Open file - Bundesbank
Open file - Bundesbank
The Deutsche Bundesbank’s technical specifications for the clearing and settlement of interbank SEPA credit transfers via the RPS SEPA-Clearer (“SCT/BCT/SCL technical specifications”) Version 2.4 valid from 30 September 2013 Notes on the English translation This translation has been prepared with the greatest possible care; however, in case of doubt, the German text is the authoritative version. SCT/BCT/SCL technical specifications, version 2.4 Page 1 of 42 Contents Inhaltsverzeichnis ................................................................................................................................. 2 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 5 2 Duplication check ......................................................................................................................... 5 3 Daily reconciliation report for credit transfers (DRC) ............................................................... 8 3.1 DRC header ................................................................................................................................ 8 3.2 DRC (pacs.008) credit transfer bulks sent body ........................................................................ 9 3.3 DRC (pacs.004) return bulks sent body ................................................................................... 10 3.4 DRC (camt.056) payment cancellation requests sent body ..................................................... 11 3.5 DRC (camt.056) resolutions of investigation (ROIs) sent body................................................ 12 3.6 DRC (pacs.008) credit transfer bulks received body................................................................ 13 3.7 DRC (pacs.004) return bulks received body ............................................................................ 13 3.8 DRC (camt.056) payment cancellation requests received body .............................................. 14 3.9 DRC (camt.056) resolutions of investigation (ROIs) received body ......................................... 16 3.10 DRC trailer ................................................................................................................................ 16 4 XML file header ........................................................................................................................... 17 4.1 Input credit file (ICF) header ..................................................................................................... 17 4.2 Credit validation file (CVF) header ........................................................................................... 17 4.3 Settled credit file (SCF) header ................................................................................................ 17 4.4 Bilateral credit file (BCF) header .............................................................................................. 17 5 XML interbank messages ........................................................................................................... 18 5.1 SEPA credit transfer – interbank payment .............................................................................. 18 5.2 SEPA credit transfer – interbank credit transfer reject SCL ..................................................... 18 5.3 SEPA credit transfer – interbank return credit transfer ............................................................ 18 5.4 SEPA credit transfer – interbank payment cancellation request .............................................. 18 5.5 SEPA Credit Transfer – interbank resolution of investigation .................................................. 18 6 Use of the instructing agent and instructed agent .................................................................. 19 7 Error codes/reject reason codes ............................................................................................... 26 7.1 Error codes/reject reason codes used in the SCT service ....................................................... 26 7.2 Error codes/reject reason codes used in the BCT service ....................................................... 33 8 Character set ............................................................................................................................... 34 9 Notes on format/status, special features of XML .................................................................... 35 9.1 Explanatory notes on the format of XML file headers and daily reconciliation reports ............ 35 9.2 Completing amount fields in line with the schema ................................................................... 36 9.3 Use of filling characters in the amount fields ............................................................................ 36 9.4 Use of spaces in XML fields, in this case the “collapsing” procedure ...................................... 37 10 Compression procedure ............................................................................................................ 37 10.1 FileAct: ...................................................................................................................................... 38 10.2 EBICS environment: ................................................................................................................. 38 11 TARGET2 referencing ................................................................................................................ 38 12 Annexes (schema files and corresponding sample files) ...................................................... 41 SCT/BCT/SCL technical specifications, version 2.4 Page 2 of 42 Changes/additions to the “Technical specifications” compared with version 2.3 (effective from 30 September 2013) Sec- Location Changes/additions Entire document Editorial changes DRC Inclusion of new submission window when specifying the processing cycle number in the relevant “sent body” tion 3 Inclusion of the two new delivery windows when specifying the processing cycle number in the relevant “received body” 4.2 – 4.3 XML file header Note: The processing windows generated by the newly added submission window and the two new delivery windows are included accordingly when specifying the file cycle number (<FileCycleNo>). 11 TARGET2 referencing Inclusion of the processing windows generated by the newly added submission window and the two new delivery windows when specifying the processing cycle in the relevant references. 5.1 pacs.008.001.02 Inclusion of the new submission window when entering data in the element <GrpHdr> <IntrBkSttlmDt>. 5.2 pacs.002.001.03SCL Editorial revision of descriptions contained in column “SEPA-Clearer information and checks” for elements located below the entry <TxInfAndSts> regarding the should contain the transaction-related reasons for the rejection of a bulk using error code B09 (bulk was completely rejected as all transactions contained in it were rejected. The specific reasons for rejecting each transaction are stated in the CVF). 5.3 pacs.004.001.02SCT Inclusion of the new submission window when entering data in the element <GrpHdr> <IntrBkSttlmDt>. 5.4 camt.056.001.01SCT Note added to descriptions in column “SEPA-Clearer information and checks” for element <Undrlyg><TxInf><OrgnlIntrBkSttlmDt> explaining that failure to meet the deadline for submitting a request to another CSM to return a SEPA credit transfer may result in a rejection using error code XT86. 7.1 Error/rejection codes Failure to meet the deadline for submitting a request to return a SEPA credit transfer may result in the issuance of a rejection using error code XT86 by other CSMs SCT/BCT/SCL technical specifications, version 2.4 Page 3 of 42 Sec- Location Changes/additions Sample files One further sample file added to depict a bulk rejection (return) using error code B09. tion 12 With effect from 1 February 2014 Sec Location Changes/additions DRC Inclusion of the new amount field in the camt-029 schema file when specifying the ROI processed and ROI rejected values in the DRC (camt.029) resolution of investigation sent body. tion 3.5 and 3.9 Inclusion of the new amount field in the camt-029 schema file when specifying the ROI received value in the DRC (camt.029) resolution of investigation received body. 5.3 pacs.004.001.02SCT Adaption of description in column EPC references of the element <TxInf><RtrRsnInf><AddtlInf> to accommodate a clarification added by the EPC to version 7.0 of their Inter-Bank Implementation Guidelines. This did not lead to any changes to the technical tests performed by the SEPA-Clearer. 5.4 camt.056.001.01SCT Enhancement of description in column EPC references of the element <Undrlyg><TxInf><CxlRsnInf><AddtlInf> to accommodate a clarification added by the EPC to version 7.0 of their Inter-Bank Implementation Guidelines. This did not lead to any changes to the technical tests performed by the SEPA-Clearer. 5.5 camt.029.001.03 Incorporation of element <CxlDtls><TxInfAndSts> <OrgnlTxRef><IntrBkSttlmAmt> as a new mandatory field in the camt.029.001.03 schema file. SCT/BCT/SCL technical specifications, version 2.4 Page 4 of 42 1 Introduction All items to be processed between the SEPA-Clearer and SEPA-Clearer participants are exchanged in the form of physical files. The formats of the individual files and bulks (logical files contained in files) are specified in the corresponding sections of this document. If the XML format and syntax rules defined in the XSD schema files are not observed, a file reject is generated by the SEPA-Clearer. With regard to outgoing files, the data formats provided meet the specifications of this document. The format applied for the specific payment instructions in the individual files depends on the service in question. In the case of both its SCT service and its BCT service, the SEPAClearer supports SEPA credit transfers in XML format in accordance with ISO 20022 and the EPC specifications. Checking rules going beyond schema validations are described in the following sections. The message type pacs.002.001.03SCL used in the CVF does not form part of the EPC specifications. It is a notice of rejection which the SEPA-Clearer sends to SEPA-Clearer participants in the event of an error to inform them about rejected bulks or individual transactions (at the validation or settlement stage). 2 Duplication check Participants in the Bundesbank's RPS SEPA-Clearer are advised to unambiguously reference each individual transaction every business day. Ensuring that payments are unambiguous helps to avoid duplicate payments and makes it easier to classify and search for specific payments. The SEPA-Clearer carries out duplication checks in the SCT service at file, bulk and individual transaction level and in the BCT service at file level. These cover the following criteria, from which an unambiguous key can be derived. Service Reference number Identification of the party that allocated the reference Interbank settlement date (determined by the processing window used in the SEPAClearer) or processing day in the SEPA-Clearer The table below shows the duplication criteria applying at file, bulk and individual transaction levels. SCT/BCT/SCL technical specifications, version 2.4 Page 5 of 42 Origin Service Reference BIC Date number Files ICF bulks ICF/BCF File reference file header SCT/ BCT ICF SCT Message ID or identification Group header or assignment Credit pacs.008 If a file is rejected, it must in any case be given a new file reference prior to being resubmitted. Sending institution - Instructing agent Interbank Debtor agent Interbank SCT Transaction ID transfer Return settlement date It is necessary to ensure that the <Msgld> remains unambiguous throughout both pacs message types (pacs.008 and pacs.004) and the <Id> of the two camt types (camt.056 and camt 0.299 (see explanatory note on <MsgId> and <Id>). settlement date pacs.004 SCT Return ID Original creditor agent Interbank settlement date Payment cancellation request camt.056 SCT Cancellation ID Original debtor agent SCL processing day Resolution of investigation camt.029 SCT Cancellation status ID Original creditor agent SCL processing day Explanatory note on references at bulk and individual transaction level (1) Avoiding rejects by other CSMs owing to duplicate submission The Deutsch Bundesbank routes SEPA credit transfers which cannot be processed in the SEPA-Cleareer via other CSMs. To avoid rejections by other CSMs on account of other duplication checks, the references contained in the following message elements should be kept unambiguous for an extended period of time (at least three months) by, for example, applying a time stamp. Message identification (bulk level; pacs.008 and pacs.004) Identification (bulk level; camt.056 and camt.029) Transaction ID (individual transaction level; pacs.008) Return ID (individual transaction level; pacs.004) Cancellation ID (individual transaction level; camt.056) Cancellation status ID (individual transaction level; camt.029) SCT/BCT/SCL technical specifications, version 2.4 Page 6 of 42 The individual participant is responsible for any rejects by other CSMs on account of duplicate submissions arising from a participant's non-compliance with the aforementioned rules for completing fields. Furthermore, each participant is liable for any resulting damages and failure to meet the return deadlines etc defined in the rulebook. (2) Cross-referencing by other CSMs Among other activities, the SEPA-Clearer routes R-transactions to other CSMs. Where applicable, other CSMs may have subjected these R-transactions to cross-referencing checks on the basis of references entered in the individual message elements and entries contained in other message elements of the original transaction as listed under the previous sub-item (eg the original interbank settlement date or the original interbank settlement amount), the aim being to establish whether the original transaction was also processed using this other CSM. If the details contained in the R-transaction regarding the original transaction do not exactly match the data relating to the original transaction, this may result in the R-transaction being rejected by the other CSM. SCT/BCT/SCL technical specifications, version 2.4 Page 7 of 42 3 Daily reconciliation report for credit transfers (DRC) Summary of the bulks submitted to and delivered from the SEPA-Clearer’s SCT service, a copy of which is made available to each SEPA-Clearer participant in EBCDIC format every business day at the end of that day’s SEPA processing schedule. The DRC is not in XML format. The DRC files delivered by the SEPA-Clearer in ASCII format using the EBICS communication structure do not incorporate any special characters for the line feed at the end of the data record. 3.1 DRC header Status Field name Format Content Item M Record type 4x HDRC 0 M Service identifier 3x SCT 4 M File type 3x DRC 7 M Sending institution 4!a2!a2!c SEPA-Clearer’s BIC (Production: MARKDEFF; test: MARKDEF0) 10 M Sender’s file reference 16!x SEPA-Clearer’s reference 18 M Date and time 6!n6!n YYMMDDHHMMSS 34 M Test code 1x Either “T” (test) or “P” (production), depending on the processing environment 46 M Receiving institution 4!a2!a2!c3!c Originator’s BIC/clearing institution’s BIC (not communication partner) 47 M Business date 6!n SEPA-Clearer business day 58 SCT/BCT/SCL technical specifications, version 2.4 Page 8 of 42 3.2 DRC (pacs.008) credit transfer bulks sent body Submissions of original SEPA direct debits to the SEPA-Clearer’s STC service by SEPA-Clearer participants Status Field name Format Content Item M Record type 4x DTSB 0 M Bulk reference 35x <MsgId> in group header 4 M Number credit transfers processed 8n Number of processed transactions in a bulk 39 M Number credit transfers rejected 8n Number of records rejected in a bulk 47 M Value credit transfers processed 18d Total value of processed transactions in a bulk. If an entire bulk is rejected: 0.00 55 M Value credit transfers rejected 18d Total value of records rejected in a bulk. If an entire bulk is rejected, total value of all transactions contained in the bulk 73 M Processing cycle number 1n Processing cycle 91 A “3” denotes processing after the first submission win- dow A “4” denotes processing after the second submission window A “5” denotes processing after the third submission win- dow A “6” denotes processing after the fourth submission window A “9” denotes processing after the fifth submission win- dow SCT/BCT/SCL technical specifications, version 2.4 Page 9 of 42 3.3 DRC (pacs.004) return bulks sent body Submissions of returns to the SEPA-Clearer’s STC service by SEPA-Clearer participants Status Field name Format Content Item M Record type 4x DRSB 0 M Bulk reference 35x <MsgId> in group header 4 M Number returns processed 8n Number of processed transactions in a bulk 39 M Number returns rejected 8n Number of records rejected in a bulk 47 M Value returns processed 18d Total value of processed transactions in a bulk. If an entire bulk is rejected: 0.00 55 M Value returns rejected 18d Total value of records rejected in a bulk. If an entire bulk is rejected, total value of all transactions contained in the bulk 73 M Processing cycle number 1n Processing cycle 91 A “3” denotes processing after the first submission win- dow A “4” denotes processing after the second submission window A “5” denotes processing after the third submission win- dow A “6” denotes processing after the fourth submission window A “9” denotes processing after the fifth submission win- dow SCT/BCT/SCL technical specifications, version 2.4 Page 10 of 42 3.4 DRC (camt.056) payment cancellation requests sent body Submissions of payment cancellation requests (PCRs) to the SEPA-Clearer’s STC service by SEPA-Clearer participants Status Field name Format Content Item M Record type 4x DCSB 0 M Bulk reference 35x <Id> belonging to assignment 4 M Number PCRs processed 8n Number of processed transactions in a bulk 39 M Number PCRs rejected 8n Number of records rejected in a bulk 47 M Value PCRs processed 18d Total value of processed transactions in a bulk. If an entire bulk is rejected: 0.00 55 M Value PCRs rejected 18d Total value of records rejected in a bulk. If an entire bulk is rejected, total value of all transactions contained in the bulk 73 M Processing cycle number 1n Processing cycle 91 A “3” denotes processing after the first submission win- dow A “4” denotes processing after the second submission window A “5” denotes processing after the third submission win- dow A “6” denotes processing after the fourth submission window A “9” denotes processing after the fifth submission win- dow SCT/BCT/SCL technical specifications, version 2.4 Page 11 of 42 3.5 DRC (camt.056) resolutions of investigation (ROIs) sent body Submissions of resolutions of investigation (ROIs) to the SEPA-Clearer’s STC service by SEPA-Clearer participants Status Field name Format Content Item M Record type 4x DRIB 0 M Bulk reference 35x <Id> belonging to assignment 4 M Number ROIs processed 8n Number of processed transactions in a bulk 39 M Number ROIs rejected 8n Number of records rejected in a bulk 47 M Value ROIs processed 18d Total value of processed transactions in a bulk. If an entire bulk is rejected: 0.00 55 M Value ROIs rejected 18d Total value of records rejected in a bulk. If an entire bulk is rejected, total value of all transactions contained in the bulk 73 M Processing cycle number 1n Processing cycle 91 A “3” denotes processing after the first submission win- dow A “4” denotes processing after the second submission window A “5” denotes processing after the third submission win- dow A “6” denotes processing after the fourth submission window A “9” denotes processing after the fifth submission win- dow SCT/BCT/SCL technical specifications, version 2.4 Page 12 of 42 3.6 DRC (pacs.008) credit transfer bulks received body Deliveries of original SEPA credit transfers from the SEPA-Clearer’s STC service to SEPA-Clearer participants Status Field name Format Content Item M Record type 4x DTRB 0 M Bulk reference 35x <MsgId> in group header 4 M Number credit transfers received 8n Number of delivered transactions in a bulk 39 M Value credit transfers received 18d Total value of delivered transactions in a bulk 47 M Processing cycle number 1n Processing cycle A “3” denotes deliveries from the first delivery window A “4” denotes deliveries from the second delivery window A “5” denotes deliveries from the third delivery window A “6” denotes deliveries from the fourth delivery window A “7” denotes deliveries from the fifth delivery window An “8” denotes deliveries from the sixth delivery window A “9” denotes deliveries from the seventh delivery window 65 3.7 DRC (pacs.004) return bulks received body Deliveries of returns from the SEPA-Clearer’s STC service to SEPA-Clearer participants Status Field name Format Content Item M Record type 4x DRCB 0 M Bulk reference 35x <MsgId> in group header 4 M Number returns received 8n Number of delivered transactions in a bulk 39 M Value returns received 18d Total value of delivered transactions in a bulk 47 SCT/BCT/SCL technical specifications, version 2.4 Page 13 of 42 M 3.8 Processing cycle number 1n Processing cycle A “3” denotes deliveries from the first delivery window A “4” denotes deliveries from the second delivery window A “5” denotes deliveries from the third delivery window A “6” denotes deliveries from the fourth delivery window A “7” denotes deliveries from the fifth delivery window An “8” denotes deliveries from the sixth delivery window A “9” denotes deliveries from the seventh delivery window 65 DRC (camt.056) payment cancellation requests received body Deliveries of payment cancellation requests (PCRs) from the SEPA-Clearer’s STC service to SEPA-Clearer participants Status Field name Format Content Item M Record type 4x DRRB 0 M Bulk reference 35x <Id> belonging to assignment 4 M Number PCRs received 8n Number of delivered transactions in a bulk 39 M Value PCRs received 18d Total value of delivered transactions in a bulk 47 M Processing cycle number 1n Processing cycle A “3” denotes deliveries from the first delivery window A “4” denotes deliveries from the second delivery window A “5” denotes deliveries from the third delivery window A “6” denotes deliveries from the fourth delivery window A “7” denotes deliveries from the fifth delivery window An “8” denotes deliveries from the sixth delivery window 65 SCT/BCT/SCL technical specifications, version 2.4 Page 14 of 42 Status Field name Format Content Item A “9” denotes deliveries from the seventh delivery win- dow SCT/BCT/SCL technical specifications, version 2.4 Page 15 of 42 3.9 DRC (camt.029) resolutions of investigation (ROIs) received body Deliveries of resolutions of investigation (ROIs) from the SEPA-Clearer’s STC service to SEPA-Clearer participants Status 3.10 Field name Format Content Item M Record type 4x DROB 0 M Bulk reference 35x <Id> belonging to assignment 4 M Number ROIs received 8n Number of delivered transactions in a bulk 39 M Value ROIs received 18d Total value of delivered transactions in a bulk 47 M Processing cycle number 1n Processing cycle A “3” denotes deliveries from the first delivery window A “4” denotes deliveries from the second delivery window A “5” denotes deliveries from the third delivery window A “6” denotes deliveries from the fourth delivery window A “7” denotes deliveries from the fifth delivery window An “8” denotes deliveries from the sixth delivery window A “9” denotes deliveries from the seventh delivery window 65 DRC trailer Status Field name Format Content Item M Record type 4x TDRC 0 M Total number records 6n Number of DRC bodies 4 SCT/BCT/SCL technical specifications, version 2.4 Page 16 of 42 4 XML file header 4.1 Input credit file (ICF) header (BBkICFBlkCdtTrf) see annex 1 4.2 Credit validation file (CVF) header (BBkCVFBlkCdtTrf) see annex 2 4.3 Settled credit file (SCF) header (BBkSCFBlkCdtTrf) see annex 3 4.4 Bilateral credit file (BCF) header (BBkBCFBlkCdtTrf) see annex 4 SCT/BCT/SCL technical specifications, version 2.4 Page 17 of 42 5 XML interbank messages 5.1 SEPA credit transfer – interbank payment (pacs.008.001.02) see annex 5 5.2 SEPA credit transfer – interbank credit transfer reject SCL (pacs.002.001.03SCLSCT) see annex 6 5.3 SEPA credit transfer – interbank return credit transfer (pacs.004.001.02SCT) see annex 7 5.4 SEPA credit transfer – interbank payment cancellation request (interbank recall of a credit transfer) (camt.056.001.01SCT) see annex 8 5.5 SEPA credit transfer – interbank resolution of investigation (interbank negative response to a request to recall a credit transfer) (camt.029.001.03) see annex 9 SCT/BCT/SCL technical specifications, version 2.4 Page 18 of 42 6 Use of the instructing agent and instructed agent The following charts provide an overview of how and in which messages the instructing agent, the instructed agent and the receiving and sending institutions are to be specified at the different message levels (file, bulk or individual transaction level) in connection with the SCT service. The “InstructedAgentRule” and the ”InstructingAgentRule" must be observed in accordance with the ISO 20022 standard. The latter rule includes an exclusion principle which clearly states that the instructing agent may be specified only in the group header or at individual transaction level. This principle also applies to the instructed agent. The following information is not intended to depict all the data elements that can or must contain a BIC in a SEPA credit transfer message but rather to identify the key agents involved in payment processing using the SEPA-Clearer. Brief overview of key individual agents File header for the sending institution <SndgInst>: should contain the BIC belonging to the sender (communication partner) transferring files to the SEPA-Clearer that contain the bulks of one or more instructing agents. This BIC can deviate from that of the (respective) instructing agent and need not be listed in the SCL-Directory. File header for the receiving institution <RcvgInst>: should contain the BIC belonging to the recipient (communication partner) who receives files from the SEPA-Clearer on behalf of an instructed agent. This BIC can deviate from that of the (respective) instructed agent and need not be listed in the SCL-Directory. Group header for the instructing agent <InstgAgt>: should contain the BIC belonging to the submitter (originator) of a bulk transferred to the SEPA-Clearer by the sender. This BIC must be listed in the SCL-Directory. The countervalue of the submitted bulk is settled using the technical sub-account on the TARGET2 SSP specified by the submitter for the purpose of effecting financial settlement via the SEPA-Clearer during the corresponding SCT settlement cycle. Group header for the instructed agent <InstdAgt>: should contain the BIC belonging to the SEPA-Clearer participant whose bulk was delivered to the recipient (known as the settlement institution). This BIC can, but need not necessarily, be contained in the SCLDirectory. The countervalue of the delivered bulk is settled using the technical sub-account on the TARGET2 SSP specified by the agent for the purpose of effecting financial settlement via the SEPA-Clearer during the corresponding SCT settlement cycle. Individual transaction level for the instructing agent <InstgAgt>: should contain the BIC belonging to the original submitter of the bulk in which the transaction was contained upon its submission to the SEPA-Clearer. Upon delivery of the transaction at individual transaction level, this BIC is entered by the SEPA-Clearer and can, but need not necessarily, be listed in the SCL-Directory. SCT/BCT/SCL technical specifications, version 2.4 Page 19 of 42 Individual transaction level for the instructed agent <InstdAgt>: this field is not supported at individual transaction level, nor is it a component of the SEPA-Clearer schema files. Individual transaction level for the creditor agent BIC <CdtrAgt>: should contain the BIC belonging to the payee’s payment service provider (creditor bank). It is essential that this is contained in the SCL-Directory as it is the key criterion for effecting a routing system in the SCT service. Note: R-transactions name the creditor agent of the original message (pacs.008). See annex 4 for details of how the sending institution, receiving institution, instructing agent and instructed agent are to specified in the BCF file header. SCT/BCT/SCL technical specifications, version 2.4 Page 20 of 42 Image 1 (in German only) SCT/BCT/SCL technical specifications version 2.4 Page 21 of 42 BIC-Belegung FileHdr, GrpHdr, Indiv. Tx: Überweisung inländisches KI an inländisches KI SEPA Clearer pacs.008 (Original Credit Transfer) FileHdr GrpHdr IndivTx IndivTx SendInst RecvInst InstructingAgt InstructedAgt InstructingAgt InstructedAgt Creditor Agt MARKDEFF SSSSSSSSSSS ./. TTTTTTTTTTT BBBBBBBBBBB ./. CCCCCCCCCCC pacs.008 (Original Credit Transfer) FileHdr GrpHdr IndivTx IndivTx SendInst RecvInst InstructingAgt InstructedAgt InstructingAgt InstructedAgt CreditorAgt AAAAAAAAAAA MARKDEFF BBBBBBBBBBB ./. ./. ./. CCCCCCCCCCC Inländisches KI Inländisches KI Image 2 (in German only) SCT/BCT/SCL technical specifications version 2.4 Page 22 of 42 Image 3 (in German only) SCT/BCT/SCL technical specifications version 2.4 Page 23 of 42 Image 4 (in German only) SCT/BCT/SCL technical specifications version 2.4 Page 24 of 42 Image 5 (in German only) SCT/BCT/SCL technical specifications version 2.4 Page 25 of 42 7 Error codes/reject reason codes 7.1 Error codes/reject reason codes used in the SCT service Error codes used in connection with the structural check of an input credit file (ICF) by the SEPA-Clearer The errors described below result in the entire file being rejected by means of CVF (exception: A01) Error code Nature of error A01 ICF was partially rejected. R02 The file name designation does not conform with the rules (code not currently in use). R04 The sender’s BIC in the file name does not conform with the rules (code not currently in use). R07 SWIFTNet FileAct request type does not conform with the rules. R09 ICF was completely rejected as it does not conform with the rules for other reasons (eg character set data deviate from UTF-8). R10 File does not correspond to the schema and therefore cannot be processed. R11 Sender’s BIC (<SndgInst>) is incorrect. R12 Recipient’s BIC (<RcvgInst>) is incorrect. R13 ICF is a duplicate. R14 Error in test code (<TstCode>). R18 Number of credit transfer bulks contained in the ICF is not consistent with the figure given in the file header. R19 Number of PCR bulks contained in the ICF is not consistent with the figure given in the file header. R20 Number of return bulks contained in the ICF is not consistent with the figure given in the file header. R21 Number of resolution of investigation bulks contained in the ICF is not consistent with the figure given in the file header. R98 File rejected as prefixes are used at group header or individual transaction level (code not currently in use). R99 File rejected for other reasons (code not currently in use). S01 File rejected as maximum permissible number of bulks in file was exceeded. SCT/BCT/SCL technical specifications, version 2.4 Page 26 of 42 Error codes used in connection with the structural check of a bulk by the SEPA-Clearer The errors described below result in the entire bulk being rejected by means of CVF (exception: B01) Error code Nature of error AM04 Bulk was rejected due to insufficient funds. B01 Type pacs.002SCL ISO X Bulk was partially rejected. PRTRY X B02 Maximum permissible number of transactions contained in a bulk was exceeded. PRTRY X B03 Number of transactions contained in a bulk is not consistent with the figure given in the group header. PRTRY X B05 Total value in the field <TtlIntrBkSttlnAmt> or <TtlRtrdIntrBkSttlmAmt> does not correspond to the sum of the transactions in the bulk. PRTRY X B09 Bulk was completely rejected as all transactions contained in it were rejected. The specific reasons for rejecting each transaction are stated in the CVF. PRTRY X B10 Bulk was completely rejected either because the instructing agent has to be included in the ICF group header or the specified instructing agent is not authorised to make submissions for the submitted payment type. PRTRY X B11 Bulk was completely rejected as the instructed agent must not be included in the ICF group header. PRTRY X B12 Bulk was completely rejected as the assigner was not authorised to make submissions or the assignee data was incorrect. PRTRY X B14 Bulk was completely rejected as the <MsgId> or <Id> appears in duplicate. PRTRY X B15 Bulk was completely rejected as the date in the field <IntrBkSttlmDt> or <OrgnlIntrBkSttlmDt> falls outside the permitted time period. PRTRY X B98 Bulk has been completely rejected as the <MsgId> (GrpHdr) or <Id> (Assgnmt) does not comply with the format rules. PRTRY X B99 Bulk rejected for other reasons. PRTRY X SCT/BCT/SCL technical specifications, version 2.4 Page 27 of 42 SEPA Core reason (pursuant to the EPC’s SCT Implementation Guidelines, version 6.0) Nature of error Initiator Type pacs.004 AC01 IncorrectAccountNumber Account identifier invalid (ie invalid IBAN or account number does not exist) See description on left Banks / SEPAClearer ISO X X AC04 ClosedAccountNumber Account closed See description on left Banks ISO X AC06 BlockedAccount Account blocked, reason not specified See description on left Banks ISO X AG01 TransactionForbidden See description on left Banks ISO X AG02 InvalidBankOperationCode Banks ISO X AM02 Not Allowed Amount Credit transfer forbidden on this type of account (eg savings account) Operation/transaction code incorrect, invalid file format Usage rule: To be used for incorrect operation/ transaction code --- Incorrect amount Other CSMs/ SEPAClearer ISO X AM04 InsufficientFunds See description on left Banks ISO X AM05 Duplication Insufficient funds on the account Duplicate payment See description on left Banks/ other CSMs/ SEPA- ISO X SCT/BCT/SCL technical specifications, version 2.4 camt.029 ISO 20022 designation camt.056 Code pacs.002SCL Individual transaction-related error codes (SEPA-Clearer and other CSMs) or rejection codes (banks) specific to the individual transaction: X X X Page 28 of 42 Initiator Type camt.029 Nature of error camt.056 SEPA Core reason (pursuant to the EPC’s SCT Implementation Guidelines, version 6.0) pacs.004 ISO 20022 designation pacs.002SCL Code Clearer Banks PRTRY MissingCreditorAddress The transaction has already See description on left been returned Account address invalid Payee’s address missing or incorrect Banks ISO CUST RequestedByCustomer Beneficiary refusal Refused by payee Banks ISO DUPL DuplicatePayment Duplicate sending See description on left Banks ISO DT01 InvalidDateRange --- Date falls outside the time period permitted by other CSMs or the SEPA-Clearer‘s time corridor Other CSMs/ SEPAClearer ISO X ED05 SettlementFailed --- Unsuccessful settlement in the STEP2 SCT service Other CSMs/ SEPAClearer ISO X FOCR FollowingCancellation Request Positive answer to the recall Designation for a return on the basis of a recall request Banks ISO FRAD --- Fraudulently originated credit transfer See description on left Banks PRTRY LEGL LegalDecision Legal reason Rejection on legal grounds Banks ISO MD07 EndCustomerDeceased Beneficiary deceased Account holder no longer alive Banks ISO X MS02 NotSpecifiedReason CustomerGenerated By order of the beneficiary Reason for return not specified by customer Banks ISO X MS03 NotSpecifiedReason Reason not specified Reason for return not specified by Banks ISO X ARDT --- BE04 SCT/BCT/SCL technical specifications, version 2.4 X X X X X X X X Page 29 of 42 Initiator Type AgentGenerated payment service provider NOAS NoAnswerFromCustomer No response from beneficiary Payee fails to respond Banks PRTRY NOOR NoOriginalTransaction Received Original credit transfer never received See description on left Banks PRTRY PY01 --- --- Transaction cannot be processed as the payer’s and/or the payee’s payment service provider(s) is/are not registered as direct or indirect participant(s) in the STEP2 SCT service Other CSMs/ SEPAClearer PRTRY RC01 BankIdentifierIncorrect Bank identifier incorrect, eg invalid BIC See description on left Banks ISO X RR01 MissingDebtorAccountOr Identification MissingDebtorNameOr Address Regulatory reason Rejected for regulatory reasons Banks ISO X Regulatory reason As above Banks ISO X RR03 MissingCreditorNameOr Address Regulatory reason As above Banks ISO X RR04 Regulatory Reason Regulatory reason As above Banks ISO X TECH --- Technical problems resulting in erroneous credit transfer See description on left Banks PRTRY XD19 --- --- Issued if the country code is a valid ISO or SEPA country code but the (country-specific) structure of the SEPAClearer PRTRY RR02 SCT/BCT/SCL technical specifications, version 2.4 camt.029 Nature of error camt.056 SEPA Core reason (pursuant to the EPC’s SCT Implementation Guidelines, version 6.0) pacs.004 ISO 20022 designation pacs.002SCL Code X X X X X Page 30 of 42 Initiator Type IBAN or the check digits is incorrect XT13 --- --- The transaction contains at least one unsupported field. At least one mandatory field is missing from the transaction. The error code (if it exists) is specified in the invalid XML field SEPAClearer PRTRY X XT27 --- --- The transaction contains at least one element with a BIC that is not SEPAreachable SEPAClearer PRTRY X XT33 --- --- The content of at least one XML element is not in the format required. The invalid XML field is indicated by the error code. SEPAClearer PRTRY X XT73 --- --- The two characters forming the country code do not constitute a valid ISO or SEPA country code SEPAClearer PRTRY X XT74 --- --- Invalid underlying original transaction. Further check required Other CSMs PRTRY X XT75 --- --- Invalid status of underlying original transaction. No further action required Other CSMs PRTRY X XT77 --- --- The originally instructed amount <OrgnlIntrBkSttlmAmt> was not found or Other CSMs PRTRY X SCT/BCT/SCL technical specifications, version 2.4 Page 31 of 42 camt.029 Nature of error camt.056 SEPA Core reason (pursuant to the EPC’s SCT Implementation Guidelines, version 6.0) pacs.004 ISO 20022 designation pacs.002SCL Code Initiator Type X is not consistent with the original transaction amount XT86 --- --- Deadline expired for requesting the recall of a SEPA credit transfer Other CSMs PRTRY XT99 --- --- Credit transfer rejected for other reasons (code not currently in use) SEPAClearer PRTRY SCT/BCT/SCL technical specifications, version 2.4 Page 32 of 42 camt.029 Nature of error camt.056 SEPA Core reason (pursuant to the EPC’s SCT Implementation Guidelines, version 6.0) pacs.004 ISO 20022 designation pacs.002SCL Code 7.2 Error codes/reject reason codes used in the BCT service Error codes used in connection with the structural check of a bilateral credit file (BCF) by the SEPA-Clearer. The errors described below result in the entire file being rejected by means of CVF. Error code Nature of error R07 SWIFTNet FileAct request type does not conform with the rules. R09 BCF was completely rejected as it does not conform with the rules for other reasons (eg character set data deviate from UTF8). R10 File does not correspond to the schema and therefore cannot be processed. R11 Sender’s BIC (<SndgInst>) is incorrect. R12 Recipient’s BIC (<RcvgInst>) is incorrect. R13 BCF is duplicated. R14 Error in test code (<TstCode>). R97 File rejected due to the absence of a bilateral agreement. RIF File rejected due to insufficient funds. RIA File was completely rejected either because the instructing agent has to be included in the BCF file header or the specified instructing agent is not authorised to make submissions for the submitted payment type. RID File was completely rejected as the date in the field <IntrBkSttlmDt> falls outside the permitted time period. RFR File was completely rejected as the <FileRef> (file header) does not conform with the format rules. SCT/BCT/SCL technical specifications, version 2.4 Page 33 of 42 8 Character set The SEPA-Clearer supports the full UTF-8 character set. Banks must be able to support the following Latin character set commonly used in international communication. abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789 /-?:().,'+ Space However, it can be agreed on a bilateral or multilateral basis to support one or more UTF-8 character sets in addition to the Latin character set (eg the Greek character set). This applies above all to message elements containing the purpose of payment, name and address of the payer (creditor) and payee (debtor). Such data sets are delivered by the SEPA-Clearer to the recipient in unchanged format. Checks by the SEPA-Clearer (1) When files are submitted (ICFs), the SEPA-Clearer checks whether their prologue contains the following information in line with the usage rules applying to the UTF-8 character set. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"> If any other character set is entered, the entire file is rejected using the error code R09. (2) No character set checks beyond those covering compliance with the UTF-8 character set are carried out by the SEPA-Clearer. SCT/BCT/SCL technical specifications, version 2.4 Page 34 of 42 9 Notes on format/status, special features of XML 9.1 Explanatory notes on the format of XML file headers and daily reconciliation reports Format Description A Alpha, capital letters C Alphanumeric, letters: capital letters D Decimal including decimal point and two decimal places N Numeric X Characters in accordance with Latin character set, in some cases restricted by XSD schema file (see also section entitled “Character set”) 3!a Precisely three alpha characters ISO date YYYY-MM-DD ISODateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss Status M Mandatory field O Optional field SCT/BCT/SCL technical specifications, version 2.4 Page 35 of 42 9.2 Completing amount fields in line with the schema Sample entry Processing in the SEPAClearer 996.5 One decimal place 996.50 997. No decimal places 997.00 998 No decimal point and no decimal places 998.00 Submitted files containing amounts with a decimal point and/or more than two decimal places do not conform to the schema and are therefore rejected using error code R10. 9.3 Use of filling characters in the amount fields The XML parser accepts characters that function as "fillers" in an XML context. These may be entered in the amount fields in an XML environment, however their use may result in processing problems for the receiving/processing institution. We therefore advise against using such filling characters. The fillers listed below are recognised by the XML parser and routed/processed as follows by the SCL. 1. Leading zeros before the decimal point and trailing zeros after the decimal point The SEPA-Clearer ignores the extra zeros and delivers the amount with the first and the last significant characters to the SCL participant. Example: Submission to the SCL: <IntrBkSttlmAmt Ccy="EUR">0000000000000000000000001.01000000000000000</IntrBkSttlmAmt> Delivery by the SCL: <IntrBkSttlmAmt Ccy="EUR">1.01<IntrBkSttlmAmt> 2. Spaces in the amount field The SEPA-Clearer ignores the extra spaces and delivers the amount with the first and the last significant characters to the SCL participant. Example: Submission to the SCL: <IntrBkSttlmAmt Ccy="EUR"> 2.02 </IntrBkSttlmAmt> Delivery by the SCL: <IntrBkSttlmAmt Ccy="EUR">2.02</IntrBkSttlmAmt> SCT/BCT/SCL technical specifications, version 2.4 Page 36 of 42 3. “+” symbol before the amount The SEPA-Clearer accepts the plus symbol and replaces it with a “zero”, provided that the maximum number of characters is not exceeded. Only when the maximum number of characters is exceeded does the SCL adjust the amount (see example 2 under 3 below). Example 1 Submission to the SCL: <IntrBkSttlmAmt Ccy="EUR">+3.03</IntrBkSttlmAmt> Delivery by the SCL: <IntrBkSttlmAmt Ccy="EUR">03.03</IntrBkSttlmAmt> Example 2 Submission to the SCL: <IntrBkSttlmAmt Ccy="EUR">+0000000000000000004.04</IntrBkSttlmAmt> Delivery by the SCL: <IntrBkSttlmAmt Ccy="EUR">04.04</IntrBkSttlmAmt> 9.4 Use of spaces in XML fields, in this case the “collapsing” procedure "White spaces" form part of the standard XML environment. They are also permitted for the decimal data type, which is assigned to the amount field. Neither the ISO 20022 standard nor the EPC’s Implementation Guidelines make provisions for any restrictions to this arrangement. As a rule, white spaces can be processed by XML parsers. However, problems can occur, eg when customised solutions have been programmed or the XML data records have been converted to different formats for further processing. We therefore advise against using spaces in the tags, as this may result in processing problems for the receiving/processing institution. CSMs have stipulated the following format rules for a variety of “string”-derived fields in their schema files. In the description, the white spaces facet was set to collapse in the schema files. Detailed information on the procedure used in XML parsing can be found in the document “W3C Recommendation 28 October 2004, XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second Edition”, the content of which can be called up using the internet link provided below. For reasons of interoperability, this collapsing procedure was integrated into the SEPAClearer’s schema files with the same level of effect, meaning that, overall, and wherever necessary both submissions to and deliveries from the SEPA-Clearer undergo the above procedure as part of the XML parsing process. SCT/BCT/SCL technical specifications, version 2.4 Page 37 of 42 10 Compression procedure 10.1 FileAct1 Files may be transmitted in either direction in compressed or uncompressed format as desired by the customer. To this end, the following compression programmes may be used. FLAM2 (which uses the ADC compression procedure as it has the largest compression factor) ZIP GZIP 10.2 EBICS environment3 In EBICS, the ZIP compression procedure must be supported when transmitting files in either direction. 11 TARGET2 referencing TARGET2 issues settlement information (MT 900/MT 910) and electronic account statements (MT 940/MT 950) for all accounts held under its auspices. The aforementioned message types contain settlement references which serve to facilitate reconciliation with the SEPA credit transfers that are exchanged with the SEPA-Clearer. 1) Automatically generated current order (ie liquidity transfer) by the SEPA-Clearer from the PM account to the relevant sub-account in the amount of the sum total of the settlementrelated SEPA credit transfer messages arising from all ICFs and BCFs submitted in a specific submission window. Structure of the reference in field 21 (MT 900/MT 910) and field 61, sub-field 7 in MT 940/MT 950: SCL Format Content System 1-digit, alphabetical “S” (SEPA-Clearer) AS action 1-digit, alphabetical “C” (current order) Date 2-digit, numeric “TT” (processing day) Processing cycle 1-digit, numeric “3” (first processing window) “4” (second processing window) “5” (third processing window) “6” (fourth processing window) “7” (fifth processing window) “8” (sixth processing window) “9” (seventh processing window) See “Procedural rules on communication via SWIFTNet FileAct for the Deutsche Bundesbank's Retail Payment System (RPS) and the RPS SEPA-Clearer (SCL)”. 2 FLAM (Frankenstein Limes Access Method) is a registered trademark of limes datentechnik gmbh, Friedrichsdorf, Germany. 3 See “Procedural rules on communication with payment service providers with a bank sort code via EBICS”. 1 SCT/BCT/SCL technical specifications, version 2.4 Page 38 of 42 Settlement cycle 2-digit, alphabetical “EG” (denoting the submission of credits) applies to both the SCT and the BCT service Sub-account 2-digit, numeric Sequence number (positions 23 and 24 of the account number) of the relevant sub-account Serial number 7-digit, numeric Serial numbering of all current orders generated by the SCL each processing day In addition, in field 72 of MT 900/MT 910, the code-word "ASINF" followed by the information given below is supported. SCL Current order Format 3-digit, alphabetical Content “CUO” (current order) Processing cycle 1-digit, numeric “3” (first processing window) “4” (second processing window) “5” (third processing window) “6” (fourth processing window) “7” (fifth processing window) “8” (sixth processing window) “9” (seventh processing window) Settlement cycle 2-digit, alphabetical “EG” (denoting the submission of credits) applies to both the SCT and the BCT service In MT 940/MT 950, the information “<MARKDEFFEDE>HHMMSS” is additionally incorporated into field 61, sub-field 9. 2) Settlement of the submitted and delivered SCT bulks and BCFs using the sub-account during the relevant SCT/BCT settlement cycles of a settlement procedure. Structure of the settlement reference in field 21 (MT 900/MT 910) and field 61, sub-field 7 in MT 940/MT 950: SCL Format Content System 1-digit, alphanumeric “S” (SEPA-Clearer) AS action 1-digit, alphabetical “I” (input; settlement of submitted SCT bulks/BCFs) “O” (output; settlement of delivered SCT bulks/BCFs) “X” (error; settlement of rejected individual transactions; only applies to SCT service) Settlement date 2-digit, numeric “TT” (processing day) Processing cycle 1-digit, numeric “3” (first processing window) “4” (second processing window) “5” (third processing window) “6” (fourth processing window) SCT/BCT/SCL technical specifications, version 2.4 Page 39 of 42 “7” (fifth processing window) “8” (sixth processing window) “9” (seventh processing window) Settlement cycle 2-digit, numeric “EG” (denoting the submission of credits; debiting of submitted SCT bulks arising from ICFs) “AG” (denoting the delivery of credits; crediting of delivered SCT bulks arising from SCFs and CVFs) “EB” (denoting the submission of credits; debiting of submitted BCFs) “AB” (denoting the delivery of credits; crediting of delivered BCFs) File ID 6-digit, numeric 6 digits of an internal file reference of the SEPA-Clearer Bulk ID 3-digit, numeric 3 digits of an internal bulk reference of the SEPA-Clearer Consistent assignment of the value “001” for a BCF in the BCT service In addition, field 72 of MT 900/MT 910 supports the code-word "ASINF" followed by the information given below. SCL Bulk ID Format 35-digit, alphanumeric Content Message identification (<MsgID>) in group header of the settled SCT bulk File reference (<FileRef>) in file header of the settled BCF Settlement date 6-digit, numeric DDMMYY Instructing or instructed agent 11-digit, alphanumeric BIC in group header of settled SCT bulk or file header of settled BCF: Submitted bulks: instructing agent Delivered bulks: instructed agent In MT 940/MT 950, the information “<MARKDEFFEDE>HHMMSS” is additionally incorporated into field 61, sub-field 9. 3) Return transfer of entire funds from the sub-account to the corresponding PM account after completion of all settlements in a settlement procedure (SCT/BCT and SDD settlement cycles) automatically initiated by the SEPA-Clearer When retransferring the (entire amount of) liquidity from the sub-account to the PM account, references are likewise assigned (note to such effect in field 21 of the MT 900/MT 910 as well as in field 61 sub-field 7 of the MT 940/MT 950). In this case, however, it merely takes the form of an internal reference to the TARGET2 platform deriving from the SEPA-Clearer SCT/BCT/SCL technical specifications, version 2.4 Page 40 of 42 application. Hence, reconciliation with the underlying transactions is not possible. 12 Annexes (schema files and corresponding sample files) Note: Message instances (ie messages exchanged between banks and the SEPA-Clearer) must contain the name space declaration at bulk level. This declaration thereafter applies to all tags contained in the message; individual tags therefore need not be identified with the prefix "sw”. SCL participants must take care to adhere to the stipulated entries/declaration (see also sample files). Prefix data at bulk and individual transaction level result in the entire file being returned using the error code R98 (implementation at a later expansion stage only). SCL delivery messages to banks are likewise sent without a prefix at tag level. Sample message instance: <SCLSCT:pacs.008.001.02 xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:sct:pacs.008.001.02"> <GrpHdr> <MsgId>AAAAAAAAAAABCD123</MsgId> SCT/BCT/SCL technical specifications, version 2.4 Page 41 of 42 No Sample name Description of transaction type 1 BBkICFBlkCdtTrf_1.xml Example of the submission of an input credit file (pacs.008, camt.056, pacs.004 and camt.029) by an SCL participant to the SEPA-Clearer 2 BBkSCFBlkCdtTrf_1.xml Example of the delivery of a settled credit file (pacs.008) from the SEPA clearer to an SCL participant 3 BBkSCFBlkCdtTrf_2.xml Example of the delivery of a settled credit file (pacs.004) from the SEPA-Clearer to an SCL participant 4 BBkSCFBlkCdtTrf_3.xml Example of the delivery of a settled credit file (camt.056) from the SEPA-Clearer to an SCL participant 5 BBkSCFBlkCdtTrf_4.xml Example of the delivery of a settled credit file (camt.029) from the SEPA-Clearer to an SCL participant. 6 BBkCVFBlkCdtTrf_1.xml Example of the rejection of an SCL participant’s entire file by the SEPA-Clearer owing to the detection of a parsing XML error 7 BBkCVFBlkCdtrTrf_2.xml Example of a bulk submitted by an SCL participant being rejected by the SEPA-Clearer owing to insufficient funds 8 BBkCVFBlkCdtrTrf_3.xml Example of the rejection of a bulk submitted by an SCL participant by the SEPA-Clearer as all the transactions contained in it were rejected (bulk error code B09) 9 BBkCVFBlkCdtrTrf_4.xml Example of the rejection of an SCL participant’s individually submitted credit transfer by the SEPA-Clearer owing to an error in the transferor’s IBAN 10 BBkCVFBlkCdtrTrf_5.xml Example of the rejection of a BCT participant’s entire file by the SEPA-Clearer owing to the detection of a parsing XML error 11 BBkBCFBlkCdtTrf_1.xml Example of the submission of a bilateral credit file (pacs.008, camt.056, pacs.004 and camt.029) by an SCL participant to the SEPA-Clearer 12 BBkBCFBlkCdtTrf_2.xml Example of the delivery of a bilateral credit file (pacs.008, camt.056, pacs.004 and camt.029) from the SEPA-Clearer to an SCL participant SCT/BCT/SCL technical specifications, version 2.4 Page 42 of 42 Input Credit File (ICF) Header – BBkICFBlkCdtTrf XML-File-Header Input Credit File (ICF) Header Use Submission of SCT files to the SEPA-Clearer (pacs.008, pacs.004, camt.056 and camt.029) Parsing errors result in the file being rejected with the error code R10. The schema file BBkICFBlkCdtTrf specifies the ICF. SCT annex 1 of appendix “SCT/SCL technical specifications “ – BBkICFBlkCdtTrf page 1 of 1 BBkICFBlkCdtTrf Message structure Status Element/Attribut Format Content Checks SCL BBkICFBlkCdtTrf BBkICFBlkCdtTrf 1..1 SndgInst BBkICFBlkCdtTrf +SndgInst 1..1 RcvgInst BBkICFBlkCdtTrf +RcvgInst 1..1 FileRef BBkICFBlkCdtTrf +FileRef 1..1 SrvcID BBkICFBlkCdtTrf +SrvcID 1..1 TstCode BBkICFBlkCdtTrf +TstCode 1..1 FType Name Typ Pattern Sending Institution sw8:BICIdentifier [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}) {0,1} 11-stelliger BIC des Senders (Kommunikationspartner) Name Receiving Institution BBkICF:RcvgInstBICIdentifier BIC des SEPA-Clearers (Produktion: MARKDEFF; Test: MARKDEF0) Typ Acceptable Codes MARKDEF0 MARKDEFF Name File Reference Typ BBkICF:Max16Text Pattern [0-9A-Z]{16,16} Name Typ Service Identifier BBkICF:SrvcID Acceptable Codes SCT Name Test Code Typ BBkICF:TestCodeType Acceptable Codes P T Name File Type Referenz des Senders muss geschäftstägig eindeutig sein Communication partner’s authorisation to submit verified against the BIC in the group header error code: R11 Part of the duplication check error code: R13 Check as to whether this element is allocated with the BIC of the SEPA-Clearer error code: R12 Part of the duplication check error code: R13 SCT Entweder Wert “T” (Test) oder Wert “P” (Produktion), abhängig von der Verarbeitungsumgebung Error code: R14 ICF Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe BBkICFBlkCdtTrf; SCL SCT page 1 of 2 BBkICFBlkCdtTrf Status Element/Attribut BBkICFBlkCdtTrf +FType 1..1 FDtTm BBkICFBlkCdtTrf +FDtTm 1..1 NumCTBlk BBkICFBlkCdtTrf +NumCTBlk 1..1 NumPCRBlk BBkICFBlkCdtTrf +NumPCRBlk 1..1 NumRFRBlk BBkICFBlkCdtTrf +NumRFRBlk 1..1 NumROIBlk BBkICFBlkCdtTrf +NumROIBlk Format Typ Typ Pattern Name Typ Pattern Name Typ Pattern Checks SCL BBkICF:FType Acceptable Codes ICF Name File Date and Time Typ sw8:ISODateTime Pattern [0-9]{4,4}\-[0-9]{2,2}\-[0-9]{2,2}[T][0-9]{2,2}: [0-9]{2,2}:[0-9]{2,2}[\S]* Name Total Number of pacs.008 Bulks Typ BBkICF:Max8NumericText Pattern [0-9]{1,8} Name Content Erstellungsdatum und –zeit Gesamtanzahl der Credit Transfer Bulks im ICF Total Number of camt.056 Bulks BBkICF:Max8NumericText [0-9]{1,8} Gesamtanzahl der Payment Cancellation Request Bulks im ICF Total Number of pacs.004 Bulks BBkICF:Max8NumericText [0-9]{1,8} Gesamtanzahl der Return Bulks im ICF Total Number of camt.029 Bulks BBkICF:Max8NumericText [0-9]{1,8} Gesamtanzahl der Result of Investigation Bulks im ICF Number of bulks within the file is not consistent with the number given. error code: R18 Maximum of 999 bulks per file is permitted error code: S01 Number of bulks within the file is not consistent with the number given error code: R19 Maximum of 999 bulks per file is permitted error code: S01 Number of bulks within the file is not consistent with the number given error code: R20 Maximum of 999 bulks per file is permitted error code: S01 Number of bulks within the file is not consistent with the number given error code: R21 Maximum of 999 bulks per file is permitted error code: S01 Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe BBkICFBlkCdtTrf; SCL SCT page 2 of 2 Credit Validation File (CVF) Header – BBkCVFBlkCdtTrf XML-File-Header Credit Validation File (CVF) Header Use File, bulk and individual transaction rejections of ICF by the SEPA-Clearer. Parsing errors lead to the entire ICF that was submitted being rejected with the error code R10; this is entered into the field “File reject reason” of the CVF header. In the case of bulk and individual transaction rejections, the pacs.002.001.03SCL is added to the CVF header. File rejection of BCF by the SEPA-Clearer The CVF header is used for technical and functional errors and when there are insufficient funds. The schema BBkCVFBlkCdtTrf specifies the CVF. SCT annex 2 of appendix “SCT/BCT/SCL technical specifications “ – BBkCVFBlkCdtTrf page 1 of 1 BBkCVFBlkCdtTrf Message structure Status Element/Attribut Format Content Checks SCL BBkCVFBlkCdtTrf BBkCVFBlkCdtTrf 1..1 SndgInst BBkCVFBlkCdtTrf +SndgInst 1..1 RcvgInst BBkCVFBlkCdtTrf +RcvgInst 1..1 SrvcId BBkCVFBlkCdtTrf +SrvcId 1..1 TstCode BBkCVFBlkCdtTrf +TstCode 1..1 FType BBkCVFBlkCdtTrf +FType 1..1 FileRef Name Typ Sending Institution BBkCVF:SndgInstBICIdentifier Acceptable Codes MARKDEF0 MARKDEFF Name Receiving Institution Typ sw5:BICIdentifier Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}) {0,1} Name Service Identifier Typ BBkCVF:SrvcID Acceptable Codes BCT SCT Name Test Code Typ BBkCVF:TestCodeType Acceptable Codes P T Name File Type Typ BBkCVF:FTpType Acceptable Codes CVF Name File Reference SEPA-Clearer's BIC (production: MARKDEFF; test: MARKDEF0) Recipient’s 11-digit BIC (communication partner) "SCT" for rejections of ICF (File-, Bulk- or Tx- rejection) "BCT" for rejections of BCF (File-Rejection) Either “T” (test) or “P” (production), depending on the processing environment CVF SEPA-Clearer’s reference Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe BBkCVFBlkCdtTrf; SCL SCT page 1 of 2 BBkCVFBlkCdtTrf Status Element/Attribut BBkCVFBlkCdtTrf +FileRef 1..1 FileDtTm BBkCVFBlkCdtTrf +FileDtTm 0..1 OrigFRef BBkCVFBlkCdtTrf +OrigFRef 1..1 OrigFName BBkCVFBlkCdtTrf +OrigFName 0..1 OrigDtTm BBkCVFBlkCdtTrf +OrigDtTm 1..1 FileRjctRsn BBkCVFBlkCdtTrf +FileRjctRsn 1..1 FileBusDt BBkCVFBlkCdtTrf +FileBusDt 1..1 FileCycleNo BBkCVFBlkCdtTrf +FileCycleNo Format Content Typ Length Pattern Name Typ BBkCVF:Max16Text 1 .. 16 [0-9A-Z]{16,16} File Date and Time sw5:ISODateTime Name Typ Length Pattern Name Typ Length Original File Reference BBkCVF:Max16Text 1 .. 16 [0-9A-Z]{16,16} Original File Name BBkCVF:Max32Text 1 .. 32 Name Typ Original Date And Time sw5:ISODateTime Name Typ File Reject Reason BBkCVF:Text3 Reason for rejection/partial rejection of file Name Typ File Business Date sw5:ISODate Operating day on which the file was created by the SEPA-Clearer Name Typ Pattern File Cycle Number BBkCVF:Max2NumericText [0-9]{2,2} Processing phase during which the file was created by the SEPA-Clearer Checks SCL File creation date and time Given only when ascertainable from original file SWIFT FileAct: original ICF file name; without the constant “SCL_” EBICS: Internal by the SEPA-Clearer generated reference. Allows no conclusion about the submitted file. Only when ascertainable Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe BBkCVFBlkCdtTrf; SCL SCT page 2 of 2 Settled Credit File (SCF) Header – BBkSCFBlkCdtTrf XML-File-Header Settled Credit File (SCF) Header Use Delivery of SCT bulks (pacs.004, pacs.008, camt.056 and camt.029) by the SEPA-Clearer to a SEPA-Clearer participant. Each file contains exactly one bulk. The schema file BBkSCFBlkCdtTrf specifies the SCF. SCT annex 3 of appendix “SCT/SCL technical specifications “ – BBkSCFBlkCdtTrf page 1 of 1 BBkSCFBlkCdtTrf Message structure Status Element/Attribut Format Content Checks SCL BBkSCFBlkCdtTrf BBkSCFBlkCdtTrf 1..1 SndgInst BBkSCFBlkCdtTrf +SndgInst 1..1 RcvgInst BBkSCFBlkCdtTrf +RcvgInst 1..1 SrvcId BBkSCFBlkCdtTrf +SrvcId 1..1 TstCode BBkSCFBlkCdtTrf +TstCode 1..1 FType BBkSCFBlkCdtTrf +FType 1..1 FileRef BBkSCFBlkCdtTrf Name Typ Sending Institution BBkSCF:SndgInstBICIdentifier Acceptable Codes MARKDEF0 MARKDEFF Name Receiving Institution Typ sw8:BICIdentifier Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}) {0,1} Name Service Identifier Typ BBkSCF:SrvcID Acceptable Codes SCT Name Test Code Typ BBkSCF:TestCodeType Acceptable Codes P T Name File Type Typ BBkSCF:FTpType Acceptable Codes SCF Name File Reference Typ BBkSCF:Max16Text Length 1 .. 16 The SEPA-Clearer's BIC (production: MARKDEFF; test: MARKDEF0) Recipient’s 11-digit BIC (communication partner) SCT Either “T” (test) or “P” (production) depending on the processing environment SCF SEPA-Clearer’s reference Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe BBkSCFBlkCdtTrf; SCL SCT page 1 of 2 BBkSCFBlkCdtTrf Status Element/Attribut +FileRef 1..1 RoutingInd BBkSCFBlkCdtTrf +RoutingInd 1..1 FileBusDt BBkSCFBlkCdtTrf +FileBusDt 1..1 FileCycleNo BBkSCFBlkCdtTrf +FileCycleNo Format Pattern Name Typ [0-9A-Z]{16,16} Routing Indicator BBkSCF:RoutingInd Acceptable Codes ALL DIR IND RET Name File Business Date Typ sw8:ISODate Pattern [0-9]{4,4}\-[0-9]{2,2}\-[0-9]{2,2} Name Typ Pattern File Cycle Number BBkSCF:Max2NumericText [0-9]{2,2} Content Checks SCL ALL Business day on which the file was created by the SEPA-Clearer Processing phase during which the file was created by the SEPA-Clearer Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe BBkSCFBlkCdtTrf; SCL SCT page 2 of 2 Bilateral Input Credit File (BCF) Header – BBkBCFBlkCdtTrf XML-File-Header Bilateral Credit File (BCF) Header Verwendung Submission of BCT files to the SEPA-Clearer Delivery of BCT files by the SEPA-Clearer Parsing errors result in the file being rejected with the error code R10 The schema file „BBkBCFBlkCdtTrf“ specifies the BCF SCT annex 4 of appendix “SCT/BCT/SCL technical specifications “ – BBkBCFBlkCdtTrf page 1 von 1 BBkBCFBlkCdtTrf Message structure Status Element/Attribut Format Content Checks SCL BBkBCFBlkCdtTrf BBkBCFBlkCdtTrf 1..1 SndgInst BBkBCFBlkCdtTrf +SndgInst Name Typ Pattern Sending Institution sw8:BICIdentifier [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}) {0,1} For submissions to the SEPAClearer: Sender’s 11-digit BIC Communication partner’s authorisation to submit verified against the BIC of the Instructing Agent on file level. error code: R11 Part of the duplication check For deliveries from the SEPAClearer: 1..1 RcvgInst BBkBCFBlkCdtTrf +RcvgInst Name Typ Pattern Receiving Institution sw8:BICIdentifier [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}) {0,1} SEPA-Clearer's BIC (production: MARKDEFF; test: MARKDEF0) For submissions to the SEPAClearer: Check as to whether this element is allocated with the BIC of the SEPA-Clearer error code: R12 For deliveries from the SEPAClearer: Communication partner’s 11-digit BIC 1..1 InstgAgt BBkBCFBlkCdtTrf +InstgAgt 1..1 FinInstnId BBkBCFBlkCdtTrf Name Typ Name Typ Instructing Agent sw8: SCLSCTBranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentifi cation4 Financial Institution Identification sw8: SCLSCTFinancialInstitutionIdentification7 Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe BBkBCFBlkCdtTrf; SCL SCT page 1 of 6 BBkBCFBlkCdtTrf Status Element/Attribut Format Content Checks SCL +InstgAgt ++FinInstnId 1..1 BIC BBkBCFBlkCdtTrf +InstgAgt ++FinInstnId +++BIC Name Typ Pattern BIC sw8:BICIdentifier [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}) {0,1} Sender’s BIC Allocation of the BIC of the BCT-participant which is linked with the TARGET2 sub-account assigned for settlement (<TtlIntrBkSttlmAmt>) with the SEPA-Clearer. The field must be assigned in the file. The submitter must be entitled for the BCT Service. Error code: RIA For submissions to the SEPAClearer: Check if there is a existing agreement between the submitting and the addressed (field <InstdAgt>) BCT participant Error Code: R97 1..1 InstdAgt BBkBCFBlkCdtTrf +InstdAgt 1..1 FinInstnId BBkBCFBlkCdtTrf +InstdAgt ++FinInstnId 1..1 BIC Name Typ Name Typ Name Instructed Agent sw8: SCLSCTBranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentifi cation4 Financial Institution Identification sw8: SCLSCTFinancialInstitutionIdentification7 BIC Allocation of the BIC of the receiving BCT-participant which is linked with the TARGET2 sub-account assigned for settlement (<TtlIntrBkSttlmAmt>) with the SEPA-Clearer. Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe BBkBCFBlkCdtTrf; SCL SCT page 2 of 6 BBkBCFBlkCdtTrf Status Element/Attribut BBkBCFBlkCdtTrf +InstdAgt ++FinInstnId +++BIC 1..1 FileRef BBkBCFBlkCdtTrf +FileRef 1..1 SrvcID BBkBCFBlkCdtTrf +SrvcID 1..1 TstCode BBkBCFBlkCdtTrf +TstCode 1..1 FType BBkBCFBlkCdtTrf +FType 1..1 FDtTm Format Typ Pattern sw8:BICIdentifier [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}) {0,1} Name Typ Pattern File Reference BBkBCT:Max16Text [0-9A-Z]{16,16} Content Checks SCL Part of the duplication check Error code: R13 The first 8 or 11 characters oft he FileRef must match the BIC of <InstgAgt> in BCF. The rest of the field can be freely defined. Error code: RFR Name Typ Service Identifier BBkBCT:SrvcID Acceptable Codes BCT Name Test Code Typ BBkBCT:TestCodeType Acceptable Codes P T Name File Type Typ BBkBCT:FType Acceptable Codes BCF Name File Date and Time BCT Either “T” (test) or “P” (production), depending on the processing environment BCF File creation date and time Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe BBkBCFBlkCdtTrf; SCL SCT page 3 of 6 BBkBCFBlkCdtTrf Status Element/Attribut BBkBCFBlkCdtTrf +FDtTm 1..1 IntrBkSttlmDt BBkBCFBlkCdtTrf +IntrBkSttlmDt 1..1 TtlIntrBkSttlmAmt BBkBCFBlkCdtTrf +TtlIntrBkSttlmAmt required Attribute: Ccy 1..1 TtlNbOfTxs BBkBCFBlkCdtTrf +TtlNbOfTxs 0..1 CTBlk Format Typ Pattern Name Typ Pattern sw8:ISODateTime [0-9]{4,4}\-[0-9]{2,2}\-[0-9]{2,2}[T][0-9]{2,2}: [0-9]{2,2}:[0-9]{2,2}[\S]* Interbank Settlement Date sw8:ISODate [0-9]{4,4}\-[0-9]{2,2}\-[0-9]{2,2} Name Typ FractionDigits TotalDigits Inclusive NbOfBlk Checks SCL Settlement date (Booking date) of the collection Total Interbank Settlement Amount sw8:SCLSCTCurrencyAndAmount_2 2 18 0.01 .. 999999999999999. 99 Pattern [0-9]{0,15}([\.]([0-9]{0,2})){0,1} Typ sw8:SCLSCTCurrencyCode Use required Acceptable Codes EUR Name Total Number of Transactions Typ sw8:Max15NumericText Pattern [0-9]{1,15} The total amount of single transactions Name Credit Transfer Bulk Optional element group for balancing informations Name Typ Number of Bulks BBkBCT:Max8NumericText Number of bulks in the file BBkBCFBlkCdtTrf +CTBlk 0..1 Content For submissions in the submission windows with the cut-off 8.00, 10.00, 13.00 and 15.00 the current operating day of the SEPA-Clearer must be given. For submissions in the submission window with the cut-off 20.00, the next operating day of the SEPA-Clearer must be given. Error code: RID Amount must be at least 0.01 and no more than 999999999999999.99. (Schema validation) Total number of Credit Transfer bulks in the file Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe BBkBCFBlkCdtTrf; SCL SCT page 4 of 6 BBkBCFBlkCdtTrf Status Element/Attribut BBkBCFBlkCdtTrf +CTBlk ++NbOfBlk 0..1 NbOfTxs BBkBCFBlkCdtTrf +CTBlk ++NbOfTxs 0..1 IntrBkSttlmAmt BBkBCFBlkCdtTrf +CTBlk ++IntrBkSttlmAmt required Attribute: Ccy 0..1 PCRBlk Format Pattern [0-9]{1,8} Name Typ Pattern Number of Transactions sw8:Max15NumericText [0-9]{1,15} Name Typ FractionDigits TotalDigits Inclusive NbOfBlk BBkBCFBlkCdtTrf +PCRBlk ++NbOfBlk 0..1 NbOfTxs BBkBCFBlkCdtTrf +PCRBlk ++NbOfTxs 0..1 IntrBkSttlmAmt BBkBCFBlkCdtTrf +PCRBlk ++IntrBkSttlmAmt required Attribute: Ccy Total amount of the bulks Name Typ Pattern Number of Bulks BBkBCT:Max8NumericText [0-9]{1,8} Total number of bulks in the file Name Typ Pattern Number of Transactions sw8:Max15NumericText [0-9]{1,15} Total number of single transactions in the bulk Name Typ FractionDigits TotalDigits Inclusive Interbank Settlement Amount sw8:SCLSCTCurrencyAndAmount_2 2 18 0.01 .. 999999999999999. 99 [0-9]{0,15}([\.]([0-9]{0,2})){0,1} sw8:SCLSCTCurrencyCode required Total amount of the bulks Pattern Typ Use Checks SCL Total number of payment in the bulks Interbank Settlement Amount sw8:SCLSCTCurrencyAndAmount_2 2 18 0.01 .. 999999999999999. 99 Pattern [0-9]{0,15}([\.]([0-9]{0,2})){0,1} Typ sw8:SCLSCTCurrencyCode Use required Acceptable Codes EUR Name Payment Cancellation Request Bulk BBkBCFBlkCdtTrf +PCRBlk 0..1 Content Amount must be at least 0.01 and no more than 999999999999999.99. (Schema validation) Optional element group for balancing informations Amount must be at least 0.01 and no more than 999999999999999.99. (Schema validation) Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe BBkBCFBlkCdtTrf; SCL SCT page 5 of 6 BBkBCFBlkCdtTrf Status 0..1 Element/Attribut RFRBlk Format Acceptable Codes EUR Name Return Bulk BBkBCFBlkCdtTrf +RFRBlk 0..1 NbOfBlk BBkBCFBlkCdtTrf +RFRBlk ++NbOfBlk 0..1 NbOfTxs BBkBCFBlkCdtTrf +RFRBlk ++NbOfTxs 0..1 IntrBkSttlmAmt BBkBCFBlkCdtTrf +RFRBlk ++IntrBkSttlmAmt required Attribute: Ccy 0..1 ROIBlk Number of Bulks BBkBCT:Max8NumericText [0-9]{1,8} Total number of bulks in the file Name Typ Pattern Number of Transactions sw8:Max15NumericText [0-9]{1,15} Total number of payment in the bulks Name Typ FractionDigits TotalDigits Inclusive NbOfBlk BBkBCFBlkCdtTrf +ROIBlk ++NbOfBlk 0..1 NbOfTxs BBkBCFBlkCdtTrf +ROIBlk ++NbOfTxs Checks SCL Optional element group for balancing informations Name Typ Pattern Interbank Settlement Amount sw8:SCLSCTCurrencyAndAmount_2 2 18 0.01 .. 999999999999999. 99 Pattern [0-9]{0,15}([\.]([0-9]{0,2})){0,1} Typ sw8:SCLSCTCurrencyCode Use required Acceptable Codes EUR Name Result of Investigation Bulk Total amount of the bulks Name Typ Pattern Number of Bulks BBkBCT:Max8NumericText [0-9]{1,8} Total number of bulks in the file Name Typ Pattern Number of Transactions sw8:Max15NumericText [0-9]{1,15} Total number of payment in the bulks BBkBCFBlkCdtTrf +ROIBlk 0..1 Content Amount must be at least 0.01 and no more than 999999999999999.99. (Schema validation) Optional element group for balancing informations Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe BBkBCFBlkCdtTrf; SCL SCT page 6 of 6 SCT Interbank Payment Dataset (DS-02) – pacs.008.001.02 Memo SEPA Credit Transfer – Interbank Payment Dataset (DS-02) SCT annex 5 of appendix “SCT/SCL technical specifications “ – pacs.008.001.02 page 1 of 2 SCT Interbank Payment Dataset (DS-02) – pacs.008.001.02 Use of bank-to-bank credit transfer (pacs.008.001.02) This message is used to transport a payment instruction from the payer’s payment service provider to the payee’s payment service provider directly or through intermediaries. The message caters for bulk and single payment instructions. ISO message structure A bank-to-bank credit transfer message contains a single group header one or more ‘Credit transfer transaction information’ sequences, each of which contains a credit transfer instruction as defined in DS-02. Group header The group header contains information required to process the entire message. SCT annex 5 of appendix “SCT/SCL technical specifications “ – pacs.008.001.02 page 2 of 2 pacs.008.001.02 Message structure Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references (if available) Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Document Typ Document 1..1 Document FIToFICstmrCdtTrf Typ FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV02 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf GrpHdr Group Header SCLSCTGroupHeader33 Contains general processing information which applies to each individual payment. 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +GrpHdr MsgId Name Typ Name Typ Pattern Message Identification SCLSCTId7 ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|']){1,35} Bulk reference number. Name Typ Pattern Creation Date Time ISODateTime [0-9]{4,4}\-[0-9]{2,2}\-[0-9]{2,2}[T][0-9]{2,2}: [0-9]{2,2}:[0-9]{2,2}[\S]* Name Typ Pattern Number Of Transactions Max15NumericText [0-9]{1,15} FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +GrpHdr ++MsgId 1..1 CreDtTm 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +GrpHdr ++CreDtTm NbOfTxs FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +GrpHdr ++NbOfTxs Part of the duplication check (unique daily reference). Error code: B14 The first 8 or 11 characters of Msgld must match the BIC of InstgAgt in the ICF. The rest of the field can be freely defined. Error code: B98 Bulk creation date and time. Total number of single transactions in the bulk. Must not exceed 100,000 (maximum parameter of data records in the bulk). Error code: B02 Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.008.001.02; SCL SCT page 1 of 38 pacs.008.001.02 Status 1..1 Element/Attribut TtlIntrBkSttlmAmt FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +GrpHdr ++TtlIntrBkSttlmAmt Format Name Typ FractionDigits TotalDigits Inclusive Pattern EPC references (if available) Total Interbank Settlement Amount SCLSCTCurrencyAndAmount_2 2 18 0.01 .. 999999999999999. 99 [0-9]{0,15}([\.]([0-9]{0,2})){0,1} Mandatory Usage Rule: Only 'EUR' is allowed. Usage Rule: Amount must be 0.01 or more and 999999999999999.99 or less. Format Rule: The fractional part has a maximum of two digits. Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Total number of datasets must be equal to the actual number of individual data records in the bulk. Error code: B03 Total number of single transactions in the bulk. Integer value up to 15 characters allowed. Maximum number of decimal places allowed is two. (Schema validation) Currency designation is always ‘EUR’. (Schema validation) The total amount given must equal the sum of the single transactions in the bulk. Error code: B05 Amount must be at least 0.01 and no more than 999999999999999.99. (Schema validation) required Attribute: 1..1 IntrBkSttlmDt Ccy FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +GrpHdr ++IntrBkSttlmDt Typ SCLSCTCurrencyCode Use required Acceptable Codes EUR Name Interbank Settlement Date Typ ISODate Pattern [0-9]{4,4}\-[0-9]{2,2}\-[0-9]{2,2} Mandatory (AT-42 Settlement Date of the Credit Transfer) Operating day on which the payments in the bulk should be processed in the SEPA-Clearer. For submissions in the submission windows with the cut-off 8.00, 10.00, 13.00 and 15.00 the current operating day of the SEPA-Clearer must be given. For submissions in the submission window with the cut-off 20.00, the next operating day of the SEPA-Clearer must be given. Error code: B15 <IntrBkSttlmDt> is part of the duplication check at bulk level (unique daily reference) and individual transaction level. Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.008.001.02; SCL SCT page 2 of 38 pacs.008.001.02 Status Element/Attribut 1..1 SttlmInf 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +GrpHdr ++SttlmInf SttlmMtd FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +GrpHdr ++SttlmInf +++SttlmMtd 1..1 ClrSys FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +GrpHdr ++SttlmInf +++ClrSys Format EPC references (if available) Name Typ Settlement Information SCLSCTSettlementInformation13 Name Typ Settlement Method SCLSCTSettlementMethod1Code Usage Rule: Only CLRG, INGA and INDA are allowed. Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Information on the settlement mechanism. Only the code ‘CLRG’ is allowed. (Schema validation) Acceptable Codes CLRG Name Clearing System Typ SCLSCTClearingSystemIdentification3Choic e Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.008.001.02; SCL SCT page 3 of 38 pacs.008.001.02 Status 1..1 Element/Attribut Prtry FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +GrpHdr ++SttlmInf +++ClrSys ++++Prtry 0..1 InstgAgt 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +GrpHdr ++InstgAgt FinInstnId 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +GrpHdr ++InstgAgt +++FinInstnId BIC FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +GrpHdr ++InstgAgt +++FinInstnId ++++BIC Format Name Typ Pattern EPC references (if available) Proprietary SCLSCTId7_2 ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|']){1,35} Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Code for the clearing system. For the SEPA-Clearer, only the value ‘SCL’ is admissible. (Schema validation) Acceptable Codes SCL Name Instructing Agent Usage Rule: Only BIC is allowed. Typ SCLSCTBranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentifi cation4 Name Typ Financial Institution Identification SCLSCTFinancialInstitutionIdentification7 Name Typ Pattern BIC BICIdentifier [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}) {0,1} Only to be used for submissions to the SEPA-Clearer. Allocation of the BIC of the SCL participant which is linked with the TARGET2 sub-account assigned for settlement with the SEPA-Clearer. Part of duplication check (unique daily reference) Part of the duplication check. Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.008.001.02; SCL SCT page 4 of 38 pacs.008.001.02 Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references (if available) Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer BIC must be contained in the Input Credit File (ICF) and be eligible for submitting payments of this type. Error code: B10 0..1 InstdAgt 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +GrpHdr ++InstdAgt FinInstnId 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +GrpHdr ++InstdAgt +++FinInstnId BIC 1..n FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +GrpHdr ++InstdAgt +++FinInstnId ++++BIC CdtTrfTxInf Name Typ Instructed Agent Usage Rule: Only BIC is allowed. SCLSCTBranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentifi cation4 Name Typ Financial Institution Identification SCLSCTFinancialInstitutionIdentification7 Name Typ Pattern BIC BICIdentifier [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}) {0,1} Name Typ Credit Transfer Transaction Information CreditTransferTransactionInformation11 Only to be used for deliveries from the SEPA-Clearer. Allocation of the BIC of the SCL participant which is linked with the TARGET2 sub-account assigned for settlement with the SEPA-Clearer. Error code: B11 Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.008.001.02; SCL SCT page 5 of 38 pacs.008.001.02 Status Element/Attribut 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf PmtId 0..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++PmtId InstrId 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++PmtId +++InstrId EndToEndId FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++PmtId +++EndToEndId 1..1 TxId 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++PmtId +++TxId PmtTpInf 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++PmtTpInf SvcLvl FIToFICstmrCdtTrf Format EPC references (if available) Name Typ Payment Identification extension (SCLSCTPaymentIdentification3) Name Typ Pattern Instruction Identification SCLSCTId7 ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|']){1,35} Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace End to End Identification Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Pattern Transaction Identification SCLSCTId7 ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|']){1,35} Name Typ Payment Type Information SCLSCTPaymentTypeInformation21 Name Typ Service Level SCLSCTServiceLevel8Choice Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Reference number of the instructing agent (‘own ref’). Point-to-point reference. (AT-41 Originator's Reference to the Credit Transfer) Usage Rule: A customer reference that must be passed on in the endto-end chain. In the event that no reference was given, 'NOTPROVIDED' must be used. (AT-43 Originator Bank's Reference) Usage Rule: Must contain a reference that is meaningful to the Originator's Bank and is unique over time. Usage Rule: "Payment Type Information" must be present in either "Group Header" or "Credit Transaction Information". Payer’s reference. If the end-to-end ID is not given, 'NOTPROVIDED’ must be entered. There is no provision for a check using the SEPA-Clearer. Mandatory Only intended at single record level in the SEPA-Clearer. Reference of the remitting payment service provider. Transaction ID is part of the duplication check at single record level. Error code: AM05 Only intended at single record level in the SEPA-Clearer. Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.008.001.02; SCL SCT page 6 of 38 pacs.008.001.02 Status 1..1 Element/Attribut +CdtTrfTxInf ++PmtTpInf +++SvcLvl Cd FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++PmtTpInf +++SvcLvl ++++Cd 0..1 LclInstrm 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++PmtTpInf +++LclInstrm Cd 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++PmtTpInf +++LclInstrm ++++Cd Prtry 0..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++PmtTpInf +++LclInstrm ++++Prtry CtgyPurp Format Name Typ EPC references (if available) Code SCLSCTExternalServiceLevel1Code Acceptable Codes SEPA Name Local Instrument Typ SCLSCTLocalInstrument2Choice (AT-40 Identification code of the scheme) Usage Rule: Only "SEPA" is allowed. Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer In the SEPA-Clearer, only the code ‘‘SEPA’’ is admissible. (Schema validation) Usage Rule: Only used if bilaterally agreed between the Debtor Bank and the Creditor Bank. Name Typ Length WhiteSpace Code ExternalLocalInstrument1Code 1 .. 35 collapse <Cd> and <Prtry> (see below) cannot be used simultaneously. No entry is required for submissions to the SCL, whereas for deliveries from the SLC an entry may be made in the field. There is no validation by the SCL. Name Typ Pattern Proprietary SCLSCTId8 ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|'|\s]){1,35} <Cd> (see above) and <Prtry> cannot be used simultaneously. No entry is required for submissions to the SCL, whereas for deliveries from the SCL an entry may be made in the field. There is no validation by the SCL. Name Category Purpose (AT-45 Category purpose of the No plausibility check if <Purp> and<Ctgy purp> fields both contain entries, ie SCL ignores conflicting entries. Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.008.001.02; SCL SCT page 7 of 38 pacs.008.001.02 Status Element/Attribut FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++PmtTpInf +++CtgyPurp 1..1 Cd FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++PmtTpInf +++CtgyPurp ++++Cd 1..1 Prtry 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++PmtTpInf +++CtgyPurp ++++Prtry IntrBkSttlmAmt FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++IntrBkSttlmAmt Format EPC references (if available) Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Typ CategoryPurpose1Choice Credit Transfer) Usage Rule: Depending on the agreement between the Originator and the Originator Bank, "Category Purpose" may be forwarded to the Beneficiary Bank. Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Code ExternalCategoryPurpose1Code 1 .. 4 \S+.* collapse Category purpose. Cd and Prtry (see below) cannot be used simultaneously. Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Proprietary Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Category purpose. <Cd> and <Prtry> (see above) cannot be used simultaneously. No entry is required for submissions to the SCL, whereas for deliveries from the SCL an entry may be made in the field. There is no validation by the SCL. Name Typ FractionDigits TotalDigits Inclusive Pattern Interbank Settlement Amount SCLSCTCurrencyAndAmount_3 2 18 0.01 .. 999999999.99 [0-9]{0,15}([\.]([0-9]{0,2})){0,1} Field may be completed in accordance with the external code list (ISO 20022) to specify the purpose of a transaction. There is no validation by the SCL. A maximum of four characters may be entered. No entry is required for submissions to the SCL, whereas for deliveries from the SCL an entry may be made in the field. (AT-04 Amount of the Credit Transfer in Euro) Usage Rule: Only 'EUR' is allowed. Usage Rule: Amount must be 0.01 or more and 999999999.99 or less. Format Rule: The fractional part has a maximum of two digits. The amount of the relevant transfer. The currency designation must be ‘EUR’. (Schema validation) A maximum of two decimal places may be used due to currency designation ‘EUR’. (Schema validation) Must not exceed permitted maximum amount (999999999.99) and must be greater than ‘0’. (Schema validation) Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.008.001.02; SCL SCT page 8 of 38 pacs.008.001.02 Status Element/Attribut required Attribute: 1..1 ChrgBr Ccy FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++ChrgBr 0..1 InstgAgt 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++InstgAgt FinInstnId 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++InstgAgt +++FinInstnId BIC FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++InstgAgt +++FinInstnId ++++BIC Format EPC references (if available) Typ SCLSCTCurrencyCode Use required Acceptable Codes EUR Name Charge Bearer Typ SCLSCTChargeBearerType1Code Acceptable Codes SLEV Name Instructing Agent Typ SCLSCTBranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentifi cation4 Name Typ Financial Institution Identification SCLSCTFinancialInstitutionIdentification7 Name Typ Pattern BIC BICIdentifier [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}) {0,1} Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Usage Rule: Only 'SLEV' is allowed. Charge bearer Only SLEV is allowed. (Schema validation) Usage Rule: Only BIC is allowed. Original submitter of the transfer. May only be shown in the Settlement Credit File (SCF). Original submitter of the transfer. May only be entered in the Settlement Credit File (SCF), may not be included in the Input Credit File (ICF) of the SCL participant. Error code: XT13 Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.008.001.02; SCL SCT page 9 of 38 pacs.008.001.02 Status Element/Attribut 0..1 UltmtDbtr 0..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++UltmtDbtr Nm FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++UltmtDbtr +++Nm 0..1 Id 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++UltmtDbtr +++Id OrgId 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++UltmtDbtr +++Id ++++OrgId BICOrBEI 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++UltmtDbtr +++Id ++++OrgId +++++BICOrBEI Othr Format EPC references (if available) Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Name Typ Ultimate Debtor SCLSCTPartyIdentification321 Ultimate debtor Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Name Max70Text 1 .. 70 \S+.* collapse (AT-08 Name of the Originator Reference Party) Usage Rule: "Name" is limited to 70 characters in length. Name of the ultimate debtor. Name Typ Identification SCLSCTParty6Choice (AT-09 Identification code of the Originator Reference Party) Either ‘Organisation Id’ or one occurrence of ‘Private identification’ admissible. (Schema validation) Name Typ Organisation Identification SCLSCTOrganisationIdentification41 Usage Rule: Either "BICOrBEI" or one occurrence of "Other" is allowed. Name Typ Pattern BICOrBEI AnyBICIdentifier [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}) {0,1} The Organisation Id of the ultimate debtor. Either BICOrBEI or Othr admissible. Name Other The Organisation Id of the ultimate debtor. Either BICOrBEI or Othr admissible. Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.008.001.02; SCL SCT page 10 of 38 pacs.008.001.02 Status Element/Attribut FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++UltmtDbtr +++Id ++++OrgId +++++Othr 1..1 Id 0..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++UltmtDbtr +++Id ++++OrgId +++++Othr ++++++Id SchmeNm 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++UltmtDbtr +++Id ++++OrgId +++++Othr ++++++SchmeNm Cd 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++UltmtDbtr +++Id ++++OrgId +++++Othr ++++++SchmeNm +++++++Cd Prtry Format EPC references (if available) Typ GenericOrganisationIdentification1 Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Identification Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Scheme Name OrganisationIdentificationSchemeName1Cho ice Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Code ExternalOrganisationIdentification1Code 1 .. 4 \S+.* collapse Name Proprietary Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.008.001.02; SCL SCT page 11 of 38 pacs.008.001.02 Status Element/Attribut 0..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++UltmtDbtr +++Id ++++OrgId +++++Othr ++++++SchmeNm +++++++Prtry Issr 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++UltmtDbtr +++Id ++++OrgId +++++Othr ++++++Issr PrvtId 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++UltmtDbtr +++Id ++++PrvtId DtAndPlcOfBirth 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++UltmtDbtr +++Id ++++PrvtId +++++DtAndPlcOfBirth BirthDt FIToFICstmrCdtTrf Format EPC references (if available) Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Issuer Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Private Identification SCLSCTPersonIdentification51 Name Typ Date and Place of Birth DateAndPlaceOfBirth Name Typ Pattern Birth Date ISODate [0-9]{4,4}\-[0-9]{2,2}\-[0-9]{2,2} Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Usage Rule: Either "Date and Place of Birth" or one occurrence of "Other" is allowed. The Private Id of the ultimate debtor. Either ‘Organisation Id’ or one occurrence of ‘Private Id’ admissible. (Schema validation). Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.008.001.02; SCL SCT page 12 of 38 pacs.008.001.02 Status Element/Attribut 0..1 +CdtTrfTxInf ++UltmtDbtr +++Id ++++PrvtId +++++DtAndPlcOfBirth ++++++BirthDt PrvcOfBirth 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++UltmtDbtr +++Id ++++PrvtId +++++DtAndPlcOfBirth ++++++PrvcOfBirth CityOfBirth 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++UltmtDbtr +++Id ++++PrvtId +++++DtAndPlcOfBirth ++++++CityOfBirth CtryOfBirth 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++UltmtDbtr +++Id ++++PrvtId +++++DtAndPlcOfBirth ++++++CtryOfBirth Othr Format EPC references (if available) Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Province of Birth Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace City of Birth Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Pattern Country of Birth CountryCode [A-Z]{2,2} Name Typ Other GenericPersonIdentification1 Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.008.001.02; SCL SCT page 13 of 38 pacs.008.001.02 Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references (if available) Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++UltmtDbtr +++Id ++++PrvtId +++++Othr 1..1 Id 0..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++UltmtDbtr +++Id ++++PrvtId +++++Othr ++++++Id SchmeNm 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++UltmtDbtr +++Id ++++PrvtId +++++Othr ++++++SchmeNm Cd 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++UltmtDbtr +++Id ++++PrvtId +++++Othr ++++++SchmeNm +++++++Cd Prtry Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Identification Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Scheme Name PersonIdentificationSchemeName1Choice Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Code ExternalPersonIdentification1Code 1 .. 4 \S+.* collapse Name Proprietary Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.008.001.02; SCL SCT page 14 of 38 pacs.008.001.02 Status Element/Attribut 0..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++UltmtDbtr +++Id ++++PrvtId +++++Othr ++++++SchmeNm +++++++Prtry Issr 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++UltmtDbtr +++Id ++++PrvtId +++++Othr ++++++Issr Dbtr 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++Dbtr Nm 0..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++Dbtr +++Nm PstlAdr 0..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++Dbtr +++PstlAdr Ctry Format EPC references (if available) Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Issuer Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Debtor SCLSCTPartyIdentification322 Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Name Max70Text 1 .. 70 \S+.* collapse Mandatory Name of payer. (AT-02 Name of the Orignator) Usage Rule: Name is limited to 70 characters in length. Name Typ Postal Address SCLSCTPostalAddress6 (AT-03 Address of the Originator) Name Country Payer Adresse des Zahlers Die Adresszeile darf maximal zweimal vorkommen (SchemaValidierung). Address of the payer. "Address" line may not occur more than twice. (Schema validation) Address of the payer. Country of payer according to address given. Must be an acceptable country code in accordance with ISO 3166 Error code: XT73 Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.008.001.02; SCL SCT page 15 of 38 pacs.008.001.02 Status 0..2 Element/Attribut FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++Dbtr +++PstlAdr ++++Ctry AdrLine FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++Dbtr +++PstlAdr ++++AdrLine 0..1 Id 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++Dbtr +++Id OrgId 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++Dbtr +++Id ++++OrgId BICOrBEI FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++Dbtr +++Id ++++OrgId +++++BICOrBEI Format EPC references (if available) Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Typ Pattern CountryCode [A-Z]{2,2} Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Address Line Max70Text 1 .. 70 \S+.* collapse Usage Rule: Only two occurrences Address of the payer. of 'Address Line' are allowed. "Address" line may not occur more than twice. (Schema validation) Name Typ Identification SCLSCTParty6Choice (AT-10 Originator's Identification Code). Identification of the payer. Name Typ Organisation Identification SCLSCTOrganisationIdentification41 Usage Rule: Either ‘BIC or BEI’ or one occurrence of ‘Other’ is allowed. May not be specified simultaneously with Id/PrvtId (see below). (Schema validation) All ISO 20022 options are allowed. Name Typ Pattern BICOrBEI AnyBICIdentifier [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}) {0,1} Identification of the payer. The Organisation Id of the payer. Either BICOrBEI or Othr admissible. May not be specified simultaneously with Id/PrvtId (see below). (Schema validation) Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.008.001.02; SCL SCT page 16 of 38 pacs.008.001.02 Status 1..1 Element/Attribut Othr FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++Dbtr +++Id ++++OrgId +++++Othr 1..1 Id 0..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++Dbtr +++Id ++++OrgId +++++Othr ++++++Id SchmeNm 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++Dbtr +++Id ++++OrgId +++++Othr ++++++SchmeNm Cd FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++Dbtr +++Id ++++OrgId +++++Othr Format EPC references (if available) Name Typ Other GenericOrganisationIdentification1 Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Identification Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Scheme Name OrganisationIdentificationSchemeName1Cho ice Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Code ExternalOrganisationIdentification1Code 1 .. 4 \S+.* collapse Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer All ISO 20022 options are allowed. The Organisation Id of the payer. Either BICOrBEI or Othr admissible. Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.008.001.02; SCL SCT page 17 of 38 pacs.008.001.02 Status Element/Attribut 1..1 ++++++SchmeNm +++++++Cd Prtry 0..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++Dbtr +++Id ++++OrgId +++++Othr ++++++SchmeNm +++++++Prtry Issr 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++Dbtr +++Id ++++OrgId +++++Othr ++++++Issr PrvtId 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++Dbtr +++Id ++++PrvtId DtAndPlcOfBirth FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++Dbtr +++Id ++++PrvtId Format EPC references (if available) Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Proprietary Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Issuer Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Private Identification SCLSCTPersonIdentification51 Name Typ Date and Place of Birth DateAndPlaceOfBirth Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Usage Rule: Either "Date and May not be specified simultaneously with Id/OrgId Place of Birth" or one occurrence of (see above). "Other" is allowed. (Schema validation) May not be specified simultaneously with Id/OrgId (see above). (Schema validation) The Private Id of the payer. Either Organisation Id or one occurence of the Private Identification admissible (Schema validation). Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.008.001.02; SCL SCT page 18 of 38 pacs.008.001.02 Status Element/Attribut 1..1 +++++DtAndPlcOfBirth BirthDt 0..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++Dbtr +++Id ++++PrvtId +++++DtAndPlcOfBirth ++++++BirthDt PrvcOfBirth 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++Dbtr +++Id ++++PrvtId +++++DtAndPlcOfBirth ++++++PrvcOfBirth CityOfBirth 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++Dbtr +++Id ++++PrvtId +++++DtAndPlcOfBirth ++++++CityOfBirth CtryOfBirth FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++Dbtr +++Id Format EPC references (if available) Name Typ Pattern Birth Date ISODate [0-9]{4,4}\-[0-9]{2,2}\-[0-9]{2,2} Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Province of Birth Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace City of Birth Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Pattern Country of Birth CountryCode [A-Z]{2,2} Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.008.001.02; SCL SCT page 19 of 38 pacs.008.001.02 Status 1..1 Element/Attribut ++++PrvtId +++++DtAndPlcOfBirth ++++++CtryOfBirth Othr FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++Dbtr +++Id ++++PrvtId +++++Othr 1..1 Id 0..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++Dbtr +++Id ++++PrvtId +++++Othr ++++++Id SchmeNm 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++Dbtr +++Id ++++PrvtId +++++Othr ++++++SchmeNm Cd FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++Dbtr +++Id Format EPC references (if available) Name Typ Other GenericPersonIdentification1 Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Identification Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Scheme Name PersonIdentificationSchemeName1Choice Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Code ExternalPersonIdentification1Code 1 .. 4 \S+.* collapse Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.008.001.02; SCL SCT page 20 of 38 pacs.008.001.02 Status Element/Attribut 1..1 ++++PrvtId +++++Othr ++++++SchmeNm +++++++Cd Prtry 0..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++Dbtr +++Id ++++PrvtId +++++Othr ++++++SchmeNm +++++++Prtry Issr 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++Dbtr +++Id ++++PrvtId +++++Othr ++++++Issr DbtrAcct FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++DbtrAcct 1..1 Id 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++DbtrAcct +++Id IBAN Format EPC references (if available) Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Proprietary Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Issuer Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Debtor Account SCLSCTCashAccount161 Name Typ Identification SCLSCTAccountIdentification4Choice Name IBAN Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Mandatory IBAN of the payer. (AT-01 Account Number of the Originator) Usage Rule: Only IBAN is allowed. I IBAN of the payer. Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.008.001.02; SCL SCT page 21 of 38 pacs.008.001.02 Status Element/Attribut FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++DbtrAcct +++Id ++++IBAN 1..1 DbtrAgt 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++DbtrAgt FinInstnId 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++DbtrAgt +++FinInstnId BIC FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++DbtrAgt +++FinInstnId ++++BIC Format Typ Pattern EPC references (if available) IBAN2007Identifier [A-Z]{2,2}[0-9]{2,2}[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,30} Name Typ Debtor Agent SCLSCTBranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentifi cation4 Name Typ Financial Institution Identification SCLSCTFinancialInstitutionIdentification7 Name Typ Pattern BIC BICIdentifier [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}) {0,1} Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Check in accordance with ISO 13616. Error code: XD19 and Check of the first two characters that they correspond to a valid ISO or SEPA country code. Error code: XT73 (AT-06 BIC of the Originator Bank) BIC of the Originator Bank Usage Rule: Only BIC is allowed. BIC of the Originator Bank Validity check of BIC using SCL-Directory. Error code: XT27 General addressability check: BIC must be addressable within the SEPA-Clearer or via another CSM: Error code: PY01 Check only if credit transfer is forwarded from the SEPA-Clearer to the EBA CLEARING. BIC must be a registered direct or indirect participant of the STEP2 SCT Service of the EBA CLEARING. Error code: PY01 The debtor agent BIC is part of the duplication check at single record level Error code: AM05 Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.008.001.02; SCL SCT page 22 of 38 pacs.008.001.02 Status Element/Attribut 1..1 CdtrAgt 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++CdtrAgt FinInstnId 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++CdtrAgt +++FinInstnId BIC FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++CdtrAgt +++FinInstnId ++++BIC 1..1 Cdtr Format EPC references (if available) Name Typ Creditor Agent SCLSCTBranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentifi cation4 Name Typ Financial Institution Identification SCLSCTFinancialInstitutionIdentification7 Name Typ Pattern BIC BICIdentifier [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}) {0,1} (AT-23 BIC of the Beneficiary Bank) Usage Rule: Only BIC is allowed. Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer BIC of the Beneficiary Bank BIC of the Beneficiary Bank Validity of BIC using SCL-Directory. Error code: XT27 General addressability check: BIC must be addressable within the SEPA-Clearer or via another CSM: Error code: PY01 Name Creditor Check only if credit transfer is forwarded from the SEPA-Clearer to the EBA CLEARING. BIC must be a registered direct or indirect participant of the STEP2 SCT Service of the EBA CLEARING. Error code: PY01 Creditor Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.008.001.02; SCL SCT page 23 of 38 pacs.008.001.02 Status Element/Attribut 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++Cdtr Nm 0..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++Cdtr +++Nm PstlAdr 0..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++Cdtr +++PstlAdr Ctry 0..2 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++Cdtr +++PstlAdr ++++Ctry AdrLine FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++Cdtr +++PstlAdr ++++AdrLine 0..1 Id FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++Cdtr +++Id Format EPC references (if available) Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Typ SCLSCTPartyIdentification322 Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Name Max70Text 1 .. 70 \S+.* collapse Mandatory (AT-21 Name of the Beneficiary) Usage Rule: "Name" is limited to 70 characters in length. Name Typ Postal Address SCLSCTPostalAddress6 (AT-22 Address of the Beneficiary) Address of the creditor. "Address" line may not occur more than twice (Schema validation). Name Typ Pattern Country CountryCode [A-Z]{2,2} Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Address Line Max70Text 1 .. 70 \S+.* collapse Usage Rule: Only two occurrences Address of the creditor. of 'Address Line' are allowed. "Address" line may not occur more than twice (Schema validation). Name Typ Identification SCLSCTParty6Choice (AT-24 Beneficiary Identification Code) Name of creditor Country of creditor according to the address given. Must be a valid country code according to ISO3166. Error code: XT73. Identification of the creditor. Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.008.001.02; SCL SCT page 24 of 38 pacs.008.001.02 Status Element/Attribut 1..1 OrgId 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++Cdtr +++Id ++++OrgId BICOrBEI FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++Cdtr +++Id ++++OrgId +++++BICOrBEI 1..1 Othr FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++Cdtr +++Id ++++OrgId +++++Othr 1..1 Id FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++Cdtr +++Id ++++OrgId +++++Othr ++++++Id Format Name Typ EPC references (if available) Organisation Identification SCLSCTOrganisationIdentification41 Usage Rule: Either ‘BIC or BEI’ or one occurrence of ‘Other’ is allowed. Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer May not be specified simultaneously with Id/PrvtId (see below). (Schema validation) All ISO 20022 options are allowed. Name Typ Pattern BICOrBEI AnyBICIdentifier [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}) {0,1} Identification of the creditor. May not be specified simultaneously with Id/PrvtId (see below). (Schema validation) All ISO 20022 options are allowed. Name Typ Other GenericOrganisationIdentification1 Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Identification Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse The Organisation Id of the beneficiary. Either BICOrBEI or Othr admissible. The Organisation Id of the beneficiary. Either BICOrBEI or Othr admissible. Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.008.001.02; SCL SCT page 25 of 38 pacs.008.001.02 Status Element/Attribut 0..1 SchmeNm 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++Cdtr +++Id ++++OrgId +++++Othr ++++++SchmeNm Cd 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++Cdtr +++Id ++++OrgId +++++Othr ++++++SchmeNm +++++++Cd Prtry 0..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++Cdtr +++Id ++++OrgId +++++Othr ++++++SchmeNm +++++++Prtry Issr FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++Cdtr +++Id ++++OrgId Format EPC references (if available) Name Typ Scheme Name OrganisationIdentificationSchemeName1Cho ice Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Code ExternalOrganisationIdentification1Code 1 .. 4 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Proprietary Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Issuer Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.008.001.02; SCL SCT page 26 of 38 pacs.008.001.02 Status Element/Attribut 1..1 +++++Othr ++++++Issr PrvtId 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++Cdtr +++Id ++++PrvtId DtAndPlcOfBirth FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++Cdtr +++Id ++++PrvtId +++++DtAndPlcOfBirth 1..1 BirthDt 0..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++Cdtr +++Id ++++PrvtId +++++DtAndPlcOfBirth ++++++BirthDt PrvcOfBirth FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++Cdtr Format Name Typ EPC references (if available) Private Identification SCLSCTPersonIdentification51 Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Usage Rule: Either ‘Date and Place May not be specified simultaneously with Id/OrgId of Birth’ or one occurrence of (see above). ‘Other’ is allowed. (Schema validation) All ISO 20022 options are allowed. Name Typ Date and Place of Birth DateAndPlaceOfBirth Identification of the creditor. May not be specified simultaneously with Id/OrgId (see above). (Schema validation) All ISO 20022 options are allowed. The Private Id of the creditor. Either Organisation Id or one occurence of the Private Identification admissible (Schema validation). Name Typ Pattern Birth Date ISODate [0-9]{4,4}\-[0-9]{2,2}\-[0-9]{2,2} Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Province of Birth Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.008.001.02; SCL SCT page 27 of 38 pacs.008.001.02 Status Element/Attribut 1..1 +++Id ++++PrvtId +++++DtAndPlcOfBirth ++++++PrvcOfBirth CityOfBirth 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++Cdtr +++Id ++++PrvtId +++++DtAndPlcOfBirth ++++++CityOfBirth CtryOfBirth 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++Cdtr +++Id ++++PrvtId +++++DtAndPlcOfBirth ++++++CtryOfBirth Othr FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++Cdtr +++Id ++++PrvtId +++++Othr 1..1 Id FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++Cdtr Format EPC references (if available) Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace City of Birth Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Pattern Country of Birth CountryCode [A-Z]{2,2} Name Typ Other GenericPersonIdentification1 Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Identification Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.008.001.02; SCL SCT page 28 of 38 pacs.008.001.02 Status Element/Attribut 0..1 +++Id ++++PrvtId +++++Othr ++++++Id SchmeNm 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++Cdtr +++Id ++++PrvtId +++++Othr ++++++SchmeNm Cd 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++Cdtr +++Id ++++PrvtId +++++Othr ++++++SchmeNm +++++++Cd Prtry 0..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++Cdtr +++Id ++++PrvtId +++++Othr ++++++SchmeNm +++++++Prtry Issr Format EPC references (if available) Name Typ Scheme Name PersonIdentificationSchemeName1Choice Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Code ExternalPersonIdentification1Code 1 .. 4 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Proprietary Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Issuer Max35Text Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.008.001.02; SCL SCT page 29 of 38 pacs.008.001.02 Status 1..1 Element/Attribut FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++Cdtr +++Id ++++PrvtId +++++Othr ++++++Issr CdtrAcct FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++CdtrAcct 1..1 Id 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++CdtrAcct +++Id IBAN FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++CdtrAcct +++Id ++++IBAN 0..1 UltmtCdtr 0..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++UltmtCdtr Nm FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf Format EPC references (if available) Length Pattern WhiteSpace 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Creditor Account SCLSCTCashAccount161 Name Typ Identification SCLSCTAccountIdentification4Choice Name Typ Pattern IBAN IBAN2007Identifier [A-Z]{2,2}[0-9]{2,2}[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,30} Name Typ Ultimate Creditor SCLSCTPartyIdentification321 Name Typ Length Pattern Name Max70Text 1 .. 70 \S+.* Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Mandatory IBAN of the creditor. (AT-20 Account of the Beneficiary) Usage Rule: Only IBAN is allowed. IBAN of the creditor. Check in accordance with ISO 13616. Error code XD19 Check as to whether the first two characters match a valid ISO code or SEPA country code. Error code XT73 Ultimate creditor (AT-28 Name of the Beneficiary Reference Party) Usage Rule: "Name" is limited to 70 characters in length. Name of ultimate creditor. Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.008.001.02; SCL SCT page 30 of 38 pacs.008.001.02 Status Element/Attribut ++UltmtCdtr +++Nm 0..1 Id 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++UltmtCdtr +++Id OrgId 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++UltmtCdtr +++Id ++++OrgId BICOrBEI 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++UltmtCdtr +++Id ++++OrgId +++++BICOrBEI Othr FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++UltmtCdtr +++Id ++++OrgId +++++Othr 1..1 Id FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++UltmtCdtr Format EPC references (if available) Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer WhiteSpace collapse Name Typ Identification SCLSCTParty6Choice (AT-29 Identification code of the Beneficiary Reference Party) Name Typ Organisation Identification SCLSCTOrganisationIdentification41 Usage Rule: Either "BIC or BEI" or one occurrence of "Other" is allowed. Name Typ Pattern BICOrBEI AnyBICIdentifier [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}) {0,1} The Organisation Id of the ultimate creditor. Either BICOrBEI or Othr admissible. Name Typ Other GenericOrganisationIdentification1 The Organisation Id of the ultimate creditor. Either BICOrBEI or Othr admissible. Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Identification Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Either Organisation Id or one occurence of the Private Identification admissibe (Schema validation). Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.008.001.02; SCL SCT page 31 of 38 pacs.008.001.02 Status Element/Attribut 0..1 +++Id ++++OrgId +++++Othr ++++++Id SchmeNm 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++UltmtCdtr +++Id ++++OrgId +++++Othr ++++++SchmeNm Cd 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++UltmtCdtr +++Id ++++OrgId +++++Othr ++++++SchmeNm +++++++Cd Prtry 0..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++UltmtCdtr +++Id ++++OrgId +++++Othr ++++++SchmeNm +++++++Prtry Issr Format EPC references (if available) Name Typ Scheme Name OrganisationIdentificationSchemeName1Cho ice Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Code ExternalOrganisationIdentification1Code 1 .. 4 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Proprietary Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Issuer Max35Text Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.008.001.02; SCL SCT page 32 of 38 pacs.008.001.02 Status Element/Attribut 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++UltmtCdtr +++Id ++++OrgId +++++Othr ++++++Issr PrvtId 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++UltmtCdtr +++Id ++++PrvtId DtAndPlcOfBirth 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++UltmtCdtr +++Id ++++PrvtId +++++DtAndPlcOfBirth BirthDt 0..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++UltmtCdtr +++Id ++++PrvtId +++++DtAndPlcOfBirth ++++++BirthDt PrvcOfBirth FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf Format EPC references (if available) Length Pattern WhiteSpace 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Private Identification SCLSCTPersonIdentification51 Name Typ Date and Place of Birth DateAndPlaceOfBirth Name Typ Pattern Birth Date ISODate [0-9]{4,4}\-[0-9]{2,2}\-[0-9]{2,2} Name Typ Length Pattern Province of Birth Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Usage Rule: Either "Date and Place of Birth" or one occurrence of "Other" is allowed. The Private Id of the ultimate creditor. Either Organisation Id or oneoccurence of the Private Identification admissible (Schema validation). Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.008.001.02; SCL SCT page 33 of 38 pacs.008.001.02 Status Element/Attribut 1..1 ++UltmtCdtr +++Id ++++PrvtId +++++DtAndPlcOfBirth ++++++PrvcOfBirth CityOfBirth 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++UltmtCdtr +++Id ++++PrvtId +++++DtAndPlcOfBirth ++++++CityOfBirth CtryOfBirth 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++UltmtCdtr +++Id ++++PrvtId +++++DtAndPlcOfBirth ++++++CtryOfBirth Othr FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++UltmtCdtr +++Id ++++PrvtId +++++Othr 1..1 Id FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf Format EPC references (if available) WhiteSpace collapse Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace City of Birth Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Pattern Country of Birth CountryCode [A-Z]{2,2} Name Typ Other GenericPersonIdentification1 Name Typ Length Pattern Identification Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.008.001.02; SCL SCT page 34 of 38 pacs.008.001.02 Status Element/Attribut 0..1 ++UltmtCdtr +++Id ++++PrvtId +++++Othr ++++++Id SchmeNm 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++UltmtCdtr +++Id ++++PrvtId +++++Othr ++++++SchmeNm Cd 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++UltmtCdtr +++Id ++++PrvtId +++++Othr ++++++SchmeNm +++++++Cd Prtry 0..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++UltmtCdtr +++Id ++++PrvtId +++++Othr ++++++SchmeNm +++++++Prtry Issr Format EPC references (if available) WhiteSpace collapse Name Typ Scheme Name PersonIdentificationSchemeName1Choice Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Code ExternalPersonIdentification1Code 1 .. 4 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Proprietary Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Issuer Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.008.001.02; SCL SCT page 35 of 38 pacs.008.001.02 Status Element/Attribut 0..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++UltmtCdtr +++Id ++++PrvtId +++++Othr ++++++Issr Purp 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++Purp Cd FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++Purp +++Cd 0..1 RmtInf 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++RmtInf Ustrd FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++RmtInf +++Ustrd Format EPC references (if available) Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Purpose Purpose2Choice Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Code ExternalPurpose1Code 1 .. 4 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Remittance Information SCLSCTRemittanceInformation5 (AT-05 Remittance Information) Usage Rule: Either 'Structured' or 'Unstructured', may be present. Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Unstructured Max140Text 1 .. 140 \S+.* collapse Usage Rule: 'Unstructured' may carry structured remittance information, as agreed between the Originator and the Beneficiary. Usage Rule: Only one occurrence of 'Unstructured' is allowed. (AT-44 Purpose of the Credit Transfer) Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer No plausibility check if <Purp> and<CtgyPurp> fields both contain entries, ie SCL ignores conflicting entries. Purpose of transaction. Field may be completed in accordance with the external code list (ISO 20022). There is no validation by the SCL. A maximum of four characters may be entered. No entry is required for submissions to the SCL, whereas for deliveries from the SLC an entry may be made in the field. Structured or unstructured remittance information. (Schema validation) Unstructured remittance information. Either structured or unstructured remittance information can be used. (Schema validation). Field may not occur more than once Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.008.001.02; SCL SCT page 36 of 38 pacs.008.001.02 Status 1..1 Element/Attribut Strd FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++RmtInf +++Strd Format Name Typ EPC references (if available) Structured SCLSCTStructuredRemittanceInformation7 Format Rule: ‘Structured’ can be used, provided the tags and the data within the ‘Structured’ element do not exceed 140 characters in length. Usage Rule: Only one occurrence of ‘Structured’ is allowed Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Structured remittance information. Either structured or unstructured remittance information can be used. (Schema validation). Field may not occur more than once and the data within the ‘Structured’ element may not be more than 140 characters in length. Only information within the <Strd> element is counted. The elements including the contents within the tag <Strd> are also counted. Error code: XT33 All ISO 20022 field options are allowed. 0..1 CdtrRefInf 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++RmtInf +++Strd ++++CdtrRefInf Tp 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++RmtInf +++Strd ++++CdtrRefInf +++++Tp CdOrPrtry FIToFICstmrCdtTrf Name Typ Creditor Reference Information SCLSCTCreditorReferenceInformation2 Name Typ Type SCLSCTCreditorReferenceType2 Name Typ Code or Proprietary SCLSCTCreditorReferenceType1Choice Usage Rule: When present, the Debtor Bank is not obliged to validate the reference information. Usage Rule: When used both "Type" and "Reference" must be present. Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.008.001.02; SCL SCT page 37 of 38 pacs.008.001.02 Status 1..1 Element/Attribut +CdtTrfTxInf ++RmtInf +++Strd ++++CdtrRefInf +++++Tp ++++++CdOrPrtry Cd FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++RmtInf +++Strd ++++CdtrRefInf +++++Tp ++++++CdOrPrtry +++++++Cd 0..1 Issr 1..1 FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++RmtInf +++Strd ++++CdtrRefInf +++++Tp ++++++Issr Ref FIToFICstmrCdtTrf +CdtTrfTxInf ++RmtInf +++Strd ++++CdtrRefInf +++++Ref Format Name Typ EPC references (if available) Code SCLSCTDocumentType3Code Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Usage Rule: Only "SCOR" is allowed. Creditor reference. If <CdtrRefInf> is used, it is necessary to complete “Tp” and “Ref”. Only code „SCOR“ may be entered (Schema validation). Usage Rule: If a Creditor Reference contains a check digit, the receiving bank is not required to validate this. Usage Rule: If the receiving bank validates the check digit and if this validation fails, the bank may continue its processing and send the transaction to the next party in the chain. Usage Rule: RF Creditor Reference may be used (ISO 11649). The creditor reference. If CdtrRefInf is used,“Tp” and “Ref” must be completed. It is possibe to specify a structured creditor reference. This reference is to be structured in accordance with ISO 11649 (RFnnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa); maximum length of 25 characters. There is no validation by the SCL. Acceptable Codes SCOR Name Issuer Typ Max35Text Length 1 .. 35 Pattern \S+.* WhiteSpace collapse Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Reference Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.008.001.02; SCL SCT page 38 of 38 SCT Interbank Credit Transfer Reject Dataset (DS-03) – pacs.002.001.03SCLSCT Memo SEPA Credit Transfer – Interbank Credit Transfer Reject Dataset (DS-03) SCT annex 6 of appendix “SCT/SCL technical specifications“ pacs.002.001.03SCLSCT page 1 of 2 SCT Interbank Credit Transfer Reject Dataset (DS-03) – pacs.002.001.03SCLSCT Use of the interbank credit transfer reject dataset (pacs.002.001.03SCLSCT) This message is a rejection message from the SEPA-Clearer in the event of an error to notify the SCL participant about rejected credit transfers or return (“R”) messages (at the validation stage). Submitted bulks which are not covered are rejected with the error code AM04 (insufficient funds). The message caters for bulk and single reject instructions. Main difference between pacs.002SCL and ‘Implementation Guideline’–compliant pacs.002 – message: 1. Along with the relevant ISO and SEPA error codes, in the status reason/proprietary field, error codes specific to the SEPAClearer (SCL) (see separate list of error codes) are also used by the SCL. 2. The group header does not contain an instructing agent or instructed agent. 3. Within the original transaction reference, no exact copy is returned; only the following information is given. <IntrBkSttlmAmt> the amount of the original transaction <IntrBkSttlmDt> the original interbank settlement date <CdtrAgt><FinInstnId><BIC> the original creditor agent 4. The ‘number of transactions per status’ for the payments rejected by the SEPA-Clearer is provided in the ‘original group information and status’ sequence (only negative acknowledgement). Group header The group header contains information required to process the entire message. SCT annex 6 of appendix “SCT/SCL technical specifications“ pacs.002.001.03SCLSCT page 2 of 2 pacs.002.001.03SCLSCT Message structure Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references (if available) Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Document Typ Document 1..1 Document FIToFIPmtStsRptSCL Typ FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV03 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtStsRptSCL GrpHdr Group Header SCLSCTGroupHeader37 Contains general processing information which applies to all payment.s 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtStsRptSCL ++GrpHdr MsgId Name Typ Message Identification SCLSCTId7 ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|']){1,35} SEPA-Clearer file reference. 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtStsRptSCL ++GrpHdr +++MsgId CreDtTm Name Typ Pattern Creation Date Time ISODateTime Bulk creation date and time in the SEPA-Clearer. 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtStsRptSCL ++GrpHdr +++CreDtTm OrgnlGrpInfAndSts Name Typ Original Group Information And Status OriginalGroupInformation20 Contains general information from the original group header which is relevant for all payments. 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtStsRptSCL ++OrgnlGrpInfAndSts OrgnlMsgId Name Typ Name Typ Length Original Message Identification Max35Text 1 .. 35 The <MsgId>/<Id> of original bulk. Document +FIToFIPmtStsRptSCL ++OrgnlGrpInfAndSts +++OrgnlMsgId Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.002.001.03SCLSCT; SCL SCT page 1 of 10 pacs.002.001.03SCLSCT Status 1..1 Element/Attribut OrgnlMsgNmId Document +FIToFIPmtStsRptSCL ++OrgnlGrpInfAndSts +++OrgnlMsgNmId 1..1 OrgnlNbOfTxs 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtStsRptSCL ++OrgnlGrpInfAndSts +++OrgnlNbOfTxs OrgnlCtrlSum 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtStsRptSCL ++OrgnlGrpInfAndSts +++OrgnlCtrlSum GrpSts Document +FIToFIPmtStsRptSCL ++OrgnlGrpInfAndSts +++GrpSts 1..1 StsRsnInf Format Name Typ Length Original Message Name Identification Max35Text_Codes 1 .. 35 Acceptable Codes camt.029 camt.056 pacs.004 pacs.008 Name Original Number of Transactions Typ Max15NumericText Pattern [0-9]{1,15} Name Typ FractionDigits TotalDigits Inclusive Pattern Name Typ Original Control Sum SCLSCTCurrencyAndAmount_SimpleType 2 18 0 .. [0-9]{0,15}([\.]([0-9]{0,2})){0,1} Group Status SCLSCTTransactionGroupStatus3Code EPC references (if available) Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Message type of the rejected original bulk. Total number of received individual payments from the original bulk. Total amount from the original bulk in euro. RJCT: displayed by SEPA-Clearer if the bulk is completely rejected. (Also applies for rejection due to insufficient funds) PART: displayed by SEPA-Clearer if the bulk is partially rejected. Acceptable Codes PART RJCT Name Status Reason Information Typ SCLSCTStatusReasonInformation8 Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.002.001.03SCLSCT; SCL SCT page 2 of 10 pacs.002.001.03SCLSCT Status 1..1 Element/Attribut Document +FIToFIPmtStsRptSCL ++OrgnlGrpInfAndSts +++StsRsnInf Orgtr Document +FIToFIPmtStsRptSCL ++OrgnlGrpInfAndSts +++StsRsnInf ++++Orgtr 1..1 Id 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtStsRptSCL ++OrgnlGrpInfAndSts +++StsRsnInf ++++Orgtr +++++Id OrgId 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtStsRptSCL ++OrgnlGrpInfAndSts +++StsRsnInf ++++Orgtr +++++Id ++++++OrgId BICOrBEI Document +FIToFIPmtStsRptSCL ++OrgnlGrpInfAndSts +++StsRsnInf ++++Orgtr Format Name Typ Originator SCLSCTId5 Name Typ Identification SCLSCTParty3Choice Name Typ Organisation Identification SCLSCTOrganisationIdentification4 Name Typ Pattern BICOrBEI AnyBICIdentifier [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}) {0,1} EPC references (if available) Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Originator of the reject. The BIC of the SEPA-Clearer (production: MARKDEFF, test: MARKDEF0) initiating the reject. Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.002.001.03SCLSCT; SCL SCT page 3 of 10 pacs.002.001.03SCLSCT Status Element/Attribut 1..1 +++++Id ++++++OrgId +++++++BICOrBEI Rsn 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtStsRptSCL ++OrgnlGrpInfAndSts +++StsRsnInf ++++Rsn Cd Document +FIToFIPmtStsRptSCL ++OrgnlGrpInfAndSts +++StsRsnInf ++++Rsn +++++Cd 1..1 Prtry 0..1 Document +FIToFIPmtStsRptSCL ++OrgnlGrpInfAndSts +++StsRsnInf ++++Rsn +++++Prtry NbOfTxsPerSts 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtStsRptSCL ++OrgnlGrpInfAndSts +++NbOfTxsPerSts DtldNbOfTxs Format Name Typ Reason StatusReason6Choice Name Typ Code SCLSCTExternalStatusReason1Code Acceptable Codes ED05 Name Proprietary Typ Max35Text Length 1 .. 35 EPC references (if available) Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Not completed by SCL. Error code of the SEPA-Clearer if the entire bulk is rejected. Either B01 (if <GrpSts> is "PART" = partial rejection) or AC01, AM04, B02 - B15 or B98 - B99 for bulk rejections for other reason Name Typ Number of Transactions Per Status NumberOfTransactionsPerStatus3 Information on transactions rejected by the SEPA-Clearer.(Only completed in the case of a partial rejection) Name Detailed Number Of Transactions Number of transactions that were Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.002.001.03SCLSCT; SCL SCT page 4 of 10 pacs.002.001.03SCLSCT Status 1..1 Element/Attribut Document +FIToFIPmtStsRptSCL ++OrgnlGrpInfAndSts +++NbOfTxsPerSts ++++DtldNbOfTxs DtldSts Document +FIToFIPmtStsRptSCL ++OrgnlGrpInfAndSts +++NbOfTxsPerSts ++++DtldSts 1..1 DtldCtrlSum 0..n Document +FIToFIPmtStsRptSCL ++OrgnlGrpInfAndSts +++NbOfTxsPerSts ++++DtldCtrlSum TxInfAndSts 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtStsRptSCL ++TxInfAndSts StsId 0..1 Document +FIToFIPmtStsRptSCL ++TxInfAndSts +++StsId OrgnlInstrId Document Format EPC references (if available) Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Typ Pattern Max15NumericText [0-9]{1,15} rejected. Only given when the Group Status contains the code “PART”. Name Typ Detailed Status SCLSCTTransactionIndividualStatus1Code Status of transactions. Only given when the Group Status contains the code “PART”. Here only the code RJCT is possible. Acceptable Codes RJCT Name Detailed Control Sum Typ SCLSCTCurrencyAndAmount_SimpleType FractionDigits 2 TotalDigits 18 Inclusive 0 .. Pattern [0-9]{0,15}([\.]([0-9]{0,2})){0,1} Total amount of the rejected transactions. Only given when the <GrpSts> contains the code “PART” Name Typ Transaction Information And Status PaymentTransactionInformation26 Only completed in the case of a partial rejection. Name Typ Pattern Status Identification SCLSCTId7 ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|']){1,35} Reference number of the transaction, issued by the SEPA-Clearer. Name Typ Pattern Original Instruction Identification SCLSCTId7 ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|']){1,35} The “Original Instruction Id” of the underlying transaction. Is only given here if it already existed in the original transaction. Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.002.001.03SCLSCT; SCL SCT page 5 of 10 pacs.002.001.03SCLSCT Status Element/Attribut 1..1 +FIToFIPmtStsRptSCL ++TxInfAndSts +++OrgnlInstrId OrgnlEndToEndId 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtStsRptSCL ++TxInfAndSts +++OrgnlEndToEndId OrgnlTxId 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtStsRptSCL ++TxInfAndSts +++OrgnlTxId TxSts Document +FIToFIPmtStsRptSCL ++TxInfAndSts +++TxSts 1..1 StsRsnInf 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtStsRptSCL ++TxInfAndSts +++StsRsnInf Orgtr Document +FIToFIPmtStsRptSCL ++TxInfAndSts +++StsRsnInf ++++Orgtr Format EPC references (if available) Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Name Typ Length Original End To End Identification Max35Text 1 .. 35 The reference of originator (End to End Id) of the original transaction. Name Typ Pattern Original Transaction Identification SCLSCTId7 ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|']){1,35} Reference of the originating payment service provider (transaction Id) of the original transfer (for pacs.008 = <TxId>, for pacs.004 = <RtrId>, for camt.056 = <CxIId>, for camt.029 = <CxIStsId>) Name Typ Transaction Status TransactionIndividualStatus3Code Status of the individual transaction. Only the code “RJCT” is allowed. Acceptable Codes RJCT Name Status Reason Information Typ SCLSCTStatusReasonInformation9 Name Typ Originator SCLSCTId5 Originator oft he reject Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.002.001.03SCLSCT; SCL SCT page 6 of 10 pacs.002.001.03SCLSCT Status Element/Attribut 1..1 Id 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtStsRptSCL ++TxInfAndSts +++StsRsnInf ++++Orgtr +++++Id OrgId 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtStsRptSCL ++TxInfAndSts +++StsRsnInf ++++Orgtr +++++Id ++++++OrgId BICOrBEI 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtStsRptSCL ++TxInfAndSts +++StsRsnInf ++++Orgtr +++++Id ++++++OrgId +++++++BICOrBEI Rsn 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtStsRptSCL ++TxInfAndSts +++StsRsnInf ++++Rsn Cd Format Name Typ Identification SCLSCTParty3Choice Name Typ Organisation Identification SCLSCTOrganisationIdentification4 Name Typ Pattern BICOrBEI AnyBICIdentifier [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}) {0,1} Name Typ Reason StatusReason7Choice Name Typ Code SCLSCTExternalStatusReason2Code EPC references (if available) Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer The BIC of the SEPA-Clearer (production: MARKDEFF, test: MARKDEF0) initiating the reject. Not completed by the SCL. Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.002.001.03SCLSCT; SCL SCT page 7 of 10 pacs.002.001.03SCLSCT Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references (if available) Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Document +FIToFIPmtStsRptSCL ++TxInfAndSts +++StsRsnInf ++++Rsn +++++Cd 1..1 Prtry 0..1 Document +FIToFIPmtStsRptSCL ++TxInfAndSts +++StsRsnInf ++++Rsn +++++Prtry OrgnlTxRef Document +FIToFIPmtStsRptSCL ++TxInfAndSts +++OrgnlTxRef 1..1 IntrBkSttlmAmt Document +FIToFIPmtStsRptSCL ++TxInfAndSts +++OrgnlTxRef Acceptable Codes AM01 AM02 AM05 DT01 ED05 Name Proprietary Typ Max35Text Length 1 .. 35 Name Typ Original Transaction Reference OriginalTransactionReference13 Name Typ FractionDigits TotalDigits Inclusive Pattern Interbank Settlement Amount SCLSCTCurrencyAndAmount 2 18 0 .. [0-9]{0,15}([\.]([0-9]{0,2})){0,1} Error code of the SEPA-Clearer if the individual transaction is rejected. ISO 20022 defined codes and proprietary codes possible. Field is formatted as follows in the event of certain errors: [Code] [space][erroneous XML tag] Parts of the original message (if available): <IntrBkSttlmAmt>: the amount of the original message <IntrBkSttlmDt>: settlement date of the original message. <DbtrAgt>/<FinInstnId>/<BIC>: BIC of the originator bank of the original message. Amount of the original message (dependent on payment type: either pacs.004 or pacs.008). In pacs.008 = interbank settlement amount in pacs.004 = returned interbank settlement amount. Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.002.001.03SCLSCT; SCL SCT page 8 of 10 pacs.002.001.03SCLSCT Status Element/Attribut required ++++IntrBkSttlmAmt Attribute: Ccy 1..1 IntrBkSttlmDt 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtStsRptSCL ++TxInfAndSts +++OrgnlTxRef ++++IntrBkSttlmDt DbtrAgt 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtStsRptSCL ++TxInfAndSts +++OrgnlTxRef ++++DbtrAgt FinInstnId 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtStsRptSCL ++TxInfAndSts +++OrgnlTxRef ++++DbtrAgt +++++FinInstnId BIC Document +FIToFIPmtStsRptSCL ++TxInfAndSts +++OrgnlTxRef ++++DbtrAgt +++++FinInstnId ++++++BIC Format EPC references (if available) Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer . Typ SCLSCTCurrencyCode Use required Acceptable Codes EUR Name Interbank Settlement Date Typ ISODate The interbank settlement date of the original message. Name Typ Debtor Agent SCLSCTBranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentifi cation4 BIC of the originating payment service provider according to original message. Name Typ Financial Institution Identification SCLSCTFinancialInstitutionIdentification7 Name Typ Pattern BIC BICIdentifier [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}) {0,1} Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.002.001.03SCLSCT; SCL SCT page 9 of 10 pacs.002.001.03SCLSCT Status Element/Attribut 1..1 CdtrAgt 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtStsRptSCL ++TxInfAndSts +++OrgnlTxRef ++++CdtrAgt FinInstnId 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtStsRptSCL ++TxInfAndSts +++OrgnlTxRef ++++CdtrAgt +++++FinInstnId BIC Document +FIToFIPmtStsRptSCL ++TxInfAndSts +++OrgnlTxRef ++++CdtrAgt +++++FinInstnId ++++++BIC Format Name Typ Creditor Agent SCLSCTBranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentifi cation4 Name Typ Financial Institution Identification SCLSCTFinancialInstitutionIdentification7 Name Typ Pattern BIC BICIdentifier [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}) {0,1} EPC references (if available) Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer BIC of the creditor agent according to the original message Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.002.001.03SCLSCT; SCL SCT page 10 of 10 SCT Interbank Return Credit Transfer Dataset (DS-03) – pacs.004.001.02SCT Memo SEPA Credit Transfer – Interbank Return Credit Transfer Dataset (DS-03) SCT annex 7 of appendix “SCT/SCL technical specifications “ pacs.004.001.02 page 1 of 2 SCT Interbank Return Credit Transfer Dataset (DS-03) – pacs.004.001.02SCT Use of the interbank payment returns (pacs.004.001.02) The message is used to transport a credit transfer return instruction between credit institutions, directly or through intermediaries. The message caters only for single return instructions. Notes Attribute R1 is implied by the message name 'pacs.004' and the original message name identification 'pacs.008'. Message elements under the original transaction reference sequence are based on DS-02 attributes. ISO message structure An interbank payment return message contains: a single group header one or more credit transfer transaction information sequences, each of which contains a credit transfer return instruction as defined in DS-03. Group header The group header contains information required to process the entire message. SCT annex 7 of appendix “SCT/SCL technical specifications “ pacs.004.001.02 page 1 of 2 pacs.004.001.02SCT Message structure Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references (if available) Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Document Typ Document 1..1 Document PmtRtr Typ PaymentReturnV02 1..1 Document +PmtRtr GrpHdr Group Header SCLSCTGroupHeader38 Contains general processing information which applies to the whole payment. 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++GrpHdr MsgId Name Typ Name Typ Pattern Message Identification SCLSCTId7 ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|']){1,35} Reference No of the bulk. Part of the duplication check (unique daily reference). Error code: B14 Document +PmtRtr ++GrpHdr +++MsgId 1..1 CreDtTm 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++GrpHdr +++CreDtTm NbOfTxs Document +PmtRtr ++GrpHdr The first 8 or 11 characters of <Msgld> must match the BIC of the Instructing Agent in ICF. The rest of the field can be freely defined. Name Typ Pattern Creation Date Time ISODateTime [0-9]{4,4}\-[0-9]{2,2}\-[0-9]{2,2}[T][0-9]{2,2}: [0-9]{2,2}:[0-9]{2,2}[\S]* Bulk creation date and time. Name Typ Pattern Number Of Transactions Max15NumericText [0-9]{1,15} Total number of single transactions in the bulk. Must not exceed 100,000 (maximum parameter of data records in the bulk). Error code: B02 Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.004.001.02SCT; SCL SCT page 1 of 51 pacs.004.001.02SCT Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references (if available) +++NbOfTxs 1..1 TtlRtrdIntrBkSttlmAmt Document +PmtRtr ++GrpHdr +++TtlRtrdIntrBkSttlmAmt Name Typ FractionDigits TotalDigits Inclusive Pattern Total Returned Interbank Settlement Amount SCLSCTCurrencyAndAmount_3 2 18 0.01 .. 999999999999999. 99 [0-9]{0,15}([\.]([0-9]{0,2})){0,1} Mandatory Usage Rule: Only 'EUR' is allowed. Usage Rule: Amount must be 0.01 or more and 999999999999999.99 or less. Format Rule: The fractional part has a maximum of two digits. Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Total number of data records must be equal to the actual number of individual data records in the bulk. Error code: B03 Total number of single transactions in the bulk. Integer value up to 15 characters allowed. Maximum number of decimal places allowed remains two. (Schema validation) Currency designation is always ‘EUR’. (Schema validation) The total amount given must equal the sum of the single transactions in the bulk. Error code: B05 Amount must be at least 0.01 but no more than 999999999999999.99. (Schema validation) required Attribute: Ccy Typ SCLSCTCurrencyCode Use required Acceptable Codes EUR Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.004.001.02SCT; SCL SCT page 2 of 51 pacs.004.001.02SCT Status 1..1 Element/Attribut IntrBkSttlmDt Document +PmtRtr ++GrpHdr +++IntrBkSttlmDt Format Name Typ Pattern Interbank Settlement Date ISODate [0-9]{4,4}\-[0-9]{2,2}\-[0-9]{2,2} EPC references (if available) Mandatory (AT-R4 Settlement Date for the Return) or (AT-R8 Settlement Date for the positive answer to a Recall) Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer For submissions in the submission windows with the cut-off 8.00, 10.00, 13.00 and 15.00 the current operating day of the SEPA-Clearer must be given. For submissions in the submission window with the cut-off 20.00, the next operating day of the SEPA-Clearer must be given. Error code: B15 <IntrBkSttlmDt> is part of the duplication check at file level (unique daily reference) and single record level. 1..1 SttlmInf 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++GrpHdr +++SttlmInf SttlmMtd Document +PmtRtr ++GrpHdr +++SttlmInf ++++SttlmMtd 1..1 ClrSys Name Typ Settlement Information SCLSCTSettlementInformation13 Name Typ SettlementMethod SCLSCTSettlementMethod1Code Usage Rule: Only CLRG, INGA and Information on the settlement mechanism. IND are allowed. Only the code ‘CLRG’ is allowed. (Schema validation) Acceptable Codes CLRG Name Clearing System Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.004.001.02SCT; SCL SCT page 3 of 51 pacs.004.001.02SCT Status 1..1 Element/Attribut Document +PmtRtr ++GrpHdr +++SttlmInf ++++ClrSys Prtry Document +PmtRtr ++GrpHdr +++SttlmInf ++++ClrSys +++++Prtry 0..1 InstgAgt 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++GrpHdr +++InstgAgt FinInstnId 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++GrpHdr +++InstgAgt ++++FinInstnId BIC Document +PmtRtr ++GrpHdr +++InstgAgt ++++FinInstnId Format Typ SCLSCTClearingSystemIdentification3Choic e Name Typ Pattern Proprietary SCLSCTId7_2 ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|']){1,35} EPC references (if available) Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Code for the clearing system. For the SEPA-Clearer, only the value ‘SCL’ is admissible. (Schema validation). Acceptable Codes SCL Name Instructing Agent Usage Rule: Only BIC is allowed. Typ SCLSCTBranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentifi cation4 Name Typ Financial Institution Identification SCLSCTFinancialInstitutionIdentification7 Name Typ Pattern BIC BICIdentifier [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}) {0,1} Only to be used for submissions to the SEPA-Clearer. Allocation of the BIC of the SCL participant which is linked with the TARGET2 sub-account assigned for settlement with the SEPA-Clearer. Part of duplication check (unique daily reference) Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.004.001.02SCT; SCL SCT page 4 of 51 pacs.004.001.02SCT Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references (if available) Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer BIC must be contained in the Input Credit File (ICF) and be eligible for submitting payments of this type. +++++BIC Error code: B10 0..1 InstdAgt 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++GrpHdr +++InstdAgt FinInstnId 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++GrpHdr +++InstdAgt ++++FinInstnId BIC Document +PmtRtr ++GrpHdr +++InstdAgt ++++FinInstnId +++++BIC Name Typ Instructed Agent Usage Rule: Only BIC is allowed. SCLSCTBranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentifi cation4 Name Typ Financial Institution Identification SCLSCTFinancialInstitutionIdentification7 Name Typ Pattern BIC BICIdentifier [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}) {0,1} BIC code may only be contained in the Settled Credit File (SCF). Only to be used for deliveries from the SEPA-Clearer. Allocation of the BIC of the SCL participant which is linked with the TARGET2 sub-account assigned for settlement with the SEPA-Clearer. Error code: B11 Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.004.001.02SCT; SCL SCT page 5 of 51 pacs.004.001.02SCT Status Element/Attribut 1..n TxInf 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf RtrId 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++RtrId OrgnlGrpInf 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlGrpInf OrgnlMsgId 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlGrpInf ++++OrgnlMsgId OrgnlMsgNmId Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlGrpInf Format EPC references (if available) Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Name Typ Transaction Information SCLSCTPaymentTransactionInformation27 Mandatory Name Typ Pattern Return Identification SCLSCTId7 ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|']){1,35} Mandatory (AT-R5 Specific Reference number of the transaction given by Reference of the Bank Initiating the the bank initiating the return. Return Id is part of Return) the duplication check at the single record level. Error code: AM05 Name Typ Original Group Information SCLSCTOriginalGroupInformation3 Usage Rule: Element ‘Original Data which refer to the original bulk. Group Information’ must be present in either 2.2.3 ‘Original Group Information’ or in 2.2.4 ‘Transaction Information’. Name Typ Pattern Original Message Identification SCLSCTId7 ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|']){1,35} Name of the original bulk. Usage rule: "pacs.008" or "PACS.008" to be entered, in each case with additional characters where applicable. Schema validation. Name Typ Pattern Original Message Name SCLSCTOrgnlMsgNmId pacs\.008[A-Za-z0-9\.]{0,27} PACS\.008[A-Za-z0-9\.]{0,27} The ‘Original Instruction Id’ of the underlying bulk. Only given here if already specified in the original credit transfer. Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.004.001.02SCT; SCL SCT page 6 of 51 pacs.004.001.02SCT Status Element/Attribut 0..1 ++++OrgnlMsgNmId OrgnlInstrId 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlInstrId OrgnlEndToEndId 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlEndToEndId OrgnlTxId Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxId 1..1 OrgnlIntrBkSttlmAmt Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlIntrBkSttlmAmt Format EPC references (if available) Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Name Typ Pattern Original Instruction Identification SCLSCTId7 ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|']){1,35} Usage Rule: Mandatory if provided in the original instruction. The ‘Original Instruction Id’ of the underlying bulk. Only given here if already specified in the original credit transfer. Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Original End To End Identification Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Mandatory The reference of the payer (end-to-end Id) of the (AT-41 Originator's reference of the original credit transfer. credit transfer transaction) Name Typ Pattern Original Transaction Identification SCLSCTId7 ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|']){1,35} Name Typ FractionDigits TotalDigits Inclusive Pattern Original Interbank Settlement Amount SCLSCTCurrencyAndAmount_2 2 18 0.01 .. 999999999.99 [0-9]{0,15}([\.]([0-9]{0,2})){0,1} Mandatory (AT-43 Originator Bank's reference of the credit transfer transaction) Usage Rule: Must contain a reference that is meaningful to the Originator's Bank and is unique over time. Mandatory (AT-04 Amount of the credit transfer in euro) Usage Rule: Amount must be 0.01 or more and 999999999.99 or less. Format Rule: The fractional part has a maximum of two digits. Reference of the originating payment service provider. Transaction Id (TxId) of the original pacs.008 message. Original amount of the original credit transfer. Only ‘EUR’ is permitted as the currency designation. (Schema validation) A maximum of two decimal places is permitted in accordance with the convention for the euro. (Schema validation) Amount must be at least 0.01 but no more than 999999999. (Schema validation) required Attribute: Ccy Typ SCLSCTCurrencyCode Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.004.001.02SCT; SCL SCT page 7 of 51 pacs.004.001.02SCT Status 1..1 Element/Attribut RtrdIntrBkSttlmAmt Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++RtrdIntrBkSttlmAmt required Attribute: 0..1 RtrdInstdAmt Ccy Format Use required Acceptable Codes EUR Name Returned Interbank Settlement Amount Typ SCLSCTCurrencyAndAmount_2 FractionDigits 2 TotalDigits 18 Inclusive 0.01 .. 