- University of Michigan Law School Scholarship Repository
- University of Michigan Law School Scholarship Repository
List of Abbreviations Abh. A.C. Adl. Clem. AG. Ala. Ala. App. Allen All E.R. AUg. BGB. Allg. HGB. A.L.R. Am. Dec. Am. Bar. Asso. Jour. Am. J. Int. Law Am. J. Int. Law, Supp. Am. Jur. Am. Marit. Cas. Am. Rep. Amtl. S. Abhandlungen. Appeal Cases, English Law Reports. Sammlung von Entscheidungen zum Handelsgesetzbuch, zusammengestellt von Adler und Clemens, fortgesetzt von Friedlander (Austria). Amtsgericht (Germany). Alabama Reports. Alabama Appeals Reports. Allen, Massachusetts Supreme Court Reports, vols. 83-96. All England Law Reports, Annotated. Allgemeines Biirgerliches Gesetzbuch (Austria). Allgemeines Handelsgesetzbuch (Austria). American Law Reports, Annotated. American Decisions (Select Cases). American Bar Association Journal. American Journal of International Law. American Journal of International Law, Supplement. American Jurisprudence. A Comprehensive Text Statement of American Case Law, as Developed in the Cases and Annotations in the Annotated Reports System, Being a Rewriting of Ruling Case L~PW to Reflect the Modern Developments of the Law. San Francisco-New York, 1936. American Maritime Cases. American Reports. Entscheidungen des k.k. Obersten Gerichtshofs in Zivt1- und J ustizverwaltungssachen veroffentlicht von diesem Gerichtshofe, Fortsetzung der von Nowak begriindeten Sammlung (Austria). xxiii xxiv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Annales de Droit Commercial Ann. Cas. Annuaire Annual Digest Annuario Dir. Comp. App. App. Cas. App. Civ. App. D.C. App. Div. Arch. Civ. Prax. Arch. Jud. Ariz. Ark. Atl. Atl. (2d) Barb. S.C. Barn. & AI. Barn. & C. Bay. ObLG. Bay. ObLGZ. BBl. B.C. Beav. Annales de droit commercial et industriel fran~ais, etranger et international, fondees par M.E. Thaller, Paris, 1887. American Annotated Cases. Annuaire de l'Institut de droit international. Annual Digest of Public International Law Cases, London. Annuario di diritto comparato e di studi legislativi. Corti d'appello (Italy), Cour d'appel (France). Appeal Cases, English Law Reports, I 8761890. Appella~ao civil (Brazil). Appeal Cases, District of Columbia. New York Supreme Court, Appellate Division Reports. Archiv fiir die civilistische Praxis (Germany). Archivo Judiciario (Brazil). Arizona Reports. Arkansas Reports. Atlantic Reporter (National Reporter System, United States). Atlantic Reporter, National Reporter System, Second Series. Barbour's Supreme. Court Reports, New York, 67 vols. Barnewall & Alderson, English King's Bench Reports. Barnewall and Cresswell, English King's Bench Reports. Bayerisches Oberstes Landesgericht. Sammlung von Entscheidungen des Bayerischen Obersten Landesgerichts in Zivilsachen. Bundesblatt der Schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft. British Columbia Reports. Beavan, English Rolls Court Reports. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Belg. Jud. Bell C.C. BG. BGB. BGE. Bing. Bing. N.C. B.J. Bl. f. Zlirch. Rspr. Bli. N.S. Bl. IPR. Bolze Bost. U. L. Rev. Brit. Year Book Tnt. Law Brown Ch. C. Brown Pari. Cas. Bull. Inst. Beige Bull. Inst. Int. Bull. Soc. d'Etudes Leg. Bull. Soc. Ugisl. Comp. Burr. BW. C.A. Cal. Cal. App. Cal. Dec. XXV Belgique judiciaire. Gazette des tribunaux belges et etrangers. Bell, English Crown Cases Reserved. Bundesgericht (Switzerland). Biirgerliches Gesetzbuch (Germany). Entscheidungen des Schweizerischen Bundes. gerichtes, Amtliche Sammlung. Bingham, English Common Pleas Reports. Bingham, New