvedere in Davos statt. Das diesjährige Motto
des WEF lautet: "The Great Transformation:
Shaping New Models“. Zum fünftägigen Treffen in
Davos werden rund 2.500 Personen erwartet,
darunter viele Wirtschaftsgrößen, Staats-,
Regierungschefs und Minister.
The DLD Conference 2012 will end on
Wednesday evening with the customary DLD
FOCUS Nightcap during the World Economic
Forum in Davos. The reception at the Swiss spa
has become an established tradition and brings
the international digital elite together with topranking decision-makers from politics, business
and culture at the close of the DLD Digital
Conference. The DLD FOCUS Nightcap is
scheduled for the first evening of the World
Economic Forum (WEF) at the Hotel Belvedere in
Davos. The motto of this year’s WEF: "The Great
Transformation: Shaping New Models“. Around
2,500 people are expected to attend the five-day
meeting in Davos. They include many giants of
commerce, heads of state and government, and
DLD Conference 2012
Der Aenne Burda Award wird am Dienstag, den
24. Januar, vergeben.
The Aenne Burda Award will be granted on
Tuesday, January 24th.
Mit dem „Aenne Burda Award for Creative Leadership“ werden Frauen für unternehmerische und
kreative Leistungen ausgezeichnet und bestärkt,
an ihre Ideen zu glauben und sie umzusetzen.
The goal of the “Aenne Burda Award for Creative
Leadership” is to encourage successful female
media personalities to believe in their ideas and to
implement them.
Der "Aenne Burda Award for Creative Leadership"
ist ein Tribut an die 2005 verstorbene, visionäre
Unternehmerin Aenne Burda, eine der großen
Symbolfiguren der deutschen Nachkriegsgeneration. Aus einem kleinen Verlag entwickelte sie nach
1949 den weltgrößten Modeverlag. Im Jahr 1987,
in Zeiten des Kalten Krieges, überwand sie mit
ihrem BURDA MODEMAGAZIN den eisernen
Vorhang und expandierte nach Russland.
The award pays homage to the late Aenna Burda
who passed away in November 2005. The
visionary entrepreneur remains one of the leading
symbols of post-war Germany. From 1949, she set
about turning a small publishing house into the
world’s largest fashion publisher. In 1987, during
the Cold War, she crossed the Iron Curtain with her
flagship publication BURDA MODEMAGAZIN and
expanded to Russia.
Ihre berühmten Schnittmuster gibt es heute auch
digital: Die Community-orientierte Website
BurdaStyle.de bietet Nutzern eine Plattform zum
Austausch von Entwürfen und Schnittmustern. Die
erfolgreiche Übertragung der Do-it-yourself-Inhalte
in das Multimedia-Format ist ein weiterer Beweis
für den Pioniergeist von Frauen wie Aenne Burda.
Her sewing patterns have since gone digital: the
online community BurdaStyle.com provides users
with a platform to share copyrights for designs and
sewing patterns. The successful transfer of do-ityourself content to a multimedia setting is further
prove of the pioneering spirit of women like Aenne
Bisherige Preisträgerinnen des Aenne Burda
Award for Creative Leadership:
Past laureates of the Aenne Burda Award
for Creative Leadership:
Marissa Mayer, Google (2006)
Caterina Fake, Flickr (2007)
Martha Stewart, Entrepreneur (2008)
Esther Dyson, EDventure (2009)
Mitchell Baker, Mozilla Foundation (2010) |
Natalie Massenet, Net-a-porter (2011)
Maria Furtwängler-Burda, Natalie Massenet
DLD Conference 2012
2005: Flickr-Mitbegründerin Caterina Fake stellt die
knapp ein Jahr alte Photo-Community Flickr vor
+++ Paul van Dyk legt bei der DLD Night auf und
wird Monate nach dem DLD zum „populärsten DJ
der Welt“ gekürt +++ Der Wortführer der
europäischen Blogger-Szene, Loïc Le Meur spricht
über das Web 2.0 +++ ICQ-Gründer Yossi Vardi
spricht mit Hubert Burda und Autor Stefan Heidenreich über „Digital Landscapes“ +++ Zum Thema
Home Entertainment ist Yahoo-Vizepräsident John
Marcom eingeladen +++ Der Spieledesigner und
Träger des Ordens „Order of the British Empire“
Peter Molyneux diskutiert über virtuelle Realitäten
2005: Flickr co-founder Caterina Fake presents the
Flickr photo community, just barely one year old
+++ Paul van Dyk performs at the DLD Night and
is voted “most popular DJ in the world” just months
after the DLD +++ The spokesman for the
European blogger scene Loïc Le Meur talks about
Web 2.0 +++ ICQ founder Yossi Vardi speaks to
Hubert Burda and author Stefan Heidenreich about
“digital landscapes” +++ Yahoo Vice President
John Marcom is invited to discuss home
entertainment +++ Game designer and recipient of
the “Order of the British Empire” Peter Molyneux
talks about virtual realities
2006: T-Online-Chef Rainer Beaujean präsentiert
Ergebnisse der Studie „Deutschland Online 03“
+++ Jamba-Gründer Oliver Samwer denkt über
neue Geschäftsideen nach +++ Gründer Lars
Hinrichs stellt openBC vor (heute XING) +++ Der
Aenne Burda Award wird erstmals verliehen – an
Google-Vizepräsidentin Marissa Meyer +++ Der
weltweit bekannteste humanoide Roboter „Asimo“
winkt zum Abschluss der Konferenz
2006: T-Online boss Rainer Beaujean presents the
results of the “Deutschland Online 03” study +++
Jamba founder Oliver Samwer considers new
business ideas +++ Founder Lars Hinrichs
presents openBC (now XING) +++ The most
famous humanoid robot “Asimo” waves at the
conference’s conclusion +++ The Aenne Burda
Award is awarded for the first time – to Google
Vice President Marissa Meyer
2007: Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker diskutiert mit
David de Rothschild und James Murdoch über
„The Climate Challenge“ +++ MIT-Wissenschaftler
Nicholas Negroponte stellt das 100-Dollar-Laptop
vor +++ CERN-Wissenschaftler Brian Cox fragt
„Does God play Lego?“ +++ Luc Besson
präsentiert drei Tage vor dem Deutschland-Start
seinen Film „Arthur und die Minimoys“ +++ Der
Aenne Burda Award geht an Flickr-Mitbegründerin
Caterina Fake +++ Der britische Stararchitekt Lord
Norman Foster stellt Ideen zum nachhaltigen
Städtebau vor +++ Kultautor John Naisbitt spricht
über die Themen Trend- und Zukunftsforschung
+++ Kurator Hans Ulrich Obrist im Panel mit den
Künstlern Ai Weiwei und Olafur Eliasson
2007: Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker talks with
David de Rothschild and James Murdoch about
“the climate challenge” +++ MIT scientist
Nicholas Negroponte introduces the 100-dollar
laptop +++ CERN scientist Brian Cox asks “Does
God play Lego?” +++ Luc Besson presents his
film “Arthur and the Invisibles” three days before
its Germany premiere +++ The Aenne Burda
Award goes to Flickr co-founder Caterina Fake
+++ British star architect Lord Norman Foster
presents ideas for sustainable urban
development +++ Cult author John Naisbitt talks
about trend research and futurology +++ Curator
Hans Ulrich Obrist joins a panel with artists Ai
Weiwei and Olafur Eliasson
2008: Martha Stewart wird mit dem Aenne Burda
Award geehrt +++ Paulo Coelho zeigt die
Auswirkungen der Digitalisierung auf die Literatur
+++ Animations-grafiker David Silverman gibt
einen Blick hinter die Kulissen der „Simpsons“ +++
Facebook-Manager Matt Cohler stellt den EuropaStart des Netzwerks vor +++ Marissa Mayer zeigt,
wie Google Earth Daten sammelt +++ Sergey Brin
ist zu Gast beim Nightcap in Davos +++ Glam
Media-Gründer Samir Arora spricht über die
digitale Gesellschaft +++ Wikipedia-Erfinder Jimmy
Wales stellt Wikia vor
2008: Martha Stewart is honored with the Aenne
Burda Award +++ Paulo Coelho demonstrates the
effects of digitalization on literature +++ Animator
David Silverman provides a look behind the
scenes at the “Simpsons” +++ Facebook Manager
Matt Cohler introduces the European launch of
the network +++ Marissa Mayer shows how
Google Earth collects data +++ Sergey Brin is a
guest at the DLD Nightcap in Davos +++ Glam
Media founder Samir Arora talks about the digital
society +++ Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales
presents Wikia
DLD Conference 2012
2009: Esther Dyson erhält den Aenne Burda Award
+++ Jeff Jarvis und TechCrunch-Gründer Michael
Arrington sehen die Zukunft in digitalen
Netzwerken +++ EU-Kommissarin Viviane Reding,
der Nobelpreisträger Daniel Kahnemann und der
Autor Nassim Taleb sprechen über die Finanz-und
Wirtschaftskrise +++ Künstler Jürgen Scriba
fotografiert Besucher und lässt sie Teil eines
Kunstwerks werden +++ Mark Zuckerberg kommt
als Überraschungsgast +++ Lady Gaga tritt bei der
DLD Night auf +++ YouTube-Gründer Chad Hurley
ist unter den Referenten
2009: Esther Dyson receives the Aenne Burda
Award +++ Jeff Jarvis and TechCrunch founder
Michael Arrington see the future in digital networks
+++ EU Commissioner Viviane Reding, Nobel
Prize winner Daniel Kahnemann and author
Nassim Taleb talk about the financial and
economic crisis +++ Artist Jürgen Scriba
photographs visitors and integrates them into a
work of art +++ Mark Zuckerberg arrives as a
surprise guest +++ Lady Gaga performs at DLD
Night +++ YouTube founder Chad Hurley is among
the speakers
2010: Mitchell Baker wird mit dem Aenne Burda
Award geehrt +++ Doris und John Naisbitt stellen
ihr Buch „Chinas Megatrends“ vor +++ Die
Friedensnobelpreisträger Muhammad Yunus und
Martti Ahtisaari sprechen bei der DLD +++
Christoph Schlingensief stellt seine
Entwicklungsarbeit vor +++ Paul-Bernhard Kallen
fordert von Google-Chefjustiziar David Drummond
mehr Transparenz +++ Computerwissenschaftler
David Gelernter spricht über Informationsüberfluss
2010: Mitchell Baker is honored with the Aenne
Burda Award +++ Doris and John Naisbitt present
their book “China’s Megatrends” +++ The Nobel
Peace Prize winners Muhammad Yunus and Martti
Ahtisaari are speakers +++ Christoph
Schlingensief presents his development work +++
Paul-Bernhard Kallen demands more transparency
from Google Chief Legal Officer David Drummond
+++ Computer scientist David Gelernter talks about
information overload
2011: „New York Times“-Herausgeber Arthur
Sulzberger fordert mehr Qualitätsjournalismus +++
Net-a-porter-Gründerin Natalie Massenet wird mit
dem Aenne Burda Award ausgezeichnet +++
Groupon-Gründer Andrew Mason und FoursquareMitbegründer Dennis Crowley erklären „Lokale
Märkte“ +++ Google-CEO Eric Schmidt spricht
über Technologie-Trends +++ Sean Parker und
Randi Zuckerberg nehmen für Facebook am DLD
teil +++ Bill Clinton ist zu Gast beim DLD Nightcap
in Davos +++ Daniel Domscheit-Berg stellt
seine Plattform Openleaks vor +++ Der Alternativmediziner Deepak Chopra ist zu Gast
2011: “New York Times” Editor Arthur Sulzberger
calls for more quality journalism +++ Net-a-porter
founder Natalie Massenet receives the Aenne
Burda Award +++ Groupon founder Andrew
Mason and Foursquare co-founder Dennis
Crowley explain “local markets” +++ Google CEO
Eric Schmidt talks about technology trends +++
Sean Parker and Randi Zuckerberg appear for
Facebook +++ Bill Clinton is a guest at the DLD
Nightcap in Davos +++ Daniel Domscheit-Berg
introduces his Openleaks platform
DLD Conference 2012
Digital & Business
A Linda Abraham (comScore), page 31 | Michael Acton Smith (Mind Candy), page 31 | Sina Afra
(Markafoni), page 31 | Naif Al-Mutawa (Teshkeel Media Group), page 31 | Andrey Andreev (Badoo),
page 32 | Nikesh Arora (Google) page 32 | Samir Arora (Glam Media), page 32 | Bruce Aust
(NASDAQ), page 32 | Nevzat Aydin (Yemeksepeti.com), page 33
Rodrigo Baggio (CDI), page 33 |
Cenk Bayrakdar (Turkcell), page 33 | Bernd Beetz (Coty), page 33 | Jens Begemann (wooga), page 33
| Nick Bilton (The New York Times) page 34 | Matthew Bishop (The Economist), page 34 | Constantin
Bjerke (Crane.tv), page 34 | Henry Blodget (Business Insider), page 34 | Kai Bolik (GameDuell), page
34 | Diane Brady (Bloomberg Businessweek), page 34 | Leonard Brody (Anschutz Group), page 35 |
Hubert Burda (DLD Chairman), page 35 | Nolan Bushnell (Speed to learn), page 35
Caberwal (Exclusively.In), page 35 | Brian Chesky (Airbnb), page 36 | Steffi Czerny (Founder DLD),
page 36
Nick D’Aloisio (Summly), page 37 | Errol Damelin (Wonga), page 36 | Sonali De Rycker
(ACCEL Partners), page 36 | John Donahoe (eBay), page 37 | Ben Donovan (Maker Studios), page 37 |
Lisa Donovan (Maker Studios), page 37 | Jack Dorsey (Twitter, Square), page 37 | Timothy C. Draper
(Draper Fisher Jurvetson), page 38 | Pavel Durov (vKontakte), page 38 | Esther Dyson (Edventure
Holdings), page 38
Lidewij Edelkoort (Trend Forecaster), page 39
Casey Fenton (Couch-
surfing), page 39 | Yoel Flohr (Shine Group), page 40 | Christoph Franz (Lufthansa), page 40 | Philipp
Freise (KKR), page 40 | Roman Friedrich (Booz & Company), page 40 | Mike Fries (Liberty Global),
page 40
Liz Gannes (All Things D), page 41 | Julius Genachowski (US Federal Communications
Commission), page 41 | Anne Gfrerer (HypoVereinsbank / UniCredit Bank AG), page 41 | Dave
Goldberg (SurveyMonkey), page 42 | Greg Greeley (Amazon), page 42 | Stefan Groß-Selbeck (XING),
page 42
Dean Hachamovitch (Microsoft), page 42| Nick Heller (Google), page 43 | Lars Hinrichs
(XING), page 43 | Klaus Hommels (Lakestar), page 43 | Drew Houston (Dropbox), page 43 | Arianna
Huffington (Huffington Post), page 43
Paul-Bernhard Kallen (Hubert Burda Media), page 44 | David
Karp (Tumblr), page 44 | Andrew Keen (Digital Vertigo), page 44 | David Kirkpatrick (Techonomy), page
44 | Barbara Kux (Siemens), page 45
Jim Lanzone (CBS Interactive), page 45 | Michael Lazerow
(Buddy Media), page 45 | Alexander Ljung (SoundCloud), page 46
Felix Marquardt (The Atlantic
Dinners), page 46 | Andrew Mason (Groupon), page 46 | Hilary Mason (bit.ly), page 47 | Heidi Messer
(Collective[i]), page 47 | Matt Michelsen (Backplane), page 47 | Hiroshi Mikitani (Rakuten), page 48 |
Jon Miller (News Corp.), page 48 | Matt Mills (Aurasma, Autonomy), page 48 | Pedro Miranda
(Siemens), page 48
Stefan Olander (NIKE), page 49 | Ian Osborne (Osborne & Partners), page 49 |
Alemsah Öztürk (41? 29!), page 50
Felix Petersen (Amen), page 50 | Chris Poole (4chan), page 50
| Jessica Powell (Badoo), page 50 | Nicolas Princen (Advisor for New Media and Information Technology President Nicolas Sarkozy), page 50
Hosain Rahman (Jawbone), page 51 | JP Rangaswami
(Salesforce), page 51 | Osman Rashid (Kno), page 51 | Mark Read (WPP), page 51 | Marcel Reichart
(Founder DLD), page 52 | Spencer Reiss (WIRED), page 52 | Frank Rosenberger (Vodafone), page 52 |
Renzo Rosso (Diesel), page 52 | David Rowan (WIRED), page 53
David Sable (Y&R), page 53 |
Sidar Sahin (Peak Games), page 53 | Sheryl Sandberg (Facebook), page 53 | Naguib Sawiris
(Orascom Telecom Holding), page 54 | Jennifer L. Schenker (Journalist), page 54 | Jean-Paul Schmetz
(Cliqz), page 54 | Holger Schmidt (FOCUS Magazine), page 54 |
DLD Conference 2012
Michael Schneider (Mobile Roadie), page 54 | Joe Schoendorf (ACCEL Partners), page 54 |
René Schuster (Telefónica Germany), page 55 | Darshan Shankar (Flotype), page 55 | Hans-Peter
Siebenhaar (Handelsblatt), page 55 | Veit Siegenheim (StrategyFacts), page 55 | Sebastian
Siemiatkowski (Klarna), page 55 | Kevin Slavin (Area/Code), page 56 | Alison Smale (IHT), page 56 |
Rupert Stadler (Audi AG), page 56 | Katie Stanton (Twitter), page 57 | Robert Stephens (Best Buy),
page 57 | Linda Stone (Author), page 57
Lucian Tarnowski (BraveNewTalent), page 57
Vijay V.