999999999.99 Pattern [0-9]{0,15}([\.]([0-9]{0,2})){0,1} Typ SCLSCTCurrencyCode Use required Acceptable Codes EUR Name Returned Instructed Amount EPC references (if available) Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer (AT-04 Amount of the credit transfer in euro) or (AT-46 Amount of a positive answer to the Recall in euro) Usage Rule: If the return message is a positive answer to a Recall (ie, if ‘Code’ under ‘Return Reason Information’ specifies ‘FOCR’), the amount must be equal to the ‘Original Interbank Settlement Amount’ less the ‘Amount’ under ‘Charges Information’. Usage Rule: If the return message is not a positive answer to a Recall (ie, if ‘Code’ under ‘Return Reason Information’ is different from ‘FOCR’), the Amount must be the same as in ‘Original Interbank Settlement Amount’. Usage Rule: Only ‘EUR’ is allowed. Usage Rule: Amount must be 0.01 or more and 999999999.99 or less. Format Rule: The fractional part has a maximum of two digits. Return amount of the credit transfer. Usage Rule: Only allowed in the If use is made of the "Charges Information" element block, the element "Returned Instructed Amount" must be completed too due to an ISO stipulation. In any other cases the element block Is optional. Error code: XT13 Where the return constitutes a positive response to a recall ("FOCR"), the following applies: <OrgnlIntrBkSttlmAmt> ./. <ChrgsInf/Amt> = <RtrdIntrBkSttlmAmt> . Error code: AM02 Where the return does not constitute a positive response to a recall, the following applies: <OrgnlIntrBkSttlmAmt> = <RtrdIntrBkSttlmAmt> . Error code: AM02 The curency designation "EUR" is permissible. (Schema validation) A maximum of two decimal places is permitted in accordance with the convention for the euro. (Schema validation) Amount must be at least 0.01 but no more than 999999999. 99 (Schema validation) Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.004.001.02SCT; SCL SCT page 8 of 51 pacs.004.001.02SCT Status Element/Attribut Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++RtrdInstdAmt required Attribute: 0..1 ChrgBr Ccy Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++ChrgBr 0..1 ChrgsInf Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++ChrgsInf Format Typ FractionDigits TotalDigits Inclusive Pattern SCLSCTCurrencyAndAmount_4 2 18 0 .. [0-9]{0,15}([\.]([0-9]{0,2})){0,1} Typ SCLSCTCurrencyCode Use required Acceptable Codes EUR Name Charge Bearer Typ SCLSCTChargeBearerType1Code Acceptable Codes SLEV Name Charges Information Typ SCLSCTChargesInformation5 EPC references (if available) Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer case of a return in response to a cancellation request, ie, ‘Reason’ in ‘Return Reason Information’ specifies ‘FOCR’. Usage Rule: Only ‘EUR’ is allowed. Usage Rule: Amount must be 0.01 or more and 999999999.99 or less. Format Rule: The fractional part has a maximum of two digits. In the event that an entry already exists although "Charges Information" is not available ("Rsn" not equivalent to "FOCR"): Error code: XT13 Usage Rule: Only 'SLEV' is allowed. Only the entry "SLEV" is allowed (Schema validation). Usage Rule: Only allowed in case of a return in response to a cancellation request, ie, "Reason" in "Return Reason Information" specifies "FOCR". Usage Rule: Only one occurence is allowed. The element block "Charges Information" may only be used in the event of a positive response to a Payment Cancellation Request ("Rsn" contains the entry "FOCR") An ISO stipulation requires that in such cases the element "Returned Instructed Amount" has to be completed as well. Error code: XT13 May be completed with 0.00 but purpose-related with the value of the "Original Interbank Settlement Amount"; there is no validation by the SCL. Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.004.001.02SCT; SCL SCT page 9 of 51 pacs.004.001.02SCT Status 1..1 Element/Attribut Amt Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++ChrgsInf ++++Amt required Attribute: 1..1 Pty 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++ChrgsInf ++++Pty FinInstnId 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++ChrgsInf ++++Pty +++++FinInstnId BIC Ccy Format Name Typ FractionDigits TotalDigits Inclusive Pattern Amount SCLSCTCurrencyAndAmount_2 2 18 0.01 .. 999999999.99 [0-9]{0,15}([\.]([0-9]{0,2})){0,1} EPC references (if available) (AT-47 Fee for the positive answer to the Recall in euro) Usage Rule: Only "EUR" is allowed. Usage Rule: Amount must be 0.01 or more and 999999999.99 or less. Format Rule: The fractional part has a maximum of two digits. Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer The curency designation "EUR" is permissible. (Schema validation) A maximum of two decimal places is permitted in accordance with the convention for the euro. (Schema validation) Amount must be at least 0.01 but no more than 999999999. 99 (Schema validation) Typ SCLSCTCurrencyCode Use required Acceptable Codes EUR Name Party Typ SCLSCTBranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentifi cation4 Name Typ Financial Institution Identification SCLSCTFinancialInstitutionIdentification7 Name BIC (AT-23 BIC of the Creditor Bank). Usage Rule: Only BIC is allowed Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.004.001.02SCT; SCL SCT page 10 of 51 pacs.004.001.02SCT Status Element/Attribut 0..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++ChrgsInf ++++Pty +++++FinInstnId ++++++BIC InstgAgt 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++InstgAgt FinInstnId 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++InstgAgt ++++FinInstnId BIC 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++InstgAgt ++++FinInstnId +++++BIC RtrRsnInf 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++RtrRsnInf Orgtr Format EPC references (if available) Typ Pattern BICIdentifier [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}) {0,1} Name Typ Instructing Agent Usage Rule: Only BIC is allowed. SCLSCTBranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentifi cation4 Name Typ Financial Institution Identification SCLSCTFinancialInstitutionIdentification7 Name Typ Pattern BIC BICIdentifier [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}) {0,1} Name Typ Return Reason Information SCLSCTReturnReasonInformation9 Mandatory Usage Rule: Only one occurrence of 'Return Reason Information' is allowed. Name Originator Mandatory (AT-R2 Identification of Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Original instructing agent of the bulk. May only be entered in the SCF of the SEPA-Clearer, may not be included in the ICF (submitted by the SCL participant). Error code: XT13 Data of the party which initiated the message pacs.004. Only the BIC or the name (only for non-financial institutions) may be given. (Schema validation) Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.004.001.02SCT; SCL SCT page 11 of 51 pacs.004.001.02SCT Status Element/Attribut Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++RtrRsnInf ++++Orgtr 1..1 Nm Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++RtrRsnInf ++++Orgtr +++++Nm 1..1 Id 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++RtrRsnInf ++++Orgtr +++++Id OrgId 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++RtrRsnInf ++++Orgtr +++++Id ++++++OrgId BICOrBEI Document +PmtRtr Format Typ SCLSCTId5 Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Name Max70Text 1 .. 70 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Identification SCLSCTParty3Choice Name Typ Organisation Identification SCLSCTOrganisationIdentification3 Name Typ Pattern BICOrBEI AnyBICIdentifier [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}) {0,1} EPC references (if available) Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer the type of party initiating the Rmessage) Usage Rule: Limited to BIC for an Agent or ‘Name’ for a non-financial institution. Usage Rule: ‘Name’ is limited to 70 characters in length. Name of the party which initiated the return. BIC of the party which initiated the return. Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.004.001.02SCT; SCL SCT page 12 of 51 pacs.004.001.02SCT Status Element/Attribut 1..1 ++TxInf +++RtrRsnInf ++++Orgtr +++++Id ++++++OrgId +++++++BICOrBEI Rsn 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++RtrRsnInf ++++Rsn Cd Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++RtrRsnInf ++++Rsn +++++Cd Format EPC references (if available) Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Name Typ Reason ReturnReason5Choice Mandatory (AT-R3 Reason Code for Non-Acceptance of the credit transfer) Usage Rule: If the message is used for a positive answer to a Recall, only ‘FOCR’ is allowed. Return reason. If the message Is used to transfer back an amount that was requested using message type camt.056.001.01, it is only admissible to enter "FOCR" (no technical validation occurs). Name Typ Code ExternalReturnReason1Code See Message Element Specifications below. All acceptable return codes in accordance with the EPC Implementation Guidelines. (Schema validation) Acceptable Codes AC01 AC04 AC06 AG01 AG02 AM05 BE04 FOCR MD07 MS02 MS03 RC01 RR01 Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.004.001.02SCT; SCL SCT page 13 of 51 pacs.004.001.02SCT Status Element/Attribut 0..1 AddtlInf 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++RtrRsnInf ++++AddtlInf OrgnlTxRef Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef 1..1 IntrBkSttlmDt 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++IntrBkSttlmDt SttlmInf Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++SttlmInf Format Acceptable Codes RR02 RR03 RR04 Name Additional Information Typ Max105Text Length 1 .. 105 Pattern \S+.* WhiteSpace collapse Name Typ Original Transaction Reference SCLSCTOriginalTransactionReference13 Name Typ Pattern Interbank Settlement Date ISODate [0-9]{4,4}\-[0-9]{2,2}\-[0-9]{2,2} Name Typ Settlement Information SCLSCTSettlementInformation131 EPC references (if available) (AT-R7 Specific Reference of the bank initiating the recall) Usage Rule: Only allowed when ‘FOCR’ is present in ‘Reason’. In this case, it is mandatory and only one occurrence is allowed. Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Use of <AddtlInf> only allowed if "FOCR" is given as the reason for return. If completed, although "Rsn" is not equivalent to "FOCR": Error code: XT33 Mandatory Copy of the returned original message (An exact copy of all attributes of the received DS-02 which is being returned) Usage Rule: The message elements under 'Original Transaction Reference' must be populated with the same value as the message elements of the original instruction as defined within the following elements. (AT-42 Settlement Date of the credit transfer) Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.004.001.02SCT; SCL SCT page 14 of 51 pacs.004.001.02SCT Status 1..1 Element/Attribut SttlmMtd Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++SttlmInf +++++SttlmMtd 1..1 PmtTpInf 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++PmtTpInf SvcLvl 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++PmtTpInf +++++SvcLvl Cd Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++PmtTpInf +++++SvcLvl ++++++Cd Format Name Typ EPC references (if available) Settlement Method SCLSCTSettlementMethod1Code Acceptable Codes CLRG Name Payment Type Information Typ SCLSCTPaymentTypeInformation22 Name Typ ServiceLevel SCLSCTServiceLevel8Choice Name Typ Code SCLSCTExternalServiceLevel1Code Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Information about the settlement mechanism. Only the code "CLRG" is allowed (Schema validation). (AT-40 Identification code of the Scheme) (AT-45 Category Purpose of the Credit Transfer) “SEPA” constant (Schema validation) Acceptable Codes SEPA Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.004.001.02SCT; SCL SCT page 15 of 51 pacs.004.001.02SCT Status Element/Attribut 0..1 LclInstrm 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++PmtTpInf +++++LclInstrm Cd 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++PmtTpInf +++++LclInstrm ++++++Cd Prtry 0..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++PmtTpInf +++++LclInstrm ++++++Prtry CtgyPurp 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++PmtTpInf +++++CtgyPurp Cd Format EPC references (if available) Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Name Typ Local Instrument SCLSCTLocalInstrument2Choice Name Typ Length WhiteSpace Code ExternalLocalInstrument1Code 1 .. 35 collapse Allocation according to the returned original message Name Typ Pattern Proprietary SCLSCTId8 ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|'|\s]){1,35} Allocation according to the returned original message Name Typ Category Purpose CategoryPurpose1Choice Name Typ Code ExternalCategoryPurpose1Code (AT-45 Category purpose of the Credit Transfer) Encrypted remittance information. Allocation according to the returned original message Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.004.001.02SCT; SCL SCT page 16 of 51 pacs.004.001.02SCT Status Element/Attribut 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++PmtTpInf +++++CtgyPurp ++++++Cd Prtry 0..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++PmtTpInf +++++CtgyPurp ++++++Prtry RmtInf 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++RmtInf Ustrd 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++RmtInf +++++Ustrd Strd Document +PmtRtr Format EPC references (if available) Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Length Pattern WhiteSpace 1 .. 4 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Proprietary Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Remittance Information SCLSCTRemittanceInformation5 (AT-05 Remittance Information) Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Unstructured Max140Text 1 .. 140 \S+.* collapse Usage Rule: 'Unstructured' may Unstructured remittance information. Allocation carry structured remittance according to the returned original message information, as agreed between the Originator and the Beneficiary. Usage Rule: Only one occurrence of 'Unstructured' is allowed. Name Typ Structured SCLSCTStructuredRemittanceInformation7 Format Rule: 'Structured' can be used, provided the tags and data do not exceed 140 characters in length. Allocation according to the returned original message Structured or unstructured remittance information. (Schema validation) Structured remittance information Allocation according to the returned original message Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.004.001.02SCT; SCL SCT page 17 of 51 pacs.004.001.02SCT Status Element/Attribut 0..1 ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++RmtInf +++++Strd CdtrRefInf 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++RmtInf +++++Strd ++++++CdtrRefInf Tp 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++RmtInf +++++Strd ++++++CdtrRefInf +++++++Tp CdOrPrtry 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++RmtInf +++++Strd ++++++CdtrRefInf +++++++Tp ++++++++CdOrPrtry Cd Format EPC references (if available) Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Usage Rule: Only one occurrence of 'Structured' is allowed. Name Typ Creditor Reference Information SCLSCTCreditorReferenceInformation2 Name Typ Type SCLSCTCreditorReferenceType2 Name Typ Code or Proprietary SCLSCTCreditorReferenceType1Choice Name Code Only the code "SCOR" is allowed. (Schema validation). Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.004.001.02SCT; SCL SCT page 18 of 51 pacs.004.001.02SCT Status Element/Attribut Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++RmtInf +++++Strd ++++++CdtrRefInf +++++++Tp ++++++++CdOrPrtry +++++++++Cd 0..1 Issr 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++RmtInf +++++Strd ++++++CdtrRefInf +++++++Tp ++++++++Issr Ref 0..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++RmtInf +++++Strd ++++++CdtrRefInf +++++++Ref UltmtDbtr Format Typ EPC references (if available) Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer SCLSCTDocumentType3Code Acceptable Codes SCOR Name Issuer Typ Max35Text Length 1 .. 35 Pattern \S+.* WhiteSpace collapse Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Reference Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Ultimate Debtor Allocation according to the returned original message Allocation according to the returned original message (AT-08 Name of the Originator Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.004.001.02SCT; SCL SCT page 19 of 51 pacs.004.001.02SCT Status 0..1 Element/Attribut Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++UltmtDbtr Nm Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++UltmtDbtr +++++Nm 0..1 Id 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++UltmtDbtr +++++Id OrgId 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++UltmtDbtr +++++Id ++++++OrgId BICOrBEI Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf Format Typ SCLSCTPartyIdentification321 Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Name Max70Text 1 .. 70 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Identification SCLSCTParty6Choice Name Typ Organisation Identification SCLSCTOrganisationIdentification41 Name Typ Pattern BICOrBEI AnyBICIdentifier [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}) {0,1} EPC references (if available) Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Reference Party) (AT-09 Identification code of the Originator Reference Party) Name of the ultimate payer. Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.004.001.02SCT; SCL SCT page 20 of 51 pacs.004.001.02SCT Status 1..1 Element/Attribut +++OrgnlTxRef ++++UltmtDbtr +++++Id ++++++OrgId +++++++BICOrBEI Othr Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++UltmtDbtr +++++Id ++++++OrgId +++++++Othr 1..1 Id 0..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++UltmtDbtr +++++Id ++++++OrgId +++++++Othr ++++++++Id SchmeNm Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++UltmtDbtr +++++Id ++++++OrgId Format Name Typ Other GenericOrganisationIdentification1 Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Identification Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Scheme Name OrganisationIdentificationSchemeName1Cho ice EPC references (if available) Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.004.001.02SCT; SCL SCT page 21 of 51 pacs.004.001.02SCT Status Element/Attribut 1..1 +++++++Othr ++++++++SchmeNm Cd 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++UltmtDbtr +++++Id ++++++OrgId +++++++Othr ++++++++SchmeNm +++++++++Cd Prtry 0..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++UltmtDbtr +++++Id ++++++OrgId +++++++Othr ++++++++SchmeNm +++++++++Prtry Issr Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++UltmtDbtr +++++Id ++++++OrgId Format Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Code ExternalOrganisationIdentification1Code 1 .. 4 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Proprietary Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Issuer Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse EPC references (if available) Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.004.001.02SCT; SCL SCT page 22 of 51 pacs.004.001.02SCT Status Element/Attribut 1..1 +++++++Othr ++++++++Issr PrvtId 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++UltmtDbtr +++++Id ++++++PrvtId DtAndPlcOfBirth 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++UltmtDbtr +++++Id ++++++PrvtId +++++++DtAndPlcOfBirth BirthDt 0..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++UltmtDbtr +++++Id ++++++PrvtId +++++++DtAndPlcOfBirth ++++++++BirthDt PrvcOfBirth Document Format Name Typ Private Identification SCLSCTPersonIdentification51 Name Typ Date and Place of Birth DateAndPlaceOfBirth Name Typ Pattern Birth Date ISODate [0-9]{4,4}\-[0-9]{2,2}\-[0-9]{2,2} Name Typ Length Province of Birth Max35Text 1 .. 35 EPC references (if available) Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.004.001.02SCT; SCL SCT page 23 of 51 pacs.004.001.02SCT Status Element/Attribut 1..1 +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++UltmtDbtr +++++Id ++++++PrvtId +++++++DtAndPlcOfBirth ++++++++PrvcOfBirth CityOfBirth 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++UltmtDbtr +++++Id ++++++PrvtId +++++++DtAndPlcOfBirth ++++++++CityOfBirth CtryOfBirth 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++UltmtDbtr +++++Id ++++++PrvtId +++++++DtAndPlcOfBirth ++++++++CtryOfBirth Othr Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf Format Pattern WhiteSpace \S+.* collapse Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace City of Birth Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Pattern Country of Birth CountryCode [A-Z]{2,2} Name Typ Other GenericPersonIdentification1 EPC references (if available) Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.004.001.02SCT; SCL SCT page 24 of 51 pacs.004.001.02SCT Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references (if available) Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer +++OrgnlTxRef ++++UltmtDbtr +++++Id ++++++PrvtId +++++++Othr 1..1 Id 0..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++UltmtDbtr +++++Id ++++++PrvtId +++++++Othr ++++++++Id SchmeNm 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++UltmtDbtr +++++Id ++++++PrvtId +++++++Othr ++++++++SchmeNm Cd Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++UltmtDbtr +++++Id Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Identification Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Scheme Name PersonIdentificationSchemeName1Choice Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Code ExternalPersonIdentification1Code 1 .. 4 \S+.* collapse Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.004.001.02SCT; SCL SCT page 25 of 51 pacs.004.001.02SCT Status Element/Attribut 1..1 ++++++PrvtId +++++++Othr ++++++++SchmeNm +++++++++Cd Prtry 0..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++UltmtDbtr +++++Id ++++++PrvtId +++++++Othr ++++++++SchmeNm +++++++++Prtry Issr 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++UltmtDbtr +++++Id ++++++PrvtId +++++++Othr ++++++++Issr Dbtr 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++Dbtr Nm Format EPC references (if available) Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Proprietary Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Issuer Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Debtor SCLSCTPartyIdentification322 (AT-02 Name of the Originator) (AT-03 Address of the Originator) (AT-10 Originator identification code) Name Name Mandatory Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Name of the payer. Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.004.001.02SCT; SCL SCT page 26 of 51 pacs.004.001.02SCT Status Element/Attribut 0..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++Dbtr +++++Nm PstlAdr 0..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++Dbtr +++++PstlAdr Ctry 0..2 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++Dbtr +++++PstlAdr ++++++Ctry AdrLine Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++Dbtr +++++PstlAdr ++++++AdrLine 0..1 Id Document Format EPC references (if available) Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Max70Text 1 .. 70 \S+.* collapse (AT-02 Name of the Originator) Name Typ Postal Address SCLSCTPostalAddress6 (AT-03 Address of the Originator) Address of the payer. Name Typ Pattern Country CountryCode [A-Z]{2,2} Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Address Line Max70Text 1 .. 70 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Identification SCLSCTParty6Choice (AT-10 Originator's Identification Code) Format Rule: Either 'Organisation Identification code of the payer. (Originator Identification Code). Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.004.001.02SCT; SCL SCT page 27 of 51 pacs.004.001.02SCT Status Element/Attribut 1..1 +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++Dbtr +++++Id OrgId 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++Dbtr +++++Id ++++++OrgId BICOrBEI 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++Dbtr +++++Id ++++++OrgId +++++++BICOrBEI Othr Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++Dbtr +++++Id ++++++OrgId +++++++Othr 1..1 Id Format EPC references (if available) Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Identification' or one occurrence of 'Private Identification' may be present. Name Typ Organisation Identification SCLSCTOrganisationIdentification41 May not be given simultaneously with the Id/PrvtId (see below). (Schema validation) All ISO 20022 options are allowed. Name Typ Pattern BICOrBEI AnyBICIdentifier [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}) {0,1} Name Typ Other GenericOrganisationIdentification1 Name Identification Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.004.001.02SCT; SCL SCT page 28 of 51 pacs.004.001.02SCT Status Element/Attribut 0..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++Dbtr +++++Id ++++++OrgId +++++++Othr ++++++++Id SchmeNm 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++Dbtr +++++Id ++++++OrgId +++++++Othr ++++++++SchmeNm Cd 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++Dbtr +++++Id ++++++OrgId +++++++Othr ++++++++SchmeNm +++++++++Cd Prtry Document Format Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Scheme Name OrganisationIdentificationSchemeName1Cho ice Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Code ExternalOrganisationIdentification1Code 1 .. 4 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Proprietary Max35Text EPC references (if available) Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.004.001.02SCT; SCL SCT page 29 of 51 pacs.004.001.02SCT Status Element/Attribut 0..1 +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++Dbtr +++++Id ++++++OrgId +++++++Othr ++++++++SchmeNm +++++++++Prtry Issr 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++Dbtr +++++Id ++++++OrgId +++++++Othr ++++++++Issr PrvtId 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++Dbtr +++++Id ++++++PrvtId DtAndPlcOfBirth Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef Format Length Pattern WhiteSpace 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Issuer Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Private Identification SCLSCTPersonIdentification51 Name Typ Date and Place of Birth DateAndPlaceOfBirth EPC references (if available) Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.004.001.02SCT; SCL SCT page 30 of 51 pacs.004.001.02SCT Status Element/Attribut 1..1 ++++Dbtr +++++Id ++++++PrvtId +++++++DtAndPlcOfBirth BirthDt 0..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++Dbtr +++++Id ++++++PrvtId +++++++DtAndPlcOfBirth ++++++++BirthDt PrvcOfBirth 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++Dbtr +++++Id ++++++PrvtId +++++++DtAndPlcOfBirth ++++++++PrvcOfBirth CityOfBirth Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++Dbtr +++++Id ++++++PrvtId Format Name Typ Pattern Birth Date ISODate [0-9]{4,4}\-[0-9]{2,2}\-[0-9]{2,2} Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Province of Birth Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace City of Birth Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse EPC references (if available) Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.004.001.02SCT; SCL SCT page 31 of 51 pacs.004.001.02SCT Status Element/Attribut 1..1 +++++++DtAndPlcOfBirth ++++++++CityOfBirth CtryOfBirth 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++Dbtr +++++Id ++++++PrvtId +++++++DtAndPlcOfBirth ++++++++CtryOfBirth Othr Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++Dbtr +++++Id ++++++PrvtId +++++++Othr 1..1 Id 0..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++Dbtr +++++Id ++++++PrvtId +++++++Othr ++++++++Id SchmeNm Format Name Typ Pattern Country of Birth CountryCode [A-Z]{2,2} Name Typ Other GenericPersonIdentification1 Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Identification Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Scheme Name EPC references (if available) Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.004.001.02SCT; SCL SCT page 32 of 51 pacs.004.001.02SCT Status Element/Attribut 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++Dbtr +++++Id ++++++PrvtId +++++++Othr ++++++++SchmeNm Cd 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++Dbtr +++++Id ++++++PrvtId +++++++Othr ++++++++SchmeNm +++++++++Cd Prtry 0..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++Dbtr +++++Id ++++++PrvtId +++++++Othr ++++++++SchmeNm +++++++++Prtry Issr Format Typ PersonIdentificationSchemeName1Choice Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Code ExternalPersonIdentification1Code 1 .. 4 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Proprietary Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Issuer EPC references (if available) Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.004.001.02SCT; SCL SCT page 33 of 51 pacs.004.001.02SCT Status 1..1 Element/Attribut Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++Dbtr +++++Id ++++++PrvtId +++++++Othr ++++++++Issr DbtrAcct Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++DbtrAcct 1..1 Id 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++DbtrAcct +++++Id IBAN 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++DbtrAcct +++++Id ++++++IBAN DbtrAgt Format EPC references (if available) Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Debtor Account SCLSCTCashAccount161 Name Typ Identification SCLSCTAccountIdentification4Choice Name Typ Pattern IBAN IBAN2007Identifier [A-Z]{2,2}[0-9]{2,2}[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,30} IBAN of the payer. Name Typ Debtor Agent (AT-06 BIC code of the Originator SCLSCTBranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentifi Bank) BIC of the remitting payment service provider according to the original message. (AT-01 IBAN of the Originator) Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.004.001.02SCT; SCL SCT page 34 of 51 pacs.004.001.02SCT Status Element/Attribut 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++DbtrAgt FinInstnId 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++DbtrAgt +++++FinInstnId BIC 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++DbtrAgt +++++FinInstnId ++++++BIC CdtrAgt 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++CdtrAgt FinInstnId Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef Format EPC references (if available) Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer cation4 Name Typ Financial Institution Identification SCLSCTFinancialInstitutionIdentification7 Name Typ Pattern BIC BICIdentifier [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}) {0,1} BIC of the remitting payment service provider according to the original message. Validity of the BIC according to the SCL-Directory. Error code: XT27 Name Typ Creditor Agent (AT-23 BIC code of the Beneficiary SCLSCTBranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentifi Bank) cation4 BIC of the creditor’s payment service provider. Name Typ Financial Institution Identification SCLSCTFinancialInstitutionIdentification7 Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.004.001.02SCT; SCL SCT page 35 of 51 pacs.004.001.02SCT Status Element/Attribut 1..1 ++++CdtrAgt +++++FinInstnId BIC 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++CdtrAgt +++++FinInstnId ++++++BIC Cdtr 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++Cdtr Nm 0..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++Cdtr +++++Nm PstlAdr Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++Cdtr Format Name Typ Pattern EPC references (if available) BIC BICIdentifier [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}) {0,1} Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer BIC of the creditor’s payment service provider according to the original message. Validity of the BIC according to the SCL-Directory. Error code: XT27 Credit agent BIC is part of the duplication check at the single record level. Error code: AM05 Name Typ Creditor SCLSCTPartyIdentification322 (AT-21 Name of the Beneficiary) (AT-22 Address of the Beneficiary (AT-24 Beneficiary identification code) Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Name Max70Text 1 .. 70 \S+.* collapse Mandatory (AT-21 Name of the Beneficiary) Name of the creditor. Name Typ Postal Address SCLSCTPostalAddress6 (AT-22 Address of the Beneficiary) Address of the creditor. Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.004.001.02SCT; SCL SCT page 36 of 51 pacs.004.001.02SCT Status Element/Attribut 0..1 +++++PstlAdr Ctry 0..2 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++Cdtr +++++PstlAdr ++++++Ctry AdrLine Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++Cdtr +++++PstlAdr ++++++AdrLine 0..1 Id 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++Cdtr +++++Id OrgId Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++Cdtr +++++Id Format EPC references (if available) Name Typ Pattern Country CountryCode [A-Z]{2,2} Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Address Line Max70Text 1 .. 70 \S+.* collapse Format Rule: Only two occurrences of 'Address Line' are allowed. Name Typ Identification SCLSCTParty6Choice (AT-24 Beneficiary Identification Code) Format Rule: Either 'Organisation Identification' or one occurrence of 'Private Identification' may be present. Name Typ Organisation Identification SCLSCTOrganisationIdentification41 Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Identification code of the creditor. May not be given simultaneously with <Id>/<PrvID> (see below). (Schema validation) All ISO 20022 options are allowed. Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.004.001.02SCT; SCL SCT page 37 of 51 pacs.004.001.02SCT Status Element/Attribut 1..1 ++++++OrgId BICOrBEI 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++Cdtr +++++Id ++++++OrgId +++++++BICOrBEI Othr Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++Cdtr +++++Id ++++++OrgId +++++++Othr 1..1 Id 0..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++Cdtr +++++Id ++++++OrgId +++++++Othr ++++++++Id SchmeNm Document Format Name Typ Pattern BICOrBEI AnyBICIdentifier [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}) {0,1} Name Typ Other GenericOrganisationIdentification1 Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Identification Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Scheme Name OrganisationIdentificationSchemeName1Cho ice EPC references (if available) Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.004.001.02SCT; SCL SCT page 38 of 51 pacs.004.001.02SCT Status Element/Attribut 1..1 +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++Cdtr +++++Id ++++++OrgId +++++++Othr ++++++++SchmeNm Cd 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++Cdtr +++++Id ++++++OrgId +++++++Othr ++++++++SchmeNm +++++++++Cd Prtry 0..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++Cdtr +++++Id ++++++OrgId +++++++Othr ++++++++SchmeNm +++++++++Prtry Issr Document Format Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Code ExternalOrganisationIdentification1Code 1 .. 4 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Proprietary Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Length Issuer Max35Text 1 .. 35 EPC references (if available) Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.004.001.02SCT; SCL SCT page 39 of 51 pacs.004.001.02SCT Status Element/Attribut 1..1 +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++Cdtr +++++Id ++++++OrgId +++++++Othr ++++++++Issr PrvtId 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++Cdtr +++++Id ++++++PrvtId DtAndPlcOfBirth 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++Cdtr +++++Id ++++++PrvtId +++++++DtAndPlcOfBirth BirthDt Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++Cdtr +++++Id Format Pattern WhiteSpace \S+.* collapse Name Typ Private Identification SCLSCTPersonIdentification51 Name Typ Date and Place of Birth DateAndPlaceOfBirth Name Typ Pattern Birth Date ISODate [0-9]{4,4}\-[0-9]{2,2}\-[0-9]{2,2} EPC references (if available) Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.004.001.02SCT; SCL SCT page 40 of 51 pacs.004.001.02SCT Status Element/Attribut 0..1 ++++++PrvtId +++++++DtAndPlcOfBirth ++++++++BirthDt PrvcOfBirth 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++Cdtr +++++Id ++++++PrvtId +++++++DtAndPlcOfBirth ++++++++PrvcOfBirth CityOfBirth 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++Cdtr +++++Id ++++++PrvtId +++++++DtAndPlcOfBirth ++++++++CityOfBirth CtryOfBirth Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++Cdtr +++++Id ++++++PrvtId +++++++DtAndPlcOfBirth Format Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Province of Birth Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace City of Birth Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Pattern Country of Birth CountryCode [A-Z]{2,2} EPC references (if available) Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.004.001.02SCT; SCL SCT page 41 of 51 pacs.004.001.02SCT Status 1..1 Element/Attribut ++++++++CtryOfBirth Othr Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++Cdtr +++++Id ++++++PrvtId +++++++Othr 1..1 Id 0..