Cases, English Common Pleas. Boletfn judicial (Dominican Republic). Blatter fur zurcherische Rechtsprechung. Bligh, English House of Lords Reports, New Series, I I vols. Blatter fur Internationales Privatrecht, Beilage der Leipziger Zeitschrift fiir Deutsches Recht. Die Praxis des Reichsgerichts. Herausgegeben von Bolze (Germany). Boston University Law Review. British Year Book of International Law. Brown's Chancery Cases (England). Brown's Cases in Parliament (England), 8 vols. Institut beige de droit compare, Bulletin trimestriel. (See also Revue Inst. Beige.) Bulletin de l'Institut juridique international, Ley de. Originally: Bulletin de l'Institut intermediaire international. Bulletin de la Societe d'etudes legislatives (France). Bulletin de la Societe de legislation comparee (France). Burrow, English King's Bench Reports. Burgerlijk W etboek (the Netherlands). Court o~ Appeals. California Reports. California Appeals Reports. California Decisions. xxvi LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Cal. L. Rev. Cambr. L. J. Cam. Com. de la Cap. Cam. Fed. de la Cap. Can. Bar Rev. Can. L.R. Can. Sup. Ct. Cass. C.B. C.B.N.S. c.c. C. Civ. Proc. C. Com. C.C.H. Ch. California Law Review. Cambridge Law Journal. Camera comercial de la capital (Argentina). Camera federal de la capital (Argentina). Canadian Bar Review (Toronto). Canada Law Reports, Exchequer Court and Supreme Court. Canada Supreme Court Reports, 64 vols. Cassation, Cassazione. English Common Bench Reports (Manning, Granger & Scott). Common Bench Reports, New Series (Scott), 20 vols. Civil Code, Code Civil, C6digo Civil. Code of Civil Procedure. Code de Commerce, Commercial Code, C6digo Commercial. Commerce Clearing House. Chancery Division, English Law Reports, 1891Ch.D. China, Int. Priv. Law Cin. L. Rev. C.J. C.J.S. Cl. and F. C.L.T. Clunet C. Marit. C. Obi. Col. L. Rev. Colo. Chancery Division, English Law Reports, I8]6-I890· Chinese Law of August 5, 1918, concerning the application of foreign law. Cincinnati Law Review. Corpus Juris (United States). Corpus Juris Secundum (United States). Clark and Finnelly's Reports, House of Lords Cases. Canadian Law Times. Journal du droit international. Fonde par Clunet, continue par Andre-Prudhomme. Code Maritime (Bulgaria). Code of Obligations, Obligationenrecht (Switzerland) (See Swiss Code Obi.). Columbia Law Review. Colorado Reports. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS XXVII Com. Cas. Commw. L.R. Conn. Consolidated Companies Act (Belgium) Commercial Cases (England). Commonwealth Law Reports (Australia). Connecticut Reports. Les lois sur les societes coordonnees (I 935) (originally enacted May I 8, I 8 73) inserted in the Code of Commerce as book I, title Cornell L. Q. Cowp. C.&P. Cornell Law Quarterly. Cowper, English King's Bench Reports, 2 vols. Carrington & Payne, English Nisi Prius Reports, 9 vols. Cranch, United States Supreme Court Reports, vols. S-I 3· Scotch Court of Sessions Cases. Dalloz, Recueil periodique et critique de jurisprudence, de legislation et de doctrine (France). Dakota Territory Reports. District of Columbia. De Gex & Jones, English Chancery Reports, 4 vols. De Gex, Macnaghten, & Gordon, English Chancery Reports, 8 vols. Delaware Reports. Dalloz, Recueil hebdomadaire de jurisprudence (France). Digestas (Roman Law). Disposizioni Preliminari del Codice Civile (Italy). Deutsche Juristenzeitung. Dominion Law Reports (Canada). Dowling & Ryland, English King's Bench Reports. Deutsche Justiz. Amtliches Blatt der deutschen Rechtspflege, I 933-. Ellis & Blackburn, Queen's Bench Reports, 8 vols. Edwards, New York Chancery Reports, 4 vols. IX. Cranch Ct. Sess. D. Dak. D.C. De G. & J. De G. M. & G. Del. D.H. Dig. Disp. Prel. DJZ. D.L.R. D.