“CPE-Live” “CPE-Credits durch akkreditierten US-Partner”


“CPE-Live” “CPE-Credits durch akkreditierten US-Partner”
German CPA Society e.V. und
IDW Akademie GmbH
in Kooperation mit BKD, LLP, USA
10. bis 11. Mai 2016
in Düsseldorf
CPE training sessions with tax,
audit and accounting presentations
CPE-Credits durch
akkreditierten US-Partner”
German CPA Society – Verband der Certified
Public Accountants in Deutschland e.V.
CPE-Training Sessions (Veranstaltung in englischer Sprache)
Day 1: Audit – Tuesday, May 10, 2016
09:30am – 11:10am
Ethics Update
We will review AICPA, SEC and GAO independence rules. Present the revised
AIPCA Code of Professional Conduct and conceptual framework in which each
member of the AICPA is required to follow.
Presenter: Jeff Deane
11:10am – 11:25am
Morning break
11:25am – 12:40pm
US GAAP Update
We will provide an overview of proposed and final standards issued by the
Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) during 2015 and the beginning
of 2016. We will highlight previously issued standard updates that are effective
during 2015 & 2016. Our review will include recent pronouncements finalized
by the FASB Private Company Council and an overview of current projects.
Presenter: Steve Heilman
12:40pm – 01:20pm
Lunch break
01:20pm – 02:10pm
We will provide an update in the following areas: PCAOB Inspections &
Enforcement, Internal Controls over Financial Reporting (ICFR), PCAOB
Standard Setting Update and an Accounting Topics Update.
Presenter: Jeff Deane
US GAAS Audit Update
We will review recently issued pronouncements issued by the Auditing
Standards Board (ASB) of the AICPA. This includes new standards issued
during 2015 and beginning of 2016 as well as new auditing interpretations
and amendments to existing standards. In addition we will review the
“Attest Clarity Project” relating to Statements on Standards for Attestation
Engagements (SSAEs). We will also cover the AICPA’s 6-point plan to improve
Audit Quality.
Presenter: Steve Heilman
02:10pm – 03:00pm
03:00pm – 03:15pm
Afternoon break
03:15pm – 04:30pm
Accounting for Leases
During 2015, the FASB voted to proceed with finalizing the new lease
accounting standard. This will be a dramatic change in how companies are
accounting for leases. During our session we will review the following:
Definition of a lease, lease vs. service arrangements, impact to lessees and
lessors and new financial statement presentation and disclosure items. We
will discuss current deliberations related to FASB’s lease accounting project.
Revenue Recognition
The new revenue standard will eliminate the transaction and industry specific
revenue recognition guidance under current US GAAP and replace it with a
principle based approach. We will review this new approach including: transition guidance, 5-step process for recognizing revenue and new disclosure
requirements. We will discuss FASB’s ongoing discussions related to certain
aspects of the new revenue standard.
Presenter: Steve Heilman
Continuous Professional Education
09:00am – 09:50am
09:50am – 10:40am
Tax Provisions Included in the PATH Act of 2015
U.S. tax law update and tax opportunities and planning under PATH Act. Protecting American Taxpayers From Tax Hikes Act (PATH Act) signed into law 12/18/2015.
Partnership Case Study
How to establish a trade or business in the U.S. as a Limited Liability Company
(LLC); How to prepare and file Form 1065 (U.S. Return of Partnership Income);
Additional U.S. filing requirements for LLCs with foreign partners; Additional
state filing requirements for LLCs doing business in various U.S. states.
Presenter: William Finnecy
10:40am – 10:55am
Morning break
10:55am – 12:05pm
Taxation of U.S. Individuals
– Individuals will discuss recent changes in the Foreign Bank Account (FICEN114)
and Foreign Financial Asset reporting (From 8938). Also, recent developments
in the IRS Offshore Voluntary Disclosure program will be reviewed.
Presenter: Gregory Cislak
Overview of Cost Segregation and of the U.S. Research & Development Tax Credit
– Learn how cost segregation can be used to accelerate depreciation deductions
on US real estate holdings. After the presentation, you will be able to identify
US real estate transactions, which will likely to benefit from cost segregation.
