Hawai`i – an invitation - Whale Watching Worldwide


Hawai`i – an invitation - Whale Watching Worldwide
Hawai’i – an invitation
This trip is a very special invitation. We start on Big Island, the biggest and youngest Hawaiian island,
where we will be living directly at the ocean: in Hale Kai – the house of the ocean. Just being at that
place invites you to relax and to get in contact with the nature, the animals and the elements around
us. We want to see marine turtles und spinner dolphins and explore the colourful underwater world of
the holy bay.
On this island we will also visit Pele, the goddess of the volcano and be witness when the burning lava
in the core of the earth is floating into the ocean and forms new land. In addition be will spend time
with an Hawaiian teacher who will share his knowledge about the Hawaiian history with us. And we will
experience the holy places of the Hawaiians and immerse in the history and the old knowledge of
Then we will visit Maui, the hub of the universe, as the Hawaiians call it. It´s the nursery of the
humpback whales, which we would like to meet several times and intensive.
On the rank island Maui we will enjoy the various flora and fauna and visit the holy mountain
Haleakala with his 3000 meter height, where we are very close to the gods. Refreshing waterfalls und
a lot of ocean invites you to relax. The contact with the unique Hawaiian nature and the Aloha Spirit of
the Hawaiians and special rituals make it easy for us to find peacefully to ourselves and explore the
paradise (in us).
19.01. – 05.02.2013
3.750,-- € per Person, Price for couples 3.500,-- € (bookings for two)
Early bird rebate:
200,-- € until 01.05.2012
Minimum attendance:
8 persons (until 01.10.2012), maximum attendance 11 persons
OCEANO travel guide:
Susanne S. Braack, Margareta Kappl
The price includes:
17 overnight stays
Accommodation and meals – 10 nights in a double room
Accommodation on Maui – 7 nights in a double room
6 dinner on Maui
2 Whale Watching tours to the humpback whales
2 dolphin tours
4 trips on land
Inlandsflug von Hawai’i nach Maui
Airport transfer
Lecture about dolphins und wales, Hawai’i
Introduction to snorkeling
Travel management and travel guide
Susanne Braack, Blumenthal 1, D-86551 Aichach, Fon +49 6221 18713290 Fax +49 6221 18713299,
Mail: info@oceano-whalewatching.com, Internet: www.oceano-whalewatching.com
Not included in the price
International flight to Big Island
Zeitweise Verpflegung auf Maui
Optional trips
Things you should bring with you
Snorkel equipment, sturdy shoes, camera, a waterproof plastic bag for the camera, sun
protection ( high SPF), bathing towel, small travel first-aid kit (please consult your family
doctor for recommendations) und what else you need for your well-being.
Please ask your family doctor before departure about immunizations. We suggest contracting
travel insurance. We recommend having a credit card with you. Credit card payment is usual
and has a better conversion rate.
Hawai’i is the most isolated archipelago of the worls – the US-westcoast is 4000 kilometers
away. The five main islands - O'ahu, Molokai, Maui, Hawai’i (Big Island) und Kauai – lay in a
805 kilometre row in the Pacific. Most of the six million visitors yearly arrive with an airplane
to the capital Honolulu. In Hawai’i you have the possibility to see spinner dolphins, pygmy
killer whales and humpback whales in their natural environment.
The climate in Hawai’i is multifaceted; the temperatures are between 24 und 27 degrees the
whole year round. The water temperatures balance between 22 and 28 degrees. The time
difference to the Central European time is 11 hours back, in the summer months 12 hours.
There is more than 200km beach on the island, from white to honey yellow to black or even
green. The Kilauea, the most active volcano in the world, is in the southeast of Big Island in
the Volcanoes National Park with rank rainforest. Also there is a breathtaking flora and fauna
which can be admired on all islands.
Susanne Braack, Blumenthal 1, D-86551 Aichach, Fon +49 6221 18713290 Fax +49 6221 18713299,
Mail: info@oceano-whalewatching.com, Internet: www.oceano-whalewatching.com
Immigration to the US/Hawaii
Deutsche Staatsangehörige benötigen für die Einreise und einen Aufenthalt bis zu 90 Tagen
kein Visum, lediglich einen noch mindestens sechs Monate gültigen Reisepass. Der
Personalausweis ist nicht ausreichend. Darüber hinaus sollte der Pass bei Reiseantritt
mindestens zwei freie Seiten für Sichtvermerke haben. Die Anreise erfolgt mit
Zwischenstopps z.B. in San Fransisco, Los Angeles, Chicago. Die kürzeste Verbindung von
Deutschland aus ist über Los Angeles. Alle Inseln sind durch Flugverbindungen leicht
erreichbar. Auch einige Kreuzfahrt- und Fährschiffe steuern die Inseln an. Die Inseln
erkundet man am besten mit dem Auto, denn öffentliche Verkehrsmittel gibt es kaum.
Vor der Einreise wird für die Einreiseerlaubnis (ESTA-Electronic System for Travel
Authorization) eine Gebühr von 14,-- US Dollar erhoben. Weitere Informationen über ESTA
Einreiseerlaubnis, auf deutsch finden Sie unter : https://esta.cbp.dhs.gov/ , diese gilt für zwei
Jahre und mehrere Einreisen in die Vereinigten Staaten. Sie sollte am besten vor der
Abreise ausgefüllt werden. (Achtung: Bei der Seriennummer der deutschen Reisepässe wird
die Ziffer „0“, nicht der Buchstabe „O“ verwendet.)
On your journey to Hawai’i there is always a stopover. The shortest way is via Los Angeles.