&R. Dt. Justiz E.&B. Edw. Ch. xxviii EG. BGB. Eng. and Emp. Dig. Eng. Re. Eng. Rep. Entsch. kgl. Ob. Trib. Exch. Ex. C. R. Ex. D. F. F. (zd) Fallos Fed. Fed. Cas. Filangieri Fla. Foro !tal. Foro I tal. Mass. Foro !tal. Rep. F. Supp. Ga. Ga. App. Gall. Gaz. Pal. Gaz. Trib. Geller's Zentralblatt LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Einfiihrungsgesetz zum Biirgerlichen Gesetzbuch (Germany). The English and Empire Digest. English Reports (full reprint). Moak, English Reports (American reprint). Entscheidungen des koniglichen geheimen Obertribunals, 1837-1879 (Prussia). Exchequer Reports (Welsby, Hurlstone & Gordon) I I vols. Exchequer Court Reports (Canada). English Law Reports, Exchequer Division. Fraser, Scotch Sessions Cases, 5th Series. Federal Reporter, Second Series (United States). Fallos de la Suprema Corte de Justicia Nacional con la relaci6n de sus respectivas causas. Publicaci6n hecha por los doctores D. Antonio Tomassi yD. Jose Dominguez, Buenos Aires. Federal Reporter (United States). Federal Cases (United States). II Filangieri. Rivista giuridica dottrinale e pratica (Italy). Florida Reports. II Foro Italiano. II Massimario del Foro Italiano. Raccolta quindicinale delle massime delle sentenze della Cassazione Civile. II Foro Italiano, Repertorio. Federal Supplement (United States). Georgia Reports. Georgia Appeals Reports. Gallison, Reports, United States Circuit Courts. Gazette du Palais (France). Gazette des Tribunaux (France). Zentralblatt fiir die J uristische Praxis, begriindet von Dr. L. Geller (Austria). (See also Zentralblatt.) LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Ges. m. b. H. Ges. Giur. Comp. DIP. Giur. Comp. Dir. Civ. Giur. ltal. GIU. GIU. NF. Gray Grotius Grotius Soc. Gruchot's Beitrage Hans. GZ. Hans. RGZ. Hans. RZ. Hardw. Harv. L. Rev. Hbl. H. & C. HGB. Hill H. L. Cas. Hof How. How. Pr. H.R. Hy. Bl. Ida. XXIX Gesetz iiber Gesellschaften mit beschrankter Haftung. Giurisprudenza comparata di diritto internazionale privato. Giurisprudenza comparata di diritto civi1e. Giurisprudenza italiana. Sammlung von zivilrechtlichen Entscheidungen des Obersten Gerichtshofes, begriindet von Glaser und Unger (Austria). Idem, Neue Folge (new series of the court reports cited above) (Austria). Gray's Massachusetts Reports, vols. 67-82. Grotius, Annuaire international. Transactions of the Grotius Society. Beitrage zur Erlauterung des deutchen Rechts, begriindet von Dr. J. A. Gruchot. Hanseatische Gerichtszeitung. (See also Hans. RGZ. and Hans. RZ.) Hanseatische Rechts- und Gerichts-Zeitschrift (Germany). Hanseatische Rech ts-Zeitschrift. Cases temp. Hardwicke, by Ridgway. Harvard Law Review. Hauptblatt. Hurlstone & Coltman, English Exchequer Reports, 4 vols. Handelsgesetzbuch (German Commercial Code). Hill, Reports (New York). House of Lords Cases (Clark), I I vols. (England). Gerechtshof (the Netherlands). Howard, United States Supreme Court Reports. Howard, New York Practice Reports, 67 vols. Hooge Raad (the Netherlands). Henry Blackstone's Reports, Common Pleas (England). Idaho Reports. XXX LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Ill. Ill. App. Ill. L. Rev. Ind. Ind. App. Indisch Tijdsch. Inst. Dr. Int. Int. Jahrb. Schiedsgerich tswesen Illinois Reports. Illinois Appellate Court Reports. Illinois Law Review. Indiana Reports. Indiana Appellate