online on tv on radio
online on tv on radio
on tv 2 0 0 2- online 2 0 0 3 ANNUAL REPORT on radio 2 0 0 2 - 2 0 0 3 A N N UA L R E P O R T THE MISSION The mission of the Electronic Retailing Association is to foster growth, development and acceptance of the rapidly growing direct response industry worldwide for the companies who use the power of electronic media to sell goods and services to the public. THE VISION ERA is the trade association that represents the leaders of direct response, members who maximize revenues through electronic retailing on television, online and on radio. ERA strives to protect the regulatory and legislative climate of direct response while ensuring a favorable landscape that enhances e-retailers’ ability to bring quality products and services to the consumer. on tv,online,on radio DEAR ERA MEMBERS, INDUSTRY COLLEAGUES & FRIENDS, During the 2002-2003 fiscal year, ERA underwent significant changes to ensure that the needs of the membership were being met and that ERA was continuing to grow and prosper as an organization. Last year was one of true transition and I am pleased to bring you this Annual Report that reflects the improvements this organization has achieved in recent months. In these next few pages, I hope to illustrate ERA’s exciting transformations, while also highlighting the ongoing advancements we strive to accomplish for the future. I am most proud of ERA’s financial improvements that have provided the organization with enhanced opportunities to increase programs and services. I am happy to report that ERA is financially healthy and well positioned to enact new initiatives that will have a positive impact on the industry. Our membership is growing steadily, our members’attendance at annual meetings is increasing, and the revenue generated from sponsorships and exhibitor attendance continues to rise.We are on the right track for growth and have secured reserves that will support upcoming programs that I hope you look as forward to as I do. One of the most significant programs created this year is ERA’s U.S.Self Regulation Program. This program is extremely important to the continued success and increased credibility of the industry. ERA was founded 13 years ago to influence legislation and agency regulation. Through this program and other government affairs initiatives, we are striving to protect our business and proactively self regulate our industry. This past year and especially during the next, I hope to further advance ERA’s Self Regulation Program and continue to improve our relationships with key lawmakers on Capitol Hill and beyond. In addition to ERA’s regulation efforts and financial advancements, this year also was full of international growth and development. In January 2003, ERA enacted its first European Board of Directors designated to oversee the industry’s affairs in Europe. The newly elected European Board immediately began work on a European Self Regulation Program, addressing the specific expectations of the industry and lawmakers in Europe.The European and U.S.Self Regulation task forces worked in close coordination and I am pleased to say that the European program also will begin implementation in 2004. Also through the reinstatement of ERA’s Latin/Hispanic Council and Asian Council, the organization made huge strides in increasing the exposure and influence of our international members. ERA truly is global as we look to the future, we are continuously bringing in retailers that represent the industry worldwide. This past year has been a very busy, yet productive one for ERA. While a great deal of improvement has been made, much still remains to be done. I cannot express enough my sincerest gratitude to the members of ERA who volunteer their precious time to this organization. You are the experts in your field and your continued support is what ensures ERA remains the representative voice for the leaders of direct response advertising. I thank you and look forward to serving you for years to come. Sincerely, Barbara Tulipane,CAE ERA President & CEO 1 2 0 0 2 - 2 0 0 3 A N N UA L R E P O R T FINANCIALS ERA made significant strides in the financial success of the organization during the 2002-2003 fiscal year. ERA has the financial reserves to continue to flourish and provide additional services for its members. These charts illustrate how far the organization has come in a few short years and as ERA looks towards the future, how ERA will continue to strive to achieve financial success and fiscal health. Financial Highlights (consolidated) YEAR ENDED JUNE 30 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 $3,566,244 $2,939,004 $2,778,253 $2,666,686 $2,483,554 Net Income $403,133 $150,347 -$206,754 -$224,892 -$220,281 Cash and Investments $782,833 $352,544 $104,187 $242,894 $329,763 Total Assets $1,024,391 $600,810 $450,637 $690,106 $707,248 $131,690 $206,096 $378,594 $365,185 $267,836 Revenue Accounts Payable/ Accrued Expenses Revenue 4,000,000 $2.48 Mil $2.67 Mil $2.78 Mil $2.94 Mil 2002 3,000,000 2001 $3.56 Mil 2003 2000 1,000,000 1999 2,000,000 0 Net Income 450,000 $403,133 350,000 250,000 -150,000 -250,000 2 -$206,754 2001 2003 -$224,892 2000 -50,000 -$220,281 1999 50,000 2002 $150,347 150,000 E L E C T R O N I C R E TA I L I N G A S S O C I AT I O N Cash and Investments 900,000 $782,833 800,000 700,000 600,000 500,000 come in a few shor t years 100,000 $104,187 2001 2003 $242,894 200,000 2002 far the organization has $352,544 $329,763 300,000 1999 These char ts illustrate how 2000 400,000 0 and as ER A looks towards Total Assets $1,024,391 1,100,000 and fiscal health. 