February 2001 - Matilda Joslyn Gage Foundation
February 2001 - Matilda Joslyn Gage Foundation
. .. The MatildaJoslyn Gage Foundation Newsletter. February 2001 I Greetings: In this, our first communication to you in the new year, new century,and new millennium, we hope to learn more about you and your interests,and sharesomeexciting news about the progresswe are making. Great things are happening at the GageFoundation! Diane Hawkins, Newsletter Editor I From the Executive Director: Two yearsago I packed my belongings in a U- HaUl trailer in Sacramento,California, to make the long trek to the home once owned by Matilda Joslyn Gage in Fayetteville, New York My goal was to seeif there was sufficient interest to support the creationof an organization to bring Gage back to her rightful place in history; Now the Matilda Joslyn Gage Foundation is incorporated as a not-for-profit organization in New York State with a national presenceand a strong baseoflocaI support. We're heading into our secondnational conference in two years.We have nine SyracuseUniversity interns working with us this semester.Severalhundred people have been entertained in Matilda's parlor. Many thousandsmore have read about her in the excellentfull-page publicity we've receivedand heard about her in talks to local and national organizations. And Matilda is smiling! Our national volunteer team of professionalswoUld be the envy of any CEO in the for-profit sector."We are connected!Yeah! It is energizing!" MJ Broadbent, our NYC logo designerexulted in an email yesterday.Our local team includes women who drive regularly from SenecaFalls and Oswego to work on events.(Too many to thank all at once,we'll introduce you to a few dedicatedworkers in eachnewsletter). It's time to take a breath..We're pausing to build a sub-structure that will grow with us and include for our future plans: ...3. state-of-the-art database ...a. financial systemthat automaticallygeneratesall the governmentreports we must file ...a strategic plan for what we want to do in the next three years We'd like your input in this process. Pleasetake a moment to answerthis question:"One thing I'd like to seethe Gage Foundation do is ." Sendus your answervia email or US Mail. Our addressesare shown below. Thanks so much for being our partners in honoring the memory of Matilda Joslyn Gage, a woman who has made a difference and continues to have an impact on people'slives today. Sally RoeschWagner, Executive Director .I I Name This Newsletter Contest Put on your thinking capsand give us your ideas for a newslettername.Matilda's own newsletter,reflecting the issuesof her time, was called TheNational Citizen and Ballot Box. What woUld be a worthy successorto this name?We want to identify our dedicationto Gage'slegacyand spirit, and reach out to her supporters today. Send your ideasto Diane Hawkins at the Gage Foundation office, PO Box 192, Fayetteville, NY 13066. The winner will receivetheir choice of one of a pin/tie tack, earrings or pendant from our line of handcrafted sterling silverjewelry depicting the home of Matilda Joslyn Gage.The jewelry was custom designedfor us by Norman K. Dann ofPeterboro, NY. The winner will be announcedin the May newsletter. The MatildaJoslyn GageFoundation'* February2001Newsletter'* Page1 PO Box192,Fayetteville, NY 13066 '* (315)637-9511 '* MJGageFoundation@aol.com -, A Victorian Christmas at the Gage House Village of Fayettevillemayor, Henry H. McIntosh, expressedhis appreciation in a letter to the local newspaper: "It wasgreatto seesucha positiveeventin ourhistoricdistrict lastSunday,Dec.10.TheMatilda JoslynGage Foundation hostedtheevent,'JourneyBackin TimeandCelebratea VictorianChristmas.'It wasgreatto have a chanceto visit with so manyfellowvillagers,enjoythe refreshments andseeall enjoyingthe horse-drawn wagonrides.Thechildren,I amsure,learnedaboutearlierChristmastimewhiledecoratingtheChristmastree. SallyRoesch