Court Reports. Indisch Tijdschrift von het Recht (Batavia). Institut de droit international. Internationales J ahrbuch fiir Schiedsgerichtswesen in Zivil-und Handelssachen, herausgegeben von Dr. Arthur Nussbaum. Berlin, Int. Priv. Law Introd. Law Iowa Iowa L. Rev. IPRspr. International Private Law. Introductory Law. Iowa Reports. Iowa Law Review. Die Deutsche Rechtsprechung auf dem Gebiete des internationalen Privatrechts. Beilage der Zeitschrift fiir auslandisches und internationales Privatrecht (Z. ausl. PR.). Jahrbuch des Deutschen Rechts. J ahrbuch hochstrichterlicher Entscheidungen (Austria). Jahrbuch fiir Entscheidungen des Kammergerichts (Germany). The Commercial Code of Japan Annotated. Published by the Codes Translation Committee, the League of Nations Association of Japan. Tokyo, 1931. Japanese Law No. 10, of June 21, 1890, concerning the application of laws. J uristische Blatter (Austria). Jherings J ahrbiicher fiir die Dogmatik des biirgerlichen Rechts (Germany). Johnson's New York Cases, 3 vols. Journal of Comparative Legislation and International Law. Formerly Journal of Society of Comparative Legislation (England). Journal des societes civiles et commerciales ( Librairie du Recueil Sirey, Paris). 1926-. Jahrb. DR. Jahrb. HE. Jahrb. KG. Japan C. Com. Ann. Japan, Int. Priv. Law J. Bl. Jherings Jahrb. Johns. Cas. Journ. Comp. Leg. Journ. Soc. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Jur. Arg. Jur. Com. Brux. Jurid. Rev. Jur. Liege Jur. Port Anvers JW. Kan. K.B. Kg. KG. Ky. La. La. Ann. La. App. La Ley La. L. Rev. L. of N. Treaty Series Law and Cont. Probl. Law Q. Rev. L. c. J. Ld. Raym. L. Ed. Leipz. Z. LG. L.]. (Ch.) L.J. Exch. L.J.N.S. L.J. (P.C.) Ll. L. Rep. L.R.A. XXXI Revista de Jurisprudencia Argentina (Buenos Aires). Jurisprudence commerciale de Bruxelles. Juridical Review (Scotland). Jurisprudence de la cour d'appel de Liege. Jurisprudence du Port d'Anvers (Belgian Court Reports). J uristische W ochenschrift (Germany). Kansas Reports. English Law Reports, King's Bench. Kantongerecht (the Netherlands). Kammergericht (Germany). Kentucky Reports. Louisiana Reports. Louisiana Annual Reports. Louisiana Courts of Appeal Reports. La Ley. Revista Juridica Argentina. Louisiana Law Review. League of Nations Treaty Series. Law and Contemporary Problems, Duke U niversity. Law Quarterly Review (England). Lower Canada Jurist. Lord Raymond, English King's Bench Reports, 3 vols. Lawyer's Edition, United States Supreme Court Reports. Leipziger Zeitschrift fiir Deutsches Recht. Landesgericht (Austria, Germany). Law Journal Reports, Chancery (England). Law Journal Reports, New Series, Exchequer, 1831- (England). The Law Journal, New Series, 1831- (London). Law Journal Reports, Privy Council (England). Lloyd's List Law Reports (England). Lawyers' Reports, Annotated (United States). xxxii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS L.R.C.C.R. English Law Reports Crown Cases Reserved, L.R. Ch. English Law Reports, Chancery Appeal Cases, L.R.C.P. Mart. N.S. (La.) English Law Reports, Common Pleas, I 866I87s, Io vols. English Law Reports, Equity, I 866-I 87 5, 20 vols. English Law Reports, Privy Council, Appeal Cases, 6 vols. English Law Reports, Queen's Bench, 10 vols. Law Times Reports (England). Manitoba Reports (Canada). Les lois de la navigation ·maritime et de la navigation interieure of I 92 8, originally enacted August 21, 1879 (inserted in the Code of Commerce as book II, titles I-X). Monatsschrift fiir Marken-, Patent-, und W ettbewerbsrecht (Germany). Nouveau Recueil