Vaitheeswaran (The Economist), page 58 | Franciscus van Meel (Audi AG), page 58 | Yossi Vardi
(DLD Co-Chairmen), page 58 | Martin Varsavsky (FON), page 59 | Arkady Volozh (Yandex), page 59 |
Maria-Theresia von Seidlein (S&L Medien Gruppe), page 59
Jimmy Wales (Wikipedia), page 58 |
Robin Wauters (TechCrunch), page 59 | Andreas Weigend (Stanford University), page 59 | Peter
Weijmarshausen (Shapeways), page 60 | Sasha Wilkins (Social Media Entrepreneur and Blogger),
page 60 | Stefan Winners (Tomorrow Focus AG), page 60 | Patrick Wölke (Burda Media Innovation
Lab), page 60
Danny Zappin (Maker Studios), page 61 | Niklas Zennström (Atomico), page 61
Art & Design
A Cory Arcangel (Artist), page 32 | Karen Archey (Journalist), page 32 B John Brockman (Edge.org),
page 35 C Edwin Chan (Architect), page 36 D Jesse Draper (Draper Fisher Jurvetson), page 38
E Olafur Eliasson (Artist), page 39 F Rebecca Ferguson (Singer), page 39 | Ed Fornieles (Artist),
page 40 G Christian Gärtner (Stylepark), page 41 H Jonathan Harris (Cowbird), page 42 | Lisa
Haydon (Model, Actress), page 42 K Daniel Keller & Nik Kosmas (Artists), page 44 L Oliver Laric
(Artist), page 45 | Marit Larsen (Musician), page 45 M Jürgen Mayer (Architect), page 47 | Josette
Melchor, (GAFFTA), page 47 | Paul Miller (Artist, Writer and Musician), page 48 N Jon Nash (Artist),
page 48 O Hans Ulrich Obrist (Serpentine Gallery), page 49 | Yoko Ono (Multi-Media Artist), page 49
R Carlo Ratti (MIT SENSEable City Lab), page 51 | Rafaël Rozendaal (Artist), page 53 S Shilo Shiv
Suleman (Khoya), page 57 T John Taylor (Duran Duran), page 57 W Mark Wigley (Columbia
University), page 60
Life & Science
A David Agus (Navigenics), page 31 C
Troy Carter (Investor), page 36
Peter H. Diamandis
(X-Prize), page 37 | Freeman Dyson (Edventure Holdings), page 38 | George Dyson (Historian of
Technology), page 39
Goetz (WIRED), page 41
Maria Furtwängler-Burda (DLDwomen Chairwoman), page 41
deutsche Zeitung), page 45
University), page 46
page 47
Ellen Dias Jorgensen (Genspace), page 44
Andrian Kreye (Süd-
Tan Le (Emotiv Lifesciences), page 46 | Jure Leskovec (Stanford
Jenn Lim (Delivering Happiness), page 46
Lakshmi Pratury (INK Conference), page 50
Oliver Medvedik (Genspace),
Lisa Randall (Harvard University), page 51
Dimitar D. Sasselov (Harvard University), page 53 | Ludwig Siegele (The Economist), page 55 |
Jason Silva (Techno Optimist), page 56 | Saul Singer (Author), page 56
University), page 58
Sebastian Thrun (Stanford
Nathan Wolfe (GVFI.org), page 60
Social & Politics
B Egemen Bagis (Minister for EU Affairs and Chief Negotiator), page 33 D Jamie Drummond (One.
org), page 38 E Khaled Elmufti (Digital Activist), page 39 H Ron Huldai (Mayor Tel-Aviv), page 43
N Sebastian Nerz (Piratenpartei), page 49 R Viviane Reding (Vice-President EU Commission),
page 52 | Alec Ross (XING), page 52 S Rohan Silva (Techno Optimist), page 56 W Heinrich Wefing
(Die Zeit), page 59 Z Martin Zeil (Bavarian Deputy Prime Minister), page 61
DLD Conference 2012
The following abstracts do not claim to be exhaustive.
Please find the official CVs of all speakers at dld-conference.com/speakers
Linda Abraham, Co-Founder, Chief Marketing Officer & Executive Vice President of
Global Development, comScore (@linda_abraham)
Linda Abraham is Co-Founder, Chief Marketing Officer and Executive Vice President of Global
Development for the comScore market research company. Abraham is passionate about new
technology and developments that can help digital advertising fulfill its potential. Together with
Buddy Media, Abraham and comScore are currently working on the question of how
concentrated social media campaigns can deliver incremental benefits in terms of brand
awareness and engagement with users – an important topic for advertisers, users and
platforms alike.
Michael Acton Smith, Founder, CEO & Creative Director, Mind Candy (@acton)
Acton Smith is the CEO of Mind Candy, a developer of social multi-player games and creator of
Moshi Monsters. Any five- to twelve-year-old will have heard of his video game website where
children can care for virtual pets. Acton Smith’s visionary take on gaming, illustrated by
alternate reality games like Perplex City, has brought the young Brit closer to fulfilling his vision
of “building the largest entertainment brand in the world for this new digital generation of kids.”
Sina Afra, Co-Founder, CEO, Markafoni (@SinaAfra)
The Ankara-born and elected “business angel of 2011” is the CEO at Markafoni, Turkey’s
leading e-commerce start-up. An important figure in Turkey’s fast-rising online entrepreneurial
environment, Afra is a strong proponent of the huge potential of digital start-ups in his home
country. Afra has argued that Turkey’s digital infrastructure is comparable to that of China or
Brazil in some cases, and has no reservations in referring to the nation as “a sleeping giant.”
David Agus, Co-Founder, Navigenics, Director Applied Molecular Medicine, University of
Southern California & Author of “The End of Illness”, coming in 2012 (@DavidAgus)
David Agus is a Professor of Medicine at the University of Southern California, Director of the
USC Center for Applied Molecular Medicine, and Co-Founder of Navigenics, a biotechnology
company as well as Oncology, the largest online cancer resource and virtual community. The
mission of Navigenics is to “provide clinically guided genetic analysis with the goal of
empowering individuals to act based on an understanding of their genetic predispositions.” In
his new book, The End of Illness, Agus, challenges the common notion of what “health” means.
Through landmark research and provocative ideas, Agus presents a fresh perspective on the
human body and the way it works. He invites his audience to take a brand new approach to the
notion of individual health as he challenges conventional wisdom, showing how his thoughts
can pave the way for long and vigorous life.
Naif Al-Mutawa, Founder & CEO, Teshkeel Media Group (@DrNaif)
Naif Al-Mutawa is the Founder and CEO of Teshkeel Media Group, the company behind THE
99 comic book series of superheroes inspired by Islamic culture and archetypes. The series
aimes to offer new role models for children in the Middle East and spread ideas about
tolerance and Islamic values through the diversity of the 99 different characters. Still
developing its superheroes, THE 99 has published collaborative works with DC Comics and
Marvel Comics. Forbes called THE 99 “One of the Top 20 Trends Sweeping the Globe”, and
Naif was recently named one of “The 500 Most Influential Muslims in the World” by The Royal
Islamic Strategic Studies Center. US President Barack Obama praised Naif and THE 99 as one
of the most innovative of all of the entrepreneurs viewed by his Presidential Summit on
Entrepreneurship in 2010.
DLD Conference 2012
Andrey Andreev, Founder & CEO, Badoo
The Russian businessman is the founder of Badoo, the world’s largest and fastest growing
social networking and dating website, launched in 2006. Badoo currently has more than 133
million members in 180 countries. Badoo is the 4th successful company Andreev has built in
the last 10 years. His successes include Begun, a company focused on selling contextual
advertising by auctioning keywords, often described as an earlier version of Google AdWords.
He also created Mamba.ru, which has evolved into Russia’s largest online dating site, with over
10 million monthly active users. A management graduate from Moscow, Andreev also runs
several other online projects, such as SpyLog, Begun and Mamba.
Cory Arcangel, Artist (@cory_arcangel)
Cory Arcangel is a 33-year-old programmer, web designer and digital artist from Brooklyn, New
York. Arcangel has exhibited his works across the globe from Tokyo to Berlin, and has gained
a loyal following for his varied use of media canvasses. Arcangel uses drawings, mp3s, videos,
performances and even video games in his work, often appropriating the materials to achieve
unique results. One of his most famous works is Super Mario Clouds in which the classic video
game was tweaked to leave just the digital clouds against a monotonous, blue background.
Karen Archey, Artist, Editor-at-Large, Rhizome (@karenarchey)
Most recently Archey has worked as an art critic and curator specializing in “art 2.0”. Through
her writing on her Image Conscious ARTINFO blog, Archey has established herself as a
recognized critic of digital art forms. She is also involved in “findings”, a service that allows
users to import highlights from the ebooks they are reading or collect text from the web, then
search, share and discover new material through other readers' highlights.
Nikesh Arora, Senior Vice President & Chief Business Officer, Google (@nikesharora)
Nikesh Arora left the mobile communications company T-Mobile in 2004 for Google, where he
is currently Senior Vice President and Chief Business Officer and oversees all revenue and
customer operations, as well as marketing and partnerships. As a chartered analyst, he has
focused primarily on consulting, IT, marketing and finance. According to Arora, Google’s future
is “a convergence of content, divergence of devices” to quote from his Twitter account.
Samir Arora, Co-Founder, Chairman & CEO, Glam Media (@samirarora)
Samir Arora serves as Chairman and CEO of Glam Media, the pioneer and global leader in
vertical content networks. Since Arora co-founded Glam in 2005, the company has claimed the
number one spot in women's lifestyle online. A tech-industry veteran, Arora had worked as
Chairman of Emode/Tickle, one of the first social networking sites, and Chairman and CEO of
the web design pioneering company NetObjects. Arora currently serves as Chairman of the
Information Capital LLC venture-capital fund.
Bruce Aust, Executive Vice President, NASDAQ
Aust has served as Executive Vice President of NASDAQ, which has more trading volume than
any other electronic stock exchange in the world, since July 2003. Prior to joining the NASDAQ
OMX Group in 1998, Aust spent twelve years at Fidelity Investments in a variety of sales,
trading and management positions. He is a leading voice in the debate on how to successfully
finance start-ups and other ambitious business ventures.
DLD Conference 2012
Nevzat Aydin, CEO, Yemek Sepeti (@zagortenay76)
The Istanbul-born computer engineer went to Silicon Valley to pursue his MBA at the University
of San Francisco before returning to Turkey to found Yemek Sepeti or “Food Basket”. Yemek
Sepeti quickly revolutionized online food-ordering in Turkey, and has since grown into a major
player in the country’s e-commerce industry. The company shot to fame in 2010 when it used a
viral video of a specially created Yemek Sepeti World of Warcraft character to reach out to
hardcore gamers – an ingenious take on how to achieve brand loyalty through unconventional
Rodrigo Baggio, Founder & Executive Director, Center for Digital Inclusion (CDI)
A worldwide respected social entrepreneur, Baggio founded the award-winning Center for
Digital Inclusion (CDI), a non-profit transparency platform aimed at achieving greater social
inclusion through increased digital participation. Today, CDI is active in 13 countries and 803
community centers throughout Latin America, the UK and Jordan. Time Magazine named
Baggio a leader in Latin America who will make a difference in the third millennium.
Egemen Bağış, Turkish Minister for EU Affairs and Chief Negotiator (@Egemen_Bagis)
Bağış is the current minister for EU Affairs and Chief Negotiator for his country in accession
talks with the European Union – widely considered one of the most complicated negotiations in
the history of the Union. As the right hand of the Turkish prime minister, Bağış has insight into
the wider dynamics of Turkey’s future role as a booming giant, marked by rapid growth,
complicated foreign policy questions, social movements and religious debate.
Cenk Bayrakdar, Chief New Technology Business Officer, Turkcell
Cenk Bayrakdar is the Chief New Technology Business Officer at Turkcell, a leading
communication and technology company in Turkey. Turkcell’s strategic priorities include growth
in the core mobile communication business through the increased use of voice and data. The
company operates in nine different countries, reaching 60 million subscribers, but continues to
spearhead Turkey’s digital revolution with an innovative and ambitious agenda for continued
Bernd Beetz, CEO, Coty
Bernd Beetz is the CEO of Coty, the world’s leading beauty and fragrance company with more
than 100 years of history behind it. Coty has become an industry powerhouse by constantly
seeking creative solutions and innovative partnerships, and is known for its trendsetting
ventures. One service Coty offers today is the provision of personalized, branded perfume lines
to a long list of world famous celebrities that includes Beyoncé, David and Victoria Beckham
and Kate Moss.