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++Cdtr +++++Id ++++++PrvtId +++++++Othr ++++++++Id SchmeNm 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++Cdtr +++++Id ++++++PrvtId +++++++Othr ++++++++SchmeNm Cd Format Name Typ Other GenericPersonIdentification1 Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Identification Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Scheme Name PersonIdentificationSchemeName1Choice Name Typ Code ExternalPersonIdentification1Code EPC references (if available) Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.004.001.02SCT; SCL SCT page 42 of 51 pacs.004.001.02SCT Status Element/Attribut 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++Cdtr +++++Id ++++++PrvtId +++++++Othr ++++++++SchmeNm +++++++++Cd Prtry 0..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++Cdtr +++++Id ++++++PrvtId +++++++Othr ++++++++SchmeNm +++++++++Prtry Issr 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++Cdtr +++++Id ++++++PrvtId +++++++Othr ++++++++Issr CdtrAcct Format Length Pattern WhiteSpace 1 .. 4 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Proprietary Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Issuer Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Creditor Account SCLSCTCashAccount161 EPC references (if available) (AT-20 IBAN of the Beneficiary) Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer IBAN of the creditor Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.004.001.02SCT; SCL SCT page 43 of 51 pacs.004.001.02SCT Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references (if available) Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++CdtrAcct 1..1 Id 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++CdtrAcct +++++Id IBAN 0..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++CdtrAcct +++++Id ++++++IBAN UltmtCdtr 0..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++UltmtCdtr Nm Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef Name Typ Identification SCLSCTAccountIdentification4Choice Name Typ Pattern IBAN IBAN2007Identifier [A-Z]{2,2}[0-9]{2,2}[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,30} Name Typ Ultimate Creditor SCLSCTPartyIdentification321 Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Name Max70Text 1 .. 70 \S+.* collapse (AT-28 Name of the Beneficiary Reference Party) (AT-29 Identification code of the Beneficiary Reference Party) Name of the ultimate creditor. Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.004.001.02SCT; SCL SCT page 44 of 51 pacs.004.001.02SCT Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references (if available) Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer ++++UltmtCdtr +++++Nm 0..1 Id 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++UltmtCdtr +++++Id OrgId 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++UltmtCdtr +++++Id ++++++OrgId BICOrBEI 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++UltmtCdtr +++++Id ++++++OrgId +++++++BICOrBEI Othr Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef Name Typ Identification SCLSCTParty6Choice Name Typ Organisation Identification SCLSCTOrganisationIdentification41 Name Typ Pattern BICOrBEI AnyBICIdentifier [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}) {0,1} Name Typ Other GenericOrganisationIdentification1 Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.004.001.02SCT; SCL SCT page 45 of 51 pacs.004.001.02SCT Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references (if available) Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer ++++UltmtCdtr +++++Id ++++++OrgId +++++++Othr 1..1 Id 0..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++UltmtCdtr +++++Id ++++++OrgId +++++++Othr ++++++++Id SchmeNm 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++UltmtCdtr +++++Id ++++++OrgId +++++++Othr ++++++++SchmeNm Cd Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++UltmtCdtr +++++Id ++++++OrgId Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Identification Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Scheme Name OrganisationIdentificationSchemeName1Cho ice Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Code ExternalOrganisationIdentification1Code 1 .. 4 \S+.* collapse Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.004.001.02SCT; SCL SCT page 46 of 51 pacs.004.001.02SCT Status Element/Attribut 1..1 +++++++Othr ++++++++SchmeNm +++++++++Cd Prtry 0..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++UltmtCdtr +++++Id ++++++OrgId +++++++Othr ++++++++SchmeNm +++++++++Prtry Issr 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++UltmtCdtr +++++Id ++++++OrgId +++++++Othr ++++++++Issr PrvtId Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++UltmtCdtr +++++Id ++++++PrvtId Format Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Proprietary Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Issuer Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Private Identification SCLSCTPersonIdentification51 EPC references (if available) Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.004.001.02SCT; SCL SCT page 47 of 51 pacs.004.001.02SCT Status Element/Attribut 1..1 DtAndPlcOfBirth 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++UltmtCdtr +++++Id ++++++PrvtId +++++++DtAndPlcOfBirth BirthDt 0..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++UltmtCdtr +++++Id ++++++PrvtId +++++++DtAndPlcOfBirth ++++++++BirthDt PrvcOfBirth 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++UltmtCdtr +++++Id ++++++PrvtId +++++++DtAndPlcOfBirth ++++++++PrvcOfBirth CityOfBirth Document +PmtRtr Format Name Typ Date and Place of Birth DateAndPlaceOfBirth Name Typ Pattern Birth Date ISODate [0-9]{4,4}\-[0-9]{2,2}\-[0-9]{2,2} Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Province of Birth Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Length City of Birth Max35Text 1 .. 35 EPC references (if available) Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.004.001.02SCT; SCL SCT page 48 of 51 pacs.004.001.02SCT Status Element/Attribut 1..1 ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++UltmtCdtr +++++Id ++++++PrvtId +++++++DtAndPlcOfBirth ++++++++CityOfBirth CtryOfBirth 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++UltmtCdtr +++++Id ++++++PrvtId +++++++DtAndPlcOfBirth ++++++++CtryOfBirth Othr Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++UltmtCdtr +++++Id ++++++PrvtId +++++++Othr 1..1 Id Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++UltmtCdtr Format Pattern WhiteSpace \S+.* collapse Name Typ Pattern Country of Birth CountryCode [A-Z]{2,2} Name Typ Other GenericPersonIdentification1 Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Identification Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse EPC references (if available) Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.004.001.02SCT; SCL SCT page 49 of 51 pacs.004.001.02SCT Status Element/Attribut 0..1 +++++Id ++++++PrvtId +++++++Othr ++++++++Id SchmeNm 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++UltmtCdtr +++++Id ++++++PrvtId +++++++Othr ++++++++SchmeNm Cd 1..1 Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++UltmtCdtr +++++Id ++++++PrvtId +++++++Othr ++++++++SchmeNm +++++++++Cd Prtry Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++UltmtCdtr +++++Id Format Name Typ Scheme Name PersonIdentificationSchemeName1Choice Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Code ExternalPersonIdentification1Code 1 .. 4 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Proprietary Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse EPC references (if available) Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.004.001.02SCT; SCL SCT page 50 of 51 pacs.004.001.02SCT Status 0..1 Element/Attribut ++++++PrvtId +++++++Othr ++++++++SchmeNm +++++++++Prtry Issr Document +PmtRtr ++TxInf +++OrgnlTxRef ++++UltmtCdtr +++++Id ++++++PrvtId +++++++Othr ++++++++Issr Format Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace EPC references (if available) Contents and checks SEPA-Clearer Issuer Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe pacs.004.001.02SCT; SCL SCT page 51 of 51 SCT Interbank Recall of Credit Transfer Dataset (DS-05) – camt.056.001.01SCT Memo SEPA Credit Transfer – Interbank Recall of Credit Transfer Dataset (DS-05) SCT annex 8 of appendix “SCT/SCL technical specifications “ - camt.056.001.01 page 1 of 2 SCT Interbank Recall of Credit Transfer Dataset (DS-05) – camt.056.001.01SCT Use of Interbank Recall of Credit Transfer Dataset (camt.056.001.01) This message is used in the SEPA-Clearer SCT service to recall individual credit transfers from the recipient following settlement. It is not possible to recall an entire bulk payment. Pursuant to the rulebook, the recall can be effected up to 10 business days after settlement. This deadline is not validated in the SEPA-Clearer. The recall itself is not relevant for settlement and serves solely to inform the beneficiary who then has ten further business days to actively respond to the camt.056.001.001 in one of two ways: The beneficiary transfers the amount – where applicable minus the processing fee of the <Creditor Agent> (<Charges Information>) and specifying the <Reason Code> “FOCR” (Following Cancellation Request) – to the originator of the cancellation request by means of a bookkeeping-relevant return (pacs.004.001.02) or The beneficiary instructs the <Creditor Agent> to send a return message or “negative message” (Resolution of Investigation, camt.029.001.03), stating why the requested return transfer will not take place using a <Reason Code>. This message is not relevant for settlement. The SEPA-Clearer carries out a duplication check but does not cross reference checking. For example, no check is made as to whether the original payment was processed on the given date in the SEPA-Clearer or whether a recall has already been submitted. Furthermore, it is not checked whether a recall has already been answered The message is a component of the Input Credit File (ICF) on the submitter side and a component of the Settled Credit File (SCF) on the delivery side. ISO message structure A Interbank Recall of Credit Transfer Dataset contains: a single “assignment” (in pacs messages: Group Header) a “Control Data” an “Underlying” containing one or more transaction information sequences, each of which contains the transaction data of the individual underlying transfer (pacs.008.001.02). Group header The “assignment” contains information required to process the entire message. SCT annex 8 of appendix “SCT/SCL technical specifications “ - camt.056.001.01 page 2 of 2 camt.056.001.01SCT Message structure Status Element/Attribut Document 1..1 Document FIToFIPmtCxlReq 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq Assgnmt 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Assgnmt Id Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Assgnmt +++Id Format EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Typ Document Name Typ Payment Cancellation Request SCLSCTFIToFIPaymentCancellationRequest V01 Name Typ Assignment SCLSCTCaseAssignment2 The assignment contains information which is relevant for the entire message. Name Typ Pattern Identification SCLSCTId7 ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|']){1,35} Identification of the bulk. Part of duplication check (unique daily reference). Error code: B14 The first 8 or 11 characters of Id must match the BIC of the Assigner in ICF. The rest of the field can be freely defined. Error code: B98 1..1 Assgnr Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Assgnmt +++Assgnr 1..1 Agt Document Name Typ Assigner SCLSCTParty7Choice Name Typ Agent SCLSCTBranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentifi Instructing Party Usage Rule: Limited to BIC to identify a bank or CSM or ‘Name’ to indicate the CSM when it has no BIC. Usage Rule: ‘Name’ is limited to 70 characters in length. Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.056.001.01SCT; SCL SCT page 1 of 52 camt.056.001.01SCT Status Element/Attribut 1..1 +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Assgnmt +++Assgnr ++++Agt FinInstnId 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Assgnmt +++Assgnr ++++Agt +++++FinInstnId BIC 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Assgnmt +++Assgnr ++++Agt +++++FinInstnId ++++++BIC Assgne Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Assgnmt +++Assgne 1..1 Agt Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Assgnmt +++Assgne Format EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer cation4 Name Typ Financial Institution Identification SCLSCTFinancialInstitutionIdentification7 Name Typ Pattern BIC BICIdentifier [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}) {0,1} ICF: To be completed with the BIC of the submitter. BIC has been authorised to make submissions (Check against the SCL-Directory). Error code: B12 SCF: For deliveries from the SCL "MARKDEFF". Name Typ Assignee SCLSCTParty7Choice Name Typ Agent SCLSCTBranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentifi cation4 Instructed Party Usage Rule: Limited to BIC to identify a bank or CSM or ‘Name’ to indicate the CSM when it has no BIC. Usage Rule: ‘Name’ is limited to 70 characters in length. Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.056.001.01SCT; SCL SCT page 2 of 52 camt.056.001.01SCT Status Element/Attribut 1..1 ++++Agt FinInstnId 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Assgnmt +++Assgne ++++Agt +++++FinInstnId BIC 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Assgnmt +++Assgne ++++Agt +++++FinInstnId ++++++BIC CreDtTm 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Assgnmt +++CreDtTm CtrlData 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++CtrlData NbOfTxs Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++CtrlData +++NbOfTxs Format Name Typ Financial Institution Identification SCLSCTFinancialInstitutionIdentification7 Name Typ Pattern BIC BICIdentifier [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}) {0,1} Name Typ Pattern Creation Date Time ISODateTime [0-9]{4,4}\-[0-9]{2,2}\-[0-9]{2,2}[T][0-9]{2,2}: [0-9]{2,2}:[0-9]{2,2}[\S]* Name Typ Control Data ControlData1 Name Typ Pattern NumberOfTransactions Max15NumericText [0-9]{1,15} EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer ICF: To be completed with “MARKDEFF” for submission to the SCL. BIC must be completed correctly. Error code: B12 SCF: To be completed with the BIC of the of the creditor for delivery from the SCL. Total number of single transactions in the bulk. Must not exceed 100,000 (maximum parameter of data records in the file). Error code: B02 Total number of data records must be equal to the actual number of individual data records in the file. Error code: B03 Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.056.001.01SCT; SCL SCT page 3 of 52 camt.056.001.01SCT Status Element/Attribut 1..1 Undrlyg 1..n Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg TxInf 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf CxlId 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++CxlId OrgnlGrpInf 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlGrpInf OrgnlMsgId Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlGrpInf Format EPC references (if available) Name Typ Underlying SCLSCTUnderlyingTransaction2 Name Typ TransactionInformation SCLSCTPaymentTransactionInformation31 Mandatory Name Typ Pattern CancellationIdentification SCLSCTId7 ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|']){1,35} Mandatory (AT-R7 Specific reference of the bank initiating the Recall) Usage Rule: This element must be transported up to the Creditor Agent. Name Typ OriginalGroupInformation SCLSCTOriginalGroupInformation3 Mandatory Name Typ Pattern Original Message Identification SCLSCTId7 ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|']){1,35} Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Data of the underlying original transaction(s) being cancelled Reference of the payment service provider requesting the cancellation. Cancellation Id is part of the duplication check at single record level. Error code: AM05 Message Id (<MsgId>) of original bulk. Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.056.001.01SCT; SCL SCT page 4 of 52 camt.056.001.01SCT Status Element/Attribut 1..1 +++++OrgnlMsgId OrgnlMsgNmId 0..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlGrpInf +++++OrgnlMsgNmId OrgnlInstrId 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlInstrId OrgnlEndToEndId 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlEndToEndId OrgnlTxId 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxId OrgnlIntrBkSttlmAmt Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlIntrBkSttlmAmt Format EPC references (if available) Usage Rule: Only ‘pacs.008.001. 02’ is allowed. Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Name Typ Pattern Original Message Name Identification SCLSCTOrgnlMsgNmId pacs\.008[A-Za-z0-9\.]{0,27} PACS\.008[A-Za-z0-9\.]{0,27} Message Name Id of original payment. To be completed with “pacs.008” or “PACS.008”, where necessary further characters in accordance with schema validation permitted Name Typ Pattern Original Instruction Identification SCLSCTId7 ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|']){1,35} Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Original End To End Identification Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Mandatory End to End Id of original payment (AT-41 Originator’s reference of the credit transfer transaction) Name Typ Pattern Original Transaction Identification SCLSCTId7 ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|']){1,35} Mandatory (AT-43 Originator Bank’s reference of the credit transfer transaction) Originator Bank’s reference.Transaction Id (<TxId>) of original payment Name Typ FractionDigits TotalDigits Inclusive Pattern Original Interbank Settlement Amount SCLSCTCurrencyAndAmount 2 18 0.01 .. 999999999.99 [0-9]{0,15}([\.]([0-9]{0,2})){0,1} Mandatory (AT-04 Amount of the Credit Transfer in Euro) Usage Rule: Only 'EUR' is allowed. Usage Rule: Amount must be 0.01 or more and 999999999.99 or less. Format Rule: The fractional part has a maximum of two digits. Original payment amount. Only ‘EUR’ is permitted as the currency designation. (Schema validation)) A maximum of two decimal places is permitted in accordance with the convention for the euro. (Schema validation). Amount must be at least 0.01 but no more than 999999999. (Schema validation) Instruction Id of original payment Only given if already specified in the original credit transfer. Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.056.001.01SCT; SCL SCT page 5 of 52 camt.056.001.01SCT Status Element/Attribut required Attribute: 1..1 OrgnlIntrBkSttlmDt Ccy Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlIntrBkSttlmDt Format Typ SCLSCTCurrencyCode Use required Acceptable Codes EUR Name Original Interbank Settlement Date Typ ISODate Pattern [0-9]{4,4}\-[0-9]{2,2}\-[0-9]{2,2} EPC references (if available) Mandatory (AT-42 Settlement Date of the Credit Transfer) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Interbank settlement date of original payment must match date of the original transaction. If not, a transaction forwarded via other CSMs might be rejected using error code: XT74 A recall is only permitted after settlement. The transmission may take place, at the earliest, on the next ISD of the corresponding pacs.008. error code: DT01 The current SCL <IntrBkSttlmDt> is assumed for the duplication check. Compliance with the permitted cancellation deadline of 10 business days following settlement of the original payment is not checked on either the submission or delivery sides in the SCL. Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.056.001.01SCT; SCL SCT page 6 of 52 camt.056.001.01SCT Status Element/Attribut 0..1 Assgnr 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++Assgnr FinInstnId 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++Assgnr +++++FinInstnId BIC 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++Assgnr +++++FinInstnId ++++++BIC CxlRsnInf 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++CxlRsnInf Orgtr Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq Format EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Name Typ Assigner SCLSCTBranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentifi cation4 ICF: cannot be completed for submission. SCF: is completed upon delivery from the SCL. Name Typ Financial Institution Identification SCLSCTFinancialInstitutionIdentification7 Name Typ Pattern BIC BICIdentifier [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}) {0,1} Name Typ Cancellation Reason Information SCLSCTCancellationReasonInformation3 Mandatory Usage Rule: Only one occurrence is allowed. Information regarding the reason for cancellation Name Typ Originator SCLSCTId5 Mandatory (AT-R2 Identification of the type of party initiating the Rmessage) Usage Rule: Limited to BIC for an BIC or name (only for non financial institutions) of the institution requesting the recall. (Schema validation) ICF cannot be completed for submission. Error code: XT13 SCF: to be completed, for delivery from the SCL with the BIC of the party requesting the recall. Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.056.001.01SCT; SCL SCT page 7 of 52 camt.056.001.01SCT Status Element/Attribut 1..1 ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++CxlRsnInf +++++Orgtr Nm 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++CxlRsnInf +++++Orgtr ++++++Nm Id 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++CxlRsnInf +++++Orgtr ++++++Id OrgId 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++CxlRsnInf +++++Orgtr ++++++Id +++++++OrgId BICOrBEI Document Format EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Agent or ‘Name’ for a non-financial institution. Usage Rule: ‘Name’ is limited to 70 characters in length. Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Name Max70Text 1 .. 70 \S+.* collapse Name of the institution requesting the recall Name Typ Identification SCLSCTParty6Choice2 BIC of the institution requesting the recall. Name Typ Organisation Identification SCLSCTOrganisationIdentification4 BIC of the institution requesting the recall. Name Typ Pattern BIC Or BEI AnyBICIdentifier [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}) Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.056.001.01SCT; SCL SCT page 8 of 52 camt.056.001.01SCT Status Element/Attribut 1..1 +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++CxlRsnInf +++++Orgtr ++++++Id +++++++OrgId ++++++++BICOrBEI Rsn 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++CxlRsnInf +++++Rsn Cd Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++CxlRsnInf +++++Rsn ++++++Cd 1..1 Prtry Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++CxlRsnInf +++++Rsn Format EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer {0,1} Name Typ Reason CancellationReason2Choice Mandatory (AT-48 Recall reason code) Reason for the recall. Name Typ Code CancellationReason4Code See Message Element Specifications below ISO reason code for the recall (schema validation.) See Message Element Specifications below Reasons “TECH” and “FRAD” can be entered here (no ISO codes). No technical or schema validation. Acceptable Codes DUPL Name Proprietary Typ Max35Text Length 1 .. 35 Pattern \S+.* WhiteSpace collapse Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.056.001.01SCT; SCL SCT page 9 of 52 camt.056.001.01SCT Status Element/Attribut 0..1 ++++++Prtry AddtlInf 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++CxlRsnInf +++++AddtlInf OrgnlTxRef Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef 1..1 SttlmInf 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++SttlmInf SttlmMtd Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf Format EPC references (if available) Name Typ Length Additional Information Max105Text 1 .. 105 (AT-49 Additional Information to AT-48 The Recall reason code) Usage Rule: Only allowed when ‘FRAD’ is used as a Recall reason code. Usage Rule: Only one occurrence is allowed Name Typ Original Transaction Reference extension (SCLSCTOriginalTransactionReference13) Mandatory (an exact copy of all attributes of the initially sent DS-02 which is to be cancelled) Usage Rule: The message elements under ‘Original Transaction Reference’ must be populated with the same value as the message elements of the original instruction as defined within the following elements. Name Typ Settlement Information SCLSCTSettlementInformation13 Name Typ Settlement Method SCLSCTSettlementMethod1Code Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Additional information on the reason for the recall (AT-49) Only allowed, if CxlRsnInf><Rsn><Prtry> is "FRAD". Error code: XT13 Only “CLRG” is allowed (Schema validation) Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.056.001.01SCT; SCL SCT page 10 of 52 camt.056.001.01SCT Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++SttlmInf ++++++SttlmMtd 1..1 ClrSys 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++SttlmInf ++++++ClrSys Prtry Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++SttlmInf ++++++ClrSys +++++++Prtry 1..1 PmtTpInf 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++PmtTpInf SvcLvl Acceptable Codes CLRG Name Clearing System Typ SCLSCTClearingSystemIdentification2Choic e Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Proprietary SCLSCTMax35Text_SCL 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Acceptable Codes SCL Name Payment Type Information Typ SCLSCTPaymentTypeInformation22 Name Identification of the clearing system. Only “SCL” is allowed (Schema validation). (AT-40 Identification code of the Scheme) (AT-45 Category Purpose of the Credit Transfer) Payment type information Service Level Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.056.001.01SCT; SCL SCT page 11 of 52 camt.056.001.01SCT Status 1..1 Element/Attribut Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++PmtTpInf ++++++SvcLvl Cd Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++PmtTpInf ++++++SvcLvl +++++++Cd 0..1 LclInstrm 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++PmtTpInf ++++++LclInstrm Cd Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef Format Typ SCLSCTServiceLevel8Choice Name Typ Code SCLSCTExternalServiceLevel1Code EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Only “SEPA” is allowed (Schema validation). Acceptable Codes SEPA Name Local Instrument Typ SCLSCTLocalInstrument2Choice Name Typ Length WhiteSpace Code ExternalLocalInstrument1Code 1 .. 35 collapse Entry according to original payment Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.056.001.01SCT; SCL SCT page 12 of 52 camt.056.001.01SCT Status Element/Attribut 1..1 +++++PmtTpInf ++++++LclInstrm +++++++Cd Prtry 0..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++PmtTpInf ++++++LclInstrm +++++++Prtry CtgyPurp 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++PmtTpInf ++++++CtgyPurp Cd 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++PmtTpInf ++++++CtgyPurp +++++++Cd Prtry Document Format EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Name Typ Pattern Proprietary SCLSCTId8 ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|'|\s]){1,35} Entry according to original payment Name Typ Category Purpose CategoryPurpose1Choice Encrypted remittance information Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Code ExternalCategoryPurpose1Code 1 .. 4 \S+.* collapse Entry according to original payment Name Typ Length Proprietary Max35Text 1 .. 35 Entry according to original payment Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.056.001.01SCT; SCL SCT page 13 of 52 camt.056.001.01SCT Status Element/Attribut 0..1 +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++PmtTpInf ++++++CtgyPurp +++++++Prtry RmtInf 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++RmtInf Ustrd 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++RmtInf ++++++Ustrd Strd 0..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++RmtInf ++++++Strd CdtrRefInf Format EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Pattern WhiteSpace \S+.* collapse Name Typ Remittance Information SCLSCTRemittanceInformation5 Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Unstructured Max140Text 1 .. 140 \S+.* collapse Unstructured purpose of payment. Entry according to original payment Name Typ Structured SCLSCTStructuredRemittanceInformation7 Structured purpose of payment. Entry according to original payment Name Typ Creditor Reference Information CreditorReferenceInformation2 Creditor reference information (AT-05 Remittance Information) Unstructured or structured purpose of payment. Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.056.001.01SCT; SCL SCT page 14 of 52 camt.056.001.01SCT Status Element/Attribut 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++RmtInf ++++++Strd +++++++CdtrRefInf Tp 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++RmtInf ++++++Strd +++++++CdtrRefInf ++++++++Tp CdOrPrtry 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++RmtInf ++++++Strd +++++++CdtrRefInf ++++++++Tp +++++++++CdOrPrtry Cd Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq Format Name Typ Type CreditorReferenceType2 Name Typ Code Or Proprietary CreditorReferenceType1Choice Name Typ Code SCLSCTDocumentType3Code EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Code for the creditor reference. Only “SCOR” is allowed (Schema validation) Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.056.001.01SCT; SCL SCT page 15 of 52 camt.056.001.01SCT Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++RmtInf ++++++Strd +++++++CdtrRefInf ++++++++Tp +++++++++CdOrPrtry ++++++++++Cd 0..1 Issr 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++RmtInf ++++++Strd +++++++CdtrRefInf ++++++++Tp +++++++++Issr Ref 0..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++RmtInf ++++++Strd +++++++CdtrRefInf ++++++++Ref UltmtDbtr Acceptable Codes SCOR Name Issuer Typ Max35Text Length 1 .. 35 Pattern \S+.* WhiteSpace collapse Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Reference Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Ultimate Debtor Entry according to original payment Entry according to original payment (AT-08 Name of the Originator Ultimate debtor. All sub-elements from the original payment are supported. Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.056.001.01SCT; SCL SCT page 16 of 52 camt.056.001.01SCT Status Element/Attribut 0..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtDbtr Nm 0..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtDbtr ++++++Nm Id 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtDbtr ++++++Id OrgId Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtDbtr ++++++Id +++++++OrgId 0..1 Format EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Typ SCLSCTPartyIdentification33 Reference Party) (AT-09 Identification Code of the Originator Reference Party) Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Name Max70Text 1 .. 70 \S+.* collapse Name of the ultimate debtor. Name Typ Identification SCLSCTParty6Choice Identification of the ultimate debtor. Name Typ Organisation Identification SCLSCTOrganisationIdentification41 Name BIC Or BEI Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.056.001.01SCT; SCL SCT page 17 of 52 camt.056.001.01SCT Status Element/Attribut BICOrBEI 0..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtDbtr ++++++Id +++++++OrgId ++++++++BICOrBEI Othr 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtDbtr ++++++Id +++++++OrgId ++++++++Othr Id 0..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtDbtr ++++++Id +++++++OrgId ++++++++Othr +++++++++Id SchmeNm Format Typ Pattern AnyBICIdentifier [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}) {0,1} Name Typ Other GenericOrganisationIdentification1 Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Identification Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Scheme Name EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.056.001.01SCT; SCL SCT page 18 of 52 camt.056.001.01SCT Status Element/Attribut 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtDbtr ++++++Id +++++++OrgId ++++++++Othr +++++++++SchmeNm Cd 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtDbtr ++++++Id +++++++OrgId ++++++++Othr +++++++++SchmeNm ++++++++++Cd Prtry Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtDbtr ++++++Id +++++++OrgId ++++++++Othr +++++++++SchmeNm Format Typ OrganisationIdentificationSchemeName1Cho ice Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Code ExternalOrganisationIdentification1Code 1 .. 4 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Proprietary Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.056.001.01SCT; SCL SCT page 19 of 52 camt.056.001.01SCT Status Element/Attribut 0..1 ++++++++++Prtry Issr 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtDbtr ++++++Id +++++++OrgId ++++++++Othr +++++++++Issr PrvtId 0..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtDbtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId DtAndPlcOfBirth 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtDbtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++DtAndPlcOfBirth BirthDt Format Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Issuer Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Private Identification SCLSCTPersonIdentification5 Name Typ Date And Place Of Birth DateAndPlaceOfBirth Name Birth Date EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.056.001.01SCT; SCL SCT page 20 of 52 camt.056.001.01SCT Status Element/Attribut 0..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtDbtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++DtAndPlcOfBirth +++++++++BirthDt PrvcOfBirth 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtDbtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++DtAndPlcOfBirth +++++++++PrvcOfBirth CityOfBirth Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtDbtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++DtAndPlcOfBirth +++++++++CityOfBirth Format Typ Pattern ISODate [0-9]{4,4}\-[0-9]{2,2}\-[0-9]{2,2} Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Province Of Birth Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace City Of Birth Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.056.001.01SCT; SCL SCT page 21 of 52 camt.056.001.01SCT Status Element/Attribut 1..1 CtryOfBirth 0..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtDbtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++DtAndPlcOfBirth +++++++++CtryOfBirth Othr 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtDbtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++Othr Id Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtDbtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++Othr +++++++++Id Format Name Typ Pattern Country Of Birth CountryCode [A-Z]{2,2} Name Typ Other GenericPersonIdentification1 Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Identification Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.056.001.01SCT; SCL SCT page 22 of 52 camt.056.001.01SCT Status Element/Attribut 0..1 SchmeNm 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtDbtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++Othr +++++++++SchmeNm Cd 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtDbtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++Othr +++++++++SchmeNm ++++++++++Cd Prtry Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtDbtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId Format Name Typ Scheme Name PersonIdentificationSchemeName1Choice Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Code ExternalPersonIdentification1Code 1 .. 4 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Proprietary Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.056.001.01SCT; SCL SCT page 23 of 52 camt.056.001.01SCT Status Element/Attribut 0..1 ++++++++Othr +++++++++SchmeNm ++++++++++Prtry Issr 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtDbtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++Othr +++++++++Issr Dbtr 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Dbtr Nm 0..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Dbtr ++++++Nm PstlAdr Document Format EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Issuer Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Debtor SCLSCTPartyIdentification32 Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Name Max70Text 1 .. 70 \S+.* collapse Name of payer Name Typ Postal Address SCLSCTPostalAddress6 Postal address of payer (AT-02 Name of the Originator Mandatory) (AT-03 Address of the Originator) (AT-10 Originator’s Identification Code) Debtor. All sub-elements from the original payment are supported Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.056.001.01SCT; SCL SCT page 24 of 52 camt.056.001.01SCT Status Element/Attribut 0..1 +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Dbtr ++++++PstlAdr Ctry 0..2 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Dbtr ++++++PstlAdr +++++++Ctry AdrLine 0..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Dbtr ++++++PstlAdr +++++++AdrLine Id Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Dbtr ++++++Id Format Name Typ Pattern Country CountryCode [A-Z]{2,2} Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Address Line Max70Text 1 .. 70 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Identification SCLSCTParty6Choice EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.056.001.01SCT; SCL SCT page 25 of 52 camt.056.001.01SCT Status Element/Attribut 1..1 OrgId 0..