700,000 $707,248 $690,106 $600,810 $450,637 100,000 2000 300,000 1999 500,000 2002 900,000 2001 achieve financial success Accounts Payable/Accrued Expenses 400,000 $365,185 $378,594 350,000 300,000 $267,836 250,000 $206,096 200,000 150,000 2003 2002 2001 2000 100,000 $131,690 1999 continue to strive to 2003 the future, how ER A will 50,000 3 2 0 0 2 - 2 0 0 3 A N N UA L R E P O R T U.S. GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS INITIATIVES ERA is committed to promoting and protecting the common interests of the electronic retailing industry. As a leading advocate on behalf of your company and your industry, ERA ensures that key lawmakers and regulatory leaders are provided with the proper information to make educated and informed decisions. In addition, as a result of ERA’s targeted and comprehensive work, a dialogue between the association and regulators offers members a clear and up-to-the-minute guide on legislative changes, trends and regulatory rulings. Through the retention of top lobbyists with “inside the beltway” expertise, ERA continually works to guarantee that the collective voice of direct response is heard and heeded on Capitol Hill and beyond. This past year turned out to be a banner year for ERA’s Government Affairs efforts, with the addition of significant new resources to protect you and your business. For the first time in the organization’s history, ERA hired a staffer solely dedicated to government affairs efforts. Additionally, ERA contracted with one of the most experienced lobbyists in Washington, DC who boasts over 20 years of insider experience and knowledge. At the state level, ERA also added a monitoring service providing you, the membership, with cutting edge information on legislative initiatives in each of the fifty states. 4 ER A is committed to promoting and protec ting the common interests of the elec tronic retailing industr y. These additional resources have provided immediate dividends for the industry: 1. Self Regulation After extensive research and effort, ERA and its Board of Directors unanimously endorsed a new Self Regulation Program. This program, which consists of a collaborative effort between ERA and an independent regulatory body, is in the final phase of approval and will drastically improve the road to industry credibility. 2. Telemarketing Sales Rule ERA was instrumental in softening the impact on members in response to the FTC’s new Telemarketing Sales Rule by successfully advocating the removal of provisions detrimental to inbound calls, the focus of the majority of ERA’s members. Additionally, ERA filed an affidavit supporting the industry’s position in the Do Not Call List litigation, as well as issued comments on both the FTC and the FCC versions of revised TSR rules. E L E C T R O N I C R E TA I L I N G A S S O C I AT I O N 3. Debit Card/Credit Card – Regulation E Due to a recent Visa/MasterCard settlement and new aspects of Reg E legislation, ERA is actively looking at a range of technical, regulatory and legislative solutions to this issue from the standpoint of the membership. ERA held productive meetings with credit card companies, the federal government and other coalitions interested in this issue. Overall, the organization remain optimistic that this issue will be satisfactorily resolved and that the needs of ERA members will be considered. 4. Unsolicited Commercial Emails (UCE)/SPAM ERA conducted a survey on SPAM with results indicating that a significant number of members are engaged in commercial emailing. ERA worked with members of Congress to help educate legislators on a number of industry specific issues relating to this legislation. While not perfect, the legislation that resulted had a number of industry friendly components, primarily state pre-emption language that overrides a law scheduled to be enacted in California which has an opt-in component. Legislation reached final passage and became law on January 1, 2004. This past year turned out to be a banner year for ER A’s G overnment Affairs effor ts, with the addition of significant new resources to protec t you and your business. 