– Gain an overview of the U.S. R & D tax credit system, who qualifies and the
potential value of the R & D tax credit. Unlock the value of this now permanent
tax savings opportunity for companies conducting R & D activities in the U.S. by
identifying activities that qualify for this tax credit.
Presenters: Will James & Rob Wagner
12:05am – 12:35pm
12:35pm – 01:25pm
Lunch break
01:25pm – 02:15pm
Foreign Payments to U.S. Entities
Gain an understanding of German withholding tax on payments to U.S. pass
through entities and procedures for claiming reduced treaty withholding rates
including application for exemption certificate, refund application, and Form
8802 Application for a Form 6166 U.S. residency certificate.
Presenter: Chris Clifton
Permanent Establishments and Form 5472 Reporting (Information Reporting
of a 25% Foreign-Owned U.S. Corporation or a Foreign Corporation Engaged
in a U.S. Trade or Business)
Companies are spending a significant amount of time managing the existence
of a permanent establishment (PE), including allocating the income to a PE.
In addition, information reporting required by foreign corporations with operations in the U.S. is increasing and the penalty for misfiling can be severe.
– The first portion of this presentation will include a discussion on what constitutes a PE, the role of income tax treaties in determining a PE, recent tax
authorities’ behavior with respect to PEs and analysis of common PE situations.
– The second portion of this presentation will include an overview of Form
5472, basic filing procedures, penalty and mitigation procedures for failure
to file the form and assessment period concerns.
Presenter: Rob Wagner
02:15pm – 03:05pm
03:05pm – 03:20pm
Afternoon break
03:20pm – 04:10pm
Transfer Pricing & BEPS Update
On October 5, 2015, the OECD released the final Base Erosion and Profit Shifting
(BEPS) documentation packages covering the 15 action items. BEPS will have a
profound impact on all multinational enterprises as many countries are in the
process of adopting the new BEPS rules. Learn more about the new BEPS deliverables and how they will impact multinational enterprises and how to proactive
steps so as to be in compliance with the new BEPS rules.
Presenter: Will James
Day 2: Tax – Wednesday, May 11, 2016
10. – 11. Mai 2016 in Düsseldorf
Continuous Professional Education for CPAs
Accounting, Auditing and Taxation for CPAs
German CPA Society e.V. und IDW Akademie GmbH
in Kooperation mit BKD, LLP, USA
CPE Requirements
Continuing professional education (CPE) is required for
CPAs to maintain their professional competence and provide quality professional services. CPAs are responsible for
complying with all applicable CPE requirements, rules and
regulations of state boards of accountancy, as well as those
of membership associations and other professional organizations. Follow the link to become familiar with the CPE
Standards issued by AICPA and NASBA, learn the CPE requirements for AICPA members, and find out the specific CPE
requirements for each state board and society:
Instructors from BKD, LLP, USA
Robert J. Wagner II, CPA
Managing Partner
Rob is the managing partner of BKD’s
National Tax Services divisions – international tax, state and local tax, cost segregation and research credit services – and
leads the firm’s inbound international services practice. He has provided corporate tax planning since
1986; his experience includes foreign tax credits, domestic
and international sales corporation taxation, expatriate and
foreign national income taxation, transfer pricing, mergers
and acquisitions, multistate taxation, subpart F and income
tax treaties for multinational companies.
He chairs the Praxity, AISBL Global Tax and Fiscal Group and
Praxity™ Tax and Fiscal Group Steering Committee. He is
the former chair of the Moores Rowland International
(MRI) International Tax Group of North America and
MRI’s Expatriate Assignment Solutions Group.
Rob is a member of the American Institute of CPAs and
Indiana CPA Society.
He is the author of several international tax articles, a continuing professional education instructor and former speaker
for Bloomberg BNA. He is an Indianapolis Business Journal
Forty Under 40 award recipient and in 2007 received the
BKD PRIDE Award, given each year to one partner who
exemplifies the firm’s values: passion, respect, integrity, discipline and excellence. In addition, Rob received the inaugural Praxity Participant of the Year Award for Partners,
which is given to a Praxity firm partner who shows the ability to handle complex client challenges, offer meaningful
and timely advice on topical industry matters and work
seamlessly with the alliance to benefit fellow participants
and clients.
Rob is a 1986 graduate of Indiana University, Bloomington,
with a B.S. degree in accounting.