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Dbtr ++++++Id +++++++OrgId BICOrBEI 0..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Dbtr ++++++Id +++++++OrgId ++++++++BICOrBEI Othr 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Dbtr ++++++Id +++++++OrgId ++++++++Othr Id Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq Format Name Typ Organisation Identification SCLSCTOrganisationIdentification41 Name Typ Pattern BIC Or BEI AnyBICIdentifier [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}) {0,1} Name Typ Other GenericOrganisationIdentification1 Name Typ Length Identification Max35Text 1 .. 35 EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.056.001.01SCT; SCL SCT page 26 of 52 camt.056.001.01SCT Status Element/Attribut 0..1 ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Dbtr ++++++Id +++++++OrgId ++++++++Othr +++++++++Id SchmeNm 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Dbtr ++++++Id +++++++OrgId ++++++++Othr +++++++++SchmeNm Cd 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Dbtr ++++++Id +++++++OrgId ++++++++Othr +++++++++SchmeNm ++++++++++Cd Prtry Format Pattern WhiteSpace \S+.* collapse Name Typ Scheme Name OrganisationIdentificationSchemeName1Cho ice Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Code ExternalOrganisationIdentification1Code 1 .. 4 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Proprietary Max35Text EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.056.001.01SCT; SCL SCT page 27 of 52 camt.056.001.01SCT Status Element/Attribut 0..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Dbtr ++++++Id +++++++OrgId ++++++++Othr +++++++++SchmeNm ++++++++++Prtry Issr 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Dbtr ++++++Id +++++++OrgId ++++++++Othr +++++++++Issr PrvtId 0..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Dbtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId DtAndPlcOfBirth Format Length Pattern WhiteSpace 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Issuer Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Private Identification SCLSCTPersonIdentification5 Name Typ Date And Place Of Birth DateAndPlaceOfBirth EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.056.001.01SCT; SCL SCT page 28 of 52 camt.056.001.01SCT Status Element/Attribut 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Dbtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++DtAndPlcOfBirth BirthDt 0..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Dbtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++DtAndPlcOfBirth +++++++++BirthDt PrvcOfBirth 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Dbtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++DtAndPlcOfBirth +++++++++PrvcOfBirth CityOfBirth Format Name Typ Pattern Birth Date ISODate [0-9]{4,4}\-[0-9]{2,2}\-[0-9]{2,2} Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Province Of Birth Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ City Of Birth Max35Text EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.056.001.01SCT; SCL SCT page 29 of 52 camt.056.001.01SCT Status Element/Attribut 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Dbtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++DtAndPlcOfBirth +++++++++CityOfBirth CtryOfBirth 0..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Dbtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++DtAndPlcOfBirth +++++++++CtryOfBirth Othr 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Dbtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++Othr Id Format Length Pattern WhiteSpace 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Pattern Country Of Birth CountryCode [A-Z]{2,2} Name Typ Other GenericPersonIdentification1 Name Typ Identification Max35Text EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.056.001.01SCT; SCL SCT page 30 of 52 camt.056.001.01SCT Status Element/Attribut 0..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Dbtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++Othr +++++++++Id SchmeNm 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Dbtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++Othr +++++++++SchmeNm Cd Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Dbtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++Othr +++++++++SchmeNm ++++++++++Cd Format Length Pattern WhiteSpace 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Scheme Name PersonIdentificationSchemeName1Choice Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Code ExternalPersonIdentification1Code 1 .. 4 \S+.* collapse EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.056.001.01SCT; SCL SCT page 31 of 52 camt.056.001.01SCT Status Element/Attribut 1..1 Prtry 0..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Dbtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++Othr +++++++++SchmeNm ++++++++++Prtry Issr 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Dbtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++Othr +++++++++Issr DbtrAcct 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++DbtrAcct Id Document Format Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Proprietary Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Issuer Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Debtor Account SCLSCTCashAccount16 Name Typ Identification SCLSCTAccountIdentification4Choice EPC references (if available) (AT-01 Account number of the Originator) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Account of payer Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.056.001.01SCT; SCL SCT page 32 of 52 camt.056.001.01SCT Status Element/Attribut 1..1 +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++DbtrAcct ++++++Id IBAN 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++DbtrAcct ++++++Id +++++++IBAN DbtrAgt 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++DbtrAgt FinInstnId 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++DbtrAgt ++++++FinInstnId BIC Format EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Name Typ Pattern IBAN IBAN2007Identifier [A-Z]{2,2}[0-9]{2,2}[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,30} IBAN of payer Name Typ Debtor Agent (AT-06 BIC of the Originator Bank) SCLSCTBranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentifi cation4 Payment service provider of the payer Name Typ Financial Institution Identification SCLSCTFinancialInstitutionIdentification7 Name Typ BIC BICIdentifier BIC according to original payment. Validity of BIC using SCLdirectory. Error code: XT27. Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.056.001.01SCT; SCL SCT page 33 of 52 camt.056.001.01SCT Status Element/Attribut Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++DbtrAgt ++++++FinInstnId +++++++BIC 1..1 CdtrAgt 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++CdtrAgt FinInstnId Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++CdtrAgt Format Pattern EPC references (if available) [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}) {0,1} Content and checks SEPA-Clearer General addressability check: BIC must be addressable within the SEPA-Clearer or via another CSM: Error code: PY01 Check only if credit transfer is forwarded from the SEPA-Clearer to the EBA CLEARING. BIC must be a registered direct or indirect participant of the STEP2 SCT Service of the EBA CLEARING. Error code: PY01 Name Typ Creditor Agent (AT-23 BIC of the Beneficiary SCLSCTBranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentifi Bank) cation4 Name Typ Financial Institution Identification SCLSCTFinancialInstitutionIdentification7 The original debtor agent BIC is part of the duplication check at the single record level. Payment service provider of the creditor Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.056.001.01SCT; SCL SCT page 34 of 52 camt.056.001.01SCT Status 1..1 Element/Attribut ++++++FinInstnId BIC Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++CdtrAgt ++++++FinInstnId +++++++BIC 1..1 Cdtr 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Cdtr Nm Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Cdtr Format Name Typ Pattern EPC references (if available) BIC BICIdentifier [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}) {0,1} Name Typ Creditor SCLSCTPartyIdentification32 Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Name Max70Text 1 .. 70 \S+.* collapse Content and checks SEPA-Clearer BIC according to original payment. Validity of BIC using SCL-Directory. Error code: XT27 General addressability check: BIC must be addressable within the SEPA-Clearer or via another CSM: Error code: PY01 (AT-21 Name of the Beneficiary – Mandatory) (AT-22 Address of the Beneficiary) (AT-24 Beneficiary Identification Code) Check only if credit transfer is forwarded from the SEPA-Clearer to the EBA CLEARING. BIC must be a registered direct or indirect participant of the STEP2 SCT Service of the EBA CLEARING. Error code: PY01 Creditor. All sub-elements from the original payment are supported. Name of creditor Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.056.001.01SCT; SCL SCT page 35 of 52 camt.056.001.01SCT Status Element/Attribut 0..1 ++++++Nm PstlAdr 0..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Cdtr ++++++PstlAdr Ctry 0..2 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Cdtr ++++++PstlAdr +++++++Ctry AdrLine 0..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Cdtr ++++++PstlAdr +++++++AdrLine Id Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg Format Name Typ Postal Address SCLSCTPostalAddress6 Name Typ Pattern Country CountryCode [A-Z]{2,2} Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Address Line Max70Text 1 .. 70 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Identification SCLSCTParty6Choice EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Address of creditor Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.056.001.01SCT; SCL SCT page 36 of 52 camt.056.001.01SCT Status Element/Attribut 1..1 +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Cdtr ++++++Id OrgId 0..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Cdtr ++++++Id +++++++OrgId BICOrBEI 0..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Cdtr ++++++Id +++++++OrgId ++++++++BICOrBEI Othr Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Cdtr ++++++Id +++++++OrgId Format Name Typ OrganisationIdentification SCLSCTOrganisationIdentification41 Name Typ Pattern BICOrBEI AnyBICIdentifier [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}) {0,1} Name Typ Other GenericOrganisationIdentification1 EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.056.001.01SCT; SCL SCT page 37 of 52 camt.056.001.01SCT Status Element/Attribut 1..1 ++++++++Othr Id 0..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Cdtr ++++++Id +++++++OrgId ++++++++Othr +++++++++Id SchmeNm 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Cdtr ++++++Id +++++++OrgId ++++++++Othr +++++++++SchmeNm Cd Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Cdtr ++++++Id +++++++OrgId Format Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Identification Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ SchemeName OrganisationIdentificationSchemeName1Cho ice Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Code ExternalOrganisationIdentification1Code 1 .. 4 \S+.* collapse EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.056.001.01SCT; SCL SCT page 38 of 52 camt.056.001.01SCT Status Element/Attribut 1..1 ++++++++Othr +++++++++SchmeNm ++++++++++Cd Prtry 0..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Cdtr ++++++Id +++++++OrgId ++++++++Othr +++++++++SchmeNm ++++++++++Prtry Issr 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Cdtr ++++++Id +++++++OrgId ++++++++Othr +++++++++Issr PrvtId Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef Format Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Proprietary Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Issuer Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ PrivateIdentification SCLSCTPersonIdentification5 EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.056.001.01SCT; SCL SCT page 39 of 52 camt.056.001.01SCT Status Element/Attribut 0..1 +++++Cdtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId DtAndPlcOfBirth 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Cdtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++DtAndPlcOfBirth BirthDt 0..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Cdtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++DtAndPlcOfBirth +++++++++BirthDt PrvcOfBirth Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Cdtr ++++++Id Format Name Typ DateAndPlaceOfBirth DateAndPlaceOfBirth Name Typ Pattern BirthDate ISODate [0-9]{4,4}\-[0-9]{2,2}\-[0-9]{2,2} Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace ProvinceOfBirth Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.056.001.01SCT; SCL SCT page 40 of 52 camt.056.001.01SCT Status Element/Attribut 1..1 +++++++PrvtId ++++++++DtAndPlcOfBirth +++++++++PrvcOfBirth CityOfBirth 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Cdtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++DtAndPlcOfBirth +++++++++CityOfBirth CtryOfBirth 0..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Cdtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++DtAndPlcOfBirth +++++++++CtryOfBirth Othr Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Cdtr Format Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace CityOfBirth Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Pattern CountryOfBirth CountryCode [A-Z]{2,2} Name Typ Other GenericPersonIdentification1 EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.056.001.01SCT; SCL SCT page 41 of 52 camt.056.001.01SCT Status Element/Attribut 1..1 ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++Othr Id 0..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Cdtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++Othr +++++++++Id SchmeNm 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Cdtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++Othr +++++++++SchmeNm Cd Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Cdtr Format Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Identification Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ SchemeName PersonIdentificationSchemeName1Choice Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Code ExternalPersonIdentification1Code 1 .. 4 \S+.* collapse EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.056.001.01SCT; SCL SCT page 42 of 52 camt.056.001.01SCT Status Element/Attribut 1..1 ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++Othr +++++++++SchmeNm ++++++++++Cd Prtry 0..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Cdtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++Othr +++++++++SchmeNm ++++++++++Prtry Issr 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Cdtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++Othr +++++++++Issr CdtrAcct Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg Format Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Proprietary Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Issuer Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Creditor Account SCLSCTCashAccount16 EPC references (if available) (AT-20 Account of the Beneficiary) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Account of the creditor Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.056.001.01SCT; SCL SCT page 43 of 52 camt.056.001.01SCT Status Element/Attribut 1..1 +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++CdtrAcct Id 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++CdtrAcct ++++++Id IBAN 0..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++CdtrAcct ++++++Id +++++++IBAN UltmtCdtr 0..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtCdtr Nm Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg Format Name Typ Identification SCLSCTAccountIdentification4Choice Name Typ Pattern IBAN IBAN2007Identifier [A-Z]{2,2}[0-9]{2,2}[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,30} Name Typ Ultimate Creditor SCLSCTPartyIdentification33 Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Name Max70Text 1 .. 70 \S+.* collapse EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer IBAN of the creditor (AT-28 Name of the Beneficiary Reference Party) (AT-29 Identification Code of the Beneficiary Reference Party) Ultimate creditor All sub-elements from the original payment are supported. Name of the ultimate creditor. Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.056.001.01SCT; SCL SCT page 44 of 52 camt.056.001.01SCT Status Element/Attribut 0..1 +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtCdtr ++++++Nm Id 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtCdtr ++++++Id OrgId 0..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtCdtr ++++++Id +++++++OrgId BICOrBEI 0..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtCdtr ++++++Id +++++++OrgId ++++++++BICOrBEI Othr Format Name Typ Identification SCLSCTParty6Choice Name Typ Organisation Identification SCLSCTOrganisationIdentification41 Name Typ Pattern BIC Or BEI AnyBICIdentifier [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}) {0,1} Name Other EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.056.001.01SCT; SCL SCT page 45 of 52 camt.056.001.01SCT Status Element/Attribut 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtCdtr ++++++Id +++++++OrgId ++++++++Othr Id 0..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtCdtr ++++++Id +++++++OrgId ++++++++Othr +++++++++Id SchmeNm 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtCdtr ++++++Id +++++++OrgId ++++++++Othr +++++++++SchmeNm Cd Format Typ GenericOrganisationIdentification1 Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Identification Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Scheme Name OrganisationIdentificationSchemeName1Cho ice Name Code EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.056.001.01SCT; SCL SCT page 46 of 52 camt.056.001.01SCT Status Element/Attribut 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtCdtr ++++++Id +++++++OrgId ++++++++Othr +++++++++SchmeNm ++++++++++Cd Prtry 0..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtCdtr ++++++Id +++++++OrgId ++++++++Othr +++++++++SchmeNm ++++++++++Prtry Issr Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtCdtr ++++++Id +++++++OrgId ++++++++Othr Format Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace ExternalOrganisationIdentification1Code 1 .. 4 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Proprietary Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Issuer Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.056.001.01SCT; SCL SCT page 47 of 52 camt.056.001.01SCT Status Element/Attribut 1..1 +++++++++Issr PrvtId 0..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtCdtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId DtAndPlcOfBirth 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtCdtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++DtAndPlcOfBirth BirthDt 0..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtCdtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++DtAndPlcOfBirth +++++++++BirthDt PrvcOfBirth Format Name Typ Private Identification SCLSCTPersonIdentification5 Name Typ Date And Place Of Birth DateAndPlaceOfBirth Name Typ Pattern Birth Date ISODate [0-9]{4,4}\-[0-9]{2,2}\-[0-9]{2,2} Name Province Of Birth EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.056.001.01SCT; SCL SCT page 48 of 52 camt.056.001.01SCT Status Element/Attribut 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtCdtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++DtAndPlcOfBirth +++++++++PrvcOfBirth CityOfBirth 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtCdtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++DtAndPlcOfBirth +++++++++CityOfBirth CtryOfBirth Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtCdtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++DtAndPlcOfBirth +++++++++CtryOfBirth Format Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace City Of Birth Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Pattern Country Of Birth CountryCode [A-Z]{2,2} EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.056.001.01SCT; SCL SCT page 49 of 52 camt.056.001.01SCT Status Element/Attribut 0..1 Othr 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtCdtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++Othr Id 0..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtCdtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++Othr +++++++++Id SchmeNm Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtCdtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++Othr +++++++++SchmeNm Format Name Typ Other GenericPersonIdentification1 Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Identification Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Scheme Name PersonIdentificationSchemeName1Choice EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.056.001.01SCT; SCL SCT page 50 of 52 camt.056.001.01SCT Status Element/Attribut 1..1 Cd 1..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtCdtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++Othr +++++++++SchmeNm ++++++++++Cd Prtry 0..1 Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtCdtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++Othr +++++++++SchmeNm ++++++++++Prtry Issr Document +FIToFIPmtCxlReq ++Undrlyg +++TxInf ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtCdtr ++++++Id Format Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Code ExternalPersonIdentification1Code 1 .. 4 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Proprietary Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Issuer Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.056.001.01SCT; SCL SCT page 51 of 52 camt.056.001.01SCT Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer +++++++PrvtId ++++++++Othr +++++++++Issr Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.056.001.01SCT; SCL SCT page 52 of 52 SCT Interbank Negative Answer to a Recall of a Credit Transfer Dataset (DS-06) – camt.029.001.03 Memo SEPA Credit Transfer – Interbank Negative Answer to a Recall of a Credit Transfer Dataset (DS-06) SCT annex 9 of appendix “SCT/SCL technical specifications“ - camt.029.001.03 page 1 of 2 SCT Interbank Negative Answer to a Recall of a Credit Transfer Dataset (DS-06) – camt.029.001.03 Use of the Interbank Negative Answer to a Recall of a Credit Transfer Dataset (camt.029.001.03) This message is used in the SCT service of the SEPA-Clearer in order for the creditor to actively respond to the interbank Recall of Credit Transfer Dataset (camt.056.001.01) – after the funds have been credited. Pursuant to the rulebook, this response can take the form of a return or "negative" response within ten business days of receipt of the recall. This deadline is not validated in the SEPA-Clearer or other CSM. If the creditor does not wish to return the recalled payment using a Return (pacs.004.001.02), he has the option of communicating the reason for this to the party initiating the recall using message camt.029.001.03, stating a <Reason Code> (ISO code or proprietary code). The message camt.029.001.03 is not bookkeeping-relevant and merely represents a “negative information” to the party requesting the recall. The SEPA-Clearer carries out a duplication check but does not carry out a cross reference checking. This means, for example, that no check is made as to whether a negative response refers to a previously submitted recall or whether any reaction in the form of a negative response or return transfer has been made at all. The message is a component of the Input Credit File (ICF) on the submitter side and a component of the settled credit file (SCF) on the delivery side. ISO message structure A Interbank Negative Answer to a Recall of a Credit Transfer Dataset contains: a single “Assignment” (group header in pacs messages) a “Status” “Cancellation Details” containing one or more “transaction information and status” sequences, each of which contains the transaction details of the individual underlying transfer (pacs.008.001.02) as well as a <Reason Code> for the non-acceptance of the recall. Group header The “assignment” contains information required to process the entire message. SCT annex 9 of appendix “SCT/SCL technical specifications“ - camt.029.001.03 page 2 of 2 camt.029.001.03 Message structure Status Element/Attribut Document 1..1 Document RsltnOfInvstgtn 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn Assgnmt Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++Assgnmt 1..1 Id Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++Assgnmt +++Id Format EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Typ Document Name Typ Resolution Of Investigation SCLSCTResolutionOfInvestigationV03 Name Typ Assignment CaseAssignment2 The assignment contains information which is relevant for the entire message. Name Typ Pattern Identification SCLSCTId7 ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|']){1,35} Identification of the bulk. Part of duplication check (unique daily reference). Error code: B14 The first 8 or 11 characters of Id must match the BIC of the Assigner in ICF. The rest of the field can be freely defined. Error code: B9 1..1 Assgnr Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++Assgnmt +++Assgnr 1..1 Agt Document Name Typ Assigner SCLSCTParty7Choice Name Typ Agent SCLSCTBranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentifi Instructing Party Usage Rule: Limited to BIC to identify a bank or CSM or ‘Name’ to indicate the CSM when it has no BIC. Usage Rule: ‘Name’ is limited to 70 characters in length. Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.029.001.03; SCL SCT page 1 of 51 camt.029.001.03 Status Element/Attribut 1..1 +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++Assgnmt +++Assgnr ++++Agt FinInstnId 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++Assgnmt +++Assgnr ++++Agt +++++FinInstnId BIC 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++Assgnmt +++Assgnr ++++Agt +++++FinInstnId ++++++BIC Assgne Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++Assgnmt +++Assgne 1..1 Agt Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++Assgnmt +++Assgne Format EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer cation4 Name Typ FinancialInstitutionIdentification SCLSCTFinancialInstitutionIdentification7 Name Typ Pattern BIC BICIdentifier [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}) {0,1} ICF: To be completed with the BIC of the submitter. BIC has been authorised to make submissions (Check against the SCL-Directory). Error code: B12 SCF: For deliveries from the SCL "MARKDEFF".SCL.. Name Typ Assignee SCLSCTParty7Choice Name Typ Agent SCLSCTBranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentifi cation4 Instructed Party Usage Rule: Limited to BIC to identify a bank or CSM or ‘Name’ to indicate the CSM when it has no BIC. Usage Rule: ‘Name’ is limited to 70 characters in length. Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.029.001.03; SCL SCT page 2 of 51 camt.029.001.03 Status Element/Attribut 1..1 ++++Agt FinInstnId 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++Assgnmt +++Assgne ++++Agt +++++FinInstnId BIC 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++Assgnmt +++Assgne ++++Agt +++++FinInstnId ++++++BIC CreDtTm 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++Assgnmt +++CreDtTm Sts 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++Sts Conf Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++Sts +++Conf Format Name Typ FinancialInstitutionIdentification SCLSCTFinancialInstitutionIdentification7 Name Typ Pattern BIC BICIdentifier [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}) {0,1} EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer ICF: To be completed with “MARKDEFF” for submissions to the SCL. BIC must be completed correctly. Error code: B12 SCF: To be completed with the BIC of the creditor for delivery from the SCL. Name Typ Pattern Creation Date Time ISODateTime [0-9]{4,4}\-[0-9]{2,2}\-[0-9]{2,2}[T][0-9]{2,2}: [0-9]{2,2}:[0-9]{2,2}[\S]* Name Typ Status SCLSCTInvestigationStatus2Choice Name Typ Confirmation Usage Rule: Only RJCR is allowed. Only “RJCR” is allowed (Schema validation) SCLSCTInvestigationExecutionConfirmation3 Code Usage Rule: Only ‘Confirmation’ is allowed Status of the negative response (= rejection of cancellation request) Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.029.001.03; SCL SCT page 3 of 51 camt.029.001.03 Status Element/Attribut 1..1 CxlDtls 1..n Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls TxInfAndSts 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts CxlStsId 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++CxlStsId OrgnlGrpInf 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlGrpInf OrgnlMsgId Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlGrpInf Format Acceptable Codes RJCR Name Cancellation Details Typ SCLSCTUnderlyingTransaction3 EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Mandatory Detailed information regarding the negative response to the recall. Name Typ TransactionInformationAndStatus SCLSCTPaymentTransactionInformation33 Mandatory Total number of single transactions in the bulk must not exceed 100,000 (maximum parameter of data records in the file). Error code: B02 Name Typ Pattern Cancellation Status Identification SCLSCTId7 ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|']){1,35} Mandatory Reference of the credit institution refusing the cancellation. Cancellation Status Id is part of the duplication check at single record level. Error code: AM05 Name Typ OriginalGroupInformation OriginalGroupInformation3 Mandatory Remark: This element and its sub-elements refer to the original ‘pacs008.001.02’ message The data of this element as well as its sub-elements refer to the information in the recall to be responded to (camt.056), which in turn refers to the original payment (pacs.008). Name Typ Pattern Original Message Identification SCLSCTId7 ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|']){1,35} Message Id (<MsgId>) of the original bulk containing the underlying transfer. Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.029.001.03; SCL SCT page 4 of 51 camt.029.001.03 Status Element/Attribut 1..1 +++++OrgnlMsgId OrgnlMsgNmId 0..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlGrpInf +++++OrgnlMsgNmId OrgnlInstrId 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlInstrId OrgnlEndToEndId 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlEndToEndId OrgnlTxId 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxId TxCxlSts Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts Format EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Name Typ Pattern Original Message Name Identification SCLSCTOrgnlMsgNmId pacs\.008[A-Za-z0-9\.]{0,27} PACS\.008[A-Za-z0-9\.]{0,27} Usage Rule: Only ‘pacs.008.001.02’ Usage rule: may be completed with “pacs.008” is allowed. or “PACS.008”, where necessary with additional further characters in accordance with schema validation. Name Typ Pattern OriginalInstructionIdentification SCLSCTId7 ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|']){1,35} Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Original End To End Identification Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Mandatory End to End Id of original payment (AT-41 Originator’s reference of the credit transfer transaction) Name Typ Pattern Original Transaction Identification SCLSCTId7 ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|']){1,35} Mandatory (AT-43 Originator Bank’s reference of the credit transfer transaction) Transaction Id of original payment Name Typ Transaction Cancellation Status SCLSCTCancellationIndividualStatus1Code Usage Rule: Only ‘RJCR’ is allowed Only “RJCR” is allowed (Schema validation) The “Original Instruction Id” of the bulk containing the underlying transfer. Only given if it already existed in the original transfer. Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.029.001.03; SCL SCT page 5 of 51 camt.029.001.03 Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer ++++TxCxlSts 1..1 CxlStsRsnInf 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++CxlStsRsnInf Orgtr 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++CxlStsRsnInf +++++Orgtr Nm Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++CxlStsRsnInf +++++Orgtr ++++++Nm 1..1 Id Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++CxlStsRsnInf +++++Orgtr Acceptable Codes RJCR Name Cancellation Status Reason Information Mandatory Typ SCLSCTCancellationStatusReasonInformatio n1 Mandatory (AT-R2 Identification of the type of party initiating the Rmessage) Usage Rule: Limited to BIC for an Agent or ‘Name’ for a non-financial institution. Usage Rule: ‘Name’ is limited to 70 characters in length. Reason for negative response Name Typ Originator SCLSCTPartyIdentification321 Institution issuing the negative response. Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Name Max70Text 1 .. 70 \S+.* collapse Name of the institution issuing the negative response Name Typ Identification SCLSCTParty6Choice ID of the institution issuing the negative response Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.029.001.03; SCL SCT page 6 of 51 camt.029.001.03 Status Element/Attribut 1..1 ++++++Id OrgId 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++CxlStsRsnInf +++++Orgtr ++++++Id +++++++OrgId BICOrBEI 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++CxlStsRsnInf +++++Orgtr ++++++Id +++++++OrgId ++++++++BICOrBEI Rsn 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++CxlStsRsnInf +++++Rsn Cd Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls Format EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Name Typ OrganisationIdentification SCLSCTOrganisationIdentification4 Name Typ Pattern BICOrBEI AnyBICIdentifier [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}) {0,1} Name Typ Reason CancellationStatusReason1Choice Mandatory (AT-R6 Reason Code for non-acceptance of the Recall) Reason for negative response Name Typ Code PaymentCancellationRejection1Code See Message Element Specifications. ISO codes for the rejection reason (Schema validation) Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.029.001.03; SCL SCT page 7 of 51 camt.029.001.03 Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer +++TxInfAndSts ++++CxlStsRsnInf +++++Rsn ++++++Cd 1..1 Prtry 0..2 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++CxlStsRsnInf +++++Rsn ++++++Prtry AddtlInf 0..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++CxlStsRsnInf +++++AddtlInf Assgnr 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++Assgnr Agt Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls Acceptable Codes CUST LEGL Name Proprietary Typ Max35Text Length 1 .. 35 Pattern \S+.* WhiteSpace collapse See Message Element Specifications below Permitted codes: AC04, AM04, NOAS, NOOR. Until further notice the code ARDT may also be used to show that the payment has already been returned (= not a valid ISO code at present). No technical or schema validation. Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Additional Information Max105Text 1 .. 105 \S+.* collapse Usage Rule: To be used only when code is ‘LEGL’ in order to precise the reason. Usage Rule: Only two occurrences are allowed To be completed only when the reason code contains “LEGL”. Error code: XT13 Name Typ Assigner SCLSCTParty7Choice Name Typ Agent SCLSCTBranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentifi cation4 Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.029.001.03; SCL SCT page 8 of 51 camt.029.001.03 Status Element/Attribut 1..1 +++TxInfAndSts ++++Assgnr +++++Agt FinInstnId 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++Assgnr +++++Agt ++++++FinInstnId BIC 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++Assgnr +++++Agt ++++++FinInstnId +++++++BIC OrgnlTxRef Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef 1..1 IntrBkSttlmAmt Format Name Typ Financial Institution Identification SCLSCTFinancialInstitutionIdentification7 Name Typ Pattern BIC BICIdentifier [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}) {0,1} Name Typ Original Transaction Reference SCLSCTOriginalTransactionReference13 Name Interbank Settlement Amount EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer ICF: must not be completed for submission. Error code: XT13 SCF: for delivery from SCL completed with the BIC of the original submitter of the bulk containing the underlying transfer. Mandatory (an exact copy of all attributes of the initially sent DS-02 which is to be cancelled) Usage Rule: The yellow shaded message elements under ‘Original Transaction Reference’ must be populated with the same value as the message elements of the original instruction as defined within the following elements. (AT-04 Amount of the Credit Original amount of the original credit transfer. Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.029.001.03; SCL SCT page 9 of 51 camt.029.001.03 Status Element/Attribut Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++IntrBkSttlmAmt Format Typ FractionDigits TotalDigits Inclusive Pattern SCLSCTCurrencyAndAmount_3 2 18 0.01 .. 999999999.99 [0-9]{0,15}([\.]