
St Peter’s Church
Coffee Break Concert
Saturday 19th July 2014, 11am
Marianne Wright, soprano
Gabriel Jones, piano
Frauenliebe und Leben
R Schumann (1810-56)
“A woman's love and life”
i) Seit ich ihn gesehen
“Since I saw him”
ii) Er, der Herrlichste von allen
“He, the noblest of all”
iii) Ich kann's nicht fassen, nicht glauben
“I cannot grasp or believe it”
iv) Du Ring an meinem Finger
“You ring upon my Finger”
v) Helft mir, ihr Schwestern
“Help me, sisters”
vi) Süßer Freund, du blickest
“Sweet friend, you gaze”
vii) An meinem Herzen, an meiner Brust
“At my heart, at my breast”
viii) Nun hast du mir den ersten Schmerz getan
“Now you have caused me my first pain”
A Garland of Folk Songs
i) Johnny has gone for a soldier
ii) All things quite silent
iii) The wee Cooper of Fife
iv) The lass from the low countree
v) To people who have gardens
vi) Cocky Robin
B Roe (b.1930)
Italienisches Liederbuch (selection)
H Wolf (1860-1903)
“Italian Songbook”
i) Auch kleine Dinge können uns entzücken
“Even little things may often give us pleasure”
ii) Wer rief dich denn? Wer hat dich herbestellt?
“Who called you here? Who bade you come to me?”
iii) Du denkst mit einem Fädchen mich zu fangen
“You think that you can catch me with a little thread”
iv) Mein Liebster singt am Haus im Mondenscheine
“My lover sings before the house in the moonlight”
v) Schweig’ einmal still, du garstiger Schwätzer dort
“Silence I say, unpleasant noisy wight!”
vi) Ich hab’ in Penna einen Liebsten wohnen
“I have a lover who lives in Penna”
Following ten years in the world renowned Cantamus Girls Choir, Marianne Wright
moved to London to study with Wendy Eathorne and Geoffrey Pratley, later studying
with Helen Yorke at Trinity College of Music where she graduated with a First Class
Honours Degree.
Marianne was the 2008 winner of the John Ogdon Award, finalist in the Lilian Ash
French Song Competition, Elisabeth Schumann Lieder Competition (TCM) and the
AESS Courtney Kenny Award (2010) and semi-finalist in the Thelma King Award for
singers (2011) working with regular duo partner Gabriel Jones. Performance credits
include Gretel (Hansel and Gretel), 1st/2nd Spirit/Papagena (Die Zauberflöte), Zerlina
(Don Giovanni), Barbarina (Figaro), Cis (Albert Herring), First Fairy (A Midsummer
Night’s Dream), King David (Honegger, AIMS), Let the Bright Seraphim (Handel),
Gloria (Vivaldi) and chorus for Così fan tutte (Vignette Productions) and Eugene
Onegin (BHO).
Marianne was recently invited to perform a recital at Brighton Fringe Festival with
Gabriel and now looks forward to several other recitals throughout the UK including
premiering the song cycle She, to Him written for her by composer Jeffrey Joseph in
Brighton in October. Marianne continues to study privately with Susan Roberts in
Gabriel Jones studied at Trinity College of Music under the tutelage of the renowned
Philip Fowke. He has performed in numerous venues in London and Brighton. In 2010
he was a finalist in the Lilian Ash French Song and Elisabeth Schumann Lieder
competitions. He was also finalist in the 2010 John Longmire Beethoven competition
and winner of the 2011 John Halford prize for contemporary piano.
In the summer of 2010 Gabriel toured Switzerland with the Brighton Youth Orchestra,
performing the Grieg Piano Concerto and Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue. He has also
performed with the Trinity Contemporary Music Group, premiering works by Trinity
staff and students. These experiences in particular have promoted a growing interest in
avant-garde and contemporary repertoire.
Gabriel spent the summer of 2011 in India where he taught, lectured and performed
extensively on behalf of the Worldwide Appreciation of Music Foundation (WAM). He
is currently undertaking a Master’s degree in advanced musicology at King’s College
London for which he has been awarded the prestigious Arts and Humanities Research
Council scholarship.
Welcome to the beautiful and ancient church of St Peter, particularly to anyone visiting
for the first time. The Saturday morning 'coffee break' concerts were started in 1988 by
Kendrick and Mary Partington, and continue to prove a popular attraction. The hourlong performances are held at 11am every Saturday during October, February and June,
and occasionally at other times during the year. Coffee and biscuits are served from
10.15am. The concerts are given by a broad range of performers that include local
musicians, young professionals, university students, choirs, chamber orchestras, brass
bands, and more.
Your donations at the door are greatly appreciated, and go towards the church music
fund. If a tax payer, please enclose any donations in a completed yellow Gift Aid
envelope, and return it to a steward at the end of the concert.
I do hope you enjoy this morning's performance, and
that we might see you again at St Peter's soon, either
for a concert or a service (many of which are led by
the church choir).
Dr PA Siepmann
Organist & Director of Music
Coffee Break Concerts
Autumn 2014
27th September
4th October
11th October
18th October
25th October
James Rippingale, classical guitar
Ockbrook School Chamber Choir
Phantasie Viol Consort
Yulia Northridzch, violin & Neil Millensted, piano
saraBande & Matthew Jordan, baritone
Coffee Break Concerts start at 11am and last for one hour
Coffee & biscuits from 10.15am
Admission by donation
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