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»More solidarity for collective
How the BBK came to be
The result of this memorable congress was the
establishment of the BBK, the Federal Association of Visual Artists, as a common platform in
order to demand improvements of social and
occupationally relevant conditions.
At the same time, visions were formulated for
the future, for example a special health
insurance and old-age provision for artists, an
organization for copyright protection of artistic
production, a regulated system for art-on-architecture tenders (Kunst-am-Bau), and exhibition remuneration. Most of these visions – the
realization of which were regarded by most as
hardly possible – are now reality: there is the
Social Security Insurance for Artists (KSK), the
collecting society VG Bild-Kunst, and the Federal Government’s Kunst-am-Bau guidelines.
Shortly after its establishment, the BBK contacted the Association of Artists of the German
Democratic Republic (VBK).
Thereafter, contact was maintained and projects
were realized.
After the VBK dissolved as a result of the political changes, the BBK supported the establishment of regional branches in the new German
states which in turn joined the BBK in the
course of 1991.
With its 10.000 members, the Federal Association of Visual Artists, BBK, is not only the largest,
but also the most successful artists’ organization in the European Union.
How the BBK came to be
On 10th November 1972, numerous artist organizations from all over the Federal Republic of
Germany met in the St. Paul’s Church in
Frankfurt for a congress under the motto:
The numerous and manifold artistic BBK projects
are realized in its state and regional branch associations. Many of these regional branches run their
own gallery, or acquire other exhibition facilities.
Some regional groups concentrate on occupationally
relevant, informational events.
At irregular intervals, the BBK organizes symposiums
on occupationally relevant themes, for example:
This diversity is visualised in a three-yearly cycle by
way of a joint-project »Zeitgleich-Zeitzeichen«:
over 100 exhibitions in the whole of Germany, simultaneously, an impressive demonstration for art.
An individual theme is developed and set down for
each of these projects. The results are documented in
a representative catalogue.
»Jäger und Sammler« (Hunters and Gatherers):
renowned museum directors and private collectors explain their intentions and concepts in the
Academy of the Arts in Berlin.
»Mit den besten Empfehlungen« (With best
recommendations): in the Red City Hall of
Berlin, cultural and political personalities discuss
the extent to which the recommended course
of action of the German Parliamentary Study
Commission »Culture in Germany« has taken
effect upon cultural reality.
Symposiums on ProKunsT, a BBK manual giving
information on occupational questions concerning copyright, tax, insurance, contract structuring and other subjects.
ActivitiesSymposiums and Events
ActivitiesSymposiums and Events
Showing Art
Since 1994, the BBK has conducted a four-yearly
survey on the economic and social situation of
artists in Germany. The results of each are published
in a brochure and serve as an indicator of the necessity for cultural-political action.
This long-term survey was supplemented in each
case by an additional set of questions on a particular
problem area, for instance the precarious situation
of older artists, or the special situation of female
artists. The special topic in the survey in 2011 was the
»Integration Factor Art«. The result of this part of the
survey: art can make a substantial contribution to
integration, and the BBK plays an outstanding role in
this: the proportion of artists from migration backgrounds in the BBK is way higher than average in
comparison to the rest of the population, and these
colleagues are actively integrated in association work.
The ProKunsT manual is published approximately
every three years. This comprehensive and, in each
case, updated manual supplies detailed information
on the Social Security Insurance for Artists (KSK),
income tax declaration questions and current developments on copyright issues.
The manual contains sample contracts, for instance
with galleries, checklists for applications and Art-onArchitecture (Kunst-am-Bau) procedures, tenders, and
numerous other pieces of advice and assistance.
All symposium lectures and speeches have been
Extensive catalogues have been published on each
of the »Zeitgleich-Zeitzeichen« projects.
In a nationwide survey, the BBK examined the situation of aesthetic education in Germany by professional artists in the study »WOW-Kunst für Kids« (Art
for Kids).