general des traites et autres actes relatifs aux rapports de droit international, publication de l'institut de droit public compare et de droit de gens a Berlin. Continuation du grand Recueil de G. Fr. de Martens, founded I 8 I 7. Martin, Louisiana Reports, New Series, I 823- Mass. Md. Md. L. Rev. Me. Mich. Mich. L. Rev. Minn. Minn. L. Rev. Misc. Miss. Miss. L.J. Mitteilungen dt. Ges. Volker R. Massachusetts Reports. Maryland Reports. Maryland Law Review. Maine Reports. Michigan Reports. Michigan Law Review. Minnesota Reports. Minnesota Law Review. Miscellaneous Reports (New York). Mississippi Reports. Mississippi Law Journal. Mitteilungen der deutschen Gesellschaft fiir Volkerrecht (Berlin). 1866-1875· 1866-1875· L.R. Eq. L.R.P.C. L.R.Q.B. L.T.R. Man. R. Maritime Code (Belgium) Markenschutz und Wettbewerb Martens, Recueil 1830. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Mixed Arb. Trib. Mo. Mo. App. Modern L. Rev. Mo. L. Rev. Monitore Mont. Montreal L.R.S.C. Moo. P.C. Moo. P .C. Cas. (N.S.) M.&W. National Conference Handbook N.C. N.E. N.E. (2d) Neb. Neb. L. Rev. N.F. N.H. N.J. N.J. Law N.J.Eq. N.J.L.J. N.J. Misc. N.M. Nouv. Revue N.S. N.S.R. xxxiii Mixed Arbitral Tribunal. Missouri Reports. Missouri Appellate Reports. The Modern Law Review (London). Missouri Law Review. Monitore dei Tribunali. Montana Reports. Montreal Law Reports, Superior Court (Canada). Moore, English Privy Council Reports. Moore's Privy Council Cases, New Series, 9 vols. (England). Meeson & Welsby, English Exchequer Re· ports, 1 6 vols. Handbook of the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws and Proceedings (United States). North Carolina Reports. Northeastern Reporter (National Reporter System, United States). Northeastern Reporter (National Reporter System, United States) Second Series. Nebraska Reports. Nebraska Law Review. "Neue Folge" meaning new series, to indicate the beginning of new numbering in periodicals, collections of court reports etc. in the German language. New Hampshire Reports. Nederlandsche Jurisprudentie. New Jersey Law Reports. New Jersey Equity Reports. New Jersey Law Journal. New Jersey Miscellaneous Reports. New Mexico Reports. Nouvelle Revue de droit international prive. New series, if added to court reports, periodicals, etc. Nova Scotia Reports (Canada) • xxxiv N.W. N.Y. N.Y.L.J. N.Y. Misc. N.Y. St. Rep. N.Y. Supp. N.Y. Supp. (2d) Oberapp. Ger. 0 Direito OGH. Okla. OLG. O.L.R. O.N.P. O.R. Ore. O.W.N. P. Pa. Pac. Pac. (2d) Pa. D. & C. Paige Pand. Belges Pand. Fer. Pasicrisie Pa. St. Pa. Super. Ct. P.D. Peake Add. Cas. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Northwestern Reporter (National Reporter System, United States). New York Court of Appeals Reports. New York Law Journal. New York Miscellaneous Reports. New York State Reporter. New York Supplement Reports (National Reporter System, United States). New York Supplement Reports (National Reporter System, United States) Second Series. Oberappellationsgericht (Germany). 0 Direito. Revista Mensal de Legisla<;ao, Doutrina e Jurisprudencia (Brazil). Oberster Gerichtshof (Austria). Oklahoma Reports. Oberlandesgericht (Germany and Austria). Ontario Law Reports (Canada). Ohio Nisi Prius Reports. Ontario Reports (Canada). Oregon Reports. The Ontario Weekly Notes (Canada). English Law Reports, Probate Division. Pennsylvania Reports. Pacific Reporter (National Reporter System, United States). Pacific Reporter (National Reporter System, United States) Second Series. Pennsylvania District and County Reports. Paige, New York