6. Privacy Initially thought to be a 2003 priority, the push for privacy legislation subsided temporarily during the second half of the 108th Congressional session. ERA has been working closely with Representative Cliff Stearns, the author of the primary piece of privacy legislation, to ensure that the final outcome continues to be industry friendly. Congressional sources indicate that this will rise to the forefront in 2004 and ERA will be ready to take action. 7. PAC and Fundraisers ERA’s Government Affairs efforts also included fundraising activities for ERA’s PAC (E-Retail PAC) as well as for industry friends in Congress during 2003. 5. Weight Loss Advertising In December 2003, the FTC released its voluntary weight loss media guidelines designed to educate consumers on possible false advertising practices. The FTC gave ERA a preview of the guidelines earlier in the year, where the organization offered industry input during the planning process. In addition, ERA is creating a consumer public service announcement pertaining to this campaign tentatively scheduled for release in early 2004. 5 2 0 0 2 - 2 0 0 3 A N N UA L R E P O R T E-RETAIL PAC Members Support ERA’s Government Affairs Initiatives with Personal Donations The Electronic Retailing Association’s political action committee (PAC) is an important opportunity to pool financial resources to promote a unified and powerful voice in the U.S. legislative process. One hundred percent of ERA’s PAC proceeds are used for federal candidates and committee contributions. Almost $40,000 was raised for ERA’s PAC last year and special thanks goes out to the following members: percent of ER A’s PAC proceeds are used for federal candidates and committee contributions. • Jim Caldwell Future Thunder Productions • Jeff Knowles Ven-PAC Venable LLP • Dan Danielson Mercury Media • Ron Perlstein InfoWorx • Earl Greenburg Transactional Marketing Partners, Inc. • Greg and Stacey Renker Guthy-Renker Corporation • Jack Kirby Continuum Commerce LLC 6 One hundred • Lenny Sands Lohan Media LLC • Michelle Cardinal Cmedia • Bret Saxon Transactional Marketing Partners, Inc. • Nancy Duitch Buckhead Marketing and Distribution LLC • Mark Thornton AEGON USA PAC • Tim Hawthorne hawthorne direct, inc. • Linda Goldstein Hall Dickler Kent Goldstein and Wood LLP • Denise DuBarry-Hay Thane International, Inc. • Barbara Tulipane ERA • Rick Petry Euro RSCG Tyee MCM • Susan DeLany ERA • Patrick Raymond Raymond Entertainment Direct • Margaret Abenante ERA • Jorge Hane Premier Solutions • Bill McClellan ERA • Cheryl Mercuris Quality Resources • Sigi Friedman ERA • Jim Lehrburger HSN • Joe Cavarretta ERA ERA Fundraisers Earl Greenburg, David Peet, and Greg and Stacey Renker hosted a fundraiser in Palm Springs last year for the E-Retail PAC in conjunction with ERA’s Strategic Planning Meeting. Attendance and contribution levels were excellent for this event, with a total of approximately $40,000 raised for Congressional friends and legislative leaders. Many thanks go out to these individuals for their efforts on behalf of ERA and E-Retail PAC. In addition to ERA’s PAC fundraiser, HSN also hosted a fundraiser for Representative Cliff Stearns (R-FL) that was successful in raising approximately $40,000 for the Congressman’s re-election committee. As the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Consumer Protection for the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, Representative Stearns holds one of the most important positions in Congress for issues affecting the direct response industry. Special thanks to Jim Lehrburger for his efforts in making this event a success. E L E C T R O N I C R E TA I L I N G A S S O C I AT I O N ERA MEMBERSHIP Under the leadership of A.J. Khubani of Telebrands Corporation, the Membership Committee had an active and productive year. Along with the recruitment of new members, the Committee also: • Continued to review and evaluate methods to improve membership value. • Developed a system to staff a “Member Recruitment Desk” at ERA conferences. Special thanks must go to Euro RSCG Tyee MCM and Cesari Direct for sponsoring ERA recruitment events this past year. To these members and others, thank you for your efforts. • Assisted with planning and hosting local and regional recruitment events. ERA Membership Growth 1,400,000 1,200,000 1,000,000 800,000 600,000 2003 2002 2001 2000 0 1999 200,000 1998 400,000 1997 ERA continues to expand and develop new membership growth initiatives and this past year was a great indication of how far the organization has come. Referrals from ERA members continue to be a major source for building the membership and between these referrals, other recruitment campaigns, and the efforts of the Membership Committee, ERA added 113 new members by the end of 2003 – a growth rate of 20 percent. Additionally, ERA’s membership retention rate remains outstanding at 83 percent. Members cite networking opportunities and ERA’s government affairs efforts as the top reasons for renewing their membership every year. Looking ahead to 2004 and beyond, ERA continues to strive to provide the best possible opportunities and is enacting new programs to help members prosper and succeed. 