Jeffrey T. Deane, CPA
Managing Partner
Jeff is managing partner of BKD’s Pennsylvania offices. His responsibilities include administration, planning and operations for a staff of 75 professionals,
including eight partners, working in the
firm’s Pittsburgh and Erie offices.
Jeff is a recognized expert in the convergence of U.S. generally accepted accounting principles with international
financial reporting standards (IFRS). He began counseling
clients on the transition to IFRS when he assisted the U.S.
subsidiary of a large German-owned manufacturer in 2004.
He has authored IFRS articles in the Journal of Accountancy, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette and Erie’s Business Magazine
and has been quoted by the Associated Press, IFRS.com
and Pittsburgh Business Times. Jeff also has presented on
IFRS to several professional services firms and universities,
including classes for U.S.-licensed accountants in Germany.
His expertise is in consolidations, inventory systems and
developing and monitoring financial and nonfinancial
benchmarks, with a niche in serving companies based in
Europe, Asia and South America that have acquired, developed or opened U.S. subsidiaries. He also has helped outbound U.S. clients seeking a “soft landing” in countries
including China, Brazil, Mexico and Canada. Through his
leadership in the International Practice Group network, Jeff
maintains relationships with professionals on six continents
who provide advice on management, tax, audit and
accounting as well as understanding of local customs, cultures and business practices in their jurisdictions.
Reflecting his leadership, Jeff has been pictured on the
front page of the Journal of Accountancy and the cover of
Smart Business Pittsburgh with other finalists for the Pittsburgh Smart 50 award recognizing an “ability to effectively build and lead innovative and smart organizations.”
Jeff is the secretary of the Pittsburgh Regional Alliance and
serves on the audit committee of the Allegheny Conference on Community Development. He regularly assists
government officials in attracting foreign companies to the
region and led the firm’s sponsorship of the Pittsburgh
G-20 Partnership in 2009. He also serves on the executive
committee of the German-American Business Circle of
Pittsburgh, chairs the German Executive Group and is a
former board director of The British-American Business
Council, Pittsburgh Chapter. Jeff is a member of the American Institute of CPAs and Pennsylvania Institute of Certified Public Accountants.
He is a 1987 graduate of Robert Morris University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, with a B.S.B.A. degree in accountancy.
Stephen H. Heilman, CPA
Steve has more than 29 years of public
accounting experience and manages a
broad range of audit, review, consulting
and nontraditional engagements.
Among his specialties are audits of foreign-owned U.S.
manufacturing, distribution and service businesses as well
as not-for-profit organizations. He works closely with many
European group auditors in order to provide the reporting
package needed for consolidation while complying with
the auditing standards or both the United States and the
resident country of the parent company.
Throughout his career, Steve has helped clients understand
and implement new accounting pronouncements and guided them through complex transactions such as international operations, mergers, spin-offs, joint ventures, bond
financing, consolidations, and international operations. He
draws on his experience to provide effective management
recommendations and solutions and his engineering background complements his work with the firm’s manufacturing and distribution clients.
He also serves a wide spectrum of not-for-profit entities,
including schools, foundations, health and human service
providers, churches and social and professional associations.
Steve has co-authored articles on international financial
reporting standards (IFRS) in the Journal of Accountancy
and Erie, Pennsylvania’s Business Magazine and has made
presentations on IFRS and IFRS for Small and Medium-sized
Entities (SME) to professional service firms and universities.
He also has presented topics on Group Audits and updates
to U.S. audit and accounting standards to professional
societies in Germany.
He is a member of the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA)
and Pennsylvania Institute of Certified Public Accountants
(PICPA). Steve recently completed a three year service on
the Financial Accounting and Reporting Subcommittee of
the AICPA Board of Examiners Content Committee, and he
is a past recipient of the PICPA merit award for outstanding
achievement on the CPA exam.
Steve is a member of the audit and finance committees
and board of directors of Three Rivers Rowing Association
and GlobalPittsburgh®. He also serves as treasurer for both
of these Pittsburgh not-for-profit organizations.
He is a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
William G. Finnecy, CPA, CVA
Bill is a tax partner with experience serving businesses engaged in maritime
industries, including Great Lakes and
ocean vessel transportation, construction, dredging, salvage and scrap yard
operations. His client, Donjon Marine Co., Inc., is a major
U.S. and international maritime leader, and its Donjon
Shipbuilding and Repair, LLC arm in Erie operates a 44-acre
shipbuilding and repair facility that is the largest of its kind
on the Great Lakes.