Jens Begemann, Co-Founder & CEO, wooga (@begemann)
Jens Begemann is the Founder and CEO of wooga, a Berlin-based social games development
firm that succeeded in attracting more than 30 million active unique users in the first two years
of its existence. This makes wooga the third largest social games company in the world and the
leading developer in Europe. Before this, Begemann was among others Chief Product Officer
of Jamba.
DLD Conference 2012
Nick Bilton (Moderator), Design Integration Editor, User Interface Specialist &
Researcher, the The New York Times Research & Development Lab (@nickbilton)
In his current position as the Design Integration Editor, User Interface Specialist & Researcher
for The New York Times Research & Development Lab, Nick Bilton researches and prototypes
innovative technologies for the coming decade. He is also the Co-Founder of Shifd, a start-up
that helps people shift content between multiple devices. He is also behind NYCResistor, a
hacker space in Brooklyn, that allows users to collectively work on innovative open source
hardware and robotics projects. He also is the author of I Live in the Future & Here's How It
Works and is an Adjunct Professor at NYU.
Matthew Bishop, U.S. Business Editor, the Economist (@mattbish)
Matthew Bishop is the American Business Editor and New York Bureau Chief for the
Economist. An Oxford University graduate, he has co-authored two books: The Road from
Ruin, about how to improve capitalism after the 2008 financial crisis and Philanthrocapitalism:
How Giving Can Save the World, on how the business and social sectors can solve some of
the world's most pressing problems.
Constantin Bjerke (Moderator), Founder and CEO, Crane.tv
Constantin Bjerke is the Founder and CEO of Crane.tv, a pioneering video magazine with an
emphasis on contemporary culture. The magazine is an online showcase of worldwide
happenings in art, design, lifestyle, architecture, fashion, ecology and culture and is devoted to
fostering creative talents. By creating and pushing creative online quality content, Crane.tv has
developed a new standard for web-based TV entertainment today.
Henry Blodget (Moderator), CEO & Editor-in-Chief, Business Insider (@hblodget)
Since 2011, the former Wall Street technology analyst has been the CEO and Editor-in-Chief at
Business Insider, a blog about Internet business trends and research. He is also a host of
Yahoo Daily Ticker and contributes regularly to the Slate, Newsweek and New York. He holds
a Yale University bachelor’s degree and began his career as a freelance journalist.
Kai Bolik, Gameduell CEO and Co-Founder, GameDuell
Kai Bolik is the Co-Founder and CEO of Germany’s largest online gaming platform,
GameDuell. Gameduell offers users a wide variety of games, including card games, quizzes
and interpretations of popular board games. By linking players in tournaments and allowing
them to compete for real cash and prizes, GameDuell has found recipe for success that has
resulted in more than 20 million users, making the site the most visited of its kind in Germany.
Diane Brady (Moderator), Senior Editor, Columnist at Bloomberg Businessweek &
author “Fraternity” coming in 2012 (@dianebrady)
Diane Brady is a Senior Editor and Content Chief at Bloomsberg Businessweek. She also has
a book coming out in 2012 called Fraternity. She has worked for the Wall Street Journal in
Hong Kong and Manila, Canada’s Mclean’s and the United Nations Environment Program
(UNEP) in Nairobi, Kenya. Her writing has earned her numerous awards and she is a frequent
guest on CNN, NPR, CNBC and countless other outlets. She is a graduate of the University of
DLD Conference 2012
John Brockman, Founder, Publisher & Editor, Edge (@edge)
John Brockman is a cultural impresario whose career has encompassed the avant-garde art
world, science, books, software and the Internet. He is an American publisher, author of for
instance The Third Culture and more recently How is the Internet Changing the Way You
Think?, and he is the Founder of Edge, the highly acclaimed website devoted to discussions of
cutting edge science. He also is the CEO of Brockman, the leading international literary agency
for nonfiction authors such as Richard Dawkins. Through these many positions, he got to know
the Dyson family – Esther through his Internet activities, Freeman through Edge The Reality
Club and George as an agent. Borckman is the only person to be profiled on Page One of both
The New York Sunday Times "Arts & Leisure" and The New York Times "Science Times".
Leonard Brody, President Clarity Digital (Anschutz Group)
The Canadian entrepreneur, media visionary and Innovation Nation author Leonard Brody is a
Co-Founder of NowPublic, a user-generated news website, and the President of Clarity Digital
(Anschutz Group), one of the largest online news conglomerates in the world. He is also an
advisor to venture capital funds, as well as to companies and governments. As a speaker, he
addresses everything from how technology will continue to revolutionize the workplace to how
corporations can use challenges to steer them toward innovation and growth.
Hubert Burda, DLD Co-Chairman
Hubert Burda, Co-Chairman of DLD, is the General Partner and Publisher of Hubert Burda
Media, an international media corporation with 100 years of family tradition. He is President of
the Association of German Magazine Publishers (VDZ) and Co-Founder of the European
Publishers Council (EPC). He set up the Hubert Burda Foundation with a view to promoting
interdisciplinary exchanges on future trends. Hubert Burda also founded the Burda Center for
Innovative Communications at Ben Gurion University in Beer Sheva, Israel. He has been
awarded numerous prizes and distinctions for his achievements in publishing and business,
including the European Print Media Prize and the Gold Medal Freedom of Speech by the
European Association of Communications (EACA). In 2006, Hubert Burda received the Leo
Baeck Prize from the Central Council of Jews for his commitment to reconciliation between
Germans and Jews. In 2009, he received the Ohel Jakob Medal from the Jewish Community
Munich and Upper Bavaria.
Nolan Bushnell, Serial Entrepreneur, Founder Atari, Speed to Learn (@NolanBushnell)
The man behind Atari, Nolan Bushnell has been inducted into the Video Game Hall of Fame
and is already a living video game legend. Even Apple inventor Steve Jobs started out as a
technician for Bushnell in 1974. In his newest project, Speed to Learn, Bushnell has set out to
revolutionize education by using game-based technology and cloud computing to deliver a new
learning experience. Students who use his educational program will learn faster and increase
their incentives to learn through real rewards, bringing real-life education into the future.
Bushnell is also currently working as Chief Game Designer and Advisor for Anti-Aging Games,
a website of games designed to stimulate the brain.
Sonny Caberwal, Co-Founder & COO, Exclusively (@caberwal)
The Co-Founder and COO of Exclusively, the leading global retailer of Indian online
fashion,began his career as a corporate attorney in New York before leaving to pursue the
entrepreneurial path. Caberwal was featured as one of the first turban-wearing Sikh models for
brands like Kenneth Cole or magazines such as GQ. Through his work as an international
model, entrepreneur and lecturer, Caberwal has become a pioneer for a distinctly Indian
aesthetic and an expert of a truly global lifestyle movement.
DLD Conference 2012
Troy Carter, Investor, Manager Lady Gaga, Founder & CEO, Coalition Media Group
Lady Gaga’s manager since 2007 is also the Founder, Chairman and CEO of Coalition Media
Group, a talent management and full-service film and television production company. Carter
has worked for Will Smith, Sean “P. Diddy” Combs and Notorious B.I.G, and is today a
successful Silicon Valley investor with several ongoing projects, including the celebrity social
network, Backplane.
Edwin Chan, Architect
The Frank O. Gehry associate joined Gehry Partners after receiving his degree from the
Graduate School of Design at Harvard University. He has worked on many of the firm’s most
significant projects, including the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao. He has also designed
exhibitions, including for renowned French artist Sophie Calle in Luxembourg. He is currently
working on the design of the Louis Vuitton Foundation for Creation in Paris.
Brian Chesky, CEO & Co-Founder, Airbnb (@bchesky)
The CEO and Co-Founder of Airbnb has thoroughly disrupted the online accommodation
industry with an idea that has changed the way people travel. Airbnb was launched in 2008,
and has since received investments from Greylock Partners, Sequoia Capital and Ashton
Kutcher’s A-Grade Investments, among others. In 2011, the company raised an additional
$112 million, and is now valued at $1 billion. 2011 also saw Airbnb reach a major milestone
when the one millionth booking was recorded.
Steffi Czerny, DLD Co-Founder & Director
Steffi Czerny is one of the creative minds at Hubert Burda Media. She is Co-Founder of the
DLD Conference, Managing Director of DLD Media & DLD Ventures GmbH and founder of the
inspirational DLDwomen Conference. After joining the Burda group in 1995, Steffi has held
several executive posts in new media activities. Her background is in political science and
communications. She has also earned a degree in journalism at the renowned Deutsche
Journalistenschule. Steffi has followed developments in the digital world for over 20 years now
and focuses on developing branding and communication initiatives. She remains true to her
personal credo in everything she does; connect the unexpected.
Errol Damelin, Founder and CEO, Wonga (@ed_wonga)
While conventional credit lenders profit when lenders default on their debts, Erol Damelin
created an online lender that makes a profit when people repay their loans. Backed by
Balderton Capital, Wonga aims to revolutionize the UK consumer credit market with small,
short-term loans. Wired Magazine called Wonga “one of the most radical financial-sector
disruptors in years”, and today the company has more than £90 million in venture capital
behind it from such investors as Accel Partners, Oak Investment Partners and Meritech Capital
Sonali De Rycker, ACCEL Partners (@sonalidr)
Currently with Accel in London, Sonali de Rycker has been active in the European venture
business sector for twelve years where she has focused on investments in the consumer
Internet and digital media sectors. With a talent for spotting e-commerce opportunities, she has
been responsible for investments in some of the biggest online successes of the past years,
including Spotify, Wonga and Moo.
DLD Conference 2012
Nick D'Aloisio, Founder, Summly (@nickdalisio)
The 16-year-old from South London founded Summly in June 2011 with the aim of bringing a
concise and efficient web browsing service to mobile and desktop devices. His critically
acclaimed iOS app works by allowing an instant summary of a webpage’s content. Before this,
he had created Facemood, a service which used sentiment analysis to determine the mood of
Facebook users, and SongStumblr, a geo-social music discovery service. Summly investor
Horizons Ventures is a technology venture firm which was also an early investor in Facebook,
Spotify and Siri.
Peter Diamandis, CEO and Chairman, X-Prize Foundation (@PeterDiamandis)
In his new book Abundance, entrepreneur-turned-philantropist Peter Diamandis presents a
optimistic vision of how humanity will soon be able to meet the needs of every man, woman
and child on the planet. According to Diamandis, technological advances, the DIY innovator,
the Technophilanthropist, and the Rising Billion are the driving forces behind solving our
biggest problems, and soon we will have plenty of reason to believe that abundance is within
our grasp.
John Donahoe, CEO, eBay (@Tallboy6)
John Donahoe has been the President and CEO of eBay since 2008. He has been driven by a
strong focus on innovation, technology and the integration of new devices. Under his watch,
the company established an early lead in mobile commerce, in part by announcing a new
partnership with Best Buy for eBay’s barcode scanning app, RedLaser, with enhanced
integration for its affiliate, PayPal. In his recent keynote address at the CEA Leaders in
Technology Dinner at CES, Donahoe predicted that eBay mobile will top $8 billion in Gross
Merchandise Volume for 2012, while PayPal will surpass $7 billion in payment volume in the
coming year.
Ben Donovan, Co-Founder, Maker Studios
The Co-Founder of Maker Studios develops and executes the company’s overall strategy. He
studied acting at the famed HB Studio in New York and started out working on TV shows
including Crossing Jordan and Felicity. He then shifted his talents to acting, writing and
producing for the online space, teaming up with his sister, Lisa Donovan, to create the
tremendously successful YouTube channel LisaNova.
Lisa Donovan, Co-Founder, Maker Studios
The American actress is a Co-Founder of Maker Studios, where she mentors YouTube
personalities. Known as LisaNova, she has one of the most successful YouTube channels of
all time with about 716,000 subscribers and 176 million video views. Additionally, the 31-yearold was one of the first YouTube content creators to cross over into mainstream Hollywood
when she was cast on MADtv in 2007. She is the sister of fellow YouTuber and Maker Studios
Co-Founder, Ben Donovan.
Jack Dorsey, Chairman & Co-Founder, Twitter, Founder & CEO, Square (@jack)
The 35-year-old is the Chairman and Co-Founder of Twitter. In September 2011, Twitter CEO
Costolo announced that the social media platform now had 100 million active users logging in
at least once a month and 50 million active users every day who send a total of 230 million
tweets per day. The American software architect Dorsey had the original idea for Twitter while
still at Odeo, a podcasting start-up. In 2009, Dorsey announced his latest project: Square.
Originally code-named Squirrel, Square is a mobile payment start-up with both an app and a
piece of hardware that allows the iPhone and Android to accept credit card payments.
DLD Conference 2012
Jesse Draper, CEO & Host, The Valley Girl Show (@JesseDraper)
With a fresh approach to talk show entertainment, Jesse Draper’s Valley Girl Show has found a
brand new niche somewhere in between web-based business journalism and rosy comedy.
The fun-spirited show features interviews with some of the top entrepreneurs in the world. Past
guests include Scott McNealy, founder of S.U.N. Microsystems, Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla
Motors and Eric Schmidt, to name a few.
Timothy Draper, Managing Director & Co-Founder, Draper Fisher Jurvetson
The Co-Founder and Managing Director of Draper Fisher Jurvetson is a successful Silicon
Valley investor. Draper suggested using "viral marketing", which became key to the success of
Hotmail and YahooMail, and has now been adopted as a standard marketing technique. He
later launched DFJ Global Network, an international network of early-stage venture capital
funds with offices in over 30 cities around the globe. Draper has a degree in electrical
engineering from Stanford University and an MBA from Harvard Business School.
Jamie Drummond, Executive Director & Global Strategy, ONE (@DrumJamie)
Jamie Drummond co-founded the ONE advocacy organization, whose more than 2.5 million
members and influential friends help it fight for a big mission: ensuring that the citizens of the
world’s poorest countries, especially in Africa, achieve the Millennium Development Goals.
ONE has worked closely with governments and political leaders from across the globe and is
dedicated to enabling third-world citizens to determine their own destinies. Named a Young
Global Leader by the World Economic Forum, Drummond’s work includes pushing
transparency, effective aid, trade, investment, good governance and debt cancellation.
Pavel Durov, Founder & CEO, vKontakte (VK) (@durov)
The 27-year-old Pavel Durov is the Founder and CEO of vKontakte (VK), the largest social
network in Russia, launched in 2006. According to Techcrunch the so-called Facebook-clone
accounts for more than half of web traffic in the CIS region. One distinction of VK is its
integration with torrent filesharing technology which allows users to share larger files. In
February 2011 Durov returned to an “invites only” system which was introduced in the very
beginning of the network’s development. As of January 2012, VK has over 140 million
accounts, ranks 46 in Alexa's global Top 500 sites and is available in 67 languages.
Esther Dyson, Chairwoman, EDventure (@edyson)
The former Wall Street technology analyst is primarily involved in investing in and nurturing
start-ups, with a recent focus on health care, government transparency and aerospace. In this
light, she is the Chairwoman of EDventure Holdings and on the boards of the Sunlight
Foundation, StopBadware (an anti-malware group) and PersonalGenome. Her past
investments include Flickr and Delicious (sold to Yahoo). One of her special achievements was
to spend six months training as a backup cosmonaut in Star City outside Moscow, Russia. She
is also a member of the NASA Advisory Council.