1996 This was a Great Year for Growth! 7 2 0 0 2 - 2 0 0 3 A N N UA L R E P O R T ERA MEMBERSHIP (continued) International Membership ERA’s International membership continues to grow and become stronger each and every year. With 65 European member companies, this year ERA established a European Board of Directors elected by the members of the European Council, with Gilles Labouyrie serving as Chairman. The European Board’s first priority was to create a permanent European Regulatory & Government Affairs Committee, chaired by Giuseppe Scavone, to focus specifically on the needs and unique challenges that exist within the European direct response community. In addition, through a remarkable team effort, a European Self Regulation Program, similar in design to the U.S. program, was created and will begin implementation in 2004. Categories of ERA Members E-Retailers 34.0% Product 16.5% Media 14.0% Production 7.5% Integrated Marketers 3.0% Speciality Services* 15.0% Additional Services** 7.5% Affiliates 2.5% This was a very busy year for ERA in Europe. The European Board presented at the European Commission an initiative aimed at increasing the media time allocated to television shopping programs in the Television Without Frontier Directive, that will be revised in 2005. ERA also hosted its European Conference in Marbella, Spain with great success and significant attendance. This conference was the latest in a series of accomplishments for the European community and is another example of ERA’s commitment to providing outstanding networking opportunities and exceptional programming for all of its members. Geographic Locations of Members USA Canada Latin America Europe Middle East Africa Asia Oceania 70.0% 3.5% 5.5% 15.5% 1.0% 1.0% 3.0% 0.5% * includes call centers, fulfillment providers, shipping companies and more. ** includes law firms, internet service providers, publishing organizations and more. 8 E L E C T R O N I C R E TA I L I N G A S S O C I AT I O N ERA COMMUNICATIONS ERA’s Weekly E-Newsletter In the past year, ERA’s communication vehicles have undergone significant changes, none more noticeable than the weekly e-newsletter. Throughout the year, the newsletter reaches between 5500 and 6000 industry professionals and is a rich source for industry research and company information. The newsletter, once only a simple text-formatted email, now contains animated graphics, member photographs and enhanced features designed to ensure the newsletter is not erroneously intercepted by SPAM blocker software, thus maximizing distribution and ensuring this valuable tool reaches ERA members. Since its inception in 1999, ERA’s electronic newsletter has grown by leaps and bounds in both content and design. It now features member interviews and program highlights, as well as top news stories to keep you informed on the latest industry developments and trends. Each week more and more ERA members and industry professionals alike are signing up to receive this very important informational piece. Recipients of ERA’s Weekly E-Newsletter 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 March 2001 June 2001 Sept 2001 Dec 2001 March 2002 June 2002 Sept 2002 Dec 2002 March 2003 June 2003 Please note the significant advance in April 2003 is due to a large influx of recipients from an ERA attendance roster and is not indicative of traditional growth. Public Relations & Upcoming Programs In an effort to enhance the credibility and public image of ERA and the industry as a whole, ERA retained the services of SSA Public Relations in July 2003. SSA, a respected and knowledgeable company within the world of direct response, has worked tirelessly to secure media coverage and news story placements for top ERA events and programs. In the upcoming months, ERA and SSA will work to publicize the unveiling of ERA’s Self Regulation Program, industry research and additional program events, such as ERA’s Annual Conference & Exposition. Looking ahead to January 2004 and beyond, ERA is pleased to have secured RESPONSE Magazine as the official voice of ERA. In addition, look for a completely revised ERA website, that will offer members updated information in an enhanced navigational format. Members also will be able to access ERA’s database through a members-only website that is to begin production in early 2004. Since its inception in 1999, ER A’s elec tronic newsletter has grown by leaps and bounds in both content and design. 