He also serves the commercial construction, material handling, manufacturing and real estate industries as well as influential not-for-profit agencies. His clients include one of the
country’s oldest continuously operating amusement parks.
Bill is a strategist on the financial, tax and audit issues
facing businesses. He also has consulted on international
and multistate tax strategies and compliance, has provided
audit representation services for companies before federal,
state and local taxing authorities as well as advising familyand closely owned and operated businesses.
He is a member of the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA),
Pennsylvania Institute of Certified Public Accountants
(PICPA) and The Ohio Society of Certified Public Accountants. He chairs The Sight Center of NWPA Board of Directors, served on the AICPA Governing Council as a PICPA
representative and is past treasurer on The Kahkwa Club
Board of Governors. He has been a member of the United
Way of Erie County Leadership Committee and helped
found the United Way Young Leaders Club.
Bill regularly presents on international tax and accounting
to the German CPA Society, IDW Akademie GmbH and
other international and national groups. In 2012, he represented Erie as a sister city ambassador in Lublin, Poland
and spoke in Budapest, Hungary on “U.S. Foreign Financial Asset Reporting Compliance.”
He holds the Certified Valuation Analyst designation.
Bill is a 1988 graduate of Kent State University, Ohio, with
a B.B.A. degree in accounting and attended the University
of Illinois National Tax Education Program.
William D. James
Will leads BKD’s transfer pricing practice.
He has been a dedicated transfer pricing
consultant since 1992, primarily working
with large international accounting firms
and advising clients on various transfer pricing and tax valuation issues.
Will has experience in transfer pricing planning, documentation, advance pricing agreements, intellectual property
valuation, cost-sharing arrangements and transfer pricing
controversy for clients in multiple industries. He spent three
years in the United Kingdom gaining knowledge of transfer pricing under the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development Guidelines, in addition to his
knowledge on U.S. Internal Revenue Code Section 482.
He is a frequent speaker on transfer pricing topics at outside tax seminars, including the Council for International
Tax Education, the Tax Executives Institute, INFONEX, IASeminars, World Trade Centers and the St. Louis International
Tax Group. He has also presented on various transfer pricing topics in Canada, China, Israel, Japan, Singapore and
throughout Europe. Will currently serves as the Global
Chairman of Praxity, AISBL’s Transfer Pricing Expert Working Group.
He is on the board of directors at the World Trade Center
St. Louis and is a member of the Development Committee
on the Leadership Council at the Donald Danforth Plant
Science Center in St. Louis.
Will is a graduate of Lake Forest College, Lake Forest, Illinois, with a B.A. degree, and Northeastern University,
Boston, Massachusetts, with an M.B.A. degree in finance
and international business.
Gregory N. Cislak
Managing Director
As BKD’s global mobility services leader,
Greg assists clients with tax issues involved in sending employees to work outside of their home country as well as
individuals with international tax issues.
His experience includes country-specific tax planning,
home- and host-country tax return preparation, certificates
of coverage, pre- and post-assignment consultations,
hypothetical tax-equalization calculations and tax authority inquiries and examinations.
Prior to joining BKD, he spent eight years with a large
national accounting firm in its expatriate practice, including a short-term assignment in Brussels, Belgium.
Greg is a member of the American Institute of CPAs and
Indiana CPA Society.
He is a 1977 graduate of Purdue University, West Lafayette,
Indiana, with a B.S. degree in chemistry, and 1979 graduate of The University of Chicago, Illinois, with an M.B.A.
degree in finance.
Christopher M. Clifton
Managing Director
Chris is a member of BKD’s International
Tax Services division. He has provided
public accounting services since 2001
and has experience in international tax
planning and compliance for multinational companies in areas such as foreign tax credits, subpart
F, withholding taxes and income tax treaties. He focuses on
international tax planning and compliance for domestic
and foreign corporations.
He is a member of the American Institute of CPAs and
Indiana CPA Society.
Chris is a frequent speaker about international tax matters
at Praxity, AISBL and other conferences. He has written
articles on such topics as passive foreign investment companies, the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act and
foreign bank account reporting.