Freeman Dyson, Physicist & Mathematician
The British-born theoretical physicist and mathematician wrote two papers on the foundations
of quantum electrodynamics that have had a lasting influence on many branches of modern
physics. The retired Princeton professor went on to work in condensed-matter physics, nuclear
engineering, climate studies, astrophysics and biology. The 88-year-old scientist’s books for
the general public include Disturbing the Universe. In 2000, he was awarded the Templeton
Prize for Progress in Religion. He is the father of George and Esther Dyson, and explores the
question of how to nurture creativity in a digital age.
DLD Conference 2012
George Dyson, Digital Technology Historian, Author, Boat Designer
The scientist and techno-historian is the son of Freeman and brother of Esther Dyson. He is
the Founder of Dyson, Baidarka & Company, which designs Aleut-style skin kayaks. His other
interests embrace the evolution of digital computing and the exploration of space. In his books,
Project Orion and Darwin among the Machines, he suggests that the Internet is a living,
sentient being. His forthcoming book, Turing's Cathedral, is scheduled for publication in early
2012 and has been described as “a creation myth of the digital universe”.
Lidewij Edelkoort, Trend Forecaster (@edelkoort)
The trend forecaster, curator, publisher and educator lives primarily in the future. Focused on
studying the links between art, fashion, design and consumer culture, Edelkoort’s work has
pioneered trend forecasting and helped creative professionals from around the world pinpoint
the evolution of society and identify consumer tendencies long before anyone else. In 2003,
TIME magazine for instance named her one of the world’s 25 most influential people in fashion.
She is the creator of TrendTablet.com, a social media platform designed to explain how trends
grow, evolve and flow. It also helps users better perceive and understand how trends interact
with our daily lives.
Olafur Eliasson, Artist
The Danish artist and professor at the Berlin University of the Arts is best known for large-scale
installations, often centering on the intricate use of light and reflection. Among his many
projects, Eliasson is a keen supporter of improving living conditions on the African continent.
This has led him to undertake tasks like Eye See You, a project for Louis Vuitton, which he
used to promote 121 Ethiopia, a non-profit aid organization he founded with his wife to improve
the lives of Ethiopian orphans.
Khaled Elmufti, Head of e-Libya & Strategic Advisor, ICT Ministry, Libya
Khaled Elmufti was a key player in the Libyan revolution in February 2011, and helped
establish a communication infrastructure. He currently heads the e-Libya initiative and is a
Strategic Advisor to the ICT Ministry for the new interim government of Libya (National
Transitional Council). In 2010 Khaled founded Tatweer Research for Engineering and
Information Technology, a €200 million organization headquartered in Benghazi, to create an
ecosystem for innovation. He also founded Sapientia Consulting in 2008 to partner leading
international firms to bring state-of-the-art technology to Libyan organizations.
Casey Fenton, CIO, CouchSurfing (@CS_Casey)
One of the Co-Founders and the Chief Inspiration Officer of CouchSurfing, Fenton created the
concept of an international travelers’ network in 1999. Prior to this, he had initiated several
technology companies and worked as the Director of Internet Strategy for Alaska Governor
Knowles and as a Legislative Aide in the Alaska State House. From 2003 to 2009, Casey
created the CouchSurfing website, and decided to work there full-time in 2005.
Rebecca Ferguson, Singer, X Factor (@RebeccaFMusic)
The 25-year-old is the runner up of the seventh series of X Factor and was mentored by Cheryl
Cole. After signing a record deal with Sony Music’s Syco Music label, she released her first
single Nothing’s Real But Love in late 2011, from her album Heaven. A qualified legal
secretary, Ferguson kicked off the music career of her dreams and already sung a duet with
her idol, Christina Aguilera.
DLD Conference 2012
Yoel Flohr, Vice President Digital, Shine Group
Yoel Flohr is the Vice President Digital at the Shine Group, a global production company
founded in 2001 by Elisabeth Murdoch. The group creates, produces, sells and distributes
innovative and compelling TV content for broadcasters across the globe including the BBC,
Five, Channel 4, Sky and HBO, and across digital media platforms. Big TV successes include
Masterchef, The Biggest Loser and The Office US. The 30-year-old Flohr comes from a long
background in the mobile media industry, having worked for companies like Bebo and TMobile, and has a MSc from the London School of Economics.
Ed Fornieles, Artist (@EdFornielesInd)
After graduating in 2011 from the Royal College of Art with an MA in sculpture, the 28-year-old
Fornieles’ controversial and groundbreaking work has centered on notions of youth culture and
obscure irony. His works are often digital and interactive and invite for exploration. In two of his
most innovative pieces, Dorm Daze and Animal House, Fornieles used a number of Facebook
and Twitter accounts to create living communities that later evolved into works of sculpture,
installation and film. Despite his young age his work has already been exhibited on both sides
of the Atlantic.
Christoph Franz, Chairman & CEO, Deutsche Lufthansa AG
Since January 2011 Christoph Franz has been the Chairman of the Executive Board and Chief
Executive Officer of Deutsche Lufthansa AG, the world's fourth-largest airline in terms of
overall passengers carried. In 2011, a total of 106.3 million passengers chose to fly with the
Lufthansa Group (consisting of Lufthansa, SWISS, Austrian Airlines, bmi and Germanwings), of
that were 65.5 million passengers flying with Lufthansa-brand planes. Under Franz’ wings, the
leading aircraft carrier has embraced new technologies and innovative uses for the vast
amounts of data made available from the operation of thousands of flights every day. Franz
has experience in various leading companies in the travel industry, including executive
functions at Deutsche Bahn AG and Swiss International Air Lines.
Philipp Freise, Director, KKR Investment Firm
As the Director of the U.S. investment firm Kohlberg Kravis Roberts (KKR) in London, Philipp
Freise was personally involved in KKR's investments in major companies like Demag,
Zumtobel, MTU Aero Engines, and SBS Broadcasting, ProSiebenSat.1, to name a few. He is
also a Co-Founder of the Venturepark AG business incubator in Berlin, and was named a
Young Global Leader at the World Economic Forum in 2009.
Roman Friedrich (Moderator), Partner, Booz&Co.
Acknowledged as an expert in the area of mobile technologies, Roman Friedrich also has a
background as a scientist working in the field of theoretical elementary particle physics. At
Booz&Co., he leads the Communications, Media & Technology Practice in Europe today.
Mike Fries, President & CEO, Liberty Global
A 20-year veteran of the cable and media industry, Mike Fries is President and Chief Executive
Officer of Liberty Global (LGI), the second largest cable TV operator in the world and the
largest outside the U.S. In December 2011, LGI won German antitrust approval to acquire
cable operator Kabel Baden-Wurttemberg GmbH in a deal worth €3.16 billion. The historic
acquisition will bring Liberty Global’s subscriber base in Germany to almost 7 million, while also
presenting new challenges for the ever-evolving media giant.
DLD Conference 2012
Maria Furtwängler-Burda, DLDwomen Chairwoman
Maria Furtwängler-Burda is a physician and actress. Born in Munich, Furtwängler-Burda has
practiced as a medical doctor while also working as an actress on TV. She has enjoyed great
success with her role as police detective Charlotte Lindholm in the popular Tatort series. Her
movies received the highest ratings and reached an audience of more than 10 million viewers.
She is also deeply dedicated to charity work through her Ärzte für die Dritte Welt (Doctors for
Developing Countries) project, which provides aid to citizens in third-world countries, including
the Philippines, India, Bangladesh, Kenya, Sierra Leone and Nicaragua. For her work with the
organization she received the Germany's Federal Cross of Merit in 2003 and the Bavarian
Order of Merit in 2007. She also sits on the Board of Bündnis für Kinder - Gegen Gewalt.
Liz Gannes (Moderator), Senior Editor, AllThingsD. (@lizgannes)
The Silicon Valley-based business technology reporter started her career at Red Herring
technology analysis media in 2004. She then covered the rise of the social Internet at GigaOM
from 2006 until 2010. During this time she founded NewTeeVee, a site that became the
preeminent source for news about and analysis of Internet video and ultimately the intersection
of entertainment and technology. Since November 2010, she has written the NetworkEffect
column for AllThingsD. with a focus on social media and start-ups.
Christian Gärtner, Director Stylepark (Audi)
Christian Gärtner is the Director of Stylepark, an international platform for architecture and
design, consultancy, publishing, commentary and more. Stylepark is also the official curator of
the Audi Urban Future Initiative. The Audi Urban Future Initiative is a four-pillar project aimed at
establishing dialogue on the synergy of mobility, architecture and urban development. Through
organizing an award, a summit, a special insight team and pertinent research, the Urban
Future Initiative raises questions about the perspectives for the sustainable city of the future,
and integrates the results into the work of Audi.
Julius Genachowski, Chairman, U.S. FCC
Throughout his career, the Chairman of the U.S. Federal Communications Commission has
been heavily involved in media and law, serving as an industry frontrunner in both private and
public sectors. Following Barack Obama’s election as U.S. President, Genachowski co-led the
Technology, Innovation and Government Reform Group for the President’s Transition Team,
before he was chosen to head the FCC in 2009. Today, he spearheads the Commission’s work
in a number of fields, including policy and governance, as well as modernizing programs for the
digital age.
Anne Gfrerer, HypoVereinsbank
Anne Gfererer is the Head of Identity and Communication for HypoVerinsbank/Unicredit Bank
AG. Her purview includes reputation management in online and traditional media. She is one of
the co-initiators of the HVB Women’s Council, which offers advice and mentoring to female
business founders. A successful and resourceful professional herself, Gfererer has been a
driving force and a source of inspiration for the Women’s Council’s success in putting the
leadership of women on the agenda.
Thomas Goetz, Executive Editor, Wired & Author, the Decision Tree (@tgoetz)
Goetz’ most recent book, The Decision Tree published in 2010, portrayed modern medical
decision-making and technology and encouraged people to take control of their health in an
age of personalized medicine. Since then, he has been occupied with theories of feedback
loops, which have changed the way we use information and data to influence behavior and
learn about ourselves. Feedback loops have the potential to radically change human patterns
of habit and understanding, and in so doing, make the world a better and safer place for future
generations. Goetz is the Executive Editor at Wired and has written for publications such as the
Wall Street Journal on technology and how we use it to improve our lives.
DLD Conference 2012
Dave Goldberg, CEO, SurveyMonkey (@davegoldberg)
Dave Goldberg is the Chief Executive Officer of SurveyMonkey, the leading provider of online
survey solutions and an industry leader in the area of consumer insight. He is an American
entrepreneur, venture capitalist, technology and music industry executive and serves on the
Board of Directors at Ancestry, GMG Entertainment and Dashbox. He is the former Vice
President and General Manager of Yahoo Music which witnessed traffic increase from two
million to twenty five million unique users per month under his tenure.
Greg Greeley, Vice President, European Retail, Marketing & Business Development,
Amazon EU
Greg Greeley is responsible for Amazon Europe’s ecommerce businesses, including retail,
marketing and marketplace operations of Amazon’s five European websites: Amazon.co.uk,
Amazon.de, Amazon.fr, Amazon.it and Amazon.es. Coming from Sun Microsystems, Greeley
joined Amazon.com in 1999 holding various executive positions in the US. Greeley relocated to
Amazon’s European headquarter in Luxembourg in 2007, and is in his current role responsible
for making sure customers can find anything they might want to buy online on any of the
European Amazon websites. On peak day this holiday season, Amazon customers ordered 2.8
million articles via Amazon.de alone, more than 32 per second, with the €99 Kindle eReader
WiFi being the bestseller on all of Amazon’s European sites.
Stefan Groß-Selbeck, CEO, XING AG (@stefangs67)
Since January 2009 Stefan Groß-Selbeck has been CEO of XING AG, a social networking
platform for business professionals. He is a well-known German Internet manager who started
his career at Boston Consulting Group (with an MBA from the top French Business School
Insead), and in 2002 became General Manager of eBay Deutschland. Through his work with
Xing, Groß-Selbeck has spread consciousness just how important technology and networking
are in constructing a professional online profile.
Dean Hachamovitch, VP & Head Internet Explorer, Microsoft
The head of the Windows Internet Explorer team at Microsoft Corp., Dean Hachamovitch, is
responsible for the current version of the Microsoft browser. IE9 has been designed with
features like Tracking Protection to give users more privacy and control over their activities
online. Hachamovitch, who joined Microsoft in 1990, also co-led the development of several
versions of Microsoft Word and Microsoft Office on both Windows and Macintosh. He holds a
degree in mathematics from Harvard University.
Jonathan Harris, Artist & Computer Scientist, Cowbird
Under the premise that people share intimate details of their emotions online, artist and
computer scientist Jonathan Harris co-created Wefeelfine.org which combines vast data sets
and visuals into a contemporary image of the online state of mind. In his newest project
Cowbird, Harris aspires to create an intimate diary of human experience by facilitating users’
ability to write, design and share their personal stories. Participants are given a set of novel
features to upload their experiences, or “sagas”, adding to a growing library of real-life
impressions. Harris studied at Princeton University and has been awarded a Fabrica fellowship
and three Webby Awards. His work is in the permanent collection of the MoMA and has been
exhibited worldwide.
Lisa Haydon, Actress and Model (@officialLisaHay)
One of the most sought-after models in India and from a mixed background as a global citizen
from Australia and the U.S., Lisa Haydon has unique insight into the movements of the Indian
market space. A model citizen of the global fashion community, her take on contemporary
fashion and brand dynamics are inspirational for investors and fashion addicts alike, in India
and beyond.
DLD Conference 2012
Nick Heller, Head of New Business Development, Europe & Principle, Google EMEA
Nick Heller is the Head of New Business Development, Europe, and a Principle at Google
EMEA. He is based in Zurich, Switzerland, and has a focus for instance on new product
incubation and exploratory efforts in technology, meta-data licensing, and alternative
distribution. Heller has a rich history of working within the media industry, primarily across
mobile, television and online. He is a serial entrepreneur, a board member of several tech startups, and holds a BA in Psychology from the University of Western Ontario, and an MBA from
the University of Cambridge.
Lars Hinrichs (Moderator), Founder, XING
Lars Hinrichs is a serial entrepreneur, investor and self-proclaimed tech geek. One of his first
efforts, politik-digital.de, was an award-winning platform for politics and new media he launched
at the age of 22. To his most successful efforts belongs XING, a business networking platform.
As Founder and former CEO for five years until 2009, Hinrichs oversaw its 2006 IPO, making
XING the world’s first Web 2.0 company to go public. His most recent, HackFwd, is an
innovative pre-seed investment company that supports Europe’s geeks in launching exciting
tech start-ups.
Klaus Hommels, Investor & Founder, Hommels Holding, Lakestar
Investor and venture capitalist Klaus Hommels eyed successful Internet companies like
QXL/Tradus, Skype, Facebook, king.com, StarDoll, Xing and Spotify from their inception before
finally founding the Hommels Holding venture capital fund. He has created Lakestar, an
institutional fund that invests in consumer Internet companies with the potential to quickly reach
a global scale.
