The Australian solar energy market
The Australian solar energy market
Australia. A Bright Future Solarenergie in Australien 13. Oktober 2011 Australia. Economic strength and resilience. AGENDA – Teil 1 - Kurzvorstellung Austrade - Erneuerbare Energien in Australien - Regierungsprogramme - Der australische Elektrizitätsmarkt Australia. Economic strength and resilience. Über Austrade Die Australische Handelskommission (Austrade), ist die offizielle Agentur für Wirtschafts- und Investitionsförderung der Australischen Regierung. Unser Service-Portfolio umfasst u.a. • Beratung durch Branchenexperten zu Projekten und Investitionsmöglichkeiten in Australien • Vermittlung von Kontakten zu relevanten Akteuren der jeweiligen Branche (Industrieverbände, Forschungseinrichtungen, weitere Regierungsstellen etc.) • Planung und Organisation von Standortbesuchen in Australien • Auskunft zu gesetzlichen und steuerrechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen • Informationen zu wirtschaftlicher Gesamtsituation, unternehmensbezogener Infrastruktur, Förderprogrammen, Forschungsprojekten und Investitionsvorhaben Australia. Economic strength and resilience. 3 Hintergrund Renewable Energy share in 2010: 8.67% Kyoto protocol Low energy prices Renewable Energy Target Fossil fuel: 91.33% Very strong R&D and innovation skills Outstanding solar resources Incentives Australia. Economic strength and resilience. 4 Installierte Leistung Erneuerbarer Energien Source: Clean Energy Council, Clean Energy Australia 2010 Australia. Economic strength and resilience. 5 Regierungsprogramme Australia. Economic strength and resilience. 6 Regierungsprogramme The Australian Government’s comprehensive plan for securing a clean energy future. The plan will cut pollution and drive investment, helping to ensure Australia can compete and remain prosperous in the future. Australia. Economic strength and resilience. 7 Regierungsprogramme Australia. Economic strength and resilience. 8 Regierungsprogramme - CO2 Steuer Putting a price on pollution • Carbon pricing mechanism will start with a fixed price on carbon like a tax and will then transition to an emissions trading scheme. • From 1 July 2012, a fixed carbon price will operate for three years, starting at A$23 per tonne and rising by 2.5% real per annum. From 1 July 2015, the carbon price will be set by the market. • Around 500 of the biggest polluters in Australia will be required to pay for their pollution under the carbon pricing mechanism. • A carbon price will not apply to agricultural emissions or emissions from light on-road vehicles. • A new Climate Change Authority will provide independent advice to the Govt on pollution caps, the performance of the carbon price and other initiatives. Australia. Economic strength and resilience. 9 Clean Energy Finance Corp • Clean Energy Finance Corp (CEFC) will invest in the commercialization/deployment of renewable energy, energy efficiency and low-pollution technologies. • Will also invest in manufacturing businesses providing inputs for these sectors. • CEFC will invest A$10 billion over five years from 2013-14. Investments to be divided into two streams, each with half of the allocated funding. • Will not invest in carbon capture and storage technology, which is supported through existing programs. • Funding tools to support projects will include loans on commercial or concessional terms and equity investments. Australia. Economic strength and resilience. 10 Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) • ARENA will administer $A3.2 billion in Govt funding for R&D, demonstration and commercialisation of renewable energy. • Incorporate initiatives run through various bodies, including Australian Centre for Renewable Energy and Australian Solar Institute. • Establishment of ARENA will not delay delivery of existing initiatives. • A$1.7 billion in uncommitted funding available for ARENA board to invest in renewable energy projects by 2020. Australia. Economic strength and resilience. 11 Investment into Innovation Australia. Economic strength and resilience. 12 Clean Energy Initiative Clean Energy Initiative The Australian Government legislated the 20 per cent by 2020 expanded Renewable Energy Target and is investing $5 billion through the Clean Energy Initiative (CEI) to support the development of clean energy and energy efficiency technologies. Solar Flagships • The $1.5 billion Solar Flagships Program will support the construction and demonstration of large scale, grid connected, solar power stations in Australia. • Development of two solar thermal and two PV projects with installed capacity of 1,000MW. • The program aims to select projects over two funding rounds with the first round to select up to two projects for funding in 2011. In all fifty two applications were submitted. Eight were shortlisted. The outcome of Round 1 of the Solar Flagships program was announced on 18 June 2011.1 The two finalists: Australia. Economic strength and resilience. 13 Solar Flagships Program 250 megawatt Solar Dawn solar thermal project Consortium: • Areva Solar, CS Energy and Wind Prospect CWP • The plant is to be built near Chinchilla in South-West Queensland • The proposed project will commence operation in early 2015 Australia. Economic strength and resilience. 14 Solar Flagships Program 150MW Moree Solar Farm PV project Consortium: BP Solar, Fotowatio Renewable Ventures (FRV) and Pacific Hydro • The plant to be based near Moree in north-west of NSW • Will operate for at least 25 years • Construction is scheduled to commence in 2012 • 650,000 PV panels Australia. Economic strength and resilience. 15 Australian Solar Institute Australian Solar Institute • The $150 million Australian Solar Institute (ASI), is supporting solar research and development, as well as fostering greater collaboration between researchers in universities, research institutions, and industry and forging strong links with peak overseas research organisations. • This $150 million includes the Australian Government’s commitment of $50 million to support joint research projects with the United States specifically designed to cut the cost of solar energy technologies. The most recent grants were allocated to fourteen solar Australia. Economic strength and resilience. 