Wagner,the Foundation Director,andCynthiaAlexander,a memberof our historicpreservation commission, aswellas all the othervolunteers,are tobecommended. A greatturnout,a greateventdonebysome verypositivepeople.I lookforwardto nextyear'sevent." The successof this eventwas due to the energyand creativity of volunteer organizersand workers. Thanks go to Barb Evans,Donna Thomas, Cynthia Alexander, Kathy DiScenna, Lynne Pascale,Julie Uticone, Marty I Morgenstein, Ed Clark and Tom O'Shea.And warm thanks to Junior docentsSashaSalayda,Ashley Evans, Andy Evans,David Thomas, Natalie Pascale,and Remy Pascale,who guided visitors through the Gagehouse; and provided historical background. Special thanksto Michael Patrick Hearn, author of the New York Times best-seller,TheAnnotated Wizard of Oz, for being on hand to autograph books and add to the festivities. , i I Gage"Visits" National Conferences FAYElTEVIU.E, NY Seventy-fourpeople attended the March 24-26th 2000 conference,"The Legacy of Gage," in Fayetteville, New York. They heard presentationson Gage research,enjoyedoriginal art works and musical and dramatic performancesin Gage'shonor, and listened to family perspectivesfrom Gage descendents.Attendees toured Gage'schildhood home and family gravesites,visited libraries holding Gage-relatedmaterials,and learned additional details from town historians Barbara Rivette and Lona Flynn. Evening festivities included a reception for the Honorable Jocelyn Birch Burdick, former senatorfrom South Dakota, Leslie Burdick, Mac Hudson, and Gita Dorothy Morena -all descendantsof Gage. A specialceremony,led by Marie Summerwood with the assistanceof Antiga, honored all older women and invited attendeesto speakabout their discoveryof Gage and her impact on their lives.To conclude the ceremony,everyonejoined in singing a song written for Gage,"The Battle Hymn of the Suffragists." Energy and excitementgeneratedby the conferenceran high. It was an important eventin furthering our mission. NEW YORK, NY Even though Matilda was not formally listed among eventsand workshops at the Ms. Millenium Conference in New York City's Hyatt RegencyHotel, October 21, 2000, her presencewas certainly felt. Gage activist mother-daughter team -Ms. charter subscriberGloria Marvin and daughter Mary Jane Broadbent -obtained a prime spot to exhibit Gage materials.The two alsowore ribbons sporting Gage'simage and the inscription "Ask me aboutMatilda Joslyn Gage!" Many did ask,and the interest expressedby women of all agesand backgroundswas significant. The latest Gage Foundation flyers were distributed, and all availablecopiesof Gage bookswere sold. WORCESTER,MA The sameweekend as the Ms. event,the presenceof Gage was felt also in Worcester,Massachusettsat "Women 2000," a celebrationof the 150th anniversaryof the first National Women's Rights Convention. Executive Director Sally RoeschWagner took part in a panel,"PreservingWomen'sHistory: SenecaFalls, Worcesterand Beyond." Dr. Wagner talked about the National Collaborative of Women's History Sites,of which the Gage Foundation is a founding member. The MatildaJoslyn GageFoundation* February2001Newsletter* Page2 PO Box 192,Fayetteville,NY 13066* (315)637-9511* MJGageFoundation@aol.com ! . . Gage "Visits" National Conferences. CONTINUED FROMPAGE 2 MINNEAPOLIS, MN At the Freedom from Religion Foundation's23rd annual conferenceSept. 