Drew Houston, Co-Founder & CEO, Dropbox (@drewhouston)
Drew Houston is the creator of Dropbox, a file-sharing service that allows users to connect and
share information and data using cloud computing. Houston founded the service in 2007
because he needed a way of simplifying the transfer of his work between several laptops and
devices. Over the years, Dropbox has been used in countless innovative ways, from high tech
research to industrial farming. Today, Dropbox serves more than 45 million users worldwide.
Arianna Huffington, Co-Founder & Editor-in-Chief, The Huffington Post (@ariannahuff)
The Co-Founder and Editor-in-Chief of the Huffington Post, fueled by an army of about 9,000
bloggers, is a nationally syndicated columnist and author of thirteen books including her latest,
Third World America: How Our Politicians Are Abandoning the Middle Class and Betraying the
American Dream. The news and blog site Huffington Post was launched in 2005 and quickly
became one of the most widely-read, linked to, and frequently-cited media brands on the
Internet. Huffington was ranked number 31 in Forbes’ Most Powerful Women in 2011. She is
also a go-to source for her views on Internet infrastructure and policy, contemporary politics,
culture and arts. HuffingtonPost.com receives about 15.6 million page views per weekday,
according to Quantcast. Meanwhile, Huffington has become a voice of the modern media
generation and has influenced and inspired millions along her path.
Ron Huldai, Mayor of Tel Aviv-Yafo (@Ron_Huldai)
After serving as a combat pilot during the Six-Day and Yom Kippur wars, Ron Huldai held
several key senior command positions. He was also the principal of Gymnasia Herzlyia, the
first Hebrew-speaking high school in Israel before joining the Labour party and being elected
mayor of Tel Aviv-Yafo, initially in 1998 and again in 2003 and 2008. Huldai’s vision for Tel
Aviv-Yafo is to further solidify the city as the epicenter of pluralism and liberalism, higher
education, commerce, scientific achievement, quality of life and the focal point of Israeli art and
DLD Conference 2012
Ellen Dias Jorgensen, Co-Founder and President, Genspace (@FeyScientist)
Ellen Jorgensen is the Co-Founder and President of Genspace NYC, the world’s first
community biotechnology laboratory, dedicated to promoting science literacy and demystify the
latest advances in biotechnology and synthetic biology for non-scientists. Jorgensen is
passionate about increasing science literacy in both student and adult populations, particularly
in the areas of synthetic biology and biotechnology. In addition to teaching and actively
researching, Jorgensen has held various positions in the biotechnology industry and in
biomedical research-based nonprofits.
Paul-Bernhard Kallen, CEO, Hubert Burda Media
Paul Bernhard Kallen is the Chief Executive Officer of Hubert Burda Media, active in German
and international publishing, digital media, printing, and direct marketing,with annual sales of
2.17 billion euros. He has been key to the company’s expansion into Turkey, Asia and France.
Kallen holds a PhD in economics and started his career in the Otto Wolff Group and as a
partner at the McKinsey & Co consulting firm.
David Karp, Founder & CEO, Tumblr (@davidkarp)
Tapping into people’s desire to share the things they love and embrace digital artistry, David
Karp created Tumblr in 2007 with $5.25 million from Union Square Ventures, Spark Capital and
Betaworks. Since then, more than 40 million blogs have been created with the service, and
today Tumblr offers an on-demand alternative to a whole generation of artistically oriented
users, who use the platform to create and share a new breed of stunningly progressive content.
Andrew Keen, Author of “Digital Vertigo: An Anti-Social Manifesto,” coming in 2012
The Anglo-American entrepreneur, writer, broadcaster and public speaker is widely known for
his international hit Cult of the Amateur: How the Internet is Killing Our Culture. In his new book
about social media’s impact on our lives, Digital Vertigo: An Anti-Social Manifesto, Keen argues
that the social media revolution is in fact dividing, weakening and disorienting us, rather than
creating a new egalitarian and communal age. In the paradox of our times, Keen claims we in
fact grow lonelier the more connected we become.
Kosmas-Keller, Daniel Keller (@DnlKlr) and Nik Kosmas, Artists, AIDS 3D
Aids 3D is an artistic collective formed by American artists Daniel Keller and Nik Kosmas. The
duo’s works seeks to represent the seemingly endless amount of information, noise and
processed images that float in the contemporary digitalized world. Based in Berlin, the
collective uses sculpture, photography, light, installation and mp3s to breathe life into their offand online works.
David Kirkpatrick, Founder, Host & CEO, Techonomy (@DavidKirkpatric)
David Kirkpatrick is the author of The Facebook Effect: The Inside Story of the Company That
is Connecting the World, published in 2010. Considered one of the world’s most well-known
technology journalists, Kirkpatrick is the tech columnist for the Daily Beast, writes for Fortune
and most recently, Vanity Fair. He created Fortune's Brainstorm conference series, and a
conference at Lake Tahoe called Techonomy about the importance of technological innovation
for all human activity.
DLD Conference 2012
Andrian Kreye (Moderator), Editor, Süddeutsche Zeitung (@akreye)
Editor of the Feuilleton of Süddeutsche Zeitung since 2007, Andrian Kreye is also an author
and producer. Part of the founding team of Tempo magazine in 1986, he has published four
books about America, as well producing numerous TV documentaries. From 1988 to 2006 he
worked as a correspondent for Süddeutsche Zeitung, Frankfurter Allgemeine Magazin and
Tempo in New York. He has also worked in Latin America, Africa, Asia and the Middle East.
Barbara Kux, MMB, CSO & SCM, Siemens AG
Barbara Kux is a Member of the Managing Board of Siemens AG, as well as the company’s
head of the Supply Chain Management and Chief Sustainability Officer, having taken over the
marketing of the cross-sector environmental portfolio. Kux ranked number four in Fortune’s 50
Most Powerful Women in Business in the Global category in 2011. She is involved in
developing strategies for sustainable business and a proponent of recognizing the
opportunities in innovative green solutions in a number of industries and areas.
Marit Larsen, Singer & Songwriter
Marit Larsen is a Norwegian singer/songwriter, regarded as one of the European music scene’s
shooting stars. From a musical background, Larson was part of the M2M group before going
solo to work on her own projects more recently. In 2011, she released her critically acclaimed
new album Spark, which she wrote during a stay in New York City. She will be spending most
of 2012 on tour, visiting Germany, Denmark, Austria, the USA and her native Norway along her
Michael Lazerow, Chairman & CEO, Buddy Media (@lazerow)
Michael Lazerow is the Chairman and CEO of New York-based Buddy Media, the creator of a
Facebook management system, the Buddy Media Platform, that is now used by a host of
global advertisers. In September 2011, the company announced that it received $54 million in
D-Series funding for company growth, with investments from GGV Capital, Institutional Venture
Partners and Bay Partners, as well as new investor Insight Venture Partner. In the past year,
Buddy Media won the prestigious "Best Enterprise" TechCrunch "Crunchie" award, was named
on the Advertising Age "2011 Digital A-List" and Michael Lazerow was selected as 2011 “New
York Entrepreneur of the Year” by Ernst & Young. Lazerow has also co-founded other Internet
start-ups like Golf.com and the student-run newspaper network University Wire, which is now
owned by CBS.
Jim Lanzone, President, CBS Interactive (@jlanzone)
Before becoming President of CBS Interactive, the CBS Corporation's online content network
for information and entertainment, Jim Lanzone was CEO of Clicker, a leading Internet
television guide for Internet programming. From 2001 to 2008, Lanzone held various executive
roles at Ask.com (formerly Ask Jeeves), and was one of the executives responsible for
establishing Ask.com as an innovation leader. Jim Lanzone also raised $8 million to develop
Clicker as an entrepreneur-in-residence at Redpoint Ventures.
Oliver Laric, Artist, Co-Founder, VVORK art blog
Berlin-based artist Oliver Laric takes iconoclasm as a subject of his artwork, since the Internet
copies, samples and remixes images, and makes the original a “version of itself”. His works
centers on notions of historical image hierarchy and shows how copying an expression, object
or image renders the notions of original and copy irrelevant rather than simply turning them into
“versions”. He is a co-founder of VVORK, a widely recognized art blog that acts as an
exhibition space and a place to organize art events.
DLD Conference 2012
Tan Le, Co-Founder & President, Emotiv Lifesciences (@TanTTLe)
A Vietnamese refugee in Australia, Tan Le co-founded the wireless technology company
SASme International in 2000 which has grown to become a leading provider in Australia.
Today she presides over Emotiv Lifesciences, an electronics firm that develops brain-computer
interfaces based on electroencephalography technology (EEG). EEG is a method of measuring
brainwave activity used in neuroscience, cognitive science, cognitive psychology, and psychophysiological research.
Jure Leskovec, Assistant Professors, Stanford University InfoLab & Artificial
Intelligence Lab (@jure)
Jure Leskovec is a promising data expert and member of Stanford University’s InfoLab and
Artificial Intelligence Lab. The AI Lab seeks to develop the next generations in theory,
algorithms, and systems that will help us attach meaning to bits and bytes. The lab has
contributed to fields as diverse as bio-informatics, cognition, computational geometry, computer
vision, decision theory, game theory, image processing, information retrieval, knowledge
systems, logic, machine learning, neural networks, and robotics.
Jenn Lim, CEO & Chief Happiness Officer, Delivering Happiness (@JennLim)
The CEO and Chief Happiness Officer of the Delivering Happiness social venture co-founded
the company in 2010 with Tony Hsieh (CEO of Zappos) to inspire happiness in work and
community every day. Her mission is to “inspire, be inspired, and create happiness,” which has
developed into a movement. In 2005, she started Zappos’ Culture Book, now a global symbol
for successful and happiness based companies. In 2009 Zappos was sold to Amazon in a deal
valued at $1.2 billion. In 2010, Lim led the launch and management of Hsieh’s first book,
Delivering Happiness, an international bestseller.
Alexander Ljung, Co-Founder, SoundCloud (@alexanderljung)
Alexander Ljung describes himself as a creative entrepreneur with love for and interest in
music, technology, media, arts, research and traveling. In 2008, he helped starting
SoundCloud, the world’s leading social sound platform which allows collaboration, promotion
and distribution of audio recordings. Today, SoundCloud has more than five million registered
users. The company initially received more than $10 million in funding from among others
Union Square Ventures, Index Ventures and Guy Oseary’s A-Grade Fund. In January 2012,
Techcrunch reported that Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers had led a new fundraising round,
raising around $50 million and giving the company a $200 million pre-money evaluation. Born
in the UK, raised in Sweden and now living in Berlin, Ljung is also an author, business advisor,
public speaker and hobby hacker.
Felix Marquardt (Moderator), Atlantic Dinners, International Herald Tribune (@Feleaks)
The Founder and CEO of Marquardt & Marquardt as well as the founder of the Atlantic
Dinners, acted as Director of Communications of the International Herald Tribune from 2004 to
2006. Here, he oversaw communication strategy development and implementation for the
Paris-based international daily newspaper. Previously, he was speechwriter and media
relations consultant for the CEO’s of Vivendi Universal Publishing and L’Oréal.
Andrew Mason, Founder & CEO, Groupon (@andrewmason)
Coming fresh off is company’s recent IPO, Groupon founder and CEO Andrew Mason will
know what it feels like to have created one of the biggest successes in Internet history.
Groupon’s recipe has been copied by hundreds of other websites since its creation just four
years ago, and Mason created headlines in December 2010, when it was reported that he had
turned down an acquisition offer from Google worth $6 billon. Orginally a Northwestern
University graduate in music, Mason also worked with Chicago-based entrepreneur Eric
Lefkofsky before going solo and starting Groupon in 2008.
DLD Conference 2012
Hilary Mason, Chief Scientist, bitly & Co-Founder, HackNY (@hmason)
The Chief Scientist at bit.ly finds in vast data sets. In her role as Chief Scientist at bit.ly, Mason
is an expert on digital growth, and has helped people rediscover how to track and share
content online. She is also the co-founder of HackNY, a non-profit organization that connects
talented student hackers from around the globe in an attempt to bring digital creativity to the
NYC mega-metropol. More recently, she also became a member of New York Mayor Michael
R. Bloomberg’s newly created Council on Technology and Innovation.
Jürgen Mayer, Architect
In 1996, Jürgen Mayer founded the J. MAYER H Architects’ studio in Berlin which focuses on
works at the intersection of architecture, communication and new technology. His work has
been published and exhibited worldwide and has won numerous international awards.
Additionally, he has taught at Princeton, Columbia and Harvard University, among others.
Mayer has been called Germany’s first “starchitect” since Walter Gropius and Mies van der
Oliver Medvedik, Co-Founder, Genspace & Bioworks Institute
Writers, engineers, artists and biologists work together at Genspace, a New York grass-root
biotechnology incubator co-founded by Oliver Medvedik to improve teaching and innovation in
the field. Genspace acts as a garage lab designed to make biotechnology more accessible to
the public. Medvedik earned his PhD from Harvard Medical School in the Biomedical and
Biological Sciences program and has worked as a biotechnology consultant for biotechnology
Josette Melchor, Executive Director & Co-Founder, GAFFTA (@JosetteMelchor)
At only 19, Melchor started her first gallery and studio program by self-funding projects through
her work in the tech industry. Since then, she worked as a curator with notable designers and
prestigious interdisciplinary research centers such as the MiT SENSEable City Lab and has
given speeches at events such as PICNIC and TEDx Silicon Valley. She is currently the
Executive Director and Co-Founder of Gray Area Foundation For The Arts (GAFFTA), a
program working with data artists and cities to increase appreciation for and participation in
digital arts and culture.
Heidi Messer, Co-Founder, Chairwoman, Collective[i]
Heidi Messer is the Co-Founder and Chairwoman of Collective[i] (Cross Commerce Media), a
cloud-based analytics platform that unifies a company’s marketing data from disparate sources
so that marketers can access and analyze data in real time and in a single place. She also is
the CEO of World Evolved, which she is currently building alongside her brother, Stephen.
Prior to this, Messer was the Founder of LinkShare, which was sold for $425 to Japanese
shopping portal Rakuten in 2005. Today Messer is acknowledged as a revolutionary force in
the field of e-commerce and works as a sought-after advisor for some of the major players in
the industry.
Matt Michelsen, CEO & Co-Founder, Backplane (@mattmichelsen)
Matthew Michelsen worked as a hedge fund manager before befriending rapper 50 Cent who
introduced him to Lady Gaga’s manager Troy Carter. He became Gaga’s social media guru in
2010 and co-launched The Backplane, a platform providing online communities with tools to
socialize. Together, they started the web’s largest and most hardcore fan community, with 46
million Facebook fans and 18 million Twitter followers – Gaga’s very own “Little Monsters.”
DLD Conference 2012
Hiroshi Mikitani, Chairman, CEO & Founder, Rakuten (@hiroshimikitani)
Born in Kobe, Japan, Hiroshi Mikitani is Chairman and CEO of Rakuten, one of the world’s top
three e-commerce companies by revenue. Unique among Japanese CEO’s, Mikitani has been
called a leader of an emerging “New Japan.” As founder, Mikitani created Rakuten’s
“Omotenashi” (Japanese service mindset) approach to business, which has empowered over
38,000 merchants of all sizes in a huge online marketplace that offers its 73 million members ecommerce, travel, banking, securities, e-money and more, all connected to a powerful loyalty
program. In 2008 Mikitani began to take his unique B2B2C model global.