He is a 1999 graduate of Bob Jones University, Greenville,
South Carolina, with a B.S. degree in accounting, and a
2001 graduate of Indiana University, Bloomington, with an
M.Acc. degree with a taxation emphasis.
BKD, LLP is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of
accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses für CPE credit. Complaints
regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its
website: www.learningmarket.org.
Teilnehmerkreis – Who should attend?
Die Veranstaltung CPE–Continuous Professional Education for
CPAs richtet sich an U.S.-Certified Public Accountants (CPAs),
die im Rahmen ihrer kontinuierlichen beruflichen Fortbildung
die CPE-Requirements von AICPA (American Institute of Certified Public Accountants), NASBA (National Association of State
Boards of Accountancy) und/oder einer State CPA Society oder
eines State Board of Accountancy der U.S.-Bundesstaaten und
Territorien erfüllen müssen. Auch Personen ohne CPA-Qualifikation können bei Interesse an den Fachthemen der CPE Training Sessions an der Veranstaltung teilnehmen.
Veranstaltungsgebühr / sonstige Kosten
Sie können entweder beide Veranstaltungstage oder alternativ nur einen Veranstaltungstag aus Ihrem Interessensgebiet
Buchung der Gesamtveranstaltung (Preise inkl. 19% USt.)
Die German CPA Society e.V., Berufsverband der U.S.-Certified Public Accountants in Deutschland hat sich zum Ziel
gesetzt, den in Deutschland und weiteren europäischen
Staaten tätigen US-CPAs die Möglichkeit zu bieten, an CPEPräsenzveranstaltungen in Deutschland teilzunehmen.
EUR 895
für Nichtmitglieder der GCPAS oder des IDW
(Bei Beitritt zur GCPAS bis zum 29. April 2016 wird nur die
Veranstaltungsgebühr für GCPAS-Mitglieder berechnet:
Gutschrift des Differenzbetrags.)
EUR 695
für GCPAS-Mitglieder und IDW-Mitglieder
EUR 195
für Studenten, die nicht Mitglied der GCPAS sind
(Bei Beitritt zur GCPAS bis zum 29. April 2016 wird nur
die Veranstaltungsgebühr für GCPAS-Student-Membership
berechnet: Gutschrift des Differenzbetrags.)
EUR 95
für GCPAS-Student-Membership
Buchung Einzelveranstaltungstag (Preise inkl. 19% USt)
Additional Information – Who should attend?
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
Program Level: Overview
Delivery Method: Group – Live
EUR 450
für Nichtmitglieder der GCPAS oder des IDW
(Bei Beitritt zur GCPAS bis zum 29. April 2016 wird nur
die Veranstaltungsgebühr für GCPAS-Mitglieder berechnet:
Gutschrift des Differenzbetrags.)
EUR 350
für GCPAS-Mitglieder und IDW-Mitglieder
EUR 100
für Studenten, die nicht Mitglied der GCPAS sind
(Bei Beitritt zur GCPAS bis zum 29. April 2016 wird nur
die Veranstaltungsgebühr für GCPAS-Student-Membership
berechnet: Gutschrift des Differenzbetrags.)
EUR 50
für GCPAS-Student-Membership
Learning Objectives
At this training session, participants will:
– Discuss U.S. tax law updates, tax opportunities and
planning under PATH Act
– Describe FASB and AICPA updates
– Explain current changes and impact of the revenue
recognition standard and leases project
– Recognize AICPA, SEC and GAO independence rules and
Code of Professional Conduct
– Identify taxation regulations for U.S. individuals
– Describe the U.S. R&D tax credit system and cost
– Discuss the newly released final BEPS documentation
– Identify what constitutes a permanent establishment
(PE) and analyze common PE situations
CPE – Teilnahme-Bescheinigung und CPE-Credits
Die Teilnehmer erhalten eine Teilnahme-Bescheinigung mit
Ausweis der erworbenen CPE-Credits.
Die Teilnehmer erwerben die folgenden CPE-Credits, die im
Certificate bestätigt werden (maximale Credits bei Teilnahme
an allen Vorträgen):
Accounting / Audit
To view CPE information visit:
Die Veranstaltungsgebühr beinhaltet: Veranstaltungsdokumentation (CPE-Trainings-Sessions mit allen Präsentationen
auf USB-Stick), Mittagsessen am 10. und 11. Mai 2016 sowie
Kaffeepausen, Erfrischungen.