15-17,2000, in Minneapolis, Lo Rossdistributed Gage Foundation information folders.The audiencehad been made awareof Gage through the chapter on Gage in Annie Laurie Gaylor's monumental work, WomenWithout Superstition.Co-founder of FFRF, Gaylor is editor of FreethoughtToday. BALTIMORE, MD The Feminist Expo, hosted by the Feminist Majority March 31-April2 in Baltimore, Maryland, heard a great deal about Gage with three panel presentationsby Sally RoeschWagner. She chaired the panel, "Feminist Challengesto Religion" and participated in "Raising Feminist Children," and "Learning from the Past for the Future." I Eastwood Rotary Foundation Gift "How did we everget along without it?" That's our constantrefrain aswe use our wonderful new Konica 1312 to copy researchmaterials,volunteer forms, materials for our upcoming (March 23-25) Gage Birthday Weekend conference,and notes and budgets for the strategic plan we'reworking on. We are a hotbed of organizational activity, aswas Gage'shouse100 yearsago. Thanks to the Eastwood Rotary Foundation, Inc. and member Bob Badey,who engineeredthe gift of this equipment. With the help of our friends and supporters,we're well on our way to achieving our goal of restoring this important woman to her rightful place in history. SundaySuppers for CNY Locals Keeping in touch with eachother is important. Committee members,volunteers,and other Gage workers are cordially invited to monthly poduck supperson the last Sundayof every month at 2:00 PM at the Gage house. Come to be welcomed, enlightened, informed, and well fed. Join us for the warmth of friendship and the joy of stimulating conversation.Bring somefood or drink to sharewhen you can. You never know who will be there on a given Sunday.The teapot is alwayson! Conversations wiili Friends from dIe Onondaga Nation Matilda Joslyn Gage wrote in her newspaper,TheNational Citizen and Ballot Box, in 1878,"... the Indians have beenoppressed-[and] are now...but the United Stateshas treaties with them, recognizing them as distinct political communities and duty towards them demandsnot an enforced citizenship, but a faithful living up to its obligations on the part of the government."To explore what this and her other writings on the Iroquois mean for us today,we'll be holding a seriesof informal conversationswith Onondaga nation citizens.The first one will be held at the Gage house on April 19 at 7:30 PM. I I "Read it. Examine for yourselves. Accept or rejed from the proof offered. But do not allow the church or the state to govern your thought or didate your judgment. " -Matilda !:;: Joslyn Gage, speakingabout her book, Woman,Churchand State. The Matilda JoslynGageFoundation* February2001Newsletter* Page3 PO Box 192,Fayetteville,NY 13066* (315)637-9511* MJGageFoundation@aol.com 1-- 'I "' UPCOMING ACTIVITIES AT THE GAGE HOUSE "' 210E..'G~"ooS,_,Fayettevillo,NY (rorn~ofW.Jn",md GffiO'~) IO-12~ W=o".H""YRo=d,.bkoCO'POoooc Wod Fobmory2' Fri-S=- M""23-25 (re"modulooop",5) Thu Suu- April I' April2' Wo Won' to Know! If youknowof my~,"'" 7,30pm 2,00pm 0' """"',' Cffitt,jN~Yo,kLib"'Y-="Co=ciI WririogWomffiB.,kI.,..H],..'YmdRoUgi= AW,,""dCol,bnriooof"oI75"A=i="Y ofM.uld.)""",G",',B"" lofunnmSoci.Jwi"G=od...N.riuoFriffid, G~-Togo"~Poclu,'Com,Oo"ComoAl1 inrol",", M,uld.)o"", G.", pk~, mfOOU"'Th, Found.riuo,]ro, ..boild m inrem,rioo. o_.kof,molon who = in',tt"," G"""'""p'oj=oodp"bli,."oo,lf,,,ub.~ittm,"rouinb"tt Apri115,2001..D"",H~kin""',G,,,Fo=d.ri= in G""wo'k.md.oo.. ttroro ood=hi~ "o~o"'o,w.I"""pk." reodby YOU CAN REACH USAT, Th,M.riId.)o.",G.goFmmd.rioo PG-"2 F_,NYI3066 315-637'511 M]GogoFo=d.rioo@.oIrom Findmottinfo=riooooP"C~..M.ri1d.)_G",~b"'c http';/~p""o,"-,""",,,d...dmjg""'" E"'N~I"",W"d[.;k,..lu""u~You...FowofOmE.u.oodinoryVoIuu- ~ Thanks heto: M'ryA~Kr.p'" MoryJ~,Bro.Jhm' -D"'ctocoflnfo=riooA,ohi=-kooM""",b, Laumc.-N06k -C=,NobkS""ttgi,M~koriu,mdPromo"""M.ttri"', Bm..o, goo"" romulbnc -R=...0~w=.",5",'0=riuoU-U.cti.;"'f,mJn;." S" P,"~,b"", FL, ""..c. G/oriuMMWn EB..W=B"." ~ ",""'w_oli,"tto"',~rnocin",Urn',dSntt" o~inro'POn'ing.uorn'Y N~Yo...NY,logod"igu'c. -Dirnctoc,Tocbnic.C,m",C=olim,NC, M.cio..,hgnphi,';d...b=romulbnc ThoM""'J__Fo_"ri~'F"""""'N_'","' POB~I",F'_NY'3""(3'5)"'-'5ll'MJG...Fo""'-"'- !!'.