Jonathan Miller, Chairman, Chief Executive Officer & Chief Digital Officer of Digital
Media Group at News Corp.
Jonathan Miller serves as the Chairman and CEO of Digital Media Group at News Corp and has
been its Chief Digital Officer since April 2009. Before joining News Corp, Miller was the Chairman
and CEO of AOL Time Warner’s America Online. He is also the founder of Velocity Interactive
Group, a leading investment firm that focuses on digital media and communications along with his
business associate Ross Levinsohn and with support from Asian billionaire Keyur Patel. Under
his rule at News Corp, the company has launched the world’s first iPad-only newspaper, The
Daily. During Miller’s tenure, News Corp has also launched cross-platform media successes like
the hit series Glee that have come characterize the dawn of a new digital media reality.
Paul Miller aka DJ Spooky, Artist, Writer & Musician (@djspooky)
The New York-based conceptual artist, writer and musician has written pieces for The Village
Voice, Artforum, and Paper Magazines, produced world-renowned music and participated in
poster projects aimed at raising awareness about global warming. A modern renaissance artist
and a gifted performer, Miller’s message is that of social and environmental awareness. In
2007, he traveled to Antarctica for the production of his large-scale multimedia performance
piece The Antarctic Suite, a unique take on the tale of a rapidly changing continent.
Matt Mills, Head of Innovation and Strategic Partnerships, Aurasma (Autonomy/HP)
Matt Mills heads the Innovation and Strategic Partnership of Aurasma, the world’s first visual
browser developed by the software company Autonomy (HP), for smartphones and tablets. By
using advanced image and pattern recognition to recognize and understand real-world images
and objects, this free browser presents a new augmented-reality technology that merges the
physical world with the virtual. Since its launch in June 2011, Aurasma has had more than 3
million downloads. Prior to working on Aurasma, Mills held the position of Senior VP for
Autonomy’s Optimization platform for Europe. He holds a degree in Computer Science from the
University of Durham.
Pedro Miranda, Corporate Vice President & Head of Corporate Development,
SiemensOne, Siemens AG
Since 2009 Pedro Miranda is the Corporate Vice President and Head of Corporate Development,
SiemensOne, and is engaged in the research and proliferation of sustainable cities. Through his
work at Siemens, Miranda has among other things worked to develop the “German Green City
Index”, a research project conducted by the Economist Intelligence Unit sponsored by Siemens.
By forming strategic partnerships like these, Siemens has become an important player in the
debate of how to manage, understand and build tomorrow’s sustainable cities.
Jon Nash, Artist
Born in 1986, London-based Jon Nash studied at The Arts Institute at Bournemouth from 2006
to 2007 followed by London Collage of Communication from 2007 to 2010. In 2008 he curated
the exhibition Turning Around in a Circle at Coleman Road in South East London. His work has
featured in group shows including Between The Eyes at Coleman Road, Practice at Southwark
Art Space and Television at French Riviera. His recent solo show at French Riviera titled You
know you're not the first included sculpture, painting and photography. Nash's work has been
published in the Financial Times, iD magazine and the Sunday Times among others. His work
will be included in the 4th Marrakech Biennial.
DLD Conference 2012
Sebastian Nerz, Federal Chairman, Piratenpartei (German Pirate Party)
Born in 1983, Sebastian Nerz studied bio-informatics at the University of Tübingen. A member
of the center-right CDU party since 2001, he officially left the CDU in 2009 to join the Pirate
Party. Rapidly gaining more responsibilities within the party, he became the Federal Chairman
of the Pirate Party in May 2011. He focuses his interest on questions of citizenship and data
protection as the Internet increasingly defines itself as a societal driver. He is also concerned
with issues like health politics and the social implication of new technologies, as well as the
environment and genetic engineering.
Hans Ulrich Obrist (Moderator), Co-Director of Exhibitions and Programmes & Director
of International Projects, Serpentine Gallery
Art Review Magazine named Hans Ulrich Obrist the number-one most influential person in the
art world for decades, Obrist has authored analytical commentaries on contemporary art while
simultaneously redefining its presentation at renowned institutions such as the Musée d'Art
Moderne de la Ville de Paris. Recipient in March 2011 of the Bard College Award for Curatorial
Excellence, the Swiss Co-Director of the Serpentine Gallery in London has worked with and
interviewed famous artists like Ai Weiwei. In the past few years he has released two 1,000page volumes of his collected conversations with the most talented artists, architects,
scientists, engineers and thinkers living today. Obrist also takes a special interest in “Light of
Africa”, a dialogue about sustainable development and ecopreneurship in Africa initiated by
access to electric energy.
Stefan Olander, Vice President of Digital Sport, Nike
A native Swede, Stefan Olander joined Nike as the Advertising Manager for Nike Nordics in
1996. Today, after holding numerous key marketing positions within Nike, Olander is the Vice
President of Digital Sport for the company. Blending his passion for the digital world with
traditional communication skills, Olander has led many of Nike’s most innovative initiatives like
Nike+, creating a worldwide community of Nike consumers. Olander is also behind some of
Nike’s most iconic viral video ads featuring, among others, Brazilian footballer Ronaldinho.
Yoko Ono, Multi-Media Artist, Musician & Peace Activist (@yokoono)
Yoko Ono is a multi-media artist who constantly disrupts the traditional boundaries of sculpture,
painting, theatre and music. Her groundbreaking conceptual and performance pieces in the late
1950’s and early 1960’s, experimental films, solo music, and music created in association with
John Cage and Ornette Coleman, among others, and then a remarkable collaboration with
John Lennon from the time they met until his death, as well as international one-woman shows
and retrospectives during the 1980’s and 1990’s, all illustrate her varied career. A performer
and artist always on the move, Ono’s latest work shows that she is also embracing an artinspired digital future.
Ian Osborne, investor, Osborne & Partners
Ian Osborne advises political and business leaders on international affairs, and on all aspects
of their reputation. The advisory firm which he founded, Osborne & Partners, acts for a
selected group of governments and corporations across the world. The firm’s clients include
some of the world’s most admired leaders and philanthropists. He is also Managing Director at
DST, the global Internet investment firm (e.g. investments in Facebook, Twitter, Groupon), and
a client of Osborne & Partners. Osborne is a Contributing Editor of The Spectator and GQ, and
writes occasional columns for several newspapers. He is an Ambassador for Team 2012, the
British effort for the London Olympics.
DLD Conference 2012
Alemsah Öztürk, Founder & Chief Happiness Officer, 41?29! (@alemsah)
Alemsah Öztürk is the Founder and Chief Happiness Officer of 41?29!, a creative digital
marketing agency in Turkey, launched in 2007. 41?29! specializes in hyper-creative, interactive
advertising campaigns that uses advergames, viral videos and social media, all with cutting
edge design and high levels of interactivity. The company's name originates from Istanbul's
global coordinates at 41°N and 29°E. 41? 29! has won more that 70+ awards in 5 years with
innovative projects. Öztürk says on Linkedin that his experiences as “a gamer and a dreamer”
has helped him build what is today an example of how digital marketing can reach out to clients
and consumers through unconventional channels.
Felix Petersen, Co-Founder & CEO, Amen (@fiahless)
Entrepreneur Felix Petersen started the context and location-based service Plazes in 2005
which he sold to Nokia only three years later. Then he operated as Director Product Strategy at
Nokia until he co-founded Amen alongside Twitter’s first engineer Florian Weber in February
2011. Amen allows users to share their opinion and create interactive statements as well as
best and worst lists and publish them online. The company generated significant buzz over the
past year and reportedly received $2 million in investments from the likes of Ashton Kutcher
and Madonna manager Guy Oseary. In November 2011, Amen was nominated for three “The
EUROPAS” Awards, including the prize for “Best Mobile or Apps Start-up”. Living in Berlin,
Petersen is also an active investor and advisor for other European start-ups, like Soundcloud.
Chris Poole, Founder 4chan & Canv.as
Better known as “moot”, Christopher Poole is the founder of image-board-turned-Internet-darklair 4chan and a passionate proponent of a better understanding of online identities. “Online
identities are dependent on context, and having the possibility to define ourselves in a variety
of ways is important as an integral part of the modern human condition”, Poole argues. Voted
the world's most influential person of 2008 by an open Internet poll conducted by Time
Magazine - with results allegedly being rigged by 4chan users - “moot” launched a new social
image board, Canv.as, for the game in January 2011.
Jessica Powell, CMO, Badoo
Jessica Powell is the Chief Marketing Officer of Badoo, a social dating website launched in
2006 that gather 130 million subscribers in over 180 countries generating 7 billion page views
per month. Badoo’s recipe for success is aligned with a unique ability to nurture the social,
creating a space for meeting and sharing experiences with new and exciting people. Although
the site has embraced micro payments and premium subscription models, the core of the
service remains free. Badoo, according to Powell, is the closest thing to the experience of
meeting people in real life.
Lakshmi Pratury, Founder, Host & Curator, The INK Conference
Named as one of the 100 Most Powerful Women by Forbes Asia in 2010, Pratury is one of the
most successful and influential Indian women of her generation. After working for Intel for more
than a decade as an evangelist and marketer, Pratury began focusing her efforts on social
entrepreneurship and the ideas of spiritual business, and founded the INK Conference. Taking
place once a year, INK focuses particularly on inspiring youth in emerging economies and
furthering artistic and creative-innovative thinking on a global scale.
Nicolas Princen, Advisor for New Media and Information Technology at the office of
President Nicolas Sarkozy (@NicoPrincen)
A graduate from France’s best “Grandes Ecoles”, Nicolas Princen has been French President
Nicolas Sarkozy’s the advisor for New Media and Information Technology since 2008, when he
joined the presidential staff at age 24. His responsibilities range from New Media (leading the
team in charge of digital communication at the Elysée), to Internet policy, setting President
Sarkozy’s digital agenda. In 2011, he organized the e-G8 Forum in Paris, putting together the
first high-level meeting between the G8 heads of state and the leaders of the tech community.
DLD Conference 2012
Hosain Rahman, CEO & Founder, Jawbone (@hossrahman)
Hosain Rahman is the producer of award-winning mobile headsets, speakers and the UP
personal health device, which can track users' exercise and sleeping patterns. More recently,
Jawbone has also enjoyed tremendous success with its wireless JAMBOX SmartSpeaker,
which can be synchronized with Jawbone’s own MyTALK online platform to download apps
and software upgrades and ensure a personalized listening experience. Jawbone raised a total
of $160 million in 2011, with investments coming from private investor Yuri Milner. Jawbone’s
work with personalized data devices like UP and JAMBOX has propelled the company to the
very center of digital lifestyle development, emphasized by the company’s massive success,
iconic products, rapid growth and a valuation of approximately $1.5 billion.
Lisa Randall, Physicist, Harvard University (@lirarandall)
Lisa Randall is a professor of theoretical physics at Havard University and a celebrated author.
In her latest book Knocking on Heaven’s Door: How Physics and Scientific Thinking Illuminate
the Universe and the Modern World, Randall shows how new developments in physics can
reshape our understanding of the modern world, and asks what role humanity’s love of science
and the spiritual plays in this process. Taking her reader on a ride through some of the most
fundamental questions of today, Randall’s ingenious writing is a recipe for inspiration.
JP Rangaswami, Chief Scientist, Salesforce
JP Rangaswami is the Chief Scientist of Salesforce, where he has helped developing the
concept of the Social Enterprise, a set of digital solutions tailored to provide clients with the
necessary social media tools to reach out to their customers and increase productivity. An
advocate of open source and using disruptive technologies to improve information sharing,
education and collaboration, Rangaswami was named for instance “CIO Innovator of the Year”
by the European Technology Forum in 2004, and in 2010 he was ranked 18th in the Wired 100,
a list of the most influential "digital powerbrokers" voted by Wired Magazine.
Osman Rashid, Co-Founder & CEO, Kno (@osmanrashid)
Osman Rashid is an entrepreneur and the Co-Founder and CEO of Kno, a multi-platform
application that makes learning engaging, effective and social for students. Aimed at redefining
how students use technology like tablet computers in their daily work, Kno was founded in
2009 with investment coming from Andreessen Horowitz, among others. The company has
since licensed its hardware design to Intel, and is now operating out of its main office in Santa
Clara, California.
Carlo Ratti, Founder and Director, MIT SENSEable City Lab
Coming from a long academic career in engineering and architecture, the Italian Carlo Ratti
established the MIT SENSEable City Lab in 2004, dedicated to the increasing deployment of
sensors and hand-held electronics in built environments and cities. Through the work in the lab,
Ratti and his colleagues are studying these developments and the changes they bring to our
understanding of cities. That is what he describes as "augmented architecture". He was
included in Esquire's list of "Best and Brightest" and the SENSEable Lab in 2010 received the
World Technology Award in the Environment-Corporate category.
Mark Read, Director of Strategy, Member of the Board, WPP & CEO, WPP Digital
Mark Read is WPP’s Director of Strategy and Member of the Board, as well as CEO of WPP
Digital. His responsibilities include strengthening the Group's digital and technology capabilities.
WPP Digital encompasses an agency group, among others Quasar, as well as technology
companies like 24/7 Real Media. In addition, WPP Digital holds the Group's investments in
leading technology companies as for instance Buddy Media. Read has a background as Principal
at the consultancy firm of Booz-Allen & Hamilton where he worked in the media and marketing
areas for clients such as the BBC. He has a degree in Economics from Trinity College,
Cambridge University, was a Henry Fellow at Harvard University and has an MBA from INSEAD.
DLD Conference 2012
Viviane Reding, Vice-President of the European Commission, responsible for Justice,
Fundamental Rights and Citizenship (@VivianeRedingEU)
The incumbent Vice-President of the European Commission, responsible for Justice,
Fundamental Rights and Citizenship, made headlines when she spoke in favor of a measure that
would grant EU citizens the right to see personal online data erased at the citizen’s request.
Reding, a former journalist, was a member of the European Parliament between 1989 and 1999,
followed by a membership of the EU Commission starting in 1999 in the Education and Culture
office. After 2004, Reding served within the Information Society and Media section until 2010.
Marcel Reichart, DLD Co-Founder & Director (@MarcelReichart)
Marcel Reichart is Co-Founder of DLD and Managing Director of DLD Media & Ventures.
At Burda, he previously managed Burda’s corporate R&D, Marketing and Communications
activities and was staff chief of Dr. Hubert Burda. After studying economic sciences and history
at WHU and abroad, he earned a doctorate and acted as personal advisor to former German
Federal Minister of Economy Otto Graf Lambsdorff as well as worked with Bertelsmann’s digital
initiatives. He was named a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum and is a
Board Member of Glam Media.
Spencer Reiss (Moderator), Contributing Editor, Wired Magazine
Spencer Reiss writes about new media, alternative energy and commercial space travel for
San Francisco-based Wired Magazine. He also directed the program for the annual Monaco
Media Forum, as well for the Abu Dhabi Media Summit in March 2010. As a former Newsweek
correspondent in Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Latin America, he believes that technology
of all kinds is the planet's best hope for a brighter future. He is a graduate of Dartmouth
College and Columbia University.
