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College Mathematics for Aviation I MATH 111 EagleVison Home Course Syllabus Credit Hours: 3 credits Academic Term: January 2013: January 14, 2013 – March 17, 2013 Meetings: 11:00 AM - 1:30 PM Central Time; Wednesday & Friday Location: EagleVision Home Instructor: Frank Mitchell Office Hours: Virtual Office, times posted on Telephone: Voicemail (402) 953-4518 E-mail: Course Description: This is a pre-calculus course designed for the student aviation. Topics include a review of the fundamentals of algebra; linear equations and inequalities, quadratic equations; variation; polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions; radian measures; right triangle solutions, vectors and the laws of sines and cosines. Lecture hours per week (4 :45). Prerequisite(s): Qualifying score on the ERAU Mathematics Placement Examination or MATH 106 Course Goals: This course provides students the necessary algebra, geometry and trigonometry required for the study of topics in aviation. Learning Outcomes: Alignment with departmental program outcomes is indicated in parentheses. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to do the following: 1 1. Use the basic properties of the real number system to perform algebraic operations including factoring, operations with fractions, exponents and radicals. (PO 1 & 7) 2. Solve linear, quadratic, absolute value, rational, exponential, and logarithmic equations. Transpose formulas and solve verbal problems that require the use these types of equations. (PO 1 & 7) 3. Solve linear inequalities and identify their solutions by using interval notation and graphs. (PO 1 & 7) 4. Use the distance, midpoint, point-slope-intercept formulas to solve problems involving line and line segments. (PO 1 & 7) 5. Solve verbal problems involving direct, inverse and joint variation. (PO 1 & 7) 6. Define function, domain and range; and identify examples of each. (PO 1 & 7) 7. Graph linear, quadratic, polynomial and rational functions by using standard forms, symmetry, intercepts, asymptotes, and vertical and horizontal shifts. (PO 1 & 7) 8. Graph exponential and logarithmic functions and solve word problems dealing with these functions. (PO 1 & 7) 9. Convert radians to degrees, degrees to radians and solve arc length problems using radians. (PO 1 & 7) 10. Define the six trigonometric functions and the fundamental trigonometric identities, and use them to find the values of various trigonometric functions. (PO 1 & 7) 11. Use the six trigonometric functions to solve right triangle problems, resolve vectors into rectangular components, and solve force and displacement problems using vectors. (PO 1 & 7) 12. Solve word problems by using linear systems of equations. (PO 1 & 7) 13. Solve oblique triangle problems using the Law of Sines and the Law of Cosines. (PO 1 & 7) Required Course Materials: Washington, A. J. (2009). Basic technical mathematics with calculus and MyMathLab access card (9th ed.). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall ISBN: 978-0136065388 This is a custom text and must be ordered through the Worldwide Bookstore. Suggested Supplemental Materials: Scientific or Graphing Calculator Grading: Examinations Assignments Participation/Blackboard Work Total 60% 30% 10% 100% 2 UNDERGRADUATE Grade 90 - 100 80 - 89 70 - 79 60 - 69 Below 60 Grade A (Superior) B (Above Average) C (Average) D (Below Average) F (Failure) Library: The Jack R. Hunt Library, located on the Daytona Beach Campus, is the primary library for all Worldwide Campus students. Web: Phone: (800) 678-9428 (ext. 6947) or (386) 226-7656 (Voicemail is available after hours) Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. EST Email: Assignments, Discussion Board Participation (If required for Blended Delivery), and/or special administrative: All assignments will be completed in a professional manner and on time, unless prior arrangements have been made with the professor. Blackboard assignments (if required) are graded with class participation. This course includes weekly activities, each of which may have grade points associated with them. Unless prior arrangements have been made with the instructor, students are expected to participate each week, according to the course schedule. This is especially important with regards to discussion activities. Weekly discussions typically include both an initial posting and one or more substantive replies. Note: Proper etiquette has to do with keeping it simple by using proper English and proper spelling – spell check works well in Blackboard. Course Policies: Embry-Riddle is committed to maintaining and upholding intellectual integrity. All students, faculty, and staff have obligations to prevent violations of academic integrity and take corrective action when they occur. The adjudication process will include the sanction imposed on students who commit the following academic violations, which may include a failing grade on the assignment, a failing grade for the course, suspension, or dismissal from the University: 3 1. Plagiarism: Presenting as one’s own the ideas, words, or products of another. Plagiarism includes use of any source to complete academic assignments without proper acknowledgement of the source. All papers submitted for grading in this course will be submitted to - where the text of the paper is compared against information contained in the database. Papers submitted will be included in the database and become source documents for the purpose of detecting plagiarism. 2. Cheating: A broad term that includes the following: a. Giving or receiving help from unauthorized persons or materials during examinations. b. The unauthorized communication of examination questions prior to, during, or following administration of the examination. c. Collaboration on examinations or assignments expected to be individual work. d. Fraud and deceit, that include knowingly furnishing false or misleading information or failing to furnish appropriate information when requested, such as when applying for admission to the University. 3. APA 6th edition format is the ERAU Worldwide standard for all research projects. Disability and Special Needs: ERAU is committed to the success of all students. It is a University policy to provide reasonable accommodations to students with disabilities who qualify for services. If you would like to request accommodations due to a physical, mental, or learning disability contact the Disability Support Service Office at (386) 226-7916. 4 Course Schedule: Week Topics L/O Activities Jan 16 Functions 6 3.1-3.3 Jan 18 Trig Functions 7, 10 3.4, 4.1-4.3 Jan 23 Linear Equations 11, 2 4.4-4.5, 5.1-5.3 Jan 25 Systems of Equations, exam ch 3&4 12 5.4, 5.6 Jan 30 Factoring 1 6.1-6.3 Feb 1 Fractions 1 6.5-6.8 Feb 6 Quadratic Equations, exam ch 5&6 2 7.1,7.3 Feb 8 Trig Functions 9 7.4, 8.1-8.3 Feb 13 Vectors 11 8.4, 9.1-9.3 Feb 15 Vectors, exam ch 7&8 13 9.4-9.5 Feb 20 Exponents 1 9.6, 11.1-11.2 Feb 22 Radicals 1 11.3-11.4 Feb 27 Exponential & Logaritmic Functions, exam ch 9&11 8 13.1-13.3 Mar 1 Exponential & Logaritmic Equations 2 13.4-13.6 Mar 6 Inequalities 3 17.1-17.2, 17.4 Mar 8 Variation, exam ch 13&17 5 18.1-18.2 Mar 13 Analytic Geometry 4 21.1-21.2 Mar 15 exam ch 18&21 5