Die Stornierung/Cancellation ist bis zwei Wochen vor dem
Termin kostenlos. Bis eine Woche vor dem Termin fällt die
hälftige Gebühr an, danach die volle Gebühr.
Full refund for cancellations 2 weeks before the event, half
refund 1 week before the event, after that no refund available. For more information regarding refund, complaint and/or
program cancellation policies, please contact our offices at
Die Zahl der Teilnehmer ist begrenzt. Über die Teilnahmemöglichkeit entscheidet ausschließlich die Reihenfolge des
Eingangs der Anmeldungen. Nach Eingang Ihrer Anmeldung
erhalten Sie eine Bestätigung per E-Mail und die Rechnung
per Post.
Termin / Veranstaltungsort
Institut der Wirtschaftsprüfer in Deutschland e.V.
Wirtschaftsprüferhaus, Tersteegenstr.14, 40474 Düsseldorf
Dienstag, 10.5.2016: 9:30 Uhr bis 16:30 Uhr
Mittwoch, 11.5.2016: 9:00 Uhr bis 16:10 Uhr
Antwortfax: 0049 (0)621 122 66-529
Kontakt/Anmeldung/Registration Requirements
Ja, ich nehme an der Veranstaltung CPE – Continuous Professional Education for CPAs am Dienstag, 10.5.2016 und Mittwoch, 11.5.2016
in Düsseldorf teil (Gesamtbuchung).
Ja, ich nehme an der Veranstaltung CPE – Continuous Professional Education for CPAs am Dienstag, 10.5.2016 in Düsseldorf teil
(Einzelbuchung Tag 1 Acccounting/Auditing Sessions).
Ja, ich nehme an der Veranstaltung CPE – Continuous Professional Education for CPAs am Mittwoch, 11.5.2016 in Düsseldorf teil
(Einzelbuchung Tag 2 Tax Sessions).
Ja, ich bin Mitglied der German CPA Society e.V.
Ja, ich bin Mitglied des Instituts der Wirtschaftsprüfer in Deutschland e.V.
Ja, ich bin Studentin/Student.
Ja, ich bin Vegetarier.
Abweichende Rechnungsadresse
PLZ, Ort
PLZ, Ort
Bitte überweisen Sie den Tagungsbeitrag vor der Veranstaltung bis zum
28. April 2016 nach Erhalt der Rechnung an o.g. Rechnungsadresse auf
folgendes Konto:
German CPA Society e.V.
Konto-Nr.: 8853118
Landesbank Baden-Württemberg
Bankleitzahl: 600 501 01
IBAN: DE 61 6005 0101 000 885 3118
Studenten fügen dem Antwortfax zur Inanspruchnahme der ermäßigten Teilnahmegebühr bitte eine aktuelle Immatrikulationsbescheinigung bei.
Die Zahl der Teilnehmer ist begrenzt. Über die Teilnahmemöglichkeit entscheidet die
Reihenfolge des Eingangs der Anmeldungen. Nach Eingang Ihrer Anmeldung erhalten
Sie eine Bestätigung per E-Mail und die Rechnung per Post.
Hotelempfehlungen (Selbstbuchung durch die Teilnehmer)
Hilton Düsseldorf
Radison Blu Scandinavia Hotel Düsseldorf
Für Rückfragen steht Ihnen Frau Köster unter Tel. +49 (0)621 122 66-50 oder per
E-Mail kontakt@gcpas.org sehr gerne zur Verfügung.
Ihre Daten:
Ihre Daten werden von der GCPAS und BKD, LLP ausschließlich zur Organisation der Veranstaltung verwendet und in keiner Weise an Dritte weitergeleitet.
Wir würden Sie gerne auch künftig über unsere Veranstaltungen per E-Mail
informieren. Sollten Sie daran Interesse haben, bestätigen Sie dies bitte ausdrücklich:
Ja, ich habe Interesse, in Zukunft per E-Mail auf Veranstaltungen der GCPAS
hingewiesen zu werden.
German CPA Society – Verband der Certified
Public Accountants in Deutschland e.V.
Stuttgart VR 6851