9 2 0 0 2 - 2 0 0 3 A N N UA L R E P O R T ERA COMMITTEES, COUNCILS AND TASK FORCES COMMITTEES Executive Committee* Has specific powers, outlined in the by-laws, which allows it to act on the Board’s behalf when a full Board meeting is not possible or necessary. Linda Goldstein 2002-2003 Chair Jack Kirby 2003-2004 Chair Barbara Tulipane Staff Nominating Committee* Recruits new Board members and ensures that each Board member is equipped with the proper tools and motivation to carry out his or her responsibilities. Rick Petry 2002-2003 Chair Jorge Hane 2003-2004 Chair Sigi Friedman Staff Finance Committee* Reviews the association’s annual budget, especially as it relates to the association’s strategic plan and financial accountability and recommends to the Board of Directors fiscal policies and procedures for the association. Dan Danielson 2002-2003 Chair Randy Ronning 2003-2004 Chair Marge Abenante Staff Ethics Committee* Seeks to maintain a balance between business idealism and the pragmatic business practices. The committee shall ensure that ERA members, directors, and staff maintain the highest level of ethics and responsibility in their relationships within the industry, with other members, and toward the association itself. Linda Goldstein 2002-2003 Chair Strategic Planning Committee* Acts as a strategic research and trend-finding entity whose mandate is to inform the Board of new developments, technologies and interfaces with other industry organizations. Linda Goldstein 2003-2004 Chair Sigi Friedman Staff Jack Kirby 2002-2003 Chair Timothy Hawthorne 2002-2003 Chair Dan Danielson 2003-2004 Chair Wendi Cooper Barbara Tulipane Staff Convention Committee Oversees the structure and content of ERA’s four major conferences. Susan Delany 2003-2004 Chair Staff New Product Program Committee, U.S. & International Educates and informs inventors and inventor societies about ERA members and the world of direct response advertising. The committee helps solidify the New Product Program as the number one resource for legitimate product leads for ERA members. Wendy Cooper 2002-2003 U.S.Chair Arnoud Litjens 2002-2003 International Chair Eileen Simms 2003-2004 U.S.Chair Arnoud Litjens 2003-2004 International Chair Jennifer Gennaro Staff Moniqua Roberts Staff Marcel Avargues Staff Membership Committee Implements activities to enhance and promote the value of membership, actively engages in recruitment and retention, introduces new members to ERA members, and evaluates current member benefits and identifies new ones. A.J.Khubani 2002-2003 Chair Jeff Giordano 2003-2004 Chair Jack Chiasson Staff Government Affairs Committee Assists and advises on all legislative and regulatory matters pertaining to the electronic retailing industry. Additionally the committee oversees the E-Retail PAC, and is responsible for working with staff on fundraising and authorizing contributions to federal candidates. Mark Thornton 2002-2003 Chair Jim Lehrburger 2003-2004 Chair Bill McClellan Staff *These committees are Board-specific, and are closed to the general membership. 10 E L E C T R O N I C R E TA I L I N G A S S O C I AT I O N COMMITTEES Awards Committee Creates award categories and criteria that are appropriate to direct response, while providing a competitive forum whereby companies may submit their products for judgment by industry professionals. TASK FORCES Denise DuBarry-Hay 2003-2004 Chair Exhibits Task Force Advises ERA and current and prospective exhibitors on all matters concerning the exhibit process, including rules, marketing campaigns, pricing and trade show pavilions, while also identifying relevant attendee audiences. Paige Robinson Nancy Marcum 2002-2003 Chair Nancy Marcum 2003-2004 Chair Denise DuBarry-Hay 2002-2003 Chair Staff Education Committee Reviews all proposals to pinpoint vital educational focus areas on upcoming trends and issues within the industry for ERA’s conferences. Karla Crawford Kerr 2002-2003 Chair Karla Crawford Kerr 2003-2004 Chair Paige Robinson Staff Marketing/Communications Committee (MARCOM) This committee crafts ERA’s vision and mission, creates and facilitates industry research, identifies communication vehicles and implements relevant, reactive market penetration through a myriad of options such as member involvement, panel placements, public relations and more. Moniqua Roberts Staff COUNCILS Rob Medved 2003-2004 Chair Sean Carter Staff Radio Council Represents the issues regarding radio broadcasting as it relates to direct response advertising. Chris Homer 2002-2003 Chair Greg Anderson 2003-2004 Chair Sean Carter Staff N/A 2002-2003 Chair N/A 2002-2003 Chair Saadin Solah 2003-2004 Chair Steve Hamlin 2003-2004 Chair Bles Dones Staff Molly Alton Staff Jennifer Gennaro Staff N/A 2002-2003 Chair Molly Alton Robert Roche 2003-2004 Chair Sigi Friedman Staff Staff 2002-2003 Chair Web Council Educates on policies and best practices, while providing a forum for interaction and idea exchange for Internet service providers, vendors and the electronic retailing industry as a whole. Rusty Robertson 2003-2004 Chair 2002-2003 Chair N/A Latin/Hispanic Council Represents this segment of the industry, and is a unique source of information, know-how and handson-experience pertaining to Latin American markets. Asian Council Serves as the voice for direct response within the Asian markets, while providing a networking environment for interaction and idea exchange for professional growth and development. Rick Cesari Media Council Refines basic practices of purchasing media for direct response advertising, and strengthens relationships among those involved in the buying and selling of media. 