Chancery Reports. Pandectes belges. Pandectes periodiques. Recueil de jurisprudence (Belgium). Pasicrisie beige. Recueil general de la jurisprudence des cours et tribunaux de Belgique. Pennsylvania State Reports. Pennsylvania Superior Court Reports. Probate Division, English Law Reports. Peake's Additional Cases, Nisi Prius, 1 vol., 1795-1812 (England). LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Pet. S.C. P.G.R. Phillips Poland, Interlocal Priv. Law Poland, Int. Priv. Law Praxis Preuss. Ges. Sam mi. Priv. Int. Law Q.B. Q.B.D. Que. Que. Que. Que. K.B. Q.B. Pr. S.C. R. Rb. Recht Rec. Somm. Recueil Recueil trib. arb. mixtes Republica Argentina, Segundo Congreso Sudamencano XXXV Peter's United States Supreme Court Reports, vols. 26 to 41. Liechtensteinisches Zivilgesetzbuch, Personenund Gesellschaftsrecht. Phillips, English Chancery Reports. Polish Law of August 2, I 926, on Interlocal Private Law. Polish Law of August 2, I926, on International Private Law. Die Praxis des Bundesgerichts (Switzerland). Preussische Gesetzsammlung. Private International Law. Queen's Bench, English Law Reports, 189I-. English Law Reports, Queen's Bench Division, I 876-1890. , King's Bench Reports (Quebec, Canada). Queen's Bench Reports (Quebec, Canada). Quebec Practice Reports (Canada). Quebec Official Reports, Su~rior Court (Canada). Rettie, Crawford and Melville, (Fourth Series) Scotch Session Cases, 2 5 vols. Rechtbank (the Netherlands). Das Recht, Obersicht iiber Schriftum und Rechtsprechung, begriindet I 897 von Dr. Hs. W. Soergel, Berlin. (Since I935 Beilage zu "Deutsche Justiz" Amtliches Blatt der deutschen Rechtspflege, Berlin.) Recueil des sommaires de la jurisprudence franc;aise. Recueil des cours de 1'Academie de droit international de la Haye. Recueil des decisions des tribunaux arbitraux mixtes. Segundo Congreso Sudamericano de Derecho Internacional Privado, Montevideo 193940, ed. Republica Argentina, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto, Buenos Aires 1940. xxxvi LIST OF Req. Rev. C. Obi. Rev. de Jur. Rev. Der. Juris. Adm. Revista del Foro Revista de los Trib. Revista Der. Jur. y Ciencias Soc. Revista Der. Priv. Revista Dir. Revista Dir. Com. Revista Gen. Legis!. y Jur. Revista Jur. Revista Sup. Trib. Rev. Jur. Bras. Rev. Trim. D. Civ. Revue Revue Crit. Revue Dor Revue Dr. Int. (Bruxelles) Revue Inst. Beige Revue Int. Dr. Marit. ABBREVIATIONS Chambre des requetes de la cour de cassation (France). Revised Code of Obligations, Revidiertes Obligationenrecht (Switzerland). Revue de Jurisprudence (Quebec, Canada). Revista de Derecho, Jurisprudencia y Administraci6n (Uruguay). La Revista del Foro. Organo del Colegio de Abogada; (Peru). Revista de los Tribunales (Peru). Revista de Derecho, J urisprudencia y Ciencias Sociales (Chile). Revista de Derecho Privado (Spain). Revista de Direito Civil, Commercial e Criminal (Brazil). Revista de Direito Comercial (Brazil). Revista General de Legislaci6n y Jurisprudencia (Spain). Revista Jurfdica. Doutrina-JurisprudenciaLegislac;ao (Brazil). Revista do Supremo Tribunal (Brazil). Revista de J urisprudencia Brasileira (Brazil). Revue trimestrielle de droit civil (France). Revue de droit international prive. Fondee par A. Darras. Revue critique de droit international. Revue de droit maritime compare, fondee par Leopold Dor. Paris, 1923. Revue de droit international et de legislation comparee. Fondee par Rolin Jaequemyns, Asser et Westlake. Institut Belge de droit compare, Revue tri). Originally: Remestrielle (1924vue de l'Institut de droit compare ( 19081914). Suspended 1915-1921. 