16 Australian Centre for Renewable Energy Australian Centre for Renewable Energy The Australian Centre for Renewable Energy (ACRE) is promoting the development, commercialization and deployment of renewable energy technologies. Over A$690 million has been committed to ACRE to fund renewable energy and enabling technology development and demonstration, including: • NEW! A$100 million Emerging Renewables program to provide support for the development of renewable energy and enabling technologies across the innovation chain, with at least A$40 million for technologies that offer significant potential to contribute to the generation of renewable base load power • The Renewable Energy Demonstration Program (REDP) -A$235 million in funding for 4 projects; • Solar REDP projects – funding for 2 projects totaling A$95 million • The A$20 million Advanced Electricity Storage Technologies Program (funding fully committed); • The A$18 million Renewable Energy Equity Fund (funding fully committed); • The A$100 million Renewable Energy Venture Capital Fund to make early-stage investments that support the demonstration and deployment of renewable energy technologies Australia. Economic strength and resilience. 17 Australien´s Stromnetz Australia. Economic strength and resilience. 18 Australien´s Stromnetz • Seit Mitte der 90iger Jahre wurde ein Grossteil der australischen Netzinfrastruktur privatisiert • Bis 2020 werden rund 73 Milliarden AUD$ für den Ausbau der Stromnetze erforderlich sein • Investitionen in Höhe von 11 Milliarden AUD$ allein in die Stromerzeugung Australia. Economic strength and resilience. 19 Der australische Elektrizitätsmarkt • Der National Electricity Market (NEM) verbindet die Bundesstaaten Australian Capital Territory, South Australia, New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland und Tasmanien zu einem wettbewerbsorientierten Strommarkt. • West Australien´s Strommarkt ist tausende von Kilometern vom NEM entfernt. Es gibt keine Netzanbindung an das NEM. Die Infrastuktur beinhaltet das: North West Interconnected System (NWIS); und das South West Interconnected System (SWIS); sowie 29 regionalen und unabhängigen Stromerzeugern Stromproduktion nach Bundesstaat: NSW - 35% QLD – 23% VIC – 20% SA – 8% WA – 8% TAS – 6% NT – <1% Australia. Economic strength and resilience. 20 Der australische Elektrizitätsmarkt Source: Clean Energy Australia 2010, Clean Energy Council Australia. Economic strength and resilience. 21 The contribution of each cost component to future possible residential standing offer electricity price increases Source: Australian Energy Market Commission, Report Future Possible Retail Electricity Price Movements: 1 July 2010 to 30 June 2013, June 2011 Australia. Economic strength and resilience. 22 Energiekosten Energy cost with a carbon tax Sources of electricity generation Per cent Per cent 100 100 80 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 0 2011 2024 Black coal Gas CCS Brown coal Gas and oil 0 2050 2037 Coal CCS Renewables Source: SKM MMA Australia. Economic strength and resilience. 23 Grüner Strom Australia. Economic strength and resilience. 24 Stromanbieter Australia. Economic strength and resilience. 25 Ende Teil 1 – Fragen? Australia. Economic strength and resilience. 26 AGENDA – Teil 2 - Solarmarkt Australien (Schwerpunkt Solarthermie) - Forschung und Entwicklung - Solar Events in Australien - Ausblick Australia. Economic strength and resilience. Solarmarkt Australien Source: Clean Energy Australia 2010, Clean Energy Council Australia. Economic strength and resilience. 28 Warmwassersysteme Cumulative solar hot water heaters installations Source; SunWiz 2010 Australia. Economic strength and resilience. 29 Warmwassersysteme Percentage of sales made in 2008 by technology type Source: Solar Water Heater and Heat Pump Industry Report for the Clean Energy Council, Mito Energy 2010 Australia. Economic strength and resilience. 30 Distribution of the total installed capacity in operation by collector type in 2009 Total capacity of unglazed collectors in operation by economic region by the end of 2009 Source: Solar Heat Worldwide 2011, IAE Australia. Economic strength and resilience. 31 Australische Solarunternehmen Australia. Economic strength and resilience. 32 Deutsche Solarunternehmen in Australien Schott Solar Phoenix Solar SMA Weidmüller Fronius Bosch Solar Schletter Q-Cells Image credit to SATC Australia. Economic strength and resilience. 33 Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) Electricity prices in New South Wales and Queensland are projected to increase by up to two thirds by 2015. The Australian government is committed to have a price on carbon by July 2012. Images courtesy of CSIRO The “big dish” at Australian National University (ANU) in Canberra Australia. Economic strength and resilience. 34 Forschung und Entwicklung 25 20 15 10 5 2010 2000 1990 1980 1970 1960 1950 0 1940 Efficiency, % UNSW Photo courtesy of Prof. Martin Green Australia. Economic strength and resilience. 35 Forschung und Entwicklung Tech Transfer Trina, Solarfun CTO Suntech/ Sunergy/ JA Solar/ Sunrise Global ANU CoE UNSW PV CoE/ Suntech CTO China Sunergy CTO CSG Solar CEO PV Centre of Excellence (PV CoE) Australia. Economic strength and resilience. 36 Ausblick Gründe für einen Markteinstieg in den australischen Solarmarkt • Hervorragende Solarresourcen • Ein dynamischer Wachstumsmarkt • Qualifizierte Arbeitskräfte • Stark wachsende Bevölkerung • Wachsendes Umweltbewusstsein Haupteinflußfaktoren für die weitere Entwicklung der Solarindustrie in Australien: • Das Renewable Energy Target (20% bis 2020) • Steigende Energiekosten für konventionelle Energieträger • Politische Wille für Veränderung hin zu einer low-emmission economy • Regionale Förderprogramme Australia. Economic strength and resilience. 37 Events Australia. Economic strength and resilience. 38 See you Australia. Economic strength and resilience. 39 Vielen Dank für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit! Kontakt: Austrade Frankfurt Stefan Augustin, Senior Investment Manager Tel +49 (0)69 90558 103 Email Australia. Economic strength and resilience.