Based on this study, a Guidline for Aesthetic
Education Projects was developed, covering all the
relevant aspects for the implementation of projects
of this kind.
Since many artists not only pursue their own independent artistic careers but also teach art, the BBK
has produced an extensive, pedagogical brochure
entitled »Bewegung Kunst« (Movement Art) and
published by the ATHENA-Verlag.
All publications were sponsored by the various Federal Ministries and are available at the BBK.
The Federal Association of Visual Artists, BBK,
publishes the magazine kultur politik quarterly via
its non-profit-making cultural fund, the Kulturwerk
des BBK e. V., always including recent articles on
occupationally relevant questions, all types of information and numerous tender invitations which can
also be found under www.bbk-bundesverband.de.
Great importance is attached to the Federal Association of Artists’ connection to various ministries and
subordinate authorities, always related to specific
» Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and
Urban Affairs in connection with Art-on-Architecture (Kunst-am Bau)
» Federal Office for Building and Regional
» Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology in connection with the Cultural and
Creative Industries Initiative of the Federal
» Federal Ministry for Labour and Social Affairs in
connection with the Social Security Insurance
for Artists (KSK) with regard to the Hartz IV
welfare reform issues for artists
» Federal Employment Agency
» The Foreign Office in connection with artistic
activities abroad
» Institute for Foreign Relations
» Federal Government Commissioner for Culture
and Media in connection with planned projects,
publications and numerous other cultural-political questions
» Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth in connection with the
Gabriele Münter Award
Presence in Organizations and Committees
Over and above its activities at the political level, the
Federal Association of Visual Artists, BBK, is involved
in the following committees and institutions:
» Advisory Board and Objection Committee of the
Social Security Insurance for Artists (KSK)
» Board of Experts for Art-on-Architecture
(Kunst-am-Bau) at the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs
» Collecting Society VG BILD-KUNST: in the
Executive and Administrative Board and in the
Welfare Aid Foundation (Stiftung Sozialwerk)
» Foundation for Contemporary Art (Stiftung
Kunstfonds) for the support and promotion of
contemporary art
» German UNESCO Commission
» German Cultural Council: in the Spokescouncil
and Committee of Experts, in the German Fine
Arts Council
» Gabriele Münter Award Working Group
» Federal Academy of Cultural Education Wolfenbüttel
» International Association of Visual Art (IGBK)
BBK Presence in Organizations and Committees
In order to represent the interests of artists on a
political level, the Federal Association of Visual
Artists, BBK, is in contact with all political parties
represented in the Bundestag, the German Federal
Parliament, in particular with the spokespeople for
cultural policy.
» Federal Ministry of Education and Research in
connection with cultural education
BBK Presence in Politics
BBK Presence in Politics
BBK Presence in Organizations and Committees
Presence in political circles
»Despite all notorious scepticism of artists towards
organizations and associations of all kinds, no harm
is done to their ingenious uniqueness by joining the
It is precisely because the majority of artists normally compete against one another, that they need
strong joint-representation to uphold their interests
in politics and society. If the BBK did not already
exist, right now would be the time to invent it.«
Prof. Klaus Staeck, artist, Heidelberg
What others think of the BBK
»Politicians never talk about art as a rule. It plays
no part in politics. But it does in people’s lives.
Therefore, public discussion on art and our society is
indispensable. This is done by artists, here and there.