11 2 0 0 2 - 2 0 0 3 A N N UA L R E P O R T ERA MEETINGS • 12TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE AND EXPOSITION, 2002 12TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE AND EXPOSITION, 2002 • ASIA PACIFIC MEETING, 2002 With an almost 30 percent increase in attendance from the previous year, ERA’s 2002 Annual Conference was a hit! Approximately 2200 attendees were on-hand to network, participate in a variety of outstanding educational programs, and to walk the exhibit hall floor, packed with over 140 exhibitors. Additionally, attendance at the 2003 Annual Conference also soared, ensuring that top industry leaders continue to attend this premier event. • SPRING CONFERENCE AND TRADE EXPO, 2003 • EUROPEAN CONFERENCE AND TRADE EXPO, 2003 (Fiscal cycle: July 1, 2002 - June 30, 2003) Highlights of the 2002 meeting included keynote speaker Larry King, an expanded exhibit trade show with the brand-new International Center, and the growing New Product Showcase. Additionally, the ERA Awards brought the conference to a close, highlighting the proud winners with a touch of glamour and class. Annual Conference Attendees (1999 - 2003) 2,750 2,500 2,250 2,000 1,750 1,500 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Annual Conference Net Income 1999 - 2003 1,000,000 900,000 800,000 700,000 600,000 500,000 400,000 300,000 12 2003 2002 2001 0 2000 100,000 1999 200,000 E L E C T R O N I C R E TA I L I N G A S S O C I AT I O N ASIA PACIFIC MEETING, 2002 (Fiscal cycle: July 1, 2002 - June 30, 2003) After being cancelled in 2001 due to world events, ERA’s Asia Pacific Conference was brought back into the mix in late 2002. Held in Sydney, Australia, this conference provided direct response advertisers with the opportunity to network and to examine the state of the industry in the pan pacific region of the world. International experts focused on a variety of issues, ranging from multi-channel marketing and new trends in direct response integration, to pending regulatory issues, while also converging topics such as how to maximize customer relationship management (CRM) with database mining. Attendance at ERA’s 2003 International Summit also rose significantly, as ERA focuses more efforts on the globalization of direct response worldwide. Looking ahead, ERA’s Asian Council is actively engaged in formulating strategies to expand ERA’s International efforts further in Asia and other pan pacific regions. Through these initiatives and more, ERA’s Asia Pacific Meeting stands to continue to grow throughout upcoming years. SPRING CONFERENCE AND TRADE EXPO, 2003 (Fiscal cycle: July 1, 2002 - June 30, 2003) Spring Conference Net Income 1999 - 2003 $300,000 $250,000 $200,000 $150,000 2003 2002 $0 2001 $50,000 2000 $100,000 1999 The ERA Spring Show keeps getting bigger and better! In 2003, attendance continued its rising trend, bringing over 550 people to Miami for three days of networking, education and a spectacular trade show. The number of table top exhibits almost doubled from 2002, with over 40 exhibitors on the floor, bringing new faces, ideas and opportunities to conference attendees. 13 2 0 0 2 - 2 0 0 3 A N N UA L R E P O R T SPRING CONFERENCE AND TRADE EXPO, 2003 (continued) Spring Conference Attendees (1999 - 2003) 600 In addition, the Spring Conference offered a stellar line up of education sessions which revolved around new trends in DRTV and Internet retailing, the rapidly expanding U.S./Hispanic market, and how to create new business in Latin America. Attendees were given the opportunity to take home the detailed ERA Leisure Trends study, which provided valuable research statistics on the buying habits of e-consumers. 550 500 450 400 350 300 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 EUROPEAN CONFERENCE AND TRADE EXPO, 2003 (Fiscal cycle: July 1, 2002 - June 30, 2003) The 2003 European Conference also was the first time ERA hosted its European New Product Showcase. From insightful educational programming to an all star trade show floor, the European Meeting was a complete success, providing opportunities for attendees to learn, exhibit and network. In 2004, ERA heads to Monte Carlo for what is shaping up to be another successful event. European Conference Net Income 1999 - 2003 $160,000 $140,000 $120,000 $100,000 $80,000 $60,000 2003 2002 $0 2001 $20,000 2000 $40,000 1999 Marking the first European Conference to be hosted by the newly-elected ERA European Board of Directors, the 2003 European Meeting was truly a milestone event for ERA. The event, held in Marbella, Spain, brought a dynamic convergence of international electronic retailing industry professionals together. Additionally, between 1999 and 2003 