([0-9]{0,2})){0,1} EPC references (if available) Transfer in Euro) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Only ‘EUR’ is permitted as the currency designation. (Schema validation) A maximum of two decimal places is permitted in accordance with the convention for the euro. (Schema validation) Amount must be at least 0.01 but no more than 999999999. (Schema validation) required Attribute: 1..1 IntrBkSttlmDt 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++IntrBkSttlmDt SttlmInf 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++SttlmInf SttlmMtd Ccy Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls Typ SCLSCTCurrencyCode Use required Acceptable Codes EUR Name InterbankSettlementDate Typ ISODate Pattern [0-9]{4,4}\-[0-9]{2,2}\-[0-9]{2,2} (AT-42 Settlement Date of the Credit Transfer) Entry according to original payment. Name Typ SettlementInformation SCLSCTSettlementInformation13 Settlement Information Name Typ SettlementMethod SCLSCTSettlementMethod1Code Only “CLRG” is allowed ( Schema validation) Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.029.001.03; SCL SCT page 10 of 51 camt.029.001.03 Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++SttlmInf ++++++SttlmMtd 1..1 ClrSys 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++SttlmInf ++++++ClrSys Prtry Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++SttlmInf ++++++ClrSys +++++++Prtry 1..1 PmtTpInf Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++PmtTpInf Acceptable Codes CLRG Typ SCLSCTClearingSystemIdentification1Choic e Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace SCLSCTMax35Text_SCL 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Acceptable Codes SCL Name Payment Type Information Typ SCLSCTPaymentTypeInformation22 Only “SCL” is allowed (Schema validation) (AT-40 Identification code of the Scheme) (AT-45 Category Purpose of the Credit Transfer) Payment type information Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.029.001.03; SCL SCT page 11 of 51 camt.029.001.03 Status Element/Attribut 1..1 SvcLvl 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++PmtTpInf ++++++SvcLvl Cd Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++PmtTpInf ++++++SvcLvl +++++++Cd 0..1 LclInstrm 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++PmtTpInf ++++++LclInstrm Cd Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts Format Name Typ ServiceLevel SCLSCTServiceLevel8Choice Name Typ Code SCLSCTExternalServiceLevel1Code EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Only “SEPA” is allowed (Schema validation) Acceptable Codes SEPA Name LocalInstrument Typ SCLSCTLocalInstrument2Choice Name Typ Length WhiteSpace Code ExternalLocalInstrument1Code 1 .. 35 collapse Entry according to original payment Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.029.001.03; SCL SCT page 12 of 51 camt.029.001.03 Status Element/Attribut 1..1 ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++PmtTpInf ++++++LclInstrm +++++++Cd Prtry 0..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++PmtTpInf ++++++LclInstrm +++++++Prtry CtgyPurp 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++PmtTpInf ++++++CtgyPurp Cd 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++PmtTpInf ++++++CtgyPurp +++++++Cd Prtry Format EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Name Typ Pattern Proprietary SCLSCTId8 ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|'|\s]){1,35} Entry according to original payment Name Typ Category Purpose CategoryPurpose1Choice Encrypted remittance information Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Code ExternalCategoryPurpose1Code 1 .. 4 \S+.* collapse Entry according to original payment Name Typ Proprietary Max35Text Entry according to original payment Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.029.001.03; SCL SCT page 13 of 51 camt.029.001.03 Status Element/Attribut 0..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++PmtTpInf ++++++CtgyPurp +++++++Prtry RmtInf 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++RmtInf Ustrd 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++RmtInf ++++++Ustrd Strd 0..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++RmtInf ++++++Strd CdtrRefInf Format EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Length Pattern WhiteSpace 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Remittance Information SCLSCTRemittanceInformation5 Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Unstructured Max140Text 1 .. 140 \S+.* collapse Unstructured remittance information Entry according to original payment. Name Typ Structured SCLSCTStructuredRemittanceInformation7 Structured remittance information Entry according to original payment. Name Creditor Reference Information Creditor reference information (AT-05 Remittance Information) Unstructured or structured remittance information Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.029.001.03; SCL SCT page 14 of 51 camt.029.001.03 Status Element/Attribut 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++RmtInf ++++++Strd +++++++CdtrRefInf Tp 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++RmtInf ++++++Strd +++++++CdtrRefInf ++++++++Tp CdOrPrtry 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++RmtInf ++++++Strd +++++++CdtrRefInf ++++++++Tp +++++++++CdOrPrtry Cd Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn Format Typ CreditorReferenceInformation2 Name Typ Type CreditorReferenceType2 Name Typ CodeOrProprietary CreditorReferenceType1Choice Name Typ Code SCLSCTDocumentType3Code EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Code for the creditor reference. Only “SCOR” is allowed (Schema validation) Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.029.001.03; SCL SCT page 15 of 51 camt.029.001.03 Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++RmtInf ++++++Strd +++++++CdtrRefInf ++++++++Tp +++++++++CdOrPrtry ++++++++++Cd 0..1 Issr 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++RmtInf ++++++Strd +++++++CdtrRefInf ++++++++Tp +++++++++Issr Ref 0..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++RmtInf ++++++Strd +++++++CdtrRefInf ++++++++Ref UltmtDbtr Acceptable Codes SCOR Name Issuer Typ Max35Text Length 1 .. 35 Pattern \S+.* WhiteSpace collapse Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Reference Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name UltimateDebtor Entry according to original payment Entry according to original payment (AT-08 Name of the Originator Name of the ultimate debtor Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.029.001.03; SCL SCT page 16 of 51 camt.029.001.03 Status 0..1 Element/Attribut Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtDbtr Nm Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtDbtr ++++++Nm 0..1 Id 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtDbtr ++++++Id OrgId Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtDbtr ++++++Id +++++++OrgId 0..1 Format Typ SCLSCTPartyIdentification322 Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Name Max70Text 1 .. 70 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Identification SCLSCTParty6Choice2 Name Typ OrganisationIdentification SCLSCTOrganisationIdentification41 Name BICOrBEI EPC references (if available) Reference Party) (AT-09 Identification Code of the Originator Reference Party) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer . Identification of the ultimate payer Entry according to original payment. Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.029.001.03; SCL SCT page 17 of 51 camt.029.001.03 Status Element/Attribut BICOrBEI 0..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtDbtr ++++++Id +++++++OrgId ++++++++BICOrBEI Othr Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtDbtr ++++++Id +++++++OrgId ++++++++Othr 1..1 Id 0..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtDbtr ++++++Id +++++++OrgId ++++++++Othr +++++++++Id SchmeNm Format Typ Pattern AnyBICIdentifier [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}) {0,1} Name Typ Other GenericOrganisationIdentification1 Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Identification Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name SchemeName EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Entry according to original payment. Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.029.001.03; SCL SCT page 18 of 51 camt.029.001.03 Status Element/Attribut 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtDbtr ++++++Id +++++++OrgId ++++++++Othr +++++++++SchmeNm Cd 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtDbtr ++++++Id +++++++OrgId ++++++++Othr +++++++++SchmeNm ++++++++++Cd Prtry Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtDbtr ++++++Id +++++++OrgId ++++++++Othr +++++++++SchmeNm Format EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Typ OrganisationIdentificationSchemeName1Cho ice Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Code ExternalOrganisationIdentification1Code 1 .. 4 \S+.* collapse Entry according to original payment. Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Proprietary Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Entry according to original payment. Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.029.001.03; SCL SCT page 19 of 51 camt.029.001.03 Status Element/Attribut 0..1 ++++++++++Prtry Issr 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtDbtr ++++++Id +++++++OrgId ++++++++Othr +++++++++Issr PrvtId 0..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtDbtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId DtAndPlcOfBirth 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtDbtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++DtAndPlcOfBirth BirthDt Format Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Issuer Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ PrivateIdentification SCLSCTPersonIdentification5 Name Typ DateAndPlaceOfBirth DateAndPlaceOfBirth Name BirthDate EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Entry according to original payment. Entry according to original payment. Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.029.001.03; SCL SCT page 20 of 51 camt.029.001.03 Status Element/Attribut 0..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtDbtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++DtAndPlcOfBirth +++++++++BirthDt PrvcOfBirth 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtDbtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++DtAndPlcOfBirth +++++++++PrvcOfBirth CityOfBirth Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtDbtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++DtAndPlcOfBirth +++++++++CityOfBirth Format EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Typ Pattern ISODate [0-9]{4,4}\-[0-9]{2,2}\-[0-9]{2,2} Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace ProvinceOfBirth Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Entry according to original payment. Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace CityOfBirth Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Entry according to original payment. Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.029.001.03; SCL SCT page 21 of 51 camt.029.001.03 Status Element/Attribut 1..1 CtryOfBirth 0..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtDbtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++DtAndPlcOfBirth +++++++++CtryOfBirth Othr Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtDbtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++Othr 1..1 Id Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtDbtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++Othr +++++++++Id Format Name Typ Pattern CountryOfBirth CountryCode [A-Z]{2,2} Name Typ Other GenericPersonIdentification1 Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Identification Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Entry according to original payment. Entry according to original payment. Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.029.001.03; SCL SCT page 22 of 51 camt.029.001.03 Status Element/Attribut 0..1 SchmeNm 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtDbtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++Othr +++++++++SchmeNm Cd 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtDbtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++Othr +++++++++SchmeNm ++++++++++Cd Prtry Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtDbtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId Format EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Name Typ SchemeName PersonIdentificationSchemeName1Choice Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Code ExternalPersonIdentification1Code 1 .. 4 \S+.* collapse Entry according to original payment. Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Proprietary Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Entry according to original payment. Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.029.001.03; SCL SCT page 23 of 51 camt.029.001.03 Status Element/Attribut 0..1 ++++++++Othr +++++++++SchmeNm ++++++++++Prtry Issr 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtDbtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++Othr +++++++++Issr Dbtr 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Dbtr Nm 0..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Dbtr ++++++Nm PstlAdr Document Format EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Issuer Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Entry according to original payment. Name Typ Debtor SCLSCTPartyIdentification32 Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Name Max70Text 1 .. 70 \S+.* collapse Name of payer Name Typ PostalAddress SCLSCTPostalAddress6 Postal address of payer (AT-02 Name of the Originator Mandatory) (AT-03 Address of the Originator) (AT-10 Originator’s Identification Code) Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.029.001.03; SCL SCT page 24 of 51 camt.029.001.03 Status Element/Attribut 0..1 +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Dbtr ++++++PstlAdr Ctry 0..2 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Dbtr ++++++PstlAdr +++++++Ctry AdrLine Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Dbtr ++++++PstlAdr +++++++AdrLine 0..1 Id Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Dbtr ++++++Id Format EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Name Typ Pattern Country CountryCode [A-Z]{2,2} Entry according to original payment Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Address Line Max70Text 1 .. 70 \S+.* collapse Entry according to original payment Name Typ Identification SCLSCTParty6Choice2 Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.029.001.03; SCL SCT page 25 of 51 camt.029.001.03 Status Element/Attribut 1..1 OrgId 0..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Dbtr ++++++Id +++++++OrgId BICOrBEI 0..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Dbtr ++++++Id +++++++OrgId ++++++++BICOrBEI Othr Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Dbtr ++++++Id +++++++OrgId ++++++++Othr 1..1 Id Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn Format Name Typ OrganisationIdentification SCLSCTOrganisationIdentification41 Name Typ Pattern BICOrBEI AnyBICIdentifier [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}) {0,1} Name Typ Other GenericOrganisationIdentification1 Name Typ Length Identification Max35Text 1 .. 35 EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Entry according to original payment Entry according to original payment Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.029.001.03; SCL SCT page 26 of 51 camt.029.001.03 Status Element/Attribut 0..1 ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Dbtr ++++++Id +++++++OrgId ++++++++Othr +++++++++Id SchmeNm 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Dbtr ++++++Id +++++++OrgId ++++++++Othr +++++++++SchmeNm Cd 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Dbtr ++++++Id +++++++OrgId ++++++++Othr +++++++++SchmeNm ++++++++++Cd Prtry Format EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Pattern WhiteSpace \S+.* collapse Name Typ SchemeName OrganisationIdentificationSchemeName1Cho ice Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Code ExternalOrganisationIdentification1Code 1 .. 4 \S+.* collapse Entry according to original payment Name Typ Proprietary Max35Text Entry according to original payment Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.029.001.03; SCL SCT page 27 of 51 camt.029.001.03 Status Element/Attribut 0..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Dbtr ++++++Id +++++++OrgId ++++++++Othr +++++++++SchmeNm ++++++++++Prtry Issr 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Dbtr ++++++Id +++++++OrgId ++++++++Othr +++++++++Issr PrvtId 0..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Dbtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId DtAndPlcOfBirth Format Length Pattern WhiteSpace 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Issuer Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Private Identification SCLSCTPersonIdentification5 Name Typ Date And Place Of Birth DateAndPlaceOfBirth EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Entry according to original payment Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.029.001.03; SCL SCT page 28 of 51 camt.029.001.03 Status Element/Attribut 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Dbtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++DtAndPlcOfBirth BirthDt 0..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Dbtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++DtAndPlcOfBirth +++++++++BirthDt PrvcOfBirth 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Dbtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++DtAndPlcOfBirth +++++++++PrvcOfBirth CityOfBirth Format Name Typ Pattern Birth Date ISODate [0-9]{4,4}\-[0-9]{2,2}\-[0-9]{2,2} Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Province Of Birth Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ City Of Birth Max35Text EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.029.001.03; SCL SCT page 29 of 51 camt.029.001.03 Status Element/Attribut 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Dbtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++DtAndPlcOfBirth +++++++++CityOfBirth CtryOfBirth 0..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Dbtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++DtAndPlcOfBirth +++++++++CtryOfBirth Othr Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Dbtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++Othr 1..1 Id Format Length Pattern WhiteSpace 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Pattern Country Of Birth CountryCode [A-Z]{2,2} Name Typ Other GenericPersonIdentification1 Name Typ Identification Max35Text EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.029.001.03; SCL SCT page 30 of 51 camt.029.001.03 Status Element/Attribut 0..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Dbtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++Othr +++++++++Id SchmeNm 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Dbtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++Othr +++++++++SchmeNm Cd Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Dbtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++Othr +++++++++SchmeNm ++++++++++Cd Format Length Pattern WhiteSpace 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Scheme Name PersonIdentificationSchemeName1Choice Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Code ExternalPersonIdentification1Code 1 .. 4 \S+.* collapse EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.029.001.03; SCL SCT page 31 of 51 camt.029.001.03 Status Element/Attribut 1..1 Prtry 0..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Dbtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++Othr +++++++++SchmeNm ++++++++++Prtry Issr 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Dbtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++Othr +++++++++Issr DbtrAcct Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++DbtrAcct 1..1 Id Document Format Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Proprietary Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Issuer Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ DebtorAccount SCLSCTCashAccount16 Name Typ Identification SCLSCTAccountIdentification4Choice EPC references (if available) (AT-01 Account number of the Originator) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Payer’s account Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.029.001.03; SCL SCT page 32 of 51 camt.029.001.03 Status Element/Attribut 1..1 +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++DbtrAcct ++++++Id IBAN 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++DbtrAcct ++++++Id +++++++IBAN DbtrAgt 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++DbtrAgt FinInstnId 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++DbtrAgt ++++++FinInstnId BIC Format EPC references (if available) Name Typ Pattern IBAN IBAN2007Identifier [A-Z]{2,2}[0-9]{2,2}[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,30} Name Typ DebtorAgent (AT-06 BIC of the Originator Bank) SCLSCTBranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentifi cation4 Name Typ Financial Institution Identification SCLSCTFinancialInstitutionIdentification7 Name Typ BIC BICIdentifier Content and checks SEPA-Clearer IBAN oft he debtor Entry according to original payment Validity of BIC using SCL-Directory. Error code: XT27 Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.029.001.03; SCL SCT page 33 of 51 camt.029.001.03 Status Element/Attribut 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++DbtrAgt ++++++FinInstnId +++++++BIC CdtrAgt 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++CdtrAgt FinInstnId 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++CdtrAgt ++++++FinInstnId BIC Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++CdtrAgt ++++++FinInstnId +++++++BIC Format EPC references (if available) Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}) {0,1} Name Typ CreditorAgent (AT-23 BIC of the Beneficiary SCLSCTBranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentifi Bank) cation4 Name Typ FinancialInstitutionIdentification SCLSCTFinancialInstitutionIdentification7 Name Typ Pattern BIC BICIdentifier [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}) {0,1} Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Payment service provider of the creditor Entry according to original payment. The original creditor agent BIC is part of the duplication check at single record level. Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.029.001.03; SCL SCT page 34 of 51 camt.029.001.03 Status Element/Attribut 1..1 Cdtr 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Cdtr Nm 0..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Cdtr ++++++Nm PstlAdr 0..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Cdtr ++++++PstlAdr Ctry Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Cdtr ++++++PstlAdr +++++++Ctry Format EPC references (if available) (AT-21 Name of the Beneficiary – Mandatory) (AT-22 Address of the Beneficiary) (AT-24 Beneficiary Identification Code) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Name Typ Creditor SCLSCTPartyIdentification32 Creditor. All sub-elements from the original payment are supported. Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Name Max70Text 1 .. 70 \S+.* collapse Name of creditor. Name Typ PostalAddress SCLSCTPostalAddress6 Address of creditor Name Typ Pattern Country CountryCode [A-Z]{2,2} Entry according to original payment Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.029.001.03; SCL SCT page 35 of 51 camt.029.001.03 Status 0..2 Element/Attribut AdrLine Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Cdtr ++++++PstlAdr +++++++AdrLine 0..1 Id 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Cdtr ++++++Id OrgId 0..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Cdtr ++++++Id +++++++OrgId BICOrBEI Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef Format Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace AddressLine Max70Text 1 .. 70 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Identification SCLSCTParty6Choice2 Name Typ OrganisationIdentification SCLSCTOrganisationIdentification41 Name Typ Pattern BICOrBEI AnyBICIdentifier [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}) {0,1} EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Entry according to original payment Entry according to original payment Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.029.001.03; SCL SCT page 36 of 51 camt.029.001.03 Status 0..1 Element/Attribut +++++Cdtr ++++++Id +++++++OrgId ++++++++BICOrBEI Othr Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Cdtr ++++++Id +++++++OrgId ++++++++Othr 1..1 Id 0..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Cdtr ++++++Id +++++++OrgId ++++++++Othr +++++++++Id SchmeNm Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Cdtr Format Name Typ Other GenericOrganisationIdentification1 Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Identification Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ SchemeName OrganisationIdentificationSchemeName1Cho ice EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Entry according to original payment Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.029.001.03; SCL SCT page 37 of 51 camt.029.001.03 Status Element/Attribut 1..1 ++++++Id +++++++OrgId ++++++++Othr +++++++++SchmeNm Cd 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Cdtr ++++++Id +++++++OrgId ++++++++Othr +++++++++SchmeNm ++++++++++Cd Prtry 0..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Cdtr ++++++Id +++++++OrgId ++++++++Othr +++++++++SchmeNm ++++++++++Prtry Issr Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls Format EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Code ExternalOrganisationIdentification1Code 1 .. 4 \S+.* collapse Entry according to original payment Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Proprietary Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Entry according to original payment Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Issuer Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Entry according to original payment Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.029.001.03; SCL SCT page 38 of 51 camt.029.001.03 Status Element/Attribut 1..1 +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Cdtr ++++++Id +++++++OrgId ++++++++Othr +++++++++Issr PrvtId 0..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Cdtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId DtAndPlcOfBirth 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Cdtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++DtAndPlcOfBirth BirthDt Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef Format Name Typ Private Identification SCLSCTPersonIdentification5 Name Typ DateAndPlaceOfBirth DateAndPlaceOfBirth Name Typ Pattern Birth Date ISODate [0-9]{4,4}\-[0-9]{2,2}\-[0-9]{2,2} EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Entry according to original payment Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.029.001.03; SCL SCT page 39 of 51 camt.029.001.03 Status Element/Attribut 0..1 +++++Cdtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++DtAndPlcOfBirth +++++++++BirthDt PrvcOfBirth 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Cdtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++DtAndPlcOfBirth +++++++++PrvcOfBirth CityOfBirth 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Cdtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++DtAndPlcOfBirth +++++++++CityOfBirth CtryOfBirth Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts Format EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Province Of Birth Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Entry according to original payment Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace City Of Birth Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Entry according to original payment Name Typ Pattern Country Of Birth CountryCode [A-Z]{2,2} Entry according to original payment Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.029.001.03; SCL SCT page 40 of 51 camt.029.001.03 Status 0..1 Element/Attribut ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Cdtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++DtAndPlcOfBirth +++++++++CtryOfBirth Othr Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Cdtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++Othr 1..1 Id 0..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Cdtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++Othr +++++++++Id SchmeNm Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts Format Name Typ Other GenericPersonIdentification1 Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Identification Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Scheme Name PersonIdentificationSchemeName1Choice EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Entry according to original payment Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.029.001.03; SCL SCT page 41 of 51 camt.029.001.03 Status Element/Attribut 1..1 ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Cdtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++Othr +++++++++SchmeNm Cd 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Cdtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++Othr +++++++++SchmeNm ++++++++++Cd Prtry 0..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Cdtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++Othr +++++++++SchmeNm ++++++++++Prtry Issr Document Format EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Code ExternalPersonIdentification1Code 1 .. 4 \S+.* collapse Entry according to original payment Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Proprietary Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Entry according to original payment Name Typ Length Issuer Max35Text 1 .. 35 Entry according to original payment Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.029.001.03; SCL SCT page 42 of 51 camt.029.001.03 Status 1..1 Element/Attribut +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++Cdtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++Othr +++++++++Issr CdtrAcct Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++CdtrAcct 1..1 Id 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++CdtrAcct ++++++Id IBAN Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++CdtrAcct ++++++Id Format Pattern WhiteSpace \S+.* collapse Name Typ Creditor Account SCLSCTCashAccount16 Name Typ Identification SCLSCTAccountIdentification4Choice Name Typ Pattern IBAN IBAN2007Identifier [A-Z]{2,2}[0-9]{2,2}[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,30} EPC references (if available) (AT-20 Account of the Beneficiary) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Account of the creditor IBAN of the creditor Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.029.001.03; SCL SCT page 43 of 51 camt.029.001.03 Status Element/Attribut 0..1 +++++++IBAN UltmtCdtr 0..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtCdtr Nm Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtCdtr ++++++Nm 0..1 Id 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtCdtr ++++++Id OrgId Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtCdtr Format Name Typ UltimateCreditor SCLSCTPartyIdentification322 Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Name Max70Text 1 .. 70 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Identification SCLSCTParty6Choice2 Name Typ OrganisationIdentification SCLSCTOrganisationIdentification41 EPC references (if available) (AT-28 Name of the Beneficiary Reference Party) (AT-29 Identification Code of the Beneficiary Reference Party) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Ultimate creditor All sub-elements from the original payment are supported. Name of the ultimate creditor. Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.029.001.03; SCL SCT page 44 of 51 camt.029.001.03 Status Element/Attribut 0..1 ++++++Id +++++++OrgId BICOrBEI 0..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtCdtr ++++++Id +++++++OrgId ++++++++BICOrBEI Othr Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtCdtr ++++++Id +++++++OrgId ++++++++Othr 1..1 Id Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtCdtr ++++++Id +++++++OrgId ++++++++Othr Format Name Typ Pattern BICOrBEI AnyBICIdentifier [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}) {0,1} Name Typ Other GenericOrganisationIdentification1 Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Identification Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Entry according to original payment. Entry according to original payment. Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.029.001.03; SCL SCT page 45 of 51 camt.029.001.03 Status Element/Attribut 0..1 +++++++++Id SchmeNm 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtCdtr ++++++Id +++++++OrgId ++++++++Othr +++++++++SchmeNm Cd 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtCdtr ++++++Id +++++++OrgId ++++++++Othr +++++++++SchmeNm ++++++++++Cd Prtry Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtCdtr ++++++Id Format EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Name Typ SchemeName OrganisationIdentificationSchemeName1Cho ice Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Code ExternalOrganisationIdentification1Code 1 .. 4 \S+.* collapse Entry according to original payment. Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Proprietary Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Entry according to original payment. Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.029.001.03; SCL SCT page 46 of 51 camt.029.001.03 Status Element/Attribut 0..1 +++++++OrgId ++++++++Othr +++++++++SchmeNm ++++++++++Prtry Issr 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtCdtr ++++++Id +++++++OrgId ++++++++Othr +++++++++Issr PrvtId 0..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtCdtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId DtAndPlcOfBirth Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtCdtr ++++++Id Format Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Issuer Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Name Typ Private Identification SCLSCTPersonIdentification5 Name Typ Date And Place Of Birth DateAndPlaceOfBirth EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Entry according to original payment. Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.029.001.03; SCL SCT page 47 of 51 camt.029.001.03 Status Element/Attribut 1..1 +++++++PrvtId ++++++++DtAndPlcOfBirth BirthDt 0..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtCdtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++DtAndPlcOfBirth +++++++++BirthDt PrvcOfBirth 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtCdtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++DtAndPlcOfBirth +++++++++PrvcOfBirth CityOfBirth Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtCdtr ++++++Id Format EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Name Typ Pattern Birth Date ISODate [0-9]{4,4}\-[0-9]{2,2}\-[0-9]{2,2} Entry according to original payment. Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Province Of Birth Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Entry according to original payment. Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace City Of Birth Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Entry according to original payment. Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.029.001.03; SCL SCT page 48 of 51 camt.029.001.03 Status Element/Attribut 1..1 +++++++PrvtId ++++++++DtAndPlcOfBirth +++++++++CityOfBirth CtryOfBirth 0..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtCdtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++DtAndPlcOfBirth +++++++++CtryOfBirth Othr Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtCdtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++Othr 1..1 Id Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtCdtr ++++++Id Format Name Typ Pattern Country Of B irth CountryCode [A-Z]{2,2} Name Typ Other GenericPersonIdentification1 Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Identification Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Entry according to original payment. Entry according to original payment. Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.029.001.03; SCL SCT page 49 of 51 camt.029.001.03 Status Element/Attribut 0..1 +++++++PrvtId ++++++++Othr +++++++++Id SchmeNm 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtCdtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++Othr +++++++++SchmeNm Cd 1..1 Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtCdtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++Othr +++++++++SchmeNm ++++++++++Cd Prtry Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef Format EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Name Typ SchemeName PersonIdentificationSchemeName1Choice Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Code ExternalPersonIdentification1Code 1 .. 4 \S+.* collapse Entry according to original payment. Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Proprietary Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse Entry according to original payment. Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.029.001.03; SCL SCT page 50 of 51 camt.029.001.03 Status 0..1 Element/Attribut +++++UltmtCdtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++Othr +++++++++SchmeNm ++++++++++Prtry Issr Document +RsltnOfInvstgtn ++CxlDtls +++TxInfAndSts ++++OrgnlTxRef +++++UltmtCdtr ++++++Id +++++++PrvtId ++++++++Othr +++++++++Issr Format Name Typ Length Pattern WhiteSpace Issuer Max35Text 1 .. 35 \S+.* collapse EPC references (if available) Content and checks SEPA-Clearer Entry according to original payment. Fett = Element, Kursiv = Attribut, Grau = Gruppe camt.029.001.03; SCL SCT page 51 of 51