As lone warriors. But only together are they strong
and able to make themselves heard – and that is
what the BBK does. So that politicians are forced
to talk about art, for art is a necessity. A wonderful
necessity – for the individual as well as for co-existence in our society.«
Prof. Manfred Eichel, Culture Journalist and Lecturer
for Cultural Journalism at the University of Arts,
»On all political levels – whether governmental
or with institutions, such as the Social Security
Insurance for Artists or the Collecting Society VG
BILD-KUNST – the BBK works tirelessly to improve
the situation of visual artists in both economic and
social respects. Wherever artistic expertise is required, the BBK is at the forefront – and both artists
and advice-seekers profit from this!«
The Federal Commissioner for Culture and the Media,
Minister of State, Bernd Neumann
»What always impressed me about the BBK, was
the consistent support for artists’ rights. Also, the
attention paid to the work of female artists meets
with my undivided approval.«
Rune Mields, artist, Köln
»… Without the BBK, there would be neither the
Collecting Society VG BILD-KUNST, nor the Foundation for Contemporary Art. The association played
a decisive role in the introduction of the Social
Security Insurance for Artists.«
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Pfennig, Collecting Society BILDKUNST, Bonn
What others think of the BBK
How the Federal Association of Visual Artists
(BBK) is viewed externally
The Federal Association of Visual Artists (Bundesverband Bildender Künstlerinnen und Künstler
e.V.) is structured as an umbrella organization. Its
members are the State Associations (Landesverbände), each of which are independent registered
Furthermore, there are regional and district associations in the larger area states which are likewise
mainly autonomous.
Thus, the Federal Association of Visual Artists, BBK,
is a union of autonomous organizations, a grassroots democratic network: the regional associations
operate locally, the state associations state-wide.
Every four years, these associations send colleagues
to the Federal Delegates Assembly. There, the Federal
Executive Board is elected with two chairpersons,
and the areas of activity are determined. The Federal
Committee, the representatives of all the State
Associations and the Federal Executive Board meet
annually to discuss the next steps and projects.
Concrete benefits for the Members
By membership in the BBK, artists support the community of solidarity of artists and enable lobby work
for this profession. Additionally, BBK members have
very direct advantages:
» Membership in the BBK is of great advantage in
the recognition of artistic qualification for the
Social Security Insurance for Artists.
» Membership in the BBK provides sufficient
recognition of artistic qualification for most tax
offices and the membership fees can be claimed
against taxes.
» The BBK has concluded a low-priced framework
contract for old-age insurance and professional
liability insurance.
» Without further formalities, members can receive an international artists’ ID-card which is accepted in many museums at home and abroad.
This ID-card, valid for two years, normally costs
30 Euros, for Federal Association members only
8 Euros.
» Members receive the magazine kultur politik
free-of-charge with free delivery.
» The publication »Bewegung Kunst« is available
to BBK members from the ATHENA-Verlag at a
reduced price of 10,90 Euros instead of 14,50
» For the publication »ProKunsT«, members pay
half-price only, i.e. 8 Euros instead of 16 Euros.
Over and above this, the state and regional branches
of the BBK initiate diverse, local activities in a variety of different ways, such as exhibitions, artists’ fairs
and training courses …
How to become a Member
Membership in the Federal Association of Visual Artists, BBK, is granted by the regional associations in
the larger area states, otherwise by the state associations. In each case, an elected body decides upon the
applications for membership. In order to ensure that
only professional artists are accepted as members,
the BBK statutes stipulate the following criteria:
»Membership is granted to applicants who have
finalized studies of Fine Arts at a German Kunsthochschule (academy of art), or at an equivalent art
institution abroad.
Membership is granted to applicants who can prove
their professionalism by their exhibition or publication history, or by qualified artistic practice.«
Information on membership admission is available
from the local BBK branches, or from either of the
main BBK-Federal Association offices.