~T1 . WRITING WOMEN BACK INTO HISTORY AND RELIGION A Weekend Celebration of the 175th anniversary of Matilda Joslyn Gage's birth i , =D uring the 19th century, women transformed March23-25,2001religion in the United States.They were critics standing outside the church doors demanding an end to women being relegatedto second-classstatus.They were also believers,pushing open those same doors to be acceptedasordained ministers and even establish their own religion. Women attempted to transform the nature of the establishedchurch. Ironically, many of these early pioneers have been written out of history; Matilda Joslyn Gage was perhapsthe strongestvoice of the 19th century religious critics. Her magnum opus, Woman, Churchand State,stands today asa feminist classic,necessary,accordingto feminist theologian Mary Daly, for an understanding of the contemporary woman'smovement. Gage believed that the religious right's turn-of-the-century attempt to put God in the constitution and prayer in the public schoolsrepresentedthe ~avest danger to religious liberty the country had faced. In 1890, she formed the Woman's National Liberal Union to preservethe First Amendment separationof church and state. I Gage'sreligious liberalism rankled the increasinglyconservativewoman's suffragemovement, which wrote her out of subsequenthistories of the movement.They also attempted, in 1895, to silence Elizabeth Cady Stanton'sWoman's Bibld, to which Gage was a contributor. Nor were Gage and Stanton the only 19th century feminists lost in the causeof religious liberty. Their coworkers,Jewish atheist Ernestine Rose,women'srights newspapereditor Clara Colby, and the first regularly ordained woman minister, Olympia Brown, are among those who have been deprived of their rightful place in history; On the occasionof Matilda Joslyn Gage's 175th birthday weekend,we'll gather to remember Gage, her coworkersand those women who first opened the doors of churchesto women. We will strategize on how to write them back into history and religion. , Conference Program FRIDAY, MARCH 23 7:00 PM !! SOCIAL FOR WEEKEND PARTICIPANTS A Life in Letters: M. J. Gage'sCorrespondencewith Olympia Brown and Clara Colby The Gage House, 210 East GeneseeStreet, Fayetteville, NY I SATURDAY, MARCH 24 WOMEN WRITTEN OUT OF RELIGION AND HISTORY Wellwood Middle School, 700 South Manlius Street/Rte 257, Fayetteville MORNING SESSION 9:00AM -12:00 NOON SILENCED FOR THEIR REliGIOUS BELIEFS Gage, her peersand others were written out of history primarily for challenging women\ religiously sanctionedsubordination. Scholarswho have researchedthese forgotten freedomfighters look at who they were and why they were left out. .MarildaJoslyn Gage -founder, Woman's National Liberal Union; author, Woman,Churchand State Presenter:Sally RoeschWagner, Director, Matilda Joslyn Gage Foundation .19d1 century Suffragist Freethinkers Presenter:Annie Laurie Gaylor, co-founder, Freedom from Religion Foundation; author, Womenwithout Superstition:No Gods--No Masters .Clara Colby -editor, Woman'sTribune Presenter:Marlene Snyder,NE Humanities scholar .Ernestine Rose -Jew -Freethinker -Atheist -Jewish atheist? Presenter:PaulaB. Doress-Worters, Founder and Director, Ernestine L. Rose Society .Olympia Brown -first woman in the United Statesto be ordained by full denominational authority Presenter:Laurie Carter Noble, consulting editor, StandingBeforeUs: Unitarian UniversalistWomen & SocialReform,1776-1936 Moderator: Vivien Rose,Historian, Woman's Rights National Historic Park, SenecaFalls The MatildaJoslynGageFoundation* February2001 Newsletter* Page5 PO Box 192,Fayetteville,NY 13066* (315)637-9511* MJGageFoundation@aol.com ! . LUNCH 12:00NOON -2:00 PM BAG LUNCHES AVAILABLE FOR $10.00(Seeregistrationform). A UST OF LOCAL RESTAURANTSALSO WILL BE PROVIDED. I AFTERNOON SESSION 2:00 -5:00 PM RELIGIOUS WOMEN MAKING HISTORY Another groupof women"firsts"becausetheydemandedtheir placein religionalsowere written out of or neglectedby historybooks.Mary BakerEddyfoundeda newreligion. Unitarianand Universalistwomenpavedthe