the ERA European Conference saw an attendance growth of over 20 percent and an exhibit hall with over 25 exhibitors! European Conference Attendees (1999 - 2003) 350 325 300 275 250 225 200 1999 14 2000 2001 2002 2003 E L E C T R O N I C R E TA I L I N G A S S O C I AT I O N ERA SPONSORSHIPS AND EXHIBITS Is the bang really worth the buck? In a recent survey of sponsors and exhibitors, ERA found some interesting trends that answer this question and more. VALUE Between 88-90 percent of survey respondents felt the monetary amount spent on marketing efforts with ERA further penetrated their brand identity and achieved their anticipated return on investment goals. How did ERA do in 2002? The proof is in the numbers… Many more of you are spending your advertising dollars with ERA’s various recognition programs that exist beyond traditional exhibiting and sponsorship opportunities. Programs such as the Champion Circle Club Marketing Program, in-room channel feed, the ERA Awards and the New Product Program & Showcase continues to expand and flourish through 2002 and into 2003. Sales Revenue $1,200,000 $1,000,000 $800,000 $600,000 2001 2000 Who was represented? ERA’s Annual Conference & Exposition, with a maximum capacity of 150 exhibitors, has been sold out for the past few years and continues to remain in high demand. The graph below illustrates the demographics for exhibiting attendees and the structure of ERA’s Exposition. Mus ic Web /Int erne t 5 Vide o 10 Serv ices 15 Res our ces 20 Prod ucti on 25 Call Cen ter 30 Med ia 35 Fulf illm ent Inte g Mar rate keti d ng 40 Prod uct/ Sou rcin g E-Re taile r Exhibitor Demographics Bac ken d Se rvic es LONGEVITY This year respondents also noted that they would like to extend exhibit show hours for each event and conference to allot additional time to meet with current and potential clients. $0 Number of Exhibitors EFFECTIVENESS In 2002, more participants demanded longer lead time and felt that it was important to plan and sign up earlier as it increased their exposure possibilities and brand recognition opportunities. $200,000 2002 $400,000 FOCUS At an affordable level, respondents felt that the best way to maximize effectiveness was through a multishow, year-long exposure campaign that combined sponsorships, marketing efforts (e-newsletter,“Information from Industry Colleagues”email campaigns, ERA website, etc.) with exhibits and membership efforts. 0 15 2 0 0 2 - 2 0 0 3 A N N UA L R E P O R T gracias dank u merci thank you ERA would like to thank its 20022003 fiscal year sponsors for all ERA conferences & programs. Your continued support is vital to the success of this organization. (June 2002 – July 2003) • hawthorne direct, inc. • Onyx Productions • Home Shopping Service (HSS) • PanLatino TV • HSN • Parcel Corporation of America • Ideavillage • Planet E-Shop • IMS - Infomercial Monitoring Service • Premier Exclusives • InClover Marketing • Premier Solutions • InfoWorx • Quality Resources • Innodis Distribution • Quest Membership Services • !nPulse Response Group • Respond2 • Inter/Media Advertising • Results Media • Interglobal International Ltd. • REVShare Corporation • InterMax Srl • SF Video • InterSourcing SA • Sirius Retail Television • JBT Media Management • Sprayette SA • Livemercial • STUDIO MODERNA • Call Enhancement Services • Lombard Management Inc. (Auri Gold) • Sullivan Productions • CambridgEcommerce • Marcum Media LLC • Cesari Direct • Marlin Logistics • Cmedia • Media Group Inc. • Concepts Fulfillment Inc. • Media Solution Services • Concepts TV Productions • Mercury Commerce • Croma Video • Mercury Global • Danoz Direct • Mercury Media • DPI Merchant Services • Michael Casey Enterprises • Dreamstart, LLC • Modern Postcard • ebrands commerce group • Motivational Fulfillment & Packaging Services • Transactional Marketing Partners • National Fulfillment Inc. • Tventas • Ernst & Young • NewRoads • Venable LLP • Euro RSCG Tyee MCM • Northern Lights DRTV • West Corporation • Fosdick Fulfillment Corporation • Northern Response (Int’l) Ltd. • Williams Worldwide Television • Global Response Corporation • O’Currance Teleservices • WorldLink • Guthy-Renker Corporation • Ontel Products • • Adcomm Advertising • AEGON Direct Marketing Services • Alex Agurcia • American Teleservices Association • AmeriNet • Apex Music Library • Assurant Group • Aston Group Limited • ATC International, Inc. • BJ Global Direct • C Spot Run Entertainment LLC • EMMA - Electronic Media Marketing Association • Hall Dickler Kent Goldstein & Wood, LLP 16 • Suntasia Marketing • Sylmark • Tara Productions • Telebrands Corporation • Telemedia • Thane Inc. • The Global Alliance • the800source • Titan Tape & Duplication • Trade Point BV thank you E L E C T R O N I C R E TA I L I N G A S S O C I AT I O N Electronic Retailing Association’s 2002-2003 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Board Members Mr. Mike Ackerman EMSON/E Mishan & Sons, Inc. Chairman of the Board