How to become a member
What the artist gets from the BBK The Structure of the BBK
The Structure of the Federal Association of
Visual Artists (BBK)
BBK Landesverband Baden-Württem­berg
Seyfferstr. 93, 70197 Stuttgart
Tel. 0711 / 6 36 67 11 | Fax 0711 / 6 36 67 11
BBK Regionalverband Heidelberg
Heiliggeiststr. 21, 69117 Heidelberg
Tel. 06221 / 2 40 23 | Fax 06221 / 65 87 75
bbk.heidelberg@t-online.de | www.heidelberger-kuenstlergruppe79.de
Berufsverband Bildender Künstlerinnen und Künstler Nürnberg und
Hirtengasse 3, 90443 Nürnberg
Tel. 0911 / 2 39 68 84 | Fax 0911 / 2 39 68 84
info@bbk-nuernberg.de | www.bbk-nuernberg.de
BBK Bezirksverband Karlsruhe
Am Künstlerhaus 47, 76131 Karlsruhe
Tel. 0721 / 37 33 76 | Fax 0721 / 9 37 47 45
info@bbk-karlsruhe.de | www.bbk-karlsruhe.de
Berufsverband Bildender Künstlerinnen und Künstler Oberbayern Nord
und Ingolstadt
Oberer Graben 55, 85049 Ingolstadt
Tel. 0841 / 9 31 27 54
info@bbk-in.de | www.bbk-ingolstadt.de
BBK Region Mannheim
Brückenstr. 2–4, 68167 Mannheim
Tel. 0621 / 3 36 13 36 | Fax 0621 / 3 36 13 38
info@bbk-mannheim.de | www.bbk-mannheim.de
Berufsverband Bildender Künst­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­le­­­­r­innen und Künstler Oberfranken
Hainstr. 4a, 96047 Bamberg
Tel. 0951 / 2 08 24 88 | Fax 0951 / 2 08 24 87
oberfranken@bbk-bayern.de | www.oberfranken.bbk-bayern.de
BBK Südbaden
Talstr. 66, 79102 Freiburg
Tel. 0761 / 38 29 84 | Fax 0761 / 38 29 84
bbksuedbaden@t-online.de | www.bbk-suedbaden.de
Berufsverband Bildender Künstlerinnen und Künstler Schwaben Nord
und Augsburg
Kulturhaus Abraxas
Sommestr. 30, 86156 Augsburg
Tel. 0821 / 4 44 33 61 | Fax 0821 / 4 44 33 63
bbk-augsburg@t-online.de | www.kunst-aus-schwaben.de
BBK Bezirksverband Ulm
Grüner Hof 5, 89073 Ulm
Tel. 0731 / 6 02 01 38
info@kuenstlerhaus-ulm.de | www. kuenstlerhaus-ulm.de
Verband Bildender Künstler und Künstlerinnen Württemberg
Augustenstr. 93, 70197 Stuttgart
Tel. 0711 / 6 40 90 01 | Fax 0711 / 6 40 90 03
info@vbkw.de | www.vbkw.de
Berufsverband Bildender Künstler Landesverband Bayern
Isabellastr. 49, 80796 München
Tel. 089 / 2 72 15 79 | Fax 089 / 2 71 52 13
gaffron@bbk-bayern.de | www.bbk-bayern.de
BBK München und Oberbayern
Maximilianstr. 42, 80538 München
Tel. 089 / 2 19 96 00 | Fax 089 / 21 99 60 50
info@bbk-muc-obb.de | www.bbk-muc-obb.de
BBK Addresses
BBK Niederbayern/Oberpfalz
Ludwigstr. 6, 93047 Regensburg
Tel. 0941 / 5 32 28 | Fax 0941 / 56 70 58
info@kunst-in-ostbayern.de | www.kunst-in-ostbayern.de
BBK Niederbayern
Ringstr. 1, 94081 Fürstenzell
Tel. 08502 / 82 50 | Fax 08502 / 82 00
niederbayern@bbk-bayern.de | www.niederbayern.bbk-bayern.de