Frank Rosenberger, Director Global Products and Services & Director of Group
Technology Products and Services, Vodafone
Frank Rosenberger is Director Global Products and Services at Vodafone, as well as Director
of Group Technology Products and Services at Vodafone Group, the world's largest mobile
telecommunications company measured by revenues. After graduating from the Technical
University of Darmstadt and the University of Helsinki with a degree in industrial engineering,
Frank Rosenberger first joined Mannesmann Mobilfunk in 1994, becoming Director Customer
Strategy at Vodafone Global Products and Services in 2001. Rosenberger played a key role in
the launch of the text messaging service and the "CallYa" tariff for prepaid customers. He also
managed the company-wide introduction of the Vodafone live! multimedia portal.
Alec Ross, Senior Advisor for Innovation to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
In 2006, Alec Ross joined U.S. President Obama’s presidential campaign and was in charge of
coordinating policy advisers like Eric Schmidt and Lawrence Lessig. Later he joined the state
department as Senior Adviser for Information to Hillary Clinton. Before that, Ross co-founded
the nonprofit organization One Economy which uses innovative approaches to deliver the
power of technology to people in low income brackets. Starting his career as a sixth grade
teacher, Ross was named one of “40 leaders under 40” in International Development, and
Huffington Post. He had also been in their list of “2010 Game Changers”. Foreign Policy also
named him a “Top Global Thinker” in 2011.
Renzo Rosso, Founder, Diesel (@Renzorosso)
Renzo Rosso is the founder of Diesel, one of the world’s leading and most popular fashion
brands. Under Rosso’s leadership, Diesel has consistantly sought out new creative strategies for
marketing and branding. In his 2011 book Be Stupid: For Successfu Living, Rosso discusses the
philosophy of his provocative Be Stupid campaign. Rosso is also the founder of Only the Brave.
This group for brands like Maison Martin Margiela, Viktor & Rolf and Staff International, which
manufactures and distributes DSquared2, Just Cavalli, Vivienne Westwood, and Marc Jacobs
Menswear. He is the founder of the not-for-profit organization Only The Brave Foundation and the
President of the Red Circle investment group as well as presiding over the Pelican Hotel in Miami
and his local professional football club, Bassano Virtus 55.
DLD Conference 2012
David Rowan (Moderator), Editor, Wired (@iRowan)
David Rowan currently works as Editor of the UK edition of Wired Magazine and writes the
monthly Digital Life column for GQ Magazine as well as the Tech Traveler column in Condé
Nast Traveller. He has also been involved in editing The Guardian´s website, has made TV
movies for Channel 4 and written for the Sunday Times Magazine and The Observer, where he
wrote weekly tech and trend-watch columns. Recently, he edited The Jewish Chronicle and
had speaker engagements on diverse topics, including TV and radio appearances for BBC and
Channel 4, Radio 4´s The Today Programme and The Media Show.
Rafaël Rozendaal, Internet Artist (@newrafael)
Born in 1980 and holding Dutch and Brazilian citizenship, Rozendaal has made a habit of living
and working all around the globe. For more than a decade, this visual artist has used the
Internet as his canvas. His artistic practice consists of websites, installations, drawings and
writing. Spread out over a vast network of domain names, he attracts a large online audience
of over 15 million unique visits per year. His initiative BYOB (Bring Your Own Beamer) is an
open-source DIY curatorial format using projectors that is spreading across the world.
David Sable, CEO, Young & Rubicam (@DavidSable)
David Sable is the CEO of the marketing and communications company Young & Rubicam.
One of the world’s leading advertising and brand identity agencies, Y&R is constantly on the
forefront of trends and developments, and has successfully integrated social media and digital
experiences into its ever-expanding portfolio. Always proudly looking for ways to swim against
the current, Sable has made creating compelling marketing into an art form. In January 2012,
Sable was called on to act as a jugde for the Facebook Studio Awards to act as a judge and to
help point out the best use of creativity and marketing on Facebook.
Sidar Sahin, Co-Founder & CEO, Peak Games (@s_sahin)
Sidar Sahin is the Co-Founder and CEO of Peak Games, one of the world’s fastest-growing
emerging markets social gaming companies for emerging markets. Peak Games focuses on
providing culturally relevant games in emerging markets, mainly Turkey & MENA, and has over
15 million active users. In 2011, the company raised $11.5 million to further pursue its
strategies, which evolve around targeting local markets while paying attention to cultural
diversity. As such, the company is as such a reflection of the fast-rising growth of social gaming
platforms like Facebook in Turkey and other countries.
Sheryl Sandberg, COO, Facebook (@sherylsandberg)
Sheryl Sandberg is Chief Operating Officer at Facebook. The world’s largest social network is
at the center of rumors of a possible IPO, rolling out several new features, and questions about
digital policy, which affects more than 800 million active users all over the world. Prior to
Facebook, Sandberg was Vice President of Global Online Sales and Operations at Google,
and was also involved in launching Google's philanthropic arm Google.org. Prior to Google,
Sandberg served as Chief of Staff for the U.S. Department of the Treasury, and she worked as
a research assistant for Havard University Professor Larry Summers at the World Bank. In
2011, she was ranked fifth on "The World's 100 Most Powerful Women" by Forbes and she has
been named one of the "25 Most Influential People on the Web" by Business Week.
Dimitar Sasselov, Professor of Astronomy, founding director, Origins of Life Initiative Harvard University
Sasselov is a space explorer, pushing forward the new frontier. Recently, the Harvard
astronomy professor and his team discovered several Earth-like planets orbiting other stars, a
discovery made possible thanks to new technology and the cooperation of NASA. In his new
book The Life of Super-Earths: How the Hunt For Alien Worlds and Artificial Cells Will
Revolutionize Life on Our Planet, Sasselov shows that the answer to questions about life in the
universe can be found both on faraway planets and in our own labs right here on earth.
DLD Conference 2012
Naguib Sawiris, Executive Chairman, Orascom Telecom Holding (OTH), Executive
Chairman, Wind Telecom & Founder, Free Egyptians Party (@NaguibSawiris)
Naguib Sawiris is an Egyptian businessman and politician. Sawiris played a leading role in
establishing the dominant Orascom Group’s railway, information technology and
telecommunications sectors, including the first mobile operator in Egypt, Mobinil, in 1998. He is
also the Founder of Weather Investments, which later became Wind Telecom. In April 2011,
VimpelCom Ltd., Russia’s second-largest mobile phone operator, and Sawiris merged their
phone assets in a transaction valued at about US$6.6 billion. In 2011, Sawiris turned to politics;
among other things, he was instrumental in the Egyptian Revolution, where he worked as a
financer and as a mediating figure between Hosni Mubarak’s people and the protesters.
Sawiris is also the founder of the Free Egyptians Party.
Jennifer Schenker (Moderator), Journalist & Informilo founder (@jennschenker)
Jennifer L. Schenker left her most recent job as European technology correspondent for
BusinessWeek in January 2009 to create Informilo, a digital magazine about the global tech
industry accompanied by content publications for events such as DLD in 2012. A journalist for
30 years prior to her move, she worked for daily newspapers in the U.S. and covered the
technology sector in Europe starting in 1985. She is a also former technology writer for the
International Herald Tribune.
Jean-Paul Schmetz, Founder, Cliqz (@jpschmetz)
Jean Paul Schmetz is the man behind Cliqz, a service that delivers dynamic and relevant news
content to users by analyzing networks of connected people. Through scanning networks from
other social networks like Twitter, the app constantly finds new sources. Schmetz was the CTO
and CEO of Burda Digital for seven years, and helped create more than 20 successful digital
companies worldwide. Today, Schmetz is an advisor to the management of Hubert Burda
Media, a board member of XING, as well as he is the director of Hackfwd, an exclusive preseed investment company based in Hamburg.
Holger Schmidt, Web Economist, FOCUS Magazine (@HolgerSchmidt)
Before joining FOCUS Magazine in January 2012, Holger Schmidt wrote for Netzwirtschaft in
the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ). An Internet and social media expert, Schmidt
analyzes and writes about online trends in an economic light, such as online advertising, the
environment and e-commerce. He is a web economist and analyst, and has a PhD in
Environmental Economics. He is also the founder of Twitter directory Tweetranking.com.
Michael Schneider, CEO, Mobile Roadie (@msfd)
Michael Schneider established himself as an entrepreneur at only 15 when he started one of
the first websites to sell new and used video games. Several years and several projects later,
Michael founded Mobile Roadie in 2009 with investment from Mike Jones, Ashton Kutcher and
Guy Oseary, among others. Mobile Roadie is a platform that allows anyone to quickly, easily,
and inexpensively build and manage a mobile app that seamlessly integrates communication
between web and social platforms like Twitter. Customers include Warner Music, the World
Economic Forum, Madonna, and Harvard University. Among the company’s many partners are
Ustream, Soundcloud and Livestream. In 2011, Mobile Roadie was named one of
Entrepreneur’s 100 Brilliant Companies, representing the category of Mobile.
Joe Schoendorf, Accel Partners
Joe Schoendorf has been with Accel Partners for more than 20 years, and has been active
high-tech industries for more than 45 year as a veteran of Silicon Valley. He has held various
technology and marketing-related positions, including VP of marketing at Apple. Today, he is
concerned with how globalization accelerates radical changes in our lives to an extent we may
not fully understand. He is a seasoned keynote speaker and is known for his illustrious take on
the digital future and its implications for all of mankind.
DLD Conference 2012
René Schuster, CEO, Telefónica Germany
René Schuster, born 1961 in New York, has been the CEO of Telefónica Germany since June
2009. He has several years of experience in the telecommunications and IT sector, and comes
from a background in development engineering and consultancy. As CEO of one of the largest
telecommunications companies in Germany, Schuster is facing immense challenges as he and
Telefónica work on bringing new solutions to millions of clients across the nation. In January
2012, Telefónica announced a new long-term agreement with Deutsche Telekom to deliver
faster, more cost-efficient mobile data to clients.
Darshan Shankar, Co-Founder, Flotype (@DShankar)
Darshan Shankar is the Co-Founder of Flotype, a service that builds real-time web
applications. Coming out of the Y Combinator incubator project, however, Flototype started out
in a completely different ballgame. Originally thought to be a clothes shopping project for the
iPad, Shankar and his team made a decision to shift and focus their energy on building a
complex and advanced suite of enterprise technologies. Recenty, the company raised $1.4
million, with investments coming from Andreessen Horowitz and Yuri Milner, among others.
Hans-Peter Siebenhaar (Moderator), Business Editor, Handelsblatt
Hans-Peter Siebenhaar is a German journalist and author. Since 2000 he works as business
editor of the daily newspaper Handelsblatt within the companies and markets department.
Siebenhaar is primarily specialized in media and telecommunication. He has a background in
political science, theater studies, communication and sociology, studying in Erlangen
(Germany), Kalamazoo (USA) and Madrid (Spain). During his studies, he worked as a
freelancer for Bayerischer Rundfunk and volunteered at "Fränkischen Tag" (Bamberg,
Germany). Siebenhaar graduated in "media politics within the European Union" and received a
scholarship from European Parliament in Luxemburg.
Ludwig Siegele (Moderator), Online Business & Finance Editor / Deputy International
Editor, The Economist (@EconoScribe)
Siegele, a German award-winning journalist and author, was one of the digital revolution’s early
observers. Holding degrees in economics, political science and journalism, he started his
career as the Paris business and political correspondent for Die Zeit in 1990 before moving to
California to cover the Internet for several German publications. In 1998, he became The
Economist’s US technology correspondent and later moved to Berlin to serve as a
correspondent. He is now London-based, once again covering developments in the IT industry.
Veit Siegenheim, Managing Director, Strategy Facts
Veit Siegenheim is the founder of Siegenheim & Cie, a consulting and investment firm
specializing in digital media. Through its market intelligence service, StrategyFacts,
Siegenheim & Cie among other things offers analytical insight into the movements and
strategies of the digital marketplace’s four biggest players; Apple, Google, Amazon and
Facebook. Under the motto “Where it’s needed as long as it’s needed”, the company offers
investment advice, preparing its clients for the challenges of today’s digital media markets.
Sebastian Siemiatkowski, Co-Founder & CEO, Klarna (@klarnasebastian)
Sebastian Siemiatkowski is Co-Founder and CEO of Klarna, a Swedish start-up that works to
improve online payment solutions for the e-commerce sector. Operating with investments from
Klaus Hommels, among others, Klarna’s solution allows consumers to pay after they receive
their goods. In 2011, Klarna launched a new service for mobile services that allows for a similar
smooth and hassle-free purchasing process for consumers on the go. Klarna today offers its
services across 14,000 e-stores across Europe. In early 2011, Klarna was listed as one of
Europe’s 100 most promising young tech companies by The Telegraph.
DLD Conference 2012
Jason Silva, Techno-Optimist (@jason_silva)
The 29-year-old techno-optimist is a filmmaker, journalist and media expert from Venezuela
and a firm believer of the importance of design in making technology presentations infectious,
awe-inspiring and visually stunning. According to the Emmy-winning Current TV founding
producer and host, the future is black a blank canvas for us to bring our dreams into being.
Silva has produced material covering a wide range of content and has produced work that has
been hailed as innovative and boldly redefining journalism. Moreover, he was featured as part
of GAP’s worldwide Fall 2008 Icons print campaign.
Rohan Silva, Special Advisor to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne
Ranking 19th in the 2011 Top 100 Most Influential on the Right list by the Telegraph, Rohan
Silva is a Special Advisor to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne. Before that, he
was a Senior Policy Adviser to the UK Prime Minister. Through his work with the UK
government, Silva has been instrumental in driving forward the use of technology, opening up
procurement, using crowdsourcing platforms to develop policy, and releasing government data.
Saul Singer, journalist and author (@saulsinger)
Saul Singer is an American-Israeli journalist, columnist, editor an author. Through his work for
outlets like The Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post, Singer has become an authority
on Israeli innovation and entrepreneurship. He is the co-author of the bestselling book “StartUp Nation: The Story of Israel’s Economic Miracle”, and the former editor of The Jerusalem
Post’s Editorial Page. Singer’s work focuses on Israeli prowess and innovation culture, with a
strong emphasis on the unique Israeli political system and history, among other things.
Kevin Slavin (Moderator), Co-Founder & Managing Director, area/code & Starling, Algoculturalist (@slavin_fpo)
Kevin Slavin is one of the initial drivers behind next-generation gaming and an expert on social
networking and personal data. Slavin serves as an advisor to and investor in several start-ups,
and is an expert on how algorithms increasingly shape not only business, but also our daily
lives. He also investigates the increasing impact of play and game dynamics on business, as
well as on the social and political spheres. His 2011 TED Talk “How algorithms shape our
world” from Edinburgh has become a modern classic and generated more than 1 million views.
Alison Smale (Moderator), Executive Editor, IHT (@asmale_iht)
Alison Smale is the Executive Editor of the International Herald Tribune and is involved in
developing the overall strategy for The New York Times Media Group. She has organized
much of the prize-winning New York Times coverage of the war in Afghanistan and in Iraq, and
has worked as the Associated Press bureau chief for Eastern Europe. She has covered the
historical events in the Balkans and in Russia, and is an expert on the dynamics that shape the
EU’s borderland and outer frontiers.