Ms. Linda Goldstein* Formerly with Hall, Dickler, Kent, Goldstein & Wood LLP Currently with Manatt Phelps & Phillips LLP President & CEO Ms. Barbara Tulipane, CAE* Electronic Retailing Association Chair-Elect Mr. Jack Kirby* Continuum Commerce Group, LLC Mr. Stephen Breimer, Esq. Bloom, Hergott & Diemer LLP Mr. Rick Cesari Cesari Direct Mr. Dan Danielson Mercury Media Ms. Denise DuBarry-Hay* Thane International, Inc. Mr. Shigeru Ohashi Jupiter Shop Channel Co Ltd. Mr. Rick Petry Euro RSCG Tyee MCM Mr. Steve Pittendrigh !npulse Response Group Mr. Richard Prochnow Media Outsourcing, Inc. Mr. Randy Ronning QVC Mr. Rollie Froehlig National Fulfillment, Inc. Mr. Robert Rosenblatt (Replaced Ken Locicero) HSN Mr. Larry Jellen Time Life Direct Mr. Brett Saxon Transactional Marketing Partners Mr. Jeffrey Knowles, Esq.* Venable LLP Mr. Mark Thornton AEGON Direct Marketing Services, Inc. Mr. Mark Lavin West Corporation Mr. Reiner Weihofen The Global Alliance Immediate Past Chairman Mr. Ray Wysocki * Retail Distributors Inc.(RDI) Ex-Officio Chairman Emeritus Mr. Greg Renker Guthy-Renker Corporation Mr. Jorge Hane Premier Solutions Past Chairman’s Council Representative Mr. Earl Greenburg Transactional Marketing Partners *Members of ERA’s Executive Committee All founding members of NIMA are also ex-officios 17 2 0 0 2 - 2 0 0 3 A N N UA L R E P O R T Electronic Retailing Association’s 2003-2004 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Board Members Mr. Mike Ackerman EMSON/E Mishan & Sons, Inc. Chairman of the Board Mr. Jack Kirby* Continuum Commerce Group, LLC President & CEO Ms. Barbara Tulipane, CAE* Electronic Retailing Association Chair-Elect Mr. Dan Danielson* Mercury Media Mr. Greg Anderson Salem Radio Network Mr. Stephen Breimer, Esq. Bloom Hergott & Diemer LLP Ms. Denise DuBarry-Hay Thane International, Inc. Mr. Jorge Hane Premier Solutions Ms.Toni Erickson Knight WorldLink Mr.Thomas Kelly hawthorne direct, inc. Mr. Jeffrey Knowles, Esq. Venable LLP Mr. Gilles Labouyrie Home Shopping Service Mr. Mark Lavin West Corporation Ms. Nancy Marcum Marcum Media LLC Mr. Shigeru Ohashi Jupiter Shop Channel Co Ltd. Mr. Rick Petry* Euro RSCG Tyee MCM Mr. Steve Pittendrigh !npulse Response, Inc. Mr. Richard Prochnow Media Outsourcing, Inc. Mr. Randy Ronning* QVC Mr. Robert Rosenblatt HSN Mr. Bret Saxon Transactional Marketing Partners Mr. Richard Stacey Northern Response (Int’l), Ltd. Mr. Mark Thornton* AEGON Direct Marketing Services, Inc. Mr. Reiner Weihofen The Global Alliance EX-OFFICIO BOARD MEMBERS: Immediate Past Chairman Ms. Linda Goldstein* Manatt Phelps & Phillips LLP Chairman Emeritus Mr. Greg Renker Guthy-Renker Corporation Ex-Officio Mr. Earl Greenburg Transactional Marketing Partners *Members of ERA’s Executive Committee All founding members of NIMA are also ex-officios 18 Past Chairman’s Council Representative Ms. Linda Goldstein Manatt Phelps & Phillips LLP E L E C T R O N I C R E TA I L I N G A S S O C I AT I O N ERA’S EUROPEAN BOARD OF DIRECTORS As of February 1, 2003 Mr. Marcel Avargues Executive Director, ERA Europe Mr. Chris Horobin Sirius Retail Television Ltd. Mr. Branimir Brkljac STUDIO MODERNA Chairman Mr. Gilles Labouyrie Home Shopping Service Mr. Edwin Garrubbo ATC International Ltd. Ms. Catherine Wood Interglobal International Ltd. Mr. Giuseppe Scavone InterMax Srl Mr. Simon Carling Axxion SARL ERA/NIMA FOUNDERS CIRCLE Founders Ex-Officios of the Board Mr. Douglas Bornstein B&L Marketing Concepts, Inc. Mr. Jeffrey Knowles, Esq. Venable LLP Ms. Nancy Marcum Marcum Media LLC Mr. David Chaladoff David Chaladoff Media, Inc. Mr. David Marsh American Telecast Corporation Mr.Tom Fenton, (Deceased) Solution Communications, Inc. Mr. Greg Renker Guthy-Renker Corporation Mr. Kevin Harrington Reliant Interactive Media/Harrington Enterprises Mr. Gene Williams Power Media Marketing Group Mr.Tim Hawthorne hawthorne direct, inc. *Members of ERA’s Executive Committee All founding members of NIMA are also ex-officios 19 2 0 0 2 - 2 0 0 3 A N N UA L R E P O R T ERA STAFF Executive Barbara Tulipane, CAE President & CEO Marcel Avarques Executive Director of ERA Europe Sieglinde Friedman Director of Board Affairs Communications Molly Alton Director of Communications Meetings Susan DeLany Vice President of Meetings James Stoufer Manager of Communications Paige Robinson Manager of Meetings Finance Marge Abenante Vice President of Operations Kelley Kaufman Meetings Coordinator Tiffanie Pulley Senior Accounting Clerk Government Affairs Bill McClellan Director of Government Affairs Marketing Jennifer Gennaro Director of Sales & Marketing Moniqua Roberts Project Manager of Sales & Marketing 20 Membership Jack Chiasson Vice President of Membership Sean Carter Manager of Membership & Operations Bles Dones Project Manager of Membership ELECTRONIC RETAILING ASSOCIATION 2101 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 1002 Arlington, VA 22201
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