Berufsverband Bildender Künstlerinnen und Künstler Bezirk
Schwaben Süd
Kleiner Kornhausplatz 1, 87439 Kempten
Tel. 0831 / 2 70 46 | Fax 0831 / 5 12 70 46
bbkschwabensued@t-online.de | www.schwabensued.bbk-bayern.de
Berufsverband Bildender Künstlerinnen und Künstler Bezirk
BBK-Galerie im Kulturspeicher / Oskar-Laredo-Platz 1, 97070 Würzburg
Tel. 0931 / 5 06 12 | Fax 0931 / 3 29 21 66
bbk-galerie@t-online.de | www.bbk-unterfranken.de
Brandenburgischer Verband Bildender Künstlerinnen und Künstler
Charlottenstr. 122, 14467 Potsdam
Tel. 0331 / 2 70 65 38 | Fax 0331 / 2 70 65 39
info@bbk-brandenburg.de | www.bbk-brandenburg.de
Bremer Verband Bildender Künstlerinnen und Künstler
Am Deich 68/69, 28199 Bremen
Tel. 0421 / 50 04 22 | Fax 0421 / 5 97 95 15
bbk-bremen@t-online.de | www.bbk-bremen.de
BBK Addresses
Berufsverband Bildender Künstler Hamburg
Klosterwall 15, 20095 Hamburg
Tel. 040 / 33 65 14 | Fax 040 / 32 17 32
info@bbk-hamburg.de | www.bbk-hamburg.de
Bundesverband Bildender Künstle­rinnen und Künstler Landesverband
Riedeselstr. 15, 64283 Darmstadt
Tel. 06151 / 9 18 15 16 | Fax 06151 / 9 18 15 17
info@bbk-hessen.de | www.bbk-hessen.de
Bundesverband Bildender Künstle­­rinnen und Künstler
Regionalverband Darmstadt
Riedeselstr. 15, 64283 Darmstadt
Tel. 06151 / 9 18 17 16 | Fax 06151 / 9 18 15 00
info@bbk-darmstadt.de | www.bbk-darmstadt.de
Berufsverband Bildender Künstle­rinnen und Künstler Frankfurt
Hanauer Landstr. 89, 60314 Frankfurt
Tel. 069 / 49 52 90 | Fax 069 / 4 90 97 44
post@bbk-frankfurt.de | www.bbk-centrum-frankfurt.de
Bundesverband Bildender Künstle­rinnen und Künstler
Regionalverband Kassel-Nordhessen
Oberste Gasse 24, 34117 Kassel
Tel. 0561 / 77 31 75 | Fax 0561 / 81 80 71
info@bbk-kassel.de | www.bbk-kassel.de
BBK Addresses
Berufsverband Bildender Künstle­rinnen und Künstler Wiesbaden
Schulberg 10, 65183 Wiesbaden
Tel. 0611 / 5 16 76 | Fax 0611 / 52 36 42
buero@bbk-wiesbaden.de | www.bbk-wiesbaden.de
BBK Bezirksgruppe Celle
c/o Inge Frisius
Luhmannweg 20, 29223 Celle
Tel. 05141 / 3 47 73
Bund Bildender Künstler Süd-Niedersachsen
Gotmarstr. 1 (Künstlerhaus), 37073 Göttingen
Tel. 0551 / 4 68 90
geo.hoppenstedt@arcor.de | www.bbk-suedniedersachsen.de
Bund Bildender Künstlerinnen und Künstler Hannover
Dieterichsstr. 9 , 30159 Hannover
Tel. 0511 / 3 68 16 40 | Fax 03212 / 1 10 28 93
info@bbk-hannover.de | www.bbk-hannover.de
BBK Bezirksgruppe Harz
Am Gesehr 3, 37444 St. Andreasberg
Tel. 05582 / 99 99 44
eike.geertz@t-online.de | www.bbk-harz.de
BBK Bezirksgruppe Hildesheim
c/o Gabriele Klimek, Zingel 21, 31141 Hildesheim
Tel. 05121 / 9 99 73 47