Rupert Stadler, CEO, Audi AG
Rupert Stadler is the CEO of Audi AG, who started his career at Philips Kommunikation
Industrie before joining Audi in 1990. He soon progressed through the ranks of the company
and became Member of the Board of AUDI AG in 2003. Issues of mobility and technology mark
the future of a classic car company that is facing important global developments. With more
than 1.3 million cars sold in 2011, Audi is growing in a number of new markets, including
Eastern Europe, Africa, the Middle East and especially China.
DLD Conference 2012
Katie Stanton, Head of International Strategy, Twitter (@KatieS)
Ranked 56th on Forbes’ list of Most Powerful Women, Stanton has been the V.P. of
International Strategy at Twitter since July 2010. After one year, she has 70% of tweets come
from outside the US. One fifth of the world leaders are now on the service. Jacobs Stanton
joined the microblogging service from the State Department, where she worked with Secretary
Hillary Clinton and launched Text Haiti, a mobile donation campaign that raised $33 million for
the American Red Cross' aid efforts in the earthquake ravaged island in its first week. She was
the White House's first Director of Citizen Participation.
Robert Stephens (Moderator), CTO, Best Buy (@rstephens)
Robert Stephens is the current Chief Technology Officer of Best Buy and the founder of Geek
Squad, the first national 24-hour service for repairing technical devices. Geek Squad was
started with just $200 in capital, and is now a major technology support company offering
phone, in-store, in-home, and online support. With more than 1,000 stores around the world,
Best Buy remains one of the largest retailers of consumer electronics in the world.
Linda Stone, Journalist, Author (@LindaStone)
Coming from her work as an executive at a number of technology first-movers, Stone today is
widely recognized as a visionary thinker, writer, speaker and consultant focusing on trends and
consumer implications. She coined phrases such as email apnea to describe the impaired
breathing pattern people take on while being in an intense hyper-communicative mode in front
of a screen. She is also concerned with how humans handle today’s vast oceans of information
and data, and she is also a writer for major publications like The New York Times and The
Economist and a current member of the WWF National Council.
Shilo Shiv Suleman, artist, creator of the Khoya app (@shilo1221)
Shilo Shiv Suleman is an Indian illustrator, animator and visual artist based in Bangalore. More
recently, she has also crossed over to the digital domain, where she is working on creating
visual narratives for children on the iPad through the Khoya app. Khoya is a visual interactive
adventure tha combines magical storytelling with touch screen technologies and photography
to create the ultimate digital fairytale experience.
Lucian Tarnowski, CEO, Founder, BraveNewTalent (@LucianT)
The just 28-year-old Lucian Tarnowski is the founder of the career social network
BraveNewTalent, which put a focus on how social networks can help find and recruit the
needed talent for tomorrow’s biggest challenges. Tarnowski’s own talent has long been
acknowledged through several awards and honors, including being Europe’s youngest Young
Global Leader recognized by the World Economic Forum. Tarnowski’s work to put today’s
young talent on the agenda in the fields of media, entrepreneurship and leadership has made
him an in-demand speaker, and earned him a description as one of Britain’s rising business
stars by The Spectator Business.
John Taylor, Bass Guitarist and Co-Founder, Duran Duran (@thisisthereaIJT)
John Taylor is the bass guitarist and co-founder of the pop rock band Duran Duran, which has
enjoyed large successes over the past three decades with hits like Rio, Come Undone and
Ordinary World. The band has sold more than 100 million albums worldwide, and made
progressive use of early music videos and technology. Taylor left to pursue a solo career in
1997, however, in 2001 he agreed to reunite the band and continues to tour and record till this
day. The band released its 13th studio album All You Need is Now in 2010 and has a world
tour coming up in 2012.
DLD Conference 2012
Sebastian Thrun, Uni 2.0 professor, Stanford University (@SebastianThrun)
Sebastian Thrun is a Google VP and Fellow and a Research Professor at Stanford University,
focusing on robotics and artificial intelligence. He brings e-learning to a new level by giving free
online classes to students from all over the world; the curriculum draws on introductory Artificial
Intelligence course. His last course started out with 160,000 students. He is also working with
Google to develop driverless cars which he believes can help save up to one million lives a
year. Fast Company named Thrun the fifth most creative person in business, Fortune
Magazine called him one of the smartest people in tech, and he was named one of the Brilliant
Ten by Popular Science. In 2011, Thrun won the Max Planck Research Award for his cuttingedge work.
Vijay V. Vaitheeswaran (Moderator), The Economist
Vijay Vaitheeswaran is a global correspondent for The Economist, a celebrated author, and
has lectured at Stanford, Yale and Oxford University. He is currently the magazine’s China
Business Editor and will open the Economist’s first Shanghai bureau in 2012. He is also the
author of the bestselling book Power to the People: How the Coming Energy Revolution will
Transform an Industry, Change our Lives, and Maybe Even Save the Planet. In his latest book
Need, Speed and Greed, Vaitheeswaran takes on the a new socio-economic reality, powered
by globalization and technological advances, and asks how we can share the benefits more
equally among society.
Franciscus van Meel, Head of Electromobility Strategy, Audi
As the leader of Audi’s Electromobility Strategy, Franciscus van Meel is in charge of the
company’s e-tron series of electronic and hybrid high-performance cars, launched in 2009. The
series focuses on developing high-end technology cars that are sustainable while delivering
performances that are comparable to that of Audi's regular combustion engine models. In
2012, Audi presented the A1 e-tron, a hybrid vehicle capable of going up to 54 km on a single
charge. The A1 concept car was presented on the Auto Expo 2012 in New Delhi, India, and is
destined to be followed by the unveiling of an e-tron R8 sports car later this year.
Jimmy Wales, Co-Founder, Wikipedia
Jimmy Wales is an Internet entrepreneur widely known for co-founding Wikipedia, the world’s
largest online encyclopedia, in 2001. It has grown since to consist of more than 20 million
articles in 283 languages, written by more than 100,000 regular contributors. According to
Techcrunch, Wikipedia receives more than 2.7 billion page views annually from the U.S. alone.
In 2006 Wales made TIME Magazine’s list of the most influential people in the world, and was
among FORBES’ 25 Web Celebs in 2007. The Economist awarded Wales the Business
Process Award in 2008. In January 2012, Wikipedia was at the forefront of a protest
demonstration against proposed anti-piracy legislation, orchestrating a blackout of the site to
illustrate the effects of the proposed laws.
Yossi Vardi, Co-Chairman, DLD
Joseph (Yossi) Vardi is Co-Chair of DLD. With 40 years’ experience co-founding, leading and
participating in building over 60 high-tech companies, he is one of Israel’s early entrepreneurs.
Yossi co-pioneered instant messaging as the founding investor and the former Chairman of
Mirabilis Ltd., which created ICQ. Yossi Vardi looks back on an extensive government and
public career, including Director General of the Ministry of Energy and Chairman of the
Jerusalem Foundation. Numerous investments that Yossi Vardi co-founded, invested in or
helped to build have gone public, or have been acquired. He now serves on the Advisory Board
of Amdocs and blackberry ventures. Vardi has served on boards of directors and advisory
boards of numerous state and private companies. He has also been an advisor to many CEOs.
He has received many awards, including the Prime Minister of Israel’s Hi-Tech award for life
achievements twice, and was included into the C-E-O’s Entrepreneurs Hall of Fame.
DLD Conference 2012
Martin Varsavsky, CEO & Founder, FON (@martinvars)
Argentinian-born Martín Varsavsky is a renowned entrepreneur, writer and philanthropist. His
resume includes a wide array of businesses and start-ups, including project development,
telecommunications, biotechnology and even fashion. Through his work, he has constantly
been on the forefront of human progress, successfully promoting causes like HIV testing,
education and renewable energy. He is currently the CEO of FON, a global wi-fi sharing
service that allows users to share wifi connections and connect to other members’ networks via
FON’s more than 4 million hotspots around the globe.
Arkady Volozh, Founder & CEO, Yandex
Russian serial entrepreneur Arkady Volozh has a background in computer science, and has
been behind several successful IT enterprises like InfiNet Wireless and CompTek International
ever since he first started working with search engine software in 1989. Today he is the CEO
and Principal Founder of Yandex, which among other things runs the country’s largest search
engine with a 64% market share and 56 million users worldwide. In May 2011, Yandex raised
$1.3 billion in an initial public offering on the NASDAQ. It was the biggest U.S. IPO for a
dotcom since Google Inc. went public in 2004. Among the largest investors were Baring Vostok
Capital Partners and Tiger Global Management.
Maria-Theresia von Seidlein, Founder and Shareholder, S&L Media Group, Mentor for
the HypoVereinsbank’s Women’s Council
Maria Theresia von Seidlein is a founding member, a mentor and a driving force behind the
HypoVereinsbank’s Women’s Council. The council aims to help selected female entrepreneurs
and businesswomen with business start-ups. Under the motto “For Women by Women”, the
council offers professional and socio-political advice through workshops and specially tailored
mentoring programs in order to further the proliferation of individual businesses by motivated
Robin Wauters (Moderator), Writer, Techcrunch (@robinwauters)
Aside from his work as a tech writer and commentator, Wauters is an entrepreneur, event
organizer, occasional board adviser, angel investor and self-proclaimed all-round start-up
champion. Living in Brussels, Belgium, Wauters writes about technology and the online media
industry. In 2007, he started Plugg, a one-day conference in Brussels aimed at raising
awareness for Europe’s most promising web/mobile startups. He is also the organizer of the
OpenCoffee Club Brussels meetups.
Heinrich Wefing, Political Editor, Die Zeit
Heinrich Wefing is a journalist at the politics section of Die Zeit, a German weekly quality
paper. On his profile at Die Zeit he shares that he keeps a “liberal eye on the legal policy”.
Welfing studied law and history of art in Bonn and Fribourg.
Andreas Weigend (Moderator), Social Data Expert (@aweigend)
Andreas Weigend is social data aficionado and an expert in social and mobile technologies.
With a PhD in Physics, Weigend has spent his career working with companies like Lufthansa,
Amazon and JP Morgan, offering insight into how humans create and share data. He is the
initiator of the “Social Data Revolution” concept, in which he discusses how technology
influence consumer behavior, for instance. He is also a consultant, a teacher at Stanford and
Tsinghua universities and a keynote speaker.
DLD Conference 2012
Peter Weijmarshausen, CEO, Shapeways (@weijmarshausen)
Peter Weijmarhausen is the CEO of Shapeways, a company that lets users make their ideas a
reality by using 3D printing. Backed by investments from Union Square Ventures and Index
Ventures, the company is one of the first to bring this groundbreaking technology to the
broader masses. Now users can easily upload and print their own designs using a variety of
different materials. Shapeways also hosts an expanding marketplace community where ideas
are exchanged and realized every day.
Mark Wigley, Dean, Professor of Architecture Columbia University
Mark Wigley is a New Zealand-born architect, academic, author and lecturer at Columbia
University. In 2005, Wigley founded, together with Rem Kolhaas and Ole Boumann, Volume
Magazine, an experimental think tank that aims to explore alternative views on architecture and
design, in the process touching upon notions of progressive journalism and spatial reflexivity.
Wigley is also a driving force behind the Institute of Failure and a former lecturer at Princeton
Sasha Wilkins (Moderator), Liberty London Girl (@LibertyLndnGirl)
Sasha Wilkins is the voice behind Liberty London Girl, an in-demand blog on fashion,
architecture, food and philanthropy. She has also worked as the Executive Style Editor at The
Wall Street Journal, as well as being a social media consultant for major brands like TopShop,
Christian Louboutin and Saatchi & Saatchi. By embracing social media as an engine for
success, Wilkins has created a strong brand with a loyal following. Liberty London Girl is also
part of Vogue.com’s fashion blog hub, as their “pick of the world’s most exciting fashion blogs”.
Stefan Winners (Moderator), CEO, Tomorrow Focus AG
Stefan Winners is the CEO of Tomorrow Focus AG, one of Germany’s fastest growing Internet
media companies, focusing on advertising and platforms. Winners is also a member of several
supervisory boards and is the Chairman of the Board of Administration of HolidayCheck AG
and a member of the Board of Adjug Ltd. Before being appointed as CEO of Tomorrow Focus
AG in 2005, he held various executive management positions for Vogel Business Media and
Nathan Wolfe, Founder & Director, Global Viral Forecasting Initiative (GVFI.org),
Named one of Rolling Stone's "Top 100 Agents of Change" in 2011, among several other
awards and honors collected in his career, Nathan Wolfe is one of the world's leading
virologists. He is currently Director of the Global Viral Forecasting Initiative (GVFI) and the
Lorry I. Lokey Visiting Professor in Human Biology at Stanford University. He has also received
numerous honors for his work as the Founder and Director of the Global Viral Forecasting
Initiative. Wolfe has been a driving force in developing an early warning system for pandemics
and combating AIDS, as well as doing research for almost a decade in Sub-Saharan Africa and
Southeast Asia.
Patrick Wölke (Moderator), Managing Director, Burda Innovation Lab
Patrick Wölke is the Managing Director of the iLab media innovation lab. iLab is Hubert Burda
Media’s own digital think tank and focuses on transforming of magazine experiences to a
digitally influenced media world, among other things. Wölke has a background with AOL, where
he served as Head of Programming and Marketing, overseeing operations in the UK, Germany,
and France. He joined iLab in August 2010.
DLD Conference 2012
Danny Zappin, CEO & Co-Founder, Maker Studios
Together with Lisa and Ben Donovan, Zappin co-founded Maker Studios, a next-generation
media company that bridges the gap between YouTube and TV. He began his career in L.A. in
various TV and film projects. In 2006, he started creating the LisaNova channel, which remains
one of the most followed channels with more than 700,000 subscriptions. In June 2009, Maker
Studios was born to create a new kind of studio, built specifically for YouTube with the goal of
serving the needs of YouTube’s creative content creators and viewers.
Martin Zeil, Bavarian Deputy Prime Minister
Martin Zeil is a Munich-born politician of the liberal Free Democratic Party (FDP) in Germany,
and, as a member of the Bavarian parliament, the Deputy Prime Minister of Horst Seehofer’s
cabinet since October 2008, and the Bavarian Minister of State, responsible for Economy,
Infrastructure, Traffic and Technology. On his website he shares his pride for Bavaria as a
stable and successful location for employment and innovation. He holds a law degree from the
LMU in Munich, and was from 2005 until 2008 a member of the German Bundestag.
Niklas Zennström, CEO & Co-Founder, Atomico
Niklas Zennström is best known for having co-founded Skype and Kazaa. The file-sharing
service Kazaa has become the world's most downloaded Internet software and in September
2011, Skype reached 663 million registered users. In October 2011, Skype completed the sale
of all of its technologies to Microsoft in a deal worth $8.5 billion. Zennström is also the CoFounder of Atomico, a venture capital firm investing in entrepreneurs who are building the next
generation of consumer-facing technology businesses. In 2010, Atomico announced the setting
up of a second $165 million Atomico Ventures fund, and has so far invested in more than 30
businesses such as FON, RDIO, Rovio, Hailo, Technorati and Last.fm.
DLD Conference 2012
Special thanks to our partners for the engagement and support at DLD12
DLD Conference 2012