Lea Müller-Funk
Lea Müller-Funk
Lea Müller-Funk Nationality: Austrian Tel.: +43 (0)699 172 734 53 Email: lea.mueller-funk@univie.ac.at lea.muellerfunk@sciencespo.fr EDUCATION 2011 – 2016 JO I N T P H D I N PO L IT IC AL S C I E NC E A ND A R A BI C ST U DI E S – CERI / Sciences Po Paris (FR) & Institute for Near Eastern Studies / University Vienna (AT) + PhD title: Transnational Politics Beyond the Arab Uprisings. Egyptian Activism in Vienna and Paris (in English). Supervisors: Catherine Wihtol de Wenden (Sciences Po, CERI), Stephan Procházka (University of Vienna). + Summa cum laude. + Fieldwork in Cairo (2012, 2013), Vienna (2012-2014) and Paris (2013). 2009 – 2010 M A I N C O M P A R AT I VE PO L IT IC S ( S P EC I AL I S AT IO N M I DDL E E A ST A N D M U SL I M W O RL D) – Sciences Po Paris (FR) + MA thesis: The political influence of al-Akhbar in Lebanon: A daily in search for partisans? (in English). Supervisor: Bernard Rougier. + Distinction. + Fieldwork in Beirut (2010). 2005 – 2010 M A G I ST E R I N AR A B IC A N D I SL AM IC S TU D IE S – University Vienna (AT) + 2007-2008: Erasmus exchange year at the Institut National des Langues et Cultures Orientales (INALCO), Paris (FR). + 2009: Research affiliation at the American University of Beirut (LB). + MA thesis: Hezbollah through the eyes of Lebanese print media. A media analysis of the Lebanon war 2006 in an-Nahar et as-Safir (in German) Supervisor: Stephan Procházka. 2006 – 2009 B A I N PO L IT IC AL S C I E NC E – University Vienna (AT) + Bachelor thesis: The development of the right of asylum in Austria since 1968 (in German). Supervisor: Eva Kreisky. + Honours. WORK EXPERIENCE since 04/2016 A SS O C I AT ED PO ST DO C TO R AL R ES E A RC H ER + CERI / Sciences Po Paris (FR) + Interdisciplinary Research Centre Human Rights / University Vienna (AT) 12/2015 – 03/2016 S HO RT- TE RM C O NS UL TA N C Y – Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam (NL) + Collaboration in the evaluation of the UN project ‘National Agenda for the Future of Syria’ (NAFS) based at ESCWA Beirut + Translation, coding and analysis of interviews (Atlas.ti) 08/2015 – 02/2016 RE S E AR C H FEL L O W A N D L EC TU R ER – Institute for Near Eastern Studies, University Vienna (AT) + Dissertation Completion Fellowship (Vienna University) + Teaching BA seminars (Introduction to Research and Research Methods) 08/2011 – 07/2015 P H D R ES E A RC H ER A N D U N IV E RS IT Y A SS I ST A NT – Institute for Near Eastern Studies, University Vienna (AT) + Conceptualisation and organisation of scientific conferences, research workshops, and study trips (to Morocco, Iraq, Turkey, Saudi Arabia) + Teaching (BA seminars – Arabic Grammar and Research Methods, MA – Arabic Literature) + Collaboration in writing project proposals (Horizon2020, FP7) + Participation in the research project VICAV, an international project aiming at the collection of digital language resources documenting varieties of spoken Arabic + Review coordinator and co-managing editor of the journal WZKM + Member of the working group to reform the MA curriculum + Member of the study conference of the Philological and Cultural Faculty + Personal research activities, conferences and scientific publications 2011 – 2014 FR EE L A NC E JO U R N AL IS T – Wiener Zeitung (AT) + Freelance contributor to the Integration and Migration Department of the Austrian daily newspaper Wiener Zeitung + Co-recipient of the Leopold-Ungar Journalistic Award (Nov. 2012) 11/2010 – 07/2011 TR A I NE E – Austrian Ministry for European and International Affairs, Vienna (AT) + Junior position at the Department of the European Council and the Council of the European Union + Coordination and preparation of the monthly meeting of the Council of the European Union in its General Affairs Council & Foreign Affairs Council training and of the weekly Coreper II + Coordination of inter-ministerial information, working group reports and of briefings on ambassadorial level + Drafting speech and press elements, researching and compiling reports relevant to the responsibilities of the department and the councils 09 – 10/2010 07/2007 P R I NT E R N – Alliance for International Medical Action, Paris (FR) + Drafting of the newsletter, texts for the homepage about the NG)’s medical projects in Gaza, Iraq, Haiti and Niger + Drafting project proposals for international donors and foundations I NT ER N – Der Standard, Vienna (AT) Intern at the Department for Domestic Affairs of the Austrian daily Der Standard OTHER PROJECTS 2011 – 2012 I NT EG R AT IO N S H AU S V IE N N A (AT) + Collaboration in an integration project of the Austrian NGO Integrationshaus as “learning partner” for minor and young adult asylum seekers. 