wayfor women'sspiritualleadershipin the 19th centuryby beingordainedand servingsuccessfully asministers,often expandingthe notion of ministryto includea broadrangeof communitylife. Followingin the footsteps of theseearlywomenministers,a courageous groupof Episcopalianwomendemanded ordinationin the 20thcentury.Noneof thesewomenhasyetreceivedpropercrediteither in women'sor religioushistory; ."Universalist andUnitarian WomenRe-formingReligion" Presenter:Dorothy May Emerson,ExecutiveDirector,UnitarianUniversalistWomen'sHeritage Society; editor,StandingBeforeUs:UnitarianUniversalist Women andSocialReform,1776-1936 ."Mary BakerEddy: Daughter of the Old Church,Mother of the New» Presenter:MarceilDe Lacy,LecturerfromThe Writings of Mary BakerEddy ."Does die PastStill Haunt us? EpiscopalWomen,Then and Now" Presenter:BettyBoneSchiess-one of the first elevenwomenordainedasEpiscopalianpriests in the US in 1974 I DINNER 6:30PM GAGE'S BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION -THE WELLINGTON HOUSE 7262EastGenesee, Fayetteville EVENING Specialevent,TBA I SUNDAY, MARCH 25 10:00AM I WRITING UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST WOMEN BACK INTO HISTORY SERVICE First UnitarianUniversalistSocietyof Syracuse, 250 WaringRoad The ReverendDr. DorothyMay Emerson I BRUNCH widi WeekendParticipants 12:30-2:30 PM THE WELLINGTON HOUSE -FAYETTEVILLE I INTERACTIVE WORKSHOP 3:00-5:30 PM DISCOVERING OURSELVESIN HERSTORY The GageHouse-Fayetteville Facilitators:Dorodiy May Emersonand JanetGould Matson, audior of Whole Woman,Whole Life Womenof historyaresourcesof empowerment for our ownlives.They giveus the strengthof their personalities, helpus discoverwho we are,and showus qualitiesand powerthatwe carrywithin ourselves. Knowinghow theycarriedout their visions,we arebetterinformedon howto carryout or ownvisionsof a bettersociety.When we hear the voicesof thesewomenwho standbeforeus andblend our ownvoicesto the song,we carry an anthemof tremendouspowerandvibrancyinto the future. The MatildaJoslyn GageFoundation * February 2001Newsletter * Page6 PO Box192,Fayetteville, NY 13066 * (315)637-9511 * MJGageFoundation@aol.com MATILDA]OSLYN -~-- GAGE CONFERENCE REGISTRATION 2001 FORM Name: Address: Phone: (Day) Email: (Evening) CONFERENCE FEES: ( ) All weekend events (meals included) ( , ) All weekend events (without meals) 135.00 75.00 S S ( ( ( ( ( ( 25.00 25.00 25.00 120.00 60.00 20.00 S $ S S S S ) ) ) ) ) ) Saturdaymoming Saturday afternoon Sunday afternoon Student/Senior full weekend (meals) Student/Senior full weekend (no meals) Student/Senior single session MEALS: Meal registration only available through Marcl116. Limited to first 50 requests. ( ) Saturday reception/dinner buffet 30.00 S ( ) Saturday bag luncl1 10.00 S ( ) Specify one: ( Sunday brunch ) vegetarian ( ) turkey 25.00 S SUPPORT: I would like to support the conference by contributing in one of the following ways and be listed in the prognun: ( ) As a sponsor (financial contribution of$I000 or more) ( ) As a supporter ($250 or more) ( ) As a friend (by providing a scl1olarship for someone on a limited budget) ( ) By announcing the weekend in a newsletter (enclose contact person and deadline) Total fees and meals: S My contribution: S Total enclosed: $ ( ) I am a student and would like to work in excl1angefor my registration fee. ( ( ) ) I'd like to apply for a scl1olarship. Please send me lodging information. Send this form and check or money order (sorry, no credit cards), to: MatildaJoslyn Gage Foundation PO Box192 Fayetteville,NY 13066 For further information email the Foundation at MJGageFoundation@aol.com or call 315-637-9511 or visit the Gage web site at http://www.pinn.net/-sunshine/gage/mjg.html .. Join the Gage Tech T earn Today! ;~% c; ~ t~j, ~(; ';~"'" ?'t' :;:~;, . Dear Fnends, The very heart of a foundation is its information system,its database-and a weak heart can bring