info@bbk-hildesheim.de | www.bbk-hildesheim.de
Bund Bildender Künstlerinnen und Künstler Lüneburg
Am Ochsenmarkt 1, 21335 Lüneburg
Tel. 04131 / 3 03 08 85
info@bbk-lueneburg.de | www.bbk-lueneburg.de
Bund Bildender Künstlerinnen und Künstler BBK Bezirksgruppe
Peterstr. 1, 26121 Oldenburg
Tel. 0441 / 2 52 80 | Fax 0441 / 2 17 84 23
galerie@bbk-oldenburg.de | www.bbk-oldenburg.de
Künstlerbund Mecklenburg und Vorpommern
Puschkinstr. 12, 19055 Schwerin
Tel. 0385 / 56 50 09 | Fax 0385 / 5 50 95 25
info@kuenstlerbund-mv.org | www.kuenstlerbund-mv.org
Bund Bildender Künstlerinnen und Künstler Osnabrück
Heinrichstr. 46, 49080 Osnabrück
Tel. 0541 / 7 60 78 77
info@bbk-osnabrueck.de | www.bbk-osnabrueck.de
BBK Bezirksgruppe Osterholz-Worpswede
Osterwerder Straße 21, 27726 Worpswede
Tel. 04792 / 26 92, Fax 04792 / 26 19
erhardkalina@t-online.de | www.bbk-worpswede.de
Bund Bildender Künstlerinnen und Künstler Niedersachsen
Heinrichstr. 31, 30175 Hannover
Tel. 0511 / 32 38 20 | Fax 0511 / 32 38 20
bbk-niedersachsen@t-online.de | www.bbk-niedersachsen.de
Bund Bildender Künstlerinnen und Künstler Braunschweig
Humboldtstr. 34, 38106 Braunschweig
Tel. 0531 / 34 61 66 | Fax 0531 / 33 77 26
info@bbk-bs.de | www.bbk-bs.de
BBK Bezirksgruppe Ostfriesland
Lortzingstr. 13, 26789 Leer
Tel. 0491 / 9 92 18 32
BBK Addresses
BBK Bezirksgruppe Stade/Cuxhaven
Westercadewisch 27, 21781 Cadenberge
Tel. 04777 / 13 42 | Fax 04777 / 13 42
contact@bbk-stade-cux.de | www.bbk-stade-cux.de
BBK Bezirksverband Westfalen
Auf dem Wodeacker 42, 44359 Dortmund
Tel. 0231 / 35 32 51 | Fax 0231 / 35 32 51
info@bbk-westfalen.de | www.bbk-westfalen.de
BBK Bezirksgruppe Uelzen
Sitz: Altes Kreishaus, 29525 Uelzen
Post: c/o Achim Schoepe
Wriedeler Straße 9, 29582 Hanstedt
Tel. 05822 / 55 07 | Fax 05822 9419400
BBK Ruhrgebiet
Godekinstr. 112, 44265 Dortmund
Tel. 0231 / 46 46 38 | Fax 0231 / 46 46 38
info@bbkruhrgebiet.de | www.bbk-ruhrgebiet.de
BBK Rheinland-Pfalz im Bundesverband
Am Judensand 57 b, 55122 Mainz
Tel. 06131 / 37 14 24 | Fax 06131 / 37 14 25
bbkrlp@t-online.de | www.bbkrlp.de
BBK Aachen/Euregio
Adalbertsteinweg 123 c/d, 52070 Aachen
Tel. 0241 / 4 46 55 64
info@bbk-aachen.de | www.bbk-aachen.de
BBK Landesverband Saar
Karlstr. 1, 66111 Saarbrücken
Tel. 0681 / 37 56 29 | Fax 0681 / 8 30 86 37
bbk.lvsaar@t-online.de | www.bbk-saarland.com
BBK Bezirksverband Bergisch-Land
Wiescher Str. 11–13, 42277 Wuppertal
Tel. 0202 / 57 25 09
info@bbk-bergischland.de | www.bbk-bergischland.de
BBK Bezirksverband Bonn/Rhein-Sieg
Im Rathaus Bad Godesberg, Kurfürstenallee 2–3, 53177 Bonn
Tel. 0228 / 7 66 76 73 (nur Do.) | Fax 0228 / 7 66 76 75