2005 – 2007 RO M A N O C E N TR O (AT) + Collaboration in an integration project of the Austrian NGO Romano Centro as education buddy for Sinti and Roma children with learning difficulties. LANGUAGES German – native English – fluent French – fluent Arabic (Modern Standard Arabic/Syro-Lebanese dialect) – very good knowledge Dutch – basic knowledge SOFTWARE Word – advanced PowerPoint – advanced Excel – intermediate SPSS/STATA – basic Atlas.ti – advanced Gephi – advanced SCHOLARSHIPS Dissertation Completion Fellowship (Vienna University) – August-December 2015 Short-term grant abroad (Vienna University) – September 2012 and July/August 2009 Short-term research scholarship (Sciences Po) – March/April 2010 Meritorious scholarship (Vienna University) – 2005/2006 CONFERENCES (SELECTION) 10/12/2014 M IG R AT IO N S I N T H E M E DI TE R R A NE A N : AC RO SS BO RD E RS A N D DI SC I PL I NE S , S A P IE NZ A U N I VE R SI T Y – Rome (IT) Paper “The influence of migration flows and political opportunities structures on transnational politics: A comparison of transnational mobilisations in the Egyptian (post)revolutionary process in Vienna and Paris” (English). 17/10/2014 DI A S PO R A S, M IG R A N TS E T E X IL E S : Q U EL S R O L E S D A N S L E S RE VO L UT IO N S E T L E S T R A NS IT IO N S PO L IT IQ U ES DU M O ND E AR A B E ? – WAFAW, Tunis (TU) Paper “Transnational mobilizations in the Egyptian (post)revolutionary process. Reflections on comparing transnational political participation” (English) 27/09/2014 D AV O C O NG R ES S 2 0 1 4 – University Cologne (GE) Paper “Managing Distance: Examining Shifting State Policies Governing Egyptian Emigration and Egyptians Abroad” (English) 17/06/2014 BR I SM ES C O NF ER E NC E 2 0 1 4 - University of Sussex (UK) + Paper “Gender and transnational mobilisation in the Egyptian (post-) revolutionary processes. Examples from Paris” (English) 0 4 / 1 2/ 2 0 1 3 C E NT R E I NT E RD I SC I PL I N A IR E D ’ ET UD E S D E L ’ ISL A M D A N S L E M O N DE C O NT EM PO R A I N ( C I S M O C ) - Catholic University of Louvain (BE) + Paper “Diasporic mobilisations in the (post-)revolutionary process in Egypt” (French) 2 5 / 0 6/ 2 0 1 3 BR I SM ES C O NF ER E NC E 2 0 1 3 - University College Dublin (IR) + Paper “Transnational dynamics in the Arab Spring revolutions. An analysis of social media profiles” (English) 1 0 / 0 5/ 2 0 1 2 L EC T U RE SE R IE S “T H E A R AB S PR I NG – T H E M ID DL E E A ST I N T R A N SI TIO N ” - Institute for Political Science, University Vienna (AT) + Paper “Changes and transformations in Arabic Popular Culture since 2011” (German) (together with Stephan Procházka and Anna Telic) 0 9 / 0 3/ 2 0 1 2 RE S E AR C H W O R KS H O P “ A R AB S PR I NG RE V I SI TE D” - Institute for Near Eastern Studies, University Vienna (AT) + Organisation of the workshop and paper “Enfin mes couleurs sont libres. Street Art and Graffiti in post-revolutionary Tunisia” (German) 0 7 / 1 2/ 2 0 1 1 TA G U N G Z U R M E D IE N - U ND P RE S SE G E SC H I C H TE : W ER W IL L M IC H ? E I N E K RI TI SC H E S T A ND O R T BE ST IM M U N G D ER P RE SS EF O R SC H U NG I N Ö ST E RR E IC H - Faculty of Philological and Cultural Studies, University Vienna (AT) + Paper “Journalists as political actors in Lebanon” (German) 2 4 / 0 9/ 2 0 1 0 3 1 ST D E UT SC H ER O R IE NT AL I ST E NT AG : S P I EG EL U N G E N , PR O J E KT IO N E N, RE FL E X IO N E N - University Marburg (GE) + Paper: “al-Akhbar: A Lebanese daily in search for partisans? Understanding the phenomenon of postcommunist and pro-Hizbullah tendencies in a Lebanese newspaper” (English) SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS PEER-REVIEWED JOURNALS Müller-Funk, Lea. 2016 (forthcoming). “Diaspora Mobilizations in the Egyptian (Post)Revolutionary Process. Comparing Transnational Political Participation in Paris and Vienna.” Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies (Social Mobilization and Political Participation in the Diaspora during the “Arab Spring”): xx-xx. Müller-Funk, Lea. 2014. “Transnational Politics, Women & the Egyptian Revolution: Examples from Paris.” Mashriq & Mahjar: Journal of Middle East Migration Studies 3: 29-55. BOOK CHAPTERS Müller-Funk, Lea; Procházka, Stephan. 2016. “Einleitung“ In Unterwegs in Saudi-Arabien: Historische, gesellschaftliche und kulturwissenschaftliche Hintergründe. Edited by Stephan Procházka. Vienna: Selbstverlag des Instituts für Orientalistik der Universität Wien, 9-18. Müller-Funk, Lea. 2016. “Inventing an Egyptian transnational nation: Homeland politics in the Arab Spring Uprisings between migration processes, diasporic policies and political opportunity structures.” In Migration in the Mediterranean: Socio-Economic Perspectives. Edited by Elena Ambrosetti, Donatella Strangio and Catherine Wihtol de Wenden. London: Routledge, 192-212. Müller-Funk, Lea et al. 2014. “Einleitung“ In Kulturelle Schnittstelle Mesopotamien, Anatolien, Kurdistan. Geschichte. Sprachen. Gegenwart. Edited by Lea Müller-Funk et al. Vienna: Selbstverlag des Instituts für Orientalistik der Universität Wien, 5-15. BOOK REVIEWS Müller-Funk, Lea. 2016 (forthcoming). “Review A Global Middle East. Mobility, Materiality and Culture in the Modern Age, 1880-1940. Edited by Liat Kozma, Cyrus Schayegh and Avner Wishnityer.” WZKM 106: xxx-xxx. Müller-Funk, Lea. 2014. “Rezension Pour un Féminisme Méditerranéen. Von Fawzia Zouari.“ WZKM 104: 350-352. Müller-Funk, Lea. 2013. “Review Discrimination and Tolerance in the Middle East. Edited by Kristiaan Aercke, VaEīd Behmardī and Ray Mouawad.” WZKM 103: 505-506. Müller-Funk, Lea. 2013. “Rezension Alltagsmobilitäten. Aufbruch marokkanischer Lebenswelten. Herausgegeben von Jörg Gertel und Ingo Breuer.“ WZKM 103: 441-444. THESES Müller-Funk, Lea. 2016. Transnational Politics Beyond the Arab Uprisings. Egyptian Activism in Vienna and Paris. PhD thesis. University Vienna / Sciences Po Paris. Müller-Funk, Lea. 2010. The political influence of al-Akhbar in Lebanon: A daily in search for partisans? MA thesis. Sciences Po Paris. Müller-Funk, Lea. 2010. Die Hizbullah im Blickwinkel arabischer Printmedien. Eine Medienanalyse des Libanonkrieges 2006 in an-Nahar und as-Safir. Magister thesis. University Vienna. Müller-Funk, Lea. 2009. Die Asylrechtsentwicklung in Österreich seit 1968. BA thesis. University Vienna. ONLINE & MEDIA PUBLICATIONS (SELECTION) Müller-Funk, Lea. „Migrationsforschung: Für wen forsche ich?“ Das Magazin der Österreichischen Liga für Menschenrechte. January 2015, p. 6. Müller-Funk, Lea. „Eine Studienexkursion in das Land der Superlative. Zwei Wochen Saudiarabien“. UniVienna bloggt. 15/05/2014. http://blog.univie.ac.at/einestudienexkursion-in-das-land-der-superlative-zwei-wochen-saudiarabien/ al-Jaderi, Afnan; Müller-Funk, Lea. „IQ? EQ? CQ? Der kulturelle Intelligenzquotient gewinnt an Bedeutung“. Together. Beilage der Wiener Zeitung. 28/06/2014. http://www.wienerzeitung.at/_em_daten/_wzo/2014/07/22/140722_1450_together_web.p df Müller-Funk, Lea. „Romaplatz und Sintiweg. Manchmal erinnern nur noch Straßennamen an Österreichs Roma“. Together. Beilage der Wiener Zeitung. 28/06/2014. http://www.wienerzeitung.at/_em_daten/_wzo/2014/07/22/140722_1450_together_web.p df Müller-Funk, Lea et al. „Exkursion: Kulturelle Schnittstelle Irak und Türkei.“ uni: view magazin. 05/11/2013. http://medienportal.univie.ac.at/uniview/uniblicke/detailansicht/artikel/exkursionkulturelle-schnittstelle-irak-und-tuerkei/ Beig, Stefan; Müller-Funk, Lea. „Die eigene Identität neu verhandeln.“ Wiener Zeitung. 30/11/2012. http://www.wienerzeitung.at/themen_channel/integration/gesellschaft/?em_cnt=504891 Müller-Funk, Lea. „Früher war das wie im Dorf“. Wiener Zeitung. 08/11/2012. http://www.wienerzeitung.at/themen_channel/integration/gesellschaft/?em_cnt=499722 Müller-Funk, Lea. „Die muslimische Frau gibt’s nicht“. Wiener Zeitung. 26/06/2012. http://www.wienerzeitung.at/themen_channel/integration/gesellschaft/?em_cnt=468117 Müller-Funk, Lea; Prochazka, Stephan; Telic, Anna. „Inspirationsquelle Arabischer Frühling“. uni: view magazin. 14/03/2012. http://medienportal.univie.ac.at/uniview/wissenschaftgesellschaft/detailansicht/artikel/inspirationsquelle-arabischer-fruehling/ Müller-Funk, Lea. „Auf dem Tahrir-Platz von Wien“. Wiener Zeitung. 07/02/2012. http://www.wienerzeitung.at/themen_channel/integration/gesellschaft/?em_cnt=433761