anything to a standstill. Recendy, dte Gage Foundation was given an extraordinary gift. Ellen Wass Beckerman, Foundation friend in North Carolina who is in dte business of creating technical databasesfor large corporations, offered 515,000 worth of her servicesto custom design a databasefor us. This state-of-the-art work allows us to track membersand provides a wide range of printing capabilities-newsletter, booklets, brochures.It also givesus visual and audio presentation potential. Ellen evenoffered to train people! Trusting in feminist economics,we went forward. The Board said,"Go ahead,"a generoussupporter lent the money,and equipment was purchasedso Ellen could set up the systemshe created. Total cost for computer and software? 52,800.00.Pleaseread on. Ellen spent a week training volunteers.She has given us the promised $15,000 of her services. Generously,shehas offered to continue working with us until we have a perfect system,exacdy what we need.And Mary Hudson, computerwizard at nearbySyracuseUniversity, alsooffered to .trouble-shoot at our end. Now, here is your golden opportunity! The Foundation needsyou, and I'm sure you can gaugethe benefits. For your donation of $28.00, you can becomea founding memberof the "Gage Tech Team." The Tech Team is filling up fast, so don't delay.Join now! The first 100 members waltz our Matilda right into the computerage.It's Gage supporterslike you who make successpossible. With deepappreciation, Sally RoeschWagner YES! SIGN ME UP AS A FOUNDING ENCLOSED IS MY CONTRIBUTION MEMBER OF THE "GAGE TECH TEAM" FOR 528.00 Make checkspayableto: The Matilda Joslyn Gage Foundation PO Box 192 Fayetteville,NY 13066 Pleasewrite "Tech Team" in Memo portion of check OTHER 5 ~ . "The True Religion is that which setspeoplefree" WRITING WOMEN BACK INTO HISTORY AND RELIGION A Weekend Celebration of the 175th anniversary of Matilda Joslyn Gage's birth March 23-25, 2001 Sponsored by the Matilda Joslyn Gage Foundation with the support of The Unitarian Universalist Women's Heritage Society, Inc. The Writings of Mary Baker Eddy LeMoyne College Women's Studies Syracuse University Women's Studies FOR MORE INFO: Call (315) 637-9511 or Email: MJGageFoundation@aol.com ' I a3.lS3nO3~ 3:)IA~3S N~n.13~ 990£1AN ";}I[!A,;}»,;}A~..oJ 'Z61 mg Od uop~pun°..oJ ';}~O uAIsOf ~PJ!1~W ';}1JJ. ~- ~ -~ ~ MATILDA]OSLYN GAGE CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FORM 2001 Name: Address: Phone: (Day) Email: (Evening) CONFERENCE FEES: ( ) All weekendevents (mealsincluded) ( ) All weekendevents(without meals) ( ) Saturdaymorning ( ) Saturdayafternoon ( ) Sundayafternoon ( ) Student/Seniorfull weekend(meals) ( ) Student/Seniorfull weekend(no meals) ( ) Student/Seniorsinglesession 135.00 75.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 120.00 60.00 20.00 S S S S S S S S MEALS: Meal registration only availablethrough Mardt16. Limited to first 50requests. ( ) Saturdayreception/dinnerbuffet 30.00 S ( ) Saturdaybaglundt 10.00 S Specifyone: ( ) vegetarian ( ) turkey ( ) Sundaybrunch 25.00 S SUPPORT: I would like to support the conferenceby contributing in one of the following ways and belisted in the program: ( ) As a sponsor(financial contribution of$1000 or more) .( ) As a supporter($250or more) ( ) As a friend (by providing a sdtolarshipfor someoneon alimited budget) ( ) By announcingthe weekendin a newsletter(enclosecontactpersonand deadline) Total feesandmeals: My contribution: Total enclosed: ( ( ( ) ) ) S S S I ama studentandwould like to workin exdtangefor my registrationfee. I'd like to applyfor asdtolarship. Pleasesendme lodging information. Sendthis form and dteck or moneyorder(sorry,no creditcards),to: MatildaJoslyn GageFoundation PO Box192 Fayetteville,NY 13066 For further information emailthe Foundationat MJGageFoundation@aol.com or call 315-637-9511or visit the Gagewebsite at http://www.pinn.net/Nsunshine/gage/mjg.html .