1922I 924: Institut Beige de droit compare, Bulletin trimestriel (See Bull. Inst. Beige). Revue internationale du droit maritime, Paris, 188s-1922. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS RG. RGBI. RGZ. Rhein. Arch. Rheinische Z. f. Zivil- und Prozessrecht R.I. Riv. Dir. Com. Rivista Rivista Dir. Int. di Napoli Rivista Dir. Priv. Rivista Italiana R.L. ROHG. ROHGE. ROLG. R.R. Rspr. Rv. Ry. &M. s. Sachs. Arch. S.A.L.R. App. D. S.A.L.R. Transvaal Prov. Div. xxxvii Reichsgericht (Germany). Reichsgesetzblatt (Germany). Entscheidungen des Reichsgerichts m Zivilsachen (Germany). Rheinisches Archiv fiir Zivil- und Strafrecht. Rheinische Zeitschrift fiir Zivil- und Prozessrecht des In- und Auslandes, I908-1925. Rhode Island Reports. Rivista del diritto commerciale, Milano, I 903Rivista di diritto internazionale. Rivista di diritto internazionale e di legislazione comparata. Rivista di diritto privato. Rivista italiana di diritto internazionale privato e processuale. Revue legale (Canada). Reichsoberhandelsgericht (Germany). Entscheidungen des Reichsoberhandelsgerichtes (Germany). Die Rechtsprechung der Oberlandesgerichte auf dem Gebiete des Zivilrechts (Germany). Revised Reports (England). Die Rechtsprechung. Herausgegeben vom V erband osterreichischer Banken und Bankiers; redigiert von Bergel, LObel und Wahle (Vienna). W etboek van Burgerlijke Regtsvordering (the Netherlands). Ryan & Moody, English Nisi Prius Reports (England). Sirey, Recueil general des lois et des arrets (France). Siichsisches Archiv fiir Rechtspflege. South African Law Reports, Appellate Division. South African Law Reports, Transvaal Provincial Division. XXXVlll LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS S.C. S.C. (H.L.) Schweiz. Verein. f. Int. R. Scot. L.R. Scot. L. Rev. S.C.R. S. Ct. S.E. Seman. Jud. Seuff. Arch. Sem. Jud. Sett. Cass. SJZ. So. Sol. J. SpR. S.R. Strange St. R. & 0. Sup. Trib. Fed. s.w. s.w. (2d) South Carolina Reports; Sessions Cases Supreme Court Reporter (Scotch); (United States). Court of Session Cases, House of Lords (Scotland). Schweizerische Vereinigung fiir Internationales Recht. Scottish Law Reporter. Scottish Law Review. Supreme Court Reports (Canada). Supreme Court Reporter (National Reporter System, United States) ; Supreme Court; Suprema Corte. Southeastern Reporter (National Reporter System, United States). Semanario Judicial de la Federaci6n. Sentencias dictadas por la Suprema Corte (Mexico). J. A. Seuffert's Archiv fiir Entscheidungen der obersten Gerichte in den deutschen Staaten. La Semaine judiciaire (Switzerland). Settimana della Cassazione (Italy). Schweizerische Juristen Zeitung. Southern Reporter (National Reporter System, United States) . Solicitor's Journal (London). Spruchrepertorium des Obersten Gerichtshofes (Austria). Liechtensteinisches Zivilgesetzbuch, Sachenrecht. Strange's Reports, English King's Bench, 2 vols. Statutory Rules and Orders (Great Britain). Supremo Tribunal Federal (Brazil). Southwestern Reporter (National Reporter System, United States). Southwestern Reporter (National Reporter System, United States) Second Series. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Swab. Swan. Swiss Code Obi. sz. Tenn. Tenn. App. Tenn. L. Rev. Terr. L. R. Tex. Tex. Civ. App. Tex. L. Rev. Themis T.L.R. T.R. T. & R. Trib. civ. Trib. com. Trib. corr. Trib. Marit. Trib. paix Trib. Supr. Tul. L. Rev. U.C.C.P. U.C.Q.B. U.L.A. U. of Chi. L. Rev. U. of Detroit L. J. U. of Pa. L. Rev. U. of Toronto L. J. Swabey, English Admiralty Reports. Swanston, English Chancery Reports, 3 vols. Das Obligationenrecht, Bundesgesetz betreffend die Erganzung des schweizerischen Zivilgesetzbuches. March 30, 191 I. Sammlung der Entscheidungen des 5sterreichischen Obersten Gerichtshofes in Zivilund J ustizverwaltungssachen. V eroffentlicht von seinen Mitgliedern (Austria). Tennessee Reports. Tennessee Civil Appeals Reports. Tennessee Law Review. North-West Territories Law Reports (Canada). Texas Reports. Texas Civil Appeals Reports. Texas Law Review. 9ep.~; (Themis) Weekly Law Journal, Athens, I 89o-. Times Law Reports (England). Term Reports (Durnford & East) (England). Turner & Russell, English Chancery Reports. Tribunal civH (France). Tribunal de commerce (France). Tribunal correctionnel (France). Tribunal maritime, Maritime Tribunal. Tribunal de paix (France). Tribunal Supremo. Tulane Law Review. Upper Canada Common Pleas Reports. Upper Canada Queen's Bench Reports. Uniform Laws, Annotated (United States). University of Chicago Law Review. University of Detroit Law Journal. University of Pennsylvania Law Review and American Law Register. University of Toronto Law Journal. x1 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS u.s. u.s.c. U.S.C.A. U.S.C.C.A. Utah Va. Va. L. Rev. Vt. w. Wall. Warn. Rspr. Wash. Wash. & Lee. L. Rev. Wash. L. Rev. United States Reports. Code of the Laws of the United States of America. Code of the Laws of the United States of America, Annotated. United States Circuit Courts of Appeals Reports. Utah Reports. Virginia Reports. Virginia Law Review. Vermont Reports. Weekblad van het Recht (the Netherlands). Wallace, United States Supreme Court Reports, vols. 68-90. Die Rechtsprechung des Reichsgerichts auf dem Gebiete des Zivilrechts, herausgegeben von 0. W arneyer (Germany). Washington State Reports. Washington and Lee Law Review. W.Va. L. Q. W.W.R. Yale L. J. Zab. Washington Law Review. Sir William Blackstone, English King's Bench Reports. Wheaton, United States Supreme Court Reports, vols. q.-25. Wisconsin Reports. Western Law Reporter (Canada). Wisconsin Law Review. English Law Reports, Weekly Notes. West Virginia Reports. Woods, United States Circuit Court Reports, 4 vols. West Virginia Law Quarterly. Western Weekly Reports (Canada). Yale Law Journal. Zabriskie, New Jersey Law Reports, vols. Z. AK. deutsches R. Zeitschrift der Akademie fiir deutsches Recht. W. Bl. Wheat. Wis. W.L.R. Wis. L. Rev. W.N. W.Va. Woods 21-24. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xli Z. ausl. off. R. Zeitschrift fiir ausliindisches offentliches Recht und Volkerrecht. Berlin und Leipzig Z. ausl. PR. Zeitschrift fiir auslandisches und internationales Privatrecht. Founded by Ernst Rabel. Schweizerisches Zivilgesetzbuch (Swiss Civil Code). Zeitschrift des Bernischen Juristenvereins (Switzerland). Zentralblatt fiir die Juristische Praxis. Continuation of Geller's Zentralblatt (Austria). Zeitschrift fiir Ostrecht. (See also Z.osteurop. I929-· ZBG. ZBJV. Zentralblatt Z. f. Ostrecht R.). Z. f. Volkerrecht Z. Handelsr. Z. int. R. Z. osteurop. R. ZPO. Z. Schweiz. R. Zeitschrift fiir Volkerrecht, Breslau, I 907-. Zeitschrift fiir das gesamte Handelsrecht und Konkursrecht, Stuttgart. Niemeyer's Zeitschrift fiir internationales Recht. Zeitschrift fiir asteuropaisches Recht. (In I927 merged with Ostrecht into Zeit~ schrift fiir Ostrecht. Continued since I 934 as Zeitschrift fiir osteuropaisches Recht. See also Z.f.Ostrecht). Zivilprozessordung (Code of Civil Procedure of Germany and Austria). Zeitschrift fiir schweizerisches Recht.