We recommend to take a night flight. A lot of airlines fly several times per week to Los
Angeles and from there to Big Island, Hawai’i. Another hub in the USA is Chicago.
Please note that on your flight back home you arrive on the next day in Germany.
The first day on Big Island we spend in a little guesthouse at the beach. The whole house is
exclusively for us. In this time we have full board.
On Maui we are in a simple accommodation near Paia.
Who wants to extend the stay, can book this via OCEANO. It’s possible to book extra nights
in the same accommodation on Maui (80 dollars per night).
Susanne Braack, Blumenthal 1, D-86551 Aichach, Fon +49 6221 18713290 Fax +49 6221 18713299,
Mail: info@oceano-whalewatching.com, Internet: www.oceano-whalewatching.com
Additionally to all our OCEANO holiday programmes, you can book our Oceanic FAIR Modules.
By making a reasonable contribution, in addition to the price of your booked programme, you can
contribute responsibly to the studies and protection of sea mammals and against global warming.
Module 1: atmosfair means: Fly – and pay a compensation for the greenhouse gases!
For people who are concerned about the environmental impacts of their air travel, a new service has
been established: atmosfair. Utilizing an emissions calculator, atmosfair customers can figure out
how much greenhouse gas emissions are caused by their individual flights (London – Tenerife approx.
For stays of 14 days or more OCEANO will take 50% of the CO2 compensation. With your donation
you enable atmosfair to run projects in developing countries where these emissions will be saved
– check out the projects on their website: https://www.atmosfair.de/en/
Module 2: Adopt-a-Dolphin with M.E.E.R. e.V (duration of 1 year, 60 €).
Since 1995, the German NPO M.E.E.R.e.V. has been doing research on the marine mammals off La
Gomera. With your token adoption you can make sure that this research will continue. This NGO - of
which everyone at OCEANO is a member – is also investigating the complex problems revolving
around fast ferries on the Canary Islands and worldwide. With the adoption you will receive a welcome
letter with a photo of your favourite dolphin or whale species. http://www.m-e-er.de/verein.0.html?&L=2
Module 3: Donation to Pro Wildlife (at least 25,-- € )
The NPO Pro Wildlife based in Munich provides valuable project work for the marine mammals and
the sea and is consistently lobbying for their conservation. The department for whales and dolphins
works on topics such as whaling, the toxic loads of heavy metals in marine mammals and by catch.
Their studies contribute inter alia at the International Whaling Commission (IWC) to keep the ban
against international whaling. http://www.prowildlife.de/en/en.html
Please state on the registration form if you would like to book one or more Oceanic Fair
Recommend OCEANO!
If you like our OCEANO holiday offer and services please recommend us to your friends and family –
we highly appreciate it!
For one of your recommendations that turns into a booking we would like to thank you with a free
whale watching tour on La Gomera (for 1 person), a free fridge filling for your first breakfast on La
Gomera or a great CD with the sounds of dolphins and whales. The new customer only needs to
mention you as the recommending person and you are free to choose one of our presents for you!
Susanne Braack, Blumenthal 1, D-86551 Aichach, Fon +49 6221 18713290 Fax +49 6221 18713299,
Mail: info@oceano-whalewatching.com, Internet: www.oceano-whalewatching.com
Registration conditions
A registration is binding and a place secured as soon as the filled-out and signed registration form is received by OCEANO or
the flight has been booked and 10% of the total amount (not more than 250,--€) have been transferred and credited to the
OCEANO account. The balance has to be paid within 21 days prior to the arrival at your holiday destination.
Cancellation fees
Up to 30 days prior to the beginning of the programme: 10% of the total price,
from the 29th to 22nd day prior to the beginning of the programme: 30% of the total price,
from 21st to 14th day prior to the beginning of the programme: 35% of the total price,
from 13th to 7th day prior to the beginning of the programme: 45 % of the total price
from 6th day prior to the beginning of the programme onwards: 55 % of the total price
no-show: 80% of the total price.
If a substitute participant can be found, we will charge a handling fee of 30,--€. We advise the purchase of travel insurance. On
our website you will find the link to ELVIA Travel Insurance (at the bottom of the page, please click UK) where you can book
your travel insurance directly.
Bank details
Sparkasse Heidelberg, BLZ 672 500 20, Account: Susanne Braack 1022156,
IBAN: DE83 6725 0020 0001 0221 56, BIC: SOLADES1HDB
Conditions of participation
Every participant acts on his/her sole responsibility. Participants who are leaving before the end of the programme for personal
or health related reasons cannot claim any refund. There is no refund for boat trips cancelled due to bad weather conditions, but
OCEANO tries to find an alternative date together with the client. It is for the captain to decide if and under which conditions the
boat trip is possible.
The tour operator has to be notified immediately and on site of any complaints in order to be able to take remedial action. There
cannot be made any subsequent claims from the tour operator.
We would like to point out that we cannot give any guarantee for an encounter with cetaceans as they are wild, freeliving animals. Nevertheless, the chances to meet whales and dolphins off La Gomera are very high.
Welcome on board!
OCEANO Whale Watching Travel
Phone/ 0049 6221 1871329 0- Email: info@oceano-whalewatching.com
Date of birth
Travel dates
Fellow Traveller(s):
Would you like to book an Oceanic FAIR Module?
YES □__(which one?)______________________
How did you hear about OCEANO?
I have read the above mentioned conditions and herewith accept them:
(Place, Date, Signature)
Please send this page to OCEANO via fax or e-mail – Thank you!
Susanne Braack, Blumenthal 1, D-86551 Aichach, Fon +49 6221 18713290 Fax +49 6221 18713299,
Mail: info@oceano-whalewatching.com, Internet: www.oceano-whalewatching.com