info@bbk-bonn-rhein-sieg.de | www.bbk-bonn-rhein-sieg.de
BBK Düsseldorf
Birkenstr. 47, 40233 Düsseldorf
Tel. / Fax 0211 / 35 44 61
bbk@bbk-kunstforum.de | www.bbk-kunstforum.de
BBK Addresses
Landesverband Bildende Kunst Sachsen
Pulsnitzer Str. 6, 01099 Dresden
Tel. 0351 / 5 63 57 42 | Fax 0351 / 5 63 57 41
Künstlerbund Dresden
Pulsnitzer Str. 6, 01099 Dresden
Tel. 0351 / 8 01 55 16 | Fax 0351 / 8 01 55 16
BBK Bezirksverband Köln
Stapelhaus / Frankenwerft 35, 50667 Köln
Tel. 0221 / 2 58 21 13 | Fax 0221 / 2 58 21 88
info@bbk-koeln.de | www.bbk-koeln.de
Bund Bildender Künstler Leipzig
Tapetenwerk, Halle K
Lützner Str. 91 | 04177 Leipzig
Tel. 0341 / 2 61 88 99 | Fax 0341 / 2 68 25 52
info@bbkl.org | www.bbkl.org
BBK Bezirk Niederrhein
Nernststr. 44, 47805 Krefeld
Tel. 02151 / 80 02 61 | Fax 02151 / 9 31 64 42
kontakt@bbk-niederrhein.de | www.bbk-niederrhein.de
Chemnitzer Künstlerbund
Moritzstr. 19, 09111 Chemnitz
Tel. 0371 / 41 48 47 | Fax 0371 / 41 48 47
info@ckbev.de | www.ckbev.de
BBK Bezirksverband Ostwestfalen-Lippe
Ravensberger Spinnerei, 4. OG
Ravensberger Park 1, 33607 Bielefeld
Tel. 0521 / 5 57 70 30 | Fax 0521 / 5 21 62 80
buero@bbk-owl.de | www.bbk-owl.de
Bund Bildender Künstler Vogtland
Bärenstr. 4, 08523 Plauen
Tel. 03741 / 22 02 87 | Fax 03741 / 22 25 68
mail@bbk-vogtland.de | www.bbk-vogtland.de
BBK Addresses
BBK Landesverband Nordrhein-Westfalen
Stapelhaus / Frankenwerft 35, 50667 Köln
Tel. 0221 / 991 28 32 | Fax 0221 / 2 58 21 88
bbk-gieler@netcologne.de | www.bbk-landesverband-nrw.de
Berufsverband Bildender Künstler Sachsen-Anhalt
Böllberger Weg 188, 06110 Halle
Tel. 0345 / 2 02 68 21 | Fax 0345 / 4 78 99 23
bbk-sachsenanhalt@t-online.de | www.bbk-sachsenanhalt.de
BBK Landesverband Schleswig-Holstein
Brunswiker Str. 13, 24103 Kiel
Tel. 0431 / 55 46 50 | Fax 0431 / 5 16 91
Verband Bildender Künstler Thüringen
Haus zum Bunten Löwen
Krämerbrücke 4, 99084 Erfurt
Tel. 0361 / 6 42 25 71 | Fax 0361 / 6 42 25 63
info@vbkth.de | www.kuenstler-thueringen.de
Bundesverband Bildender Künstlerin­nen und Künstler
Mohrenstr. 63, 10117 Berlin
Tel. 030 / 2 64 09 70 | Fax 030 / 28 09 93 05
info@bbk-bundesverband.de | www.bbk-bundesverband.de
BBK Büro Bonn
Weberstr. 61, 53113 Bonn
Tel. 0228 / 21 61 07 | Fax 0228 / 96 69 96 90
info@bbk-bundesverband.de | www.bbk-bundesverband.de
Kulturwerk des BBK e. V.
Redaktion kultur politik
BBK Addresses
Weberstr. 61, 53113 Bonn
Tel. 0228 / 21 61 07 | Fax 0228 / 96 69 96 90
info@bbk-bundesverband.de | www.bbk-bundesverband.de
Editorial Werner Schaub
Dieter Horký / Petra Gieler
Petra Gieler
Translation Lynn Schoene, April 2012
2 / 2013